HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1953TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1953 .- 326 Township Office, Straffordville, Jan. nth. 1353. The inaugural meeting of the 1953 council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date. Those present and subscribing to the required oaths of officA were Reeve Chas. F. Jackson, Deputy Reeve Walter L. Belson and C o unci llors Donald IL. Chute, Liorley 1�c�,uiggan and Robt , F. Stewart. The members were declared duly installed in office by Clerk Vallee. Reeve oackson then called upon Rev. Vv. i:;. fill to abnduct a short devotional period following which some of the members spoke briefly. The Reeve then thanked Mr. ;"ill for his attendance and kindly adviee and invit- Mr. :�i11, along with the members and officials, to be his guests at dinner during the noon hour. the regular council business was then proceeded with and the minutes of the previous meeting were read, approved and signed and the following communications were read. A letter was received from the vlerk of Port .3urweil re. Bradt fire. The Clerk of Tiorth +ralsingham advised that their council had refused to pay fire truck charges on the Stere 8surilla barn fire and advised sending account to sir. Csurilla. Hospital notices were read and filed. Thanks was receivea from Mr. -"arold Tuff of Port Burwell for fire dept, donation for telephone switch servives, Requests for grants were received from The Salvation Army ana Elgin County Seed r'air. From Judge J. F. koMillan, an notice of appointment on Friday, Jan. 9th. at ?� P.L'. in regards to Eden Survey. Letters were received from Lonala F. Gibson, .C, , in regards to his account for 1951 and 1952 and also the Eden survey. �.onstable niekingbottom's report for December was placed before the members. Movea by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to sign safe -keeping agreement with the Canadian Bank of Commerce for Cemetery Fund Perpetual Care Bond- D.ef C. o% 1966 #P7M 167389-41000.... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by ;J:c(%uiggan- That this council make a grant of 25.00 to the London office of the Salvation army... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this Council maze a grant of ►25.00 to the Elgin Jounty Seed 4'air... Carried. Moved by nelson Seeondedby kc(quiggan- That this Counci 1 maze application for the statutory grant under provisions of the Highway Improvement Act, on expenditure made on roaas during 1952, in an amount of x.53,583.41, and that the proper officers sign same... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That the Clerk subscribe to 9 copies of the Municipal World for council members and officials... Carried. Moved by Chute Seeona ed by Stewart- That this council make the usual grant of X2..00 to th Richmond Library... Carries, Loved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this Township join the Association of bssessing Officers and Clerk send fee of 410.00 ... Carried. Moved by Mc(,uiggan Seconaed by Nielson- That this Council Join the Ontario Soods Roaas Assn. and Treasurer send membership fee of 45, and that the Councillors, Road Supt. and Clerk be delegates to same... Carried. Moved by Chute Secondea by k►cQuiggan- That the following be named as members of the Eden Community Centre Board;- Jack Tanner Sr.,, Ross Sivyer, Charles Ketohabaw, Leslie Cowan, george Moore and Also Walter l+elson ana Robert Stew t represent the Townsnip... C arriea. . mow... 327 Moved by Nelson Secondea by Chute- That this council now adjourn for noon to meet again at 1960 P.M.... Carried. Reeve Jacxson was host at -I'ennis' a R,:,staurant, to a very aeiightful steak dinner for the members of the council, Road Supt. Godwin, Clerk Vallee, Kr. will and ":r. L. F. Loucherty, local bank manager. Regular business zas resurged at about 1.30. Roved by shute Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law I'o. 1270, being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow up to:100 , 000.00 from the Oanadian bang of Com-nerce :tor current operating expenses until 1956 taxes are paid, he now read a first time... Carried. Moved by ulca%uiggan Seconded by Chute- And resoivea that ray -Law oo. 1270 be now read a second time... Carried. Ikiovea by Stewart Secondea by Nelson- end resolved that By -Law Lo. 1270 be now read a thira time ana finally passed.,.. Oarried. Moved by Stewart Qecondea by Tielson- Ana resolved that By-.uaw "o. 147.1 being a oy-.Law to provide for the paying of members of the council for attendance at meetings be+now read a ftrat time...Carried. s Moved by nelson Seconded by yici ,uiggan- dnd resolved that By -Law I%o. 1271 be now read a Second time... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- dnd resolved that By -Law lvo. 1271 be now read a third time and finally passed..* Jarri ed. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- .ind resolved that By -Law 4.4o. 1272 being a by-law to appoint certain officers for the year 1953, be now read a first time. ,Carried. koved by ikc(,uiggan Seconded by Chute- and resolved that by -Law Iro. 1272 be now read a second time. . Carried, Loved by Stewart Sec ona ed by Mc(%uiggan- .end resolved that By -Law j� o . 12 72 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nelson- end resolved that appoint Elton Jackson as Assessor for Moved by Mc�.ui ggan Seconded by Chute- And resolved that time... Carried . Moved by Nelson by -Law "o. 1273 being a by-law to 1963, be now read a first time.varried By -Law leo. 1273 be now read a second Secondea by Mc�.uiggan- And.resolved that By -Law No. 1273 be now read a third time and finally passed.., Carried. Loved by Nelson Seconded by Mc(,uiggan- Shat dlerkitrasgurer J. L. Vallee be given an inerea in salary of 400, per year. i. Carried. Considerable discussion was held in regards. to roads expenditure for the year 1953 and the apportionment of same. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No, provide for �60,000.00 expenditure on roads and read a first time... Carried, Moved by Chute 1274 being a by-law to bridges for 1953, be now Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1274 be now read time... married. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1274 be now read a time and finally passed.... Carried, a second third 328 ;roved by Nelson Seconded by Stewart- ghat the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carriedo Roads and Bridges- January pay lists --------- 4661.73 H. L. P. C.- Hall & Off.15.28;F.D.15.91 ------ 31.19\ Geo. 11cGregor - Relief for January ----------- 25.00\ Robt. Grant - Stamps for 'treasurer ----------- 7.00\ Ray Miller - Relief for January -------------- 12.00\ Mrs. -uattie Cooper - Aelief for January ------ 34.50\ The &ylmer Lxpress - Printing Fin. St. ------- 17.60 Donald F. 8libson,k-4.9.- Pees for 1951-2 ------- 71.30\ Jearld Bristol - Fox Bounty ------------------ 3.00\ Skean Brinn - " "----------------- 3.00\ Emery Lilly - +'----------------- 3.00\ Jim Rutledge - "----------------- 3.00\ Ralph Hurley - „------------------ 3.00\ Mae Gibbons - "----------------- 6.00N Thomas Vaughan _ ------------------ 6.00\ J. D. Vallee - Reg. Be Me & D. --------------- 5.00 A. L. Cook - Repairs office pump ------------- 9.85t C. L. Laing - Bulbs Rich, St. Lts.----------- 2..25\ tie P. Grant - Gres & Oil for fire truck ------- 6.50\ Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for Dec. ----- 215.83\ " it 11+' exp. " Nov. 76.40 Allen 4alsh - Fox Bounty ----------- - -------- 3.00` Nm. Partington- " ^-------------------- 6.00\ J. L. Dennis - Fire truck license ------------ 2.00"N Salvation bray - London office grant --------- 25.00\- Treas. Elgin County Seed Fair - Grant -------- 25.00 ^ Richmond Library - Grant -------------- 25.00 " Assn. of Assessing Off.- Fee ----------- 10.00\ " Ontario Good Roads assn.- Fee ---------- 10.00\ Chas. F. Jackson - Attend. 1 meeting --------- 6.00\ Falter D. Nelson - " 1 --------- 8.00\ Don. K. Chute - ^ 1 " ---W----- 7.20\ Morley IcCVuiggan - ^ 1 --------- 7.80\ Robt. F. Stewart - " 1 "--------- 7.301\ kov ed by m also n Seconded by Stewart - End. at 10.30 A.I�... . M That this council now ad jaurn to meet again on Feb. varried. Reeve. lerk. Township Office, Straffordville , Feb. 2nd. 1953. Pursuant to adjournment of Jane 5th., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Jackson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done, Hospital notices were read and filed* A letter from Vernon Sneale and reply to same, in regards to the fire truck, were read and discussed. Advise was received from Bickle-Seagraves that service check-ups on the new frie truck would be paid for by Oxford Motors of Woodstock. Police and Court reports were received and filed. Appreciations for grants received were received from The Salvation Army and Elgin County Seed Fair. A request for grant was received from #the St. John Ambulance. A letter was received from the Workmen's Compensation Board in regards to J.L.Dennis accident with fire truck and third party. Copies of letters were read from Health Unit to Mr. Earl Grigg and Mr. Steve Juronics in regards to repairs to houses before being occupied. Request for membership was read from the Ont. Assn. of Rural Municipalities J. D. Adams Ltd, advised in regards to overhaulin of grader. Final approval was received in regards to 33 1/3 f grant towards Swance Drain upon completion of work. A letter was received from Mr. John Foy, Clerk of Aylmer, regarding pay- ment of High School Debenture due March let, 1953. Loved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council approve the sending of the additional $5. for Good Roads Assn# membership and that we join the Ontario Municipal Assn. and send fee of 410.00. Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Mo(Zuiggan- That the Secretaries of school sections be requir- ed to submit their estimates and requisitions for Trustee's levy required for 1953, to the Township Clerk by March 15, 1953... Carried. Moved by Chute Sedonded by Stewart- That thos council make a grant of 110.00 to St. John Ambulance.., Carried. Moved by Belson Seconded by Mo�uiggan- That this council now adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30... Carried, After the noon hour and following alvisit to location of new culvert on the 4th, concession meet, the regular business was resumed, Moved by MoQuiggan Seconded by Nelson- That the following members be named to the Strafford- ville Community Centre Board;- H. B. Johnson, C. A. Jackson,, George Grant, Miller mood and J. L. Dennis. Also Chas. F. Jackson and Don. M. Chute to represent the Township counoil... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Mo4uiggan- That this Council express its congratulations and best wishes to the Village of Vienna on the observance of its centenary in 1953... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Mo(Zuiggan- That the Clerk order the from A. Deller do son for the Coyle and Lautenschlager Drains... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Mo(�uiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1275 being a by-law to appoint Fenoe-viewers and Pound -keepers for the year 1953, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1275 be now read' a second time... Carried. Moved by Stewart, Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law Bo. ` 1275, be now read a third time and finally passed...oarried. X16 Moved by Stewart Seoonded by MoQuiggan- And resolved that By -Law t4 alter the boundaries of Polling Sub -Division a first time... Carried. Moved by MoQuiggan 330 No. 1276, being a by-law s Nos. 5 and 6. be now read Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1276 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1276 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moired by Nelson deoonded by MoQuiggan - That the Clerk advertise in the Daily Commeraial N Dews for tenders on construction of Little Otter Creek Bridge. Tenders on same basis as before and to close Thurs. March 12th. at 5 P.M...Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by McQuiggan- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- January pay lists --- Frank Steers - Gas for hall and off ice---------- H.R.P.C. - Straff. & Rich. St. Lts.------------- " - Eden St. Lts- ------------------------ News Printing Co.- .Letterheads ------------------ Ontario Municipal Assn.- Membership ------------- Hotchkiss Appliances - Bulbs for office --------- Municipal World Ltd.- Subso . & supplies ---- ----- Canadian -wational Rys.- Corinth Wig-Wags-------- Treas. Elgin County - Hospitalization ----------- Fred Bowes - Fox Bounty _________________________ Jim Rutledge - " " ----------------------- Merlyn Wolfe - " ------------------------- Wray Matthews- " ------------------------ Geo. Grass - ------------- I Li3rly - `t " ------------------------- Treas. of Ontario - Police Sal. for January ----- " Exp. n December ---- Mrs. hattie Cooper - Aelief for FeTruary-------- George McGregor - " " " ------ Ray Miller -------- St. John Ambulance - Grant --------- ------------ Jo L. Dennie - Fire chief sal. for Jan. --------- " - St. Lts. sal.for Jan - ------------ J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary --------------- Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee --------------- Chas. F. Jackson - 1 meeting ____________________ - Car re. ''den survey(St.T.) --- Walter D. Nelson 1 meeting -------------------- Don. M. Chute - 1 "-------------------- Morley McQuiggan - 1 " -------------------- Robt. F. Stewart - 1 " -------------------- $6189.08N 16.75.\ 381.51\ 129.83 \ 10.78` 10.00\ 2.61 40.12\ 25.00\ 415.85` 6.00\ 3.00-t 3.00\ 3.00\ 9.00` 3.00\ 275.00\ 75,70\ 25000\ 10.00\ 35.00 5.00 255.56\ 11.10 6.00 \ 5.00 8.00\ 7.20 \ 7.80 \ 7.30` a Moved by Chute Seoonded„ by MaQuiggan- That this council now adjourn to meet again on Maroh 2nd. 1953 at 10.30 A.Y.... Carriedf r 331 Township Off ice, Str aff or dv i lle , March 2nd . 1956. Pursuant to adjournment of Fpb. 2nd . , the regular meeting of the Bayhaz Township Council was held on the ab+ve date with all members present and Ae eve Jackson presiding, Minutes of the last regular meeting wwre read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital notices were read and discussed. A request for grant was received from Mr. James Galbraith on behalf of St. Thomas and Elgin Distriot Pipe Band. Requisition for 1956 High 6ohool Levy was received from the Tillsonburg Distriot Board . Albert Ueller & Son advised that tile would be available in March and a April for Coyle and Lautenschlager Drains. A request from the Tillsonburg Fair Board was received for uaual grant. The Clerk advised that a cheque had been received for the Board of Transport's share in improvements to Elliott Crossing. A circular re. 8ornnation medals was received from Birks of Toronto. An estimate for overhaul on large grader was received from J.D.Adams Ltd., Mr, Vernon Kneal a advised that the Insurance Co. had agreed to a settle- ment of $4500, less t50. in respect to fire truck accident. Police and Court Clerk reports were disoussed and filed. An a000unt for county pupils from S.S.No. 3, was received from the Tillsonburg Di strict High 5c huo . board. Estimates for redecorating offioe were received from Mr. Fred Baker and Mr. Fennel Hewbank . The one of Mr. newbank, being the lowest, as accepted by the members. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the 1952 taxes of assessment in an amount of $6.18 plus .11� Moved by Nelson Seconded by Mcroi,uiggan- That the usual Tillsonburg Fair Board... Carried. Jaynes 4ennedy on business interest,be written off .Carr grans of $25.00 be made to the Moved by Nelson Seconded by MoQuiggan- That the following attendance at Good Roads Convention; - H. L. Godwin --- $25.00 charged Jo D. Vallee - -- -- - 25.00 be allowed as expenses covering to roads account. Chas. F. Jackson -- 10.00 for car... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seoonded by Chute- That the following license applications be approved; - For Ice Cream Stand- Chas. Laing, Ralph Mc Quiggan, Henry Desimpel, Edna McConkey, N. Boyd & Bob, C . J.Ketohabaw, J. T. Froggett and Mrs. Robt. Gordon. For Restaurant- Roadside Motel and W. E. Greer. For Refreshment Stand- D. Balass. For Lunch Counter- M. Brant. ,.. Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council now adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 P.M.... Carried. During the noon hour, the members visited the new Beatty Bridge and the usual business was resumed at about 2 P.M. Mr. Benny Patkus waited on the members oonoerning some gravel tin his road. The Reeve advised that they would do their best to get him some when the pits opened up. Mr. Monty Bratti likewise requested a few loads on the Prong sideroad.land was informed that plans called for some repairs to this road from the stook pile. Mr. Howard Coomber was present and requested payment of aaoo unt for trophies donated to pupils of East Elgin High Sohool. ; Moved by Chute Seoonded by Stewart- That the settlement of $4500. less $50. deduotable, be accepted in respect to the fire truck loss, and that the Reeve be auth- orised to sign proof of lose from... Carried. 332 Mr. Elton Jackson, Assessor, was present and discussed some matters with the members. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Assessor be named as a delegate to the Assessor's Association meeting in Hamilton and an allowance of $25.00 for expenses be paid on submission of a report... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by McC,uiggan- That this Ooanci 1 pay $14.78 for two trophies for East Elgin High School Awards... Carried. Sonsiderable discussion was held in regards to enforcement of half -load regulations on truckers. Moved by McCuiggan Seconded by Nelson- That the Township appoint the Grader Operators, Truck Driver and Road Supt. as special constables to enforce half -load regulations for March and April... Carried, Advise was received from Mr. D. F. Gibson, Q,.0 . , that the Ontario Municipal Board had approved of the Port Burwell by-law for the $17,000. debenture issue. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That By-law No. 1269, being a by-law to approve of borrowing 17,000. for constructing a school building in Port Burwell be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. A copy of the Judge's Order in -respect to the new Eden Survey was then read and discussed by the members. The Clerk presented a by-law in respect to this plan as prepared by the Township Solicitor. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1277, being a by-law to approve of a plan for Part of the Village of Eden, being forth parts of lots 22 & 23, Cone. 8, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Stewart 1* Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law uo. 1277 be nowread a second time... Qarried. Moved by McC;,uiggan Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1277 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. It was decided that a special meeting should be held to open tenders on First Con. Bridge and to disease reparis to grader. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Chute- That the peeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Brides accounts- February pay lists -- Frank Steers- 4as for hall and office ----------- Robt. Grant - Stamps for auditors --------------- Geo. McGregor - Relief for March ---------------- Chas. Laing - Bulbs for street lights,Rich.------ C. Be Soper- Dustbane for hall and office ------- Provincial `areas.- Insulin for Arnou------------ Weston Holtby - Fox bounty ---------------------- Clarence ;enereaul- " --------------------- Fred Bowes ----------------- Lloyd Cowan Cowan - w -------------------- Howard Palmer- Griggs Drain Repairs------------- Treaa. Tills. Dist H.S.Board- Tuition re. No.3 -- Dr. D. L. Lwin - Exam. re. A.Harabul a---------- Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for eb.-------- " exp. for Jan. --------- Albert yeller & Son - Tile for Coyle Drain ------ J. H. Howey - Ilepairs to fire hall-------------- Treas. Tillsonburg Fair Board- Grant ------------ Trophy Craft Ltd.- High School trophies --------- Harold Taylor - `$elief for Larch ---------------- Clark Cooper - " " " --------------- J. L. Dennis - Fire chief sal. for Feb. --------- w " - Sto lts sal " " --------- $2562.32\ 18.75\ 12 .00\ 25.00 \ 2.28 8.00\ 2.8E 6.00 3.00\ 6.00N 3.00\ 369.00 \ 301.59 5.00 275.00 60.28\ 312912\ 42.00\ 2.5.00\ 14o93\ W 80\ 16.00\ 35.00 5.00 \ . J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------- Receiver General- Tax re. Vallee -------------- J. D. Vallee - Convention expenses ------------ Chas. F. Jackson- Car to convention ----------- TV, - Attend 1 meeting ------------ Walter D. Nelson - " 1 " ------------ Don. M. Chute - " 1 " ------------ Morley Mc(,uiggan - 1------------ Robt. F. Stewart - " 1 � 2b5.bfiti 11.10\ 25.00° 1.0.00'` 6.00\ 8.00♦ 7.20'N 7180\ 7.30 \ KMr Moved by Nelson Seconded by Chute- That this Ceou.ncil now adjourn to meet again in special session on March 12th. at 8 P.M* .. Carried. • 01erk. s Township Office, Straffordville, March 12th. 1953. A special meeting of the Township Council was held on the above date, all members present and Reeve Jackson presiding. Also in attendance were Engineer McDowell of Simcoe and Road Supt Godwin. The purpose of the meet - was to open and consider tenders on the 'proposed bridge for Litte Otter Crk4 Three tenders were received as follows;- R.B.Bliss, 142 Dundas St. Woodstock --------- $159657.98 Perth Construction Co.Ltd . , St.Marys-------- 159900.00 Tomac Contracting Co.,1104 Bay St.Toronto --- 179886.68 These tenders were throughly discussed. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Stewart- That this Council accept the Bridge tender of Perth Construction Co. Ltd. at a price of $15,900. for construction of a new bridge over Little Otter Creek... Carried. It was agreed that Cdr. McDowell who pro#ite some assistance in the over- seeing of this project, Borden Price meet with the members abd disayssed repairs to his grader. Moved by Chute Seconded by RoQuiggan- That if possible, we have the Adams Grader put in County Shop for necessary repairs and that transportation be provided for Be Prioe to go to St. Thomas to work on same... Carried. It was decided that the regular April meeting be held on April lat. Moved by ILhute Seconded by Nelson- That this special session now adjourn to meet again on April lat. at 10.30 A.M... Carried. 334 Township Office, Straffordville , April 1st, 1953. Pursuant to adjournment of March 12th., the Council of the Town sh ij of Bayham met in regular session on the ab*ve date, all members present and Reeve Jackson presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read,. approved and signed and the following business was done. Several hospital notices and ambulance accounts were received and discussed. The Clerk was instructed to refuse same re. Mrs. Sydney Honsinger. Appreciation of grant was received from Tillsonburg Fair Board. The County Clerk advised that Bayham Township had been equalized at the sum of �2, 767, 538. and that t38, 745.00 would be required for 1953. The County by-law and financial report were also received. County. By -Law No. No. 1631 to confirm Township By-ILaw No. 1265 was received, Court Clerk report was received. The Treasurer advised receipt of the following sums;- Fros Attorney General's Lept. - $450. re Eden Survey From Dept. of Highways - $15,447.27, balance 1952 subsidy. From Anglo Canadian Underwriters- $4,450. fire truck insurance. A bulletin was received from Dept. of Municipal affairs advising re place of payment for Municipal debentures. From Dept. of Agriculture, a letter re. Dog Tax and Livestock losses, From Malahide Twp. Clerk, letter re, fire truck and cheque for 4100. A letter was received from the Compensation Btard , advising that the Assessor, Weed Inspector, Stock Valuators, etao were not to be included under tha Act. Advise of a new Building By -Law draft copy from Dept. Planning & Development. Tenders were received from the McKay Excavations of Dunnville on the Coyle and Lautensehlager Drains. The Council deemed these too high to be acceptable at the present time. Notice of Regional Fire School at St. Thomas, May 4 -8th. was received from the Office of the Fire Marshall. Communications and certified copy of Judge's Order re, Eden Survey were received from D. F. Sibson,,.C. and E.'. S. Sanders. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Chute- That the Reeve proclaim Daylight Saving Time to be in off- ect in Bayham Tcwnship during the period 12.01 A.M. April 26th. 1953 to 12.01 AeM* Sept. 27th. 1953... Carried. Moved by Belson Seconded by Stewart- That this council now adjourn for dinner to meet again at 1.30 P.M,,* Carried. A resident of Houghton Twp. waited on the douncil and requested repairs to a drain along Townline road south of Guysboro school. Drain Inspector Godwin agreed to meet there with the Houghton Drain Inspector on a date to be set. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Following Frank Plust - Ice Cream Stand Robt. Kennedy- " applications for licenses be approve ... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by McQuiggan- That the sum of 18.63 taxes and interest be written off Jack Pugsley's 1952 taxes and that a cheque be issued in an amount of $3.31 as a refund on 1952 taxes. This being a duplieatdon of taxes with Fawcett... Carried. Members or the dalton cemetery Board waited on the council written signed request to have their cemetery incorporated ual care plan similar to "den and Straffordville. Those present were Messrs. Russel MaKibbin, Reg.MoQuiggan Moved by MoGuiggan and presented a under the perpet- and C.D.Phillips. Seconded by Nelson- That at the request of the Calton Cemetery Board, the Clerk be instructed to prepare a by-law to establish a Perpetual Care Fund for Calton cemetery... Carried. Mr. Royden gathers waited on the Council and discussed with them the matter of insurance for township vehicles. Moved by Belson Seconded by Chute- That our 3 graders be placed in a Floater policy a 1% premium for insurance with "amilton, Oard and �athere and that they include 335 the two Township trucks in a policy with fire truck, effective April 12th, 1953.0. Carried. The `treasurer then presented a proposed budget for 1956. phis was thoroughly discussed by the members present. Moved by KoQuiggan Seconded by Nelson- That the Township General Itate be set at 12.5 mills plus 1.7 mills for Fire Truck requirements and that the Treasurer's Budget be adopted... 'arried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Chute- That this council recommend that Fred Oatman be replaced by Fred Procunier as Deputy Game Warden... Carried. A by-law was then presented for levying the various rates for 1953. Moved by Chute Seconded by Iiekson- And resolved that By -Law "o. 1278 being a by-law to adopt the assessment and levy the taxes fort 1953 and to provide for the collection of same, be now read a first time... married. Moved by MoCxiggan Seconded Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1278 be now read a second y y time... married. Loved by Belson Seconded by Mcljuiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1278 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Mo(,uiggan- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and bridges accounts- March pay lists ------ Frank Steers - Gas for hall and off ice ----------- H. E. P. C.- Hydro for hall and off ice ----------- " " - " Fire hall ---------------- Robt. Grant - Stamps for Clerk Clark Cooper - relief for April ------------------ George McGregor - " " __________________ Harold Taylor 't " ---- ----- Treas. Pt. Burwell - Cummings relief- 3 months --- Treas. of Tillsonburg- 3 fire calls less one ----- Cyriel Develtre - Plastering repairs to office --- Tress. East Elgin H.S.Dist.- Tuition Wool -------- Municipal World Ltd.- Log Tags & licenses-------- iiylmer Express - Advts. & printing --------------- Peters, Brown & Co.- Bal. 1952 audit fee --------- " " " Forms & envelopes _ ----------- News `rinting Co.- Advt. re truckers------------- Treas: Elgin County - Hospitalization ------------ W. G. Webster - Office supplies ------------------ Chas. Laing - Bulbs for street lights ------------ Andy Schuster - Poultry killed by doge----------- Robt. C. Jackson - Valuing above _________________ Treaa. of Ontario - Police sal. for March -------- " " " - " exp. for Feb.--------- Treas. Pt.Burweli Bd. of Education- Tuition Bol&3- Cliff, . Jewell - Fox Bounty ----------------------- Andrew Bradt - " " -------------------- Mae Gibbons Gibbons - " " ----------------------- tire and Smith - Eden Survey expenses------------- E.F.S.Sanders - " " " -------------- Donald F.aibson,r,.C.- " " n -------------- Miss Bernice Coyne - " " " --------------- Jack Pugsley - Rebate on 1952 tames ------ -------- G. A. Barrie - Ambulance re. M. McDowell --------- J. L. Dennie - Fire Chief for March -------------- " " - street lights for March ----------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------ Receiver General General - Tax re. Vallee ---------------- Chas. F. Jackson - 2 meetings -------------------- Walter D. Nelson - 2 ---------- 0 M. Chute - 2 ----------------_-_- Morley MoQuiggan - 2 " -------------------- Aobt. F. Stewart - 2 "_____________________ $3579.20 3572,416 27.75 28.49 19.49N 6.00"N 16.00\ 25.00\ 87.80\ 114.52 100.00, 20.85\ 1183.04\ 39.40 13.83\ 350.00\ 10.00\ 3.40\ 307.56 10.30 2.28` 30.00 4.00 \ 275.00 \ 61.60 6 61.53 3.00 3000N 3000--., 930000,\ 300.00' 53E.00\ 70.00,\ 3.31\ 6.00 35.00 " 5.00" 265.55N 11.10\ 12.0.0 16.00 ,\ 14.4Q♦ 15.6Q\ 14.60\ 336 Moved by Chute Seconded by MaQuiggan- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on May 4th. 1953 at 1 P.M... Barri ed. xeeve. Township Office, Straffordville, April 20th. 1953. Following a day -long tour of inspection of township roads, a brief special meeting tf the bayham Township Council was held on the above date for the purpose of considering a price for work on two Township Drains. All members were present and Reeve Jackson presided'; - Prices were submitted by Howard Palmer on the Coyle and "autenschlager Drains to cover work, oateh-basins and stone at outlets. Tile and culverts to be furnished by the Township. ' Moved by Nelson Seconded by Chute- That we accept the price of Howard Palmer for work on Coyle and Lautenschlager Drains;- Coyle Drain ---------- 2610.00 Lautenschlager Drain -- 1990.00 Carried. Moved by 11a'uiggan ft Seconded by Stewart- That this special session now adjourn.... Carried. Reev . I 33? Township Office, Straffordville, May 4th. 1953. Pursuant to adjournment of April 1st . , the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date, all members present and Reeve Jackson presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Notices from hospitals were read and discussed. Police reports were received and filed. Notice was received from Spurgeon & Co. of claim for damages in respect to Ingersoll Auto Electric accident on Dereham-Bayham Townline. Letters from the Health Unit were received in respect to Stanley Luce house and re, complaints and care of rubbish dump south of Straffordville. Reeve Jackson presented a resolution passed by a meeting of residents of Straffordville in respect to a proposed garbage collection system. Advice was received from Dept. of Highways that By-law No. 1274 had been approved for a reduced amount of 450,000.00. Also received, Deas a petition signed by all trustees of S. S. No.l, request- ing that their section be made a part of East Elgin High School District. A letter of complaint concerning road was received from Samuel B. Scrivens. Donald F. Gibson, Q,.C., advised by letter of the progress to date re. Eden Survey and requested further funds from the Township in order to help pay for new deeds and regristrations, etc. The �0$lnrk advised that bond had been received in respect to Perth Construct- ion Co. contract for new bridge and also certificate from Vorkmens' Compens- ation Board. Also that cement had been arranged for. Requests for grants were received from Township Road Superintendents' Assn., Elgin Horse Breeders' Assn,, Aylmer & East �.lgin Fair Board and Federation of Agriculture. '].-,he matter of Yrs. "iary Brant's pending application for a Lunch Counter License was discussed by the members. .Loved by Nelson Seconded by YcC,uiggan- That the :J:reasu+er be authorized to return the 42.00 license fee of Mrs. i -Lary .Brant... Carried. .Reeve Jackson repotted or, the Straffordtrille meeting re. Garbage collection but the members felt the meeting was not sufficiently representative of the village for them to take action. petition was suggested in resppet to this matter. h1r. John Johnson discussed this matter with the members and gate a price he would do this service for. Moved by NAlson Seconded by ilc�.uiggan- That this council appoint a committee consisting of Reeve Chas, Jackson, George Grant, L. F. Dougherty and Jesse Dennis to make further investigations re. Garbage collection for Straffordville and that if signatures on a petition representing 100 properties out of approximately 1509 this council will be favourable to passing a by-law to provide for garbage collection, and if favourable, the committee to make temporary arr- angements pending passing of by-law... varried. Bir. Jack Hughes of C.I.L. was present and discussed weed spray with members. Also *r. Eiehols of Delhi presented prices on gravel at his Dereham Township pit. Mr. Elba Dennis discussed fire hall and road matters with the council. Moved by Nelson Seconded by McQui ggan- That tha Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay Elba Dennis 6 months rental for fire hall, being 4125.00... Carried. The matter of the 410*000. reduction in approved expenditure on roads was thoroughly discuased by the members. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- Whereas this municipality has already entered into a contract for a bridge building program for 1953 which will cost approximately t20, 000. ; and whereas our road system cannot stand a reduction in amount of maintenance work done on same; and whereas we have four Public School busses and two High School busses regularly travelling our roads, together with at least 8 milk routes; and whereas we receive repeated request' from 13 mail oourriers, and Postal Officials for improved road conditions'; and whereas our topographic condition tends to make road upkeep higher than 4%.)aYa gge municipalities, and our gravel all has to oome from souroes;outaide the Township; Be it therefore resolved that this Gouncil request the .)ept. of Highways to re-oonsider By -Law No. 1274 and that it be approved for the full amount of $►60, 000.00... Carried, Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the Reeve proclaim a period from May 15th. 19539 to August 15th. 1953, during which period doge shall not be permitted to run at large in the Township of Bayham, in accordance with Sections 12 and 13 of By -Law No, 1088... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by I&c(�uiggan- That this Council approve of S.S. No. 1, joining the East Elgin High School District, and that a request by this Council be for- wrad ed to Elgin County Council to pass a by-law at the June session to pro- vide for same*** Cgrried . Moved by Chute Seconded by Nelson- That this council agree to pay up to 4325.00 additional expenses in connection with deeds and registration for Eden Survey.Carried. Loved by Velson Seconded by Mo�4uiggan- That a grant of 4350. be made to the Federation of Agriculture, Elgin County, and the Clerk have a by-law prepared to provide for same... Carried* Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nelson- That the Following grants be by the Treasurer; - Township Road Superintendent's Assn. - Elgin Horse Breeders' Assn. --------- East Elgin Fair Board --------------- approved and ordered mid 25.00 25.00 100.00 Carried. In response to the request presented at last meeting, the Clerk presented a by-law for perpetual care fund for C&Iton Cemetery. Moved by Chute Seconded by Mc'--,uiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1279, being a by-law to establish rules and regulations re. Calton Cemetery and set up Perpetual Care Fund for same, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by kc�uiggan- And resolved that By -Law "o. 1279 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by i+elson Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1279 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Belson Seconded by Stewart- That the following members the Calton Cemetery Commission; - Russell McKibbin for balance of 1953. Reg. Mc�,uiggan to yea. 31, 1954 be and are hereby named for Warren Graves to "ea, 319 1955 ... Carried, At a previous request to Tony Gindrickrp the following by-law was prepared and placed before council. The Clerk advised that sir. Schaffer had been notified by registered mail concerning his lands affected, and no reply had been received from him. Loved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law alter boundaries of S. S. bio. 15, by taking adding same to Bayham Township Area, .be now Moved by Chute I4o. 1280, being a by-law to therefrom lot 130, Cono. 6, and read a first time... Carried. Seconded by Mc�uiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1280 be now read a second time... Carried, Moved by Mo(,uiggan Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1280 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Mc(,uiggan Seconded by Stewart- That the following licenses are hereby A. L. Dennie ---- Restaurant Wm. S. Rex ------ Ice Cream.... Carried. approved;- Moved by Nelson Seconded by Mo�uiggan- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts - April pay lists ------ Robt. Grant - P.O. box rental & stamps ------------ Frank Steers - Gas for hall & office -------------- Aylmer & Malahide el. Co.- Police phone ---------- Mo C. Dibbley - Police office rent, Apr. to June -- Albert Deller & Son - Tile Coyle Drain ------------ IT IT - if Laut. Drain ------------- Canada Vitrified Prod. Ltd.- Tile Laut. Drain ----- n tt rt ►t _ n Coyle " ----- J. D. Vallee - Fees re. Laut. Drain & by-law Mrs. Almetta Secord- " it n IT Fennel Hewbank - Painting office inside ----------- A. C. Oliver - Tuning hall piano ------------------ Tress . of Ontario - Police sal. for April --------- ^ It it _ " exp -t for March --------- Orris Ferguson - Fox bounties J. L. Vallee - deals insp. roads ------------------ Treas. Pt Burwell - Relief re. 8ummings---------- Harold Tabor - Relief for biay -------------------- Clark Cooper - ^IV" ------------------- Geo. McGregor - IT it IT ------------------- Robt. Grant - Stamps ------------------------------ Mrs. bury Brant - Return of license fee ----------- Elba Dennis - 6 moj fire hall rental, Jan. to June- Treasi Twp. Road Supts! Assn.- Grant -------------- " Elgin Horse Breeders' Assn. - Grant --------- East Elgin Fair Board - Grant --------------- J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief sal.for April ----------- 11 - Care 5t. Lts. for Apr. -----_-------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary Receiver General General - Tax re. Vallee ----------------- '► Chas. F. Jackson - 1 meeting, 2 days on roads ----- n n " _ Car 1 day on roads ------------- Walter D. Nelson - 1 meeting, 2 days on roads ----- Don. E. Chute - 1 2 it " " ----- Morley Mc(�,uiggan - 1 " 1 n it n Robt. F. Stewart 8 1 " 2 "it----- " " " - Car day on roads ------------- $3.384,67 ------------ $3384.67 3 3 �Y •' ''s 7,w 00 21.75` 21.95\ 15.00 617.92\ 677.00 31.84\ 23.56' 95000\ 45.00 135.65\ 8.50\ 2 75.00 75.22,E 12.00 18.20\ 38.15\ 80.30\ 13.00\ 19.,00-\ 6.00r 2.00\ 125.00` 25.00N 25.00\ 100.00N 35.00\ 5.00\ 255.56 11.10-., 18.00 10.00 24.00 21.60 15.60\ 21.90 5.00\ Moved by Nelson Seconded by Morwui ggan- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on June let. 1953 at 1 P.Me .. Carroed. 6 0 339 340 Township Office, Straffordville, June 1st, 1953. Pursuant to adjournment of May 4th., the council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present except oune- illor Chute abd Reeve Jackson presided. 1:inutes of the previous meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital n9tiaes were read and discussed. Notice was received from Dept. of Highways London office, that no subsi$y would be paid on over -expenditures on roads. Approval was received on construction of Little Otter Creek Bridge for estimated total of t'19,676.00, A request for grant for Dobbie Cemetery, 77as received from fir. s.B.Tupper. Miss B. Coyne advised that the Eden Plan was now duly registered and thata copy was available for the yownship. Police reports for month of May were received and examined by members. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Stewart- That this council make a grant of 110.00 to the Dobbie .111 Cem3tery... Carried. Moved by X10 W. uiggan Seconded by Nelson- That the following license be approved.- Hugh pproved.- Hugh Millard --- Lurch counter .... Carried. The Clerk reported on a visit to his office by Mr. dynes of the Wirless , Station at Port Burwell re. fire protection. Moved by Stewart Seconded by KcQ uiggan- That our Fire Dept. be instructed to answer all calls to Dominion Government Wireless Station east of Port Burwell, when available and that the Isual charge of X50. per call be !made... harried. Dr. .Hoffman, '`.O.H. met with the members and discussed with them many points of mutual interest. Moved by Nelson Seconded by ule�uiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1281, being a by-law to make a grant of x350. to the �:lgin County '.Federation of Agriculture, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Lelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1281 be now read a second time... tarried. Moved by 1'.c(-.uiggan Seconded b t wart- And resolved that B -Law Bo. 1281 be now ia�1 a tnird y Stewart- By -Law and finally passed... Carried. A by-law was then presented pertaining to the use of trailers in the Townsh� Loved by Stewart Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law "o. 1282 being a by-law to prohibite & regulate the use of trailers in the Township of Bayham, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Nelson y Seconded b Mc `ui an- And resolved that B y -Law No. 1282 be now read a ►� gS second time... Carried. moved by Stewart Seconded by Mc,'uiogan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1282 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by mels on Seconded by Mci4uiggan- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Oarried . Roads and Bridges Accounts- May pay lists ---- 43142.42 301Y -UN Frank Steers - Gas for hall & office --------- 16.751\ A. & M. Telephone Co. - office phone --------- 30.60\ " of - Police "-------- 26.85N Clark Cooper - Relief for June --------------- 13.00 Geo. Mo(vlregor - " " "-------------- 19.00'\ Benny Patkus - Turkeys killed by dogs -------- 190.00 Robt, Co Jackson - Valuing above ------------- 4.60\ Provincial Treas.- insulin ------------------- 3.29,\ Central Pipe Lines - Con* stove at hall ------ 3.85 t Weeteel Products Ltd.- Culverts Coyle Drain -- 187.40 L 341 Louis Thurston - Fox Bounty ------------------ Fred Batman - ^ ^ ------------------ Skean Brinn - ^ " ------------------ Jack Gibbons.- ^ " ------------------ Sam Taylor - TV" -- E. B. Townsend - " ^ ------------------ Gerald Wisson - " if ------------------- Albert Zeller & Son - Tile Coyle Drain ------- Tress. Pt. Burwell - May Rel. for Cimmings --- Treaso of Ontario - Police sal. for May ------ TV ^ it - " exp. " April Chas. A..Walsh - Bulbs for street lights ----- N " " " -Fire Dept. boots & barrel ---- ^ IT " - Supplies hall & office ------ Robt. urant - Stamps ------------------------- John F. Weston - Coyle & Laut. Drains-------- Treas. Dobbie Cemetery - Grant --------------- Howard Palmer - Apply on .:oyle Drain--------- Treas. Elgin County Fed. of Agro- Brant ------ J. L. Dennis - Fire chief sal. for May ----=-- ^ " - St. Lts. for May ------------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------ Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ------------ C has. F. Jackson - Attend 1 meeting ---------- Walter D. Deleon -1 "---------- Worley Ma(,uiggan ----------- Robt. F. Stewart - 1 " -------- Moved by i+elson Seconded by Uc(�uiggan- That this July 6th. at 1 P.M... Carried. 6.00 20.00 6.00-,. 4000 12.00► 2.00 10000-% 72.80♦ 38.15\ 275.00\ 63.77\ 1.62\ 68.50 1.93.1 5.50\ 206.50N 10.00\ 2000.00\ 350.00N 35.00\ 5000 255.56",-- 11 .1 1 01\ �11.10\ 6000\ 8.00\ 7.80 7.30\ IN Council now adjourn to meet again on Township Office, Straffordville, July 6th. 1953. Pursuant to ad j ournement of June let*, the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date, all members present and Reeve Jackson presiding. iiinutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following busines3 was done. Hospital notices were received and read. Police and Jourt Olerk reports were placed Advise was received from the 0ounty Clerk annex S.S.No.l into East Llgin H.S. Area, been approved by the Dept. of Ldueation. The Clerk advised that the span of X519.13 respect to the Homes for the Aged. Several communications were read from Hon. the Dept, of highways and the Reeve later to wait on "'Ir. iiaclnness. before the members. that County By -Law No. 1632, to had been duly passed and also had had been received as subsidy in Mr. Douaiett and 1�r. Maclnnes, of gave a report on the delegation e A circular in respect to federal excise and sales tax and also munielpal taxes waS received from Mr. Kidd, National Secretary of Progressive � Consertative Party of Canada. • Moved by Chute Seconded bFV1700, Stewart- That we pay Howard Palmer 500, on account of Coyle Drain and on Lautenschlager Drain, pending inspection of sam.Carried. El 349 Moved by Mc�,uiggan Seconded by Lelson- That the following licenses be approved - Wallace Barber - Refreshment Stand Harold jawyer - Ice Cream Stand ... Carried. A petition was received in respect to additional street lighting, signed by five residents along Third Street. Moved by Chute Seconded by Mc(%uingan- That in answer to a petition from interested rate- payers, this council request the n.E.P.C. to instal one street light on Third Street eas-i of Ito. 19 Highway in Straffordville... Carried. The Road aupt. gave a report on the progress of the new bridge and over-all roads expenditures ware discussed. It was decided to hold the August meeting of the Council on July 31st, Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That the Reeve sign the order sheets.. Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts - June pay lists--- t-7832.60 Frank Steers - Gas for hall & office --------- 6.25\ Mrs. Co F. Jackson - keals for Assessors ----- 18.75\ Robt. Grant - Stamps for tax notices --------- 36.50 George Gale - relief for July ---------------- 32.00\ Clark (:o9per - " "--------------- 13.c0\ Geo. McGregor- " it --------------- 19.00, h, E. P. C .- hydro for hail & office --------- 17.90\ " - ITitfire hall ------------ 18.55'N idorkmens' Compensation Bd.- .Re, Vol. Firemen - 16.20\ IT " " - Other bssm. ------ 9.99\ Grant Motors - repairs etc. fire truck ------- 30.35` Thos. Whillier & Son Ltd.- Office supplies --- 14.21, Treas. Elgin County - Aospitalization-------- 626.31 J. D. Vallee - Car & expenses to Toronto ----- 22.80.\ Walter Moore - repairs office door ----------- 2.70-\ Albert Deller & Son - Tile Laut. Drain ------- 551.56\ Treas, of Ontario - Police sal. for June ----- 275.00,\ it " 'T - " exp. for May -------- 61.40,\ .Barry Davidson - Fox Bounty ------------------ L.00" Allan Veitoh - " "----------------- 3.00\ Chas. Grass - "----------------- 10.00\ Jerry Taylor - " "----------------- 5.00♦ News printing Co.- Tax notices & Advt.------- 35.87 H. P. Grant - Gas for fire truck ------------- 37.70\ Treas, Pt. Burwell - Relief re. Cummings ----- 38.15 Howard Palmer - On aoct. Coyle Drain --------- 500.00" Laut. "--------- 1700.00N J. L. Vallee - To a0ly on salary ------------ 255.56\ .Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ------------ 11.10N J. L. Dennis - Fire Chief for June ----------- 35.00-\ - St. Lts. for June ------------- 5.00\ Chas. F. Jackson - Attend 1 meeting ---------- 6.00\ Walter Nelson - " 1 "---------- 8.00,\ Don, M. Chute - " 1 "---------- 7.E0�, Morley Mc�uiggan - " 1 "---------- 7.80` RObt, F. Stewart - TV1---------- 7.30\ Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That this Council July 31st. at 1 P.M... Carried, now adjourn to meet again on Friday, 343 Township Office, Straff ordv ills, July 31st, 1953. Pursuant to adjournment of July 6th., the regular august meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date,members present were peeve Jackson, Deputy Reeve Belson and Councillor Stewart. L:inutes of the previuos meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. One hospital notice was read and filed. An invitation was received for the members to attend Vienna Centennial on August 28, 29 and 30. a letter was received from the Eden Street light Committe9 in regards to hiring of caretaker for street lights. jhe Clerk reported a claim for damages to car of "'r. Hebert Names Taylor of iamilt on, on hill west of I- ew England. Police subsidy in an amount of 631.17 was received. The Clerk advised that a refund of W48.73 had been received in respect to the late Melissa Vincent. A oammunication was received from the Monarch Life Assurance 00. in respect to plan for employees pension. Discussion was held in regards to the procuring of materials for spraying some of the cemeteries. The Road Supt. was instructed to go ahead on sena. The Clerk advised that the new deeds were being prepared, etc. in regards to Eden survey. Mr. J. Stasiuk, of the MoColl-Frntenac Oil Co. waited on the members and requested permission to instal large gasoline tank on street allowance north of Sawyer's Service Station in Eden. The Council advised that District Engin- eer would have to be contacted in this matter, Moved by Stewart Seconded by Felson- That in response to a request from local committee, Bir. Ross Sivyer be allowed 14.00 monthly for care of Eden Street lights, and payment be made twice #early, commencing Aug. 1st, 1958... Carried. Moved by Felson Seconded by Stewart- That the x2.00 license fee of Al, Chorney for a Lunch Counter License for Llary's Lunch be returned by the Clerk... Carried. Moved by Nelson • Seconded by Stewart- That a cheque fpr 485.32 be issued to grant Kitchell as a refund of 1963 taxes re. roll Ito. 665, Clara Marshall... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nelson- That the following amounts be written off 1953 tax roll in respect to Kerr Drain Assessments and same be levied on correct propert- ies in 1964;- Roll 1150 - Roy 'Green -------- $41,62- 1151 41.62--1151 - M. Mironoauk ----- 27.70' " 1152 - F. & R. Cowan ---- 33.23— ... Carried. Moved by Stewart L. Seconded by Nelson- That 1953 taxes in an amount of $2.42 be written off Frank Booth property, roll No. 1175, no building ester on this property.Carried4 Moved by 14 el son Seconded by Stewart- That the Reeve declare August 3rd. as Civic Holiday to be a public holiday in and for the Township of Bayham... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nelson- That the drainage petition of Verne Soper, Jack Sawyer and others be accepted and the Clerk request WM. C. McDowell to make a survey and report on same... Carried. Mr. Len Kilmer and others waited on the council in respect to repairs to drains nroth of Corinth school. ;'he Reeve aditised that no report had yet been received from the Enginner on this but that the Clerk would ,.write Mro MoDowell about same. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nelson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets Carried. 345 Township Office, Straffor dville, Aug. 31st, 1953. Pursuant to adjournment of July 31st, the regular September meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date, all members present except Councillor Chute and Reeve Jackson presided, Ainutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital notices were read and tiled. Advice was received from Lr, 'fir'. C. L`cDowell, Engineer, that he unable to do work on the Soper -Sawyer drain petition this year same, but that he would try and finish the drain report re. lot in the near future. Police reports were received and filed. The Clerk advised that the sum of $379.98 had been subsidy re. Children's Protection act. A letter was received from Dr. Ho:tman, h.O.H., in Corinth Drain, The Drainage Inspector stated that d one ,p would be and returned 5, Con. 9, received in respect to respect to repairs to this work was now being The Reeve gave a report on the motor trouble with the new fire truck and several communications were read regarding same. Mr. b. V. Langton requested a grant for the Elgin Plowing ULatch. A letter of appreciation for grant was received from Secretary of Aylmer and East Elgin Fatr Board. A statement of Adjustment of Subsidy re. Fire uepartments Act was placed before Council and the Clerk advised that he had taken up the matter of the X445,00 deduction with the Office of the Fire Marshall. Bulletins were received in respect to Fire Protection Week: Oot.4 to 10th. A report on sheep killed by dogs was given by the Reeve and vouneillor Stewart. Moved by Velson Seconded by Stewart- That the men be paid at the rate of .70� per hour for watching for dogs killing sheep... Carried. Moved by lic dui ggan Seconded by Felson- That Mrs, Lary E. Vallee be paid the sum of 1100, for work in connection with assessment roll and notioes... Carried. Moved by Nelson , • Seconded by McGcuiggan- That this Council make a grant of ►25.00 to the Elgin Plowing Match*,* Carried. Moved by ?�e(,uiggan Seconded by Stewart- That this Council approve of a 969600#21, tition to the Dept. of Highways for the statutory grant on an amount of and that the proper officers sign same... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Stewart- That this Council request the Registrar of Elgin County to furnish a list of all conveyances where -by land in Bayham Township has been transferred, mortgaged or leased and registerbd in the Registry Office, same to be in accordance with Section 106 of the Registry Asti. List to be supmitted to Township Office every 3 months. ..,Carried * Moved by Nelson Seconded by Mc(,uiggan- That we complete payment to Howard Palmer in respect to Coyle and Lautenschlager Drains... Carried. Mr. Howard Palmer waited on the members in respect to drainage work and Constable Dibbley interviewed the Council respecting living accommodation. Moved by MoQuiggan Seconded by Stewart- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- Aug, pay lists ---- Frank Steers - gas for hall & office ---------- Robt. Grant - Stamps for Assm. notices -------- News Printing Co,- Notioes & envelopes-------- uestetner Ltd.- Voters' list supplies --------- Remington Rand Ltd.- Cleaning, etc. adding Ka.- Treas. of Vienna - Aug, relief for Vincent ---- Treas. of Pt.Burwell- July & Aug -J rel. Cummings $5781.88 3.80 46, 00.x, 43.18•, 43.51 " ` 8.25 29.601 76.30% 346 Provincial Treasurer - Insulin for Arnou ----- 1.98 •� Keith Somers - Sheep killed Aug. 10th. ------- 425.00,, Loved by Mlo 4uiggan Seconded by Stewart- That this 0 ouno it now ad'j ourn to meet again on Oct. 5th. at 10.30 P,Y.... Carried. FA Township Office, Straffordville, October 5th. 1953. rursuant to adjournment of Aug. 319t., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date, all members present and Reave Jackson presiding, Unutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Two hospitai notices were read, discussed ana tiled. Regulation No. 140/53 was received and read from the 'ept. of Highways in regards to intermittent flasher lights on roads vehicles. An enquiry re. liunicipality owned cemeteries was received from Dept.Health. A copy of Dr. Hoffman's letter to central Pipe Lines in regards to the condition of their building for tenants was read. A letter was read from Clerk of Houghton Twp. in respect to cleaning of road ditch near Lee Garnham property. Police reports were received and filed. A letter was received from Dept. of Public Welfare in regards to action to be taken in respect to desertions on and after Sept. let. 1953. The Dept. of Municipal Affairs advised that the 10% Pumper grant on fire truck was reduced by 10% of insurance received on instructions from the Leputy Minister. Moved by Chute Seconded by MoQuiggan- That this Council now adjourn for noon to meet again at 1 PoMe e . Carried. Council resumed regular session at 1 r.M. Discussion was tze.ia in regarus 10 *ne1purcils se or an oil - burner *or Turnaoe in " " 4tht------- 707.55 J. D. Stewart - Valuing above ---------------- 11.00-•. Albert Zeller & Son - Tile for Swanae Drain -- 185.76 it - it Corinth " --- 3.90-, Edgar Winson - 'hatching for dos re. shbep --- 95.63 Yeith &etohabaw- " " " " --- 87.50 Geo. McGregor - Relief for Sept. ------------- 19.00 Clark Cooper - " " "------------- 13.001 Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for Aug. ----- 275.00; exp. " July ----- 73.00 H. A. Ostrander & Son- Burials,Hainer $ Millard 150.00 Treae, Elgin Plowing Match - Grant ----------- 25.00,x, Howard Palmer - Bal. re. Coyle Drain --------- 110.00N. Laut. Drain --------- 290.001. Mary H. Vallee - Work re. assessment --------- 100.00--- 0# L. Dennis - Fire chief for Aug. ----------- 35.00 w n - St. Ltl. '� „----------- 5.00-�, J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------ 256.76-. Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ------------ 9.90 4"uas. F. Jackson - Attend 1 ri,eating---------- 0.00", Walter Belson - " 1 "---------- 8.00N Norley Maauiggan - 1 "-------- -- 7.80 Robt. Stewart - 1 "---------- 7.301\ Loved by Mlo 4uiggan Seconded by Stewart- That this 0 ouno it now ad'j ourn to meet again on Oct. 5th. at 10.30 P,Y.... Carried. FA Township Office, Straffordville, October 5th. 1953. rursuant to adjournment of Aug. 319t., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date, all members present and Reave Jackson presiding, Unutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Two hospitai notices were read, discussed ana tiled. Regulation No. 140/53 was received and read from the 'ept. of Highways in regards to intermittent flasher lights on roads vehicles. An enquiry re. liunicipality owned cemeteries was received from Dept.Health. A copy of Dr. Hoffman's letter to central Pipe Lines in regards to the condition of their building for tenants was read. A letter was read from Clerk of Houghton Twp. in respect to cleaning of road ditch near Lee Garnham property. Police reports were received and filed. A letter was received from Dept. of Public Welfare in regards to action to be taken in respect to desertions on and after Sept. let. 1953. The Dept. of Municipal Affairs advised that the 10% Pumper grant on fire truck was reduced by 10% of insurance received on instructions from the Leputy Minister. Moved by Chute Seconded by MoQuiggan- That this Council now adjourn for noon to meet again at 1 PoMe e . Carried. Council resumed regular session at 1 r.M. Discussion was tze.ia in regarus 10 *ne1purcils se or an oil - burner *or Turnaoe in 847 Township office. Prices were considered as submitted by L. & R Eleerie at Tillsonburg. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Chute- That this council pinrehase an automatic Esso Oil Burner with 250 gal. tank, completely installed, by L. & R. Electric, at price of $380. for use at Township Office*** Carried, Moved by Chute Seconded by MaQuiggan- That thb Oouncil members shall comprise the assessment Court of Revision on the 1954 Assessment Roll... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council now adjourn to hold Court of Revis- ion... Carried, At 2 P.M. the members duly subscribed to the oath of Atembers of Court of Revision before the Clerk. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Chute- That Chas. F. Jackson, Reeve, be Chairman of the Court of Revision and the hearing of complaints be proceeded with... Carried. The Clerk presented his certificate in regards to proper notices and proper advertising of said Court of Revision, and advised that two compl- aints had been received within specified time and that one had been received later. Mr. Thos. ledo$ytho was present to discuss his complaint with the members. Moved by Kelson Jeconded by Chute- That no change be made in the assessment of Thos. Nedozytho for the year 1954... Carried. Also present to discuss his appeal was mr. G. W. Shepherd. Moved by Felson Seconded by Stewart- That the lana assessment of Geo. Shepherd be reduced V/ by tp150. on account of woodlot... Carried. The Clerk then presented the appeal of the C.N.R. in respect to their section house at Corinth and stated that same had been received on Sept.22. Letters in respect to this matter were read. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nelson- That at present no change be made in the 1954 assess- ment of C .N.R. , but that an adjustment will be made in 1954 taxes if and when section dwelling is removed... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by MaQuiggan- That the 1954 Assessment Roll be adopted as now finally revised and this Court of Revision now adjourn... Carried. Regular business was then resumed with the meeting of a delegation of ratepayers in regards to repairs to Bigcraft Award Drain. Moved by McQuiggan Seoonded by Nelson- That repairs be proceeded with in connection with Bigaraft Award Drain as soon as Highways Engineer can be interviewed in respect to open ditch along road... Carried, A by-law was then presented in respect to Municipal Elections for 1954 council and trustees. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1283, being a by-law to provide for munioipil elections, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by MoCxiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1283 be now read a second time... Garried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by MoQuigan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1283 be now read a third time and finally gassed... Carried. Councillor Stewart brought up the matter of sidewalk repairs in Eden. Moved by Stewart Seoonded by Mcquiggan- That this uounoil approve of the following expendit- ure for sidewalks;- Eden, $100. Riohmond, $100. Corinth, $100. and Straff- ordville #200.... carried. RM Moved by Chute Seconded by Mc(;uiggan- That the Volunteer Firemen be paid at rate of f7. per day for attendance at fire school plus meals and .10¢ per mile one way for car..e Carried, I.'he Road Supt, discussed road and bridgemmatters with the members. Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Stewart- That the Reeve sign the order sheets.. . Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- Sept. pay lists ------ $1795.03 Frank Steers - Gas for hall and office ----------- 3.90 Treas. of Tillsonburg - Hi&h School Deb. --------- 6585.35N " Aylmer - "--------- 550.37 H. F. P. C.- Hydro for hall and office ----------- 12.14-- " Fire hall ----------------- 17.20 Clark Cooper - Kelief for October ---------------- 13.00 of Geo. McGregor - It"----------------- 19.00-,, Canadian Bank of Commerce- Public school Deb. ---- 8475.50\ Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for Sept. -------- 275.00\v exp. " Aug. --------- 96.45 Roy Carroll - Brushkill for cemeteries ----------- 38.25► Treas. Elgin County - Hospitalization ------------ 339.49. Gestetner Ltd.- Supplies ------------------------- 1.50-. We G. Webster Ltd.- Office supplies -------------- 5.30,.. Municipal World Ltd.- Forms ---------------------- P..13,-- .13 News rrinting Co_;- Advts. & Printing ------------- News 38.29-. Lennis Garage - epairs to fire truck ------------ 19.45 -- Albert Zeller & Son - Tile for Corinth Drain ----- 106.48-- " Swance " --- 1164.24' Treas. of Vienna - Belief for Vincent, Sept. ----- 29.60 Ken Grant - Fire truck repairs ------------------- 7.40 Roy Stewart - Fox Bounty ------------------------- 5.00 Hamilton, Ward & Cathers- Fire truck ins. -------- 179.99 Gen. Liability Ins.----- 198.10 Emp. Comp. ins. -------- 26.25 Accident for council --- 50.00 Non -Owned auto ins. ---- 24.18 Leonard Kilmer - Corinth drain repairs ----------- 135.19 Howard Palmer - Apply on Swance grain ------------ 1000.00-- J. L. Lennis - Fire chief for Sept. -------------- 35.00-1 01" - St. Lts. for Sept. ---------------- 5.00 J. D. Vallee - Stencils for Voters' List --------- 24.00,. " - Apply on salary ------------------- 256.76-. Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ---------------- 9.90 Elton H. Jackson - Salary for assessing ---------- 1100.00 " - Dog Tax Com. 20 % $1364. ------ ?.72.80--. Attend C. of R. -- ----------- -- 2.50 --- Chas. r. Jackson - Attend 1 meeting -------------- 6.00 Walter Belson - It1--------------- 8.00-. Morley MaQuiggan - 't 1 "------------- 7.80-� Don M. Chute - " 1 "-------------- 7.20 Robt, F, Stewart - 1 "-------------- 7.30 W. L. Looker - 5 days & meals, fire school ------- 42.50 J. L, Dennis - 5 " & car " ----z- 55.00.E Moved by McQuiggan Seconded by Stewart- That this councik now adjourn to meet again on Monday, Oct. 26th. at 1 P.M.... Carried. A 349 Township Office, Straffordville, Oct. 26th. 1954, eursuant to adjournment of Oct. 5th. the regular November meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date all members present except Councillor Chute and Reeve Jackson presided. minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done, Hospital notice was received and filed. Notice was received from the Fire miarshall I a Offi ee concerning Fire Chief' a school at Toronto, Nov, 4,5 & 6th. An account for charges re. fire truck motor was received from Stauffer Motors but was laid over pending advice from Bickle-Seagraves Ltd, interim statement of -Roads Subsidy was received from rept, of Highways. Mr. J. L. Dennis waited on the council and requested that an oil burning stove be placed in fire hall. yhe council agreed to discuss this matter and advioe him. The Trtstees and Secretary of Borth bayham School zseot ion Vo. 23, waited on the council and requested that debentures be issued to cover costs on a one room addition to their present school. They presented a resolution was passed by a vote of the ratepayers approving of this action by a vote of 29 to 2, and they also advised that plans and estimates had been approved by the Department of Lducat ion. Terms and interes rates were discussed with the members. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Stewart- That the requisition of the Borth Bayham School Trustees be accepted to raise the sum of $28,000. by debentures, covering a period of 20 years, same to cover building and equipment expenses, architect and incidental accounts, and that resolutions covering this expenditure be pro- cured from Middleton and Dereham Councils and the Clerk have Township Solicitor prepare necessary by-law... Carried, Moved by Nelson Seconded by Mw uiggan- That the repairs to the vollook Award drain be authorized under supervision of Urain inspector... Carried. Moved by ka(,uiggan Seconded by Nelson- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to puroha on behalf of the Cemetery rerpetual Care Fund, one *4000. H.E. r.0 . , 40 Bond due July 15, 196769 at a price of approximately par value, and that a cheque on savings account # 3 be issued to pay for same.,, married, A let uer irotn Bohr: F. Weston drains. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Nielson- That the the sum of $146.40 as final lager Dra ins ... Carried, was discussed in regards to his account for Treasurer be authorized to pay John F. Weston payment in connection with Coyle and Lautensoh- Hoad Supt. Godwin discussed grader repairs with the members. Moved by Nelson Seconded by McQuiggan- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges Accounts- October pay lists ---- Imperial Oil Ltd.- Deposit on burner ------------- Frank Steers - Gas for hall & office ------------- Frank Travis - Labour, etc. Eden sidewalks ------- Claude E. Wilson - " ^ " J. H. Howey - 5 bags cement " ^ --------- Certified Electric Co.- Bulbs for Straff.St.Lts.-- reters, Brown & Co.- Portion 1953 audit fee ------ Tress. of Vienna - Oct. relief for Vincent ------- ^ Pt. Burwell - Sept. Bel. Cummings ------- Dr. R. B. Hare - Account re. dilverthorne-------- John F. Weston - Bal. staking Swance Drain ------- Leslie Swance - Damages Swance Drain ------------- Blanche Graydon - " ^ ^ ------------ Earl Travis - Fenceviewers fee re. Murphy -------- J. L. Dennis - Batteries for fire truck lights --- W. JX"Harper -Fox Bounty --------------------- $2031 * --------- $2031, 67 50.00 3.90 7.00 5.00- 6.50-� 29.521 200.00 29.60 38.15 160.00 60.00.,, 100.00 120,00,% 5.00 4.00 � 3.00 Bohn F. Weston - Bal. re. Coyle .Drain -------- - re. Lautenschlager Dr. -- Imperial Oil Ltd.- 248 gals, oil for office -- J. L. Dennis - Fire chief for October -------- n A - St. Lts. for ------- Jo D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------ " " - Selecting jurors -------------- Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ------------ Elton H. Jackson - Selecting Jurors ---------- Chas. F. Jackson - " --------- Basil Xevill - 4 days & meals fire school ---- Chas. F. Jackson - Attend 1 meeting ---------- Walter Nelson - 1 " ---------- Morley McC4uiggan - " 1 "---------- Robt. F. Stewart - " 1 " ---------- 57.60 88.80 44,39-- 35 1 00 4.39'35.00 5.00 256.76 � 4.00 �. 9.90 4.00-- 4, OO*N .0014.00*N 34.00 6,00%, 8.00., 7.80 7.30• 350 Moved by Nelson Seconded by me(4uiggan - That this Council now adjourn to meet again at the call of the Reeve... Carried. a Reeve. v Township Office, Straffordville, Tiov. 27th. 1953. Ll A regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Jackson presiding. Minutes of the previous meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Several hospital notices were read, discussed A letter was received from the -,ept. of Health Cemetery By -Law. A letter was received from Bickle-aeagraves of payment be made of the Stauffer Motors account price of motors for fire truck. and filed. in regards to the ualton tvoodstock, advising that in respect to difference in A certificate was received from the County Clerk of the Peace in respect to filing of jurors rolls. volice reports wave received and read by the members. A statement of subsidies payments was received from the Kept. of Municipal Affairs* A bulletin and*information regarding The Brucellosis Act was received from the rept, of Agriculture. Cdr. benneth Emerson waited on the council and requested that the Vienna Cemetery be put under the Perpetual Care Plan of the Township. Loved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That this council accept the application of St.Ltdw's Anglican Cemetery Board to be incorporated under a Township Cemetery Perpetual Care plan, and that the Clerk have a by-law prepared for same. Carried: Moved by Nelson Seconded by MoQuiggan- That this Township pay account of Stauffer Motors Ltd in an amount of $87.50 as difference on fire truck mdtors, and also $3.59 sot speedom*ter repairs... Carried. Moved by Nelson "1 Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1284 being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of $28,000.00 upon debentures for erection and equip - went of an addition to Public School Building for North Bayham School Seotion„ be now read a first time...tlarried. Y 351 Moved by Uc(-�uiggan Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law No. 1284 be now read a second a time and provisionally passed... Carried. The Road Supt. discussed with the members the matter of roads finances and work done on Bridge over Little Otter Creek and cutting of hills. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Stewart- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- Bovember pay lists --- Clark Cooper - Relief for November --------------- Geo. McGregor - if if -------------- Robt. Grant - Stamps ----------------------------- Frank Steers - Gas for hall and office ----------- Wm. S. ziex - Relief supplied to H. Taylor -------- Hamilton, Ward & Cathers - Bal. insurance prem. --- News Printing Co.- Printing & notices------------ Treae. of Vienna - Relief for Vincent for Nov.---- E.F.S.Sanders,�z.C.,- Cert. Voters' Lists --------- Provincial Treasurer - Insulin ------------------- Treas. U gin County - hospitalization ------------ Art Stanat - Fox Bounty -------------------------- Ronald Calder - " " -------------------------- Aylmer & YIalahide jel. Co.- Office phone --------- it " " " - Police phone --------- Dennis Garage - Repairs to fire truck ------------ Treas. of Ontario - olice sal. for October ------ ,t IT IV_ exp. " Sept. --- Treas. Ba yham Twp. - Culvert Swance Drain -------- Stauffer Rotors Ltd.- Fire truck repairs --------- J. L. Dennis - Fire 0hief for Nov. --------------- to " - St. Lts. for Nov. ----------------- J. 11. Vallee - To apply on salary ---------------- Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee---------------- Chas. ---------------Chas. F. #Jackson - Attend. 1 meeting ------------- Walter Belson - it1 'f -------------- Morley Mc',uiggam - it 1 ------------- Robt. F. Stewart - 1 "------------- Don. Me Chute ------------- $109044.65 18.00 24.00 6.10 3.90 17.0© 1.27 18.87 29.60 7.00 3.15 258.64 6:00 3.00 22.05 38.45 19.90 275.00- 960-80 30.80 91.00 35.00 5.00 256.76 9.90 6.00 8.00 7.80 7.30 7.20 Moved by Nelson Seconded by Stewart- That this council now adjourn to meet again on Dec. 15th. at 10.30 A.M... Carried. eeve. / ar, erk. 0 1 352 Township hall, Straffordville, Nov. 30th. 19534, The annual nomination meeting of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date at 2 P.M. for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of reeve, yeputy Reeve and Councillors for the Township of Bayham and three Trustees for the Bayham Township school Area. ,About 35 ratepayers were present and the following names were placed in nomination by 3 P.M. Reeve - Walter D. Nelson, Chas. F. Jackson and Arba Johnson. Deputy Reeve - Morley Mc64uiggan, Robt. Stewart and Wm. G. h.itchell. Councillors - Donald Li. Chute, Chas, Phillips, Murray Scanlan, Robert Stewart, Morley MoQuiggan, Lyle gait, Alva Brinn and Basil Neville Trustee - Cecil Ball, Grant 14itchell and Verne v7alsh. The usual after meeting was held with J. D. Vallee named as chairman, The Chairman gave a review of the financial statement and in turn all nominees were called upon for a few words, the ieeve and ♦'eputy Reeve giving and outline of tome of the accomplishments of county council for the past year as well as covering Township work. Road Supt Godwin gave an acount of Township road work and Lyal Tait explained the requirements of ratepayers wishing to cut timber and clean up land under the County Forestry By -.Law. The returning officer explained the requirement to any candidate wishing to qualify and the meeting was declared adjourned. "God Save the (�.ue en . " By nine o'clock the following evening, the following names had been left in nomination the the candidates duly qualified for office. I, Z. D. Vallee, hereoy ueuiare the following candidates duly elected by acclamation for office for the year 1954:- Reeve 954:- Reeve - 'halter L. Belson Deputy Reeve - Morley hicQuiggan Councillors - Donald ;":. Chute, Robert Stewart and Basil Neville Trustees -(2 year tern) Cecil Ball, Grant Mitchell and Verne Walsh. 353 Township Office, Straffordville, Lee. 15th. 1953. Pursuant to adjournment of liov. 27th., a regular meeting of the Bayham Township council was held on the above date, all members present and Reeve Jackson presiding.. :: inutPs of the previous meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. A letter and copy of County By -Law No. 1618 was received from County Clerk. A letter of appreciation for trophies donated as received from Mr. H.A. Stevens, Principal of East Elgin High School at Aylmer. The Fire Chief's annual report for 1953 was read and discussed. A request for a contribution was received from the Hospital for hick Children at ."oronto. 'olice reports for November were read and filed. loved by Nelson Seconded by Kc(�uiggan- That this Council make a grant of x:25.00 to the Hospital for Sick Children at Toronto ... Carried. Mloved by Chute Seconded by Mc%uiggan- That the Clerk -Areas. be and is hereby authorized to sign safe -keeping agreement with the Canadian bank of Commerce at Straffordville in respect to 3-41000. H.E.P.C, bonds and 1-4,500. H.E.P.C. bond for Bayham Township Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund ... Carried. Moved b;, Belson Seconded by Chute- That the Reeve proclaim Boxing Lay, Bee. 26th. to be a civic and public holiday in and for the Township of Bayham... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by l:e(�-uiggan- That t rye following taxes of Arthur Vyse in Port Burwell be written off as uncollectible;- 1947 - V 1.73 plus .10.� imterest, 1946 - 5.70 1.39 " Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by KcC uiggan - That this Council now adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.15 P.M... Carried, Regular business was resumed at 1.15 P.M. Moved by I4el son Seconded by Mol,�uiggan- That we pay the volunteer t:4. per call each for all calls answered in 1954 report for 1953 be adopted... Carried. firemen at the rate of and that the fire Chief's b:oved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That interest in respect to Cemetery Perpetual Care Funds be paid from Savings Account No. 3 as follows;- Treas. laden Cemetery Board ----- 1164.94 " Straffordville Cem. Bd. ----- 92.53 " Calton Cemetery Board ----- 6.36 ... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by McC,uiggan- That the usual 2% grants be allowed to cemeteries under perpetual care as follows;- Straffordville cemetery, Eden cemetery Calton cemetery 2% on 43220, -- 64.40 2% on 5740. - - 114.80 2% on 1500. -- 30.00 ... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Chute- That H. L. Godwin be allowed Letting and Superintending fee for Coyle andLautenschlager Drains in an amount of X50. each for inspection work on same... Carried. Moved by Mc(�.uiggan Seconded by Stewart- That Howard Coomber is hereby ;appointed Trustee East Elgin High School District and J. D. Vallee is hereby appointed Trustee for 1'illsonburg High School District, each for a term of two Carried, f or years. 0 354 The Treasurer then discussed with the members the matter of Township finances covering the heavy expenditures during the month of Decamber and an estimate of receipts. It appeared likely that additional borrowings would be required at the bank. Moved by Chute Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1285, being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of an additional $30,000.00 from the Canadian Bank of Commerce, for current expenses, be now r4pad a first time... Carried. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1285 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Mc(�uiggan Seconded by Stewart- And resolved that By -Law lio. 1285 be now read a third time andfinally passed... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Stewart- That the inaugural meeting of the 1954 Bayham Township Council be held on Monday, Januray 4th. 1954 at 10 o'clock A.M... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Stewart- That the follwoing Chas. F. Jackson ------- 'alter 1�elson----------- Morley Mc�uiggan--------- Robt. Stewart ------------ Don. .d. Chute --__-___--- J. D. Vallee ----------- H. L. Godwin __-___------ bonuses be paid for extra services - $1000 30. 30, 30. 30. 30. 30.... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Mc(,uiggan - That this %ouncil express its sincere appreciation to Reeve Chas. Jackson for his untiring and efficieht leadership during the past three years and that we wish him the best of everything for the future. Carried, Councillor -elect Basil iievill and � onstable -oibbley were in attendance at the meeting part of the afternnon. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute- That the Reeve sign the order sheets.c: Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts - December pay lists Clark Cooper - Relief for December ----------------- 18.00-, George McGregor - '• "------------------ 24.00 Frank Steers - Gas for hall & Office --------------- 6.25 areas. of Vienna - Relief for Vincent for Dec. ----- 29.60 Aylmer Express - Printing Fin. Sts. ---------------- 17.60 News Printing Co.- Notices & advt.s---------------- 7.81 C. A. Walsh - Office supplies ---------------------- .70 Geo. Grant Insurance - Bond & Burglary prem. ------- 118.75 H. P. Grant - Gaa & Oil, fire truck ---------------- 56.11 Treas. of Tillsonburg - Fire calls (4) ------------- 250.00 Albert Deller & Son - �ile for Corinth Dr. --------- 140.25 Howard Palmer - bal. re. Swance grain -------------- 342.20 Cleon Ward - Fox Bounty ---------------------------- 3.00 Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for Nov. ----------- 275.00 " it r _ n exp, IT Oct. ----------- 92.60 LS. C. Dibbley - Police off. renttil, July-Dec./53 --- 30.00 Taylor -Craft Ltd.- Trophies Fast Elgin H.S.-------- 15.89 Chas. Hainer - Care hall for long meeting ---------- 3.00 Lee Lemon - Damages re. Coyle Drain ---------------- 90.00 Imperial Oil Ltd.- Bal oil burner costs ------------ 330.00 Leonard Kilmer - Work on Corinth Drain ------------- 160.87 J. L. Dennis - Mileage to St. Thomas, F.D.--------- 2.50 Hospital for Sick Children - Grant ----------------- ;25.00 J. L. Dennis - 70 trips with fire truck ------------ 210.00 W. L. Looker - 53 " " "------------ 159.00 Basil Nevill - 52 " " "----------- 156.00 Geo. Grant - 45 " " " " _--_________ 135.00 -- ----- Lyle Walsh - 41 If'• "----- V 123.00 H. P. Grant - 32 tripe with fire truck ---------- $ 96.00 Jack Barclay - 24 " is " "--------- 72.00 Treas. Eden Uemetery Board - Interest ------------ 164.94 �c P. it 2% grant 114.80 Treas. Straff'ville Cemetery Board - Interest ---- 92.53\- .. t. - 2% Grant - — - - 64.40 Treas. Calton Cemetery Board - Interest ---------- 6.36\- " - 2% Grant ---------- 30.00 J. L. Dennis - Dec, sal. re. fire chief ---------- 35.00 if if re. St. Lts.------------- 5.00 J. D. Vallee - 5 Pension applications ------------ 15.00 Salary & Mileage S. A. 0. --------- 29.00 '-To--apply.,.on salary ---------------- 255.64 Receiver ueneral - Tax re. Vallee ---------------- 11.10 Robt. C. Jackson - Sal. as meed Inspector -------- 25.00 Chas. F. :ackson - 1 meeting & bonus ------------- 106.00 Walter Nelson - 1 n ------------- 38.00 Morley Mo64uiggan - 1 " "-------------- 37.80 Don, Me Chute - 1 " "-------------- 37.20 Robt, F. Stewart - 1 -------- ----- 37.30 H. L. Godwin - Sal. as Building Inspector -------- 25.00 n n _ es " Drain "--------- 25.00 Bonus ---------------------------- 30.00 Fees re. Coyle Drain -------------- 50.00 " - re. Lautenschlager Drain ----- 50,00 J. D. Vallee - Bonus ---------------------------- 30.00 Savings #S. Savings J3. Savings P. Moved by Stewart Seconded by Chute - That this Council now adjourn, Sine Die...Carried. Reeve. Merk.