HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1959TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1959 11 i5 Loved by Chute Seconded by Phillips - That this Council now adjourn, Sine Die...Carried. C_-ve. er Toi-mship Office, Straf'for:'vi-11 e January 5th. 1959• ,he inaugural meetin of the 1059 council of the To.,.mship of Bayham .-gas held on the above date. Those present and subscribing to the necessary oath of office were peeve Basil Nevi11_, Deputy Reeve Donald `--% Chute, and Councillors Chas. D. Phillips and Norman Pressey Councillor Harold Sennett being absent. The four members were duly declared installed in office by Clerk allee and. Reeve I'levill asked Rev. D. 1-'. Stinson to conduct a. snort devotionaleriod. Mr. Stinson con gratulated the members on their return to office, led in a prayer and read a portion df scripture. He then spoke briefly to the m+ambers and offivials present. Peeve Nevill fittingly thanked It -Ir. Stinson for his attend,--tnce at this meeting and invited him to have dinner v ith the members. Regular council business was then proceeded with and the inninutes of the last meeting .,*ere read_, approved and signed by the Reeve. Two hospital notices were received and discussed. A bulletin covering statutory payments for indigent hospitali� ation was received from the Dept. of ?Municipal Affairs. Several requests were made for grants and memberships in `'ssociations. r. ;".. Stevens, Prinlipal of 'East El. in : i h School, by letter, thanked the council for providing cups �'or the best All -Round students of the sc.-ool. :h copy of resolution of Elgin County 'load Committee, dated Dec. 19, 195$, vias received whereb 7- the County sells the pichmond Bridge to the 7o�•Y�nship for the sum of ,`1.00 and other consideration. 1-ir.'�dlam, Sec. of the Otter Creek Conservation authority, requested the council to name two delegates to a meeting in Delhi on January 15th. The Clerk reported that Provincial -Aid -To -Drainage had been received for the Palmer Poliick and ';inter 1 unicipal Drains. Clerk Sallee have a brief report on tax collections to Dec. 220th. I•loved by Cute Seconders b,, Phillips- That a refund on 1958 taxes of Roll 1�0. 335, first instalment, in an amount of '11.59 be made to '-irs. E. Schonberr-er as same sere paid t. -;ice. July l$ and Dec. 1?) ...Carried. �n + �,.oved. by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- That the Clerk subscribe to 8 copies of the l unicipal `:.orld for council members and. officials... Carried. roved by Chute Seconr7.ed by Phillips --That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 p.m...Carried.. t noon, Reeve Nevill Atas host to the council members, To.,,Tship officials `�tinson, Ex -Reeves, and local bank managers to a very delightful dinner served by the ladies of the Y f. ^ . in the basemgg,nnt of the United Church. Brief addresses were mad_ by all present and Deputy Reeve Chute, on behalf of those present, thanked Reeve Nevill and expressed"appreciation to the ladies for the fine meal. All joined in wishing Reeve 13evill success in his quest for the "lardenship of Elr-in County in 1959. At ? p.m. the regular council session was resumed. roved by Pressey rA Seconded by Phillips- That this council, having examined the Treasurers and Tax Collector's bond re-newal, it is hereby directed that the same be paced in Township vault...Carried. 551 _ovr�d by Chute, Seconder, blr Phillips= That this council make the usual grant of '2.5.00 to the Elgin County Seed Fair... Carried. :oved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- 'I"hat a ;rant of. ;;'?5.00 be made to the RicY_,mond Library. Carried. :_oved by Phillips j cond.erl by Chute- That requisitions for trusteest levy for Public ">chool s be submitted to the Clerk on or before TV' -arch, 15, 1959, and for Separate Schools on or before Feb. lst. in accorri an ce t-it'n jection 46, s. s. (f j of The Separate Schools %ct ... C 1.rried . °oved. by Phillips Seconderl b r Pressey- That the usual grant of -'10.00 be -made to St. John Ambulance ...Carried . .:oved by Chute Seconded. by Phillips- That this To:mship join the !%ssociation of r sse sing Officers and Clerl,r send fee of - 10.00... Carried. "oved by Phillips Secon,1,7-'.�cy- ",nt tris council name the follor;ri.ng deleg rtes to att- end Consc-rv=��ion meeting in Delhi on Thursday, Jan. 15/59 at 10.0 a.m. Reeve Basil Nevill pep. Renve Don. Chut�,...Carricl. _ovUd by (3hute Seconded by Phillips- That this council make a ;ran` of ',75.00 to the London Jranc:m of the Saivation :rray... Carried. 'T^ved by Chute: ::;condeax by Pressey- end resolved that By -La-- 'To. 13$3 beim; a by-law to authorize the borro;11ing of up to '"'.207,000.00 from t* ',e Canadian Ran'_, of 13$3 ao=. coerce for current expenditures for 1959, be now read a first time. Carried. i _ovr.;C1 by Phillips Seconded by Chute- Ind resolved thut BY-Lavr No. 13$3 be now read a second tine...Carr'Lez,d. : oved by Pressey >econded. bar Phillips- "nd resolved that By -Laa f`;o. 13$3 be now read a third time and finally pxssed...Carried. :..oved by Chute Seco, ded by Phillips- `md resolved. that By-L,:,�� "o. 13$x., being a by-law to appoint certain officers in and for the Toiniship of Bay haIA for 1959, he x1384 now read a first time...Carried. Toved by Pressey Seconder by Chute- And resolved that BY -Law TTo. 1384 be now read a second tiine...Carrie d. :.:oved by Pressey Seconded by Fhillips- "_nd resolved that By -La: -.Y o. 13$4 be no -,d read a t'--.i--d time and finally passed...Carriod. :.oved by Phillipd Seconded by Pressey - '.nd resolved that By -Lai: _`7.o. 13$5 being a by-law tp appoint fence --viewers and pound -keepers in and for the To.Rmship of Bay .an for 1959, be now read a first time...Carried. f[1385 `i-.oved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- And resolves. that By -Law 'lo -1385 be noir read a second time...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconde l by Chute- rind resolved that By -Law Tejo. 13$5 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. :oved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this council join the Good Roads Association and Clerk send fee of ;;17.00 and the Councillors, Road Supt. and C1 rk be named dele gates to same...Carried. T.oved by Phillips ..Seconded by Chute- That Arnold HcDowell be named �;o the Calton Cemetery Board for a term of three years...Carried. 52 11111oved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That Councillors Presse- and 'Bennett be named to the Eden Community Centre Board and Reeve �'�evill and Dep. Reeve Chute to the Stra.fford.ville Community Centre Board... Carried. Tr. Harold Taylor :gaited on the council in respect to his obli ;;tion to refun:41 certain relief monies to the Tovmslzip. The Clerk was instrnnted to contact 1 r. Broim, lavrtfer for Toy lor, in this matter; . +7.r. Don Grievb * of the Lep-1C... or Agriculture at St. Thomas, interviewed -the council in regards to a proposed frrm accident survey to be conducted on a rovince stride basis. :Much discussion •,as held on this matter ars',the council members) agreed to contact possible retorters in their respective lolling Sub -Divisions. These names to be reported not later than the council meeting on Teb. 2nd. 1,loved by Phillips Seconded by Maute- That the Reeve sign the orr er sheets in amounts of ll, 570.9. for "oads and Brid;;e s and .w4, 331.11 for general accounts... Carrie Roads and Brides "ccounts- Pay list &.- vouchers--K„;11,77J.94♦ Gertrude Roloson- Relief for Dec. --------------- H P I' - Service Chg `'tra.f- f . St. T t s. ----------- 283.50 \ it Rich.. ., "---------- 136.50 \ Eden ------_-___ 205.00\ James Rutledge - relief for Dec. ---_____________ 11.00' Treas.Ot t,er Creek Conservation .utn. -1, � s levy--- 1446.66 Florence "enned;f - Relic:: f for January ----------- 41-0.00\ George. 'P cGregor - " rr tt ___________ 30.00 Flossie Orr - ----- 30.00, Joh.n Spiece - „ :r ''----------- 10.00 Geo. Chute - Fuel for Office -------------------- 15.81 it " - " it fire hall ________________ 40.00 Burns Ic:'enzie - " it Office ------------------- 17.601 C.E.Hic'.ey w Sons Ltd.- 2 °:ir Paks E-. _f_ -7, 5c ?,00% Treas. of Chatham - Dec. relief for rel 1 ---- 6.05 C .L. Laing - Bulbs for rich. St. Lts.----------- e 8.46\ C.J.Ketchabaw -i " Eden " " ---------- 31*20 J. B.. Carroll Electric- Parts for Corinth ST.Lts- 1.30 icConl,eyt s Store - Labour F� 3ulbs it IT t'-- 5.00\ Frank's General Store- Bulbs Corinth St.Lts.---- 1.96 Treas. Assn. of :'assessing Officers- embership--- 10,001% 11. E.P.C.- Hydro for hall ; Office --------------- 18.0 . fire hall -------- ----------- 20.06 Lyle R. Grant rotors - Startinf fire tru^�� ------ 2.00 ;1 . E. P. Instal. St. Lts. in Straff -------------- 161.66 � :rs. E.Schonberger - :refund 1958 taxes ---------- 11.59 Treas. Elgin County Seed Fair - Grant ----------- 25.00 t 't Riclunond Library - Grant ------------------ 25.00 St. John Ambulance - Grant ----_------------------ 10.00\ Salvation ArrAy - it _____________________ 75.00 Ontario Good 'oads Assn.- Membership ------------ 15.00 \ Gertrude Roloson - Relief for January ----- � ---- 27.00 Peters, Brovm (": Co.- :`apply on 14 8 audit fee ---- 50.00 No.m, a .'Abri 1:1ht - Office help Dec. 16-31 --------- 35.x.$ r obt. urant - Un. Ins. stamp --------------------- 1.01\ : Receiver General - Past service payment --------- 395.72\ - Pension deductions re.Vallee-- 43.74\ - Tcr.-rnL. si-zare re. Vallee ---- 3.7�+ Basi 1 l�evi 11 - A -,tend 1 meeting ------------------ 13.00 Don. :^. Chute - 't 1 t� _________________ 13.00 Y Chas. D. Phillips - " 1 'f ----------- 13 00 Norman Pressey - " 1 't 13.00 .,roved by Phillips Seconded b .r Chute- That this council nov! adjourn to meet a gain on Feb. 2nd. 1959 at 1 p.m... Carried. Reeve. 0, 553 To. -reship Office, Straffordville, Feb. 2nd. 1959. Pursuant to -�.' jcarn~pont -of Jan. 1t'�. , the rogular meeting of the council of the Toimship of Ba-yham eras held on the above date with all . members present except Councillor Bennett. Reeve ':evil l Presided. ::mutes of the last meeting were read, :.pprove d and si ned an(i the fo? loi--ing ' busine ss was done. Letters of appreciation for ;rants were reveived from the Salvation Arm. ansa St. John Unbulance. .'.ppreciation for use of To=, -Ishir= "all -las received from the Bayhea*n Junior Farmers. Approval V -as received :from the Dept. of I unicipcal "affairs for rro jest 14o. 960 as a Minter :,:orks Incentive Program, being iLo ,1 side Brushing in preparation for major reconstruction. Copies of :�t�nL�tes Frere receiveA From Secretary of Otter Creek. Conservation '.uthority. . >everal relief cases were � iscu.:sed. Council embers present reported. on Reporters procured for Farm <"�cci :Ent .: ell Survey. In ancwer to a let ter frog, i -:r. n . V. Langton, reo assistance to Veterinarians on nrucellosis Control prom -rpm it was decide -1 to have Councillor Pressey act as contact man in this respect. letter - ,a.s received from _,1r. Grant C. Drotrn on behalf of x. Douglas Bartlett claim -in - damages of 445.07 hen his car was involved in an accident with To?mship Pick-up truck. "'his ;.,as referred to our Insurance Company. ' A?vice ,;as received from 1:r. T. S. Caldwell that Roads anti Bridges expenditure o f , 6F , 000. would be approve. d for 1;?5 9 on submission of proper by-lai -. :"oved b r 1 ute Seconded by Phillips- That on . rch 2nd. 1959 at 3 p.m., this council consider the pasting of a by-lai-,r for raising :" 50 000. under the provisions of the Tile Drainage ' ct, ane':_ the . Clerk i- hereby d�.rected and aut'-orized to rave the same advertised in "The s illsonburg News" on January 29th. Feb. 5th. and 12th. (Form 3) in accord.nnco of Jection 1 sail ict.Carri.ed. T,iovec'. by Pro r s `may 0`nconded b,r Phi lli s- That this ToTmshi p join the On` . , it> unicinal ..7,sn. and erk send fee off;il5 #00... Carried . + .:ove-1. by1 nesse; I.Deconded by Chute- "'': ^t a 'restaurant License be appr ovod. for Dickinson's Lunch as at-�nl ieJ for by F. M a.tyeck...Ccarried. 3 "ovod b-- shute Seconded b;r Phillips- Tj at this council pet* tion statutory P hi � _. for st ori �,ra.nt on Ro^.'s and Dridges expenditure . of X79, 861.11 for 1958 and proper officers sign same...Cn..rried_. I< ovc,a b;,T Phillips Secor-led by Chute- That the Clerk order 1? -51b. ; 6-01.1b. '?ry Chemical Fire evtinvuishers :end 1-Z0 lb. Suner Kemp from !' ♦ Hickey "ons. Ltd. for Toi.rnship use An.- to be made available to others irrho wish to purchase them. Carried. Tr. L. Chute-raitea o?-: t' e co�_tnc l a�n-? discus 7Fd the doW problem. at the school surd an: the rabies situation. - ::ov>d by Phillips coivj. -1 by Pre 7ey-- .end r�sol-red that Dy-" � ai.T 'o. 13$6 being a bsr-3a�r to prohibits and regulate the ruuining at large of dogs --rit.An the; _ unicipalit;;F 13�� tie Torrzship of DG�?a, be no-- read a first time...Carrie. :ov^d by r ressey -Dconded by Chute- ".nd resolved that 3y- :aTr Vic. 13 6 bA now read a Second T il.1`? • . • Carrie 1. aaovc,r1 by 1-ut}}' e co,z' - -; bey- Phillips- .;`, d resolved thut ''y-Lai•Y7 "o. 1386 be no-.— rcad a third time and f-inally passed...Carried. 'roved by Chute Seconded hsT 'ressey- "'iat the Reeve pa^Gclai:s a period AX'rou uguat 31,195911•ihen dogs shall not '.1e permitted to ran at �.ij� of Bas�ltlam. in accorda?zce wit. By -Law No. 1336 and tho.t be adveetlsed twice in the Tillsonburg News. ..Carried. of 1 Feb. 2, 1959 to Iar ,e in the Toi-ane this procla.-aation I I . Ch -,.:1, n Brooks of ',ylmrr, rcprc -.cnt!ng the Central Pipe Lines Co. re uested the council to pass an xc'ditiorial� by-1�.1 pending, deci�:�ion o� the Fuel Board on thier a,.pplicatio n for a fr��nchi se re-ne-�tal in Ba Than. Tovmship. `oved by Chute Seconc�e;? by Presse -r- '.n r!.:-ol%red that By -1-1,i -1•r "0 13'7. being a by-law to .. . �-{ . .t • . i • iCj PC niv the Jentr:�l Pip- yin., Co. to pipe an-� sell as to any and all people T.T'�ose lr.nr? lie ; i:� Bayham Tojlm.ship as in provider? in I y-L_�.T $o. 10?0 dated ,._. 1 )87 Au Ust 15th. 10';l, be no -'Y rear! a first time...Carri5'd. _ovud by Phill pc. r ccondecl by Chute- '. id resclvr��� that By-�,a a '"o. 1387 be noir read a second tine...Carri -d' I�sove.' by Phil ":�conde-1 by Pressey- And resolved that .'o. 1387 be now read a third time and finally pas ed....Carri. •3. . roved bar Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this coui.c' 1 pay bounty of '4.00 each for fox killed in Bayham Tow_Zs hip by a re si -lent of Bayham m -9i . including Vienna and Pt. Burrell and. the. Clerk prepare a by-. `vi for same. effective from Feb. 2, 1959. Tails oilly to bel presented In a plastic bag for bounty...Carried. 1-1 C onsiderazOle discussion -•gas held regarding; the proposed purchase of a new dump truck. Ir oved by i hillip s Secondee by Chute- That the. Clerk advertise for tenders for a nett truck :lith dun. p body ', hoist, O.V.J. 21 ,000; lbs. min. as per tender fora. Tenders to close at noon, Feb. 16, 1059, and lowest or any tender not necessarily accppt r,d. Sane to be advertised in Baily Coz -.scrcial ise�, �s... married. ..off*0,1 bzr C. ute Seconded by ai_lip.:- Thaw this cos.-zcil make a grant of X100. ,,o the 1"association f'or Retarded Chil:Iren and forward same to Tillsonburg �otary Club... C{a.rr4 erl. .oved b-;, Phillips Secon:'ed by Prbssey- That 'eeve "evill and T)ep. Reeve Chute be paid for attendance at Delhi and St. Thomas neet:.n�;s as follo.,,Ts; - . Reeve Illevill ----- "'23.00 Dep. Reeve, Chute - 13.00...Carried. ..ove 1 b,r Phillips Seconded by Pressey- That the Reeve siZn the order sheets ?11, 945.13 for roads and Brides and : 1227. �9 for general I oads and. Bridles- Pay list Jan. 1 to 15 ---- rr rr rr _ rr rr rr 16 4-0 31 V James ?uticdge - I1eliel" for January --------- lva McCurdy - rr rr rr ------- _-- i obt. Grant - Stamps ----------------------- Central Pipe Lines - Gas for hall -------_.--- Cornelius 'Tall - Relief for Pt.January ------ ".Ifred Pociers =r - rr rr �► -------- d Florence Kennedy - 'r 'r I'cbruary------- Ge(;. T cGre or - rr rr 'r -------- John Spiece — rr rr rr __-__-- Flo; sie Orr - '' rr " ------- Registry Office - List of conveyances --•------ Trophy Craft Ltd.- Trophies B. E.H.0.-------- :unicipa:l `!orld Ltd.- $ subscripticns------- i,-itchell Cameron - i rem.Tre,-„.s. Bond------- SLz?nmcri?G,yes Lumber itd.- fire dept chest ------ ' otc5kiss Appliances - rulb for Stralf'f.S.Lt.- IicConlrFStore- Bulb etc. Corinth t.Lts.---- r_'ren, s. of Toronto - J.Deneze relief , I1Iov. ---- rr of Chatham - L.Kivell rr , Jan. --- ” Llgin County - 1ios-)it:ilizatiold ------ 1 " Ont. unicip-.Z Assn.- Fee ---------_ turns I,cKenxie - Fuel for office------------ Treas. of Toronto -T Bcncze relied', Dec.---- �:ssn. of. Retarded Children- Grant ----------- Robt. urant- Stamps ----------------___------ Gcetrude Roloson- Relief for Feb. ----------- Jim Rutledge 9 rr rr rr----------- :;'1016.67 10928,.46♦ 3 0.00' 70.00 N 10.00-% 7.35 35.00 I- 0C 0.00 � 30.00 10.00 30.00♦ 6.6 15.57 21.00 t :.75 40.00 , $, 5.6c' 25alr 75.00\ 15.00~ x.1.01 �. 12.45 100.00%. 10.00 27.00 30.00 \ In anounts of accounts..Carried. 11 "55 J :orrnr� '=lbri. U - Office relp J?r..15-31_____ 23.6��,.,. � obt. Grant - Un. Ins. stanmp______________ ,72,. L. Dennis - Firs for Jan. ff tr - }rr:iEf St. LV s. 5.00-% J. D. Vallee - To amply on salary --------- 269.x+8 %, Receiver eneral - max re. Vallee --------- 7.60 J . D. '1Tal�? ee - Rez. B. I.I. I$- D. -------------- .00 Basil 1Ievill - "attend 2 meeting & cur ----- 3.6.00 IS Dor.. 3:. Chute - :� 2 t. :.____------ 26.00 Chas. D. Philli )s 1 rr ---------- 13,00-%, Normoan Pre-Isey - " 1 tr-----_-___- 13.00 1\ i -:over. by Phillips 5ecpnded b., Presse T- That this council adjourn to meet again in special session on Feb. 16th. at 1 p.M...Carried. Township Office, Straffordville, Feb. 16th, 1959. A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nevill presiding. Councillor Bennett subscribed to the necessary oath of office. The meeting was called for the purpose of opening truck tenders, discussing roads program for 1959 and other business. Shields Construction Co. Ltd. advised that they had spent a cash outlay of ffi $3100. which they expected to recover from monies released by the Township for•Bartlett bridge. Moved by Chute -'Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 13$$ being a by-law to provide for the paymant of a bounty for the destruction of foxes in Bayham. -#13$$ Township, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 138$ be now read a second time ... Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 13$$ be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Mr. Cook, Assistant District Municipal Engineer, was present for the open- ing of truck tenders. Only two were received plus one tender of body and hoist. These tenders were throughly discussed and Mr. Clare Esseltine and Mr. Lyle Grant both answered several questions pertaining to their respect quotations and vehicles. Moved by Chute Seconded by Bennett- That this Council accept the tender of Lyle R.Grant Motors Ltd. for a model 10.03 truck with dump body and hoist at the tender price of $6580.20 plus $70. for re-inforcing frame, subject to approval of Dept, ept, of Highways...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the salary ed to $3500.00 per year, effective a by-law for same... Carried. of John C. Tribe, Road Supt* be increas- Jan. 1st. 1959 and that the perk prepare Considerable time was spent in studying roads and bridges expenditures for 1959 and setting out a proposed program for the year's work. Mr. Cook assisted in the discussions. % The Road Supt. and Clerk were instructed to proceed withsame on the basis of discussions and have ready for next meeting. 556 Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this special Council session now adjourn to meet again on March 2nd. at 10.00 a.m... Carried. Township Office, Straffordville, Mar. 2nd. 1959. Pursuant to adjournment of Feb. 16th,, the regular meeting of the council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members pres- ent and Reeve Nevill presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. A request was received from tI:e Assn. of Ontario Mayors and reeves for membership in that group. Advice was received from the Ontario Municipal Board that approval had not been granted for Restricted Area By -Law No. 1380 and recommending that this muniBipality request assistance from Mr. Keefer of the Dept. of Planning and evelopment for further actio} in this respect. Prices were received for Brunner Mond Caclium Chloride. Results of Dept. of Agriculture survey on losses to poultry and livestock by dogs were received. A letter with draft by-law was received from the Dept. of Transport in respect to parking in Straffordville along No. 19 Highway. A letter was received from the County Solicitor in regards to registering a tax certificate against the Annie Millard Estate property. The members discussed the matter of Elgin County Farm Accident Survey and Fire Chief Dennis agreed to report all fires and any accidents in connection with same. s Moved ,by Bennett Seconded by Pressey-;That the sum of $13.02 be Bitten off 1958 taxes, Roll dD Nos. 5 and 72 Dep 4-1 of Transport, being difference in taxes and grant allowed...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1389, being a by-law to appoint John C. Tribe as Road Superintendent of the Township of Bayham at a salary of $3500. per year, effective Jan. lst. 1959, be now read a first #1389 time... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1389 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1389 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pur- chase the following bond for Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund. - 1000. Province of Ontariols 5%, 1977/79 at approximate price of 9$J, same to be charged to Savings Account No. 3...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That this council adjourn for dunner Iwd to resume at 1.45 p.m...Carried. Council rsumed regular session again at 1.1+5 p.m. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- That when Dept. of Hoghways approval is receivedt Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to issue cheque to Lyle RL 4,rant Motors Ltd. in an amount of $6650.20 to cover tender price on new dump plus re-inforcing frame...Carriedo the truck ##13 90 #1391 #1392 557 Moved by Chute Seconded by Bennett- That the Road Su to be allowed $35.00 for expenses attedning Good Roads Convention plus 25.00 car expenses, chargeable to roads accounts...Carried. Moved by Bennett - Seconded -.by Chute- That Chas, D. Phillips and Norman Pressey be allowed $35.00 each for attendance at Good Roads Convention... Carried. At 3 p.m, no person appeared before the council to pf the by-law for granting aid in the construction Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No. raise $50,000. to aid construction of tile, stone read a first time... Carried. ,x Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No* time ... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. third time and finally passed...Carried. object to the passing of farms drainage. 1390 being a by-law to or timber drains, be now 1390 be now read a second 1390, be now read a Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That a copy of By -Law No. 1390, together with Form 4, be advertised in the "Tillsonburg News" for three successive weeks, commenc- ing March 12th. 1959...Carried. The road program for 1959 together with expenditures on same were further considered by the metbers. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law provide for an expenditure on roads of $661000. for 1959, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. time..Carried. Moved by Chute No. 1391, being a by-law to for the Township of Bayham 1391 be now read a second Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1391, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1392, being a by-law to regulate parking on No. 19 Highway in the Hamlet of Str affordville, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1392 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1392 he now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. The handling of certain tax arrears cases were discussed by the council and it was proposed that tax penalty be increased. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the Treasurer be instructed to take action under the Dept. of Municipal Affaits Act, to have a Tax Certificate registered against the property of Thos. E. Scott, being NES lot 13, Cone. 10, 48 acres. Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That if impossible to collect taxes by seizin gg rent, the Treasurer be instructed to take proceedings to register a Tax Certif- icate against the porperty of the Annie Millard Estate, being part South end lot 6, Cone. 9, about one to two acres...Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That hald load season for truck be strictly enforced on Bayham Township roads and that a notice of same be inserted injTillsob- burg and AJFlmer papers... Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the Reeve sign the order sheets $11,376.53 for Roads and Bridges and f1837.2l for general 55$ in amounts of accounts..Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- Feb. 1st.tol5th.--- $ 7$1.7$., non 16 to 28 ----- 1059 * 75%, Iva McCurdy- Relief for Feb. ------------------ 70.00\ Central Pipe Lines Co.- Gas for hall ---------- 14,85N Aylmer & Malahide Tel.Co.- Office hone ------- 28.75� Canadian National Rys.- Corinth wig -wags ------ 25-00%.. Hews Printin Co*- Notices -------------------- 43 . $0 � Treas. of Malahide - Relief for G.Gould------- 38.10 N Treas. of Ontario- Insulin for G.McGregor ----- *47-., C. E. Hickey & Sons Ltd.- Extinguishers ------- 607-96%. Burns McKenzie - Office fuel ------------------ 36.20 N J. D. Vallee - Mileage to St.Thomas (2) ------- 10.00 1 Florence Kennedy- Relief for March ------------ 20.00N Geo. McGregor - " " "------------ 30.00 Jo*n Spiece - " " "------------ 10.00 . - Iva McCurdy - " " "----------- 70.00 Gertrude Roloson - n n rr ___________ 27.00 N Flossie Orr - " " "------------ 30.00 N, Jim Rutledge - " " " _----------- 30.00 Burns -McKenzie - Fuel for fire hall ----------- 52.50 %, Safety Supply Co.- Fire Dept. equipment ------- 36.30 Jim Rutledge - Fox bounty --------------------- 8.00 ,. Lynn CIjivers - " "-------------------- 4*00 � Hugh Kfitchabaw - " "-------------------- 4.00 James erron - n it .00 � Llo d Jackson - n "-------------------- Y 16.00 \ Erwin Turrill - " it -------------------- 1.00 N Treas. Otter Valley Rod & Gun Club -Fox bounty-- 52.00 N Dennis Garage - Starting fire truck ----------- 1.50 Norma Albright - Offivee help,Feb. 3-12 ------- 32.L8 Robt. Grant - In. ins. stamp ------------------- 14'04,%, Norma Albright - Office help, Feb -17-18 ------- 11.$2 r Robt. Grant - Un. ins stamp ___________________ *36.% J. L. Dennie - Fire chief for Feb. ------------ a5.00-% ct n - St. Lts, n it ----------- 5.00 J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------- 269.$ Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ------------- 7. 0 Chas. D. Phillips - Attending convention ------ 35.00 1 Normans Pressey - It it ------- 35.00 Basil Revibl - Attend 2 meetings -------------- 26.00 • Don. M: Chute - " 2 "---------------- 26.00 ,\ Chas. D. Phillips - " 2 " ________ _______ 26„04 Harold Bennett - " 2 "--------------- 26.00 Norman Pressey - " 2 "--------------- 26.00 Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That this council adjourn to meet again on April 6th. at 1.00 p.m ... Carried. FIN, Vf. 4 rx. 559 Township Office, Straffordville, April 6th. 1959. Pursuant to adjournment of March 2nd., the regular meeting of the council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Tlevill presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting wwre read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received included the following; - Copy of County By -Law No. 17.2 setting forth the equalized assessment for 1959., The Canadian Bank of Commerce advised that the interest rate had been increas-9 ed to 5• R Departmental approval was received for new Chev. 5 ton dump truck. Approval was received from the Dept. of Transport for By -Law No. 1392 respect- ing parking of vehicles in Straffordville. Otter Creek sons. Authority minutes of March 6th, were received as well as notice that Bayhamts levy for 1959 would be $1440.00 A request for a grant was received from the National Council of Y.M.C.A. Requests for membership were received from the Firements Association of Ontario and Elgin County Mutual Aid Fire Servi3e Assn. Advice was received from the London Office of ept, of Highways that certain transfer s were necessary in respect to roads expenditures for 1954 accounts. A copy of Ontario Fuel Board Certificate No. 259 re. Union Gas Company was received and filed. The Dept. of Municipal Affairs advised that the Federal -Provincial Works Stimulation program for 1959 had been extended to May 3191959. A bulletin was received from the Fire Marshallts Office re. snow loads on roofb Also a copy of coronerts jury report on Listowel disaster was received. A notice of school for fire chiefs at Toronto and one Road Road Supts. were also receiced. A bulletin was received from Dept. of Municipal Affaits respecting hospital insurance payments. The Clerk advised that a claim for damages to car of Howard Roloson had been received and forwarded to insurance agents. A request for grant was received from the Township Road Supts. Assn. A copy of Prime Minister's statement on Civil Defense was recefived from the Minister of Planning and Development. Mr. Chas. Winter met with the council and discussed road drainage near his farm. " Moved by Bennett Seconded by Phillips- That this council meeting adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 p.m...Carried. Council resumed regular session about 1.30 p.m. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Drain Inspector be authorized to have repairs made to the following drains;- Palmer, Pollick, Winter, Mitts and Szakal. Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That this Township join the Elkin County Mutual Aid Fire Service Association and Clerk send fee of $5.l...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That in respect to roads expenditure for 1958 under By - Law No. 1304, it is herewith resolved that the following transfers be made; - $5399.00 New machinery to Road Construction. 2500.00 Road Maintenance to Road Construction 1000.00 Bridge & Culvert Maintenance to Road Construction 3500.00 Bridge & Culvert Maintenance to B/C Construction. Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Chute- That this council authorize the Road Supto to attend Road Superintendent's school at Toronto, Ontario, May 11th. and 12th. and forward fee of $3.00...Carried. Moved by Phillips �) Seconed by Pressey- That the usual ggrant of $25.00 be made to the Elgin County Tovmship Road Supts. Association...Carried. w The matter of refuse dump on the property of Mrs. DeClercq was discussed and a►-` the Road Supt, requested to have same cleaned up. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this council allow Mrs. DeClercq $50. per year for use of area as a public dump...Carried. f� #1394 #1395 #1396 Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1393 provide for a discount for payment of taxes in advance penalty for non payment of taxes when due, be now read Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1393 time..Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1393 time and finally passed...Carried. The Treasurer's budgot for 1959 was then Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the Township rate residential and 21.4 mills for industrial Treasurer's budget be adopted... Carried. being a by-law to and for imposing a a first time...Carried. be now read a second be now read a third considered by the council, be set at 17.4 mills for farm and and commercial for 1959 and the The Clerk advised that very recently, relations had been changed respecting school grants by Townships for teachers salaries but that School Boards and Municipal Offices had not been advised of same in time to include this change in trustees' requisitions. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That whereas Township grants to school boards for teache salaries have been discintinuedrp effective Jan. 1st. 1959, be it therefore res. olved that this council amend requisitions of school boards, where necessary, in order that the sum they would have received in Township grant be added to the respective trustees' levies...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1394, being a by-law to adopt the assessment for 1959, to levy the taxes for 1959 and to provide for -the collection thereof, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 139. be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that time and finally passed... Carried. roved b hu e By -Law No. 1394 be now read a third Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law 1,o. 1395, being a by-law to authorize the Corporation to enter into a contract with the H.E.P.C. of Ontar for the lighting of streets in the Township, be now read a first time...Carri Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1395 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1395 be now read a third time and finally passed..,Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That Daylight Saving Time be in effect in from midnight Apr, 25/59 to midnight Sept. 26/59 ... Carried. Bayham Township] Mr. Howard Coomber, Bayhamts representative on the East Elgin High School Board met with the council and presented a by-law to provide for guaranteeing Bayham's portion of debentures for an addition to the Aylmer school. Consider- able discussion was held on the matter and Mr. Coomber also arranged for the council to meet with him on the site of the Coomber Drain while inspecting roads. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1396 being a by-law to guarun ee to the Town3of Aylmer, Bayhamt s portion of det enture for an -addition to the East Elgin District High School, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No, 1396 be now read'a second time...Carried. 0 561 Moved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1396 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That in accordance with resolution of Sept. $, 1958, the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and affix Township Seal to deed of land to Mr. Walter Nelson, being closed and unused road allowance between newth ends of lots 5 and 6, Concession 10...Carried. Insurance coverages on "he buildings of 1hos, Scvttt discussed by the members �L and the matter left in the hands of the eeve and Clerk, providing that at least 3100. be placed on same. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $11,006.90 for roads and bridges and $3,226.38 for general accounts...Carried.'' Roads and Brddges accounts -Mar. 1 to 15th.--- 937.76\ n rr n n _ ti 16 to 31st. -- 10069.14 --, Dorothy Dagg- Relief for March -------------- 50-00--., Central Pipe Lines - Gas for hall ----------- 14.85 Robt. Grant - Stamps for auditors ----------- 15.00 1\ H.E.P.C.- Instal.Corinth St. Lts.------------ 89$.45 Jim Rutlege - Relief for April ------------- gennedy 30.00 N Florence - " " " -_ -____w____- 20.00-\ Geo. McGregor - " " "------------- 30.00 \ John Spiece - " " "------------- 10.00--., Iva McCurdy - " " "------------- 70-00-,, Dorothy Dagg - " " "-------- ---Aft 50.00 Gertrude Roloson- " " " ------------- 27.00 Flossie Orr - " " "------- ------ 30.00 Robt. Grant - P.O. Box rental --------------- 5.00 H.E.P.C.- Hydro for hall & office ----------- 33o95,\ " ?I - " " ----- fire hall ---------- 2 3 9 Treas. Malahide Twp.- Relief for G.Gould ---- 5.18 N itTillsonburg - " " G. Gale ----- 15.03 " Chatham - " " L.Kivell --- 21.64 " Toronto - " " J. Bencze -- 24.90 News Printing Co.- Notices & advt.---------- 49.35\ L. & R. Electric - Service oil burner ------- 8.00 � Geo. Chute - Gas for fire truck ------------- 89.50 W* G. Webster - Office supplies ------------- 11.95N. Municipal World Ltd.- Dog Tags & Licneses --- 56.07 � Treas. of Ontario - Relief subsidy refund --- 1017.02 � Hotchkiss Appliances - Elect.outlet F.D. ---- 1.29 N Hamilton, Ward & Cathers- Adj.Comp. Ins. ---- 8.07 Registry Office,Elgin- Search re. T.Scott --- 1.20 Eltin County Mut.Aid Fire Service Assnv Fee - 5.00 Township Road Suptst Assn.- Grant ----------- 25.00 James Tupper - Fox Bounty ------------------- 4.00 Gerald Tupper - " "------------------- .00%.. Lloyd Jackson- tr r: ------- _-------- _-- 16.00 •. Keith Ketchabaw 4.00 Geo. Moesberger - " "--------------------- 4.00 Lyle Walsh - " "------------------- 12.00 Lloyd Goldthorp- " "------------------ 4.00 Wm. Partington - " "------------------- 8.00 Norma Albright - Office help Mar. 1-15 ------ $.$4 Robt. Grant - In. Ins. stamp ---------------- .28%, Receiver General - Pension ded. re. Vallee -- 43.74 1 n n _ Twp. share " " - Norma Albright - fice help Mar.19-Apr.3 --- ft .64 20 4%, Robt. Grant - Un. Ins. stamp ---------------- ,72 Elton H. Jackson - Eq. school section ------- 54,00\ Gerald Wisson - Killing 3 dogs -------------- 9.00%, J. L. Dennis - Fire Ohief for March --------- 35 00 n n - St. Lts, n " --------- 5.00 \, J. D. Val6ee - To apply on salary ----------- 269.1$ Receiver eneral - Tax re. Vallee ----------- 7.60 �, Basil Revill - Attend i meeting ------------- 13.00 \ Don. M. Chute - " 1 " _____________ 13.00, Chas. D. Phillips- '" 1 "------------- 13.00 U1 562 Harold Bennett - Attend 1 meeting ------------- $ 13.00 -*. Norman Pressey - " 1 "------------- 13.00 \ Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this council adjourn to meet again in regular session on May 4th. 1959 at 1 p.m....Carried. v eeve. Township Office, Straffordville, May lith. 1959. Pursuant to adjournment of !April 6th., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nevill presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received included the following; - Letters respecting the coomber drains were received from the C.N.R and Mr. McKay of Archibald, Gray and McKay. Approval was received from the Dept. of Highways on Township B - Law H0.1389• Balance of road subsidy for 1958 was received in an amount of 123,297.$9• Advice was received from the Canadian Bank of Commerce that the interest rate had again risen by � of 1% to $1%. The Office of the Deputy Provincial Secretary advised that incorporation had been granted to the Otter Valley Rod and Gun Club, providing �Jjy for clubhouse to be maintained on lot 127 N.T.R. only. Information was received from Dept. of Agriculture respecting payment of compensation for loss by rabies by county councils. A request for grant was received from Tillsonburg Fair Board and one for sidewalk grant from the Eden Community Centre Board. County of Elgin By -Law No. 1737 together with financial report was received, A letter with by-law was received from Grant C. Broom, Tillsonburg Solicitor, A request for some action towards a safer display of fireworks with a view of reducing accidents was received from the Bayham Area Home & School Assn, The Clerk was instructed to reply to same. Clerk Vallee reported that a refund of $12.60 had been received from the Ontario Hospital Services Commission. Mrs. Teall waited on the council and requested that the council erect a fence and gate for Otter Valley Cemetery. Reeve Netill agreed to meet with Mrs. Teall on this site and discuss locations, etc, Mr. Howard Coomber met with the council and served a notice from lois solicitors regarding alleged improper defective and faulty constructions of portions of Coomber Drains together with a demand for damages for injuries suffered to his lands as a result of the said defects and over flow. Mr. Walter Nelson being a party to this notice along with Mr. Coomber. The Clerk was instrueted to contact Township Solicitor in regards to this matter. Mnved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this council authorize the erection of a fence and 12 ft. gate for Otter Valley Cemetery... Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That a grant of $25.00 be made to the Tillsonburg and District AgrAculture Society... Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the following expenditures for sidewalks be maddin the Township for 1959.- Straffordville - $400. Eden ------ X200, Richmond ---- 1000 Corinth --- 100, ...Carried. ,r1397 r �1398 Vk Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Treasurer be and is hereby complete payment on Jacko Drain tp Contractor on receipt Certificate of satisfactory completion... Carried.. Mr. John Morse waited on the council and requested Aylmer and East Elgin Fair Board for 1959• Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- That this council make a grant Aylmer & East Elgin Fair Board... Not Carried. 563 authorized to of Engineerts an increased grant for of $125.00 to the Moved by Bennett Seconded by Chute- That this council make a grant of $100.00 to the Aylmer a East Elgin Fair Board... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That the Clerk be authorized to subscribe for one year at $5.00 to the Dept. of Municipal Affairs for new publication on Ontario Municipal Board Decisions, issued quarterly... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips - That application for subsidy under Federal -Provinc- ial Works Stimulation program for 1959, be authorized in an amount of $256$.44... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That in reply to request by Canadian National Rys. re. tax arrears, this municipality will advise the C.N.R. annually of any tax arrears owing by tenants of railway property...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That John AC. tribe & N. Pressey be authorized to inspect farm drainage of Mr. Walter `nelson under the Tile Drainage Act... Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1397 being a by-law to approve of the borrowing of $606,000.00 by the Town$ of Tillsonburg upon debentures for the erection,equipment and furnishings of a high school building in the Tillsonburg High School District, be now read a first time. Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1397 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that bjly-Law No. 1397 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that provide for additional 1959 expenditure ship of $42,000.00 be now read a first Moved by Phillips Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that time ... Carried. Moved by Pressey By -Law No. 1398 being a by-law to on roads and bridge in Bayham Town - time... Carried. By -Law No. 1398 be now read a second Seconded by Chute- And resolved -that By -Law No. 1398 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. During the meeting, several persons waited on the council and requested drainage repair work. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the council authorize repairs to the following Municipal Drains;- Coyle, Pollick, Corinth, Carnes Branch and rn...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $4235.35 for roads and bridges and $3385.67 for general accounts...Carried. Roads.-Acapupts 'iiPliptiloisti,, 4 6 15tkv--------- $105$.90* j tt n _ IT 16 to 31D ---------- 3176.45♦ Gordon Empey - Relief for April ------------- .01 Elmer Roloson - " " n -- --____ 21 o0;:800 Canadian Bank of Commerce- School Deb. ------ Registry Office,Elgin- Rea.tax Cert.& search -- $ Central Pipe Lines Ltd.- Gas for hall --------- Florence Kennedy- R&lief for May ------------- y Geo. McGregor - n ►► it ______------ John Spiece - ►r ,► ,r ---------- Iva McCurdy - ►► it ,►----------__ Gertrude Roloson - " it Flossie Orr - ,► ,► „ --------- Jim Rutledge - ,► r, „ __-_________ I.D.Cameron Sheriff- Search re. T.Scott ------ Treas. Charlotteville Twp.- Relief for J.Gustin " of Toronto - Relief for J. Bencz ------ " It Chatham - ,► it Mrs. Kivell -- A?Squire Craig View Nursing Home -Care E.Willison Fred A. Bell - Copy Plans a Rep. Benner Dr. ----- J. D. ValleeT Meals inspecting roads ---------- Burns McKenzie - Fuel for office ------- _______ W. G. Webster - Office supplies --------------- Rex Bros. - Supplies -------------------------- Lloyd Jackson - Fox Bounty -------------------- NelsonBoyd - if it -------------- -__ Blake Gibbons- " " ------------ Jim Chrysler Chrysler - r, tr---------_________.._ Receiver General of Canada - Stamps ----------- Elmer Roloson- Relief for May ----------------- Treas. Aylmer & E.Elgin Fair Bd.- Grant ------- Dept. of Municipal Affairs- i yr. subsc .------- Treas. Tillsonburg & Dist.Fair Bd.- Grant ----- Norma Albright - Office help Apr. 1-15-----_-- Robt. Grant - Un, ins. stamp __________________ Norma AlbEight - Office help Apr. 16 -30 ------- Receiver eneral- Un. ins. stamp -------------- J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for April ----------- " it - St. Lts. ►► " ----------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary-------------- Receivgr General- Tax re. Vallee ______________ Basil Nevill - Attend 1 meeting --------------- Don. M', Chute - " 1 " --------------- Chas. D.Phillips- " 1 Tr --------------- Norman Eressey - " 1 Harold �ennett - r' 1 " --------------- Basil Nevill- Roads 2 days a car 2 days ------- Don. M. Chute - " 2 t1 ------------------- Chas. D. Phillips- " 2 " & car J day -------- Harold Bennett - " 2 " & car 1 r' -------- Norman Pressey - " 2---------------- 211` 9. t 20.00 21.00\ 10.00 %'% 53.00 N 2..00 \ 2..00 21.00 . 90 \ 6.05 12.45 21.64 43.25 10.00 t 29.10 R 18.10 11.65 3.02 \ 12.00t 8.00 1.00 \ 6.00\ 19.00' 24.00 P% 100.00 5.00 25.00 11.8 29.64 N .721 35.00 5.00'% w59.b0 � 7• 13.00 13.00 13.00 N 13.00s\ 13.00 26.00 31.00 36.00 26.00 564 Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this council adjourn to meet again on Thursday, June 4th, at 1 p.m....Carried. Reeve, r] 565 Township Office, May 26th. 19590 A special meeting of the council of the Township of Bayham was held on the evening of the above date for the purpose of discussing Coomber Drain matter and other business. All members were present and Reeve Nevill presided. Also: in attendance were Road Supt. Tribe and Mr. J. A. McKay, drainage engineer. Reeve Nevill reviewed that matter of the Coomber Drains with those present and the Clerk read correspondence received from Township Solicitor Gibson, including a copy of letter from Mr. E. S. Livermore. This matter was thror- ughly discussed with Mr. McKay. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That Mr. S. W. Archibald or Mr. J. A. McKay surveyors of London, Ontario, be requested to make a report under Section �7 of The Municipal Drainage Act, on "G" Drain of the Coomber Municipal Drains. Carried. Mr. McKay promised to give this matter attention at the earliest possible date. Mr. Howard Palmer met with the members and discussed matter pertaining to Township work at the Bartlett Bridge site and completion of contract by the Bonding Company. Mr. Palmer was authorized to move certain piles of earth in to old channels from Bartlett and Godby properties in order to complete channelling and to finish playing of earth at wing -walls. He was also auth- orized to re -move a projecting corner on creek immediately west of new channel. The Clerk office. Moved by Seconded was authorized to procure a new aluminum combination doDr for Chute by Phillips- That this council meeting adjourn...Carried. Reeve. Township Office, Straffordville, June 4th. 1959• Puruuant to adjournment of May 4th., the regular meeting of the council of the Township Of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nevill presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received and discussed included the following. - A letter was received from The Guarantee Comp4ny of North America confirming that the Mobile Mix Concrete Company had been paid for 340 cu. yds of ready mix for Bartlett Bridge. Progress report #a. --,was received from Mr. W. C. McDowell re. Bartlett Bridge. Advice was received from the Ontario Treasury De ,,.that By -Law No. 1390 re. Tile Draihage Act should have Ontario Municipal�08proval. Circulars were received from the Dept. of Lands Aand Forests regarding the reporting of forest fires in the Lake Erie Dostrict. ;f The Otter Creek Conservation Authority advised that the sun of $435.00 had been paid to residents of Bayham as wages under the wintbr works program. Also copies of minutes of several meetings were received. Street Lighting Agreement for Corinth Street Lights, duly signed, was received. Approval of Roads By -Law No. 1391 was received. A copy of Board's order respecting new Tillsonburg District High School was received from Grant C. Brown,0'.C, The Canadian Bank of Commerce advised again that the interest ratelwould be increased on May 20th. 1959 to 5N, The sum of $431.33 was received is Provincial aid to drainage on the Juranic Municipal Drain. Advice was received from the Attorney General's Office that a school for police was being established. 0 Sbb Mr. Linton of Gibbon and Linton Office, requested completion of deed for alley in Eden to Mrs. Howey as the Moore property had now charred hands and agreement had been made in respect of property fenced off. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That a restaurant licence be approved for Mrs. Edna McGrath of Straffordville... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign andseal with the Township Seal, a deed to Mrs. Gladys Vivian Howey of a portion of an alley in Eden, more particularly described and authorized in By -Law No. 1369, passed on May 30, 1958...Carried. Considerable discussion was held in respect to Bartlett Bridge matters and the Calton Development Road. '_°,7r. Walter Nelson requested assistance under the Tile Drainage Act for farm drainage. Moved by Chute Seconded. by Phillips- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $12,860.79 for roads and bridges and X1516.52 for general accounts..Carried. Roads and Bridges- Ray list, May 1-15 ------- 675.70 t t' " " - accounts May 16-11 ------- 1218,.09 ,*., Dorothy Dagg - Relief for 'May _______________ 40.00L Central Pipe Lines- Gas for hall ------------ 10.$5\ G.Duncan Black - Insp. Jacko Drain ---------- 50.00 A. C. Eckford - Bal. contract Jackp Dr.------ 261.96 \ Registry Office - Reg.Treas. Decl.re.Scott--- 1.15N Norma AlbEight - Office help, Tiayl-15-------- 29.64's. eceiver eneraA - Un. ins stamp ------------.72 � Agnes Jordan - elief for rt Ma ---------- part y 37.17 Ralph Mcg,-uiggan- " r+ ►t rrJordan ---- 7.83-\ Aylmer & Malahide 'del. Co. - Office phone ----- 2$.15\ Jim Rutledge - Belief for June -------------- 24.00\ Florence Kennedy- T' " "-------------- 20.00 Georhe McGregor - " ,r r: ------------ \ 2..00*\ John Spiece - " " "------------- 10.00 Iva McCurdy - " " "------------- 31.00 \ Gertrude Roloson - " " "------------- 24.00\ Flossie Orr ------------- 24*00 A . Jordan 8, Mrs. B. Russell- Rel. for dune --- 22.50 Provincial Treas- Insulin for G.McGregor --- *47. Treas. of CharlotUev lle- Rel. for Dustin --- hel. 11.05\ It 11Toronto- Edr J Bencze------- 12.17 N TTevna.n' s Flower Shop- Flowers " eeve Nevill -- 6.25 S.R.Hart & Co.Ltd.- Assessment a supplies --- 61.30 N Bob Vallee - Brushing Adler Drain ----------- $.00 John Walsh - " " "---------- $.00 Larry Martyr $.00 Jim Gibbons ------- 4.00-4 Treas. ilgin County - 1958 Hospitalization -- 7$.00 \ McConkey's Store- Corith St. lights --------- $.60 -%, Gestetner Ltd.- Voters list supplies -------- 57o88,, Craigview Nursing Home- Care re.E.Willison -- 46.25 \ Mitchell & CamerRn -'Ins. re. T.Scott------- 49.30 \ Dennis Garage - epairs to fire truck ------- 11.20 ,\ Ralph Hurley - Fox bounty ------------------ 12.00 Thos. Edgar - it n ------------------ 20.00 Geo.Moosberger- n »------------------ 1.00 1 Skean Brinn - " n ------------------ 1200 Steve Nexezon - " "------------------ 1.00 J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for May ----------- 35.00 n n --St. Lts, n it ---------- 5.00 J. D. Val ee - To apply on salary ----------- Receiver deneral 269 ,.18 - Tax re. Vallee ----------- 7060 Basil Nevill - Attend 2 meetings ------------ 26.00-%, Don. M. Chute - " 2 "------------- 26.00 s, I 56? Chas. D. Phillips - Attend 2 meetings ---------- 26.00. Harold Bennett - " 2 "--=-------- 26.00,\ Norman Pressey - " 2 it 26.00 � Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips - Tha t this Council adjourn to meet again on July 6th. at 1 p.m...Carried. ft Township Office, Straffordville, June 25th. 19590 A special meeting of the council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nevill presiding. The purpose of the meeting was to meet with Mr. Peanson of the Department of Planning and vevelopment and to discuss Development Road and Bartlett Bridge matters. TfIr. Pearson discussed with the members very throwghly, the matter of sub- division, control, building regulations, and planning area, and the steps to take to incorporate the same. The council members asked several questions pertaining to the above matters and others incidental thereto. Mr. Pearson recommended that some action along this line should be taken in the near future and his Department would give full co-operation. Moved by Bennett - Seconded by Pressey- That the Clerk have the Township Solicitor prepare a by-law to designate the whole of the Township of Bayham including all reg- istered plans and part lot control for subdivision control purposes under Section 24 of The Planning Act... Carried. r -loved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That it is hereby requested by this resolution, that the Minister of Planning and Development define the Township of Bayham as a Plannin€ Area...Carried. The matter of acquiring the old Tribe house and the moving of the Reg. Mcntuiggan tenant house was discussed with the members. The Clerk read a letter date of June 25th. from Mr. MacDougall, Construction Engineer, of the Dept. of Highways, advising that the above would be necessary for the construction of the Calton Development Road. The Reeve reported that an option had been taken on the Tribe property for 4550. including house qnd about one acre of land, and that tenders bad been received for the relocat- ing of the Mcr uiggan house. . Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the Township proceed to purchase the old house and about one acre of land from Gordon and Ethel Tribe in accordance with option bf*date of June 9th. 1959, for X550.00 and that the Township Solicitor complete conveyances as necessary...Carried. Reeve Nevill was authorized to contact Mr. Reg. McQuiggan and propose that he accept '1600. for re -locating his house in accordanc-. with the lowest tenders received plus ;x150. for hydro and water and X50. for supervision. An agreement to this effect to be prepared by the Township Solicitor, The Road Supt. was directed to complete the filling of Bhannel on the Frank Bartlett property in accordance with agreement while he had machines on the second concession building up the Township road. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That this council adjourn to meet again,on J y 6th. at 10.30 A.M...Carried. / Reeve Clerk Township Office, Straffordville, July 6th. 1959. The regula#r meeting of the council above date with all members present Moved by Bennett Seconded. by Phillips- That Don. T -i. absence of Reeve Nevill...Carried. 568 of tae Township of Balrham was held on the except Ree'bre Nevill. Chute preside at this meeting in the Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. A request was received from Miessrs. Lerner, Lerner & Bitz to have the read- ing of the report on the Coomber municipal B. Drain adjourned.tV a later dat T,loved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- That the reading of the Engineer's report on the Coomber Municipal B Drain Extension be adjourned to I':ugust 4th. at 3 p.m. in accordance with the request of Mr. Lerner... Carried. Requests for refund in 1959 taxes were received from Mr. Gordon Robertson and Mrs. Melba Smuck. Government grants were received as follow'; - Childrens' Alld pusp�%_'F's ---- 741.05 Jacko Drain grant ---- 529.25 Fire De nartment grant ---- 18.75 Interim Unconditional grant ---- 5$01.55 Information was received from the Agricultural Office respecting Farm Accident suvey and Farmstead Improvement Contest. Approval was received for By -Law No. 1398 being supplementary roads by-law. Correspmndence was received from McNevin, Gee & O'Connor and Uion Gas Co. as well as the Fuel Board and City of `�yoodstock regarding Extension of Present Gas Rates for a twelve month period. Communications were received from The Ontario 'i%unicipal Board regarding the Tile Draina e assistance by-law. signed petition was received for the drainage of lots 23, 24 i1nd 25, Cone. 3 and 4. The matter ofprocuring feed for pheasants was discussed. . ��oved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to make payments from special Township licence Fund for feed for pheasants... Carried. A. oved by Philips Seconded by ennett- That the council members be the 1959 Court of Revision for assessment purposes...oarried. :ioved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- That 1959 taxes in an amount of $5.55 e written off Roll No. 461- Gordon Robertson, under section 124 of the Assessment Act, as about 22 acres of land was sold to Elgin County in Feb -March 1959• •.Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That Road Supt. Tribe sign drain petition dor drainage of lots 23, 24 & 25, Conc. 3 & 4...Carried. Roved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- That the drainage petition for drainage of lots 23, 24 & 25, Conc. 3 & 4, be accepted and Duncan Black be requested to make --a sury plan and report on same... Carried. I -loved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- That a Restaurant licence be granted to Thos. Nedozytho of R.R.1, Eden for Roadside Coffee Shop...Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1399 ,��`�`%}�1�� being a by-law to rescind By -Law No. 1390 (Tile Drainage) , be now read a first 1399 time...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1399 be now rea& a. second time... Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1399 be -now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. 01 - 569 I -loved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1100, being a by-law to re raise ;'50,000.00 to aid in the construction of tile, stone or timber drains,. rr� 1.00 be now read a first time... Carried. Tioved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law ISo. 1400 be now read a second time and provisionally passed ... C arrie & Mr. B. Toth and Mr. 8-, I-Irs. Arthur Seghers met with the council and discussed in general the matter of a sub -division on property recently acquired by ilr. Seghers in lot 124, Conc, 6. The proposed plan was finally referred back to Surveyor '°Jeston for further information. I��essrs. Kesteloots and Schonbergers met with the council and discussed in detail thematter of procuring deeds for closed roadway between their resp- ective properties. It was agreed that Mrs. Schonberger should have the west half of said road a distance 1360 feet south from concession road and Mir. Ketteloot to have the east half of this portion together with the whole of the said road from this point on to the south end of his lot. A review of tax arreas was held with the Treasurer and reports given on CD special letter sent out on June 9th. 1957. ?`roved by Phillips Seconded by Bennett- That the 'Treasurer and Tax Collector be authorized and directed to engage a Bailiff and take action as necessary to collect tax arrears from Geo. Lysy for Rosa DeKorda property and from Herman Schilling on his property and any other properties as deemed adviseable...Carried. Moved by Bennett .66 Seconded by Pressey- That Reeve eyill and Chas. Phillips be allowed $13.00 each for personal services on Development Road projects...Carried. Mloved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- That August 3rd* be declared a civic and public holidal in and for the Township of Bayham...Carried. Moved by Phillips ri Seconded by B nne tt- That of " � s3, 019.58 for roads and accounts... Carried. the Deputy Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts bridges accounts and $1,910.77 for general Central Pipe Lines - Gas for hall ------------- Ontario Iaunicipal Bd.- Fee Tile Drain.B/L ----- Receiver General of Canada - Stamps -__________ Agnes Jordan & Mrs. B.Rubhell- Rel . 1 June ------ Receiver General - Stamps for tax notices ----- J im Rutledge - Relief for July ---------------- Florence Kennedy- " " IT --------------- Geo. McGregor - ►, ►► It --------------- John Spiece - ►► t► " --------------- Gertrude Roloson- ►► ►► "--------------_ Flossie Orr - " r► 't --------------- Agnes Jordan & Ylrs.B.Russell- Rel z July ------ Iva I•IcCurdy- Relief for July ------------------ Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies --______-_______ News Printing Co.- Printing etc.-------------- Deller's Tile Ltd.- Tile for Arn Drain -------- Lloyd Grant - Prem, safe burglary policy ------ Treas. of Toronto Relief fgr J.Bencze.May --- Craigview Nursing Home- Care E.Vlillison------- ►► ►► ►► _ Dru;s for "------- vlm. Partington - Fox Bounty ------------------- Peters Brown & Co.- Supplies re. audit------- SummerAayes Lumber Ltd.- Office door---------- H.E.P.C.- Hydro for hall & office ------------- ►► ►► _ it ►► fire hall ---------------- Eden Cartage - Pushing garbage into gulley ---- Gerald Wisson - Killing dog ------------------- Norma Albright - Office work, June 1 -15 ------- Receiver General - Un. Insurance --------------- - No^rma Albric-ht - Office work June16-39------ YJ. L. Kenney - Care Eden St. Lts. A yr ------ 2.00 10.00 10.00 62 • oa♦ 3. ,%. 2..00 20.00 24. 00 10.00 24.00 r 24.00 22.50,, 3771:69� 96.24 3• $4 29.00 1 12.17♦ 43.25 4.85 8.00 12. $0 18 .9•98N 27.22 21.00 3.00 20.6. .72 26.62 2400 � 5701 N. L. Chute - Cleaning office ------------------- J. L. Dennis - Fire chief for June -------------- " it - St. Lts. for June ---------------- McDowell & Jewitt - Survey etc. L.Ot'ter Cr.Div.-- J. D. Vallee - Clerkts fee & B/L. It " " " -- It g _ To apply on salary --------------- Receiver eneral - Tax re. Vallee --------------- Peters, Brown e, Co.- Bal. 1958 audit fee -------- Receiver Ge$eral- Pension deductions re. Vallee-- " " Township share " -- Basil Nevill - Attend 1 meeting ----------------- Don. M.. Chute - rr 2 it ----------------- Chas. D. Phillips- " 2 1T ----------------- Harold Bennett - r, 2 rr _________________ Norman Pressey - " 2 " ----------------- Basil Nevill - I day on Dev. Road --------------- Chas. D. Phillips - 1 day on Dev. oad---------- 25.00' 35.00-% 5.00 65.00 \ 105.00\ 268.93 8.15 500.00 43,74%, 43.74 13-00% 26.001 26.00 26.00 26.00 13.00 . 13.00 T-Toved by Phillips Seconded by Bennett- That this council adjourn to meet again on August lith. at l.00 p.m...Carried. a ry- Township Office, Straffordville, August l+, 1959. The regular meeting of the council of the Tovrnship of Bay ham eras held on the above date with all members present except Councillor Pressey. Reeve Nevill presided. T inute s of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was dorie. Communications received included the following. - post sanatorium care notice was received from Bec1. � emorial Sanator iwn respecting Linda ;lay Ralf. ..rs. Joseph requested dental help for her granddaughter Shirley. Letters :•rere received from Mr. Earl D. Tv,00re regarding the Robt. 1.1cCurdy case. A re-newal was received for the Spraying Lihbility policy. sir. G. Duncan Black advised regarding Adler Drain and drain at lots 23-25, Concessions 3 and 4. A letter was received from "r. ".11an, Kanaaer of the Imperial Bank, request- yng an adjustment of 1959 taxes owing to re-moval of building. A request was received from the City of Barrie for support of resolution regarding additional braking equip^lent for busses and trucks over 4 ton gross weight. Appreciation for financial assistance was received from the Aylmer & East Elgin Fair Board. Communications were received from the com-nittee in respect to rates, etc., re. Union Gas Co. Several letters ei�e received from the llept. of Plannin and Development regarding a planning area and also in respect to certain by-laws. Communications were also received from The Guarantee Co. of North America, Solicitor Gibson, C. McDowell and 11r.{d. E. Cooke, Assistant District i-'unicipal Engineer, in respect to final payment re. Bartlett bridge. The Dept. of Highways also advised that it would be necessary to procure two further easements in respect to Calton development Road as per plan forirrarded. 1,1oved by Bennett Seconded by Phillips- That the 1959 of the Assessment Act as follows; - Roll No. 627, 1st. instalment " n 627, 2nd, rr taxes be written off as building removed June 15/59 by the Imperial 6r 3'b 7 2 under section 124 bank f Canada... Carried. 571 1,1r. Flick met with the council and discussed the matter of tax arrears of his father, P -r. Harry Flick. Other cases of tax arrears were also discussed, by -the council. Moved by Chute 0-1 Seconded by Phillips- That this council be in favour of the formation of a joint planning area with the Villages of Vienna and Port Dur sell and the Clerk 0 arrange a joint meeting when possible...Carried. .Ir, '.':alter Nelson, Chammar. of the Dayham Branch of the Elgin County F arm - stead Improvement Contest, waited on the council and requested their support and financial help. It -..!as decided to wait and ascertain what the other municipalities in Elgin were doing. At 3 P.;�I. thteport on the Coomber 111.11nicipal B Drain Extension was read. Present were r- Messrs. -'lalter Nelson and Howard Coomber and their : solicitor, T.ir. Lerner. Present also was 1dr. E. S. Livermore as solicitor for the Township of Bayham and I -s. S. 11. 1.rchibald, of the firm of Archibald, Gray and McKay, Engineer on the said drain. Considerable discussion �­ras held and a couple of changes suggested. Por. Lerner advised that his client, -r. Coomber v., ld be appealing the benefit assessment on the said drain at the proper time and also would like?y make a claim for damages suffered. 1.1oved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the report of the Coomber Kunicil)al B Drain Extension, dated Tay 29, 1959, be refered back to the Engineer for re- consideration... Carried. Road `cork and fhe financial position of the roads accounts were thoroughly discussed, the Road Supt. advsing that there v.,as only sufficient funds rernai n'ing �'or the operation of the To�irnships o.�m machines and pay employees. It was decided that the hiring; of outside machines would cease at once and work done as best it could be ,Ath the Township's ovzi forces. Councillor Bennett advised that the School Board for S. S. %o. 16 required an issue of debentures for an addition. He agreed to make contact with them � nj request further information and particulars. The Tax Collector gave a re ort on collection of current taxes for the month of July, the sum of ;'67,610.03 being collected. T�Toved by Chute Seconded by Bannett- That the Reeve sin -n the order sheets in amounts of .;,12, 330.71 for roads and bridges, and 1415.62 for general ac counts.Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts - July- 1 -15th. pay list -- rt tt - tt 16 -31 -- Central Pipe Lines- Gas for hall ---________________ Betty T-lcLain - Relief for part July ---------------- znes JorC.an G� T• rs.B.Russell- Relief for -1, Ju?.y ---- Ontario Hydro- .Eden St. Lights, year "lorence Frennedy - Relief for August -------- ------- George 'tt -----____------ John Spiece - tr tt rr _______________ Iva 7"clurdy - tr rr rr _______________ Gertrude Roloson - " " ': --------------- Flossie Orr - „ tt tt _______________ Jim utledge --------------- nes Jordan & T-"rs.B._'Zussell- " t' part August ----- L',etty i-'cLain - Relief for z August ----------------- Gibson & Linton - Legal fees re. Bartlett bridge --- Durns McKenzie - Fuel _for office----------------�--- Ontario T`unicipal Stationers- Of'"'ice supplies ------ Registry Office, Elgin - Fee re. lift -------------- Thomson' s Drug Stake - ?rugs for J.Rutledge-------- Peter J. 01oin - Fee for Crown `'ttorney------------ ?'ike Peltz - :^.11owance re.L.Otter Cr. -)iv. 2------- Irche e Coyle- tr If tt tt tt - ----- Treas. of Toronto- Relief for J.b'encze, June-------- CraiEview "Nursing Horie- Care E. Tillison------------ 1% llcm "alsh Pltinbirg -Repairs to pump F.D --------- Frank Juhasz - Fox Bounty --.------------------------ lava Brinn - it " --------------------- 37.33\ 116-013.3$ ?. D0� 72.00 22, 5Cr\ 102.50,\ ?0,Q0%., 24 * 00 \ 10.00 31.00 2..00 2..00 \ 21.00 \ 22.50 54.00\ 20..19 \ 37.10 25,12,\ 5,56\ 4.00 \ • 17 15 r 25 Or) \ 25.Ooe 12.17 61,57%-... 10.85 \ 11, . 00'\ 4, CO \ r� r__ I 572 Hamilton, ''Tard Cathers- Spray Liability ins. --- Dennis Garage - Repairs to fire truck------------- ijorma AlbFi ght - Office help July 1-15 ---------____ Receiver _`enera.l - Un. insurance stamp-----�----__- "orma Abright - Office help July 15--31 ----------- eral.d issQn - T-illing 2 doffs------------------- L. --------------_-_--__L. Dennis - Fire Chief for July -----------____ " 't - St. Lts. fcr July J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------.--___-__-_ Receiver General - Tax re.Vallee ---------_-_-__.-_- Basil Nevill - ."'ttend 1 mectinp --___-------_--- Don. Chute - '' 1 "-------_-----____ Ch�.s. D. Phillips- " 1 :/ ------------------ �iarol�3ennett - " 1 „ ___________________ 90.00 11.75 23:6L� .72 %.. 1.C4IN • Cn 'ti 35-C ON S.CON ?6$.93 $.15\ 13:00\ 13.00\ 13.00-\ l . CJ '\ i•� "oved by Chute Secon-'od by Bennett- That t -iis council now arl. journ to r.:net again on Sept. lst. at 1 p.m...Carried.. ire eve . .1--, r.;: Totmship office, Straffordville, Sept. 1st, 1Q59 Pursuant to adjournment of Aug, 4th. , the regular meet ino of the council of the Toimship of Bayha.m i as held on the above date with all members present except, De; uty Reeve Chute. Reeve . Nevill presided. 7inutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the folloi-ring business ;gas done* Co � � unicatI ons received and considered included the folloi•Ting; - "everal re-newals of insurance premiums from Hamilton, TTard and Cathers. A request for the usual ;rant for the Elgin County Plowing "atch From =r. V. Langton. letter -gas received -r'rom 7111iss �:innie Chandler, re:-2octin weeds, etc. on closed si deroad i,,!est of her fa—..n. The ept. of i C7' Ioved by Bennett 1100 Seconded by Presley- That By -Law Ho. 1400 be noitir read a thir,-' tin.,e and. 3rd, finally passed... Carried. TIoved by Pressey SFconf'ed by Phillips- That 3y -Late I o. 11;.00 be pyblished in the Tillsonbur g Ile=,rs on Sept. 10, 17 and 21fth... Carried. *'essrs. Cr ant I itc•hell F:Ln ; , representing the Ulgin Co - _e sr Services T,-aitcd on the council an- discussed the .matter of surveys on their property recently purchased fror:7 .en "rant. 1`:.ey also requested tre opening of Third Areet to the west a short distance. The Road Supt. agreed .to co-operate in this mauler. The mater of the unused Second `'treet was also discussed.. I.oveu by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- That the Clerk have -n_ by-law prepared for the closinE of Second Street 'Fest of I;o. 19 ?Ii.,hway to 'Fest Street... Carried. "loved by Bennett Seconded by "ressey- MJ resolver' that By-Lat isTo. 1401, beim a by-lai,,T to ' 1401provide for the Coomber : unicipat B. Brain Extension, be now read a first 1 & 2,time...'arried. I.oved by rressey Seconded b;;- '3ennett- An' resolved that Ry -L 701 401 be notr read a second t and provisionally passed... Carried. oved by Phill rs S-1econded .by Pressey- That the Reeve and Clerk -re hereby authorized to make a rlication gor Provincial "lid To -Drainage in respect to the Coomber unic- ipal B Drain Bxtension...CLarried. I :oven by Pre s s e y Seconded. by Phillips- That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to advert- ise the Coomber ls.unicii a.l B Drain -7.,By -Lay.- by sending by registered post to the last krxo4,m address of each assessed oi-,rner, a copy of the said by-law T -rill: notice of Coutt of 7.evision to ether with notice as to pro- ceedings to quash as provided under Section 25 of the I" unicipal Draina-le Act. *C arried ; Lroved bir Phillips Seconded by Pressey- That the Court of Revision on the Coomber :unicipal 3 Drain Extension be held on Friday, October 2nd. 1Q59, at 2 P.1.I...Carried. 1. ov ed by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- 'What the Clerk have the County ,-seed Tnspector have the Smuck and Prouse properties cleaned up...Carried. oved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- That this Counca_1 make application for interim, payment o `' road. subsidy on an expenditure of . 82, 875.13 and that the proper officers sign same... Carried. 6r Communications and the by-law for Subdivision Control were then considered and discussed. The C1erIR advised that he could` include with the assessment notices, anotice to all landoi-,mer-s concerning the passing of this by-law. moved by Phillips rIN Dccond.ed by Pressey- .,end resolved that By -Law IIo. 1102, bein a bylaw to designate the To •mship df Barham an Area of Sukdivision Control, be now read a first time ... Carri.:d. 1.1oved by Pressey -- Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1102 be now read a second 1102 time...Carried. 11-:oved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey ^tied resolved that By -Lays No. 11.02 be now read a third time and finally passed ... Carried. Road matters were discussed briefly by the members. Moved by r Philli s P � Seconded by Pressey- That tl.e Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of X3773.27 for Road and Bridges and Q1435.08 for General accounts and--f-h"* Po't;y..Carried. Roads ani? Bridges accounts, Aug. 1 -15th. -- � 625o23%,,t „ r, ,► rr 16-13 st . --- 3148.041t. Central Pipe Lines- Gas for hall --------- 1.900" Receiver eneral- Stamps, Issm.notices ---- 63,00N Jordan & .yirs. B. Rua sell- Rel. for :iug, - 22.50 Betty McLain -:belie`' for � -ug. --------- 54-00's, A. L M. Tel, Co.- Office phone ----------- 28.00-\ Florence Relief for gent --------- 1,10.00'� ^eorge cGregor - r' '1 it ------- 21�.00 � John Spiece - " '' ,►------- 10.00 N Iva .1- Curdy - ,► „ '►------- 31.001 Gertrude Roloson- 24-00%., Flossie Orr - '' " ''------- 2..00 Jim Rutledge 24.00 A , Jor(lan & 'v rs.B.Russei_1- Rel. for 1 Sept- 22.50 Betty iicLain -belief for ' Wept, -------- 54.00,\ Provincial Treasurer- Insulin ,G.`'c'7regor-- .Q4 -,, Robt. C.Jaelcson- 2 trips re.P.TRutlecgge --- 9.00t ?lews P--* nting Co.- n:ssm . notices --------- 2 9.97 Ha_milton,7.ra- d ('-L Cathers- Council ins. ---- 50. 00 N » ►r rr r: _ on-o?*med auto QO rr rr rr _ Compe:„cation ins. 3$.50 rr rr rr ,► _ Pt. '-gun. Lia. ins. - 2$1.15 . C . E. Hickey 1'c Sons Ltd.- RepairFire ext.--- 2.4$ McConheyt s General Store- St.Lt;w .ulbs --- 15,00 t s. '.ebster - Office supplies __________ 5,73 \ Jim Rutledge -.Fox Bounty ---------------- 1r.00 Craigview Nurs '.n r home- are T".`.rillison -- 61.75 Dennis Garage - lqepairs to fire truck ---- 23.$0 � Trews. Elgin County Plow..:ssn. - Grant ---- 25.00 \ Norma Abri ht- Office help ug.l -15 ---- 2Q.64 � Rece R ver General- Un.Ins. stamps --___..___ ,72,` Norma 1lbri4ht- ._ffice help, "ug.16-31 ---- 32.1:,$ % Gerald %iss'n - Killing 1 dog ------------ 3.00\ L. Bennis - Fire Chief for ------- 3 .00%, rr ” - St. Lts. for Aug us; _---- -- 5.00 *-% J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary -------- _,8 -93 -- Receiver General - Tax re.Vallee--------- $.15% Basil 71Tevill - _' ..tend 1 meeting ---------- 13.00 Chas, D. Phill.ips- " 1 " _--_______ 13 , O0 Harold Bennett - " 1 ►' ----- --- x_3..00 -. 'orm:�n Presser - „ ,r _-__-_-___ 13,00 ovEd b -T Phillips Secon0ed by Pressey- That this Council act jourr_ to meet again in special session on Oct. 2n(l. at 2 ''.14 and in regular session on Oct. 5th. at 1_ p._"... C rrie . eeve. 0 0 57� 575 Township Office, Straffordville, October, 2nd. 1959. A meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date for the purpose of forming a drainage Court of Revision for the Coomber Municipal B Drain Extension. All members were present. At 2 ptm:, the members subscribed to their oath as member of a Drainage Court of Revision. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Phillips- That Reeve Nevill be Chairman of this Draiange C6urt of Revision... Carried. At tof 2.30 p.m. no oonerson had appeared to discuss any matters with the said Court Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That no appeals having been filed in respect to assessments for the Coomber Municipal B Drain Extension, this Court of Revision be now closed in accordance with Section 45 of The Municipal Drainage Act...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That this council continue meeting in special session for general business...Carried. Several matters pertaining to Calton Development Road, Township roads in general and drainage matters were discussed. The Clerk advised that he had received Orders Nos. 99208 and 99213 from the Board of Transport Commissioners regarding the installation ok flash- ing lights signals at the two Corinti crossings of the C.N.R. in lieu of the existing wig wag signals. The Township maintenance to be $25.00 per year for each crossing. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That this special session now adjourn to meet again on Monday, Oct. 5th. at 1 p.m...Carried. Reeve, Township Office, October 5th. 1959. Pursuant to adjournment of Sept. 1st., the regular meeting of the council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all *embers present except Councillor Bennett, Reeve Basil Nevill presided. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received'and discussed included the following - A bulletin from the Fire Marshallts office regarding fire prevention week of October lith. to 10th. Information from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs concerning Municipal Winter Works Incentive Program for 1959-60. Copy of letter to Township Solicitor from the Deppt. of Planning and Develop- ment concerning Sub -Division Control By -Law No. 1102. Appreciation for grant to County Plowing Match was received from Mr.Lanon. A memorandum was received from the Dept. of Highways settingdead-line dates for applications for subsidies and passing of by-laws. No action was taken of request by City of Sarnia for support of resolution re. prevention of pollution in the fresh water lakes. / A notice was received from the Community Planning Branch of a workshop to be held in St. Thomas on Oct. 20th. a4d 219t. An invitation to s7b2t resolutuons for consideration was received from Mr. Scott McKay.Bec of the Ontario Good Road Assn. The Clerk advised 01 receipt of a ch que f 25.from the North do South Dorchester Mutual Fire Ins. Co. re. `Yiute 21r 576 Approval was received from the Ontario Municipal Board covering the construction and financing of the Coomber Municipal B. Drain Extension. Regulations were received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs regarding Pension Plans for Municipal Employees. Appreciation for Township's fencing of Otter valley Cemetery was received from Mrs. Vitian Howey, the Sec.-Treas. Mr. Julius Francia, Sr. waited on the members and discussed drainage problems at his farm adjacent to the new evelopment Road. At 2 Courtpof •Aevisionthe embers present were sworn in as members of the Assessment Moved by Phillips Secanded by Chute- That Reeve Nevill be Chairman of this Assessment Court of Revision...Carried. r The following complaints were heard and tried by the Court with the follow- ing decisions. Roll No. Appellant Decision of Court. 601 J. A. Martyn ` Appeal not allowed. 140 Dept.of Highways \, To be assessed as exempt property. 949 Zelrma Coomber `' Appeal not allowed. 85 Stanley Azubalis t Appeal not allowed. (Appeals for Nos. 949 and 85 were not filed within the prescribed time limit but were considered by the Court) Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That appeals for Roll Nos. 85, 601 and 949 be not allowed and that Rohl No. 440 be assessed as exempt property and this Court of Revision now adjourn, sine die...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- That the assessment roll as now revised be adopted as the 1960 assessment for the Township of Bayham... Carried. Kbued by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That payment of $200.00 to the Eden Community Centre Board for sidewalks be approved... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this Township apply for minter Works program as follows; - Clearing trees and re- moval of brush from Township road allowances for major inprovement - $3500.00 Painting guard rail posts on newly co4structed roads and fills -$$00.00 Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- That a committee of Reeve Nevill Deputy Reeve Chute as many Councillors that can attend and the Clerk, attend the Commmity Planning course Oct. 20th, and 21st... Carried. Moved by Pressey # 1.01 Seconded by Chute- That By -Law No. 1.01, be now read a third time and 3rd. finally passed...Carried. A request was received through the Township Solicitor for the passing of a by-law for financing an addition to Corinth school, with the proposed by-law enclosed. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1.03 being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of $221,000.00 for the construction of a one room G �ddition and school furnishings therefor, for Union School Section No. 16 Malahide, ayham and No. 24 be noir read a first time...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1.403 be now read a second time...Carried./ Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- That a committee of Reeve Nevill Deputy Reeve Chute as many Councillors that can attend and the Clerk, attend the Commmity Planning course Oct. 20th, and 21st... Carried. (A� 571 Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That Mrs. Norma Albright be allowed vacation pay at the rate of 2% of wages received during the past 12 months, namely 2% of $ 669.00 being $13.3$...Carried. Mr. Daniel Murphy waited on the council and requested repairs to the Bartley Municipal Drain so that waber from the drain does not lay on his lands. This matter was discussed to some length with Mr. Murphy. Mr. Steve SZvirida requested a culvert and driveway to his new house on the 4th. concession from the council. As this is a new driveway, the council advised that it was current policy for the owner to purchase the culvert and the Township would instal same. He also pointed out a drainage problem at this location. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts, Sept 1 -15th.... $ 601.$7`\ n n n rr n . --- 2973.7$ Central Pipe Lines Co.- Gas for hall ------ 2.00 ,, Ont.Municipal Board- Fee Coomber Mun.Dr.--- 2.00 Treas. Eden Comm,Centre Bd.- Sidewalks ---- 200.00 A.Jordan & B.Russell- Rel.for J Sept. ----- 22.50 %. Betty McLkin - Relief for J Sept .--------- 51.00 , Florence ennedy - Relief for October ----- 20.00 ti Reorge McGregor - n n n ______ 24.00. John Spiece - " " " ------ 10.001 Gertrude Roloson- n n n ______ 24*00, A.Jordan & Mrs.B.Russell- Rel.j Oct. ------ 22.50 Betty McLain - Relief for j October ------- 54.00. Jim Rutledge - " " October --------- 24.00• Blake Wolfe - Repairs to Jacko Drain ------ 193.57 Mitts " __---- 37.45 n n _ ri rr Pollock " ------ 55.10%, rt n _ tr n Palmer " -_---- 94.60, Arn n _..---- $5.0$1 Coyle " ------ $9.81 Gestetner Ltd.- Supplies ------------------ 21:90,, Thomson's Drugs- Presc. for J.Rutledge ---- 6.6o, Craigview Nursing Home -Care E.Willison ---- 5$•25\ Treas. of Aylmer - Relief ,C,Vannatter----- .6$y n rr L. " ----- 11t Treas. of Toronto- " E.Kivell-------- .87. 66:6$ J. Bencz-------- 11.12 Workments Comp.Bd.- Assm. re.Vol.firemen -- 75.00. Clerk ------- 35.00. Archibald,Gray & McKay- Survey Coomber Dr.- 100.001, Les Brown - Fence for Otter Vailey Cem.---- 62.25• Morley P&llock- Fencing n n n ____ 379$01 Tri -County Ambulance Co.- Re. N.McGregor -- 13.00 Norma Albright- Office help Sept.1-15 ----- 20.64 Rec. Gene al - Un. Ins. stain _____________ 072 t Receiver eneral,- Pension ded.re.Vallee --- 43.74 Twp. share ------ 43.74 1% Elton H. Jackson- 1959 salary ------------- 1100.00 v" 20% $1564.00 dog tax ---- 312.80 n n " -..Supplies ---------------- *20,, Attend C. of R. -=-------- 2.50-,. J. L. Dennis - Fire chief for Sept.-------- 35.00 - St. Lts. for Sept. --------- 5.00 � Basil Nevill - Attend 2 meetings ---------- 26.00. Don. M. Chute - " 2 "---------- 26:o0� Chas, D Phillips- " 2 "---------- 26.00 ' Harold iennett - " 1 n ___________ 13.00 • Norman Pressey - " 2 "---------- 26:00 J. D. Valaee,- To apply on salary --------- 26$.93 Receiver eneral - Tax re. Vallee --------- $.15\ Norma Albright - Holiday pay -------------- 13.22 $eceiver General - Un. Ins. stamp --------- .32 11 r] 57# Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this council adjourn to meet again on November 2nd. at 1 p.m•.•Carried. Reeve• 0 • Township Office, Straffordville, Nov. 2nd. 1959• Pursuant to adjournment of October 5th. the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nevill presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Receipt of By -Law No. 1100 re. Tile Drainage Act and supporting papers was received fgom the Treasury Dept* together with acknowledgment of application of Walter Nelson. Hospital and relief cases were discussed with the members. A letter was received from the Dept. of Highways re. Development Road in respect to inspection of same with Township Officials and confirming certain agreements. Interim Roads subsidy was received in an amount of $40,$5$.15. Notice of application for permanent rates was received from the Solicitors of the Union Gas Co. Acknowledgment of application for fox bounty subsidy was received. Certain papers for the Township files regarding the Corinth School proposed debenture issue was received from the Township Solicitor. A request was received from the Elgin Federation of Agriculture for the 1959 grant. Application to the Dept. of Municipal Affairs for approval of Winter Works program of painting guard rail posts was refused in the grounds that it waa considered to be maintenance work. Further information was also requested on the program of roadside brushing. A registered copy of By -Law No. 1102, re. Subdivision Control, was received from the Township Solicitor together with a request for approval under this by-law for a parcel of land in lot 19, Conc. 10. A letter with the required notices attached was also received from the Township Solicitor concerning the pro sed Hosing of a portion of Second Street in Straffordville. The Clerk was instructed to refuse approval of hydro contract for a trailler by Fred R. Smith on lot 7. Conc. 4. Support of resolutions was requested by the Township of Crowland and the Townsh of Port Dover. A letter was received from the C.N.R. stating that it was not their intention to construct the portion of Coomber MunicipalB Drain Extension of railway property. Mr. J. L. Dennis waited on the councKvelopment and discussed a fencing and gate problem at his farm adjacent to the Road. Mr. Ross Carson requested some improvement to road west of New England. Frank Bartlett met with the members and discussed ditching of sideread at the location of New Bartlett bridge. It was decided that this work should be looked after in the near-:furure. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That payment be authorized to Wm. Underhill for const- ruction of sidewalk in Straffordville in an amount of $100.00 for 100 lin-ft. of 42" sidewalk, excluding drivwways ... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That the following payments be approved for use of land as Public Dumps.- , Clarence Jenereaul ---- $50.00 ' Mrs. Oral Sivyer ------ 50.00 ... Carried* Moved by Phillips Seconded ZE.P.C. Chute- That the Trea er be and is hereby authorised to b bond anteed b t e Province maturity 1979 @ 5J t a 1000. , guar y h , # 1404 # 1405 579 a price of approximately 99j, and to issue a cheque on Savings Account #3 to pay for same...Carried, Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey. That the following allowances be paid for attending Planning Department Workshop in St. Thomas and ears- 2 days allowance and car allowance of $5.00 per trip. - Basil Nevill ------ $22,00 plus $5.00 Don. Chute -------- 22.00 n 5.00 Chas. D.Phillips -- 22.00 Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That the following qnd meeting Dept. of Highways Officials to Development Road Account;- Basil Nevi&l ----- Don. Chute ------- Chas. D. Phillips - Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- And resolved appoint Deputy Returning Officers, Municipal Elections, be now read a Moved by Phillips Seconded by Bennett- And resolved second time... Carried. Moved by Pressey amounts be paid for inspection on Development Road and charged 26.00 13.00 26.0O...Carried. that By -Law No. 1404 being a by-law to Poll Clerks and Polling Places for 1959 first time...Carried. that By -Law No. 1404 be now read a Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1404 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the usual grant of .350.00 be made to the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture and Clerk prepare by-law for same. Carried. V Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1405 being a by-law to make a grant of $350.00 to the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture for 1959, be now read a first time..,Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1405 be now read a second time...Carried, Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1.05 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1102, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant consent to sale of a parcel of land loo ft. x 200 ft,,, being part of ble north half of lot 19, Concession 10, Bayham Township; Rosella Scott, Exectitrix forthe John William Scott Estate as Grantor and Donald Ernest Martin and Gwenda Martin as Grantees...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips -..That in consideration of the fishing industry along Lake Erie this. council requests and immediate study be undertaken by the Dept. of Lands and Forests to defelop adequate fishery management programs to protect this valuable resource to ensure its continuity...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That the Clerk advertise for tenders in the Daily Commercial News for construction of the Coomber Municipal B Drain Extensia Tenders to close Nov. 30th. 1959 at 5 p.m, and lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Optional to tender separately on C.N.R. portion. Top soil to be furnished by Township at a location within 4 miles:..0 dried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $2400.64 for Roads and Brddges and $2111.15 for General accounts.Carried, Roads and Bridges accounts - Oct. 1-15 --- $ 62 .30 � n n n an Oct, 16-31 --- 177 .34\ Ell Ontario Hydro - Hydro for hall and office -- " " - " it fire hall ------- Central Pipe Lines - Gas for hall ---------- Iva McCurdy - Relief for October --_----_--_ Dorothy Dagg - " " " ------ ----- A.Jordan t Mrs.B.Russell- Rel. for J Oct. --- Florence ennedy - Relief for Nov. --------- George McGregor John Spiece ---------- Iva McCurdy ---------- Dorothy Dagg - tt " " --------- Gertrude Roloson Jim Rutledge A.Jordan & Mrs.B.Russell- Rel, for J Nov. --- Receiver General - Stamps ------------------ W. G. Webster - Supplies ------------------- Hamilton, Ward & Cathers- Fire trucks ins. -- Peter J. Gloin- Crown Attorney fees-------- Treas. of Toronto - Rel. for J . Bencz, Sept. -- Gibson & Linton- Legal fees & registration -- Lloyd Jackson - Fox Bounty ---------------- Supertest Petroleum Corp. -Gas for fire dept. Burns McKenzie - Fuel for fire hall -------- Wm. Underhill - Const.sidewalk in Straff.--- R alph McQian -Groceries Williams & Gray - Clarence #en-e-reaul- Use of .and for dump --- Mrs. Oral*Sivyer__-- Treas. Elwin County Fed. of Agro- Grant ----- Blake Wolfe - Repairs to Winter Drain ------ Norma Albright - Office help Oct -1-15 16-_ _-31 -- - tt tt _ tt n ---- - Receiver general Un. Ins. stamps - - - - - - - - - - J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for Oct. --------- n n - St, Lt s. n it _--_--..--- Basil l�evill - Selecting jurors ------------ Elton H. Jackson - " " ------------ J. D. Vallee - " Fee re. By-Luw Coomber B drain ------ n tt tt __-_-- " To apply on salary Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee Basil Nevill - Trips Don. M. Chute - tt Chas.D. Phillips- " Basil Nevi&l - Attend Don. M. Chute Chas, D. Phillips Harold Bennett - " Norman Pressey - " to ST.Thomas tt n ----------- ---------- & Car ---- " ---- 1 meeting ------- Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That lst.at 1 p.m...Carried. 580 21.50 IN 20.76, 3.10\ 50.00 %. 22.00N 22.50. 20.00, 30.00-t 10.00• 65.00• 60.00 27-00\ 30.00, 22 * 50**. 9.00 $•24, 191.30 48.65 , 9088\ 16 5.451\ 8.00 ti 52.60 � 45.15 \ x.00.00 30.00. 50.00 \ 50.00 ,, 350.00 47.544 17.78 11.52 1.60-, 35.00 5.00 10001 4*00•, 1+.00 . 20.00 . 20.00 \ 268.93 8.15 \ 27.00 N 27.00 � 22.00% 13.00. 13.00 -.,.. 13.00 13.00. 13900--, this council adjourn to meet again on December Reeve. 561 Township Office, Straffordville, Dec. lot. 1959• Pursuant to adjournment of Nov. 2nd. the regular meeting of the Bayham. Town- ship council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nevill presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received and considered included the following;- A request for a grant from the War Memorial Childrens t Hospital at London. A letter from the District Forester regarding a grant in lieu of taxes on County forestry lands. A request for registration of deed from Mr. E. Donald Smith, Barrister. A cheque from the Aylmer and Malahide Telephone Co. for spraying Township Roads together with letter of appreciation. A copy of letter of approval from the Minister in respect to registration of parcel of land Scott to Martin. Approval was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs re. Winter Works Incentive Program Project No. Ont.177, covering clearing of trees and brush- ing on road allowances. Cheques were received from the Province covering the following payments. - In Lieu of Taxes ------ 1.$5. Re. Fox bounty -------- 116.00 Bal. Uncond.grant ----- 5801.65 Communication from the Ont. Educational Assn. re. membership and public speaking contest. Approvals were received from the Provincial Treasurer in respect to the following applications for Tile Drainage Loans. - Walter D. Nelson-------- $21000.00 H.G.Moore Estate ------- 19000.00 Mr. ken Scott waited on the council in respect to consent to sell a parcel of land off his farm on No. 3 Highway. He was directed at to proper proceedure Messrs. Croft Garnham and Ken Grant meet with the council and thoroughly discussed the proposal to close a portion of Second Street in Straffordville. It was agreed that all three parties concerned should arrive at an agreement for disposal of same to everyonets satisfaction prior to,Rec. 12th. a Mr. Joseph'Magyar requested that he be permitted to purchase old road allow- ance at north east corner of lot 5, Cone, 8. He was requested to dffer this until he had procured his fathers s farm. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the following Loans be accepted by this council; - Walter Nelson----------- H.G.Moore Estate -------- applications for Tile Drainage $2,000• 1,000... Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- That the Clerk and Returning Officer hold a new monin- ation for two councillors on Dec. 14th. and election if necessary on Dec.. 21 Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the Conservation Authority levy of $1440.00 for 1959••.Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That Dec. 26th, be ebserved as Boxing Day in the Town- ship of Bayham for 1959 and as such, it is hereby declared a civic and public holiday...Carried. tF Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That in the matter of The Planning Act and Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1402, it is herewith recommended that the Minister grant consent for sale of a parcel of land by Kenneth E. Grant and Ruby Ilene Grant to the Elgin Co -Operative Services, being part of Township Lot No. 125,N.T.R. and more particularly lot 9 south side of Third Street and west of No. 19 Hig�way and lots 10,11,and 12 south of Third Street and part of Lot 7, north of econd Street and lot 13 south of Third Street and part of lot 8 north of Second Street all in accordance with Registered Plan 205 ... Carried. Moved by Phillips . Seconded by Chute- That a grant of $25.00 he made to the War Memorial C hildrents Hospital in London...Carried. 0 0 �# 1406 W 1107 562 The Clerk reported that Mr. Murphy had a few days ago, been in the office and requested that if such was the intention of the council, that the old portion of Bartley Drain on his farm, be turned over to him. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the old portion of Bartley* Drain constructed in 1923 and replaced by a new drain in 1957, be turned over to Mr. D.)&.Murphy on lot 5, Conc.9 for his use as a field drain and the said Mr. Murphy to �e solely responsible for any damages and repairs to this daid drain..Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded b Chute- That this council it y pay X1600. to eginald and Hazel McQuiggan in regards to moving house, etc. accordinLcount to agreement dated July 23, 1959 and same charged to development Road ...Carried. The matter of a trailler licensing by-law was then discussed and the Clerk produced a suggested copy of one. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1406, being a by-law for licensing trailers in the Township of Bayham at a fee of $10. per month, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1.06 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1.06 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1.07, being a by-law to rescind By -Law No. 1282 (Prohibiting trailers) be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Pressey- And resolved time...Carried. Loved by Pressey econded by Phillips- And resolved time and finally passed... Carried. that By -Law No. 1107 be now read a second that By -Law No. 1.07 be now read a third The following tenders were received and opened in respect to Coomber Municip- a& B Drain Extension.. G. W. Cattle - Except portion on C.N.R.------- $ $25.00 Graham & Graham Ltd- " " " "------- 1070.00 tt " it I " - portion on C.N.R.------- 2910.00 Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chutg- That acceptance of tenders 6n Coomber Municipal B Drain be laid over toec. 15th. and the Clerk to take matter up with Engineer, Solicitor and C A.R. before that date...Carried. Separate prices on pipe for the above project was received from the Courug- ated Pipe Co. Ltd. . Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the Reeve sign the order sheets...Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- Nov.l - 15th.---- 593.62 •.. n tt n n _ it 16 - 30th. --- X44+7.75 Lillian Nevard - Relief for Nov. ------------ 84400 � Blake Wolfe - Repairs to Szakal Ditch ------- 450.00 Central Pipe Lines- Gas for hall ------------ 2.00 Myrtle Roloson - Relief for Nov. ------------ 1:.00 A . Jordan & Mrs. B. Russell- Rel. for J Nov, --Mw- 22.50 � Alex Molnar - Relief for part of Nov. ------- 16.00\ it n 20.00\ Frank Foran - " " " " r_______ 900ON Aylmer & Malahide Tel.Co.- Office phone ----- 20.60 Canadian Bank of Commerce- Drain debentures-- 5$5.00 Florence Kennedy- Relief for December ------- 20.00-\ Geo. McGregor - " " "------- 30.00 Iva McCurdy - " " "-------- 45.00\ Gertrude Roloson- " tr n ________ 277x00 \ Jim Rutledge - " " "-------- b " n n 3�i.00\ 22.00.\ Myrtle Roloson - _-____-- John Spiece - Relief for December -------------- Lillian Nevard - " " "---------- ---- C. L. Laing - Bulbs for Rich. st.Lts.----------- News Printing Co.- Printing a Advts.----------_ Municipal World Ltd.- Forms & supplies --------- Provincial Treasurer - Insulin G.McGregor ------ Burns McKenzie - Fuel for office --------------- it " _ " " fire hall ----------- Peter J. Gloin- Certifying voters lists -------- Daily Commercial News- Advt. re. Coomber B Dr.-- Craigview Nursing Home- Care E.Willison,Oct.---- " it it _ » " Nov. -r-- Frank Volkaert - Fox Bounty Gerald Wisson - ?I " Wm. Partington Otter Creek Conservation Dennis Garage - Prestone Norma Albright - Office Receiver General _ Un. I it -------------- ------------- ----------- ---------rr Authority- Authority- 1959 levy -- M oil fire truck ------ help, Nov. 1 -15 -------- ns. stamps ------------- Norma Albright - Office help, Nov. 16-30 ------- J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for Nov. ------------- " " - St. Lts. for Nov. --------------- J. D. Vallee - 7 notices ii it - To apply Receiver general - Tax Basil Nevill - Attend 1 Don. M. Chute - " 1 Chas. D. Phillips - " 1 Harold Bennett - " 1 Norman Pressey - " 1 War Memorial Children's Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- at 1 P.M...Carried. re.T.Scott property --- on salary -------r------ re. Vallee-------------- meetMing ---------------- am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hospital- Grant -------- 10.00 $x..00 % $.lo 35.1+0. 1$.11, 36.20 % 3 +.23% 19.09ti %. 61.75 5t8*25 , T•0O x..00 , 4,00 1"0.00 3. 5, 17.60 . 8o .80 17.60 35. 00, 5.00 7.00, 268.93. $.15 . 13.00• 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 25.00, 5$3 That this council adjourn to meet again on Dec. 15th. 6a'oe' eeve. 0 ia M 564 NOMINATION MEETING. Township Hall, Nov. 30th, 19599 The annual meeting of the ratepayers for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of Reeve Deputy Reeve, Councillors and three School Area Trustees, was held on tie above date at 2 p.m. About 20 persons were present and by three p.m., the following names had been placed in nomination;- Reeve- omination;- Reeve- Basil Nevill and Donald Chute. Deputy Reeve- Charles Phillips and Donald Chute. Council- Ray Woodworth, Norman Pressey, Harold Bennett and Basil Nevill. School Area Trustee- Verne 4alsh, Grant M. Mitchell and Cecil Ball. The usual aftremseting was held with Clerk Vall--named as Chairman. He reviewed the proceedure for thus wishing to qualify and also examined with those present, the financial statement of the municipality. Mr. John C. Tribe Road Supt., was called upon to say a few words and re -view the work done In 1959 under his department. All nominees present whre then called upon to say a few words with Reeve Aevill and Deptty Reeve Chute outlining some of the work done through county council. Mr. Grant Mitchell Chairman of the School Board gave an outline of school matters and High Achool Trustee Art Martyr addressed the meeting in respect to high school matters. By nine otclock the following evening, the following persons only had qualified for the respective offices and I, J. D. Vallee, hereby declai re the following persons duly elected by acclamation to the respective offices. Reeve - Donald Chute s -- Deputy Reeve - Charles Phillips Councillor - Norman Pressey. (Two short of required number) School Area Trustees - Verne Walsh, Grant M. Mitchell and Cecil Ball. (For two year term.) "God Save The Queen." SECOND NOMINATION MEETING. Township Hall, Dec. 14th, 1959• A second nomination meeting for the purpose of nominating persons for the offices of two councillora for 1960 was held on the above date. About 14 persons being present. Those nominated were as follows; - For Councillor- Bruce Hedges, Alonzo Hagell, Ross Carson & Wm.Hollywood. At the close of nominations, the above nominees were called up for a few words together with Reeve Nevill and Reeve -elect Chute. Messrs. Hagell and Hollywood resigned their respective nominations and Bruce Hedges and Ross Carson signed their declarations of qualifications. I, J. D. Vallee, hereby declare Bruce Hedges and Ros Carson, duly elected by acclamation to the office of Councillor for 19607 erx ana iteLurni.ng v -L -=%:ci . U: Township Office, Straffordville, December 15th. 1959• Pursuant to adjournment of Dec. lst., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nevill presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approv- ed and signed and the following businees was done. Reeve Nevill welcomed Councillor -Elect Carson to sit in on the meeting. A letter was read from the Engineer and also the C.N.R. in regards to costs of Coomber Municipal B Drain Extension. Support for resolution affecting Provincial grahts to Community Hall, etc, was requested from the Towns of Tilbury. Same was filed by this council. A letter was received from Dr. Hoffman, M.O.H. re. John Schuller. A letter asking Bayham to accept responsibility of Mrs. E.Kivell from the City of Bar ie. A letter requesting �n taxes was received from Mrs. H.L.Smuck. Acknowledgment of ke olution re. fishery management was received Ronald K. McNei1,MPP. A request for a grant was received from the Sick Children's A complaint re, shooting was received from an Eden resident. A card of thanks for expression of sympathy was reozived from Two hospital notices were received and discussed. was received from Mr. Hospital, Toronto. the Vallee family. Mr. Fred Rossignol waited on the council and requested permission for regist- ration of deeds for lots purchased from Mr. Harvey b1fKinnon. After much discussion, he was advised to try and procure an outlet from this property. Mr. Oscar Bartha, through the Clerk, requested permission to sell off some of his land in parcels of lots and one-half. The council requested that he hold the minimum area to 15,000. sq. ft. The Clerk read the fire chiefs report as submitted by fire Chief Dennis. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the fire chief t s report be received and filed and the volunteer firemen be paid the usual $1.00 for each call answered in ace ance with said report...Carried. Mr. Dan Murphy discussed Bartley drain matters with the members. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- Th t taxes of Mrs. H. L. Smuck at Richmond be written off in an amount of $19.92 or 2nd, halB' of 1959 and that she be notified to have these premises cleaned up and weeds kept under control...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the TrVstees for the years 1960 East Elgin District -- Tillsonburg 2 ---- following persons be appointed as High School & 61.- - Mr. Howard Coomber - Mr. J. A. Martyn...Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the Clerk be instructed to notify all persons owning snd:rbsiding in trailers in Bayham Township that By -Law No. 1406 is now in force and that effective Jan. 1st. 1960, a iicense fee of $10.00 per month for each trailer will have to be paid to Township Treasurer, such payment to be due on the lst. of each and every month... Carried. Moved by Phillips Seeonded by Chute- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to make the following interest payments to perpetual care cemeteries from Savings Account No. 3.- Treas. Straffordville Cemetery ----- $222.13 N Treas. Eden n ------ 267.93 N Treas. Calton " ------ 137*43 N Treas. Guysboro " ------ 107.79%..Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That the perpetual care plans.- Treas. Straffordville Treas. Eden Treas. Calton Treas. Guysboro following grants be made to Cemeteries under Cemetery ---- $ 66-37,, " ---- $0.07 \ ' " ----- 41.07 n ----- 32.21 --,,....Carried. 1109 US Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1108 being a by-law to provide for the holding of a second nomination and election if necessary- for two councillors for 1960, be now read a first ti.r#e, , ,Carried, Moved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1408 be now read a second time,,.Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Chute- And resolved that time and finally passed...Carried. By -Law No. 1408 be now read a third Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1409 being a by-law to impose a special tile drainage rate upon the north parts of lots 6 and 7, Conc. 10, Bayham, under the Tile Drainage Act, be now read a first time. Carried. Mobed by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1.09 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1.09 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1410, being a by-law to impose a special tile drainage rate upon the north west halt' lot 34, Conc, 1 and soubb east part of lot 3, Conc. 2, Bayham, under the Tile Draiange Act, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No, 1110 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1110 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. No persons appeared before the council or filed written notice of intention to appeal against the closing of the westerly portion of Second Street in the Village of Straffgrdville. Clerk Vallee produced an agreement signed by Kenneth Grant Basil evill and Croft Granham as to disposition of the street when dosed and waiving any right of appeal. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No -.1411 being a by-law tp stop up, close and sell that portion of Second Street in the Village of Straffordville, from No. 19 Highway westerly to West Street, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1111 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1.11 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. The above by-law was duly advertised as required. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That in accordance with agreement of Dec. 12, 19599 signed by Kenneth E. Grant, Basil Nevill and Croft Garnham, this council, V after all approvals have been received, will convey the southerly six feet of the closed portion of Second Street from No. 19 Highway, westerly as far as the rear of lot 5 south on Second Street, to Kenneth E. Grant and the remainder of the said Street so closed to Basil Nevill ... Carried* Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the inaugural meeting of the 1960 council of the Township of Bayham be held on Monday, January lith. at 10 o'clock A.M. Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- That this council express its appreciation to r�tiring leve Nevill for his faithful services and leadership during his term of office and also to Councillor Bennett for his services to the. Township of Bayham during his several years as councillor...Carried. 587 Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the following bonuses be paid for extra services in 1959• - Reeve Nevill - $100. Deputy Reeve Chute, Councillors, Road Supt. and Clerk, $30. each... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That in lieu of extra pay since Oct. lst. 1959, Mrs. Albright be allowed a bonus ofIth. 25.00 and that her wages be increased to X111.00 per hour effective Dec. 1959...Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts -Dec. 1 -15th. --- $4528,77s. Frank Foran- Relief for part Dec. --------- 13.001N Central Pipe Lines- Gas for hall ---------- 2.00• John Schuller- Relief for Dec. ------------ 25.00% Canadian National Rys.- Corinth wig -wars--- 25.00• J. L. Kennedy- Care Eden St.Lts. 6�mo.----- 24.00• George M.Beard- n Corinth " " 5 it ----- 10.00" News Printing Co.- Notices & Printing -_--- 33.70,. Skean Prinn- Fox Bounty ------------------- 4.00 Jesse Dennis- 56 trips with fire truck ---- 224.00 \ Basil ftevill- 27 " " " 'r --_- 108.00 Jack Tribe - 35 14.0.00 Jack Barclay - 1$ " " " " _---- 72.00` Gerald Taylor- 39 " " " " ---- 156.00-, Wilbur Locker- 24 " " " " ---- 96.0O3 - Lloyd Dickinson -2$ " 'r " " --_- 112.00. Roy Caroll - 1$ If tt tt tr _ 72,00,, Harold Ennis- 36 " " If " --- 1400 George Grant - 2 " tt it tt �:00�\ Ilrorley Wolfe - 1 tt tt pit it -_-_ 4.00\ Betty McLain - Relief for ec.------------ 60.QON Lyle Walsh - Bulbs for St. ' Lt s. ------------ l o O% b " tt - Supplies for fire truck ------ 3.11 n it _ rt tt office --------- 2,45\ David Brom - Repairs to earnely fir. ------ 21.00., Treas.Straffordville Cemetery- Interest --- 222.13 - Say.# 3.\ " Eden 71- it --- 267.93 - tt Calton it _ If --- 137.43 - n " tt Guysboro " - tT 107.79 - " tt " Straffordville " - Grant ------ 66.37 " Eden tt _ tt ------ $0.07 rt Calton " - tt ------ 41.07 " Guysboro " - " ------ 32.21'% Treas. Elgin County- County rate ---------- 4$3$5.00 ` Robt. Grant - Stamps for Clerk-Treas.---- -- 14.00 Burns McKenzie - Fuel for office ---------- 21.72, Trophy -graft Ltd.- 2 trophies E.E.H.S._---- 15.52 Walter Nelson - Tile drainage loan -------- -1179.50N H. G. M6ore Estite- It " "------- 77$.00x M.L.Chute - Cleaning office --------------- 15.00\ " " - Sch.A.ttend. Officer & mileage-- 39.00, Peters, Brown & Co.- Apply on 1959 audit--- 450.00\ J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for Dec. -------- 35.00 it tt _ St. Lts, n It ------- an 5.00 h J. D. Val�ee - Bal, salary for 1959 ------- 269.01 \ Receiver eneral - Tax re. Vallee --------- $.15\ Pensions deductions ---- 5$.32 it Twp. share ------ 58o32\ Norma Albright - Office help Dec.1-15 ----- 17.60 � Receiver General- Uno ins. stamps --------- .$0 John C.Tribe - Sal. as B1dg.Inspector ----- 25.00, it it tt _ tt it Drain It ------ 25.00 , It " IT - Insp.Nelson Tile drain ----- 10.00• If it " - " Moore " " ----- 10.00% Norman Pressey- " Nelson it IT ----- 10.50 \ Chas:D.Phillips- " Moore " " ----- 12.00\ Basilevill - Bonus & 1 meeting ---------- 113.00 \ Don. M. Chute - " & 1 "---------- 43.00\ Chas. D. Phillips- It& 1 "---------- 1+3.00, Norman Pressey - Bonus Harold Bennett - " John C. Tribe J. D. Vallee Norma Albright- " & 1 meeting & 1 # --wwwwww- wwr wwwwww - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - 43.00 43.00 30.00 30.00 25.00 Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That this council adjourn, sine die...Carried. Township Office, Dec. 30th. 1959» erK. A special meeting of a quorum of the members of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with Reeve Nevill, Deputy Reeve Chute and Councillor Pressey being present. The meeting was called by the Reeve for the purpose the third reading of Corinth School Debenture By -Law, Clerk Vallee reported that the Township Solicitor had phoned and advised that it was necessary that this by-law be given third reading before the expiration of 1959 or else the by-law would have to be amended considerably or a new by-law dr wn up. Moved by Chute 1403 Seconded by Pressey- That By -Law No. 1403, being a by-law to authorize the ; borrowing of X22,000.00 for the construction of a one room addition and 3rd. school furnishings therefor for Union School Section No. 16 of the Township of Bayham and School Section No. 24 of the Township of Malahide, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Mloved by Seconded Carried. Pressey by Chute- That this special council session now adjourn. MANIF - M__49"_