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Bayham Council Minutes 1963
TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1963 710 Township Office, Straffordville, January 7th, 1963. The regular meeting of the 1962-3 council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Phillips presiding. Minut- es of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following bus- iness was done. A letter was received from Judge McMillan advising that the hearing of the r Clarence Locker appeal had been posphoned to Jan. 10th. Mr. Clarence Locker personally served written notice that he had abandoned his assessment appeal respecting the Carnes Municipal Drains. Approval was received for the construction of Office and Firehall on a Winter Works project. Mr. James McBain confirmed the Federal Government's contribution to this program. A report was received from. the Interim Gas Committee of Woodstock. A request for grant was received from The Salvation Army, Elgin County Seed Fair, St. John Ambulance and a request for membership from the Ontario Assn. of Rural Municipalities. Ontario Municipal Board approvals were received for the Magyar and Fazakas Municipal Drains. Consent to proceed with these drains was received from the Dept. of Public Works2 Communications from Dept. of'Municipal Affairs and Solicitor Linton regarding the withholding of consent for the Vermeersh and Hopf properties were received. An estimate was received from the C.N.R. regarding flashing lights and bell at the George Elliott crossing Concessions 10 and 11. A proposal for sight line improvements at B.P.R. crossing mileage 28.52 Port Burwell Subd. was received from Board. of Transport Commissioners. Clerk Vallee7aue a report on tax collections to Jec. 31st. 1962 showing that 65.15 % of 1962 taxes and been collected to that date. + Loved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That this council having examined the Treasurer's and Tax Collector's bond, it is herewith directed that the same be placed in Township vault...Carried. Moved by Hedges oeconded by Pressey- That the usual grant of :p25.00 be made to the Richmond Library... Carried. Moved by Hed7es A Seconded by Carson- That the Clerk order 10 copies of the Municipal World for Council and "fficials... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That all school Boards be required to submit their req- uisitions for funds to this council not later than March 15, 1963... Carried. Aoved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That council members Pressey and Carson be named to the Eden {Community Centre Board.f©r 1963...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That council members Hedge and James be named to the Straffordville Community Centre Board for 19 3...Carried. I* Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That Arnold 11cDowell be appointed to the Calton Cemetery Board for a three year term...Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Pressey- That Ross Carson be named to the Otter Creek Conservation Authority for 1963... Carried. Moved by Hedge s Seconded by Pressey- That Mr. E. '4. Patchell be appointed to complete the unexpired term of Mr. J. A. Martyn as Bayham's representative on the Tillson- burg District High School Board...Carried. Moved by Carson jeconded by Pressey- That the usual grant of :25.00 be made to the Elgin Seed Fair, A. V. Langton Sec.-Treas...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- That the annual grant of $75.00 be made to The Salvation Army at London... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That the usual grant oflQ• 11 7111 Ambulance...Carried. I"loved by Carson Seconded by Pressey- That a grant of :350.00 be made to the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture for the current year...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- That this Townshi3 join the Ontario Association of Rural municipalities and Clerk send fee of 15.00... Carried. Moved. by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- That this council approve of installing of crossing lights at C.N.R. crossing mileage 97.67, Cayuga Subd, at, an estimated cost of ;P7100. with annual maintenance estimated at $560. per year, and that this Township will assume its share of the above expenditure as well as assuming the cost of extending the crossing plank to 26 feet in width at an estimated cost of $102. Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by darson- That this council approve of the recommendations of the Board of Transport Commissioners in connection with sight line improvements at C.P.R. crowsing mileage. 28.52 Pt . Burwell Subd. and. that -n c -t-i.-Ma.te of :i?'60. be submitted as the cost of this work...Carried. rJloved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1466 being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of up to 200,000.00 from the Canadian ? 'mperial Bank t 1466 of Cpmmerce, until taxes are collected, be noir read a first time...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1466 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1466 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried, itiioved by Hedges Seconded by Pressey- That "trant Mitchell, Croft Garnhain and William Ward be appointed to the Straff.ordville Cemetery Board for a term of 3 years and that Dewey Vallee be council representative for 1963... Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 11+.67, being a by-law to ff 1467 appoint certain officers for 1963, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Hedges 0econded by Pressey- And resolved that By --Law No. 1467 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by Pressey `'econded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1467 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1468 beim a by-law to appoint 1468 Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers for 1963 be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1468 be now read a second time...Carried. 1.1oved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1468 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 2.00 P.M...Carried. During the noon hour, Reeve Phillips was iz�A the Council members, Township Officials Ex -Reeves, High School Trusteenhe local Bank Manager to a very delightful dinner served by the ladies of the Straffordville United eburch in the Church basement. Reeve Phillips welcomed his guests, and each in turn were invited to speak briefly. Reeve Phillips was congratulated or his completion of a ver successful year as Warden of Elgin County. De .,�eeve Y Y g Y P Pressey thanked Reeve Phillips and the ladies of the church for the most enjoyable noon hour. Council resumed regular session about 2.00 P.N. C 712 Clerk Vallee teported that no appeals had been received on either the Magyar- Dieleman drain or the Fazakas-Slaght Drain so Courts of Revision were not necessary. Moved by Pressey x`1464 Seconded by James- That Ey-Law No. 1464 providing for the construction of the 3rd. Magyar-Dieleman Drain, be now read a third time and finally Passed... Carried. Moved by Carson X1465 Seconded by Pressey- That By -Law No. 1465, ;providing for the construction of 3rd. the Fazakas-Slaght Drain be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried.' Moved by Hedges Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1469, heine a by-law to # 14b9 authorize a grant of %350.00 to the Federation of Agriculture of Elgin County, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- And resolved time..,Carried, :roved by James Seconded by Carson- And resolved and finally passed...Carried. that By -Law No. 1469 be now read a second that By -Law No. 1469 be now read a third time Moved by Pressey x'1463 Seconded by Hedges- That Clarence Locker, having withdVawn his appeal to the Conf. County Judge respecting assessment on the Carnes Dram; the third and final reading of By -Law No. 1463 is herewith conflrmed,..Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by James- That the Clerk advertise for tenders for the construction of the Carnes Municipal Drains, the Magyar-Dieleman Drain and the Fazakas- Slaght Drain, same to close on Feb. 1st. at noon. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That the date for closing of tenders on new office and firehall be extended to Jan. 25th. 1963 at noon..,Carried. Moved by James Secondjed by Hedges- That the following 1,062 taxes be written off; - Roll No. 737 = Lurene Prouse, •'44.36, owned by Township in 1962. tt ►► 764A - Don Kendrick, 13.56, portion formerly business assessment of Myrna Hotchkiss. 66- Dept, of Highways formerly M.Melchior in an amount of $4.09 now included in grant in lieu of. taxes...Carried, Moved by James Seconded by hedges- That this council authorize payment of account for troph- ies for Fast Elgin High School pupils in an amount of 42.4.92...Carried. Moved by James Seconded by Carson- That council members C.D.Phillips, Bruce Hedges, and Road Supt. Tribe be delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Convention...Carried. Two complaints were received by the council in respect to caretaking services at the Township Hall. The matter was referred to the Straffordv lle Community Centre Board for a recommendation, through Councillors Hedges and James. Moved by Pressey Seconded by James- That for roads and $2.260.26 the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $14,520.6 for general accounts.,.Carried. Roads accounts - Pavroll------------------ $ 899945N. " " - Voucher pay list ---------- 13631.16 \ Bernie La joie - Relief for part Dec. -------- 4$.00•\ Pauline Smith - " " " n ------ 20.00\ Alvin McClain - " " " "------- 30,00 Alvin Locke - " " " "------- 30.00\ Ontario Hydro - Hydro for hall & Office --- 20,6q\ ►► n _ t► t► firehall-------- 28.84\ Florence Kennedy - Relief for January ----- 54,80 John S Piece - " " " ----- 10.00 t Pearl Hainer - " n " ----- 54,00 Iva McCurdy - tt s► n _____ 47.,00 , Lorna Robinson - " " " ----- 40.00 Hazel Ray ;----- 4$.00 K] 713 Bernice Burwell - Relief for A January ----- 62,50--- Pauline 2.50-•Pauline Smith - " " " ------ 31.00 .` 'rim. H. Miller - t' tt _____ 60.00 Ross Hainer - " n 1 wk. " ----- 33.00•,, Ontario Hydro - Eden Street Lits. ---------- 51.25 N it rr - Corinth tt tt----- 18-38 *% it n - Straff. r: n ----------- 75.63%-, it rt -- Rich. " rr----------- 49, 38 ., Treas. St. Thomas - Care E. M.Shaw--------- 11.45.ti George Baldwin - Relief � January ---------- 35.00 N. Burns McKenzie - Office fuel --------------- 18-49%, Gerald Matthews - Fox Bounty --------------- 4,00-,. Basil Nevill - " it --------------- 4..00 Trophy -Craft - Trophies E.E.D. H.S.--------- 24 92 •,, News rrinting Co.- Advt.------------------- 3.36 --, Treas. Richmond Library - Grant ------------ 25.00-,., W. L. Carroll - Fire truck repairs --------- 2.06., Treas.Elgin County Seed "air - Grant ------- 25.00 The Salvation Army - Grant --------------- 75.00 St. John Ambulance - " ----------------e 10.00-." Ont.Assn.of Rural Municipalities- Fee ------ 15.00-%, Federation of Agriculture,Elgin - Grant ---- 350.00 --, Central Pipe Line Co.- gas for hall 8 .4444 a 2$.8.5 � ieceiver General - Pension Ddd. re. Vallee-- 4.6.26 " Twp. share " -- 1+6.26` Past service re. Vallee-- 395.72 Violet Smith - Office help Dec. 16-31 ------ 61.0$ � "eceiver ueneral - Un. Ins. ---------------- 1.81+ �.-, George Beard - Care Corinth St.Lts.Dec.31 -- 10-00%, n ft --Bulbs ti tt "-------- 1.61 Wes. White - Care Eden St. Lts. to jec. 31-- 30.00 � C. L. Laing - Bulbs Rich. St. Lts.--------- 6.1+9 J. D. Vallee - By -Law Re. Magyar Drain ----- 50.00 it rr _ tt tt Fazakas it ----- 50.00 Chas. D. Phillips - 1 meeting -------------- 14..4.0 N% "Dorman Pressey - r' -------------- 15,60-\ Ross Carson - 1 "-------------- 14..20 \ N. B. Hedges - 1 "-------------- 14.00 ,,, Stanley James - 1 " -------------- 15.00 \ Proved by Pressey Seconded by James- That this council adjourn to meet again on Feb. 4th. at 10.00 A.M... Carried. Reeve. Clerk 0 . Township Office, Straffordville, Feb. 4th, 1963. Pursuant to adjournment of January 7th., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present except Deputy Reeve Pressey. Minutes'of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Messrs. Gerald Travis and Morley Luce waited on the council and requested a grant to aid in the completion of a legion hall at Port Burwell. This matter was to be investigated and discussed and the Legion Secretary advised. Mr. Ray Alward met with the members and discussed selling a lot in his prop- erty in part of lot 126, Conc. 7. He was advised to contact an Ontario Land Surveyor with the idea of having a sub -division plan made. Communications receiv$d included the following. - Several notices of indigent patients in hospitals. Requests for memberships from The Ontario Good Roads Assn., Municipal Assn. and the Ontario Assn. of Mayors and Reeve* Receipts and appreciation for grants were received from St. and the Elgin County Seed Fair. The Ontario John Ambulance 714 A request for a grant was received from the Aylmer and East Elgin Agricultural Society. Endorsements were received increasing the Townshipts liability coirerage on all policies up to one million dollars. No action was taken on Wentworth County's resolution pertaining to mineral based detergents. A letter of appreciation for use of grounds was received from Mr. John DeKraker op -the on behalf of the Straffordville Soccer Club and the District Association. A letter and Treasurert s statement was received from "r. A. R. McCourt, Sec, of the Tobacco Harvest Workers Co-Ordinating Committee. Approhal was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs to commence work under Winter Works Project No. 0-956 any time after date of original approval being Dec. 6th. 1962. Board of Transport Commissionerst Odders were received regarding the transfer of Brownsville and Tillsonburg Bell Telephone Exchanges ratings to the next higher group ratings. Advise was received from the Disrict Office of the Dept. of Highways that normal expedditure for roads should not exceed $20,000. for Construction and $50,000. for maintenance for 1963. A letter was received from Crysler, Davis & Jorgenson Ltd., Consulting Engineers, offering their services for Township engineering projects. A petition for Street lighting along No. 19 Highway north in Straffordville was received from residents of the area. An estimate on Street lighting changes in Straffordville was received from Mr. Stubbs, Aylmer Area Manager of Ontario Hydro. The Clerk was directed to request Mr. Stubbs to attend the next meeting of the council to discuss the above matters. Plans fo the Prouse property as stajtked out by the Engineer were received from Archibald, Gray and McKay. Approval of transfers of properties were received in respect to Vermeersch and Hopf from Mrs. Mary Neff. An invitation to attend the annual Di$ectorts dinner was received from Mr. W. L. Harvey, Secretary of E1gin'County Federation of Agriculture. The C.P.R. advised that they were in agreement with the project of sight line improvements for C.P.R. crossing at Conc. 4-5. Mr. Douglas Vallee, P.Ent. met with the Council to discussed tenders for the construction of the office and firehall building as received and opened by the committee on January 25th. Tenders received were - Geo. Eerenberg, R.R.2, Simcoe------------- $4 49273.00 Beaver Luber Co. Ltd., Aylmer ------------- 510460.70 Backus Construction Co., Delhi ------------- 1+20600.00 HarmacConstnuction Co.Ltd.,St.Thomas------- 1+7,113.60 Wm. Hendriks Construction Ltd. ,Dorchester --- 449148900 These were discussed in considerable detail and the Engineer made aome sufgest, ions as to where some construction eevtnXavmfgbtmight be made. The Clerk also gave a report on the proposed financing and total costs of the work. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That this council accept the tender of Backus Construction' Bo* at a price of $42,600. for construction of Office and Ffre Hall in accord ance with plans and specifications prepared by A.M.Spriet and Associates, same to be reduced by $400. in consideration of deletion of incinerator and completion date be May 31st. and the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign contract...Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 P.M...Carried. Council resumed regular session at about 1.45 P.M. Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- That this Township join the Ontario Good Roads Associat and Clerk send fee of $15 -0W -.Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- That Mrs. Smith be allowed holiday pay at the rate of 2% of $1548.51 being $30.97 for 1962...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by James- That this Township join the Ontario Municipal Association and Clerk send fee of $30.80 ...Carried. Moved by James Seconded by Hedges - That a grant of $100.00 be made to the Aylmer and East Elgin Agricultural Society...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by James- That N.B.Hedges attend meeting of Tobacco Nartest Workers Co-Ordinating Committee to be held in February...Carried. Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- That jj went of W.W.Project No. t� 15th. 1963 as requested Dec. 6, 1962...Carried, this council approve of expected date of commence - 0 -956 as of Feb. 15th. 1963 instead of date of March on original application approved by Department on Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That the members of the Eden Community Centre Board be re- appointed for 1963...Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That the council petition the Dept. of Highways for statutory grant on roads expenditure in an amount of$ -5--5-}.39- and that the proper officers sign application for sa.me...Carried. 85b47.83 Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- That'the Treasurer is hereby authorized to purchase a $500. Ontario Hydro bond 1980 $3 maturity with interest of 5�% for Cemetery ` Perpetual Care Fund,(Savings Account No.3)...Carried. Tenders for drain Bids were received follows;- Draia Carnes Magyar-Dielmau Fazakas-Slaght construction were then opened and discussed by the council. from Wa. Dietrich and G.W.Cattle Construction Co. as BY Dietrich 410 9 270; 00 2,615.00 1,102.00 Bv Cattle *lo, 2,130.400 906.82 Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- That the tender of Wa. Dietrich for construction of the Carnes Municipal Drain be accepted at a price of $14,270.00...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- That the tenders of G.W.Cattle Construction Ltd. be accepted for - Magyar-Dielmen Drain at 0,130.00 Fazakas-Slaght " " 906.82... Carried. Road,:AbL�td"Ancluding a review of 1962 expenditures were considered and disaudeddbfotledf*eensiderable time. Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $4873.03 for roads -and $2014.44 for general accounts and $80.00 for Capital account...Carried. Roads accounts - Paylist Jan. 1-15 ------------ $1009.07 Jan.16-31 & vouchers ---- 3863.96\ Receiver General of Can. -Stamps -------------- �L- 10.00\ Bernie Lajoie- Relief part of Jan.------------- 22.00 N Myrtle Roloson - " " " "------------- 15.00\ Wm. H. Miller _ " " " _____________ 6.00 Katharina Friesen" " " "------------- 25.00 Geo. Baldwin -" " " _____________ 45.00 N Lorna Robinson -" " "------------- 40.00-, HazelRay - " " " "------------- $.00 . Bernice Burwell " " " " _____________ t2,50,s Pauline Smith " " " "------------- 31.00 ,� Edward Sharpe 't part " "------------- 25.00-,, Rec. Gen. - Stamps - Auditors ----------------- 15.00 Treas. of St.Thomas - Care,E.M.Shaw, Dec.------ 12.20 " S.Norwich Tw-p. - Dec. Relief re. D.Willaert 9.75,\ " Houghton " Dec. Relief re. H. Weaver-- 31.17 " Chatham " J.Schoph--- 14.50 " of Brantford" " " " D. Brown--- 22.90 J.D.Vallee - Office Supp. at Bennett's------- 3.40•% Mun. World Ltd. - Subscriptions --------------- 30.15--.. :nsMCXenzie - Office fuel ----------------- 33.12 716 Allen Walsh Plumbing - Rep.to oil burner ------ 21.09 N Ron Green - Steer Killed by dogs -------------- 1?4�.eg Albert Baldwin - " "-------------------- _____ • Lloyd Jackson - F Bounty --------------- .. James Tupper - " "____________________ 12.00 Ed. Jedriak - " " __-_---______-_-___- 8.00 Albert Baldwin - " "-------------------- $.00.x, Ontario Hydro - 2 Straff. St. Lts.------------ 14.25 Florence Kennedy - Relief for Feb. -------- ----- 54-00., John Spiece - " " "-------------- 10100..' Pearl Hainer - " " "------------- 54.00 -,, Iva McCurdy - " " "------------- 47-00,%, Lorna Robinson - " " rj,.-"------------- 40,00 ,, Hazel Ray - " " " ___________-- 48,00-, Bernice Burwell - " " "------------- 62.50 z Pauline Smith - " t' "------------- 31.001�"c Geo. Baldwin - " " "----------- -- 45.00 Myrtle Roloson - " " "------------- 22.00 Edward Sharp - " " "------------- 33.00 4 Hamilton Ward & Cathers-Liability Ins. Increase- 37.99 Kenneth McClain - Relief for J Feb. ------------- 34.00-,, Norman Bates - Fire Dept. Supp. ---------------- 12.31\ - Office Supp. ------------------- 1.69 - St. Lt. Bulbs ------------------- 1,00" TtBurg.Ambulance Ser. Trip - J.Kennedy---------- 25.00 � Ontario Good Rds. Assn. - fee ---------------- 15.00•x, " Mun. Assn. - fee -------------------- 30.00 Aylmer & E. Elgin Agr. Soc. - Grant ------------ 100.00 Algie Patkus - Fox Bounty -------------------- 8.00 •, Violet Smith - Office Help Jan.1-15------------- 74.92 --, Rec. Gen. - Un. Ins. ---_______________ _______-- 2.16 '\ Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for Jan. ------------- 35.00.` J. D. Vallee - Notices& Postage re.Tillotson --- 10000's By -Law fee, Lysy Drain ---------- 50.00 N Registration B.M.&D.-------- ---- 2.50 N To apply on salary -------------- 275.86,\ Rec. General - Tax re. Vallee ------------------ 17.05`, Violet Smith - holiday pay --------------------- 30,51-., Rec. General - Un. Ins. ------------------------ *92\ C. D. Phillips - Attend 2 Meetings ------------- 2$.$0 N Ross Carson - " 1 "------------- 14.20 ,,,, N.B. Hedges - " 1 "------------- 14..00 %, James - " 1 "------------- 15.00 `, ,Stanley CaRiital•Account Archibald, ray & McKay - Survey office lots --- 80.00 Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- That this council adjourn to meet again on March 4th. at 10.00 A.M...Carried. io Township Office, Straffordville, March 4th. 1963. Pursuant to adjournment of Feb. 4th., the regular meeting of the council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Phillips presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital notices were read and discussed. A bulletin was received from the Dept. of Lands and Forests regarding flood warning and emergency measures. A circular regarding information concerning the Elgin Medal Co -Operative was presented to each councillor. The C.I.R. Advised that they would assume responsibility for maintenance of crossing at lots 15 Conc. 10 and 11, once it had been widened to the 26 feet, The Board of Transport Commissioners requested a copy of plan for iidening of the aforesaid crossing. The Clerk was instructed to enquire if this could not be disfonsed with as same would be done by our own forcest A receipt and appreciation for grant was received from The Salvation Army. Requests for membership was received from the Ontario Traffic Conference and Municipal Section of Ontario School Trusteest and Ratepayers Assn. 717 The Community Centre Board of Straffordville advised of agreement to take over the management of the Township Hall on a trial basis for one year. A request for an increased grant was receiived from the Tillsonburg Fair Board. A letter was reciived from Tillsonburg Commercial Printers requesting permiss-' ion to quote on furniture for new office. Balance of grant was received in respect to 1962 Winter Works Projects. Councillor Hedges advised that he had received no information concerning a proposed meeting of Tobacco Harvest Workers Co-Ordinating Committee. Boavd of Transport Commissioners advised that sight line ipprovements had been approved and an order issued for the C.P.R. crossings at Conc. 4 and Conc. 5. The Clerk presented the auditor's statement of Revenue and Expddditures for 1962. Mr. Doug. Vallee met with the members and discussed the matter of additions to sub contract as requested by Mr. Pinneo,oheating sub -contractor for the Backus ConstructionCo. Ltd. It was decided to meet the next day with Mr. Backus and try and arrange a satisfactory settlement. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That a committee consisting of Reeve Phillips and Councill- or Hedges be named to look after urgent matters insofar as new Township Office is concerned... Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Pressey- That the Office Committee have authority to deal with Backus Construction Co. Ltd. for replacement of P.G. Pinneo as sub -contractor for heating... Carried. Messrs. Roy Craridil� .,Chaikman, and Harry Ostrander, of the Tillsonburg Hospi Board met with the members and discussed to considerable detail, a proposed addition to the Hospital stating that they would be approaching Elgin County Council during the March session and soliciting for funds. Reeve Phillips thanked them for attending and later discussed this matter with his council members for direction at County Council. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- That this Council addourn for neem to meet again at 1.30 P.M...Carried. Council resumed regular session at 1.30 P.M. Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- That the operation of the Township Hall be vested in the Straffordville Community Centre Board on a trial basis for one year, council to have free use of same when necessary... Carried. Mr. Walter Nelson presented an additional petition to council requesting fire protection for school sections numbered 16 and 23. He also discussed the brief as presented by the Elgin Medical Co -Operative. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That this council accept the petition of ratepayers of S.S.No. 16 and 23 for fire protection from Dereham Township and Clerk have a by-law prepared setting up this special area...Carried. 0 The grader operators and truck drivers of the Township employees met with the council and presented a request for an increase in wages. A plan for medical coverage was also discussed briefly. Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- That the hourly emplpyees of the roads department be grant ed an increase in wages of .05¢ per hour, effective March 1, 1963... Carried. Mr. Frank Stubbs met with the council and discussed proposed street lighting additions and improvement to the Straffordville Street Lighting Area. He recommended florescent lighting along No. 19 Highway. The Clerk was instructed to request by letter, an estimate from Mr. Stubbs of the cost of adding 4 lights from Third Street north on No. 19 Highway. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That a grant of $100.00 be made to the County Agricultural Society... Carried. Roads expenditures providing for the Moved by Hedges Seconded by James - for 1963 were then discussed and by-law regular amount as set forth by the Dept. Tillsonburg Tri - presented for' of Highways. That By -Law No. 1470, being a by-law to provide for the 91 718 1963 expenditure on roads in an amount of $70,500.00, be now read a first time...Carried. # 1470 Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1470 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1470 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. It was anticipated that a supplementary by-law for roads expenditure would be presented at a later date. Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That the following expenses be paid for attending Good Roads Convention and Ontario Rural Municipalities Convention. - N. Presey - $40.00 plus $10, for car Ross Carson - 40.00 " 10. » » C.D.Phillips - 40.00 John C. Tribe - 35.00 » 25. " " Ross Carson - 40.00 Carried. The Clerk was instructed to have Frank Everitt turn over his Township Hall keys and records to the Township Office for use by the Community Centre Board. Fire Chief Nevill discussed some matters briefly with the council. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- That the Reeve sign the order shbets in amounts of $3659.44 for roads and $2573.28 for general accoumts...Carried. Roads accounts - Feb. 1 - 15 paylist--------- $1158,63--.. " 16 - 28 " --------- 1020.43 " n - " vouchers -------- -------- 14$0.3$ t Central Pipe Line Co. -Gas for hall (Jan.)---- 45.35 ~ Wm. H. Miller - Relief Part Feb. -------- 22.00 Receiver General - Stamps -------------------- 12.50 Lorna Robinson - Relief Feb. --------------- 40900\ Hazel Ray - » n »--------------- 4$.00-\ Bernice Burwell - " " n --------------- 62.50 Z Geo. Baldwin - » " »--------------- 45,00--\ A. & M. Telephone Co. -Office phone ----------- 27.31 \ Edward Sharpe - Relief for Feb. ------------ 40-00%, Kenneth McClain - n » n "------------ 34.00 � Iva Burwell - n » tr r� _w ---__...___w 14.00 Bernie Lajoie - " " " '►------------ 16.00 Florence Kennedy - Relief f©r Mar. ----------- 54.00 John Spiece - t: tt tt _-___-___ww_ 10.00 \ Iva McCurdy - ^ " "----------- 47.00,-., Lorna Robinson - » " n ------------ 40.00 \ Hazel Ray - n » n ----------- 55,00\ Bernice Burwell - n n ------------ 62.50 ti Geo. Baldwin - » " » _____-_____ 45.0Q\ Myrtle Roloson - " " n ------------ 22.00,\ Iva Burwell - " n n -----------x 27.00 Lawrence J. Marchand" " "------------ 65.00 � Bernie Lajoie - " n "----------- 4$.00 Edward Shapre - " " »------------ 40.00 Kenneth McClain - n " "----------- 34.00 Treas. Houghton q*p%. 4pa.Relief re.Weaveft --- 33.20,%-, » S.Norwich " - " " » Villaert-- 1$.75 " Chathamm " - » " " Schopf --- 14.50 " of Brantford - " n "D . Brown --- 20.15 " " PortBurwell - Share fire call line --- 31.00 Central Pipe Line Co. -Fuelfor fire hall ----- 60.00 News Printing Co. - Advts., etc. ------------- 12.04 Municipal World Ltd. - Office forms ---------- 1.34 1\ Mike Csoff - Repairs Underhill Drain --------- 25.06 Clifford Soper - Chickens killed by dome ----- 34.00 Robt.C.Jackson - Valuing above --------------- 5.00 Workments Comp. Bdo - Vol. firemen ----------- 75.00 » » » .. Gen. Acct. ------------- 60.35 Jack GibL ns Fox Bounty o - y -------------------- 4.00 Blake Wolfe - " »--------------------- 4.00 Wm. H. Miller - Relief for i March -------____ 65.00 0 1 i 719 Central Pipe Line Co. - Fuel for firehall ---- 50.00 � Mrs. Hazel Ray - Perscrip. -for drugs -------- 5.40 -�,, Dennis Garage - Battery & repairs F.D.------- 45.3$,-, Lloyd Jackson - Fox Bounty ------------------- 12.00-.., Treas.Dereham Twp.- Fire truck services ------ 225.00 N. Albert Baldwin - Fox Bounty ------------------ $.00 � Treas.Tri-Cty.Agr.Society -Grant for 1963 ---- 100.00 ,,, Violet Smith -Office help Feb.1-15----------- 65.0$ %,,, Rec. Gen. - Un. Ins. _________________________ l,$4 � Violet Smith - office help Feb. 16-28 -------- 58.08.,,. Rec. Gen. - Un. Ins. ------------------------ me 1.$4-,. Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for Feb. ----------- 35.00 *,. J.D.Vallee - To apply on salary -------------- 275•$6 Rec. General - Tax --------------------------- 17.05 N C.D.Phillips - Attend 1 Meeting -------------- 11+.4.0 --% Norman Pressey- " " n ------------- 15.60' Ross Carson - " n n ______________ 14.20 1 N. B.Hedges - » n n ------------- 14. 00 Stanley James - " n n -------------- 15.00 Norman Pressey -Attend Rural Mun. Convention_ 50-00,s, Ross Carson - 0 5 ',� n n _ " Good Roads n --- 4.0.00- C.D.Phillips- n n n " _..-•. 40.00 --, Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- That this Council adjourn to meet again on April lat. at 10.00 A.M... Carried. ro Township Office, Straffordville, April lat. 1963. Pursuant to adjournment of March 4th. the regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Phillips presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received included the following; - A hospital noticedwas received from Tillsonburg Hospital in respect to a Miss Donna Ryan. This was tentatively refused as she is a minor. Support for a Maple Leaf Canadian Flag was requested by Native Sons of Canada. Advise was received from Dept. of Municipal Affairs that the Winter Works Incentive Program had been extended from April AOth. to May 31st. Beck Memorial Sanatorium advised that Mr. Geo. Kukula had been admitted on March 10, 1963. A request was received through Solicitor Toth,,. fortapproval of transfer of property from McCurdy to -Reinhardt. Mt. John Pearson, of the Community Planning Branch, advised that he would schedule a meeting with this Council. Notice was received of a meeting at St. Thomas on April 4th. at 7.30 P.M. regarding proposed regional development association for Middlesex, Elgin, Norfolk and Oxford Counties. A bulletin was received advising of training course for municipal fire chiefs at University of Toronto on April 24-26, 1963. Advice was received of Welfare Officers' Association convention in Oshawa on June 10, 11 and 12th. 1963. Otter Creek Conservation Authority advised of levy of $1,512, for 1963 and enclosed L6pi[nofal963abadget.for The finacial reportand by-law No. 1825 was received from the County of Elgin setting out the sum of $65,495.62 as being required for county purposes for 1963. Equalization By -Law No. 183 was also received from the County and sett# Bayhamts equalized assessment at 15,369,726, j The County Road Supt. advised by letter that the program of having/the local Road Supt. spany weeds on County Roads would be continued for 1963. Clerk Vallee reported on an interview with Mr. James Davison of Saceee concerning Dog control matters for Bayham Township. A letter was received from Township Solicitor Gibson, visin that in hisf®r opinion, the Township could enter into an agreement wi DerefiaU T0Wnahip P f p 720 additional fire protection services for Bayham's portion of Corinth and North Bayham School Sections. The auditor's report for 1962 was presented to the council and discussed. The Clerk was instructed to procure the additional costs involved in havinghbhe Treasurer's bond increased to $15,000. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That in the matter of The Planning Act andTownship of Bayham By -Law No. 11029 it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely part of village lots 2 and 3, south of Talbot load Md East of Ingersoll and Port Burwell Plank Road in Straffordville according to Plan No. 205, by Everett A.McCurdy and Opal L. McCurdy to Jack Reinhardt and Magdolna Reinhardt... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by James- That the Treasurer be authorized to have the Township Auditors prepare copy for printing in "The Tillsonburg News" as required by Section 223a of The Municipal Act...Carried. Moved by James Seconded by Pressey- That Daylight Saving Time be effective in this Township at the same time and for the same period as neighbouring towns and cities. Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That dogs be not permitted to run at large months of April, May, June, July, August and September and the same...Carried. during the Reeve proclaim Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 P.M...Carried. Council resumed regular session shortly after 1.30 P.M. Mr. Francis Troyer of Tillsonburg Commercial Printers met briefly with the members and presented a porposal for new office furniture for the new office. Mr. Elba Dennis discussed his probleEl concerning the Carnes Drain with the members. Reeve Phillips advised Mr. ,ennis he would refer the matter to Engineer Black. The Treasurer's budget for 1963 was then presented members. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- That the Treasurer's budget be estimated suplus of $505$.00 for 1963 and the sum General Township Levy... Carried. and discussed with the adopted to provide for an of $52,461.00 be raised by Tois would be an approximate one mill more than 1962. Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1471, being a by-law to adopt the assessment for 1963, to levy the taxes for 1963 and to provide for. # 1471 the collection thereof, be now read a first tine... Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1L71 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1.71 be now read a third and finally passed...Carried. t ilpe I Mr. Art Seghers waited on the council and advised of tepairs being needed to catch basin s of municipal drains along his road. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Pressey- That Draiange Commissioner Chute make repairs to Palmer and Pollick Drains and catch basins as deemed adviseavle...Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- And resolved that # 1472 appoint a Dog Cathher and Poundkeeper Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- And resolved that time... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that time and finally passed...Carried. By -Law No. 1.72, being a by-law to for dogs be now read a first *ime.Ca By -Law No. 1172 be now read a second By-Lww No. 1472 bw now read a third 1473 721 Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1473, being a by-law to defi ne Union School Sections No. 16 Bayham No. 24 Malahide,and N®.23 Bayham, No.14 Dereham, No. 10 Middleton as special fire protectioh areas and to provide for levying costs of same against said areas, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1473 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by James Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1473 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That this Township join the Association of Assessing Officers and Clerk send fee of $10.00...Carried. Moved by-Pressey Seconded by Hedges- That the Treasurer be authorized to issue cheque on Capital Account in amount of $1814.40 to A.M.Spriet and 4ssociates and $4454.00 to Backus Construction Co. Ltd. Backus Construction Co. Ltd. cheque to be held until April 15th. on presentation of Engineer's certificate. Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That the Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer Reserve Fund and bonds to Capital account for use of office and fireball construction...Carried. Moved by James Seconded by Pressey- That Road Supt. Tribe be authorized to attend Road Supt school in Toronto on May 13th. and 14th. and fee of $5.00 be forwarded for registration...Carried. Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- That the following expenses be paid for members special trips.- March 18th. to Waterloo Bruce Hedges ---- 14.00 Ross Carson - ---- 14.20 March 28th. to London C.D.Phillips --- -- 13.00 J.D.Vallee, Car ----- 9.00 ... Carried. Moved by Seconded $3904.56 Carson by Hedges- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of for roads and $1975.48 for general accounts...Carried. Roads acoounts- March 1 - 15 paylist-------- » 16 - 31 " - Vounher payments ------------ Central Pipe Line Co.- Gas for hall ----- ---- Katharina Friesen - Relief for part March --- Lorna Robinson - " " " ---- Hazel Ray---- Burnice Burwell ---- George Baldwin Iva Burwell Lawrence Machand---- Kenneth McClain ---- Wm. H. Miller - Edward Sharpe - Rec. Gen. of Can. - P.O. Box Rental ------- Bernice Burwell - Relief for part March ----- Mary VanWynsberghe - " " " " ----_ Rec. Gen. - Stamps for Arrears Notices------ Katharina Friesen - Relief for part March --- Treas. Houghton Twp. -Feb. relief re.Weaver--- " S.Norwidh " - " " n Willaert-- " Brantford " - " " "D.Brown---- " Chatham " - " " "J.Schopf--- " Wentworth " - " " " Nevard---- Ontario Hydro - Hydro, Hall do Office -------- n Firehall------------- Can. Nat. Rwys. -Corinth Crossing Lts.-- ---- - Burns McKenzie - Office Fuel ---------------- 974.05 -., 1200.24-s,, 1730.27 t 51.35- 25.00--, 40.00 IN, 55.00 62.50 --,, 45.00 ,,, 27.00 65.00 34.00 65.00N 40.00 5.00 11.00'N 15.00 14.00--, 25.00 N 37.84\ 18-75%, 20-15--, 16.50-,-, 23.16 35.91\ 36•$b� 35. 22.11 \ 41.63, 723 Floyd Taylor - Fox Bounty ----------------- 4.00 Richard Matthews " " _________________ 4,00 � Lyle Walsh - " "----------------- 4.00 Treas.Assn. of Assessing Officers - fee------ 10.00 *#.% J. D. Vallee - Car ----------------- 9.00.;.., Florence Kennedy - Relief for April --------- 54,00\ John Spiece - n n n _______ __ 10„00„ Iva McCurdy - " » »--------- 47.00 N Lorna Robinson - " "--------- 40,00%. Hazel Ray - " " "--------- 55.00 , Bernice Burwell - " " »--------- 68,00,,,.. George Baldwin - " " "--------- 45.00 Myrtle Roloson - " for "--------- 22.00 Katharina Friesen - " I "--------- 46.00 �%,, Mary VanWynsberghe- n " »-------_- 38,00-,-., Iva Burwell - » " "--------- 27,00.., Violet Smith - Office Help Mar 1-15---------- 71.92 ,.. Rec. Gen. - Un. Ins. ------------------------ 2.16 N Violent Smith - Office Help Mar. 16-31-------- 67,86 N Rec. General - Un. Ins. --------------------- 2.28%, Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for March --------- 35.00 Receiver General - Pension deductions re JDV- 46.26''x, n » _ " Twp. share " ",-- 46.26 -\ J. D. Vallee - Apply on salary--------------- 275.$6•,, Rec. Gen. - Tax re. Vallee ------------------ 17.05•\ C. D. Phillips - Attend 1 meeting- ---------- 14.40 Norman Pressey - " " "----------- 15.60%,. RossCarson _ it n n __________ 14.20-,, N.B. Hedges - " " "----------- 14-00""% Stanley James - " " "---------- 15.00'-, N. A. Hedges - Trip to Waterloo --------- 14,00--- 4.001Ross RossCarson - " " "---------- 14.24 � C. D. Phillips - " " London ----------- 13.00, CAPITAL ACCOUNT A. M. Spriet & Assoc. - Apply on office plans, etc ------------------- 1814,40 \ Moved -by Carson Seconded by Hedges - that this council adjourn to meet again on Monday, May 6th at 10 A.AM...Carried U 0"1011w 0 W-0 Township Office, Straffordville, April 22nd. 1963. Following an inspection tour of Township roads on the above date, a brief meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date, all membe being present except Councillor James and Reeve Phillips presided. Fire Chief Nevill discussed with the members the necessity of of certain expenditures din regards to the change -over to dial phone system for fire calls. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That this council authorize the expenditure of $192.00 per year for dial phones for firemen plus $50. for installation ... Carried. Two letters were received from Mr. Caldwell's office requesting resolutions for transfering funds in regards to 1962 road expenditures. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Pressey- That we request the Department of Highways to make the following transfer of monies in connection with the Normal By -Law; - Transfer 2714.49 from C B/C to Road Constr. 2049.70 from Mtce B/C to Rd. Constr. 45$0.1.2 from Mtce B/C to Road Mtce...Carried. 724 Add Survey Conc. 2 & 3, Lots 18-23 - 11900.00 Grading Conc. 3 & 4, Lot 17 550,00 . ...Carried. A letter was received from Dereham Twp. concerning proposed fire protection agreement for portions of the north part of Bayham Tiwnship. It was agreed that a committee would meet with Dereham Township Council on April 27th. concerning this matter. A letter was read from Mrs. Stuart Kinsey complaining of condition of Htnsinger Hill south of Richmond. The Road Supt. was instructed to provide some protection at this Pocation. Moved by Pareesy Seconded by Hedges- That this council authorize repairs as necessary for Coomber "G" drain...Carried. Quotations for supply of furniture discussed by the members. Prices installations. - Com an Tillson urg Coimmercial Printers re. Preston Furniture Co. W. G. Webster re. Sunshine Off.Egpt. Ltd. Bennett Stationery Ltd. re. Sunshine Off. Eqpt. Ltd. Harold Heath Ltd. Re. Preston Furniture Co. for the new office were received and received were as follow%, all for similar Kin Price Wood $3,1$'8':x'" plus tax Metal 3,067.60 plus tax Metal Wood 2,99$•50 plus tax 2,937.56 tax incl. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That this council accept the supply of office furniture as quoted by Bennettts Stationery at $2,99$.50 plus tax and colours to be as suggested with any adjustments to be between Mr. Bennett and Engineer. Carried. It was decided to again inspect Township roads on Friday, May 3rd. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- That this special council session now adjourn...Carried. 0 Township Office, Straffordville, May 6th. 1963. Pursuant to adjournment of April 1st. the regular meeting of the council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present except Councillor James. Minuted of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received and discussed, included the following;- Notive of indigent patient in Tillsonburg Hospital. A letter from Eden Community Centre Board regarding sidewalk grant. A letter from Deputy Co-ordinator Gordon H. Pratt regarding civil defence. PderNo. 110943 was received from Board of Transport Commissioners regarding crossing at Lot 15, Conc. 10 and 11. Approvals were received from Dept. of Highways regarding resolutions passed on April 22nd. Balance of 1962 road subsidy was received in an amo$nt of $19,324*44* Notice of Application by Unio* Gas Co. for seasonal rates for air-condition- ing was received. A memo was received from the Dept. of Highways regarding technical assist- ance available in setting up long term road programs. (1 # 1474 725 Notice in changes of coverage was received from the Workmen's Compensation Board. Elgin County United Appeal requested by letter that other campaigns for funds not conflict with their dates of Sept. 30th. to Oct. 22nd. Tobacco Workers Committee requested wtitten assurance of financial support. Bulletins were received from the Office of The Fire Marshall regarding Fire Hazards and Fire Safety dints for Public Survival. A letter was received from the C.N.R. approving of repairs to the Coomber G Drain. Notice of resolution passed by ratepayers of Separate School Section No.16 Malahide to form union section with Town of Aylmer, was received. Copies of agreement for fire protection by Dereham Township were received. Representatives of the Federation of Agriculture waited on the council, passed out books and circulars of information to the members and discussed the activities of the Federation and meed for funds. Mr. Ray Alward met -.with the members and presented a sketch of his plans for streets and lots on his property at lot 126, Conc. 6. The Clerk was authorized to have repairs made to ceiling in office. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- That Eden Community Centre Board be advised they can have a grant of $200. for sidewalk expenditure in Eden for 1963...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Pressey- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 P.M...Carried. Council resumed regular session at about 1.45 P.M. A letter was read from Mr. Robert Rutledge regarding ditch condition at the front of his property. Moved by Carson Seconded by Pressey- That the Clerk refer the letter of Robert Rutledge to Middleton Township...Carried, At 2.00 P.M., the Engineer's report on the Bartley Municipal Drain was read. Interested owners present were Mr. S. Oleka and Mr. Dan Murphy. Mr. Douglas Paige, Solicitor,was also present on Mr. Murphy's behalf. Discussion was held on the report and questions were answered by Engineer Doug. Vallee, Council members and Drain Inspector vialter elson. No serious objections were raised although Mr. Murphy thought a covered drat woul&work but it was pointed out that tile at this location installed in 1956 were in very poor condition. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That the Engineer's report dated April 5, 1963 on the Bartley Municipal Drain improvement be accepted and the Clerk prepare by-law for same... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized on behalf of the Township of Bayham to sign AgPeeement for procuring gravel, dated April 16th. 1963, from Kenneth and Syltia Thomas... Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Pressey- That the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized on behalf of the Township of Bayham, to sign Agreement for procuring gravel from Gracena and James Race, dated April 17th. 1963...Carrie d. Amendments to definition of dogs "running at large" was discussed by council Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1474 being a by-law to amend By -Law No. 1386, be now read a first t ime...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1474 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 14?4 be now read a'third time and finally passed...Carried. An agree went for fire protection services by Dereham Township was then read and considered by the members. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1475 ratify anq agreement with the Township of Dereham for certain northern portions of the Township of Bayham, # 1475 time... Carried. Moved by Hedges 726 being a by-law to fire protection for be now read a first Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1475 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1475 be now read a third time and finally passed...Car!`ied. Disposal of present office and land was discussed by the council. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That the Clerk advertise for tenders for sale of Township Office in Tillsonburg News. 10% of tender price to accompany bid by certified cheque and highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Occ- upancy about July 1st. 1963. Balance of payment when deed is deliveded. Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by koarson. That the Treasurer cheque in an amount of $15.30 to Ralph moved away, cheque not endorsed to pay Aelief Officer...Carried. is hereby authorized to issue McQuiggan for Frank Empey. Mr. Empe# for grocery account guarantedd by Doug. Vallee, Engineer, discussed with the members suggested colours to be used in the new office. Some minor changes were requested by the council. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $8065.13 for roads and $8852.10 for general accounts and $14,046.00 for Capital account...Carried. Road accounts - Paylist April 1 - 15 ------- $ 1,207-11-N, 16 - 30 _______ 11110956.., " » - Vouchers for April --------- 59747.46-� Wm. H. Miller - Relief for part Apr. -- ----- 65.00'ti Edward Sharpe - # " » " ------ 40x001 Pt.Burwell Umber Sup. -Fuel for K.Friesens - 9.62\ Hazel Ray - Relief for April ----------- 85,00\ Bernice Burwell- " " " "---------- 6$.00 Ontario Hydro - Eden St. Lights ------------ 51,25., » » .. Corinth " " __--_____-- 1$.38 .� Lorna Robinson- Relief for April --------- 40.00 Geo. Baldwin - » " "--------- 45,00,,-, Mary VanWynesburgh- " " " "--------- 3$.00 -\ Wm. H. Miller - " n n n _________ 65.001 Jean Sharp - " " » "---_______ 30.00 � Ontario Hydro - Straff. St. Lights --------- $0.3$ " » _ Rich. ^ "--------- 49.38- Bayham Twp.Cap.Acct. - Transfer ------------ 30200.00-\ Florence Kennedy - Relief for May ---------- 46,00\ John Spiece - ^ » "--------- 10,00\ Iva McCurdy - » " »--------- 43.00\ Lorna Robinson- " » "--------- 36.00 Hazel Ray - " " " "-------- 55.00 Bernice Burwell - » " » "-------- 6$.00 � Geo. Baldwin - " " " "-------- 45.00 \ Myrtle Roloson - " ^ »-------- 22.00 Mary VanWynesburgh- » » » "-------- 38.00 \ Wm. H. Miller - » » ^ " ------ -- 65,00"\ Treas. of Tillsonburg- " " Hainer, Mar.--- 13.05\ " " Houghton Twp.- " " Weaver, ------- 36.22 �,, " " Chatham - » » Schopf-------- 16.50\1 " " S.Norwich Twp.- " " Willaert ----- 18,75-,., " » Brantford - » ^ Brown -------- 20.15 ,,., Clifford Soper - Chickens killed ----------- 37.50--N Certified Electric - Straff. St.Lt.Bulbs --- 76.18 Basil "evill - Fire truck licenses --------- 4.00 Underwood Ltd.- Service Olivetti Machine --- 45.14 -., C. E. Hickey & Sons Ltd.- F.D. supplies ----- 19.20-� W. G. Webster - Office supplies ------------ 16.89---, . Ross Carson - Fox Bounty ------------------- 4.00 � Harry MattheV)5- " ^ ------------------- 16.00 \,� » Matthews - n »----------- -------- 20,00-\ C, 11 727 Canadian National Rys.- Corinth Cross.Lt}s.--- A. M. Spriet & Associates- Surevy,Bartle_� Dr. - Bill Jenereaul - Assist. Bartley Dr. -------- News Printing Co.- Advt. re. Auditors report - Printing, etc.----------- Treas. of Tillsonburg-Relief re.Hainer,Apr.-- Dellers Tile Ltd.- Tile Chalk Drain --------- Ralph McQuiggan - Dec.groceries,J.ROy------- Harry Matthews - Fox Bounty ----------------- Harold Dennis - Repairs to fire trucks ------ Wm. Dietrich - Apply Carnes drain ----------- June Nevill - Relief for J May -------------- Violet Smtth- Office help Apr. 1 - 15 ------- Receiver General - Un. Ins. ----------------- Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for April --------- J. D. Vallee - Meals insp. roads ------------ " n - To apply on salary ----------- '�eceiver General - Tax re. Vallee ----------- Robert C. Jackson - Valuator fee ------------ James S. Davison - Dog control, April T ------ Elton H. Jackson - 190 Assm.cards C $3. --- -- n It » - 499 miles @ .100 --------- C. D. Phillips - Insproads ---------------- i n n - Car day ----------------- n n - 1 meeting ------------------ Norman Pressey - Insp. roads ---------------- 1 --------------- 1 meeting ------------------ Ross Carson - Insp. roads ------------------- n n - Car J day -------------------- n n r 1 meeting --------------------- N. B. Hedges - Insp. roads ------------------ n n - Car 1 day -------------------- n - 1 meeting -------------------- 38-73%,. ------------------- 3$•73%,. 30.43 13$.00 4.00 111.60 �'• 163.47 13,05%, 2,04--., 1.$9 12.00 60.06 ,,, 2320.00 43.00 74.92 2,16%-, 35.00 2$.351, 275.86 N, 17.05 5.00 20.00 .� 570.00 49,90---, 28.80•x, 5.00 14.40 15.60 � 15.60 2$.40 5.00 14.20 28.00 10.00 ti 14.00 Capital Account at us Const. Co. Ltd.- Prog. Cert.# 1 ------ 4.454.00` Bayham Township - Transfer ------------------ 3200.00, Backus Const. Co.Ltd.- Prog. Cert # 2 - ------ 10$46.04. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn to meet again on June 3rd. at 10.00 A.M...Carried. eeve. Township Office, Straffordville, May 27th, 1963. A brief meeting of the" counci& of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with Reeve Phillips presiding. Councillors Carson and James were also present. Mr. Roydon Cathers of Hamilton, Ward & Cathers together with representatives of Frank Cowan Insurance Agency were present and discussed insurance rpatters with the members. Moved by James Seconded by Carson- That the Clerk be authorized to bf time to June 15th. for Winter Works Project No. said project may be carried to completion under the Program...Carried. The Reeve declared the special meeting adjourned. request an extension 0-957 in order that the Winter Works Incentive Reeve. - Cle . 728 Township Office, Str affordville, June 3rd, 1963, Pursuant to adjournment of May 6th., the regular meeting of the council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present except Dep. Reeve Pressey. Minttes of the last regular and special meetings were eead, approved and signed and the following business was done. . Communications included several hospital notices. Notifies of several conventions. Approval of By-law No. 1170 re. regular road expenditure for 1963. An advance subsidy payment was received from Dept. of High ways in an amount of $11,$50.00. Several communication from Dept. of Highways regarding street lighting. Mrs. Louise MacDonald requested a couple of loads of fill for Light Cemetery. A request for grant was received from Road Supts.' Association. Prices were received for premium on Treasurer's and Tax Collector's bond. The Dept. of Municipal Affairs advised that an extension of time for Winter Works porject No. 0-956 was not anticipated. A communication was received dated May 24, 1963 regarding changes in the Wages Act, effective June 1st. 1963. Several requests for consent for change of ownership of lands were received. Notification of meeting on June 11th. was received from the provisional committee for `lesional Development. Approval was received from Dept. of Highways for Roads sept. to purchase 1/5 share of present barn from Fire Dept. Notices of Hearings re. Union Gas Co. were received. The Dept. of Municipal Affairns Planning Branch advised regarding the hearing for pipe line construction. The Clerk advised that agreement had been completed between Bayham and Dereham Township regarding fire fighting service to north part of Bayham. A letter was received from "r. Thompson regarding the Millard claim for damages. Zt was decided that the council or committee of same would meet with Mr. 'hompson regarding same. Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- That this council request the Dept. of Highways to examine the drainage problem of lots 7, 8 and 9, Conc. 8, since re-construct- ion e-construct-ion of No. 3 Highway in this area...Carried. Movea by Hedges Seconded by James- That the usual grant of $25.00 be paid to the Township Road Supertntendents' Association...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded bir Hedges- That the Workmens' Cornensation Board be requested to increase coverage on Volunteer Firemen to X000. eachi..Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- That a payment of $200. to Eden Community Gentre Board for sidewalk construction be approved...Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1.02, it is herewith recommendedwthat the Minister grant consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely part of lot 15, in the South Gore of the Township of Bayham by Robert Bruce Adlington and Mary Jane Adlington to George Shearer,;..Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- That in 'the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1.02, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, nfnely part of lot 9, Concession 9 Bayham Township by Mary Theressa Dewaele to Robert Jules Dewaele and hizabeth Dewaele, Mrs. Mary Theressa Dewaele having retained a portion of said lot 9, Concession 9, comprising an area of 15,000 sq. feet. Carried. Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By-law No. 1.02, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant consent for the sale of the following parcel of land namelypart of lo� Number Three, Concession Two, Township of Bayham, by Andy and Rozi Radocz to Julia Angyal... Carried. Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- That this council request the Dept. of Hi hways to approve of the Road's Dept. of this Township purchasing one s all of 1/5 K] 729 Township share of the present township barn from/the Fire Department for the sum of 1000.00...Carried. Moved by James Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn for noon to meet agian at 1.30 P.M ... Carried. Council resumed regular session again at 1.30 P.M: Mr. Pratt, Deputy Co-ordinator of Civil lefense, met with the Council and throughly discussed his program of organization throughout the County of Elgin. He left booklets and phamplets for the members and offered to address local groups at any opportunity. Mr. James Leath&n,g, representing the Tobacco Warvest Workers Co-Ordinating Committee, waited and the council and discussed the problem of transient labour and the handling of same during the ear17 part of the harvest season. He outlined the arrangement for meals and shelter for these people and the manner of financing same and requested that this Township participate in sau Moved by James Seconded by Carson- That this Township participate to the .following maximum amount of 4750. @' 20%-= $150. for finances of the Tobacco Har rest Workers' Co-Ordinating Committee... Carried. Mr. Ray Alward Met with the members and presented a sketch as prepared by Fred A. Bell, O.L.S. of the subdivision of some of his building lots. He was requested by the council to have a street allowance widened to the necessary 66 feet and then the same would meet with council's approval. Mr. John uee of R.R.2, Otterville waited on the council and requested to be considered when Township was ready to Olant shrXLbs and the new office site. Moved by J ame s Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1476 being a by-law to 1476 provide for Bartley Drain Improvements, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Carson 1 &, 2 Seconded by James- Amd resolved that By -Law No. 1476 be now read a second time and provisionally passed ... Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by James- That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to petiti the Minister of Public Works for grant in respect to improvement to the Bartley Minicipal Drain, under provisions of The Provincial Aid To Drainage Act...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by James- That the Court of Revision on the Bartley Municipal Drain Improvement gy-Law be held at the Township 'Jffi.ce, Straffordville, on Monday July 8th. 1963 at 2.00 P.M...Carried. M6ve d by James Seconded by Carsona That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to serve notice to owners on the passing of the Bartley Municipal Drain Improvement By -Law by mailing certified copies of the said by-law by registered post to the last known address of the respective owners, to nether with notice of holding of Court of Revision and notice as to proceedings to quash...Carried By -Law No. 1431 having not been confirmed by County of Elgin, the following by-law was presented to couicil. Moved by Carson Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1477 being a by-law to stop up, close and sell portions of unused roadway on lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9, 1477 Gonc. 4, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by James 1 & 2 Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By-law No. 1477 be now read a second time...Carried. j The Clerk was required to post necessary notices respecting this by-law before presenting same for third reading. Considerable discussion was held regarding road matters and the pasting of a supplementary by-law, to provide for Tile Yard Hill expenditure and other costs. Moved by Carson Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1478 being a by-law to prov- ide an additional expenditure of 415,000. for roads in Bayha* Township of 730 for 1963, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by James 1478 Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1478 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Carson Secondedby James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1478 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Tenders for moving of fill at the Tile Yard Hill job were received from two persons as follows; - Willis Marr --- 16,000 cu. yds C .33¢ Cu.Yd. total 452$0.00 G.F.Phillips --- 161000 " " @ .20¢ per yd. " 3200.00 Moved by James Seconded by Carson- That the tender of G.7. Phillips for moving earth re. Tile Yard Hill be accepted at price of .20¢ per yd. or $3200. for 16,000 eu.} yds., subject to approval of Dept. of Highways...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by James- That the Treasurer be hereby authorized to make payment to Backus Construction Co. Ltd. on presentation of duly amthorized Progress Certificate No. 3...Carried. Moved by James Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $13,166.29 for roads and $3059.94 for general accounts and $204.29 for Capi accounts... Carried. Roads accounts- Paylist May 1 - 15 ---------- 805.53. 16 - 31 --------- 869.78 rr » May vouchers ---------------- 11490.98\ Receiver general - Stamps ------------------- 10.00, John D. Smith - Relief for part May --------- 24.00-,. Lorna Robinson - " " "-------- 36.00 N\ Hazel Ray - » n n "-------- 76,50*--, Bernice Burwell - " " " "-------- 59« 50 4 Geo. Baldwin - » » tt n -------- 39.00-- Mary Vanwynsberghe- " " " » 30.00 June lievill-------- » 43.00 tt » n , - John -D. Smith - " " part "-------- 24,00 Aylmer & Mal.Tel. Co.- Office phone --------- 27«26;.N Florence Kennedy - Relief for June ---------- 44.50. Iva McCurdy - n » »--------- 38.00N Lorna Robinson - " " "-------- 35.00 Hazel Ray - n n rr "-------- 48.00.`, Bernice Burwell - " " " "-------- 62.00 ,� Geo. Baldwin - " " " "-------- 42,00'%%. Myrtle Roloson - " " Pt. " _--__-__ 12.00 ,� June Nevill - " " i "-------- 43.00.,. Treas.Houghton Twp.- Apr. releif re.Weaver -- 38.02 " Wentworth Cty.- 2 mo. " " Nevard -- 46-32-,, " Brantford - April " " Brol9n --- 10-45-,., " Chatham Twp.- " " " Schopf - 14.50 James Race - Goat killed by d6gs----------- 50,,00 Geo. Beard - Bulbs Corinth St. Lts.--------- 6.18" - Care " " " 5 mo. ---- 10.00 Treas. Pt. Burwell - Share fire call line --- 27.40'N, Municipal Wgrld Ltd.- Dog tags & licenses --- 82-38--,, Gestetner Ltd.- Office supplies ------------- 12.59 W. G. Webster - " nw _____________ 2.82 C.J.Ketchabaw - Eden S�.. Lt. bulbs ---------- 33.60 � Brantford Builders Supplies -Tile Coomber G dr."� D. L. Cdwan - Backhoe on Pollick dr. -------- 36.00 -s, Chalk Dr., -------- 1$.00 & material, Fearnley Dr.--- 35«77 Palmer Dr. ----- 222.91 N Hugh Pace - Fearnley drain repairs ---------- 4,64N,,, Palmer " " __________ 5,151 Fred Oatman - Fox Bounty -------------------- 8.00 Deller Tile Ltd.- Tile for Palmer dr. ------- 17.001 } Robert Byerlay - Coomber "G" Dr. rep. ------- 210.00 "Bn n n ____.._ 30.00 ` Central Pipe Line Co.- Pipe for drains ------ 8.03 Canada Culvert Co«Ltd.- Benner Dr. Culvert -- 30.98 Treas.Eden Com.Centre Bd.- Sidewalk grant --- 200.00 " Road Supt. Assn« - 1963 grant --------- 25.00 Violet Smith - Office help May 1 - 15 ----- Receiver General - Un. ins. ------- Frank Foran - W. W. Project # 0 -260 -------- Alvin Locke - " " " ------- LeRoy Marshall -------- Alvin McClain - " " n _-_.4___ Receiver General - " " " Un.ins.--- n tax ----- M. L. Chute - Cleaning office ------------- Violet Smith - Office help May 16 - 31 ----- - Receiver General - Un. ins. --------------- Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for May --------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary --------- Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee --------- Frank Foran - W. W. Project # 0 -260 ------- Alvin McClain ------- Receiver general. " " " Un.ins.- n tax ---- Robert C. Jackson - Valuator fee ---------- Alvin Locke - W. W. Project # 0 -260 ------- Chas. D. Phillips - Attend 2 meetings ----- Ross ---- Ross Carson - " 2 n ------ N. B. Hedges - " 1 " ------ Stanley James - 'r 2 " ------ Capittal Account- Dellers, Til' ed.- Tile for field bed ---- Wallace Lockhart - Septic tahk------------ Ken Grant - Pipe for water line ----------- Ray Sales - Tile a connections,etc.------- 7$.80 2.40 �. 69.97 71.40.,E 74.80 81.60 2.16 r 3.75, 18.75•> 78.80-,,., 2.40 N 35.00\ 275.86 `%_1 17.05 75.60�a 61.20 -.,, 2.4J•N 4.80 5,00%-% 6.80 28.80 28.40 14.00 30.00 21.32, 57.00 75.62 50.35% 731 Moved by James Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn to meet again on July 8th. at 10.00 A.M...Carried. Reeve. June 10th. 1963. All members of the council and Clerk travelled to London on the above date for the purpose of interviewing Mr. Thompson, Solicitor, regarding the Millard case and his letter of May 22nd. 1963. Also the council waited on Mr. T. S. Caldwell and discussed the matter with Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- That this council authorize Mr. Thompson to attem t an out of court settlement with Mr. Millard on a basis of approximately 2000,. Carried. Council meeting adjourned. /,I, ' eeve. 732 Township Office, Straffordville, July 8th. 1963. The regular meeting of the council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present except Councillor Hedges. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hokpital notices of indigent patients were received and discussed. A re-newal was receiv$d for Spray Liability insurance. An application was received for Restaurant livense for "Tommy's Coffee Shopto and also one Cor"Green Willow Snack Bar." First instalment of Unconditional grant was received in amount of $6,26$.20 Reeve Phillips received a letter from the Bayham Junior Farmers and Clerk Vallee reported they had been invited to send a delegation to to -day's council meeting to discuss hall rentals. (No delegation attended) A bulletin was received from Dept. of Highways regarding steps for approvals on contracts and equipment purchases. A petition was received from Fred G. Baker and 7 other persons requesting that their lands be trabsferred from Bayham T.S.A. to Vienna-Bayham T.S.A. It was decided that this should meet with the approval of the Boards concerned before any action be taken. Mr. W. G. Elkeer by letter requested the couAcil to grant a reduction of taxes to his mother Mrs. Minka Elkeer on the farm taken back from Mr. L.Verkuil Est. Council decided not to grant this request. Order No. 111444 regarding relocation of reflectorized sign at crossing mileag 97.67 was received from Board of Transport Commissioners. Copies of Orders were received from the Ontario Energy Board regarding gas rates for gas-fired air codlingrequipment, and construction of a pipe line to a point In Lot 22 Conc. 8, Bayham Twp. A request for grant was received from Muscular DystrophyAssn. A letter and bulletin was received from the Elgin County United Appeal reports on "Asthmatic Children's Foundation" reported to be collecting funds in area. A bulletin was received from Dept. of Lands and Forests rec*arding charges for resident licenses in regulated townships. Major Pratt submitted farms for "Course Plan For 1963/64" and requested registration of council members and officials. Dept. of Highways approval was received for By -Law No. 147$. Approvals were also received for pmrchase of furniture for Road Suptls office snd letting of contract to G.F.Phillips for Tile Yard"Hill work. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve and Clerk be delegates to the Ontario Municipal Convention at Kingston on Aug. 25th, to 28th...Carried. Moved by James Seconded by Carson- That a contract for use of hydro for new office be approved...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Pressey- That a restaurant license be granted to "Tommy's Coffee Shop."...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by James- That a snack bar license be.granted to "Green Willow Snack Bar" on approval of Mr. Elley...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to sell Trancia, Ketchabaw and Schooley Drain debentures to Mr. Claude Willson in an amount of $2,792.89, to*be dated Aug. 9th...Uarried. Messrs. Burns McKenzie and Lyle Walsh discussed the use of License Funds for purchase of feed for pheasants. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That the Treasurer be authorized to pay accounts for pheasant feed up to $100. and charge same to pheasant license account...Carri Moved by James Seconded by Carson - for assisting Elton That James Pressey Jackson... Carried . Moved by Carson Seconded,by Pressey- That Jack Hotchkiss be engaged to -assist with assessing at $1.25 per hour and .10¢ per mile for car ... Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by James- That in the matter of The Planning Act abd Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely, south halves lots ten and Eleven north on Second Street, Plan 205, Straffordville, by John Arthur Martyn and Barbara Jean Martyn to John Edwin Laemers and Ula J Laemers...Carried. At 2 P.M., the Clerk advised that no appeals had been received respecting assessments on the Bartley Municipal Drain Improvement By-law, However Mr, Daniel Murphy was present and discussed this drain with the members and while he did not appeal his assessment on same, expressed opposition to the manner the same was being re -constructed. Engineer Vallee was also present for this discussion. The third reading of this by-law was left in abeyance until Mr. Murphy had contacted his solicitor and further discussed the matter with Reeve Phillips. Moved by Pressey Seconded by James- That no objections having been filed, it s herewith resolv- ed that Bir -Law No. 1477 be now read a third time and fin&lly passed...Carried. At 3 P.M. Mr. Gerry Livingstone and Mr. Kilpatrick, his Engineer, met with the council and disccused his proposal for subdivision of the lake front of his property in lots 6, 7 and 8. A communication and questionnaire received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs respecting this matter was also read. The Ree`re and Clerk were atthorized to answer the questionnaire on behalf of the Townsh A letter was received from l'dir. Joe Mooney on behalf of Mr. Livingstone requesh ing that the Township Concession road at lot 11, between Conc. 1 and 2 be clos and an offer to buy was received in the said letter. This matter was also discussed with Mr. Livingstone and he was advised that at the present time the council was not in favour of closing this road. Mr. Elba Dennis waited on the council briefly and expressed objections construction of the Carnes Municipal Drain and his land assessment. He advised that these objections should have been expressed at the proper in accordance with notices duly sent to him. Fire Chief_ Nevill attended briefly and his report for the first six months of the year was presented to council. The same was accepted and payment of calls authorized. Reevehi-l_? ips -,,ave a report .6n' settlement of Millard case at a cost of ' 2800 to the Tom ship and solicitor's fees of $1038.50. This to be paid by roads account and a supplementary by-law presented to cover same in accordance with previous discussions with Mr. T. S. ljaldwell. Loved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 14?9 being a by-law to prov- ide an additional expenditure of $383$.50 on roads for 1963, be now road a f1hrst time...Carried. Moved by James Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1479 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1479 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by James- That A$g. 5th. be for the Township of Bayham... Carried. Road work and program Moved by Jes Seconded b Pressey- 914,642.00 or roads, account... Carried. discussed declared members holiday That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $4,175,45 for general account and $16,21$.39 for Capital r� U Reveiver `ieneral - Tax notice stamps ----------- $ 63.00-,. June Nevill- Relief for A June ----------------- 43.00 � Geo. Baldwin - " " "----------------- 43.00 Bernice Burwell - " It F "----------------- 62.00 Hazel Ray - " " " ----------------- 78-00 Lorna Robinson - " " "-------- --------- 35.40 %, Rose Nowell - " " " ----------------- 61.00 ,,. June Nevill - " " July ---------------- 43-00--,, Bernice Burwell _ It :r % " _______________ 62.00 -., Hazel Ray - " it " _______________ 1+8.00,, Rose Nowell " " '' 51.25 Geo. Baldwin - " " "--------------- 1.2.00 ,, Florence Kennedy - » " n _______________ 4450 Iva McCurdy - " " "--------------- 3$.00 � Lorna Robinson- " IT 1t ________________ 35000•, Ontario Hydra - Hydro for office --------------- 7.52 \ It " - " " fire hall ------------ 22-17\ Wrp. Partington Jr.- Fox Bounty ----------------- 8.00 •,, News Vrinting Co.- Advt. & Printing ------------ 63.14 � Spellman Benner - Repairs Benner Dr. ----------- 13.70 it ,t - Tile " "----------- 7.73 -., Hotchkiss Appliances - Bulb for office --------- .67 N%. Geo. Beard - Charity re. Bela Pal -------------- 5.09 � Walter "elson - Expenses re. Coomber "G" Dr.---- 6.75 J.J.Faulkner - Fire truck repairs --------------- 1.30•` Allen Walsh Plumbing- Motor Pump repaids F.D.--- 21.36 �, Workmen's Comp. Board - Re. Vol. firemen ------- 15.00 \ Treas. Wentworth Cty.- May rel. re. Nevard ----- 23.41 � " of Tillsonbura - W IT " Hainer ----- 11.1+5 n 11 If - June & July » " ----- 22.90\ " " Morley Twp.- May Rel. re. Friessen --- 19.25 � n n Chatham Twp.- " " " Schopf ---- 12-50,N Norwich - Feb.to June " " Case ----- 13.25 \ Houghton Twp.- May Rel. re. Weaver --- 33.21 n n Chatham Twp. - i*N'?-' " " Schopf ---- 12.50 -,, Dr. A. N. Vanloon - Teeth Ext. re. Baldwin ----- 18.00,\ Andy Taylor - 24 fire calls --------------------- 96oOO . John gibe - 24 " "-------------- ----- 96.00--, Basil "evill= 24 " "------------------- 96,00,-.., Harold Dennis - 19 " "------------------- 76.00 Jack Barclay - 13 " "------------------- 52.00 Jack Nevill - 19 " " ___________________ 76.00 Albert Cook - 34 " "----------- ------ 136.00 Wilbur Locker - 17 " "------------------- 68.00,-, Willis Marr - 25 " "------------------- 100.00N., Ken Everitt - 25 " "------------------- 100000N\ David Johnston- 11 " "------------------- 44,00 Donald House - 5 " "------------------- 20.00 Walter Moore - 3 " "------------------ - 12.00 � Lloyd Dickinson - 3 " "------ ------------- 12,00 \ Jack Hotchkiss - 1 " "------------------- 1.00 \ Hamilton Turd & Cathers - Spray Lia. Ins. ----- 90.00.,, Richard 6amble - Relief for part July ---------- X3.00.\ James S. Davison - Dog control for May --------- 25.00\ ViolQt Smith - Office help June 1-15 ----------- 77.86 �, Receiver General - Un. ins. ____________________ 2.28,\ - Pension ded. re. Vallee ----- 1}6.26 � It " �' Toi,.mi s: �i p' 5 share1+6.26 ------------ \ Violet Smith - Office help June 16-30 ---------- 71.86 ,.,, Receiver general - Un. ins. -------------------- 2.28 \ Deters, Brown & Co.- Bal.audit fee for 1962 ---- 762.70\ Gerald Taylor - Care Straf.St.Lts. 6 mo--------- 30.00 James S. Davison - Dog control for June -------- 35.00 Jack;;Hotchkiss - Wages assessing --------------- 63o76-> it n - Mileage ----------------------- 22.50 ,,, Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for June ------------- 35.04 ,,, J. D. Vallee - Meals at London ----------------- 7,44 it " - Bartley Dr. By -Law ------------- 60.00 It " - To apply on salary -------------- 275.$6 Receiver General - Tax re. allee-------------- 17.05 James Pressey - Assistance assessing-4+ui------- 48.00 June --_-- 144.00\ C. D. Phillips - Trip to London & i meeting ---- 28.80 NI, Norman Pressey - " " " & 1 " ---- 31,20"IN Ross Carson - ►t It n & 1 " _____ 28.10 ,, 734 -0 1-0 Stanley James - Trip to London & 1 meeting --- $ N. B. Hedges - " n » ------------- n» - Car n " ------------- Capital Account Backus Const. Co. - Prog Cert. # 3 ----------- Allen 'Walsh Plumbing - Re. water line -------- John N. Corbett - Stone for field bed -------- Basil Nevill - Rotovating at office---------- Treas. of Vienna - Used brick for dry hole --- 30.00 14 00� 9.00 ..� 16099.00 29.39, 54.00 24.00 12.00 . 735 Moved by James Seconded by Pressey- That this council now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday August 6th. at 10.00 A.M...Carried. Township Office, Straffordville, August 6th. 1963• Pursuant to adjournment of July 8th., the regular meeting of the Payham Towns Council was held on the above date with all members present and peeve Phillips presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were retie, approvel and signed and the following business imras done. Communications received included the following; - Engineer's certificates of completion were received Fazakas-Slaght Drains. A letter was received from Major for courcil.lors and officials. Several approvals were received. Planning Branch. for the Magyar-Dielmen andj Pratt respecting a Course re, Civil Defence for transfers of properties from the Community Mr. Burns "].TcKenzie met with the members and offfered to surply the new office and Fire hall at a price of 1A cents per gall on ar price. furnace oil for less than reTu1 LI-. Basil Nevill met with the members and briefly discussed proposed sidewalks f in Straffordville and water storage tank atj-new fire hall. Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- That 1963 taxes of Basil ''evill, ?fool No. 559, be written off in an amount of $27.40 owing to tenant house being destroyed by fire on Dec. 4th. 1962' Carried. Moved by ''edges 0econde3 That the application be made to the Dept. of Highways for permission to construct a 4 foot sidelgalk along No. 19 Highway in Strafford- ville From the north side of .Third Street to the south side of Fourth Street, a distance of approximately 320 feet and at an estimated cost of $40O.' and that the payment of the usual subsidy be requested on this work...Carried. w n,Tnved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That this council authors-ze the Reeve and Fire Chief to arrange installation of water tank and stand for same in new fire hall..Carri Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 P.M...Carried. Council resumed regular shortly after 1.10 P.M. Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1102, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant consent for sale of the following parcel of land, nemely part of the souht part of lot 15, Concession Five, Township of Bayham by William Basil Campbell and Edna Muriel Campbell to Frank Laemers and Margaret Larmers...Carried. it 14$0 1481 I _� 7?6 Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- That in the matter of The Palnning Act and Township of Bavham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant c sent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely part of the south part of lot four, Concession Eight, Bayham Township, by Clarence Harvey and Shirley Mable Harvey to George Nasswetter and Sofia Nasswetter , the portion retained by Harvey being less than ten acres...Carrie:�. Moved by Carson Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1480, beln7 consolidate drainage by-laws nos. 1455, 1456 and 1457 and to of debentures for same, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1480 be now time...Carried. Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1480 be now and finally passed...Carried. a by-law to issue one series read a second read a third time] Assessment maters were discussed abd the time expected to complete same. Moved by James Seconded. by Hedaes- And resolved that By -Law No, 1481 being a e for an extension of time for completing asfiessment in 1963 for holding assessment court of revision in 1963, be now read Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1481 be now time... Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1481 be now and finally passed...Carried. by-law to provi and change in da a first time. read a second read a third timet Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following accounts on Capital Account when approved by Engineer and when furniture is installed satisfactorily. - 1. Progress certificate No. 4 to Backus Const. Co. Ltd. • 2. Bennetts Stationery in and amount of $2763.49 for furniture. Carried. Moved by Seconded 1. 2. Moved by Seconded funds as from sale Carson by Hedges- that the following credits to Capital Account be approved.: Proceeds from sale of portion of barn by Fire Departmentq$1000.00, Reserve Fund account - $3580.45...Carried. Carson by James- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to transfer necessary from Treasurer's account to Capital account pending receip of old office and Winter Works project...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That insurance on new office and contents be placed with Hamilton, Ward and Cathers in an.amount of #,2,000.00 on building and $4500,0 on contents at a rate of 312 cents...Carried. Mr. Dan Murphy met with'the members and discussed drainage matters on his farm in respect to Bartley, Stimers and Wiles Drains. Reeve Phillips agreed contact the County on -the matter and to meet with Mr. Murphy on Aug. 11th. Approval was given by the council for office hours of 9 to 5, Monday through Friday and closed all day on Saturdays. Roads matters and allotted expenditures were discussed. Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $13,948.92 for roads, $6,435.41 for general accounts and $2,763.49 for Capita account...Carried. Roads accounts - Paylist July 1 - 15 ----------- " 16 - 31 ----------- n n - Vouchers ---------------------- Mary VanWynsberghe - Relief for part July ------ Mary Hamm - " " " " ------ Bernice Burwell - " " �` " ------ Jacqueline Brinn- 761.87\ 771.96 \ 12415.09\ 40.00\ 20.00` 62.00 25.00 John D. Smith - Relief for part July --------- 10.00 Mary Hamm - n tt n --------- 13.00 June Nevill - n n "--------- 43,00\ George Baldwin - " " n --------- 42.00 Richard Gamble - " " n -------- 6 .00 7 � Rose Nowell - " n n -------- 51.25\ Hazel Ray - n n "-------- 78.00 Ontario Hydro - Straff. st. lights ----------- 80,38\ n n _ Eden n tr----------- 52.39 n n - Richmond " n ----------- 49.38 \ n n _ Corinth n n ----------- 18.78 C. J. Ketchabaw - Groceries for J.D.Smith ---- 55.00 Ralph Me=uiggan - " " McClain &. Locke- 18.01 Richard Gamble - Relief for August ------- 97.00,. George Baldwin - It " " ------ 42.00., Florence Kennedy - " " "------- 44.50 ---, Bernive Burwell - " t1 "-------- 52.00 N, Hazel Kay - " " "------- 48.00 Iva McCurdy - " " "----_-- 38900 Rose Nowell - "-- - 5125 June "evill - it itn-------- 43..0 ,, Mary Hamm n " "------- 28.00,\ Jacqueline Brinn - " " "------- 25.00 \ Treas.Wentworth County- June reli6 f re. Nevard- 21,41\ n Morley Twp. - June relief re. Freissen - 19.25\ n Houghton Twp.- " it it weaver --- 30.44 \ " Dereham Tarp. - Fire calls -------------- 200,00..., Safety Supply Co.- Supplies for fire dept. --- 3.72 Gibson ' & Linton - Legal re, Millard ---------- 143,74 � Victoria Hospital - Drugs re, Judy Pal ------- 15.35 � Treas. Houghton Twp.- Share Lysy Drain ------- 174.25 News Printing Co.- Advertisements ------------ 12.10 Fred A. Sivyer - Fc:: Bounty ------------------ 16.00 Canadian National Rys.-Protection lights ---- 33.28 37.55 Blake Wolfe - Lamb destroyed by dogs --------- 20.00 Treas. Morley Twp.- July relief re.Friessen --- 19.25 Ostrander's Funeril Home- Burial re.Rutledge--- 174.50 Rurns McKenzie - Fuel for new office --------- 36.20 G. W. Cattle Const.Co.- Fazakas-Slaght Drain-- 1020.12 it it " - Magyar-Dielman It -- 2443.47 Basil Nevill - Spraying cemeteries ----------- 53.30 James Pressey - Wages to July 15th; ---------- 2 5.72 Violet Sm th - Office help July 1 - 15 ------- 6$.92 Receiver leneral - stn. ins. ------------------ 9.12 n n - Tax ----------------------- 13,05,\ Violet Smith - Office help July 16 - 31 ------ 77-95-%, James Pressey - Wages July 16 - 31 ------------ 58,08-%. J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------ 275.06 \ Receiver General - Un. Ins. ------------------ 4.24-,., it it - Tax ----------------- 19-05-,, Jack Hotchkiss - Wages assessing ------------- 86.25%., n n - Mileage ------------------- 19.90-,, ►,, Basil 9evill - Fire Chief for July ----------- 35.00 � C. D. Phillips - Attend 1 meeting ------------ 14.40 -\ Norman Pressey - it 1 "------------- 15.60, Ross Oarson - if 1 n ------------- 14.20%, N. B. Hedges - it l n ------------- 14.00 Stanley James - " 1 n ------------ 15.00 Capital Account Bennett Stationery Ltd.- Furniture ----------- 2763,49%, Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That this council now adjourn to meet again on Sept. 3rd. at 10.00 A.M, , , Carried. 11 719 New Township Office, Straffordville, Sept. 3rd. 1963 The Regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held in the New Office and Council Chamber on the above date, all members being present and Reeve Phillips presiding. Reeve Phillips remarked about the first meeting in the new Council Chamber stating that he would have more to say at the official opening and dedication to be held at a leter date. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. A bulletin was received from the Dept. of Highways respecting the requirements for installation of metal culverts of( -•six fbbtrof�more in diameter. A prive offer for supply of fuel oil for heating purposes was received from N. I. Dodd of Till sonburg . Notice of courses to be held by Major Pratt was received, Bayham Council and Officials being slated for October 12th. at 9,00 a.m. The Clerk advised that a claim for damages by Central Pipe Line Co. had been turned over to insurance agents. A letter of acknowledgement was received from the Dept. of Highways regarding sidewlk construction in Straffordville and intimating approval of same. Interim payment of Winter Works subsidy was received fcr projects numbered 260 and 536. Official approval was received from the Dept. of Highways regarding purchase by road dept. of part of Township barn from Fire Dept. at price of $1000.00, and also requesting council resolution covering expenditure of $32+,97 for furniture for Road Supt.'s office. Mr. Robert Ball waited on the council and discussed repairs across lot 122 Conc. 7. Fire Chief Nevill advised the members that extensive repairs to pump on fire truck and that a pumper had been received on 0. under the St. Thomas Fire Chief. to bridge at road had been required loan from the E.M? Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1.02, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant con- sent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely part of lot 15, Concession 5, Bayham Township, By Charles Norris and Violet Norris to The Trustees of The Straffordville Company of JehovaH's Witihesses... Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded,by Carson- That this council authorize repairs to Ker and Coomber "A" Branch Drains and Drain Inspector be requested to attend to same...Carried. Moved by Hedges Sevonded by Carson That this council adjourn for neon to meet again at 1.30 P .M .... Carried. Council vsumed regular session shortly after 1.300 P.M. Mr. George Cameron waited on the council and requested he be given a share of Township insurance business. He ld examine the Township insurance at any time and was petive bids for same. that as a ratepayer, was advised that he cou- invited to submit com- Mr. Walter Nelson met with the members and discussed drainage matters. Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That this council approve of an expenditure of $32..97 by the Township Road Department for new office furniture for the office of the Township Road Superintendent...0 arried. An account was received from the Tobacco Harvest Workers Co-Ordinating Committ ee for the sum of $1,389-74. This council having advised previously that a maximum sum of $750.00 only would be accepted. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That in reply to account from Mr. McNern, this council authorize settlement of $750.... Carried.` Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That Mrs. Smith be engaged on a weekly basis at $j.�.00 per week to include ordinary care of office...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- That this council make application to the Dept. of Municip all Affairs for an extension of time for return of Assessment Rolland time fo final revision of same ...Carried . 0 U 739 Moved by Pressey Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1482 being a by-law to author- ize and application to the Dept. of Municipal Affairs for an extension of time for ret=n of Assessment Roll, be now read a first time... Carried. 1482 Moved by Hedges Seconded by Pressey- And resolved time... Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- And resolved and finally passvd... Carried. that By -Law No. 1482 be now read a second that By -Law No. 1482 be now read a third time Clerk Vallee submitted prices on drapes for windows for offices and council chamber as received from Heaths Store and Verne's Tile both of Tillsonburg. Verhe4s Tile being the lwwer proce for equivalent materials. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Pressey- That this council approve the purchase of drapes from Verne's Tile as submittbd price of $399.89... Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Pressey- That this council approve the purchase from Bennett Stationery Ltd. of 3 sections of steel shelving at price of $130. plus tax. Carried. Road accounts and program were discussed with the Road Supt. Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $4904.12 for roads and $3043.24 for general accounts and $236.50 for Capital Accounts... Carried. Road accounts - Paylist Aug. 1 - 15 --------____ Aug. 16 - 31 ----------- " Vouchers for August -----_______ Receiver General - Stamps ---------------------- Aylmer & Malahide Te1.Co.- Office phone -------- Mary Weaver - Relief for part Aug. ------------- June Nevill - " " n ______ _______ tt tt n - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mary Hamm - Geo. Bhldwin - " " " ------------- Richard Gamble - IT " " ------------- Bernice Burwell- IT " ------ Hazel Ray = it " It -----_- ChildrensAid Society,Welland- Rel.re. Gamble --- Ralph McQuiggan - Relief re. McLain -- ---------- Receiver General - Stamps for arrears notices --- Lyle R. Grant Motors- Fire truck repairs ------ - Treas.Houghton Twp.- July rel.re. Weaver ------- " Chatham Twp. - tt it n Schopf------- " Middleton Twp.- IT " " Robinson ----- Wentworth Cty.- IT " " Nevard------- " Pt. Burwell - Share fire call line ------- Municipal World Ltd.- Office supElies---------- Ontario Municipal Stationers - D. L. Cowan - Repairs Benner Drain ------------- Louis Fazakas - Damages Faz-Slaght Drain ------- Andy Dieleman - IT Mag.-Diel. " - ------ Wallace Stroud - " & Allow. Mag. -Diel Drain ---- Elgin Co-Op.Service - Ladder & Mails ----------- Albert Cook - Mileage rel fire tricks ---------- Hamilton,Ward & Cathers- Ins.Prem.Off. & F.D. -- I? tt n tt _ n IT contents ----- Peter J. Gloin - Crown Attorney fees------------ Tob.Harv.Work.Co-od. Committee- Share ----------- Mary Hamm - Reltif for Sept. __________________ G Bit it it H VV6W aldwin - -------------------- June Nevill - " " " ------------------ Bernice Burwell- It " IT ------------ Iva McCurdy McCurdy - tt " it ------------------- HazelRay, ,► tt rt ------------------ James S. avison - Dog control, July ------------ Violet Smfth Office help Aug. 1 -15 ------------ ReceiverGeneral - Un. ins. --------------------- M. L. C�,ute - Waxing etc. offoce floors --------- A.M.Spriet ,k Associates- Insp.Mag.-Diel Dr.------ " " - " Faz.-Sla§ht Dr. ---- Walter D. Nelson - Com. fee " " ____ 17 It it I- it it Mag. -Diel. Drain --- 757.13 707.88 3439.11 14.00N 28-46,,, 10.00 43.00 28. oo ...,, 42.00 N%30.00.E 6200 78.. 00 10.00 5.99 7.00, 37.60\ 26.50\ 12.50'-- 1.7$11 23.4 27.40\ 10.08\ .15.63 24.00 15.00N 35.0ON 270.00\ 13.55N 24.00 132.30\ 9.86 40.00\ 750.00N 15.00'% 42.00\ 43.00 62.00 38.00N 48.00 30.00 68.27 -� 2.16` 15.00-,, 100.00\ 45.00\ 15.00\ 30.00\ J. D. Vallee - Clerks fee Mag. -Diel. Drain -------- " it - " " FaZ .-Slaght Dr. --------- Violet Smith - Office help Aug. 16 -31 ------------- Receiver General - Un. ins. ----------------------- Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for August -------------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ----------------- Receiver GenerA1- = Tax re. Vallee ----------------- Jack Hotchkiss - Time assessing ------------------- f' " - Mileage " -------------------- Chas. D. Phillips - Attend 1 meeting -------------- Norman Pressey - " 1 " ---------------- Ross Carson 1 '1 ---------------- N. B. Hedges - " 1 „ ---------------- Stanley James - " 1 'f --------------- Cap tal Account VanDyk & Wells - Curbs and Sidewalk --------------- John N. Corbett - Stone for driveway -------------- $ 110.00%. 4.0.00\ 72.36\ 2.28% 35.00"- 276.66 17-05%,- 12-50' 3.70. 14-40--- 15.60p-- 14. 4.40.•15.6014.. 20-, 14.00'- 15 .00 ", 4..00'- 15.00", 131.50 ,., 105.00 740 Moved by James Seconded by Hedges- That this council adjourn to meet again on October 7th. at 10.00 A.M... Carried. Township Office, Straffordville, October 7th. 1963 Pursuant to adjournment of Sept. 3rd., the regularmeetinC of the Bayham Town- ship Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Phillips presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Three notices of indigent patients were received and filed. A request for membership in the Lake Erie Regional Development Association at a coat of $250.00 was received. Appreciation for flowers sent was received from the Coyle Family. Approval of By -Law No. 1+82 was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs, A Proclamation was received pertaining to the week of Oct. 6-12 being observed as fire prevention week. A letter dated Sept. 11, 1963 was received from Mr. Stafford respecting drainage of Mr. Dan Murphy's lands. Consents by the Planning Branch were received for the Laemers property and Jehovah Witness Company. Mrs. Joe Kennedy, by letter, thanked the Township for assistance received during the past years. An -,announcement of official opening and opening house for the East Elgin High School On October 28th. was received. Mr. Patchell submitted a written resignation as Tillsonburg High School Trust- ee owing to his transfer to 'Simcoe. A bulletin was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs regarding the Municipal Loan Fund. Approval was received from the 'sept . of Highways for expenditure for subsidy purposes of $324..97 for furniture for office of Aaod Supt. Approval subject to certain conditions, was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs for the proposed subdivision plan of demere Farms Ltd. at lots b 7 and $ Concession 1. Winter Works subsidy interim payment in an amount of $4,1.40.73 was received in respect to project No. 956. Union Gas Co. requested information on construction work in 1964 that might affect their lines. j A questionnaire was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs concerning the publication of the auditor's reports. Details of Program bulletin was received in respect to the Winter Works Incentive Program for 1963 - 196.. Price oxo furnace oil was received from Sterling Fuels at Tillsonburg of $16.10 per hundred gallons, Mr. Wm. Pitcher, representative. Mr. Stewart Kinsey waited on the cpuncil and discussed the matter of a road culvert at his farm and also requested some improvements to hill south of , 0 it s� 741 Richmond. He was ififormed these matters would receive consideration. Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That the Minister of Planning and Development be request- ed to define the Township of Bayham as a Planning Area... Carried. Mr. Ralph McLaughlin and Mr. Royden Cat hers meet with the council and reviewed insurance policies and coverages carried by the Township. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 P.M...Carried. Council resumed regular session at about 2.00 P.M. Mesdames Davis and Martyn waited on the council and discussed the possibil- ity of the formation of a library at Straffordville and the use of the former Township office for same. Reeve Phillips offered to discuss this matter with Elgin County Library personnel and report. Mr. Howard Palmer of the Telephone Co. together with Mr. Hess and Fire ghief Nevill met with the members and re -viewed the situation of fire alarms under the new dial system and ways and means of improving same. It was agreed that a new plan would be worked out and given a trial. i;0*.*e44-t�4ea-ad, ovpned-teupeparpt-Iry-to -fops -riseaMont -wapt-6f-pevia&*AV Moved by Carson Seconded by Pressey- That the members of the Bayham Township Council for 1962-63 form the Court of Revision for the Assessment Roll made in 1963 for 1964 taxes... Carried. Council then adourned temporaryily to form the Court of Revision and the members subscribed to the necessary oath. Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That Reeve Phillips be Chairman of the 1963 Assessment Court of Revision ... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- Thatthis Court of Revisdon now adjourn to meet again at the call of the Chairman... Carried. Council resumed regular business. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- That repairs as required be made to the Bartley Drain between County. -Road and the headwall on Mr. Murphy's farm ... garried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That the resignation of Mr. E. W. Patchell as Tillsonburg High School Trustee be accepted with regrets...Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That Robert Howey be appointed to complete the term of Mr. Patchell as Tillsonburg High School TruOtee... Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Paressey- That council authorize the Treasurer to pay Wa.Deitrich for Carnes Drain work on Presentation of certificate by Engineer Black... Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1+4$3 being a by -lax to provide for holding municipal elections for 1963 and appointing Heputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks and Polling Placesip be now read a first # 1483 time ... Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1483 be now read a ,second time...Carried. , Moved by Pressey Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1483 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson - in an amount of $79� That an applicatiod �F96.79 and th;; t, e for interim road $roper officers subsidy be approved sign same. Carried__ Moved by Pressey Seconded by James- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts $3,692.92 for roads, $4,510.30 for gemeral accounts and $4,759.14 Accounts ... Carkied. Roads accounts - Pay list Sept. 1 to 15 ----- $ 719.48 16 to 30 ___-- 6$2.60 Payment voucher ------------ 2290.$4 Mary Weaver - Relief for part Sept. --------- 10.00% Geo. Baldwin - " " "---------- 42.00\ Bernice Burwell- " " "--------- 62.00-s Hazel Ray - " » » _--------- 7$.00.• June Nevill - » » n ________-- 43.00 Rose Nowell - " " part "--------- 48.50 Mary Weaver - » n n » _-_i_ilii+_ 5.00 C. J. Ketchabaw - " re. L.P8mbleton-------- 20.00 -- Mary Hamm - " for part Sept. -iii------ 15.00 ` Ontario Hydro - Hydro for offices ----------- 19.59\ Rose Nowell - Relief for October ---------- 51.25\ June Nevill " " n __i__ii_ 43.00-\ Geo. Baldwin - n n n __________ 42,00\ Richard Gamble- " " "----------- 97.00ti Mary Hamm - n n n ____i___i-- 2$.00 N Hazel Ray - » » "----------- 4$.04 \ Iva McCurdy - " " October ----------- 3$.00\ June Nevill - Rent for October -------------- 30.00N Treas.N.Walsingham Twp.- Relief re.Robinson-- 6,,57\ " Chatham Twp,- " " Schopf --- 12.50\ " Wentworth Cty.- " " Nevard --- 23.41` " Norwich - " " Case ----- 31.50\ " Morley Twp.- " " Friesen -- 19.25ti " . Houghton Tep. - " " Weaver --- 15.501 Underwood Ltd.- Typewriter repairs ---------- 7.00\ Bennett Stationery Ltd.- File folders ------- 22.67` Gestetner Ltd.- Voters list supplies -------- 25.57\ covers--------- 7.21\ News Printing Co.- Supplies & Printing ------ 62.70' -- Huntington Lab.Ltd.- Janitor's supplies ----- 72.03 Provincial Treas. Refund re. Schuller ----- $'3 0 5.4 Dennis Garage - Fire truck repairs-ii___iii / /2.J+2, King Seagrave Ltd.- " " pump repairs ----- 908:29, Jack Pugsley - Fox Bounty ----------- -------- 4.00-* Lyle R. Grant Motors - Fire trfiek repairs --- 4.12,. Ontario Hydro - Straff. Street Lights - ------ $0.$$, Richmond " "------- 54.38 • n » - Eden n n ------- 51.25, - Corinth " " -- ----- 17.502 Hamilton,Ward & Cathers - Lia. insurance ---- 574.65N Burns McKenzie - Office fuel ---------------- 57.2$s. Receiver General - Pension deductions ------- 61.61\ - Township's share --------- 61.61\ Violet Smith - To apply on salary ----------- 74.80\ Receiver General - Un. ins. ----------------- 2.40\ James S. Davison - Dog Control for August --- * 20.00\ Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for Sept. --------- 35.00` J, D, Vallee - To apply on glary ----------- 275.86\ Receiver General - Tax re. allee ; ----------- 17.05. Jack Hotchkias = Wages assessing ------------ 196.$5 » " - Mileage -------------------- 5.50 C. D. Phillips - Attend 1 meeting ----------- 14.40` Norman Pressey - " 1 "-__--------- 15.60., N. Be Hedges - " 1 "----------- 14.00 Ross Carson - " 1 "------------ like 20% Stanley James - " 1 "------------ 15.00 Capital Account oper BuildersSupplies - Cement for walks -- 62.$4\ Bennett's Stationery - Vault shelving ------- 140.70 ,. R.A.Shelton & Sons - Gravel re. walks ---- --- 6.00\ Elgin CO -Op - Grass seed -------------------- 7$.60, Backus Construction Co.Ltd.- Cert. # 4 ------ 4471.00 -- 742 of for Capital �i 11 741 Moved by Pressey Seconded by James- That this council adjourn to meet again on Oct. 28th. at 9.00 A.M...Carried, I Township Office, Straffordville, Oct. 28th, 1963, Pursuant to adjournment of Oct. 7th., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Phillips presiding. Aiautes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. A letter was received from the Administration Division of Community Planning Branch requesting information pertaining to defining Bayham Township as a Plann9ng Area. A communication was received from Victoria Hospital regarding Judy Pal. A letter was read from Mr. Black, Engineer on the Carnes Municipal Drain regarding an additional payrpent of $25. for more tile installed and request- ing a meeting with the council. EMO information and amendments were received. The award of the Arbitrators on the Tillsonburg District High School division of costs was received on Oct. 17th, 1963, Bayham's percentage being reduced by . 877 %* A reminder of an EMO meeting on Oct. 30th, was received from Major Pratt. Several requests for consent for property tranfers were received. A letter of appreciation inclosing $25. wa-& --received from the Central Pipe Line Co. for Volunteer Firemen services at one of their truck fires. Mr. Stafford, by letter dated Oct. 16th., threathened action unless something was done within the next seven days to remedy the drain a situation on the 3rd. lands of Mr. Daniel Murphy. He was advised the by-law would be given reading on Oct. 28th. Reeve Phillips presented a copy of letter from the General Manager of the Ontario Humane Society directed to the Mayor of Simcoe complaining of conditions under which dogs from Simcoe and area municipalitites are impound- ed. No action was taken on letter from Allen's Sales Srvice respecting some equipment for safe and servicing of combination to ck. Reeve Phillips was advised by letter that the Port Burwell Chamber of Commerce supported him in his endeavour to bring about faL4-and reasonable gas rates, Separate School Inspector Begley forwarded a map of Bayham showing areas for separate school support. A request was received from Mr. Dick Graydpn for adjustment of taxes due to loss of barn by fire and as application was received from Basil G.Hotchkiss for a the drainage loan. ' Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That the applicayion of Basil G. Hotchkiss for a Tile Drainage Loan of $300. be accepted and processed in the usual m nner..Carrie Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That the 1963 taxes of Dick Graydon, Roll No. 1306, be reduced by an amount of $71.80 on account of barn assessed for $800. being destroyed by fire in 1962...Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That this council approve construction of about 215 feet 4 foot sidewalk along the east side of No.19 Highway and north from First Street in the Village of Straffordville ... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That applicaj;fon be made herewith for Provincial :,Subsidy on sidewalk construction in the Village of Straffordville namely 215 feet of sidewalk along east side of No. 19 Highway from First Street north at a cost of $225.00... Carried. Moved by Carson �econded by Pressey- That in the matter of The P1 nnin Act and Township of ayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended thaf the Minister grant consent for the Union Gas Company of Canada Limited to enter into Agreements for Right -Of -Way with the following owners of this Township. Steve Gradish Alexander & Olga Lileikis Jon & Isabel Liutkevicus Remy A. & Regina M. Ppppe. Walter & Julia Rekstis Claude Weslet White...Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely part of lot 124, South Talbot Road in the Township of Bayham by Mac Gibbons and Ruby Gibbons to James Gibbons...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of oayham By-law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, nemely part of the east part of lot 21, Concession 8 in the Township of Bayham by Viola Gwendoline Cowan to Wilbur Lloyd Cowan and Barbara Jane Cowan... Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant consent for the sale of the followin,gg parcel of land, nemely part of lot 16 in the North Gore 19oncession, Township of Bayham by Hugh J.W.Ketchabaw and Aellie Margaret Ketchabaw to Frank Reiser and Juanita Reiser...Carried. Moved by James 1476 Seconded by Pressey- That By -Law No. 1476 (Bartley Drain) be now read a third',,, 3rd. time and finally passed...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at l.00 P.M...Carried. Council resumed regular session at 1 P.M. Assessor Jackson discussed assessment matters with the members and reported on progress of this years assessment. Engineer Black, Drain Inspector Chute and Contractor Deitrick together with Mr. Lyle Walsh discussed Carnes drainage matters with the council and alleged' dama#e to Mr. Walsh's lands. It was decided that the Dept. of Lands and Fire be requested to make an inspection of same. Mesdames Martyn_and Brinn discussed brt*fly matters pertaining to a possible library in Straffordville. Road matters and Winter Works projects were discussed with Road Supt. Tribe. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That this council make application for Winter Works program of Roadside brushing and tree removal in an amount of $3000.00 for the 1963-4 season. ..Carried. The Clerk was instructed to list old Township office with real estate agent and also to send expressions of appreciation to those who helped make the official opening of our new affice a success. Moved by Hedge s Seconded by James- That the Reeve sign the order sheets ft amounts of $2394.63 for roads, $2834.96 for general accounts and $524.$9 for Capital accounts... Carried. Receiver General - Stamps ----------------------- $ 7.00,E Roads accounts - Pay list Oct. 1 - 15 ----------- 655.79 Oct. 16 - 31 --------- 8$#.30 n n _ Payment voucher----------r-r--- 173$•$4 Jesse Morrow - Relief for part Oct. ------------- 25.00\ Mary Weaver 10 .00 \ Mary Hamm 30*00\ J .. George Baldwin'- Relief for October ------- $ 42.00\ Richard Gamble- " " t. -_-__-_ 33.00\ Rose Nowell - » » n » _______ 51.25\ Hazel Ray - " " "------- 7$.00\ Richard Gamble - " " pt. "------- 34.00*- C.J.Ketchabaw - " re. Pembleton------- 20.00` Treas. Houghton Twp.- Sept. relief re.Weaver- 14.50 " Dereham Twp. - » " re.G.Tribe- 4.00 Bennett's Stationery- Guest book, etc. ------ 5.00\ J. D. Vallee - Ash trays & ribbon ---=------- 3.70 Tills.Eng. & Mfg Co. Talmk for fire hall ---- 175.00N Newman Flowers I�t-d.- Flowers re. Coyle ------ 10.30 Municipal World Ltd.- Office supplies ------- 6eO-, Canadian National Rys.- Crossing Lts.------- 55.60 37,19. Soper Builders Supplies - Fire dept. rep. --- 5.314 - Office supplies --- •74N Lfle R. Grant Motors - Fire dept. repairs --- 9.50•, ____ 1.03 Lake gide Nursing Home- Care re.Stanley--___- 120.00 Alex Bain,.,- Hens killed by dogs 20.00 Receiver General - Stamps ------------------- 10.00.0 Straff. U.C.W. - Coffee & lunches ----------- 65.00. Robert Byerlay - Repairs iter Drain ---------- 134.00\ ply on salary --------- m- Violet Sm&th - To a�n, ?4.$0 � Receivereneral - ins. ----------------- 2.40 James S. Davison - Dog control -------------- 20.00 M. L. Chute - Cleaning office ------------ --- 6.00 Basil evill - Fire Chief for Oct. ---------- 35.00,, J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ----------- 275.$6` Receiver Ueneral - Tax re. Vallee ----------- 1 .05\; Clerk of The Peace,Elgin- Cert V.lists ------ .15� Robert C. Jackson- Valuators fee ------------ 5.00% - Fenceviewers fee --------- 10.00N Lloyd Herron - " "------- 10.00N Lloyd Chute - » "-------- 10.00 -- Elton H. Jackson - Mileage,2545 @ .100 ------ 254.50,-,. » n n _ Dog Tax Com. 20% 1670. ---- 334*00• 4 56$ cards C 3.00 --------- 170:.00 C. D. Phillips - Attend 1 meeting ----------- 14.40% Norman Pressey - " 1 "----------- 15,,6o,- 5.60N. N.B. Hedges - " 1 " ___________ 14.00, Ross Carson - " 1 "---------- - 14.20.4 Stanley James - " 1 "----------- 15.00-, Capital Account- erne's Tile - Office drapes ---------------- 399•$9 � McConnell Nursery Ltd. - Shrubs ------------- 125.00 � Moved by Hedges Seconded by James - That this council adjourn to meet again on Dec. 3rd. at 10.00 A.M...Carried. 0 �r x Reeve. ,� er ribbon cutting - d opening of the hip ` municipal Stra#ordwlile. Wednesdaay afternoon. Shown here are El in !,County Warden K. C. -*:A. Johnson, a former , who cut , -.,ned, Reflectingthe ng progress of its surroundings, a new Township of f3ayham combination office building t re hall was officially opened affordville yesterday. t and equipped at a cost of , the new structure is located.l4 Highway, adjacent to tl'e ip sheds, and contains 'the office, office; for the road superintendent and assessor, a spat- ions council chambers, and a modern fire hall and meeting room for ineni. bers of the volunteer fire brigade. Officials from practically each municipality in Elgin County were present to take part in the ceremony, t as well as representatives froin nearby Eownships of Norfolk and Oxford counties. Ronald K. McNeil, If p. for. El, gin, was present to officially open the building but in a surprise move called on a former Reeve of Bay- ham, Mr. Arba Johnson, to snip the ceremonial ribbon. Mr. Johnson and r ere r-" e o mer assoclates ., .,� Coun as tow the ribbon, MPP -elect { ham Towua Phillips. e Charles Phillips wa � emonies for the eve" under perfect weal fie intrcxlur..ed his cQ Deputy Reeve Norman Pressey aqd Councillors Bill ' Hedges S-tanley James and Ross. Carson, and tfiank- M„4 cd` them for their co-operation; ,and >,t tireless efforts in planning the new` offices. ' Engineer D-Oug~ Vallee, 'son of Bayham's veteran clerk Dewey Val- lee, reviewed a few of the construe - tion highligshts, and emphasized that � the b €ildimg was Manned to take care of pczs6ble future, expansion, Eigan .Warden, Kenneth 'C. Fm* on, from, neighboring Vienna, th6r 1 ». Rev: Aft -C-4*, xtsin;oer of the lraf fore `° &fi j ed . chnrch, : o - c:x1id 7ben Bayhami and congratulatciI on their forward thinkicouncil of today is'keapinof times just as Bayliam over the years have done,” he said, ,Although the official opening was y Yesterday, the structure has been in 4 use for several months. Construction was started last spring and complet- ed in mid-July. In brief remarks before the tour of inspection, Reeve Phillips intro- duced Clerk -Treasurer Dewey Val- lee, Road Superintendent Jack Tribe and Fire Chief Basil Neville. F'ollovdng an inspection a lunch " the ladies MM, a P_� OCTOBER 18th /6 , l q& 3 after a brief formai ceremony sign the gtmt book- Sam which took place on the front M & K. Harris, rr owtwhip. clerk to charge of sus of the building. Many re - Mrs. Violet pr natives of Elgin ClAmty Council, other county Officials and guests were on "hand for the event. G Following the ceremony, the visitors were invited to inspect ' the building, completed in Aug- ust. The modern, spacious in- in- terior includes ' a general of- IIiBTORIC. >iiiGHLiGBTS -- Ha h Yam Township Councils and fice, spparate offices for Clerk- historic highlights covering the period from 1850 to 1863 are Treasurer Dewey Vallee, Roads contained in a booklet provided for guests at Wednesday's Superintendent John C. Tribe opening ceremony at Straffordville. Looming over the ,bookK and Assessor Elton Jackson, a council chamber and fire -proof walk-in -vault. The two -stalled tions to Council and commend- r firehall also has a lounge and mems far "looking to the shovers for the volunteer fire- future and well-being of the men' rateppayers." �. The building was dedicated by Rev. Albert Cook, of Straf- 'Straffordville is a r4 res - sive community and council is fo Ville United Church. aking at the outset, Reeve only keeping pace -- a little ahead," said the warden. es D. Phillips referred to Ronald R. McNeil, M. p, p. wnship with pride, noting for Elgin, spoke briefly before "you .only have to look turning a pair of scissors over to see that people inncutting to Mr. Johnson for the ribbon - m are aggressive. d to the newly d � ceremony. Members of Bayham Council Store and anew =i - were introduced by Mr. Phil - `which shows people have Bpd„e These included Deputy council chamber and urged that residents make use of them. In conclusion, Mr. Phillipa suggested that upon occasion it has been said that Council is spending too much money. He noted that in the year 1890, !some $35.000 was provided by !the township to help establish the Tiilsonburg, Lake Erie and Pacific Railway tine between Ingersoll, and Port Burwell. "Can you imagine what W,. was in those days?” he ask- od. Douglas ' Vallee, representing A. M. Spriet and Associates, of Loudon and Simcoe, consulting on the project, said a site for the building since it was next the townships roads de - sheds. He said the had been designed with future expansion in second - floor or an ad- it ground level could added should the need said. Mr. 'Vallee is the wa of Mr. and Ws. EI& Cbunty� Emerson added Damage In Barn Fire. AYLMER--Fire in a tobacco pack barn on the farm of Rus- sell Gage, R. R. 6, TUlsonburg, tate Wednesday morning caused an estimated $7,500 damage Although the blaze, of undo termined origin, badly burned about four k i l n a of tobacco, Bayham T o w n s -h i p firemen saved the main portion of the barn and the balance of a 27 - kiln crop of tobacco. Bayham Fire C h i e f Basil Nevin said the remainder of the crop suffered some water dam- age. The strip mom, attached U n, wa tmyed. ddleton ' owahip and gFite DapsrEments d in to bele rot the F held by Mrs. Violet Smith, office secretar�', are, hi Aylmer Mayor Dr. George & �� Ayhaec Rye McKibbin, Bayham Towaft G`lerk-TraaRv er and Bayharn Reeve C arles D. phops. I1+1 --Those who .at#a died yester- sign the gtmt book- Sam al oi:: bf the Bayham Town- � M & K. Harris, rr owtwhip. clerk to charge of and fits boll were rrequested to Mrs. Violet SOW __ 0 747 NOMINATION MEETING. Township Hall, Nov. 25th, 1963. The bi-annual meeting of the ratepayers of the Township of Bayham for the purpose of nominationg candidates for the offices of Reeve Dermty Reeve, Councillors and School Area Trustees for the years 196.-1965 was held on the above date at 7.30 P.M. About 30 persons were present and when nominations closed at 8.30 P.M., the following names had been placed in nomination. Reeve - Chas. Phillips and Norman Pressey* Deputy Reeve - Ross Carson and Bruce Hedges. Councillors - Stanlsy James, Bruce Hedges and Harold Garner. School Area Trustees -Stephen Gregson, Jesse Dennis, John Friggett, Mack all and Max Mitchell. The usual aftermeeting was held with Clerk Vallee presiding as Chairman. The Financial report from Jan. 1/63 to Oct. 28/63 was reviewed, Each nominee in turn was cilled upon to address the meeting. Others speaking briefly were School Board Chairman Grant M. Mitchell, East Elgin District High School Trustee Howard Coomber and Road Supt. John C. Tribe. A moment's silence was observed in memory of the late President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, who was slain by an assassin's bullet on Nov. 22 , 1963. At the close of this meeting both Mr. Phillips and Mr. Pressey filed the necessary papers of qualifications for the office of Reeve. Mr. Hedges resign- ed his nomination as Deputy XLeeve and Mr. Carson qualified. All other nominees duly qualified for their respective offices. A poll was held on Dec. 2, 1963 for the office of Reeve with the following results. Votes -for Phillips -- 246 Votes for Pressey -- 63 I, J. D. Vallee, Clerk and Returnint Officer for the Township of Bayham hereby declare the following persons duly ele ted for office in the said Township of Bayham, for the years 1964 and 195. Reeve - Charles D. Phillips Dep.Reeve - Ross Carson Councillors - N. Bruce Hedges, Stanley James and Harold Garner. School Area Trustees- Stephen Gregson, Jesse..L. Dennis, John Froggett, Mack Ball and Max Mitchell. "God Save The Queen." x'48 Council Chamber, Straffordville, Dec. 3rd. 1963. The regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Phillips presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received included the following: - Hospital notices of indigent patients. A letter was received from A.M.Spriet P.Eng, expressing his disappointment at being unable to attend the officiai opening of our new affice. A letter of congratulations on new offices was received from R.R.McNei1,M.P.P, Several copies of communications were received from the Community Planning Branch respecting transfers of properties. A report on amount of grant paid was received in respect to Fazakas-Slaght and Magyar-Dielmman Drains. A copy of letter from Dept. of Highways through Mr. Robt. Moore's office advised that highway intersections would be improved in 1964. A set of approved plans for protection at C.N.R crossing west of Tillsonburg was received from Bnard of Transport Commissioners. A summary of reports received concerning drought conditions in Elgin County was received from County Agricultural Office. County By -Law Na. 1845 was received confirming Bayham By -Law No. 1477. Approval for subsidy purposes was received respecting sidewalk construction along No. 19 H&ghway north from First Street. A letter was received from Mr. Daniel R. Murphy enquiring regarding a petit- ion for drainage of 8 or 9 years ago respecting Steimer and Moore ditch drain The Clerk was inst4ucted to reply to this. Approval was received for Winter Works Project of brush and tree removal on township roads in an amount of $3000. A copy of letter regarding settlement of insurance claim re. Millard was received from Mr. Thompson, solicitor. Phamplets and a statement from the Minister were received respecting The Municipal Works Assistance Act. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That rates of pay for election officials and p&&ling places for the Dec. 2nd. 1963 election be increased to the following mounts : - Deputy Returning Officers --- $10.00 Poll Clerks ------------- 9.00 P&lling Places -------------- 8.00 ... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- That land use Clarence Jenereaul Mrs. Oral Sivyer for Public Dumps be paid as follows:- $50,\ ollows:- $50.\ ---- 50.E Oscar Bartha--------- 50.`..Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Pressey - That Thursday Dec. 26th. be observed as Boxing Day in and for the Township of Bayham... Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- That the 1963 levy for Otter Creek Conservation Author- ity be paid in an amount of $1512.�O...Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Pressey- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant consent for the male of the following parcel of land, namely, part of Lot number fifteen, Concession Four, Township of Bayham, by John Dieszberger and Mary M. Phillips to Roger and Paula Casier and Julius and Romanie Galonde with a th4ree acre parcel being retained by the Grantors...Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1484 being a by-law to loan Basil G. Hotchkiss $300. under the Tile Drainage Act, be now read a # 1484 first time ... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1484 be now read a/second time...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1484 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. 749 Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 P.M..,Carried. Council resumed regular session at 1.30 P.M. The matter oL a fenceviewers award between properties of Chas. Winter and Sarah Nipps state was discussed with the members. Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That in view of a misunderstanding regarding a Fence - viewers award on a line fence between properties of Chas. Winter and Sarah Nipps Estate, this council supports the original award whereby each party builds their respective portions of line fence as set out in the award and further concurs that an additional 30 days from this date be allowed for completion of this work. If either party fails to complete its respective portion within the allotted time, the other party may proceed tinder section 9 of The Line Fence Act...Carried. The Clerk' -was instructed to notify all parties concerned by registered post. Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to transfer funds as required from the.General account to the Capital account pending receipt of final winter works payment...Carried. Mr. Lyle Walsh met briefly with the members respecting alleged damage to his property in connection with Carnes Drain construction. At 2.30 P.M. representative of Frank Cowan Agency with Mr. Mitchell of the General Accident and Casualty Co. meet with the members and discussed the matter of settlement regarding the Township's claim in connection with the Millard Court settlement. Considerable discussing was held and the Company's offer of $450. was increa- sed to the sum of $837-510 which figure was accepted by the council. Tenders were then opened for work in accordance with the Engineer's report on the Bartley Drain, as follows: - G. W. Cattle Construction Ltd. ----- $5.9.00 G. F. Phillips ------------------ 856.70 Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That G. W. Cattle Construction Ltd. tender of $519.00 be accepted for work on Bartley Drain as required by Engineer's report dated April 5th. 1963...Carried. Mr. Ray Alward met briefly with the members and discussed a proposed plan for subdivision of his property. This was approved in principal by the council and Mr. Alward to submit an agreement in respect to certain matters pertaining to same. Councillor Carson agreed to attempt to finalize the mAtter of division of roadway and fencing of same between the Chandler and rendrick properties. A letter was then read from the Municipal Clerk of the Dept. of Highways at London, pertaining to overexpenditure of funds in respect to read mainten- ance and suggested a supplementary by-law. Moved by Pressey Seconded by James- And resolved that BLaw No. 1485 being a by-law to provide and additional expenditure of 1-5000. on road maintenance for 1963, 1485 be now read a first time. -..Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 14$5 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1485 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Road matters were further discussed with Road Supt. Tribe. Moved b-17 Hedges Seconded by James- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $5097.13 for roads, $16,821.64 for general account and $7072.91 for apital account...Carrim-d. VanDyk & Wells - Straff. sidewalk const. ------ $ 39$.00\ Roads account - Paylist Nov. 1 - 15 ----------- 793.75 16 - 30 ----------- 657.29 " " - Payment voucher _______________ 3646*09 Richard Gamble - Relief for j Nov. --------- $ Geo. Baldwin --------- Hazel Kay - n » » ------- Iva McCurdy - " all Nov. --_________ Harold Olds - " for j Nov. --------- Wm. Dietrich - Payment on Carnes Dr. ------- R Mary Weaver - elief for Nov. -------------- Richard Gamble - " for j Nov. ---------- Hazel "ay - " » n __________ George Baldwin - " " " ---------- Wm. Miller - " » it ------ J. D. Morrow - " " " ---------- Aylmer & I'•'ialahide `rel . Co . - Office phones --- Wm. Bugler Store - Groceries re. Morrow ---- C.J.Ketchabaw - " re. Pembleton --- Helen M. Lewis,Stonecrest Lodge- CareAllum-- Jesse Morrow - Relief for Dec. ----------- Geo. Baldwin - " " " ---------- Hazel 0M - » » " __-------- Y Wm. Miller - " " " --------- Richard Gamble - " " " ---------- Iva McCurdy - " for.all Dec.--------- Treas.Wehtworth Cty.- Relief re. Nevard ---- " Uereham Twp. - " " G.Tribe ---- " N.Walsingham Twp.- " " Robinson -- " Wentworth Cty.- " " Nevard ---- Deller Tile Ltd.- Tile for Swance Br. ------ " Kerr " ----- » Elliott " ----- Treas. Port Burwell- Fire call line-------- Vandyk & Wells - Straff. sidewalk ---------- John N. Corbett - Top soil re.sidewalk ----- Huntington Lab.Ltd.- Paper towels --________ Aylmer Express - Advt.--------------------- News minting Co.- Printing books ---------- " Advt. & printing -------- Burns McKenzie - Gas for fire truck -------- » " - Nuel for offices ---------- Provincial Treas. - Insulin re. J.Pal ------ Victoria' Hospital - Drugs,etc. " " ----- Aylmer & Malahide Tel.Co.- Instal phones --- Hamilton Ward & Cathers- Ins. re. money ---- Hugh C. Face - Palmer Dr. basin grate ------ Dobald Chute - Insp. Chale Dr.& mileage ---- " " Fernlea " Underhill " " ------ » tt P14dock " " (3) --- Arthur Seghers - Pollick Dr. help & Materials Germain Seghers - " " wages --------- Mike Wisznak - " " " -------- D. L. Cowan - $1 Hrs, backhoe,Pollock Dr. -- Wm. Dietrich-Bal.contract Carnes Dr. ------ Basil Hotc8kiss - Allow. Carnes Dr. -------- Peter Slowinski - " " "-------- Clarence Locker - " " "-------- Earl Grigg W. B. Campbell -------- Joe Volkaert-------- W. G. Webster - Office supplies--------- Balke Wolfe Wolfe - 1 sheep killed --------------- Otter Creek Cons.Auth.- 1963 levy ----- ----- Clarence Jenereaul - land for dump -------- Mrs. Oral Sivyer - " " " --------- Oscar Bartha Dennis Garage - Fire truck repsirs--------- Elgin Co-Op.Services - Fire truck equip. ---- Basil G. Hotcjkiss - Tile Drainage loan ---- Donald M. Chute - Insp. Tile Drainage ------ Howard Chute - D.R.O. Poll No. 1 mileage ---- Percy Clarke - Boll Clerk " 1--------- Treas. Pt.Burwell- Polling Place No.l ------ George Scruton- D.R.O. Poll No.2,mileage --- Norman Light - Boll Clerk - Polling Place " -------- 107.00 49.50- 55.00+ 50.00 75.00 5896.00 10,00,- 77-00- 85,00% 0.0077.00- 85.00% 49.50 65.00' $2.00. 46.74 15.00, 20.00 86.25-- 82 * 00 6.25•82.00 49.50 . 55.00 65.00 105.00; 50.00. 23.411 14,50, 27.04\ 35.41\ 1.24 6.1$, 1.75\ 32.20 225.00 11+.00 N 9,63 5,04. 371.57 39. $3),, 134.64, 66.4O\ .50,-, 6.79 81, 10 11$.75 , 16.91 • 2.60 3.60\ 2.80\ 8.0$\ 33.5 . 107.50. 6.00` 51.00% 2029.00 150.00% '225.00% 200.00- 480.00,, 25.00, 275.00, 75.00 2$0.00 14.12 50.00 N 1512.,00% 50.00\ 50.001 50.00\ 26.12\ 3.28\ 290.00: 10.00 11.60 9.00% 8.00*% 11.00 9.00• 8.00 750 Elton H.Jackson - D.R.Q. Poll No -3 & mileage --► 10.60-, Ray Thurston - Poll Clerk "---------- 9.00, - Polling place "---------- $.00• H. F. G ant - D.R.O. Poll No. 4 &-mileage------ 10.00` Lyle Wash - Poll Clerk "--------------- 9.00` Howard Coomber - D.R.O. Poll No.5 & mileage --- 11.$0` Alonzo Hagell - Poll Clerk "------------ 9.00- Treas. W.Institute - Ploing place No. 5 ------- 8.00-, Harold Sawyer - D.R.O. No. 6 & mile ge-------- Catherine McDowell- Poll Clerk No. ---------- 10.60% 9.00% Treas. Bayham T.S.A.- Polling place No. 6 ----- $.00,. Fred Procunier - D.R.B. No. 7 & mileage ------- 10.60 - Geraldine Green - Poll Clerk No. 7 ------------ 9.00' Treas. Richmond United Church- Place No. 7 ---- $.00% Clifford Soper - D.R.O. No. 8 & mileage ------- 11.40' Hazel Phillips - Poll Clerk "--------------- 9.00% Treas. S.S.No.4 - " Place "------------- 8.00-, J. D. Vallee - Delivering ballot boxes -------- 5.00 Violet Smith - Apply on salary ---------------- 112.20', Rec. General - Un. ins. ----------------------- 3,6o - . 0Violet VioletSmith - Apply on salary ---------------- 74.$0\ nec. General - Un. ins. ----------------------- 2.40\ Wesley White - dare Eden ST.lt s. 12 so.-------- 60.00\ Jack Hotchkiss - Assessing Oct. 1 - 18 -------- 14$•75'\ Geo. Beard - Care Corinth St.lts. 5 mo. ------- 10.00-, Elton H.Jackson - Selecting jurors ------------ 4.00\ J. D. Vallee - " "------------- 4.OQ\ Preparing jurors lists -------- 5.00-, Mileage St.Thomas re. Prouse --- 5.00 - Meals (4) " " " ---- 6.65• John C. Tribe - Mileage to St.Thomas " ---- 5.00%. C. D.. Phillips- Attend court 1 day " ---- 13.00-- G.Duncan Black - Super. Carnes Drain ---------- 395.00% Donald M. Chute - Com. fee " "--------- 140.00 J. D. Vallee - Clerk's fee " "--------- 420.00\ - To apply on salary ------------- 275.$6* Rec. General - Tax re. Vallee ----------------- 17.05-- Robt. C. Jackson - Valuators fee -------------- 5,OO\ Walter Nelson - Kerr Drain Inspection --------- 5.55% Chas. D. -Phillips - Attend 1 meeting ---------- 14.401 Norman Pressey - " 1 "---------- 15.60 Ross Carson - " 1 "--------- 11+.20. N. B. Hedges - " 1 "---------- 11+.00-, Stanley James - " 1 "---------- 15.00N Capital Account A M.Spriet & Associates- Bal. Eng. fees ------- 747.00 t Backus Const.Co. Ltd.- Bal. Contract - ------ --- 6325.91 \ Moved by Hedges Seconded by James- That this council adjourn to meet again on Dec. 16th. at 1 P.M...Carried. 0 eeve. 751 0 752 Council Chamber, Straffordville, Dec. 16th. 1963. Pursuant to adjournment of Dec. 3rd, the final meeting of the 196? -3 council was held on the above date with all members present except Councillor James, Reeve Phillips presided. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Also in attendance was Councillor -elect Garner. Re-newal was received on insurance covering money and securities. A request for a donation was received from the Association for Retarded Children at Tillsonburg. Mr. Howard Coomber submitted his resignation as member of the East Elgin High School Board. A copy of approval was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs in respect to the Dieszberger - Casier property transfer. Clerk Vallee advised of receipt of a cheque from the insurance Company in and amount of $837.50 re. Millard claim. Fire Chief Nevill was present at the mmeting and presented his report for the period June 29/63 to Dec. 16/63 and discussed same with council. Council authorization was given to have the thermostat in the fire hall replaced with a low range type. Mr. "alter Nelson met with the members and discussed drainage matters and pie-sented an agreement signed by the owners with respect to repAirs to the closed portion of "A" branch of the Coomber Municipal Drains, Mr. A`ay Alward waited on the council and discussed an agreement as made by his Solicitor with respect to a survey of certain lots and roadways on his property. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That this council accept the agreement dated 28th. Nov. 1963 as submitted by C. Ray Alward with plan attached and the Clerk prepare a by-law authorizing the Township Officials to sign same...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That the resignation of Howard Coomber as Hikh School Trustee be accepted with regrets and the Clerk express the councils appreciation to him for many years of faithful service ...Carried. *Moved by Hedges Seconded by Pressey- That the following appointments be made for High School Trustees for the years 1964 -1965T - East Elgin District Board - Ray Woodworth Tillsonburg " " - Robert Howey...Carried. Moved by Hedes Seconded by arson- That the treasurer issue cheques on Savings Account No. 3 for interest payment to cemeteries as follows;s. Treas. Straffordville Cemetery - $333.66, " Eden " - 319.12\ " Calton " - 185.75% " Guysboro " - 197.56\... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- That grants be made to Perpetual Care Cemeteries as follows;- Treas. Straffordville -Cemetery - 46.34\ " Eden 't - 44-33\ " Calton " - 25.80. " Guysboro " - 27.44... Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Pressey- That a grant of $25.�QO be made to the War Mamorial Children s' Gospital at London...9arried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Pressey- That the 1963 taxes itf Hans Anderson, Roll No... 1247 be written off in an amount of $26.27 being for house destroy d"by fixe Tn June 1963...Carried. Moved by Hedges b; Seconded by Pressey- That the donation of trophies for E,,E,kn. Ug Stof be discontinued at this time...Carried. Moved by Pressgy Seconded by Hedges- That insurance on policy No. 74198 be reducek to $2000. on building...Carried. U] 7531 Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That the Fire Chief's report for June 29/63 to Dec. 16/ be accepted and the volunteer firemen be paid at $4.00 per trip...Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That a grant of $100. be given to the Tillsonburg & District Assn. for Retarded Children for operation of school..Carried. Clerk Vallee was instructed to request financial and atteddance information respecting the school when a futture request for funds is made, Moved by Pressey Seconded by Carson- That Jo#n C. Tribe be paid the sum of $85 0 for expenses in connection with refreshment and entertainment at official ping of new offices...Carried. Moved by Hedges Seconded by Carson- That the inaugural meeting of the 1964-5 council be held in the Council Chamber on January 6th. at 10.00 A.M...Carried. Moved by Carson Seconded by Hedges- That this council express its sincere appreciation to Norman Pressey for his services on the council and as Deputy reeve for the past several years...Carried. Moved by Hedges 6econded by Pressey- That the following bonuses for extra services for 1963 be paid to council and officials - Reeve, $100; Dep. Reeve and Councillor i30. $30. each and Road Supt., Clerk and Secretary, each,..Carried. Road matters and the possible purchase of a new trmck for the Road Supt. were discussed with Road Supt. Tribe. Moved by Carson Seconded by Pressey- That this council request permission from Dept. of Highways to tender for a supply of a new half ton truck for Road Supt. with present half tong International truck as trade-in...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Hedges- That the Reeve sign the odder sheets in amounts of $1276.47 for roads and $4212.77 for general account and $1036.09 for Savin *Account•No, 3 ...Carried. Receiver General - Stamps ____________________ Bayham Capital Account - Loan _________________ Jesse D. Morrow - $elief for Dec. --_________ George Baldwin - " " " ---------- Hazel Ray _ " " " _____------ William Miller - " " " ----------- Richard Gamble - " " "---------- - Treas. "alahide Twp.- Nov. relief re. Friesen-- " Jereham " - " " re. G.Tribe-- " N.Walsingham " - " " re. Robinson --- Municipal World Ltd.- Sch. attend. book ------- " Election supplies ------- News Printing Co. - " " (ballaots).- i' - Printing & advt.----------- Norman Bates - Supplies at office ------------- - ------------ - Bulbs for St. Lts-------------- - Supplies for fire dept. -------- Hotchkiss Appliances -" " " " (bulbs) -- Victoria Hospital - Drugs re. J. Pal---------- �Oanada Culvert Co.- Pipe for Kerr drain------- Trophy-Craft - Trophies E.E.D.H.S.------------ Treas. Straff. Cemetery - Interest on invest.-- " Eden " Calton " Guysboro-- " --------------- " Straff. . " - "-------------- " Eden " - "---------- ---- " Calton " - " ______________ Brantford Builders Supplies Ltd.- Tile "A" Dr. - Harold Bennis Garage - Work on stand F.D. ----- Tills. & Dist.Assn.Retarded Child- Grant ------- John C. Tribe - Expenses re. Off.Opening ------ Leslt4 Swance - Repairs to Swance Dr. ---------- John C. Tribe - Xmas party Council & Emp- ------ War Memorial Hosp.London - Grant ----------- 14.00 600.00% $2.00,, 49.50,, 85.00. 65.00 . 75,00\ 11.25%, 14.00. 33.55 2,70-- 19,43 ,7019, 43 ` 18.87 . 43.44 5.76 1.03, 13,42, ,$0*- 6,25" - 18.92 -, - 6,25'1$.92-, 24.92.-, 333 *66\ - 319.12\ - 185.75-- - 197,56%- 27.44% 46.34• 44.33% 25,80, 702.05\ 78.86\ 100.00N $5.00\ 6,00\ 35.00\ 25.00\ Say.# 3. " n Volunteer Firemen Andy Taylor - 22 trips -------------------- $ $$.00 John C. Tribe - 2$ »-------------------- 112.00 basil Novill - 31 "-------------------- 124.00` Harold - 21 "------------------- $4.00'- Aennis Jacl Barclay - 12 " _____ ________________ 4$.44` Jack +'evill - 4 "-------------------- 16.00 Albert Cook - 23 »____________________ 92.00% Wilbur Locker - 24 " --------------- 96.00, Willis Marr - 22 "-------------------- $$.00, Ken Everitt - 23 "-------------------- 92.00%. Walter Moore - 12 "-------------------- 4$.00, Lloyd Dickenson -15 "-------------------- 60.00` Donald House - 2 "-------------------- 8.00% Bob Lester - 1 "____________________ 4,00, Ken Locker Jr.- 1 - -------------- _---- low 4.00, - Paul Locker - 1 » ------____r_--______ 4.00, Violet Smith - Apply on salary ------------- 74.$0` pec. General - Un. Ins. -------------------- 2.40. James S. Davison - Dog Control, Oct -Nov. 25.00 M. L. Chute - Sch. Attend. Officer --------- 25.00,- » » _ Mileage --------------------- 10.40--- 0.40.JOHN JOHNC. Tribe - Sal. Bldg. Inspector ------- 25.00% J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ---------- 275.90\ Rec. General - Tax re. Vallee ______________ 17,05, Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for Lec.--------- 35.00,, C. D. Phillips - L day Court re. Prouse ---- 13,00,,- J. D. Vallee - Mileage " " " ----- 5.00\ » » - Meals (4) » » » _____ 7.36N C. D. Phillips - 1 meeting & bonus --------- 114.40 Norman Pressey - 1 " "--------- 45.60\ Ross Carson - 1 rt » » _________ 44.20\ Bruce Hedges - 1 » " " __-____-- 44,00\ Stanley James - Bonus --------------------- 30.00\ John C. Tribe - "-------- _---------- _ 30.00\ Violet Smith _ » --------------------- 30.00 J. P. Vallee - "--------------------- 30.00\ Moved by Seconded W Is I Pressey by Hedges - That this Council now adjourn, Sine Die...Carried. 0 754