HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1972TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1972 Council Chamber, Straffordville January 3, 1972 The regular meeting;of hayram Township Council was held on the above date. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Denuty Reeve A. Csinos and Councillors R. Green, M. Schafer and B. Wolfe in atte:^dance.. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the Council minutes of the meeting held December 29, 1.971, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reevets si�7nature ainthori 2 ed cm same,,......, ... Carried Correspondence discussed as follows: Ontario Municipal Board,..re..Palmer Drain ap?rovals Ontario Municipal Board..re..transfer of tobacco rich*s St. Thnmas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd..re..roadside clean-ups James S. Davison..re..impounding fees under Bill 194 Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: F. Wolfe That the Clerk be instructed to write Miss. Clara Marshall requesting permission to have her several properties which lie adjacent to the Township Office and. garage Iraluate-.for the purpose of possible purchase by the Township... Carried Moved By: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green That J. Dennis and A. Csinos be and are hereby appointed Council representatives to the Economic Council-Erie Region for 1972......•.•Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That R. Green be and is hereby appointed to represent the Township of Bayham on the Long Point Region Conservation Authority for 1972........Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and 0econde I by: A. Csines That the members of this Council shall be constituted as a Drair;Ege Court of Revision under the Drainage Act 1962-63 and that Ronald Green is hereby appointed chairman of the Court... ......Carried Moved by: R. Green. and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the members of the Straffordville Community Centre Board bE all members of Council with Jack Barclay, Wilbur Locker, James Elliott and Robert Grant as advisory members..........Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That the following persons be and are hereby appointed to the Straffordville Library Board for 1972: Mathew Schafer, Ivanel Johnson, Bessie Ryan, Doris Clark and Rose Dennis..........Carried kil a r 1118 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green That the following persons be and are hereby appointed to the various cemetery boards for three year terms: Edison Cemetery Board K. C. Emerson Calton Cemetery hoard A. McDowell Smuck Cemetery Board R. Gregson Dobbie Cemetery Board Geo. Scott and Andy Green Eden Cemetery Board W. Burwell and G. Moore with Rev. Findlay for 1 yr. Guysboro Cemetery Board Robt. Ball, Wm. Rayson and Mrs. L. Garnham 5traff ordville Cemetery Board M. Chute, F. Lester and L. Walsh..... Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: E. Wolfe That F. Ashbaugh, W. Weaver and W. Hollywood be appointed to the Old Port Burwell Cemetery Board for two year terms..........'Carried Loved by: R. Careen and Seconded by: M. Schafer That H. Rusch and Firs. C. Kennedy be appointed to the Eden Community Centre Board for three year terms...........Carried Moved by: R. Gr en and Seconded by: A. Csinm That Blake Wolfe be and is hereby appointed industrial Development Contact for this municipalit7 for the year 1972.........Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That this Council now adjourn to reconvene at 1:15 P.m.......Carried Council resiuned regular session at 1:15 P.M. 14r. Tony Murphy representing Canada Manpower met with Council to discuss the various pro,iects that might be carried out under the ?vocal Initiatives Program whereby federal funds could be obtained in addition to the funds availaEle under the Provinvial Municipal Incentive programs..Council will Meet again on Jan. 5th. to plan such a program. Pyr. David Graham, representing A. J. Graham Engineering Consultants Ltd. met with Council to discuss additional catch basins felt necessary on the Strafford. ville Municipal Drain. Applications f*or advertised in the applications were the position of truck driver -machine operator as previously Tillsonburg News were opened and review -31. by Council. Seventeen received. After consideration the applications were filed and: 'Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green That the application 61 Robert Bartlett for the position of truck driver -machine operator b,'3 accented.............Carried 'loved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That the Treasirer be authorized to petition the Department of Transportation & Communications for subsidy on road expenditures for 1971........Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the membership of J. Petrie in the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario be reneged at a fee of '320. and the Clerk be authorized as delegate to same......... Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That this municipality renew its membership in the Ontario Good Roads Association at a fee of $15. and that all members of Council and the Road Superintendent and Clerk be authorized as delegates to same.......Carried ?Moved by: '-7. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That thus municipality renew its membership in the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs at a fee of $15. and that Fire Chief H. Dennis be authorized as delegate to same...........Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this municipality renew its membership in the Association of Rural Municip- alities at a fee of $15. and that all Cour_cil members be delegates to same..Carrie Moved_ by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That a grant cf "50. be made to the gayham Historical Society for the year 1972.: ..........carried Moved bv' B. Wolfe and Seconded That a grant of $50. be mage to the year 1972...........Carried Moved bt.-: M. Schafer and Seconded That. a grant of $75, be made to the 11-49 by: A. C sines Aylmer Minor Hocked* Association for the by: R. Green Salvation Army for the year 1972.. Carried Moved b-�-: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green That a grant of "1,000. be made to the Town of Tillsonburg Communit,,r Centre Fi r.d.......... Carried Moved bv: A. Csinos and Seconded by: R. Wolfe That Marjorie E. Davison be appointed to receive any impounding fees for dogs or cats on behalf of the Township of Bayham and maintain all records pertaining thereto in accordance with Bill 194.....000.Carried r Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded b T: R. Green That the blanket position bond covering Township employees, having bee examined by this Council it is hereby directed that same be filed in the Township vault.. ..........Carried x1753 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green And resolved that Bylaw No. 1753 being a by-law to authorize the Corrowina of 4350, 000. be now read a first time......... Carrie?. Moved by: P. Wolfe anJ Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that by-law No. 1753 be now read a second time.....Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: A. Csinos Ard resolved that by-law !To. 1753 be now read a third time and finally passed.. ........Carried it1754 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: Mo Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1754 being a by-law to appoint Fence -viewers and Pound --keepers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1972 be now read a first time...........carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos And resolved that by-law No. 1?54 be now read a second time....Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: R. Green And resplved that by -lav No. 1754 be now read a third time and finally passed ......Carried ,;1','� ?,roved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green Ar d resolved that By-law No. 1?55 being a by-law to appoint certain officers in an". for the Township, of Bayham for the year 1972 be now read a first time.. ....:.Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1755 be now read a second time.......*arried Moved by: B. dolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos And resolved that Ry -law No. 1755 be now read a third time and finally passed.. ......Carried it1756 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1756 being a by-law to impose special annual drainage ratds upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile drainage Act, 107l..be.0 ow read a first time.....Carried Moves! b-, T: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: R. Green And resolved that by-law No. 1756 be now read a second time.... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by A. Csinos And resolved that By-law No. 1756 be now read a third time and finally passed.. ..........Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: R. Creen That the following accounts be approved: $211,938.29 for general accounts; $4,618,04 for welfare-, $11+, 211.13 for municipal darins ; $1,236.92 for incentive program; and $15,030.16 for roads: � Roads..payment vouchers.......................................$11,971.9 Roar.s..pay list Dec. 1-15 ..................................... 1,177.64\ Roads..nay list Dec. 16-31 .................................... 118$0.6 Welfare .. . ....................... . ............................ 1161$.04\. Incentiveprogram............................................. 1,236.92\ : Debenture a/c..re..tile drainage loans........................ 974.07% Stephen & Mary Foris..re..tile drainage leen.................. 9,155• Walter r, elson..re..tile drainage inspection**o**e•••••••••`•. 45.00 i7l 1150 Geo. CameronIns.Almency..fide]ity bony' .. . . .................. • . , . 131.63 R.L.Brooks & Son...•furnace repairs000,0.....«................ 61,50 Soper Bldg. Supp.....office repairs ..................0,...•.0. 11.94 Dennis Garage .... fire truck repairs.000.0000000000000.00.000.0 20.10 Warner Taylor,...fox bounty..• .................•,......,...... 61�.Oo Long Point Cons. Authority....leery.••.....•................... 4310.00\ Elvin Cty, R.C.S.S. Board.....leve ..................•.•0.00.... 3554.33 4 Elgin Cty. :Bd. of Education... " .........................000 560?9«7 County of Elgin ....... 't ............................ ._ Debenture a/c/.........office Deb.00.00000000.0.00.00,0•00.00• 4086.00\ Murray Ketchabaw......«livestock killed• ...................... 150.00 W.J.Harper•..•.....,..o it valuator ......:........•...... 7.20 Town of Aylmer.... grant re, arena repairs.•....• .............. 500.00\ James S. Davison ...... animal control..•••••••••••.•••••«,0000. 24.00 J. Dennis.............Cot:ncil...........•...........•......... 52.40 A. Csinos......••..... "................................. 53,00 R. green.....•........ 't ................0,.......,.....,. 55.00 M. Schafer..........,. ".....•...................•....•.. 50.40 Be `t+dolfe..,.....•...................................... 50,60 J. Petrie.......•.....mileage.0.0..000000..90.00.000000.00.0•0 6.00 J. Dennis...,,.....•..extra serve Cyt.« ....................... 250,00\ A* C s i n o s .. . , • , . « , .. • . it it 1t • • • • • . • .. , • . , • • • • • . • • • . • . 14 1ffV . 00 R. Green.....*,******* it a ,r ..........,.............• 100.00 M, Schafer......•....o it it it ......................... 100.00 Be Wolfe....,.•......0 It tt rr •.......•..,....•........ 100.00 J. Petrie........,...• it it n 100.00 V.Vanhelois....... , ... it ,t tt .................... . 0000 50.00 Me Gibbons.,,.*,,.*... :t tt rr 50.00 James Gibbons , .4000... Straff ordville St . Lt . 1v'�air�t............. 44.00 Rec. General .....•....Postale.......,«.....•,...•...0.0••.•.• 50,00 Basis Nevill.... ,•....'-"ire Calls .......................•...... 18,00 Hardt Dennis.......... tt tt ................... 0 .. , .. • 0000 150.00 Norman Bates.......... tt it •............................. 90.00 Jack Neville... ....... n rt .............................. 7c�.00 Robt. Grant.........,. » it ......................•.••.«.. 150.00 Perry.Grantr.•......... » it .......•...................... 150.00 Robt. Hoshal.......... » it .............................. 96.00 Walter Moor:.......... " " .................•...0..•••... 132.00 Ardy Taylor........... tt " ..........................•.... 54.00 LeRoy Taylor.......... it » ....................«.......•. 96.00 Burns McKenzie........ tt tt ...,0000...•0.00000.,...,0000. 36.00 Stewart McKenzie...... » tt •........•..,..0 .............. 30.00 Jack Barclay.......... tt " .........................•.... 6.00 1,1erlin Norris......... it tt ,...........•................• 120000 Don 42,00 Mac Gibbons........... it » ...............«............... 30.00 Jim Gibbons........... tt tt .............................. 24,00 Ronson Sandham,.....,. " it ..................•,.......... 24.00 Harold Dennis ......... tt tt 17.00 Otari o H dro ........taraf' . Ltrepairs • .............. . ... 10.21 x.10 ♦ )/ [�/� (C*!_ /yQd♦ !r �r ff GP %� Haro):d DerYl s•........Fire M e-Dec,0000...•..•........,0000. 4� St.Thomas Sanitary Co11,Serv.....Dec..........•............... 1658.93, Advance Container of Can. Ltd,...Dec.......................... 590.29\ McKenzie 43 068 Cty. of Elgin... ,,,,,,Sec. 4? levy ........................... 648 Elgin Ct<<*. R.C.S.S. Bd....rt " " 60,11 Elgin Cty. Ed. of Educ....tt :r tt .,.................,0000... 1214.7E Clayton Jackson...........tree..... .................•... 2.00 Hotchliss Appliance.......bulbs ............................... 4.25 Gary Matschke.«.......fire calls .............................• 12.00 Jack Nevill................Sal. DErc. 1-15..,•................. 169.$0 J.A.Petrie.............0... It it Z-15,..,,.......,........ 250.00\ V.VanBelois................ It it l-15,.•.9..•••.90..,.•.00 159,25 Edith V. Moore.............welf. adv..........•.........•..... 59.60 J.D.Vallee........retirement allowance ...............•.0...... 150.00 Ont.Hydro.....office & fire hall .............................• 79076 Straffordville Comm. Centre Ed. ... library grant ................ 180.00 LeeRoy Taylor...•.,.•,fox Bounty0000...«...•.....•............ 1.00 Don Neville,,,,,,,,,,, It tr 0000 .............•............ 4*00 Reg. Office .,........tax reg. fees...«0000•.«...........•..•. 5.00 Paul Valko............fox bounty ............................., 4*00 Al&/or Ivy Schirres......mun, dr. deb ........................ 3609.83+ r Mac. S. Gibbons.......,turkeys....................•........... 2$.31 McKenzie ruels.........fuel...................•......,........ 50.59 J. A. Petrie,........•,sal.Dec.l6-31.,..•...............0..... . . .. 250. 004 V,VanBelois......•..,.• 1 7.76 Jack Neville...•.....,24•8 0mers.•.0.....0•.......ded. Dec......• ........................ 207•56 1151 R ec. General..,.........ded. Dec..........« .................. 503,80-N Walter Nelson... *.9e9**eFen.drain sup .......................« 25.00 Golden Leaf.............employees at..........«...,........ 161.93 Gibson, Linton I Toth......legal a c ......................... 377.22 W.G.Webster Stationer -r Ltd....supplies....................... 27.691 Registry office.....registration.... . ..................... . .. 1,50 J.Dennis.....Council.................................,....... 52.1.0 A.Csinos...... "......................................... " 26,50 R. Green...... ......................................... " 55,00 M. Schafer.... ............... . . . ......... « .............. B. Wolfe...,.. "......................................... 50,40 50.60 Geo. Cameron Ins. Agenc�T.....tax reg. Drop ................... 28.70 J. Dennis.....Longdistance calls & Ptileage 51.30 Ont. Mun. Eaord..... Peidl Dr ................................. 15 .00 Dellerts Tile Ltd....Coyle Dr ..............:................. 46.88 G.W. Cattle Const. I1td...Palmer Ext . ........... . ............. . 20.00N if it tr tt rt...Schonberger Ext.... 3200.4 Leach Bros. Trucking... Dr .......................... 11.25 A.J.Graham Eng. Co. Ltd .... Wallace Dr ........................ 8$.00 G.W.Cattle Const. Ltd...Palmer Ext .......................,... 1195.30\ is if It ft tt... Schonberger Ext .............. . . ...... 5560.00\ John B. Dodd......Pai.r�er Ext .. . ..... . .................. 357,54-, it it It tt ........ Schonberger Ext ............... . ...... 50$.10,,, ,alter Nelson...«....... a tt...................... 33.50 tt tr .....,,....Palmer Ext ........................... 40,75 tt It ...........Nevill Dr ............................ 62.50 n tt...........deduct C.P.P......................... 22.99 Ontario Ml-mlcipal oar!... almer 15.00 that this Council now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday February 21 1972 at 10:00 A.P. , ,-, .. carried, ... . n u . eeve C Council Chamber, Straffordville Janliar"r 5. 1972 A Special meeting of Pah-ha:n Townsrip CDrncil was held this evenin7. Reive J. Dennis presided, with Depot -:r Reeve A. Csinos and Councillors R. rtreen, M. Scl afer and F. Wolfe in attendance. The purpose of the meeting► was to disc>>ss a program under the Federal Local Initiatives pro.rram. Moved br:M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Creen That the Clerk be instricted to prepare a submission under the Federal Local Initiatives Program to include: 1) clearing brash alone Vie BiF and Little Otter Creeks 2) interior and exterior naintinm of township hnildin 7s and churches 3) cemetery' restorations ......... .....Carried Moved bv: A. Csinos and Seconded bir: R. Green That this Special meeting* of. Council now adjourn ........ Carried eve -W .=lark 1-152 Council_ Chambers, Straffordvil.le February 2, 1972 The regular meetin7 of Covmcil was held on the above date. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Councillors R. Green, M. Schafer and. B. Wolfe in attenelance. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the Council minutes of the meetings held Januar.,- 3 and Januar-,1 5, 1972, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same..........Carried The followiner items of correspondence were discussed: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce..re..approval of borrowing► rates Aylmer & East Elgin ArricnItural Societ-y..re..request for prant Dept. of Agriculture..re..rabies areas December, 1071 Jewett & Vallee..re..recommended load limit for Clarke Bridge Counter of Elgin..re..appointments of Weed Commissioner and Const. Safety In Dent. of Lands & Forests..re..acknowledaement of request for extra patrols County of Elgin.. re .. app6intment of general foreman Tillsonburg Minor hockey. Assoc..re..request for grant Ma.ril-r J. Sebok (for Abi li t�T Fund) .. re ..request for "rant Gibson, Linton. & Toth..re..status of factor appeals Lecai_ Initiatives Prograrm..re..acknowledgement of- application A. J. Graham Eng. Cons. Ltd..re..drainape outlet at Straffordville School A. M. Spriet & Assoc. Ltd..re..Good Roads convention invitation A. J. Graham Emg. Cons. Ltd..re..statl-is of Wallace Municipal Drain Ontario Farm Drainage Assoc..re..drainage conference Peh. 9-11 Thomas D. Morria..re..approval of by-law no. 1735 Olivetti Canada Ltd..re..auotation for accountino- Machine Dept. of T& C....re.. 1972 subsidy allocation J. Nevill..re..resimnation as welfare officer IIove:i by : R. Green and Seconded bar : M. Schafer That t' -is Council now adjourn to reconvene at 1:30 p.m. Mr. Glee. Austin met with Council to '1. scuss the conversion of the Fargo tank truck for use as a sprayer. No firm price could be quoted, however, it was estimate l to be about $1,4001 Mr. W. Easton and Mr. G. Patterson rret with Council to discuss the problems i rhich could be created by the cortinued rental and sale of tobacco rifrhts. After more information is obtained, it will be presented to the Department of Agrici.zl.ture for stud -,,r to assess the economi^ impact to this areknd any solutions that may be obtainable. 'sir. David Graham representing A. J. Graham Engineering Consultants Ltd., and Mr. Wm. Cattle representing W. G. Cattle Construction Co. Ltd. met with Council to discuss the tender for the Peril I'y'Iur!iciral Drain. "loved by: R. ('green and Seconded by: 1"i. Schafer That the tender of W. rr. Cattle Construction Co. Ltd. in the amount of $1,621.25 for the construction of the Peidl Municipal Drain be accepted........ ... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green That this Council request the 'department of Lands ?Y, Forests to appoint deputy ?name gardens as deemed necessary to service Ravham Township..... ....Carried A roved by: R. Breen and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the purchase of an Olivetti Audit 413 accounting machine at a cost of .2,695, plus sales tax be authorized.........Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: P. Wolfe That this municipality renew its membership in the Elgin County Mutual Aid Fire Service Association for the year 1972 at a fee of $15 ... Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this municipality join the Association of Municipalities of Ontario at a fee of $45.....,.....Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: P. Wolfe That this municipality renew its membership in the Ontario Farm Drainage Association at a fee of $15, and that Walter Nelson be appointed delegate to same.........Carried 10 1153 Moved by: Do Wolfe and Seconded by : R. ('rreen That the resignation of L. Jack Nevill as welfare officer, building inspector and by-law enforcement officer be accepted with ref~ret..Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this municipality make a grant of $20. to the Ability Fund for the gear 1.972.........Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded b;T: M. S^.hafer That a grant of $50, be made to the Tillsonburg Minor Hockey Association for the year 1972......Carried Roved by: R. Green and Seconded by : B. Wolfe That a r rant of $100. be made to the Aylmer & East Erin Agricultural Society for the year 1972........Carried Moved. by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: R. green That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign anf'agreement with I. R. M. for the preparation of the 1972 ta-. bills.....*..,Carried gloved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolv4r'. that By-law no. 1757 being a by-law to impose special annual drainage rates upon land in'respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act 1971 be now read a first time.....Carried Moves' by: M, Schafer and Seconded by: P. Wolfe That by-law No. 1757 be now read a second time.......Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: R. Green That by-law 1114o. 1757 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried Moved by: Mo Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green And resolved that b,,, -law No. 175$ being a by -.law regulating the maintenance management, regulation, control and to%ing over c. -LP certain cemeteries be now read a first time..,.....,Carried P -loved by: R. Green an J Seconded. by: E. Wolfe And resolve,' that by-law No. 175$ be now read a second time....Carried Moved by" B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer Ard resolved that by-law No. 175$ be now read a third time and finally passed.......Carried Moved by B, Wolfe and Soconded bl': R. Green Tha the following accounts be approved. $12, 413.45,for year end accounts; X23,5$9.77 for general accounts $3,$56.0$\for welfare•5,110.�for municipal drains; '13,573.95\for incentive program; $6,�9$.$$ for roads; Roads,...payment vouchers, $3,475,89 Roads..pay list Jan. 1-15 ...................«........... 1,129.6t� Roads .. pair list Jan. 1b-31 . ................... . ......... 21 043.3 5. Welfare .......................................«......... 39$56.0$ Incentive program ..................................•.... 3,573.05• Accounts payable December 31, 1971 Delaware nursing Horne (welfare) =231,00 Stonecreast Lode K/H (welfare) 713-87\ �_office) McKenzie Fuels 36.76 James S, Davison (animal control) 24.00 Ontario Hydro ( street light areas) 1+22.05 Aylmer & Malahide Telephone Co. ;fire) 25.93 Registry Office (December convetvances) $4,70 Hotchkiss Ap; liances fire dept lights} 1.5$ Smith Auto Elect. (chain saw rep) 2$,04 Ontario Hydro (Eden Street Lirhts Inst) 1,909.73 - John Howey & Sons (71 property tax red,) 43.29 Roads paTrmert vouchers $, 96$, 50-a ..12,1+13 , 45 Assoc, of Municipal Clerks ec Treas..membership.......... 20.00 Ontario Good. Roads Assoc..membership.................... 15.00 Ontario Assoc. of Fire Chiefs..membership............... 15.00 Ontario Assoc. of Rural Municipalities. 0membershin...... 15*0 Aylmer 114inor Hockey Assoc,.grant-......................... 50.00 Payham Historical 50.00 Salvation Army.... ..grant ............................... ?5,00 Tillsonburg CommunitT7 Centre Fund..rant................ 11000.00k Geo. Cameron Insurance Agency..tax reg. property........ 1$2.50 Michael & Elvira Hesch..Tile Drainage Loan .............. 2$5,00, Michael & Elviaa Hesch..Tile Drainage Loan..............2,670,ON Roger & Paula Casier & Romanie Galonde..Tile Dr. Loan.. 7,910100 Walter Nelson..Tile drainage insrections....,.«,....... • 00 McKenzie Fuels..office................................ 2$,13 0 0 115. Prov. of Ont•..«.•.welfare rec•.......................... Ron Haggerty....••.fox bounty.......•.............«00.0•. J. Dennis.........,Council..••.•..«.............•........ A. CCsinos,......... " .........«...........•..•...... R. Green.,,,.*,.... " • . . . • • . . . • . . . « . . . . . . . . « • . . i M. Sc'�.afer......... " .••...•....•..•.,..•.«•.....•.• B. Wolfe........... " • 0 . . . • . . • • . 0 . . . . . . • . • • . . • • . . . . . The Onto Education Can. Aid Corr......debenture.......... J• A. Petrie.•.....sal. Jan. 1-15,..00006000004,000.60.000 Jack Nevill • • • • . , • . 11 it It it 0 • • • . . 0 . • . . . 0 • 0 • . • • . . 0 • • V. Van belois..•••• it it tl t10•••.1r•000000..•••.•000 J.D•Vallee.......•.retirement allowance....,...•.....•... Ronald Vaughan•....fox bounty........................«... The Sheriff ... ..... Lin maitis registration ................ Ronald Vaughan.....fox bounty ..........................•. Jactc Nevi.11........ sal & Benefits to Jan.21.............. Warner Taylor......fox bounty..•.....••......•...•....... 41 At �J �y • • • • • . . . . a �, • • • , f • i • • • f • . • . . . • • 0 • • 14cKenzie i''uels... « .office........ • , ................. • ... . 1' A. & M. Telephone......fire line.........• ............... WT . G.Webste.,r Stationery Ltd, ...... supplies. • .............. . Noy yr�f i e l d Hart Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It• • . . . 0 0 • . . . • r • . 0 • T4un . World Lt d . . . . . . . . • . . • • . . . . . 11 . . . . • . . . . . , . . . • • . Harold Dennis...,•..fire cr3ief...Ja_n•................... St. Thomas Sanitary.* Co11.Sery......Jan..............•.... Advance Container of Can. Ltd...... " • • . 0 • • • 0 • • • 0 • . . • . 0 . James Tupper.........f ox bounty .......................... Reg. Office..••......tax reg. property..•................ Annie Repasy.........Mun. Dr. Debenture.................. Rick Shearer.......•.fox bounty .......................... J. A. Petrie.........Sal. Jan. 16-31•..•..•.•••.9...••.•. .4/an Belois tf it it f1 Rec. Gen.•..:.•.....•ded. Jan........•• .................. OI!ERS....•..•.,.•.•.0 it if ..............•............. Debenture Acct•••..•.Tile drainage loans ....... ..•.....•. Ontario Municipal Fd....Casier Dr...........,����...•... G.Farkas & A. Ccanlar...lanl allow.....Wal]ace Dr........ J• S e i man . • • • . • • . • .. • • ♦ • it It ****:Palmer 11 ft H. & J. C'x�le�retello.... r .. :r 11 ..... Dr.::::*:*:.. K. C . L' m e r s to . ... • r,• • • .. • • " " . r • . • " " 0 . 0 0 0 • • • r J• A. Petrie....... ..... Clerk's fee.... it tt ,...000.0 K. C. Emerson.•...•.•...Land allow ..... Schonberger Dr.... Ii. &: J. Genetello. . .. . • . it t1 0 . • • 0 " .. r • J. A. Petrie••.•.•..••..Clerkts fee.... tt n•... *i972 that this Council now adjourn to meet again on March In6, 1 Ca 1 r i e d . . . . . . • . . . 348.9 4,00 52,40 53.00 55.00 50•x.0 50.60 2? 50.00\ 235.00\ 171.00 170.00 150.00 4.00 .75 4«00 346-30\ 8.00 55.77 25.93 39.38 15.59 23.75 45.00 1652.00; 587.83 8•oo 3.00 798.24r, 4,00 285.001- 170.' 8�.3 z 121.32 2712.60, 15.00 260,00s. 135.00 1500, 00 500.00, 175.00 1600.00 300.00•, 125.00 at 10: 00 AoM* o . 17.55 Council Chambers, Straffordville, March 6, 1972. The regular meeting of Bayham Township Council was held on the above date. • Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deputy -Reeve A. Csinos and Councillors R. Green, M. Schafer and B. Wolfe in attendance. Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the minutes of the meeting; held February 2, 1972, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.........Carried. The correspondence was reviewed including: Bavham Historical Society..re..appreciation of grant Department of A7riculture..re..rabies areas..January Niagara Chemicals..re..quotation for weep?. sprayer conversion Erin Land Division Committee..re..severance requests..Biro & Ontario Hydro Dept. of Lands & Forests.. re .. reply re request for depot -,,r game wardens Elgin County Board of Education..re..notification of late requisition her-ional Assessment Office..re..notification of re -assessment in Ba h.am Ontario Water Resources Comm,..re..Provincial water worl.s program (Vienna) Jnitt qc Vallee..re..plans for road construction Dept. of Social Pc Family Services..re..ass? Enments of Tn. Ins. benefits Thr. Peter Bohm met Tiith Council to discuss a water problem which he considers is beim- aggravated by a road culvert. Council agreed to ?have the To,r?shio's enrineer investi-ate i n the snrin7 when the weather permits in order to arrive at a mutually satisfactor,r solution. pr. Yen Smart representing the firm A. M. Spriet & Assoc. Ltd. being present, the reports of the 0. E. Smith Drain and the Catfish Creek Drain which had been initiated by the Towr shin of Dereham. were considered. j�ove. '�,y : 11. Gree,n and Seconded bv: M. Schafer T zat the report of A. M. Spriet cc Associates Ltd. as prepared for the C. E. Smith Drain (Tvip. o'Dereham) be accepted subject to revision if neces on the lands of D. Schuurman on Lots 6 & 7 in Conc. 10......Carried Moved b7: A. Csinos and Secotded by: R. Wolfe That th .report of A. ?.I. Spriet & Associates Ltd. Creek Drain (Tw-,s. of Dereham) be accepted subject on the lands of D. Schuurman being Lots 6 & 7 in as-repared for the Catfish to revision if necessary Conc. 10 .... Carried TYMovetl by : M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green That this Council now ad;lourn to reconvene at 1:15 P.m.....Carried Moved by: R. green and Seconded b�� : 14. Schafer That the quotation of Niagara Chemical Ltd. for a Fiagara Bifluid Conversion unit for sprat*inp roadsides in the amount of $1,447-45 plus sales taxes be accented.........�arried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That Robert Bartlett be authorized to make application for a licence for spraying roadsides and rights-of-way.........Carried Moves! by: R. Green ani' Seconded by: M. Schafer That the building permits be approved as follows: Wyndemere Farms Ltd Demolish 3 ?.ilns 8 .barn $11000, Ontario Hydro distributins station 8,000...Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded b•,r: B. Wolfe That this Council has no objections to the proposed severance applications of Ethel_ Biro numbered E 11/72 and the Hydra Electric Power Commission of Ontario numbered E 15/72, E 16/'72, and E 17/72........Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement for reciprocal fire protection between the Township of Bayham and the Township of Foughton. .......Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement with G. W. Cattle Construction Ltd, for the construction of the Peidl Municipal Drain as accepted by Council on Februax"7 2, 1972...........Carried 1156 Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: R. Green That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement for the joint use of the East Erin Memorial Community Cer_tre........Carried rl759 Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law TTo. 1759 being a by-law to limit the dross wei,,ht of vehicles or combinations of vehicles nassin,, over certain bridges in the Township of Bayham be now read a first time.......Carried Move'. by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: R. Green Anel resolved that By-law too. 1759 be now read a second time.....Carriel. Moved by: R. Green and Secondee. by: B. Wolfe And resolved that lay -law No. 1759 be now read a third time and finally passed.....«..Carried The Clerk was instructed to have advertisements placed in the Tillsonburr 'Teves ani the Aylmer Express reminding- farmers that all applications for loans under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, Must be approved b-, Coun^il before any work is commenced; and to request the resi-dents tc keep all dop-s tied on the days when garbage is being collected. in their area. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the following accounts be approver's. $10,844.96 for general accounts; X5,001.3 for incentive program; x.,693.34 for welfare; , 259.26 for municipal drains; �c5 039.17 for roads; Roads.. re .. pa,, -hent vouchers ... « .................. « ............ 1, 572.69 . Roads..re..pay list Feb. 1-15............. .................... 1,29$.73 Roads..re..pa17 list Feb. 1h-29 ................................ 21167.75N Welfare..**,,' 0 41693.34 Incentive Pro, ....................................«........ 5t001.3lo-% Receiver General..re..nosta;e............«.................... 50.00 Causyn Farris Ltd..re.«tile drainame loans...«... .............. 53460«O0N Walter Nelson..re..tile drainage inspections.................. 40.00 ding Seagrave Ltd..re..firc dept. s�z?�plies.................... 3.74 Registry Office..re..tax registrations..........« ............. 3.50 Olivetti Canada Ltd..re..part pert-,. machine.**.........,*...... 2$3.00\ J* Dennis..re..Council........................................ 105.1,5 R. Green..re.. ".......«................................ 27.50 is. Schafer..re.. "........................................ 25.20 B. Wo2fe..re "�;;;;::;e ...............................« 25.30 Ontario Farm Drainage ..���b�rship......«.«.......... 15.00 Elgin Courty Mutual Aid Fire Service Assoc..re..membership.... 15.00 Assoc. of Municinalities of COntario..re«.membersl,^.ip........... 15.00 Ability Fund..re..brant.....................«................. 20.00 T' llsonburr" 'Minor Hockey Assoc..re..,,rant........ «...-......... 50.00 Alrlrier & East Elgin Agr. Society..re.. rant. « ................. 100.00 News Printing Co..re..advertisement ........................... 5.04 Ben Chilcott..re..fox 8,00 James Davison..re..anii al Control...... ...................... « 18.00 Aylmer & Malahide Telephone Co. Ltd..re..office............... 74.01 Palmer Bros..re..Hall re~airs..............«........«......... 92.30, Soper Builder's Supplies Ltd..re..office repairs..**..**,*,*.. 8100 Rerristry Office..re..Jar_uary conve ,ances... «........ «.... «.... 4.80 Paul Brackenbury..re..overpayment 1971 taxes.........««..«.... 124«00 Norfield Hart Ltd..re..binder...........«..................... 24.38 McKenzie Fuels..re..office 11, fire ,........... 115.79 Ron. Green..re..convention exile:se,.........«.«.......«.«..... 116.75 J. A. Petrie..re..salary Feb. 1-15....«..........«..«......... 285,00\ V. VanBelois..re.. it 't .... « .. «.................... 170,00 J. D. Vallae«.re..retirement +allowance.....« .................. 150.00 Bayham roads..re.«fire dept.,,asolne.......«................. 13$.2$ Harold Dennis..re..fire chief..Feb..........«................. 45.00 St. Thomas SanitarT,r Services Ltd..re..Feb...........«........`. 1,652.00*, Aevance Container of Canada 587.$3\ Le J. Vevill..re..fire secretary Feb............« ............. 45.00 W. G. Webster Stationerr Ltd..re..supplies....«............«.. 15.10 Dennis' Garage..re.«fire dept repairs .......................«. 142.02 McCraw Edison of Canada Ltd.«re..Eden street lights........... 26.25 J. A. Petrie..re..salary Feb. 16-29 ....................«....«. 285.00s, V. VanBelois..re.. it " ..«........................ 170oOO Receiver General of Canada..re..deductior.s Feb ................ 177.72 r 01.4ERS..re..deductions Loeb ...............«......««......«...... 96.00 A. J. Graham Eng ering r Consultants Ltd..re..Wallace & Peidl. '259.26 Reeve I* 1157 Council Chamber, Straffordville, March 9, 1972 A special meeting of. Bayham Tovmship Council was held. this -iorr:inp. Reeve J. Deng is presided with Deputy Reeve A. Csinos and Comr!illors R. Green, M. Schafer and B. Wolfe in attendance. Also present were G. Douglas Vallee, representing Jewitt & Vallee, and Frank Clarke of the Department of Transportation & Communications. The purpose of the meeting; was to discuss road matters and the visit to the Minister of Transportation ez Communications on March 14. Road needs and costs were discussed -i n light of present day costs and shoti=ingthe anticipated costs as prepared. in the Road Needs Study (.�1 to be outdated. 197 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: 14. Schafer .That the firm of Jewitt & Vallee be engaged to prepare a road needs study for tI e Township of Bayham sub e ct to t'-: e approval of the Dept. of Transportation rN Com-iunications at a subsidy rate of 75%..Carried Moved b-iT: Csinos and Seconder' by: B. Wolfe That this special meeting of Council. now ad,iourn......Carried erk Council Chamber, Straff ordvil' e March` 22, 1972 A Special meetirr of Bayham Tow -ship Council was held today. Reeve �. Dennis presided with Deputy -Reeve A. Csinos and Councillors R. Green, :.. Schafer and B. Wolfe in' attendance. The purpose of the meeting was to finalize the 1972 roads budget and submit a request for supplementary I funds to the Dept. of Transportation �Corununications and review recent correspondence. Correspondence Taus revi,3wed as follows: Harold Stafford, 1vf1.P...re.. acknowledgment of request for fends under L.I.P. A. J. Graham Engineering; Cons. Ltd..re..discontlnuance of capital grants to farmers for Muricinal Drains. Dept. of Municipal Af£airs..re.. summer employment for students in planning Dept. of Agriculture & Food..re.. suggested code of practice for wast]BAy#4 i) Comite Semaine du Canada..re..Carada Week suggestions Reeve Dennis reported on the meeting attended by himself, Councillor ji Ac- `golfe and Clerk Petrie with officials of the Department of Transportation C4 , & Communications re extra. funds for bridge construction. Proved by: R, Green and Seconded by: Schafer That estimated e:;penditures for roads in the Township in the amount of $74,300. for construction and *X59,100. for maintenance for the year 1972 be approved...........CarrieO Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded b`T: B. Wolfe That application be made for supplementary road expenditures for construct. ion in the estimated amount of $106,500, with subsidy of $71,825..Carried Mr. Wayne Widdis representing the Ontario Department of Education, Youth and Recreation Branch, met briefly with Council. Mr. Widdis was, to be sneaker at the regi lar meeting of the Straffordvill a Lions Club, at which the Council and Community Centre Boadd were guests. He expla' ed his position with the Department and grants available to municipal ties through recreation committees, oved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green at this S cial m etinm �—ee-;e of Council now aIjourn..•.....Ca 1158 Council Chambers, Straffordville, April 3, 1972 The regular meeting; of Council for the month of April was held to -da -r. Reeve J.. Denris nresided with Deputy -Reeve A. Csinos and Co1mcillors R. Green, K. Schafer an(, --I B. Wolfe, it at.tenr?are-e. "�tove� xreen and Seconded b�, '. Wolfe That the minutes of the regular meeting held March 6 and special meetings held March 9 aV-ld 20 having been e-.amired b the members are hereby approve' and the Reeve's signature authorized on sama...........Carried Corro:snondcnce reviewe(l. inclyded : Tillsonburp Tri-Cour...ty Apricultural Society..re..re ?lest for grant Dept. of Apriculture..re..rabies areas, February °:Tiarch 7r7er Planning Services..re..offcr of ser-ifice�s 9'wn. of Dereham..re..fire protection services Elgin COu_nty Larrarv.. re. increase in library, rental Dept. of T.unicipal Affairs..re..trarsfer of tobacco rights Clara Marshall..re..re._usal to sell lands loved by: A. Csinos and Secondod by: B. Wolfe That this Council now adjourn to reconvene at 1:45 p.m. M.r. Arthur Vanderspaill e met with. Council to disci ss t' e proposed Land purchase by the County .for road. widening purposes and the effect in would have on his trailer par':: as per our trailer park Ly -law. Colancj i agreed to give full consideration to this wher the application for licence renewal was made+ Messrs. Jack Barclay and Burns McKenzie met wit.,. Council to discuss a nro,lose d recreation committee -'75r the Township. The committee would be appointee by Connciland work indenend.ently drawing interested T3arties thro,. nh out the municinality to assist. ^ouncil inPtr•,,.cted the C? erk to prepare a by --law to set up a Parks, Recreation & Community Centre Board to encomgas all township recrea+won. F4essr a. David Graham an,' Ross Carson Met with Colt-:cil to -I.iscuss the proposal 'bf the Ontario Water Resourses Commission for the provision of water for his mobile hame park. Because of lack of specific -information, Council deferred the matter and arrreed to meet with a representative of w 0.W.R.C. te-netively set for April 17, at 1:00 p.m. Mloved btr: I.T. Schafer and Seconded .)t-: B. Wolfe That pa? ment be made to the Totir.ship' of Deroham ► n the amo=t of $400. for fire protection holding agreement for the years 1964-71 inclusive..Carried Moved '-)y : R. Greer. and SeconOed blr! M. Schafer That the lease for the quarters provided to the Elgin County Library hoard be modified to read $480. per annum rental ...... Carriel T,ToveO, by: M. 3chaf er and Seconded by: R. Green Teat the application of J. Chaleyssin for a tile drainage loan in the Y amount of $4,860. be approved.......Carried Moved bv: R. Green and. Seconded by: P. Wolfe That a grant of $100. be made to the Tillsonburm Tri -County Amricultural Society for the year 1972.......,Carried Moved bir: B. Wolfe and Seconded b -r: A. Csinos `that the Clerk be instructed to have the ner-essanr by-laws prepared for the C.E. Smith and Catfish Drains as revised by A. M. Spriet & Assoc. Ltd.. .............Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the following building permits be approved T4ax Alton demolish residence Clarence M.ilmine residence addition Bart/ Kinsey residence Catrarine McDowell renovate residence Frank Fischer renovate beauty shoe Machael Glass close moors and re -style $500. 3,500. 18,500, 900. 500. windows 200.0000..Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: A. Csinos That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute and areement with Allen Walsh for the use of Village lot No. 1, MaNaughton and fiazen Blocks, Plan 0 ...............Carried 1159 Moved by: R. Greon and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That Reeve J. Dennis and Deputy -Reeve A. Csinos be appointed voting delagates to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario... Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That Wm. Underhill_ be engaged as building inspector, by-law enforceme: t officer and welfare investigator for this municipality at remuneratior: of "'2.75 her hour plus .101 per mile auto expense...... 1'Ioved by : R. i'reen and Seconded b1 : M. Schafer That this municipality make application under the Youth -In -Action pronram of the Ontario Denartment r+f Education for: l) 5 students to siin ervise a summer recreation program 2) 5 students to !plan and reconstruct the several abandoned cemeteries in th3 municipality...•......Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: Be Wolf e That the Reeve be authorized to si-n an agreement to terminate the anreoment dated June 14, 1957 respecting the Sz,akal Ditch.....Carried Movel by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That the follolaing accounts be approved: ';'72,084,65 for general accounts; $6,739.71 for welfare; $2,754_-73'for incentive prot►ram; $26. for munici gal drag",s ; ��4 , 896 . 71 for roads; Roads. re. palanent vouchers ...... 0 0 0 0 0 • . • ..... . . .. « ..... - ,1�.1� 4.41 Roads .. re .. pay list March 1-? 5 ... • 0 0 0 0 .. « ............... 112244" Roads..re..pay list I -larch 16-31 ...................•..•.. 21220.96**- ''delfare..............................................•.. 6,739.711 Incentive program...• .................•................. 2,754.731 Airlm3r c?, Malahide Tel.. Co .... Fi-e Line.................. 34.98 dike L,� Gertrude Pei dl.. « .....TJ le Dr. 2 255,00`► Alun Chipps....... ..0..0it 0000•..•0000.. 775,00N. Walter nelson...... • 0 0 0 0 . • ... " t' Tris ector......... 70000 WiG.Webster Stationery Ltc�<... applies.............. • 0 0 0 0 23.63 I%IcKenzie Fuels......•..•.....fuel................••...... _32.72 Debenture'.Tile Dr. Deb.....«0000••..• 2263$.62 Ronald Vaughan..........«....Fo.-c Pounty.0•..«•0•i•0•.•00 1.x-.00 Elgin Cty. R.C.S.S.Dd........A%C Lev;r......•..«0.0.00... 3,616.00 tt » Bd. of Education., It it •••..0.000••00•..••56, 999.00' - Reg. «Off i ccs .,............ • 0 0 0 0 TR 71-1 (Lingaiti s) . • .. • ... 3.50 Walter nelson..............•.convention.....•.....•..... 39,x.5 J. Dennis......•.............Counci3....•.....0•........ 52•x.0 A. Csinos.................... " & C©nv•......••..•0..• 3 23.19 R. Green...........•..........•" C7-. Conv..........0••... 203,06 M. Schafer............•.«0000. rt tt it 0000•0.000000000 B. j1lolfe....•..•tt it It 21$•11 ............. ••••0.0.•......0 Akron 1,,,If'g. ( Can .) Ltd • . 0 • • • .. • • 'ire Dept, Supp ... • 0 0 0 0 ... • 190.10 205.23 Norfield T1art Ltd...... 0 • ....Office supp.. • ............. 77.10 Mac. S. Gibbons.........•.«..Convention................. 90.00 J• A• Petrie..........«......Convention......•.......... 122.1;4 tt it it 0•...9....•.••.0•Tax Rec;.00«.0•••••..0.0•..0 Reg. 12.00 OFFICE........ 0 . • • ... • • •'eb. Conveyances........... 5•40 Ontario i?ydro ... 0 .. • ...... • • . Eden . St . Lt . :Rep .... 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 15.00 Pitneur Botires..... • • • • • ... • ...P eter Rental............... 26078 Hill Agencies _ of London Ltd..:Jachine rep.. • • • . • « • . 0 0 .. • 0 11.25 1T D.Vallee. • ... • • . . .. 0 • . . . 0 • .Retirerient Alloi�iance•'...... 150.00 J.A.Petrie.•...•..•...•0..•..SFalarT,r hear. 1-15......••... 285.00 V.Var_ Belois................. » " " •....•00... 170000 Ontario Fydro.....•...... :•••Office r Fire Mali.••..•... 101.70 Rec. General.........«..•,•:.Boxrent.........«...•..... 10.00 tt »...............•.Posta�e....0.............•. 50.00 Gestetner (Canada) Ltd.••.0••Repairs & Supplies0.00•••0• 33013 W.G.Webster.Stationernr Ltd ... Supplies ................... 5.78 McKenzie Fuels.. • ............Office;, Fire Hall • ... • .. • . 6$.25 Harold Dennis... *************Fire Chief -Mar.•...•....... 45.00 tt tt •••..•,••.•...•.Truck Licences... •..•.•...• 6,00 St.Thomas Sanitary Coll.Serv. Ltd..60000•000000000•00004 11652.00' Advar_ce Container of Canada Ltd. • 0 0 .. • • • .. • .. 0.0 • . • • • ... 587.83 Jack rievill.•••......«..••.••Fire Secretary*............ 1.;.5.00 J.A.Petrie.••...•.•......•.••Mileage & lunch,St.Thomas.. 6.0C A. t, Psi. Tol• Co...,,.•••.....Fire Line.•.• .............. 26.98 Goo. Beaz•d.........,,.,.,,,,,t,or, St. Lts....... i•.. • 0.0 1$•00 f,T.A.Petrie. • • .. • « . • 0.0... • • • ..Salam,.* Pear. 1b-31.......... 285 *ON V. Van Belois................ to » tt tt 170 00 . Rec. General..•.....••..•.•.•march Deductions•••0••0.90. 179i0N Comers ..............•.......•. It is •000000•0•• Walter nelson....400.0.00.00•Winter (Bayham)Drain•.•i900 96.00 5.50 It It . Drain.....••••.*... 5.50 Ttoved b --:Wolf e and Seconde(' by: Csinos That this Council now adjourn to meot again 1160 on May 1, at 10:00 A *Mo . Carried. Council Ohamrher, Straffordvill e April 17.* 2972 A Special meeting of Council was held t%is afternoon. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deput~--Reeve A. Csinos any? Courci' lore R. Gree- , M. Schafer and B. Wolfe in attendance. The purpose of the meeting was to deal with routine corresondence and d3 sc Ass the fyomation $w the Parks, Recrea`ion Community Centre Board. The following items of correspondence were rev- ewed: Dept. of Labour..re..Provincial inspectors ttr.der tre Tree.-"- Excatators Protection Act Assoc. of Municipalities of Ontario..re.. Tax credit proFrram Jewitt -L', Vallee..re..drawin r for road relocation--Knott's Mill 'ar�a Jas. and. B*r!_ropon _cs arrears T..Elley..re.. copy of letter to Tourisr^ I. ?nfor^iation re Erie V,z Park CivIr of St. Thomas..re..request to endorse resolution re assessment review El r -in County Elvin County Treasurer of c oi.zrt s Lan' Division Committep..re.. severar.ce request..G. Yasswetter F'oard of Education..re..rcfund of dcficit..•I,`,250. re arbitrat`.or Ontari o.. re .. proposed min * sty- - re--orrar. i zati on Moved by : R. Green anr. 5econrle(' r-, : � . Wolfe Tr at the firm of Jry�aitt & Vallee . be requested to rre'?are -)Lars ations for the replacement of the Moore a -4 snA(,ific- I Move?. bTr: A. Csinos and Seconded h -r: F. Wolfe That Reeve, and Clerk be authorized to execute an a--reement with the TownsIiln of Dereham resnectinr fire protection as ratified by b -r -law No. 1762. . . . . . . ...*Carried Moved by: R. Green and Secor -led by: A. Csinos That this mu.nicipali.ty has no objections to the proposed severance of the lands of George Nasswetter and Sofia Nasswetter, being part of Lot 4, Concession 8, F'ayham, and Lard- Division Committee number E 44/72 Carried ?Joved by: R. Green and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That this .municipality endorse the resolution of Vie City of St. Thomas in their reouest that the "Iini.stry responsible for the operation of the Assessment 9eview Courts, Regior:a?. Assessment offices and related functions take action to ensure the disposition of appeals on or before the 30th. da-ir of November in any year and the certification_ of t e roll.... Carried Moved by: R. Greer and Seconded by: B, Wolfe That the petition fpr drainage work of Andrew Dielman and others for the area described as SJ Lot 1, Concession 9, Bayham, be accepted subect to the approval of the loom._ conservation authority-, and if so approved that A* J. f1raham Erpineerinrr Cons. Ltd. be appointed, engineers for the project. ....... Carrie:y'. Moved b-.-: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That permission be granted to the Department of Transportation & Communicat. ions for the use of the transfer station at Lot 16, Concession 5, to lispose of hi[rhway litter at an. annual rental of $75....... Carried =l70U '.loved b�T: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe And resolved that By-law No. 1760 being a by-law to authorize the carrying on of a program of recreation within the moaninC of the regulations under the De»artment of Education Act, to provide for the operation, maintenance and manar-ement of. parks and to provide for the establishment, operation and maintenance of Community Centres pursuant to the Community Centres Act and the reCulations made, thereunder be now read a fist time.. «••••Carried 1161 Moved by: P. Wolfe and Se conde-. by: .,I. Schafer And resolvers that Py -law Yo. 1760 be now read a second time ... Carried r oved bur : 11. Scr af er and Seconled by : R. Creep An -:I resolve,' that Dir -law No. 1760 be rov, read a third tine and finall. nassed........ Carried 'loved by: ' ,. Wolfe and Se,:.on ded by A. Csinos That pursuant to By-law 11o. 1760, J. ' Derr'is, A. Csines, R. Green, M. Schafer, ';. Wolfe, J. Parclay, J. Elliott, R. grant, and W. Locker be annoirte�?. members, of the Parl-_ , Recreation and Community Cer,�;res Rc►ard... rlrl I1 'ov^� r•�: P. Wolfe and Seconders by: 3. Green And r_colved that Py -law IT o. 1761 being a by-law to a-w.zthorize an arpreement between the To�,,rnship of Rayham ar�d t:ze fio~reship of Hoxghton respecting reciprocal. fire protection ",.e nose read a first timo.....:'arried T>Ioved by: 7-1. achafor and Seconded by: A. Csinos An". re`3olvcd t:"at By-law I?o. 1761 be^torr read a secon-I tirie... Carrs er? I ov��d by : R. Greer: arcs Seconded by IV Wolfe And resol vcd that ay-' a:r TIo. 1761 be nolvr read a thir . time and finallu; passed.......darrihd lrl' T,Ioved '_)Y: I -I. Schafer and Se e- ie-? 1.1 : And resolved that By -lav No. 1762 being agreiement betwe-en the To mship of �ayham re spectinr fire prote^tion be now read a Tioved b--: R. Gre wn an(I. Seconded b -r : T s. A. Csinos a Ancl resolve that By-law :;o. 1,762 ne now Tloved b,.-: A. Csinos an.1 Seconded bir: R. Ar:d resolved that Fy-law No. 1762 be now nassed........Carriod by-law to alithorize and and the Township of Derehan. first time...Carri ed Schaf e?" read a se con d t _me ... "arrte, . r'-reen read a third time ani finally Moved bv: a. Green and S concled b,f: 14. Schafer That this sneci al meetinr Of Cottnci l now ad ourn • ..... s "arried ,y- erk Counci.l C"-am?)Q„, Straffordville Maur 1, 17 ? The reE-u)_at meeting, of Coir.cil was held tod.a Reeve J. Dermis press ded. *ith Dept-.ty Reeve A. Csinos and Councillors h'. Green, Schafer and E. golf o in attendance. Moveq by: A. Csin os and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the Co,ncil minutes of the regular mocti-ir 'geld April 3, an4. special meeting geld Aril 17, having been examined b7,r the members arti; hereb-, approved and t1le Re -events sirrnature aut1-:ori zed on same.. Carried The correspondence was discussed as follows: Jew _tt tQ. Vallee. .re. .Moore Bri age desi n Jewitt Vallee.. re .. Towns'.i1a nee ss studur Canadian Y:arconi Co..re, ,Q-, c,tetior_ for radios Aylmer & 1".alahide Telephone Co..re..Quotation for radios Bell & Hoti:ell9 ere..Quotation for microfilm reader for U.I. cheques R. K. McNeil..re..Ministerts reply re conservation officers Municiral World Ltd..re..legal opinion re prohibition of snor'-s car rallies H. E. Staff ord.. re .. Explanation of L.T.P. program funds Gibson, Linton f&; Toth..re..factor appeal. Canam ail Servi^es..re..oil dust layer Pollard Pros. I,td..re.. quotati on re calaium chloride (liquid) Allied Chemical..re..cc�uotatIon for calcium chloride (bulk and bassi FI gin C oun ct�r Board of Education .. re .. l ai son meeting Moved b,;T: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. That, this Council now ad.iourn for lunch Csinos J to reconvene at 1:10 p.mo arried V d thfe rreliminan• drawings for Moore Rridpe be anoroved and the Engineer raa,d D. and Vallee be kre aaiettec nt-o -1 °r oceed a wit}. the final .....Carried 1162 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded. hy: T% Scha`'e-- '''hat the clerk be authorized to sign a.r, a,pplic_atirn. for a certificate of approval for a waste ate disposal site or bek alf of Ross Carso,^..Carrie-.1 T -!over' bli: A. Csinos and Seconded by: P. Wolfe T -at thn Reeve and Clerk he authorize'' to sib an applicatix for approval to establish a Teat--.�r system as applied for by Ross Carson,.. �'arriA�' "loved 'h:y : M, Schafer ani' Seconded by-: A. Csir os That Cour` of R.evisior. for tip Catfish Creek Drair 'hi Ye- -? �,� }T,,,�e 5, at 2:�� r .r^......Carried Moved by: R. Green ani Seconc'ed b7r: "". Schafer Ttiat Court of T�evision for the C. E. Smith Drai° be held on June 5, at 2:30 p.M.....Carrierl oveC, by: M. Schafer and Sewn e Seconded btr . '� Wolf That pad"ent of $3,000. on account fe-s be paid to Cibson, Linton t, Toth......Carried Moved by: R. CJreen a,_ -id Secor_ded by: A. Csinos 'Whatprior to a building permit beim~ issued for the establishment oft or enlargement of an existing 1'.vestock operation, the apnll_cant be required to receive the approval of th l� Ministry of Agriculture as se* out in the puhlicatior. "A Sul -este,'. 'o -le of Practi e".......Carrle4. Move,' by : '4. Schafer and Seconded b7r : R. Clrecn T .at the Clerlr be authorize l to procure a description of that portion of Secon Stroet in Eden as closed by bvvrlaw :`o. 1158 and remaining* ,.zr►.solr'; and a conveyance for sams be prerared for sale to Ra Ro? oscn and Ronson Sandham.........Carried Moved bv: A. Csi"Os and Secon.'Ied i,-: P. Wolfe `Iat the fire department be requested to present their choice of - ?rsor to be appointed Oept ty fire chief for the ar-proval of Corncil pro or to May 10........Carried M(Owed b�T: E. dol 'e a:.d Seconded b;T: A. Csinos That the Clerk be instructed to commence ex--)ropriation proceenno's of t'zc 'an -Is of "A.ss. Clara t arshall beim* lot nrmber: lfhe S. ?3 ft. of Lot 7, Hwy*. _1.9 E,7$; Lots 6 clz 7, Sec=ond. Street SIS; Lots 7 �c 8, Second ,St . 11 S • Lot IC Third St . S S an a ' � � , , % thatcld�'rt�.or c►f. S�►r,ond st., ret�-reen No. 19 Hwy. and west St. according; to plan 205......Carriel Moved r.z : ? . !=r+ten d r 'That the following Cornelius DeKraker 'rank Par -ler Etienne Verbrurge Eti �) r e Verbr,.i.p-(-c Roger Vermeersch Zl oTrd McQui rgan re Lloyd McQui mean re Druce Russell Chas. N Dwlar_d Edward bassner Farm t s Ltd. Ross Carson Andy Getrt er s Free Lester Lydia Kaptions 'Donal 0. Vincent Jr. John Jenninm s Laemers ''arm Ltd. Parold Garner Rout. tt . Carney CIA f f FIX-1phrey Cliff Humphrev Cliff Humphrey Ma A. �econde . by.- PC, Schaf Qr buildinf~ permits be approved: barn addition $101000. residenee addition 5,000. reraice -iindows & patl,o 2,000. demolish & rebuild kiln 3,000. greenhouse 22500. Dofasco remove barn 'zouse 500. Dofas^o re-.ove Ilam: & 'ho -,-,se 500* ?°tork s' _gip & she" 17000. remove barn 100, breezeway & 7ara e 41000, remove house 5000 utilitir building: 3,000, Living, room addn & garage ..................'Carried -fir. W lliam Underhill. met with Council to report on his activities LO date pertaining to his duties. 4 t 500. garage 21000. re -frame house roof 700. m-iimminpool g 21000, garage 1,500. para �.n 2,000* garage 1,500o Mobile home founcaation 2,COO. move lei Ins ? , 200. barn addition $,0010. ALA 2. Oil kilr 2,000. ..................'Carried -fir. W lliam Underhill. met with Council to report on his activities LO date pertaining to his duties. 1163 4'Jalter I;clson met w _t,'.: Country �^-rnra�_ Drains needi- attention. Mr. Ra -!r Morse me* lith Co nciZ to re i? sr art- ,prior "o t' c si p. alks in the hamlet of R-! chmond . 'Ir.Vi c p:1_1iski, _71inistrjr of Ap-ricul.ti ra A'ir. Food, met wit'-. Cotzrr tial ' _scuAs SugFeste�cde Of Prac i^n" and t^ �t7.,e provis -ns of "A 1 ar4.ous ways Cot ncil could it nlome:it the recomr,Zen,lations. 7'3 loved by: P. (reer a� ' Seror le b- : t . Sr .afer resolved teat P -q --la- T r'a. 1763 beim a 1 -r --law to rovide for a draina7e words in the Tovmshio of 73ayham in the Fount -r of Elgin and for borrowinr on the crnr'it if"' � T ,.ril ^i nal ity t1l o sil!r r3 -r $81,, the nortion to be-ontributed by the 17_-m1cinali t•- far conplctinr the drainer -e Works be noir read a first time 0 ...... Carrie 1 Movef 'h/Y: M. Schafer and 3e conded by: R. (=re cn And resolve' that 1,)Y -la -4 To. 176' be now rea,' a seconc' time and ~ rovi ski onallypasse+i .......... Carri ee. .' -oved by: A. Csir_os and Seconded b- P . Wolf a And rasolveId' that b;t_-1a r rro. 1761 beim a b-nr-la.l to provide for a drainage tlorks in the Townshi'o of Pa--" am i.r t'ir' Court- of and for borrC •.Tinu on the credi`; of t7. -.e 7 .*.nic:_^ality tzo sum of 3,31.60 , the portion to be contributed bar the r'unicinal it-• for completin!T the chainago ..iorks ,e ,ow read a f4-rst time, 0 0 0 0 . 0narrie %lotrad by: r3. Wolfe a. 1. Seconded by: A. Csiros And rosolve { that b? ---law P{o. 17611. be now read a .second time and nrovisionall•.r passec�d.. 0... 0 0 ..Carried Moved bw,: I% 3clsafer and Secondee. bar: ?. Green That e acc==ts ba ap?rovera• x'8,350.06 for cre :.-3ral accouunts; 6,021 -30 for trelfare accounts; '''2l?091 for inconti�Te proE�raM acca�xr_ts; ,` 9,9-1.04 for roaJ account-; Roads..r�0 . bra�.�chers......... . ............................... a6, 2�.�3.7h Toads..re..nay list April ,-15...0..0000..,................. 1,361.,.26< 'oac'.s..list April 16- i0 ............................. 2,355*07� Welfare...0000...000.00.....0....0.0...0.000000...........00 6,029.30 Incentive Pro-ram..re..vouchers ....................00.....0. 217.91 Warner Ta-r?_or...........fox 1..00 Wm. .09000000000008.•:00000.000 1'000 Tillsonburr Tri-Coanty Ar"r* Soc....00.grant...0.0..0.0.0000. 100.00 TT,mp. of Dereham.0 0 . 0 ... 0 . 0 0.0.0 0ff_re a�°eement0 0 0 .. 0 0.0.0 .... 400000s Tilsonbur,ews................. . .advertising-.............. 34.1+14. Ontario Hydro,,,,.0.00..0000.0.Eden St. Lts. 201�..76N. it it . . ............. Corinth 11 it , , ........ , 0000.. 17.50-. " " .............StraffTMordvillQ St. Lts............ ? 91.00. It tt 0 0 0 0 , .......... ? .), ^l"-mon% �t �t 0 0 . . . . . 0 0 0 . 0 63.7 5., J. Den:eis............>>)f:f)a;....Council.................«. 104.010 A. Csinos.......0.......0......... it 000.00000..9000000. 74.50 R. Cc�sra ��it 82.50 .......................... ............,...... • M. �-+c�la�er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 75.60 P.`lolf^.......................... " 10.20 0 .............0...0 Debenture Accou,�^t........Tile DrainaTe..........0.....0..... 616.5V` st. ti ........School ...................0......... 21.505 Elgin Co-op Services....fire dent. st.pplies..........0...... 2.55 James S. Davison..0..........animal control ................. 26.000 Aylmer Egress.................advertisin..0.0............. 37.$0 McKenzie Fuels....................office.................... 17.20 J.D.Valice..............retirement allowance................ 15C.00 f3. A . Petrie . ............. nalai77 Ant. 1-1 5 0..0..6 0 0 6 0 0 6 .0 6 .... 285 . Q(N V. Van P el of s . . . . .... 0.6.. 1t It rt 11 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0.0 .. 170.00 Hamilton T4ard L Cathers Ins...... floodlight Tns...... 0 0 0 0 0 .. 75.00 J0 A. Petrie .......... . ..00r•R.P. Hearing E.1p..00 .... 0 0 ... 0.0. 29000 Registr Office..............March conveyances****,.,,,... 19.50 - - C.E.Hickey p, Sons Ltd.......... Fire Dept.. Supplies.......... 27.51 McKenzie Fuels, .... . 51.97 Municipal 101ori d Ltd. , ......... surscriptiors............ 0 0 0 0 0 68.04 Harold Dennis.................Fire Chief - April ......*.... 45.00 Jack Nevil10000000000000000000 it It .. tt 0....,.0...0 15.00 St. Thomas Sanitanr Coll. Serv. Ltd.O..Apri1...........0.... 1652.00, Advance Container of Can.j 0000000000 It 000000000.0000.0 587 83�. 'rcKenzie 'eels.....0..............fuel.......0.......0...... .4 065 A. R- TSI. Tel. Co. Ltd......0..9....9..fire line .............. 2509{8 T Cr 0 A. Petrie. 0 .. . . . . .. ♦ ..Salam Apr. 16-300 . 0 0 . 0 0 .. , 0 0 0 . .. . . 285,O�+ V. Van Pelos s.:.......... 11 it tt rt 0..0.....0.0...0.. 170.00 Rec. General . . . . . . . . ded 0 Apr 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Jn.02 . . . . . 0 . . . . . . 0 OTIER3............... it t'................................ 96.00 1161 Moved by Schafer Seconded by Creen that this Council now adjoi r..i -f: o meet a7ain on June 5 at 10:00 A.M....... Carrier_'... . eve �.. _ _ . Corn.cil Chambers, Straff'ordville Ma ? C , 1972 A special meetin^r of Co�incil was Y-31,1 t" s evening for tl�e purpose of finali7inr the estiniates for 1072,an.d other matters. Ree7re J. Dennie presided, With Denuty Reeve A. Csinos an.r" Councillors R. ween, Vit. Schafer a-" B. Woife in attin.dance. Moved by: ''T. 3 �ti- afer and Secor de(' by : R. f r--7 ee That Robert Crant be ap--,ointed eePuty fire cl-ie f at a salar-., �, f `145. per month ef. f e c t i v Ttia~.- 1 y l 9-7�......... Carri", .4 r- + �, MOW)_ A. . �.. ©S ant 3econ fie,.' ; y: I Wolf That ..th 3 _, f - !.re c of h r an - of .1a� a'r=ua_w salar;45 • a--,' a? ­�:Q. n i`i� •' s' . lei f . Ca 4• '1 Z 1 �] i,1Ci� T 1 1 9 7j 2 . . ......C�a','�j.r 1 e --I ." S t b;':'. Crc;e� ar 3 ,e�-onI. es?,-; *,T Sn�afer a 912 2 87 Tt a+ �;he estimate s as prc.ar�«;7T r���,.- citfor ..►Y .f,�.�.t�ares of `' 4 of =:522, 922. ta1.at C'_1 ar`1591Y';,_. + • Ntrran i s an L Cher revenues be accented and -the clerl- ?rstr cte�' to ���- e-c.a _ _�_aw......... . ...Carri �-�d p:._.,7 are he rl .....ssar; loved by: L. Green and Seconded bar: !4. Schafer T ilt because of unfavol.�rable ,,,A hae ' co . �. �.,.at�...r conditions d•.rin� t�� s s•�ri�F W. C. .,attle Construction ^o. Ltd. be granted an er;tersion of 60-ia,;,s for t'�e com^letio?A of Vie Pei -dl _vi,.nicipal Drain....... @Carried moved b-'-- Schafer and Se,onded b,.l: R. That this Co?incil has no cb4e-ctiors t the lands of Allan C' ips being part of Lot 7, R 5.x./7 2 an of ,.1 a Willislards of ��z�`Jeaver an .l n -=r bered E Green nronoSed s-3verance of the Concession �- ar i rum'Lere-' be-'.n.part of Lot 6, Concession • oved Inv: P. 'Volfe an.1 Seconded by,: A. Csinos V That the clerk be instructed to appeal against the repui sition of the Elgin. County Board of Education because of the tanlue '6urde a which is being plaCed tinon the taxpayrs le the increase requested in the said requisition........... 'a � arri ;, d ,Voted by: A. Csinos an -'Seconded I -)y : P, Wolf e That t? -is special meet-In."' eetinof Council now a!Journ..........Carriea 165 Co1;ncil C` ambers, Straffordvill June 5, 1972 The re;r.71.1?_ar meeting of Payham Tr�-wnship Council was held today. Ree're 4. L. Dennis presider with Councillors R. Green, M. S^r:afer ar.d R. Wolfe in attendance. Mo7ed by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: N . Wolfe That tre Council miruteT of the regular meetinrr ?gel- May 1, ant' special meeting held May 10, having been ewamire;d bt- the members are hereb-r approved?. and the Pen -vets citcrature authorize . -I on same....... , ..0arriA'. The .followin7 i-Yer 3 of correlspordence were reviewer',: Tobias z°�. Coch.ran..re..Bec'.sett and 1ydrononics arrears r,tini str-.r of the Enviroryment .. re .. Carson park voer system Court— of Norfolk..re..reouest to endorse resolution on drairage subsidies The. nf Southwold..ro..requost to endorse resoll.ition on co•_1rt- re01oral area Vi -lace of Port Bun-iell..re..request to endorse resolution to acquire conservation authorit-.- 1..an A. J. Grabam ErM, Cons. Ltd ..rQ..draft report on St raffordville Drain A. J. Graham Er c- . Cors. Ltd .. re .. c -on � ama p -e s rrir - "amntor Dr. reuairs A. J. Graham Enr. Cons. Ltd..re.., amaF es to waterwa-%T Walt -ace Dr. Dent. of Agri culture .. ro .. rabi. es areas --April Gilson, Linton e, Toth..re..arbitra}ed capita:'.. surpli-.s o-" former school bd. St. Thomas Psychiatric 'Yosraital..re..trainin fcr welfare mothe„s E�_gin Local Government Stud., Comm..re..misutes of meet.n-r held Mar. 20%72 Elfin Cty. Lana :division Comm..re.. severance requ st of A. M. "?cQuzggan loved b r: R. C'reen and Seconded by: M. Schaffer That this Council now adjourn to recon.vena at 1:15 n .M..... Carried Tv�ove:? :��� : Golfe and Seco.._ - e, by : M. Schafer That this Council en Iorse the resolution of the Count sT of Norfolk in requesting the authority of tre Mi.nistnr of Treasur�r,� Economics & inter- F-overnmental A:"fa'_rs for .maintenance work on Municipal drains to be vested with the Drainage Commissioner anrl. the Mvniciral Council and that an engineerts report not be required for this segment of the operation..Carried Move'. b--: F. Wol`7e and Seconded by : P". S I-hafer That t113 Council endors- the resol?.itior of the Village of Port Pur -,70_11 in reauestinr~ the Long Point Rerion Cor:lervati_on Autjhcrit- to investigate the desirahilit�:r and advisab li_t;;, of acaririnr arp)roximatt�ly 15 acres of land frontir.-� along Otter Creek and oresentl-,r beirro of�'ered to t'"e At thority by Mr. John. Wall .........Carried Moved by: F. 11ol-'e and Seconded by: R. Green That this Council objects to the .r^posed severance of the Lands of Alva and "arJor-ie McQui.�-�-a�a �eii�g parts of Lots 7 and v, vonc3ssion 2 and :-umbered E 65172 for the reason twat t is felt that a ninimxm frontage of 4001 shoi,ld be left with. ea--!-,, of the saicl lots...... Carried Move -1 by: R, Greea . and Seconded by: r' . Wolfe e That the S alany of Walter rTelsDri, be a '.;este .. to ,'2.75 per h Dur of-,!''ective TT 14.a., l , 197 2 ......... arri e �? '11cved b;;,: R. Green and Seconded by: T,% Scharer That the following b�:11C. ing poermlts be approved: Violet rerun demolish. residence 8500. ohn Pokorny reside -_-ice and r-arape 18)0000. Steve Nezezon r?emelish and rebuild '.-llns 22100. Chas Vanc.on.irck resi :ence adlitio►. 51000. .,ussell Dair s1 -1n porch addition 800. Aubrey t"eit s double garame 11100. Causyn Farms Ltd. residence arldition 15,000. J. A. Martyn ren ovaj-ions 21000, Pert ?`11itts demolish residence 500. Chas. Young~ residence a-Hiti.on renovate 41000. Don Graham swimming; pool 21000. Iren Everitt warehouse addi tion 5,500, Jac': Farclay renovate residence (2 apts ) 5, 000...... Garri d 1loved by: 1. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green That the application of Jean and Annette Chaleyssin for a tile . drainage loan in the aMolant of : 3 , 600. for part of Lot, Ccnc 2 be approved... Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded bv: M. Schef'er That the ten�?er of Roy Inch & Sons 'ttd. for a , 0,000 P.T.U. Chrysler air eondity_nein? unit in the amount of $1,767. + sales taxes be accepted... Carried 1166 Moved by: � . • Green and Seconded by: Scha-`'er That the account of Cox :.:cap~atinr ? n the amotiunt of -12,182. .for repairs to thel I amnton M=icipal :gain be paid.. • 0 0 0 0 . Carrier' �3 I"oved b--: R. Green an -I Seconder' b-7: P. Wolfe T. -.at 'h - T -law ?`'o. 1763 be now read a thi.r,.I time a -,d fi- .al�_y bassed. • Carried ,i1764 I.ioved by: P.. Rolfe and Seconded by: Ti. r1reen That bir--1aT� I'o. 1761 be n.o� read a t'}�rd time and f hall , passed. .Carried, rj Gloved by: R. green and Seco,-,.det? by: ". Sc`iafer And resolved that bMr-late !To. 1765 beincr a ' ,,_1a r to amend Gr -law '°o. 1547 t b;; now rea' a "first time.......... rarried Tlove,I by: 1'. Wo,Ife and Secor.del b-: R. rrer:n And resolve's that b T-la;,r "7o. 1165 be no.,q read a s cont time...., -I j , 5 err_._ Move! by; '.% Schafer and Seconded b7: 7- Wolfe -� r; ,� � ' -, And1, zT r r a Anc, resolve l t:.at b,; -law No. 176 bP oa read a third t_ m , n . a__., '�a �c ' • • • • • • ..''arra-e� 6 barSchafer and Sccor_der? ??fir': R. And resolve,' that 1 - -law "To. 1766 bei t -F a to aeon+ the assessment o:I whi ^h t' .e tars shall be levie a for the year 1.072, to le -r, th.? taxes for the --ear 1972 an,' to provide for the collection therpol 'be row read a f;.rs t dime ......... arri qri * -' �� f� r r' t't tea 1�tr . *" I- f n ojT.,. rT1. Ylolf e a d 3 co_ de* -I :: : S a_.. ,r ��T_, �T "I n „ rea�' a second t .?'?'►e...0 a An-_ r ,s„l,re . that �.aw �` . 1?6� b.. o.� arr1P,- r, ova j b -r: 1�. Xreer and S +innI.^d �;JT: B. �'dolfe An :' resolved. that 'h---law'To. 1766 be 'pow rea' a t' -'.r ? time an, fznall�- passe 0000 • 0000 Garri_ . -oiled b, ; Wolfe and Seconded v: R. -`reen That, tie fol?_orrinp accounts be ap-rove( : T"',158.21;. for ?eneral acc)ants; .1-6-1C.55 for municipal dra!_ns; `335, 4-95 for welfare; '-.*-- ,124.84 for rows: Roads..parmer_t vouchers..........:.. , .. • ........ • 0000.. • 0000... `'1^,'1.03' Roads. pay list -lay 3-15 ..................•....,............... 12160.6 Roals..pa-�- list, Pa -y 16-31....•0000...•..•0000.•..........•0000. 21682.95N �e�fare..�.....•...................••............,.,..,,.... ... 5s564.95\ Jean LaSa'.le..%,e1f, ajdv..............•.......•,••..0.•••.••.♦•. 207,nO til,.i. FJw�c"erhil _. inspv�cL,oions....................••...•..••..•.••, 16004O Straf.fordville CQmI'1UrL1t'r Cent r? hoar I..1nan. , 0 .. • 0 0 0 0 .: 0 0 0 0 • ... 100.00 G _h�-or, I..nton z Tot"-, .ler-al acco?t,t.. , , ....................... 3,�JOO.00\ Mews Printing Co,.re financial statement.• ..................... 02.56 J. 1.04o8C A. Csino.a..`ou:cil...............................,.. •..,.....•. 106.0' .� 5,,, a�'er..Cou_�cil..................... •...,.................. 11.0.80 R. 110.00 ?., '!o.'_f c .. Co?uzcil .......................... • ................... 111.20 James Davison.•arimal^ontroi..,..................•............ 30.00 I,•.nic * nal World Ltd.. quesyt�ion.. • . ......... . .. . ................. 1.00 rant 1#otnrs Ltd, .fire de? -it. cal . . . ... . . . ... . • . • ... • . . . . . ..... 2C.00 .. J. Petrie..mileage....................••......•................ 33.00 A171mer 8 Iti7alahide Telephone Co, Ltd. ,office, • ........ • 0 0 0 0 .. , .. 76.98 Re istr-�� Office..April conveyances........... • ................. 16.20 Receiver General for Canada..costae .................t...•..,.. 50.00 J. D. Valle-�..retiremcnt alio;lance.... • ............. • .......... 150.0 T. A. Pntrie.,salary Tla-,, 1-15000060090000000000000000000.0.0000 2$5.00%, V. Van"elois.0salary May 16-31.0.0000•0.0009,0600.00•000..00000 1.70.00 'tonal I Vaii-han ..fox bount`r ................ . .................... 12,00 I'ac S. &-/Or' Rub,- J. Gibbons. , .ThLnici-al drain dcbenture0 ....... 677063\ 100 navi-I `larc.0cuttin *Gass.,....••••••••,••.••••.,.,,•.•..•.•••• 1. Provincial Treasurer,._nsulin.....................•..,.0....... 3037 r;IcYen-,ie 2->.!4.,q 'Nin. of Dereham..f re call ..................................... 75.00 21 Harold Denis..Fire r�onvPnfiion ............................. , ... 2. r_ Tiarold Dennis. , fire chief '`Tai ....................... . ........ , .. 6C,OC Robt. r'rar_t. ,deo. 'Lirc chief ��a�-......... , ..................... 1�5.C?r, St. Thomas Call. Services 1, 652,00'. Advance Container of Canada Ltd..?ay..............•....,....... 5$7.$3 J. 21.50 Olivetti -Canada Iatc? ..service 102,15' Dari_1 11ard..cutting 3.00 Hillarencies of London Ltd..supr. lie:- and repairs.......... 0 , ... 125,06 Ay1_mer a Plalahide Tel enhone Coo Lt .,? 0 . -Pire ?fine 0 0 0 0 ..: 0 0 0 0 .. • ... 416.998 Frank Pargauskas ..fox t�o�inty............. 0 ... 0 ................. 1-.00 J0 A. Petr-_Y.Osalary May 16-310.0.,,,••••.•.0900090000600000000 285,OCN f V. Van Relois.. salarTr May 16-31.... • ... , . • .... • 11(7 ... • .. • ......... e"170 o00 Revoiver Gorr -1-a' 'or` oA Cara-'a..-',_lcti ons ''a -r..... • .............. '-7/ .02 Omors••dedu;tions:.at,r••••••••••••••••••••••.•••.••••••.••••.•.• 96000.1 Robert Birerlay..Allcr Drain.. 5 •00 Zame cnik 6.00 Emerson 18.00 Chute 13.00•9•!.••*..-.•.•..•!. •!l...• IiIalter 'Telson.. Chute Drain 10.75 Emerson 10.75 11elson Catf is:17.25 Bordan-Cbeesman 4.25 Tei)-l1er x.55 Mitts 1",95 Zame cni - 12-75 Yerr-tt.�0.......................... G. . Cattle Const. hts..TTevill Drain......... 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 4 a 0 0 0 0 Robert Dy. orlay..14mu'_Ier 110000 T'V1i t t s 3 fS - 00 n erc' ar -Che ^Ma 125*00 55 and that thl. s Covncii_ now ad -louurr. to meet main o. ,.T l e 29 at 7:0'-, p •m • •...•...••...lCarried Council C`.ambers, �►traf �'orav ? le June 207 2172 he rerti�' ar meatier of Council for the month of July was hellll this evenl.nrr. Roeve J. Dennis presided ��it.- epat--�'ee�,p ;n ' ? r � 4 , 7 �" n .� A. Csw.os an, .:ou::c__l�.or:� _�. n -re .n, T'. Schafer and r. `' o1 -f t' in atter_ dance. T-4oved b-.-: A. ^sinos and Seconded' hN, : !!• Schafer TI -at rh<? ri .utes of the rn.eetinrr held U'une 5, havi nfT been -exa-lin„ b-- the rnambers are lere-br- approved and the Reeve's st , attire authorized on same.. .............Carrier? my corr?sponden ce 111as re--: ewed a f41' ows : Elgir Tared Division Committee :. , re.. se-- :ra~'ce request... "lain- Dept. of Agri cull -are . , re ..rabies areas --7.a`, Elgin Courts;- Library.. re .. avail abi? its,- of puppet show for sumer program ,:onrs Point Re-ior Cons. e. , n � i � r `pt P �-.; ,., AutT�orit•,-. •r a.praisa� .f 'fall pr_.pe� t�, at � . "Linister of Educatior_..re..Prart legislation for scl.00l boards ',Tinistry of jducation..re..repltr re increa e :. s _o; I rec�Tzisitiora Dept. of Revenue...re..rnnl."11 r� Vie? aTT in as )essmer_t information A. J. Graham Eng. Cons. ;,ta..re.. cc nD1et .on of Tlampton lira-l.n Erin Counter Poard ox' Education..re. •no-tice of meeting of arbI.tratcrs Can: Tmperial EanI: of Commerce..re..approval of borrow nF (�262,COC, Erin Count* Librarv..re..names cr electe' officials in Erin Fount-,- "'�: nicina' 71,oard..re..de^isio-n re factor and other anoeals ^ ,�T Jf e and Seconded '�y : A. Csinos TAloved 7-y: ?'hat th .s Co,.zncil now adjourn to recon`.rine at 7:00 p.m......... Carried Moved by : �. Wolfe and 9ecor.�?ad bt- : A. Oqinos That this Council has no oT--4jections- to the proposed severance of the ].ands of Pay Earl Claus and Alice Mae Claus beir_r Lot 19. Plan 254 anal numbered E 72,/72... • •.....Carried Moved b•,-: R.. Green and Seconded by: Me Schafer That Gibson, Tinton, Toth & Odorian be instructed to anneal" to the Supreme Court from the decision of the Ontario Municipal Poarl' in the Matter 'of the Township's application for a variation of the enualtv;el assessment and ecualisat.ion factor,; , , , , , , Carr] pd A. Csiros and. So^onded 'I -y: P. Wolfe That the �'lerk tie instrietr.d to proceed �•rit�L4, ti�.�: advorti�in� and preparation of the by-la,l for the closir..p- of that ;aorta on of Second Stre t it Eder. not close ",,r b -r -law T'o. 1158......... ,.,Carrie -3. ,, roved ')--. R. ^reex� aandSvconde,?. by: _ 'chafer That t'ne anDlications of ga�rinl ani. r)aniel DeCloet for the drair.ape loans it the amounts of '6,70r�- , or nart S Lot ?'?, Ionc, r , and ? , 30^. for part Y Lot 9, Cone . 5 1)n approve ? . • . , .... `%arri o � T,IIOi,,c� -r: A. �'sinos ar' S?^on el I.. �'. Wol.fc That t'-- ann' j_-ati^n9 of. K. (73. Emerior_ for the draira�A loans in the amountsof <:Y7, 500. for hart S Lot 10, Conc•1�, and >7, 5 }C. 'or -)art, 3� 'ro` 1�,, Cor.. • 1 be approve-' .. • , . i . • ... 7arrie4 T ;''ol"O and 4eeDnded by: A. Osiros at the fol _o�, i hl? ldir.r- •,r,r.r•,j f • �e annroved : Arthur Va�,dnrspaillie residerc� a�''i`.ion S.Q 010Q, John Kavka rE siae- ^� ,0o0. chasi Ketchaba y resiAn- e a1ditior_ 41000. oh t . Val lr e para Te 'ire e z ewa-i- ? , 50o . Poht. Perdan robI l e rosVarca 81000. r'reo « Yas nietter 3 car rararo 3 , 000. Trank Re s -�r para t -e �n tr?r wa-v, ? , 000 Julius Francia beef barn P.. silc 15,000, Tom `-yells s4* ora7;� shed 1. 500 • Michael Nasswetter chicz-en house 1,000. f ..••.•.««00 00.. 7arricd Movod b--: ;:Iolfe and Sec^nd :gid That .t, -ie .report of t'*Ie fire chief for the period December 15, 1$71 to tune 27, 197? be accep ted a: d the Treasurer a? thorized. to nate the firemen at. the rate of `36. per call �. r"reen and Seconded bv: 1. Schafer That Jack Wolfe be paid at the rate -V o" t;80. per acre and Ro7er Causyn be {paid dayyt� the yratet+of "L'y6�0}, P,--lr acre l^�for Drain,.... dama�-es to cory_n cron 9,tf.'erel Burin ii'' rl i.�air.s e^ Vie '- �a rtnr llunicir a_7 ..Drain • • • • 1 . i i •+�a�r�_�.2 Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: ''i ijJolfe That this Coun ^i". - rnrlorsen t' -Le resol ,.ztion cf t%e Tawr shin of 9oil.tYwoI_d in proposing a regional area e,lcompassinrr an area .•ri tnin. t' e-onfines of E1, ~in C ci n* jr, t'iat all miLni cinalities incluClA.i�"" the cit•r of St. �"t� n�a � he conso�_idated .-crier on{ T,oca?_ r-ovarnment, ar ' t'_at cors. aeration be riven to a '_,)wer tier of renresentatior ^loser to local ratepa- ers.... «.Carried Moved 1-:-: R. rreer and Se'rt?n-.ed by: M. Sc'":af cr That Ross Andrews he enp-aged to condi.zct an survey of the residences of. 'a -'-am Ta.ruhip Vr assist in deverr.:i:-_ing their v.ew5 on ar= goverrment .......... ('arri el- ei *"oved 'ail: R. �'=seen an,' vecon��� 0.by: ?��. �c'��afer An -A' rr-?solved thatb�.--7`,at�i I'o. 7-7,e ' bezng a �?�'_�a'r to amend ?-�T_la?� "'e).?.,�C' be now rcad a f ire: t time ......... ,Carried z _ y : er o'�E?� b �'• �:o'."�; and `�e�..c�l��'.e.=, _,r• -ro And reso_.ved that b:,-? aw �To. x.767 be r.ow rea ' a seconr? ';ime ..... Carried 1'oved b r : A. Cs4.nos an ASe corded by : "I i T'lolf That by -la,,; 1'o. 1767 be nqa read a thir," time arid. final'-%" arri e 17uu T`ovec? bv: T7 Wolfe and Seconded b..: Scharor V Art?, r,1. solver' that h -r -law Tvio. 1768, beinrr a b� -lana to impose a recial annual-?rairaFre rata upon lard in respect of vrhich money- is borrowed under tt.e mile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a firsttime..... , ... ('arriec? loved 1-y: A. "linos and Seconded by: P. Wolfe An i. resolved that b- fro. 1-768 bo ncr, rAad a -,eeond t-iMc...C'arried `' ovrd b--: ? . Schafer and Seconded by: A. Csinos And reso?.ved _that b:7 -law No. 1768 be now read a third time and finally passed....«.......Carriad ;,1769 !'.Tovell !a T: I% Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green And resolved that by-law No. 1769 being a by-law to authorize she provision of m=icinal and school tam credits for the assistance of el.Terly persons ne now read a first time, . , i .. , i « .. Carries' lio? T"oved bT: P. V.,olfe and Seconded by: a. green And resolve('. that 'Ir) -v -law T.7o. 1769 be now read a ^econd time..... Carr:' e-? b-17. A. r'si.nosand Seconded by: r;, Wolfe And res; vad ';hat I -y -law ?'o. 3.769 be noir rea ' a Chir-. time ane. finall-.r passed........Carried 11.r. Roos Carron me', with Coun^il to liscuss t., -.e --)rorosed anreement witI- tho municipality concerpainp the water su-)p17 st-ster for nis mo'�ile !some park at Eden, as prepared by our solicitor. Tne cler?- ;,as nstructe-I to send a copTN of t'"e proposed a�r~reement to tll-e T'inistrt. of the Fn�rironmert for t'.eir cortments. rn' e report a^ prepared, h•;r A. j. '�'raham Enrincerinf- "on 3-z�_ta�'^t^ L-.1. for he Strafr.fordville 1,11unicipal Drain wa^ consi-' �rerl h -r C�a,rncil. The ''�! erk the i was instzcted to !,,ave coni r-~ of `h report -t to all affected parties and the meeting set for tj ery_r core 3ideratlon at them ""o..,r:•:ship Tull, Strafford- ville on 7-11or-Tay, Jul -,r ?1, at 8:00 .Tn... «... •Carried 7171o" r7 I)-, : F1.. Ore eT, and Seco- ded 177: ". 9pchaf er That the followirrr accounts be annrcv+'4 ; 'fir,3�0! S?. for welfare; '� �'? , 6 5,2 'r for Qe�?eral accoj,xt �; "'7,-6c,75 'or �i.,a't d�rars;l,!:no.3'' for roals; 'loads.. re, ..vo,,rr-srs.........................•..,.....,.,....'^,3?0,5CN list il.-.re �.-7.5..... l ........ • ♦ ........ , . l . l 71-- . , Rcad-,.. r,­� ♦ ♦pad- list Jure lr-3Q... « .... 99570-16........................................ ! , ............... . ... ! • ........ , , .. 1,;., X0.514 r'ennis O'aran,, .. re.. fire dept. repa" rte....... ! ....... ♦ ....... 1 ''lm. �Tr..derhi1_l.. sa'_ary ?,c, alln.�a�ce.. Tar............ .42 ? 19.64 ♦ ... • ..... ,.ac Vor Tub,., "i'��ons..TIur. Frain d- t.,rNnture... • .. • ....... 1 r^O-ist-ry rffic,-_,.. Tray conveyances......!!!••••...••.•..••,!. ,15,2.70'' 12.00 Ontar ro Yivdro.. street li rr_h 15 ?_ e^. T'rovrn 3'v:►de.. incentiv, pro.rrra: supplies ............ . ... • . $ James 3. Davi sor .. ar_i rxal cor trot 54 00 .... • ........... . .. ! .. , ..... ?live -ICI Cana�?a Lt.d..po!-tin -machine. ! 2,546'75\ , ... , ..... ♦ ... ! ... ! ! .. ♦ I% G. We';ster Stationery Lt c? . • si_pplies.... « , .. 19.6 , . • .. • ..... , .. .- unicipal Tf'orld Ltd.. dof- tars. ! .... , ........ w .. ! .... ! 87,16 ........ J.'?ennis..°"our�cil........•.,.♦1 52.4C ...................«.•...... As n rr s'} 2 1� *� Green.. 'r }L . ....................................»..... B-* .lilf rr 55•0 0 e .. ...................... • ..... l ...... • .. • ... Elcin Co -w= y hoard of 71ducation. • a/c^ lc --(t..... 50.60 87, ?20.00\ • . ♦ • . • ... ♦ • • • , El~in Covurt-- P . ' . . 7 . Board .. a/c ,:gin; ................. l ...... 1a., 7` 2 w 90\ Debenture account.. the drai nape paT,rmel ts.. • .. , ........ • .... 505,53\ Ross Learx:..f �)x bount........ . ........ • ............. « . • . ! .... 4 T• '..". Canada Ltd. .tax 'bills .... l.....,....l.l....l....... -CO 559.45\ --'ernlea r'lowers Ltd..F,.ob+. rraves 12.60 ................ w . «.... • ! .. J . D. c,/or rear- 7allee. *fur: Ira .n debentr1rc.. «. ♦ ... ! ... ! .. ♦ . 1 212 E�2\ L. D. Vallee..retiremer_t al..lo-Jar ce....... • .... , .. , . • ..... , . • • 1.50.00 J• A . "etrie . ♦ sa June 1-15,............ 24#5.00\ .ar�i= • .......... . .. . .. ♦ V. �ranl, e' of s. • sAlary :r it ................. 170.00 • ... ♦ w .... ! .. Ontario ydro..office....................♦.w................ 81.74 'eceiver General for Canada..pcsta e..•....,........•.♦..•.. 100.00 i'ur.tinrton Labora pries.. ^leaning. • ................ 1i�C.0J ! . » . ! .... ?'itr_ev Dowes♦.meter rental...... 2�w7 ♦..,•.,•.................... Faro -.d Der..:,is..fire chief. T=e. . 60.00 Robt . n ran ` .. doput fire cn i of ..,71-1 45-00 . n�y ^tr` Sto:�?.?une 1,652.QC.T � Advance � ont ainer off' "anada. L4-1. . June ...... 5 �7 83\ , ... , . • .. • ....... L. TA. Petrie..convention e�:verse...•...w..♦....!«..,..,•.... , 133.9Q AT*lme r In . 7:1-j ? .. f ire i_• _n e .. , ........... ?7.59 Claude E. Milson • .Mun. drain debenture.... q62, 8N . ♦ . • » » » • « ... • . ! • , Is �7. As netrie..salary June 16-30.00•,..l.«••..«..8!•.00.0.00 285.00 . V. "anD e l ^'. s... rr it ................ ♦ .......... ' 70 00 , . Teceiver 'Teneral for ^dna �a..der'uc�;ions.. J�Kne.. • . • .. ! • ♦ ... • . 179,02 r ?• seductions ._ •. i. . Custom Concrete•.Peidl dram..l...........•........,••....•. l�Tune•••••••••••♦••!.•w••••••..••.••!,•7V• 61•?5 C. T T. 'tattle Cor_struction Lt -d • . Peill drain ......... 2, 704.10\ , . ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . « • C3r_t. '?un. Foard.. Catfi s�.-:rc�pIr and C.E! Smith drains....... ;�?♦ni? Dw T . ^owar. ..TTe-fril_1 drain.... 40.50 • ! ............. • ........... . ... ' Dellert3 Tile Ltd. e'' _rda:_-Cheesz an anc Peid�'_ 'ray._~,.s lI? . ,"OX Crane Service.»Tam"tog.»«•.,.,♦/....♦.♦l../..w•!•..1.••• •C 00'� Charcon Iroducts Ltd..feidl drain......•...•.........»...l.. 4.1 - 811!65\ r• Lamer..a. rail. 55 •Pcidl • . . . , . . . • .. , . . . . . . . . • . • ... ... • • ! • . • ♦ • ! ". Peid?..Peidl. drain..............w....l.•.•.....»»...•..•. *OC) 175.00 F. url;lvs..Pvidl drain...♦....• 00000 .................:.......... • LT, Petri:�l,Pe�.dl c�rair•.♦..........,. •...•.....•...,,....... �'I. !Telson..Peidl drain....................l................. ������ �. 1170 Rol t . Tw Yarlatr.. Adler detain ................... • ............ , . "''775 - 'falter ''el3on ..Adler drab_ z. , .... , ...................... . .... 44 0''5 and that this C ounc {.1 now ati.' j c,ima to met again on Au cast 2, at 7 : OC P.m. Ceve, Clerk _ �. _� _........,.. courcil Au -', st 2 , ' X72 The re�:ular meeting: of Council for the month of Aull'ust was hxA"I.d I.; ; �Trr;o:�• :.�eeir L ..'.�:C]...��.'�rS _.. • ,..zr�'c. , • ..,'J .•iia.L vl 'arl • �.1 '� �. a Au_ a. �% • --' ; I-,-,.. Asi.'.os an,13 ')coo- _ 'e R_ Y� i ? `�. to # i` �'`. �``� r ' .�xl'I `T?`rnp '�� , �t��n!r 1-..#a ra'TI 'ie; *� n± , al a t^ A -21- r a r -s ,, .t„ 1-� 'Q.;-' ' ;. Tr. e T� n e i3 " _ ... ,.. at „y., A n -., X- - :._,,, i rs.�.► ..7 fy ,..., �" „ i f ; �. i ! � .. .`] r .. �f v .-.L � . < .: L �. v .,.3 ...� 1 J 1 Q 1 Gs �..i, t, . . .J a _ � • �tarol o► -in is, P chl Pr, rc c tel that Gary .ataCIr' .' , Donal' .!,-rlr— 'F."^- z • �, v v.--,! � '�!^. '�, IA • tY1 �r 4 � �"1 /1 1'`p w -, en e A r r ; lz t of vols me _% f'ir _r en for n atter-ilanco "ire ora^t.ices. Ter. i terest�►' rarvics met Ai Co�-.nci.? to reQ':st i'urtAr c+-sideratwvn . e riven to th*g 3-raf.for-'.via e T"i.li icina . 'Drai'�. �`>�f�ar��' r? o'e,�;'"t''. Th is that .`he o-!ierall cos -,-.-:gas exce:is vA -'or tl-e benefits to be received, I*r. '_Tc- 1). , r­bhrin , met .:it'_ Co-,iremarlin-� his numnho,lse -.t ; ^ . ad to ,c removeL whi-le roar construction was carrie T out on the Fifth concession roa-? . r' urn rR m 2 �t ,,.fit � {,0,, n - 0 1SS �''�.a-s r'or 4 e nronoSe:� L r s _ .CI 10 v .� _L �_ co,'=ay..JA_, r ce?"'tre buil:'Z�'- a`' and f't.nanCin. c-. e f?.tirt?.er left, a rnouAst ia.tIA, Co�lcil to cCIi3'.der e closir- off' t'2e onion of Se^cr '. _n west of his John V an7'elois met with Council to liscuss nossible bull--Iozer wor':. Jack 'Farclay m1!t witi: C'?unc"_1 to iscu—:,- tl-.,a reollire;Tlt is of the re^reation committee. '':e fol.lo6,in corresnonderce was Carl Altenb-�r7..re..offer of :-,lanni:nr services Mini str-,' of t e E--ivirorment .. re .. Carson Mobile Home par!: water a^-reement Ministry* of Transportation !k. Ccmm�n:icat ons..re f7arbae dis^osal s _te n'it -ici i require' 14inistrtr of mrar sportat-I.on I'- Commu--icat zons. . re. . sunplemertar-,- subsid%- allocation ($5,60C.) TOW-.13hin of MiddI-'ton..re..r+!ouest to endorse resolution re schiol orenin.ps - Department of Ar-riculture.. re..ra�-ies areas.. J,Lne w gibson, Linton. rToth "-. C?dcrjian..re.,equalI_zation factor an7eal Erin Couaty Lar l Division Committee..re, . ceverar,ce request..S. Mueller Assoc. of Mu_nicinalities of (Intar4.o..re. .request f^r assistance with Fell anpf al A. J. Graham Eng'. Cans. Ltr.. •re..Ham-,ton Drain repairs A. J. rra'iam..re.. comments on tonin' Dent. of Labour. .re. .inspection �^�^n^Y s�.ri� it,es re trench excavations. Tr,�:asurer of &ntario..re.. safct-.r liason meetinLrs Treasurer of Ontario .. re .. con strnct, j. or sa.f et-- and en'orcemert c love:I I^Y : R. rrcen and Seconded blir : M. Schafer 77hat Cary Matschke, Burns K-ckenzie and Donald Howev be dismissed fro the vn-l_linteer fire de^artment for non-atten lance at fire nractires and t iat A-,,lmer °-, Malahide Tel.ephor.e Co. bA requester' to disConnect their fire alarm nh.ones....... , , ..Carrie: Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That this Council endorse the resolution of the Township of 1.iddleton in regt.-.e.stin- the 11irister of Education to r'ela-, the orenincr of secondar•r s Chools in the toba^co rri-� nm ar^a „rti:? Seat. 25t':. wl-thout any lr)ss of grant3 to the sc'-.00l involved..........Carried Mnvel 'n7— R. '.`olfe anal S*!conded ht-: A. ^situs That tht road superi-tendent be a,_ -it �rai�.a � n t',F, Villa -e of Eden on h4'-al.f of t,' -.e Tow�.s'1. _^ ria' �'arrie�. ''•Roves' by: M. Schafer and Seconded b T : R. greAn That this municipality suer' and install s� ffi.cien` plastic pipe, " in diamater to repl_ac that which. was removed �urinr- the r^^oxostrtzction of ti:c 5t.h. concession road. .The said 'wipe -:all_ extend from the pump -house of Geo. r'ehrir to t?�e sc��at'.�►rl T i�_r�it of t' e "armer roa,'_ allowar_ce to c inne^t with an c�:�. stj.nf7 pine..... Carrie Moved -.; "I. S^haf^r and S^c�rdc,� Th at Laurence Parker be notified to remove = 1172 G. T �. Cattle +'onstr. j.�tcl..Pcicll. • ` 406,25 �► `'alter Nelson. .Schooley• .,iaf-yar-Diela-l..(orinth. , ....... 3?.50 Robert T� ),nrla-r, . "orintchooIcY7*.."'Ta�--; ar D el!�an.... • , 1?�.00 Robert Pyerla;r..'ampton..000010000.•..•0000•,...•0000,. 42 001 Im • TTndcrhil' .'wagc s and mileame for 110 0 i Straffor:-Lville Communit,,r Centre Poar�-..Lihranr rent,,,, ?1.0.00 Treasurer of Ontario. .c.Lpropr? atior reTalation' s........ 2.00 !TC -;IS Printing Co.. advert..... , • ...... « ...... • . • .. , ..... 15.1.0 ,J.anes S. Daviso-,.. ani",a1 control ............. . ... • ... , . 36.00 + • n �F� e� • �-h �- ►- Straf f. +199. ri ;� t?n .zrz ., .�fc�ro • , Utr...ft li, t en 1r -n.. • Eden 204 . i76 Corinth 17.50 Rich. 634 17 4dO.0I.� Eli;?.n rount7 Lilrary ..historickl atlas 151,20 J. Dennis26.20 A. Csinos.• "................••...•.............. 26,50 n p. Greer:.. ...•.............,..,.•.....•..•...« 27.50 ". 'chafcr .. "0000.,.,....t...................t.., 25.2C P. WolfA.. " ����.............•....«.,,....,...,. ?.5,3^ "arolr'. 'enr.is.• fire 3'�.00 Jac?- "I�zTill.. " ........................•..• 3F,'^ Robt. Grant.. " ...................•.......• 15 O0 Perm 102, l or.all- Pate s.. " x...........,0000,.........• 42.00 Robt♦ I'Oshal.• " •••••.r•••••••••••••••••••., 06.00 Walter 'Ioore.. " ....,.......•....,,•.....,.. 84 -CO Andy Ta.rlor•• tt ...,..........,.,...«•0000., 36.O0 LeRo-;• Taylor. • " ......... , 0000 • 0000.. , • 0000 , 78, 00 Merlyn, Forris.. " .....•...................•.• 10i.00 Donald I ow y.. Br,rns ?"TcKenzi c .. " .......... . .......... . 0 0 0 0 .. '2 CO Stuart McTTenzie.. " 0000...« ..............•0000. 66.00 TIac Gibbcis.. " •...................•.,..... ?6.�0 Jim Gibbons.. " .•.•........................ 44,00 Ronson Sar._har?.. " r.t«.•.....•..t....,..•,.... 54,OC "ary T�natscrke.. 12.00 Jack Barclay 12,00 cr' " 16 00 Hillis T'Iarr.. " ,.........,«...•.•0000..•... 6.00 Rol -t. Dennis.. " .......................•..•. 6.00 Fran?- Rl!-iser.. " ... • ........... . . ........... 12.00 Tom Youse..cu*tinMrasG ...............•............•.. 3.00 Straff• Recreation 60!.00'i Debenture accoin.t..tilc drai-a .re paT,rr�ten*s.... • 0 0 0 0 .. • .2,1?0,03` Receiver r-eneral for Canada. .nosta e, 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 ... , 0 0 0 0 10C.00 El_r-in Co-Nerative Services.. Straff. . St. ? t , equip.... $1_ •06 Ro-r Incl &: Sans Ltd.. air. con-.itioner. • . r • .. • • .. • t , . • .1, 814 50, Aylmir 22068 Gestetner Canada) Ltd.. suppli s.. • ... • .. . ......... . .. 67.43 The Ontario Education Can. Aid Corp..debcrture pyI--.. • .6,750,^0♦ Peer-- Smit:"... office he:?n ....................•......... 10.25 Pefirie..mi 3_eae................. « ........... , 0000 10.00 Ihinicipal 1orld 23.63 ui!.i A-encies O--57 Lo'_ -lon• L td.. s,Iin-)li'3s Ew 31.24 T - Salanr Jul.-- 1_15 235 00" V. VanDelois.. " ..«....•................ 170,00 David iWam •.Tuttine- grass.......,...•0000.•.,........, 3 -OC J. D. Vallee..retirermnt allowance .... 1501.00 Peerless Rubber Stamp rTfg..sta*�n,0000.•0000,0000...,.. 3.15 S. Sas 0'. Lvsy..tax rebate re. A.R.C..•.•,«.••.•.•,. 3q.52 Roger Caiisyr,.." ..••0000.,0000.. 4.35 Peter Bohm.. it.. , « ... , ........ )5. • 88 itDon Graham.. ..,.....,...M... 14.35 Jas. McDonald., it V. DePlancke .. is , 0 0 0 0 ... • . , .. , .. 0,08 Elip.i l_er .. " ............... • 12.15 Registrf Office.. June convc►;rances............. . ... . ... 6.9© Harold Dennis•.fire chief...,«•r,,••r00.00•.,•.,0900.•60.00t Robt • Grant • . dep • fire chief.... . . . . • • • . , • . , . . , . . . . • • `.-5.0`^� St. Thomas Sanitary Cnllections Services Ltd..J�ly....1,652.00� A lvance Container of Canada LtO .. Jahr, • . • 0 • 0 . , 0 • 0 . , • 0 , 587.83 Aylmer & Malahide Telephone Co..firer 1_ine..... , 0 0 0 0 .. , 26.93 Diamond Lamp Co..Eden bulbs.. • ..............«..,0000.. 51. Work. men's Compensation Board.. compensation...... « 6 0 6 0 . 290.E David Ward.•cutt3�-," brass ............................. 3,00 I 0 1'.73 3traf_f ordville ^.ornmru, tt- Centre poar .. ad eT.. - . , .... , • ...... '?^G . •� J. A. 1'etric. , salary J-,.� T , (-,_3�................... . . • ........ 2850 - V. VanPeloiiAs.. 11...«.•......« ............... 170I00 Rviceiv�r Cr (% �ra�.. . �� .��ct«Ln�:� � Y*� . . . . . . . a .. . . .. ► . . . • . I .. .. 1 78 v .......................................�7,G0G.cco%, anal that t:l-.s e_'3 __ _,i1 - ,� ac.,�ourn to ~sect arra-_-. c~1 a, A special meeting of ecu rc3.� £_ {. - �' • r ''; Reeve J. Dennis Coungillors R. Green, M. Schafer X.%Alan Stinson, representing A. Ltd., was in attendance, however, report as preparedfor the Dielm Cn•tnci.?_ sStraf'nr4 -Til 1 e Au7,ust 15, 1972 r t' Die�man rain, ar -; presided with Deputy -Reeve A. Csinos and B. Wolfe in attendance. J. Graham Engineering Consultants none of the assessed parties on the an Municipal Drain was in attendance. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the report of A. J. Graham Engineering Consultants Ltd. for the Dielman Municipal Drain be accepted and the Clerk instructed to have the necessary by-law prepared.........Carried Mr. Clayton Jackson, representing several interested parties present, again requested Council to reconsider the report as presented for the proposed Straffurdville Minicipal Drain and left a petition signed by some 99 people against the drain for Council's information. and The following items of correspondence were reviewed: Minister of Education..re..reply to endorsement of Middleton resolution Ministry of Education..re..explanation of increase in school levy Can. Pac. Railway..re..approval of Straffordville Drain assessment Dept. of AgriculttLre..re..rabies areas --July Elgin County Plowmen's Assoc..re..request for grant Ont. Assoc. of Municipalities..re..legislation changes The report of -the clerk's of Aldborough, Malahide and Bayham for the determination of representation to the Elgin County Separate School Board was presented showing one representative to be elected from the municipalities of Bayham, Vienna and Port Burwell. Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That Donald Howey be paid $b, for fire call attendance for the period subsequent to July report until dismissal.........Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos Whereas this municipality requested funds under the Local Initiatives Program carried out by the Federal Government during the winter of 1971-72: AND Whereas the program submitted by the municipality was approved in principle but no funds were forthcoming: AND Whereas it is anticipated that because of the extremely poor crops in this area that the normal winter employment in the seasonal stripping of the tobacco crop will be much cubtailed: AND Whereas there will be insufficient employment during this harvest for many persons to make sufficient contributions to collect unemployment insurance: AND Whereas experience has shown that those qualifying for unemployment insurance must wait upwards of eight weeks for payment and are.thus forced to be placed on the welfare roll: THEREFORE be it resolved that the Council of the Township of Bayham petition the Federal Government to make extra funds available to this municipality to combat the anticipated unemployment during the winter of 1972-73*** ,,,,Carried 1171 Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the application of Honore VanAcker and Yvonne VanAcker for a tile drainage loan for Lots 13 & 14, Conc. 4. in the amount of $3000. be approved.........Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That this Special meeting of Council now adjourn........Carried Council Chambers, Straffordville September b, 1972 The regular meeting of Council for the month of September was held this evening. Reeve J. L. Dennis presided with Deputy -Reeve A. Csinos and Councillors R. Green, M. Schafer and B. Wolfe in attendance. Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the minutes of the meetings held August 2, and August 15, having been examined by the Members are hereby approved and the Reeves signature authorized on same.............Carried Mr. Clayton Jackson met with Council to present further protest against any additional moneys being spent on the proposed Straffordville Municipal Drain as designed by A. J. Graham Engineering Consultants Ltd. Mr. Gordon Wavell, representing Wm. Hoggarth Real Estate Ltd. presented a proposal to Council whereby they could purchase a gravel pit being offered for sale at a cost of $90,000. Messrs. Wa. Mcintyre and B. Bentley met with Council to give a resume of the service offered by their firm, Business Computer Services, with regard to computerized tax billing and data processing. Otto Mathusik met with Council to give his estimates for the construction of ,new sidewalks in various parts of the Township. Mr. Walter'Nelson and Mervin Kaufman met with Council to discuss some necessary repairs to the Nevill Municipal Drain. Messrs. Ralph McLaughlin and Royden Cathers met with Council to review the present coverage for insurance and make suggested revisions. The following items of correspondence were reviewed: Peter C. Connolly..re..acknowledgement of resolution re Loc. Initiatives Pr Harold Stafford..re..acknowledgement of resolution re Loc. Initiatives Prog Elgin Land Division Committee..re..severance request --Varga & Papp Ont. Prov. Police..re..reply re &avid Chute request for stop signs Advance Container of Can. Ltd..re..notice to drivers re covering trucks Ont. Mun. Board..re..notice of hearing..Volkaert & Mulbock v%s Land Div. Co Ont. Mun. Board..re..dismissal of appeal Vandewyngaerd & Brisseau v/s Land Division Committee McKay McKay & Vedova..re..adjustment in school levy & reply by Linton Elgin Cty. Bd . Of Ed. . re .. refund of surplus from Oxford Board Dept, Of Agriculture..re..rabies areas --August Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That Otto Matheusik be authorized to install approximately 1,500 feet of concrete sidewalks as required in the hamlets of Eden, Corinth, Richmond and Straffordville at a cost of $2.01 per lineal foot; said sidewalks to be 36" wide and 4" thick.........Carifed Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That this Council does not approve the request for severance of Joseph Varga & Ethel Varga and John Papp being parts of Lots b & 7 Conc. 3, as these premises are not fit for habitation.......Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the Elgin -St. Thomas Health unit be requested to investigate the % former school house situated on Lots b & 7, Conc. 3 and if not consid4red fit for habitation the building be condemned.......6arried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the firm of A. J. Graham Engineering Consultants Ltd. be requested to submit a report under Section 49 of the Drainage Act for repairs to the Nevill Municipal Drain......Carried 1175 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That a salvage yard licence be issued to Chilcott Bros....Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That a salvage yard licence be issued to Jules Vandenbussche ... Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That building permits be approved as follows: Verne Soper horse barn $2,500. Edward Roloson 3 bay garage etc. $,000. Howard Jackson storage shed 500. Remi VandeSlyke greenhouse 500. Thomas Godby dwelling 20,000. Robert Foutre greenhouse 39500. Asel Bartlett garage 1,800....Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the application for a tile drainage loan for Cornelius DeKraker and Tilly DeKraker in the amount of $3,000. be approved......Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the application of Gabriel & Daniel DeCloet for a tile drainage loan in the amount of $4,800. be approved......Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That subject to prior payment of tax arrears, the following properties be registered under the provisions of the Municipal Affairs Act: J. Roy Beckett..part Lot 17, Conc, 10 J. Hedderson..part Lot 4, Conc. 8 Lo A. Vandenberrt.Lots art Lot 1811Conc,10 Conco 7 C. White.. Lot 26, Plan 25$, Gray St. S/S J. Morse..part Lots 1 & 2 and ROW plan 22, Talbot Rd. E/S Owner Unknown..part SE 4, Comm. 242.350 W of SE angle Lot 6, Conc. 9 .........Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the request of Burns McKenzie for the closing of a portion of Second Street in the Village of Straffordville be denied....Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by, M. Schafer That the firm of John B. Dodd ltd. be engaged to prepare a report on the petition for drainage from the redidents of the hamlet of Eden...Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That J. Petrie be authorized to continue correspondence course at a cost of $95. for the 1972-73 school year.....Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That members of Council and the Clerk be paid remuneration of $15. plus mileage for attendance at meetings required for planning and other purposes excepting regular and special meetings of Council... Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That the resolution passed by Council May 1, 1972 instructing the Clerk to commence expropriation proceedings against the lands of Clara Marshall be recinded.......Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham approves the application of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham to expropriate _ Lots 6 & f. and a portion of Second Street in the Village of Straffordville and the Clerk instructed to prepare a by-law approving same...Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer #1770 And resolved that By-law No. 1770 being a by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and for,borrowing on the credit of the municipality the sum of $19$$5.9 the portion to be constructed by the municipality** *****Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconddd by: R. Green _ Ind resolved that by-law No. 1770 be now read a Second time and provisional passed............Carried 1176 Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by; B. Wolfe And resolved that By-law No. 1771 being a by-law to impose a special annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed ;1771 under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971 be now read a first time...Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1771 be now read a Second time ... Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: A. Csinos And resolved that Ey-law No. 1771 be now read a third time and finally passed.«........Carrried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1772 being a By-law to stop up and close x#1772 and sell a portion of Second Street in the hamlet of Eden in the Township of Bayham be now read a first time.....,..Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: A. Csinos And resolved that by-law No. 1772 be now read a Second time....Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the following accounts be approved: $15,150.69 for roads and $30,719.09 for general accounts: Roads..vouchers....................0«..«....,.,.,,,...«.....$10,$66,17 --, Roads..pay list..Aug. 1-15........0 ......................... Roads..pay list.«Aug. 16-31 ..............................«.. 19473.4$ 2,811.04 '*_1 welfare......................0000.«......................... 4,697«84---, Jean & Annette Challeyssin..ti.le drainage loan..........,«.. -$,330.00\ Walter Nelson.«tile drainage inspections....,.*****,,,..,*** 70.00 Debenture Atteunt 0 . Mile _drain 19997,46\ Wilfred Harper... livestock valuator.«..« .................... 4.00 Raymond Mitts.... livestock killed.........«.««..........««.. 30.00 Wm. Underhill...salary & mileage - July.......« ............. 66.35 Aylmer & Malahide Telephone Co«.office.......«.............. 78.10 News Printing Co.....advertising ............................ 6.72 Hamilton Ward & Cathers Ins ... office & fire hall..........,. 236.26 W.G.Webster Stat. Ltd.000.supplies.«........00000000000.00.0 6.04 Dorothy Hurst......adv. M/A..0000..«..«..................... 101.00 Assoc. of Mun. of Ont...grant ..............«................ 30.00 Hill Agencies of London Ltd«00.90suppl««.0.0.0..09.0«.00.000 52.69 Straffordville C.C.Board 0000....grant+...........«......... 850000 , David Ward....0......cutting grass. ... 0000..."..0.........«.. 3.00 Dorothy Hu.rst....0.00...«advance M%AO....«.«....«««..«..«... 129.00 Registry Office.«.....Ju1y conveyances,*.,,.,.,***,*,,,,,,,, 10.50 Sanfax Ind. Ltd.......Fire Dept. Supplies.... ............... 222.38 James Davison..0......animal control...«...0................ 42.00 Tom Wells...«.0.0«9.«.park repairs....0000.«.«.,..........,. 147.00 Debenture account......school deb«.00.9««0.0«0«............. 9228.00s. Don Howey...«.....«...fire cal.ls............................ 6.00 Treasurer Of Ont........maps................................ 7.56 JOA.Petrie....«........sal.Aug.l-15.....«................... 2$5.00\ V. VanBelois0.......... n n n n0 ........................ 170.00 Roger Casier........... livestock valuator.........«,........ 3.50 J.D.Vallee....«........retirement allowance ................. 150000 Walter Nelson.«........Wolfe & C.P.R.drain problem.......... 10.00 Redge Goldthorpe.0...0.poultry killed......«.........«0000,. 30.00 Provincial Treasurer... ,.insulin ............................ 1.12 J.Dennis...............Council...............«.............. 78,60 A. Csinos.............. " .................«.«..,....... 79.50 R. Green............... " 0000.«........................ M. Schafer...*......... " .................«............ 55.00 75.60 B. Wolfe ............... " 0000«.«......,.........,...... 75.90 David Ward......«....«.Cutting Grass...... .................. 3.00 y Olivetti Canada Ltd. ... Service contract ..................... 135.38 Harold Dennis....«.....Fire Chief.....«Aug.................. 60.00 Robt. Grant....«.......Deputy Fire Chief.«.Aug.............. 45.00 St. Thomas Sanitary Coll. Servo Ltd..........««...«.«,...... 1652«00\ Advance Container of Can. Ltd ............... « ..... , . , ....... 587. $3•., Geo. Beard... *.*,....,*Corinth St. Lts...«...............«.. 11«08 A. & M. Tel. Co.....O..Fire Line:...........«..••••••,•••••• 2 .98 Jim Ward............««.Cutting Grass ........................ 3,00 V.VanBelois..........«.sal. Aug. 16-31««....« ............... 170.00 J. Petrie.*....... n n n "...................... 285.00`•, Omers..................Ded. " ........................,.... 115.12 Rec. General........... " " ............................. 159.90- . C o .... . P e i dl Drain ..... 0000000.0000.0 , 0 0 0 0.. A. J. Graham Enftd..*****Corinth 5 7. 5 2 Dellers Tile Drain ........................ 15.12 n n n *......Hampton Drain... ..................... .01 Ont. Mune Board.....«..Peidl Drain .......................... 1. 11 I* Moved by: R. Green and That this Council now ........Carried.... eeve Seconded adjourn to 1177 by: M. Schaf er meet again on October 11, 1972, at 10:00A. Clerk Council Chambers, Straffordville September 27, 1972 A special meeting of Bayham Township Council was held today for the purpose of dealing with the opening of radio tenders and the information survey conducted during the past summer, and -other routine matters. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Councillors R. Green, M. Schafer and B. Wolfe in attendance. Deputy Reeve A. Csinos was present for the evenigg session. The following items of correspondence were reviewed: Ministry of Consumer & Commercial Relations..re..municipal cemetery responsibilities A. J. Graham Engineering Cos. Ltd..re..presentation of interim account for Straffordville Drain Ministry of the Environment..re..locations of derelict motor vehicles Dr. F. Appleton..re..condemning presises for habitation (L. 6&7 --Con 3) Dept. of Revenue..re..legislative amendments re elections & assessments Ministry of Transportation & Communications..re..sidewalk construction Gibson, Linton, Toth & Odorjan..re..factor appeal and Board of Education Mr. James Fuller met with Council to request a street closing in the hamlet of Richmond. Council agreed to go to the site for inspection during the noon recess. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council now adjourn to reconvene at 1:30 p.m....Carried During the noon recess Council inspected the tires on the road vehicles and found that it was necessary that some be replaced, then inspected the site of the requested road closing in Richmond,.and reconvened at 1:30 p.m. Mr. Douglas Vallee, representing Jewitt & Vallee, met with Council to present the several tenders received for culverts for the recpnstruction of the road between Lots 20 & 21, Conc. 3. The results as follows: Armco..... $6,8V:453.20 Ontario Culvert Westeel Rosco $6,890. Mrs. Janet Nobbs met with Council to protest against a proposed bylaw to prohibit mobile homes being located other than in regulated parks which was on the agenda for discussion during the meeting. Representatives of Tillsonburg Tire & Battery Ltd. and Michelin Tire Co. met with Council to discuss the proposed tire purchases for township vehicles. Tenders were opened as received from the several bidders for the supply and installation of mobile radios for the fleet of road vehicles. Results as follows: Canadian Motorola Electronics Compan ............$x+,555.10 International Aeradio (North America Limited.... 6,283.00 Canadian Marconi Company ......................... 59210.67 Canadian General Electric ........................ 41977.30 The clerk was instructed to send all tenders to the Ministry of Transportation & Communications to ascertain that all specifications had been met before accepting any tender. Mr. Ross Andrews met with Council to discuss the res*lts of the information survey conducted through the months of July and "ugust, culminating in his report which had been previously presented to Council. 1178 Mr. Allen Stinson, representing A. J. Graham Engineering Consultants Ltd., met with Council to discuss the disposition of the report as prepared and presented for the Straffordville Municipal Drain. Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: R. Green That the tender of Ontario Culverts for the supply of one structural plate culvert 101 x 1251 and four 18" diameter culverts with a total length of 2201 be accepted subject to the approval of the Ministry of Transportation & Communications.........Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the quotation of Domtrec Sales Ltd. for the performance of a traffic count in the amount of $667.25 be accepted; said count to be for 17 automatic counters @ $39.25 each.............Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: B. Wolfe The quotation of Tillsonburg Tire & Battery Ltd. in the amount of $1,719.90 (net) plus sales tax be accepted for delivery and installation of eight 1000 x 20 XZZ and eight Michelin tubes and two tires E 20 Pilate and E 20 tubes and two 8.5 x 20 rims.........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded b: R. Green That Ross Andrews be paid the sum of T400. for the information survey conducted during July and August........Carried Moved by: R, Green and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That this Council now adjourn to reconvene at 8:00 p.m....Carried Council reconvened at 8:00 p.m. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green That this Council request the Secretary of the Elgin County Board of Education to appeal the decision of the arbitrator's meeting of July 6, 1972 to the Ontario Municipal Board........ Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That taxes for 1973 and subsequent years be payable in two interim installments payable March 15 and June 15 and tax billings be due on September 15 and December 15. Penalties be payable at the rate of 1% per month on overdue installments and discounts be allowed at the rate of J% per month for advance payments...... Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That 1973 tax bills be prepared by Business Computer Services at an estimated cost of $794, to include interim and final billings... Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That D. L. Hefren be notified to cease building on his property until such time as the necessary permits are procured from the Ministry of Transportation & Communications and this municipality...Carried L Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the application for a"%ile drainage loan in the amount of $6,4.00. for Josten Farms Ltd* be approved........Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: R. Green That the application for a tile drainage loan in the amount of $1,800. for Clifford Humphrey and Eleanor Humphrey be approved.....Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That Ontario Hydro be requested to install a street light in the Village of Straffordville at or near Lot No. 17, Fourth Street; said street light to be styled similar to those presently in use in the area....Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the report of A. J. Graham Engineering Consultants Ltd. as prepared for the Straffordville Municipal Drain be accepted and the Clerk instructed to have the necessary bylaws prepared. A9recorded vote was requested: Dennis --yea, Csinos--yea, Green ---yea, Schafer ---yea, Wolfe---yea.............Carried 1773 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that by-law No. 1773 being a by-law to require the owners t of enc a privately ownd outdoor swimming pools be now read a first time.........CarrieT U 11?9 Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that by-law No. 1773 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: A. Csinos And resolved that by-law No. 1773 be now read a third time and finally passed. A recorded vote was requested: Dennis ---yea; Csinos---yea, Green ---yea, Schafer ---yea, Wolfe--nay...........Carried The Members discussed the --merits of passing a bylaw to prohibit the use of trailers for permanents living accomadation in the municipality. It was decided the leave this matter for future consideration. Moved by: Be Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That this special meeting of Council now adjourn......Carried Clerk Council Chambers, Straffordvil October 11, 1972 The Council of the Township of Bayham met in the Council Chambers today. Reeve J. Dennis presided, with Deputy -Reeve A. Csinos and Councillors M. Schafer and Be Wolfe in attendance. Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: Be Wolfe That the minutes of the regular meeting held September 6, and special meeting held September 27 having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same...Carried The correspondence was reviewed as follows: Dept. of Agriculture..re..rabies areas..September Dept. of Agriculture..re..schedule of rabies clinias for East Elgin City of Pembroke..re..request to endorse resolution re censorship Town of-Whitby..re..request to endorse resolution re arena grants Ministry of the Environment..re..Straffordville Drain and local wells County of Elgin..re..apportionment by-law for 1973 Elgin County Land Division Committee..re..severance request..J. Roy Beck Elgin County Land Division Committee..re..severance request..B. McCord Canada Manpower Centre..re..Local Initiatives Program..1972-73 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: Be Wolfe That this Council now adjourn to re -convene at 1:30 p.m....Carried The Court of Revision for the Dieleman Municipal Drain was scheduled for 1:30 p.m., however there being no appeals the Court was not convened. Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: Be Wolfe That this Council endorse the resolution of the City of Pembroke in requesting the Federal and Provincial Minister in charge of censorship of motion pictures, television and book publications to either start to act of they be replaced.........Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: A,: Csinos That the application of Josten Farms Ltd. for a tale drainage loan in the amount of $7,500, be approved.........Carried Moved by: Be Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That this Council has no objections to the proposed severance of the lands of J. Roy Beckett beinpart of Lot 17, Concession 10, Township of Bayham and numbered E 110�72......Carried Moved by: Be Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council has no objections to the proposed severance of'the lands of Wm. Be McCord being part Lot 13, Concession 1, Township of Bayham and numbered E 113/72...9.....Carried Mr. Terry Gill, representing the Canada Manpower Centre discussed the Local Initiatives Program for 1972-73 with Council. The clerk was instruct to procure the necessary forms and submit an application for funds under the program. #1770 #1772 #177L� 1100 Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the building permits be approved as follows: Chas. Newland feed & machine shed Mitchell Farms demolish 2 barns Carl Biro demolish residence Janet Nobbs mobile home Joe Barzo tobacco barn Howard Jackson swimming pohl Evelyn Ryan residence addition Henry Keeble mobile home Geo. Beard residence Andy Dieleman greenhouse Roger Vermeersch demolish greenhouse LeRoy Carroll porch and carport Andy Taylor car port Ronald Roloson storage shop $4,000. 2,000. 500. 9 00, 89200* 61000* 2,000. $,000. 23,000. 2,000. 800 . 1,000. 300, 3,000... Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: A. Csinos That the tender of Canadian Motorola Electronics Company for the supply and installation of a mobile radio system as follows:- one (1 ) base station; antenna and transmission line; and five(5) mobile units: - at a cost of $4,555.10 including federal and provincial sales taxes and approved by the Ministry of Transportation & Communications under date of October 5, 1972, be accepted.......Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: A. Csinos That by-law No. 1770 (Dieleman Drain) be now read a third time and finally passed..........Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: M. Schafer That by-law No. 1772(closing Second St. in Eden) be now read a third time and finally passed...... Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B And resolved that By-law No. 1774 being monuments, markers and other structures abandoned cemeteries be now read a first Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by; M. aAnd resolved that by-law No. 1774 be now Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: And resolved that by-law No. 1?74 be now passed..........Carried . Wolfe a by-law V- t o re -erect cemetery for proper maintenance in time......Carried Schafer read a second time ... Carried A. Csinos read a third time and finally #1?75 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe And resolved that by-law No. 1775 being a by-law,to stop up and close and sell a street or alley in the Hamlet of Richmond in the Township of Bayham be now read a first time......Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos And resolved that by-law No. 1775 be now read a second time...Carried #1776 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe And resolved that By-law No. 1776 being a by-law to provide for repairs to the Nevill Municipal Drain be now read a first time......Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that by-law No. 1776 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by. M. Schafer And resolved that by-law No. 1776 be now read a third time and finally passed........Carried 1[1777 Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe And resolved that By-law No. 1777 being a by-law to impose a special annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first time...Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that by-law No. 1777 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: A. Csinos And resolved that by-law no. 1777 be now read a third time and finally passed........Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the following accounts be approved: $96,284.42 for general accounts and $23,487-13 f or roads; 11$1 Roads..payment vouchers................................$19,779.42\ Roads..pay lists Sept. 1-15............................ 1,469.55.. Roads..pay lists Sept. 16-30........................... 2123$.16 Welfare................................................ 3,794.13. Peters Brown & Co..re..audit.«......................... 2064.6$x, C L. Laing & Son..Richmond street lights.............. 17.69 Pitney Bowes..meter rental ............................. 26.78 Debenture account..tile drainage loans................. 3,144.15\ Treasurer of Ontario..tile drainage loans.... 0*0*000*0* 39267.45*N Wm. Underhill..wages and mileage..Aug.................. 3$.50 J. A. Petrie..Ryerson course........................... 95.00 ` James S. Davison..animal control ....................... 42.00 Registry Office..tax reg. properties.*.*.,*,,,.,**,**,, 6.00 News Printing Co..advert ............................... 25.00 Elgin County Board of Education..a/c levy.............. 70,375.47` Elgin County R.C.S.S. Board..a/c levy.................. 4,199.45\ J. Dennis..Council..................................... $1x,60 A. Csinos.. "...................«...,............. R. Green.. "..................................... 86.00 89.50 M. Schafer.." 81«60 ...............................«..... B. Wolfe.. "..................................... $1.90 J. Petrie..mtgs. & mileage ............................. 47:50 Bill Medlyn..Richmond park weed cutting................ 16.00 J. A. Petrie..sal. Sept. 1-15........................., 2$5,00\ V. VanBelois.. n n to .......................... Aylmer Express..advert....«............................ 170.00 35.64 Ontario Hydro.. office & fire hall...................... 62.93 J. D. Vallee..retirement allowance..................... 150.00 Everitt's Electric..fire dept. rep..................... 8.49 Registry Office..August conveyances..,.,...,«,.,,,,.... $,70 James Ward..cutting grass ...........................«., 3*00 Dorot#y Hurst..welfare adv ........................,.... 20.00 Harold Dennis..fire chief Sept.***.******************** 60.00 Robt. Grant..dep. fire chief Sept...................... 45.00 St. Thomas Sanitary Coll, Serv, Ltd..Sept......,,....«« 1,652.00\ Advance Container of Canada Ltd..Sept.................. 5$7•$3. Akron Mfg. Canada Ltd..fire dept rep................... 3.$'7 Elton Jackson..dog tag sales ........................... Aylmer & Malahide Telephone Co..fire line......,.,..... 110$1.67 21.64 Annie Repasy..municipal drain debenture................ 2,713.$3% J. A. Petrie..salary Sept. 16--30,..«.....,«,...,«,.,.,. 2$5.00 V. VanBelois.. n n n ....................... Receiver General for Canada..deductbons Sept........... 170.00 180.62 OMERS.,deductions Sept................................. 120.44 Robt. Byerlay..Nevill Drain ............................ 25$.00\ A.J. Graham Engineering Cons. Ltd..Va11&c9 . Drain . , .. , . , 31x, 71 Geo, Beard..Nevill Drain.............................«. 30.00 A. J. Graham Engineering Cons. Ltd..Dieleman Drain..... 350,00. Deller=s Tile Ltd..Nevill & Wallace Drains*****,******* 12.65 J. A. Petrie:.Dieleman Drain*** 40.00 V. VanBelois..Dieleman Drain.....................,..... 10.00 and that this Council now adjourn to meet again on November 1, 1972.. .....«.Carried A special meeting of Council was held on presided with Deputy Reeve A. Csinos and in attendance. The purpose of the meeting conduct a tour of the road system. 1182 Council Chambers, Straffordville October 25, 1972 the above date.. Reeve J. Dennis Councillors M. Schafer and B. Wolfe was to review correspondence and Correspondence reviewed as follows: Town of Tillsonburg..re..invitation to opening bf Community Centre Complex on November 1 Elgin Planning Board..re..recommendations to the Provincial Treasurer on the future composition of Elgin County Elgin Land Division Committee..re..severance request ---F. Pargauskas A. J. Graham Engineering Cons. Ltd..re..interim billing--Straffordville Drain Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That this Council endorse the recommendations of the Elgin Planning Board as contained in the Second Draft Response to the Treasurer of Ontario re. Prospects for The Lake Erie Region........Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That this Council has no objections to the proposed severance of the lands of Salomeja Pargauskas and Frank Pargauskas being parts of Lots 133 and 134 Conc. 7, and numbered E 11$/72..........Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That A. J. Graham Engineering Consultants Ltd. be paid the sum of $6,000. on account for engineering services on the Straffordville Municipal Drain... .........Carried • Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That this Council now adjourn to conduct a tour of the several roads in the Township where construction has been carried out during the year and to examine various places where future construction is necessary and when said tour is completed that this special meeting of Council adjourn..... .......Carried Council Chambers, Straffordville November 1, 1972 The regular meeting of Council for the Township of Bayham was held on the e bove date. Reeve J. L. Dennis presided with Deputy -Reeve A. Csinos and Councillors R. Green, M. Schafer and B. wolfe in attendance. Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That the Council minutes of the regular meeting held October 11 and special meeting held October 25, having been examined by the members,are hereby approved and the Reevets signature authorised on same.......Carried The correspondence was reviewed as follows: Ministry of Treas., Econ.*-& I. G. A..re..planning meeting of October 17, and results of same --4b A. J. Graham Engineering Cons. Ltd..re..Conservation Authority grant to Wallace Municipal Drain Geo. Beard..re..re nest for street light on John St.....Corinth Elgin Cty. Bd. of ducation..re..liason meeting..November 2 Ministry of Treas., Econ., & I.G.A..re..financial statistics..1971 Moved by: R. Green and 6econded by: M. Schafer That this Council now adjourn to reconvene at 1:30 p.m.......Cartied Harold Dennis met with Council to discuss fire department matters - K. C. Emerson met with Council to discuss a proposed change in the entrance to Vienna from the Second Concession road and Chute Hill Wm. Underhill met with Council to discuss welfare and by-law enforcement matters. 1183 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the recommendation of the East Elgin Planning Committee to engage the firm of James F. MacLaren to undertake a planning programme for the East Elgin area at a cost not to exceed $19,000. be accepted and that this amount be distributed among the seven member municipalities as follows: Municipality Town of Aylmer Village of Vienna Village of Port Burwell Village of Springfield Township of Malahide Township of South Dorchester Township of Bayham Cost $39000. 1,000. 1,300. 1,200. 3,000. 2,500. Z,OOo. $19,00000000000 . . . Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That: (1) the Ministry of Treasury, Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs be requested to designate the Town of Aylmer, the Vtiilages of Springfield, Vienna and Port Burwell and the Townships of Malahide, Bayham and Dorchester South as a joint planning area to be known as the East Elgin Planning Area. (2) That the planning board be comprised of the 14 members presently constituting the East Elgin Planning Committee. (3 ) That the Township of Bayham be the designated municipality for the purposes of the Planning Act......... Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That Ontario Hydro be requested to install a street light on John Street in Corinth, said light to be of type now in use in that Village...Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green That the application of Lawrence Parker & Son Ltd. for a the drainage loan in the amount of $6,000. be approved......Carried Moved by: R. Green That the building Dwight Boyd George Backus Jas. Fuller Sr. Wm. Pots Murray Ketchabaw Dennis Babcock Renier VanLeeuwen Renier VanLeeuwen Peter Fehr and Seconded by: M. permits be approved as remodel residence greenhouse mobile home utility garage residence addition storage barn open pole barn Schafer follows: and garage basement under residence remodel residence $300. 4,000. 13,900. 1,500. 4,000. 1,000. 1,500. 1,500. 3,000....Carried Mr. Allen Stinson, representing A. J. Graham Engineering Cons. Ltd,, being present, the tenders as received for the construction of the Dielman Municipal Drain were opened as follows: G. W. Cattle Construction Ltd...........$1,188. Drabick Drainage .........................1,545. Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos The tender of G. W. Cattle Construction Ltd. in the amount of $1,1$$. for the construction of the Dieleman Municipal Drain be accepted in accordance with the tender as submitted...........Carried #1773' Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos And resolved that By-law No. 1778 being a by-law to impose a special annual drainage rate upon land"in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be now read a first itme.....Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: B. Wolfe And resolved that by-law No, 1778 be now read a second time...Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that by-law No. 1778 be now read a third time and finally passed .............Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: A. Csinos That the following accounts be approved: $30,585.95 for general accounts and $14,253. 41 for roads: Roads..re..vouchers..........................................$10,539.73 Roads..pay-,1iat -.-0r.tQber 1-15 ................................. 19092.25 Roads..pay list October 16-31 ................................ 21621.43 Welfare ...................................................... 6,061.59,. C, 118. Gabriel & Daniel DeCloet- Tile Dr. Loan .............. 6565.00 Walter Nelson - the drain inspection................ 35.00 Ross Andrews -- information survey ................... 100.00•, Ontario Hydrow- Eden St. Lights..................,... 204.76,, --..Corinth St. Lights,l.................. 17.50\ Richmond " " 63.75 ................... St. hts. , 19�.0,Straffordville Allan Walsh -- land rental ........................... 1.00 Wm. Underhill -- building inspector.........,,,,,0,, 98.25 Receiver General -- postage ........................ 100.00 James S. Davison -- animal control................. 16.00 Debenture acct. --- tile drain loans............... 900109.1 Municipal World Ltd. -- supplies................... 156.86 J. A. Petrie - - misc. & mileage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.06 Hamilton Ward & Cathers Ins... fire dept............. 782.30 General Admin......... 771+.33 J. Dennis.....Council................................ 84.80 A. Csinos..... ".............................,.. 59.50 R. Green...... "................................ 62.50 M. Schafer.... " ................................ 90.64 B. Wolfe...... "................................ 132.70 J. A. Petrie........exp .............................. 30.00 J. A. Petrie........sal. Oct. 1-15 ................... 2$5.00 V. Van Belois....... " " " "................... 170.00 J. D. Vallee.... ....retirement allowance............. 150.00 Vernon Baldwin......tax rebate ....................... 103.90 Registry office.....tax rebate registration.......... 1.00 Registry Office..... Sept. conveyances................ 12.30 News Printing Co....Advertising ...................... 85.16 Aylmer Express...... it ...................... 15.12 W.G.Webster Stationery Ltd....Supplies............... 24.40 Harold Dennis.......fire chief ....................... 60.00 Robt. Grant.........dep. fire chief .................. 45,00 St. Thomas Sanitary Coll. Serv. Ltd****************** 1652.00v Advance Container of Can. Ltd ........................ 587.$3 Hill Agencies of London Ltd...supp.................,. 81.62 Hamilton Ward & Cathers ..... Insurance... 11.08 0000000*0*0 A. & M. Tel. Co. Ltd......... fire lines ............. 23.83 J. L. Dennis....,*,,......... exp. re. road tour..... 20.50 Wm. Underhill................bldg. inspt. & welfare.. 111.15 J. A. Petrie.......sal. Oct. 15-31--004006#0#000000#4 285.00,.., V. Van Belois...... " " " "................... 170.00 Rec. General.......ded. Qct .......................... 156.98\ Omers..............." " .,........................ 120.14 Otto Matheusik......side walk construction........... 1751.00*\ G.W.Cattle Const.Ltd....... Francia Dr ................. 65.00 Walter Nelson............. " "................. 17.00 Walter Nelson.............Wallace "................. 305.00. Walter Neison.............Casier "................. 15.$0 Walter Nelson.............No. 1 "...............,. 95.95 G. W. Cattle Const. Ltd...Casier "................. 50.00` rr n n n » ..,Nevill ".....,........,.. 8.0a1, n n n tr n ,,,No. 1. "................. 11$5.401 London Free Press,,,,.....Dieleman Dr ................ 20.00 Ont, Mun. Board........... " " ................ 15,00 A. J. Graham Eng. Cons. Ltd..Straff. Dr 6000.00., .............. Moved.by Green and Seconded by Csinos That this Council now adjourn to meet again on December 6, at 10:00 A.M.... .....Carried.... 0 1185 -, NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS 1972 Pursyant to the Municipal Elections Act, 1972, Nominations were accepted for the offices of Reeve, Deputy -Reeve, and Council for the Township of Bayham; Trustees for the Elg6n County Board of Education representing the municipalities of Aylmer, Springfield, Belmont, Port Burwell, Vienna, Bayham, Malahide and South Dorchester; TrustQe for the Elgin County Roman Catholic Separate School Board representing the municipalities of Bayham, Port Burwell and Vienna, during the period November 9,-13, 1972. T At the close of nominations at 5:00 p.m., November 13,'1972 the following nomination papers had been received and certified by the Clerk. For the office of Reeve --Tony Csinos, Farmer, R. R. #2, Vienna, Ontario Jesse Dennis, Farmer, R. R. #1, Vienna, Ontario Fon the office of Deputy -Reeve-- Mathew Schafer, Farmer, Straffordville, Ont. For the office of Councillor --D. Vane Chute, Farmer, R. R. #1 Vienna, Ont. Ronald A. Green, Farmer, R. R. �3, Tillsonburg, J. Blake Wolfe, Real Estate Salesman, Eden, Ont For the office of Trustee Elgin County Board of Education --Bill Barons, Student, 1$6 Washburn St. Belmont, Ont. Helen F. Bodkin, Housewife, 4 Davis St. Aylmer, John A. Harvey, Farmer, 488 Talbot St. W. Aylmer Ont. Anthony G. Kennedy, Mechanic, R. R. 4, Aylmer George F. Pineo, Farmer, R. R. #4 Aylmer, Ont. William Underhill, Farmer, R. R. kl, Eden For the office of Trustee Elgin County Roman Catholic Separate School Board -- John Engelhardt, Farmer, R. R. #1, Port Burwell, William Gheysen, Nursing Home Administrator, Vienna, Ontario At 5:00 p.m. on November 14, 1972 all of the above listed parties had left their names in nomination. I, Jack Petrie, Returning Officer, declare the following persons elected to their respective offices by acclamation: Deputy -Reeve for the Township of Bayham---Mathew Schafer v Councillors for the Township of Bayham---D. Vane Chute, Ronald A. Green, W . and J. Blake Wolfe. On Monday, December 4, 1972, elections were for school board members and in the Township results of the polling follow: Tony Csinos 416 votes Jesse Dennis 580 votes Bill Barons 19273 votes Helen Bodkin 29000 votes Jack Harvey 1,850 votes Anthony Kennedy 29033 votes George F. Pineo 1,796 votes William Underhill 1,4.30 votes John Engelhardt 36 votes William Gheysen 59 votes December 7; 1972 I, Jack Petrie, Returning Officer, declare the to their respective offices: Jesse Dennis, Reeve of the Township of Bayham. Helen Bodkin, Jack Harvey, Anthony Kennedy,and to the Elgin County Board of Education. held in the several of Bayham only for municipaliti Reev%.. The following person elected George F. Pineo, Trustees William Gheysen, Trustee to the Elgin County Roman Catholic Separate School Board. .-Z-- ur. e rning Office ;ed )f the Aman iam, ring 0 •i o .e, Ont. Ont. sonburg, len, Ont t* ylmer, cylmer, • Ont. 3urwell , : or, itari o left ;ed in .galitie The a F ;d r :es ---NNW- . S t CI 1186 Council Chambers, Straffordville, December 6, 1972 The regular meeting of Council for the month of December was held today. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deputy Reeve A. Csinos and Councillors R. Green, M. Schafer and B. Wolfe in attendance. Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the minutes of the meeting held N&vember 1, 1972, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Reeve's signature authorized on same........ Carried William Underhill met with Council to discuss various welfare cases presently under review and the implementation of programs under the Local Initiatives Program and the recently announced Provincial Program. Mac Gibbons , Road Superintendent, reviewed the work in progress and that which he expected to complete during 1972. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this 6ouncil now adjourn to reconvene at 1:30.p -:m. Council recovened at 1:30 P.M. The following items of correspondence were reviewed: Department of Agriculture..re..rabies areas..October Elgin -St. Thomas United Way Services..re..request for grant City of Windsor..re..Essex County Flood Relief Fund Dereham Sand & Gravel Supply Ltd..re..quotation of gravel prices Elgin Cty. Land Div. Committee..re..severance request..M. & F. Glass Prov. Of Ontario..re..task force on police..terms of reference Township of Saltfleet..re..brief presented to Ont. Assoc. of Rural Municipal -t r fft Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council has no objections to the proposed severance of the lands of Michael Glass and Frances Glass being part of Lot Nos. 19 and 20, N.G., Township of Bayham and numbered E 132/72.......Carried Mpved by: R. Green That the building John Rider. Waite Honsinger Rennie Drieghe Michael Hesch Paul Valko Victor Nemura Ken Kirby Ken Beemer Art Vanderspaille and Seconded by: M. Schafer permits be approved as follows: garage and storage shed residence addition demolish old pens storage shed residence double garage remodel residence & garage storage shed addition residence addition $1,000. 4,000. 500. 500. 20,000. 2,000. 3,000. 2,000. 1,500... Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the following payments for extra services be made for 1972: Reeve.. J. Dennis $300. Dep. Reeve..A. Csinos 200. Councillor..R. Green 150. Councillor..M. Schafer 150. Councillor..B. Wolfe 150. Clerk-Treas..J. Petrie 150. Secretary..Y. VanBelois 100. Rd. Supt..M. Gibbons 100........Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: M. Schafer That remuneration of Council members for the ear 1973 be set at $30. per meeting plus .15¢ per mile with a minimum of for the use of automobile.. ..........Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the application of George Horvath and Irene Horvath for a tile drainage loan in the amount of $6,000. be approved........Carried #1775 Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That by-law No. 1775 being a by-law to stop -up and close and sell a street or alley in the Hamlet of Richmond in the Township of Bayham be now read a third time and finally passed ..... ....Carried 1187 Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green And resolved that by-law No. 1779 being a by-law to impose a special annual drainage rate upon land in respect of which money is borrowed under the Tile Drainage Act, 1971, be nww read a first time ... Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: B. Wolfe And resolved that by-law No. 1?79 be now read a second time ... Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that by-law No. 1779 be now read a third time and finally passed.......Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That the following accounts be approved: $23,715.96 for general accounts and $$11,107.$6 for roads... Roads..re..vouchers .....................................$6,983.48-•. Roads..re..pay list Nov. 1--15 ..........................» 19469.55 Roads..re..pay list Nov. 16-30 .......................... 29654.$3 Welfare ................................................. 4,827.66%. Gabriel & Daniel DeCloet..re..tile drainage loan........ 49765.00 . Walter Nelson..re..tile drainage inspections.....,...... 35.00 Otto Mathuesik..re..sidewalk construction............... 499.24. J. Dennis..re.,Council...............................,.. 68.60 A. Csinos..re..Council.................................. 53.00 R. Green ... re..Council....... ........................... 45.00 M. Schafer.re..Council.................................. 65.60 B. Wolfe...re..Council.................................. 65»90 J. Petrie........exp.................................... 2.60 Norma Graves........welfare advance..................... 80.00 Debenture a/c ............ tile drainage deb .............. 493.20•. Prov. Tress .............. n n » »..,.......... 1134.36, Jim Ward.... ............:cutting grass............,..».. 3.00 News Printing Co.........advt........................... 172.34 A.& M. Tel. Co...........telephone...................... 84.25 T'burg. Comm. Printers.......voters list ................ 279.59•. John Swarts...............welf. advance..,..,....,.,..., 306.20 ,., D. Lamontage.............. " " ..........,...... 100.00 Mary F. Nelson............Mun.Dr. Deb................... 779-10--, J. D. Vallee..............ret. allow..................,. 150.00 a J. D. Vallee..............Mun. Dr. Deb....,............, 1260.09., J. A; Petrie..............sal. Nov. 1-15..,............. 285-00-- V. Van Belois............. n n " n....,,.......... 170.00 Otto Mathuesik......».....sidewalks..................... 173.40 Jas. Davison..............animal control................ 30.00 V. Van Belo;s.............office supplies,............... 2.49 Elgin Cty. Library...:....atlas......................... 100.80 Dennis Garage.............fire dep. rep................. 17.49 Goodsell Wilson...........Mun. Dr. Deb» ................. 1471.57 -�, Harold Dennis.............fire Chief.,...,............., 60.00 Robt. Grant .... ..a........dep, fire chief ............... 45.00 St. Thomas San. Coll. Serv. Ltd ......................... 1652.00•. Advance Conainer of Can. Ltd ............................ 587.83-. Mun. World Ltd................off. suPe.,,»............. 69.24 W.G.Webster Stationery Ltd.....off. supe........»....... 20,53 Hamilton Ward & Cathers -....... burglary insurance...... 188.00 Geo. Cameron Ins. Agency........hall & library.......... 202.50 Geo. Cameron Ins. Agency...,....fidelity bonds.......... 131.63 Registry Office.......,..conveyances.................... 4.20 It " tax rgistriittions .......... .............. 13 00 . Ptiney Bowes.......,,*...,.meter rental.................. 26,78 A& M Tel. Co.............fire line............,.....,.. 24.04 J. L. Dennis..............selecting jurors.............. 14.00 J. A. Petrie.............. " " .............. Mac &/or Ruby Gibbons.....Mun, Dr. Deb 14.00 .................. 904,14 McKenzie Fuels............office ........................ 90.89 Wm. Underhill.............Nov. wages.................... 167.65 J. A. Petrie..............Catfish Dr.................... 140.00 ft it " ..............C.E.Smith Dr,................. $0.00 V. Van Belois.............Catfish Dr.................... 14.00 tt it " C.E.Smith Dr .................. 10.00')Dellers Ltd0:::::::::.No. Tile 1 ......................... 12.1$ » it if ..........Nevill Dr ..................... 136.40 Walter Nelson... 00000000#0 " ".....,.........,..... . 84.75 Twp. of Dereham...........Catfish Dr .................... 64.95•, n n it ...........C.E,Smith Dr' .................. 351.29N A. J. Graham Eng. Cons. Ltd...Wallace Dr ................ 139 -89 -- it n n » " " Dr 218.17 , ,..Nevill ................. J.A.Petrie......sal.Nov.16-30......... 2$5.00-, 118$ V. Van Belois... " it it 'r......... 170.00 Rec. Gen . . . . . . . . Nov. d e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156.98 Om e r s . . . . . . . . . . . " ti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120-44 Moved by Green and Seconded by Schafer: that this Council now adjourn to meet again on December 27, 1972...Carried....... TA AW Council Chambers, Straffordvill December 27, 1972 Council for the Township of Bayham met on the above date for the final session for 1972. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Deputy -Reeve A. Csinos and Councillors R. Green, M. Schafer and B. Wolfe in attendance. Councill elect V. Chute was also present. Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: Be Wolfe That the Council minutes of the meeting held December 6, having been examined by the members are hereby confirmed and the Reeve's signature authorized on same.........Carried Correspondence was discussed as follows: Ministry of Community & Social Services..re..Ontario seasonal employment program Dept. of Communications..re..assignment of radio frequency (mobile) Elgin County Land Division Comm..re..severance request...Cole Assoc. of Mun. of Ontario..re..support request to oppose Bell increase Dept. of Agriculture..re..rabies areas..November Local Initiatives Program..re..acknowledgement of application Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That this 8ouncil now adjourn to reconvene at 1:30 p,m....Carried ,Pouncil reconvened at 1:45 p.m. Mr. Victor Knabb met with Council to discuss the possible purchase of land required from him for road widening purposes. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council has no objections to the proposed severance of the lands of Norman Cole and Beth Cole being part of Lot 2, Concession 10, Township of Bayham and numbered E143/72.........Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That this Council supports in principle the Association of Municipalities of Ontario in the intervention against the application of Bell Canada dated November 10, 1972. Financial support to be provided by the County of Elgin on behalf of this municipality.......Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the By-law Enforcement Officer be instructed to lay charges against Donald Heffren for operating a salvage yard without a license being contrary to By-law No. 1738.........Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the action of the Treasurer in not remitting the � levy of the Elgin County Board of Education in the amount of $72,109.50 due December 15, and in requesting an adjustment in the said levy in accordance with the decision of the Ontario Municipal Board be con.fimed...Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the following building permits be approved: Alex Procenko Jr. tobacco barn Robert Stewart storage shed Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the following disbursements of interest to boards for 1972 be approved: Straffordville Board 27.248% $9,600. 3, 000....Carried the various cemetery $527-13 1189 Eden Board 24.086% $465.96 Calton Board 13.976 270.38 Guysboro Board 15.421 29$.33 Bobbie Board 11.750 227.31 Old Port Burwell .176 3.41 Smuck Board 7.343 142.06 100.000 1,934.58......Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That the report of the fire chief for the period June 28 to December 12, 1972 be accepted and the firemen paid at the rate of $6. per call. .......Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the employees of the road department be paid at the rate of $3.05 per hour effective January 1, 1973......Carried Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the salary of V. VanBelois as Secretary be $4,800. effective January 1, 1973 ............Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. Csinos That the salary of Mac. Gibbons as Road Superintendent be $8,900. effective January 1, 1973.......Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green That the salary of J. A. Petrie as Clerk -Treasurer be $9,200. effective January 1, 1973........ Carried 1'�3O Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green And resolved that by-law No. 1780 being a by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and for borrowing on the credit of the municipality the sum of $235,336• for completing the drainage works be now read a first time..Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: B. Wolfe And resolved that By-law No. 1780 be now read a second time..Carried Yr- . - z #1161 Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: B. Wolfe And resolved that By-law No. 1781 being a by-law to authorise the Reeve and Clerk to sign an agreement with the Municipality of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for the construction, use and operation of works required for the transmission of water in the County of Elgin be now read a first time.......Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: R. Green And resolved that By-law No. 1781 be now ared a second time ... Carried Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: M. Schafer And resolved that By-law No. 1781 be now read a third time and finally passed.........Carried Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the members of this Council express their appreciation to Reeve Dennis for his leadership during 1972.....Carried #17032 Moved by: B. Wolfe and Seconded by: A. And resolved that By-law No. 1782 being of the Council of the Township of Bayham a first time.......Carried Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: And resolved that By-law No. 1782 be now Moved by:. R. Green and Seconded by: B. And resolved that By-law No. 1782 be now passed........Carried Csinos a by-law for the R. Green read a Wolf e read a to confirm all actions year 1972 be now read second time...Carried third time and finally Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That this Council now adjourn to meet again on January 8, 1973 at 10:00 a.m.............Carried I / adL .ter erClk I Co�-ordi nab in n , rr1 Council Chambers, Straffordville, A -aril 13, 1972 A. special rneetirr- of CoiLncil was held this r=�orninrr for the purpose of disc..ssion of a proposed road needs study. Reeve J. Dennis presided with Depot -,~--Reeve A. Csinos and Covr cillors R. Green, M. Scha�`er and B. Wolfe in attendance. The Tfid istr" of Transportatior4 & Cornrnt_nications was represented by Howard H. Greenly, D j. stri 1t 'Tur i cipal En crineer anal W. W. Osborn, P. 1�ng. , Program Studies Erpineer. The nroposerl sti.zdy was outlined bt, Mr. Osborn, explainin?- what this 141.Lnicipality coald expect from the stjid-T, an -1 what would be expected from the mu-nicipal? ty by the Ministrsr. '1ovefl by : A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That `this rovnciI ap ^oint a Road "deeds Study Co-ordiratinp Cnrnmittee to consist of Council as a -whole, the Road Sw-) nterdent and Ministr7 of Tra-nsnortatior & Communications representati-res District Mlinicinal_ Erc"ireer, L'. T'. Greenly of his representative and W* W. Osborn, Program Studies Er -ineer anl also the 'ler'. be appointed as Secratanr of the Committee.. ...............^arria�? Moved I -,y: R. Green and Seconded by: B. "%rolfe That U�. L. Dennis he appoznted Chairman of Co-ordinating Committee and that Jewitt . Vallee I -,e i vitel to submit a proposal for the Road Needs PvToved by: R. Green and Seconded by: Schafer That this Council -ow aciiou,rr...............Carriel The next mentinr of the Committee was tenatively set for T4gatT 5, 1072 at 10:1)a.m. ob .. Mir�a- 4ncretary Co-ordinatinF #2 Council Chambers, Straffordville May 5, 11972 The Fa%rham Township Co-ordinatinF Committee met this mcrninr. Chairman, J. Dennis presided with A. winos, R. Green, M. Schafer, R. Wolfe, M. Gi'�bons, W. Osborn anI F. Clar're renresentin,r Mr. TT. Greenly in attendance. Dov.Fl.as Vallee repr?sentin- the firm Jewitt P,; Valle as present. Moved by: R. Green and Seconled by: M.. Schafer T',.at the minutes of the co-or:linating committee mee tin? hel-I on April 13, havir_r? be �n examined bs,T the members are herebTr anprov�: ani tT-:e Chairman t s signature authorize-'. or. same...........Carried _ The submission as prn_nar�d bar Jewitt 8-, Vallee was read bir Mr. Vallee. "Toveld by: T.t. S &.af er and Se c on, ed by: R. Green ghat the submission of Jewitt & Vallee for the prenaration of t'ie Toivrnship reeds study be accented soh,; yet to ti..c approval of Council... Carried 'aie next Meetir- of the comm.it.tee was tenatively; Jet for September 8, 10:00 a.m. at which time the cor.,s3,:ltart was rens ested to present for consicIerat ..on. (1) 1 -.is r-3nom-mendation for traffic countinc rrcceedure Methoc'. a -,1_d cost of carr-tTinc out same and (2) to provide the Township his estir sated charges for the studw- appli --able to the -1_p7 ' portion. '_oTred by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: 7�. Wolfe That t' is meeting of the Tow ship Co--ordinatirg t Chai rmar at an. d 1:1{ t h Committee no.,7 adjcurn... ........Carried f _..retar,% Co-ordinating #3 Council Chambers, Straffordvill September 8, 1972 The Bayham Township Co-ordinating Committee mat this morning pursuant to the adjournment of May 5. Chairman J. Dennis presided with A. Csinos, R. Green, M. Schafer, B. Wolfe, M. Gibbons, W. Osborn, F. Clarke and D. Vallee (consultant) in attendance. Moved by: A. Csinos and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That the minutes of the co-ordinating meeting held on May 5, having been examined by the members are hereby approved and the Chairman's signature authorized on same........Carried Consultant, D. Vallee, reported that his estimated costs for 1972 would be a maximum of $5000. with an additional cost of $2500, for the traffic count. His estimated cost for completion in 1973 was between $2000. & $3000. Mr. Vallee was authorized to engage Dontrec Sales Ltd., 1763 Mattawa Ave., Cooksville, Ont. to do the traffic count and to hire local people as necessary to do the manual count. It was suggested that a representative of Bayham Township contact Malahide Township to see if an agreement could be reached whereby Malahide road crews would look after snow removal on the road between Lots 1 to 4, Conc. 4/5 to eliminate the long distance now travelled to reach this portion. Moved by: R. Green and Seconded by: M. Schafer That the traffic counting plan as presented by the consultant amended by the committee be approved subject to the confirmation of the need for manual counts adjacent to county roads and highways and that 3 4utomatic counts be provided in Straffordville.........Carried The date for the next meeting was not agreed upon, however, it was left at the discretion of the consultants and will probably be in March of 1973• Moved by: M. Schafer and Seconded by: B. Wolfe That this meeting of the Township Co-ordinating Committee now adjourn. ..........Carried L -,----'/Secretary a