HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1984BAYHAM
Council Minutes
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
January 5, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
1v. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by; R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 15,
1983, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and
the Reeve's signature authorized on same..... Carried
Councillor V. Chute declares a conflict of interest in a tile drainage
by-law to be presented at this meeting.
Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert is to be excused at 11:15 a.m. to attend a
meeting with the Provincial Treasurer with representatives of other
municipalities concerning the increased taxes on cigarettes.
1) Aylmer & East Elgin Agricultural Society..request for grant
2) Village of Port Burwell..advice that village not interested in
purchasing our fire pumper
3) Attorney General..request to establish drinking -driving committee
in municipality
4) Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario..advice of vacancy on executive
committee for zone 1
5) Ministry of Agriculture & Food..end of tile drain funding for 1983/4
6) County of Elgin..request to endorse resolution re. Conrail purchase
7) Salvation Army.. request for grant
Kevin, McIlmurray representing Spriet Associates meets with Council to
report on the progress of the newly constructed library building. It is
now essentially completed with the exception of the heating system and
step railings.
Mr. James Gibbons reports on road matters. They are still repairing
machinery when not snow ploughing.
Mr. Wm. Underhill reports on building matters. It has been very quiet
with only two permits issued. Mr. Underhill alsoveports on the progress
made on the library building.
Mr. Harold Dennis meets with Council to report on fire matters. The
new truck is not yet completed and the date of delivery not known.
Advertisements have been placed for the sale of the present pumper.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: V. Chute
That this Council endorse the resolution of the Elgin County Road
Committee in requesting the Canadian Transport Commission to hold a
hearing at an early date to deal with the matter of future ownership
of the Conrail Railway Line so that the company purchasing Conrail
can proceed with the improvement of crossings, inasmuch as Conrail
has been in a position of impending sale for the better part of the
year and Conrail has done very ltttkt _maintenance on County road crossings.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 94 (3) of the Municipal Act,
the blanket position bond covering township employees having been
examined by the members is ordered filed..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; V. Chute
That the tax collector be authorized to have interim tax bills prepared
for a levy of 90 mills with payments due 50% on February 29, and 50%
due on May 31st..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; V. Chute
That this municipality renew memberships in the following associations
and appoint delegates to same:.
Association Delegate(s)
Association of Municipalities
of Ontario
Ontario Good Roads Association
all members of council and the clerk
all members of council, the road
superintendent, the clerk and deputy clerk
Ontario Farm Drainage Association the drainage commissioner and clerk
Association of Municipal Clerks the clerk treasurer
& Treasurers of Ontario
Ontario Building Officials the chief building official
Ontario Association of the fire chief and the deputy
Fire Chiefs fire chief
.......... .........Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by; R. Sandham
That the Treasurer be authorized to petition the Ministry of
TRansportation & Communications for subsidy on road expenditures made
in 1983..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
That the following building permits be approved:
Underhill Farm Supplies Ltd storage shed $16,500.
Dan DeCloet storage barn 18,000.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That this Council request the Ministry of Revenue to prepare an
impact study in preparation for updating the base year on which
assessments in the Township of Bayham�are based from 1975 to 1980 for
possible return in 1984 for 1985 taxation.... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and seconded by; V. Chute
That all salaries and allowances be increased 5% for 1984..... Carried
#2191 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2191 being a by-law to impose a special
annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed
under the Tile Drainage Act, be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by; R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2191 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2191 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2192 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2192 being a by-law to authorize the
borrowing of $1,650,000. be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2192 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2192 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2193 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2193 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held January 5,
1984, be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2193 be now read a second time.....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2193 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; V. Chute
That general accounts totaling $389,843.55 and road accounts totaling
$35,716.42 be approved; and that this Council now adjourn to meet
again on January 19, 1984, at 7:30 p.m. .......Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
January 19, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 5,
1984, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the
Reeve's signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) Tillsonburg Chamber of Commerce..notice of Rural -Urban night
on February 16, 1984
2) Township of London..nomination of A. F. Bannister for the
executive committee of ROMA
3) Belanger, Cassino & Benson..request to execute franchise agreement
with N.R.G. Ltd.
4) Big Brothers Association..invitation to participate in bowling
tournament to raise funds for the Association
5) Canine Control Shelter..request for an increase in rates for 1984
6) G. Douglas Vallee Ltd..quotation for bridge engineering
7) Spriet Associates..quotation for bridge engineering
8) Association of Municipalities of Ontario..ROMA convention program
9) Bell, Lemon & Houghton..information re. closing of Richmond Street
10) Town of Aylmer..request to endorse resolution re. tobacco taxes
11) John & Katherine Nezezon..zoning amendment application
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to review road
matters. Mr. Terry Cox has complained of a water problem at Lot 118,
NTR, which might be improved by a road ditch redirecting the water. Mr.
Gibbons is to invite Mr. Cox to a meeting to further discuss this matter.
There is a request from the Township of Norfolk road superintendent to
reconstruct a portion of our townline road in 1984. This is to be
further discussed at budget time.
Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with Council to review
building matters. The new library building is completed except for
the ramp railing and stair treads. The library staff have been installing
the shelving. The Eden Baptist Church is considering the installation
of a chair lift, and request that the builAng permit fee be waived.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by; V.. Chute
That Mrs. Marjorie Davison, proprietress of Canine Control Shelter,
be paid at the rate of $18. per hour as per request of December 30,
1983, ........Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by; J. Volkaert
That G. Douglas Vallee Limited be requested to prepare the engineering
for the widening of structures 0005 and 0007, at Lots 27 and 28 between
Concessions 2 & 3 and 3 & 4 respectively ..... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the application of John Nezezon & Katherine Nezezon to rezone
land at Lot 21, Conc. 4, from Al to Al Special for market gardening
purposes be approved; and the public meeting to consider same be held
on March 1, 1984, at 2:00 p.m.; and that the clerk refer the application
to our planning consultants for by-law preparation ..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
That the building permit fee for renovations at the Eden Baptist
Church be waived..... Carried
#2194 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2194 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held January
19, 1984, be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by; V. Chute and Seconded by; R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2194 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by; V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2194 be now read a third time and
finally passed...... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by; R. Sandham
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on February 21 ,984,
at 10:00 a.m. ......carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
January J', 1984.
A special meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute and R. Sandham in attendance.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the purchase of a new office
computer to replace the present posting machine. A proposal by
Olivetti Canada Limited has been reviewed by Council. The municipal
auditors have also met with Olivetti representatives and are of the
opinion that the proposed system will be satisfactory for our purposes.
Moved by; J. Volkaert and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the clerk be authorized to purchase an Olivetti M 20, 10 MB Disk,
640 k floppy computer system at $10,989. plus software costs...... Carried
Moved by; R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn..... carried
—Reeve Clerk
A special meeting of Bayham Township
M. Stewart presides with Deputy reeve
and R. Sandham in attendance.
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
January 28, 1984
Council is held this morning. Reeve
J. Volkaert and Councillors V. Chute
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the purchase of a used truck
available from Eden Cartage Ltd. which has been inspected by a mechanic i.
of MTC. The truck has been safety checked and is in good condition.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the offer of Eden Cartage Ltd. to sell to the municipality a 1980
Mack truck DM model for the sum of $35,000. , and as approved by the
Ministry of Transportation & Communications, be approved.....Carried
Moved by: it.. Chute and seconded by; J. Volkaert
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn.... Carried
eeve Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
February 2, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by; R. Green
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 19, and
special meetings held Janaury 24 and 28, having been examined by the
members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on
same...... Carried
1) Spriet Associates..notice re. ROMA and OGRA conventions
2) Elgin County Plowmen's Association..request for grant
3) Tillsonburg Tri County Agr. Assoc.. of it it
4) Frink Canada..quotation for ,new- dump box
5) Ontario Hydro..tranmission line study..invitation to have meeting
with hydro representative
6) Ontario Municipal Board..notice of hearing re. appeal against
Land Division Committee decision (Wm. Rayson)
7) Ministry of Transportation & Communicat.ions..mechanic's report
regarding condition of used Mack truck
8) Minister of Revenue..acceptance of our request for assessment
update to 1980 values and starting impact study
9) Ministry of Transportation & Communications..subsidy allocation for 1984
James Gibbons, road superintendent, reports on the conditions of the
roads_Snow clearing has taken more time this year than last due to more
snow fall and high winds causing drifting. He has met with the Township
of Norfolk road superintendent regarding the reconstruction of our
townline road. It is estimated that the costs will be about $35,000. permile.
Messrs.Gerald Taylor and Lyle Wells of Frank Cowan Company present a
detailed report of our insurance coverage. For the most part, coverage
is quite adequate. A recommendation to place the individually insured
vehicles under a fleet policy is accepted by Council, and the new
library building added.
Mr. Gabe D'Amore, representing Allied Chemical Ltd., presents a
review of the roads in Bayham as to 1st., 2nd and 3rd. class roads.
Using the information pres•�nted it is possible to keep track of
maintenance costs by sections. The presentation is mainly to record
the costs and usage of calcium chloride as a dust control measure.
Mr. Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with Council to report on
building projects in the municipality. Five permits have been issued
for work now under way or starting shortly.
Mr. Harold Dennis, fire chief, presents his reports for the year 1983.
Losses are up slightly over 1982, with more fires and increased values.
The new fire truck is still being constructed at King Seagraves with
the delivery date still unknown.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and
That the following building
Warner Taylor
Paul Millard & Geo. Horvath
G. & C. Bechard
Harry Schipper
Clarence Milmine
Seconded by; V. Chute
permits be approved:
new aluminum siding $35500.
new garage addition 2,000.
sales & service warehouse 25,000.
new silo and extend one 24,000.
house addition & renovation 16,000.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by; J. Volkaert
Whereas the sum of $75,000. was included in the 1983 budget as 'Reserve
for Equipment* (for library building and fire equipment)
And Whereas $35,297. was actually expended on the library building and
$8,745.was paid as a deposit on new fire equipment,
Therefore b -e it resolved that the 'Reserve for Equipment' purchase at
December 31, 1983, be established at $31,000. .....earried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this Council support the Council of the Town of Aylmer in expressing
concern to the Federal and Provincial Governments regarding the present
tobacco tax system being used by the Federal and Provincial Governments
in Canada;
That the unfairness of the system to the present and future of the
flue -cured tobacco industry be pointed out;
That the potential impact of crop reduction and job reduction to local
municipalities and to local businesses be acknowledged, both through the
original sale of tobacco products, as well as through the ripple effect
resulting from reduced buying power for tobacco industry employees;
That the potential recurrence of tobacco product smuggling be recognized;
That the inequities of a 15.8% tax increase during a declared period of
restraint be addressed; and
That a complete review of the present tax stystem and its impact upon
segments of the agricultural industry be undertaken to determine what
better alternatives exist..... Carried
By -Laws:
##2195 Moved by; R. Sandham and Seconded by; R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2195 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meetings held January 24,
January 28 and February 2, 1984, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by; V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2195 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by; R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2195 be now read a third time and finally
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by; R. Sandham
That general accounts for 1983 paid in 1984 in the amount of $36,884.69,
and general accounts totaling $47,900.87 for 1984, and road accounts for
1983 in the amount of $14,826.39 and road accounts totaling $21,859.21
for 1984 be approved; and that this Council now adjourn to meet again
on February 16, 1984, at 7:30 p.m ....... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
February 16, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this
evening. Reeve M. stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert
and Councillors V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February
2, 1984, having been examined by the members are hereby approved
and the reeve's signature authorized on same.
Councillor V. Chute declares a conflict of interest in the
matter of an application for rezoning of property to be
presented this evening by Mr. David Chute.
1) Township of Malahide..challenge to compete at the local
ploughing match
2) Bill Searles Welding Ltd..quotation for dump box
3) Wiltsie Truck Bodies Ltd..quotation for dump box
4) Frink Canada Ltd..quotation for dump box
Jim Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to review
road matters. The unseasonably warm weather has caused some
flooding and many of the gravelled roads are breaking up. Some
soft spots are developing in the tar & chip roads. Mr. Gibbons
will be placing half load signs on these roads to attempt to
keep heavy traffic off them until the frost is out.
Mr. David Chute meets with Council to request a zoning change
at Lot 1, Talbot Road north side from residential to permit the
sale of used cars at that lo,..cation. A portion of the lot is
presently zoned for commercial purposes. Mr. Chute agrees that
if the application is accepted, there wil have to be several
stringent restrictions included as the property is quite small
for this use, and also 'the, close proximity to residences. Council
will discuss the matter later in the evening and advise Mr. Chute
of their decision.
Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with Council to review
building matters. He reports on the completion of the library
building and the acceptance of the completion by our engineers
on February 14th.
Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with Council to review fire
matters. He has been to Woodstock and inspected our new truck
and delivery is expected around the end of February. He has had
an inquiry from the fire chief at Novar as to the sale of our
present truck, and it is expected that a delegation from that
community will examine the vehicle on February 18th.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
Whereas Reeve Stewart of the Township of Bayham is a council
member of stout heart;
And Whereas Reeve Stewart is considered by all as a ploughman
of considerable skills;
Therefore be it resolved that the challenge of Bull Mover Caverly
and his Council to meet on the local ploughing match field at the
St. Thomas Hospital site be accepted;
And further that the aforesaid Bull Mover Caverly be advised that
his days as oxen team champion are drawing to a close.... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the quotation of Frink Canada to supply and install a 'Frink
Super Hauler' 15 ft. dump body and 30 ton hoist with folding
stabilizer frame assembly be accepted.... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and seconded by: R. Green
That the application of David Chute to rezone property at Lot
1, Talbot street N/S, Plan 205, from residential to hamlet
commercial be refused as this location is not considered suitable
for a used car lot..,.I.Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded
That grants be made to the following
The Salvation Army $100.
Ontario March of Dimes 100.
Aylmer & East Elgin Agr. Society 100.
Elgin County Plougman's Assoc. 100.
Tillsonburg Tri -County Agr. Soc. 100.
St. John Ambulance 100
by; R. Sandham
organizations for 1984:
#2196 Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by; J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2196 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting
held February 16, 1984, be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and seconded by; R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2196 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by; R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2196 be now read a third time and
finally passed...... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: V. Chute
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on March 1, 1984,
at 10:00 a.m. ........Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
March 1, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this
morning. Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert
and Councillors V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February
16, 1984, having been examined by the members are hereby approved;
and the Reeve's signature authorized on same...... Carried
1) Township of Malahide..response to ploughing match challenge
2) Township of Yarmouth..invitation to meeting re. Hydro Route
Stage Study (Mar. 20/84)
3) Land Division Committee..severance application..Lyle Tait
4) R. K. McNeil..reply re. resolution on tobacco taxes
5) County of Elgin. -request for flag for ploughing match
6) Donald Rockefeller..quotation of rates for hired machinery
Mr. Jim Shewchuk representing Ontario Hydro meets with Council to
update the Route Stage Study presently being carried out. It is
proposed to carry out the first stage (possibly along Hwy. 401)
at a cost of about $84. million by 1989. The second stage will
follow the presently used corridor and be in service by 1999. This
passes through South Dorchester in Elgin. Hydro is now waiting on
a Divisional Court decision on whether or not sufficient notice
was given, and on Environmental Assessments. Depending on the
Divisional Court decision, all routes which have been previously
considered by the Joint Board may be reconsidered. This includes
a possibly route through Bayham. The Decision of the Joint Board
will be an expropriation order, and property will then be acquired
by Hydro. The owners will have the choice of easement or sale
of property. Consents will not be required unless Council notifies
the Joint Board of planning policies which might be affected. Any
notification to the Joint Board should notify them that local
severance policies must be complied with.
Wm. Underhill, buiding inspector, meets with Council to review
building matters and presents a resolution with building permits
for approval.
Mr. Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with Council to review fire
matters. The new fire pumper will be delivered on March 2nd.
Messrs. Scott Carroll, Allen Fisher and Richard Wood representing
the Straffordville Lions Club meet with Council to request the
use of the former library premises as a club room. This has been
before Council previously, and Council is agreeable to the proposal.
An agreement and rental will have to be considered. Also, some
renovating will be required.
Mr. David Russell meets with Council to discuss the purchase of
some of the sections of road allowances as closed in the former
Village of Willsonburg. He offers Council $600. for all the parcels
to which he is entitled. This amount is agreeable with Council.
Councillor R. Green suggests that consideration be given to establishing
a policy whereby any zone change applications be heard at one meeting
and a decision not be given until the next meeting unless all
members are familiar with the subject property and the proposed use.
This meets with the approval of the members and can be further discussed
at the next meeting.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; J. Volkaert
That this Council objects to the severance application of M. Lyle
Tait at Lot 18, Conc. 1, and #E 13/84, as the lands are now zoned
A 1 and to comply with our By-law 2040 have to be Rural Residential.
• ........Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the Clerk be directed to request the Joint Board on Ontario
Hydro Hearings to forward information on any required severances
in Bayham to this Council for consideration and an opportunity
to reply regarding planning policies.... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the following building permits be approved:
Dave Vogelzang new log residence $42,316.
Gary Thorton new res. (Red Oaks) 383000.
Max Wolfe residence addition 10,000.
Elgin Co -Op storage tanks 79500.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; R. Green
That the offer of the Township of Perry to purchase the 1966
Ford fire pumper & chassis for the sum of $11,000., said vehicle
sold as and where is, be approved..... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green
That Gary Blazak of MacLaren Plansearch Inc. be requested to
present Bayham Planning policies regarding the appeal against the
decision of the Elgin Land Division Committee on application
# E 89/83 (Wm. & Patricia Rayson)...... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to renew the lease for the
garage apartment presently being rented by Gene Vandevyvere and
Valerie Dejaegher for a further one year period at a monthly
rentAl of $250. .......Carried
Moved by; J. Volkaert and Seconded by; R. Sandham
That Parts 12, 13, 145 159 169 17, 18, & 19 of Plan 11 R 1685 be
sold to David John Russell for the sum of $600. ; the aforesaid
Mr. Russell being responsible for the costs of the conveyance....
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the resolution passed on December 15, 1983, objecting to the
severance application of John & Katherine Nezezon, being application
# E 97/83, be recinded; the proposed land use being market gardening
which is a permitted use in the A 1 zone...... Carried
#2197 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by; V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2197 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting
held March 1, 1984, be now read a first time....Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by; R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2197 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2197 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That general accounts totaling $79,254.06 and road accounts totaling
$48,550.28 be approved; and that this Council now adjourn to meet
again on March 15, 1984, at 7:30 p.m. ......Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario►
March 15, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
In the absence of Reeve Stewart, the meeting is called to order by
the clerk. Present are Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute and R. Green.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
That in the absence of Reeve M. Stewart, Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert
be appointed Acting reeve..... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 1, 1984,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) Y. M. C. A. ..request for grant and notice of Youth County Program
2) Elgin Plowing Match Committee..farm beautification program
3) Minister of Tourism & Recreation..announcement of new Wintario
Development Grants
4) Township of Vespra..information on annexation issue between
Vespra and City of Barrie
5) G. Douglas Vallee Ltd..design criteria for repairs to the
Goodhand and Underhill bridges
6) Petition for Drainage..F. Langhor & others for reconstruction
of the drain along #19 Hwy. in Eden
7) Hon. John Wise, M.P..a�knowledgement of resolution on tobacco
tax with comments
8) Township of Norfolk..notice of preliminary drain report re.
Norfolk/Bayham townline
Mr. Hugh Ketchabaw, draLn inspector, meets with Council to report
on a drainage problem at the southerly end of Straffordville. Ms.
Jean Simmons has had a problem during the spring run-off for several
years. It is felt that the proper solution to this problem is a
municipal drain, and Mr. Ketchabaw will take this to the interested
parties_, dor considearation, and if interested will give them a petition
Mr. Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with Council to review fire
matters. The new fire pumper has been received and appears to be
working satisfactorily. It will be necessary to inspect all church
buildings in the municipality for safety under the new fire code.
Mr. Jim Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to review
road matters. It will be necessary to hire a new person for the
road department, at least for the summer months. Mr. Gibbons
recommends that tile be placed along the northerly side of the
road between concessions 9 & 10 at Lot 17. This should alleviate
the water problem of eroding the field of Mr. Ross Carson which
is presently receiving the water.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
That the road superintendent be authorized to execute the bridge
criteria applications for the Goddhand and Underhill Bridges as
prepared by G. Douglas Vallee Ltd..... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute %'
That the petition for drainage as presented by Foster Langhor and
_ others in the Village of Eden be accepted and the Conservation
Authority and Ministry of Natural Resources be notified accordingly
#2198 Moved by: R. Green and seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2198 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held
March 15, 1984, be now read a first time.... carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2198 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by; V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2198 be now read a third time and
finally passed...... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
Thatthis Council now adjourn to meet again on April 5, 1984, at
10:00 a.m. ........Carried
eeve Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
March 21, 1984
A special meeting of Bayham Township Council for the purpose of
setting road expenditures is held this evening. Reeve M. Stewart
presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors V. Chute,
R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Road construction projects will be carried out on the Norfolk/Bayham
townline, the Malahide/Bayham townline and on the road between
Concession 3 & 4 at Lots 18/19. The purchase of a new truck for the
roads department will complete expenditues to $136,900. Repairs to
the Goodhand bridge and engineering will be by supplementary subsidy
allocation if available.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That a program of road expenditures in the amounts of $288,200.
for maintenance and $136,900. for construction be adopted for 1984
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by; R. Green
That the Clerk make application to the Ministry of Transportation
& Communications for a supplementary road allocation to pay the
cost of engineering in the amount of $7,000. for the Goodhand and
Underhill bridge repairs; and $14,000. for the repairs to the
Goodhand bridge...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by: R. Green
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn...... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
April 5, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 15, and
special meeting held March 21, 1984, having been examined by the members
are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same...
Councillor V. Chute declares a conflict of interest on tile drainage
loan applications and on the application of David Chute for rezoning
to be presented during this meeting.
1) Village of Port Burwell..invitation to attend BusinessMen's Assoc
meeting on Apr. 15/84
2) Ontario Energy Board..application for rate change by N.R.G.
3) City of Thunder Bay..request to endorse resolution(s) re. pornographic
information accessed by telephone
4) City of Vanier..request to endorse resolution requesting Premier
to declare Ontario officially bilingual
5) Financial Collection Services. -offer of services in tax arrears
b) Canadian Transport Commission. -information that hearing will be
held in Conrail sale early in 1984
7) Canadian Transport Commission..Certificate of Public Necessity issued
to Erie Express Holding Corp.
8) Land Division Committee..severance application..Edith & Frank Green
9) Elgin County of Agriculture..notice of drainage
information meeting at St. Thomas on Apr. 17/84
10) Ministry of Natural Resources..info. re. delivery of Bicentennial
James Gibbons meets with Council to review road matters. Several pieces
of egipment are being repaired. Council requests that he have quotations
for spray materials for the Aprtl 19th. meeting. The problem of erosion
on the hill at Lot 17, Conc. 10, will require about 500 feet of tile
and a catch basin to accomodate water run-off. Dunville Rock Co. has
informed Mr. Gibbons of a 5% increase in A gravel and chips for this year.
Messrs. Wm. Blake representing Natural Resource Gas Ltd. and Douglas
Cassino of Belanger, Cassino & Benson meet with Council to further
discuss the franchise of N.R.G. Ltd. Council requests that a map of the
lines in use be provided to assist the road superintendent in
knowing when to contact the company for information at construction
times. While it is not recommended by the Energy Board, Mr. Blake
will provide a map showing the general area where lines are located.
Mr. Blake suggests that the municipality give him a schedule of
roads to be reconstructed and they will then provide a committal as
to when lines can be moved. He feels that previots problems have
resulted from a lack of communication. Mr. Cassino requests that
Council give consideration to the signing of the franchise agreement.
Messrs. Jos. DeVoss. Councillor for Norfolk Township and Dave
Overbaugh, road superintendent, meet with Council to discuss the
reconstruction of:$ portion of the townline road in 1984. It is agreed
that approximately one mile, from Road 45 northerly to our 5th.
Concession road will be done this year, with a further mile done in
1985 if funds are available.
It is reported that the school field day will be held on May 29th.,
and permission to use the park is granted,however, the park is to be
returned to its original condition after the field day exercises.
Mr. Russell Mannell meets with Council to discuss the farm and residence
beautification program being carried out in conjunction with the
International Plowing Match in 1985. There are several classes of
properties being entered for evaluation of improvements. The committee
has a budget of $16,500. set and is requesting grants from the local
Mr. Elgin Wells, County Librarian, meets with Council to discuss the
lease for the library building. Maintenance of the building and winter
snow removal are sequined by the County. Council does not wish to take
on these responsibilities. Also, the insurance clause in the proposed
lease, which would give the County the insurance proceeds in case
of destruction by fire, is not accepted by Council. Concerns of the
library staff are presented by Mr. Wells as to the uses of the `easement.
If rented out, who is responsible for booking and collecting rent. Also,
the matter of key control is of concern to the staff. It is tenatively
decided to hold the official opening of the building on June 16th.
Mr. G. Menard meets with Council to see if a severance is possible
on a parcel of land containing about 2.7 acres on Hwy 19 south of the
Village of Vienna. It is located in Lot 15, Conc. 2. Since it is not
agricultural land, Council would not object to a severance proposal.
Mr. Gary Blazak, representing MacLaren Plansearch Inc. meets with
Council to review plats to update the present official plan. Grants
are available to cover 50% of the estimated $15,000. cost. It would
be done in 3 phases over a 24 month period. Phase 1 is the background
study which would take about 6 months. Phase 2, the policy review
and development stage, about 6 months and phase 3, the preparation of
of the official plan, about 8 to 9 months. Mr. Blazak will prepare
the application to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing and
supporting materials for Council consideration during the next month.
Mr. David Chute meets with Council the present an application to rezone
about 1/2 acre of land at his farm and residence to Rural Commercial
to allow the sale of used cars from those premises. Council will deal
with this matter on April 19th.
Mr. William Underhill meets with Council to review building matters
and the spring clean-up at the park. Council requests that he have
the park and library lots put back in shape and the winter collection
of debris removed.
Mr. Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with Council to review fire
matters. He reports that all is well in that department.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That a grant of $500. be made to the property beautification propgram
of the International Plowing Match..... Carried
Moved by:R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That MacLaren Plansearch Inc. be engaged to prepare a proposal for
for submission to the Ministry of Municipal affairs & Housing for the
preparation of a new official plan for the municipality and requesting
a Community Planning Study Grant to assist in the related work.....
"loved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the following applications for tile drainage loans be
Manfred Hermann Lot 126, Conc. 7, $7,100.
Manfred Hermann Lot 135, Conc. 7, 3,400.
Otto Hermann Lot 136, Conc. 7, 11,200.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That the following building permits be approved:
Gary Simpson entrance addition $1,500.
-- Luce new residence 39,000.
Richard Matthews residence addition 205000.
Vienna Auto Wreckers roofing 8,000.
Gilles Therrien repair shed & storage 31000.
#2199 Moved by: R.. Sandham and Seconded by; R. Green
And resolved th4t By-law No. 2199 being a by-law to establish a
penalty charge for non-payment of current taxes and to provide
interest to be added to tax arrears be now read a first time....
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2199 be now read a second time....
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by; R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2199 be now read a third time and
passed ..... Carried
#2?00 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by; J. Volkaert
And resolved that By=law No. 2200 being a by-law to confirm all
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meetings held
21, 1984, and April 5, 1984, be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved thot By-law No. 2200 be now read a second time......
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2200 be now read a third time and
passed...... Carried
Moved by; R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
That general accounts totaling $379,959.90 and road accounts totaling
$24,241.29 be approved and that this Council now adjourn to meet again
on April 19th., at 7:30 p.m. .....Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
April 19, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held April 5, 1984,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the
Reeve's signature authorized on same.....Carried
Councillor V. Chute declares a conflict of interest in certain tile
drain loan applications and the decision on the David Chute application
to rezone lands.
1) G. P. Janitorial... quotation for library
2) N.R.G. Ltd.. map of existing gas lines
3) Long Point Region C/A..1984 flood warning
4) Lyal Tait..application to rezone lands at
system and coordinators
Lot 18, Conc. 1
Mr. Murray Benner, representative on the Land Division Committee
meets with Council to get input on the severance application of
Edith and Frank Green which was received by Council on April 5th.
The application apprears to be contrary to both the official plan
and zoning by-law.
Mr. Hugh Ketchabaw meets with Council to review drain matters. He
informs Council that considerable repairs are necessary on the
Pearson Drain at Lot 6, N.G.
Mr. Harold Dennis meets with Council to review fire matters. By the
new fire code, emergency lighting will have to be installed in the
community centre building. Amtelecom Inc. is going to install an
amplifier on one of the phones in the fire system to see if this will
assist in better communication of fire calls.
James Gibbons meets with Council to review road matters. Applications
for a temporary employee are opened with five persons selected for
interview on May 1st. Quotations for roadside weed spray are reviewed.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by; R. Sandham
That this Council objects to the application for severance of Edith
and Frank Green, Lots 6 & 7, N.G., #E 17/84, as this application is
contrary to the policies in our official plan and zoning by-law....
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by; V. Chute
That the quotation of Max Underhill's Farm Supply Ltd. for 600 liters
of Silvaprop Brushkiller @ $3.72 per liter be accepted..... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded
That the application of David Chute
of the property owned by him at Lot
Commercial for the sale and storage
• accepted and the public meeting to
7, 1984, at 8:30 p.m. ......Carried
by: R. Sandham
for the rezoning o -f a
18, Conc. 3, from A 1
of used motor vehicles
consider same be held
to Rural
only be
on June
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by; V. Chute
That the permission of the fire chief to have an extension of up
to two years to have emergency lighting installed in the community
centre building be requested..... carried
Moved by: R. Green and
Seconded by: R.
That the following applications
for tile
loans be approved:
Isadore & Irma Volkaert,
20, Conc.
Isadore & Irma Volkaert,
25, Conc.
Butland Farms Ltd.
19 & 20,
Conc. 2,
10,800. .....Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by; V. Chute
That taxes be reduced in accordance with appeals received and
assessments provided by the Regional Assessment Commissioner.....
#2201 Moved by; R. Green and seconded by; J.
And resolved that By-law No. 2201 being a
actions of the Council of the Township of
held April 19, 1984, be now read a first
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by; R.
And resolved that By-law No. 2201 be now
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J.
And resolved that By-law No. 2201 be now
finally passed..... Carried
Moved by:
That this
at 10:00
by-law to confirm all
Bayham at the meeting
time.... Carried
read a second time ... Carried
read a third time and
V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
Council now adjourn to meet again on May 3, 1984,
a.m. .......Carried
Tax adjustments per resolution:
Paul Howe
Clarence Milmine
C. D.
Phillips Ltd.4450
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
May 3, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillor
R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held April 19,
1984, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and
the Reeve's signature authorized on same.... Carried
1) United Church of Canada..request to enact by-law to restrict
access to pornographic materials
2) Ontario Hydro..estimate of costs to relocate hydro line -at
Lots 18-19 between Concessions 3 & 4
3) Morris, Holmes & Jenkins..request to pass resolution that residence
in the hamlet of Richmond which encroaces on the
road allowance will be allowed to remain
4) Ministry of Tourism & Recreation..informatign on Wintario
Development Program(s)
5) Township of Norfolk..notice re. consideration of report on the
Norfolk/Bayham Townline Drain
6) H. Dennis, Bayham Fire Chief..reply re. request for extension
of time to install emergency equipment in the
community centre building (one year)
Offers of purchase for the 1967 Chev truck being sold by the road
department are opened:
Henry Lamers $750.
Gilles Therrien 500.
W. James Forris 500.
Henry Wiebe 706.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and
That the following building
Romel Farms Ltd.
Randy Underhill
Remi VandeSlyke
Ross Carson
Max Mor's e
David Douglas Sanderson
Stan Burwell
Seconded by: R. Sandham
permits be approved:
mobile home for harvest help
8 bulk kilns
new storage barn
new double wide home
Florida room
siding & windows
storage bldg. (garage)
•••• ..............Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That Ralph Bradfield be engaged to work on the road department
commencing May 14th., and George Codling be engaged to work on the
road department commencing May 28th., as temporary employees as
required during the summer months..... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by; R. Sandham
That temporary employees on the road department be paid at the rate
of $8.32 per hour for the first 2 months of employment and $8.82
per hour thereafter ...... Carried
By -Laws:
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2202 being a by-law to impose a special
annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed
under the Tile Drainage Act, be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2202 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2202 be now read a third time and
finally passed..... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2203 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting
held May 3, 1984, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2203 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2203 be now read a third time and
finally passed..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J.
That this Council now adjourn to meet again
7:30 p.m. .......Carried
on May 17, 1984, at
Murray and Frank Green meet with Council to discuss the severance
proposal at Lot 6/7, N.G. which has been refused by the Land Division
Committee. The proposal is contrary to both the official plan and our
zoning by-law. While Council is sympathetic, there is nothing that
can be done to assist them at this time.
James Gibbons meets with Council to report on road matters. Maintenance
work is being carried out and the roads are being repaired after
the spring break-up. He and Robert Bartlett will be attending the
road school from May 6 to 9. He will attend the drain meeting at the
Tonship of Norfolk office on May 10th.
Mr. Arthur Jordan and Ms. Ruth Ann Woolner representing the St. Thomas/
Elgin Y.M.C.A. meet with Council to review the various programs
offered by the Y. They will offer a day camp at Straffordville the
last two weeks in July or the first two weeks in August if Council
wishes. Supervision will be supplied by the Y.M.C.A., with local
persons being engaged to assist. Council will further discuss this
and reply after the May 17 meeting.
Mr. Wm. Underhill meets with Council and presents his building report.
He is to relocate the centennial white pine tree at the Library for
official planting at the library opening. The Lions Club have requested
an opening and gate in the fence adjacent to the east exit at the
community centre building. Coi3cil has no objections to the gate being
placed there as long as the Lions Club pays all expenses. Mr. Underhill
also reports that the roof of the community centre building should
be cleaned of debris accumulated over the winter. He is instructed
to have this done.
Mr. Hugh Ketchabaw meets with Council to review drainage matters.
The Bryant Drain needs cleaning, and there are problems at the
Deli and Hampton Drains. Also, he should check to see if the Luyt
Drain construction can be continued.
Moved by: R. Sandham and J. Volkaert
That the quotation of Ontario Hydro to relocate certain lines at
Lots 18-19, on the road ?_allowance between Concessions 3 & 4, be
approved; and that the Clerk be instructed to advise Ontario Hydro
that the cost estimate is considered to be excessive..... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by; R. Sandham
That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign an undertaking that
the residence and barn located on parr of Lots 4, 5 & 6, Plan 22,
which encroach on road i4llowances will be allowed to re:- gain in the
fo-.�Qseeable future, provided however, that should the aforesaid
bijilding be destroyed or demolished any replacement will have. to
comply with zoning regulations ...... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and seconded by: R. Sandham
That the offer of Henry Lamers to purchase a surplus 1967 Chevrolet
truck from the road department, said truck sold as is and where is,
be accepted..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That A. M. Spriet Associates be appointed engineers to prepare a
report on the petition for drainage as received from F. Langhor and
others in the Village of Eden...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That the application of Lyal Tait to rezone a portion of Lot 18,
Conc. 1, from Al to Rural Residential be approved and that the public
meeting to consider this application be held on June 21, at 8:30
p.m. .......Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That the following application for tile drainage loan be approved:
Butland Farms Ltd. Lot 21, Conc. 2, $4,600. .....Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
May 17, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and seconded by: V. Chute
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held May 3, 1984,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the
Reeve's signature authorized on same.....Carried
1) Elgin County Library..schedule of visits on May 25
2) Mazza Heating & Air Conditioning..copy of proposed schedule
of maintenance and contract
3) City of Ottawa..request to endorse resolution to request the
Premier of Ontario to declare this province bilingual
4) Ministry of Agriculture & Food..tile drainage information and
allocations for 1984-85
5) Canadian Transport Commission..concurrence with the proposal
of Canadian Pacific Limited to acquire the
operation of Conrail
6) MacLaren Plansearch Inc..proposal for the development of an
official plan for the municipality
7) County Librarian..tenative program for librar opening
8) Ontario Municipal Board..decision re. Rayson %YLand Division
Committee appeal
9) Long Point Region Conservation Authority..request for meeting
to discuss Report of Flood Plan Committee
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to review
road matters. Mr. Walter Zamecnick opposite Lot 28 in Conc. 8,
,in Norfolk has a water problem which he claims is caused by the road
being raised some time ago. A ditch is not feasible in this location
and it is suggested that a municipal drain is required. Gravel has
been placed on several of the township roads. Mr. John Csinos has
sand available at Lot 20 Conc. 4 for road purposes. It is a large
area but not too deep. Mr. Gibbons is to have cement collars poured
on the ends of the culvert at Lot 17-18 Conc. 3/4. Asphalt for
chipping is now estimated to be 91.5cents per gallon for 1984. N.R.Gas
Ltd. has made a proposal to have work completed on the Third Conc.
road by July if the franchise is signed. Council decides not to
sign the franchise at this time. Mr. Gibbons is to have a:F.t`ench drain
installed in the hill at Lot 18, Conc. 3, to attempt to correct a
drainage problem.
Mr. Elgin Wells, county librarian, meets with Council to review
the proposed program for the opening of the new library on June 16th.
Hugh Ketchabaw, drain inspector, meets with Council to discuss
drainage matters. Some work has been requested at the Csinos Drain.
Mr. Ketchabaw will have the work done at the owners expense as he
will be the only one to benefit.
Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with Council to report: on
building matters and presents an application for a loan under the
Ontario Home Renewal Program.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the propoasal of MacLaren Plansearch Inc. for the development
of an official plan for the Township of Bayham (project 42247-0)
be accepted and the clerk directed to make application to the
Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing for a Community Planning
Study Grant to assist in the financing of the laid prpoject....
Moved by: R. Green and seconded by: J. Volkaert
That the application of Reginald & Nellie Godby for a loan under
the Ontario Home renewal Plan at Lot 263, Conc. 2, in the amount
of $4,000. be approved.... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and seconded by: V. Chute
That a grant of $200. be made to the Elgin Farm Safety Association
to assist in the purchase of a breathing unit for emergency
purposes...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; R. Green
That J. Volkaert be appointed to represent this municipality on the
Court of Revision for the Norfolk-Bayham Townline Drain at the Norfolk
Township office on June 7, 1984..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and seconded by: R. Sandham
That the quotation of G.P. Janitorial to perform maintenance work
at the Bayham Library in the amount of $85. for the initial clean
up and $50. weekly thereafter be accepted...... Carried
#2204 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by; J. Volkaert
And resolved that' -By-law No. 2204 being a by --law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting
held May 17, 1984, be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2204 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2204 be now read a third time and
finally passed..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That general accounts totaling $44,824.00 and road accounts totaling
$34,826.02 be approved; and that this Council now adjourn to meet
again on _Tune 7, 1984, at 7:30 p.m. ...........Carried
�./ sAWA ; 771
Cl er
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
June 7, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by; R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held May 17, 1984,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized:ion same..... Carried _
Councillor V. Chute declares a conflict of interest in an application
for tile drainage loan and debenture by-law to be presented during the
Warden Bud Marr and Reeve Wm. Caverly meet briefly with Council to
discuss the upcoming ploughing match and some county business.
1) Twp. of Goulbourn..request to endorse resolution re. Unconditional
Grants Program use of residences rather than population
for grant purposes.
2) Ministry of Transportation & Communications. -approval of application
for supplementary subsidy allocation
3) Ministry of Revenue..information on assessmnent exemption for
improvements to seniors and disabled
4) Canadian Transport Commission..notice of public hearing re.
C.N.R. & C.P.R. acquiring Conrail
5) Wilford Burwell..requesting sidewalk improvements in Eden
6) Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario..notice of convention (Aug. 19/22)
7) County of Elgin..notice of hearing re. application of L. Dujardin:
(Lot 20, Conc. 1) to clear land of trees
8) Premier of Ontario..request to recommend person for Bicentennial Medal
James Gibbons meets with Council to report on road matters. Stone and
gravel has been applied on several roads. Weed spraying is nearly completed.
Tar & chip repairs will soon be starting.
Mr. Elgin Wells meets with Council to review
of the new library on June 16th. The plaque
ordered but will not be delivered until July
the names of the Lions and Lionesses will be
on the 16th.
the program for the opening
for the entrance has been
1st. The scroll with
ready for presentation
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green
That the public meeting to hear comments on the application of
Chute to rezone a portion of his property Rural Commercial for
of new and used automobiles be opened..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham
That there being no one
David Chute to rezone a
this public meeting be
resumed..... Carried
the sale
and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
present with comments on the application of
portion of his property to Rural Commercial,
closed and the regular -meeting of Council
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by; R. Sandham
That the following application for tile drainage loan be approved: `A
Robert & Monica VanBelle, Lot 20, Conc. 5, $3,000. .....Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green
That the application of the Bayham Bicentennial Committee for a 'Special
Occasion Permit' to serve alcoholic beverages a the Bicentennial
celebration in the -Village of Eden, said event be held at the farm of
D. DeCloet at Lot 23, Conc. 9, Bayham, be approved, and a certified copy
of this resolution be provided for the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario..
Moved b R. Green
and Seconded by:
V. Chute
That the following
building permits be
Gale Mercer
house addition
Michael Nasswetter
barn addition
Maurice Pleysier
storage barn
Keith Benner
Remi VanDeSlyke
3,000. ......earried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by; R. Sandham
That a grant of $400. be made to the Y.M.C.A. to assist in the operation
of a day camp in Straffordville during the period July 16--27, 1984...
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by; J. Volkaert
That this Council recommends John E. Barclay to receive the Ontario
Bicentennial Medal in recognition of his many years of service to
this community ...... Carried
Z125-84 Moved by; R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. Z125-84 being a by-law to amend By-law
2040 (Chute) be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law Z125-84 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law Z125-84 be now read a third time and finally
#2205 Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by; R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2205 being a by-law to impose a special
annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed
under the Tile Drainage Act be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by; R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved -.that By-law No. 2205 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham: and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2205 be now read a third time and finally
passed.... Carried
#2206 Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2206 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held June 7,
1984, be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2206 be now read a second
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2206 be now read a third
time ..... Carried
time and finally
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; V. Chute
That general accounts totaling $34,647.92 and road accounts
$54,141.79 be approved; and that this Council now adjourn to
on June 21, 1984, at 7:30 p.m. ......Carried
E � WO
a I �ac WE A�
meet , again
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
June 21, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 7, 1984,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same...... Carried
Councillor V. Chute declares a conflict of interest in the application
for tile drain loan to be approved at this meeting.
1) Amtelecom Inc..notification that the present fire alerting system
will be discontinued,in April, 1985
2) Latos General Contracting Co...donation towards library plaque
3) Bob Rae, M.P.P..request for comments on Provincial grant allocations
Mr. John Szakal meets with Council to comment on the condition of the
existing Nevill Municipal Drain which is not satisfactory:.in clearing
the water from his property,, after heavy rains. He presents pictures
showing the condition of his lands in support of his comments. He presents
a petition for a municipal drain to assist in this matter and requests
council support. A resolution to have the road superintendent sign the
petition will be introduced in the meeting.
James Gibbons
problems with
past week. The
however, i t is
meets with Council to review road matters. He
washouts on several roads with the heavy rains
laying of calcium is completed. Some patching
expected that chipping will start on June 25th.
has had
of the
Mr. Hugh Ketchabaw meets with Council to review drainage matters.
The Luyt Drain is now completed. The report for the Crossett Drain
has been received and the meeting to consider same will be held on
July 5th., the next regular meeting of Council.
Murrary Benner, as chairman of the Elgin Co -Operative meets with
Council to inquire as to the zoning of the lands owned by the Co -Op
in Straffordvile which are presently vacant. The lands are zoned
M1 which would allow for an expansion of the present use, or any
uses permitted in the by-law.
Messrs. Fred Lester, Harold Dennis and Wm. Underhill representing the
Straffordville Cemetery Board meet with Council to report that the
fence on the east side of the cemetery needs to be replaced. The cost
is estimated at $20. per rod for 40 rods, plus cleaning up the old
fence line. Because of the financial situation of the Board, perhaps
some additional assistance will be required frDm Council. The members
are advised to go ahead with the fence and if they are shcrt of
maintenance funds, Council will make a grant at that time.
Mr. Harold Dennis meets with Council to report on fire matters. He
believes that the diesel and gas tanks at Guy's Service Centre have?'
not beeninstalled in accordance with the Gasoline Handling Act. The
enforcement officer for the Act. is to be contacted to see if the
regulations have been adhered to. The brakes and carburetor on the
water tank truck are giving a problem. Mr. Dennis is to see that they
are properly repaired. The notice from Amtelecom Inc. that the present
fire alerting system will be discontinued in April of 1985 is reviewed
and will be further discussed in the future.
Deputy Reeve Volkaert and Counc-M-cr Chute report on the meeting with
Vienna Council and the Long Point Region Conservation Authority regarding
the Report of the Flood Plain Review Committee. They are unable to
make any recommendation as to any comment that Bayham should present to
the Minister.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That the public meeting as advertised to hear comments on the application
of Lyal Tait to rezone lands at Lot 18, Conc. 1, from Agriculture to
Rural Residential be now opened.... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and seconded by: R. Green
That there being no one present with comments on the application of
Lyal Tait to rezone lands at Lot 18, Conc. 1, this public meeting adjourn
to resume the regular sitting of Council..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and 5econded by: R. Green
That the road superintendent be directed to sign a petition for drainage
to service the road between the north parts of Lots 20 & 21, in Conc. 1...
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by:,R. Sandham
That the petition for drainage at N. part Lot 21, conc. 1, as presented
by J. Szakal be accepted and the Conservation Authority and Ministry of
Natural Resources approval of same be requested... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; J. Volkaert
That the following application for the drainaV,1900.
loan be approved:
Don & Lori Francia, Lot 12, Conc. 5, :....Carried
Z126-84 Moved by; R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law Z 126-84 being a by-law to amend By-law No.
2040 be now read a first time...... Carried (Tait)
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; R. Green
And resolved that By -law,,. -Z 126-84 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by; V. Chute and Seconded byl J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law Z. 126-84 be now read a third time and
finally passed..... Carried
#2207 Moved by: V. Chute and seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2207 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held June 21,
1984, be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and
And resolved that By-law
Moved by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law
passed..... Carried
Seconded by: V.
No. 2207 be now
and Seconded by:
No. 2207 be now
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded
That this Council now adjourn to
7:30 p.m. .......Carried
read a second
V. Chute
read a third
time ... Carried
time and finally
by; R. Sandham
meet again on July 5, 1984, at
Clerk +
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
July 5, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 21, 1984,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same...... Carried
Councillor V. Chute declares a conflict of interest in certain tile
drainage loan applications to be presented this evening.
1) Long Point Region Conservation Authority..information for cost
sharing for an erosion control study at Vienna
2) Calvin R. McQuiggan..objection to by-law Z 125-84
3) Long Point Region Conservation Authority..copy of comments to the
Minister of Natural Resources re. Taylor Report
on flood plain policies
4) Harrison -Elwood.. request to convey closed road allowance between
Lots 113 & 114 STR as set out in By-law #286
passed January 8, 1874
5) Land Division Committee..severance application..Estate of Clifford
Bartlett ---Lot 8, Conc. 4
6) Fire Chief..semi-annual report Dec. 13/83 to June 4/84
7) Minister of Transportation & Communications..advice that second
advance subsidy payment will be paid in July
8) Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing..objection to By-law Z 125-84
9) LOng Point region Conservation Authority..request to pay outstanding
account for Vienna study
Delegations: _
Mr. Hugh Ketchabaw meets with Council to review drainage matters. A
catch basin is required at Lot 16, Conc. 8, where water is causing a
problem where is crosses the road from the Juranas to the Ketchabaw
properties. It is suggested that the costs be shared among the three
parties involved.
Mr. Fred Franklin is the only landowner to be present for the consideration
of the Crossett Municipal Drain Extension report. He has several questions
of the engineer who is not present to respond. The clerk will pass the
questions to the engineer who will then reply to Mr. Franklin. He has
no objections to the provisional passing of the by-law and if the reply
to his questions is not satisfactory, he will appeal to the
Court of Revision.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by; R. Green
That the proposal of the Long Point Region Conservation Authority
to undertake an erosion control study at Lot 15, Conc. 3, with the
Township of Bayham considered a benefitting municipality and
accepting a portion of the cost of the study to an upper limit of
$750. be approved..... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That a portion of the road allowance between Lots 113 & 114, in
Concession 6, STR, be conveyed to Barbara Van Der Pas , costs of
the said conveyance to be borne by Ms. Van Der Pas..... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this Council objects to the severance proposal of the property
owned by the Estate of Clifford Bartlett at Lot 8, Conc. 4, as the
property is zoned A 1, and the parcel to be created is contrary to
the provisions of By-law No. 2040.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the account of the Long Point region Conservation Authority i�
the amount of $480.45 being the amount invoiced to the municipalit-y
for flood line study in the Village of Vienna.be.approved... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham J. Volkaert
That the following applications for tile drainage loans be approved:
Butland Farms Ltd., S pt Lot 22, Conc. 3, $2,600.
Butland Farms ltd., N pt Lot 21, Conc. 2, 3,900..... Carried
2208 Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by; R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2208 being a by-law to impose a special
drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the
Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2208 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2208 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2209 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2209 being a by-law to provide for a
drainage works in the Township of Bayham in the County -of Elgin
(Crossett Drain Extension) be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2209 be now read a second time.....Carried
#2210 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2210 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held July 5,
1984, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2210 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2210 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
Moved by; R. Green , and Seconded by; R. Sandham
That general accounts totaling $403,958.62 and road accounts totaling
$62,978.81 be approved; and that this Council now adjourn to meet
again on July 19, 1984, at 7:30 p.m ...... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
July 19, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 5, 1984,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
Councillor V. Chute declares a conflict of interest in tile drainage
loan applications to be presented at this meeting.
1) County of Elgin..policy of charging contractors a deposit
open cuts are made in roads
2) Assoc. of Minicipalities of Ontario..request for nominations
board -of directors
3) Lions Club..invitation to participate in Carnifest pa
held on September 22nd.
4) County Engineer..position paper re. the relocation of
for road work.
Jack Barclay, Jackie DeClercq and Dianne Norris representing the
catering group at the community centre meet with Council to discuss
a proposal that the group take on responsibility for all catering at
the community centre. They have met previously with the Community
Centre Board. The group proposes to pay the Board 75¢ per plate for
each full course meal served for the use of the kitchen. They will
maintain the kitchen with the exception of any major repairs to
appliances. This is acceptable to Council and the representatives wi
now mest with their group to finalize the proposal and will meet
again with the Community Centre Board.
Mr. Ronald Beattie meets with Council to get information on a severance
of a farmhouse which is surplus to his requirements. Mr. Beattie owns
two properties which are separated by a roadway with a house on each.
Because they could be sold as two separate farms, Council does not feel
that a severance should be allowed, as this would make it very difficult
for a neighbouring farm to expand into a livestock operation as the
rural residetial zoning would prohibit a certificate under the Agricultural
Code of Practice.
Mr. Wm. Underhill meets with Council to review building matters. New
construction is limited at this time. Mr. Underhill is instructed to
see that temporary repairs are made to the sidewalk near the church
parsonage in Eden until such time as it is known where the drain
which is presently being engineered will be constructed.
Harold Dennis meets with Council
be going well in the department.
James Gibbons meets with Council to review road matters. The construction
work on the Malahide/Bayham townline has been started. Mr. Gibbons is
to check with our engineers to see that final plans for the Goudhand
Bridge repairs will be ready in September.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by; R. Green
That the lease for the rental of the Bayham Library building be presented
for approval at the regular meeting of Council on August 2nd., and the
County Librarian be invited to attend.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; V. Chute
That the Ministry of the Environment be requested to give consideration
to the building of an additional water line linking the Port Burwell
and Vienna systems along Hwy #19 to give assurance of a continued supply
of water in case of breakage in the present supply system.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That the following applications for tile drainage loans be approved:
Luc Dujardin & Deborah Dujardin, Lot 19, Conc. 1, $1,800.
Luc Dujardin & Deborah Dujardin, Lot 20, Conc. 1, 83,700.
Luc Dujardin & Deborah Dujardin, Lot 22, Conc. 1, 1,500. ....Carried
#2211 Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2211 being a by-law to adopt the assessment
on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1984, to levy the taxes
for the year 1984 and to provide for the collection thereof be now read
a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and
And resolved that By-law
Moved by: R. Green and
And resolved that By-law
passed...... Carried
seconded by: V.
No. 2211 be now
Seconded by: J.
No. 2211 be now
read a second
read a third
time ... Carried
time and finally
#2212 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2212 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held July 19,
1984, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2212 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2212 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: J"Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on August 2, 1984, at 7:30
p.m. ........Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
August 2, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
In the absence of Reeve Stewart, the meeting is called to order by the
clerk. Present are Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors V. Chute,
R. Green and R. Sandham.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
That in the absence of Reeve M. Stewart, Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert be
appointed acting reeve...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 19,_1984,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved, and the Reeve' s
signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) Y.M.C.A. ..request for comments on day camp and offer to operate
further programs
2) Township of South West Oxford..appointment of Councillor Jos. Sharpe
to the Court of Revision for the Crossett Drain
3) County Engineer..request for endorsement of position paper re moving
of transmission lines from road allowances by utilities
4) City of Chatham..request to support Alderman Murray Berman for
nomination to Board of Directors of A.M.O.
5) Canadian Transport Commission. -notice of hearing re. acquisition of
Conrail assetts
b) Fred Franklin..appeal from assessment on the Crossett Drain extension
7) C. P. Railway reply re. inspection of tunnel at Lot lb, Conc. 2/3
James Gibbons meets with`Council to review road matters. The concrete
collars have been placed'around.the pipe on the Third Conc. road. Construction
on the Norfolk/Bayham Townline road has been completed. Some additional
weed mowing is required. Charles Racz has requested $1,000. in payment in
lieu of fencing at his property. Council feels that it would not cost
this amount to erect a fence and instructs Mr. Gibbons to arrange to
fence the property.
Messrs. James Sheils, Chairman of the County Library Board,and Elgin
Wells, County Librarian, are present and the lease for the operation of
the library in Straffordville is signed.
Court of Revision:
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That Vane Chute and Ronson Sandham represent the Township of Bayham on
the Court of Revision for the Crossett Municipal Drain Extension; and that
Vane Chute be chairman of the said court.... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
That this Council now adjourn while the Court of Revision sits to hear
appeals against assessments on the Crossett Drain Extension... Carried
Moved by: R. Sa!-dham and Seconded by: J. Sharpe
That the assessment of F. Franklin be reduced by $195. to read: benefit
$195. ...total $195. the special assessment of the County of Oxford be
increased by $195. to read: special assessment $2,195. ....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Sharpe
That this Court of Revision now adjourn.... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
That a grant of $150. be made to the Richmond Minor Ball Club for 1984.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
That this Council support the 'compromise clause' being appendix three
to the position paper as developed by the County Working Group on behalf
of the various County and City Councils...... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the following building permits be approved:
Kenneth Everitt used bulk kilns $3,500.
Ivan Weber barn addition & ren. 12,000.
Martin Barkman new residence 403000.
John Brown repairs to roof & siding 10,000.
Eli Stutzman storage building 51500.
Don Vulsteke insulation 21100.
J. DeOliveria barn repairs 49200.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
That Spriet Associates (London) Ltd. be engaged as engineers to prepare
a report on the petition for drainage as received from John Szakal and
the road superintendent at North part Lot 21, Conc. I......Carried
#2113 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconde& by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2113 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve
and Clerk to execute an agreement to lease the Bayham Township Library
building to the Elgin County Library Board be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2213 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2113 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2114 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 21U4 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2173
providing for the construction of the Luyt Municipal Drain and levying
assessments thereto be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by; V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 27-14 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by; R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 21L14 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2215 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2215 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve
and Clerk to execute the conveyance of a closed road allowance to Barbara
Van Der Pas be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2315 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2215 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2216 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2216 being
of the Council of the Townshipof Bayham
be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R.
And resolved that By-law No. 2216 be now
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V.
And resolved that By-law No. 2216 be now
passed..... Carried
V. Chute
a by-law to confirm all actions
at the meeting held August 2, 1984,
read a second time...Carried
read a third time and finally
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That general accounts totaling $61,242.87 and road accounts totaling
$75,714.07 be approved; and that this Council now adjourn to meet again
on August 16, 1984, at 7:30 p.m. .......Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
August 16, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 2, 1984,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same...... Carried
1) Drainage Superintendent's Association..meeting to determine interest
in association to be held September 6th.
2) Municipality of Dunwich..copy of letter to County of Elgin requesting
land division be made a local responsibility
3) Jabal Investments Ltd..request to provide lots for low cost housing
4) Town of Geraldton..request to support Mayor Michael Power to
Board o Directors of AMO
5) Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housi>>g..changes in O.K.R.Pro�ram
6) Robert Bartlett..application to rezone lands at Lot 8, Conc.
James Gibbons, road st-tporintendent,meets with Council to report on road
mattitrs. The sand pad on the Milahide/Bayham townline is almost completed.
Mr. Gibbons suggests that crusher run gravel from the Shelton pit be used
to form a base for the stone top. This is agreeable with Council. Mr.
Gibbons is to remove the slanted ends from the culvert on the road between
Lots 20 & 21 in Conc. 3. It is expected thaat this will allow the water
to drain properly.
Mr. Hugh Ketchabaw meets with Council to discuss drainage matters. The
Norfolk/Bayham Townline Drain is completed. There are problems with the
Hampton Drain and it is suggested that the affected owners be called to
a council meeting after harvest to determine their wishes for the future
of the drain. Mr. Ketchabaw is to check the Luyt drain at the Vermeersch
.property to see that all stumps have been removed as was required.
Mr. Gerard Bechard meets with Council to request permission to place a
cement pad at the rear of his business in Straffordville to assist in
loading and unloading materials from his plant. The pad will encroach.,
into the limits of the setback as required by the zoning by-law. Mr.
Bechard will make application for a zone amendment prior to any roofing
or other construction arounA the pad.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by; R. Sandham
That the application of Robert Bartlett on behalf of the Estate of
Clifford Bartlett to rezone lands at Lot 8, Conc. 4, from Al to Rural
Residential be accepted and the public meeting in respect of the application
be held on September 20, at 8:30 p.m. ......Carried
Z 125-84-A Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law Z 125-84-A being a by-law to recind By-law Z 12.5-84
be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green
Ad resolved that By-law Z 125-84-A be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law Z 125-84-A be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2217 Moved by; V. Chute and Secondej by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2217 being a by-law to confirm all actions of
the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held August 16, 1984,
be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law 2217 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2217 be now read a third time and finalky
passed....... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on September 6, 1984,
at 7:30 p.m. .......Carried
ee a eir
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
September 11, 1984.
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: V.Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 16, 1984,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved, and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same....... Carried
Councillor V. Chute declares a conflict of interest in certain applicat-
ions for tile drainage loans to be presented this evening.
1) Ministry of the Environment - acknowledgement of request to consider
additional waterline on Hwy. 19 South.
2) Ontario Youth Opportunities - notification of program to employ
young persons.
County of Elgin - Appointment of part time secretary to Land Division
Ministry of the Solicitor General - participation
in Line Load Control
for emergency programs.
Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing - approval
of request for
Community Planning Study Grant.
Ontario Farm Drainage Assoc. - guidelines for tile
Drainage loans.
County of Elgin - notice of hearing re. application
to clear trees
of L & D Dujardin.
G. & C Bechard - application for special zoning at
Lot 11-N/S Third
Street for reduced rear yard set back.
O.M.E.-Insurance Brokers Ltd. - proposal for group
are opened for the construction the Crossett Drain
To Construct
Gorp Drainage Ltd. $71250.
Sept.15, 1984
Stevens Drainage 71179.
June 30, 1985
W. Cattle Const. Ltd. 11,900.
Oct. 1984
Mr. Jas. Gibbons, Rd. Supt., meets with Council to review road matters.
A good price for crushed gravel was received from G.W.Cattle Const. and
Council instructs him to use the Cattle Pit for the completion of the
Townline construction. Final plans have not yet been received from G.D.
Vallee Ltd. for the repairs to the Goodhand Bridge. The Clerk is to contact
Mr. Vallee to have the plans submitted as soon as possible. Mr. Andrew
Taylor has requested retirement as of Sept. 30, 1984. A request from
Mr. Carl Russell to construct a ditch to provide drainage;- for.hi~s; property is
refused by Council.
Mr. Hugh Ketchabaw, Drainage Commissioner, meets with Council to review
drainage matters.
Mr..H.Dennis,Fire Chief, meets with Council to review fire matters. He re-
ports thai, the roof over the firemen's lounge still leaks. He reminds
Council of the Amtelecom Inc. proposal to instal a new fire bar for alert-
ing the firemen should be ordered in the near future.
Mr. Wm. Underhill, Chief Building Official, meets with Council to review
various building projects now in progress thoughout the Township. He also
presents an application for a loan under the Ontario Home Renewal Program
from Richard G. Butcher, Lot 26, Conc. 2. Mr. Underhill is instructed to get
prices for repairs to the roof of the municipal building.
Written offers are tabled as received from Michael G. McQuiggan in the amount
of $15,000.00 and from Paul & Cheryle McQuiggan in the amount of $16,000.00
for the property formerly used by the Roads Department at Lots 128, Conc. 6.
Moved by: V.Chute and Seconded by:
That Council approves the application
zone change at Lot 11, North of Third
permit encroachment into rear yard to
designation to remain M2.
R. Green
of G & C Bechard Sales & Service for
Street, Plan 205, Straffordville, to
allow for a 15' set back; said
That the Public Meeting to consider said application on Oct. 18th., 1984
at 8:30 P.M....... Carried.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and seconded by: R. Sandham
That this Council accept the tender of Van Gorp Drainage Ltd. to construct the
Crossett Drain Extension for the amount of $7,250.00 ....... Carried.
Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by: J.Volkaert
That Council accept the Ontario Home Renewal Program application of Richard
George Butcher, Lot 26, Conc. 2, to upgrade his residence for the amount of
$7,500.00 ....... Carried.
Moved by: R. Green and seconded by R. Sandham
That the following applications for tile drainage loans be approve •
Swance Farms Limited Lot 17, Conc. 11 $ 517
G. Lys!q & S. Sas Lots 121,122,123 Conc. 7 42500.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V.Chute
That the Council of the Township of Bayham requests the Ministry of Trans-
portation & Communications to approve the use of #19 Highway for a Lions
Parade held on Saturday, Sept. 22nd., 1984...... Carried.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
That the Treasurer be al,.thorized to petition the Ministry of Transportation
& Communication for an interim payment of subsidy on road expenditures made'
in 1984....... Carried.
By --Laws:
2209 Moved by: J.Volkaert and Seconded by R. Sandham
And Resolved that By-law No. 2209 be now read a Third Time and Finally Passed.
.. ...Carried (Crossett Extension)
2218 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2218 being a by-law to confirm all actions of the
Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held Sept. 11th., 1984. Be
Now Read A First Time....... Carried.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2218 be now Read a Second Time....... Carried.
Moved by : V. Chute and Seconded by: J.Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2218 be now read a Third Time and Finally
Passed...... Carried.
Moved by R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That accounts totaling $30,584.34 and road accounts totaling $84,980.56 be
approved; and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on Sept 20, 1984
at 7:30 P.M ....... Carried.
Reeve Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
September 20, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute and R. Green in attendance.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September
11, 1984, having been examined by the members are hereby approved
and the Reeve's signature authorized on same..... Carried
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to review
road matters. With reference to the ditch requested by Mr. Russell
at the meeting of September 11th., inspection determines that it
would be of benefit to the road if cleaned. This has been done, southerly
from Lot 5, Conc. 8. Nichol's Gravel of Delhi has given a price
of $5. per ton in our yard for road gravel. Mr. Gibbons is to get a
load to compare with that which we are presently using.
Douglas Vallee meets with Council to present the approved plans for
the repairs to the Goodhand Bridge at Lot 27, Conc. 3/4. He estimates
the work to cost $14,000. The railings are to be removed and the
bridge extended about 2 feet on each side. With the new railings
constructed on the outside of the bridge, the surface will be
extended from 19' 10" to 25' 2". Mr. Vallee wil get prices for the
cement work from 2 Simcoe contractors, and Council wily get prices
locally. It is expected that these will be available by October 4th.
The public meeting as advertised for the zone change requested by
Robert Bartlett is declared open at 8:30 p.m. Mr. Bartlett is the only �►
interested party present. The by-law changing his property from Al
to Rural Residential will be presented later in the meeting. The public
meeting is declared closed and Council resumes.
Ms. Ruth Ann Woolner, representing the St. Thomas Elgin Y.M.C.A. meets
with Council to discuss a fitness program for adults and children
during the winter. It is expected that the children's program will
be carried out in the school gymnasiuip and the adult's program in
the community centre. Leadership and *instru;ctors will be supplied
by the Y. A grant from Council will be accepted and used to reduce
the costs to those utilizing the program. Council requests Ms. Woolner
to proceed with the organization of a program. A tenative budget will
be prepared and presented to Council at which time a grant will be
Messrs. H. Bergen and W. Fehr as spokesmen for a Menonite group
meet with Council to seek information on zoning and requirements to
construct a church at Lot 109, N.T.R. The group is to make sure that
no intensive livestock uses are within 1,000 feet of the site. The
proceedure for severance application and zone change are explained.
Mr. & Mrs. Hale Kirby meet with Council to request information on
severing a second residence located on their property. The property
is located at Lot 6, Conc. 9. The frontage is about 30 feet with
the lot located behind another property. Council will look at this
situation during a road tour and advise the Kirbys' of whether or
not they consider a severance to be permitted in this location.
It is brought to the attention of Council that sludge from the
Town of Aylmer lagoon, located in the Township of Malahide is being
disposed of in the Township of Bayham. Council feels that they should
have been advised of this by one of the parties involved rather than
by a complaint from a local resident. Also, the road has been severely
damaged by the heavy loads be drawn. The clerk is instruced to send
a copy of our by-law prohibiting the fouling of roadways to the hauler,
Agro Applications Ltd, requesting the hauling to cease and advising that
they will be expected to pay for the damages to the road. Copies are to
be sent to the Town of Aylmer, the Township of Malahide, the Ministry of
the Environment and A. VanKastern (owner of the lands on which the
sludge is being disposed of).
The offers as received for the purchase of the former works yard at
Lot 128, Conc. 6, have been withdrawn, and no decision as to the sale
is now necessary.
It is decided that Council will convene at 9: a.m. on October 4th.,
and a road tour of new construction will take place at approximately
3: p.m. or when the business of the day is completed.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the following building permits be approved:
Henry Laemers
Wm. Hollywood
John Keszler
Frank Fischer
Stewart Hutchinson
Conservative Mennonite
G. & C. Bechard
Clara Dennis
Ivan Hevenor
Robert Forris
Ivan Weber
James White
A. & Robt. Yzerman
Ronald Soper
Ralph Jennings
two bulk kilns
roof trim
siding & trim
Church renovations
loading dock
storage building
barn renovations
two used bulk kilns
grain storage bin
residence addition
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the clerk be instructed to commence proceedings to have a
portion of Second Street easterly from #19 Highway in the hamlet of
Eden closed....Carried
#Z 127-84 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law Z 127-84 being a by-law
No. 2040 be now read a first time...Carried (re.
Vovad by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
to amend By-law
And resolved that By-law Z127-84 be now read a second
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law Z127-84 be now read a third
passed...... Carried
time.... Carried
time and finally
#2219 Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2219 being a by-law to confirm all
actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting
held September 20, 1984, be now read a first time....Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2219 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by; R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2219 be now read a third time and
finally passed...... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: V. Chute
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on October 4, 1984, at
9:00 a.m. .........Carried
mmiol-, /.... ��Reeve
Acting Clerk
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
October 4, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September
20, 1984, having been examined by the members are hereby approved
and the Reeve's signature authorized on same...... Carried
Councillor V. Chute declares a conflict of interest in tile drainage
loan applications being presented today
1) Village of Zurich..request to endorse resolution to have Province
amend land fill and waste disposal sites regulations
and provide grants for engineering studies and
2) Long Point Region Conservation Authority.. fill regulations
for waterways
3) Y.M.C.A... tenative budget for recreation programs
4) Domtar..quotation for highway salt for 1984-85 winter
5) Township of Malahide..offer of use of 'jaws of life'
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to review
road matters. Gravel is being placed on the townline road between
Malahide and Bayham where reconstruction has been completed. Berm
is being removed famm the First Concession road.
Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with Council to discuss
building projects in the municipality. He has attended a conference
of inspectors at Kitchener this week and brings impending changes
to the attention of Council.
Mr. Gary Blazak, representing MacLaren Plansearch Inc., meets with
Council to review the stages for revising our official plan over
the next eighteen months. He will be presenting a series of aerial
photographs showing various farm and residential locations, which
will be approved by Council for future reference as to land uses.
After this is completed, land use policies will be updated.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and
That the following building
Arnold VanDer Pas..
Basil Nevill
Michael Webber
Brian Neal
Doug. Bartlett
Ken Ward
John Martin
Robet. Vanwynsberghe
Paul Millard
Harley Hotchkiss
Clifford Kennedy
Wayne Tupper
Lyle Shelly
Patricia DeClark
Marvin Luce
Wm. Fehr
Seconded by: R. Green
permits be approved:
storage shed
garage addition
barn addition
home renovations
painting shed
storage building
barn addition
residence addition
mobile home
basement and entrance
home renovations
mobile home
storage garage
residence addition
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the following applications for tile drainage loans be approved:
Luc & Debbie Dujardin Lot 19, Conc. 1, $1,200.
Luc & debbie Dujardin Lot 20, Conc. 1, 73200.
#2220 Moved by: J. Volkaert and seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2220 being a by-law to impose a special
annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed
under the tile drainage Act be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2220 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2220 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2221 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2221 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held October
4, 1984, be now read a first time....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2221 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2221 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That general accounts totaling $372,827.97 and road accounts totaling
$26,242.27 be approved;*and that this Council now adjourn to meet
again on October 18, 1984, at 7:30 p.m ....... Carried
J. Mew''I" - 4"
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
October 12, 1984
A special meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning for
the purpose of reviewing tenders for the reconstruction of the Goodhand
Bridge at Lot 27, between Concessions 3 & 4. Reeve M. Stewart presides
with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors V. Chute, R. Green and
R. Sandham in attendance.
Four tender forms have been picked up or distributed by G. Douglas
Vallee Ltd. for the reconstruction of the Goodhand Bridge. Only one
tender form has been returned.
Moved by: V. Chute and seconded by: J. Volkaert
That the tender submitted by Reid & Deleye Contractors Limited, Box
306, Courtland, Ontario, in the amount of $13,884. for widening the
Goodhand Bridge on the road at Lot 27, between Concessions 3 & 4 be
accepted. Work to commence on Monday, October 15, 1984...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded -by: R. Green
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn..... Carried
Re eve r, rer
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
October 18, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October
and special meeting held October 12, 1984, having been examined
members are herby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized
same...... Carried
Councillor V. Chute declares a conflict of interest in certain applications
for tile drainage loans to be presented this evening.
Twp. of Downie..request to endorse resolution to remove
Ring -Billed
Gull from protected species.
Twp. of Yarmouth.. request to endorse resolution re.
location of
Federal Agricultural Research Centre in
Elgin County.
County Engineer.. request for comments on the holding
of a grader
operator's school in Elgin in 1985
Ministry of Natural Resources..changes in Provincial
flood plain
Canadian Railway Labour Association..request to have
country -wide
public hearings regarding the operation
of cabooseless
Employment & Immigration..guide for Canada Works Program
for 1984/8
Mr. Robert Mann representing Doane Raymond meets with Council to report
on the progress of the computer installation in the office. The general
ledger program requires minor modifications while the tax and payroll
programs are not yet completed. He believes that the system should be
operating satisfactorily in the near future.
James Gibbons, road superintendent, reports on road matters. The drainage
problem at the Carson Hill and Bridge have been corrected by the
installation of a catch basin and tile on the Carson property. More berm
is believed necessary for the satisfactory operation of this system.
Sodding is being carried out at the Third Conc. Road where the new
culvert and fill have been installed. Work on the Goodhand Bridge widening
has been started. Repairs have been completed on the road westerly from
Corinth to the Malahide townline. Mr. Dan Murray is installing tile
on his property at Lot 22, S.G. It is suggested that a catch basin be
placed along our road at that location and an outlet arranged for through
Mr. Murray's tile system.
Mr. Hugh Ketchabaw, drain inspector, meets with Council to review
drainage matters. A public meeting with Spriet Associates will be held
in the Council Chambers on October 23rd.,to present preliminary studies
on the petition for improved drainage in the Village of Eden.
Mr. Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with Council to report
matters. He requests Council consider ordering the new fire
alerting the firemen at this meeting.
Messrs. Chris Shaw and Wm. Ringland meet with Council to regee-t permission
to operate a Survival Game on weekends at Lot 10, Conc. 2, adjacent to
the Otter valley Rovers Snowmobile Club property. Council is unsure of
the zoning required and will check this and notify these persons of
their decision at the next meeting of Council.
Mr. Wm. Underhill, buiding inspector, meets with Council to review
building projects in the Municipality. Possible solutions to the
problem of basement flooding along the right of way at the C.P. Rlwy
between Talbot and First Streets. Various metoods are discussed without
a consensus being arrived at.
The public meeting as advertised to hear comments on the application of
G. & C. Bechard to rezone a portion of the industrial property now
being used to allow a reduction in the rear yard is called to order by
Reeve. Stewart. A. no one is present on this matter regular Council
is resumed.
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this Council endorse the resolution of the Corporation of the
Township of Downie in recommending that the Ring -Billed Gull be no longer
classed as a protected species..... Carried
Moved by; R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
That Amtelecom Inc. be requested to install a new fire bar for alerting
the volunteer fire department at a cost of $75. per month plus $8.25
per line,as quoted by the said Amtelecom Inc .... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That Business Computer Services be engaged to prepare interim and
final tax billings for 1985.... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That Dan Murray be paid the sum of $400. to cover the cost of a catch
basin and enlarging tile to accomodate drainage along the road between
Concession 5 and South Gore at Lot 22 ...... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandhan
That the following applications for tile drainage loans be approved:
William & Carolyn Murray
Lot 22,
Robert & Martha Leighfield
Lot 28,
Conc. 5
Underhill Farms Ltd.
Lot 8,
Conc. 3
Roger & Rita Ferguson
LBts 127
& 128 Conc.
6 55000.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law Z128-84 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2040,
the Restricted Area By-law for the Township of Bayham be now read a
first time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R.
And resolved that By-law Z 128-84 be now
Moved by; J. Volkaert and Seconded by;
And resolved that By-law Z 128-84 be now
passed...... Carried
read a second time...... Carried
V. Chute
read a third time and finally
#2222 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2222 being a by-law to amend By-law No.
1979 setting the time, place and conduct of meetings of Council of the
Township of Bayham be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by; R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2222 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2222 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2223 Moved by; V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2223 being a by-law to authorize the
Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen,
in right of the Province of Ontario as represented by the Minister of
Municipal Affairs & Housing, to enter into a program under Municipal
Action 185, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by; V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2223 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by; R. Sandham and Seconded by; J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No.'2223 be now read a third time and finally
passed....... Carried
#2224 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2224 being a by-law to authorize- the
Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen, in
right of the Province of Ontario as represented by the Minister of
Municipal Affairs & Housing, to enter into the implementation of the
Basic Accounting Package as part of the Municipal Action'85 program be
now read a first time..... Carried
#2224 Moved by: R. Green and
And resolved that By-law
Moved by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law
passed...... Carried
Seconded by: V. Chute
No. 2224"bre now read a second
and Seconded by: R. Sandham
No. 2224 be now read a third
time..... Carried
time and finally
#2225 Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2225 being a by-law to provide for the
maintenance of the several municipal drains and to raise to sum of
$12,021.25 to pay therefor be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2225 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2225 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
#2226 Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2226 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meetings held October
12, and October 18, 1984 be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and seconded by; J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2226 be now read a second time.... Carried ~^�`
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2226 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Poved by: J. volkaert and Seconded by:V. Chute ,
That thisCouncil now adjour to meet again on November 1, 1984, at "r
7:30 p.m. .........Carried V\
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
November 1, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M.Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 18,
1984, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the
Reeve's signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) Royal Canadian Legion, Port Burwell --request for financial assistance
in repairing the cenotaph in Port Burwell
2) Long Point region Conservation ,authority --proposed budget for 1985
with special levy to Bayham
3) Long Point Region Conservation Authority --copy of report re. the
erosion study at the creek bank at Vienna limits
4) Land Division Committee --severance application --P. & H. Giesbrecht
5) Canego Ltd. --request for permission to conduct seismic testing
between Lots 20 & 21, in Concessions 3 through 5
6) Community Emergency Services Committee --request to participate in
emergency planning study
Messrs. Wm. Ringland and Chris Shaw meet with Council to further
discuss their request of October 18th., for permission to operate a
'survival game' on the property of Mr. Paul Valko at Lot 10, Conc. 2.
The land is presently zoned Al, and would require a zone change for
the recreation use. The Official Plan permits recreational uses in the
agriculture designations with special zone classes. Temporary zoning
for a oneyear period with extension for a further period is permitted
under the Planning Act. Messrs. Ringland and Shaw will return on
November 15th. to let Council know if they wish to pursue a zone change.
Moved by: V. Chute and seconded by: R. Green
That a grant of $54.67 be made to the Royal Canadian Legion, Port
Burwell, to assist in repairs to the cenotaph in Port Burwell... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That this Council objects to the application for severance of the lands
of Pete Giesbrecht jr. and Helen Giesbrecht being part of Lot 109,"NTR,
and application # E 78/84, as the subject lands are zoned Al, and the
application does not conform to our zoning by-law...... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and seconded by: R. Sandham
That permission be granted to Cangeo Ltd. to conduct seismic testing
in Concessions 3 through 5, along the road allowance between Lots 20
and 21;provided the said Cangeo Ltd. deposits security in the amount of
$1,000. by way of certified cheque cm -by other means prior to any testing
being undertaken ..... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and fieconded by: R. Sandham
That the fo11&Ag application for tile drainage loan be approved:j�\
Harry Schipper, N. part Lots 110 and 111, Conc. 7, $5,800. ...Carried
#2227 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded
by; R.
And resolved that By-law No. 2227
being a
by-law to impose
a special
annual drainage rate upon land in
of which money is
under the Tile Drainage Act, be now read
a first time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by;
R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2227
be now
read a second time....
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; J.
And resolved that By-law No. 2227
be now
read a third time
and finally
passed...... Carried
#2228 Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Greer_
And resolved that By-law No. 2228 being a by-law to levy assessments
for the Norfolk-Bayham Townline Drain and to provide for the issue of
debentures be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by; J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2228 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by; V. Chute and Seconded by; R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2228 be now read a third time and finally
passed....... Carried
#2229 Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by; V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2229 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held November
1, 1984, be now read a first time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2229 be now read a second
Moved by: R. Green and seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2229 be now read a third
passed...... Carried
time.... Carried
time and finally
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That general accounts totaling $31,416.95 and road accounts totaling
$22,406.29 be approved; and that this Council now adjourn to meet again
on November 15, 1984, at 7:30 p.m. .........Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
November 15, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 1, 1984,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same..... Carried
1) Y.M.C.A...information on proposed fitness program
2) Canine Control Shelter..termination of Mrs. M. Davison's operation
of shelter at year end
3) Pete & Helen Giesbrecht..application to rezone lands at Lot 109,
Conc. 7, for church purposes
4) Douglas Wilson & others..petition for drainage at part Lot 124,
at the south end of the Village of Straffordville
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to review road
matters. Both graders are being repaired. Snow ploughing equipment is
being installed and snow fences erected. The Goodhand Bridge reconstruction
has been completed. Council request Mr. Gibbons to investigate the
possibility of extending the culvert at Lot 21., Conc. 3/4 a further
20 feet northerly. It is felt that the present slopes are too steep,
and could slide and block the culvert as it presently is.
Messrs. Wm. Ringland and Chris Shaw meet with Council to further discuss
the operation of a 'survival game' at Lot 10, Conc. 2. Council has
inquired of our planning consultant, and it is recommended that if they
wish to procedd, a temporary zoning for the recreational use in the
agricultural area be placed on the lands. Messrs. Ringland and Shaw
indicate that they will consider this and return at a later time with
their decision.
Mr. Murray Benner, representative on the Elgin Land Division Committee,
meets with Council to discuss the proposed severance at Lot 109, N.T.R.
to erect a Menonite church on the premise;.,. Council informs him of their
resolution of objection on the grounds of the zoning. An application to
rezone the lands has been received and will be proceeded with if the
severance is conditionally granted.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
That the petition for drainage as received from D. Wilson and others
for the area at Lot 124, the southerly extremity of Plan 205 be accepted
and the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and the Ministry of
Natural Reso,jrces notifified and comments requested..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the resolution to make a grant of $54.67 to the Royal Canadian
Legion as passed on November 1, 1984, be recinded.... Carried
by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green
grant of $73.33 be made to the Village of Port Burwell
in repairs to the cenotaph at Port Burwell..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2230 being a by-law to appoint an inspector
unddr the Building Code Act, be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2230 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 2230 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2231 being a by-law to confirm all actions
of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the
15, 1984, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and seconded by: R. Sand' -am
And resolved that By-law No. 2231 be now read a
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2231 be now read a
passed ....... Carried
meeting held November
second time ... Carried
third time and finally
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on December 6, 1984, at
10:00 a.m...... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
November 26, 1984
A special meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening for the
purpose of consideration of the report on the Eden Drains and review of
the impact study on reassessment under section 63 of the Assessment Act.
Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors
V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance. V
Those in attendance for the drain report are: Lee Locker, Darlene
Behtley, Tom Aspden, Jim Andrews, Jim MacDonald, Helen Ball, Wilford
Burwell, Fostor Langhor, Wm. Baldwin, Jerome Donais and Thelma Roy.
John Spriet presents the report which has been circulated to all those
assessed for costs. Jim MacDonald does not see that he has any benefit
from the drain and should not be assessed. Mr. Spriet shows him the
portion of his property which benefits. He also recommends that a further
petition be presented for those persons easterly f'rcm the railroad property
to improve that area.
Wilfoid Burwell requests that a branch be provided to give outlet to a
low spot on the Baptist Church property. Mr. Spriet suggests that the
most economical way for the church to get drainage is to install a catch
basin and have a run of tile to the catch basin at the school boundary
which has an outlet provided for this purpose.
It is pointed out that Mr. J. Donais has been assessed for two lots and
Mr. R. Blondeel's lot missed. The clerk is instructed to correct the
assessment schedules.
Those in attendance now recommend that the drain be proceeded with to the
court of revision at which time those not in agreement with their assessments
can appeal,
Messrs. M. Quinn, Robt. Winter and T. Calaghan representing the Regional
Assessment Office present the impact study as prepared as a result of
Council's request in January of 1984. While there are certain properties
which are going to have significant changes (both increase and decrease),
they are somewhat fewer than in the reassessment in 1979. Market values
are now adjusted to 1980.
After consideration concil is in agreement that the Minister should be
requested to implement the study.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That the report as prepared by.Spriet Associates for the Edens Drains be
accepted and the Clerk instructed to prepare a by-law for same.... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the Minister of Revenue be requested to implement the results of the
impact study aspre ared for this municipality under section 63 of the
Assessment Act. ....9arried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn..... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
December 6, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning.
Reeve M. Stewart is temporarily absent, arriving at 11:30 a.m. after
attending a committee meeting at county council. Present are Deputy
Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors V. Chute, R. Green and R. Sandham.
The meeting is called to order by the Clerk.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That in the temporary absence of Reeve Stewart, Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert
be appointed acting reeve..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 15,
1984, and special meeting held November 26, 1984, having been examined
by the members are hereby approved and the acting Reeve's signature
authorized on same...... Carried
1) Ontario Waste Management Corp..notice of meeting re. management
of hazardous waste (London Dec.5/84)
2) Township of Malahide..inquiry as to the status of our townline
maintenance agreements
3) County of Elgin..copy of resolution supporting O.G.R.A. concerns
regarding road subsidy funding
4) County Engineer..winter control and houeS of work during week with
emergency numbers
5) International Plowing Match Committee..request to include a letter
re billeting of guests during plowing match
Mr. James Gibbons meets with Council to review road matters. The two
temporary employees have been terminated at November 30 with the
understanding that they will re n if needed for snowploughing. The
� r re Malahide to review owlne agreement is discussed and Mr.
Gibbons will meet with t e ala a road superintendent to discuss
the maintenance division point and any other matters which might be
h►J considt/td pertinent to an agreement. It is decided that corner posts
will be erected at the Racz property where the Vienna townline was
reconstructed and $800. paicL to Mr. Racz in lieu of fencing. Some
ditching is necessary at the north end of the Ridge road in the north
part of Lot 24, Conc. 8. This should be done this year, weather permitilk
Mr. Douglas Bartlett meets with Council and offers to purchase the
used hoist top at the township garage which is surplus to our needs at
present. Council will try to ascertain the value of the hoist and let
Mr. Bartlet know of their decision in the near future.
Mr. Gary Blazak meets with Council to review our official plan update.
He presents maps showing structure locations housing and capable of
housing livestock operations, rural residential development, municipal
services and facilities in Straffordville and residential building
conditions in Straffordville. These are for review and will have to be
corrected to show any omissions in the mapping. A further meeting is
arranged for January 31, 1985, at 1:30 p.m.
Mr. Alex Yantho representing the Tillsonburg Multi -Service Centre
addresses Council and informs them of the many services performed on
behalf of the residents of the tri county area. A budget has been
prepared for the 1985 operation and Council 14 requested to consider
a grant to the Centre when considering grants for 1985.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; R. Green
That this Council supports the position of the Ontario Good
Association in expressing concern to the Ontario Government
inadequacy of funds available for road subsidies.... Carried
as to the
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
That Chas. Racz be paid the sum of $800. and that corner posts be
replaced at this property at Lot 12, Conc. 3, in lieu of fencing which
was removed during the construction of the boudary road at Vienna....
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
That a grant of $600. be made to the Y.M.C.A. to assist in.the operation
of a fitness program at the community centre commencing January 22, 1985...
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the following appointments to the several boards in and for the
Township of Bayhamfor three year terms commencing December 1, 1984,
be approved:
Straffordville Cemetery Board: -B. Wolfe, B. Nevill
Eden Cemetery Board: -G. Jenkins, R. Sandham with L.
Guysboro Cemetery Board: -C. Marshall and M. Ball
Dobbie Cemetery Board: -W. Tupper and R. Green
Calton Cemetery Board: -S. James and L. McQuiggan
Edison Pioneer Cemetery Board: -J. Seghers
Light Cemetery Board: -J. Gordon and Mrs. M. West
Smuck Cemetery Board: -W. Humphrey and P. Locker
Bayham West Cemetery Board: -0. Stannat
and R. Grant
Hulbert for 1 year
Bayham Industrial Committee:- E. Eeley and B. Nevill
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That the following appointments to the several boards in and for the
Township of Bayham for a one year term commencing December 1, 1984,
.be approved:
Bayham Parks, Recreation & Community Centre Board -.-M. Stewart, R. Sandham,
V. Chute, M. Schafer, W. Bates, G. Beard, E. Matschke, J. DeClercq,
D. Norris, J. Barclay and Lee Locker..
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by:,R. Sandham
That the members of Council be constituted as a Drainage Court of Revision
under the Drainage Act; and that Vane Chute is hereby appointed chairman
of the said Court..... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and seconded by: V. Chute
That this Council express their appreciation to the members of the volunteer
fire department for the cooperation and courtesies extended to the residents
of the Township of Bayham during the past year...... Carried
Moved by. R. Sandham
and Seconded by. R. Green
That the following building permits be approved:
Ray Vaughan
Peter Friesen
addition & renovations
Wm, Partington
Leo & Dean Pressey
residence addition
Art Veldhuizen
storage barn
Blondeel Nursery
16 greenhouses
Blondeel Nursery
storage barn
Leon Milmine
Stanley Winkworth
Wm. Bates
entrance addition
Underhill Farm Suppl.
storage silo
Robert Foris
renovation & addition
Rose Knowles
Florida room addition
John,Howey & Sons
new residence
70,000. ......Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the following appointments to the several boards in and for the
Township of Bayhamfor three year terms commencing December 1, 1984,
be approved:
Straffordville Cemetery Board: -B. Wolfe, B. Nevill
Eden Cemetery Board: -G. Jenkins, R. Sandham with L.
Guysboro Cemetery Board: -C. Marshall and M. Ball
Dobbie Cemetery Board: -W. Tupper and R. Green
Calton Cemetery Board: -S. James and L. McQuiggan
Edison Pioneer Cemetery Board: -J. Seghers
Light Cemetery Board: -J. Gordon and Mrs. M. West
Smuck Cemetery Board: -W. Humphrey and P. Locker
Bayham West Cemetery Board: -0. Stannat
and R. Grant
Hulbert for 1 year
Bayham Industrial Committee:- E. Eeley and B. Nevill
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That the following appointments to the several boards in and for the
Township of Bayham for a one year term commencing December 1, 1984,
.be approved:
Bayham Parks, Recreation & Community Centre Board -.-M. Stewart, R. Sandham,
V. Chute, M. Schafer, W. Bates, G. Beard, E. Matschke, J. DeClercq,
D. Norris, J. Barclay and Lee Locker..
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by:,R. Sandham
That the members of Council be constituted as a Drainage Court of Revision
under the Drainage Act; and that Vane Chute is hereby appointed chairman
of the said Court..... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and seconded by: V. Chute
That this Council express their appreciation to the members of the volunteer
fire department for the cooperation and courtesies extended to the residents
of the Township of Bayham during the past year...... Carried
Long Point Rergion Conservation Authority
Elgin Farm Safety Council
Local Agricultural Manpower Board
Ronson Sandham
Debbie Volkaert
V. Chute with M. Schafer
as alerernate
v, -
/r �
/ �' \
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green
That this council express their appreciation to Reeve Stewart for the
fine manner in which he has conducted the business of this municipality
during the past year...... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That adjustments be made to taxes in accordance with appeals received and
assessments provided by the regional Assessment Commissioner .... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and seconded by; V. Chute
That the following payments for extra services be made for 1984:
M. Stewart
J. Volkaert
Deputy Reeve
V. Chute
R. Green
R. Sandham
J. Petrie
V. Petrie
Deputy Clerk
J. Gibbons
Road superintendent
L. Moore
Office clerk
200. .......Carried
Moved by: R.
Sandham and
Seconded by;
J. Volkaert
And resolved
that By-law
No. 2232 being
a by-law to provide for a drainage
works in the
Township of
Bayham in the County
of Elgin (Eden) be now read
a first time......
Moved by: V.
Chute and
feconded by: R.
And resolved
that By-law
No. 2232 be now
read a second time and provisionally
passed..... carried
Moved by: R.
Green and
Seconded by; V.
And resolved
that By-law
No. 2233 being
a by-law to amend By-law No. 2209
providing for
the construction
of the Crossett
Municipal Drain Extension
and levying assessments
be now read
a first time ... Carried
Moved by; R.
Sandham and
Seconded by;
R. Green
And resolved
that By-law
No. 2233 be now
read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: V.
Chute and
Seconded by: J.
And resolved
that By-law
No. 2233 be now
read a third time and finally
Moved by: R.
Sandham and
Seconded by:
R. Green
And resolved
that By-law
No. 2234 being
a by-law to impose a special annual
drainage rate
upon land in
respect of which
money is borrowed under the
Tile Drainage
Act be now
read a first time.....
Moved by: V.
Chute and
Seconded by: J.
And resolved
that By-law
No. 2234 be now
read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: J.
Volkaert and
Seconded by:
V. Chute
And resolved
that By-law
No. 2234 be now
read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: J.
Volkaert and
Seconded by:
R. Sandham
And resolved
that By-law
No. 2235 being
a by-law to appoint fence viewers
in and for the
Township of
Bayham and to
fix their per diem remuneration
be now read a
first time.....
Moved by: V.
Chute and
Seconded by: J.
And resolved
that By-law
No. 2235 be now
read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R.
Sandham and Seconded by;
R. Green
And resolved
that By-law
No. 2235 be now
read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: V.
Chute and
seconded by; J.
And resolved
that By-law
No. 2236 being
a by-law to appoint poundkeepers
in and for the
Township of
Bayham be now
read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: V.
Chute and
Seconded by: R.
And resolved
that By-law
No. 2236 be now
read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: J.
Volkaert and
Seconded by:
R. Sandham
And resolved
that By-law
No. 2236 be now
read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: J.
Volkaert and
Seconded by:
R. Sandham
And resolved
that By-law
No. 2237 being
a by-law to confirm all actions of
the Council of
the Township of Bayham at
the meettings held December 6, 1984
and November
26, 1984, be
now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R.
Sandham and Seconded by:
J. Volkaert
And resolved
that By-law
No. 2237 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 2237 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; J. Volkaert
That general accounts totaling $76,688.40 and road accounts
$69,238.73 be approved and that this Council now adjourn to
on December 20, 1984, at 7:30 p.m. .....Carried
Tax Adjustments per resolution passed above:
meet again
1983 - Assessment Review Board
Sandra Chapman
Sandytown Developments
Sandytown Developments
Mathew Schafer
Rodger Barnes
1984 - Assessment Review Board
Frank Wall
Underhill Farms Supplies
Underhill Farm Supplies
Frank Vanopstal
Paul Millard/George Horvath12
Jack Barclay
Jack Barclay
Jack Barclay
1984 - Tax Adiustments - 496
DeCarlois Farms Ltd
Marion Hamilton
Marion Hamilton
Mary Sansone
Butland Farms Ltd
Jack Vanacker
Cliff Barlett Est
John Nezezon
Maelene Millard
Sjoerd Hoogsteen
Marvin Luce
Albert Knab
Frank Pargauskas
Frank Pargauskas
Fred Catton
CAmeron & Taylor Ins
Sandytown Developments
Sandra Chapman
Sandra Chapman
Jim Davis
Allen Walsh
Rick Mat ews
Russell Mannell
Robert Beattie
John Theoret
Ross Carson
ig: ii
X11 -7.4c6
Tax Adjustments
Ontario Good Roads Association..convention
James A. Davison..request for
increase in animal control
and pound
fees for 1985.
9 /17 -�6
Dan DeCloet
Dan DeCloet
Clarence Milmine
Brian Neal
John Keszler
Juanita Smyth
ZS7Z -Z6
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
December 20, 1984
The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve
M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors V. Chute,/'
R. Green and R. Sandham in attendance.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 6, 1984,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's
signature authorized on same...... Carried
Ontario Good Roads Association..convention
program (Feb.
James A. Davison..request for
increase in animal control
and pound
fees for 1985.
from Background..information on
Municipal Tax Sales Act
Ministry of Municipal Affairs
& Housing..enclosing cheque
for $2,100.
as a grant
for Action 85 program
Mr. David Vanderspaillie repres,nting Erie Vu Park and Mrs. A. Robbins
representing Green Acres Park (Port Burwell) meet with Council to seek
information on proposed legislation which will impose a licence fee on
trailers in parks in excess of 28 days. Council is not aware of any legislation
and is unable to provide any information. However, they will look into this
and if they are able to assist the park operators they will do so.
James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to review road matters.
Trucks are being repaired, one sander has been repaired and ready for use.
It appears that extensive grader repairs will be necessary in the new year.
Brian Goutouski, representing Butland Farms Ltd., owners of the property at
Lot 15, Conc. 3, on the hill overlooking Vienna, meets with Council to discuss
the erosion problem at that location. The Long Point Region Conservation
Authority has conducted a study and presented a report offering several methods
of remedying the situation. The recommendations are considered expensive
and alternate solutions are discussed. As -there is a second owner involved,
it is decided to attempt a tree planting program to see if this will help.
The recommendations suggested can be utilized at any time in the future if
it is necessary.
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That Canine Control shelter be paid at the rate of $19. per hour and $50. per
month for s=and -by for the year 1985...... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the clerk be instructed to advise the Long Point Region Conservation
Authority that the municipality does not wish to proceed with the remedial
work as presented in the report entitled 'Geotechnical Investigation, Slope
Instability, Vienna, Ontario' Project SC by Shakeen Consultants .... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: V. Chute
That Spriet Associates be appointed to prepare a report on the petition for
drainage as presented by Douglas Wilson & others at part Lot 124, S.T.R., at the
southern extemity of the Village of Straffordville...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham
That the application
at Lot 109, Conc. 7,
of the Land Division
Mennonite Church be
on February 7, 1985,
and Seconded by: R. Green
of Peter & Helen Giesbrecht for a change in the zoning
from Al to Institutional as necessitated by a condition
Committee for severance to accomodate an Old Colony
accepted and the public meeting to consider same be held
at 2:00 p.m. .....Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
That interest disbursements be made to the various
Old Port Burwell
Bayham West
cemetery boards as follows:
Edison 424.92 .......Carried
#2238 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute
And resolved that By-law No. 2238 being a by-law to establish a trust fund
for the purposes of the Ontario Home Renewal Program be now read a first
time...... Carried
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that by-law No. 2238 be now read a second time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Volkaert
And resolved that By-law No. 2238 be now read a third time and finally
passed..... Carried
#2239 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 2239 being
Council of the Township of Bayham at the
read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by; J.
And resolved that By-law No. 2239 be now
Moved by: V. Chute and seconded by: R.
And resolved that By-law No. 2239 be now
passed...... Carried
R. Green
a by-law to confirm all actions of the
meeting held December 20, 1984, be now
read a second time.....Carried
read a third time and finally
Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: V. Chute
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on January 3, 1985, at 10:00 a.m.
Reeve Clerk