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Bayham Council Minutes 1973
B AYHAM TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1973 1190 Council Chambers Straffordville January 8, 1973 The Inaugural meeting of Council for the Township of Bayham for the year 1973 was held to -day. Reeve J. Dennis was unable to be present at the opening of the session. Deputy -Reeve M. Schafer and Councillors V. Chute, R. Green and B. Wolfe subscribed their oath of office and were duly declared sworn by the Clerk. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That in the absence of Reeve J. Dennis, Deputy -Reeve M. Schafer be appointed to act as Reeve.........Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: R. Green That the Council minutes of the meeting held December 27, 1972, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.........Carried The following items of correspondence were reviewed: Dept. of Agriculture..re..rabies areas..December The Salvation Army..re..request for grant Ministry of Agriculture & Food..re..select committee on darainage meeting Gibson, Linton, Toth & Odorjan..re..apportioment appeal Reeve J. Dennis arrived, subscribed his oath of office and was declared sworn by the Clerk, and assumed the Reeve's chair. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That a grant of $100. be made to the Salvation Army for the year 1973.... .........Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green That the drainage commissioner be requested to attend the hearing of the select committee on drainage on January 11, at St. Thomas......Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the Clerk write to John Wise, M.P., expressing appreciation for his assistance in obtaining the grant under the Local Initiatives Program for this municipality..........Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green That Reeve J. Dennis and Deputy -Reeve M. Schafer be and are hereby appointed representatives to the Erie Economic Council for 1973 ... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That Ronald Green be and is hereby appointed to represent the Township of Bayham on the Long Point Region Conservation Authority for 1973 ... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the members of this Council shall be constituted as a Drainage Court of Revision under the Drainage Act 1962-63 and that Ronald Green is hereby appointed Chairman of the Court........Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green That J. Dennis, M. Schafer, V. Chute, R. Green, B. Wolfe, R. Grant, J. Barclpy, J. Elliott, and B. McKenzie be and are hereby appointed members of the Bayham Parks, Regreation & Community Centres Board......Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That Vane Chute, Ivanel Johnson, Bessie Ryan, Doris Clark and Rose Dennis be and are hereby appointed to the Straffordville Library Board for 1973... ..............Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That the following persons be appointed to the for three year terms: Edison Cemetery Board: Jerry Seghers Calton Cemetery Board: Stanley James an Smuck Cemetery Board: Wallace Humphrey Dobbie Cemetery Board: Warren Tupper and various cemetery boards d Lloyd McQuiggan r Ronald Green Guysboro Cemetery Board: Alva Brinn Croft Garnham and Douglas Swinn i-10 1191 Straffordville Cemetery Board: Blake Wolfe, Basil Hevill and Robt. Grant Eden Cemetery Board: Geo. Jenkins, Ray Roloson and Rev. S. Findaly for one year..................Carried Moved by: Be Wolfer and Seconded by: M. Schafer That H. Beaman and Chas. Ketchabaw be and are hereby appointed to the Eden Community Centre Board for three yiar terms......Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That Blake Wolfe be and is hereby appointed Industrial Development Contact for this municipality for 1973.000..Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: Be Wolfe That the Treasurer be authorized to petition the Ministry of Transportation & Communications for subsidy applicable to roard expenditures for 1972... ********Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green That this Council now adjourn to reconvene at 1:30 p.m...,Carried Council reconvened at 1:30 p.m. Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the fire chief be authorized to purchase a chain saw for the use of the fire department.........Carried Moved by: Be Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the road superintendent be authorized to purchase a Homelite 922 chain saw for use on the winter incentive program.......Carried Moved by: Be Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this municipality renew its membership in the Ontario Good Roads Association for 1973 and that all members of Council, the road superintend- ent and clerk be authorized as delegates to same........Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green That this municipality renew its membership in the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and that all members of Council be authorized as delegates to same.........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: Be Wolfe That this municipality renew its membership in the Association of Rural Municipalities and that all members of Council be authorized as delegates to same......... Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That the municipality pay the membership fee of the Clerk in the of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario for the year 1973, the Clerk be authorized as delegate to same.......Carried Association and that Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That this municipality renew its membership in the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs and that the fire chief be authorized as delegate to same... •••••,.....Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this municipality renew its membership in the Ontario Farm Drainage Association and that the drainage commissioner be authorized as delegate to same..............Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: Be Wolfe That the membership fee of the Building Inspector be paid in the Ontario Building Officials Association for 1973..90096.04.Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: Be Wolfe That the building permits be approved as follows: Alonzo Hagell garage and storage $1,000. Daniel VanDevyuere residence addition 21000* Paul Franklin & Robt. Ball residence 12,000... Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That pursuant to Section 233 of the Municipal. Act, the blanket posAion bond of the Township employees having been examined by Council is hereby approved and the Clerk directed to file same in the Township safe...Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe And resolved hat by-law No. 17$3 bei a by-law to th 6 e the #1783 borrowing of 350,00. be now read a .rst Ume..... a�rrjz U] Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that by-law No. 1783 be now read a Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: V. Chute And resolved that by-law No. 1783 be now read a passed..,........Carried 17 Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that by-law No. 1784 being a by-law Pound -Keepers in and for the Township of Bayham read a first time.,.....,..Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute And resolved that by-law No. 1784 be now read a Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: B. Wolfe And resolved that by-law No. 1784 be nww read a passed..............Carried 1192 second time..... Carried third time and finally 'to appoint Fence -viewers for the year 1973 be now second time.»...Carried third time and finally #1785 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: B. Wolfe And resolved that by-law No. 1785 being a by-law to appoint in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1973 be now time.••...,.•...,Carriea Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that by-law No. 1785 be now read a Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green And resolved that by-law No. 1785 be now read a passed,,..,•.......Carried ani certain officers'. read a first second time•»•.•.«Carried third time and finally Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M, Schafer That accounts in the amounts of $1632824,$). for general purposes $21,606.68 for roads be and approved: Roads. -payment vouchers.......»...•....«.....•.....•........$17,0.1? Roads. -pay list Dec. 1-15 ....................r.......,.,...» Roads. 1,�469.55-. -pay list Dec. 16-31.•.9999»..•........r.....«9999,... Provincial 2,696.66 -Municipal Incentive program..».r•.•.•...,...•.,.. Welfare•........r.........•.........•.,.:.» , 1,990.59 ................• James S. Davison..«.••••.animal control.......l..•.••...r... 4,145 07\ 30.00 R.L.Brooks & Son......... furnace repairs..•.«..«»..»...1.... 14.10 The Aylmer Express....... advertising............ 0 • , 0 . » ... , „. Town Gate Inn•..........»employeest...........«99.99.. 146.40 ' Elgin Cty.R.C.S.S. Bd....le 9999»•..r .....................• �' 185.25 x+199. 44 -- County of Elgin.......... " ....•......»••..........r«9999. Elgin Cty.Bd. of Education " Secr.43..,9999•»»••.,,,•,,.•,•• 122305.12-�, Elgin Cty.R.C.S.S. Bd...•• " it ".........•....r•»•9999•. 1439.33 - 6.00 County of Elgin ...... .•.•• it " "•...........»».•........ 577.88--- Toll-Morris Elect. Ltd.... office supplies...........!.....•. 50093 Ont. Hydro••..••..•..•.•r.Richmond St.Lts..•.»...•.•........ 31.22 Ttburg.Comm. Printers.••«.ballots...r......•..r............. Soper Bldrs. Supp•......»•overpayment 72 taxes•.•........... 150.89 6.00 McKenzie Fuels.•.......... office...••...,..«!•........,..9•. Peters Brown & Co••.......interim audit.•.....,....0....l.,• $0.37 975,00- , _. alter Moore... ***********fire dept. supp..00..4'0l000 „r»rrr J.A.Petrie.••..•.»••••»»rrsal• 17.70 Dec.l-15....•0....•...•....». V.VanBelois............... " n " "....................» 2$5!00 - H.Dennis•!.•••r•.9•..»199. ' fire Calls...........0....00*000.. 170.00 150.00 Jack Nevill...........•.••. to " ....r.•,..r............. 6900 Robt. Grant............. " " •.r......•....•...lr.... 1$6.00 Perry Grant..•...,•,•.•,», " " 198.00 Norman Bates .............. •»ra•••••r•••r••r•••!••• 96.00 Robt. Hoshal....»9••999..• ft to.....r...r...•.•....•... 108000 Walter Moore..........••., " " •..«,.»•.r......l...•..• Andy Taylor....•..,••••••• " " ..0 ..................•.0 150x00 66.00 LeRoy Taylor......•..,•,•. to .•......9r.••.•,•......r 102,00 Merlin Norris,,,,,,,,,,,,, " " ..•»...•.••....•...!•... 156.00 Stuart McKenzie....,»999,9 " to .•.......•..,......l.l., 96.00 Mac Gibbons............•.. " " .•.»..,...••............ Jim Gibbons......,,,,,,,. " n ...........•.......».!•. 2 ,00 4 126.00 Ronson Sandham... , . .. » 9 0 » to 11M 96.00 Gary M,atschke...........l. it of.........».............1:3 • Jack Barclay............. to " 00 10$•00 .••...,...,l..••....,•». Basil Nevill......... to of 9999 9 ...•.....,...." ?2900Frank ..•...!l ...............! David Causyn.............. " " ,....l...•.•......,...l. 24,00/ 6.00' Jim Gibbons••.•..•.,••0•,9Straff, St! Lts9Maint.•..0........ 120»00 J.D.Vallee..•.............Retirement Allowance................ Gestetner (Can.) Ltdr••,•lSupplies......•......,.....•..l.•• 150.00 Ont*H dro0.9.0.00»»r,0••„ y Office.• ................ . ....•...., 62!76 1b� Harold Dennis ....... ***,••Fire Chief - Dec.......0,..l...l.. .77 6�.0 Robt•Grant................Deputy Fire Chief "D Dec........... 45.00 0 1193 St.Thomas San.C011.Serv.Ltd•.!!•.Dec..................•.•.... Advance Container of Aan.Ltd.....".,...,..••...•!,!!•.,.••0 Horace & Ivanel Johnson......./..Mun.Ta,x Credit.••.•..,,•.•., Registry Office.0•.Mun.& School Tax Eugene Ray«...•..•.Sheriff - tax reg«properties....,.•,,,,,,, Deb. A/C....•.....loffice.......0.......,00.....•♦.•.•0...... n "0.0000.0000•Tile Dr...........•......•...,.....•,«... Clifford & Eleanor Humphrey..... Tile Dr. Loans.... , .. 0 .. , , , , , , Honore & Yvonne VanAcker........ " " is Walter Nelson ...............•.•. " " Inspector0.,...00.000 News Printing Co............•...advt..............0.00•l..... Norfield Hart LtdO..l..,.0..00.0supp......................... Murray Scanlan•l...•..l..•.l.,..election...................., Gerald C 1 ark e . 0000 .. • .. ! « • 0000.. " 00000#00000000000#000 Murray �t 'E{m�erson.................. " 00••.000,,.00„•0.00. Jean l� oJ.i a ........... • it .. • , .. 0 0 0 , • , • 0 • . 0 0 0 • . Ruth L o c k e r 0000 •• ............... it . 0 0 0 0•. 0•• 0•• 0! 0! 0. 0. Lyle 4Lyernon. «........0.0 •..,..... " 000000000000000000000 J. « Veil 1 e e ...................... 't • 0..0..0.0.0 0 • • 0.0.0 0 Bessie Ryan ......... , 0000. • 0000 • " .•. 0 0 0« 0 0. 0 0 0, 0,. 0•. 0 LyleW�lalsh00.............•...... " .0...,••.0..•,.,,0.00 Geo. Cameron•..••.•.•«.••••••••• " !,.0..••.000••,•00••. Brenda Chilcott.•............... " „0,,,,,,,,„0..,,.00 Alonzo Hagell.l..•.............. " 00.0••0.0!0•• •00.0 Catharine McDowell.............. " ..00000000•0000.0.00« Chas • K e t c h ab aw . • ..... .. • 0 • . 0 • 0 . is • 0 . .. • . 0 0 • 0 • 0 • ! 0 0 . .. • Jean S imp 3 On . .. « . • . • 0000 • 0000... " 0 • 0 0 . • 0 , 0 .. 0 • • • • « 0 . • « Dorothy Acre..............•.•..• " 0.0.••••0 „ 000.•.0«•. Hazel Graves . . • . « . . . ... 0000... • . 't • . . . • 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 Kathleen Shaw . . . « . . ! ........ . . • . " 0 0 0 0 . ! • 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 • 0.0.0 0 J. A .Petrie . .... 0 . . . 0000 .. . . . .. 0 . " 0 0 ! 0 0 ! 0 , 0 0 • . . 0 0 0 • ! .. ! V.VanBelois.......0............. " Trinity Anglican Church.,..,,,,, " .•0000000000000.00000 Norman Li ght « « • • .. • 0 . 0 . • , • ..... 0 " . 0 ! . • « • • • 0 • 0 ! . • 0 ! . ! 0 . Straffordville. C,C,Board....... .0,,,00,000.000!000.0 Corinth United Church.........,. » 000*00000***00*00000* Eden Baptist Church..........•.. " 0.0000000•00!00000000 Richmond United Church....,,..,. " .,,,,,,,,,,,0l.•• Dennis••••.•..•.•..l.••.•..•lOCouncil..,,,,.•,••!•.•.•,..••a A• C S in S . . ... . . .. . . ............ . " , 0 0.0 ! ! 0 0 • • 0.0 0 ! • 0.0 • • R.Green . ......'.. ! . « ........... • . " • • 0 0 0.0 • • • 0 0 • • • 0 0 • • • • 0 M.Schafer!...................•!• " 00.0000090,..000•0,•00 B.Wolfe..........•.....•...••... " 0•00.0000•••••00 „ •.•. .Petrie••!••.•«•«.•.•...••.••«• ..•.•••••.•••••!••,..• V• V anB el of s .................... . ! 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0• M .Gibbons . • ... ! .. « .......... , 0.0 " 0 0 • • 0 • • • 0 0 0.0 ... 0 ! • • 0 • Straffordville C.C.Board.,..../.library rent...,....,.,,•,• Registry Office...•0•.0.•l.00!!*Nov.conveyances0,0••.0.0.00•. Gibson, Linton, Toth & Odorjan•,legal.......••.,,,,,,,,,•.... Al &/or Ivy Schirris,••.••..•.•.Mun•DrODeb......,,,•••.,00!!, Mac Gibbons....•................turkeys....................!. A & M Telephone CO...,...,,,,•.•fire line,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, McKenzie FuelsO••0•••••..• !•office••!••..••!!•••••!••.,•• Hotchkiss Appl..!!.0.0l0,.•!0!.•lights..............•.,.•...! Clayton Jackson•....,..,,••••.••tree..................•..,... Long Point Cons. Auth.O.•.....•.levy.•..............•.!,...,. Wm.King•.••.•.0!•.,l0..•0•.••l0.welfare advance.............. J,AlPetrie.•....!«•000.00.000,,,sal.Dec. 16-310000.00000000•! V..VanBelois................•0l,. " tt tt tt jRec.Gen!•••.••••,.1.••.!•.••.•.•ded• Dec•••,•,••••••••••••, v111e r S .. ! 0000 .. . ........... • . , ! .. 0 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 • • 0 • 0 • • • • Rec. Gen.•.l..«•0•.•.0!0.0..•.•.Postage.........•......•.,••. Wm.Underhill••.•./..00.00l.wages.•...0.000.0•l.0000000*. Walter Nelson..•••...•.,..•,••,.Scanlan Dr,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dellers TilsLtd................ Ittr 0900*000000**00000 A,J.Graham Eng.Cons. Ltd..,,..O.Dieleman Dr...,,..•.0..•..••. Robt. Byerlay.l.0.0••!0 •,•,Corinth tt " ! • 0 0 , • • • . • • . ! . , • • 0 0 6"S C and $Il . , , Dr • • • • • • « • • • • • ! • • • i tt " ••,••0••..•..••00.0Brnl@y Dr.O,....••♦•••0•••i. . .Petri.e........,•..00..,..0•/Nevill Dr.......•.••.........! V•VanBelois......•.............. " tt 0000.000•000000000000 Walter Nelson ..................! " " 000000*0*0*000000000 Moved by Green, Seconded by Schafer. That this Council now adiourn to meet again on February Ath. at 1652.00. 587o83-- 150-00 1000 2.25 4124.00 13 93.29 1670.00. 23?0.00%, 60.00 110.$6 13'60 33.20 28!60 26.00 22.00 55.80 27050 30.00 27.00 30.00 27.00 33.00 22.00 31.20 22!00 31.00 L2 27 ! 60 27 000 22000 40.00 30.00 25000 25.00 50,00 25.00 25.00 25.00 326.20 226.50 177.50 179.20 175,30 189,00 100,00 100000 11.70 103 , 2,4. 3609.83- 2$•34 23.83 57.60 2,99 3.00 4375.00 173.55 2$50OG-. 170.00 156/98 12016" 200,00 126.90.. 109,70 2.94 69!60 1$•00 19$000N 42000 90.00 10.00 % 35!76 10:00 AOM,.! 1194 Council Chambers, Straffordvi114 January 15, 1973 A special meeting of Council was held on the above date for the purpose of considering the engineer's report for the construction of the First Street Drain in Eden and other matters. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Councillors V. Chiate, R. Green and B. Wolfe in attendance. _4 Engineer John Dodd representing John B. Dodd Ltd, Walter Nelson, Bayham Drainage Commissioner and approximately 12 interested parties from Eden being present, the report as prepared for the First Street Drain was reviewed by Mr, Dodd, In addition to the report as prepared it was suggested that laterals be placed to lot lines in various locations for connection of private drains when the need arises. This suggestion was accepted by all parties concerned. The cost of the laterals would be included as constryctior costs of the drain. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That the report of John B. Dodd Ltd. dated October 2, 1972, for the construction of the First Street Drain, Hamlet of Eden, be accepted and the Clerk instructed to have the necessary by-law prepared...... arried A'discussion on the date of the regular meeting of Council for Eebruary and the knowledge that some members could not attend on the date recorded in the adjournment resolution of January 8 resulted in the following: Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: V. Chute That the resolution of January 8 setting; :the date of the regular meeting of Council for the month of February be amended to read: that this Council meet again on February 12, at 10:00 adm........Carried It was decided to hold a meeting with the members of the Community Centre Board, theStraffordville Library Board, and the building committee of the Straffordville Lions Club to discuss the proposed plans for the new community centre building on January 23, at 7:30 p.m.. Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green That this special meeting of Council now adjourn........Carried -` Raeve 7 Clerk Council Chambers, Straffordville January 22, 1973 Council met this evening to sit as Court of Revision to he ar filed with the Clerk against the assessments contained inBy_Law No,als 1780, Chairman R Straffordville Municipal Drain. Green presided with members V. Chute, J. Dennis M. Schafer R. and B. Wolfe in attendance. Messrs. David Graham and Alan Stinson represented A. J. Graham En ineerin C Written appeals were presented to the Court as follows: g onsultants Ltd,' 1) George Gyul.veszi jr. (present) complaining that the overall cost was excessive and that his cost was excessive in relationship to the benefits to be received. 2) Walter Stansell (present) complaining that his cost was excessive in relationship to the actual market value of his property f 3) Central. Pipe Line Co. Ltd. (represented by Mr. B. Johnston of Johnston Mandryk & Doyle) requested additional back-up information as to how this particular assessment was arrived at. A notice of intention to appeal to the Drainage Referee was filed with the Clerk. 4) A. Locker and W. L. Locker (present) complained that because of the shape of their property further development was extremely doubtful and that the property situation was such that use of the drain was impossible. 5) Wm. Partington jr. complained that the description in the assessment schedule contained an incorrect lot size and that proposed catch-basin s wo not be in a position to collect water from his property. His wife represen ed him at the Court, 6) Clayton Jackson and Margaret Jackson (absent) complained h used for the growing of Christmas trees should be designated that his property or, if it was to be considered residential land, allowaannceeshouldgbe madural, for a street allowance to give acess to the property, a made Moved by: J. Dennis and Seconded by: M. Schafer 1195 That this Court of Revision now adjourn to reconvene at the call of the Chairman...........Carried January 22, 1973 The second session of the Court of Revision for the Straffordville Municipal Drain was called to -order by Chairman R. Green with all members of the Court and Messrs. Graham and Stinson in attendance. The various appeals were thoroughly reviewed by the members of the Court. Moved by: J. Dennis and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the appeal of George Gyulveszi jr. be dismissed and the estimated assessment as contained in by-lary No. 1780 confirmed ........ Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the appeal of W. H. Stansell be dismissed and the estimated assessment as contained in by-law No. 1780 be confirmed.....Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the appeal of Central Pipe Line Co. Ltd. be dismissed and that the estimated assessment as contained in by-law No. 17$8 be confirmed..Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the assessment of A. Locker on drain No. 10. be reduced by $226. to $200.00...Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: J. Dennis That the assessment of Wm. Partington jr, on drain nos. 1 and 8 be reduced to correspond with the actual acreage contained in the deed of land as confirmed by the Assessment Review Court on December 29, 1972. Assessment on drain no. 1 bd*reduced by $17. to $205. and assessment on drain no. 8 be reduced by $13. to $157.....9.Carried Moved by: J. Dennis and Seconded by: V. Chute That the appeal of Clayton Jackson.and Margaret Jackson be dismissed and that the estimated assessment as contained in by-law No. 1780 be confirmed.. •••••••........motion lost Moved by: J. Dennis and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That then estimated assessment of Clayton Jackson and Margaret Jackson as appealed against on assessment roll number 4-025 be adjusted to the designation of agricultural lands subject to the Provincial grant for agricultural lands and that appeals against assessment roll nos. 4-220 and 4-221 be dismissed and the estimated assessments as contained in by-law No. 1780 be confirmed..........Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by* ► B. Wolfe 1) That assessment against roll number 4-267,-W. No. 1 be reduced $17. to $205. and that the total 1 be reduced $17. to $25,868. 2) That assessment against roll number 4-267,- W. No. 8 be reduced $13. to $157. and that the total 8 be reduced $13. to $50,980. Partington jr. on drain assessment on drain No. Partington jr. on drain assessment on drain No. 3) That assessment against roll.number 4-184, A. Locker on drain no. 10 be reducedt."226, 226. to 200. and that the total assessment on drain no. 10 be reduced to T36,148, 4) That total assessment against roll number 4-267,- W. Partington jr. be reduced $30. to $262. 5) That total assessment against roll. number 4-1$4,- A. Locker be reduced $226, to $305. 6) That total assessmnet on the Straffordville Drainage Works be reduced 256. to $235,080. and that the contingency fund be reduced $256. to 7,295•000......Carried Moved by: J. Dennis and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Court of Revision for the Straffordville Municipal Drain be closed..........Carried wsc (-kh-airman Clerk 1196 Council Chambers, Straffordville January 23, 1973 A special meeting of Bayham Township Council was held this evening for the purpose of discussion with various bodies the proposed construction of a new community centre building a the park property. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deputy=Reeve M. Schafer and Councillors V. Chute, R. Green, and B. Wolfe in attendance. Representing the balance of the Community Centre Board and Lions elub were, Earl Gowdy, Jack Barclay, Burns McKenzie, Tom Wells, Tom Lawrence, Ed. Matschke and Robt. Grant.Representing the Library Board were Ivanel Johnson, Rose Dennis and Bessie Ryan. Representing the Elgin County Libray Board were Elgin Wells, Ross Walls and Al Kahnt. The Bayham Historical Society were represented by Horace Johnson, Hugh Howey, Ross Andrews and Doug Dennis. It was requested by the Library Board that considerbion be given to enlarging the present library quarters at the time of construction. Lions Club Chief Tom Lawrence requested Council to give consideration to the making of a grant of approximately $15,000, towards the construction in addition to the grant available under theCommunity Centres Act. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That this Council request the contractor as engaged to provide an estimated cost for an additional 440 square feet to be added to the library quarters as presently provided for the Elgin County Library Board and said cost to be considered by Council and if found to be satisfactory may be authorized for construction under the by-law to be prepared for the construction of the proposed community centre...........Carri.ed The following items of correspondence were reviewed: Regional Assessment Office..re..trailer licencing Ontario Conference on Local Government..re..request for grant University of Guelph..re..drainage commissioners school Gibson, Linton, Toth & Odorjan..re..copies of correspondence re levy adjustmen Aylmer Minor Hockey Assoc..re..reqquest for grant Aylmer & East Elgin Agricultural Society..re..request for grant St. Thomas Information Centre..re..list of services Ministry Of Transportation & Communications..re..subsidy allocation for 1973 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That a grant of $50. be made to the Aylmer Minor Hockey Association for the year 1973.•0000000..Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That a grant of $100. be made to the Aylmer & East Elgin Agricultural Society for the year 1973....0.6...Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute Whereas there are presently three Homes for the Aged supported in whole or in part by the County of Elgin and situated in the City of St. Thomas and the westerly portion of the said County of Elgin And Whereas there is presently a parcel of land owned by the County of Elgin situated in the Township of Malahide and lying adjacent to the Town of Aylmer And Whereas this parcel of land is being considered as a site for a home for the aged. And Whereas the Council of the Township of Bayham now feels that additional facilities are necessary for the easterly portion of the County of Elgin Therefore be it Resolved: That this Council recommend to the County Council of the County of Elgin that consideration be given to the construction of a Home for the Aged in the eastern extremety of the County of Elgin; said home to be constructed in or around the hamlet of Straffordville to provide for the needs of the people in the eastern portion of the County of Elgin in a manner similar to that now being provided in the three homes now supported in whole or in part by the County of Elgin and situated in the City of St. Thomas and the western portion of the County of Elgin .And that copies of this resolution be forwarded to R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. and the Hon. Rene Brunelle, Minister of the Ministry of Community & Social. Service ••.•••............Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and That this special meeting eeve Seconded by: M. Schafer of Council now adjourn..........Carried 1I f7 1197 Council Chambers, Straffordville, February 12, 1973 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council was held to -day. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deputy -Reeve M. Schafer and Councillors V. Chute, R. Green and B. Wolfe in attendance. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That the minutes of the regular meeting held January 8, and special meetings held January 15, and January 22 and January 23, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.............Carried The following items of correspondence were reviewed by the members: St. Thomas -Elgin E.M.O..re..natural disaster plans Alma College..re..reEmmitteeooreo.severance est for funds Elgin Land Division re uest Sq .. tephen & Iva Gregson " Norris Prong Peter A. Wieb n n ,� tt Stephen & Iva Gregson Uounty of Haldimand..re..request to endorse resolutionLawrence re waterParker m daage & Son L County of Essex..re..request to endorse resolution re water damage E. Task Force on Policing..re..acknowledgement of brief on policing R. K. McNeil..re..acknowledgement of resolution re home for aged Dept, of Agriculture..re..rabies areas..January A. M. Spriet & Assoc..re..Ont. Good Roads Assoc. invitation Ability Fund..re..request for grant Elgin County Mutual Fire Aid Assoc..re..membershi no tice Elgin County Board of Education..re..request for interestg re a ment A. J. Graham En Cons. Ltd.... p y t� n amalgamation with DeLeuw Cather Canada Ltd. storage of records with Bell, Lemon & Houghti Advisory Task Force on Housing Policy..re..terms of reference Johnston, Mandryk & Doyle..re..Marshall expropriation Ont. Municipal Board..re..supplementary report to St. Thomas decision 22/6/72 Tillsonb-qrg Tri -County Agr. Society..re..request for grant Steele Magee & Goodal..re..progress re Supreme Court appeal Ont. Municipal Board..re.-Notice of Hearing re 1972 education apportionment Comm. on Municipal & Regional Information Mgt..re..seminar re assessment Otter Valley Rod & Gun Club..re..request for brushing for picnic area Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green That this Council now adjourn to reconvene at 2:00 p.m. Council with the Road Superintendent , Secrestary and Fire Chief were the guests of Mr. Robt. Alan, Manager, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce for lunch, Reconvening at 2:00 p.m., members of the Strafforiville Lions Club met with Council to review the agreement as prepared for the demolition and re-buildin of the community centre at Straffordville. The agreement was founk to be satisfactory to both parties and the Clerk requested to prepare a by-law to cover same. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That this Council make a grant of $150. to Alma College.....Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That this Council has no objections to the following requests for 1) Stephen Gregson and Iva Beatrice Gregson being part of Lot 114, and numbered E 2/73 2) Norris Prong being part of Lots 24 and 25, Con. 1, and numbered 3) Peter A. Weib being part of Lot 15, and west of Plank Road and Mill Street on Registered Plan 54 and numbered E 4/?3 4) Stephen Gregson and Iva Beatrice Gregson being part of Lot 114, numbered E 6/73 5) Lawrence J. Parker & Sons Ltd. being part of Lot 20, Con. 1 and numbered E 14/73...9..00,.0,,.0Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green severance: Con. 6, E 3/73 south of STR and That , be made grant a of $ year a 73. . , . , . 50 to the March of Dimes- Ability Fund for the Carried !- Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M• Schafer 119$ That the membership in the Elgin County Mutual Fire Aid Association at a fee of $15. be renewed......Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That a grant of $100. be made to the Tillsonburg Tri -County Agricultural Society for the year 1973.00....Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: R. Green That the petition of the Otter Valley Rod & Gun Club for assistance in clearing underbrush from a treed area on the club premises under the Township of Bayham Local Initiatives Program be approved subject to the approval of the tree inspector for the County of Elgin..«.••.•Carried W1736 Moved by: R. Green and And resolved that By-law 1406 be now read a first Moved by: B. Wolfe and And resolved that by-alw Moved by: V. Chute and And resolved that by-law passed.........Carried Seclnded by: V. No. 1786 being a time....,Carried Seconded by: R. No. 1786 be now Seconded by: M. No. 1786 be now Chute by-law Green read a Schafer read a to repeal by-law No. second time ... Carried third time and finally Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: B. Wolfe And resolved that By-law No. 1787 being a by-law to provide works in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin and on the credit of the Municipality the sum* of $17,500. for < drainage works be now read a first time.•,....Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1787 be now read a second time provisionally.passed.........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: V. Chute for a drainage for borrowing completing the and That accounts in the amounts of $2,127 61 for general accounts and $1,78745 for roads for 1972 and current accountls in the amounts of $$47,227.49 for general accounts and $$5,44$.64 for roads be approved: 1972: Roads..............•........♦..•....••...........•....«..�►.,.$1,7�?.45� Don Graham..residential property tax reduction (1971)........ 66.16 Green's Small Engines..incentive program...,•..,,.....•,....• 27,49 Ben Chilcott.,fox bounty ...................«..,•..........•.. $•00 Hill Agencies of London Ltd..copy mchne repairs.............. 16,50 Norfield Hart Ltd..envelopes....•...................•.....•.. 46.43 J. Dennis..Council•.......•.....................•.«...•...... A. Csinos.,88ouncil......•.• 46.20 26,50 .............••.«................ R. Green..Council...........:.•....«....♦...••.«........•...• 27.50 M.�Schafer..Council..........•...........«....«,«•.........•. 25.20 j B. '•olfe.•Council..•.••••♦♦•••••••••..•.••,•••••••••••«•«•.♦• 25.30 Registry Office..by-law registrations........................ 41.00 Stonecrest Lodge Nursing Home..........• ................«..,. 516.58 Delaware Nursing Home......•....•...........«•.......•....... 279.00` James Davison..animal control ................•............... 24.00 Municipal World Ltd..election supplies ....................•,. 159.79 Aylmer Express..advert•«.••......•.•.•...........••.•..•,..•. News Printing Co..advert...•........•.........•...•...•...... 8.46 14,70 Ontario Hydro... Eden lights..$204.76 Corinth it 17.50 Straffordville " 194.00 Richmond " 63,75........,•«0«.•0660. 480.01\ Lyle R. Grants Motors Ltd..fire dept. suppl.,•...«•.,•.•.•.« 3.36 Registry Office.«December conveyances....................... 3,60 Ontario Hydro..Straff ordville maintenance... 090#000000000000 65.52 Elgin Co -Operative Services..Incentive Program suppl........ 5.39 Treasurer of Ontario.«Welfare recovered 1972,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,« 244,92 Huston Fire Equip. Ltd..fire dept rep......« ..............•, 4,54 City of St. Thomas..fire dept rep.•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•,•„ 1.50 1973: Roads..vouchers.......«...•................................• $$1«47,s Roads.,pay list..Jan• 1-15....•........• ................•.•• 1,51+9.27,, Roads..pay list..Jan. 16-31..•.••.••,«•.•••««..•....,«••.,.. 3:017.90--, Incentive Program..« ..............«...«.....«...•..«•....... 1+,736.7-? ti �} Welfare.........• ..................•.........•.•«......•.... 21248.$$ l Treasurer of Ontario..tile drainage payments........•.0666«. 1,35b•3o-;% Mike Inderhill..office help ................•,•,,.,,.«.,,«•.• 14,00 8ebra Smith... 11 "•,...«•.«•,......•..•.....«........ 54.00 1199 Warner Taylor.••.,,,,,,,,,,fox bounty $ 8.00 Wm. King••.••••....•......•welfare advance........... Josten Farms Ltd....•......tile 22.00 drainage loan........ Walter Nelson.......... ....'' n Inspection... 636O,Oo\ Mrs. Anne Repasy..••..••«••Mun.Drain Deb �"'•"""" 40,00 553«35\ Norfield Hart Ltd. 0000 «0000 Bills...... W.G.Webster Starionery Ltd.su Interim PP0000.«..«0.00. 73,71 Ont. Farm Drainage Assoc...membership...,..,,.,«0.00• 11.91 15.00 Assoc. of Rural Mun........ ft .,,•,•,,,,,,,,•• Assoc. of Mun. of Ont...... " 15.00 Officials Assoc. " " • " •' • • • • ` Ont. Bldg. " x.5.00 ......••..•«0.00 Ont. Gd. Rds. Assoc.....,., tt 10.00 Salvation Army .......... ...Grant....,,,,,,,,,,,.•.«•. 25.00 100.00 Linda Terry.••••....•w.....welfare advance.., ...... ,« Olivetti Can. Ltd..•.....•.carbonrolls 90.00 .............. Lake Erie Fuels............office.......•...........• 25,20 51•x.7 Elgin Cty.Hd.of Education..a/c 1972 levy.............2O,000.00\ Safety Supp. Co.....•. ..... fire dept. rep.........•.• J.A.Petrie............••...sal.Jan.1-15•.«••.....•.•, 49.60 V. Van Beloisit 295.00-4, .............. i: :i n«.•..•..•.•... Assoc. of Mun.Clerks & Treas.of Ont••,«Membership.... 176.00 20,00 Ont.Assoc. of Fire Chiefs.............. it 0000 Ont.Education Cap. Aid Corp., debenture..... 15.00 216.0.00\ J.D. Vallee.•.••.....,.,,,.,retirement allowance.•... Norfield Hart Ltd..«,.,«,,,,office 150,00 Supp•,,.,,,,,,,,•, Lake Erie Fuels..••.••«..,.•office,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 14.40 93.93 Reg. Office..,....«•««.•..w«tax reg. prop.••..•..•.•. Dennis Garage.......•«.•••.•fire 13.00 dept•• .............. Harold Dennis.............••fire chief - Jan........, 239,03 60,00 Robt. Grant..., .........dept. " it " ••«'•`« " x.5.00 St. Thomas San.Coll•Serv.Ltd Advance Container of Can. Ltd.«..,•,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mrs.Anne Repasy.••.•.•..•mun.draindeb.....,....«»•.. 5$3.92• 798.24\ Roger Casier.«•,.,.,,,,,.livestock valuation ...... ••. V.Van Belois.•....••..•..sal. 12,00 Jan -15-31.............. J.A.Petrie,..•...••...... » 176.00 i: it tt•.......•w•..• Rec.Gen.•..•••..w...•...•Ded• Jan ...... ............. 295,100\ 21 Omers.................... it r: . « . w 0000.. • . , ... • • . . John 4. Dodd Ltd .... ,0...Eden repart..........«0000.• .62 10.56 1,136.60 \ J•A.Petrie«.•:...... .....Straff. By -Law..•...•....... V. Van Belois............ it ifn 2,080.00 Moved by Schafer and Seconded by Chute: - 520.0 that this Council now adjourn to meet again on March 5, 1973 at 10:00 A.M. ......carried....... r REEVE CLERK Council Chambers, Straffordvill.e March 5, 1973 The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council was held presided with Deputy,Reeve M• Schafer today. Reeve J. Dennis and Councillors V. Chute, R. Green and B. Wolfe in attendance. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: Be Wolfe That the minutes of the meeting held February 12, 1973, by the members are hereby having been examined approved and the Reeve's signature - same.«..,«,,,,Carried authorized stn Messrs. Tom Lawrence and Burns McKenzie, representing the Straffordville Lions Club, and Messrs. George Burr Morley and Mullen, representing Building Systems met with Council to discuss the tans Gilchrist as new Community Centre.The laps as P proposed for the P presented were approved by Council and the final designs authorized. Mr. Frank Clarke, representing the Ministry of atio Transportation & Communic ' met with Council to discuss the proposed road program for 19?3, ns Moved by: Re -Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That this Council now adjourn to reconvene at 1:45P •m«.•.Carried Council reconvened at 1:45 p.m. 1200 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That this Council now adjourn to sit as Court of Revision to hear appeals against the First Street Drain -Hamlet of Eden........�arried Mr. John Dodd, representing John B. Dodd Ltd. engineers 2Zr"Ross the drain, being in attendance and one appeal having been received Carson the appeal was received by the Court. Moved by; J. Dennis and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the assessment of Ross Carson on Lot No. 1 North of First Street in the Hamlet of Eden be reduced in the amount of $110, and said $110. be added to the assessment of the Ministry of Transportation & Communications to adjust for the property purchased by the said knistry in 1970 and as recorded on instrument No. 144335 and registered in the Registry Division of Elgin on October 144 l970......o*Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Court of Revision now adjourn to reconvene again on April 2, 1973 at 2:00 p.m........Carried Council resumed regular session at the call of the Reeve at 2:20 p.m. The following items of correspondence were reviewed: Peters Brown & Co..re.. auditor's report, 1972. Town of Thorold..re..request to endorse resolution against making Ontario Hydro a Crown Corporation Elgin County Board of Education..re..request for payment of recreation committee account for services in 1972 Township of Houghton..re..request to endorse resolution re erosion Ministry of Agriculture & Food..re..Hampton Drain report to R. Gregson Gilchrist Building Systems..re..quotation for addition to library Alma College..re..appreciation for grant DeLeuw, Cather..re..Central Pipe Line appeal to County Judge Minister of Community & Social Services..re..Homes for the aged County of Elgin..re..request for weed sprayings in 1973 County of Elgin..re..repeal of County By-law No. 1.76 (salvage dards) R. K. McNeil M.P.P. .re.,copy of Minister's comments on regional government Ministry of Treas. Econ. & Intergovernmental Affairs..re..designation of East Elgin Planning Area 11 Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: R. Green That invoice No. 536 of the Elgin County Board of Education for janitor service in the Eden Public School during the recreation program held in 1972 in the amount of $130, be paid.......Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the resolution of the Township of Houghton in requesting immediate action of the Provincial Government to search out solutions to eliminate the erosion problem along the Lake Erie shoreline and to implement these solutions as soon as possible be endorsed ....... Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That the statement of proposed expenditures for public transportation and highway improvements for the year 1973 as prepared by the road superintendent with estimates of $70,000. for construction and $78,200. for maintenance be accepted and said estimate' be submitted to the Ministry_ of Transportation & Communications for approval..........Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council recommends that Blake Wolfe and Ronald Green be appointed members of the East Elgin Planning Board.....Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That this Council request the road superintendent for the County of Elgin to lower the ditches along County Road No. 38 in the area of the Straffordville Cemetery where flooding occurs.b......Carried 170` Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green And resolved that By-law No. 178$ being a by-law to establish a Community Centre in the Township of ,Bayham be now read a first time...Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: V. Chute And resolved that By-law No. 17$$ be now read a second time ... Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1 788 be now read a thin time and finally passed.......Carried 1739 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe 1201 And resolved that by-law No. 17$9 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign an agreement with the Straffordville Lions Club be now read a first time..... Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: V. Chute And resolved that By-law No, 17$9 be now read a second time.».Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconddd by: M. Schafer And resolved that by-law No, 17$9 be now read a third time and finally 4 passed.,.,...Carried ;;'1790 Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: R, Green And reasolved that By-law No. 1?90 being a by-law to authorize the Treasurer or Collector to receivein the tear 1973 and subsequent years payments on account of the current years' taxes In advance of the Date of Demand and to allow a discount of six per centum on any payments so made be now read a first tirm ..... , .. Carried Moved by:' R. Green and Seconded by: B. Wolfe And resolved that by-Aaw No. 1790 be now read a second time ... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: V. Chute And resolved that By-law No. 1790 be now read a third time and finally passed..,,»..Carried tl'1 9i Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: R. Green And resolved that By-law No. 1791 -being a by-law to provide that in the year 1973 and each succeeding year a levy be made before the adoption of the estimated for the year benow read a first time.,.«.Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chutte r: And resolved that By-law No. 1791 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: B. Wolfe And resolve. that By-law No. 1791 be now read a third time and finally y Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That accounts in the amounts of $16,991.55 for general purposes and $$,935,10 for roads be approved: Roads..payment vouchers.... ,....»..« ...........................$x.,$5$•33'• Roads..pay list Feb. 1-15...........»............»......,»..... Roads..pay list Feb. 16-2$ ..................................... 1,553.4$,,, 2,523.29 Welfare..,.. •............. •... «.,...,....... «................r. - 2,5.3.31\ Provincial -Municipal Incentive Program ......................... 2,573.1$\ Treasurer' of Ontario..re..tile drainage debentures,, ...... 67$.15\ Debenture a/c..tile drainage debentures ...... 0000»»»...,,.»,..» 2,712,60 McGraw Edison..Corinth & Straffordville street lights...,...... 83.x.$ Aylmer & Malahide Telephone Co. Ltd..fire line ................» 23,$3 Leo Ratkauskas ...livestock killed.. ................. 27.50 W.G.Webster Stationery Ltd.office supe ...............:...... 6.56 J. Dennis«0000..».Council...................................... M.Schafer.......«. " 130.00 0000 .................................. V»Chute........... " 113.00 ,.,.,.» .................»»0000.»0000.. R,Green........«.. " 00«00 .............................»... 130.00 13$.75 B.Wolfe.....»0000. 't .....0 ..............«................. J. Petrie...,»..extra meetings»»...........«... ................ 130»00 30,00 V,VanBelois..... ft to ..0000..»...« .................... King Seagrave Ltd».,fire dept.rep,,,,,,,,,,,„ 6.00 79,$1 Mrs. Anna Repasy ,...mun.drain deb ............................. 75?»3l\ A. & M. Tel. Co.»00,00office....0000.»........»»............... $$.2$ Registry Office ... Jan - conveyances., ..... 7»20 Jas. S. Davison..animal control«...» ........................... 30.00 Mun. World Ltd...2 yr. subscriptions ........................... 14$,00 W.G.Webster Stationery Ltd..,,office supp,00,9,,,00,0,,90,0,00, 55.13 Cty. Court Clerk -- Elgin..re.Casier dr. - replacing No.1230... 23$590O�; Rec. Gen.,,72 a/c re. W.Nelson ..........................»0000.. 2$.I+$ Straff. C.C,Bd.....grant.................»0000.»..........»0000 125.00 ._ Alma College......, "....................................... 150.00 March of Dimes..... ability fund grant ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,. 50.00 Elgin Cty«Mutual Fire Aid Assoc „membership .................... 15,00 Tillsonburg Tri County Agr.Soc.....»...............`........... 100.00 Olivetti Can. Ltd..off.equip«...0000...»....................... 614.25\ R.L.Brooks & Son....fire hall furnace rep ................,.,,., 0,6 Ont.Hydro....straff. maintenance........,...» .................. 1 715. J. Dennis..council,.........».................................. M.Schafer....." 32.00 ......................................... V$.Chute......." 32.00 ........................................... 32.00 RA100.Green......." ..»..........0 Steele Magee & Goodal -..,legal account ...................,,,,. .75 500,00'\ V.VanBelois... sal.Feb.l - 15 ................................... 176.00 J.A,Petrie.... n it it "................................... J.D.Vallee...retirement Allowance,,,,, 29%5.ON 150.00 Gibson, Linton, Toth & OdorJan....deed................ 60,00 Fernlea Flowers,,,,,,,,,,,,,funeral,.,,,,.....,,...,,, 10.50 Aylmer 8c East Elgin Agr, Soc......,..grant,.,......,.. 100.00 1202 Aylmer & Malahide Hockey Assoc...,.0,grant............ 50.00 Harold Dennis ... fire dept. mileage .............. 12#00 Harold Dennis...fire chief.......«..............«0000. 60.00 Robt. Grant ..... dep. fire chief,,,,,,,,,x.5,00 St.Thomas San. Coll.Serv.Ltd««.....0..................1641.00N,, Advance Container of Can. Ltd... « . 0 0 ... . . . 0 0 . , 0 , » „ 583.92`\ Camiel Fasseel0..1972 tax overpayment................. 3.63 Treas. of Ont.«..tile drainage deb...... 00..0000000000 3$2023\ Rec. Gen. for Can...postagge........«.................. 200.00 J.A.Petrie....0,sal.Feb.16-2$....00.00«...,,..000..... 2954,00 95 V. Van Beloi s .... it it » It ................. . 0 0 0 0 0. 176.00 Rec.Gen.f or Can....ded.Feb«..0...,......,0,,,,,,, 207,9+ Omers.............. it �� .................. , . « 0000.. 0. 102,56 Moved by Green Seconded by Chute: That this Council now adjourn to meet again at 1&c,00 A.M...... carried _ _ _ on April 2nd., Council Chambers, Straffordville March 6, 1973 A special meeting of Council was held this afternoon for the purpose of discussing engineering problems re the Straffordville Drain. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deputy -Reeve M. Schafer and Councillor B. Wolf., in attendance. Mr. Tony Devoss representing A. M. Spriet & Associates Ltd. was in attendance. The engineer's report, bylaw and correspondence with the firm of A. J. Graham Engineering Ltd to date including our notification of the closing of their office in St. Thomas was reviewed. Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the services of A. J. Graham Engineering Consultants Ltd pertaining to the Straffordville Municipal Drain be terminated; and that the said A. J. Graham Engineering Consultants Ltd. be directed to make available all documents in their possession to the firm of A. M. Spri"bt & Associates Ltd.; anj that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the account of A. J. Graham Engineering Consultants Ltd. upon receipt of invoice showing detail of costs incurred to date.....0004@.Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the firm of A. M. Spriet & Associates Ltd, be engaged to complete the engineering services as required to satisfactorily complete the Straffordville Municipal Drain; and that the said A. M. Spriet & Associates Ltd. be authorized to receive all documents now in the possession of A. J. Graham Engineering Consultants Ltd. pertaining to the said Straffordville Municipal Drain.00000.00..Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this special meeting of Council now adjourn...,.....Carried 1-9 Clerk 1203 Council Chambers, Straffordville, April 2, 1973 The regular meeting of Bayham Council for the month of April was held to -day. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deputy -Reeve M. Schafer and Councillors V. Chute, R. Green and Be Wolfe in attendance. Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: Be Wolfe Thalthe minutes of the regular meeting held on March 5 and special meeting held March b, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and. the Reevets signature authorized on same............Carried Mac S. Gibbons, road superintendent, met with Council to discuss possible solutions to combat the serious situation of the.roads during the -spring break-up. Mr. George Burr, representing Gilchrist Building Systems, met with Council to review the final designs and contract documents for the new Community Centre Building. Mr. Harold Dennis met with Council to discuss various fire matters and the fire budget for 1973. Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green That this Council now adjourn to revonvene at 1:30 p.m....Carried Court of Revision for the First Street Drain, Hamlet of Eden, convened at 1:20 p.m. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: Be Wolfe That there being no fgrther appeals, this Court of Revision be closed..... *****Carried Council resumed regular session at 1:30 p.m. The following items of correspondence were reviewed: Dept. of Agriculture..re..rabies report for February Community Information & Help Centre..re..request for financial assistance Ontario Municipal Board..re..request for information..Straffordyille Drain. Allied Chemical..re..quotation for calcium chloride Min. of Tres. Econ.& Intergovernmental Affairs.. re..financial report, 1972 Gilchrist Building'Systems..re..revised library addition quotation Elgin County Land Division Committee..re..severance request..John Jager ...John F. Maleschuk ...Chas. & Violet XJ5 Norris it it it it ,...Causyn Farms Ltd. 6600 n rr rr n County of E1gin..re..County By-law No. 2249..re uisitionCausyn levy Farms Ltd. Pollard Bros..re..quotation for liquid calcium chloride Canam Oil Service..re..quotation for road oiling Mr. Robert McCaig, representing St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd., met with Council to discuss collection and disposal matters. It was decided to have a special pick-up of large items at the roadsides on Saturdays in May being May 5, 12 and 19 and advertising of same to be done by Clerk. Mr. James Davision, animal control officer, met with Council to discuss dog problems. Mr. Ralph Hipgrave, E.M.O. co-ordinator, met with Council to discuss peace- time emergency plans, and requested Council to appoint a committee to work with him in the preparation oB a plan. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: Be Wolfe Whereas the members of the fire department are now $b. per call And Whereas some members of the fire fire practices regularly Therefore be it resolved That members attending a minimum of be paid a bonus of $1. for each fire year.........Carried paid at the rate of department do not attend fires and 50% of fires and 50% of fire practices and fire practice attended during the 1201., Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement with Gilchrist Building Systems for the construction of the Community Centre Building in accordance with the designs submitted at a cost of $104,699... Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council has no objections to the proposed as follows: 1) John Jager, being part of Lot 19, Cnnc. 2) John F. Maleschuk, being part of Lot 2, 3 ) Chas Norris & Violet Norris, being part 4) Causyn Farms Ltd., being part of Lot 3, 5) Casyn Farms Ltd,, being part of Lot 3, Moved by: R. Green That building permits Marvin Underhill Lamers Farms Ltd. Gediminas Rugienis Steve Nezezon Causyn Farms Ltd. Peter Stubbs Geo. Backus severances of lands $, numbered E 24/73 Conc. 10, numbered E 27/73 of Lot 15, Conc. 5 numbered E2$/7,' Conc. 8, numbered E 32/73 Conc. $, numbered E 33/73 ********Carried and Seconded by: V. Chute be approved as follows: residence addition mobile home greenhouse rebuild kiln erect one kiln & replace garage & breezeway barn addition $1,400« $,000« 3,000. 2 ,100. 3,000. 2,000, 11,000..... Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded b;T: R. Green That Mathew Schafer, Ronald Careen and Vane Chute be appointed to a committee to work with the Elgin County Emergency Measures Organization Co-ordinator to prepare a plan for peace time emergencies ...... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That -the 3% perpetual bonds now owned by the Bayham West Cemetery Board be accepted by the Bayham Township Perpetual Care Fund at a price Of .600 per each dollar of value....9.9..11arried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That members be appointed to the Bayham West Cemetery Board as follows: James Fuller Sr. for the year 1973 Clarence Milmine for the years 1973-74 Otto Stannat for the years 1973--74-75,.....Carried /1'76' Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green That By No. 17$7 (First Street Drain, Hamlet of Eden) be now read a third time and finally passed..........Carried t3.7 92 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: And resolved that By-law No. 1792 being appointment of members to the East Elgin first time, ...... , .Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded And resolved that By-law No, 1792 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded And resolved that By-law No. 1792 passed.........Carried R. Green a by-law to provide for the Planning Board be now read a by: R. Green be now read a by: M. Schafer be now read a 7/1793 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. And resolved that By-law No. 1793 being Trustees for the Bayham West Cemetery be Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: B. And Resolved that By-law No. 1793 be now Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded byL M. And resolved tha t By-law No 1793 be now passed...«.,......Carried second time....Carried third time and finally Green a by-law to appoint a Board of now read a first time.....Carried Wolfe read a second time««,.Carried Schafer read a third time and finally Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green That the following accounts be approved: $142,242.88 for general accounts; and $9,400-59 for roads; Roads......vouchers.........................................$1+,931.$7+x, Roads..pay list March 1-15... 1,552.03,N. Roads..pay list March 16-31.. 21916,6N! Provincial -Municipal Incentive Program.. 2,077.47\ Welfare ..................................................... 21231.23\ 1205 Roger Casier.,.,.0•.,••livestock valuator,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5,40 Elgin Cty.R.C.S.S,Bd. •...interim levy.. +.„•............... 4000.00., Elgin Cty.Bd.ofEd......,. it it ....• .............+».,72110000„ Gestetner of Canada Ltd......off+ supp,,,,,,,,,,,,, Debenture a c000,••.+.0.•,0+•tile drainage deb.........,• „ 92,02 2638 ,62,E Olivetti Can. Ltd...•+,•....•off.svpp,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7.35 A.& M. Tel. Co. Ltd.+.».••,.•fire line..•.....•.......«.•.. 31.22 Ronald Vaughan0400400000609fox bounty....«.,.............,. Mun. World Ltd $,00 ..............+.off.supp...++,...,..,........ Gibson,Linton,Toth & Odorjan,..»legal acct ..............*,, 39,96 60,00 Walter Nelson.06.000•00.00.0900conv. exp ................... 39.00 Jas. S. Davison.......•.+••.,animal control............. ••, 24,00 News Printing Co.................advt..........+.,........• Lake Erie Fuels.•••..,,•..,•office & fire hall 16,10 ............. Ont. Hydro.•„••,..•...».,,,StraffOSt.Lts.........•........ 225,37 26.62 tr ifRichmond St Ltd Elgin Cty.Bd,of Ed,.,,.,..•0.0Recreation Comm .............. 11.00 130.00 Elgin Cty. Bd. of Ed,00006....ba1+1972 requisition...,.,•0.52960*73\ Business Computer Service ...... ,1973 interim bills......... 344.0 J.Dennis.•.••+•.••••,,.•.•,council..........•........•»».•. 81,00 M. Schafer.,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,, 't ••,0..0.,..•,.•• *0000,..+ V.Chuteti 81,00 .................... .0000900000000•0,.0000000 R. Gr e e n it, 64+00 . . . . . . . . • • . • . . . . . . 0.0 • • • 0 0 + , . . » • • . . • • • • • • • , • . B.Wolfe.......0,•...•.•.,.. ” 67-50 ....•......•...0•........ Peerless Ribber StampMfg........stamp..................... 81.00 3,15 .,•.....+............. V.VanBelois.....• it Et it n 295.00 ..................0.........00 L.Moore,...•.•.00officehelp,•........,..,•.........•....,. 176.00 82.22 J.D.Vallee•••....retirement allowance..,,.+,,,,,,,,,,,,,•.. 150,00 J.A.Petrie..+•.....,,•..•Eden Dr« By -Law..»».......+....... 140.00 V. VanBeloi-s.............. it It it 't 35-00 Geo.Beard„0000,0600,000000000.Corinth St.Lts•....,.,,,,.., 17,01 Ont.Hydro.••.• Office & fire hall .......................... 126.82 W.G.Webster Stationery Ltd...,•off.supp..........•........, 4,82 Rec.Gen. for Can .... ••+P.O.box rent...•..........»......... 10,00 Mun.World Ltd.• .... ,.,,.».off.supp...,0..,•.00.0•,•.,.0..». 19,12 Reg. office ...... •Feb, conveyances......................... 9.90 Walter Romaniw..... +livestock killed .................,,,,,, J.A.Petrie..•....•....•mileage..,.0..•....••......0......,. 28,00 Lake Erie, Fuels.......«.....fire hall .................... 30.90 95,97 „ II.Dennis..••0.•++.fire chief,......•.•........•.....•.»+... 60.00 Robt.Grant.....D• it ” St.Thomas San+CollServ. Ltd ..........................»..•.. 45.00 1641.00\ Advance Container of Can. Ltd..,•••....,.,,••0..,.•.0,••0+. Roger Casier.00*00........ livestock valuation..........,,... 583,92\ 4.20 Steve Stekli..Jr......,•.... 't killed ................. 62.50 Mac Gibbons......•..,••,.,•.convention exp,.•.+.....,.•.•.. 90.85 J.A.Petrie.................. �t n .._...,...0+..... 257.11' 295.00 .•...,,+..».. V, VanBelois....... it it It �t L.Moore+••••...,..office help.....,...0...•................ 176.00 20.00 Rec.Gen.f orCan....,..,Mar•Ded...,«.,.,......•..+.......... 228.64 Omers.................. it rt,...........+........•........ 102,56 • Moved by Chute Seconded by Green that this Council now adjourn to meet again on May 7, 1973, atr,0:00 A.M.O,..carried....... 0 [moi" k 1206 Council Chambers, Straffordville April 30, 1973 A special meeting of Council for the Township of Bayham was held this evening in conjunction with members from the Councils of the Villages of Port Burwell and Vienna. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deputy Reeve M. Schafer and Councillors V. Chute, R. Green and B. Wolfe in attendance. Reeve K. Emerson and Councillors A. Goethals and A. Hartmann represented Vienna. Reeve C. Bates and Councillors H. Alward, K. Matthews, B. Kearse and A. Loucks represented Port Burwell. Representatives of the Long Point Region Conservation Authority were R. Green, J. Seghers, H. Alward and N. Wright. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the feasibility of the Authority acquiring the John Wall property north of the present Port Burwell Conservat. ion Park and if so whether the thtee municipalities should be designated as benefitting municipalities. Other items of business were on the agenda as township business. Representatives of each municipality expressed their views with the members of the Authority presenting the views of the Authority. The consensus was that the lands would be a desireable acquisition, however, it was felt that benefits would be derived for all citizens regt(ardless of municipality. Moved by: K. Emerson, Reeve of Vienna Seconded by: C. Bates, Reeve of Port Burwell Whereas there is now for sale a parcel of land located at Lot 12 Conc. 1 Township of Bayham owned by Mr. John Wall containing 14 acres more of less And Whereas the Council of the Villages of Port Burwell and Vienna and the Township of Bayham jointly agree that this land is a desireable acquisition for the extension of the Long Point Region Conservation Authority Park at Port Burwell And Whereas it is the opinion of the members of the three aforementioned Councils that the acquisition of this property will be of benefit to all people in south-western Ontario Therefore be it resolved by the Councils of the Villages of Port Burwell and Vienna and the Township of Bayham jointly assembled that the Long Point Region Conservation Authority be requested to investigate the possibil- ity of the purchase of the said lands at Lot 1.2, Cone. 1, in the Township of Bayham for the extension of the Port Burwell Conservation,Park.... .......Carried (signed) J. Dennis, Reeve of Bayham This portion of the meeting being completed, the visiting 6ouncil nd Authority representatives excused, themselves and Bayham y am Council proceeded with their other business. ` Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That a grant of $500. be made t© the Town of Aylmer for use on the capital expansion of the East Elgin Memorial Community Centre...Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement with Gilchrist Building Systems for change order #1 to the Straffordville Community Centre to authorize construction of the library addition......Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement with the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg for the joint use of the Tillsonburg Community Centre.......Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute Whereas by resolution of Council dated October 11, 1972, the tender of Canadiam Motorola Electronics Company for the supply and installation of one base station, antennae and transmission line and five mobile units at a cost of $4,555,10 including federal and provincial sales taxes was accepted And Whereas the aforesaid system has now been satisfactorily supplied and installed Therefore this Council now confirms the purchase of the mobile radio system as authorized on october 11, 1972....... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe Whereas the Oxford Regional Study has now been completed And Whereas that Study recommends that the Township of Bayham be included / in the Oxford Regional Municipality And Whereas this Study has been forwarded to the Minister of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs for his consideration And Whereas this municipality has joined with other municipklities in the East Elgin Planning Board 1 C Be it resolved: 1207 That the Coy '1 f h znci o t e Township of Bayham request the Minister of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs to ignore that section of the Oxford Regional Study pertaining to the inclusion of this Municipality in an -`-Oxford Regional Municipality as by results of studies taken it has been shown that the majority of the residents of Bayham prefer to remain in the County f El in and that copio ges of this resolution be forwarded to the County Council of the County of Elgin, the Elgin County Board of Education and the Elgin County Roman Catholic Separate School Board for endorseation....Carried 17U�j Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That Icy -law No. 1780 (Straffordville Drain) be now read a Third time and finally passed............Carried 1794 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute And resolved that By-law No. 179. being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of money by way of tempary advances pending receipt of government grants and the sale of debentures authorized by By-laws numbered 170 and 1787 be now read a first Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: V* Chutee... ."Carried And resolved that By.'law No. 1?94 be now read a second time ....Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green And resolved that By-law No. 1?94 be now read a third time and finall-,r passed........Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by. V. Chute That this special meeting of Cuuncil now ad,41ournoevo#OfCarried i Clerk Council Chambers, Straffordvil.le May 7, 1973 The regular meeting of Council of the Township of Bayham for the month of May was held to -dad. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deputy -peeve M. Schafer and Councillors V. Chute, R. Green and B. Wolfe in attendance. Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: V. Chute That the minutes of the regular meeting held April 2, and special meeting held April 30, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same..........Carried The following items of Correspondence were reviewed: Dept. of Agriculture..re..rabies areas --March Dept. of Agriculture..re..rabies areas --April Canadian. Imperial Bank of Commerce..re..increase in interest rates A. J. Graham Engineering Cons. Ltd..re..final invoice--Straffordville Drain Township of Essa..re..request to endorse resolution re road subsidies Board of Education..re..liason meeting --June 12 Land Division Committee..re..severnce request..J. Townsend ..P. Giesbrecht jr. Ministry of Community & Social Services..re..community outreach programs Peter Augaitis..re..investigation of gravel deposits, Lot 113, Cone, 7 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That the resolution of the Township of Essa to request the O.G.R.A. to ask the Ministry of Transportation & Communications to allocate all reed subsidy funds to each municipality in a lump sum be endorsed...Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded J Y b B . Wolfe That this Council has no objections to the proposed severances.as follows: 1 } John Townsend being part NE f Lot 127 ST RE RE an 2) Pete Giesbrecht jr* beingd numbered E x+1/73 part Lot 109, Cone. 8 and numbered E 51/73 *--Carried 1208 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green That this Council now adjourn to reconvene at 1:30 p.m.....Carried Council reconvenes at 1:30 P.M. Mr. Lloyd (shute met with Council to discuss a drainage problem which causes flooding of his lands on Lot 5, Conc. 3, when the road ditch becomes saturated, and a presented a solution recommended by the Elgin Agricultural representative. Mr. John Dodd, representing John B. Dodd Ltd., being present, tenders were opened for the construction of the First Street Drain, Eden, as follows: Framat Construction Ltd $3$9$55, D. R. Ryckman Construction 11,735, Robert Simon 19,812.50 G. W. Cattle Construction 169412.50 R. L. Bailey Construction Ltd. 16,125. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded bv: R. Green That the tender of D. R. Ryckman Construction for the construction of the First Street Drain,.Hamlet of Eden, in the amount of $11,735. be accepted...........Carrled Moved by : M. Schafer and Seconded by- B B. Wolfe That a file drain be constructed on the property of Mr. Lloyd Chute on Lot 5, Conc. 3, commencing at the intersection of the Second Concession Road and sideroad between Lots 5 and 6 proceeding westerly a distance of approximately 1,000 feet to an outlet at a culvert under the Second Concession road. All the to be supplied by Mr. Lloyd Chute with the installation of same be the Township m of Bayharoadydepartment....Carried Moved by: R. green and Seconded br: V. Chute That a grant of $125. be made to the East Elgin Memorial Community Centre.........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the applications of Remi Van De Slyke for tile drainage loans be approved' as follows: TT' Lot 12, Conc. x., $6,000. PJB Lot 13, Conc. 4, 3,000.....Carried :`Moved btr: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That building permits be approved as follows: James Abbetwr garage and shed $3,0000 Victor Knab residence 22,000. Robt. Gregson machine and cattle shed 3,000. Community Centre Board Comm. centre & librarnr 111,999. Wm. Hedderson garage and residence ren g g 5, 000 Geo. Gehring kiln 2}350, Csinos Bros. tobacco barn 14,000. John Laaper residence 301400. Geo. Luki kiln 2,100. Adrian Cattrysse kiln 21$00. Art Vanderspaille garage and shed 2,500. Louis Drieghe residence 17,040, Karl DeDecker residence 7,500. Benner Farms Ltd, tobacco barn 201000.00..Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That the Ministry of Transportation '& Communications be requested to investigate possible gravel deposits on the lands of Peter Augaitis at Lot 136, Conc. 7, in accordance with. his reqquest dated April 19, 1973, to ascertain quality and quantity,.........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That a reward of $500. be offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for setting fires resulting in property damage in the Township of Bayham......Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: B. Wolfe } That the tender of Lake Erie Fuels for the supply of gasoline and diesel fuel and furnace oil be accepted., ... 0 ... Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That accounts be approved as follows: $17,977.38 for general accounts and $17,709-00 for roads: 120? Moved by Chute and Seconded by Wolfe That the accounts be approved as follows : $17,977,38 for general accounts and $17,709000 for roads; Road 0000.Vouchers.............»...........».......134�1.26� Road, ..... Paylist April 1-15»»........»0000..».»».. 14$2.10,\ Road ...... Paylist April 15-30,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,»»6. 2745»64\ Provincial -Municipal Incentive Program............. 1122.48 j�Jelf are ............. . .............................. 2913-32'N, James Davison,».....animal Control................. 24»00 Anna Rapasyoo# ,,,...oMun.Dr.Deb........»...........1001626 , Diamond Lamp Co..,,..Straff.St,Lts................. 44064Z, A.& M-.. _ Te1. Co........ Fire Line. » 0 0 0 0 » .. , .....`...... 24.06 J,Dennis ............Council ....................... 122.00 M.Schafer............. " .......•........... 32.00 V.Chute............... " »...................... 32.00 R.Green............... " 33.75 B.�IolPe............... " .»..................... 32.00 Wm.Underhill....06.0.6cleaning Supplies.......»0000 10.13 H.Dennis.....»...,.... Fire truck licences.......... 6.00 Hill Agencies of London..office supp6,,,,,,,,,,,4,, 81,62 Mun.World Ltd............ rr it .00000»00..6000 2.71 Ont. H�rdro.».,........Eden, St. Lts.....6.......... 204.76., " it Corinth St Lts yhi-,, rr rr 0000666.,,,,Straffordville.5t.Lts........ 196#56,,\ r: rr 6000000.00..Richmond St.Lts.,.0....,...6. 63.754,, Mews Printing Co........advert..................... 118.02 Ont.H-Tdro,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Straff. repairs.......,.... 26.62 it rr 6.0.»..........Richmond " .».....6.... 11.0.09 Lake Erie Fuels., ..... office & fire hall.......,,.. 54,97 Debentlare a/c....6Tile dr. deb.....,......»0000.».. 616,50 \ It rr ,,,,.School Deb..........»....,....... 2180.00\ Hamilton Ward & Cathers Ins ... flood lights... 6 . 6 6 6 6 75.00 Advance Container of Can. Ltd, ... 72 adj,.,,,,,,,, „ 437,$0, St u , Thomas Sanitar-TT Coll . Serv. Ltd» It ", . , 0000. , . » . 1230-35\ Mun. World Ltd. 0 ....... office supp. , . .. 6 0 6 » 6 1,71 J.A.Petrie.......sal.Apr. 1-1560.00.00.000000066.600 295,00\ V.VanBelois...... tt it 1,1506.6...6...66.......» 176.00 East Elgin Planning Board-50areq...... 6».»» 2193.86\ Reg.Office...... March conveyances.................. 24.60 t.Ixun. Bd.... Eden P.r...........6................. 25.00 it it . ►t0.66Straff0 Dr... 25.00 J.D.Vallee.6...Retirement Allowance................ 150,00 J.A.Petrie..06.A6M.C,T. Expense0................0.. 32.50 Ralph Brown ... 6taxes written off,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 81.96 Arthur Wisotski.,." it 't,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,, 93.26 A. Humphrey . 6 ..... rr it rr .. » .............. « 0 .. 50-15 Causyn Farms Ltd.." it rr........0........,... 106.86 Mrs. Bert Mitts..." " "..».................. 35,17 Andre Van revenant 0 rr tt rt ... » .......... , 0 0 0 0 .. 63.57 Andy Dieleman.....rr rt tr........... 47.35 Max A 1 t on rt it rr 7 Chas. Newland....6rr tt.......... 9.38 Robt. Graham.....6tr it rr.........»..........» 36.84 Paul: Brackenbury.." it n66.066.6.66,.»0000... 19.69 Harold Dennis .... ..Fire Chief Apr .................. 60.00 Robt. Grant».....,,Dep» Fire Chief Apr........»0000 45»00 St. Thomas 3an.Coll.Serv..666,April................ 1641.030'\ Advance Container of Can...... " 583692% A6 & M, Tel. Co06666......Fire Line ................ 24»39 Lake Erie Fuels....... office &.fire hall.......»... 56»43 J.A.Petrie......... sale Apr.16-30...... ......6»..»» 295.00%\ V Van Belois " 't " " 176.00 • 0000... .................. Lorraine Moore..... rr rr rr rt.».»66.66»..»».»»» 17.50 Rec.Gen.f or Can... .Apr, Ded......6...........»0000 197.94 Omers06............. rr " 122.56 Moved by Chute and Seconded by Wolfe: That this Council now adjourn to meet again on June 4, 1973 at 7:30 P.M... ...Carried.... 1210 Council Chambers, Straffordville May 109 1873 Bayham, Township Council met in special session this evening for the purpose of discussing; the necessity. of applying for additional road subsidy funds. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deputy -Reeve M. Schafer and Courxillors V. Chute, R, Green and B. Wolfe in attendance. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That application for a supplementary allocation of subsidy moneys for work on roads in the amount of $10,000. be requested from the Ministry of Transportation & Communications.........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B, Wolfe That this special meeting of Council now adjourn,..,,..Carried n Clerk Council Cumbers, Straffordville June 4, 1973 The regular meeting of Council for the month of June was held this evening. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deputy Reeve M. Schafer and Councillors g V. Chute, R. �Treen and B. Wolfe In attendance. Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the minutes of the regular meeting held May 7, and special meetin.. held -May 10, raving been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same...,,....Carried Messrs. Tony DeVoss and John Sori.et representing A. M. Spriet K Associate Ltd. being present, the tenders for the Straffordville Munici al Drain s were opened with the following results: p Taca Construction Limited D. R. Ryckman Construction Ltd. Norbrant Contractors Ltd. Robert Simon Construction Ltd. David Coatsworth Construction Ltd.. Elgin Construction Ltd. Yndt-McCann Construction Bre-Aar Excavating Ltd. Lenford Construction Co. Ltd, Ecology Engineering and Construction Ltd. Looby Bu ilders Ltd. Pannunzio Bros. The foregoing estimates were referred to the and the obtaining of the necessary bonds and documents, $139,356.11 146,267,20 158,792.41 182,258.25 147,792.65 154,319-45 178,570.20 171,572.00 183,319.86 227,645-00 185,800.15 196,759-90 engineers for investigation the preparation of contract Correspondence was reviewed as follows: Hamilton, Ward & Cathers..re..suggested insurance revisions Ministry of the Environment..re..request for water supply information for summer residences County of Elgin Engineer..re..overnight parking on county roads C. I. Bank of Commerce .. re .. approval of borrowing by -.law No. 1794 C. I. Bank of Commerce..re.* increase in interest rates Minister of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs..re..approval of by-law appointing planning board members Ministry of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs..re..acknowled.,e- ment of resolution re. road subsidy funds allocations Ministry of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs..re..acknowle e- ment of resolution re, retention of Bayham in El ink$ Local Initiatives Program..re..extension of program to June 30 g Ministry of Transportation & Communications..re..approval of mobile radi East Elgin Planning; Board..re..request to restrict trailer development.os 1210 Council Chambers, Straffordville May 10, 1973 Bayham Township Council met in special session this evening for the purpose of discussing the necessity of applying for additional road subsidy funds. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deputy -Reeve M. Schafer and Counvillors V. Chute, R, Green and B. Wolfe in attendance. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That application for a supplementary allocation of subsidy moneys for work on roads in the amount of $10,000. be requested from the Ministr'17 of Transportation & Communications.........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded bv: B. Wolfe That this special meeting of Council now adjourn.......Carried �- Clerk Council Chambers, Straffordville June 4, 1973 The regular meeting of Council for the month of June was held this evening. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deputy Reeve M. Schafer and Councillors g V. Chute, R. Green and B. Wolfe in attendance. Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the minutes of the regular meeting held May 7, and special meeting held May 10, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.........Carried Messrs. Tony DeVoss and John Spriet representing A.M. S riet & As ' Ltd. being present, the tenders for the Straffordville Municipal Drainates were opened with the following results: Taca Construction Limited 9,356.11 D. R. Ryckman Construction Ltd. 1 $139056.11 056.20 Norbrant Contractors Ltd. 15$,792.41 Robert Simon Construction Ltd. 1$2,25$.25 David Coatsworth Construction Ltd, 1479792.65 Elgin Construction Ltd. 154,319.45 yndt-McCann Construction 178,570.20 Bre-Aar Excavating Ltd. 1712572.00 Lenford Construction Co. Ltd. 183,319.86 Ecology Engineering and Construction Ltd. 227,645.00 Looby Bu ilders Ltd. 185,800.15 Pannunzio Bros. 196,759.90 The foregoing estimates were referred to the engineers for investigation and the obtaining of the necessary bonds and the preparation of contract documents. Correspondence was reviewed as follows: Hamilton, Ward & Cathers..re..suggested insurance revisions Ministry of the Environment..re..request for water supply information for summer residences County of Elgin Engineer..re..overnight parking on county roads C. I. Bank of Commerce..re..approval of borrowing by-law No. 1794 C. I. Bank of Commerce..re.. increase in interest rates Minister of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs..re..approval of by-law appointing planning board members Ministry of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs..re..acknowledge- ment of resolution re. road subsidy funds allocations Ministry of Treasury, Economics & Intergovernmental Affairs..re..acknowle#ge- ment of resolution re. retention of Bayham in Elgin Local Initiatives Program..re..extension of program to June 30 Ministry of Transportation & Communications..re..approval of mobile radios East Elgin Planning Board..re..request to restrict trailer development 1211 Elgin County Land Division Committee..re..severance request..J. Petrie Bayham Fire Dept .. re .. f ire chief's report January -June Medina Natural Gas Co. Ltd..re..proposed franchise by-law Gibson, Linton, Toth & Odorjan..re..progress on Marshall expropriation. Messrs. Croft Garnham and Mack Ball met with Countil to discuss the Offinancial position of the Guysboro Cemetery Board and to request assistancd, if necessary, with the maintenance of same. Council advised them that assistance might be given in the fall, if necessary, when the cemetery board is in a position to know the full maintenance cost for this year. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B.Wolfe That -,--the municipal equipment floater insurance policy be revised downward to `'5000. and office equipment floater be revised upward to $16,000. in accordance with the recommendation of the insuring firm..... Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: That this Council request the Council by-law which will prohibit parking on municipality for a longer period than 7:00 a.m..,.........Carried M. Schafer of the County of Elgin to pass a all county roards within this three hours between midnight and Moved by: R. Green and Seconded bv: V. Chute That this Council_ has no objectionsV to the proposed severance of the lands of Jack and Florence Petrie being part of Lot 3, North side of First Street, Plan 205•............Carried. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That the report of the fire chief for the period December 12, 1972 to June 1, 1973 be accepted and the firemen paid at the rate of $6. per call. ••.........harried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the fire chief be authorized to charge the Ministry of Transportation & Communications for fire calls to vehicular fires on the Queen's highways at the following rates: 1) For the fire truck at the rate of $100. for the first hour or Bart thereof and $75. for each succeeding hour or part thereof. 2) For the tank truck at the rate of $75. for each hour or part thereof Rates changeable under items one and two to apply from the time of leaving the fire hall to return to the fire hall.............Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded bv: R. Green That the fire chief be authorized t© purchase: --2 x #D43CCN3100K Mocom 35 mobile radio units at an estimated cost of $645. each plus sales tax and installation --1 x #H33FFN310ON HT 221 5watt partable radio at an estimated cost of $950, plus sales tax. --1 x CNLN6804A battery charger at an estimated cost of $59. plus sales tax --1 remote control for base unit at an estimated cost of $150, plus sales tax and installation..........Carried Moved bv: R. Green and That building permits be Alfred Rossignol Wm. Palmer Berton McCord Bruce Adlington Conrad Stickel Mitchell farms Ltd. Mitchell Farms Ltd. Norm Byerlay Maurice Vansevenant Joseph Jurenas Ross Carson Vern Soper Joseph Nemeth Anton Tiefenbach Robert Leighfield Robert Leigh -field Hugh Millard Seconded by: B. Wolfe approved as follows: 2 car garage swimming pool machine storage shed utility shed tobacco pack barn bunk house remove kiln storage shed dwelling tobacco kiln demolish barn dwelling kiln utility garage kiln demolish residence mobile home $1,$00. 2,000. 3,500. 250. 17,000. 1,000. 4,000. 2,700. 2$,000. 3,000. 500. 15,000. 2 , 800, 1,000. 2,500. 504. 7,250 .... Carried Representatives of Gilchrist Building Systems, Ontario Hydro and Straffordvil Lions Club met with Council to discuss the he ti s tem forthe w community centre building. Estimated costs,`nsaon , anc instalelation of the system were reviewed. 1212 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That Gilchrist Building Systems be instructed to install an electric heating system in the community centre building in conformity with recommendations of Ontario Hydro for same.♦...,..Carried It Applications for the position of dog tax collector were reviewed from the following persons; Terrance Williams, James Abbey and Arlo MacDonald. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: V. Chute That James Abbey be appointed dog; tax collector for the Township of Bayham at a salary of �pl. per tag. -sold and $200. for car allowance...Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B• Wolfe That tale drainage loan applications be approved as follows: Ross Learn and Pansv Learn N Lot $, Conc. 4, $1,200. George Teall and Wilma Teall S Lot 14, Canc. 2, 3,000. •..Carded f"`?> Moved, by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: V. Chute And resolved that by-law No. 1795 being a by-law to impose a special drainage rate unpon land in respect of which :Honey is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time.{.••.Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: Be Wolfe And resolved that by-law No. 1795 be now read a second time•.♦Carried Moved by.- V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green And resolved that by-law No. 1795 be now read a third time and finally passed•........Carried W1796 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V• Chute And resolved that by-law No. 1796 being a bir-law to prohibit the use, and to prohibit the owner or lessee of any trailer from bermittimg the use, of any trailer for the living, sleeping or eating accomodation of persons within the municipality- for more than 60 days of any period of ten consecuti months except In a licenced mobile home park or licenced tent &/or trailer ve park be now read a first time.{....Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: R. Green And resolved that by-law No. 1796 be now read a second time•♦•.Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that by-law No. 1796 be now read a third time`and finally passed........Carried Moved bv: R. Green and Seconded by: V{ Chute That accounts in the amounts of $96,744.17 for general accounts and $8874.21 for roads be approved: Roads•.payment vouchers..................•.......•...i....{♦..w ,3o$.52�ti Roads. -pay list May 1-15.....♦...........•....•♦.•......l..... 1,584,05-.,, Roads..pay list May 16-31..... ..........♦♦••♦..•...........• 219$3♦64-,, �'�elfare......................{.....•{...•....•...•.•.......••. Provincial -Municipal Incentive Program.....•..,.....•....•••.. 3,4487`94~ Mrs. Anna Bapasy..municipal drain debenture................... 1,062.62,, David Ward. -Cutting grass ................................••.♦• 3.00 A. &. M. Te1.Co........office..............{...{....•......... 306.47 News Printing Co....expropration„•,,,,•,••{♦ 110.$3 Mun. World Ltd•..dog tags•.•.•.♦•....•.••......,..•.•...{...{. 93.22 Town of AyTlmer,•{.{,Comm. Centre grant.....♦•.•.•»••••♦••••♦{♦ 500♦00ti Pitney P oi,,es.•{.meter rental....•.......•...• .............•..• 2$•35 Dennis” Garage..F.D.repairs.....{•..........»..........•.....• 57!77 Blake Wolfe•...Council.....................•..•..••.....•..•.♦ 81.00 VRon Green...... ".................................•.•.•.♦ $6.25 ane Chute.•... ".......♦......•.....»........•.•...•.••. $1.00 Mathew Schafer. • " ♦•.....{•........{..•.............•.•... 81.00 Jesse Dennis... " 81.00 J.Petrie..extra Council & mileage ♦♦♦,.•••• „ ••♦•••♦ 24.4 it tt • , sal • May 1-15 5 V{VanBelois.tt it t? tt•••••••••••••••••••••••♦••••••••••♦•.••• 1$0.00 Rec.Gen.for Can...1972 tax correction..,.!....,,,•••••,! „ •♦•• 5-52 Mac &/or Ruby Gibbons.....mun.dr.deb.,..,.,,.•,•♦... 5_,63 .•..♦.•... 677.63~ J.D.Vallee...ret.allowance........•...•........•..........l... 150♦00 Gilchrist B1dg.Svstems....a/c Com.Centre.....!!••,•,•♦• 2$$$$•10-x. Olivetti Can. Ltd •...serv.contracts.......•.•.....•...♦...... 222.12 Oty. of Elgin.....trees..........•.........•....♦..•...••..... 30.00 as•S.Davison••.animal control......♦....{.,...:....••....•..• 30,00 Town of Aylmer,,,••grant(1972),,,, 125-00 u.Dennis.•.{{!firechief............•.....i♦.•...»••....••.... 60•00 :Robt . Grant .... dep . f ire chief.... 45.00 'St.Thomas San.Coll.Serv.Ltd.♦ ♦,...........•....♦„ •„ •• 1641.00\ Advance Container of Can.Ltd........,,,•,. »•• 58 ♦qq2\ Ont.Hydro..♦..straff.st.lt•rep...........{.................... 9.13 . 1213 Mun.WorldLtd....books.•..«..........l.......•........l........ Reg.Office....April conveyance...!•.....• 5«F7 ...............i...... David Ward...,•icutting grass..r.....•.....•.....•...,.»l...... 10.50 3.00 Town of Tillsonburg...•com.centre grant.•.....lr...............50846,gp, J.A.Petrie.•.•sal,May 16-31....I..........,»•i.•!!•,....•.....r V.VanBelois... rr n n rr.....«..r..•.,••...i,,........•....i. 295.001 Rec. Gen.for Can ... ded.Mair 180.00 • ....... , . I . , • .. r .............. ! ..... Omers..r........., rr rr 192.24 ..............................•«..«.. Robt Byerlay.....!•Deli Drain...........•......ii..............$2.00�, 11{).56 Deller's Tile Ltd.....'r n ......................l........... rr rr *....Eden tt 12,9 •.•...y•••.'.I..•.».r.i.••i•...!•, Walter I` lelson....••..Deli " 3r9Q •...!•.!•••,•...r...•••....•..••.. rr it Eder. " 91.70 A.J.Graham Eng.Com•Ltd....Stra.ff.Dr 1$•35 ............................ Walter Nelson!•.......Mueller Dr ..............•...............• 4537/72-4 15. 0 it it .,,.,.,.Berdan-Cheeseman Dr.••........I.......... it 13.15 it .. • ...Hampton Daily Comm.r4 :eWS25-35 * .....Straff. Drain..,......•........••..«..... Robt.Byerlay..••!..».•Berdan-Cheeseman..Dr..................... 35.x.0 60000\ it rr ........,BrT,rant Dr.•......• .............•......... 2 rr rt .... • ....Coomber rrBrr Dr .......... . .. ! . • • ..... • ... . rr rr .004 fey 24 , 00 .r•......Pollock Dr.....«..,.......i........•....• it rr \ 76.004 ......•..Arn Dr...........l...•........l,i........ n» it No 1 Dr 12.00'\ rr rr ....,.... Meuller?r,....l.»,...•......•.....•.•... 60 00' 60«00 > Walter Net_son...,.....Berdan-Cheeseman ......................... 8.60 rr It Coomber rrBrr tr n �.5 It n 37»05 •••••••••r3rvant.••!•...............•...«.....l.... rr rr 1I o 1 12.15 n 'r.......,.Ax'n........«...•...i...«• 26.00 ...............• Moved by Green and Seconded by Chute: 9.70 that this Council now adjourn to meet again on July lith. at 10:00 A.M.. ..Carried... lerk Council Chambers, Straffordville June 12, 1973 A special ieetimg of Bayham Township Council was held this morning for the purpose of reviewing the tenders as received for the construction of the Straffordville Municipal Drain. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deputy -Reeve M. Schafer and Councillors V. Chute and Be Wolfe in attendance. Mr. John Spriet represented the en*ineering firm, A. J. Spriet & Associates. A The information as received by the engineers regarding the financial position and past performance of the low tenders was discussed Moved by: Be Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the tender of D. R. Ryckman Cnnstruction Ltd. for the construction of the Straffordville Municipal Drain at a cost of 8146,267.20 be accepted...•.•r•.••r..•l.Carried Moved b -T: V. Chute and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this special meeting of Council now adjourn!!!•!..•..Carried lerk f' 1214 Council Chambers, Straf, fordville July 4, 1973 The rerl)lar meeting of Council of the Townsrip of Dal ham was held on the above date. Reeve J. L. Dennis presided with Depiityr -Reeve M. Schafer and Councillors V. Chute, R. Green and B. Wolfe in attendance.' Moved bir: M. Schafer and Seconded b -r: B. Wolfe That the miniAes • of the replllar meeting held J'Ime 4, and special.. meeting held �Tinel-2, havinF been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on saipe.........Carried Messrs. Verne Soper and Michael Reiser met with Council to req?lest the closing of the road running behind the Reiser 'and Soper properties in Concession A 3. Council agreed to consider the closing however, the matter was deferred for discussion at the A1.zp-list meeting. TI^eollo-tninrr items of correspondence were reviewed: Debt. of A�rricultiire. , re.. rabies areas, Marr, 1973 Ontario Municipal Recreation Assoc..re.,reoijest to endorse resolutions to 7rant subsidies to snowmobilQ clubs and ?ise of railwa�r nronert�, Town of Oakville..re..reauest to endorse resoll.ition to allow a ticket strstem for dogs -at -large Lon Point Region Conservation Aijthorit,,r, ,re..reply to resolution re rea7iest of Ba?rham-Port Bunnell-Vienn' a to purchase Wall property Can. Imp, Bank of Commerce.. re.. interest parable on operatir. account Can. Imp. Funk of Commerce..re..increase in borrowing rates Ministr-,r of Arrricl lture & Food. ,re..drainage maintenance demonstration Jul.20 Ministrrr of Transportations Communications..re..approval of supplementary siibsid,r application ' East E17in Plannin' Poard..re..request for information on mobile home applications Elgin County Land Division Committee.,re,.severance applications H. DonnellT1 Martin Pokorny, Melvin Laking and Jack Petrie Ministryof Treas. Econ. & Intergovernmental Affairs..re..property maintenance s,t,andards under Sec. 36 of the Planning Act MIniustr- of "reas. Econ. 8h: Interpoverrmental Affairs..re..Sroreline PropertTr Assistance Pro.pram, 1973. Moved h -:r: F. W`61fe and Seconded b -,r: M. Schafer That Council authorize Walter Nelson and Mac Gibbons to attend Rid,�etown College of Arrricizlture & Technolo r demonstration on Jul, 20t?, concerninr- open ditch maintenance on Gordon Lee Farm at Windham Township...Carried Moved b-,,-: R. Green and. That Council approves of 1) Harry Donnelly #E76/?3 2) Martin Pokorny E77/73 3) Jack Petrie 4E96/73 It and oh ect on the fro�inds drainage on the severance Seconded by: V. Chute the following severance reo,iests: that there is too much strip development and Door of. E80,/73 of 14elvin Lakinc-, Lot 15, a Con. 5.. , Carried Moved bJr: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green That the application of Albert Scanian for a tile drainage loan on N1 Lot 2, Conc. 9, in the amount of 86,000, be approved.......Carried Moved by: V. Chute That the bnildinp Palil Steinhoff Fred Sivyer Daniel DeCloet Bud Phillips Ken TH , Ward Frank Voros Harris Teall Mildred Schmeltz Cecil D17kstra Tor-, Lapenas and Seconded b,r: B, Wolfe permits be approved as follows: move -home into Twp. frame home dwimming pool Faralre & breezeway split level 'some tobacco kiln home and parape utility storage shed utilit.Y storage parare kiln $101000. 8,000. 800. 3,000. 25,000. 29500. 22,000. 1,000. 1,500. 2,$671....Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That this Colzncil recommend to Lone Point Region Cons. Authority that the"r investigate the nossibilit-,r of purchasing Michael Glass property at Lot 19, Conc. No. Gore......... Carried Moved btT: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That this Council request Elgin County Road Committee to consider Cornty Road 1215 #38 from #3 Ilw. east to #19 Hwy, be advanced on riorit , n+tr vd Needs Study toI an earlier date dine to poor and unsafe conditionsof bri7 and general poor conditions of road in this area be considered,l...,Carriel Moved by: H. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That the assets of the Cla?_is Cemetery consistinp, of: Province of Ontario debenture ;11,,l du.e December 198 , t500. Government, of Canada bonds, 4� due September 1983, 400, Canada Savinrrs bonds Cas700. Cash. 300. by tre Township of Ra�rham perpetual care �1, 900 • be accepted persons be appointed to a Board of Management ©r that the cemetefollowin Bill McAllister for the year 1973 e said cemetery, Mac S. Gibbons for the years 1973-74 Basil Campbell for the rears 1973-74-75.............Carried .. ? Moved bin: R. Green and Seconded b,,,: R. Wol�'e And resolved that BT -law No. 1797 beinp- a b.r-law to impose a special , drainafe rate 1.ipon land in respect of which~ money is borrowed underltanen a1 Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time.......Carried ?,loved b'r : V. Chute and Seconded b -r : R. Green And resolved that By-lalu No --1797 be now read a second time...... Carried T,Toved b?.r : P. Wolfe and Seconded by: V. Chute And resolved that Bir -law rlo. 1797 be now read a third time and finall�r passed........Carried 9,) Moved bir: R. Green and Seconded bir: V. Ch?�te And resolved that Pt:r-law No. 1798 being a by-law to amend b -7 -law No. 1785 be now read a first time........Carried Moved b r : M. Schafer and Seconded bir: R. Green And resolved that P?T-law No. 1788 be now read a second time......Carried Moved b7r: V. Chute and Secondee bTr: R. Wolfe Anrl, resolved that By-law No. 1798 be now read a t1ird time and finall77 passed .... **.Carried l"-':i"a TIoved b -r: P. Wolfe and Seconded b,�T: R. Green And resolved that B -,r -law I`lo. 1799 being a b7 -law to appoint a Board of Trustees `'or- "td"xe Claiis Cemetersr be now read a first time..... Carried Moves. h -r: 1,% Schafer and Seconded bin : V. Chute And resolved te=at BST-1.aw No. 1799 be now read a second time.... Carrie Moved bir: R. Green and Seconded bir: B. Wolfe d And resolved t'at Rr-law 1'To. 1799 be now read a third time and finally passed........ Carried X00 Moved b�- : P.Wolf e and And resolved. that By-law all slms required diirin rear 1973, he now read a Moved b r : R. green and And resolved that R,r-law Moved b r : V. Chute and An, resolved that B,.r-law passed.........Carried Seconded bar: R. Green No. 1800 being a b-�T-law to adopt the ,Tear and to strike the rates first time...,....Carried Seconded by: V. Chute AT $ the estimates of of taxation for the 40. 1 00 be now read a second time...... Carried Seconded by: R. Wolfe No. 1800 be now read a third time and f inalltr Moved bir: R. Green and. Seconded btr: R. Wolfe That the Treasi.irer be instriicted to* write off taxes on the recommendations of the Assessment Office, and extra rarba�re charmes according to appeals received......: (list of appeals appended to the miniites of tI,is meeting} , . . ••........Carried Moved bi-: R. Green and Seconded bir: M. Schafer That the accounts totaling k46,467'.15 for general accounts and for X1.5, 95,1;.08 roads he approved: Roads ...... pazr vouchers...................... ..................$11,71�..01#� Roads..pa-, list Ji.ine...................................... Roads..pa,r list J1ine 16-30 1959$.03 .............. . ... . .................. �elfare 2,644-01-N ........................................................ Ift. Underhill... incentive program wa-res 2,359,f�$'� 3599 ........................ James S. Davison..animal control,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 14.330 5 News Printing Co..adverts ...................................... A,.Tlmer & Malahide Telephone Co,.fire line,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3$.36 Pitne�T Bowes.. rental 29.95 ..................................... Municipal 28.70 World Ltd..sii 8.30 1215 J138 from #3 11w,.r. east to #19 Hwy, be advanced on priority of Co?zntjr Road Needs Stz_Idy to an. earlier date due to poor and iansaf. e conditions of hrid e and general poor conditions of road in this area be considered/,,,,Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That the assets of the Clans Cemetery consisting* of: Province of Ontario debentzzre 5?df, dice December1984, ,\500, Government of Canada bonds, 4 o d?.je September 1983, 400. Canada Savinr-s bonds 700, Cash 300. by the Township of Barham ,$1,900. be accepted P• perpet?z.al care fund and. that the follolainp persons be appointed to a Board of Mana.percent for the said cemetex,r, Bill McAllister for the hear 1973 Mac S. Gibbons for the gears 1973-74 Basil Campbell for the -rears 1973-74-75, , , , , , , , , , *Carried Moved h.- : R. Green and Seconded b?r : B. Wolfe And resolved teat Bir -law No. 1797 being a by-law to impose a special draina7e rate upon 1 -and in respect of. which monei,r p ann �a1_ rainaFe Act, 1971, be noread a first time,is.horrowed under the TTile?�� w o ed b�r,.. V. Chante and Seconded btr : R. Green Carried T.�f �r And resolved that By-law No. 1797 be now read a second time..... Carried Moved b7,-: P. Wolfe and Seconded by: V. Chute And resolved that Fir -law No. 1797 be now read a third time and finall- passed........ Carried l'r'93 T.`Toved b,r : R. Green and Seconded blr : V. Chute And resolved that Bi.r-law No. 1798 being a by-law to amend her -law No. 1785 be now read a first time.,,,,,,,Carried Moved b�F : I. Schafer and Seconded by- R. Green And resolved that Fir -law l�.z q ' o. 17 8 be now read a second t?..m;e, ..... Carried Moved btr: V. Chtt-,e and Seconded bv: B. Wolfe. An,:' resolved that PZr-law No. 1798 be now read a t1ird time and finally passed....... Carried =1Y ?9 Moved b-: P. Wolfe and Seconded b,:,: R. Green And resolved that Bir -lair No. 1799 beim a bar -law to appoint a Board of Trustees `'or� .thle Clal)s CemeterTT be now read a first time..... Carried T?oved. Y) -r : '11, Schafer and Seconded bjr: V. Chute And resolved that Bi>r-a alar No. 1799 be now read a second time, „ . Carried Moved b -,r : R. Green and Seconded hir : R. Wolfe An-' resol_ved that 1?�r-law I'To, 1799 be now read a third time and fi*�all,r passed,.,...,.Carried 1,1300 Moved b -,r : R. Wolfe and. And resolved that By-law all s,zms required durinf rear 1973, he now read a '•roved b; r : R. (,reen and And resolved that R,r-law Moved V. Chute ' and And resolved that B,.r-law passed.,,,,,.. -Carried Seconded bar: R. Green No. 1800 beim a by-law to the rear and to strike the first time,,...,.,Carried Seconded by: V. Ch,Ite V6 adopt the estimates of rates of taxation for the :o. -_ 04 be now read a second time....,,Carried Seconded bar : B. Wolfe I' -To. 1800 he now read a third time and finall-v Tloved hir: R. Green and. Seconded by: R, Wolfe That the Treasl rer be instructed to write off taxes on the recomriendations of the Assessment Office, and extra rrarbape charcres accordin7 to appeals received.......(list of appeals appended to the minutes of t',is me -pea ,.. ..........Carried Moved bar: R. Green and Seconded bar: 14, Schafer That the accozznts t otalin� $11+0,1+67.15 for freneral accounts and ft5, 9.5 ,08 for roads ne approved: Roads....,.pa�r vo�zchers........................................tll,714.04*. Roads. -pay list June 1-15 ...................................... 1,59$,03\ Roads. -pay list Jzzne 10-30 ..................................... 29(-)44,O1%% �'�e�.fare........................................................ 2,359.0'\ I'Im. Underhill..,incentive program wages ........................ 11..35 James S. Davison. -animal control ............................... 30.04 News Printing- Co..adverts...................................... 3�,3F, A,-Tlmer & Malahide Telephone Co..fire line,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�,�,... Pitne. Bowes..meter rental ..................................... 2$.70 Municipal World. Ltd, , szi :1.216 Harold nennis.r..,..fi_re calls ...... ..•...,..•.... 210,00 Robt. Grant ... r r • • • • �� it 21.0.00 Perry Grant......... t1 tt .................... 120,00 Norman Bates..,,.,,,, " "66.00 Robt. Hoshal....... . n t1 48.00 Walter Moore...•.,•. 102.00 Andy Tatrlor...,..... rr tt ...•................ 1�2«00 IJeRoy Taylor........ 1t tt .............•...... 60.00 Merlyn Norris....,,, " ►' 133.00 St?iart. McKenzie... , . t' " 54-00 Mac Gibbons......... �, • ...................•aa Jim Gibbons ... „ rt .....•.....•....•... 60.00 Ronson Sandham•..... " " 1+2.0 0, ..............•..... rary Matschke....... " 1t • • • s • • • • • • • • • • • • r • , • 48-00 Basil .......•...r....•,.. 12.00 Prark Reiser.. ...... tr tt 6.00 Peter (7,rmarr_e1,r..... n 1t 60.00 David I" 1ard.....••,..cuttinp frass... .........•,... 3.00 Gilchrist 'ldp, Systems,,•,C,C, r�,,,,,,,,,,,,6$33.40 \ Wit. I1.7dro...Eden lights..«•0000.•0000,.•0000..... 23056 " it r r • Strafford: ille light s ..•.........•... 37,.3 Partlett's A,to Pod, f Sery..... fire dept. ren. , 0 0 0 0 75.95 Take Erie F,.zels....... office ............ . ......... 71.46 J.Dennis..•...........council.................•... 81.00 M.Syc,?-afer........•0000 " ....•.........•0000.. 81.00 �r • V il�,I t e • , • • • • • • . • • • • • • " • ♦ • • • ♦ , • • • • , • , • • • • • . • 81.00 R. Green ............... " ...•.,.......•......, 86.25 R. IfTolfe............... " •.••.......,......... 81.00 J• Petrie • . • • ........ , . extra cotnc 1_ ........ r ... • .. 11,5.00 Dehent- re a^count....tile dr. deb ................, 505.53\ Robt. rrant...r••..r,flre dept• sI?pp.............. 15.54 Workmen's Comp. Pd.•r,•r,,office•,.•.............0 153.57- n n it ire P 126 00�, T'burr.. Coram. Printers• • .. stationer,r supe• • • • • • • • • 52.77 Onto t�,.�ro... , ........ of�'ice P: fire hall • . • • • 0 0 0 0 , 124.95 J,in�.Vallee.,..•...,.,•ret?rement allowance........ 150.00 TJ.A. Petrie....... • 0000 sal. Jane 1-15 ............... 295.0�0� t,.Van Relois..... . ... . rr 1i Ii ii. . . . . • .. • ... • r • 180.x/ 0 Rei. Gffice..,••.•,•••Ma-r conve-�,-ancesr.•,•••,.,•r, 20,10 Erin Ct,,r. P4. of Edification...... J,ine Payment .....70$52, 50\ Elpic Cttr• R.C.S,S.Pd............ a 5734.00 A. ?z. Mo Tel:"o,••..••..•.,f--re line ..,..........•.. 12.05 W. G.Webster Stat. Ltd...... office s�_�npl........... 35.34 Harold Dennis,,.••...«.•,•..firechief............. 60.00 Robt. Grant,...........dep, n tt 45.00 St. Thomas San, Coll. Serv. • . • , , . J'ire................ 1.611,.1.0011, Advance Containers of C'an.Ltd..n ................ 533.9211, Allen Walsh••..rr.rpark rental .................... 1.00 Straf.fordville Comm.rentre Bd•,,.lirrary rens-...... 240.00 J.A.Petrie.........A.�.C,T. cony ................... 153.00 Town of T' b1.?rr.. , . , . C/C . Wm. Underhill... Incentive Pror.-Vacation Pay...... 56.$3 Albert Vandendriessche r , n 11 tt n •,, • , t • 31.63 Howard Roloson...........1t it " " .. , • . • 21.80 Kenneth Hawlezr. • • • , , r , , . tt 1t ,� " 3.30 Tom Simmons. .. 1.92 Rick Solithwick..... ,.,•,11 ...•.., 4.32 Gordon Masales....... •..11 " 1t " 2.76 Carer Gibbons. . . . . . . , , r . off it tt t' ... • 3.56 Robt . Brown tt n 1t n 3.66 Richard Abbs '� if tttt n ......•..... 00000. 3.33 Ralph� Scottr....tr 1t tt „ 0.0.0• 9.60 r'e o • =J a f -r • . • • • . • • • • . . • tt it tl y, • • r • • • 1#54 L Ralrb Ar l revs . .. . . . . . . . . tt Tt rt t' 0 0 0 0 .. 1 . U Pahl Thomson tt tr n n ............. 0000.. 2.44 Clai?de F,I'll lson Goodselllrlilson-mun.dr.deb.... • . , .. 362.3c J,A.Petrie...............sal.JlznP 16-30........... 295.n00 � V.Van Belois,..r••••:**000 11 1t 11 tt •••••.••••• 130,00 Lorraine Moore ...... „ it it tt tt • . , ........ 50.00 lJltlers .......................r. it red.........•... 113.56 Rec. Gen.of Can ... .r•r«....tt tt 191.34 Deller's Tile Ltd..........:**:.T-)ielema*; nr..,.,,., 301.95 1 London Free Press ... .•...•••... Straffordville nr.. 44.00 Twp. of nerehamr.•,•.r.••••••.•Green nr,.......... 3.74 Roht. P�rerla,'*..•.•..,.••,..•...EdenDr............ 6.00 G.W.Cattle Const. Ltd .......... Pieleman Dr........ 1183.00,\ Twp.of Malahide.... .••,••,r••.• t' "•....... 100.00 J.A.Petrie..................... If it 60.00 Walter 1`Telson.....r.r.........r tt it 100.00 l 1217 And'r Dieleman....... Dieleman Dr .................. J.A. Petrie ... ......8'den Dr ...................... Tax ad,1istmensts as per above resolii.tion : Roll DTo. Name Assessment Ad.4vstment .1-002 Wyndemere 11,950- 4-201-0001 Piro 19110. 4-291 Philips 750, 5-035-01 DeWaele 4,$00. 5-O85-01 -0001 neWaele 0�, 010. 7-013 Patki-s 555. 7-046-01 Nei 'r?ert 200. 8-007 Dofasco 4v650. 8-008 Dofasco 1,450, 8-009 Dofasco 1,500 3-01:1 Dofasco 2, 750.. -012 Do"asco 400. 8-016 nofasco ono. 8-023 Dofasco I,100. 3-099-000.1 Shearer 100. 6-085 Ball G. 6-036 Baldwin 0 5-100 Burwell G 4-104-01 Catton Or 4-136-02 Pelkai G 5-164 Halwas 0 4-235 Marshall G 6-235 VanDenBrink r 3 -096 Wolfe Farms �r 3-007 Dofasco 4.650 3-003 Dofasco 19450. 8-009 Dofasco 19500. .3-011 Dofasco 21750.' 3-012 Dofasco 404. 8-014- Dofasco 900. 8-023 Dofasco 1.,100. 3-099; 0001 Shearer 100. 1-040 Csinos 600. 1-048 Csinos 120. 2=024 Wisotski 1.,060 2-133 VanDeS1-Tke 720. 2-152 Csinos 1, 930. 2-167 Dri e j7e 20. 2-172 Csinos 640. 4-208-0002 VanMaele 765, 6-143 Rvtledp�e 200. 6-185 Carson 250- 6-185-0002 Oarson 100. 6-226 Peaman 100. 6-226-0001 Beaman. 100. 7-492 Berdan 19300. $-026 Dofasco 49400. and tI-at t? --is Co,,ncil now adjourn to Taxat-itm Year 1972 1972 1972 1972 1072 1972 1972 1972 1972 1072 1972 1472 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1473 1973 1473 1673 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 100.00 150,00 Cancellation 63.86- 6.72- 472-52 3.36- 6.72- 472.52 - 591.64- 17.37 5.65 21.65 21.65 21.65 21.65 21.65 21.65 21.65 21.65 21 .65 K Refund Redizcti 1,067.59. 49.53 415.41 53.93 1-33-99 102.37 35.73 33.50 93.27 meet alrain on Aii7izst 71 1473 at - ------------Carried Clerk 443.46 146,56 150.$6 253.24 34.35 99.32 116.49 9.49 33.64 6.35 91.06 61.35 144.97 1.32 51.54 40,12 39.19 1.37 9.13 .69 3.42 111.67 399.93 7:30 p.m. 1213 Council Chambers, Straffordville, Alipilst 7, 1973 The re lzlar meetinrr of Payham Township Co-,?ncil was ?-eld this e-reninp.. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deputy -Reeve Me Schafer and Cou ncillors V. Chl.zte, R. Green and P. Wolfe in attendance. Moved bTr : Re Green and Seconded bar : V. Chet e That t^e minutes of the meetin.p held J?zly 4, having been examined by +he members are hereb-7 ars'Proved and the Reeve's sipnatzre a ,Ithorized on same.....:.........Carried Correspondence reviewed as fol.lo!, s : Dept. of Apriclalt,)re. , re.. rabies areas.. Jane, 1973 �ihson Lint Toth & Odom, an.. re disposition. o� appeal ;..o S ipreme Colirt Linton., ,., f , inistr, of Trans. &s Comm,i.rications..re. .payment of advance s?)bsid-,T Task Force or. PolicirFr..re..notice of hearing at Hamilton. on Sept.Y 13 Ontario Enerp�r Board. ere. ,reply to J. Four on McAina Gas rates ? orkmen's Compensation Poard. e re, . increased coverage for volT.:rnteer firemen Ministry- of Labour. , re..proclamation of The Constractior Saf. etT71 Act, 1973 InQi.iir , Officer, , re..:otice of Pearinm--Marshall expropriation', AuF. 15 Twp. of Southlwold..re.-settinm fire call rates to M.T.C. Ste Thomas -Elgin E . M. 0„ re .. Solicitor General's annual report„ 1972 Ontario Beef Improvement Assoc..re, -warble flir and P.. -rub control Elgin Land Division Committee..re.,severance request..H & L Farms The Medina Nat?)ral Gas Co. , re . , proposed franchise agreement PTr. John Spriet, represertin7 A. M, Spriet & Assoc, met with. Col-.ncil to report on the progress of the Straffordville "rain. Mr, Jack Barclay met with Colzncil and reported on the recreation project at Corinth and Eden, and. made some recommendations for fi.ztiire pro ects, Wm. Tnderhil.l reported on welfare and building matters. Walter Felson reprted on the nro7.ress of variol,s drain repairs. Parold,Dennis discussed fire department matters and invited the councillors to attend the mutlial aid meeting the he bell in the Payham fire hall on Ali.rllst 8, Mac Gibbons reported on the progress of the road department and constrictor proects. 1.1ove�d b--: M: Schafer and Seconded by: Be Wolfe That coverage i.znder the Workmen's Compensation Poard for the vol,nteer firemen be increased to x8,000, per nan... ...... Carried Moved b,- : R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That this Cot?nzil objects to the proposed severance *of the lands of H. Fr. L. Farms td., being part of Lot 25, Conc. 9, and numbered # 108/73 .for the reason. t'�at this i..rould enco�zrap-e strip development in this area... ............Carried Moved F. Wolfe and Seconded by: Me Schafer V That A. M. Spriet & Assoc. Ltd, ba e uthorized to have and additional catch basin and approximately 77 feet of 8" tile added to drain �To, 5 of the Strafforlville Drain, to be installed on Mair.. At. M/S and t",at drain No. 4 be extended easterl-, approximately" 200 f8et an' a catch basic ?-e installed near the C.P. RLw rtrack on Talbot Rd, rT/S, . , •............Carried � oved },t, : Me Schafer and. Seconded b -,r : Be Wolfe That the application of S. F,-, f', Plondeel .for a tile drainage loan in the amo..,nt of t'!)8,00-10. for S�, Lot 124, Conc. 69 be arnroved...... , . ,Carried Moved by: Be Wolfe and Seconded b?r: Me Schafer That a supplementar;r application for subsid r mone--s in the amoi'nt of $20,000. be submitted to tl�e Ministr-, of Transportation & Communications for anproval.... ........Carried Moved by: V. Chute That the following Julius Francia Geo. Geurt,;ens Daniel Vande1.z--vere Ken T.eamers and Seconded bTr : R, Green buildinf permits' be approved: silo 2 ?.ased kilns 4bulk kilns' swimming pool tP,600 2,000. 10,000, .600. l 1.219 Wm- Partin t -t on swimrnin m pool Peter Stubbs300• DeCloet Rros♦ parse barn �,, 500. 2 b .zlk kilns H 3 , X00, errn Wolfe kiln 2i 500. Mathe-vt Sc.:afer kiln Stanle-r Perlin i sk11r_ 29500. - K �Sn Ward 2,000, •iron d e r s t �, e l hare. John Hendricks ,, �, 109000. b r k o7. s e 2, 000 . 0 ... � arrz M�.riel �rdell horse barn 0 r - ed Moved R. ('ween and Seconded b,.,: V. Chute That tTlis Co?,,ncil reQ�aest the Lonp Point Rep -ion Conservation A-1,zthorit� to proceed urith the pizrch.ase of the 14al.l property at Port D'.�rwell being part of Lot 12, Conc. 1, Township of Ra ri less, the cost of the ,,rch y�,acontalnln,. 14 acres, more or p ase beinf borne by the A,,thorit-T ...........Carried. Moved bar: I�. Schafer and. Seconded bar: R. Wolfe That J. A. Petrie be authorized to continue Business Admini str ti course at a cost of .�,91073-74a . on co �rs� 5. for the co?-rse treetr, ... , , ... Carried Council reviewed t' -,e list of . properties in arreas of taxes e ,r and znstr?cted t� Tre-as._7.rer to proceed fri re � 3 same, more ears he � � '' ��' �_stration of same. Moved by: R. 'Volfe and Seconded b-: R. freer. That acooilnts totalin'r t61, 056,18 for freneral accolmts and `�1$ $8 roads be approved; , 5 .19 for Roads..pair vorchers♦......................................♦..1 Roads,.paT list J„l- 1-1 �4,1$'.25•,� 5 ................................... 1,1+88.40\ Roads .. pair list J??lir 1.6-31 ................ , ............... , , 2 1 916.5 `�41e1_fare..............................♦..,...................'� 4 K. C. Fme?^So''' .. t i _le ,. d 3 , 56--71270 6\ arinarrA loan.........• ................. .T ......................... 7,270.,0Walter I4'elson..tile drainaP'e inspection..........300 0Debentuze a c.•tele dxaina�e debentlire aa -meats............. 2,170.08 \ TLonn Point ReIrion Conservation'Authorit�50 lev-Sorer Rldrs. Supplies..fire dept. s,?uglies.,.....y.,,,.,,,,, 1463.0 , 22♦q0Pa,.am Recreation Ctee..av....250.00Ontario Hydro..,.♦....♦,Straffordville li7'--ts//<1(),50 Richmond li rh t s 63:75-\ � Eden Iihts 20..76\ Oilchrz.st R?;i.Idirr, S-1 Corinth lights..........T.1.7 .50:.... 482.51\ms.Corrn-nit�Centre pa�Mrt.....l4j$93.32 `Derris Oarafie..fireSdept. 208.$6News Printing ................................. J. Dennis..Coen4 3 -PO T'T. Schafer., il.............................♦........... $1.00 n ......................................... $1.00 V. Ch�zte.. "......................................... $1.00 R TAT f e rr 67.50 �. ........................................... $1.00 Ontario Education Capital Aid Corp -.school debenture....... 79640.00\ ainF & Son..Ricl.mond street light rdpairs........... 20,$5 R. L. Brooks & Son. -furnace repairs ........................ 54♦80 J. D. Vallee..retirement. alloTf:ance......................... 150.00 Harold Denris..fire chief .. �T�zl�*.............. . .... ♦ ........ 6 Roht . Grant .. depiztlr Collection_.S fire chief ....................:........ 0.0 0 St. Thomas St- zT 15.00 ani�ar' ervices Ltd ................ 1,641.00\ Advance Container of Canada Ltd . ... . ............... ♦ ....... 583.92\ J. A. Petrie. -salary JH1,7 1-15 ................ ♦ ............ 295.00 V. VanRelois.♦ " ft180.00 Lorraine Moore '< if .................................................. 65,96Prv. Trews.... Tile Dr.Deb.....1035.72u.. .........recti_iefs cony ................. . . . Rairbam Rec. Comm......adv .............................. 131+.91 LeRo?r M 150.00 � Marshall I_ .... ♦ ..fax haunt Jr • • • . • . • • • • • • . • • • • • . ♦ • • • • • ♦ ♦ . 1,..00 Ba1rham Rec. Comm......adv♦.................•............... 200.00 Marshall Rolosor motvi^ cemer,eries............ . ♦ , , ��l?n. World Ltd.... 60.23 ....................♦.........., A &,r•Z Tel. Co........fire line.......• .................. 20.23 Rer. Office ......... :..June conve 25.35 prances .................... 30,60 � Pernlea Flowers L,td.................♦....................... 10.00 Ont. H.rdro.............Straff.St.Rep....................... 15.7. Marshall Roloson..... mowinF cemeteries.... ................. 31.97 Wilfred Harper....... poj.jltrtT val. on ..................... 6.00 Jim Ferencz.......... poultr"tr killed ........................ �s Rayham Rec. Comm 70.00 ........adv ................................ 350♦00\ 1220 Wm. Under ill........ • .F31d�. Ins}�ectfons, .. • ... , ........... . rr n :::::,..Sal, J•A.Petrie...Jill 1")-3?........•...•..•...... V Van Rel of s it n " it rr Rec. Gen ••••♦••.....♦.•Ded♦ Jill-, ••••••••••••••♦•.••••• Omers.................. n n A.M. Sprier, 8r As-co^......Straff. Drain• .... ♦ • • • • • , • ...... . W. Baldwin .......... land allot. Eden Drain. .............♦.... M Jenkins....... it n n n D.R.R-rckman Constr.•♦.•Eden Prain,.....•.................... DeI,euw - Cat' er, . • ..... Diel e^1an Drair ... • • ................. . G. W• Cattle Constr. I,td... DiPlemar_ Drain ..... , .... / ......... . Walter Pelson ........... Coomber rrArr...../...............•..• rr it Kerr rt rr...........`reeman-Store...1•..../.......•..•.. and that this Col?rcii r.otrt adjo=_3rn to meet ar-ain on September 7:30 .P♦M....•♦•••••••.•Carried 124-40 148.65 295.00 180.00 224.65 102.50S X897.79\ 20.00 10.00 8449.20 �. 117.78 338.6. 32.70 3.50 10.65 5, at lerk Colzncil 17hambers, Straffor'«z� le September 5, 1973 The rer'.1lar mei:-;i_ng of Co uracil for the month of September t,?as held this p�rer�in Peetre J. 'anrlis presided �;it': ro�ancii.lors �T. ^b�)re, P., green and T.P. `Wolfe in atten"lance. Mozred her ; V. ("',.5?t e and Seconded )-tT : p . f ree�- �"� a ", t :e :111n' as o f + ere '!`',t ar meet ? r" �'1 d A---,--- 7,,., }�e��r examined ��r t':e memrers ark' �;rirr�l��- a'"�'�rot,c�r� a---' e P � ' eve t s S4, mrat-,re a,"`'"<ori ze on same... .../ .... 1 ♦ . arr . ed Correspondence reviewed as f0ll_011s: en} . Agri. c,?lt�?re rQ .. rabies, ,T,i of •. areas -- 'an. Im Aerial Pank of lammerce • . re-,. increase in^ Inter os rates es to R. K. McYeil..re. .disposition of interim Zoninc- recommzer-?atior Totti, pdor.�ar..rA..dne o� r , s. oslti_o: a .ializatsor appeal Tot n_ O1 or.; ar .. re .. Ir Qf 3.. r,,- re Marshall exnror. ri at i on ribson , Lir-1-.or, moth , 0dor.4ar .. re. • comments re Mer?ira 7,Tato r=as franchise Land T)ivisior C'om�mittee •.• re 1 • severance rea1.iest.:.?'a prackenb,ary, Matlab Ltd.,re.,compaction report re commli ity centre b,zildinr . Ministry* of ^om• Social Services..re..ircrease in r:. til. A. rates Canadian Salt Co. Ltd..re. •q?)o.tation .for 1973-74 prices Mac ribbons, road s?,'tierintendent, met with Council to report on the progress of the various road proects. The condition of the road eq�ip- e,. men, was discussed and the Clerk irstructod to have tender forms urenared for the purchase of a new calf -ton trick and Loader for p,irchase it 1974, Tack Parcla�r, secretary of the C'orlmi.znity Centre Poard, met with Oo�incil to disr.".ss thes nror^resori the ne',,! commi,nit,,- cer*re h1:?.il ii. r. Ahold- zQ in receiirin� some electrical materials is res,,ltinp- in slow proFrress in completinFr the biti.ldinq,. However, it is expected that the btaildinp will be readzr for some .f>>nctions before the end of September. Moved h;r: =. Wolfe and Seconded bv: R. Green That the Clerk be instructed to sen'd a copy of the commer.4-s of onr solicitor pertaining to the proposed agreement with Medina Yatl,ral Gas co,, renuesting-,the said ag♦ reements to he amended in accordance with the solicitor's suprestions••••.....Carried Moved by: R • Green and Seconded by : V. Chute That this Co,.Incl has no ob;ections to t!^e proposed severance of the lands of Pa1�1. Prackenburtr, being part of Lot 109, Conc. '?, and nimb' a ed E 11-0/73 ...... •••11••••.♦Carried 1.221 Moved b,r : R. Greer.: and ,SeAarded h,t : Ti, Ch1zte That the recreation Committee be aj.xthorized to pair a hon,is of t,20. each to tre t'-ree summer camp leaders for extra services performed.. • •••••....Carried Moved V. Chi.ite and ,Seconded b r: P. Oseen That t:,e appeal to for IP73 svhool t? -.e Ontario M, niei.pal Poard against the apportionment, purposes he ahandored.... • • , ♦ Carried Moved by. R. Green and SecondedhtT: R. WolfeT' at- t' e followir� -�`Iil.d.i.nrr permits he approved: Keith Danhrook Ken Everitt new house U09000, Geo, De Loss new house 30 ���• Henr�,T Keble move ho,ise 18,000. Lloyd Rartlet,t, car port 19000. M♦ G. Dean Tobacco wrap storape� area Farm Ltd., kiln 2 o 500. M. G• Dean Tobacco Michael Rosenberg Farm Ltd• barn addition 29500. x,500• 95 T Norman Rates. Max. Ste��rart-. s�zmmer room R �, parape _4 breezeway X40 • 2 500. Max Stewart demolish harn 2,000. Ronald Green silo and barn silo 11�, 200. Ronald Greenho�zse Jack Petrie adaiti on 5,x.00, 49500* . May UnderhillFarm Supplies Fred new new ba�_�sc addition `' 2�J, OJ4♦ 20,000, Hassel Ber. (`si.k paraoe additzor 1,500. Vand Ch --e storane barn 2,540. Ed�Flard Matscrke C' machine storage shed famil.l, 4,000♦ Mitcrell Farms Ltd. room 2 kilns x,004, Rex Panet demolish barn X 004 100. Jack Tomkins L • R. Grant Iivi^r- rooms 2.000♦ new holzse 409000. r -loved b,?,- P ♦ Greer and Seconded h :R ♦ Wolf e And resolved that R,r-law No. 1301 beinn a bar -lair to �?esirrr � � l,v r i rye .. a �_, e a t. , ro ,, rhvla-r � now read* Moved htr • P. Wolfe a first time..... • ♦ ..Carried a -d Seconded h.,: R. gre,er. And resolered ti -at R�r-�.a�Rr I'�otred h�• : R. Greer No. 1801 �e now read a second and Seconded htr • time. • -Carried And resolved that P? 'Passed..,.,,,,♦.Carried P . Wolfe -1ai,,r No. 1 301 be now read a third time and finall-r roveV. Ch„te and Seconded bir : R. Green That acco,int:s in the amounts of 9,913.x.3 for general accounts and x_'1269808.11 for roads he approved: Poads..payment vouchers.........., ♦ .... • .. ♦ .x'22, 237.45 Roads..pay list August I -IS....• .......................... 1,5$x..05 Roads•.Da-T list Au ust lh- PWel_fare ................•............•..•.. •............... 2,$�.8.32� itne, Bo"VI es..meter rental ..................•............. 28.49 Geo. & Trene !'orvath.•tile drainage loan♦, ... ,,,,,•,••,,,♦ 5,Ih5.00-, Walter Nelsono •tile drairiape inspections ............ . • • .. 35.4n Soper�s Puilders Supplies♦•o#'lice repairs...... 14. recreafiior accolznt........ 1.71 James S. Davision..animal control ..............•.......,.. iYn- demere Farms.. tax write of.f . ........ • • ............ • .. . Pennsr Patkis.. it it it ft Dofasco., it tt tr Debenture account..tile draina e♦dehP t1ire .....•........• �' *�t gyres ............... A1,1mer & Malahide Telephone Co..office.................... =i l chri st P,ii.ldinf Sirstems .J. Dennis..Colmeil. . cammi?nitt.r centre 'Pa�*ment • .... . M. Sc?-lafer.. n ........ • ............................ • . . V. Ch',te.. ,tt R. Greer... ►r J. Pel-rie �.. Pet;rle..R��erson...............•........................ Debenture account. , school deter__teres................... . . Barham Road department. ; ins-,irance ad, ustment, , 0 0 0 • 0 ♦ 0 0 0 0 0 0 19.01 (.�O.00 1,067-59,.... 49-58 873.25-, 1, 907.4 ;N lG2•62 1x.,052.43~ 0/4.25 12.00 32.00 33.75 32.00 30.00 9.5.00 9,214. OON 7.72 C, 1.222 PI ll afrencies of London.. office supplies,,, , ,, , , , , ,, , , , , , `155.34 Geo. Peard. , Corinth street, light maintenance ... . . . ....... 16.38 Ontario H rdro.. Straffordville street light maintenance... 30,10 Prot„rnsville Machine & ManzafacturinF. ,rook for drains..... 78.00 J. A. Petrie..salary August 1-15........x ................ 295,00,, V. Vannelois., it it tt ......................... l�J,00 J. D. Vgllee..retirement allot-�ancc....................... 150.00 Walter elson..drainap►A seminar .......................... 26.0(),-, Re.strTri Office..J,,l�r convey.rances........................ 11,1�Q A171mer & Malahide Telephone Co...fire line........... , 0000. 25.3 5 w Ne-wmar_d Flowers.. Jackson fu.neral......................... 15,00 Peters Prown & Co. -balance 1972 a'idit...................l,X14,L5 Harold Dennis..fir , c:xief..A�,z�-,zs#;....................... , (_)Q.OQ Robert Grant..deputfire chief......................0000 x,5.00 Thomas Thomas Sanitar ',-*'Collection Services Ltd.............1 641.Q4�, Advance Container of Canada Ltd ' Receiver C-eneral of Canada.,nostare...................... 200.00 Repis.tr.T Office..Apri1 conve Tar.ces... , 0 0 0 0 . .............. 10.50 M,irra�t iletcrabaw..po,iltr-,r killed ............. . ........... 34,00 Wilfred carper..po�zltr-,r valilation..................... . . . 6.00 Margaret 1,,,rons.. c,�anp-e re. tax pa Tment 0 0 0 0 ... . ........... 100.00 J. A. Petrie , . salarT:- Aum-ist1 -3 �......................... 295.00 V. VanRelois.. rt rt n ....................0000 180.00 L. Moore..salar-- kip st...............0000,.............. 172.0 Re^eiver General for Canada.. deductior_s A�zIust.... , , .... , 213.75 OMERS...deductions Azo,est................................ 102,54 Westeel Rosco.. Straf. ford.ville main ............ . ... . .. . . . 213.50 Dellers Tile Ltd ............. . . Coomber to t , . ,'31y1, 24., Jacko 4.28..... 345.48'., R,,ssell Stevens ......... . ..... . C'oomber tot ... 102.00 Freeman -Store 21,40 kerr 6,00,,.,, 132,00 DeLee. Cather .............. . .. Dl elemar 16.46 D. R. Rrckrnan Const. Ltd......Straffordv1lle....,......53,393.73' Walter I`?elson................. aSmit?............. 32.3 Casier...........22.951 Adler............29.25•. �'evill...........5�.1C�. Partley Ditch..... 7, 90,, Jacko............66,85\ C si nos ...... , ... , 45.2a Lt-s-•� 5\ . . , . . . 0 0 0 . *015.25-*.... 2 ” i . Roser+ rzrerla�r................ Rartlet ?aitch .... 21j.. 00\ Smith...........108,00�I No. Z............1�2.00�� Adler........ Fevill ..........174, Q0\ L�rs�r *18#00\ !^J, ac1co ...........180yy, 00. `'Sin os• 0 • . . . . . . • •�VO4�✓4 0 0 0 0 678.00\ G. W. Cattle Constr. Ltd ...... TTevilI ...........10.70 Smith ...... ..,...10,70..... 21.40 i les Vandenbusscre.... , .. , ...Straffordril.le. . ........... L.O.00 JoIlr. R. Dodd' Ltd .............. .Eden .... ..................1,Q92.71�, J and. that this Col?ncil row ad,jo?.zrn to meet-, apair.. o. October 1, at 10:00 .................Carried,. �'lerk A.M. l 1221 Council Chambors, Straf f ordville Octob�:r 1, 197? The regular meetin fr of Council for the Township of Ba-1rham for the month of October was held to -day. Reeve J. L. Dennis nresided with Depute -Reeve TI. Schafer and Councillors V. Chute, R, green and B. Wolfe in attendance. Moved by: T. Wolfe ard. Seconded blT: V. Chute That t' --e minutes of the rep,zl.ar meeting held September 5, having been, examined by the members are herebITr approved, and the Reeve's signature authorized on same........ Carried' Correspondence revie,=red as follows: Dent. of Agri.culture..re..rabie areas August 1973 Ministrnr of the Environment..re..certificate- of compliance to R. Marxnell Ministtr of Trans. & Comm..re..additional subsidy an" provai M2,000. } Gid Port Bur"viell Baptist Cemetrv..re..resignation of P. K. Ashbaufrh Ministil,,,r of the Environment.. re'.. app of St. Thomas Sanitar- Collection Services Ltd. for certificate of approval for land -fill site in Southwold Township C C. I. Bank of Commerce .. ro .. ir? crease in interest ratos to 9°' Long Point Reu-T_or Conservation '-or not to recommend nurchase of Wall roperty at Port Run,,rell Min. of `�'reasury, Economies F^. In'te'rgovernmental Affairs. .ri..revomrmendation for zoning controls Land Division. Committee. ore.. severance u. Pokorntr ('ribson, Iinton, Toth. g, Qdoruan..re*.informati )n re Medina Natural Gaq Co. Ltd. application for franchise Assessment Review Court..re. .notice of decision of Counter Jlidge re Central Pipe Line Co. Ltd. assessment appeal Ministr�T of Vatnral. Resources. -re. -pheasant huntirn- and raising program? Counter of Elgin..re..reductlon in 1971. lev-r re fat:tor change Ijoward Tackson...re..application to establ_i.sh a mobile home park Mr. Robert Gregson met with Council to discuss a program of warble fl -'r control. Tt is recomz mended bi.r the Reof Improvemer� Associati.o~ rural m-unicinal.iti.e,s subsidize beefe and 'r1lairr herds to control this nest. Couuncil agreed to rive further consideration to the r(*,o ,,estat the November meeting, M ggrs. V. So or and M. Reiser met With C � nc • � . ' lit'A uo�.,.il �o discuss closing of a roar?, ad,4acert, to their properties. C6urcil agreed in prirciple to the closing of t'�c • road. The parties involved are to meet with ro��,�, �► main . to Frive an indication as to th.ei.r T�Tilling"ness to pay surve-7 and legal. costs. Mr. Jerry Semhers met Trri.th Council to ask support1 of the Township with proposal .to request the LorCo,-,servation Point Region AuthorF ity to atudy the fea^ibili_ty of requesting an ice -break er^ to Keep the Part T3un,ieliharhollr free of ice for f. l.00d control, Mr. Walter Nelson met with CorIncil to discuss severance and drainacre matters. He suggested that a grassed waterway be installed on t?,e Phillips Mur icinal Drain. Colin.cil instructed him to contact the Department of �grriculture to get specifications for this. ..r. Harold Dennis met with Council to discuss fire matters. A firefighters course will be given under the auspices of Panshaw-e College by the St. .Thomas . ire Department. He requested the Municipality to pay the . tuition fee for each man who attends. Mr. Ken Juck of the Ministry of Nat,_.zral Resourses met' with Council to further explainhis letter re a pheasant hunting oropram. Mr. Hoy,,bard Jackson met with Council to further discuss his application f or a mobile home park site. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: P. Wolfe That this Council now adjourn to reconvene at 1:30 P.M. -...Carried Council recovenes at 1:30 P.M. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That this Council has no objectionsvto the proposed severance of the lands of Martin Pokorny and Katharine Pokorny beim parts of Lots 13, 14 and 15 Plan 205, and ni.unbered E 115/73......... Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green / That the request of Howard Jackson for permission to establish a mobile home park at Lot 5, Concession 8, be referred to the East El .in Pl nn tu Board for favourable consideration in the designation of langd usi e n Official PIan.............Carried Green and Seconded 1224 Move 'A, by : R . nd by : �' . Wolfe T�:at this Council_ appeal to the Ontar�.o Mi.zni�:ipal. Board. .from the decision of the County Jt�dFe in reducing the assessment of Central Pine Line Co. Ltd. . from $1$, 200. to $200. for 10 operating wells. , . Ref eerce of Rayham Assessment Roll NO. 00 0809 009 00 0000..... +Ce Totrms"i�+ arri �d Moved by: R. Greer. and Seconded by: V. Chute Al That members of the fire department be authorized to attend the Pirefiphterj Course under the auspices of Fanshawe Community College and upon completion of the Course to the satisfaction of the fire chief, the $$. tuit�.on~ fee be refunded to each.........,..Carried loved by: R. Green and. Seconded by: V. Chute That this Council recommend to the County Co,�rci of the Co?Znt of Erin that consideration. be given to a program for the raising of pheasants_ for release prior to t:�A h.urtznp- season bar the municipalities in Erin Cour.t�r................ Carrier � _.. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wo2.fe T�Iat our solicitor be requested to inform the solicitors for Medina Nat-iral Gas Co.,� , the propos..- amreament o. I.,td. tat this Council w�_11 execute � �, of franchise for gas service when: the agreement is amended in accordance with the recomendatlons of our solicitor per his letter dated August 16 10/73, and until s,ac': time this Council dill not authorize further expenditure of funds for legal costs..........Carried Moved. by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. rtreen Tl^at the 'lerk be instructed to make anyrecessary preliminarT,T arrangements to have a vote of the rate -Payers on the question of sale of liquor and S"nday Sports incorporated or the ballot for the next ret.ilar election to be held in this Plovel by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Cute That the 3.97. interiiIi and final tax- bills be prepared l y Rusiness Computer Services .......... Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Scconded. by : R Green G n That the Ministry of Transnortation' Pz Communicatiops be petitioned for and interim s, bsidyr on roa'd expenditures to August 31, 1973..... Carried P?ova a ".1 ; R. Green arl Se'conAer? by: V. Chute That the following applications for tiles drainage loans be approved: Paula Casier SI" Lot 17, Cor.c. 1,, X72, 600. Andrew & Elisabeth Dielemar, Sx Lot 1, Conc. 4, $990009 Carried Moved b r: R. Wolfe and Seconded Ry: R. Green That this municipalit�f su' mit and application for a program of brushing. roads, brushing municiral drains, cemet.ertr restoration, painting municipal bl.iildings and church properties and assistance for the maintenance of senior citizen properties under the Local Initiatives Program 10731m74., .............Carried 71 T -coved byr : V. Chute and Seconded bv: B. Wolfe That this Council_ endorse the request of the County of Erin Roar? Committee in�requestingrthe planning Denartman* of the Ministry- of Transnortation &✓ ��o...m.anivation�, to conduct a Peasibllit�T Stu�zT of 'di�hwa�r rTo. 3; between St. T?-omas and Tillsonbt;rg............ , Carrisd F"loved by: B. Wolfe That the following Rervers Conor. Max Alton Roy Peckett and Seconded by: R. Green building permits be approved: dog kennels house entrance demolish bldg Moved by: R. Green and Seeonddr i102And resolved that BzT-law No. 1802 annual drainage rate upon land in under the Tile Drainage Act, 1471 Moved btT: V. Chute and Seconddd And resolved that By-law No. 1802 Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded And resolved that By-law No. 1802 passed..........Carried $10 , 000 . 500. 1,000.....9."arried b.r : V. Chat being a by-law to impose a special respect of which mone,- is borrowed be now read a first time......Carried by: F. Wolfe be now read a second time...Carr ed by: : R . Green be now read a third time and finallir Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That the accounts be approved as follows: $27,007984 for roads, and $1609896.12 for general accounts: 1225 Roads..Voucliers........................•,...0••.......... 22966.2! Roads... �T - Pa .list Sept. l - �. 5 0000..... • • ............ 11�$�?, 0-. 4 • 0000 Roads..Pa=,,-list - Sept.16 - 3n .....................•...... WAlfar..........f 2553.19,` ....................................... Tilmac Welding ... fire dept. rep 286n.11� ..............•...,......• Wrn. Underhill...welfare...........•...... 16.56 •............... tt tr Bldg. Inspector 124.54 ................... • 0000 • .r Debenture a/c ---tile drainage dnb....♦..,,,� 126.15 „ ••,•,,,,,,, Treasurer of. Ontario... tilt draina7e dib..... , • .. 3144.15`, hr)81. 23�,, • 0 0 0 0 .. • B,isiress Comnl.)te- Serv...tax hills..................... • . 522100,, Ncws Printin C....advert.........•....•................. 8.40 Steele, Map- ee & Goodal.••1e�al0000.,f•,..•0000•0000..,.., Donis Gara�;e... fire lent. rep.,-...........•.••...,...••. 1404,1 28.86 �T. Dennis..........�'oj�nc�.l ....................... . . • ... , . Ari• Schafer....♦.,.. " 6..44 .........................•..... V, Chute•.•♦.•..... " 32.00 .............•................. R. Green.........•. " 64.00 0000...♦.......♦ ............... Be Wolfe........... " 33.75 «....•...........•............. J. Petrie n 67.75 .....................•......... Batfham Recreation Committee... 34.44 advance... • ♦ ♦ , , , , • ......... Gilchrist Bldg: S�rstems...a/c Cnm. Centre ...............• 375.04. 12056.99\ Jas. S. Davison... animal control. 0000 ..............•0000.. 30.00 Ronald Vaughan ...fox b�unt`r....... , .. • , 0000. • ............ Dom. Foundries & Steel • . • tax V'lri t ?-off ................... x..00 369.36\ it n n Julien. Van Maele ....... ♦• ,..•..........•0000 Jax.Rutledre•......•..•,. it n tt ?4.7{7 Ross Carson.......•...... tt tt ►t 2.87 ...f ............... Harry Reamaran it tt 2.65 w ............. .............•..•.. Theodore S"ith ...mo -ring cemeteries..... • ................. 1.94 114-98 J. A. Petria••.salary Sept. 1- 295.4'4\ qql5.....•.....•...•.••.••.• itV. Van Belois•, " 1- ,7.ri••• •a•.•••..•• •••♦•s••.• Lorraine 1"oore.0 tt " l- 15 ..............•......,•• ,.;,,8'..,000 9u.40 iVin Cty. Pd.. f F :... , a/c 1ev.1�...... , • ................ 71486.25 tt tt R SPd,. tt rt J:D.Vallee... rot. allowance. .'.................•.......... 5784.0\ 154.40 T,Elfin Planning PA.,•..•.,1 levy....... 0•0•0000.0000•• 2193,85\ REQ. 4f.face•••••A.u�';•cori�i'ea'aiit'o,�s..•a•••••.«•••...••,•..... Workmen's ''omp. deny . in crease..... 0 .. • 11r70 54.00 T T ryrylpd......firn , ... • . .�.. �r''•f•.1 •••..•••••••,••••'•..f••••••.•••••.f• '_c~ir 'o -op Servi ^es...f4 re dept. 190.23 rep • ................. • . 'rant Motors Ltd... n " n 1.4'l .................... W. r,.T`ferster Stationery Ttd... office s,:pp • ......... • 0 0 0 0 6,00 li.4 .. anadian ?Motorola 71ectrorlics...fire dept. rad�_. • 0 0 0 0 . 'bs .62 2739.41 fti � t � ? n -.nn , Toth ;! Otr or iar ... • 1. e a1. • ............... • 78 59a . A.. ;.. Te enhorn o.....f4.re line... , . • 0 0 0 0 26,(.)4? • ............. arc�ld nerna s ... fire c'�ief.... ,�n•nn f ............ • ............. Robt • r.rar t , ..... de put�r f i re c v - ; e f .......... .. 5.00 • « .. , .. • .. . St. Thomas San. Coll. Sery..•.•..............•.......•... Advance Container of Canada Ltd.00000000.0.0000•0004000.• 1641.4N\ 5:83.020 "'heodore Smith -o ..mowir: cemeteries...................... 11.25 1rs. Annie Repast;* ... 0 mun• drain deb.♦..•..0•.•...•.•..0• 3257.25\ JA Petrie...sal.Sept. 16 - 34............•. ............. V.VanBelois.. n tt » it 295.44`. • s • • • . • * • . • f • ♦ • « • . • • • • ♦ . . . • 1$4 . r v4� . ............ • « ... • . Receivor General for "aada..•.ded• Sept• ................ 52. 5O 211.38 r?rners........•..,....•......r ............................ Robt. I-yerla,, • flr...... 142.56 • • •IIevill • .......... • ............. De1_ler's Til'o T.td.••f•Jacko Dr...•........•............•• 30.44 tt tt tt • • . . . CizLl 4.47 tt n tt 00 ...Nevin Dr ................. 17.60 • ....... 0 D.R.13;Tckman Constr. Ltd• ...Eden Dr .................... 3731.80. • ... D0R.Rirckman. Constr. Ltd ... Straffordv lle Dr...... • 0 0 0 0 ... 1y1�O�.29� Ta1_ter Nva-lson. • • • ... • ,Nevin ?fir . ........................ �4.-76 • it it ........•Smith Dr............•............•. -6.74 It1m.Rayson..•.••......•?leli Dr............«............ 21.44 Moved by Green .. Seconded by Chute that t? -lis Council now adjourn to meet, main on October 31, 1973 at 10:00 A.P-1, , . carr1ed... 1.226 Counc1l. Chambers, Strafford-tri.11e, October 31, 1973 The regular meeting of Council for the Month Or M070'"ber Txias held to-dirr. Reeve J. Dernis nresided wi_tl Donut -r -Reeve M. Schafer and C©? nci_1lors V. Chute, R. Green and R. Wolfe zr. attendar ^e. P.,zoved b;-: M. Sera fer and Secondel, by: B. Wolfe '?'hat the minutes of the reP_,l_ar meeti_nrr held October 1, 1973, '^avin7 been e_;amined h-,!, the members are h oreb,r annroved an' the Reeve's si. pnature authorized on same.......Carried Corresnonc'ence reviewed as follows: Dent. �f Agriculture..re..rahies area -September Ministnr of Treasury, Economics & Interrrovernmental Affairs..r, ..consents policies for rural_ areas East Elfrin Planning Board..re..anoointment of 11974 members Gilchrist BuildinC S;rstems.. re .. f+ ini shim floor in auditoriu-m of -om, centre Gilchrist Buildinrr S-rstems..re..o- cial acceptance of buildir- County of E1 gi n.. re..acknowled"ement of resol-Ution re phnasants and anneal ar"ai.nst.r-law No. .2276 Bid Germa, M. P. P.. re .. investment off' OMERS funds Elgin County Lard Severance Committee..re..severance re ues., . F. , ' e tt tt tt ti � �' •••�+' �, FPro Czn.1 it t fit tt Wm . T'_ • aldw� n it tt tt C • & V • F rri s Ministnr of Treas. , Economics er, Irbn.rrovern-icrta1_ Affairs. .re. .nronrse-d. . le7islati vra amendments On+ari.o Ennrr-r Board..re..application of Ur_ion "as to construct a-' 'itioral ]-'in----,s in 'Barham Local Initiatives Prorram..r�..acknowl,ed-ement of a~nl.icati on Mr. Robert Gre-3,,)n met Y9rith Council t") request assistan^e ;pith some nronosed orkin the Srn�acT- Cemetez^�r ender the Local Initiatives Pro~ram, and also informed Council- teat he had some sand available if needed for road irork. Mr. John Japer met with Council to rnqucst a culvert on his-roTaert-,- entrance on the P-lanl e Grove sideroad. Geor7e Cameron. met wit'i Council c � nz e * V. it to discuss insurance cov..ra�,. n t� new comma it r centre b1iildin+-. He was instructed to Place tis .. n he hall and 1_ibranr 'w�_th the vaii.ze of contents to be establishe,,4 later. Messrs. Jac?, Barcla4r and Burn; P-TcKenzie met with Colun cil to request assistance with the foll_owinp- work at the commuritTr centre huildinr: to lcvel., t?^ e gronp,1s to just below the stecal stru-Aare; Provide air cement landinn at the exit doors; construct a sidowalk from the .road to the kitchen and the library; (ravel the Parking lot; move the existing entrance east s for a more convenient driveway into the oar? -inn lot; have no ?aarkinr~ s� s erectod on Ccs int;r Road 3$; place 6- cement trourrhs around the building to take care of the water from the roof withort washing away the soil; soddin- or seeding the rrrounds; They.- also requested a comriiiteea of Council meet with the Lions Club to P1_ar for a l_ officiaopeninr sometime durin,n November. Mr. Willis Weaver met with Council to discuss a meeting place for the Barham Historical Society. Council- granted use of the Co?zncil Chambers for their r;ovembcr meeting Pending rental arrangements bein ~ made for the new hall. Moved by: P, Wolfe and Seconded bar:r�. SchaferThat- this Council now ad. j ol.zrn to re � onven e at 1-:15 T1ovf?-1 b--: jT. Chute and Soconded bir: T% S^11afer Trat Ron Gre-:n and Blake Wolfe be annointe.-? members to the East Elrrin _.... P1s ar�Y inBoard for t?�eDennisNear 1971. with Reeve Jesse Dias member Proved by: P. Green and Seconded b -,r : V. Chute That Whereas the contract for the building of the community centre includes the finishing of the auditorium floor ` And Whoreas Gilchrist Buildi_n- Systems now request an ad-litional_ *8194. for finishing the auditorium floor v Therefore be it resnl_ved : That the request for an al.ditional $894. bar Gilchrist Building Systems for the f inishinr of the auditorili-m .floor be refused.........CarAed 11 Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded bar: R. Green 1227 That Vie req?_icst of Gilchrist Buildin- SIrste s for the official acceptan -.e of the comm,', nit x centre buildinm be deferred until the unfinished work is comnleted........Carried Move' byr: M. SLrafer and Seconded bir: P, Wolfe That the draft resolution of Bud Germa M.P.P. rega stin7 the Treasurer of Ontario to increase the interest rates paid to the 6k9RS pension fL u d e en.dorsed.........rarrzed .oved b- Schafer and Seconded by: P. Wolfe That t "? ::> C :.::unci l h -as r o nr jec tions to t : e pr^nosed se-.rorance of the I annds of Fred Procunier re d serol Proc��nzer bei_ .� d art'. beir . f f 4- rT . '-' ,� par : o.� Lou 115 ! T� -.E an, n --n, bered E 129/73 an ' that of William am L. � � 'D ald . _ bei<_. Lot la . fan 25�, ' iI , an r3 r, �,_. f anr_1 numV red E 137/73.......... Carr, . 0 :'); ehy: R. Green an' Seconded by: V. C?-:.ute That tl-e follortii_nrr buildzn ne its b anroTTed: �car Thithis Cou; cil ob�cct to t"�e proposed s`�Ttcrance rr the lands of Charles Ali p�1 nt�orri a �je; :^ s" part of Lot .. 1 ar , o. 1 , r ,or c. a_ 3/73 t s felt � that this is A contig farce of strip l e de r�..�op.:��..t as mO an }he poor i visibility y r - I ocatznp* an ertrancc from Pir, � lQ......Carriefd 21000. Jacob Wall, _ feed storage re s1 � �,n ce �nr� neo t, c h ? 1-� ,T -,f.rcyarrt,.�•. to Pc,a�'o�struct� 1-0 4-n the f;11 and lsv,�,Ilinpr m a^ t,,r+nr�r�i• ?".�.�?� �a^� "a�4r? a�bas -19 . . . s on a . . . . . . . . . "arri n l an, 1. S e c o;r -1 e,� b,, -r: V. �t. s 1 - n 1� �: 2 . .at Jm, r rderh ►1l o rr, Verb the slam of �, ntri at t e c0 nvert on or buildin - inspectors., ...... . "ars; S^1-.afor arr' Scor -,e-1 by: P, Wnife That tl-e follortii_nrr buildzn ne its b anroTTed: �car B,.zrt Armst son. M Roger Vermeersch port ar -:?. st orannfG . Louis Faza_�as rrerenln.0,5�,y? � ��, ,; re �: o 500. Geral ,7 Taylor ... e kiln n 25i� k, . l s.:. 1?i t c,cd 'well Fa bn?�er f storage 2,500, 21000.Frank Rosenrerr-er °gym. Underhi lI dc,�,Zearae h,,,;,�. 21000. Jacob Wall, _ feed storage re s1 � �,n ce �nr� neo t, c h ? 1-� yy�� .0J- ,'- i : i s � {/��, , t 1 Miar arca Vince Galen' .I -arae addition �' , 2,C'40. as Im. Ra .son b .� of harp, house adr?ition0000 OC�O .� Eva S chmelt ' Ban DeCloet$00. tobacco K41-, domolit .or 50.... ....................Carrin-A P. Green an,-'. Sc- -)nded By . • V. C. ,t� t n b� That the action of the X32 debenture in the ._. Treasurer in purchasing a Kinross Mortna7c Corn. fund be approved.......... amount of lc)oQ* for the cemeternr pernet-.-al Carr1_ed care. Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded b--: R. Greer. That the application of Robert $C. L'eiphfield and Martha A. Leiphfield for a the drainage loan, in the amount of t3000, for Si Lot 2$, Cors. 51 -be approved......,...Carrzed. Moved by: Re Green and Seconded b;T: V. Chute That this Council express their appreciation to Basil Nevill .for his contribution to the Bayham Fire Dept. durinr- his 31 years of -membership • • ....... k' arri e d Mr* Ben Wilk and several residents from the Third Concession east met with Council to request changes to the intersection of the road between Lots 20/21 and the Third' Conc;load. Ther e.};pressed concern teat the visibility is such, that a 4wa,r stop shoal d be condzdered. It was also expresser tht the stop road should be the north/south road as the traffic volume is heavier east and west. Council agreed to look into the matter. Fuur persons representing the building; committee for the Straffordville School addition met with Council to `discuss the plans disposition existinn water reserve for fire purposes and a new entrancto hschool p*roun d s . 1228 Moved by: V. Ch .ite and Seconded by: R. Green That acro mts be approved as folloijs: 7eneral *50,901;..1.2 and roads $18,160.60: � /� 1 Roads • .AJay meat vouchers. . . . . • . . . . • . . • . . . . . • . « f • . • • • ! • ! • i • . . . .'�� _ 583 .1,-2*N Roads..pay list Oct. 1-1.5 ................«..,... «..•.•f.••3.2'`x. Roads..pay list Oct, 16-31.•......•.• ...............r..•.. r.. 2,9,18.98. Vii �l ar� .... # ............ . ........... r .... ..... r . , .. « ... • • .... 11243034 Stephen. Acre. .re, .fotr bo"Imt-T.. r ............. ! ... • • • ... • • ..... 0 %Jm• Under.il?_..warrrl- • ! ........ • ... • . ...... • .. • , .......... 212,7^ James S • Davi so., . • anirpal control 21L,006 Registry- Office.. September corveTranLe . • • • , «, • • • • • • • , ... • ... • 12.30 J. Dennis..•.f.....rC'o eil...•••.•..•.............r...r....f 64,00 Pilo Schafer.......... ttfr.......•..•.......•.,....•.••.., 64,00 64,00 R. Green....r....... 't .....«....• ....................... 67.5E • it ` tr V`den, St Lt S 17 it rr . • .. « ..... Str'af:f'Ordvil� �' .� .........r••............f.. 196.5�j\ Hotchkiss A��l .an.ce.... • . • ....Fire D^�} . �reT�s. • ........ . .. . .. ..•.. ' ' 2.11Gilchrist •a/ 93 \ '.L.Droos So^fTrnacc lZl P'eclyn�•.••.•.••••.•ts�eed cuttinf-,.••.••••••/••••/«•••f•!• 15.00 Soper Rldr,s, Sapp. F.P. -lour • • .......... • .... • .. « ......... 12.810 J1az�ilton ;lard c �athers.....�-e, Fs of"ice,••••.•.•r•••••.•..« 830#01\ n n tr n• �0re59i-s84\ ...Piro rept... •.....f...,..•....... 884.00\ Treas. of Orit.••f•tile r.' Df� ben ture a/� • f • • • • • • • • ♦ • • • • • • • • M • f • • • • f • • • • • • • • • • • i • • • « • • • • • �7{ li,i • 09, J•A*• Pe tri e.. • .... • • f • • • . r):..1Ti r . 295 O'C,, ,.....•.....•............ n V • Var Pa lois.... • • • • • 1r It rr rr • • • • • • • • • • • ♦ • • • • • • • . • • • • � • 00 J• D. Vallee,•.r•••r•••retir--tont allowance.......••....•.... 150.00 Roper Casier• • • • • • « • • • «l:�.vestoc?r i r sect ons ................. 20.95 • � 4 Reatr� cn DocY-tr 7�e � 29•00 Joseph Csikos • . • . • •J*A.. r . tt r tt ' .Petr:�.e,....r.......LoUos roll.s...•...•...••.••.•.•....... ? .L.., Q, *J*A•Petr, e. • • • . , • • • • • « •mil.eaFe remistnr office fees........ 12.00 A'-, MTel ephone Co.. • ..fire line. • . • ......... « • ...... • . • .. , .. 25o86 Otto Mat' eus--;,.k.....Richrmond, sido wwalks....••«•••«••!•.f.•••«• 367,20\rt tt . • • Cor? rth rt n 11-9 0� Ont.T-dro...•........Straff• repairs....r........•,..•.....• 1.32 Armstrongs Pharmacy- Rec. Committee a/cr... • . r....... «.. «.. f . 1.37 He Dernis.••.fire c�.ief..•......••......•.•.•.•....•..,.,.. 60.00 Robt. Grant..Deno fire chief...... ! , . • ....... • ......... « .. r .. L,; 000 St. Thomas Sar. Coli. Serv. Ltd f • .... • ......... • ...... • ... • . # 1641.00 \ Advance "o -.fairer of Can. Ltd .................•...•.......... 583.92\ Ti�nj . of a`,- a~� .... Corirth Park Dr. rep ...... • ............... 7,eU Roder Casier.... • .?aivestoc1: val. ?atzors......................• 7.8 . .Petr�e.•••r•«•••«*Sal. Oct,295.0o \V. Vanrt tt 180:010Lorraine Mooree....tt October.!.••••►•••••••••r••r••..•• $5.60Omers........... ••.•rrDed. t':0*::::**0#*0*0*00**V**0**0* .........•,.••..•.... 181.56 Rec. Gen, of CanIt It 122.4.1 D.R.R7rc?.::tan Const, U*(01,f•••Straf.Ir. Dr....r•«•••••••!••••••••. 243054.65\ Dellerts Tile Ltd........•.�erdan-Cheesema .................. 66.77 A.P .Spriet & Assoc. Ltd....StraffT3r.... . • . • ..... , ... .5153.51\ Walter 1` telson..••••r••• ••.Coomber 'IF" Dr.::::::,,.•.•..•..•0 14oO9 Russell S ovens• •. • f • f «• r «• !t it rt• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • 30eO0 T Moved b Chute Seconded bir Green: V -'at this Council now aduourn to .meet again on December 3rd• at 10:0O A.rT.•••.Carried..... 'der'.. 1229 Council. Chambers, Strafforlvil?.a December 3, 1973 The reFular me.etinn- of Council for the month of December was held to_dazr: Reeve, J. Dennis presided with Deputy -Reeve M. Schafer and Covncill.ors V. Ch"Ite, R. Green an,a P. Wolfe it atter"ar,-e. Moved by: M. Schafer and. Seconded by: V. Chute That the minutes of the reg -filar meeting held October 31, 1973, havinfr' been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized or same..............Carried The fol 1 owin � items of correspondence were reviewed: Dept. of Arricultare..r^..rabies areas..October Ed. Matsc?h'-n..re..insi.zrance quotation for community centre building Ministry,,,, -f Transportation ez Communi-at ions..re. .-ubsidies on salarI es of El. it -St Tr. Y�� n STP n road s�.�perirtenderts a-) Balth U it..re..h 1-11in permits & septic tan'r installations Ontario Ener; T oard..rd..Pearing on application of Union Cas Co. to construct lines in Ba}ham Pearson, .�1�Tnn, Sturd�T �'� �'�articz-!ti:.re..re Lim for or tent P � r t- i q .� .,� o� ..ra.� ll cr nark at Glen Erie camp grounds Gilchri-st B,711_4in7 Systems..re..raa?-inert of hol�ibac'� �. �,+ on comunitY� ..es ,re bld7. Stra.ffordvil? e hop s' Club. .re.. , se of community Centre building County of E1 rr, n..re .. return. of $8,233-34 for 1972-73 bar 7rant John B. Dodd_ Ltd..re..Eden Drain assessment rtecommendations Ministry o: the Environment..re..petition for water supply along. #19 1 �T St. Thomas -Elgin E.T4.0..re. .rea2,st to endorse resolution re federal government f i nancin Elrri n Lar,! everancn rommitt ec o ors. ,severance re "est L. G. Milmine D. Palmer & Dr. Sear Ivey .& Do1a1P_r..re..Medira franc~ ' see O*Sullivan CanaHian Motorola El,ectronics..rc..fire dent radios Move b r: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green That this ..Council r.oi,t aujourn to reconvene at 1:15 P.M...... Carried Mr. Robert Gregson met wit,: Coancil to discuss the sale of sand. to the T owr. sli i n. a n v Thera is an ample, sunn1�r on his may prop ���rtT.T ch ,��bir be used over a period of time. " ` Mr. Ed Pulford, representinc- Frank Coinian Co. Ltd. met with 8ouncil to d.i c' ' s .xss our insurance coverage and t'he many premium 41ates throuoh6i.it the year. He suggested that a curve; be taken to ascertain if s�=.ffic ent coverage was on al!b illir.; s a d equinmrr.t and replace tti e existing policies with a common due date, Mr. Ross Carson met iAth Council to present plans for double -wide mobile homes explaining that they conform to the National Building Code and requesting permission to sell them for erection in the Township. This Natter was referred to the building inspector. Mr. K. C. Emerson met with. Council to further discuss the petition for i4ater for the residents as referred to in thle correspondence above. Move? by: R. Green and Seconded bzr: V. Chzte That i'rilchrist BuildinE Systems be paid the amount of t10, 59.lr0 on account of community centre bulllino; holdback with the balance of 6 QQQ. b i upon -the satisfactory conclusion Qf necessar~* ' e ng ?laid •�y•••••,•• , adjustments and minor repairs... Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the appeal of the Township of Bayham to t'- e Ontario Municipal Board against County of Elgin By-law No. 2276 bein-r O.M.B. file No. IM ?3222 be withdrawn............Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded bv: R. Green That the petition of. Mrs. Isaac Loucks and others for an extension of the Lake Erie pipeline to service properties along No. 19 Highway between the" Villages of Port Bunnell and Vienna be accepted and the Clerk instructed to contact the Ministnr of the Environment for for and adraft resolution to have an estimate of costs provided.........Carrie d Moved by: R. Green. and Seconc?ed bar: V. Chute That this Council has no ob,�ectior_s to the proposed severance of the lands of Leon & Gertrude Mi.lmine beim part of Lot 10, Concession 9 and numbered E 15/73 1-230 ar,d that of. Dale Palmer and Dr. Sean O'Sullivan beim parts of Lot $and 9, Rer,. Plan 205 and ni.7mbered E 1 $/73.... , ....Carrie s 5' d Moved by: R. Green and Seconded b,r: V, Chute That sand be p�zrchased as necessarTT41 Robt. Grc son ata co f per load; Township to be responsible for stripping of top cost o $C'75 Robt. Gregson t� be' respon ible for levellin7. The aforementil ed and. 0. sail be consta»t durinm 1974 with subsequent rear s uric t tion„d =t>0.75 to prices ,o be negotiated.,, •.«.•.•••.•Carried MoveI by: M* Schafer and Seconded. by: B. Wo1_fe T..at F rank Cowan Co. Ltd. be requested to re-s7zrveT* the exi insurance program an(? subrmi?; a nronosal. to Counci 1 tl ,pith re stan �aTown.'hip March 1 9 c - comme-- -atiors by MoveAl b?-: V, Chute and Seconded 'hir: R. Green That Everitt's Electric be authoriz-d to install a 250 watt dusk to dawn ' at tie s,o th vre t corner of the tolrnshin �, � a lz ht $100. .................�arrod garage at a cost o,... ap,roximatel� t:rel r b.� .. RGreer Secr. a�: ?. Seconded by: � �h�._.� 10„te That buildin7 r�ermits be approved as follors: � sales -tax $1,529,98 Wm, Ratrson Dan DCloet Res. addition. �5,c?00, �tarol Kaufman tnbacco barn addition 1.)200. . Wm, Noll J,►ood r"ararre J brer��ewa�r �� storasre 2 ()n,,- pole t�no machine shed , . 00, 2,000. Holy Cross* Ce:�te . • r A Z Farms I,td. si �n 100. demolish & rebuild Freenhbuse 5,000. CauS Cau�,� n Farms Ltd. Diana Lautenschla�er demolish 5 Kilns �"-. greenhouse 000, residence Erin Ct -. Tad. off' _Ed,.z^at.ion school addition 20,000, /,.99'000. Daniel DeCloet LTI e Lemon residence 25'000. John. Norath � resa_z._.ence renovations �. bulk kilns n l 50 _. , John Arnoc��-i Allen Fisher remove barn' $,OO�J, 500. Rel. Godbjr remove 2 k�.lns demolish greenhouse 1;200* jas GibbonstT unlit shed 200 ........Carried Move-' b�f: R. Green' That th.e foliowinr and Secondod by: V,. Ch:�tn payments for extra services he Reeve J. Dennis $3000 made for 197 • 3' Dep -Reeve M. Schaf or 250. Councillor V. Chute 200, it it Re Gre c' n 200 Clerk -Teas. R. Wolfe 200. J. Petrie 2000 Secretanr V. VanBelois 150W Road Supt, M. Gibbons 150........99Carried Tenders for a 1974 ton pick -u -; track were opened; Rankin Ford Saps Gra.. t !,,Totors ( St raf f ) ra_ ce c34, 491.10 11,313.00 trade-in $1,397.10 1,613-00 saics-tax $215.$$ 1$a.00 net price $3,300-88 21889,00 Moved by: R. Grenn ar. Seconded b : V, Chute That t? -.e tonder of Grant Motors (Straff ordville) Ltd* in the amo?u�nt of. ,22889-00 for a 1974 Chevrolet Ito pich-up truck be accented s�zb-� o approval .............Carried - ,, ct t _. Tenders for an articulated wheel loader were opened.: Renash Tractor Ltd. Equipment Sales & Sery Case Power & Equip, Fedquin Inc. Sheridan Eqip, Ltd. Plested Equip. Ltd, Capital Equip. Ltd.. Crothers Ltd. _ price 1(3 2,799 * 70 29,900.00 29,420 , 00 28,381,00 3,600.00 3 9 ,00 2$,100,00 36 ,100.00 Moved by: Bo Wolfe and Seconded b-,.,: That the decision on acceptance of a be deferred until the specifications trade-in $111000,00 sales -tax $1,529,98 4,500,00, 1277$,00 10,000000 17359.40 4,000,00 ,875.00 1,706,67 1,800,75 13 ,190.00 1,645-00' 7,000,00 17477.00 1+1000900 2, 21+7.00 net price $23025 0 68 27 ,17:3.00 202779,40 2&,0$7 ,.67 27,525.75 25,1x.5,0'0 22,577.00 34,047,00 M. Schafer tender for an arti dilated wheel _loader are reviewcd...,.....Carriod l 1231 illd03 Moved. I-)--: P. Green and Seconded, by: Vo Chute And res lved that By-law No. 11903 beinrr a by-law to ise�ze for -'licences durin the open season , j reasants, rabbits read a fi rst t' gym. -••••••••&•.•Carried Moved by:'V. Chute and Scconded by: R. Green And resolved that by-law No. 1803 be now read 11oved by: B. Wolfe and Secon-'ed b.r: M. Schafer And resolved that btr-law No. 1803 be now read, passed.,• . • . • , • . Carried Moved by: P, Wolf e and And resclved tti-at Fay -law drainage rate , �n on land Tile Drainarrn Act, 1971, Moved b�, : V's Chut e an d And resolves-, t'- at by-lal1 Moved by:.R. Green and And rest ted that bar-jak passe'........i.rt arrzea and charge fees and fox be now a second time. , . , r ,Carried. a third time and. f3.r_alZ4r Seconded by: R. Greor No, 1804 belnrr a bar -law to impose �. a special annual in respect of whi ch moneT, is borrowed t�ndor t�.e ben ow read a first time... ♦ • . • .. Carried Scconc'el by : T -r. Schafer VO, 1804 be now read a sccond tiro. • ... ,Carried Seconded b , : B B. Wolfe No. 1804 be now read a third time and f4_nally 11oved b :- : V, Chute and Seconded by: M. Schafer That accounts in the amounts of $148.;002,63 for acco�i is z. � for roads be approved: an. .18, $29.5,` Roads.•vouchers..........,,•...,,•• ................!•.......,.$11� ? � Roads ♦ • pair list NOV,, -� � . • ......... • .. , . • .. • .. • . • ............ 1' 4212. ._ 2 Roads*,list T"lov. 7.n-� 5 �-.CS. ..............l.......•........•..•. 2:$22.29. Welfare,...,....•...............•..♦♦.....,.......•..•.•.•...! Debenture a^ , oz.znt 3 , 217.90%, ..t'.l�J drainage �'ebentures 493 20% Treasurer of Ont .••...•l..,.•...... Ontario-. -tile, r�raina�e dobPnt,u?^es. • ........... • • . 1,b39,$, Gustaaf g�, Sie .fried Blonde itl^ drain.arre 1.�ans♦ . , .......... 865.0' Albert Sf-an�_ar . • t1e drain.a7e, 3 , 4�► Walter Nelson.,ti- dray nage in snest o • • • .. , . ! ... . .......... ! . 59965.00-, J. De��nis. •Coia-„• t. ns....,. •..., •.. s. • •,.,. 70,00 �.1......,...f,.•....•..•...,. •.....,•..,..f... .32.0':,_7 14 -Schafer., tt V.Ch,-Itce32.00 R .Greer .... �t 3 .O0 B.Wolfe. • • , tt .••!.•..•.,,.........•,...............•..,•. 33.75 W,Un`aP�. -, 1^/�y�V'♦ e. �. y/3�;2. 000�j it J. Pctre .r it ♦ .... r • E 00 Verne t s Tile Ltd ♦ , • , Librart.- floor & ..... , ♦ . • .. , • • .. • ........ . Steve Stekli Jr....poultrt.r� killed 370.00` Olivetti Can, Ltd** contract ��, ..•..f.........• ............. 150.50 �•�un. World Btd.... office supplies..............ribror_s..... • . , ... • r . • .... • .. , . 199.76 Gilchrist l -d- . •. , S• •rs• • e• �• • • • •��e=lfarc` o♦ r,.un• .• • e• n• t• r, e, •.•.•.•.•..• •..• •.•.♦...!.•. ,! •: •. i. ♦. IQ? O$ r33\ Vim. Ji1cr�!.c tt fr q3 � on rIar ,hall n closon . • , , ♦ f • • • • • C'_' -Centre 1a? ..........•....♦..,.. 77,1;. Tye ♦;c... f ! . .. . . . . . . . ! office.. . . . . . . . • . . f . . . • • ♦ ... , , . • . ll . '°TeVis Print. �, /� ,,V+ �- 5 3 �� it � • • • • • . • • a ` � � .' i • ! ♦ • • ♦ ♦ , • • • • • • • ! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • r }�„3 r • O p''�'�Yii�^, • • r • • • s • • • • • •Y' utr_r r;''3tc�. n i �.�. • Qf l � . • • • • • • • • • • • • , • s •Oct* f?!'1nv l •2O Jas.S.Dalrison. t- - ,...•...."0.•..,.. .. " ....,....an:.alconuro__................ ! •..,.... •. Dell or Is mid_. I.�- 21.'•00 ort o.". t s �. e':�22,75 P�'"! ''atinr",. tr » Treas. Off' �`'" �` (i nals . • • ....... • , .. • ........... �,f?r► Willis Marr, ....r♦.♦r.•.la-tT mows 1 •18 J.A,Pet-rz.e••••••♦,�'a:?_,Az-��*,i._�.�,s••.,;•••••••••!•••••••♦•••••♦••♦ ��.D.Valle.:�, ......!l..,..•,.•..,.....l.♦.. 2 95.0 0u .V♦VarRelois.,.... n it rt 11 T ♦•♦sri.••r•ii • ♦ • ♦ , • s • • • 180 ./ .retir^mer' 5O♦ 0 Otto Math � e �.-! 1- 3 �_._..,...com. con.tr^ s:?eral�rs•.•.............r.... $0S,€C�� Ree. Gen fo Can.........radir� licer:ces... ! .. , . • .. ♦ ...... • • .. • . 6 00 Ielm. Underhill ............ centre ..............•...!..... 217 Q Peter Zacharias........... it tt , • 7 ., Jacob Za&arias• ...... • . • . it tt .•.......•.....•.•.•.♦.♦ 77,50 Peter Z' tt ........r..,♦♦...•••.•.. ?7,50 i iessen........•... ':• •.,..........!•.•....•.. 22,50 Marshall Bolo, tt •.... •..,.,.. •......r.rs �Sr2 Snr.......... tt dm• Fitchr•••!••,•,•••l.., it rr 5 ••••f••••••••!f♦.••♦!♦• 22,150 .j(all.ee.......•....•.....,.I!1Uln.cl.Y'a`''� a„�,.,...••...........♦ 12�a0rt�9� M�rQ©dSe�..l ���--C��,son • r • • • • ! ! ! • • • • • . ti ti tf , • • • ! • • • ♦ • • • : ♦ , ♦ ♦ * , 1471 -57, -,- ary P•'el.-+on•.••••••••••••f• n ►t tt Harold. Dennis..,••••fire c',. .....•......!.,.... ''6L0,00 Robt. Grant • ...dop, ft tr 11.5100 St. Thomas Sart.Coll.Scrv.Int,d..,,.,,,•,•i••,r„•,,,,.,r.rrr.rrr 1641 OQ` Advance Container of Can. I� tel .................•......•.....♦.♦ 583.92` 1232 A& M Sod Supply Ltd.......Com« Centre.......«......r....,. 466,20 Tillsonburg Commercial Printers Ltd.••.«envelopes.......... Dennis Garage...•/..../.•.fire dept. rep ................... 25,65 9,01 Horton's Plumbing & Heatin s••..pipes-CotTi«centre••.•r•••••. 7.50 Marshall Rolosor...... .. commu�.ity centra .. . ................. 77.49 Jacob Zachariaz...•.... it " ......•........«,.•. Peter " 't " 67.50 .....•.• ..............«..... Vim. Underhill.......... rt " 22,50 Roger Casier.«...••...•..l.ivestock valuation.• ............. 147.75 1« Joe Lannert s ill ............ • . ch�.CUerx�. �` Pd, .... ! ............. 111.0c Rec. General.........* -** fire dept. radiros..,..•.....•..••. 4*00 Mac e,,Jor Rubor Gibhons....,mnn. dr. dob.......... ! ..... • .... J.A,Petrie..,....sal. Yov. 16-30 90t,,1�� " ............•. ....................•... 295,0,0-.V.VanTielois...... Lorraine Moore... it " " ��0•�0 180.00 1„; T 7 Omens............ rt " 279,42 ....•...........•....•..•.•.....r. Debenture a/c..•.,..«.tile �raira�e 12.21:. �� �� .........office debenture 1393.2011%. ............. • • .. , . • . D.R.Ryckman Construction. • Drai °- 4150.0,30,. .. r ...Eden , ....... • ........ Robert BJrerla�r.............•.... �t rr 1124,00. ......•..........O.00' Da; ham Roads ... . ................ Straffordville Drain....... Moved By Chute and 331'7:11 - sena-'ded b r sires t� . �;a_ ..r ,._at this Colin.,., zl now ad jourr to meet again on December 17th. at 10:00 A.Mo o s , carried...... , G .�1pr�.• Cos,rcil Chambers, Stra.fford.vil?_e December 5, 1973 A spoecial meeting- of Council was held t! is afternoon for the purpoSe of revnr t'�e tenders received for an articulatcd wheel -loader. Reeve J. Dennis.presided with Deputy -Reeve M. Shafer ani? Councillors V. Chute and D. Wolfe in attendance. Road Superintendent M. Gibbons, Prank Clarke of the M.T.C. and Robt. G. Moore, County En7ineer were also in attendance. All tenders were reviewed as received Moved by: rj. Schafer and Second ed by: V. Chute That we accept the tender of Case Power and Equipment Ltd. for a Case W20 loader as per tenter ani? Township of Hayham specifications complete with EROPS cab at their tenaere-? price of $22,1+32,10 (incl, Prov, tax) and with the To,%rnshio of Fa -ham Trojan loader as trade-in.Subject to M.T.C. approfal_.•......••.•.Carried Moved by : E. Wlifc ar.d Seconded by: M. Schafer That this special meeting for tender of leader now ad` ourn. • ..... , •Carrie: - 0,j _ Reeve j Clerk l LJ A special meeting of Council was held this eveninc- for the purpose of discussa.nF an interim zoning by-law. Reeve J. Dennis presided with' Deputy -Reeve M. S^hafer and Courcillors V. Chute, R. Green ane F. Wolfe in attendance. Moved byr: R. Green and Secon:-?ed by: V. Chute r�lc�0 An' resolved that Ey-law Yo. 1805 beInp a by-law to regulate the 1:ise o.f, .and and the erection and use of b?zi1_d .n -s ab -_14 structures in the Towns in of Bayham be now read a first tsime .......... Carried Moved by: V. Ch,:+e ar.d SecorAed by: P. Wolfe And resolved that by-lawPio. 1805 be now read a second. time.....Carried. 'Moved by: M. S^hafnr and Seconded b--: R. Green An' resolvn d that Ry -law No. 1805 he now read a third time an final1-f passe �......... ,Carrie:' Moved by: B. Wolfe and. Seconded by: M* Schafer That tris Special meetin7 of Council now ad,. o,:rn.......,.Carried n e v e 7177 final. sossi.on of to -day. Deputy -Reeve R. Green and R. Wolfe Col-mcil Chambers, Strafford.vil?., December 17, 1973 Council for the Township of BavF -am, 1973, was held 1•1. Schafer presided wit!. Co,�.ncillors V. Ch,.,.te, in attendan^e. Moved by: V. Chute and. Seconded ,b�f: P. Wolfe That in the absence of Reeve Dennis, Deputy -Reeve Schafer be annointed acting Rerve................Carried Moved by: F. Wolfe and Secon,.l by: V. Chute Y That tl.e Minutes of V' e. re,�ular meeting h ld Ncember 3, and special. meetin•s held December 5 and 12, havin^- been examined by the members are hereb;r approved and t?:e Re -vets sz pm ature authorized' on same ... Carried 'orrespondence reviewed as folloTys: Department of AFriculture..re..rabies areas. ,November St. Thomas -Erin E.M.O..re..to set date for Peacetime Planninr- Committee meetir -.. set for Jan. 21. at 1:30-1. Ministry of Community &:. Social Services..re..grant payable on Tillsonb•arrr Commu_rit-r Centre donations H. A. Ostran-'er..re..appreciation for work done on Ridge Road Cementer", - Ministry of Treas. Econ. & IGA.re...information on the 1973 Farm Tax Reduction program HillArrencies of London Ltd..re..quotation for paper shredders Moved b",: R. Green and Seconded by- : V. Chute That the n"rchase of a nailer s'-red.ler from Hill Agencies Ltd. at a cost of $295, '.01,11s sales tax be apnroved..........Carried Moved P0 PO Wolfe an! Seconded by: V. Chute That the following disbursements From the cemetery- perpetual care fund to t!e several cemetery boards be approved: Straffordville 24.74W 155$.71 Eden 21.2.50 479.72 Calton _1_2.330 278.a5 Guysboro 13.849 312.64 Dobbie 10.366 234-01 Old Port Burwell ,156 3.52 Bae .j. 9 4 SGB% 155.05 Y .am West $.6� Claus 9 195.70 1.763 39.8o ..------ ....... Carried 1234 Moved by: V. C�? to and Sccon,..Ied bN� : R. Breen That a grant o25, 211-50, he made to the TillsonburF Communit-� Centre fund..............Carried. Moved. by: R, Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That this Council now adjourn to reconvene at 1:30.P.M..,,.Carried Fire Chief, Harold Dennis, met with Council to dis:uss the passing of a b r -law to orohibi.t narking on First Street bei>wee:~ #7.9 Hwtf . and 'Test, Street. ThwClerk was instructed rto have a draft proposal made for the Januar, meetincr. The fire chief presented his semi-annual report for Joie- November period anrl als^ ti -n anrual revert From December, 1972 to November 3�' , 197?. Moved by: R. Green and Sn^nnde..a b?r: V. Cb.ute That the rennrt of tl-,e fire c1.ief for t' -,o period Jrne 6, to I'k&vember 3C, 1973 , bp ac''e-ted an ' tl,e firemen paid at their various ous rates ..Carried Reeve J. Perris arrived. and requested Deout .r -Reeve Schafer to remain in Vne Chair for tl.e balance rsf the meeting. Moved b7-: E. Wnl-Pe and Secon.deAl by: R. Grecn That properties utiliz6d for road construction nlirroses ha raid for at the f ollowir €r rates: Price, beim ?part of Lot 21, Con'. 3, (N, $2000. per acre Soner, beir ~ ?part of Lot 21, Cor c . 3, ',7250. -er anre Knabb, beir-- ?art of I,, -,t 27, Con 8, 1000, ner acre all beim harts of H. V. Jniiitt si.,irveys P 73 02 887 aro P 73 02. 716, and. t -e Clerk irstructe'to have tl'e necessary warty docume s d„aimm Carria Moven by: R. Green ' Secon {e- by: V. Ch'-te `'1"at wagos f'or roa,�' ep'....ovees for 1974 be .$3.1 2 ner �"!rnir..... �'arri-.,,4 Moven. b,, F�. Wol!'e and Secon;',e-? bar: R. Green. That wages for machine operator (L."Moore) for 19711. be 5j12.80 per ho.,.r.. ........Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded bar: J. Dennis That wages for the bui ldinF- inspect'or ( W. Underh±11 ) for 1974 be $3.35 per Molreu by: T . Wolfe and SecoNr<�e? r,-: J, Dennis That the salar-;r of the s=.� r tarp ( �,i. Van�'clois} for 1971be 85,35r,'. ner annum......... Carr -'L. eel .'oved by: R. Green and Seconded b-,:: V. Ch ine That the salary, of the read superinten(�eT. t 'or 1974 b x'10 , 00C . per annum......... Carri. eti .oved. b,. J. Dennis and Secy„;ded Ir : P, Wolfe That the salary o_` the clerI-#-treasur_er ( J. Petr? e ) for 10?71 be 110a _ ,300, pCr ani�'z,.mo o o ....•,1arrie—I ; t I 1`l Go --dove" '-J-: R. 0raer a d Seconded. by : V. C''-ut.,e A? -1 res�l?r2� that P---la�T 1''n. 18C6 beim a "n,, --law t© nrnsride �'or thte appointment of members to the East ?. n Plannir.7 Poard for the year 1974 be nnz�,.; reja�d�sa .first ti.Me........Carrze�� Moved b y" : 1 ? j Y !� l o - e f.,' l �.i' ` r? -S, • e ,� a..d S x.d.e _ .b .. R. Gre,..Sa. That- byr-laser No. 1806 be now reap'? a record timn.......Carried T T -)ve'� by: V. Chute -and Seconded bar: p Wolfe Ar ? C 1 that RJr-law No. 1.$06 be noi,,, read a thi.r;d time and finall_i- nasscd....... Carri.od T!o ,:� b,,.; R, Gre r. r arra SF {+ r,,r d 'r by: V . That this Co°,zncil_ express their appreciation to Reeve Presse DA -iris for hi. s lead crship durin rr 1973 (-'ar_ri ed ff180 % rtoved R. Green an -' Soconddd by: : V. Chute And resolved that Byy-lav No. 1807 beim a by. -law to confirm all actions of Council of the Township of Rayrham for the year 1973 be now read a first time......... Carried Moved, by: P. Wolfe and Seconded by: R. Green And resolved that By-law r'o. 1807 be nh-w read a second. time...Carried I?oveCI. by: V,Chszte an Seconded by: , Dennis And r'Sol-ved that by-law No. 1807 be noa read a third tine aril finally pas aed............Carried Mover, her: Vo ('hil+'o ar<,4 Seconr.ora. h"T : —0 r..- e ve ;. That this C;oi.zn^zl no7. ail ourn to moot again on '� on.:'a �, Tan lary7 Z97i� at 10:00 A , M......... 7 arri e d ,� � , Council Chambers, Straffordville January 7, 197+ The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session for the month of January this morning. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deputy. Reeve M. Schafer and Councillors V. Chute, R. Green and B. Wolfe in attendance. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That the minutes of the regular meeting held December 17, 1973, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.........Carried Correspondence reviewed as follows: Tillsonburg Community Centre Board..re..Invitation to :Township Dayt Jan.20 Elgin County Land Division Committee..re..severance request. -M. & E. H&sch n Wm. Underhill n Art Vanderspaillie n Dewaele Farms`Ltd. n R. & M. Hopf Long Point Reg. Cons. Authority..re..fill re ulationsn Tobacco Co. C. I. B. of Commerce..re..increase in bank borrowing rates (9W Ontario Good Roads Assoc..re.. ro Gloria Sivyer..re..garbage collection problem convention P Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That this Council has no objections to the proposed severance of lands as follows : Michael & Elvira Hesch, being part of Lot 125, Con. 6 & numbered E 159/73 William Underhill, being part of Lots 23 & 24, Con. 8 & numbered E 161/73 Art Vanderspaillie, being part of Lot 128, con. 6 & numbered E 162/73 Dewaele Farms Ltd., being part of Lot 9, Con. 9 & numbered E 167/73 Ronald & Myrtle Hopf, being part of Lot 5 Con. 9 & numbered E 168/7 Emerson Tobacco Co., being part of Lot 121, Con. 7 & numbered E 173/73 ....................Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council now adjourn to reconvene at 1:15 P.M.........Carried Council is called to Order by Reeve Dennis at 1:20 P.M. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That this Council recommend to the County Council of the County of Elgin that consideration be given to a system of garbage collection and disposal which would permit the re -cycling of salvageable materials..... -..Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Green That the building permits be approved as follows: Walter Willaert greenhouse addition $11200, Etienne Verbrugge residence 40,000...Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: R. Green That pursuant to Sec. 233 of the Municipal Act, the blanket position bond of the Township employees having been e approved and the Clerk directed to file examined by Council is hereby e�une in the Townshi F safe... ......Carried Co-ordinating #4 Council Chambers, Straffordville January 23 , 1973 The Bayham Township Co-ordinating Committee met this morningat th call of the Chairman. Chairman J. Dennis presided with memers V,eChut R. Green, M. Schafer, B. Wolfe M. Gibbons F. e' attendance. Douglas Vallee representing Jewitt &1rke, and W. Osborn` in Vallee was present. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That the minutes of the Co-ordinating meeting held September $ 1 9722 having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Chairman's signature authorized on same..........Carried The report of Engineer Vallee giving the volumes of traffic on t various township roads was reviewed. The following comments are to be pursued: --Investigate all Townline agreements. --Re-take traffic count on Maple Grove Road in May, 1973, as the 66 recorded appears to be extremely low. as --Re-take traffic count on road between Lot 20/21, one mile north and of County Rd. #43. south --Re-take traffic count on road known as Ball sideroad in Conc. 8 between den s a by-law --Re-take traffi counts on road between of"1'2,I 15/26 in Conc. Moved by: B. Whlfe and Seconded by: M. Gibbons That this Co-ordinating meeting now adjourn to meet again on Febru at 10:00 a. .. .....CarriedY 23, Chairman: Secreta '�"~` Co-ordinating #5 Council Chambers, Straffordville February 23, 1973 The Bayham Township Co-ordin t' a ing Committee met this morn-adjounrnent of January 23, 1973. Chairman J. Dennis resi g pursuant to the P V. Chute,R. Green, M. Schafer, B. Wolfe, M. GibbonsF ded with members in attendance. Mr. Dan Ciupa of the ministry � • Clarke, and W. Osborn who will be replacing Mr. Osborn � of Transportation & Communications,and Douglas Vallee were present. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute That the minutes of the Co-ordinating meeting held on Januar having been examined and revised by the members are he ebya'T o d an Chairman's signature authorized on same........ hereby approved and the Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the fixed cost projections be accepted as follows: General roadside maintenance 1973 --projected Ditching maintenance $50, pier mile Hard top maintenance 90• Loose top maintenance 400• Winter control $50. Safety devises 104• Structural maintenance 20• and that the 1974 projections for safety devise ses3 35* signing program include the and that an allowance of $5,040 per with a necessary adjustment to bemadeefor btheaSe for drainage and that the Overhead Costs be traffordville & Projected P in l9$2.............Carried from $2p:300. in 1973 to --19$2 $58, 95. 500. 1,050, 204. 30. 50, traff i c assessments Eden drains to $33000. Moved by:.M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green That this Co-ordinating meeting now adjourn to m the Chairman..........Carried eet again at the call of The Co-ordinating Committee for J. Dennis presided, with members D. Ciupa, V. Chute and R. Green. the Ministry of Transportation & ecretary Co-ordinating.46 Council Chambers, Straffordville June 5, 1973 Hayham Township met this morning. Chairman M. Schafer, B. Wolfe, M. Gibbons F Clarke, Also in attendance were Mr. Roy Gibbons, of Communications and D. Vallee of Jewitt & Vallee. Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: R. Wolfe That the minutes of the Ce--ordinating meeting held on Februa 23, having been examined by the members are hereby approved anf the Chairman's sgnature authorized on same....,.,....Carried Mr. Vallee presented the revised traffic volume stud for comment b the members, Counts in some areas were considered unrealistic and were further reviSed� Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: Be Wolfe That this Co-ordinating Committee recommend the minimum for roads and strictures with less than 50 vehicles tolerable standards per gravel, Platform width lb feet, surface width 12 feet, safe speed 27 day be a surfaCe shoulders 2 feet average m.p.h. and structural adequacy point ratinggreater g g than ?..... Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: V. Chute *.-Carried That this 80-ordinating Committee recommend that unit costs for ra ad cons action be: for good conditions ...... grade and drainage g base and surface � X Per mile 9000. 9000. per mile in sand base and surface culverts 12000. per mile in clan 4000. per mile and allowance be made for special conditions to include additional grading) Co-ordinating # 6 conttd additional culverts and right-of-way purchase ........ ,...Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: V. Chute V That this Co-ordinating Committee recommend maintenance cost projections in dollars per mile be accepted as set out in detail on schedule 'At and attached to and forming a part of this resolution.,......,Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Co-ordinatin 'Committ e.,P now adjourn to un:,aIrman The Co-ordinating Committee for Ba,rha J. Dennis presided with M. Schafer, B. V. Chute and R. Green in attendance. Vallee attended, meet again on July 6 at 9:30 ••.....Carried cretttry a.m.i Co-ordinating #7 Council Chambers, Straffordville, tint, Julv 69 1973 m Township met this morning, Chairman Wolfe, M. gibbons, F. Clarke, B. Ciupa, Doiiglas Vallee representing Jewitt & Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded b?r: B. Wolfe That the mintites of the Co-ordinating meeting held June 5, having been examined b -r the members are hereb-r approved and the Chairman's signature aijthorized on same...,,..Carried, Chapters one to three of the Ra,rham Needs Study as revised by Mr, Vallee were reviewed` b�r the• committee. The Committee instriicted Mr. Vallee to include the finishing of the road between Lots 24 &, 21, Concession 3 in the stjldirf The Committee recommended that Coi..incil designate ston sign. areas (approx. 50) and have the Township solicitor prepard a bir-law covering same. This shol?ld . be sii.bmitted to the Ministry of Transportation Fr, Communications no later than Marc? of 1974. The Committee recommended that the road superintendent rent a truck to hard gravel in 1973 on a trial basis to have a comparrison of costs with the view of a possible purcrase of a tandem in 1974. Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded bir: R. Green. That this Co-ordinating meeting now ad,olirn to meet again on August 15, at 9:30 a.m...,.......Carried V Secretarir ri Co-ordinatinp #8 Col.incil Chambers, Strafforeiville A13F?ast 15, 1973 T'7 -e Co-ordinatinP Committee for the Township of Parham, met this morninn. Chairman J. P n s esided with members M. Schafer, R. Wolfe, TM. Gibbons, P. Clarke, A,nd V. Crzlte in attend ne CT Jewitt & Vallee. a e. G. Douglas Vallee represented Moved by: M. Gibbons and. Seconded b,,,,: P, Wolfe That the min,ites of the co-ordinatin-J meeting of J1.�lir , examined bar the members are herebir 1973 , bavirF Veen r 7 approved and the Chairman's sirnature a?zthorized on same.....,.Carried A review of the estimated costs on certain raod sections resulted in confirmation. of the consiltants proJectiors. The sections as follows: Location Map irventor-T section tween Con. 9 & 10 S%E of Hit v. neo. 3 12 South of to"Inline between Lots 10 Pc 11 , Con. 11 Conc. 8, in Lot 16 19 Conc. 8, in Lot 28 27 Conc. 7, in Lot 124 39 A disc3�lsszon or 51 the feaslbzlit�, o_ a soil stabilization program for th.e sand based roads resi:lted in tJ7P recommendation that the road slzperint� n -.l .s .1 .. 3'6'x. dent i ^J visit Norfolk Co,,�nt,T to vie!rr their reslAt s phere t lis pro7ram is lased. "onstr,iction costs in semi -urban areas was discussed Moved her: P. Clark and Seconded h -r: V. Chlzte That constriction costs be based or50, GGQ, per mile in semi-1.rban areas... .........Carried Moved b,;': .M. Schafer and Seconded b-T,,IT. Ch��te That "this Co-ordinatin Committee now' adjourn to meet appain on September 27, at 9:30 a.m...............Carrie�? r" Secretar-;, Co-ordinatinr 9 Collncil Chambers, Stra.ffordville September 27 1973 The Co -or. mr dinatinr Committee for Pa�'-am Township met this m©rninp. Chairman J. Dennis presided with members M. Schafer, V. Chute, R. Green, P. Wolfe, �� . ribbor►s, P. Clarke, and D. C11ipa in attendance. Do���las Vallee represented the firm Jewitt & Vallee Moved. by: M. Gibbons and Seconded b,%;r : P. D. Clarke That t?.e minutes of the meetinp, held .Aurrl'ist 15, havin€* been examinee b r the members are hereby approved and the Chairman's si7natre aifthorized onY same., ......... Carries? The table of contents for the reeds sti.idtrias reviewed ane ac. --epted �^t- the members, wit',- provision bein'r made for revision_ of costs to incl-r.ide the replacement ofthe Wilson Pride and to redi.ice the costs of the Straffordville M1,:nicipal Drain which will'be paid during 1973. Mr. Val -lee was asked to provide the committee with three estimates of printing costs for t:�:e completed stud f as his early convenie:^ce. Moved bl.T : R. Oreen and Seconded by: V. Chrr.te That this Co-ordinatinF Committee meeting now ad onrn to meet again at the calf of tl,e Chairman........... Carried C'�� ai rman 1 644c*roe"tary