HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1980TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1980 Council Chambers Stra.ffordville , Ontario January.- 2, 1980 The regular meeting of Pairham Township Council is held this morning. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputjr Reeve. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham. S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded b;r: M. Stewart That the minis ues of the regular meeting- of Council held December 17, 1979, having* been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same........... ...Carried Correspondence reviewe.,I as follows : 1) Gibson. Linton, Toth & Campbell..cop r of correspondence from Hon. Robert Welch re. Medina Nat. Gas. Co. 2) Ont. Good Roads Assoc .. pronram for convention—Feb. 25/27..1980 3) Elgin Farm Safet,,r Council..reorlp--anization meetinr..Jan. 22, 19$0 4) Ministry of uousinr..draft orr new Planning Act and notice of meeting to review same January 31, 1980. Mr. James Gibbons meets with Council to review road matters, Mr. Wm. Underhill meets with Council to review building matters and permit fees comparing fees charged in Bayham with those of other municipalities. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded bar: M. Schafer That this municipality renew its membership in the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and that, all members of council and the clerk be authorized as delegates to same......... Carried T-'joiTec, by. M. Stewart and Seconded bzr : R. San -,.ham That this municipality renew its membership in the Rural Ontario Municipal Association and that all members of council and the clerk be authorized as delegates to same ........... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded bir : S. Sandham That this municipality renew its membership in the Ontario Good Roads Association and that all members of council, the road superintendent, the clerk and deputy clerk be authorized as dele Tates to same...Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That this municipalit�r renew its membership in the Ontario Farm DRainage Association and that the drainage commissioner be authorized as delegate to same......... Carried Moved b -,r : S. Sandham and Sef'onHed by: M. Stewart That this municipality renew► tA'e- membership of the chief building official 1;32 in ti -,e Ontario Building Offir�ials Association and that the chief buildin7 official he authorized as delegate to same......... Carried Moved by: M. S jre-,cart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this municipality renew the membership of the clerk in the Associat n of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario and that the clerk be authorized as delegate to same......... Carried - Mover by: P. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this municipality renew ..the membership of the fire chief in the Ontario Association of Fire �'hiefs and that :the fire chief &/or his deputy be authorize' as delegte to same.......... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham That a grant of *150. be made to the Salvation Army for 1980...... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That a brant of X100. be made to the March of Dimes for 1980.....Carried Moved by: P. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That a grant of $100. be made to the Aylmer & East Elgin Agricultural Societ-; for 1980......... Carried Moved_ by: S. Sandhamand Seconded bt.r : M. Schafer That a Frant of W. be made to the St. John Ambulance Assoc. for 1980 ........... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. San,?ham That pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, Sec. 233, t'-�e blanket position bond- covering township employees having been examined by the Council is hereby approved and ordered filea......... Carried N Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded b:-: S. San ham That the Treasurer be authorized to petition the Ministr7r of Transportation & Communications for subsidy applicable to road expenditures made in 1979.. .... . .........Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. San -?ham That the tax collector be authorized to have tax bills prepared for a 70 mill interim lever pending preparation of the annual estimates...... Carried Moved b�,T : R . Sandham any? Seconded bar : ' Schafer That this Council express support to the Elgin County Branch of the Ontario Plowmen's Association in their bid to host the 1985 International Plowing Match .............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Secon�_ed by: S. Sandham That this Council express appreciation to the Ontario Provincial Police for their cooperation during 1979......... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded. by: S. Sandham That this Council express appreciation to the members of the Bayram Volunteer Fire Denartmer_t for their cooperation during 1979........ Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and. Seconddd by: R. Sandham That the f ollowinp- building permits be approved: Roger Vermeersch used kiln 't1,000. Mathew A. Schafer relocate buildin 7 12,500. Jack VanAcker p greenhouse 22,000. Jack VanAcker bulk kiln 9,000. ..............Carried 2020 Moved b:r: M. Schafer and Seconded bv: S. Sandham 1( And resolved that By-law No. 2020 being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of *800,000. be now read a first time ......... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2020 be now read a second time....... Carrier? Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolve? that By-law No. 2020 be now read a third time and f inally passed..,........ .Carried #2021 Moved. by: S. fiandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 2021 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 7,4 to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Planning .Area be now read a first time_..... Carried 1533 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded b77: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2021 be now read a second time...Carried Moved b,r: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 2021 be now read a third time and f inallir passed..... ........ Carried #2022 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2022 being a by-law to provide for t'_,e appointment of members to the East Elgin Planning Boar:' be now read a first, time.............Carried Moved bT: S. Sandham and S4canded by: M. Schafer And resolved that Ey-law No. 2022 be now read a second time...Carri.ed T'loved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: r11. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 2022 be nova read a third time and finally passed ......... Carri ed Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. S^hafer That, the employees of the road department be paid at the rate of $6.40 po,r hour effective Janii.ar�,, 1, 19801 with an anni.ial safety clothing allowance of `,)200. parable ^iiarterly, with a special allowance of -t200. tc .Ivan Prid.dle for extra shop clothing ret uirements........ r'arried. Moved by: M. Schafer and Secondee bl,,,: R. Sand? -am That casual labo.ir for the .road department be paid. at the rate of �1�.7 per holzr effective Januarir 1, 1980......... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and. Seconded rv: M. Stewart That the salary of. the Road Superin-.endent, James ribbons, be 118,000. per annum with a safety clothing alloleance of 1$200. payable ouarterly.. . .................�`arried �. Moved h�-: M. Schafer and Secondee by: M. Stewart That the Fire Chief. Harold Dennis, be paid an annual salary of $3,500, effective January 1, 1980, said salary to be incl,zsive of .fire calls... ........Carried Move) by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer Yhat the Deputr Fire Chief, Robert tyrant, be pail an annual salary of ``'2,500. effective January 1, 1980, said salary to be inclusive of fire calls.................Carried Move-? by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the Chief PiuildinF Official, Wm. Underhill, be paid at the rate of $7.40 per hour effective January 1, 1980, with remuneration at 6% of gross earnings in liei.i of vacation and 50% of Ontario Health Insurance Plan premi.,,.,ims an-'. mileage at the rate of $0.25 per' mile for the use his vAhicle..............Carried Moved by: R. Sandham anr? Seconr?ed by: S. Sandham That the Office Clerk, Lorraine Moore, be paid at the rate of $.75 per hour effective January 1980, and that the office clerk he paid for st,atiltory holidays...... ... .. Carried T`,Ioved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the salar,- of the DeputT, Clerk Treasurer, Violet VanBelois, be $12.000. per annum, effective January, 1, 1980.........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the salary of the Clerk Treasurer, Jack Petrie, be X21,000. per anni.m, effective January 1, 1980, with councillors wades for meetinjr at other than normal working hours...... .... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That Councillor's remuneration be 155. per meetinp. and $35. per special meeting with mileage at the rate of $0.25 per mile , minimum -t,2.; and that appointees to the East Elgin planning Board be paid at the rate for colincil*special meetings ........... Carried Moved bv: R. Sandham and. Seconded by: M. Schafer That genef-al accounts totaling $309,623.20 623.20 and road accounts total"ing $17,223.02 be approved; Roads..pa`Tment vouchers...................................7,320.�1� Roads. .n1 list, December 1-15 .............................. 3,8.4..02 � Roads .. p aylist December 16-31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V 58.59N 1534 Elgin Co-op Sery .... f ire dept . si.zpp ...................... 12.84, Ont. Hydro...Straff. light, maint........................ 59.24, Shell Can.Ltd... office & fire hall ...................... 101.40N Scott -Crosby Pld rs .. OI -IRP - P. Green ... ................ . . 3498.00, PitneyBowes ... meter rental ............................. 48.95 Elgin Cty.Bd. of Ed .... balance levy.....................1.45740.75, n.R..Rychman Const. holObacks Todd & Bartley Drs......... 1250.00, Long Point Ree- C/A ... balance levy ........................ 2391.25, Strickland_;Bulldozing ...adler ?L Deli nr.Rep............ 21.4.00 D.Chute & Deborah Chute ... tile dr. loan ................. 5;65.00 Ray Bosma & Ruth Bosma.... It It it ................. 23565.04 Huh Ketchabaw... tile dr. inspections ................... 70.00 J.A.Petrie...min. Or. deb ............................... 3502.68. R.Green... Council & Pl.Bd ............................... 706.00, M.Stewart.. "...................................... 528.00 R.Sandram.. "...................................... 478.40 S.Sandham.. 470.00. M.Snh.afer.. "...................................... 478,00 J. Petrie... extra Council & honks ........................ 385.00• J.Volkaert.... Pl.Bd..................................... 72.00-, R.`%Tolfe....... 11ft. . . 185,00 ?T.VanRelois...bongs..................................... 250-00-, J.Gibhons..... "...................................... 250.00 L.Moore....... "..................................... 200.00. '1!ip. of Bayham Cemetery Fund ...mun.dr.deb............... 8542.82, Deb. Acct...tile Dr.Deb................................. 949.41-. Bayham Com. Centre Bd... library rent .................... 300.00 Electric Power Acc.Co.Ltd....st.lt.suppl................. 1693.17. Amtelecom Ina. ..... office & fire dept..... ............ 106.63. Merlin Norris ......... fire dept ......................... 504.00. Peter Chmarney........ 11 ,1 324,00. Ray Vaughan............ 1t 1t 414.00 Walter Moore........... " '► 378.00• LeRo,,r Taylor ......... 1/ 11 180.00, Guw,r Grand b of s .......... „ 11 180.00 Jas. Gibbons........... 11 1/ 306.00- n Iax 111olf e .............. 11 rt 324-00, Robt. DeBrabender...... " it 120.00 R.obt.Hoshal............ 1/ 11 324,00. , Perr;r Gran-'-..... 37 .00 Jim Grass .............. 11 11 270.00 of Elgin ... ba1.1979 lev•........................... 66616 .75% Treas. of Ont...OHIP.................................... 63,75 J.D.Vallee.... mun.dr.deb................................ 1260.09" Wm.Underhill..... turkeys ................................ 123.20. LeRo;r Tayrlor...Farm safety Council ...................... 120.00. St. Thomas San.Coll.Serv.Ltd....Dec...................... 4935.45, Jas. CTibbons...Straff.St.Lt.Maint....................... 200.00 n�un.T'lorldLtd...1980 Dog tafrs ............................ 224.06 Treas.o.f Ont ... lien reg ................................. 1.00 HughKetehabalfa ... mlUn . dr. rep ........ .................. 574.65 J.A.Petrie.... sal.Dec.l-15 .............................. 535,00, V. VanBeloi s . . . 11 11 1f ii . . . . . . . . . . . 375.00-, L . Moose ....... 1t 1t 1t 11 .............................. 260.00 J.D.Vallee...retirement allowance.......... ............. 150.00. ;Iarold Dennis...fire chief -Dec .......................... 246.04. Robt. Grant.. D. n 11 11 ..... .................... 1.S9,35, Wm.Underhill... mlin. dr.deb .............................. 2976:27. Ont.Hydro... Eden,& Richmonrl maintenance ................. 190.35:, Rec. Gen. -for Can... postaf-e .............................. 150.00 T^Im. Underhill ... turkey .................................. 15.23 Gibson. Linton, Toth & Campbell...legal acct............ 1500.65 Ont. Hydro....officd & fire hall....... ................. 43,30, Jas. S. Davison...animal control ........................ 240.00 Mac &/or Rubs! Gibr,ons...mun. dr. deb.... ...............: 1624.00 Fred & Rose Ruti...tax adjustment ....................... 15.30, Vandendriessche Valley Farms ... tax adj-�stment........... 61.90 Roger Casier................... 11 it 3.02. JohnNezezon....................rt 11 172.561\ Robt Gre7son................... 11 11 159.60\ Ward Farms Ltd ................. 11 11 ........... 81.64. Gladys Hod rrkii.................. 11 11 ........... 63.47 Michael Ilesch Jr,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11 11 ........... 11.08 Goo. Parbier.................,. 1/ 11 so*20.78 Barbara Catton . . . . . , , ' , i • 1 7• 1 1 � ? tr 11 , . . , , , . . . . . 11-46\ John Ilowey & Sons Ltd.......... 11 11 17.00 �.. Beverl;r Walker................. 11 11 ..........., 9.92 1535 Antoon Donck....... tax. adjustment ...................... 112.58, Archie Hewson....., It » ..................... 18.45. Rlassell Mitts...... rt it ..................... 52.$9.. Andv Dieleman Ltd.. tf ,t ..................... 24.66,. Walter Chilcott.... ,t tt ..................... 54.78 „ 1, 126.64.. Leon Regan......... ..................... Hu7h Ketchabaw ..... /T tt .............. . 0000.. 45-33. Victor Knabb....... ft 1, ..................... 37.15` r'eorFre Backus ...... tt ti ................... . . 46.85, Ross'Carson........ tf it ..................... 49.56, Mitchell Farms Ltd. tt 11 ..................... 35.$8,, NickEnns...... ,... tr 1t .0....0.1.0........... 8.23, Wm. Underhill .. Bld.g;,. V. - 28.00 , F - 320.05 ............. 348-05, Al Ft/or Ivv Schirris...mun. dr. r?eb.................... 36-09.83". Ctv. of Elrrin... Sec. 43 taxes...... ... 2345.29. Elgin Cty. Bd. of rd...Sec. 43 taxes .................. 11445.61, Elgin Cty. R.C.S.S.Bd.. 1r tf rt .................. 476.08. J.A.''etrie.... sal.Dec.16-31........................... 535.40.. V.VanBelois... rt if fi it, ........................... 375• L.Moore.....,. if it it 11 ........................... 243-0011, Rec. Gen. for Can...ded. Dec..... ..................... b85.35, Omers............... it it .......................... 504.02,. and that this Council now adjourn to meet a7ain on January 21st., 1980 at 7:30 P.M....Carried..... . Clerk Council Chambers Straff ordville , Ontario January 21, 1980 The regular meeting of Council is held this evening, Reeve R. Green presiding. Present are Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors S. Sandham and M. Schafer. Councillor R. Sandham is attending a meeting of the Elgin Plowmen's Association and arrives at 10:30 P.M. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 2, 1980, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same ........... Carried Mr. Gale Mercer meets with Council to discuss a drainage problem at his property at Lot 2, Concession 10. The property is serviceO by The Wallace Drain, Brances A & B. It appears that the capacity of the the is not sufficient at peA periods and water backs up creating a problem with his basement drain. Council will have the tile dug up to see if there is a partial blockage. It is estimated that if it is necessary to repace the tile with a larger capacity , an expenditure Pp Y of a roximatel � , 000. would be involved. Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Agriculture Canada..rabies report, December, 1979 2) Min. of Transportation & Communications..1980 road subsidy allocation 3 ) Min. of Agriculture & Food .. guidelines for the drainage loans 4} Elgin Land Division Comm.. severance application.. Andy Dieleman Ltd. 5) n n n » n n Wyndemere Farms Ltd. 61 Harold Dennis..fire chiefts report June 13- November 21, 1979 7) » » » n n December 11, 1978 -November 21, 1979 8) Conlen Wrecking Co. Ltd..reply to request to fence salvage yard ) 9) Ontario Mayors Committee for Canadian Unity..reauest to endorse resolution re. Quebec Referendum 10) Rural Ontario Municipal Assoc..convention program February 10-13, 1980 1536 11) Ministry of Agriculture & Food..copy of resolution passed by Elgin Soil & Crop Improvement Assoc. re. erosion/drains 12) Ontario Hydro..cancellation of line betterment project through Village of Eden Mr. Jim Gibbons review sltbad matters. He recuests permission to purchase 20 new half load signs for posting this year at approximately $35. each. The old Knott's Mill bridge has now been demolished and is ready for removal. Several bad washoutsare appearing at various locations along the roads. Mr. Wm. Underhill reports on the progress of several building projects in the municipality. Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this Council has no objections to the proposed severance of the lands of: Andy Dieleman Ltd., Lot 1, Conc. 9, #E 2/80 Wyndemere Farms Ltd., Lest 6-$, Conc. 1, #E 8/80.......... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconddd by: M. Schafer That the semi annual report of the fire chief for the period June 13 to November 21, 1979 be approved.............Carried #2023 And resolved that By-law No. 2023 being a by-law to licence and recuire registration of dogs, and to prohibit and regulate the running at large of dogs within the Corporate limits of the Township of Bayham be now read a first time ........... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2023 be now read a second time ..... Carrised Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That general accounts totaling $23,$56.56 and road acounts totaling $725.31 for 1979 be approved; Roads..payment vouchers....................................$725.31 Elgin R.C.S.S. Board..balance 1979 levy..................10,071.28 Hans Anderson. -cleaning office .................... 0-000... 30.00 Sand#town Developments Ltd..overcharge 1979 interest..... .15.18 Wm. Baer. -overpayment 1979 taxes ......................... 53.12 Richmond -Const. Co. " 6.00 H & L Farms Ltd.. " 75.56 C. D. Phillips Ltd.. " $$7.00 Archie Hewson " 144.00 Julien VanOoleghen " 65.29 Nevillts Burner Service..fire hall furnace repairs....... 29.$0 Shell Canada Ltd..office & fire hall fuel................ 166.10 Geo. Beard..Corinth light maintenance .................... 22.62 Ontario Hydro..street light energy.. ..................... $29.10 W. G. Webster Stationery Ltd..office supplies............ 58.$9 Otter Publishing Ltd..advertisement ..............0....... 17.50 Amtelecom Inc.. office and fire phones................... 97.53 James S. Davison..animal control ........................0 120.00 Wajax Industries Ltd..fire dept. 'jaws' ..................11,167.59 and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on February 6, 1980, at 10:00 a.m. ..............Carried �59 Mal` 121-T7 I Cl Clerk I X3'7 Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario February 6, 19$0 The regular meeting of Council is held this morning. Reeve R. Green is temporily absent at a meeting of Elgin Road Committee. In attendance are Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That in the temporary absence of Reeve Green, Deputy Reeve Stewart be appointed Acting Reeve......... .....Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the minutes of the regularrmeeting of Council held January 21, 1980, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same .................. Carried The following items of correspondence are reviewed: 1) Agriculture Canada..rabies report, January, 1980 2) Elgin Land Division Eomm..severance application..Wyndemere Farms Ltd. 3) " " " " .. " " ..Francis, B. & E. Green 4) Village of Madoc..request to endorse resolution re. decreasing interest rates for small businesses 5 ) Township of Brock " " " re. deferring implementation of metric system 6) Long Point --Port Rowan Chamber of Commerce..request to support designation of scenic route along north shore of Lake Erie. 7) Bkvid Warner, M.P.P..copy of Hansard record of speach re. Aggregates Act 8) Semaine du Canada Week..recuest to support Canada Week 9) east Elgin Planning Board..reouest to repeal bylaw adopting Amendment No. 9, and withdraw same from M. of H. 10) St. Thomas -Elgin Health Unit comments re. By-law No. 2023 re. dog control Mr. Wm. Underhill Meets with Council to review building matters. Reeve R. Green assumes the chait. Messrs. Joe and John Oliviera meet with Council to present an account for repairs to the Coyle Municipal Drain in the amount of $450. The repairs having been done over one year ago, and the properties affected having been invoiced for the shares, Council is reluctant to authorize payment. The account is left with the Treasurer for consideration. Sgts. B. Crane and D. Klenevic and Cpl J. McQuiggan of Tillsonburg and Port Burwell meet with Council to review any matters of mutual concern. Sgt. Klenevic is being transferred to the Niagara Falls Detachment and Cpl. McQuiggan will be in charge of Port Burwell. Half load season commencing March lst. is of concern to Council. The recently constructed tar & Chip roads are not suitable for heavy trafic during the spring thaw. Sgt. Crane reviews the provisions of the Highway Trafic Act and advises Council that signs are not necessary, however they are recommended. He suggests that a registered letter could be sent to local drivers on their first offence if it appears that they are not fully aware of the half load regulations. The O.P.P. are prepared to strictly enforse any offences brought to their attention. -Also, the M.T.C. will conoperate and provide a portable scale if it appears that there are many truckers ignoring the half load season. It is noted that with O.P.P. assistance vandalism, speeding and tare spinning are not as prevalent as in past years. Mr. James Gibbons meets with Council to review road matters. The lack of snow has reduced winter maintenance and use of sand and salt. The time has been utilized in repairing and painting Township vehicles. Mr. Gibbons recuests Council to consider rel&eving him of his position as road superinL tendent and return him to his former position with the work force. He agrees to carry out his duties as road superintendent until such time as a satisfactory replacement is engaged. l Mr. Harold Dennis meets with Council to discuss fire matters. A cheque in the amount -of $1,500. has been received from the Straffordville Lions Club 1538 to assist in the payment of the 'jaws of Life* . Mr. Dennis suggests that consideration be given to designating his vehicle as a fire vehicle as it could be used to transport ecuipment when the larger vehicle is not reouired . A magnetic flashing red light could be used on the roof of his truck to identify it as a fire vehicle. The Clerk is instructed to research the legalities andidsurance reouirements for this request. A letter of appreciation is directed to the Straffordville Liojns Club for their generous donation for our new equipment. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconddd by: R. Sandham That this Council has no objections to the severance application of Wyndemere Farms Ltd., Lot 6-8, Conc. 1, and #E 9/80.........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this Council objects to the severance application of Francis, Berton and Edith Green, Lot 6, North Gore, and #E 10/80, as the proposed Ase of the land is for residential purposes in the rural area........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this Council support the Port Rowan -Long Point Chamber of Commerce in obtaining the official designation of a Scenic Route along the north shore of Lake Erie; and that County of Elgin Road No. 42 be so designated through the Township of Bayham.............Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and That the following building Rommel Farms Ltd. Wm. Vanderven Jack Abell Michael Weber Andy Guertjents Andy Vabse venant Blondeel Nursery Inc. Blondeel Nursery Inc. Peter Friesen John Zamecnik Bohn Zamecnik Jim Fuller Mrs. L. Wells Jacob Bartsch Mitchell Farms Ltd. Mrs. Geo. Bradt Seconded by: M. Schafer permits be approved: residence $5.,000. pack barn 46,000. used greenhouse 59500. siding 4,500. greenhouse addition 6,000. renovations 7,000. greenhouse 1,000. barn roof 39000. house renovations 11000. house renovations 5,000. greenhouse 1,000. chimney 19000. house renovation 19000. siding 29500. house renovations 5,000. siding 29500. .........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham Whereas County of Elgin Road No. 38 and Region of Haldimand Norfolk Road No. 38 is a portion of the original Talbot Trail through the Townships of Malahide, Bayham and Norfolk; And Whereas this area is scenic and of historic interest; And Whereas many small communities, Provincial Parks and Conservation Areas can be visited in the proximity of this Road; Therefore be it resolved that this Council request the Ministry of Transportation & Communications to designate County of Elgin Road No. 38 and Region of Haldimand-Norfolk Road No. 38 as a Heritage Road; Further that support for the aforesaid designation be solicited from the Trrnships of Malahide and Norfolk, the Villages of Vienna and Port Burwell, the County of Elgin and the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk... .............Carried No. 2023 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 2023 (to reuire registration of dogs etc.) be now read a third time and finally pasled.............Carried #2024 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved thst By-law No. 2021 being a by-law to inpose a special annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile DrAinage Act, 1971, be now read a first time......... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2024 be now read a second time....... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2024 be now read a third time and finally passed ......... Carried 1539 #2025 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved th-st Ey-law No. 2025 being a by-law to repeal adopting Amendment No. 9 to the Official Plan for the East Area be now read a first time........ Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 2025 be now read a second Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 2025 be now read a third passed........ Carried By-law No. 1986 Elgin Planning time...... Carried time and finally #2026 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2026 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 11 to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Planning Area be now read a first time......... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2026 be now read a second time....... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2026 be now read a third time and finally passed ............ Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by' S. Sandham That general accounts totaling $32,7$4.64 and road accounts totaling $67,73$.32 be approved: Roads..payment vouchers.....................................$57,410.20 Roads. -pay list Jan. 1-15 ................................... 39501.16 Roads..pay list Jan.16-31....................... ............ 69$26.96 Treasurer of Ontario..tile drainage debentures.............. 8,102.52 Anna Rapasy..municipal drain debenture ...................... 1,511.66 Shell Canada Ltd...office & fire hall... ... o ..... o.....00... 176.75 R.Green.....Council......................................... 112.50 M.Stewart... " 0000 ..................................... 109.00 R. Sandham... " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119-50 3-Sandham... " 0000........0000 ......................... 105.00 M.Schafer... " 00.00 .................................... 109.00 J.Petrie..extra"......................................... 50.00 Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario...membership............ 289.25 Rural Ont. Mun. Assoc ................. " ............ 100.00 Ont. Good Rds. Assoc.................. " ............ 31.00 Assoc. Mun. Clerk's & Treas.of Ont.... " ............ 50.00 Ont. Assoc. of Fire Chief's........... " ............ 40.00 Sal'ration Army ...... grant ................................... l50oOO Hotel Toronto....dep. re. OGRA .............................. 350.00 Rural Ont. Mun. Assoc...registration seminar................ 30.00 Ont. Farm Drainage Assoc....membership ...................... 25.00 Treas. Of Ontario..... OHIP................................. 103.75 J.A.Petrie...sal.Jan.1-15...........................625.00 V.VanBelois.. n................................. 14.10.00 �t tr n n Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Harold Dennis...sal.Jan..................................... 264.48 Robt.Grant....0.000..0 164.20 J.D.Vallee... ...retirementallowance........................ 150.00 Aylmer & East Elgin Agr.Soc.....grant....................... 100.00 Ont. Education Cap.AidCorp...sch.deb........................ 1540.00 St . Thomas S a . C o l 1 . S e r v . . . . . Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4935-45 L.Moore.... Vacation pay..1979 ............................... 250.00 Wm. Underhill.. n n it 500oOO- Wm.Underhill..Bayham Sal.$223.43,Mil..$47.00 Vienna " 35.52 " 3.50 ................ 309.45 Cameron & Taylor...increased firemen's Insce................ 35.00 Jean Y.LaBranch...dog tag sales ................... 0.000..... 1486.66 Ont. Hydro...office & fire hall........... .................. 71.00 Harold Dennis...fire school..........................00.00.. 82.50 Ont. Hydro...talbot light installation ........... 0.0.00..... 1017.58 Norfeld Hart Ltd...office suppl ............................. 131.49 Ont. B1dg.Offl. Assoc...membership .......................... 15.00 Treas. of Ont tile d r .deb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5040-54 . . . . . March of Dimes .................................. 100.00 ......grant J.A.Petrie..sal.Jan. 16-31 ............................... 625.00 ... n n n n V Va nB e l o i s • • • • • . . . 410 . 00 . . . . . . • . . • • . . . • . • • . • . • . • • . • • L.Mooren n it n ............................... 310.00 ....... 0 Wm.Underhill..Bayham Sal.$379.24,mil.$108.13,Vt$44.4OMr$10.?5 542.52; Rec. Gen.for Canada.....ded.Jan ............................. 1100.42` Owers " " 673.42 ................... .....................,....... . and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on February 1$ At 6:30 P.M.... ..Carried..... 1540 Council Chambers Straff ordville , Ontario February 18, 1980 The regular meeting of Council is held this evening. In the temporary absence of Reeve Green, the meeting is called to order by Deputy Reeve Stewart. Present are Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and. M. Schafer Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That in the temporary absence of Reeve Green, Deputy Reeve Stewart be appointed acting reeve ...... ..........Carried 14oved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer that the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 6, 1980, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same ............ Carried The following items of correspondence are reviewed: 1) Canadian Transport Commission. -reply to resolution of the Town of 2) Natural Resource 3) Elgin County Land 4) n 5) 6) " Dunnville re. insallation of crossing signals Gas. Ltd. report on condition of gas heaters in the works barn and need for proper venting of same. Divison Committee..severance application K. & M. Danbro K. & M. Danbrook " Lamers Farms Ltd " F. & E. Rosenberger " R. & M. Anderson Reeve Green arrives and assumes the chair. Mr. James Gibbons reports on road conditions and machinery being repaired. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: That this Council has no objections to of: Keith & Mary Danbrook, Lot 15, Lamers' Farms Ltd. Lot 111 Frank & Eva Rosenberger, Lot 21, Roy & Marjorie Anderson, Lot 21, M. Schafer the proposed severance of Conc. 10, E 22/$0 & 112, STR E 23/$0 IE Conc. 3, E 2$/80 Conc. 7, 31/80 .............Carried the lands Movee by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the application of David L. Chute & Deborah Chute for a the drainage loan in the amount of $6, 700. at Lots 18 & 19, Conc. 3, be approvdd... ...........Carried Zl Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham 7;-2027 And resolved that By-law No. 2027 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 1167 licencing and regulating taxicabs within the Township of Bayham benow read a first time...... ....Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2027 be now read a second time.... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 2027 be now read a third time and finally passed......... . .Carried =2023 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-lww No 2028 being a by-law to provide that in the year 1980 a levy be made before the adoption of the estimates for the year be now read a first time ........... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 202$ be now read a second time...... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2028 be now read a third time and finally passed........ ......Carried i Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this meeting of Council now adjourn to meet again on March 5, 1980; at 10:00 a,.m... .. ...............Carried 15.1 Council Chambers Straff ordville , Ontario March 5, 19$0 The regular meeting of Council isheld this morning. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Councilor S. Sandham arrives at 1:00 p.m. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 18, 1980, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same ........... Carried Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Task Force on Vandalism..invitation to submit comments 2) CountyAngineer..report re. culverts on Bayham/Malahide Townline 3 ) Gibsof'i, Linton, Toth & Campbell .. reply fro% Medina offering to turn gas well ownership over to Township for taxes 4) East Elgin Planning Board..budget estimates for 1980 for approval 5) County of Elgin..application for exemption to tree cutting by-law.. J. & I. Koteles 6.) James S. Davision..request for increase in animal control fees 7) City of Toronto..copy of resolution supporting Premier Davis in opposing Quebec's White Paper 8) Tillsonburg Tri County Agricultural Society. -request fv -grant 9) Aylmer Minor Hockey Assoc..request for grant 10) Canadian National Institute for the Blind..request for grant 11) Regional Municipalityof Ottawa Carleton. -request to endorse resolution re. education program for road signs 12) Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application..A. & M. Laemers Mr. Hugh Ketchabaw meets with Council to set a date for the inspection of problems on No. 1 Drain. It is decided to have our engineers, Spriet & Associates attend at the site to suggest a solution. Also, there app rears to be a problem at Litt Jerry Cr. Drain. It is decided that perhaps Mr. Spriet should suggest a solution to this problem too. Mr. Wm. Underhill meets with Council to review various building projects in the Township. As there is some misunderstanding as to the requirements for a building permits, it is decided to place an advertisement in the Tillsonburg and Aylmer papers advising people of the necessity of aquiring a building permit for construction, repairs and renovations. Ms. Terry L. Farmer and Mr. Wm. Blake representing Natural Resource Gas Limited meet with Council to request a franchise for the distribution of natural gas in the municipality. They report that since the new company commenced operation, approximately $20,000. has been made in capital expenditures for the repair and/or replacement of lines. They are requesting a standard franchise agreement. Council should pass a resolution approving the franchise and requesting the Ontario Energy Board to dispense with the vote of electors. When the franchise is approved by the Board,a public meeting will be held, after which a bylaw is passed granting the franchise. Council is assured that new installations will conform to the Gas Code as set down by the Province. Main lines will be 36 inches below ground. The old lines will stay as is -where is until replacement is necessary. The leakage is now much improved and is being improved upon. An Ontario Land Surveyor is being engaged to map and describe locations of all lines. A full set of maps will be provided within two years of the signing of the franchise. New lines will be subject to approval by Council. The Clerk is instructed to write N.R.G. Ltd. informing them that the resolution to approve their request will be considered when a letter confirming that the mapping will be done, and that the Township will bear no responsibility for any lines not shown on map is received. Also, informing them that Council considers, the account received for repairing lines last fall excessive and request an adjustment. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this Council approves the budget of the East Elgin Planning Board for the year 1980 as submitted by that Board for approval.......Carried Nil 15+2 Moved by: M. Stewart add Seconded by: S. Sandham That James S. Davison be paid at the rate of $12. for animal control.. ...............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by., R. Sandham That a grant of $100. be made to the Tillsonburg Tri County Agricultural Society of the year 1980 ........... Cariied Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That a grant of'$75. be made to the Aylmer Minor Hockey Assoc. for 1980.. .........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the following building permits be approved: Paul DePlancke demolish old residence $11000. Ted Tait remodek barn 6,000. Mary & Ken Ward finish basement 3,000. Peter Weibe insulate residence 1,600. Gerald Clarke insulate & renovate res. 21400. ........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded That applications for tile drainage Russell & Florence Mannell George Nasswetter by: M. Schafer loans be approved as follows: Lot 6, Conc. 10, $8,100. Lnt 5, Conc. 10, 92200. ...........Carried #2029 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By -Law No. 2029 being a by-law to impose a special annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time.....Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2029 be now read a second time ... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 2029 be now read a third time and finally passed .......... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That general accounts totaling $22,407.47 and road accounts totaling $29,590.06 be approved; Roads..payment vouchers....................................$21,3$6.0. Roads..pay list Feb. 1-15 ...... ...... ...... .......... 090.0. 2196..75 Roads . . pay list Feb. 16-29... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5;239.27 W. G. Webster Stationery Ltd..office supplies .............. 20.49 Elgin County Mutual Aid Fire Service Assoc..membership..... 15.00 Electric Power Acc. Ltd..street lighting equipment......... 4$.15 Peters Brown & Company..a/c 1979 audit ..................... 2,100.00 Amtelecom Inc .... office & fire phones...... ...... 96.25 Ronald Green...Council..................................... 205.00 Max Stewart.... " 0000 ................................. 1$$.00 Ronson Sandham.. t' ..................................... 19$.50 Sandra Sandham.. " 0000 ................................. 145.00 Mathew Schafer.. " 0000 ................................. 1$$.00 Jack Petrie extra " 0000 ................................. 125.00 Joseph Volkaert...zoning mts .............................. 71..00 Blake Wolfe....... " ' .............................. 71..00 Safety Supply Co ... fire Dept.supplies...................... 72.60 Shell Can, Ltd...office & fire hall ........................ 255.03 Bayham Comm.Centre...Christmas exp ......................... 211.9. Gilles Therrien...dr.reps.......:.......................... 46$.50 Deb.acct...ti��le dr.deb..................................... 1,479.60 Ronald Vaughan ry1 . . . f o x b o un t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wm.Underhill..Vienna$66.05,Bayham $312.77 8.00 .................. 378.82 J.D.Vallee ...retirement allow ............................. 150.00 H.Dennis....... fire chief .................................. -265.16 R.Grant .....D.fire chief .................................. 165.21 J.A.Petrie...sal.Feb.l-15.................................. 625.00 V.VanBelois.. n n n " .................................. 410.00 L.Moore...... n n n " .................................. 210.00 Treas.of Ont...tile dr.deb................................. 4,1+52.12 Ont. Hydro...office & fire hall ............................ 71.00 St -Thomas San.Coll.Ltd...coll. & transf.stn................ 5,71+1.$1 Olivetti Can.Ltd.... office suppl ........................... Treas.of Ont...Cty.Rd.42 52.70 water system ...................... Shell Can.Ltd... office & fire hall.. 252.99 Dennis Garage...fire dept. rep..... 130.11 115.03 Treas. of Ont...OHIP....................................... 115.03 15+3 Rec. General...postage.......................... $200.00 Hans Anderson... cleaningg floor .................. 30.00 J.A.Petrie... sal.Feb. 16-29 ..................... 625.00 V.Van Belois. n a n n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 410.00 L.Moore.312.00 rhill..Vienna $11�Byha$272.25.386.70Wm.Unde 0*0 Rec. Gen... deductions Feb ....................... 809.85 Owers...... " "....................... 537.58 and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on March ....Carried.... 0 The regular meeting of Reeve R. Green presides R. Sandham, S. Sandham are several members of attending as a part of Moved by: R. Sandham That the minutes of the having been examined by signature authorized on Clerk 17th. at 7:30 P.M. Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario March 17, 1980 Bayham Township Council is held this evening. with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors and M. Schafer in attendance. Also present the Girl Guides from Brownsville who are their citizenship training. and Seconded by: M. Stewart regular meeting of Council held March 5, 1980, the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's same.............Carried '* The following items of correspondence are reviewed: 1) Agriculture Canada..rabies report, February, 1980 2) Natural Resource Gas. Ltd..list on contact persons 3) Mrs. Margaret Blaxall & Dorothy Buck. -complaint re 4) Harold L. Calvert..requeet fab road improvements at fv* emergencies Amtelecom rates Lot 2, N.G. Mr. Douglas Ort meets with Council to request closing of certain roads for a sports car rally in January of 1981. He has received waivers from the majority of residents along the proposed routes. Council will consider the request and Mr. Ort will attend Coundil on April 2, for a decision or further informayion. Mr. Wm MacAllister meets with Council to request a grant to assist with the replacement of the fence at the Claus Cemetery. This being one of the older cemeteries, perpetual care funds are limited. Some donations are expected, however, assistance is needed. A petition for the repair of the Corinth Municipal Drain uu,der Sec. 78 of the Drainage Act is received from Messrs Joe Zehr and R,tLeeuwen at Lots 4 & 5 Conc. 9, is received and the Clerk requested to notify the Conservation Authority of same. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this Council has no objections to the proposed severance of the lands of Alphonse & Mary Laemers, Lots 12 & 13, 8onc.1.2, A x.9/80 ... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That a grant of $400. be made to the Claus Cemetery Board to assist in the erection of a new fence......... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That applications for tile drainage loans be approved as follows: Ray Bosma and Ruth Bosma..Lots 2,3 & 4, Conc. 10, $9,700. Anthony Csinos & Alice Csinos..Lot 20, Conc. 2, 3,700. Anthony Csinos & AliceCsinos.. Lot 21, Conc. 2, 5,200. ...Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham That a program of road expenditures in the amount of $369,250. with M.T.C. subsidy of $189,500. be approved............Carried 11 1544 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the Ministry of Transportation & Communications be petitioned for supplementary subsidy funds in the amount of $16,000. for culvert purchase for the Bayham/Malahide Townline road ... ......Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. That this meeting of Council now adjourn to at 10:00 a.m. ..............Carried W.. -XrWIAJ_i� i Schafer meet again on April 2qd., Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario April 2, 1980 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 17, 1980, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reevefs signature authorized on same.............Carried Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) City of North York..request to endorse resolution requesting Province to reduce or eliminate property taxes for senior citizens 2) Town of Essex..request for grant to disaster relief fund 3) Frank Cowan Ltd. -newsletter re. insuarnce programs 4) Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario..notice of workshop to review new Planning Act and proceedures 5) East Elgin Planning Board..request for interim payment on levy 6) Elgin Land Division Comm..severance application..Phena Humphrey 7 ) t' " n " " Allan & Shirley Cowan g) n n to Abe & Helen Dyck 9? County of Elgin..request for letter of permission to open two sandpits on Road 38 during construction period 10) C. I. Bank of Commerce..propoasal to pay interest on average current account balance Mr. John Slade of Slade & Associates meets with Council to review a proposal for municipal insurance coveragd. Mr. Slade's office is in Kinigardine and he uses no local agents. However, a local adjuster would be appointed to investigate claims. Mr. Douglas Ort of the Lnndon Sports Car Club meets with Council to review progress in the proposed rally to be held in January, 1981. Council tenatively approves the rally providing the qUb presents copies of waivers from all affected property°owners who might need the use of the roads at the rally times, provides proof of adequate insurance coverage and provides the legal assistance in preparing the closing by-laws and all revelant costs. Mr. Byron Weibe, professional engineer with an office in Simcoe meets with Council to review the services he provides. As he is now opening his business, any work Council can provide will be appreciated. Messrs. Gerry Taylor and Lyle Wells representing Frank Cowan Company meet with Council to review their proposal for municipal insurance coverage.;Mr. Taylor is the local agent who has carried the coverage for the past several years with Mr. Geo. Cameron. 1545 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the Treasurer be authorized to remit $2,$$9.52 to the East Elgin Planning Board being 50% of the estimated apportionment for 1980 ... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That this Council has no objections to the applications for severance of: Phena Humphrey, Lots 13 & 14, Conc. 5, #E 64/40 Allan & Shirley Cowan, Lot 8, Conc. 5, #E 68/80....... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this Council objects to the application for severance of: Abe & Helen Dyck, part Lot 111, R.P. 22, #E ?3/80, as the two lots created will be too small for individual wells and field beds; provided that if a communal water system is available and the severance meets with the approval of the Elgin Stv Thomas Health Unit this Council will withdraw its objection ........... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council has no objections to the proposed sand pits to be opened by the County of Elgin at: Lot 119 STR belonging to Ward Farms Ltd. and Lot 123 STR belonging to Braun's Green Acres Ltd....... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the petition for the repair of the Corinth Municipal Drain be accepted and the Clerk instructed to notify the L ng Point Region Conservation Authority as required under The Drainage Act, 1975, Sec. 78 (2) ............ Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the petition for drainage at the north west corner of Lot 6, Conc. 9, be accepted and the Long Point Region Conservation Authority so advised.. .........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council approves the application of the Straffordville Lions Club to manage and conduct a raffle lottery with prizes in the amount of $9,700. to be drawn on September 5, 190........ Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the following building permits be approved: Richard Prouse insulate Jean Guy Grandbois insulate Louis Bari new residence Joe Rego insulate & renovate Wm. Ward roof house $12594. 2,190. 68,000. 7,200. 1,000. ..........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the proposal of Frank Cowan Company for insurance coverage for the municipality be accepted.............Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That Easter Monday, April 7, 1980, be proclaimed as holiday for the Township of Bayham employees...............Carried #2030 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2030 being a by-law to repeal By-law No. 2029; a by-law authorizing an annual levy upon land for a tile drainage loan be now read a first time ............ Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 2030 be now read a second time......Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That By-law No. 2030 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried Eleven applications for the position of road superintendent as advertised are opened. because of the lateness of the hour it is decided to review these applicatioru on Thursday evening, April 3rd. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: ,. Schafer i That general accounts totaling $241,287.33 and road accounts totaling' $17,036.99 be approved: Roads. -payment vouchers......................................$7,706.08 R oads..pay list March 1-15 ................................... 101$. Roads..pay list March 16-31 ................................. 6,311.x3 1546 Treas. of Ont ........... OHIP............................$100.00 Bell, Lemon & Houghton..Chute Hill description ... ........$35.00 Pitney Bowes ... meter rental.... ..... o ............ o... 48.95 Everitt Electric Ltd... Office repairs ............... 40.47 Fernlea Flowers Ltd ... Locker funeral ................. 20.00 Shell Canada Ltd ... Office & fire hall... ............. 101.51 Long Point Reg.0/A...a/c levy ........................ 2616.50 Ontario Hydro ... street light maint................... 343.93 Elgin County Bd.of Educ....a/c levy .................. 145701.00 R. Green....Council.. .................................... 433.75 M. Stewart.. ".................................. 611.00 R.Sandham... ".................................. 586.00 S.Sandham.... ".................................. 550.00 M. Schafer.. ".................................. 606.00 Jack Petrie...extra Council & Conv.exp............... 2134.52 V.VanBelois... OGRA exp ............................... 56.50 Elgin Cty.R.C.S.S.Bd...a/c levy ...................... 10400.00 Jas.S.Davison... animal control ....................... 240.00 Gestetner (Canada) Ltd..office rep ................... 5.31 Tillsonburg Tri County Agr.Soc... grant ............... 100.00 Aylmer Minor Hockey Assoc ... grant .................... 75.00 J.D.Vallee...retirement allowance .................... 150.00 V.VanBelois.... Sal.Mar.1-15........................ 410.00 J.A.Petrie... .. n n n n ........................ 625.00 L. Mo ore . . . . . . #a is n n n . . . . . . 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270-00 H. Dennis...fire chief ... March ....................... 265.46 Robt.Grant... dep.fire chief... March .................. 165.21 Wm. Underhill ... Bayham sal -$309.29 Mi1.119.75 " It Vienna It 111.00 " 22.50........ 562.54 Royal Bank & Ray & Ruth Bosma... tile dr.loan.......,. 6400.00 J.I. & C. Koteles................ n It n ......... M. & C. Vereecken................ ti n n ....,..�. Royal Bank & J.& E. Kokenyesi.... n n n ......... Randy & Linda Underhill........., n it n ...,.,,.� Andy Dieleman Ltd ................ " n is .,....... G. Paul Stewart .................. n n is ......... Ron & Mary Haggerty .............. n n is ......... Hugh Ketchabaw... tile dr. inspections ................ Rec. Gen. ...P.O. Box rent ........................... St. Thomas San. Coll.Sery..Ltd.... March .............. Amtelecom Inc...Office & fire hall ................... Shell Can. Ltd...,, n it n n „ ,,.,,,..,...66..0 Everitt Electric Ltd. ... fire hall rep........... .... o Business Computer Serv...interim tax bills........... Ont. Hydro...arrears collected ....................... Ont. Hydro...office & fire hall ...................... Rec. Gen...fire dept.radio lic....................... Shell Can. Ltd...office & fire hall..... ... 000..00 Treas. of Ontario...tile dr. deb...... ........... o..o Claus Cemetery Bca rd...grant......................... Ont. Hydro...Eden. St. light rppairs................. I.E.S.Bus.Prod...supp.& Agreement..... ... oo-o ... o ... o Gestetner (Can.) Ltd ... office supp................... Twp. of S.W.Oxford...1979 fire calls........ .... o ... o Lorraine Moore...office supplies.... o.....0000000 .... J.A.Petrie...sal.Mar.16-31........................... V.Van Belois. n n n "........................... Lorraine Mooren n n "00*00000000*000000000*00000 Wm. Underhill...Bayham Sal -$140.76 mile 50.75 n n Vienna " 133.20 n 30.50........ Omers.......... deductions March ...................... 6665.00 2265.00 19965.00 2665.00 11'665.00 5565.00 1965.00 245.00 15.00 5340.13 130.71 217.30 225.00 581.58 54.47 84.89 26.00 103.21 3556.34 400.00 122.81 262.41 300.35 2000.00 33.69 625.00 410.00 275.00 Rec. Gen........ " " ...................... and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on April ....Carried.... PW • 355.21 $3'9.48 8?5.10 21, 1980 at 7:30 P. 1547 Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario April 21, 1980 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham and S. Sandham in attendance. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held April 2, 1980, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.......... Carried The following items of correspondence are reviewed: 1) Agriculture Canada..rabies report..March,, 19$0 2) Town of Tillsonburg..request to approve name 'Bayham Drive' designation for townline road 3) Elgin County Plowmen's Assoc..notice of meeting..Apr. 29/$0 4) Natural Resource Gas Ltd..reply re. inquiry re mapping of lines 5) O'Donovan & Hutton..inquiry re. disposition of gas franchise agreement 6) Town of Tillsonburg.-invitation to attend airport official opening 7) Tillsonburg Chamber of Commerce..request for donation for tourist brochure 8) Tillsonburg Chamber of Commerce..invitation to attend rural/urban night on April 28/80 9) Field -Springer Disaster Relief Fund..request for donation 10) Port Hope Disaster Relief Fund..request for donation 11) Kathy Emerson (& others) request for donation to operate day camp 12) Town of Dunnville..request to have provincial government establish a special reserve find for disaster relief 13) Reg. Municipality of Ottawa Carleton..request to endorse resolution re pedestrian crosswalk regulations 14) Mr. E. Stutzman..reKsultants..newsletter st for road repairs (Beattie Sideroad) 15) Municipal Planning with comments on Planning Act 16) Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application..J. C. Wolfe Ltd. 17) East Elgin Planning Board..apportionment of 1980 levy 18) Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs..designations under the Provincial Offences Act 19) Johnston, Doyle & Prendergast..request to close road allowance between Cons. 6 & 7 at Lots 112& 113 20) Lake Erie Realy..request to issue building permit pending road closing between Cons. 6 & 7, at Lots 112 & 113 21) London Sports Car Assoc. specimen of insurance certifucate 22 ) C. I. Bank of Commerce .. borrowing rate (174) Mr. James Gibbons meets with Council to review road conditions. He is prices for calcium chloride for dust control and recommends that more flake be used this year. Reeve Caverly, Deputy Reeve Neukham and Councillors Hulet, Mennil and VanKasteren of Malahide meet with Council to discuss the replacement of two culverts this year. The culverts have been ordered through the County of Elgin and the construction of the multi -plate will be under County supervision. It is expected that construction will be about mid June. Gravel for the backfilling and road will be from the Malahide pit. Messrs. Dan Vandevyvere and Mile Peidl & others meet with Courcil to complain about the condition of the townline road between Bayham and Norfolk Townships. This portion of road being under the jurisdiction of Norfolk, the Clerk is instructed to contact Norfolk to request that better maintenance be given to this section of road. Mr. Doug. Dennis meets with -,Council to report illegal dumping being done on his property at Lot 6, Cnncession 3, and along the Township road allowance. The Ministry of the Environment has investigated this situation and has requested that all contaminants be removed and a layer of sand or topsoil cover the site. No. dumping signs should be erected. Mr. Dennis will attempt to police the situation when the clean-up is completed. Council is also requested to give consideration to repairing the Wilson Bridge, at least to satisfactory condition for farm machinery. Council will investigate the condition of the bridge during a road tour in the near future. 1548 Mr. Harold Denis meets with Council to review fire matters. Mr. Wm. Underhill meets with Council to review building and construKtion projects in the Township. He requests 8ouncil to give consideration to repairing the sidewalk between Talbot and Main Streets in Straffordville. It is noted that the 6ffice parking lot needs gravel and that a the should be installed -from the roof downspouts. Mr. Underhill is given permission to hire a student to assist in cleaning the park grounds. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That this Council concurs with the suggestion of the Council of the Town of Tillsonburg in naming the Bayham/Tillsonburg townline road "Bayham Drive" .................Carried Movdd--b-y;.LR. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That a grant of $100. be made to the Port Burwell Day Camp for 1980.... .........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this Council endorse the resolution of the Town of Dunnville in requesting the Federal and Provincial Governments to establish a reserve fund and adopt a uniform policy or criteria to administer and disperse such fund when disaster strikes .......... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this Council has no objections to the application for severance of J. C. Wolfe Limited, Lot 11, Concession 5 and # E85/80 .......... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the Clerk be instructed to start proceedings to close that section of the original allowance of Talbot Road through part of Lots 112 # 113 ... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Secon4dd by: R. Sandham That James Gibbons and Ivan Priddle be authorized to attend the C. S. Anderson Road School during May 4 to 7, 1980, inclusive ....... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded bv: R. Sandham That this Council has no objections to a proposed sand pit being opened by t1le County of Elgin at N. Pt. Lot 121, STRE, owned by Wayne Taylor... ........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That tile drainage loans be approved as follows: Frank Rosenberger & Eva Rosenberger, Lot 22, Conc. 3, $2,200. ,..Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconddd by: S. Sandham That the report of Spriet & Associates on the Wilson Municipal Drain be accepted and the Clerk instructed to prepare necessary by-laws... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That adjustments of taxes under Sec. 636A of the Municipal Act be approved in accordance with appeals received and relevant assessments provided by the Regional Assessment Commissioner ......... Carried The Clerk is instructed to notify Lake Erie Realty that a building permit will be issued at Lot 112-113 NTR providing plans etc. are approved {# 20 above Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this meeting of Council, now adjourn to meet again on May 7, 1980 at 10:00 a.m. ...............Carried ler NAME Denys,Bonte & Boyd John Szakal Jack Vanacker Julius Francia Jr. Frank Vanopstal Antoon Donck Antoon Donck Ida Luki Max Stewart Michael Glass Paul DePlancke Empey &/or Carson Brian Graydon Ted Tait Dominion Foundries Doug. Scott Barden Price Jeff Phillips Neil Boyle Robert Beckett 1549 ROLL NO. MONTHS 1-042 1-055 2-106 2-130 3-091-02 5-005 5-031 5-091 6-008 6-020 6-104 6 -117 -of -0006 6-178 7-066 8-038 3-041-00-0001 4-039-00-0001 4-348-00-0001 5-028-00-0001 6-215-00-0001 12 5 2 12 2 1 6 5 10 2 1 5 2 12 7.81 7.82 7.95 12 12 ASSESSMENT ADJUSTMENT 530. 150. 405. 3865. 745. 810. 1010. 2020. 595. 1860. 1960. 1180. 425. 1550. 315. 165 1380. 1060. 665. TAX ADJUSTMENT o9.09 9.44 10.20 584.06 18.76 10.57 76.31 127.19 74.93 48.56 24.70 74.29 10.70 234.23 35.23 18.46 162.83 182.16 125.17 Council Chambers Straffordville , Ontario May 7, 1980 The regular meeting I Council is held this morning. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy eeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held April 21, 1980, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same......... Carried Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Ontario Task Force on Provincial Rail Policy..request for comments on future of rail service 2) County of Elgin. -request to collect 1981 and subsequent year's levies in four installments 3) County of Elgin Engineer..copy of tenders received for culvert on Bayham/Malahide townline road 4) Township of Norfolk..complaint re maintenance on townline road 5) Ministry of Transportation & Communications..comments on metric conversion 6) Townships of Laxton, Digby & Longford..request'I.to endorse resolution re. boycott of Olympic Games 7) C. Archer & D. Roberts..request for funds for Eden ball team I. 8) K. Kirby & K. Graydon.. " it " it Eden bantam ball team 9) D�:. Neville.. " it " " Eden ladies ball team 10)G. Beard.. ': it " is Corinth ball team 11) M. Brooks.. " is " " Richmond ball team Mr. Wm. Blake meets with Council to review an account submitted in the amount of $967.02 for damages to transmission lines by our grader in September of 1979. After discussion it is agreed that the account will be re -submitted in the amount of $550.00 Mr. K. C. Emerson, Reeve of the Village of Vienna, meets with Council to review the closing of the townline road known as the Chute Hill. The road is in a dangerous condition and the Otter Creek is eroding the side hill. It is noted that the Village portion of the costs of repairs could utilize the complete road budget for several years. Mr. Hugh Ketchabaw meets with Council to review repairs necessary to several drains. Mrs. A. Vanderpas meets with Council to request calcium on her road. She resides at Lot 9, S.G. (5th. Conc. road) 1550 Reeve Green finds it necessary to leave to attend to other business. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That in the absence of Reeve Green, Deputy Reeve M. Stewart be appointed Acting Reeve......... Carried Mr. William Underhill meets with Council to review construction progress in the municipality. Mr. James Gibbons meets with Council to report on the condition of the roads in the municipality; and to review his attendance at road school during the past several days. He presents quotations as received for the supply of gravel and stone for road construction. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this Council concurs with the recommendation of the Finance Committee of Elgin County Council in the collection of County levies by four installments in 1981 and subsequent years .......... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That a grant of $100. be given to each of the following disaster relief committees: Town of Essex and Town of Port Hope ..... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Sfewart That a grant be given to the following baseball areas: Richmond Minor Ball Team $250. R. Sandham for Eden Ball Club 250. Geo. Beard for Corinth Ball Club 250. ......Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the following building permits be approved: Wm. Ward re roof residence $19000. Gladys Hodgkin house addition 7,500. Ron Phillips building renovations 91000. Daniel Vandevyvere greenhouse 91000. Richard Hedges used kiln 21000. Joe Barzo insulation 21000. John Martin house addition 19000. Huber Farms Ltd. 8 bulk kilns 32,000. H„ber Farms Ltd. barn renovations 3,000. Don Schuster. re roof residence 11200. Norman Byerlay pool barn addition 3,000. Alex Procenko Jr. double car garage 1,000. Mrs. Luki machine shed 11,000. Daniel Sioen kiln renovations 750. Frank Cus greenhouse 600. Abbott & Townsend 10 bulk kilns 1+0,000. Abbott & Townsend 10 bulk kilns 40,000. Abbott & Townsend barn renovations 59000. Douglas McGlynn new home 65,000. Kim Black new home 40,000. Frank Pihokker relocate kiln 2,000. Joe Dobovits relocate kiln 2,000. ......Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That applications for the drainage loans be approved: Maurice Vereecken & Celestine Vereecken Lot 19, Conc. 3, $6,300. Anthony Csinos & Alice Csinos Lot 21, Conc. 2, 62700. .........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2031 being a by-law to impose a special annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time....... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2031 be now read a second time ... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2031 be now read a third time and finally passed ......... Carried i Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2032 being a by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham and for borrowing -on the credit of the municipality the sum of $8,200. for completing the drainage works be now read a first time.. -....Carried (Wilson Drain) 1551 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2032 be now read a second time.....Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by. S. Sandham That general accounts totaling $21,135.84 and road accounts totaling $16,426.94 be approved: Roads..payment vouchers .................................... $7,584-37 Roads..pay list April 1-15 ..........................0000.. 3.044.55 Roads..pay list April 16-30 ............................... 5,798.02 H. Anderson..cleaning floors ............................... 30.00 r. Municipal World Ltd..office supplies ....................... 106.09 W. G. Webster Stationery Ltd..office supplies .............. 22.16 Pitney Bowes..office sypplies .............................. 23.42 Shell Canada Ltd..office & fire hall fuel .................. 90.64 Amtelecom Inc..office & fire phones ........................ 123.98 East. Elgin Planning Board..a/c levy ........................ 21889.52 Ronald Green. -Council ...................................... 242.00 Max Stewart.. " 0000 .................................. 225.00 RonsonSandham " 0000 .................................. 223.00 Sandra Sandham " 0000 ...........................000..9. 180.00 Mathew Schafer " 0000 .................................. 225.00 JackPetrie..extra council ................................. 125,00 JosephVolkaert..zoning..................................... 37.00 BlakeWolfe.. " 0000 ................................ 37.00 Spriet Associates..Wilson Drain report ..................... 905.00 Debenture Acct..tile drain debentures ...................... 419.22 Marguerite Ward..overpyt. taxes ............................ 130.40 Receiver General. -postage .................................. 300.00 Township of Bayham..office supplies ........................ 18.54 J. A. Petrie. -salary Apr. 1-15 ............................. 625.00 V. VanBelois.. n ":. ............................. 410.00 L. Moore t1 is ...:....,..................... 330.00 Wm, Underhill..Bayham sal $219.80..mileage $44,50 Vienna " 170.20 n 35.50.......... 470.00 H. Dennis..fire chief..April............................... 265.46 R. Grant..dep. fire chief..April........................... 165.21 Debra Hartmann..office assistance...... .................... 33.25 R. A. Mannell..valuator's seminar ......................:... 146.50 St. Thomas Sanitary Coll. Services Ltd. -April ............. 59340.13 OntarioHydro..arrears on tax roll ......................... 178.84 Ontario Hydrb..street light energy ......................... 989.91 Woodstock Office Equipt..service contract (cash reg)....... 150.00 Shell Canada Ltd..office & fire hall fuel .................. 58.92 Treasurer of Ontario OHIP.................................. 100.00 J. D. Vallee..retirement allowance ......................... 150.00 Lucien Lankriet..building repairs .......................... 195.00 Hugh Mauthe..livestock valuator's seminar .................. 152.21 Wilfred Dennys..tax write off .............................. 26.70 Marcel Bonte.. " .............................. 26.70 DonaldBoyd.. " .............................. 26.69 JohnSzakal.. " :............................. 9.44 Jack Vanacker.. " .............................. 10.20 Julius Francia jr.. " .............................. 584.06 AntoonDonck.. " .............................. 29.33 Ida Luki.. " .............................. 76.31 MichaelGlass.. " .............................. 74.93 PaulDePlancke.. " .............................. 4$.56 BrianGraydon.. " .............................. 74.29 Ted. Tait.. " .............................. 10.70 Dominion Foundries & Steel .............................. 234.23 Brian Grandbois..cleaning yard ............................. 16.00 Dwayne Franklin.. it " ............................. 54.42 J. A. Petrie..salary April 16.30 ........................... 625.00 V. VanBelois.. it " 410.00 L. Moore.. " n 235.00 Wm. Underhill..Bayham sal..$259.36..mileage..$92.25........ Vienna sal. 259.00 is 49.23 ........ 659.84 Omers..deductions April .................................... 594.66 Receiver General.. deductions April ........................ 969.63 J. A. Petrie..misc. expenses ............................... 230.75 Ontario Renews..OHRP seminar ............................... 95.00 and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on May 20, 1980, at .........Carried Reeve Clerk 7:30'P.M. 1552 Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario May 20, 1980 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. .Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held May 7th., having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same......... Carried Correspondence reviewed as follows: Councillor M. Schafer declares a conflict of interest in item No. 9 as a principal in Mathew A. Schafer Ltd. 1) Min. of Transportation & Communications. approval of supplementary subsidy allocation ($16,000.) 2) Min. of Transportation & Communications..advance payment of $56,$50. to be recieved on 1980 road subsidv 3 ) Min. of Agri -culture & Food..tile drainage allocation for 1980 ($481900. 4) Elgin Plowmen's Assoc..request for grant 5) K. C. Emerson..requesting surrender of interest in road allowance across Lot No. 6, Conc. 3 6) Ont. Municipal Board..notice of hearing re. appeal of F., B., & E. Green from decision of Land Division Committee 7) Town of Tillsonburg..copy of By-law No. 2105 naming 'Bayham Drive' S) Min. of the Environment..comments re illegal dumping at Lot 6, Conc. 3 9} Land Division Committee..severance application..Mathew A. Schafer Ltd. 10) County of Elgin Engineer...copy of correspondence re Chute Hill repairs 11) Eden Canada Day Committee..request for grant Mr. Ron Keller, representing the Tillsonburg District Chamber of Commerce meets with Council to discuss the proposed tourist borchure being prepared by the Chamber, and the request for grant as previously received. Mr. Keller emphasizes that the brochure is to promote the district. It will encompass as many of the assets of the area as possible. It is estimated that 25,000 brochures will be distributed at a cast of $6,000. A Federal grant has been approved for an information booth. The brochures will also be placed in the library and at Norfolk Mall. Mr. James Gibbons, road superintendent, reports on the condition of the various roads. Calcium is now being applied, with more flake being used in place of liquid as recommended in 1979. Permission has been received from the owner of Lot 17, Con. 2, to slightly alter the direction of the stream flow along our township road to alleviate erosion problems. The Clerk is instructed to contact the Long Point Region Conservation Authority to see if gabion baskets are available for placement along the stream bank. Soil tests have been completed showin a good bottom for the new culverts being planned for the Bayham�Malahide townline road. Mr. Gibbons is requested to obtain firm prices for stabilization bars for the township dump trucks. Mr. Douglas Dennis as spoksman for a group of 6 ratepayers, presnts petitions requesting the 'Chute Hill' at Vienna be left as an open road rather than closed as is the present Intent of Council. Also presented is a petition to repair and openp.Athe Wilson Bridge and road through Lot 6, Conc. 3. Mr. Wm. Underhill meets with Council to report on the various building projects in the municipality. Sidewalks along No. 19 Hwy. between Talbot Street and Main Street are almost completed. Painting and olean-up of the fire hall and park are well underway.. Mr. Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with Council to review He. recommends that our breathing apparatus be►itplaced at an cost of $1,000. each. Mr. Dennis is requested to get prices replacement and report to Council. Mr. Dennis recommeds that be given to an upward adjustment in the wages now being paid Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That a grant of $50. be made to the Elgin County Plowmen's for the year 1980 ........... Carried fire matters. approximate for the consideration to volunteers. Association 1553 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That Mr. Larry Field be requested to attend the hearing of the appeal of Frances C. Green, Berton C. Green and Edith M. Green from the decision of the County of Elgin Land Division Committee application #E 10/80, as representative of the Township of Bayham....... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That this Council has no objections to the proposed severance of the lands of Mathew A. Schafer Ltd. at Lot 12$, Conc. 7, #E99/80 .... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the Reeve be authorized to proclaim the week of June 25th. to July 1st., as "Canada Week"................Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That a grant of $200. be made to the Tillsonburg District Chamber of Commerce to assist in thm publication of a tourist brochure.....Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That firemen's wages be adjusted to $18. per call and practice with an extra $3. given to those who attend in excess of 50% of calls and practices effective January 1, 1980 ........... Carried Moved by: 1�. Schafer and That applications for tile Gerald Clarke Gerald Clarke Lyal Tait & Rose Tait 443589 Ontario Ltd. John Kokenyesi & Elizabeth Joe Barzo. Seconded by: S. drainage loans SA Lot 19, N! Lot 1$, S2 Lot 19, Lots 118 7 Kokenyesi S" Lot 21, Sandham be approved as follows: Conc. 2 $21200. Conc. 1 11100. Conc. 1 3,900. 119, Conc. 7 45,000. S. parts Lots 9 & 10 Conc. 8 30,000. Conc. 10 3,300. .....Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the firm of Spriet Associates be engaged to prepare a report on petitions for drainage as follows: 1) part NJ Lots 4 & 5, Concession 9 2) north west corner Lot 6, Concession 9 and that the said Sprier. Associates be authorized to revise assessment schedules of exi5'ting municipal drains as necessary ....... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer 11 That this Council approves the form of draft by-law (including the franchise agreement forming part thereof) attached hereto and authorizes the submission thereof to the Ontario Energy Board for approval pursuant to the provisions of Section 9 of the Municipal Franchises Act. 2) That this Council requests the Ontario Energy Board to make an order dispensing with the assesnt of the municipal electors in respect of the attached draft by-law (including the franchise agreement forming part thereof) pursuant to the provisions of Section 9(4) of the Municipal Franchises Act.................Carried t2033 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2033 being a by-law to provide regulations for the installation of entrance culverts along highways in the Twwnship of Bayham be now read a first time......... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2033 be now read a second time ... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2033 be now read a third time and finally passed ........... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. That this meeting of Council now adjourn to 7:30 P.M. ...........Carried I' , "ftr�r "10, 0 4000� Sandham meet again on June 4, at Clerk to 1554 Council Chambers Straffordville , Ontario June 4, 1980 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held May 20, 1980, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.......... Carried Mr. Douglas Ort of the Western Ontario Sports Car Association meets with Council to review the progress made on the holding of a rally in January, 1981. The Association is still endevouring to obtain additional insurance coverage to a limit oftl6illion for the event. Waivers have now been obtained from all concerned parties except one. If this waiver is not obtained the rallay will not be held adjacent to the property. Mr. Max Wolfe and Mrs. Wanda Hoshal meet with Council to complain that a neighbour is burning offencive materials in a barrel and request that he be required to stop. The Clerk is to contact the Ministry of the Environment for assistance in this matter. Mr. Brian Hamilton meets with Council to present plans for a proposed tent &/or trailer park on his property at Lot 5, Conc. 3. The plan is for 45 camping sites, 16 with hydro and water. It is anticipated that the park will be ready for operation in 1981, Messrs Howard Roduck, Robt. Cain and Wayne Northey meet with Council to request permission to open an auto wrecking yard at Lot 15, Conc. 3, just north of the Village of Vienna limits. The site has been used as a repair garage for sever& years. The property will be rented with the intent to purchase if a licence is granted by the Township. If municipal approval is given, the M.T.0 will also issue their licence. Mr. James Gibbons meets with Council to review road matters. He presents a quotation from Frink Canada Ltd for stabilization bars for the trucks in the amount of $2,091. each. Progress of road construction and maintenance is reviewed. Mr. Blake Wolfe meets with Council to comment on the reconstruction of County Road #38. He is of the opinion that the road has been raised too high along the front of the Straffordville Cemetery. Also, the curbs near the United Church will restrict street parking. Mr. Wm. Underhill meets with Council to report on building matters and present one application under the Ontario Home Renewal Program. Mr. Hugh Ketchabaw reports on the repairs presently being made to several municipal drains. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this Council now adjourn to sit as Court of Revision to hear appeals against the assessments on the Wilson Municipal Drain... Carried Mr. R. Sandham assumes the Chair as Chairman of the Court of Revision. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Stewart That here being no appeals against the assessments on the Wilson Municipal Drain, this Court of Revision now adjourn to resume regular council ......... Carried One tender has been received for the supply and installation of,materials & construction of the Wilson Municipal Drain. It is opened and Pro -Van - Di tenders for the construction in the amount of $6,250. A certified c eque in the amount of $625. accompanies the tender. a 1555 Correspondence reviewed as follows: permits be approved: 1) Y.M.C.A.of St. Thomas..request for participation in a sports 61000. siding program during the summer used kiln 2 ) Town of Exeter.. request to endorse resolution to demand Federal siding 2,000. Government condem the Soviet action in 2 used kilns 6,000. Kabul, Afganistan 55500. 3) Long Point Region Conservation Authority..comments re. proposed new home 36,000. zoning by-law and hazard land zones 4) Western Ontario Sports Car Association. -reply re proposed insurance 4 000. new barn coverage for rally to be held January, 1981 5) Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application Orchard Crest Fa 6) n is n n is n D. & C. Dennis Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this municipality participate in the sports clinics to be operated by the Young Men's Christian Association of Elgin -St. Thomas at no cost to the municipality and that Sandra Sandham be designated contact person............ Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this Council approves the request of the Western Ontario Sports Car Association for the temporary closing of certain roads for the operation of a sports car rally on January 24, 1981....... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded That this Council has no objections lands of: Orchard Crest Farms Ltd. Douglas & Carolyn Dennis by: M. Stewart to the proposed severance of the Lot 16, Conc. 11, #E 111/80 Lot 6-7, Conc-3, #E 112/$0... ...........Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the proposal of Mr. Brian Hamilton to establish a tent &/or trailer park at Lot 5, Conc. 3, be approved in principle and that Mr. Hamilton be advised to seek approval from the East Elgin Planning Board.. .............Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this Council approves to establishment of an auto wrecking yard at Lot 15- Conc. 3, ( roll 2-054-01) providing the requirements of By-law No. 1738 respecting fencing are met prior to the issuing of a licence..............Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconddd by: S. Sandham That the quotation of Frink Canada for the supply and installation of of stabilizer bars on two township trucks at $2,091. each be accepted.. ............Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and That the following building Russell Summers K. C. Emerson Lee Ball Frank Voros Joseph Carvalho Gray Thompson Huber Farms Ltd. Joe Koteles Robert VanBelle Richard Shepherd David Helsdon Les Cowan Max Behrens John Kokenyesi John Kokenyesi Daniel Sioen Theresa McGregor Ray Bowen Abe Giesbrecht Kay Bosma Laurabelle Wells Laurabelle Wells Seconded by: R. Sandham permits be approved: new barn $9,000. ,3 used kilns 61000. siding 3,000. used kiln 2,000. used kiln 2,500. siding 2,000. new barn 20,000. 2 used kilns 6,000. house addition 55500. mobile home 252000. new home 35,000. new home 36,000. 2 used kilns 1,000. pool & cover 27,000. barn addition 4 000. new barn 402000. siding 79000. siding 21000. roof 11600. 2 used silos $51$70. roof 1,000. garage repairs 2,000. ................Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the application of Mr. Garfield Smith for a loan under the Ontario Home Renewal Program in the amount of $5,500. at Lot 126, Conc. 6, nr approved .................Carried Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer of $100. be made to the Eden Canada Day Committee expenses for prizes.................Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded That the tender of Pro -Van Drainage Wilson Municipal Drain in the amount M. Stewart the construction of the $6,250. be accepted.......... ........,Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2034 being a by-law to impose a special annual drainage rate upon land in respect. -of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time ... Carried Moved by: M. achafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2034 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 2034 be now read a third time and finally passed................Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That general accounts totaling $26,56$.51 and road accounts totaling $29,812.37 be approved; 54..68 Otter Publishing Ltd..road closing advertisement ............ $118.56 Cameron & Taylor Insurance Agency..insurance premiums...... 4,882.00 Ontario Hydro..office & fire hall energy ................... 71.00 Community Web Printing..zoning pamphlets ................... 329.99 Ontario Hydro...Straffordville Lt. Maint................... 222.79 Sanfax Ltd .... fire dept. supe .............................. 693.37 W.G.Webster Stationery Ltd...office supp................... 13.47 Brian Grandbois... cleaning yards ........................... 136.52 Dwayne Franklin... n " ........................... 146.52 Brian Grandbois... comm. centre yard ........................ 54.68 Dwayne Franklin.. - ranklin... tt tt " ........................ 149-41 MaureenWatson.... tt tt n ........................ 54..68 Kim DeClercq...... tt n n ........................ 39.19 Linda Moore...... cutting grass ............................. 18.00 Treasurer of Ontario... water acct .......................... 239.54 Amtelecom Inc .... off.&fire dept ............................ 115.12 Olivetti (Canada) Ltd .... service contracts ................. 215.00 I.E.S.Business Prod...office Supp .......................... 67.4.1 Reidts Pre Cast Cemtnt...curb stones....................... 100.00 James S. Davison...animal control .......................... 180.00 Business Computer Serv...mailing labels .................... 135.82 RonaldGreen ....... Council ................................. 85.00 MaxStewart........ "................................. 188.00 Ronson Sandham..... ".................................. 188.00 Sandra Sandham..... "................................. 180.00 Mathew Schafer..... "................................. 131.00 Jack Petrie ... extra "................................. 125.00 Blake Wolfe ...... zoning .................................... 37.00 Rec. Gen .... balance 1979 deductions........................ 122.51 Town of Essex Disaster Fund ... grant ........................ 100.00 Pt.Hope Disaster Relief Fund.. " ........................ 100.00 Richmond Minor Ball Team...... " ........................ 250.00 Eden Ball Team................ " ........................ 250.00 Corinth Ball Team ............. " ........................ 250.00 Harold Dennis...fire conv. exp ............................. 495.30 J.A.Petrie..sal..May 1-15 .................................. 625.00 V.VanBelois.. is " is ".................................. 4.10.00 L.Moore........................................ 127.00 J.D.Vallee...retirement allow .............................. 154.00 H.Dennis... fire chief:..May................................ 265.1+6 R.Grant..D. n is "................................ 165.21 Wm.Underhill...Vienna Sa1.96.20 mileage 27.25 n tt ...Bayham " 409.79 " 87.25 ............. 620.1+9;; Dwayne Franklin ... comm -centre yards ........................ 120.5?` Maureen Watson ... fire hall & comm. centre .................. 96.4.3 Kim DeClercqq. .. 62.36 John Bernar...sidewalk constr ............................. 123.43 Francis Underhill... fire hall & sidewalk constr............ 106.11 Twp. of S/W Oxford...drain repairs ......................... 12.10 Shell (Canada) Ltd...office & fire hall .................... 88.22 St. Thomas San.Coll.Serv.Ltd ... May ......................... 5340.13 D 1557 Dave Smith...cemetery maint ............................... 378.00 W.G.Webster Stationery Ltd ... office supp.................. 21.51 Linda Moore...cutting grass ............................... 18.00 Workmen's Comp. Bd... compensation ......................... 1158.49 Harold Dennis ... reg. fire chief's cony .................... 35.00 Dwayne Franklin...com. centre yds ......................... 85.65 Treas. of Ont. --tile dr. deb .............................. 332.91 Ont. Hydro.. -office & fire hall ........................... 71.00 q Elgin Co-op Sery... office supp ............................ 39.91 T & S Excavating ... Straff ordville Dr.Rep.................. 366.00 Elgin Cty. Plowmen's Assoc...grant........................ 50.00 Tillsonburg Dist. Chamber of Commerce.... grant........... 200.00 Ralph McCurdy...sidewalk const ............................ 370.00 Brian Grandbois... cacation pay ............................ 8.64 Kim DeClercq... painting & cleaning ........................ 93.42 Maureen Watson.. " " n 93.42 Frances Watson... sidewalk & com. centre ................... 104.31 JohnBernard... sidewalk const ............................. 112.33 Treas. of Ont ... PHIP...................................... 100.00 First London Leasing...l yr. pyt. photocopier ............. 922.26 LindaMoore... cutting grass ............................... 18.00 J.A.Petrie... sal. May 1.6-31 ............................... 625.00 V. V a n B el o i s . . 11 n t, n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 . 00 Omers........ded.May...................................... 242.58 Francis Underhill... office & fire hall painting........... 183.82 Maureen Watson...com. centre yds .......................... 36.86 KimDeClercq..... It Is n .......................... 24.64 Rec.Gen.of Can ... ded.May.................................. 1090.27 Wm.Underhill...Vienna Sal. $29.60 Mile.$9.00..............tI it -- ...Bayham " 425.30 " 85.25 .............. 549.15 and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on June 18th at 7:30 ....Carried.... Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario June 18, 1980 The regular meeting of Bayham Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 4, 1980, Navin been examined by the members are hereby approved, and the Reeve s signature authorized on same................Carried P.M. Mr. James Gibbons meets with Council to report on road matters. Work on the 5th. Conc. road west of Hwy. 19 is progressing favourably, and it is expected that chipping will commence about July 14th. Mr. George Gilvesy Sr. meets with Council to report a drainage problem at Lot 123, Conc. 6. Council will meet with Mr. Gilvesy at a later date at the site to review this problem. He further suggests that road improvements should be carried out at the north part of his property. Also, there has been unauthorized dumping on this property. The road superintendent is to erect no dumping signs at this location to try to solve the problem. The following items of correspondence are reviewed: 1) Agriculture Canada..rabies report, May, 1980 2) Douglas Brackenbury..opposition to closing 'Chute Hill? at Vienna 3) Ministry of Transportation & Communications..reply re designation of Road No. 38 as a 'Heritage Road'. 4) Co -Operators Insurance..damage claim..V. Buchner, Lot 1, Conc. 10. H. Dennis..fire chief's report Dec. 29/79 --Jun. 10/80 Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application..Lysy & Associates Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario..notice of annual conference.. August 17--20, 1980 Ministry of Revenue..information re. pensioners tax credits Kempster & Scott. comments on travelled roadway through Lot 6, Conc. 3 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the Clerk be instructed to purchase approximately $50' x land at Lot 13, Conc. 3, at the rate of $2,000. per acre from for the reconstruction of the townline road between Bayham and Village of Vienna ......... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded That the following applications for Charles S. Baldwin Richard B. Hedges & Nancy L. Hedges by: R. Sandham tile drainage loans be approved: Lot 21, Conc. 10 $3 900. Lots 26-27, Conc. S.G. $5,600. ...........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: That this meeting of Council now adjourn at 7:30 p.m. ..................Carried Sandham meet again Clerk Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario July 2, 1080 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Membdrs present are Deputy Reeve M. Stewart, and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That in the absence of Reeve Green, Deputy Reeve M. Stewart appointed acting reeve..................Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June having been examined by the members are hereby approved and Reeve's signature authorized on same.............Carried following items of correspondence are reviewed: Ministry of the Environment .. contract for waste management program at Lot 6, Conc, 3. Township of Latchford..request to endorse resolution re. funding of school busses and discouraging centralization of education. East Elgin Planning B oard..request for early payment of final Installment on 1980 levy Ministry of the Environment..reply re. burning complaint County of Elgin..copy of By-law No. 80-32 apportioning school board members for 1981 and subsequent years County of Elgin.. copy of By-law No. 80-35 setting out four payments for 1981 abd subsequent. years levies County of Elgin.. notice of intent to repeal By-law No. 2283 for the licencing of auctioneers Harold Dennis meets with Council to review fire matters. He reports prices for the replacement of the Scott Air Packs have not yet received. Moved by: R. Sandham That the application Mary J. Barth in the Seconded by: M. Schafer tile drainage loan by Richard E. Barth and of $89700, at Lot 20, Conc. 8. be approved.... .......Carried 1559 Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by.- R. Sandham That the following building permits be approved: Irene Baskey new 2 car garage $39000. Shirley Howey roof house & garage 750. Jos. Volkaert storage building 1,500. Jack Huntley roof 10,000. Henry Keeble roof & insulation 29500, Beberly Kennedy house addition 109000. Stanley James used kilns 19000. John Froggett roof & renovations 29500. Robert Grant roof 1, 600. H. J. Ketchabaw barn addition 49000. Homer Hendrick storage garage 189000. Les Harding new garage 2,431. Paul DePlancke storage building 4,000. Peter Chmarney siding 3,600. Wm. VanDerven residence 709000. David Harrison roof & siding 3t900- ,900.Allen AllenFisher addition & siding 39500. John Szucs barn & strip room 199000. James Elliott residence 659000. Marvin Luce storage building 19000. Jos. Barzo 9 bulk kilns 36,000. Steve Szuba 2 bulk kilns 99000. Jack McCord house add'n & renovate 209000. .....................Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the quotation of Bergen & Dyck for tarring the roof of the work -:,barn in the amount of $524.80 be accepted... ,,,.Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That a grant of $300, be made to the Bayham Township Day Camp for 1980................Carried 192 0.32 Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham That By-law No 2032 (for the construction of the Wilson Municipal Drain) be now read a Third Time and finally Passed......Carried 9`203'5 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2035 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 1894 designating through highways be .now read a first time.... .............Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2035 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2035 be now read a third time and finally passed................Carried #2036 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2036 being a by-law to impose a special annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time....Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2036 be now read a second time.... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2036 be now read a third time and finally passed..............Carried #2037 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandhaa And resolved that By-law No. 2037 being a by-law to stop -up, close and sell part of the original road allowance in Lots 112 & 113, between Concessions 6 & 7, South and North of Talbot Road in the Township of Bayham be now read a first time.............Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2037 be now read a second time....Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2037 be now read a third time and finally passed............Corried #2038 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2038 being a by-law to authorize the A'eeve to enter into an agreement with the Ministry of the Environment for the rehabilitation of land being used as a dumping site be now read a first time............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2038 be now read a second time.... Carried Moved by: S. Sandhan and Seconded by: M. Schafer 1560 And resolved that By-law No. 2038 be now read a third time and finally passed...............Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M, Schafer That general accounts totaling $260,664.45 and road accounts totaling $28,080.10 be approved: Roads..vouchers .............................................$18,405.66 Roads.,pay list June 1-15 ................................... 30221.19 Roads..pay list June 16-30..,.............. ................. 69453.25 Dave Smith..cemerery maintenance ............................ 378.00 Hugh Ketchabaw..municipal drain repairs ..................... 656.15 Strickland Bulld ozing..municipal drain repairs .............. 652.00 Pitney B owes..meter rental .................................. 48.95 Municipal World Ltd..office supplies ........................ 19.36 Antelecom Inc..office & fire phones ......................... 123.14 London Free Press..Wilson Drain advert ...................... 80.50 Brant Concrete Products..municipal drain repairs..,......... 480.10 Tillsonburg Ready -Mix Concrete..sidewalk construction........ 824.67 Richard Barth & Mary Barth..tile drain loans ................ 765.00 Van Gorp Drainage Ltd..tile drain loans... 00000000**000*000* 69565.00 Royal Bank and J. & E. Kokenyesi..tile drain loans.......... 20,000.00 Hugh J. Ketchabaw..tile drain Inspections................... 70.00 Long Point Region Cons. Auth..account levy .................. 29616.50 Elgin Co -Operative Services..office & fire dept. supplies... 156.34 Soper Builders Supplies Ltd..office & sidewalk repairs...... 269.08 Cliff Bartlett..municipal drain repairs ..................... 315.00 Ronald Green..Council.&.planning.b card ...................... 385.75 Max Stewart.. "....................................... 151.00 Ronson Sandham "....................................... 151.00 Sandra Sandham "....................................... 145.00 Mathew Schafer "....................................... 151.00 Jack Petrie..extra council .................................. 145.00 Jos. Volkaert..planning board ............................... 222.00 Blake Wolfe.. " �t ............................... 222.00 Elgin Counter Board of Education..;/c levy ...................193.783.00 Elgin County R.C.S.S. B oard..a/c levy ....................... 9,706.00 Linda M o or e . . cu t t i n g grass....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-50 Eden Canada Day 100.00 Merlin Norris..fire dept wages .............................. 504.00 Peter Chmarney.. 11 It ............................. 399.00 Bay Vaughan.. it it ►� .............................. 441.00 Walter Moore.. it „ „ .............................. 273.00 LeRoy Taylor.. �� �� �� .............................. 234.00 Guy Grandbois.. 36.00 James Gibbons.. " " " .............................. 315.00 Max Wolfe.. �� �� �� .............................. 399.00 Robert DeBrabender,. " " .............................. 108.00 Robert Hoshal it .............................. 357.00 Pe_rry Grant.. it .............................. 420.00 Jim Grass.. „ ►� �� .............................. 378.00 Calvin Vaughan.. �� �� t� .............................. 36.00 David Woods.. it .............................. 18.00 Kenneth Laemers.." " " .............................. 18.00 Dave Causyns.. If ,� �� .............................. 18.00 Hugh Anderson.. " " '� .............................. 18.00 Ralph Scott.. �� �� �� .............................. 18.04 Wm. Underhill.. " '► " .............................. 18.00 Receiver General for Canada..p ostage........................ 200.00 Hans Anderson..cleaning floors .............................. 30.00 J. A. Petrie..salary June 1-15 .............................. 625.00 ` V' . VanB e l o i s . . fr 410.00 _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harold Dennis,.salary June ................................. 265.46 Robert Grant.. ��................................. 165.21 J. D. Vallee..retirement allowance .......................... 150.00 L or ra i n e M o or e . . s a 1 a ry June 1-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155-00 Wm. Underhill... Bayham sal. $421.17 mileage $66.25 Vienna sal. 61.50 it 8.50........ 557.42 Eva Mildred Cowan.,cleaning office .......................... 720.00 Eva Mildred Cowan..office supplies .......................... 10.79 Treasurer of Ontario CHIP payment ........................... 100.00 Dennis* Garage,.lawnm ower repairs ........................... .42.82 St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd..Juke pyt...... 59340.x-3 Twp. of Bayham'Roads..gas used (lawnmower),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 19.,12 Municipal World Ltd..office supplies ........................ 7.12 D. L. Cowan..municipal drain repairs........................ 475.00 Straffordville Community Centre B oard..library rent......... 300.00 Ontario H yd r o , , of f i c e & fire ha11... ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 67,08 1561 Treasurer of Ontario. tile? drain •deleenturee, • . • • • • ... 39465-54 Otter Publishing Ltd..advertisements................ 271.95 Linda Moore..cutting grass .......................... 42.50 Dave Snith..cemetery maintenance .................... 378.00 David Helsd on..refund..building permit fee.......... 50.00 Wm. Underhill..Bayham sal. $343.75 mileage $107.50. Vienna 11 37.00 it 11.75. 500.00 J. A. Petrie..salary June 16-30.... ... 625.00 V. VanBelois.. It if if 0 410.00 L. M o ore . . it of it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 335-00 OM ERS ..deductions June... ......................... 805.54 Receiver General for Canada..deductions June........ 908.73 and that this- Council now adjourn to meet again on July 21, 1980 at 7:30 P.M. ................Carried Council Chambers Straff ordville , Ontario July 21, 1980 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve. R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham,and S. Sandham in attendance. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 2, 1980, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and tie Reevets signature authorized on same ............ Carried Mr. James Gibbons meets with Council to review road matters. The tar & chipping is now completed and it is expected that the patching will be completed within the next week. Arrangements are being made to resume work on the approaches to the Leach Flats the first week in August. A meeting is to be arranged with the Council of the Township of Malahide to schedule work for the installations of the new culverts on the Bayham Malahide Townline. Mr. Robert Gregson meets with Council to request his property presently assessed in the Hampton Municipal Drain be removed from that drain. The drain is in need of repair to the east of his property. He plans to tile and can find a more economical outlet by proceeding to the west. The Clerk is to inquire from our engineers the proper proceedure for granting this request. Mr. Gregson also states his opposition to the proposed road closing at Lot 113, Conc. 6, for the road rally to be run in January 1981, as the use of this road for such an event will attract 4 wheel vehicles to the area after the rally and could present a problem by travelling over cultivated fields. Mr. William Underhill meets with Council to review building matters and inquiries about our OHRP program. He also expresses interest in attending the By-law Enforcement Officers convention in October. Mr. Francis Green meets with Council to request a portion of his farm property at Lot 6, N,G. be zoned as rural residential in the upcoming by-law. He is informed of the elimination tiff the existing barn for the keeping of livestock under the Agricultural Code of Practice. Also, in the event of a sale, mortgage funds from the Farm Credit Corporation might be difficult to obtain. Council advises", him to consider these possibilities and if he still wants to have the zoning he can return and make a formal request. 0 0 1562 Mr. Chas -Archer meets with Council to present a petition with 18 signatures requesting hard surfacing for the road between Conc. N.G and Conc. 8. He is informed that it is too late to consider hard surfacing in 1980. However, some work may be done on the road subject to budget limitations. Mr. Harold Dennis meets with Council to review fire matters. There is a problem with people parking in front of the fire hall. He tells of an incident of a vehicle parked with the keys removed which would have prevented a tanker for leaving the fire hall in event of a fire. - The Clerk is instructed to contact the M.T.C. to have the area posted as a fire lane which will restrict parking in the area. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the municipality pay the final installment of their 1980 levy to the East Elgin Planning Board ............ Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That taxes as levied under Section 43 on roll 5-001-02 IArcher) be reduced by 6/12 in accordance with the decision of the Assessment Review Court hearing of April 30, 1980......... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the petition of Siegfried Blondeel and others for the construction of a branch on the Arn Municipal Drain be accepted ........ Carried #2039 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconddd by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2039 being a by-law to appoint a By-law Enforcement Officer be now read a first time........ Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2039 be now read a Second time...Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 2039 be now read a third time and finally passed..............Carried #4040 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2040 being a by-law to regulate the use of land, the character, 'location and use of buildings and structures in the Township of Bayham be now read a first time ...... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2040 be now read a second time.... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That his Council now adjourn to meet again on August 6, 1910, at 7:30 P.M. .................Carried Reeve 1563 Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario August 6, 1980 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sand.ham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held. July 21, 1980, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and. the Reeve's signature authorized on same..............Carried Mr. James Gibbons meets with Council to review progress on various road projects. The work on the culverts on the Bayham/Malahide Townline is progressing quite favourably and the stone base should be started this week. The stabilizer bars on the trucks will be installed by Frink Ltd.. during the week of August 11th. A meeting with a representative of the Long Point Region Conservation Authority concerning the problem with a hill on the lst. Concession road has been held. It is thought that the problem is springs causing water to soak through the sand fill to the clay base and thence running along the clay carrying the sand with it, resulting in the sand fill droAping and causing the hill to slide. This is opinion only, and it is suggested that a soils engineer be engaged to ascertain if this is the problem, and recommend corrective proceedures. Mr. D. Sioen has requested that an entrance culvert be supplied to his barn as road work has resulted in the deepening of the ditch and causing him a problem. Mr. Gibbons is authorized to supply and install the culvert. Mr. J. Challeyssinrequests permission to install a drain across the 2nd. Concession road. He will pay the related costs for repirs to the road. Council gives permission to the road superintendent as long as he supervises the work. Mr. W. Weaver meets with Council to review the plans for the road to be constructed in his subdivision at Lot 6, Conc. 8. The plans have been prepared by Spriet Associates. Also, the report for the branch drain to be constructed to service the subdivision !is reviewed. As there are other owners in.volved, the required notices under the Drainage Act have to be distributed, and it is expected that the report will be considered at the regular meeting, August 18th. Mr. D. Ort, representing the London Sports Car Assoc. meets with Council to present materials required for the closing of the roads as required for a sports car rally in January 1981. The by-law is prepared for passing this evening. Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application Ken Walker Real Est. 2) It n 11 n n K. Walker and Ken Walker Real Est. 3) The Workmen's Compensation Board..increase in coverage for volunteer firemen 4 ) Brown & Brown .. ownership of property at Lot 112, NTR / road closing %) G. Nasswetter and others..petition for drainage (Berdan Cheesman D aln) 6) Karen Andrews. -claim for damage to automobile Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That this Council has no objections to proposed severances of: Ken Walker Real Estate, Lot 1, RP. 205, E 13./80 Kenneth Walker & Ken Walker Real Estate, Lot 1, RP. 205 E 135/80... .......Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That coverage under the Workmen's Compensation be increased to $1$,500. per man for the volunteer fire department ......... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the petition of Georg Nasswetter and others for reconstruction of the Berdan Cheesman Drain be accepted ........... Carried 1564 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That a grant of $1,950. be made to Richmond Ball Club to assist with the payment of the installation of flood lighting ......... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the following building permits be approved: ' Lucy Chrysler siding, trim & repair foundation $6,500. Dirk Schuurman residence 32,500. Steve Vansevenant barn 24,000. Later Day Saints Church roof $,000. Joe Carvalharo barn addition 21,000. Steve Kavinsky new barn 30,000. Luc Dejardin greenhouse 23,000. Max Behrens barn addition 5,000. Herman Coderre garage 700. Max Stewart barn 25,000. Max Stewart 4 bulk kilns 181000. Steve Nezezon 3 bulk kilns 13,500. Mathew Pope siding & insulation 2,400. Dennis Babcock residence addition 27,000. Hotchkiss Farms barn renovations 12,000. Abraham Zacharias re -roof building 1,500. Steve Kavinsky 4 bulk kilns 18,000. Ray Bosma pole barn addition 20,000. ..................Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2010 (Restricted Area) be now read a third time and finally passed..............Carried #2041 Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2011 being a by-law to impose a spec;al annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time...Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2011 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2011 be now read a third time and finally passed..............Carried x2042 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 204Q being a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1980, to levy the taxes for the year 1980, and to provide for the collection thereof be now read a first time ........... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2042 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2012 be now read a third time and finally passed.............Carried i/2043 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2043 being a by-law to stop -up and close certain roads in the Township of Bayham between the hours of 3: P.M. and 7: P.M. E.S.T. on January 24, 1981, for the purpose of holding an automobile performance rally be now read a first time........ Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that by-law No. 2043 be now read a second time...... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2043 be now read a third time and finally passed ......... Carried #20441 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2014 being a by-law to set, the fees for a certificate of arrears of taxes be now read a first time.......Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2044 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2044 br now read a third time and finally passed........ Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That general accounts totaling $135,019.90 and road accounts totaling $33,762.19 be approved: L� 9 1565 Roads..payment vouchers..................................$22,973.90 Roads..pay list July 1-15 ................................ 3,571.98 Roads..pay list July 16-31 ............................... 71216.31 W. G. Webster Stationery Ltd..office supplies............ 2.38 Ontario Municipal Board..Wilson Drain by-law ............. 50.00 Municipal World Ltd...office suppl....................... 16.75 George Beard...Corinth light maint....................... 28.43 Jas. S. Davison... animal control ......................... 2$$.00 Guestts Burner Service... furnace maint................... 24.50 Soper Builders Supp....office maint...................... 29.35 Otter Publishing Ltd ... advertisement ..................... 250.56 Russell & Florence Mannell...tile dr.loans............... 5565.00 Anthony & Alice Csinos..... .. " " " ............... 11930.00 Hugh Ketchabaw............... " " inspections.......,. 105.00 Amtelecom Inc...office & fire phones ..................... 123.32 Ronald Green...Council................................... 102.50 MaxSt ew a rt . . . . it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1 . 00 Ronson5andham.. it ................................... 151.00 Sandra Sandham. "................................... 145.00 Mathew Schafer. .'!................................... 151.00 JackPetrie....extra Council. ............. o .............. 145.00 Joe Volkaert....zoning mtg ............................... 37.00 BayhamDay Camp ... grant. ................................. 300.00 Cameron & Taylor Ins ... fire Dept. additions. ....... o ..... 39.00 LindaMoore...mowing lawns., .......... 000 ... o ..... o...o.o 39.00 Treas. of Ontario...OHIP................................. 100.00 DaveSmith...cemetery maint .............................. 378.00 Lorraine Moore...sal. July 1-15o ............. oo ...... 000* 275.00 Harold Dennis...fire chief ............................... 265.1.6 Robt.Grant.... Do It n ............................... 165.21 J.D.Vallee...retirement allow ............................ 150.00 J.A.Petrie..sal. July 1-15 ............................... 625.00 V.VanBelois.." It 1-15--o 410.00 Brant Concrete Prod ... .mun. dr. rep........ ..... 0 ........ 17.30 Tillsonburg Comm. Printers....office supp................ 44.00 Dennist Garage...lawn mower rep .......................... 1.98: Ont.Education Capital Aid Corp...school deb .............. 85.0.00 Ont. Hydro...street light energy.......... ................ 987.21 Cty.of Eltin...a/,c levy..... ........... o ...... o .......... 782$9.76 H.R.Doane & Co...balance 1979 audit ...................... 4675.96 Gestetner (Canada)Ltd... office suppl..................... 126.56 Otter Publishing Ltd...advertisement ..................... 12$.32 I.E.S.Business Prod ... office supplies .................... 53.96 Debenture Account...tile dr.deb.......................... 2170.08 Wm.Underhill...Bay.Sal.$270.79 Mile -96.75 .... ..... .......) it It Vienna 11118.40 " 29.50 ................) 515.44 as. of ....................... $190.16 SteThomas an.ColleServagbd....July...................... 5340-13 H.Dennis....... fire dept.mileage ......................... 17.50 Treasurer of Ontario.....maps ............................ 7.70 Ont. Hydro ... office & fire hall.... ....................... 71.00 Elgin Co-operative Service ... fire dept.suppl............. 14.98 King Seagrave .std............ " n it ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45.23 Ont. Hydro...Corinth & Richmond Maint.................... 135.76 Olivetti Canada Ltd...service contract ................... 340.00 Allen Walsh...park rent., ..... o.o...o.o...o ....... o ...... 1.00 J.A.Petrie...sal.July 16-31 .............................. 625.00 V . V anB el o i s . . it " it it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 . 00 Wm.Underhill...Bay.sal............. 235.34 mileage 77. 75 ) it itVienna 11214.60 " 46.75............) 574.44 Rec.Gen.for Canada ... ded.July ............................ 1039.89 It it 613.88 and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on August 18 at ?:30 P.M. ............Carried Clerk 1566 Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario August 18, 1980 C The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham and S. Sandham in attendance. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 6, 19800 having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.............Carried The following items of correspondence are reviewed: 1) Agriculture Canada..rabies rep ort..July, 1980 2 ) Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs..notice of repeal of the Municipal and School Tax Credits Act, effective January 1, 1981 3) Long Point Region Conservation Authority..reply re, embankment problem at Lot 17, Conc. 2 4) Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs..acknowledgement of resolution re. establishment of disaster fund 5 ) Ministry of Housing.. request of the Town of Aylmer to withdraw from the East Elgin Planning Board In accordance with notices mailed, at 8:00 p.m. Council considers the report as received from Spriet Associates for the Weaver Branch of the Todd Drain. Mr. Willis Weaver is the only interested party in attendance. As the majority of the cost is assessed to Mr. Weaver and he is in agreement with the report, Council has no objection to the report as prepared. Mr. James Gibbons meets with Council togjpT�gn the progress of the several road projects. The culvert/._�f ide/Bayham townline are progressing favourably. Work on the Leach Bridge hill is being held up since the accident of Mr. Overbaugh, Norfolk Road Supt., who was to assist with the work. Berm removal is being done on the road between Concessions 9 and 10 west of Corinth. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the report of Spriet Associates as prepared for the Weaver Branch - Todd Drain be accepted... Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the quotation of Thompson Transport Ltd. for the hauling of aggregates from Dunnville to Straffordville at the rate of $2.60 per ton be accepted................Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the firm of Spriet Associates be engaged to prepare reports for the following drainage works: 1) repairs to the Ketchabaw Drain No. 2, with new assessment schedule to include lands in Lots 13 & 14, in Concession 8. 2) repairs to the Little .ferry Creek Drain through LOt 12, in Concessions 10 and 11, with revised assessment schedule if required. 3) re -alignment of the Arn Drain as petitioned by Seigfried Blondeel and others .....................Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2045 being a by-law to provide for the maintenance of the Adler, Arn, Benner, Berdan-Cheesman, Carnes, Coomber 'B', Deli, Dennis, Emerson West, Emerson 'C' , Green, Hampton, Horvath-Blondeel, Magyar Dieleman, Meuller, Nelson, Nevill, No. 1, Peldl, Phillips, Pollick, Reiser-Csinos, Schooley, C.E.Smith, and Stewart Municipal Drains and to raise the sum of $9,082.42 to pay therefor be now read a first time.... ....................Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 2045 be now read a second time.... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2045 be now read a third time and finalally passed................Garried 1567 #2046 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2046 bring a by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, and for borrowing on the credit of the municipality the sum of $25,500. for completing the drainage works ,be.now.r6ad a first time...Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2046 be now read a second time and provisionally passed............Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Sec onded by: R. Sandham That this Council now adjourn to meet again on September 3, 19809 at 7:30 p.m. ........................Carried C er s Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario September 3, 1980 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by' S. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 18th., having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same................Carried Mr. James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to review the progress being made on various construction projects. One culvert has been completed on the Bayham/Malahide townline and the second has been started. The problem of entrance culverts is discussed as the ditches are being deepened and culverts required where none had been previously. It is agreed that only one culvert should be provided for each farm unless there should be some special circumstance. Mr. Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with Council to report on building projects in the municipality. A problem is developing with additions being built on trailers in the tent/trailer parks in contra- vention to the park by-law. Mr. Underhill is advised that this type of building should not be allowed. If trailers are left in the parks over the winter they will be assessed the same as summer cottages. The following items of correspondence are reviewed: 1) Minister of Natural Resources..permission to revise hunting licence fees 2) East Elgin Planning Board..recommending approval of Amendment No. 8 3) Ontario Municipal Board..appointment of hearing re. appeal of Lysy & Associates from Land Division Committee decision 4) Business Computer Services..offer of services for 1981 tax billing 5) Ministry of the Environment..approval of waste management improvement contract .. Lot 6, Conc. 3 6) Domtar Chemicals..quotation for 1980-81 highway salt Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the Minister of Housing be requested to modify Amendment No. 8 to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Planning Area in accordance with the comments of the Ministry as set out in their letter of July 28, 1980 0 .............Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That Business Computer Services be engaged to prepare interin and final tax notices for 1981.................Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this municipality has no objections to the request of the Town of Aylmer to withdraw from the East Elgin Planning Area...... Carried E, 1568 Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the following building permits be approved: Ronald Soper new roof $750. Benner Farms Ltd. barn addition 2,500. John Panasuik siding 22000. Walter Chilcott 3 bulk kilns 13,000. Andy Balaz interior renovations & siding 61000. Ross Carson Farms Ltd. locate used building 21000. Oxford Seeds Ltd. dump hoist & steel storage 100,000. Walter Rekstis Raymond Nemura Cindy Nevill Harold Garner Harley Hotchkiss Russell Mannell Russell Mannell Ms. Spenser Douglas McGlynn Garfield Smith Mildred Shearer Norm Holden Gediminis Rugienis Frank Schroyens William Tait Louis Roloson Gary Baer roof siding car garage barn expansion new residence house addition manure storage building renovations steel storage buildin roof & siding roof garage & breezway siding new barn garage addition siding residence 12500. 21800. 2,000. 7,500. 125,000. 10,000. 4,000. 5,000. g 9,600. 5,000. 2,000. 6,000. 3,000. 25, 2.49• 3 ,000 . 2,200. 60,000. .........Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the following applications for the drainage loans be approved: Wm. H. Jones N. Pt. Lot 16, Conc. 10 $222500. Andre VanKasteren Pt. Lots 1 & 2, Conc. 9 132500. .........Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the quotation of T. J. Pounder (Ontario) Ltd. for the supply and delivery of approximately 46,270 gallons of RS -2 emulsified asokalt as tepd.ered by the Township of Norfolk in the amount of $0.68 per gallon be accepted .................Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the quotation of Pollard Bros. Limited for the supply and delivery of approximately 76 tons of bulk calcium chloride @ $105.$0 per ton and approximately 19 tens of liquid calcium chloride applied @ $109.$0 per ton be accepted ...................Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the quotation of Max Underhill Farm Suppliy Ltd. for the supply and delivery of 135 gallons of Silvaprop 112 @ $23.80 per gallon be accepted.. ..........Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That general accounts totaling $34,218.27 and road accounts totaling $59,429.52 be approved: Roads..vouchers ................................................$493485.47 Roads..pay list Aug. 1-15 ...................................... 3,725.69 Roads..pay list Aug. 16-30 ..................................... 61218.36 Debenture Account .............................................. 283.59 East Elgin Planning Board..balance 1980 levy.................... 2,$$9.51 Linda Moore..cutting grass ..................................... 47.75 Randy & Linda Underhill..tile drain loan ....................... 1,765.00 Hugh J. Ketchabaw..tile drain inspections ...................... 35.00 Safety Supply Company..fire department supplies ................ 2,200.00 Clarence Archer & Carol Schmeltz..1979 tax adjustment.......... 181.34 Busy tBt Gardens..flowers (Ferguson funeral) ................... 20.00 Treasurer of Ontario..water account ............................ 409.40 Otter Publishing Co..advertisements ............................ 125.44 Gilles Therrien..municipal drain repairs ....................... 31652.90 Ronald Green..Council.......................................... 122).50 Max Stewart.. ".......................................... 114.00 Ronson Sandham.. ".......................................... 114.00 Sandra Sandham.. ".......................................... 110.00 Mathew Schafer.. "'.......................................... 57.00 Jack Petrie..extra council ..................................,.. 110.00 Brant Concrete Products Ltd..Peidly Drain repairs .............. 206.10 0 1569 Amtelecom Inc .... office & fire dept .......................... $211.08 DennisGarage...lawnmower rep ............................... 20.49 Otter Publishing Ltd ... advert ................................ 62.72 Linda Moore... cutting grass .................................. 44.25 Hans Anderson ....cleaning floors..... 30.00 J.A.Petrie..... Sal. Aug. 1-15 ................................ 625.00 V.VanBeloi.s...* n a n n .60oo .000"o *00 410.00 Lorraine Moore. nn " n ................................ 155.00 Wm.Underhill..V.Sal-$51.81 V.Mil.-$12.00 ) B. " -325.27 B. " - 93.50 )...........000.0... 482.57 J.D.Vallee.retirement allow .................................. 150.00 Treas. of Ont...tile dr.deb.................................. 5,056.11 Spriet Assoc.... Weaver Br. Todd Dr ........................... 11900.00 Richmond Minor Softball Club...grant......................... 1,950.00 Ontario Hydro... arrears collected ............................ 271.65 V.VanBelois...20 patio stones... ............... o -o ........... 46.00 Ontario Hydro ... office & fire hall .......................... 71.00 St. Thomas San.Coll. Service Ltd........... ................. 30.00 David Smith....mowing cemeteries... ......... o...o ............ 444.00 Harold Dennis...fire chief ................................... 265.46, Robt.Grant... deputy fire chief ............................... 165.21 Rec.Gen... postage ............................................ 800.00 J.A.Petrie...sal.Aug.16-31................................... 625.00 V. V a nB el o i s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 - 00 L. Mo o r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3 30 . 00 Wm.Underhill...V.Sal...$29.60; V. Mil...$ 6.75 } B. " ...390.47; B. " ... 85.50 )............ 514.32 Rec. General...ded.Aug....................................... 854.71 Ome r s . . . . . . . . . . " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509 • 74 and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on September 15th. at 7:30 P.M.. .....Carried....... w ll� Clerk Council Chambers Straffordville , Ontario September 15, 1980 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 3, 1980, having been examined by the members are hereby approved, and the Reevets signature authorized on same.............Carried Mr,: James Gibbons, road superintendent, reports on the progress of the various road projects. Mr. Harold Dennis, fire chief, reports on behalf of the fire department. Parking is still a problem on First Street from the fire hall to #19 Highway. MTC assistance is not available for signs. The Clerk is to prepare a by-law to prohibit parking in this area. Mr. Wm. Underhill, building inspector, reports on the various building projects in the Municipality. He recommends consideration of sidewalk construction in Eden and Straffordville. Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Agriculture Canada..rabies report..August, 1980 2) Port Hope Disaster Relief Fund..acknowledgement of grant 3) Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs. -area meeting for local boards of health.. 4) Ken Sproul & Others..petition for drainage. -part Lots 2 & 3 in Concessions 2 & 3 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That this Council now adjourn to sit as Court of Revision to hear appeals against the asSe$sments of the We aver Branch of the Todd Drain...... Carried E 1570 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Green That there being no appeals against the assessments of the Weaver Branch of the Todd Drain, this Court of Revision now adjourn to resume Council.. •••...Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the petition for drainage for the South part of Lot 2, in Concession 3, and the North part of Lots 2 & 3, in Concession 2, as presented by Ken iproul and others be accepted ......... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That Spriet Associates be appointed to prepare a report on necessary ion of a portion of No. 1 Drain north of County Road 38 ..... Carried reconstructi1 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the Treasurer be authorized to purchase a Kinross Mortgage Corp debenture in the amount of $7,500. ye ild ing 124 % for a four year term on behalf of the perpetual carez fund.............Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandharp. That this Council now adjourn to meet again on October 8, 1980, at 10:00 a.m. .........Carried F Clerk Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario October 8, 1980 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning, Reeve R. Green presiding. Members present are Deputy Reeve M. Stewart, Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 15, 19809 having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same..............Carried Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs.. comments re. 1979 financial report 2) Ministry of Housing..explanation of advisory role of the Community Planning Branch 3) East Elgin Planning Board..request to approve Minister's modification to Amendment No. 7 4) Ontario Good Roads Association. notification of 1981 convention 5) A. H. Neumann.. objection to zoning of property 6) H. & A. Calvert.. inquiry about zoning of property 7) Joseph Burwell & others.. petition for drainage at Lots 25 & 26, Cone. 9 8) Ontario Municipal Board..appeal of Lysy & Assoc. re. severance #E 119/80 allowed 9) Township of Malahide..cop,y of resolution re use of County of Elgin trucks on t ownline project 10) Ministry of the Environment..copy of letter to C. DeKraker re disposal of waste at Lot 112 , Cone . 7 11) Spriet Associates..acknowledgement of resolution re. No. 1 Drain repairs Mr. James Gibbons, road superintendent, reports on road projects. Mr. Wm. Underhill, building inspector, reports on various building projects and presents an application for assistance under the O.H.R.Program Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That this Council accept the --recommendation of the Catfish Creek Conservation Authority for inclusion of their additional property in the 'conservation designation' and request the Ministry of Housing to approve Amendment No. 7 with modification; as referred be the East Elgin Planning Board....Carried I* 15 71 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the petition for drainage as presented by Joseph Burwell and others at Lots 25 & 26, Cone. 9, be accepted.............Carried Moved by: M. Stewart . and That the following building Joseph Zehr Hugh Mauthe Sylvere VanGulck Lucy Hohmann Remy VanLeeuwen Clifford Ringland David J. Russell Hotchkiss Farms Verna Martin Mathew Schafer Sandyt own Developments Ruth Locker Paul Steinhoff Orri e Ferguson John Kavka Wm. Rex Boarov Zarko Seconded by: R. Sandham DeClercq & permits be approved: Lot pole barn $89000. new basement under residence 89x00. roof and repairs 11,000. new residence 40,000. corn crib 19000. Insulate residence 700. siding, windows, insulate 5,000. barn renovations 6, 000. new residence 58,000. locate used building 19,000. restaurant 89000. Insulation 2 , 000 . pole building 6,000. trim 19800. corn crib 19500. roof 1, 500. garage 2,000. .................Carried & Townsend a Lot Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the application of Morley Luce for a loan under the Ontario Home Renewal Program at Lot 131, Cone. 7, NTR in the amount of $3,000 be as pr oved ............Carried Nroved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the following applications for the drainage loans be approved: Roger DeClercq & Jacqueline DeClercq, Lot 126, Cone. 7, $5,200. Lloyd Cowan & Barbara Cowan, Lot 20-21, Cone. 8* 3 , 000. Joe, Marie, Edna May & Leo VanLoy Lot 220 Cone. 49 39000. Steve Stekli & Maria Stekli Lot 189 Cone. 59 309700. Abbott &, Townsend Ltd. Lot 27, Cone. 19 29,200. Abbott & Townsend Ltd. Lot 259 Cone. 19 29700. Abbott & Townsend Ltd. Lot 269 Cone. 19 7,400. Abbott & Townsend Ltd. Lot 26, Cone. 29 393000 Abbott & Townsend. Ltd. Lot 27, Cone. 2, 19300. ' ......................Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That Spriet Associates be appointed to prepare a report on the re -construction of the Berdan-Cheesman Municipal Drain as petitioned by Georg Nasswetter and others..............Carried Moved by: M. Soha f er and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 20fimififfn by-law to set the fees in the Township of Bayham/ yeir 1980 be now read ...........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Sec onci ed by : M . Stewart maximum hunting a first time.. And resolved that By-law No. 2047 be now read a second time..... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2047 be now read a third time and finally passed..............Carried #2048 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2048 being a by-law to restrict parking on a part of First Street, Plan 205, be now read a first time........ Carried Moved by: X. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 2048 be now read a second Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2048 be now read a third passed............Carried time..... Carried time and finally Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That general accounts totaling $209,319.71 and road accounts totaling $42,802-74 be approved; Roads..vouchers .............................................$32,092.04 Roads..pay list Sept 1-15 ................................... 3.921.12 Roads..pay list Sept. 16-30.00 69789.58 Long Point Region Conservation Authority..a/c levy.......... 2,616. 50 I.E.S. Business Products ..office supplies .................. 90.x+1 W. G. Webster Stationery.Ltd..office supplies ............... 85.12 F-1 El 1,572 Gestetner (Canada) Ltd..office supplies ...................... Daymond Ltd...municipal drain repairs ......................... Amtelecom Inc..office and fire hall .......................... Pitney Bowes..meter rental ................................... Ontario Hydro..Richmond and Straff ordville light maint....... 901.88 998.25 140.67 52.97 364.93 Linda Moore..office and park grass cutting ................... A & C Drainage..municipal drain repairs ...................... Treasurer of Ontario..OHIP................................... Jewitt & Dixon Ltd..reference plans .......................... Business Computer Services..tax billings, .... 000000000000*900 Soper Builders Supplies Ltd..municipal drain repairs....,.... Dennis' Garage..fire dept. repairs ........................... Grant Motors (Stra`'f ordville) Ltd..fire dept. repairs........ 33,75 644.00 100.00 18.00 719.22 2.57 103,10 12,85 Ronald Green..Council........................................ Max Stewart.. ........................................ Ronson Sandham.. " 0000 .................................... Sandra Sandham.. "........................................ Mathew Schafer.. "........................................ Jack Petrie..extra council ................................... David Smith.,mowing cemeteries ............................... 168.75 114.00 151.00 145.00 98.00 145.00 378.00 J. D. Vallee..retirement allowance ........................... J. A. Petrie..salary..Sept. 1-15 ............................. V. VanB elois.. " it ............................. 150.00 625.00 410.00 L. Moore.. If it ............................. ° H. Dennis..fire chief..September ............................. R. Grant..deputy fire chieg6.September ....................... Wm. Underhill..salary Vienna $88.80 mileage Vienna $20.75 353.00 265.46 165.21 it Bayham 315.57 If Bayham 91,50 516.62 Elgin County Board. of Educati on.. a/c levy ................ . ...169, 742.00 J. Petrie..misc expenses ..................................... 214.87 W. G. Webster..office supplies ............................... 57.33 King Seagrave Ltd..fire dept. supplies ....................... 45.93 St, Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd .................. 5,340.13 Gerald Clarke..tile drain loans .............................. 955,00 Frank & Eva Rosenberger..tile drain loans .................... 19055,00 Hugh J. Ketchabaw..tile drain Inspections.................. 90.00 Treasurer of Ontario..tile drain debentures .................. 6,336.09 Ontario Hydro..office & fire hall ............................ 179.94 Receiver General..postage.................................... 500.00 Peggy Heseh..office assistance ............................... 45.50 Cheryl McQuiggan.." „ ............................... 40.25 Rosemary Peidl if " ............................... 42.00 Debra Hartmann it " ............................... 26.25 Brant Concrete Products..municipal drain repairs ............. 269.30 Linda Moore..cutting grass & office assistance............... 58.25 Heather DeBrabender..office assistance ....................... 21.00 Margo DeBrabender.. " of ..............,.,.,.,., 21.00 Shelley Moore.. it it ....................... 21.00 Penny Taylor.. it ri ....................... 21,00 Betty Laemers.. It of ....................... 21.00 Treasurer of Ontario..OHIP................................... 100.00 J. A. P e t r i e . . Sa l a ry . . S e p t e mb e r 16-30 . . . 0 , , . . . , . . 0 . . , , . , . , , , , 625-00 V. VanBelois.. if " ........................ 410.00 Lo- r ra i n e Moore.." " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0.. 6 0 0 0. 0. 0. 390-00 Wm. Underhill..salary Vienna $$14.80 mileage Vienna$5.75... Bayham 270.17 Bayham65.00... 355.72 Receiver General for Canada..deductions September............ 19027.09 OMERS..deductions September ................................. 686.80 Elgin County R.C.S.S. Board a/c levy ......................... 109053.00 and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on October 20th. , at 7:30 p.m. .0000..........................Carried eeve 0000.•. r 1573 Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario October 20, 1980 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 8, 1980, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same...............Carried Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Agriculture Canada..rabies report, September, 1980 2) Regional Municipality of Peel..request to endorse resolution control of off-road vehicles 3) Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs..financial problems of 4) County of Elgin,.request for comments re. central ambulance service re. municipalities dispatch 5) Elgin Land Division Committee.. severance application..J. & N. Jennings 6) It " Lamers Farms Ltd. 7) It " Garfield Smith 8) Township of Norf olk..comments re. By-law 2040 (zoning) 9 ) Morris, Holmes & Jenkins ..objection to By-law 2040 on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Lee Ball Mr. & Mrs Arthur Wright meet with Council and present an objection to the zoning of their property on Fifth Street in Straffordville. Mr. Wright operates a small tool & die manufacturing plant in and adjacent to his residence and requests M2 zoning to reflect the present use of the property. Council receives the objection and will deal with it at the time of reviewing all objections. Moved by: M. Shafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this Council endorse the resolution of the Regional Municipality of Peel in requesting the Premier of Ontario to amend the relevant legislation to provide: (a) that the appropriate Ministry, in consultation with the manufacturers of motor vehicles and other interested bodies, establish an acceptable and measurable level of noise created in the operation of motor vehicles which would be deemed not excessive; (b) the implementation of some form of licencing or identification of mini bikes as an additional form of control; (c) the authority for the Police to seize and, subject to a Judge's approval, to confiscate mini bikes and trail bikes when they are being operated unlawfully ..................Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Secnnded by: M. Stewart That this Council has no objections to proposed severances as follows: Lamers Farms Ltd., Lots 112 & 113 NTR #E 174/80 Garfield Smith Lot 126 STR #E 176/80 John & Nellie Jennings Lot 24, Conc. 4 #E 178/80 ................Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That Spriet Associates be appointed as engineers to prepare a report on the petition for drainage at Lot 2 in Concession 3, and Lots 2 and 3 in Concession 2, as presented by Keri Sproul and others.....Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham 4D That applications for tile drainage loans be approved as follows: Robert Beattie and Janet Beattie Lot 14, Conc. 10, $6,700. .............Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That applicants for zoning by-law amendments be charged the actual cost of the amendm ent with a deposit of $100. required when the application Is submitted..............Carried 1 Tenders as advertised for the supply of materials and installation of same for the construction of the Weaver Branch of the Todd DRain are. opened with results as follows: 1574 Double Diamond. Construction Ltd. $25v908- + stone 0 $6.75 as required TOC Drainage Inc. 23+298• + it 10.50 Bi rnam Excavating Ltd. 189392. + of 7.00 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the tender of Birnam Excavating Ltd. for the supply of materials and in"stallatlbn of same in the amount of $14, 817.20 and $3,575-00 for boring and $7. per ton for crushed stone (as required) for the construction of the Veaver Branch of the Todd Drain be accepted.........Carried #2046 Moved by:*" R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 2046 be now read a third time and finally passed ...................Carried (Weaver Branch) Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this Council now adjourn to meet again on November 5, at 10:00 a-m- �Xw, W,40muse , Clerk Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario November 5, 1980 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning. Reeve R'. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the minptes of the regular meeting of Council held October 20, 1980, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.................Carried Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Minister of Natural Resources..approval of By-law No. 2047 (licence fees) 2) East Elgin Planning Board..request to submit resolution approving Amendment No. 11 to the Ministry of Housing 3) Ontario Humane Society..request for donation to research fund 4) Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application..Reg & Nellie Godby 5) Ministry of Housing. -request to have meeting to discuss planning and zoning administration proceedures 6) Wm. L. Baldwin..objection to By-law 2010 7) Thomas L. Wells.. " nst 8) Ministry of Transportation & Communications. -comments re. By-law 2040 9) O'Donovan & Hutton..notice of application for rate increase re. Natural Resource Gas, Limited 10) Ministry of Housing..altering boundaries of East Elgin Planning Area to exclude Town of Aylmer effective January 1, 1981 Mr. James Gibbons reports on the condition of the various roads and progress on construction projects. ie The report as requested on repairs to the Ketchabaw No. 2 Municipal DIRain having been received from Spriet Associates, and the affected parties notified the report is considered. There are some minor amendments requested, and if these are approved by the consultants the Clerk is to have the by-law prepared for the regular meeting on November 17th. Mr. Etienne Verbrugge meets with Council to request assistance with a land severance at Lot 21, Concession 3. Council cannot make any official comment - until the application for severance is submitted, howeUer, it would appear that Council would be favourable to the request. 1575 Mr. Wm. Baldwin meets with Council to review fig,objection to By-law 2040. He requests a strip of land along Hwy 19/t6tpproximate depth of the existing lots be changed to F.D. zoning to allow for future development of the area. Council is agreeable to the request. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Wright meet with Council to review their objection to By-law 2040. They request a change of zoning on their property on Fifth Strget, in Straffordville to M2 to allow for future expansion of the existing tool & die making operation on the property. The property is too small to accomodate expansion in accordance with the M2 regulations. It is agreed that the property will be changed to HR6 to recognize the existing operation and allow expansion withing the HE regulations with special provisions to be applicable to this property. Mr. Arvid Neuman meets with Council to request a zoning change to HC to allow for future development of his property along Hwy 19 in Straffordville. The property is too small to allow very much expansion in accordance with the HIC regulations and Council agrees to change the zoning to HR7 to recognize the existing commercial use and allow fnr expansion in accordance the the HR regulations with special provisions for this property. Mr. Neuman will notify Council if he is in agreement with this proposal. Mr. Lee Ball meets with Council to request a zoning change to recognize the existing body repair shop at Lot 126 STR. The by-law has the body shop zoned on vacant property while the property on which the shop is located is zoned HR. Council agrees to change the zoning on which the shop is located to HC which is the proper zoning with the balance of Mr. Ball's property changed to FD. Mr. Carl DeDecker meets with Council to request road improvements to the road between Lots 18 & 19 in Conc. 2, and also that the road to the south of his property be maintained during the winter. Council agrees that work can be done to the north of his residence, however, because of the dangerous hill to the south it is not possible to promise winter maintenance. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council approve the request of the East Elgin Planning Board in submitting the followinresolution to the Ministry of Housing: "That a new section 4 3.4 �11) be added to the Official Plan which reads as follows: (11) For the lands adjacent to Conrail under an old plan of subdivision (Plan 120) in the Village of Springfield, as shown on Schedule 'A' to this amendment, a new plan of subdivision must be submitted and approved taking into account new standards for subdivision design, noise levels from the railway, storm drainage and sewage disposal. The lots fronting on Broadway may be developed prior to a new plan of subdivision being approved for the remainder of the lands" and that the Ministry of Housing be requested to approve same...Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That a grant of $20. be made to the Ontario Humane Society to assist in reasearch to limit reproduction in dogs and cats....... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council recommends that the application for severance of Reg Godby and Nellie Godby at Lot 26, Conc. 2, #E 183/80 be granted by the Elgin County Land Division Committee.............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the Treasurer be authorized to petition the Ministry of Transportation & Communications for a payment of interim subsidy on road expenditures to October 31, 1980.................Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the quotation of Leach Bros for the supply and delivery of the following be approved: approximately 1650 yds. of "A" gravel @ $3.00 per yd. $4,950. ...........Carried 1576 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the quotation of Shelton Bros. for the supply of the following be approvdd: approximately 8,000 yds. of 'At gravel @ $2.50 per yd. $20,000. approximately 10,500.yds. of 'Bf gravel @ $2.00 per yd. 21,000. .........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the quotation of Mr. K. C. Emerson for the supply of approximately - 45,000 yds of sand @ $0.05 per yd. $2,250. be accepted..... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the quotation of Oxford Sand & Gravel for the supply of the following be approved: approximately 36 tons of cold mix asphalt @ $19.00 per ton $681.00 approximately 73 toms of hot mix asphalt @ $21.75 per ton 1,588.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C a r r i ed Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham permits be approved: That the quotation of Dunnville Rock Products Ltd. for the supply and delivery of the following 3,000. be approved: 2)284. 2 bulk kilns approximately 378 tons of sand salt mix @ $?.75 per ton $2,930. approximately 114 tons of rock rubtle @ $5.35 per ton 610. approximately 2400 tons of 3/8" stone chips @ $5.90 per ton . 14,160. approximately 1060 tons of 111 stone @ $2.50 per ton 21650. Moved by: R. Sandham and That the following building Ross Andrews Carl Biro Clinton Kennedy Roy Wells Pierre Crevits Frank Voros Jack Vanacker Wilk Farms Ltd. Wilk Farms Ltd. Daniel Vandevyvere Daniel Vandevyvere Daniel Vandevyvere Daniel Vandevyvere Ron Dickenson Robert Wm. Ball Walter Willaert Abbott & Townsend Audrey Seymour Aileen Locker Lloyd Cowan Burns McKenzie Jack Wolfe Andre Yersnick Max Stewart .........Carried Seconded bv: M. Schafer permits be approved: siding $3,500. 10 bulk kilns 45,000. siding 3,000. insulation 2)284. 2 bulk kilns 91000. roof 1)200. 3 kilns 13,500. bulk kiln 4 500. greenhouse 34,000. bulk kilns 91000. pool 61000. steel barn 313000. manure tank 7,000. mobile home 22,050. pole barn 91000. entrance addition 1,000. greenhouse 17,000. storage building 52000. renovations 9,500. greenhouse 7,000. roof 12700. roof 3 used kilns 62000. residence renovations 81000. s .................Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded That applications for the drainage Jack Vanacker & Rosemary Vanacker, Emiel Vuylsteke Lots 14 & 15, by: S. Sandham loans be approved as follows: Lot 25, Conc . 3, $4,500. Conc. 3 121000. .......Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the following payments for extra services be R. Green Reeve $400. M. Stewart Deputy Reeve 350. R. Sandham Councillor 300. S. Sandham Councillor 300. M. Schafer Councillor 300. J. Petrie Clerk Treasurer 300. V. VanBelois Deputy Clerk Treasurer 250. J. Gibbons Road Superintendent 250. L. Moore Office clerk 200. payable December 10th. .......••••........•Carried made for 1980: 1577 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the application of Mrs. Aileen Locker for a loan under the Ontario Home Renewal Plan at Lot 4, Hwy. 19 E/S, Plan 205, in the amount of $7,500. be approved................Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That general accounts totaling $27,207.91 and road accounts totaling $19,547.23 be approved; Roads..payment vouchers.....................................$$,9$5.51 Roads..pay list October 1-15 ................................ 31599.97 Roads..pay list October 16-31 ............................... 6,961.75 David Smith..mowing cemeteries .............................. 378.00 RonaldGreen..Council....................................... 163.75 MaxStewart.. is ....................................... 151.00 RonsonSandham.. It ....................................... 151.00 _,Sandra Sandham.. t' ....................................... 11+5.00 JackPetrie -extra Council .................................. 90.00 Port Burwell Welding..municipal drain repairs ............... 45.4$ James S. Davison. -animal control ............................ 228.00 Dennis' Garage - fire dept. rep ............................. 60.36 Grant Motors (Straff.) Ltd .... fire dept. rep ................ 16.95 Spriet Associates... Weaver subdivision ...................... $50.00 Amtelecom Inc..fire hall & office ........................... 124.41 I.E.S.Business Prod...office supplies ....................... 128.98 Ont. Mun. Bd...Weaver Br.Dr................................. 50.00 Ont. Hydro...street light energy ............................ 993.78 Seigfried Blondeel... office machine rental ................. 50.00 H.Anderson... floor cleaning ................................. 30.00 AnnieRepasy... mun. dr. deb ................................. 796.33 Wm.Underhill..Vienna Sal..$59.20-mileage $15.75.10...0010.0) It It .. Bayham tt -.314.84- " 107.00 ............ ) 496.79 LorraineMoore ... sal. Oct. 1-15 ............................. 353.00 V.VanBelois... V.. it is It t' ............................. 410.00 It is it n 625-00 J.D.Vallee... retirement allowance..... ...................... 150.00 H.Denni.s....fire chief..Oct.................................. 265.46 Robt.Grant.deputy fire chief..Oct........................... 165.21 Treas. of Ont ... reg.by-law 2043 ............................. 15.00 St.Thomas San.Coll.Serv.Ltd................................. 5340.13 Gestetner (Can.) Ltd. ...office applies..................... 1..02 London Free Press Printing Co ... Weaver Br.Dr............... 0 95.45 Ont. Hydro...office & fire hall ..................4699....... 71.00 Treas. of Ont .... tile dr. deb ............................... 7019.73 Spriet Assoc.....Ketchabaw Dr.N o. 2 ......................... 1090.00 Otter Pub. Ltd ..... advert ................................... 8.96 Treas. of Ont ...... OHIP..................................... 100.00 Marvin Underhill...OHRP payment re. Smith ................... 2000.00 Village of Vienna ... F.& C. charges on tax roll .............. 574.80 Hugh Ketchabaw...mun. dr. rep ............................... 490.00 J.A.Petrie... sal. Oct. 16-31 ................................ 625.00 V.VanBelois..." n It "................................ 410.00 n ti L. Moore......n �� ................................ 375.00 Wm.Underhill... Vienna Sal.$14.$O,Mil..$6.00......... .......) Ittt ...Bayham It 244.17 " 69.75 ................) 334.72 Rec. Gen. for Can .... ded. - Oct ............................. 872.78 Omers................ tt n ............................. 701.82 Mathew Schafer ..... Council ................................. 151.00 and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on November 17 at 7:30 P.M. .....Carried.... Reeve C]Erk 1578 NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS, 1980 Pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, 1977, as amended, nominations for the positions of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and three Councillors for the Township of Bayham, and one Trustee to the Elgin County Board of Education elected by the municipalities of Bayham, Port Burwell and Vienna, and one Trustee to the Elgin County Roman Catholic Separate School Board elected by the municipalities of Rayham, Port Burwell and Vienna are accepted by the Clerk up to 5:00 p.m., October 20th., beinw Nomination Tray. At the close of nominations the following are certified by the Clerk: Reeve..Max Stewart Deputy Reeve.. Ronson Sandham--Joseph Volkaert Councillors..Ronald Green --Gerald Nelles--Ronald Phillips --Mathew Schafer Trustee, Elgin County Board of Education, Robert Howey Trustee, Elgin County R.C.S.S. Board, John Engelhardt At 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 20, 1980 the above had left their names in nomination. I, J. A. Petrie, Clerk and Returning Officer for the Township of Bayham, hereby declare: Max Stewart, R. R. #1, Eden, Ontario, elected Reeve of the Township of Bayham by acclamation. Hobert Howey, R. R. #2, Straffordville, Ontario, elected Trustee to the Elgin County Board of Education by acclamation. John Engelhardt, R. R. #1, Port Burwell, Ontario, elected Trustee to the Elgin County Roman Catholic Separate School Board by acclamation.- J.-A. cclamation._ J.A. Petrie, Clerk and Returning Officer, Elections, November 10, 1980. At the close of polling for the offices of Deputy Reeve and Councillors for the ensuing term, the following results are posted: Deputy Reeve Ronson Sandham...332 Joseph Volkaert. .587 Councillors Ronald Green.....513 Gerald Nelles.... 517 Ronald Phillips..424 Mathew Schafer...671 I, J. A. Petrie, Clerk and Returning Officer for the Township of Bayham hereby declare: Joseph Volkaert, R. R, -#l, Straffordville, Ontario, elected Deputy Reeve of the Township of Bayham. Ronald Green, R. R. #3, Tillsonburg, Ontario, Gerald Nelles, Straffordville, Ontario, and Mathew Schafer, Straffordville, Ontario elected Councillors ' fnr Tntm01ni r% of pavhnm _ CL J. A. Petrie, Clerk and Returning Officer. t of 2,923, being 32.19% voting. u O 3 1579 .......... ............... Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario November 17, 1980 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Also present are Deputy Reeve elect J. Volkaert and Councillor elect G._ Nelles. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 5, 19800 having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.............Carried Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Agriculture Canada..rabies report, October , 1980 2) Municipal Planning Consultants..pinning news report 3) Flooring &. Decorating Centre..quotation for carpeting office 4) Innanen, Battin..application for re zoning at Lot 28, Concession 4 5) Long Point Region Conservation Authority.. request for early payment of balance of 1980 levy 6) Spriet Associates..report that petition to realign Arn Drain found to be impractical after investigation Mrs. Florence Brown meets with Council to request permission to use mobile home as semi permanent residence until such time as a new residence is constructed. This is contrary to the provisions of By-law No. 1796. As Mrs. Brown is having a problem with her insurance coverage and no plans submitted nor building permit issued, Council cannot grant her request. Mr. Bruce Ketchabaw meets with Council to request repairs to No. 1 Drain at Lot 129 NTR as it is not draining properly. Council will have the drain inspector look into this matter and have it corrected. Mr. J. D. Vallee meets with Council to request action be taken to clean up a derelict property at Lot 51-- on First Street , north side. In the absence of a property standards by-law there:.1s little Council can do, however, the owner will be contacted and an effort made to have the property improved . Mr. Jim Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to report on the progress being made on the various road projects. Messrs. J. Barclay, S. Carroll and W. Underhill representing the Straff ordville Lions Club meet--, with Council to present preliminary drawings for an addition to the Community Centre building. The proposed addition is to be 30' x 601, to the south of the existing structure. It will be three floors with a Lions Den in the basement, raised stage, -bar, storage and washrooms on the main floor and two storage or meeting rooms above. The approximate cost is $100,000. They request permission to proceed with final plans and investigate what grants might be available from the senior governments. Council gives permission to proceed without any committment at this time. Mr. Wm. Underhill meets with Council to review building matters and request an adjusment be considered in the mileage rates now paid by the township for for the use of private vehicles. The Reeve will check with other municipalities and report back as to whether or not an adjustment is Indicated. Mr. Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with Council to report on fire matters. He suggests that consideration be given to establishing an equipment reserve fund in 1981. Mr. M. Stewart requests consideration be given to a grant for playground equipment on behalf of the Straff ordville Lioness Club. They are planning to purchase equipment for use in the school yards as a project. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the application of. Dan Murray and Carolyn Murray for a tile drainage loan in the amount of $4,300. at Lot 22, Cone. S.G. be approved .... ...........Carried 1580 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That Spriet Associates be appointed to prepare a report on the petition for drainage as presented by Jos. Burwell and others at Lots 25-26, Concession 9.....................Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the petition for drainage at Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, Concession 11, as presented by John Kavka and others be accepted........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That our consultants be requested to prepare an amendm ent to our zoning by-law for property at Lot 16, Cone. 3, formerly used as a welding shop to be rezoned M2, in accordance with revised schedles to by-law 2040... .........,.Carried ?.. 049 M oved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2049 being a by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and for borrowing on the credit of the municipality the sum of $13,400. for completing the drainage works (Ketchabaw No. 2) he now read a first time....Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 20+9 be now read a second time and provisionally passed ....................Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham, M. Schafer & M. Stewart That this Council express appreciation to Reeve Ronald Green for his leadership during the past years............Carried ") Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2050 being a by-law to confirm all actions of Council for the year December 1, through November 30, 1980, be now read a first time..............Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2050 be now read a second time.....Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2050 be now read a third time and finally passed..............Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by' R. Sandham That this Council now adjourn to meet again on December 3, 1980, at 10:00 a.m..........................CArried 17 -1 ­Reeve Clerk 1581 Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario December 3, 1980 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning. This being the inaugural meeting of Council, the members subscribe to the declarations of office and oath of allegiance. Reeve Max Stewart welcomes the new councillors and those returning for another term. The continuation of the roads upgrading program will be the priority for this year. Completion of the Bayham/Malahide townline road and the Leach hill with the Township of Norfolk should be undertaken as soon as possible, The several municipal drains in varying stages will also require council attention. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 17th., having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeves signature authorized on same..........Carried Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) County Engineer.. letter of explanation re Bayham/MalaWe t ownline construction costs 2) Ministry of Housing..designation of Town of Aylmer Planning Area 3) Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario..comments re. termination of the Community Services Contribution Program 4) County of Elgin..report of the County Government Committee re. ambulance dispatch service 5) Residents in the vicinity of First Street..petition to have property at Lot 5, Main Street n/s cleaned up 6) County of Elgin.. revi si on of county levy 7) Assoc of Municipalities of Ontario..notice of holding seminars for newly elected councillors 8) O'Donovan, Hutton..application for rate increase for N.R.Gas Ltd. 9) Long Point Region Conservation Authority..information re. authority appointments 10) East Elgin Planning Board.. request to appoint members and commitment for 1981 membership 11) Ontario Farm Drainage Assoc., notice re. 1981 conference Mr. William Pnderhill meets with Council to review building matters and presents drawings for addition to works barn for Council comment. It is anticipated that some funds will be available under the Canada Community Development program to assist with the construction of the addition. Mr. Harold Dennis meets with Council to review fire matters. Mr. James Gibbons meets with Council to review progress om the various road prjoects for 1980. Mr. Arthur Vanderspaillie with members of the Lake Erie Erosion Committee (John Schneider, Arpad Pasztor, Jim Alton and Robt. Demaiter) meet with Council to review the suit presently being launched against the federal government for losses caused by the action of the lake against the break- water_ at Port Burwell. -The committee was formed in 197.5, hired solicitors, and raised S15,000. to commence proceedings against the federal government for damages -they hired engineers for surveying to ascertain the extent of the erosion -literal matter is picked up by the lake and deposited at Long Point - reliminary work has been completed 4315,000. has been spent and an additional -$60,000. Is needed to commence ac t`i on in -it 131 anticipated that a date for court c -$30 million is being claimed for damages -.$43,000. has been raised or promised $11,000. for services - I# owed the Supreme Court 6f Canada an be arranged in fall of 1981 caused by erosion since 1914 -$106,000. of assessment is in Bayham which -damage continuing will be assessment loss of the County Road along Lake Erie would b -a grant of $6,400. is requested for Bayham Council agrees to consider the matter of a to approach Elgin County Road Committee for Is 20% of total assessment to municipality and the loss e an added expense and/or Elgin grant and advises the committee funds pertainingto the road. I,,�82 Mr. Dennis Magashazi meets with problem along the roadway at his examine the problem and attempt Council to advise them of an erosion property at Lot 113 NTR. Council will to have it corrected at an early date. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: J. Volkaert That the Clerk be instructed to contact our solicitor to seek remedies for the unkempt condition of the property located at Lot 5, First Street n/s, Plan 205.....................Carried Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green That this Council notify the East Elgin Planning Board that it will remain a part of the Board during 1981...........Carried Moved by: J. Vablkaert and Seconded by: G. Nelles That appeals for tax adjustment under Section 636A of the Municipal , Act and the Assessment Review Court be accepted and adjustment made in accordance with assessments provided by the Regional Assessment Commissioner. ...................Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and That the following building Roy Stewart Frank Benner Jack Tompkins Murray Ketchabaw Sandyto n Developments Hotchkiss Farms Hotchkiss Farms Robert Ball Frank Schroyens Morley Luce Elizabeth Waller William Kunderman William Kunderman Roger Casier Roger Casier Rene Drieghe K. C. Emerson K. C. Emerson Seconded by: R. Green permits be approved: Garage $39000. residence renovations 209000. garage 29000. mobile home 79000. butcher shop renovations 29000. 3 greenhouses 129000. residence renovations 129000. mobile home renovations 3, 000. greenhouse 429770. roof 29700. residence addition 29500. greenhouse 110000. building renovations 4,000. roof barn 000. 2:000. roof residence 19200. greenhouse 49500. 2 used kilns 20000. 4 used kilns 49000. ..................................Carried Moved by:"R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute such documents as necessary for the operation of the bank account at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Straffordville Branch... ..........,, Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: J. Volkaert That the following persons be appointed to the Bayham Parks,Recreation and Community Centres Board for a one year term commencing December 1, 19809: M. Schafer, _G, elles, J. Volkaert,, J. Barclay, J. DeClercq, D. Norris and CW . Underehi li� ..................Carried M oved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green That the following persons be appointed to the Eden Community Centre Board for a three year term commencing December 1, 1980: S. Sandham and C. Evans .....................Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: G. Nelles That the following persons be appointed to the Straffordville Library Board for a one year term commencing December 1, 1980: I Johnson, B. Ryan, D. Clarke, A. Schafer and S. Sandham...........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: G. Nelles That LeRoy Taylor be appointed to represent the Township of Bayham on the Elgin Farm Safety Council for a one year term commencing December 1, 1980 .....................Carried Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: G. Nelles That M. Schafer be app oknted to represent the Township of Bayham on the Local Agricultural Manpower Board for a one year term commencing December 1, 1980;.and that R. Green be appointed alyernate representative.... ..............Carried ' 1583 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That J. Volkaert be appointed to represent the Township of Bayham on the East Elgin Planning Board for a one year term commencing December 1, 1980.............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: J. Volkaert That the following perscns be appointed to the Straffordville Cemetery Board ..for a three year term commencing December 1, 1980: F. Lester, R. Dair and W. Underhill ...................Carried isMoved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. Green That the following persons be appointed to the Eden Cemetery Board for a three year term commencing December 1, 1980: W. Burwell and G. Moore with Rev. R. Evans appointed for a one year term....Carried Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the following persons be appointed to the Guysboro Cemetery Board for a three year term commencing December 1, 1980: C. Ball, C. Garnham and J. Hotchkiss ..................Carried Moved by: R. Green and ,Seconded by: G. Nelles That the following persons be appointed to the Dobbie Cemetery Board for a three year term commencing December 1, 1980: G. Scott and A. Green...................Carried Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green That the following person be appointed to the Calton Cemetery Board for a three year term commencing December 1, 1980: K. Burwell....Carried Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the following person be appointed to the Claus Cemetery Board for a three year term commencing December 1, 1980: M. Gibb ons.....Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green That the following person be appointed to the Edison Pioneer Cemetery Board for a three year term commencing December 1, 1980: K. Emerson.... .............Carried Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Volkaert That the following persons be appointed to the Light Cemetery Board for. a three year term commencing December 1, 1980: C. Ball and L. MacDonald; 'and that Mrs. M. West be appointed for a two year term; and that Wallace Ball be appointed for a one year term replacing Peter Laur... ....Carried Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green That the following persons be appointed to the Old Port Burwell Cemetery Board for a three year term commencing December 1, 1980: W. Matthews, W. Weaver and W. Hollywood ................Carried Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the following person be appointed to the Smuck Cemetery Board for a three year term commencing December 1, 1980: R. Gregson.... Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: G. Nelles That the following person be appointed to the Bayham West Cemetery Board for a three year term commencing December 1, 1980: C. Milmine....Carried Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by-, M. Schafer That the members of Council be constituted as a drainage Court of Revision under the Drainage Act, 1975; and that Ronald Green is hereby appointed chairman of the said Court........ .,Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: G. Nelles That Wm. Underhill be allowed $160. for extra automobile expense during 1980..............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green That this Council now adjourn to sit as Court of Revision to hear appeals against assessments on the Ketchabaw No. 2 Drain..............Carried C. of P. Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: G. Nelles f' That there being no appeals against the assessments of the Ketchabaw No. 2 Drain, this Court of Revision now adjourn to resume regular Council., ..............Carried 1584 Councillor M. Schafer declares a possible conflict of interest in the following item being a request by the Ministry of Housing to have By-law 1989 re -affirmed. 0 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: G. Nelles That By-law No, 1989 closing certain roads in thb Village of Willsonburg Registered Plan No. 147, be re -affirmed by Council...... ... Carried #2051 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: J. Volkaert And resolved that By-law No. 2051 being a by-law to appoint certain officers in and for the Township of Bayham for a one year term commencing December 1, 1980 be now read a first time...,.......Carried Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2051 be now read a second time..... Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2051 be now read a third time and finally passed...............Carried #2052 Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green And resolved that By-law No. 2052 being a by-law to appoint fence -viewers and pound -keepers in and for the Township of Bayham for a one year term commencing December 1, 1980, be now read a first time...... Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: J. Volkaert And resolved that By-law No. 2052 be now read a second time......Carried Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2052 be now read a third time and finally passed.......,...Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: J. Volkaert That general accounts totaling $54,016-30 and road accounts totaling 126, 627.58 be approved; Roads..vouchers.................................«......,.117.192.05 RRoads..pay list..Nov. 1-15 ...........................«... 3,363.0' Roads. A% . pay 1 i s t . . N ov . 16 - 3 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � , 072 . * V nnAclpal World ktd..office sup lies ..................... 218:�� na oore..off ce and park ar ss ....................... 3 . OntarioHydro..Richmond Street light maintenance.........74.81 Tillsonburg Commercial Printers.. office supplies..,,,.,,: 248.95 Parker Fuels..office and fire hall ....................... 142.11 Hugh Ketchabaw..municipal drain rep ...................... 290.10 Everitt Electric..air conditioner rep .................... 898,.25 Dale Prouse..200 pheasants ............................... 790.00 Emerson Tobacco Co.:1980 tax overpayment................. 72.90 Fawcett Metal Prod. Ltd..fire dept signs ................. 51.00 Otter Publishing Ltd..advertisement ...................... 143.60 W. G. Webster Stationery Ltd..office supplies............ 30.45 Amtelecom Ltd..office and fire dept supplies............. 155.45 Ontario Humane Society..grant ............................ 20.00 Ron Green..Council & Planning B oard...................... 287.50 Ma x S t e wa r t . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . « . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 15 1 . 0 0 Ronson S and h am " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . « . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151. 0 0 Sandra Sandham ".........«.......................... 145.00 Mathew Schafer " ...., .-............................. 151.00 Jack Petrie..extra council ............................... 90.00 Joseph Volkaert ..zoning and planning b oatd ................ 185.00 Blake Wolfe.. it of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185-00 Electric Power Accessories Co. ..Corinth light rep....... 57,00 Otter Publishing Ltd..advertisements.....«............... 81.60 Treasurer of Ontario..water account ...................... ?98.75 Murrey Scanlan.. D.R.O. 58.00 Fay Brown.. it ............................... 56.00 Ruth Locker.. it & polling stn................... 92.00 Aileen Locker.. " ............................... 51.00 Geo. Cameron.. " 45.00 Alonzo Hagell.. " 61.00 Geo. Moore sr.. " 54.00 Jean Simpson.. " ..........................«.... 54.00 Hazel Graves.. 59.00 Jack Petrie.. " ............................... 49.50 Gerald Clarke.. Poll Clerk ............................ 42.50 Jean Wolfe., " : . « . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . « . . . . 42.50 Joan Gregson.. it ............................. .51.50 Ellen Mitchell.. it 48.50 Blake Wolfe.. " ............................. 50.50 Brenda Chilc ott.. to ...............«............. 53.50 Ann Walters.. if ............................. 42.50 Dorothy Acre.. of ......................«...... 48.50 LI 1585 Kathleen Shaw..P oll Clerk ............................. Violet VanBelois,. " ............................ Village of Port Burwell. ,Polling station.............. Village of Vienna.. it yt'affodv 11 C"U�y Centre..ap iu�c"h .. " ...... . ........ . Richmond United Church " Calton Community Centre.. " ................ Marvin Underhill..OHRP advance (Smith) ................ J. A. Petrie..salary Nov. 1-15. V. VanBelois,. it ....,.'.................. Lorraine Moore.. It Harold Dennis..fire chief November .................... Robert Grant..deputy fire chief ....................... J. D. Vallee..retirement allowance .................... 'treasurer of Ontario..maps ............................ Wm. Underhill.. Bayham sal. 4145.0l..mileage..$39.50. Ontario Hydro..arrears collected on roll .............. Dennis Garage..fire dept rep... ....................... Parker Fuels.. office and fire hall ................... . On } Y a r i o Hydro.. of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer of Ontario..tile drain debentures........... G. W. Cattle Constr. CI-4..drain rep .................... St. Thomas Sanitary Coll. Sery........................ Palmer Builders..OHAP advance (Luce) ................. Treasurer of Ontarl o.. OHRP ( Locker) ............. . .... . Wm. Underhill..municipal drain deb .................... Treasurer of Ontario..OHIP ............................ Birnam Excavating..Weaver Br. Todd Dr ................ Aileen Locker..OHRP advance (Locker) ................. . J. A. Petrie..sal. Nov. 16-30,,996900,09000,00,0000,,, V. VanBelois.. " .......................... Lo nM oo e ti 42.50 46.75 40.00 40.00 ��.`b 0 40,00 40.00 1,500.00 625.00 410.00 330.00 265.46 165.21 150.00 21.00 184.51 93.94 29.42 119.76 71.00 lo,640.61 150.00 5,340.13 2,602.53 1.00 2,992.36 100.00 16,930.00 1,262.00 625.00 410.00 rr ne r .. .......................... 213.00 Wm. Underhill..Bayham salary..t364.89..Vienna sal.$59.20 if it a 70 0 " it 18 �4 Tax adjustmert s W e rte .5 m .75 513. Receiver General for Canada..ded...................... Months 836.10 OMERS . . d ed . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 96 1 0 Adjustment Ad 'ustment 1980 1-042 . and that this council now adjourn to meet again on December 15th. at 7:30 p.m. .......................Carried 12 160 2$.96 2-171 R. DeLeebeeck 12 270 4480 3-152 H. Dennis 12 645 116.7. 3-158 DeSutter-Hodson Reeve 2315 418.99 Clerk Tax adjustmert s as per resolution above: Roll No. Name Months Assessment Tax Adjustment Ad 'ustment 1980 1-042 M. Bont 12 210 $38-01 ARC 2-027-03 P. Odorjan 12 160 2$.96 2-171 R. DeLeebeeck 12 270 4480 3-152 H. Dennis 12 645 116.7. 3-158 DeSutter-Hodson 12 2315 418.99 3-162 C. Marshall 12 65 1& Ir 24 4-067 J. Garnham 12 2.00 434.38 4-072 DeSutter-Hodson 12 980 1?7.37 4-074 C. Marshall 12 215 38.90 4-127 W. Badziock 12 15 2.71 4-131 W. Badziock 12 160 2$.96 4-171 J. Gregson 12 55 10.26 4-190 V. Tribe 12 815 151.96 4-196 V. VanBelois 12 600 111.86 $-265 G. Cameron C.to R. 12 820 26.19 4-265 G. Cameron business 12 110 89.93 8-003 ` Dofasco 12 10 1.81 8-001 Dofasco 12 1.65 265.16 8-006 Dofasco 12 520 94-12 8-008 Dofasco 12 1190 215.38 8-009 Dofasco 12 865 156.56 -' 9-010 Dofasco 12 840 152.03 8-011 8-012 8-014 8-018 8-019 8-022 8-025 8-026 8-029 8-030 8-037 8-040 8-041 8-043 5-002 5-149 6-117-01--26 6-166 6-178 8-075 9-009-01 1979 2;054-01--2 1980 1-097 Sec. 636 1-118 'At 1-124 1-125 1-126 2-015 2-816 2-024 2-024 2-054-01--2 2-054-01--1 2-159 2-167 2-175 2-178 2-179 3-018-01 3 _064 3-072 3-114 3-161 3-159 4-039 4-061 4-063 4-088 4-107 4-116 4-136-02 4-226 4-240 4-264---1 4-264 5-032 5-023-01 5-036 5-124 5-127 5-156 5-187 6-080 6-108 6-112 6-165 7-016 8-051 8-063 8-095 1586 Dofasco Dofasco Dofasco Dofasco Dofasco Dofasco Dofasco Dofasco Dofasco Dofasco Dofasco Dofasco Dofasco Dofasco R. Soper Orchard Crest Farms J. Tewes V. Baldwin B. Graydon K. Mulbock Consumer's Gas Yarmouth Leasing K. Underhill D. Sioen Abbott & Townsend Abbott & Townsend Abbott: ,& Townsend Huber Farms Huber Farms J. Szucs J. Szucs Yarmouth Leasing R. McDougall R. Casier R. Drieghe J. Nezezon J. Nezezon J. Nezezon J. Wolfe R. VanBelle D. Murray A. Vansevenant B. Ketchabaw B. Ketchabaw B. Price C to C. Biro C. Biro J W P. M. K. K. J. S. M. D. W. Horeth B. Ketchabaw Tayl or J. Felkai Grant Pokorny Williams Williams Kokenyesi Oleka Weber Sshuurman Chilcott. R. (bus. ) C. to R. A. Balazs F. Chilcott D. Nickerson Rommel Farms Rommel Farms J. Barz o H. Hotchkiss J. Challeyssin J. Kokenyesi Underhill Farms Ltd. 12 105 12 470 12 1220 12 30 12 2490 12 910 12 590 12 2490 12 710 12 525 12 895 12 810 12 2750 12 1215 12 645 12 1070 12 455 12 395 12 750 12 810 12 10275 12 100 6 1560 8 205 8 100 8 380 8 800 10 330 12 885 7 425 . 3 130 12 100 12 945 9 50 12 285 6 415 6 170 6 400 3 135 7 255- 12 1210 12 190 8 180 8 105 12 370 5 535 5 470 4 170 6 480 10 230 12 1050 8 1 3 50 7 385 5 770 5 200 9 255 122 365 6 1685 12 365 7 360 12 1595 8 330 8 340 9 385 6 385 6 875 6 100 7 980 7 435 19.01 85.07 220.81 5.43 450.66 164.70 106.78 450.66 128.50 95.02 161.98 146.60 497.72 219.90 116.74 193.66 82.35 71.48 135.74 146.60 2,187.87 17.18 141.17 24.73 12.07 45.85 96.52 49.77 160.18 44.87 5.88 21.29 201.22 7.04 51.58 37.55 15.38 36.20 6.11 =26.92 219.00 34.38 21.72 12.67 11.81 40.34 35.44 10.25 43.44 34.69 197.12 18.87 43.50 49.30 10.25 15.08 34.61 66.06 152.48 66.06 38.01 293.62 39.82 41.01 54.20 36.14 79.18 9.05 107.32 45.93 15$? Council Chambers Straffordville , Ontario December 15, 1980 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve M. Stewart presides with Deputy Reeve J. Volkaert and Councillors R. Green, G. Nelles and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: G. Nelles That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 3, 1980, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same..............Carried James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with council to review road matters. Mr. B. Graydon has requested some ditching be done on the Bayham/Tillsonburg townline to improve drainage. Council will review this matter at a later date. The catch basin at the Horeth property at Lot 122, NTR is completed. Shadowland Farms has requested a portion of the road allowance between Concessions 4 and 5 be closed and they will purchase it for use as a private driveway. This road is not used by the general public as County Road 45 leaves this road allowance at the point the closing is requested. Mr. Douglas Ort meets with Council to express appreciation for assistance ih,_closing certain roads to have an automobile rally on January 24, 1981. The rally will start at the community centre in the morning, and after using certain roads in Norfolk finish on certain rvCs in Bayham, Mr. George Lysy meets with Council to further explain the application for zoning amendment by Lysy & Associates from Al to RR on property at Lot 28, Conc. 4. A parcel of land has been created by consent. -about 1/3 of the land is hazard land -Council is quite concerned about a satisfactory road entrance -Mr. Lysy intends to install a culvert at the south corner of the lot of a size approved by the road superintendent and cover with sufficient fill to give adequate vision for oncoming traffic. -It is agreed that a building permit will not be issued until the access is Satisfactorily completed Mr. Tony Donck meets with Council to request the establishment of a fire depaitment north of No. 3 Highway. The area is presently serviced.by South-West Oxford under a ten year agreement. There is some confusion as to what department should be notified in case of fire by some residents. He suggests that consideration to a department at North Hall should be given in 1981. Mrs. Debbie Giesbrecht meets with Council to explain that a basement for a new residence has been inadvertantly been dug at Lot 4, Conc. 8, too close to the lot line in contravention to By-law 2010. As the by-law is about to be amended to reduce the requirement, and the basement as dug will then be within the legal limit, Council requests the prevent building permit e&nQ-kl�d- and a new one issued which will meet the by-law. Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Land Division Committee..severance application E. & E. Verbrugge 2) Ministry of Natural Resources..copy of letter to D. Brown re. window breakage by wildlife 3) Brown & Brown..bequest from Procoor Eastate to Firby Cemetery 4 ) MacLareris Inc. copy of draft by-law re. zoning amendments Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: J. Volkaert 4S That this Council supports the application of Etienne & Earla Verbrugge in the application for severance at Lot 21, Concession 3, #E.204/80... ...........Carried Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green That Jesse Dennis be appointed to represent the Township of Bayham on the Long Point Region Conservation Authority for a one year term commencing December 1, 1980..............Carried 1588 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Volkaert That Allen Fisher replace W.. Underhill on the Bayham Parks, Recreation & Community Centre Board as the appointee of the Straff ordville Lions Club; and that the resolution passed on December 3 be amended accordingly.. .......Carried Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the application of Lysy & Associates Farms Limited for rezoning lands at Lot 28, Cnnc. .'�, from Al to RR be accepted and our consultants requested to prepare the necessary by-law... A recorded vote is requested with results aE Yea Nay Schafer Green Nelles Vblkaert Stewart. ...................Carried •follows: Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council approve the action of Council during April, 1980, in approving construction of new sidewalks between Talbot and Main Streets in the Village of Straff ordville and that the Ministry of Transportation & Communications be invoiced in the amount of $840.15 being 50% of the cost of construction .............Carried Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: G. Nelles That Jack Graves Ltd. be reuested to prepare an appraisal of township property at Lot 5, Hwy 19 E�S and those adjacent lots of the road department; Lot 128, STR; and the property of G. Horvath at Lot 16, SG ..... Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That G. Douglas Vallee Ltd. be requested to prepare a feasability study for the erection of a new township works building.............Carried :053 Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded by: R. Green And resolved that By-law No. 2053 being a by-law to authorize and regulate a Western Ontario Sports Car Association Automobile Rally be now read a first time.............Carried Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. And resolved that By-law No. 2053 be now Moved bv: R. Green and Seconded by: G. And resolved that By-law No. 2053 be now passed...............Carried Volkaert read a second time.....Carried Nelles read a third time and finally Moved by: J. Volkaert and Seconded bv: G. Nelles That this Council now adjourn to meet again on January 7, 1981, at 10:00 a.m. ............Carried eeve Clerk