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Bayham Council Minutes 1958
TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1958 Township Office, Straffordville, January 6th. 1950. The inaugural meetin,,7 of the 1958 council of the Tovmship of Bayham was held on the above date. Those subscribing; to the necessary oath of office were Reeve Basil �evill, Deputy Reeve Dom. II. Chute and Councillors Chas. D. Phillips Harold Bennett and r3orman Pressey. :1fter the members were declared My installed in office by Clerk Vallee, Reeve Nevill called on 40Rev. D. 11. Stinson to conduct a short devotional period. After congratulat- in; the members for their election to office, 1 r. Stinson led in prayer, read a scripture lesson and talked briefly to those present. He was fitting- ly thanked by Reeve Nevill and invited to have dinner with the members, R egular business was then proceeded with the reading, approving and sign- in7 of the m .nutes. Iyloved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the readin of the Pngineer's report on the Palmer Drain be deferred to hour set this aftern©on...Carried. Several hospital notices were read and discussed including a letter from Dr. Hoffman, I.I.O.H. , advising that sanatorium aftercare in an amount of ; 25.00 tier month ;should be allowed to : X. "ichael Neimer and t Ut this case should be reviewed in three months time. "appreciation for grant eras received from the London Jar Iiemorial Children's Hospital. �r. Vinton, of the office of Gibson & Gibson, requested council actio�i on closing; of alley thru Howey property at Eden. The Clerk was instructed to advise that the council would co-operate in this matter subject to no objections beim received by other adjacent owners and that there would be no expense on the part of the Township. =rants were requested by St. John :ambulance and Elr.;in County Seed Pair. Request for memberships were received from the Ontario Good Roads assn. and Dissociation of .�ssessinn Offiuers. plan for treatment of drains by the Dept. of Highways in the vicinity of lots 4 to 9, Conc. 8 was received for consideration and approval. This plan was considered adequate by the council except for some concern over surface water at lots 4 and 5. ":n estimate of >1722.00 for installing 12 stEeet lights in the village of Corinth was received from H.E. P.C. This matter 1.as to be discussed by a meetinr- in Corinth of interested persons. I�"oved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this council having; examined the =`5000. bond of J.D.Vallee, it is hereby directed that the same be placed in Township vault for safe keePing... Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the Treas. be authorized to issue '25.00 monthly to I ichael Neimer for post sanatorium care as recommended by Dr.Hoffman, M.O.H...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Clerk subscribe to 8 copies of the I,Iunicipal Idorld for council and officials... Carried. Ploved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That the usual grant of '25.00 he made to Richmond Library, 11,1rs. Glem I,11orse, Tren.s... Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That 1"r. Rep;. McQ`uiggan be appointed to the Calton Cem- etery Hoard for a theee vear term...Carried. That an application for Road Subsidy in an amount of Y45-41 be made and that the proper officers sign same...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Councillors, Road Supt. and Clerk, be named as delegates to the Ontarion Roads Convention in Toronto on Feb. 5 and 26 and the Clerk send membership fee of X15.66...Carried. I•loved bjr Chute Seconded by Phillips- That Darold Bennett and Norman Presseybe ed to .Carri the Palen Community Centre Hoard as council representatives fnor 19 \ ;;`1356 1'j57 5 8 13 5 9 507 Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That Reeve 4evill and Dep.Reeve Chute be named to the Straffordville Community Cantre Board for 1958, as council representatives. Carried. Moved by Phillips :seconded by Chute- That all public and separate School Boards submit requisitions for Trustees' levy to the Clerk not later than ':arch 15th., 1958...Carried. i_oved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- That the following persons be appointed as High Schoo Trustees for 1958 and 1959*_ East 959.- Bast Elgin District - Howard Coomber Ti.11sonburg t' - J. A. Martyn... Carried. I'ii ov e d by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this Council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.45 p.m...Carried. At noon, Reeve 11evill was host to the members of the Council, �ev.Stinson, r. L.F.Douherty, Ex -Reeves '?elson andArba Johnson, ssessor Jackson, Load Supt. Tribe and Clerk Vallee, at Dickinson's Ltmnch to a very delight- ful dinner. Those present Vlere called upon for short speeches and a very enjoyable hour ;aas had by one and all. • Council resumed the regular session shortly after 1.15 P.. .t ? p.m., the Br gineer' s amended report on the Palmer drain was read and considered. 11r. ert Ratz and 1'.1r. Chas. Pallo were the only interested rate payers present and Enginner Black answered all questions concerning same. Those present decided to proceed under the present plan. i loved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the Engineer's report on Palmer I-Iunicipal Drain dated Dec. 17th. 1957, be adopted and Clerk prepare by-law for same.Carried Loved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- :"end resolved that By -Law No. 1356 being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of up to ;176, 000.00 from the 6anadian Bank of Commerce for current expenditures for 1958, be now read a first time. Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- 11nd resolved time...Carried. I.ioved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- And resolved time and finally passed...Carried. that By -Law TNo. 1356 be now read a second that By -Law No. 1356 be now read a third '=loved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law provide for paying of members of council for council, be now read a first time...CarriCd. I''oved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law second time...Carried. Roved by Bennett No. 1357 being a bsr-law to attendance at meetings of the No. 1357 be now read a Seconded by Chute :"end resolved that By -Law ',Io. 1357 be now read a third time and finally nassed...Carriea. i Ioved by Bennett Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By-Law.No. 1358, being a by-law to appoint certain officers for the To.gnship of Bayham for the year 1958, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1358 be now read a second time... Carried. T oved by Chute Seconded by 1'ennett- And resolved that By -Law go. 1358 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. i loved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Lair No. 1359, being; a .by-law to appoint fence -viewers and wound -keepers for 1958 be now read a first time. Carried. ,/ 0 I-oved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law Ito. 1359 be now read a second time...Carried. � .Ioved by Pressey Seconde<I by Lennett- And resolved that By -Law 1o. 1359, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. I roved by Chute Seconded. by Phillips- That the Road 'upt. be authorized to sign drainage petition mnder �)ub-sec. (2) of Vection 2, :Municipal Drainage Iyet, 1950, for improvernent of road drainge at lots 25 and 26, Concessions 2 and 3, by altering, straightening and improving channel of Little Otter Creek. Carried moved by Phillips rl Seconded by Chute- That the petition of Road Supt. 'ribe for drainage of road at lots 25 c 26, Conc. 2 f 3, be accepted and same forwarded to `.C. I>17cJoaell, engineer, for report, plans and specifications on same... Carried. i.�Ioved by Bennett S,-conded by Pressey- That John C. Tribe, assisted by the councillor of the respective area, shall be Drain Inspector for 1958... Carried. ::owed by Bennett econeled by Pressey- That the usual grant of ;'10. 0 be made to St. John ._rnbulan ce ...Carried . iIoved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this Township join the Association of ?.ssessin g Officers and Clerk send fee of :,�10.00... Carried. roved by Chute `aeconded by Bennett- That the usual grant of ;2.5.00 be made to Llgin County Seed Fair... Carried. Moved Phillips I Seconded by Bennett- .'end resolved that By -Law 17o. 1360, being a by-law, to j. provide for construction of Jacke 1`:unicipal Drain, be now read a first 111360 time... Carried. :Moved by iressey 1 2 Seconded by Chute- `Md resolved that .'To. 1360 be now read a second time and provisionally passed...Carried. Idoved by 'Phillips Seconded by ennett- .,end resolved that By -Lawn 11o. 1361, being a by -lain to provide for construction of Pollick. I.lunicipal Drain, be now read a first time... Carried. 1 e-, ? Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- .'Ind resolved that By -Law No. 1361 be now read a second time and provisionally passed...Carried. loved by "ennett Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law Io. 1362, being a by-law to 1362 provide for drainage work knoivn as Palmer i,Iunicipal Drain, be now read a first time...Carried. 1 c 2 1"oved by Pres ,se-� Seconded by ;Sennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1362 he now read a second time and provisionally passed...Carried. r,ioved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the Treas. issue cheque for�30. as grant to Tri- Countde Ambulance for January... Carried. 1, oved by Chute Seconded by ,,ennett- That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to advertis Jacko , Palmer and Pollick l Municipal Drains by sending by re istered post to the last known address of each assessed owner, a copy of the said by-law with notice of Court of evision together with notice as to pr9ceedingsto quash as provided under Section 25 of The I.Iunlcipal Drainage Act...Carried. I-Ioved by Phillips beconded by Pressey- That the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to make application for Provincial Aid to Drainage in respect to Pollick, Palmer and Jacko Iiunicipal Drains... Carried. - is 509 :.loved by ' ennett Seconded by Phillips- That Courts of devision for unicipal Drains as follovis be held on Feb. 3rd. 1958 at the Township Office and at the follow- ing hours;- Jacko runicipal Drain at 2.30 P.M. Pollick ?r /1 11 3.00 p.m. Palmer " " It 3.30 n.m....Curried. 1:1oved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the by-law for employees' pension be laid over to February meeting; and that any action taken be retroactive to Jan. lst. 1458...Carried. Only two tenders were received in respect of .,linter Drains. That of Howard Palmer at at .;1160.00. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute - Winters Drains be Toi•mship. .°fork to to advertisment for construction $1740.00 and Eckford e: Lowden That the tender of Eckford 8c Lowden for work, etc on accepted at price of ?1160.00, the to be furnished by be done as soon as possible... Carried. Fire Chief Dennis repotted that the water tank on fire truck was leaking and that a new one was required. He submitted prices fromHurley and Bickle- Seagraves for repair of same. `1 he hurley proposal would require the truck being dismantelled for upwards of one week, fickle -Seagraves for one day. j loved by Pre ssey Seconded by 'Bennett- That Bickle-Seagraves instal a new tank on fire truck at a cost of .2650. installed...Carried. Fire Chief Dennis also recommended that the Adjacent municipalities be contacted with respect to a minimum charge Der year for fire protection. This was laid over pending a survey of costs over past years. Ploved by Bennett Seconded by Phillips- That the Reeve sign the sof roads accounts in amount of $2331.94 and general accounts in amount .3156$.$7...Carried. Zoads and Bridges - Dec. 16 -31 pay lists--- :2331.91+ H.E.P.C.- Chgs. Eden Street lights --------- 102.50 Straff. . 11 rr--------- 283.50 Richmond 'r "--------- 136.50 Hydro for hall: office ---------- 15-103N 11 11 _ 11 11 fire hall ------------- 17.25\ Geo. McGregor - Helic' for January -------- 30.00\ Florence Kennedv - " " "--------- 20.00 Cora Underhill - '' " It --------- 100.00\ Cora Karavz - 11 It 11 ---------- 55.00 John Sniece - .edical " "---------- 10.00 CT. tlebster - Office supplies ------------ 5.10 i funic ipal .'.jorld Ltd.- Office supDlie s ------ 13.98\ H .:n:. Ostrander e- Son- Funeral J . Palmer ----- 100.00\ Frank L.Stevenson - Groceries,Kivell family- 7.00\ Daily Coml.aercial Tews - ldvt. 14inter Dr. 20.50\ ueo. Chute - Fuel for fire hall ------------ 51.62 \ .Sidney Shelly - Fox Bounty _________________ 2.00\ Nathan Hayward - " "--=-------------- 2.00\ Llovd Jackson - 11 /1 ----------------- 10.00\ Tri -County .'ambulance Co.- January graht ---- 30.00,\ A.V.Langton,Treas.-`Seed Fair grant -------- 25100. Treas. assn. "lssessing Officers- Fee ------- 10.00\ St. John Ambulance - 67rant for 1958 -------- 10.00 Treas. Richmond Library - Grant ------------ 25.00\ Registry Office,Elgin- List of Convey, ------ 3,,33\ News rrinting Co.- Printing; f; notices ------ 39.46\ Treas. Good Roads :`'assn. - Fee --------------- 15.00\ i`,iorley Pollock - repairs Underhill Dr.------ $.00\ Harvey Anderson - It 11 '1 5.20\ Trophy -Craft Ltd.- E. E. H. S. tropThies------- 13.75 1-1ichael Neimer - Post San care to Jan.15 --- 25.00\ Harold Taylor - Relief for January --------- 100.00\ I-:yrna Hotchkiss -Office help, 5 days ------- 30,00\ J. D. Vallee - Reg. B. 1,11. C, D. ------------- 5.25,% - Winter Drain by-law --------- 25.00 ?r 11 - Jacko /1 it ________ 20.00 \ 510 J. D. Vallee - Pollick Drain By -Law ------- :� 72.00 it tt - Palmer it it - - - - - - - 59.001 - :1ttendi g 1 meeting ------- 13.00\ Basil Nevill � � g - Don. �� Chute - tt 1 "-------- 13.00 Chas. Da, Phillips- " 1 It -------- 13.00 Harold pennett - " 1 It -------- 13.00; Norman Pressey - tt 1 It -------- 13.00,\ 4. i roved by Bennett :seconded b7,r Phillips - That this counc-_1 adjourn to meet again on Feb. 3rd. 1958 at 10.30 a.m...Carried. Reeve. !�C rx. Tovrr_shin Office, Stra.ffordville, Feb. 3rd. 1958, 21 regular meetin7 of the council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members pre: ent and Reeve Nevill presiding. �_inutes of the last meeti.n r were read, approved and si ned and the following business was done, Communications received included the following; - Several hospital notices were read and discussed. Tax Collector Vallee lave a report on current tax collections for 1957. A letter from the Children's Aid Jociety respecting; the _ivel children was read and discussed. A letter T<ras received from Tri -County :ambulance requesting a subsidy of a year f:rom Bavham To.mshi.p for continuance of service. Advice was received from Dept. of Public ". elfare that 80,0 subsidy woald be paid on both employable and unemployable persons on relief, ef'ective Dec. lst. 1957. letter was recibived from Union las Co. a{:ivisin- it had acquired the holdings of Dominion Gas 'o. and would contact the Township in due course. The Clerk advised that forms had been received. from Dent. of High.,rays for 1958 roads by-law and that the maximum estimates approved would be ,'20,000. for Cnnstruction and •„31±7,000. for iaintenance. Provincial �I.id'to Drainage and Ontario Municipal Board approvals were received in respect to Jacko, Pollick and Palmer'iunicipal Drains. cop7r of Order -of Board of Transport Corimissioners .%as received regard - Bell Telephone Co, rates. Fecuests for grants were received from Til_lsonbura; and District :`inor Hockey Assn., Canadian 1,"ental Health Assn. and Salvation Army of London. ,appreciation for grants received -were read from St. John Ambulance and i.V.Lan ;ton for 1lgin Seed Fair,, �Zeauests for membership were made by Cntario ;school Trustees' and Rate- payers' Assn,, The Ontario : unicipal :'sssn. , and the Ontario 'association of Hural •1unicipaliticso A copy of )ept. of Highways audit for 1956 bras received. A summary of expenditures for 1957 tor;ether with copies of mmnutes were received. from the Otter Creek Conservation Autho-rity. Clerk Vallee presented figures showin fire department costs for period 1953 to 1957. Deputy Reeve Chute was delegated to present these to Vkenna -.n�? Fort 2ur,�rell councils with e view of having; them agree to a guarantee sur, each year for fire protection. '.she Clerk was instructed to write to H.Gehrinm and S.Juronics and recuest that they keep their resp ctive dogs from coming out on the road and molesting persons. 1-lessrs. Hoy Carroll and Cecil Ball ,gaited on the council .on behalf of the Straffordville Lions Club, and requested that consideration be given to purchase of an additional truck chassis and tank as an auxiliary ,pater supply for fire truck. The Club would purchase same or help purchase it if the cou:zcil wished but that the ToTvv-nship would be required to fuppi-ph a 511 heated sotarge space and assume maintenance costs. The council agreed that this proposal would make the fire department more efficient and would. give the matter roue consideration. ,oved by Pressey )econde�l by Phillips- That this council adjourn for noon to meet arrain at 1.15.n.m...CarriEr% re--ul.ar council session resumer, at 1.15 �ovc:d b -,,T Chute ��econded b -v !Phillips- That this Township join the Ontario--unicipal ..ssociation and Clerk send. fee of J15.O0... Carried . Loved by Bennett Seconded by Presley- That a grant of .'75.") be made to the Salvation Army, London Office...Carrie(a, gloved by Phillips >econded bar Chute- That this council continue grant of '�30. pr:r month to Tri -County Imbulahce for February and Earch, if necessary, pendin a meet- ing of municipalities to form an over-all plan for ambulance service. Carried. ;owed by Bennett jeconde(] by Chute- That toad Supt. Tribe sign peti .ion for drainage of lots 20 and 21, �,onc. 5, and road between same...Ca.rried, Loved b -y hut Seconded b- Presse r- That the Petition of S. Juronics and others for drainame of lots 20 and 21, Cone. 5 and sideroAd between, be accepted and. Engineer C. Duncan Black be requested to make a survey, plan and report on same Carried. `she Clerk adt-ised'that no appeals had been received on assessments of Jacko, Pollick or Palmer "unicipal Drains so it .rias un :ecessary to hold Courts ofHevision on same. Messrs. Gater and Jenkins, ofthe He7,ional Office , of the Wept, of Highways at London, met .1-,.1the council and presented design plans for Calton Development Road and -ave a rou-h idea of the property i,-rhich yrould be necessary to purchase for the construction of this road. Considerable discussion wcas held concerninrr this matter and also a letter from l -r. T.S. Caldwell advi.sincr' that the Department Land Purchaser would be too busy to make the required purchases for the Toi•,rnshin. The members felt they would much prefer to have the Department complete the land survey and make the purchases if it could possibly be arranged. !.loved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this Council cask the Dept. of Highways to re -consider the matter of purchasin7 of properties for Calton Development Road and request that they carry out the Townships work as outlined in Clause 2, of :lreement ("tted Sept. 12 , 1955, andsend account to the To,-rnshin for same...Carried. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to 1,1r. Gater's office in connection with the above request. :roved by Pressev F13U0 Seconded by Bennett- That By -Law No. 1360, for LTaeko Idu-nicipal Drain, be 3rd. now read a third time and finally Passed...Carried. Moved by Chute 1361 Seconded bar Phillips- That B -y -Law No. 1361 for Pollick unicinal Drain 3r,. be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. 1 -loved by Bennett -1362 Seconded by Pressey- That ray -Law No. 1362 for Palmer -:unicipaal Drain 3;-,-1. be now read a third t ..me and finally passed...Carried. Discussion was then held concerninc; the pronosal of the Toi-,rns in entering into a nlan under Government of Canada .,.nnuity for setting up pensions for full time employees. "lonsiderable time Tvlaas spent •ori this matter to- --Pther with t he request of Clerk-Treas. Vallee that the ToTimship contribute an allowable amount for pis 18 years of past service. 512 oved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- And resolved thtt By -Law No, 1363 being a by-law to provide for pensions for employees of the Township of Bayham, be now read a Firtt time...Carried. :roved by Pressey Jeconded by Chute- ".nd resolved that By -Lahr Io. 1363 be now read -:i second time... Carried. I -roved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- .'.nd resolved that By -Lace; No. 1363 be now read a Third time and finally oossed... Carrie(I. .loved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That this Council pay for 11overnment ;'annuity pension for J.D.Vallee for 18years past service at an approximate cost of'.:370, each year for ten years... Carried, Time did not nermit much discussion on road matters and. it --as decided to bola a special meetin7 for that purpose. Moved by Chute . Seconded by Phillips- That the Reeve Sign the order sheets in an amount of .1'2113.O8 for road?s accounts and .1397.21 for general accounts..,Carried. Roars and Bridges- Jan.l to 1$th. pa -v list 547,43 � Jan.16 to 31 �' rr --- 1565.65 Central Pipe bines Ltd..- "as for hall ------- 21.35\ Robt. Grant - Stamps ------------------------ 7.00\ Ontario : unicipal :hoard- Fee Jacko Drain ---- 1.00 � it tt tt _ tt Pol-lick 7,00 Palmer " ---- 6.00 Dorothy Daa;7, - Relief for part January ------ 12.00-\ Robt. Grant - Stamps ------------------------ 7.50\ Florence I1"ennedy- relief for February ------- 20.00\ Geor e .Ic(Tregor - " 11 :r w_.._-___ 30.00\ John Spiece - . "edical " " ''-------- 10.00 Cora Underhill - Relief " "--------- 100.00 �► Dorothy Dal - rr it "-----.---- 60.00 "Trews. Elgin County -Hospitalization -------- 21$.74\ Municipal rorld Ltd,- Subscriptions --------- 24.00♦ "ichael Neimer - Post San care t,e-Feb.15 ---- 25.00\ Dennis Gara7e - Repairs fire truck(^)ec.)----- 46.62 \ It rt _ ,r r� " (Jan.). ---- 20-75\ Georcre Chute - Fuel for office --------------- 29.03 ir' ,� _ ,► rr mire hall ----------- '15.02\ Peter J. 'loin- Crovm 'ittorney fees --------- 17.00, H-otch',,-iss -~ pliances -Office sun -)lies ------- 2.09 Leroy Ta*lor - Fox Bounty ------------------- 6,00. Lloyd Jackson - it IT __________________ 8.00\ Skean Brinn - __________________ 2.00 Nathan Hayward _ �, ,t ------------------ 12.00 � Ken Grant - Repair to fire truck ------------ 1.45 Trus. Ontario 111unicipal _',.ssn. -fee --_ ______ 15.00\ Salvation ,army - Grant ---------------------- '15.00\ Tri -County jIflgbulance - Februa.ry 7rant------- 30,00\ Harold Tailor - Aelief for Feb. ------------- 100,00 i-Trna Hotchkiss- Sal. Jan. 1-15 _____________ 27.00\ Jan. 15 - 31 ---------- 24,00 J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for `'an. ---------- 35,00\ It Tt - street Lts. for Jan. --------- 5.00\ J. D. Vallee -To apply on salary ------------ 284,41\ Aeceiver eneral - Tax re. Vallee ----------- 7,25\ Basil Nevill - .`.ttend 1 meeting ------------- 1..00, Don. _ Chute - " 1 " _-------____ 13.00 Chas. D. Phillips - t' 1 T' ------------- 13.00\ Harold tennett - itI "------------- 13,00\ iiorman Pressey - " 1 '�------------- 13.00 Coved by Phillips; Seconded again in special session on �v Chute- `"hat this Council adjourn to meet Deb. 10th. 1958, at 1 p.m ... Carried. ��— - Reeve. f 513 Tovmship Office, Straffordville, Feb. 10th. 1958. A special meeting of the Council of the Toimship of Ba vham was held on the above date for the purpose of considerin-: road expenditures and plan road work for 1058 together with other business. '11 members were present and 6eeve 9eYfi�- presided. Eioved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the Clerk advertise for tenders for construction of Jacko, Pollick and Palmer "unicipal Drains. Same to include all labour anti materials. Tenders to be accompanied by certified cheque .for 10 of tender submitted for each drain. Same to close at noon, TIar. 3rd. 1958 and lowest or any tender not necessarily -accepted ... Carried. The Clerk read a letter from : r. 11arold E. Stafford, Barrister, onbehalf of Daniel R. 1•'urphy respecting rights to water on Little Jerry Creek Drain. The Clerk was instructed to reply and quote a clause from the Engineer's report portion of the by-law covering this matter. Mr. :'art 1.1artyn waited on the council in the Villa7e of Straffordville. ."oved by Phiilips >econded b -T Chute- That this council street light onnosite united Church Straffordville... Carried. and requested additional street lights request the H.E.P.C. to instal new and also one at Second Street in Considerable discussion was held pertaining to the matter of road expenditures for 1958 with Road -upt. Tribe being present. It was agreed to request the expenditure of a total amount of .;j67, 00o. for 1958 and a tentative program was laid out under Form 1•1R-18 pending advise from 'r. Caldwellts office in respect to purchase of machinery. The Clerk was instrcuted to have by -lair. ready .for -.:arch 3rd. meeting. -Moved by Bennett Seconded by Presse -%r- That this 1958, at 10.30 a.m...Carried. e'3 Council now adjourn to meet again on :March 3rd. Reeve. L04 `I'oc�mship Office, Str:�Pfordville, -;arch 3rd. 1958. :^ regular meetinc; of the Bayham Tot-mship Council was held on the above date :,rich all members present and Reeve ''evill pre siding.inures of the last regular and special .meetings were read, approved and sic-ned and the follow- -ing business was done. Communication read abd consirleredincluded the following. Several notices 6f ind-igent hospital patients. Appreciation of grant from the Salvation '_rmy at London. A request for a grant from the Y.-=.C.A, National Council. Advise from the local manager of the Bank of Commerce that interest rete on ToT-mship borrowing had been reduced a further of l' to 5%* :1 letter ryas received from the Clerk of Vienna to the effect that the Villae was agreeable to paying a guarantee of :150. for fire truck services in 1958. l dvice .-,as received From the Dept,, of i_ unicinal Affairs that the program of brushing on Township roads would be eligible for the 70;� grant to aid un- employment subject to other grants payable by the province. A con"T of 1958 budc-et ,.ias received from the Otter Creek Conservation Authorit� setting Bayhamts portion at X1446.66. A neer estimate of Corinth Street Lighting Costs was received. request for membership was received from the Assn. of Ontario TTa ors and reeves. Prices were received from Brunner -fond Canada Sales for flake calcium chloridA Deputy Reeve Chute and Councillor Bennett reported on meetin, at D reham Centre pertaining to proposal for adjoinin? municipalities t purciase an zmbulance . 514 I•ioved by Phillips Seconded b T Chute- That the A�eeve, Deputv.Reeve and Col).ncillor Bennett, to- --ether wit!°i any others, be named as council representatives to further meet- ings respedtino; proposed :ambulance service and the possibility of forming a civil defense area...Carried. _r. 1. C. I- cDowell, Bnf�ineer, waited on the council and presented a choice of plans for construction of a new brill e at lots 25 & 2b, Conc. 2. These were throurhl,r discussed nTr x r. cDowell and the members. I -loved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That this council accept the plans for concrete bridge and�ne.�a channel for Bartlett brill ae . location and t%at the same be submitted to ept. of IIighways for approval lith choice of pre -stressed concrete floor or steel irder and concrete floor for brig. -re ... Carried. 1.1ove d b -v Chute Seconded by Phillips- Ghat on approval of Bartlett Bridge plans by Dent. of Highways and arranmements made for purchase of necessarsr property, that W.C.I_cDowell be authorized to advertise for tenders for constrcution of bridge and channeling...Carried I oved by Phillips Sec -ended b -T Pressey- That this council adjourn 'or Zoon to Meet again at 1.30 p.m ... Carried. Council resumed renular se:asion at 1.30 p.m. .roved by Phillips :.)ecorided by Chute- That the whole council be a committee to -interview owners as to purchase of property for new channel at location of proposed new Bartlett Bridge...Carried. :'ovecl by Bennett Seconded by Pressev- That a lunch Counter License be approved for John Pro -r-ett ...Barried . T_oved by Pressey `seconded by Bennett- That the f. ol'_ot•,rin'- expenses be allowed for attendance at food Ilo�ads Convention; - Chas. D. Phillips ---- 35.00 John C. Tribe -------- 35.00\ J.D.Vallee t car ----- 60.00 same to be char -red to Roads accounts ... tarried. 'loved by Bennett Seconded by Presset,T- Lind resolves? that -Law No. 1364 beinT a by-law to provide for roads expenditure for 1958, be now read a first time...Carried. ,.:1364 I'•ioved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Lams I1o. 1364 be now read a second time ... Carried. "owed by Chute Seconded by Bennett- {nd resolved that By-Laa 11o. 1364 be now read a third t i-ne and finally pas sed ...Carried . 4 Tenders were opened fer construction of three drains in the Toimshi.p. These were received from ". '.1. Cattle, Ecl:ford er, Lowden, and Everett Leaney. Upon examination of same, it ;•,ras found that those of 1]xkford �, Lowden %ere lowest. 1'• oved by Phillips cconrlecl b,r Chute- That Eckford r,owden's tenders for materials and labour for constructions of drains be accented as follows; - Jacko Drain at a price of .,1281.00 Palmer rt rr rr rr rr 3066.00 Pollick rr rr " rt rr 3963.00... Carried. I roved by Pre s sev, Seconder by Bennett- That the Clerk return cheques of G. 'ol. Cattle and werett Leaney with thanks for subm- ittinr- tenders for drains...Carried. Discussion was held in respect to purchase of road Machinery anc a used truck for water tank for fire department. It vas decided to visit London on ;March 5th. for the purpose of seeing; a demonistration of some machinery. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That providing members decide on purchase of a used U1 515 truck for water tank for fire department in London on I march 5th., it is hereby authorized that deal for same be comnleted...Carried. Iiessrs. Vasiliuna.s and Gubesch waited on the council and requested work on their road to make same passable. The Hoa.d `)upt, a ;reed. to look same over and what he could for them. roved by Bennett Seconder? by Pressey- That the 'reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of ,;;3000.17 for rood accounts and. 970.23 for enera.l acro ,nts...Carried. Roads ani? ' Brddge s ac c6unt s- ' Feb.•1 to 15 ---- it rr rt `? - 4eb.le to 28 --- Central Pipe Lines - Gas for hall---------- -ir 1 I•ialahide 1'el.Co. - Ufice phone ---- "-eora;e ^XGre�or - ;?elief for ::arch--------- Florence-ennedy - " t' 11 --------- Cora Underhill - t' tt :' --------- Harold Taylor ______--- John )T)lece _-------- Allen :iialsh Plumbin-r- Office: furnace ------- Geo. Chute - Office fuel ----------------_-__ Bailj.r Com:~lercial Iews- -Drain advts.------__ Provincial Treas.- ►_nsulin,='.I:cTrer,;or ------ Treas. of A71mer - Aeli�* for 'ale ,Vanatter- €athan Hayward - Fox bountir ---------------- Fred Bo:.es - _________________ Lloyd Jackson - cr ,r _________________ .,.rnol( • c Sowell ---------- lel "eimer san. care to 71ar.15---- John Thorne - Fox '. ounty ____--------_______ Tri-Count��:.mbulance- Grant for : -arch ------ I•rvrna Hotchkiss- 4 d.ays office help -------- J. L. Dennis - sire chief for Feb .---______ rt rr - St. Lts: J. '). lallee - `�'o apply, on salary ---------- Basil Nevill - .attend 2 m.eetin-rs ----------- Don. :"x Chute - r: 2 tr Chas. D. 1'hillins- 11 2 it _____--____ Harold Bennett - It 2 r► _______---- Norman Pressev - it 2 ------------ ;� 809.5 6 2190. Cl 21.35. 22.30\ 30.00 20.00 y 100.00 100.00 10.00 5.00\ 39.56 ?7, 50� ,47 15.39 20.00,\ 2.00\ 10. `0 \ 2.00 25.00 x..00\ 30.00\ 24.00" 35.00\ 5.00\ 2Q1.66� 26.00 26.00\ 26.00\ 26.001 26.00 '.loved by Bennett . >econded by Pressey- `"hat this council adjourn to meet actin on April 7th, at 10.30 a.m...Carried. X!ett�lll Reeve. Special Meet ' of the for the pur se of consi Caldwell , strict _u ' c 1roved. Bennett 1'z Seco led by Chute That i transf--rs monies From road intenance enc. :arcbeTth. 145$. B am ToVr�nsh' , Council eras .eld on the ove date ration of reruest by ter r roan :r S. ipal Enr;i er, and the loi,,rin,m a.cti _taken were _ est the �_fi re and to road constr From ro _ ma.intena�Kto B/C maint n� T ri ,.rr' __c.. etin .J a:I�j )xfned. Dept of Highways B ,air Ro. 13+3 - o make the fMllow- tion----------- ?742. ince------- ------ 784, 1:L ------------------- VA------- eeve. erl:. 516 Straffordville, "arch 8th. 1958. ". special meeting of the members of Bavham Tolvrnship Council was held on the above date f '' or the purpose of consideration of a letter _from r. T. S. Caldwell, District '.runic * 11 1 F,nMineer' and the follovrin action liras taken. loved by Bennett Seconded by Chute- ghat �•.re reques°t the Department of Hi,.;hways to rake the .following transfers of monis- s with regards to Fav-Lavr No, 131+3 ; - rom road maintenance to road construction --------71.2. QO From road mainten krnce fo B/C maintenance ---------- Total ------------------------ i?1526, 37.. , Carried, Council aliourned. cZ ae . I .__=?eeve. Tovrnship Gffice, trz'�. ' 17th. 1058. sped<:.1 meeting; of the Council of the Tolornship of Barham was held on the above --date with all me:�bers present and =peeve Tlevill nresidinrr. The purpose of the meetinc; was to discuss road matters and insurance and to meet with ratepayers in connection with Calton Develop�:�ent Road. Road matters were discussed an11 the Clerk read a letter fronthe Denuty T sinister of 1;iMh�rrays st"atin that it was still impossible for his department to --ive any assistance in purcha sin? right-of-wayY for Development Road. The Members then tent b:r car to '=essrs, r o by and Bartlett concern--# ins- purchase of land for pronosed neer brid-;e and Channelling at Bartlett si ?.ego d. �;�h,� Godby's here not :zt. hgme ani; r. :4artle tt -1rould not discuss the matter only very briefly. On the return to the village, the Members with. the Road Sunt. and Clerk, Tiere "uests of 11r. Ralph Ml cklin of Frank Cowan Insurance Office, for dinner, (lurin r which insurance matters were discussed. Insurance i.:as further discussed on the return to the Township Office, more particularly coverage on the To,vrnship barn, ' oved by Bennett 3econdeA by Presley- That this Toimship insure our Toi�rnship Barn and Fire Hall with. Frank Cowan Office for .;;6500, on building and -X2000, on contents. Premiixm credit to go to I.-itchell Cameron Insurance Office... -Carried. T oved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Clerk be instructed -:o cancel insurance on barn with the folloo!ing companies and recuett return of premium notes from .Jestern Farmers Ins. Co; and ''North and 3outh Dorchester 'ire Ins.Co. Carried. a roved by. Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Clerk be instructed to request Seld(on and Re. rrinald Godly and Frank Dartlett to attend council meeting on April 7th. at 11 o'clock in the _foremoon to discuss the matter of a neer bridge and purchase of 1,-md if necessary...Carried. 't t�,,!o o'clock p.m. , the members adjourned to the Toi%rnshin Hall where a meeting was held vrith owner§ of land adjacent to proposed development road -from Fro?-ett l s Corners to '-Ialto%. Owners were present to represent 24 out of the .3 properties involved. A plan of the nronosed new road was laid out on tables for all present to inspect. Reeve 11eviil named Clerk Vallee as Chairman n+ explained the Proceedin?s with the Fe-nt. of Highwa-,rs which led uo to this znxtter. The Chairman invited ouestions and considerabl, discuss- ion followed to -ether with further examinations of the plan. Prices of land was discussed and it was felt that :, 200, per acres for workable land should be naid, other land rrraded down according to dualityo also some special factors might enter into purchases, At the clo _e' of the meeting, several expressed a desire to sign for their respective properties and eleven. ontioss were taken ri7ht ''at the meeting. The council then. resumed its session at the Township office. 517 ;louncillor Phillips and Clerk Vallee were dele�~ated to proceed with the acquiring; pf properties as possible during the next few days. The matter of purchasing some industrial ecuinment for the Roads Jepart:jent eras then discussed and a tentative tender for same was submitted. Reeve levill agreed to discuss this Mat!;er further at County Council with I -r. Cook fro:: the Dept. of Hi--hways. Toved by Pressey Oecon('.ed b -T Phillips- That providing approval is received from the Dent. of Highwa;rs, the Clerk be authorized to advertise in Daily Commercial i ews for an industrial t.re ctor acrd/or crawler... Carried. It eras yeci,'e'.. to hold a meeting on 'ranch 271-.h. of interested. ratepayers at Corinth for further discussion of street li-hts. T.oved by Phillips Seconded by Bennett- ;':gat this meetinrr now adjourn to meet again in regular session on'�pril 7th. at 10.30 a.m....Carried. 'neve. Toiarshin Office, }traffordville, April 7th. 1958. 'the regular meeting of the council of the Totmship of Bayham -ras held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nevill presiding, i inutes Of the last regular and special meetings .-rere read, approved and signed and the followinrr business was done. ::"everal hospitnl notices were received and discussed by the members, let ter irtas receive? from '7r. Hoffman suggesting post san care for I r. 1Ieimer be continued for another 3 months pending a further report, letter was received From r. Pete 'Howland resnectyng resic?ence of I°rs.+ N-a-,rme T?olfe. dviee Yeas received from the Village of Port Bunnell that they should 7 uarantee the sum of :'400. ter near for fire protection. The Union 1:as o. advised that it had recuested that ore; ent Dominion has Co. rates be in effect pending a-reement throu-,h tl-e Qntario Fuel Board of a nej,,r schedule. The Office of the .Fire ',.'-----),rshall advised of a Training "ourse for Fire Chiefs in Toronto on _'.pril 23 to 25, The . Dept:. of I .ands and Forests advised. they swere holding a Training Course for rarest ` ire N ic;hting at St. .Tilliams on' pril 10th. ' request `has received from the =art Rurtfirell Chamber of Uornr.Qrce to have a member from Bayham. Appointed to their Erosion Com°littee. Letters �AT�re received from Gibson .(`� Gibson and George -oore respecting Mts. Howey' s recuest -to close part of an alley in Eden. The council . delayed any action nendint their personal visit to this site, The Dept, of `elf re advised that 80 subsidy woul � be paid on post san at- orium care up to certain limits. credit was received from Brunner and '. nay ales as a refund for ?�mrsh- ase of load of hard salt. " 11otice was received of '..relfare Officers :assn. meeting; in t`itindsor on :ay 26 ) 27 and 28, No action i.,ras taken on resolution:: from City of St. Thomas and `7oti-,-n of LaSalle. :'approval of employees' pension plan was received from Dept of "rational =t-e`Tenue . subsidy of 619.21 ?{gas received for -comes for the _'c-eded and 1 , ' 73,94 for balance of 1957 roads subsidy. Copies of :Agin County By -lairs No. 1714 and 1715 were received setting layham t s equalized assessment at 3 , 506 ,163. for 195E and levying the sum of ;;51, 995. as Bairh amts County Rate for 195. . -dvice was received f rom the Town 0'exce.n Till �onbur i.rould be discontinued on July 1, 1 on n"mu al ai as s. 11 518 . letter eras received from ' :r, to ter, dated j parch 21�th. settin ., Forth certain. d.etailed information concerning C Alton Development Road. :'. letter gra.; received From Dent. of ' -_unicipal .':ff.:.irs rec:uestin�- certain changes in Pension plan as set out in uy-Lai,-r IT.o. 1363, ". refund sand re-h��.te totalli_nM X30.3 was received'. from 'rthur ?enner for cancellation of 1j. e-, S. Dorchester Policy 'To. 56038. I:r. Beldon=odby, ij ?ein the only interested r.tepxyer present, r' -i scussed the ` matter of anew Bartle bridge and creek Jiversion with the :�embers end :agreed t',.,at t'.ne sum of;;300, 1,101,11 be !� fair T>ri ce 'or use of land on his rand his brother's f ^.rr?'m `'or the neer channel and that their would be re spore si bi]£ of levellinf; of earth exca�rated from the channel, } -r. Verne Soper met with the cou cf-. _. ~.nr' reg-ue sted ?.Tork on road to h ,, s farrm -�t lot 10 (1%, 11, Cone. 3, '..red also same 'ditchin~ on :1oodwo nth sic_?eroad. The council in.for led hiT th-�.,t their would loo'.: over these situations ane".coo what d they could for the ?ire sent but that any major work would have to :gait for a year or two, -oved b -r Kennett `3econded by Phillips- `_'hat this council ari journ for noon to meet -.--.i n at 1.30 .-.,,Carried. `'he meetin,, i•r^s restated a.t 1.30 r. . loved by Chute :seconded by Pressey- That the follo°rin^; licenses be annroved; - L,lovd Dickinson ------ restaurant L'ho 'edo?-rt'ao ------ Lunch Counter Ilarold Bennett ------- Restaurant ... Ca rrie(I . 11r. Jack r:ray of the firr.I of _'arc hibald , Gray and ' icli y, met with the rnn.enbers Fan,' di,ccussed surveying, and cacquirinr of properties as needed alon the Calton Dcvelop�nent Road. roved by Chute" Seconded b;r Phillips. That. Jack Gray, G.L.'. be en a ed to make a title survey for properties along; the Calton eveloDnent Road, , . ^arried. ;_oved by I'ressey Recon -1e•'. b-,- Phillips- That enuty-reeve Chute be named as the ayham member to the Port ''ur-el 1 Ch--nber of Commerce Erosion Co ittee... Carried.. Moved. bzr Bennett Oeconded by Presseir- That this (council request the ".7.P, ', to proceed with the installation of 7 strc iet lights in the I'amlet of forinth eat a cost of 061.00... Carried. .ovcd by tennett Seconded byPre:-.-sey- .",_red resolved that By -Lal -r ',o. 1365, beim a by-law to amend By -Law 'o. 1363, be now read a first + lme... Carried. ._oved by Pressey „'1 X65 Seconded by Phillips- ':nd resolves! that By -Lair "o. 1365 be now read a second time...Carrieo. ov e d b -v Chute Seconded by Bennett- `Md resolved that By -La tAr No. 136.5 be noire read a third time and finally passed... Carried. ;-roved b-ir Phillins Seconded bar Chute- .';.nd resolved the t .,,o. 1366 beinM a by-law to limit the wei!?ht of vehicles Aassin- over "r rtlett ,9ridge, lots 25 and 26, Cone. 2, to 4,000 lbs., be now read a first time...Garried. 111366 -oved by Chute Jeconded by Pressey- And resolved that BY -Law ''To 1366 be now read a second V time ... Carried. ..roved b:T Bennett Seconded by Phillips- 'znd resolved that 13y -Law No. 1366 be- now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1367 beim a by-law to „'137 rezlate and license eating establishments be now read a first time...Carrie I•oved by Bennett ,seconded by Chute- .'end resolved that By -Law iIo. 1367 be now read a second 519 time... Carried. oved b jr Chute Oeconded by Pressey- 'nd resolved that *qtr-I-oatvr ',To. 13 f7 be now read third time and finally passed... Carried. ".he Treasurer then nresent a proposed budget for YP58. This t,ras thoroughly iscussed alonrr igi,.tn the mills ,rate s for the year. oved b -v Bennett v3econded by Pressey- That the Treasurer's budget for 1958 be adopted and the Tos,.rnsliip levTr be set at 16.1 mills for farm and residential properties and 20.5 mills for industrial -.nC coriiercial properties... Carried. loved by Bennett Jecond.ed by Phillips- '.nd resollred that By-La.t,r I o. 1368 bein a by -lair to adopt the assessment on which the 1958 taxes shall be levied, to leirl the 1958 taxes abd to provide for the collection thereof, be now read a first time...Carried. 36 8 I :oved by Pre s se7r �jeconde . b rChute- '.nd resolved that No. 1368 be now read a second time... arried. I,"oved b -v Chute Secondecz by Presse-y-'.nd� resolved that By-L;�-Vl :`o. 136 '^e now read a thir,4 tim. e anra final_l-Tr 'Passed...Carried. The Clerk was instrz?cte{'1. to advise Teore Crrant not :o re-ne°�r the preser:t fire policy on Township call expiring on .':pr. 11th, but that the same be placed throu,-h - °itchell and Cameron Office. "oved by Phillips Se(71 -led blr Pressey-'That tfarold `'ennott be authorized to have necessary rep;;Ars mllde to Coomber ^rain ... Carrie "oved bzr Phillips >econrled by Kennett- That j. T'resse-�r beauthorized to I�atle necessary repair; made to Smith Drain... Carrier% I-:oved blenne t r "b econde,.i by Phillins- That the Treasurer issue a cheque bf )30, to Tri - Count-�r �_mbulrince for month of Aril... Carriel. _oved bar ''ennett Seconded b r Pressey- That Chas. Phillips be allowed 4 days .*13.00 ea, for IaI,,rchasinc-; land, and •...lO.OQ per day for car allowance .and :,�1.}.5.00 for car expenses. 'also that aeeve /Vevill bP alowed-'13.00 for one day and10.,0 for car...Carried. Moved b-t.r Phillips Seconded by Chute- That J. D. Vallee be 11o, -red "10.�-)O for car trip to London on i'lar. Gtr. and =?3.00 for meals...Carried. -oved by Bennett ;� L "econ(Iled bar Pres sey- That Councillor Chute be paid for 2 tris to ,ereham Centre re : C Tri-ounte4, r !Mbulance .10({ per mile , total ;8,40 0 . Carried. k iloved, blr Phillips Seconded by Chute- That Reeve ,4evill be re-imbursed 1C�. �0 for tri ?� to London to purchase -truck and all members except Councillor Bennett be paid .;10.00 .for ?av's allowance... Carried. The Treasurer lave a brief report on present stm-indinc- of tax arrears. . "oved bT,r Chute ,=)econderl, by-�evill- That the `ire -.surer renort to the Council on I ay 30th. of all tax arrears of 1955 and prior years...Carried. oved bir Pressey econded by Bennett- That this council inspect Totrnship roads on April 10th. and 11th... Carried. It was ~reed to cont..ct Teor;e bore on one of the above days. and discuss with' him and exa:iine the situation re-ardinM the closinM of al ey in Eden. I:oved br Pressey :seconded by Phillips- Be it resolved that we recommend that Elgin County be classified as a listed area in the Brucellosis test...Carried. 520 Moved by Phillips Seconried by Chute- "hat t` rF c.evc. ^i7n the order sheet^ in an emotJ.nt o�' .8. 6 for roarls recounts an(1 .02 for -Pne al r?{;Co1LntS... Carried. Robt. Grant - Stamps for aurlitors_____________ .}r 110100% r)orothy Dag - relief for 'arch --------------- 50.00♦ Ientr:fa.l Pirie~ Lines - G~,s for half. ------------- 21.35\ ci =anus I otors - Fire t�;nk truck -------------- .�5J.00\ xIobt. Grant - Stamns for Clerk -----___-_______ 6,00\ I-'Jrdro for hell F; Office __________-_ ?3,68-.\ ,r jr _ ,► ,► fire hall -______-__ ----- 23.71 , a`.- - =___________Doroth-TT 'elief for .�nril 0O Harold Tatrlor - �' :s tt ______________ 120.00 Florence 11,ennedy- -------------- 20.00 "^:c�re;or ____-_-__----- r.0 �eo. Joan 13Diece - " '' `'-------------- 10.00` Cora U, derhill- it --------------- 100,00\ .) obt . ('Trant - 1'.0. ox r. ectal ----------------- 5.00 "lei, -is Printin7 Co.- I'rintinr, ?ea.`=rent Ins. ". enCV - ,r'rE'm.re.o'-r ce CCI�tE'ntS- 32.% 0 Tre::.s. .lr;in Courty4 - T'_osnitalization--------- 230.11\ Clvas. Laing - ?ulbs, Lich. )t. li7hts ------ 10. .rs. Ide,c deli Sr.- Poultry killed b r doffs ---- 50.00\ .Zobt. �Jacl,-son - Valuin1; ablve ____w____________ 3,00 T. ebster - office stinnlips- -------------- 6,05\ . unicip-,1 orld. I1t�J . - ° o Tarts r° licnG ses ----- 57.20 Eamil.ton, -Ward Lathers- Prem. ad.rled f J.. re tr. 11.80\ Frank Coi,.ran Co.Ltd.- Prem re. fire hall ------- ?5,50-\ Geo. Chute - Fuel for Office ------------------ 36,91\. tr tr _ rt ,r fire hall --------------- 48,60\ Gas for fire truck --------------- 71.60\ )ou flas Tracey - Fox Bounty ------------------- 8,00\ ?.l le Walsh — .► t' ------- ____________ 12.00 Lloyd Jackson -------- _---------- 4,00\ R I. holey ___________________ 2.Q0-\ )enni sarmE - lenairs {'�.?"F truck '2 ___-____- 102.25. � :ichael I`Iei er -Post sore care, :< r.15- �-or.15---- 25.00\ J. L. Dennis - Licenses for Fire truer --------- 4100N ?. L. ':enned.4- - Fire alarm work --------------- ?7,00 � ri-Counter anbul��{nce - :pril grant -_____------ 30,00\ I'lirrna Hotchkiss - 2 days 61-0 f ice help ---------- 12.00\ J. L. Dennis - Fire Chi' for ?rarch----------- 35.00\ t. Lt s. for ::arch ------------- 5 000 J. D. Vallee - To annly on salary -----_______- 277,08\ Basil I'levill - 2 meetings --------------------- 26.00\ 1 day to London s, car ---------- 20.00\ Ikon. I. Chute - 2 meetin,�;s -------------------- 26.00 ,r " " - 1 a, air r• car to J. Centre 18.40,..J C. 7. I'hi_llips - 2 meetina-s------------------- 26,00-\ 1 d.ayr to London -------------- 10.00-1% Norman P ressey - 2 meetings ---------------a---- 26.00\ 1 day to London -------------- 10.00 Harold Bennett - 2 meetinms------------------- 26, 00 oved by Phillins Seconded. blt Chute- That this council now adjourn to meet a, -rain cin "ay 5th. at 10.30 a.m...Carried. eeve. • ( �` 11 521 Tovmship Office, Straffordville, ..aril 11, 1958. Pollowin^ inspection of ToTtmshin ryors, a brims d meeting- o the Council was held on the above date. Reeve Nevill reported on meetin with George I"gore concernin ; proposed closin- of portion of alley in Elden and the Clerk was instructed to Pave T&mship Solicitor proceed 1.Ath same in accordance with -r s . Howey t s re1que st . memorand>,,m from :Fr. Jack Gray,G.L. S. , �:as read and discussed concerning ' alton Jevelonnent :Mnr? and the Clerk -,,,,as r;irected to have ToT•mship Solicitor investigate the advisability of expro priatinc; the properties required for the construction of this ro =.d. -oved by Bennett ;` r�cond.ed bar Chute- That )ayli-ht Savi• Timbe in of "c=ct in this To mship �'Iuri.ng the period from Aipril 26th. -Lt midni ;ht to Sept. 27th. at ? idnight. Council '.d journed. ?eeve. Toy-.mshin Office, ntr .f:nor-iVIle, I"ay 5th. 1958. l ursuant to adjournment of April 'nth. , the regular meetin7 of the Bayham "o;-rnship )Council iras held on the: above date z$ith all members present and Reeve Neviii -tare sidinr-. I,-inutes of the last re7ular and rypecial meere read, approve,id an(? si --ned and tI_e f ollowin - ?),usine ss :-fas done. received included sever -_1 hospital notices. request .-,-,s received from Tri-'Joi.,ntjr '.mbulance for attendance at meeting in `I'illsonbur� on -a-,, 12th. °.pprec-.ation for flowers rent to f eneral of C. W'roTnm, ^ol.=n sh ip auditor, v,as received from ars. Broj,,m and -17,Ted. recuest for -rant i•;as received from �1Min Toa-,nshi?) Road Supt I s .ssn. ...he P. ~. renuested new resolution in r$spect to Corinth 'treet li?hts The T, of County Chamber of Co~��nerce asked the su��nort of local councils in a movement to have the Provincial Governnent tale over public beaches. :Y Con -r1 a letter from the`?'oi•m of Tillosnburg i'lanninf; Board to the '".'inister of t t nicilaal Iffai.rs was read to the. members. .Idviee on as rates for the union Gas Co. i%as received from Ontario Fuel Board Council discusser) a letter re --a rdin7 Calton Development Woad and su-I vested porceedure From the Tounship Solicitor. M 6win-r to possible amendments to the -unicinal :'pct, approval of the pension plan by-law eras withheld by the went. of i-kunicipal .,ffairs pending further information to be pro vridred. letter T,.ras received from the Clerk of Vienna advisinc that the Village would not be responsibility for fire truck calls to -ra.ss or car fires unless call male by. the Reevd or Councillor. r. .',rt lartyn, Bayhamt s representative on the Ti.11sonburg 'i -h School Board, discussed with the meinbers the proposed net•.= high school 'nu -']-ding in Tillson- bur7 and. requested a sur.nortinr- resolution From the _*ouncil. I "oved by Chute >;econded bi.r ressey- 'here -s this -unicinality wishes to have it recorded that the council still consider the new high school should have been erected in the vicinit�r of atr ,ffordville, however it is herewith resolved. that Bayham Toi,rnshin trill assume its share of a 6M 000.00 debenture issue by the, Towm of `T'illsonburg for the erection of a: new high school building in at unicip:i.lity...Carried. .: ove(I by Bennett seconded by Phillips- That Rayham Totrnship 'Jiscontinue the payment of fox bounties; effective I'Av 30th. 1958 and that it be recommended to Elgin County Council that a certain number of ta=i aed foxes be released in the Counter for special bounty... Carried. 522 `ovec bar Phil.lins Seconded by Chute- That the usual -rant of „'-25.00 be made to the To-vrnship Road Su�bt. t s .�ssoci�ation for 1�5�..,Carried. loved btu Phillins Seconded hzT Bennett- That this Council .gid iourn for n.inner to reconvene at 1.301.3 ... Carriet7.. Council rein med regular session at 1.:10 P .i .. Yove�?. by Chute aecon?e� b -Y Phillips- That t.,is '1 oTxrn.ship request the F"=overnment of -he Province of Ontario to �r�'ce steps to procure nroperties for public beaches alon he north s1 -.ore of La.: -.e `,rle, Say!: to be maintained as Provincial Parks... Carried. Councillor Phillins reoorted on .Further f'etrelon :eats insofar as nronerty alon? the Calton �,evelopmennt 7.oad i-ras concerned. ..'.uthorization T,fas given: for the moving of building of '.'::1. "I.in -1_anr, is proper coulr? be, ;:1ade. blr Sennett Sen, cond-ec' by Chute- That Aceve 7evill -�n,. Councillor I'hillins t=Ie necessary steps to stake �.rran ements for fo=dc --.tion for Albert Sinrlen garage an,= have same roved re. 4 jeveloprient zqo,-jd...Carried... Carrie`l. 1'% tenr'ers in all .sere re^eived_n an:��;Tor to a �.vertiserlent :dor ?ndustrial 'I ractor, either '. heel tzrpe of Crw-rlr;r Lyne, with front enrt. loa.;'er and backhoe hese were e ar�ined and aiscusseC�. with ir. Cook, 'assistant District-ur.�.ci. _.ngineer. ovE:ci bar Phillips }econderl by Pre :sey- `Flat this ,onstructlon lEnuinment Co. of s`?^ovel nd backhoe ...Carrier? . council request �� 1"emonistration bya Case 6(),OD Cra_i�Y=ler and a 320 '..?heel t-,rne, -�r Howard Coomber, 3ayht-mt s renrfi:.=,.ent tive on the est ? din z:i h School Do and waited on the cou.-i.cil and present a brief resv)ectin r acWomm6 ation :at tnceir H -rh 'lchool, an re lzcst,Pd co -nc_' 1 s, •r ori-, off' ^roosPd d .ti n to same. .owed. ')-,- Bennet t V `recon 1e(i by 'Erma a p -.r . of the oT,mS''in o`' . ayhz-1,,1 is inclu'-led in h achool )istrict, -�,n'+':'hAre� s b�,r reason o^ the incre :ase in the number o_"unilsttend- �_' �� �' district it is expedient to enlerT-e -he in tz.e 1 ;n >choon the s��._(; -, ,are sent school; :Lig be it resolved that this Council her ebur ,ive tentative approval to :a nroposerla!' ii.ition to t?.e just -.l in ._i h School so that tentat- ive :approval for the un-'.ert -'.,,i ng may be obtained From the Ontario -unicipal Board at an esti.ra.ted cost of :;125,000.00...Carried. r.Clarence Loc'-er met wl,th the Co..tne-.l in respect to repairs to _itts Drain and the C1�~rk, o� behalf' of s. :Sick :7z-�latyan, _�eouested repairs to the Carnes Drain. .-oved b,, 'ressey Seconded bi,j :Dhillips- ':"hat rennirs be authorized. to itts Drain a, outlined bar E)enut„ ''eeve "hute..."--ried. - -oved by Chute 'econded b-- Phillips-h<,t repairs be made to Carnes Drain by cleaning out and mainta Lnin�; as an open '-itch, that portionfrom. stake 53 plus 30 to stake 3l� Mus GO except roacl�tr<r,�T, an,'-, that .repairs be ::lade to the from stake 34 rluE oo to stake � at head of drain. The above open ditch portion to have a bottom 1.ridth of 4 feet minimum sand proper slopes to sir?es...0:rirried. :overs by Chute aeconded b,, Phil�_irs - .'.nd resolved that 3y -Lags "o. 13an, beim-; bYr-law to close ;portion of an alley in the ' amlet of Zden an,? for selling sG.= e, be now 1, >° read first time...Carried. .'oved b-1; Phillins Seconded by Fressey- :'n resolved that 3y -L. Z,r t�f©. 130"Q'be now read)a second time ...Carried.. The above bir-J W to be duly a Jverti sed -.n(' steps taken for, third re adin'T to be held on flay - 30th. • 523 Clerk Vallee reported on meetincr with To-:.;nshin solicitor in respect to matte of er�uip? eat included in tender dated, -arch 1st. lt:?56 for Cham-, grader "o gel D5626 � `oved by Chute �jecon,ded b r Phillins- 'What we have the To�,mshin ),olicitor i>-ite _Roa.d. :-!71chinery ;'ales Co. :tr'. at ' oderich and demand that their pre sent tr-.n smi s cion in our "117-odel T)5 6 2 rTr.�.der witi: the t;rpe it had in accordance =,,iith tender dated. larch 1, 1956, ..Carried. to Dominion replace the should have Roved btr'ressev econded blr uennett- That in respect to council resolution under date of ::aril 7, 10 5$ re�-~.rc?in sire -t li7htin� in orifi.th, it is further resolved. that;- 1. The Toirnshin requ(�sts 'ntario 1-11-rdro to nroc-ped with street li-htin�- instal lation in the unlet of Corinth. 2 'What the f"ol.mt ship undertakes-, to pati the cost esti.za.ted and the lrearly rates as scheduled. 3. '^:.t this ':`owns T,,ill execlzte the necessartr ret; iser? le .ri slation i )-.n~�rovcd ... Carried. .:over}. p..T 3enne tt �-'econ�'e- bl- Presse -Tr- That the -?oa^ 'Iunt. be Flan SD -3780, _ .arch 17, 1958, of the approach circuits or ?protective si-na__s at on (,.n,-,ru-a Subdivision ... C arrie{ 1. of the installation as a-reements and by-laws when authorized to execute annroval of .''.?. re-rard.incr lencrthening of Corl_nth Crossin,--, milea e 100.13 . ovec? 'cam, Phillips .r nconr'.er? 1� r Vires seer- That accounts pts as follows, be maid for insnc°ctin r roads;- r�asi-� .Tev111, m.ealC ?_?.70 ?...nd ? days 4-:. •,;10,w .:-.� :1+3.70 Don. _ :. 'hate - 2 days ----------------------- 20.00 Chas. v+.♦ 1 �. . !til l ns - 2 d,-;ys ---------------------- 2 )0.00 0 °?orr1-1,n ressetr - ? {` trs------------------------ 20.00 1,n"nlr 'ennett - 2 Bays (F". car 2 da -Ts ----------- 40.00 John C. Tribe - Car 1 day --------__..____________ 10.00 .Carried. o v e"d b «r i but e ` ocond,ed bz.r i hitlins- `" -t the :Peeve sl* -n the? order sheets 1n amounts Q "'398.02 for roa-'^' and brid--es a.nd 1444.514 for ~eneral accou'_ts... Carried. Zor ds and accoLuits- .`.aril 16 najr list ------ rt tt it it - --ay 5th. fr tt ---_-- "los sie Orr - belief for Hart ".nril ---------------- Harold ` p-Krlor - ri tt _ aV__-__--------- _`eo. ._c"rec;or - tr �t ir` --------------------- 'lorence 'ennedy - it tt it --------------------- Conn. Underhill - r=- rt is --------------------- 7lo ssie Orr - --------------------- 4 it tt tt ---------------------- John 'piece - Central ripe Lines - Gas for hall __________________ J. i.. TJolcomb.Co.- grooms ---___________________ yrs. '21i - zrler - Care of hall ------------- ------- Crestetner Ltd.- >upplies ry parts ------------------- :itchell Gar�eron - :jai. insurance ---------------- "`eo. "rant Ins.",., enc�.r - Burg lary Insurance--------- Hu-;hson F-Lineral .dome- 'u.rial '-hepherd &� `_-1b. ------ Treas. jiou:-hton Twp.- I.zelie" for L.0atman,Jan. _eb. Garfield )mith - �en.:�irs to ' :itfts }gain --------- arleTr t s Doat D. (71 'Teld 1 or'. s- '. York :Fire truck -_--- .1il.lard Phillips - Foa 3otui t1.r ---------------------- DenFehr - it rt -----------------_--- Robt. Grant - 3tam-ps-------------- ----__--_-__-_--_ - ichael ',Teir.er -Post San Care _'.pr.l5- _a1? 15-------- :)ennis ara ;e-?epirs C'k� painting fire truck 2------ Tri-',ount1T mbulance - Trip re. T. 71eueliin7 ------ Tre is. Ho -,d Supt. t s Assn. Grant ---------------------- rn:Hotchkiss - Office help :fpr. 9th. ------- ----- rt ti _ tt rt A___w____ :,pr. 16-30 -- J. L. Dennis - Fire 'thief for :':aril ---------------- tt it - 7t Lt S tt it -_--_---------- J. D. Vallee Rasil l"evill Don. 'Chute ly on salary less pension -------- - 1 meeting and. roads ----------------- 1 it tr n- ---------------- 702.09 5695 . Q3t 6.00\ 74-00%. � l 4.00 %. 24.00\ 20.00 81� . 00 \ 24.00\ 10100\ 12,85\ 25,031 9.00 \ 31.00\ 36,00 29.00 115.00'% 24.63, 10.00 210.60 N 9000-% 1;..00,\ 7.50 \ ?5*00\ 60.15 \ 16.00 25.0n 0.00 12.00\ ?5.00\ 5.00 ;L- , � 56.70 33.00 \ l r7m Chris* Phillips - IIarold Bennett - " orman ".'ressey - John Tribe - Car 11 Inspectin nc ro s !1 ?1 11 +.1 __..-_----- roat s------------- 33.00,-% ------------ 33.00, 53♦00\ 33.00N 10,00 524 i roved bi.T Chute c conie�l b -T7. Phillips - ':'hat tris council ... ,..,, journ to neet afrain on ;aY 30th. at 1 P9 "00 4I -r17 P,• w r1 F n `I?'1 ?:1 T? 'ff1.C£' at r=.''for0?.v.;.I e ..,..v 7th . �.95 . s eci ,1 meetin7 off` the 'avham ''o --.shin (.ounci? -as he'rl, on the above Nate for the purpose of observing the operation of some of the erui nment as tendered. for and to fttrtIler consic? er the y ender=,. '.11 -rere pry sent to Met'�er witbf :r. `oo %. oft ;e aert. of "'i,-hVera s, rve iaevi, ..tpenIl1.22,., CO?1s1,-e2'�.zble t"'.t-,ie ��r�`�...i�., '�'�t7 67,:.,eL ??1-.C..i..:iE's and one ::-.:.ssey- er ;uson machine in one-~7tion, t?:< meber s met �t the office, ? -fur'-her d i sr,,„` asp_d thc' 'G ':' fi- n,,nc3.n- or the n?arch-,se of mr—ichine • _'Ovc d b7 Chute Conde^ v PI 11 i, - "'hat t'�is r�ounci ? dace order for r tease 600D CraVrler Z..... `�s3 i1 Industrial Tractor wit}. front end Loarl.er an-. back hoe from the 'onstrnaction r u .t�r,ent moo. :_t the tender ric of 0 2 101, 00 as late of .`.�r. 30/5$. gayr�?en! or same to be ma as �^ol-lo?j�s; - ��, lnl.60 .on receipt ©�' a����.jv�? s and dteli v err of :ac:ine, nr ,>,QycJ,�J.!}�Q;v�Tale on''eb. 1st. 1�59,nr. that this odder be .pub 'ect to aDn.rovals x .e ent. o-1 ,h ways �.n.,_ Gnt��: _o _ an�ci al hoard. t ove-d b"T hillin )r= con er b'T rP;^ ^C.r-� '71nat the to et' T'E:rU�' st �' ?S' ?vc�- Z �rC�??`i the �E3"�t. O � j ;ham. ?r fOr hurC1; se Off'(?? Cost' indu serial >;r?wler tractor with'Front end to .'.er Jnr, backhoe at the tens er price of 12,101.0E and also approval from the `nt- rio t� icir� 1 hoard for ayynent of :x,000. off' the above amount to be ,mad on `eb. i st . 1950. . .1arried. o Un C 1 cq, 10.11 rn - j '.eeve, h f 525 To -gym shin Office, jtraforr.ville , . _ .:,t, 15th. 1�, s `' eciel meeting of the council of the To ship of 'avhar► -. as eld at r; 'fife on the above f�� tE' • '.h P, '?lirnA e of the me. etincr :� a- to consider the renInIcement of tr-:.n�~��±ic:7 _on for F the Ch.nmnion Roa(l Grr;.der. men':;, ♦ t? to --(! an~, "riber• ;" ook of the^elenfio erP2:. of `71 -r 2 '-r, '_ilre s O.. the minlon o:,j-.h:nertr 'o.n o -a ' present transmission -a.s -:.:out -ro ^n out s,nd ,;iP, the Mr -s'er coin_-' nrit operate until re -)airs were rlr. Tt -.Bas .Iso point r' out that -he old tr��nsni s:sion T,ras no`. ball bearings thr. ol_?-~hout as inr.' i c:.ted in -he ac conn-M-1-in`M t'^e tende- in 1,.56. '"r. givers e.tnla.ined that the present transmission i,,ras. a t rr ',e "ATI not now I'. s 4 r. t' � e. Zr T ~r- (ler s nn-! �h t�-'.�v • r � sh i 6J" l i- r 'cc(! Zn{, bronze bur_�.n ,s n some o �r�e �,e,:..n s. e orrer to replace ✓;:i:�i one s --i th a t?,ne ?'p" being a hi -,h sneed;transmiss- ion, s_rte as ole' one but �:*it, ball bearin ;s throurout �,n. the cost to be for. in -t All ation onl,,�. i'oi,rever `-r.. "'fivers reco► en ed t..�-t t ncn, t'cts tr-n ; ,i^cion be p?zt ?n cler which is a nt.,-.r.., tVT ,P � X10., �M7eer� ~:nd bali bearings -,out. n` t:-ins-*ssion s better adapted to the rMild of ,.Tork,done bar our r1�.0..-.1 E' • ..;i tier t, n. e �t. T or `"t'pPitj:I' ?'roulr hc�.VE' - S; `� 1QYit; S ru? '.'?tet^- • <� e -n r r , ' i" t )"')e "' ' tr-An.�r�a^.��on orx -zn- 1� :o . th about ;17G�,. eat he agreed to .,ave same ins t-jled for sure of '550. '.'.nis-jat",c�� •��s throii-h1TT r'i.scussec3 bet'. cen the :1e* berS nmd all those pre sen ,• �_)econde�." b,r C.hutc-- ",^at oTherelas t o Dominion `'orad _'achinery Co. have geed to 'repla' ce the pre sent tr %n -.�i s s:i:on in our Ch anion C'r<ac? er urith at; )e tr-�..ns-_A5 Si on for the cost of inst a l-ation only, hornrever it is :ar;reed by this tC f -: , JhlC1 is � --low SPC'C tr:��"1? �'S1Q�nsiCsCOunci that r_mion trite, ro'_ler bearinn c throu~hnut "i.?:: :;ower t-. ne o nte(11 to our p='esent ;iaC^1ne, bC inSt_� led '?.t an cost to the tpTMz shin of 550. installed. r rry_ e f Totrnc ip Office, tra.ffo -dville, .:a« 34th. 195$. The reg -ulnar June rm etin of the ''_.--bars mo--.nshin .council `ryas held on the ;bove (late with .all members pre.5ent an, jLeeve �evill ?�Nesidin�. winutes of the last re7ular and soeci•-.ls meetinc-s were read, approved and signed and the followinM business T-'�s(gone. Communications received include, the f ollot•rin7 ; - several hospital noticed of indi.ent patients, 'an offer _'rom .enneth ' :. porfi.er of Delhi, to supply ambulance service. request from the Fair Board for a tyrant to Tillsonburg District Fair. letter :"rom 'he Ontar:*o :-:unicipal ".ssn. n.dvisinrr of konvention if Ottawa .u«ust 31st. to Sept. Mrd. .nnrov-ll was received from gent. of Hi7hwatTs for roads expenditure Btu -Lai,, 'To. 13614. for the sum of ,67, 01 00. F Or�~.er 1�:as receive' from the OntaNio .unicinal Board approvinM of nn:j> ents in 145$ ' and 195c? for industrial tractor with :Front end loa�Ier and backhoe. Lbtters were receive-' from 1-r. x-ray and -r. Orlando in respect to Calton Development Road. iron, ci1evi.n, Gee F: O'Connor solicitor for Union Cras Co. , a copy! of)the Comoan,Tt s '-n-plication to the Board and a cony of the Roard's "notice sof Hearin;, respecting -as rates, r � letter �:ras received From I r. ' Reynol:'s, of '. ooclstock, reQuestin the Toi•rnshi n to share in-nerrotiations with other municipalities for obtain - in best possible rates for gas. ''he council decided thatgga�ipham hid very fet,-r cpnsumers of Dominion Gas 6o., most beingunder 'entral eLines, and conser,uentlir ,3eem.ed it unnecessar:,r to be renref!ented. Co -Acs of minute.- of co.=ittees of, Otter "4-_r nk 'ons)er"iation I received and, filed. ' n "2he Clerk -erorte11 that a :--r. Jn-mes I tthcter s had revue stnI, an -inmons Cemc4- e ri � .1 e r , .-�n_ st on 1�th. Conce�;nio. - *.yi-s that the, .dVi-e wps rccoived 'rom, she `aril , ,-��-mont i.1 recuest on nublic beachn-S. 'n-arl been referrerl to --.h,7 Ontario ~o .rd 'or consiOeration. Iceve -evill :-,"vised of re-cuest he ha" to -r. 'raser V vement to corner of t 1xi n e 1 r o e, cl n r3 'To A.vise 'rom r rlo=%,ell_ 7?_rtlett been -)proverl ,nrl t,_�t he on -, rlunicln n 526 tluthority 7,Tere some work none ,ounci t s Parks '_Lnte.,-rr?tioTn resnectin� i-MM-ro- ?!an-, had .,,,n `,or the area ova 1-: place no -L. -.ice in l:a(--!r an,,'. 7illsonbur- 0 C or., e 0shute - '''fat thl c ia r 1 :1 r-1 I., ,i'szcon-inuation of Tri- `esi(Ient to )-Inpr-) to .0 , �v that o- ren"" irl.cnt7, o.17 '_`o,1;rns1h,4n ma-., obtain a!-�ibulan ce "'jount-r ^,111bul -.n c c, r� ry I s e -v"-rz q Oil 0 .--lmer. . •Carried. i c e 'rom J--�s. B -rn vui orrr "'Tordon u .1 oven b-,,, enn e tt t 0 +_1 1, 17> -on' It -7 !n e c o nd, P_ � by 11ressev- �'_Mn_at -rr�n - _5.00 be nrll e to 0-jr, ._n -v tte -�el on Cf' t! r Conservat..- '1h ir.m n "oft. tew rt :nnr�, :`ec. av e, he in -- ©f nreliminary '_II-,orit,.r on thlo coun--il r1iscl, 4 4- 4-1 '-f- " e " - V 1�1 -.- _P � � 1 ' - ek in -am e 1,oulri be silr-tley o' r1, nroosc-rl, 0111 1, bar 7 t rr costs, etc, r% 4 -yTr r1 7 5 thr- o v r n -. en n -ln�-! t,': e _.ut,1hor- tyf . ..n ncp were detcrA.nr.r3 > 5LCI 1,-,-Ouirl S- i".." rn t`hr> `''1 -,n ,!7 O. e rn= i c I i tie ; d --he-1her or nn t '.,.m wn 4 - III,! i ro rilctd(l. o-.rcr, bir '-:-j n n e t t 0 7 11 C 1 7e i t r e s o 1-1,r e d c- a-.- h -,i oon i t at' o. on utr� r r n rel in nl rl s v r %r e,� bc made by Ct..1":'er i1irene'll:"Ionser-%r��tion cac4a "- 10 01 e el- in 'D a -�r h a 1.11 `--r-shin to the cost o* am S; to 0- 1"At, - I i -" t<20 -,,) r Do n, r o i e c t- C"a r r i e, (1, .ov,, nCi v P)ennrt4t-* now read a %7, o -1 by ")re-sey-- V e c o,, 1 e r 2- oti. r e r, ur, s -�r n, .. �., The �`Ilcrk. nre.,--.ent v,-.1. t s b an(� coun-il- concerned for t1lconof ';0 TojC!'Ooanl ioinin DOit ell 2. n a. lo,.-riishin .'school %re,4_, ovr)d b", "hute Secon(led b-,:, e. n n e t, ICA - n e s o 1 v, -Lav:, _1I c' (-) 0 1 fore 1 -ort -?urVfeli and Ta--,han `o-T-n-ishi. -ind 3, be now r. -7,J `.iime ... Carried. .OVOr-3. bar 11 h i I '.ins s. -r olverl thrLt Jecon`- bl" e s., e. -nd re r ti:,ie. 'owed 1, J re .7, . c:, .'o. !')7') beim- an hr to 2 "7� ren Inclulin-, :1. - * T -To ro- 1370 be now read a second b. n ite- resolvr!rl that ',3, read a co "M o. 1370 be no'r, r 4 r. orley `o-"c1'.1:iss k!ait(7 1, on V -)e cou--ic-*1 --.,n.". rer:uestcd some ac -f -;on in T resnne"E. to rlo.,rs 1,ar�-e Ln, +-11r, of 1.0VO-1 bar ,-)etition lr.*or dr�ina e -,--r lots 14 anti 15, 'onc. 1,.. r was then presented. 11hil-lips ..oved bi.r - b Chtite- That the tio�vl Sunt. si-m -'rainage netition for drainagge of lots 11., 11; Conc. 4 5 ,:,n('- adjacent roads. ..Carried. S 11 � i b7- Pres ' *"t f3ey e c on ,,'. ol )birDenne- That the petition for drainage �5, Conc. U ,e of lots 1I: h . F-, 5, by Paul 1 ...Idler and others, be accepted and this council -eouest Engin- eer 11. Duncan Black to .1akc a survey, plans and report on-same...Carried. 7 - .1 -ove 01 bir Chute Seconded b, ns- '.hen ct. of High- ways Philli :final approvals are received from Den . v ways and Ontario _'UMicipn-1 Board, the Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay b"" hute- with Clause 1' a "'o. 10"'8 of r - T 1q, �eove nroclai-r. t11,7t -,,o-s 're not permitted to rtm at Larme durincr June L7 I,), ,..nd 7U--.. ,jI Fz-1- j -1 T) -,r1jn n rn :- -n-c -in -lrl th,,.t Uje-rk no C7 o re. same, t ti cer, ,-)etition lr.*or dr�ina e -,--r lots 14 anti 15, 'onc. 1,.. r was then presented. 11hil-lips ..oved bi.r - b Chtite- That the tio�vl Sunt. si-m -'rainage netition for drainagge of lots 11., 11; Conc. 4 5 ,:,n('- adjacent roads. ..Carried. S 11 � i b7- Pres ' *"t f3ey e c on ,,'. ol )birDenne- That the petition for drainage �5, Conc. U ,e of lots 1I: h . F-, 5, by Paul 1 ...Idler and others, be accepted and this council -eouest Engin- eer 11. Duncan Black to .1akc a survey, plans and report on-same...Carried. 7 - .1 -ove 01 bir Chute Seconded b, ns- '.hen ct. of High- ways Philli :final approvals are received from Den . v ways and Ontario _'UMicipn-1 Board, the Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay 527 11 the sum of "'}r 101.00 to Construction .: in: a unt Co. and the sleeve and Treas- urer are furter authorized to si--n note for „,0,000.00 in favour of the said "onstrliction 1*;riiinment Co. in rrsnect to purchase of Case 600D "rawler Industrial .. ractor T"rith Front end to r,.(' er an,3 bra c'.hoe r. ried.. "'he list of tax <a~re is as nrenared b -r the Treasurer -as r'iscus ped with the members. "roved by Chute `seconded btr 'hilli ns -h t an extension of tine to Tune 30th. be allowed for Dayment Qf tai{ acre=rs or satisfactory arran7ements ?rein'; made with the oi-mshi?� Tre.stzrer,'hrat the 're surer advise the e r; e �,fers thl� t.ction -gill be taken after that late under T'he Dept. of ' �,zr_icinal .*.- fT .irs c for e7istration of '_ax '_rrPo.rs Certificate a,,., -,.in., -,t nronerties not arran ed for _ ove d bT' re s seir pcondecl b -r Bennett- That the ,e ve si n the order sheets in amou nt of 3754.1r0 for ro ,'7, " brie -Cp -Ln d 1702. 30 `or �-enpr-_ 1-?.ccou.nts.. • a--rrie-3• 'O .S � :2 :>ridrrea - :Y Tj 15th. -' list------ ;471.,-' st 31st• !t !t ------ 3282•?1� Ti-� 'uvled e - 'elir f for air _______________ 20,00 aen ;ral rine Lines - gas for '?all ----------- 7.35 Cn t a r i o _ 'u- icinal Boa - "ra,= Er annroval --- 6.00 � Amer i -le Tel. Co.- 0'.fice phone ---- '?2.10 a;.r ire:=7se�r - emir^ allece Dr. -.in -______ '8,Op N :enneth . ' )eerner - ,t tt tt ____--_ s 7, 5n .'Te� n f s ?lower 'bon- . 1oIr,- er . "rot:rn) __-____ 10.751 .a "re - s. of '.tr1?�er - ` elie_f re.''a le ----------- 35.30\ J .arlison L. `;hate - Cleaning Office ---------- 25,75* r'1 `Son ibson - !:Per -a1 fee -s re, ---rao.er -___- 7,0n\ Pro=r�,nci<:�l Treasurer - 7ns� l.in ".' c"re f � .1;7 ''�C c31t Jr,--'QvTI C)tL'"�t,'----------------------- 2.oO\ erritt ..atthews - Foy :'01.1,1ty--------------- 5,00\ ,erald "u-)ncr - r: rt 20.00�. Fm. Pal ,rtin-ton - t' `t --------------- � 4.Q0\ Charles "rays - tt ,► ______________- 1 0 Oera1d =isson - :t !'--------------- 54,00\ :)uncan Blick - Bal. (—,es ? lmer `)r - ------ 100.00\ Dennis G.r<?!-'e - Fire truck renairs ------- 30,30\ ;lPonaa,d T_ilmer - T3-irs >mith Dr�;in--------- 167.20\ .. iist.F--)-,ir Bch.- xrant ---- ?5.00 `. ". .carter Lt1),.- Office siznPlies _________ 7,051 : �rrnT?otchkiss - .Office help to ay 15 ----- 2 ..00♦ J . L I:.ennedv -Care den at • T ts. .._____«_-- 24. T=eters, - rourn Co.- Bal. audit fee 1CI57 ___- 550.00♦ rr t rr - Stati oner1r, etc. ------- 12,1 5 :f J. L. )c':illS - Fire t�i�1E'_ �Qforr ? ------- 35-0,0\ 35-0,0\ :r fr It, 1,ts rt 'r _______--- 5. 00\ J. D . Vallee - '"o on salarTT Ise s s pe,-.-- ?77.08\ ?asil :-Ievill - _t`tend 3 meetir_c-s------------ 39.00 .. Don • . - • C but e 3 - i t t t ------------ , o .00\ �a , �,�_ fr -� it ------------ 30 Chas. D � hil.j_i 0 ,, 00 arol�l '�ennett - !' 3. 't ______--- 39.00\ o:s�men i'ressPtr - it ; rr------------ 39.00N : oved bT Pressey Secon zec b -r Bennett- That this ou,cil adjourn to meet aCgain on June 10th. at 1 p.m... Carried.. .�... �' c � tT e • A W, Township Office, Straffordville, June 30th. 1958. Pursuant to adjournment of May 30th., the regular July meeting of the council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present except Councillor Bennett, and Reeve Nevill presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received and considered included the following; - Several hospital notices of indigent patients. Dept. of Highway approval was r4ceived on purchase of Case Industrial Tractor with front end loader and backhoe at price of $12,101.00. Board of Transport Commissioners Order for alterations of Corinth Crossing signals wiring, was received. First installment of Unconditional Grant was received from Province. A request for the usual grant was received from Federation of Agriculture. The Clerk of Elgin County advised that the Township resolution re. Fox Bounties had been filed. By -Law No. 92 of the Village of Port Burwell, settingaside the Port Burwell and Bayham Township School Area, was received. Also ept. of Education approval on this action was received, naming Mr. McColl as referee. Communications were received from Woodstock and St. Thomas re. gas rates. Advise was received from the Ontario Parks Integration Board that the Township would be advised of the Boards decision in respect to parks in this locality. Provincial Aid to Drainage in respect to Bartley Drain was received in an amount of $869.91. Mr. Charles Brooks of Aylmer, representing the Cantral Pipe Lines Ltd., waited on the council and re uested the pasing of a by-law to authorize an agreement for the granting o? a franchise to the Company. The Reeve discussed that matter of work done by Max Coyle, of ditching along Berdan sideroad adjacent to his farm and of how much improvement it should be to the road, together with work done by his contractor for the Road Supt. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- That this Township pay share of $232.50 in respect to road ditching by Otter Construction Co. and Max Coyle...Carried. At 2 p.m. the Engineerts report on Juranic Municipal Drain was read with both Mr.illaert and Mr. Juranic being present. This was discussed briefly and both men ware in favour of proceeding with same. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That whereas all interested owners being agreeable this council deems sufficient notice of reading of Report on Juranic Municippau Drain has been given under Section 17 of the Municipal Drainage Act...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Engineer's report on the Juranicts Municipal Drain be adopted and Clerk prepare by-law for same...Carried. Reeve Rokebyy, of Middleton Township waited on the council and requested fire protection by the Bayham Brigade to a portion of their Township pending the acquisition of a truck of their own. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the Bayham Township Fire Dept. accept calls to the South west corner of Middleton -Township as fag as lot 12 on the east and Littl Otter Creek on the north. Middleton Township to agree on a guarantee of $100* same to be used against calls which will be on a basis of $75• per call for first hour and $4 .,for each additional hour or portion thereof. This agreemen to be in force until Dec. 31, 195$,..Carried. The Clerk was instMdted to forward a copy to Mr. Pratt, Clerk of Middleton Twp. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- That a grant of $350. be made to the Federation of Agriculture and the Clerk prepare a by-law for same...Carried. Mr. Eckford, Drain Contractor, waited on the council and requested payment towards construction of Pillick and Jacko Drains when approved by Engineer. Moved by Chute Seconded by Pressey- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to make payments to the Contractor for construction of Jacko LP4lmer and Pollick Drains on presentation of certificate of the Engineer'...Carried. f -0 529 Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That repairs be authorized to Fearnley Municipal Drain. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to have Mr. David Brown proceed with same. Hyved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1371, 1371 provide for the consttuction of Juranic Municipal Drain, I & 2 time...Carried. Mored by Chute Seconded by Pressey- .And resolved that By -Law No. 1371, time. *.Carried. being a by-law to be now read a first be now read a second It was agreed in a signed statement By all parties concerned to waive all rights of appeals in respect to this drain in order to facilitate anX early beginning of construction on same. It was deemed no court of revision in this case would be necessary. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to make application for Provincial Aid to Drainage in respect to Juranic Municipal Drain...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to advertise Juranic Municipal Drain By -Law by sending by registered post to the last known address of each assessed owner, a copy of the said by-law ... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1372, being a by-law to # 1372 authorize a franchise to Central Pipe Lines Ltd., be now read a first time. Carried. 1,& 2 oved by Pressey econded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1372 be now read a second time... Carried. The Clerk was instructed to forward a copy to the Fuel Board for approval. The Board of Guysboro Cemetery requested the consideration of a by-law set- ting u p rules and regulations and providing for perpetual care for the Guysboro Cemetery. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1373, being a by-law to establish rules and regulations and provide for perpetual care for GuyaEboro # 1371 Cemetery, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1373 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1373 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Tax collections and road matters were discusted by the council. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Treasurer be authorized to make a personal visit to collect tax arrears and take steps as he deems adviseable to collect same and report again on Aug. 5th...Carried. On adjournment, the members visited some of the work done by the Road Supt. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $15,218.10 for roads and bridges and $6,429.36 for general accounts..Carried. Roads and Bridges pay list, June 1-15 ---------- $ 598085\ June 16-30 --------- 14619.25 � Jim Rutledge Relief for June 10.00 \ Geo. McGregor - " " " --------------- 24.00 Florence kennedy - " " " --------------- 20.00\ Cora Underhill - " " " --------------- 84.041 Flossie Orr - " " " --------------- 24.OG\ John Spiece - " " " --------------- 10600\ Robt. Grant - Stamps for Clerk -----------------Z:35\ 50 \ Central Pipe Lines Ltd.- Gas for P hall ---------- Robt. Grant - Stamps for tax notices ----------- $ 65.00\ Geo. McGrRgor - Relief for July ---------------- 24400 Florence ehnedy - " " "---------------- 20 00 -\ Flossie Orr " " " 24.00\ John Spiece- " " " 10.00 � ---------------- Treas. Elgin County - Hospitalization ----------- 480-49\ l` Fernlea Flowers Ltd.- Wreath Ex -Reeve A Nevill - 8.00\ The Municipal World Ltd.- Clerk's supplies ----- 3.97\ G. Duncan Black- Assist. on Juranic Drain ------ 12.00 \ Jim Gibbons - " " " » ------ 16.00 %, Vane Chute - " " " " ------ 6.00\ Gerald Taylor- " " " " ------ 5.00\ Treas, of Aylmer - 'Relief for Gales ------------ 10.08\ News rinting Co.- Printing 41 supplies --------- 43.01\ Geo. Grant Insurance - Prem.Burglary ins. ------ 29.00 H . E . P. C . - Hydro for hall & Office -------------- 1$.92 n it _ n n fire hall ----------------- 20.53 G. W. Cattle - Cleaning Carnes drain ----------- 3$7.50• n n _ Repairs to " "---------- 85.$0s Wallace brain ------- 41.00 \ M. L. Chute - Cleaning hall -------------------- 15.00 N Leonard Kilmer - epairs to Smith drain -------- 229.09 \ Merlyn Wolfe - " " Mitts drain -------- 66.00 W Gerald isson - Killing one dog ---------------- 3.00\ Frank Foran - Relief for July ------------------ 26.00, A. C. Eckford - Const. Pollick drain ----------- 3170.00 %, Jacko drain ------------ 905oO4N Myrna Hotchkiss - Office help of June -------- 36.00\ " I of June ------- 30.00'\ J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for June ------------- 35.00 N I?" - Street Lights for June ----------- 5.00 *\ J. D. allee - To apply on salary less pension-- 277.0$\ Basil 1 evill - Attend 1 meeting ---------------- 13.00 \ Don. M. Chute - " 1 "--------------- 13.00. Chas. D. Phillips- " 1 "--------------- 13.00 Norman Pressey - " 1 "--------------- 13.00 0 U 530 Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That this council adjourn to meet again on August 5th. at 1 p.m....Carried. A � 0.110- 14e f eeve: a Township Office, Straffordville, Ont, July 16,195$. A special meeting of the council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present except Deputy Reeve Donald Chute. Reeve Nevill presided and°also in attendance were W. C. McDowell, engineer of Simcoe and Assistant District Municipal Engineer Cook of the Dept. of Highways. The meeting was called for the purpose of opening bridge tenders and consideration of by-laws for expropriation of land for Calton Develop- ment Road. Seven tenders were received and discussed by the meibers and it was decided to construct a bridge with a pre -cast floor. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- That the tender for construction of Bridge �ver Little Otter Creek of Emil Cremonese Construction Co. for pre -cast floor type at a price of il3,767-00 for bridge and $4,840.00 for digging channel, be accepted, subject to satisfactory investigation and approval of the Dept. of Highways...Carried. # 1374 # 1375 $31 Moved by Bennett Seconded by Phillips- That the tender of Howard Palmer for construction of Bridge and digging of channel at a combined price of $22,613.60, be accepted in event that the one submitted by Emil Cremonese is not satisfactory, sub ject to the appr6val of the Dept. of Highways...Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Phillips- That -the certified cheques of all tenderers other than Cremonese and Palmer be returned, and that the unsuccessful one of the above be returned on completion of a contract and satisfactory bond by the other party...Carried. The diversion of Little Otter Creek under the Municipal Drainage Act was discussed with Mr. McDowell. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That the reading of the Engineer's report on Little Otter Creek Diversion No. 2, be held on August 5th. 1958 at 2 p.m. and that all interested owners be notified by the Clerk according to Section 17 of The Municipal Drainage Act... Carried. The Clerk then disBussed with the members the matter of legal matters in respect to Calton evelopment Road, advising that Mr. Linton of the office of Gibson and G&bson had been down and gone over the proceedure very thor- oughly with him. By -Laws for expropriation of lands had been prepared by the Solicitorts office. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1374 being a by-law to expropriate certain lands in the Township of Bayham for the alteration and widening of a road known as the Calton evelopment Road, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Bennett- And resolved time...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- And resolved time. and finally passed...Carried. that By -Law No. 1374 be now read a second that By -Law No. 1374 be now read a third Moved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1375 being a by-law to expropriate certain lands in lots 5 and 6. Conc. 4, Bayham Township, for the alteration and widening of a road known as the Calton Development Road, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1375 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1375 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Councillor Bennett suggested that a storagew vault be constructed at the rear of the office for fireproof storage of old records. Moved by Pennett Seconded by Pressey- That this council adjourn to meet again in regular session on Aug. 5th. at 1 p.m....0 arried. eeve. 532 Township Office, Straffordville, Ont., Aug. 5th, 1958. Pursuant to adjournment of June 30th., the regular meeting of the council of the Townshhp of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve evill presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received and discussed inkluddd the following; - One hospital notice was received from Tillsonburg Hospital. Re-newal of spraying liability insurance together with endorsements covering heavy duty trailer and power mower were received from insurance agents. Provincial grants in amounts of $90.99 for Children's Aid and $1$.75 were received. Dept. of Planning and Development advised of Industrial Development Confer- ence to be held at Toronto on October 2nd. and 3rd. Mr. Butler of Dept. of Municipal Affairs advised he had no knowledge of any government grants available for upkeep of old cemeteries but that he had turned the matter over to the Health Dept. for further advice. The Fire Marshall t s Office advised of a school for Senior Officers at Gravenhurst on Aug..25th to Sept. 12th. The Clerk advised of a ciaim by Mr. Frank tartlett for damages to his car on the 4th. concession. Mr. J. V. Ludgate, municipal Engineer, advised that his flept. had no object- ion to the bridge tender of Emil Cremonese being accepted but that formal approval could not be given until a suppleftentary by-law had been ppssed. The Clerk of Zone Township requested authorization for relief of the Lawrence Kivell family until father found work. A letter was received from Miss Maria Garnham, requesting appointment and making recommendations for members of the Guysboro Cemetery Cotaaission. Bell, Gouinlock & Co. acknowledged order for $3000. Township of Middleton Bond for Cemetery Perpetual are Fund. The Dept. of Highways at London advised that improvements had been made to entrance to tunnel Road at No. 19 Highway. Approvals respecting Juranics Drain were received from Ontario Municipal Board and Dept. of Public Works. Approval of the Dept. of Municipal Affairs was received for Pension Plan By -Law No. 1363 and 1365. C The' Ontario Fuel Board advised that the entral Pipe Lines Co. would have to make application for approval of by-law and franchise agreement. Considerable information was received from the Dept. of Public Welfare in respect to licensing of Nursing Homes. Copies of minutes of Otter geek Conservation Authority and committee meet- ings were received and filed. At 2.15 p.m., the engineers report on the Little Otter Creek Diversion No.2 was read. Interested owners present being Mr. Frank Bartlett and Mr. Sheldon Godby. This matter was very throughly discussed. Mr. Godby signed the petition for same but Mr. Bartlett did not wish to do so. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the drainage report of W.C.McDowell for Little Otter Creek Diversion No. 2 be accepted and Clerk prepare by-law for same, debentures to be omitted from said by-law ... Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by ennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1376, being a by-law to provide for drainage work known as Little Otter Creek Diversion No. 2, be # 1376 now read afirst time...Carried. Moved by Bennett 1 & 2 Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1376 be now read a second time and provisionally passed...Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the 1958 taxes of Dona l'Murphy, Corinth, Roll No. 958 in an amount of 32.$5 be written off as Coun of E1 in purchased property and house removed Jan. 1/58...Carried. The Clerk reported that the Solicitor's office had the final papers ready for signatures in respect to purchase of properties for fletelopm' ent Road. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authoEized to issue cheques on roads account for purchase of land for alton evelopment Road in accordance with papers prepared by Township Solicitor, and that thes, cheques may be turned over to respective owners or interested persons on completion of the signing of the said papers...Carr e • 533 The matter of using a portion of the Township Reserve Fund for present road expenditfres was throughly discussed. Moved by Benpett Seconded by ressey- That this Township Ase $16,500,00 of 4eserve Fund to pply on purchase of lands and other expenses in connection with Calton evellopment Road and Bartlett Bridge Construction, and that a copy of this r resolution be forwarded to the Dept. of Municipal Affairs for approval. Carried. A supplementary roads expenditure by-law was then prepared to -provide for expenditures for the Bartlett Bridge and Calton Development Road. Moved by Chute Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1377 beingg a by-law to ` 1377 provide for additional road and bridges expenditure of $38,000. for 1958, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1377 be now read a second time.,.Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1377 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- Resolved that Basil Nevill, Reeve and J. D. Vallee, Treasurer be and they are authorized for and on behalf of the Orgabization to sell, assign and transfer the following Government of Canada Bonds;- Serial onds;-Serial numbers as listed in a total amount of $19,000...Carried. (Reserve Fund Account) Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- Resolved that Basil l�evill, Reeve and J. D. Vallee, Treasurer be an they are hereby authorized on behalf of the Organization to sell, assign and transfer the following Government of Canada Bonds; - Serial numbers as listed in a total amount of $3,500... Carried. (Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund) The ,above bonds to be converted to 41%, 25 years Conversion Bonds. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That appointments as follows, be made to the Guysboro Cemetery Commission; - For One year- Mrs. C. Coyle, Wm. Ward and Wm. Rayson. For Two Years- Verne Alward, Fred Ball and Croft Garnham, For Three Years- Mack all, Cliff. Thomas and Reuben Culp...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the Treasurer be and is herebp suthoriz8d to purcha $3000. of Township of Middleton debenture, 5% due in 1978, for emetery Perpetual Care Fund. $2000. to be purchased by Guysboro Cemetery Commission in the name of the Township and $1000. to be purchased from Savings Account No. 3...Carried. 0 Moved by Pre8sey r� 1371 Seconded by ennett- That By -Law No. 1371 respecting Juranics Municipal 3rd. Drain, be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded.by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1378 being a by-law to provide for a grant of $350. to the Elgin County Branch of the Federation of Agriculture for 1958, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- And resolved that 1378 time...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- And resolved that time and finally passed,..Carried. By -Law No. 1378 be now read a second By -Law No. 1378 be now read a third Moved by tennett Seconded by Pressey- That the following London;- Basil evill ---- $13.00 " n car --- 9.00 Chas. D.Phillips --- 13.00 0 allowances be paid for trip to ... Carried. Some discussion was held regarding the construction of a storage vault for the Township Office and the Clerk was requested to procure any prices as possible. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $9,928.90 for roads accounts and $3,373.23 for general accounts...Carried. Ontario Municipal Board - Juranic Drain fee ---- $ 1.00\ Central Pipe Lines - Gas for hall -------------- 2.00\ Roads & Bridges- July 1 to 15th. pay list ------ 599,76\ tt it " - July 16 to 31st. " " _____-- 9329.11+\ Treas. of Ontario - Maps for fire chief -------- .60 Hotchkiss Appliances - Fan & cord office ------- 464.40'\ News Printing Co.- Advts. & printing------------ 46.21 \ Aylmer Express - Advt. --------------------- ~4M.06M 3.50 G. Duncan Black - Supervision Pollick Dr.------- 150.00 N Survey, etc. Juranics Dr.----- 95.00 � Kin gg Seagraves Ltd.- New tank, fire truck ------ 610.00•\ Deller Tile Ltd.- Bartley Dr. repairs ---------- 23.40-\ Smith " "----------- 36,00,% Winter Drain Const. ---------- 666.26 \ W. G. Chalk - Prescriptions re. F.Foran-------- 1.00\ J. D. Vallee - Car mileage re. taxes ----------- 1+.30\ A. C. Eckford - Repairs to Bartley Dr. --------- 79.50 \ Bayham Twp. Roads Acct.- " " " ---- ----- 81.50 Registry Office,Elgin- List of conveyances ----- 6.66,\ W. G. Webster - Office supplies ---------------- 16-57\ Florence Kehhedy - Relief for August ----------- 20.00\ Geo. McGregor - " " "----------- 21+.00 \ John Spiece - " " "----------- 10.00 ti Flossie Orr - " " "----------- 24.Q0\ Walter Moore - Screens & bulletin Bd,office ---- 17.02 \ Canadian National Rys.- Corinth wig -wags ------- 25.00\ Ralph McQuiggan - Groceries for Mrs. Steele ---- 1.99 \ Frank Foran - Prescription ____________________ 34,75\ Leonard Kilmer ---Repairs to Smith drain -------- 313.66\ Dennis Garage - to fire truck ---------- 79.35\ repairs Federation of Agculture - Grant -------------- 350.00 \ Myrna Hotchkiss - Office help to July 15th.----- 15.00 \ it 31st,----- 30.00 '% J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for July ------------- 35.00 \ - St. Lts. for July --------------- 5.00 e - To apply on salary less pension-- J. D. Val4neral- 277.08N Receiver Pension deduction to June 30-- 43.74-%. tt " - " Township share -------- 1+3.71 N Basil Nevill- Attend 2 meetings ---------------- 26.0 " tt - 1 day & car to London ------------ 22.00\ Don. Chute - Attend 1 meeting ------------------ 13.00\ Chas. D. Phillips - Attend 2 meetings ---------- 26.00,\ n n n - L day at London ----------- 13.00 \ Harold Bennett - Attend 2 meetings ---------9---- 26.00 Norman Pressey - " 2 "------------- 26.00\ 1-0 Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That this council adjourn to meet again on Sept. $th. at 1 p.m... Carried. 1 4 535 Township Office, Straffordville, Sept. 8th, 195$. Pursuant to adjournment of Aug. 5th., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nevill presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed a and the following business was done, Communications received were as follows; - Several hospital notices were received and discussed. A request for the usual money for Eden sidewalks was received from the Eden Community Centre. Approval was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs to use $16,500. of Reserve Fund for Development Road and Bartlett Bridge expenses. A Notice under Section 80 of The Municipal Drainage Act was received from Steele & Perkins of Chatham in respect to Bartley Drain and delivdO personally by Mr. Daniel Murphy. The Township of Middleton advised that Messrs. Sydney Ronson and Harry Saleans had been appointed as Middleton representatives on the Tillsonburg District Planning Board. Letters were received from Mr. Duncan Black respecting Jacko, Pollick and Palmer Drains. Applications for licneses were received from Mrs. Edna McGrath and Mr. Ray Claus. A request for the usual grant was received from the Elgin Plowmen's Assn. A guarantee bond from the Guarantee Company of North America in an amount of $9,303.50 was received in respect to E. Cremonese contract. The Clerk advised that a Garnishee against E. Cremonese had been received. Re-Newals of several insurance premiums were received from Hamilton, Ward & Cathers, of Aylmer. A.letter was received from the Canadian Government Annuities advising that the sum of $3,360.12 would be required as of Sept. 1st, in respect to past service liability for J. D. Vallee pension. If spread over a ten year period, the payment would be something over one-tenth of this sum. The Ottawa office to advise of the correct amount. A letter was rectived from Mr. R. G. Moore, County Engineer, in respect to placing load limits on Centre Bridge of 5 ton; Carson Bridge, 5 ton; Knotts Bridge, 8 ton and Cartwright Bridge is considered not safe for traffic. The type of repairs were also suggested for Wilson Bridge. Reeve Nevill advised that Elgin County Council Agricultural Committee had recommended that all Township pay a uniform Fox Bounty of $2.00 and the Clerk retain the tail of the fox. This matter was discussed by the council and no action taken to provide for payment of bounty until the actions of other councils are known. Moved by Seconded walks; - Moved by Seconded �ommunity arried. C but e by Pressey- That the following expenditures be approved for side- Straffordville ------ $400. Eden ------------------ 200. Corinth ------------- 100. Richmond -------- ----- 100... Carried. Bennett by Pressey- That acheque for $200. be issued, payable to the Eden Centre, when sidewalk work for that amount has been done in 195$• Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this Council request the Tillsonburg District High School to return to Standard Time on the last week -end in September. Carried. Moved by Pregsey Seconded by ,ennett- That this Council request the Town of Tillsonburg to return to Standard Time during the last week -end in September...Carried. Moved by Bennett keconded by Phillips- That this Council meeting adjourn to hold Curt of evision on Drainage By -Law No. 1376...Carried. ; the members then subscribed to thkir oath as members of the said Court of evision. Moved by Chute 1V Seconded by Phillips- That Reeve evill be Chairman of this Drainage Court mmonmr 536 of Revision,,* Carried. The Clerk advised that two appeals had been received on the assessment for Little Otter Creek Diversion No. 2, under By -Law No, 1376. Mr. Frank Bartlett was present to discuss his appeal with the members. Also in attendance was Mr. W. C, McDowell Engineer. Considerable discussion was held on the matter and it was felt tAah an agreement could be reached with Mr, Bartlett, It was decided that Mr* artlett and Mr. McDowell should visit the site at once and report back to the Court. This was done. Drainage The second appeal was by the Township Clerk to adjust the Township's C. of R. assessment to conform to the contract figure for the work to be done. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the assessment on Township sideroad be increased to $4784.80 and on Concession Road be increased to 900.00...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That this Drainage Court of Revision adjourn until the return of Mr. Bartlett and the Engineer,,.Carried. The regular council session was then resumed, Mr. alter nelson waited portion of road and also Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That lot 5 be sold to Walter ing, etc... Carried. on the council and discussed the purchase of unused repairs to Coomber Brain. the closed and unused road allowance in Conc. 10, D. nelson at a price of $1.00 plus cost of conveyanc- Moved by Pressey Sedonded by Bennett- That Walter nelson be authorized to have necessary repairs made to Coomber Drain... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the following licenses be approved and same to be issued by the Clerk; - Mrs. Edna McGrath --- Restaurant License. Mr. Ray Claus ------- Ice Cream License...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the usual grant of $25.00 be made for the County of Elgin Plowing Match and cheque for same be issued to the Treas. Elgin Plowmen's Association...Carried. Reeve Nevill advised the members of additional work done by the Contractor at a couple of points along No. 19 Highway. Moved by Chute Seconded by Bennett- That this Council express its sincere appreciation to Mr. W. L. Fraser and staff for improvements carried out on No. 19 Highway in the Village of Straffordville and at the foot of Vienna South Hill as requested by this Municipality...Carried. 0 Mr. McDowell and Mr. Bartlett returned returned to the meeting. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That this Council adjourn again to resume Drainage Court of revision...Carried, The Drainage Court of Revision resumed its sitting and Mr. McDowell and Mr. Bartlett outlined a suggestion for settlement of differences and advised that stakes had been set to mark the centre line of new channel on -Mr. Bartlett's farm. Filling pf old channel to be as set forth in a following resolution of this Council together with some other minor work. On agreement of this by the members, Mr. Bartlett withdrew his appeals. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the appeals of Frank Bartlett having been', with- drawn on reaching an agreement concerning channelling, be it resolved that the assessments under By -Law No. 1376 be adapted4_-a9'4otr refiv6d;, and this Court of Revision now adjourn...Carried. The regular council session was again resumed. I* $37 Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That this Council agrees to fill in old channel of Creek on F. Bartlett farm from large elm treq about 175 feet south of new channel, to the new channel, and from point where new channel crosses east old channel to point where new channe*-gain enters creek. Also to cut about 4 feet off south bank a distance about 40 feet just west of point where new channel joins old one. Also on new cut across ox bow, old channel to be filled sufficiently to block same. Brush to be filled in bottom of the unused channel where filled... Carried. Mr. Bartlett also signed the above resolution as agreeing to same. Droved by Pressey 1376 Seconded by Pennett- That By -Law No. 1376, respecting Little Otter Creek 3rd. Diversion No. 2, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Clerk prepare the 195$ Voterst List, same to be made up in alphabetical order by Polling Sub -Division s...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That a cheque for $340.00 for one year instalment on Rpurchase of pension for J. D. Vallee for past services, be forwarded to eceiver General at Ottawa...Carried. Onley one tender was received on construction of Juranics Municipal Drain. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the tender of A. C. Eckford at $947.00, straw if necessary to be extra, for construction of Juranics Municipal Drain, be accepted. ..Carried. ,joved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That this council authorize sale of Little Jerry Drain ebentures in an amount of $4912.65 for 1 to 5 years, 51%, same to bear ate of August lst... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this Council petition the Dept. of Highways for interim payment of road subsidy for 1958 in an amount of $48,120.54 and that the proper officers sign same...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by ennett- That the Treasurer issue cheques of $300.00 each for Godby Brothers and F. Bartlett in respect to allowances on Little Otter Creek Diversion No. 2...Carried, Mr. Lloyd Chute waited on the Council and suggested more frequent grading of township roads with less time being spent at each grading,as an experiment to improve roads in particular the ones travelled by the school busses. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the Reeve sign the*order sheets in amounts of $8,224.47 for roads and bridges and $8,575.77 for general accounts...Carried. Central Pipe Lines Co.- Gas for hall (July) --- Roads and Bridges account - Aug.l to 15th. ---- n n n n _ Aug.16 - 31 ------- A. C. Eckford - Work on Palmer Drain ---------- Aylmer & Malahide Tel.Co.- Office phone ------- Frank Foran - Relief for part of August --- ---- Robt. Grant - Stamps for Assessment notices --- Frank Form - Relief for i Sept. -------------- Florence ennedy - Relief for Sept. ----------- Geo. McGregor - " " " ----------- John Spiece - FlossieOrr - n n n----------- ProVincial Treasurer- Insulin G.McGregor ------ Hamilton,Ward & Cathers - Non�Owned auto Pol.-- n Council members ------ " Compensation policy -- n Roads Lis. policy ---- C. E. Soper - Repairs to hall roof ------------ " " - Material re. fire dept. --------- W. G.. Chalk - Presc. re. F. Foran ------------- 1.90 562.82 7661.65 2423.00 26.25 20.00\ 63.00\ 14,00%. 20.00 \ 24.00 N 10000\ 24.00\ .94 4$.90 50.00\ 43&50\ 314990--, 40.75 j+• 00 I 53$ x King Seagrave Ltd.- Repairs & coat, F.D. ---- $ 39.50 J. L. Dennis - 3 trips to Woodstock,F.D.----- 1$.00 Tillsonburg Com.Printers - Robl sheets ------ 71.50 ,% Walter Moore - repairs to F.D.door---------- 8.00\ Deller's Tile Ltd.- Repairs to Smith Drain -- 177-76\ Treas. Middleton Twp.- July relief,V.Dygos -- $.$4 Mrs. Almetta Secord- BY -Law & fees,Winter Dr. 55.00 \ it n n _ " " Jacko Dr.- 45.00\ J. D. Vallee - Clerk's fees, Winter Dr.------ 30.00\ tt tt _ n " Palmer Dr.------ 97.04 \ Pollick Dr.----- 150.00\ Jauko Dr. ------- 35.00 \ G. Duncan Black- Super. Palmer Drain -------- 125.00\ News Printing Co.- Printing & Notices ------- 3$.25 \ A. C. Eckford - Bal. contract, Pollick Dr.--- 793.00\ " tt - Payment re. acko Dr. ------- 144*00 \ John Jennings -Allowance re. Pollick Dr.----- 25.00 Joseph Gyemi - " " " " ----- 315.00 Martin Weisz - " " " " ---- 1$5.00` Tony Mekker - " " " tt 225*00 \ Central Pipe Line Co. -Gas for hall (Aug.)---- 1.90\ Reg.& Sheldon Godby-Allow. re. Creek Div.---- 300.00\ Frank Bartlett - " " n it 300900\ Treas. Elgin Plowmen's Assn.- Grant --------- 25.00 \ Reveiver General Of Canada- Re.Vallee pension 340.00\ Patricia Vallee - Assessment work Aug.----- 45.00 � tt n _ n n Aug, - - - - 42.00 � J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for Aug. ---------- 35.00 ., " " - St. Lts. for Aug. ------------ 5.00--., J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ----------- 277.0$ \ Elton H. Jackson - 195$ assessor's salary --- 1100.00\ tt n n - Dog Tax Com. ------------- 319,60\ tt tt tt _ Supplies ----------------- .40 \ Basil 4Nevill - Attend 1 meeting ------------- 13.00 \ Don. M. Chute - " 1 n _____________ 13.00 \ Chas. D. Phillips- " 1 " ------- 13.00\ Harold Bennett - " 1 "------------- 13.00 \ Norman Pressey - " 1 tt----------- -- 13.00., Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That this Council adjourn to meet again on October 6th, at 1 p.m... Carried. 0 I* C. -of R. 539 Township Office, Straffordville, October 6th. 1958. Pursuant to adjournment of Sept. 8th., the regular meeting of the council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve 14ev ill presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Several communications were received and discussed as follows; - Notices of patients in hospitals, and a Toronto relief case. Information was received in respect to fire prevention week, Oct. 5 to 11. The Clerk of the Peace advised of the number of jurors required from Bayham. Mr. Peter Holinaty requested refund of Building Permit. Approval of road supplementary By -Law No. 1377 for $38,000. was received. County By -Law No. 1725 re. Eden alley was received from the County Clerk. A copy of resolution re. foxes, was received from Alborough Township. An adjustment on Crown Attorney fees was received from Mr. Gloin. Re-ftewal of licnesed vehicle insurance was received from Hamilton, Ward & Cathers. Bulletins were received from the sept. of Public Welfare in respect to Medical Assistance for persons receiving Old Age Security and Homemakers and Nursing Services . The Government Annuities Branch acknowledged receipt of $340. as a past service payment in respect to J.D,Vallee, and advised that the sum of 0395.72 would be due on January first of each year for nine years to complet4 the same. Z copy of refereet s report on settlement of assets and liabilities concern- ing the Port Burwell and Bayham Township School Area was received. Copies of minutes of Boards of the Otter Creek Conservation Authority was received from the Secretary. Laid over to next meeting, was a request for a grant by the Rotary Club of Tillsonburg to the Association of Retarded Children. �llessrs. Dan Murphy and John Szakal waited on the council and discussed respective drainage matters. A delegation from the Corinth district, headed by Walter D. Nelson, request- ed the council to pass a by-law under the Tile Drainage Act to provide loans to farmers for the drains on their farmlands. Moved by. Chute Seconded by Phillips- That thR members of the Bayham Township Council shall form the Assessment Court of evision...Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded Ry Pressey- That this council session adjourn to hold Assessment Court of evision and that Reeve Nevill be Chairman of same...Carried. The members then duly stbscribed to the necessary oath as members of the said Court of Revision. Present to present their respectives cases before the court were Mr. Robt. Garnham and Mr. ert Matthews, Also present was Mr. Frank Hallto confirm change of ownership and request that the school support of the property be changed. Moved by Phillips Sec,-)nded by Chute- That this Court of revision hear the appeal of changge of assessment of new owner Mr. Frank Hall, Roil Nos. 190 and 2$O...Carried. The follwoing appeals were then heard and decisions made as follows; - Roll No. Appellant Decision of Court. 815 Robert Garnham 10 acres exempt for woodlot @ $15. per ac. L $150. Also 6bher woodlot reduced by $50. a total of $200. reduction. 794 B. Matthews V" No change. 190 Frank gall formerly New ownership confirmed.. Changed from 280 F. VanHeukelom Separate School support to Public School support. 64 M. Melchior Appeal withdrawn. Dept. of Highways sse ssed $50, for grant in lieu of Taxes. Re. W. Barber land. 540 Moved by Pressey Seconded by Chute- That the 1959 Assessment Roll be adopted as now revised and this Court of Revision adjourn... Carried. Council then resumed the regular session. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That this council approve of the Fire Chief to purch- ase two smoke masks...Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennettb- That a building permit refund of $4.00 be made to Peter Holinaty as ept. of Highways refused to let him build a welding and repair shop on his location...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this council approve of the purchase of $3000. Township of Middleton debenture, the Guysboro Cemetery Board having deposit- ed the stun of $2700, with the Township for a perpetual care fund...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the Reeve and Treasurer are hereby authorized to sell $16,500. of 41% Sept. � 1983, Canada Conversion Bonds, same to be used in accordance with resolution of Aug. 5,195$ and approved by the Dept. of Municipal Affairs... Carried. Moved bi, Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That this council approve the designation of $15,000* of prior year's accumulated surplus as "a reserve for working fund".Carried. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That the Clerk advise Frank Cowan Insurance Office that Mitchell and Cameron were to receive premium credit for barn insurance. Carried. Moved by P)4i.11ips Seconded by Chute- That the Clerk have a by-law prepared under the Tile Drainage Act for financial assistance to farmers for land drainage to be financed by issue of debentures sold to the Provincial Treasurer...Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1379 being a by-law to provide for the holding of municipal elections for 1956 and for appoSnting deputy returning officers and poll clerks and polling places for the same, be now read a first time...Carried. 4'1379. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1379 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1379 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. . Considerable discussion was then held pertaining to the formation of a Planning Board and the passing of a by-law to regulate the location of buildings and the frontage required for dwellings. Moved by Chute Seconded by ennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1380 being a by-law to regulate the location and minimum frontage in respect to residences and other buildings, be now read a first time...Carried. #1380. Moved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1390 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Pressey- And resolved that By -Law No. 1380 be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the Clerk forward a certified copy of B�-Law No. 1380 to the Ontario Municipal Board for temporary approval, pending further study of the matter and the fromation of a Local Planning�Board... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That �eg8injOnt rio Mun ci al Boyd consieration PPand a roval of By -Law No. 3,he Cierk be instructed to not issue 541 Building Permits in cases where applications appear to contravene any of the provisions of said By -Law No. 13O...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the guarantee bonds of A.C.Eckford, on completion of drains, be returned to him ... Carried. Reeve Nevill reported on trip to Toronto to interview Mr. Allan and the Minister of Highways. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Chute- That Reeve Nevill be allowed $38.00 for car and one day in Toronto and C.D.Phillips 13.00...Carried. Moved by Chute 1t. Seconded by Phillips- That the eeve sign the order sheets in amounts of 0769?.22 for roads accounts and"$3277.47 for general accounts...Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- Sept. 1 to 15 --- $ 4$9.63 " " Sept.16 to 30 ---- 7202.59 \ A. D --- Canadian ank of Commerce - Cemetery eb. relief 3000.00 - Say.#3• Geo. McGEegor - for Oct. ------------- 24.00 \ Flossie rr - " " rr __________ 24.00 \ Florence Kennedy - " " "-------------- 20.00\ John Spiece - :r n rr ___________-- 10000\ H.E.P.C. - Hydro for hall & office ---------- 13.83 \ n it _ n rr fire hall ______________ 14.91 News Printing Co.- Advts. & Printing -------- \ 19.25\ W. G. Webster - Supplies -- ----------------- 6.O\ Munici al World Ltd.- Debenture forms ------- P 4.6O\ Gestetner Ltd.- Voters' list supplies ------- 27.74\ Lyle R. Grant Motors - Fire truck repairs --- 1.75 \ King Seagrave Ltd.- 3.00\ Treas. Elgin County - Hospitalization ------- 230.50\ Archibald,Gray & McKay- Super.Winter Dr. ---- 100.00 \ Treas. of Aylmer - elief for L.Vabbatter --- 14.$7\ ri tr n _ n n C, " ---- 6. Fila. \ Hamilton,Ward & Cathers- Ins. refire trucks- 206.90\ Frank Procunier - Poultry killed & Inj. ----- 25.00\ Robt. C. Jackson - Valuing above ------------ 4,a00\ Peter J. Gloin - Crown Attorney fees -------- 19.55\ J. D. Vallee - Meals re. Toronto trip ------- 12.35 \ Workmenst Comp.Bd.-Asset. re.Vol.firemen ----- 75.00\ it - " " Clerk-Treas. ----- 35.00\ A.C.Eckford - Bal. on Palmer Dr. & extra ---- 673.00 \ tr " - Const. Winter Drain ----------- 1160.00 Dennis Garage - Repairs to fire truck ------- 13.21 Dellerts Tile Ltd.- Repairs Coomber Dr. ----- 11.66 \ Peter Holinaty - Refund Building Permit ----- 4.00\ Len Kilmer - Rep.Coomber Dr. G Branch ------- 2.88'%\ B "-------- 1.80\ Carl Pearson- " " " B t1 ______-- 1.80 \ \ Earl Boughner- " " " G "------- 30.00 B tt _______ 26 25 t W. D. Nelson - " " " B tt------- 2.00 \ rr rr _ rr n n G n _______ 2*00 \ Mrs. Norma Albright - Office help ----------- 12.00 \ J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ----------- 277,08\ J. L. Dennis - Fire Chi6f for Sept. --------- 35.00 it " - St. Lts. " "----- ----- 5.00\ Elton H. Jackson - Attend C. of R. ---------- 2.50 \ Basil Nevill - Car to Toronto --------------- 25000\ " it - L meeting & one day ---------- 26.00 \ Don M. Chute - 1 "------------------- 13.00 \ Harold Bennett - 1 "------------------- 13.00 Norman Pressey - 1 "------------------- \ 13000\ j Chas. D. Phillips- 1 meeting & one day ------ 26.00 \ 11 I*, Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That this council adjourn to meet again on October 27th, at 1 p.m...Carried. Reeve. 542 Township Office, Straffordville, October 27, 1958. Pursuant to adjournment of Oct. 6th., the regular Nevember meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve 1` ei�ill presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital and rele�' letters were received and considered. Official approval was received from Mr. Ludgate in respect to construction of Bartlett Bridge, Frank Conran n ?ency advised that I•litchell and Cameron had been forwarded premium d=misslidn in 'regards to barn insurance, inutes of Conservation Authority meeting of Oct. 14th, were received. By letter, Mr. Wt. J. Weir, Solicitor, requested purchase of closed road on property of Vincent Galeckas, lots 12 and 13, Conc, 8. Council decided against disposing of this at the present time, The matter of a By -Law under the 'dile Drainage Act was disctssed and laid ov er to a future meeting, as was also the Rotary Club request for a grant to the Retarded Children's School, at Tillsonburg. Communications were received from the Ontario Municipal Board in respect to revisions to By -Law No. 1380. The H.E.P.C. advised of the costs of installation of the two street lights i Straffordville and requested further approval on same. It was left in the hands of The Reeve, Councillor Bennett and the Clerk to decided location of the light near the church. Township Solicitor Gibson advised that he had contacted Mr. Grant Brown concerning the Harold Taylor matter. Reeve Nevill reported on the meeting at Derehan 'entre with the Dereham Township Council in respect to maintenance, etc, og boundary road. Agreement was reached in respect to snowplowing and spreading of calcium. A new agree- ment for a ten year period was approved at that time pending passing of a by-law for same. Tr. John Szakal again waited on the council in respect to repairs to drain north from bis lands. Reeve Nevill and Deputy Reeve Chute had inspected this ditch and made suggestions for repairs of same pending agreement by Mr. Kiseilis and Mr. Kaufmann to pay t hier respective portions. Mr. Harris, Clerk of Dereham Tovmship, delivered c+6pies of Townline Agreemen and by-law to the office for consideration of the Bayham Township council. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- And resolved that By -Law No. 1382, authorize and agreement between the Township of Derehgn Bayham respecting the maintenance and repair of boundary Tr 1382 a first time ... Carried. Moved by Phillips being a by-law to and the Township of road, he now read Seconded by Bennett- And resolved that By -Law No. 1382 be now read a second time... Carried. I -loved by Pre ssey Seconder by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1382 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the following payments be made for use of land ad Public Dumps; - Clarence Jenereaul------- $50. Mrs. Oral Sivyer--------- 50.... Carried. 0 543 Discussion was held in respect to some Township Official and/or councilman working with the Drainage Engineer and assisting on supervision of same. Moved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That John C. Tribe and a member of council be authorized to assist Drainage Engineer on all drains and that they be entitled to receive such remuneration for same as may be determined by said Engineer. Carried. The Clerk produced a copy of agreement dated Feb. Licence Board of Ontario and termination of same Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That ween this municipality and with resolved that the same writing to this effect, all Feb. 3rd. 194.7... Carried. 3rd. 1947 with the Liquor was discussed, in accordance with Clause 5 of an agreement bet - the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario, it is here - be terminated and the Clerk give notice in of which is contained in By -Law No. 1166, dated Moved by Chute Seconded by Bennett- That C.D.Phillips be allowed '29,50 for expenses and t for hating papers signed in respect to Calton Development Road... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the members be paid $13.00 each for attendance at meeting on October 24.th, with Dereham Council.,.Carried. Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That the Reeve sign the order sheets in amounts of $2379.22 for roads accounts and $1872.68 for general accounts...Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- Oct. 1 to 15th. --- rr " " rr - rr 16 to 31st , --- Central Pipe Lines Co.- gas for hall ---------- Ontario Municipal Bd.- By -Law fee------------- Miunicipal World Ltd.- Office supplies --------- Geo. Chute - Office fuel ---------------------- Peter J. Gloin - Crown Attorney fees ---------- Chas. Winter - Allowance Winter Dr ------------- JamesKovacs- " " " ---------- Bert Ratz - " Palmer Dr. ----------- LeRoy Marshall- " " it ---------- Joseph Gyemi - " rr rr-------- Joseph Beiner - " rr rr --------- Tony Kekker - it " "---------- Treas. Zone Twp,- Relief for Kivell family ----- Chas. A. Walsh - Supplies f6r fire dept -------- T? rr rr _ Bulbs for St. lights--------- rr " tr _ Hustbane for hall------------ BILAke Wolfe - Fill for Sm.1 th Dr. --------------- Dennis Garage - Prestone for fire truck ------- Clarence Jeneraaul- Use df dump for 1958--�---- Mrs, Oral Sivyer - " It IT " " Norma Albright - 91 days office help ---------- Robt. Grant - Un. Insurance stamp ------------- J. L. Dennis - Fire chief for Oct. ------------ " " - St. Its, for Ott, -------------- Elton H. Jackson - Selecting Jurors ----------- Basil Nevill - " rr------------- J. D. Vallee - ------------- " it To apply on salary ------------- it ?I General - Pension deductions --------- - Township a pension ------ Basil Nevill - Attend 2 meetings -------------- Don. M. Chute - rr 2 "------------- Mot Chas. D. Phillips- " 1 "----------- --- Harold Bennett - " 2" --------------- r 610.74 1768,48 2.00 ti 10.00 16.62 37.80 24..00 20.00 . 65.00 \ 170.00 270.00 110.00 30.00 2$0.00\ 20.32 \ 7.44 7.54 9.00 90.50 11.25\ 50.00\ 50.00 56..5 1,30\ 35.00\ 5.00 4..00 � 4.. 00 � 4.. CC � 277.08 43.74 � 43.74 26.00, 26.00 13.00 26.00 Norman Press - r 2 "-------------- 26.t?0 \ Moved again by Bennett, Seconded by Pressey- on Dec. 2nd. at l.P.M...Carried. That this council adjourn to meet n 0 Gly 544 Township Office, Straffordville, October 31st. 195$. A special meeting of available members of the council of. the Township of Bayham was held on the above date for the purpose of meeting with Engineer 11cDowell and discussing an ur gent matter concerning progress of work at the Bartlett Bridge by the Contractor, E. Cremonese. Present bedides Reeve NeVill were Deputy Reeve Chute and Councillor Bennett. 1cDowell presented a letter setting forth considerable information as to the lack of progrees and the unsatisfactory word done in connection with. a contract, (11ate of Aug. 1$) 1958, between the Tovmship of Bayham and Emil Cremonese for the channelling; and construction of Bartlett Bridge. This matter was throughly discussed and 11r. McDowell requested the Tovmship to pass a resolution cancelling the said contract, as provided in Subsection 56 of Section 6 of the said Contract. Moved by Don Chute Seconded by Bennett- That whereas a contr:Ict or certain construction work was signed by this lo,,,-nship and l..r. Emil Cremonese under date of Aug. 1 , 195$ and w)jereas under clause 56 of Section 6 of the General Provisions of thesaid contract, a contract may be terminated under certain conditions, therefore, on account of insolvency and undue delay on the part of ivir. Cremonese, it is hereby resolved that the above contract be and is hereby terriinated, and all work under said contract ceade...Carried. Rec,istered letters y -lith certified copies of the above resolution aere for- warded to 1,1r. Cremonese, and the Guarantee Company of North kmerica. Council adjournedo r eeve. er . Tovmship Office, StrafforIville, 1yoVem' ber 24th. special meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham ..=as held on the above date with all members present and Reeve ilevill presiding. The meeting u s call.ed by the Reeve for the purpose of considering the matter of fencing on Calton Developments Road and other business. C1erl; Vallee discussed a phone message fro;n"r. L. Cooke, Assist. Municip- al Ehgineer retar��ing the above fencing matter and gave prices in accordance with those quoted by TvIr. Cooke. :Moved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That this council advise the Dept. of Highways that it is agreeable to paying the costs of fencing the Calton Development Road, save and except the east 1 to 1 mile of same where *no land purchases were made; except that day light corners at lots 13 q� 141. Conc. 4. be fenced at Township expense...Carried. oved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That this Council-e,before �3ov. 30th. those persons presently on relit --.f for iospital Insurance coverage under The Ontario Hospital Services Comm-nission...Carried. '.roved by Pressey Seconded by Bennett- That this special again Dec. 2nd. at 1 p.m... Carried. council session now adjourn to meet 'T r' W, A Me Ed 0 Imp. W NOMINATION MEETING. Tot,rnship Hall, Straffordville, Nov. 24th. 1958, The annual meeting of the ratepayers for the purpose of nomination of candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Councillors and two school area trustees, was held on the above date at 2 p.m. About 20 persons were present and by three P.M., the following names had been placed in nomination;- Reeve- Basil Nevill. De tlty Reeve - Donald Chute. Councillors - C. D� Phillips, 'Tornian Pressey and Harold Bennett, School Area Trustee - Robt. C. Jackson and Jesse L. Dennis. 'she usual after -meeting was held and Clerk Vallee was named. as Chairman. He reviewed the proceedure for those wishing to qualify and also went over with those present, the financial statement as prepared by the Township Auditors. John C. Tribe, Road Supt. was called on to re -view the work done in 1958 by his Department. .11 nominees were then in turned called upon to say a fear words with Reeve Nevill and Deputy reeve Chute outlining their work at County 6ouncil as weel as with the Township. High School Trustee .?rt I!Irartyn also rave a brief report on his stewardship. t the close of the meeting, all of the above candidates signed the nece:Dsary papers for qualification, this being the exact number required for the respect offices. I, J. D. Vallee, hereby declare the following elected by acclamation for offices as follows; -for the year 1959. - Reeve - Basil -1,Tevill. Deputy Reeve - Donald TJ. Chute. Ilorman Pressey and Harold Sennett. Councillors - C. D. Phillips, School Area Trustees (nor 2 year term) - Robt. C. Jackson and Jesse L.Dennis.1 "God Save The Queen." rx ana aerurning ce . 5 Township Office, Straffordville, Dec. 2nd, 1958. Pursuant to adjournment of October 27th. the council of the Township of Bayham net in regular se -as -ion on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nevill presiding. inutes of the last reg Frere read, approved and sigmed and the following business was done. Communications received included the following; - A cony of the Auditorrs report on 1057 road audit was received. Several hospital notices were received and considerdd. Communications were received from the Dept. of Highways in respect to fencing of Calton ,development Road. Copy of Order -In -Council was received for closing of alley in Eden. Advice was received that the agreement with the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario would terminate as of December 1st. 1958. A memorandum was received from the Dept. of .-unicipal A.Xfairs in respect to paymentof fox bounties and that the Province would assume "2.00 for each bounty of "',* ..00 or more paid. .1 report was receiver. from the Chairman of theA.lunicipal Gas Cor=ittee on meeting of 'Tov. 4t 105 . request for a ;rant was received from the ;Iar Memorial Children's Hospital. The Clerk advised of receipt of the following subsidies from the Province. Interim Roads stbsidy------- X191129.44 Unconditional Grant ---------- 5,801.65 Provincial Assittance-------- 310.55 (Special project) letter ..ias received from the Secretary of Otter Creek Conservation "authority informin'; the council that the proposed survey on Acacia Dam had been deferred to a future date. 7`urther informa ;ion was received from the Ontario Hospital Services Commission re. coverage for Unemployment Relief recipients and Hospital Indigents. The Dept. of iunicipal Affairs forwarded information in respect to Winter 'forks Employment Stimulation Plan. Communications r'jere received from the ToYrrnship Solicitor regarding the nat ter of Cremonese and the Bonding Compan,r in respect to Bartlett Bridge project, roved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- Tu hat this council approve of the increased amount of .,'1C;126.87 for ToY;mship share of fencing of Calton Development Road in accordance with letter of Pair. W. E. Cooke, r'.ated Nov. 27th. 195$... Carried. I,"oved by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That Boxing Day, Dec. 26th, 1058, be and is hereby declared a civic and public holiday in and for the ToY,Vnship of Bayham.Carried i r. Odiel I esteloot waited on the council and advised he -islh.ed to urchase the unused and closed rih,ht-cf-=-,ay bet,, -teen the north ends of lots 25 and 26, Conc. 3. He was advised that he would have to assume all costs in connection with same. Moved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That subject to the re"l e n,se of purchasing rights by firs. Schonberger, this council aZrees to sell sideroad betxeen the north halves of lots 25 and 26, 'onc. 3, to Odiel a esteloot for the sum of X1.00 plus costs of conveyancing, etc. and survey if necessary...Carried. I -roved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That subject to the whole of Elgin C=nty being agree- able to the payment of a bounty on foxes and that the tail be presented as evidence, same to be cut in 2 pieces, this council be agreeable to paynient of bounty of f4 -0O each and 2.00 of same to be recovered from the Province of Ontario... Carried. I -loved by Pre sey Seconded by ennett- That a grant of X25.00 e made to the War Miemorial Children's Hospital,.at London... Carried, I•loved by Chute Secon,'ed by Phillips- That this Township agree to pay to the Guarantee Co. of North America, all monies, when due, for work done in connection with terminated contract of E. Cremonese, subject to a ,garnishee agaj�ist the said E. Cremonese... Carrie=d. � r� I owed by Bennett Seconded by Pressey- "ind resolved amend By -Law No. 1380, be no,i read Tr ' 1381 1.1oved by Pressey Seconded by Phillips- And resolved time... Carried. iloved by Chute ;seconded by Bennett- And resolved time and finally. passed... Carried. 547 that By -Law No. 1331 being a by-law to a first time...Carried. that By -Law 11o. 1381 be now read a second that By -Law 'To. 1311 be now read a third Discussion was held by the members and Road. Supt. in connection with the installation of a new culvert at the La-iorrence Tait chell gulley. Three tenders were received for this work as fol_lovis;- Willis I-iarr-------------- y2500,00 Aylmer Construction Co.--- 1562.50 G. W. Cattle ------------- 3950.00 T roved by Pre s sey Seconded by Chute- That subject to procur-ng of necessary land from Grant :itchell, this council engage iylmer Construction Co. to instal a new culvert �_nd remove old one, together vri.th proper grading at the site of the Lawrence . i.tchell -ulley, at a .price of ;x1562.50, ..Carried. i roved by Seconded r5714*63 Phillips by Chute - for roads That the Reeve sizn the order sheets in amount of and bridges and ' 3257.55 for general accounts...Carried. Roads and Bridges - Nov. 1st to Nov. 17th. --- � 553.24%. PTov. 16th. to Nov. 30th. -- 5161.39 \ George I•cGregor - Relief for Nov. ------------ 30.00 \ Florence Kennedy - " it "------------ 20.00 \ Flossie Orr - " It "------------- 30.00 \ John Spiece - tr if _____-___-__ 10.00 \ Central Pipe Lines Ltd.- Gas for hall -------- 3.10\ A�ylmer j alahic e Tel. Co,. Office phone ----- 27.75 \ Ontario Ho sp. Servi ce s Com.- Ho sp. re . indigent s- 8.1+0 �. Geo. IricGregor - Relief for December ----------- 30.00 \ Florence r',enncdy - " » 1t _________-- `24.00\ Flossie Orr - " " "----------- 30.00\ John Spiece - " " "--- ------- 10.00\ Treas. of Toronto - Sept, relied' re.J.Bencze-- 9.56\ Treas. of Chatham - Iov. Ty 11L.'�ivell -- ?2.95 \ '�'reas. of Ontario - Insulin for G.T•'cGre or ---- .47 \ Trer_.s. Elgin CCounty - Hospitalization -------- 403.12\ News I'rinti.ng Co.- 'Tomination notices -------- 0.57\ Hotcb,kiss Appliances- Bulhs,St.Lts.---------- 3.36\ Certified Electric Co.- " " :'---------- 40-32\ _ - - - - - - - - - - - i.L.Chute - Cleaning office ------ 12.00\ Geo. Chute - Fuel for office ----------------- 23018\ Archie Noels - Straf. f. Sidewalks ------------- 400.O0\ Oscar €:; :'atter :Tillaert- 1..11ow. Juranic s Dr. --- 50.00\ J. D. Vallee- Clerk. fee. " " --- 67.00 \ ,by-law G. Duncan Black - Supervision " " ---- 35.00 \ A. C. Eckford - Construction " " -=-- 1007.00\ J. L. Kennedy - Eden Street li,_ hts----------- 24.00\ Treas. of Toronto-Oct.relief re,J.Bencze ----- 9.56\ Leonard 'Kilmer - Repair Coomber Dr. "F" ------ 9.90\ Louis Bari - " Kerr Drain ----------- 11.00\ Treas. Eden Com, Centre Bd,- Eden sidevi,alks -- 258.45\ ,oar l emorial Children's Hgsp. - Grant --------- 25.00\ Iva 1 cCurdy - Relief for December ------------ 70.00\ Norma Albright - Office lie1p, Nov.1-15-------- 59o22\ Robt. Grant- Unemploy.Insurance-------------- 1.56 J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for Nov. ----------- 35.00\ it tt — St. Lts. it It ----------- 5,00` J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------ 277.0$\ Basil Nevill - Attend 3 meetings ------------- 39.00 \ Don. I.�: Chute - " _3 "------------- 39.00\ Chas. D. Phillips- " 2 "------------- 26,00\ Harold Bennett - " 3 tt ------------- 39.04 \ Norman Pressey - " 2 tt _____________ , 26,04\ T roved by Phillips Seconded by Chute - at 1 p.m...Carried. 548 That this council now adjourn to meet again on Dec. 15th..] Reeve. r: Township Office, Straff.ordville, Dec. 15th, 1958. Pursuant to adjournment of Dec. 2nd., the regular meeting of the council of the Township of Bayharr i�ras held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nevill presiding. T•inutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and si ned and the following business was done. A re-newal for insurance on To mship Fall was received in amount of a3500.00 The annual report of Fire Chief Dennis was received and discussed as were -_,ccounts from outside municipalities for fire truck services. A request -'or a grant was received from the Hosnita? for Sick Children at Toronto. ::inutes of meetings were received from the Secretary of the Otter Creek Conservation :authority. statement of Drain subsi(Iies was received from the Dept.. o`' Public ":orks. iSoved by Bennett S econded b ,r 11'ressey- That the report of Fire Chief Dennis be adopted and the volunteer firemen be paid at the rate o.f"�4.00 per ca11...Carried, I>oved by Chute Secondee; bit Phillips- That taxes on the Deft. of Hi�hn,rayT s property, formerly :'. Barber, be written off in an amount of ,x26.66 `or 195$ , in accord.a e with letter dated Oct. 21/58 as buildings were remove? by !Mg.23/58.0 rried. roved by Phillips rl Seconded by Chute- That this council go on record as being not in favour of the registration of irrigation pumps as proposed by the Otter Creek Conservat ion Authorit,T, and a copy o-' this resolution be fon-Tarded to p-Lr.Adlam.Carried. ::r. Dan ::urphy,briefly discus. -,,d drainage matters orith the members. Moved by Philli2s "ecoaded b;- Bennett- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to issue cheques on Savings recount -' 3 for Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund interest as fol.lotrs; - Tre as. Straf f ordville Cemetery Soar U -- G168,12 rr Eden rr rr 111.70 \ rr Calton " " -- 108.9' \ it Gu;rsboro - rr n __ ;�� ,,..Carried. Moved by Chute Secondee. by Phillips'- That the cour7cil make grants as folloi-.►s to ce4meteries under Perpetual Care;- Treas. Straffordville Cemetery Board— �10?.00\ rr Ed en tr Tr __ 12$.00 \ " Calton " '' -- 66.00\ " Guysboro " " -- 6.00 �....arri a d. Discussion i�.as held in respect to Winter Works Stimulation Program -3s agreed upon by the Federal and Provincial Governments. .roved b.T Bennett Seconded by Pressey- That this council adopt roadside and cemetery brushing as a winter works program under the Federal -Provincial Employment Stimulation Plan and that an application for approval of same be submitted on an estimate cost basis for labour of 03000.00... Carried. - -oved by Chute Seconded b7r Phillips- That the inaugur�11 mee`ing of the 1959 council be held on I ionday v January 5tl-:. 1959 at 10.00 A .M. at the Township Office ... Carried. :.;oved by Phillips Seconded by Chute- That the usual bonuseq for extra services be paid as folle pvrs;- To the Reeve ".100. To the Deputy eeve and each Councillor, Road Supt. and Clerk, X30. each... Carred. -loved by Bennett Seconded b17 Pressey- That the appreciation of this council be extended to Reeve Nevill for his leadership and services to the To7,mship during 195$. Carried. .oved by Chute Seconded by Phillips- That the Reeve1'55,521.67 sign she order sheets "'9,880.19 for roads and bridges and ,' 55, 521.67 for veneral Roads accol-Lrits- Dec. 1 to lith. Bobt. Grant - Stamps ___________________________ Central Pipe Lines - Gas for hall ______________ Ontario Hospital Services- Hospital Ins.-------- Treas. Elgin County - County :'ate ------________ Surmzerhayes Lumber Ltd.- Cffice desl ----------- ilevrs Printing Co. - Notice Nomination meeting --- Lyle R. Grant motors - Startin fire truck ----- i- unicipal :�orld Ltd.- Tax c1:,rtificates--------- Treas. of-'illsonbura - Relief for Gale -------- E�,reritt's Electric - Bulbs for S� Lts.-------- Gibson Gibson - Legal fees 1954 to 1953 ------ - 1955 acct. re. T-arsh:ali-_..___ The Aylmer Express - Pri_Ztin�, Fin.Stat.-------- Dennis Garage - Fire truck repairs ------------- Jesse Dennis - 63 fire calls -----______________ Basil Aevill - 50 " It -------------------- "'. L. Locker - til " '► _-______________--- Harold Dennis - 4%' ___________________ Jack Barclay - 32 ►► ►► ------------------- Jack Tribe - 44 ►► ___________________ George Grant - 20 It t► ___________________ L.Dickinson - 39 " IT ___________________ Lyle .1alsh - 32 " ►► ___________________ Roy Carroll - 3 " " ------------------- Ralph Hurley- 3 rr n __-________________ Orley ',olfe - 21" r► ____________________ Harry Grant - 3 " ►► __-___-__-___---___ ". ",Iebstoer - Office supplies ------__________ Cattle - :"�ortl: on Ssakal Drain ------------- Jesse --- ______-_Jesse L. Dennis - Tel. calls £-. Expenses --------- Lloyd Grant - Hall Ins. premium ________________ Trea.s. Straffordville Cemetery Bd.- Grant ------ ►f Eden It n - ''---•►_-- ►► Calton If IT - f► ------- 11 ------" Guysboro " " - "------- " Straffordville " " - Interest --- Ed e n --Eden tt ►► - It " Calton " " - It ---- " Guysboro ►► ,► _ ►1 _ Norma Albright - Office help Doc.1-15---------- Robt. Grant - Un. Ins. stamps ---- -------------- J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for Dec. ------------- It /1 - St. Lts, ►► It ------------- J. D. Vallee - Bal. salary for 1153 --__________ T L. Chute - "ch. Attend Officer �� mileac-e ---- John C. Tribe - Bldg. Inspector ---------------- Basil �evill - 1 meeting & bonus --------------- Don. TT. Chute - 1 It & ►► --------- Chas. D. Phillips- 1 " & -------- Harold Bennett - 1 " &------------ Plorman Pressey - 1 " & '► _______________ John 0. Tribe - Donus -------------------------- J . D. Vallee - '' -------------------------- in amounts of accounts...Carried. X9,330.19 14-00 � 2.00 4.20 � 51,995.00No 10.00 10.50 1.'D0 ti J•J--\ 30.35 1.50 82.07 36.60 18,70 3• 2 5) no 200.00 164, 00 196.00 128.00 176,00-.., 80.00 156.00 123.00 12.00 12.00 3.00 12.00 6.12 170.00\ 16.40\ 31.50 x 102.00 \ 12$.00 1 66.00 6. oo 16$.12 -Say.r 3. 211.70 n 108.91 rr 9.36 ►� 33.43 1,04 � ;^5.00, 5.16\ -'77,16\ \ 32.40 � 25.00\ 113,00 43,00 � 43,00 43.00\ 4300\ 30: f00 \ 30.00\ I Loved by Chute Seconded by Phillips - That this Council now adjourn, Sine Die...Carried. ltpleve. er