HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1964TOWNSHIP
Council Minutes
Council Chamber, Straffordville, January 6th. 19640
The inaugural meeting of the 1964-5 council of the Township of Bayham was held
on the above date. Those present and subscribing to the necessary declaration
of office were, Reeve C. D. Phillips Dep. -Reeve Ross Carson and Councillors
Buuce hedges, Stanley James and Haroid Garner. Rev. Albert Cook was present
and led in a short devotional period. Reeve Phillips very fittingly thanked
Rev. Cook and addressed the council briefly. Minutes of the last meeting were
then read, adopted and signed and the following business was proceeded with.
y Communications received included the following. -
Letters requesting grants were received from the Elgin Seed Fair and Salvation
Membership was reoutsted by the Ontario Assn. of Rural Municipalities.
Mr. Robert Grant, Sec. of the Straffordville Cemetery Board, notified council
of members to be appointed.
The Depp. of Highways approved of tendering for half ton truck for Road Supt,
Mr. Rex Butcher, by letter, complained of the job of fencing done by Mr. Chas.
:Minter in connection with the fence -viewers award of Winter and Nipps Estate.
The Dept. of Municipal Affairs, by bulletin of Dec. 30, 1963, warned of snow
and ice accumulation on structures.
Mr. Frank Stubbs of Ontario Hydro at Aylmer, submitted estimates of up -dating
street lighting along No. 19 Highway in Straffordville. It was requested that
Mr. Stubbs prepare a map and any further information available and attend next
council meeting.
Clerk Vallee gave a report on collection of 1963 taxer.
Mr. Thos. Lawrence waited on the council and requested a road culvert and ditcl
ing to remedy a drainage situation at roadway at lot 24, concession 8. It was
decided to meet with Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Alton at the site on Saturday, Jan.
11th. at 10.A.M.
Mr. Ray Awlard meet with the members and again discussed his agreement and
map of his survey of land. He was advised that a by-law would be passed this
date to authorize this agreement,
Moved by James
Seconded by Garner- That this council having examined,.the bond of the Treas.-
Tax Collector, it is herewith directed that the same be placed in Township
vault for safe-keepin g.,.Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That a grant of $25.00 he rude to the Elgin County Seed
Fair, A.V.Langton, Treas....Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That this Township join the Association of Rural Municipal-
ities for 1964 and Clerk send fee of $15.00...Carried.
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Hedges- That Ross parson be named delegate to the Assn. of Rural
Municipalities on Feb. 10th and 11th. at Toronto...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Garner- That a grant of $75.00 be made to the Salvation Army at
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That a grant of $25.00 be made to the Richmond Librayy...
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That Ross parson be Bayham's representative on the Otter
Creek Conservation Authority for 1964..,Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That school boards
later than March 15th. 1964... Carried.
submit their requisition for funds not
Moved by Carson R
Seconded by James- That the ayham Council and officials be named as/delegates;
to the Good Rodds Convention... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That the following persons be named as members to the
Straffordville Cemetery Board 'for the following years.-
For 3 years- (1964-5-6) Mrs. Pearl Teall, I-'asil Nevill and Robert Grant,
For. 2_ years- (1964-5) Lyle Walsh, Fred Lester and Madison Chute.
For 1year - (1964) Grant Mitchell Croft Garnham and Will am Ward and that
J.D.Vallee be Townships representative for 19b4 ... Carried,
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson-- That Anthony Kennedy be named to the Calton cemetery Board
for a three year term... Carried.
Moved by Carson,Seconded by James- That Councillors Hedges and Garner ne named
to the Straffordville Community Centre Board for 1964-5...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That Dep.Reeve Carson and Co$ncillor James be named to the
Eden Community Centre Board for 1964-5 ... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That the Clerk order 10 copies pf the Municipal World for
council and officials...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That this council,adjourn for noont to meet agian at 2 P.M.
During the noon hour, Reeve Phillips was hest at a very delightful dinner
served ip the church basement by the United Church Women at Straffordville.
Those in attendance included council and officials, ex -reeves, Rev. Cook and
Mr. Robinson, bank manager and Xir. Robt, Howey, High School Trustee. Reeve
Phillips welcomed his guests and several short addresses were made by those
present. vep. Reeve Carson thanked Reeve Phillips for his entertainment and al
thanked the ladies for serving the meal.
Council resumed regular session at about 2.00 P.M.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1486 being a by -lair to auth-
orize the Reeve and Treasurer to barrow as becessary,.money from the Canadian
Imperial Bank of Commerce, not exceeding $200,000.00 for currendt expenses
#1486 until taxes are collected, be now read a first time...Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Garner- And resolved that By -Law No. 1486 be now read a second
Moved by Casson
Seconded by hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1486 be now read a third time
and finally passed...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- And resolved that By -Law No. 1487 beinf a by-law to appoint
eertain officers in and for the To.-!nship of Bayham for 1964, be now read a
,1487 first time... Carried.
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that Ay -Law No. 1487 be now read a second
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1487 be now read a third time
and finally passed...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- And resolved that By-law No. 14$$ being a by-law to appoint
#148$ fence -viewers and pound -keepers for 1964 be now read a first time... Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 14$8 be now read a second
time... Carried.
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Carson-- And resolved the By -Law No. 148$ be now read a third time
and finally passed...Carried.
A request for a grant for the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture together
with a finahcial statement, was received from Mr. W.L.Harvey, Sec. o Sparta.
Moved by Hedges ;
Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1489 being a by-law to make a
rant of $300.00 to the Elgin County Federation of AgricultureT be now read a
#1489 first time...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Garner- And resolved that By -Law No. 1489 be now read a second
time Carried .
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1489 be now read a third
time and finally passed..«Carried,
Moved by Hed es
Seconded by arson- And resolved that By -Law
orize ah agreement respecting Plan of Survey
;#1490 Alward, be now read a first time ...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- And resolved that by-law
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Garner- And resolved that By -Law
and finally passed...Carried.
No. 1490 being a by-law to auth-
with C.R.Alward and Agnes Jean
No. 1490 be now read a second time
No. 1490 be now read a third time
Road matters and programs were discussed with Road Supt. Tribe.
Moved. by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That tenders for the supply of- Diesel fuel, gasoline
and Furnace fuel be requested by advertisement in Tillsonburg and Aylmer
�a�ers. Same to close January 31st. at 12.00 o'clock noon. Lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted...Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson- That the hourly rate for Winter Works ordinary employees
be .90¢ per hour...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That the Road Supt. advertise for tenders for 1964 half
ton truck with present truck for trade-in. Tenders to close January 31st, at
noon and lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
')ame may be opened by peeve and Road Supt, and prepared for council
meeting on Feb. 3rd ... (Karried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of
$3549.37 for roads and $2609.61 for general accounts...Carried,
Roads accounts - Dec. 16 - 31 pay list -------
" " - Voucher list ---__.._-____---
.Andrew Shelton - 'relief for part Dec. --------
Myrtle Roloson - n n n n ________
Stonecrest Lodge - Care re. J. Allum---------
Ontario Hydro - Hydro for offices ------------
C. J. Ketchabaw - nelie f re. Pembleton---------
Jesse Morrow - " for January ----------
Geo. Baldwin - t► tt n » __________
Hazel stay _ n n ►► n ----------
Wm. Miller - t► n tt tt ----------
Richard Gamble- tt tt it tt -----------
Iva McCurdy - " " " ---------
Myrtle Roloson Roloson - " " " ----------
Receiver General - Stamps --------------------
Harvey Dickenson- Relief J January ----_--_--_
Treas.Wentworth Cty.- Nov: relief re.Nevard --
" Norwico - Odt.Nov.Dec. " " Case ---
Munic4al World Ltd.- Supplies ---------------
LeRoy arroll - Fire Dept. supplies ----------
Burns McKenzie - Fuel for offices ------------
Aylmer & Malahide Tel.Co.-`Fire Dept.phones --
J. A. Martyn - Fox Bounty ------------- ------
Nathan Hayward- " tt --------------------
Ontario Hydro - St raff. Street lights --------
" " - Eden " "--_______
n n _ Richmond " "---------
" " - Corinth tt n ___--__--
Treas.N.Walsingham Twp. -Dec. rel.re.Robinson--
" Ntalahide Twp.- '1ec . wilief " Friesen ---
Joe Mooney - Attend.& Exp, re. Prouse--------
A.V.Langton ,Treas. - Seed Fair grant----------
Treas. Assn.Rural Mun.- Membership --------- --
Salvation Army - Grant - ----------------------
Treas, Richmond Library - Grant--------------
Keceiver General - Pension re.Vallee & Smith--
" " - Twp. share Re
- Past Serv. prem. re. Vallee --
Violet Smith - Salary __________________ ______
Receiver General - Un-* ins - --- ------------
50. 00\
80, 88,
7 : 40;
Peters, Brown & Co.-
1963 audit -------
$ 500.00,
Geralg, Taylor - Care
st. Lts.----------
Chas, D. Phillips -
meeting -----------
Ross Carson -
N. B. Hedges -
Stanley James -
Harold Garner -
"---------- -
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That
at 10.00 A.M...Carried.
this council adjourn to meet again on Febi. 3rd.
Council Chamber, Straffordville, February 3rd, 1964.
Pursuant to adjournment of Jan. 6th., the regular meeting of the Bayham
Township Council was held on the above date,all members except Councillor
James. Reeve Phillips presided. Minutes of the last meeting were read,
approved and signed and the following business was done.
Approval was received from the Dept. of Highways covering roads By -Law #1485,
Adv ,J.ce was received from the Dept. of Highways that amounts of $201,000. for
construction and $56,000. for maintenance would be the maximum amounts approve
for roads in 1964, for ordinary by-law.
Information was received in respect to 8entennial Grants Programme.
A request for a bonus in respect to sale of office was received from Mrs.
Lucy Hohmann. This was filed with no amount being allowed.
An application for position of Dump Truck Operator was received from Mr. Win,
A road mileage survey was received from the Dept. of Highways date Dec.31/63
Certified copies of County of Elgin Winter Works program # 0-1036 was received,
from Mr. R.G.Moore, to be administered by Township of Bayham officers.
Receipts and letters of appreciation were received from the Salvation Army
and A.V.Langton, Sec. Seed Fair.
A copy of resolution with request for support of same was received from the
County of Peel in respect to costs of annexation hearings.This was filed.
Requests for membership were received from the following.- Ontario School
Trusteest and Ratepayers' Assn.; Assn. of Ontario Mayors and Reeves: Lake Eri.
Regional Development Assn; ; ' Ontario Good Roads Assn.; Ontario 1,1unicipal Assn.;
Assn. of Assessing Officers of Ontario;
Requests for grants were received from Aylmer & East Elgin Fair Board and St.
John Ambulance.
A letter was received from 11Ir. tray Woodworth respecting his resignation as
Trustee and that he was now elegible for High Zchool Trustee appointment.
Discussion was held regarding salary and wage adjustments.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the hourly rate of pay of regular Township Road
emplyyees be increased by .05¢ per hour, effective Jan.1/64...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Garner- That the salary of John C. Tribe, Road Supt., be increase
by $200. per year, subject to the approval of the bept. of Highways and effec
ive Jan. 1,1964 and that a by-law be prepared accordingly... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the salary of J.D.Vallee, Clerk, Treas. and Tax
Collector, be increased by $500. effective Jan. 1, 1964... Carried.
The followingtenders were received and considered b the members.,
For Fuel.- Name
Shell Oil
City Service
Diesel Oil
Furnace Oil
For Half Ton Truck -
Lyle R.Grant Motors
Max Coyle
Dunn Motors
Central Car
Esseltine Motors
List Price
Net Cost
Body -Z20.00
Body- 20.00
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That the fuel tenders be laid over for more information
and consideration. ..Carried,
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- that the tender of Central Car of Aylmer be accepted for
a half ton truck at a net cost of $1769.70, subject to the approval of the
Dept. of Highways...Carried.
Reeve Phillips had to leave the meeting at this time and Dep.Reeve Carson was
named to fill the chair.
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Hedges- That this council ,join the Ontario Municipal Association
and Clerk send fee of 30.0O...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That this Township join the Association of Assessing
Officers and Clerk send fee of $10.00 and that Assessor Jackson be named deleg
ate to same... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That Ray Woodworth be appointed as Bavham's Representative
on the East Elgin District High School Board, effective this date to 'Jec, 31,
Clerk Vallee presented figures and discussed the ncssibility of Tax Refund on
Office and Firehall construction.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by -garner 8 That Clerk-Treas. J.D.Vallee be and is hereby authorized
to make application for tax refund on Provincial Sales Tax in regards to office,
and Fire Hall construction in a total amount of $567.66...Carried.
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Hedges- That the usual grant of $10. be -made to St. John Ambulance,
for 1964...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That the usual grant of $100. be :made to the Aylmer & East
Elgin Agricultural Society... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded. by Garner- That the Clerk forward membership fee of 15. to the Ont-
ario Good Roads Assn...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That this council -accept and agree with road mileage as
set out, on Survey by Dept. of Hughways under date of Dec -31, 1963...Carried.
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Hedges- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30
Council resumed regular session at 1.30 P.1.1.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- And resolved that By -Law No. 1491, being a by-law to
authorize the sale of the former office puoperty in Straffordville at a price
#1491 of $2000., be now read a first time...Carried.
Moved by Garner ))
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1491 be now read a see/ond
time... Carried.
Moved By Hedges
Sedbnded by Garner- And resolved that By -Law No. 1491 be now read a third
time and finally passed...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That this council petition the Dept. of Highways for
statutory grant on road expenditure in an amount of $91,929.93 and that the
proper officers sign application for same...Carried.
Mr. Robt. Howey met with the council and briefly discussed the matter of the
Village of Vienna taking action to withdraw from the Tillsonburg District High
bchool Area.
Mr. Frank Stubbs and an Ontario Hydro representative, met with the members in
regards to Straffordville Street Lighting improvements. Mr. Stubbs sugmested
that he be allowed another month to prepare a new estimate and plan to be
submitted at the ?`March meeting.
Two members of the local 4-H Club requested help in solving a meeting place
for their meetings. Councillor Hedges agreed to contact Fire Chief Nevill in
regards to use of Firemens' Lounge.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That Deputy Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of
$3751.74 for roads and $3000.22 for general accounts...Carried.
Roads accounts - Pay List Jan. 1 - 15 ------- $76.66
rr n _ rr •r » 15 - 31 - 081.99%
Payment voucher ------------ 1$93.09
Given -Brooks - Fire hall thermostat --------- 18.83.
Elgin County Fed. of Agric. - Grant. --------- 300.00
Wm. Fleuelling - January rent reg Morrow --- - 35.00 -
Richard Gamble - Relief for January (Pt.) --- 37.50,
Wm. Miller - rr rz n __- -_-_ 65.00.
Jesse D. Morrow - n rr n n --------- $2.00..
Harvey Dickenson- " If " "--------- 30.00,
Geo. Baldwin - rt n rr it --------- 49.50,
Hazel nay - If rt n "--------- 85.00,
Irene Price - " " Pt. "--------- 60.00,
Richard Gamble - " " " "--------- 37.50,
Cornelius Wall - " " r' "--------- 17.00.
Stoncrest Lodge - Care re. J. Allum--------- 91.25,
C.J.Ketchabaw - Griceries re. Pembleton ----- 20.00.
'Wm. Miller - Relief for i Feb, -------------- 65.00..
Cornelius Wall - " " 1 week -------------- 15.00.
Receiver General - Stamps for auditors ------ 20.00,
Carl Burke - Relief for 1 wekk------------ 15.00.
Irene Price - " " A Feb. ----------- 87.50,
Geo. Baldwin - " rr rr n ___________ 49, 50,
Hazel Ray - ---------- 55.00.
Iva McCurdy - n n n _________-- 50.00.
Myrtle Roloson - " " rt ---------- 20.00.
Treas.Houghton Twp.- Dec. relief re.Weaver -- 22.50,
" Dereham " - " " It Tribe --- 14.50,
Municipal World Ltd.- to subscrigept.phones--
tions ------ 50.15,
Aylmer & Malahide el.Co.- Fire 22.25,
C.L. Laing - Richmons St. Lts.-------------- 7.41,
Treas.Wentworth Cty.- Dec.relief re. Nevard-- 35.41.,
Burns McKenzie - Office fuel________________� 111.40.
Canadian National Rys.- Main, of signals ----- 31.78,
» It __-- 25.13,
Tillsonburg Pipe es Supply Co.- Pipe for F.D.- 9.43•'
G.WaCattle Const.Ltd.- Apply on Bartley Dr.--- 481.00,
Gibson & Linton - Deed etc. to Mrs.Kaptein --- 26.40,
Treas. Ont.Municipal Assn. Membership -------- 30.00.
Beni Parch - Fox Bounty -------------------- 4.00,
Bruno VanHemebryck - Fox Bounty ------------ 12.00.
Lloyd Jackson - " "------------ 24.00,
G.E.Brown - Exp. re. Friesen court case ----- 31.20.
St. John Ambulance - Grant __________________ 10000,
Aylmer & E.Elgin„Fair Bod.- Grant ---------- 100.00.
Ont. Good Roads ssn.- Membership ----------- 15.00,
Assn. of Assessing Officers - "---------- 10.00,
Soper Builders Supplies - Paint for Incen.--- .9$,
Violet Smith - Apply on salary -------------- 74.80.
neceiver general - Un. ins. ---------------- 2.40,
Violet Smith - Apply on salary ------------- 112.20.,
Receiver General - Un. ins. ----------------- 3.60,
Basil 9evill - Fire Chief for Jan. -------- 35.00,
J. D. Vallee - Reg. 14 B.M.& D. ------------- 3.50,
” " - To apply on salary --------- 307,10%
Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ------------ 25.40,
Chas. D. Phillips - Attend 1 meeting --------- 14.40,
Ross Carson - " 1 "--------- 14.20,
N. B. Hedges - n 1 "---------- 14.00,
Harold Garner - " 1 "---------- 13.50,
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner - TI -at this council adjourn to meet again on Monday, March
2nd, at 10.00 A.M...Carried.
I r ,
Reeve .
Council Chamber, Straffordville, March 2nd. 1964.
pursuant to adjournment of Feb. 3rd., the regular meeting
Township of Bayham was held on the above date,all members
Councillor James and Reeve Phillips presiding. Minutes of
were read, approved and signed and the following business
of the Council of the
being present except
the last meeting
was done.
Communications received included the following. -
An estimate and plan from Mr. Stubbs regarding the up -dating of street light-
ing along No. 19 Highways in Straffordville.
A letter was received from lir. D. Murphy regarding drainage of County Road
adjacent to his farm near Corinth. Reeve Phillips agreed to attend to this.
A copy of Board's budget for 1964 was received from the Secretary of the East
Elgin District High School Board.
The Secretary of the Eden Community Centre Board enquired concerning side-
walk expenditure for 1064.
A bulletin was received from the Dept. of Lands and Forests respecting potent-
ial spring flooding.
Mr. J.A.Petrie, Sec. advised that the Vienna-Dayham School Area Board was agree
able to accevtinR pupils from the area proposed by petition to transfer from
the Uyham Area to the Vienna Area.
A letter of appreciation for grant was received fro^ St. John 'ambulance.
Mr. Lf oyd Chute advised that he wished to have his name T:ithdrawn From list' of
Ad amendment was Received in �-�soect to Board of Transport Commissioners Order
+10.110350 increasing same to the sum of $545.97.
A three year re-newal was received for Township barn property.
An application for a job on the roads department was received from Mr. Earl
A letter wa4 received from County Engineer Moore advising that the Road.
Committee wished to have the usual weed spraying by the Township continued on
the County Roads.for 1964.
Communications were received from Victoria Hospital regarding Judy Pal and
Ronald Vaughan.
Clerk Vallee reported to council that Solicitor Linton had advised that the
County Judge had determined the value of the Prouse property at $4700. plus
certain cotts of court, and that the sum of $1800. had been sent to the
Solicitor to apply on this matter.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That a grant of $25. be made to the Junior Farmers ... Carri
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Garner- That the Clerk send 1963-4 membership in Elgin County
Mutual Aid Fire Services Assn. in an amount of $10...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That Uoyd Chute's name be deleted from list of Fence -
viewers for 1964 and Donald Chute's name added...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the date for the return of the 1964 assessment rill
be confirmed as Feb. 24, 1964, and that
March 9th. 1964...Carried.
the last date for appeals shall be
Loved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That Mrs. Smith be allowed holiday pay for 1963 in an
amount of 2% of $19.2.50 being $38.85...Carried.
I,11ove d by Hede s
Seconded by Rarner- That this council ad5ourn for noon to meet again at 1.30
Council resumed regular session at 1.30 :'.M.
Mr. Burton L"cCord waited on the council. and requested some action be taken to
improve the condition of the abondoned cemetery at lot 12, cent. 2. The council
advised they would keep this matter in mind for 1964.
At 2 P.M. a delegation of John Hendrick and others wiated on the members and
requested improvements to rand at corner of Bogus iideroad and road. between
concessions 3 and 4. This was discussed with Road Supt. Tribe and to be includes
in prograr, for 1964,
The .matter of Mr. Verdun's request at previous meeti-az for a township grant
covering boys attending minor hockey at AylmeY' �`oui 111 decided they could not
enter into this program.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded Py Garner- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herwwith re c c ommended that the minister grant
consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely parts of lots
125 and 126, South Talbot Road Eastip as outlines' in red on plan attached to
deed, by Clarence Ray Alward and Agnes Jean Alward to Corporation of the
Township of- Bayham...Carried.
Moved. by Carson
Seconded b Hedges- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1102, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant
consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely part of the north
west quarter of lot 24, Concession $, Township of P3-1rham by John V. %apling
to William L. Baldwin and Donna Marie Baldwin...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- And resolved that By -Law No. 1192, being a by-law to
pay John . Tribe a salary of $3800. per year be now read a first time...Carri
rt 1192 Moved by .arner
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1492 be now read a second
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1.92 be now read a third time
and finally passed...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That the following _payments be made for attendance at
convention of Rural municipalities. -
C. D. Phillips - $40.
Ross Carson -- 40.
25, for car...Carried.
I -loved by Carson
Seconded by Garner- That the following payments be allowed for attendance at
Good Roads convention. -
N. B. Hedges - $40.
John C.Tribe - 50. plus $25. for car, the 050. being chargeable
to roads account.., Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner - Prices for supply of fuels be accepted from Shell Cil as
follows;- Gasoline - 36.0 cents
Diesel Oil - 18.4 't plus tax
Furnace Oil - 15.6 " ...Carried.
The propsoal and estimate of r2r. Stubbs for Ontario Hydro to up- date lighting
along No. 19 Highway was thoroughly discussed by the members and the plan
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That this council tentatively accept the proposal and est-
imate for up -dating of lighting along No. 19 Highway for 20 lights at an
estimated cost of $3859.00, and that the same be submitted to the Dept. of
Highways for their consideration and approval on same for subsidy of 50% of
this eY penditure...Carried.
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve sign the order
sheets in
amounts of $4433064
for roads and $4235.03 for general accounts...Carried.
Roads Accounts - Paylist Feb. 1 to 15 --------- $1034•$5\
16 to 29 ---------
" » - Voucher payments -------------
Lyle Walsh - Carnes drain allowance -----------
Geo. Baldwin - Relief Feb.--------------------
Hazel Ray. - » n »--------------------
WilLiam 15�iller- '► " " _----------- -
Irene Price -. ___u_ " +r --------------------
Aylmer & Malahide Tel. Co. - phones------------
Maric Partin - Relief part Feb.----------------
Jerry Howard " » » ---------------
narbara Vle; ming » rr » ________________
lec. cr.eral 7�:.o notices______________
Q ,. _ __ . :', i:��- Hydro- Hydro for office ---------
June Nevill - :ielief f; r Feb.------------------
C . J. Ketcrabaw - Feb. relief. re . -1 err
June Nevill- Relief for March-------------------
Gibson, Linton&Toth- appl on Prouse sett -.lenient
Jerry I'Loward- Relief for larch---------------
60, J0.
Geo. Baldwin- » " - »---____________
49, 5p,
William .tiller W
Hazel Ray - » rr rr » ---------------
Iva McCurdy - " rr " » _______________
��yrtle Rososon- +r » » » _______________
Irene Price- ►r .r n » _______________
Marie Partin- " " +r » ---------------
Barbara Vleeming-" " " "---------------
Treas, of Aylmer- Dec. Relief re H4iner--------
Dereham Tw?,Jan Tribe--------
Houghton rr » rr » Weaver-------
" » N.`rJalsingharrm " " '� Robinson-----
Malahide� Twn." " " Friesen------
Wentworth CtT77 Nevard=---_--
Provincial Treasurer- Insulin ro J.
Eur is McKenzie -Office Fuel- Feb. 7------------
» rr -Fire Hall " " 24------------
Treas. of Pt. Burwell- Fire Call Line------------
A. & M. Tel. Co. -Fire Dept. phones-------------
Gibson, Linton & Toth- Le ;al fees 1962-;
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn to meet again on April 6th. at
10.00 A.M...Carried.
Township Office, March 23, 1964. (9.3O A.M.)
A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date for
the purpose of considering road expenditure by-law for 1964 and other business.
Present were Councillor Hedges, Dep. Reeve Carson and Reeve Phillips presiding.
The proposed program for road expenditures for the year was submitted by Road
Supt. Tribe and discussed with the members.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- And resolved
for 1964 road expenditure in an
#1493 Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson -And resolved
and finally passed...Carried.
that By -Law No. 1493 being a by-law to provide
amount of $76,'000.00, be now read a first time.
that By -Law No. 1493 be now read a second time
that By -Law No. 1493 be now read a third time
A letter was received from Mr. Ivor Rpwley of Port Burwell advising of a meeti
of repr6sentatives of the adjacent communities to discuss the supplying of gas
and gas rates in the local municipalities. Councillor Hedges agreed to try and
attend this meeting.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That this special council meeting now adjourn...Carried.
` 18$
The Assessment
Court of Revision of the Township of Bayham met in adjourned sitt-
Always been farm
ings. on the Rbllewing dates. -and members in attendance were as follows;-
March23, 1964-
Chairman C.D.Phillips, N. Pressey, R. Carson, and N.B.Hedges.
K. C. Emerson
Also Assessor E. Jackson, Cty.Assessor McLean and Clerk Vallee,
Land too high
March 24, 1964-
Chairman C.D.Phillips,N, Pressey, R. Carson and N.B.Hedges.
Also Assessor Jackson, Cty.Assessor McLean and Clerk Vallee.
" " "
March 25, 1964-
Chairman Phillips, N. Pressey, R. Carson, and N.B.Hedges.
Also Assessor Jackson, Cty.Assessor McLean and Clerk Vallee.
March 30, 1964-
Chairman 8hillips, N. Pressey, R. Carson and N.B.Hedges.
(Kiln burned
Also Assessor Jackson and Clerk Vallee.
March 3, 1964 -Chairman
Phillips, R. Carson and N.B.Hedges.
Geo. Devos
Also Assessor ackson and Clerk Vallee,
1 Kiln burned
April 1, 1964-
Chairman Phill�ps,R.Carson, N. Pressey and N. B. Hedges.
Assm. too high.
Also Assessor ackson, Cty.Asseszor McLean and Clerk Vallee.
Frank Bartlett
The appeals were
heard, discussed and determined as follows; -
Respecting Whom Grounds of Decision of Court.
» n n
Julius Horbley Jr.
Self Bldg. assm.too high Reduce Bldg. assn. by $300:
Ray Woodworth
Self Assm. too h&gh Reduce Bldgs. b $350./'
Reduce land by $100. +�
G. A. Bale
Self Assm. too high ✓
Assm. should be farm Assessment upheld
Self 2 Acres too much Reduce land by $100.V/
Lisbeth Wa ler
Self Assm. too high Reduce Buildings b
g g y100. $
Wm. B. McCord
Self Too much land Reduce Land by $50.
" n »
n Too much land » » » $}.'
Assm. too high
E. Lloyd Herron
" Too much land Assm. upheld f
Lyal Tait
" Bldgs. too high Reduce Bldg. by $$50.
Reduce Land by $150.
" "
" House should be farm Chg. from Res. to Farm Assm.
Capt. @ 7 yrs. Beduce B1'gg.
` 18$
Percy E. DeHetre
Always been farm
Contains no bldgs.
K. C. Emerson
Land too high
" " "
Cliff Soper
(Kiln burned
(2 Kilns remains
Geo. Devos
1 Kiln burned
Paul Reviczky
Assm. too high.
Frank Bartlett
Assm. too high
» »
» n n
430 " »
To be Assd, as Farm'
Land total $250.
Reduce land by $100.V
Assm. upheld ✓
» » v
Reduce Land by $100.
Reduce Bldgs. by $200.x%
Reduce Bldgs. by $100./
Reduce Bldg. by $5500
Reduce land by $100.
Reduce Bldg. b 200. (yrs
�" $ (y. 7)
Reduce Land by $50.
n n n
Basil Nevill
n n
n n
n »
n n
n n
n n
No Bus.
Simone Borm
n n
Reg. McQuiggan
n n
n n
n n
Jesse L. Dennis
n n n
Respecting Whom
Antony Mitrauskas
Graham Thomso
Bernard Barne
Geo. Maui
Tony Mekker
N. B. Hedges
Karol Koxnowski
Otto Stanat
n »
Karl Muhlbock
Ivan Bartlett
n n
Michael Glass
n n
n n
Elba Dennis
Grounds of
Too much Acreage
n n n
n n n n
n » n n
n n n n
" Assm. too high
n n n n
Decision of Court
Appeal Withdrawn
n »
» n
Exempt $100. for woodlot V/
Appeal Withdrawn i
Reduce land by $50e l
n n » 50 ✓
n n n
Assm. Deleted
Chg. to farm assm."
Respecting Whom
Antony Mitrauskas
Graham Thomso
Bernard Barne
Geo. Maui
Tony Mekker
N. B. Hedges
Karol Koxnowski
Otto Stanat
n »
Karl Muhlbock
Ivan Bartlett
n n
Michael Glass
n n
n n
Elba Dennis
Grounds of
Too much Acreage
n n n
n n n n
n » n n
n n n n
" Assm. too high
n n n n
Decision of Court
Appeal Withdrawn
n »
» n
Exempt $100. for woodlot V/
Appeal Withdrawn i
Reduce land by $50e l
n n » 50 ✓
Assm, upheld
Assm. Deleted
not Comm. &
Chg. to farm assm."
No Bus.
Delete Business assm. ✓
too high
Assm, upheld
Reduce Bldge. by $150.✓
" "
Reduce land by $50. ,r/
too high
Assm. upheld
Reduce land by $ Add
woodlot $50.
Assm. upheld
Reduce buildings b
g y $100.
Reduce bldg. by $450. f%
too high
Reduce Bldg. by $100.
Land too
Reduce land by $250j/
Delete Bldg. Assm, y/
too high
Appeal Withdrawn f
Just Renting
and not
Delete Bus. Assm. �/
a S.S.
too high
Bldg. Assm. Reduced by $7500
Reduce Bae. by $200.
Assm. upheld
Reduce Bldg. $200.
Reduce Bus. $50.
Assm. upheld V
Reduce land by $250
n n
Assm. upheld
Assm. upheld
Allow woodlot expt. $100,
same amto off land assm.
Roll Appellant Respecting Whom Grounds of
No. Complaint
1281 Elba Dennis Self Assm, too high
1282 n n n n R n
1283 n » n n n n
1284 n n n n n n
1035-40 Ken Grant "Apts.
1041 n n n R n n
1042 » n n n R n
1062 Edward Kiat s c hke
1121-2 C. A. Jackson " Assm. Incorrect
1126 J. D. Vallee " Assm, too high
1148 Peter Dow " No bldgs. onlot
1207 W. Garfield Smith " Assm. too high
1208 " tr n » n n n
1209 R n n n n »
1235 H. P. Grant
1276 R n n n n n n
1276A " " " " Res. Added
1277 " " " " Assm. too high
1278 n n n n n n n
1258 W. H. Stansell
1317 George Stickl
1390 Myrtle & Ron Hopf " House incomplete
1391 Ivo Vermeersch n n n
1425 Andy Dieleman " Bldgs, too high
1507 Tom Nedozytko " Assm, too high
1508 +t n n » n »
1631 Percy W. Burn
Decision of Court
Assessment upheld "
Reduce bldgs. by $800.,
Reduce bl4gs. by $3450.v'
Reduce Bus. by $1250.✓
Assm. upheld ✓
Reduce Bldg. by $50.v/
Reduce Bus. by $50.
Reduce Land by $100.
Reduce Bldgs. by $200.+
Take $1250. off Bldg. Roll
No. 1122
Appeal Withdrawn ,%
Delete Bldgs. $200. �-
Assm, upheld 1/
Reduce land �Y-$100.
n vv vja g UY 60;
Reduce Bus. by $100.v/
Assm. upheld V
Reduce land by $200. ✓
Reduce bldg. by $550:`
Add land by 150./
Add Bldg.by 800./
Reduce land by 150.'
Reduce Bldg.by 1700./
Reduce by $200. ✓
Assm, upheld
Reduce land by $850. tr
Reduce bldg. by $150.x/
Reduce bldg. by $300.
Assm. upheld ✓
Reduce bldg. by $250„x/'
Assm. upheld
Assm. upheld V
Reduce Bldg. by $250.
Reduce assm* by $50•
Reduce bldgs. by $800.,
Reduce bl4gs. by $3450.v'
Reduce Bus. by $1250.✓
Assm. upheld ✓
Reduce Bldg. by $50.v/
Reduce Bus. by $50.
Reduce Land by $100.
Reduce Bldgs. by $200.+
Take $1250. off Bldg. Roll
No. 1122
Appeal Withdrawn ,%
Delete Bldgs. $200. �-
Assm, upheld 1/
Reduce land �Y-$100.
n vv vja g UY 60;
Reduce Bus. by $100.v/
Assm. upheld V
Reduce land by $200. ✓
Reduce bldg. by $550:`
Add land by 150./
Add Bldg.by 800./
Reduce land by 150.'
Reduce Bldg.by 1700./
Reduce by $200. ✓
Assm, upheld
Reduce land by $850. tr
Reduce bldg. by $150.x/
Reduce bldg. by $300.
Assm. upheld ✓
Reduce bldg. by $250„x/'
Assm. upheld
Assm. upheld V
Reduce Bldg. by $250.
Reduce assm* by $50•
Roll Appellant Respecting Whom Grounds of Decision of Court
No. ComAaint
1634 Mrs. F. Vasileunas Self Expt. for 17 gcs. Reduce land asst. by $50.m�
1646 H. B. Johnson » Assm. too high Reduce land by $400.
1664 A. Yanchis " » " " Reduce land b)r $100.
Reduce Bldg.by $500. ✓
1665 Reduce Business by $150.
1674 Harold Chrysler " " n " Reduce bldg. b
g y$250.
1688 Marion Schweizer " House not used as 2
apts. any:iore Assessment upheld
1689 n " n n " " " " Reduce Bldg by $2700.x/
1690 Robert Schweizer " Bus.Assm. too high Reduce bus. by $1350.V/
893 Ray Alward " Too much Acreage Reduce land by $100.-V
1121 " " " Assm. too high Reduce bldg. by $150.✓
1212 n n " " n » Reduce bld b. $6
,# ,VV s.,ynVb x`30.
1213 Ray " Reduce bus. by $350..x'
1214. " " " " " " Assm. upheld L,,,
1216 " " " Do not own Delete land asset. ✓'
Assess to Wm. Alward
1217 " " " " " " Delete land assm. •�
Assess to Donald House.
1$50 Stanley Augustine Jr." Change to S.S.Supt. Appeal Allowed ✓�
1918 Chas. B. Laister » Expt. for 12 acs. Reduce land asset. $50.''/,
Add expt. asset. $50. ✓�
1906 Fred A Cowan " Greenhouse torn down Reduce bldg. by #700.
1940 Mrs, Helen Boyd " Land too high Assm. upheld
194$-9 Lloyd Caughill " No commo or bus. Assm. upheld ✓
Assm. too high
332 C. D. Phillips " " " " Reduce land by $50.#/0
324 R n n n n n Appeal withdrawn
335 " " ^ " " " " Reduce land by $400.
347 " " " n " " " Reduce land by $50. 'f
375 " " " » " " " Reduce land by $50.t/
364 » n n " n » Reduce land by $300./
355 " " " » " " » Reduce land by $500.V
229 Wm, E. Grant " " " " Withdrawn by phone to Clerk V
237-$ » n n " » » » " » » » w ✓
3$0 » n » n » » » " e n a ✓
Roll Apellant Respecting Whom Grounds of Decision of Court
No,, Complaint
160 Robert Ball Self Y
7 Bldgs. too high Assessment upheld
120 C. OlGeil " Assm. too high Assess land for 750.v'
" bldgs. " 16800.1
121 " " " " " " Assessment Dpleted ✓
123 n n n n n n n n n
125 " " " " " " Assm. upheld
1?4 Stanley Azubalis " (Bldgs. too high Assm. upheld
(Land in lake f
187 n " n same Reduce land by $350*
180 " " " same Assm. upheld
568 Ben Wilk " Assm. too high Assm. upheld ✓
569 n n n n » n n n ,✓
574 n n n n n n Aesmt. withdrawn f
b47 " " "" " " " Assm. upheld
671 n n n n n n Assm upheld
594 Clarence Locker n n n n n n
827 n n n n n n n n
1254 Robt, C. Soper " Bldgs. too high Reduce land by $100./1
Redune bldg. by $1950
1255 " " " " " " " Reduce bus. by $1000.
1259 Verne Walsh " " n " Reduce bldg. by $300.✓
395 Harry Saxton " " " " Reduce bldg. by $800
1094 Wm, L. Carroll » Assm. " " Reduce bldg. by $$50. ✓
n n » n » �� n n
1095 Reduce bus. by #400.
1480 Walter Nelson " Bldgs. too high Reduce bldg. by $700.'
30 W. 0. Seelye Jr. " " " " Appeal Withdrawn J
31 n n n n n » n n f
n n
387 Paul Adler Steve Sas Assm. " " Land assessed at 5100 .
Bldgs. " n 13800-✓
5b7 " " n n " " " Assm. upheld f
469 Frank Fendrich Lesslie Fendrich " " " Assm, upheld
- 4$8 n n n n n n n
Reduce bldg. by $250
870 " " Gabel Moaer " " " Assm. upheld ✓
871 n n n n n n n n n
1$09 " " Leslie Fendrich " " n 8Reduce land by $100.
124.1 Art Martyn Self » " " Reduce bldg. by $70,0.V/
1573 " n n n n n Reduce bldg. by $50.
1242 n n n n n n Reduce bldg. by $400.✓
1243 n n n n n n Reduce bldg. by $250.
Roll Apellant Respecting Whom
1$23 Geddy Ru gienis Self
H, Jackso
C. N.
n n
Ray Silverthor
J. D.
n n n
n n n
49$ n n n
1103 n n A
A. Stoop
Wm. Rex
Grounds of Decision of Court
Exemption Requested Reduce land by $100.
Add exempt woodlot $100.
Bldg. blown down Delete building assm.'v/
Assm, too high Appeal Withdrawn r
n " Incorectly Assessed Reduce bldg. by $100,/
Increase Bldg. b V
8 y �1� •.
Reduce bus. by $50. V
Geo.Fulop Ltd. House burned Delete Bldg. Assm. V
Remy Poppe Chg. from Res.to Chg. from Res. to Comm.
Grant Motors Ltd. Chg from Res to
Otto Stanat
n n
John FrOggett
Lydia Kaptin
Twp. of Bayham
N. Procy�
n n
. .
Chg. from Res. to
Chg. from Comm, to
Chg, from farm to
Chg. from Expt. to
Street Not Used
Store Vacant
Assm. too high
Assm. too high
n n n
" n Comm. " Business
n »
farm " Residential
Delete exempt • add Rea. by $5
and bldg. by WO. ✓
Delete Assm. c/
Reduce bldg. asset. b $1550.,(
(Temporary iZ
Assm. upheld �{
n n Y
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson - that this Court of Revision, having heard all the appeals
properly placed before it from the 1963 assessment roll for 1964 Taxes of the
Township of Bayham, and having adjudicated_, now certifies, that the said roll
as altered and amended, it to be the last revised assessment roll of the said
Court Adjurned.
Council Chamber, Straffordville, April 6th. 1964.
Pursuant to adjournment of March 2nd., the regular meeting of the Council of
the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present
except Cpuncillor James and Reeve Phillips prksided. Minutes of the last meet
ingswere read, approved and signed and the following business was done. I
A request for an increased grant was received from Tri -County Air. Society.
Mr. Dernier, District Engineer, advised that his Regional Traffic Engineer,
Mr. C. Wilson, would._tinspect the situation regarding the up -dating of street
lighting along No. 19 Highway in Straffordville.
Advise was received of a meeting of municipalities regarding harvest wobkers
at Delhi on March 18th. at 2.00 p.m.
A request for membership was received from the Ontario Traffic Conference.
Advise was regeived on a meeting of inquiry of the Royal Commission of
Bilingualism and Biculturalism in London on March 25th, 1964.
A copy of a letter was received from the Secretary of the Board of Transport
Commissioners, advising the C.N.R. that the newly installed signals at C.N.R.
crossing at mileage 97.67, Cayuga Subd. had been inspected and found to be
operating satisfactorily.
A letter was received from the Director of Annuities advising that Group
Annuity Contracts have been revised using 5% as the rate of interest .
Dept. of Highways approval was received fro purchase of new half ton truck.
A request for membership was received from the Ontario Plumbing Inspect6rs As
The City of Hamilton advised of an Air Pollution Meetin on May 6th, 1904.
The Ontario Fire College advised of a Training course for fire chiefs at
Toronto April 28-30.
A grant of $4 761.00 was received for construction of Carnes Drain.
Port Burwell 6hamber of Commerce gave notiie of a meeting on March26th. to
discuss supply and price of natural gas as Applied by Central Pipe Line Co.
A notice was received of school for Road Supts. at Toronto onMay 5th. & 6th.
An application for a ,job with the Roads Dept, was received from Thomas Woods.
Mr. Archie Dennis was given tentative approval to lay out for sale some lots
on his farm adjoining No. 19 Highway.
Prices were receLved from ` itchell & Cameron for bonding of officials.
A hospital notice was received respecting Master Ronald James Faulk who lives
on the Jackson farm.
40 Moved #y Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That a grant of $100. be made to the Tillsonburg Tri -
County Agricultural Society...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That Daylight Saving Time be the official time for the
tf Township of Bayhduring ethe period from 2.A.M. April 26th. 1964 to 2 A.M.
October 25th. 1964...Carrid.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That dogs be not permitted to run at large during the
months of April, May, June, July, August and September 1964...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That James S. Davison continue as Dog Control Officer on
same basis as in the past...Carried;
CouncilFStanly James advised by letter that owing to his new job and not hav-
ing time available to attend to his duties as councillor, he submitted his
resignation from this position.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the resignation of Stanley James as Councillor of
this Township be accepted with regrets...Carried.
Clerk Vallee was instructed to express the regrets of this council by letter
to Mr. James.
Moved by -Hedges
%Jeconded by Carson- That members of Court of Revision be paid at the followin
rate.- $13.00 per day plus mileage ... Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at
1.30 P.M...Carried. f
Council rssumed regular session at 1.45 P.M.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Garner- That in the matter of the Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that -the Minister quant
consent for the sale of the following parcel of land namely, part of the
north half of Clergy Reserve Lot No. 26, Concession 4, Township of Bayham,
by John Maxwell Alton to Gary James Wilson and Virginia Ann Wilson,.. Carried.
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Hedges- That the Treasurer's budget be considered at a special
meeting of the council on Monday, April 20th. at 10.00 A.M...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the Engineer's report on the following drains be
read and considered at a special meeting of the council to be held on April
20th. as follows; -
At 2.80 P.M. - Laemers Drain
At 3.30 P.M. - Pokorny Drain... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner - That Road Supt, Tribe be authorized to attend School for
Road Superintendents in Toronto on May 5th, and 6th. 1961 and forward regist-
ration fee of $10.00.,.Carried.
Reeve Phillips acknowledged notice of establishment of R.C.S.S. No. 18 this
date, same to be unionized with Tillsonburg Separate School.
Mr. Basil Nevill and Mr. Elmo West met with the members and discussed side-
walk and drainage problems in the Village of Straffordville along No. 19
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of
$7716.62 for roads and $3678.99 for geheral accounts...Carriet.
Roads accounts - Paylist Mrch 1 - 15 -------- $ 9$4.65
March 16-31 --------
" » - Payment vouchers -----------
Treas. of Ontario - Maps of Township -------
Richard Gamble - Relief part March ----------
Geol Baldwin - n n »-----_____
Hazel Ray - n n " ___-------
Richard Gamble - " " " ----- -----
Barbara Vleeming- " " "----------
Marie Partin - " " " __________
Wm. H. Miller - " " » __________
Cornelius Wall - " " "----------
Rec. Gen.- P.O. Box Rental -----------------
Ont. Hydro - Hydro for office----------------
Jerry Howard - Relief part March-------------
Stonecrest Lodge - Nursing Home Care re Allum-
June Nevill - Relief for April---------------
Geo. Baldwin - " n "_______________
Wm. H. Miller — n n n n _______________
Hazel Ray - n » n " _______________
Iva McCurdy - » n n _--------____--
a 50.00,
Myrtle Roloson - " " "--------------- 20.00,
Marie Partin- " " " _______________ 60.00.
Barbara Vleeming—n 29.00,
Rec. Gen. - Stamps re C.of R.---------------- 40.00,
Highland Lodge Nursing Home -Care re Kennedy-- 76.25,
C. J. Ketchabaw - Groceries re Pembleton----- 20.00,
Milton Robinson - Relief J April ------------ 3$.50,
Jerry Howard - " 1 Wk. "------------- 30.00.
Treas. N. Walsingham Twp.- Relief part Feb.
re L. Robinson--------------
Treas, Middleton Twp. - Relief pt. Feb. -Robinson
" Dereham » - » " "-G.Tribe
n Malahide » - " " " Freisen
21.2 5
nn Houghton "" - " " " Weaver
Aylmer & Malandde Te1.Co.-Fire Dept. phones -Feb
Treas, Wentworth Cty. - Feb. relief re Nevard
J.D.Vallee Supps. at BennettIs
Pearce & Stroud -Damages re Bartley Dr.------.-
D.A.Murphy - » » » » _____-_
Severance" " "--_----
Burns McKenzie -Office & Fire Hall fuel-------
Geo. Beard -Bulbs, Cor. Street lights---------
n n Care " " " ( Nov -Mar A---
10 .00.
C« J. Ketchabaw - Bulbs, Eden Street Lights--
Municipal World Limited -Office Supps. ---- $ 9.05,
Ont. Mun. Stationers- " » ---- 21.07
W. G. Webster Ltd.- " » -- 22.65;
News Printing Co. - Printing envelopes-- 76. 4,3,
Victoria Hospital -Drugs & Lab. re J.Pal--- $.$4,
Geo. E. Cameron -Fox Bounty---------------- 4.00.
Treas. Dereham Twp. -Roy Green fire Mar 14/64 75.00,
" " »-F.Dept.holding fee---- 100. 00.
Ont. Hydro - Straffl St. Lts.------------- $0.$$.
n n _ Rich. " »_____________ 54.3$,
n n _ Eden » "------------- 51.25.
h " — Cor. " " _______- 17.502
Richard Gamble - Relief J April----------- $0,00.
Robt. Byerlay-Repairs Bartley Dr ------ ---- 23.00,
Treas. Tills. Tri-Cty, Agr.Soc. 1964 Grant 100.004
Mitchell & Cameron -Twp. Hall Ins.--_------ 36.00,
Basil Nevill-Fire Truck Licenses --------- 4.00,
Violet Smith -apply on salary-------------- 74.$0,
Rec. General -Un. Ins, 2.40.
-Pension deductions-------__-- 7$.50,
n n -Twp+ s share------------------ 7$.50
Violet Smith- apply on salary---------- 74.$0-,
Rec. Gen. -Un. Ins. ---------------------f-- 2.40,
Basil Nevill-Fire Chief for March--------- 35.00-
J.D.Vallee-Apply on salary --------------- 307.10
Rec. Genera 1 -Tax re Vallee--------------- 25.40%
James S. Davison -Dog Control Dec.Jan.&Febj. 10.00•
J.D.Vallee-Bartley Dr. By -Law ----------- -.- 60.00.
Walter D. Nelson- Bartley Dr, By-Law-Cenviee 40.00,
A. M. Spriet & Associates-" By -Law Supervision 50.00.
C. D. Phillips -6 days@ 14.40 C. of R,----- $6.40,
Norman Pressey-5 " " 15.60 n n n _____ 7$ 00
Ross Carson - 6 " " 14.20 n n n _____ $5*20,
N.B.Hedges - 6 " " 14.00 " " " -_-_- $4.00,.
Co D.Phillips-attend 1 meeting------------ 14.40,
Ross Carson- » n n _---_- _-_ 14.20.
Vit. B. Hedges- n n n - -----_ 14.00.&
Harold Garner- n " » _-----_--••_-
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That this council adjourn to meet again in special
session on April 20th... Carried.
Council Chamber, Straffordville, April 20th, 1964.
A special meeting of.the councib of the Township of Bayham was held on the
forenoon of the above date for thoepurpose of considering the budget for 1964
and other business. Present were Reeve Phillips, Dep.Reeve Carson and Council-`
for Hedges.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That the Ba ham Township Fire Chief be and is hereby
authorized to add additional volunteer firemen as necessary for the proper
carrying out of fire protection under his jurisdiction ... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the Clerk proceed to have agreement and deed respect
ing Alward streets registered in Elgin negistry Office...Carried..
Moved by Hedges
Seconded b Carson- That Elton. Jackson be hired as Assessor for 1964 at a
salary of 12500. plus mileage and 20% of Dog Tax collected. Assessment for
1964 to be completed by Sept. 1, 1964 and if extra help is required to do thi
work by that date, cost of same to be charged against this above mentioned
The Treasurerts budget of Revenues and Expenditures for 1964 was then
discussed and considered by the members.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the Treasurer's budget for 1964 be adopted to
rovide for total Revenue of $393,941.00, making an estimated supplus of $
5,308.00 for the year 1964, and a general Township mill rate of 9.211 mills
for farm and residential and a rate of 11.560 for commercial taxes, to raise
the sum of $54,392.00 ... Carried.
Mr. Clarence Locker reported to the Clerk that there were three or four holes
developing in the Carnes Drain and that wattr was standing in the catch basin
on the sideroad. Mr. Chute, Drain Inspector, was requested to attend to this;
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That this special session adjourn to meet again in
special session on April_,24th. at 2.00 P.M ... Carried.
Council Chamber, Straffordville, April 20st. 2.00 P.M.
A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held at the above date
and hour for the purpose of considering and reading drainage reports. Present
were Reeve Phillips, Dep.Reeve CarsonLanid Councillor Hedges.
Present for the reading of the report on the Laemers Drainage Workst1964 were
Engineers Black and Corbett and Owners Gehring and Bohm and Road Supt. Tribe.
The report was read by Clerk Vallee and discussion followed. No names were
withdrawn from the petition for the drain.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the Engineer's report on the Lamers Drainage Works -
1964 be adopted and Clerk prepare by-law for same for presentation at council
meeting on May 4th...Carried.
Mr. i1elson Ward on behalf of his son, appeared at a late hour and discussed
the above drain briefly but entered no opposition to the same.
At 3.30 P.m. the following persons were present, in addition to the council
and engineers, for the reading of the report on the Pokorny Drainage Works -
1964, namely Messrs. Ball, D.Ratz, R.Sage, G. Knab, J.Pokorny and Mr. & Mrs.
Frank Garnham re pre sent int Miss M. Garnahm . Road Supt. Tribe was also present.
Clerk Vallee read the report and the same was discussed at some length. Some
expressed opposition to proceeding with the work and Clerk Vallee produced a
letter from Miss C.Marshall expressing her opposition to same. However when
Reeve Phillips gave an opportunity to persons to Vithdraw their names from the
petition, none were withdrawn and also no new names were added. A majority
remained on the petition favouring the drain insofar as the actual drainage
area was concerned.
Moved by Hedge s
Seconded by Carson- That the Engineer's report on the Pokorny Drainage Works -
1964 be adopted and by-law Ber same be provisionally passed on May 4th.1964.
DBainage Inspector Chute attended the meeting and advised that he had just
inspected the Carnes Drain on Mr. Locker's farm and found no holes in same,
that it was working in good order and that water in the catch basin on side -
road was only up to the bottom of the outlet tile.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges That this special
May 4th. at 10.00 A.M...Carried.
session now adjourn to meet again�on
Council Chamber, Straffordville, May 4th. 1964.
Pursuant to adjournment of April 20th., the regular meeting of the Bayham
Township Council was held on the above date with all members present amdeotc:ve
0bAAk#16prGaft*vgand one vacancy at the present time. Reeve Phillips presided.
Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed
and the following business was done.
A communication was received from Mr. Dernier regarding a change in layout of
proposed street lighting along No. 19 Highway in Straffordville.
A notive was received df Convention of Welfare Officers in London,June8-loth.
Mr. Clarence Locker advised by letter that the blind catch basins on Carnes
Drain were not taking all the surface water.
Dept. of Highways approval was received for By -Law No. 1492.
Departmental consent was received fan deeds Alton to Wilson and Capling to
A letter was received from Solicitor Linton, that Mr. Thompson had given notice
of appeal to the Court of Appeal on behalf of Miss Lurene Prouse.
By letter, the Village of Vienna requested a new agreement for fire truck
The Vienna-Bayham Area Board requested approval by this Township of By -Law
No. 14 to provide for capital expenditure for financing purchase of new bus.
A further explanation of budget and 1964 levy was received from Secretary of
East Elgin High School Board.
Applications for licenses were received from Tommy's Coffee0hop and Green
Willow Snack Bar.
A hospital notice was received in respect to Master Brian Gamble.
Support of resolutions were requested by Tows bf Newmarket and New Toronto.
The result of Fantest One was received from EMO St, Thomas*
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That subject to approval by the Village of Vienna and also
subject to any other approvals that may be necessary, and without assuming any
financial obligations, this council grants approval to By -Law No. 14 of the
Vienna-Bayham School Area... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That a CoffeeShop license be granted to Tommy's Coffee
Shop for 1964.... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That a snack bar license be granted to Green Willow Snack
Bar ... Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That Ontario Hydro make a new survey and estimate of Street
Lights on No. 19 Highway in Straffordville in accordance with Mr. Dernier' s
letter of April 21, 1964...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30
P.M ... Carried.
Council resumed regular session at 1.30 P.M.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That James Elliott, farmer, of R.R.5, Tillsonburg, be and
is hereby appointed as councillor of this Township to complete the term of
former Councillor Stanley James... Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That the visual sidewalk grant of $200. be paid to the Eden
Community Centre Board...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That this council endorse the resolution of Town::bf
Newmarket regarding greater use being made of school facilities...Carried.
Definite action on the resolutions from New Toronto was withheld.
A two P.M. the Engineer's ammended report on the Pokorny drain was read.
Present in addition to Bayha* officials were Reeve McCord and Councillor rom
Houghton Township, Lee Garnham, Mr. Tickl, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Garnham, Geo.Knab,
Art Ball and John Pokorny.
Considerable discussion was held and at the "44"e t of the Reeve, no names were
either added or withdrawn from the petition.
- 0
1 & 2
1 &
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That the council resolution dated Apr. 20th. 1964 adopting
the Engineer's report on the Pokorny Drain, be and is hereby rescinded, ..Carrie
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that
assessment, levy the taxes and provide
read a first time...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- and resolved that
and finally passed...Carried.
By -Law No. 1494 being a by-law to adopt t:
for the collection of 1964 taxes, be now
By -Law No. 1494 be now read a Second Time.j
By -Law No. 1494 be now read a third time
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law %01695 being a by-law to provide
for drainage work known as the Lamers Drainagrk-1964, be now read a first
time ... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1495 be now read a shtond--time
and provisionally passed...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1496 being a by-law to provide
for drainage work known as the Pokorny Drainage Works -1964, be now read a first
2 Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that
and provisionally passed...Carried.
By -Law No. 1496 be now read a second time
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommedded that the Minister grant
consent for the sale of the following parcel of land namely part of the south
east part Lot 15, Concession 5 Bayham Township by ii1114am Basil Campbell and
Edna Muriel Campbell to Frank Laemers and Margaret Laemers...Carried.
Mr. Clarence Locker meet briefly with the council to register complaints of
the condition of the Carnes Drain. He was requested to contact Mr. Donald Chute
and both together inspect this drain for needed repair work.
Mr. Lloyd Gibbons met with the members and discussed drainage and eroii6n..
Moved by Carson-
Seconed by Hedges- That a court of revision on the Lamers Drainage Works -1964 b
held at the Township Office on June 1st. 1964 at the hour of 2.p.m... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the Clerk send copies of the Lamers Drainage Works -
1964 provisional By -Law, together with notice of holding of Court of Revibion
to each owner in accordance with Section 29 of The Drainage Act 1962-63.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That a Court of Revision on the Pokorny Drainage Works -1964
be held at the Township Office on June 1st. 1964 at the hour of 2.30 P.M.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That the Clerk send copies of the Pokorny Drainage Works -
1964 provisional by-law with notice of holding of Court of Revision to each
owner in accordance with Section 29 the The Drainage Act 1962-63.,.6arried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $7550.62
for roads and $7533.30 for general accounts...Carried.
Roads acoount - Payroll for April 1 - 15 ------ $1056.5$N
16 - 30 ------ 1053.05- %
» » - Payment vouchers -------------- 5440.99
Jerry Howard - Relief for part April ---------- 30.00,
Geo. Baldwin - » " "---------- 49.50•
Richard Gamble - » " part ^-_-------- 62.20.
Hazel Ray - 1 __________ 85,00
Barbara Vleeming - Relief for April -------_- $ 2g.0p,
Wm. Miller - " " "--------
Marie Partin - " " "--------
R. Gamble - n n n ____-_--
C.J.Ketchabaw- Relief for L.Pembleton, Apr. ---
Stonecrest Lodge - Nursing Home Re. Allum ------
Edith Palmer - Relief for 1 wk. Apr. -----------
Highland Lodge - Nursing Home re. Kennedy ------
June Nevill - Relief for May -------------40-----
Geo. Baldwin - " " May _________________
Hazel Rap - » » » _---------____-_
Iva McCurdy - n n n ________________
Barbara Vleeming- " " " ________________
Edith Palmer - " " "----------------
Treas.Wentworth Cty- March relief re. Nevard ---
" Charlotteville Twp.- " " " Robinson --
" Dereham Twp. - March " " Tribe ----
n n » n
Houghton Twp.- Weaver ___
Underwood Ltd.- Adder Rolls --------------------
no Service contract May - Apr./65--
Burns McKenzie - Office fuel -------------------
Newman Flowers Ltd.- Flowers re. Stratton ------
Treas. Dereham Twp.- Cowan & Magyar fires ------
" Elgin Cty.-TAssessing supplies ----------
Aylmer & Malahide el.Co- Fire dept. phones -----
Jim Rutledge - Fox Bounty ----------------------
Registry Office,Elgin- Reg.Deeds,Alward & Seghers
Canadian Nation Rys.- Cross. lts.mileage 97.67---
100.13 --
100.20 --
Victoria Hospital - Drugs for J.Pal------------
Jim Rutledge - Fox Bounty -------------- --------
Wm. Miller - Relief for Pt. May ---------------
Milton Ribinson- n n n »--------------
Treas. of Norwich- Relief Re.Case,Jan.to May ---
News Printing Co.- Advts. & printing -----------
Robert Byerlay -Repairs "A" Br.Coomber Dr. -----
n _ n "Gn n n » _____
ngn n n n _____
7* 50.,
Walter Nelson - Super. "A" " » " _____
n Bartley Dr. repairs -----
Violet Smith - Salary April __________________
Receiver General - Un. ins. --------------------
Violet Smith - Salary April ------------------
Receiver General - Un. ins. ____________________
G.Duncan Black- Survey,etc. Pokorny Dr. --------
n n n _ » n Lamers " ___ ___--
J. D. Vallee - By-law Lamers Dr. ---------------
Pokorny Dr. -------------
Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for April ------------
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ----------- ---
Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee --------------
Elton H. Jackson - 879 cards @ $3.00 -----------
n n n _ 1192 miles C .10f ------
C. D. Phillips - Attend 3 meetings -------------
RossCarson - " 3 "-----=-- ------
N. B. Hedges - " 3 n ______________
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That this council now adjourn to meet again on June 1st.
at 10.00 A.M...Carried.
Council Chamber, May 8th, 1964*
An appeal Court on decisions of the Assessment Court of Revision was held on
the above date with Judge McMillan presiding. Others present in addition to the
appellants and Solicitors were Clerk, Vallee, Assessor Jackson and County
Assessor McLean.
Appeals heard and decided were as follows; -
Roll No. 120, C. OIGLil, represented by self.
Building assessment reduced by $300.00
Roll No. 387, Steve Sas, represented by V.H.Tillson and P. Adler.
Land assessment reduced to $4.250.00
Roll No, 567 Valerie Sas ire resented b V.H.Tillson and P.Adler.
Appeal dismissed,,y
Roll No. 4.69, Leslie Fendrich, represented by V.H.Tillson and F.Fendrich.
Land assessment reduced to $2950.00
Roll No. 488, Leslie Fendrich, represented by V.H.Tillson and F. eendrich.
Land assessment reduced to $3500.00
Roll No. 870, Gabriel Mozer, represented by V.H.Tillson and F.Fendrich.
Appeal abandoned.
Roll No. 1208, Garfield Smith, Appeal abandoned.,'
Roll No. 1209, n n n n V/
Roll No. 1211, Ray Alward, Appeal adjourned to date named by Judge.
Roll No. 1212, n n n » n n n n n
Roll No. 1213, n n n n n n n n n
Roll No. 1507, Thomas Nedozytho, represented by self.
Land assessment reduced to $200.00
Roll No. 1508, Thomas Nedozytho, represented by self.
Land assessment reduced to 600,00
Bldg. " " n 4.500.00.
Roll No. 1509, Thomas Nedozytho, represented b self.
Business assessment reduced to 1250.00.
Court Adjourned.
Council Chamber, Straffordville, June let. 1964.
Pursuant to adjournment of May 4th., the regular meeting of the Council of
the Township of Bayham Was held on the above date with all members present 1,
and Reeve Phillips presiding. Mr. James S. Elliott was duly sworn and installer
ed as Councillor of the Township. ftnvae3dulytwelcomed to this new position
by Reeve Phillips. Minutes of the last meeting were then read, approved and
signed and the following business was done.
Communications received were as follows;-
ollows;-Interim road subsidy in an amount of $12,300. was received.
1964 Roads expenditure By -Law No. 1493 was approved by Dept. of Highways.
Consent for sale of land from Campbell to Laemers was approved by the Minister'
of Municipal Affairs.
Separate School Board resolutions were received to define the zone centres
of Malahide Separate School Zones 9 and 16.
Notice of formation of a Township School Area comprising all scho+&ls in
Bayham Township and the Villages of Vienna and Port Burwell, was received
from Public School Inspector A. D. McColl.
Ruling No. 21 re. Building exemption to Municipalities and Local Boards was
received from the Retail Sales Tax Branch.
Municipal Board's orders covering the Lamers and Pokorny Drains were received.
A lbtter dated May 11, 1964 designating the date of Jan. 1, 1965 was received
in regards to The Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act.
Prices on blanket bond coverages were received from Hamilton, Ward & Cathers
and Mitchell & Cameron.
Clerk Vallee presented a proposed agreement to council providing fire prot-
ection service to the Village of Vienna. This agreement was approved pending
further :information from the Vienna Council.
Messrs. Don. Simons and Doug. Bartlett wkited on the council with a request
to close alley adjacent to the Simons property as part of the Simons house
is encroached on the alley and now Mr. Simons wishes to sell the property to
Mr. Bartlett. This was throughly discussed by the members and the pian of
Straffordville inspected in connection therewith. Council agreed to do this
and sell a portion of this alley to eithet Mr. Simons or Mr. Bartlett.
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Hedges- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30
P.M ... Carried.
Council resumed regular session at 1.30 P.M.
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Garner- And resolved that By -Law
#1497 alley between Fourth Street and Fifth Street
1 & 2 Village of Straffordville, B*ow read a firs
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law
mime and provisionally passed... Carried.
No. -1497 being a by-law to close
east of No.19 Highway, Plan 205
time ... Carried.
No. 1497 be now read a second
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Carson- That a Blanket Position Bond be taken out with Mitchell
& Cameron thru Gore Mutual to cover all employees as stated for $2500. with
excess of $12,500. on Treasurer, at a premium of $104.42 annually...Carried.
Clerk Vallee advised that there were no appeals against assessments insofar
as the Lamers Drainage Works -1964 was concerned.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Garner- That the members of the Bayham Township Council shall
form and constitute the Court of Revision on the Pokorny Drainage Works -1964.
At 2.30 Council adjourned to form draiaage assessment Court of Rwvision ai d
the following members were in attendance and took the required hath of Member
Reeve C. D. Phillips, Dept. Reeve Carson and Councillors Garner and Elliott.
Pokorny Moved by Carson
C of R. Seconded by Elliott- That Reeve Phillips be Chairman of this drainage Court
of Kevision...Carried.
Others present for theCourt of Revision for the Pokorny Drain were
Reeve @hhrles McCord of Houghton Township, Mr. A. L. Garnham, Mr. & Mrs. Tikl
and George Knab.
Clerk Vallee adUsied that appeals had been received as follows and the follow.
is the decision of the Court of Revision. -
Apse llant
Decision of Court.
Clara Marshall
John Tikl
George Knab
Re. M.Garnham
Russell Sage
Moved by garner
Seconded by Carson- That the above decisions of this Court are hereby conf-
irmed and this Court now adjourn... Carried.
Council resumed regular session.
#1495 Moved by Carson
3rd. Seconded by Garner- That By -Law No. 1495 providing for the Lamers Drainage
Works -1964 be now read a third time and Rinally passed...Carried.
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to
petition the Minister of Municipal Affairs for grant on the Lamers Drainage
Works -1964 under Section 63 of The Drainage Act 1962-63 ... Carried.
Clerk Vallee reported that Art Rawlins bad given an estimate of $638, for
paving of Fire Hall drive area and road matters were discussed with Road
Supt. Tribe. It was decided to inspect roads on Friday June 12th, to meet at
office at 8.30 A.M.
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Elliott- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of
$9989.77 for roads and $1980.41 for general ac cognt s , , ,Carried ,
Roads accounts - Payroll May 1 - 15 ---------- $ 769.75\
16 - 31 ---------- 773.33\
» » _ Payment, Vouchers ------------ 8446.69\
Eden Community Centre Bd.- Sidewalk grant ---- 200.00\
Wm. Miller - Relief for part of May ---------- 32.50,
Receiver General - Stamps -------------------- 9.001
George Baldwin - Relief for May ------------ 44.00,
Hazel Ray - " " " " _____-____-- 78.00,
Barbara Vleeming - " " » "----------- 25.00,
Edith Palmer - " " " " _______-___ 51*50,
Wm. Miller - » " Pt. "---------- 32.50.
Aylmer & Malahide Tel.Co.- Office phones ----- 37.04,
Wm. Miller - 106elief for 1 wk ----------------- 25.00\
C,J,Ketchabaw - " " Pembleton---------- 20.00,
Geo. Baldwin - Relief for June ------------- 44,00.
Haxel Ray - » » n »------------- 48.00,
Iva McCurdy - " " "------------- 3$.00,
Barbara Vleeming- " " " "-------- ----- 25.00,
Treas.Wentworth Cty.- Rel. for Nevard, Apr, --M. 35.41,
" Dereham Twp.- " " Tribe 1$,75•
" Charlotteville Twp.- " " Robson " --- 26.70,
" Aylmer - " " Hainer " --- 30.50,
" Houghton Twp,- " " Weaver » --- 26.50,
Provincial Treasurer - Insulin for J.Pal ------ .99,
Huntington Lab.Ltd.- Floor wax & detergent --- 42.23,
AyLlmer & Malahide Te1.'Co.- Fire -Dept, phones-- 22.25,
Treas. Pt. Burwell - Share " " line ---- 27.40,
Basil Nevill - Bulbs for " "--------- 1.45,
The Aylmer Express - Proclamation ------------ 8.40\
Treas. Elgin County- Supplies for assessor 6.29,
Ontario Municipal Bd.- Fee Lamers Drain ------ 3.001
Pokorny " ------ 4.00.
Wm.Partington Jr. - Fox Bounty --------------- 12.00,
Ralpit Hurley - " "--------------- 8.00.
Jim Rutledge - » "--------------- 2$.00.
Workmen's Comp. Bd.- Assm. Vol. firemen ------ 90.00%
re. others -------- 65.$0.
June Nevill - Relief for J June -------------- 20.001
Stonecrest Lodge- Care Allum for May --------- 91.25.
Gestetner Ltd.- Office supplies -------------- 1+3,26.
Jim Rutledge) - Fox Bounty ------------------- 16.00.
Allan Thurston - 5 hogs killed by dogs ------- 103.50.
Elgin Co -Opo Services - Lawn seed --------------- 3.09.
Harvey TtIbe - Mowing office lawn --------------- 12.00,
Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for May --------------- 35.00,
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary --------------- 307.10,
Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee --------------- 25.40,
M. L. Chute - Cleaning & waxing office floor ---- 20.00.
James S. Davison- 2 trips dog control ----------- 10.00.
Elton H. Jackson - Exp. to assessors' conn.------ 65.004
C. D. Phillips - Attend 1 meeting --------------- 14.40.
Ross Carson - " 1 "--------------- 14.20.
N. B. Hedges - " 1 "--=------------ 14.00,
Harold Garner - " 1 "--------------- 13.50•
James S. Elliott- " 1 "--------------- 15.50,
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Elliott- That this council adjourn to meet again on July 6th.
at 1.00 P.M...Carried.
eevems-- ` � 1 .
Council Chamber, Straffoddville, July 6th. 1964.
Pursuant to adjournment of June 1st., the regular meeting of the council of
the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present
except Councillor Elliott. Reeve Phillips presided. Minutes of the last
regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was
Hospital notices were read and considerdd.
A re-newal of spray liability insurance policy was received.
Notice_ was received from Mr. W.S.McKay, Q.C. of the appeal to the Ontario
Municipal Board of the Judge's decision re. assessment of Casper O'Geil.
Approval was received for application for Provincial Aid to Drainage on
Lamers Drainage Works, 1964.
Notice was received of Canadian Farmers' Overseas Tour Oct. 2 to Nov. 10th.
Advice was received that thedeadline for application re. Centennial grants
had been extended to November 9th. 1964.
The Dept. of Public Welfare advised of a school for Social Welfare Workers
to be held at Ryerson Technical Institute for tow years. Approved applicants
to be eligible for financial assistance plus tuition fees.
Judge McMillan advised that the Pokorny Drainage appeals would be heard by
him on July 8th. at 10.30 A.M.
A letter ubder dUte of June 20th, was received from G. Duncan Black in respect
to the Pokorny Drain appeals.
The report of Fire Chief Nevill for the first six months of 1964 was received.
Letters were received from G. Douglas Vallee, P.Ent as fol&ows;-
1.An estimate of approx. $35. per structure for a bridge survey of Townshlc
2. Submitted and estimate of Approx. $12,000. for addition and repairs to
Township Hall.
Mr. Basil Nevill waited -on the council and discussed the operation of the
Township Hall under the Community Centre Board for the past year and gave a
brief verbal repaot on same.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That this council approve sale of Carnes Drain debentures
and Magyar Drain debentures to Claude E. Wilson of Eden... Carried.
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Hedges- That the Clerk request prices from Contractors dor the
construction of Lamers Drain, tenders do same to close at 12.00 noon , on July
31st. 1964...Carried.
Weeondddel bydGarner. That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1402,'it is herewith recoiamended that the Minister grant
consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, nemely part of Lot 126,
south of Talbot Road Est, Township of Bayham, by Clarence Ray Alward and
Agnes Jean Alward to Robert J. Gowanlock and Marion J.Gowanlock...Carried.
Moved by Var so n
Seconded by Hedges- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By - Law No. 1.02, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant
consent for the lease of the following parcel of land, namely part of Lot 2
Concession 8, Township of Bayham, by Walter "ekstis and Julia Rekstis to
Union Gas Company of Cnada, Limited...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That application be made under The Confederation Centen
nial Act 1962-63 for approval of an estimated expenditure of $22,000.00
for an addition to and repairs on front of Bayham Township Hall...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That G. Douglas Vallee prepare rough sketch plan for
addition to and repairs to present Township Hall for submission to Council.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That Councillor Elliott
on Eden Community Centre Board...Carriede
replace former Councillor James
Moved by Hedges
#1497 Seconded by Garner- That no complaints having been received,
3rd. be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried.
1 & 2
By -Law No. 1497 1
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That the report of the Fire Chief for period Jan.1/64
to July 2/64 be accepted and the volunteer firemen be paid at $4.00 per
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That G. Douglas Vallee, P.Eng., be engaged to make a
Bridge survey of the Township of Bayham. ..Carried.
At 3.30 P.M. the report of the Engineer on the Garnham Drain of Middleton
Township was read and considered. Mr. Alva Brinn was the only interested
party in attendance. He did not object to same but did question the good to
be derived for this extens&ve repair work by residents of Bayham Township.
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1498
rovide for Bayhamt s portion of the Garnham Drain, be
Moved by Hedges
being a by-law to pee
now read a first time
8econded by Garner- And resolved that By -Law No. 1498 be now read a second
time and provisionally passed...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that
provide for an additional expenditure
now read a first time...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- And resolved that
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that
time and finally passed... Carried.
By -Law No. 1499 being a by-law to
of $15,000.00 on roads in 1964, be
By -Law No; 1499 be now read a second
By -Law No. 1499 be now read a third
Mr. Jack Petrie, Clerk of Vienna, wited on the council and advised that the
agreement for fire protection with the village was satisfactory.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by riedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1500, being
approve anX agreement for providing fire fighting services to
of Vienna be now read a first time...Carried.
Moved by edges
a by-law to
the Village
Seconded by Garner- And resolved that By -Law No. 1500 be now read a second
time... Carried.
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1500 be now read a third
time and finally passed... %
Road matters were discussed with Road Supt, Tribe.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of
$10,750.23 for roads and $3728.47 for general accounts...Carried.
Road accounts - Pay t611 June 1 - 15 ------ $726.22
June 16-30 -------
» » _ Vouchers __________________ 921$.26♦
Highland Lodge - May care for Kennedy -----
Receiver General - Stamps -----------------
June Nevill - Relief for June------------
George Baldwin n » n n ____________
Hazel Ray- n n » n __________--
Barbara Vleeming-" " " "--------- ---
OntarioHydro - Hydro off. & F.D.-----=-----
Receiver General - Stamps for Notices------
C . J .Detchabaw - June relief re: Pemb leton--
Stonecrest Lodge - June care re.
$6.25. -
Highland Lodge - " " " K#nnedy---
Geo. Baldwin - Relief for July-----------
June Nevill- n " n » ________-_-
Hazel Ray - n n n ,r ___________
Iva McCurdy - n n n " -----------
Barbara Vleem. in? -" " " "------------
Georgina Philps " " all "-----------
Marie Partin - " " "-----------
Treas.Wentworth Cty.-May relief re.Nevard--
" Dereham Twp. - " " " Tribe---
" Houghton n _ it n n Weaver--
" Charlotteville Twp.May rel.re.Robinson
W Hamilton - Apr.&May rel. re Slowinski-
News Printf na; Co. -- Advts.-----------------
Karl Muhlback - Hens killed by- dogs--------
Archie Goetha)_s - Chickens killed by dogs---
Hamilton Ward °,c Cathers-Spray Lia.Ins.-----
Mun. World Ltd. - Inv -17339 Tags & Lic.----
17568 Deb. &Statements
Valuator forms-
Norman Bates - Window screens re hall------
Ralph McQuiggan - Office Supplies----------
Victoria Hospital - Drugs re. J. Pal-------
Burns McKenzie - Furnace fuel---------------
J. D. Vallee - Meals, June 12%61 -----------
fir.& M. Tel. CO. -Fire Dept. phones----------
Skean Brinn - Fox Bounty-------------------
Harry Matthews- " "-------------------
Chas. Grass - " "-------------------
Jim Rutledge- " "-------------------
Ontario Hydro - Straff.St.Lts.-------------
n » - Eden " "-------------
n n _ Richmond " "-------------
Corihth n rr -------------
Aylmer Veterinary Clinic - Hogs injured bydogs20.00,
American-Marsh,Pumps Ltd, - Brooms F.D.----
Elgin Co-op Services -Lawn Fertilizer-------
Harvey Tribe -Cutting Lawn------------------
Basil Nevill-Fire Dept. Supp -------------- -
Wilbur Locker - 7 trips---------------- ----
Ken Everitt - 15 "--------------------
Harold Dennis- 16 "--------------------
Basil Nevill - 13 "------------
Willis Marr - 11 "---------------
John Tribe - 11 "--------------------
Albert Cook - 13
Lloyd Dickenson -9 "--------------------
Walter Moore - 2 "--------------------
Jack Nevill - 9 "--------------------
Bob Carney - 8 "---------------------
Andy Taylor - 5 " -----
Donald House - 2 "--------____________
Violet Smith - Salary June 1-15-------- ----
Receiver General - Un. Ins.----------------
Violet Smith- Salary June 16-30------------
Receiver General - Un. Ins.----- -------- ---
2.40. -
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary----------
Receiver General - Tak re Vallee---�------
? " - Pension re Vallee--�-----
Smith --------
" " - •" Twp, share above---
Robt C. Jackson - Valuing chickens---------
Peters, Brown & Co. - Bal. 1963 audit fee--
Peters, Brown & Co. - Supplies------------- 13.90,
Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for June --------- 35.00.
C. D. Phillips - Attend 1 meeting---------- 14.40,
RossCarson - " " "---------- 14..20-,
N. B. Hedges - n n » __--____-- 14,00
Harold Garner - " " "---------- 13.50•.
C, D. Phillips - Insp. roads 1 day--------- 14.4O
Moss Carson - " " " "--------- 11+.20.
RossCarson - Car~ ------- __________w-______ 10.00,
N. B. Hedges.-Insp, roads 1 day ----------- 14.00.
Harold Garner " n n n 13.50,
James S. Elliott-" " " "----------- 15.50-,
C. D. Phillips - Car----------------------- 10.00.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That this council adjourn to meet again on Tuesday,
Aug. 4th. at 1.00 P.M ... Carried.
Reeve. Clerk).
Clerk's Office, Straffordville, July 8th. 1964.
A special meeting of members of Bayham Township Council was called by the
Reeve on the above date for the purpose of considering the status of road
between Concessions 4 and 5, east of No. 19 Highway. Present were Reeve
Phillips, Dep. Reeve Carson and Councillor Hedges,
Reeve Phillips explained his conversations with Mr. Caldwell and County
Engineer Moore in respect to the above mentioned road.
Moved by Carson
Sedonded by Hedges- That this council request Development Road Aid from
the Dept. of Highways for that road between Concessions 4 and 5, Township
of Bayham and extending from No. 19 Highway easterly to the Bayham-
Houghton Townline...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That Monday, Aug. 3rd, be observed as a covic and public
holiday in and for the Township of Bayham...Carried.
Special session adjourned.
I U�
Council Chamber, Straffordville , July '8th, 1964..
Judge J. F. McMillan presided at a hearing of appeals against the decisions
of the Bayham Township Court of Revision on Pokorny Drain assessments at
10.30 A.M, on the above date.
Present were appeklant s Mr. A.L. Garnham on behalf of his sister Miss M.
Garnham, Mr. John Tikl and Mr, Geo. Knab.
Also present were Messrs. Black and Corbett, Engineers, Reeve McCord of
Houghton Township and Mr. B. Toth, Solictor, representing Hoghton Township
and Messrs. Garnham and Tikl.
Mr. Toth requested permission to address the Court and pointed out that the
appellants from thk above decision were all from Houghton Township and that
the drainage Court of Revision, in the first instance, should have been
heard in Houghton Township. As the ratepayers of Houghton Township apparently
had not been notified of any Court of Revison on the Pokorny Drain to be held
in their own Township. Mr. Toth suggested that the present action be set
aside and the drainage matter not continued until proper proceedure had been
completed. Engineer Black concurred in this matter.
Judge McMillan upheld the above opinion and adjourned the hearing,sine die.
Council Chamber, Straffordville July 10th. 1964.
At 10.00 AW-M`.'�on the above date, His Honour, Judge J. F. McMillan of the
County of Elgin, presided at an adjourned hearing on appeals from the Bayham
Township assessment court of revision.
The appellant, Mr. Ray Alward was represented by Mr. Scott McKay, Q.C. of
St. Thomas. County Assessor McLean and Township Assessor Jackson were also
Assessor Jackson, on being duly sworn, was questioned by Mr. McKay. Mr. McKay
also brought out comparisons of assessments with other properties to these
assessments of Mr. Alward.
Court adjourned for noon at 12.30, and resumed sitting at about 1.30 P.M.
Mr. Ray Alward was questioned by Mr. McKay in the matter of his property.
On being duly sworn, Mr. Casper OtGeil gave evidence as a real estate agent.
Solicitor McKay sumed up his presentation of the case and County Assessor
McLean briefly addressed the Court.
Judge McMillan and interested parties went by car to view the Alward property
and some of the other properties referred to in the evidence.
On the return, His Honour gave the following decisions: -
Roll No. 1211 - Allowed to extent of reducing building assessment by $4.50.00
Roll No. 1212 - " " " " n " n by $1000.00 tl
Roll No. 1213 - Reserved. On July 15/61, Clerk Vallee was advised by letter
from Judge McMillan to the effect that he has not allowed
a change in classification in reppect to business assessment
under this roll number. ;
Hearing adjourned. j
1 & 2
Council Chamber, Straffordville, Aug. 4th, 1964.
Pursuant to adjournment of July 6th., the regular meeting of the Council of
the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and
Reeve Phillips presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings
were read, approved and signed and the following business was done.
Communications read included the following. -
A hospital notice from Tillsonburg Hospital regarding Master Leslie Heffron.
A letter from Mr. J. A. Leathong, Sec. regarding 1964 assessment for harvest
labour camps for transient tobacco workers for 1964.
Acknowledgement from The Ontario Municipal Board regarding Garnham Drain
By -Law No. 149$.
A copy of Notice Of Appeal to The Ontario Municipal Board from Mr. W.S.McKay,
Q.C., on behalf of Mr. Ray Alward respecting Judges' decision on assessment
under roll numbers 1211 and 1212.
A letter from Mr. Don Simons enquiring about the price of portion of closed
alley he wishes to purchase.
Invitations were received to attend opening of South Dorchester Township
Offices on Saturday August 15th. 2 to 4 P.M.
A letter regarding course for assessors at Queen's University (by Correspond-
ence) sponsored by the Institute of Municipal Assessors of Ontario.
A copy of letter to Mr. Don Murphy from the Ontario Water Resources Commission
regarding pollution from Corinth Cheese factory to Catfish Creek.
Clerk of Elgin County, Mr. J. D. Thomson, advised of-116—retirement on August
31, 1964 and that Mr. H. L. Johnson had been appointed County Clerk effective
September let. 1964.
The firm of Ian Martin Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers pf Toronto
offered their services.
The referees report under Section 42 of The Public Schools Act in regards to
the formation of an Area for the whole of Bayham Township, was received from
Public School Inspector McColl.
A refund of Retail Sales Tax in respect to expenditures on Township Office and
FireHall was approved in an amount of $559.50
The Minister approved the lease of land by Walter Aekstis to Union Gas Co. Ltd
An advance copy of program for Ontario Municipal Assn. Convention in London
on Aug. 23 to 26 was received.
The Clerk was instructed to forward a draft copy of a by-law to regulate the
location ,of buildings and structures adjacent to Township roads, to the Ontari
Municipal Board for their comments.
Advice was received that Ted M. Fielder of Simcoe, had been appointed as
Centennial Field Representative for Brant,Elgin,galdimand,Kent and Norfolk.
A sketch preliminary plan was received from Douglas Vallee, P.Eng. covering
the proposed addition to the Township Hall.
An estimate for up -dating of street lighting along No. 19 Highway in
Straffordville for a sum of $7,096.00, was received from Mr. Stubbs, Area Ngr.
Clerk Vallee reported that to end of July, the sum of $103,554.8$ had been
received of the 1964 taxes, being 34.34 % of total roll.
Also that no appeals had been received in respect to the Garnham Drain assets.
At 2.30 P.M. the rejort on the Green Drain was read. Councillor Elliott being
the only interested party from Bayham twesgnt at this time. No objections were
presented on this report.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that
for Bayham Township's portion of the
be now read a first time...Carried.
Moved by Elliott
By -Law No4 1502 being a by-law to provid
construction of the Green Municipal Drain
Seconded by Garner- And resolved that By -Law
time and provisionally passed... Carried.
Moved by
share of
No. 1502 be now read a second
by Carson- That this council will assume an assessment of $750. for
welffre costs for transient labour camps for harvest workers for 1964
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Elliott- That the Elgin Co -Op Services account for pheasant feed
an amount of $44.00 be paid from Township License account ... Carried.�
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Elliott- That a court of revision be held on the Green municipal
Drain on Sept. let. 1964, at 2.00 P.M...Carried.
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Hedges- That when alley is finally closed, this council will sell
the south 132 feet of said alley between 4th. and 5th. Streets, to Don Simons
for the price of $100. plus conveyancing...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Elliott- That Drain Inspector Chute be directed to have repairs
made to Catch Basin and tile on Concession road on Mitts Drain...Carried,
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1501 being a by-law to
provide for an expenditure of an estimated $12,000.00 unde�F the provisions of
The Confederation Centennail Act, 1962-63 and Regulations thereunder, be noir
read a first time, .Carried.
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that
time ... Carried .
Moved by Carson
Secondedby Elliott- And resolved that
time and finally passed...Carried.
By -Law No. 1501 be now read a second
By -Law No. 1501 be now read a third
Only one tender was received construction of the Lamers Drain.
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Hedges- That the tender
work and materials for constrcution
of $3939.00...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
of G. W. Cattle Construction Ltd. for
of Lamers Drain, be accepted at a price
Seconded by Garner- That a special meetinh be held on Monday evening Aug.17th
to discuss with interested ratepayers the matter of Street Lighting in Straff-
A delegation of several interesed persons waited on the council and requested
repairs to bridgek at lot 122 Conc. 7. Council agreed to consider this.
Road Supt Tribe discussed other road and machinery matters with the members.
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Hedges- That the Reete sign the order sheets in amounts of
$5313.$4"for roads and $1901.24 for general accounts...Carried.
Road Iccounts - PgYlist J*lY 1 - 15 --_____ doom ___ $
n n _ » n 16 - 31 ------___---
n n _ Vouchers -----------------------
Wm. H. Miller - Reiief for part July ---------- 40
June Nevill-----------
Geo. Baldwin
Hazel Ray -----------
Marie Partin -----------
Barbara Vleeming-"
June Nevill - " " part " (rent) ------
Frank L. Stephenson - Groc. for Jack O'Neil -----
Receiver General - Stamps ----------------------
Geo. Baldwin - Relief for August -----------
June Nevill - " " " "----------- --
Hazel Ray - n » » er-------___---
Iva McCurdy - " " all " -------------
Barbara Vleeming n" "------------ -
Georgina Phelps--------------
C.J.Ketchabaw - Groc. for Pembleton-(July) ......
Treas. Houghton Twp. - Relief for Weaver (June-
" Dereham " - " " Tribe " -
" Charlottevible- " " Robinson " -
" Wentworth Cty . - " " Nevard " -
Victoria Hospital - Drugs re.J.Pal --------------
Allan Thurston - Hogs Killed & Injured ----------
A.& M. Tel. Co. - Fire Dept. Phones --- ----------
S. R. Hart & Co.Ltd. - Supps. for roll ----------
Chas. Grass - Fox Bounty ------------------------
WarrenGraves ------------------------
Jim Rutledge------------------------
C.N.R. - Crossing Protection--------------------
David O'Neil - Relief part Au(r---------dodo_____
Marie Partin - " Aug. ----------------
48 . oo,
3 8.Oo,
1$.5 .
Stonecrest Lodge - Care re. Allam--------------- $ 91.25,
Highland Lodge -
" "
Violet Smith - Salary for
Receiver General
- Un. Ins.---------------------
Violet Smith - Salary for J
July ---------------
Receiver General
- Un. Ins.---------------------
Basil Nevill-Fire
Chief for
J. D. Vallee - To
apply on
salary------ ---------
Receiver General
- Tax re.
James S. Davison -Dog
Robt. C. Jackson
- Valuing
livestock -----------
Gerald Taylor- Care
St. Lts. 6 mo.------
C. D. Phillips -
attend 1 meeting---------------
Ross Carson -
" "
N. B. Hedges -
" "
"----------- 00
Harold Garner -
" "
James S, Elliott
- " "
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Hedges- That.this Council adjourn to meet again in regular
session on Sept. lst. 1964 at 1 P.M...Carried.
Council Chamber, Straffordville, August 17th. 1964.
A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date
with all members in attendance and Reeve Phillips presiding. The purpose of the
Meeting was to discuss Straffordville Street Lighting proposal with interested
ratepayers. About 18 interested persons attended. Also in attendance were Mr.
Aitkens of Ontario Hydro at London and Mr. Bud from the Aylmer Hydro Offt
Reeve Phillips explained the background of this matter referring to a
petition for fluorescent street lighting by several residents along No. 19
Highway at the north end of the village. Reeve Phillips explained that several
proposals had been considered with Mr. Stubbs of Ontario Hydro at Aylmer and
that the Dept. of Highways advised they would pay a 50% subsidy on lights
installed along No. 19 Highway if done according to their specifications.A plan
was submitted for 34 fluorescent lights on No. 19 Highway at an -,-estimated cost
of $7096.00 which would be elegible for the 509 subsidy.
This and alternative suggestions were discussed and Clerk Vallee outlined
a break -down on the estimted mill rate involved in financing the 34 light
proposal over a period of five years.
Finally Reeve Phillips called for a show of hands regarding the 34 new
lights along No. 19 Highway with some of the present radial wave ones to be
used at other locations in the village.
Those voting in favour -- 10
against -- 5
" not voting -------- 3
Reeve Phillips dismissed the gathering of ratepayers and thanked thew for
their interest and attendance and council further discussed and considered the
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Elliott- That council request the Ontario Hydro, subject to approv-
al of the Dept. of Highways, to install 34 Fluorescent lights along No. 19
Highway in Straffordville in accordance with proposal set forth in Mr. Stubb's
letter of July 7th. 1964 at an estimated cost of $7,096.00 with Dept. of High-
ways assuming 50% of installation costs and that some of -the present radial
wave lights be mored to other locations in the village...iDarried.
Moved by Hedges,
Seconded by Garner- That this special session now adjounn.0
Council Chamber, Straffordville, Sept. 2nd. 1964.
Pursuant to special notice, the regular meeting of the Council of the Township
of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Philli
presiding. Minute's of the last regular and special meetings were read, approve
and signed and the following business was done.
Communications received included the following.
A letter from Mr. Oscar Bartha requesting closing a street thru his farm.. The
Council decided against this at the present time .
Dept. of Highways approval was received for By -Law No. 1499 re.road expenditure.
Mr. Wm. Ringland, thru the Clerk, requested a gate to erect at top of Bell Hill
and that road be opened to that point. Council deferred action to investigate.
An account from Golden Acres Ambulance for services ro Joseph Kennedy was laid
over for further information.
Solicitor Gibson advised that Mr. Fanjoy would act for the Township in respect
to O'Geil and Alward appeals to the Ontario Municipal Board.
A card of appreciation for flowers sent was received from Mrs. Ethel Pollock,
Ontario Municipal Board Order was received in respect to Bayhamts portion of
Green Municipal Drain By -Law No. 1502,
Mr. H. C. Dernier District Engineer advised by letter he would require a
resolution by council in respect to the Township assuming costs in respect to
Street Light installation along No. 19 Hoghway in Straffordville.
bulletin regarding The Trees Act, and payment of taxes was received from the
ept. of Lands and Forests.
Insurance re-newals were received from Hamiltom, Ward &. Cathers.
Advice was received from the Dept. of Highways that the Griffin's Corner road
east of No. 19 Hwy. to Houghton Townline, had been designated as a Development
Road for Pre -Engineering purposes only and numbered P.E.785.
Mr. Clarence Locker waited on the council and discussed Carnes Drain matters.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Elliott- That Drain Inspector Chute be instructed to repair Carnes
Drain as necessary...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That in the matter of proposed new street lighting along
No. 19 Highway in Straffordville, this Township will pay 50% of construction
-costs re, same and assume 100% responsibility for maintenance and power costs
in future, and that these costs be charged in the taxes to the benefitting
area on a mill rate basis...Carried.
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Hedges- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to purchase
a $1000. Province of Ontario bond for Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund account,
Savings No. 3, at approximate price of $98.25 @ 5k% interest and maturity Oct.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant
consent for the lease of the following parcel of land, namely part of the south
half o8 Lot3l Concession 4� Township of Bayham by Mynah Havilah McQuiggan to
Reginald Hugh McQuiggan... arried.
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Carson- That in the matter of The Pkinning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the MiniMser grant
consent for the lease of the following parcel of land, namely part of the south
half of Lot Three, Concession Four, Township of Bayham by Reginald Hugh
McQuiggan and Hazel E. McQuiggan to Mynah Havilah McQuiggan „ # Carried.
OF Mr. Basil Nevill, Chairman of the Straffordville Community Centre Board met
with the council and discussed sidewalk work for the year.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That the Clerk, on behalf of this Township, make applicat-
ion to the Dept. of Highways for a Municipal Encroachment Permit for repair wo
to a sidewalk on the westerly side of No. 19 Highway and north of the main
intersection from the north end of Allan Walsh building northerly a,distance of
approximately 400 ft. The above work to be carried out under the direction of
the Community Centre Board...Carried.
Clerk Vallee advised that an extension of tine would be required to complete
assessment roll and the mai'ling of the assessment notices for 1964 assessment.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1503, being a by-law to
provide for an extension of time for return of 1964 assessment roll for 1965
taxes, be now read a first time...Carried.
Moved by Garner
#1503 Seconded by Elliott- And resolved that By -Law No. 1503 be now read a second
time... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- And resolved that By -Law No. 1503 be now read a third time
and finally passed... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That the following accounts be paid for attendance at
Ontario Municipal Convention. -
Harold Garner ------ $13.00
Ross Carson --------- 23.00
C.D.Phillips--------- 90.00
James Elliott -------- 23.00
J. D. Vallee --------- 10.00 ... Carried.
Road work and expednitures were discussed with Road Supt. Tribe.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of
$9345.55 for roads and $3125.71 for general accounts...Carried.
Road accounts - Pajrlist Aug. 1 - 15 -----------
$ 921.77
16 — 31 -----------
Payment vouchers --------------
David O'Neil - Kelief for August ------------
Edith Palmer - " " " "-----------
Ont. Municipal Assn.- 3 registration fees -----
Jack O'Neil - Relief for 1 week ---------------
Aylmer.& Malahide Tel.Co.- Office phones ------
David O'Neil - Relief for August ------------
George Baldwin - " " " » ___________
June Nevill - » n » »------____--
Hazel Ray - » » " » ____--____--
Barbara Vleeming- " " " " ____________
C.J".Ketchabaw - Aug. releif re. Pembleton -----
Highland Lodge Nursing Home- Care re.Kennedy --
Stonecrest " " " - " " Allum ----
George Baldwin - Relief for Sept. -----------
Hazel Ray - » » » » -------------
Iva McCurdy ------___-_-
3 $ .Oct•
Barbara Vleeming- » » » n ____________
Geirgina Phelps - n » » __________--
June Nevill - » » » » _-----____--
David O'Neil - " " " "------------
County of Wentworth- Share relief re.Nevard ---
Twp. of Charlotteville- " " " Robinson--
" " Houghton - " " " Weaver ---
" " Dereham - " " " Tribe ----
City of Toronto - " " " P.Borek ---
Tob. Harve st Workers' Co. -Ord. Com. - Welfare ----
515. $2.
Provincial Treasurer - Insulin re, J. Pal -----
Robert Byerlay - Repairs to Swance Drain ------
G.W.Cattie Const.Co- " " Magyar " -----
Municipal World Ltd.- Affice supplies ---------
Certified Electric Co.- Bulbs Straff.St.Lts.---
Aylmer & Malahide Te1.Co.- Fire dept. phones---
R. A.Walsh Pld.mbing & Heating- F.D. hose -------
649 89,,,
Ontario Municipal Board- Fee re. Green Drain---
John Eising.- Geese killed by dogs ------------
George Beard - Care Corinth St. Lts.----------
Basil Nevill - Spraying cemeteries ------------
Archie Brinn - Fox Bounty --------------------
Robert Byerlay- " "--------------------
William Mathews- " "--------------------
Robt.G.Phillips - " " ____________________
Nelson Ward - " "--------------------
Stewart Gregson- " "---------------- ----
News Printing Co.- Advt. & printing --------- --
Hamilton Ward & Cathers - Lia. Ins. ----------
$ .0
3 3 5\
W? G? Webster - Office supplies ---------------
Violet Smith - Salary Aug. 1 - 15 ------- ------
Receiver General - Un. ins. -------------------
Violet Smith - aalary Aug. 16 - 31 ------------
ReceiverGeneral - Un. ins. -------------------
Basil Nevil - Fire Chief for Aug. -------------
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary -------------
Receiver Ueneral = Tax re. Vallee -------------
James S. Davison - July dog control-----------
Robt. C. Jackson - Valuatorts fee -------------
C. D. Phillips - Attend 2 meetings ------------
" "..i - Convention expenses ----------
Ross Carson -
- Attend 2 meetings --------------
N. B. Hedges - " 2 "
Harold Garner - " 2
- Vonvention expenses -----------
James S. Elliott-----------
" Attend 2 meetings ----------
J. D. Vallee - Car & m#.A1s,;e rc . convention ----
35 *00\
27 . W,
10 * 0a\
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn to meet again on Oct. 5th.
at 10.30 A.M...Carried.
Council Chamber, Straffordville, October 5th. 1964.
Pursuant to adjournment of Sept. 2nd., the regular meeting of the Council of
the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present
except Councillor Garner and Reeve Phillips presided. Minutesof the last meet-
ing were read, approved and signed and the following business was done.
CommunicAtions received included the following. -
A letter was received from Mr. Harold E. Stafford, referring to a 1958 complai
nt by Mr. Dan Murphy respecting the Bartley Drain.
Houghton'Townshipts appreciation for Fire Dept, services during the past years
was expressed by Clerk Vallee as received from the Houghton Clerk and that as
Houghton now owned their oar truck, further services would not be required
from Bayham Township except in an emergency.
Approvals were received from the Minister for transfers of property and leases
A Fenceviewers award was received re. W. Tupper and R. Meyer.
Hospital notices were received in respect to Kessler and Mendonca.
A letter was received from the Ontario Municipal Board regarding proposed
Restricted Area By -Law and suggested the draft copy of same be taken up with
Solicitor or Community Planning Branch.
Letters were also received from Solicitor Toth and,.G. Duncan Black in respect
to Pokorny Drainage Works.
Middlet" Township advised by letter that the Drainage Referee had been
requested to permit a re -assessment of -the Garnham Municipal Drain.
Approval was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs for construction of
addition to Township Hall as a Centennial Project at an estimated cost of
Notice was received from Board of Transport Commissioners rehearing at Ottawa
respecting existing rates of Bell Telephone Co.
Notice was receited from the Office of The Fire Marshall that the week of
Oct. 4 to 10 was proclaimed as Fire Prevention Week.
Advice was received from The Pension Commission of Ontario Yhat all Pension
Plans had to be registered with the Commission by January 13t. 1965.
A memorandum was received from the Dept. of Education and Inspector that
new equalizations would be required regarding the new Township School Areas.
Dereham Township advised that the Green Drain By -Law had been given .3rd.
reading on September 14, 1964,
Messrs, Don Chute and Steve Nezezon waited on the council and discussed]
drainage matters pertaining to their farms and Township road. It was decided
that a municipal drain would be the best solution.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Elliott- That this council authorize Road Supt. Tribe to sign
petition for drainage of lots 21 and 22 Conc, 3 & 4 and road between...Carried.
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Hedges- That the petition of Donald M. Chute and others for
drainage of lots 21 and 22, Conc. 3 & 4, be accepted and Engineers Jewett, Dodd;
and Vallee be requested to make a survey and report on same...Carried. r°
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That this Council approve of the purchase of an Ontario
Hydra bond dude Oct. 1, 1984 @ 5�% interest instead of the $1000. Province of
Ontario bond as set out in resolution of Sept. 2, 1964...Carried.
Moved by HedElliott-
e s
6econded by That Drain Inspector Walter Nelson make a thorough
inspection and report to council at next meeting on condition of Bartley Drain,;
especially in respect to Mr. Murphy's prope rty...Carried.
Authorization was given the Clerk to have Allen Walsh service the furnaces
for the office and fire hall.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That this Council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30
Council resumed regular session at 1.30 P.M.
Messrs. Jack Barclay and George Cameron waited on the Council and requested
additional funds for the Community Centre Board to construct about 150 ft. of
additional sidewalk along west side of Duke Street. Council agreed to consider
this request.
Mr. Walter Nelson waited on the council and discussed drainage problems on the
Fazakas-Slaght and Magyar-Dielemen Drains. It was decided that the engineer
should be requested to have a look at the outlets of these drains with Mr.
Nelson. The Bartley Drain matter was also discussed with Mr. Nelson. Mr.Nelson
was also authorized to make necessary repairs to the Smith Drain.
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Carson- That G. Douglas Vallee, P.Eng. be authorized to proceed
with plans for addition to Township Hall under Federal -Provincial Centennial
A Grant s Programme ... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the Bayham Township Council members be the assessment
Court of Revision for the 1964 assessments for 1965 taxes...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Elliott- That this Council adjourn to form Assessment Court of
Members present were duly sworn in as members of Court of Revision.
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Hedges- That Reeve Phillips be Chiarman of this Assessment Court
C.of R. of Rwvision...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Elliott- That in respect to 1964 taxes, Roll # 1514, for business
` assessment re. F. Langohr and Thos. Edgar, the same be written off in an K
amount of $6.25 as business not operated from Jan. 1/64 to Feb. 28/64 -Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Elliott- That 1964 taxes on Business Assessment of Clair Pressey
Estate be written off as trucking business not operating,
Roll # 1496 in an
amount of $11, 53 ...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded b Hedges- That the 1963 taxes on business Victor Froud
y es- assessment
in an amount of $31.38 plus $1.10 penalty, be written off
as said business nV
operating in 1963...Carried.
e s
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Elliott- That the following adjustments be made in respect to
1964 taxes. -
Roll # 412 -Harris Yeall, reduce taxes by $9.61 for double
assessment on small/
parcel of land,
Roll # 1676A -Ralph Knowleq, rgduc axes by .76¢ for Eden
roper charged... arr e
Street Lights imp -j/
y .
Moved by Elliott t
Seconded by Hedges- That Willy Annaertts assessment for 1965 taxes be changed=
to Separate School support... Carried. Ric& log W fikV A6, i�-/SA V
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Carson- That this Assessment Court of Revision adjourn to meet at r
the call of the Chairman...Carried.
Council resumed regular session.
Road accounts and Road Program were discussed with Road Supt. Tribe.
A delegation of members of the Ratepayers Assn. consisting of Messrs. Ray
Alward, Walter Stansell, Bruce Morse and Earl Greer waited on the council.
Mr. nay Alward read a letter directed to the council and presented a copy of
same to the Clerk which in turn was given to Reeve Phillips. This letter
contained certain comments, suggestions and critielsms directed to Township
Affairs. The delegation requested that a written reply be made to this
letter for presentation at the next meeting of the Ratepayers.
Reeve Phillips went over the letter papagraph by paragraph with the
delegation and sAid that he would prefer to come to the next meeting of the
ratepayers and go over it in much the same manner rather than make a written
The delegation expressed their appreciation for the hearing.'
Messrs. Basil Nevill and George Cameron waited on the council in respect to
taxes and assessment on the Otter Valley Rod and Gun Club property. They
were advised that nothing could be done about the 1964 taxes as the Club
should have appealed their assessment and advised that if they are not at
present with the assessment, to make an appeal against it for this year.
Moved by Carson
#1502 Seconded by Elliott- That By -Law No. 1502 to provide for the Breen Municipal
3rd. Drain, be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Elliott- That application for interim payment of Statutory Graht
be made to the Dept. of Highways on an expenditure of #58,730.13 for the
period Jan. 1, 1964 to Sept. 30, 1964...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That this council grant consent for approximately 150 ft.
of extra sidewalk for Straffordville for 1964...Carried.
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of
X6001.72 for roads and $2163.30 for general accounts...Carried.
Road Accounts - Paylist Sept.. 1 - 15 ------
n 16 - 30 ------
" n - Voucher list--------------
Rec. Gen. - Stamps ------------------------
Geo. Baldwin - Relief for Sept. ---------
June Nevill----�----
Hazel Ray
Barbara Vleeming -n n rt n _________
Rec. Gen. - Stamps for notices------------
Fernlea Flowers Ltd. - Flowers re Pollock --
Ontario Hydro - Hydro for fie hall --------
Co J. Ketchabaw - Groceries re. Pembleton -
Highland Lodge - Care re J. Kennddy-------
Stonecrest Lodge - " " J. Allum---------
Geo. Baldwin - Relief for Oct. ----------
Hazel Ray ----------
Iva McCurdy - ft n Oct. ------------
Barbara Vleeming - n n Oct. ----------
June Nevill
Cty. of Wentworth - Aug.relief re.Xevard---
Twp. of Dereham - n n n G.Tribe---
Victoria Hospital - Drugs re. J. Pal ------
Dellerts Tile Ltd. - Tile for Swance Dr. --
Aylmer & Malahide Tel.Co. - F.D. Phones ----
Hamilton Ward & Cathers-Fleet Ins.re.F.D.--
John Liptak - Fox Bounty ------------------
Hamilton Ward & Cathers-Valuable papers Ins.
Gestetner Ltd. - Vbter's List supplies -----
W. G. Webster - Office Supplies-----------
62 00\
46, 00\
k. 00`
Dan Whaley - Fox Bounty --_________________
Ontario Hydro - Straff.St.Lts.-------------
" Eden
Richmond ""-------------
» tt - Corinth " " --------------
News Printing Co. - Cheques & Notices -----
Municipal World Ltd. - Office Supplies ----
Golden Acres Amb.Serv. - Re. J.Kennedy-----
Violet Smith - Salary Sept.1-15 ------
Rec. Gen. - Un. Ins. ______________________
Violet Smith - Sal. Sept. 16-30-----------
Rec. Gen. - Une Ins. ------------
R. A. Hagell - Fenceviewer ----------------
Alva Brinn - "----------------
Clarence Jenereaul - " ----------------
Rec.Gen. - Pension Ded. Vallee------------
tt rt _
ft tt Smith -------------
» tt Twp's. share ------------
Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for Sept.-------
J.D.Vallee To apply on salary
Rec.Gen. - Tax re. Vallee ---- ___ ------ ____
Jas. S. Davison - Dog Control - 7 @ $5. ----
Harvey Tribe - Cutting lawn 11 @2.-------
C. D. Phillips - Attend 1 meeting ---------
Ross Carson - " " " ---------
N. B. Hedges ------
James S. Elliott ----------
2.40 .
74. $0•
5. 00\
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by CarsoA- That this council adjourn to meet again on October 29th.
at 10.00 A.M...Carried.
one Reeve .
Council Chamber, Straffordville, October 29th. 1964
Pursuant to adjournment of Oct. 5th., the regular meeting of the Bayham Town-
ship Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve
Phillips presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signe
and the following business was done.
Communicktions received included the following. -
Report of Board of Arbitration in respect to appeal by Vienna respecting
percentage to be borne by each municipality in Tillsonburg District High
School Area.
A letter was received from the Deputy Minister of Health concerning Air
Pollution Control Assistance Programme.
From Solicitor Linton, a copy of letter to Lawyer MacDougall re. Prouse case.
A schedule of bus routes was received from the Secretary of East Elgin Dist.
High School Board and he expressed the-Boardts appreciation for the Township%
co-operation in improvement to roads.
A wtitten report was received from Drain Inspector Nelson re. Bartley Drain.
Details fo program for Winter Works, 1964-1965 was received from Dept. of
Municipal affairs.
A bulletin was received from Public School Inspector regarding election, etc.
of trustees for the newly formed Township School Areas.
At eleven A.M. the Engineerts report on the Chute Drain was read and discusses
Present were Mr. John Dodd, O.L.S., Messrs. Donald Chute and Stephen Nezezon
Junior and Senior and Road Supt. Tribe. Interested parties waived right of
full #otice for reading of the report. Engineer Dodd authorized an increase
baa V-1dngt,rh!T,o9 road culvert.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That the engineers report on the Chute Drain be acgepted
and the Clerk prepare necessary by -Law ... Carried.
Drain Inspector Doanld Chute reported that the Carnes Drains was in good
condition with some minor repairs needed, He was authorixed to have this work
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Carson- That Drain Inspector Nelson he and is hereby authorized
to make necessary repairs to Bartlet Drain...Carried.
Moved- by , die dg e s
Seconded by Garner- That this Council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30
Council resumed session at 1.30 P.M. with Dep. Reeve Carson presiding during
a brief absence of Reebe Phillips.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- And resolved that By -Law No. 1504 being a by-law to
provide for Municipal elections for 1964, be now read a first time...Carrie d.
#1504 Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Elliott- And resolved that By -Law No. 1504 be now read a second
time... Carried.
Mowed by Elliott
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1504 be now read a third
time and finally passed...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Elliott- And resolved that By -Law No. 1505 being a by-law to
provide for portions of Union School Sections of other Townships to vote for
Public School Area trustees in Bayham Township, be now read a first time.
,1505 Carried.
Moved by Garner
Sedonded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1505 be now read a second
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Garner- And resolved that Dy -Law No. 1505 be now read a third
time and finally passed... Carried.
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Hedges- And resdlved that By -Law No. 1506, beinga by-law to
provide for the constrcution of the Chute Drain, be now read a first time.
#1506 Carried.
1 & 2 Moved by Garner
Seconded by Elliott- And resolved bhat By -Law No. 1506 be now read a second
time and provisionally passed...Carried.
Clerk Vallee discussed with the council the matter of interest charges on
tax arrears of Gracena Race in respect to payments for gravel to be applied
on these tax arrears.
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Carson- That Gracena Race be allowed interest credit on 1961 tax
es from Sept. 1964 to Dec. 31/64 and also full credit of 1964 interest on
1962 taxes...Carried.
Winter works programs were discussed by the council.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That this Township apply for approval of Winter Works
program for roadside brushin in an amount of $3000. and for fencing and
construtition of guard rails 1500...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That the selectors of Jurors be allowed $14..00 for same.
Mr. Basil 9evill met with the council and further discussed sidewalk matters
with them and Assessor Jackson presented an account for part of 1964 salary,
and allowances.
Road mitters were then discussed with Road Supt. Tribe. He advised that thre
bids for culvert for Tunnel road project had been received as follows;.
Bidder Price small size Price larger size
Armco $2077*00f2517*00
Rosco 3457.00 3770.00
Ontario Culvert 29$3.00 3249.0
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That the tender of Armco Drainage for supply of 841
culvert 1117" span x 715" rise 8 gauge, 67 sq* ft. end at price of $2517.00
for tunnel road construction, be accepted, subject to approval of Dept. of
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of
$5501.95 for roads and $5593.18 for general accounts...Carried.
Road Accounts - Paylist Oct. 1 - 15 ------ 816.07
16 - 30 ------ 864.61
n n _ Voucher list -------------- 3821.27
Geo. Baldwin - Relief Oct. -------------- 52.00
Barbara Vleeming - n n n ______________ 27.00,,
Hazel Ray - " " " ----------- 76.00
Paul Desrocher - " 1 week -------------- 15.00ti,
fT n _ n " n 15.00-,
Highland Lodge Nursing Home-Oct.care-Kennedy 75.75x,
C.J.Ketchabaw - Oct. relief re Pembleton -- 20.00\
Treas. Dereham Twp. - Sept. relief re G.Tribe 16.95\
Cty. of Wentworth -Sept. relief re L. Nevard 40.56
Town of Tillsonburg-Oct. relief re R.Nowell 26.87\
Aylmer & Malahide Tel.Co.-Fire Dept. phones 22.25\
Gestetmer Ltd. -Voters Lists supps.--------- 6.59.
Peter J.Gloin-Fees re court---------------- 24.00
Brantford B1ds.Supps.Ltd.-Tile Lamers Dr. 556 08\
Robt.Byerlay-Repairs to Smith Dr.---------- 467.50,,
Clarence Jenereaul-Landuse for dump 1964--- 50.00,
Mrs.Oral Sivyer- " " " " " --- 50.00
Oscar Bartha - " " " " " --- 50.`-)0�
C.N.R.-Flasrer lights,Inv.44-5152---------- 27.00,,
T► rt n n n n
44-5152---------- 2701N TT f► n .
Tf ff fT _- 5,
44-5155---- -___ 34.
Donald Shearer - Fox Bounty---------------- 4.00
Chas . Norman - " it ------ - --- ---- 4.00.,
W. Jenereaul - " " ________________ 4.00,.
Jewitt,Dodd & Vallee - Survey,etc;Chute Dr. 120.00\
Myrtle Roloson - Relief for Nov.----------- 22.00,
Geo. Baldwin - " " i "----------- 59.00--.
Hazel Ray - rT n n n ----------- 53.00\
Iva McCurdy - " " "----------- 50.00\
Barbara Vleeming - " " "----------- 32,00\
Paul Desrocher - " " " "----------- 38.00, ,
Dennis Garao-e-Fire truck repairs -------- 47.97\
Can. Cul.•Co.Ltd.-Culs.Lamers Dr. --------- 7$$.10,
VanDyk & Wells - Const. Straff-sidewalks--- 563.20\
Violet Smith - Sal. Oct. 1-15 -------------- 74,80-,
Rec. Gen. - Un..Ins------------------------ 2.40
Basil Nevill-Fire Chief for Oct.----------- 35.00-,
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary --------- 307.10\
Rec. Gen. Tax re. Vallee------------------- 25.40.,
Benny Garrett - Cleaning; up grounds-------- 2.50\
Harvey Tribe- " " "-------- 3.50N
j C. D. Phillips - Sde`ting Jurors ---------- 14.00-,
Elton H. Jackson - " "---------- 14.00
J. D. Vallee - " "---------- 14.00.
C.D.Phillips - attend 1 meeting ----------- 14.40,
Ross Carson - " " "----------- 14.20,
N. B. Hedges - n n "----------- 14.QON
Harold Garner - " " " ___________ 13.50\
James S. Elliott -" " "----------- 15.50-.
C .D. Phill ips - day land purchases------- 7.00-,
Elton H. Jackson -20% Dog Tac--------------- 325.60
-Mileage 2106 @ 100-------- 210.60,
TT n f► -Apply on`salary--------- 915.00\
Rec. Gen -Tax re E. Jackson----------------- 85.OQK
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn to meet again on Tuesday
f December lst. at 10:00 A.M...Carried.
Township Office, Straffordville, November 26th. 1964.
A brief meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the forenoon of
the above date, all members present except Councillor Garner and Reeve
Phillips presided.
The purpose of the meeting was to consider action for extending the time for
closing of the 1964 assessment Court of Revision.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Elliott- And resolved that By -Law No. 1507
extend the time for closing of the 1964 AssessmentCourt
#1507 read a first time...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that
time and finally passed...Carried.
Special meeting; then adjourned,
`_1'_ .--- __
being a by-law to
of Revi son , be now
By -Law No. 1507 be now read a second
By -Law No. 1507 be now read a third
Township Office, Straffordville, December 1st. 1964.
Pursuant to adjournment of Oct. 29th., the regular meeting of the Bayham
Township Council was held on1the above date with all members present except
Councillor Garner. Mteve Phillips presided. Minutes of the last regular and
special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business
was done.
Communications received included the following; -
Ontario Municipal Board approval was received for the Chute Drain.
Requests for grants were received from the Township Road Supt.'s Assn. and
',liar Memorial Childrkns' Hospital at London.
A bulletin dated Nov. 2, 1964 was received respecting Federal -Provincial
Centennial Grants Programme,
Mr, George M. Beard return partly paid tax bill for 1964 for his property at
lot 119, Conc. 7, stating that he had examined same and deemed it not worth
the assessed value of $100. and that the Township could have sane. The Cler
was instructed to reply that this property would have to go through the usua
channel for unpaid taxes.
A letter was received from Mr. Geo. Lysy requesting repairs to Township Road
between lots 20 and 21, Conc. 3.
A payment of interim subsidy on ra'is was received in an amount of $15,614,07
A copy of County By -Law No. 1874 to confirm Township od Bayham By -Law No.
1497 was received.
A Blanket Position Bond No. 830549 of Gore Mutual Insurance Co. was received
effective from noon on Dec. 1st. 1964 covering Township employees.
Mr. E. W. Haines, Solicttor, requested council consent for transfer of two
Mr. Harry Brown advised that the county had taken over all his land as
assessed and taxed for 1964, Roll No. 61.
Communications were received from Mr. Linton regarding tunnel road.
Mr. Linton also advised that,in connection with the Prouse pvoperty, Mr.
Thompson had filed all necessary documents and the appeal bas been perfected
and should be heard before the Court of Appeal in Toronto some time in Dec.
Dept. of Highway approval was received for purchase of Multi -plate arch
culvert for Tunnel Road job at a price of $2517.00.
Reeve McCord and 3 Councillors,bogether with Mr. Lee Garnham, met with the
Bayham Council and discussed further steps to be taken in regards to the
proposed Pokorny Drain. It was agreed that certain owners would be contacted
in this matter.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Elliott- That the annual grant of $25.00 be made to the Elgin
Township Road Supt.'s Assn...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Elliott- That Rohn Walker be authorized to
on Drain No.l on Walker farm being about 30 ft. of 10"
have tile repairs
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.45
Council resumed regular session about 1.45 P.PR.
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Carson- That a grant of $25.00 be made to the War Memorial Child
rents Hospital at London...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Elliott- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1102, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant
consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, nemely part of the
south east quarter Lour 4, Conc, 8, Township of Bayham, by Joseph Alonzo
Harvey and Janet Irene Harvey to John Martin Hedderson...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded. by Carson- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1102, it is herwwith recommended that the Minister grant
consent fair the sale of the following parcel of lard, namely part lot 15,
Conc. 5, Township of Bayham, by Charles Norris and Violet Norris to Paul
Clerk Vallee advised that no appeals had been received on the Chute Drain
assessments and that Court of revision on same was not necessary.
I:oved by Hedges
#1506 Seconded by Elliott- That By -Law No. 1506, for the construction of Chtte
3rd. Drain, be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried.
Mr. Doug. Vallee, P.Eng. met with the council and presented the Bridge
Appraisal Survey as' recently completed by himself. He cotFered this report
with the members and left copies for office and council use and two copies
to be forwarded to the Municipal Engineer at London.
Mire Chief Nevill with Fireman Harold lennis met with the council and
discussed the condition of present fire dept. equipment. Also they explained
how additional equipment can be purchased and receive a 45% grant through
the Fire Ivlarshallts office. Fire Chief Nevill was authorized to procure
specifications and tenders for prices on a new truck even if the Council was
unable to purchase same in 1965.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to petit-
ion the Minitter of Municial Affairs for grant on the constrcution of the
Chute Drain under Section 93 of The Drainage Act 1962-63,..Carried.
Road Supt. Tribe discussed road matters with the council and presented a
by-law as prepared by Solicitor Linton for*expropriation of certain.lands
for the alteration and widening of tunnel roa4.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1508 being a by-law to
expropriate certain lands in Township of Bayha�, for the alteration and widener
ing of a road known„ as the Tunnel Road, be now read a first time...Carried.
Moved by Elliott
#1508 Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1508 be now read a second
time ... Varrie d .
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Elliott- And resolved that By -Law No. 1508 be now read a third
time and finally passed... Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Elliott- That the Reeve sign the
x'$63$9.7$ for roads and $6441.31 for general
order sheets in amounts of
May Stephenson- Relief for pt. Nov.----------
Stonecrest Lodge - Nursing Home re. Allum ----
Ontario Municipal Board- Chute Drain fee -----
Paul Desrocher - Relief for part Nov. --------
Geo. Baldwin - " " i " ________
37.5A �>
` _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _
Hazel Ray Relief for Nov..
$ $3.04,
May Stephenson- " » R _______________
r` Aylmer & Malahide Tel. Co. - Office phones -----
Barbara Vleeming - Relief for � Nov.----------
John Eising - Foster child care m G.Coville---
Houghton Twp. -Oct. relief re Weaver-----------
Dereh&m Twp. ---u " " Tribe------------
County of Wentworth- Oct.relief re Nevard-----
Prov. Treas.-Insulin re J.Pal-----------------
f Victoria Hospital - Drugs re J.Pal------------
Hamilton,Ward & Cathers - Ad j .prem.Comp.Policy
Village of Pt.Burwell-Fire Call Line------ ----
Peter J. Gloin - Certifying copies Voter's List 3.15,
n ti rt - Fees re Court cases----------
Armstrong's Drury, Store- F. A. Kit for F.D.----
A. & M. Tel. Co. - Fire Dept, phones----------
Aylmer Express - Advt.-----------------------
News Printing Co. - Advts. &. Printing------
Burns McKenzie - Fuel for office ----- -_-------
Frank Foran - Fox Bounty----------------------
Tony Whaley - " "----------------------
Geo. Grass - " "----------------------
Nathan Havward " " __----_____-_--_------
G. W. Cattle Con. -t. Co. -Contract Lamers Dr.--
Dewey Ward - Damapes, etc. Lamers Dr.---------
Bert Lamers - " " " "---------
J.D.Vallee - Clerk's fees "---------
Pon. M. Chute -Commissioner n - --------
G.Duncan Black Ltd.-Supervision,Etc.Lamers Dr*
Burns McKenzie - Fuel for F.D.----------------
W.G.Webster - Office supplies(31nvoices)------
C . J . Ket chabaw - Relief re. Peiableton------ ----
Highland Lodge Nursing Home -Care re.Kennedy---
Stonecrest Longe - re Allum Care--------------
June Nevill - Relief for 1 Dec -------- --------
Gertrude Roloson - Relief for all Dec.--------
Iva McCurdy - Relief for allDec.-------------
Geo.Baldwin - " " " _ ____________
Hazel Ray - It " �t
53 0&o
Barbara Vleemina;" " " "-------------
May Stephenson- " " " "------ ----- --
Dennis Garage - Repairs tank truck------------
104, 54,
Deller's Tile Ltd. -Fibre Felt Etc.,Lamers Dr.-
Treas.Twrp.Rd.Supts.Assn. - Grant--------------
Walter Nelson -Super & Insp.Swance Dr.---------
n " _ tt " tr Smith "---------
,t r " Bartley "---------
Robert Byerlay - Repairs to "------
Deller's Tile Ltd. - Tile for Smith Dr.-------
Mitchell & Cameron - Bond prem. ---------------
Donald M. Chute - Insp.Locker Dr.-------------
1, rr _ rt Mitts "-------------
War Memorial Children's Hospital - Grant------
Frank Volkaert - Care Hainer children---------
Violet Smith - Office help Nov. 1-15--------=-
Rec. Gen. - Un. Ins.----------------------- --
Violet Smith - Office Sal. Nov. 16-30---------
Rec. Gen. - Un. Ins.----- ---------- --------- --
Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for Nov.------------
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary-------------
Rec. Gen. - Tax re. Vallee— ----
C. D. Phillips - attend 2 meeting ------------
Ross Carson- " " "------------
Bruce Hedges - " " " ______-----_
James S. Elliott - " " "------------
31.00, -
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Elliott - that
Tuesday Dec. 15th, 1964 at
this Council adjourn to meet again on
1 P.M.
Township Hall, Straffordville, Nov, 30th, 196..
A nomination meetingof the Public School Supporters of the Township of
Bayham was held on he above date at the hour of 7.30 P.M. for the purpose
of nominating candidates for the office of three trustees for the newly
formed Public School Area of the Township of Bayham. About 40 interested
persons attended. At the close of one hour, the following names were duly
placed in nominations.
J. Mack Ball
Jesse Dennis
John Frogmett
Lloyd Chute
Anthony Kennedy
Murray Scanlan
Clifford Soper
Stephen Gregson
Murray Swance .
Douglas Rabbets
Eden Salesman
Straffordville Farmer
R.R.1, Vienna Merchant
Calton Mechanic
R.R.2, Port Burwell Farmer
R.R. ,
n " n
R.R.1,Straffordville "
R.R.5, Tillsonburg "
R.R.4, Aylmer "
A brief after -meeting was held with J. D. Vallee as Chairman and each of
the candidates were called upon to address the gathering.
By 9.00 P.m. the following evening (Dec. 1st.) the following persons
had duly qualified for office.
J. Mack Ball
Jesse tennis
Anthony Kennedy
Murray Scanlan
Stephen Gregson
Murray Swance
Douglas Rabbets
This being more than the required number, a poll was held on Monday,
Dec. ' 7th. 1964 from 9.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. with the following results. -
Anthony George Kennedy - 219 votes E
Judson Mack Sall - 202 " E
Stephen Gregson - 162 " E
Murray Conrad Swance - 138 "
Jesse Lewis Dennis - 123
Murray Scanlan - 87 "
Edward Douglas Rabbets - 56 "
I, J. D. Vallee, Returning Officer for the Township of Bayham, hereby
declare Anthony George Kennedy, Judson Mack Ball and Stephen Gregson
duly elected as Trustees for Bayham Township Public School Area for the
year 1965. Q0
�rK ana returning
Adjourned sittings of the Court of Revision of the Township of Bayham for the
,1964 assessment appeals was held as follows; -
Nov. 23, 1964 - Court assembled at 10.05 A.M. Present were C.D.Phillips, Roas
Carson, N. B. Hedges, James Elliott and Assessors Jackson and McLean. a
Court adjourned for noon and met again at 1.15 P.M. "Y
Court adjourned at 5.10 P.M. to meet again Nov. 24/64 at 10.00 A.M. „
Nov, 24 1964 - Court assembled at 10.05 A.M. Present were Messrs.
Carson Hedges and Elliott and Assessors Jackson and McLean
� g •
Court adjourned for noon and met again at 1.15 P.M.
During the hearing of Roll No. 946, Mr. Aay Alward questioned the Court's-
competence and authority to hear and determine this appeal:as certain
members of the Court were named on Mr. Alward's appeal of the property
under Roll No. 946 and he declared that one member ofily of the Court was
competent and elegible to hear and determine this appeal.
This matter was discussed by the members of the Court and Chairman Phill-
ips adjourned the Court to procure legal advice on the matter.
Court was resumed at 3.30 P.M. on being assured they could deal with Mr.
Alward's and other appeals.
Court adjourned at 5.30 P.M. to meet on Nov. 26/64 at 10.00 A.M*
Nov. 26, 1964 - Court assembled at 10.05 A.M. Present were Messrs. Phillips,
Carson, Hedges and Elliott and Assessors Jackson and McLean.
Court adjourned for noon $nd--met again at 1.15 P.M.
Court adjourned at 5.20 P.M. to meet on Nov. 30/64 at 10.00 A.M.
Nov. 30, 1964 - Court assembled at 10.10 A.M. Present were Messrs. Phillips,
i Carson, Hedges and Elliott and Assessors Jackson and McLean.
On hearing of Roll numbers 518A and 518B, appealed by Mr. Ray Alward, Mr.
Alward requested that these be laid over to a later date. Mr. Jenkins and;
Mr. Grant C.Brown being present for this appeal, Chairman Phillips ruled
that the same be proceeded with.
Mr. Galeckas was present for Mr. Alward's appeal a.n st his property,
being Roll number 1310.
During the hearing of Roll numbers 510 and 511, Mr. Hedges retired from
the Court.
During the hearing of Roll numbers 1340, 1346, 1366"and 1576, Mr. Carson
retired from the Court Court ad j . for noon and met at 1.15 P.M.
Chairman Phillips name Mr. Carson to preside during the hearing of Roll
numbers 252, 2539 254, 255, 2569 257 and 1177 and retired from the Court.
Following this Mr. Phillips resumed the chair.
Mr. Alward advised the Court that previous objections taken by him to
certlin members hearing appeals, were those of his own and not from the
Bayham Township ratepayers' Association.
Court adjourned at 2.35 P.M. to meet again at the call of the Chairman.
Dec. 9, 1964 - Court assembled on this date at the call of the Chairma�..88
Present were Messrs. Phillips, Carson, Hedges and Elliott and
Assessors Jackson and McLean.
Court adjourned for noon and resumed at 1.10 P.M.
Court adjourned at 5.30 P.M. to meet on Decq 11/64 at 10.00 A.M.
Dec. 11, 1964 - Court assembled at 10.10 A.M. Present were Messrs. Phillips,
arson Hedges and Elliott and Assessors Jackson and McLean.
ourt adjou ned for noon at 12.15 P.M. and re ed 1.15 P M�
Court adjourned at 5.45 P.M. to meet again on ec, rj/64 at x.00 P.M.-
.M.Dec. 15, 1964 - Court assembled at 9.15 X.M. Present were Messrs. Phillips,
Carson, Hedges and Elliott and Assessors Jackson and McLean.
Mr. Hedges did not sit on the Court during further consideration of Roll
numbers 510. and 511.
Mr. Carson withdrew from Court during bonsideraton of Roll numbers 1340,
1346 1366 and 1576.
Mr. hillips asked Mr. Carson to assume the chair and retired for the
further consideration of Roll numbers 252,253,254,255, 256,257 and 1177.
Following this Mr. Phillips resumed the chair and expressed the Court's
appreciation of the committee of the Ratepayer's Association who had
attended the sittings of the Court.
Court adjourned for noon and meet again at 1.15 P.M.
Court resumed at 1.25 P.M.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Elliott- That this Court of Revision, having considered all
Appeals against the 1964 Assessment Roll for the Municipality of Bayham prop-
erly before it, now certifies this Roll, as Revised and Amended by the
decisions of the Court, to be the Last Revised Assessment Roll of the Munic-
ipality, in accordance with Section ?3 of the Assessment Act (R.S.O. 19609
Chapter 23). Carried. C.D.Phillips, Chairman
J. D. Vallee, Clerk.
Court adjourned at 2.05 P.M.
Roll No, Appellant Respecting Whom Grounds of Decision of Court.
39 Anthony Alilunis Self Assm. too high Reduce bldg.assm. by $250.if
72 Lizbeth Waller " Unfair asst. Assessment upheld. vl
compared with
others '
?3 Joseph Bootle " Assm. too high Assessment upheld.
95 C. O'Geil " " " n Assessment upheld,
6 C. O'Geil n " » » Assessment upheld.
9 Asse amen p eld.
110 Eileen Matthews " a " " " Land reduced b 0
Bld . » " ✓
135 Percy E.DeHetre Nipps Estate Shpuld be farm Class. changed to farrp land.
not residential
259 Douglas Harrett Self Not residential Reduce land by $50. and
class as farm land.,/
272 Reg. McQuiggan " Lot 4 should be Land in lot 4 assess with lot 5
with #275
275 Reg. McQuiggan » Lot 4 to be added Change as Ro&l 272.
318 Charles Racz " Barn removed and Reduce bldg. asset. by $100.
house too high
380 Fred and Hattie " Assm.too high Assessment upheld.
400 Shirley R. Vank " " " " Reduce bldg. assm. b $100.�/
g y
408 Ahthony Varga Varla Farms Ltd. " " " Reduce bldg. assm. by 150. y��
" land " " 1500
420 Anthony Varga " " " » Assessment upheld.
422 Anthony Varga " " " " Reduce land assm. b g Y450. $
427 Charles Racz Self House removed Reduce bldg. assm. by $100.
436 George Lysy n Not residential Reduce land assm. by 50. and"
Assm. too high Bldg.assm. by 1C*. ciange to
497 Martin Weisz " Assm. too high Assessment upheld.
525 Wm. Underhill Reduce bldg. assm. by 350. and
land assm. by $100.
558 Buster Thompson " » " " Reduce bldg, assm. by $150.
562 Otto Stanat Bldg. too high Assessment upheld.
566 Harry Roloson " Assm. too High Assessment upheld.
567 K. B. Kennedy » Bldg. too high Reduce bldg, assm. by 4500+`-_/
574 Mrs. Geo.L.Acre " Assessed too high Assessment upheld. l
629 Violet and Charles » » " " Assessment upheld:
630 n n n n " » " "
Reduce bldg.sant. by $100o and
0b 100 Y Ad j st 631 to
. Bus. assm.
Roil No. Appellant Respecting Whom Gvvunds df
Complaint Decision of Court, £'
635 Henry Desimpel Self Change of Change tenant to Geo.Shearer/ r
tenant and assess for business. /
642 Bert Mitts Self Assm. too high Assessment upheld. X
6 » n n " " " Assessment upheld.
43 .
644 n » n n n » No adjustment.
676 George Ly sy Rene Fayard 95ac. not 100ac. Reduce land assm. by $200.
802 Ken Grant Self 4 apts. @ 1450. Reduce bldg assm, by $16000
too high. (4 x 400.)
803 " " " Assm. too high Increase bldg. assm. by $11 0.
804 » n n " " " Adjust re .Roll No. 803 ,
Increase by $400. s
806 n n " n n " Assm. upheld.
810 Russell Dair " " " " Reduce bldg. assm. by 400.!
Adj, # 811 to $$00.
840 " n » » n n Reduce land assm. by$ 50.
824 Geo. E. Cameron Otter Valley Rod " " " Reduce land assm. by $7 and
& Gun Club Bldg. assm. by $450.
895 J, A. Martyn Self " " Assessment upheld. v
896 " " " " " " Assessment upheld.
1 Geb.E.Cameron " " " " Reduce land b $50. and bldg.
9 9 y $5 g
by $ 200.
946 Ray Alward Ray Alward & Son " " " Reduce land assm. by $150.1/
518A " " Geo. Jenkins Assessment too low. Assessment upheld.l%�
518B " " " " " " " Assessment upheld.
1310 " " Vincent Galeckas " " " Assessment upheld.
510 " " Bruce Hedges " " " Assessment upheld.
511 r: n » » n n " Assessment upheld.
1340 " " Ross Carson " " " Assessment upheld.
1346 " " " " " " " Assessment upheld.
1366 " " " " " " " assessment upheld, 3
1576 " » " n n n n
Assessment upheld. /
252 " " C. D. Phillips " " " Assessment upheld.
253 " " " " " " " Assessment upheld.
254 " " " " " " " Assessment upheld. ti's
255 " " " " " " " Assessment upheld,
256 " " " " " " " Assessment upheld. Jf'`
257 " " " " " " " Assessment upheld.!
1177 " " " " " " " Assessment upheld,.
972 J. A. Martyn Self Assessment too High Assessment upheld.
996 W. H. Stansell " " " " Reduce land assa►. by and
bldg, assm. by #50.
Roll No, Appellant Respecting Whom Grounds of Decisions of Court.
Harold Dennis
A. G. Rivett
Dominik Ratz
Assm. too high
" House vacant
Mar. 1964
Ray Silverthorn "
n " n
n » n
Joseph Magyar "
Thomas Nedozytko "
n n n
» n n
Albert Quelch "
» » n
n n »
» n n
n n n
W. E. Greer "
Maurice Vansevebant "
J. D. Vallee Bell Tel.Co.
. 1613
Leon Regan Self
n n n
n n n
Wm. Burwell "
n n n
John Chilcott "
Donald Nickerson "
A. Yankis "
H. Rugienis "
Helen Boyd "
Reduce land assm. by Or. and
bldg. assm. by $250 100$ to
be reduced by $50.�/
Reduce blgd. asset, by $200./
Assessment upheld.
Assm. too high Reduce Bldg. assm. by $200.1/
Reduce bldg• assm. b 2 t�
y � 5 0.
Adj. re.1104,less by $ 50.
Reduce land assm. by $50.
Assessment upheld.
Assessment uF held.1/
No change. ilz
Assessment upheld.
Assessment upheld.
No. change
Reduce land assm. by $150.1$
Made out as owner Change to Thos.Edgar as tt,
Thos. Edgar Adj. to # 1185, now $550-P
too high Reduce Bldg. assm. by 550.
n n n Appeal withdrawn. ;
Bldgs torn down Remove bldg. assm. of $450.1
Increase land Appeal upheld.
assm. to $3340,
Reduce land
assm. to $3321 Appeal upheld.
Assm. too high Assessment upheld.
Assessment upheld.
No change
n n n Assessment upheld.
Assessment upheld.
» » n No. change.
also Reduce bldg. assm. by $50.
some bldgs.removed.
Chicken house torn Reduce bldg. assm. by $100.1
Bldgs. too high Assessment upheld.
Reduce land assm. by $50.
also assess with %
Land too high Reduce land assm. by $50.
Dwight Boyd " Assm. too high & Assm.upheld. Change oMn shi
ownership. to Dwight,Helan,Nelso Viola
Roll No. Appellant
1550 Nelson Boyd
Respecting Whom (),rRunds of
762 William Rex Self
?91 " " Nestor Procyk
?92 tt tt » tt
754 Verne Walsh Self
945 Ray Alward Self
947 " " R. Alward & Son
Decision of Court.
01- A s s e s smen
ourt-" o
Assm. upheld. Chane
and ownership
to Dwight,Helen,Ne on
& Viola
Assessment upheld.
Reduce bldg. assm. by
Adjust re.P91,reduce
by $600
to J.VanGulch
Reduce Bldg. assm. by
Adjust re, f946, less
by $50411/
01- A s s e s smen
ourt-" o
Township Office, Straffordville, Dec. 15th, 1964.
Pursuant to adjournment of Dec. lot., the regular meeting of the Council of
the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and
Reeve Phillips presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings
were read, approved and signed and the following business was done.
A bulletin was received from Lake Erie Regional Development Association.
Approvals were received fromDept. of Municipal Affairs covering Winter Works
Projects Nos. 0-702 and 0-703.
Comments were received from Dept. of Municipal Affairs in respect to draft
copy of a by-law to Regulate the erection of buildings and strauctures along
township Roads.
Agreements and by-laws for extension of franchise of Union Gas Co, were
received and laid over for future consideration.
Fire Dept. report for 1964 was received and filed.
Fire Chief Nevill discussed fire Dept, matters with the members and also some
problems pertaining to sidewalk construction in Straffordville.
Moved by Carson
Se aonded by Elliott- That Saturday, 'pec. 26th. be observed as Boxing Day in
and for the Township of Bayham...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the Treasurer is
Perpetual Care Fund interest as follows;-
Straffordville Cemetery Board
Guy sboro
from Savings Account # 3... Carried.
hereby authorized to pay Cemetery
--- $335.16
--- 314.36
--- 184.(/
--- 205.42
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Garner- That grants be made as follows to the cemeteries under
perpetual care to make return on their respective investments up to 5%;-
Straffordville Cemetery Board -- $52.34
Eden » 49.09:.
Calton " " 2$.$6
Guysboro " " -- 32.0$ ...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Garner- That the 1964 levy be paid to the Otter Creek Conservation
Authority in an amount of $1989.00... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded bElliott- That Hydro Arrears added to 1964 tax roll be paid in an
amount of L38-05 ... Carried.
Two tenders were received for the construction of the Chute Drain as follows;-
G.W.Cattle Const. Co. -- ----- $1185.00
Robert Byerlay------------- 1000.00.
Moved by Hedges .
Seconded by Garner- That the tender of Robert Byerlay for supply of material
and instal same for Chute Drain at a cost of $1000. be accepted...Carried.
Road S upt. Tribe discussed raod matters with the council and consideration
was given to tendering for a new truck or trucks.
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Hedges- That this Council request permission from the Dept. of
Highways to tender for purchase of 2 dump trucks, G.V.W. 29,000 lbs. min. and
present 2 trucks to be used as trade-ins...Carried.
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Carson- That subject to Dept. of Highways approval, tenders for 4
trucks be advertised in local papers and same to close on date to be set by
Reeve abd delivery of vehicles to be on or before March 1, 1965...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Elliott- That the report of the Fire Chief for 1964 be acdepted
and the volunteer firemen be paid at the rate of $4.00 per trip for the July
to December period...Carried.
Moved by Elliott
Seconded by Garner- That the usual year end bonuses be paid as follows;-
• Reeve C. D. Phillips - $100.
Each Councillor.and Dep. Reeve - $30. each.
Assessor, Road Supt., Clerk and Office
Secretary - #30. each
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve sign the order
sheets in amounts of $8484,
for roads and $6270.09 for general accounts...Carried.
Road accounts - Pay list Dec. 1 - 15 ------- $
» " - Payment voucher ------------
neceiver 1eneral - Stamps ------------------
Houghton Township -Nov. relief re.Weaver 6060--
Dereham ^ - Tribe 6060---
Tillsonburg - ^ ^ ^ Nowell 6060--
Aylmer & Mal. Tel Co.- Fire Dept.Phones 6060--
Certified Electric Co.- Bulbs Straf.St.Lts.-
Deller's Tile Ltd.- Tile Bartfey Dr.rep.60406060
Municipal World Ltd.- Office supplies ------
C. Laing - Bulbs,Rich. St. Lts. --6060--6060 6060--
News Printing Co.- A_dvts &printing --------
Otter Creek Cons. Auth. - 1964 levy ---------
Ontario Hydro - Arrears on 1964 tax roll ---
138.05., - �'x,
Geo. Baldwin - Relief for Dec. -----6060--6060
Hazel Kay — " » » _—__err6060_—_
Barbara Vleeming- ^ " " 6060---6060--6060
May Stephenson- ^ ^ t. ^ 6060---6060--6060
June Nevill - " » » ___60606060--6060
Burns McKenzie - Fuel for F.D.-------------
Norman Bates - Supplies fire dept. ---------
» " - Bulb, St. Lts. ----_6060-6060--6060
- Office supplies -------------
Byerlay Bros. - Fill for Str.sidewalke 6060---
John C. Tribe - Exp. re. turkey dinner -----
Straffordville Cemetery Bd.- Interest ------
335.16`. - sane#3•
Eden " " - ^ -6060--6060
314.36•, -
Calton » » _ " 6060--6060
184.79 - "
Guysboro » " _ " 6060--6060
205.42. - "
Straffordville " " - Grant ---------
Eden " " - "------
Calton » » - " 6060-60____60
2$, $6,.
Guysboro " ^ - " 6060-6060--6060
Howard Chute - D.R.O #1 & mileage ----------
Percy Clarke - P.Clerk #1-------------------
Treas. of Pt. Burwell - Poll.Place #1 ------
Murray Emerson - D.R.O #2 & mileage --------
Mrs. Norman Light - P. Clerk #2 ------------
Norman Light - Poll. Place #2 --------------
Elton H. Jackson- D.R.O. #3 & mileage ------
Ray Thurston - P.Clerk #3 ------------------
" » - Poll. Place #3 --------------
Harry P. Grant- D.R.B.4 ------------------
100m, --
Lyle Walsh - P. Clerk 4 -------------6060--6060
Straff. Com.Centre Bd.- Poll Place #4 ------
Howard Coomber - D.R.O; #5 & mileage--------
Alonzo Hagell - P. Clerk 15 --------- -------
Treas, Corinth W.I.- Poll Place #5 ---------
Harold Sawyer - D.R.O. #6 & mileage --------
Catherine McDowell - P. Clerk # 6 ----------
Bayham Twp.Sch.Bd.- Poll Place # 6 ---------
Fred Procunier - D.R.O. #7 & mileage -------
Bertha Berdan - P. Ar 7 ---------------
Bayham Twp.Sch.Bd.- Poll Place # 7 ---------
Mrs. Cliffird Soper- D.R.O. # 8 & mileage --
Hazel Phillips - P. Clerk # 8 --------------
Treas. S.S.No.4 - Poll Place # 8 -----------
J. D. Vallee - Delivery ballot boxes -------
Municipal World Ltd.- Electi6n supplies ----
News Printing Co.- Ballots -----------------
W. L. Locker - 10 brips fire truck ---------10.00.
Ken Everitt - 17 " » " _________
HaroldA.Dennis -12 " " ^-________
Basil Nevill - 21
Willis ,Marr - 20 " " " 6060-6060--6060
John Tribe, - 12 " " " 6060-6060--6060
Albert Cook - 18 " 6060-6060--6060
Lloyd Dickenson- 9 trips fire truck --------- $ 36.00`
Walter Moore - 10 » " "---------
Jack Nevill - 5 " " ^---------
Andy Taylor - 14 " ^ "---------
Norman Bates - 13 » " "---------
Violet Smith - Sal. Dec. 1 - 15 -------------
neceiver General - Un. Ins. -----------------
Basil "evill - Fire Chief for Dec; ----------
J. D. Vallee - Bal. 1964 salary -------------
Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee -----------
M. L. Chute - Sch.Attend.Off. & Exp, --------
Peters, Brown & Co.- Pt. audit fee 1964 -----
James S. Davison - Dog control --------------
John C. Tribe - Bldg. Insp. for 1964 --------
n n n _ Bonus -----------------------
Elton H.Jackson- "_______________________
Violet Smith - "-----------------------
J. D. Vallee - "-----------------------
C. D. Phillips - " & i meeting -----------
Ross Carson - " & 1 "-----------
N. B. Hedges - " & 1 ^--_-__-----
Harold Garner - " & 1 "-----------
James S.Elliott- & 1 "-----------
Moved by Garner
Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn to meet again on Jan. 4th. 1965
at 10.00 A,M,.,Carried.
eras .