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Bayham Council Minutes 1968
TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1968 0 ;Counc41 Cham(er, : traffordville, Jan. . 19 68. The inaucrural meetinc- of the l"1 -59 f ayham Township Counci 1 alas hald on the above date. Present were H. T:'. Johnson, J. L. tennis,c?r.al Graham, Toner Csinos and Ronald Green. Oat.: of Office for their respective positions were ta,tien before Clerk Vallee who declared them. d`zly installed. peeve Johnson brie�~lir addressee V w the meeti.nr, and minutes of the last council meeting were read, approved ani? signed. Communicati=, were received and other business was conducted as follows; - A card of appreciation for f lo:.iers sent to funeral of Late r:_;a Jonnson, a former Reavo of this 'o,anshi:) . Hospital noticas re. indi -nnt t-)atients were received and considered. Reruests for membershios were received from the follo,•ain- associations; - Ontario .Good roads Assn. ~ Ontario Assn. of Rurpl Municipalities The Ontario School Trustees' :unicinal Councillorst assn. brant was re^uosted bar the Muscilar i?ystrophy Assn. of Canada t Clerk ,fall.,.. rave a repor- oncolle�,�.�lon o- 19`7 ,taxes, �tatinc" that bv Dec. 31/07, 77-4Z7) of same had been paid comparo ,� to 75.1+3 ; -) In 1966,! The Elanket Position Bond covering t1le various Towns?zin Officers was *resented to council. roved by Green seconded by Csinos- That the Treasurer's 1=1an:et Position Fond havinEr been examin- ed, it is hereby directer.1 that the same be filed in Tot=mshin vault...0 ried. "roved blr 1)enni s ileconded h,T Graham- That this To.�nshin join the Ontario Good Roads .assn. and that no deleFates be appointed to same ... Carrie-.. 94 IS :oved by Csino.-i seconded by Green- That this council join the Ontario assn. of Rural :'unici_oalitie: at, fee of ;15.00 and whole council be delegates to sGrne... Carriei. 1 written re- u lst was received. from T raunt s Green Acres to have xYNo. 1 :gain made into a closed again across Dart of his farm. Roved by Graham e^onded b;t Dennis- That this council b in apreement with the re^nest of gaunt s Green .'acres Lt.". to have a closed drain on ?'o.l Drain, installed. across Dart of his farm at an estimtpd cost of "'1400. an,". t:�at Engineer Dodd obtain a firm figure for t'ii.s joh from Contractor on the nrojcc-.... Carried. :roved, by Green 3econde-1, bl- Graham- That thi:-D, council approve application of Jeffrey C. Philliz)s for a Tile Drainage Loan of '4)9Gu0 . oo on lots 14,15 , 15 and part of 17 in Concess- ion 9....Carried. .:oar d by Csinos .jeconded by Greer.- That t .e follo-ir n. nerscn:3 be appointaad to the �traffor?tbille C e,riatery r oarrj for t' e 19,68-70 term. Croft Garnl am, ax `:itc'�ell and Fill ? a�m :Jaid, ani. Donal:: Graham as council member for one year...arr; e-- . 'ovod bzr Gregn wcon.ied b J, Dennis- That tie _`'o110 :1inM parson 3 be appointed to t -e E Ien "e-me'tery oar. --It for a t .reo yyar ter~�; - '.1 lliam -al dwin and. --ac -.all and Rev. F indla�.T for 158... Carri_e71 . •loved b�' Graham .recon- e b«T Csino ,- Ti a t Anthony* �.erned�;* be annoi_nted to Calton Cemetery f. or a tree t,-::-ar tern, ... Carried . 'oared by Green oeconde� . Csino a- 'I'Tat the followin`- person:, be appointed to U -1e -Gu`r3boro Cr r Ce eters* `oars for e three trear ter: . - L ". l n~ ry Y .:a � .all , ? 1 ' ha an� Clara arshall , Carried.. A b- ,r x _.oved bGreen Seconded bV. tennis- That James Tui)Der anl? James Elliott be annointe ? to the Dobbie ri "emetery r oard for a three hear term. ..C'arri ed.. ' , ,ovcr3 ' n•os Jecon� eI h r Graham- That the -'olio-?in- nwrsons are here',�S ar►Pointed to the Port Tur-triel j ')ln-antist Cemetery -pard for a term of 2 year's,.- Ashbaugh, Gillis saver an' ' illiam :1joll-v-wood...Carried. -oved by Green :1econdeY b T C.sinos- That Jach '?etrie i:3 hr�Xr��?�y anpoi n+ -ed. to the :,bison Pioneer Cemeter�.t o rd for a teri 0" 3 �r�;ars... ""arried. _oved Jv Dennis 3econd.e," b -%r r'ra yam- --at this counc � 1 ad--ourn for noon t o .meet a�-a n at 2.30 D.�:�, Carried. Reeve Join son 11as host to a very delis htf ul ]Lin-�er hcld at the Cove Room of Hill- crest ' otel for councillors, Township officials, Ex -Reeves, School Trustees and local ' an' _'ang er. eeve Johnson z��elcorned to es ani snore briefly. Deputy Recve Dennis than'Ked Reeve Johnson on behalf ow those present, for a ver?* enjoy- a',le meal and social hour. L e rular session was resumed al,out 3.00 P .' T rove:' Green Y Jecone-'. b -,T Csinos- That the follow_-_nr- Permits be annroved; - �onald Graham - Addition to residence - ..3000. .urray Emerson - Fara re sid ence - 250Q0 .... Carried. Emerson, Reeve of Vienna, waited on t_` -ie council and di scfassed a proposal to have tjle count-- of E1=rin tape over certain roads in t? -.e village and Dart of second. Con^ession road tor -ether llith T'rown lideroad in ayham mo.-.nshin. Viennats action in closin.r- 1"eall Hill rias also discussed. "r. Eimerson also sue;re:sted that a neer a7reement "or fire protection for Vienna be investigated. .CIDsts to t e deter- mined on a mill rate basis comnara .le to that in 'ralrham Towns :in . X. 'ss' I "evill r�aaitod on the cotuicil and gave a Tear end report' on operations of t.�e Commi.Lnity Centre xiall. Fire Department matters were also discussed and he recommended that the special telephone line to Port Turviell Night now be discont- 1.,.:.-2 In ., . 11 947 .several 1-. - a-yTs we're nreponted for councils con i-1-17era lon . ..ove ;� tenni 1eco:� �o-_ rrah<art�- ?;1'' re clVer� t._~� -Law ..o. _ 1598, bein.- a ..;�=-Ixa tD aut.,norzze tae borrowin- o_. 3 , v .,.. v;. fr o. T.an �~ Aerial v a..xt. o- moo.m�r�� until to -7, es are collected, to meet t e current e.--;-)enditur4 of the municin alit-- for 1968, '. A now r e a . a first tarrie `oved b,r Greer eon�?ed r'sino:7- �-►: re:solved:ia ',a'� ►To. 15`; > w�:,o�j,�,,a,}. a recon time • Carried. '1.Ove,'. bar is ginr ,., ,�:r ..� ,,.; 3econ _tee -1. t:,.a4 -59" now rea,�. a %? me and -r -? -se,`.. arra. o ,. ..Ovod by Csinos ._)ecc,nde`. ^r Groen- ':n` resolved tea'.; ' `t --Lai .o . 1599 a1nM a «`r -lar t0 an coin t certain officcr3 for 1968, , no�.,7 re a-". a first tinie...CarriIn- d. ..oved - era'1.aMA econ�; ca b -r Creen- Yin-' r solved t_�atJ �'�-_IJa;r �To • 150 ? '�e noir rea:1 a secor_ 1 tL me rod• ::oved bfr `)ennis '' b•r Graha)-l- R r ' r -solved t' --at - -Law 'To. 1,599 �e now r �econ_.e ead a ':mrd time _t an .finallr passe ...'mar---..�-' . Information was received that Jack. '"arcla;T and -as4 l "ovill hal, agreed U with- draorm their resi-.,atmons as member:-, o:" t'le 3traffordville Centre _oard. �ovod b I reen recon pYE ed T Csinos- r"x�t : asl ^''e�ril�_, ;ac'. arch?T,o pert grant and Darold Garner 1-o appoint:,a' -icer er:of the 3tra:rf or 'ville Co�~.qu_nitv Centre ''oard and teat "o�?n ci 11 or "raha~ ��,,. t . _,-e-!- =')enni s '1e council men' yrs of same ...Carried . ?'1Gnt5 t0 t_: Mo 3C el'ul -D-'teru .i aCU^ ie'' . :oved z Jr Gree:^ C",-jino - i':1at -U" folio:I2 n`" i'la-e c salary sch�dule be adonted for 1968- J. 'Iallee, ��lcr:�, 'rods. W�, Tai Collector - ;7000. Vio., et Van�:el ois, jecretar-r ----------------- 33CC • i3 ifi !ail "arota'_:or----------- J ol-.n -----...__--Jo?:n C. Tri"sae, Loan?'3'u t •___________________ 5 --.Co. eav�JT -ac'=ine Operators ----------------- x,17 p`r hot?'. Trac'.. Drivers -------------------------------.Our it :t Casual lal-our- -------------------------------- 1.75 :t :s Carried Other road :;utters were di � _u • >e: veru � riefl,- '. i t was decifled -o hold a spec- ial mee ..ins- to complete t' -ie ro-ular business. _ :ove<I -Dennis 3econ! edl b-1 Green- That t':c � 7 � ( �-� e s ,- a . eev :��; .n the or ger �F�e�t in a:.lour�t� of - S , 501,. • 04 for road 3, ;05.25 for el:fare an-' '3,109.90; for r-eneral account s...Carried. Dari account^ - ''a,*list Dec. 1 to Dec.-- �� - Payment voucher 1ec .3I -- ----------- It it -; ! . -- _- ..elfaro account ___________________________________ -On Wari c :t•dro - .'Trdro for off ice fire ',all ------- Sheri]_! '_lrin Count-* - Talc Cert ::e--• -_-_-____-- V ,,near io ' TTdro - ."traf f . >t. Lt ------------------- ifi' ti _'den ifi ifi _-.___.--_----.------- -- ChmOn-' jfi ►fi --- --------------- �orin th ___________________ The ."unicin, al : orld Ltd.- Office supplies ---------- 0. ---------C. ,oe#ster Ltd 'a ':ins Feed. o. tlzr'-eirs ----------------------- ..otC fjl:iss .10opli ances - -.rxas bulbs,".^ _______--___ Victoria ospital - Drurs D•''almer_________________ _ in - lue- rintinM CopyTin� erJice- Re. L;rn:- c .e.l71e ue1s Ltd.- :'t el for oice--------- ' �►e:ri tt, )o.d t, Vallee- En ?�o.1 brain ------- Cro►,,tn Attorney-, Ur~in- Le Mal fees ------------------- Gibson, Linton Both __________________ 'Te,wys Frintinr Co.- Advts• -------------------------- - bier -'alahide Tel . C.o . - �'�.re Dept . --------- ,Toil _. .ale;r - F{ ox 1ol.�ntyr --------------------------- o�?er :,uti lders 'upplies Ltr1.- Office renai rs -- ---- Geo. Cameron i 7. ArenC,r- Tns.7re-l. re .Hall ---------- 'I Roads ent.- Gas for fire trucks, 1057 ------ J. D. Vallee,- _)alary* Dec. 16 _ 31 __________________ Viloet �'aj}13elois - �: ;fi t1 --------------- Receiver eneral - Un. L'Is •------------------------ :t 3fi _ Ta:; ____________________________ 7 1510.0 8--- 12328.19--.. _ 26 15, 5� \ 805.25 51- ".29s, 2.25- �o� O1 -'51.25\ 54-3S'LN 1-7-50N 2.44 � 4.73\ 41.90\ 2.29\ • 90.N ..43` 61.7 1591 .31 17.0 8:x.2 25.03\ 1 0^ 3.0C\ 20.19. 11-x-3.91" 22G.21� 109.20 3.3� 135.55` I E 94Or' _eceiter General O .P.P.----�______________________ 2�'.1�,� �r ry nensions ____________________________-- 73 ., \ r • Johnson r.3eetin— r.1le ______________ l ,1�G� J. L. Dennis - 1 Y' �r ---------------- 17 24 onai;! Graham - 1 'r � �: ____________-__ 11301- g ` Tony Csi nos _ 1 a -------------- 17,, 5 'onald=reen - 1 :' ______________ 1.50 �OCrJ2ir'_O'" ";" ren That this CO1��':C11 N. I -r to meet G? {'l.n in snec? al se-3Zon on Jan. 12t .. at - '-,a '=ceve . ham'.:)er, ,tra or -1 ille, Januar-- lOt'.. Y e 'Jour4J o'S ev? 3? o: _ or Ja•L io.:fn>i_ip of �~ r as a�poln,eo - ;..:e 7" - Count-, Col- cil, ?art at t?le Co-uncil C a"1 er on 11lO v� datM tC hrar appeals a-"ainSt t' arse: sment mad. in 10,67 for 196 tares. ' _cn`)ers present and subscrinin- to the ^ati. were Chairman -Philip :'chleia)aux^, jTo'r)l Tuf ford ani. ►:enneth .illi amson. Also ... pre sent were assessors `�ak-er and "oyer -o: t? -e 4-" fi3sessrlon- an Ta4-inship Olerll.- Vallee. 22 appellants w3are notif ie�� to lbw present f c- t?�e norninr session an,:ft th o we nre-3ent were invited to rive evidenc.D, on beh&lf of t:-cir respective appeals. Court ad ourred for noon at 12.15 P.". to re -convene again at 1.40 P.,'• . or '^einp present at the afternoon. session for +-'-e ptrpose of ' _ivin evidence an leral^ of their appeals were hear,-- Iry ti _eCourt • -visebl, te Chairman the Courwould conider the evi 4- Y,jIellants were a' ? t epee they had �~ivnn anu that a decision .goal:' ue forthcor .n - in the near future. "he Court was una' 7_e to comnlete �:' e business at han--'. on t' a�-ove date. 'oved -lliamson 3econdo . Tuff ord- T,' -,-,at Court of lev-i si on for To... ► s ..lin of 7_ a: -ham do no.,i adjof-Irn until Jan. 23rd. at 10.30 A._I...Carri ed. `{'o .�hJ,3 Clem and Clerk of C o1 Revision. Council Charl1)er, 3)traff ordvi11C , Junuar:,r 12th .1 ? _» . A special_ meetir_7 or t':e I-ayham To-.�nship Council was held on the afternoon of the above date for the purpose of completing 'c,asines:� laid over from Jan. 8+-1-. and other business. All Members viere present a:i.: -Reeve Johnson oresi ded. Communications considered included t''e follo-.Tinr; - -'ulletins from :erional Economic Council. It letter and bulletins for councillors and heads of 3epartmLnts were received from at.Thomas-Elrzn Enerfency -Measures Organization. DeDartmental approval was received for =inter project. Solicitor Linton advised of receipt of survey plan for road uidoninr; at l 132 Concesai.on l ani' 2, f roar. Je=rift . Approval was received from .-He Provincial Treasurer for purc'_ase of Tile Drainage ' Loan do ent-ores in respect to axle Jeffrey Dzll i s -roper. U . �n~ineer Do' J a( vised -)?zone that t'ne additional cost in resp_ ect to jo. Drain on fare of -aun t s ��reen '_cres would be approximately ` 4404. "oved r T. Gree: -- c on,". e ree,- cone `.."iat t. c resolution o Januar-- Wit::. ! ':. osncctinf7, ,,rr : on ..a r 7 i•' ' . h .£• ""S n � i s ('! R` � -- j '�" f ? ' � '! :" ' � ♦ ^a A',,t r '!'• ea "" !'* s ;'.a _. o . 1 �_ a.._n o__ t; Ian --'s :o�. �.r�.��. .� Green ..cr,,.a .�:, �_ • , .,.., .�_.... -� ,:� hers. � .. ,...� .,.�n . � _. Carries.' . :roved �;.T rra.�r� V , Ecco a� c ' - �e ,ni _ at t'�.i cov ?oil e in a," >dit'A ref1-4 o-' Carl `: raun O .raim _ ..cn crc-1 Lt a .I , to v , a c�_o->ed~ •ra-.n ,onstl* is tc+n �ar2' � i a � Tot _" 1, , `,on�. u, in r�.;>'�rC� to cor..,truct .on ca^ . o.l Drain, at a total e:�ti�ated Cor- A.O:�' >%�OJ. , s�:3 � r'�;"t^ +��.' res�on'�1'.i� a �cr t �? 3 a�:� '? t� O:A�! CQ Wit, ��'ter ;'.1 1. 't 'T C"' T C,T -•j • v+ r i f ^ : ..1 4. ..ry - • "'1 ' ,. J.. • ,f r L, t_t • d �,_ u �,_ob o �u�.��.di . �;c"... ., �.n . �L.�, �n _� ncr _�o , .. o: �azn r o-., V__ero,cct contractor, 'wr-� �ricv -(-;r::Li � ad�'itio'?a l � r':. • . Car"' ed. `,Ovoal ^con..e ' ,.,J. bra <�.:z- r,,. at J<�r�ae � S. =s�_7_iot t ,,,e nnmel as ' ;-r�.,,., t A ro�rL �o �tat� vo or: t:_c Fitt �r �e:-: Conservatio :"or 1^' ._)econ,, erI ?a,- Green- Lgat sc -_ool for 19."),"' ')e ::zap? to To,-.Tnshi. ro �•rer on or 'ore j "arc?- 20t' .. �_�?' ...Barrie 'ove '. I'ra-)e- ,a -,-,h^h•' "t ��-r t -in -• d.,,i. .M,., o 1 o -!,;+fir nn on - •, ) !« 1-1 to �-`-e �tra ford -v le ' - �oco v •.� v.. 111.L — ;.L V �J...e (.i. `..J iJ �.. __a.,; 41 �.r�.311i J �`.i .t�Cw�.._v �.i �! �U_'I.6 .✓ La .._� 1 L4 rare ry-.z .:A i� VVe of 1? .>:� • •' J. ._ z'�or� , arol _ \i.:.ri^:vr, Grace Da v* ' e+3w�i E_e 1 7_10 -an a" -1 ori:� Mar'-: Barri . < e Y 4-j-er ol" s�t+ :�me nt :n reefve`Ie"'C^�.? OLU"r. :aro1�; Z_ ^� fro t '.,'4� ._ i n7? , ~O''z ensat .o "! � ovrd :dor acc4 "'.�`'.1t c^ volui' t? 'r i r ema'"f . -o%, --,-IA! "-T?. r r m on " "1 Y1 y.a • . ? ' !, !1 A.,� — f 1Ila, L ♦ • C'„ Z !'� • yt ? rr r� �... ,v « ?- , • .(. T .r •� L ..� Betio. �c� .:�. Z.� council ';e i :�_.�� re a�.r_�. d_ 7i ::yet Ore z.,n�, a11o,.ie .jaro)- `. err ni s f cr -1n -iur�� szA.f7.f ererI as a vola ,user -ire.man :?- "ar=:"ez-! s Corzpensat- ion oar antT. ...race to �za : e.sa :��1- _ rc, . locate so Jcr ra^_. a • : o. 16;01 'Dein- 11; ---law to ~noose a r zanrw 1 al,`' �i.•_..7t. lot 17, Cone. 0, t... Uare . o• l Cl e no -r road a secon . -imeh ri,, n a ,4 rRi V 1;. • °3 ? •- w• 'AOurl-.r rated road eninlwroes of council inrespect to 19'� ,, ,� r • ,w r l d T s 1 - ,^t 7 '•1 i Y! -) r'�s ,.1 -•i 'j t', ' r,. e d r 7 ^ f ,. '- • ^+. x i day n �d�, e.� �.._�..x Y�.cr:L�n ca_:.;._t�.o__..�. ..oz.L..c_._ aLaorz.�., tyec�_z-. .icar_�in,. hours o_ � a . h 10 , _oars �r da, , ��.� �__ : a u.: o.s .� _ce_� �, in cases o ep�er~en�^fir. ! ��c -non r •ram, ? ^ ^-v+oC- d on IV`.,.e hourl,% rate c'••s s£'v on Jan. �1r - vvio- -7 l.e }9t : a Z. —c r lr '„ - o c_yZ- ze . t o1 da< ,. �cxt.,c �1 -ovod 'Ztr ns'? no s -, ,� �, J • '--,,.at m t 7 .� " '-1 .V . ;7 :7 �! t n 't n Y� .1 '� � , ,(•,„• • ,'1 lacon�c l �- Green- -_Aa t L,�Me s ala -L sc'- r1 _:. ad now revise-, =�e �.,_.o�tea, eectiv� Jan. PS 0' ci. Con,, attac'Acd to resolL,tionj �lor�_ , a3 instructed to , n,re0ti -a -o t.�e ps ocurin- ow a t1:13 clod: for a;�.. n "'o,n_s'Ain 'aarn. on - .on,' ay ?'over' T)enziis :.)ecc,n G.raram- •e'a . 5tI. • 1968, at That spec al session now adjourn uo meet. again 10.00 :...Carried. • 'ler'.. rL.t.iaC•1 - �- y r-isol YTS✓ .' G" -at �'s Y e c On e i I ". � r � � � � + "1 , � ' 7' ., f- � �. � .� „7 . •. �., ., n� �'..� . -- . 1..� � f� .t_ '.:� � � o,v ....,' ,� t n -1 1 ,..,, � .�'.. t_ � • [� r ' � Y� :) v firs t _ :��_tl..i Y , _.. �.l _`.� .1` J� .. . _ ... ... `-iy�eS�f 0.?n, �„, _t?t�.�" n .. '.Z~v t .J J�..:..fra 4 o ^✓ !_ Vv /x Jl_. )o y�:s v J .. _._. a• ioim - o it !'1a.r• Ai2d . ecOne i`-rce � ' ��- - xn re solve t:at ^ w � _ w"aJ ..... �^. 1Z V♦ n +'1 T t '.l ".� J_ � ,. .t. T w_.. .. ... 1 �r :i\ v v lir. _._ 'J h ♦ ,e:J:. ♦ - ... J • /Ems.' _ •�J.i n i+_ �C.i. __ n + t �. +� f:.:� C.'.� T 7 to ri , , i ,•, t J C,. /e_._.L'./ a an o ..; _ .. , ., r,� _ ..... '' _ _, ^- . r . _ �: - �^ ., t _�? .... ars _ e .. . 017n •ra_: a1• jecon-,"0 Crecz.- _� rc :,o�_�r a., a-: 1;. C v .,o., rca.. a � ccn.� c. ,: �--_ .�c• _: +., a e r, .: _.. , :cCC_ '"`" �� ��w"Oc--.a? =? 3o!'t�u u;:a t t'-t,^.d '.o• I?�'?v no-.- read a t'. ',3r°' u uric .o,� Y an-? 7inall, nas Aw _'.... -'arra v . : o. 16;01 'Dein- 11; ---law to ~noose a r zanrw 1 al,`' �i.•_..7t. lot 17, Cone. 0, t... Uare . o• l Cl e no -r road a secon . -imeh ri,, n a ,4 rRi V 1;. • °3 ? •- w• 'AOurl-.r rated road eninlwroes of council inrespect to 19'� ,, ,� r • ,w r l d T s 1 - ,^t 7 '•1 i Y! -) r'�s ,.1 -•i 'j t', ' r,. e d r 7 ^ f ,. '- • ^+. x i day n �d�, e.� �.._�..x Y�.cr:L�n ca_:.;._t�.o__..�. ..oz.L..c_._ aLaorz.�., tyec�_z-. .icar_�in,. hours o_ � a . h 10 , _oars �r da, , ��.� �__ : a u.: o.s .� _ce_� �, in cases o ep�er~en�^fir. ! ��c -non r •ram, ? ^ ^-v+oC- d on IV`.,.e hourl,% rate c'••s s£'v on Jan. �1r - vvio- -7 l.e }9t : a Z. —c r lr '„ - o c_yZ- ze . t o1 da< ,. �cxt.,c �1 -ovod 'Ztr ns'? no s -, ,� �, J • '--,,.at m t 7 .� " '-1 .V . ;7 :7 �! t n 't n Y� .1 '� � , ,(•,„• • ,'1 lacon�c l �- Green- -_Aa t L,�Me s ala -L sc'- r1 _:. ad now revise-, =�e �.,_.o�tea, eectiv� Jan. PS 0' ci. Con,, attac'Acd to resolL,tionj �lor�_ , a3 instructed to , n,re0ti -a -o t.�e ps ocurin- ow a t1:13 clod: for a;�.. n "'o,n_s'Ain 'aarn. on - .on,' ay ?'over' T)enziis :.)ecc,n G.raram- •e'a . 5tI. • 1968, at That spec al session now adjourn uo meet. again 10.00 :...Carried. • 'ler'.. rL.t.iaC•1 - �- y r-isol YTS✓ .' G" -at :-'"Law :.cia�. �»-,a-e rate uozzo.)_ *147 1 5 re, Je ' �reTr r . '"i:1 1 _i � v '� ; ?� o, ro.a firs t , �, econ-_Ia,:. ' r wn"..:M� •.)- Gln , f sol in....a V«�G v �.T,rtiiw �arri wd : Y .. _o 1rT v L �r it !'1a.r• Ai2d . ecOne i`-rce � ' ��- - xn re solve t:at : o. 16;01 'Dein- 11; ---law to ~noose a r zanrw 1 al,`' �i.•_..7t. lot 17, Cone. 0, t... Uare . o• l Cl e no -r road a secon . -imeh ri,, n a ,4 rRi V 1;. • °3 ? •- w• 'AOurl-.r rated road eninlwroes of council inrespect to 19'� ,, ,� r • ,w r l d T s 1 - ,^t 7 '•1 i Y! -) r'�s ,.1 -•i 'j t', ' r,. e d r 7 ^ f ,. '- • ^+. x i day n �d�, e.� �.._�..x Y�.cr:L�n ca_:.;._t�.o__..�. ..oz.L..c_._ aLaorz.�., tyec�_z-. .icar_�in,. hours o_ � a . h 10 , _oars �r da, , ��.� �__ : a u.: o.s .� _ce_� �, in cases o ep�er~en�^fir. ! ��c -non r •ram, ? ^ ^-v+oC- d on IV`.,.e hourl,% rate c'••s s£'v on Jan. �1r - vvio- -7 l.e }9t : a Z. —c r lr '„ - o c_yZ- ze . t o1 da< ,. �cxt.,c �1 -ovod 'Ztr ns'? no s -, ,� �, J • '--,,.at m t 7 .� " '-1 .V . ;7 :7 �! t n 't n Y� .1 '� � , ,(•,„• • ,'1 lacon�c l �- Green- -_Aa t L,�Me s ala -L sc'- r1 _:. ad now revise-, =�e �.,_.o�tea, eectiv� Jan. PS 0' ci. Con,, attac'Acd to resolL,tionj �lor�_ , a3 instructed to , n,re0ti -a -o t.�e ps ocurin- ow a t1:13 clod: for a;�.. n "'o,n_s'Ain 'aarn. on - .on,' ay ?'over' T)enziis :.)ecc,n G.raram- •e'a . 5tI. • 1968, at That spec al session now adjourn uo meet. again 10.00 :...Carried. • 'ler'.. 6� I* Council Cham0er, 13tra�"fordville, Januarl. 23rd . 19?8. `i'he adjourned sitting- of the f3ounty �}ssessMent Court of Favi -ion for t_�e To�rnship of T ayh.an was heli. on the arove date with all members prese, and Chair?nan 3chleihauf nresidinf-. "lso in attendance were Asses �or"af-er and Soper and Clerk Vallee. The Court proceeded with consi �".eration of appeals and decisions or_ same laid M over front the previous meeting. AdJournnent was Made for noon at 12.25 P.'T. an-. session resumed at 2.00 P.'. .roved by ,:illia?�scr, 3acon,. ed by Tuff ord- That t i s Court o= ;evasion, having consi~?@red all appeals ar-ainst the 1�-,")7 assessment roll for tie '.unicipality of To�Inship of �a-.rhan properly before it, no.4 certifies this Roll as Revise? and A.mmend.ed by t._e decisions 0.l the Court, to c:. t.sir Last .1�eviJeL1 :.3J...3s.:1e.1✓ -Roll o:. the 'IunlLlsJ- alit�t, in accordance with O'ection 73 of the Ass-I)eSSMent Act. 1960, Chapter 23. } ... Carrie I. (&tc e-�R. Ili, 7 several re-unst s for r 'unds an�_I wri+,e-of -*s of taxes vJere also considered. :.over by Tus'f or""t' .)econded �y ',#illiam. son - `ahat :'i. .ic,-u , Bor�erly I'o" s Pittview Fars Lt . - 1997 G .xitche.l - 19:7 .ari(,n 1067 Ric!, -u3, ad, ustmen t re. a ''.oved Dov '.'illiamson .Decon." e -I by Tuff ord- 19")7 Roll No. 292 1967 tt it It 19 ti /7 tt J 1���'? It 12 IZ2) 7 1r ;7 It .t 2i.r 1c3z7 it I 13 / the followinr tares be written off ; - - 1? )5 us:dness tax plus penalty and � it if i! tt tt 19�r, taxes Ch1. 5 plus )2.' rt 3.83 Lus. Tax '.'34.64 n1.u� rt it 19 }7 to �-e s . ,23 -3tf tf Commercial to Residential. Carried. That refund: of taTTes - :"hirley Anderson - - earl Vi saw - - I ittviei„J Farms - - Ilatthea Pencz - - Lucien Ph llins - :arion .)ch,;iei7 er - :fovea bar >�yilliamson JeCon cd by r'ufford- 7 a a,- bourn 6 P.FT... Carrie- . be allowed ..,24 - 9 9 7.4 13.3 6C . 0 3 as f -110-.,;s ; - 43 .l ” . Carrie, . interest ;t S7 -S -Z - 343% Z343 tf 3S� 6 s. Court of r e -.- i cion f or the Tap . of day iia-, do nos�r 77 l r' and Viler' Cour Qrv1 si on . r Al Council Chamber, .3traffordville, Feb. 5th. 191!S8. The re-ular meetinr of the '5a; ham Township Council vias held on the a';ove date, all mer;tbers bein7 present and reeve Johnson. nresidinr. "' nutes of the last rem lar and specia]_ meetinc-s were read, a^nroved andw si-rued an-! t`- follo- inr 'business was done. C omm. 1 -mi cations received included the -Colloviin -; - letter with codes of b -.,--law refrardinr- 1968 road ex, en-?iture.s, .Tas received rom the Lon4on ^f_LIce , settle out, ma;r :mum esti. ?ate s for normal expenditures at :.20,000.00 for construction an -1 7160,40O.00 for maintenance. ' aeveral notices fron. ho ni tats of indiment patients 'Tore di sculssed hy co'a.ncil. letter from . r. D . J. gate, o:' tie London ' O'V ce of the Den-". of L unicinal A-rFairs 'TaS real to COLl?'?C11 a'l d .scuss on '^':1' o sa;,O. �'::� Cn��1C11 'v'Ta3 'tiers reluctant to mall'.e any c-an7es in rate of ta,: c -flections . npli cation or me '_er -1 in t . Ontario '.unicinal �ssocistion viazs laid over to 4 \ « . I. .. 1 anO. 'r *m. ezetinr "onsi�eration of r -rant s to :'t 1 r ^'inor ::Doke-, T .3alvati on Army and Aylmer and -ja3t � in ."t7ricultural �ociet�r Ta a give:. ',�T council. �. } e i S T,Y (] a ; J (7 "? r� 'C ' t" '!,'+ ,^, "1 r'v .'`. .i- .!- -', - tot--' y� ' � .L'. ." . er r c ivc.-1 :.roe•? Jo.:. �o ._.., ,;.L..3. , �,.Ut in,� our a tote n�3c. o� 11� 2 47.20 for adr itiona 7`2 ` Get of' 21,-11 ni:)n on la n:' o: , ra�A'i t s r`r�er� Cre on _?ra-.r.. _ _ ..ota..c.. las- ryc.ri re...'. c.n a _il . "�'3 ai-r-a Conte e encea :at Lon...�.or� on _ e��. 2_-D t uer tVa:� receiV �:? d fry "? ra �, er,'lan a:'I=�:aGCi3tr'3 �lt� r_� _:�Onans, o�'fer- in M t `�e''.r Service � a s CO?13ulti?'? e?':.'"lne:'r s. folio:: n conics os :;ountJ- t*- � :=Ts :>>ere re c .ve-z . - 'o. 2L-�.7 - `�'o ;e+ val?.';?ti',n s n- a' -)a ort1 onirlent o:;`Count;" rat`s. C o con.Dunt, 'our -1 0�. r:�v3:sion .:.ar.�n- nle_ e o:..ounl. 11�t Of to"� arrcarS, t .re4� -�ar:s a..—, , ,IGre ar-aln rezT : -ove Ir.- Gr yen t7 e`+O!?:� .� i�Tr �� -,� o^ 1� �tr�.r }~�. C�� `v ri ae.� � k • v • ,3 � � > - 3 ,:.- That t._e 7reas , � a _o � to Ln�a . `aili ff �te'�Tart o- �t . `hon?a s to collect. tat: arrar - ... "arri ed . "r. :. : loneee? waited on tLte cou ci}? t in t:_e atter cf t'�e ern Dra: n no- :-1rai nine' fan _1:s suf fi ciently f cr nursar�r 3toc': purl oses. -oar—r0— b1d,, Denni Seconded by Graham- T� at gain Ina,;ectote n'°e r nairJ as necessary to :;rn =ray n at cat c as yn and o . , ar 1 ��--ay, i._ ?�.rtwc,�_�r• ..>arri.. �. :r. Jerr�r )e -hers met brief Dr witL the council nn,� ac-uai nted t tea'! with the f acts p rt:�in n to �_•: -j.a :ion j oncer �e ?vtar, �ar,l :Tor on same. as _ inanccd by the �rooi%_s Foi.andation. Te reruested imnroveme nt to access road 1-n weatuhsh perrlits. �ouncil a -rel. tr, co -oyer. ate Ir t' ._ - r?atj;er. :'roved Csi nos � : �,'.aecon�ery b -t =reen- 7ouncil adi-,i ,, or roo to riP ?t cIn a , . . "arried. "o,��,lcj-1 re aumed session at 1.10.: :'ov"3 z 1--r Crahar:? �ecanried b;,r :?ennis- '; at a errant of z,p an. is hero' -Y :Wade to t: -e ,ylmer �a st 1 l -in Ar"ricultural 13oc et�r... "arrie� . f,'C sin ->o aecon ?-reen- What, tine Treasurer for►Tarda ci�e-ue "or ` 75.00 to -ion �zon Iron don, as 7rant for 19 �31... Carried. rove'' ✓Jr green �ecc.nd0�' b Graham- That a 'rant of'S .0 b made to Hyl ger ' inor Hockey Assn. Carried. "oved by Csinos econ�'e < bar '=reen- `7hat the �'ollor�Tinm buil,?in(- pernit 7 be anproved; - Leon Veryser - Oreen)-iouse - ;:3000.00 ...''arri.ed. Loved bt:r Graham :pec-nIe b,�. tennis- That t�-ne collo:,,ins- persons be TozTnship re resentatlVes to tL.e 1.a1..e "rie Te-ional Develon:ment Council for 198.- Rleeve Jognson and Councillor Grcen an /or Csinos... Carried. y Tire Clea.- advised that certain appointed o:f'ficials dere unable to act. r oved by ('green �econ�?ed �i%r Csinos- That_ the 7'ollovin�- persons be deleted as officials under By - Law 7 -To. 1599 °, 1,60Q: o�.zn- eener - "'a:: Underhill . orace ':a7ue �,o:�ert Jackson. , encevievier - 'obert ". Jackson :eed 1"snector - «_o:ort "• Jac'_ on...Carr_. ::owed bl*e:�nis >econd:�:? ? «r �:raham- T: -at the following~ aersons be ad.�ed to ---LaTfi "o. 1. 00 a s ea ?ov��d:eeoer - Lolert 0reson 4 a. - o o d tied ort'': . -_ .evie-aer ohertCry, �."arie ,. s on ...., r John Dor' ? , � La ret '^ri efl�r r,�-ti t :e r1a:"1' era an" di sCU sse:3 drainaMe oro'ole►:ts. 2,0r%) : . :. , '., e .: mith Drain re:, ort was read and dl soused . ."even interested - rato~�@er rs :'r�:re reser_t ai'1.� �!' 7eCtor i`';� i a�'?. �:essrs. "'iz?) ;:r, `al ��?in and ?ressey ?_n''3.Cated t _ ;;f ; s�"`:ed t0 '.rit '.dre'"1 16 t heir ila:le s �rorl t'.` " netiti on. T fere was -some E3v _L,AL r',-, c � t' to ti a crr,a e a d ' U 1cant S a'_':CLtl "' made, '' T'_ "I n?er Dodd `'r V eu to chec'.. t"I s. 1)ecrn"1e V' sinus- r tat t',-, n "insert s rn000rt on 3:1nith Drain '-)e adont.., SU ��" eCt to �ar-* ad jzstments ',-v "o -tri; of �":evision, ani.: s-� � a.r be -r enar,.d �. or same. . . "arried tie )n finIn. er s re~ ort on tIlea -can1an gain •ras read and i s tiussed . ewit'ras � o1�n-1 Vat Vis drain ome overlan,)inr, the j�'earnleTT gain and some nrlva t�.' til? ^al'_? r"C', a s -.;-ll` as C.' --, r''e- of'y ovmershin of soneY Lan -'s. ,a , - 3econ^ e ? fir r-.ra4ham- Phat t' --e report of tl- e nn -; necr o�, ')'ca plan Drain ',e fe 1^� p G] _ _ re_ ..rrer o ,nrineer fOr assessment aa�1_''Lr'1�'??t...r'aY'ri_ . :r. Carl :" ec-:er -:ai to i o-1 -'U'-2_.e council .n v' -:e -atter of improvement to sileroad lots ifl, L 10, Cons. 2. !"c3.tnci1 a--ree, ..o have a loo'- at same to aee flat ,done . r. fou-. Call o v_jnr- leer, presented to th-e council oralinarI* dans for v . Constr'acticn o_1' t'`,.e ' =,on ��ri (I. -e, an.. �1 ? acu .. wed t''�e raQ � i'r4.''' inCC nn c -ion �Ii t'_ sarle . eCOn''` � `�I'a� a:l- wx ;t --) "eli :tin arw- -)!an- -"or Car -on -,r` C;�e c .� �r "�ar�' x it ')ole ;r ^� a!a r •fin Z• 1r1 pro+ T �-} ,�_.--,)-)—oval. r i �, 1��. r .:�_� , w.e �.�,e� _, sd _r�.._r_���� �o eft. 4 _ J ,, iOro� O•'al. a r r i - ,_ o -,.y _,i) proct,re a ?w.,o:;it ileo:: for eNeter; ,"are ^o: -- `.�I : ��L,z.^,c?`_v - ander safe-'.e,y��i:.- -r e� : ent. zan`{ t'_ at '�^reasurer ay.t.orise,' to :gat, e e_- for sar:e ... `arra. , r'- -, `?reter; so" consl-lCrav?�on t�,4.r� ..r `ic Toirns'.' _ ' s U') -a a. J i ��ono��L�rYn �i'? control re.-itlation s oved ''t' %'-n' am )econ-1e-1 -r _)en?�i -- "•"-at in t.' e ":latter o_^' r��1? llann•inr- ct an�� lo;�-:'?s'?in Of �a���^a?:1 Y '--*-T.aw ':`o . L1; 02, it is }ry eretJ `.t : rfacw.i.icn "_'' t lUt file T-ini.`ai er `c.r3t CO'1 ';2t 'Or ttxe sale of t^e folk.f nr• •:arcel of �_�:_ "' , _"�a-telrr, south ',L JL pf Lot �a,Yz.N`�er One, Concession ii•il.� '��*i:.�i L _ �' 'i `J a t —7 , _r' --, n 'i ^i L� to s 'S'L"?S i, • + _ o '.ane r arse . u �. U�_ �o�. v_ - re � cur2r 0:' sa �. 1Ct. ' " T?avi tC 'a --L-4 a•,` ", x_la:3"'?'1, anteat no local .:0.._ ._..w_ . . o_ ,.,..� L .,en CC.� �,Z .v a�'... rnl''? .o__... ai•?^3°-, .) CEJ. .�t'• '.,'t ^— r..17•i::�i �..L n__v"C- .`.I.`n!j �.�Y..f_=s,- �.:, ...:'Gi, a --T. 1 • L , ^ 7 v �_ crci'.'lt__ w ..L't3?"' .'� _� v" _a ~L-� }_ �t v L rra• . 1 - c on ^e_1 " for t.. � .1? O`' t'�' "CL?_o':Fi".`" `12.rCe�_ f)f an^, :2ct Ie�_;,',:"-o, `h half Lo'� :'''ll i,:)er 2 Z, ro,-,ces `.rce , r'o:'rn a 'L� O" 2v"'ta."'1 sa :rc ai"'_' 4 e �'^ ' ? a on-,-��alf acre narcel , -more or les' -3 , o.� �_ , :c so»�__-eas corner o� aa�. f l0 U . t* c.tael and .:?? a =. lln er A.o Geer -2- .:? _ter "' ld.ncr a.. >'� _rleT~ Joanne' :', l? n no local :'o=At vee of rl 1 ^1 a r, o n y ra w ::•:,y ..t at .\r A-'./ 1r.a , cert .., 'J:i7t?_ 011.-4 �.1 C.Z-~.`+.6 a .l AJ l..l_.'..:.t%W , . .r r1— •-v • 0n i nstr,. 4Q"io ,-3 fro�I Col. .:c-_L,_�rocttred -?r .ccs on time c16�o :s for 1'se i 10-.:� _. ��_ darn as ^1?.o s;- 1 r .. '1 • T , '� •air -i '� A,-.yZ �'i J_ 'j y� T • C•3 T'' /' , r ' 1 �"� 1•� I �- r7 «� o nom.,_ �,u Os c, 1"�,. '1t �.•�©, - 175.00 �.or :pan. oneraue an�� =�1_ �.0 G f or electric "o crave ' . ?Covin ^ia?_'I,,- ) taj: �3, tra . �? . r '`,i nc3...'_..a C ��.a :. s.eccr`':0 Co. - ,1l Ju . _� , l or 'I,,- rlc CLoCi ,r�_ �.'� manual rJr1n v' Ii �'rovJncia1 ., e. ura. V ecen e 4'. ?...�_ �ra'za- ''� at t' :i cc��__ :�irylTor cr :� t -i �:le cloc'_: ro=1�? �� ?�:vernatio2- rn • .-� �'� r -i ,1 r•� ..L I i` I I �' ? i i ] ' r c -" r''a �,y " al z_. e �t�"_ Y.,i. CO . L �, . , :o �el J . �� a rf c c 0 17� , G.. tai: �:t_ �, a,� _'. a r, ant. t- . o:,-' cards ... Carrie=s . ad Natters were Aiscus sed in a li+;i` e` manner only an-? it was decide ? to have a Special Loon, to cover this Matter more t-horour-hi T. oVclr? icon >e G:1`�e:i i1.o. - "n, -.)t t.. `i co'.,�,.'iC.:.� r_Z v+ ,, � au a �_� D ,.. r, d for 19,`7 o' 1 90/5-15) , �, '- l,- narr3 ". 953 net .tion f�,r st<tL `orlr Wyant on nron,2r of 1 car- si rrn same. e'ci ri ..e "'-' Gr oe-1- '"'.at Pecv,:? t ie ort, �r i �ect7,- `n arloirits 0, 7,351 3 �r roads , '-1, x07.3 5 or ��ol� aro , �;? , 50G .. � or '� le raa.na �.e a,. '3 ? �-3 l .77 .: or ^en�:ral a,�^o,.?.nts...arrie.�♦ t' ~ a^co�,_::� t:> - Fail, st Jai-, 1 - 15 ------------- ,1 ?..g. 2g �? a I .a c a.. J , A -31 0/. o�, -73 •account -- nab. Sent �r e��cl ie.- ___________________ 3e3�y, 5 V1_f?ro acco�,�- ;__________________________ �________ 1f C7.35� R �- _ .ario r'oo.1 "oar1... >. 17.J0 �nt.Assn.ofHural ::��n. - ii It --------- 15.00' 17,ick Demchuk - Tile Drainage Loan------------------ 747C.Oce, DonalA Chute - !n. -,,n. fee rp above _________________ 3G,00f -' racei.ver General - 'tamps for C♦o.f '. notices------- 25.00 it ;� _ .i at Office--------------- 14 CC Oral.T's 'mbulance - January SubsidiT---------------- 15 8.33 eristry Office, El'rin-Deceniber conveyances..-------- 4.20, Llrin ;` lueprintinf- _jo~)ylnr7* nervi ce-.nor: re. Storer 3 . 52 Trea s , o Opt . - a rt . r Pmr rown hrr ?r . � ande -nn-- 17.00 Crown Atty.rli n -Leval fees_______________________ 19.80 Thous A. 1. orrisse;--_3oultry killeddoffs--------- 51.CC F ernl ea Flowers Ltd. -Container re. late Arb a Join son 10.50 Shiirley 'n -ler -,on - efun 19��7 Taxes, C. of L. ---- 24.9'?' St ti it it It it a Zjarl Visa�1� - -- .".96./ ?ittvie�v Farms Ltd.- :i rr :t it it it ---- 7.1;1 l 'TTlatthez�r Pend - zr :t ►t li tt ;t ___� 1.3:� 1.:ucien Phllli.)s - rt 11 ii it I it __-- 6C.63, f_'arion 'c � e zer -- it it it rP �t it ---- 1;3.1 • tTlmer " ' alahide Tel , Co . -7.D.- ifine--------------- 25.83 1.:•.:'c'.enZi� Fue1S Ltd. -'ire D�7t. uel--------------- X0.73, is itit it _'"1''10E? it ________________ 5.07 Jewitt,o? ? c Vallee- purvey etc . Scanlan fir. ----- 50 ♦ 57 5 4 • 57 . • C . ��.re ~ist er jtC�i •.�.Jtd. _ ,��ff . h.7�� J.J .----------�'--�'_-' �, 4�.r � 'red Avver - FOX ro,.znuNr--------------------------- 4♦Ct L1otTd .3ol,thwick 9 Fox ountv----------------------- 4 00 Jim fiTc'ibron it ii ------------------------ 4 -CC T,Tathan Ha -sward- ------------------------ 20.00 Nelws Printing Co. - 10::v lar c-e envelope.:,----------- 23.9?° ''eo. Cameron Ins. �'� enc�r- ?osition ''?ond nremiurn----- 132.1 A-%r1_:?1er-''..EjlFin :fir. aoc. - Grant_________________-- 10./ Salvation army - want----------------------------- 75.00; Aylm::r 11inor i':ocke« As m .------------------------- 50-00 J. `.Vallee -Salary for Jan. ------------------------- 400,08,, Violet Van7e.lois-Sal. for Jan---------------------- 241.70 Rec. Ger_. - Un. Ins .------------- ------------------- 3.72-. OR Ir'R ^ ^7 iCE - 197 ad,-►ustmen----------------------------- 5.24 Rec. e'en. - Unt olovment Ins .---------------------- 3.72/ C . . - . _ _ _ _ � `�"-------------------------- 28.76 sr it - Tax ----------------------------------- 111.40x O nS - laensi.on 'fed. L D,Ip . share------------------ 77-40 J. 1 arr?er - Valuing *.orrissey poultry----------- 4 -OU/ .falter D. ITelson - Insp. re. Phillins T -1.e Dr.Loan-- 25 .00, :jorace Jonson- 'attend 2 medtine-s--------------- 32.80 Jesse L. 'tennis tr 2 .t --------------- 31..1:.0,, )onald Graham - tt 2 fit --------------- 32.40 Tonv Csinos - .t 2 --------------- 35.00 v Lonald nreun- tt �t--------------- 37.00 -oved by Tony Csinos jecondLed by Lonald Green - That this Council ad ourn to meet main on Friday, 1�rlarch 4th., 1968, at 10 : 00A .11... Carried v J. 0 �:outncil Chamber, )traffordvrillo, Feb. 9th. 19:x'. ` ;•,ccial rteeti:l^of c 7'aK'11,?`1 To-rn .hi''� '�'ouncil wa- held ontaro ab -r_. -?ate c e. or nur)o an of r( -,n -i'lerinr- coal matt':r 3 an.,' o t`. -'r busi ss. All "ler viere :� gent an i �eevc Joh son nresided. �Un t . �'rl'a �,r Bente--! nroT)ose "7rcf ra<n L'or road i-ior " aa ant.ure or 1168. ii --in nro -ra , rias discu ^� :d i tem Vit* tem 1-.s, the "3G'..1 ? �r'_ =s�' N Y ' . �. �'lnr': Vallee G r� y.. f. ? .� ' `� T.• 1 to C� h r �-, 1 �- meat t - : • t � a m�..1_.. rate o:f 10. 27 io �.l _1- r:, r,, uir:.. �o m�..t 1 > �;---� � �diture r 1r. o n 1 a recon- e�' Grah z- "' _at �:.�i:� crit ^i1. ecce', road. -)ro7ra� a--,,`.mit-ed �-��v _?oad rt. 'r�.' Q,!;CC . for re'~.l�zr tT-le a an-' O,G"Fu. for sunple--inntary N-r-laYI cr ... �arr.��-. roved - a :.. Seconde-_1 �`nnI7: - What -,.i3 cc,z.cil adjol. �~or noon to ���t a~ain at 1.1'- ''.':. Carrid. ,o,ancil resiv ed 3-) ficial se -5 -ion a� _ r. ��ie1'r_ ' `lon-''e %l met ��>tit1: t..,, council ad 4 ,�cu.�Z; drai_naf�-a of his _ farm v lot 12!_ ry aentvd a nein .lc;'? 'or oraina"'e o� u. ., ar(vs a.y s_L, iz .6. ? ,' • y') e to s � n n .!.a .^ ` rtZT ?'� !� � ' ., y� ;;) r-.,, '1 +'� ,j.. • � � ,.f n ' r • rr r'§ ^ iJ.•:.rev •:l�_r .� Cn.l. ... nCt'v :.a. i:'d t�lv .:lrn Dr]-i_it. _._;ad ,�:."?[,> .LrlE�v 17a- :.:. '.. ' orir-e..,, '�"'.,,/'. .tel - same on `�,», -� ', ^�' "'o'.'n ��.�'� roan ar fec J`v' i • ovc tT ':ra?.a-: - 'ie n. onde 1.-ty-=.>vn.ni., - T-att_ e o ? L!~.. on o - lon;.-.Ieel and.. o h—an' s-�%.or eJri./ension _. ?'i'`rGV?'iant to Lyn ra?!� v a:'.c� t::I a?1"'. John LO'`.d, .L. . �.c re"'uasted to ..I '. -� a s,,rvD , an-! ro-.cry-, ibn sa:-ie ... 7�arr__ air'.. �~'ah`.:. adverti ::,e for tent ers on su.T ir a' gasoline -f33el fuo-1, furnace oil. an,' �:fotor ail, �ie1i=•(uric 3 all to be nr�nt ��Y teetered. .2-r_^= -, were 1Y'a nit', loam . _ovod -t- Green %et;0n '`e�: Vr Csin�- ,nd resolved that Zr-Law "'o. -I'02 bin^- a b --law to 1-mnose s; �ia1 drai,�a -c rate on port'"' parts lots 26 27, Con,?. ., r :wnnie ': Joe _Ll , e noiv? rea _� a " .rat tin1,c ... C:arried, Seconded Green- ':nj resolved than wt`- L2.i: j.o 1602 he no,read a Second time. r:arried . :av?d 1iJr Csin� .. _recon -?e 1y;r � n- ria that ' lr-Laity Tto. 166)"' �e now read a V ird time C'r"�e__ yin resolved. an-'. f-*.r_a11.T passe ... Carri ea. roVed Vii',' c <+1i S �econdec.. 'T- Graham- "MI, resolved that -Law 'o. 16'3? a by-law to impose a special drainacre r--., on south haLf lot ?f,, Conc. 5, re. envie E� Joe ilk 1e ?_ n ov rea i a first time ... Carried . roved Graham Recon 1e: ,r Dents- ;xn-' resolved that . v-Lavi x o. 1`03 be no -,..r read a second uine,� r0 d. --over..r_is Jwc!`',!` .e.'. ,��- Graham- n resolved that ';r-La7 T'o. 1 03 ?ac no;i read a t':ird time na11~r nasse Carried. Green �cC7nde C '_n07,-- Bin z r solved t+.at ,aw io. 1`04, !)einr- a "u -T. -lai-., to i -inose a special drain -a( -n- rate on so,ith parts lots 2 <, 27, Conc. 4, re. tennin Joe ilk ,'ce nc�-r rea(_i a ffirst time ...Carried. " rove- `2 r Dennis jeconded rtra'f.am- And re:3oly d t'_:at .Y -Law "To. 160. be no?i read a secon:' tine71. .arl e�. oved 'o:7 D ennis - T,vT-T r 1h0� 'oe no.1 read a t hird time and :jecondea b-,- Green Any. resolv:.d V. A.= �ai1 Igo. t^'inally passe --1... Carried. oved by Dennis � r Seconded bar Graham- Tl --.at this council adjourn to meet main on T. arch 4th. 1963 at 10.00 A.7: ... Carried . Council Chamber, 03traffordville, .-arch 4th. 19 'J_1. I'lursuant to adjoar.zgent of Fe' the rrul,ar , -:)tin- o-7 t' e L , " -4. o,!n r3h ."e �; d on n , - "ate, all riem-)ers nre-ent a - -; `�er-we Jr,�' council wa--j:? Irleld on t., A, In ar,, o v o -f t1n.e !a-), ro-,rular an-. s--)rNcial were, r -,%a -I , a.,, A 0 -%re Joh--on rn, -e r -1-n ai= a-,-' object- of t'�x-e pre3e--t c e -minded th o C o run 1 i..n kation -:) race' v -' inclu 'e,*,. e frol lo-?-,* n, c --F* I e t tilal r oJ7 annrcval o-7 o -f- n r 1 e: r zs'rl J_ a r�U4n or re ro received -n, 0 4^ -1 +m t ,cryo 7a7ors and r,. s ra" un i r, :,{.l._ s a t o tini cl pal- ,Lenves, "...tario uxers otes of an-oreciation -raere r, _�, - s n- 14 ,Pron- ':r,- rl,o,,h-iin an -11. Famil-v for 171o.v-,rs :-,-e.n-kO8 T h a Jalap, -,--ition f or ,-*rant a "r-1. .')'eiaur for donation of Oentrirnial 7lar- to .hn.r fatherra -r. 'Irolrt r-arnl-iam. c �'oun c J., 1 .:.ulle+Vi-..s receivn_d fr-.-i onal -1conon-L A1711il 1 S(,_ 'To- -7a:7 n idd4,r nt _n, t i en t n ot i co re c e. j. v -1 frn ital. A,),.)rc o,- ulanf, ' 1u-1---&- or 1,1as racei-wed fron 0-- TT t Canadian 7` a t i on a 1 advi:�-,e-! --' at -hnir nronert-r • The, 1,:� vior, on u re,-,-;ect- 'f_-, A. J 3mit-h. ')rain wa to 1,�� 1 -1 t -,,z r'ontractor. T'lle Den -1. of Hi�-Ihwa7, coun.--il -5o au-.,`-o_"iZn_ tran7,fer of fun -13, in rf01 .3 n r] C I; to 1.0 -,7 road e-,nend*tures). r U e wa:7, ni-do t!-.rou!7'.1 LII e I r o-1,Ln 1.- "Z"jn-in.--,er, t,. -,.a -U Tm,iznshins snrw'- '.deeds s A. on COU -"-U,,' rc.ado- on same `,azswis as la:3t -ir-3,ar. C, r jo r- rn n --nsat4 on `oar -1 in resne-t w4just- r�_-,nort_ .-7a,% r-ceiv.---ld frorri The ...en's Com I" U.W -I on o: I-, r c ]_ a i m o ' A'Tr, llarol(11. Dennis. -�orro-win�-s f, Advice =,-gas r,_��ceivc_'aal 1rcm en t'i-'local T'an` interest on 1, - - 7 z --�' n C V,3 i rn e d i a t e 1 1.,r , !,-7 n- u !, 1"; 2 7. , - r ',.k - wa- e e r: -,i n,---- in 7- for '�V 'onnrva-1-`on ut'iori-L i V,7� '! r% .1.1 a c c orJa:-ic-_, w_it1_-- infornation- ac -e t. .,. '-N o action ta,--n,-n on for 'Lro�,. tie "'own, o7' 'tone-- -*n t`�e matter o' n I.. -) t'7.r! '.4-- - _L n-..-ient to J'e c t Ji o n of ')lanrin- `ct. anin. JA J_ o rlstn --inr- -)aw -,mi D,,; on -o r�o,n_ cn i-1 ._otcha' s a AJC at x:.. o r no-- 1.,at %4" rz ev 4- ntc7'a"-,,a-..F to onk,-,,rat-e a '.,oul *,0+10r, J n - U 13 , 0 �7 or. amen -14n7, -Law "o.1557 r �z - U cprner of nort'__1 :3-.o*i a,. n. eas"', ::caring `77xnicinal a 11 v I- r -a o ..' r -,, c o :1. n to o -o t 1- c,-% o from t', --e a x- *1 o 'oar' res*,.1'_',.c-,!.,_ _nne-nls -'---La,, "o 15:77-1. "ai-I 77earin!- to lbe 1-1e? d a I.A t e jorn i -�rlr, f'raC;4- - o",1vill-:), on arc.-,,. 19 6�3, 1C.00 A,.# -a s, c oun c 11 s,.,)nort tie anneal o Zr' res*dents arainst th e Os I no-- Jecon�lo enactn,,aLo-,' scl.edic 3 0- "-,--T_.Ja"o. 1557-1 an' en 3olicitor Linton on t! V _hale. r1arriel. oved. I— Gra.,-.am A e -4. e c on �ft e -I b-7 Green- That COILncil f -o on record as ,~posed osed to t: -Pormii�t_ --�rham... Carrie' ion o`7' gds o-,(' 'ducal;ion as it, affects the o a., 0� U -:r. and -:r. 71 -mer T-111 move re's olution to be s e nt t o A. __j r3resi-lo4 of t' -e (1-n tario Pr,7,r-rossJ1ve Con-ervative .-O"Vrc je.co.f.e a r reen "T, "1 at t' 4 c -z council ad iourn for noon to - meet again a U Osino-1 td L I -3C ,,oizncil nr -,--ion at 1.30 P Oeveill veneers .-sere recoivcd -,:.-or t1ric sanply oJc.' C,-asolinnl dei sel o -*l, furnace oil ant", rotor oils, t'he lo•-,iest tenders be-.*%nr-. acceited. ,loved z tr ')enhis L v U.: L b jeconA.ed Graham- 71,ha+ J -"-n 'ollo.rinr- tenders accepted -clihe and furnace oil. 'or matnred diesel funl, 'Ll-rn s , XTI .enzie '.?uels Lt -I. - dl ..en Grant - 17 o r Motor o 11 --) ... Carrie,"'.. I- 0, tenders ere received, foririn- at To— �-,'An ',arn. "Llhe lowest omen_n accor1- ance w —E 11- sneci-fications was accente-1. ,.oved 1b., Dennis e c onr! ed tr Green- That this council accept VJ e le ten -ler o_` ---Carroll E ctric for wirinr in T,,vmship barn at a price'of ,')'225 -OC ... Carried. ..owed ..oved b-1, Green seconded .0 . .econ,led bir Graham- That the followinn; buildinr permits be anDroved:- Lloyd Gibbons Greenhouse -,)3500- e'en Giesbrecht Residence addition 1500. 0 Ad/",%ition to re.-lidence T; H J3 5CO eru- .'Airs A .0arried• o v erl nos nhat econ-le�l. Clr!--,cn-1 iown�hiyp ioj" t' e p _c_ '`ler?- J_ otiat-.Lon of al a an "reasurer-D of r�nlv-ario an'- 0." 1 1 nd e r�: Vallee 41 -�Onr 2'1r�:!. to Jlzr,,,,� 27V! ... Carrier'. dele7ate- t.'c convention at, .-*one-- ,arl. o v kal r- a 0 0 711nis— n (,�ntcarlo 7-u-n4c*nal -"+--ocia--ion and yen 1r feo o^ c) ,Qr; r r i c,71 4- Drain a o canlant 'I rA.4, e rea z'(-- e d r 3. an a,., - G r 71 -a 7, 4 ia 4-1 c- t 0�" 1 D n (D" canlan r -aff-, n A 0 qn-r'* 0. "'n G t. -" J - e r c n r c our par,as�71cli a J- ra. 0 coy 0 n 7), nj J. A_ —on, or t 10 -'rk 'Ia4Zadl T a J anij a n�, r -rr on c C07,1-nc -)ro,,,Per ents to 0- o1o"on a F -,f 0 a-! a n r e er, t n -1 t'le on o -'N CC's rli c D3nni- 7 Ij T c on -7 (ON A- 0. tu C' 4. o pro ri a c o n-, t a VTc),, r rrs n -7 time. arrieA rj; 4 • r -s. U t 7TO a c o n c - DennL-1- .*.n-, resolva-1,. be now •read a secon'- ro e a 4- f ,, t a 4- o' z; an fe 4_ '3 .94 fro -i ror, st -I r.'-3 S--� e ,r7 ron-1 0 n -n a'J00 r o, r i -I e , A 11'� 11 '_wirc 0 r 0 5-1 a socond z, • • 07- J.r C n ro -oivo _T e.. 0-n:4, r 1 71 7 CD t• -.0. 1 0 7 -D i n a --Icaw to nro-lif o a,-' C', o re or ncr Y? In an ar,ornt :_)O 000.C)c) A nc r U In r e -ini a C 407 lo-.,: retiaa se c o n. t;,71c . a rr 0. 1007 be no -i rna,4 a t1hird --Trin- •and a Ovn inos- Ind a b--la'r-i to en-ar-e 1> I., A. k-' J_ -alar,,, o," o, a c -I -3 up U at a '00. nor a n "L un -7 -e - as 5 rea--' a "ir-.*t t J-_.lea r "L i d I r- rS r Gr len— nd resolved -'.,a La ':0 o• !60f norearset r2 - o1 l cn 0-1- C-ral-14am- !.n-1 resolved t1' a -La-oi TTo. 1"03 'be nmv reafl a ",ird time anA. U _j - a ),.)S�>se--' ... Carried. Zer /0': ys�r:� �r^�o�orf`�-j �1�t? o:p� 1©J �; , {�'►o-1c. 1 ��ra�.tw oa:._• u =.% J : L• O µ ✓ 1 o!,, IJ .n- ,- {��Er cr � �y, J� � _ l iJ� f �. ^! (►!tZ17'r fti .. i nt 1. 1. '.,..6 lJ .•. -� •sb .-? —ri vv ..n ...} t t y't i '7` _..:.7 t.. �.) �J v iii.' !'1 r'! rX ;..�� �� U • r41` .�'., , �� _over", lov D. . Graham .jeconded by J.Dennis - That this council adjourn to �imeet arain on April lst • , ? acs at 10: 00 A.'-. • Carried. ---.: e e tire • � � � � � � rk • ' �� .. .'✓ V �V r%i ) r ...� J.. ? ., h .y.♦ y� ,.q . , • r.,� �. rJ .,.� .f. ,.. i "1 h �, l s✓ r..1 7,9 o. rO ) r '� 'i`. a. • .. ��~(1+n t.%�ry.....^..� 1 , , J� ..._..^ f-�� T '../tn..J '�.� ,• �' ,.V {+ • 2 ..oa 1 7 .` cco,.L-.4 ---------------- - 170 •31.i 16 _ 2cl, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20.9 .0h � it iI _ 7a-- 1'r7'.. ._ a vo u c -----.-_.. —___--__.'--_— !4r �2 . . '. elf are acco,,nt.:.____________________________________ -� 2')2 •0 -� ----------------- n�,i t _ces---------------- 1 __i�rr: alajxz._�.e �e._..o. c:...ti , _aon�,,------------ r1 7:) ,,. a ;r , , n a .e^larat",tion— 3.rV�1 ,rr. a=- Scanlan - r sir~ to "�'Larnle�>r-ain_-____--_-_ L ,.SC . 'rev .ncial _.r�as,zrer - In ul- n_______________________ 2.4711, •�''l �, and _ ,are i,� ,l' tr_e,-s .-.CON, ~i1 w^�ln� �?�'1 no — _''t -re tcpt- t?�-<r.e1�! .�-..__.�_ r3 / r3 yvr-. r'f:/�licve�I.�= 1.-.__n - 1 st Ja°�. �'onv------------------- lr 1 « Fv t !.l , e lA l-) :/ • —.i .._v 41? i, r ....... -. _ .� ..- — .-..... _ _ _..._. -. _; ' • � �„ ,.,}.1. ..'orl� Lt-,. - 1.0 .amu scr _V)4. i':._ --______-_____-- - :�'6. rock:s .--jer%ri cine- f,,rnaces--_-_-____-_-----____ ,C( ,. L. La:3_n- :~, ),o^ ._'ulb 3 _ 1-hrnon� ) Iitu >.------------ 22,7 �rs. LTi cle' o_l°)roc.: - ian�' for �., ,' - --- ___ l ..0 >e '.�zlt7 - `o Gu?�t"T-_-------__--------------- L.00 Llo�r�lo-=t�-1;_c,� _ ----------------------------.C;. V . u' I��crr r �.���,i _ r r -u �ick,a .ilk G .. ,. s ----- ------ , 3C • CC enz, e Joe rceead � tile llraina ? loans------- rc,. 0 �ffr t J • -Ci a __.. A.75 " orl-1 Lt 3 ♦ - 0" "icc ice ------------------- -, , 2 j � fi -- 'ro'.,, �1' -. ,= lr- _n - f�c s) ---------------------------- 2C 1G n �- -�- �. xal rt ":, r'o. I -,t i• - l_ec , r rel _. 1 :r�e., :l 35).1_..7. ^r ,Trs ~�' ,�l� nc? - : el- s,.:'~si ��------------------____ 17 ,31,� ctc'- 1i_ae flor. la -I, ----------------- ? '):nt • ::un. '� a° -n. - �",e l' er f e -.a -------------------- 3V, 0 sn. Qf un. �'? cr' ", r pus. _ ,., ,. ,rs' _D 'cc -------- :atc" pole`anvasro'. - ';ark-; r� c; t• ------------- 32.2. . �en:;i :3 Carar-e - in-;-,V-al tarnaul'n-f:.re tr ,c' --------- .00 J. Valle - �a�. • for ~- ._________________________ 1Y 00 .C' ri�ltTanTe?.ois-�t ,: 't ------------------------- 241.,7C., .1ec. ren• - U -n.• In_�----------------------- 3.72 ------------------------- 3.7? - ''ensi on re. Jallueloi_s--------------- 77•401. pecrAr C p ---------------- 'lax _______________. 1 11 0 basil ' evill - Fire c'wie'-Tran. _ :'c : ♦--------------- 7L . 0•: • _ • Loi,l':.er -:1s 7 V • - ---_ _-_.-.___..-_- 30 • Vl1 V onalf1 _. Chute-lnsnt .',i11- t,.le d.rai n -e------------- +0 .00 J. . 77alle.. 3.n, th 'rain 1--La,V7--------_------------- lio.00 'iiolet pan :?107. s-11 �: �T st---------------------- V l •0C '.'. . Johnson - Convent .on e�. enses-------------------- 21�.GC 27. 60 Ke.n G rn, n - 'ldi -; t . Ins• ]Pecs ----------------------- 27-C00 . mileage --------------------- 0 if 4 , Y . A.-raha: - _Jf� en yes re • convention -------------- 23 .GC ,.. Johno-on - atten-' 2 meytinr-____________________ 32,80 , Jesse L. tennis - ,3 2 TT -------------------- 34..0 Donald r'Traha-, - U 2 it -------------------- 32•40 t'o:1'r (;:)* s - .t it _.,._.._.. _____________-- 35•0(} . Rone.lrl Green - rt ? :t -------------------- 37•CC _over", lov D. . Graham .jeconded by J.Dennis - That this council adjourn to �imeet arain on April lst • , ? acs at 10: 00 A.'-. • Carried. ---.: e e tire • � � � � � � rk • ' Council Chamber, Straffordville, April 1, 1968. Pursuant to adjournment of March 4th., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received included the following; - Notice of an indigent patient in Tillsonburg Hospital. Letter from Tillson & Tillson regarding trash on Underhill property near site of C.P.R. overpass. A letter was received from C.P.R. in respect to possible work they may have to perform at the site of the overpass. Advice was received from Norfolk County Clerk that they were continuing to pay fox bounty of $1.00 for an indefinte period. Clerk Vallee reported on bounty Rayments in Bayham over the past 8 years, same averaging $178.00 per year. . K. McNeil, M.P.P., acknowledged receipt of resolution of March 4th. and advised that same would be discussed with the Minister. Communications were received from Mr. Linton with copy of letter attached from Agricultural Chemicals Ltd. advising that their plans had been altered in respect to building a fertilizer warehouse at Straffordville. The financial report and By -Law No. 2015 of the County of Elgin were received setting out Bayham's assessment for 1968 levy at $114,777.03. Subsidy report for 1967 expenditures was received from the Dept. of Highways indicating gross subsidy on 1967 expenditure at $$6,0$6.$4. General Photbgrammetric Services Ltd. offered their services for aerial maps. A grant was requested for the Tillsonburg Tri -County Agricultural Society. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That the usual grant of $100.00 be made to the Tillsonburg Tri -County Agricultural Society for 1968... Carried. Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That membership be re-newed in the Elgin County Mutual Aid Fire Service Assn. for 1968 and Clerk send fee of $10.00...Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That a payment of $818.22 be made to the Dereham Township Retarded Children's Education Authority for three children fbr 1967...Carried. Moved by Csinos" Seconded by Graham- That Daylight Saving Time be in effect in this Township from 2.00 A.M. on April 28, 1968 to 2.00 A.M. on Octoher 27, 1968...Carried. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That under provisions of By -Law No. 1386, it is hereby proclaimed that dogs be not permitted to run at large in Bayham Township during the period April 1, 1968 to Sept. 30, 1968... Carried. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Green- That James S. Davison be engaged as Small Animal Control Offiver at $6.00 per trip for 196$... Carrbed. Moved by Graham Seconded by Green- That this council continue paying fox bounty at $4.00 per fox for an indefinite period... Carried. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That this council approve of a Tile Drainage Loan on lands of Roger Verbrugge, being parts -of lots 13 and 14, in the North Gore, in an amount of $3 $00.00 ... C arri ed . Moved by Csinos Seconded by Green- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.00 P.M. Carried. Council resumed regular session at 1.05 P.M. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Green- And resolved that By -Law No. 1610 being a by-law to provide for drainage work known as Emerson Drains at an estimated cost of $109600.OQ, be #1610 now read a first time... Carried. j 1&2 Moved by Graham Seconded by Bennis- And resolved that By -Law No. 1610 be now read a second time and provisionally passed ... Cariied. I* 959 Moved by Green Seconded by Cshnos- That Court of Revision on Emerson Drains be held on May 6, 1968 at 2.30 P.M...Carried. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Dennis- And resolved that By -Law No. 1611 being a by-law to provide for drainage work known as Scanlan Drain at an estimated cost of $19,725.00, be now read a first time... Carried. #1611 Moved by Dennis 1&2 Seconded by Graham- And resolved that By -Law No. 1611 be now read a second time and provisionally passed...Carried. #1609 C . of R. Smith Drain x1557-1-1 Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That the Court of Revision for Scanlan Drain be held on May 62 1968 at 3.00 P.M ... Carried. A by-law was then presented to council to form a the Township. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- And resolved that By -Law No. drainage Court of Revision, be now read a first members of the municipal council)... Carried. Moved by Graham Seconded by Green- And resolved that By -Law No. Carried. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Csinos- And resolved that By -Law No. and finally passed... Carried. drainage court of revision for 1609 being a by-law to form a time. (Same to comprise the 1609 be now read a second time/ 1609 be now read a third time Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That this Council adjourn to hold Court of Revision on Smith Drain...Carried. Yloved_'by Csinos Seconded by Green- That Reeve Johnson be Chairman of this Drainage Court of Revision... Carried. At 2.00 P.M., four interested ratepayers were present in respect to their appeals on assessments of the Smith Drain, namely Messrs. Gagnot Tupper, Pressey and Elliott. Engineer Dodd advised by letter he was unable to attend owing to other meetings but presented a letter of recommendations in the matter of the appeals. All appbllants present stated their respective cases, appeals being received from the f ollowing; - Norman Pressey - Incorrect acreage G.W.Tupper K. R. Gagnon - n Allowances James S. ELliott- n acreage re. G.Elliott Estate, Lot 15. Harry Peaker - John Dafoe not assessed. Mr. Pressey advised that he was satisfied as to adjusted acreage as suggested by the Engineer. The others were not. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That the appeals submitted at this Court of Revision be referred further to the Engineer for adjustments and to contact interested part- ies and with a new plan of small parcels affected in lot 15, Conc.10. The N. Pressey appeal to be excepted...Carried. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Green- That this Court of Revision adjourn to 2.00 F.M. on May 6, 1968 and the regular council session now resume... Carried. As a result of the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing on March 26th. in the matter of By -Law No. 1557-1, the following amending by-law wasresented to delete clauses 5 and 6 and Schedule Map No. 3 from said by-law/p Moved by Csinos Seconded by Green- And resolved that By -Law No. 1557-1-1 being a by-law tO amend By -Law No. 1557-1, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Green- And resolved that By -Law No. 1557-1-1 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Dennis- And resolved that By -Law No. 1557-1-1 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Mr. Harold Taylor waited on the council in the matter of consent to sell 51 ac: off his property for agricultural purposes. Council gave verbal consent to this. Two delegations waited on the council requesting work be done on their respect- ive roads. Council agreed to look at these on their annual road tour. Me Chairman Kennedy and Secretary Smith of the Bayham Township School Board met with the council and discussed a proposal to build additional rooms at the Eden School. Council requested the Board to give the matter further study. Mr. James Elliott reported to the council as a member of the Otter Creek Cons- ervation Authority. Fire Chief Nevill met with the members and requested permission to either repair of procure a new portable pump. Consent for thhs was granted. The matter of the special fire call line from Straffordville to Port Burwell was discussed and Fire Cheif Nevill recommended that same be discontinued. Moved by G+-abam Seconded by ennis- That this council authorize the Aylmer and Malahide Teleph- one Co. to discontinue the special line from Port Burwell to Straffordville for Fire Dept. purposes...Carried. Road matters were discussed with Road Supt. tribe and date of April 18th set for annual inspection by council of Township roads. Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of �9,081-74 for roads, $2,116.03 for welfare, $18,348-43 for No .1 Drain and 93,2$$.19 for general accounts. Roads Accounts - Paylist Mar. 1 - 15 __________________ $ 180$.41 . n n _ n n 16 - 31 ------------------ 1816.75, " it Pay&ent vouchers 5456.47 Welfare accounts --------------------------------------- 2116.03 ,�-, C.C.Stewart - Comm. & Mileage (Jager) ------------------ 80.00 Receiver General - Stamps ------------------------------ 14.00 - P.O.Box rental ---------------------- 5.00. Ont. Hydro - hydro for office -------------------------- 54-32, Brantford Bldrs. Sup.Ltd. - Tile No.l Drain ------------- 1274$•43- Norbrant Contractors Ltd. - No. 1 Drain contract ------ 5600.00 Reg. Off.Elgin - Reg.Red.Cert.re.Caswell---------------- .50 C.C.Stewart - Comm. & Mileage (McQuiggan)--------------- 8.6$.. Byran Jones Pharmacy - Presc. re. Nettie Rice----------- 6.65 , Gray's Ambulance - Sub. for March ---------------------- 15$•33-, Ont. Hydro - relay. Straff.St.Lts.---------------------- 21.$$. Harold Garner - hens killed by dogs ____________________ 28,00,. Gestetner Ltd. - stencils ------------------------------ 8.61 Interprovincial Printing - off. Supp.------------------- 10.58 Mun. World Ltd. - Off. supp. & dog tags ---------------- 74.5$,.. ifn it _ n "------------------------------- 3.87, W.G.Webster Sta.Ltd.------------- off. Supp.------------ 16.17,. Reg. office, Elgin - copies cony.------------------ ----- 9.60. Hotchkiss Appl. - new lamps for office------------------ 32.91,:, B. McKenzie Fuels Ltd. - furnace oil--------------------- 6$.74 Fernlea Flowers Ltd. - container late H.Godwin---------- 10.50\ Lloyd Jackson - fox bounty ----------------------------- 8.00\ Nathan Hayward - " "----------------------------- 20.00\ Ont. Hydro - straff. St. Lts.-------------------------- 195.01. n n - Rich. " "-------------------------- 54.38\ n n - Eden " "-------------------------- 51.25, nn _ Cor. " "-------------------------- 17.50\ B.McKenzie Fuels Ltd. - office fuel -------------------- 64.$9,. Elgin Cty. Mutual Aid Fire Serv.AssnlMembership-------- 10.00".. Dereham Twp.Ret.Children's Edu. Auth. - 1967 levy------- $18.22,, T'burg.Tri-Cty.Agr.Soc. - 1968 Grant-------------------- 100.00-, Basil Nevill - Licenses for trucks --------------------- 6.00., Elgin Co-op Serv. - leaf rakes-------------------------- 7.44- J. D. Vallee - Sal. for March -------------------------- 490.0$ V.VanBelois - n n "-------------------------- 241.70 Rec. Gen. - Un.Ins.------------------------------------- 3.72..., nn _ It "------------------------------------- C.P.P., Vallee & VanBelois------------------ 3.72, 2$.76., n n _ Tax -------" & "------------------ 111.40, O.M.E.R.S. - Pension " & "------------------ 77.40-, Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for March -------------------- 35.00, W.L.Locker -Asst. n n n n -------------------- 15.00 J.D.Vallee - Emerson Drain By -Law ---------------------- 110.00 » n n - Scanlan " n "---------------------- 90.0Q1, V.VanBelois- Emerson " " "-------- ------ 15.0011, Scanlan " n " ----------------------8 10.001-. R.C.Jackson - Valuing Garner Hens ----- ------ 5000,.-- H. B. Johnson - 1 council meeting----------------------- 16.40, Jesse L. Dennis - 1 n "------------------___-- 17 .20, Donald Graham - 1 " 17.50 Tony Csinos - 1 ----------------------- Ronald Green - 1 Council Meeting ---------------------- $ 1$,50 Mored by Graham Seconded by Dennis - That this council adjourn to meet again on May 6th., 1968 at 10:00 A.M....Carried, C Reeve. C., Council Chamber, Straffordville, April 15, 1968. . 961 A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date for the purpose of consideration of proposed budget for 1968 and other business. All members were present and Reeve Johnson presided. A preliminary draft of 1968 budget as prepared by the Treasurer was examined and discuused by the members. Requisition for funds by various Boards were also examined. It was decided that some items would be re -viewed again. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That on the recommendations of the Municipal Auditor and in view of the fact that other Boards are not providing for surpluses at the end of 1968, this council is unanimous in requesting the Bayham Township Area Board to re -view its 1968 budget to dispense with any sizeable suirglus at December 31, 1968. Definite advice on the above by April 22nd. 1968 is requested...Carried. A letter of recommendations for load limit on bridges was received from Engineer Doug. Vallee. A by-law imposing same was considered by council. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That in -accordance with Engineer's recommendations, this council direct Road Supt. T ibe to temporarily close road at top of hill south of Wilson Bridge abd also nearnorthend of Bridge on account of same being unsafe for traffic. Same to be fenced with posts set and road to be properly signed. Carried. Moved -by Graham Seconded by Dennis- And resolved that By -Law gross weight of vehicles on certain bridges ##1612 read a first time... Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Graham- And resolved that By -Law Carried. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Dennis- And resolved that By -Law and finally passed...Carried. No. 1612 being a by-law to limit the in the Township of Bayham, be now No. 16.2 be now read a second time. No. 1612 be now read a third time It was decided that another meeting would be held as soon as possible after April 22nd.to finalize the 1968 budget. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Green- That this special council session now adjourn -,..Carried. Reeve. 0 HN 962 Council Chamber, Straffordville, April 24th. 196$. A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date for the purpose of giving further consideration to the 1968 budget and other business. All members were present and Reeve Johnson presided. Requisitions for funds for 1968 by county and school boards were examined by council. Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That the requisition for funds for 1968 as submitted by the County and School Boards be accepted... Carried. The Treasurer's budget of estimated Revehues and Expenditures as amended in accordance with previous recommendations was again examined by the members. Moved by Green Seconded b Dennis- That the Treasurerts Budget for 1968 be adopted in a total amount of 596,201.00 including a levy f dr Township purposes of $83,102.00. Carried. The matter of a grant to the Straffordville Community Centre Board was discussed. On account of the County Library Board charging back the cost of shelving as rent, the Community Centre Board was in a position of requiring financial assistance to offset this matter. Moved by Graham Seconded by Green- That the Treasurer be authorized to issue a cheque, payable to the Straffordville Community Centre Board,for $300.00... Carried. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Green- That this special session now adjourn...Carried. eve. Council Chamber, Straffordville, May 6th. 1968. erx. Pursuant to adjournment of April 1st., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson pres- iding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed by the Reeve, and the following business was done. Communications received included the following; - Notices of indigent patients at Tillsonburg hospital. A letter from the Clerk of Vienna regarding Bayham Residents using the village dump. A copy of the audit report on 1967 Ambulance Services Claim was received from the Dept. of Health. Advise was received from the Dept. of Transport that By -Law No. 1612 providing weight restrictions on vehicles passing over seven bridges in the Township, was receiving departmental consideration. A request for a grant for the Elgin County Plowments Assn. was received from Mr. Murray Swance, Director. A report of The Ontario Municipal Board in the matter of approval to By -Law No. 1557-1 was received. Canadian Transport Commission Order No. R-2080 was received authorizing trains of the C.P.R. to operate under new overpass at Lot 13, Conc. 1 and 2. An offer was received from Vanguard Pharmacy Ltd. of Toronto, to supply prescrip- tions by mail at low prices for persons dependant on the municipality/ Information was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs in the matter of the Ontario Government assuming the costs of Administration of Justice. Clerk Vallee advised that Building permits issued Jan. 1/68 to Apr. 30/68 number- ed 25 for a total value of $16.,600. compared to the same period last year when 41 were issued for a toatl value of $156,085. Mr. Chafies Winter waited on the council in the matter of a drain not working properly which affected his lands. Moved by Green Seconded by Graham- That this council request action to have Raymond Priddle Award Drain put Carried. A copy of this was taken to Houghton Houghton Township Council to take in proper working condition..& council by Mr. Winter. 963 Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That the following building permits be approved;- H.Teall - Greenhouse & bunkhouse - $1,500. T.Evanitski - Gargae addition - 600. B. Hedges - Residence addition - 700. G.Holman - Residence - 15,000. S. Huber - addition - 21000,1 H. Sprau - " - 1$1000. G. Haggerty - Re -model residence - 19000. K. Grant - Residence - 101000. E. Ketchabaw - » addition - 12000. J. Volkaert - " - 35,000. H. Garner - " - 4,000. E. Verbrugge - " " - 3,000. J. Nemeth - Barn addition - 7,000. A. Rudokas - Residence addition - 1,000. D. Chute - Tobacco barn - 6,500. A. Bobkowski - Garage & bunk house - 1,500. R. Brynat - Barn & shed - 122300. A Procenke Sr. - Residence addition - 1,800. A. Proc enk o Jr. - i' " - 700. Mitchell Farms - Baru - 7,000. K. Grant - Store - 3,000... Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Dennis- And resolved that By -Law No. 1613 being a by-law to adopt the assessment for 1968 and to provide for the levying and collection of taxes #1613 for 1968, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Green- And resolved that By -Law No. 1613 be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- And resolved that By -Law No. 1613 be now read a third time a and finally passed...Carried. I* Moved by Green Seconded by Graham- That the usual grant of $25. be made to the Elgin County Elowments Assn...Carried. Moved by Graham Seconded by Green- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.15 P.M. Carried. Council resumed regular session at 1.15 P.M. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That the proposed tax credit by the Ontario Government for relief on residential property be deducted from the total taxes and the balance be divided equally in the two instalments...Carried. To-dpplications were received fnr division of properties under the Subdivision Control By -Law. Mored by Green Seconded by Dennis- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1102, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely, part of the northwesterly part of Lot 7, Conc. 8, Township of Bayham, by Allan Edward Chipps t *Thel Pressey and that no local Committee of Adjustment has been constituted and appointed. Carried. Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1102, it is herewith recommended that the Minister -grant consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely, part of lot 127, Conc. 7, east of No. 19 Highway, by Michel Platteeuw and Maria Platteeuw to J. Blake Wolfe and E. Grace Wolfe, aOd that no local Committee of Adjustment has been constituted and appointed. ..Carried. Messrs. WAater Nelson and Ron Phillips waited on the council and discussed the matter of keeping the "G" brahch of the Coomber drain in proper repair. It was noted this was the responsibility of the C.N.R. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That this council request an appointment with an Engineer/ from the C.N.R. to examine "G" Branch of the Coomber Drain before repairs are made... Carried. Moved by Green, -Seconded by Csinos- That Drain Inspector Nelson be authorized to make repairs to the Corinth, Kerr and Bartley Drains... Carried. Q r] I* 964 Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That this council adjourn to sit as Court of Revision on Smith Drain...Carried. Present for further consideration of their respective appeals were Messrs./0$#0 Pressey, Gagnon and Tupper. Engineer Dodd was also present and the appeals were discussed with the appellants. Suggestions were made by Mr. Dodd for adjustments. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That Smith drainage assessment appeals be determined as follows ; - G.W.Tupper - outlet assessment reduced to 325-00- N. Pressey - Outlet assessment reduced to $860.00. K. Gagnon - Allowance increased to a total of $200.00. Drain James S. Elliott, Lot 15,- Outlet assessment reduced to $45.00 and $60. C.of R. added to C.N.R. Harry Peaker - Outlet assessment decreased to $115.34 John W. Dafoe - To be assessed $115.35 for outlet....Carried. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That the Court of Revision on Smith Drain now adjourn.Carried Moved by Green Seconded by Graham- That Court of Revision be now held on the Emerson Drains. Carried. The Clerk advised that one appeal had been received on the Emerson Drains and Drain that By Don Chute. Mr. Chute and Mr. K. Emerson being present, together with C.of R. Engineer Dodd. Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That a catch basin to be installed bn kiln yard of Don Chitte and provision made for a proper over -flow at his dam, lot 21, Conc. 3, and this Court of Revision adjourn. There were no appeals received in respect to the Scahlan Drain. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That the regular council session now resume...Carried. Engineer Dodd advised that tenders had been celled for construction of the Smith, Emerson and Scanlan Drains/ One tender had been received for each of the Smith and Scanlan Drains and none for the Emerson Drains. k Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That subject to finalization of Court of Revision on -Smith Drain and final passing of the byllaw, this council accept the tender of Norbrant Contractors at $19,935.00 for construction of the Smith Drain...Carried. Tile to be supplied by the Township. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That subject to the the tender of Norbrant Contractors at a construction of same...Carried. Tile to be supplied by the Township. final passing of Scanlan Drain By -Law, price of $1,330.00 be accepted for Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That Engineer Dodd be authorized to try and ardange a satisfactory contract for construction of Emerson Drains. Carried. Drain Inspector Chute discussed repairs for several municipal drains, and advised that he considered the County of Elgin to have some respeonsibility in the matter of the Pollock Drain. Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That Drain Inspector Chute be authorized to repair P61lock, Jacko, Adler, Moosberger and Mitts Drains...Carried. Moved by Graham Seconded by Green- That Engineer Dodd be requested to make a report for reconst- ruction of Marion Nevill Drain under Section 52 of The Drainage Act ... Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That the petition for drainage of lots 7 and 8, Conc. 9, by Terrence Evanitski and others be accepted and John Dodd, O.L.S. be requested to make a survey, report and estimate for construction of same...Carried. f Moved by Dennis, Seconded by Graham- That Road Supt. Tribe siggnn petition for drainage of lots 134 to 126, Conc. 7 and Conc. 6 and lot 26, S.Gore... Carried. 0 965 Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos - That the petition for drainage of lots 134 to 136, Conc. 7, 133 to 136, Conc. 6 and lot 26 S.Gore, signed by Alexander Deli and others, be accepted and John Dodd, O.L.S. be requested to make a survey, report and estimate of gosts for construction of same... Carried. The council were advised that preliminary plans for the Carson bridge had been approved by the Dept. of Highways. Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That Engineer Vallee proceed with preparation of final plans for the construction of Carson Bridge...Carried. Mr. K. C. Emerson, Reeve of Vienna, met with the council and discussed the matter of procuring a public dump for use of Vienna and Bayham residents. Council agreed that this would be desireable. He also discussed the temporary closing of road at Wilson Bridge. Mr. Edgar Charlton of London waited on the council in the matter of procuring a plan of subdivision for his parcel of land at lot 4, Conc. 1, for use as a summer cottage site. The Clerk was directed to contact the Dept. of Municipal. Affairs concerning this matter. Mr. Ray Alward met with the :council and discussed the matter of assessment on a certain property in the Township. The Reeve agreed to take this matter up with the Assessment Commissioner. Road Supt. Tribe submitted road accounts to the members and discussed road matters and the proposed purchase of a new gradEr.Specifications were discussed. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Green- That subject to Dept. of Highways approval, this council Call tenders for purchase of a road grader, with snow plow and wing. Present Champion grader to be a trade-in...Carried. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $12,$51.20'; for roads, $1, 488.68 for welfare, $9,483-35 for No. 1 Drain and $4,244.66 for General accounts...Carried. Road accounts - Paylist April 1 - 15 -------------- $1367.12, tt tt _ tt tt 16 - 30 -------------- 155+.05. Payment vouchers ------------------- 9930.03. Welfare accounts ---------------------------------- 1488.68 Registry Office, Elgin- Reg. redemption Cert. ----- .50. Receiver General - Stamps for office -7 --------- 10.00* tt tt - it re. Emerson Drain ------- 3.66\ tt tt _ tt re. Scanlan It --- 6.38, Ben Garrett - Raking office lawn ------------------ 10.00. Straff.Community Centre Bd.- Grant re rental ------ 300.00 W. G. Webster Ltd.- Office supplies --------------- 15.57,. Brantford Blders Sup . Ltd. - Tile No. 1, drain ------ 9483-35\ News Printing Co.- Printing & advt.audit report --- 119.10 Workments Comp. Bd. - Vol. firemen ---------------- 67.50 it tt it _ General acct. --------------- 72.91., Ontario Municipal Board - Fee re. Emerson Dr. ----- 15.00. Township of Dereham - 3 fire calls ---------------- 225.00 Ted Caswell - Insurance refund re. tax cert. ------ 13.50° Nelson Ward - tt " n (Locker) ---- 13.50 Fred Buti - Dusks killed by dogs ------------------ 30.00 -- Geo. Beard - Corinth ST.Lts. 6 mo. Apr. lfi$ -------- 18.00, H.E.P.C.- Repairs Richmond St. Lts.--------------- 15.42 Registry Office, Elgin - 36 conveyances ----------- 23.10 Crown Attorney,Elgin - Legal fees, Mar. & Apr. ---- 73.60, Gibson, Linton & Toth - Fees re. B/L 155;-1 ------- 23.00 Gray's Ambulance - Subsidy for April -------------- 15$•33 Lyle R. Grant Motors - Wreecker serv. F.D.-------- 10.00" Jewitt, Dodd & Vallee - Survey Meuller Dr. -------- 664.30\ Jim Rutledge - Fox Bounty --------------------- ---- 2$.00, Tony Budrieka _ tt "------------------------- 4.00 Aylmer & Malahide Tel.Co.- F.D. phones Feb.& Mar.-- 51.66, Bennett Stationery Ltd.- New flag ----------------- 13.13, Regisrty Office, Elgin - 14 deeds ----------------- 7.50. Robert Byerlay - Corinth Dr. repairs -------------- 3.0.57, tt " _ Kerr " "--------------- 56.00' " n - Adler " "--------------- 4$.00 Deller's Tile Ltd.- Tile for Kerr Dr. -------------- 7.35 Pollock Dr. --------- 60.75 Elgin County Plowmen's Assn. Grant ---------------- 25.00 J. D. Vallee - Salary for April --------------------- $477,38 Violet VanBelois - t' t' it -------------------- 242.30 Receiver General - Un. Ins. ------------ ------------- 3.72, t� tt _ ti n -------------- --------- -- 3.72 11, ti �r - C. P. P, ------------------------ 28-76 nn - Tax ------------------------------ 109.150 O.M.E.R.S. - Pension re.Vallee & VanBelois---------- 105.40 Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for April ----------------- 35.00.,, W. L. Locker-AsSit. it n n -_-w___-w_-w_-w_ 15,0",. C.C.Stewart Estate - Bailiff fees re. Aspden-------- 15.65 n tt n _ n :r n Li.ngaiti.s ------ 34.89 n n rt _ n n n Beckett Far.14ach. 40.81 Robt. C. Jackson - Valuing fees re. Buti------------ 7.00, n It ft _ It 1f n Brackenbury ----- 5.00 , J. D. Vallee - Mileage, Exp. & Fees ----------------- 15.90, Horace B. Johnson - Expense acct. ------------------- 32.$0,, n n tr - Insp. Roads Apr. 10 ------------- 16.40 J. L. Dennis - 1t :f n ____ 17,20. Ronald Greeh - r' 1t n _____________ 1$.50,, Don Graham - it 1t n ------_ 16.20% 1t 1t _ ft n mileage ----------- 4.80 ,, Horace B. Johnson - Attend 3 meetings --------------- 49.20- J. L. Dennis - tt 3 1t --------------- 51.60. Don Graham - n 3 1t --------------- x,$.60 Tony Csinos - n 3 n _______________ 52,50 Ronald Green - " 3 n --------------- 55.50, 0 Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That this council adjourn to meet again on June 3/68 at 10.00 A.11 ... Carried. Re eve Council Chamber, Straffordville, June 3, 1968. M erx. Pursuant to adjournment of May 6th., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date, all members being present except Dep.Reeve Dennis and Reeve Johnson presided. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received included the following; - Several hospital notices were received and discussed. A letter was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs in the matter of proposed subdivision for cottage purposes as requested by Mr. Charlton. Copy of consent of transfer of property by Chipps to Pressey was received. A letter was received from Mr. D.G.Gunn concerning Charles Winter and an award drain. The local bank manager advised of interest rates at 74% for Township borrowing. The Geography Dept. of University of Western Ontario requested cooperation of Township Office in a proposed survey to be conducted this summer. Appreciation for grant was received from Elgin Plowmen's Association. A report under the Trench Excavatorst Protection Act was received from the Dept. of Labour. A registered letter date of May 23, 1968 was received from the Dept. of Health, instructing this Township to terminate ambulance service contract with Grayts Ambulance, effective June 30, 1968, as this service is being incorporated into the Hntario Hospital Services Commission program. A copy of Elgin County By -Law No. 2027 was received setting our the Enualization of assessments for 1968, Bayhamts share being $5,935,320. or 8.7122314. Applications were received far two property transfers. Dept. of Hbghways approvals were received far By -Laws Nos. 1606, 1607 and 1608. Ontario Municipal Board Orders were received in respect to Smith, Emerson, Scanl and Garnham Drains. % Contracts were received from Mr. John Dodd, Engineer, for construction of Smith and Scanlan Drains. Moved by Green Seconded by Graham- That the Reeve aid Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign contracts with Norbrant Contractors Limited for construction of the Scanlan and 967 Smith Drains at the tendered prices...Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That in accordance with instructions received from the Ontario Department of Health, by registered post, dated May 23, 1968, File Ref- erence No. As/5000-1/B-190, this Township terminate Ambulance Service agreement with Gray's Ambulance Service of Tillsonburg, effective June 30th. 1968 ... Carrie Moved by Graham Seconded by Csinos- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1.02, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely, part of the north westerly corner of Lot Number Fourteen in the First Concession of the Township of Bayham by Pearl Taylor, Executrix of the Estate of the late William McNally to John Eising and Cory Eising and that no local Vommittee of Adjustment has been constituted and appointed ... Catried. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Green- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1102, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, n6mely, part of that part of the North half of Lot Number 22, in the Second Concesssion of the Township of Bayham,lying North of the Little Otter Creek, by William Gorvett and Barbara Gorvett to Artkur Wisotzki and Hertha Wisotzki and that no local Committee of Adjustment has been constituted and appointed...Carried. Moved by Green Jr1605 Seconded by Graham- That no complaints having been reseived in respect to 3rd. decisions of the Court of Revision, By -Law No. 1605 as now revised for Smith Drain, be hereby read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Moved by Csinos ;x1610 Seconded by Green- That no complaints having been received against the decision 3rd. of the Court of Revision, By -Law No. 1610 to provide for the construction of the Emerson Drains be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Graham #1611 Seconded by Csinos- That By -Law No. 1611 to provide for the construction of the 3rd. Scanlan Drain be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to petition the Minister of Municipal Affairs for grant under Section 63 of The Drainage Act, 1962-63 for grants in respect to Smith, Scanlan and Emerson Drains...Carried. fr1594 Moved by Green 3rd. Seconded by Csinos- That By -Law No. 1594 to provide for Bayhamts portion of the Garnham Drain, North Branch, be now read a third time and finally passed..Carried At 11.15 A.M. three tenders having been received in response to call for new grader with plow and wing, these were opened and considered by council. Also present were Mr. Frank Clark of the De*t. of Highways and John Tribe, Rd. Supt. These were as follows, net price after deduction for trade -in. - Dominion Road Machinery Sales Co. ----- $22,785.00 tax included. Capital Construction Equipment Co. ----- 28,500.00 LW Manufacturing Co. --------- 22,253.00 plus tax. Tenders were examined in detail by Messrs. Clark and Tribe. Additional equipment as listed was considered by council. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Green- That subject to Dept. of Highways approval, this council accept the tender of The Dominion Road Machinery Sales Co. Ltd. for supply of rader, plow and wing in accordance with tender of May 27/68 at a net price of 22,7$5.00 including Provincial Sales tax. Extras to be included as follows; Power tilt moldboard --- $275• Buzzer flasher warning system - 60. Rotopamic Dry Air Cleaner --- 250. Windrow Eliminator ------ 800. Sales Tax Extra... Carried. Agents were present for part of the meeting from Dominion Road Machinery Sales Co. and LW Manufacturing Co. They were thanked by Reeve Johnson for their int- erest in the matter. 11 I* • = Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 2.00 P.M Carried. Council resumed regular session at 2.00 P.M. Mr. John Dodd, Engineer together with interested ratepayers Mannell and Jzippl were present for the reading of the report of the Meuller Drain. A letter was received from Mr. Bela Pal advising that he wanted nothing to do with this drain. Comments for some minor alterations were received in a letter from County Engineer Moore. Mr. Szippl.-advised that he wished to have tile extend northerly up west side of county read so he could hook-up his field tile. He agreed to additional assessment for this. Mr. I'•'iannell agreed to a grass waterway across his farm over the drain. No one present opposed the drain. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That additional 6" the be laid on Meuller Drain on west side of county road north to Mr. Szipplts field tile aid his assessment be inc- reased to $500. for benefit and $750. for outlet and remainder of costs be proportioned over whole assessment area. Also that a grass waterway be incorp- orated across south part of lot 6, Conc. 10 of R. Mannell...Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That the report on Meuller Drain as now amended be accepted by this council and Clerk prepare by-law for same... Carried. Mr. Clayton Jackson met with the council and requested consideration for the repair or replacement of ornamental fence at Township Hall and the installation of a street light near the main gate to ball park. Moved by Graham Seconded by Green- That the Clerk send letter to Straffordville Lions Club req- uesting that they repair of replace plaground equipment at Township Hall grounds or remove same and suggest that the Club replace ornmental fence at Township Hall as a community project... Carried. A petition was received for drainage of lots 3 and 4, Conc. 1 and 2. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Graham- That Road Supt. Tribe sign petition for drainage of lots 3 and 4, Conc. 1 and 2 ... Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Graham- That the petition for drainage of lots 3 and 4, Conc. 1 & 2, signed by Hugh'Moore and others be accepted and John Dodd, O.L.S. be requested to make a survey and report on same... Carried. Clerk-Treas. Vallee reported that temporary borrowing for financing of drain construction should be done under a separ, e capital loan by-law. The same was presented to council. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Green- And resolved that By -Law No. the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow funds by way ion work, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Graham "11614 Seconded by Green- And resolved that By -Law No. Carried. Moved by Green 1614 being a by-law to authorize of Capital Loan for drain const - 1614 be now read a second time. Seconded by Csinos- And resolved that By -Law No. 1611 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Moved by Graham Seconded by Green- That the following WTm. Partington Jr. -- Dept . of Highways -- Merlin Norris -- Paul Paurys -- building permits be approved; - Residence --- $102500. Garage --- 55,000. Residence --- 10,000. Double garage -- 700....Carried. Pair. K. C. Imerson waited on the council and further discussed the matter of a combined garbage d with the ?i a e of Vienna and adUised that he had �,p rocure a possible location. 1 a appointed b the Reeve to work with Mr. P PP y Emerson on this matter and rppoX back to council. Mr. Ray Alward waited on council and discussed the matter of assessment on a certain property in the Township. The Reeve agreed to make an appointment with County Assessment Commissioner McLean to go further into this matter. Councillor Csinos placed the following resolution before council.- That this council open road between` lots 18 and 19 in Concession 2, and that the bridge over Little Otter Creek be put in condition for farm vehicles to cross. The resolution failed to get a seconder. M Road Supt.Tribe rigported on work done on Township roads during the past month. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Green- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $11,480.51 for roads, $1,031.5$ for welfare, $4,565.90 for No. 1 Drain and $4,427.45 for General accounts...Carried. Road Accounts - Paylist 11ay 1-15 ---------------- it tt _ it " 1().-41 ---------------- tt tt - Payment Vouchers --------------- Welfare Accounts -------------------------------- Rec. Gen. - Stamps------------------------------ A _____________________________A & M Tel. Co. - office phones ------------------ it it " " " - F.D. phone --------------------- Norbrant Contractors Ltd.,-Prog.Rep.#2, #1 Dr. -- Olivetti Underwood Ltd. -Maintenance D24 Cal.---- tt tt " _ it Typewriter--____ Ont. 14un. Bd. - Fee re. Smith Dr. -------------- It it tt _ tt It Scanlan ----------------- It tt " _ " tt Garnham ---------------- Jas. S.Davison-Dog Control Apr.-2xxy6.00-------- Prov. Treas. - Insulin ----------________________ New England Plantations -Refund 1967 taxes ( Int . ) W.G.Webster Stationery -Off. supp.--------------- Jewitt,Dodd & Vallee- Smith Dr.fee-------------- tt it It tt _ Scanlan Dr. Fee---------- B.McKenzie Fuels Ltd.-off.fuel__________________ Eugene Riddle - Fox Bounty______________________ Wm.Pa.rtington Sr.- Fox Bounty ------------------- A. & 11.Te1Co.-Fire Dept. phones ------ ----------- Jas.S.Davison-Dog control I --ay 5x$6.00----------- Deller's Tile Ltd. - Tile for Cor. Dr. Rep.----- It tt tt _ It tt Palmer Dr. -------- Wendell Tribe - Mowing office lawn -------------- Larry Mathews - Fox Bounty --------------------- Robt.Byerlay - Work on Mitts Dr ----------------- It it _ it it Palmer Dr. --_------__-_-_ tt tt _ It tt Bartley Dr.------------- tt it _ " it Dieleman Dr. ------------ it . it _ " tt Coomber Dr.------------- tt it tt _ :t " Polli ck Dr .------------- tt It _ " It " " Cty.--------- Gray's Ambulance Serv. - May Sub. -------------- J. D. Vallee - Salary for May _ ------- __________ Violet VanBelois - " " " ------------------ Rec. General - Un. Ins. ------ ------------------ Alice Vallee - Sal. for May -------------------- Rec. General - Un. Ins. ------------------------ tt " - C.P.P. -------------------------- " tt - Tax ----------------------------- 0. M. E . R. S . - Pension --------------------------- Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for May -------------- W. L. Locker -ASST. Fire Chief. for May -------- Horace B. Johnson - Attend 1 meeting ------------ Donald Graham - tt 1 " _______ Tony Csinos - " 1 " ------- _____ Ronald Green - it" 1 " ------------ $111+9.21 1886.42 $444.83 1031.58 14.00 44.99 67.78 45 5.90 57.65 41-50, 15.00 15.00 15.00 12.00 4.74 10.00 2.10 1113-05 459-58, 53.70 4.00 8.00 25.83 30.00 67.88 1b6.80 12.00 4.00 81.00 40-00%, 357.19 161.45 15.00 152.74 256.00 15$.33 491.38, 242.30 3.72 73.04 3.72 4, 31.4$x. 109-50- 77-40--, 35.00 \. 15.00 16-40- 16. 20 6.40- 16.20 17-50, 18.50 Moved By Csinos Seconded by Green - That this council adjourn to meet again on July 2nd.,1968 at 10:00 A.M...Carried. Reeve C13"k 1* -,. Council Chamber, Straffordville, Ont. July 2, 1968. 970 Pursuant to adjournment of June 3rd., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received included the following.- Notices of indigent patient's in hospitals were read and discussed. A claim for damage to vehicle of Lorrain O'Neil was received and forwarded to Insurance Broker. An application was received from Mr. Julius Francia Jr. for a Tile Drainage Loan. Notice was received from the Secretary of the East Elgin District High School Board of a meeting with Municipal Councils involved at 8.00 P.M. on July 18th: to give consideration to additional accommodation for pupils. A new revised summary of 1967 and 1968 tax levies was received from the East Elgit District High School Board, setting out Bayhamts overlevy at $547..81. This was stated to be verified by the Boards auditor. Two applications were received for consent under sub -division control by-law. An estimate of $130.00 plus fixture, was received from Ontario Hydro for an additional street light west of Township Hall. A copy of County of Elgin By -Law No. 2032 was received. A p&tition was received for the drainage of lots 10,11 and 12, Conc. 10. Prices on paving of parking areas at Township Office and Barn, were received from Hard -Top Paving Co. A letter was received from The Childrents Aid Society, Elgin, concerning the matter of housing facilities for lower social -economic families and advised that the responsibility for providing emergency accommodation rests with the municip- ality of residence. Claim forms for reimbursement of residential property tax reduction was received with memorandum No. 4. A letter was received from Engineer Vallee concerning work at the C.P.R. over- pass. A report was received from Mr. K.L.Kleinsteiber, Municipal Bridge Liason Engineer# concerning load limits on certain bridges and also a report on the Wilson bridge.; This Wilson bridge report was discussed by council members and it was pointed out that this bridge had not been officially closed. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos-.That this council accept the application of Julius Francia.Jr for a tile drainage loan of $10,000.00 on N.Pts. lots 10 & 11, Cone. 4 and the Provincial Treasurer be requested to purchase debentures for same...Carried. Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Townshtp of Bayham By -Law No. 1102, it is herewith recommended that the 1,1inister grant consent for the sale of the follow'n4 parcel of land, namely, the westerly 48 feet of Village lot Number Five, on this side of Dutton Street in the Village of Straff ordville, County of Elgin, as shown on registered Plan No. 205, by Kenneth E. Grant and Ruby I. Grant to Alfons Lauterback and Elvira Lauterback and that no local Comm- ittee of Adjustment has been constituted and appointed...Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Graham- That in the matter of The Punning Act and Township of Bayha* By -Law No. 1102, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely, part of the south east corner of lot 15, Concession 4, Township of Bayham, save and except a parcel containing approximately 1.43 acres at the south east corner of said lot, by Loius Ribar and Barbara Ribar to Barbara Csinos, and that no local Committee of Adjustment has been constituted and appointed.:.Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.00 P.M. Carried. Regular session was resumed at 1.00 P.11..0 Moved by Csinos � Seconded by aaLM That the following building permits be approved. - Roy Anderson - Silo - $ 21$00. Leon Veryser - Kiln - 12600. Mildred Wallington - Breezeway - 400. Mervin Kaufman - Tobacco barn - John Zamecnik - Kiln - ?1000. 41�an Bruce Adlington - Brgeezeway - 0 . Chilcott - KilnPen Blake Wolke - Residence & Barn - 26,000... Carried. Cpuncil Chamber, Straffordville, July 8th. 1968. A joint meeting of the Bayham Township Council with representatives from the Straffordville Community Centre Board and Straffordville Lions Club was held informally on the above date for the purpose of discuss- ing jurisdiction and responsibility for operations of the Community Park and Township Hall at Straffordville. PreA sent were council members Reeve Johnson, Dep. Reeve Dennis and Councillors Graham and Csinos. Community Centre Board members Basil Nevill, Robert Grant, Jack Barclay and Harold Garner. Lions Club repres- entatives Ken Everitt, Roy Carroll, Ross Carson and Clayton Jackson.. Reeve Johnson re -viewed the past history of the Community Centre Board as established under By -Law No. 1195 passed April 4th. 1949 by the Bayham Township Council. At that time, the Board had jurisdiction only over the grounds and park area. Jack Barclay pointed out that mn Parch lith. 1963, at the request of the Township Council, the Board assumed jurisdiction over the operations of the Hall on a trial basis for one year and that it had been continued on this basis to the present time. Several others gave additional information in accordance with their personal memory. Of late years, the Community Centre Board had more or less left the operations of the grounds to the Lions Cliab and had looked after the hall only. The Reeve and others present expressed their completE satisfaction in the manner both had been handled in the past. Is was felt however that one party should be responsible for the whole area with assistance from the other two parties as deemed adviseable. A resolution was moved by Tony Csinos, Seconded by Don Graham that the Community Centre Board have the sole voice for the operations of the hall and grounds... Carried. Reeve Johnson re quested the Board to submit a list of their requirements to the council for consideration and the Lions Club requested that they be permitted to name a representative to the Bodrd in future years. It was generally felt that the operations of the park grounds and hall could continue in a satisfactory matcher with the co-operation of the three parties. Adjournment was moved by Lion Ross Carson. I* 971 I -loved by Csinos Seconded by Green- That the petition of louis Bari and others for drainage of lots 10, 11 & 12, Conc. 10 be accepted and Engineer A. J. Graham be requested to make a survey and report on same...Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Graham- And resolved that By -Law No. 1615 being a by-law to provide ,1615 for the construction of the ITeuller Drain be now read a first time...Carried. . & 2 Moved by Csinos Seconded by Dennis- And resolved that By -Law No. 1615 be now read a second time and provisionally passed... Carried. :Jloved by Green Seconded by Graham- That the Court of Revision for Meuller Drain be held on Aug- ust 1, 1968 at 3 P.M ... Carried. A delegation comprising Messrs. Gregson, Humphrey, Adlington and Thurston waited on the council to-iscuss the proposal of having the Smuck Cemetery brought undrr perpetual care. The manner in which this could be done and an explanation of how the funds would be handled was set out. They were advised to consider this and let council know at a future date if they wished to proceed. Council agreed to a meeting with representatives of r°Ialahide Township regarding division of maintenance of common Townline and also agreed to meet with represent atives of the Stra.ffordville Lions Club and Community Centre Board regarding Township Hall and ground matters. Treasurer Vallee gave a report on tax arrears collection. I•loved by Dennis Seconded by Csinos- That Treasurer Vallee be instructed to contact Township Solicitor and to taka action as recommended to collect Tax arrears of Ray Alward * Sons...Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That the Clerk prepare a new by-law incorporating load limits for bridges as set out by I.Zr. K.L.Kleinsteiber, Municipal Bridge Liaison Engineer Carried. Moved by Green.Seconded by Csinos- That the Clerk prepare a by-law for establishi yield signs on sideroad between lots 15 & 16, at entrances to Concession road at Concessions -l0 and 11 ... Carried. Road Supt.Tribe discussed further rVed matters with the council and advised that the new grader had been delivered. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That the Reeve sig*he order sheets in amounts of $36 006.93 for roads (includes $24,239.25 for new grader) , $1135.13 for welfare and $x+155.38 for general accounts. Road Accounts - Paylist June 1 - 15 ---------------- rt n _ it tt 16 - 30 -------------- ►' Payment vouchers ---------- Welfare Accounts----------------------------------- Ontario __________________________________Ontario Hydro - Hydro fire dept. ----- -------------- Receiver General - Stamps -------------------------- Gray's Ambulance - June -Subsidy -------------------- Crown Attorney & Clerk of Peace, Elgin- Legal fees -- Registry Office, Elgin - Conveyances --------------- News Printing Co.- Printing,------------------------ Aylmer & Malahide Tel.Co.- F.D. Phones ------------- Jewitt, Dodd & Vallee - Survey,Etc.Csinos Dr. ------ it it it _ it n Hedges " ----- J. D. Vallee,- Convention expenses ----------------- tt tt - Table ------------------------------ Geoffrey Pybus - Fox Bounty ------------------------ Donald Nevill - " "-------- --------------- Larry Mathews - " " ----------------------- Hotchkiss Appliances - Paint for flag pole --------- Ontario Hydro - Straff. St. Lts. ------------------- n n . Eden it " ------------------ n " - Rich. n tt ----------------- tt tt - Corinth " " ------ ------------ W. G. Webster Ltd.- Office supplies ---------------p Municipal World Ltd.- " " -------------- King Seagrave Seagrave Ltd.- Pottable pump ------------------ tt " " - Supplies F.D.------------------ `'1+24.16 1578.59 , 33004.17, 1135.13," 135.13," 54.99 67.00. 15$.33 23.80 2.10 17..17 25.83 200.00 225.00 124.00. 4.20 4.00 16.00 4.00 2.12 195.01 51.25 54-38, 17.50 1.31,_ 1.x+5 588,55 98.99, 972 Brantford Builders Supplies- Tile Coomber Dr. ----- J. D. Vallee - Salary for June -------------------- Alice Vallee - " Part " ------------------ tt tt - n it " ----------------- O.M.E.R.S. - Pension ------------------------------ Receiver General - C.P.P. --- ---------------------- nft - Tax ---------------------------- Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for June ---- ------------ W. L. Locker - Assist. " n n -------------- Gerald Taylor - Care Straff. St. lts.------------- Horace B. Johnson - 1 meeting --------------------- Jesse L. Dennis - 1 tt ---- ----------------- Donald Graham - 1 ft --------------------- Tony Csinos - 1 " --------------------- Ronald Green - 1 ti ------------- -------- x+91.38 � 47.64 ,,, 29.37 . 53,$0 21.06 80.00 35.00 15,00 37.50 16.x+0 17.20 16.20 17.50 1$.50 Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That this council adjourn to meet again on August 1st. at 10.00 A.M...Carried. 4J� o1�4>.il � 4 �_, " J_ W__Y4:: Reeve. lerk. Council Chamber, Straff ordville, August 1, 1968. Pursuant to adjournment of July 2nd., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all rpembers present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received included the f ollowin-- A letter was received from Alex P. Tisdale, Solicitor for Mr. Gerald Clarke, enquirying concerning the uR sideroad between lots 18 and 19, Conc. 2, not suit- able for traffic. A supply of leaflets concerning Residential Property Tax Reduction Program, was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs, to be available to the public. Advice was received from the local bank manager that the Township rate for bank borrowing would be 7;% effective Aug. 1st. 196$. Mr. Alex J. Graham, P.Eng. acknowledged receipt of petition for drain and advised that same would receive early attention. Consent was teceived for transfer of lands from Taylor to Eising. Tentative verbal approval was given by council for sale Yby Brinn of a lot of 15,000 sg. ft. at lot 17 Conc. 10. Advice was received from the Minister of Municipal Affairs that he had dissolved the County of Elgin Planning Area, effective July 31, 1968. Treasury Dept. consent was received for purchasing the drainage debentures re lots 10 & 11, Conc. 4, in an amount of $10)000.00. Treasurer Vallee gave.a. report on July tax collections, advising that 36.5% of 1968 taxes had been collected. He also presented a statement of expenditures for the period Jan.1/6$ to June 30,E The matter of collection of tax arrears was again discussed by the council. The Clerk was authorize'c _�to ren4 ther4i xrop r �� v_a` Xaont lits � basis and s-� %C fi: 5 ;bY 01, 7 L ect to certain conditions. L) -.� t Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That August 5th. 1968 be observed as civic holiday in and for the Township of Bayham...Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That Licenses be approved for - Green Willow Snack Bar and Tommy's Coffe Shop...Carried. l Moved by Dennis ' Seconded by Csinos- That the following Building Permits be approved; - Stanley James - Silo - $22$50. Lloyd Gibt9a.$ - Greenhouse - 4,200. Ger&Id Clarke - Kiln - 1,$00. Michel Platteeuw - Barn - 1,50$j.500. S. J. 14iller - Residence addn. - Alfons Lauterback - Residence - 14.400.... Carried. ;;`1617 7;'161 8 1 & 2 972 The matter of a proposed building addition to East Elgin High School was discuss- ed by the members and Reeve JoIgnson reported on meeting held at the school on July 18th. A furtheetter and copy of proposed resolution to approve of this was received from the Bo rd. I•loved by Green Seconded by Graham- That this Council oppose any building program for the East Elgin High School District... Carried. I -loved by Green Seconded by Graham- That this Council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 P.M. Carried. Council resumed regular session at 1.30 P.M. Fire Chief Nevill briefly met with the members and presented his report for the first half of 1968, total estimated loss being *52,972.53• Additional lighting at Township Hall and grounds as well as a possible additional street light at this location was discussed. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That this council recommend to the Community Centre Board tha a mercury vapour sentinel light be installed adjacent to gest side of Township Hall and that this council will J�JX assume financial responsibility for same on a rental basis... Carried. At 2 P.M., Mr. Bruce Hedges and Max Mitchell were present, together with Engineer Dodd, for the readinlof the report on the Hedges Drain. This was read and discu- ssed. Messrs. Hedges and 1itchell voluntarily agreed that they would assume the charges against the lands of Joe Nemeth, over and above the deductions for grants and allowances for damages. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Graham- That the Engineerts report on Hedges Drain be adopted and Clerk prepare a by-law for same... Carried. At 2.30 P.M. no interested ratepayer was present for the reading of the report on the Csinos Drain. Same was read and discussed briefly with Council and Road Supt. Mr. Tribe adUised he wished to appeal against the roads' assessment on same. Moved by Green Seconded.by Dennis- That the Engineer's report on the Csinos Drain be accepted and Clerk prepare a by-law for same...Carried. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Graham- That Road Supt. Tribe enter an appeal against assessments on T,wnship roads in respect to the Csinos Drain...Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Dennis- That under certain terms, this council rent the Firby proper- ty to Raymond Mitts at rate of $10. per month...Carried. I -loved by Green Seconded by Graham- And resolved gross weight of vehicles passing read a first time... Carried. I -loved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- And resolved Carried. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Green- And resolved finally passed... Carried. that By -Law No. 1616 being a by-law to limit the over certain bridges in the Township, be now that By -Law No. 1616 be now read a second time. that By -Law No. 1616 be now read a third time and I,Zoved by Green Seconded by Dennis -And resolved that By -Law No. 1617 being a by-law to provide for the erection of right-of-way yield signs at the intersection of road between Concesssions ten and Eleven and sideroad between lots 15 and 16, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Graham Seconded by Green- And resolved that By -Law No. 1617 be now read a second time. Carried: Moved by Green Seconded by Dennis- And resolved that By -Law No. 1617 be now read a third time) and finally passed...Carried. f Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- And resolved that for construction of the Hedges Drain, Moved by Green Seconded by DennisQ And resolved that and provisionally passed...Carried. By -Law No. 1618, being a by-lawto ptovide be now read a first time... Carried. By -Law No. 1618 be now read a second time . g. 973 Moved Yby Graham Seconded by Green- And resolved that By -Law No. 1619 being a by-law to provide 7r1619 for construction of the Csinos Drain, be now read a first time... Carried. 1 & 2 Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- And resolved that By -Law No. 1619 be now read a second time and provisionally passed... Carried. i -loved by Green Seconded by Dennis- That drainage courts of revision be held at the Township Office as follows; - Hedges Drain, August 30/6$ at 2,00 P-1.11.Csinos tt tt n tt 2.30 P.T-T... Carried. Road matters were discussed with Road Supt. Tribe and the Clerk was instructed to reply to 11r. Tisdale's litter, concerning sideroad at lots 1$ and 19, Con. 2. T -roved by Green Seconded by,Graham- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of X12,238.23 for roads, $1,158-58 for welfare and �3 ,126.63 for general accounts... Carried. Road Accounts - Paylist July 1 - 15 --------------- X1533.96 tt tt _ t: " 16 - 31 --------------- 1699.25, It tt _ Payment vouchers ------------------- 9005.02, Welfare accounts ----------------------------------- 115$•5$ Receiver General - Postage for T=ieuller Dr. --------- 11+.50 Aylmer 8. Malahide Tel . C o. - F . D . phone , June --------- 24.78 News Printing Co.- Advt.--------------------------- 2.2$ Registry Office, Elgin - Cppies conveyances -------- 5.70., Canada Culvert Co.- Pipe for No.l Drain ------------ 357.11, Westeel-Rosco Ltd.- t' " Emerson Dr. ---------- 146-42, Floyd Taylor - Fox Bounty -------------------------- 4.00 Wendell Tribe - Cutting Office lawn, 4 x : wage i A copy of County of Elgin By -Law No. 2036 was received, setting out the municipalities of Malahide, South Dorchester Bayham, Aylmer, Belmont, Springfield, Vienna and Port Burwell as a ward for electing four Trustees on the Elgin x County Board of Education. Advice was also received that the municipalities of Bayham, Vienna and Port Burwell would be a ward for electing one trustee for the Elgin Boman Catholic Separate School Board. yg �o 0 N 974 Council Chamber, Straffordville, August 30, 1968. A regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Members Csinos and Ddnnis were absent for part of the meeting. IUnutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following busbness was done. r ;;1620 ,;�'16 21 Communications received included the following; - Several notices from hospitals of indigent patients were considered. A letter of resignation from the library board was received from J.W-Wimpory. Two consents were received for transfers of properties. Advice was received from the dorkments Compensation Board that the maximum wage basis had been increased to }7,000. effective Aug. 1,1968. A letter was rec&ived from R.P.Smith, P.Eng. of the C.P.R. setting out responsib- ility for further work at the C.P.R. overpass. The Dept. of Iur_icipal Affairs advised that the Provincial Equalization Factor for Bayham for 1968, based on 1967 assessments, is 21+.;0. Ontario I-lunicipal Board Order was received covering the construction of the Meuller Drain. Verification of audit for :'inter Works Project was received from the Dept. of iunicipal Affairs. approvals of By -Laws Nos. 1616 and 1617 were received from the Dept. of Transport, Two applications were received for transfers of property. roved by Green aeconded by Csinos- That in the Matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham Dy -Law No. 1102, it is herewith recommended that the I-Iinister grant copsent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely, part of the westerly part of Lot 124, South of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham, By Willis Marr and Marion Marr to Fred Bennett and Alice Bennett, and that no local Committee of Adjustment has been constituted and appointed...Carried. Moved by Graham Seconded by Green- That in the matter pf The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the 11inister grant consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely, part of the westerly part of Lot 124, South of Talbot Road, Township of Bayham, b7 Willis Tlarr and Marion Marr to Dofaglas Young and Dianne Jeanette Young and that no local Bommittee of Adjust- ment has been constituted and appointed... Carried. 1.1oved by Graham Seconded by Green- That this council accept with regrets, the resignation of J. W. Wimpory from the Bayham To:mship Library Board... Carried. ::ove d by Green Seconded by Graham- That Don Nevill Peter Stubbs Pittview Farms J. Chaleysin t'Tit cell Farms R.I-Iatthews Jr. "Z. Perry the following Building -- Steel Barn -- Residence Pole barn -- Bunk house -- Bulk kiln -- Low kiln Pig pen &tool s Permits be approved;- - $3,000. - 15,000. - 2,$750. - 6?5. - 1,800. - 2,000. ed- 200...Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Csions- That this council request coverage from The Workmen's Comp- ensation Board on the basis of 1,1aximum wage of X7,000. per annum for volunteer firemen...Carried. Moved by green Seconded by Csinos- And resolved that Hy -Law No. for the holding of nominations and elections for first time... Carried. Moved bar Csinos Seconded by Graham- And resolved that By -Law No. Carried. Moved by Graham Seconded by Green- And resolved that By -Law No. finally passed. 1620 being a by-law to provide school trustees, be now read a 1620 be now read a second time. 1620 be now read a third time and Moved by Graham Seconded by Green- And resolved that By -Law No. 1621 being a by-law to impose a special drainage rate upon parts of lots 13 and 14 in the North Gore, Township of � ayhamj be now read a first time... Carried. r -loved by Csinos Seconded by Graham- That By -Law No. 1621 be now read a second time...Carri.ed. 975 gloved by Green Seconded by Csinos- And resolved that By -Law No. 1621 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.15 P.M. Carried. Council resumed regular session at 1.20 P.M. J'161 Moved by Green 1J 3rd. Seconded by Csinos- That By -Law No. 1615, to provide for the construction of the Meuller Drain, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. I -loved by Graham Seconded by Green- That the Reeve and Clerk petition for grants in respect to the I-Ieuller Drain...Carried. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That this council adjourn to hold court of revision on the Csinos Drain... Carried. One appeal was filed in respect to the Csinos Drain By Road Tribe against the assessment on Township �oads. Court considerecVFhis matter. T loved by Dennis Seconded by Gra?}am- That the Township Road assessment on "Ctt Branch of Csinos Drain be reduced to X75.00 for Benefit and X100.00 for Outlet, total, X175.00 and the difference be added to assessment of George Lysy on said Branch...Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That this Court of revision for csinos Drain how adjourn. Carried. Regular council session resumed. At 3.15 P-11., the following persons were present for the reading of the report on the-Arn Drain.- W. 1,Iitchell, B. Nevill, E.Verbrugge and S.Blondeel. Engineer Dodd was also present. After the reading of the report, several matters were discussed i�iith those present. All present voted in favour of the engineer's report. I Toved by Green Seconded by' Graham- That the Engineer's report on Arn Drain be accepted and Clerk prepare by-law for same... Carried. moved by Csihos Seconded br Graham- And resolved that By -Law No. 1622 being a by-law to provide ;;'1622 for construction of Arn Drain, be now read a first time ... Carried. 1 c"v ? Tioved by Green Seconded by Csinos- And resolved that By -Law No. 1622 be now read a second time and provisionally passed... Carried. I,'Ioved by Csinos Seconded by Green- That the Court of Revision for Arn Drain be held on October 7th. 1968 at 2.00 P.1-1... Carried. Road matters were discussed with Road Supt. Tribe. I•1r. S. Blondeel discussed with the council the possibility of selling off some building lots at the north end of his farm on No. 19 Highway. Council gave Verbal approval for this but suggested he contact the Community Planning Branch to determine how this best could be done. i._oved by Green Seconded by Graham- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $9,581.68 for roads, $437.28 for welfare, :)8,329.43 for Municipal drains and $4,043.77 for general accounts...Carried. Road Accounts - Paylist Aug.l to Aug.15----------------$ it it _ ti It 16 it it 31 ____----__ tt It _ Voucher payments ------------------------ Welfare Accounts --------------------------------------- Brantford Concrete Pipe Co. -Pipe No.l Drain ------------- Receiver General - Stamps ------------------------------ A & M Tel. Co. - office phones ------------------------- Pre-Cast Septic Tanks & Cement Prod-catchbasin 1#1Dr.---- Westeel-Rosco Ltd. - pipe, etc. for Meul:ler Dr. --------- Brantford B1drs.Supp.Ltd.-Tile for EmersonDr.----------- it » it it _ it n it n G.W.Cattle Const.Ltd.-Emerson Dr. Contract. ------------- 1160.21 1735.29, 9581.68 437•b 194 .69\. 16.50\ 61.69, 688.00 , 178.55. 293.02 715.36, 3643 .00 h. UE Concrete Pipe Co. - T2e for Smith Dr.---------------- 1602.00 Jewitt,Dodd & Vallee -Engineer Arn Dr.----------------- 424.10 Hydro Electric Power Com. of Ont. -new relay Straff.St.Lts. 26.19 Ont. Mun . B .-Meuller Dr .fee -------------------------- 15.00 A & M Tel. Co.- Fire Dept. phones--------------------- 24.78 Prov. Treas. - Insulin-------------------------------- 6.11 W.G.1debster Stationery Ltd.- Office Supp.------------- 12.92 Mun. World Ltd. - office Supp.----------------------- 2.98 News Printing Co. -Printing & Advt.-------------------- 49.58 Registry office, Elgin --Copies conv.------------------ 6.60 -------------------------------- J.D.Vallee Office supp. 5.99 Twp.of Malahide-Cheesman Dr.rep.---------------------- $.02•, Concrete Pipe Co.-- Tile for Smith Dr.---------------- 417,69., V.endell Tribe - Cutting office lawn------------------- 9.00, Dennis Garage -Repairs fire trucks- -------------------- 33.$1 Peters, Drown & Co. - Audit fee for 1967 ------------- 2650.00- it tt it ►t - postage & supp.----------------- 27.$0 J.D.Vallee- Slaary for Aug. ------------------------ --- 491.38 Violet VanEeloiS It tt tt--------------------------- 242-56, Rec. Gen. - Un.Ins.----------------------------------- 6.92. ittt - C.P.P.----------------------------------- 28.76, tt tt - Tax ---------------------- 109.50 OMERS - Pension -------------------------------------- 77.40 J.D.Vallee - Hedges Dr.B/L---------------------------- 65.00 it it it - Csinos tt It ---------------------------- 65.00 Violet VanBelois-Hedges Dr.B/L ----------------------- 10.00 it if -Csinos *t tt------------------------ 10.00 Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for August ----------------- 35.00 W.L.Locker - Sec. for F.D.-U---- u--------------------- 15.00, W. D . Nel son - Dr. Inspt .-------------------------------- 32.25, H.B.Johnson - Attend 1 Meeting------------------------ 16.40 J.L.Dennis - tt tt tt ------------------------ 17.20., Donald Graham - tt tt tt ________________________ 16.20. Tony Csinos - tt tt t' ------------------------ 17.50 Ronald Green - tt tt tt------------------------ 18-50, Walter D. Nelson - Pay adjustment -------------------- 5.25 , Moved by Green Seconded by Graham- that this council adjourn to meet again on.Oct. 7th.,1965 at 10:00 A . M.... C'arri ed . Reeve. e rc. Council Chamber, Straffordville, Sept. 10, 196$.. A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date for the puropse of discussing road matters and drainage problems. All members were present and Reeve Johnson presided. Certain employment matters were discussed and Road Supt. Tribe instructed to lay off Bartlett truch at once, and to procure council authorization before making any major purchases. �K Drain Inspector Chute discussed repairs to Pollick Drain. � xr °"7 Moved by Dehnis Seconded by Graham- That Drain Inspector Chute be authorized to arrange for needed repairs on Pollick Drain...Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Geinos- That this special meeting be now adjourned...Carried. 1 Reeve. 7X Cierk./ 9�7 Council Chamber, Straffordville, Sept. 12, 1968. A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date for the purpose of considering land severance under By -Law No. 1402. Present were Reeve Johnson, Dep. Reeve Dennis and Councillor Graham. A letter was received from Solicitor E.V.Tillson requesting consent for trangfer CL,of propert*e. Alward to Alward. This had a house built on same in 1952. txl, { r roved by Graham �. Seconded by Dennis- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law 1102, it is herewith recommended that the 14,inister grant consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely, part of Lot 126, ( STR ) South Talbot Road, Township of Baylham by Clarence Ray Alward and Agnes Jean Alward to Ernest Laverne Alward and Betty Dorene Alward and that no local comm- ittee of Adjustment has been constituted and appointed...Carried. Ifloved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That this special Council Session now adjourn... Carried. Reeve.G1.6rk. Council Chamber, Straffordville, October 7th. 1965. The regular meeting; of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last reg- ular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received included the following. A sample by-law from the Dept. of Lands and Forests providing. for the issuing and fees charged for Townshiap Hunting Licenses. A claim for damages done to car was received from Mr. James McDonald of Straffordville. Same to be frJrwared to Insurance Co. Two notices of indigent hospital patients were received. Advice was received from 1.r. W.M.Jelly, Supervisor, Municipal Assessment Branch, that the new Provincial park at Port Burwell would be exempt from taxes and also not subject to grant -in -lieu of taxes. Two applications were received for tile drainage loans. A budget covering Minor Hockey operations in Aylmer for 1955-9 was received frcm Mr. Jan Verdun, Sec. and request made for continued support. A proclamation setting out the week of Oct. 6-12 as fire prevention week was received. The Workmen's Compenstion Board acknowledged by letter that coverage of the volunteer firemen had been increased to $7000.00 per man effective Sept.3,1968. The Dept. of Municipal Affairs advised by letter that the usual Winter Works Incentive Programwould not be offered this coming winter, A letter requesting estimates for repair of "G" branch of Coomber Drain was received from the C.N.R. Authorization was given to John B. Dodd, Drainage Engineer, to proceed to have G.W.Cattle Construction Co. arrange for the construction of Hedges, Csinos, Arn and completion of Chute drains. Ontario Municipal Board approvals were received covering the construction of Hedges, Csinos and Qrn Drains. Advice was received from Mr. Gloin, Clerk of The Peace, that a total of 134 jurors would be required to be selected in Bayham Township for 1969. A letter, together with tax collection policies of Township and a statement set- ting out the level of tax arrears at the end of 1967, was received from fir. Date of the Dept. of Municipal Aff wits . A quotation for fleet insurance coverage was received from Hamilton, Ward & Cathers as submitted by Continental Insurance Co. A statement covering certain tax arrears was presented by Treas. Vallee. Dept. of Lands and Forests Officer Lyle Willard met with the council and discuss. ed the issuing of Townshmp licenses and the fee to be charged advising that this Township was the only one in the district not charging the full fee. Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That Township hunt'ng license fees be amended as dollows; Charge for non resident license to be 3.30 including issuer's fee of .3W and Em for residents of Bayham Township including Villages of Vienna and Port Burwell, a charge of '1.00 including issuerts fee of .10¢. The Clerk to prepare a by-law covering the above rates... Carried. r:ioved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That Tothts Hardware in Port Burwell be and is hereby authorized to issue Township Hunting Licenses... Carried. th Mr. Igen Blake wilted on the council and discussed �66G erection of a residnece on his vacant lot. Moved by Green Seconded by Graham- That subject to approval of the Elgin-St.Thomas Health Unit, this council grant approval for fen Blake to build a residence on his vacant lot consisting of approximately 12,950 sq. f.t... Carried. i'ioved by Green Seconded by Dennis- The following building permits be approved; - Ray Soper - Barn addition -y2000. Erwin 1 Dillard - Pig pen - 500. Geo. Gehring - Pack Barn - 9000. Ross Helsdon - Double garage - 300. [moved) Adam Mercz - Greenhouse addn.- 1000. Braun's Green Acres - Garage - 2000. High Pace - Workshop - 2500... Carried. roved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That Notice of Intention to apply for a grant in respect t o the following drains, n#amely- Hedges Drain Csinos Drain Arn Drain be authorized to the Municipal Subsidies Branch of the Dept. of municipal Affairs... Carried. 1,1r. .Jack Priddle, Drain Inspector for the Township of Houghton, waited on the council and discussed repairs to the Garnham drain. He advised that damage had been done to the catch basin on the Bayham's side of the Townsline, by a vehicle and asked if same sljould be repaired. He was advised by this council that proper repairs should be made and if possible, insurance collected for the damage. Toved by Green Cl Seconded by Graham - That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1 P.M. Carried. Council resumed regular session at 1.10 P-140 Councillor Green discussed the proposed work as suggested by the C.N.R for rep- airs to the t1G11 Branch of the Coomber Drain. Drain Inspector Nelson was request - to procure estimates as best he could for this proposed work. It was decided that Drainage Engineers should be requested to make addition- al copies of plans and profiles of municipal drains in order that the Drain Inspectors can ire supplied with copies. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That the following applications for Tile Drainage Loans be approved; - George S. Elliott Estate, Lot 16, Conc.11 -- $ 800. James S. Elliott, NEI lot 13, Conc. 10 -- 2000... Carried. ;1618 Moved by Green 3rd. Seconded by Dennis- That By -Law No. 1618 respecting Hedges Drain, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Graham -'1619 Seconded by Dennis- That By -Law No. 1619 respecting Csinos Drain, be now read a Sri. third time and finally iassed... Carried. Clerk Vallee adUised that no appeals had been received respecting Arn Drain No.2 r16?2 Moved by Csinos 3r3. Seconded by Green- That By -Law No. 1622 to provide for the construction of Arn Drain No. 2, be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Moved by Green, Seconded by Csinos- That Drain Inspector Nelson be authorized to make necessary repairs to Middle Branch (F) of the Coomber Drain.. C ' . arried. 979 Robert Fall requested of the council and was granted verbal consent for Archie Noels to convey 15000 s%. ft. of his property to his son for the purpose# of a residence. Moved by Green Seconded by Csions- That 11rs. H. B. Johnson be named to replace J. W. Wimpory on the Library Committee for balance of 196$... Carried. Messrs.Royden Cathers and Ralph McLaughlin 4ted on the council and made a re- view of insurance in force at the present time and discussed insurance mattery in general with the Council. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Dennis- That this council place fleet policy insurance for Township Lictnsed vehicles with Continental Insurance Co., through Hamilton, Ward & Cathers at a premium of Y799.55...Carried. At the request of the Bayham Council, TJ1r. Jack Petrie met with the members and discussed employment with the Township of Bayham. Clerk Vallee advised that he intended to retire from his various positions in 1970. .Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That Jack Petrie be engaged as Deputy Clerk, Treasurer, Tax Collector and Jelfare Officer of the Township of Bayham, to be effective Aug.lst 1969 at a salary of _"5200.00 per annum... Carried. Rodd Supt. Tribe discussed road matters with the members and presented approved plans for the construction of the Carson Bridge. :Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That the plans for the Carson Bridge as approved by the Dept. of Highways, date of Sept. 6, 1968, be accepted by this Council and the Engineer be instructed to proceed with the calling of tenders for construction of same... Carried. T;Ioved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That Engineer Vallee be authorized to proceed with the survey for procuring land as necessary for the construction of the Carson Bridge Carried. 1'Joved by Csinos Seconded by Dennis- That the petition for interim payment of roads subsidy on expenditure in an amount of $111,005.65 be approved and proper officers sign same... Carried. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Green- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $20,$x.9.$3 for roads, 1. 110 5.2$ for welfare, *16,039.25 for drains and $1$73.29 for general accounts... Carried. Road Accounts-Paylist-3ept.15-1----------------------- 931•41+ Tr Tr _ it Sept.16-30---------------------- 1765.$0` It It _Voucher payments ----------------------- 1$152.5.9, Welfare Accounts-------------------------------------- 1105.2$ Ont. Hydro - Hydro for office_________________________ 51.89 11 rr rr - Straff . St . Lts.--------------------------- 195-01, rr rr - Eden St. Lts.---------------------------- 51.25.. Tr rr - Richmond St. Lts.------------------------ 54.3$., rr rr _ Co:'inth St. Lts.---------------------------- 17-50 Geo. Beard - Care & bulbs Corinth St.Lts.------------- 16.5?; Victoria Hosp.-Drugs re. D.Palmer-------------------- 2.90, Roger M.Verbrugge - Tile Dr: Loan--------------------- 37$0.00-, Ont. Hydro - Repairs Straff. St. Lts.----------------- 30.31. A. & 11. Tel. Co. - F. D. phones----------------------- 21+.7$ Reg. Office, Elgin- Aug. Conveyances------------------ 4.20, - Hotchkiss Appliances -Carton Florescent Lamps-Straff.Lts. 65.77 News Printing Co. - Printing & advts.------------------ 53.96 Everittfs Elect. - Rep.F.D. pump (barn)---------------- 55.25 James S. Davison -Dog Control - $ trips @ $6.00-------- 48.00 Rec. Gen. - Stamps for office------------------------- 10.00 Peter Zylstra - Fox Bounty---------------------------- 4.00 Hnt. Mun. Bd.-CSinos Drain fee----------------------- 15.00 rr rt rr -Hedges it it ----------------------- 15.00 it tt n -Arn It It ---- 15-00 Bayham Township Rd.Acct. - Cul.No. 1 Drain------------ 27o5O,., Norbrant Contractors Ltd.-No.l Dr. Contract----------- 03: $�rt n -Smith tt rr _---____-- Brantford Concrete Pipe Co. - Tile - Smith Dr.-------- 0 352$•04, S.P.& M. Materials Ltd.. Pipe - Smith Drain----------- 927.86,-, 4.00 Huston Fire EgpLt. Co.Ltd.-Hydrostatic testing F.D. ----- City Treasurer, London - Refill air cylinder F.D.------- 2.00 Dairts Garage - Fire Truck rep.------------------------- 5.00 6,00 Wendell Tribe - mowing lawn 2C?'�3.00--------------------- J.D.Vallee- Salary for Sept.---------------------------- 491.38% Violet VanBelois -Salary for Sept.---------------------- 242.56 79.264" 01 ERS - Pension paymants-------------------------------- Rec. Gen. - Tax ----------------------- ----------------- 69.50*,, Rec. Gen. - Un. Ins.------------------------------------ 6.92... Alice Vallee - Off. work 1 day ------------------------- 9.50 Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for Sept .--------------------- 35-00, W. L. Locker - Sec. to Fire Chief for Sept.------------- 15.00., Walter D. Nelson - Inspt. Verbrugge Tile Dr.------------ 20.00 J. D. Vallee Arn Dr. By -Law fee----------------------- 100.00 V. VanBelois - it tt n tt n----------------------- 25.00 H. B. Johnson -- Attending 3 meetings ------------------ 49.20 J. L. Dennis -- tt it tt------------------ It It It 51.60 48.60 Don Graham -- ------------------ *%, Tony Csinos -- tt 2 tt------------------ 35.00. Ronald Green - 't 2 tt------------------ 37.00 n u T.'loved by Csinos Seconded by Green that Council adjourn to meet again on Nov. lst., at 10:0OA.TL•i. CR09R)ED. Reeve. Clerk. Council Chamber, Straff ordville , November 1 st . 1968 Pursuant to adjournment of Oct. 7th., the regular meeting of the Council of the Township of R ayham was held on the above date, all members being present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That the .minutes of the meeting of Oct. 7th. having been examined by the members, the same are hereby adopted... Carried. These were signed by the Reeve and the following business was done. Treasurer Vallee gave a further.report on tax arrears situation. A petition for drainage of County Road No. 38 west of Straffordville and adjoin - lands was received. Several hospital notices were received and discussed. Balance of Winter Works subsidy for 1967-68 was received in amoiiht of 6655.56. A reaues+ for a grant to Tillsonburg Minor Hockey was received from D.M.Gibson. A notice of an Application by Union Gas Co. to Ontario Energy Board for an Order approving or fixing rates for gas was received from the Union Gas Co. Applications for Tile Drainage Loans were received from J.L.Dennis for a loan of k;'6,000. in respect to parts of lots 5, 6 ,8 and 9, Conc. 4. Prices were received from G. tip. Cattle Construction Ltd. for use of equipment in making repairs to ttGtt branch of Coomber Drain. These were sent to the C.N.R. i-ir. -VEL."17. D. Axford requested authorization to issue Township Hunting Licenses. Solicitor 1.7andryk requested the council to pass a by-law officially closing certain roads and streets as laid out in Registered Plan 147 of Wilsonburg. The members decided to take no action on this at the present time. 1.r. Howard Palmer submitted a sample card to be mailed to customers of the Port Burwell exchange of the Telephone Co. advising of the cancellation of the number 874-4400 for calls to the Bayham Township Fire Dept. and advising that the number to call would be 866-5800, effective January 1,1969. This card was approved by council. Moved by Csinos Seconded by Graham- That the Leslie Swance Geo. Shearer Allan Fisher A.Amesmann Shell Canada Ltd. Steve Nezezon Jr. Amandus Bobkowski Moved by Green Seconded by Dennis- That Association... Carried. following Building Permits -- Addn. to Residence - -- Move house, etc. - -- Greenhouse addn. - -- Close in veranda - -- Office,liarehaouse,etc. -- Move kiln, etc. -- Greenhouse be approved; - $1000. 4000. 1000. 1000. - 18,000. - 900.- - 2, 700... Carried. this council grant ""50. to Tillsonburg 1,1inor Hockey 980A 1,1oved By Csinos Seconded by Dennis- That this council approve the purchase of ��00. Bond- 7a H.E.P.C., maturity Sept. 18, 1988/92 at approximate price of 972 for Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund...'Varried. :• 'loved bar Csinos Seconded by Green- That this council accent the application of John Zamecnik for a Tile Drainage Loan of �*1500. on the north half of Lot 16, Conc. 2, Township of Bayham...Carried. T roved by Grahm Seconded by Green- That this council accept the applicationsfor Tile Drainage Loans as follows; - Jesse L. Dennis, N - Pt . lot 5, Conc . 4 - ;1500. tt tt it S. Pt . tt 6 If 4 - 500. it tt it ,C.Pts. lots 8 & 9 " 4 - 5000... Carried. At. 11.00 A.M. the Engineer's report on the Freeman-Storp Drain was read and discussed. Present were T, r. T.',orrison and 1 r. of the firm of Engineering Consultants, 111essrs. G. i'i. and G. A. Shepherd, 1,1r. Storp and Drain Inspector ►'falter Nelson. I1.r. Shepherd objected to his costs in respect to the drain but none who had signed the petition wanted to withdraw their names. i roved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That the Engineer's report on the freeman-Storp T11unicipal Drain be and is hereby adopted and the Clerk; prepare a by-law for same ... Carried, _roved by Green /1,'1623 Seconded by Csinos- And resolved that By -Law No. 1623 being a by-law to authoriz( 1st. the issuing of Township hunting Licenses and setting fees for same, be now read a first time... Carried. A copy of this by-law to be forwarded to the Law Branch of the Dept. of Lands and Forests for approval. loved by Graham :seconded by Bennis- And resolved that By -Lair No. 1624 being a by-law to provide for offiu'ers and polling places for the 1968 election for school trustees, be how read a first tine... Carried. [1624 Moved by Dennis Seconded ;y Graham- And resolved that By -Law No. 1624 be now read a second time. Carried. _loved by Csinos Seconded by Green- And resolved that By -Law No. 1624 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. T.ioved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 12.45 P.i-i... Carried. Council resumed regular session at 12.50 P.M* N'oved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That to the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the %•sinister grant consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely, parts of Lots 6 & 7, 1'lest of Plank Road and North of Second Street and part of Lot 7, North of Second Street and East of West Street, as shown on a plan registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the said County of Elgin as Regist- ered Plan _?umber 205, By Burns W. E. _McKenzie cue 11adelyn 141cKenzie To Shell Canada Limited and that no local Committee of Adjustment has been constituted and app- ointed...Carried. Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That the Road Supt sign petition for drainage of County Rd. 1,70. 3$ west of No. 19 Highway and lots 124 north & south of Talbot Street.Carrie( _Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos-That the petition for drainage of parts of lots 124, north 8r, south of Talbot Road and County Road No. 38 west of No. 19 Highway, signed by Oscar Bartha and others, be accepted and Engineer Graham,Berman 8 Associates Ltd. be requested to make a survey, plan and report on same... Carried. f Moved by Green .t Seconded by Csinos- That this council not authorize fur ing Township Hunting Licenses at the present time.— Carried.utlets for issu- 0 0 "loved by Green Seconded by Csinos- And resolved that B.r-Law I,,To. 1625 being a by-law to exprop- riate certain lands for road purposes betweenlots 13 in the first and second concessions of Bayham Township, be now read a first time...Carried. 11oved by Dennis ` Seconded by Graham- And resolved that By -Law ITo. 1625 Carried.. a��oved b Jr Csinos Seconded by Green- And resolved that By -Law Ho. 1625 and finally passed... Carried. "_loved by Green Seconded by Esinos- .And resolved that Ey-Law No. 1626 fees paid to Election Officers and rental for Polling first time... Carried. T Too ved bir Graham Seconded by Green- Lind resolved that By -Law No. 1626 Carried. roved by Graham Seconded by Csinos-. And resolved that By -Law No. 1626 and finally passe.... Carried. Doug. Vallee, P.Eng., waited on the council the construction of the Carson Bridge. Those General Contract McLean -Foster Construction Arnott Construction Moir Construction Co.Ltd. L.Belanger Construction Ltd. Loobv Builders (Dublin) Ltd. DonnConstruction Steel Suppler . be now read a second time. be now read a third time being a by-law to amend Places, be now read a be now read a second time. be now read a third time in the matter of opening tenders for received were as follows;- i•'laple Engineering & Cobst . Co . Ltd. Lenford Construction J. Harris & Sons Ltd. G & H Steel Services S.G.Paiken & Co. Ltd. Salit :steel ( ITiagara ) Albrecht Drothers of Can.Ltd. Ltd. --- 115-1608.00 --- 108,481.00 --- 143)480.00 --- 1182556.00 99;2-- 12627 6 .88 - 53.00 --- 93,301.73 12,005. 12,354. 12)525. 12,526. 111845. The above tenders were examined and discusAed by the members. j.'Toved bir Csinos Seconded by Green- That subject to approval of the Dept. of Highways, the following tenders be accepted for the Carson Eraidge construction. - General Contract Lenford Construction Ltd. at a proce of (`93,301.73 Steel SuDply Albrecht Brothers ay a price of :;ill, $15.00.... Carried. Road matters were discussed with Road Supt Tribe and earltr adjournment ;Ias decided on in order that members might attend official opening of Port Burwell Dridge/ 1 -loved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amount of 7,814.93 for roads , V !)1, 001.58 for welfare, X 19, 99.3 2 for municipal drains and 3 , 016.19 for general accounts. Road Accounts - Paylist Oct. 1 - 15-------------- tt tt - tt Oct. 16 - 31 -------------- It It - Payment vouchers ------------------ Velfare accounts ---------------------------------- Graham,Berman & Assoc.Ltd.- lee Freeman-Storp Dr. -- Brantford Buildtrs Sup . Ltd . - Tile .,leuller Dr ------- Brantford ------ Brantford Concrete Pipe Co.- 't Smith Dr. ------ Norbrant Contractors Ltd.- Prog.Pay No.4,No.1 Dr. -- G. A. Backus Co. Ltd. - 3 rolls plastic tt It -- Erantford Concrete Pipe Co.- Tile No.l Drain ------ Dellerts Tile Ltd.- Tile guard No. 1 Dr.---------- Pre-cast Sep.Tanks & Cem.Pord.- Materials No.l Dr.- Bayham Twp. Road Dept.- C.I.P. No.l Dr. - ---------- Jewitt, Dodd & Vallee - Fees Wevill Dr.----------- tt it It - It hetchabaw Dr. -------- TP Pedlar People Ltd.- Culverts No.,l Drain ------ It it it - It it It ------ It ----- tt tt it It - it Smith Dr/------- ol9121.13� 1,950.79\ 4+ 743.01\ 1,001.5$, 550.00 3,016.14 1,86$.52\ 9,760.1*6� $x..00. 1,638.45\ 128.50-,, 550.00\ 167-44\ 777.14\ 350.00\ 166.02, 139.62 26.34. on Robert E erlay Repairs Underhill Dr. ---------- >> Y - 276-39,, . Receiver General - Stamps ---------------------------- 5.00 ,, A LaPlante - Suns for dump -------------------------- 39.38, C. J. 1et chahaw - Bulbs Eden St. Lt s .---------------- 31,751% 1. G. "ebster Ltd. - Office supplies ----------------- 6.81 Dt Arcy Limited - Caretaking supplies ----------------- 14-961% Registry Office, Elgin - Sept. conveyances ----------- 3.30. - yi. D. Phones -------------- Aylmer E: T-ialahide Tel . Co. F. 0. 3 83 Allan Veitch - Fox Dour_ty---------------------------- � 1,00 Hamilton, ..ard e-, Cathers - ryleet ins. 'Lire trucks ---- 362.52\ r' r' , Tr _ Compensation Policy ------- 77.00, It It - it _ Councillors policy -------- 50.00 Share Tunicipal Liability - 2$1.$9 Tillsonburg ?Tincr 'iockey Assn.- Grant ---------------- 50-0011, Elton H. Jackson - Dog Tax Comm. --------------------- 815.33•\ r' r' " - Car expenses ---------------- - 100.00N H. D. Johnson - Selecting Jurors ---------------------- 11+.00, J. D. Vallee - rr "--------------------- 14.00\ it it - Salary for October ------------------- 1;91, 30, Violet VanT elois - :r If rr ------------------- 242.56 Receiver General - Un. Ins. __________________________ 6.92 itii - C. P. P --------------------------- 78-72\ �r rr - Tax --------- --------------- lT 9.50 � O.T_.E.R.S. - Pension naTents------------------------ 114.3 yen Grant - Tldr. . insD . y 11 hrs . 2.00 -------------- 23.00•\ rrrr rr rt - 132 Mlles c .10¢ ------------- 13.20 H. B. Johnson - 1 meeting ---------------------------- 16.10 Jesse L. Dennis - 1 r' --------------------------- 17.20\ Don Gral-1am - 1 "-------------------------- 16.20\ Tony C sinos - 1 r' ---------------- ------------ 17.50\ Ronald Green - 1 it -------------------------- 18.50\ .roved by Dennis Seconded bar Graham- That this council ad ourn to meet again on Dec. 3rd. 1968 at 10.00 A.TI...Carried. peeve Clerk.. 0 Council Chamber, November 14th, 1968. 'of The Court of Revision 'br the Township of Bayham as appointed by the Elgin County Council, met at Str�affordville on the above date to hear appeals against the assessment made in 1968 for 1969 taxes. Members present and subscribing to the Oath were Chairman Philip Schleihauf, noble Tufford and Kenneth Jilliamson. Also in attendance were 11r. Ed. Baker and two other assessors from the County Assessment Office, and Clerk Vallee. Court assembled at 1.50 P.T. Anpellants present aere invited to present evidence in support of their resp- ective appeals, and were advised by the Chairman that the Court would make a decision and they would be advised by mail. roved by Williamson Seconded by Tufford- That this Court of Revision, having considered all appeals against the 1968 Assessment Stoll for the rRunicipali.ty of the Township of Bayham properly befor it, now certifies this Roll, as Revised and Amended by the decisions of the Court, to be the Last Revised Assessment Stoll of the 11unicip- alit;r, in accordanue with Section 73 of the Assessment Act (R.3.0.1960, Chapter 23). Carried. (See C. of R. 1968 File for details) *'ratters of tax refunds and write-odf s were presented by Clerk Vallee. :.'loved by Tufford :3econded by Williamson- That this Court of Revision authorize tax credit or refunds totalling ;:,5,519.21 to properties mn East Elgin High School District in 1968 on account of over -levy of 1967-68 Taxes by the East Elgin High School Loard...Carried. loved bJr '. illiaMson ,seconded by Tufford- That the 131 'of the Assessment Act... Roll I -To . 1-008, 1968 Park tt It 4-017, tt Re. tT it 4-017, it it following taxes by written off under section Propert-N! r'Tells to It tr tT 4-1789 TT Robt . Carne3r Tr ti r _1►7a' tt It IT it tr 4-3461 Ken rT tt 4-3469 Ti tT Port Burwell - DeBlaire - " (-'t.Lts. )- "jrant to r? .".ICT zenzie tt rt TT IT It h_1549 it Leola ti 1t 5-122 " ? . tT f1 5-1221 -122 t! Tt 6-1$5 " Ross TT tt 3-007, it Tasil It It 1-o67, it Robt , Court yd j ourned , 0 I'rinn T annell I Carson !�evill T,Iatthews "arried. Cle'of Court Cle of Bayham �3 24.22 \- 3.99 \- .88\- 1.63\- 8.03\- 25.59\- 99.01 \- 17.35\- 7.71\- 20.24\- 5.82,- 29.69\- 23.29\- of nevi si on Township. virite-off. tt it it it ft tT Refund -rite-off /t T1 tt Refund. NOMIPTATION i%EETIDICT FOR SCHOOL BOARD -01 Township Community Hall, Straffordville, Nov.18/68.1 A meeting of the ratepyers for the respective areas, in accordance with Bill No. 44 and Lill No. 168, was held at 7.30 P.I!1', on the above date for the pmrpose of nominating candidates for the following offices: - is 1. Bir Public :school Electors - for the offices of FOUR members to serve on the Elgin County Board of Education and representing the municipalities of Aylmer, Bavha,,�, Belmont, " alahide, Port Purwell, South Dorchester, Spring-fiel and Vienna , for a two year term.. 2. E.y Separate School SupRp-ort.ers - for the office of ONE trustee to serve on the Elgin Counter Roman CatholicJeparate School Eoard and representing the munic- ipalities !f Bayham, Port Turwell and Vienna, for a two year term. M out 120 interested . persons were present and Clerk J. D. Vallee of Bayham Township was the designated Returni n Officer, in accordance with the above note ?:ills, to conduct the aforementioned nominations and to su mm—:1rize the vote. By 8.30 J. on the above date, the following candidates had been dulir placed in nomination. - 1. r'v Public School Electors:- T',ugler, `.lilliam D. Vienna i`�Ierchant Johnston, Druce V. Aylmer Lawyer rillsey, Clarence Roy P�. 1, ,Delmont a~ armer Kennedy, Anthony G. R. R. 6, Aylmer i Iechani c Harvey, John A. R.R.5,Aylmer Farmer Howey, Robert G. R.P.. 2, Straffordville Farmer iic'Tiece, David C. Aviner Tobacco Trader Grindon, John R.R.6,Aylmer Supply Technician Cummings, �''allace E,. R.R.1, Aylmer Farmer Pineo, Frank R.R.4, Aylmer Farmer Podk.i n, Helen Aylmer Houseviife . Holditch, Douane Avlme;, R.R.2. Farmer 2. B, Separate School Su Gheysen, 11illiam orters:- ienna `'ursery Operator Ey 9.00 P.'•, on Nov. 19, 1968, all candidates nominated under parts 1 and 2 above noted, had filed cualification papers. I, J. D. Vallee, Returning- Officer, hereby declare ."r. jilliam Gheysen, Nursery Operator of Vienna, dul�r elected by acclamation to be the Trustee to represent the Municipalities of Eavham, Port -Puniell and Vienna o he Elgin County Roman Catholic Se crate School Loard for a tvro year term. Fol 10 -68 Clerkts p .� ( 9 , Certificate, was duly forwarded to the Clerk of " alahide Town: -hip, by Registered Post, on 1,Iov. 20, 19 8, advising of the member elected. _'1 poll was held on Decem',�er 2, 1968 for those candidates aspiring to be members of the Elgin County Board of Education, throughout the several municipalities, and the result of the vote is surwmarized as follows:- For details see pink sheet insetted herewith. I, J. �7.rallee, returning Officer for the several Municipalities of East Elgin, as set forth above, hereby declare, Anthony itenned,�r, "rank Pineo, John Farvey and Helen Bodkin duly elected by Public School Supporters to a two year term on the Elfin County Board of Education. The result of the vote for separate school trustees on Education was as follows;- !(In the Township of Fayham ----- 12 votes ----- 10 �r 13 rr ----- 20 rr ----- 1 rr was frrwarded to tre City r'?arcela Fouckaert Frank E. Coughlin Eugene L. Dopo Roger Vandierendonck Joseph ►eiss The information on this vote the Elgin County Board of Only) Clerk of 3t. Thomas,) 41erk ot" Z ayham 'i'ownsnzp an RSeturning Officer. IPAL RLD ST. THOMAS,O*T. DIVISIONAL BOARD OF EDUCATION ST. THOMAS, OMT. 1088-68 FINALla MARY OF VOTE RECORDED FOR CANDIDATES NOMINATED BY PUBLIC SCHOO ECTORS "The clerk of each municipality shall be the returning officer for the vote to be recorded in his municipality and he shall report forthwith the vote recorded to the clerk of the municipality in which the nominations were held, who shall prepare the final summary and announce the vote." The Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act, chapter 362, section 92 (17) (b). I J. D. Vallee Clerk of The i'OWnsh * D off' 1,atTham being the Clerk of the municipality in which the nominations were held, hereby certify ( Name of Municipality) that set out below is the final summary of the vote recorded in the municipalities combined for the purposes of this election for candidates to be elected by public school elec- tors as a member of the divisional board of education. Dated this 9th • day of. De ceml l; 68 Clerk. NAMES OF CANDIDATES NAME OF MUNICIPALITY tj ,y IN WHICH THE �„ '�l `\v f� �j Ae, / � VOTE WAS RECORDED\� ,aX � y r 2d O '> 9 445 5 3 55 385 158 272 332 72 n PAYH A.,Z 9 4 1 }0 �l 4f)2 O 80 6 51,9 20 99 2 BEU TONT 33 3 2 3 23 1 4 11 7 58 82 Ct MALAHIDE 2�. � ?� 222 1 � � 346 21 � 109 209 350 100 418 98 W PORT PUR``VELL 34 93 12 8 19 23 73 17 148 4 18 2 (D (D SG JTH DORCHESTER 90 7 IJ 2� 104 1 � 59 5'- 41 140 184 .. SPRIFOPIELD )t� 25 Ira 17 14 4U 50 �`� V IE,TNA 14 '3 1 3 9 2� 19 9 1 TOTAL VOTES RECORDED 878 1 75 393 )7z) 1076 388 785 792 134 2 1248 533 Ch C H O 1-3 13, Cf O `1i Ch V, C H (D (D t 7 -4O n Cr :' N (D ti n (D (D O N• Ct (D P, `W � Wj (D 1"i Lt I v (D N'` l (D Ct W Ct f'' aq -0 " ", N.�f W O(D'S rC r,y (!) (D (D W (D (D rA (D Ct .. ICL V, r �yl H (D (D t 7 n Cr :' N (D ti V, r �yl H (D (D t 7 n Cr :' Sv (D ti n (D (D O N• Ct (D P, (D .14 P. Ct 'd rCy O H. (D f --i (D H F+j O (D 985 Council Chamber, Straffordville, Dec. 3rd. 1968. The regular meeting of the nayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and. Reeve Johnson presiding. ,loved by Graham seconded b -Ir Dennis- That tre minutes of 11,ovember lst. 1968 having been examined by the members, it is hereby resolved that the same be adopted...Carried. The same were signed }y lkeeve Johnson and the following business was done. Commi_znications received included the following. :'-.dvice was recdived from John Dodd regarding the additional cost to r:raunt s Green Acres on !To. i Drain owing to additional tile on that farm. Renuests for subdivision of lands were received from `�r. lillia_m TTeir and T•Tr. Ian Linton. Assessment Commissioner 'Vector *1cLean Alvised of his retirement effective December 31, 195$ and that his successor would be I.Tr. :.'illiam Vidler. Canadian Pacific :Lailway Co. rerllAsted annrnval by the municipal council for re- moval of fences in certain places adjoi lands of George Teall and :?arris Teall. letter was received from John Dodd regarding final payment to Contractor, on N o . 1 Drain. An application was received from John ".Tall Jr. for a Tile Drainage Loan. Notice of Hearing re, inion Gas Co. was received from the Ontario Energy Board. One indigent hospital case was discussed with the council. Approval Inas received from the Dent. of Lands and Forests respecting Ey-Law 'JO 1623 adjusting fees for Township HiIntinjF Licenses. The Dept. of Highways advised that their assessment on the Stewart Drain was acceptable. Engineer Vallee advised of a chano-e in the type of ,piling to be used in the construction of the Carson Dridpe. copy of Elgin Count r s y -Law ITo. 201 2 was received re, enf orcing Parking By - Laws of the Cotmty. Britten approval eras received from the DeDt. of Highwa�rs for contracts respecting Carson Bride construction. A petition signed by 185 persons was received bar the council asking that the ' `�` between lots 18 and 14 in the Second Concession be rebuilt. road and bridge Concession,be ..-r. G. T. Tupper was present and presented a letter asking that trees damned in a Fulley on his farm by Township forces, be removed. Council agreed to look over this situation. l essrs. JacI :'Tolf e and Robert Gregson-iviaited on the ,council in, the matter of a municipal.drain. They were liven a petition for for signatures. roved b -r Green econded bis Csinos- That the Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay election accounts in accordance with schedule of fees as set out in By -Lamy No. 1626. loved by Ore en V Seconded AoV, Graham- That in tl:e matter of The Planning flet and To.!Inship of Bayham By -Law 1Io. 1402, it is herewith recomnended that the 'sinister grant consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely, part of the south half of Lot Number 10 in the Ilinth Concession of the ToMmship of uayham, thb Grantor retain- ing 3.845 acres, By 'Jilfred J. Harper and Florence Louise Harper To Jeffrey Phillips, and that no local C=mittee of Adjustment has been constituted and j appointed... Carried. . :Moved bar Dennis M Seconded bir Csinos- That in the Matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham L)y-Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the ITinister grant consent for the sale of the folio :ing parcel of land, namely, the west half of the south half of the north half of Lot Ten in the 3inth Concession of the Township of 3ayham, containing twenty-five acres more. or less, by Gertrude s.laud 1�111mine and Leon ',Tillie 1611 `silmine to Jeffreys Phillips, and that no local Committee of Adjust- ment has been constituted and appointed... Carried. loved b�T Gra�ennis- am Seconded by That this council authorize final payrlent Contractors Ltd. in respect to No.1 Drain as follows;- ��alance due-��`2575.88 - See Engineer' s Prog. Payr. Extras :"allowed- X00.00 - " " letter Nov. subject payment 3075.00 to Norbran t NO- 5. 28/68 to filing 'dorkmen's Compensation Voard Certificate and Declaration as,to of all accounts... Carried. l Eloved by Csinos oeconded iby Green- That the applicatiotl of John '.Y'all Jr. for a Tile Drainage Loan of :;11000. on P -p, ISI . Pt of lots 11 & 12, Conc . 1 be approved... Carried . I'�oved by Csinos, Seconded by Green- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1 P -M... Carried. 986 Council resumed regular session at 1.10 n:j,I. roved by Green Seconded by Gsinos- And resolved that `y -Law 1Io. 1,627 bei.np., a by-law to provide for the construction of the 'reeman-.torp .-Iunicipal Drain, be now read a first time... Carried. , loved by Csinos Seconded b r Green- And resolved that BY -Law To. 1627 be now read a third time and provisionally passed... Carried. Moved by Teen :seconded by "sinus- .at Court of Levision y or the Freeman-Storp , unici.al Drain be held on '. Iondav, Januarn,r 6th. 1969 at 2.00 P. i... Carried. Ifoved by Graham Seconded ?-)v Dennis- And resolved that Py -Law T'o . 1623 re. T o-msh in Hunting; <�1'23 Licenses, be now read a Second time... Carried.. 2:_�.3 ,-loved ov Dennis seconded by Graham- And resolved that T,-,-.Y-Law 'TO 162,4 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. ^.t 2 0 00 P .:.. , present for the reading of the report on the I' et chaba�Yv Drain 'TO .2 % Viere Hugh and Gene Ketchabaw,-Inspector �4elson and Road Supt. Tribe as well as Engineer Dodd. After reading: same, this drain was discussed' in some detail. No one present objected to the report. :roved by Green Deconded by Dennis- That the engineer's renort dated Oct. 29, 1958, on the Ketchabaw Drain No. 2 be accepted and Clerk prepare by-law for same... Carried. t 2.30 I -, present for the reading of the Nevill Drain report were T`.Ir. Chanvi , Tonv Csinos, Inspector ikon Chute and Road Supt Tribe. Councillor Csinos declar- ed his interest in this matter to council. Engineer Dodd discussed this report with those present following the reading of same. x'one present objected to this report. :Moved by (rraham :seconded by Dennis- That the report on the TTevill Drain, dated Oct. 18, 1968) • be adopted and Clerk prepare a 1-ir-law for same. Pay rents to be over a five year period at 71;) interest per annum...Carried. `oved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That the Road Supt. sign petition for Stewart Drain... Carl At 3.15 n. % , the report etas read for the Stewart Drain. Present were I. Harper,! Robt. ti%eitch, Paul Stewart, Maurice Vansevenant and Son, Robt. De:'aele, Inspect or iTelson and Hoad Jupt. Tribe. Details of this drain were discussed with the Engineer. Those present expressed their desire to ;6e have the drain proceeded with in accordance with the report and I r. De'.Taele sigeathe petition. droved by Dennis Seconded byGraham- That the EnFineer's report on t -he Stewart Drain, dated I°.ov. 8, 1968 be adopted and Clerk- prepare a by-law for same. Payments to be made over a period of fiQe yrears with interest at 737 per annum...Carried. 'roved Dennis Seconded by Green- That Road Supt Tribe sign petition. of Jack C. ,olfe and bthers for drainal-e oy lots 10,11 & 12 in the south Gore, PIS lot 10, Uonc. 5 and 3 -Pts. lots 119, 120 and 121 in Conc. I'D .... Carried. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That on receipt of a petition for Municipal drainage, the Clerk. be authorized to advise the Conservation Authority of same in accordance with amendments to The DrainaF-e Act 1962 -63 --.Carried. :r. and ilrs/ Edgar Charlton of London vtaited on the council in respect to a plan of subdivision for summer cottages at the south end of lot 4, Conc. 1, and submitted a sketch plan of same. Roved by Graham Seconded by Csinos- That this council accept the sketch plan for a proposedbplan i ' or subdivision as prepared by Donald . Houghton, O.L.S., dated Dec. 15, 19 5 and submitted to this council by IIr. Edgar Charlton of London with the following's conditions; - 1. That no residential use be made of any `-)uildin;s erected thereon during the period tlov. lst to April lst. of the following year. 2. Owners in this plan of subdivision to be responsible for Maintenance of roadway to same from present t.oimship road. 3. Otmers to be responsible for all legal and survey fees in connection therewith. 987 and a copy of this resolution together with a copy of sketch plan be fomiarded to the :.inister of, J-unicipal Affairs, for Departmental approval... Carried. jome concern was expressed rewarding the num'her of roved 0-:- Dennis :seconded. by Graham- That under authority of Ey-Law directed to proclaim a period from Dec. 18th. 1968 be not Dermitted G run at lame in the T o.•mship of ence of rabies in the area... Carried. cases of rabies in East Elgi TTo. 1386, the to March 1s4k . Dayhan owing :'eeve be 1969 that dogs to the incid- Poad matters were disc riser? viit', roar► Supt . Tribe and the 1968 road budget was re -viewed. -oved :r Oreen Oeconded b -r Csinos- That for use of To,,mship P-rader for a Dour, the rental charge for same be at the rate of "15.00 use...Carried, perio lonp-er than per bol. r for public "oved bt7 Csinos r Seconded�� Graham- That the 7. :aunt , procure repairs for Case backhoe and I ave this m.achine put in wor'Ling, condition... Carried. ' Lr. Plondeel discussed a possible plan of subdivision for residential DroDerti es at the north end of his farm. He was advised to have a sketch _Dian prepared for same and sul.mit same to council. The Matter o.r dispensin w-1 th fence along certain places of C.P.R. right-of-way was laid over to next meeting. coved by Green Oeconded by Dennis- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of A'8418.60 f or roads, for welfare , x'31, 288.97 for gains and `>149? . for general accounts...Carried. road accounts - Pa-rlist Tov.1-15----------------------- �► 16-30----------------------- 11 11 _ Pa:r.ment Vouchers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - elfare Accolzn is -------------------------------------- Ttin. Houghton - Dayhamts cost repair Garnham Dr.------- Deller t s T ils Ltd.- Tile for Arn Dr . ------------------ Jez-iitt, Dodd fy Vallee- Our veer, plan etc . - Stewart Dr. - Deller t s Tile Ltd.- Tile guard for ? eller Dr.--------- "Testeel-Bosco Ltd.- Pipe for euller Dr.--------------- G. 1. Cattle Const. Ltd. - Contract re.L�'el�.11er Dr. --------- Jewitt, Dodd Vallee-Dalance fee _ --------- Pedlar People Ltd. - Pipe for 3_)mith Dr.---------------- Drantf ord '7ui lders Oupp . Ltd . -Covers for -ami t Dr . ------ Norbran � Cont rs . Ltd. -krotes. Pair ".2 ------ G. 4T. Cattle Const . Ltd. --Mork: on 13merson Drain ----------- Jewitt, Dodd fc yrallee-Superlrision f' t'----------- esteel - �o:sco Ltd.- Pipe for 11 tt _______---- Deller t s Tile T,td . -- Tile for =' 1' ----------- . esteel- osco Ltd. - Wipe for .'edges Dr. ------------ .:'. Cattle "onst . Ltd. -Final or.: on HedF,es 7r.--------- Je,ritt , Dodd & Vallee - Super-,.-ision on " '--------- -esteel Rosco Ltd.- Pipe for "sinus Dr. ---------------- G. '.f . Cattle Const . Ltd.- Final '.'ori-, on Csinos -)r.------- Jewitt, Dodd. L Vallee - Svper,rision " 11 11 _------ 'Jesteel-Rosco Ltd. - Pipe for :'inn Dr. ------------------ Pedlar People Ltd.- Pipe for .To.l Dr. 92.r:)3 Less 29.22- rantford Concrete Pipe Co. - 'iAe for ��Io.l Dr.-------- JeTvlitt,Dodd Vallee - 7inal fees :;o. 1 Dr.------------ =ralm t s Green '.cres Ltd. -Allowance T'o. 1 Dr. ----------- `artin I isc.-:er - ,t ;� tt 1t ___-__----- Grant `atti.eZ"STs - :t :i of tt _..___- �ichael I I esc'A - ----------- 'Toward Tait - i1 11 it tt ----------- st tt 11 arl Di r o - 11 ______----- Tony Cindric it ;- 11 t: tt ft ----------- Fran.. Pencz 1: Bert Luce .t 11 t1 tt ---- Concrete Pipe Co. - rile for Omit:: Dr.342.1ess 6.81.---- ':. :..:. Tel . ,- o . - off. phones---- ------ ~ ------- ..ec, ..ones------------------------.ec. General - Otarlps (election.) ----------------------- 11 ,t _ 11 (office) ------------------------ n tt 11 tt Nov. L. ------------ .Alan Dearden - 7oxount------------------------------- Prov. Treasurer- Insulin______________________________ James 3. Davison - Do Control_________________________ jIetjs Printing Co.- Office Printing fa Ad -rt ,_____________ 1382.83\ 1491.65 \ 5544-12-- 1441.28-, 544.12•1441.28 192.30 851.40 599".22 127.76\ 1 3.20 11135.70 , 503.37•, 53.76-\ 39• \ 2639.00\ 5813.24N 39. \ 300.00\ 99.4 1029.10 17.50 1845.00 � 1?5.00� 55.511\ 2077.10 125.00N 98.80 03.x.1 101.115\ 1513.25\ 75.00, 10.00\ 10. 00,, 90.00� 270.00\, 135-00- 150.00L 150.00,, 45.00 335.16. 52.55, 0.82, 19.18\ 12.00, 4.00,. 4.8 1,.,, 6.00\ 19.90\ 988 News Printing- Co. - Election Printir_g - P.S.---------- 1h,5 tt st tt • _____-__-- 14:58 \ Times Jo??rnal - is it - n . .---------- 14.. 8o The A-,:,lmer Express _ tt tP __p, S, _______..__ 23-52 �00\ e�istr�r Office, Elgin- Co7.ra-rances------------------ = �. . .:c��enz�.e . uels Luh.. - of- ' , _________________ � 68 Gibson, Sinton n: Tot h - legal fees, etc.re. `,lvia_ rd----- 7k,00\ Fami.lton, .'ard c, Cathers - prem. (":dj. Corp. P olic 16.24\ Peyer J. Gloin, Clerk of the Peace-Cert.Voters T,ists-- 3.00\ T.7,77, Co. Ltd, - vroterst list preparati ons-__________ 110.50\ Joe u _ renas - 2 sl-eip i11e(_1 dogs ----___-_-_____-- ;0.00 All ie Pat!. -us - rox �oi:mt-r----------- ____--------- _--- 4.CO\ Huston Aire E( -pt. Co. Lt'. -Fire Dept.Ecpt.------------ 13.46 Ac '�. Teler3hone Co. - :'i re Dept. phones______________ 25.83: -il1is -Iarr^ '�- lldozinp, at dlxr.nn_____________________ 4 ,GOA C. =.recster >tat tnv. Ltd. -office s�.�op.--------------- .1�.1\ 11 iP fP _ t? tt ------------- 11 15#17\ Strick.L I- lldozing &Er�terpriaes Ltd . -% :lldoz .ng Vienna -175-50\ J. �. '7allee- Sa1ar,T 'or"ov.----_-_-------------------- x.91.38 \ 6 "� iole �; anelois - Malar for 'Toy, ----- --------------- 2'� • 50� .ec. Gen. - C.?.='.-______ ------------ --------- -------- ;.$\ Un. Ins. ----------________________________ 6.92.\ it tt _ Tax ------------ --- 109.50 C. %'�pension---------------- ------------------ 97.48 . 'o J.,asil .. 11 - ire un__e� - �c �., 70 GG \ -.r.L.Loc'cer - Sec. 7.1r). - Oct. ec 1,30v. ----------------- 30.00-\ :. C. Jac....son- ;sluing sleep -J. Jurenas---------------- 5.00\ J.D.TTallee-D�--Law tees Freeman -Store �)r.----------____- �U,Ab\ 7iolet 7anrelois- ______________ 20.00., i'0.1 ')rain-------------------- 25.00\ �T. T). T'all.ee-llera:ts fees 'o. 1 'gain_________________ 125,00 endell Tri: e - "oiling 0_"fice lawn ___w._______________ 3,Op-\ H. '). Johnson- attend 1 meetinr-:.___------------ 1.40\ J. L.ennls - it tP tt-------------------- --- 17 2G Donald Graham- :t it it _______________________ i;6.20,% Tony Csinos - iP It it _______________________ 17.50\ Donald Green - tt tt tP -------- ---------- 1 .50 \ owed by Green Seconded► bir tennis - that this 1968 at 10:00 Carried. peeve. b council adjourn 10 meet again on Dec. 10"th. , Council Chamber, 3traffordville, December lb, 1968. A regular meeting of the Pavham Tw,,mship Council was held on the above date, all members being, present and reeve Johnson presiding, T loved by Green jecondVd by Csinos- That the minutes of Dec. 3rd. 19'$, having ng been examined TT the members, be it hereby resolved that the same ti,o adopted... Carried. The minutes were signed by Reeve Johnson and the following business :{gas None. 1� copy of let -ter to the i'ou�-hton ` ownsrip Cler.. from Layer D. G. Gunn was received in the matter of the ;'inters gain. urther engineering information yeas received from Doug. Vallee, P.Eng. , concer- ning: the Carson Bridge. ;ond and insurance re-ne:ials were received from George Cameron. Transfer consents were received in respect to the Marr and j McKenzie proper ties. °. letter was received from the Secretar�r of thetraff ordville Lions +:lub, pointing- out the condition of street signs in 3traffordville. The Provincial Treasurer's approval was received respecting the Nall Tile Drainage debenture purchase. _": letter was received from the Chief Public Health Inspector of Elgin Count�T concerning; waste disposal and the Natter of ;sienna and Bayham establishing a public dump at a certain location in Da,rham Twp. letter of appreciation for use of facilities over the past years, was re ceiv- from the Township AreaSchool Daord. rn u A letter was received from the Dept. of Correctional Cervices advising theb the Department would charge municipalities for services o -z' lock. -up. A request was received for transfer of certain property by Balaisis to Demeter, Moved by Dennis Ceconded by Graham- That in the matter of The Planning Act and 'township of Bavham��-Laj� No.1C2, it is here�Jaith reco:ir.ended that the :sinister grant consent for the sale of the f olloriinp parcel of land, namely, south half of lot 115, Cons. 7, 1T T.R. save and except a one acre parcel off the south east corner of the said lot, by George `'alaisis and Annie Dalaisis to Henry Demeter and Jhirley Demeter, and that no local Co.rLmi.ttee of Adjustment has been const- ituted and appointed... carried. j:oved by Dennis 3.1 -,lbT� Graham- That,the usual subscrip tion to the 77unicipal �Jorld be re- A.nei„red for 1959, otal of ten... Carried. :oved by Green Ceconded by Csinos- That -"oxing Day, Dec. 25, 1958, )e abserved as a civic and public holiday in and for the Township of Barham... Carried. 1:o?red b•T Dennis Cecorded by Graham- That interest i rom Cavings Account No. 3 be paid to the following Cemetery Doards . - Straff ordville Cemeter,r r' oars -- '%420-50 Eden z� t� _ 379.4-6 Calton ” tf _ 218.21 Guysboro it " - 0-.5.25 Dobbie :t r: _ 144.83 Old Pt."urwell raptist It 'r - 9..90 ... %arried. Total 11�11.15 1ove�' bir Csinos Y CeconA.ed by Green- That the follotiring.uilding Permits be approved. - C. Rempel - remodel store -- '"19000. L�rle Lemon - Residence addn. -- 1,500- T lax ,500.'lax Underhill - Greenhouse -- 31000. Cteve Poris - Dwelling & garage -- 25,000. jjitchell Farms - Cilo -- 5,000. C.J.Fef.-iren - Remodel residence -- 1,500 .... Carried. -oved bv, Dennis Ceconded bar Gral.am- That the Treasurer proceed to register tax certificates against the following properties.- Pt. N.L. Cor. Lot 12, �"onc. 1, Bayham, and Pt. S.E. Cor. Lot 12, Conc. 2, Payham...Carried. The Olerk, was directed to take steps for the ftsposal of the Pirby property. I?oved b., Green Ceconded by Csinos- That this council adjourn for noon to meet aFain at 1.00 P."1... Carried. Council resumed regular session at 1.10 P..""D 1- essrs. ! � u The matter of certain fences along C.P.?. rifrht-of-war, as laid over from the previolzs Meeting was considered.. 'loved by Csinos Seconded. by Dennis- That subject to the renuirement and renuest of future ovmers this council -rant consent to the Canadian Pacific to remove fences along right- of-wajr, as Der renuest of =s.• Geavrge Teall and. :Ir. 'iarris Teall and shovm on Plan D-16-37 dated October 253, 1968... Carried. oven b-ir Denni s ::"ecor_de� v Graham- That a Frant of X25. be made �o the 'Jar Memorial Childrent s 1-ospital of Western Ontario... Carried. oad matters were discussed with �oad Sunt. Tribe and the Road Dept. emolovees met briefly wit? t').e co�.ulcil concerning employment *ratters for 1969. This was laid over to the Januar-�T meetinp-. A ,oveld by Csinos aeconded b., Dennis- That the f ollo ing na-vmen s be made for extra services and expenses for !968.- Reeve Johnson, " ,2CO. ; Dep. Peeve Dennis "',100.; Councillors, oad erupt. , Cleat and Se(,retar?r )50, each... r arried. oved by Green V seconded r-,, rlraham- And resolved that Tir-Law 1"To. 1628, beim a '0 T -lave to confirm all coi ncil action .for 1968, be noii- read a first time ... Carried. 1X28 .loved by Csinos Seconded by Denris- Anrl resolved that F----La-,n 717o. 1028 Ine no11.1 read a second time. Carried. 11 oved by Dennis Seconrled. by Green- And resolved teat 7y -Law No. 1528 be now read a third time and finally passed...Ca.rried. 'loved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of "24,529. for roads, " 7,756.21 for drains, $1245.00 for volunteer firemen, $465.10 for election and `P1507.06 for 'general accounts...Carried. Council agreed that Engineer Dodd should arrange for G. W. Cattle Construction Co. to construct the Mekller, Emerson, Csinos, Hedges and Aim Drains on a time and material basis.. Road aaaounts - Pa$ list, Dec. 1 - 15 ------------ 't It - Payment voucher ------------------ Max Underhill - D.R.o. No.l & Mileage 18x.10 ------ Percy Clarke -P011 Clerk No. 1-------------------- Mrs. Frank Stephenson,Treas.-Parish Hall rental --- Murray Emerson-D.R.O. No. 2 & mileage 10 x .10 ---- Norman Light - Poll Clerk No. 2 __________________ tt " - Rental No. 2 ----------------------- Elton H. Jackson-D.R.O. No. 3 & mileage 5 x .10 ---- Lyle Lemon- Poll Clerk No. 3---------------------- Geo. Shearer - Rental No. 3 ---------------------- H. P. Grant - D.R.O. No. 4A ----------------------- Isobel Soper - Poll Clerk No. 4A ------------------ Straff.Comm. Centre Bd.-Rental 4A ----------------- Lyle Walsh-D.R.O. No. 4B -------------------------- Geo. Cameron - Poll Clerk 4B ---------------------- Straff. Comm.Centre Bd.- Rental 4B ---------------- Opal ------___ -__Opal Falkins - D.R.O. No. 5 & mileage 19x.10 ------ Alice Nelson - Poll Clerk No. 5------------------- Treas.Corinth U.C.- Rental No. 5 ------------------ Catharine McDowell - D.R.O. No. 6'& Mileage 7x.10 - Olive Kennedy - Poll Clerk No. 6------------------ Treas. ---------------r_Treas. Bayham T . S. A. - Rental No. 6. --------------- Jean Simpson -D.R.O. No. 7 & Mileage 8 x.10 ------- Elsie Acre - Poll Clerk No. 7--------------------- Ireas. Richmond United Church -Rental No. 7 -------- Hazel Graves - D.R.O. No. 8 & Mileage 14x.10------- K.M.Shaw - Poll Clerk No. 8------------------------ Treas. Bayham T.S.A.-Rental No. 8----------------- Straff . Comm. Centre Bd.-Hall for Nomination -------.- J . D . Vallee - Delikering Ballot Boxes-------------- Norm Bates- 8 calls C 5.00 ------------------------ Harold Dennis -------- 9 calls @ 5.00 ------------- Willis Marr ---------- 3 a - a ------------- Hen Everitt ----------15 Robt . Grant -----------25 n a ...._---------- Perry Grant --------- --19 n n „ ............. Donald Howey ---------- 11 BobHoshal_r___r____.r._19 " A p rrr_r__rrrrrr U. 1,044-03- 23,485.87-, ,044,03-23,x+85.87. 19.80 15.00 15.00-, 19.001, 15.00 15.00-, 18.50 � 15.00, 15.00 18.00 15.00\ 15.00,, 18.00N 15.00,, 15.00 ,\ 19.90. 15.00 15.00 18.70 15.00 15.001\ 18.80 15.00 15.00 19.40\ 15.00 15.00 ,\ 15.00 10.00 10.00 � 45.00\ 15.00 \ 75.00 125.00 95.001\ 95.00,\ 1 ,r s W.L.Locker-------- 20 calls C 5.00----------------- Stuart McKenzie---- 5 " n n ---------- _______ Walter Moore ------1$ it It " _--------- _______ Basil Nevill------- 15 n n n ----------------- JackNevill-------- 14 " IT It ---- _-------- _--- Jack __Jack Barclay ------ 6 » it " ----------------- Andy Taylor --------17 n if " ----- Leroy Taylor Taylor -------14 tt It " -------------- John C. C. Tribe ------10 " it IT _____________ Doug Young ---------21 n « n ----------- Savings Account Account No. 3 Straffordville Cemetery Bd.-----1968 Interest ------ Eden it It It It Calton It It IT tt ------ Guysboro tt It It n Dobbie it n It Old Pt. Burwell Baptist" It Norbrant Contractors Ltd.-No.lDrain Contract------- Rec. General - Stamps for office ------------------- Pedlar People Ltd.-No.l Drain balance re. credit --- Registry Office,Engin-Copies conveyances----------- -Descriptions re.OtGeil------- Oscar Bartha - Land use for dump------ ------------- Mrs.Oral Sivyer—n It it n ------- __________ Elgin Co -Op Serv.- fire dept. egpt.________________ Beardts Corinth Store -bulbs Corinth St.Lts.-------- Geo.Cameron Ins. Agency -Bond re-newal -------------- if It n It —Firby " » ______________ B.McKenzie Fuels Ltd.-F.D. fuel -------------------- Mun. World Ltd. - Election supplies less cr.------- News Printing Co.- " & Nom., printing etc.------- J.D.Vallee-Mileage acct. re. Voterg Lists ---------- It It n -Bennett acct. re . Nom. supp . ------------- Leola Brinn-196$ Tax refund -C. of R.-------------- Robt.Matthews Jr. -196$ Tax refund - C. of R.------- Westeel-Rosco Ltd. - Pipe for Arn Dr. -------------- Dellert sTile Ltd.- Tile for Hedges Dr. ------------- n n tt _ It n Csinos tt------------- tt n n _ it n Arn It it It n _ n it Meuller-------------- tt u tt _ n it Emerson" ------------- Dennis Garage -Repairs to fire trucks --------------- Village of Vienna --J share brushing dump ----------- Twp.of Dereham- Share rep. to Green Dr. ------------ John C. Tribe -coloured lights for office ----------- War Mem.Childrents Hosp.- 1968 Grant --------------- Basil Nevill-Fire chief for Dec. ------------------- W.L.Locker - Sec.to It It It ___________________ Donald Chute -Time & Mileage, Nevill Dr. ----- ------- n it _ It " It Mnn QeberD » n _ it It n n tt tt n _ tt n _ tt tt tt rt tt tt _ n it n » tt It It Horace B. Johnson ---- attend Jesse L. Dennis------- It Donald Graham --------- Tony Csinos------------ Ronald Green----------- H.B.Johnson- Extra Serv. J. L.Dennis- It IT Donald Graham- " It Tony Csinos - n It Ronald Green-- " It J.C.Tribe " It V.VanBelois- " It J.D.Vallee- n n_ gerr. ------- Fearnley Dr. ---------- Carnes Dr. ------------ Underhill Dr.--- ------ Adler Dr.------------- Mausz ditch---------- Laczko Dr.-- ------ ---- 1 meeting------------ It"------------ nIt " ------------ n n It n ..------------------ 100.00• 25.00 ,, 90.00 75.00,, 70.00, 30.00- 85 - 00\ 70.00 50.00 105.00 120.50\ 379.1+6\ 218.21\ 245,25 144.83. 2.90\ 3075.00 12.00 \ 29.22, 3.60\ 2.90. 50.00,, 50.00, 1+0.69. 8.19\ 13 2.4$ 25.00, 76.61\ 49.76\ 56.3$, 21.00,\ 307$\ 17.3 23.29 1+161 \ 443.� 547-31� 21+97.50 x.10.55\ 254 45\ 136.61\ 22.40\ 3.00\ 13.22 25.00\\ 35.00, 15.00\ 9.50\ 5.50. 3.50. 5.00 • 12.50 \ 7.00 5.50• 5.50N 16.40 17.20 \ 16.20\ 17.50\ 18.50 200.00\ 100.00\ 50.00\ 50.00\ 50.00 ,\ 50.00 50.00 50-00--, 991 Moved by Graham 1 Seconded by Dennis- That this council adjourn to meet again on Jan. 6th.,196§ at 10:00 A.M.... Carried. Reeve. 992 Council Chamber, Straffordville, Dec. 27th. 1968. A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held at 7.30 P.M. on the above date for the purpose of discussing drainage matters, the rabies situation and other business. All members were present and Reeve Johnson presided. Messrs. Allan and Robert Veitch and Mr. Jeffrey Phillips waited on the council to discuss the matter of new drainage grant regulations. Clerk Vallee read a letter received from Mr. H.F.Crown, Director, Arda Branch of the Dept. of Agriculture and Food, which advised that the Arda grant for municipal drainage r would be disctntinued on all contracts for municipal drainage let after January 6 1, 1969. The delegation was advised the council would do all they could to have this grant not cut off their proposed drainage work, namely, Stewart Municipal Drain. The rabies sitiation was discussed by the members and Clerk Vallee directed to contact Dr. Dancey again regarding the holding of county clinic for inoculations of pets. It was also noted that the Otter Valley Rod and Gun Club had propsoed to hold an organized ftix drive on January 4th. 1969. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That in order to lead assistance to the Otter Valley Rod and Gun Club in holdimg an organized fox drive on Saturday, January 4, 1969, be it herewith resolved that the requirement of the regutar township license be suspended for that particular occasion... Carried. Other matters were discussed briefly by the members. Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That this special session now adjourn... Carried. eeve. Council Chamber, Straffordville, Dec. 31, 1968. rx . A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date, all members being present and Reeve Johnson presiding. The meeting was called for the purpose of drainage matters and other business. John Dodd, O.L.S. was present for part of the maeting. Several ratepayers interested in drainage matters were present and Mr. Dodd explained to them and the council, the new regulations affecting the ARRA grant for strains. By -Laws were presented to council for the construction of three drains. Moved by Green Seconded by Graham- And resolved that By -Law No. 1629 being a by-law to provide for the construction of the Ketchabaw No. 2 Drain, be now read a first time. ##1629 Carried. 1 a 2 Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- And resolved that By -Law No. 1629 be now read a second time and provisionally passed...Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Dennis- And resolved that By -Law No. 1630 being a by-law to provide ##1630 for the construction of the Nevill Drain, be now read a first time... Carried. 1&2 Moved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- And resolved that By -Law No. 1630 be now read a second time and provisionally passed... Carried. Moved by Graham Seconded by Green- And resolved that By -Law No. 1631 being a by-law to provide for the construction of the Stewart Drain be now read a first time...Carried. ##1631 Moved by Green i 1&2 Seconded by Dennis- And resolved that By -Law No. 1631 be now read a second time and provisionally passed...Carried. Moved by Graham Seconded by ennis- That Drainage Courts of Revision be held on Feb. 3, 1969 at the followin hours.- Ketchabaw No. 2 Drain - 2.00 P.M. fi Nevill Drain Stewart Drain -- 2.30 P.M. -- 3.00 P.M. ...Carried. Engineer Dodd opened tenders for the construction Stewart Drains as follows; -and received from G. W. Nevill Drain - $11,345-00 Ketchabaw " - 52080.00 Stewart " - 10,650.20 993 of the Ketchabaw, Nevill and Cattle Construction Ltd; - These prices included everything except field tile, fibre glass and felt as necessary. C.I.P., rodent grates and Moved by Green Seconded by Csimos- That this council accept the tenders of G.W.Cattle Construct, ion Ltd. for construction of the Ketchabaw No. 2 Drain, Nevill Drain and Stewart Drain, at the prices quoted, subject to the final passing of the respective by-laws... Carried. Clerk Vallee advised that the of the Freeman-Storp Municipal Moved by Csinos Seconded by Dennis- That this Freeman-Storp Drain and that R Ontario Ivfunicipal Board Order for the constructs Drain had been received. council adjourn to hold Court of Revision on the eeve Johnson be Chairman of same...Carried. Moved by Dennis Seconded by Green- That the time having passed for filing appeals in respect the Freeman-Storp Drain, this Court authorize this sitting date, instead of on January 6, 1969, and since no appeals have been filed at the Township Office, it hereby resolved that the said Cpurt now adjourn... Carried. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That By -Law No. 1627, ruction of the Freeman-Storp Drain, be now #1627 Carried. 3rd. being a by-law to provide for read a third time and finally to bel const - passed. Moved by Graham Seconded by Dennis- That this council approve a contract with G.W,Cattle Const- ruction Ltd. for construction of the Freeman-Storp Municipal Drain on a time and material basis...Carried. T -loved by Dennis Seconded by Graham- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1.02, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant cans ent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely, the south west corner of lot 16, Concession 5, Township of Bayham in accordance with plan attached and parcel outlined in red. provided that the entrance to the said parcel is on County Road No. 45, by Louis Elmer Thurston and Lulu Thurston to Harold Parker and Marcell Parker and that no local Committee of Adjustment has been constit- uted and appointed...Carried. Road matters were discussed with Road Supt. Tribe. Moved by Green Seconded by Csinos- That this special session now adjourn...Carried. Reeve.