HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1989BAYHAM
Council Minutes
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
January 5, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning. Reeve
V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held December 15, 1988,
and special meeting bf council held December 28, 1988, having been examined
by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized
on same........ Carried
Ministry of Municipal Affairs—announcement of unconditional grants
for 1989 (no change from 1988)
Canada Mortgage Corp..delivery of 6th. unit in Bayham under Rural
Native Housing program
Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario..conference program for rural
Long Point Region Conservation Authority..approval of construction
residence at Lot 1, Conc. 8 (VanWynsbergh)
Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell..copy of correspondence re. N.R.G.
Mosey & Mosey..notice of group insurance rates for 1989
Land Division Committee..severance application..M. Szorenyi
Land Division Committee—severance application..J. Csinos Sr.
G. Menard..application for zone change at Lot 15, Conc. 3
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to report on road
matters. He has learned of a wood chopper which can be rented for about
$42. per hour. Council is interested and additional information can be
brought to their attention as received. Council reviews the agreemht in
which certain lands would be accepted for road purposes as made in 1963
with Clarence Ray Alward, dependent upon Mr. Alward rough grading the
street allowance. This was not done and consequently the street never
accepted. The present owners (Ball) are now wishing to have the street
dgreement eompleted. Council will look at this site and instruct the road
superintendent in due course. The annual saftey inspections are being
completed on the township trucks.
Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with council to report on
el various building projects. He presents a draft by-law for council's
review on plumbing inspections and fees which have become a municipal
responsibility on January 1st.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with council to review fire matters. He
is still quite concerned over the condition of the 'Westra building'
on Hwy. #19, and the lack of cooperation from Ontario Hydro.
Joseph Koteles meets with council to further discuss his severance proposal
of December 15th. Council has been to the sites and recommend severance
at Lot 20, Conc. 5, containing about 55,000. sq. feet. They are not in
favour of the proposal of severance at Lot 22, Conc. 2
Tony Donck meets with council to request severance information at Lot 9,
Conc. 9. He is considering about 3 acres from a 12 acre field. The property
fronts- on Hwy. No. 3, and has had the topsoil stripped. Council will look
at this proposal and report back to Mr. Donck shortly.
Reeve Chute declares the public meeting as advertised to hear comments
on official plan and zoning amendments on the properties of Monique Schroyens
and Stuart Hoogsteen open. .:No one appears to support of complain about the
proposals. Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That this council objects to the severance proposal of Michele Szorenyi
at Lots 123-124, Conc. 7, as the lands are not properly zoned for the
intended use; provided however, should severance be granted, the depth of
the created lot be reduced from 40 m. to such depth as would result with the
projection of Chapel Street allowance extending to the northerly limit of
the severance proposal .......... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council objects to the severance proposal of John Csinos Sr.
at Lot 15, Conc. 4, as the lands are not zoned for the intended use.......
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the application of Gilles Menard for a change of zoning to permit 4
apartments in a rural commercial zone be approved and referred to our
planning consultants for by-law preparation ...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles acid Seconded by: R. Phillips
That a grant of $1,500. be made to the Bayham Community Centres Board.../
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded
That the following building permits
Steve Banks
Blondeel Nursery
Joe Jantzi & Lewis Swartsentruber
Joe Jantzi & Lewis Swartsentruber
Carl Russell
DeCloet Bayham Ltd.
Joe Szoke
by: J. Nezezon
be approved:
residence addition
residence renovations
storage shed
storage building
building addition
storage shed
1, 000
Z173/89 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z173/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re. Hoogsteen) be now read a first time.......... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 173/89 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 173/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed ........Carried
Z174/89 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 174/89 being a by-law to amend By-law 2387
(re. Schroyens) be now read a first time....... Carried
MovIed by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z174/89 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z174/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed....... Carried
#2436 Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2436 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 28
to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham (re. Hoogsteen) be now
read a first time........ Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2436 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2436 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2437 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2437 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 29
to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham (re Schroyens) be now
read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2437 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2437 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2438 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2438 being
of the council of the Township of Bayham
1988, and January 5, 1989, be now read a
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2438 be now
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2438 be now
passed....... Carried
J. Nezezon
a by-law to confirm all actions
at the meetings held December 28,
first time..... Carried
G. Nelles
read a..second time...... Carried
R. Sandham
read a third time and finally
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That general accounts totaling $464,233.54 and road accounts totaling
$185,892.55 be approved; and that this council now adjourn to meet again
on January 19, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. .........Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
January 19, 1989
The regular meeting of Council is held this evening. Reeve V. Chute
presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held January 5, 1989,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same....... Carried
1) Canine Control Shelter—request for adjustment in rate for animal
control for 1989
2) Town of Paris—request to endorse resolution re. payment of 'gross
receipts tax' on cable television transmission lines
Ministry of Transportation—notice
of subsidy allocation for
maintenance and construction
for 1989
of Tillsonburg..notice of meeting
for consideration of the
Van Norman Industrial
Park Municipal Drain
Division Committee..severance
application..F. Magashazi
Division Committee..severance
application..F. Magashazi
Division Committee..severance
application..F. Magashazi
Division Committee..severance
application..F. Magashazi
Rommel Farms Ltd..application for
O.P. and Zone change. -Lot 21, Conc. 9
Michele Szorenyi..application for
zone change..Lot 124, Conc. 7
Csinos Sr..application for O.P.
and Zone change at Lot 15, Conc. 4
G. &
H. Ketchabaw..application for
O.P. and Zone change at Lot 16, Conc.
Jim Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to report on road
matters. He has arranged with Russell Crane Service for the moving of
culverts at delivery for the Moore Bridge. The Township of Malahide has
expressed interest in reconstructing the southerly portion of the townline
road during 1989. He has rented a sander from Elgin County to assist in
road maintenance. He will be marking trees for logs at the Moore Bridge
site with Paul Szorenyi on January 20th.
Robert Moore meets with council to request permission to erect a storage
garage at Lot 24, Conc. 8, within the hamlet area of Eden. The area of the
proposed building is 768 sq. feet (24 x 32). The by-law calls for accessory
buildings to be a maximum of 350 sq -feet. Council advises Mr. Moore to
make application for a minor variance and if the surrounding property
owners have no objection, they will give consideration to this proposal.
Peter Steyaert and Werner Weins meet with council to request severance
information concerning the property of Mr. Steyaert at Lot 20, Conc. 1.
Because of the proximity of this property to Lake Erie, they are advised
to get an opinion from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority
as to whether building permits would be allowe#d in this area.
Gene Ketchabaw meets with council to inquire about a severance`of an
existing residence now occupied by his sister and family. They have occupied
the residence for a number of years, thus only the ownership is expected to
change. Council has concerns over the request frontage of about 200 feet,
whether this might encourage a further severance request. Mr. Ketchabaw will
check on this and see if the frontage can be reduced and return to council
for further direction.
Wayne Casier meets with council to request permission to sever 4 lots at Lot
15, Conc: 4. on the south side of County Road 45. Each lot would contain
29,250 sq. feet, however this would leave only 66 feet of frontage on the
retained parcel. The existing parcel is now 42 acres and special zoning
would be required. Also, this being part of a productive agricultural field,
the Ministry of Agriculture & Food may have objections.
Matthew Schafer meets with council to request the future development zone
on his property at Lot 126 N.T.T. be incorporated into the hamlet area. Council
agrees to have this done as a pa/,rt of the revisions to our zoning by-law.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with council to report on fire matters. He
reports that Ontario Hydro is now satisfied with hydro repairs at the 'Westra
Building'. He has received a complaint about the condition of a burnt out
residence in Lot 20, N.G. belonging to Ms. D. Richardson. Council agrees that
this is private property and that Ms. Richarson should be responsible for
cleaning up after the fire.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That James A. Davison be paid at the rate of $20.75 per hour with a stand-by
fee of $85.per month for the year 1989....... Carried
Moved by. -J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That this council endorse the resolution of the Town of Paris in recommending
that the Minister of Municipal Affairs add a claus to the Municipal Act
requiring Cable T.V. companies to pay a gross receipts tax based on an apprcpriate
formula to the municipalities in which they are located...... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council has no objections to the severance applications of Frank
Magashazi being applications E 2/89, E3/89, E 4/89 and E 5/89...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments as required
be approved for:
1) Rommel Farms Ltd. at Lot 21, Conc. 9
2) Michele Szorenyi at Lot 124, Conc. 7
3) John Csinos Sr. at Lot 15, Conc. 4
4) Gene & Hugh Ketchabaw at Lot 16, Conc. 8
and referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation ..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
WHEREAS the proposed Port Burwell Outer Harbour Development will enhance
the area economy and provide a direct financial benefit to Q= Community;
WHEREAS it is critical that all economic development is urgently needed to
offset the downsizing of the tobacco industry on which the area's economy
is so dependent;
WHEREAS the north shore of Lake Erie between Port Stanley and Port Dover is
badly in need of added marina facilities;
WHEREAS the area desires to attract more American tourists;
THEREFORE be it resolved that the development of Outer Harbour plans at Port
Burwell are supported and the Hon. Tom Siddon, Minister of Oceans and Fisheries
is requested to act speedily on this proposal. Mr. Ken Montieth is requested
to continue to intervene and support this development plan as much as possible..
#2439 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2439 being a by-law to provide for the inspection
of plumbing be now read a first time....... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2439 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2439 be now read a third time and finally
passed ......... Carried
#2440 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2440 being a by-law to authorize the borrowing
of $2,050,000. be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2440 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2440 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2441 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2441 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve
and Clerk to execute and agreement for the extension of time regarding a
Tax Arrears Certificate at Lot 7, Conc. 4, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2441 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2441 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2442 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2442 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held January 19, 1989,
be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2442 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2442 be now read a third time and finally
passed....... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this meeting of council now adjourn to meet again on February 2, 1989,
at 10: a.m........ Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
February 2, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning. Reeve
V. Chute presides with councillors G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips
in attendance.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held January 19, 1989,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same........ Carried
Reeve. Chute declares a conflict of interest in correspondence item # 6.
1) Township of Malahide..invitation to meeting
waste management
2) Ministry of Natural Resources..request for
at Lot 23, Conc. 9 (Ross Carson
Town of Iroquois Falls..request to endorse
Province to provide funding for
for handicapped services
to discuss recycling and
comments on dam construction
Farms Ltd.)
resolution requesting
retrofit to municipal facilities
Land Division Committee..severance application. -W. Taylor
Land Division Committee..severance application. -R. VanWynsbergh
Land Division Committee..severance application..W. Lloyd Cowan
Jim Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to report on road matters.
He reports that roll bars are required on the graders by August of 1989. He
..Pr,ts a quote from Champion in the amount of $1,630. or $1,1950 if
installed by Champion.He is to order bars and install with his own labour.
Mr. Robert Stock, representing the Ministry of Transportation, meets with
council to review road matters. The possibility of supplementary road funds
is discussed. The Moore Bridge is considered a priority for 1989. Also, the
boundary road with Tillsonburg, being about 1 km is in need of rebuilding.
It is estimated that this will cost about $120,000. Representatives from
Bayham will meet with Tillsonburg to discuss the division of responsibility
for the construction costs. Council is also considering the purchase of a
new loader this year.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with council to report on fire matters. He
is able to obtain two new radios for the tanker and rescue van which will
give him a discount of $200. on two new pagers which are also required. The
total cost will be $4,460. and tax, which he requests be put in the fire
budget for 1989.
Mr. Tony Donck meets with council to further discuss severance of his property
to provide a retirement lot. Since meeting with council on January 5th., Mr.
Donck has met with representatives of the Ministry of Transportation. They will
not allow an entrance at the location proposed at that time. However, they
have indicated that an entrance is possible on the north side of Hwy. #3. He
requests consideration of a lot containing approx. 2/3 acre on the easterly
limit of his property. Council will consider and reply at the meeting of
February 16th.
Mr. Ernie Bigus meets with council to request a rezoning of his lands at Lot
16/17, Conc. 2. He has met VI:th council on this matter during the summer of 1988,
and council is familiar with his proposal to construct an overnight camp grounds
at this location. It is to contain about 50 sites which will be unserviced. He
has a satisfactory water supply and has contacted the Health Unit regarding
disposal facilities. He has verbal approval for the project from the Long Point
Region Conservation Authority. He is advised to submit an application for
zone change which can be considered at the meeting on February 16th.
Mr. Maurice Nesbitt, representing South/West Tractor Co. meets with council to
present information of new loaders available from his company. He has John Deere
egUippft at his agency. He leaves council with prices and specifications.
The members cif the road department meet with council to request consideration
of an adjustment in wages. They suggest an incrVe of between 5 & 6 per cent
and improved benefits such as Blue Cross, and safety equipment provide by the
municipality. Council will consider their request and reply in the near future.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this council objects to the application for severance of Wayne Taylor
at Lot 121, Conc. 6, # E 13/89, as the land is not properly zoned for the
intended use........ Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Welles
That this council has no objections to the severance proposal of Robert and
Joanne VanWynsbergh at Lots 1 & 2, Conc. 8, and # E 14/89= provided however,
the granting of a building permit on the newly created lot shall be subject to
a site plan being approved by council...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That this council has no objections to the severance application of Wilbur
Lloyd Cowan at Lot 20, 21, & 22, Conc. 8, # E 23/89
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the fire chief be authorized to purchase two new radios and two pagers
from Motorola Ltd. at a cost of $4,460. and tax........ Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the lands registered as tax sale instrument No. 88-3 be advertised for
sale by tender, said tender to close at 3: p.m. on March 16, 1989..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That a road program of expenditures in the amount of $153,000. for construction
and $312,500. for maintenance be approved for 1989...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the clerk be authorized to make application to the Ministry of Transportation
for a supplementary road allocation with expenditures in the amount of $345,000.
#2443 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2443 being a by-law to confirm all actions of
the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held February 2, 1989,
be now read a first time....... Carried
Moved by: R, Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2443 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2443 be now read a third time and finally
passed........ Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That general accounts totaling $ 28,900.23 and road accounts totaling $ 44,799.26
be approved an that this council now adjourn to meet again on February 16,
1989, at 7:30 p.m ......... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
February 16, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township
are councillors G. Nelles, J. Nezezon
and Deputy Reeve R. Sandham are absent
arrive at 8:30 p.m.
The meeting is called to order by the
council is held this evening. Present
and R. Phillips. Reeve V. Chute
on County Council committees and
clerk at 7:30 p.m.
Moved by: 9. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That in the temporary absence of Reeve Chute, Councillor G. Nelles be
appointed acting head of council....... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held February 2, 1989,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same......... Carried
1) Town of Fergus..request to endorse resolution to have the
Transport Agency implement a moratorium on
and future applications for discontinuance
all current
of rail
2) E. Bigus..application for official plan and zone change at
3) Terry Paget.. it for official plan and zone change at
4) Mitchell Farms ltd. " for official plan and zone change at
5) J. Robt. Moore—application for minor variance at Lot 23.
Reeve Chute arrives and assumes the gavel.
Lot 16/17, Con 3
Lot 15, Conc. 10
Lot 120, Conc. 7
Conc. 8.
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road matters.
They are presently clearing brush and trees at the Moore Bridge construction
site. the area at foot of hill be cleared first. He has
had a request for a stop sign at the intersection of the road betwcen Concessions
8 and 9 at Lots 25/26. This is presently a through road with the stop being
placed from the north. Council will look at: this situation prior to making
any decision. Mr. Gibbons is to investigate prices for pressure washers for
the garage.
Mr. Bryon Wiebe, Engineer, and some of the affected parties on the proposed
municipal drain known as the Carnes Municipal Drain, Garner Branch, being in
attendance, the report is reviewed. While Mr. Stickl is not present, Messrs.
Rudy and Harold Garner approve the project and the court of revision is set
for March 16th.
Mr. Maurice Plysier meets with council to request severance information
at Lot 16, Conc. 10. As this property is located on the south side of
Hwy. No. 3, Mr. Plysier is advised to check with the Ministry of Transportation
regarding entrance. He is proposing to use the present entrance for the
severed and retained portions.
Mr. Tony Donck meets with council regarding his severance proposal of February
2nd. After discussion, it is determined that Mr. Donck will proceed with
the application knowing that there may be objections raised by the Ministry
of Agriculture & Food.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That applications for official plan and zoning amendments as received from:
Ernie Bigus, Lot 16/17, Conc. 2, from Al to Open Space (campground)
Terry Paget, Lot 15, Conc. 10 from Al to Rural Residential
Mitchell Farms Ltd., Lot 120, Conc. 7, from Al to Rural Residential
be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation..
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the application of James Robert Moore for a minor variance at Lot 23,
Conc. 8, to permit the erection of a garage (24' x 321) be received and
circulated for consideration at the regular meeting of March 16, 1989....
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That as provided in the Municipal Act, the blanket position bond covering
township employees, having been examined by council is ordered filed......
#2444 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that Hy -law No. 2444 being a by-law to prcvide for a drainage
works in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin (Being the Garner
Branch, Carnes Municipal Drain) be now read a first time....... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolV'ed that By-law No. 2444 be now read a second time and provisionally
passed .......... Carried
#2445 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2445 being a by-law to establish a penalty
charge for non-payment of current taxes and to provide for interest to be
added to tax arrears, be now read a first time........ Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2445 be now read a second time....... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that Hy -law No. 2445 be now read a third time and finally
passed ......... Carried
#2446 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2446 being a by-law to provide that in the
year 1989 a levy be made before the adoption of the estimates for the year
be now read a first time....... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2446 be now read a second time....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2446 be now read a third time and finally
passed ......... Carried
#2447 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2447 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held February 16,
1989, be now read a first time........ Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2447 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2447 be now read a third time and finally
passed .......... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G.
That this council now adjourn to meet again
on March 2, 1989, at 10: a.m.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
March 2, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning. Reeve
V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held February 16, 1989,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same....... Carried
Reeve Chute declares a conflict of interest regarding the delegation of
Lloyd Cowan in the possible application for a severance at Eden
1) Township of Malahide..notification of reconstruction of townline
road northerly from Hwy. #3, on a 5 year plan
2) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell..copies of correspondence with Ministry
of Revenue re. N.R.G. appeal
Land Division Committee..severance application..J. & J.
Land Division Committee..severance application..J. & J.
Land Division Committee..severance application..J. & J.
Land Division Committee..severance application..J. & J.
Land Division Committee..severance application..A. & C.
Leslie & Margaret Fendrich..application for zone change
Ministry of Municipal Affairs..notice to municipalities
bounties may not be legal
at Lot 20, Conc. 8
that payment of
Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit—consideration of materials to
included in a pamphlet on private sewage systems
Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit—consideration of development
of pamphlet
on food premises
12) Town of Tillsonburg..notice of sitting of Court of Revision on the
Van Norman Industrial Park Municipal Drain
Jim Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road matters.
Discussion on the progress in clearing land for the Moore Bridge. Mr. Gibbons
has been collecting information on warranties for the upgrading of our loader.
Mr. Gibbons is of the opinion that Mr. Roy Orchard, road superintendent
at the Township of Southwold, is qualified to instruct our road crew on
the new Health & Safety Act regulations.
Messrs. Max Ward, Lewis Acres and Jack Barker meet with council to request
information on the status, if any, of the Richmond water system. Mr. Barker
presents a short history of the system from the 1950's. The system draws
water from springs in the gulley owned by Mr. Peter Lamers. Mr. Lamers
has given notice that he will be taking over the system on April 1st. The
present cost of $115. per year is then anticipated to be $175. to $250.
per year. Council will have our solicitor determine the rights of the present
users- acid -any legal involvement of the municipality.
Mr. Wilf Ketchabaw, representing Ontario Hydro, meets with council to
discuss the replacement of Straffordville lights. The new lights will have
to have photo cells installed in them as the Straffordville area is to be
upgraded and the street light wire removed. This will have to be done
over the next 2 years. Council will have the photo eyes installed in the
next short time while the system is being replaced under a PRIDE grant.
As advertised, public meetings are to be held on several requests for
zonethange and official plan amendments. Messrs Bill Hamilton and Paul Hind
representing Cumming Cockburn are in attendance. Reeve Chute declares the
public meetinjwopened:
1 --The amendment requested by Harriott/Rosehart and to be Amendment No. 30
and By-LaW 2175/89 are requested to be temporarily deferred at the request
of Ms. Rosehart. (This portion of the meeting declared closed)
2 --Mr. Vanderispaillie's request for a change to permit a mobile home park
ispresented. Mr. Vanderispaillie is in agreement with the amendments and
no one speaks in opposition. (This porti6A- of the meeting is declared closed)
3 --Mr. Menard's request to have a presently zoned rural commercial restaurant
changed to permit the restaurant operation plus 4 residential units is
heard with Mr. Menard being in favour of the amendments. Mr. Jos. Cnockaert
as an interested spectator indicates this to be a wise use of the property.
(This portion of the public meeting is declared closed)
4- The amendments of John Eising to permit a bee keeping operation are
reviewed. Mr. Eising is not in attendance, however, Mr. Jos. Cnockaert speaks
in favour of thegmendments. (This portion of the public meeting is declared
5 -The application of Larry & Jenny DeLeemans to have their property changed
from Al tO Rural Residential to permit a severance is present. Mr. Allan
Vietch inquires as to the impact, if any, this might have on his farming
operatiion• Being assured that it is unlikely that there would be any impact,
Mr. Vietch has no objections to the proposed changes. (This portion of the
public meeting is declared closed)
6 -The applications of Allen and Arthur Fisher to have zoning changed from Al
to Rural Residential are presented. Only Mr. J. Cnockaert speaks to the
amendments commenting that this is a wise use of this property. (This portion
of the public meeting is declared closed)
The several amendments to By-law No. 2387 are reviewed by council and the
planning consultants. It is decided that further study should be given to
the amendments prior to passing.
The public meeting to hear comments on official plan and zoning amendments
is declaed closed.
Mrs. Judy Oldham meets with council and the planning consultants to request
information on how to proceed with the required amendments to the zoning and
official plan as required as a condition of severance. The Ontario Ministry
of Agriculture & Food is requiring a justification study . It is estimated
that this will cost about $3-5000. Mr. Hind outlines the materials required
for the study. Council will consider and make a decision on any assistance
for Ms. Oldham on March 16th.
Mr. Chas. Archer meets with council to request information on a possible
severance at Lot 8, N.G. The proposed lot would be irregular in shape and
contain about one acre. Council will look at and reply on March 16th.
Mr. Lloyd Cowan meets with council to discuss a possible severance of a
surplus farm house and a possible additional lot at the southerly limit of Eden.
Council suggests that the severance for the house be attempted at this time.
Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with council to review building
matters. There have been complaints as to the safety of a burned out residence
north of the Village of Straffordville. Acceording to the Building Code, Mr.
Underhill does not consider that this fits tie definition of unsafe. The
cooperation of the owner of the property to have the site cleared should
be solicited.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this council objects to the severance proposals of J. & J. Walker at Lot 2,
Conc. 5, being applications E 27/89, E 28/89 and E 29/89 as the lands are not
properly zoned for the intended use........ Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this council has no objections to the severance proposal of J & J. Walker
at Lots 110 and 111, S.T.R., being application E 26/89...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this council has no objections to the severance proposal of Andre &
Charlotte VanKasteren at Lot 2, Conc. 9, and being application E 40/89.....
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the application of Leslie & Margaret Fendrich for an official plan and
zone amendment at Lot 20, Conc. 8, be accepted and referred to our planning
consultants for by-law preparation ....... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the public meeting for comments on Amendment No. 25, and Z 168/88, be
adjourned to March 16, 1989, at 8:30 p.m. and that further notice of public
meeting not be required.......Carried ``"
Moved by:'R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That at the request of the applicants (Harriott/Rosehart), amendment No. 30
to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham and By-law Z 175/89 be
deferred for passing at a later date and that no further public meetings
be required ....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. nezezon
That lands designated as M1 on Schedule 'B' , Map 2, be designated as M2
and that no further public meetings be required...... Carried
By -Laws:
#2449 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2449 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 31
to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham (re. Vanderispaillie)
be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2449 be now read a second time.. .......Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2449 be now read a third time and finally
passed........ Carried
Z176/89 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law z 176/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re. Vanderispaillie) be now read a first time........ Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resilved that By-law Z 176/89 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham amd Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 176/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed....... Carried
#2450 Moved by: J. Nezezon and seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2450 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 32
to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham (re. Eising) be now read
a first time....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2450 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and seconded 'by: R. Sandham
And resolved ghat By-law No. 2450 be now read a third time and finally
passed........ Carried
Z177/89 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 177/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re. Eising) be now read a first time....... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 177/89 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 177/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed....... Carried
#2451 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2451 being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 34
to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham (re. DeLeemans) be now
read a first time......... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2451 be now read a second time....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2451 be now read a third time and finally
passed........ Carried
Z179/89 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 179/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re DeLeemans) be now read a first time........ Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 179/89 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 179 be now read a third time and finally
passed ......... Carried
#2452 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law 2452 being a By-law to adopt Amendment NO. 35 to
the Official Pian for the Township of Bayham (re. Fisher) be now read a
first time........ Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2452 be now read a second time....... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2452 be now readta third time and finally
passed.......... Carried
Z180/89 Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 180/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re Fisher) be now read a first time ........... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 180/89 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 180/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed .......... Carried
#2453 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2453 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 36
to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham (re. Menard) be now read
a first time.......... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2453 be now read a second time....... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2453 be now read a third time and finally
passed .......... Carried
Z181/89 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 181/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re Menard) be now read a first time........ Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 181/89 be now read a second time....... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 181/89be now read a third time and finally
passed ......... Carried
#2453A Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2453A being a Jy-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held March 2, 1989,
be now read a first time......... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2453A be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2453A be now read a third time and finally
passed ......... Carried
Moved br G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this council now adjourn to meet again on March 16, 1989 at 7:30 p.m.
7), //1
.Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
March 9, 1989
A special meeting of Bayham Township council is held this evening for the
purpose of reviewing quotations for a loader for the road department and
reviewing wages and salaries. Reeve V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve
R. Sandham and councillors G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Specifications as presented between Case Equipment and John Deere Equipment
are reviewed by council.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by; R. Sandham
That the quotation of Case Power & Equipment as submitted for a Case W 30
Articulated Wheel Loader in the amount of $64,368. net be accepted...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by; G. Nelles
That the long term disability coverage for township employees be paid by the
municipality ; and that each each employee be allowed 5 days sick leave per
year nourcumulative, with a doctor's certificate required after two consecutive
days; provided that if no sick days are utilized during the year, a further
8 hours pay be allowed ......... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the road employees be paid at the rate of $11.80 per hour for 1989..Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles
That the salaries for
Deputy chief
and Seconded by: J.
the fire department
37.85 per
30.80 and
be as follows:
$35. per call........ Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the office clerk be paid at the rate of $10.70 per hour for 1989......
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the building inspector be paid at the rate of $13. per hour for 1989
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the transfer station superintendent be paid at the rate of $6.10 per
hour for 1989......... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the drainage inspector be paid at the rate of $11.25 per hour for 1989.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the salary of the road superintendent be $33,500. for 1989 with overtime
being paid at the rate of $15.33 per hour....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the salary of the deputy clerk treasurer be $27,450. for the year 1989--
......... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the salary of the clerk treasurer be $40,000. for 1989...... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That council be paid at the following rates for 1989:
Reeve $210. per month + $91 per regular meeting & $63.
Deputy Reeve 160. per month + $91.per regular meeting & $63.
Councillors 105. per month + $91.per regular meeting & $63.
with the clerk being paid councillors remuneration for meetings at
than regular office hours........ Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this special meeting of council now adjourn............
W . vz;t� 6�v 1
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
March 16, 1989
per spec.
per spec.
per spec.
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council. held March 2, and
special meeting held March 9, 1989, having been examined by the members
are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same ... Carried
1) Land Division Committee..severance application. -A. & D. Versnick
2) Land Division Committee..severance application..Koteles Farms
3) Land Division Committee..severance application..Koteles Farms
4) Uplands Pheasantry..pheasant release program for 1989
5) County of Elgin..notice of risk management seminar
(�) Bob DeBrabander & others..petition for street lighting northerly from
Straffordville street light area
Court of Revision:
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That this council now adjourn to sit as court of revision as scheduled
for the Garner Branch, Carnes Municipal Drain.... Carried
The court of revision is declared open with Rudy Garner in attendance.
No appeals have been received within the prescribed time. Mr. Garner
has some concerns about the hookups of old existing tile, however,
this matter will be a concern of the engineer during construction.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this court of revision now adjourn to resume regular council... Carried
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road
rpatters. Discussion is held on the feasibility of changing the through
road at Lots 20-21 between Concession 3 & 4. This intersection will be
looked at during a spring road tour. Mr. Gibbons is to have two employees
attend the road school this spring.
Dave Conlon, owner of a residence on East Street meets with council to
request permission to change the property to a condominium. Mr. Conlon
is advised to see his solicitor as to the forming of a condominium corpor ion.
Our municipal planners will provide council with further information. Mr.
Conlon will return on April 20th. for further input.
George Roden, owner of property in Lot 13, Conc. 2, meets with council to
request a zone change from Agriculture to permit construction of a mini -
mall. This will include his residence, and 3 small stores along Hwy. # 19
to our First Concession Road. Mr. Roden Will return to council on April
6th., for further consideration.
Ms. Judy Gregson meets with council to request information on a zone change
at Lot 24, Conc. 4. She is considering the purchase of the property and
will want to utilize the property for family camping and country jamboree
competitions. The camping will be for competitors only. All competitions IN
would be held indoors, during the months from June through September. Council
will Vonsider this matter and notify Ms. Gregson of their decision.
Messrs. John Martin, Dean Pressey and Lewis Acre meet with council to
request permission to make renovations at the Richmond Ball Park. They
propose to renovate the existing booth to accomodate both a food section
and equipment storage section. It is also proposed to build handicapped
washroom facilities. It is estimated to cost about $4,000. for materials
with the labour being volunteer. The work would be done over a 2 to 3 year
period. They are advised to contact our building inspector for advise as
to requirements and return with a cost estimate and financing proposal.
Public Meetings:
Messrs Wm. Hamilton and Paul Hind.,-repreeenting-Cumming-Cockburn'Limited
are present and public meetings to hear comments on several official plan
and zone change applications are declared open. The following applications
are considered:
1) John Csinos sr. from Agriculture to Rural Residential
2) Hugh & Gene Ketchabaw from Agriculture to Rural Residential
3) Rommel Farms Ltd. from Agriculture to Rural Residential
4) Sorenyi Farms from Future Development to Residential
No one appears in support or opposition to the above applications and
Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this council objects to severance applications as follows:
a) Andre & Dorothy Versnick, Lot 16, Conc. 5, # E41/89
b) Koteles Farms Ltd., Lot 19 & 20, Conc. 5, # E51/89
c) Koteles Farms ltd., Lot 19 & 20, Conc. 5, # E52/89
as the Lantt�,are not zoned for the intended use; provided however, should
severance be granted on applications E51/89 and E52/89, a one foot reserve
be given to the municipality being 200 feet in application E51/89 and 100
feet in application E52/89 ..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the petition of Bob DeBrabander & others for a street light area in
Lot 126, Conc. 7, northerly from the Village of Straffordville be accepted
and estimates of cost requested..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by: R. Phillips
That further to the 1988 budget provisions that $25,000. be credited to
Reserve for Working Funds, and $40,000. (being the approximate amount of
the accumulated surplus at December 31, 1987,) be credited to Reserve
for Equipment Purchase.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the owner of the residence partially destroyed by fire at Lot
20, N.G., be requested to have the property put in a safe condition
By -Laws:
#2454 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2454 being a by-law to adopt Amendment
No. 37 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham ( re. J. Csinos
Sr.) be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2454 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2454 be now read a third time and finally
passed.... Carried
Z182/89 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 182/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No.
2387 (re. Csinos) be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 182/89 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 182/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2455 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2455 being a by-law to adopt Amendment
No. 38 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham (re: H. & G.
Ketchabaw) be now read a first time.... Carried ►
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2455 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved -by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2455 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Z183/89 Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 183/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No.
2387 (re: H. & G. ketchabaw) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved thst By-law Z 183/89 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 183/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2456 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2456 being a by-law to adopt Amendment
No. 39 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham (re: Rommel
Farms Ltd) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2456 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2456 be now read a third time and finally
Z184/89 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 184/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No.
2387 (re: Rommel Farms Ltd.) be now read a first time.....Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: -R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 184/89 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 184/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Z185/89 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 185/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No.
2387 (re: Sorenyi Farms) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 185/89 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 185/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed ..... CArried
# 2457 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2457 being
of the council fo the Township of Bayham
March 16, 1989, and special meeting held
a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2457 be now
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2457 be now
passed..... Carried
J. Nezezon
a by-law to confirm all actions
at the regular meeting held
March 9, 1989, be now read
G. Nelles
read a second
R. Sandham
read a third
time.... Carried
time and finally
Tenders have been received for the construction of the Garner Branch,
Carnes Municipal Drain and are opened as follows:
Construction Ditch Inlets Road
Karl Rothenberg Ltd.. $4862.60 $1200.00 $...
Harry Smits Backhoe service 4842.40 ... ...
G. W. Cattle Constr. Co 5382.00 1400.00 ...
David Stevens Drainage 4146.26 ...
D. C. Steel Farm Drainage 11896.80 2200.00
VanGorp Drainage Lts. 3844.89 1100.00
The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board for the capital
for this drain not being received, no tender is accepted.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That general accounts totaling $96,257.29 and road accounts
$32,377.24 be approved; and that this council now adjourn to
again on April 6, 1989, at 10:00 a.m..... Carried
. . .
. . .
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
April 6, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning.
Reeve V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Councillor G. Nelles declares a conflict of interest in the insurance
review to be held today.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held March 16, 1989,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) Township of Malah(a e..notice of the placing of the old gravel pit
at Lot 35, Conc. 8, Malahide, for sale
2) Ministry of Municipal Affairs..comments on severances being conditional
on official plan amendments
3) Elgin County Library..schedule of visits to local libraries (Apr. 18),
4) John
8 )
Wieler..application for Official Plan and
Lot 4, Conc. 9
VanKasteren..application for zone change
County Land Division Committee..severance
County Land Division Committee..severance
County Land Division Committee..severance
zone change at
at Lot 2, Conc. 9
request..S. Magalas
request..H. Smuck
request..E. Verbrugge
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road matters.
He has contacted the Can. Pacific Rlwy Co. and been given permission to remove
the railroad tracks across the Fifth Conc. road for resurfacing. He has
checked road signs in the Village of Straffordville and reports that there
are 22 missing @ a cost of $22. each plus posts. Mr. Gibbons is the have
the signs replaced. The cement culvert at the outlet of the Deli Drain
is in need of replacing. The clerk is to investigate whether this should
be a road or drain expense. Mr. Gibbons has had the road employees attend
a meeting on the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
The instructor was the road superintendent of the Township of Southwold.
The sprung season being here, there are several complaints regarding soft
and rough roads.
Messrs Gerry Taylor and Brice Sibbick meet with council to review insurance
coverage. They inform council on each of the several policies and report
a decrease in premiums. for 1989. They have no recommendations for increased
coverages in any of the insurance categories.
Wm. Underhill meets with council to report on building matters throughout
the municipality, and presents a list of permits issued for approval.
Mr. Alan Ladbrooke, of Ladbrooke Utility Services Inc. meets with council
to discuss the necessity for long term water distribution planning. There
have been requests from residents in the southern area of the township
to receive water from the Vienna system. Mr. Ladbrooke recommends a 20
year planning period with approval being obtained from the Ministry of the
Environment so that grant information would be available as required. The
possibility of extending the existing pipeline from Vienna northward is
also discussed in order to provide for Straffordville and Eden requirements.
Mr. George Roden meets with council to further discuss his proposal for
a mini -mall at Lot 16, Conc. 2, north of the Village of Port Burwell. He
informs council that the Ministry of Transportation requests a comprehensive
plan of his proposal plus any further plans for his property. Also, council
informs Mr. Roden that the Ministry of Agriculture & Food has concerns
about his proposal. Mr. Roden will review has plans and return at a later
date to meet with coucnil.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with council to report that the fire department
will undertake the numbering of houses in Straffordville as a project.:Also,
Mr. Dennis will be attending the fire chief's conference on the week of
April 10th.
Mr. John Hendricks meets with council to request severance informaltion
at Lot 11 Conc. 3. the area is abouL 3 acres surrounded by a gulley and
is completely treed. Council will look at this proposal and notify Mr.
Hendricks of their decision.
Mr. John Wieler meets with council to further explain hi.s application for
zone change (No. 4 above in correspondence) He presently owns 50 acres
of which only 10 is workable. It is his intention to erect a woodworking
and furniture manufacturing shop at this location with farming being carried
out at a very limited scale. He is request an industrial designation on
about one acre of the land.
Marcel LeHouillier meets with council to request the closing of two sections
of road at his property at Lot 7, Conc. 3. Parcel No. 1 is a short road
following the Otter Creek , while parcel No. 2 is the -road between Lots
6 and 7 southerly from Road 45 to the Otter Creek. Council will attend
at the site and give Mr. LeHouillier their reply in the near future.
Merlyn Wolfe meets with council to inquire as to building and zoning regulations
at a lot near his residence. It appears that the residence being constructed
is less that that required in our zoning by-law. Council will inquire from
the building inspector and appraise Mr. Wolfe of the circumstances.
Mr. David Miller meets with council and offers $500. for the old flourescent
lights which have been replaced in the Village of Straffordville. He is
aware that some are not suitable for re -sale as they are somewhat damaged.
Council agrees to this offer.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the application of John Weiler for an official plan and Zone change
to permit woodworking and furniture manufacturing be accepted and referred
to our planning consultants for by-law preparation ..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the application of Andre VanKasteren for a zone amendment from Al
to Al special at Lot 2, Conc. 9, be accepted and referred to our planning
consultants for by-law preparation .... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this council objects to the severance application of Susan A. Magalas
at- Lot 10, Conc. 9, being application # E 67/89 .... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council has no objections to the severance proposal of H. Smuck
at Lot 36, R.P. 22, hamlet of Richmond being application # E 60/89 provided
however that :should severance be granted a condition be imposed, that
a committment be obtained from the Richmond communal water system that
water will be supplied to the created lots...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this council has no objections to the severance proposal of E.& E.
Verbrugge at Lot 21, Conc. 3, being application # E 61/89, provided however
that should severance be granted a .3M reserve be dedicated to the Township
a distance of 260M along the road between Lots 20 & 21 ..... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the offer of David Miller to purchase the used street lights as removed
along Hwy # 19 in the Village of straffordville in the amount of $500.
be accepted..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this municipality approve memberships and appoint delegates to the
following associations:
Association of Municipalities of Ontario all members of council and the clerk
Onatario Good roads Association all members of council, the
road superintendent, the clerk and
the deputy clerk
Ontario Farm Drainage Association the drainage inspector
Assoc. of Municipal Clerks & Treasurers the clerk treasurer
Ontarion Association of Fire Chiefs
chief and deputy fire chief
Elgin County Mutual Aid Assoc.
Elgin County Roa Superintendents Assoc.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That Cyril J. Demeyer Limited be authorized to prepare an application to
Transport Canada for funding to assist in the proposed grade revisions
at the Canadian National Railways crossing on Bayham Drive being mileage
96.20, Cayuga Subdivision....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That a grant of $2;000. be made to the Bayham Community
Moved by: G. Nelles and seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the following building permits be approved:
Russell Mannell new residence
Centre Board.... Carried
Calton Church used class room addition
Ivan Weber storage building
Abe Klassen used kiln for garage
Zygmunt Dygos new residence
Wanda DeBrabander new residence
Isaak Thiessen new residence
Pierre Crevits renovations
Murray Wisson new residence
Marcel LeHoullier storage barn
vale Sparks re,..!::ence addition
#2458 Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2458 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held April 6, x989
be now bead a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2458 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2458 be now read a third time and finally
passed ......... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and seconded by: J. Nezezon
That general accounts totaling $433,980.16 and road accounts totaling
$37 608.53 be approved; and that this council now adjourn to meet
again on April 20, 1989, at 7:00 p.m ....... Carried
Reeve Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
April 20, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held April
6, 1989, having been examined by the members are hereby approved
and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.... Carried
1) Town of Paris..request to endorse resolution re. levying a special
rate on untaxed properties to pay for fire protection
2) M. Breaugh, M.P.P...request for information on budget impact with
reduced Provincial assistance
3) y Young Women's Christian association..advice of formation of committee
on "Access to Permanent Housing' and invitation to
4) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell..report on purchase of 'Westra'
S) Jean Morrissey..application for Official Plan and zone amendment at
Lot 113, Conc. 6
6) Chas. Cromwell..application for Official Plan and zone amendment at
Lot 18, Conc. 10
7) Robert Foris..application for Official Plan and zone amendment at
Lot 17, Conc. 8
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road matters.
He has many soft spots to repair, however, he is now able to get gravel
from the 'Magyar' pit and is able to keep up with complaints.
John Spriet, representing Spriet Associates, meets with council and
representatives for eight properties involved in the Fifth Street Drain
project. Mr. Spriet explains the drainage process and the estimated
assessments._ for those involved, as well as the plan of the drain. When
completed, council requests Mr. Spriet to proceed with the final report
of the drain.
Reeve Chute declares the public meeting as advertised to receive comments
on proposed by-law for official plan and zone amendments as requested by
L. Fendrich, E. Bigus, T. Paget and Mitchell-- Farms Ltd. Mr. David Mitchell
is the only applicant present and he offers no comments. No one is present
to offer any comments on the applications. Reeve Chute declares the public
meeting closed.
Mr. Paul Ward meets with council to request severance information regarding
his property in Richmond. He wishes to create an additional lot, however,
council is uncertain as to the access. Council will look at the property
andreply at the niext meeting of council.
Tom Southwick, owner of property at Lot 18, Conc. 2, meets with council
to request road improvements. He has recently purchased this property and
is planning to build a new residence. Mr. Southwick is informed that this
road has not been maintained in the winter because of the steep hill leading
to the First Conc. road, and the snowplough is unable to cross the bridge
to reach the property from the north. For the near future, only minimal
maintenace can be provided.
Mrs. Jean Morrissey meets with council to discuss the possibility of
severing five additional lots on her property at Lot 113, Conc. 6. Because
of the uncertainty of water, and the cost of constructing a roadway, council
discourages her from the additional applications.. Also, Mrs. Morrissey is
requested to contact the Land Division Committee to see if the County has
withdrawn its condition re. a one foot reserve along Road 38. Otherwise,
it will not be possible to zone the property (No. 5 above) because there
will be no frontage on an opened road.
Geo. Lysy meets with council to request information on the possible severance
of his land at Lot 123, Conc. 7. He proposes to create two lots at this
location as it is too small and irregular to profitably crop.
John Howey meets with council to request support for a petition being
circulated requesting consideration be given to the inclusion of
this area in the drought assistance program. Council will support
the petition and provide a certified copy of the resolution for presentation
to our member of Pa� iament •
Charles Cromwell meets with council to provide additional information
to support his application for official plan and zone change (No.
6 above). Mr. Cromwell has contacted the Ministry of Transportation
and the Elgin Health Unit and is aware of their regulations.
Mr. Dave Conlon meets with council to renew his request for severance
of his lands on East Street in Straffordville. He has contacted his
solicitor about a condominium corporation and finds that this would
be quite costly. Council is not in favour of a severance at this
Mr. Dan DeCloet meets with council to request assistance in having
the objections to his zone change application withdrawn. Mr. DeCloet
is willing to enter into an agreement to appease the objectors and
will put up cash or a performance bond to satisfy them. Council will
hold the bond and be responsible for enforcing the agreement. Council
will consider this and reply later.
Matthew Schafer meets with council to discuss a possible severance
at the east end of his property at Lot 128, Conc. 6. He has received
inquiries about two lots, and is considering each lot to be 1041by
200'. Council will look at this proposal and report at the next meeting
of council.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the application of Chas. Cromwell for an Official Plan and Zone
change at Lot 18, Conc. 10, from Rural Commercial to Highway commercial
be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for by-law
preparation ..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the application of Robt. Foris for an Official Plan and Zone
change at Lot 17, Conc. 8, from A 1 to Rural Residential be accepted
and referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation..Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council supports the petitioners from the Township of Bayham
for inclusion in initial drought relief payments.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the following grants be approved for 1989:
Elgin County Plowmen's Association $100.
Tillsonburg Tri -County Agricultural Society 100
Aylmer Parks & Recreation Board 250.
Tillsonburg Dist. Multi -Service Centre 400.
St. John Ambulance 100.
Aylmer & East Elgin Agricultural Society 100. ......Carried
#2459 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2459 being a by-law to adopt Amendment
No. 40 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham (re. Fendrich)
be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2459 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2459 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2460 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2460 being a by-law to adopt Amendment
No. 41 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham (re Bigus)
be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2460 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2460 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2461 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2461 being a by-law to adopt Amendment
No. 42 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham (re. Paget)
be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2461 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2461 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2462 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2462 being a by-law to adopt Amendment
No. 43 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham (re. Mitchell
Farms Ltd.) be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By law No. 2462 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: *J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2463 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Z 186/89 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 186/89 being a by-law to amend By-law
No. 2387 (re. Fendrich) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 186/89 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 186/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Z 187/89 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 187/89 being a by-law to amend By-law
No. 2387 (re. Bigus) be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 187/89 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 187/89 be now read a third time and finally
Z 188/89 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 188/89 being a by-law to amend By-law
NO. 2387 (re. Paget) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 188/89 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 188/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Z189/89 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved thay By-law Z 189/89being a by-law to amend By-law
No. 2387 (re. Mitchell Farms Ltd.) be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and
And resolved that By-law Z
Moved by: R. Sandham and
And resolved that By-law Z
passed..... Carried
Seconded by: G. Nelles
189/89 be now read a second
Seconded by: J. Nezezon
189/89 be now read a third
time ... Carried
time and finally
#/_463 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2463 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held April
20, 1989, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2463 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2463 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council now adjourn to meet again on May 4, 1989 at 7:30 p.m.
W W_11
.Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
May 4, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held April 20,
1989, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and
the Reeve's signature authorized on same..... Carried
Reeve V. Chute declares a conflict of interest in correspondence
item # 9.
1) Land Division Committee..severance application..Lloyd Cowan
2) Land Division Committee..severance application..H. & J. Ketchabaw
3) Land Division Committee..severance application..P. & J. DePlancke
4) Ministry of Transportation..supplementary subsidy approval
5) Township of South Crosby..request to endorse resolution to petition
the Province to increase unconditional grants by 5%
6) Ministry of Agriculture & Food..allocation of tile drainage funds
at $13,500.
7) Groom & Szorenyi..request to execute quit claim deed for abandoned
roadway in favour of David Mitchell & Babara Jean Mitchell
8) Ladbrooke Utility Services Inc..copy of correspondence to the Ministry
of the Environment re. grants to the Vienna -Port Burwell
Pipeline to join the lines in case of breakage
9) Lloyd Cowan..application for Official Plan and Zone change at Lot
21-22, in Conc. 8
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road
matters. He has had several dust complaints and will be applying brine
in the next few days. Council recommends getting a price for flake
calcium and mixing with the brine for more extended coverage.
Peter Kl.c,;ssen, Brian Arthur & Jenny Empey meet with council to further
discuss their objection to the zoning by-law of De-Cloet Bayham Ltd.
Mr. DeCloet is also in attendance. The main complaints centre around
the dust control and noise of the DeCloet plant. Mr. DeCloet will erect
a 30,000 sq. ft. building in which 90% of the work will be carried out.
Also, the entrance to the north of Eden will be utilized if permission
is granted by the Ministry of Transportation. Mr. DeCloet will have
an agreement drawn by this solicitor in which proper maintenance will
be followed. He will place a $10,000. bond with the Township for a period
of five years to show good faith. The objectors will meet to discuss
the proposals and if agreeable will withdraw their objections to the
Mr. Klassen then meets with council to discuss a possible severance
at Lot 21, Conc. 8. The proposal is for 4.85 acres to erect a residence_,,,,
and a shop for his truck. The reason for the large acreage is that
portion of the property is easterly of the travelled road and in -drder
to have a satisfactory entrance extra land is required. Council will
look at the proposal and have a decision at the meeting on May Oth.
Henry Valks, manager of the Provincial Park at Port Burwell meets with
council to present a plan which will extend the Park easterly to the
pier at Port Burwell. This will eliminate the free beach on the east
side of the harbour. A walkway will be allowed for those wishing, to
access the pier for fishing. A public meeting is called for May 25 th
at Port Burwell to inform the public of the proposal.
Paul Ward meets with council to further discuss his severance proposal
of April 20. Council has been to the site and is satisfied with Mr.
Ward's proposal. He will now approach the Land Division Committee for
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this council objects to severance proposals as follows:
1) Lloyd Cowan at Lot 21 & 22, Conc. 8, #E 76/89
) Hugh & Gene Ketchabaw at Lot 16, Conc. N.G., #E 78/89
�g1�y ) Paul & Josie DePlancke at Lot 16, 17 & 18, Conc. 8, #E 86/89
as the lands are not zoned for the intended use........ Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the application of Lloyd Cowan for an official plan and zoning
by-law amendment at Lot 21 & 22, Conc. 8, from Al to Rural Residential
be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this council approves the application of the Straffordville Lions
Club for a special occasion permit to operate a beer tent at the Bayham
Community Centre park on July 7, 8 and 9, 1989..... Carried
2444 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2444 (for the Carnes Drain, Garner Branch)
be now read a third time and finally passed..... Carried
#2464 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2464 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve
and Clerk to execute a quit claim deed in favour of David Mitchell and
Barbara Jean Mitchell for lands at Lot 120, Conc. 7, being Part 2 on
Plan 11 R 3780 be now read a first time.....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2464 be now read a second time....Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2464 be now read a third time and finally
passed....... Carried
#2465 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2465 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held May 5,
1989, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2465 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2465 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That general accounts totaling $46,002.78 and road accounts totaling
$58,962.04 be approved; and that this council now adjourn to meet again
on May 18, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. ........Carried
: z). - e4 �
.......... ............
.Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
May 18, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
V. Chute presides with Deputy reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
J: Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held May 4, 1989,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
Land Division Committee..
severance application..J. Blake Wolfe
Richmond Minor Ball Club..request
for grant
County of Elgin..copy of
resolution to engage Mr. Andrew Wright
as solicitor
for the county to assist in suit against
Natural Resource Gas Limited drainage assessment
Ministry of Agriculture &
Food..approval of grant for drain maintenance
Twp. of Lavant, Dalhousie
& North Sherbrooke..request to endorse
resolution to
permit payment of bounty on predator
Twp. of Delhi..request to
endorse resolution to voice displeasure
at the increase
in tobacco tax
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review
road matters. All the brine in storage has now been applied. Tile
which had been broken along the Tunnell Road has been replaced. Mr.
Gibbons is of the opinion that the breakage is the result of telephone
lines being burried at this location. He has contacted Mr. Carl
Manary who will pay $6. per cord for stovewood at the Moore Bridge
site. This will be removed during the week of May 22nd.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with council to review fire matters.
The department has found a duplication of street names and some unnamed
streets in the Village during the house numbering exercise.
Mr. Lloyd Coghill, proprietor of the general store in Eden, meets
with council to report a drainage problem. Mr. Coghill has owned
the premises for several years without any water problem. Now, there
is considersble water in his basement. He requests council to compensate
him for this problem. Council has dug up along the roadway to attempt
to locate any municipal responsibility without success. All agree
that there must be a broken tile in the area, however, no one is
able to locate the source of the problem. A municipal drain for this
area is discussed but felt to be too expensive. Council is of the
opinion that this is a private matter in which the municipality has
no responsibility. Reeve Chute and Deputy Reeve Sandham will meet
with Mr. Coghill during the week -end and attempt to advise him• of
possible solutions.
Mr. Basil Nevill meets with council to provide drawings of a proposed
severance to create three lots in the Village of Straffordville.
Alldppear to be in accordance with our zoning by-law and council
has no objections to the proposals.
Mr. Geo. Lysy meets with council to further discuss the severance
proposal which was made on April 20th. He is advised that the lands
will have to be pre -zoned to meet revised Land Division regulations.
Also, Mr. Lysy is advised to contact the Ministry of Agriculture
& Food for comments prior to making his application.
Mr. Wayne Casier meets with council to further discuss his severance
proposal of January 19th. Council is unable to support his proposal
of four lots along Road No. 45, leaving only 66 feet of frontage
for this section of his farm. However, it is suggested that should
Mr. Casier be interested in a subdivision of about ten lots it might
be looked upon favourably.
Mrs. Mary Foris meets with council to seek information on the severing
of a surplus farm house at Lot 17, N.G. with approximately 1 1/3
acres of land. Mrs. Foris is advised to make application for official
plan and zone change and then a further application to the Land Di on
Peter Klassen, Brian Arthur, Jenny Empey and Kelvin Priddle meet
with council to further discuss an agreement with DeCloet Bayham
Ltd. Dan DeCloet represents his Company. A proposal is presented
and reviewed by council and those objecting to Mr. DeCloet's zone
change. With minor changes the agreement is approved and will be
given to Mr. DeCloet's solicitor for drafting to a form for registration.
Wm. Underhill. building inspector, meets with council to review building
projects in the municipality. He presents a listing of permits issued
for approval.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this council has no objections to the severance proposal of
James Blake Wolfe at part of Lots 8 & 9, south of Second Street,
Plan 205, being application # E 95/89; provided however, that should
severance be granted, the transferees should be Merritt Sydney Matthews
and Alice Bernice Matthews..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That a grant of $150. be made to the Richmond Minor Ball Association....
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That this council endorse the resolution of the council of the Township
of Lavant, Dalhousie & North Sherbrooke in petitioning the Province
of Ontario to permit municipalities to continue to pay bounties if
they consider that such bounties effectively address the problem
of predator animals..... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council endorse the resolution of the council of the Township
of Delhi in voicing its displeasure to the Federal Minister of Finance
at the recent horrendous increase in tobacco taxation given his earlier
committment not to hurt tobacco municipalities with unrealistic tax
increases and given the realatively small assistance to producers
to date..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and seconded by: G. Nelles
Whereas by resolution passed on May 4, 1989, this council objected
to the severance proposal of Paul & Josie DePlancke at Lots 16, 17,
& 18, Concession 8, being application #E 86/89 as the lands were
not properly zoned for the intended use;
And Whereas it is now ascertained that the intended use is for forestry
purposes, being a permitted use in the Al zone;
Be it resolved that the portion of the resolution passed on May 4,
1989, in which this council objected to the severance proposal of
Paul & Josie dePlancke be recinded;
And further that this council has no objections to the severance
proposal of Paul & Josie DePlancke at Lots 16, 17 & 18, Concession
8, being application #E 86/89....... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the tender of VanGorp Drainage for the construction of the Garner
Branch of the Carnes Drain be accepted..... Carried
#2470 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2470 being a by-law to repeal By-law
No. 2318 adopting Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the Township
of Bayham be now read a first time..... Carried (re McGlynn)
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the following building permits be approved:
Perry Grant residential repairs
Luc Dujardin house addition
Frank Latham new residence
Frank Schroyens new bathroom
Doug Wilson roofing & siding
John Roloson new residence
Gerald Wadley new residence
Robert VanWynsberghe new residence
Underhill Farm Supplies Ltd. repairs
Eve & Thomas Southwick new residence
Gilles Menard renovations
Earl Smyth car port
Lloyd Gibbons new residence
Perry Stansell new bathroom
Clarence Milmine storage barn
155000 .,
Ted Noels garage addition
Chuck Wilson (Red Oak Park) mobile home
Arhtur McCart (Red Oak park) mobile home
Glen Sterling (Red Oak Park) mobile home
Zoltan Pozshar mobile home
By -Laws:
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2466 being a by-law to amend
No. 1894 designating through highways be now read a first
time .... CArrie
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2466 be now read a second time....
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2466 be now read a third time
and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2467 being a by-law to repeal
No. 1338 providing for the payment of bounty for the destruction
of foxes be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2467 be now read a second time.....
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2467 be now read a third time
and finally
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2468 being a by-law to adopt
Amendment No.
44 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham be now read
a first
time..... Carried (re Miller/ Weiler)
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2468 be now read a second time....
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2468 be now read a third time
and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2469 being a by-law to adopt -Amendment
No. 25 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re.
Boundaries) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2469 be now read a second time....
Moved -.by; G. Nelles and seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2469 be now read a third time
and finally
passed...... Carried
#2470 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2470 being a by-law to repeal By-law
No. 2318 adopting Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the Township
of Bayham be now read a first time..... Carried (re McGlynn)
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2470 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2470 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2471 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2471. being a by-law to repeal By-law
Z 156/87 (re McGlynn) be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2471 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2471 be now read a third time and finally
#2472 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2472 being a by-law to request the Minister
of Municipal Affairs to validate a conveyance of Parts of Lots 26
and 27, in Concession 4, pursuant to section 56 of the Planning
Act, 1983, be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by; R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2472 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2472 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Z168/88 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 168/88 being a by-law to amend By-law
No. 2387 (re. Hamlet Boundaries & other) be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 168/88 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 168/88 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Z190/89 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 190/89 being a by-law to amend By-law
No. 2387 (re VanKasteren) be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 190/89 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 190/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Z191/89 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 191/89 being a by-law to amend By-law
No. 2387 (re Miller/Weiler) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law z 191/89 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 191/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2473 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2473 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held May
18, 1989, be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2473 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By law No. 2473 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles 1
That this council now adjourn to meet again on June 0, 1989 at 7:30
p.m. ..........Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
June 1, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held May 18, 1989,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved; and the
Reeve's signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) Land Division Committee..notice that applications for severance
will require correct official plan and zoning effective
July 1, 1989
2) Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit..comments on mandatory rabies clinics
3) City of Guelph..request to endorse resolution to have telephone
directoxies made of recyclable materials
41 Ministry of Trans ortation request to close Centre Beattie
Public Meeting:
As advertised, the public meeting to hear comments on official plan
and zoning amendments on behalf of applicants Robert Foris and Charles
Cromwell is declared open. Mr. Cromwell is in attendance in support
of his application. No one appears to present negative comments.
No one is in attendance to comment on the application of Robert
Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed.
Robert McCaig, representing Advance Container of Canada Ltd., meets
with council to discuss problems arising at the Bayham transfer station.
The caretaker has experienced difficulty in obtaining sufficient containers
and has had to close the station for lack of them. Mr. McCaig is
unaware of the problem and will attempt to have this complaint resolved.
Mr. McCaig further explains his position in purchasing the property
and wishing to enlarge the site. This will make the disposing of
refuse from trucks much easier. Also, at some time he is suggesting
that a residence be erected and a full time caretaker on site. He
also suggests that it might be necessary to institute a user pay
system at that time.
Mr. Glen White meets with council to request permission to use the
road allowance between Lots 5 & 6, in Conc. 1, and to maintain same
as a private driveway. He is not requesting any municipal maintenance.
It is his intention to place a trailer on leased property during
the summer months. Also, if it were found that this was attracting
vehicular traffic, he would place a swing gate on the road and keys
supplied to the township and abutting owners. Council has no objections
to this proposal as long as maintenance in not required. 4
Lois Raats and Shelly Withers meet with council to inform them of
the formation of the 'East Elgin Women's Group'. It is their intent
to assist women in East Elgin by providing contacts and information
of various subjects such as parenting and child care. At this time,
they are attempting to publicize their group and are exploring funding
needs and access to funding.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That this council has no objections to the severance proposal of
Ruby Millard at Lot 126, N.T.R., being application # E110/89 ..... Carried
Moved by: J. nezezon and seconded by: G. Nelles
That Wm. Bogue be engaged as assistant to the clerk treasurer effective
May 18, 1989, and that the salary of the said Wm. Bogue be $33,000.
per annum...... Carried
and Wilson Bridges by by-law
Ministry of Natural Resources..request for comments on dam propos-dl
at Lot 14, Conc. 4 (Emerson)
Division Committee..severance application..
Division Committee.. it to
Vincent Galeckas
Division Committee.. " "
B. &
P. Ketchabaw
Division Committee.. " "
L. &
G. Bari
Public Meeting:
As advertised, the public meeting to hear comments on official plan
and zoning amendments on behalf of applicants Robert Foris and Charles
Cromwell is declared open. Mr. Cromwell is in attendance in support
of his application. No one appears to present negative comments.
No one is in attendance to comment on the application of Robert
Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed.
Robert McCaig, representing Advance Container of Canada Ltd., meets
with council to discuss problems arising at the Bayham transfer station.
The caretaker has experienced difficulty in obtaining sufficient containers
and has had to close the station for lack of them. Mr. McCaig is
unaware of the problem and will attempt to have this complaint resolved.
Mr. McCaig further explains his position in purchasing the property
and wishing to enlarge the site. This will make the disposing of
refuse from trucks much easier. Also, at some time he is suggesting
that a residence be erected and a full time caretaker on site. He
also suggests that it might be necessary to institute a user pay
system at that time.
Mr. Glen White meets with council to request permission to use the
road allowance between Lots 5 & 6, in Conc. 1, and to maintain same
as a private driveway. He is not requesting any municipal maintenance.
It is his intention to place a trailer on leased property during
the summer months. Also, if it were found that this was attracting
vehicular traffic, he would place a swing gate on the road and keys
supplied to the township and abutting owners. Council has no objections
to this proposal as long as maintenance in not required. 4
Lois Raats and Shelly Withers meet with council to inform them of
the formation of the 'East Elgin Women's Group'. It is their intent
to assist women in East Elgin by providing contacts and information
of various subjects such as parenting and child care. At this time,
they are attempting to publicize their group and are exploring funding
needs and access to funding.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That this council has no objections to the severance proposal of
Ruby Millard at Lot 126, N.T.R., being application # E110/89 ..... Carried
Moved by: J. nezezon and seconded by: G. Nelles
That Wm. Bogue be engaged as assistant to the clerk treasurer effective
May 18, 1989, and that the salary of the said Wm. Bogue be $33,000.
per annum...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the treasurer be authorized to adjust taxes in accordance with
appeals received and assessments provided by the Regional assessment
Commissioner .... Carried
#2474 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2474 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No.
45 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. Cromwell)
be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2474 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2474 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2475 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2475 being a by-law to adopt Amendment
No. 46 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. Foris)
be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by; G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2475 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2475 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Z 192/89 Moved by:R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 192/89 being a by-law to amend By-law
No. 2387 ( re. Cromwell) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 192/89 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 192/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed ..... CArried
Z 193/89 Moved by: J. Nezezon and seconded by: G. Nelles
And" resolved that By-law Z 193/89 being a by-law to amend By-law
No. 2387 (re Foris) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 193/89 be now read a second time.... Carried
j Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 193/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2476 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2476 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held June
1, 1989, be now read a first tiem.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2476 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2476 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That general accounts totaling $24,325.99 and road accounts totaling
$45,094.40 be approved; and that this council now adjourn to meet
again on June 15, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. ......Carried
0 -
Roll No. Name
Months Assessment Tax
Adjustment Adjustment
Frank Magashazi
Mathew Schafer
Donna Holden
Donna Hoiden
Allan Vietch
Edgar Sandham
Mathew Schafer
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
June 8, 1989
A special meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening for
the purpose of reviewing applications for severance which could not
be finalized at he regular meeting held .lune --,and other matters.
Reeve V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Council meets at 7:00 p.m. and proceeds to the various properties
where a severance proposal has been submitted; also visiting the
property of Michael and Sandra Hesch where a proposal has been received
that the municipality accept a property which is now owned by the
Elgin County Board of Education and will be exchanged for a portion
of the Hesch property. The portion given to the municipality will
become a 4treet allowance giving access to the Hesch for building
purposes. Council is agreeable to the proposal and Mr. Hesch is advised
that prior to any acceptance as a street, the necessary grading and
hard topping will be his responsibility.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this council objects to the severance proposal of Vincent Galeckas
at Lot 14 & 15, Conc. 8, being application # E 112/89, as the land
is not properly zoned for the intended use and the proximity of
agricultural buildings ...... Carried
Moved By: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That this council objects to the severance proposal of Bruce & Patsy
Ketchabaw at Lot 135 & 136, Conc. 6, being application # E 115/89,
as the land is not properly zoned for the intended use; provided
however, that should severance be granted, the area be reduced to
approximately 2000 sq. meters .......Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this council objects to the severance proposal of Louis & Geneva
Bari at Lot 11, Conc. 10, being application # E 119/89, as the lands
are not properly zoned for the intended use..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded
That this special meeting of council
D- �� C*-�
by; R. Phillips
now adjourn.... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
June 15, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held June 1, 1989
and special meeting held June 8, 1989, having been examined by the
members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signatures authorized
on same..... Carried
Councillor R. Phillips declares a conflict of interest in correspondence
items 8 and 9, and Reeve Chute declares a conflict of interest in
a zoning by-law to be introduced on behalf of Lloyd Cowan.
1) Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario..request for contribution
to fund study on Province position on no increases
in unconditional grants.
2) Cyril J. DeMeyer Ltd..copy of correspondence to Transport Canada
for funding for improvements to Bayham Drive
3) Ministry of Municipal affairs..copy of comments re. Amendments
26 and 27 ( Therrien)
4) Ministry of Municipal Affairs..copy of comments re Amendment
38 (Ketchabaw)
5) Ministry of Municipal affairs..copy of comments of Agriculture
& Food re Amendment 35 (Fisher)
6) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell..copy of Agreement re DeCloet
zoning for approval
7) Carrie & O'Dea..application for Official Plan and Zoning amendment
at Lot 15, Conc. 5 ( re. Advance Container of Canada
_w Ltd. purchase from Versnick
8) C. D. Phillips Ltd..application for Official Plan and Zoning amendment
at Lot 14, Conc. 9
9) C. D. Phillips Ltd..application for Official Plan and Zoning amendment
at Lot 1, Conc. 9
10) Paul & Danny DePlancke..application for zone change at Lots
1, 2 and 3, First Street N/S, Eden
11) Louis Bari..application for Official Plan and Zone amendment
at Lot 11, Conc. 10
12) Fire Chief..semi-annual report for period December, 1988 to
June 1989
The public meeting as advertised to receive comments on the application
of Lloyd Cowan to rezone property at Lots 21 and 22, Conc. 8 is declared
open by Reeve Chute. Mr. Cowan is in support of his application and
no one appears to present negative comments. Reeve Chute declares
the public meeting closed.
Notices having been forwared to all concerned persons regarding the
consideration of the Fifth Street Drain report, Reeve Chute asks
for comments from those present. Only Mathew Schafer is in attendance
with respect to the report consideration. Mr. Schafer is in favour
of proceeding with the drainage works.
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review
road matters. The Third Conc. road has had an application of high
float and Mr. Gibbons is not satisfied with the results. He recommends
an additional top coat be applied in order to prevent the stones
from being dislodged during snow removal. Council agrees and authorizes
the additional work. Because of the rainy weather, the patching of
the tar & chip surfaces is being delayed. He has located a wood chipper
which can be rented at a cost of $55. per hour. It will required
the services of one of the township employees. Mr. Gibbons is to
arrange to have the chipper in the near future.
Mr. Roy Anderson meets with council to inquire into the status of
the road between North Gore and Conc. 8., at the northerly end of
his property. Mr. L. Cowan has requested the road be opened. If this
is done, perhaps the road could be continued to give access to Mr.
Anderson's property located to the east of Mr. Cowan's. Council assures
Mr. Anderson that it is not the
time. The clerk is requested to
status of the road allowance as
intent to open this road at this
have our solicitor determine the
to actual ownership.
Mr. Wm. Heinsohn meets with council to request permission to move a
residence from Lot 6, Conc, 1, to his property at Lot 15, Conc. 1,
and restore it to its original condition. Mr. Heinsohn has done this
previously and is willing to give a letter of intent to council that
the restoration will be substantially completed within three years.
The building inspector comments that the building is in poor condition,
but agrees that it can be restored. Council has no objections to
this proposal.
Mr. Lloyd Cowan meets with council to request that the road between
North Gore and Conc. 8, easterly for the point at which the road
presently curves to the south be opened. Mr. Cowan is willing to
bring the road up to township standards as this will give access
to a portion of his property which can possibly then be severed and
offered for sale. Council informs Mr. Cowan that it is not their
intent to open this road at this time.
Mr. George Lysy meets with council regarding hiS proposal to sever
land as presented on May 18th. He has been in contact with Mr. Jim
Miller of the Ministry of Agriculture & Food, who has suggested that
the kiln yard be severed as this would be a logical extension of
the hamlet of Straffordville. He estimates that there could be 4
building lots in this area. However, there is a barn which might
pose a problem. Council will look at this new proposal and let Mr.
Lysy know of their decision.
Mr. Arthur Fisher meets with council to request permission to establish
a mobile home on the property owned by himself and his parents at
Lot 15, Conc. 5. Mr. Fisher has recently been married and is presently
residing with his parents. There is presently a residence and another
building used for harvest employees on the property. Council will
consider this proposal to see if there is a conflict with our zoning
by-law and let Mr. Fisher know of their decision.
Mr. Danny DePlancke meets with council to further discuss correspondence
item 410. Mr. dePlancke has a drawing which was prepared by a party
familiar with Norfolk Township's setbacks. This is satisfactory for
discussion, however, Mr. DePlancke will have to meet the regulations
of Bayham's by-law when making application for permits etc. Council
will visit the site of the proposed foufrlex before making a committment
as to any zone amendment.
Messrs. Lew Acre, Paul Ward and Glen Morse meet with council to further
discuss the Richmond water system. The incorporation of the water
users group is not yet complete,hawaver, they wish to know of any
progress council has made in the purchase of the lands on which the
water supply is located. Council has not yet negotiated with Mr.
Lamers but will be giving this consideration in the near future.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That applications for Official Plan and Zoning amendments as presented
by Advance container of Canada Ltd. at Lot 16, Conc. 5; and by Louis
Bari at Lot 11, Conc. 10, be accepted and referred to our planning
consultants for by-law preparation ...... C4rried
Z194/89 By-laws:
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 194/89 being a by-law to amend By-law
2387 (re. Cowan) be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: 1G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 194/89 be now read a second time and provisionally
passed...... Carried
#2477 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2477 being a by-law to provide for a
drainage works in the Township of Bayham ( being the Fifth Street
Drain) be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2477 be now read a second time and provisionally
#2478 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2478 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the special meeting held
on June 8, 1989, and regular meeting held June 15, 1989 be now read
a first time...... Carried
Moved by: G. nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2478 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2478 be now read a third time and finally
passed....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council now adjourn to meet again on July 6, 1989, at 7:30
p.m. ...........Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
June 22, 1989
A special meeting of Bayham Township council is held this afternoon
for the purpose of reviewing proposed se#veances, Official Plan and
Zone chane requests, and completing unfinished business from June
15th meeting.
Messrs James Carrie and Robert McCaig meet with council to request
withdrawl of conditions for the granting of severance at the site
of the transfer station in Lot 16, Conc. 5. At the time of the application,
it was assumed that there would be ample time to complete the necessary
changes, however, the balance of the property is being sold with
a closing date in July. The conditions of severance cannot be met
in that time frame. It is agreed that council will purchase the property
as this can be done without severance, and when the necessary zoning
is in place sell the property to Advance Container of Canada Ltd. at
a price recovering all township costs.
Council then visits the several sites at which requests have been made,
and returns to council chambers.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council requests the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to refer
Amendments 26 and 27 to the Ontario Municipal Board.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:G. Nelles
That the application of C. D. Phillips Ltd. for an Official Pland
and Zone change at Lot 14, Conc. 9, from Agriculture to Special Agriculture
and Estate Residential be accepted and referred to our planning consultants
for by-law preparation ....... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the application of C. D. Phillips Ltd. for an Official Plan
and Zone amendment to designate and zone a portion of Lot 1, Conc.
4, from Agriculture to Hamlet be accepted and referred to our planning
consultants for by-law preparation.....Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the application of Danny DePlancke and Paul DePlancke for a
zone amendment from Future Development to Hamlet Residential at Lots
1, 2 and 3, First Street, N/S, Plan 258, be accepted and referred
to our planning consultants for by-law preparation ..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this pecia ing of council now adjourn..... Carried
Reeve Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
July 6, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve. V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held June 15,
1989, and special meeting held June 22, 1989, having been examined
by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized
on same...... Carried
1) Cowan Newsletter..community centre liabilities
2) Town of Oakville..Canada Geese over -population
3) Ministry of the environment..condition of transfer station and
suggested improvements
4) Scott Smith..objection to By-law Z191/89
5) County of Elgin..copy of correspondence to Minister of Municipal
Affairs re. county government study
6) Long Point Region Cons. Authority..comments to Ministry regarding`
wetlands policy
7) Mark Drieghe..application for Official Plan and Zone amendment
at Lot 18, Conc. 4.
Mr. Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with council to report
on building projects being carried out throughout the municipality.
He also requests increased funding for the O.H.R.P application of Mrs.
Olga Lielikas as approved in November, 1988, as the cost of drilling
a new well has exceeded the estimated cost.
Mr. & Mrs. John Moore meet with council to request permission to sever
3 lots from their 8 acre parcel in Lot 7-8, Conc. 1. They plan to
retain approximately 6 acres upon which they plan to erect a new residence.
Council recommends that they contact the Ministry of Agriculture &
Food for comment and that they will also inspect the property within
the next few weeks.
Mrs. Mary Ann Bigsterveld meets with council to offer to purchase the
cupboards, doors and trim formthe apartment over the garage when the
renovation to an additional bay is started. Council requests that Mrs.
Bigsterveld present a detailed offer on July 20th. for the items she
wishes to purchase.
Peter Klassen meets with council to further discuss a proposed severance
at Lot 21, Conc. 8. It is proposed that Mr Abe Klassen (brother of
Peter) make application for a Rural Residential lot zoning and he will
purchase the balance of the Abe Klassen property being about 10 acres.
Mr. Glen Babcock meets with council to request premission to sever
3 or 4 lots in Lot 15, Conc. 4. He presently ownes 20.9 acres with
the proposed severances cut off from the agricultural lands by a gulley.
Council will look at this proposal and let Mr. Babcock know their decision
on July 20th.
Mr. Vincent Galeckas meets with council to inquire as to why council
objected to his severance application at Lot 15, Conc. 8. Mr. Galeckas'
lawyer is suggesting that he appeal the decision to the Ontario Municipal
Board. When the Official Plan policy of separation distances from buildings
capable of housing livestock is explained, Mr. Galeckas indicates that he
will not be appealing the Land Division Committee decision.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the application of Mark Drieghe for an Official Plan and Zone amendment
at Lot 18, Conc. 4, from Al to Rural Residential be accepted and referred
to our planning consultants for by-law preparation .... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the application of Olga Liliekas for a loan under the Ontario Home
Renewal Plan at Lot 16, Main Street E/S, Plan 258, in the amount of
$7,500. be approved...... Carried
Z194,189 Moved by: G. nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 194/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed (re. Cowan)....... Carried
Z195/89 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 195/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re. definition of a four family dwelling) be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 195/89 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 195/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2479 Moved by: R. Phillips and seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2479 being a by-law to confirm all actions of)
the council of the Township of Bayham at the special meeting of council
held June 22, 1989, and regular meeting of council held July 6, 1989, be
now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2479 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2479 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this council now adjourn to meet again on July 20, 1989, at 7:30
p.m. .......Carried
.Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
July 20, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 6, 1989,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same...... Carried
Township of Hope..comments on conservation
authority regulations
and approvals of same
Township of Howick..request to endorse
resolution re. return fid
recycling of pesticide
and herbicide containers
Cumming -Cockburn Limited..comments
re. hobby farms in agriculture zones
Chas. Ward..application for minor
variance at Lot 126, S.T.R.
Chas. Ward & others..petition for
municipal drain
Land Division Committee..severance
application..Judy Oldham
Land Division Committee.. it
to ..Judy Oldham
Land Division Committee.. it
..Ellen Eff
J. & J. Walker..application for zone
and official plan amendment at
Lot 2, Conc. 5
Court of Revision:
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this council now adjourn to sit as Court of Revision to hear appeals
against assessments made on the Fifth Street Drain.....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That there being no appeals against the assessments on the Fifth Street
Drain, this Court of Revision now adjourn...... Carried
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road
matters. The party who was to remove the wood from the Moore Bridge
site has not done so, and Mr. Gibbons has received an offer of $5.
per cord for same. Council authorizes Mr. Gibbons to have wood removed.
A request for a Texas Gate by Mr. M. LeHoullier at Lot 7, Conc. 4, has
been received. Council is not in favour of this proposal. It is expected
that chipping will be started on July 25th. As it will be necessary
to pump water for drainage at the Moore Bridge site, Council authorizes
Mr. Gibbons to purchase a submursible pump and generator at a cost
of $19100. /--�
Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Ward meet with council to further explain their need
for a minor variance (correspondence # 5) and explain that when the
roadway is constructed for the proposed subdivision, the presently
reduced frontage will be in conformity with our zoning by-law.
Mr. Fred Herman meets with council to requ EaVinformation on the severance
of a surplus farm house. This has been acquired through the passing
of his father, and the lands being willed to Mr. Herman. The severed
residence would be sold to Mr. Herman's sister. Mr. Herman is advised
to contact the Ministry of Agriculture & Food, and prepare a drawing
of his proposal for council consideration. Mr. Herman is also advised
of the official plan and zone changes which will be required.
Mr. John Walker meets with council to request severance information
at Lot 1, Conc. 5. Mr. Walker proposes to sever a parcel containing about
31 acres and retain the portion of the property utilized for tobacco
growing. The portion to be severed would be sold in conjunction with
an additional 60 acres in the Township of Malahide. Because of the area
involved in Bayham, a rezoning will be required to recognize the undersized
farm acreage.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the application of Chas. Ward for a minor variance at Lot 126, S.T.R.,
to permit a residential lot with frontage of 20.42.m. (67. ft.) be accepted..
Moved by: J. Nezezon and seconded by: G. Nelles
That the petition for drainage at Lot 126, Conc. 6, as presented by Charles
Ward and others be accepted and the Long Point Region Conseveration Authority
and the Ministry of Natural Resources be notified of same.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That this council objects to severance proposals as follow:
Judy Oldham, Lot 21, Conc. 8, #E 149/89
Judy Oldham, Lot 21, conc. 8, #E 150/89
Ellen H. Eff, Lot 11, Conc. 3, #E 154/89
as the lands are not zoned for the intended use .... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the application of John and Jon Walker for a zone change and
official plan amendment from Al toEstate Residential at Lot 2, Conc.
5, be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for by-law
preparation ..... Carried
#2480 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2480 being a by-law to adopt the assessment
on which taxes shall be levied for the year 1989, to levy the taxes
for 1989, and to provide for the collection thereof be now read a first
time...... C/trried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that by-law No. 2480 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law lVo. 2480 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2481 Moved by: G. n/elles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2481 being a by-law to confirm all actions of
the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held July 20,
1989, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G.i1/elles
And resolved that By-law N6. 2481 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Le /✓o. 2481 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: G. Vlles and Seconded by: J./I/ezezon
That general accounts totaling $488,554.23 and road accounts totaling
$58,601.98 be approved; and that this council now adjourn to meet again
on August 3, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. ........Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
August 3, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held July 20, 1989, having
been examined by the members are hereby approved, and the Reeve's signature
authorized on same......... Carried
Councillor R. Phillips declares a conflict of interest in official plan and
zoning by-law amendments in the name of C. D. Phillips Ltd.
1) Township of Malahide..copy of correspondence to J. Walker re. the
closing of the boundary road between Malahide and Bayham
2) Long Point Region Conservation Authority..comment on Provincial
Wetlands Policy
3) Ministryof Tourism & Recreation..program to redevelop and reclaim
waterfronts for tourism and recreational use
4) David Peterson, Premier of Ontario..comments on support of resolution
re -bounty on preditor animals
5) Village of Port Burwell. -request to endorse resolution re. payment
of secondary pipel„ine water debt
6) Ministry of Agriculture & Food. -changes to 1989 Farm Tax Rebate Program
7) Andrew S. Brandt, M.P.P., comments on report on county government
in Ontario
8) Rick. & Cheryl Nevill..application for official plan and zone amendment
9) Wayne Taylor.. of of is
10 ) Ellen H. Ef f .. of toit
11) Estate of V. Soper.. it to to
12) John Hendricks.. of of of
13) Leftbrooke Constr. Co..application for zone amendment
14) Land Division Committee. -severance application. -Basil & Marie Nevill
15) Land Division Committee.. it ItBasil & Marie Nevill
16) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell. -copy of Reasons for Judgement re.
Natural Resource Gas suit
17) Cumming Cockburn Ltd..comments on Drieghe application of O.P. and
zone amendment
Mr. Bruce Johnston meets with council to discuss his intended purchase of the
former Elgin Co -Op building.It will be necessary to have the lands r zoned
for the intended use which is a printing shop. The application has �een
received under correspondence # 12. It is anticipated that about 12 jobs
will be created if this transaction is completed.
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road matters.
He reports that the chipping has been completed and that work is now concentrated
at the Moore Bridge. He has arranged for the balance of the culverts to be
delivered on August 21 & 22.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with council to review fire matters. The
department has attended two fires and a drowning in recent weeks. Also, the
numbering of the residences and other buildings in Straffordville is almost
Albert White meets with council to request road improvements to the intersection
of the road between Lots 25 & 26 in Conc. 8. It is possible that a culvert
will have to be replaced. Council will attend at the site to see what improve-
ments can be made.
Jesse Dennis meets with council to seek permission to erect a storage shed
on his property on Centennial Ave. in Straffordville which will be 672 sq. ft.
By-law No. 2387 sets a limit of 350sq. ft. Mr. Dennis is advised to put in
an application for a minor variance which can be circulated and heard by
the Committee of Adjustment on August 17th.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the offer of Mary Ann Bysterveld to purchase kitchen cupboards,
bathtub, toilet and interior doors and trim, excluding that situated
south east room, in the garage apartment in the amount of $1,000. be
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That applications as received for official plan and zoning amendments
received from: 1)Richard & Cheryl Nevill at Lot 14, Conc. 2
2)Wayne Taylor at Lot 121, Conc. 6
3)Ellen H. Eff at Lot 11, Conc. 3
in the
4)Leftbrooke Construction Ltd. at Lot 9, W/S Plank Rd. &
10 to 12, S/S Third Street PLan 205, Straffordville
5)Sunburst Orchards Ltd. at Lot 12, Conc. 4
be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation..
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:
That this council has no objections to
A. Basil Nevill & Marie Nevill
A. Basil Nevill & Marie Nevill
J. Nezezon
proposed severances of:
at Lots 15, 16, 17, Plan 205 #E 170/89
at Lot 15, Plan 205 #E 171/89
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the treasurer be authorized to make application to the Ministry of
Transportation for a supplementary allocation of subsidy moneys for the year
1989 in the amount of $100,000. ................Carried
By-laws: Y
#2482 Moved by: R. Phillips and seconded by: G. Nillg/
Andx1:v38Jd that By-law No. 2482 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 47
to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. Bari) be now read a
first time......... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2482 be now read a second time....... Carried
MOved by: R. Phillips and seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2482 be now read a third time and finally
passed........ Carried
#2483 Moved by: J. Nezezon= and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2483 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 48
to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. Phillips) be now read
a first time........ Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2483 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
Andresolved that By-law No. 2483 be now read a third time and finally
passed ......... Carried
#2484 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2484 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 49
to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. Phillips) (Calton
boundary) be now read a first time........ Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2484 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2484 be now read a third time and finally
passed.......... Carried
#2485 Moved by: R. Phillips and seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2485 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve
and Clerk to execute an Agreemnt with Advance Container of Canada Ltd.
with respect to the purchase of lands in Lot 16, Concession 5, be now read
a first time......... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2485 be now read a third time and finally
passed ............ Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 196/89 being a by-law to amend
(re Bari) be now read a first time....... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 196/89 be now read a second
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 196/19 be r)c,w read a third
passed..; ......... Carried
By-law No. 2387
time....... Carried
time and finally
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 197/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re. Phillips) be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by; R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
Ane resolved that By-law Z 197/89 be now read a second time....... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 197/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed ......... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 198/89 beinq a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re Phillips) be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 198/89 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 198/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed ........... Carried
Z199/89 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 199/89 beinq a by-lawto amend By-law No. 2387
(re. Phillips) ( re. Calton boundary) be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon _
And resolved that By-law Z 199/89 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 199/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed. -.......Carried
2200/89 Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And reec-lved that By-law Z,.200/89 bei .r..g a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re DePlancke) be now read a first time....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 200/89 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 200/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed ........... Carried
Record of Public Meeting held August 3, 1989 concerning Official Plan
and Zoning by-law amendments.
Reeve Chute declared the public meeting as advertised to receive comments
on proposed ammendments to the Township of Bayham's official plan and
zoning bylaws open.
The first application was that of Mr. Louis Bari, Lot 11, Concession 10 to
change the zoning of a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential.
Mr. Bari was in attendance and he offered no comments. He did, however,
question the length of time required to wait before conducting a survey.
Mr. Bari was advised that the necessary waiting time would be thirty-five
days. No one else present offered comments on this application.
Councillor R. Phillips having declared a conflict of interest in the
application of C. D. Phillips Ltd. and vacated the council table.
The second application was that of C. D. Phillips Ltd. Lot 14, Concession
9, to change the zoning on a portion of the lands from Al to Special
Agriculture to permit a severance of an undersized agricultural parcel to
be sold to an abutting owner and to change a portion of the lands from
Al to Estate Residential to create two residential lots for future
severance. Henry and Carole Reimer were present and they explained that
they wished to purchase this property to expand their ornament and water
lily business. No further comments or objections were received on this
The third application was that of C. D. Phillips Ltd., Lot 1, Concession 4
to change the zoning on a portion of the lands from Al to Hamlet Resident-
ial to extend the boundaries of Calton, northerly to permit future resident-
ial expansion. A number of comments were received from the floor. Mr.
Paul Millard questioned as to how -far the expansion will extend and he
was advised that it would extend as far as the cemetery. Mr. Millard also
wanted to know if there would be possible expansion to the south and east
of Calton and that should such expansion be initiated, that the same
consideration be extended to such a proposal as was being give to this
Mr. Phillips commented that at the present time no future development plans
have been made. Mr. Millard and Mr. Keszler were advised that Council
has no present plans for Calton and that this application was a spot zoning
change. Mrs. Millard questioned the depth of the proposed change and she
was advised that it would be 225 feet deep.
No objections were received and the concerned group were advised that they
had thirty-five days to file an objection.
The fourth and final application was that of Danny and Paul Deplancke, part
lots 1, 2 and 3, First Street north side, Plan 258 Eden to change the
zoning from Future Development to Hamlet Residential to permit the erection
of a four family dwelling. Darlene Bentley expressed concerns regarding the
water supply in the area and how this development would affect this supply.
Mr. Deplancke replied to this concern advising that they will obtain water
from a drilled well. Mr. Deplancke also advised that plans would include
a storage tank in the basement so as not to require a large drain on the
present water supply at any given time. Questions regarding sewage disposal
were raised and Mr. Deplancke advised that the Elgin Health Unit has
verbally approved a filter bed system. Mr. Deplancke explained briefly
to those present that there would be one building only with four apartments
two of which would be located on the main or first floor and two on a
second floor.
No further comments or objections were received.
Reeve Chute declared the public meeting closed at 8:40 P.M.
#2486 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2486 being a by-law to confirm all actions of the
council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held August 3, 1989, be now
read a first time....... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2486 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2486 be now read a third time and finally
passed ........... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G.
That this council now adjourn to meet again
on August 17, 1989 at 7:30 p.m....
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
August 17, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
V. Chute presides with Councillors G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips
in attendance.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 3, 19891
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same........ Carried
1) Scot A. Smith..withdrawl of objection to by-law Z 191/89 (Wieler-Miller)
2) Essex County Flood Relief Committee..request for grant
3) Township of Malahide..copy of resolution re. the retirement of the
secondary pipeline water debt
4) Land Division Committee..severance application. -J. & R. Dennis
5) Land Division Committee..severance application. -J. & R. Dennis
6) Judy Oldham..application of official plan and zone change at Lot 21, �n.8
7) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell..Notice of N.R.G. appeal
8) Village of Vienna. -copy of agreement re. water supply at Ottersedge Park
Zigfried Blondeel meets with council to discuss the feasibility of making
application for official plan and zone changes to create several lots on the
south side of Talbot Road for residential purposes. He is considering the
area westerly for the presently built-up area to the cemetery. Also: he is
considering establishing a mobile home park on his property south from
Straffordville and west of Highway # 19. He is considering a park for both
single and double wide units. All services would be provided. Council will
look at the proposed sites before giving any commitment.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Durst meet with council to request approval of an Agreement
amongsthemselves, the Village of Vienna and the Township of Bayham for the
supply of water to their proposed mobile home park development. (correspondence
# 8) The Agreement is to have any water account not paid placed on the taxes
of the Dursts for collection on behalf of Vienna. Council has not yet had
time to review the Agreement and will consider same at a later date.
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That a grant of $500. be made to the Essex County Flood Relief Committee..
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this council endorse the resolution of the Village of Port Burwell
in requesting the Ministry of the Environment to retire the secondary
pipeline water debt from collected funds....... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council has no objections to the severance proposals of Jesse L.
and Rose M. Dennis at part Lot 123, S.T.R.,being applications #E 191/89 and
E192/89 ......... 0 ... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the application of Judy Oldham for an Official Plan and Zgning By-law
amendment at Lot 21, Conc. 8, from Al to Rural Residential be accepted and
referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation ........ Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by:,J. Nezezon
That the firm of McLennan, Wright be engaged to act on behalf of this
municipality in the appeal of Natural Resource Gas Limited against the
decision of Judge D.G.E. Thompson regarding our suit for payment of tax
arrears........ ...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the application of Mary Ward on behalf of Estate of V. Soper at Lot 15,
Conc. 3, from Al to Rural Residential be accepted and referred to our
planning consultants for by-law preparation ...... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the assistant clerk treasurer be authorized to attend the Association of
Municipal Tax Collectors conference during the period September 9 to 13, 1989,
#2487 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2487 being a by-law to confirm all actions of the
council of the Township of Bayham at,.the meeting held August 17, 1989 be now
read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2487 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2487 be now read a third time and finally
passed....... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That general accounts totaling $87,905.27 and road accounts totaling $108,788.68
be approved; and that this council now adjourn to meet again on September 71
1989, at 7:30 p.m. ...........Carried
.Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
September 7, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council fsheld this evening. Reeve
V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: J.Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held August 17, 1989,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) A. H. Neumann..request for street light on Centennial Avenue
2) County of Elgin..appointment of McLennan. Wright to act in appeal of
Lot 135, C.6
129, C.6
136, C.7
16, Conc. 2
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review progress on
road projects. The Moore Bridge culverts have been installed and back filling
is being carried out. It is anticipated that the creek will be diverted to
run through the culverts in about one week. All topsoil at the Magyar pit has
been removed and it is anticipated that all gravel will be removed in another
Mr. Charles DeClark of Oxford Seeds Ltd.
of about 13 acres of land at their plant
A 6 acre,; parcel to the east of the plant
parcel to the west of the plant is of no
look at this request prior to giving any
in this area.
meets with council to request rezoning
site to permit residentisl development.
is cut off by a ravine, and a 7 acre
use to the industry. Council will
answer as to residential development
Mr. Paul Durst meets with council to inquire if any further information is
required for the execution of the Agreement with the Village of Vienna and
himself for the supply of water through the Vienna system for his proposed
mobile home park at Lot 13, Conc. 2. There is none and it is expected that
the necessary by-law will be passed this evening.
Natural Resource Gas Limited
R. mcCague..request for comments on Municipal
Elections Act
Division Committee..severance application..Jack
Roloson /Paul
Ketchabaw..application for official plan and zone
Hermann..application for official plan and zone
hermann..application for official plan and zone
Karran..application for official plan and zone
Lot 135, C.6
129, C.6
136, C.7
16, Conc. 2
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review progress on
road projects. The Moore Bridge culverts have been installed and back filling
is being carried out. It is anticipated that the creek will be diverted to
run through the culverts in about one week. All topsoil at the Magyar pit has
been removed and it is anticipated that all gravel will be removed in another
Mr. Charles DeClark of Oxford Seeds Ltd.
of about 13 acres of land at their plant
A 6 acre,; parcel to the east of the plant
parcel to the west of the plant is of no
look at this request prior to giving any
in this area.
meets with council to request rezoning
site to permit residentisl development.
is cut off by a ravine, and a 7 acre
use to the industry. Council will
answer as to residential development
Mr. Paul Durst meets with council to inquire if any further information is
required for the execution of the Agreement with the Village of Vienna and
himself for the supply of water through the Vienna system for his proposed
mobile home park at Lot 13, Conc. 2. There is none and it is expected that
the necessary by-law will be passed this evening.
Mr. Tony Vandevyvere and Jay Atkins meet with council to discuss a zone
change at Mr. Vandevyver's property at Lot 21, Conc. 8, immediately west of
the Village of Eden to permit the expansion of a home occupation in the Al
zone. Mr. Vandevyvere is presently building cabinets and other woodworking
and wishes to erect a building about 24' x 42' to expand his operation. Mr.
Vandevyvere is requested to submit and application for rezoning and it
will be considered in the usual manner.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets
presents a completed copy of the
Council will review the numbering
house numbers. The possibility of
fire department is discussed.
with council to review fire matters. He
house numbering for the Village of Straffordville.
prior to notifying the residents of their
purchasing a 14 foot aluminum boat for the
Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with council to review building
matters. He reports 23 houses in various stages of construction across the
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this council objects to the application of Jack Roloson and Paul Karran
for severance of lands at Lot 16, Conc. 2, being application #E 204/89, as
the lands are not zoned for the intended use; provided however, should severance
be granted the frontage of the severed parcel be increased by 3 m. to 33 m.
extending northerly tp provide the minimum lot area required by By-law 2387...
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the application for official plan and zoning by-law amendments from:
1) Bruce Ketchabaw at Lot 135, Conc. 6, from Al to Rural Residential
2) Jack Roloson/Paul Karran at Lot 16, Conc. 2, from Al to Rural Residential
be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation...
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the firm of Spriet Associates (London) Ltd. be engaged to prepare a
report on the petition for drainage as received from Charles Ward & cthers
at Lot 126, Canc. 6 ...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the Ministry of Municipal Affairs be requested to amend Schedule 'B' of
Appendix 'B', being the itemized cost estimates under approved Community
Improvement Plan for the hamlet of Straffordville to read:
No. Project Components Cost Estimates Municipal Share Provincial Share
1. Street lights $20,500.
2. Pave library and 20,000.
handicapped approaches
3. Sidewalks 22,000.
4. Insulation & community 41,500.
centre improvements
5. Landscape passive 29000.
park lot
6. Administration 49000.
By - laws:
Z201/89 Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that by-law Z 201/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re. hamlet use in Lot 126, Conc. 7) be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that by-law Z 201/89 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 201/89 be now reach a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Z202/89 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by:G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z202/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re. J. & J. Walker) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law 202/89 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z202/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Z203/89 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 203/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re. Drieghe) be now read a first time.....Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 203/89 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 203/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Z204/89 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 204/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2387
(re. Leftbrooke Construction/ Co -Op) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 204/89 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 204/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2477 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2477 be now read a third time and finally
passed.....(re. Fifth Street Drain).... Carried
# 2488 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2488 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 50
to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. Temporary Use Policies)
be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2488 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2488 be now read a third time and finally
passed ...... CArried
#2489 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2489 being
to the Official PLan of the Township of
read a first time..... Carried
Moved by": J. Nezezon and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2489 be now
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by:
And resolved that by-law No. 2489 be now
passed ....... .....Carried
#2490 Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2490 being
to the Official Plan of the Township of
a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2490 be now
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2490 be now
passed..... Carried
G. Nelles
a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 51
Bayham (re. J. & J. Walker) be now
R. Sandham
read a second time.... Carried
J. Nezezon
read a th it d time. and: zif int,a.l_.1 y
J. Nezezon
a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 52
Bayham (re. Drieghe) be now read
R. Sandham
read a second time..... Carried
G. Nelles
read a third time and finally
#2491 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2491 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and
Clerk to execute an Agreement with the Corporation of the Village of Vienna
and Paul Durst for the supply of water at Lot 13, Concession 2, be now read
a first time .....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2491 be now read a second time .... C-arried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2491 be now read a third time and finally
Ricord of public meeting held jeptember 7, 1989, concerning official plan
and zoning by-laws.
Reeve Chute declares a public meeting as advertised to hear comments on certain
official plan and zoning by-law amendments open.
Applications are from Mark Drieghe'Fo-ra change of a portion of his lands from
agriculture to rural residential; from Leftbrooke Construction Ltd. to chapge
the designation of their property from farm industrial to hamlet commercial;
from J. & J. Walker for a change of a portion of their lands from agriculture
to special rural residential; and from the Township of Bayham to incorporate
temporary use policies in the official plan and a zoning amendment to recognize
a hamlet residential use in Lot 126 N.T.R.
In the application of Mark Drieghe, no one is in attendance to offer any
In the application of Leftbrooke Construction Ltd., Mr. Bruce Johnston is
in attendance. Having a copy of the proposed by-law, Mr. Johnston requests
clarification on the wording of the amendment pertaining to sideyards. The
present building being in existance for several years, while not in conformity
with By-law 2387, the existing sideyards are permitted. Any new construction
will be in conformity with the by-law. No one appears with further comments.
In the applic,tion of J. & J. Walker, Mr. John Harris is in attendance. He is
in agreement with the proposed by-law. No one appears with further comments.
In the application of the Township of Bayham to amend the official plan to
incorporate tempory use policies, and to change the zoning on a parcel of land
in Lot 126, N.T.R., Reeve Chute reviews the proposed by-laws. No. one has
any comments to offer on the proposals.
Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed.
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R.
And resolved that By-law No. 2493 being
the council of the Township of Bayham at
be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2493 be now
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2493 be now
passed..... Carried
Moved by: R.
That general
$27,325.97 be
on September
21, 1989,
by-law to confirm all actions of
the meeting held September 7, 19890
R. Phillips
read a second
J. Nezezon
read a third
time..... Carried
time and finally
and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
totaling $31,856.20 and road accounts totaling
and that this council now adjourn to meet again
at 7:30 p.m. ......Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ont.
September 21, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held September 7, 1989,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same .......Carried p
Reeve V. Chute and Deputy Reeve R. Sandham declare ai( interest in the matter
dealing with Mr. Lloyd Cowan regarding severances re Lot 21, Concession 8.
Gary Simpson & others .. request to hard surface John
the Village
of Richmond.
McLennan, Wright - Acceptance of request to represent
N.R.G. Ltd.
Ministry of Municipal Affairs..agenda for planning conference
2, 1989.
Ministry of Transportation..request for supplementary
road money
denied as
funds not available.
Ministry of Municipal Affairs..comments on audit of O.H.R.P.
Land Division Committee.... severance application for
P. & E.
7. Hugh & Gene Ketchabaw..request for O.P. & Zone ammendment Lot 16 North Gore
8. Tony Vandevyvere ..application for zone ammendment. Lot 21, Concession 8.
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review progress cn
various road projects. Work on the Moore Bridge has been discontinued due
to overexpenditure of funds allotted for this project. It is anticipated that
a brusher will arrive on October 2, 1989 to work for one week only on various
roads. Mr. Gibbons reported that the brine truck was in bad condition. Also
the road between Lot 25 & 26 Concession 8 required attention to alleviate
a possible dangerous situation. The roads are presently being gravelled
with approximately two months supply being available from,our present source.
Council discussed with Mr. Gibbons the various roads that need gravel with
some areas which need to be raised to afford better visibility.
Mr. Paul Andriekis meets with council to request permission to use a mobile
home while he carries out renovation work on the property he is purchasing
at Froggett Corner. Council advised Mr Andriekis that under the present
by-laws he is allowed to do this for a period of 30 days. It was also
suggested that he endeavour to clear his problems with the County of Elgin
as soon as possible.
Mr. Ron.Beattie and Mr. Gilbert Lively were present to request that a mobile
home be allowed to be situated on Mr. Lively's 50 acre farm. Mr. Beattie
would be using this mobile home for his living quarters while he worked for
Mr. Lively to help carry out his farming activities. Council advised that
they would consider this request and be prepared to take action on this matter
at their next meeting to be held October 5, 1989.
Mr. & Mrs. Doddington were present to request for a zone ammendment so that
they may englarge a storage building on their property in Richmond �..
Mr. Doddington explained to council the nature of their business and the
1, reasons why this expansion is necessary. Council advised that they would
like to look at the property before making a decision on this request.
Mr. Lloyd Cowan meets with council to discuss the possibility to sever his
property on Lot 21 Concession 8. Mr. Cowan advised that he owns approximately
14 acres on highway #19 and Ridge Road which he is proposing to sever into
four separate lots of various sizes. Council advised Mr. Cowan that they would
like to look at the property before proceeding with this possible severance.
Mr. Cowan also inquired about the proposed pet cemetalry to be located on this
property. Council advised Mr. Cowan that certain concerns were raised by the
Ministry of Environment and that they should be contacted in this regard.
Council also advised that rezoning may be required and that they would have
to give the matter their consideration before making a decision.
Mr. Mario Chirico meets with council to discuss the possible severance of
a piece of property located between Vienna and Port Burwell on #19 Highway.
Mr. Chirico advised that the property is approximately one acre in size and
he is proposing to sever it into two lots. Council advised Mr. Chirico that
they would consider his request and reply on October 5, 1989 which is the
date of their next council meeting.
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by R. Phillips
That this Council recommend to the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit that Option. �'�
No. 1 (being Agriculture Canada sponsored clinics for the control of rabies)
as presented in correspondence of May 15, 1989, be utilized in Elgin County.
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
That the tender of Van Gorp Drainage Ltd. for the construction of the Fifth
Street Drain in the amount of $13, 847.00 be accepted.
Moved by R. Phillips and Seconded by G. Nelles
That this council has no objection to application #E231/89 which is a severence
application of Peter and Edith Stubbs Lot 15 Concession 10.
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by R. Phillips
That the application of Tony Vandevyvere for a Zone change from Al to Al
Special at Lot #21 Concession 8, be accepted and forwarded to our planning
consultants for by-law preparation.
#2494 Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2494 being
to the Official Plan of the Township of
first time ......Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R.
And resolved that By-law No. 2494 be now
Moved by: G. Nelles and seconded by: R.
And resolved that By-law No. 2494 be now
passed ......... Carried
J. Nezezon
a by-law to adopt amendment No. 53
Bayham (re Taylor) be now read a
read a
read a
second time ......Carried
third time and finally
#2495 Moved by: R. Phillips and seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2495 being a by-law to adopt amendment No. 54
to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re Eff) be now read a
first time........ Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law 2495 be now read a second time........ Carried
Moved by R. Phillips and seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2495 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed ......... Carried
#2477 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2477 (for Fifth Street Drain) be now read a
third time and finally passed ......... Carried
#2496 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G.
And resolved that By -Law No. 2496 being
to the Official Plan of the Township of
be now read a first time........ Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J.
And resolved that By -Law No. 2496 be now
Moved by: J. Nezezon and seconded by: R.
And resolved that By -Law No. 2496 be now
passed ......... Carried
a by-law to adopt amendment No. 55
Bayham(re Sunburst Orchards -Hendricks)
Read a Second Time........ Carried
read a Third Time and finally
#2497 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And Resolved that By-law No. 2497 being a by-law to authorize
Clerk to execute an agreement with DeCloet Bayham Limited be
first time........ Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
the Reeve and
now read a
And resolved that By -Law No 2497 be now Read a Second Time.......... Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2497 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed ......... Carried
Z205/89 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law Z 205/89 being a by-law to amend By -Law No. 2387
(re Taylor) be now read a first time........ Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law Z205/89 be now Read a Second time.......... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law Z205/89 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed....... Carried
Z206/89 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law Z206/89 being a by-law to amend By -Law No. 2387
(re Eff) be now read a first time ........... Carried
Moved by R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law Z206/89 be now read a Second time ........... Carried
Moved by: R.Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law Z206/89 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed ....... CarF ed
Z207/89 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law Z207/89 being a by-law to amend By -Law No. 2387
(re Sunburst Orchards Ltd.) (Hendricks) be now read a first time ......Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law Z207/89 be now read a Second time ............Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law Z207/89 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed........ Carried
Public Meeting
Record of Public Meeting held September 21, 1989 concerning Official Plan
and Zoning by-law amendments.
Reeve Chute declares a public meeting as advertised to receive comments on
proposed amendments to the Township of Bayham's official plan and zoning
by-laws open.
The first application was that of Mr. Wayne Taylor, Lot 121 Concession No. 6
to change the zoning of a portion of his lands from Al to Agriculture and Rural
Residential. -
Mr. Taylor was in attendance and inquired as to the length of time he would
have to wait to proceed. Mr. Taylor was advised he had to wait 35 days plus
the length of time required for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to approve
the application. No further comments were received nor were there any objections
received on this application
The second application was that of Ellen H. Eff, Lot No. 11, Concession No. 31
to change the zoning from Al Agriculture to Rural Residential. No persons
were in attendance nor were there any comments received regarding this matter.
The third application was that of Sunbrust Orchards Ltd. (re John Hendricks)
Lot No. 12, Concession No. 4 to change the zoning on a portion of the lands
from Al Agriculture to Rural Residential. No persons were in attendance to
comment on this application. Deputy Reeve R. Sandham expressed concerns
that this was not a suitable area for residential use. He felt that "bangers"
used by adjoining fruit orchards would make this an unsuitable residential
location. Also the pack barn was located too close to the main residence.
No further comments or objections were received on this application
Reeve Chute declared the public meeting closed at 8:51 P.M.
#2498 Moved by R. Sandham and seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2498 bein a by-law to confirm all actions of the
Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held September 21, 1989 be
now read a First Time....... Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that by-law No. 2498 be now read a Second time....... Carried
Moved by R. Phillips and seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2498 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed........ Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by R. Sandham
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on October 5, 1989 at 7:30 P.M.
Clerk, ( A d ting )
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
October 5, 1989
The regular mteting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held September 21, 1989,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same....... Carried
1) Twp. of Tarbutt & Tarbutt Add'l..request to endorse resolution re the
provision of services in English only
2) Land Division Committee..severance application..R. Berdan
3) Ministry of Agriculture & Food..comments re. By-law Z 203-89
4) Ministry of Natural Resources..comments re. By-law Z 202-89
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road
matters. The road forces are hauling gravel from the Magyar pit. It is expected
that this will continue during the next few weeks. Mr. Gibbons is to get
quotes for a 'slide -in' type sander for 1990 purchase.
Mr. Lloyd Gibbons meets with council to express opposition to any change in
the use or enlargement of the barn owned by Mr. & Mrs. Ross Doddington which
is located next to his new residence. The land is presently zoned for all
Haimle_t residential uses and boat storage and was previously owned by Mr. Gibbons.
Mr. Doddington is in the business of organ repair, and while the barn will be
mainly used for storage, Mr. Gibbons objects to any repair work because of the
noise that might result. Also, any enlargement might have a detrimental affect
on his property.
Mr. Earl Pilkey meets with council to request severance information at Lot 14,
Conc. 4. The property owned by his parents now consists of a bout two acres
with a residence and some fruit trees. It is proposed to create a new lot
of 100' x 200' for a residence for himself. Council will look at this and
give their answer on October 19th.
Mr. Lloyd Cowan meets with council to request severance information at Lot
21, Conc. 8. This is further to his meeting with council on September 21st.
He has met with J. Miller of Agriculture & Food. If the boundaries of the
hamlet of Eden were extended souther to the Ridge Road, the zoning would
then be residential and there would be no objections. Council suggests that
Mr. Cowan hire a planner to complete a justification study on his behalf.
Messrs. Zigfried Blondeel and Frank Ewerth meet with council to discuss the
presentation of an application for zone and official plan change at the New
England Mobile Home Park. They have recently purchased the park and are
planning to expand the present built on area. In order to do so, Ontario
Hydro is requesting expansion from east to west. The westerly lands are now
zoned Al. The area for change is about 40 acres. Council will look at this
proposal and give their reply on October 19th.
Mr. Harris Teall meets with council to request zoning and official plan change
on his property westerly from Highway 19 in Lot 14-15, Conc. 2. If the total
area is zoned for a special agriculture designation, he will then be able to
apply for severance of the northerly portion of this property containing
a residence and other agricultural buildings for sale with the balance of his
property located on the easterly side of Highway 19. Council advises Mr.
Teall to submit his application to rezone and they will give it consideration
at that time.
Mr & Mrs. Ross Doddington meet with council to discuss the problem of the
barn being used (-for organ storage adjacent to their residence in Richmond.
Having visited the site, council suggests that they place an application to
rezone the property for their desired use and it will be given favourable
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That this council has no objections to the severance proposal of Robert Berdan
at Lots 38 and 39, Plan 22, hamlet of Richmond, being application #E235/89..
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the application for official plan and zone change as presented by Fred
Hermann *at Lot 129, Conc. 6, from Al to Rural Residential be accepted and
referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation ..... Carried
#2499 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2499 being
of the council of the Township of Bayham
be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2499 be now
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2499 be now
passed..... Carried
J. Nezezon
a by-law to confirm all actions
at the meeting held October 5, 1989,
G. Nelles
read a second
R. Sandham
read a third
time and finally
Moved by:R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That general accounts totaling $438,118.77, and road accounts totaling
$402,938.12, be approved; and that this council now adjourn to meet again on
October 19, 1989, at 7:30 p.m ...... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
October 19, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve V. Chute presides with Deputy reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held October 5,
1989, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and
the Reeve's signature authorized on same.... Carried
1) Ministry of Transportation..recommendation to close certain bridges
2) Livingston Arms & Tackle..request to sell township hunting licences
from his sporting goods store
3) County Engineer..copy of letter to Port Burwell Ratepayers Assoc.
regarding their request for Otter Creek improvements
4) Cumming Cockburn Ltd..comments re. O.P. and zone amendments
re. M. Drieghe at Lot 18, Conc. 4
5) Doyle & Prendergast..application for minor variance on behalf
of Lothar Lauszus at Lot 24, Conc. 5
6) Land Division Committee..severance application..R. & F. Mannell
7) New England Mobile Home Park L,td..application for O.P. and zone
amendments at Lot 23-24, Conc. 9
8) Harris Teall..application for zone change at Lot 15, Conc. 2
9) Royal Canadian Legion..request for permission to sell poppies
in Straffordville prior to Remembrance Day
Robert McCaig meets with council to review conditions at the transfer
station at Lot 15, Conc. 5. It is expected that a shed to house the
supervisor will be delivered on October 20, and set up over the week -end.
He estimates that the local Knectel store is producing 8 cu. yds. of
garbage per week. Also, there are several other locations in the
municipality producing in excess of the allowance. Mr. McCaig will
notify council of the locations and the extra cost involved and he will
expect council to answer as to payment of increased cost within 30 days.
Allan Soper meets with council to request extension of the water
pipeline northerly to the Third Concession road. Council suggests that
a petition be presented and perhaps include the residences along
the Third Conc. road westerly from Hwy. 19. It is expected that the
Ministry of the Environment would then undertake a study and present
estimated costs for the review of the petitioners.
Jean Morrissey meets with council to inform council that the conditions
of the County Engineer in regards to entrance at her property at Lot
113, Conc. 6, have now been met. She requests council to proceed with
her application for rezoning.
Joseph Nevill meets with council on behalf
There are now 135 children involved in the
facilities at the ball park are requested.
to consider the appointment of a minor ball
Community Centre Board. Council will give
appointments for 1990 are made.
of the minor ball association.
program. Improved washroom
He also requests council
representative on the
this consideration when
Earl Pilkey meets with council to to further inquire as to the possibility
of severance at Lot 15, Conc. 3. (from October 5 meeting) It is suggested
that consider4tion be given to extending the severance proposal northerly
to the present lot boundary with about 100 feet of frontage along the
road. Mr. Pilkey will discuss this with his father and communicate
his reply at the next meeting of council.
Gene Ketchabaw meets with council to discuss the purchase of land on the
west side of the road through Lot 16 N.G. and Conc. 8 to allow for the
widening of the road northerly from the Moore Bridge. Mr. Ketchabaw is
agreeable to the purchase, however, he is interested in having the
windbreak at this location replaced. Also, the amountof land required
for the widening. This would be determined by survey. It is expected
that the road work would not be undertaken for several years.
Zigfried Blondeel and Frank Ewerth meet with council to further discuss
the proposed rezoning and official plan amendments at Lot 23-24, Conc.
9. They have now obtained a plan of the property with lots set out in
accordance with health unit standards. The plan meets with the
approval of council and the amendment process can be commenced.
Fred Hermann meets with council to again request consideration of
zoning and official platy amendments at Lot 136, Conc. 7. It is suggested
that he contact our planning firm , and if they can suggest any way
that the process can be accomodated within the framework of our Official
Plan, consideration will be given to his proposal.
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That this council has no objections to the severance proposal of
Russell & Florence Mannell at Lot 6, Conc. 10, being application
#E 262/89 ...... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the following applications for official plan amendment and zoning
by-law amendments be accepted and referred to our planning consultants
for by-law preparation:
1) New England Mobile Home Park Ltd., Lot 23-24, Conc. 9, from Al to
Al special to accomodate park expansion
2) Harris Teall, Lot 15, Conc. 2, from Al to Al special to permit a
future severance of farm buildings
3) Hugh & Gene Ketchabaw, Lot 16, N.G., from Al to Rural Residential
to permit severance of a surplus farm residence
4) Jean Morrissey, Lot 113, Conc. 6, from Al to Rural Residential
to satisfy a condition of the Land Division Committee
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the Royal Canadian Legion, Port Burwell-Bayham Branch, be granted
permission to sell poppies in the Village of Straffordville during
the period November 1, through November 11, 1989.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the Treasurer be authorized to petition the Ministry of Transportation
for an interim payment of subsidy under the provisions of the Public
Transportation and Highway Improvement Act on road expenditures made
in 1989....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the road superintendent be authorized to purchase a 1987 International
1900 series dump truck with box from W.J.Diesel Enterprises at a cost
of $34,000. plus tax, with trade in of 1970 Ford tandem chassis 46)
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That a grant of $709. be made to the Bayham Parks, Recreation &
Community Centre Board... *...Carried
#2500 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2500 being a by-law to adopt Amendment
No. 56 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re Ketchabaw)
be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2500 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2500 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2501 Moved by: G. Nelles and seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2501 being a by-law to adopt Amendment
No. 57 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. transfer
station) be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2501 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2501 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2502 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2502 being a by-law to adopt Amendment
No. 58 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. Karran/
Roloson) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2502 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2502 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2503 Moved by:.G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2503 being a by-law to adopt Amendment
No. 59 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. Soper
Estate/Ward) be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2503 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2503 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2504 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2504 being a by-law to adopt Amendment
No. 33 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re. Oldham),
be now read a first time.... Carried -
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved khat By-law No. 2504 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2504 be now read a third time and finally
Z178/89 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 178/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No.
2387 (re. Oldham) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 178/89 be now read a second time .... C3rried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 178/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Z208/89 Moved by: R. Phillips and
And resolved that By-law Z
2387 (re. Ketchabaw) be now
Moved by: J. Nezezon and
And resolved that By-law Z
Moved by: R. Sandham and
And resolved that By-law Z
passed...... Carried
Seconded by: R. Sandham
208/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No.
read a first tilne..... Carried
Seconded by: R. Phillips
208/89 be now read a second time.... Carried
Seconded by: J. Nezezon
208/89 be now read a third time and finally
Z209/89 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 209/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No.
2387 (re. Advance Container/ transfer station) be now read a first
time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 209/89 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 209/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Z210/89 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law 2`210/89 being
2387 (re. Karran/Roloson) be now read a
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law Z210/89 be now
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law Z 210/89 be now
passed..... Carried
R. Phillips
a by-law to amend By-law No.
first time.....Carried
G. Nelles
read a second time.... Carried
R. Sandham
read a third time and finally
Z211/89 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z. 211/89 being a by-law to
No. 2387 (re. Soper Estate/Ward) be now read a first
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z211/89 be now read a second
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 211/89 be now read a third
passed..... Carried
amend By-law
time.... Carried
time.... Carried
time and finally
Z212/85 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 212/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No.
2387 (re Vandevyvere) be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law Z 212/89 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 212/89 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Public Meeting:
Record of public meeting held October 19, 1989 to inform the public
and receive comments on proposed official plan and zoning by-law
amendments as advertised and circulated on behalf of: Judy Oldham,
Bruce Ketchabaw, Mary Ward on behalf of V. Soper Estate, Paul Karran
on behalf of Jack Roloson, Township of Bayham on behalf of Advance
Container of Canada Ltd. and Tony Vandvyvere.
The public meeting is declared open by Reeve Chute at 8:00 p.m.
Applications are read with results as follows:
-Judy Oldham- Mrs. Oldham is in attendance, however, she has no comments
and there is no one offering any comments in opposition to the proposal.
-Bruce Ketchabaw- Mrs. Dwayne Ketchabaw, daughter-in-law of the applicant) /
is present speaking briefly in support of the proposal. No one offers v
any opposition to the proposal.
-V. Soper Estate- Mrs. Mary Ward and Allan Soper are in attendance
in support of the application. Noone offers any opposition to the
-Jack Roloson/P. Karran- Mr. Roloson is present, however, offers no
comments other than he will answer any questions on the application.
No one offers any opposition to the proposal.
-Advance Container of Canada Ltd./Township of Bayham- Mr. Robert McCaig
is present and explains that the intent of the application is to expand
the present transfer station which is some 20 years old. It is expected
that new facilities will make the station more accessable for small
trucks. It will be much easier to keep the site clean. Also, it is
the intent to have a small residence for an on site custodian.
Mr. E. Verbrugge inquires as to the final size and the location on the
site of the renovations. Mr. McCaig replies to the question.
No. one offers any negative comments of opposition to the proposal.
-Tony Vandevyvere-Mr. Vandevyvere is present, however, has no comments
but will answert any questions. No. one has any opposition to the proposal.
After requesting any further comments and none being offered, Reeve
Chute declares the public meeting closed.
#2505 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that by-law No. 2505 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held October 19,
1989, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2505 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2505 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by: J.
That this council now adjourn to meet again
7.:30 p.m ........ Carried
e 1:2
e 7
on November 2, 1989, at
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
October 26, 1989
A special meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening for
the purpose of reviewing road matters, and planning and zoning applications.
Reeve V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road
matters. The gravel at the Magyar pit will be depleted within the next
few days. It is suggested that several loads be stock -piled at the garage
for use in the spring. Mr. Gibbons has received quotations for a slide -in
type sander and related equipment. These are reviewed and it appears that
the quotes could be for different pumps thati requested. As this equipment
is for 1990, Mr. Gibbons is to clarify the quotations.
Dog tag fees are reviewed and the clerk instructed to have a by-law
prepared amending our present bylaw to inrease the annual tag fee to $10.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That applications for official plan and zoning by-law amendments as
received from
1) Clarence & Carol Archer at Lot 8, Conc. N.G., from Al to Al Special
and Rural Residential
2) Lloyd & Myrna Cowan from Al to Al Special to permit forestry and a
pet cemetery at Lot 21-22, Conc. 8
be accepted amd referred to our planning consultants for by-law Preparation.
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this special meeting_of council now adjourn.... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
November 2, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held October 19, and
special meeting held October 26, 1989, having been examined by the
members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on
same..... Carried
1) City of Orillia..request to endorse resolution opposing enforced
bilingualism _
2) Cowan News Letter..liability insurance information
3) Minister of Revenue..deferrment of request for reassessment until
county wide study is completed
4) Land Division Committee..severance application H. & M. Teall
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to report on road
matters. The gravel in the Magyar pit has been exhausted. Shouldering
work is being carried out. Test holes at the Dieleman property at Lot 4,
Conc. 8, indicates that a limited amount of gravel is available over a
two acre:; area. A request from Mr. Carl DeDecker for ditch improvements
on the road between Lots 18 & 19 in Conc. 2 has been received. Council
requests ditching to be carried out when convenient to road crew.
Mr. Ken Ward meets with council to present a petition to extend the
water pipe line northerly form its present location to about mid way
in Lot 15, Conc. 4. The petition has 26 names representing 18 properties.
Council accepts the petition and will investigate the proceedure to
have the water line extended northerly.
Mr. Robert Vanwynsbergh and others meet with council to complain about
the condition of the road between ConcessioYs 8 & 9, between Lots 1 to 5,
particularly at the bridge area. They request additional maintenance
and hard surfacing. This road is frequently used by horse and buggy traffic
and very difficult to maintain. A petition for a tar & chip surface on
this road is presented. Council explains that they are reluctant to hard
surface this road until such time as bridge improvemnts are made. Further,
with horse traffic it is felt that a tar & chip surface will not stand up
for any length of time.
Mr. John Sebok meets with council to discuss the erection of a storage
building for farm chemicals. For safety reasons, he wishes to erect the
building about 10 feet south of his northerly boundary line. This is
somewhat less than called for in our zoning by-law. Mr. Sebok is requestzd-'�
to come to the office on November 3rd., and if our planning consultar&61_
are in agreement that a minor variance can be passed for this purpose, ann
application can be filed and the notices sent for consideration on November
16th., by the Committee of Adjustment.
Mr. Herbert Faehrmann meets with council to discuss a severance at Lot 25,
Conc. 9. A previous severancq has been permitted at this location and the
property in now zoned Rural Residential. If sufficient set back from the
railroad right of way is available, no objection will be forth coming
from council.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with council to review fire matters.
The computerization of the fire numbers is continuing slowly. Mr.Dennis
has been attempting to locate a used aluminum boat for the department
but so far has not been successful.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
That this council endorse the resolution of the City of Orillia in declaring
strong opposition to Bill 8 because of enforced bilingualism.....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this council objects to the application for severance of Harris &
Mary Teall at part Lot 15, Conc. 2, as the lands are not zoned for the
intended use..... Carried
#2506 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2506 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2023
respecting the licencing and registration of dogs be now read a first
time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2506 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2506 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2507 Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by; J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2507 being a by-law to set the remuneration
of members of council be now read a first time....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2507 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2507 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2508 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2508 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the special meeting held October
26, 1989, and regular meeting held November 2, 1989, be now read a first
time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: J. fiezezon .,
And resolved that By-law No. 2508 be now read a second time.....arried':
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2508 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council now adjourn to meet again on November 16, 1989
at 7:30 p.m ........ Carried
Council Chambers
November 16, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillor;
G. Nelles and J. Nezezon in attendance. Councillor R. Phillips was
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 2,
1989 having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the
Reeve's signature authorized on same.
1. County Engineer ..advising winter control on County roads.
2. Andrew S. Brandt, M.P.P. .. providing information regarding Bill 119
which will alter the flow of lottery revenues from recreation to
3. William I Dick.. re application for zone amendment on behalf of
Dodington & Dodington Pipe Organ Services Inc.
4. Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. providing information re: businesses
that have excess garbage.
5. Long Point Region Conservation Authority ...providing information
re funding for lakeshore protection for 1989 and apportionment of
costs for study.
6. Land Division Committee. -severance applications for Mathew A. Schafer
00 (four applications at Lot Lot 126 - 127, N.T.R.)
7. Glenn Babcock .. request for Official Plan amendment Lot 14 Con. 4.
8. Mitchell Farms Ltd. .. request for zone amendment Lot 125 Conc. 7.
9. J. Max Wolfe ..submitting his resignation as a member and captain
of Bayham Volunteer Fire Department effective January 1, 1990.
James Gibbons, Road Superintendent, meets
various road matters. Mr. Gibbons advised
on opening road into the Schafer Industrial
that roads that required shoulder work to
with council to review with
that work will soon begin
Park. He also advised
remove water pockets had been
William Underhill, Building Inspector, meets with council to review building
matters. Mr. Underhill advised council that a number of residents have
placed mobile trailers on their property without obtaining building permits
and requested guidance on how to deal with people who do not comply with
township by-laws. Council advised Mr. Underhill that they would like to
be advised of these situations and that appropriate action would be taken
concerning this matter. Council also discussed the township trailer park
agreement with Mr. Underhill.
Mr. Matt Schafer was in attendance to discuss with council his application
to sever four lots at N.T.R. Lots 126 - 127. Mr. Schafer was advised that
council did not find any difficulties with his application.
Mr. Max Mitchell was in attendance to discuss the application of Mitchell l
Farms Ltd. for a-. zone, -'.amendment on Lot 125 Cofitr-7. Council advised Mf:
Mitchell that they would like to refer this request to their planning
consultants for an opinion regarding concerns they had about this application.
Mr. Pat Hogan on behalf of Innovator Agri Industries Inc. of London, Ont.
provided council with a Video presentation of their ATG -20001 Tub Grinder
which has the ability to reduce the volume of waste wood. Council thanked
Mr. Hogan and his representative for their presentation.
Mr. Jake Zacharias was present to discuss with council his proposal to
develop approximately eight lots on his property located on Concession
8 Lot 6. Mr. Zacharias advised that there was an adequate water supply
to support this project and that he would provide a road to service these
lots which would be built to township standards. Council advised Mr.
Zachariaskthat they would present this proposal to the township planners
for their recommendations.
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by John Nezezon
That application for a'zoneby-law amendment as received
from Dodington & Dodington at Lot 111, S.T.R. to permit storage for pipe
organ service be approved and referred to our planning consultants for
by-law preparation.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by John Nezezon
That this council has no objections to the applications for severance of
Mathew A. Schafer at Lot 126-7, Concession 7, being applications E289/89,
E290/89, E291/89 and E292/89.
Moved by: John Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
That the council of the Township of Bayham supports the council of the
Township of South Dorchester's recommendation in requesting the veterinarians
in Aylmer and Straffordville to conduct a rabies clinic January 8 to 20, 1990
with a twenty-five percent (25%) reduction in inoculation fees. a
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by John Nezezon
That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute and agreement for the sale
of lands, being part 3 of plan 11R3950, in the Schafer Industrial Park
as presented by Anderson .& Benner Ltd.
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Reeve & Clerk be authorized to execute and agreement authority with
Anderson & Benner Limited for the sale of lands at Lot 126, Concession 7,
being the lands known as the Schafer Industrial Park.
Resolutions continued.....
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
That Council accept with regret, the resignation of J. Max Wolfe as captain
of Bayham Volunteer Fire Department.
..... Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and seconded by J. Nezezon
That Council now adjourn to meet as Committee of Adjustment with Ronson
Sandham as Chairman
..... Carried
Public Meeting
Record of Public meeting held November 16, 1989 concerning Official Plan
and Zoning by-law amendments.
Reeve Chute declares a public meeting as advertised to receive comments
on proposed amendments to the Township of Bayham's Official Plan and
Zoning by-laws open.
The application is that of Mr. Fred Hermann In Part Lot 129, Concessio ",
in the Township of Bayham from Agricultural (Al) to the Special Rural
Residential (RR -11). The By -Law will also rezone the remaining farm
holdings in Part 129 Concession 6 from Agricultural (Al) Zone to Special
Agricultural (A1-23) zone.
No persons were in attendance to address this application and council had
no discussion regarding the application.
Reeve Chute declared the public meeting closed at 8:07 P.M.
By -Laws
#2509 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2509 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 60
to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (re: Hermann) be now read
a First Time ....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2509 be now Read a Second Time ....Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2509 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed. .....Carried
#2510 Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2510 being a by-law to confirm all actions of
the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held November 16, 1989
be now read a first time .....Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2510 be now read a second Time. ....Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2510 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed .....Carried.
Z213/89 Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law Z213/89 being a by-law to amend By -Law No. 2387
(re Hermann) be now read a First Time .... Carried
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by R. Sandham _
And resolved that By -Law Z213/89 be now read a Second Time ....Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law Z213/89 be now read a Third Time and finally passed
.....Carried 10
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles
That general accounts totaling $86,545.55 and road accounts totaling $75,088.38
be approved and that this council now adjourn to meet again on December 7, 1989
at 10:00 a.m.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
December 7, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning.
Reeve V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held November
16, 1989, having been examined by the members are hereby approved
and the Reeve's signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) Tillsonburg District Multi Service Centre..notification that
Youth Employment Service will be available at
Straffordville library
2) Cyril J. DeMeyer Ltd..information re. proposed
at railway crossing on Bayham Drive
3) Andrew S. Brandt, M.P.P...comments on.changes
Rebate Program
grade improvements
to the Farm Tax
4) Ministry of Agr. & Food..comments re. F. Hermann
zone change at Lot 136, Conc. 7
5) Sandra Hesch..application for zone change at Lot
6) Glenn Babcock..revised drawing for O.P. and zone
application foe
125, Conc. 6
change application
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road
matters. Fifth Street has been extended by about 650 feet with the sand
base in place. Mr. Gibbons is to order trees from the Ministry of Natural
Resources for spring planting to serve as a buffer to this area. He reports
that a survey of the roadway between Lots 25 and 26 in Conc. 8 indicates
that the travelled portion of the road at the intersection of the road
between Concession 8 and 9 is on Lot 25. In order to have a satisfactory
entrance at this location, it is necessary to purchase property from that
owner. Council will look into this before spring. The snow fencing in
now erected. Mr. Gibbons requests consideration be given to the purchase
of a ventilation fan at the municipal garage.
Max Ward and Rick Garrett meet with council to further discuss the status
of the Richmond water system. The group has now incorporated as a non-
profit organization under the name of Richmond Community Water Supply Inc.
The municipality will now complete the purchase of the water source at a
cost of --$15,000. and sell it of the Corporation -at cost and an agreed
interest rate to be paid over a 10 year period. It is indicated that
perhaps a large portion of the costs will be paid by the users and a small
balance to be paid over the term. Messrs. Ward and Garrett will let
cou"cil know on December 21st. what financing will be necessary.
Jospeh Volkaert, James Elliott and Ray Woodworth meet with council to
inquire as to the feelings of this council on the proposed Elgin Village
being contemplated by the County Council of Elgin. The projected cost of
$12 million seems to be excessive for this county. Also, the new facility
is to replace Elgin Manor which is felt to be in good condition. Reeve
Chute indicates that this matter has not been discussed at local council
level as the county plans are not yet finalized. There is no intent to
keep local councils uninformed, however, a press release has been prepared
and is read by Reeve, Chute. This indicates public meetings are intended
early in 1990, however, until the new committees are appointed these cannot
be arranged. Mr. Volkaert states that the projected cost of $12. million
is a very large expenditure and with 50% funding by the Province the local
balance of $6. million represents a large tax increase. Perhaps consideration
of using the interest that would be required on the $6. million balance
be used to renovate Elgin Manor -be given by county council.
Tony Rego meets with council to request information severing a surplus
farm residence at Lot 23, Conc. 2. His father presently owns the farm and
resides at Lot 25, Conc. 2. Thele is an owner between the two properties.
Mr. Rego Sr. owns a total of 225 acres. Council will Lok at this proposal
in the near future.
Lloyd Cowan meets with council to request ditching on the north side of
Ridge Road. Some years ago, a culvert was placed to direct water from the
south side of the road to the north. This is now causing Mr. Cowan some
incoiavenien0 by ponding on his field.
Merlin Norris, deputy fire chief, meets with council to express concern
over the resignation of three firemen. This will create a shortage of
drivers with 'D' endorsed licences. He feels that there is a lack of
communication between the fire chief and the members. Council will be
meeting with the fire chief and will pass these concerns to him.
Mrs. Margaret Wright meets with council to again request the erection
of a street light on Fifth Street. Council explains that the materials
are in the hands of Miller Electric and will be installed as soon as
he get3 time to do this work.
Joseph Cnockaert meets with council to request consideration of creating
several residential lots on his property at Lot 15, Conc. 4. He owns a
parcel of 8k acres along Hwy #19. Council will consider this proposal
and advise Mr. Cnockaert if they can support this proposal.
Robert Blunt and Rick Schwarzer, representing the Planning Branch of the
Ministry of Housing, meet with council to discuss planning problems in
the municipality. They are of the opinion that there are too many O.P.
amendments and suggest that only farm related severances be permitted.
This would include surplus farm residences, retirement lots, infill'ii
and boundary adjustments. In addition one residential severance p
farm might be considered. Another suggestion is that all suitable
rural residential properties be located and pre -designated. This being
done, only a zone change would be required. Council will consider these
suggestions and contact our planners for their input.
Peter Giesbrecht meets with council to request zoning information. He
wants to erect a second farm residence as he requires accomodation for
agricultural labour. The residence could be rented during the off season3,..
As Mr. Giesbrecht owns three parcels of land, it is explained that a
residence can be built on existing parcels without any zone change. The
proceedure of applying is explained. Mr. Giesbrecht will consider
the options and return to council if necessary.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with council to review fire matters.
With the resignation of three firemen he is short of qualified drivers.
*tit the next fire meeting on December 12th., he will be updating training
methods and giving consideration to a new training officer to replace
Mr. Wolfe who has resigned. Mr. Dennis will report back to council on
any unresolved problems.
Public Meeting:
Record of Public Meeting held December 71 1989 concerning Official Plan
and Zoning by-law ammendments.
Reeve Chute declares the public meeting as advertised to receive comments
on proposed amendments to the Township of Bayham's Official Plan and
Zoning by-laws open.
The first application was that of Harris Teall re By -Law 2215-89 to change
the zoning on a 26.25 hectare (64.86 acre) parcel of land situated on the
north side of Highway #19 in Pt Lots 14 & 15, Concession 2 from Agricultural
(Al) Zone to the Special Agriculture (A1-25 to A1-26) Zone. There were no
comments or objections received regarding the application. The Clerk advised
that correspondence received from the Elgin - St. Thomas Healt Unit advised
they have no objections.
The second application was that of Jean Morrisey re BY -Law 2217-89 to change
the zoning on a severed 2.01 hectare (5 acre) parcel of land situated on
the south side of County Road No. 38 in part Lot 115 Concession 6 (SS TR)
from Agricultural (Al) Zone to Special Rural Residential (RR -12) Zone.
Secondly, it will rezone the retained parcel of land from Agricultural (Al)
Zone to the Special Agriculture (A1-27) zone to recongnize a minimum lot
deficiency. No comments were received pertaining-to--this'-application.' The
Clerk advised that correspondence received from the Elgin -St -Thomas Health
Unit advised they had not objections. Previous objections from the Ministry
of Agriculture and Food are to he withdrawn.
The third application was that of Lloyd Cowan re By -Law Z214-89 to change
the zoning on a 6.67 hectare (16.5 acre) parcel of land situated on the
south side of Ridge Road in parts Lots 21 and 22 Concession 8 from
Agriculture rAl) Zone to the Special Agriculture (A1-24) Zone. No Comments
or objections were received. The Clerk advised that correspondence was
received from the Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit and contained no objections.
The fourth application was that of the New England Mobile Home Park re:
By -LAV No. 2218-89 to change the zoning on a 22.83 hectare (56.41 acre)
parcel of land located on Part Lots 23 &
(Al) zone and Special Agriculture (A1-1)
Zone. Also to change zoining on a 0.65
which forms the northern boundary of the
Agricultural (Al) zone to the Open Space
24 Concession 91 from Agriculture
Zone to the Mobile Home park (MH)
hectare (1.59 acre) strip of land
same parcel of land from the
(OS) zone.
Mr. & Mrs D'Hondt, adjacent property owners, expressed concerns regarding
the effect his change would have on their water supply. The Clerk advised
that the Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit had no obections to the amendment
subject to the following:
1. The proponent is advised that they will require a site plan.
2. The Ministry of Environment approves the extension of water services
or new communial system.
3. A soil study conducted by a qualified engineer, containing permeability
rates and soil compostion.
Correspondence was also received from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food
advising that this property is considered prime agricultural land and that
documented justification is required to change the use from agricultural.
The Ministry of Natural Resources advisied they had no concerns.
Deputy Reeve, Sandham enquired as to the depth of the D'Hondt's well and
was advised that it was 85 feet deep. Councillor Phillips commented that
a needs study may also be necessary.
The fifth application was that of Hugh & Gene Ketchabaw re By -Law No. 2216-89
to change the zoning on a 0.54 hectare (1.32 acre) parcel of land situated
on the east side of the North Gore Road in Part Lot 16 North Gore from
Agricultural (Al) Zone to Rural Residential (RR) Zone. The Clerk advised
correspondence was received from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food,
The Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit and Ministry of Natural Resources advising
they had no objections. No other comments were received.
The sixth application was that of Carole and Clarence Archer re By -Law 2219-89
to change the zoning on a 0.35 Hectare (0.87 acre) parcel of land situated
on the South side of the 7th Line road allowance, in part lot 8, Concession
7, from Agriculture (Al) Zone to Rural Residential (RR) Zone. Also, to
rezone the lands intended to be retained from the Agricultural (Al) Zone to
the Special Rural Residential (RR -13) Zone. The lands intended to be
retained are comprised of 1.91 hectares (4.83 acres).
No verbal comments were received. The Clerk advised that correspondence
was received from the Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit advising they have no
objections to the application. Response from the Ministry of Natural
Resources indicated they had no concerns. Correspondence from the Ministry
of Agriculture and Food advised that based on the information available
that they cannot support the proposal as it is not in conformity to the
Official Plan or the Food Land Guidelines. No further comments were received.
Reeve Chute declared the public meeting closed at 2:36 p.m.
Moved by J. Nezezon and seconded by G. Nelles
That the revised application of Glenn Babcock for and Official Plan and
Zoning amendment to permit three Rural Residential lots at Lot 14 Concession
41 be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for by-law
preparation . .......Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and seconded by R. Phillips
That the application of Mitchell Farms Ltd. for a zoning amendment at Lot 125,
Concession 7, from Al to Hamlet Residential be accepted and referred to our
planning consultants for by-law preparation. .........Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by J. Nezezon
That the Council of the Township of Bayham acdept the recommendation of the
apportionment of assessable costs as determined by the Long Point Region
Conservation Authority for the Port Burwell/Lake Erie Breakwall Feasibility/
Environmental Assessment Study estimated at $50,000.00 to be apportioned to:
Village of Port Burwell 40% ($6,200.00)
County of Elgin 40% ($6,200.00)
Township of Bayham 20% ($3,100.00)
Moved by R. Phillips and Seconded by G. Nelles
That the Treasurer be authorized to execute a "Postponement of Certificate of
Lien or Charge" to permit the registration of a mortgage by the Bank of
Montreal against the property of 14ohn Maerten and Marilyn Kuchma at Lot 15
Concession 2 being part 1 on R.P. 11R2899. ..........Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by s ND1+4I
That the clerk be authorized to execute a Land Transfer affidavit to complete
the purchase of lands described as parts 3 and 4 of Plan 11R3788 and part 1
on Plan 11R4061 being part of Lot 111, STR from Lamers Farms Ltd. and from
Peter and Alice Lamers. ..........Carried
Moved by R. Phillips and Seconded by G. Nelles
That the resignations of Jim Grass and David Harrison as members of the
volunteer fire department be accepted. .........Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by R. Phillips
That the following persons be appointed to the several cemetery boards for
three year terms commencing December 1, 1989.
STRAFFORDVILLE - G. Taylor, R. Dair, W. Underhill
EDEN - W. Burwell, G. Moore and L. Hurlbert for one year.
GUYSBORO - Cecil Ball, Cheryl Royson, Teho Dickout Mark Ball.
DOBBIE - G. Scott, A. Green
- R. Woodsorth
- M. Gibbons
LIGHT - Chas Ball, L. MacDonald
- R. Gregson
- L. Milmine
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
That the following persons be appointed to the several Boards and Commissions
in and for the Township of Bayham for one year terms commencing December 1,
Bayham Parks, Recreation & Community Centres Board - M. Stewart, R. Sandham
G. Nelles, M. Schafer, N. MacAulay, J. Declercq, D. Norris, J. Barclay,
Sandra Chapman and Lions Club representative.
Eden Community Centre Board - Pete Klassen, Dan DePlancke, Kim Tate, J. Caughill
Elgin Farm Safety Council - Hugh Mauthe
Local Agricultural Manpower Board - J. Nezezon with S. Szvirida as alternate.
Industrial Committee - Council with J. Volkaert and M. Stewart.
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Phillips
That this council expp!Yss appreciation to the members of the volunteer fire
department for the fine manner in which they carried out their duties during
1989.... c-4441Eb
Moved by R. Phillips and Seconded by G. Nelles
That the Deputy Reeve and Councillors express their appreciation to
Reeve Chute for his leadership during the past year.
Moved by R. Phillips and Seconded by R. Sandham
That the following payments for extra services be made for 1989:
V. Chute
R. Sandham
G. Nelles
J. Nezezon
R. Phillips
J. Petrie
V. Petrie
W. Bogue
J. Gibbons
L. Moore
Reeve $1,000.00
Deputy Reeve
Clerk -Treasurer
Deputy Clerk -Treasurer
Assnt. Clerk -Treasurer
Road Superintendent
Office Clerk
#2511 Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2511 being a by-law to amend by-law No. 2444
providing for the construction of the Garner Branch -Carnes Municipal Drain
and levying assessments thereto be now read a first time .......Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2511 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by R. Phillips and seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2511 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed .........Carried
#2512 Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2512 being a by-law to amend By -Law No. 2477
provideing for the construction of the Fifth Street Municipal Drain and
levying assessments thereto be now read a first. time ........Carried
Moved by R. Phi; ips and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2512 be now Read a Second Time. ......Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law no 2512 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed. .........Carried
#2513 Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2513 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 61
to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (Re: Non Farm Policies) be
now read a First Time. ..........Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2513 be now read a Second time ......Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2513 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed. .........Carried
#2514 Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2514 being a by-law to adopt amendment No. 62
to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (Re: High and Gene Ketchabaw)
be now read a first time. ...Carried
Moved by R. Phillips and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved that By -Law No. 2514 be now read a
Moved by G. Nellew and seconded by R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2514 be now read a
passed. ..........Carried
#2515 Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. 2515 being a by-law
the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham (Re:
a first time ............Carried
Moved by R. Phillips and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law NO. 2515 be now Read a
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. 2515 be now read ad
passed. ...........Carried
Second time ......Carried
Third Time and finally
to'adopt Amendment NO. 63, to
Jean Morrissey) be now read
Second Time ......Carried
Third Time and finally
Moved by G.
Nelles and Seconded by
R. Sandham
And resolved
that By -Law No. Z215.89 being a by-law to amend By -Law No.
And resolved
that By -Law no. 2516
being a by-law to adopt
Amendment No. 64
Moved by G.
to the Official
Plan of The Township
of Bayham (Re:New
England Mobile Home
Park) be now
read a First Time.
And resolved
that By -Law No. Z215/89 be now read a Third time and finally
Moved by R.
Phillips and Seconded
by R. Sandham
Moved by G.
And resolved
that By -Law no. 2516
be now Read a Second
Time. ....Carried
M^ved by G.
Nelles and Seconded by
R. Sandham
Moved by R.
Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved
that By -Law No. 2518
being a by-law to amend
By -Law No. 1711
Moved by R.
appointing a
Clerk and Treasurer and
Tax Collector for
the Township of
Bayham be now
read a First Time .....Carried
Moved by R.
Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
Moved by R.
Sandham and Seconded by R. Phillips
that By -Law 2217/89 being a by-law to amend By -Law No. 2387
And resolved
that By -Law No. 2518
be now read a Second
Time ..... Carried
Phillips and Seconded by R. Sandham
Moved by R.
Phillips and Seconded
by G. Nelles
Moved by G.
And resolved
that By -Law n0. 2518
be now read a Third
Time and finally
passed. ..........Carried
Moved by G.
Z214/89 Moved by R. Phillips and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved that By -Law No. Z214/89 being a by-law to amend By -Law
No. 2387 (Re: Lloyd & Myrna Cowan) be now read a first time. ....Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Phillips
And resolved tht By -Law Z214/89 be now read a Second time. ......Carried
Moved by G. Nelles and Seconded by R. Phillips
And resolved that By -Law No. Z214/89 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed. .........Carried
Moved by R.
Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved
that By -Law No. Z215.89 being a by-law to amend By -Law No.
2387 (Re: Harris
Moved by G.
Nelles and Seconded by R. Phillips
And resolved
that By -Law No. Z215.89 be now Read a Second Time. ....Carried
Moved by R.
Sandham and Seconded by R. Phillips
And resolved
that By -Law No. Z215/89 be now read a Third time and finally
passed. ........Carried
Moved by G.
Nelles and Seconded by R. Phillips
And resolved
that By -Law No. 2216/89 being a by-law to amend By -Law No.
2387 (Re:Hugh
& Gene Ketchabaw)
Moved by R.
Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved
that By -Law No. Z216/89 be now Read a Second Time. ...Carried
Moved by R.
Sandham and Seconded by R. Phillips
And resolved
that By -Law No. Z216/89 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed. .........Carried
Moved by R.
Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved
that By -Law 2217/89 being a by-law to amend By -Law No. 2387
(Re: J. Morrissey)
be now read a First Time. ......Carried
Moved by R.
Phillips and Seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved
that By -Law No. Z217/89 be now read a Second Time. ...Carried
Moved by G.
Nelles and Seconded by R. Phillips
And resolved
tht By -Law No. Z217/89 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed. ...........Carried
Moved by G.
Nelles and Seconded by R. Phillips
And resolved
that By -Law No. Z218/89 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2389
(Re: New England
Mobile Home Park)
Moved by R.
Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved
that By -Law No. Z218/89 be now Read a Second Time._ ....Carried
Moved by R.
Sandham and Seconded by G. Nelles
And resolved
that By -Law No. 2519 being a by-law to confirm all actions of
the Council
of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held December 7, 1989
be now read
a First Time. .......Carried
Moved by G.
Nelles and Seconded by R. Phillips
And resolved
that By -Law No. 2519 be now Read a Second Time. ....Carried
Moved by R.
Phillips and seconded by R. Sandham
And resolved
that By -Law no. 2519 be now read a Third Time and finally
passed. ..........Carried
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded
That this Council now adjourn to
by G. Nelles
meet again on December 21, 1989 at 7:30 pm
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
December 21, 1989
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
V. Chute presides with Deputy Reeve R. Sandham and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Phillips in attendance.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held December 7, 1989,
having bE-en examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) Canadian Parents for French..response to resolution by City of Orillia
re. implementation of French Languages Services Act
2) Mosey & Mosey..cost of extended health and dental carp benefits
available under the Elgin County Plan
3) Bathurst Township..request to endorse resolution requesting the
Ministry of the Environment to take initiative in requiring
industry to recycle and to rEstrict packaging
4) Dunwich Township..request to endorse resolution requesting the
County of Elgin to implement a county wide identification
5) Sjoerd Hoogsteen..request for Official Plan and Zone amendment at
Lot 23, Conc. 5, from Al to Rural Residential
6) Peter Giesbrecht..request for Official Plan and Zone amendment at
Lot 109. N.T.R., from Al to Rural Residential
7) Canine Control Shelter..request for rate adjustment for 1990
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road
matters. Mr. Gibbons requests consideration be given to installing a fan
for better ventilation in the garage. The work crews are snowploughing
and doing maintenance work on the machines. Council requests Mr. Gibbans
to give them a plan for renovations at the south end of the garage where
the apartment was located.
Charles DeClark meets with council to further discuss the severance of
about three residential lots at Lot 16, Conc. 10. This is intended to Neral"
of his plant (Chatham Beans) on a portion of the property cut off by a
gulley. The land is presently zoned industrial and will require all amendment.
Council will support this proposal.
W. Underhill, building inspector, meets with council to review building
pYojects in thounicipality and presents his permit resolution.
Abe Klassen meets with council to request
of his property at Lot 21, ltonc. 8. This
severed and is now zoned A1-9, and has a
zone amendment will be required to adjust
accept an application for this change if
information on the severance
property has been previously
minimum hectarage of 4.3 h. A
the hectarage. Council will
Max Ward, Paul Ward and Lew Acre meet with council to discuss the purchase
of the property at Richmond which has the source of the communal water
systcin. It is agreed thatichmond Community Water Inc. will purchase the
property with a payment ofl'3,000. down with the balance by mortgage at
10% interest over 5 years. The mortgage will be open so that increased
payments can be made on the mortgage anniversary. The clerk is to have the
documents completed for February 1, 1990.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with council to report on f --'re matters.
He is recommending that Mr. Ken Lamers be made captain and training officer
on the resignation of )fax Wolfe. Perry Grant will be driver training
officer under Mr. Lamers. He reports that he has had several applications
from persons interested in joining the department. Mr. Dennis inquires as
to answering calls outside the municipality where no mutual aid agreement
is in effect. Council directs him to respond, however, he shoultj return
home immediately the proper department arrives.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this council support the council of the Township of Bathurst in
requesting the Ministry of the Environment to take more initiative in
obtaining recycling markets..... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the application of Peter Giesbrecht for an Official Plan and Zoning
amendment at Lot A9, N.T.R., from Al to Rural Residential be accepted and
referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation .... Carried
Moved by: J_ Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That James Davison, proprietor of Canine Control, be paid at the rate of
$21. per hour with a stand-by fee of $100. per month.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the application of Mike & Sandra Hesch for a zone change from Future
Development to Hamlet Residential and Institutional at Lot 125, Conc. 6,
be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation..
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded
That perpetual care fundinterest be
Old Port Burwell
Bayham West
Moved by: R. Sandham and
That the following building
Blondeel Nursery
Merritt Matthews
He Saw Stanop
Richard Barth
Tony Vandevyvere
Bruce Allsworth
Gilbert Lively
Glen Babcock
Glen McCurdy
Paul Andriekas
Joe Vanitveld
Matthew Schafer
by: R. Phillips
disbursed to cemetery
boards as follows:
853.95 ........Carried
Seconded by:G. Nelles
permits be approved:
mobile for farm help
storage shed
residence addition
storage barn
new residence
mobile home
storage barn
new residence
Joel Falkenham
John Sebok
William Vandervent
James Gibbons
Jake Letkeman
Geo. Backus
Can. Mtg. & Housing Corp.
renovations Co -Op bldg
house addition
house repairs
Partington res.
#2520 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2520 being a by-law to authorize the purchase
of land at Lot 111, Conc. 6 be now read a first timE-....Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2520 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Phillips and seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2520 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2521 Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2521 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 237,6/
authorizing a charge for Official Plan and Zoning amendments be now read
a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and seconded by: .. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2521 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that Ery -law No. 2521 be now read a third time and finalyy
passed..... Carried
#2522 Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law NO. 2522 being a by-law to designate smoking areas
in municipal buildings in the Township of Bayham be now read a first
time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: F. Sandham
And resolved that By-law N(.. 2522 be new read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. nezezon
And resolved that By-law No.2522 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2523 Moved by: J. Nezezon and seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2523 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held December 21,
1989, be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Phillips
And resolved that By-law No. 2523 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2523 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That general accounts totaling $69,009.67 and road -accounts totaling
$46,474,21 be approved; and that this council now adjourn to meet again
on January 4, 1990, at 10: a.m. ......Carried