HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1952TOWNSHIP
Council Minutes
Township Office, Straffordville, Jan. 7th, 1952.
The inaugural meeting of the 1952 Bayham Township Council was held 6n the
above date. Those subscribing to the necessary oaths of offioe were Reeve
Chas, F. Jackson, Deputy Reeve Lyle Coyle and Councillors Cecil Me Ball,
Donald M. Chute and Morley McQuiggan. Rev. W. E. Gill was present also and
Reeve Jackson called upon him to conduct the invocation service. The Reeve
then sopke briefly to the members and thanked Mr. Gill for attending at
this first meeting. Usual business was then conducted. Minutes of the last
meeting were read, approved and signed by the Reeve.
Communications received were as follows --
Revised prices on crushed stone was received from several quarries.
Constable Wellheiser's report for December was received and filed.
Appreciation for grant to telehone central was received from Mt.H.s.Tuff.
Hospital notices were read and discussed and filed.
Request for membership was reasived from the Good Roads Assn., The Assn, of
Assessing Officers and the Ontario Assn. of mural Municipalities.
A letter was received from Mr. Bosanquet of the Unemployment Relief Dept.
re. Geo. Baldwin being the responsibility of Bayham Township.
From the Workman's Compensation Board, advise was received that Volunteer
Firemen might be covered in amounts of $1500,, $3000. and $4000.
A letter was read from Donald P. Gibson, K.C. in regards to Eden survey.
The Clerk gave a report to the meibbers on the collection of 1951 taxes,
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That the Compensation coverage on Volunteer Firemen be
increased to $4000. on each fireman, in accordance with Board letter of
Dec. 17th. 1951... Carried.
Moved by Chute
Seconded by Ball- That the Clerk subscribe to 9 copies of the Municipal
World... Carried.
Moved by Chute
Seconded by Ball- That this Council make a grant of $25. to the Richmond
Library... Carried.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by McQuiggan- That this Council join the Good Roads Assn. and the
Clerk send membership fee of $5.00 and that the Councillors, Clerk and
Road Supt. be delegates to annual convention... Carried.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Ball- That this Township join the Association of Assessing Offl
icers and Clerk send fee of $10.00 ... Carried.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by MoQuiggan- That a refund of $54.96 be paid to Harold McConkey
of duplicate payment of 1951 axes as follows;-
ollows;-Roll No. 776 - 152.23 - lst. Instalitent
880 - 2.73 -
having been paid at Bank on Dec. 5th. 1951 and previously paid at Township;
Office on July 20th. 1951..,, Carried.
Moved by Chute
Seoonded by MoQuiggan- That the 1951 taxes of Ken Bradfield, Roll No. 377,
Abe written off as a duplication of assessment and taxation with Archie
Goethals, Roll No. 257B... Carried.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by McQuiggan- That the Council now adjourn for noon until 2 P.Y.
The Council members, along with Rev. Gill, Mr. Dougherty, Road Supt. Godwi
and Clerk Villas, were guests of Shove Jackson at a very delightful steak
dinner at Dennis' Restaurant.
Regular council session was resumed at 2 P.Y.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Mor,uiggan- That this Council make application for the statutorl
grant under provisions of the Highway Improvement Act, on expenditure made
j On roads during the year 1951, in an amount of $46,328.68 and that the
proper officers sign same... Carried.
Mr. Walter Nelson waited on the Council and presented a petition. signed by
13 persons from North Bayham. This petition requested warning devices be
placed at the C.N.R. crossing at lot 15, Cono. 10, Bayham.
This matter was discussed at some length by the Council and the foll -
ing resolution presented.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by McQuiggan- That 'Whereas a petition has been received from resi
ants of the northern part of Bayham Township, and whereas the Council is
aware of this dangerous situation, be it hereby resolved that this Council
request the C.N.R. to tkae steps to make the crossing at lot 15, between
Concessions 10 and 11 in this Township, lase hazardous and make better
visibility of trians approaohing from the easterly direction, and that a
copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Board of Transport Commissioners.
The matter of the new Eden survey and the sharing of the costs of same was!!;
discussed by the Council.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That the Clerk send lettere to all residents of that
portion of Eden included in new survey to examine the proposed plan at e
Township office and register any compl4ints against same... Carried.
Moved by Bail
Seconded by Chute- That Bayham Township Council make application to the
Elgin County Council for a grant of 26% of the costs of a new survey in
the Hamlet of Rden... Carried.
The following by-laws were then presented to the 1'ouncil.
` Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1248, being a by-law to
authorize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow up to $60,000.00 for current
expenditure for the Township for the year 1952 , .be now read a first time.
Moved by Chute
Seconded by McQuiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1248 be now read a
second time... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1248 be now read a third
time and finally passed... Carriedq
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by MoQuiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1249 being a by-law to
appoint certain officers for the Township of Bayham for the year 1952, be
now read a first time.., Carried,
Moved by Chute
Seoonded by Coyle- And resloved that By -Law No. 1249 be now read a second
time... Carried*
ldoved by Ball
Seconded by-McQuiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1249 be now read a
third time and finally passed... Carried.
Moved by Ball
seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No.
appoint Fenoe-Viewers and Pound -Keepers for the
year 1952, be now read a first time.' .Carried.
Moved by MoQuiggan
Seoonded by Ball- And resolved that By -Law No.
time... Carried.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No.
I time and finally passed... Carried,
1250, being a by-law to
Township of Bayham for the
1250 be now read a asoond
1250 be ow read a third
Councillor Mc@uiggan presented the matter of trying to get the County to
take over the southern portion of Bayham-Malahide Townlime.
Moved by Mo qui ggan
Seoonded by Coyle- That this Council request the Elgin County Council to
take over the Bayham-Malahide Townline from the County road at the top of
Cook Hill, south to the County Road at the First Conoession... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That a special meeting to consider roads expenditure be
held on Alanuary 219t. at 1.30 P -.M..., Carried.,
Mr. Verne Soper waited on the Council and requested that gravel or stone
be put on road at lots 11 and 12 between 3rd. and 4th. concessions. He
agreed to look after snow removal on this piece if read during the balance
of wintb*n return for it being gravelled. Weather and time permitting, th
Council aggeed to have some gravel put in this location.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by MaQuiggan- That the Reeve sign the order shhetaq,. Carried.
Roads and Brddges Accounts- Dec. 15 to Jan. 7 --- $3239.83•
Robt. Grant - Stamps for Reg 16tters re. C . of R.-
Button Hilts - Care of hall, 5 meetings ---------
Laister Tractor Harvester Co.- Plow Corinth S.W.-
Edwy Curtis - Relief for January ----------------
38.00 \
Jules Arnou - " " "----------------
Geo. McGregor- w " "----------------
David Millard - " " "----------------
H.E. P.0 . - Hydro hall 7.52 , off. 7.69 ------ ------
Fire hall -----------------------
Geo. Chute - Coal for fire hall -----------------
Biokle-Seagrave Ltd . - 2 nozzles & hose ----------
163.20 *%
Lloyd Jackson- Fox Bounty -----------------------
Arnold McDowell- " "-----------------------
R.A.Hagell - " "-----------------------
Fred Bowes - " "----------------------
Andy Tergaleoz- " "----------------------
Wilfred Fisher- " "--------------
Treas. Richmond Library- Brant -------
" Assn. of Assessing Officers- Fee ----------
" Good Roads Assn. - Fee --------------------
" of Ontario- Police salary for Dec. --------
exp. for Nov. -----------
Nathan Hayward - Fox Bounty ---------------------
10.00 \
Lyle Walsh 8 -------------
George Grass - " "--------------------
5.00 �
Canadian National Rys.- Corinth wig -wags --------
i's D. Vallee - Swance Drains fee & By-law -------
- Reg Be M. & be, ------------------
Harold McConkey - 1951 tax refund ---------------
Chas. F. Jackson- C.of R. and meeting -----------
Lyle Coyle - " " "-----------
Cecil M. Ball - w " "-----------
10.60 %,
Donald M� Chute - " " "-----------
Morley Mo(4uiggan - 1 meeting --------------------
5,90 �
Walter Nelson- C. of R. -------------------------
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Mc(auiggan- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Fab
4thj at 10.30 A.M... Carried.
Township Office, Straffordville, Jan. 21st. 1952.
A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date'
with all members in attendance and Reeve Jackson presiding. Also in attend
ante were Road Supt. Godwin and Mr. An Cook of the Lept. of Eighways. The
purpose of, the meeting was to discuss roads expenditure for 1952 prior to
the passing of the 1952 roads appropriation by-law. Some matters pertaining
to Eden Street lights and the financing of the addition to the East Elgin _
High School were also placed before the Council.
Mr. Roward Coomber, Trustie, requested the Council to pass *he�-abaasaery
by-law for this school addition after going over the financial situation
with the members.
Moved by Coyle 1
Seconded by McQ,uiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1251, being a by-law.
to guarantee to the Town .,of Aylmer, certain payments in respect to a
t440,000. addition to East Elgin District High School, be now read a first.!
time..* Carried,
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law No. 1251 be now read a second -
time... Carried .
Moved by I.oGuiggan
Seconded by Ball- And resolved that By -Law No. 1251 be now read a third -
time and finally passed... Carried.
Moved by Chute e
Seconded by Coyle- That whereas the H.E.P.C. have refused to finance the
installation of street lights in the Hamlet of Eden, and whereas the oouno
have been petitioned to finance the same, be it hereby resolved that this
douncil approve of the Township of Bayham providing the finances, either.
By sale of debentures or from the general funds, for the installation of
Eden street Lights in accordance with a plan previously approved by the -
ratepayers of $den... Carried.
and procure
of road work
Feb. 4th.
discussion was held in regards to roads expenditure and the
of bridges in the Township. The Clerk was instructed to try
the services of Mr. McDowell, of Simcoe , to do some bridge
work. Tentative figures were arrived at for the various branoh4s-
and these to be further discussed at the regular meeting on. ii
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That this Council adjourn to meet again on Feb. 4th at
10.30 P.M... Carried.
Township Office, Straffordville, Feb. 4th. 1952.
, Pursuant to adjournment of Jan. 7th. the Council of the Township y of Ba ha
met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve
Jackson presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were
,,read, approved and signed and the following business was dote.
Hospital notices were read and filed.
Requests for grants were received from the Elgin County Road Supt.'s Assn.
the St. John Ambulance, the Salavation Armyt and Elgin County Seed Fair.
Police reports were examined and filed.
Request was received from C.P.R. for plan re. Eden survey.
Advise was received from the bank that collection charges would be .07� fox,
amount under $15.00 and .10� on amounts over $15.00.
Letters were received from Board of Transport Commissioners and C.N.R. re.
Wabash crossingat lot 15 between 10th. and 11th. concessions*
Signed agreement was received from the H.B.P.C. re. Richmond Street Lights
Advise was received from the County of Elgin that action had been deferred
on the matter of Bayham-MalaBide Townline and also Eden survey. They had I
however endorsed that resolution pertaining to school busses.
The Workmen's Compensation Board advised that coverage on vo$unteer fire-
men would be increased to 44000.00 effective Jan. 10th. 1952. i
A resolution Inas received from Dunwioh Township asking support in the matt
of legislation for a more equitable distribution of hospital and secondary
education costs on a population basis. Council discussed same and laid mat,
over for further consideration.
Clerk Vallee expressed appreciation of the Bayham TV"ship School Board f
the use of office for meetings.
Mr. Elba Dennis advised the members that he had oak timber available for
sale to Township for bridge purposes.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by MaC-miggan- That this council make a grant of $25.00 to the
Elgin County Seed Fair for 1952... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seoo ded by Chute- That this Council make application to the Province for
a 2N grant towards hosts of Eden survey.. Same to be forwarded through
Hon. F. S. Thomas, M.L.A ... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That in connection with the Roads and Bridges a prop-
riations for the year 1951, be it hereby resolved that the sum of 1409.92
be transferred from Bridges and Culverts allotment to Roads Saintenanoe
aoebunt... Carried.
Moked by Coyle #
Seconded by McQ,uiggan- That we recommend the granting of County Licenses ti -
Roadside Coffee Shop for Restaurant
Robt. Kennedy for RefreshAment Stand
Frank Spence
Chase Laing
Harald McConkey w " w ... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That this Council make a grant of $10.00 to the 3t. Jolm
Ambulance... Carried*
Moved by MoQuiggan r`
Seconded by Coyle- That this Council make a grant of $25.00 to the 5alvatipn
Army through London office... Carried. i
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That this Council now adjourn for noon until 1.30.Carri"d.
Council resumed session at 1.30 P.M. and the matter of fox bounties was
discussed. The Clerk reported that the sum of $2748.00 had been VpH out
during the past five years with 1951 the highest at $640.00
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That the Fox Bounty paid by this Township be reduced to
1$3*00 for adult fox and $2.00 for each pup, effective on above date.Carrie .
At 2 P.M. , Mr. JohnF. Weston and most of the ratepayers affected by the
' Lautenschlager and Coyle drains were present and considerable discussion
was held in regards to these drains. Opinions were about evenly divided
S p y
j� as to whether these drains should be constructed or not, After going into
these drains in considerable detail, the following resolution was presents
Moved by MoQuiggan
Seconded by Coyle- That this Council refer the Lauteneohlager drain back t
Engineer Weston for minor changes of acreage and assessment, to be oonsid-
ered at a future meeting, and that no .aotion be taken on Coyle drain of
present time... arried.
Moved b Coyle
Sedonded by MoQuiggan- That this
,County Road Supt. Association...
Moved by Ball
Council make a grant of $25.00 to the
Carri ed,
seconded by Chute- That this Township
annual fee of 10.00... Carried#
join the Municipal Assn., and send
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute -And resolved that By -Law No. 1252 being a by-law to
inoorpoaate H.B.P.Co agreement of Sept. 4th. 1940 into street lighting 911
for the Ramlet of Eden, be now read a first time... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by McQuiggan- And resolved that By -Law NO. 1252 be now read a
second time... Carried,
Moved by Chute
Seconded by Moquiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1252 be now read a thi:
time and finally passed... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That the remaining unfinished business be completed at
special meeting to be held on Feb. 7th, at 7 o'clock P.M.... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That the Reeve sign the order shbets. e. Carried.
Roads and Bridges accounts- January pay lists ---- $1818.37
Frank Steers - Gas for hall and office -----------
Mrs. Shirley Laming- Relief for * January --------
15.00 \
Robt. Grant - Stamps ------------------------------
H. Be P. C.- Straffordville street lights --------
Edwy Curtis - Relief for February ----------------
Jules Arnou - " " "----------------
George Mcuregor- w "------------------
Treas. Ontario Municipal Assn.- Fee --------------
Municipal World Ltd.- 9 subscriptions ------------
18.00 \
W. G. Webster - Stationery supplies --------------
News Printing Co.- Tax statuents & Advt.---------
Treas. Elgin County- Hospitalization -------------
Treas. of Ontario - Police sale for January ------
W w w _ w exp. for Lecember -----
London Concrete "ohinery Co.- Bale trade on pump-
Lloyd Jaukson - Fax Bounty -----------------------
Wim. Partington- "------------------------
Jim Routledge - w "------------------------
Harry Vaughan - w ---------------------
Jerry Bradt - w "------------------------
Gerald Wisson - " "------------------------
IRoger Verbrugge- " w ------------------------
San Taylor - w a ------------------------
Douglas Tracey - w w ------------------------
3 aeo. Cameron - "------------------------
Nathan .Sayward - w " _------------------
Lyle Walsh - " --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
larenoe narvey - Sheep killed by dogs -----------
lRobt. C. Jackson - Valuing above -----------------
John F. Weston Coyle & Uautensohla drains
- y g er ---
Treas. Elgin County Seed Phir - Grant ------------
3t. John Ambulance - Grant ----------------------
Salvation Army - " ----------------------
Vermont Pow, Treas. - "---------------------
J. L. Dennis - Fire chief sad.._ .for Jan. ----------
11 w w - Sal. for St. lights ---------------
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary -------------
ReceiverGeneral - Tax ------------------------
Chas. F. Jackson - 2 meetings -----------------
Lyle Coyle - 2 meetings ---------------------
Don, lid. Chute 2 " ----------- ---------
Cecil M. Ball - 2 " ---------------------
Morley kc(�uiggan - 2 " ---------------------
Moved by
Carried .
$ 215.16.
10.00 N
by Ohute- That this Board now adjourn to meet again on Feb. 7th.
Township Office, Straffordville, Feb. 7th, 1952.
Pursuant to adjournment of Feb. 4th., a special meeting of the Council of
the Township of Bayham was held on the above date for the purpose of
completing unfinished business from previous meeting, all members were
present and Reeve :ackson presided.
As a first item of business, the council members, Road Supt. and Clerk
sworn a new oath of allegtanne- to Her Majesty, Elizabeth the Second. i�r
minutes silence was then observed in memory of the late King.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Mc(,uiggan- That this Council hail the ascention of Queen
Elizabeth to the throne as our Queen... Carried.
Moved Iry Ball
Seconded by Chute- That whereas the death of our late King, 3eirge the
Sixth, has been very deeply felt by this Council and the residents of this
Township, be it hereby resolved that all citizens of the Township of
Bayham be called upon to make fitting observance of His Remembrance in
accordance with the dictates of their respective churches and the
proclamation of the Prime Minister of Canada... Carried.
Moved by Chute
Seconded by Ball- That this Council pay John F. Weston the sum of "00.00
on account, ofor work done on Coyle and Lautenschlager Drains... Carried.
A communication in regards to standardization of 2#" fire hose threads,
received from the Fire Marschall, was discussed.
The members, along with Elton Jackson, discussed the matter of hiring an
(Assessor for 1952.
Moved by MoQuiggan
`f Seconded by Coyle- That this Council hire Elton Jackson as Assessor for
i1952 at a salary of t1100,00 plus 20% of Log Tax collected. Assessing to
be done so that Roll can be completed by Sept. let, 1952... Carried*
Moved by Chute
Seconded by McQuiggan- That this Council pay Jesse Demis $5.00 for taking
fire truck to Woodstock for .repairs... Carried,
A letter and brdlge plans received from Mr. W. C. McDowell of Simcoe, were
read and inspected and it was decided to ask permission to build this type
of bridge o1rer Littkb Otter Creek on the First Concession East.
Roads expenditures, including the aforesaid bridge, were then further
considered for the year 1952 and the following by-law was presented.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Mc(�uiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1253, being a by-law
to provide for total 1952 roads expenditure of $60,000, in the Township of
Bayham, be now read a first time... Carried.
Moved by Chute
Seoonded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law Lio. 1253 be now read a second
time... Carried.
Moved by Mc�Zuiggan
Secondednby Ball- And rwaolved that By -,Law "o. 1253 be now read a third
time and finally passed... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law No. 1254 being a by-law to
appoint an Assessor for 1952, be now read a first times.. Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No, 1254 Ve now read a second
time... Carried.
]loved by Chute
Seconded by McQuiggan- And resolved that By -Law No. 1254 he now read a
third time and finally passed ... Carried.
Before adjournment, clerk Vallee requested some consideration for an
increase of salary.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Coyle- That this Council raise the Clark -Treasurer's salary
by X200.00 per year... Carried.
Moved bt Chute
Seconded by Mc(�uiggan- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on.
March 3rd. 1952 at 10.30 j.M... Carried.
Township Office, Straff ordv ills, Larch 3rd, 1952.
Pursuant to adjournment of Feb. 7th., the council of the Township of Bay
met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve
Jackson presiding. %iinutes of the last meeting were read.;: approved and
signed and the following business was done.
Hospital notices were read, discussed and filed.
A request for a grant was received from the Community �'pelfare Council.
A letter -vas read from the District Post Office Inspector re. condition of
2nd. C ona eas i on and requesting gravel on carne.
A lotter of appreeiatkon for fire truck services was received from the
Malahide Council re. Calton garage fire.
L6tters of appreciation for grants were received from the 3t. .john Ambulande
Salvation Army and Elgin County Seed Fair.
3t. Toim &Labulance also ad ;riied they would also make contact in regards to :
establishing a class for first aid training at Straffordville.
From lion. F. 3� Thomas, a letter re. Lden survey and stating the Crown to 1
bear 251A of cost.
Approval was received from Oept. of Highways to transfer 1409:92 from.
1951 Bridges and Culverts Appropriations to Maintenance of Roads.
Advise was received from District Inspector Clubbe, that Constable Wellhei -
er had been promoted to Corporal and would be transferred to London ReQ.,
and that Constable G. W. Iiiokingbottom would be stationed in Brayham Twp.
A letter and plan was received from the C.N.R. re. G. Elliott Wabash Cross
ing and copy of communication to the board of Transport Commissioners.
Police and Court reports were rvad and filed. ��
;Moved by Ball
:Seconded by Chute- That the following expenses be paid for attending Good
;Roads Convention.- H. L. Godwin, t25., J. D. Vallee, X25. and Morley
:c�,uiggan, 25. plus X15, for oar... Carried.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by MoQuiggan- That this Council express regret at losing the
services of Constable Wellheiser in this Township and that he be congratul-
ated on his appointment as a Corporal on the Provinoikl Force and wish him
well in his new position at London headquarters... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That the Reeve and
sign petition to Lieutenant -Governor
"Provincial Aid to Drainage Act" for
to seal same with the corporate seal
The Clerk a dvsi ed that application
Ito procure pheasants this summer.
;Dove d by Ball
Clerk be and ate hereby authorized to
of Ontario for assistance under the
the Swance Drain, By -Law No. 1244, and
of the Township of Bayham... Carried.
forms were available for persons wishing;
!Seconded by Chute- That this Council supply 50 lbs, of feed for
pheasants taken by residents. Same to be charged against license
;Moved by Coyle
ESeoonded by Mc(�uiggan- That the following licenses be approved. -
ii. W. McCurdy - Refreshment Booth
J. W. Froggett - " " Carried.
each 20-25
1,Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Mo(,uiggan- That this Council now adjourn for noon until 1.30
`:.P.M... Carried.
Regular business was resumed at 1.40. P:*M
,Mr. John F. Weston waited on the Council and discussed the matter of some
;'changes in the Coyle and Lautensohlager drain plans, in order that they
might be more acceptable to those persons affected. It was agreed that the
Should be made,
Several other parties interviewed the Council in regards to xoadjrepair an
also a delegation from North -Dayham in respect to the deepening and improv
1, ing of Little Jerry creek in order that several drains emptying into it
,might have a better outlet. Engineer leston and the Clerk agreed to get
.further information on this.
!Moved by Coyle
!Seconded by MoQuiggan - That this Council recommend to the Board df
I Transpvrt Commissioners, that if plan No. 2 of the C.N.R. re. Elliott
l orossing is too expensive that plan No. 1 for excavating and levelling 6n
Railroad right-of-way ght-of-waat anestimate of 41500, would be acceptable to this
To nship ouncil... Carried*
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That this Council approve of the St. John Ambulance
Course at Straffordville and encourage Volunteer Firemen and Roads Employee
to take this course to the extent of paying the registration fee of any of
the above who take this course... Carried.
Moved by Mo(4uiggan
Seconded by Chute- That w1.ereas the tank on fire truck was installed by
Biokle-Seagrave Ltd. of Woodstock in 1950 acid that it is considered that
this tank should not hate required repairs in the length of time it has
been in service, be it therefore resolved that the $60.75 for repairs to t
be deducted from invoice No. 3197A and the Company advised accordingly.Car ied
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That this Council employe W. Co MoDwwell,f of Simcoe to
make plans and specifications for a concrete bridge over litte Otter Creek ,
east of Glen Erie. Same to have about 28' span and,20' curb to ourb.Carrie .
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute -
That the Chairman sign the order sheets.** Carried.
E&INIM,owd'Ac 0 .1
Township Office, Straffordv ille , Apr. 2nd .1952.
The "ouneil of the Township of Bayham helO. a special .meeting on the evenin
of the above date for the purpose of discussing policing arrangements for
1953 with the neighbouring oo luac ils of Vienna and Port Burwell. All Bayham
%oouneillors were present with Reeve Palmer and two councillors from Vienna
andtwo councillor: �`: _l �lerr, .ycourc present from Pt.Burwel
Reeve elward,
Also in attendance to represent the U.P.P. were Inspector Clubbe, Oorporal
iiellheiser and Constable iiiekingbottom.
Clerk Vallee read a communication from the Commissioners office stating th
the present contract would expire on Dec. 31st. next unless re -newel by a
Township by-law at a new salary schedule of 4►3300.00 for a constable.
E Considerable discussion was held under the �hairmanshi of Reeve :avkson a
� P
t several questions dere answered by Inspector 01tlbbe. It was verbally agree
i by all representatives present from Vienna and Port burwell, that they req
E nest the :township to re -new a contract at the new price schedule ar,,d that
they would assume thier respective share's in same on the same basis as in
!the past, and that resolutions would be passed at their neift meetings to
c oke r same for the year 1953,
Meeting a g j burned .
!Roads and bridges accounts- Feb. pay lists ---
'F. Steers - Gas for hall and office ----------
Robt. Grant - stamps for auditors & Clerk ----
'Edwy Curtis - Relief for March ---------------
38.00 \
Geo. MoGregor - " " " rrr__________-_
J. L. Dennie - Expenses to woodstoch9F.D.-----
Treas. St. Thomas- Relief for E. Porteous ----
Provincial Treas.- Insulin for Arnou---------
lAunicipal World Ltd.- Assessor's supplies ----
Treae. of Ontario- Police sal. for Feb. ------
215.83 \
exp. for Jan. ------
'°Artgur Claus - Fox Bounty --------------------
i:Wm, Partington -------------
'John Pastor - " "--------------------
Weston Holtby - ^--------------------
Arnold McDowell- ^--------------------
Frank Slaght 0 " "--------------------
H. L. Godwin - Exp. to Toronto ---------------
:J. D. Vallee .. n ^ ---------------
,'Morley McQuiggan- " " "----------------
- Car to Toronto -------------
15.00 �
Ltd.- Fire pails & Equip. ----
39.88 �
1 John F. Weston - Apply on Coyle & Laut.Drs.---
' J. L. Dennis - Fire chef sal. for Feb.
^ ^ - Straff. St. Lts.---------------
J. L. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------
Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ------------
j Chas. F. Jackson - Meeting Feb.7, & Mar. 3 ----
':.Lyle Coyle - ^ ^ " ----
;Cecil M. Ball - " " " ----
JDone M. Chute -
iMorley Mc(,uiggan - " " " ----
by Ball
'Seoonded by Chute- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Monday,.
'A ril 7th. 1952 at 10.30 A.M.
p ... Carried.
E&INIM,owd'Ac 0 .1
Township Office, Straffordv ille , Apr. 2nd .1952.
The "ouneil of the Township of Bayham helO. a special .meeting on the evenin
of the above date for the purpose of discussing policing arrangements for
1953 with the neighbouring oo luac ils of Vienna and Port Burwell. All Bayham
%oouneillors were present with Reeve Palmer and two councillors from Vienna
andtwo councillor: �`: _l �lerr, .ycourc present from Pt.Burwel
Reeve elward,
Also in attendance to represent the U.P.P. were Inspector Clubbe, Oorporal
iiellheiser and Constable iiiekingbottom.
Clerk Vallee read a communication from the Commissioners office stating th
the present contract would expire on Dec. 31st. next unless re -newel by a
Township by-law at a new salary schedule of 4►3300.00 for a constable.
E Considerable discussion was held under the �hairmanshi of Reeve :avkson a
� P
t several questions dere answered by Inspector 01tlbbe. It was verbally agree
i by all representatives present from Vienna and Port burwell, that they req
E nest the :township to re -new a contract at the new price schedule ar,,d that
they would assume thier respective share's in same on the same basis as in
!the past, and that resolutions would be passed at their neift meetings to
c oke r same for the year 1953,
Meeting a g j burned .
Township Gffi c e, Straffo rdville , April 7th. 1952*
Pursuant to adjournment of March 3rd., the regular meeting of the Bayham
Township Council -vas held on the above date with all members present and
Reeve Jackson presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings
were read, approved and signed and the following business was done.
l The following communications were received and read.
Letter from Dr. Knipe, M.O.ii. as copy sent to Mrs. M. Brant.
Subsidy statement and oheque for 18160.85 from Dept. of highways.
Letter from Biekle-Seagrave Ltd. with credit of X60.75 attached.
Prices on gravel from John V. Corbett of But. Elgin.
Advise from Dept. of Lands and Forests re. applications for pheasants.
Several hospital notices were read and discussed.
Letter from County Clerk stating that the sum of t2,767,538, would be the
equalized assessment of Bayham Twp, and that x:37,162 would be required for
the year 1952.
Letter from Sam Scrivens in regards to 10th. Cor.. read.
Letter from John F. Weston regarding improvement to outlet along Little
Jerry Creek.
Bulletin:, from The Ontario Municipal Assn. advising of convention at higwi..
Irr� on, wept. 1-2-3, and resolutions considered by executive.
Requests for grants were received from County Plowing Match and Tillsonbur
,Fair board,
Advice was received from the C.P.R. that thief; �.€:d approved the Eden survey
Court and Police reports were received and filed,
i�r. vlarence Harvey waited on the Council in respect to a dog injuring his
sheep and f irther damages for same. It was decided that the Livestock
Valuator and Constable _;Lould investigate same.
:..oved 'by mall
-- That by 0hutehat this Council make a payment of 500. CC to Ure &
Smith as part payment on account of ,,,,den survey... :tarried.
`Reeve Jackson reported on the County committee dor the Lden survey.
.moved by i� cl�.uiggan
Seconded by Chute- That provided the Province assumes 254 and the County o
:Elgin assumes 12 , be it hereby resolved that -bayham Township pay 12- of
the costs of the Eden surveys and that the remainding 50l be levied against
lithe properties affected ... Carried.
Moved 'off Coyle
FSeconded by Ball- That this Council now adjourn for noon to meet again at
PX,., Carried.
Regular businees was resumed at 1.45 P.1A,
Moved by Coyle
,Seconded by Mc�uiggan-
Restaurant License to
,Gordon... Carried.
That this Council recommend the granting of a
J. L. Dennis and and Ice Cream License to Mrs. Robt.
Moved by Ball,
Seconded by (shute- That this Council purchase the following office furnitu
from Corporal Wellheiser; - 2 drawer filing cabinet, typewriter table, des
with glass top, forms cabinet, 3 aLairs, stapler and paper punch, for the
sum of $40.00... Carried*
koved by Coyle
Seconded by Chute- That this Council proclaim Daylight Savings Time to be
in effect in this Township .from 12.01 A.M. April 27th, to midnight Sept.
27th... Carried.
Mr. Sam Dearden and others from that district waited on the Council in
regards to road repairs to the Houghton Townline south of Guyeboro school,
the Garnhamesideroad and the Gore Line. This matter was discussed at some
length and the Council agreed to have some sand and gravel placed in the
bad holes right away and for dome grading to be done.
kr. Biro also requested road repairs from the Council.
Roved by Ball I
Seconded by MoC4uiggan- That this Council make the usual grants of $25.00
each to the County Plowing batch and Tillsonburg Fair... Carried.
The Council discussed the naming of two streets in Eden in accordance with
the suggestion of D. F. Gibson, Q.C.
Moved by Chute
3eoonded by Coyle- That this Council suggest the name of Gray Street for
parcel No. 26 in the Eden plan and Travis Street for parcel No. 28, provid
ing that these name9 are acceptable to the local residents and that
permission is procured to use these names. Councillor Ball to make the
necessary contacts in this respect... Carried.
A by-law was then presented in respect to policing of the Township for
Moved by
Robt . Grant - Stamps for police ----------------
by Coyle- And resolved
that By -Law No.
1255 being
for the Reeve and Clerk
to sign a new agreement for
the Municipality
by the O.P.P.
commencing Jan.
let. 1953 on
basis, be
now read a first time...Carried.
Shirley Biekx - " IT" -----------------
Moved by
Treas. Tillsonburg Dist.H.S.Bd.- Tuition # 3 ---
by Chute- And resolved
that By -Law No.
1255 be now
time... Carried.
Treas. of Ontario - Police salary for March ----
Moved by
1cQuig an
Sam Taylor -- Fox Bounty ------------------------
by Ball- And resolved
that By -Law No.
125 be now
time and
finally passed... Carried.
Charles Bonner- " "-----------------------
by-law to
the policing o
a new salary
read a Second
read a third
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That having examined the Bond of Treasurer J. D. Vallee,
it is hereby directed that the same be placed in the Township vault.Carrie
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That the Chairman sign the order sheets... Carried.
Roads and Bridges accounts- March pay lists ----$3459.38
Frank Steers - Gas for hall and office ---------
Robt . Grant - Stamps for police ----------------
A.E.P.C. - Hydro for hall & office -------------
" - ^ IT fire hall ----------------
Treas. of Aylmer - High school debentures ------
hdwy Curtis - .belief for April -----------------
Geo. McGregor - ^ w ^-----------------
Nordica Biekx - if " "-----------------
Shirley Biekx - " IT" -----------------
Robt. Grant - P.O. Box rental ------------------
Treas. Tillsonburg Dist.H.S.Bd.- Tuition # 3 ---
IT Pt.Burwell C6nt.Sch. -Tuition Vos. 1 & 3 -
H. P. Grant - Gas etc, for fire truck ----------
Ken Grant - Repairs " " ^----------
Treas. of Ontario - Police salary for March ----
exp. for Feb. --------
Sam Taylor -- Fox Bounty ------------------------
John L. Howey - " "-----------------------
Lyle Walsh - ^ "-----------------------
Thos. Vaughan - " IT -----------------------
Charles Bonner- " "-----------------------
,;Mrs. W.L.Looker - Cleaning Offive--------------
lGestetner Ltd. -Supplies --------------
Aylmer Jsxpre8s Advt. re. truckers ---
Vews Printing Co.- Advt. & supplies ------------
J. L. Vallee - Floor finish --------------------
w w - 2 binders for assessor ----------
2.50 \
Treas. of Elgin County - Hospitalization -------
Clyde Soper - Repairs for fire truck -----------
'E. Wisson - " ^ "-----------
jjure and Smith - On scot. Eden Survey -----------
G. A. Barrie - Ambulance re. D. Millard , Jan.11--
Mary Wellheiser - Office furniture, police -----
Treas, County Plowing Match - Grant ------------
!' Tillsonburg Fair Board - "------------
Robt. Grant - Stamps for clerk ------------------
Jo D. Vallee - To apply on salary --------------
Receiver General - Tax -------------------------
J. L. Dennis - Fire chief for March ------------
w w _ Straff. St, Lts. IN -----------
Chae. Jackson - Attend 2 meetings Apr.2 & 7 ----
Lyle Coyle - " 2 " " ------
Cecil M. Ball - " E '� w ----
10.. 60 **
Don. K* Chute - Attend 2 ineetings,Apr.2 & 7 ---- 11.20
lorley Mo(,uiggan - ^ 2 " " ----- 11.80
Loved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That this council now adjourn to meet agaig on May 5th.
at 10 8�M4-.. Carried.
' Rol
Township Office, Straffordvi ll e, Apr. 28th. 1952.
A special meeting of the Bayhaml Township Ccuneil was held on the above bat
all members were present except Deputy Aeeve Coyle, Iieeve Jackson presidia
The :meeting was called by the Reeve for the purpose of inspecting several
roads in the Township and other business.
Prior to inspecting the (loads, the members along with Road Supt. lodwin
and clerk Vallee, ad jour.zed to the lownship Grounds where ten white oak
trees were planted to commemorate the 100th. anniversity of the County of
the members, with the Road 6upt* them inspected the Elliott crossing and 3
of the Township roads.
f ,
e ■
Township Office, Straffordville, may 5th. 1952.
Pursuant to adjournment of April 7th., the Council of the Township of
Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and
Reeve Jackson presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings
were read, approved and signed and the following business was done.
Several hospital notices were read, digaussed and filed.
Copies of resolutions were received from Vienna and Port Burwell, request-
ing a continuance of police services for 1953.
Advice was received that a Municipal Conference is to be held in 3t.Thomas
on lay 9th. 9.30 A.K. to 4.00 P.'A. for elected and appointed officials.
Communications were received and read from the Board of Transport Commiss-'
ioners and C.Ii.R. in reppect to Elliott Crossing in Concession Eleven.
The County Clerk advised that the un -used portion of Talbot Road east of
Straffordville, was still the property of the County of Elgin.
A bulletin was received from the Aylmer Office of the Dept. of Lands and
Forests enquirttig -about an -. open season for deer this fall.
A letter was received from the Secretary of the Elgin Centennial Committee,
suggesting special attention to all cemeteries this summer.
Notice was received of the ►relfare Officers' Convention at Brar.tford on
Kay 19th. to 21st. 1952.
Approval was received from Dept. of Highways of Roads Ex enditure of
460, 000.00 for 1952, and also a cheque was received for v164,34 as subsidy'
on over -expenditure in 1951. 1
Letter was received from the Acting lbptity, Yinf.ster of Public Works, advise
ing of the receipt of application for Aid in respect to Swance Drain and*
authorizing the work to be proceeded with.
A copy of County By -Law i►o. 1611 was received and provided for the sum of
37,162.00 to be levied in Bayham for 1952.
Police Constable reports were received and filed.
A recuest was received from Mr. G.N.Roloson for a grant to the Elgin
Horse Breeders' association.
Moved by Fall.
Seconded by Chute- That
all burial expenses for
named to handle future
figure... Carried.
this Oounci 1 allow leo. A. Barrie $75.00 a9 over-
Kaggia Burtch and that H. A. Ostrander i Son be
burials of Indigent- cases for this Township at abova
Mr. Zack Waite of the Times -Journal,
F paid advertisement from the Township
Loved by Coyle
Seconded by McQuiggan- That this Council sponsor a quarter page, 4,40, advt
in the St. Phomas Times Journal for August 1st, in honour of Elgin County
Centennial... Carried.
,:sited on the Council and requested a
in a special Centennial issue of paper.
kre. Lary Brant interviewed the council in respect to an eating place
license for her establishment on Ito. 3 Highs ay west of Tillsonburg.
+loved by Coyle
Seconded by Mc�,uiggan- That this Council reject the application of Mrs.
Mary Brant for an eating place license,,. Carried,
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That this Council do row adjourn for noon to meet again
at 1.00 P.M... Carried. i
Regular business was resumed at 1 °.M.
Moved by .Sall
Seconded by Chute- That this Council
for licenses;- Ralph Million ---
Wallace Barber - --
i9. E. Greer ----
approve the following applications
Ice Cream Stand
� n a
Restaurant...... .0 Carried,
Discussion was held in respect to the several co. unications on improving
sight lines at Elliott Crossing.
Moved by Ball
Seconded ty Chute- That this Council agree to pay 30% of costs of cutting
off knoll and improving sight lines at Elliott Crossing, providing C.R.R.
pays 306 and other 40% to be provided from Railway Grade Crossing Fund.
Also that the C.N.R. be responsible for removing and replacing their
fences and poles as might be necessary... Carried.
A delegation from north -Oayham waited on the council in respect to the Ke
Drain repairs.
moved by Coyle
Seconded by Ylwauiggan- That this Council authorize repairs to the on the
Kerr Drain, under the supervision of the Drain Inspeet6r... Carried.
'Moved by lic",uiggan
3eoonded by Coyle- That this C ounci 1 is not in favour of an open Deer
season this fall in this area... Carried.
'';Moved by ta 11
JI 3eoonded y Chute- That the Clerk advertise for tenders to supply all
materials and do all work in connection with the Swanoe Drain. h cheque fos
110% of costs of work to accompany tender. Pland and specifications availab7
!for inspection at Clerk's office or at the office of John F. Weston,
Tillsonburg. Same to close by May 3052.., Carried.
At 3 P.M. ratepayers interested in the Coyle Drain met with the vounail ani
the Clerk read the Lngineer's report on same. This was d isetissed some and
the iiajority on the petition were in favour of proceeding with this work.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Mc(,�uiggan-That whereas the majority of owners assessed for -
,bene�it on the Joyle Train are favourable to the Engineer's Report, there
fore be it resolved that the EAngineer's report on same be adopted aisd the
141e rk prepare a by-law for same... Carried.
Moved by Ball •
Seconded by Chute- That this ::
Roads and .Bridges accountz,- April pay lista ---
Frank Steers - Gas for hall and office --------
12. �r5
Ayliner & Mal. Tel Zoo— Wellhieser .Police phone-
L:, L. Chute - St. John Amfulgnce fees ---------
8.04\ .
Edwy Curtis - aelief for may ------------------
seo. t o: regor �< " -----------------
rhos. Whillier & Son- Supplies ----------------
A. V. Oliver - ' La.,irg zLu l piano --------------
s. a. Barrie4 Funeral Services for "I.Burtch ---
Treas. of Ontario- Police services for April --
" if " - it expenses " Larch--
Gerald ►risson - Fox bounty --------------------
Chas. Grass - " "--------------------
Cliff. numphrelt - " "--------------------
Stanley Sinden - " "--------------------
Fred Oatman - " "-------------------
Robt. fsrant - Stamps --------------------------
Elgin Morse .Breeders' Assn.- Grant ------------
Nordica Biekx - Relief for -� Mav--------------
Shirley Biekx - " '------------
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary -------------
Receiver general - Tax ------------------------
J. L. Dennis - Fire c#ief salary --------------
- Street lights ------------------
5 00*%
Chas. F. Jackson - Attending 2 meetings -------
Lyle Coyle - " 1 "-------
Cecil A1. Ball - 2 "-------
Don. M. Chute - " 2 ----.----
Morley IxicQuiggan - " 2 --------
11.80 \
ivir Albert "latthews interviewed the council and requested that a road
opened into his property or present road taken over by Township. The
agreed to look this over when they inspected the roads and to contact
Municipal Lngineer on this matter.
be '
Moved by Cbyle
Seconded by i►ic�.uiggan- That this Council now adjourn to meet again in regul!
session on June 2nd. at 10 A.M... Carried.
/ Reeve.
Township Office, May 26th. 1952.
A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above dat4
with all members present except Deputy Reeve Coyle, Reeve qac kson presided
The purpose of the meeting w: -s to consider the procuring of gravel for roa4'
Several samples of gravel were examined prices quoted on the same.
moved by C but e
Seconded by Ball- That the Road Supt. hire Howard Palmer to make some teat
holey in the Holtby pit in time for Council inspection at next meeting.
Moved by ball
Deoonded by .Lic�.uiggan- That this special meeting do now ad j ourn..Carri ed .
Pr /
Township Office, Straffordville, June 2nd, 1952.
l Pursuant to adjournment of Lay 5th., the Council of the Township of Bayhaip
met in regular session on the above date, all members present except
Councillor Chute, and Reeve uack3on presided. Minutes of the last regular
j and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following
business, was done.
hospital notices were read and filed.
Police and Court Clerk reports were received and examined by the members.
A signed and approved copy of new policing agreement, effective Jan.1/53
was received from the office of the Commissioner, O.P.P.
I Donald F. Gibson, ;.C., advised that the Eden plan was now in process of
l being registered, and that the rax deeds were ready for doper and "Zordon.
The Township Solicitor also advised in regpect to timber and ownership of
road allowance between 16ts 20 and 21, Concession Nine, and of the steps
necessary to proceed with the cutting of this timber,
the Clerk advised of receipt of cllim for damages from American Automobile
Insurance Co. re, airs. larguerite Loucks, the same being referred to our
own insurance Company.
Several communications were received from C,N,R. in respect to Elliott
a letter was received from br. W.C.McLoweli, in regards to information for
advertising for tender for bridge over Little Otter Oreek.The Clerk was
instructed to reply with the necessary information.
A letter was read from Victor H. Tillson,,.. , in regards to a license for
s. 14fary Brant for lunch room.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by IKcQuiggan- That this Council approve of a Refreshment Stand
license for Balaz'e Llotel... garried.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Ball- That this Council do now adjourn for dinner and a visit
view some gravel and to meet again at 2.30 P.b:... Carried.
The Council with the Road Supt. and Clerk inspected gravel at the vrhitcrof
pit and returned to regular business at 2.40. P.M6
loved by Coyle
Seconded by 1Jo( uiggan- That this Council urchase 2000 yds. of road gravel
from Blake Wolfe at .75w a yd. loaded or 91.75 per yard on road any place
in the Township. Also abotit 500 yds from Whitcroft pit at .50; per load
pit run... Carried.
Lr. Fred Loan and yrs. uiary Brant waited on the council and discussed the
procuring of a lunch counter license for bars. Brant. Considerable discussi
followed and it was
Moved by Ball
,Seconded by McQuiggan- That this Council approve of an eating place licens
for drs . Idary Brant upon submission of proper application and fee and also
upon compliance with Health Unit regulations... Carried.
( See signed agreement by Mrs. Brant attached to above resolution)
A by -Law was then presented to the council for the levying of the various
rates as provided for in the Treasurer's budget,
i koved by Ball
Seconded by Ooyle- And resolved that By -Law No. 1257, being a by-law to
levy taxes for 1952. be now read a first time.., Carried,
;ILoved by Mc(,uiggan
• _ ;Seconded by Ball And resolved that By -Law o . 1257 be now read a second
time... Carried.
;Moved by kc(;.ui ggan
I Seconded by Coyle- And fesolved that By -Law iyo. 1257 be now read a third
time and finally passed... Carried.
?1, Moved by Coyle
,Seconded by Ball- And resolved that By -Law No, 1258 bei a by-law to sto
up and close and sell the northerly portion of read allowance between lots
16 and 17 in the First Concession, be now read a first time.,, Carried.
.Moved by Ball
Seoonded by Mc;�uiggan- And resolved that By -Law No, 1258 ,be now read a
second time and provisionally passed.,* Carried.
The Clerk was instructed Iro advertise the above by-law as regkired and
present f or final passing on 4uly 7th.
Nor -_'v I
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Ball- That the Clerk be atithorized to send by registered post
to each interested land owner, a copy of the Coyle Drain By -Law and notice
to quash, and that the Drainage Court of Revision on sane be held on July
7th. at 3 P.M, at the Township Office... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Loved by
and authorize with pay, one
practice fire drill per month for volunteer Bremen...
by tic(4uiggan- That this council accept the
petition for drainage
Seconded by Ball- That the Reeve sign the order
land diversion of channel of Little Otter Creek as submitted by the Road
Roads and Bridges accounts- i�ay pay lists ---
Supt, and
that iN.C.McDowell of Simaoe be engaged to
sake a survey and repot
Emmett filler - Relief for of May ---------
on same...
Hay Stationery Co.- 3 hole paper punch ------
A by-law
was then presented for tfie construction of
the Coyle Drain.
W. G. Webster - Office supplies -------------
Moved by
Daily Commercial Dews - Advt. Swance br. ----
by Mc(�.uiggan- And resolved that By -Law Do.
1259, being a by-law to,
n, L. Godwin - deals insp. roads ------------
provide for Drainage work known as the Coyle Drain,
be now read a first
time... Carried.
n n +► n exp. 11 Apr. ----
Moved by
Merritt Matthews - " "-----------------
by Ball- and resolved that By -Law Ida. 1259,
be now road a second
time and
provisionally passed... Carried.
Robt. Grant - Stamps ------------------------
Nor -_'v I
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Ball- That the Clerk be atithorized to send by registered post
to each interested land owner, a copy of the Coyle Drain By -Law and notice
to quash, and that the Drainage Court of Revision on sane be held on July
7th. at 3 P.M, at the Township Office... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Coyle- That this council request
and authorize with pay, one
practice fire drill per month for volunteer Bremen...
Moved by 0oy10
Seconded by Ball- That the Reeve sign the order
sheets... Carried.
Roads and Bridges accounts- i�ay pay lists ---
Frank Steers- Gas for hall and office -------
Emmett filler - Relief for of May ---------
Aylmer & "lahide Tel.Co. - Off. & police ---
Hay Stationery Co.- 3 hole paper punch ------
Tress. of Ontario - Insulin for Arnou-------
W. G. Webster - Office supplies -------------
Clayton d. Jackson - 2 ods. wood for office--
Daily Commercial Dews - Advt. Swance br. ----
Chas. F. Jackson- Sharpening mower ----------
n, L. Godwin - deals insp. roads ------------
. Treas, E.Elgin n-.S.Bd.- Tuition S.S.No.l ----
Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for May -----
n n +► n exp. 11 Apr. ----
palter Taylor - Fox Bounty ------------------
Merritt Matthews - " "-----------------
Archie Gunstone - " "-----------------
Gerald Wisson - "-----------------
Morley KoQuiggan - " "-----------------
Robt. Grant - Stamps ------------------------
Emmett Tililler - Relief for June -------------
Edwy Curtis - it if -------------
Geo. McGregor - 't it -------------
Howard Palmer - Best Drain repairs ----------
GX,W,Iiickingbottom - Police Off. rental ------
10.00\ gay & June
0. E. Soper - Plywood for fire truck --------
Peters, Brown and Good- -Oalo auditing fee ---
V .L.Dennis - Fire chief sal. May ------------
- Straff. St. Lts----------------
v . D. Vallee - Ao apply on salary -----------
Receiver General - lax re. Vallee -----------
Chas. F. Jackson - Insp. roads 2 days,l car -
- 2 meetings ---------------
Lyle Ooyle - 1 meeting ----------------------
Cecil Imo. Ball - 2 meetings ------------------
" " " - Insp. roads 2 days, 1 car ----
Don. 1�. Chute - " " 1 day ------------
" - 1 meeting -------------------
Morley Mc(,uiggan - 2 meetings ---------------
4 Insp. roads 2 days --------
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Ball- That this council now adjourn to meet again on July 7th.
1952 at 10.30 A eM, , , . Carried.
Township Office, Straffordvills, July 7th, 1952.
Pursuant to ad j ournmen t of Jane 2nd . , the c ounc it of the Township of
Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and
Reeve Jackson presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read,
approved and signed and the following business was done.
Hospital notices were read, discussed and filed.
Reports were received from the Court Clerk and Provincial Police.
A schedule of street lighting rates, effective Jan. let. 19529 was received
from the London office of the H.B.P.C.
An offer of services was received from G.G.Reid, Engineer, of 264 Avenue
Road, Toronto 5, Ont.
A copy of a letter to airs. Mary Brant from the County Y.O.H. was read to
the members.
Acknowledgement of receipt of application for Aid toD�! lws;o re. Coyle
Drain was received from the Office of Hon. F. S. Thomas.
Provinoiil subsidies were received in respect to Children's Protection and
Howe f or the Aged .
The communication from the Select Committee re. Rentals was read and filed.
Approval was received from the Ontario Municipal Board in respect to the
Capital Kxpenditure for Coyle Drain.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That a Lunch Counter license be approved for Hugh
Millard... Oarried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That this council adjourn for lunch to meet again at
1.50 P.li... Carried.
Regular business was resumed at 1.30 P.li.
Moved by Chute
Seoond ed by Ball- That whereas the Province of Ontario has agreed to assume
26% of the costs of the Sden Survey and the County of Elgin has agreed to
pay a like 25% of these costs, be it therefore resolved -that the resolutiox
of April 7th. 1958 pertaining to the division of these said costs, be and is
hereby rescinded and this Township shall not assume any portion of the said
costa... Carried*
lir. w. C. MoDowell, of Simoos waited on the council and discussed with the
members the plans and specifications and the leaner of tendering on the
new bridge.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by MoQui ggan- That the Clerk advbxtis a for tenders for new bridge
in the Daily Commercial Iowa and the London Free Press... Carried.
At 2.30 P.M. no person having appeared before the council to complain
against the by-law for closing road, said By -Law bo. 1258, was then present-
ed for third reading.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by MoQuigan- That By -Law No. 1258, being a by-law to aloes the
northerly 1400 feet of road between lots 16 and 17 in the First Concession,
be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by MoQu.iggan- That repairs be authorised on the Griggs Drain
through lot 18, Conc. 5 and along C.P.R. right-of-way. Same to be made into
an open ditch with a#proval of interested owners... Carried.
At 3 P.Y. it was necessary to form
Coyle drain. Members subscribed to
Motion by Ball
Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve
Revision... Carried*
a drainage court of revi si on on the
their required oaths of office and on
be Chairman of this Drainage Court of
The Clerk reported that only one appeal was received, that from Lee Lemon,
olaiming his assessment was too high for the amonut of benefit his land wont
reoeived. It was explained he would be permitted to have an outlet through
this drain for any field tile he might wish to put Is ori this Land. Mr.
lemon was then oontent with his assessment.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by MoQuiggan- That no changes be made in the assessment on the
Coyle Drain and this Drainage Court of Revision now adjourn... Carried.
Moved by Chute
Seconded oy Ball- That By -Law god 1259 being a by-law to protide for drainage
known as the Coyle Drain, be now read a third time and finally passed.Carried
Mre ya= Murphy waited on the council and requested repairs to the Stimers
award drain and that it be changed into a municipal drain. He presented a
petition signed by ank- even 50% of the owners olaimed to be on t Stirrers
Drain. The Reeve advised that there would have to be a clear ma ority of
owners on this petition before the aouneil oould accept it. It was laid
over pending further signatures.
Reeve James Marshall of Houghton Townshi was present and discussed with the
council maj*ers pertaining to the Coyle Drain and .+auteneohlager drain of
which interest is shared by ratepayers of Roughton Township. It was mutually
agreed that the Houghton owners on the Lautensohlager drain could_, by a
municipal drain, divert their water through Houghton rather than by tha
said Lautensohlager drain.
Moved by
by Chute- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried.
Roads and Bridges accounts- June y lists ---
J. D. Vallee- Police phone aoct. Mo..) ------
Frank Steers - Gas for hall and office -------
Ontario Munioipal Board- Fee Coyle Drain -----
Robt. Grant - 20 cent stamps --------- --____
' w - Stamps for tax notices---------
H.B.P.C.- Hydro for hall and office ----------
" " - w . fire hall ---------------
Emmett Miller - Relief for July--------------
Bdwy Curtis - w w a -.,--..---______
Geo. McGregor - " ., • --------------
Grant Motors - Fire truck repairs ---------- --
Treat. Rigin County - Hospitalization ----•---
James Walsh - Light switch, office -----------
Goa. Chute - Coal for office -----------------
U s, Davidson - Fire hall rental for 1952 -----
Robte Grant - Municipal World aoot. M.O. -----
Albert Dollar & Son - Tile for Kerr Drain ----
Hews Printing Goo- Printing & advt. - ---------
Tread. of Ontario- Police sal. for June ------
w w w W w exp. for May .• _,• ••- •• •• ••
G. W. Hiokingbottom - Off* rental to Sept.ino.
Morley MoQuiggan - Fox Bounty ----------------
John F. Weston - Coyle Drain -----------------
Leonard Kilmer - Kerr Drain repairs ----------
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary --•---------
Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ------------
J. L. Dennis - June sale F. D. ---------------
w w - * w Straffe Ste Lts. -----
Chas. F. Jackson - 1 meeting ---------•-------
LyleCode - 1 meeting ----------------------
Cecil M. Ball - 1 " ---------------------
Don. M. Chute - 1 ' --------------------
Morley MoQuiggan - 1 " ---------------
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That this Council
August lot. at 1 P.M.e. Carried.
2 e00�
15.94 \
88.00 \
2 64.54 \
.80 \
6.00 \
5.30 N
now adjourn to meet again on Friday,
Township Office, Straffordville, Ont. August let. 1952.
Pursuant to adjournment of July 7th., the Council of the Township of Bayham
met in regular session on the above date, all members present except Couna-
illor Chute, Reeve Jackson presided and minutes of the last meeting were
read, approved and signed and the following business was done.
Rospitdl notices were read, discussed and filed. ,
Advice was received from the Dept. of Public Welfare that under certain
conditions, assistance was available to immigrants.
The Clerk reported that the sum of #89.50 had been paid out for pheasant fee
Advice was received that 22 members of the St. John Ambulance class had been
successful in th8ir examinations.
A memorandum was received from Dist. Engineer Caldwell, advising that all
structares on roads less than 20 feet in width be posted and w3ootoh-lite"
attached to each and that this item would be subsidisable.
Court Clerk report was received and filed.
A letter was read from Mrs. Pearl Towns complaining of high taxes,
Albert Dollar and son advised that tile for the Swanc a Drain would be
available in July 1953.
Mr. Thomasre Office advised that the petition on the Coyle Drain was in order
and the same had been passed on to the Engineer's office.
The Clerk gave a report on tax collections for July.
A letter was read from the Secretary of the Board of Transport Commission-
ers, stating that they considered the charges of the CYB.Ro to be 4 fair �
charge in connection with the Elliott crossing.
A request for refund of dog tax blr;•Lloyd Cowan was refused by council*
Moved by Ball
Seconded by MoQuiggan- That this.
Glen Erie
B.Boyd & Son
Bruce Kennedy
Harold Sawyer
Council approve of the following licenses -
Lunch Counter
Ice Cream Stand,
w w w
R 1! w
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by MoQuiggan- That this Council declare Monday, Aug. 4th. as
Civic Holiday in and for the Township of Bayham... Worried.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Ball- That the Clerk write to the Board of Transport Commission-
ers and express further disapproval of the fee of #350* by the C.B.R. for
fenoing and supervision, and to quote price of local fence builder for doing
this work... Carried.
Mr. McDowell, Engineer from Simooe, attended at the meeting and was present
when tenders were opeaed on the Little Otter Creek bridge work betv"n Conc.
1 and E, lot 17.
Only one tender was received, that from Yr. Harry Gamble of Port Dover.
This matter was throughly discussed by the members.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by MoQuiggan- That the Council accept
Port Dover for buildin2 new bridge at a price
of usual oheque for 16% of tender price.
The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized
Gamble for this above work... Carried*
the tender of Harry Gamble of
of 415 ,15E.S8 upon submission
to sign agreement with Mr.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried.
Roads and Bridges accounts - July pay lists ----- $4968.86
Frank Steers - Gas for hall and off ioa---------- 3.90\
Workmen's Comp. Board- Volunteer firemen waw4w 84.00
General account -- -- 31.00
Bdwy Curtis - Relief for August -..______-_-____-- 38:00
Geo. YoGregor - w w '-40--ft -ft -ft ----40-----_- 190q
Fernlea Flower Shop- Turnbull wreath ---___-_,.,._.. 10.00
leve Printing Coo- Supplies and advts.------ 62 t"
Treas. of Ontario - Map do notes, original survey --
Emery Harvey - Fox Bounty ------------------------
RoyStewart - w " -------=----------------
Leonard Kilmer - Repairs to Kerr Drain -----------
Fred Tribe - Spraling cemeteries-----------------
Haroli Belore -
* ------------------
Lloyd Rawlins .. w w __________________
Mize Pelts - 8 ewes killed by dogs --- ------------
Robe. Jackson - Valuing above --------------------
Tress . of Ontario - Police sale for July ---------
w w W _ " exp, for June ----------
J. L. Dennis - Fire chief for July ---------------
" " - Straff, a Ste Lteo for luly--------
J0 De Vallee - To apply on salary ----------------
Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ----------------
Chas. F. Jackson - 1 meeting ---------------------
LyleCoyle - 1 meeting ------___---------------
Cecil Me Bali - 1 " ------------------------
Morley MoQuiggan - 1 w ------------------------
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Coyle- That
at 1 P*Moe. Carried.
118 a 00"
5. o Q�
6 30k,
this Conn i 1 now adjourn to most again on Sept. 5th.
Reeve .
Township Office, Straffordville, Sept. 5th. 1958.
m Pursuant to adjournment of Aug. lot. the regular meeting of the Council of
the Township of Bayh *--was held on the above date, all members present except
Deputy peeve Coyle. Reeve Jackson presided and minutes of the last meeting
were read, approved and signed and the following business was done.
Hospital letters and notices were read and filed.
A copy of letter from the C.E.R.to Board of Transport Commissioners was rec-
eived and discussed.
Advise was received that the Coyle Drain had book approved for grant purposes.
Constable and Court Clerk reports were read and filed.
The 1951 Roads audit, ab made by the auditor from the uepte of Highways was
placed before the council for their examination and consideration*
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute That with the approval of local owners, Mre ben Kilmer
be engaged to proceed with the construction of the open portion of Swance
Drain this fall pending the procuring of tide next summer. Costs of same not
to exceed engineers estimate... Carried.
'Xhe goad Jupto discussed with the members the matter of dumping rubbish on the
Township roads.
Moved by Moquiggan
Seconded by Chute- That the Clerk notify Leslie Swanoe to remove brush
bish which he piled on Township road between lots 15 and 16,�, Conoe los
not 66 be burned on the road allowanoe e . e Carried e
Moved by Chute
Seconded by ball-
uno ollect ible; -
and rub -
That the following taxes be and are hereby written off an
1948 taxes - Victor Miles, Park cottage----------- $ 4.28 plus interest.
1948 - Earl wisson, w As 4.28
1950 " - Canadian Dlatural Gas, Lines pulled -- 16.36 " w
1950 " - George D. Teall, interest balance --- .28 " w
1951 ". - Corinth Church, bobtley lot -------- 2.38
1952 " - James Fawcett, Duplicate with eugeley 2.32 "
Moved by MoQuiggan
Seconded by Ball- That this Council agrees to the proposition for improve-
ment of eight lines at Alliott Crossing in accordance with ar. Dysart's
letter of August 25th. 1952, provided that the Township of Bayha* share
equally with the C.D1.R. in respect to costs of supervision... Carried.
Moved by Mow,uiggan
Seconded by Chute- That the petition of owners for changing the Stimers
Award Drain to a municipal Drain and repairing same be received and this
petition along with petition for repairs to Bartley Drain be referred to
Hngineer W. U. McDowell for preparation of report, plans, etc... Carried.
Yr. Hoyden Cathers together with a representative from Frank Cowan Insurance
Office, met with the council and thoroughly discussed liability insurance
matters pertaining to the Township.
Moved by ball
Secondea by Chute- That this Council take out the following insurance with
Hamilton, Ward and Cathers through the General Accident Insurance Co. -
General Liability ----- up to 5000/50,000/100,000 limits.
Dion ownersnip automobile policy.
Accident, for Council members at #10. each.
Uompensation for part time employees on a payroll of 61500.
Also that 5096 of commissions on above to be turned over to Township Broker,
George Grant,,o Carried*
moved by Chute
Seconded by MoQuiggan- That the Reeve be authorised to name an additional
3 or 4 volunteer firemen... Carried.
Atv4dPb#9LI6,heirwVnrt of engineer McDowell on the Little Otter Creek Diversion
idasoread,bgone of the owners being present, but it was discussed by the
Moved by io;,uiggan
Seconded by Chute- That the report of W. C.McDowell, C.B., O.L.S., on the
Little Otter Creek Diversion be adopted and necessary by-law prepared.Carried.
Moved by MoRuiggan
Seconded by Ball- And resolved that By -Law No.
for Little Utter Creek Diversion aid Drainage,
and 2 and across intervining road, be now read
Moved by Ball
1260, being a by-law to provide
through lots 17, ooneession 1
a first time... Carried.
Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law Dio. 1260 be#ag-•-by-law be now
read a second time and provisionally passed... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That in accordance with Section 25 of the Municipal
Drainage Act, copies of the Little Otter Creek Diversion By -Law, notices of
Court of Revision and also notices to quash, shall be sent by registered post
to the several assessed owners, and that the Court of Hovision on same shall
be held on Oct. 6th. at 3 P.M... Carried.
]doled by Mo(,uigan
Seconded by Chute- That this Council approve of a petition to the Dept. of
Highways for the statutory grant on an amount of 03, 686.21 and that the
proper officers sign the same... carried.
,roved by Ball
Seconded by MoQuiggan- That this council purchase an additional 1000 yds, of
gravel from Blake Wolfe... Carriede,
moved by Ball
Seconded by MoQuiggan- That the Reeve sign the order sheets'... Carrie+,
Frank *tears - Gas for hall and office ------------
$ 3.90,
Robt. #rant ------- Stamps ------------------------
Adwy Curtis - 01elief for Sept. --------------------
Geo. McGregor - " w w ---------------------
Albert yeller & Son - Tile for Kerr brain ---------
Geo. Grant - Fire truck insurance -----------------
i. L. Dennis - Fire truck license -----------------
The Times -Journal - Centennial advt.--------------
Be A. McCurdy - w float expenses --------
J. W. MoCiuiggan - * w ---------
C. Be Soper - " w ---------
Marry Brown - 'Turkeys killed by dogs --------------
Robt. Co Jackson - Valuing above ------------------
Provincial Treas.- Insulin for Arhou,jslderfiled ---
Clifton Lahr - Fox Bounty -------------------------
George Beard— _ww_wwwwwww—ww_w--
Corinth sidewalks
Leonard Lilmer - " "-------------------
Treas. of Ontario - Police salary for Aug. --------
exp4nses for July ------
Ueo. L. Acre - Richmond sidewalks ------------------ 96.25\
Geo. grant - Ins. on Twp.hall, safe & money -------
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary -----------------
Receiver General - Tac re. Vallee -----------------
.J. L. Dennis - Fire chief for Aug. -------------- mo.
" Straffe street lights
Chas. F. *aokson 1 meeting
Cecil Y. Ball - 1 *--------------------®-
Don. M. Chute - 1---------------------�-
Morley Mo;xiggan - 1 ------------------------
,.,. Roads and Bridges account- August pay lists -------
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Mc(,uiggan- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on
Monday, uctober 6th. at 1 P.M... Carried.
W tOd*Aw
+ hVr
REST Township Office, Straffordville, Sept. 9th. 1952.
A special meeting of the bayham Township Council was held on the above date
for the purpose of considering the purchasing of a new fire truck to replace
x, the one demage#eaxtensively in an accident on Sept. 5th. All members were
pr*sent and Reeve Jackson Presided. Also is attendance were Fire Chief oemnis
Geo. Grant and qtr. Blair of Bickle- Seagraves .
Infornation wad available on 3 different makes, namely John Bean, Itickely
and iliokle-Seagraves. Considerable discussion was held on the price and
merits of the trucks and also on replacements available until new truck
was delivered.
moved by Ball, Seconded by Chute- That this Township purchase from-dickle-
Seagraves of Woodstock, one S ton Y6rd Bickle-Seagraves Triple Combination
Pumper including H.P. Fog pump and equipment, all as per specifications as
stated under shop order fio* b236, for the sum of (14,000.00, lnoluding tax.
yelivery was promised in about i week and a replacement to;- be available.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Chute- That this special council meeting
now ad jour&...Carried.
Frank bteers - Gas for hall and office------------
Robt. (rant ------- Stamps ------------------------
.9dwy Curtis - uelief for Sept. --------------------
Geo. McGregor - "* " " ---------------------
Albert Zeller Son - Tile for Kerr Brain ---------
Geo. Grant - Fire truck insurance -----------------
Y. L. Dennis - Fire truck license -----------------
The Times -Journal - Oentennial advt.
Be A. McCurdy - " float expenses --------
Z* W. MoQuiggan - a w R ---------
C. Be Soper - N � � _--------
Harry Brown - Turkeys killed by dogs--------------
Robt. C.. Jackson - Valuing above ------------------
Provincial Tress.- insulin for Arhou,I5lderfiled ---
'_ n1 i ftan Laur - Fox Bounty-------------------------
7� t;�
yharn Fire ruck Wrecked In Crash
____.0 _w
- _ _ _ _ _.w
4 M
jv adjourn to meet again on
C 1 erV,
I.Rrn Township's fire truck was wrecked when it ran off the road Awhile en route
s o tobacco kiln fire in Houghton Township. Arthurseghers, R.R. 1, Vienna, is seen lordville, Sept. 9th. 1952.
tspocting the damage. Bayhom has rented a fire truck until a new vehicle can be
purchased. _!unci 1 was held on the above date
v s v as w — r1 uw ar .......,�,,,, _ _. _ �. __ _.
for the purpose of considering the purchasing of a new fire truck to replace
the one dendgepe8xtensively in an accident on Sept. 5th. All members were
present and Neeve 4aokson Presided. Also in attendance were Fire Chief venni•
Geo. Grant and )Ar. Blair of Biokle-Seagraves.
infornation was available on 3 different makes, namely John Bean, Aiskely
and !fickle -Seagraves. Considerable discussion was held on the price and
merits of the trucks ana also on replacements available until new truck
was delivered,
moved by Ball, Seoonded by Chute- That this Township purchase from biokle-
Seagraves of Woodstock, one 3 ton Ford Biokle-Seagraves Triple Combination
Pumper including H.P. Fog pump and equipment, all as per specifications as
stated under shop order No. 5236, for the sum of #14,000.00, including tax*
varrie d.
Lelivery was promised in about i week and a replacement to be availablee
moved by Coyle
8eoonded by Chute- That this special council meeting now ad J9urn...Carried.
R�I�V�/17• ' C�c.FRK.
Township Office, Straffordville, Oct. 6th. 1952.
Pursuant to adjournment of Sept, 5th,, the Council of the Township of
Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and
Reeve Jackson presiding. minutes of the last regular and special meetings
were read, approved and signed and the following business was done.
An ispeo tion report was received from the Uanad ian Underwriters' Assn, on
the new fire truck advising that the fire engine performance was satisfactory
mr, woodrow uaggerty advised that at present he was not interested in making
a bid on the construction of the Coyle grain.
The Clerk advised of a claim for damages from xr.C::H.Esseltine of Tillsonburg
A letter of appreciation for work done on road and hill was received from
.gar. and Ara. Robt. Stewart.
Several hospital notices were received and filed.
Further lettere were received from the C.b.R and Board of Iransport commiss-
ioners in regards to the slliott crossing.
The clerk reported that subsidies under the Police Act and Fire Dept. sot had
been received.
Bulletins were received from the Uffice of the Fire marshall in respect to
r'ire xrevention week, Uct. 5th. to 11th.
Also from the rire ikarshall's office, a letter outlining the proceedure in
applying for subsidies for the new fire truck.
A letter and bulletin was received from or. Roger C. i.nipe, R.O.H. in regaras
to proposed program of pre-employment chest x-rays.
The -mept. of Welfare advised that the costs of A&edical Services for Belief
reolptents had increased to fl�05 effective Sept. lst. 1952.
A letter to the Local 4eleotors of Jurors was received the the Clerk of the
reaoe for Agin.
Mr, T. 6. Ualdwell advised that a b0yb subsidy was available for sidewalk
construction on county roads and outiined the proper proceedure to follow.
Police and Court Clerk reports were reoeived bu.,o tilbu.
o v da by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That this C ouno it request the present Black and "hits
Police car be replaced with an all black car the next time a change is made.
Uarri ed.
Mr. Tony Gindriok waited on the council and requested that his lands be tran-
sfered to Bayham Township ochool Area.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Mc(,uiggan- That the Clerk take steps to have Tony Gindriek's
lands changed from S. S. No. 15 to Bayham Township School Area... Carried.
At eleven o'clock, the following persons interested in the Lautenschlager
drain were present.- Reeve Marshall of Boughton Twp., Mr. W. Lautensohlager,
xro hedges and Mr. Capin.
The tngtz6es&e revised report was read by the Clerk and discussion followed.
The Reeve asked concerning thosQ present who objected to this drain and Mr.
Kapin was the only objector on the grounds that too much of his land was
included, lie was advised that this mat tier coula be to Ken up at the time of
the Court of Revision. A majority of names on the petition remained in favour
of the drain.
Moved by Ball
Seoonaed by Chute- That this Council adopt the report of Engineer Weston,
dated Sept. 28, 1952, on the Laatenschlager .Drain and the Clerk have a by-law
prepared for next meeting... Carried.
Beloved by Ball
Seconded by Coyle- That we adjourn for noon to meet again at 1930 P.Y.
Council resumed regular business at 1.60 �.M, and matters pertaining to the
communications were discussed.
At 2 Y.M. in conformity to By -Law No. 1243, it was
Moved by Ball ;l
Seconded by Chute- That this Council session now adjourn to form Assessment
Court of Revision... Carried.
All members of the Counoil subscribed to the required oaths of members of
Court of Revision.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by MoQuiggan- That Reeve Jackson be Chairman of this Cburt of
Revision... Carried.
The Clerk advised that the time for making appeals had not yet expired.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That this Court of nev isi on now adjourn 'to meet again at
the call of the Chairman... Carried*
liovsd by Chute
Seconded by Ball- And resolved that By -Law No, 1261, being a by-law to auth-
orize the borrowing of an additional *30,000* from the Bank for current
expenses until taxes are paid, be now read a first time... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by MoCcuiggan- And resolved that by -Law Zio. 1261 be now read a Second
time... Carried,
moved by Coyle
Seconded by Chute- and resolved that By -Law No. 1261 be now read a third time
and finally passed... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seoonded by Chute- That this vounoil pay X10. towards the account of Hughson
runeral Home for ambulance services re. Oscar MoLaughlin on April 27/52 and
Clerk write re, same... Carried,
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That this Council approve of a new built-up office roof at
a price of V140.00... Carried.
..`�~ Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That By -Law No. 1260, re. Little Utter Creek Diversion, be
now read a third time and finally passed... Carried.
Vo appeals having been received on the above drainage scheme, it was not
necessary to form a Gourt of Revision.
Considerable discussion was held in regards to the delay and not having
received a certified oheque or guarantee bond from mr. Harry uamble in
connection with the proposed bridge over Little Utter Creek.
moved by Coyle
Seconded by McQuiggan- That the resolution dated Aug. let./52, accepting
the tender of Harry Gamble for building Little Utter Greek Bridge, be and the
same is hereby rescinded beaduse no bond or cheque having been received from
Are Gamble by this date, and that this work be laid over to spring and new
tenders called... Carried.
A proposed new by-law pertaining to the fire department was considered bjr the
Moved by -ball
Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1262, being a by-law to estab
lish a Volunteer Nire Brigade in the Township of Bayham, be now read a first
.y time..* varriede
moved by McQuiggan
Seconded by Ball- And resolved that By -.Law No. 1262 be now read a second time
Moved by Chute
Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law No. 1262 he now read a third time
and finally passed..* married.
are Frank Dobo and son appeared before the Council at about 2.20 to register
a complaint against the Lautenschlager drain. He was told the meeting had
been held at 11 o'clock A,M, His complaint was based on the fact that he
expected to sell his farm and with the out in tobacco acreage, he had plenty
of land available without the drain. Council took no action.
ear. George Vallee, County Forester, appeared before the members and was
advised to not let Nelson ward out timber along the Beattie sideroad which
might endanger the xesd by eroison.
Moved by Chute
Seconded by Ball- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried.
Roads and Bridges accounts- Sept. pay lists -----
Pranx Steers- Gas for hall and office----------_-
Hobt. Grant - Stamps for assessment notices -----
H. Be V. C.- Hydro for hall and office --------
of fire hall---------------
Ldwy Uurtis - fteliei for vctober ----------------
Geo. MacGregor - ----------------
hay Miller - " n n
w- r r r_ r r r___ r r r -
w. G. Webster - Uffice supplies -----------------
News Printing Co.- Envelopes --------------------
London Business institute - V.L. cover stehoil --
Chas. A. Walsh - Fire vept.,Uff. & 3t.Lts.acct.--
4en Grant - Gas for fire truck ------------------
C. i;. Soper - Repairs to fire hall --------------
Ivan Dennis - Labour is "-------- ----
BicKle-Seagraves Ltd.- ins. on ,loaned truck -----
Trees. t1gin County - Hospitalization-----------
Treas. of Ontario - Police sal, for Sept.-------
tt It - exp. ~ Aug 40 -------
J. y. Vallee - hxp. to London re. Curtis --------
" - Uoyle Drain r'ees and By-law ------
Mrs. Almetta Oeeord"---------
Gordon n. Hughson - Part acct. re. abbulance ----
J. L. Uennis - Fire Chief sal. for `'ept.--------
11 Street Lights for Sept. ----------
J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary---------------
heceiver General - Tax re. Vallee---------------
mary k. Vallee - Office help re. assessment -----
Chas. r. Jackson -,attend 2 meetings ------------
Lyle Coyle - tt-------------
Cecil M. Ball - 2 " '-------------
Don. M. Chute - " 2 `► -------------
Morley Mc(,4uiggan - " 2 " ------------
5. o:_
13, 00
11, 80,-\
Moved by Chute
Seoond ea by .Bail- That this council how adjourn to meet again on Oct. 27th.
at 10. A.M.... Carried.
Township Office, 3traffordville, Oat. 219t. 1952.
A special meeting of the Bayham Township council was held on the above date
for the purpose of considering a by-law authorizing the purphase of a fire
truck and also to consider roads expenditures. All members were present
except Deputy jteeve Coyle and Reeve Jackson presided .
A letter was read from the Ontario Municipal Board concerning approval
of finances re. fdre truok.
Moved by Ball
Seoond ed by Chute- That By -Law No, 126.3 being a by-law to provide for the
purchasing of a fire truck and to authorize the borrowing of money to
finance the same, be now read a first time... Carried.
Moved by Chute
Seconded by Mc �,uiggan- That By -Law No. 1263 be now read a second time and
provisionally passed... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That the Clerk forward a copy of By -Law No, 1263 to the -
Ontario Municipal Board for approval and pay fee of $9.00.00 Carried.
Road expenditures to date were considered and in view of the Tact that the
building of Little Otter Creek bridge had been laid over to next year, it
was deemed adviseable to re -allot the roads exp edd itures for the current
year. Considerable discussion was held on this matter.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That this Council request permission from the l►ept. of
Highways, through District Municipal engineer Caldwell, to ohan$e the
allotment of roads and bridges expenditures as provided for in By -Law No.
1253 to the following amounts; -
Construction Bridges and culverts -- 2,000.00
Maintenance " ^ -- 129000.00
Maintenance of roads --------------- 39,000.00
Miscellaneous ---------------------- 79000.00
Carrie dt
Moved by Mc(,ui ggan
Seconded by Chute- That this special council meeting now ad journ.Carried.
`Township Office, Straffordville, Oct. 27th. 1952.
Pursuant to adjournment of Oct. 6th. the regular meeting of the Bayham
Township council was held on the above date, all members present except
Councillor Ball. Reeve Jackson presided. Minutes of the last regular and
special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business
was done.
Notice was received from Mr. hlba Lennis stating that he had purchased the
fire hall property and that the present rental agreement would expire in
the required 90 days notice.
Rental regualtions of Leaseholds were received from Sleet Committee on same.
Report on interim road subsidy was received.
Court Clerk report was presented and filed.
Several hospital notices were read, discussed and ordered filed.
Tentative approval was received from the Untario municipal Board in respect
to fire truck expebditure ana manner of payments.
Board's order and letter from C.N.R. were received in regards to the sight
improvement at .611iott Crossing.
moved by Coyle
Seconded by Chute- Ana resolved that
provide for the holding of the 1952
heturning uff iters, roll Clerks and
= time... Uarried.
;> moved by Mc(,uiggan
Seconded by y- And resolved Coyle- that
time... Varried.
Moved by Chute
By -Law Uo. 1264, being a by-law to
municipal elections and naming Deputy
Polling Places, be now read a first
By -Law No. 1264 be now read a second
Seconded by Me'uiggan- And resolved that By -Law Ivo. 1264 be now read a
third time and finally passed... Carried.
Moved by Chute
Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law No. 1265, being a by-law to
provide for the stopping up, closing and selling of a portion of road
allowance across lots 121 & 122 bwtween Qonc. 7 and North tore, be now read
of first time... Carried.
Moved by KcCiuiggdn
Seoonaed by Chute- And resolved that by -Law No. 1465 be now read a second
time ana provisionally passed... Carried.
The Clerk was instructed to advertise the above by-.iaw as required.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law leo. 1266
provide for drainage work known as the Lautensohlager
a first time... Carried.
Moved by Mc(,uiggan
Seconded by Coyle- and resolved that By -Law "o. 1266
time and provisionally passed... Uarried.
Moved by Chute
Seconaea by McQuiggan- That
post to each interested land
Law and not iod to quash and
held on Dec. 15th. at 6 P.M.
being a by-law to
Drain, be now read
be now read a second
the Clerk be authorized to send by registered
owner, a copy of the Lautensohlager Drain By -
that the Drainage Court of revision on same be
at the Township Uff ice.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Mc(4uiggan- That we do now adjourn for noon to meet again at
1 P.M.., Carried.
The Council met at 1 P.M. and proceeaeu to Third Street in Straffordville
to examine the location of same and consider opening it.
Moved by Chute
Seconded by MoG�uiggan- That the Road Supt. determine the oantre of Third
street in Straffordville from No. 19 Highway to C.P.R. right-of-way and
have same graded and gravelled... Carried.
Moved by Coyle i
Seconded by Me(�uiggan- That having received an oraer from
Transport Commissioners and also a letter from" the U.N.R.,
herbby authorises the Road S %4*t• to contact Watters Bros.
the Board of
this council
ana Morley
Pollock and arrange for work to proceed on eight line improvement at Elliott
Crossing in accordance with prices and plans previously discussed.,Uarried,
moved by Coyle
Seconded by Mc(,uiggan - That this regular council session now adjourn to hold
an ad journe.d meeting of the Court of Revision on the 1955 Assessment roll.
following appeals
were heard and decisions
made as follows; -
No. Ap�peellant
decision of Court.
104 Lloyd aerron Assm. too high
2 61A
Kenneth Emerson Assm, too high
wife not assessed
N. B. ledges
Percy Terry
John Frisch
Claude E.Wilson
James ''entley
Leslie L.sonas
John Schuller
Charles rallo
Assm. too high
Assm. too high
10 acres too much
Assm, too high
Assm. too high
climber sold
Assm. too high
Improper status
td.E. P.C; .
Assm. too high
of tt it
Assm# too high
Assmo too high
No change
Pauline Emerson addea as Owner
Kiln asset. reduced by 1200.
No ehnage
No change in assessment
Copying error in acreage
Reduce by $50, on wcodlot.
Assessed as labourer
No chagge in assessment.
Property aaaed-land $50.
Business $100.
Reduced by 4250, on land
of 260,
No change
No change
Moved by Coyle
Seconaea by Mc�;uiggan- That the changes of the Court of nevision be made as
herewith listed and the 1953 Assessment Roll be now adopted as finally
revised, and that this Qourt of Revision now adjourn... Carried.
Movea by Chute
Seoonaea by McQuiggan- That By -Law No. 1266, authorizing the purchase of
fire truck and financing same ue now read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by Coyle
Seoonaed by Mc(-�uiggan- And resolved that By -Law "o. 1267, being a by-law to
authorize the borrowing of money by way of Capital Advances for the purpose
of purchasing a fire truck, be now reaa a first time... Carried.
Moved by chute
Seoondea by Mc�.gg ui an- And resolved that, b y -Law leo. 1267 be now read a
second time... Uarriede
moved by Chute
Seconded by Coyle- And rdao.Avea that By -Law No. 1267 be now read a third time
and iina�ly paeaed .... Carried.
Roads expenditures and the purohasihk of gravel was discussed by the members.
Moved by Chute
Seoonded by Coyle- That the Reeve sign the order sheets:.. Carried.
moved by Chute
Seconded by Coyle- That this council
Nov. 24th. at 8 P.M... Carried*
now adjourn to meet again on. Monday,
Roads and Bridges accounts- October pay lists --
Frank Steers - Uas for hall and office ---------
Lorne Grube(St.Mary' s) - New office roof --------
Ontario municipal Board - F.D.By-Law fee -------
Gestetner Ltd,- Voters' lists supplies ---------
rlamilton, ward & Cathers - Fire truck Ins. ------
Albert Zeller & Son - Tile for am Drain -------
Flews minting Co.- Envelopes -------------------
Ronald Vaughan - Fox Bounty --------------------
3.00 -
Gerald 4isson - n "--------------------
Adrian Cattrysse - "-------------------
Wm, Partington - " "--------------------
3.00 .,
Maurice Verbrugge- Labour on Arn Drain ---------
John F. Weston - On Lautenschlager Dr. acct.----
200.00 �
Bickle-Seagraves Ltd.- Repairs to hose ---------
Purchase of truck-------14,000.00-
Robert Grant - Stamps --------------------------
it for registrations ---------
J. L. Dennis - Fire chief sal. for Oct. --------
Straff. at. lts.----------------
Receiver general - Tax re. Vallee -------------
5.40 -
J. v. Vallee - To apply on salary --------------
- Selecting jurors ----------------
- 51 stencils for V.L.------------
Peters, brwon & Good - Apply on 1952 audit -----
200.00\ ►
Elton Ii. Jackson - Selecting jurors ------------
" if " - attend. C. of R. ------------
Chas, Y. Jackson - Selecting jurors ------------
"VT- Attend. 2 meetings -----_----
Lyle Coyle - " 1 -----------
Don, M. Chute - 2 -----------
Morley mcQuiggan - 2 "-----------
Cecil M. Ball - " 1 -----------
Elton H. Jackson - Salary & Commissions --------
moved by Chute
Seconded by Coyle- That this council
Nov. 24th. at 8 P.M... Carried*
now adjourn to meet again on. Monday,
Township Hall, Straffordvilie, Nov. 24th. 1952.
The annual nomination meeting of the 'Township of Bayham was held on the
above date at 2 P.M. for the purpose of nominating candidates for the
offices of Reeve, Deputy Iteeves and Councillors for the Township of
Bayham and two Trustees for the Bayham Township 6chool Area.
With about 45 ratepayers present, the following names were places
in n6minat i on by o r.l&,
Reeve- Chas. Jackson tuna Walter Nelson.
DeRuty-Reeve- Korley xc%miggan, Cecil Ball, .Lyle Coyle ana waiter Selson.
Councillors- Morley Mob,uiggan, Donald M. Chute, Murray Scanlan, G. warren
Tupper, Robt . Stewart, Reg.mc(,uiggan ana basil Bevill.
Trustees- George Cacubron, Basil -aeviil ana Robt. Jackson.
the usual atter meeting was held with J. D, valiee named as chairman.
After a review of the financial statement, all nominees were called upon
for a zew words, tae peeve ana Deputy Reeve including an outliLic of work
a o,ue U sue c 1"!. L v u ur .Ll -g the past year. Road Supt. Jodwin gave an
account of township road work. 11 he returning officer explained the
requirements for qualifying for any of the above offices and the meeting,,
closed with "God Save the ween."
By nine o'clock the following evening, the following names had been left
in nmmination and the candidates duly qualified for office.
I, J. D. Vallee, hereby declare the following candidates duly elected
by acclamation for office for the year 1953,,-
Reeve -
953. -
Reeve- Chas.Jackson,
Deputy-Aeeve- 'Walter Nelson
Councillors- Morley Mtwig an, Donald 1. Chute and ,.iobt. Stewart.
Trustees- ( For 2 year term George Cameron and Robt . Jackson.
Township Office, Straffordville, Nov. 24th. 1952.
,she regular deoember meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the
evening of the above date with all members present and peeve Oackson pres-
iding. winutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed
and the following business was done*
hospital notices were read, discussed and filed.
A request for a grant was received from W.L.Harvey, Jec., algin 0ounty
.e'ederation of Agriculture.
The Clerk reported that he had been advised by mrs . 9eeord that Houghton
residents had taken action to set aside the houghton"Township ::ogle grain
By -Law.
Letters from Vernon �&neale, Insurance Adjuster, were read concerning a
settlement on damaged fire truck.
AoptOval was received for transfer of 46000. of roads appropriations
for 1962.
A petition was received from wasper Taylor and others for new street light.
'phis was laid over pending consultation with sir. F. P. Stubbs.
A letter was received from oo ,missioner Stringer explaining his refusal
of an all black police car for the 'Township.
Police and court clerk reports were read and filed.
Letter of appreciation of business was received from -bickle-Seagraves Ltd.
6tatement of Compensation settlement was received in respect to vire
Uhief Dennis.
r`rom the Dept. of "Lunieipal Affairs, a bulletin listing approved eompahies
for surety bonds.
Approval and order received from the untario Municipal .Board in respect
to the Lautensehlager Lra in.
A letter was received from Lr. W. A. Reddiek in reagrds to medical
examination of hdwy Curtis,
Mr. zlba wennis met with the members and discussed fire hall rental,
gloved by Coyle
Seconded by 14:c1uiggan- That above luaekaon and Councillor Ball be a eommitte
to arrange fire hall renatl with new owner... Carried.
Moved by Mall
Seconded by Chute- That the Clerk advise Insurance -adjuster rneale that
the council are not willing to accept $x3000, as an insurance settlement
for the old fire truck... Carried.
Moved by MoQuiggan
Seconded by Coyle- `:hat this Uouncil make a grant of J5.00 to the Calton
Cemetery. Cheque payable to C.D.Phillips, Sec... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- shat this council pay bounty on the following foxes
examined by Constable hickingbottom while Clerk away.:
Rose uai ner , Straffordville --- 1 fox
Joseph Wilks, R.R.1, Vienna --- 1 fox ... Carried.
Moved by Chute
Seconded by Coyle- 'That this Council make a grant of f350, to the
rederation of Agriculture... Carried.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Mc(�uiggan- `that following an examination in Victoria Hospital,
this council directs the nelief officer to discontinue relief for Edwy
Curtis... Carried.
Fire Chief yennis discussed fire department matters with the members.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Chute -That the peeve sign the order sheets... Carried*
itoads and bridges accounts- iiov. pay lists ---- *63l%,43
Ontario Municipal Board- Fee re. Laut.Dr.------ 5.00
Edwy Curtis- neleif for Nov. ------------------ 38.00
Geo. McGregor - " ^ "------------------ 25.d0
Frank Steers- Gas for hall and office -------
Mrs. Hattie Cooper- Belief for Nov. ---------
Hamilton,Ward & Cat hers- Ins. prem. ---------
NewQ Printing Co.- Printing & Advt.---------
C. L. Laing- Bulbs Rich. St. Lts.---____.,___
C. J. Ketchabaw- " Eden " "-----------
ProvinciAl `Press.- insulin Arnou,Elderfield--
Treas, of Ontario- Police sal. for Oct. -----
"is^ - " exp. " Segt.-----
William dates - Fox Bounty ------------------
John Schuller - " "------------------
Lyle Walsh - n ��------------------
Earl Bristol- "------------------
Ross Hainer - " "----------------
Joseph Wilks - "-----------------
Jim Rutledge - " -----------------
C. D. Phillips,Sec.- Grant Calton cemetery --
Tress. Elgin Cty.Fed. of &gr.- Grant --------
Robt. Grant - Stamps ------------------------
J. L. Dennis - Sal for tiov. F.D.------------
if " St.Lts.----------
J. D. Vallee - To a0ply on salary -----------
" 11- Account re. pension apps. -
Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee -----------
Chas. F. uackson- Attend 1 meeting ----------
Lyle Coyle - IT 1it----------
Cecil Ball - 1 "----------
Lon. M. Chute - " 1 ----------
Morley Mc(�uicrgan - " 1 "----------
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Chute- That this council now adjourn to meet again on Dec, 15th.
at 10.30 A.hr.... Carried,
C ler .
Township Office, Straffordville, Dec. 15th. 1952.
Pursuant to adjournment of Nov, 24th. the council of the Township of Bayham
met in regular session on the a Bove date, all members present and Reeve
Jackson presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved
and signed and the following business was done,
Fire Chief Dennis' report of operations for past 12 months was read and
Poliwe reports were read and filed.
Letters were read from Vernon Kneale and Bickle-Seagraves in regards to
insurance on wrecked fire truck.
The Clerk advised that a notice had been received from noughton Township
stating that a Judge's hearing would be held or, Dec. 18th. in regards to
Coyle Drain appeals.
Hospital notices were read and filed*
report on provincial subsidies was received from 'dept. of Kunicipal
.Affairs together with final cheque for t986,42.
The Clerk reported that the 10% grant on new fire pumper in an amount of
1400. had been received and credited to the capital loan.
A confirming by-law from the county was received in regards to closing of
road between lots 16 and 17, concession One.
The Clerk also advised that a writ of summons had been serybd:in regards to
Esseltine claims for damages to car ana that the same had been turned over
to Hamilton, Ward and Cathers for the attention of our insurance company.
Reeve Jackson gave a report on visit to examine Tillsonburg and Otterville
fire trucks and that Chas. Labbe had placed a value on wrecked Tire truck.
The Clerk was instructed to advise adjuster Zneale in this respect.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by McCuiggan- That the volunteer firemen be paid the sum of $3.,
each ror each trip made with fire truck and that the Straifordville Central
be paid $10. and Port Burwell Central 0. for extra services... Carried.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Me uiggan- That this council do now adjourn for noon to meet
again at 1..o0 P.M... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- that the Reeve proclaim Boxing Day, Dec. 26th. to be a
civic and public holiday in and for the Township of Bayham... Carried.
At two o'eloak, no person appeared to protest against the closing of road
in by-law No. 1265, consequently it was
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Mc(4uiggan- That By -Law No. 1265, being a by-law to close port-
ion of road through part of lots 121 and all of lot 124, between Cone. 7
and north gore, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried.
Mr. Harry "uittt,Qlerk of Port Burwell, waited on the council in regards to
Bayham Township pashing a by-law to approve of Port Burwell's by-law for
expenditure in connection with the re -building of public school gymnasium.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law ii'o. 1269, being a by-law to
approve of the borrowing of 417,000# by the Village of Fort Burwell upon
debentures for the re -construction and equipment of part of the publio
School Building in Port Burwell for S. 5, No. 2, Bayham, be now read a
first time,,,. Carried,
Moved by Mc (4ui ggan
Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law "o. 1269 be now read a addend
time and 15koviSkonally passed..., Carried.
Moved by lc(Quiggan
Seconded by Chute- That the usual grant be paid to Straff oraviile and
Eden Cemeteries in an amount of 2% on the sums on deposit with the Township
for perpetual care, namely- Edem Cemetery, 2% of 5250.- 1105.00
Straffordville Cemetery, 2�; of $2850.- 157.00... Carried.
Moved by Chute
Seconded by Coyle- That the Treasurer be authorized to issue cheques on
Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund account, Savings # ;6, for, the following amounts
as interest payable to Eden and Straffordville Cemeteries;-
Eden Cemetery Board -- ----- C 149.61
Strafforaville Cem. Bd. --- 81.05 ,,, Carried.
` Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to
purchase the following bond for the Cemetery eerpetual care fund and
cheque on javings account j 3 in payment of same.-
bond- Lom. of Canada, 9th, Victory Loan 6% to be purchased at
apout 94* .... Carried.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- ghat the inaugural meeting of the 1956 council be held
on ""Ionaay, Van. 5th. 19bo at 10 Carried.
At o P.M. the Clerk reported that no appeals had been received by him withLn
the regular time limit on the Lautenschlager Drain, but at that hour, lir.
,&spin and. lar, 1�oarits of noughton Township appeared before the council to
complain of their respective assessluauts. This matter was discussed with
them acid owing to the fact that both iiogghton and-)ayham Engineers had
bean on this location and apportioned which lands should drian eastward
and which should drain westard, their appeals were not considered and no
court of revision was formed.
✓' moved by Coyle
Seconded by M'64uiggan- That By -Law lio. 1266, being a by-law to provide for
the Lautenschlager Drain, be now read a third time
The Clerk reported that additional borrowing authority would likely be
required at the bank in order to take care of all payme2its to end of year.
Moved by Ball
Seconded by Chute- And resolved that by -Law iso. 1268, being a by-law to
authorize the borrowing of an additional 425,000. from the Canadian Bank
of Commerce for current expenses, be now read a first time and finally
passed... married.
Moved by Chute
Seconded by Ball- Ahd - resolved that By -Law 1� o . 1268 be now read a second
tj.me... Carried.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by KcG,uiggan- and resolved that By -Law -+o. 1268 be now read a third
time and finally passed.,, Carried,
Moved by Chute
Seconded by k6iuiggan- i'hat�this council express its sincere regrets at the
loss of Lep. peeve Coyle and Oouncillor Ball. Also sincere appreciation to
Reeve Jackson for his leadership and guidance during the past yea'ied.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Mc(,uiggan- That this council recommends the passing of a b -
law by the 1953 council increasing the councillors pay to ;�6. per day and
mileage to .10� per mile both ways... Carried.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Chute- That the following bonuses be paid for extra services as
follows; -
Reeve - �60.00, Lep. Reeve and Councillors - 430.00 each,
Clerk and Road Supt.- $30.00 each... Carried.
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by .Ball- That the peeve sign the order sheets***' Carrie.d.,
Roads and Bridges accounts- Dec. pay lists ---- 8363.81\
Aylmer & italahi de Tel.0 o. - Office phone -- ----- 37.70
Police "------- 52.55\
Geo. McGregor - Relief for Lecember ------ 25.00\
Hattie Cooper- " " " 34.50\
Frank Steers - Gas for hall & office ---------- 5.00N
G.W.Hiokingbottom - 6 mo, rent to Mar. 31 ----- 30.001
Robt• Grant - Stamps for Reg. letters --------- 2.00\
Berton Hilts - Work on Twp. grounds --------
• " " - Care hall, Nom, meeting -----
Treas. Ellin County - nospitalization ------
it" - County Rate ----------
Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for Nov. ---
n n 11 _ IT exp, for Oct* ---
Treas. of Pt. Burwell - Cummings relief igen•
Chas . A. Walsh - lroceri es for Cowan -------
N. Hayward - Fox Bounty --------------------
Fred Oatman - if "-------------------
r Canadian General Elect.- Changer Rich.Lts.--
J. D. Vallee - Exp. on above ---------------
H. E. P. C.- Instal. Lden St. Lts.---------
News Printing Co.- Notices -----------------
16,,32 --
Geo, Chute - Coal for fire hall ------------
Murray &etchabaw - 2 sheep killed ----------
J. D. Stewart - Valuing above --------------
H, L. Godwin - Drain &. Building Insp. ------
J. D. Vallee - Sal. School Attend, Off.-----
Bal. sal, for 1952 ----------
Receiver General - Tax re. Vallbe----------
J. L. Dennis - Jaec. sal. re, fire chief ----
n r _ TV it re. St. Lts,-------
65 trips fire truck --------
Basil "evill - 40 " " "--------
Jack Hotchkiss- 11 " " "--------
Lyle 'Walsh - 29 " " "-------
H. P. Grant - 33 " "--------
Geo. Grant - 44 " " "--------
Wilbur Locker- 18 " "--------
54.00 -
Jack .0arclay - 16 " "--------
Miss -Derta Atkinson- Fire call services ----
Harolf Tuff - " " " -----
H, P. Grant - Gas &: oil fire truck ---------
Grant Mot6rs - fail light " "--------
Ray Miller - rielief for half Dec. ----------
J. rig, Mc ,uiggan - Charity Brown &: F.L.------
6.34 -
Tress. Sdq&fCeme_t6;,y - G=ant---------------
" Straffordville Cemetery - Grant --------
- Interest #3 acct.-
" Eden Cemetery - Int. # 3 account ------
Chas, F. Jackson- Bonus and 1 meeting ------
Lyle Coyle - if " 1
Cecil Mo Ball - " " 1 "-------
Don, Ke Chute - 1 "--__---
Morley Mo(-,uiggan - " 1 "-------
J. D. Vallee - Bonus -----------------------
H, L. Godwin - it -----------------------
Moved by Coyle
Seconded by Ball- That this Council now adjourn, Sine Die... Carried.