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Bayham Council Minutes 1979
TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1979 1474 Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario January 8, 1979 The regular meeting of Council for the month of January is hell this morning. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: F. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held December 49 1978, and special meeting held December 7, 1978, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeves signature authorized on same... The following items of correspondence are reviewed: Agriculture Canada..rabies report, November, 1978 Local,Government Study Com..minutes of meeting held Nov. 28/78 Elgin -St. Thomas Housing Authority..application for accomodation Gibson, Linton & Toth..tax arrears collection..Medina Nat. Gas. Rural Vntario Municipal Assoc.. nominations for director H. Dennis..annual report of the fire chief Long Point Reg. C/A..payment of appointees and attendance record Local Agricultural Manpower Board..request to appoint alternate Land Division Committee.. severance application..W. & A. baer itW W. & A. Baer n D. A M. Beattie " B. & H. Hedges Schmeltz Ministry of Natural Resources..approval of stream diversion..Lot Elgin County Library..list of elected and appointed officials Minister of Revenue..statement re updating of factors Salvation Army..request for grant J March of Dimes.. " itSt. John Ambulance " it Aylmer & Fast Elgin Agricultural Society..request fcr grant Mr. Brian Hamilton meets a tent &/or trailer park of the requirements, and with a sketch plan of his proposed sites. (13. Lester) C. delegate 4. Cone. 3 with Council to request approval to establish at Lot 5, Cone. 3, Council advises Mr. Hamilton a copy of the by-law requesting him to return park showing thelocati on of buildings and Mr. James Gibbons reports on the condition of various roads Mr. Wm. Underhill adtises Council of the various building projects In the municipality and presents one application for an OHRP loan. M ovel by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this Council approves the application of Mr. Blake Lester for senior citizen accomodation and will accept the 7�'� share of the operating deficit on his apartment.........Carried Moved by; R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That our solicitors be instructed to proceed with court action to collect unpaid taxes of Medina Natural Gas Company Limited...Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That R. Sandham be appoint6d as alternate representative to the Local Agricultural Manpower Board for 1979....... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council has no objections to proposed severances as follows: William & Agnes Baer, part Lot 3, Cone. 2, #E 283/78 William & Agnes Baer, part Lot 3, Cone. 2, #E 284/78 Donald & Mary Beattie, part Lots 1 & 2, Cone. 9, #E 288/78 Bruce & Helen Hedges, part Lot 27, S.G., #E 295/78 Eva Schmeltz, part Lot 113, Cone. 7, #E 300/78... of........Carried- Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council request the Ministry of Revenue to revise assessments In the Township of Bayham as provided under Section 86 of the Assessment Act and provide a new factor for the purposes of equalizing assessments for school and county purposes.... .... Carried , 1475 Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That a grant of '150. be made to the Salvation Army for 1979... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham That a grant of $100. be made to the March of Dimes for 1979•.Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That a grant of $50. be made to St. John Ambulance for 1979 ... Carried Moved by : M . Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That a grant of X100. be made to the Aylmer & East FIgin Agricultural Society for 1979•••....••..Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That a grant of $2,000, be made to the Straffordville Lions Club ... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham And Seconded by: S. Sandham That the following building permits be approved: Keith Danbrook, house addition, Florida room $5,000. Louis Obar house repairs & renovations 151000. G. & C. Bechard warehouse footings 6,000. John Orgona new residence 50,400. Nick & Godelieve Benko barn renovations 9,000. Nick & Golelieve Benko barn renovations 3,200. ..............Carried Moved by; V. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the tax collector be authorized to have tax bills prepared for a 60 mill interim levy pending preparation of the annual estimates.. 0.000.000 arried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the application of Mrs. Marjorie Lockey for a loan under the Ontario Home Renewal Program at Lot 5, Main St. S/S, Plan 205, in the amount of 17,500. be approved........... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the resolution passed December 7, 1978, accepting the tender of St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. for the collection and disposal of garbage 1 110.50 per capita subject to verification that garbage collected is in excess of 120 tons per month average be recinded.. .............Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the tender of St. Thomas .Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. for the collection and disposal of garbage "� X10.50 per capita be accepted.. ........Carried Yoved by: W1. Stewart and Seconded That the Treasurer be authorized.to to the various cemetery boards: Straffordville Ed en Calton Guy sb or o Dobbie Old Port Burwell Smu ck Bayham West Light Claus by: R. Sandham make the following disbursements 1786.86 888.18 396.29 435.53 285.38 218.30 246.14 355.33 76.71 150.58............Carried Moved. by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the Treasurer be authorized to petition the Ministry of Transportation 1 & Communications for subsidy applicable to road expenditures made in 1978...........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this municipality renew its membership in the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and that yell members of council and the clerk be authorized as delegates to same,.........Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart r That this municipality renew its membership in the Rural Ontatio. Municipal Association and that all members of council and the clerk be authorized as delegates to same.........Carried 1476 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this municipality renew its membership in the Roads Association and that all members of council, clerk and deputy clerk be authorized as delegates Ontario Good the road superintendent, to same ...Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That this municipality renew its membership in the Ontario Farm Drainage Association and that the drainage commissioner be authorized as delegate to same........Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this municipality renew the membership of the building inspector In the Ontario Building Officials Association and that the building inspector be authorized as delegate to same........Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this municipality renew the membership of the clerk in the Association of Municipal Clerks & Treasurers of Ontario and that the clerk be authorized as delegate to same........Carried Moved by: R. ,Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this municipality renew the membership of the fire chief in the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs and that the fire chief &/or his deputy be authorized as delegates to same........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That pursuant to the Municipal Act, Sec. 233, the blanket position bond covering township employees having been examined by the members Is hereby approved and ordered filed.........Carried Y1969 Moved by: M. Stewart and ,Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1969 being a by-law to impose a special annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 19719 be now read a first time...Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1969 be now read a second. time...Carried Moved by: R..Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 1969 be now read a third time and finally passed........Carried '1970 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. !Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1970 being a by-law to provide for the appointment of members to the Fast Flgin Planning Board be now read a first tim e........Carried Moved by: M a�. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1970 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: M. ,Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1970 be now read a third time and finally passed.........Carried #1971 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1971 being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of $500,000. be now read a first time.......Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1971 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 1971 be now read a third time and finally passed....... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham oft That general accounts totaling 1269,337-70 and road accounts totaling 117, 640.62 be approved: Roads..payment vouchers.....................................9,492.94. Roads..pay list Dec. 1-15 ................................... 2,909.56-- Roads..pay list Dec. 16-31 .................................. 5j238.16--, Debenture account..tile.drain.debentures.................... 949.41 Peters Brown & Co..bal. 1977 audit .......................... 3,450.41 Lysy & Associates..tile drain loan .......................... 2,365.00,, Hugh Ketchabaw..tile drain inspection ....................... 35.00 Brant Concrete Produets..Deli Drain rep ..................... 13.60 Ontario Hydro..office & fire hall ........................... 73.00 Straffordville Community Centre Bd..library rent............ 240.00 Guest's Burner Service..furnace repairs ..................... 147.75 Ontario Hydro..street light maintenance..................... 186.90 1477 " London Free Press...tender advert ....... »......... 00.0.0••»0• Lake Frie ruels...office & fire hall.... ..... o ... o.-.06000000 Otter Publishing Ltd...tend er advert ......................... Richmond Minor Ball Club.,.rec. grant., ... John Seb ok...turkeys»........................................ Ronald Green......Council.................................... Vax =S t e wa rt . . . . . 0 , " » 0 . , . . 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . 0 . . 0 . . . . . Ronson Sandham.... " 0000 ................................ Mathew Schafer.... " 0000 .................00.,..0.....,.. Joseph Volkaert... " ..,....0..0 ..................0...... Jack Petrie....... " 0000 ................................ Sandra Sandham..., " 0000 ................................ Violet Van Belois. ".................................... Jas.Gibbons....... " ,0000 ...................0...0.....00 Lorraine Moore.... " 0000...,0 ........................... Grant Motors Ltd....fire dept. rep ........................... T'burg.Broadcasting Ltd....advert ............................ ° Mun.World Ltd..... office suppl ...........................00.. 1 3.5.00 171.34 19.74 457.44 94.07 445.o0 389.00 339.Oo 339.00 294.50 292.50 42.50 200.00 200.00 100.00 11.69 17.00 131.82 Long Point Reg.Cons.Auth...bal.levy.......................... 2311.25, G.B.Ehgraving...firemen's plaques.... ........................ 220.40 Lake dip F+ els...office & Fire hall ......................... 180,73 D.L.Cowan... municipal drain rep .............................. 132R -.00\ - Elgin Cty.Pd.of y�!...bal.levy................................134403.00., Cty, of 73809.09.. Cemetery Perpetual Care 7-Pund...mun.dr.d.e?;...........0........ 6128.57. Vienna Bldg.Suppl...OHRF adv.iaskey ...................0000... 4213.00 J.A.Petrie...mun.dr.deb...................................... 1421.56,, T'bur.�z.Siding...nHRP adv.Hagell .............................. 3695.00.E Harold Dennis...fire calls ................................... 810.00.� Rob t . Grant . . . . . 0 of of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . 0 . . 0 . . 0 . . . 0 . 540.00\ "er.lin Norris... it to 000000000000.....00..00........0... 468.00 Robt.Hoshall.... ,t 00000.0000.0000.00,000000.9000..... 255.00 Peter Chmarney.. tt it ...0.........0 ..................... 378.00 James �Gibbons... to of .00000.00.0000..0000000040000000000 288.00 Walter Moore.... of of .0.00.0000000..00..0000.00.0000000. 285.00 Ray Vaughan..... if it ................................... 414.00 Guy Grandb ois... fl„ ................................... 955.00 Max Wolfe....... tttt................................... 195 Perry Grant..... to „ 00 0000 ..................0.0..9.,.0... 240.00 Robt. DeBrabender " " .60000.0000000009.000...0.9........ 75.00 LeRoy Taylor.... „ 't .......0..0 ........................ 225.00 David Causyn.... tt " 00 „ ................0.............0 15.00 Pau 1 L o c ke r , . » . . " " . . . . , . , 0 0 . . , , . , 0 . . . . . . 0 . . , . . , . 0 . . . 0 15 , 0 0 li.W1zniak....... Pdllick dr .................................. 1217.22` St.Thomas San.Coll.Serv.Ltd.................................. .4227.44. Harold Dennis...Fire Chief ................................... 92.73 Robt.Grant..,Dep,Fire Chief .................................. 49.17 J.D.Vallee...retirement allowance ............................ 150.00 J.A.Petrie...sal.Dec.1-15.................................... 500.00. V. Va n"Be l o i s . . . s a 1 . Dec . 1 - 1 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 66 o . 0 0 L . o ore . . . . . . . 0 �, i M. . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . 2 `J n 0 . �J 0 Stanley Oleka...livestock killed ............................. 50.00 R.A.Mannell... livest'+ack valuation ............................ 14.00 Wm. Underhill...bldg.inspb.................................. 437.76 Treas.of Ont..maps.............................. 00,.00 .... 0.. 15.41 Mac &jor Ruby Gibbons,..mun.dr.deb........................... 1624.00\ Jas.Gibbons...3t. Lt.Maint.......................»........... 200.00 Elgin.Co-op... snow shovel .................................... 12.31 I.E.=S.Prod.... office Supp..»»...,» ........................... 55.42 Ont.Hydro... office & fire hall, ... ....»,,......,.0,,,.....,.., 46.06 Gestetner (Canada) Ltd...off.supp ............................ 54.23 Otter Publishing Ltd...advert.............7.00 Fernlea Flowers Ltd...Jackson funLal........................ W.G.Webster Stationery Ltd,..off.supp... .»...............»»,» Amtelecom Inc .... office & fire hall ...... »........».....».».» 15.00 ',-7,38 89.60 Gibson, Linton & Toth ... legal account»» ...................... 524.24. Chas. Racz..,Pollick Dr ...................................... Pearl Marshall. it ",•.................................... John Jennings...." to ..................................... Remi VanDeSyke..tt tt..»,...,..»...»....,.»............... WilkFarms Ltd...tt tt 0,000 .........................00.00., Henry Genetello.." " 0000 ................................. Joseph VanLoy...*it " ................................. K.C.FDnerson......tt to ......0000..» ........................ Cty. of Elgin..... it " .................. . .................. Al Schirris...mun.dr.deb................»0000».»...........00 Alonzo Hagell...OHRP adv .................»................,.. Cty. of E1gin...Sec. 43 taxes ..............................». 59.61 46.92 64.33 414.50 63.13 131.68 8.77 7.57 227.90 36o9.83\ 900.00. 1637.991 1478 Omers.... deductions Dec .................................... Elgin Cty.Bd. of Educ....Sec. 43 taxes ...............••••... Elgin Cty. R.C,S.S. Rd... 11 it i, ,�..................... J.A.Petrie... sal.Dec. 16-31 ................................. V. VanBel of s .. it it It 11 * ...........0..0.0 0 0 0 ........... . L o Moore. 0 0 0 . . " it It it ................................. Rec. Gen..,ded. December .................................... Wm.Underhill.,.Bldg.inspt.000000............................ and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on February ... Carried .. . 95 92 5868.31\ 454.21 500.00 340.00 220.84 736,9 y 221.00 12th. at 10:00 A.M. Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario January 17, 1979 Record of public meeting held in the council chambers this evening for the purpose of aquainting residents of the Eden area of the plans to construct a grain and corn drying and storing facility by the Cargill Grain Company Council members present are: Reeve, R. Green, Deputy Reeve M. Stewart, and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer. Ministry of the Environment: John Manuel. Cargill Grain Company: Dave Westphal'., Ken Thomson. Intersted parties: Lloyd Cowan, Ken Walker, Ralph Knowles, Ted Tait, Douglas Walter, Murray Benner, Al. Greer, Jeff McQuiggan. Mr. Westphal':- -explains estphal::- -explains position of Cargill Company in the world market -not yet fully committed to build plant at Eden -woud,d require an investment of $1.5million -the side plan,would situate the plant as close as possible to the Ridge Road leaving the existing trees for buffer where possible -the busy period would be 6 weeks in October -November for corn harvest and about 2 weeks in July -August for the wheat harvest -the plant would have the most modern dryer and other equipment which would have to meet all Ministry of the EnviVnment regulations -normal work hours would be 8: A.M --5: P.M. with 4 full time employees -harvest work hours would be 7: A.M. -- 11: P.M. with 6 parttime employees -rail connextion will be built at a cost of $50. per ft. --the extent of use will depend on local (Ontario -Quebec) markets -the Company is purchasing 45 acres of land --will utilize 5 and rent balance -Company has a preventative maintenance policy which should prevent overly long breakdowns and environmental problems Mr. Manuel:- -there are normally no odor problems associated with this type of operation -the Ministry will check all designs and plans prior to any permits being issued -standards:--100 micrograms per cubic meter for dust 8,000 micrograms per sq. meter for fallout particles -added dust controls required if any residences located within 1,000 feet -it is preferred that the facility be no closer than 500 feet from residences f or re4 dog p©llutants -the dust concentration should be slight enough that no damage -any complaints to M.of E. should be investigated within 2 days SCAaf*.*P- Councillors Stewart & Shafer: -visited similar plant at Princeton and found tidy facility -interviewed neighbours and found no complaints to tobacco crops Reeve Green: -Ridge Road will be improved from #19 Hyw. to plant entrance to a standard which will allow for year round traffic -in the absence of a zoning by-law the municipality has very little control 1479 -Cargill could build wherever they would like but are attempting to cooperate with the Council and the local residents Several other questions are answered by the parties present and it is felt that the majority of those present have received the information which they wanted. Mr. Westphal requests that the Township provide a letter stating that Council is in agreement with the project and approves the site plan (when revised); and that if all approvals are received a building permit will be issued. This will be required for the approval of a conveyance registration in accordance with the conditions of severance #E 163/78 -Reeve Green thanks those present for their cooperation and the meeting is closed. Council 'hambers Straf f ordvi lle, Ontario January 22, 1979 A special meeting of Bayham Township council is held this afternoon for the purpose of opening tenders as advertised for a truck for the road department, and reviewing correspondence and other matters. Reeve R. Green presides with 'Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Correspondence reviewed as follows: Agriculture Canada..rabies report, December. 1978 Ministry of Transportation & Communications..subsidy allocation for 1979 Tillsonburg Tri -County Agricultural Society..request for grant St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd..kork sheets foto transfer stn. Ministry of the Environment..minutes of liason meeting held Dec. 15/78 International Plowing Match.. convention Feb. 20/79 Ontario Good Roads Assoc.. convention program Rural Ontario Municipal Assoc..convention program Canadian imperial Bank of Commerce..increase in borrowing ratess12% As advertised, tenders for a tandem truck, 54,000 G.V.W. cab and chassis are opened as received: Dealer Forest City International Carrier Mack Truck Centre Stauffer Motors Limited Forest City International Forest City International MacNab Truck Centre Make International Inc. Mack Ford International International Ford cost (incl tax) :38853.84 44651-10 40,183.85 42,816.05 47.485.53 37954S.76 costs Mr. Brian Hamilton presents drawings of a proposed tent &/or trailer park for location on h i s pr opsrt y at Lot 5. Cone. 3 . He has aPpr ox 12 acres and proposes an initial 39 camp sites with provision for an additional 27 sites. Mr. Hamilton has had the plans reviewed by the Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit and found to be satisfactory. Mr. Hamilton is advised to now present his plans to the East Elgin Planning Board and request an Official Plan amendment if necessary. Mr. Harold Dennis presents Council with a quotation from New -Venture Communications for the supply and installation of new radio equipment for the firb department. The equipment was formerly owned by the St. Thomas fire department and and has been reconditioned and has warranty for service parts and labour for 6 months. �y $ Mm 1 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the ,tender of MacNab Truck Sales for the supply of a LTS 9000 Fora tandem truck, GVW 54,000 lbs., diesel, for 135,092.30 plus sales tax be accepted subject to MTC approval... .....,Carried Y oved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the plans as submitted by Mr. Brian Hamilton for the establishment of a tent &/or trailer park at Lot 5, Cone. 3, be tenatively approved and Nor. Hamilton referred to the "Ast Tlzin Planning Board for their approval and Official Plan amendment, if necessar.y.........Carried Yoved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the fire chief be authorized to purchase 1 base antenna, 1 Yotorola base radio, 1 tower approx. 601, and 3 rlotorola radios with installation as per offer dated November 28, 1978 from New -Venture Communications ... Carried roved by: R. Sandham and ,Seconded by: S. Sandham That a grant of 1100. be made to the Tillsonburg Tri -County Agricultural Society for 19?9...a.... Cartied Moved by: M. Stewart and ,Seconded by: R. Sandham That township employees be allowed $0.25 per mile for use of their automobiles with a minimum of 12. effective January 1, 1979..0......Carried Y oved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That casual labour on the road department be paid at the rate of 14.75 per hour during 1979•........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the employees on the road department be paid at the rate of 15.85 per hour effective January 1, 1979, with an annual clothing allowance of 1200. payable quarterly.........Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and. Seconded by: M. Schafer That chief building official, Wm. Underhill, be paid at the rate of 16.75 per hour effective January 1, 1979, and remuneration in lieu of vacation at the rate of 61 of gross employment earnings......... Carried l" oved by : S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham That office clerk. Lorraine Moore, be paid at the rate of 15.25 per hour effective January 1, 1979...........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer The the fire chief, Harold Dennis, be paid an annual salary of 13,200. effective January 1, 1979, said salary to be inclusive of fire calls... ..........Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham, That the deputy fire chief, Robert Grant, be paid an annual salary of 12,400. effective January 1, 19?9, said sAlary to be inclusive of fire calls.........Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That road superintendent, James Gibbons, be paid a salary of S16,275. effective January 1, 1979, with an annual safety clothing allowance of ,200. payable quarterly.........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That deputy clerk treasurer, Violet VanBelois, be paid a salary of $11,000, annually effective January 1, 1979........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and ,Seconded by: R. Sandham That clerk treasurer, Jack Petrie, be paid a salary of $18,000. annually effective January 1, 1979, with councillor's remuneration for meetings at other than regular office hours.........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham abd Seconded by: M. Schafer That councilloes remuneration be $50, per full meeting and $35, for special meetings; and that planning board appointees be allowed remuneration at the rate for special meetings with mileage at the rate f o 10.25 per mile with a minimum of 12. effective January 10 1979.........Carr1ed #1972 Moved by: S, Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1972 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 1709 by providing for the addition of payments to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan for township employees be now read a first time........Carried 1481 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1972 be now read a second time... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1972 be now read a third time and finally passed..........Carried #1973 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1973 being a by-law to provide regulations governing the collection and removal of garbage, ashes and other refuse be now read a first time........Carried I Moved by: M. Stewart and ,Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1973 be now read a second time.....Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1973 be now read a third time and. finally passed...........Carried -1974 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1974 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an Agreement with St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited for the operation of a waste transfer station, the collection of garbage and the disposal of waste be now read a first time.... .,,,Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 1974 be now read a second time ... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1974 be now read a third time and finally passed............Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That general accounts totaling 15,152.46 and road accounts totaling A4,904.65 be approved: Roads..payment vouchers......................................4,904.65 G. W. Cattle Construction Ltd..municipal drain repairs....... 1,273.00 Lake Erie.,Puels..office & fire hall .......................... Ontario H dro..Straffordville lights repairs ................. Hugh Ketchabaw,.municipal drain repairs ...................... Anthony Cslnos..rebate 1978 taxes ............................ Lloyd Jackson Estate.. +' +► ............................ Joe Csikos.. ,< <, ............................ Joe Rego.. +, ............................ Paula Casser.. " " ............................ Josten Farms Ltd.. " ............................ Walter Willaert.. „ +, ............................ Andy Vansevenant.. " " ............................ Jack DeOliviera.. Wm. rlitchell.. t, +, ............................ Amandus Bobkowski.. " " ............................ Sandy -town Developments.. " " ............................ Paul ,Stewart „ +, ... ........................0 Andy Dieleman.. +, +, ............................ Rob e r t F ou t r e . . " " 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so . . . . . . Frank C h i 1 c of t . . " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lloyd Cowan.. „ „ ............................ Rommel Farms. Ltd.. " " ............................ Wm. Baer., Joseph Romel.. Gerald Taylor.. +, +, ............................ Guest"s Burner ,Service..furnace James S. Davison..animal control ............................. Everitt's Electtic..office repairs ........................... Elgin CoOperative Services..office repairs ................... Ontario Hydro..street light energy ........................... St. Thomas Sanitary ServicesLtd:............................ 174.77 74.60 .,2 304.20 C, 71.91 --t 23.96 � 131.82 ` 55.04 6.30 49.61 IL' 13.05 r 102.90 cts 92..53 � 61.53 ri 33.30 cd 56.21 a 29.95 cv 119.83 32.81 Lz 1 3 . 8 8 103.78 v 128.49 a 86.14 140.09 r -t 1.78 F, 46.00 90.00 ti 18.00 3.64 - 744.8 470.9 Murray Ketchabaw..78 tax overpayment........................, 21.556 Max Underhill.. i, it i, • • • ' • • • • • • . • ' • . ' • • . • . . • • • • 8.96 D ou gl a s Dennis,. ,t i, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,00 Ross Learn.. o, .......................... 6.56 FHank Pargauskas.. " " " .......................... 6.00 Marvin Holden.. '+ " " .......................... 214.15 Amtelecom Inc..office & fire calls ........................... 83.89 and that this special meeting of Council now adjourn.........Carried % • 14$2 Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario February 12, 1979 The regular meeting of Council for the month of February is held this morning. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held January 8, 1979, and special meeting held January 22, 1979, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same....... Carried. Correspondence reviewed as follows: Agriculture Canada..rabies report..January, 1979 Aylmer Minor Hockey Association..reruest for grant Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario..vacancies on committies Ontario Municipal Board..Hearing re. Pressey Land Division Committee appeal Dr. C. S. Baldwin..complaint re tree cutting at Lot 21, Conc. 10. Elgin Land Division Committee..severance recuest..J. & M. Organa " Phena Humphrey " V. Tisdale & A. Simons Twp. of Hinchibbrooke..request to endorse resolution re application of Wintario funds to general provincial btiget Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario..renuest to endorse resolution re increase in Provincial transfer payments Ministry of the Environment..results of well survey in Straffordville Ontario Good Roads Assoc..ladies program at OGRA convention Croft R. Garnham..resignation from Straffordville Cemetery Board Mr. James Gibbons meets with Council to discuss the condition of the various roads. Messrs. M. Brooks and M. McCreadie meet with Council to discuss the installation of lights at the Richmond Ball Park, and the acquisition of additional property. With labour being supplied by the Richmond committee, it is estimated that the lighting can be installed for approximately $8,000. The Clerk is instructed to contact Mr. N. Acre to ascertain if additional property can be acquired from him. Mr. Ray Morse meets with Council to innuire about a drainage problem arising along the alley next to his residence in Richmond. Council advises Mr. Morse that if he will supply the tile the Township will supply a catchbasin and install same. Messrs. Jesse Dennis and Ben Wilk meet with Council to discuss a problem causing concern to many farmers with the use of four wheel drive vehicles in the poaching of deer. Mr. Wilk suggests that Council initiate a public meeting to get reaction as to the prohibiting of hunting in Bayham. If it appears that the majority are in favour, a resolution be sent to Elgin County Council reguesting th*&r sup ort in presenting same to the Ministry of Natural Resources. Mr. Wm. Underhill meets with Council to report on building projects throughout the municipality'. He Sdvises Council of a course being offered in Toronto on plumbing inspection during the week of February 19-23, and is given permission to attend. Applications for employment on the roads department are opened as per advertisement. Of 38 applications received, 6 are chosen to be interviewed by Council on Monday evening, February 19th. Tenders for the dump body for the new roads vehicle are opened: Wiltsie Truck Bodies $.4,942. (cannot supply front mount pump as requested ) Frink Canada 6,814. 1483 Tenders for the sale of the 1971 Ford 900 as advertised are -opened: Bruce Kaufman Trucking $1,100. Larry Smith 19300. Edward Shelly 39$00. Eden Cartage Ltd. 3,010 - ,010.Lloyd Lloyd McQuiggan 39710. Mathew Schafer 39189. Roy Lee Trucking 2,150. Ron Genetello 510. Ted Tait 21250. Dave Sawatsky 3,200. Chas. Racz 3,055. Mr. Walter Moore presents a petition signed by 21 persons to a street lighting area along Centennial Ave between Talbot St #19 Hwy, and AlorTalbot St. From CentennialAve. to the Jules residence. establish and Vandenbussche Moved by: S, Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That a grant of $75. be made to the Aylmer Minor Hockey Association for 1979......... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart That this Council has John & Mary Orgona satisfactory entrance Communications. and Seconded by: R. Sandham no objections to proposed seveaances as follows: Lot 24, Conc. 9, #E 16/79 provided that a is granted by the Ministry of Transportation & Phena Humphrey Lot 13, Conc-5, V. Tisdale & A. Simons, Lot 118, #E 17/79 Conc. NTR. #E 19/79.....Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the Council of the Township of Bayham hereby endorses the statement entitled "AMO RESPONSE TO THE PROVINCIAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF 1979 TRANSFER PAYMENT TO MUNICIPALITIES" dated February 1, 1979, and That copies of the endorsement be forwarded to the Honourable William G. Davis, Premier of Ontario; The Honourable Thomas L. Wells, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs; The Honourable Frank Milker, Treasurer of Ontario; Dr. Stuart L. Smith, Leader of the Opposition; Mr. Michael Cassidy, Leaddr of the New Democratic Party; the local member of the Legislative Assembly; and, to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. ........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the resignation of Mr. Croft Garnham as member of the Straffordville Cemetery Board be accepted with regret and that Mr. Harold Dennis be appointed for the unexpired portion of Mr. Garnham's term being 1979... ...........Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and That the resolution passed appointment of A. McDowell appoint Ken Burwell to the portion of Mr. McDowell's Seconded by: R. Sandham on January 11,1978, providing for the to the Calton Cemetery Board be amended to Calton Cemetery Board for the unexpired appointment being 1979 and 1980... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That additional approval for expenditures under the Ontario Home Renewal Program in the amount of $1,000. be granted on the property of Mr. Leslie Davis at Lot 15, Conc. 2.............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That coverage for the volunteer firement under the Workmen's Compensation Board be increased to $16,000. .............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That Ronson Sandham be appointed to represent the Township of Bayham at the Court of Revision for the Fasseel Municipal Drain as set by the Township of Norfolk, the initiating municipality ....... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the following building permits be approved: Victor Knabb house renovations Kenneth Walker demolish old store $17,500. 1,000. 1,484 Paul Ward kitchen renovations $49000. Marjorie Lockey siding & windows 3,000 - ..........Carried ,000...........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the cuotation of Tillsonburg Glass & Mirror for the supply and installation of storm windows at the municipal office in the amount of $2,700. be accepted ............. Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That purchases of road materials for 1978 be approved as follows: approximately 54,424 gals ashphalt tar from MPcAsphalt Ltd @ $0,429 per gal. 77,853 gals ashphalt tar from dertd. @ $00.429 per gal " 88.25 tons calcium fracr @ ollard Bros $89. per ton " 40 yds road salt from County of Elgin @ $25.50 per yd " 375 4is brushkiller from Delnore Farm Supplies @ $15.95 gal " 6813 yds gravel from Dereham Sand & Gravel @ $1.50 per yd " 17051 tons stone from Haldimand Quarries @ $2.95 per tdn " 13287 tons stone from Dunville Rock @ $ 2.$0 per ton... ..................Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the cuotation of Frink Canada for the supply and installation of a "Super Hauler" dump body with model SM -63, 30 ton telescopic hoist, and front crankshaft driven pump with disengagement feature in the amount of $6,814 and tax be accepted .....................Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the offer of Bruce Kaufman Trucking for the purchase of a 1971 Ford , 900 series in the amount of $4,100. be accepted ....... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the petition to form a street lighting area in the vicinity of Talbot Street and Centennial Avenue commencing at the corner of Talbot Street and Centennial Avenue southerly to the junction of Highway x#19 and westerly to the Jules Vandenbussche residence be accepted and Ontario Hydro be requested to prepare a survey and present related costs of the project for the consideration o� Council ............. Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1975 being a by-law to provide that in the year 1979 a levy be made before the adoption of the estimates for the year be now read a first time......... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 1975 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1975 be now read a third time and finally passed ......... Carried #197: Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1976 being a by-law to appoint a road superintendent in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin be now read a first time ........... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 1976 be now read a second time.... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1976 be now read a third time and finally passed ......... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1977 being a by-law to impose a special annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Orainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time...Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1977 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1977 be now read a third time and finally passed ......... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That general accounts totaling $41,$72.00 and road accounts totaling $27,749.98 be approved: Roads.. payment vouchers...................................$19,440.$1, Roads. -Pay list January 1-15., ............................. 2,$14.2$ Roads..pay list January 16-31 .............................. 594b64.89 1485 Treasurer of Ontario. -tile drainage debenture ........... $6,254.28 Pitney Bowes ... meter rental ............................. 45.74 Warner Taylor ... fox bounty .............................. 4.00 Anna Repasy...mun.dr.deb................................ 1,511.66 Salvation Army... grant .................................. 150.00 Straffordville Lions Club ... grant ....................... 2,000.00 Aylmer & East Elgin Agr.Soc.., " ....................... 100.00 St.John Ambulance........... "....................... 50.00 March of Dimes.............. if 100.00 Ronald Green ...... Council ............................... 137.50 Max Stewart....... " 414.36 Ronson Sandham.... " 9$.50 Sandra Sandham.... " 92.50 MathewSchafer.... " ............................... 471.83 Jack Petrie ... extra " 25.00 Lake Erie Fuels ... office & fire hall .................... 208.25 Assoc.of Mun.of Ont .... membership ....................... 267.43 Rural Ont. Mun. Assoc.. it 100.00 Ont . Good Rds . Assoc ..... " 31.00 Norfield Bus.Systems...tzx envelopes .................... 121.45 Gilbert & Barbara Lively ... tile dr.loan................. 19365.00 Roger & Rita Ferguson...... " " ':.................. 19565.00 Joseph & Irene Koteles..... " " ".................. 2,765.00 Wm. & Nancy Mitchell....... " " ".................. 5,265,00 Hugh & Harret Mauthe....... " " ".................. 29465.00 Hugh Ketchabaw............. flit tt .................. 175.00 J.A.Petrie.... sal.Jan.1-15 .............................. 535.00 V.VanBelois... tt it n tt.............................. 375.00 it tt ft n .Moore....... 323.00 Robt.Rockefeller... fox bounty ........................... 12.00 Walter Moore... cleaning office .......................... 68.75 Lorraine Moore... vacation pay 1978 ...................... 160.00 Wm.Underhill.... . tt n 197$ ...................... 289,41 J.D.Vallee...retirement allowance. ...................... 150,00 Ont.Hydro... Straff.light rep .............. ....... ,.,.,.. 48.30 Ont.Hydro... office & fire hall .......................... 70.00 Ont.Education Capt.AidCorp... School deb ................. 1,732.50 Mun.World td...dog tags ................................ 194-95 Treasurer of Ontario ... tile dr. deb ..................... 4,333•$6 D.L.Cowan... mun.dr.rep................................... 67.00 Bennett Stationery ... typewritter rep .................... 32.03 St.Thomas San.Coll.Serv.Ltd .....................,....... 4,935.45 Harold Dennis... fire chief .............................. 92,73 Robt.Grant... dept. fire chief ........................... 49.17 Tillsonburg Tri -County Agr.Soc.,.grant.................. 100.00 Electrozad Supp.Co...EdenSt.Lt.Rep...................... 45.61 Walter Moore...cleaninggoffice .......................... 42.25 J.A.Petrie... sal.Jan.16-31 ................ ............... 535.00 V.VanBelois... 11 n n tt .............................. 375.00 0 L.Moore....0.0 00 tt n n n 316 00 000* Omers.............ded.Jan............,................... 444.64 Rec. Gen ......... 0 It tt 760.85 and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on March 7th. at 10:00 A. .,.Carried....... 4 L"--�CLERK 1 1486 Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario February 19, 1979 A special meeting of Council is held this evening for the purpose of interviewing applicants for the position of truck driver -machine operator as advertised,reviewing estimates for updating the hydro installation at the garage and meeting with members from the Oommunity 6entre Board to discuss repairs to the auditorium floor. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Interviews are conducted with: Paul Franklin, Gary Zamecnik, Mike Glass jr., Ronald Genetello and Edward Ens. Hydro estimates are opened as follows: Rochus Electric ......... $491.50 T. L. Goldthorpe ......1,081.58 Mr. Jack Barclay and Mrs. Dianne Norris representing the Bayham Parks, Recreation & Community Centre Board meet with Council to present estimates for replacing the auditorium floor in the community centre at Straffordville: Palmer Builders Oak flooring complete $1$,150. Vienna Builders Supplies Ltd. maple mill run " 199015. Richmond Contruction Co. Inc. oak it 18,382. Richmond Contruction Co. Inc. 33/32 industrial maple " 17,781. A The Straffordville Lions Club has voted to pay 50% of the cost of the floor replacement. Mr. Barclay estimates that the Board can repay the township portion of the cost in 3 years from operating profits. The Board has also recommended that the Richmond Construction proposal to ins --tall a floor of industrial maple be accepted. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That Mike Glass jr. be engaged as truck -driver -machine -operator on the roads department for a 3 month probationary period @ $5.25 per hour and provided the discharge of his duties be satisfactory the subsequent 3 month period be, at the rate of $5.50 per hour with O.H.I.P. , and thereafter at the regular wage rate of township road employees ........ Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the proposal of Rochus Electric for the up rading of the electrical system at the township garage in the amount of 491.50 be accepted..... .............Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the proposal of Richmond Construction Co. Inc. to replace the floor in the Bayham 6ommunity Centre at a cost of $17,781. complete, with the exception of finishing the steel door be accepted .......... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this special meeting of Ouncil now adjourn ......... Carried I Mw , 7, V" 1487 Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario March 7, 1979 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held February 12th., and special meeting held February 19th., having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same...Carried Councillor M. Schafer declares a conflict of interest on item #4, being the application of Sandytown DevelopmentS Ltd for an amendment to the Minister's Zoning Order in effect in the Township of Bayham. Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1 -Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs..list of designated ministries for contact in case.of emergency. 2 -Ministry of Natural Resourees..planning for flood emergencies 3 -Ministry of Revenue..acknowledgement of request for re -assessment under the provisions of Sec. 86 of the Assessment Act 4 -Ministry of Housing..application of Sandytown Developments Ltd. for an amendment to the Minist4r's Zoning Order 5 -Bruce H. Blake, .L.L.B..request of Medina Natural Gas Company Limited for franchise agreement 6 -Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application, Robt. Ball 7- ++ n it tt tt ++ Robt . Ball 8- n n it n ++ Daniel DeCloet 9- n tt it tt n r Daniel DeCloet Mr. E. Pulford representing Frank Cowan Company Limited, and Messrs. Geo. Cameron and Jerry Taylor meet with Council to review coverage under the various policies in effect in the Township. Several adjustments are recommended and accepted by Council. Mr. Wm. Underhill meets with Council to review the various building projects being constructed in the Township. He reports on the successful completion of a course taken to inspect plumbing. Messrs. K. Juck and T. Boyd of the Ministry of Natural Resources meet with Council to review the problem of illegal deer hunting as discussed at the meeting of February 12th. They report that the Ministry is presently short of staff, however they will act on all complaints. Also, the O.P.P. will assist if called. 'Nom hunting' can only be enforced on posted property. The Ministry will contact persons with specific problems, however, it is noted that if a conviction is to'be obtained, the complainants should be ready to testify in court. Council is advised of the bow and primitive weapons seasons for 1979. Mr. Boyd will advise Council at the April meeting of whether he thinks a public meeting will be of any use in correcting the illegal hunting problem. Mr. D. Prendergast of the firm Johnston, Doyle & Prendergast, and Mr. Larry Pressey meet with Council and present a proposal for a 17 lot sub division on approximately 1p acres in Lot 6, Conc. 9. They are advised that the Official Plan restricts sub divisions to 10 lots when municipal services are not provided. Also, the drainage, street lighting and hard surfacing of roads will have to be completed prior to Council accepting the sub division dedication. Council advises that the plan can be redrawn to accomodate 10 lots, or they may approach the Planning Board and request an Official Plan amendment to accomodate the 17 lots as a subdivision. They are also advised of their right to approach the Ministry of Housing directly with their plan. Sandham requests that a grant of $300. be made to the Bayham Councillor 0 Parks Recreation & Community Centres Board to assist in the operation of a day camp in Eden and Straffordville during the summer. • Mr. James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to advise them of the condition of the various roads. He presents an estimate from Port Burwell WiRlding for repaids to the C.P.R. oveppass on Conc. 1, Rd . in the amount of $8$5. The mild weather has caused the roads to become soft in several areas. The boundary road between Malahide and Bayham has presented problems in the past and it is decided to arrange a meeting with Malahide Council to discuss repairs and/or reconstruction. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by:S. Sandham That this Council has no objections to the application of Sandytown Developments Ltd. for an amendment to the Minister's Zoning Order on this municipality and recommends that the amendment be granted as requested... .............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this Council has no ojections to proposed severances as follows: Robert Ball, part Lot 121, Conc. 8, #E 29/79 RoUert Ball, part Lot 121, Conc. 8, #E 30/79 Daniel DeCloet, part Lot 21, Conc. 8, E 36/79 Daniel DeCloet, part Lot 21, Conc. 8, E 37/79, provided however it is recommended thatlrseverances E 36/79 and E 37 79 the depth of the proposed lots be increased to extend southerly to the gulley at the rear of the said lots......... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the following building permits be approved: Kenneth Walker demolish old general store $11000. Paul Ward kitchen renovations 1,000. Marjorie Lockey new siding 3,000. Luc Dejardin five new kilns 20,000. Peter Friesen re -roofing 11000. Archie Hewson house renovations 4,500.... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That a grant of $8,900. be made to the Straffordville Community Centre Board to assist in repairs to the auditorium floor........ Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That a grant of $300. be made to the Bayham Parks, Recreation & Community Centre Board to assist in the operation of a day camp at Eden and Strafford- ville............ Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That Wm. Underhill be appointed to inspect water connections on the Lake Erie Pipeline along County Road 42 in the Township of Bayham... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the application of Ray and Ruth Bosma for a tile drainage loan at Lots 2,3 & 4, Conc. 10, in the amount of $30,000. be approved ....... Carried ,`1978 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1978 being a by-law to amend Schedule 'At of By-law No. 1926 regulating water rates from the Elgin Area Water System be now read a first time.........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: And resolved that.,3y-law No. 1878 be now read a second time..... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 1978 be now read a third time and finally passed..........Carried 1979 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1979 being a by-law to set the time, place and conduct of meetings of the Council of the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin be now read a first time....... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1979 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1979 be now read a third time and finally passed....... Carried ;,1930 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1980 being a by-law to establish a community centre:*at the Hamlet of Richmond be now read a first time...... Carried 1489 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 1980 be now read a second time........Carried Moved by; R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 19$0 be now read a third time and finally passed .......... Carried #1981 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1981 being a %y -law to impose a special annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time.......Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1981 be now read a second time..... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1981 be now read a third time and finally passed........ Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham Thateneral accounts totaling $50,176.07 and road accounts totaling $12,91.17 be approved: Debenture Account ... tile drain debenture payments..............$2,712.6O Wm. Underhill..building inspections... o ..... o.o ........... o..o. 331.60 Camiel & Madeline Fasseel - the dr.loan....................... 59165.00 Hugh Ketchabaw...tile dr. inspt................................ 35.00 Lake Erie Fuels...office & fire hall ........................... 177.21 Mun. World Ltd. subscri ptions................................. 275.10 Assoc. of Mun. Clks. & Treas .... membership ..................... 50.00 H.V.Jewitt... Willsonburg survey.. .............. o...00 ... o ...... 2,978.70 Ont.Assoc. of Fire chief's ... membership ........................ 40.00 Geo.Beard...Corinth lights ..................................... 22.64 Gestetner (Can,) Ltd.... office supplies ........................ 142.07 G:B.Engraving...fire dept. plaques ............................. 42.72 Twp. of S/W Oxford...fire calls.... .... oo .................... oo 2,500.00 Elgin Co-op...fire dept.suppl.................................. 21.$0 Akron Mfg. Co ... fire dep. rep ................................ 410.85 Business Computer Serv...interim bills ......................... 547.63 Amtelecom Inc..office & fire phones....... ...... o..o ........... 76.63 Lake Erie Ruels...office & fire hall ........................... 131.57 Village of Vienna...OHRP (Underhill) ........................... 341.62 Guest's Burner Service... furnace rep ........................... 12.00 W.G.Webster Stationery Ltd ... office suppl..............0....... 16.05 Vienna Bldg. Suppl...fire dept. rep ............................ 353.58 Soper Bldrs. Suppl...fire dept. rep ............................ 4$.40 Treas. of Ont....water billing... o ....... o. -o ......... o ........ 1,148.96 J.A.Petrie... ROMA & other expenses.... ........ o -o .............. 916.00, Ontario Farm Drainage Assoc...membership ....................... 25.00 Rec. Gen. for Canada...postage.............................0... 200.00 J.A.Petrie... sal.Feb. 1-15 ..................................... 535.00 V.VanBelois...tt It it If ..................................... 375.00 tt tt it tt L.Moore............................................ 285-00 Wm. Underhill ... bldg.inspt..................................... 470.39 J.D.Vallee..... retirement allowance ............................ 150,00 Harold Dennis ... fire chief ..................................... 399.35 Robt.Grant... dep.fire chief .................................... 269.53 St.Thomas San.Coll.Serv.Ltd.................................... 4,935.45 R.Green... Council .............................................. 391.25 M.Stewart..." 170.50 R.Sandham...".............................................. 427.00 S.Sandham..."............................................... 362.50 M.Schafer... ".............................................. 355.50 J.Petrie....".............................................. 35.00 Ont.Hydro...office & fire hall ................................. 70.00 Otter Publishing Ltd...adverts................................. 9.80 Harold Dennis...frie dept.suppl................................ �1.27 New Venture Communications ... fire dpet. radio .................. 29451.28 Hotchkiss Appl...fire dept. tower... ......... o-o-o-.0*0600*000# 520.27 Peters Brown & Co....audit..................................... 21100.00 Aylmer Minor Hockey Assoc ... grant .............................. 75.00 Courtland Aluminum...OHRP - Lockey.. ... o ...................... *0 29775.90 Lake Erie Fuels...office & fire hall ........................... 207.17 Treas. of Ont ... tile dr. deb ................................... 41234.68 Mac's Heating & Air Cond...HFRP-Hagell......................... $25.00 ,5traffordville Com.Centre Board...grant........................ $,900.00 reas. of Ont....OHIP.......................................... 121.50 Road...Payment vouchers........................................1O,24b.29 Road...Payroll...Feb. 1 - 15 ................................... 2,724.$8 1.90 and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on March 19th., at 7:30 P.M. ...Carried.... Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario March 19, 1979 The regular meeting of Bayham Council is held this evening. Present are Reeve R. Green (arriving at 8:30 p,m.), and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That Councillor Ronson Sandham be appointed acting reeve in the temporary absence of Reeve Green.............Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 7th., having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same......... Carried The following items of correspondence are reviewed: Agriculture Canada..rabies report..February, 1979 C. S. Baldwin..road conditions at Lot 21, Conc. 10 Western Ontario Sports Car Assoc..road rally event to be held January 19/80 Elgin County Library Board..request for permission to increase library rent David Warner M.P.P. (Scarborough) recommendations of Borough of Scarborough • to change the Pits & quarries A% -.t Elgin Land Division Comm..severance application..C.D.Phillips Ltd. Long Point Region C/A..uieeting re. flood plain regulations at Simcoe..Apr. 6/78 Long Point Region C/A..list of contact persons for flood emergencies Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That Elgin County Library Board be given permission to increase the rental paid for the Straffordville facilities to $600. per annum.....Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council has no objections to the proposed severance of the lands of C. D. Phillips being part of Lot 14, Conc. 9, and #E 49/?9.... Carried Reeve Green arrives and assumes the Chair. James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to r&view condition of the various roads. He presents tenders are received supply of weed spray for the 1979 season: Max Underhill's Farm Supply Ltd. $20.90 per gal. Agrospray 17.95 " a - Future Farm Supplies 18.10 " "3 Delnor Farm Supplies Ltd. 21.97 " n There being some confusion as to whether all the above quotations for estimine brushkiller as requested, the accepting of a tender to the April 4th. meeting. The road construction program for 1979 is reviewed by Council. the for the are is deferred Mr. Max Ward meets with Council to request drainage improvements along Church Street in Richmond. As Mr. Ward's property is low and will require some fill, the road superintendent is instructed to review the area and attempt to estimate the quantity of fill required. Mr. Ward will discuss, the installation of a municipal drain with the area residents. �' Mr. Larry Pressey meets with Council and presents a revised Plan of 1.91 subdivision for 10 lots at Lot 6, Conc. 9, adjacent to Corinth. He requests approval in principle for the plan and direction to present it to the East Elgin Planning Beard for further approval. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That this Council accepts in principle the subdivision proposal of Mr. Larry Pressey to create 10 lots adjacent to the Hamlet of Corinth at Lot 6, Concession 9, and have same referred to the East Elgin Planning Board for consideration ......... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That a program of proposed expenditures for road purposes in the amount of $196,000. for construction and $163,000. for maintenance be approved... ..........Carried x;'1982 Moved by: R Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And tesolved that By-law No. 1982 being a by-law to provide for the proportion of the funds required to be contributed by the Municipality Bor the construction of the Fasseel Municipal Drain be now read a first time......... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1982 be now read a second time and provisionally passed .......... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council now adjburn to meet again on April lith., at 10:00 A.M... ......Carried Reeve Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario April 4, 1979 The regular meeting of Bayham Council is held this morning. Present are: Reeve R. Green (arriving late), Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That Deputy Reeve M. Stewart be appointed acting reeve in the temporary absence of Reeve Green......... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held March 19, 1979, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same......... Carried Correspondence review0d as follows: 1 -Western Ontario Sports Car Assoc..requesting meeting with Council Apr. lith. 2 -Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs..additional grants of $26,900 in 1979 3 -Richmond Softball Assoc..request for grant 4 -Assoc. of Counties and Regions..seminar for urban -rural relations to be°held at Toronto on April 27/79 5 -Town of Tecumseh..request to endorse resolution re. 48 hour 'cooling off' period for sales contracts 6 -Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application..John Hendricks Mr. Douglas Ort of the Western Ontario Sports Car Association meets with Council to explain the sports car rally organization. He requests the Council to close certain roads during the rally to be held in January of 1980. The association is to get written consent from the residents along the proposed route that no objections are are contemplated, and Council will give consideration to allowing the association to control-. traffic during the rally period rather than closing the roads. Reeve Green arrives and assumes the gavel. 1.92 Mr. Ken Walker meets with Council to request a commercial designation at the time of publishing the zoning by-law on his property at the intersection of Hwy. 19 and Road 38. His intention is to erect a gift shop on part of the property and utilize the balance for parking in connection with his real estate business. Council agrees that the commercial designation will be included in the by-law. Mr. Willis Weaver meets with Council to inquire into 'the state of approval of his zoning by-law for estate development at Lot 6, Conc. 8. The by-law has not yet received Ontario Municipal Board approval. He requests permission to start working on a sub division agreement to incorporate the conditions of the Ministry of Housing. Cuuncil agrees that work on the agreement can be started. Messrs. Richard Hedges and Henry Lamers meet with Council to request additional maintenance on the road between Lots 133-134 STR during the coming summer. They are concerned that various construction projects have been carried out with maintenance being neglected on some roads. Mr. Ken Juck meets with Council to report on his meeting with people concerned with illeg-al hunting and trespssing on private property. He explains that he has acquainted these people as to what can be done through the Ministry if complaints are lodged at the time of the act. The Ontario Provincial Police will assist if contacted at the time. It may be necessary for the people to attend court if convictions are to be obtained. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That a grant of $250. be made to the Richmond Minor Softball & Recreation Association for 1979....... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this Council has no objections to the proposed lands of Frank Fribicer (as applied for by John Hendricks) being part of Lot 12, Conc. 3, and No. E 59/79 ............. Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and That the following building Basil Nevill Jose L. Carvalho Harry Ward - Mass Brunekraf t Richmond Construction Inc. Werner Keil Zoe Wathy Remi Van de Slyke Michele Szoreiyi David Parry Seconded by: permits be siding greenhouse siding M. Schafer approved: $4,500. 9,$00. 2,200. 4,000. 12,000. 60,000. renov. 10,000. 9,000. 10,000. 34,000. .........Carried hog barn addition office addition poultry barn siding & interior greenhouse house renovation residence Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the Straffordville Lions Club be given permission to erect a storage shed at the Straffordville Park approximately 24 feet westerly from the existing storage and food booth building ....... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this municipality make application for participation in the Ontario Home Renewal Plan for the fiscal year 1979-80 and that the Treasurer be authorized to make application for an accountable advance in the amount of $20,000 ........... Carried The several appeals for tax adjustmets are considered by Council. M. Schafer declares a conflict of interest in appeals by himself and Sandytown Developments Ltd. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That taxes be adjusted in accordance with appeals received and assessments provided by the Regional Assessment Commissioner ....... Carried Council discusses the letter of resignation of James Gibbons as Road Superintendent citing a personality conflict as his reason. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the letter of resignation as submitted by James Gibbons be held in 1493 abeyance until such time as the personality conflict within the roads department is resolved.....Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That W. L. Locker be granted a leave of absence with pay at the rate of 4$ hours per week until shah time as the personality conflict within the roads department can be satisfactorily resolved ....... Carried #1983 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S Sandham And Resolved that By-law No. 19$3 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 6 to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Planning Area be now read a first time........ CARRIED Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Sshafer Xnd resolved that By-law No. 19$3 be now read a second time..Carried MOVED BY: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 19$3 be now read a third time and finally passed ... ....Cdrried ;,190`. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-lww No. 19$4 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 7 to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Planning Area be now read a first time....... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 19$4 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and SEconded by: S. SAndham And resolved that By-law No. 19$4 be now read a third time and finally passed ......... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 19$5 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. $ to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Planning Area be now read a first time....,.. Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham AND resolved that By-law No. 19$5 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law N. 19$5 be now read a third time and finally passed....... Carried 7"'1956 Moved by : S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law no. 19$6 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 9 to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Planning Area be now read a first time....... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that �,y-law No. 19$6 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 19$6 be now read ai.third time and finally passed....... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconddd by: M. Stewart That general accounts totaling $164,$26.63 and road accounts totaling $62,$76.96 be approved; Road Payment Vouchers.................................0.000. Paylist...Feb.16 - 2$ .............................0.000..... Paylist... Mar. 1 - 15 .................................000.0. Paylist... Mar.16 - 31 ....................................... J.A.Petrie... sal. FEB. 16-$ ................................ V.VanBelois.. " FEB. 16=2$ ................................ L.Moore...... " FEB. 16-2$ ................................ W.Underhill...bldg. inpections .............................. Rec. Gen .... Feb.ded......................................... Omers...... 0 I1 "......................................... Robt. Debrabender...fire hall rep ........................... Walter MOORS......,. " It " ........................... Martin Fischer...... 'I it » ........................... Deb. Acct...tile dr.deb..................................... RUSSELL Mannell...livestock valuations...................... Douglas & Carolyn Dennis ... tile drain loans ................. DOUGLAS Dennis ............. n n n ................. Hugh Ketchabaw... tile dr. .................................. Elgin R.C.S.S.Bd....a/c 1979 levy ........................... Long POINT Region C/A,;1979.levy ............................. Elgin Cty. Bd. of Educ...a/c 1979 levy ...................... I.E.S.Prod...service contract& suppl....................... New Venture Comm... -fire dept. repl.......................... Oxford Furniture & Upholstery. -.office rep .................. LAKE Erie Fuels...office & fire hall ........................ Tillsonburg SIDING ... OHRP - Hagell .......................... Soper B1dg.SUPPL....fire dept.rep........................... Ea 4$573.79 -4395.50 3148.80 675$.$7 535.00 375.00 160.00 502.39 $19.95 614.90 119.00 66.00 92.40 1$4.95 14.$0 265.00 1265.00 70.00 $400.00 2391.25 134403.00 280.91- 42-75 23.63 157.61 •b1 364.50 22.80 1494 Amtelecom Inc ... office & FIRE HALL.... KING Seagrave LTD....fire dept. suppl....................... James S.Davison...animal control.. ................... 0900000 Elgin CO -op. Services... office and fire dept.suppl.......... Vienna Bldg. Suppl... fire dept. rep ......................... Rec.Gen.For Can...postage................................... Walter Moore..cleaning office. .... o .... oo*#*000&00000*o*oo** Unit Ready Mix Concrete...fire dept.rep..................... R.Green....... council ....................................... M.STEWART..... it ....................................... R.Sandham..... it 04..41.......... ........................ S.Sandham..... "....................................... M.Schafer..... "....................................... J.Petrie............................................. J.Volkaert.......................................... B.WOLFE....... �'....................................... Muhlbockts.Plumbing & Heating... office rep .................. St.Thomas, San.Coll.Sery.................................... J.D.Vallee... retirement allowance ........................... J.A.Petrie..... sal.Mar.l-15................................. V.VanBelois.... " it " "........0.0 .................00... L Moore it " " " . ......................................... H.Dennis...fire chief, ........... R.Grant..D.fire chief....... ............................... Rec. Gen ... P.O. Box rent .................................... Dennis.Garage...fire dept. rep ......................000.0... Wm.Underhill...bldg.inspt................................... Vienna B1dg.Suppl...fire dept.rep........................... Guests Burner Sery... furnace rep ............................ Ont.Hydro...street light rep & office & fire hall........... Treasurer of Ontario ... OHIP................................. Treasurer of Ontario ... tile dr. deb ......................... H.Dennis...fire dept. licence ............................... Ronald Vaughan ... fox bounty ................................. J.A.Petire...OGRA expenses. ........ J.A.Petrie...sal.Mar.16-30...........................0000... 0 0 tt it " V VanBelois n o 0 ................................ ...... L. Moore " it it " .................................. W.Underhill.. " ".i ....................................... Rec. Oen.deductions March ................................... Omers....." tt .................................... 103.17 5$•97 110.00 6.15 4.11 200.00 51.75 111.11 13$.75 126.00 176.00 120.00 126.00 70.00 37.00 37.00 44.60 4935.45 150.00 535.00 375.00 300.00 246.04 159.35 15.00 67.41 384.59 3.84 1$.35 174.70 65.75 924.75 4.00 4.00 1025.53 535.00 375.00 225.00 395.35 784.67 431.20 and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on April 16th. at 7:30 P.M....CARRIED..... f 7 REEVE CLERK ASSESSMENT NAME ROLL NO. MONTHS ADJUSTMENT TAX ADJUSTMENT C sinos Farms Ltd. 2-149 2 $19850 49.05 Remi VanDeSlyke 2-1$$ 2 230. 5.68 Doug Scott 3-041-0001 2 315. 8.87 Robt.VanBells 3-064 6 4$5• 35.96 A.Vanderpas 3-092 12 70. 10.38 M.Schafer 4-100 5 195. 12.05 M.Schafer 4-104 5 805 49.73 Sandytown Dev.Ltd. 4-151 7 2000. 172.96 Sandytown Dev.Ltd. 4-1$0 9 455• 50.60 G.Williams 4-217 4 1700. $$•95 A.Donck 5-005 12 970. 143.82 A.Donck 5-083 11 240. 32.80 V.Galeckas 6-035 9 240 26.69 V.Galeckas 6-037 9 2$5• 31.69 P.DePlancke 6-052 11 10$5. 14$.37 P.DePlancke 6-052 2 300. , 7.46 Rommel Farms Ltd. 6-10$ _t 2695. 199.78 J . Donai s 6-218 12 ' _ is 595. $$ . 76 J.Chaleyssin 8-051 6 545. 40.40 J.Chaleyssin 8-100 7 1160. 100.32 J.Donais 6-218 12 (C.S.to R.S.)4545• 94.43 J.Chllcott 5-025 2 1325. 38-46 M.Holden 5-030-0002 duplicate 660. 54.00 M.Holden 5-030-0002 duplicate 660. 11:.04 L.Cowan 6-056 ARC -78 450. 39,72 (CONTINUED) NAME L. Cowan B.Rempel G. BATES E . Roloson E.Delorme ROLL_ NO. 1495 MONTHS ASSESSMENT ADJUSTMENT TAX ADJUSTMENT 6-058 ARC - 78 $ 6920. $ 27.00 6-215-0001 bankruptsy 665. 41.00 7-103-0001 duplication 5$0. 67.$7 2-054-01-0001 1977 uncoil. 590. 5.87 ASSOC. 6-117-0001 1975 uncoil. 1760. 140.26 Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario April 16, 1979 The regular meeting of Bayham Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer (arriving at 9:00 p.m.) in attendance. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Coundl held April 4th., having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same..... ....Carried Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1 -Agriculture Canada. ,rabies report March, 1979 2 -Ministry of Culture & Recreation..information re. Wintario and Community Centre grants review 3 -Ministry of Intergovernmental Af. fairs ..response to A.M.C. statement on increase in transfer payments 4 -Ministry of Housing.. cancellation of planning jKdy grants Messrs. Carl Braun and John Vieraitis meet with Council to request information on severing lots at Mr. Vieraitis' property at Lot 16-17, Cone. 9., along the south side of the Carson Road. There is approximately 6 acres separated from the rest of the property by the road. They are advised to make application to the Elgin Land Division Committee, Mr. Murray Benner meets with Council to seek information as to the locating of mobile homes on farms as a second farm residence for housing farm labour. He is informed of the present by-law restricting mobile homes to parks. Consideration is being given to allowing this type of housing when the zoning by-law is finalized.. Mr. James Gibbons meets with Council to report on various road. conditions Mr. Wm. Underhill meets with Council to report on building permits issued on the progress of construction to date in the Township. Tenders as opened for weed spray at the meeting of March 19th., are reviewed. Moved by -,R, Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the tender of Max Underhill's Farm Supply Ltd. for the supply of 375 gallons of Brushkiller Esttmine 80 @ $20.90 per gallon be accepted... .............Carried Quotations for the supply and Installation of insulation and repairs to the municipal office are opened as follows: Wellst Contracting I3,368.18 Soper Builders Supplies Ltd. 3.717.73 Moved by: M, Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the quotation of Wells' Contracting for insulation and renovations to the municipal office in the amount of 13,368.18 be accepted...Carried By-laws for closing several sections of road are considered. Councillor M. ,Schafer declares a conflict of interest in By-law No. 1989. 1.496 #1987 Moved by: Y. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1987 being a by-law to stop up, close and sell a road allowance between Lots 15 gnd lb, Cone. S.G. in the Township of Bayham be now read a first time....... Carried Moved. by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1987 be now read a second time ... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M, Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 1987 be now read a third time and finally pas8ed.........Carrled ��1988 Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1988 being a by-law to stop up, close and sell a road allowance in Lot 16, Cone. 10, in the Township of Bayham be now read a first time.......Carried Moved byz. M. ,Stewart and Seconded by: S. ,Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1988 be now read a second time..... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved. that By-law No. 1988 be now read a third time and finally passed.........Carried X1989 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1989 being a by-law to stop up, close and sell a road allowance in Lots 113 and 114, Cone. 7, in the Township of Bayham be now read a first time....... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1989 be now read a second time.......Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1989 be now read a third time and finally passed...........Carried -#1990 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 1990 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with the Council of the Village of.,, Vienna for the services of a chief building official.... ....,Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 1990 be now read a second time....... Carried Moved by: S, Sandham and Seconded by : R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1990 be now read a third time and finally passed..............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. San dham That this Council• now adjourn to meet again on May 2nd., at 10:00 A.M. ...............Carried 1497 Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario May 2, 1979 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this morning, Reeve R. Green presiding with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held April 16, 1979t having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same,......,Carried The follwing items of correspondence are reviewed: 1) R. G. Moore.. copy of correspondence for concrete beam at Leach Bridge 2) Ministry of Natural Resources..list of persons licenced to trap in 1978 3) Ministry of dousing.. copy of Order approving Sandytown Developments Ltd. application for amendment to Minister's Order 4) Frank Cowan Ltd..copy of letter to Geo. Cameron Insurance Agency suggesting increase in fire department equipment coverage 5) Ontario Municipal Board .. approval of By-law #1958 for Weaver subdivision 6) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell.. comments re By-law #1796 (prohibiting trailers as permanent living accomodation) 7) . Elgin & St. Thomas Housing Authority..residence application for senior citizen accomodation (L. Bentley) 8) Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application..G. Lysy & S. Sas 9) it if it it it n G. & C. Bechard 10) n « if It it 't Alex Proeenko Mr. Harold Dennis meets with Council to report on fire matters. Mr. Wm. Underhill meets with Council to review building matters. It is suggested that the park and other township properties be cleaned. Mr. Underhill is to lojok after this project with the assistance of hired labour. Mr. Don Graham meets with Council to request the building of tennis courts at the community park in Straffordville. He is of the understanding that a petition was circulated some time ago, but the disposition of this is unknown. Mr. Graham will adAse Council of the interest of the citizens and approximate cost of a facility for Council consideration in the near future. Sgt. B. Crane and Cpl. D. Kleinevic meet with Council to discuss any problems arising with polios protection. The main conerns of Council are truckers ignoring half load spas on roads, garbage dumping along roadways and 4 wheel drive vehicles damaging property by driving along slopes thus allowing erosinwto begin. The O.P.P. will attempt to cooperate where violations are found. It will be necessary to have a landowner charge 4 wheel drive operators and apprear as witness in court to testify as to damages caused. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council approves the application of C. Lewis Bentley for Senior Citizen Accomodation in Aylmer and agrees to accept the 7�% share of any operating deficit pertainig�to the said accomodation ........ Carried Loved by: M. Schafer and Seconded That this Council has no objections George Lysy & Steven Sas, Lots 123 Gerard & Catherine Bechard, Lot 20, Alex Procenko, Lot 27, Cone. 3, by: R. Sandham to severance applications as follows: & 124, Cone, 7. .#E 97/79 N . G . , #E 102/79 E 103/?9.................Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That our solicitor be instructed to prepare a subdivision agreement for the development of the lands of Mr. Willis Weaver at Lot 6, Cone. 8, in accordance with the comments of the Ministry of Housing pertaining to the said development ..............Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M, Stewart That applications for tile drainage loans be approved as follows: G. Paul Stewart, Lots 11, 12 & 139 Cone, 8, 190000. Jack & Bonnie Abell, Lot 5, Conc. 2, 29700. H. J. Ketchabaw & Sons, Lot 16, N.G. 39000. David Causyn Farms Ltd., Lot 13, S.G. and Lot 121, Conc. 6, #4,800. ...................Carried 1498 Moved by: S, Sandham and seconded by: M. That this Council approves the application Club for a licence to manage and conduct a with prizes in the amount of $7,450, to be Stewart of the Straffordville Li ons raffle lottery in the municipality drawn on September 7, 1979•.• ............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart 1 -hat the Council of the Township of Bayham request the Elgin County Government Committee to consider the appointment of Murray Benner to the Elgin County Land Division Committee ............... Carrs ed Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. 00 That the guide for residential standards as Township of Bayham on February 12, 1975, be funding under the Ontario Home Renewal Plan Schafer adopted by the Council of the applicable to requests for for the 1979-80 fiscal year... ............Carried Moved by: R. ,Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the following temporary building permit be approved: Joseph K. Zehr..temporary living quarters 11,000. ...Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and That the following building David Bentley Wilma Teall Richard C. Barth Noel Ghesquiere Steve Stefan Michael Glass sr. Vane Chute Ray Nevill Kenneth Walker John Nasswetter Paul Franklin John Foris Peter Zylstra Lions Club Joseph K. Zehr Hugh Anderson Peter Dow Seigfried Blondeel Frank PihooNer • Stan James Busy Bee Gardens Seconded by: M. Stewart permits be approved: residence renovations $2100000 siding 39200. new residence 86,500, barn addition 12,000. tobacco barn 259000. new residence 50,000. residence addition 409000. pool 19000. curio shop 120000, roof 29000. renovation garage & shop 1, 000. chimney 600. garage 19400. storage building 2,000, new residence 359000. new roof 1,?50. new roof 700. renovate slaughter house 69500. machine shed 49000. rebuild barn 200000. display building 29000. ..............Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: Y. St ewatt That all travel parks be assessed 13, per site for disposal cost only, and that this be charged against travel parks and provincial parks; as approved by Council...........Carried Moved by: 14. Stewart and ,Seconded by: R. Sandham That this Council approve the following rates for the Fire Chiefs t Convention for Harold Dennis --150. per day plus hotel room and meals for convention days only.................Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That this Council approve the following mileage rates for any employee or any council members attending conventions or school be 10.25 per mile to a maximum of 1100. ...........Carried Moved. by: M, Schafer and S. Sandham That this Council approve a grant of 1250.to the Corinth Softball Team.. ..........Carried Yoved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M.. ,Schafer That this Council approve a grant of 1250, to purchase baseball equipment for rden in the 1979 baseball season............ Carried #1982 Moved by: M, Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That By-law No. 1982 (Fasseel Drain) be now read a third time and finally passed................Carried Moved. by-, R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. ,Stewart That general accounts totaling 142,455.03 and road accounts totaling 127,758.54 be approved: 1499 Road Payment Vouchers........................................$1$674.55 Paylist... .Agr. 1 - 15 ....................................... 3152.06 Paylist... . 16 - 30 ....................................... 5931.93 Akron Mfg. Co .... fire dept Supp .............................. 395.85 Shell Canada Lts...office and fire hall... ................ 146.01 Pitney Bowes ... meter rental...... ... o, .......... o0*00*00*0* 45.74 New Venture Comm....fire dept. radios ........................ 60.75 W.G.Webster Stationery Ltd...office suppl.................... 56.28 R.A.M.Fertilizer Ltd...bal.tile dr.loans..................... 6500.00 Geo. & Rose Csakli..... " n It a ..................... 1000.00 Ross Carson Farms Ltd..." It It n 0 1300.00 Lysy & Assoc. Ltd ....... » IS n IS 0,,000•," ,0,,,.,040,,, 1100.00 Camiel & M.Fasseel.... .." It It It 2500.00 Gilbert & Barbara Lively" It It It ..................... 600.00 Roger & Rita Ferguson..." n n n 700.00 C.J.& I.Koteles.......... " It It ..................... 2600.00 Wm. & Nancy Mitchell...." is It n ..................... 2600.00- Hugh & M.Mauthe........." it it IS ..................... 1200.00 Tip Top Cleaners ...cleaning drapes. ......................... 81.50 Richmond Constr.Co.Inc....refund permit fee...... ........ 53.00 Ronald Green.....Council..................................... 153.75 Max Stewart...... " 0000 ................................. 89.00 Ronson Sandham... " 0000 ................................. 333.00 Sandra Sandham... " 0000 ................................. 314.00 Mathew Schafer... " 0000 ................................. 335.50 Jack Petrie...extra " 0000 ................................. 50.00 East Elgin Planning Baerd...a/c levy .......................... 1947.28 St.Thomas Sanitary Coll. Serv.Ltd............................ 4935.45 Tillsonburg Glass & Mirror... storm windows ................... 2700.00 Walter Moore ... Cleaning office ............................... 26.00 Amtelecom Inc...office & fire lines ....... ................... 77.83 Rec. Gen.for Can...fire dept.radio lic....................... 13.00 Ont.Hydro... st.light energy...........................00.00..849.13 Aylmer Express ... raad closing adverts ........................ 67.76 Otter Pub.Ltd.... it It It ........................ 94.08 Straffordville Fire Dept ... road fire exter................... 82.69 J.A.Petrie,...salary Apr.l-15........... 0 .................000 535.00 V.VanBelois..... " It It n ................................ 375.00 Lorraine Moore.. It n itIt ................................ 230.00 J.D.Vallee......*n It n no So ................................ 150.00 Harold Dennis... Fire chief - April ................•......... 246.04 Robt.Grant....D. it " It .........................0 159.35 Csinos Farms Ltd...1978 tax adjustment .................0000.. 49.05 Remi VanDeSlyke.... " It It....................... 5.68 Robt.VanBelle...... rt It n ....................... 35.96 Arnold Vanderpas... " " n ....................... 10.38 Mathew Schafer..... " n It 000..........0......... 61.78 Sandytown Dev. Ltd.. " It n ....................... 214.56 Gary Williams....... it n It ....................... 88.95 Antoon Donck........ It It It ....................... 176.62 Vincent Galeckas.... It is It ....................... 58.38 Paul DePlancke...... " " '� ....................... 155.$3 'Rommel Farms Ltd.... » " n ....................... 199.78 Jerome Donais....... n n tt ....................... 183.19 Jean Chaleyssin..... "' " " ....................... 140.72 James Chilcott...... " ", " ....................... 38.46 Wm.Underhill... bldg.inspections .............................. 390.95 Debenture Acct. --tile dr.deb................................. 419.22 Canadian Wood Council...bldg.insp.suppl...................... 3.60 Everitt Electric Ltd...OHRP - Lockey ......................... 1850.00 Richmond Minor Softball & Rec.Assoc...grant.................. 250.00 Ont.Mun.Bd... Fasseel Dr ...................................... 25.00 Mun.World Ltd ... office suppl.................................'r '50*68 Olivetti Can.Ltd....service contracts ........................ 212.00 Ont. Hydro...office & fier hall .............................. 70.00 Treasurer of Ontario...office OHIP 60.75 ........................... J.A.Petrie.... sal. Apr. 16-30 ................................ 535.00 V.VanBelois...." n It n ................................ 375.00 Wm.Underhill..." n n " ................................ 668.97 L Moore " " " " Rec.Gen.for Can....Apr.Ded................................... 771.30 Omers.............. It "................................... 481.54 and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on May 23rd. at 8:00 P.M. ...CARRIED... REEVE CTaFM 1500 Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario May 23, 1979 The regular meeting of Bayham Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held May 2, 19799 having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.............Carried Mr. Ross Carson meets with Council to request garbage pick-up at each residence in his mobile home park, rather than from a central location as presently provided. Council will review the terms of the agreement for garbage collection and consider the reouest at a later meeting. Mr. Carson also recuests assistance to fill his lot at Lot 17, Conc. 10, which was left considerably below the road grade after construction at that location. Council will also consider this matter. Mr. B. Guest meets with Council to report that the furnace in the municipal office is in poor condition and consideration should be given to replacing it. It has given problems during the past two years and unless replaced we can expect further troubles in the next heating season. Council will obtain estimates for consideration at a later meeting. Mr. John Abell meets with Council to report a drainage problem at Lot 5, Conc. 2. It is possibly a situation where a municipal drain will be necessary. Mr. Ketchabaw, drain inspector, will review the problem and suggest solutions. Mr. James Gibbons, road superintendent, reviews road conditions and progress made on maintenance to date. Mr. Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with Council to inform them of progress being made in the various projects underway in the municipality. One application for funds under the Ontario Home Renewal Program is presented. Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Ministry of Agriculture & Food..tile drainage funds allocation ($56,$00.) 2) Long Point Region C/A..proposed drainage policy for conservation area 3) Ontario Livestock Protective Assoc..reouest for grant 4) Ministry of Natural Resources..remarks re. alteration of Little Otter Creek at Norfolk Townline (Leach Bridge construction) 5) Elgin Land Division Comm. -severance application A. & M. Fisher 6) Bruce H. Blake, L.L.B..request for Council to consider Medina franchise 7) Western Ontario Sports Car Assoc..comments re January car rally and road closing for traffic control 8) Peter Verkuil Roofing..estimate for municipal office roof repairs 9) Western Ontario Sports Car Assoc..lnformation re car rally being held on Saturday June 2, 1979 10) Workmen's Compensation Bd..regulation for first aid stations Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this Council has no objections to the proposed severance of the lands of Allan & Mildred Fisher being part°of Lot 20, Conc. 5, #E 10$/79 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the quotation of Peter Verkuil Roofing for repairing the roof on the township office in the amount of $1,185. be accepted ........ Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That this Council request the Ministry of Natural Resources to provide 200 pheasants for release in this municipality prior to the 1979 hunting season......... .... Carried 1501 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the roads department reimburse the fire department $500. for two Mocom 35 radio* units ...............Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That because of the Provincial ban on the use of 2-4-5-T, the resolution of April 16, accepting the tender of Max Underhill's Farm Supply Ltd. for the supply of 375 gallons of Brushkiller Estimine 80 be recinded.:..Carri.ed Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the cuotation of Max Underhill's Farm Supply Ltd. for the supply of 275 gallons of Silvaprop @ $16.95 per gal. be accepted...... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the tender of Leach Bros Trucking to supply, haul and spread crushed road gravel in the amourit of $3.90 per ton be accepted ....... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the Clerk be instructed to proceed with the closing of the lanes between Lots 4 & 5, 6 & 7, and 7 & 8, on Registered Plan 17 ..... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That applications for the drainage loans be approved as follows: Andy Dieleman Ltd., pt SJ Lot 25, Conc. 9, $15,500. Remi VanDeSlyke., pt Ni Lot 25, Conc. 4,$3,000. Joseph, Irene and Christopher Koteles, S.E.J Lot 19, Conc. 5, $79400. Manuel & Maria Matos, pt Ni and pt Si Lot 16, Conc. 5, $9,000... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the application of Benjamin Garrett for a loan in the amount of $1,600. under the Ontario Home Renewal Plan at Lot A, Main St. S/S, Plan 205, be approved ......... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this meeting of Council now adjourn to meet again on June 6, at 7:30P.M. .........Carried RVA 2/ WZ�2 58r� veloe - .5 Clerk Council Chambers, Straffordville June 6, 1979 The regular meeting of Bayham Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: h. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held May 23, 1974, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same ........... Carried Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Ministry of Housing..meeting.re. Planning Act White Paper (Jiine 26/79) 2) Gibson, Linton & Toth..comments re. trailer by-law (1796) 3) Field -Springer Disaster Relief Fund..reauest for grant 4) Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application..I & U Fehr 5) Joseph M. Szoke ( & others) petition for street light on Travis St. (Eden) James Gibbons, road superintendent, reports on the progress of road program. Wm. Underhill, building inspector, reports on the progress of building projects in the municipality. Mr. Willis Weaver meets with Council to review a draft of a proposed sub- division agreement. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That Reeve R. Green and J. Petrie be authorized to attend the Ministry of Housing meeting on the Planning Act White Paper at London on June 26th.... ****..............Carried 1502 Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That a grant of $100. be made to the Fonds de Secours Field -Springer Disaster Relief Fund......... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this Council objects to the proposed severance of the lands of Isaac & Ursala Fehr, Lot'117, Conc. 6, and #E 146179 as there has been a previous severance allowed on this property and further severance could create strip development.............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That a street light be erected on T#vis Street, Eden, in accordance with the petition received from Joseph M. Szoke and others.........Carrled Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the ouotation of Guest Burner Service for the replacement of the furnace in the municipal building in the amount of $2600. be accepted.. .......Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the following building permits be approved: Wendell Meyer storage $3,500. George Barbier siding 39270. Joseph Me gei residence addition 5,000. kenneth Walker office renovation 21000. Wm. Rayson pool 800. Nicholas Balint storage shed 4,000. John Howey & Sons Ltd. residence renovation 20,000. Maurice Vereecken storage 1,000. Maurice Wereecken kiln 3,500. Dennis Magaskazi new residence 709000. Fred Lester roof 800. John Suba siding 41600. Amtelecom Inc. office 37200. John Nasswetter barn addition $1000. ..............Carried x'1991 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham And, resolved that Bir -law No. 1991 being a by-law to impose a special annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be nw o read a first time........ Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1991 be now read a second time..... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1991 be now read a third time and finally passed ......... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1992 being a by-law to adopt Amendment No. 10 to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Planning Area be now read a first time......... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By=law No. 1992 be now read a second time...... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1992 be now read a third time and finally passed ........... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That general accounts totaling $26,306.68 and road accounts totaling $36,897.70 be approved: Roads. -vouchers ............................................$26,134.70 Roads..pay list May 1-15 ................................... 39696.46 Roads..pay list May 16-31 .................................. 7,066.54 R. Green.. Council ......................................... 1$$.75 M. Stewart.. " 0000 ..................................... 176.00 R. Sandham.. "......................................... 104.00 S. Sandham.. "......................................... 100.00 M. Schafer.. "......................................... 176.00 ' J. Petrie..extra council.............................0000.. 50.-00 Otter Publishing Ltd..advert ............................... 294.00 Treasurer of Ontario..water a%c............................ 151.22 W. G. Webster Stationery Ltd..office supplies .............. 15.41 Am ellec m Inc..office & fire pphones........................ �usiness 89.53 I. .S. Products..office supplies.................. 67.41 Shell Canada Ltd...office & fire hall ...................... 211.58 Olivetti Canada Ltd... office suppl......................... 60.29 Grant Motors (Straff.) Ltd...fire truck rep ................ 11.35 1503 Workmen's Camp. Bd.....assessment ....................... $ 949.35 Geo.Cameron Ins.Agcy...Ins .............................. 4912.00 W.G.Cattle Const.Ltd....mun.dr.rep...................... 860.00 Ont.Hydro... arrears collected........ ... o ......... 0*0000 425.$$ Wm.Chambers...cleaning yards... ... o--o-o ..... o ... 0000000 134.82 Frankie Mueller..." " ............................ 134.$2 F.Mueller Sr....truck rental ......... 0.0 ... 00........... 15.00 Rdc.Gen.... fire dept..ded.(78).......................... 179.06 J.A.Petrie..... sal.May 1-15, ........ oo .......... 0-0000000 535.00 V.VanBelois.... " it n "............................. 375.00 J.D.Vallee...Retirement allowance.... .......... 0000000-0 150.00 H.Dennis...f ire chief - May ............................. 246.04 R . Grant . . D . " " 1 . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159-35 Wm.Underhill...bldg.inspt ............................... 532.97 L.Moore....... office assistance.......... .............. 95.00 J.S.Davison... animal control.......... .................. 190.00 Bennett Stationery...office rep......................... 18.00 Dellers Tile Ltd ... mun.dr. rep........ .................. 11.50 St.Thomas San.Coll.Sery... May..... ...................... 4935.45 Ont.Hydro...office & Fire hall...... ..... oo .... o...o.... 70,00 Bayham Rds... ins.ad,jt:.................................. 365.00 Chute's Drainage ... mun.dr.rep....... . ................ ...606.00 Ted Smith...mowing cemeteries........... ............... 283.50 Wm.Chambers...cleaning yards... ............... o ......... 107.85 Frankie Mueller Jr.. " it ............................ 107.85 F.Mueller Sr....truck rental ............................ 12.00 Treas. of Ont .... OHIP premium.. ....... o ........ oo ... 040* 60.75 Earl Rohrer...selling dog tags.......................... 973.90 Linda Moore...cutting office grass...................... 18.00 Peters Brown & Co...balance 1978 audit .................. 3617.55 Treas. of Ont ... tile dr. deb............ ................ 332.91 Wm.Chambers...cleaning yards...... ...... o .......... 000*0 82.59 F.Mueller Jr....rleaning yards............ ............... 94.20 F.Mueller Sr...tr.rental................................ 1:?.00 Cameron & Taylor Ins. Agency...insurance................ 39.190 Linda Moore...cutting office grass ...................... 18.00 J.A.Petrie... sal.May 16-31 .............................. 535.00 V.VanBelois.. 11 1i n "................ .............. 375.00 Wm.Underhill.... building insptr......................... 689.58 Rec.Gen....ded.May...................................... 906.18 Ome r s . . . . . . 1� " . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 446 .1 4 . and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on June 20 at 7:30 P.M. ...Carried... eve Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario June 12, 1979 I& A special meeting of Council is held this morning for the purpose of meeting with representatives .of- the Regional Assessment Office to review our request for re -assessment under Sec. 86 of the Assessment Act and other matters. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Mr. Earl Winter, Regional Assessment Commissioner, and Mr. John Garrett df that office provide Council with information regarding the status of assessments in the municipality. This is demonstrated by means of graphs and a fact sheet. Of 626 residential properties 214 are over assessed, 131 are properly assebsed and 281 are under assessed. Of 42 commercial properties 15 are over assessed, 9 are properly assessed and 18 are under assessed Of 781 farms 317 are over assessed, 89 are properly assessed and 375 are under assessed. Similar comparrisons are presented for industrial, vacant, exempt, and special properties. By properly assessed,it is assumed that a median assessment is correct and other assessments are related to it. N. 150. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this Council reouest the Minister of Revenue to proceed with the equalization of assessments under Section $6 of the Assessment Act in this municipality; provided however that Council be further advised of the impact of the reassessment prior to the mailing of the assessment notices ............. Carried A letter from the Marathon Realty Company Limited requesting Council to provide a quit claim deed for certain streets in Port Burwell is presented. This is necessary because the conveyance made in 1901 and and further conveyance in 1937 to the Tillsonburg, Lake Erie & Pacific Railways and Canadian Pacific Railway Co. were not properly executed. The landsnow are within the Village of Port Burwell and are being purchased for development as a marina. 1 Moved by:M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1993 being a by-law to authorize the conveyance by the Township of Bayham in favour of 3+5990 Ontario Limited, or any interest the municipal corporation may have in certain lands within the municipal limits of the Village of Port Burwell be now read a first time ........... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 1993 be now read a second time ... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1993 be now read a third time and finally passed...............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: That this special meeting of Council now Reeve R. Sandham adjourn ......... Carried Clerk Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario June 20, 1979 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 6th., and special meeting held June 12th., having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same...... Carried The following items of correspondence are reviewed: 1) Agriculture Canada..rabies report, May, 1979 2 ) Town of Seaforth.. reouest to endorse resolution re court room proceedures and sentencing 3) Municipality of York..reouest to endorse resolution re provincial policies on conditional and unconditional grants 4) Ministry of Trans. & Communications..availability of Ontario Bridge Design Code for bridges in the 7-9 ton category 5) Municipal Planning Consultants. -comments on the Planning Act White Paper s. Erna McLean. -complaint re condition of First Conc. road 7) Morris Holmes & Jenkins. -request to close road allowance at Lot 15, S.G. Mr. James Gibbons meets with Council to report on the progress of the various road projects. Mr. Harold Dennis meets with Council to report on various fire matters. He is reouest ed to obtain prices for emergency equipment -for the department. Mr. Dennis is also authorized to attend a one week fire conference to be held in the fall. The 1952 fire truck is to be advertised for sale by tenders, to close on July 13th.,at 5:00 P.M. 1505 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the following application for tile drainage loans be approved: John & Elizabeth Kokenyesi, Lots 1, 2 &3, Conc. 3, $26,200...... .........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That this meeting of Council now adjourn to meet again on July 4th., at 7:30 P.M. .................Carried I Rei, ►,� eeve Clerk Council Chambers Straffordville , Ontario July 4, 1979 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Deputy Reeve M. Stewart presides with Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That in the absence of Reeve R. Green, Deputy Reeve M. Stewart be appointed acting reeve...............Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held June 20, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.............Carried Mr. James Gibbons, road superintendent, reports on the progress of the road construction projects. The Tunnell Road ( Second Conc.,' east of Vienna) has been completed with tar & chips and a sand topping. The First Conp4 road will be ready for sand stabilization in approximately one week. Mr. Gibbons is given authorization to purchase an irrigation pump to provide water necessary for packing the sand base. Mrs. Florence Hawley meets with Council to recuest information on a loan under the Ontario Home Renewal Program. It is estimated that approximately $13,000. will be required to renovate her home while only $7,500. can be provided through O.H.R.P. of which a maximum of $1,000. is forgiveable depending upon income. The balance would have to be repaid. Mrs. Hawley is to direct the worker from Social & Family Services to contact this office to arrange repayments through family benefits. Mr. Harold Dennis, fire chief, the telephones resulted in the and three kilns on the farm of appears to still be a problem, to find the problem. reports on fire matters. A problem with alarm for a fire with destroyed a barn Mr. P. DePlancke not being received. There however, the Amtelecom Inc. is endevoring Mr. Wm. Underhill, building inspector, reports on the progress of construction within, -,the municipality. Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario..notice of annual conference Aug. 19- 22, 1979, Toronto 2) Elgin Land Division Comm..severance application..Terry & Joan Millard 3) n n It n n ►f George & Phyllis Scott 4) it" it Charles & Violet Norris 6) Groom & Unsworth..reauest to certify that severance applications E 36/79 and 37/79 (DeCloet) meet with Twwnship approval 6) Ministry of the Environment..notice of seminar on local government at Chatham on September 8, 1979 i 7 ) Twp. of Dover.. request for grant re flood disaster relief Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That this Co:Uncil has no objections to proposed Severances as f ollows: 1506 Terry & Joan Millard, part Lot 127, Conc. 6, #E156/79 George & Phyllis Scott, part Lot 19, Conc. 10, #E157/79 Charles & Violet Norris. part Lot 15, Conc. 5, #E159/79 Moved by: R. Sandham and That the following building Mary &'.Ken Ward Evelyn Prong Max Stewart Chatham Beans Ltd. Louis Roloson SandyTown Developments Ltd. Roy Bee Jim Vanderven Val -Jack Enterprizes Ltd. David Chute Dan DeCloet Busy Bee Gardens Lloyd Gibbons G. & C. Bechard Sales Cornelius DeKraker Joe Magyar Ross Carson Farms Ltd. Joe Heagle Charles Winter ..............Carried Seconded by: S. Sandham Sandham permits be approved: and road accounts totaling new house $44,000. siding 6,000; demo 1,000. receiving station 669000. renovate house 129000. mall 1709000. pool 200. kiln 49500. bunk house 12,000. barn addition 159000. pool 79000. florist shop 159000. barn addition 19000. manufacturing bldg. 779225. farrowing barn 189000. kiln 49400. tobacco barn 35,000. relocate & renovate 60.75 house 15,000. relocate kiln 2,000. ...................Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the following application for tile drainage loan be approved: Jack L. Abell, Lots 3 & 4, Conc. 2, $12,000. ..........Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1995 being a by-law to stop -up and close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham {Reg. P1. 147, Willsonburl be now read a first time.............Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1995 be now read a second time..... Carried Moved -by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1995 be now read a third time and finally passed ......... Carried 1r199z� Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1994 being a by-law to stop -up and close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham (Reg. Pl 17) be now read a first time......... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1994 be now read a second time...... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1994 be now read a third time and finally passed .............. Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That general accounts totaling $191,096.24 and road accounts totaling $47,019.15 be approved; Roads. -payment vouchers........................................$37,099.72 Roads..pay list June 1-15 ...............................000.0.. 3,505.07 Roads..pay list June 16-30 ............................00.00.... 69414.36 Long Point Region C/A..a/c leery..........................0000.. 2091.25 Elgin County R.C.S.S. Board..a/clevy.......................... 109071.28 Elgin County Board of Education. .a/c levy......................149,466.67 Harold Dennis...fire chiefs conference ......................... 565.56 Ontario Hydro...street light repairs ........................... 168.89 Guests Burner Service... furnace repairs ........................ 12.00 Municipal World Ltd .... office suppl ............................ 19.22 Theodore Smith ... mowing cemeteries ............................. 370.00 J.Petrie... misc. mileage & exp ................................. 194.25 Linda Moore... cutting grass .................................... 18.00 John Chambers... park maintenance ...............................$.00 Jim Anderson.... " " ............................... .S.00,` Lorne Faulkner.. " " ............................... ^16.00' Treas. of Ontario...OHIP....................................... 60.75 Allen Walsh ... park rental ...................................... 1.00 St. Thomas Sanitary Coll. Serv. Ltd ...................,........ 4,935.45 Amtelecom Inc .... office & fire phones ................00.00..... 85.66 Wm. Underhill...Insp.$337.19... mi. $105.00 ..................... 442.19 Ont. Hydro... office & fire hall ................................ 60.00 1507 Strickland Bulldozing & Ext.Ltd... mun. dr. rep ............... 11277.50 Deller's Tile Ltd..mun. dr. rep ............... .0..,,0...0.... 76$,40 Field -Springer Disaster Relief Fund... grant .................. 100.00 Otter Publishing Ltd .... advert ............................... proceed with f 12.60 R.Green...Council........................................... re -assessment under Sec. 86. 1$$.75 M.Stewart... n ............................................ Elgin Land Division 141,00 R.Sandham... n ............................................ 141.00 S.Sandham... "............................................ Cowan 135.00 M. Schafer.. n ............................................ 141.00 J.Petrie..extra............................................. 100.00 Elgin Bd.. of Education...balance levy ........................ 7,531.83 M.Norris... fire calls ........................................ 486.00 P.Chmarney. " "........................................ 2$8.00 R.Vaup'han.. n n .................................0004,... 324.00 W.Moore... . " "........................................ 306.00 L.Tavlor... " n ........................................ 2$$.00 G.Grandbois n "........................................ 180.00 J . Gi bb on s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 . 00 M.Wolfe .... n tr ..000..0 .........................0..000. 1$0.00 R. Debrabander " n ........................................ 180.00 R . H o s h a 1 . . . n it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . , , . . , , 0 0 . . . . . . 19 5 . 00 P.Grant.... tt n ........................................ 360.00 G.Wisson... " n ........................................ 15.00 Elgin Co-op Services.-pt. suPp....................... 32,30 J.A.Petrie... sal.June 1-15 ................................... 535.00 V . Va n B e 1 o i s . . n n n n0 . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 5 0 00 n it it it L.Moore......................................... 240.00 J.D.Vallee... retirement allowance ............................ 150.00 H.Dftnnis...fire chief ... June ................................. 246.04 n it n159-35 .� ant..dep. 000, �................................ Treas.of Ont...tile dr.deb................................... 3,0570$4 Wendy Underhill...park & barn grass maint.................... 28.00 HughKetchabaw... mun. drs.................................... 654.65 RossLearn...fox bounty ...................................... 4.00 J.A.Petrie... sal -June 16-30 .................................. 535.00 V:VanBelois.. n tt n ".......... ....................... 375.00 Lorraine Moore 270.00 Wm.Underhill... Sal.$349.03-Vienna $12$.03 Mil B.$103.24 It `j,$ 47.75...:. 628.06 Omers.......June ded......................................... 526.16 Rec. General for Canada .... June de d .......................... 866.59 and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on July 16 at 7:30 P.M.... ...Carried.... tz r CLERK Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario July 16, 1979 The regular meeting of Bayham Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 4, 1979, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same ........... Carried Mr. Harold Dennis meets with Council to review fire matters and open tenders as received for the sale of the 1952 fire truck. Willis marr $550. K. C. Emerson 505. Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Agriculture Canada..rabies report June, 1979 2) Minister of Revenue..acknowledgement of resolution to proceed with f re -assessment under Sec. 86. 3) Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application Wilbur & Barbara Cowan 4 ) " Alex & Rose Procenko , 1508 5) Sudbury Region Disaster Relief Committee..request for grant 6) Ministry of Natural Resources..approval of stream diversion at Lot 28, Cone. 8, (Leach Bridge) 7) Ministry of Consumer & Commercial Relations. -amendment to the Ontario Plumbing Code. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this -Council objects to the proposed severance of the lands of Wilbur & Barbara Cowan, part of Lot 22, Cone. 8, #E 165/79, as the area requested is excessive for a single family residence ............ Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That this Council has no objections to the proposed severance o;' the lands of Alex & Rose Procenko being part of Lot 27, Cone. 3, #E 172/79 .......Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the tender of Willis Marr for the purchase of a 1952 Ford chasis equipted as a fire vehicle in the amount of $550. be accepted..... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That this Council accept the petition for drainage as presented by Willis Weaver requiring drainage at the centre part of Lot 6, Cone. 8, Bayham.. ..........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this Council approves the application of Max Underhtll's Farm Supplies Ltd. for an amendment to the Restricted Area Order under Sec. 32 of the Planning Act and requests the Ministry of Housing give favourable consideration to same......... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That a grant of $300. be made to the Straffordville& Eden Day Camp for 1979........ Carried Moved -by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. That this Council now adjourn to meet again Schafer on August 1st., at 7:30 P.M. .............Carried Council Chambers Straff ordville , Ontario August 1, 1979 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 16, 1979, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same..................Carried The petitioners for street lights along Centennial Ave and Talbot Street are present and Reeve Green outlines two proposals. Mercury vapour lights can be installed at approximately $2,465. and high pressure sodium at approximately $2,950. While the initial cost of the high pressure sodium is more, the operating expenses are considerably less, ar'_ a saving will be realized in approximately 3 years. The new system can be financed by the Township and repaid by the area over a 10 year period @ 10%. The petitioners retire to discuss the proposals and return requesting the area be formed for street lighting purposes and the high pressure sodium lights installed. The following items of correspondence are reviewed: 1) Regional Assessment Commissioner..revised municipal factor with worksheet showing savings realized in 1979 if new factor used. 2) Elgin County Plowmen's Assoc..request for grant. 3) C.I.B. of Commerce..increase in borrowing rates (12J%) 4) Larry J. Innanen..request to convey portion of East Street as closed to the owner of Lot 7, First Street, S/S 1509 5 ) Ministry of Housing..metric conversion of zoning by-laws. 6) Chas. Winter..request to operate trap line along township roads. 7Y Village of Port burwell..listing of persons in township using water from the Port Burwell system. 8) Agriculture Canada..rabies report, July, 1979• 9) Elgin County Land Comm..notice of appeal against decision # 46/79..Isaac a Ursala Fehr. 10) Township of West Carlton. -request for grant re. flood damages. Mr. Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with Council to review various building projects and report on permits issued. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That a grant of $50. be made to the Elgin County Plowmen's Association for 1979...••••••.•.••.Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That a new street lighting area be formed along Centennial Ave. and Talbot Street in the Village of Straffordville in accordance with a petition received from the residents of that area; and that 8 high pressure sodium,150 watt, 120 volt with photo cell and related hardware be purchased and installed with capital costs recovered from the assessed properties @ 10% interest over a ten year period ......... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the following building permits be approved: Harold Dennis t Garage roof $1,500. John Szakal tobacco storage barn 20,000. Andy Dieleman pole barn addition 21000. Paul DePlancke 2 kilns 57000. Paul DePlancke tobacco storage barn 40,000. Tony Vandevyvere residence $01000. Richard Hornauer two car garage 1,500. Victor Knabb 3 kilns 10,500. Victor Knabb 3 kilns 10,500. Ted Tait siding 61000. George Scott renovate residence 15,000. Isadore Volkaert breezeway & garage 91600. Joe Rego kiln 4,000. Vincent Galeckas garage 3,000. Vincent Galeckas residence 65,000. Val Jack Enterprizes Ltd. horse stable 357000. Ward Farms Ltd. relocate house 11000. Ted Haybert mobile home 19,500. Joseph Zehr silo 62000. LeRoy Taylor demolish house John Kokenyesi car port & renovations 3,500. Les Brown residence 50,000. .......................Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That applications for tile drainage loans be approved as follows: Van Gorp Farm Drainage Ltd, Lot 3, Conc. 3, $7,500. Foris Farms Inc-. Lots 17-10, Conc. N.G. 4,6CO..... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolvent that By-law No. 1995 being a by-law to adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied for the year 1979, to levy the taxes for the year 1979 and to provide for the collection thereof be now read a first time...............Carri�d Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1995 be now read a second time.....Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1995 be now read a third time and finally passed ........... Carried w199"Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1996 being a by-law to impose a special annual drainage rate upon land in respect.,of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time...Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1996 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1996 be now read a third time and finally passed.............Carried 1510 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That general accounts totaling $112,024.67 and road accounts totaling $35,439.78 be approved; Roads -.payment vouchers......................................$23,421,x.5 Roads..pay list July 1-15 ................................... 3,954.52 Roads..pay list July 16-31 .................................. 81064.11 Remi VanDeSlyke..tile drainage loan .......................... 21965.00 Hugh Ketchabaw..tile drain inspections ....................... 35.00 Amtelecom Inc..office and fire phones ........................ 90.04 Pitney Bowes. -meter rental...............................0... 45.74 Bayham Roads..municipal drain repairs ........................ 330.00 Elgin Co-operative Service...office suppl.................... 19.96 Ontario Hydro... street light energy .......................... 832.38 Community Centre Board...library rent ........................ 100.00 Dennis Garage...lawn mower rep ............................... 34.63 T'burg. Carpet Centre...comm.centre rep ...................... 1200.00 R. Green..... Planning Bd.Honorarium .......................... 345.00 J.Volkaert... tt n " 272.00 Blake Wolfe.. n " n 212.00 Gilles Therrien ... mun.dr.rep................................. 1877.50 Otter Publishing Ltd....advert ............................... 8.40 Woodstock Office Eqi:pt....................................... 1706.65 Soper B1drs.Supp..... office suppl............................ 80.77 Rick Shearer ... fox bounty .................................... 4.00 Vane Chute ... tax overpayment ................................. 636.66 Debenture Acct...tile dr.deb................................. 2170.08 R. Green ....... Council ....................................... 56.25 M.Stewart...... it ....................................... 104.00 R. Sandha..... "....................................... 104.00 m S.Sandham...... "....................................... 100.00 M. Schafer..... "....................................... 104.00 V. V anB e 1 o i s . . e x. . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 . 00 J.Petrie....." ..."....................................... 50.00 Rec.Gen.for Can...postage.................................... 200.00 W.G.Webster Stationery Ltd...office suppl .................... 23.93 Honsberger Bros...Corinth Recreation a/c ..................... 143.59 Elgin Cty.Mutual Aid FireServ.-...membership .................. 15.00 Robt.Grant...fire Dept. suppl..........................0000.. 7.00 Treas. of Ont ... maps ..................,..................:... 23.76 Otters Publishing Ltd ... advertising ......................0000. 103.20 J.Howey & Sons Ltd...tax overpayment ......................... 595.20 Linda Moore...cutting grass .................................. 30.00 Wm. U nd e rh i 1 1 . . . o ff i e s up p 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64.20 Y J.A.Petrie...salary my 1-15 ....................•......•.... 535.00 V.VanBelois... tt n -1-15 .........................0000... 375.00 L.Moore....... 1-15 ................................ 248.00 Wm.Underhill..,sal.$237.5O-Mileage $102.50 ................... 460.00 Cty.of Elgin -. ... a/c levy ................................... 66616.75 Russell Mannell... livestock valuation ..................0000.. 14.4.0 Jas.Burwell... chickens killed ................................ 35.00 J.D.Vallee... retirement allowance ............................ 150.00 H.Dennis... fire chief - July ................................. 246.04 Robt.Grant...dep.fire chief .................................. 159.35 Strafford.ville Day Camp ... grant .....................0000..... 300.00 Treas.ofOnt...OHRP registration .............................. 1.00 St.Thomas Sanitary Coll.Serv.Ltd .........................0006 4935.45 The London Free Press...advert ............................... 44.10 I.E.S.Bus.Prod... office suppl................................ 44.94 Dennis' Garage ... mower RPp................................... 27.37 Ontario Hydro...office & fire hall ........................... 70.00 Ont.Hydro...st.lighVrep...................................... 95.40 Otter Publishing....advert................................... 22.80 Treas. of Ont ... OHIP......................................... 63.75 Theodore Smith ... cemeteries ..........................0060.... 370.00 Ontario Education Cap.Aid Corp .... school deb ................. 8732.50 Treas. Of Ont...tile dr. deb ................................. 8190.36 St. Thomas Times Journal...advert ............................ 9.72 Brant Concrete Prod.Ltd...mun. dr.rep........................ 69.00 Guestls' Burner Service...furnace ............................. 2495.00 J . A .Petrie . . . . sal .July 16-31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535.00 V.VanBelois... n n It it ................................. 375.00 L.Moore....... tt n tt It ................................. Wm.Underhill-V.Sal.$60.75 B.Sal.$220.61 V.Mile..$18.50,,,,,, 220.00 B. Mileage ...................................... 35$.36 Omers....... ded...July....................................... Rec. Gen. for Can.... July ded................ ... 535.18 750.26 ... 0000 REEVE CLERK 1511 Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario August 20, 1979 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and. Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 1st., having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same..............Carried Mr. James Gibbons, road superintendent, meets with Council to report on the progress of the various construction projects. The First Conc. road is now completed excepting the tar & chip top. This and other locations needing surfacing should be completed by the end of August. Mr. Malcolm Campbell, manager of Pleasant Valley Agregates, meets with Council to introduce himself and his company. His pit is located west of Aylmer and he welcomes Council to visit it and leaves a price list of the various products. Mr. K. C. Emerson, Reeve, and Edward Beattie, Councillor, representing the Village of Vienna meet with Council to discuss the opening of Pearl and Union Streets in the Village. These are boundary roads with the Township. The Village will maintain the streets until such time as there might be construction on the Township side of the streets, at which time a formal agreement should be reached. The reconstruction of Centre Street is discussed and should be programmed for 1980. Ms. Janet Morris, resident vetinary at Shadowland Farms, meets with Council to request permission to place a mobile home for her residence at the farm. Council informs her of the by-law prohibiting mobile homes as permanent residences outside parks , and is unable to comply with her request. Mr. Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with Council to report on fire matters. There have now been two demonstrations of 'jaws of life' rescue equipment. The 'Hurst' system costs approximately $10,400. and 'Safety Supply' system costs approx. $9,670. The Hurst system has more power and equipment and is possibly the better purchase of the two. There has Ueen no indication of subsidies for this type of purchase and no commitment can be made by Council. Chief Dennis will be attending the fire college at Gravenhurst during the week of August 27th. Mr. Wm. Underhill, building inspector, meets with Council to report on the progress of projects in the municipality and presents on application for funding under the Ontario Home Renewal Program. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the members of Council and Clerk donate the honorarium for this meeting to the Oxford, Haldimand-Norfolk and Brant Disaster Relief Fund.. ................Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That Spriet & Associates be appointed to prepare a report on the petition for drainage as received from Mr. Willis Weaver for part of Lot 6, Conc. 8, Bayham..............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconddd by: M. Stewart That Paul McQuiggan be engaged on the road department for a three month probationary period @ $5.25 per hour effective July 30/79 and provided his services be satisfactory the subsequest three month period be at the rate of $5.50 per hour with O.H.I.P. and thereafter at the regular wage rate of township road employees ........... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That Business Computer Services be engaged to prepare the 1980 interim and final tax bills for this municipality ......... Carried /' Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That applications for the drainage loans be approved as follows: Wilfori Burwell & Madge Burwell, Lot 15, Conc. 9, $5,200........ Carried 1512 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the application of Percy Green for a loan under the Ontario Home Renewal Plan at Lot 37, Plan 22, in the Village of Richmond in the amount Of A 500. be approved..............Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1997 being a by-law to provide for the maintenance of the Adler, Arn, Berdan-Cheesman, Bryant, Carnes, Carnes 101, Coomer 'At, Corinth, Coyle, Deli, Eden (First Street), Fazakas-Slaught, Freeman-Storp, Hampton, Horvath-Blondeel, Mitts, Nevill, No. 1, Palmer, Phillips, Pollick, Reiser-Csinos, Schorr rger, Schonberger Extension, & Smith Municipal Drains and to raise the sum of $21,262.27 to pay therefor be now read a first time.......... Carried. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1997 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-lww No. 1997 be now read a third time and finally passed..............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1998 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 1970 appointing members to the East Elgin Planning Board for the year 1979 be now read a first time.......... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 1998 be now read a second time....... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1998 be now read a third time and finally passed ........... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this meeting of Council now adjourn to meet again on September 5th., at 7:30 P.M. ..................Carried Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario September 5, 1979 The regular meeting of Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held August 20, having been examined by the members are hereVy approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same ............ Carried Councillors R. Sandham and S. Sandham being husband and wife, is a unique situation in the Province and a portion of the meeting is recorded by CFPL Television for showing on the news broadcast of September 6th. Mr. Douglas Ort, representing the London Sports Car Club, meets with Council to present further information concerning the proposed rally in January,1980. He explains that the Club is requesting the roads to be legally closed rather than controlling traffic in order to be able to operate without the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act. Club members could be charged with various offences if the roads are not closed. Mr. James Gibbons meets with Council to report on the various road projects. Construction is now completed on Concession One, and the repairs to several other roads complete. He also reports that the 1979 road budget has nowbe expended. A complaint re. lack of calcium on the road through % Lot 16, Concession 10, where a new bean receiving station is being built is received and Council approves additional calcium at this location. ' Mr. Paul Gundert meets with Council to complain that the costs of repairing the Coyle Drain are excessive and requests Council to consider decreasing his assessment as he will not receive much benefit. Council feels that the 1513 repairs were made as necessary and that the assessment for repairs was made in accordance with the construction by-law and are unable to grant him any relief from the costs of the repairs. Mr Hugh Ketchabaw meets with Council to report on repairs to various municipal drains and presents a petition for drainage at Lots 15, 16 & 17 Conc. 8. Mr. Cecil Dykstra meets with Council to request additional maintenance on Richmond Street leading to his property. He feels that this street has bean neglected in the maintenance program. Mr. Wm. Underhill reports on the various building projects in the Township. Mr. Harold Dennis reports on fire matters and on his attendance at the fire training school in Bracebridge. The following items of correspondence are reviewed: 1) Elgin County Land Division Committee..severance application Lysy & Assoc. 2 ) t' " Csinos Farms 3 ) " " Ted Tait 4) t' " Emerson Tob. 5) City of Nepean..request for grant re. disaster funds 6) Harrison Elwood..sale of Medina Natural Gas Co. Ltd. 7) Spriet Assoc. accepatance of drainage petition (Weaver) Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: That this Council has no objections to Lysy & Associates.. Lot 28, Conc. 4, Csinos Farms Ltd.. Lot 19, Conc. 2, Ted Tait Lots 127-8, Conc. 6, Emerson Tobacco Ltd.. Lot 18, Conc. 1, S. Sandham severance applications as follows: E 187/79 E 198/79 E 209/79 #E 210/79.........Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the request of the London Sports Car Club to close certain roads in the Municipality for a rally in January, 1980, be refused....... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the petition for drainage for parts of Lots 15, 16 & 17, Concession 8, as presented by Mr. Gene Ketchabaw and others be accepted...... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the following building permits be approved: David Causyn relocate 2 kilns $2,000. Ronald Green storage bin 19500. Jake Zackarias residence 61,000. Lewis Obar storage barn 21000. Edward Kassner hog barn 1,500. Jack Vanacker 3 bulk kilns 10,500. Leo Luyt residence 60,000. Kenneth Emerson storage barn addition 5,000. Klass N. Thiessen garage 2,000. Antonius J. Wygergang residence 38,500. John Nezezon barm roof 2,000. Manford Brooks building renovations 10,000. Wilma Teall residence roof 17300. Andy Shi vak res.;. " '3n c e 35X0 - 5, 000.William William Moosberger residence 367000. Benjamin Garrett siding 1,500. George Backus greenhouse 11,000. Ron Herbert residence x.7,000. Peter Chmarney residence renovations 19000. Douglas Dennis roof repairs 12500. Randal Underhill residence rnovations 5,000. Henry Desimple siding 2,900. Gerald Scott residence foundation 6,000. Fred Catton siding & trim 3,150. Joe Barzo swimming pool cover 2,500. ...............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That applications for tile drainage loans be approved as follows: David Chute & Deborah Chute, Lots 18 & 19, Conc. 3, $8,200. ...Carried Cd 1514 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the quotation of Hans Andersen to clean the office floors in the amount of $250. be accepted.............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the Treasurer be authorized to purchase a 'Kinross Mortgage Corporation' debenture in the amount of $3,000. yielding 104% interest on behalf of the cemetery perpetual care fund.............Carried Moved by: S, Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the Treasurer be authorized to petition the Ministry of Transportation & Eommunications for an interim payment of subsidy on road expenditures... •.-......Carried ,;1999 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconddd by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1999 being a by-law to authorize the sale of land in the Township of Bayham be now read a first time....... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 1999 be now read a second time ... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 1999 be now read a third time and finally passed .......... Carried 27--000 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2000 being a by-law to impose a special annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time.....Carried Moved by: M. Stewart amd Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2000 be now read a second t;_me.....Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-laW No. 2000 be now read a third time and finally passed ..... ......Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That general accounts totaling $31,535.78 and road accounts totaling $103,137.1 be approved: Roads..vouchers ..............................................$91,$50.00 Roads..pay list Aug. 1-15 .................................... 41066.73 Roads..pay list Aug. 16-31 ................................... 7,220.46 Oxford Cycle & Sports Ltd..Eden recreation a/c ............... 200.84 Martin Guebesh..weed cutting ................................. 25.00 The Peerless Rubber Stamp Mfg .... stamp... .... 8.56 Geo.Beard... Corinth light maint .............................. 24.35 New Venture Comm...F.D.radios................................ 24.50 Strickland Bulldoxing... mun.dr.rep........................... 11083.00 Mun. World Ltd ... bldg.permit forms ........................... 214.00 VanGorp Farm Dr.Ltd...Coyle Dr. Rep .......................... 7,278.89 R.A.Mannell...livestock valuation......... ......... **000*000* 10.00 Hugh Mauthe... it It ............................ 16.00 Ross Learn...livestock killed ................................ 400.00 Debenture a/c ... tile dr.deb.................................. 1,553.58 Soper B1drs.Suppl...office reps... ................. o ...... *** 2.11 Peter Verkuil Roofing... office reps... ............ o-.0*069*96 1,185.00 Elgin Cty.Plowmen's Assoc ..... grant .......................... 50.00 City of St.Thomas...fire dept.suppl.......................... 6.00 Jas. S. animal control...................................0099 180.00 Ronald Green... ... Council .................................... 195.00 Max Stewart....... " 0000 ................................ 178.00 Ronson Sandham.... " 0000 ................................ 178.00 Sandra Sandham.... ».:.................................. 170.00 Mathew Schafer.... _' 0000 ................................ 188.50 Jack Petrie...extra council & zoning ......................... 135.00 Joe Volkaert.....zoning...................................... 37.00 J.Blake Wolfe.... " 0000 .................................. 37.00 Linda Moore.... cutting grass ................................. 18.00 Fawcett Metal Prod.Ltd... com.centre signs .................... 114.19 Treas. of Ont...water acct ................................... 309.15 Dennis Garage ... fire dept.rep................................ 87.38 Amtelecom Inc....office & fire hall .......................... 122.97 Rite Temp.Regrigeration...off.rep............................ 213.59. Treas.of Ont .... OHIP......................................... 63.75- J.A.Petrie...salary Aug. 1-15 ................................ 535.00 V.VanBelois.. » » is "................................ 375.00 L. Moore..... It it is »................................ 280.00 Wm.Underhill...Bayham Sal 359.33,Auto 1 106.00 » » Vienna " 73.89, 't 25.75 ............... 564.97 Ontario Hydro...office & fire hall ........................... 70.00 St.Thomas San. Coll. Serv.Ltd................................ 4,935.45 1515 Theodore Smith...cemeteries ........................... J.D.Vallee...retirement allowance ..................... H.Dennis... fire chief...August........................ Robt. Grant...dep.Fire chief -Aug ...................... Linda Moore...cutting grass ........................... Gilles Therrien..mun.dr.rep........................... Linda Moore... cutting grass ........................... Treas.of Ontario ... tile dr.deb........................ Guests Burney Serv....office & Eire hall serv......... Oxford -Brant -Norfolk Disaster Relief..Councillors wages rN Rec.Gen.For Can ...... postage .......................... Dennis Chambers ... OHRO - Garrett ...................... Linda Moore...grass cutting ........................... J.A.Petrie...... Sal.Aug.16-31......................... V VanBelois " tt tt n LL Moore " tt .Moore., ......................... Wm.Underhill...Vienna Sal. $ 33.75 Miles $11.00 tt tt Bayham is 353.37 " 111.50...0.. Rec. Gen. for Canada....ded. Aug., ............... o.... tt tt 370.00 150.00 246.04 159.35 28.00 692.x.0 18.00 3,x+38.90 48.00 312.25 200.00 1,129.00 18.00 535.00 375.00 310.00 609.26 914.68 582.12 and that this Council now adjourn to mmet again on Septmember 24th. at 7:30 P.M� ........Carried....... Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario September 24, 1979 The regular meeting of Council is held this evening. Reeve R.,Green presides with Deputy "''eeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 5th., having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.............Carried The 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) following items of correspondence are reviewed: Agriculture Canada..rabies report, August, 1979 Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application: it tt n tt it Western C. I. B. County c Township tt tt n Albert Vandendriessche Jean & Willis "eaver Michael & Elvira Hesch Gordon Paul Stewart On uari o Sports Car Club .. further information on proposed rally of Commerce..increase in borrowing rates (13P f Elgin..copy of Report of the Working Group on the Mandate of Conservation Authorities in Ontario (ACRO) of Malahide..copy of By-law 1896 (regulating building construction under the Planning Act) Elgin County Administrator's Assoc..notice of meeting Sept. 28th., inviting elected representatives 11) Birute Gercas..claim for auto damages caused by road conditions 12) Spriet & Assoc. comments re. Weaver subdivision agreement 13) Harrison Elw ood..sale of Medina Natural Gas Co. Ltd. to Four Seventy Dundas Limited Mr. Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with Council to repert on fire matters. He request a light(s) be placed on the front of the fire hall to enable the firemen to work on trucks in the evenings in front of the fire hall. Mr. Dennis is authorized to purchase a suitable light. He informs Council of some of the material supplied at the recently attended fire school and requ-ts a meeting to discuss the material in detail. Counil will arrange a meeting in/ early October.. Mr. Dennis requests a list of building permits as issued be available to him to assign fire numbers to new buildings. This is to be arranged with the building inspector. 1516 Mr. D. Sioen meets with Council to report a water problem in his kiln yard a lot 22, Conc. 2, since the reconstruction of the First Concession road. Council will view the site during the first week in October to try to arrange a satisfactory solution. Mr. Jos. Cnockaert meets with Council to report a drainage problem along County Road 45, whereby water from the ditch crosses his property at Lot 16, Conc. 4, and causes an erosion problem at his irrigation pond. The Clerk is instructed to report this problem to the County of Elgin Engineer and request that he investigate the matter. Mr. Willis weaver meets with Council to review the comments as received from Spriet & Associates fro drainage and road surfacing at his proposed subdivision. These matters being resolved the Clerk is instructed to have our solicitor prepare a subdivision agreement in accordance with Ministry of Housing requirements. Mr. Bruce Dinsmore, representing Conlen Wrecking Co., meets with Council to inform them of the proposed purchase of a property at Lot 17, Conc. 10, (formerly Beckett Farm Machinery) and the intention to establish as sales -yard for salvaged building materials, and request a licence for same. Mr. Dinsmore is informed of the salvage yard by-law and the fencing requirements. Council will inform him of the height of the proposed fence within the next two weeks. Upon satisfactory completion of the fence a licence will be issued. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council has no objections to applications for severance as follows: Albert T. Vandendriessche, part Lot 8, Conc. 3, #E 213/79 Jean & Willis Weaver part Lot 6, Conc. $, #E 221/79 Michael & Elvira Hesch part Lots 125 & 126, S.T.I.E. #E 226/79 Gordon Paul Stewart part Lots 11, 12 & 13, Nonc. 8. #E 234/79.. .............Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. That this meeting of Council now adjourn to at 7:30 P.M. .................Carried ..' Z. ' FIN,Reeve Schafer meet again or October 3, 1979, Clerk Council Chambers Straffordville, Ontario October 3, 1979 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 24th., having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature al.zthorized on same.......... Carried Mr. F. T. Knudsen, representing Champion Road Machinery Ltd., is present and explains to Council that the Company has for sale a 1977 Champion road grader with 600 hours of use. The machine has been inspected by a mechanic from the Ministry of Transportation & Communications and found to be in excellent mechanical condition. The machine will be fully warranted for 3 months for parts only. Payment can be deferred to January, 1980. The M.T.C. has verbally agreed to subsidize the purchase as a part of the 1980 road expenditures. The costs are: grader $5$,400.; elinator $1,300.; wing $4,400.; less our trade-in of $7,500. with sales taxes. j Mr..Mmes Gibbons reviews road construction and maintenance operations with Council. 1517 Mr. Walter Zamecnik meets with Council to inquire as to whether work will be completed on the Leach Bridge and road approaches this year. The bridge is considered hazardous in its present condition. The steel for the platform is expected in the very near future and it is anticipated that the structure will be repaired shortly thereafter. Mr. Zamecnik also recuests consideration be given to raising the Norfolk Townline road northerly from County Road 'Sl for approximately one half mile where break up conditions occur in the spring and that hard surfacing be applied a soon as possible. Council agrees to consider this section of road for future hard surfacing. Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Gillies, O'Donovan & Hutton.. reouest for meeting to consider the granting of a franchise to Natural Resource Gas Ltd. 2 ) New Vent4re Communications.. cuotation for changing; the frenue"�y- of the road department vehicle radios 3 ) Ontario Good Roads Assoc.. notification of 1980 convention 4) Dunnville Rock.. ruotation for 1979/80 sand /salt mix 5) Natural Resource Gas Ltd.. presentation of account for repairs to damaged gas line 6 ) Peat Marwick Ltd.. revised offer to pay portion of Medina Natural Gas Co. Ltd. tax arrears Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the purchase of a Champion Motor Grader, 700 series 0$5$,400. with elinator @ $1,300. less trade-in of 1968 grader @ $7,500. plus applicable sales tax as ^uoted by Champion Road Machinery Sales Ltd. be approved, subject to M.T.C.approval......... Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That bbe following building permits be approved: Myrtle Hotchkiss.. mobile home (Red Oak Park) $21,500. Margaret Blaxall " it " " 21,000. h D B k tt tt tt it 21 000 orot y uc Ronald Green \ barn addition Stefan Szuba siding Gail Schmeltz residence Gordon Chilcott residence addition Gary Williams residence Mike Weber barn renovations Paul Stewart siding Gale Mercer pool John Horeth garage Maple Leaf Mills re -roof barn Max & Bob Stewart residence Ronald Morse chimney J Arvid Neumann chimney & renovations Peter Weibe chimney Geddy Rugienis steel barn Robert Gregson residence renovations 3,200. 7,600. 31,900. 4,000. 45,000. 5,000- 27700. 000.2,700. $,000. 5,000. 40,000. 57,000. 500. 1,000. 250. 16,000. 5,000. ..........Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham That applications for tile drainage loans be approved: Ronald & Mary Haggerty Lot 15, Conc. 1,$29000. ....Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That general accounts totaling $199,468.63 and road accounts totaling $97,411.16 be approved; Roads..payment vouchers......................`..................$$7,635.76 Roads..pay list Sept 1-15..., .......................... 3,520.45 Roads..pay list Sept. 16-30 .................................... 6,433.53 Diamond Lamp Co..office supplies... ..... o..o ................. *** 405.$0 T.L. Goldthorp Electric..office repairs ........................ 79.1+0 David Causyn Farms Ltd ... tile dr.loans......................... 31665.00 Hugh J. Ketchabaw & Sons ... 11 tt n ......................... 21$65.00 Jack L.Abell.... ....... ...." it " 5,265.00 Hugh J. Ketchabaw......... ." " inspections ................... 105,00 Debenture Acct ... tile dr.deb................................... 29539.9$ Ronald Green .... .Council ....................................... 56.25 Max Stewart...... "....................................... 52.00 Ronson Sandham... "....................................... 52.00 Sandra Sandham... "....................................... 50.00 Mathew Schafer... ".......................,............... 52.00 Jack Petrie...... " extra .................................... 50.00 Amtelecom..office & fire dept.. ... o ......... o ................ 69.22 East Elgin Planning Board... balance levy ....................... 17947.29 Brantford Concrete Prod.Ltd... Meuller Dr.Rep...... .,..........0 60.17 151$ Long Point Region Cons. Auth... a/c Levy ........................ 2,391.25 Well's Contracting.. office repairs... .,...................... 31125.75 I.E.S.Produ.cts... office supplies ............................... 42.26 Rite -Temp Rgfrigeration... office repairs....... ............... $$6.24 Fawcett Metal Prod.Ltd...Com.Centre sign... ................... 72.43 W.G.Webster Stationery Ltd ... office supplies ................... 3$•36 Twp. of Bayham...fire & office supplies ........................ 3$•36 Treasoof- tario....OHIP....................................... 63.75 Ribvyell Mannell ... livestock valuation .......................... 29.00 Central Mortgage & Housing Corp ... Bldg.inspt. suPp............. 14.00 J.A.Petrie... sal.Sept.l-15..................................... 535.00 V.VanBelois.. if tt it t ..................................... 375.00 L.Moore...... wAges it ..................................... Wm.Underhill... Vienn4nspt.$71.95,mile.$33.25 265.00 it it Bayham tt $367.76 tf $119.50 .................. 592.46 J.D.Vallee...retirement allowance ........................0000.. 150.00 H.Dennis.... fire chief ......................................... 246.04 R.Grant....D. tt it ......................................... 159.35 Linda Moore...park-barn-office grass ........................... 40.75 Elgin Bd.of Education...a/c levy ... .................... ........ 145,700.75 Elgin R.C.S.S.Bd... a/c levy .................................... 10,071.28 Grant Motors ... fire dept.repairs ............................... 11.24 St.Thomas Sa.Coll.Serv.Ltd..................................... 4,935.45 Ontario Hirdro...office & fire hall ............................. 28.58 Business Computer Serv...tax bills ....................060.1*.... 689.61 Newman Flowers Ltd...Chute funeral ............................. 18.00 Dennis Garage... lawnmower repairs............. ................ 9.28 Treas. of Ontario ... tile dr.deb................................ 51479.92 New Venture Comm...radio reps. 146.98 Theodore Smith..mowing cemeteries............ ................. 315.00 HansAnderson... cleaning floors ................................ 250.00 JackPeti4e... misc. expenses...... ............................. 244.94 Marie Wilson.... overpayment 1979 taxes ........................ 1,422.16 Jack Petrie ...... sal.Sept.16-30..............................•• 535.00 V.VanBelois...... It n tt "................................ 375.00 Mrs. A. Repasy... Mun. Dr.Deb................................... 796.33 L.Moore... Wages Sept.16-30..................................... 270.00 Wm.Underhill...Vienna sal.127.44 mile.$14.50 ft it ...BaVham " 237.96 74.00 ................... 453.90 Rec.Gen... ded.gept............................................. 807.28 Omers..... if "....:... ..................................... 550.06 and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on October 15th. at 7:30 P.M. ...Carried...... Council Chambers Straff ordville , Ontario October 15, 1979 The regular meeting of Bayham Council is held this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sa%dham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 3rd., having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same..............Carried Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Minister of Agriculture & Food..increase in the drain funds of $13,700. 2) Minister of Culture & Recreation..approval of purchase/installation of flood lighting at Richmond Ball Park 3) Town of Lincoln..request to make application for -review of 1979 equalization factors 4) Minister of Housing..approval of funds under O.H.R.P. 5) Tillsonburg & District Multi -Service Centre..request to send representative to meeting, October 25th. 1519 6) Minister of Natural Resources..comments re increase in fees for hunting licences in regulated townships 7) C. I. B. f Commerce..increase in borrowing rates (13�%) Messrs. D ouglas Ort, Terry Ohara, Gordon Callaghan and Dennis Morton representing the London Auto Sport Club meet with Council to present further information in support of their request to have certain roads closed for the purpose of holding a car rally in January of 1980. Mr. Ohara presents a copy of a court decision which indicates that the closing would be legal under the Municipal Act. The Club will carry a $1,000,000. liability policy to protect themselves and the municipality. Legal costs incurred in the adve#ttisin g and passing of the by-laws would be the responsibility of the Club. This type of rally has been conducted in other areas for several years without any accidents. Council's main concern is that the roads requested are utilized as snowmobile roads and the danger of an accident happening as these vehicles are in the habit of crossing atvarious places in the roadway as they are not maintained during the winter. Also, if the snow is removed other vehicles will attempt to travel these roads and could encounter considerable difficulty. After discussion the Clerk is requested to notify the Club that they are unwilling to grant permission for the rally and close the roads as requested for the January, 1980, rally. However, they should fell ftee to approach Council another time for consideration in 1981. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the firm of Spriet & Associates be appointed to prepare a report on the petition for drainage as received from Gene Ketchabaw and others for parts of Lots 15, 16 & 17, Concession 8 ....... Carried A draft copy of a by-law to licence vehicles from which food etc. is sold is reviewed by Council and the Clerk instructed to have a by-law prepared for consideration at the next ragular meeting. Moved by': M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this Council now adjourn ':o meot again on November 7, at 10:00 A.M... .......Carried , , r Clerk Council Chambers Straff ordville , Ontario November 7, 1979 The regular meeting of Bayham Council is held this morning. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and 8ouncillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 15 th., having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signat?..lre authorized on same ........... Carried The followinFr items of correspondence are reviewed: 1) Arrriculture Canad.a..rabiips report..September and October, 1979 2) Elgin Land Division Comm. -severance apolication..Arthur J. Stanat 3 ) Twp. of West Carleton. rer~uest to endorse resolution.. appeal of new factors 4 ) Town of Dunnville.. " " " ..for need for regulations governing railway crossings 5) Town of Vallev East.. " " " ..to petition M.T.C. to review legislation for schoo busses on multi -lane highwav 6) Ministry of the Environment. -copy of the regulation ending the Ministry's responsibilities for derelict motor vehicles 7) Long Point Reg. C/A..reauest to appoint person to committee to assist in development of Watershed Management Strategy 1520 8 ) C. I. B. of Commerce. increase in borrowing rates (142ofl 9) Rural Ont. Municipal Assoc..notice of 1930 conference (Feb 10-13) 10) Spriet & Assoc..acceptance of drainage petition (Lots 15,16,17 Conc. 3) 11) Ont. Municipal Board—appointment of hearing L.D.0 / Fehr re. Lot 117, C.6 12 ) County of Elgin. re,-uest for notification in case of death of ex wardens or Councillors 13) Western Ont. Sports Car Assoc..tenative arrangements for 1931 rally 14) Champion Road Mchne . Ltd.. rQpest to sign promissory note re . r`Y grader pchse 15 ) James F. MacLaren Ltd..draft resolution for modification to Official Plan..Amendment No. 10 Mr. John Engelhardt meets with Council to explain that a newly installed culvert between. Lots 5 PL 6, Conc. 3, is causing him a wbter problem. He suggests that a ditch along the road way to drain water northerly to the Otter Creek would seem to be a solution to this problem. Council agrees to attend at the site to view the problem and attempt a solution. Messrs. John Garrett and Terry Calaghan of the Regional Assessment Office present further information as to tax_ shifts which will occur as a result of the implementation of Sec. 36 provisions of the Assessment Act. They repuest ';o-ncil to make a decision within -two weeks and that the Hon. Lorne Maeck, Minister of Revenue be notified of the decision. Reeve Green is unable to attend the afternoon session of Council Moved b,,T: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That in the absence of Reeve Green. Deputy Reeve Stewart be appointed actinry reeve ........... Carried Mr. Wm. Lane of Ontario Hydro meets with Council to report that the poles presently in use along the township road in Eden are being replaced. The present 16 poles will be reduced to 9. The existing 175 watt mercury vapour street lights can be replaced by 400 watt m. v. or 250 watt high pressure sodium to Five the same lighting intensity. The operating costs for mercury vapour will be more and the high pressure sodium less than presently being paid. Hydro proposes to pay for the fixtures if the area will pay for the new bulbs. After the conv'e'rsion, the Municipality will b- given the opportunity to purchase the surplus 7 bracket arms and 16 heads at a depreciated cost. Mr. Lane will try to have the depreciated value of the surplus arms and heads for our meeting on November 19. Mr. Harold" Dennis meets with Council to revie��? fire matters. He suggests a meeting in the near future to reviei%, information received from the fire college. He also suggests the ordering of 'jaws of life' for January delivery. Mr. Eli Stutzman meets with Council to request road improvements.to the Beattie sideroad where he is building two houses. He reouests a survey to determine the road boundaries for hydro and telephone installations. This being a 66' road allowance, it is felt that hydro and telephone services should be able to locate without too much difficulty. Because of road budget over expenditures it will not be possible to make any improvements this year. Mr. James Gibbons reports on road matters. It will cost approximately $1,500. to replace the transmission in truck 6. He also re^uests that consideration by given to closing the Chute Hill near Vienna as it is becomming increasingly dangerous and is almost impossible to maintain. Mr. Willis Weaver meets with Council to review a proposed subdivision agreement. The terms being satisfactory and providing for the re(',,uirements of the Ministry of Housing in their draft approval, the agreement is approved and the by-law for signing to be passed at this meeting. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council has no objections to the proposed severance of the lands of Arthur J. Stanat being part of Lot 1, Conc. 3, #E 263/79.... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and SEconded by: R. Sandham That this Council endorse the resolution of the Town of the need for regulations governing the installation of devices at railway crossings, and further updating the f ormula; suggesting 1) Automatic Protection Signals shall be provided at prior to exceeding an exposure factor of 500 AADT 2) The cost of each installation of Automatic Signal Dunnville in supporting automatic signal present cost sharing all railway crossings Device shall be shared eouitably between the municipality, the M.T.C., the Railway Crossing Fund and and the Railway Corporations 1521 3) The cost of maintenance of Automatic Signal Devices shall be ecuitably shared between the Railway"Grade Crossing Fund and the Railway Corporations.. ...........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham That t?is Council endorse the resolution of. the Town of Valley East in petitioning the M.T.C. to review the present policy of allowing school children to cross highways with more than two lanes, either boarl? or disembark from the school busses an(q that the M.T.C. reconsider legislation forbidding this practice and that the recommendation be that the children residing on their respective sides be boarded and discharged accordingly...Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the Clerk Treasurer be authorizer? to sign a promissory note in favour of Champion Road Machinery Sales Ltd. in the amount of $55,$5.. without interes maturing January 31. 1930; and with interest at the rate of ll�o over Bank of Montreal rate after maturit,�r, said note representing payment of motor grader purchased October 4, 1979........ Carrier? Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this Col.incil recommend to the Ministry of Housing the followinp. modification to Amendment No. 10 of the Official Plan fcr the East Elgin Planning Area as approved by By-law No. 1992, passed June 6, 1979; 4. Details of Amendment, ii) That Section 1+.3.3.7. is hereby amended by adding a new section Y.3'.3.7. (d) as follows: v ft (d) Within an area shown on Schedule 'A' to Amendment No. 10, only the tableland will be considered for the development of seasonal or permanent residential uses.'t................Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconddd That the following building permits Norman Holden Maple Leaf Mills Ltd. Paul Gundert Albert Kalmbach Walter Willaert Gerard Klein David Yallop Eli Stutzman Davie -I Helsdon &, Eli Stutzman Mitchell Farms Ltd. Ted Procunie r Lloyd Cowan Percy Green Joe Barzo Frank Goncz Jean Challeyssin Joseph Csiskos Ross Carson Farms Ltd. Benner Farms Ltd. Paul Millard. Moved by: M. Schafer and That applications for tile John & Elizabeth Kokenyesi Rand�r & Linda Underhill Randy & Linda Underhill Richard & Marsr Barth by: S. Sandham be approved: storage building $19500. generator building 2,500. greenhouse 6,500. barn addition 137900. utility addition 500. house addition 97500. residence 50,000. residence foundation 101000. residence foundation 101000. greenhouse 119000. two car garage 79238. re -locate kiln 21000. roof & siding 7.495. greenhouse 61000. greenhouse renovations 61000. greenhouse renovations $9000. bunk house 7,000. steel greenhouse 14X0. greenhouse 11,000. re -locate residence 201000.... ............Carried Seconded by: R. Sandham drainage loans be approved as follows: part Lots 1,2 &3, Conc. 3, $189700. part Lot 9, Conc. 1, 39000. part Lot 9, Conc 2, 19800. part Lot 20, Conc. 8, 7,000.... ......Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the Clerk be instructed to prepare a by-law for the closing of the Township's portion of the Chute Hill and that the cooperation of the Village of Vienna be recuested in closing their portion ........ Carried 2001 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham* And resolved that By-law No. 2001 being a by-law to licence which refreshments are sold for consumption by the Public be first time....... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham vehicles from now read a And resolved that By-law No. 2001 be now read a second time.... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2001 be now read a third time and finally passed...... ...Carried f r� 1522 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2002 being a by-law to set remuneration for member of Council be now read. a .first time........ Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2002 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and. Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2002 be now read a third time and finally passed ......... Carried #' UG" Moved by: M. Schafer and Se c onddd by: S. Sandham And resolved that Bir -law No. 2003 being a b,r-law to increase the charged on taxes remaining unpaid from the 3 ist . day of December year they were levied until the same are paid be now read. a first Moved. by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that Py -law No. 2003 be noa read a second Moved. bar: P. Sandhm and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that Ry -law No. 2003 be now read a third passed........ Carried rate of intere; in the time..Carried timp ..... Carried time and finally J12004 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By -la -,e No. 2001 being a by-law to declare part of the North Part of Lot 112, S.T.R.E. municipal lands for park purposes be now read a first time......... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2001 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: 14. Schafer And resolved that By -late No. 2004 be now read a third time and finslly passed ......... Carried ;200') Moved by : M. Schafer and Seconded. by : S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2005 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute a subdivision agreement with C. Willis Weaver for lands situated at Lot 6, Concession 8, in the Township of Bayham be now read a first time....... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded byI M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2005 be now read a second. time.... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that Bjr-law No. 2005 be now read a third time and finally passed....... Carried „`200c Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2006 bein p a by-law to impose a special annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first tim, ........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2006 be now read a seccnd time..... Carried Moved bir: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2006 be now read a third time and finally passed ......... Carried v 71200"r r-?oved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2007 being a by-law to repeal By-law No. 1994 be now read a first time ......... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandhem And resolved that By-law No. 2007 be now read a second time....... Carried Moved bir: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafdr And resolved that By-law No. 2007 be now read a third time and finally passed........ Carried #200. Moved by: R. Sandham and.Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved. that Bir -law No. 2008 being a by-law to repeal By-law No. 1995 be now read a first time .......... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2008 be now read a second time......Carried Moved bir: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2008 be now read a third time and finally passed ........... Carried 72009 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved. that By-law Yo. 2009 being a by-law to stop uand close a d sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham (R.P. 175 be now read, a first time........ Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolvedthat By-law No. 2009 be now read a second time......... Carried 1523 Moved hy: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2009 he now read a third time and finally Passed ........... Carried %Olt Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By -lave No. 2010 being a by-law to stop up and close a road allovIance in the Tovrnship of Bayham (Willsonburg) be now read first time......... Carried Moved b -r: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2010 be now read a second time...Carried Move? by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2810 be now read a third time and finally passed ........... Carried L Moved. by: F. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2011 being a by-law to stop up and a roads allowance in the Township of Bayham (Pt Lot 16, N.G.) be a first time....... Carried Moved b Jr :. M. chafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2011 be now read a second Moved by: S. Sandham amd Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2011 be nolo read a t'n.ird passed......... Carried and sell a close and sell now read time....... Carried time and f inall-- L_ Moved R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2012 being a by-law to repeal By-law adopting Amendment. No. 7, to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Planning Area be now read a first time......... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer No. 1984 And resolved that By-law No. 2012 be now read a second time....... Carried Moved bir: R. Sandham and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that Py -lave No. 2012 be now read a third time and finally passer?......... Carried. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That general accounts totaling *30,593.08 and road accounts totaling *33,758-79 be approved: Roads..vouchers..................................................22,6$0.5. Roads._paylast Oct. 1-15 ....................................... 3162$.93 Roads..pai,r list Oct.,16-31...................................... 79449-32, Treas,.irer of Ontario..OHTP (Sept.) ............................. 63.75-, Foris Farms Inc.. tile drainage loans ........................... 4,265.00, Remi Van DeSlyke.. It " it .......................... 1,965.00 - Hugh Ketcrabaw..t he drain inspections ................0000...... 70.00, Debenture Acct...tile Dr. Deb ................................... 900.09; Ont. Hydro ... Straff ordville St.Maint ...............0............ 123.11 - Olivetti Canada Ltd... office supplies ........................... 92.1.2.. PitneyBovies ... meter rental.. ................ oo ..... o ............ 4$.95, 11m. Underhill ... bldg. conf. erence ( Ottawa) ................... 0 .... 1$7.0$ - Harold Dennis ... fire school.... ................................. 350.00, Ont. Hydro ... st.lt.energy....................................... $25.37 Amtelecom Inc...office & fire hall ..........................0000 ; 117.1$ James S. Davison... animal control........./ ..................... 210.00' R.Green........ council .......................................... 153.75-. M.Stewart... ... ".......................................... 111.00 R.Sandham...... ".......................................... 111.00 S.Sandham...... ".......................................... 100.00.. F*. 1 '1 . S c h a f e r . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 1 . 00 J.Petrie..extra ".......................................... 135.00' J.A.Petrie...salary Oct.1-15••••• .............o-o...o-o...o-o..• 535.00 V.VanBelois.. tt it rt it .................................... 375.00 L . Mo o re . . . . . . it ft it It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 $ 0 . 00 H.Dennis...fire chief -Oct.......... ....... o.00.o ........ o ...... 246.04, R.Grant..D.fire chief -Oct ....................................... 159.35, J.D.Vallee...retirement allowance... ..... o ..... o ... o.o..o ....... 150.00 Rec. Gen.f or Can...postage...................................... 200.00 Dale Prouse... 200 pheasants........ .... o..o .... o..o.o ........... 770.00- Treas.of Ont -...tile dr.deb...................................... 7019.73. Purolator Carrier Ltd...deliver.- radios ......................... 14.00 - Ontario Hydro...office & fire hall... ....... 70.00 - Ontario Hydro...Straff ordville Lts .............................. 2$0.54, Safety Supp.Co...fire dept.suppl................................ 190.95, St.Thomas San.Coll.SIlrv.Ltd... October ........................... 4935.1+5, Dennis" Garage., fire dept.rep.................................. 47.6$, Ont.Hydro... arears coll.... ....... 487.50 -- Village of Vienna...F & C charges coli .......................... 1236,.3 0, Linda Moore...cutting.grass..................................... 1$.00-, Thames Valley Brick & B1dg.Prod... office rep......... ....... o ... 326-32- And that this Council now adjourn to meet again on November 19th., at 7:30 P -M - ....Carried.... CLERK Council Chambers Straf_fordville , Ontario November 19, 1979 The r.epular meeting of Bayham Township Colancil is helm this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Scowtham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: R. San.dham and Seconded. by: M. Stewart That the mini?tes of the regt.zlar meeting* of Council held November 7, having" been examined b�;T the members are hereby approved and the Reevets signature authorized on same ............... , �'arrled Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Long* Point Region C/A..notice of drainage seminar..Nov,30/79 2) Regional Municipality of Waterloo..recuest to endorse resolution_ to delay second reading of revisions to Pits & Quarries Control Act. 3) Ellin County moments Institute..noti.ce of meeting to resume organization of Elgin County Farm Safety Council. 4) Ministry of Apr. & Food..reminder that Drainage Act must be followed in holding drainage courts of revision. 5) Conlen Wrecking Co. Ltd..offer of services to demolish old bridge Mr. Wm. Lane meets with Council to present to depreciated costs of the Eden street lights as discussed at the meeting of November 7th. The installation Of the lights was November, 1971, at a cost of $1,233. Estimating a 26 year life for the lights, the 16 fixt,zres and 7 brackets are now worth $853. Mr. Lane explains that Ontario Hydro is now willing to pay the entire cost, of the conversion with construction of the new line to begin in Januar7,r, 1950. Mr. Jim Gibbons, road si,perintendent, reviews road matters. Mr. Wm. Underhill, building* inspector, reviews building protects. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this Council endorse the resol�ition of the Regional Municipalit.Tr of Waterloo in recvesting the Minister of Natural Resources to delay second reading of Bill 127, an Act to Revise the Pits &. Quarries Control Act, 197., until slUch time as the Regulations to be made under this Act are circulated to Ontario municipalities with 60 days to comment; And further that it be written into the Act that any Regulations which may, from time to time, be promulgated under the Act be circulated to Ontario municipalities with 60 days to comment.............Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That Ontario Hydro be requested to replace 16 existing 175 watt M.V. street lights in the Hamlet of Eden with 9 x 250 watt H.P. sodium street lights during the conversion of the lines through that hamlet at no cost to the municipality and that this municipality offer Ontario Hydro $750. for the/ surplus 16 light fixtures and 7 brackets ....... Carried Moved bY: M. Schafer = end Seconded by: S. Sandham rha.0 1524 Wm ... Vienna 13$.48,Ea,.sham 537-11 ............... 675.59. -Underhill J.A.Petrie... sal.Oct.16-31 ............................... 525.00 it it it *r 300.0 L.Moore...... V.VanBelois.. 11 It ............................... ft" ............................... 375• 00- Rec.Cren.f or Can...Oct.Ded ................................ 77+•45, Omers..... ... ...." n1, ................................ 561.7. And that this Council now adjourn to meet again on November 19th., at 7:30 P -M - ....Carried.... CLERK Council Chambers Straf_fordville , Ontario November 19, 1979 The r.epular meeting of Bayham Township Colancil is helm this evening. Reeve R. Green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Scowtham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved by: R. San.dham and Seconded. by: M. Stewart That the mini?tes of the regt.zlar meeting* of Council held November 7, having" been examined b�;T the members are hereby approved and the Reevets signature authorized on same ............... , �'arrled Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Long* Point Region C/A..notice of drainage seminar..Nov,30/79 2) Regional Municipality of Waterloo..recuest to endorse resolution_ to delay second reading of revisions to Pits & Quarries Control Act. 3) Ellin County moments Institute..noti.ce of meeting to resume organization of Elgin County Farm Safety Council. 4) Ministry of Apr. & Food..reminder that Drainage Act must be followed in holding drainage courts of revision. 5) Conlen Wrecking Co. Ltd..offer of services to demolish old bridge Mr. Wm. Lane meets with Council to present to depreciated costs of the Eden street lights as discussed at the meeting of November 7th. The installation Of the lights was November, 1971, at a cost of $1,233. Estimating a 26 year life for the lights, the 16 fixt,zres and 7 brackets are now worth $853. Mr. Lane explains that Ontario Hydro is now willing to pay the entire cost, of the conversion with construction of the new line to begin in Januar7,r, 1950. Mr. Jim Gibbons, road si,perintendent, reviews road matters. Mr. Wm. Underhill, building* inspector, reviews building protects. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That this Council endorse the resol�ition of the Regional Municipalit.Tr of Waterloo in recvesting the Minister of Natural Resources to delay second reading of Bill 127, an Act to Revise the Pits &. Quarries Control Act, 197., until slUch time as the Regulations to be made under this Act are circulated to Ontario municipalities with 60 days to comment; And further that it be written into the Act that any Regulations which may, from time to time, be promulgated under the Act be circulated to Ontario municipalities with 60 days to comment.............Carried Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That Ontario Hydro be requested to replace 16 existing 175 watt M.V. street lights in the Hamlet of Eden with 9 x 250 watt H.P. sodium street lights during the conversion of the lines through that hamlet at no cost to the municipality and that this municipality offer Ontario Hydro $750. for the/ surplus 16 light fixtures and 7 brackets ....... Carried Moved bY: M. Schafer = end Seconded by: S. Sandham rha.0 1529 14, ASSESSMENT TAX NAME ROLL NO. MONTHS ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTNE, NT Geo. Csakli � 1-101 12 •;� 13 0. 2-08-54 54 Mathew Schafer 4-100 12 1670. 252.36 it rt 12 (600.) (93.93) Victor Knab , 4-121 12 2085. 315.07 John Vincent 5-020-01-0029 12 160, 2..13 Chas.Godby 5-020-03 12 1125. 170.00 Geo.Naswetter 5-113 12 1100. 211.56 Hugh Curry Inv. 5-131 12 2000. 302.23 David & Albert Dyck 1-036 12 365. 55.16 Fred Buti 2-023 9 135• 15.30 Steve Nezezon 2-033 12 530- 37.6. Vandendriessche Farms 2-137-01 5 610. 33.41 Vandondriessche Farms 2-147-00 9 200. 23.19 And;( Geurtjens 2-162 4 1335. 69.76 Roger Ca Bier 2-166 3 30. 3.02 John Nezezon 2-173 12 1102. 166.52 John Ne7ezon 2-179 12 40. 6.04 Robert Gre son 3-005 5 750• 17,22 Allan Cowan 3-012 h 05, 24.43 Robert Gregson 3-011 5 435 • 30.53 Robert Gregson 3-027 5 1300. 31.35 Maelene Millard 3-036 5 550,1 22.03 Tian -,el Mat -os 3-048 10 490. 61.70 Frank Pihokker 3-036 8'. 135. 13-60 Geo. Horvath 3-109-00-0001 12 765% 131.43 Tack DeOliveCra 3-130 11 240. 33.24 T`:'ard Farms Ltd. 4-003 12 540. 31.60 C71adys Hodkin 4-006 12 420. 63-47 Le eRoy Taylor 4-022 6 550. x.1.5 5 Mike Hesch Jr. 4-028-0,e_ 4 220. 11.03 Mike Hesch Sr. 4-028 4 210. 10.53 Geo.Parbier 4-073 11 150, 20.78 John Ho_reth 4-033 6135. 13.97 Barbara Catton 4-101-01 3 100. 11-46 John Howey & Sons. 4-11$ 9 150. 17.00 Ken Walker 4-205 10 3390. 506.77 Rev.Walker 4-359 11 500• 4.92 Antoon Donck 5-005 12 745• 112.58 Norman Holden 5-009-01 3 ,400. 10.29 Michael Hanek 5-012 2 730. 13.;$ Doug. Pettman 5-032 3 2335. 235.60 Archie Heii son 5-041 12 1075. 1,62-45 Russell Mitts 5-061 12 350. 52•$9 Anda,- Dieleman Ltd. 5-071 6 675.. 2..66 Al•lan�-Veitch 5-091 7 535 • 51.57 Walter Chilco-t 5-127 6 725. 54-78 J.Beneze Est. 5-163 12 300. 45.33 Leon Regan 5-135 12 700. 126,6-4 Hugh Ketchabaw 6-012 12 300. 45.33 Dann;l DePlancke 6-053 10 2025. 255.00 Victor Knab 6-094 9 730. $2.73 Geo. Backus 6-103 6 620. 16.35 Ross ^arson 6-135 12 325• 49.56 Stanle�T James 7-007 9 795. 90.10 Mitchell Farms Ltd. 7-070 6 475. 35.33 Nick Enns 3-093 3 4350. 433.23 14, 1525 That-, applications for the drainage loans be approved as Maurice Vereecken & Celestine Vereecken, Lot 19, Conc. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the Minister of Revenue be renuested tp implement Section 86 of the Assessment Act in this municipality values for taxation in 19$0.... Recorded vote: Yea S. Sandham R. Sandham M. Steviatt Nay M. Schafer follows : 27 *3 9 3 00 . .....Carried the provisions of and utilize reassessed .........Carried. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council now ad jo,.zrn to meet again on December 5th. , ar 10:00 A.M. .......Carried Clerk Coun^il Chambers Straf.f ordville , Ontario December 5. 1979 The regular meeting of Ray''lam Township @ouncil is held this morninp. Reeve R. green presides with Deputy Reeve M. Stewart and Councillors R. Sandham, S. Sandham and M. Schafer in attendance. Moved b ;T : M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held November 19, 1979, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reevets signature authorized on same......... Carried Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell..correspondence re. Medina.and franchise agreement for NRG Limited 2) Ontario Farm Prainage Assoc .. notice of conference Jan. 23-25/80 3) City of Windsor—recommendation to include ad hoc grants in calculations for 1980 e^ualization grants 4) City of Barrie..re(,,uest to endorse resolution to oppose separation of Province of Quebec 5) City of North York..re^uest to endorse resolution re a wholesale pricing system to enualize hydro rates d 6) R OMA..inf ormation for general insurance through Association 7) Twp. of Norfolk.. comments with account in payment of Coyle Drain repairs 8) El lin Land. Division Comm..severance application..Gary & Lynn Baer 9) rt it it it it it Gary & Lynn Baer 10) it It 1 It it It it Mathew Schafer Limited 11) Ontario H dro..comments re additional power supply to Tillsonburg area 12) Ministry of Housing—approval of expansion for Max Underhill's Farm Supplies Limited Councillor M. Schafer declares a conflict of interest in item 10, beinp- directly involved in the severance appli-�ation of Mathew Schafer Limited. The several appeals for adjustment of taxes under Section 636A of the Municipal Act and to the Court of Revision are considered by Council with recommendations haviff been made by the Regional Assessment Office. Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That this Council has no objections to the proosed severance of the lands of: Gary & Lirnn Baer, part of Lot 3, Conc. 2, 27$/79 Gary & Lynn Baer, part of Lot 3, Conc. 2, #279/79 Mathew Schafer Ltd. , part of Lots 127-12$ C 28 Conc. 7� � 1/79 ....... .......Carried 1526 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That, the following building permits be approved: Joseph Cnockaert new kiln *49 500. Eli Stutzman residence 33,000. David Helsdon residence 33,000. George Luki greenhouse 21,000. Allan Fisher house addition 201000. Joseph Mezei 4 bulk kilns 11+1000. J. L. Dennis re -roof barn 3,700. Joe Bootle fireplace & chimney 17000. Antoon Donck greenhouse 7,000. John 7amecnik storage barn 4X0- a., 000.Max MaxUnderhill's Farm Supplies workshop 19,000. Max Underhill's Farm Supplies storage shed 30,120. ............Carried. Moved b�r : M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Sandham That applications for tile drainage loans be approved as f oll m7s: Lloyd Covian & Barbara Cowan Lots 20 & 21, Conc. 8, 1161$00. Rene Drieghe & Andrea Drieghe Lot 18, Conc . 4, 4,500. ..........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That appeals for tax adjustments under Section 636A of the Municipal Act and to the Assessment Review, Court be accepted and adjustments made in. accordance with assessments supplied br the Regional assessment Commissioner.. .........Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the f©tic ,,,iing persons be appointed to the Bayham Parks, Recreation & Communit;rCentres Board for one year terms commencing December 01, 19.79:. M. Schafer, M. Stewart, R. Sandham, J. Rarcla,r, J. DeClerc�, D. hIorris and A. Fisher.. .........Carried Moved bz,r: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the following persons be appointed to the Eden Community Centre Board for three year terms commencing December 1, 1979: Margaret DeCloet & Phyllis Ketchabaw..............Carried ,. Moved by': R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the following persons be appointed to the Straffordville Library Baord for one vear terms -commencing December 1, 1979: I Johnson, B. Ryan, D. Clarke, A. Schafer & S. Sandham.........Carried Moved bT: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That, Jesse Dennis be appointed. to represent the Township of Bayham on the Long Point Region Conservation Authority for a one year term commencing December 1. 1979......... Carried Moved b,r: M. Stewart. and Seconded by: R. Sandham That LeRoy Taylor be appointed to represent the Tov,,mship of Bajrham on the Elgin Farm Safety Council for a one year term commencing December 1, 1979.. ........Carried Mover?. by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: R. San1ham That M. Schafer be appointed to represent the Township of Bayham on the Local Agricultural Manpower Board for a one year term commencing December 1, 1979; and that R. Sandham be appointed alternate representative..Carried p Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: M. Schafer That B. Wolfe be appointerl to represent the Township of Bayham on the East Elgin Planning Board for a two year term commencing December 1, 1979.. ..............Carried Moven by: M. Stewart and. Seconded b7r : S. Sandham That the following persons be appointed to the Straffordville Cemetery Board for three year terms commencing December 1, 1979: H. Dennis, M. Mitchell, & W. Ward...............Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the following persons be appointed to the Eden Cemetery Board for three year terms commencing December 1, 1979: W. Baldwin & Geo. Backus with Rev. R. Evans appointed for a one gear term........ Carried 1527 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded. by: M. Stewart That the following persons be appointed to the Guysboro Cemetery Board for three year terms commencing December 1, 1979: Mrs. Fred Ball, Robt. Pall & Marion Knowles ......... Carried Moved b,,r: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That tre follozRjinp persons be appointed to the Dobbie Cemeteny Board for three year terms commencing December 1, 1979: Jas. Tupper & Jas Elliott.. .............Carried Moved by: S. Sandham addSeconded by: R. Sandham That the folowi.nF personas be appointed to the Calton Cemetery Board for three year terms commencing December 1, 1979: A. Kennedy.....Carried Moved by: S. San(lham and Seconded b -r: R. Sandham That the following person be appointed to the Claus Cemtery Board for three year terms commencin.p December 1, 1979: Wm. McAllitter...Carri.er Moved b,'r: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the following person be appointed to the Edison Pioneer Cemetery Board for a three year term commencing December 1, 1979: J. Petrie...Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart That the following persons be appointed to the Light Cemetel"r Board for three year terms commencing December 1, 1979: Dennis Babcock & Peter Laur.. ........Carried Moved bar: M. Stewart and Seconded by : M. Schafer That the following persons be appointed to the Smuck Cemetery Board for three year terms commencing December 1, 1979: Ruth Locker...... Carried. Moved b r : M. Schafer and Seconded b�r : R. Sandham That the following persons be appointed to the Bayham West Cemetery Board for three year terms commencing December 1, 1979: Keith Ber_ner...Carried Moved b -,r : M. Schafer and Seconded_ by: M. Stewart That the members of. Col.lncil be constituted a drainage court of revision under the Drainage Act, 1975,; and that Ronson Sandham is hereby appointed chairman for the said,court.............CarrieA Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart That LeRoy Taylor be paid at the rate of $40. Der meeting for 3 meetings attended at the Elgin Farm Safetv Council .... ....... Carried Moved bar: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham That the following payments for extra services be made for 1979: Reeve R: Green t 00. Depu�;y,Reeve M. Stewart 350. Councillor R. Sandham 300. if S. Sandham 300. it M. Schafer 300. Clerk(Treasurer J. Petrie 300. Deputy Clerk Treasurer V. VanBelois 250. Road Superintendent J. Gibbons 250. Office Clerk L. Moore 200. ...........Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and. Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2013 being a by-law to appoint certain officers in and for the Township of Bayham for a one year term commencing December 1, 1979, be now read a first time.'.........Carried. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that by-law No. 2013 be now read a second time..... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that by-law No. 2013 be now read a third time and finall�r passed ........... Carried 2014 Moved bi,r: M. Schafer and Seconded. by: S. Sandham And resolved that by-law No. 1011 being a by-law to appoint Fence viewers and Pound Keepers in and for the Township of Payham for a one year term commencing, December 1, 1979 be now read a first time ...... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and. Seconded. by: M. Schafer And resolved t -hat by-law No. 2011 be now read a second time....... Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart And res lved that by-law NU. 201. be - now read a third time and finally passe 0 . 0 •C arrl ed of 1528 Moved by: M. Stewart, and Seconded bv : M. Schafer that this Council express their appreciation to Reeve Green for his leadership during the past year..............rarried. Moved her: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart Teat eneral accounts totaling $36,2$2.25 and accounts totalin g ` 40 63.22, re approved; , Roads. payment- vouchers......................................$30,211.3. Road.s..pa1 list Nd'v. 1-15 .................................... 31728.49 Roads..par list Nov. 16-30 ................................... 697.3.49 I.F.S. Ru.siness Products..office si.zpplies.................... 44094 Fernlea Flowers Ltd..flowers for 2 funerals .................. 40.00 r,estetner (Canada) Ltd... office supplies ....................... 37.43 Gilles Therrien..mi.znicipal drain repairs ..................... 670.08 Treasurer of Ontario..water account .......................... 453.15 Electric; Power Accessories Ltd.street liF':t equipment........ 440.31 Debenture Acct. ...Tile Dr.?deb................................ 493.20 Wm. Underhill.... bldg.suppl.& conference ....................... 25.15 H.Anderson... floor maintenance ............................... 30.00 JohnCsinos... mi- n.dr.rep..................................... 308.00 RonaldGreen ...... Council .................................... 112.50 Max Stewart....... ".................................... 104.00 Ronson Sandham.... ".................................... 104.00 Sandra Sandh am.... ".................................... 100.00 Mathew Schafer.... ".................................... 104.00 JackPetrie..extra ".................................... 50.00 JackPetrie....misc. expense ................................. 116.10 Treasurer of Ontario... registration of by-laws. .............. 24.00 Scott Crosley Bld g....Green OITRP ............................. 4000.00 Guest's Burner Sery.... fire hall furnace rep ................. 6..00 W.(' -,.Webster Stat.Ltd... office supol.......................... 66.85 Amtelecom Inc ... office & fire hall sery...................... 101.52 Otter Publishing Ltd ... advt.................................. 25.20 Goodsell Wilson...mun.dr.deb................................. 504.77 Counter -of Elgin... Richmond sidewalk const.r................... 1736.03 TtburF. Commercial Printers... office suppl................... 71+.76 St.Thomas.San. Coll.Serv.....N ov.a/c......................... 4935.45 Torp. of Norfolk...Fasseel Dr. P�Tt...................... . .... . . 52$$.2 Ont. 1Iydro...office & fire hall .............................. 70.00 J.Petrie...sal-N ov.l-_15...................................... 535.00 V.VanPeloi_s.,t tt it "...................................... 375.00 rt tv it it L.Moore........................................... 260.00 Mar,T F.nelson... mi.in.dr.deh................................... 779.10 J.D.Vallee... retirement allovrance ............................ 150.00 B.Dennis...fire chief Nov... ............... o ................. 246.04 R.Grant.... dep.fire chief Nov ................................ 159.35 Wm . t.lnd erhill-Bal,Tham .. sal . t23 8.99 , I'4i l .. ,.t82.2 5 Vienna.. it 167.27 ..x'39.75 ................. 528.17 Treasurerof Ontario.. ... OHIP................................ 63.75 Shell Canada Ltd .... office & fire hall ....................... 158.$8 Safety Supp.Co. fire dept. supnl ............................. 92.79 Treasurer of Ontario...tile dr. deb .......................... 6672.33 Mun.World.Ltd..... office suppl ............................... 73.85 New Venture Com....fire Rept. radio rep ...................... 26.00 Wm. Underhill....mun. dr.deb................................. 2992.36 Ruth Vaughan .... fox 8.00 J.A.Petrie...sal.Nov.16-30................................... 535.00 V.VanRelois.. tt it n,�.........,......................... 375.00 It it it tt I,. Moore....., ................................... 280.00 Wm. Underhill.VayhamSal. 301.90,Supp.W .00,I'�Iil. 82.25....... Vienna 41 .6 , Mil . �;)$. 50 ................... 463.34 Rec. ('Ten ...... Nov.ded........................................ $18.25 tt it Omers.... ............................................. 566.32 and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on Dec. 17th.m at 7:30 P.M. /:........Carried............ CLERK 1529 The rep -).lar meetinFr of Rayham Township Council R. Gileen presides with Depi ty Reeve M. Stewar+ S. San -'ham and M. Schafer in attendance. Council Chambers Straf.fordville, Ontario December 17, 1979 is held this eveninm. Reeve and Councillors R. Sandham, Moved b,,-: r1. Schafer an-? Seconded by: R. Sandham That the min .:.tes of the reg,_:lar meeting of douncil held December 5, havi_nr been examined b; the members. are herebl.- apnroved and t17e Reeve's signatiire authorized on same ............ carried Councillor R. Sandham is excused to attend the meeting of the Elgin County Plowmen's Association being held in St. Thomas th.il evening. He is representinr- tl,e Council of the Township of Ra,.T',am in supporting thdir bid to host the International Plowi_nF Match in 1985. Correspondence reviewed as follows: 1) Agriculture Canada—rabies report, November/79 2) Town of Oakville..recuest to endorse resolution re. a review of legislatio of the transportation of hazardous materials 3) Ministry of. t'ie Environmer_t..n�tification of deferring of rate increase due January/80 4) Ontario Municipal Roard..dismissal of apoeal..L.D.C. 1162/79 (Fehr) 5) E17i.n Count.,, r Plowmen's Association—notice of meeting to promote International Plowin7 Match in 1985 6) Minister of Revenue..acknowledgment of resolution renuesting implementatio of the provisions of Sec. 86 of the Assment Act 7) Frank Cowan 'romAan?T Ltd.. hues letter re. municipal insurance coverage 8) Gibson, Linton. Toth & Campbell. , innuiry as to proceeding against Medina re. gas well tax arrears Mr. James Crane :Deets with Council to discuss a problem of right of way to his propert-T at Lot A, Main St. S/S Corinth. Thi ^ being a legal p*roblem. Council is u ;able to assist and recommends legal advice. Mr. James Gibbons advises Council cf' the condition of the variou3 roads in tre municipality. Mr. Harold Dennis reports to Council on fire the ' iaw , of life' as demonstrates? this past in 19 0, and Nlr. Dennis renuests permission that he check on passible increases in 1950 significant increase an order be placed for matters. It is expected that summer will increase in price to order same. Council re^uests and. if there is to be a delivery in 1950. Mr. William Underhill reports on the various building projects in the municipaliti.r. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded. by: S. Sandham That this Council endorse the resolution of the Town of Oakville in renuesting a full anil comprehensive review of the applicable legislation by the appropriate Provincial amd Federal Ministries with a view towards stricter regulations concerning all aspects of transportation of hazardous materials by rail, air, sea and highway, including but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the labelling & separation of the said hazardous materials.............Carried Moven by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: L"). Sandham 2.�i That the Firemen's Accident Tnsurance policy #67F Iabe increased to $20,000. effective January 1, 1980.............Carried Moved bv: S. Sandham and Seconded bv: M. Stewart That Jos. Volkaert be appointed to represent the Township on a committee of the Long Point Region Conservation Authority to develop a detailed watershed management strategy...............Carried 1530 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the account receivable from Robert Erhardt in the amount., of *93.75 he written off as the property has been sold and the account considered uncolectable ......................Carried. Moved -by: M. Schafer and Seconded. by: M. Stewart . . That the ^notation of Dunnville Rock Products f. or the suppl;r of appro�zmately 450 tons of sntidin mix ``7.7h per ton be accepted ..0060. Carried Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded. by: M. Schafer That Ontario P,,rdro be reruested to install street lights as provided for in B,:r-law No. 2015; and fiiether that the municipality will pa?_ Ontario '.ydro for all costs of the said installation upon receipt of invoices for same......... Carried Moved. .b.,r : r.!. Schafer and Seconded by: S. Sandham That the Treasurer be authorized to purchase a Kinross Mtg. Corp debenture in t?: amount of $6,100. yielding 12j% maturing December, 1980, on behalf of tie cemetery perpetual care fund .............. �arried. Moved by: M. That interest Stewart and Seconded disbursements be mane by: M. Schafer to the various cemetery boards as follot:�as : Straf f ordi.ri lle 20.5715 `l'$69.12 Eden 22.652 957.05 Calton 10.111 427.19 Gu�rsboro 11 054 467.03 • Robbie 9.015 380.$8 Old Port Bun -•fell 5.517 233.09 Smuck 6.220 262.80 Barham V�1est 8.980 379.41 Claus 3.807 160.85 Li gb.t 2.073 87.5 8 100.000 x'49225.00 ........Carried � :...: -!over' by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And .resolved that R Jr-laiv.7 No. 2015 being a by-law to provide for the extension of street, li 7hti.np� in the Township of payham be no��T rear9 a first time ......... Carried Moved, b?r : M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved •that, Ry -lana No. 2015 be now read a second time... "arried Moved b;r: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that, By-law No. 2015 be now read a third time and finali -,�r passed ........... Carried V1 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that By-law No. 2016 being a bir-law to amend Pi, -law No. 1982 providing for the construction of the Fasseel Municipal Drain, and lee ring assessments thereto be now read a first time .....parried Moved by: S. Sandham an? Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2016 be now read a second. time.... Carried Moved. by: M. Stei,,Part and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved that Ry -lava No. 2016 be now read a third time and finally passed. 0000.... Carried 201 �' Moven r Jr : S . Sandham ani? Seconded by : M. And resolved that By-law No. 2017 being; a providing for the levering of taxes for the time....... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: And resolved that Fir -law No. 2017 be now Mover' by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: And resolved that, Py -law No. 2017 be now passed ......... Carried Schafer by-law to amend Py -lama No. 1995A year 1979 be noir read a first M. Stewart read a second S. Sandham read a third time..... Carrier'. time anO fir.all-kr 01,3 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: S. Sandham And resolved. that Ry -law No. 2018 being a by-law to amend Py -law which authorized the borrowing of *500,000. be now read a .first Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: M. Stewart And resolved that Ry -law No. 2018 be now read a second Moved. by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 2018 be noir read a third passed.............Carried No. 1971 time..Carried time..... Carrie(' time and. finally �� Moved b?T: M. Stewart and Seconr?ed by: And resolved that, Ry -law No. 2019 be in r- of the Council of the Townsh _p of Barham a first time .......... Carrie- V Moved by: M. Schafer and SeconT?ed by: And resolved that Fir -jai .7 No 2019 he now Moved by: S. Sandham and Seconded by: And resolved that By-law '`1o. 2019 be now nasse,?.............. Carried S. Sanrlham a by-law to confirm all actions for tte year 1979 'he narw read M. Stewart- read tewartread a second M. Schafer read a third time ... Carried time and finally J Moved by: M. Stewart-, and Seconded by: S. Sandham That this meeting of Council now adjourn to meet again on January 2, 1980, at 10:00 A.M. ........................Carried Ree -ire Clerk