HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1987BAYHAM
Council Minutes
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
January 8, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning.
Reeve M. stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 18,
1986, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and
the Reeve's signature authorized on same.... Carried
Brian Graydon..application for official
plan and zoning
at Lot 18, Conc. 10
Canine Control Shelter..request for rate
adjustment for
Anderson & Benner Ltd..request to extend
listing on Lot
128, Conc.
6, to July 10, 1987
Ministry of Agriculture & Food..comments
as received on
to farm' legislation
Ministry of Transportation & Communications..1987
subsidy allocation
Fire Chief.. annual report for 1986
James Gibbons, road superintendent meets with Council to review road
matters. A water problem is developing at Lot 15, Conc. 3,(tile yard
hill) where a water line was constructed and crossed the road east
of Highway No. 19. Tree trimming along the roadsides is being carried
out. A drainage problem at Lots 120-121, Conc. 6, is discussed. It;
is suggested that approximately 250 feet of tile is needed, and since
it will be of benefit to Mr. Robt. Ball, he be approaclud to share the
cost. The Beattie and Rodgers Bridges have had a portion of the deck.,
removed and are ready for inspection be an engineer.
Mr. David Ketchabaw meets with Council to ascertain if it is permissible
to place a double wide modular home on his property at Lot 15, Conc. 10.
As long a<- the home meets with the criteria of the Ontario Building
Code, it may be placed on the property.
Mr. John Mosey sr. & John Mosey jr. meet with Council to review and
answer any questions regarding the long term disability and insurance
plan now held by the municipality with(keat West Life Assurance Co.
Further information is requested for coverage for councillors.
Mr. Carl Braun meets with Council to discuss a proposed severance of
property at Lot 123, S.T.R. Mr. Braun had originally made the request
to the East Elgin Planning Board some years ago and had not progressed
past the stage of survey. He is contemplating the sale of his farm
and would now like to retain an area suitable for about 8 lots. At the
same time a severance of about 2.5 acres adjacent to the Straffordville
Cemetery is discussed. Mr. Braun will accept $12,000. for this, however,
he does not feel that he can provide a survey, if necessary, at this
Mr. Matthew Schafer meets with Council to briefly discuss the possible
sale of a portion of his property at Lot 125 N.T.R. consisting of about
6 acres to the municipality for an industrial area. Mr. -Schafer will
return to Council on January 15th. with ftirther information.
Mr. Murray Benner and Wm. Underhill meet with Council to discuss a
possible severance proposal in the Village of Richmond which will consist
of about six lots. As no proposal has yet been received Council feels
it is premature to attemrt to arrive at any conclusion.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the application of Brian Graydon for an official plan and zoning
by-law amendment at Lot 18, Conc. 10, be accepted and referred to our
planning consultants for by-law preparation ....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the listing of the property at Lot 128, Conc. 6, with Anderson
& Benner Limited (No. VV -7104) dated October 6, 1986 be extended to
May 10, 1987...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the hourly rate for canine control be set at $19.75 per hour with
a stand by fee of $70. per month in accordance with the request of
James A. Davison...... Carried
#2332 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2332 being a by-law to impose a special
annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed
under the Tile Drainage Act, be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2332 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2332 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2333 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2333 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held January 8,
1987, be now read.a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2333 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2333 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
Thatgeneral accounts totaling $436,791.87 and road accounts totaling
$30,639.04 be approved and that this Council now adjourn to'meet
again on January 15, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. ......Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
January 15, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 8, 1987,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) People for Sunday Association of Canada..request for opinion on
municipalities being charged with responsibility for
Sunday store openings
2) Ontario Good Roads Association..conference program ..Feb. 22-25/87
3) from Norfolk Official Plan..suggested revision of our O.P. to permit
sand removal for land levelling
4) Spriet Associates..opinion as to remedy for lowering
First Street by Straffordville Drain
5) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell..advice on progress
Msource Gas Ltd.
water table on
of suit with Natural
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to review road matters.
The January thaw has left several very soft spots in the roads and Mr.
Gibbc-is is instructed to place stone where necessary. A policy for the
disposal of wood cut along roadsides is discussed. The wood will be offered
to the owner of the property in front of which the wood is cut. If it is
not accepted, the wood is to be moved to the township works yard and sold.
Employees have the right to purchase the wood. No delivery is to be made
with township vehicles.
Mr. Gibbons advises Council that some truck repairs are necessary. Grader
No. 6 should be overhauled during the winter months.
Mr. Carl Braun meets with Council to discuss proposed severance of a
portion of his farm at Lot 123, Conc. 6. He proposes to retain about 3
acres along Centennial Avenue, sufficient for some 8 lots. This was
approved some years ago by the East Elgin Planning Board, but never
proceeded with. Also, he will retain about 2� acres along the westerly
side for sale to the Straffordville Cemetery. It is agreed that the
price for this shall be $12,000. plus any necessary survey costs.
Mr. Matthew Schafer meets with Council to discuss the sale of a porti-6n
of his property at the northerly end of Straffordville. There is about
7 acres which, if acquired by the municipality, would be made available
for industrial use. Mr. Schafer values the propety at $4,500. per acre:-,-
creplus survey costs. Council will consider this at a future meeting.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded By: R. Sandham
That this municipality make application to the Ministry of Housing for
funding under the Program for Renewal, Improvement & Economic Revitalization
(PRIDE) and the clerk be instructed to prepare and submit the said application
with supporting documentation ..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the portion of road allowance known as Richmond Street as closed by
By-law No. 2329 be sold to abutting owners for the sum of $200. plus
related municipal expenses.... Carried
#2334 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2334 being a by-law to amend Schedule 'A'
of By-law No. 1926, regulating water rates from the Elgin Area Water
System be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2334 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2334 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2335 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2335 being a by-law to set out a policy for
standards of maintenance and occupancy for all property in the Township
of Bayham be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2335 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2335 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried _
# 2336 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2336 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of-Bayham at the meeting held January 15,
1987, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2336 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2336 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V.
That this Council now adjourn to meet again
10:00 a.m........ Carried
on February 5, 1987, at
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
February 5, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 15,
1987, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and
the Reeve's signature authorized on same.... Carried
1) Peter Stubbs..application for zone change and official plan
amendment at Lot 15, Conc. 10
2) Elgin Land Division,Committee..severance application..G. Scotti'Morse
3) Canadian Transport Commission..acknowledgement of support of
Max Underhill's Farm Supply Ltd. opposition to C.P2,1�� �
closing and Council's concerns re. tunnels
4) Ministry of Transportation & Communications..subsidy for sidewalk
construction to be requested by March 1st.
5) Ministry of Transportation & Communications..notice of allocation
of funds through the Municipal Improvement Fund
James Gibbons, Road Superintendent, meets with Council to review road
matters. The Beattie and Rodgers Bridges have had planking removed and
he is now waiting for and engineer's inspection as to their structural
soundness. He is need of a new chain saw and has obtained several prices.
He is authorized to purchase from Greer's. The brine storage tanks have
been filled and Mr. Gibbons is to look into purchasing an additional
tank. He is also requested to obtain prices for a new pick-up truck.,
Mr. Frank VanOpstal meets with Council to explain that it is necessary
for him to use the Beattie Bridge and requests that it be put into
usable condition. If it is necessary to replace the bridge after it is
inspected, Mr. VanOpstal will sell his property on the northerly side
of the river for $25,000. It is understood that even if the bridge is
removed, the road will be maintained to the river.
Mr. Harold Stafford meets with Council to request information on the
purchase of the municipal garage from Victoria & Grey Trust Co. in 1981.
He is provided with copies of the appraisal, offer to purchase and the
deed for the property, along with information from Council minutes.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with
He requestscopies of building permits
approved. Repairs have been made to the
Council to review fire matters.
to updates the fire map. This is
rescue van.
Mr. John Walker meets with Council to seek information on a subdivision
proposal adjacent to the Village of Richmond. He presents a plan which
will produce about 30 lots. Mr Walker is given general information as
to municipal requirements such as roads, street lighting and drainage.
Mr. Carl Braun meets with Council to inquire as to any interest Council
might have in acquiring land at the southerly end of Straffordville. He
is requested to obtain a price per acre before Council can ascertain any
interest in such a purchase.
Mr. Glen Morse meets with Council regarding his application for severance
( correspondence #2). He is Advised that the proposed depth of the parcel
to be created would not be sufficient to build a residence and allow for
any expansion. He agrees that an additional 10 meters should be added to
the depth of the parcel.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the application of Peter & Edith Stubbs for a zoning and official plan
amendment at Lot 15, Conc. 10 be accepted and referred to our planning
consultants for by-law preparation ..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this Council has no objections to the severance proposal of Glen
Scott Morse at Lot 111, Conc. 6, being application # 220/86, provided
that as a condition of severance the depth of the lot be increased to
32 meters..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 94 (3) of the Municipal Act, the
blanket position bond covering township employees having been examined by
the members is ordered filed.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; G. Nelles
That the Treasurer be authorized to petition the Ministry of Transportation
& Communications for subsidy applicable to 1986 road expenditures ... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That Mark Elliott be appointed to the Dobbie Cemetery Board to fill the
unexpired portion of the term of Andy Green.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this municipality approve memberships and appoint delegates to t/
municipal associations as follows:
Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario
Ontario Good Roads Assoc.
Ontario Farm Drainage Assoc.
Association of Municipal Clerks &
Ontario Building Officials Assoc.
Ontario Assoc. of Fire Chiefs
Elgin County Road Superintendents
all members of council and the clerk
all members of council, the clerk,
deputy clerk and road superintendent
the drainage commissioner & clerk
the clerk treasurer
the chief building official
the fire chief and deputy fire chief
the road superintendent.
Moved by: G. Nelles and seconded by: V. Chute
Whereas $50,000. was included in the 1986 budget as a transfer from
Reserve- for Equipment Purchase to assist in the purchase of equipment
in 1986
And Whereas the financial results for 1986 indicate that the transfer
is not required by the general fund
Be it resolved that the transfer not be made.... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
Whereas the sum of $112,000. was included in the 1986 budget to be allocated
between Reserve for Working Funds and Contingency for over expenditure
of roads or other budgets
Be it resolved that $65,000. be transfered as of December 31, 1986, to
Reserve for Working Funds with the balance of $47,000. being applied
on the 1986 over expenditure on the road budget..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
Whereas park property was purchased in 1986 at a cost of $25,909.52
And Whereas there was $4,149.33 in the Recreation Land Reserve Fund
Be it resolved that the transfer of $4,149.33 in December 1986 from the
Recreation Land Reserve Fund to the general fund to assist in the purchase
of the said park property be confirmed..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; V. Chute
That as of December 31, 1986, the allowance for uncollectible taxes be
increased from $2,500. to 12,500...... Carried
#Z147-87 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 147-87 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2040
(re. Rothenberg) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; G. Welles
And resolved that By-law Z 147-87 be now read a second time.... Carried
Z147-87 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 148-87 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2040
(re. Hamilton) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 148-87 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 148-87 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2337 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2337 being a by-law to authorize the
borrowing of $1,875,000. be now read a first time...Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2337 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2337 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2338 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2338 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No.
7 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham be now read a first
time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2338 be now read a second time.... Carried
#2339 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2339 being a by-law to impose a special
annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under
the Tile Drainage Act be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2339 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2339 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2340 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2340 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held February 5,
1987, be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law no. 2340 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2340 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That general accounts totaling $25,698.78 and road accounts totaling
$34,786.08 be approved and that this Council; now adjourn to meet again
on February 19, 1987, at 7:30 p.m ....... Carried
AcflNrr e. Reeve
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
February 19, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Present are Councillors G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Sandham. Deputy
Reeve V. Chute arrives later after being detained at a meeting of
County Council. The meeting is opened by the Clerk.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That in the absence of Reeve Stewart, Councillor R. Sandham be appointed
acting head of council..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 5, 1987,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the acting
Reev'e.'s signature authorized on same ..... Carried
1) Land Division Committee.. severance application.. Braun's Green Acres Ltd.
2) Long Point Region Conservation Auth..notice of meeting re. Shoreline
Management Review Committee on February 26th.
3) County Engineer..approval of by-laws assuming Knott's Mill road
into the county road system
4) Ministry of Education..copy of by-law of the Elgin County R.C.S.S.
Board performing duties of secondary school board
5) Upland's Pheasantry..price list for 1987 pheasant stock
6) Anderson & Benner..offer to purchase property at Lot 128, Conc. 6
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road
matters. He has located used gasoline tanks suitable for brine storage
at a cost of $400. for 5,000. gal or $750. for 10,000 gal. He is instructed
to purchase 2 x 10,000 gal. tanks. Quotations for a new pick-up truck
are reviewed as follows:
Stauffer Motors Ltd. Ford F 150 133" W.B. stylesine $13,129. + tax
Carriage Motors Chevrolet Long box TR10903-ZAT 12,655. Incl. tax
Eeley Motors Ltd. Chevrolet Long box Fleetside 12,646. Incl. tax
The quotation of Eeley Motors is accepted and as there is no tank for
unleaded fuel, Mr. Gibbons is to purchase gasoline from each of the service
stations in the municipality for one month, with accounts to be forwared
to the Treasurer for payment.
Mr. Gibbons is to advertise his present pick-up truck for sale by tender
as is and where is. Tenders to be received until noon on March 5th.
Mr. Albert Knabb meets with Council to discuss the present farming situation
and to request any assistance which can be given by Council. After discussion,
it is found that many of the farm organization's pro blems were quite
similar to those of Council. Mutual cooperation can be expected.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this Council opposes the severance application Braun's Green Acres
Ltd. at Lot 123, Conc. 6, being application #E 16/87 as the property is
not zoned for the intended use..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the offer of Michael L. Wells & Donna D. Wells to purchase the Lot
owned by the township at Lot 128, Conc. 6, in the amount of $17,500. be
accepted and the clerk be instructed to start proceedings to have the
property rezoned to Rural Residential designation ..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That a program of proposed expenditures on roadways for the year 1987
in the amount of $438,600. be approved and applicable subsidy in the
amount of $248,200. be requested from the Ministry of Transportation &
Communications ...... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That an application for funding through the Ontario Municipal Improvement
Fund for road expenditures in the amount of $290,000. be forwarded to the
Ministry of Transportation & Communications for consideration .... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: V. Chute
That a request for a supplementary allocation of subsidy moneys for
expenditures for 1987 in the amount of $265.000. be forwarded to the
Ministry of Transportation & Communications for consideration .... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the quotation of Eeley Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Ltd., for the purchase
of a 1987 Chevrolet RIO Fleetside Long Box pick-up truck in the amount
of $12,645.99 be accepted..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this Council request Canada Post Corporation give consideration to
the non -closure of rural post offices located in the Hamlets of Eden
and Straffordville..... Carried
Z149-87 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 149-87 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2040
(re. Gkaydon) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 149-87 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law Z 149-87 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2341 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2341 being a by-law to adopt amendment
No. 8 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham be now read a
first time...... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2341 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by:#,J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2341 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2342 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2342 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held February
19, 1987, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by:G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2342 be now read a second time..... carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2342 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this Council now adjournto meet again on March 5th 1987, at 10: a.m.
Public Meeting re. Brian Graydon Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment:
In accordance with notice given, the Reeve declares the public meeting to
hear comments on the above applicatiohopen. There is no one in attendance
to offer any comnleftt's7 The Reeve declares the public meeting closed.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
March 5, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning. Present
are Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R.
Sandham. Reeve M. Stewart is temporarily absent and assumes the chair
after lunch.
The meeting is called to order by the Clerk.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That in the temporary absence of Reeve Stewart, Deputy Reeve V. Chute be
appointed acting head of council..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 19, 1987,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) Amtelecom Inc...request to consider a house numbering system in Strafford-
ville and Eden
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to review road
matters. The brine storage tanks as discussed on February 19th., are now
at the township garage property. The older grader is being overhauled.
Mr. Gibbons is instructed to replace stringers as required and place a new
2 x 4 deck on the Rodgers Bridge.
Mr. Ross Thurston meets with Council to give input to the temporary
abandonment of the Beattie Bridge. Mr. Th�irstson's land is all on the north
side of the Otter Creek and he has no particular interest in the replacement
of the bridge. Howwver,he will require minimum maintenance on the road
to the entrance of his property at the Creek.
Mr. Cecil Dykstra meets with Council to request information regarding
severances at Lot 110, S.T.R., immediately west of the Village of Richmond.
Mr. Harro Maydell meets with Council to request permission to install
the from his field bed on the road allowance adjacent to West Street.
This being contrary to Health Unit regulations, Council is unable to
grant this permission.
Tenders for the sale of the pick-up truck as received in response to our
advettisement are opened:
John Morrow
Jim McDonald
Joel Vermeersch
C. Jacobs
Gord Paupst
John Eising
Martin's Auto Body
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the offer of John Eising for the purchase of the 1982 pick-up truck
as advertised, in the amount of $3025. be accepted ...... Carried -
By -laws:
#2343 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by;,,G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2343 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held March 5, 1987,
be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2343 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by; R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2343 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That eneral accounts totaling $71,995.49 and road accounts totaling $48,606.89
be approved; and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on March
19, 1987, at 7:30 p.m ....... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
March 16, 1987
A special meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening for
the purpose of meeting with Mr. Frank VanOpstal with a view of purchasing
land at Lot 114, Conc. 6, adjacent to the Beattie Bridge. Reeve M.Stewart
presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors G. Nelles, J. Nezezon
and R. Sandham in attendance.
Mr. VanOpstal meets with Council to discuss the purchase of his property.
He is a concerned property owner as his lands are located on both sides
of the Otter Creek. Unless the Beattie Bridge is replaced he will have
to travel some 8 miles to work the northerly section. He requests $25,000.
for the approximately 25 acres lying north of the Creek. Council offers
$21,000. M 1,YgnOpstal requests that the offer be in writing and he will
have his °s @rhim as to what should be done. A resolution is passed
and Mr. an stal given copy.
aP g a PY
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this Council agrees to purchase from Frank & Magda VanOpstal the
northerly portion of their lands in Lot 114, Conc. 6; being that part of
their lands lying north of the Otter Creek and containing approximately
25 acres for the sum of $21,000; Mr. & Mrs. VanOpstal being responsible
for a Isurvey of the above if necessary. The VanOpstal's shall be allowed
to harvest the wheat crop during the summer of 1987...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn...... Carried
Deputy Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
March 19, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held on March 5, 1987,
and special meeting held March 16, 1987, having been examined by the members
are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same,...... Carried
1) Michael Churchill..objection to By-law Z 148-87 (Hamilton)
2) John Engelhardt..objection to By-law Z 148-87
3) Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application..A. & M. Laemers
4) Elgin " of it
if it
5) Elgin " it to " it ..W. Lloyd Cowan
6 ) Elgin " of " " it of
Mrs. Anna Schafer with six girl guides in the persons of Michelle Wolfe,
Marie Andrews, Polley Taylor, Chris Schafer, Sa"dra Leighfield and
Jennie Ritchie are in attendance and are given a chance to question council
as to their duties and the election process.
The public meeting as advertised for the purpose of hearing comments on
the proposed zone change and official plan amendment on the Stubbs property
at Lot 15, Conc. 10, is declared open by the Reeve. Mr. & Mrs. Stubbs are
in attendance, however, there is no one present tocffer any further
comments. Reeve Stewarf declares the meeting closed.
Jas. Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to review road matters.
He has had the company of Mr. Frank Clarke, of M.T.C., to review the
condition of the roads and discuss the program for the year 1987. Mr. Clarke
has suggested the application of hot asphalt on the road between Concessions
2 & 3 west of the Village of Vienna instead of the mulch surface proposed.
Mr. Ken Laemers meets with Council to seek employment for lawn maintenance
during the coming summer. He will charge $9. per hour for raking and $12.
per hour for mower and person. Council requests that Mr. Laemers cut the
ball park outfield and the office and library lawns.
Wm. Underhill, buidling inspector, meets with Council to review various
projects in the municipality. He. also presents an application for a loan
under the Ontario Home Renewal Plan. The garage being moved to the property
of David Pearson is discussed. Council requests Mr. Underhill to have Mr.
Paul Karran of the Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit at the meeting of April
2nd. to further discuss the field bed problem at the residence on the corner
of Talbot and West Streets.
Mrs. John Tremblett meets with Council to seek information as to a zone
amendment to allow a chip wagon to be located on the property at Lot 13,
Conc. 1. Council explains the proceedure and she indicates that she or her
husband will be in the make the necessary application.
Mr. Harris Teall meets with Council to discuss the pheasant program of
1986 and will be available to assist in the release program for 1987. He
recommends the same proceedure as in 1986, with some released in the summer
and the balance released in the fall.
Messrs. Michael Churchill and Brian Hamilton are present to further discuss
Mr. Hamilton's application for zone change and Mr. Churchill's objection.
Mr. John Engelhardt having also objected, and not being in attendance, it
is decided to meet with the three parties on March 26th., to attempt to
resolve the objections or proceed to the Ontario Municipal Board for a
final decision in this matter.
Mr. Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with Council to review fire matters.
He requests copies of all building permits in order to keep his fire
mapping updated. He also indicates that new coats, boots and Scott air
packs should be considered at budget time.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this Council has no objections to the severance proposals of Alphonse
& Mary Laemers at Lots 12 & 13 in Concession 2, being applications E 37/87
and E 38/87........ Carried _
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
That this Council objects to the severance proposals of Wilbur L. Cowan at
Lot 22, Conc. 8, being aplications E 41/87 and E 42/87 as the subject lands
are not properly zoned for the intended use and further that if severance
is granted it be a condition that approximately 13' of land be dedicated
to the municipality for road widening purposes.... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That, upon review of the application by Peter and Edith Stubbs for land
use changes in Part Lot 15, Concession 10, Township Council, in consultation
with the Township Planner, have determined that an official plan amendment
is not necessary, and that no further notice of public meeting shall be
required..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this Council approve the 0. H. R. P. application of Wray & Denise
Lounsbury for the amount of $7,500. at Lot 20, Conc. 8 ..... Carried
Z150-87 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 150-87 being a by-law to amend By-law 2040
(re. Stubbs) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 150-87 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z :50-87 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2344 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by; V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2344 being a by-law to prohibit, and regulate
the sale and setting off or firing of fireworks; and to repeal By-law
No. 1256 be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: V. ChLte and seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2344 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By -Law No. 2344 be now read a third time and finally
pa!ised...... Carried
#2345 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2345 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 1279
establishing rule;and regulations with respect to the Calton Cemetery be
now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2345 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezo-.-, and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2345 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2346 Moved by -.'R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2346 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held March 5, and
March 16, 1987, be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2346 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2346 be now read a third time and finally
passed....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on April 2, 1987, at 10: a.m.
Reeve Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
April 2, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 19, 1987,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
Councillor G. Nelles declares a conflict of interestin the insurance
review to be held later this morning.
1) County Engineer..price list for trees for roadside planting
2) Township of Beckwith..request to endorse resolution to increase
the income level for O.H.R.P. loans
3) Gloin, Hall & Associates..draft by-law and agreement to permit the
encroachment on road allowance of Carroll residence
in the Village of Richmond
4) St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd..year end adjustment
and 1987 estimates for transfer station
5) John Tremblett..application for zone change at Lot 13, Conc. 1, to
permit a chip wagon operation
6) Long Point Region Cons. Auth..comments re. zone change application
of K. Rothenberg (Z 147-87)
7) Doane Raymond..management letter re. tax arrears and community
centre operations
8) Cumming-Cockburn..draft amendment No. 10 to Official Plan to permit
sand removal to level agricultural lands with by-law
9) Lloyd Cowan..application for zone change and Official Plan amendment
at Lot 22, Conc.8
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to review road
matters. The new deck on the Rodgers Bridge is about 3/4 complete. Lack
of materials and weather conditions have kept him from this project,
however, it is hoped that it will be completed in the near future. He
is presently doing maintenance work on the Hotchkiss sideroad. The Boy
Scouts have approached him about a tree planting program. This is
considered a good erosion control project and approved. He is to install
a new catch basin near the twill property on Main Street in Straffordville.
The costs will be split with Mr. Nevill. Mr. Gibbons is to get prices
for a new mower.
Messrs. Bryce Sibbick of Frank Cowan Ltd,and Gerry Taylor meet with
Council to review the present insurance coverage. Updated coverage
have been placed wherw necessary and Council agrees with the revised
Reeve Stewart has to be temporarily absent to attend another meeting.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That in the temporary absence of Reeve Stewart, Deputy Reeve Chute
be appointed acting head of council...... Carried
Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with Council to review the
various building projects in the municipality and presents a resolution
of permits issued to March 30th.
Leo VanLoy.meets with Council to request information on severing lots
along Hwy. # 19.. He is thinking of creating about 10 new lots. Mr. VanLoy
is informed that this number of lots would require a plan of subdivision
and an attempt to create them by severance would probably be objected
to by the Ministry of Agriculture & Food.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with Council to report on fire matters.
There have been 17 grass fires to date. This is a result of the dry
spring weather and people cleaning up yard. Councillor Sandham requests
the fire department be in attendance at a Victoria Day celebration. Mr
Dennis will have a truck and meat in aitendance.at Eden
Reeve Stewart arrives and assumes the gavel.
Ms. Donna Rogers, representing the Canada Mortgage & Housing Corp.,
meets with Coundl to review the Rural and Native Housing Program. This
program is to provide dome ownership for overcrowded or poor housing
or for those now paying over 30% of their income for rent. The c►sts
are shared 75% by the Federal Government and 25% be the Provincial
Government. Persons acquiring this accomodation 25% of their gross
monthly income for the hcusing and are subsidized for any difference
in the payments. Units are sold at cost with the do,�n payment calculated
at 10 of the average of the past 3 years incomes. There is presently
one unit in Straffordville with more to be placed here in future. She
requests a council resolution of support for the program.
Mr. Rob=. VanWynsberg meets with Council to request severance information
at Lot 1, Conc. 8. He has about 1.8 acres and would like to sever the
.8 acre into a :separate lot. Council informs him of the zoning regulations
which will regtr.ire a change if the severance is granted. Otherwise, they
would have no objections to the application.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the application of Jahn Tremblett for an official plan and zoning
by-law ame: ,d:r ant at Lot 12 & 13, Co:,,:. 1, to permit the operation of
a fast foc;d outlet be refused as it is not considered a compatible use
with regard to the adjacent reside -,tial uses....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the application 4-r Lloyd Cowan for an official plan and zoning
by-law amendment at Lot 22 , Con -c. 8, be accepted and referred to our
planning consultants for by-law preparation .... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and
That the following building
Nancy Sproul.
Doreen Barzo
Martin Barkman
Harro Maydell
Glen Babcock
Dave Pearson
Lyle Shelly
John Walker
Joe & Dorothy Nevill
Mike Wells
Seconded by: J. Nezezon
permits be approved:
renovation to basement $13000.
new reside:,ce 53,000.
storage garage 69000.
reenovations to residence 10,000.
rebuild residence 459000.
move used garage 29000.
patio proch addition 22000.
new residence 85,000.
residence addition 25,000.
new residence 709000.
Z147-87 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 147-87 (re Rothenberg) be now read a third
time and finally passed...... Carried
#2338 Moved by: R. Sandham. and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2338 (Re. O.P. Amendment No. 7) be now
read a third time and finally passed...... Carried
#23'47 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2347 being a by-law to permit the encroachment
of a portion of a brick and frame residence over John Street, in the
Village of Richmo::d and to fix a fee for such privilege be now read
a first time...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2347 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2347 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2348 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2348 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held April 2,
1987, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
.And resolved that By-law No. 2348 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2348 be now read a third time and finally
passed........ Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That general accounts totaling $424,553.60 and road accounts totaling
$38,976.26 be approved; and that this Council now adjourn to meet
again on April 16, 1987, at 7:30 p.m .......... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
April 16, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held April 2, 1987,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) County of Elgin..copy of current tree cutting by-law
2) Land Division Committee..severance application..P. & E. Stubbs
3) Township of Horton..request to endorse resolution for provincial
assistance in capital funding of fire departments
4) Ontario Good Roads Assoc. request for support in submission to the
Province for increased road grants
5) Hon. John Wise..acknowledgement of resolution re. non -closure
of post offices in Bayham
6) Agriculture & Food..tile drainage program for 1987-88
7) Natural Resources..notice of meeting to discuss the Aylmer District
Fisheries Management Plan
8) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell..update on N.R.G. suit
9) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell..copy of offer to purchase at Lot
114, Conc. 6, for signatures (Van Opstal)
10) Ministry of Housing..information on 'Low Rise Rehabilitation Program'
11) Carl Braun..application for zone change at Lot 123, Conc. 6
12) Ministry of Transportation & Communications..approval of supplementary
subsidy application for purchase of truck
Public Meeting:
The public meeting as advertised to hear comments on the application of the
Township of Bayham for an official plan and zone change at Lot 128, S.T.R.
to allow the former works yard to be zoned Rural Residential is declared
open by the Reeve. No one is in attendance wishing to comment. The meeting
is declared closed by the Reeve.
Mrs. Doreen Barzo meets with Council to present a plan to sever about 4 lots
at her property in Lot 25, Conc. 9. The property does not have road
frontage as required by our by -law, -`however, Mrs. Barzo will complete a
roadway to the standards set by the township and dedicate it to the
municipality. Council agrees that this will be satisfactory if the Land
Division Committee will grant severances.
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to report on
road matters. The deck has been completed on the Rodgers. Bridge. The catch
basin near the Nevill property on Main Street has been installed. Mr. Gibbons
reports a ditching problem at Lot 19, Conc. 3. He is instructed to place
gravel and a tile and cover with sand. He reports that the culvert at the
entrance to the tile yard property in Vienna needs replacing. He has
inquired about a replacement mower for the tractor and finds that a mower
of this type is no longer available.
Larry Milmine, representing the Richmond Ball Club, meets with Council to
request a grant to assist in the erection of a new fence at the Richmond
ball park. They are considering a chain link fence about 4 to 5 feet high
along both sides of the field. The ball club has volunteered to erect the
Messrs. M. Schafer, E. Eeley, J. Barclay, J. Davis & Mrs. F. Davis meet
with Council to make inquiry as to what, if any, progress is being made
in locating land for an industrial park. Council replies that locations
near Straffordville, Eden and Tillsonburg are being considered. Mr. Schafer,
as spokesman for the group, presents reasoning for the location of any
industry in the Straffordville.area as this has been designated for the
growth hamlet in the official plan. Mr. Schafer offers to sell about 6.5
acres to the municipality for $1. per acre. In turn the municipality wi�l
build a road to be paid from the general funds, properly advertise the
property when developed and return one lot to him. Council agrees to
consider this proposal.
Mr. Gerry Taylor meets with Council to present a quotation for councillor's
accident insurance. $50,000. with $300. weekly indemnity for 24 hours per
day is $2336. $50,000. death only with 24 hour coverage is $495. per year.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this Council objects to the severance application of Peter and Edith
Stubbs at Lot 15, Conc. 10, being application # E 61/87, as the land is not
zoned for the intended use.....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this Council endorse the resolution of the Township of Horton in
requesting the Solicitor General to consider providing capital funding for
the purchase of motorized fire fighting equipment for small municipalities
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute a memorandum of agreement
for the purchase of approximately 25 acres of land at Lot 114, Conc. 6,
from Frank and Magda Van Opstal for the sum of $2#,OOO..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the application of Carl Braun for a zone change and an official plan
amendment at Lot 123, Conc. 6, from Al to Residential and Institutional
be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for by-law preparation.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That a grant of $600. be made to the Richmond Ball Club to assist in the
erection of a chain link fence on both sides of the ball field in the
Village of Richmond...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That insurance coverage for accidental death benefits, 24 hour per day
coverage, in the amount of $50,000. be -provided for council members at
a cost of $495. per annum..... Carried
# Z151/87Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 151/87 being a by-law to amend By-law 2040
(re Bayham Works Yard) be now read a first time..... carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law Z151/87 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law z 151/87 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2349 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2349 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No.
9 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham be now read a first
time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J.
And resolved that By-law No. 2349 be now
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G.
And resolved that By-law No. 2349 be now
passed...... Carried
#2350 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J.
And resolved that By-law No. 2350 being
of the Council of the Township of Bayham
be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2350 be no
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R.
And resolved that By-law No. 2350 be no
passed..... Carried
read a second
read a third
time.... Carried
time and finally
by-law to confirm all actions
at the meeting held April 16, 1987,
G. Nelles
w read a second
w read a third
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V.
That this Council now adjourn to meet again
time and finally
on May 7, 1987, at 7:30 p.m'
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
May 7, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held April 16, 1987,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same.....Carried
1) Rural Dignity of Canada..request for financial support in fighting
post office closings
2) County Land Division Committee..notice of appeal againstseverances
41/87 and 42/87 (L. Cowan)
3) Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit..consideration of plan for disposition
of septic and holding tank wastes
4) Tillsonburg & District Multi -Service Centre..report of meeting held
April 10th., 'Farming and Mental health' °
5) Village of Port Burwell..agenda for relighting of restored
light houseon June 20th.
6) A.M. Ontario..conference agenda Aug. 23/26, 87
7) Jean Caughill..request for fireworks permit for May 22nd.
8) Port Bruce Ratepayers Assoc..request for support in the Elgin Shores
9) Ministry of Agriculture & Food..approval of drainage maintenance grants
10) Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application. -J. & J. Walker
11) Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application. -J. & J. Walker
12) County of Oxford..requirements for withdrawl of opposition to Official
Plan Amendment No. 4
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to report on road
matters. Discussion on the gravel deposit at J. Magyar jr. at Lot 3, Conc. 8.
It is decided that Reeve Stewart will contact Mr. Magyar and offer him
$1. per yard for all gravel plus stripping and rehabilitation. Mr. Gibbons
reports that signs and fence have been stolen from the Beattie Bridge. He
is to contact the County Engineer to see if cement barricades are available.
He has contacted M.T.C. regarding widening of the approach at the road from
Hwy. 19 between Concession 3 and 4. This will be permitted and an encroach-
ment permit required. A new mower and tractor will be purchased when a
suitable one is located. Mr. Gibbons is to purchase 100 black locust
trees at the St. Williams Nursery to replace those destroyed at the Stutzman
Mr. Larry Milmine meets with Council to report the fence at the Richmond
Ball Park is in the process of erection. As requested by Council, they
have purchase a five foot fence and the cost is $1,698. of which they
have paid $1,000. They still owe $698. plus about $100 for cement. Council
will pay the $698. balace to Ernest Reid for the fence and the ball club
will pay the account for cement.
Ms. Tina Neufeld meets with Council to request permission to place a mobile,.
home on her property at Lot 22, Conc . 2, for use by her parents, Mr. &'�Nrsr:
A. Giesbrecht. As this is not an agricultural use, Council is unable t1
grant permission.
Messrs. Jack Davis and B. Holstead meet with Council to review plans for
the proposed sub -division at the Walker property at Richmond. The preliminary
plans meet with Council approval and applications for official plan and
zoning by-law amendment are requested.
Mrs. Barbara Vanderpas meets with Council to request them to purchase their
property at Lot 115, S.T.R., northerly from the Beattie Bridge. The property
contains about 39 acres of which 33 is woods and 6 cleared land. Mrs.
Vanderpas is asking $33,500 for the property. Council will consider her
request and advise her of any decision.
Mr. Lloyd Cowan meets with Council to request information as to how he
should proceed with the appeal which has been launched against his land
severance(s) Correspondence No. 2. He is advised to contact his lawyer
and Council will support his application.
Wm. Underhill meets with Council to report on building matters and presents
an application for loan under the Ontario Home Renewal Program.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by; R. Sandham
That the Eden Community Centre Board be granted a permit to have a
fireworks display at the Eden Public School grounds on May 22, 1987....
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this Council objects to the severance proposals of John Walker and
Jon Walker at Lots 17 to 24, R.P. 22, being part of Lots 110 and 111,
S.T.R., being applications 80/87 and 81/87 as the land is not zoned for
the intended use....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the application of Marilyn Kuchma for a loan under the Ontario
Home Renewal Plan at Lot 15, Conc. 2, in the amount of $5,000. be
approved ....... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That a grant of $400. be made to the Y.M.C.A. of Elgin -St. Thomas to
assist in the operation of a day camp in Straffordville during the period
July 13 to 24, 1987...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That remuneration for councillors be adjusted as follows:
regular meetings $82.56
special meetings 57.15
with the Clerk receiving councillor's remuneration for
regular office hours. Aforesaid adjustments effective
- - - - - - - rArri ari
meettTR other
from January 1,
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That wages and hours of the road employees be adjusted as follows:
hourly rate $10.80
safety allowance 200.00 with $600 per annum to Ivan Priddle
hours of work 40 hours per week May 1, through October 31
44 hours per week November 1, through April 30
aforesaid hourly rate and safety allowance effective from January 1, 1987,
and hours of work effective from May 1, 1987...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the wages of hourly rated employees be adjusted as follows:
Wm. Underhill $11.76
Sheila Franklin (regular) 6.05 (special) $9.68
Lorraine Moore 9.46
Hugh Ketchabaw 10.16
aforesaid adjustments effective January 1� 1987..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That remuneration for volunteer firement be adjusted as follows:
Max Wolfe (Captain) $34.30
those attending 50% of fires
and practices 31.77
those attending less than
50% of fires and practices 27.96
aforesaid adjustments to be effective from January 1, 1987.....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That wages of salaried employees be adjusted as follows:
Jack Petrie $35.042.52
Violet Petrie 23,000.00
James Gibbons 29,782.50
Harold Dennis 51713.73
Merlin Norris 41169.47
aforesaid adjustments effective from January 1, 1987..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That taxes be adjusted in accordance with appeals received and relative
assessments as provided by the Regional Assessment Commissioner ..... Carried
By -Laws:
#2351 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2351 being a by-law to establish a penalty
charge for non-payment of current taxes and to provide for interest to
be added to tax arrears be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2351 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2351 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2352 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2352 being a by-law to confirm all actions of
the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held May 7, 1987,
be now read a first time..... carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2352 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2352 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by; V. Chute
That general accounts totaling $43,074.54 and road accounts totaling
$65,504.09 be approved and that this council now adjourn to meet again
on May 21, 1987 at 7:30 p.m ....... Carried
Reeve Clerk
Tax Adjustments per resolution passed above:
International 42 h.p. mower
it 5'6" mower
1986 Tax
Adjustments (496)
Ford 42 h.p. tractor
George Hillner
Dorothy Pilkey
Bayham Township
Robert VanWynsberghe
- 700.
Gerrit VanLeeuwen
Jack Tompkins
Richmond Construction
Benny VanDeMaele
M. Dylowicz
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
May 21, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors.
G. Nelles, J. NezFzon and R. Sandham in attendance
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held May 7, 1987,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
1.) Canadian Transport Commission..notice of hearing re. C. P. Railway
application to close Tillsonburg to Port Burwell section
2) Minister for Canada Post Corporation..acknowledgement of resolution
re. post office closures
3) Canadian Automobile Association..letter supporting Ontario Good Roads
Assoc. request for additional road funding from Province
4) Ministry of TaacVortation & Communications..report of inspection
and condition of Beattie Bridge
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to report on
road matters. He has covered most of the Township roads with brine as
a dust control and has now run out of it. He has calcium ordered for
the balance. The warning signs at the Beattie Bridge have been removed
again. Mr. Gibbons reports a problem with beavers creating a dam at Lot
23, S.G. He has contacted the Ministry of Natural Resources to see if
they can be trapped and removed. -
Quotations as received for a new tractor and mower are opened:
'i Scholten's Equipment...John Deere 45 h.p. tractor $13,250. plus taxes
it to it 5'3" mower 3 400 it it
Van Cross Equipment
rr rr
Routly & Phillips
it it
rr rr
rr rr
Chesterman Equipment
it it
rr rr
rr rr
rr rr
John Deere 45 h.p. tractor
if 513" mower
International 42 h.p. mower
it 52 h.p. mower
it 5'6" mower
" 6'8" mower
Ford 42 h.p. tractor
it 52 h.p. tractor
New Holland 5'3" mower
3 238.
Council will review the
"6'7" mower 3,668. itit 6'7" h.d. mower 4,668. it
specifications prior to'making a decision.
The public meeting as advertised to hear comments regarding the zoning
and official plan amendments for Lloyd Cowan at Lot 22, Conc. 8, and the
Township of Bayham official plan amendment regarding agregate removal is
declared open. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Cowan are in attendance, however, they
have no further comments since the application. No one is in attendance
to comment on the Township application. Reeve Stewart declares the meeting
Messrs. Bob DeBrabender and Pete Hartmann (B.P. Builders) have purchased
approximately 4 acres of land along Hwy #19, and are considering the
serverance into 3 or 4 lots. They inform Council and request certain
information regarding severances.
Jol:n Engelhardt meets with Council to complain about loud parties at
the Country Camping park grounds. These seem to take place on holiday
week -ends. He request:i Council to consider the passing of an anti noise
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with Council to discuss fire matters. The
department has had an unusally high number of false alarms recently. He has
ordered new Scott Air packs and other miscellaneous equipment.
Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with Council to review building
projects in the Township.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
That Ronson Sandham and Gerald Nelles be appointed to represent this
municipality at the Railway Transport Committee public hearing re. the
C.P. Railway application to abandon the rail line between Tillsonburg
and Port Burwell..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the following grants be made for 1987:
Tillso:iburg Tri -County Agricultural Society $100.
Elgin County Plowmen's Association 100.
Tillsonburg & District Multi -Service Centre 400.
St. John Ambulance 100.
Aylmer & East Elgin Agricultural Society 100.
Aylmer Recreation & Board of Park Management 250. ....Carried
By -Laws:
#Z152-87 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law Z 152-87 being a by-law to amend By-law 2040
re. Cowan) be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 152-87 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 152-87 be now read a third time and finally
passed .... Carried
#2353 Moved by: V. Chute and Seco1ded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2353 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 10
to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham be now read a first
time...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2353 be now read a second time.....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2353 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried -
#2354 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By --law No. 2354 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 11
to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham be now read a first
time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2354 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2354 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
MMo ed b R S ndham and Seconded by: V. Chute
An� res��ver� teat 3y -law No.2355 being a by-law to
confirm all actions of
the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held May 21, 1987,
be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2355 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2355 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R.
That this Council now adjourn to meet again
&I-- - - W -d
mx�, - Z�;-. - 4 - -
on June 4, 1987, at 7:30 p.m.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
June 4, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held May 21, 1987,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried "
1) Elgin County Library..schedule of library tours..June 15th.
2) Daniel DeCloet..applications (2) for zone change (Eden)
3) Peter Lamers..proposal for lot severance (Lot111J,Conc. 6)
4) Peter Neufeglise & others..parking problem at Eeley Motors
5) Richmond Minor Ball Assoc..request for grant
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to report on road
matters. The sand base on the road between Concession 3 & 4 and the sideroad
between Lots 25 & 26 in Concession 2 has been completed. Roads for surfacing
are discussed with approximately $65,000. to be spent.
Mr. David Pearson meets with Council to attempt to resolve a parking problem
between himself and his neighbour. :Mr. -Pearson has a tractor & trailer
some 72 feet long and his lot is only 52 feet. He has placed stone in the
boulevard in front of his neighbour's residence and this has been objected
to. Kr. Pearson will clear away the stone and replace with topsoil and seed
if arrangements can be made to utilize about 25 feet of the neighbour's
boulevard. Council will approach the neighbour to attempt to resolve this
Mr. John Taylor of the St. Thomas -Elgin health Unit meets with Council to
discuss correspondence #3, from May 7th. He reviews the various methods
of sewage disposal now being used and the problems which may arise with
further development.He request Council to consider the Health Unit's
comments and to provide any input as to future waste disposal methods.
Mr. Randall Pettigrew owner of part Lot 15, Conc. 3, meets with Council to
request severance information.
Mr. Herbert Faehrmann, owner of part Lot 25, Conc. 9, meets with Council to
request severance information. The Ramsey Municipal Drain is in this
locality and the drain inspector add building inspector will meet with
himrto provide the location before any severance request is made.
Mr. Wm. Underhill, Building inspector, meets with Council to review and
report on various building projects in the municipality.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the applications for official plan amendment and zone change at Lot
23, Conc. 9, in the Village of Eden be accepted and referred to our planning
consultants for by-law preparation as follows:
1) from Hamlet Commercial and Agriculture to Industrial
2) fEom Future Development to Hamlet Commercial
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That a grant of $150. be made to the Richmond Minor Ball Association
for 1987....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That this Council supports the submission of John and Jon Walker of an
application for draft plan approval at Lots 110 & 111, in Concession 6,
of the Township of Bayham adjacent to the Village of Richmond being Plan 22
And further that this Council will support the rezoning of the aforesaid
lands upon receipt (if favourable comments from circulated agencies C/
regarding the draft plan ....... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the quotation of Routly & Phillips for the supply of an International
tractor, 52 h.p., and a 6' 7" heavy duty mower in the amount of $16,600.
plus applicable taxes be accepted..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the interest rate on the remaining capital balance for the Richmond
street lighting area be adjusted to 10% ....... Carried
#2356 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2356 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of thg Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held June 4, 1987,
be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2356 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2356 be now read a third time and finally
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That general accounts totaling $63,699.85 and road accounts totaling
$26,518.90 be approved and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on
June 18, 1987, at 7:30 p.m ........ Carried
eeve er
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
June 18, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 4, 1987,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same...... Carried
Jim Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to report on road
matters. He has completed the patching on tar & chip roads and will be//,,----'
rechipping as per road program starting June 22nd. HES estimates that
8.5 miles have to be chipped.
At 8: 00 p.m., the public meeting as advertised for the rezoning of the
lands of Mr. Carl Braun at Lot 123, Conc. 6, from Future Development
to Residential and from Agriculture to Institutional is declared open
by the Reeve. Mr. Braun is in attendance and briefly reviews the intent
of the amendment. There are no other persons in attendance to offer
comments and the Reeve declares the meeting closed.
Cpl. K. Simmons of the Ontario Provincial Police meets with Council to
discuss various problems which have arisen with parking in the mCnici.pality.
Areas discussed are at Lot 18, Conc. 10, Lot 8, Conc. 8, and in the
Village of Straffordville. The O.P.P. are aware of the problems and those
in the Village of Straffordville and at Lot 8, Conc. 8, apprear to be
somewhat resolved. They will contact the proprietor of the business
at Lot 18, Conc. 10 to request co-operation with the problem at that
location.. A noise problem at I,ot 5, Conc. 3, has already been reported
and will be monitored to see what can be done about it.
Mr. Tony Donck meets with Council to request severance information of
the form6r motel -property at Lot 8, Conc. 9. The property is zoned Rural
Commercial and if severance is applied for, Council will have no objections.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
Whereas a public meeting has been advertised for the purpose of informing
the public of a proposed Official Plan amendment on the application of
Carl Braun at Lot 123, Conc. 6, to change the zoning fro -Future Development
and Agriculture to Residential and Institutional
And Whereas the area to be amended is within the boundaries of Straffordville
according to the Official Plan
Therefore be it resolved that based on the analysis of the Official Plan,
an amendment is not required.... Carried
Z 153-87 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 153-87 being a by-law to amend -By-law No. 2040
tre. Braun) be now read a first time.....Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 153-87 be now read a 96cond
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law Z 153-87 be now read a third
passed...... Carried
time ..... Carried
time and finally
#2357 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2357 being a by-law to adopt
on which taxes shall be levied for the year 1987, to levy
the year 1987 and to provide for the collection thereof be
first time......Carried
the assessment
the taxes for
now read a
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2357 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandahm
And resolved that By-law No. 2357 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2358 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2358 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting he'd June 18,
11)87, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2358 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: F. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezoit
And xesolved that By-law No. 2358 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sai-dham
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on July 2, 1987, at 7:30 p.m.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
July 2, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Sr;.ndham in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the minutes of the regL?:i: m^eeing of Council held June 18, 1987,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same...... Carried
1) Minister of Natural Resources..responsibilitie:: of Ministry of Natu.-a1
Resources and Con.7;ervation Authorities re. shoreline
management along the g --eat lakes
2) Town of Tillsonburg..conditions for withdrawing objection to By-law
Z 14 -'?-86 and O.P. Amendment no. 4.
3) Township of South Crosby..request to endorse resolution opposing
changes in the Canadian Constitution
4) Ministry of natural Resources..copy of letter to Village of Vienna
regarding boating sped restrictions on Sig Otter Creek
5) County of Elgin Engineer..approval of the Province for_townline road
bete.-cn Bayham and Norfolk and between roads 45 and 38
as a coun Ly road
6) Land Division Co:n ittee..severance application Otto Schmidt
7) Land " Is .. it it Otto Schmidt
8 ) Land " " .. it it Dan Do C!_ oe t
9 ) Land " " .. of Dan` DeCloet -
10) Land " " .. " Dan DeCloet
11) Land " " .. it " Dan.DoCloet
12 ) Gibson; T.ititon, Toth & Campbt,ll .. copies of correspondence re. N.R.G.
suit for unpaid s
13) County of Elgin Librarian..proposed library leases for 1988 and
subsequent years
14) Frank Voth..application for change at Lot 20-21, Conc. 8
15) Straffordville Eden Schriol..appreciation for awards and plaque
16) Oxford Land Division Committee..request for comments on severance
proposal at Tillsd.nburg townline road
Delegat ons :
James Gibbons, road superintendent-, meets with Council to review road
matters. The Village of Port Burwell has approached him to purchase about
500 tons of chips at $9.50 prt ton. Council agrees that the chips be sold.
The patching and chipping has been completed. One round of roadside
mowing is completed. Mr. Gibbons is to advertise the 1976 Ford truck wor
sale with or without box. Written offers to be received for the July 16
meeting of Council. Three tenders have be -en received for a new `ruck
and are opened as follwos :
Carrier Mack Truck Centre Mack $74.365.
London Freightliner Tncorporated Freightliner 71,100.
Sherway Ford Truck rales Ford 722429.
Mrs. Doreen Barzo motets with Council to present her plan for a proposed
severance of 4 lots. It will be necessary for Mrs. Barzo to provide a
public roadway for lot frontage and her plan does riot provide for sufficient
road width. She is requested to revise her plan and resubmit it.
Paul Durst ineets with Council to request permission to have two mobiiie
homes placed on his property at Lot 15, Cone. 2, adjacent to the area of
overnight trailers F:t Ottersedge Park. Mr. Durst hips intentions of presenting
a plan for a mobile home park at this location. Council agrees to having
the two units placed now so long as the park plan is submitted by October 31st.
Arthur Vandexspaillie meets with Council to discuss his park. It has been
suggested that some of the units in his seasonal park are used year round.
Mr. Vanderspaillie assures Council that all units are seasonal with the
except -ion of one used by the caretaker in the winter. Hydro and water are
disconnected at the end of October.
Graham & Audrey Thomson meet with Council to complain about a rat: 1-roblem
at _heir property just north of the Village of Vienna. They appear to be
coming from an abandoned house which has been allowed to deteriorate to
*the point where it not liveable. The property has grown up with brush. It
is beleived that the owner has died while visiting abroad and it is not
known who if there are any heirs responsible for the property. Council will
attempt to find a solution and in the interval Mr. qretMwdll continue
to set out rat poison.
Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with Council to discuss building
and O.H.R.P. projects. He reports that the Lounsbury program will cost in
excess of the approved amount and that Social Services will be ;,eying the
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with Council to review fire matters and
presents his report for the period December 2-5, 1986 to J;:ne 9, 1987.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
Thai-- this Council objects to the severance proposals of Otto Schmidt at
Lot 24, Conc. 9, being applications E 98/87 and 99/87 as the land:i are
not properly zoiad for the intended use..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the application of FRank Voth for a zone change from Al to Agriculture
Special zones at Lots 20-21, Conc.,8, be accepted and referred to our
planning consultants for by-law preparation ..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the tender of London Freightliner Inc. for a tand.--m diesel truck,
G-NI.tti. 64,000 lbs., in the amount of $71,100. + tax be accepted subject
to M.T.C. approval...... Carried
#2359 Moved by: J. Nez�tz(.n and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2359 being a by-law to confirm all actions of
the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held July 2, 1987, be
now read a first time.....Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2359 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2359 to now read a third
passed..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That general accounts totalin,; $462,687.26 and road accounts totaling
$36,148.58 be approved and that this Council now adjourn to meet again
on July 16, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. ......Carried
/ :Z0 -/tel
Council Chambers
Jl:.ly 13, 1987
A special meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this afternoon for
the purpose of reviewing the current status of the lawsuit with Natural
Resource Gas Ltd. and severance proposals. Reeve M. Stewart presides
with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and
R. Sandham in attendance. Also in attendance are Ian Linton and Scott
Campbell, township solicitors, and R. G. Moore, County Engineer.
Messrs. Linton and Campbell review the history of the N.R.Gas Ltd.
problem. Mr. Moore and his fellow engineers from surrounding counties
have had several meetings concerning gas companies and is familiar with
their billing proceedures, as pertains to road works. His as;:,ociation
will be able to assist if this. matter has to be referred to the Ontario
Energy Board for a ruling on transmission and distribution lines. Their
solicitor is Mr. A. Wright of London, to whom Messrs. Linton and Campbell
have been directed for assistance. It is decided that our solicitors
should request the matter be brought before a judge as soon as possible.
The outstanding taxes are now in excess of J30,000.
The severance proposals of Mr. D. DeCloet as presented at the meeting of
July 2nd. are reviewed. Mr. DeCloet is aware that some of the lots to be
created are too small according to our zoning by-law.He will attend the
Land Division Committee meeting and amend the lot sizes.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That this Council objects to the severance applications of Daniel DeCloet
at Lot 23, Conc. 9, in the Village of Eden, being applications E104/87,
E105/87 and E107/87, as the area of the proposed lots do not conform
with our-=riohi ng by-law ....... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this Council has no objections to the severance proposal of Daniel
DeCloet at Lot 23, Conc. 9, in the Village of Eden, being application
E106/87 ...... Carried
V. Chute and Seconded by:
special meeting of Council
adjourn.... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
July 16, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve 11. Chute and Councillors
G. Nelles and J. Nezezon in attendance.
Mr. Chute declares a conflict of interest in a tile drainage loan
application to be presented at this meeting.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 2, and
special meeting held July 13, 1987, having been examined by the members
are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.... Carried
1) Township of Norfolk..request to endorse resolution re. appointment
of independent board of arbitrators for tobacco area
Delegations: 1
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to review road
matters. Gravel is now being removed from the Magyar pit and placed on
1/arious roads. One tender has been received in response(:to the advertisement
of our 1976 Ford and is now opened. Messrs. Loyall and David Granger
tender in the amount of $12,000. Council is of the opinion that the truck
is worth more and take, no action on the tender.
Mr. Mark Bogart meets with Council to discuss the possibility of several
severances along the township road in the Village of Corinth. The area
is zoned Futir-o Development in the present by-law aid Council is of the
opinion that this would be a good location for residential development.
The area will be zoned Hamlet Residential in our new by --law, expected
the end of August, and Mr. Bogart is encouraged to make application to
the Land Division Committee.
Mrs. Katha-r'_na Neufeld and her father, Mr. Giebrecht, meet with Council
to discuss locating a mobile horne on the Neufeld farm for the use of her
parents. Her mother is not well and requires assista ce.from Mrs. Neufeld.
Also, Mr Giesbrecht will assist on the farm. Council has visited the site
and is in agreement with her proposal.
Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets w th Council to review building
and zoniig matters.
Mr. Albert White meets with Council to discuss the possibility of locating
an industry in Bayham. The business of transformer repair and reclaimimg
the oil is contemplated. He will require about 2 acres on heavy clay land.
His present location in Tillsonburg is not properly zoned and he is forced
to relocate. The Ministry of the Environment has approved his operation
and monitors it. Council informs Mr. White that any location in Bayham
will require zoning and the accompanying public meeting. Objections would
necessitate an Ontario Municipal Board Hearing and considerable delay
would result. Mr. White has an opportunity to locate at Nanticoke and will
consider this option.
Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the application of Douglas & Carolyn.Dennis for a tile drainage
loan at Lot 6, Conc. 3, in the amount of $7,500. be approved... -.Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2360 being a by-law to close and stop up and
sell the original road allowance between Lots 20 & 21 In Concession 8, be
now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2360 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2360 be now read a third time and finally
passed... ...Carried
#2361 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2361 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meetings held July 13
and 16, 1987, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2361 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2361 be now read a third time and finally
passed....... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on August 6, 1987, at 7:30 p.m.
Reeve Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
August 6, 1987
Th(; regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors G. Nelles,
and R. Sandhamih attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 16, 1987,
having been examined by the members by the members are hereby approved and
the Reeves signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application..Lamers Farms ltd.
it It " it
..Donck Farms Ltd.
3 )
" it it it
.. Dc:nck Farms ltd.
..Abbott & Townsend Ltd.
..Abbott & Townsend Ltd.
Elgin St. Thomas..appreciation for use
of community
centre for day camp
Elgin St.
Thomas Health Unit..appointment of Dr.
Verna Mai as
Medical- Officer of Health
Council of Ontario..request to participate
in recycling
week..Novemb(:r 16-22
Ontario Municipal Board..Notice of Hearing re. Cowan
severance and
O.M.A.F. appea?..September 4th.
of Municipal Affairs..partial approval
of PRIDE program
Public Meeting:
The public meeting as advertised to hear comments pertaining to the rezoning
applications of frank Voth and Daniel DeCloet is declared open by Reeve
Stewart. No one is in attendance to offer any comments. The public meeting
is declared closed.
Mr. Jack Barclay, representing the Straffordville Lions Club, meets with
Council to request liability information. The Club is concerned as to who
would be responsible in case of accident at the community park on playground
equipment owned by the Club. It is felt that in case of a lawsuit, both
Council and the Club would be named. Mr. Barclay suggest:: that the playground
equipment be donated to the municipality, however, the Club will continue
to repair and maintain it. Council Figrees to this suggestion and Mr. Barclay
will now get authorization for the donation from the Club.
Mr. Joseph L. Magyar meets with Council to review the agreement as prepared
by our solicitor fcr the extraction of gravel from his property at Lot 3,
in Concession 8. He rE.quests two minor changes which are agreeable with
Council. The agreement will be re -typed and signed by each party.
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to review road
matters. An offer has been received from Dunnville Rock Products in the
amount of $14,800. for the advertised 1976 Ford 8000. truck. This being
about the expected amount is accepted by Council. Quotations for a truck
box with snow plough controls are reviewed.
Viking $13,894. delivery 4 to 5 weeks
Frank 12,331 " 6 to 9 weeks
Searle 12,373 2 to 3 weeks
Searle 10,850. if commercial C 102 pump is used.
Mr. Gibbons has been on a tour of our roads with Mr. Robt. Stock of the
M.T.C. Mr. Stock is a new municipal supervisor in this area and the purpose
was to familiarize him with our needs.
Mr. Leslie Farkas, owner of about 3.5 acres in Lot 14, Conc. 10, meets with
Council to discuss possible severances. There are two houses on the property,
4 to 5 lots could be created. Council suggests that 4 would seem sufficient.
Mr. Farkas is advised to contact M.T.C. to see if entrances onto the highway
can be provided. If so, he should then make application to the Land Division
Mr. Carl Braun meets with Council to suggest that since they zoning appeal
period for his applications at Lot 123, Conc. 6, has now passed, the survey
of the property being acquired by the municipality for the cemetery at
Straffordville should be completed. The clerk is instructed to have this done.
Messrs Paul and Dan DePlancke meet with Council to discuss the severance of
the farm residence at Lot 18, Conc. 8. This property is being fa-rmed in
conjunction with that on the north part of Lot 8, and is considered a surplus
farmhouse. Council will have no objections to the severance, however, this
would be contrary to the zoning by-law until the severed parcel is rezoned
to a rural residential designation.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with Council to review fire matters.
He reports that there have been no recent fires. The members of the department
are in the process of renumbering the properties in Bayham and making a
new map.
Wm. Underhill, building inspector meets with Council to review building
proects. He has been able to secure only one quote for replacing the
roof on the municipal building. Peter Verkuil has provided a quote of $10.022.
to replace the roof and provide R.2 insulation or $11,810. to provide R 8.33
insulation.,It will be late September before he can do this work. Council
instructS Mr. Underhill to have the work scheduled. Two quotations have
been received for the strapping, insulation and ;paneling of the municipal
offices, council chambers and firemen's lounge. Well's Contracting quotes
$5,900. and B.&P. Builders quote $$4,429. Panel and wiring costs are not
included in the above quotes.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this Council objects to the severance proposal of Lamers Farms Ltd.
at Lots 111 & 112, Conc. 6, being application E 122/87, as the lands are
not zoned for the intended use..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this Council has no objections to the severance proposals of Donck
Farms Ltd. at Lot 8, Conc. 8, being ap�pplications E 123/87 and E 124/87,
and of Abbott & Townsend Ltd. at Lots 26 & 27, Conc. 2, being application
E 126187.0......Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this Council objects to the severance proposal of Abbott & Townsend Ltd.
at Lot 25, Conc. 2, being application E 125/87 as the minimum farm hectarage
according to By-law 2040 will not be met..... Carried
Monied by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the offer of Dunnville Rock Products Ltd. to purchase the 1976 Ford,
model 8000 tandem dump truck as advertised, in the amount of $1L•,800. be
accepted...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the quotation of Searles Trailer & Equipment Ltd. for a fifteen foot
truck box with commercial C 102 pump and hydraulic controls for snow plow
Equipment in the amount of $10,850. & tax be accepted..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the quotation of Peter Verkuil Roofing to re -roof the municipal office
and fire hall in the amount of $11,810 be accepted..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the quotat-on of B.& P. Builders for the insulating and paneling the
outside walls of the municipal offittand firemen's lounge in the amount
of $4,428.53 be accepted..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the road allowance between Lots 20 & 21 in Conc. 8, as closed by
By-law No. 2360 be offered for sale to the abutting owners for $100 to each
owner plus related expenses...... Carried
By, l swig :
Z154-87 Moved by: V. Chure arid Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 154-87 being a by-law to amend By-law 204
(re. DeCloet) be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nc,lies
And resolved that By-law Z 154-87 be now read a second time.....Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z154-87 be now read a thid time and finally
passed...... Carried
Z155-87 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved :hat By-law Z155-87 being a by-law to amend By-law 2040
(re. Voth) be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law Z :55-87 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law Z 155-87 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2362 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2362 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve
and Clerk to execute ar. agreement with Joseph Leslie Magyar to provide for
the extraction of gravel and provide for payment thereof at Lot 3, in
Concession 8, be now read a first time ...... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2362 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2362 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried.
#2363 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2363 being a by-law to confirm all actions of
the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held August 6, 1987,
be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2363 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2363 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: V. Chute
That general accounts totaling $69,962.27 and road accounts totaling
$136,622.57 be approved; and that this Council now adjourn to meet again
on August 20, 1987, at 7:30 p.m ........ Carried
P 11
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
August 20, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
M. Stewart presides with deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting held August 6, 1987, having been
examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature
authorized on same.....Carried
1) Township of Beckwith..request to endorse resolution requesting the
Provincial Government to discontinue sales tax on
fire equipment
2) Peter & Edith Stubbs..application for Official Plan and zone change
at Lot 15, Conc. 10
3) Ministry of Transportation & Communications..comments re. bridge
apprisals on certain structures
4) Ministry of Municipal Affairs..advise of objections to Amendment No.
11, (re. Cowan)
5) Ministry of Transportation & Communications..copy of letter to L. Farkas
advising him of entrance policies on Hwy. #3
Jas. Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to review road
matters. The new truck has been delivered and is working satisfactorily.
Roads requiring gravel maintenance are discussed and Mr. Gibbons
given instructiors to carry out the work.
Mrs. Ella Szorenyi and Paul Szorenyi meet with Council to inquire about the
possibility of severances along Donnelly Drive. The possibility of sub-
dividing for additional lots is also discussed. Council would have no
objections to additional lots adjacent to Straffordville, and the Szorenyi's
are informed as to their responsibilities regarding road and street lights.
The outlet for the Straffordville municipal drain is also across this
property and will have to be protected in any subdividing.
Messrs. Lloyd Coghill and Jim Andrews of Eden meet with Council to present
comments on By-law Z 154-87, expressing their opinion that an additional
variety store is not required in Eden. It is indicated that an objection
to the rezoning will be forthcoming.
Mr. Leslie Farkas meets with Council to present additional information
regarding correspondence #5. While he is not satisfied with the reply from
M.T.C., he will probably be applying for severance for two lots only. This
will be for the residences already existing.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That this Council endorse the resolution of the Township of Beckwith in
requesting the Province of Ontario to discontinue the sales tax applied
to equipment or supplies directly used in fire protection and control and
(auto) extrication ....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the application of Peter & Edith Stubbs for rezoning lands at Lot
15, Conc. 10, be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for
by-law preparation ...... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the Ministry of Municipal Affairs be requested to refer Amendment No.
11 to the Ontario Municipal Board ........Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That permission be granted to the Richmond Community Water to install a
water line, as an extension to the existing system, under Church Street in
the Village of Tticuuond.... , .Carried
Z 156/87 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 156/87 being aby-law to amend By-law No. 2040
(re McGlynn) be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved thst By-law Z 156/87 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 156/87 be now read a third time and finally
passed....... Carried
#2364 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2364 being a by-law to c6nfirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held August 20,
1987, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2364 be now read a second time.....Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2364 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on September 3, 1987 at
7:30 p.m.............Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
September 3, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 20, 1987,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved; and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same...... Carried
1) Ministry of Municipal Affairs..comments on Amendment No. 5 to the
Official Plan
2) Township of Montague..request to endorse resolution to have Province
assume responsibility for controlling beavers
3) Ministry of Transportation & Communications..comments on Beattie
Bridge and recommendation for closing road
4) Lloyd & Jean Coghill.. notice of objection to By-law Z 154-87
5) Ministry of Municipal Affairs..further comments on PRIDE application
6) Township of Tilbury West..request to endorse resolution to have
Federal and Provincial governments allow more 'free' votes
7) Land Division Committee..severance application. -S. & M. Hoogsteen
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to report on road
matters..Hot mix asphalt has been placed over the repaired culvert at Lot
10, Conc. 2 (Valko) and the repairs appear to be quite satisfactory. He
reports repairs necessary on one of the trucks. Gravel is being hauled from
the Magyar pit, mainly to the road between Concessions 3 and 4
Messrs Perry and Bud Stansell meet with Council to seek information for the
building of a storage shed at Lot.20, Fifth Street N/S. The property is
zoned Hamlet Residential special to permit a trucking business. As the
shed will be in conjunction with the trucking business as well as some
antiques, Council is of the opinion that this is a permitted use.
Father Steve Dunn, representing Holy Cross Centre, meets with Council to
request permission to have about 20 cottages erected on their property to
accomodate staff and associates. The cottages will be 12' by 24' on lots
50' by 701. Each cottage will have a 6' porch. The cottages will be
owned by the occupants and the land by the Centre. The land is now zoned
Institutional, but an expansion of this magnitude will require a zoning
and Official Plan amendment. The applications being made, Council will
accept and process them.
Mr. Etienne Verbruggee meets with Council to complain about the condition
of the transfer station and the burning of refuse at that site. Council is
aware of the situation and is considering hiring a permanent attendant for
the station. Burning is not permitted and Council will endevour to control;_
it when possible.
Mr. Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with Council to review fire matters.
He, also, is concerned about the unauthorized burning at the transfer
station and the problems it causes the fire department.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
That this Council accept the allocation of funds from the Ministry of
Municipal Affairs for participation in the PRIDE program.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this Council objects to the severance proposal of Sjoerd and Mary Lou
Hoogsteen at Lot 23, S.G., as the property is not zoned for the intended
use..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the Treasurer be authorized to make application for an interim payment
of subsidy for 1987..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this Council has no objections to the application of Laemers Trucking
Limited for a pit licence at Lot 119, Conc. 6, Bayham..... Carried
#2365 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved -that By-law No. 2365 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held September 3,
1987, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2365 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by; R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2365 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That general accounts totaling $16,887.91 and road accounts totaling
$101,172.48 be approved; and that this Council now adjourn to meet again
on September 17, 1987, at 7:30 p.m ........ Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
September 17, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 3, 1987,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same.....Carried
1) County of Lanark..request to endorse resolution to have referendum
on Bill 8 (French Language Services Act) with 1988
2) Peter Klassen..objection to By-law Z 154-87
3) Leone Langohr.. to it if
4) Ministry of Transportation & Communications..objection to By-law Z154-87
5) County of Oxford..request d6r comments on application for zone change
at Lot 16, Conc. 2. South west Oxford (Dereham)
6) Ministry of Tourism & Recreation..approval of grant application
7) Holy Cross Centre.. application for Official Plan and zone change
at Lots 7 & 8, Conc. 1
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road
matters. He will be having representatives from the Ministry of Transportation
& Communications drilling test holes along the road between Concessions
2 and 3to determine the soil conditions in the road base. With this information,
it should be possible to install proper drainage and improve surface conditions.
Gravel is still being hauled to the road between Concession 3 and 4.
Mr. Douglas Willison, owner of property at Lot 25, Concession 8, meets
with council to request severance information. While it appears that his
total area is smaller than would be permitted for severance, he is
advised*to contact the Health Unit to ascertain if a well and septic
system can be accomodated on a severed and retafnedparcel. If this is
possible, council will give further consideration to permitting a severance
in this location.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the application of Holy Cross Centre for an Official Plan and
Zoning amendment at Lots 7 & 8. Conc. 1, be accepted and referred to
our planning consultants for by-law preparation ...... Carried
#2366 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2366 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held September
173 1987, be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2366 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2366 be now read a third time and finally
passed....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That this council now adjourn to meet again on October 1, 1987, at
7:30 p.m .......... Carried
1925 1.
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held September 17,
1987, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the
Reeve's signature authorized on same...... Carried
1) Land Division Committee..severance application Dan DePlancke
2) Cowan News..insurance information update
3) Gibson, Lintoip,.Toth & Campbell..offer of Natural Resource Gas Limited
to make settlement of tax suit
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road matters.
Work on the road between Concessias*s3 & 4 is continuing. The Ministry of
Transportation & Communications has recommended that 2 x 12 planking be
placed of the travelled lanes of the Tillsonburg boundary bridge.
Messrs. Geo. Palmer, Hugh Howey,Carl DeDecker and Mrs. Sonia DeDecker
representing Community Initiatives meet with council to request the possibility
of renovating the apartment building across from the Canadian Imperial
Bank of Commerce as it it considered unsafe. The building is considered
a fire hazard because of the lack of fire escapes and a health hazard
because of the poor septic system and the overcrowding of the building.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Durst meet with council to request an extension of tithe to
submit their plans- for a trailer park on their property at Lot 13-14,
Conc. 2. Mr. Durst has had health problems and difficulties in the finishing
of their residence. Council agrees to an extension until December 31st.
The public meeting to consider the report of Spriet Associates for the
Eden Drain 1987, is called by the Reeve. Mr. James McDonald and Hugh Ketchabaw
are in attendance. Mr. McDonald is in agreement with the report and no
person is present to speak against it. The Reeve declares the meeting closed.
Mr. Dan DeCloet meets with council to request information on how to
proceed in view of the objections against his rezoning by-law. He is advised
to make a commitment of his neighbours to build a buffer between them and
his industrial site and see if this is sufficient for theip to withdraw
their objections. The matter of entrance is felt to be easily resolved
because of the large acreage owned by Mr. DeCloet and the entrance can be
situated at a location favourable to the Ministry of Transportation &
Mr. Wm. Underhaill, building inspector, meets with council
to review
building projects in the municipality. An application for a
loan under the
O.H.R. Program is presented on behalf of Mr. John Teichrob.
While the
application is considered favourable, the funds under this
program have
been exhausted for this year.
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this council objects to the severance proposal of Dan
DePlancke at
Lot 18, Conc. 8, being application E 158/87, as the property
is not zoned
for the intended use..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the following building permits be approved:
Dave Ketchabaw locate mobile double wide
Sandham Cartage new service garage
George Carrel home renovations
Harold Stoll new dairy barn
Rose Planky Mobile home (Red Oak Park)
Carman Brown it " it
James Ruddy is " it
32s 414.
Russell Mountany is " to
Sheila Schneider hbme renovations
Nick Somlo new siding
Arthur Vanderspaillie used kiln storage
.John Townsend new residence
John Walker
Jack Petrie
Paul Durst
Mildred Cowan
Eli Stutzman
Chas. & Frances Eard
Stephen Boyd
Lamers Farms Ltd.
Blake Wolfe
Art Vanderspaillie
Tom Morse
John Weninger
Dale Avey
Paul Ens
Allan Dunphy
Holy Centre
Robert Ketchabaw
George Roden
Roger Seghers
barn renovations
home renovations
new garage
two summer cabins
swimming pool
new residence
new residence
new residence
storage building
new residence
new residence
new residence
horse barn
swimming pool
house renovations
house renovations
garage addition
#2367 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2367 being
works in the Township of Bayham, County
now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by:
J. Nezezon
a by-law to provide for a drainage
of Elgin (Eden Drain 1987) be
V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2367 be now read a second time and provisionally
passed ......... Carried
#2368 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2368 being
the council of the Township of Bayham at
be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by:'G.
And resolved that By-law No. 2368 be now
Moved by: Jr Nezezon and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2368 be now
passed...... Carried
J. Nezezon
a by-law to confirm all actions of
the meeting held October 1, 1987,
read a second time.... Carried
R. Sandham
read a third time and finally
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That general accounts totaling $459,200.35 and road accounts totaling
$33,657.93 be approved and taht this council now adjourn to meet again on
October 15, 1987 at 7:30 p.m ....... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
October 15, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the m1nutes of the regular meeting of counc'1 held October 1, 1987,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) J. Bryon Wiebe Ltd..a.dviee that J. Bryon Wiebe elected to committee
on land drainage
2) Ministry of Municipal Affairs..notice of South weste--n Ontario
Planning Conference
3) 'C.P. Rail..request to delay Eden Drair► construction until report on
request to abandon line is received
4) Ministry of Municipal Affairs..comments on O.P. Amendment No. 4
5) Lean DePLancke..request for Official. Plan and zoning amendment
Mrs. Leone Langohr and Mr. & Mrs. Peter Klassen neet with council and Dan
DeCloet in an attempt to resolve,' the objections to the zone change of Mr
DeCloet in B;I-law Z 154-87 for an industrial area in Eden. Mr. DeCloet
indicates that he- will be receptive to any reasonable conditions. The objector;.
request the the entrance be relocated to the north o` Mr. DeCloet's
residence; the problem of garbage (mainly plastic bass) blowing acress the
highway; noise concerns. Mr. DeCloet is going to erect a fence about
11 feet high which should stop most of the garbage and noise problems.
James G-Abons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road
matters. He is presently applying gravel and bi:ine to the roads. He reports
that aboutil� acres of the Magyar pit has been used. He is instructed to
have another acreeo uncovered for use this year.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with council to review fire matters. He
reports that he is very unsatisfied with the cond-ition of the firemen's
loi3nge after the new roof has been installed. The workers had used the
lounge to eat their lunches in , and some tar was left on the flour Etc.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the application of Dan DePlancke for an official plan amendment and
zone change from Al to Rural Residential he accepted and referred to our
planning consultants for by-law preparation ..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham find Seconded by: G. Nelles
That thlf'.- council request the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to extend
the time for passim; our comprehensive zoning by-law to December 31, 1987.
By-laws :
#2369 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2369 being a by-law to provide for the maintenance
of the Adler, Arn, Benne:, Carnes, Casier, Chalk, Coomber, Corinth, Coyle,
Crossett, Csinos, Freeman-Storp, Garnham, Hampton, Jacko, Ketchabaw No. 2,
Laemers, Magyar-D:e?eman, Mitts, Nevill, No. 1, Pearson, Peidl, Ph.-Alips,
Pollick, C.E. Smith, Smith and Winter Municipal Drains and to raise the
sum of $10, 221.09 to pay therefor ......... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2369 be now read a second time .....Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2369 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2370 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2370 being a by-law to confirm all actions of
the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held October 15, 1987,
be now read a first time .... Carr ed
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: GF, Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2370 be nolo read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2370 be now read a third time and finally
passed ...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
y That this council now adjourn to meet again on November 5, 1987, at 10: a.m.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
November 5, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning. Reeve
M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held October 15, 1987,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same...... Carried
1) Elgin Land
2 ) to
3) it
4) it
5) "
Division Committee..severance
it it
application..Donck Farms Ltd.
..Debrabender & Hartmann
..Debrabender & Hartmann
..H. & i. Faehrmann
..James & Pearl Kennedy
6) Ministry of Municipal Affairs..copy of letter to Land Division Committee
re. granting of consents in principle
7) Elgin Land Division Committee..revision of office hours
8) City of Toronto..consideration of union certification in tendering process
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road matters
The road between Lots 25 & 26 in Conc. 2 is being gravelled. Mr. Gibbons is to
make arrangements to use the County of Elgin sande in case of emergency instead
of utilizing a truck for this purpose until it is no king r feasible to
haul gravel. Various roads for gravelling are reviewed. It is decided to
build a new water/brine tank over the winter. Methods of upgrading the Second
Concession road are discussed. It is decided that shoulders should be removed
and the tar & chips to the tire tracks be dug up and 8 inches of gravel applied
and a surface on top of this should be sufficient to make a satisfactory
Mr. Elgin Wells, county librarian, meets with council to discuss a proposed
new lease. Presently, our lease is for forty years with the county paying
the building expenses. Under the new proposal, rent would be paid on a
square foot basis, with approximately $20,000. annually for the Bayham branch.
The Township would be responsible _`_or all costs and the grant as received for
the construction of the building being repaid to the county at $3,500. per
year for ten years. Council will have the option of either lease in 1988.
The public meeting as advertised regarding the application of Peter & Edith
Stubbs for an official plan amendment and zone change at lot 15, Conc. 10,
is declared open by Reeve Stewart. There is no one in attendance to speak
on the application. Reeve Stewart declares the meeting closed.
Tenders as requested for the construction of
G. W. Cattle Constr. Ltd... $135295.
Van Gorp Drainage Ltd... 145723.96
Bayline Drainage.. 13,100.
Ontario Municipal Board approval has not yet
the Eden Drain (1987) are opened:
Construction December, 1987
if December, 1987
it May, 1988
been received, so no tender is
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this council objects to the severance applications of Donck Farms Ltd.,
at Lot 1, Conc. 8,; Robert DeBrabender and Peter Hartmann at Lot 126, N.T.R.,
and Herbert Faehrmann at Lot 25, Conc. 9, being applications E 173/87, E 177/87,
E 178/87 and E 182/87 respectively as the lands are not properly zoned for the
intended use....... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
That this council has no objections to the application for severance of
James & Pearl kennedy at Lot 23, Conc. 8, being application E 159/87 ..... Carried
Z157-87Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law Z 157-87 being a by-law to amend Py -law No. 2040
(re. Stubbs) be now read a first time....Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 157-87 be now read a second time....Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law Z 157-87 be now read a third time and finally
#2371 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law.No. 2371 being a by-law to amend the Official Plan
for the Township of Bayham (re. Stubbs) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2371 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2371 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2372 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2372 being a by-law to impose a special annual
drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile
Drainage Act be now read a first time.....Carried
Moved br: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2372 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nexezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2372 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2373 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2373 being a bylaw to authorize the Reeve and
Clerk to execute an agreement with Daniel DeCloet, as repre:;entative of
DeCloet Bayham Ltd., for the issuance of a building permit..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2373 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Saidham
And resolved that By-law No. 2373 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2374 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2374 being a by-law to confirm all actions of
the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held November 5, 1987,
be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that No. 2374 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezeztj:-..
And resolved that By-law No. 2374 he :.ow read a third time x ,d finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Se ; t3 d by : M V . Chute
That g:�ral accounts totaling $61,163.68 and road accounts totaling $34,441.11
be approved and that this council now adjourn to meet again on November 19,
1987 at 7:30 p.m ....... Carried
Council Chamb(:rs
Straffordville, Ontario
November 19, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in o ttendance.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sardham
That the minu`es of the regular mn_.:ting of council held November 5, 1987,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) Ontario Municipal Board..Notice of Decision re By-law Z 148-87
2) County of Elgin Road Dept..schedule of winter maintenance hours
3) Township of Ekfrid..request to endorse resolution re. livestock predator
co~i%- �-ol
4) Long Point Region C/A..request to pass resolution requesting shoreline
mapping ��--�
5) Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario..preliminary program for ROMA con�fEirrence
6) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Camp".-:-ll..partial paymnet of N.R.G. Ltd. tax arrears
7) Ministry of Natural Resotlrces..proposal for low level dam at Lo,: 17, Conc. 2
James Gibbons, road superintendent meets with council to review road matters.
He has met with Mr. A. Matthys regarding his complaint of his neighbour
parking his truck in front of his residence area. Mr. Pearson has agreed to
removed the grave and stone he placed there and put in tope -soil. In return
Mr. Pearson can park his trailer at -the township garage lot. If the work is
not done, Mr. Gibbons is to do it and charge back to Mr. Pearson. With the
roae south of County Road # 38 being taken over as a county road, a new
agreement should be negotiated with Norfolk Township for maintenance purposes.
Mr. Gibbons will arrange to have the Norfolk road supr::-.intendent meet wit11
council on December 3rd.
William Underhill, building inspector, meets wi':h council to review various
projects in the municipality. One project ur.$'Jer the Ontario Home, Renewal
Program is causing a problem and council will attend at the site on the
weekend to see if they can offer any fur --her advice.
Council discusses the advisability of forming a Committee of Adjustment and
being in aa--eement that it will be of future benefit,decides to proceed. An
application has been submitted from Mr.. Robt. VanWynsbergh who has erected
a residence with a front yard set back less that required, which will be
the first application to t -lie committee.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That shoreline mapping be carried out along the Lake Erie Shorel-ine for the
Township of Bayham under the Canada/ Ontario Flood Damage Reduction Program;
and further that the municipality is aware of and understands the policies
enunciated in the Ag.eement...... Carried
Moved Ly: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That this Council being constituted as a Committee of Adjustment under the
Planning Act, 1983, D. Vere Chute be and is her(-%-ppointed Chairman of the
said Committee ...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the application of Robert= & Joanne VanWynsbergh for a minor variance
at Lot 1, Conc. 8, be accepted and referred to the Committee of Adjustment
for resolution.... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the application of Donck Farms Ltd. for a zone change and official Flan
amendment at Lot 1, Conc. 8, be accepted and referred to our planning
consultants for by-law preparation .... Carried
#2375 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2375 being a by-law to authorize the establishment
of a Committee of Adjustitv-nt and to outline the powers of that committee
be :tow read a first time.....Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2375 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2375 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2376 Moved by: V. Cbute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2376 being a by-law to authorize a charge for
an application .for an Official Plan Amendment and for an application for
Re -zoning or Minor Variance to the Restricted Area By-law of the Township
of Bayham be now read a first time......... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2376 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2376 be now read a third t_Ime and finally
passed..... Carried
#2377 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G.
And resolved that By-law No. 2377 being a
Clexk to execute a Quit Claim Deed at Lot
a first time .... Carried
Mored by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J
And resolved --that By-law No. 2377 be now
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2377 be now
passed...... Carried
by-law to authorize the Reeve and
1, Conc. 8, Bayham, bE! now read
. Nezezon
read a second tim7....Carried
V. Chute
read a third time and finally
#2378 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2378 being a by-law to confirm all actions of
the council of the Township of Bayham at the mEeting held November 19, 1987,
be how read a first rime..... Carried
Moved by-: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 2378 be now read a second time ..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2378 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this council now adjourn to meet again on December 3, 1987, at 10: a.m.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
December 3, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council 1.%1)Ald this morning. Reeve
Y M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve V. Chute iWd Councillors G. Nelles,
J. Nezezon and R. Sandham in attendance
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held November 19, 1987,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) Canadian Transport Committee..notice of decision re. the C.P.Rlwy.
application to abandon the line from Tillsonburg
to Port Burwell
2) County of Elgin Libr#,atian..draft of proposed lease
3) Bob DeBrabender & Peter Hartmann..application for official plan and
zone chane at Lot 1.'.6, N.T.R.
Messrs. Keith Wooley and Dave Overbaugh and Ms. Carol_ Manary representing
the Township of Norfglk meet with council to discuss a new boundary road
agreement. With thee%ioutherly fr(m Road #38 now taken over by the county and
region, a new agreement is necessary. It is decided that the split should
be mads, at' -the Leach Flats at the point where the read running east from Eden
intersects the townline road. It is agreed that the clerk of the Township
of Norfolk will prepare the agreement. Improvements to the hill northerly
from the division point are discussed.
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets briefly to review road matter.
He is able to purchase a 2000 gallon brine tank :=rom the person from whom he
is presently obtaining brine at a cost of $600. This is less than hf: can
build one for. Mr. Gibbons is to make the purchase.
Mr. Robi=. Gregson meets with council to discuss the closing; and abandonment
of the C.P. Rail line. He suggests that if the right of way southerly from
Road #38 is available, it be purchased as a road allowance to giveaccess to
his propgtrt'jilding
at Lot 125, S.T.R. A5 he plans to expend his cattle operation,
he will be fences along this right of way.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the application of Robert DeBrabender and Peter Hartmann for the
rezoning of land and official plan amendment to Rural Residential at Lot
126, N.T.R. be accepted and referred to our planning consultants for by-law
preparation ...... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the following appointments to the several boards in and for the Township
of Bayham for three year terms commencing December 1, 1987, be approved:
Straffordv; lle Cemetery Board..B. Wolfe, B. Nevill & P. Grai-t
Eden Cemetery Board..G. Jenkins, R. Sandham with L. Hurlbert for 1 year
Guysboro Cemetery Board..Alf. Garnham 8. Al. Rivett
Dobbie Cemetery Board..W. Tupper & Mark Elliott
Calton Cemetery Boare..S. James & L. McQuiggan
Edison Pioneer Cemetery Board..J. Seghers _
Light Cemetery Board..J. Gordon & Mrs. M. West
Smuck Cemetery Board..Paul Locker
Bayham West Cemetery Board..O. Scannat ....................Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the following appointments to the several boards in and for the Township
of Bayham for a one year term commencing December 1, 1987, be approved:
Bayham Parks, Recreation & Community Centre:; Board..M. Stewart, R. Sandham,
G. Nelles, M. Schafer, W. Bates, J. DeClercq, D. Norris, J. Barclay aid
L. Locker
Long Point Region Conservation Authority..R. Sandham
Local Agricultural. Manpower Board..V: Chute with J. Nerezon as alternate
Bayham Industrial Coniiittee..Council with J. Volkaert and M. Benner
Elgin Farm Safety Council..J. NEZPzc:n..............................Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the resignation of G. Nelles from the Straffordville Cemetery Board
be accepted and that Glen Price be appointed to fill the unexpired portion
of that term..... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles i:nd Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the members of council be constituted as a Drainage Court of RevI ss on
under they Drainage Act; and that Vane Chute is hereby appointed chairman of
the said Court...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the Treasurer be authorized to have interim tax bills prepared for
1988 by Business Computer Services at a mill rete of 1:35 mills with payments
due 50% on February 29 and 50% due on May 31, 1988.....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the tender of Bay'Line Drainage for the construction of the Eden Drain
in the amount of $10,100. be accepted..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezc:n and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the appreciation of council be extended to the members
fire department for the cooperation given during the year in
their dutes...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the fol_lowirg building permits be approved:
of the Bayham
carrying out
Jack matthews
swimming pool
Gerald Couture
siding -patio & deck
Pau'_ Durst
garage addition
Abe & Nick Peters
roofing repairs
Ru -h Yallop
storage garage
John Tremblett
swimming pool & deck
Harley Scott
Joe Bezure
Jchn Laaper
Jin McDonafd
house addition
Ken Hawley
addition to mobile home
Butland Farms Ltd.
locate used storage })u-_Tlding
Gerald Taylor
kiln for storage barn
Lloyd Stansell
storage barn
Cathy Emerson
mobile home
Chris Davidson
storage garage
John Jager
Mike Mc Eready
Harold Stoll
Sue Wakling
mobile home
Herb McLuhan
mobile home
Maurice Vereecken
locate used k: -"In
John Theoret
storage shed
Joe Gascho
storage silo
DeCloet Bayham Ltd.
building addition
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the clerk be autr.orized to have the account at the Canadian Imperial
Batik of Commerce changed from a Demand account to a Notice account.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by: V. Chute
Thst adjustments beemade to taxes in accordance with appeals received and
assessments supplied by the Rcg;onal Assessment Commissioner ..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
That the following payments for extra services be made
Deputy Reeve
Deputy Clerk Tkeasurer
Road Superintendent
Office Clerk
for 198 7:
:350. ...... Carr. i ed
1c, 34
Z 158-8: Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Neze: on
And resolved that By-law Z158-87beiti� a 1-.y-1Fw to amend By-law No. 2040
(re DePlancke) be now read a first gime...... Carried
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By --law Z 158-87 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And -resolved that By --law Z 158-87 be now read a third time acid finally
tl as :ed.......Carried
#2367 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that By-law No. 236:' ( re Eden Drain Construction) be now
read a third time and finally p.• sr:ed........ Carried
#2379 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2379 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 13
to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham ( Rd � . D! Pl ancke ) be now read
a first time ...... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G.
And resolved that By-law Nr;. 2379 be now
Moved by: G. Nell -es and Seconded by: J.
And resolved that By-law No. 2379 be now
passed...... Carried
#2380 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G.
And rt: -solved that By-law No. 2380 being
providing for the maintenance of certain
first time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2?80 be now
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R.
And resolved that By-law Nc. 2380 be now
passed ...... Carried
#2381 Moved by: J. Nezezen and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 238.1 being
the council of the Township of Bayham n t
be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R.
And resolved that By-law No. 2381 be now
Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J.
And resolved that By-law NO. 2381 be now
pas�ed....... Carried
read a second time.... Carried /--�
Nczezon !
read a third time and finally
by-lE.w to amend By-law Nc . 2369
mu.ni c; pa 1 drains he now read a -
J. Nezezon
read a second time.... Carried
read a third time and finally
V. Chute
a by-law to confirm all actions of
the m -seting held December 3, 1987,
read a second t mE.....Carried
read a third time and finally
Moved by: R. Sandham 4.nd Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the appreciation of this council be conveyed to Reeve Stewart for
his dedication and leadership during 19€37...... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That general accounts totaling $68,260.60 and road accounts totaling
$50,166.37 be approved and that this council now adjourn to meet again on
December 17, 1987 -at 7:30p.m. .......Carried
� - �Z,Reeve
Tax Adjustments per resolution passed above:
1986 Tax Adjustments (496)
Dofasco Inc
1987 Assessment-REview.Board Adjustments
Warner Taylor
1987 Tax . Ad iustments ( 496 )
12 514 134.20
$ 134.20
12 1059 291.84
Butland Farms Ltd
Butland Farms Ltd
Glen Babcock
Butland Farms Ltd
David Causyns
Isidore Volkaert
Edward Ens
Edward Ens
Blondeel Nursery
Stanley Burwell
Stanley Burwell
James Chilcott
Louis Bari
Margaret Johnston
John Walker
John Walker
Maurice Vereecken
Ellen Eff
Eden Cartage
Meesus Brower
Meesus Brower
George LePage
George Lepage
Eeley Chev- Olds
Linda Fischer
Linda Fischer
Alphonse Laemers
Alphonse Laemers
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
December 17, 1987
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M•: Stewart presides with: Deputy Reeve V. Chute and Councillors
G. Nelles, J. Nexezon and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: V. Chute «nd Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of council held December 3,
1987, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the
Reeve's signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) Township of Peel..request to endorse resolution :o curtail use
of blo-unfriendly materiels and to bring about a
reduction to in wastt, materials
2) Douglas Gunn, Q.0 ... request to pass resolution to support
retention of court facilities in Elgin County
3) Lung Point region C/...preliminary budget for 1988
4) G. Douglas Vallee Ltd..cost estimatefor Moore Bridge
5 ) G. Douglas Vallee Lt:d .. cost t�stinatiefor Tunnel Road culvert replacement
6) Canine Control Shelter..request for fee increase for 1588
7) Village of Dutton..copy of correspondence to Ministry of Health
re. refusal to give Landed Immigrant status to
Dr. Kevin 'loon to practice in Dutton
8) Ontario Municipal Board..Appointmt:nt of Eearing re Cowan severances
and Official Plan and Zoning amendments.
9) Township of Norfolk..copy of proposed boundary road agreement
10) County of Elgin..request to endorse resolution re. retention of
court facilities in St. Thomas
11) Elgin -St. Thomas Healt ht Unit .. abandonment of plumbing inspections
12) Hon. John Wise..acknowledgement of correspondence re. C.P. Railway
abandonment and tunnel problem
The public meeting as advertised to hear comments on the proposed
new comprehensive zoning by-law is declared open by Reeve Stewart.
Messrs. G. Blazuk and J. Sennema representing Dimming Cockburn Ltd.
are in attendance and reveiw the updated by-law. There is no one in
attendance washing to comment -on the by-law. Reeve Stewart declares
the public meeting for this purpose closed.
Mrs. Judy Oldham meets with Council to discuss a possible severance
at Jot 22, Con. 8, west of the Village of Eden. The lot is divided by
a gulley and could be severed for an additional lot. Co,.:ncil will
have no objections to this as it is a logical extension of Eden. Reeve
Stewart will inquire from Mr. Miller of. Agriculture & Food if there
might be ally objection .from the Ministry.
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to rEview
road matters. There is a water ponding problem at Lot 15, Conc. 10,
between the Dafoe rind Cus properties. Por. Dafoe will allow a ditch on
his property along the boundary if this is practical. Otherwise, it
will be necessary to ditch to the north. Mr. Gib', -ons will take. levels
and alleviate the problem as soon as possible. C:,-►uncil requests Mr.
Gibbons to try to locate an additional 10,000 gal taik for brine storage.
Mr. Carl Biro meets with council to inquire as to passible severance
of hi.s property at Lot 132. P,as;t of Straffordville. This being about
4 acres, and of nom., a�;ric,;lt ora'_ potential. eo:tncil would have no objections
to severance to a,_comodate about 3 :tots.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with coucil to review fiie matters. He
has been advised of the purchase of the former Alton farm east of Eden
by Mr. Albert White and that 1 --he fire department would be against any
zone change to allow PCB storage at '=his site.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Nezt zon
That this council Endorse the resolution of the To-Amship of Peel
in urging the Premier of Ontario, with his government, to fir:.tly enact
legislation, without delay `tiat would limit, curtail, and in some
instances prohibit the manufacture, use, and d3&tribution of bio -
unfriendly materials, and secondly, to enact legislation that will
about an overalL red.:ction in the volume cf domestic, commercial, and
industrial wastt; generated through taxation, negative taxaticn, subsidies
or other incentives as it sects fit....... Carried
Moved by: V. Chi.:.te and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this council endorse the resolution of the Gounty of Elgin in
urging the Province of Ontario to desist from the proposal to move the
Administration of Justice facilities ou`_ of St. Thomas to the City
of Ldndon......... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
That the rate for animal control services paid to Canine Control Shelter
be $20.25 per hour with a stand-by fee of $75. per month in 1978....Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded
That perpetual care fund interest
boards as follows:
Old Port Burwell
Bayham west
by: J. Nezezon
be distributed
to the various cemetery
By -Laws:
#2382 Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2382 being a by-law to regulate the use of
lamed, and the character, location and use of buildings and structures
in the Township of Bayham be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2382 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: G.-Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon
And resolved that By-law No. 2382 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2383 Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2383 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held December
17, 1987, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles
And resolved that by-law No. 2383 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Hezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2383 be now read a third time and finally
Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this council now adjourn to meet again on January 7, 1988 at
10: a.m......... Carried
G -
4 OC Wrok 2:50
Reeve Clerk