HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1954TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1954 [I] f� 356 Township Office, Straffordville, January 4th. 1954. The inaugural meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date. Toose members subscribing to the necessary oath of office before Clerk Vallee were Reeve Walter D. Nelson, Deputy Reeve Morley bie�,uiagan and Councillors Donald M. Chute, Robert F. Stewart and Basil Nevill, Reeve Nelson then spoke briefly and called upon Rev. W. E. 'ill to conduct a short devotional period. The Reeve expressed the council's apprec- iation to lvlr. °sill for attendance at this first meeting and invited him, alo, with the council and officials, to be his guests at dinner. Minutes of the previous meeting were then read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Conxnuni6ations read included the following; - A reguest from Lr. e. V. Langton for usual grant to Elgin Seed Fair. Notice from Boughton Township concerning reading of Engineer's report on Xapin -brain on Janu. 11th. at Fairground* Approval from Dept. of highways for additional expenditure pf J109000.00 on Township roads. Letter from law fitm of Haines,Thomson, Rogers, Benson & Aowie for Mr. Jesse Lennis to attend their office at Toronto on Jan. 27th. re, fire truck accident. Letters were received from Donald F. xibson, i�.C. re. Eden Survey. A letter of appreciation for grant was received from hospital for Sick Chiltren at Toronto. A request for grant was reee ived from St. John Ambulance. Requests for .membership were received from the Ontario Good Roads Assn. and Association of Assessing Officers. Ex -Reeve Jackson waited on the council and discussed the matter of firemen's allowance for trips made in 1953. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Volunteer firemen be granted an additional one dollar for each fire call answered in 1953 and ~that X4.00 be paid for each • call in 1954... Carried. Moved by McC,uiggan Seconded by Nevill- That the Treas. issue cheques to various ratepayers for bank errors in charging penalties on Dec. 21st tax payments... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- That this Township make a grant of 25.00 to the Agin County Seed Fair, A. V. Langton, Se$... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by kc�uiggan- That the Clerk subscribe to 9 copies of the Municipal World for councillors and officials for 1954... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- What a grant of X25.1`0 be paid to the Richmond Library for 1954... Carried. Moved by Mc'%uiggan Seconded by Nevill- 'hat the Township loin tae Untar: o Good Roads Assn. and 4 the Treas. send fee of 410.00 ... Oarried . Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Deputy -reeve, Councillors and officials be z►amed delegates to the Ontario Good Roads Convention, Feb 22nd. to 24th. at Toronto... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That A. L. Dodwin represent the Township on the Zapin Drain report to be read at Fairgrounds on Jan. 11th. 1954 at eleven o'clock in the forenoon... Carried. Moved by Me(,uiggan Seconded by Nevill- That this council grant under provisions of the Highway on roads during 1953, in an amount of officers sign same... Carried, make application for th� statutory ky Improvement Act, on expenditure made t, 60, o /z• a z and that the proper IJ 357 Moved b Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council adjourn for noon to meet again at two o'clock P.M,.* Carried. A very delightful and enjoyable dinner was held at Dennis Lunch as Guests of Reeve Nelson. Those present were the members of the council, Ex -Reeves Chas. Jackson and Arba Johnson, Clerk Vallee, Road Supt. xodwin, Mr. 'ill and Mr. Dougherty, Dank ",ana ger . A.'ter dinner, the members inspected the new bridge over Little Q iter Creek and regular business was resumed about 2.15 P.M. Mr. Tony uindriek waited on the council in respect to procuring ownership of old road ad; oining his property along Talbot Street. The members agreed to meet at this location with all interested parties following the noon day meal on the next regular meeting of the council. The Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. yeli and ""Irs. Biro. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- That this council make a grant of X10.00 to the St. John Ambulance... Carried. Several by-laws were then present by the Clerk i for council considerations gloved by Nevill Seconded by Mc',uiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1266, being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow up to x120,000. from the Canadian Dank of Commerce, for current expenses, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1286 be now read a second time.. . Carried. Moved by McQui ggan Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By=Law No. 1286 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. f Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1287 being a by-law to appoint certain officers for 1954, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law leo. 1287 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by gg Mc�ui an Seconded by Chute - And resolved that By -Law 1io. 1287 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. %owed by Mce w ui ggan Seconded by Iievill- And resolved that By -Law i4o. 1288 being a by-law to appoint Elton lie Jackson as Assessor during the pleasure of the council at a salary of 11100. plus 20% dog tax collected, be now read a first time. Carried. iir uoved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- and resolved that By -Law No. 1288 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by M6,.uiggan- And resolved that By -Law Igo. 1288 he now read a third time and finally passed... Carried, Loved by M64uiggan Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers for Carried. Moved by Chute No. 1289, being a by-law to 19.54, ne now read a ftrst time. Seconded by Kc�,uiggan- And resolved that By -Law 14'o. 1289 be now read a second time... Carried. } Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law bo. 1289 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconddd by Chute- That this Township join the Association of Assessing 358 Officers for 1954 and Clerk send fee of 4,10.00 ... Carried. Considerable discussion was held in regards to roads expenditure for 1954 and the erection of a storage barn and garage for vehicles. It was decided to go into this matter further at a special meeting. Fire Chief Dennis was authorized to consult Township Solicitor Gibson in the matter of fire truck accident and letter from Toronto law firm. Moved by Mc�uiggan Seconded by Devill- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts--------------------- Imperial Oil Ltd.- Fuel for office ------------ 30.61N H. Be P. Co - Aydro for hall & office --------- 14.76,' fire hall ----------- 18.82 Dorothy Powell - Relief for part December ----- 12.00 Geo. McGregor - " January ---------- 24.00 Clark Cooper - " "------- 18.000 Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for Dec. ------ 275.0 " itit- " exp. for N6v. ------ 75.40 Dennis Garage - Repairs for fire truck -------- 8.45 Frank Slaght - Fox Bounty --------------------- 3.00 harry Stewart - " "-------------------- 600 Geo. Chute - Coal for fire hall -------------- 51..68N H. L. Cook - Repairs to office pump ----------- .50\ Lyle R. Grant Motbrs - `'epair fire truck ------ 8.00\ J. D. Vallee, Registering B.M. & D. ----------- 5.00\ Canadian national Rys.- Corinth Wig -wags ------ 25.00' J. L. Dennis - :telephone calls &. batteries ---- 2.80\ Wm. S. Rex - Groceries, Farkas,Dec.11,Jan.4 --- 24.0 0 George Grass - Fox Bounty --------------------- 3.00 J. L. Dennis - 70 trip fire truek,1953 -------- 70.00 W. L. Locker - 53 "" " "------- 53.00* Basil trevill - 52 r' r• " 52.00 seo. Grant - 45 '• "-------- 45.00 Lyle Walsh - 41 " " "-------- 41.001\ H. P. Grant - 32 " " "------- 32.00\ Jack Barclay - 24 " " " " ------ 24.00\ Treas. Elgin seed Fair - Grant ---------------- 25.00 Treas. Richmond Library --------------- 25.00 Treas, Ont. Good Roads Assn.- 11embership ------ 10.00 Treas. Assn. Assessing Officers -------- 10.00, St. John Ambulance - Grant -------------------- 10.00 Lawrence Thomson - Tax penalty rebate --------- .73\ Edgar Stafford - " "---------- .49\ Floyd Smyth " " " .34\ 0. Melchitr - n ,� **---------- .50 Beulah Melchior ---------- .35< Frank Laemers- "' " "------- :14� 34\ John Riddell - TV------ voseph Schaffer - _-------- .90N Stanley Luce - 1.91N Walter D.-"elson - Attend 1 meeting ----------- 8.0C� Morley llc�,uiggan - 1 ----------- 7.82 Don. I* Chute - " 1 "-----__--- 7.201A Robt. F. Stewart - 1 "---------- 7.30 Basil Iievill - " 1 " ---------- 6.00\ Moved by Mc(,uiggan Seconded by Nevill- That this council now adjourn to meet again in special session on Jan. 12th. 1954... Carried. ,&.) � az� . 4P r 359 Township Office, Straffordville, Jan. 12th. 1954. A special meeting of the tayham Township Council was heldon the above date, all members present and Reeve Belson presiding. ."he purpose of the meeting was to visit neighbouring municipalities and inspect buildings used for storage and repair of Township vehicles. After having seen several of these buildings, the council met at the Township office and discussed plans for one for this Township and the location of same. Roads expenditure for 1954 was also discussed and it was decided to get some information from Engineer Caldwell concerning this matter. The Reeve and Road Supt. Xodwin reported on their visit to Houghton Towrshiu Council in respect to proposed LIapin Drain along the �`ownsline. 1r oved by hic�,uiggan Seconded by Stewart- That this special meeting now adjourn to meet again in regular session on Feb. 1st. at 10.30 A.M. .. Carried. 01 i Reeve. Township Office, Straffordville, Feb. 1st. 1954. Pursuant to ad i ournment of January 12th., the regular meeting of t• -_e Bayham Township council was held on the above date,.all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. i�,inutes of the last regular and special meetings were .read, approved and signed and the following business was done. One hospital notice was read and filed. Advice was received from Uounty Clerk re. passing of by-law controlling and licensing eating establishments. A bulletin was received from Lept. of Public 4'orks of Ontario re;ardin application for Provincial did to Drainage. Mrs. Ed. Curtis, by letter, requested help from the Township in respect to hospital account re. b;arilyn Curtis, at Victoria Hospital. A request for a grant was received from the Salvation Army. Police reports for December were read and filed. Letters of appreciation for ;rants received were read from St. John ambul- ance and Secretary of Elgin Seed Fair. Advice was received that Cecil Beemer would be unable to act as Poundkeeper and Ernest n7ol:nan as F enveviewer. The Clerk expressed the appreciation of Bayham Township School Board for use of office for School Board meetings, with therequest that Cecil Ball be named to the Eden Community Board as School Board representative. ; Ioved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council request the Lept. of Highways to transfer the spun of ,x.3610.37 from bridges and Culverts appropriation to Road L-aintenance appropriation in respect to 1953 Roads expenditures...Carried. I� oved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this Council make a grant of 4 30. C 0 to the Salvation Army... Carried. Moved by LcC,uiggan Seconded by Irevill- That this Council join the Ontario Kunicipal Association .;`and the Clerk send 1954 membership fee of 4,10.00... Carried.;: Moved by Iievill Seconded by Stewart- That Cecil Beemer be replaced as Poundkeeper by Alonzo Hagell and i.rnest dolman as Fenceviewer by Frank Howey... Carried. 360 Moved by ' hute Seconded by Mc(,uiggan- That this Council do now adjourn for noon to meet again at 1 P.h:... Carried. On assemblying after the noon hour, the council met withYrs. Biro, Tony Gindrick and Alex Leli at the location of the unused portion of Talbot St., 1* miles east of Straffordville and discussed the proposal of closing same and disposal of it to adjacent owners. The owners present were unable to agree on the 41sposal of this road so the council members decided to leave it as at present until such time as these owners might bring in a mutual agreement. On meeting back at the office, the members Expenditure for 1954 and Road Supt. Godwin These matters were discussed for quite some taken. .,loved by Tvevill event into the matter of road requested a raise in salary. time and the following action Seconded by Stewart- That Ho L. Yodwin's salary be increased effective January 1st. 1954 and the Clerk prepare by-law forev by 200.00 same ..Carried. IY.oved by Chute Seconded by Iyevill- And resolved that By -Law Ito. 1290 being a by-law to provide for a total expenditure of w60,000. on Roads in Bayham Township for 1954, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by L:cC.uiggan f s aeconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1290 be now read a aecond time... carried . 1.1oved by "evill aeconded ny 1c"uiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1290 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by 11c''uiggan- That the Clerk advertise for tenders for the purchase of a tractor complete with front-end shovel loader, 8 ft. clearance, and equipped with half-tracks and fluid in tires, less lights. Traotor to be 2-3 plow size and stnadard front end. Tendeirs to close Feb. 26th. 1954 at 5 '.lti. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted... Carried. The Clerk was instructed to advertise same in Aylmer and lillsonburg papers. Iy:r. Jo1bCook, assistany ia'unicipal Engineer .ariculture Hepresentative, attended pprt d scissed conservation and the possibility moved by Chute Seconded by Mc It.',uiggan- That the Reeve sign and 1-r. G. C . ClarkTp Ass istant dfthe meeting. and Er. v ohn v� ager of an Otter Creek authority with t members:' the order sheets... Carried. Roads and i3ridges accounts- January pay lists---- Robt. ; Treas. Ontario .Lunicipal assn.- %embership fee --- J. L. Dennis - Fire Cheif for o-anuary------------ " ,. _ St. Lts. for " ------------ J. i). Vallee - to apply on salary ---------------- Receiver general - j'ax re. Vallee ________________ l►alter L. del son _ attend 2 meetings- ------------- i.iorley Yc�uiggan 2 it Lori. Y. Chute - 2-------------- Aobt. F. Stewart - " 2 ______________ aril i+evill - .. 2 " -------------- Loved by 1-1 Seconded lst. 1954 Chute by Mo�,uiggan- at 10,3o A.M. $61 'qW10.0o" 35.00 5.00\ 258.86\ 7.80\ 16.00\ 15.60 14.40,\ 14.60 12 .00\ That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Larch • Barri ed . :�evve . Township Office, 5traffordville, Larch 13t. 1954. ric. Pursuant to ad jou.rnm.ezit of r ebruary lst. , the regular meeting of the Bayham Township council was held on the above date, all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. iuinutes of the last re alar :meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Several hospital notices were read, discussed and filed. Notice was received of conference re. National Building .:ode Offiaials. notice was received of ,'.eed Inspectors meeting at St..'ficn.a3,Larch 1691954. ��d'Ti.ce ra,3ai v -..a t"- Ontario ':unicipal Assn. convention would likely be held in St. Thomas on ,iu2ust 23,24 & 25 1954. A letter and copy of resolution re. hunters was re;;eived from Aldborou:zh Twp. Police reports were received and filed. a bulletin was received ; rom Lept. of L:unicij:al affairs re.;arding details of Provincial grants to be printed on tax notices. a letter of acpreciation for grant wa:3 received from SAlvation Army. A petition asking repairs to .Eden drain was received. ivotific4tion was received of tvelfare Officers assn. meeting at Owen Sound on June 7, 8 and 9th. A circular letter was read from the Ontario :locational Association. Jack u . Climie, Sec. requested a grant for Tillsoriburg & District Fair. Letters were received from Oanadian Dank of •:ommerve re. debenture issue of w28, 000. and sale of same. Lr. -11en &ioore of aylmer waited on the council ar;d discussed road designation signs for the Township. Loved by ": 4uiggar� o Seconded by 14'evill- 'ghat providing 50o roads subsidy is available on same, this township order 100 road name sins from Mr. Ben. Koore, lettering, etc . , to be supplied at a later date... Oarried. Lioved by Chute Secondedby Stewart- That applications for licenses be approved for the following; - Cordon's Store --- Ice Dream Stand Berdan' s Service Station- Lunch O ounter ... -,.,arried . loved b s Llc(,�uiggan Seconded by Vevil l- That this council endorse the resolution, of Aldborough Township to request that Elgin County be closed to American hunters and that .. 362 a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the rept. of Lands and Forests. Carried. Loved by Chute _ Seconded by Mc(,ui-;gan- That this council now adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.15 P.hl, .. Jarri ed . Regular business was r estmed about 1.15 P.M. with a delegation of about 25 persons from the 0orinth district waiting or the council and requesting that repairs be made to Township road east and west of �:orinth and that the cement bridge east of Corinth be widened. !,rr. Aowurd Coomber acted as spokesman for the delegation and Lr. Lon Ty:urphy gave figures in respect to the amount of milk hauled over this road 11 Others also spoke briefly, and the council advised that their request would be given consideration. Droved b;; Shute Seconded by idevill- That this council authorize repairs to the Widen Drain along iio. 19 Highway and that a request be forwarded to have poplar tree removed near Dean uouse. Councillor Stewart to have supervision of this work... Carried. The (."Ilerk a dvised that the official Board approval had been received by Mr. Sibson in respect to the debenture issue for S. S. Ido. 23. %roved by Shute seconded by Stewart- That By -Law i o . 142"'64, as now amended (Clause 5) be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. The sale o�" these debentures was discussed and the Slerk advised of paces to sell thein locally and also the price offered by the local bank. it.oved by ,"►ic�uiggan Seconded by irevill- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to sell debentures of S. S. No. 23 in an amount of '� 28, 000. to the ,anad ian Bank of Sommerce and mood, 3undy & Co., jointly, at a price of x99.04 per X100. par value, plus accrued interest, payment and delivery at Straffordville or Toronto. Delivery to be about April 1st. to 15th. and that the Township ►,olicitor be instructed to proceed with the completion of the debentures and arrangements regardin; this sale... :tarried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by irevill- And resolved that By -Law iio. 1292 being a by-law to authorize the ='eeve and lreusurer to borrow money from the Canadian Dank of Commerce against debentures to be issued in accordance with By -Law No.1284, pending sale of save, be now read a first time... Sarried. Loved by 1r c�4ui: gan Seconded by Stewart- rind resolved that By -Law 14o. 1292 be now read a second time... tarried. Loved by ii evill Seconded by Kc"puiggan- And resolved that By -Law k1o. 1292 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Sonstable �ibbley waited on the meihbers in respect to the prospects of procuring a house advising that he had again received notice to move, his matter was discussed and the Clerk instructed to write to the Commissioner, asking that his -epartment consider the proposal of erecting a house for use ui local police. Mr. Fred Shandler waited on hhe council and requested that some disposal be made of sideroad west of his farm as the same is used only as a lane by adjacent owners and a public dumping ground. The council agreed to take steps to have same closed. Ir. 0ohn Szakal discussed drainage of his lauds with the members and agreed to procure prices, contact other owners and report to council. Moved by Chute Seconded Stewart- That this council make a grant of .25.00 to- the Tillsohburg and Listrict Fair Board... Sarried. loved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That half -load regulations be enforced In Bayham Township during March and April and that all Township Road Employees be instructed to ii 2`3 help enforce same and to. -,be advertised in local papers..* married. loved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- and resolved that By -Law Teo. 1291, being a by-law to appoint Harry L. Godwin as Township Road Supt. at a salary of *2000. per Year, ef:i'ective van. 1st. 1954, be now read a first time... Carried. loved by 1�c�ui ggan Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that by -Law IMo. 1291 be now read a second time... married. R 1:ove d by I evill #. Seconded by `.hute- and resolved that try -Law lro. 1291 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. In response to advertisement in local papers, following in regards to tractor with loader.- tiaggan & iNatterwobth, ayl�ner. Lindsay & Son, Aylmer Stauffer L.otors, yillsonburg Riley 1fotors Ltd.- uoyle L:otors Ltd . , Delhi. tenders were received from the Considerable discussion was held in respect to these tenders and the follow- ing action taken. Loved by Stewart Seconded by Jhute- That the tender of ria gan & ri+atterworth of .2578.47 for tractor, loader, half-tracks and fluid in tires be accepted, sub;;ect to approval of wept. of highways... carried. Moved by Ohute Seconded by Stewart- What the Road Supt. pay at the rate of .50X per hour for brushing roads, e f _ ect ive 1M:arch 13t. 1954.00 G arrie d . Moved by hevill Seconded by Lc�uiggan- j'hat the iieeve sign the order shee te... Carried. Roads and Bridges accoimts- February pay lists --- Iv-5917.45� Olark Oooper - JAelief for iebruary--------------- 18.00� Geo. L:cxregor - T. IT i, ---------------- 24.G0� Dorothy Powell - (part) ---- 40.0 0, Frank Steers - xas for hall office ------------- 23.25 Dorothy Powell - relief for February ------------- 50.67\ Aylmer & ylalahide Tel. "3000- Police phone --------- 32.8 if 111 19P - Office hone -------- 16.3 Treas. of Vienna - Feb. relief for R.Vincent ----- 29.60 Newman's Flower Shop - Coyle wreath -------------- 12.00\ H. 1., P. C.- New light, Straff. St. Lt4.--------- 101.72\ Provincial lre33urer - Insalin------------------- 4.09 Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for January ------ 275.00 - it exp. Dec. -------- 111.051 it It - sal. IT February ----- 275.00. - ,� exp. var,.-------- 93.50 L. s. Stansell - repairs office pump ------------- 23.85 .t#,. x. ;ifebster - Supplies ------------------------- 14.72\ Dennis Garage - Liepairs to fire truck ------------ 5111, Clark Cooper - relief for Larch ------------------ 16.00 George L:cGregor _ TT ..----------------- 24.0 Dorothy Powell - " " "----------------- y 90.6 Stephen Foris - Fox Bounty ----------------------- 3.00 Lyle '►`dalsh - TT IT ----------------------- 3.00\ Joseph Volkaert- ,T ----------------------- 3.00\ --------------------- Stanley -aaJr.---------------------- Fred Bowes - Fox Bounty ------------------------- 6.00� John Schuller- T, "------------------------ 6.CC� Geo. Grass - +* It_ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 6.^01 J. L. Lenriis - License for fire truck ------------ 2.00 l:.F.S.Sanders - Legal fees re. Fenton ------------ 15.00\ Treas. i'illsonburg Fair Bd. - Grant -------------- 25.00\ J. L. Dennis - Fire chief for Peb.--------------- 35.00 ,T n - St. Lts for ieb.------------------ 5*1 J. L. Vallee - To apply on salary ---------------- 258.86\ Receiver :: 364 Walter Nelson - Attend 1 meeting ------------ 8.G4\ Korley iwicwuit;gan - 1 "------------- 7.80 Lor.. 1, Chute - 1 "------------- 7.20 Robt. F. Stewart - " 1 ------------- 7.3(% Basil iievill - 1 t' ------------- 6.00\ I by iievill Seconded by ".c,,..uiggan- That this council April 5th. at 10.30 Carried . Reeve. now adjourn to meet again on �Ie . Township Office, Straffordville, Ixarch 11th. 1954. A special meeting of the 13ayham Township Council was held on the above date for the purpose of correcting 1953 roads appropriations in accordance with recommendations received from Yr. John Cook, yssistamt District Y:unicipal Engineer. Yoved by l�evill Seconded by Stewart- That the resolution under date of ieb. 1,1954 pertain- ing to tratsfer of 43610.37 froiu .Bridge and Culverts appropriation to that of Road :.Iaintenance for 1953, be and the same is hereby rescinded..0arried. ;coved by Stewart Seconded by iVevill- That this Council request the Lept. of Aigh-xays to transfer the sum of ';:1309.63 from Roads maintenance appropriation to that of Bridges and 'ulverts in respect to 1953 roads expenditure...Carried, council adjourned. mMd 1MIMMr r �ler-k. Township Office, Straffordville , hiarch 19th. 1954. d special meeting of the Bayhaiu Township 3ouncil was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Belson presiding. The purpose of the meeting was to consider road repairs, purchase of gravel and some discussion vvas held in regards to a garage and storage building. r. John Cook, Assistant LLunicipal Engineer was present and the meeting and advised in respect to the above matters. Fire ;thief Dentis attended at the Meeting briefly and discussed with the members l.utual Fire Fighting Services within Elgin County. moved by itievill Seconded by Stewart- That the Clerk is hereby authorized to advise Fire Ohief ;viclntyre of St. Thomas, that this Township is agreeable to entering into the scheme for mutual aid Fire Fighting Services in Elgin County and R 305 this Council will permit the Bayham Township Fire `.irtLek to answer calls else- where in !!.lgin County, free of charge, in accordance with this plan. .carried. It was felt by the members that Springfield truck should be made available to the north end of the 'Township and also mutual aid arrangements .should be made with lillsonburg as soo,l as possible. Lloved by bevill seconded by 1,cluiggan- That the Clerk advertise for tenders for crushed ;ravel to be supplied to the '�'ownship;- 1. By the yard loaded on trucks at pit. 2. By the yard -mile spread on roads in .advertisements to be placed in aylrner and two weeks, Rareh 25th. and April 1st. and April 5th... Carried. the Township. Tillsonburg papers and to run for 4 tenders to close 12 o'clock noon on The Council decided to go to kLylm.er to view the new tractor and loader at Haggan & ;iatterworth before accepting delivery. Yoved by Chute Seconded by l%evill- That this council adjourn to meet gain 5th. April 1954 at 10.30 e.... Carried. .peeve. Township Office, Straffordville, April 5th. 1954, Pursuant to adjournment of Y'.arch lst. the regular �.eeting of thr: Bayham Township counedl was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve nelson presiding. i.�inutes of the 1>�st regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed, and the following business was done. 0 Communications received and read included the following;- Hospital notices of into i gent patients. A copy of report on livestock killed by dogs in 193 .from sept. of Agric'ture. ,in account was r ectived from8lahide Twp. in re:w �pzct to LePauPStk'13 fire. Advise was received from the County Clerk that the sum of X41,513. would be required for county purposes for 1954 and that i3ayham Township had been e:ivalized at the stun of �2, 788,1 . . she uonlmissioner ui Police for Ontario advised that his Department would be unable to supply living quarters for local constable. Appreciation for grant was received from lillsonburg & Lis, -riot Fair Board. Police reports were received and filed. 'sept. of riighways approval was received for By -Law lyo. 1291 and also for transfering x'1309. d3 from Roads to Bridges & Culverts for 1953. A reply v;as .,received from Lept. of Lands and Forests in respect to American hunters in Elgin County. $ request for grant was received from Elgin County load Supts.' Association. Several requests for me?,ibershi.p and notices of conventions were received. advice was also received frog Listriet Forester at Aylmer in respect to distribution of pheasants for 1954. An application for Lunch Coflnter License was received from George Ohorney, ( formerly b ary's Lunch) and carne was laid over for ,more information. A petition for 3rainage was received from li Fearnley and others ix, respect to 1,As 711 8 and 9, concessions 1 & 2. The clerk was instructed to inquire of Several engineering _firms if they might be interested in doing drain survey work for the '�ownshi p this summer. Loved by lievill Seconded by Chute- That the peeve proclaim Daylight Saving Time to be effective in Bayham Township from Saturday midnight, Apxlil 24th. to Saturday midnight, Sept. 25th. 1954... Carried. EE iloved by 1"'c(,uiggan Seconded by iievill- That a Lunch mounter license be approved for picker,son's Lunch at Strafford vi lle ... Jarri ed . i essrs. Francia and Vanacker waited un the council regaeating improvements to their respective roads. Moved by I'c'ui ggan Seoonded by Chute- ghat this 'Jouncil novo -gid joarn for noon to meet a gain at 1.15 P.h... 3 arri ed . Souncil resamed regular business ar 1.30 1.1":. i�:oved by shute Seconded by Stewart- That the treasurer is hereby authorized for and in the name of the '&.1unicipal Souncil of the ownship of Bayham from time to time RrA until further notice to The Canadian Bank of ommerce:- 1. (a) To draw, accept, sign, make, endorse, negotiate and dispose of all or any bills of exchange, cheques and order, for the payment of money, and (b) :o pay and receive all moneys and give acquittaneca for the game, and (c) To transact generally with the said wank any business he may see fit: 2. Also that the Treasurer is hereby authorized for and in the name of the said Township, from time to time and until further notice to the said Bank: - (a) To discount, negotiate, deposit with of transfer to the said dank (but; for credit of the &-,count of the said :`ownship only) all or any bills of exchange, cheques or orders for the payment of money and other negotiable instruments and for the Said purpose to endcrse the same or any of them, and (b) To execute from time to time the said hank's form of agreement as to the settlement, balance and verification of all books and accounts between t said Township and the said Bank, to receive all paid chegVes and other debit vouchers charged to any such account and give receipts therefor, and to arr- ange, settle and balance such books and accounts. ... Oarried. I-oved by Yc�uiggan seconded by Chute- !hat Racy Baxter be and is hereby named to the Galton Oenetery Board, for a term of three years... Carried. loved by ' evi ll Seconded by MeX',,uiggan- That this Oouricil make a grant of x20.00 to the :lair. Road Supt. association... �.arried. The Treasarer tnem presented a budget of Receipts and Lxpenditure for 1954 for consideration and discussion by the members. it .jas thoroughly checked over by the council, ..roved by Zhute Seconded by Ste -art- That the Township "en oral rate be set at 13.5 mills for 1954 and the Treasurer's Bud --et be adopted... Carried. ,roved by Nevill Seconded by Y:e�.uiggan- And resolved that By-Lavv fru. 1293 being a by -lave to adopt the assee3ment for 1954, levy the taxes for 1954 and to provide for the collection of same, be now read a first time...Oarried. Moved by Stewart" seconded by ""hut e- gild resolved that By -Law leo. 1293 be now read a sedorid time... Carried. :: 367 That the Clerk write to Lewis C. Garrham and request his co-operation in view of the fact that complaints have been received from several village resiaerits that his bees are creating a nuisance anC hazard in that section of the village... parried. Vine tenders were received in respect to theadvertisement for gravel. They were opened and discussed by the members. ho definite decision was reached pending inspection by the cou icil of the gravel in some of the pits. dove d by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the -.Lieeve sign the order sheets. Roads and; bridges accounts- March pay lists ---- p.. Robt. Brant - Stamps for auditors -------------- lreas. 3.3.lio.23 - ddsance re. Debentures ------ Imperial Cil Ltd.- Office fuel ----------------- Frank Steers - Gas for hall and office--------- Treas. of aylmer - high School debenture ------- A. E. P. C. - hydro for hall and office-------- ff " _ if n fire hall ------------- Clark Cooper - jielief for April ---------------- seorge R,cGregor _ tf tf " ---------------- Robt. Grant - P.O.Box rental and stamps ------- Aylmer Express - ndvt. re. tenders------------- 1iunicipal World Ltd.- Supplies, etc. - - - - - - - - - - - V. G. Webster - " ----------------- News Printing Co.- Advts. notices------------ '12he Franklin Press, - Printing Leb. re. Tio.23. -- Treas. Elgin County - Hospitalization ---------- Peters, Brown & Co. - Bal. audit fee 1953 ------ " " " - Forms, etc. used --------- Elton H. Jackson - Equal 2 school -sections ----- Geo. Qhute - Coal for fire hall ---------------- Dennis Garage - .iepairs for fire truck-----�--- `ireas. of Ontario - Police sal. for March ------ I $I if it _ 11 exp, for r'eb.------- Frank Volkaert - Fox Bounty -------------------- `1'reas, East Elgin doS,Board- tuition fees#i ---- Of Tills. List. " " - " 3 --- " Pt.Burrwell Bd. of Ed.- & 3- Zen Grant - Repairs to fire truck-------------- vhas. d. Vialsh - 'Equipment for fire truck ------ " " - Bulb Straff, St. Lts.--------- Registry Office, Elgin County - Fees re. list -- Treas. Elgin County Road Supt.bssn.- Grant ----- J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for March ------------ if - St. Lts. tT tT ------ J. L. Vallee - To apply on salary -------------- Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee -------------- Walter v. Nelson - Attendance at 2 meetings ---- Lorley N'cQui gan - " 2 " ----- Don. M. Chute - " 2 " ---- Robt. F. Stewart = " 2 Basil Nevill - " 2 " ----- r 15397.11\ 12.00' 2Q000.00`13ap. acct. 38. 66\ 20.25\ 1359.72` 21.26 16.79\ 18.00\ 24.ON 10.00\ 25.90\ 45.61< 6.50\ 10.80 64.90 285.67 350.00\ 6.95-* 10.00\ 2 6.50\ 9.30\ 75.00\ 74.00 3.00 2195.03 £51.02 681.30 .5 7.9� 4� 3.48\ 20.00 '35.00\ 5.00 258.86N 7,BN 16.00 15.60 14.4N 14.60 12.00 Loved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council now adjourn to meet again on Monday, May 3rd. 1954 at 1 P.L... Carried, WAWA' Or _jMV4 ER K � � • s1 Township Office, Straffordville, April 8th. 1954. .& special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date for the purpose of visiting gravel pits and examining quality of gravel avai able as per tenders. Present were reeve TNelaox:, Deputy reeve, ►:ctiuiggan. Councillor Vek ll, road Supt rodwin and vlerk Vallee. A visit wag :Wade to the Baxter pit and the Vicols pit. Mr, suckle Dromised to move his machinery as neon as possible and make gravel available from the Baxter pit at an early date. .loved by -w- uiggan Seconded by. Tlevill- 12hat the Ulerk advise :►:r. Buckle that his tender is accepted for 3000 yds, of gravel for early delivery. Township truck to haul from bin and bularice to be stock piled.... Carried. .."r. suckle agreed to stock -pile the gravel for an additional .CS� per yd. ouricil adaourned. Township Office, Straffordville, May 3rd. 1954. Pursuant to ad journm. ent of April 5th., the reguLar meeting of the Bayham Township council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve ' Felson presiding. 1_'inutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Several hospital notices and letters were read, discussed and filed. request for grant was received from Toronto Y.M.C.A. Vo action taken. .Notice was r eceive4 of Zoint Planning Conference at Toronto wy 6.7 and 8th. advice was received from :�.ngirieer Caldwell to the effect that road signs expenditure would be eligible for subsidy. Prices on deed spray :gas received from C.I.L. An account was received ' from Dereham Twp. for repairs done on Crossett LTain. Circular was received from City of Brantford re. Dominion Datural as Co. Ltd. A letter was received from Graham Reid & Associates advising that their firm would oe iziterested in doing some work on municipal drains. Provincial Aid to i4raina7e received were Coyle Drain 11568.97 and 3wanee Drain 1088.00 Balance of highway Subsidy was received in an amount of X18,913.11 and V6.11 Departmental approval was received in respect to By -laic No. 1290 covering roads and bridges expenditure in full for 1954. Claims for damages -..ere received from Y_r. Frank Juhasz and Bruce Williams and same were forwarded to insurance :u upany. Several applications for licenses were placed before the council. ;Notice was received from A.E.�.'.0.. regarding grant in lieu of taxes. County 3y -Law iNo. 1643 and financial report for 1954, was received from .the v ount y of Elgin. d request was received fvv annual grant fromthe Federation of Agriculture. Police reports for March and april wore placed before council. LT.oved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- That this Oouncil request the 0ounty of Elgin and the City of St. Thomas to take some action in respect to additional acaum."modation for chronically ill indigent patients... married. �:oved by Chute Seconded by-Aie(c�uiggan- That repairs be authorized for t'he following municipal drains;- Berdan- Cheesemen; Arn Drain and Eden Drain and supervisors be Reeve Nelson, Councillor Tlevill and CouneALllor Stewart respectively... Carried. 369 trove d by Stewart i Seconded by shute- That the drainage petitions of Eli ,Fearnley and others as well as that of Alva Mcw,uiggan and others be accepted and forwarded to Crahaml Reid and Associates Ltd. for the purpose of making a survey and report on same... Carried-. Moved byMe�uiggan Seconded by Nevill- That 4eo. S. Elliott be paid for hauling stone *"49.61 and that he assume the charges for the stone... Carried. Several individuals waited on the council for road arid drain repairs. uir. voindsor of armco Lrainage discussed with the members very briefly, the matter of new garage and sturage building. Fire Chief L)ennis gave a report on the repairs to fire truck. Moved by chute Seconded by Stewart- That Fire Ohief tennis be allowed S�,105.00 for addition- al Rork on fire track... Oarried. �. i. Vallee, Member of the Tillsonburg Listrict nigh achool Board for ba"Vham, discussed with the council the proposed addition to the school, nnd';tea& to thea a copy of letter received by the Board from the office of the ieputy u inister. tilloved by Chute Seconded by Iyevill- That this council approve of the building of an 8 room addition to Tillsonburg Listrict High School at an estimated cost of 1140,000. and that this municipality will assume its proportionate share of said costs... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by 14'evill- That the i=ieeve proclaim e period from Lay 15th. 1954 tO .august 15, 1954 during which period dogs shall not be permitted to run at large in the Township of Bayham, in accordance with Sections 12 and 13 of By -Law T+o. 1088... Carried,. roved by jievill Seconded by :shute- That this council make application to the Canadian Underwriters association for thier consideration of special fire rates in the Township due to the Township having and operating approved fire -fighting equipment... Curried. ;.roved by Stewart Seconded by iyevill- That the following applications for licenses be approved; Frank Plast -- Ice areagi Stand Iran Hal6zs -- Refreshr:gent Stand Wallace j3arber Roadside Coffee Shop - Restaurant License George Chorney -- Lunch Counter.... Carried. Moved by Kc(,uirrgan Seconded by Levill- That this council ad iourn to meet Houghton Opuncil at to Townline Bridge and to resume meeting again at 5.30 P.M... Carried. Council resumed regubar cess ion about 5.30 P.Li. I Ito persons having appeared before the council at the ai,pointed hour of two M. in opposition to clos&ng of said township road; Loved by iievill Seconded by Stewart- That By -Law No. 1294 providing for the closing od road between north ends of lots 19 and 20, Cone. 8, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council make a grant of w350, to the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture and Clerk prepare a by -lav for same.Carried. Considerable discussion was held in regards to the request of 'r. Tony sindrick to have the un -used portion of Talbot Road through lots 129 and 130,' closed and -some members having visited the site, it was f Moved by 3,ievill s eoonded by Stewart- That By -Law No. 1295, being a by-law to stop up and 11 R ' r qz 370 close and sell the portion of Talbot Road through parts of lots 129 and 130 between conn. 6 and 7, be now read a first time... Carried. 19oved by kllc�uipgan Seconded by Chute- That By -Law No. ' 1295 be now read a second time and provisionally passed, The Clerk was instructed to do the necessary -advertising of this by-law and that complaints against same to be heard at 2 P.M. on Monday, June 7th, 1954. Road Supt. Godwin pre.Aented a request to Driver Locker for inorease in wages. Moved by lievill Seconded by Stewart- That the hourly wage rate of n!. L. Locker be increased to .85a per hour... Carried. Drainage problems of 1.:r. Clarence Locker were discused by the members with ::ouncill:r Vevill. 'loved by hute Seconded by Stewart- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and bridges accounts - April pay lists --- �4741.98-,, Frank Steers - Gas for hall and office --------- 11.00-\ ;VA. C. Uibbley - Police office rebtal to Apr. --- 20.00\ Treas. of Pt.gurwell - Relief for Riding ------- 16.00\ Donald F. Gibson, ,.w a Fees ,etc .Re . No . 23 Deb... c^40.75` 0ar_adian Hank ofCommerce- Chgs. " " -- 8.12\ `areas. of Ontario - Police sal. for April ------ 275.Oo\ exp. " March ------ 61.4(Y� J. L. Vallee; Council marls inspecting roads --- 23.155 1"unicipal 'W'orld Ltd.- Log licenses --------- --- 9.55 Dennis Garage - Repairs to fire truck ---------- 23.58\ Mrs. °earl vainer - Cleaning office ------------ 5.10 Treas. iereham'iwp.- ILepa irs to Crd)ssett Lr. ---- 6.45 Skean Brinn - Fox Bounty ----------------------- 18.00 Fred Oatmen - " "-------------------=--- 18.00% riarry Davidson- " "----------------------- 7.0C Roy Stewart - "----------------------- 10.00, Zeller' s Tile Ltd.- 'i ile Berdan-Cheeseman Dr. -- 5.75\ . Ae liage11 - 'work on " " " --- 8.40 Cler�� 6-:ooper - relief for bay ------------------ 13.00 Geo. I "regor - " .. ---------------- 18.0(). Robt. Grant - Stirrups for Treasurer ------------- 5.00� J. I,. Dennis - Extra services re. fire truck --- 16.00\ Fire Chief for April ------------ 35��.04' St. 'rights '� T�-----------•• i).VO♦ 0. D. Vallee - To apply on salary -------------- 258.86\ Heceiver General - Tax re. Vallee -------------- 7.80,\ Walter D. "elson - Council meetings ------------ 30.00-\ Morley Lwo4uiggan - &: car ------- 41.20\ Don. L. Chute - " " ------ 31.6{ Robt. F. Stewart - " " " ------ 31.9() Basil iievill - " -" ------ 36.00\ Yloved by Lhute Seconded by Stewart- That this council now adjourn to meet agAin on Monday, June 7th. at 1 z .... Carried, 7 s am 3 r Township Office, Straffordville , June 7th, 1954. Pursuant to adjournment of May 3rd, the council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date with all members present exdept Councillor Chute, Reeve Nelson presided. Minutes of the previous meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. COmmunioations received and considered were as follows; - Hospital notices for indigent patients. Letter from Clerk of 3t. Thomas reo accommodation for chronically ill patients. From Town of Tillsonburg, re. Dttbr Valley Conservation Authority. Approval from Dept. of Highways for purchase of Ferguson Tractor andLoader, From Dept,, of Lands and Forests, Aylmer Office, letter in regards to Elgin County resolution concerningg non-resident hunters in &lgin. Letters were received from Canadl4n Underwriters' Association ree fire insurance rates and number of volunteer firemen. Quarterly report of Health Unit was distributed to members. Police monthly report was read and filed. Letter from Donald F. Gibson,Q.C, in regards to proposed High school debenture by-law. A letter was received from Sec. of Port Burwell School Board advising of the closing of the Continuation School, effective Sept. 1954. The Clerk advised that the Aid -'Bo -Drainage grant had been received in respect to the Lautenschlager Drain in an amount of $1395.07 9 and that the C.N.R. had paid their share of Swance Drain costs. Messrs. Hawkins and Wilton of Tillsonburg waited on the council in respect to establishment of "hostel" in Tillsonburg for use of transient labourere coming to district for harvest work and requested a grant to assist with the proposal. A letter from the Hostel Committee was read to the members. Moved by Stewart Seconded by McQuiggan- That this Township make a grant of $150.00 to the Committee for the establishment of a "hostel" in Tillsonburg for use of transient labourers during harvest season... Carried. Kr. JohnJager discussed further with the members, the matter of a local Conservation authority. Moved by MoQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That this council petition the Minister of Planning and Development to call a meeting for the purpose of setting up an Otter Valley Conservation Authority... Carried. Mr, Clarence Locker discussed drainage matters with the members. Moved by MoRuiggan Seconded by Stewart- That this council authorize repairs to the Municipal Drain on the property of Clarence Locker, lot 20, South Gore, under the supervision of Mouncillor Nevill... Carried. Mr, Alex Deli and son and Mrs. Biro appeared before the council in respect to closing of road adjacent to their properties. this matter was discussed, a division of old road agreed upon and no opposition was expressed to the closing of said road. Moved by Nevill Seoonded by Stewart- That By -Law No. 1295, to close unused portion of i Talbot Road through lots 129 and 130, between Cono. 6 and 7, be noe read a third time and finally passed... Carried. The matter of appointment of additional volunteer firemen to oom)ly with It requirements of Canadian Underwriters' Association was thero4ghly discussed. Moved by Mc Qui ggan Seconded by Stewart- That the following additional volunteer firemen be appointed;- Otto Stanat, Harold sawyer, Frank Plust Jr., Lloyd Dickenson, Ted Beattie, Hugh Pace, Morley Wolfe and Ralph Hurley, to bring total strength to 15 firemen... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that a By -Law No. 1296 being a by-law to provide for a grant of X350. to the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture, be now read a first time... Carried. C Moved by MaQuiggan Seconded by Stewart - And resolved that By -Law no. 1296, be now read a ac 11 372 second timev:v Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by MoQuiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1296 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by MoQuiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1297, being a by-law to approve of the borrowing of $140,000.00 by the Town of Tillsonburg upon debentures for the erection and equipment of an addition to the High School Building of the Tillsonburg High school Area, be now read a first time. Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1297 be now read a second time and provisionally passed... Carried. The possibility of making some changes in the boundaries of public school sections and also the question of secondary education for pupils from sect- ions no. 2 and 3 were discussed and laid over to a special meeting on Monday evening, June 14th. qt 8.30 P.M. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That Graham Reid and Associates be employed to prepare plans, specifications and estimates in respect to the widening of concrete bridge east of Corinth, to be widened to 20' roadway...0 arried. The Clerk was instructed to procure prices on storage and garage building from Eastern Steel Products of Preston. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- That the Reeve sign the order sheets...Carri ed . Roads and Bridges accounts- May pay lists ---- ,2606.55 Dept. of Highways - County maps -------------- 4.80! Frank Steers - Gas for hall, April ----------- 14.8k D. S. Stephenson - Police phone acct. -------- 26.80\ Imperial Oil Ltd.- Fuel for office ----------- 8.95\ Aylmer & Malahide Tel, Co.- Office phone ----- 19.00" Mrs. Shirley Stephens - May belief ----------- 27.00\ Canadian Bank of Commerce - School Deb. ------ 5176.00\ Clark lfooper - June relief ------------------- 13.00\ George McGregor - June relief ---------------- 18.00\ Shirley Stephens - "---------------- 27.0N News Printing Co.- Printing & notices - ------ As 59.11\ Certified Electric Co.- Straff. St. Lts. ----- 32.80\ J. D. Vallee - Express an above -------------- 1.28 W. G. Webster - Office supplies -------------- 8.40\ Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies --------------- 1.59\ Morley Wolfe - Towing fire truck ------------- 3.00 Provincial Treas.- Insulin ------------------- 1.88 Robt. Co Jackson - Inspecting poultry -------- 4.00 Treas, of Ontario - Police sal. for May ------ 275.00 exp. for April ---- 131.35-\ C owell's Wallpaper Store - Office floor oil -- 9.80\ Wkio S. Rex - Groceries for H. Taylor --------- 10.00\ Roy Bates - Fox Bounty ----------------------- 2.00\ Harry Davidson-- Fox Bounty ------------------ 16.00,\ Chas. Grass - " "----------------- 13.00\ Skean Brinn - " "----------------- 4.00 Gerald Reid - " "----------------- 10.00 Robt, C. Jackson - " "----------------- 4.00\ Jack Gibbons - " "---------------- 4.00` Workmens' Compensation Bd.- Gen. acct. ------- 31.50\ w w " _ Vol. firemen ----- 25.E0\ Robt. Grant - Stamps ------------------------- 7.00 Bickle-Seagraves - Fire Dept. Egiipment ------ 386.47\ Mack Ball - Eden sidewalks ------------------- 78.82� Ross Sivyer - Eden St. Lts.------------------ 24.00` Elton H. Jackson - Expe to convention -------- 28.00\ Frank Steers - Gas for hall, May ------------- 2.00\ Elgin County Fed. of Agriculture - Grant ----- 350.00 G.W.Stevens, Seo.- Hostel grant -------------- 150.00 J. L. Dennis - Fire chief "if- Straff. . St. J. D. Vallee - To apply on Receiver General - Tax re. Walter D. Nelson - Attend Morley McQuiggan - " Robt. F. Stewart - " Basil Nevill 1 "--------- Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- session on July 5th. 373 for May ----------- t 35.00 Lts. for may ----- 5.00' salary ----------- 258.86\ Vallee ----------- 7.80\ 1 meeting --------- 8.00\ 1 "--------- 7.8 1 --------- " 7.30 1 "--------- 6.00`\ That this Council now adjourn to meet again in regular at 1 P.M. or at the call of the Reeve... Carried, Reeve. i e rk. Township Office, Straffordville, June 14th, 1954. A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. The purpose of the meeting was to consider certain actions in respect to public and high school problems. Mr. Mario Melohbor, Trustee of S. S. No.3 waited on the member and reported s that he was very much in favour of having his section placed in a high sch- ool district but that the remaining Trastee:3 were very much indifferent to the matter. The council dedided to take no action at present for this seotio Clerk Vallee reported on a joint meeting held by the Bayham Township Area School Board and the Corinth Section Board and that it was unaminously agreed upon that a new boundary should be made for the Corinth School section. A copy of Area Board resolution was presented on that behalf. A by-law was then presented making the suggested change. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1298 being a by-law to alter the boundaries of Bayham Township School Area and Corinth School Section be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1298 be now read a Second time... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by McQuiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1298 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. In accordance with resolution presented, the Bayham Township Area Board agreed to release present debentures against the lands involved. The letter from the Secretary of the Port Burwell School Board was given consideration in respect to closing of Port Burwell Continuation School. As this matter appeared to be very indefinite at this date, the following resolution was placed before the council. Moved by Nevill Seconded by McQuiggan- That this Council request the Elgin County Council to place the Township portion of Be S. fioo2, namely;- . C one .1- Those portions of lots 11,12 ,13 ,14 & 15 not;! in Village of Port Burwell, C onc.s- south halves lots 11 to 15 inclusive, in Tillsonburg High school Area, same to be effective Jan. 1st. 1966, provided similar action is taken by the Village of Port Bu*well o o o Carried. 374 Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That this special session now adjourn to meet again on July 5th. at 1 P.M... Carried. Township Office, Straffordville, July 5th. 1954. Pursuant to adjournment of June 7th. , the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding, minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the fdllowing business was done. Communications received and read were as follows; - Hospital notice re. ire . Catherine Fehr. Letter of appreciation for grant to Hostel Committee. Lotter from Commissioner of Ontario Provincial Police advising of cancell- ation of present agreement as of pec. 319t. 1954, and notification of new rates and that a new contract would be forwarded after�-a complete survey of ploiving requirements. A letter was read from Mr. J. A. Martyn regarding a request to close Part of East Street in the Village of Straffordville. A cheque for 4632.55 in respect to Home For Aged Grant was received. A letter was read from John H. Cook, with copy of letter from P.M.Higgins, Consultant to Chief Engineer, respecting Townline bridge between Bayham and Houghton$ advising it to be under jurisdiction of the two Townships. Prices was received for Storage barn and garage from Eastern Steel Ltd. Requests for Tax adjustments were received from Mr. Hubert Looker, Mr. Geo. Shepherd and Canadian National Rys. A letter was received from County Clerk respecting resolution in regards to proposed new dress of Elgin Regiment. Police reports were received and filed. Plans,specifications, & Etc. were received from Graham Aeid and Assoicates Ltd, for widening of doncrete bridge east of Corinth at an estimated price of -7,000.00 A letter was received from Wept. of Planning and Development regarding Otter Creek Conservation Authority, notification of meeting in Tillsonburg on July 20th. and requesting appointment of representative to that meeting. .Auditor's report on roads expenditure for 1953 was received. ® Representatives were present at meeting from Peirson Building Supplies of Peterborough and discussed with the members plans, eta. for garage and storage building with stall for fire truck. At 2 P.M.. the following ratepayers interested in Fearnley Municipal Drain were present;- Mr. Eli Fearnkey, Mr. David Brown, Mr. Murray Scanlan, lir. Jerry Travis and Mr. Frank Hall. Mrs. Szaniszlo, Mr. Stark and the County of Elgin were not represented. The Clerk read the Engineer's report on the said drain and the same was thoroughly discussed by council and ratepayers present. On question by the Reeve, none present wished to withdraw their names from the petition for said drain, but is was decided to request Engineer to remove the small branches from his report and adjust costs accordingly. Moved by MoQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That the Engineer's report on the Fearnley Drain be accepted in principal with the request that the 4" the field branches be left off report and a new assessment be made less these brahohes...Carried. Moved by Maquiggan Seconded by Nevill-That taxes in an amount of $34.65 be written off in respect to C *N*R, section dwelling at Corinth, Roll bio. 8715, allowing rebate of W12 of year, building removed... Carried, Moved by Seconded Roll Stewart by Chute - No, 1016 Roll No. 1146 That the following taxes be written off;- - H. Locker, $17,52, reduction of assessment re, pumps and business removed. - G. Shephard, $13.38, re, loss of house by $250. assessment. .... Carried. by $300. fire, 375 Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this Council express its gratitude to Lord Elgin for the honour and privilege accorded the Elgin Regiment of using the private House of Bruce tartan, and that we advise the Regimental Commander that we are 100% in favour of the Regiment adopting this dress...Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by MoQuiggan- That Robt, F. Stewart be appointed to attend meeting at Tillsonburg, July 20th. as representative of Bayham Townsip in respect to Otter Valley Conservation Authority... Carried. Mr. Clarence Locker waited on the council and discussed drainage matters. Moved by CIJute Seconded by Stewart- That the reeve sign the order sheets...0 arried, Roads and Bridges accounts- June pay lists ------ $6254.59\ Robt. Grant - Stamps for tax notices ------------ 48.00\ H.E.P.C. - Hydro for hall and office ------------ 17.57 fire hall ----------------- 13.14\ Treas. of Elgin County- Hospitalization --------- 802.58\ Graham Reid and Issociates Ltd ---Fearnley Drain -- 500.00\ Eli Fearnley - .Assistance on Fearnley drain ----- 16.80\ David Brown - " " " " ----- 12.95\ Frank Hall - " " & stakes --- 4.50 Clark Cooper - Relief for July ------------------ 13.00\ George McGregor - " " "----------------- 18.00 Shirley Stephens - " " ----------------- 27.00 Charlie Hainer - Work on hall grounds ----------- 11.4C,\ H. P. Grant - 'Gas & Oil for fire truck ---------- 46.66' Treas, of Ontario- Police sal. for June --------- 275.001\ exp. " May ---------- 110.95 News Printing Co.- Printing --------------------- 23.93 Harry Davidson - Fox Bounty --------------------- 10.00N Wm, Ringland - Claf killed by dogs ------------- 40.00 Robt, Co Jackson - Valuing above ---------------- 4.60 Elba Dennis - Fire hall rental,Jan.1-June 30/54-- 125.00N J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for June -------------- 35.00 St. Lts. " "------------- 5.00\ J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary --------------- 258.86\ Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee --------------- 7.$0\ Walter D. j"elson - Insp. roads & meetings ------- 24.00 Morley Mc(,ui gan - -n------=- "-------- 15.60\ Don, M. Chute - " " "--------- 21.601\ Basil Nevill - " " "-------- 18.00\ Robt, F. Stewart - " " " & car ------- 26.90\ Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That 2nd. at 1 P.M... Carried* this council now adjourn to meet again on August 376 Bayham-Houghton Townline, July 14th, 1954. A special meeting of the Council was called by the Reeve on the above date for the purpose of meeting with Houghton Township Council in respect to replacement of a bridge on the said Townline. All members were present along with Houghton Council, both Road Sues. and Engineer McDowell. Considerable discussion was held and it was decided that Engineer McDowell s.4ould prepare plans for a wooden structure, and if same approved by the Department of Highways, Houghton Township then to proceed with the work of erecting same under Engineer McDowell, Bayham Township to assume its share of costs. At the request of the local bank, the following resolution was passed. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- That the Reeve declare August 2nd. 1954 as Civic Holiday to be a public Holiday in and for the Township of Bayham... Carried. The Special session then adAourned, Township Office, Straffordville, August 2nd. 1954. Purauant to adjournment of July 5th., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. Minutes of the last regul4r and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was d one . Several hospital nopiwes were received and discussed by the council. A letter from Mr. William Moore Hauser concerning township cemeteries and particularly expressing pleasure ©f the fine condition of Richmond Cemetery, was read to the members. A letter with returned grant was received from Sea. of Hostel Committee. Advise was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs, regarding a short course on Municipal Matters in Toronto, Sept. 13th. to 16th. 1954. A cheque was received for $5,734.40 being amount of unconditional grant from the Province. A letter was received from Dept. of Lands and Forests, Aylmer Office, regard- ing the passing of a by-law to authorize the issuing of Township Hunting Licenses. Prices on the supply and erection of a storage and garage building for Township vehicles, were received from Armco Drainage, Peirson Building Supp- lies and Eastern Steel Products Ltd. No definite action was taken pending procuring of a site for same. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Clerk be and is hereby authorized and instruct- ed to prepare the Voters' List in alphabetical arrangement according to Polling Sub -Divisions... Carried, Mr. Roy hevill waited on the council in respect toad allowance through and adjacent to his farm, explain*ng that the road was privately maintained but open to and used by the general public. Moved by MaGuiggan Seconded by Stewart- That this Township assume the road allowance between lots 15 and 16 through Concession 2, and that Roy Nevill be granted the land in the galley on south end of same in lieu of present right-of-way across his property on level ground.., Carried, At 2 o'clock P.M., the following persons were present to hear the revised report on the Fearnley Municipal Drain, namely Messrs. Fearnley, Scanlan, Brown and Hall. The Clerk read the new report, making comparisons with the 377 previous one and the same was throughly discussed by the rateppyers present and the council. On the invitation of the Reeve, none wished to have their names struck from the petition but all agreed that the drain should be proceeded with. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1299 being a by-law to provide for drainage work known as The Fearnley Municipal Drain, and for the financing of same, be now read a first time,,, Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by MaQuiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1299 be now read a tchi=d time and ftayi6to:pallydpassed. .. Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Court of Revision on assessment of the Fearnley Municipal Drain be held at the Township Office on Bednesday, Sept. 1st. at three o'clock P,M, and the Clerk send by registered mail the usual notices of same or make personal delivery... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by McCuiggan- And resolvedthat By -Law No. 1300 being a by-law to authorize the issuing of Township Hunting Liwenses for Pheasants, Rabbits and Foxes, be now road a First time... Carried. Moved by Stewart jeconded by -Nevill- .And resolved that By -Law No. 1300 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Nevill �► Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1300 he now read a third time and finally passed... Carroed. At the request of several interested ratepayers, the following by-law was presented to council. Moved by McC uiggan Seconded by Tievill- And resolved that By -Law No. 1301, being a by-law to stop up, close and sell, certain portions of streets in the Village of Straffordville, be now read a first time... Carried. ti Moved by Nevill P Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1301 be now read a second time... Carried. The Clerk was instructed to advertise same in the usual scanner. Moved by Mc(l.',uiggan Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law Vo. 1302, being a by-law to establish rules and regulation with respect to Vienna St. Ltike's Uemetery, be now read a first time ... (; arri ed . Moved by Stewart Seconded by Mcr,uiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1302 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law llo. 1302 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried, Uwing to the necissity of having to help replace a bridge on the Bayham- iioughton Townline, it was decided by the council to request an additional expenditure for bridges from the wept. of Highways. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law No. 1303 being a by-law to provide for an additional expenditure of $4,000, for bridges for 1954, be now Dead a first time.,, Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- Abd resolved that By -Law Igo. 1303 be now read a second time... Carried, Moved by Nevill Seconded by Mc(�uiggan- And resolved that By -Law No, 1303 he now read a third time and finally passed. The Clerk was instructed to submit this by-law to the I)epArtment for approval, The Clerk subrpitted a proposal by Underwwod Limited for new)typewriter for use in office. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the council purchase a new Underwood typewriter with lb" carriage at a price of $193.65 plus old typewriter,... Carried. n u C1 Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That the Clerk advertise in the Daily Commercial stews for tenders for widening of bridge east of Corinth in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Graham Reid & Associates Ltd. Tenders to close Aug. 27th. and lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans avail- able from kngineer's office at a cost of $3.00 each... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Chute- That Robt. F. Stewart be named as Bayham Township's iepresentative on the Otter Creek Conservation Authority... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the "eeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges Accounts- July pay lists --- F. steers - Gas for hall --------------------- H. E. P. C.- Eden Street Lights -------------- Eleanor Cowan - Itelief ------------ - --------- Geo. McGregor - " for August ----------- Clark Cooper - " " ^ Keith Somers - Sheep killed and injured ------ J. D. Stewart - Valuing above ---------------- C. L. LAing - bulbs Richmond St. Lights ------ Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for July ----- n ►f ^ _ ^ exp. " June ----- Clarence Harvey - Fox Bounty ----------------- Chas. Grass - ^ ^ ---------------- Rob,. Grant - Stamps ------------------------ - ,"Oennis Garage - -'epairs to Ronald A. Green - Spraying J. L. Dennis - Fire chief ^ " - St. Lights J. D. Vallee - To apply on fire truck-------- Cemeteries-------- for July ----------- » n ---------- Salary------------ Receiver general - Tax re. Vallee ----____ Walter D. Tielson - 2 meetings ---------------- Morley Mc(,uiggan - 2 " ----------------- Don. Me Chute - 2 ^------------- Robt. F. Stewart - 2 " ------------------ Basil Nevill - 2 " ---------------- 2751.94 -%, 2.00N 102.5. 18.00\ 18.00 13.00< 282.50 5.5ON 6.11 275.00 90.001 6.Oc� 6.00` 5.00 7.50` 38.00 35.00\ 5.00 258.86 7.80'\ 16.00 15.60,, 14.40\ 14.60 12.00 Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Wed. Sept. 1st. at 1 P.Mo o . Carried* r eeve. I er$. 379 Township Office, Straffordville, Sept. lst. 1954. Pursuant to adjournment of Aug. 2nd., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with:.all members present except Councillor Chute. Reeve Nelson presided. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital notice were read and discussed. A notice was received in respect to fire prevention week of Oct. 3 -9th. from the Office of the Fire Marshall. Also a communication in respect to prohib- ited use of "off -standard" fire fighting wquipment, and regulation pertain- ing ordering of new equipment. Mr. W. C. McDowell, Engineer, advised that a report on the Bartley Drain would be received within a month. Police reports were received and filed. A request for grant was received from the Elgin Plowman's Association. Advice was received from Engineer, G. G. Reid, that the Corinth Bridge was not in satisfactory condition for widening on one side only. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That this council approve of the petition for Provincial Aid To Drainage in respect to the Fearnley Municipal Drain.., Carried. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Stewart- That the usual grant of $25.00 be made to the Elgin County Plowmen's Association... Carried. ', The matter of dealing with portions of the Township not in high school areas was considered by the council in view of the fact that Port Burwell Continuat ion school area was being dissolved. Moved by Nevill Seconded by McQuiggan- That Elgin County Council be requested to place the following lands of Bayham Township in Tillsonburg High School District. - 1. Conc. 1- Those portions of lots 11,12 13,11 and 15 not in the Village of Port Burwell, and all of iota 11 to 28 inclusive. 2. Conc, 2- The south halves of lots 11 to 28 inclusive. The same to be effective January 1st. 1955.... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- That Mrs. Mary Vallee be paid the sum of One Hundred Dollars for work on assessment roll and notices... Carried. The Reeve asked the Clerk to outline a verbal agreement b6tween the Township and Miss Clara Marshall in respect to the closing of part of 2nd, street east of No. 19 Highway and the procuring by the Township of a parcel of land from Miss Marshall. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Stewart- That this council be in favour of the verbal agreement with Clara Marshall for the procuring of lot No. 5, east of Palnk Road and at corner of 2nd. street for location for Township vehicle garage and storage, and that the attached terms of agreement be proceeded with as early as possible... Carried. At two P.M. the Clerk advised that no appeals had been received against the assessments on the Fearnley Drain so it was not necessary to form a Court of Revision on same. Mr. David Brown did appear at the appointed hour soley as an interested ratepayer. E Moved by Nevill Seconded by McQuiggan- That By -Law No. 1299, being a by-law t drainage work known as "The Fearnley Municipal Drain" be now time and finally passed... Carried. to provide for read a third The Clerk advised that approval of by-law had been received from the Municipal Board and that permission to proceed with the work had been by the Provincial lid To Drainage Branch. Ontario granted J At three o'clock P.M. no person appeared to protested agains'�/the passing of By -Law No. 1301. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- That By -Law No. 1301, being a I�y-last to ,stop -up, close and sell portions of East Street and Second Street in the village 5 Straffordville, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried, 'L 0 360 Moved by Nevill Seconded by McQuiggan- That application be made for interim subsidy on roads expenditures pian. lst. 195. to Aug. 31st. 1954, in an amount of $30,463 *48 and that the proper officers sign same... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- That the Clerk advertise for tenders to supply all materials except tile and do all work as laid out by engineer, in connection with Fearnley Municipal Drain. Advertisement to be in St. Thomas Times-Journ and tenders to close at five o'clock P.M. on Sept. 17th. 195.... Carried. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded.by Stewart- That the Clerk plaee order with Dellers of Brownsville for tile for Fearnley Drain... Carried. A representative of Fire -Chief Safety Chimney waited on the council with respect to have their chimneys approved for building purposes in this Townshi Considerable details of this chimney was discussed and providing approval was obtained from the local fire chief, installation of one &n the home of Mr. John Teall was approved as a trail measure. A letter and copy of agreement from the Commissioner in respect to the policing of the Township of Bayham by a constable from the Ontario Force was read and discussed by the members. A decision was laid over to next meeting pending more information. a Several re-newals of insurance policies were received from Hamilton, Ward and Cathers. Only one tender was received fmr concrete bridge east of Corinth. at a price of $8,665.00. Moved by McQuiggan the construction of additions to widen This was from Mr. Howard Palmer of Vienna Seconded by Stewart- That the Bridge tender of Howard Palmer be not accepted at the present time and that his marked cheque be returned... Carried. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- August pay lists --- Shirley Stephens - August relief --------------- Canadian Bank of Commerce- Debentures ---------- Frank Steers - Gas for hall -------------------- Canadian Bank Of Commerce- Calton sch. deb. ---- James Flaro - August relief J month------------ Robt. Grant - Stamps for Notices --------------- Aylmer & Malahide Te1.Co.- Police phone -------- " Office " ------- Clark Cooper - Sept. relief -------------------- Geo. McGregor- " " -- ----------------- Provincial Treas.- Arnou insulin --------------- Mrs. Lela Benner - J.Faron taxi to hospital ---- Hamilton, Ward & Cathers- Non -owned auto ins. -- " Reeve & councillors -- n Part time employees -- " Roads liability ------ Underwood Ltd.- Office typewriter-------------- Algie Patkus - Fox Bounty---------------------- Murray ---------------_Murray Ketchabaw- " " -------------- ------ Dennis Garage - Repairs fire truck --------- ---- Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for Aug. ------- n " it - " exp. " July ------- Elgin County Plowmen's Assn.- Grant ------------ James Flaro - Sept. relief _____________________ Robt. Jackson- Fenceviewers fee,Murphy-Neff ---- Frank Howey ---- Geo. Procunier---- J. L. Dennis - Fire chief for August ----------- " " .. St. Lts. " it J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary -------------- Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee --------- ----- Mary E. Vallee - Work on assessment ------------ $25$8.87 '\ z7.oa\ 112$.73 z656.5N s.00\ 5$.00 1$.8Cl 16.35 13.0(1 1$.00 l.$$� 3.00 22.71 50.00 25.00 198.10. 193.75 3.00 2.00 z75.o0\ 87,098- 25-00\ 1�:� 35o� 258. �� 7.80 100. w%� i Elton H. Jackson - n Walter D. Nelson - Morley McQuiggan - Robt. Stewart Basil Nevill - 1954 Assessor's salary ----- 20% of 1100. Dog Tax ------- Supplies ------------------- Attend 1 meeting ----------- Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That 10.30 A.M. with a special 360 3$1 $1100.00• 2$0.00\ 2.00\ 7 7.30\ 6.00 \ this council now adjourn to meet again Oct, lith, at meeting Sept. 17th. at $.30 P.M... Carried, 0 Township Office, Straffordville, Sept. 17th. 1954. A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date for the purpose of opening tenders on Fearnley Drain and other business. All members were present and Reeve Nelson presided. , Mr. Nathan Hayward was present and interviewed the members on the proposal of financial assistance for the Legion at Port Burwell to place bronze plac on the cenotaph at Port Burwell commemorating the personnel who gave their lives in the last great war. This was discussed by the council and agreed that the Township would match dollar for dollar with the Village up to half the amount not raised by subscriptions. Only one tender was received and the Clerk advised that all persons who had examined the blueprint and specifications commented that insufficient inform- ation had been given for them to submit a tender on Fearnley Drain. The tender received was from Howard Palmer of Vienna for $2$33.00 This amount, together with other expenses for the drain exceeded the amount approved by the by-law. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That the tender of Howard Palmer on Fearnley Drain be not accepted at the present time and that his certified cheque be returned to him... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Clerk request the Engineer on Fearnley Drain to provide more information and furnish better blueprints, to show depths of cuts, etc. and also to enquire concerning drain under county road..,Carried. The matter of Township building for vehicles and site for same was discussed. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nevill- That the proposition of Eastern Steel Products Ltd. for supplying and erecting a building 401 x 901 for vehicle garage and storage <` at a price of $4975.00 less foundation be accepted subject to approval of the Dept. of Highways, Same to be in acp accordance with their letter date of July 21, 1954... Carried. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- acceptance of their Carried. That the Clerk advise Eastern Steel Products Ltd* of the proposition and request detailed plans for loundation. 0 380 X3$2 Moved by Nevill Seconded by-McQuiggan- That the Clerk be authorized to sign Memo of Agree- ment with Clara Marshall in respect to procuring site for new vehicle storage..: Carried. Considerable discussion was held in respect to gravel for township roads and Road -Supt. Godwin gave a report on the amount already hauled. He was authorized to have about 5000 yds. stock -piled at the Baxter pit. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nevill- That at 10.30 P.M.... Carried. this special meeting adjourn to meet again Oct. 4th.1 4 Township Office, Straffordville, Oct. 4th. 1954. Pursuant to adjournment of Sept. 1st., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date, all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Several hospital notices were read and discussed. A letter of thanks for grant was received from Sec. Plowmenst Association. A letter was received from Davidson Trading Co. re. installation of Fire Chief chimney in home of Mr. John Teall. County By -Laws Nos. 1651 & 1652 were received to confirm Township By -Laws Nos. 129. and 1295 re. road closing. The County Clerk also advised that portions of Bayham Township would be annexed to Tillsonburg High School District effective Jan. 1 1955• Advice was received from District Engineer 6aldwell that Mr. Sedgwick had approved Eastern Steel Products plans for proposed machine shed. Eastern Steel Products advised that they were proceeding with the manufacture of building and enclosed blue prints of foundation. A request for grant was received from Aylmer Fair Board. Police monthly reports were received and filed. ,., A letter was received from bept. of Planning and Development advising that the requests of municipalities had been granted and the formation of the Otter Creek Valley Conservation Authority had been approved. A meeting to procced with the organization had been called for Friday, Oct. 29th., 195+ at 2.00 p.m. at Tillsonburg Council Chamber. A letter concerning Fearnley drain and tenders for Corinth Bridge was received from Engineer Reid. r Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Stewart- That the usual grant of $25.00 be made to the Aylmer Fair Board... Carried. The Clerk discussed with the members the proposal to consolidate debentures of the Ciyle, Swance and Lautenschlager Drains into one issue Und the sale of same. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law No. 1304 being a by-law to consolidate drainage By -Laws Nos. 121f4 1259 and 1266, for the purpose of issuing one series of debentures covering same, be now read a first time. Carried. j Moved b Stewart f Seconded by Chute- And resolved that Bya-Law No. 1304 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by cQui -� Anal. re time and :X d .. 4 '-Lair No 130. be now read a third IWU a,. 383 Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to sell debenture issue of $4546.39 to George Beard of Corinth... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by McQuiggan- That the Clerk provide new blue prints and estimates to interested contractors for tender on Fearnley Drain and invite re -tender on same. New tenders to be received at Township Office before 5 p.m. on Oct. 14th, 1954.... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council now adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 p.m. ... Carried. Council resume regular business at about 1.30 p.m. Mrs. Clara Coyle of Straffordville waited on the council and in very fitting remarks, presented to the Township a line framed photograph of her late husband, Chas. D. Coyle, M.P., a past warden of Elgin county for many years a member of Bayham Township council. Reeve Nelson thanked Mrs. Coyle on behalf of the council. Mr. Grant Mitchell, on belalf of Mrs. Betsy Brian, also presented a photo, similarly framed, of the late Benj. Brian, Clerk of Bayham 1906 to 1939• Reeve Nelson asked Mr. Mitchell to convey the thanks of the council to Mrs4 Brian for this fine gesture. Some discussion was held with Mr. �itchell regarding the idea of procuring photos of all the ex -wardens from ayham wp. At 2 p.m. the Clerk advised that no actual assessment appeals had been received so it was not necessary to form assessment court of revision. One complaint of high taxes was discussed bythe members. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- That the following members be and are hereby appointed to the Vienna St. Lukets Cemetery Board; - Hugh Pace and Lloyd Chute for 3 years, Harry Saxton and K. C. Emerson for 2 years. Don. Chute and Berton McCord for 1 year. Carried. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That n ice cream license be approved for Robert Kennedy of Calton... Carried. Moved by McQuiggan _ Seconded by Nevill- That the Clerk advertise for tenders for construction of concrete foundation for Township garage 40 ft. x 90 ft. in accordance with plan by Eastern Steel Products Ltd. Township to supply cement and gravel. Tenders to close Oct. 14, 1954 at 5 p.m. and lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Advertisement to be in Aylmer and Tillsonburg papers of Oct. 7th.... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Clerk order 350 bags of cement from Alfred Rogers Ltd., 2221 Yonge St. Toronto 7, Ont., delivery about Oct. 20.Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- That the Road Supt. order two 40 foot lengths of Multi Plate Pipe Arch, 9t6" x 6t5"- 8 gauge, at a price of $4 34.4.00. Same to be placed in Township road east of Corinth and present bridge to be removed. Carried. Two persons waited an the council and requested repairs and widening to Leach hill. The council agredd this should be done but would likely have to wait until favourable weather next year but promised some repairs this year. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. 0 Roads and Bridges accounts- Sept. pay lists ----- Frank Steers - Gas for hall --------------------- Imperial Dil Ltd.- Fuel for office -------------- H. E. P. Co - Hydro for hall & office ----------- r1 n _ n n fire hall --------------- James Flaro - Relief for Oct. ------------------- Clark Cooper - r, n n ------------------- Geo. McGregor - n r' n _______________ Gestextner Ltd.- Voters? list supplies ---------- Registry Office - List of conveyances----------- Treas. Elgin County - Hospitalization ---------- - Hamilton, Ward & Cathers - Fire truck ins. ------ W. G. Webster Supplies Ltd,- office supplies ---- Bickle-Seagraves Ltd.- Pumper repairs ----------- News Printing Co. Ltd.- Supplies & advt,-------- The Times -Journal - Advt, Fearnley drain-------- Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for Sept. ------ n it n - n exp. 't Aug, -------- Peter Kanters - Font Bounty --------------- Dennis Garage - Repairs fire truck -------------- Hurlegennis Is Boat Building & Welding- Repairs fire tr Elba - Fire hall rental to Dec. 31,54 ---- Treas.' Aylmer Fair Board - Grant ---------------- J. L. Dennis - Fire chief for lagt.-------------- " n - St. Lts. for Sept, --------------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary--------------- rr n - Preparing stencil for V.L.------- Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee --------------- Walter D. elson - Attend 2 meetings ------------ Morley McQuiggan - IT 2 n __-_________ Don. M. Chute - n 2 n ------------- Robt. Stewart - " 2 n _____________ Basil Nevill - " 2 n ----------- Moved by by Seconded session Stewart by Nevill - That this council now on Out. 14/54 at 8 p.m... Carried. ✓ 1 _ Reeve 384 $6341.69 2.00\ 23.99` 14.06` 3.37 15.00\ 13.00\ 1$.206\ 33,26\ 9 •44 173,14\ 73 , 14\ 5.00\ 16.10\ 15.48 275,00 � $5.25\ 3.00\ 5.03 \ 2.50\ 125,00\ 25.00\ 35.00\ 5.00\ 258.$6\ 21.00\ 6. 80 1 .00 15.60\ 14.10,\ 14.660 \ 12.00.\ adjourn to meet again in special rK. Township Office, Straffordville, October 14th, 1954• A special meeting of the Bayham Township council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. The purpose of the meeting was to open tenders and do any other general business, On motion of Councillors Chute and Stewart, Deputy Reeve McQuiggan presided until arrival of Reeve Nelson. Two tenders were received for the work in the construction of foundation for Township garage and storage. While these were under discussion Reeve Nelson arrived. These tenders were from Mr. Harold Underhill of Vienna and from Acre Bros. of Bayham. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Stewart- That the tender of Harold Underhill for labour and use of equipment for construction of Township garage foundation, be accepted at a price of $450. Township to furnish cement, gravel and bolts... Carried. Only one tender was received in respect to work on the FeaYrnel Municipal. Drain, being from George M. Manning and Cecil Eden. s 385 Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council accept the tender of George M.Manning and Cecil Eden for work in construction of Fearnley Drain in accordance with tender dated Oct. 14154 at a price of $2089.00 ... Carried. /Ak Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That this council authorize a grant of'$25.00 to the Canadian Legion Branch 524, to assist in cost of plaque jor Port Burwell Memorial... Carried. The Clerk advised that Engineer McDowell had forwarded report on Bartley Municipal Drain and same to be considered at meeting on Nov. 1st. Fire Chief Dennis was present and discussed with the mekbers some matters pertaining to heating and water supply in prpposed new location for fire truck, Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this special meeting now adjourn to meet again on Nov. lst. at 10.30 A.M... Carried. Township Office, Straffordville , Nov. lst . 1954. The regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson Presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital notices of cases in 1952 and 1953 were received. a card of appreciation for flowers was received from the Godwin Family. A letter of enquiry concerning Vienna St. Luke's cemetery was received from the Synod of the Diocese of Huron. Advice was received from Hon. F. S. Thomas, advising that the additional expenditure of $4000. for Townline bridge was approved. Interim roads subsidy in an amount of $13,029.35 was received. Communications were received from Mr. Donald F. Gibson, Q.C., in respect to obtaining approvals from the Ontario Municipal Board for undertaking which require financing; also information in respect to registration of certain by-laws and advise that the Eden survey business was fianlly completed and account for settlement. The Fire Marshall's Office notified of a triining school for municipal fire chiefs Nov. 17 to 19 at Toronto. The Clerk advised that a cheque had been received for $61.8$ to cover grant payable under The Police Act. A copy of order from the Municipal Board in respect to Tillsonburg High School Debentures, was received from the Township Solicitor. Police reports were received for the months of September and October. Bartle Municipal Drain report and account were received from the Engineer. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Clerk authorize hydro contract for Mr. J. R. Parkes, Pt. lot 24, Conc. 5, only upon a deposit being made at the hydro office at Aylmer... Carried. 1. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Stewart- That By -Law No. 1297 to approve of the borrowin of $1409000. by the Town of Tillsonburg for financing addition to-Distr ct High School, be now read a third time and finally passed... C$rried. 4. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law No. provide for the holding of elections on Dec. 6th, j a first time... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by McQuiggan- And �second time... Carried. Moved by Nevill 386 1305 being a by-law to if necessary, be now read resolved that By -Law No. 1305 be now read a Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1305 be now read a third time anf finally passed... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nevill- That the account of D. F. Gibson, Q.C., for Eden Survey in an amount of $410.74 be paid by Township Treasurer... Carried. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That this council now adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 p.m... Carried. Regular business was)rrsumed after the noon hour. At two p.m: in response to proper notices being sent out, several interested ratepayers of the proposed Bartley Municipal Drain and Stimers and Wiles Branches, were present and heard the engineers report read by the Clerk. Considerable discussion was heldin respect to this drain and Branches and some objection was made to it being converted into an open ditch. Some were of the opinion that the utiles Branch could remain and award drain and repaired In respect to the main drain, Mr. D. Murphy did not wish to withdraw his name '.fbrm-'tht3- ,p&tition but was not in favour of an open ditch across his property. Mrs. Franklin and W. R. Franklin, wished to withdraw thtir Snail support from the petition, same having been signed by P. Soroka, former owner, this leaving six names on the petition of those assessed for benefit as being in favour of same, including Mr. Murphyss name. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That W. C. McDowell be requested to delete Branch #1 (formerly Wiles Award Drain) from report of BartlQ Municipal Drain, and that he be requested to alter report in respect to Branch # 2 (Stimers Award Drain)'; so as to leave the tile on lot 6 Cone. 9 and balance of Branch to be deepened:; and cleaned to outlet. And that $150. be paid on account. ... Carried. Policing of the -Township of Bayham by a member of the Provincial then under discussion by the members. Moved by McQytiggan Seconded by Stewart- That this Township terminate the agreement Commissioner of Ontario Provincial Police for }policing of Bayh- member of the force, effective Dec. 31st. 1954, and that the ne not signed. Also that Bayham Township apply to be not designated area... Carried. Force was with the am Township by w aggeement be, as a police A representative of the Shell Oil Co. wiated on the council and requested the` privilege of placing equipment and selling supplies when new building is completed. Mr. John�;zakal, discussed his proposed drainage problem with the members. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nevill- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- Oct. pay lists --- Frank Steers - Gas for hall ------------------ Sec.-Treas. Canadian Legion Br -524- Grant ---- Imperial Oil Ltd.- Office fuel --------------- Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies & forms ------- C. L. Laing - Groceries for Mrs. Bale -------- Clark Cooper - November relief --------------- Geo. McGregor - " " -------------- W. G. Webster Ltd.- office supplies ---------- Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for Oct. ----- n it " _ " exp. " Sept. Harry Brown - Turkeys killed by dogs --------- #7287.35\ 1.go\ zs.00\ 19.15 8.47 5.0,0 1$.po\ 24.00 7.45♦ 275.d0\ 7z.6o�- i7o.00\ Robt. C. Jackson - Valuing turkeys ---------- 5.60 Keith Ketchabaw - Fox bounties --------------- 30.00 ,, Verne Baldwin - n "------------- 3.00• Verne Gunstone - " "------------- 3.00 � Irl. C. McDowell - Part fees Bartley Drain ---- 150.00,\ Robt. Grant - Stamps ------------------------ 7.00,E Peters, Brown & Co.- Apply on 1954 salary --- 200.00 J. L. Dennis - Fire chief for Oct. ---------- 35.00 � - St. Lts. for Oct. ----------- 5.00\ Elton H. Jackson - Selecting Jurors --------- 4.00 J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ----------- 25$.$6 " rr - Selecting Jurors ------------- 4.M--- .00 �Receiver ReceiverGeneral - Tax re. Vallee ----------- 7.80,, Walter D. Nelson - Selecting Jurors --------- 4.00 , " rr rr - Attend 2 meetings -------- 16.00 Morley McQuiggan - n 2 tt _________ 15,60 " Don. M. Chute - n 2 "--------- 14.40 N Robt. F. Stewart - rr 2 n _________ 14.60-, Basil Nevill - n 2 11 --------- 12.00 Donald F. Gibson,Q.C.- Bal. Eden survey fees- 410.74,, Moved by Chute Seconded by Nevill - That this council now adjourn to meet again on Dec. 3rd. 1954 at 1 p.m... Carried. Reeve. El erk. 387 NOMINATION MEETING. Township Hall, Straffordville, Nov. 29th. 1954• The annual nomination meeting of the ratepayers of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date at 2 P.M. for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Councillors for the Township of Bayham and for two Trustees for the Bayham Tovm ship School Area. Only about 20 persons were in attendance at the meeting and by three o'clock p.m., the following names had been placed in nomination. Reeve - Walter D. Nelson. Dep. Reeve - Morley McQuiggan. CD Councillors- Donald Chute, Robert Stewart and Basil Nevill. Area Trustees - Robert C. Jackson and John Froggett« The usual after -meeting was held with Clerk Vallee named as Chairman. He g ve a review of the financial statement and in turn called on all nominees for a few words. The Reeve and Deputy Reeve outlined some of the work at county council as well as some of the local council matters and the others spoke briefly on matters pertaining to their respective offices. Road Supt. Godwin gave a report on work done to date on the Township road system. The Clerk gave an explanation of requirements for qualifying for office. The meeting was declared closed with " God Save The Queen." At the close of the meeting,all of the above nominees filed qualificat- ion papers and this being only the number required for the various offices; - I? J. D. Vallee, hereby declare the following candidates duly elected by acclamation for office for the year 1955: - Reeve ----- Walter Nelson Dep. Reeve -- Morley McQuiggan Councillors - Donald Chute Robert Stewart Basil Nevill Area Tr$stees- Robt. C. Jackson John Froggett Ae an eturn4gcr. C• r, �i ME Township Office, Straffordville, Dec. 3rd. 1954. Pursuant to adjournment of Nov. lst., a meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding.,Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and sign and the following business was done. Communications received included a request for grant from the War Memorial Children's Hospital at London. Two notices of indigent patients from Tillsonburg hospital. A reply was received from Hon. F. S. Thomas in respect to policing of the Township. A itemized account was received from Bickle-Seagraves Ltd. respecting recent repairs to fire truck and the Clerk was instructed to reply to same protesting against the charge for labour. A letter was received from Mr. C. McDowell regarding Bartley Drain and branches. Approval for expenditure for equipment building was received from '41r. John H. Cook, A-st, Engineer. A letter was received from A. S. Wagner Sec., regarding appointment for term of years of member to Otter Creek 6onservation Authority. A provincial grant of "6.30 was received in respect to Fire Dept. subsidy. An enquiry was received from C.P.R.-respecting immigrants from Northern Europe who had taken up farms recently in Bayham Twp. Mr. Arba Johnson waited on the council and requested repairs to fence around Claus cemetery, stating that the requirements were the providing and setting of about 30 posts. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That Councillor Nevill be authorized to have repairs made to Claus Cemetery fence... Carried. Councillor Stewart brought up the matter of two small additions to Otter Creek Conservation Authority. Moved by Chute Seconded by McQuiggan- That the watershed of Little Otter Creek be included in the Otter Creek Conservation Authority... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by McQuiggan- That the watershed of Silver Creek be included in Otter Creek Conservation Authority... Carried. The Clerk was instructed to send copies of the above resolutions to the Dept. at Toronto and to the tespective adjoining municipalities. i'lloved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Clerk be authorized to sign hydro contract for new garage and storage... Carried. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That the Treasurer transfer the sum of X1500. from Reserve Fund account to Jeneral account for application as part payment for new building... Carried. Moved by Nevill Seconded by Chute- That this Council purchase a picture of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11, from Hay Stationery at a price of $11.00 for Township Office... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nevill- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roa4s and Bridges accounts- November pay lists -- Frank Steers - Gas for hall--------------------- Aylmer -------------------- Aylmer F,, Malahide Tel. Co.- Office phone -------- " " " n - Police phone -------- Clark Cooper - December relief -------------- ---- George McGregor - " n ------------- ----- London Business Institute - V.L. Stencil -------- News Printing Co.- Advts. & printing ------------ E. F. S. Sanders - Cert. voterst,lists---------- Treas. of Elgin County - Hositalization--------- 03192.3$\ 3.10 16.65 5� 3�5. 5\ 18.00: 2..00, 4.25\ 22.91,% 7.15' 56.37 Ll Safety Supply Co.- Dispenser for Fire dept. --- H. P. Grant - Gag for fire truck -------------- Dennis Garage - Repairs for fire truck -------- Hotchkiss Appliances - Repairs fire truck ----- Provincial Treas. - Insulin ------ ------------- Donald Howey - Fox Bounty --------------------- Lyle R. Grant Motors - Oil & rep. fire truck -- Don Stephenson - Police office rental,tpDec.31- Ross Sivyer - Eden St. Lts.,June to Dec.1/54--- Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for Nov. ------ tt tt tt - " exp. " Oct. ------ Mario Bratty - Turkeys killed by dogs --------- James Race - Sheep killed by dogs------------- Robt. C. Jackson- Valuing above--------------- Bickle-Seagraves Ltd.- Equipment-------------- Hamilton,Ward & Cathers- Prem. adjustments ---- tt n t► _ n tt Treas. Bayham Twp.- Trans. funds reserve acct. - Hay StationeryCo. Ltd.- Picture of Queen ------ J. L. Dennis - Fire chief for Nov. ------------ " 't - St. Lts. for Nov. -------------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------- Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ------------- Chas. Rainer - Hall T--Zonination meeting -------- Walter D. Nelson - Attend 1 meeting ----------- Morley McQuiggan - tt 1 tt _____------ Robt. F. Stewart - " 1 " ----------- Don. M. Chute - tt 1 tt __--------- Basil Nevill - " 1 IT ----------- � 6.11 79.95•. 144* 22 1. $0` 1. $$-, 3.00\ 1,204% 10.00` 24.00 .` 275.00 1\ 72.00 \ 70.00N 280.00 \ 9.40 19.91\ 2*65 6� 5.8 1500.00 11.00 35.00\ 5.04\ 25$.86\ 7.8o\ 3.00\ $.001 7. o%%, 7.30 7.20\ 6.00 N 390 Moved by Chute Seconded by Nevill- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Dec. 15, 195. at 1 P.M... Carried. Reeve. Township Office, Straffordville, Dec. 15th, 1954* The final meeting of the 195. council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Nelson presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business V -.as done. Several hospital notices were read and filed. A letter was received from Bickle-Seagraves Ltd. acknowledging an error in their invoice of Oct. 26th. and adjusting same in an amount of $39.56. Police reports for the month of November was received and filed. Advice was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs to the effect that Tax arrears proceedure under the Dept. of Municipal Affairs Act would new - apply, effective Jan. lst. 1955, to all municipalities in Elgin County and that the proceedure under the Assessment would not apply. Notice was also received that a school on the above matter would be held in St. Thomas, on January 6th. 1955 at 10 a.m. An expression of thanks for trophy donated, was received from Miss Rochelle Doan, graduate of East Elgin High School. An account for firefighting services was received from /the Tillsonburg Fire Dept. The Clerk advised that the Tuberculosis Chest Rtray unit was expected to be in Bayham Township next March. ««..r w► r.r awlrOl+n�t+! #M -. , .. w•� .<,o.r..< .+. +w..w.+iw yw: �a -.�►. w gra. L At two p.me a very interesting ceremony was held in the Township Office when presentations of pictures of all but one former wardens of Elgin County and who had been reeves of this Township were presented by members of the respective families to the Township of Bayham. The missing portrait was of Ex -Warden Jones warden of the county in 1861 and 1862. Clerk Vallee acted as Shairman of this portion of the meeting and the following presentations were made; - Mr. Hi T'. Godwin,M.L.A, warden in 18$9 present by son Harry L. Godwin. Mr. W. M. Ford, warden in 1894 presented by son Harry Ford of Toronto. Mr. David Stratton, warden in 19O4,presented by nephew A. A. Johnson. Mr. J. A. Jackson, warden in 1913, presented by daughter Mrs. Ford of Toronto. Mr, G'. M* Mitchell, warden in 1936, presented by son Russell Mitchell. Mr. J. G. Turnbull, warden in 1941 presented by uncle Chas. Turnbull and hung in office by Mrs. J. G. +urnbull. Mr. C. D. Coyle,M.P., presented by Mrs. Coyle last October and hung in it place at this time by Ex -Warden Mitchell. Mr. Chas. F. Jackson, warden in 1951, presented by daughter Betty. Acknowledgement was also made of the previous presentation by Mrs. Benj. Brian of the portrait of her late husband, Benjamin Brian, Clerk of this Township from 1906 to 1939• Several members of the pespective families were present for this special occassion as well as other interested parties. TJLr. Pearson of the portrait Company also spoke briefy. of s le c way ob$erve as 'tom to :A d 'memd y' teat1.ose­ former wardens who had passed on to their final reward. In conclusion, Reeve Nelson very fittingly replied to the several presentations, thanking the members of each family, for this very generous and thoughtful act. After a brief but enjoyable visit with those present, the regular business was resumed. Moved by Mc('.uip-an Seconded by Nevill- That the Reeve declare aec. 27th. 1954 to be observed as Boxing Day and to be a civic and public holiday in and for the Township of Bayham... Carried. T.Zoved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the following salaries for the year be paid;- Robt. C. Jackson, Weed Inspector, --- 25.00'\ H. L. Godwin, Building Inspector ---- 25.00 J. D. Vallee, School Att. Officer --- 25.00 ... Carried. Moved by McQui .;an Seconded by Chute- That payments to volunteer firemen at the rate of $4.00 per call be authorized and the fire chiefts report be adopted. The report as presented by Fire Chief Dennis showed a total of 96 calls answered 23 being to outside municipalities and a total estimated damage done of 160,500.00. The Treasurer advised that in all probabilities, additional borrowing would be required from the bank. Moved by Chute.. Seconded*by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1306, being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow an additional x;25,000.00 from the Canadian Bank of Commerce, he now read a first time... Carried. 1.1oved by Stewart Seconded by Nevill- And resolved that By -Law No. 1306 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by McQuiagan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1306 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the following interest paymentsbe approved for Cemetery Perpetual Care funds on Savings Account 3;—"" ;—" "- Treas. Straffordville Cemetery ----- 105.x.9 Treas. Eden Cemetery --------------- 186.27 } Treas. Calton Cemetery ------------- 93.43 ••• Carried. i WARDENS' PORTRAITS PRESENTED—portraits of -'former war- dens of Elgin County from Bayham Township were presented to members of Bayham Township Council on Wednesday afternoon in a brief ceremony held in the township office. They were placed ' on the wall of the office where they will remain to keep fresh the memory of men who havellserved the township with political dis- tinction. Members of council along with Harry Godwin, Bayham roads superintendent, and Qerk-Treasurer Dewey Vallee, are shown above as they admired the row of excellent portraits at the con - elusion of the ceremony. Left to right, they are: Mr. Godwin, Reeve Walter D. Nelson, Mr. Vallee, and Councillors Donald Chute, Basil Nevill, Robert Stewart and Deputy Reeve Morley McQuiggan. to the 1954 Township Counc t MirhelI; 1938, presentd h ,his son ing a brief ceremony held in thelCharles#Turnbull, Russell, of Straffor ills Y Gordan township office: Dewey Vallee,Turnbull, 1;941, presented b clerk -treasurer of ithe township, y was chairman for the occasion. of Corinth, as The individual portraits, beauti- uncle of Mr. Turnbull; Charles F. fully framed, were placed on the Jackson; 2951, presented by, his wall in the office, flanking a new daught*r, Mrs. Betty Hankinson, portrait of Queen Elizabeth IL of Tillsonburg, Mr. Jackson is al, The idea originated four years sort of Ambrose Jackson. ago in the minds of Judge Clinton these former wardens, only Ford, of Vancouver, son of ex -1 two are living, Charles Jackson , warden William Ford; A. A. John- I and Grant Mitchell. Two of the .s reeve mf t I gre4p ros,e higher in the p9liftcal asi, the township Vit. A lXeld. T. Oodw#n. was elect - CoyleWit#.= ex-�rartlena CliarleS Died leg�tauve 'represdntative for Coyle and Grant Mitchell, whd carried the plan forward until Mr. East Elgin; and Charles D. Coyle Coyle's death in January of this served as Progressive Conservative year, Mrs. Coyle and Mrs. Brian, member of Parliament, winning in Lhrbe successive general elections. wife of Benjamin Brian, who sere- In brief remarks to conclude the ed as clerk of Bayham Township for 83 years, from 1905 to 1939..ceremony, Reeve Walter D. Nelson thanked, on behalf .01 members of then were instrumental ih seeing council, those who Mid made the that the portraits were completed. Only One Portrait Missing presentations. He stressed the A portrait of farmer Warden A. value of the work done by the ' ex - H. Jones, the first warden to be wardens and paid tribute to their qualities of leadership. elected from Bayham and whoq"Bayham takes quite a ribbing served two terms in that post in sometimes in County Council about 1861 and, 1862, is the only one miss- the township having lots of hills ing from the collection. Efforts and 1 auk else,,' the to locate a picture of Mr. Jones have so far beefs unsuccessful, but rte' the .search is being continued in f - the hope that one will turn up. Actually only seven portraits j were presented on Wednesday ' since a fine likeness of Mr. Coyle, had previously been presented to council by Mrs. Coyle. She was. unable to be present for the sere monY, but Mr. Coyle's photo join- ed the others on the wall, placed there by Grant Mitchell. The .council also acknowledged a fram- ed picture of Mr. Brian, a gift from his wife, presented at an earlier] date by Mr. Mitchell. The excellent portraits of a]I �-.'A a 6 con I* A, 392- 04 IF je' AW f4..'...1 I9 ,Iw, s � +SII• Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Nevill- That the following grants be made to cemeteries under perpetual care in order to bring returns on their investments up by and additional 2 %;- Straffordville ;- Straffordville Cemetery ----- $ 70.00 Eden Cemetery --------------- 12.3.60 Calton Cemetery ------------- 62.00 Carried. Moved by Chute. Seconded. by Stewart- Thgt the usual following bonuses be paid for extra ' • - t'�alter D Nelson �"'100. Morle Mc'ui� an x30 Don. M. Chut services, �; ., n30., Robt. F. Stewart 30., Basil Nevill 30., J. D. Vallee �30. and H. Godwin '30... Carried. Moved by McCy�uiggan Seconded by lievill- That the inaugural meeting of the 1955 Bayham Townsh' Council be held on Monday, Jan. 3, 1955 at 10 o'clock A.M... Carried. Moved by Mcquiggan Seconded by Nevill- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Loads and Br' dges accounts - Mary Hynd - �ecember relief F k S G f h 11 pec. 15th. pay lists -15,600.3 0, ---------------------- z7 00 I an teers - as or a -------------------- Tnas. Elgin County - County Rate ---------------- H. E. P. C.4Aylmer Dist.)- Straffordville St.Lts. ,► it tt tt - Richmond St. Lts. ---- " " (Tills. Dist.)- Eden Street lights --- `y�im. Ringland - 1 sheep killed Robt. C. Jaukson - Valuing above ---------------- Lloyd Jackson- Fox Bounty ----------- Chas. A. Walsh - Straff. St. Lt. bulbs---------- tt " " - Fire Dept. supplies------------ tt It tt - Hall P„, Office tt-----------_ Bickle-Seagraves Ltd.- Repairs to truck --------- Aylmer Express - Printing & advt.--------_..-_--_ Bayham Twp. Roads Acct.- Share of building - Treas. Straffordville Cemetery- Perpetual Care In tr Eden Cemetery - Perpetual care interest -- ” Calton Cemetery - tt It tt _-- tt tt tt - ?� Township grant ------ tt Eden Cemetery - It It Straf'ville Cemetery - Wm. Partington - Fox Bounty G tt rt tt tt it it tt x+.35, - 41,513.00 283.18 133.00 ,s, - 102,50\ 40.00'x. 3.00\ 9,04` 5.14,, 7.76 142o49\ 19.10 11322.23\ t. 105.x+9 �- 186.27� 93.43 62.00-, -- 123.60 ----- ------- 70 00, ---------------------- 3 00 eo. "I. -ass - --------------------- Imperial Oil Ltd.- Office fuel ------------------ Trophy-Craft Ltd.- E.E.D.H.S. trophies---------- Treas. Tillsonburg- Fire calls account ---------- Harry Laur - Relief for part December ----------- H. E. P. C. - Hydro for fire hall --------------- " tt t' " hall &, office ----------- J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for Dec. -------------- St. Lts. for Dec. ---------------- tt tr ,uck-------------- ►f1. L. L U c #�,•;. M b -------------- Basil Nevill - 5 Tr n Ott ------------- George Grant - 52 " " " -------------- Lyle Walsh - 79 n tt tt-------------- H. P. Grant - 69 " tt tt __-_------____ Jac# Barclay - 57 tt rr tt ______________ Lloyd Dickenson -29 " " " -------------- Harold Dennis -19 tt tt n -_-__-_-______ Morley Wolfe - 4 " tt " --------------- Ralph Hurley - 1 " " " --- ----------- Frank Plust - 3 --------------- Harold Sawyer - 1 " rt ___-_-____-___ Otto Stanat - 4 " " T d B " "Zran-W 7-w 3.Oa� 31.541 14.95-\ - 12 5.0N - 15.00\ - 15.9$\ - 16.64 35.00 - 5.00", - 360.00 - 312.00\ - 232,00,,,- 316.00 276.00, - 22$.00, - 116.00. - 76 , 00,,, - 16.00,\ 1�&�000 e eattie - 3 . Hugh Pace - 1 -------------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary--------------- tr tt _ 7 Pension applications ------------ ti em School Attendance Officer--------- �% O\, 250.19\ 21.00, 25.00 N Savings #3. Receiver General of Canada- Tax Re. Vallee --- Robt. C. Jackson - Weed Inspector ------------ H. L. Godwin - Building tt------------- Walter D. Nelson - Bonus & 1 meeting --------- Morley McQuiggan 8 1? t? 't --------- D6H.M. Chute - 11 T1 11--------- Robt. F. Stewart - rt It It --------- Basil Nevill - rr 't IT ___------ J. D. Vallee - Bonus ------------------------ H. L. Godwin - ,i ------------------------ Robt. F. Stewart - Inspection Eden Drain ----- Basil-Nevill - Drain Inspections ------------- 16.55\ 25.00 25.00-, 108.00 37.80,, 37.20N 37.30,\ 36.00\ 30.00 30.00.E 7.05. 5.50 393 Mloved b T lic^uig Jan Seconded by Nevill - That this council npw adjourn, Sine Die... Carried. Reeve. 0