HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1975TOWNSHIP
Council Minutes
Council Chambers
Straff ordville
Janijary 6, 1975
Ba�rram Col.i.ncil met at 10:00 A.M. this morning. This beinp� the inaugural
meetinpr of the 1975-76 Council the renuired declarations were taken hv
all members. Reeve M. Schafer presided with Deputy Reeve R. Green and
Coiincillors R. Sandkiim, M. Stewart and G. Teall in attendan^e.
Reeve Schafer welcomed the new members to Council and briefly addressed
the meetin! g ol,.tlininthe major items which he would like tosee accomplished
durin.r 1975. Each of the members then spoke in reply to the Reeve.
Moved bi.r: R. Green and Seconded bv: R. Sandham
That the mint:tes of the repular meetinp of Council held on December 19, 1974,
having been examined by the members are herby approved and the Reeve's
signature aiithorized on same...........Carried
Corre31ondence reviewed by Council as follows:
Torn Watson (Straff ordville United Church)..offering best wished for success
of new Council during their terms of office
Ministry of the Environment.. confirmation of meeting of December 19, and that
sipms and controll of access to transfer station would
not be enforced at present
Ministr�r of Apriciilture & Food..meetinp on farm safet=,r (Jan. 11+/75 )
G. Sivt,rer.. complaint re. sidewalks, p�arbaFe collection and strebt lirhtinp
The Salvation Armv.. reouest for grant
Ontario Farm Drainage Association..convention program
Ontario Good Raods Association..convention program
Ivey & Dowler..evidence of H. Pattinson and J. Reed re. Medina rate application
Ontario Election Office..acknowledgment of receipt of returns for linuor vote
Moved b -;r: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
TI -at this Council now adjourn to reconvene at 1:15 P.M ....... Carried
Council reconvenes at 1:15 P.M.
M. Gibbons, road superintendent met with Council to discuss road matters.
It is decided to have a road tour on January 15, at 10:00 A.M. to acouaint %
the new members with the current situations and problems.
H. Dennis, fire chief, met with Council to discuss fire matters. It is
necessary that consideration be given to acquiring a newThe
P cifictions at tank truck •.
fire chief was instructed to present specifications e the next meetlnp of
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded. by: R. Sandham
That the Treas,i.rer be authorized to petition the Ministry of Transportation
& Communications for subsidy applicable to road expenditures made in 1974.
Moved b;r: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That a Frart of 8125. be made to the Salvation Army for the year 1975...
Mored by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green A
Teat M.. Schafer. R. r'rreen, R. Sandham, M. Stewart, G. Teall, R. Grant,
J. Parclay, J. Elliott, Rose Laemers and R. DeClercq are hereby appointed
members of the Fayham Parks, Recreation &. Community Centres Board for the
year 1975......... Carried.
Moved bv: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the members of Council shall be constituted as a Drainage Col.zrt of
Revision -,nder the Drainage Act 1962-63 as amended and that Max Stewart
is hereby appointed chairman of tha said Court....... Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That Flake Wolfe be appointed Industrial Develonment Contact for the
1975......... Carried
Moved bv: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That Jesse Der..nis is hereby appointed to represent the Township of Payharn
on the Long- Point Region Conservation A,.atrority for the year 1975...Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: rM. Stewart
That Ivanel Johnson, Bessie Ryan, Doris Clark, Rose Dennis and Geo. Teall
be appointed to the Straffordville Li.brarTr Poard for 1975...Carri ed
Moved b -,:r: G. V"all and Seconded by: M. Stewart
r V
That Janet De'Cloet and Sandra Sandham be appointed to the Eden Community
Centre Roard for three Near terms...... Carried
Moved b.-: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That the followinr persons be appointed to the various
for three year terms:
Edison Cemetery Foard..K. C. Emerson
Calton. Cemeteryr Poard..A. McDowell
Smuck Cemetery goard..Robt. Grep-son
Dobbie Cemetery Board..Geo. Scott & Andy Green
Guvsboro Cemetery Poard.. Cecil Fall, Do Alas Swinr. and
Straffordville Cemeter,r Board..T.I. Chute, F. Lester and
Eden Cemeterkr Foard..W. Pnrwell, and G. Moore with Rev.
Rai,rham West Cemetery Board..Clarence Milmine
Claes Cemetery Board .Mac Gibbons
Li7ht Cemetery Board..Chas. Ball and Lol..,ise MacDonald
Old Port Bunnell Cemeteryr Poard..Wm. s
cemetery baords
Mrs. Fred Pall
L. Wats':
Fihdla .r for one yrear
T'leaver and Wm. Follyrnood
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this municipality renew its membership in the Association of R,iral
Municipalities and that all members of Council be authorized as delegates to
same........ Carried
Moved by: C.. Teall anal Seconded by: M. Stewart
That, this municipalittr renew its membership in the Ontario Good Roads
Association and that all members of Council, the road s,zperintendent and
clerk be authorized as delegates to same ... .....Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this municipality renew its membership in the Ontario Farm Drainage
Association and that the drainae commissioner be authorized as delegate
to same....Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded b -,r : "'I. Stewart
That this municipality renew its membership in the Association of Municipalitie
of Ontario and that ail members of Council be authorized as delegates to same.,
.......Carried - ,
Moved bye. 0. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That this muni_cipalitr renew its membership in the Ontario Association
of Fire Chiefs and that, the fire chief &/or his deputy be authorized as
delegates to same........ Carried
'Moved bl.,: R. Sandam and Seconded bir : R. Green
That this municipality renen the membership of the Clerk in the Association
of Municinal Clerks & Treasurers of Onta ' o and that the clerk be a,ithorized
as delagate to same........ Carried
1,1oved bv: G. Teall ard. Seconded by: M. Stewart
That pursuant to Sec. 233 of the Municipal Act, the blanket position bond
of the Township employees having; been examined b -r Coi
Mcil is hereby approved
and, the Clerk directed to file same in the township vault....Carried
71oved b-,: R. Sandham and Seconded bv: G. Trall
That road employees be instr„,cted to waAr safet?r clothin7 at all time_”
d>>_rin r workin p hours ...... Carried.
Moved h7,: R. Green and Seconded b r : R. Sandham
And resolved that Ry -law r'o. 1848 beim a Tvr-lalvt to authorize the borrowin.7
of *350,000. be nowread a first-time ..... Carried.
Moved bv: R. Sandham and Seconded. b -v : R. Green
And resolved that By-jv-r No. 1848 'he now read a second time...Carried
Moved by: rTl. Stewart and Seconded btr: %all
.And resolved that Ry -lana No. 1848 be now rearl a third time and finall7.r
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 1849 beim a by-law to appoint Fence -viewers
and Pound -keepers in and for the Township of Bajrham for the gear 1975 be
now read a first time....... Carried
•loved by: R. Sandham and Seconded bar: ryreen
And resolved that By-law No. 1849 be now read a third time......Carried
Moved bv: M. Stewart and Seconded btr : G. Teall
And resolved that Bzr-latf7 No. 1840, be now read a third time and finally
passed.... ...Carried a
#1850 Moved ', r4 G. Teall and Seconded by: "I. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1$50 being a by-law to appoint certain officers
in and for the Township Bf Falrham for the gear 1975 be now read a first
Moved bT- : M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that By-law No. 1850 be now read a second time... Carried
moved. b,r: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that B,r-law No. 1850 be now read a third time and finally
passed ....... Carriec
Moved bv: R. Green and Seconded b7r : R. Sandham
That the volunteer firemen be paid at the rate of X12. per call and practice;
provided however, that firemen who attend at least 505 of all fires and
practices be paid an additional $3o for each fire and practice... Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and. Seconded b7r. M. Stewart
That the fire crief be paid •*1, 000. per ann?un........ Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded bvo R. Green
That the deputy fire chief be paid t750. per annum.....Carried
Moved by:
That the
•)�i975 plus
G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
buildinfr inspector he paid at the rate of .t, 4. per hour for the year
.180 per mile for the ?ase of his automobile.......Carried
Vaf Moved b- r : 0.
That the road
Der annum for
Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
emplolrees be paid at the rate of $4.25 per hour plus 1100.
safetir clothing, pairable .t50. January 15 and t50. June 15...
Moved b -r: r. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That the road s,perimt,endent be paid t12,780. per annum for the year 1975 r
plus *100. for safety clothing , payable *50. Janizary 15 and ¢50. Jiine 15...
Moved by: R. green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the salary of V. VanBelois be X7500. per annum for the
year 1975...
Moved by G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That Lorraine Moore be paid at the rate of #3.70 per hoer for the year 1975..
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the salar,.r of the Clerk -Treasurer be $13,500. per ann-.gym for the year
1975......... Carried
Moved by: �_. Teall and Seconded by:
M. Stewart
That general accounts totalinF $244,693.11
and road accounts
$16,539.44 be approved:
Roads..payment, vouchers....................................`11,295.77
Roads..pal,r list Dec. 1-15 ..................................
Roads..p;ty list Dec. 16-31 .................................
Registry Office..October conveyances .......................
Jahn Weston. .slirvey..road closing. . . .
. 10 0 0 a * 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 . 0 Of 0 a 0 0
Ontario Eydro..Richmond street light
rep ....................
Lake Erie Fu els..of.fice and fire hall
Registry Office - reFisterinF bar -laws
Steve & Ola Nezezon - the drainage Loan
Steve & Helen Stefan - " "
" ...................
39$70.00 -
Walter Nelson ........." "
" inspections.......
Tillsonburp Comm. Printers - election
it News - legal and election
Mun.World Lt.d. - dog taFs 72.00 & election
si vp. 244.88. .. ..
Debenture a/c ..... office .......................
....... .....
it ft .....tile drainage ............................
Murrey Scanlan....election.................................
Murra-%r Emerson.... ".................................
Ruth Locker....... ".................................
J.D.Vallee........ ".................................
L: -le Walsh........ "..............................,,.
Alonzo Hagell..... ".................................
Catharine McDowell. ".................................
JeanSimn aon...... ".................................
Hazel Graves...... ".................................
Jack Petrie....... ".................................
Gerald Clarke..... ".................................
Wilma Lipht....... ".................................
LyleLemon........ ".................................
Geo.Cameron....... ".................................
BessieRyan....... ".................................
Brenda Chilcott... ".................................
Wm.Underhill...... ".................................
DorothyAcre...... ".................................
Kathleen Shaw..... ".................................
V.Van Belois...... ".. ...............................
Lorraine Moore.... " .................................
Trinit:7 Anglican Chirc�- ".................................
Straff.Comm.Centre Bd.."".................................
Corinth United Church.. ".............................;...
Eden Baptist Church.... ".................................
Richmond United Church. ".................................
Ronald Phillips........ ".................................
Warner Taylor ....... fox bounty ................
Aylmer Fipure Skating Club.Y.grant.........................
J.Dennis........ Council ....................................
M.Schafer....... "....................................
V.Chute......... it ....................................
R.Green......... it ....................................
B.Wolfe......... "....................................
J.Petrie... ..... extra service ..............................
M.Gibbons...... .
L.Ploore......... ..............................
lgm.Underhill.... h1_dF�.inspections...........................
Leroy Taylor .... fox bounty .................................
Harold Dennis...fire calls .................................
Robt.Grant..... . tt it .................................
Perry Grant..... tr ".................................
Norm Rates...... ".................................
Robt. Hoshal.... t� ��............:....................
Walter Moore.... *t ".................................
LeRoy Taylor ........... fire calls ......................... 114.00
Merlyn Norris.......... n rr 23.1.00
Jim Gibbons............ It it ......................... 182.00
Ronson Sandham..... .... It it ......................... 72.00
Gary '1'�a t s c k e .......... rr rr . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 , . 6 . 00
Peter Chmarney...... .., rr rr 224,00
r'len Parsons........... " ►' 147.00
Robt.DeRrabender... .... it" 15.00
Pasil Nevill........... rr .r ........ , 0 0 0 0 . , .......... 16.00
An d v T a Z.r 1 o r . . . . . . . . . . . . rr rr . . . . . . . . . , , • . . . 00 . . . . . . . . t 'x / . 0 0
F ran k Re i se r . . . . . . . . . . . rr tr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . 00
Stuart McKenzie........ rr rr ......................... 24.00
Mac Gibbons..,........# rr rr ......................... 13.00
Jack Parcla,r........... " " 6.00
Jack Petrie............ rr rr ......................... 6.00
Jack Nevill............ rr rr 6.00
Jim Gibbons ... .Straff.St.Lt.Maint........................ /� 120.000
Elfrin Cty.Bd•of Educ.... '�.
al•levy•........................ 76,840,00`
ElminR..C.S.S.Bd......... rr rr .......................... 5,637.63\
Ctr.of Elpin........121,159.62%
Rel. Offic:e..............14ov, conve7lances................... 7.20
Straff,Comm.CentreBd.... library rent ......................
J.Petrie....... election milea.ge........................... 17.10
H.Dennis....... fire 60.00
R.Grant..... D..fire chief -Dec .......................00.06, 35.00
St.Thomas San.Coll.Sery................................... 1,944,18.
Advance Container of Can.Ltd .............................. 691.$0
Grant Motors........fire trick ren ........................ 7.35
H.Roloson...........1 Dr.Reo ............................. 48.00
J.A.Petrie.....Sal.Dec.l - 15 ............................. 350.00
V.VanPelois.... rr rr rr rr............................. 200.00
Willis rarr.... mower repairs ......................0.0.00.. 1.50
J.D.Vallee.....retirement allowance ....................... 150.00
Clayton Jackson ..... ..tree ................................ 4.50
Ronald Valirhan........f ox bounty .......................... $.00
Town Gate Inn ......... employee'dinner..................... 353.50\
Howard Roloson........ Winter Dr ........................... 6.00
nrr ........ 1 Dr.Rep.......................... 42.00
Al 8:/or Ivy Srti:Nf
irris.....i_,,n.Dr.Peh..... . ...............:. 3, 609.$3.
Walt-er Nelson....... Dr.Rep ............................... 21.57
Straff.Comm.CentrePd.... grant ............................. 600.00.
Peter Brown & Co.. ...... interim audit fees ................ 1,400.00•
J, Dennis ......... .... ...Co?zncil............. .......0000... 70.00
T% Schafer ............... It ,.......................... 32.00
V.Chnzte.................. " ........................... 32.00
R, �Treen.................. ►► ........................... 33.75
F3.Wolfe.................. " ............................ 32.00
Ont.Hvdro......... office & firehall....................... 120.65
W.G.Webster Stationer;r Ltd....off.supp.................... 11.61
D.R.Ryckman Constr.Ltd..... Com.Cer_tre r?iaterial............ $96.00.
Geo.Beard...............Corinth 23.57
Lake Erie Fuels.. ....... offite & fire hall ................ 85.67
Hotchkiss Appliance.....office supp....................... 3.$5
Leo Presse,,, .............fence viewer...............,...... 12.75
Workmen's Comp. Rd.. .... fire 496.82
Cty.of Elgin ........ ....Sec.43 taxes ...................... 1,364,02.
Elgin Cty.Bd.ofEducation.'t '► it ...................... 4,723.48-
ElinCty.R.C.S,S, Bd..w...rf r► rr....................... 374.22
Wm.Underhill .............building inspections............. 97.60
Mike Peidl.......... tax overpayment :**:::*:*000000f0000... 648.00.
Mike Peidle......... rr rr .................. 25.00
J.A.Petrie.......... Sal. Dec. 16-31......... ............ o 300.00--
V.Van Relois... ..... rr r1 r, rr......................: 192.00
L. Moore............ rr rr 1 -31 ....................... 202.37
Rec. General ..... ...Ded. Dec .............................. 359.65
Omers............... it 223.44 .
that this Coizncil now of journ to meet ap-ain on Febriian, 3, 1975, at 10:00
0000 Carr�_.ed 0000..
A. M.
Council Chambers
Straff ordville , Ontario
Jan i) a rlr 15, 1975
A special meeting of Council was held toda-T for the purpose of attendinp.
a tour of towinship roads and other matters. Attendinp. were Reeve M. Schafer
and Deputy Reeve R. Green ti7ith Councillors R. Sandham, M. Stewarrtand
r, Teall. Mr. Frank Clarke of the r.2inistrir of Transportation & ommunications
Road Sliperintendert M. Gibbons and Clerk J. Petrie at+ended on the to,ir.
Coiincil left the municipal office at 9:30 A.M. by bas rented from T.& S.
Coact Lines and after viewing 1974 -works and suggested 1975 works returner!
to the office at 2:15. P.M. A tenative 1975 budp-et -was reviewed with.
Mr. Clarke.
Council then proceeded with other matters:
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the resolution passed by Council on January 6, 1975 with reference
to the ',`manes paid to the b,iilding inspector be recinded..... Carried
Moved by: R. Creen and Seconded by: n. Teall
That the building inspector be paid at the rate of d'5- per ho,zr plus .1$¢
per mile for the use of his automobile during 1975 ..... �,arried
Moved bv: R. Sandham and Seconded by: 7. Stewart
That Flake Wolfe and Ronald Green be appointed members of. the East Erin
Planning Board for the year 1975 with Reeve Mathew Schafer as member
ex officio Carried
Fire Chief 11. Dennis presented Co=cil with some preliminary quotations
he had received for a new tanker chassis. Council decided that they would
examine tY e enuipment used bar the Township of Malahide on January 21 in
the evenin7'if arrangements can be made.
Moved by : R. Sandham and Seconded b -r : TI. Stewart
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn ... .... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
Janary 21, 1975
A special meeting of Parham Council was held this evening- for t? -,e pJrpose
of disci.assin# the proposed purchase of a new fire tanker truck. Reeve M.
Schafer presided with Deputy Reeve R. Green and Councillors R. Sandahm,
M. Stewart and G. Teall in attendance. H. Dennis and R. Grant attanded:'.alse.
At 7:15 P.M., Council, with the exception of Reeve Schafer, visited the
Townsrip of Malaride Fire station No. 2 for the purpose of ex..amininr the
enuipment at that station ret?.irninp to the Council Chambers at. approximately
8:30 P.M. Discussion followed with the concensus beinFr that a 2,000 Palon
tank tandem truck is necessary for township needs. The locating* of a station
in north Bayham with manpower and ho!isinr reotArements was also discussed.
The Clerk was directed to contact Nordic Steel Prodil,cts Ltd. and King Seagrave
Ltd. to set -,p a meetinfr with their representatives to obtain specifications
and recommendations. The meeting is tenatively set for Jan,.zart- 28 at 2:00 P.M.
Moved bt>r : R. Green and Seconded b,.• : R. Sandham
That remuneration for Councillors be set at U0. for rep�zlar meetings and
)20. for special meetings with the Clerk to receive councillors remuneration
for meetings at other than normal working hours....... Carried
Moved bl, : M. Stewart and Seconded b-17: \_T. Trall
That mileafre rates for use of�personal automobiles be .20¢ per mile with a
minimiim rate of �`�2........... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandh-a;Q and Seconded by :R . Green
That Harris Teall be paid gl)60.
at the Medina Natural Gas Co.
for time spent in assisting the municipality
Ltd, application for rate increase... Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That this special meetinf- of Council now adjol.zrn......... Carried
Col..zncil Cham'-Jers
Straf.f ordville , Ontario
Jan,,ar-r 28, 1075
A special meeting of Pat -sham Co,?.ncil is held this afternoon for the pl.zrpose
of meetinf- with representatives from Kinf- Seagraves Lt ? . and Nordic Inter-
national Ltd. respecting the purcrase of a fire tanker truck. Reeve M.
Schafer presided wits Deputtr-Reeve R. C'=reen and Coim—illors R. Sandham,
M. Stewart and. G. Teall in attendance.
Mr. Howard McKa7T representing Ki.np Seagraves meets with Council at 2:00 P.M.
All Kin rr Seagraves tanks meet with CSA Standards and Federal Vehicle
Safet-- Standards. A 2,000 calor_ tank would have a tandem chassis. The tank
must be circ 11ar or elintical as a rectan'Pular tank woT_ild be most lxnsatis-
factorci. Approximatelir one Near will be reouired for deliiaerv. The cost is
estimated to he 4}13 ,000, plias chassis. KinFr Seagraves terms will be 10o
witl order, 20,10 upon delivery of chassis (if supplied b,r them) and the
balance on delivery of tanker. An esculation clause based i_xpon the B.B.S.
index will be part~ of their contract. A firm price is to besubmitted to
Council b,r Februar,r 14 for consideration.
Mr. Wilf 1-lampson meets with Co?.zncil at 300 p.m. reprsenting Nordic Internat-
ional. All Nordic tanks meet CSA Standards and Federal Vehicle Safety Standard.
Mr. Hampson feels t�:at a 2,000 Pal. tank can be placed on a single axel
chassis. A circular or eliptical tank is recommended. Approximately 4 mon+--hs
will be required after the deliver,- of chassis (if supplied b;r Bayham) .
Tre cost `is estimated to be t�18,000. phis chassis. Nordic terms will be lor.
vritr order, 2M of balance upon deliver,r of chassis (if si.;pplied b-?' Nordic)
and balance �.)pon delivery= of tanker. An escalation clause will be Dart of
their contract with prices subject to esci?lation + 10°4, subject to audit. A
one 7 -ear warrant?- will be given on all equipment s�_lpplied by Nordic. A
performance bond will be riven if reoliested by Council. A firm price is to
be submitted to Col.incil b?r Febrlar�- 14, for consideration.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded bar: R. Green
That this special meet -.in, of Coi.zncil ' now adjourn .... .... , . Carded
P4oved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That, this special meet-,in#r of Council now adjourn...... ... Carried
Council Cham'hers
Straffordville, Ontario
Jan,2ar7,r 28, 1075
A special meeting of Pa --ram Coi.incil is held this afternoon for the purpose
of meeting with representatives from Kinrr Sea7raves Ltd. and Nordic Inter-
national Ltd. respecting the purchase of a fire tanker truck. Reeve M.
Schafer preside,t with Deputy-Reelre n . Green and Co, ncillors R. Sar_dham,
M. Stewart and r. Teall in attendance.
Mr. Holvaard McKatr reoresentinr Kin? Seagraves meets with Council at 2:00 P.M.
All Kine Seagraves tank.s meet wit: CSA Standards and Federal Vehicle
Safet-Standards. A 2,000 salon tank shoiild have a tandem chassis. The tank
must he circular or eliotical as a rectangular tank wo,.zld be most lznsatis-
factorl,. Approximately one -rear will be recuired for deliVerv. The cost is
estima tea to be $13,000. phis chassis. Kine Seapraues terms -will be 105
wit}7 order, 20` upon deliver -Nr of chassis (if supplied bTr them) and the
balance on delivery of tanker. An esculation clause based upon the D.D.S.
in�'ex will be part of their contract. A firm price is to be � submitted to
Council br Pebrilar-r 14 for consideration.
Mr. Wilf Hampson meets with Council at 300 p.m. reprsentinp Nordic Internat-
ional. All Nordic tanks meet CSA Standards and Federal Vehicle Safet,,� Standard
Pyr. Hampson feels that a 2,000 Fral. tank can be placed. on a single axel
chassis. A circular or eliotical tank is recommended. Approximately 4 months
will he required after the deliverer of c�iassis (if suDnl' ied b., �3ayham) .
The cost, is estimated to be ¢18, 000. plus chassis. Nordic terms will be 10°o
vaith order, 2Mo of balance upon deliverTT of c�;assis (if supplied h-,- Nordic)
and balance upon delivery of tanker. An escalation clause will be part of
their contract with Prices si.lb ect to escalation + 10,70 snbject to audit. A
one Tear warrants- will be giver. on. all egi,ipment s 1pplied Nordic. A
performance bond will be given if requested b-,.- Council. A firm price is to
he submitted to Council Utr Febrilar- 14, for consideration.
Moved bar: R. Sandham and. Seconded bir : R. Green
That this special meet.inr- of Council noir adjourn.......... Carded
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
February 3 , 1975
The regular meeting of Council for the month of February was held to -day.
Reeve M. Schafer presided with Deputy Reeve R. Green and Councillors R.
Sandham, M. Stewart and G. Teall in attendance..
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting held January 6, and special meetings
held January 15, 21 and 28, having been examined by the members are hereby
approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same..... Carried
The following items of correspondence are reviewed:
Dept. of Agriculture..rabies repvrt..December, 1974
Bayham Historical Society..recommendation that records be stored at U. W. O.
Twp. of South-West Oxford..termination of fire agreement in December, 1975
A. M. Spriet & Assoc..invitation to Good Roads convention
Min. of Community & Social Services..notification of grant re. Aylmer pool
Min. of Trans. & Communications.43 highway feasibilit study meeting. Feb. 12
C. I. Bank of Commerce..decrease in borrowing rates %)
Ontario Humane Society..suggested by-law to control cats
Min. of Treas. Econ. & IGA..licencing of mobile homes
Ont. Building Officials Assoc..passing of Bill 62 -to provide uniform bldg. reg.
Town of Watford..request to endorse resolution re fines in Provincial courts
Manpower & Immigration..information re 'Opportunities for Youth' program
Ability Fund..request for grant
Aylmer Minor Hockey Association..request for grant
Tillsonburg Minor Hockey Association..request for grant
Aylmer & East Elgin Agricultural Society..request for grant
Committee for Migrant Workers..report and recommendations to assist workers
Community Services Council..opening of information centre
Ontario Assoc. of Rural Municipalities..vacancy on board od directors
Min. of Treas. Econ & IGA..Bill 161..re Motorized Snow Vehicles Act
Min. of the Environment..acknowledgement of resolution (Twp. of March) (glass)
R. K. McNeil..Acknowledgement of resolution (Town of Seaforth) (waste disposal)
R. K. McNeil..Acknowledgement of resolution (County of Grey)(subsidize workers)
Min.oT Trans. & Communications..placing of buildings within 150 ft. of highways
Ontario Assoc. of Municipalities..convention notice Feb. 9-11
Messrs. John and Ray Morse met with Council to request the hard surfacing of
2 streets in the hamlet of Richmond. John Street and the extension of James
Street. Also, they brought to the attention of Council the need for some
sidewalk repairs in the vicinty of the Tichmoru:-Store and mail boxes.
Mr. Geo. Cameron met briefly with Council to discuss the current insurance
coverage of the municipality. It was decided to have a thourough review
at the March meeting and to have a representative from Frank Cowan Co. in
attendance at 3:00 P.M.
Road Supt. M. Gibbons and Fire Chief H. Dennis met with Council to discuss
matters pertaining to their respective departments.
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this Council endorse the resolution of the Corporation of Watford that
the Attorney General undertake a review of the practices in the Provincial
Courts, Criminal Division with respect to the imposing of fines, charging
of second offences, providing time for payment of fines and suspending
fines........ Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this Council support the application of Pat Teall and others in their
application for an 'Oportunities for Youth' grant to operate a day camp for
children during July, 1975......... Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That a grant of $50. be made to the Ability Fund for the year 1975 ... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: G. Teall
That a grant of $75. be made to the Aylmer Minor Hockey Association for )
the year 1975.....Cartied
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That a grant of $75. be made to the Tillsonburg Minor Hockey Association
for the year 1975 ... ....Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That a grant of $100. be made to the Aylmer & East Elgin Agricultural
Society for the year 1975...... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That in response to question #1 of the questionairre submitted by the
Association of Municipalities of Ontario this Council does not favour
any change of the present date for municipal elections.... Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That in response to question #2 of the questionairre submitted by the
Association of Municipalities of Ontario this Council feels that Monday
is the most appropriate day for a municipal election...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
That in response to question #3 of the questionairre submitted by the
Association of Municipalities of Ontariothis Council feels that the new
council should assume office on January lst. following election... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Secoddod by: M. Stewart
That in response to question #4 of the questionairre submitted Up the
Association of Municipalities of Ontario this Council feels that the present
two year term of office for municipal councils is appropriate... Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That in response to question #1 (part B) of the questionairre submitted
by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario this Council does not
favour a change in the fiscal year end for municipalities... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That phis Municipality -make a grant of $6,325. to the Town of Aylmer to
assist in the construction costs of the municipal swimming pool and diving
tank...... Carried
Mr. Willis Weaver meets with Council to reqquest approval in principle for
a proposed sub division of land in Lot 6, Conc. 8, which had been previously
submitted to the East Elgin Planning Board. The construction of necessary
roads and services would be the responsibility of Mr. Weaver.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by; R. Green
That this Council approves in principle the proposed
of the propoerty of Willis Weaver being part of Lot
plan to be subject to a sub division agreement being
any development being commenced ....... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That building permits be approved as follows:
Sydney Johnson remodelb residence
Mitchell Farms Ltd. erect new greenhaouse
George Haley front entrance on home
plan of sub division
6, Concession 8; said
completed prior to
500 ... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the membership of the building inspector be renewed in the Ontario
Building Officials Association ........ Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the Province be requested to carry out an inspection of the bridges
in the municipality and make recommendations for limiting gross weight..
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
That the Council of the Township of Bayham request the Minister of Housing
for a Community Planning Study grant in the amount of $3,684. (calculated
on the basis of the East Elgin Planning Board's cost sharing formula) to be
spent in the final preparation of the East Elgin Official Plan and zoning
by-law s ........ Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That the application of Allan and Mildred Fisher for a tile drainage loan
in the amount of $15,000. on Lot 15, Conc. 5, be approved ....... Carried,
Ill8 � 1. Moved by : M. Stewart and Seconded by : R. Sandham 5
And resolved that By-law No. 1851 being a by-law to amend By-law No. �S662
(bldg by-law) be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 1851 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1851 be now read a third time and finally
passed...... Carried
112 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 1852 being
1975 a levy be made before the adoption
now read a first time ..... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M.
And resolved that By-law No. 1852 be now
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R.
And resolved that By-law No. 1852 be now
passed........ Carried
R. Green
a by-law to provide that in the year
of the estimates for the year be
read a second time ... Carried
read a third time and finally
##1853 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Tall
And resolved that By-law No. 1853 being a by-law to provide for the
appointment of members to the East Elgin Planning Board for 1975 be now read
a first time...... Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 1853 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 1853 be now read a third time and finally
passed....... Carried
##185. Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1854 being a by-law to impose a
special annual
drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed
under the
Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that By-law No. 1855 be now read a second time ...
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 1855 be now read a third time and
passed ......... Carried
Moved by: k. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That general.accounts for 197.4 totaling $2,279.13 and general
accounts for
1975 totaling $31,753.23 and road accounts for 1971 totaling
and road accounts for 1975 Iota- ling $7,547.01 be approved;
Roads..1974..payment vouchers...............................$2,687.96
Roads..1975..payment vouchers ........................00.00..
Roads..pay list Jan. 1-15 ...................................
Roads. -pay list Jan. 16-31 ..................................
Receiver General for Canada..fire dept. radio licences.....
D. R. Ryckman Constr. Ltd..balance Straffordville Drain.....
Aylmer & Malahide Telephone Co..fire telephones.............
Hawkins Feed Co..turkeys....................................
D. VanDeveyere..tax ever payment ............................
Ted Tait.. " " ............................
Stanley Oleka.. " " ............................
Isidore Volkaert.." " ............................
N. Bruce Hedges.. " " ............................
David Simmons.,
Verne Soper.. " " ............................
Arthur Seghers.. " " ............................
Safety` Supply- Co..fire dept. repar.rs......................
Olivetti Canada Ltd..office supplies ........................
Ontario Hydro..(Corinth..$17.50; Eden..$204.76;
Straffordville..$200.12; Richmond..$63.75)
Registry Office..December conveyances.......................
Tillsonburg News..advertisement .............................
James S. Davison..animal control ............................
Olivetti Canada Ltd..Logos 55 ...............................
Forest City Copiers..office
supplies ........................
Lake Erie Fuels..oil..office & fire hall ....................
Treasurer of Ontario..tile drainage debentures.... 00000*****
Ronald Vaughan..fox bounty... ...............
Geo. & Johanna Geurtjents and Jerry & Josina Lleinsererink..
•000•..tile drainage loan,
79165.00 **-,
Roger & Paula Casier..tile drainage loan .......... ........$2,180,00--.
Paula Casier.. n » n 1,880.00..
Frank & Eva Rosenberger." " " 4,865.00.
Walter Nelson..tile drainage inspections .................. 110.00
Mrs. Anna Repasy..municipal drain debenture ............... 1,511.66.,
Ontario Farm Drainage Association..membership............. 15.00
Ministry of Natural Resourses..trees...................... 30.00
Association of Municipal Clerks & Treasurers..membership.. 20.00
Salvation Army..grant..................................... 125.00
Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs..membership............ 30.00
Association of Municipllities of Ontario..membership...... 163.36
Ontario Good Roads Association..membership................ 25.00
Marie Patkus..pigs killed ................................. 225.00
Roger Casier..livestock valuation ......................... 12.00
Paul Brackenbury..fox bounty .....................00.00.... 1.00
J.A.Petrie..salary Jan 1-15 ............................... 125.00'-.
L. Moore.... n n n n 173.00
V.Van Belois. » n n » �.............................. 262.00
J.D.Vallee..retirement allowance ......................0000 150,00
Rec. General for Canada..building code .................... 31,00
Gibson,Linton & Toth..legal account ....................... 930.75,
Ontario Education Capital Aid Corp..school debentures..... 2365.00,
Treas. of Ontario..tile dr. deb ........................... 678.15,
Ont. Hydro..office........................................ 50.00
Mun. World.Ltd..subscriptions ............................. 188.00
Ont.Assoc. of Rural Mun.... membership ..................... 75. 00
St.Thomas San. Coll.Sery.................................. 1914.18,-...
Advance Container of Can. Ltd ....................0000..... 691.80
Harold Dennis...fire chief ................................ 83.33
Robt. Grant...dep.fire chief .............................. 37.50
Lake Erie Fuels..office & fire hall ....................... 98.66
Elgin Cty.Bd. of Education ... bal. 1971 a/c ................ 89.86
M.Schafer.....Council..................................... 166.00
R.Green....... " 0000 ................................. 115.00
R.Sandham..... " 0000 ................................. 106.00
M.Stewart..... " 0000 ................................. 106.00
Geo.Teall..... n ..................................... 189.00
J.A.Petrie....extra council ............................... X0.00
Harrik Teall....medina appeal ............................. 60.00
Reg.Office... tax reg. prop..... ....... o.,00000*00000*000 4.00
David Causyn...1974. dog tag sales ......................... 489.00-,,
Dewey & Geraldine Ward...1974 tax overpayment............. 1.06
Hugh & Nellie Ketchabaw.. " " " ............. 5.79
Konrad & Katharina Stickel... tax 1974. overpayment......... 18.4.0
Wm.Underhill...building inspections....................... 121.20
J.A.Petrie...sal...Jan.16-31 .............................. 4.25.00
V.Van Belois. » n n n .............................. 262.00
L Moore0000., 51-80
Rec.Gen.for Can ... ded.Jan................................. 336.58
Owers ............. " n.......................... 0000.. 1?7.48
That this Council naw adjourn to meet again on Marc 3, 1975 at 10:00 A.M..,
Council Chambers, Straffordville
February 10, 1975
A special meeting of Council was held this afternoon for the purpose of
reviewing quotations received for the purchase of a chassis for the fire
tank truck. Reeve M. Schafer presided with Councillors M. Stewart and G.
Teall in attendance.
Tenders received as
Eastgate Ford
LNC' 880
AI,b Sloat Distributors
Ltd 1975
LNT 880
Grant Motors Ltd.
ME 67013
Sherway Ford Sales
LNT 880
Harvey Krotz Ltd.
LNT 880
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That the tender of Grant Motors Ltd. for a 1975 ME 67013 Chev. tandem
in the amount of $15,380. be accepted and that the Reeve and Clerk be
authorized to execute an order for same in accordance with specifications
submitted ......... Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn........Carried
Council Chambers, Straffordville
February 12=,, 1975
A special meeting -of Council was held this morning for the purpose of
reviewing information relative to the Ontario Home Renewal Plan. Deputy
Reeve R. Green presided with Councillors R. Sandham, M. Stewart and G.
Teall in attendance. The Ministry of Housing was represented by Don Baxter,
Chuck McMurray and George Przybylowski.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That in the absence of Reeve Schafer, Deputy Reeve R. Green be appointed
acting reeve.........Carried
Messrs. Baxter, McMurray and Przybylowski present Council with brochures
and outline the proceedural requirements required by the Ministry of
Housing to make loans and grants available to municipalities for the
updating of existing housing to acceptable standards.
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. TLall
That this municipality make application to the Ministry of Housing for
participation in the Ontario Home Renewal Program; and that an application
for an initial accountable advance in the amount of $10,000. be made with
said application ......... Carried ,
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That the 'guide for residential standards' dated October, 1974, as presented
by the Community Renewal Branch of the Ministry of Housing be adopted as
the minimum residential standards for this municipality... ..,.Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn ......... Carried
Clerk =-
Council Chambers, Straffordville
February 17, 1975
A special meeting of Bayham Council was held this morning for the purpose
of discussing the 1975 road program and fire matters. Reeve M. Schafer
presided with Councillors R. Sandham, M. Stewart and G. TEall in attendance.
Road Superintendent M.' Gibbons was also in attendance. Councillor R. Geeen
and MTC representative Frank Clarke attended the afternoon session.
Council reviewed the progress made during 1974, and the needs study in order
to set priorities for 1975. It was decided to proceed with the Knott's Mill
bridge under a supplementary subsidy application. It is planned that the
bridge be completed in two stages. 'A' being the piling, abutments and piers
in 1975 and 'B' being the completion in 1976.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That application for approval of proposed expenditures for highway
improvements for the year 1975 in the amounts of :
construction $164.000. subsidy $929000.
maintenance 1269$00. subsidy 649000.
be made to the Ministry of Transportation & 6ommunications.....Carried
Tenders as received for the fire department water tank were opened.
King Seagraves $1$7052.
Nordic International 21,400.
Fire chief Dennis, Deputy chief Grant and Councillor Sandham are to
the tenders as to equipment provided and make a recommendation for
on March 3rd.
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn ........ Carried
Council Chambers, Straffordville,
March 3, 1975
The regular meeting of Council for the month of March was held today. Reeve
M. Schafer presided with Deputy Reeve R. Green and Councillors R. Sandham,
M. Stewart and G. Teall in attendance.
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the minutes of the regular meeting held February 3, and special meetings
held February 10, 12 and 17, having, -,been examined by the members are hereby
approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same....... Carried
The following items of correspondence are reviewed:
Dept. of Agriculture..rabies report for January, 1975
Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit..requirement of approval of sewage systems prior
to the issuing of a building permit
Ivey & Dowler..results of hearing..Medina Natural Gas Co. Ltd. rate increase
Long Point Region Conservation Authroity..municipal levies..1975
Elgin Land Division Committee..municipalities to be advised of decisions at
the same time as the applicant to provide for appeals
R. K. McNeil, M.P.P... acknowldegement of resolution re. administration of justic
Wm. B. Hogarth Ltd..notification of lands containing gravel deposit for sale
Min. of Trans. & Comm..request for resolution approving Hwy. No. 3 route 1
Ontario Hydro..suspension of Nanticoke to L ndon study 1
Local Agricultural Manpower Board..request for appointment of representative
Miss Catharine McDowell met with Council to seek information on the Ontario
Home Renewal Plan and informed Council that there was some interest by tie
Ontario Heritage Foundation in her property located in Eden. ,'
Mr. Jesse Dennis met with Council to discuss possible property acquisitions
in the municipality by the Long Point Region Conservation Authority.
Mr. Jack Baker met with Council to discuss the roadside spray school to be
held in Ridgetown on March 7, and suggested that the municipAlity be represented
f)rlFRoN 4 i O. 10a4 FO* p
Messrs. George , met with Council and presented a comprehensive review of
present insurance coverages and recommended some revisions.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the Clerk be instructed to write to the Ontario Energy Board expressing
dissatisfaction with the decision on application EBRO-327-1 with copies of the
correspondence directed to the Minister of Energy, the Ministry of Consumer &
Commercial Relations and R. K. McNeil M.P.P......... Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That this Council has no objections to the proposed route of the new highway
No. 3 (Aylmer Bypass); provided however this Council feels that the entry at
the east end would have been more favourable at Summer's Corners...Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That Councillor Max Stewart be appointed to represent the Township of Bayham
on the Local Agricultural Manpower Board during 1975....... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the Clerk be authorized to sign a preliminary application to the Ministry
of the Environment for approval to construct a water distribution system on the
property of H award Jackson at Lot 5, Conc. 8, on behalf of the municipality..
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R. Green
That insurance coverage as presented by Frank Cowan Co. Ltd. and revised by
Council be accepted ....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That the following building permits be approved:
Lyle Grant demolish house at Lots 2 & 1, hwy 19 WIS P1 205...$300.
Daniel Vandeyvere greenhouse frame 500.
Daniel Vandeyvere demolish & remove kiln 500.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the road superintendent be authorized to have all rural township roads
posted for half load during March and April....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. T.,all
That the tender of King Seagrave Limited for a "Kindelux model 2000 gallon
elliptical fire department tanker in the amount of 0,052. be accepted with
the following revisions:
1) 4" butterfly dump valve be changed to 6"
2) 35 imperial gallon gas tank to be deleted
and the following extra items not included in tender ordered:
1) 1- 2P float dock strainer
2) 1- 1,000 gallon Soper port -a -tank with bracket
3) 1- fireman's axe with bracket
4 ) 1- fireman's crowbar with bracket
5) 1- 2$' ladder with bracket .......................Carried
#1555 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that By-law No. 1855 being a by-law to impose a special annual
drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile
Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1855 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 1855 be now read a third time and finally passed..
#1556 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 1856 being a by-law to authorize the sale of
land be now read a first time....... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. TEall
And resolved that Bye-law No. 1856 be now read a second time...... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that Bylaw No. 1856 be now read a third time and finally passed
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That general accounts totaling $18,644.27 and road accounts totaling $8,132.26
be approved:
Roads..payment vouchers.........................................$2,395.51.
Roads..pay list..February 1-15 .................................. 21064.60.
Roads..pay list..February 16-28 .........................000.0... 31672.15�,,
Mrs. Anna Pepasy...municipal drain debenture .................... 757.31
The Ability Fund..grant......................................... 50.00
Aylmer Minor Hockey Assoc .... grant .............................. 75.00
T'burg. Minor Hockey Assoc...grant .............................. 75.00
Aylmer & East Elgin Agr.Sac..grant .............................. 100.00
Town of Aylmer ...............grant........ 0000.. .....,..... .. 6325.00-�
........... ��s ....4 15$.34
Forest City Copiers...off.aupp.................................. 115.24
W.G.Webster Stat'yLtd.." ".................................. 4.75
Reg. Office ... Jan.cony.......................................... 7.50
Pitney Bowes....meter rental .................................... 35.31
Ont. Hydro...Straff.Maint....................................... 129.00
Lake Erie Fuels...off.& Fire hall ............................... 119.16
Deb. a/c ....... tile dr.deb...................................... 2712.60\
Lorraine Moore ... 19?4 vacation pay .............................. 54.92
Wm.Underhill..... if rr n 100.00
J.A.Petrie...sal.Feb. 1-15 ...................................... 425.00\
V. Van Belois..rr n ►r 'r ...................................... 262.00
Rec.Gen.for Can...postage........................,.............. 200.00
J.D.Vallee...retirement allowance ............................... 150.00
Oni.Hydro...office 50.00-EdenreF.33.02 Straff. rep. 66.04....... 149.06
Treas.of Ont ... tile dr. deb ..................................... 702.$10
Lake Erie Fuels ... off. & Fire hall -oil .......................... 13$.41
It it " Fire dept gas 49 90
0000 ................................. .
R.L.Brooks & Son...furnace rep...........................0000... 133.50
M.Schafer...council............................................. 170.00
R.Green..... "............................................. 120.00
R.Sandham... "............................................. 177.00
M.Stewart... "............................................. 150.00
G.Teall..... '!............................................. 19$.00
Harold Dennis .... fire chief.......... ........................... 83.33
Robt.Grant....... dep. fire chief ................................ 37.50
St. Thomas, San.Coll.Sery....................................... 1944.1$
Advance Container of Can.Ltd.................................... 691.$0\
Reg. Office...... registration of road by-law .................... 10.00
David Causyn.....fox bounty.... ............................... 4.00
Hugh Retchabaw... drain inspt.& conv ............................. 94.70
J.A.Petrie..... sal.Feb. 16-28 ................................... 425.00\
V.Van Belois... rr n rr n ................................... 262.00
L. Moore....... 143.64
Rec. Gen. for Can.... o ... o ..... o .... o000*00*0060000000909000000* 435.$3\
Omers........................................................... 177.48
and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on April 7, 19?5 at 10:00 A.M.
P. S.
Ontario Bldg.
Officials Assoc ..... membership .................... 15.00
Com. Centre Board .... grant ....................... 475.00,
Council Chambers, Straffordville
March 10, 1975
A special meeting of Bayham Township Coucil was held this afternoon.
Reeve M. Schafer presided with Deputy Reeve R. Green and Councillors
R. Sandham and G. Teall in attendance, The purpose of the meeting
was to discuss road matters.
Mr. Philip Lewis of Agro Spray Chemicals and Mr. Peter Smith of Green
Cross Chemicals described the various chemicals which they recommended
for use for roadside spraying. The recommended products could be used
with the presently owned eouipment with very little re uired for renovat-
ions. Approximately 200 galons of spray at a cost of q$20.90 per gal.
would be reouired.
The Clerk was instructed to invite members of the Tillsonburg Council
to our meeting in April to discuss an agreement for the maintenance
of our mutual boundary.
The Clerk was instructed to advertise tenders for the supply of gasoline,
diesel fuel and furnace hil to be opened at the April meeting.
Discussion on the possible acquisition of a gravel pit at Lot 7, Conc.
4, Township of Dereham was discussed. Permission has been received from
the owner to enter upon the lands for testing to determine the extent
of the gravel deposits.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
The the Ministry of Transportation & Communications be requested to
undertake a study to determine the extent of the gravel deposits on
the property of Allan Cornish being part of Lot No. 7, Concession 4,
Township of Dereham................Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn.........Carried
Council Chambers, Straffordville,
March 20, 1975
A special meeting of Councilwas held this afternoon. Reeve M. Schafer
presided with Deputy Reeve R. Green and Councillors R. Sandham and
G. Teall in attendance. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the
application for supplementary road monies and O.H.R.P guidelines.
Mr. Douglas Vallee met with Council to present estimates for the Knott's
Mill bridge. The estimates being $226,600., it was decided to attempt
to complete the structure during 1975, under a supplementary application.
Mr. Vallee was instructed to undertake a survey of lands required to be
purchased for this bridge and also of lands required to complete the road
from the Carson Bridge to No. 3 Highway.
After discussion the following items were to be submitted under the
supplementary application:
Twp. share
Knott4s Mill bridge $45, 320.
Gravel Pitt land purchase 30,000.
Hard surfacing 109000.
MTC share
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the Ministry of Transportation & Communications be
supplementary allocation of subsidy moneys for the year
Knotts's Mill Bridge $1$192$0.
Hard surfacing 109000.
Land purchase
21 2
requested for ;a
1975 as f ollaws :
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the tender of Delnor Farm Supplies Ltd. for
Brushkiller $0 oz. material at $20.90 per gallon
gallons required) be accepted ........ Carried
Guidelines for forgiveable portions
Renewal Plan were discussed with the
guide; individual circumstances may
of Council:
Green Cross Estimine
(approximately 280
of loans under the Ontario
following to be used as a
require variations at the
adjusted income
to $3000.
% to repay
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham Carried
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn........
- R I I
The regular meeting of Council for the
Deputy Reeve R. Green presided for the
presided for the afternoon session with
and G..Teall in attendance.
Council Chambers, Straffotdville
April 7, 1975
month of April was held today.
morning session and Reeve M. Schafer
Councillors R. Sandahm, M. Stewart
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That in the absence of Reeve M. Schafer, Deputy Reeve R. Green be appointed
acting reeve .......... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the minutes of the regular meeting held March 3 and special meetings
held March 10 and March 20, having been examined by the members are
hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same...Carried
A proposal for a subdivision containing 10 lots in a parcel containing
6.2 acres is presented on behalf of Mathew Schafer for Council consideration.
Each lot has approximately 20,000 sq. ft, in area.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
That this Council approves in principle the proposed plan of subdivision
presented by Mathew Schafer being part of Lot NO. 126, Conc. 7; said plan
to be subject to a subdivision agreement being completed prior to any
development being commenced....... ... Carried
Correspondence reviewed as follows:
Dept. of Agriculture..rabies report, February, 1975
Elgin County Library..list of elected and appointed officials -.1975-76
J. T. Clement, M.P.P. (Attorney General)..acknowledgement and comments
re our endorsement of Watford resolution on the
administration of justice
R. K. McNeil, M.P.P..approval of OHR Program
The Kleinfeldt Group..offer of service re zoning by-laws
Twp. of Aldborough..request to endorse resolution re school term opening.
Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit..increase in inspection fees to $25. for
sewage disposal systems
Angus Stonehouse Ltd..cost of transcript re Medina hearing
Land Severance Committee..severance request..C. D. Phillips Ltd.
..Csinos Farms Ltd.
C. I. Bank of Commerce. -decrease in borrowing rates (9%)
Municipal Liason Committee..availability of funds for land assembly
Ontario Conference on Local Government..request for grant
Twp. of S. W. Oxford..fire calls to be on basis of labour & materials
Plus $500. per call during 1975
Twp. of S. W. oxford..zoning regulation on Lot7. Conc. 4, Dereham
(Cornish property}) re. garvel pit purchase
A delegation from the Town of Tillsonburg consisting of Mayor S. Wilkinson
and Councilors K. Webster, J. Ferrie, and C. Esseltine with Road Supt.
J. Hornsby met with Council to discuss the mutual boundary road. A decision
to have the work done by the Township forces and in turn bill the Town
for 50% of the cost was tenatively decided upon. The Tillsonburg members
are to get approval for their Cuuncil and if satisfactory an agreement to
be entered into and registered. The agreement is for maintenance only and
in case of any construction, the parties will meet to further discuss the
cost sharing. It is the consensus of the meeting that negotiations should
be started in the respective counties to have this road assumed by the
counties as a part of the county road systems.
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That Whereas students are utilized in the harvest of fruit, vegetable and
tobacco crops in Southwestern Ontario
Therefore be it resolved that the Elgin County Board of Education and the
Elgin County Roman Catholic Separate School Board be requested to give
consideration that the commencement of instructional days be not earlier
than September 8, 1975........Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That this Council has no objections to the proposed severances as follows:
C. D. Phillips Ltd. being part of Lot 1, Conc. 5, and # E 47/75
Csinos Farms Ltd. being part of Lot 17, Conc. 1, and #E 49/75.....Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the Treasurer be authorized to pay the County of Elgin the sum of
$50,000. on account of the 1975 levy.........Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the amount of $143. be paid to J. Chaleyssin for cost of the and labour
in correcting error in the Stcanlan Municipal Drain.......Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the Clerk be authorized to order 200 pheasants at an approximate cost
of $650. through the Ministry of Natural Resources for the 1975 hunting
Moved by: G. Teall
That this Council
Burt Armstrong
Wm. Mitchell
Blondeel Nursery
Allen Mailloux
K. C. Emerson
Glen Hustler
Wendel Mayer
Martin Fischer
Frank Pihokker
Mary Sansone
Cliff Humphrey
Geo. Geurtjens
and Seconded by: M. Stewart
approve building permits as follows:
residence renovation
tobacco barn
storage barn
residence addition
relocate kiln
residence renovation
residence renovation
rebuild greenhouse
2 660.
3 , 4 .
3,000 .
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the application of Paul Stewart for a the drainage loan in the
amount of $7,500. for part Lots 11, 12 & 13, Conc. 8, be approved... Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That tax appeals as received by the Clerk and Verrifie d by the Regional
Assessment Office in the several amounts be approved......Carried (the list/
of appeals follows the accounts in these minutes)
Tenders for the supply of gravel as invited are opened as follows:
Shelton Bros. Ltd. $1.50 per yard
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by; M. Stewart
That the tender of Shelton Bros. Ltd, for the supplying and loading of
5/8 crushed road gravel be accepted.... ... Carried
Tenders for the supply of gasoline diesel fuel and furnace oil as advertised
are opened as follows:
gasoline diesel fuel furnace oil
Wm. Dodsley Ltd. $0.429 per g. $0.405per g. $0.366 per g.
Gulf Oil Ltd. 0.400 0.3 $$ 0.355
Lake Erie Fuels 0.385 0.367 0.344
B. P. oil Ltd. 0.397 0.379 0.359
the above quotations being subject to applicable provincial taxes
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the tender of Lake Erie Fuels for the supply of gasoline, diesel fuel
and furnace oil be accepted.........Carried
Tenders for the supply of a new motor grader for the roads department as
invited are 6pened as follows:
ross trade net
Dominion Road Mchn, Ltd. 60,950• $$,350• $52,604•
Equipment Sales & Service 75,465. 10,000. 65,465.
Council and the Road Superintendent are to review the tenders to ascertain
that all specifications are met and recommend purchase at a special meeting
to be called for that purpose.
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewatt
That a grant of $650. be made to the Straffordville Community Centre Board
to assist with operating expenses.........Carried
#1857 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that by-law No. 1857 being a by-law to limit the gross weight
o.f vehicles or combination of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the
Township 'of Bayham be now read a first time.......Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that by-law No. 1857 be now read a second time...Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: Stewart
And resolved that by-law No. 1857 be now read a third time and finally
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: G. Teall
That general accounts totaling $107,637.60 and road accounts
$10,493.00 be approved:
Roads..payment vouchers....................................$4,335.01
Roads..payroll..Mar. 1-15
Roads..payroll..Mar. 16-31 .................................
Walter Nelson-misc.dr.inspt................................
Olivetti Can.Ltd...mach supe.» .............»...............
R.Green...... ".....».................................
R.Sandham.... ".......................................
M.Stewart..... 't .......................................
G.Teall.:.... "................»......................
King Seagraves Ltd ... dep.fire tanker.**...****.****.*******
H.Dennis... mileage exp .....................................
Assoc. of Fire Chiefs...conv.reg...........................
Deb. a/c....tile dr.debs...................................
Don Nevill...fox bounty ....................................
John & Elizabeth Kokenyesi...tile dr. loans ................
Walter N elson...tile dr. inspts ............................
Elgin Cty.R.C.S.S.Bd... a/c levy ............................
King Seagraves Ltd ... bal.fire tanker tender................
J.A.Petrie..sal. Mar.l-15..................................
V.VanBelois. n n it n ..................................
L.Moore..... �� n n n ......................»...........
Ronald Vaughas...fox bounty....» ...........................
Elgin Cty.Bd.of Educ....a/c levy ...........................
J.D.Vallee.... retirement allow ........:....................
2,07? b4�
Reg.Office..deed - TR3.00.00.000.».................»»...... 11.00
Harold Dennis...fire chief.. & ..vehicle lic............... 89.33
Rob t . G rant . . . d ep . fir e chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
St.Thomas San.Coll.Sery..................................
Advance Container of Can.Ltd .............................
Jas. S. Davison...animal control .........................
Business Computer Serv...tax billing .....................
A& M Tel.Co.....fire lines ..............................
Reg.offices... conveyances ................................
Lake Erie Fuels... office & fire hall .....................
Rec.Gen for Ganada.............P.O. box rent.............
Forman Tank & Welding Ltd ... fire dept.rep................
Ont.Hydro...Straff.St.Lt.Inst ............................
Ont.Hydro... n n n Maint ...........................
Ont.Hydro...Office & fire hall........... ................
Mac Gibbons...O.G.R.A. expense ...........................
J.A.Petrie...sal.Mar.15-31 ...............................
V VanBelois
Rec. Gen. n n .........................................
Tax adjustments for 1974 as per above resolution:
N, rine Roll N o . Months Assessment
Mitchell Farms
Elgin Bd.of Ed.
J.H oreth
C . Marshall
A � LeMayl ..
N =.Balint
R . Stewart :-
A * Chipp9
H & L Farms
$ 180.
3 440 .
and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on May 5th.,
$ 12.51
at 10:00 A.M.,..
Council Chambers, Straffordville
April 8, 1975
A special meeting of Council was held this evening for the purpose of
further discusking the tenders as received for the purchase of a new
road grader. Reeve M. Schafer presided with Deputy Reeve R. Green and
Councillors R. Sandham, M. Stewart and G. Teall in attendance.
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the tender of Dominion Road Machinery Sales Ltd. for a Champion
Motor Grader, Model D-600 in the amount od $52,600. (net) be accepted
and a sound suppression package included at an additional cost of
$550. plus applicable sales tax.........Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Stewart Carried
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn.......
Reeve Clerk
Council Chambers, Straffordville
May 5, 1975
The regular meeting of Council for the month of May is held this morning.
Reeve M. Schafer presides with Deputy Reeve R. Green and 8ouncillors R.
Sandham, M. Stewart and G. Teall in attendance.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held April 7, and
special meeting held April 8, having been examined by the members are
hereby approved and the Reevets signature authorized on same...Carried
Mr. Douglas Vallee meets with Council to present theilans for the
alignment of the road to meet the proposed structure W`%he Otter Creek
at Knott's Mill, with the required property purchases.Council approves
the plan with minor changes. Also examined are the preliminary drawings
for the road improvements to the Tunnel Road east of Vienna and the 18th
from the Carson Bridge to No. 3 Hwy.
Correspondence reviewed as follows:
Dept. of Agriculture..rabies report for March, 1975
Dominion Road Machinery Ltd..acknowledgement of order for grader
Min. of the Environment..applications for processed organic waste certifica
Ont. Mun. Board..request for restraint on proposed capital expenditures
Olivetti -Canada Ltd..quotation for new photo copier
Elgin Board of Education..acknowledgement of resolution re school opening
Min. of Trans. & Communications..scale of fees for consulting engineers
C. N. Railway..installation of siding to Livingston Industries plana
Ontario Hydro..street light buld replacements
Community Services Council.. request for grant
Elgin County Local Government Study..information
re. study
Gibson, Linton & Toth..opinion re status of Dutton Street
Elgin Land Severance Committee..severance requests..Cliff Bartlett
S. &. J. Augustine
A. Lauterbach
Paul Valko
Judy Lysy
Romel Farms Ltd.
Min. of Trans & Communications..geologist report
re Cornish property
Project Day Camp..request for grant
Messrs. Ross Carson, Karl Baptist and Len Hoffman meet with Council and
show a short film on the construction of Bendix Homes. They explain that
the double wide.homes meet the specifications of the National Building
Code and that mobile homes meet the C.S'.A. standards of Code Z 240.. Mr.
Carson requests Council to give consideration to the repeal bf our by-law
prohibiting mobile homes as permanbnt dwellings. Council makes no commitment
as this type of
accomodation is contrary to Official Plan policies.
Moved by: R.Green and Seconded by: G.Teall
That this Council has no objections to the applications for processed
organic waste management system certificates on land located at Lots 17
and 21, Conc. 9; Lot 16, Conc. 10; and Lots 20 and 21, Conc. 11, in the
Township of Bayham with the understanding that the spreading of the
organic waste will be under the controll of the Ministry of the Environ-
ment and subject to further review by this Council if deemed necessary
Moved by: M.Stewart and Seconded by: G.Teall
That this Council has no objection to the construction of private siding
facilities to service the proposed new packaging plant of Livingston
Industries Limited on Highway No. 3 at Tillsonburg, Ontario, and crossing
the boundary road between the Township of Bayham and the Town of Tillson-
burg according to C.N.Rlwy. Plan CA -96.20-C dated 21 April, 1975;
provided that a culvert be placed to provide for an anticipated future
roadway width of 100 feet and protective signals are installed and
maintained without expense to this municipality and/or visibility be
improved at the south west corner of the proposed crossing...Carried
Moved by: R.Green and Seconded by:R. Sandham
That John Weston O.L.S. be engaged to provide a description of that portion
of Dutton Street at the intersection of Chapell Street for possible purchaser
to open Dutton Street between Duke and Chapell Streets...Carried
Moved by: M.Stewart and Seconded by: R.Sandham
That this Council has no objections to proposed severances as follows:..
Cliff Bartlett, Lot 8, Conc. 4, # E55/75
Alfons Lauterbach, Lots 4 & 51 R.P. 205, # E65/75
Paul-Valko, Lot 10, Conc. 2, # E 66/75
Judy Lysy, Lot 123, STR, # E 67/75 ...Carried...
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M.Stewart
That this Council requests that the proposed severance of the lands of
Stanley & Jennie Augustine, Lot 22, Conc. 9, # E 57/75 be deferred until
the proposed use of the subject lands is determined...Carried
Moved by: ff. Teall and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That from the diagram accompanying the proposed severanc6 of Rommel Farms
Ltd., Lot 20, Conc. 9, #E 78/75 it cannot be determined whether or not
there is an"existing dwelling on the subject parcel, this Council recommend
that the Elgin County Land Division Committee be guided by the provisions
for severances set forth in the East Elgin Official Plan ... Carried
Moved by: R.Sandham and Seconded by: M.Stewart
That a grant of $50.00 be made to the Project Day Camp to assist in
purchasing supplies... Carried
Moved by: R.Green and Seconded
by: R.
That the following applications
drainage loans
be approved: -
Remi Van De Slyke
Lot 12,
Conc. 4.
Remi Van De Slyke
Lot 13,
Conc. 4,
Daniel & Gabriel De
S Lot
23,Conc. 9,
Daniel & Gabriel De
S Lot
Shirley & Carl Biro,
N -Z'
Lots 130
& 131,Conc. 6
9,700.... Carried
Moved by: G.Teall and Seconded by: R.Sandham
That the Treasurer be authorized to apply to the Ministry of Housing for an
accountable advance of $10,000. under the provisions of the Ontario Home
Renewal Program for the fiscal year 1975-76; and that the minimum resident-
ial standards as adopted for use in the minicipality by resolution on
February 12, 1975 be applicable to this request... Carried
Moved by: R.Sandham
That Council approve
John F. Peters
Larry Grigg
Louis Drieghe
Ben Van De Maele
Don Nevill
Peter Michevicius
Ross Learn
Fred Benner
Joseph Crockaert
Robert Foutre
Wayne Dennis
Donald Graham
and Seconded by: G.Teall
the building permits as follows:
Residence $ 25,000.
Club House 500.
Double garage 21000.
Implement Shed 1,000.
Residence 30,000.
Breezeway & Double garage 19000.
Storage shed 39500.
Breezeway & Double garage 4,000.
Tobacco barn 28,490.
Tobacco barn 20,000.
Residence 31,000.
Res.Addtn.&Store renovations 4,000,
Cant td.. .
Building Permits
Steve Steklie
Russell Mannell
Gerald Taylor
Gien Parsons
Mathew Schafer
Tobacco barn
Demolish Garage
Rebuild veranda
_J.Howey & Sons Ltd. Tobacco barn addition
Harry Broughton Machine shed
Julius Francia Demo 2 greenhouses & 2 kilns
Julius Francia Cattle Barn addition
Max Stewart Utility Shed
Moved by: R. Green
That applications for
2, Glen E. Price,
7 Dorothy Acre,
# 8 Walter A. Moore,
and Seconded by: R. Sandham
loans under the O.H.R.Program
Lot 9, First St. NIS Plan
Lot 40, Richmond St. Plan
Pt.Lot 127, N.T.R.
be approved as follows:
205 4,000.
22 4,500.
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
#1858 And resolved that By-law No. 1858 being a by-law to impose a special annual
drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Til
Drainage Act, 1971. Be:_�now Read a First Time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M.Stewart
That By-law No. 1858 be now Read a Second Time.. -Carried.
Moved by:R.Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
That By-law No. 1858 be now Read a Third Time and finally passed...Carried
Moved by: R.Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
That general accounts totaling $86,651.23 and road accounts totaling
$16,365.73 be approved:
Roads..payment vouchers.... $101$9.95-\
Roads..payroll..April 1 - 15 ................................ 2206.60\
Roads..payroll..April 16- 30 ................................ 3969.18.
DebentaiYe Acct..... the 616.50\
Wm.Underhill.... building inspections..................,..... 388.41',
Anna Repasy.....Mun.Dr.Deb.................................. 1001.26
Cty.of Elgin....a/c 1975 levy ............................... 50000.00
Jean Chaleyssin...Scanlan Dr.Rep............................ 143.00
Rec.Gen for Can .... radio lic................................ 13.00
A& M Tel. C.....fire lines ................................. 36.42
Pitney Bowes.....meter rental ............................... 35.31
Long Point Region c/a....a/c 1975 levy ...................... 1573.75`
W.G.Webster Stationery Ltd....office supp................... 9.0$
Ontario Hydro........ Street Lights .......................... 542.39
Geo.Cameron Ins.Agency..Insurance ........................... 3535.6
East Elgin Planning Bd...a/c 1975 levy...... ................ 1547.1$*-�
Chargex.... Good Roads expenses .............................. 526.43\
R.L.Brooks & Son .... fire hall furnacerep................... 36.00
J.Petrie....mileage......................................... 18.00
M.Schafer.....Council....................................... 108.00
R.Green....... "....................................... 120.00
R.Sandham..... n ....................................... 10$.00
M. Stewart ..... n ................................. . ..... 6"00.
J.Petrie...... n ............ .......................... 20.00
Lake Erie Fuels.... office & fire W1 fuel .................. 147,?3
Straffordville Com.Centre Bd...grant........................ 650.00K
Frank Fribicar.....tax write off ............................ 12.51
Wm. Grigg.......... n » » ............................ 41.87
Jack Vanacker...... is » » ............................ 71.49
Remi Van De Slyke . . . » » . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . 56
Mitchell Farms Ltd. n it n ............................ 10.04
Carl Biro.......... n » » ............................ 55.62
John H oreth........ » » » ............................ 66.74
Daniel McQuiggan... » » » ............................ 22.00
Nicholas Balint.... » » » ............................ 39.74
Eugene Schmeltz.... 125.$6
A.Vandendriessche.. 2.16
Karl Muhlbach...... » n » ............................ 22.00
Etienne Verbrugge.. » n » ............................ 141.9$
J.A.Petrie...sal.Apr.l-15................................... 425.E
V.Van Belois. » » »»................................... 262.00
L.Moore...... » » »»................................... 115.60
Manuel & Maria Matos....tile dr. loan ....................... 7465.00\
41 Walter Nelson........... n " Inspt......................
J.D.Vallee.... Retirement Allowance ........................••
G. Teall.....Council........................................ 112.00
Bennett Stationery....office Supp.......» ................... 36.09
Treasurer of Ontario....March conveyances.... 000*000*000000* 26.70
Twp. of Malahide.... Cheesman dr.rep......................».. 14.51
Ontario Hydro....office..................................... 50.00
Ontario Hydro....Straff. St.Lt.Maint........................ 69.8$
Harold Dennis....fire chief ................................. 83.33
Robt.Grant....dep.fire chief ................................ 37.50
St.Thomas San.Coll.Serv....collection...........»........... 9774.63-'--,
Advance Container of Can.... disposal ........................ 4602.04--,
Russell Stevens....Deli Dr.Rep .............................. 110.00
Hugh Ketchabaw......n n n .............................. 57.90
J.AT.Petrie....Sal.Apr.16-30................................. 425.00.,
V.f/an Belois.. 11 n it i1 ................................. 262.00
n it
L. Moore ....... It n ................................. 7 3
R�ecc_.Gen.for Can.....Ded.Apr .............................. » .. 425.21.
OMERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 - 48
and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on June 2, 1975 at
7:30 P.M.....Carried
1 C�
Council Chambers, Straffordville
May 12, 1975
A special meeting of Bayham Council is held this evening for the
purpose of reviewing routine correspondence and other matters. Reeve
M. Schafer presides with Deputy Reeve R. Green and Councillors R.
Sandham, M. Stewart and G. Teall in attendance.
Correspondence reviwed as follows:
Elgin Local Government Study Commissioner. -confirmation of meeting May 26
Ontario Trucking Association..offer of association for assistance
Royal Ontario Museum..request for opinions on museum opration
Min. of T. &8 .. notif ication of advance of subsidy ($46,300.)
Kari. DeDecker.. copy of petition re separate school detachment
City of Brantford.. request to endorse resolution re housing standards
Frank Chilcott & Others..petition to have old mill on Lot 5, Con. 9, remov
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the owner of the old mill located at Lot 5, Conc. 9, be requested
to either restore to a safe condition or demolish the structure in
compliance with our buliding by-law and in respect to petition received
from owners of neighbouring prop@rties.....Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the $22. overcharged for garbage collection on roll 6-054 be
written off».......Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart,
That the petition of Joseph Storp and others for the reconstruction
of part of the Kerr Municipal Drain be accepted and the firm of A. M.
Spriet & Associates Ltd. be appointed to carry out the engineering
study and present a report to Council -.....Carried
Mr. Harold Dennis, fire chief, meets with Council to discuss arrangements
for the formation of fire dept. in North Bayham. The matter of fire
phones is to be further discussed with the Aylmer & Malahide Telephone
Co. and Mr. Dennis is authorized to have the old fire truck inspected
and repaired as necessary by King Seagraves Ltd.
Mr. Howard Jackson meets with Council to discuss the progress on his
proposed mobile home park. The matter of an agreement for water supply
to be a municipal responsibility, an agreement similar to that with the
Carson Park will be negotiated.
Preliminary budget figures are revieted showing a considerable increase
in mill rates may
Moved Green
be necessary.
and Seconded by:
meeting of Council
R. Sandham
now adjourn.......Carried
Council Chambers, Straffordville
June 2, 1975
The regular meeting of Council for the month of June is held this
evening. Reeve M. Schafer presiding with Deputy Reeve R. Green and
Councillors R. Sandham, M. Stewart and G. Teall in attendance.
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting held May 5, and special meeting
held May 12, 1975, having been examined by the members are hereby
approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.....Carried
Correspondence reviewed as follows:
Department of Agriculture..rabies report April, 1975
Tri -County Agricultural Society..request for grant
James Fuller..resignation from Bayham West Cemtery Board
Min. of Natural Resoytrses..designating Bayham under the Pits & Quarries Act
As advertised for
1952 Dodge chassis
Robt. Corkum
Vane Chute
James R. Elliott
sale, sealed bids were opened
of the Bayham Fire Dept.
as received for the
Moved by: G. Teall and Secnnded by: M. Stewart
That the offer to purchase the 1952 Dodge chassis as received from
James R. Elliott in the amount of $200. be accepted........Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That a grant of $100, be made to the Tillsonburg Tri -County Agricultural
Society for the year 1975.........Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That the resignation of James Fuller as a member of the Bayham West
Cemetery Board be accepted with regret ..... .....Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: G. Teall
That Keith Benner be appointed to fill the unexpired term of James
Fuller to the Bayham West Cemetery Board.........Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart 40—,,...,...t�' ,� r
That a grant of be made to the Straffordville Board..
4740 ......Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the tender of Dennis' Garage for the purchase of a commercial
lawn mower at a cost of $150. plus tax be accepted......Carried
Moved by: R. Green
That the following
Ward Farms Ltd.
Mrs. Anna Romaniw
Dan DeCloet
Anna Romaniw
Lloyd Slaught
Noel Ghesquiere
Leo Pressey
Remi Van Kerebrock
Bert Racz
Howard Jackson
George Luki
Warner Taylor
Warner Taylor
John Howey & Sons
Merlin Wolfe
Harris Teall
Roger Vermeersch
Catharine McDowell
John Townsend
Alfred Rossignol
Llhyd Ball
Glen Price
and Seconded by: G. Teall
building permits be approved:
demolish shed and kilns
new home
demolish kilns & build
demolish old house
house addition
new home
Farm. Ltd. demolish old barn
barn addition
greenhouse 500.
recreation & storage bldg.
demolish old house
rebuild & move old barn
move kilns
Ltd. demolish old house
remove old kilns
bulk kilns
swimming pool
storage shed
house renovations
house renovations
Roger Casier move 2 kilns 21000.
Pierre Crevits new barn 24,200.
Ivan Ward stvrage addition 19000.
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Green
That the by-law enforcement officer be instructed to bring charges
against David Fehr for building a garage in contravention to our
building by-law.........Carried
Delegations were received as follows:
Mac Gibbons...road superintendent to discuss progress on road
Jack Graves ... to present preliminary plans for the subdivision
of approx.
9 building lots in Lot 24, Conc. 9, owned by DeCloet Bros. He
is to
return with further plans at a later date.
Howard Palmer...mamager of the Aylmer & Malahide Telephone Co.
Ltd. to
discuss preliminary communications systems for the new fire department
to be located at or near Corinth. Various systems discussed. Mr. Palmer
will return with estimated costs for each at a future meeting.
Harold Dennis ... fire chief, to report on fire matters
Wm. Underhill...building inspector, to report on building matters
Jack Barclay...secretary of the Straffordville Community Centre Board, to
report on the financial position of the Board and the summer recreation
i179 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that By-law No. 1859 being a by -1v to authorize a certain
agreement between the Town of Tillsonburg and the Township of
be now read a first time.........Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1859 be now read a second time.....
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 1859 be now read a third time and finally
passed........ Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That accounts totaling $11,423.01 and road accounts totaling
$23,82.81 be approved:
Roads... Payment Vouchers ....................................
Roads...Payroll..May 1-15 ...................................
Roads ... Payroll..May 15-31 ..................................
Anna Repasy...Mun.Dr.Deb....................................
Rec.Gen... ba1.1974 ded......................................
Don Nevill...fox bounty .....................................
Prolget Day.Camp...grant....................................
James S.Davison... animal Control....
Dellerts Tile Ltd...Deli Dr.Rep .............................
W.G.Webster Stationery Ltd...off.suppl......................
Diamond Lamp Co....off.suppl................................
McGraw Edison ... Eden.St.Lt.Maint...........«................
Cty.of Elgin....trees.......................................
R.Green....... ".......................................
R.Sandham..... ".......................................
M.Stewart..... ".......................................
G.Teall....... ".......................................
Workmen's Comp.Bd..... office.&.Firs man, ....................
Brian Grandbois.... cutting grass...
J.A.Petrie......sal.May 1-15 ................................
V.VanBelois..... �� �� 1-15 ................................
Mac &/or Ruby Gibbons...mun.dr.deb..........................
J.D.Vallee.... retirement allowance ....................«.....
Mun.World Ltd...bldg. permi,is ...............................
Treas. of Ontario... April conv ..............................
A. & M. Tel.Co..office & fire lines....
Dennis' Garage...fire dept. rep .............................
Olivetti Can. Ltd serv. contracts
.... ........................
Ont. Hydro...Straff. St.Lt. Maint. & Office Hydro...........
Harold Dennis......fire chief
Robt. Grant........Dep. fire chief ..........................
St.Thomas San.Serv.Coll.....................................
Advance Container of Can. Ltd ....................«..«.......
Otter Publishing Ltd.....adv' ...............................
Harold Dennis....conv. exp ..................................
Roger Casier....livestock valuation .........................
Annie Repasy...mun. dr. deb .................................
Treas. of Ontario...deed reg ...............................«
Brian Grandbois.... cutting grass...
Hugh Ketchabaw.... carnes dr. rep: ...........................
J.A.Petrie...sal.May 16-31 ..................................
Violet Van Belois...sal. May 16-31 ..........................
Municipal World ... Off.supp.........•••••••••••••••••••••••• 24.90
Lake Erie Fuels...off & fire hall .......................... 86.00
Omers... ded. May ........................................... 177.48
Rec. Gen.." it :.......................................... 399.58`
Wm. Underhill...sal.May.........................,.......... 544.25
Theodore Smith...mowing cemeteries.... ..................... 165.00
and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on July 7, 1975 at
10:00 A.M...Carried......
Council Chambers,
Straffordville, Ontario
July 7, 1975.
The regular meeting of Council for the month of July is held this
morning. Reeve M. Schafer presides with Deputy Reeve R. Green and
Councillors R. Sandham, M. Stewart and G. Teall in attendance.
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting held June 2, 1975, having been
examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature
authorized on same......... Carried
Correspondence reviewed as follows:
Agriculture Canada..rabies report..May, 1975
County of Elgin..reguest of Jesse Dennis for name designation on sideroad
Ministry of Trans. & Comm..Speed zoning.. #19 Hwy. north of Vienna
Geo. Beard..letter of appreciation for street paving in Corinth
Cent. Mortgage & Housing Corp..models of Bendix homes meeting standards
C, N. Rlwy..confirming receipt of resolution re. Livingstonlndustries siding
Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario..resolution re. increase in hydro rates
Aso-oc. of Municipalities of Ontario..information re confYerence..Aug. 3-6
Land Division Committee..severance requests.. Wm. Baer 118/75
Ben Wilk 136/75
L. & M. Grant 156/75
B. & M. Barham 157/75
Doreen Barzo 159/75
Ralph Scott 162/?5
B. Garrett and Aylmer & Malahide Te. Co..agreement re. field bed
Jack Graves Ltd..proposal re DeCloet subdivision
County Plowments Assoc..request for grant
Delegations received as follows:
D. Firlotte meets with Council to clarify the standing of the railway
( C.N.R.) regarding the installation of culverts and saftej: devises, as
requested in the Council resolution dated May 5, 1975.
D. Vallee meets with Council to open tenders as received for the constructi
of the Knott's Mill Bridge and the supply of steel for same with the
tenders.�-being :
for bridge construction
McLean Foster Ltd..
Facca Construction Co.
Donn Construction Ltd.
Logan Contracting
19, 28
for supply of steel London Steel Industries $149200.00
16} Salit Steel Niagara Ltd. 13,900.00
J. Harris & Sons Ltd. 12,988.00
Albrecht Brothers 12,122.65
Ennis-Paikin Steel Ltd. 11,917.00
Mac Gibbins meets with Council to discuss progress on 1975 roads program.
Jack Graves Meets with Council and further clarifies the proposal of
the DeCloet Brothers proposed subdivision '
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That this Council approves the road between Lots 6 & 7 southerly from
County Road #45 being designated as the Dennis Sideroad ...Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That this Council approves the Ministry of Transportation & Communications
proposal to reduce the speed limit from 55 m.p.h. to 40 m.p.h. northerly
from the Village of Vienna.........Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the following models of Bendix factory built homes be accepted for
erection in this municipality.... Models #4490, 4491, 4492, 4504, 45102
5515 and 5516........ Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Green
That this Council endorse the resolution of the Association of Municipalities'.
of Ontario in registering their concern with Ontario Hydro and the Provincial''
Goverment regarding the excessive rates projected for hydra consumers in
the Province.........Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham
and Seconded by:
M. Stewart
That this Council has
no objections to
proposed severances as follows:
Lyle & Madge Grant
part Lots 1
& 2, R.P. 205
Bruce & Myrna Barham
Lot 45, R.P.
Doreen Barzo
Lot 25, Cone. 9,
Ralph Scott
Lots 0, P &
Q, R.P. 54
strip room addition
demolish old barn
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the proposed subdivision of the lands of Gabriel & Daniel DeCloet
being S.E. part Lot 24, Cone. 9, submitted under date of July 4, 1975,
be given approval in principle; said subdivision to be subject to the
approval of the East Elgin Planning Board and a subdivision agreement
being completed prior to any construction being commenced.....Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this municipality make a grant of $25. to the Elgin County Plowmen's
Association for 1975 ..... ....Carried Y
Moved.by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the tender of Donn Construction Ltd. for the construction of the
Knott's Mill Bridge in the amount of $149,2$$.47 be accepted, subject
to M. T. C. approval -........Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Stewatt
That the tender of Enni s-Paikin Steel Ltd. for the supply of steel for
the construction of the Knottts Mill Bridge in the amount of $11,917.
be accepted, subject to M. T. C. approval........Carri.ed
Moved by: R. Green
That the following
Dirk Schuurman
Dirk Schuurman
Henry Genetello
Henry Genetello
Walter Moore
Paul DePlancke
Beverly Walker
Stan Oleka
Paul Steinhoff
Wayne Taylor
Peter DeWit
Konrad Stickel
Frank Voros
Wayne & Wm. Baer
Warner Taylor
Paul LaPlante
Paul Roy
Lou Kydd
Emil DeBlaire
Wayne Taylor
Glen Parsons
Harold Vance
Harold Vance
Richard Rogers
Irene Clarkson
and Seconded by: R. Sandham
building permits be approved:
pole barn and silo
milk house and barn addition
pole barn and tobacco storage
move tobacco kiln
house renovations
demolish 9 kilns
storage shed
new home
new greenhouse
strip room addition
demolish old barn
mwimmi.ng pool
4, 000 .
new home
pole type barn
new home
new home
swimming pool
swimming pool
rebailld old greenhouse
swimming pool
storage addition
utility shed
utility shed
utility shed
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That applications under the Ontario Home Renewal Plan be approved as follows
#10 Victoria Tribe Lot No. 15, Hwy. 19 W/S $7,000.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
That applications for tile drainage loans be approved as follows:
Roy Stewart Lot 121, Conc. 7, $1,900.
Roy & Leone Anderson Lots 20 & 21 N.G. 3,500.....Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this Council now adjourn to meet as Committee of the Whole.. -Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham.
That Committee of the Whole now rise to 0 some regular meeting of Council..
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That on the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole, the Reeve and
Clerk be instructed to meet with our solicitor regarding a review of our
By-law No. 1796, regulating the use of trailers in this municipality...
,`1 X60 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that By-law No. 1860 being a by-law to impose a
annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed
under the Tile Drainage Act 197., be now read a first time.....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that by-law No. 1860 be now read a second time...Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 1860 be now read a third time and
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That accounts totaling $129,207.70, and road accounts
$23,64.53 be approved;
Roads..pay list June 1-15 ...................................
Roads.,.pay list 16-30 ..................................
Vane & Carol Chute..tile drainage loan ......................
Walter Nelson..tile drainage inspection....................
Albert Kalmback..livestock killed ...........................
Dellerts Tile Ltd..Carnes dr. reps ..........................
Straffordville Comm.Centre Bd..grant........................
Tri -County Agr.Soc...grant..................................
Forest City Copiers...off.supe ..............................
Mathew Schafer.....Council
Ron Green.......... it ..................................
Ronson Sandham..... It
Max Stewart........ it
Geo. Teall......... " ............................0000..
Jack Petrie ... extra It ..................................
Eden Cartage Ltd... Carnes Dr. Rep ..........................
Catfish Car Co. Ltd...fire dept. rep ........................
James S. Davison...animal Control ...........................
Honsberger Bros..Corinth rec & Eden rec.....................
A. & M. Tel. Co...fire lines ................................
Rec. Gen. for Can...postage.................................
Walter Moore ..... OHRP advance ...............................
Debenture a/c...t2e dr. deb .................................
Russell Stevens... Carnes dr.rep .............................
Safety Supp.Co...fire dept.rep ..............................
Harold Dennis.......fire calls ..............................
Robt. Grant......... it sr ..............................
Perry Grant.......
Robt. Hoshal......
Walter Moore........ �t tt ..............................
LeRoy Taylor......
Merlyn Norris....... �t �� ..............................
Jim Gibbons......... n tt
Peter Chmarney......
Robt. De Brabender.., " " ..............................
Mac Gibbons......... *t ��
Glen Parsons........
Gerald Wisson....... rt ��
J.A.Petrie.... Sal. June 1-15 .................................
V.Van Belois., it. it �t"
Elgin County R.C.S.S, Bd.....a/c Levy ...................... $022.00--,
Elgin County Bd. of Educe.... it it ...................,,, 10027$.00,..
Brian Grandbois...mowing grass ............................. 12.00
J.D.Vallee...retirement allowance ......................,,,, 150.00
Dorothy Acre...OHRP advance ................................ 297,68
Ontario Hydro...Office & Fireball .......................... 18.23
Harold Dennis...fire chief ................................. 83.33
Robt. Grant.....dep. fire chief ............................ 37.50
St. Thomas San. Coll.Sery.................................. 2311.09 .,,
Advance Container of Can. Ltd .............................. $22.35
Allen Walsh.....park rental ................................ 1.00
J.A.Petrie.....convention & Mileage ........................ 163.25
Willis Marr...lawnmover rep., ... 25.67
Treasurer of Ontario...May cony ...... . ........... . . ... . ... . 22.80
Otter Publishing Co....advert.............................. 20.94
Geo.Beard...Corinth St.Lt.Maint ............................ 24.24
Treasurer of Ontario ... tile dr. deb ........................ 3057.$4-,
Hanin Ltd... cleaning office ................................ 36.00
Denise Grandboi.s...mowing grass ............................ $.00
Theodore Smith...mowing cemeteries ......................... 143.25
Hugh Ketchabaw...Emerson Dr ................................ 57,50
It it ...Scanlan Dr ................................ 12.30
It it ...Carnes Dr ................................. 34.25
Dorothy Acre...OHRP advance ................................ 14$2.00
Wm. Underhill...bldg. inspt................................ 541,00,
J.A.Petrie...sal. June 16-30 ............................... 425.00-,.
V.Van Belois, tt to it it ............................... 262.00
Lorraine Moore." June......... ........................... 204.15
Omers..........ded. June ................................... 177.4$
• R e c . Gen . f o r C an • tt tt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425.17 --
25.17 --
and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on Monday the 11th. day of
August, 1975 at 7:30 P.M....Carried....
Council Chambers, Straffordville
July 31, 1975
A special meeting of Bayham Town hip Council is held this evening. Reeve
M. Schafer presides with Deputy peeve R. Green and Councillors R. Sandham,
M. Stewart and G. Teall in attendance. The purpose of the meeting is to
meet with landowners concerned for the purchase of property for the
construction of the Knott's Mill Bridge, and other matters.
Mr. Douglas Vallee representing Jewitt & Vallee is in attendance to assist
with explanations and measurements.
The following parties being in attendance signed agreements for land purchas
John W. P. Arnold .617 acres @ 1200. per acre $740.40
Leo Lyons .444 acres @ 1200. per acre 532.80
G. Neal Procunier .790 acres @ %$1200. per acre 948.00
G. Neal Procunier fence allowance 31 rods @ $8. 244: g
G. Neal Procunier .373 acreS @ 1200. per acre b
Mathew A. Schafer 2.421 acres @ 1$51200. per acre 2,905.20
Anna M. Schafer .740 acres @ %$800. per acre 592.00
Mr. Robert Goudeseune made no decision re the purchase
his land and Mrs. Joan McCormick from whom .676 acres
not in attendance.
of .999 aces of
is required is
Moved by: M. Stewart and Secnnded by: G. Teall
That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement between the
Corporation and Mrs. Anna Schafer for the sale of the road allowance through
the lands of Mrs. Anna Schafer in Lot 114, N.T.R. and Centre Bridge when/
closed by by-law of the Corporation for the sum of $592. plus legal. costs..
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That the Clerk be authorized to attend the Association of Municipalities
convention in Toronto during August 3rd. to the 6th.,000,00,Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1861 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 1562
(Building By-law) be now read a first time........Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that By-law No. 1861 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 1861 be now read a third time and finally
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn........Carried
L C1
Council Chambers, Straffordville
August 11, 1975
The regular meeting of Council for the month of August is held this
evening. Reeve M. Schafer presides with Deputy Reeve R. Green and
Councillors R. Sandham, M. Stewart and G. Teall i.n attendance.
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the minutes of the regular meeting held July 7, and special meeting
held July 31, having been examined by the members are hereby approved
and the Reeve's signature authorized on same....*..Carried
The following items of correspondence are reviewed:
Dept. of Agriculture..rabies report June, 1975
Municipal Liason Committee..housing programs and budgeting conference
Till.on & Tillson..tax registered property..Lot 24, Conc. 5`.
Ministry of Housing..assessment values for OHRP properties
Elgin County Bd. of Education..acknowledgement and attendance at Aug. 11,
C. N. Rlwy..installation of culvert on Tillsonburg/Bayham townline
Local Government Study Committee..minutes of Jul2 meeting
Min. of Trans. & Comm..advance subsidy payment (L6,800.)
John Wise, M.P..Members of Elgin L.I.P. constituency advisory group
Minister of Energy..acknowledgement of resolution re hydro rate increase
R. K. McNeil, M.P.P..acknowledgement of resolution re hydro rate increase
Geo. Gilvesy jr.. inquiry as to status of Third Street, Plan 205
Harold Dennis..fire report Dec. 11/74..June 9/?5
Land Division Committee..severance application..E. Tillson in trust E176/75
Land Division Committee..severance application..Clarence Howe E188/75
Mr. Mac Gibbons meets with Council to discuss the progress of *the road
program for the year, which appears to be progressing favourably.
Mr. Blake Wolfe meets with Council to request the opening of a portion
of Dutton Street, Plan 205. Council agrees that it can be opened when
Mrs. Joan McCormick meets with Council to discuss the purchase of a portion
of her property required for the widening of the road at Lot 114, N.T.R.
Council offers $100. for 0.076 aces of land and assures Mrs. McCormick
that her hedge will not have to be removed and that her present drainage
system will be protected. Mrs. McCormick will reply to the offer be the
end of August.
Messrs. Robt. Howey and Vince Black representing the Elgin County Board
of Education meet with Council to discuss the problem of school busses
making left turns off No. 19 Hwy. into the Straffordville School. The
Board members agree that this is a dangerous practice and that all drivers
will be notified that the entrance from Sandytown Streat should be used t
rather than any left turns made from the highway.
Messrs. Howard Palmer, Wayne Palmer and Bill Jeneraul representing the
Aylmer & Malahide Telephone Co, Ltd. meet with Council to report the
progress on the communications system for the fire dept. in North Bayham.
Six telephones can be placed on a line at an approximate cost of $1,000.
The operating cost will be approximately $12. per month after installation.
Mr. Harold Dennis meets with Council to report favourable progress in
the trainin.0 of the new volunteers for the fire department.
Mr. George Price meets with Council to discuss the mobile home he has
placed on Lot 21, Conc. 3, in contravention to our by-law. Mr. Price
explains that he was unaware of the blaw and that he has not had any
utilities hooked to the mobile home. �_t is used only on week -ends and
it is his intention to move it when a suitable location is found. Council
cautions him against the installation of any utilities as he may be
compelled to move the mobile home from its location in Bayham.
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That this Council has no objections to the following proposed severances:
Edwin Tillson in trust, Lots 5, 62 7, 8 & 91 N.T.R. #E 176/75
Clarence Howe, Lots 5 & 6, R.P. 205, # E 1$$/75 .... ,...Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That Aylmer & Malahide Telepone Co. Limited be requested to install
the necessary equipment to install 6 telephones on a special fire line
in the Corinth area at an approximate cost of $1,000.....Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart
and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the following applications for tile drainae loans
be approved:
Wm. A. Underhill & Dorothy K. Underhill, Lot 125, Conc.
6, $9,000.
Henry Lamers & Betty
J. Lamers, Lots 131 a 132, Conc. 6,
Henry Lamers & Betty
J. Lamers, Lot 23, Conc. S.G.
Moved by: R. Green
and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That the following building permits be approved:
Jack Wolfe
Paul Frarfklin
swimming pool
George Ryan
swimming pool
Henry Genetello
strip room addition
Michael Wizniak
Cornelis DeKraker
swimming pool
Cornelis DeKraker
demolish kiln
Cornelis DeKraker
demolish breezway & garage 7,000.
Paul Stewart
demolish 5 kilns
Peter DeWit
machine shed
Tony Csinos
addition & renovations
Cyril Cockell
Harold Parker
family room addition
Norris Vaughan
mobile home (New E. Pk)
Steve Stefan
Gerry Kleinzeverink
pole barn
Cornelis DeKraker
machine shed
Cornelis DeKraker
manure storage pit
Jim Fuller
storage shed
John Dyk
residence addition
Rick Noels
mobile home (New E. Pk)
Nick Balint
demolish & build 2 kilns 6,000.
Reeve Schafer declares a possible conflict of interest in the following
resolution and By-law 1862 as the property under discussion belongs to
his wife and takes no part in the discussion.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That Anna M. Schafer be paid $152. for 19 rods @ $8. per rod as fence
allowance on property purchased for road widening purposes at Knottts
Mill Bridge.......Carried
1;`1862 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1862 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve
and Clerk to execute an agreement with Mrs. Anna Marie Schafer for,the
sale of land be now read a first time......,Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that By-law No. 1862 be now read a second time...Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 1862 be now read a third time and finally
I *
r11863 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1863 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve
and Clerk to execute an,agreement with Future Farm Supplies Limited
for the rent of premises be now read a first time .... Car -tied
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 1863 be now read a second time...Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that By-law No. 1863 be now read a third time and finally
t11604 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 1864 being a by-law to adopt the assessment
on which the taxes will be levied for the year 1975, to levy the taxes
for the year 1975 and to provide for the collection thereof.be now read
a first time......Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1864 be now read a second time...Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 1864 be now read a third time and finally
passed.... .....Carried
=1865 Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1865 being a by-jiw to provide for the
maintenance of the Bartley, Carnes, Coomber tBt, Coyle, Deli, Emerson
tit, Lysy, No. 1, Pollick, Wallace and Winter Drains and to raix6,the
sum of $1,622.59 to pay therefor be now read a first time...Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that By-law No. 1865 be now read a second time...Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 1865 be now read a third time and finally
passed ......... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That general accounts totaling $27,727.18 and road accounts totaling
$15,294-30 be approved:
Roads vouchers
... .........................................$7,601+•5
Roads..pay list July 1-15...........................*0000
Roads..pay list July 16-31 ...............................
Dorothy-Acre..OHRP advance ...............................
Breents General Store..Corinth recreation account........
A & M Tel. Co...fire phones ..............................
Willis Marr..lawnmower rep ...............................
Cty.Plewmen's Assoc...grant .....................00.00....
M.Schafer...... council ...................................
R.Sandham...... it
M.Stewart...... "...................................
G.Teall........ "...................................
Ont.Hydro ... Straff.lights.....Cor.,Eden, & Richmond......
Jas.S.Davison...animal control .....................60.00.
Honsberger Bros...Eden rec. a/c ..........................
Fernlea Flowers Ltd ......................................
Long Point Reg.Cons.Auth...a/c levy ......................
Lorie DeClercq...rec.a/c.................................
Erica Pokorny.... 11 ti
Monica Pokorny... it n .................................
Lucille Grant.... 11 ��.................................
Debbie Grandbois... mowing lawn ...........................
Bennett Stationery Ltd ... filing cabinet ..................
Theodore Smith ... mowing cemeteries ................000.0..
J.A.Petrie.... sal.July 1-15 ..............................
V. Van Beloi.s.. 11 :t is it ..............................
H.Dennis.....fire chief ..................................
It tt
St.Thomas San.Coll.Serv.Ltd ..............................
Advance Container of Can.Ltd .............................
Oxford Cycle & Sports Ltd...Straff. Rec..................
Soper Bldg.Supp.Ltd...Cor.Rec............................
Otter Publishing Ltd ... advert ............................
King Seagrave Ltd ... fire dept.rep........................
W.G.Webster Stationery Ltd...off.supp....................
Geo -Cameron Ins. Agency ... fire dept.truck,.................
Ont. Hydro..Office & fire hall ...........................
Pitney Bowes...meter rental .............................. 34.65
Treasurer of Ont...tile dr.deb........................... 2,823.57
Bayham Roads...Deli Dr.Rep ....................•........•
Deb. a/c...tile dr.deb..................................
Lucille Grant...rec. a/c.......• ..............•...•.....
Monica P o k o my . . . . t. 1* • , , • , . . . . . , . , . . • , • . • . . • . . • • • . . . .
Lori DeClercq... tt 1* ................................
Erica Pokorny... 11 it ..........................•......
Francis Underhill...cemeteries a/c.•,...•........•.....•
Timothy Howey....... *t 11 . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chas. Norman.... 1* killed ...........................
Francis Underhill..•sidewalk constr.....................
Ti m H ow e y . . . . . . . . . . , *t tt . . . • , , . , . . . . • , . . . . . .
Theodore Smith ... mowing cemeteries ..............••..•.•.
Lori De Clercq...rec. a/c .............•,.•......,.....••
Monica Pokorny..* ft tt ...•.••.•..•,...•........•.....
Erica P o k o my • • . . is it . • . . • • . . • , . . . • . . . . • . . . • , , • . . . . .
Lucille Grant.../ it it •.••...•.....••...•..•.....••..
Denise Grandbois..•mowing lawns...•,•.•....•.,..,.•...•.
J.A.Petrie...sal.July 16-31 ..................•..•,.....,
V Van Belois " It it 11
Lorraine Moore" 1t ....,.,,•.•....••......,•.....•...
Rec.Gen for Can...ded.July..•....,....•..•....,••..,..•.
Omers *t "
............. ..............................
Deb.a/c.... school deb ...................................
it *t .,,, the dr.deb.................................
42 5.00,,.
and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on Sept. 8, 1975 at 7:30P.M
- - 10 J " �/�, Z1,4,
4 Reeve
Council Chambers, Straffordvilli
September 2, 1975
A special meeting of Bayham Council is held this evening for the purpose
of discussing the proposed Countv of Elgin solid waste disposal proposition
Reeve M. Schafer presides with Deputy Reeve R. Green and Councillors
R. Sandham, M. Stewart and G. Teall in attendance.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the Council of the Municipality of the Township of Bayham supports,
the County of Elgin in their efforts for a temporary solid waste disposal
site or sites and a permanent site at the old Fingal Airport and state
that we are prepared to use these waste disposal sites when our present
contract terminates ......... Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That the Clerk be instructed to advertise for tenders for the collection
of garbage to be accepted on forms provided by the Clerk until 5:00 P.M.
on September 17, 1975.......... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn ......... Carried
l% 1
Council Chambers
Straffordville, Ontario
September 8, 1975
The rdgular meeting of Council for the month of September is held this
evening. Reeve M. Schafet_-presides with Deputy Reeve R. Green and Councillors
R. Sandham, M. Stewart and G. Teall in attendance.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the minutes of the regular meeting held August 11, and special
meeting held September 2, 1975, having been examined by the members are
hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same ... Carried
The following items of correspondence are reviewed:
Dept. of Agriculture..rabies report July, 1975
Ministry of the Environment..report re. transfer station
C. I. B. Of Commerce..increase in interest payable on current account
Local Govt. Study Committee..minutes of the meeting held Aug. 13/75
Richard L. Ralf..report and claim re. accident on 2nd. Conc. west
Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application V. & A. Cuiprinskas
it It W. & M. Burwell
Gibson, Linton & Tbth.. opinion as to ownership of Dutton & Third ''treets
Ross Andrews.. suggestion for naming a street after the Donnelly family
Mac S. Gibbons, Road Superintendent meets with Council to discuss the
progress on the 1975 road construction program.
Messrs. H. Ketchabaw and J. Chaleyssin meet with Council the resolve a
drainage matter.
Mr. Donald McCaig meets with Council to discuss the tender for garbage
collection and offers to extend the present contract for one month to
allow for more consideration of collection and disposal.
Mrs. Joan McCormick meets with Council to discuss the purchase of a
portion of her property for the widening of the Knott's Mill Road. She
proposes that a portion of her property be fenced in lieu of any cash
settlement. Council will look into the cost of fencing as opposed to
their offer and further communicate with Mrs. McCormick.
Mr. Wm. Underhill meets with Council and gives his building report for
the month. He explains the proceedure for participation in a rural NIP
program is the passing of maintenance and occupancy by-laws. The Clerk
is instructed to contact the Ministry of Housing and attempt to have a
representative meet with them at the October meeting.
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Green
That this Council objects to the proposed severance of the lands of
Vitoldas & Adele Cuiprinskas #E 220/75 being part of Lot 22, Conc. 2,
because of the location of the Otter Valley Cemetery in front of the
proposed lot and questionable entrance from the Township road and that
the land has been reforested .......... Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R. Green
That this Council has no objections to the proposed severance of the
lands of Wilford & Madge Burwell, #8221/75, being parts of Lots 15 & 16,
Conc. 9 ........... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and
That the following building
Rebert Gregson
Emerson Farms Ltd..
Jean Chaleyssin
Ward Farms Ltd.
Jack DeOliveria
James Kennedy
Doug a Dian Scott
Nelson Ward
Murray Swance
Robt. Tracey
C*cil Dykstra
John Kokenyesi
Lee Ball
Roger DeClercq
Roger DeClerca
Ken Ward
Ken Ward
Robt. Bartlett
Seconded by: G. Teall
permits be approved:
summer kitchen
demolish (4) kilns
demolish bunk house
& kiln
bilk kilns
restaurant alteration
house alterations
silo, barn, milk parlour 30,000.
garage alteration
auto body shop addit'n
remove 4 kilns
remove 2 kilns
demolish barn
re -locate 2 kilns
Clarence Milmine silo $7,000.
Wilford & Thomas Burwell residence 409000.
Mac Morse storage shed 400.
Victor Baldwin silo 6,000.
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded. by: R. Sandham
That the following applications for the drainage loans be approved:
John & Mildred Kavka Lots 11 & 12, Conc. 11, $6,000.
Ronald & Helen Green Lots 9 & 10, Conc. 10, 29500.
Jean & Annette Chaleyssin Lot 9, Conc. 2, 1,500.
Jean & Annette Chaleyssin Lbt 11, Conc. 3, 7,500.
#1666 Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that by-law No. 1866 being a by-law to impose a special
annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed
under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that by-law No. 1866 be now read a second time...Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that by-law No. 1866 be now read a third time and finally
passed .......... Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
That general accounts totaling $34,252.86 and road accounts totaling
$92,812.11 be approved:
Roads..pav list Aug. 1-15 ............................. 2,548.41
Roads..pgy list Aug. 16-31 ............................ 49348.26\
Russell Stevens..Emerson West Br. & Carnes Drains..... 130.00
Elgin County Mutual Aid Fire Assoc..1975 dues......... 15.00
Lori DeClercq..recreation acct ........................ 82.52
Lucille Grant..recreation acct ........................ 97.04
Erica Pokorny..recreation acct...... .................. 83.81
Monica Pokorny..recreation acct ....................... 97.04
Wm. Underhill..building inspections ................... 511.45...,
Carl & Shirley Biro..tile drainage loans .............. $124$.25°-,,
Daniel & Gabriel DeCloet..tile drainage loans......... 61$65.00'
Hugh Ketchabaw..t.ile drainage inspections............. 86.75
Dennis' Garage..fire dept. repairs..&.cemetery acct... 308.80
Honsberger Bros..Corinth recreation acct .............. 30.97
James S. Davison..animal control ...................... 48.00
Grant Motors (Straffordville) Ltd..fire dept. repairs. 20.00
J. A. Petrie..A.M.O..convention....................... .351.41ti
Aylmer & Malahide Telephone Co..fire lines............ 35.49
Lucille Grant..recreation acct ........................ 97.04
Monica Pokorny..recreation acct ....................... 97.04
Erica Pokorny..recreation acct ........................ 83.81
Willis Marr Small Engines..cemeteries acct............ 6.00
Treasurer of Ontario..tile drainage debentures........ 924.75-,,
Treasurer of Ontario..Jun..Jul.Conveyances............ 30.00
Aylmer & Malahide Tel. Co..office acct ................ 81.42
Olivetti Canada Ltd..service contract ................. 185.00
M. Schafer..Council.............................0000.. 64.00
R. Green.... "................................... 70.00
R. Sandham.. "................................... 64.00
M. Stewart.. "................................... 64.00
G. Teall.... "................................... 66.00
J. A. Petrie..extra council ........................... 60.00
Harold Dennis,.fire chief ............................. 83.33
Robt. Grant..dep. fire chief .......................... 37.50
St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd........... 2,311.09
Advance Container of Canada Ltd ....................... 822.35\
Debenture a/c..school debentures... ......... 0000...... 99214.00\
J. A. Petrie..salary Aug. 1-15 ........................ 425.00\
V. VanBelois.. 11 it 262.00
J. D. Vallee..retirement allowance.................... 150.00
Receiver General..postage ............................. 200.00
Brian Grandbois..cutting grass ........................ 8.00
Theodore Smith..cutting cemeteries. ................... 145.75
Hugh Ketchabaw..Deli Dr..Swance Dr..Hampton.Dr. $misc. 80.50
Brian Grandbois..cutting grass ........................ 8.00
J• A. Petrie..salary Aug. 16-31 ....................... 425.00
V. VanBelois..salary Aug. 16-31 ..........................$262.00
L. Moore..salary August.............................0000. 2$2.95
Receiver General..ded. August ............................ 414.$0--.
Omers..ded. August ................... ............. 0000... 216.00
and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on October 6, 1975
at 10:00 A.M.......... Carried
Council Chambers
Straffordville , Ontario
September 19, 1975
A special meeting of Bayham Township Council is held this afternoon for
the purpose of considering the report as received for the re -construction
of the Kerr Municipal Drain and *opening of tenders for the collection
of garbage in the municipality. Reeve M. Schafer presides with Deputy
Reeve R. Green and Councillors R. Sandham, M. Stewart and G. Teall in
attendance. Mr. John Sprt6t represents A. M. Spriet & Associates Ltd.
Mr. Walter Chilcott and Alan Vietch are the only owners affected by the
drain in attendance. Questions by them are answered by Mr. Spriet.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the report as prepared by A. M. Spriet & Associates Limited for the
Kerr Municipal Drain dated September 2, 1975, be adopted and the Clerk
instructed to have the necessary by-law prepared ......... Carried
Tenders as received for the collection of garbage in the municipalities
of Bavham, Port Burwell and Vienna are opened with the f pllawing reasults:
St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd:
Bayhem $27,650.$2 per capita
Port Burwell 5,070.87
Vienna 2,490.58
A. C. Hollongsworth :
Bayham $26,949.00
Port Burwell 4,566.00
Vienna 2,244.00
In addition St. Thomas Sanitary
additional tender which includes
Bayham $29,560.98
Port Burwell 5,425.93
Vienna 2,6?3.75
per capita
Collection Services Ltd. submit an
the cost of the landfill site:
per capita $7.13
it 7.13
n 7.13
After discussion with representatives from the Village of Port Burwell it
is decided not to accept any-,, of the above tenders at this time.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the Clerk be instructed to reply to St. Thomas Sanitary Collection
Services Ltd. requesting extension of our current garbage collection
contract on behalf of Bayham, Port Burwell and Vienna until November 30,
1975 .......... Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by:
That this special meeting of Council now
� r
R. Sandham
adjourn;;; ...... CarriEd
Council Chambers, Straffordville
October 6, 1975
The regular meeting; of Bayham Township Council is held this morning.
Reeve M. Schafer presides with Deputy Reeve R. Green and Councillors
M. Stewart and G. Teall in attendance.
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held September 8,
and special meeting held September 19, having bean examined by the
members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on
same......... Carried
The following items of correspondence are reviewed:
Dept. of Agriculture..rabies report, August, 1975
C. I. B. of Commerce..increase in borrowing rates
Local Government Study Committee..minutes of meeting held Sept. 11/75
Elgin County Board of Education..notice of liason meeting, Oct. 23/75
Elgin County Board of Education..notice of sale of Calton school bldg
St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd..offer of use of landfill site
Min. of T & C..loading zone regulations for school busses
Elgin Land Division Committee..severance application..P. & E. Stubbs 223/75
" Straffordville U. Church 224/7
it Ross Carson Farms Ltd. 241/75
it R. & M. Thurston 242/75
J. L. Kennedy & others..petition for street light in Eden
Johnston, Mandryk & Doyle..complaint re. erosion caused by road construction
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: G. Teall
That this Council has no objections to proposed severances as follows:
Peter & Edith Stubbs part Lot 15, Conc. 10, #E223/75
Straffordville United Church Part Lots 7, 8, 9 & 10, R.P. 205 #E224/75
Ross Carson Farms Ltd. part Lots 23 & 24, Conc. 9, #E241/?5
Ray & Mary Thurston part Lot 22, Conc. 8, #E242/?5
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Green
That the following applications for tile drainage loans be approved:
Edward Jedriak, Lot 11, Conc. 1, $29200.
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the following applications for loans under the Ontario Home
Renewal Plan be approved:
Clare Gunstone S. pt. N i Lot 7, Conc. 5, $29500.
Keith Winch Lot 28, Plan 255, 41000.
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the Treasurer be authorized to petition the Ministry of Transportation
& Communications for an interim subsidy payment on road expenditures
to August 31, 1975......... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: G. Teall
That this Council approves the application of Max Underhill on behalf
of Max Underhill Farm Supplies Ltd. for an amendment to the restricted
area order under Section 32 of the Planning Act to erect an addition
to his existing commercial establishment on Lots 17 & 18, Concession
5 .......... Carried
Moved by: R. Green
and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the following
building permits be approved:
Geddy Rugienis
garage addition
Keith Winch
house addition
Harold Garner
Helen Ball
garage addition
Leslie Fendrich
move kilns
Gabriel Mozer
move kilns
Theodore Lenssens
garage renovation
George Teall
Jim Manning
Lamers Farms Ltd.
remove kilns
Frank Muller sr.
John Eising
Warner Taylor
Peter W. Redecop
Mitchell Farms Ltd.
Clarence Howe
Albert Jeromin
Moved by: M. Stewart
That the petition of
the South half of Lot
accepted and the firm
engineers to prepare
single car garage $2,000.
barn 5,000.
re -build greenhouse 2,500.
work shop garage 49500.
demol. & rebuild greenhouse 4,000.
demolish garage 11000.
house 32,000.
and Seconded by: R. Green
Geo. Horvath & others for a municipal drain on
124, C)nc. 6, and Lots 16 & 17, Conc. 5, be
A. M. Spriet & Associates Ltd. be appointed
a report for same......... Carried
Mr. Tony Brown meets with Council to further discuss the erosion problem
as outlined in the correppondence from Johnston, Mandryk & Doyle above,
and presents photographs to the members showing the extent of the erosion.
While the damage at present is confined to the road allowance, it is
possible that some damage could occur to the property above the the
yard hill in the Third Concession east of the Village of Vienna. Council
agrees to investigate this matter and try to resolve the erosion problem.
Mr. Mac Gibbons meets with Council to further discuss the progress of
the 1975 roads program.
91867 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved. that By-law No. 1867 being a by-law to provide for a drainage
works in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and for borrowing
on the credit of the municipality the sum of $17,500. for completing
the drainage works be now read a first time..... Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved tFat By-law No. 1867 be now read a second time and
provissionally passed....... Carried
-11866 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1868 being a by-law to change the name
of a street be now read a first time....... Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 1868 be now read a Second-, time ... Carried
Moved by: G. Teall v and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1868 be now read a third time and finally
passed ......... Carried
1;f Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that Hy -law No. 1869 being a by-law to impose a special
annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed
under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971 be now read a first time.... Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1869 be now read a second time.... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that By-law No. 1869 be now read a third time and finally
passed .......... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That general accounts totaling $145,948.72 and road accounts totaling
$79,937.13 be approved:
Roads..payment vouchers..............................$72o90'4.99\
Roads..pay list Sept. 1-15 ........................... 2,523.44`,
Roads pay list Sept. 16-30 .......................... 4950$.70\
Wm. Underhill..blg. inspections ...................... 639.04,\
Forest City Copiers..supp. & rep ..................... 171.20
Bennett Stationery Ltd..supp......................... 11.71
Future Farm Supp.Ltd..rent - Aug & Sept .............. 200.00
Ont.Hydro...office................................... 50.00
Ont.Hydro... Straff.Maint ............................. 42.90
Deb.a/c..tile dr.deb................................. 3144.15
Straff.Comm.Centre Bd..library rent... ... o ... o .... o.. 240.00
Olivetti Can.Ltd...supp .............................. 17.20
Jas.S.Davison... animal control ....................... 48.00
W.&.Webster Stat.Ltd...off.supp...................... 17.54
A. & M.Tel.Co..fire phones... o .... o ... oo ............. 35.49
Business Computer Serv...tax billing ................. 653.30%-,
Walter Moore ... OHRP advance .......................... 1261.13\-
Dellerts Tile Ltd...Hampton & Swance Drs ............. 51.43
Chas.Ketchabaw...1975 tax overpayment.............*.* 3.60
East Elgin Planning Bd ... bal.levy.................... 1547.1
Merlyn Wolfe... overpayment bldg.permit............... 5.00
Otter Publishing Ltd ... advert ..........................
R.Green....... "..................................
M.Steward..... "..................................
R.Sandham..... "..................................
G. Te al 1 . . . . . . . '' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
89 . 00
J.A.Petrie.ex. "..................................
W.G.Webster Stationery Ltd..off.supp...................
Brian Grandbois...cutting grass ........................
Roger Casier...livestock valuations ....................
Florence Hawley... chickens killed ......................
J.A.Petrie..... sal.Sept. 1-15 ..........................
V.VanBelois.... N it ft rt't..........................
Glen Price...OHRP advance ..............................
Elgin R.C.S.S.Bd... a/c levy ............................
Elgin Bd.of Ed .... a/c levy ........... ......
...... ...... 88559.00.,,
A.M.Spriet & Assoc.Ltd... Kerr Dr. report..
Hugh Ketchabaw... Kerr Dr ...............................
Times Journal of St.Thomas...advt......................
London Free Press............ " ......................
Treas. of Ont..tile dr.deb .............................
Ont. Hydro...office.....................................
J. D . Va 1 1 e e . . . r e t . a l 1 ow . . . . so . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Geo. Moore ... 1974 tax overpyt ..........................
Dorothy Acre ... OHRP adv ................................
Harold Dennis..fire chief - Sept .......................
Robt.Grant...dep.fire chief.." .......................
St.Thomas San. Co11.Sery.Ltd...........................
Advance Container of Can.Ltd...........................
Russell Stevens ... Hampton & Swance Drs .................
King Seagrave Ltd..fire dept, suppl....................
Treas. of Ont...Aug.conv. ...............................
Oxford Cycle & Sports Ltd...rec. a/c ...................
Ont. Hydro...Straff. Maint .............................
Dennis Garage ... F.D. & Cemeteries maint
King Seagrave Ltd...balance tanker .....................17206.00
Glen Price ... OHRP advance..... ........................
O.P. Matheusik...sidewalk constr.......................
L. Moore ... sal.Sept....................................
Victoria Tribe... bHRP advance ..........................
Claire GUnstone., It it ..........................
Annie Repasy...Mun.dr.deb ..............................
V.Van Belois..tt it ft "............................
Rec.Gen..ded. Sept .....................................
tf "
... . .....................................
and that this Council now adjourn to meet
again on October 30th. at
7:30 P.M... ... Carried .... ..
%✓ J�
Council Chambers, Straffordville
October 27, 1975
A special meeting of Bayham Council is held this evening for the purpose
of discussing the status of our current garbage contract and other matters.
Reeve M. Schafer presides with Deputy Reeve R. Green and Councillors X.
Sandham and M. Stewart attending. Representing the Village of Port Burwell
are Reeve R. Bradfield and Councillor K. Matthews, and representing the
Village of Vienna are Councillors A. Goethals and A. Hartmann.
The present position of the proposed county landfill operation is reviewed
by Reeve Schafer. An environmental hearing will be required prior to any
landfill operation being started. It is expected that a hearing could be
arranged within one month of being requested.
Mr. Robert McCaig meets with Council and extends the current collection
contract a further one month to November 30th.
The quotation of Advance Container for the operation of the transfer
station is reviewed. The price of operation will be $14,280-32 per annum
for the three municipalities ($2.70 per capita) for 90 container lifts
and $75. for any extra subject to D.B.S. and population fluctuations for
a three year contract. In order to make arrangements for the leasing of
the land, Mr. McCaig requests an answer by November 15th.
The matter of Mr. McCaig's Southwold.property as a landfill site is briefly
discussed with Mr. McCaistating that the site will be available to all
Elgin munici alities at 2.79 per capita (subject to D.B.S. and population
fluctuations over a twenty year period. Prior to any further arrangements,
it is necessary to have the land re -zoned through an O.M.B. hearing.
The request of Mr. Howard Jackson to place one mobile home at nis park
site is discussed. As the question of drainage has not been resolved to
the satisfaction of Council, the Clerk is instructed to have Mr. Jackson
attend the regular meeting to be held on October 30th. for further discussion.
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this special meeting of Council now adjourn..........Carried
The regular meeting of Council f or
evening. Reeve M. Schafer presides
R. Sandham, M. Stewart and G. Teall
Council Chambers, Straffordville
October 30, 1975
the month of November is held this
with Deput-Y Reeve R. Green and Councillors
in attendance.
Moved by: M. Stewart and ''ecnnded by: R. Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held on October 6, and
special meeting held October 27, having been examined by the members are
hereby approved and the Reeve's signaturd authorized on same...Carried
The following items of correspondence are reviewed:
Agriculture Canada..rabies report September
Dominion Road Machinery Ltd. request for payment of sales tax on grader pchse.
Ministry of the Solicitor General..fire training school (St. Thomas..N ov. 3-7
Elgin County Local Govt. Study..reaserch report no. 3
Mr. Harold Dennis meets with Council to report on fire dept. matters.
Mr. Mac Gibbons meets with Council to discuss road program progress
Mr. Blake Wolfe meets with Council to request further consideration be
given to by-law passed re -naming Donnelly Drive. He informs Council of
some of the history of that area, explainnaw that the property now owned 'by
the United Church and being adjacent to tie road was donated by the Coyle
family, and that perhaps another street might be more appropriately re -named
to recognize the Donnelly family in this village.
Mr. Howard Jackson meets with Council to request permission to establish
some mobile homes in his park. Matters of drainage, roads and septic tanks
are discussed. The water having been tested by the Ministry of the Ehvironment
is satisfactory. Mr. Jackson is given permission to utilize up to six
sites, as approved by the Ministry of the Environment, until his new well
is operable.
Mr. Paul Knowles, spokesman for a group interested in constructing -'a
Christian Retreat Centre in Lot 113, STR�meets with Council to request
road maintenance and the issuance of a building permit. Council agrees that
the road would be maintained with minimal maintenance. Upon presentation of
the required plans a building permit can be issued.
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the Clerk be auiorized to engage Business Computer Services for the
production of the 1976 interim and final tax bills, and authorize the said
Business Computer Services to procure the tax billing tape from the Assessment
Branch of the Ministry of Revenue ......... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Stewart
That whereas this municipality purchased a 1967 Chevrolet dump truck from
the Township of Norfolk in May, 1975, at a cost of $3,350;
And Whereas the truck is working satisfactorily;
Therefore be it resolved that the Minsitry of Transportation & Communications
be requested to accept the expenditure of $3,350. for subsidy purposes...
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
That Ontario Hydro be requested to install a 175 M.V. street light on Gray
Street east of Travis Street in the Village of Eden.....Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the following applications for the drainage leans be approved:
Eric & Rose Roobroeck, Lot 24., Conc. 5, $12,700.
Eric & Rose Roobroec.k, Lot 23, Conc. 8, 17,200....Carried
Tenders having bee advertised and received for the construction of the
Kerr Municipal Drain are opened:
Pro -Van Drainage $13,568.
Norbrant,Contractors Ltd. 17,500.
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the tender of Pro -Van Drainae for the constrmction of the Kerr
Municipal Drain in the amount of 13,$65. be accepted ........ Carried
„'1670 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1570 being; a by-law to authorize
and Clerk to execute an agreement with Carson Farms Ltd. for
of a water supply at the New England Mobile Home Park be now
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandharp.
the Reeve
the maintenance
read a first
And resolved that By-alw No. 1870 be now read a second time...Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 1870 be now read a third time and finally
passed ....... Carri.ed
i Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R.
And resolved that By-law No. 1571 being
and Clerk to execute and agreement with
for the maintenance of a water supply at
first time.....Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R.
And resolved that By-law No. 1871 be now
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by:
And resolved that By-law No. 1871 be now
passed....... Carried
a by-law to authorize the Reeve
Howard Jackson and Violet Jackson
the Red Oak Park be now read a
read a second time...Carried
G. TEall
read a third time and finally
ffl672 Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 1872 being a by-law to repeal By-law No. 1562
( bldg. By-law) be now read a first time.....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1572 ne now read a second time...Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By -ba* No. 1$72 be now read a third time and finally
#187J Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1$73 being a by-law to adopt the National
Building Code of Canada as the Building By-law for the municipality be now
read a first time.......Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 1$73 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 1873 be mow read a third time and finally
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 1$74. being a by-lww to impose a special
annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed
under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time..Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that By-law No. 1874. be now read a second time...Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1$74. be now read a third time and finally
#16'l � Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1875 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 1853
(Planning Bd. members) be'now read a first time...Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that By-law No. 1$75 be now read a second time ... Carried
Moved by; M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 1$75 be now read a third time and finally
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
That general accounts totaling $37,674.,78 and road accounts totaling
$86,594-06 be approved:
Roads...payment vouchers.....................................$79,261.$9.
Roads..pay list Oct. 1-15 .................................... 2,518.27•
Roads..pay.list Oct. 16-31 ................................... 1+1813.90.
Brian Grandbois..cutting grass ............................... 8.00
Treasurer of Ontario..registering certificate TR 74.-1..6000.0 4..00
Future Farm Supplies..fire hall rent Oct .............,....... 100.00
Wm.Underhill... bldg. inset ................................... 572.92
Robert Gregson...tile dr. loan ............................... 1,380.00-.
Hugh Ketchabaw... It 11inset .............................. 20.00
Aylmer Express...advert...................................... $.80
W.G,Webster Stationery Ltd ... office suppl.................... 21+.34.
Gestetner (Canada) Ltd... office suppl........................ 54.85
Willis Marr...lawnmower rep.(cemeteries)..................... 6.00
Pitney Bowes...meter rental ............................,..... 37.01
Annie RApasy...Mun.Dr.Deb.................................... 11111.27,,
Aylmer & Malahide Telephone Co...fire lines .................. 35.$1
Ontario Hydro...Rich.St.Lts.................................. 57.50\
it it Eden 223.8$,\
it It Straff , tt 't .................................. 230.75-\
it tt Cor tt It 19-25,\
J.A.Petrie...mileage & reg.off.exp........................... 25.50
.Schafer.......Council...............................,...... 64..00
R.Green......... "...................................... 70.00
M.Stewart....... ".......................:.............. 64..00
R.Sandham....... "...................................... 22.00
G.Teall......... "...................................... 66.00
Pearce Publishing Co. Ltd...advert ........................... 6.96
Grant Motors...fire tanker chasis ............................ 15,380.00
Otter Publishing Ltd...advert................................ 11.20
Eden Cartage Ltd...OHRP advance (Gunstone)................... 36.00
Wells Contracting...Com. Centre Rep .......................... 21223.78\
Hewbank Paint & Wallpaper " " .......................... 1,590,05
Roger Casier...livestock valuation ........................... 5.30
Glen Price...OHRP advance .................................... 953.96
Wray Prouse...200pheasants.................................. 650.00
Debenture a/c...tile dr.deb..... ............................. 900.09
J.A.Petrie...sal.Oct. 1-15 ................................... -4.25.00k
it it
6V,VanBelois::�00J.D.Vallee.retirement allowance..150�
Ontario Hydro... office & fire kl.l........................... 50,00
Ttburg. Comm.Printers...off.suppl ...........................*. 62.92 100
Ileen Winkworth... livestock killed... 300.00
Treas. of Ontario...tileo dr. deb ............................ 2,761.92
Harold Dennis ... fire chief (Oct.1............................ $3.33
Robt.Grant...dep.fire chief........... 37.50
St.Thomas San.Coll.Serv.Ltd............................ 2,311.09-.
Advance Container of Can.Ltd........................... $22.35.,,
London Free Press...Kerr Dr.Advt....................... 38.25
Theodore Smith...cemeteries .................. 141.50
Victoria Tribe...OHRP......00........000000.00000.00000 234oOO
Keith Winch...... it .0.0000000000 ..................... 11$09.94..
J.A.Petrie..0sal.Oct.16-31...00.00000000.00000000000000 425.00
V.VanBelois.. " it it 'r ........................0.... 262.00
Lorraine Moore*" " 1-31 ............................. 121.85
Wm.Underhill..sal.Oct. & conv.exp...................0.. 714.62
Rec. General.ded.October.........0..0.0.......00.000000 381.19
OMERS........ t1 it .............00000000000000.0.0 216.00
Hugh Ketchabaw...Deli & Peidl Dr.cSc Misc..........0..... 101.10
and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on December lst. at
10:00 A 0M.... Carri.ed... .
Council Chambers
December 1, 1975
The regular meeting of Council for December is held this morning. Reeve
M. Schafer presides with Deputy Reeve R. Green and Councillors R. Sandham,
M. Stewart and G. Teall in attendance.
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
That the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 30, 1975,
having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reevets
signature authorized on same ... .......Carried
The following items of correspondence are reviewed:
Local Government Study Committee..minutes of meeting held October 16/75
Ministry of ,Revenue.. extension of date for return of assessment roll
Ontario Hydro..notice of claim for damages
Elgin County Land Division Committee..severance application (Greer)
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That this Council has no objections to the proposed severance of the
lands of William and Leta Greer being part of Lot 8, Concession 8, and
numbered E 260/75 ..... ...Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the Treasurer be authorized to open a bank account at the Canadian
Imperial Bank of Commerce, Straffordville, for the management of Local
Initiatives Program funds and that any two of Jack Petrie, Violet VanBelois
and Lorraine Moore be authorized to sign cheques........Carried
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: R. Green
That the Clerk be authorized to purchase an Apeco photocopier at a net
cost of $695. and tax..........Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Stewart
Whereas Sectio 507 Subsection 11 of the Municipal Act provides:
"The Council #� a County may by agreement with the majority of the Municipal-
ities representing at least two-thirds of the equalized assessment in the
County, provide that the amount required to be provided by each municipality
according to the By-law passed under Subsevtions 4 or 7, shall be paid to
the County in installments."
And Whereas the Council of the County of Elgin in regular session, did
resolve to seek the required agreements with the majority of municipalities
pursuant to Subsection 11 of Section 507 to pay the amount required to be
provided by each municipality in two equal installments to be paid on the
20th. day of July and December in each year. �}}
Now Therefore be it resolved that the Corporation of the Township of Bay am
agrees and doth by this resolution hereby agree to pay to the Corporation
of the County of Elgin commencing in the year 1976, the amount required
from it in two equal installments to be paid on the 20th day of July and
December in each year; Provided however that the By-law passed by the County
of Elgin under Subsection 11 of Section 507 of the Municipal Act shall have
incorporated in it the provisions of Subsection 13 of Section 507.
Resolution passed this 1st. day of December, 1975.......... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the application of John Ward for a loan under the Ontario* Home
Renewal Pro ram for residential renovations at Lot 20, N.G. in the
amount of $9,500. be approved ............ Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and
That the following building
John Howey & Sons
Leo Van Loy
Wm. Schneider
Leo VanLoy
Leo VanLoy
Gerald Taylor
W. E. Greer
Nick Balint
Joe Jurenaz
Joe Jurenaz
Gerry Bechard
Max Stewart
Wayne Taylor
Roy Bee
Brian Graydon
K. Emerson
Howard Jackson
LeRoy Marshall
Max Underhill Farm Supplies
Jack Wolfe
Carl Braun
Emil DeBlaire
Dan DeCloet
Gerald Couture
Jesse Dennis
Jesse Dennis
Harris Teall
Lysy & Assoc. Farms. Ltd.
Seconded by: R. Green
permits be approved:
house addition
remodel barn & addition
storage shed
demolish shed
demolish old house
horse barn
house & garage renovations
demolish & move kilns
10 bulk kilns
demolish house
machine shed
mobile home
re build garage
Ltd. warehouse addition
storage shed
car port
greenhouse addition
family room addition
curing unit
move kiln
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Stewart
Whereas quotations for the hauling and spreading of gravel have been
reveived from Shelton Bros Ltd. and Leach Bros. Trucking;
And whereas both quotations are in the amount of 9¢.per yard mile;
Therefore be it resolved that Shelton Bros. Ltd. and Leach Bros Trucking
be engaged to haul and spread gravel on the various township roads under
the direction of the road superintendent..... ... Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 1867 for the construction of the Kerr
Municipal Drain be now read a third time and finally passed.....Carried
1676 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that By-law No. 1876 being a by-law to raise $500,000. to
aid in the construction of sub -surface drainage systems for the purpose
of improving the agricultural productivity of the land drained be now read
a first time........Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 1876 be now read a second time...Carried
Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that By-law No. 1877 being a by-law to impose a special annual
drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the
Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time....Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 1877 be now read a second time...Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R. Sandham
And resolved that By-law No. 1877 be now read a third time and finally
Moved by: M. Stewart and Seconded by: G. Teall
And resolved that By-law No. 1878 being; a by-law to authorize the Reeve
and Clerk to execute an agreement with St. Thomas Sanitary
Services Limited for the operation and maintenance of a waste transfer
station in the Township of Bayham be now read a first time...Carried
Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: M. Stewart
And resolved that By-law No. 1878 be now read a Second time..Carried
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R. Green
And resolved that By-law No. 1878 be now read a third time
and finally
Moved by : R. G16een and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That general accounts of $45,470.02 70.02 and road accounts of $29,967-50
be approved:
Roads..vauchers ...........................................$21x.,023.71•
Roads..pay list Nov. 1-15 ................................. 2,211+.53\
Roads..pay list Nov. 16030....... ......................... 3,729.26.
Miller Wood..dog tai sales ................................ 1,136.00 ,..
Future Farm Supplies..fire hall rent ...................... 100.00
Workmen's Compensation Board..assessment.................. 123.26
Ontario Hydro...Straff.Maint .............................. 30.25
M.Schaf er......Council.................................... 6..00
R.Green........ it .................................... 70.00
R.Sandham...... it .................................... 6..00
M.Stewart...... it .................................... 64.00
G.Teall........ If .................................... 43.00
J.Petrie....... it $60. + mileage ...................... 70.00
Roger Casier...valuation.................................. 5.30
Glen Price..OHRP advance .................................. 915.00 N
Antonio Santos...chickens killed .......................... 66.50
Jean & Annette.Chaleyssin... tile dr. loans ................ $367.00
Allan. & Mildren Fisher..... tt " " ................ 14975.00,--
1+975.00Hugh Ketchabaw.............. 't " " inspt........... 58.00
A. & M. Tel. Co...,office................................. 93.71
L.I.P. account ... loan ..................................... 500.00"
James S. Davison...animal Control ......................... 6..00
Debenture a/c....tile dr. deb ............................. 1+93.20.
Deller's Tile Ltd ... Deli Dr.Rep........................... 111+.70
Goodsell Wilson...Mun.Dr.Deb .............................. 501*.77`
J.A.Petrie...sal.N ov.l-15................................. 1+25.00'-
V.Van?elois.. , tt tt tt tt. . ............... . ............... 262.00
Mary F.Nelson.,.Mun.Dr.Deb................................ 779.10 -�,
Treas.of Ont..Ti.le Dr.Deb................................. 2675.61
J.D.Vallee... retirement allowance ......................... 150.00
St.Thomas 'Oan.Coll.Serv.Ltd....Nov.............'........... 2311.09.
Advance Container of Can. Ltd...,.Nov..................... 822.35-,
Harold Dennis... fire chief ............................... 83.33
Robt. Grant....D. tt 37.50
J.D.Vallee...Mun.Dr.Deb................................... 1260.09,
Perry Grant...Fire Dept.Supplies.......................... 16.01
G.W.Cattle Constr.... Nevill Dr.R p ........................ 2040.00
Straff.Comm.Centre Bd... Library gent ...................... 240.00
Peters Brown & Co ... 1971x Audit ....... . . ................... 2141+.21\
Victoria Tribe ... OHRP advance ............................. 11+72.90,
David Causyn...Fox Bounty ................................. 1.00
Wm. Underhill... bldg. inspt ............................... 416.94,
J.A.Petrie....sal. Nov. 16-30 ............................. 1+25.00
V.VanBelois... it It tt "............................. 262.00
L.Moore....... it It 1-30 ............................. 143.20
Rec.Gen.forCan...... " Ded ............................... 362.00N.
Omens ............... it tt ............................... 216.00
L.I.P. account...loan..................................... 1000.00\
and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on the 15th. Dec. at 10:00
A. M.
Council Chambers
December 15, 1975.
Bayham Township Council met in regular session this morning. Reeve M.Schafer
presided with Deputy Reeve R.Green and Councillors R. Sandham, M.Stewart and
G. Teall in attendance.
Moved bv: R.Green and Seconded by: R.Sandham
That the minutes of the regular meeting held December lt, 1975, having been
examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature
authorized on same.......... Carried
The following items of correspondence are reviewed:
Dept. of Agri.cizlture-rabies report for October 1975
it if tt it is it November, 1975
St.Thomas San.Coll.Serv.Ltd.- position re.Southwold landfill site
Planning Act Review Committee -invitation for submission s
Elgin Farm Safety Council -request for appointment of 1976 delegate
Planning Act Review Committee -request for views re.mun.planning
Local Gov t t . Study - copies of report # 4 & 5
Ont. Association of Rural Mun. - announcementsof convention Feb. 8-10 f 76
Min. of Agriculture & Food -Kerr Mun.Dr.application granted
Min. of Environment -Compliance certificate granted re.Tupper extension of bldg
Twp. of South West Oxford - re -zone of Restricting By -Law
Ratepayers Petition re-3rd.Conc.opening for slow moving vehicles
Pt.Burwell-Vienna Day Camp -Donation thanks.
Mr. Mike Peidl met with Council to discus drainage problem which involves
the Haldimand Norfolk, Bayham Townline South of Talbot Road.
Moved by: A.Sandham and Seconded by M.Stewart
That Council authroize the Reeve M.A.Schafer and Secretary (mrs.) Violet
Van Belois to have temporary signing authority in the absence of the Clerk -
Treasurer, J.A.Petrie..........Carried
Moved -by: R. Green and Seconded. by: R.Sandham
That Council appoint George Teall and Blake Wolfe as their representatives on
the East Elgin Planning Board for 1976.........,.Carried
Moved by: Stewart ,
That the interest
care as follows:
Straff ordville
Old Port Burwell
Bayham West
M. and Seconded by: G.Teall
be disbursed to the various cemetery boards under perpetual
141.90 $2848.00
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R.Sandham
That the action of the Treasurer in purchasing a 10�o, 5 year Kinross Mortgage
Corporation debenture in the amount of $2,000.00 be approved......Carried
Moved by : M.Stewart and Seconded by: R.Green
That the report of the Fire Chief be accepted and the Volunteer Firemen be
paid at their various rates....... Carried
Mr. William Underhill met
with Council giving an up
permits,etc. in the Township...
Moved by: G.Teall and Seconded by M.Stewart
That the building permits
be approved as follows: -
Roger Vermeersch
Barn addition
Peter Staley
Storage shed addn.
David Beattie
Barn addition
Lysy's Assoc.Farms Ltd.
(used) tobacco kiln
Murray Swance
BarnSupplement addn.
Germain Sephers
new kiln
Blondeel NursRry
New greenhouse
Wm B dwin...Stora a shed
000. .& grain stor.b00.
to date report on building
Total $82000.
3 00.
Mr. Hugh Ketchabaw met with Council
Moved by: M.Stewart and Seconded
That Council request Hugh Ketchabaw
for 1975••••••9 -••Carried
giving an update on drain reports.
by: G. Teall
to receive $100.00 for extra services
Mrs. G. Bechard met with Council requesting that Fourth Street be closed on
the West side of # 19 Highway.
Mr. Robert McCaig representing St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd.
to discuss the future collection of garbage for the Township of Bayham.
Sgt. Crane & Const. Flemming paid an annual visit with Council.
Council approve approximately X50.00 to be used for the lighting of the
Corinth rink.
1880 Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: M.Stewart
Resolved that By -Law No. 1$80 being a by-law to appoint Violet Van Belois as
acting Clerk Treas firer and Tax Collector for the Township of Bayham be now
read a First Time.......Carried
Moved b;r: R. Green and Seconded b -v: G. Teall
Resolved that By -Law No. 1880 be now read a Second Tine...Carried
Moved by: TJ. Stewart and Seconded br R.Sandham
Resolved that By -Law No. 1$80 be nowv read a Third Time and finally passed...
Moved by: M.Stewart and Seconded by R.Sandham.
That the Treasurer be authorized to adjust 1975 taxes in accordance with
appeals received and assessments as provided by the Regional Assessment office,
Moved bar: Stewart, M. and Seconded bv: G.Teall
That this Council express their thanks to their Reeve Mathew Schafer for his
leadership and time spent for Township services for 1975.....Carried
The Clerk was instructed to inform South West Oxford that Bayham. Township will
not be renewing their Fire Department Contract for 1976.
Mpved by: R.Green and Seconded by: G. Teall
,8 l Resolved -that By -Law No. 1879 being a by-law to confirm all actions of
Council of the Township of Bayham for the year 1975 be now read a First Time.
Moved by: R.Sandham and Seconded by R.Green
Resolvers that By -Law No. 1879 be now Read a Second Time...Carried
Moved bv: R.Stewart and Seconded by R.Sandham
Resolved that By -Law No. 1879 be now read a Third Time and finally passed..
Tax adjustments for 1975 as per above resolution:
Name Roll *No., Months Assessment Tax
Adjustment Ad -;u stmer_t
H. Teall
R . Casier
V .Tisdale
R . Fautre
J . Chaleyssin
L. Grant
Tax adjustments continued......
Assessment Tax
Name Roll N o . Months Ad 'ustment Adjustment
C .Marshall ( Twp . Bayham ) 4-235 12 $300. $34.02
C.Marshall " " 4-236 12 200. 22.68
A.Ch�pps 6-152-0001 12 .4415. 550.53
W. Taylor 4-116 7 185. 11-79$2140.72
Moved by: G. Teall and Seconded by: R. Sandham
That the following payments for extra services be made
Reeve M.A.Schafer
D.Reeve Ronald Green
Councillors Ronson Sandham
It George Teall
Max Stewart
Clerk J.A.Petrie
Act.Clerk &Sect.Violet Van Belois
Road Superintendent Mac Gibbons
Office Clerk Lorraine Moore
Moved by: R.Green and Seconded by: R.Sandham
That this Council now adjourn to meet again on January' 5th.,1075 at 10 A.M.
iAL 1,-%
�! l
Acting Clerk