HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1955TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1955 Township Office, Straffordville, January 3rd. 1955. The inaugural meeting of the 1955 council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date. Clerk Vallee administered the declaration of office to the following members;- Reeve, :falter D. Nelson; Deputy Reeve, Morley Meq"uiggan and Councillors, Donald M. Chute, Robert F. Stewart and Basil Nevill. Rev. D. M. Stinson, local United Church minister was in attendance and conducted a short devotional period. The thanks of the council to Mr. Stinson was expressed by Reeve Nelson,gnd Mr. Stinson remained for part of the mornings proceedings. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the usual business was proceeded with. Two hospital notices were discussed by the members. Letters of appreciation for trophies were received from Mr. Stevens, Principal of East Elgin High School and also from Robert Hansebout, one of the winners. A letter was received from Mr. George D. Teall respedting school matters. A bulletin -was received. from the Aylmer office of the Dept. of Lands and Forests requesting the Township to provide Sayham Twp. signs to use in connection with department signs in regulated Township. The Clerk was instruuted to reply that new concessions signs were being put up throughout the Township. Completed hydro contract for service respecting Township garage, was received from H.E.P.C. Aylmer Office. A request for grant to County Seed Fair was received from A. V. Langton. Prices on ventilators was received .from Eastern Steel for new building. A bulletin of an amendment to The Unemployment Relief Act was received from the Dept. of Public Welfare. Township membership was requested by the Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities. Moved by McQuigcfan Seconded by Nevill- That this council make a grant of the usual $25.00 to the Elgin County Seed Fair, A. V. Langton, Sec... Carried. 1 Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That we order four No. 4 ventilators from Eastern Steel Products for new building... Carried. Moved by Chute V Seconded by Stewart- That this council make a grant of $25.00 to the Richmond Library... Carried. -0 394 Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That the Clerk subscribe to 9 copies of the Municipal World for use of members and officials... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Township join th�/Association of Assessing Officers for 1955 and Clerk send fee of .10.00... Carried. Moved by Mcnuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That Reginald McQui�,gan be re -appointed to the Calton Cemetery Board for a term of three years... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council make application for the statutory grant under provisions of the Highway Improvement Act, on expenditure made on roads during 195. in an amount of ?63,991.$5 and that the proper officer sign same... Carried. roved by Nevill Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1307 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow as is necessary, up to ;'140,000.00 from the Canadian Bank of Commerce, for current expenditure unt it taxes are paid, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- And'.resolved that By -Law No. time... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. time and finally passed... Carried. 1307 be now read a second 1307 be now read a third Moved by Chute " Seconded by Stewart- That this council now adjourn for noon to meetagain at 2 P.M... Carried. The council members along with the Clerk, Road Supt. Ivir. Stinson and Mr. L.F. Dougherty, local bank manager, were guests of Reeve Nelson at a very delightful dinner served at Dickenson's Lunch. Following the noon hour, the members made an inspection trip to the new garage building and inspected also a new type heating unit set up on approval. Action on procuring a heating system was laid over to a later dat On return to the Township Office, the usual business was resumed. Mr. Dan Murphy waited on the council in regards to further action on the proposed Bartlyy Drain. TIoved by McQuig an Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law No. 1308, being a by-law to appoint certain officers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1955, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by McQuiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1308 be now read a second time... Carried. IYioved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1308 be now read a third time an() finally passed... Carried. i -loved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1309 being a by-law to apoint fence -viewers and pound -keepers in the Township of Bayham for the year 1955, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law No. 1309 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by McQuio-gan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1309 be now read a thir time and finally passed... Carried. Discussion was held in regards to the procuring of gasoline and diesel fuel supplies and the installation of pumps on the new ggvage property. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart - papers for the supply St6ve oil, .quantities Township office. 395 That the Clerk advertise in Aylmer and Tillsonburg of gasoline, diesel fuel, No." furnace oil and Hopl and particulars of equipment may be secured at the Tenders to be sealed and same to close on Friday, Jan. 12th. at 12 o'clock noon... Carried. A re,.uest was made of the council for additional repair work on the j,.ax Underhill sideroad south to the lake. The Road Supt. reported on the work already done on this road. Moved by McQuig�an Seconded by Nevill- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts__________________ �4$53.47 H. E. P. C.- Hydro for hall and office ----- 16.61 b} T1 TT TT TT fire hall ----------- 15 a, 9� r George McGregor - January relief ----------- 24 Ok Clark Cooper - " 't ----------- 1$.00 Beneon-Wilcox Ltd.- Bulbs, Eden St. Lts. --- 21..30\, Bickle-Seagraves Ltd.- 250 ft. hose -------- 400.25 Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for Dec.---- 275.00 " " ft - " exp. for Nov. 79.00\ +� J. D. Vallee- Reg. births 9, deaths --------- 6.ON John Schuller - Fox bounty ------------------ 3.ON George Grass - TT 't ----------------- 6.00 Treas. Elgin County Seed Fair- Grant ------- 25.00 " Richmond Library - Grant -------------- 25.00' " Assn.of Assessing Officers - Fee ------ 10.00 • Robert Grant - Stamps ______________________ 5.ON Walter D. Nelson - :attend 1 meeting -------- $.001 Morley T„Icruiggan - ” 1 "-------- 7. $C� Don. M. ohute - TT 1 TT --------- 7.2[\ Robt. F. .Stewart - 1 "--------- 7.30 .Basil Nevill - " 1 "--------- R 6.Ot\ Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That this council now adjourn to meet again in special sesiion on Friday, January 14th. at $ P.�.T... Carried. 396 Township Office, ,Straffordville, Jan. 11th. 1955• A special meeting of the council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. Among the matters, considered was the supplying of gasoline, diesel fuel, etc.for Township vehicles "4-k&&6i-hg and the installation of heating and pumping . units for Township building. Four tenders were received and considered by the members. T -loved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That we procure our gasoline, diesel oil, etc. from George Chute at prices quoted in tender for present day market and that equipment be installed by Supertest according to agreement... Carried. • Prices were considered on two or three different type heating units. moved by Mc(-uig.Jan Seconded by Nevill- That we procure a Silent Flame burner completely installe with tank and 6" stack, from Roes Sales Company at a price of '135.00 plus tax... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this Township purchase One K 365 gal, per hour pump, with belt, etc. and 30 gal. pressure tank, automatic shut-off on over- head storage tank with piping, completely installed n $200.00 .from Allen TT Vialsh ... Carried. It was also agreed that Allen Walsh be given the job of installing eaves - troughs on the west side of Township building at .45� per running foot. ;:loved by hute Seconded by ''1evi11- That Reeve Nelson and Robt. F. Stewart be named as council representatives on the Eden Community Centre Board for 1955 and that Roes Sivyer, George F�oore, 'ack Ball Harold Chrysler and ?Irs. Doris Raymond be named to the said Board for a term of 2 years... Carried. _loved by :1.1cQuiggan - c�i�cic�c? by StetfTart- That Basil l;evill and. Donald shute be council representatives in regards to repairs and work done at Township Hall and grounds ... Carried . Clerk Vallee presented a summary of fire department Costs on an average cost per call basis over the past four years. Advise was received from the Dept. of "�ighways that a maximum sure of ?5#,000. would be approved for subsidy for roads expenditure for 1955. In answer to tbeir request, the Clerk was instructed to invite the Public School Inspectors to either the February or i•Tarch meetings. .loved by Chute Seconded bt ,IcQui� an- That this special session now adjourn to meet again on Feb. 7th. 1,55 at 10.30 a.m... Carried. Re eve , erK . __9 k 39'7 Township Office, Straffordville, Feb. 7th, 1955. Pursuant to adjournment of Jan. 14th., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. The communications read and considered included the following; - Notice of indigent patient from Tillsonburg Hospital, From County Weed Inspector, notice of meeting at St. Thomas on Monday, Beb. 28th, at 2 P.M* Assessment statements from C.N.R and C.P.R. Requests for ;rants from the following;- Township Road Suptls Association, The Salvation Army and St. John Ambulance, Copies of by-law from Elgin County confirming closing of certain streets in Straffordville and annexation of portions of Township to Tillsonburg High School District. A letter was received from Rev. Graham of Vienna giving names of officers of Vienna St. Lukets demetery Board. A petition respect4"status of S. S. No. 3 was received from ratepayers of the section through Mrs. Eileen Matthews. Alonzo° aVised that he wished to be relieved of position of pound -keeper. Requests for memberships were received from the Ontario Good Roads Assn., and Ontario Municipal Association. Appreciation for grant to Seed Fair was received from Mr. A. V. Langton Mr. Archibald, civil engineer, was present at meeting along with several ratepayers of the north end of the Township and discussed with the council the matter of proposed deepening, etc. of Little Jerry Creek. Mr. Archibald left with some of these men to personally look over the location of this creek. Mr. Howard Coomber, Bayhamts representative on the East Elgin High School Board, discussed with the council certain problems confronting their Board, particularly that of teachers' salaries. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- That we make a grant of $25, to the Township Road Supt. Association for 1955 ... Carried. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Chute- That we make a grant of $30. to the Salavation Army, for 1955•.• Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- That we make a grant of $10. to the St. Jnhn Ambulance for 1955.•. Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to have school secretaries complete and return requisition forms for school money by March 15th. 1955... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nevill- That this council now adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 p.m.. Carried. Mr, Gerald Baslaugh of Simcoe, representing the Dominion Natural Gas Co., wiated on the council after the noon hour and presented a letter from his Company requesting the passing of a by-law to re -new pipe line franchise for an additional 10 years. The council discussed this matter with him and the Reeve advised it would be given due consideration. Mr. Arthur Benner waited on the council and d$scussed the matter of insurance on the new barn. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council approve of fire/ insurance coverage on new barn with North & South Dorchester Mutual Fire Insurance Co. in an amourt of $5500. and that the Reeve be and is hereby authorized to silln premium note in an amount of $165.00 and that premium'of $16,50 be paid... Carried. Moved by Nevill 4 Seconded by McQuiggan- That we insure new barn for $4000. wind loss damage ow ■;. 398 in Western Farmers Insurance Co., premium $3..00 for 3 years and Reeve sign premium note for $80.00 in respect to same... Carried. Fire Chief Dennis discussed with the members the matter of repairs to fire truck and trips made to Woodstock re. same. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stegart- That we allow J. L. Dennis $16.00 for a day's trip to Woodstock for fire truck repsirs and Ulsb telephone calls in an amount of $8.60 for 1954... Carried. Installation of pumps and equipment at new barn was consiseded by members. Moved by Stewart Seconded by McQuig7an- That we instruct the Road Supt. to have a 500 gal. tank installed for diesel oil and a 1000 gal. tahk for gasoline...Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- That H. L. Godwin be and is hereby amthorized to sign contract with Supertest Ltd. for loan of pumps for gasoline and dielsel oil for term of one year from date of installation of pumps... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by McQuiggan- That Clayton Jones be named Pound -keeper in place of Alonzo Hagell... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That this Township join the Ontario Good Roads Associat and Clerk forward fee of $10. Also that the Councillors, Road Supt., Clerk and Weed Inspector be delegates to same... Carried. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Chute- That this Township join the Ontario Municipal Association and Clerk forward fee of $10... Carried. Mr. Lloyd Chute, Chariman of the Vienna and Bayham Township School Area Board, -gaited on the council and t6quested the pasing of a by-law by the Township, authorizing the Village of Vienna to issue debentures in an amount of $5350.00 for a term of 5 years at 5% for the purpose of purchas- ing a new bus for the use of said Board. Arbym4at 1) ra'arGdaby the village solicitor eras drought of the meeting by Mr. Chute. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law No. 1310, being a by-law to approve of the Village of Vienna issuing debentures in an amount of $5350.00 for a new school bus for Vienna-Bayham Township School Area and ass-ing Bayham's portion of same, be now read a first time... Carried. A--' Moved by Steirart Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1310 be now read a second time... Carried. The Clerk was instructed to forward c,,-py of same to Village Clerk for approg al by the Ontario Municipal Board before final passing. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1311, being a by-law tp re -new the franchise for Dominion Natural Gas Co. for an additional ten years, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1311 be now read a Second Time... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by McQuiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1311 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. The agreement attached to this by-law was duly signed by the Reeve and Clerk Half -load regulation on trucks druing March and April was considered by the council. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Road Supt. advertise in Tillsonburg and Aylmer papers that half -load season for trucks will be enforced iii Bayham Township during the months of March and April... Carried, 1 Moved by Chute Seconddd by McQuiggan- That H. L. Godwin, W. L. Locker and Borden Price, be sworn in as spec&al constables to enforce half -lead season on trucks during March and April... Carried. g 390 � Clerk Vallee discussed with the members the amount of work now involved in his various duties and requested an increase in salary. Reeve Nelson presented figures of comparative nature from surrounding municipalities. Moved by Chutt Seconded by McQuiggan- That the salary of J. D. Vallee as Clerk, Treasurer, 'fax Collector and Aelief Officer be increased to $3500.00 per year..Carried. Road matters and expenditures for 1955 were discussed but the passing of by-law for same was laid over to next meeting for more information. Moved by McQuig-Tan Seconded by Nevill- That th6 Reeve. sign -the:_ :order..sheets. Gajrried. Roads and Bridges accounts- January pay lists --$2733.$ - --------------- Frank Steers Gas for hall ----- 2,6� Harry Laur - January relief -------------------- 15,00 H. E. P. C.- Bal. acct. fire hall -------------- 4.5 Robt. Grant - Stamps --------------------------- 10.0 John Foran - January relief -------------------- 16.00 Eleanor Dickhout - January relief -------------- 16.09\ Velma Brown - Feb. relief, 1 week -------------- 20.0 Clark Cooper - " "--------------------- Ge. McGregor 24,0 Eleanor Dickhout- " " mo, ---------------- 25,009 John Froggett - Mrs. Suchenia, Jan. relief ----- 5,00 Wm. Rex - Groceries for Mrs. L. Kalte---------- 7.00 W. G. Webster - Office supplies ----------------- 4, $5 � Registary Office - List land conveyances ------- 7,96 George Chute - Office fuel --------------------- 24.43,E Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies & subscriptions-- 3$,75\ Gea. Grant Insurance - Office & safe ins.prem.--- 57,$Or, Canadian National Rys. - Corinth Wig -:Tags ------- 25.00 Morley Wolfe - Towing fire truck --------------- 44,50,. Hotchkiss Appliances - Office bulbs ------------ 1.95,, J. D. Vallee - Clock repairs ___________________ 1,00, Treas. Elgin County - Hospitalization ---------- 48-1 45� Treas. of Ontario - Police exp. to Dec.20/54 --- 101.50 ,,, George Grass - Fox Bounty --------------------- 3.00\. Floyd Taylor - rt "--------------------- 3.0N Roger Verbrugge - " "--------------------- 3.00` Lewis Stewart - " "-------------------- 3,00 Louis Huber- n "--------------------- 3* Ralph McDonald - " tt 3 0\ Lloyd Jackson - " "--------------------- 3.00, Jim Rutledge - it t' -------------------- 15.00.E Henry Weaver - Well at fire hall --------------- 92.80%, J. Howard - Wiring new building ---------------- 22$.09 � Arthur Benner - Fire ins. prem. new bldg, ------ 16,50\ it rr _ Find �t n rt n ------ 34.00 George Chute - Fuel new building _______________ 50,4k Velma Brown - Feb. relief, i wk. --------------- 1$,ok Harry Laur - Feb. relief ----------------------- 15.00` Treas. Twp. Road Supts' Assn. - Grant ---------- 25,00 Salvation Army - Grant ------------ ------------- 30.00, St. John Ambulance - Grant --------------------- 10.00-\ Treas. Ont. Good Roads Assn. - Fee ------------- 101100N Treas. Ontario Municipal Assn.- Fee ------------ 10,00, D. S, Stephenson - Bal, police phone acct. ----- 3,$5� Dennis Garage - Repairstofire truck _________- 49,90 � Stauffers Motors Ltd. 36.26N, J. L. Dennis - Fire chief for January ---------- 35.00\ " it - Straff, St. Lts,---------------- 5.00*N Exp. & day at Woodstock --------- 16.00 1954 phone account -------------- $.601 J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary -------------- 2$3,$6 Receiver General - Jan. tax --------------------7,$0` Walter D. Nelson - Attend 2 meetings ----------- 16,00 - Morley McQuiggan - " 2 "------ 15,60 Don. M. Chute - " 2 " ____________ 14*� Robt, F. Stewart - " 2 "------------ 14, Basil Nevill - " 2 "------------ 12,00 r n 400 Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill - That this council adjourn to meet March 7th. at 10.30 a.m.... Carried* erx. Township Office, Straffordville, March 7th. 1955. Pursuant to adjournment of Feb. 7th., the regular meeting of the council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital notices were read and discussed. Appreciation for grants were received from the Salvation Army and St. John Ambulance. Notice was received from Otter Creek Conservation Authority that the sum of $1160.17 would be required from Bayham Township for 1955. A circular and suggested by-law was received from thr Ontario Hairdressers Association. No actiork aken. The Clerk advised that balance of 1954 road subsidy had been received in an amount of $23,948,75, Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That licenses be approved for the following; - Howard Berdan - Lunch Counter Floyd Dickenson - Lunch Counter ... Carried. A delegation from the North to cleaning, etc. of Littel The petition was thoroughly requested that if possible, same and then present again Bayham district waited on the council in respect Jerry Creek and presented a petition for same. examined and the matter discussed. The Reeve a few more signatures should be secured for to council. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council now adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 p.m... Carried. After the noon hour and inspection trip to new garage, the regular session was resumed about 1.30 p.m. �Ir. Lloyd Chute, Chairman of the Vienna and Bayham Township School Area waited on the council and advised approval had been received for bus expenditure from the Ontario Municipal Board, and requested 3rd. reading of by-law re. same. He also discussed the matter of a proposed new 4 room school at Vienna and asked the council to consider the by-law as drawn up by village solicitor for same. Inspectors McColl and Rawlings paid a courtesy visit to the council and alkso discussed the matter of Vienna school along with other school matters. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That approval having been given by the Ontario Municip Board, be it hereby resolved that By -Law No. 1310, be now read a third time and finally passed. Moved by Chute Seconded by McQuiggan- Whereas the Board of Trustees or the Vienna and Bayham School Area have applied to the municipal councils having jurisdict- ion in the said Public School Area for the issue of debentures in an amount not exceeding $75,000.00 repayable over a period of 20 :years for the ' purpose of buildingg a new four room school at Vienna Ontario. Be it resolved that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham being a municipality partly included in the said School Area 0 401 a hereby approves the said application and agrees to assume its proportion of the amounts required to pay for the said debentures and interest thereon and the expenses connected therewith to be determined from time to time in the manner provided by the Public Schools Act.... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law No. 1312 being a by-law to �guarantee the Village of Vienna, Bayham's share of debentures in a total 1 amount of $75.000.00 for the erection of a new school for Vienna and Bayham Township School Area,.be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by McQuig gan Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1312 be noir read a sedoiid time and provisionally passed... Carried. Considerable time was then spent in consideration of roads and bridges expenditures for 1955 and the distribution of same to various roads and undertakings. Also the amounts to be alloted to various headings under the by-law, Moved by McQuig -an Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law No. 1313 being a by-law to provide for total 1955 expenditure on roads in the Township of Bayham in an amount of 105$,000.00, tie now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1313 be now read a sejond time... Carried, Moved by Stewart Seconded by McQuiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1313 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That the Reeve sign the order shhets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts - February pay lists -- �,-1636.51 Frank Steers - Gas for hall ---------------------- 1.90\ • Aylmer & Malahide Tel. Co.- Office phone --------- 20.$0 Amy �-�unro - Charity for Feb. ---------------------- 15,00\ Eleanor Dickhout - 2 Month relief, Feb. ---------- 25.00 John Foran - Feb. relief ------------------------- 20.00\ Velma Brown - 2 weeks relief, Feb. --------------- 36.00 Treas. of Wylmer - High School debenture --------- 2943.55 John Frog�,ett - Relief for Suchenia-------------- 1$.0o-.,, John Foran - I.Iarch relief ------------------------ 20.00\ Clark Cooper - tt If ------------------------ 1$.00` Ge. McGregor - it "----------------------- 24:00 Velma Brown - it it 1 week ---------------- 18.00 Eleanor Dickhout- It 'r l month --------------- 25.00, Porvincial Treas. - Insulin ---------------------- 2,$2� Treas. Houghton Twp.- Jnauray relief for Riding -- 62.29\, W. G. Webster Supplies- Office supplies ---------- $,$2\ George Chute - Office fuel ----------------------- 33.06\ If it - Garage fuel ----------------------- 41.6$ Bickle-Seagraves Ltd.- Repairs to fire truck ----- 21.7$ Treas. of Ontario - Bal. police exp. for Dec. ---- 27.00\ Moyer School Supplies - Mineo. paper ------------- 13.00 ,,, Wm. Hayward - Fox Bounty ------------------------- 3.00 Lyle Walsh - ti "------------------------- 3.00 \ Gerald Reid - it 'i ------------------------- 6.00\ Clifford Jewell- " r' ------------------------- 3.00\ S. Augustine Jr. - ii rt ------------------------- 3,00-\ Bill Partington _ ri ti _______.,_________________ 3,00 George Grass ------------------------- 3.00 � Velma Brown - March relief 1 wk. ----------------- 1$.00 J. L. Dennis - Sal. for Feb. F.D. ---------------- 35.0 N it tt - it If " St. Lts.------------- 5 .00� if " - Truc)(license & car exp. ---------- 11.00 J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ---------------- 2�3.$6. Redeiver General - Tax re. Vallee -------------- -- 7.$0< Walter D. Nelson - Attend 1 meeting -------------- $.00, Morley McQuiggan - n 1 "-------------- 7. $0` DON. M. Chute - 1 "-------------- 7.2�ks Robt. F. Stewart - " 1 tt -------------- 7.30 Basil Nevill - " 1 "-------------- 6.00\ 4 102 eLAAC Mr. Leese Pressey interviewed the council and examined blue print in respect to.; repairs to Bartley Drain. � id Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That this council now adjourn to meet again._,on April 4th. at 10.x0 a.m.... Carried, Township Office, Straffordville, April 4th, 1955. Pursuant to adjournment of March 7th., the regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham Vias held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received and discussed includ&d the following. Several notices of indigent hospital patients. Advice from the rept. of Health that 955 persons had received the free chest x8ray at Straffordville recently. Notice from the Ontario Municipal Assn. that �.ir. Eric Hardy, 32 Isabella St. Toronto 5, had succeeded T -it. Grant Crawford as Jecre-�ary-Treasurer. Notice was received of Assessorts convention at Niagara Valls,June 13 -15th. A letter was received from :°s. Denyes of Eastern Steel Ltd., re. condensat= ion from heated portion of new building. Appreciation for flowers sent ,gas received from the Nelson Family. A letter explaining levy and budget was received from Yr. Wagner, Sec. Otter Creek Conservation Authority. Several cormnunications were received in respect to request of Dominion Natural Gas Co. rates adjustment and no action taken. iir. C hales Kocsis requested that his lands be attached to Bayham Township Area for school purposes. A let�er was received from T-!essrs. Tisdale, Fort & Ross, of Simcoe, on behalf of Daniel Murphy, requesting appropiate action in the immediate future in respect to drain on Mr. T-urphyts property. Letters were received from Donald F. Gibson 1k.C. in respect to debenture issue for new school at Vienna. The Clerk reported that T -r. i.ierritt Burwe-.l had completed payment of his iAfe t s hospital account. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That a checue be issued for 41$.30 in favour of County of Elgin being hospital costs recovered from Barbara Burwell... Carried. T.Iove d by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the following licenses be approved;- Robt. Kennedy - Ice Cream Stand Henry Desimpel - Ice Cream Stand... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council now adjourn for noon to meet again at 100 p.m... Carried. Regular business was resumed about 1.30 p.m. and several delegations were received requestinrepairs to roads, drains and the building of some new sidewalks in Straffordville. ordville. The Road Supto was"authorized to order tile as necessary for John Szakal Drain. 1 Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- vilke for 1955 and Carried. That the sum of $100. be spent oz� sidewalks in. Strafford - also for Eden, $200., Corinth, $100. and Richmond, $100. 403 Mr. Fred Chandler waited on the council in respect to closed road adjacent to his farm. Moved by McQuiFgan Seconded by Nevill- That Fred Chandler and Otto j'�emeth be authorized to fence across north end of closed road between their respective farms, lots 19 and 20, Conc. $... Carried. The Reeve presented a petition for drainage work to be done on Little Jerry Creek, - Moved by Stewart Seconded by Mc(.uigran- That the petition of George Rice and others for cleaning and straightening of Little Jerry Creek through lots 1 to 16, Conc. 9,_ 10 and 11, be accepted abd that Mr. Archibald be requested to make and examination, plan, profile and report on same... Carried. Consider�.ble time was then spent in consideration of Treasurerts budget for 1955 and the various levies for taxes. Moved by Chute Seconded by McQuig ;an- That the Township General Rate be set at 13.55 mills and the Treasurer's Budget be adopted for 1955 ... Carried. !Jloved by McGuic;F-an Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law No. 1314 being a by-law to adopt the assessment on which taxes for 1955 shall be levied, to levy tastes for 1955 and to provide for the collection thereof, be now read a first time. Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1314 be now read a second f time... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Mc''-.(;_-uiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1314 be now read a third; time and finally passed... Carried. g It -,,.asdbcided to inspect t®)NnshJp roads on April r 11th. and 13th.It r Proved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Reeve sign the order sheets./... Carried. S Roads and Bridges accounts- March pay lists --- $2$10.63 Y Frank Steers - Gas for hall ------------------- 16.05% Harry Laur - Niarch relief --------------------- 15.00 Robt. Grant - Stamps for auditors ------------- 15.00N Velma Brown - March relief, z month ----------- 1 0.00\ Eleanor Dickhout- tt 11 it ----------- 25.00 H. E. P. C. - Hydro for hall & office --------- 24.09 it It _ It it barn & fire hall ------ 15.03 -\ John Frogr;ett - March relief for Suchenia ----- 25.00 \ Geo. Chute - Fuel for Suchenia---------------- 14,29, John Foran - April relief --------------------- 20.00 Robt. Grant- Box rental & Stamps -------------- 12.00,\ Clark Cooper - Relief for April --------------- 1$.00 - Geo. McGregor - It tr It --------------- 24.O0\ Velma Brown - ipr.il relief, I month ----------- 1�0.ON Chas. G. Laing- Lamps, Richmond St. Lts. ------ $.46< Somers Boot Shop - Shoes re. Suchenia--------- 4,45,\ Treas. Elgin County - Hospitalization --------- 25$.12,\ Municipal World Ltd.- Asse s sor t s supplies ----- 47.19 Bickle-Seagraves Ltd.- Valve & hose (used) 15.00 George Chute - Fuel for Suchenia-------------- 14,03- Treas. Tillsonburg Dist.H.S.Bd.- Tuition #3 --- 50$.56 Treas. Pt. Burwell C. S. Bd.- It It _-- 477.4� Peters, Brown & Co.- Balance audit fee -------- 543.$5 Treas. Houghton Twp.- Feb. relief for Riding -- 53.29 Ken Grant - Fire dept. acct. ------------------ 11.09` George Chute - Fuel for barn & fire hall ------3 . 77,, - 'Earl Bristol - Fox bounty --------------------- 3.00 Frank Laemers - " It --------------------- 3.00\ Sam Taylor - it tt--------------------- 6 0 Eleanor Dickhout - April relief p , month ------ 25.00 Dennis Garage - Grease & rep. fire truck------.15� Horton Plumbing & Heating- Tank for fire hall-- 90.00` Treas. Elgin County - Hospital refund --------- 1$.30` J. L. Dennis - Fire chief for March--------- ff It - St, Lt s . for " --------- J. D. ValleeT To apply on salary ----________ Receiver Ge aneral - Tax re, Vallee ----------- Walter D. 1elson - Attend 1 meeting --------- Morley McQuiggan - n 1 rr ---- _---- D on --_Don I,k Chute - " 1 "---------- Robt. F. Stewart - " 1 " ---------- Basil Nevill - " 1 " ---------- 35.00 5.00\ 2 83.86` 7. $0\ 8.00\ 7.8(:)\ 7.20`\ 6 , o� 404 Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewtatt- That this council now adjourn to meet again on May 2nd. at 1 p.m... Carried. i f Reeve. Cie Township Office, Straffordville, May 2nd. 1955• Pursuant to adjournment of April 4th.,the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received and discussed included the following; - Several notices from hospitals. -.of indigent patients. A letter from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs in re7ards to special municipal grant of 750 Der capita, with cheque *nclosed for 26$$.00. Requests for grants were received from Tillsonburg and District Fair Board and El-rin County Branch of Federation of Agriculture. A letter was received from Mr. J6hn E. Hare, Jelhi, on behalf of Mr. B. Mitts, concerning floodinc; of his lands. Regulations and amendments to the Cemeteries Act were received from the Dept. of Health. A letter with tender information enclosed, was received from Mr. John Cook, Assistant Highway Engineer, respectin ; tender ' for new truck. Mr. Cook also attended at the meeting for a time, and discussed this and other matters. A letter ,-.as received from the Chief Conservation Officer, Mr. A. H. Richardson,with sample resolution enclosed, respecting the addition of lands betweenCatfish Creek and Otter ereek authorities, to the Otter Creek Conservation Authority. A'copy of County By -Law No. 1667 with financial report attached was received from the County Clerk. Messrs. Kenneth and Alex Scott, representing S. S. No. 23 waited on the cou_zcil and requested an advance payment' of part of their school monies due to unforseen emergencies. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Chute- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to make an advance payment to S.S.No. 23 in an amount of $1337.00... Carried. Mr. Fred Bowes waited on the council and resquested that the bounty on foxes be removed. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nevill- That the Bounty on foxes killed in Bayham Township by residents ofBayham Township be reduced to $2.00 on adults and $1.00 on pups... Carried. Mr. Grant Mitchell waited on the council on behalf of the Straffordville Cemetery Board and presented a recommendation of members for the ensuing years. He also thanked the council for grants in past years received by his Board. Moved by McQuiggan 405 Seconded by Stewart- That the following appointments be made to the Straffordville Cemetery Board; - For 3 year term - Mrs. Harry Donnelly Mrs. Jesse Dennis Basil Nevill For 2 year term - Lyle Walsh Madison Chute Fred Lester For 1 year term - Harry Grant i,lilliam Mitchell Grant Mitchell Carried. The matter of the proposed installation of lights for fastball at Township Grounds was discussed by Councillor Nevill. Moved by Chute Seconded by McQuiggan- That the Clerk be authorized to sign hydro contract for lighting ball diamond by Lions Club... Carried. Moved by McQuiggan CD Seconded by Nevill- That accounts for assistance on survey of Little Jerry Creek be paid by Treasurer on submission of same by the engineer. Carried. Mr. Dan Murphy discussed at some lent-hh with the members, the cleaning and repairs to various drains on his property. He :,,ras informed by the Retve that repairs could be made under the old report or that if he so wished, the new report would be proceeded with. The Reeve also advised the council that some repairs had been Made to the upper end of Bartley drain. Mr. Murphy did not inform the council of his wish in thechoice of proceedure. Move by Nevill Seconded.by Chute- That repairs to Bartley Drain be authorized under the supervision of the Reeve... Carried. Moved by McQuigp-an Seconded by Nevill- That the usual grant of `25.00 be made to the Tillsonbur and District Fair Board... Uarried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nevill- That repairs to ;-files Award Drain be made this spring in accordance with Engineer's award dated Feb. 25th. 192$... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by McQuiggan- That a grant of '350. be made to the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture and the Clerk prepare by-law for same...Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Chute- That James Kennedy be appointed as Caretaker of Eden Street Lights in place of Roes Sivyer, at X4.00 per month, effective May 1st. 1955..• Carried. Moved by r 4cQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That Daylight Saving Time be effective in this Township durin.c,, the period April 24th. at midnight until Sept. 24th. at midnight. Carried. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Chute- That Basil Nevill be allowed $25.00 for expenses to Good Roads Assn. convention in Toronto... Carried. The purchase of a new truck was discussed by members of the council. "loved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- That an advertisement be placed for tenders on a new truck according to specifications, tenders to close 5 o'clock 31st. May, 1955 and advertisement to be in Tillsonburg and Aylmer papers... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That a Lunch Counter license for )Harbld W. Bennett be approved and also an Ice Cream license for Frank's General Store... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- Resolved that this municipal council petition the Minister of Planning and Develoment of Ontario to call a meett'ng to consider the enlarging of the Otter Creek Conservation Authority by Me inclusion of the watershed of Silver Creek and the watersheds of the small streams emptying into Lake Erie between the eastern boundary of the Catfish Creek Watershed and the western boundary of Otter Creek Watershed...Carried. The Clerk was instructed to send a request to Malahide Township that they pass a similar resolution and forward to the Minister of said Department. The Clerk presented the following papers in respect to a request by the Board of Trustees of S. S. No. 5, Bayham, to join with Vienna and Bayham Township School Area. A petition signed by 41 persons of the said section in favour of this action and two signatures against same. A petition signed by the three Trustees of the said section requesting their section be joined with the Vienna and Bayham Area. letter from the Secretary of Vienna and Bayham Township Area Board stating that this section had been invited to join with their area. I -loved by McQ�uigga.n Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law No. 1315, being a by-law to x add all lands of S. S. No. 5, Bayham, to the Vienna and Bayham Township School Area, be now read a first time... Carried. Iviove d by Stewart Seconded by McQuig-an- And resolved that By -Law No. 1315, be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that B?r-Law No. 1315 be now read a third } time and finally passed... Carried. I -loved by McQuig gan Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1316 being a by-law to make a grant bE 050. to the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Chute- :end resolved that By No. 1316 be now read a second R time... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by McCuiggan- And resolved that By-law No. 1316 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. I•love d by McQui g gan Seconded by Nevill- That the Reeve sign the order sheets. Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- April pay lists -- $3302.11 Harry Laur - April relief -------------------- 15.00\1 Stephinea Suchenia - April relief ------------ 35.00 Frank Steers - Gas for hall ------------------ 21.3 John From7ett- Suchenia relief --------------- 14oON Canadian Bank of Co7merce - S.S.No.23, Deb. -- 2160.00 'leanor Dickhout- 2 April relief ------------- 25.00 Velma Brown - 2 It "------------- 40.00L\ Edgar ;Ivisson - Repair to chairs -------------- 10.0 Coylets Groceteria - Groceries for H.Taylor -- 7.00 George Chute - Fuel for Suchenia------------- 13.52-\ Treas, Houghton Twp.- Relief for Ridings ----- 46.72N George Chute - Fuel for office --------------- 35.33< Thos. Whillier & Son- Book for Assessor ------ 4062\ Central Pipe line Co.- Pipe for fire hall ---- 24 e O01N C. E. Soper - Materials for " " ---- 20.32 Noble Ferguson - Fox Bounty -------------•----- 8,oc� Floyd Taylor - 1t "----------------- 10.00 Fred Bowes - " "----------------- 9.OG� Harold Dennis - Work & Materials,Tank-------- 1$.29 Ken Grant - " " "------- 21.2 R.A.Shelton & Sons- Gravel for Str. S.W.------ 24eON Archie Noels - Cement & labour n n ----- 4.00.00 Ross Sivyer - Care Eden St.Lts. to May 1/55 -- 20*999 Allen Walsh Plumbing- Repairs hall stove ----- 9.17.E Pressure Pump etc. ----- 212.27* A Velma Brown - Relief for May --------------- i 37.00' Eleanor Dickhout- " n n -------------- 240'10106,,,� Clark Cooper - n " May ------------------ 13.00., George McGregor- n n n ----------------- Stephinea Suchenia- Relief for May ---------- 1$,pp\, 42*00< i Cecil Claus - Repairs to Bartley Drain ------ Len Claus - 1T it rr Leonard Kilmer - Tile for " " ------ Harry Laur - Relief for May ----------------- Tillsonburg Didt. Fair Bd.- Grant ----------- Treas. Elgin Fed. of Agriculture- Grant ----- J. L. Dennis - Fire chief for April --------- Ir Ir - St. Lts, it n ---------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ----------- Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ----------- J. D. Vallee - Meals inspectVng roads ------- Walter D. Nelson - Insp. roads & 1 meeting -- Morley McQuig7an - 1 D6N M. Chute - " " & 1 " --- ,r rt If - Car one day ------------------- Robt. F. Stewart - Car 1 day ---------------- Insp. roads & i meeting ---- Basil Nevill - " " & 1 " ----- tt rf Car 12 days ------------------ Convention expenses ---------- 51.10 56.80,� .75"' 25.00 350.00\ 35.00 5.00 2$3.86 7, 8oN 15.4 2..00\ 7.$O 21.6Q1 10.0Q� 5.00 21.90 1$.00\ 15.0 25.0Q 407 Moved by McQuig?an Seconded by Nevill- That this council now adjourn to meet again on Mondayr* June 6th. at 1 p.m.... Carried. Reeve. Township Office, Straffordville, June 6th. 1955• Pursuant to adjournment of May 2nd., the regular meeting of the Council of the Tovmship of Bayham eras held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. P.inutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Several hospital notices were received and discussed. A letter was received from the Children's Aid Society re. Suchenia Family. Subsidy in an amount of ,;13.51+ was received in respect to over -expenditure for 1954. Mr. Nelson Boyd made application for refund on part of 1955 taxes due to gaspumps being removed and business discontinued. Advice was received from the 13ept. of Education that By -Law No. 1315 had been approved and ir. McColl appointed referee. A bulletin was received from 1,, r. '%'atson of the Dept. of Agriculture request- ing township to include poultry for damages suffered to livestock by dogs. Official notice of capital expenditure by East Elgin H. S. Board and the payment of part in 1956 was received prom the Ontario unicipal Board. The ept. of lands and Forests advised that 150 pheasants poults would be available for Bayham Township for 1955. An account for funeral expenses of Mrs. Annie Millard was received from H. A. Ostrander & Son, and peeve Nelson advised he would contact the County in this matter. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the petition for drainage as submittEd by Walter Nelson and Howard Coomber be accepted and Mr. W. S. -Archibald be requested to make an examination, survey and report... Carried. i Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That repairs be made to the'Smith and Elliott Drains under supervision of Reeve Nelson... Carried. Moved by Seconded Stewart by Chute- ■ That a refund of 13.64 be allowed to Nelson Roll 1138 on 1955 taxes due to pumps being removed and business discontinued. Carried. ,r Moved by Nevill Seconded by McQuiggan - That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to turn over to the Clerk of Port Burwell, all papers, etc. in connection with the following drains; - Memorial Park Drain Extension Strachan Street Drain Erieus Street Drain and Robinson Street Drain... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That licenses be approved as follows; - John Froo--rett - Lunch Counter Mrs, Robt. Gordon - Ice Cream Stand... Carried. In response to the advertisement for tenders for a gravel dump truck, prices were submitted by the following firms; -Lyle R. Grant Motors, Straffordville, Coyle Motors, Delhi Mer -lin Motors, Aylmer Pierce Motors, Tillsonburg Esseltine Motors, " Routly & Fishleigh, Aylmer ' Nottingham's Garage, Hagersville Prives on body and hoist only by Brantford Coach and Body Ltd. and B. K. & B. Truck Bodies Ltd. of London. These were discussed at considerable length with Mr. Cook, Assistant Municipal' Engineer also in attendance and representatives of Tyler -lin Motors, Esseltine Motors and Brantford Coach and Body Ltd. met with the council in respect to their tenders. I4loved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That this Township re -tender for truck on basis of 21,000 lbs. G.V.W. Tenders to be submitted separately for cab with chassis and body with hoist ... Uarri ed . This advertisement to be in local papers of June 9th. and tenders to close June 16th, at 5 P.�,_. The Clerk advised that Mu5icipal Board approval had been received by Mr. Gibson for Vienna School ebenture issue. r IYlove d by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That approval having been received by the Village of Vienna respecting their debenture issue of "75,000. for a new school, be it hereby resolved that By -Law No. 1312 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. The Clerk presented a petition signed by three ratepa-Orsof the Township requesting to have their Lands transferred From Houghton Township School Area (formerly S. S. No. 15) to Bayham Township School Area. Lands affected being the north parts of lots 27 and 28 South Gore and south parts lots 131 and 132 Concession 6.'' Distance from school and transportation available were the reasons for this request. Moved by Nevill Seconded by McQuiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1317, being a by-law to withdraw certain lands from Houghton Township School Area and add same to Bayham Township School Area, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- Aird resolved that By -Law No. 1317 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law No. 1317 -be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved -by Stewart Seoonded by Chute- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. 409 Roads and Bridges accounts - May pay lists --- $4449,41 Glen Duff - Survey Li �tle Jerry Cr. drain ---- 3+.00 � Morley Luce - rr It it rr it ---- 22, 50� Ted Rabbetts - 't It rt rt It 26,00 Doug. Vallee - " It rr rr rt 37.20 Walter D. Nelson- " it " " " ---- 7,00 Hoi,iard Coomber - " It " " " ---- 2.00%.., Frank Steers - Gas for hall ------------------ 2.00 Hugh McConkey - Relief for May --------------- 14,00' Velma Brown - " '► 2 mo. --------- 37,00 Eleanor Dickhout- " " " It ---------- 24*00..,,. Arthur Dreyer - It It rr It ---------- 24.0 Treas. of Pt. Burwell - Share debenture ------ 212.55.-, Aylmer & Malahide Tel Co.- Office phone ------ 1$.50` f Canadian Bank of Commerce- School Debenture -- 5192.00-.., Clark Cooper - Relied for June --------------- 13,00\ Geo. 1.1cGregor - tr tt tt ______________ 18.00. Velma Brown - " " " 1, mo -------- 37,00 Hu o -'h McConkey - IT rf n 14 * ON Arthur Dreyer - tt n rt ____---------- 4890l\ Harry Laur - tr rr tr _____________ 15.0 Certified Electric Co.- Bulbs, Straf,St.Lts.-- 35.20 W.G..1ebster Supplies - Office supplies ------- 3.50` Municipal "iorld Ltd.- " "-------- 1 News Printing Co.- Printing, etc. ------------ 57.93 Albert Faulkner - Soldering tank F.D.-------- 6.00,\ Gerald Reid - Fox bounty --------------------- 3,00` Harry Brown - rr rr--------------------- 5.0� Harry Davidson- " n ____________________ Robt. Grant - Stamps ------------- ------------ 5.00 J. L. Dennis - I -lay sal. F. D .----------------- 35.00-� It it _ It If St. Lts.------------- 5,00 J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------ 283.$61 Receiver General - Tax ire. Vallee ------------ 7.$0\ Walter D. Nelson - Attend 1 meeting ---------- $.00 rt rt Morley Mck uicr -an - l ---------- 7o80\ Don. M. Chute - rt 1 't ---------- 7. 2 0,,," Robt. F. Stewart - " 1 "---------- 7,30, Basil Nevill - " 1 "---------- 6,00\ Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That this council now adjourn t;.-,, meet again in special session on June 16th. at 8 p.m.... Carried. er I .. :R L10 Township Office, Straffordville, June 16th. 1955. Pursuant to adjournment of June 6th., a special meeting of the Bayham Township; Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. The purpose of the meeting was to ripen tenders on the seoond call for dump truck and other business. A total of eight tenders for cab and chassis were received as well as three prices from body companies. These were examined and discussed at some length and finally i•Ir. C.H. Esseltine %as called into the meeting to discuss his tender in more detail. Moved by McOuig an ✓ Seconded by Chute- That, subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways, the tender of C. Esseltine at a price of X5744.00 be accepted for truck Cab and Chassis and same to be equipped with ,good Dump Box at a price of $1130.00 less 10% discount... Carried. Councillor Nevill submitted prices on fencing materials for use at new barn and the Road Supt. was instructed to procure prices per Cu. foot for laying new floor in barn and constructing pit. Eoved by Stewart Seconded by hlc(,uiggan- That this special session now adjourn to meet again on Ionday, July 4th, at 1 p.m... Carried. P'F' F A mw%/ raff, - Z � 10--mr-le A Township Office, Straffordville, July 4th. 1955. Pursuant to adjournment of June 16th., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present axdept Councillor Nevill and Reeve Nelson presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Several hospital notiees were received and filed. Approval and report of Inspector ?rlcColl on S. S. No, 5 joining Vrith gi.ehna and Bayham Township School Area was received. A request for grant from the Y.hi.C. A. of Toronto was filed. A letter was received from 11r. J. Odale, stating that he intended to live in his trailler. Notice to Repair Wiles Award Drain was received from interested owner, IYIr. Dan 'Eurphy. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Clerk be instructed to proceed with final details of agreement with Clara Marshall and the Clerk and Reeve be and are hereby authorized to sign deed of closed portion of Second Street to Clara I,larshall... Carried. Roads expenditures in general were discussed by the members. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this Council make application to the Minister of the Dept. of Highways for an increase of percentage allowed for subsidy on roads expenditure under section 47 of the Highway Improvement Act 1950... Carried. I -loved by McQuiggan Seconded by Stemrt- That Archie noels be engared to lay floor and construct pit in new barn... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Reeve declare Aug. lst as Civic and Public Holiday in and for the Township of Bayham... arrie . i The Clerk advised that work on the Fearnley Drain would begin within the next few days. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That E. J. Fearnley be appointed as Drain Inspector the construction of the Fearnley Drain at a salary of X50,00... Carried. 1,1oved by McQuiggan Seconded by Stewart- That the Reeve sign the order shhets, .. arried. Roads and Bridges accounts- June pay lists ---- $3426,00 Frank Steers - Gas for hall ------------------- 2 00� S. Suchenia - Relief for June ----------------- 14..00 -,, Velma Brown - it tt tr ________________ 37,Q0.,, Robt. Grant - Stamps -------------------------- 54.00\ Archie Noels - Eden sidewalk construction ----- 200.00 H. E. P. C.- Hydro for hall and office -------- 16,$7 � tt� _ �� it fire hall ------------- 13.74\ Tiorley , ; -Claus cemetery fence ------- 49.50Q Hugh T4icConkey - July relief 1 mo. ------------- 7.00N Clark Cooper - Relief for July ---------------- 13.00 Geo. McGregor - It " 't --------------- 22.00 Harry Laur - " tt It _______________ 15.OQ, Velma Brown - t' " tt '? mo' ---------- 37.00 S. Suchenia - It tt tr--------------- 14.0 Arthur Dreyer - " tt tt _______________ 4$.00 Ken Grant - Henairs to fire truth ------------- 2.70-� H. P. Grant - G 3 3 .0' Gas for fire truck -------------- 4 Madison Chute - Cleaning office, etc. --------- 24,00' Chas. A. 1'Jalsh - !. aterials 't "-------- 3,1E Dellers Tile Ltd.- Tile, Fearnley,, Drain ------- 179,$2 Treas, Elgin Count -r - _'ospitalization--------- 281,92 ,rorkmens t Compensation Bd. - Gen. acct, comp_--- 42.00 -Vol. firemen - --_ 72.00 Archie Vermeersch - Fox Bounty ---------------- 1,00\ Emerson Stephens - It It ---------------- 2.OQ Steve Nezezon - it it --------------- 2.0cO Leonard Kilmer -?cork on Smith Drain ---------- 14,25 tt It _ tt t' Elliott Drain ------- 26, 25, ',�Jalter I1'elson - Insp, it Smith Dr. ----------- 100 RN Douglas Tracey - Fox Bounty ------------------- 4,OQ J. L. Dennis - Fire C'_,4ef sal. for June -------35.00\ St. Lts. for June -------------- 5,00 J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------- 2$3•$6` Receiver General - Tax ------------------------ $p\ 7. Walter D. Nelson - Attend. 2 meetings ---------- 16,0C\ Morley Mc(Pui! -an _ It 2 It ----------- 15.6q Tei. Chute - +t 2 It _ ----- 5 ,4 Don, ----- . Robt. F. Stwart - 2 it ----------- 14 6Q Basil Nevill - it 1 It ----------- 6.00 411 for lloved by McQui --an Seconded by Stewart- That this council now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, August 2nd. at 1 p.m... Carried. eeve. 412 Township Office, Straffordville, July 20th. 1955• A special meeting of the council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present except Co-ixrcillor Nevill, Reeve Nelson presiding. The purpose of the meeting was to consider road repairs. Reeve Nelson reported on the recent interview with the Hon.<ir,,, Allan, Minister of Ho hways as arranged and accompanied by Hon, F. S. Phomas, Considerable discussion was held on designating a road for major repairs by the Department and also the Reeve advised that efforts would be made to have the County of Elgin assume additional road in Bayham. 1"loved by i�IcC:�uig,gan Seconded by Stewart- That this council request the Dept. of Highways to take over the Township road from Calton eastward to top of ',datterson dill, under the Road Development scheme, beim approximately three and one-half miles. Carried. The Clerk advised that annroval had been received for purchase of Dump Truck s with :'roods box. Also communications were read from .Tr. Coles, E17in County Clerk, and l-ir. Stevens, Supt. of Tillsonburg Hospital, concerning r. Fredrick A.0' Halloran, an(* indigent patient, chargeable to either Elgin or Oxford County. +� Councillor Stewart agreed to check residence of this man on the Lynn '.:ilson farm, T1�e Road Supt. was authorized to purchase neer culvert for repairs at the Orin Palmer corner and fill. L ove d by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this special session now adjourn to meet again on August 2nd, at 1 p.m... Carried. Ohl , l// , . Terri . Township Office, Straffordville, August 2nd. 1955 • Pursuant to adjournment of July 20th. , the regular meetin --, of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. iiinutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business .as done. Commmnications received and discussed included the following_; - Several hospital notices of indiMent patients, 't rer.ort from Solicitor Gibson on the final returns from sale of Vienna Public School Debentures. ?accounts were rec�,:ived from G. A. Barrie and Lewis C. Garnham in respect to burial of I.Zr. Thos. Dickhout. This was laid over fvr further information. Er. E. J. Fearnley advised he would accept the job as drain inspector fcr the Fearnley Drain. A further latter was received from Staufer i-Totors in respect to repairs in 195. to fire truck. The members decided this account should be paid. Re-hewal of insurance for hall and burglary were received from Geo.Grant. Advise was received from Fire Marshall's Office of Regional Fire School to be held at Simcoe, Aug. 15th, to 19th. The Clerk advised of receipt of municipal subsidies for Home for the Aged, /1 Police and Fire Dept, Prices were received from Letter Supply Co. on printing of Voter's Lists and the Clerk was authorized to have same done by them if neee`ssary. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Stewart- That the drainage petition of Bert Mitts and oth rs be accepted for drainage of North 10 acres of lot 15, Conc. 5 and S,E. 11 acre 413 lot 15, South Gore, and road between, be accented and -En.gineer Archibald of London be requested to make a survey and report on same... Carried. "oved by 1.1c" ui g.�r;an Seconded by Stewart- That this Couicil authorize attendance at fire school for 2 volunteer firemen and allow wxpenses for same at rate of X10. per day. Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- That the Reeve sign the order sheets...'Carried. Roads and Bricl�e s accounts- Julday lists �, --- .2209 10 � . -r • Geo. Scruton- Gas for hall,C.P.Ly ines--------- 2900Ns "Irs. S. Suchenia - Relief for ' July --------- 2$.00-N H..P.C.- Eden St. Lts,--------------------- 102.50\ Velma Brown - Relief for 1 July -------------- 37.00,E Mews Printing Co.- Printing & Supplies ------- 26,18.," Chas. A. 1alsh - Dustbane for office --------- 4.9011%. 11 11 it - Claus Cemetery fencing ------ 72.00 Dennis Garage - Fire truck repairs ----------- 8,14 Ge, Grant Insurance - Township hail, Bur%la»l,r - 56.00 Treas. .ialahide Ti -m.- Repairs, ".nderson Dr.--- a.1;? C he e sman 11 - 2 8, 011, Canada Culvert Co.Ltd.- Pine, Fearnley Dr. --- 213.60, Newman 's Flot-i,er Shop- 1.1rs. Brian wreath ------ 8,00 Hurley' s Boat-.4'orks - Tank for fire hall ----- 125.00\ Frank's General Store- Groceries for Dickhout- 10.D0\, Registry Office , Llt;in- List of conveyance s --- 8,,46\ Grover K etchabaw - Fox Bounty ----------------- 6.00 \ Dewey 'Jard - ty IT ---------------- 2.00 J. D. Vallee - Expenses to Toronto ------------ 33*4& Clark Cooper - Relief for August ------------- 13.00 Geo. rcGre ,or - " tt it 22:00%, Harry Laur - It it it ____________ 15.00 Velma Broom ------------- 37,00• Mrs. S. Suchenia - " 1' 2 "------------- 2$,00 1Irthur Dreyer - 11 " "------------- 48,,o& Leonard Kilmer - Work on Bartley Drain ------- 90. K5 I'Jalter Nelson - Inspecting ------- 4*5, � Deller's Tile Ltd. Tile for Smith Drain ----- 17,E It it tT _ tt T1 Fearnley 11 --- 1752. .; � Gec)rre Beard - Corinth Sidewalks ---y --------- 100*00-1.,- G. L. Claus - Spraying cemeteries ------------ 12.00 J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for July ----------- 35.00� 11 1? - St. Lts, it 11 ---------- 5,00 J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------ 2$3 98 Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ------------ 7.$C� Walter D. 11elson - :attend 2 meetings --------- 16,00, Morley hlcf..:ui77an - " 2 11 ------ - - - - 15,60` Don. M. Chute- ---------- 1�..�c� Robt. F. Stewart - 11 2 „ _--------- 14 6 Basil Nevill - 11 1 11 ---------- 6,00N 0 L-1 1-soved by Stewart Seconded bjr Nevill- That this Co,_ncil noirr adjourn to meet again on Sept. 6th. at 1 p.m.... Carried. Reeve. erx. 414 Township Office, _% 1-1 Sept. 6th. 1955. Pursuant to ad journient of Aug. 2nd., the Council of the Township of Dayham 4. met in regular session on the above date with all members present and Reeve tlelson prc sidin g. inute s of the lest regular m.et-i.n were read; , approved and signed and the following business was done. 1 . t Two hospital notices were received and discu:,,sed. � e'er Canita grant �• as received from the Dent. of 7."ur,icipal ,'A'fa.irs in an amount of :,'5734.40 An offer to do assessment equalization for the "'ovmnshin was received from the Atlas JI.ssessments and '.npra-isals of ':Ielland. A report on mass chest xs ray for L1 i n Y-ras received from County Unit. A letter Frith cony attached, aas received from I- .E.P.C. in respect to o��rner- ship of Street la_.l-hts in Dort Burwell. A letter ,..as receiv:.d from I -on. ��'. S. Thomas together Frith cop�r of letter from Hnn. "r. :Alan advisin that the Calton to +No. 19 ITigh- ay road had been designated as a Development Road. '4 bulletin was received from the Dent. of Highways re -,ardin_P,- permits for erection of suns and buildings adjacent to Provincial Highways. .'� petition signed by all (7) the ad 'acent land o.•mers was received requestin UA,. -.at sic'eroacI between lots 25 and 26 g Concession th -ee and four, except the southerly portion in Concession three, be stopped up and closed and sold. Information from the Dent. of F inance , Ottai-ra, was received, in respect to = s �:.,- plication for payments in lieu of taxes on o..;Teed dwellings. 4 r�:rchibald advised by let' er that he would accept to annointment as en_ -neer un(_ er The I)itches an,-'! .%.a.tercours es _Xt. 1urt.ier bulletin and c-. py of by -la, �:as received. from the Electrical Contract-. ors Association of Ontario. ' price of . $c` per name ,-.as received from 1, trCready Pri ntin- Co. , 'il? sonburg, for nrintin- of voters lists, letter, re-ulations and conies of the z_cts, were received from The Dept. of Labour of Ontario, concerninM .'rotection for Persons Iorkin-_- in Trenches, to -ether viith .regulations pertainin- to erection of 3uildings for'Factories, Shops and Offices hic her than two stories, t Communications were received. from London `:'ruck 3odies Ltd. respecting the controls of F.T.O. on new truck. reeve Nelson advised. that he and.. Councillor 1,1Ieviil had. met -. -ith Mr. T. S. Caldwell and discussed with him as well as loo.:in over the site of the propsoed opening of 4th. concession ro,�.d :rest to to -c of Cook :ill in lieu of major repairs to Cilton road. � .roved by Chute :seconded by Stewart- That the Clerk advise I, r. T. S. Cald .cell that the council still wishes to have the present Calton road designated as a :development Road by the Dept. of -Iigh,V.ays and that it is agreeab._e to hiring a surveyor as is necessary accordin � to agreement , for survey of this proposed work... Carried.; :.roved bar I=cC,uigV,- n Seconded by vevill- That providing a satisfactory agreement is received from the Dept. of .Iighways respecting Calton evelopment Road plan, the Reeve abd Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and seal same and proceed with all necessary arrangements... Carried. ^r. Dick Hamilton, of Hamilton, :`;lard and Cathers, -,gaited on the council and discussed with them matters pertaining to�nsurance coterages, particularly advising; that Liability for damages suffered from weed spray is not now covered an any policies available except one written for that special item. He also .made a review of all policies in force through their office. i.oved by Nevill + Seconded. bv Stewart- That the i.iunicipal Liability policy be increased to :,x100,000.00 complete coverage at a premium of $314.90 and that vehicle cover- ages include comprenshive and -:,100,000. inclusive for damages to persons and property... Carried. The Cler.c advised that the Fearnley Dram had now been complete:? to the satisfaction of Kr. Fearnley, local inspector onsame anq that ',Ir. Eden had requested payment of part of contract price pending final a-pproval by the Engineer. I�ioved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That pending receipt of .Engineerss approval, the'Treas- urer be and is hereby authorized to pay to Cecil Eden and George IM. Man i 80; be paid and certified cheque Moved by Mcg uigrran Seconded by Nevill- That �lr, services on Fearnley Drain... 415 for guarantee be returned to I.ir. Lden...Carried. 1;. J. Fearnley be paid the =;?50-, for inspection Carried. -loved by Chute 1 Seconded by Nevill- That application be made to the Dept. of Highways for interima ent on roads subsidyin an amount of $32,312.25 and that the proper officers sign same... Caried. l�ioved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That members of Bgyham Township Council make up the Court of .4vision for the 1956 Assessment Roll to be held on October 3, 1955 at 2 p.m...:Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Chute- That I.Irso t`.,ary Vallee be paid the sum of .; 125.00 for work on assessments... Carried. lJoved by Chute Seconded by lficruigc;an- That the Clerk make application to the 'Jept,, of Finance Ottawa, for grant in lieu of Taxeon �Iireless Station rowelling near Port Burwell and that when sa-ne is received for 1955, the 1955 taxes levied against said property will be written off.... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by McGluig-pan- and resolved that By -Law No. 1318, beim; a by-law .ta". 1I stop up, close and sell the sideroad between lots 25 and 26 through concess- ion Four and the northerly portion of same through Concession three, be now read a first time... harried. Moved by 1levill Secondees by Stewart- and resolved that By -Law No. 1318 be now read a Second time, . and .provisionally passed... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nevill- and resolved that By -Law No. 1319 being a by-law.to appoint Mr. S. ►ti?'. Archibald as an engineer under The Ditches and Watersourses Act, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by I''Jevill r Seconded by II- And resolved that By -Law 1�1o. 1319 he now read a Second � rtime... Carried, l loved by Mc � ui ;gap Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law vo. 1319 'be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. -iessrs, Geo. Adlinnton and Clarence Locker each in turn ;-.resited on the council and asked if the report had been received as yet on the proposed drain at the corner of No. 19 Highway and Fifth Concession road. Other matters pertaining ':o this drain r:ere also discussed and the Reeve advised each that they would be duly notified of any assessments against their respective properties when the report was received and time set for council to consider same. iov e d by Chute Seconded by Nevill- That the rate of pay of d. L. Locker be increased to .;31.00 per hour... Carried.. ��loved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- That this Council allow G. A. Barrie ?$0. for Thos. Dickhout funeral including all services... Carried. Mr. J. L. Dennis waited on the council and requested ;gravel on Third Street in the Village of Straffordville.The Road Supt, agreed to look after this. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roadsand B id s accounts- August pay lists 7702.36/ ,e Hugh McConkey - august relief ------------------ 14, 0 Geo. Scruton - Gas for hall -------------------- 1:9 Velma Brown - Relief for F� tucrust-------------- � 37•� Robt.'Grant - Stamps for notices ---------------- 5$.00 Aylmer & Malahide el.Co.- Office phone -------- 22.00.E Velma Brown - belief for 7 September ----------- 37.00,` Clark Cooper - " " tt-------------- 13.00 KIV L] George McGregor - Relief for September --------- - 22.00 Harry Laur - tt It IT _______-__- it It Tt 15.00 14,00.," Hugh McConkey - _--------__ tt Arthur Dreyer - it tt ____________ 4$,00 Roy Carroll - Meed spray for cemeteries -------- x.2.75 -• Stauffers Motors Ltd.- 1954 fire truck repairs - 49.33 .. Jack Hotchkiss - i -Moving water tanks ------------ 5.00N. Treas. of Tillsonburg- Relief, rIrs.Feys-------- 50.3$.\_ C. J. Ketchabaw - Eden St. Lights acct. -------- 53.45 Municipal lorld Ltd.- Supplies ----------~------ 13.05 Flews Printing Co.- Printing &. Advts.----------- 54.15 Allem Walsh- "epairs barn pump ---------------- 1.79 Dennis Garage - t' fire truck ---------------- 42.80\ 600.46 Dellers Tile Ltd.- Bal. tile Fearnley Drain ---- George Acre - Fox Bounty ----------------------- 2.00 Lyle .4alsh - t' it ______________________ 2.00 Louis Slaboda - Tt it -------------- ----- --- 2.001 Cecil Eden & Geo. Ii. Manning- jipply on Fearnley- 1591.00 E. J. Fearnley - Inspecting Fearnley Drain ----- 50.00 G. A. Barrie - Thos. Dickhout funeral &-aeetl--- $7.00'x, J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for rug- ------------- 35.04 Tt Tt - St. Lts. It tt------------- 5.00\ J. D. Vallee, - To apply on salary -------------- 2$3 * 86\ lieceiver General - Tax re. Vallee -------------- 7•$0r Vallee - '.°pork on assessment - 125.00 Y'dalter D. Nelson -Attend 1 meeting ------------ $.04� Norley 1- c(,ui ;�;an - t' 1 't ------------ 7.$� Don.. Chute - Tt 1 Tt------------ 7,22NRobt. F. Stewart - 't 1 't ------------ 7,30N Basil 3'evill - It 1 Tt------------ 6.00\ !.loved by Mcg)ui-gran Seconded by lTlevill- That this council Oct. 3rd. 1955 at 10 a.m... Carried. j04 Reeve. 416 0 now adjourn to :meet again on ionday, 1 Toimship Office, Straff ordville, Oct. 3rd. 1955 • Pursuant to adjournment of Sept. 6th., the council of the Township of B,ayham ret in regular session on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. Minutes of the.last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received and discussed included the following. - Several hospital notices of indigent patients. Signed agreement from Dept. of Highways re. Development Road No. 382, Calton to Griffin's Corners together with communications fvvm fir. Baldwell. The final report and certificate of the Engineer on Fearnley Drain. From the Department of Planning and Development regarding the inclusion of the south east portion of Bayham Township in Otter Creek Conservation Authoriti A letter from the Dept. of Finance at Ottawa, statinv that the Canadian Marconi Co. were rentors of the wireless station property and that grant in lieu of taxes would not apply to this property. At 10.00 a.m., the council adjourned to Township Hall f r reading of engineert report on the proposed Little Jerry Creek Municipal Drn. Several ratepayers were present as well as a represent tive from the C.N.R. and P.ir. McKay, representing the Engineer, ' "r. Archibald. The -Clerk read the report in full and the Reeve invited questions concerning the same. After considerable discussion the Reeve asked if any persons present wished to either add their names to the petition of withdraw:heir names from sante. None withdrew and one, ,Fr. Arville 1�olfe, signed petition. The Reeve 417 declared that the majority of those assessed for benefit on this drain had signed petition in favour of same. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Mc("uiggan- That the Engineer's report, dated Sept. 7th. 1955, for the proposed Little Jerry Creek�unicipal Drain be adopted:.. Carried. Moved by NcQuigr;an Seconded by Chute- That this Council now adjourn for noon to meet again at the.Tvwnshi.p ­Offi.ce at 1 p.m.... Carried. Council reconvened again shortly after one p.m. and the Reeve announced the readin of the Engineert s report on the pvvposed Mitts lunicipal Drain. Several of the interested parties were present to ;ether with "Ir, McKay. Clerk Vallee read the report and the Reeve invited discussion of same. After some discussion, the Reeve invited any to sign petition who wished to do so and also advised that any present could withdraw from same if they so desired. No names were withdrawn and lEr. Geo. AdlinSton signed. Moved by I4cC,ui7r.;an Seconded by Iievill- That H. L. Godwin be directed to s_.gn the petition, on behalf of the Township, for the Ritts 11unicipal Drain.., Carried. The reeve declared a majority benefiting to be in favour of this drain. !Joved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Engineer's report, dated Sept. 13, 1955, for the :itis Municipal Drain, be adopted. The rM_erk was instructed to prepare by-laws for the Little Jerry Creek Badin" and the Mitts Drain. Court of Revision for the 1956 assessment was then formed, all members subscribing to the necessary oath of office, loved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That Peeve '•falter D. 'nelson be Chaariman of this Assessment Court of Revision... Carried. The follow-ing appeals were heard. and decisions made by the Court with supporting resolutions. Appellant Complaints Decision of Court. C.&- D. Sugar Self- Scales S. Augustine Jr. �^ / Y Self -School Su-�port John Jenningsr� V Clara Marshall - �r8 John Szakal M' Ir 7 .ene-Ioerman S&lf- Land assessment too hi.,h. Self- Kilns Self -School Support Self -School Support Scales assessment of ,MO - removed . 500.removed. ;100. to be on building To be asseesed as Separate schod supporter at Tiirlsonburg. Not Allowed, Building assessment reduced by ;200. To be assessed as Public School Supporter at S.S.No. 3. Appeal withdrawn. :.roved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Assessment Roll for 1956 be now adopted as finally revised by this Court of Revision and the said Court of Hevision now adjourn... Carried. At 4 p.m. no persons appeared bef-.-re the council to object to the passing of By -Law No. 131$, re. closing of sideroad between lots 25-26 , Conc . 4 &3 . I Moved by Chute Seconded by Nevill- That whereas no complaints have been received, be it therefore resolved that By -Law No. 1318 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. At the request of the local Provincial Constable, the follwoing resolution was placed before the members. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That whereas six traffic accidents the most recent one causing injury to driver of ohe vah cle, have occurred at the main inter- section at Straffordville within M last 18 months; and whereas increased 4 11 418 traffic together vrith hard surfaced roads from the four directions and poor visibility make this a very dangerous corner; Be it hereby resolved that the Dept.'of Highways and the County of Elgin be requested to instal a red and amber flasher light at the intersection of No. 19 Highway and Talbot '-Street East in the Village of Straffordville , and that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Dept. of Highways, the Coitnty of Elgin and Hon.- F.S. Thomas, I.L. A... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by I•ic'yui ;fan- Resolved that this municipal couicil petition the irinister of Planning and Development of Ontario to call a meeting to consider the enlarging of the Otter Creek Conservation Authority to include the watershed of Little Otter Creek and all the streams draining into Lake Erie between the east boundary of the Otter Creek Authority and the west boundary of the Big Creek Region authority... Carried. I -loved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1320, being a by-law to provide for the holding of municipal elections for 1955 and appointing of Deput?Treturning Officers and Voll Clerks and the naming of Polling Places for dame, be ow read a first time... Carried. I'zoved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law lo. 1320 be now read a Second Time... married. :Moved by. I Ic': ui �;an Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1320 be now read a thir4 time and finally passed... Carried.. Tioved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That Rohn Jager be made Inspector under The Trench Excavators Act... Carried. Road problems were discrossed and the melabers arrancred to meet on the after- noon of Oct. 5th. to inspect some locations, oved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That the reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridves accounts- Sept. pay lists -- Velma Brown - Aelief for Sept. ------------- Frank Steers - Gas for hall ------------------ H.E.P.C. - Hydro for hall and office--------- tt It _ it tt fire hall --------------- C . L. Soper - 1,11aterials for office repairs --- lialter Moore - ilepairs to office ------------- H amilton,►=,lard & Cathers - Gen. Lia. Ins .----- 'unicipal World Ltd.- Supplies--------------- Treas. Elgin County - Hospitalization-------- Deller's Tile Ltd.- Tile for Arn Drain ------- Cecil Eden & Geo.M.Manning- Bal.Fearnley Dr. -- Graham Reid & associates Ltd.- Bal. It " -- Harris Teall - Fox Bounty -------------------- Allan Veitch - :t tt ------------------- J. 'Le t :artyn - ----------------- Lyle 'dalsh F=lalsh - " tt ____________________ W. G. ,,Iebst&r - Supplies --------------------- Robt. Grant - Stamps ----------- -------------- Thos. Whillier & Son - Supplies-------------- llen �'"alsh - Office repairs _________________ Frank Plust - Groceries for Mrs. Gale --------- a T.V. Archilald - Fees re. Little Jerry Dr. -- tt tt _ tr tr 11itts Dr. Halter Nelson - assist. re. Little Jerry Dr. -- Arthur Dreyer - tt tt it tt tt Leonard Kilmer - " tt it it tt Charles Kish - " " T.Sitts Dr. -------- Bert Mitts - rt tr ft n ________ Velma Brown - Relief for Oct. -------------- Clark Cooper - " "October ---- Geo. -McGregor _ tt tt tt _---------__ Harry Laur - " " tr ..____________ Arthur Dreyer w $3477,05 37.00 2.00 \ 10.12%, 14.44 -\ 1$. 79'� 19.40 � 314,90N 5.7� 257.9$ 3.60 348.00 185.40\ 2.00 2.J0\ 2.00 2.Of� 9.45♦ 5.00 iz.5o\ 15.75 \ 2.00 1$50.00 200.00 10.00 11.00 1.00 3.00 7.00� 37.0l3� 13 . oo� zz.00� is.00� 24.00 -\ 419 J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for Sept. ------- ? 35.0 it TT - St Lts. Ti ++ ________ 5.ON J. "). Vallee - Allowance Fearnley Dr. ----- 150.00 t T+ '+ - To apply on salary ------- 283. $6,, Receiver general - Tax re. Vallee --------- 7.8� ulton Ff. Jackson - :attend C. of R. -------- 2.54 - Vialter D. Nelson - ��:Mend 1 meetin!-------- �.00� Morle,,T I•:►c(.ui- ,-an - it 1 TT -------- 7. $� Don, 14, Chute - TT 1 it --------- 7.20s, Robt. F. Stewart - it 1 TT -------- 7.30 Basil 'Tevill - IT 1 TT ---- 6.00 A .oved. by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That this council now adjourn to meet again on Monday, Oct. 31st. 1955 at 10.30 a.m... Carried. • v.sv.s at. Township Office, Straffordville , Oct. 31, 19550 Pursuant to adjournment of Oct. 3rd., the regular meeting of the Bay ham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present except Deputy Reeve i'.icQuiggan. Reeve Nelson presided and minutes of the last meet- ing were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Several hospital notice were received, discussed and filed. A letter was read from Mr. S.W.Archibald, O.L*S., accepting the job of surveying Calton Development Road. Advice was received from Canadian Underwriterst Assn. that dwelling and contents within three miles of Straffordville fire hall would receive reduced insurance rates. Notice was received of the First Ontario eater Resources Conference to be held in London on Nov. 9th. 1955. A letter was received from Mr. Harvey McKinnon re. school support. Two letter were received from Mr. Victor H. Tillson,Q.C., respecting complaints of Mr. Geo. Lysy. Notice of school for fire chiefs, Nov.16-1$ at Toronto was received from the Office of the Fire Marshall. A request for funds was received from the Committee for Municipalities in respect to expenses re. Dominion Natural Gas Co. hearing for rate increase¢ The Clerk advised that the sum of x491.38 had been received from Dept. in grant for Childrents Aid expenditure through the county. A copy of letter from C¢N¢R. to Mr. Archibald re. assessment on Little Jerry Creek Drain was received and read. Mr. Fred Hilts waited on the council and requested hospital assistance pending his physical ability to repay, for an operation on his leg. This was granted and the Clerk instructed to advise Dr. McLachlin. Reeve Nelson reported on the outcome of a meeting with Mr. West of Oxford County and Mr. Stevens, Supt. of Tillsonburg Hospital, concerning the hospital and nursing home account of Fred Olilloran. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this Council recommend the acceptance of Fred O'Halloran as a county patient on a 50-50 basis between Elgin and Oxford and that this Township will assume one-half of the County of Elgin's share for hospital and nursing home costs... Barried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- That the usual grant of $25.00 be made to Aylmer Fair Board... Carried. 420 Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That the Dog Tat Collector be authorized to take legal proceedings to collect Dog Tax from Kilcourse for two dogs... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this Council adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 p.m... Carried. During the noon recess, the members visited the site of complaints of Mr. Geo. Lysy and also other road locations being repaired. Council resumdd its meeting again about 1.45. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1321 being a by-law to appoint John Jager an Inspector under the Trench Excavators Act, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1321 be now read a 6econd t&me... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law No. 1321 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council request that Elgin County take over as part of the County Road System, that road in the Township of Bayham between the 9th. and 10th. concessions westerly from No. 3 Highway.Carried. Moved by Stewart r Seconded by Nevill- .And resolved that By-L<.w No. 1322 being a by-law to provide for drainage work in the Township of Bayham known as Mitts Municipal Drain, at an estimated cost of $1675.00, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1322 be now read a second time and provisionally passed... Carried. e Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to send by registered post, copies of Mitts Municipal Drain By -Law, with notice of Court of Revision and notice as to proceedings to quash to the last known address of each of the asses,ged owners or occupants In respect of said Drain and in accordance with ection 25 of The Municipal Drainage Act4, Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- That the Court of Revision for assessments on the Mitts Municipal Drain, be held at Township Office on Dec. 15th. at 2 p.m. and thb Clerk send notices to each owner affected... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law No. 1323 being a by-law to r, provide for drainage work in the Township of Bahaze, known as Little Jerry Creek Municipal Drain, at an estimated cost of 124,260.00 for Bayham Town- ship, be now read a first time... Carried. -� Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that B -Law No. 1323 be now read a second time and provisionally passed... arried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nevill- That the Court of Revision on assessments for the Little Jerry Creek Municipal Drain be held at the Township Office on Dec. 15th. at 3 p.m... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized to send by registered post copies of the Little Jerry Creek 11unicipal Drain By -Law, witnotice of ourt of Revision and notice as to proceedings to quash, to the last known address of each of the assessed pwne,�s or occupants in respect of said drain and in accordance with Section 25 of the Municipal Drainage Act... Carried. Moved by Seconded petition Stewart by Chute - the Dept. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to of Public Works for grants under the Provincial Aid to (ib Drainage Act, 195+, in respect to Mitts Municipal Drain and Little Creek Municipal Drain... Carried. 1.21 Jerry Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1324 being a by-law to revise the fees payable to Deputy Returning Officers and Boll Clerks and rental for Polling Places in municipal elections, be noir read a first time. Carried. Moved by Stewart Secodded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law No. 1324 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1324 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the council members be allowed a day's pay for meeting on roads on Oct. 5th, 1955.•, Carried, Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- Oct. pay lists --- $2915.5i� Robt. Grant - Stamps -------- ----------------- 7.501 Velma Brown - Relief for 2 Oct. -------------- 37.00N Marguerite Gale - " " " "-------------- 11.001 Frank Steers - Gas for hall ------------------ 1.901 Ha.milton,Ward & Cathers- Fire truck ins.------ 152.$2 News Printing Co.- Advts. & supplies --------- 15.60 \ Frederick Thurston - Fox Bounty -------------- 2.00 N Lyle Walsh - n "-------------- 2.00 Val. Tisdale - " it -------------- 2.00 Robt. Grant - Stamps,Little Jerry Dr. -------- 45.00 It " - " for Clerk-Treas.---------- 5.00, Dennis Garage - Fire truck repairs ----------- 26.60 Reward Shoes - Shoes for N. McGregor --------- 3.98 Isaac Terry - Fuel " "---------- 5.00,E Letter Supply Co.- Printing V.L. ------------- 61.33 -�, J. L. Dennis - Car expenses re. F.D.--------- 6*40- Treas. Aylmer Fair Board - Grant ------------- 25.00 J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for Oct. ----------- 35.00\ tiTt - St. Lts. for Oct. ------------- 5.00 J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------ 2$3.$6\ Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ------------ 7.,$0N\ Walter D. Nelson - Selecting Jurors --- ------- 4*00t.,, Elton H. Jackson - " "--------- 4.00N J. D. Vallee - " "--------- 4 * 00N., Elton H.Jackson - Assessor's salary -~ -------- 1100.00\ tt it ,tg - Do Tax Com. --------- ------ 29 80� If tt it - Stickers & supplies -------- 1.20 Peters, Brown & Co.- Apply on 1955 audit ----- 250.00y Walter D. Nelson - Meeting and roads --------- 16.00 Morley McQuiggan - "--------- 7.8N D6n. M. Chute - it n rt --------- 11+. 0\ Robt, F. Stewart - " " "--------- 14.60%. Basil Nevill - n :r n _________ 12 o00-.1. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council now adjourn to meet again on notice by Reeve... Carried. i/4 . . ...... / '0000� Reeve. 11 A 0 122 Township Office, Straffordville, Nov. 26th. 1955. A special meeting of the council of the Township of Bayham was called by the Reeve on the above date for the purpose of considering roads expenditure for the balance of the year. All members were present b8nd Reeve Nelson presided. Considerable•discussion was held on the matter of repair and construction and the/,Road Supt, gave a report on the amount of money spent to date, and the amount available to Dec. 15th. The matter of a new truck for use of the Road Supt. was also considered by the members. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- That the Clerk advertise for tenders for purchase of new half -ton truck for Road Supt. Present 1951 Chev. truck for trade-in. Clerk to -mail request for tenders to all local dealers in Straffordville, Aylmer, Tillsonburg and Coyle Bros. in Delhi. New truck to be equipped with heater, defroster, directional lights, standard transmission, 5-6 ply tires and de luxe cab. New 1955 or 1956 model acceptable. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to close at 12 otclock noon, Dec. 6th. and delivery of truck by Dec. 15th. 1955, and that the Clerk apply for Departmental approval for same... Carried. Deputy Reeve McQuiggan gave a report on assessment meeting at County Court House on Nov. 25th. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council now adjourn to meet again on Dec. 6t1f. at 1 p.m.... Carried. eeve. i V er l r M 423 NOMINATION MEETING. Township Hall, Straffordville, Nov. 28th, 1955• The annual nomination meeting of the ratepayers of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date a 2 p.m. for the purpose of d nominating candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillors for the Township of Bayham and for three Trustees for the Bayham Township School Area. About 25 persons were in attendanegat the meeting and by three o'clock p.m., the following names had been placed in nomination. Reeve - Walter D. Nelson and Morley McCuiggan, Dep. Reeve - Morley McQuiggan, Donald M. Chute and Robert Stewart. C ouncillor8 - Chas. D. Phillips, Donald M. Chute, Basil Nevill, Robert Stewart and Borden Price. Area Trustees - Grant M. Mitchell, Verne Walsh and J. A. Martyn. The usual after -meeting was held with Clerk Vallee as Chairman. He gave a review of the financial statement of the Township and in turn called on all nominees for a few words. The Reeve gave an outline of His part in County Council work and the Deputy Reeve covered work done at Elgin Manor and well as covering phases of Township affairs. Others spoke briefly of their terms of office. Road Supt. Godwin gave a brief report on work done and to be done _on Township roads. Clerk Vallee explained proceedure in respect to qualifications for the various offices, and the meeting adjourned. At the close of the meeting several nominees completed thein- respective papers of qualification for office and by nine o'clock on Nov. 29th., only the required number had qualified. I, J. D. Vallee, hereby declare the acclamation for office for the year Reeve - Walter D. Nelson Deputy Reeve - Morley McC,uiggan Councillors - Donald M. Chute Robert Stewart Basil Nevill School Area Trustees - following candidates duly elected by 1956. - Grant M. Mitchell Verne Walsh J. A. Martyn 4240 Township Office, Straffordville, Dec. 6th. 1955• Pursuant to adjouanment of Nov. 26th., a meetingof the Council of the Township.of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Several hospital notices were read, discussed and filed. Report for 1955 was received from Fire Chief Dennis. Communications were also received from C.N.R. regarding certain under- standings respecting Little Jerry Creek Municipal Drain. An account for fire truck services was received from Tillsonburg. A letter was received from Hon. Jas. N. Allan, regarding the Township's request for flasher licht- at .St.raffordville. Mr. Allan promised lahat more prominent signs and "stop --Lines;! on pavement would be provided. The Clerk advised -that interim roads subsidy had been received in an amount of $13,629.51. Acknowledgement of receipt of applications for Provincial Aid to Drainage was received in respect to Mitts and Little Jerry Creek Drains, Ontario Municipal Board approval was also received in regards to the above mentioned drains. A letter with credential attached, was received from Dept. of Planning and Development respect the enlargement of Otter Creek Conservation Authority and of meeting in Tillsonburg to consider same in January, 1956. Requests for grants were received from Hospital for Sick Children at Toronto and from Mrs. G. N. Roleson, for County Museum fund. A letter was received from Mr. Thomson, County Clerk, advising that the request of this Township for County to assume road between Concessions 9 and 10, was laid over to the 1956 County Council. Solicitor Gibson advised that all registrations, etc. had been completed in respect to transfer of property with I1iss Clara Marshall. A draft of sugmested notice and letter respecting damages caused to roads, etc. by washed out dams, was also received from the Township Solicitor. I -loved by Chute Seconded by Stewart-- That the report of the Fire Chief be accepted and that the firemen be paid at the rate of $4.00 per call... Carried. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That Robt, F. Stewart be named Township of Bayham representative to the meeting in Tillsonburg in January, 1956, to consider the enlargement of Otter Creek Conservation Authority by the inclusion of adjacent watersheds... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this Council make a grant of 4*25.00 to the Hospital for Sick Children at Toronto... Carried. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That this Council make a grant of $25.00 to the Elgin County Museum fund sponsored by the 1lomens' Institutes... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Clerk place advertisement in Tillsonburg and Aylmer papers, for 2 weeks, that the Township will hold owners responsible for damage to roads, culverts and bridges caused by flooding as a result of washed out dams constructed on or adjacent to streams... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- That Boxing Day be observed in Bayham Township as a public and civic holiday on Tuesday, Dec. 27th. 1955... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- That a committee consisting of Donald Chute, Robt. Stewart and Morley McGuigan, be named to establish 3 or 4 garbage and rubbish dumps in the Township of Bayham... Carried. Ten tenders were received from dealers in respect to prices on half -ton truck for Road Supt. Two were on 1955 models and eight on 1956 models. These were thoroughly considered and discussed by the members. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the tender of sseltime Motors of Tillso ob otb e accepted, subject to approval of Dept. oEHi hwaysp or purchase on b 425 tick -up truck for Road Supt. at a net price of $1200. in accordance with heir proposal of Dec. 5th. 1955.00 Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- November nay lists -- Velma Brown - Nov. relief in part -------------- Clark Cooper - tt tr -- ------------------ Geo. McGregor - " " _---_________________ Harry Laur - " "--------________ Marguerite Gale- " " --------------------- Velma Brown - " " (PaFO ---------------- Ontario Municipal Board- Fee for Mitts Dr. ----- It rr it _ IT T► L.Rerry Dr. ---- Aylmer & Malahide Te1.Co. - Office phone -------- Harry Laur - Dec. relief ----------------------- Clark Cooper - ►► it _____._________________ Arthur Dreyer- " "_________________ Zhas. A. Walsh - Supplies for fire Dept. ------- rr tr rr _ Bulbs, Straff. St. Lts.------- Wayne Baldwin - Repairs to den Drain ---------- William Baldwin - " " "---------- rr tr _ tr ,► rr "----------- Treas. Elgin County- Hospitalization ----------- Geo. Chute - Gas for fire truck ---------------- " " - Oil for office,Nov. 4 ------------- It _ it tr tt , Dec. 2 -- ---------- Hotchkiss Appliances- BX cable for office ------ W. G. Webster - Office supplies ---------------- E.F.S.Sanders - Cert. voters' lists ------------ M. L. Chute - Work on office floor ------------- James Kennedy - Care Eden St.Lts,to Dec.31.----- Dellers Tile Ltd.- Repairs to Smith Dr.-------- tt it tt _ it rr Arn Dr. --------- News Printing Co.- Printing & Advts.----------- Archie Gunstone - Fox Bounty ------------------- Edward Shelly - rt it ___________________ Stanley Augustine Jr.- Fox Bounty -------------- Jim Rutledge - Fox Bounty -------------------- - Nathan Hayward- rr tr -------------------- Lloyd Jackson - rr It ------------------ Stauffer _________________Stauffer Motors Ltd.- Fire Truck repairs ------- Chas. Hainer - Care hall 2 meetings ------------ Dennis Garage - Fire truck repairs _____________ Hospital For Sick Children - Grant------------- Ivlrs.Gowan Young,Sec.Treas.- Grant to Museum ---- J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for Nov. ------------- t? it - St. Lts, for Nov. --------------- J. D. Vallee - Apply on L.Jerry Dr. fees ------- tr rr _ tr tr salary _______________ Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee -------------- Walter D. nelson - 2 meetings ------------------ Morley McQuig�an - 2 it------------------ J � Don. M. Chute - 2 '► ------------------- Robt. . Stewart - 2 " _______________ Basil ievill - 2 " ------------------- J. L. Dennis - 61 calls with fire truck -------- Basil Nevill - 44 rr it tr rt ________ W.L.Locker - 41 " --------- George Grant - 45 " ---------- Harold Dennis - 27 " ------ Lloyd Diekenson-43 " ---------- Harry Grant - 47 " ---------- Lyle Walsh - 63 " --------- Jack Barclay - 32 " __________ Morley Wolfe - 4 " ---------- Otto Stanat - 2 t ------- Ralph Hurley - 1 " -------- Frank Plust - 1 " ---------- $6495.$1 45.00\ 18.00,, 25.00.E 17.00. 23.00, 35.00, 2.00 10.00\ 18.3N 18,00-,, 1$.00 ­-, 55-00-- 16, 00 5.0016,00 1.17-- 6,30\ 6,30 17.13, 409.86\ 41.33\ 28.86,, 37.43\ ,8o, 2.50\ 7.15\ 8.00\ 32.00\ 2,55- 9.00,- 33-04- 2,,00,, .55- 9.00,- 33.042.00,, 2,00' 2.00\ 2.00-- 2. 00\ 14.00 20,,97'- 6.00,- 56o72\ 0.97`6.00,- 56.72 25.00• 25.0&, 35.00 5.00-, 200.00-- 268 o 11` 23.55 16.00 15.60. 14.40, 14.6o�- 12.00` 24.00` 17 .00- 164.00` 180.00 108.00_ 172.00 1$8.00 ` 252.00. 12�/.00� 16.00 8.00- 4.00- 4.00 V x 426 Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Dec. 15th. at 1 p.m... Carried. Reeve. w Township Office, Straffordville, Dec. 15th. 1955• The final meeting of the 1955 council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business -;ias done. Re-newal for three years was received for the Treasurert s and TaR Collector bond as well as Township hall insurance. Communication was received from County Clerk regarding notification of 0 indigent patiemts in hospitals. Township Solicitor, Donald F. Gibson, Q.C. advised that it should be the County of Elgin who should seek recovery of expenses in respect to the Curtis accident. h letter was received from the Dept. of Iliunicipal Affairs respecting the approvals for capital expenditures. A letter was received from I-ir. Archibald regarding C.N.R and Little Jerry Creek Municipal Drain. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to make payments to Cemeteries of Perpetual Care Fund interest, Savings Acct. No. 3, as follows;- Treas. Straffordville Cemetery -- $11..72 Treas. Calton Cemetery ---------- 9$.64 Treas. Eden Cemetery ------------ 197.28 ... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That the following grants be made to cemeteries under perpetual care to increase their return on investments by approximately 2%- Treas. Straffordville Cemetery -- $ 72.00 Treas. Eden Cemetery ------------ 125.00 Treas. Calton Cemetery ---------- 62.00 ...Carried. At 2 p.m. the members subscribed to the necessary oath as members of Drainage Court of `Levision in respect to the Mitts 1,1unicipal Drain and the Little Jerry Creek Municipal Drain. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- That Reeve Nelson be Chairman of this Drainage Court of Revision... Carried. Clerk Vallee advised that no appeals had been received by the deadline on �he Mitts Brain but that Mr. Cla»ence Locker had entered an appeal, dated ec. 12th. 1955• Mr. Locker was present and discussed his �rl Moved by Nevill Seconded by McQuiggan- That this Court of alter the course of iiitts Drain so as not building lots of Clarence Locker and well problem with the mebbers. Revision request the Engineer to to interfere with prospective on his property... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the drain assessment of C. Locker on the Mitts Drain be not considered as it was not appealed within the time limit and th Drainage Court of Revision adjourn to meet again at 3 p.m. on the Little J-0 Jerry Creek Drain... Carried. Moved by Seconded purchase Stewart by Nevill- Thathe the following hOOO, Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to bond for Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund if a? II investment; - Metro Toronto, new issue, price of $97. .. Carried. z 34 % maturity Nov.1/75 at approximate Drainage Court Of Revision re -convened at 3 p.m. 1+27 Appeals were received from the County of Elgin ind Township of Bayham in respect to ownership of roads. From Chas. B. Laister in respect to his assessment on Lot 13, Con. 10. From Reeve Nelson in respect to Frank Foutre property and also that the properties of Thos Nedoszytho and Murray Ireland had been missed. Moved fy Stewart Seconded by Nevill- That in respect to appeals by County of Elgin and F Township of Bayham, the following changes be made and assessed as follows; - Con. Road 8-9, lots 1-5, Township of Bayham Benefit $200.00 Outlet $ 9.00 Con. Road 8-9, lots 6-9, County o-' Elgin Benefit 4 nil Outlet $ 9.00 Con, Road 9-10, lots 6-13, Township of Bayham Benefit $500.00 Outlet $30.00 ... Carried. igoved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the assessment of F. Foutre on Pt. lot 13, Conc.10` be removed and that Iflurray Ireland be assessed "'6.00 for outlet on part of -I''. lot 2, Conc. 10... Carried. Moved by McQuig ran Seconded by Nevill- That outlet assessment of Chas. Laister be reduced by *6.00 on Pt.S.E.14 lot 13, Conc. 10 and that Thos. Nedoszytho be assessed ;-6.00 for outlet in respect to Pt.N.*1.Pt. lot 8, Conc. 8,.., Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by h�ct�uigJan- That the assessments on Little Jerry Creek r.°Iunicipal Drain be confirmed as now finally revised... Carried. } Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the drainage assessments on Mitts Drain be confi ed as set forth in Engineer's report dated Sept. 13th. 1955... Carried. • Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this Drainage Court of Revision now adjourn.. Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That By -Law No. 1322 for the Mitts I.Iunicipal Drain, be 1 now read a third time and finally Passed... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That the usual bonuses be paid for extra services as follows;- To the Reeve, $100. and to each Councillor, Clerk and Road Supt. P30..., Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by McQuiggan- That the inaugural meeting of the 1956 council be held at the Township Office on Tuesday, January 3rd. 1956 at 10 a.m.Carried. Mr, J. D. Vallee advised the counci that he wished to be relieved of his appointment on the Tillsonburg District High School Board. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- That the following persons be appointed High School Board Trustees for a two year term, 1956 and 1957. - East Elgin District - Howard Coomber Tillsonburg District - J. A. Martyn... Carried. Mr. Clare Esseltine made delivery of the new half -ton truck for Road Supt. and extended seasons greeting to the members. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Stewart- That the Road Supt. have Township of Bayham lettering on doors of new pick-up truck... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Reeve sign the order sheets....Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts --------------- $12,971.79 Frank Steers - Gas for hall ---------------- 5.10` Treas. Elgin County - County rate -------- 41,265,00, Leonard Pembleton- Relief for Dec. ------- 11.00` Dustbane Products Ltd.- Floor wax ---------- 33.50 Treas. Houghton Twp.- Repairs Garnham Dr.--- 24,75 E. Brov,m - Groceries for Fleelling--------- 10.00\ Roy Carroll - Shellzone & Bulbs, F.D. ------ 6.6a. Treas.Straffordvil_le Cemetery -Interest ---- 111.72-Say.#3 TT Eden TT _ It ----- 197.28 - 11 IT Calton IT _ ,t 98.61 - tt " Straffordville it - Grant ------ 72.00 � " Eden It - " ------ 125.00 't Calton it - " ------ 62.00• Geo. Grant Ins.- Re-newal hall ins. -------- 31,50 IT tT " - Re-newal Treas. Bond ------ 93.75 Len Kilmer - Repairs to Smith Hr. ---------- 9.00. Aylmer Express - Print. Fincial St. -------- 1$.15. H. E. P. C.- Richmond St. Lts.------------- 133,00 - it tt - Straff. . IT It ------------- 2$3.50` Taylor Craft- E. E. H. S. trophies ------------ 149 $0,- Robt. C. Jackson - Weed insp. for 1955 ----- 25.00 M. L. Chute - School Attend. Off. ---------- 25.00'- tT 1t _ Mileage re. above, 168 @ .10 -- 16, $(T H. L. Godwin - Buildinj Insp. for 1955 ----- 25.00 J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for Dec. --------- 35.00 ti IT IT - St. Lts. for Dec. ----------- 5.00' J. D. Vallee - Bal. salary for year -------- 2$3.9 Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ---------- 7, 80� J. D. Vallee - Bonus ----------------------- 3 ,OCA H. L. Godwin - "---------------------- 3 4Yalter D. 'nelson - " &-eee-meet1vig--------- .00N log. 001 Morley McQuigrran - " & 1 meeting --------- 3`7. $0'N Don. M. Chute - Tt TT If ___----__ 37.20, Robt. F. Stewart - " tr IT --------- 37.30., Basil Nevill - " " It --------- 36,00, Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this Council now adjourn, Sine Die... Carried. `�-"�, Reeve. l