HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1962TOWNSHIP
Council Minutes
Township Office, Straffordville, January 8th. 1962.
The Inaugural meeting of the Bayham Township Council for the years 1962 and 1963
was held on the above date with the following members presents- Reeve Charles D.
Phillips, Deputy Reeve Norman Pressey and Councillors Ross Carson, N. Bruce
Hedges and Stanley James. The members duly subscribed th the required oath of
office and Clerk Vallee declared the council duly constituted. Reeve Phillips
called on Rev. Albert J. Cook to conduvt the usual opening devotional period..
Reeve Phillips thanked Mr. Cook for his remarks and atteddance at the opening of
the meeting, welcomed the new Councillor, Stanley James, and directed a few word
to the council as a whole, requesting their support and co-operation for the
comming months.
The usual council business was then proceeded with and the minutes of the last
regular meeting were read, approved and signed.
Communications received included the following; -
Four applications were received for partime office help. Clerk Vallee was
authorized to deal with these in accordance with council recommendations.
Several hospital and sanatorium notices were received and discussed.
Mr. W. D. Adlam advised by letter that the Otter Creek Conservation Authority
would take no action on improvements to Edison or +other cemeteries in the watXer
Minutes of the November meeting of the Winter Employment Campaign Committee
were received and read.
The Clerk advised of the placing of a Floater Policy on Office Equipment being
placed with Hamilton, ward and Ca hers.
A request for a grant was receive r?We Hospital for Sick Children at Toronto,
The St. John Ambulance, and the Elgin County Seed Fair.
A letter was received from the Tillsonburg Tri -County Agricultural Society
advising that apparently the matter of a grant to that Society had been neglecte
for the year 1961 and requesting that the same be sonsiderd at this time.
Further advice was received from Mrs. Yvonne Harbour of the Union formed by
Separate Schools No. 7, Houghton; No. U6, Middleton and No.22,N.Walsingham.
Copies of approvals for transfers of various properties were received from the
Dept. of Municipal Affairs.
A letter and copy of Energy Board Rate Odder 23A was received from the Solicitor
of The Union Gas Co.
A copy of a News Relaease was received from County Engineer R.G.Moore, respectin
changes in the County Road System.
A receipt for the $25.00 grant was received from the War Memorial Childrents
Hospital at London_.
Approval was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs for use of balance of
Post War Reserve Fund for land purchase and construction of Fire Hall and
Municipal Building.
A copy of the Judge's Order, advising of dismisal od appeal, was received from
Dereham Township in respect to the P.L.Pressey appeal on the proposed Nelson
Municipal Drain assessment. ities
A request for membership was received from the Ontario Assn. of Rural Municipal -
A bulletin was received from the Dept. of Highways respecting Land Surveys and
Survey Monuments. 0
The Interim Gas Committee advised that they would be represented at the hearing
in Toronto on Monday January 8th. in regards to permanent rates for gas.
Mr. John F. Weston met briefly with the members and discussed Tile Yard Hill
matters and requested permission to have Township Solicitor work with him on
this matter.
The matter of a public dump near Straffordville was discussed with the members
by Wm. Rex and Road Supt Tribe, Mr. Tribe advised that Mr. Oscar Bartha was
tp ageeable to a portion of his land being so used but that it would be necessary
to extend the culvert in the gulley at the proposed location. He was authorised
to have this done.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That the bond of Treasurer and Tax Collector, J.D*Vallee,
having been exam6ned by this council, together with re-newal of same to Ded. lst.
1964, it is herewith directed that the same be placed in Township vault fo safe-
Moved by
Hedges r
by Pressey- That a grant of $25.00 be paid to the Richmond Library.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That the Clerk be authorized to order ten copies of the
Municipal World for council members, Road Supt., Assessor, Fire Chief, Clerk and
Ex -Reeve Chute... Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That Public School Boards be requtredato submit their
re quisitions for levies by March 15, 1962 and Separate School Boards by Beb.lst.
/! 1962...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That Ross Carson be named as Bayham Township's representative I
on the Otter Creek Conservation Authority for 1962...Carried. f
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That the following council members be named tothe Eden Comm-
unity Centre Board for 1962.- Councillor Carson and Dep.Reeve Pressey...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Pressey- That the following council members be named to the Straff-
ordville Community Centre Board for 1962;- Councilors Hedges and James...Carried
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That the following persons be appointed to the Straffordvill
Community Centre Board for a 2 years term.- C. A. Jackson, H.B.Johnson, Miller
Wood, J. L. Dennis and Basil Nevill... Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That Anthony Kennedy be appointed to the Calton `emetery Boa
for a term of 3 years...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by James- That a committee of Reeve Phillips and Cofincillors Carson and
Hedges, meet with representatives of Vienna in regards to maintenance of Edison
Cemetery, suggested meeting to be at Township Office on Monday, Jan. 29th. at
$.3Q P.M ... Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- That the Treasurer be authorized to pay Tillsonburg Fair
Board the sum of $50. as grant for 1961 which was overlooked... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Pressey- That this Council authorize Mr. Linton, Solicitor, to work
with John F. Weston, O.L.S., in preparing descriptions, etc. for expropriation
of lands for construction of new road at Tile Yard Hill... Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That this council adjourn for noon, to meet again at 2.00
At the noon hour, Reeve Phillips was host to the members of the council, officia
Ex -Reeves, Mr. Patchell and Rev. Cook, at a very delightful dinner served by the
United Church Ladies of Straffordville in the church basement. Reeve Phillips
welcomed his guests and each in turn were invited to speak briefly. Many of
those present expressed the s&ncere wish that Reeve Phillips would be successful
in acquiring the wardenship of the County -in 1962. Dep. Reeve Pressey thanked
the ladies for the fine meal and expressed appreciation of those present to
Reeve Phillips a very enjoyable noon hour.
Council resumed regular session again about 2.00 P.M.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the usual grant of $25.00 be made to the Elgin County
Seed Fair... Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That the usual grant of $10.00 be made to St. Sohn Ambulance
Moved by Pressey '
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 14.48, being a by-law to author-
ize borrowing at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce of up to $200,000.00 for
#1448 Township expenses until taxes are collected, be now read a first time... Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By-law No. 1448 be now read a second Time
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1448 be now read a third time
and finally passed... Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That a refund of 1961 taxes in an amount of $30.50 be made to
Arthur Balderson, Roll No. 27 as 1st. instalment was paid twice...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That in the matter of The Planning Act and the Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith r#commended that the Minister grant conse
for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely.- Part of lot 14, Conc, 10,
Bayham Township by Russell and Mary Mudge to George Peaker...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1449 being a by-law to appoint
certain officers for 1962, be now read a first time...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- And resolved
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- Ar d resolved
and finally passed...�arried.
that By -Law No. 1449 be now read a second time.
that By -Law No. 1449 be now read a third time
Moved by Pressey
Oeconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1450
#1450 fence -viewers and poundkeepers for 1962, be now read
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law Na. 1450
k4arried. r
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1450
and finally passed...Carried.
being a by-law to appoint
first time... Carried.
be now read a second time.
be noir read a third time
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That the following^delegates to the Good Roads Convention
Feb. 26th to 28th.- 3 Councillors, Road Sutp. and Olerk...Carried.
The Road Supt.'s paylists and vouchers were examined by the members discussion
was held -on road matters, in partivular, the question of purchase of a new road
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- That the Road Supt. advertise in Daily Commercial News for
a new grader complete with snow plow and wing. Present Adams grader with plow an
wing to be a trade-in. New grader to have a minumum of 115 H.P. and to be in acc
ordance with Dept. of Highways recommendations. To be paid for J on delivery and
i on Jan. 1st. 1963. Tenders to close at noon on March 5th. 1962. Lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That the Reeve sign the order Meets in amounts of $6725.55
for roads and $2318.06 for general accounts... Carried.
Roads paylist and vouchers ---------------- $6725.55
Dorothy Dagg - ele;f for part flec.---------- 12.04 N
Receiver Genera -- Stamps --------------------- 14.00'%
Lorna Robinson - Relief for part Dec. --_______ 2$,00
Alfred Vansickle- " " " "--------- 44-00---
4.00�Edward Allison - n n n " 23,04 �
Ontario Hvdro - Hvdro for hall & Office ------- 14,47N
.. i. - .. .f i ire na.LiL----______-
Florence Kennedy - Relief for January ---------
,NO* Gertrude Roloson---------
Jim Rutledge -----------
John Schuller - Post San. care ----------------
Wm. H. Miller - Relief for j January ----------
Jessie Baker - " " January ------ ------
Myrtle Roloson------------
Joseph Schopf
Lorna Robinson ------------
Iva McCurdy
Pearl HainerEdward Allison
M.Perlmutter - Rebt-for W.H.Miller ----- -------
Alfred Vansickle - Relief for January -------
Mrs. Chas. Rap
.L7*V-) N
3$.00 '-,
2$.00 -....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`nL�HKY1l�aT .
JohnSpiece - Relief for January ----------------
$ 10.00'x.
Dorothy Oagg - " " " -------
Ontario Hydro - Straff. Street Lights -----------
» " - Rich. " "-----------
Ontario Hydro - Corinth " " -----------
n " - Eden " "-----------
Treas, Malahide Twp.- Relief re. McLain ---------
24.00 ,%
" Pt.Burwell - " " Willaert ------
Arthur Balderson - Refund 1961 taxes ------------
Underwood Ltd.- Repairs to typewriter -----------
Lyle R. Grant Motors - Repairs to fire truck ----
30.94 *%
C. E. Soper - Repairs to town hall --------------
4.24 .
C.L.Laino & Son - Bulbs Rich. St. Lts.----------
8.81 �
Ed. Jedrzejak - Fox Bounty ----------------------
4.00 �
Floyd Taylor - " "---------------------
Lyle Walsh - " "--- ----------------- --
News Printing Co.- Advt.------------------------
Treas. Richmond Library- Grant ------------------
" Tillsonburg Fair Board - 1961 grant -------
Hamilton Ward & Cathers - Office floater prem.--
Treas. E�gin County Seed Fair - Grant -----------
St. John Ambulance - Grant ---------------------
Marguerite Lester - Office help Dec. 16-31 ------
Frank Foran - Labour W.W.P. # 990 ---------------
5$.30 '#**
Edwy Curtis - " " "---------------
Receiver General - Tax re. Foran & Curtis -------
- Un. ins. re. Foran -________--
Peters, Brown & Co.- On acft. 1961 audit --------
Receiver General - Past service pension re.Vallee
Chas. D. Phillips - Attend 1 meeting ------------
Norman Pressey - 1 "------------
Ross Carson - " 1 "------------
N. B. Hedges - " 1 "------------
14.00 \
Stanley James - " 1 "------------
15.00 *%
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That this council adjourn to meet again on Feb. 5th. at
10.30 A.M... Carried, .
Township Office, Straffordville, Feb. 5th. 1962.
Pursuant to adjournment of Jan. 8th., the regular meeting of the Bayham Townsh
Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Phillips
presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read; approved and signed and the
following business was done.
Communications received and discussed included the following;-
Letters from the County MOH regarding Messrs. Schuller and Vansickle.
Several hospital notices were received concerning indigent patiebts.
An agreement for land use as a public dump was signed by Mr. Oscar Bartha.
Requests for memberships were received from Ontario Good Roads Assn., Associat-
ion of Ontario Mayors and Reeves, Ontario School Trustees and Ratepayers' Assn.,
Ontario Traffic Conference,
Receipts for grants were received from St. John Ambulance and County Seed Fair.
St. John Ambulance also advised of classes being held in Port Burwell.
A request for a grant was received from the London Branch of the Salvation Army.
A circular letter was feceived from the C.P.R. regarding snow removal at their
railway crossings.
A letter was received from the Clerk of Port Burwell that advising that they
were purchasing a used fire truck and requested that future service from this
township be supplied on a call basis rather than on a guarantee.
Property transfers for the Coomber and Peaker properties were received as
approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs.
Advice was received from the Secretary of Board of Transport Commissioners
that the crossing protections at Corinth had been inspected and were found to
be working satisfactorily,
The Clerk of Dereham Township advised that their By -Law No. 1893 providing for
the construction of the Nelson Municipal Drains had been given third reading on
January 8th. 1962.
A copy of resolution was received from the Town of penetanguishene respecting
work by relief recipients for assistance received.
A notice was received from the Dept. of Labour regarding a meeting of inspect-
ors under the Trench Excavators Act to be held in London On Feb. 13th.
_ A circular letter was received from the Willson Nursing Home at St. Thomas,
with picture off same and giving considerable information.
A letter was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs with information
that Union Gas Co. had made application for construction of a pipe line in
Bayham Township. Planning information, dated June 1961 was enclosed.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That this Township
and Clerk send fee of $15.0O...Carried.
join the Ontario Good Roads Association
Moved by Carson 7
Seconded by Pressey - That this Township join the Association of assessing Off-
icers and Clerk send fee of $10.00 ... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That this Township join the Ontario Municipal Assn. and
Clerk send fee of $15.0O...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That a grant of $75.00 be made to the Salvation Army,
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson- That a refund of $1.77 on 1961 tax penalty be refunded to
Ray Alward re. Roll Nos. 569, 569A and 766. Penalty charged at 5% and should
have been 4%...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- That the 1961 members of the Eden Community Centre Board be
re -appointed for 1962... Carried.
Loved by Hedges
Seconded by Pressey- That Lyle Walsh, Fred Lester and Madison Chute be re-
appointed to the Straffordville Cemetery Board for a 3 year term and that Dewey
Vallee be council representative for 1962...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the appeal on the Nelson Municipal Drains having been
#1+46 dismissed by the Judge, be it therefor resolved that By -Law No. 1446, be now r
3rd. read a third time and finally passed...Carrie d.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That this Council petition the Det. of Highways for
statutory grant on roads expenditure in an amount of J$5,079.65 and that the
proper officers sign application for same...Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30
Regular session of the council was resumed about 1.30 P.M.
Moved by Carson
- Seconded by Pressey- That this council support the resolution of the Town of
Penetanguishene, dated Jan. 22, 1962, requesting the Government of the Prov-
ince of Ontario to abrogate the welfare regulations whereby municipal authorit
ies do not have authotity to request relief recipients to work f6r assistance
they receive, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the ?own of
Penetanguishene and to Ronlad K. McNiel,M.P.P... Carried.
ConsideraHI:b-.d&pcussion was held in reXv500*00e
ds to the 1962 roads program and
sI3otmedtr)9f the total expenditure of
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1451, being a by-law to
authorize an expenditure of $70,500.00 on roads for 1962, be now read a first
#1451 time...Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1451 be now read a second
time Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1451 be now read a third
time and finally hassed... Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by James- That the Treas. be authorized to pay allowances for land
and crop damages as set forth in By -Laws Nos. 1429 and 1930 for Adler and
Schonberger Drains respectively...Carried.
Mr. Clarence Locker and Mr. Isadore Volkaert waited on the council and
present a duly signed petition for re -construction of the whole of the Carnes
Drain. This matter was discussed with the council
Moved by Bressey
Seconded by Hedges- That the Road Supt. be authorized to sign drainage
petition of Clarence Locker and others for re -construction of Carnes wain
and variation of assessments as deemed adviseable and each Branch to be asses
ed separately...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the new ?petition of Clarence Locker and others for
re -construction of Carnes Drain be accepted and forwarded to Duncan Black for
early attention for survey and report ... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That this Council request hourly rate prices from local
contractors for supply of machines for use by Township on road work...Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded bir Pressey- That this Township make application for Winter Works
project for removal of Building from Township property at an estimated
expenditure of $600 ... Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of
$6,667.03 for roads and #3775.97 for general accounts...Carried.
Roads and Brid4ges accounts- Jan.l to 15th.----
n .
" " n Ban.16-31--------
5505. 4
Gordon Empey - relief for J January -----------
50.00 "-%
Wm. H. Miller " " IT "-----------
Lorna Robinson " ►► " " ___________
Edward Allison " " 'r "-----------
46.00 -.,
Central Pipe Line Co. - Gas for hall-----------
Mrs. Chas. Ray - relief for � January ---------
Receiver General - stamps for auditors --------
Mrs. Ross Hainer - Relief Cdr Part January ----
23.00 ♦
Edward Allison - " " " it ----
Edward Allison - " " Februaty ------
Florence Kennedy - " " February ------
Gertrude Roloson - r' " " ------
27.00 N
John Schuller - Post San. Care ----------------
Wm. H. Miller - relief f6r February ---------
M. Perlmutter - Rent fart Miller ----------------
Jessie Baker - relief for February ------------
Myrtle Roloson - ►r rr "------------
Iva McCurdy - " " "-=----------
Pearl Hainer - ►' " ►'------------
48.00 \
Hazel Ray - " " "------------
45,00 %-,
John Spiece - " '► " ____________
Ross Hainer - ►' " " ____________
Joseph Schopf - " " " ____________
Lorna Robinson - n rr n ____________
35..00 "--
Treas* Pt.Burwell- Share relief re: Willaert---
" Houghton Twp. " " It Weaver-----
Municipal World Ltd. -Treas. Supplies----------
it n It » " & EXCH. --- no
3.47 ",-
-Clerk's Guide-------------
-10 Subscriptions----------
30.00\ I
Newman's Flowers Ltd. -Flowers re: C.Jackson----
Treas. Ass'n. of Assessing Officers-Mem1wership-
" Ont. Municipal Ass'n.-------------------
Salvation Army - 1962 Grant (LONDON)-----------
Vivian Norman - Relief J February ---------____
Elgin Co-op Services - Supp.Fire Dept,---------
15,14 \
Burns McKenzie - Fuel for Office ----------------
W. G. Webster - Office Supplies ----------------
Maurice Verbrugge - Labour rep.Arn Dr.----------
Ostrander's Funeral Home -Burial D. Morgan -------
Lloyd Jackson - Fox Bounty ----------------------
Jim Rutledge - it "______________________
Treas. Ont.Good Rds. Ass'n. - Membership --------
Ray Alward - Refund on 1961 Taxes ---------------
Treas. Houghton Twp. -Jan. relief RE:H.Weaver---
Ed.Jedrzejak - Fox Bounty -----------------------
Albert Everitt- " " ______________________
Violet Smith - Office Help-Jan.1-15-------------
Receiver General - Un.Ins. ----- -----------------
Violet Smith - Office help-Jan.16-31----________
Receiver General - Un. Ins. ---- -----------------
Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for Jan. --------------
J. D. Vallee -Reg. B.M.&D._______________________
rr it It To apply on salary -----------------
Receiver General - Tax re: Vallee ---------------
Chas. D. Phillips - Attend 1 meeting ------------
Norman Pressey - " 1 " -----------
Ross Carson
Bruce Hedges -
Stanley James -
Richard DeBlaire-Allowance
Drain ------
John Dieszberger-
" ------
Geo. Szverida -
" ------
John Dieszberger-
Leslie Fendricks-
Tony MekkerSchon
E. Schonberger_03
" ------
Leonard Bourgois - n
n ______
n it
►► ______
Spellman Benner -
25.65 %-,
17.65 N\
,40 'S,
275.$6 i
14.. 00,\
40.00 �
40 , 00',
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That the teeve be authorized to sign agreement with
*Oscar Bartha for use of land for Public Dump at $50. per year...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That this council now adjourn to meet again on March
5th, at 10,00 A.M,.,Carried.
Township Office, Straffordville, March 5th, 1962.
Pursuant to adjournment of Feb. 5th. the regular meeting of the Bayham Town-
ship Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve
Phillips presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signe
and the following business was done.
Communications received included the following. -
Several notices of patients in hosp&tal and nursing homes.
Requests were received for grnat to Aylmer and East Elgin Fair Board and
Friendship School at St. Thomas.
A letter was received from County Engineer Moore regarding weed spraying.
A letter was received from the Dept. of Lands and Forests regarding emergency
flood measures.
Notice was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs respecting e hold -
in of assessment schools throughout the province requesting that oval
g � q g
Assessors attend these schools.
R. K. McNeil, M.P.P. acknowledged recent of cony of resolution supporting
one from the Town of Penetanguishene.
Letters with up-to-date information were received from the Secretary of the
interim gas committee and Winter Employment Committee.
Approval was received for Winter Works Project No. 0-1313 re. Demolition of
A letter was received from Mr. H.S.Gibson, P.Eng. requesting Bayham Township
to become a member of the Ontario Traffic Conference.
Prices were received from Central Pipe Line Co. on installation of furnace
at Township Hall. Clerk was instructed to contact local plumber for further
prices and also local painters fou prices on decorating hall indide and out.
Prices were also recurved from three local contractors for supply of various
type machines for rental to roads dept. for work during the year.
A letter of apology was received from the Clerk of Vienna in respect to their
representatives failure to attend a meeting with a committee of this Township.
Reeve K. C. Emerosn of Vienna also waited on the council briefly and discussed
the Edison Cemetery matter.
Mr. Willis Marr met with the council in respect to purchase of certain lands
from Alex Bain. He was advised to proceed with the purchase and that the
council would give official approval when deed is submitted.
Solicitor Toth requested approval of sale of property by Alex and Bruce Bain
to Mac and Ruby Gibbons. A deed accompanied this request.
Clerk Vallee rehprted to council his discussion with Mr. Caldwell respecting
financing of new grader.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That'Elton H. Jackson be authorized to atte:ld Assessor's
school in St. Thomas on May 3rd. and 4th...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Pressey- That this Council authorize purchase of a $1500. bond for
Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund as follows;- Either Province of Ontario 5 �%,
Mar. 15, 1979/82 OR H.E.P.C. 5� Nonv.15, 1980/83 both at approox, price of
994 • • . Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- That in the matter of the Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommedned that the Minister grant
consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely part of the west
part of lot 124,STR, Concession 6, Bayham Township, by Alexander and Bruce
Bain to Mac and Ruby- Gibbons...Carried.
� letter was received from V. H. Tillson,Q.C., respecting well of Hugh Millard
and requesting certain information concerning same and property deals.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That the matter of letter from V. H. Tillson respecting
well of Hugh Millard be referred to Township Solicitor...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That a grant of $250.00 he made to the Building Fund for
Friendship School at St. Thomas...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That the usual grant of $100, be made to the Aylmer and
East Elgin Agriculture Society for 1962...Carried.
Mr. Claybourne Gordon, County Weed Inspector met briefly with the members and
accompanied them to dinner.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by James- That this Council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30
• Council resumed regular session again about 2.00 P.M.
Clerk-Treas. Vallee recommended that Mrs. Smith's rate of pay be increased
to $1.00 per hour.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That Mrs. Smith's rate of pay be incrbased to $1.00 per
hour effective March 1st. 1962...Carried.
Tenders for supply of a new grader were them opened and discussed by the
council. In all, 7 tenders were received, some of these not completely ful-
filling the requirements of the specifications. /
Moved by Hedges '
Seconded by Carson- That this Council purchase an Adams 444 Grader with Snow
Plow and Wing in accordance with tender submitted at a price of $27,483.00
less trade-in allowance of $8,500. being a net of cost to Township of
$18,983.00, the same being subject to approvals of the Dept. of Highways
and Ontario Municipal Board as necessary...Carried.
The council ahnouneed their decision to the representatives of
and Dominion Road Machinery Co. who had waited outside during
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- That the followin allowances
Good Roads Convention Feb. 26th. to 25th.
Ross Carson ------- $60.00
John C. Tribe ----- 60.00
Basil Nevill ------ 60.00
J.D.Adams Ltd,
the discussions.
be made for attendance at
John C. Tribe ----- 25.00 for car.... Barried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of
$5006.86 for roads accounts and $2192.86 for General accounts...Carried.
Roads and Bridges accounts, Feb. 1-15 -----
n If it If n 16-28 -----
Central Pipe Line Co.- Gas for hall -------
24.35" -
Alvin McClain - Relief for Part Feb. ------
Wm. H. Miller - " " " ------
Lorna Robinson- " " " ------
Hazel Ray
Ross Hainer - It " " ------
60.00 N,
Vivian Norman - " " " - ----
45.00 \,
Wm.A.Mitchell- " " part Feb. ------
24.00 \
Aylmer & Ma1.Tel.uo.- Office phone --------
Wm. Bugler - Groceries for Allison --------
Harris Teall - Rent re. "--------
Florence Kennedy- Relief for March --------
Gertrude Roloson- It " " --------
27.00 �•
John Schuller - Post San care for March ---
Wm. H. Miller - Relief for I March --------
M. Perlmutter - Rent for Miller for March -
Jessie Baker - Relief for March -----------
Myrtle Roleson - " " "----------
28.00 �.
Lorna Robinson - n " "-----------
Iva McCurdy - " » "-----------
45 .,00
Pearl Hainer - " " "----------
1+8,p00 N
} Hazel. Ray - " " "----------
Ross Hainer - It " "----------
Basil Nevill- Account re. fire dept. ------
16.80 ,
Treas. Pt.Burwell - Share fire call line --
_ Treas. Middleton Twp.- Share relief Williams 26950\
" " Twp.- Share rel. e. McLain-
Elgin Co -Op.- Supplies re, fire dept. ------ 66-79"---,
Municipal World Ltd.- Office supplies -----
Provincial Treas.- Insulin Re.McGregor ----
Deller's Tile Ltd.- Tile guard ------------
37.29 \
Burns McKenzie - Office fuel --------------
Central Pipe Line Co.- Fuel fire hall -----
Thos. Vaughan - Fox Bounty ----------------
Arnold Veldheizen - " "---------------
4.00 \
Floyd Taylor - " "---------------
8 00 \
Canadian Nation Rys.- Crossing Lights -----
n n n _ » » _-_
Treas.Malahide Twp.-RelAtf re.McLainjFeb)--
2$.00 \
" Pt.Burwell - It re. Willaert ---
Victoria Hospital- Drugs for M. Todd ------
Lyle Walsh - Fox Bounty -------------------
4.00 \
James Tupper - " »-----------------
Treas. Aylmer & E.E. Agr.Soc.- 1962 grant -
Treas.St,Thomas-E1ginAssn.for Aet.Child----
Violet Smith - Office help Feb. 1-15 ------
Rec. General - Un. Ins. -------------------
1.52 \
George Beard - Care Corinth St.Lights -----
10.00 \
Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for Feb. --------
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ---------
275.86 \
Rec. General - Tax re. Vallee -------------
Chas. D. Phillips - Attend i meeting ------
14.40 \
Norman Pressen - " 1 "-------
15.60 %..,
Ross Carson - " 1 "-------
n n - Exp. to Good Roads Assn.-----
60.00 �
N. B. Hedges - Attend 1 meeting ------------
14.00 �
Stanley James - " 1 "------------
Basil Nevill - Exp. to Good Roads Assn.----
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That this council adjourn to meet again on April 2nd.
at 10.00 A.M...Carried.
Township Office, Straffordville, April 2nd, 1962.
Pursuant to adjournment of Feb. 2nd., the regular meeting of the Bayham Town-
ship council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve
Phillips presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed
and the following business was done.
Communications received and discussed included the following; -
A request for the 1962 grant to Tillsonburg Tri -County Agricultural Society.
A notive from Tillsonburg Hospital regarding an indigent patient.
A statement of Provincial Aid To Drainage grant received in respect to the
Adler and Schonberger drains.
Advise was received that Geo. Procunier and Ray Alward wished to be relieved
of thier duties as Fenceviewer and Poundkeeper respectively.
The Clerk advised of repairs requested on the Pollick and Fearnley Drains.
The Dept. of Municipal Affairs ddvised that the winter works program had been
extended to May 31st. 1962.
Appreciation for grant received was read from the Friendship School,St.Thomas.
Mr. R.B.Bradley of the Dept. of Economics and Development requealted a meeting
with the council in regards to the Public Housing Program.
The usual grant was requested by the Elgin County Road Supt.'s Association.
Membership fees for 1991 and 1962 were requested by the Elgin County Mutual
Aid $ire Service Assn.
Appreciation for work done on the Ridge Road Cemetery was received from
Cecil M. Ball, Sec. of Eden Cemetery Board.
Information was received from the Se*c. Ontario Good Roads tissn. in regards to
School for Road Superintendents held at Hart House on May 14th. and 15th.
Adivice was received from Mr. Linton that the Township had been permitted by
Judge McMillan to take possession of the Prouse property Ripon payment into
the Supreme Court of the sum of $3100.
The Ontario Energy Board issued Notice Of Hearing to be held on April 9th.1962'
concerning permission to construct a pipe line along, No. 19 Highway from lots
21 and 22, Conc. 8, Bayham, northerly.
A letter was received from the Ontario Municipal Board advising that the Board
Is consent was not necessary to finance grader over a two year term.
Circulars were received concerniN07
courses available to fire chiefs and other
Financial report and By -Law No. and 1808 were received from the County
of Elgin.
A letter was received from the London Office of the Dept. of Highways regard-
ing transfers and amendments to 1961 road program and expenditures.
Mr. Jordan of the St.Thomas Y.M.C.A. met briefly with the council and explain
their expansion program and how they could serve the outlying areas and reques
ted a grant towards the construction of a gymnasium at St. Thomas.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That Clarence Jenereaul replace Geo.Procunier as Fence -
viewer for 1962 and Howard Tait replace Ray Alward as Poundkeever for 1962.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That Drain Inspector Chute have necessary repairs made
to Pollick and Fearnley Drains...Carried.
Moved by James -
Seconded by Hedges- That the usual
County Road Supt,, r s Assn...Carriede
grant of $25.00 be made to the Elgin
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Pressey- That this Township pay 1961 and 1962 membership fees in
tota; amount of $10.00 in the Elgin County Mutual Aid Fire Service A sn. 1
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That in the matter of the Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister -Trant
consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely part of lot 15
in the South Gore of the Township of Rayham by Alvah and Marjorie Irene
McQuiggan to Adam and Kathalin Mercz...Carried.
Moved by Hedge
Seconded by James- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant
consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely part of the port
half of Lot 120 south of Talbot Roach in the Township of Bayham (two parcels)
by Howard A. Tait and Frances Marie Tait to Luzia Hohmann...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James-- That this To�-.,nship authorize the Road Supt. to attend
school in Toronto on May 14th. and 15th. and 'treasurer send fee of 15.00.
Oarri ed .
Moved. by Hedges
Seconded by Pressey- That this council aprove of the transfer of $1600.00
from Reserve Fund, savings account ,#1, to' General Account and the payment of
$3100.00 to the Accoun�;ant of the Supreme Court, of Ontario for possession of
the Prouse property...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That the Treasurer be instructed to sell bonds now held
under Post War Reserve Fund and all funds from proceeds of same and balance
of Reserve Fund bank account be credited to General Account...Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.?0
P.11'1 ... Carried.
Council resumed regular session about 1.30 P.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ward waited on the council and discussed improvements to
their road with tthe members.
A delegation representing the Lions Club and the Community Centre Board met
with the council and discussed repairs and improvements to the Township Hall.
The Lions Club agreed to help in some manner.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That the price of $228.30 of Fennel Hewbank be accepted
for painting inside and out at Township Hall in accordance with tender sub-
mitted ... Carried,
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That the price of Central Pipe Line Co. for a furnace for
Township Hall of $295.80 plus installation by A1. Walsh at a price of $534.00
be accepted...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That this council make a grant of $50. to the 1962 Till-
sonburg Tri -County Aaricultural Society...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That this council engage someone to prepare the 1962
assessment for use of 1963 taxes...Carried.
Assessor Jackson met with the council and discussed several :natters with them
Pertaining mostly to the County Assessment system, and reported on the prog-
ress of his work.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That Assessor Jackson be paid for preparation of 126
assessment cards @ $3.00 each, total of $37$.00...Carried.
Moved by Carsoh
Seconded by Hedges- That dogs be not permitted to run at large in this
Township during the months of May, June, July and August and that the Clerk
advertise same in local newspapers...Carried.
Enforcement of the above action was discussed ,and the Clerk instructed to
contact Municipal Mobile Animal Control for prbces on same...Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Pressey- That Daylight Savin; Time
from 2.00 o'clock A.M. on April 29th. 1962 to
28th, 1962,..Carried.
be effective in
2.00 o'clock A.M.
The Treasurer's budget and various mill rates for 1962
discussed by the members. It was decided that the sum
raised by general township levy for this year.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Pressey- That the Township mill rate
residential and farm properties for 1962 and the
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law
adopt the assessment on which the taxes for
1962 taxes and to provide for the collection
#1452 time...Carried.
Moved by Carson
this Township
on October
were then throughly
of 48,233.00 should be
be set at 15.074 mills for
Treasurer's budget be
No. 1452, being a by -lave to
1962 shall be levied, to levy the
thereof, be now read a first
Seconded by Pressev-- And res&lved that By -Law No. 1452 be now read a second
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1452 be now read a third
time and finally passed „ .Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- That we request the Dept. of Highways to make the follow-
ing transfer of funds with regards to the by-laws listed below: -
SUPPLEMENTARY # 1440 - Transfer $2500,00 from Road Construction to B/C const,
NORMAL # 1137 - Transfer 803.85 from B/C const, to Road Construction,
Transfer 1462,75 from Mtce, Roads to Road Constructiod,
Transfer 14642.89 from Mtce, B/C to Road Construction.
Delete culvert Lots 1 R: 2, Bonc , 5 ------------- $ 21000,
16 " 3 ------------- 39500,
tr survey & land purchases lots 15&16,Con.2,3- 1,000,
Decrease grading & Land purchase " 16-17, " 3 - 7,920,
Add Road Cosst. lots 5 & 6, Conc. 1 ------
Add regrade & rebuild road lots 113-114, Con -5-6- 920,
Add surveys lots 16 28, Conc. 4 & 5 540.
" culvert lot 110-111 S. Gore ---------------- $,000.
" regrade n n n ________________ 3,100,
tt »
it 19-21.4., Conc. 9 & 10 -------------- 1, 700,
Decrease culvert Con. 1, lots 5'& 6 ------------- 1)210,
Delete culvert Conc. 8 & 6 , lot 20 ------------- 11500.
n tt n 6 " 118-119 ------- 1,500.
Add culvert lots 110-111 S.Gore------------------ 3,200.00
n It n 17 Conc . 1 ----------------- 90.
it n 3& 4 n 1 --------------- 645
ti rt 11 rt 3 ---------------- 275
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Pressey- That the, purchase of a 440 Adams grader be financed over
a two year period, payment to be one-half on delivery of vehicle and one-half
in January 1963 and that in consideration of 1960-1 amendments to subsection
2 of Jection 286 of The Municipal Act, the approval of the Ontario Municipal
Board is not necessary 4s the tern of office of the present council extends
to Dec. 31, 1963, and that the approval of same Is hereby requested from the
liept. of Highways... Carried.
The Township hourly road employees met briefly with the council and requested
a raise in their hourly rate of pay. The matter was discussed with the council
members and with the assurance of year round employment, they agreed to
continue for the present at the same rate. It was point$d out that with an
increase, there could be some lay-off in the winter months which has not been
the custom in the past.
the Clerk advised that notices had been sent out for the reading of drain
reports on April 9th. and the Reeve requested q morning meeting on hat date
to catch up on other business laid over to then,
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of$9510.28
for roads and $7201,71 for general accounts...Carried.
Roads and Bridges accounts, March 1-15 pay list ---$1,223,15
?1" n " 16 - 31 ---------- 81 232 13
John Spi.ece - Heli.ef for March -------------------- 10,00x.
Central Pipe Line Co.- Gas for hall --------------- 14,85N
Ross Hainer - nelief for part March --r--------------30,00 � T
Alvin Locke - " " " It -------------- 17,501„
Wm. H. Miller - " " " ______________ 50.00
Hazel Ray ____________ 45,00%,
Lorna Robinson - " " "-------------- 35.00N
Ross Hainer - " " Part "-------------- 60.00,
John. Rpy - " " " " ______________ 32,00'`
Harris Teall- Rent for Allison for March ---------- 25.00 \
Gordon EmP y - Relief for part March ______________
22.00 s
Robt. Grant P.O. Box rental --------------------- 5.00, F
Account Supreme Court of Ontario- Pay.re.Prouse --- 3100.00►
Treas. Bayham Township- Trans. from Say.#1-------- 1600,00 Sax,#1.
Bugler's Grocery - Groceries for Allison ---------- 3$.74 \
Gordon Empey - Relief for part March -------------- 22,00 \
Ontario Hydro - Hydro for hall & Office ----------- 21.49
n n _ ,t it fire hall --------------- 38,42\
Receiver General - Stamps for notices ------------- 17.00 \
W. G. Webster - Office supplies ------------------- 13.96
Joe Mooney - Appraisal Prouse property ------------ 50,00 N
Victoria Hospital -- Drugs re. Todd,Mar.8 & 21 ----- 6,15♦
Peter J. Gloin - Fees re. Fred Hirt --------------- 11.15ti,
Lloyd Jackson - Fox Bounty ------------------------ 8,00\
Donald Chute - Steer drowned by dogs -------------- 200.00
Florence Kennedy - Relief for April --------------- 45,OO N
Gertrude Roleson - " " it -------------- 27,00 �
John Schuller - Post San Care --------------------- 38:00 ,\
Wm. H. Miller - Relief for � April ________________ 50,00 \
M. Perlmutter - April rent re. Miller ------ ------- 30.00-N
Myrtle Rploson - Relief for April ----------------- 28.00 N,.,
Lorna Robinscn - " " "---------------- 35.00
John Rpy - Relief for part April ------------------ 15,00',
Iva McCurdy - r► et April ----------------------
45.00 N
Pearl Hainer - " " " -----------------
Hazel Ray - " " »-------- -------- 45.00N
John Spiece - ---------------- 10,00\
.Ontario Hydro ,Tills.- Eden St. Lts.--------------- 51.25,\
" it" - Corinth St. Ltw,------------ 18.3$ \
Aylmer- Straff. St. Lts.---------- 75.63\
" n " - Richmond St. Lts.--------- 47.50\
Treas, Elgin County Rd.Supt.Assn.- Grant ------ ---- 25.00\
Elgin County Mutual Aid Fire Service Assn. -Fee '- 10.00`
Tillsonburg Tri -County Agr. Society- 1962 Grant --- 50,00 1
Violet Smith - Office help Mar. 1-15 -------------- 62.0$'
Receiver ueneral- Un. Ins. ------------------------ 1,84\
- Pension deduct. re.Vallee------- 46.26
- Township share It "------- 4.6.26\
Violet Smith - Office help Mar. 16-31 -- ------ ----- 61.86N
Receiver General - Un. Ins. ----------------------- 2.?$
Robert C. Jackson - Valuing steer ----------------- 5.00 \
Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for March -------------- 35.00`
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ----------------- 275,86N
Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ----------------- 17,05
Chas. D. Phillips - Attend 1 meeting -------------- 14.10 �
Norman Pressey - " 1 �► ______________ 15. 0 "\
Ross Carson - " 1 "----------- __"w 14.20\
N. B. Hedges - n 1 "-------------- 1..00
Stanley James - " 1 "--------- ----- 15-00-%,
Elton H. Jackson - 126 Assm. cards @ $3.00 -------- 37$,00 *s.,
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn to meet again in special
session on Monday, April 9th. at 10.00 A.M. •
Township Office, Straffordville, April 9th, 1962.
A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date
with all members present and Peeve Phillips presiding. The purpose of the mee
ing was to consider additional road expenditurA for i962, to appoint an Asses
for making the 1962 assessment, to consider and read. the Engineerts report on
three municipal drains and other business.
Mr. Robert Stewart met with the melabers and discussed the matter of again
making the 1962 assessment while Assessor Jackson continued on the County
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That Robert F. Stewart be engaged on the same basis as
last year to make the 1962 assessment for use in preparing 1963 taxes, and
that a by-law be prepared accordingly...Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson- That -in -the 3mAbt0r_,vf."The Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law go. JL}02, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant
consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely part of the sout
east Quarter of lot 4, Cone. $, Bayham Tovmship by Clarence Harvey to Joseph
Alonzo Harvey and Janet Irene Harvey...9arried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That in the matter of The Planning Act and the Township
of Bayham By -Law No. 1.402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant
consent for the vale of the following parcel of land, namely part of the
northwest cart of Lot 16, Vonc. 3, Bavham Township by Mary~ Finch and Michael,
Ja-mes, simon and John Barzo to The Incorporated synod Of The Diocese Of
A supplementary program for Twolihip roads was thea discussed and adopted by
the council.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1453 being a by-law to approve
an additional expenditure of $15,000.00 on roads for 1962, be now read a first
time... Carried .
#1453 Moved by Carson
Seconded b�.,, Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 14.53 be now read a second
;time... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1453 be now read a third
time and finally passed...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that
appoint Robert F. Stewart as Assessor
Moved. by James
By -Law No. 1454 being a by-law to
for 1962, be now read a first time.
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1454 be now read a second
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1454 be now read a third
time and finally passed... Carried. 0
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30
Council resumed regular- session at 1.30 P.M.
At 1.30 P.M., Mr. Refl and Mr. R. Humphrey were the only persons present to
hear the reading of the report on the^Francia Municipal Drain. This was read
by the Clerk and Reeve Phillips invited discussion' -on same, Engineer Black
being present and answered questions arising therefrom. Neither of the parties
wished to oppose the report on same.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That the Engineer's report, dated Feb. 28, 1962, on the
Francia Municipal Drain be accepted and the Clerk prepare a by-law for same.
Carried. 1
At 2.30 P.M. Mr. Hugh Ketchabaw was the on1}4� interested ratepayer present for
the reading of the report on the Ketchabaw Lnivipal Drain, -This was read by
Clerk Vallee and the matter discussed with Engineer Black. Mr. Ketchabaw
advised he wished the drain to be proceeded with in accordance with the report,
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That the Engineer's report on the Ketchabaw Municipal
Drain /�l¢j�, dated March 20th. 1962, be accepted and the Clerk prepare
by-law for same... Carried.
At 3.30 P.M. The Clerk read the En¢ineer's re", rt on the Schooley Municipal
Drain. All interested ratepayers concerned were present for the reading,
including Mr. McNabb of the C.N.R. Also present were Reeve Brown and t.,ro
Councillors and Clerk Johnson of Malahide Tovmship, this Township having
joined with Bayham for the consideration of the report. This report was
thoroughly discussed with Mr. Black, the engineer, who ?ave an account of
how he arrived at drainage assessments.
Reeve Phillips asked if anv present wished to withdraw their names from
the petition. clone did. He also asked if any present wished to add their
names and again there were none.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That the Ena;ineer's report on the Schooley Municipal
Drain dated Feb. 28, 1962 be accepted and the Clerk prepare a by-law covering
construction and financing o same...Carried.
Clerk Vallee advised that a receivt had been received from the Canadian Bank
of Commerce for the sum of. $3100.having been credited to the Supreme Court of
Ontario in respect to By -Law No. 1418 re, Prouse property. The council decide
to o -o on April 18th. to look over some Township offices and fire halls. They
also set a date of April 23rd. for inspecting roads in the north end of the
It was also agreed to proceed with the erection of a chimney at the Town Hall.
Moved by James
Seconded by Pressey- That this special session of the council now adjourn to
meet , asai,n on Monday, May 'nth. at 10.00 A.M... f:arried.
Township Office, Straffordville, May 7th, 1962.
Pursuant to adjournment of April 9th, the regular meeting of the Bayham
Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and
Reeve Phillips presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings
were read, approved and signed and the following business was done.
A letter and communications from the Dept. by Howard Roloson was read to the
council in respect to wrecking yard.
An agreement for maintenance Service by Underwood Ltd. for Olivetti machine
was presented to council.
Mr. Bradley of the Housing Branch of the Dept. of Economics and Development
advised that he would meet with the council on June 4th. at 11.30 A.M.
A memorandum respecting restricted areas and building by-laws was received
from the Ontario Municipal Board.
The Dept. of Highways advised that the gravel rights on lots 21 & 22, Conc.10
were being returned to their rightful owner.
Plans and letters perta&ning to the reversion of certain lands at approaches
of Township roads to No. 3 Highways were discussed by the council.
The Treasurer advised that $18,801.43, balance of road subsidy for 1961 had
been received.
An Order by the Ontario Energy Board in respect to Agreement for Right -Of -
Way by Union Gas Co. was received.
A "Notice Of Appeal" by the Village of Vienna against the County of Elgin
Bp -Law No. 1808 was received from the village solicitor.
Miss Minnie Chandler and Mr. Leslie Fendricks waited on the council In
respect to division afid fencing of closed road between their farms. /ft was
agreed that the road be divided down the centre and each to pay one-half of
the fencing costs. Township to' give each party a deed to their respective
portions when same have been properly fenced. Each party bo pap costs for
t i#tle and conveyancing.
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson- That this Township council authorise a Maintenance
Service Agreement with Underwood Limited of London for the Olivetti Calculat-
ing Machine D-24, 239468, until machine becomes 10 years old and at rate of
$45.00 pear year and that the Reeve be authorized to sign same...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That a restaurant license be approved for Thos.Nedozytho
for Wayside Coffee Shop... Carried.
by Hedges
byy Pressey- That in the matter of The Planning Act and the Township
of Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant
consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely part of the nort
half of lot Five, Concession Nine, Bayham Township by Mary Neff to Ivo
Veemeersch and Ruth Ann Vermeersch...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That pending satisfactory arrangements for approaches,
this council wishes to withhold approval in respect to Plans P-3248-1$,
Highway No. 3 and letters of Mr. Styles of the Dept. of Highways, dated April
31 1962 and April 12, 1962. This wetter to be given further consideration
when the Dept. of Highways makes further inprovements to these corners.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That Owing to the resignation of Mrs. Harry Donnelly from
the Straffordville Cemetery Board, Robert Grant is hereby appointed to the
said Board to complete her term of office...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30
Council resumed the regular session at 1.3C P.M.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to petits
the Minister of Public Works for grants on the Francia Municipal Drain, the
Ketchabaw Municipal Drain and the Schooley Municipal Drain, under provisions
of The Provincial Aid To Drainage Act...Carried.
Moved by Pre6sey
Seconded by James- That the Clerk be authorized to serve notice to owners of
the Francia Municipal Drain, the Ketchabaw Municipal Drain and the Schooley
Municipal Drain, by serving all affected parties of this Township with a
certified copy of the respective by-laws bK
registered mail or personal serv-
ice, together with the notice of Court of evision and notice as to/proceed-
ings to quash... Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That Courts of Revision on the following drains be held
on the date and hour as listed below
Francia Municipal Drain, June 4., 1962 at 2.00 F.M.
Ketchabaw " " it" " " 2.30 P•M•
Moved by
by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No.
1455 being a by-law to
for the construction and financing of
Francia Municipal Drain be
# 1455
now read
a first time...Carried.
1 & 2
,Moved by
by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law
14.55 be now read a second
time and
provisionally passed... Carried.
Mored by
by Carson- And resolved that By -Law
1456 being a by-law to
provide for the construction and financing of
Ketchabaw Municipal Drain, ,
# 1456
be now read
a first time... Carried.
1 & 2
Moved by
by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law
1456 be now read a second
time and
provisionally bassed...Carried.
Moved by
by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law
1457 being a by-law to
for the construction and financing of.the
Schooley Municipal Drain,
be now read
a first time...Carried.
# 1457
Moved by
1 & 2
by Carson- And resolved that By -Law
1457 be now read a sedond
time and
provisionally passed... Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to petits
the Minister of Public Works for grants on the Francia Municipal Drain, the
Ketchabaw Municipal Drain and the Schooley Municipal Drain, under provisions
of The Provincial Aid To Drainage Act...Carried.
Moved by Pre6sey
Seconded by James- That the Clerk be authorized to serve notice to owners of
the Francia Municipal Drain, the Ketchabaw Municipal Drain and the Schooley
Municipal Drain, by serving all affected parties of this Township with a
certified copy of the respective by-laws bK
registered mail or personal serv-
ice, together with the notice of Court of evision and notice as to/proceed-
ings to quash... Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That Courts of Revision on the following drains be held
on the date and hour as listed below
Francia Municipal Drain, June 4., 1962 at 2.00 F.M.
Ketchabaw " " it" " " 2.30 P•M•
Schooley Municipal Drain, June 4., 1962 at 3.00 P.M.
and the same be held at the Township Office at Straffordville...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That permission be granted to Mr. Howard Roleson to operate
a wrecking yard provided the same be operated in accordance with municipal
and provinciAl regulations pertaining thereto... Carried.
Mr. Matz of Bayham Township presented
signed by several owners and the Road
drainage of lots 137 and 138 Houghton
Townshipq and Townline Road.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Pressey- That Road Supt.
petition for the drainage of Townline
ite lot 136, Conc. 6, Bayham,
a drainage petition to the council
Supt. of Houghton Township for the
Township and lots 135 and 136, Bayham
Tribe be authorized to sign drainage
toad between Rayham and Houghton oppos-
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Pressey- That the petition of John Pokorny and others for
drainagge of lots 137 & 138 S.T.R. Houghton Township, and lots 135 & 136,
Conc. b, Bayham Township and Townline Road, be accepted and forwarded to
G. Duncan Black for preparation of survey, plan and report on same...Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That Aylmer Construction Co. and Willis Marr be engaged
by Road Supt. for Road and Brxdges & CiLlvert construction work in the
Township for 1962...Carried.
Discussion was held in regards to i/jitial steps to take and plans for
building of a combined fire hall and Township offices. Clerk Vallee presented
a rough sketch of the approximate requirements for such a building having
procured dimensions of offices, etc. at other municipalities. The procuring
of an architect or engineer to carried out these piand was also discussed.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- That Douglas Vallee engaged to prepare sketch plans
of a proposed Township Office and Fire and submit an estimate of costs
of same... Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of
$5574.64 for roads and $3785.62 for general accounts...Carried.
Roads accounts - April 1-15 paylist----------
n n _ " 16-30 " r_ _r___ -_-
Jack Brinn - Carnes drain survey -------------
Skean Brinn - " " " ____________
Ross Brinn --------------
Lloyd Ball -
Earl Grigg -------------
Fred Curtis -
Basil Hotchkiss- " n n _____________
Central Pipe Line Co.- Gas for hall ----------
Gordon Empey - Relief for part April ---------
Wm. H. Miller - " " half " ---------
Lorna Robinson - n n n n _________
Hazel Ray
Gordon Empey - " " part
Pearl Hainer ----------
Wm. H. Miller - " " half May ----------
Mrs. Ross Hainer- " " part " ----------
Geo. Lysy- Rent for miller for May ----------
Florence Kennedy- Relief for May -------------
Gertrude Roloson-------------
John Schuller - Post San care for May --------
Myrtle Roloson - Relief for May --------------
Lorna Robinson - " " part May ---------
Iva McCurdy ---------
Pearl Hainer
Hazel Ray
John Spiece -
Lillian Montgomery ----------
Victoria Hospital - Accounts re. Todd ---------
Burns McKenzie - Office fuel -----------------
Lyle R. Grant Motors- Fire Dept. repairs -----
Treas. Houghton Twp.- Rel for Weaver,Feb.Mar,p
Lyle Walsh -.Fire Dept. supplies -------------
3.00 ,`
35.00 's,
45.00 '*%
61.00 N,
24.47 \
47.50 \
Treas. of St. Thomas - Nursing Hone Care Shaw --
Tress. Pialahide Twp.- Marcg relief re.McLain ----
n n » me April » rr
News inting Co.- Printing & Supplies, advt.----
Norman Bates - Office supplies __________________
`'entral Pipe Line Co.- Furnace for hall---------
Times-Journal - Advt. re, drains ----------------
Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies ------------------
Gestetner Ltd.- Supplies --------_r_____________
W. G. Webster - » _________ ___________
Ralph Hurley - Fox Bounty -----------------------
Alvin Crossett - " " ------------ ___--- __ __
Wm.Partington Jr.- " "----..-------- _--- _____
Lyle Walsh - " "------------------- ---
Powt s Hardware - Wax for hall & office ----------
Morley Pollock - Materials fencing cemeteries ---
n n _ Labour W.W.P # 990 -------------
Robert Byerlay - Work on Coomber "G" drain ------
" " - " 11 Elliott drain --------
Mike Csoff - pigs killed by dogs ----------------
Underwood Ltd.- Service re. Olivetti machine ----
Violet Smith - Office help Apr. 1-15 -___________
Receiver General - Un. ins. stamps --------------
Alvin Locke - W. W. P. # 0-1313 -----------------
J.Alvin McClain- ______
LeRoy Marshall - " " -----------------
Frank Foran - » " -----------------
n # 990 ______________r____
Receiver General- Bn Ans. re. W.W.P.#)-1313 -----
Frank Couture - W.W.P. # 4-1313 _________________
M. L. Chute - Cleaning office
Frank Porter - Labour re. Herr Drain ------------
Walter "elson - Insp. re.
G.Duncan Black- Survey Schooley Drain -----------
" Ketchabaw "-------___
Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for April -------------
J. D. 'Vallee - To apply on salary ---------------
Receiver eneral - Tax re. Vallee ---------------
J. D. Vallee - Council meals , Apr. 23/62 -------
» 27/62 -------
1$/62 -
C. D. Phillips - Insp. roads Apr.
it - " offices "
Norman Pressey - " roads Apr.
RossCarson -
N. B. Hedges -
Stanley James -
N. B. Hedges -
Ross Carson -
Elton H. Jackson-
s n n
Robt. C. Jackson
C. D. Phillips -
Norman Pressey -
Ross Carson -
N. B. Hedges -
Stanley James -
23 & 27 -------
18 ------------
23 -----------
23 & car
23 & 27 & car --
23 -----------
18 ----------
18 & car ----
Attend school May 3 & 4 -------
- Car 2 days to St. Thomas -----
- Valuing livestock ------------
Attend 2 meetings --------------
" 2 " ------ --------
» 2 "--------------
�t 2
� 0 N
2$. oo
44.63 \
28.00 \
91.3 \
70.13 \
195.00 \
35$6 2
1 . '
48.00 N
26.50 \
28.80 \
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That this council adjourn to meet again on June 4th.
at 10.00 A.M...Carried.
'Ke eve
Township Office, Straffordville, June 4th. 1962.
Pursuant to adjournment of May 7th., the regular meeting of the Bayham Townsh�
Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Phillips
presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the
following business was done.
Communications received included the following; -
A letter of appreciation for grant from the Salvation Army together with a
further appeal for funds to support the Officers' Training program.
Advise from the Community Blanning Branch that the transfer of lands to Alonzo
Harvey had been approved but the transfer to Ivo Vermeersch had been held up.
Requests were made by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and Ray Woodworth
for adjustments on their 1962 taxes.
Approvals were received from the Dept. of Highways for road expenditure By -
Laws Nos. 1451 and 1453•
A resolution and information regarding use of mechanical chip spreader was
received from the Elgin County Roads Committee.
Copies of County By -Law No. 1813 together with notice of Hearing respecting
restrictions to buildings,etc. adjacent to County Roads, were received.
Township of Windham notified this Township that they would be willing to pay
the expenses of having Wm. H. Miller examined by a Cardiologist. The Clerk
advised that he was arranging an appointment for same.
The Clerk pointed out the amendments to provincial statutes that permitted an
increase of interest charged on tax arrears to 2/3 of 1% per month.
Reeve Phillips reported that the C.N.R. did not examine theCoomber "G" drain
while it was opened up for repairs.
The C.P.R. advised that they would meet with Township Officials on June 18th.
at 10.00 A.M. to inspect certain crossings.
The C.N.R. advised that the Board of Transport Commissioners should be reguestr
ed to set a date for meeting at the crossing on their line at mileage 97.97•
The Clerk advised that Municipal Board approval and permissions to proceed
.with work under the Provincial Aid To Drainage Act had been received in resp-
ect to the Francia, Ketchabaw and Schooley Drains.
Reeve Phillips reported concerning a meeting with County and Highway Officials
at certain intersections along No. 3 Highway. Council gave permission to the
Reeve and Clerk to accepted these amended plans if found satisfactory.
Mr. Geo. Lysy, by letter, reminded the council of proposed work promised JFo
him on roads adjacent to his property and across same. The Road Supt. was
instructed to proceed with this program as soon as possible.
Mr. Doug. Vallee waited on the council and discussed preliminary plans for
a Township Office and Fire Hall. Certain minor changes were considered and he
advised that he would have more information on same at the next meeting.
Mr. Bradley, of the Dept. of Economics and Development, waited on the Council
and discussed thetprogram of Public Housing as provided by the Federal and
Provincial Governments. Financed ?5% by Federal Authority, 17J% by Provincial
and 70 by the municipality. The municipality's share could be financed over
a period of five years. He left brochures covering the matter for each member.
Moved by James -
Seconded by Carson- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant
consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely part of Lot 1
Concession Four, Township of Bayham by Romain and Simonne Borm to Etienne and
Marie Louise Borm... Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That the Road Supt. paIr J. D. Adams Ltd. the sum of $10,0
for half payment on new grader... Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson- That 1962 taxes in an amount of $39.61, Rodl No. 660,
formerly Imperial Bann, be written off as business operation ceased early in
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That 1962 taxes in an amount of 1$34.20, Roil Noe 21, be
writtem off as barn bf_Ra� Woodworth destroyed by fire on May 9,146arried
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson- That this Council support the resolution of the Elgin
County Road Committee in opposing the mandatory use of mechanical chip spread-
er in local municipalities as set out by the Dept. of Highways and that a
copy of this resolutuon be forwarded to the Minister of Highways and Ronald
K. McNeil, M.P.P...Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn for neon to meet again at 2.00
Council resumed regular session at 2.00 P.M.
Council Hedges presented a drainage petition signed by Dewey Ward and Bert
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Pressey- That the Road Supt. sign drainage petition of Dewey Ward
and others for drainage of lot 23, S.Gore and lot 131, Cone. 6,and road
between... Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That the petition of Dewey Lard and others for drainage o
lot 23, S.Gore, and lot 131, Conc. 6 and road between, be accepted and Engine
Black be requested to make a survey and report on same...Carried.
Tenders were opened on the Francia, Ketchabaw and Schooley Drains, there bein
only two tenders on each, from G. W. Cattle Const. Co. and Wm. Dietrich.
The lowest tenders were accepted as follows;
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That G. W. Cattle's tender for work and materials for
construction on the Francia Drain be accepted at a price of $1886.00 and his
deposite cheques on the other drains be returned... Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That Wn. Dietrich's tenders on the Ketchabaw and Schooley
Drains for labour and materials at $2,784.00 on the Ketchabaw Drain and
$4,383.75 of the Schooley Drain, be accepted...Carried.
The Clerk advised that no appeals had been received in respect to any of the
above drains.
Moved by James
#1455 Seconded by Hedges- That By -Law N1. 1455, being a by-law to provide for
3rd. construction of Francia Municipal Drain, be now read a third time and finally
Moved by Garson
#1456 Sedonded by Pressey- That By -Law No. 1456, being a by-law to provide for the
3rd. construction of the Ketchabaw Municipal Drain, be now read a third time and
finally passed... Carried.
Moved by Pressey
#1457 Seconded by Hedges- That By -Law No. 1457, being a by-law to provide for the
3rd. construction of the Schooley Municipal Drain, be now read a third time and
finally passed... Carried.
Road matters were discussed with Road Supt. Tribe andlthe matter of handling
calcium chloride this year, it was decided that no charge would be made I#
to householders for having same put on their roads but that in some cases, it
might be necessary for them to pick-up and spread their own. Road Supt. Tribe
outlined his road program covered for the month of May and that proposed for
the month of June.
Mr. M. L. Chute briefly discussed the dog problem with the members and it was
decided that Gerald Wisson should be engaged to do more work in this respect.
The Clerk reported that n9thing further had been heard from LaFortune of
London in this matter.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $16,147.
59 for roads and $3,039.78 for general accounts...Carried.
Road accounts - May 1-15 ------
» ■. - " 16-31 --------------------
Receiver General - Stamps--------------------
___________________Ontario Municipal Bd.- Fee Francia Drain -----
n Ketchabaw " ----
» Schooley " ----
Aylmer & Malahide Tel.Co.- Office phone ------
Wm. H. Miller - Relief for May ---__________
Lorna Robinson - " " " ____________
Hazel Ray - " n » ----
Central Pipe Line Co.- Fuel for hall --------
Ralph McQuiggan - Groceries for Empey--------
12.00 N
50.00 \
WM. H. Miller - Relief for i June ----------- $ 50.00 \
Geo. Lysy - Rent for Miller for June -------- 30.00♦
Florence Kennedy - Relief for June ---------- 43.00\
Gertrude Roloson - " » it 25.00
John Schuller - Post San care for June ------ 35.00'N
Myrtle Roloson - Relief for June ------------ 25.00N
Iva McCurdy - " " tt 38,00.
Pearl Hainer - " "----------- 45.00'
Hazel Ray - rr ti " ------ 43.00~
John Spiece - " " "----------- 10100\
May VandenBerghe - " " " 55.00
Aylmer Express - Advertisements ------------- 18.96,\
Canadian National Rys.- Corinth Cross.Lts.--- 20.75\
Treas. Pt. Burwell - Share fire call line --- 31.28\
" of St. Thomas - " re. E.M.Shaw ----- 11.45N
Stan Burns - Drugs re. Shaw ----------------- 3.20N
H.E.P.C. of Ontario- Instal. 2 st. Lts. ----- 180.7 5
Merritt Matthews - Fox Bounty --------------- 4.00\
Ivo Vermeersch - » n -------------- 4,00`
L. G. Mitchell - " "--------------- 24.00•
Gerald Wisson - » "----------- ---- 16.00-\
Hewbank Paint St+bre - Painting at Hall ------ 22$.80 ,\
Brantford Builders Supplies- Tike Coomber "G"- 29.36\
Robert Byerlay - Work on Coomber "G" drain--- 240.75\
Pow's Hardware - Duro Gloss for hall -------- 20.34'
LeRoy Marshall - W.W.P. # 0-1313 ------------ 69.70
Frank Foran - "----------- 65.57 \
Alvin Locke - " # 0-990 ------------ 69.74�
John McClain - " "--------- 69.70 ,K
Frank Couture - " "------------ 60.28.
Receiver "eneral - Tax re. 0-1313 ----------- 8v55\
Un. Ins. "----------- 2.16
rr 0-990 ------------ 1.84
Violet Smith - Office help May 1.15 --------- 75.92~•
Receiver General - Un. Ins. ----------------- 2.16 �
,Xiolet Smith - Office help May 16-31 -------- 71.92,-N
Receiver General - Un. Ins. ----------------- 2,16%\
Wes. White - Care Eden St. Lts. 6 Mo. ------- 30.+00
Basil •Ilevill - Fire Chief for May ----------- 35.00 �
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ----------- 275.86",-,
Heceiver deneral - Tax re. allee----------- 17.05\
Peters, Brown & Co.- Bal. 1961 audit fee ---- 600.00
Supplies --------------- 11.90\
Walter Nelson- Coomber drain charges 16,00\
Chas. D. Phillips - Attend 1 meeting -------- 14.44\
Norman Pressey - " 1 "-------- 15.6o\
Ross Carson - " 1 "--------- 14.20\
N. B. Hedges - " 1 "--------- 14.00
Stanley James - " 1 "------- 15.00N
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That this council adjourn to meet again on July 3rd.
at 1 P.M ... Carried.
Township Office, Straffordville , July 3rd. 1962.
Pursuant to addournment of June lith., the regular meeting of the Bayham Town-
ship council was held on the above date with all members present.(. -Deputy Reeve
fressey was appointed to act as Chairman until the arrival of Reeve Phillips.
Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following
business was done.
Communications received included the following; -
Grants received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs were $1$.75 as Fire Dept..
subsidy and $6268.20 as lst. instalment of Unconditional Grant.
Several hospital notices were received.
Dr. Coburn, Elgin Medical Officer of Health, recommended that Post Sanatorium
Care for John Schuller be continued for another six months.
Notices were received from meeting secretaries of the union of Malahide Separ-
ate School Section No. 9 with Aylmer Separate School and Malahide Separate
School Section No. 3 with Vienna Separate School.
Requests for consent under the Sub -division By -Law were received from Tillson
& Tillson, Solicitors for Claude E. Wilson.
Mrs. Louise MacDonald, §ec., advised of formation of a Board for the Light
Cemetery and names of Trustees.
Clerk Vallee advised that plans respecting intersections on No. 3 Highway had
been received from the Dept. of Highways and approved by this Township.
A re-newal was received for spray liability insurance policy.
The Clerk also reported that an appointment had been requested with the
Board of Transport 6ommissioners for meetings at C.P.R. tunnel and other
railway crossings.
The Community Planning Branch advised that the Minister had consented to the
transfer of the Borm property.
The Secretary of the Eden Community Centre Board requested the usual sidewalk
grant for 1962.
Replies were received from the Minister and R. K. McNeil M.P.P. in regards to
use of mechanical chip spreader.
A letter was received from Mr. Lafortune of the Mobile Animal Control.
A semi-annual report was received from Fire Chief Nevill.
Clerk Vallee reportea on the examination of 19m. H. Miller by Dr. Wilcox.
A review of taxes in arrears was,:presented by the Treasurer.
Moved' by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That in the matter of the Planning Act and the Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1102, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant
consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely part of lot 33 on
east side of Main Street, Village of Eden, Plan 258, by Claude E. Wilson and
Hattie M. Wilson to John P. Fish and Eleanor Marie Fish...Carried.
Wonddde� byeGeMon- That in the matter of the Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1102, it is herewith recommedded that the Minister grant
consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely part of Township
lot 24, Concession 8, Bayham Township by Claude Eastmen Wilson and Mattie May
Wilson to Catharine M. McDowell...Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That the usual $200. sidewalk grant for Eden be made for
1962 to be expended under the supervision of Councillor Carson...Carried.
At 3 P.M. Mr. Lysy was present and the report on Houghton Township's Lysy
Municipal Drain was read and briefly discussed. Mr. Lysy entered no objections
to same on behalf of Mr. Pierre Susswein the interested owner.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Pressey- That the engineer's report on the Lysy Municipal Drain
be accepted and the Clerk prepare by-law for same...Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That August 6th. be designated as a civic and public
holiday in and for the Township of Bayham ... Carried,
Mr. Douglas Vallee, P. Eng. was present and showed the members sketch plans
and profile of the proposed new municipal offices and fire hall. These were
discussed by the council and the engineer presented ani' estimate of $40,060.00
for the construction of the building. f
:Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That this council approve the sketch plans for a new offic
and fire hall as prepared by Douglas Vallee...Carried.
Moved b grene
econde y mts- That the estimated cost of construction of office and fire
hall be provided for by a debenture issue in an amount of $40,000. over a 15
year period at a rate of 5� or 6% ... Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Pressey- that as soon as the Municipal Board approves, Douglas
Vallee be authorized -to proceed with the preparation of detailed plans and
specifications of office and fire hall... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the semi-annual report of Fire Chief Nevill be accept
ed and filed and the volunteer firemen be paid $4.00 per call as listed thereo
Messrs. Jack Barclay and Robt. Grant, members of the Community Centre Board
waited on the council and requested additional funds for sidewalk work in
Straffordville. They advised they wished to construct new sidewalk on the west
side of No. 19 Highway north from the main corner and repair some on the east
side to the postoffice. The Clerk was requested to make application to the
Dept. of Highways for usual subsidy on the new construction portion. If this
was allowed, they counctl felt they could increase the grant for this year by
about $200. in order to make the necessary repairs. The Reeve asked the member
of the Community centre Board to consider doing the new construction work in
future years on a local improvement basis.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1458 being a by-law to provide
# 1458 for the financing and construction of the Lysy Municipal Drain be now read a
first time...Carried.
1 & 2 Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1458 be now read a second
time and provisionally passed...Carried.
Clerk Vallee was instructed to write Engineer Black in respect to his progress
on the Carnes Drain report.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by James- That Ross Carson be allowed $14.20 for attending meeting in
Delhi on June 21st. and C. D. Phillips $14.40 for meeting with C.P.R. on June
18th... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $8473.14
for roads and $3567.06 for general accounts...Carried.
Roads accounts - Pa list for June 1 - 15 ------ 765.37
rt n _ p7 & vouchers June 16-30 ---- 7707.77
Receiver General - Stamps for notices --------- 63.00`
May Vandenberghe - Relief for June ---------- 63.00°
Hazel Ray - " " " "--------- 43,00\
Wm. H. Miller - » » " _________ 50 -00" -
Central Pipe Line Co.- gas for hall --------=-- 1.90`
Ontario Hydro - Hydro for hall & office ------- 17.09 \
it - " " fire hall ---------- 28.30
A. Vandendriessche - Repairs to Chalk Dr. ----- 10.00\
M. L. Chute - Cleaning hall & supplies -------- 40,46\
g Heathts - Blinds for hall --------------------- 35.08
" - Drapes " "-------------------- 19.53\
King Seagraves Ltd.- Repairs to gauge F.D.----- 2.00\
Hamilton Ward & Cathers - Spray Lia. Ins. ---- 90.00`
Allen Afaish Plumbtmg- Piping etc. at hall ----- P g 43.12
Victoria Hospital - Drugs re. M.Todd---------- 5.60 \
WillArd Phillips - Fox Bounty ----------------- 4.00
Andy VanDoninck - " "----------------- 4.00\
Keith Ketchabaw - " " __________________ 8.00\
Treas. 1"lalahide Twp.- Share May rel.re.McLain-- 26.00 \
" Houghton Twp.- " " " " Weaver-- 16.75*..
" St. Thomas - Nursing Home care re.Shaw-- 12.20N
Florence Kennedy - Relief for July ------------ 43,00\
Gertrdue Roloson - " " "------------ 25.00
John Schuller - Post san care for July -------- 35.00 \'
Iva McCurdy - Relief for July ----------------- 38,00\
Pearl Hainer - " " " ----------------- 45.00 *%
Hazel Ray - " " i "---------------- 43.00 N
John Spiece - Relief for uly----------------
May VandenBerghe- " " " __-------------
Wm. H. Miller - " " Pt. July ----__------
Geo. Lysy - Rent for Miller for July --------
Ontario Hydro - Straff. St. Lts.--------------
- Rich. " "
" " - Eden
it n - Corinth
Merritt Matthews - Fox Bounty
Volunteer Fireman
Andy Taylor - 30 calls P
John C. Tribe - 27 calls
Basil Nevill -
Harold Dennis -
Don House - 17
clay -
Jack -
Albert Cook - 30
Wilbert Locker
- 18
Harry Cookson -
Willis Marr -
Jesse Dennis -
David Johnston-
Ken Everitt - 8
Roy Carroll - 4
Other Accounts
$4.00 ea. -----------
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
coat .D.- Exam, fee re. Miller ------
Ken Grant - traps for hall chimney ----------
Julius Vandenbusch- Work at Town Hall--------
Mauriae Vandenbilche- " " # "---_--_
Frank Foran » n n t?
Receiver 'general- Pennon ded. Re. Vallee ----
» Twp. share ----------
\,J. D. Vallee - Bal.re. Francia Drain B/L -----
" " - " " Ketchabaw " " ----
n tr _ if " Schooley " n __--
Lloyd Vaughan - Building chimney at hall -----
Ken Murray
Violet Smith - Office help June 16 -30 --------
Receiver General - Un. ins. ------------------
Basil "evill -Fire Chief for June ------------
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------
Receiver general - Tax re. Vallee------------
Robt. F. Stewart - Fee on.1962 assessing -----
t' " 'f - Mileage re. above ---------
Gerald wisson- Killing 3 dogs----------------
---------------C. D. Phillips - Attend 1 meeting ------------
" " - Meeting C.P.R.--------------
Norman Pressey - Attend 1 meeting ------------
Ross Carson - " 1 it -------------
------------meeting at Delhi -------
N. B. Hedges - Attend 1 meeting ------ --------
Stanley James - " 1 " --------------
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That
at 1 o'clokk... Carried.
7_!*� I ems. �}
8.00 •
108. 00 \
68.00 '.
52.00 \
76.00 \
120.00 \
16.00 \
68.90 \
11.00 \
74.86 .\
35.00 \
264.50 \
14. O\
this council now adjourn to meet again on August 7th.
Township Office, Straffordville, August 7th. 1962.
Pursuant to adjournment of July 3rd., the regular meeting of the Bayham Townshi
Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Phillips
presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the
following business was done.
Communications received included the following; -
Several hospital notices were received and discussed.
A request was received from Union Gas Co. for council approval of certain
Agreement for Right - Of -way near Eden.
Consent under the Planning Act was received from the Minister in respect to
the Wilhon-Fish and Wilson -McDowell skies of property.
Two drainage petitions were presented to council.
A grant of $1200.56 was received from the Province for share re. Children's
Aid purposes.
A letter was received from the County Engineer that Itshcommittee had agreed
on a 50-50 split of Adler Drain fees on Cencession road. This was approved by
the Bayham Council.
No action was taken on request by Vienna Council to pass a by-law under Sec.63
of the Cemeteries Act in respect to Edison Cemetery.
The Dept. of Highways advised that the approval was granted for subsidy purpose
on expenditure for a new grader in an amount of $19,219.$0, being the amount of
lowest tender. It was agreed by the council that this approval should have been
for the actual amount paid for the Adams grader as the lowest tender price did
not completely fill the specifications requested. The Reeve agreed to that this
matter up with Dept. Officials,
Municipal Board approval and Odder was received for Lysy Municipal,Drain.
The Clerk advised that a sale had been arranged for the Adler and chonberger
Drain debentures.
The Manager of the local bank advised by letter of overdrafts not being permit-
ted after Sept. 1st.
The Clerk reported that 3..15% of current taxes had been collected.
Accounts for firefighting services were received from Dereham Township.
A request for grant, together with general information, and also how amounts
were figured, was received from Mr. McNern, Finance Chairman of the Tobacco
Harvest Workers Co�Ordinating Committee.
A bulletin was received from the Ontario Economic Council in regards to submiss
ions to be received respecting the Tourist Industry.
Commiknications were received from the Dept. of Highways in regards to sidewalk
constrcution•along No. 19 Highway in Straffordville.
Several letters and copies of communications were received from the Railways
and Board of Transport commissioners respecting crissings in Bayham Twp. and
Tunnel near Vienna.
A copy of Regulations and Act to Establish the Ontario Municipal Employees
Retirement System was received with request to procure as many more as might
be needed,
The matter of Township and County assistance to the late George and Nora McGreg
or and the settlement of their estates was discussed.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That the Clerk be authorized to have Township Solicitor
take necessary proceedings to collect Hospital, Welfare and Burial accounts
from the estates, as provided by the County,, -of Elgin and the Township of Bayham
for the Late George and Nora McGeegoa...Carried. R
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That this council pay the ambulance account of Joe Kennedy
in an amount of $12.00...Carried.
Moved by Car on
Seconded b nedges- That the Eden Street Light tax of the following be written
off for 1962 ad properties not in Street Lighting Area; -
Roll No. 1197, Hans Anderson ----- $ 3.17
" " 119$1 Do L. Dredge ------ 2.4.4.
" " 1199, A. Langhor-------- 6.34,..Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1.02, it is herewith recommended that the Minister.grant
consent for the sale of the following parcel of land, namely part of Lot 1.26,
S.T.R. Township of Bayham by W.Garfield And Florence Julia Smith to Charl/es
Nelson Ward... Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That this council recommend to Garfield Smith that be
consider making a registered plan of his subdivision in north end of lot 1269
S.T.R., and also that steps be taken to correct descriptions on deeds already
made; failing to do so might hold up council approvals of future transfers.
Moved by Carson `
Seconded by Pressey- That in the matter of The Planning Act and The Township
Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant
consent for the sale of the following parcels of land, namely parts of lot
Twenty-two, Concession Eight, Bayham Township, by §raham and Alice Marie
Haggerty to Ronald Keith and Mary Agnes Haggerty...Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 14021, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant
consent for Agreements for Right -Of -Way by the Enion Gas Company of Canada
Limited, with the following parties; -
Eva W. Inman et al.
Walter & Julia Rekstis
Jon & Isabel Liutkevicus
Claude W. White
Alexander & Olga Lileikis
Steve Gradish
Remy A. & Regina M. Poppe...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That the Road Supt* be authorized to signpetition for
drainage of lots 3t415 & 6, Conc. 8 and lots 3 & 4, Conc. and roads within
the said area...Carr ed.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That the Township Road Supt. be authorized to sign drainage
petition of Frank Slaght and others for drainage of lot 2, Conc. 9 and lots
2 & 3, Conc. 8 and road between same... Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- That the petition of Joseph Magyar and others for drainage
of lots 3,4,5 & 6, Conc. 8, and lots 3 & 4, Conc. 9, and roads within the said
area, be accepted and A. M. Spriet & Associates be rVquested to make a survey,
plan and report on same...Carried.
Moved by HedEes
Seconded by arson- That the drainage petition of Frank Slaght and others for
drainage of lot 2 Conc. 9 and lots 2 & 3, Conc. 8 and road between same, be
accepted and A.M.Apriet & Associates be requested to make a survey, plan and
report on same... Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- That this council approve the sale of Adler and Schon-
berger drain debentures to Cla*de E. Wilson and to be registered in the names
of Claude E. Wilson and Hattie M. Wilson and Survivor... Carried,
Mev. Clarence Locker met briefly with the council in regards to proceedings on
the Carnes Drain Report still,in the hands of Engineer Black.
Mr. Basil "evill met with the council and discussed matters pertaining to Fire
Dept., Straffordville Sidewalks and accounts for pheasant feed and fencing.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Pressey- That this council authorize payment of fencing and feed
account for pheasants raised at Rod & Gun Club property. Same to be charged
against license account in amount of $208.83 ... Carri6d.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That Drain Inspector Walter Nelson be authorized to have
repairs made to the Swance Drain...Carried.
Roxdc'pJr9gtam for the past month Mase discussed with Road Supt Tribe and he
also gave an outline of work to be done in the next few weeks.
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts,of
$7698.05 for roads and $5846.25 for general accounts... Carried.
Lorna Robinson- Relief for Pt. July ---------- $ 30.00\
Abbon Herold - " " July (Ref.) ------- 40 -00" -
Central Pipe Line Co.- Gas for T.Hall-------- 2.00`
Hazel Ray - Relief for J July ---------------- 3.00`
r he- Releif for Jul ---------- 7.00%
May VandenBe g � y
Allen Walsh Plumbing- Furnace for Hall -------
$ 534.00N
Wm. Dietrich - Apply Const.Ketchabaw Dr. -----
Lorna Robinson - Relief for part July --------
Emery Nevill - » » n n -____--
May VandenBerghe- " " August ------
Lorna Robinson - " " " » ______
Florence Kennedy- " " August ---------
Gertrude Roleson - " " "---------
John Schuller - Post San care for "-------
Iva McCurdy - Relief for August -------------
Pearl Rainer - " " "-------------
Hazel Ray - " » 1" --__r__+ r_--
43.00 ti
John Spiece - " " "-------------
William Mitchell- " " "------------
34.00 \
Katharina Friesen. " " "-----------
Treas. Malahide TwpJ- June Rel.re. McLain ----
24.00 ti
" # " - July n » n ----
24, 00 "
" Pt. Burwell - " " " Dagg ------
4.50 .
" St. Thomas - Nursing Home Care Shaw ---
11.45 \
C. E. Soper - Lab. & Materials at Hail -------
Victoria Hospital - Drugs re. Todd -----------
News Printing Co.- Printing % advt.----------
Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies _______________
W. G. Webster - Supplies -------------------
Josephine Slowinski - Chickens killed --------
36.00 \
Wm. Ringland - 1 cow killed by dogs ----------
Fred A. Sivyer - Fox Bounty ------------------
n» " _ » n ------------------
Mike Honsinger - " "------------------_
Basil Nevill - Spraying cemeteries -----------
$,44 ,\
Tillsonburg Ambulance Service - Re.J.Kennedy--
12.00 \
Victoria Hospital - Drugs re. Todd -----------
Workmen's Comp. Bd.- Vol Firemen --------- —.-
75.00 \
Gneral account ----------
J. Dambrauskas- Ketch. Drain damages ---------
H. Ketchabaw - " " "---------
J. Jager - n " " ____-__+_
Elgin Co ;Op. Services - Cement for T.Hall ----
Dair's Garage - Repairs tank truck -----------
69.47 \
Central Pipe Line Co.- Gas for T. Hall -------
Violet Smith - Office help July 1-15 ---------
Receiver General - Un. Ins. ------------------
1.$4 \
Violet Nth - Office help July 16-31 --------
Receiver eneral - Un. Ins. ------------------
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------
deceiver General - Tax re. Vallee ------------
Robt. C. Jackson - Valuators fees ------------
George Beard - Care Corinth St. Lts.---------
Gerald Taylor - " Straff. " "---------
Robt. F. Stewart - Fee re. assessing ---------
» » " - Mileage -------------------
J. D. Vallee - Clerk's fee Ketchabaw Dr. -----
G.Duncan Black - Supervision " " -----
Walter D. Nelson - Commissioner " " ----
C. D. Phillips - Attend 1 meeting ------------
Norman Pressey - " 1 "--------_:__
15. 60�
N. B. Hedges - " 1 "------------
Rosa Carson - " 1 "------------
14.20 \
Stanley James - " 1 " ____________ 15,00\
Roads accounts - Pay list July 1 - 15 -------- 721.16
July 16-31 --------- 6976.89
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on
Sept. 4th. at 1.90 P.M ... Carried.
Township Office, Straffordville, Sept. lith. 1962.
Pursuant to adjournment of August 7th., the regular meeting of the Bayham
Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve
Phillips presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed
and the following business was done.
Communications received included the following. -
Several hospital notices were received and discussed. The Clerk was instructed
F to advise Mr. Chas. Norman to take out hosoLtal insurance.
The Clerk was authorized to appro--e a Tillsonburg nursing home for Mr. Joseph
Kennedy provided he coyld not go to Elgin Manor.
Engineer's certificate of satisfactory completion were received for the
Ketchabaw and Francia Municipal Drains.
Re-Newals fo insurance were received from Hamilton, Ward & Gathers.
The Minister's approvals were received for transfers of Smith to Ward, Haggerty'
to Haggerty and Right-of-way agreements Inman to Union Gas Co. Approvals on
other Union Gas Co. Right-of-way agreements were withheld.
The situation of several cases of tax arrears and the proposal to increase the
Paterest char#ed on same were discussed.
An application for approval of trabsfer of land by J. Roy neckett to Odette
Van der Wolf was received.
The Clerk advised the council that the Straffordville Community Centre Board
had decided to not proceed further with the new sidewalk on west side of S0.19
Highway at the present time.
Cheques were received for interim payment on Winter Works projects numbered
0-1313 and 0-989.
Communications were received from the Township Solicitor in regards to proceed-
ures with the respect to Township Office and Fire Hall,
Mrs. Ryan by letter, advised that she was not opposed to the construction of
Township 6ffices and Fire Hall but requested that the Township make proper
plans for drainage of the Area.
A report was received from the G.N.R. on visibility at crossing at mileage
97.67 Cayuga Subdivision.
A letter was received from Mr. Geo. Lysy regarding further wook on ditch at
his farm;, lot 20, Conc. 3. The Road Supt. agreed to contact Mr. Lysy on this
A report on the McGregor Estates was received from Solicitor Gibson.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That the Treasurer take action for Tax Certificate regist-
ration against the property of Dorothy Firby, formerly Annie Millard Ealate,
being part of the south end of lot 6, Conc. 9, Bayham Township...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- That the request of J. Roy Beckett to transfer a portion
of part of lot 17, Conc. 10 to Adette lean der Wolf, be laid over for future
consideration and that Mr. Beckett procure information for the council as to
the status of road mentioned in deed...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Pressey- That the application of Frank Foran for Rural Hydro
Service be refused at the present time...Carried.-
Mr. Basil Nevill Fire Chief, met with the council and discussed accounts for
fire service by 3ereham Township and future service by that Department. Alfie
accounts for repairs to trucks and equipment and requested authorization ire
make purchases of some new equipment.
I Moved by Carson
Seconded by Pressey-
for fire calls in an
Bayham Township will
That this council authorize payment to Dereham Township
amount of $300, and that they be advised that calls to
not be paid for unless authorized by Bayham Township Fire
Mr. Clarence Locker waited an the council and requested information regarding
progress of survey and report obi the Carnes Drain. Reeve Phillips advised him
that Engineer Black had been ill but that he would give this matter -his early
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That the account of $2.50 of Elgin Co -Op. for pheasant feed
be paid from license fund...Carried.
A brief report on attendance to Ontario Municipal Convention was given by Reeve
Phillips and Clerk Vallee.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That J. D. Vallee be paid $60. as a renses to a.M.A.
convention at Niagara Valli,;, August 26th. to 29th. plus 25. for car expenses.
Clerk Vallee advised that the Assessment Court of Revision would be held on
Monday, October lst. at 2 P.M., being the date of the next regular meeting.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of
$5184.26 for toads and $4967.07 for general accounts...Carried.
Roads accounts - Paylist Aug. 1-15 ----------
n 16 -31 ----------
Receiver General - Stamps for aasm.:) i6tices -
Bernice Burwell - Relief for part Aug. ------
Hazel Ray - Aelief for Aug. --------------
Wm. Mitchell
Katharina Friesen - Relief for Aug. -------
Bernice Burwell - " " i "
G.W.Cattle Const. Co.- Apply on Francia Dr. -
George Baldwin - Relief for part Aug. -------
Aylmer & Malahide Te1.Co.- Office phone -----
Wm. Dietrich - Bal. Ketchabaw Drain ---------
Florence Kennedy - Relief for Sept. ---------
Pearl Hainer ----------
Wm. Mitchell -
John Schuller - Post San Care _______________
John Spiece - Relief for Sept. --------------
Lorna Robinson - " " » ..............
Iva McCurdy - » " »---_--------__
Hazel Rap --------------
Bernice Burwell-
George Baldwin-------------
Treas. Pt. Burwell - Fire call line ---------
" St. Thomas - Care E.M.Shaw, July ------
n Houghton Twp.- 4elief H.Weaver, July --
Mrs. Earl Breddy- Fox Bounty ----------------
Canddian National Rys.- Corinth Crossing Lts.-
Central Pipe Line Co.- Piping at hall-------
'Everitt's Electric - Wiring " "--------
Hamilton,Ward & Cathers- Compensation Pol.---
" - Councillors " ---
" - Fire Truck Lia." --
John Refl - Allowance Francia Drain ---------
Julius francia Jr.----------
Treas. Dereham Twp.- Fire Calls -------------
Harold Dennis - Fire & tank truck acct.------
Greerts Small Engine Service- Tank Truck Rep. -
Norman Bates - Fire Dept. supplies ----------
Violet Smith - Office help, Aug. 16-31 ------
Receiver General - Un. ins. ----
Basil Nevill- Fire Chief for July & Aug. ----
D. M. Chute - Commissioner Francia Dr. -------
J. D. Vallee - Clerk's fees " " ------
G.Duncan Black Ltd.- Super.------
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary -----------
Receivergeneral - Tax ----------------------
J . Do Vallee - Expenses to Convent. & car ---
Chas. D. Phillips - Attend 1 meeting --------
Norman Pressey--------
Ross Carson__ -
N. B. Hedges --------
Stanley James --------
63.00 \
60.00 \
556 .
34 00�
10.00 -%
4.00 N
15.00 r,
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- That this council adjourn to meet
at 10.00 A.M...Carried.
in on October 1st.
P97 -n Ck- /PiO'at
eve . Clerk.
Township Office, Straffordville, October 1st. 1962.
Pursuant to adjournment of Sept. 4th., the council of the Township of Bayham
met in regular session on the above date all members being present except
Reeve Phillips. Minutes of the last meeting were read, a-pproved and signed and
the following business was done.
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson- That Dep. Reeve Pressey preside at this council meeting.
Communications received and discussed included the following; -
The Dept. of Highways advised that their former gravel pit property at lots
21 and 22, Conc. 10 was being turned back fo the former owner.
Payment of Winter Works grant on project e-990 was received in an mount of
e-newal of fleet vehicle insurance was received from Hamilton,Ward & Cathers.
Notice of an assignment by Edward Tillotson was received from Mr. N. C. More,
Tnustee, and Mr. Linton advised that the claim of the Township had been filed
as a secured creditor.
The Fire Marshall's 6ffice advised that the week of Oct. 7-13 had been
proclaimed as Fire Prevention Week.
A letter was received from Mr. Randryk setting out the situation in regards
to roadway at lots 16 and 17; Conc. 10 re. Beckett to VanderWolf property. j
A request was received for approval of property transfer by Bain to Marr.
An Order was received from the Ontario Municipal Board approving of an
estimated expenditure of $46,000. for combined office and fire hall and also
approving a debenture issue of $40,000. for same and in addition, declaring
and directing that the assent of the electors of the Township shall not be j
requisite to the passing of the b -laws for these purposes.
A bulletin was received from the ept. of Municipal Affairs setting out the
1962-3 program for Winter Works.
Communications were received from the Board of Transport Commissioners and
railways in regards to improvement at cross r4i. m
The Dept. of Highways,advised with regrets owing to the heavy1962 prograi'
certain construction changes at intersections on No.3,Highway would have to
wait for and be included in the 1963 operations.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That an application for interim road subsidy be approved
in an amount of $62,311.35 and that the proper officers sign same...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That the Aylmer and ilialahide Telephone Co. be granted
permission to instal underground cable along certain streets in St raffordville
under the supervision of Road Supt. Tribe... Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson- That the Treasurer be authorized to pay $24.70 from
Township License account for pheasant feed...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of
�Uayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant
consent for the sale of the following parcel bf land, namely part of the north
half of Lot 17, Conc. 10, Bayham Township, approximately 3 acres, by J. Roy
Beckett and Anna F. Beckett to Odette Van der Wolf with the understanding
that the Township of Bayham be not responsible for right -of -wap to this
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of
Dayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant
consent ffir the sale of the following parcel of land, namely part of the
westerly part of Township lot 124 South Talbot Road, Bayham Township, by
Alexander Bain to Willis and Marion Martha Marr...Carried.
A by-law was then presented for a debenture issue for financing of proposed
office and fire hall building.
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1459, being a by-law to
authorize the borrowing of $40,000. for the construction of a combined Towns
office and Fire Hall for the Township of Bayham, be now read a first time...
# 1459 Carried.
Moved by Hedges
1 & 2 Seconded by James- And
time and provisionally
resolved that By -Law No. 1459 be now read a second
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the Treasurer be authorized to issue cheques on road
account in payment for land purchases for Tile Yard Hill construction.Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Dames- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.$0
Council resumed regular session at 1.30 P.M.
A delegation of Walter Belson and others of his district waited on the council
and presented a petition signed by about 95 persons requesting the Township of
Bayham to obtain a mutual fire protection agreement with the Dereham Township
Council for their district.
This was discussed at some length With the members and pointed out to the
delegation that thtir fire protection problem was timilar to that of other P
portions of the Township and also that Dereham's interpretation of mutual Aid
was different from that already entered into with other fire depaftments of
neighbouring municipalities.
At 2 P.M., the Clerk advised that it was the appointed hour for holding of the
assessment Court of Revision. Assessors Jackson and Stewart were present.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That the members of the municipal council form and constit-
ute the Assessment Court of Itevison for the Township of Bayham...Carried.
Those sibscribing to the necessary oath of office were- Jeputy "eeve Pressey,
and Councillors Hedges, Carson and James.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That Norman Pressey be Chairman of this Assessment Court
of Revision... Carried.
The following appeals were presented to the court and Mr. and Mrs. Borbely
were present to discuss their appeal.
Roll No.
Respecting ,
Matter complained of
Irene Borbely
Assessment too high.
Canada & Dom.
C.N.R.lease cancelled.
Sugar Co.
A. Mae Claus
Gasoline pumps removed.
Milton Robinson
Garage burned down.
Chas. MacDowell
Assessment too high.
The appeal on roll No. 1200 was not received within the time limit but the
court decided to consider same.
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson- That the following decisions be adopted by this Court of
Revision; -
Roll No. Decision
C. of R. 29 Auilding3,uilding
assm. reduced by $450, land by $100.
971 assm. removed, amount $;100.
1279 p assm. removed $200.
1329ildi.ng assm* reduced by $100.
1200 o change.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That this Court of "evision now adjourn...Carried.
Council resumed regular session.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That the assessment roll as now revised be adopted as the
1963 assessment for the Township of Bayham...Carried.
The Clerk advised that Mr. Linton had finalized by-laws, deeds and agreements
for acquiring Zile Yard Hill properties.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1160, being a by-law t01
expropriate certain lands in Township of Bayham and village of Vienna for the
alteration and widening of a road known as the Tile Yard Hill Road, be now
# 1.60 read a first time...Carried.
1 & 24 Moved by Carson, Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1.60 be now
read a second time and provisionally passed...Carried.
— 0
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson-
orize an agreement
Yard Hill Road, be
# 1461 Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges-
Moved by Hedges
And resolved that By -Law No. 1461 being a by-law
with the Village of Vienna respecting jurisdiction
now read a first time...Carriede
to auth-
of Tile'.
And resolved that By -Law No. 1461 be now read a second
Seconded by James- And resolved that
time and finally passed... Carried.
By -Law No. 1461 be now read a third
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That each Assessor be allowed $5.00 for attendance at
Court of nevision...Carried.
The procuring of plans for improvement of sight lines at railway crossings
were discussed by the members.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That if estimates are satisfactory, the Road Supt. engage
Douglas Vallee to prepare plans for sight line improvements at C.P.R. cross-
ings at 4th. concession and 5th. concession, the same to be in accordance
with Board of Transport Commissioners recommendations...Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson- That this council request approval from
Municipal Affairs for the following 'Winter Works programs. -
Brushing and levelling old cemeteries ---------------
Installing septic takks and field tile at T+bwnship
Hall and Township Office ------------------------
Roadside brushing in preparation for major
road improvements -------------------------------
the Dept. of
Another proposed program laid over for further consideration was the
building of a shed at the new Township yard.
Moved by Hedges
.Seconded by games- That this Council approve payment to the Eden Community
Centre"Board of sidewalk grant of $200. on approval of job by Councillor
Moved by
by Carson- That the Dep. reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of
for roads and $2354.04 for general accounts...Carried.
Roads accounts - Sept. 1 - 15 ---------------
» tt _ Sept. 16 - 30 --------------
Central Pipe Line Co.- Gas for hall ------ ---
Katharina Friesen - Relief for Sept. --------
Lorna Robinson -----
Hazel Ray
Bernice Burwell --------
Wm. Mitchell
Ontario Hydro - Hydro for hall & office -----
- fire hall--------
G.W.Cattle Const. Co.- Bal. Francia Dr. -----
Florenee Kennedy - Relief for Oct. -----------
Pearl vainer
John Spiece----------
Lorna Robinson ----------
Iva McCurdy - " " " ------
Hazel Ray
Bernice Burwell----------
Katharina Firesen---------
Treas. Houghton Twp.- Aug. relief re.Weaver--
" Malahide Twp.- " " " McLain --
St. Thomas - Care re. Shaw for Aug. ---
News Vrinting Co.- Printing & advt.---------
W. G. Webster - Office supplies -------------
Stark Trusk Service- Trans. re. adder -------
Remington Rand Ltd.- Repairs to " -------
Harry Cookson - Trans re. F.D.repairs-------
Hamilton,Wrad & Cathers- F.D.Trucks ins. ----
Ralph Hurley - Fox Bounty ----------------- --
Clifford Smith- " " ------------------
772.92 *,.
40 - 00
37$ • ON
43.00 N
1$4..00 N
Ontario HYdrot,-"S4koet lights for Straff . ----
" Rich. -__--
n Eden ------
" Corinth ---
Mrs. Helen Lewis - Care re. J. Kennedy ------
Geo. Baldwin - Relief for Oct.------------
Wm.A.Mitchell- " " I "------------
Deller's Tile Ltd.- Tile Swance Br. ---------
A. Soros - Assist. on Carnes Br. ------------
Be Hotchkiss ---------
Lloyd Ball -
Don. Chute - "
" " " _-----______
Clarence Locker-
Violet Smith - Office
help Sept. 1-15 -------
Receiver general -
Un. ins. -----------------
Receiver General -
Vallee pension ded. ------
" " -
Township's share ---------
Basil Revill - Fire
Chief for 6ept.---------
J. D. Vallee - To
apply on palary-----------
Receiver general -
Tax re. Vallee -----------
Chas. D. Phillips
- Meeting"with CPR --------
Norman Pressey - Attend 1 meeting -----------
Ross Carson -
" 1
N. Be Hedges -
" l
Stanley James - it 1 " ___-_______
Elton H. Jackson - Attend C. of R.----------
Robt. F. Stewart - it " _______-___
1 e 80-%
5.00 -
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn to meet again at the call
of the Reeve...Carried.
Township Office, Straffordville, Oct. 19th, 1962.
A special meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was called by the
Reeve on the above date for the purpose of reading and considering drainage
reports and other business. All members were present and Reeve Phillips
At 10.00 P.M. the Clerk read the report on the Carnes Municipal Drains as
prepared by Engineer Black. Interested parties present included Messrs. Walsh,
Troll, Slowinski, Grigg, Locker, Volkaert,and Hotchkiss. Engineer Black
discussed the report and specifications and answered several question for the
parties present. The Reeve asked for those wishing to removed their names
from the petition and thereby vote against proceeding with the drains to so
do. None present and assessed for benefit on the drain withdrew their names
from the petition and the only one voting against proceeding with same was
Mr. Tro&l and he was assessed for outlet only.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That the Engineer'sE=report dated Sept. 12, 1962 on the
Carnes Municipal Drains be accepted and the Clerk prepare a by-law for the
construction and financing of same...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the financing of the Carnes Municipal Drains be
extended over a 10 year term at a rate of 6% per annum for debentures so
issued... Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1 *30
Council resumed regular session shortly after 1.30 P.M.
The Clerk read the report on the Fazakas-Slaght Drain as prepared by A. M.
Spriet, Engineer, only Mr. Slaght and Mr. Fazakas being present for same.
This report was discussed with the Engineer and
None present wished to withdraw their names from
asked the question. A majority of these assessed
favour of the drain on the petition.
Moved by Pressey
interested parties present,
the petition when the Reeve
for benefit remained in
Seconded by James- That the Engineer's report dated Sept. 28th. 1962 on The
Fazakao-Slaght Drain be accepted and the Clerk prepare a by-law for construct-
ion and financing of same... Carried.
91, Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the financing of the Fazakas-Slaght Drain be extended;
over a 3 year term if necessary at rate of interest of 6% per annum...Carried.l
At 2.30 P.M. the report on the Magyar-Dieleman Drain was read by the Clerk.
Interested ratepayers present were Messrs. Magyar, Ditleman and Hanniireer.
This report was discussed with Engineer A. M. Spriet and none present assessed
for benefit wished to withdraw their names fuom the petition for same. The
petition included a majority of those assessed for benefit.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- That the Engineer's report dated Sept. 28, 1962 on The
Magyar-Dieleijan Drain be accepted and the Clerk prepare a by-law for the
construction and financing of same... Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson- That the Magyar-Dieleman Drain debentures be for a 5 year
term at 6% interest...Carried.
The Clerk read a notice under Section 80 of The Municipal Drainage Act as
prepared by Lerner, Lerner, Bitz & Bradley of London and delivered personally
by Mr. Daniel Murphy in respect to non -repair of the Bartley Drain. This was
discussed by the council abd it was decided that an Engineer should be called
on to make an examination and report on improvements td�a portion of this
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- That A. M. Spriet & Associates be requested to make a
survey and report as necessary on the Bartley Drain from station 17 plus 63 to
*outlet and also to alter assessments as deemed adviseable in respect to
widening of County of Elgin road and change of ownership of road between Cone.
8 & 9 opposite lots 6 to 9 ... Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That By -Law No. 1460, being a by-law to expropriate
1460 certain lands in the Township of Bayham and in the Village of Vienna for the
3rd. alteration and widening of a road known as the Tile Yard Hill Road, be now
read a third time and finally passed... Carried.
Moved by Barson
Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1462 being a by-law to auth-
orize the construction of a combined Township Office and Fire Hall, be now
1462 read a first time...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 14.62 be now read a second
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1462 be now read a third
time and finally passed... Carried.
The Clerk advised of a'telephone call from Mr. Linton regarding further action
by Mr. Hugh Millard in regards to damages allegedly suffered to his well by
the construction of the Calton development Road. It was agreed that additional
counsel should be engaged to assist Mr. Linton.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That this council adjourn to meet again on Thursday,
October 25th. at 1 P.M...Carried.
Township Office, Straffordville, October 25th. 1962.
Pursuant to adjournment of October 19th., the regular November meeting ofthe
Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present
and Reeve Phillips presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meeting
were read, approved and signed and the following business was done.
Communiciations received and discussed included the following.
Notives of indigent patients in hospital were reaceived.
Approval was received for the Bain to Marr broperty transfer.
The Board of Transport Commissioners advised that the condition of the tuhnel
at lot 16 Conc. 2 & 3 did not warrant recondition and that improvements to
sharp curves at each end of same would come under the Highway Improvement Act
towards which the Board could make no contribution.
Mr. Mercer of the Board of Transport Commissioners advised that he would meet
with Council representatives at the crossing at lot 15, Conc. 10 and 11 o4
Tuesday, Oct. 30th. at 2:00 P.M.
The Assessors' apportionment of Separtte School costs was received in respect
to the Vienna Separate School.
Departmental approval was received in regards to the three Winter Works
Projects applied for.
Gilvesy Construction Ltd. requested by letter, the privilege of bidding on
construction work for the Township Office and Fire Hall.
A representative of the Dept. of Highways meet briefly with the members and
discussed the probale location of the Office Building with regards to No. 19
Highway and First Street corner.
A further letter was received from Toronto Italia 19b2 Ltd. requesting inform
ation on local hunting.
Houghton Township advised that their Lysy Drain By -Law had received final
reading and that the work would be done in the near future.
Moved by Hedges
# 1458 Seconded by Carson- That By -Law No. 1458 respecting the Lysy Municipal Drain
3rd. be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried.
The Clerk reported that the
approval had been received
debenture By -Law.
Moved by Hedges
1459 6econded by James- That
3rd. for the construction of
a third time and finally
Township Solicitor had advised Municipal Board
in respect to the Township Office and Fire Hall
By -Law No. 1459 to authorize the borrowing of $40,000,
a combined Township Office and Fire hall, be now read
Mr. Basil Nevill meet briefly with the members and discussed the Straffordvi
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That this Council authorize payment of $450.80 for
Straffordville sidewalk account, same to be payable to Wm. Underhill...Carri
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1463 being a by-law to
provide for the construction end financing of the Carnes Municipal Drains, be
1463 now r#ad a first time...Carried.
Moved by Carson
1 & 2 Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1463 be now read a second
time and provisionally passed... Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That a --Court of Revison on assessments of the Carnes
Municipal Drains be held at the Township Office on Monday, Dec. 3, 1962 at
2;00 o'clock P.M...Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to serve by
registered post, a certified copy of by-law respecting Carnes Municipal Drains
together with notice of Court of Revision and proceedings to quash, upon all
interested parties to the said drain...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to p4� ition
the Minister of Public Works for grant on the Uarnes Municipal Drains under
provisions of the Provincial Aid to Draimage Act ... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $3273.6
for roads and $9144.38 for general accounts...Carried.
Roads account - Paylist Oct. 1 - 15 --------
» n _ Pay vouchers ---------------
Aeceiver General - Stamps ------------------
16.50 -
Central Pipe Line Co.- Gas for hall --------
2.00 -
Lorna Robinson - Itelitf for Oct. ---------
35 -00 -
Hazel Ray - " » "---------
43.00 -
Bernice Burwell - " " "---------
42.5& -
Geo. Baldwin - " " "---------
Treas.Malahide Twp.- " " McLain, Sept. --
" Houghton " - " " Weaver, " ---
" ST.Thomas - Care. re. E.M.Shaw, " --
Stonecrest,Lo#ge - " re. Kennedy, Oct. --
71.50" -
Mitchell &' Cameron - Ins. re. Tillotson ----
Underwood Ltd.- Repairs to typewriter ------
Burns McKenzie - Suel for office -----------
21.3$ -
Charles Wolfe - Fox Bounty -----------------
Canadian National Rys.- In stal.Cross.Lts.---
838.96 �
Katharina Frieben - Relief for i Oct. ------
Eden Community Centre Bd.- Eden S.W.-------
- Win. Underhill - Straff. S. W. --------------
Douglas Rabbets- Allowance Schooley Dr. ----
Earl Schooley - " » " ----
Rene Moerman - " " " ----
100.00 --
Maurice Donck - " " " ----
H. L. Johnson - Clerk's fee " " ----
» " - By-law " " ----
J. D. Vallee - Clerk's fee " " ----
G.Duncan Black Ltd.- Supervision " " ----
Walter D. Nelson - Commissioner " " ----
Wm. Dietrich - Contract less 20% " " ----
G.Duncan Black Ltd.- Survey,etc.Carbes Dr.--
J. D. Vallee - By -Law Carnes Drain -------
Ont.Municipal Bd.- By1Law fee " 11 -------
10.00 -
Robert Byerlay - Work On Swance Drain ------
Leslie Swance - Labout & cement " " -- -----
17,18 --
Walter D.Nelson- Super. & " " "--------
Twp. of Bayham,Roads- Culvert " " ------
A'MSpriet & Associates- Survey Magyar Hr.--
Assit. " " -_
Fazakas Dr. --
Survey .'.h" " ---
Canada Culvert Co.- Culver for Elliott Dr.--
Violet Smith - Office help Oct. 1-15 -------
Rec. General - Un. Ins. --------------------
2.16 --
Gibson & Linton - Legal on Prouse Exp.------
200.00 �
" re. Calton Dev.Rd.---
" re. Coomber ---------
re. Misc.----------
Elton H. Jackson- Selecting jurors ---------
C. D. Phillips - " " _________
J. D. Vallee - " " _________
n " - To apply on salary ----------
it eceiver general - Tax re. Vallee ----------
1 .05�
Basil `�evill - Fire Chief for Oct. ---------
3 .00'%
C. D. Phillips - Attend 2 meetings ---------
Norman Pressey - " 2 "----------
Ross Carson - " 2 "----------
N. B. Hedges - " 2 "----------
Stanley James - " 2 "----------
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That
at 10:00 A.M...Carried.
this'Councill_,now adjourn to meet again on Dec. 3rd.
Township Office, Straffordville, December 3rd. 1962.
Pursuant to adjournment of Oct. 25th., the regular meeting of the Council of
the Township of Bayham was held on the above date, all members being present
and Reeve Phillips presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved
and signed and the following business was done.
Communications received and discussed included the following.
Assessor's apportionment of costs were received for public and separte schools
of which Bayham Township in interested.
Communications were received from the Bell Telephone Co. regarding request
that their Tillsonburg and Brownsvilee exchanges be classified into the next
higher rate group on account of number of phones involved.
The Clerk reported that, $26,594.06 had been recec'ved as interim road subsidy.
Permission was received from the Dept. of Public Works to proceed with work on
the Carnes Municipal Drain insofar as their grant was concerned. Municipal
Board approval was also received for this by-law.
An invitation was received for council members and others to attend Glindale
High School on Thursda evening, Jec. 6th. to inspect new workshops.
The Clerk reported that the agreement with Vienna regarding Tile Yard Hill had
been signed by all parties concerned and also that all deeds for land had been
A memorandum was received from the Ontario Municipal Board regarding the
construction of sidewalks as local improvements under section 8 and 12 the The
Local Improvement Act.
The resi#nation of J. A. Martyn, effective Jan. 1/63, as Bayham's representat-
ive on the Tillsonburg District High Ochool Board, was received,
A petition was received, signed by about 18 owners, of the Maple Grove and
Richmond district, requesting that their lands be transfered from the Aylmer
High School District to the Tillsonburg High School District.
A petition signed by 9 owners was received requesting additional street light-
ing in the north easterly portion of Straffordville.
Jrants were requested by the Muscular Dystrophy Assn. and the Oar Memorial
Children's Hospital at London.
Provincial Aid To Drainage was received as follows;-
Francia Drain - $ 922.00
Ketchabaw Drain - 1299.00
Schooley Drain - 1919.5$24
A claim for damages was receceived from Morden & Helwig of Tillsonburg on
behalf of Glen Price whose car was damage at the Wilson Bridge in this Township
4oved by Hedges
Seconded by Pressey- That the resignation of J. A. Martyn as Bayham's represen
ative on the Tillsonburg District High School Board, effective, Jan.1/63, be
accepted with regrets. ..Carried.
A report on C.N.R. crosiing at lot 15, Cone. 10 & 11 was receiced from the
Board of Transport Commissioners.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That this council accepts the responsibility of widening
road at C.N.R. crossing at lot 15, Cone. 10 & 11 to 22 feet and for expenditur
for additional crossing plank sufficient to widen the said crossing to 26 feet
measured at right angles to said road... Carried.
Moved by Hed5ames-
Seconded by That this council request "the addition of 4 Street Lights
to the Straffordville Street Lighting System to be located as follows; -
1 at corner of Third Street and East Street.
1 " " " Fourth
1 " east end of Second Street.
1 " " " " Third " ...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carosn- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30
Council resumed regular session at approximatl*x,1.30 P.M.
A delegation of Messrs. Elliott, Swance, Haeell and Nelson met with the
members to discuss additional fire protection from 'Jereham Township for their
district. They presented a petition signed by about 80 owners requesting that
such protection be provided and that the costs for same be paid fo by an Area
comprising the Corinth and North Bayham School sections. The coup ' 1 agreed to
give this matter their attention and to ascertain if such is permissible under
The Municipal Act.
At 2.98 P.M. an Assessment Court of Revision was formed for the Carnes Munici
al Drain. Each member subscribed to the necessary oath and the Clerk reported
that two appeals had been received.
Moved by James
Seconded by Pressey- that jLeeiae Phillips be Chairman of this Assessment Court
of Revision...Carried.
The appeal of Mr. Clarence Locker was then dealt with, Mr. Locker being presen
and presenting his case. The same was discussed with the members.
Moved by Fames
Seconded by Hedges- That the appeal of Clarence Lodker be not allowed.Carried.
Mr. Elba Dennis was also present and discussed his appeal with the members.
Moved by Hedges
-leconded by Pressey- That the appeal of Elba Dennis respecting Carnes Municib
Drains be not ablowed...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
aeconded by James- That this Assessment Court of Revision on the Carnes Munic
pal Drains now adjourn and the council resume regular session.
# 14.63 :Moved by James
3rd. Seconded by Hedges- That By -Law No. 14.63 tespecting Carnes Municipal Drains
be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That the usual grant of $25.00 be made to the War Memorial
Childrens' Hospital at London...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That the following accounts for use of land for Public
Dumps be paid;- Clarence Jenereaul - 50.00
Mrs. Oral Sivyer - 50.00
Oscar Bartha - 50.00...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by James- That the 1962 levy for the Otter Creek Conservation Auth-
ority be paid in an amount of $1510.00...Carried.
Moved by Carson A.
Se c.onded by Hedges- That 4ednesday, `'ecember 26th. be observed as Boxing Day
in and for"the Township of Bayham...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
6econded by Carson- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to open a
"Capital Account" at the Canadian Imperial Bank of .Commerce, Straffordville,
with the proceeds from the sale of the $4.0,000. debenture issue... Carried.
Moved by James
Seconded by hedges- That the Treasurer is hereby authorized to purchase a
"Deposit Receipt" from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Mommerce at Straffordvill
in an amount of $36,000. same to bear interest at the bank's schedule of rates
and to extend over a period of 130 days...Carried.
Moved b,,. Pressey
Seconded by Carson- That Jack Gray,O.L.S. be engaged to mark corners of
Prouse property... Carried.
Messrs. Basil Nevill and Robert Jackson met with the couincil and idscussed
fencing and repairs at the Smuck's Cemetery and requested financial help.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That this council make a grant of $100.00 to the Smuck's
Cemetery, cheque payable to Wallace Humphrey, Sec.l,TCarried.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That the Clerk make application to the 'Dept. of Highways
for building permit for Township Office and Fire Hall...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconddd by Carson- That application be made for a Winter Works project to
cover construction of Township Office and Fire Hall, total construetion,estim
ated at $4.0,000., labour being approximately $15,000...Carried. ,�
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of
Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant
consent for the sAle of the following parcel of land, namely part of the nort
half of Lot t sion by Mary Neff to Ronald Hopf and
5 i n he ninth Con�es4)7,
Myrtle Hopf...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by James- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of
Bayham. By-law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant
consent for the sale of the following; parcel of land, namely part fo the north
half of Lot 5, in the Ninth Concession by Nary Neff to Ivo Vermeersch & I
Ruth Ann Vermeerech... Carried.
Moved by Hedges '
Seconded by Carson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1464 being a by -law -to
provide for the construction and financing of the Magyar-Dieleman Drain, be
# 1464 now read a first time...Carried.
moved by Pressey
1 & 2 Seconded by James- And resolved that By -Law No. 1464 be now read a second
time and provisionally passed...Carried.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- And resolved that By -Law No. 1465, being a, by -lave- to
provide forthe construction and financing of the Fazakas-Slaght Drain be
1465 now rad a first time...Carried.
Moved by Carson
1 & 2 Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1465 be now read a second
time and provisionally passed...Carried.
1.1ove d by James
Seconded by Carson- That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to petition
the Minister of Public Works for ?rants on the Magyar-Dieleman Drain and the
Fazakas-glaght Drain, under provisions of the Provincial Aid To Drainage Ict.
Moved by Pressey
Seconded by Hedges- That drainage Court of Revisions on the following drains
be held on the date and hour as set forth below;-
Magyar-Dielemen Drain - Jan. 7, 1963 at 2.00 P.M.
Fazakas-Slaght Drain - Jan. 7, 1963 at 2.30 P.M...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That the Clerk be amthorized to serve notice to owners of
the pasing of by-laws for the Magyar-Dielemen Drain and the Fazaka s-Slaght
Drain by mailing certified copies of the said by-law by rggistered post to th
respective owners together with notice of holding of Court of Aevison and
notice as to proceedings to quash...Carried.
Copies of plan and estimate of work were received from G.D�uglas Vallee,P.Eng
for sigUt improvements at C.P.R.crossing at lot 17, concession 5 and N.Gore.
Moved by Hedges -
Seconded by Carson- That the Engineer's plans and estimates for sight
improvements at C.P.R. crossing, lot 17, concession 5 and north Gore, mileage
27.24, be accepted by this council and. copies forwarded to C.P.R. and Board
of Transport Commissioners for their consideration and approval...Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That the Reeve sign the Qrder sheets in amounts of
$9,245.40 for roads and $7,392.45 for general accounts...Carried.
Roads pay list
-��---- - -- ---- -- -
$ 840.31'\
if it it -
- 15
661.35 \
" it " &
to Nov.
30 --------
Annie Chudik - Relief
Oct. ---------
Wm. H. Miller -
'r ---------
Jean Sharpe -
fW Geo, W. Baldwin
-. "
Nov. -----
45.00 \
:qm. 1;. Miller -
" ____------
65.00 \
Jean Sharpe -
"- - - - - - - - - -
26.50 \
Florence Kennedy
- "
John Spiece -
"- - - - - - - - - -
Lorna Robinson -
40.00 \
Iva McCurdy -
" ----------
Hazel Ray -
Bernice Burwell-
Katharina Friesen
- "
" ---------
Annie Chudik -
Pearl Hainer -
"-------- --
Wm. H. Miller -
Jean Sharpe -
Geo. W. Baldwin - Relief for November -----
Lorna Rbbinson - " " " ------
Hazel Ray - " " " ------
Bernice Burwell - IT 't " ------
Katharina Friesen8 " " " ______
Wm. Dietrich - Bal. Schooley Drain ----------
Tel. Co. Office
836 , 5
A. & M. - phone -------------
Ross Hainer - Relief for part Nov. ----------
Grimsby Service Centre- Repairs B.D.Moxzle --
Robert Byerlay - Repairs Elliott Drain ------
Burns McKenzie - Gas for Fire Dept. ---------
Treas. Pt. Burwell - Share fire call line ---
Canadian National Rys.- Crossing lights -----
20.70 \
rt n n _ rt n -----
22.76 \
Treas. Houghton Twp.- Relief re. H. Weaver --
2$.14 �
" Malahide Twp,- it re. H. McLain --
24,00 \
" St. Thomas - Care re. E.M.Shaw-------
W. G. Webster - Office supplies -------------
Jellerts Tile Ltd.- Tile for Swanace Hr. ----
n f► tt _ n IT Elliott Dr. ----
Treas. R.C.S.S.No.16 Malahide-Share Equal.---
Ontario I=lunicipal Bd.- Fee re.Carnes Dr. ----
mreas. Aereham Twp.- Costs re. nelson Dr. ---
E. J. Fearnley - 1 sheep killed -------------
Robert Ball - Fox Bounty ---------------------
Eugene Falkins- " "--------------------
4.00 s,
Ed. Jedriak - " "--------------------
James A. Fuller- " "--------------------
8,00 \
Keith Ketchabaw- " "--------------------
Lyle R. Grant Motors- Anti Freeze, F.D. -----
Burns McKenzie - Fuel for office ------------
Florence Kennedy - Relief for December ------
John Spiece - " " "-------
10.00 -�,
Pearl Hainer - " " "-------
Iva McCurdy - 11 't n _______
Geo. Baldwin - it "n --------
Lorna Robinson- " " IT -------
Hazel Ray - " " "
Bernice Burwell - " " "-------
Kathgrina Friesen- " " "-------
Anne Chudik •- " " "-------
Wm. H. Miller - " " IT -------
Jean Sharpe - " " 2------
26.50 \
Receiver General - Stamps -------------------
Central Pipe Line Co.- Fuel¢ for fire hall --
Brian Shelly - Fox Bounty -------------------
Clarence Jenereaul - Land use for dump ------
50.00 \
Mrs. Oral Sivyer - " " " IT ------
Oscar Bartha - 't " " " -----
Otter Creek Eons. Authority - 1962 levy -----
Victoria Hospital - Drugs re. Todd ----------
'war Memorial Childrenst Hospital - Grant ----
Dennis Garage - Renairs to fire trucks ------
31.90 \
Wallace Humphrey, Sec.- Grant Smuck cemetery-
Basil "evill - Express re. F.D.-------------
Violet Smith - Office help Oct. 16-31 -------
Receiver general - Un. Ins. -----------------
Violet Smith - Office help Nov. 1-15 -=------
Receiver General - Un. Ins. -----------------
2.40 �
J. D. Vallee - Bal. B/L fee „Carnes Dr. -------
Robert C. Jackson- Valuator's fee - ----------
Peters, Brown &. Co.- Apply on 1962 audit ----
M. L. Chute - Cleaning office ---------------
00 \
Elton H. Jackson- Equal. Langton Sep.Sch.----
Percy Cornell - " " it " ----
Murray Abbott - " " It " ----
Max Moore - n n » n ____
Elton H. Jackson - " Vienna Pub. Sch. ---
Geo. Wootton - It t' " " ---
Elton H. Jackson - " Calton " " ___
4:Q4 \
Clifford Soper - IT n rf »
Corinth " " ---
Elton H. Jackson- " " " " ---
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ----
Receiver general - Tax re. Vallee -----------
Basil Aevill - Fire Chief for Nov. ----------
Gerald Taylor - Care Straff. St. Lts.-------- 34.00\,
Elton H. Jackson -
20% 1714. do gg
Mileage Dec.61
" -
Supplies ---------------
" -
205 cards,nos.
& 3. --
Walter Nelson - Fees
re. Elliott
Chas. D. Phillips
- Attend 1 meeting
Norman Pressey -
" 1 "
Ross Carson -
" 1 "
N. B. Hedges -
" 1 "
Stanley James -
" 1 "
31 2.80
254. 01-1
42. 9.
1L..40 \
15.00 .
Moved by Hedge s
Seconded by James- That this council adjourn to meet again on Dec. 15th.
at 10.00 A.M...Carried.
e r -K-,
Township Office, Straffordville, Dec. 15th. 1962.
Pursuant to adjournment of Dec. 3rd., the regular meeting of the council of
the Township of Bayham was held on the above date, all members being present
and Reeve Phillips presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved
and signed and the following business was done.
The following communications were received and discussed. -
An appeal by Clarence Locker was received against the decision of the Court
of 11-evision in respect to the Carnes Municipal Drains. The Clerk advised that
he had notified Judge McMillan of this appeal.
The Township Solicitor advised that the legal work had been completed and
debentures all sold in the matter of construction of Township Office and fire
hall. His account for this work was included. A,,
Mr. Linton also advised that the leggl work and deeds regarding Tile Yard
Hill had been completed and also inclosed his account for this matter.
Seasonfs greeting were received from Township Solicitor, Deller's Tile and
the Salvation Army.
A new map of Elgin County was received from Mr. Moore, County Road Engineer,
A building permit for the construction of Office and Fire hall was received
from the Dept; of Highways.
The Canadian Pacific Rys.,by letter, requested three additional copies of
Engineer's plan regarding sight improvements at crossing mileage 27.21+•
A receipt and letter of appreciation . for grant was received From the 'alar
• Memorial Childrens' Hospital at London.
The Ontario Municipal Board acknowledged receipt of by-laws for the Magyar-
Dieleman Drain arid. the Fazakas-Slaght Drain.
Mr. Jack Gray, O.L.S., advised that he would survey Prouse property corners
at soon as possible.
The matter of petition of residents of S.S.N;s. 16 and 23 for additional fire
protection by Dereham Township was discussed by the members. The petition was
referred back to interested persons for additional signatures.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by James- That the Treas. be authorized to pay legal expemses, etc,
Gibson and Linton as soon as Capital Account for Office and Fire Hall is
set up at bank, amount BE same being $800.62...Carried.
Mr. Douglas Vallee, P.Eng, met with the members and presented the completed
plans, etc. for Township office and Fire Hall. These were examined and disc-
ussed thoroughly and a couple of minor alterations suggested.
Moved. by Hedges
Seconded by Pressey- That this Council accept the Engineer's plans for the
new office and firehall and tenders be called to close on January 21st. 1963
at noon, same to opened by a committee of Reeve, Clerk and Engineei forthwith
and considered by council on Feb. lith. 1963... Carried. ;
Mr. Basil Nevill, Fire Chief, presented a semi-annual report and discussed
same with the members.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Carson- That the Fire Chief's report be adopted and the firemen
paid at.the usual rate per call„! Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Pressey- That the following interest payments be approved to
perpetual Care Cemeteries from Savings Account No. 3.-
Treas. Straffordville Cemetery Board - $31$.$6
" Eden rr n _ 30$.$7
" Calton " " - 171.55
" Guysboro " " - 170.06... Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That the following
perpetual care to make their return on
Treas. Straffordville Cemetery
" Eden
" Calton "
" Guysboro "
grants be paid to Cemeteries under
investments up to 5%• -
Board - $ 56.14
- 54.38
" - 30.20
" - 29.94.0..Carried.
Mr. Jack Barclay met briefly with the members and discussed the matter of
installing washroom facilities at the Township Hall. An estimate of the costs
of Name had been requested by the Lions Clmb and the amount was $$37.61 for
the inside work and materials. The Lions Club had agreed to pay 50o of this
sum and requested the Township to assume the balance. This was laid over for
further consideration by the council.
Mr. Elba Dennis :net with the meinbers and again expressed dissatisfattion with
his assessment on the Carnes Municipal Drains,
Mr. John Tribe, Building Inspector, gave a report to the members on permits
issued in 1962.
Road matters were discussed by the members and Road Supt. and a proposed
agreement for gravel rights from Kenneth and Sylvia Thomas was presented to
the members. This agreement was amended to meet with council approval.
Moved by James
Seconded by Hedges- That an agreement for purchase of gravel be authorized
with Kenneth and Syltia Thomas and a sum of $50. be paid for completing said
agreement... Carried.
Moved by Hedges
Seconded by Pressey- That expenses up to a maximum of $50. be allowed for
Chri..stmas Faryy for members and employees, being an amount of $41.37 for
Moved by James
Seconded by Carson- That N. B. Hedges be allowed X14..00 for meeting with C.P.
R. and Board of Transport Commissioners on Aec. 5th. and $14..20 for R.Carson
and $15.60 for N.Pressey for meeting on C.N.R. Crossing...Carried.
I -loved by Pressey
Seconded by James- That the following bonuses for extra services be paid to
members and officials;r
C. D. Phillips ----- $100.00
Norman Pressey ------ 30.00
N.B.Hedges-------- 30.00
Ross Carson -------- 30.00
Stanley James ------- 30.00
John C. Tribe ------- 30.00
J. D. Vallee ------- '30.00
Violet Smith ------- -30.00 ...Carried.
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- Tha the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of
$2407.7$ for roads and $3109.$4 for general accounts...Carried.
Roads pay list and vouvhers--------------- $2407e7$ \
Central Pipe Line Co.- Fuel for hall ------ 21.45 \
Alvin McClain - Relief for part Dec. ------ 30-00--,
Treas. Malahide Twp.- Nov. relief re.McLain- 24..00 �
Houghton " - " " re.Weaver - 30.$4.
" Chatham n - " 11 re.Schopf - 4..10 •,,
Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies ------------- 12.94.E
W. G. - - 4-53,\ %
Webster n ___
C.E. HickeI & Sons Ltd. - F.D. Supplies ------- 2$5.31
Edward Moosberger - Fox Bounty ------------- 4..00 •�
Treas. Straff.Cemetery Bd.- Perp.Care Int.-- 31$.$6 '*P,Say.#3.
" Edeft n n _ n n rr 30$. $7 It\
n Calton n n- lr n n 171.55 n
rr Guysboro n n_ n n n __ 170.06 ,,� n
Treas. Straff. Cemetery Bd.- Grant -------
$ 56.14\
It Eden rr rr _ "-------
" Calton " " _ " _______
rr Guysboro rr n _ 'r -------
Bernice Burwell - Relief for Dec. ------
Hazel Ra - " rr " ______
Lorna Robinson - » » "-------
Geo. Baldwin - 'r " "-------
45. JO -.
Katharina Friesen- " "------- -
44,00 ti
Wm. H. Diller - " "
65.00 -,
Noss Hainer - ------
Violet Smith - Office help Dec. 1 - 15 ---
receiver General - Un. ins. --------------
Sec,-Treas.Vienna Sep.Sch.Bd.-Share Ecual.
Elton H. Jackson- Equal.S.S.No. 23 -------
Percy Cornell - " " "-------
Ira M. Harris - " " " -------
Robt. C. Jackson- Weed Insp. &: milage ----
Mo L. Chute - S.A.O. salary & mileage ----
Burns McKenzie - Office fuel -------------
J. D. Vallee - Bal. 1962 salary ----------
Receiver ueneral - Tax re. Vallee --------
Basil Nevill - Fire Chief for Dec. -------
11 " - 34 fire calls -------------
Andy Taylor - 25 " "-------------
100.00 N
Tack Tribe - 31 " rr _____________
Harold Aennis- 20 " "-------------
$0.00 ti
Don House - 8 " "-------------
32,00 �
Jack Barclay - 20 " "--------------
Jack Nevill - 26 " "--------------
Albert Cook - 29 " "--------- ----
`Filbert Locker -22 rr n -------------
Harry Cookson- 24 " »--------------
96.00 ,
Willis Marr - 22 n »-------------
$$.00 �\
David Johnston- 7 " "-------------
Ken Everitt - 28 " »-------------
John C. Tribe - Sal. bldg. insp.---------
25.00 \
N. B. Hedges - Meeting with CP.R.--------
Ross Carson - » " C.N.R.-------
"orman Pressey - " » "--------
John C. Tribe - Bonus --------------------
J. D. Vallee - »-------------------
Violet Smith - 1' ___________________
Jack Tribe - Expenses ---------------
C. D. Phillips - 1 meeting & bonus -------
Norman Pressey - 1 » & "-------
N. B. Hedges - 1 » &-------
Ross Carson - 1 " & "
Stanley James - 1 " & "-------
Capital Account
Can, Imp. Sank of Commerce- Dep. Receipt -36,000.00
Gibson & Linton - Legal exp. & Com. -----
Moved by Carson
Seconded by Hedges- That this council adjourn tb meet again on Jan. 7th.
1963 at 10.00 A.M...Carried.