HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1951TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1951 0 N Township Office, Straffordville , Jan. 8th. 1951. The Inaugural meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above .l date witl the following members in attendance -Reeve Chas. F. Jackson, Deputy Reeve Lyle Coyle, Councillors Walter Nelson, Cecil Me Ball and Donald M. Chute. The members subscribed to the necessary oath of office and Clerk Vallee declared them duly installed.in their respective offices. Rev. W. M. Thomas was in attendance and the Reeve called upon him. Mr. Thoaas offered a short prayer and then spoke briefly to the members. The Remove then in turn called on all the members for a few words and also Ex -Reeves Arba Johnson and Grant M. Mitchell, The Reeve then addressed the meeting briefly before the usual business was commenced. Minutes of the previous meeting were then read, approved and signed and r the following business was done. 3 Seasonf a Greetings were received from Off ice Printing and tation ery Supply Coe, Harrison and Co. and the Tillsonburg News. Hospital notices were read and filed. A statement of subsidies paid was received from Dept. of Municipal affairs. The Clerk presented a statement of takes as of yeo. 319t. 1950. Police reports were presented and filed. ` Request was received from the Salavation Army at London for a grant. A request was received from the Bayham Township school Board to pass by -la for issuing debentures of $23,000o for school busses and garage. A petition was received, signed by " Eden residents, requesting steps be taken to have estimates prepared by the H.E.P.C. for Street lighting in the village and if acceptable, that these be installed. Estimates for Street Lighting in Richmond were received from the H.E.P.C. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Council now adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 P.M... Carried. For dinner, the council members, H.L.Godwin, Rev, Thomas, Clerk Vallee, dnd .Mr lbougherty, .:BankdXanagb r, ._v9r6 J guests of the Reeve to a very enjoyable steak dinner at Dennis'* V Council resumed the usual business at 1.30 P.M. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That this Council make a grant of $35.00 is the Salvat-1 ion Army at London... Carried. I Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nielson- That this Council join the Good Roads Association and sen membership fee of $5. Also that delegates to the convention be all dounoillors, the Clerk and Road Supt... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Ball- That this Council join the Association of Assessing Officers and Treas* send fee of $10.00 ... Carried. Moved by Nelson � Seconded by Coyle- That this O%ouncil make the usual grant of $25. to the Richmond Library... Carried. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That the Clerk subscribe to 9 copies of the Municipal World for members and Officials... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Council make application for the statutory grant under provisions of the Highway Improvement Act on expenditure made 6n roads during the year 1950 in an amount of $35, 998.87 and that the proper officers sign same... Carried. Moved by .Chute Seconded by Ball- That we receive the estimates for street lighting in t Hamlet of Richmond and that a meeting of interested ;ratepayers no called for Feb. 5th at 3 P.M. to consider accepting or rejecting the proposed plans... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That we receive the petition of ratepayers for street lighting in Village of Eden and that the H.E.P.Co be requested to make a survey and prepare estimates for same... Carried. ��A Ba fi 256 (Several by-laws were then presented to the council for consideration. IMoved by Coyle Seoonded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1222, being a by-law to l authorize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow up to $35,000, at the Canadian A of Commerce for current expenditure during the year 1951, be now read a rat time.. Carried. Moved by Ball Seoonded by Coyle- Ind resolved that By -Law No. 1222 he now read a Second jtime.e. Carried. i Moved by Nelson Seoonded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1222 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seoonded by Ball- And resolved that By -Law No. 1223 being a by-law to appoint certain officers in and for the Township of Bayham for 1951, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Ball Seoonded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1223 be now read a second time... Carried. .Moved by Chute Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1223 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that by -Law ilio. 1224 being a b -law to appoint Fenceviewers and Poundkeepers for the Township of Bayham for the year 1951, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Chute Seoonded by Ball- And resolved that By -Law No. 1224 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1224 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Ball Seoonded hj Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1225 being a by-law to authorise the borrowing of $23,000* upon debentures for the purchase of school busses and the erection of a storage garage for the Bayham Township School Area at Straffordville , be now read a first time..* Carried. Moved by Chute Seoonded by Coyle- And resolved thtt By -Law No. 1225 be now read a second time... Carried. The Clerk was instructed to forward copy of this by-law to Township Solioit- or for presentation to Ontario Municipal Board for appvovale Fire Chief Dennis interviewed the Council in respect to fire alarm system and telephones for some of the members. He also requested more pay for looking after street lights. Moved by Ball Seoonded by Chute- That the Clerk request additional private phones for firemen and that the alarm system by telephones be oheoked... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seoonded by Belson- That J. Le yennis be paid $5.00 monthly for looking after Street Lights in Straffordville... Carried. Moved by Ball Seoonded by Nelson -That the Reeve and Deputy Reeve be appointed as Council members on the Straffordville Community Centre Board and that Horace Johns Lyle Walsh, Miller mood , Geo. Grant and Clayton Jae kaon be re -appointed for a two year term... Carried* Moved by Coyle Seoonded by Nelson -That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- Deo. and Jan, pay lists -4109587056 Prank Steers - Gas for hall & Office ---------------- 9035 dews Printing Coe- Advts & Election supplies -------- 25.95 Martin Caldwell - Error in 1950 taxes --------------- 37.44 S. 30 PO 0 Hydro for haal and office -------------- 19014 in w " fire hall ------------------- 19.08 Bayham Twp. Soh Bd.- Cap. soot 0 - Bal of debenture --- 70 * 736.98 Sdwy Curtis - Relief for January -------------------- 43.00 • 1 257 Jules Arnou - Relief for January ---------- 26.00\ 9� 0.1 ; E; s `i si a �t i Moved by Coyle Seoonded by Nbleon- That this meeting now adjourn to meet again on Feb. 5th. at 10.30 A*Mo o o. Carried. Geo. 1�doGregor - � � �---------- 23.00 Canadian National Rye.- Corinth Wig -Wags -�- 25.001 Trees. of Tillsonburg- Relief re. ldaDonald - 23.68 Hamilton- Poet San.Care,Konop,Jen. 66.34 Cha®. A. Walsh - Pence at Town hall -------- 111.36 Chas. Jackson - Stove for fire hall -------- 15.00,, Trees. of Ontario -Police sal. for Deo. ---- 215.83 exp. for Nov. ----- 41.38 Eery Claus -Fos Bounty ------------------- 5.00, Floyd Taylor - " " ------------------ 5.00 Keith getohabaw - " "------------------ 5.00 Lee Claus - " "------------------ 5.00N idiohael Verbaugge l 0. - " *----------------- 5.0 Lloyd Jackson- " *------------------ 25.00 George Brava - " "------------------ 5.00 Albert Augustine- � "______.__-- 5,40` John Howey 5.0 Bayham Twp.So#ool Board- Error re Laing ---- 10.78 Trees. Good Roads Asen.B Membership tee ---- 5.00\ " Assn* of Assessing Officers- " ---- lO.OQ� Salvation Army - Grant to London ----------- 35.00 Trees. Richmond library - Grant ------------ 25.00\ Frank Steers - Gas for hall & Office, Deo. - 26.25 Robt. Grant - Stamps ----------------------- 7.00 J. D. Vallee - Reg. B. M. & D. ------------- 3.751 Chas. Jackson - 1 meeting ------------------ 5.0t?\ Lyle Goyle - 1 "------------------- 6.00` Walter Nelson- 1 " ------------------- 6.00 Cecil Ball - 1 "------------------- b.30� Donald Chute- /; / // t � /moi /_.�_i�►.i r �- 4 1 "------------------- 5.60 /; / // t � /moi /_.�_i�►.i r �- 4 268 Township Offiae, Straffordville, Feb. 5th. 1951. Pursuant to adjournment of Jan. 8th., the Council of the Township of Bayham .met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Jackson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Letter was received from Mr. Murray Stenabaugh, tendering his resignation as Township Assessor. Appreciation for grant received was expressed in a letter from the Salvat- ion Army at London. Hospital notices were read and filed. Communications were received :from Donald F. Gibson, K.C. in respect to the Calton school debentures and also bus by-law. Request for membership was received from the Ontario Association of Raral Municipalities. A grant was soliditad by the Community fivelfare Council of Ontariog and also By A. V. Langton on behalf of the Elgin County Crop Improvement Assn, Seed Fair. A petition was received, signed by five Township employees, requesting an increase in pay, effective Jan. 1st. 1951. The Treasurer's bond was produced for inspeotion by the members. Moved by . Chute Seoonded by Belson- Having examined the Treasurer's Bond, it is hereby directed that the same be placed in Township vault... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Chute- That the Council pay repairs of $22.00 to the Township hall piano and that the Reeve request a detailed annual report from Care- taker on hall rentals... Carried. Moved by Ball Seconded by Nelson- That the Clerk notify all school boards to have their requisition for school levy in his hands not later than April 1st. Carried, Moved by Coyle Seoonaed by Ball- 'ilia t this U ounc it now adjourn for noon until 1.30 P.M. Carried* Mr. Jack Weston of Tillsonburg, waited on the council after dinner and discussed with them several drainage problems in the Township. Moved by Coyle Seoond ed by Nelson- That John F. Weston, be engaged to make a survey and report on Municipal Drainage as requested by petition of Leslie Swanoe and George Elliott and also that of Co D. Coyle, Township of Bayham and others. Carried. At 3 P.M. only 3 resident freeholders of the Hamlet of Richmond attended at the meeting to discuss street lighting of the area. fir. Frank Stubbs, of the Aylmer Division of the H.E.P.C& was also present. Plans and methods of finance were discussed and the Reeve invited any of these present to with- draw their names from the petition if they so desired. fibsone present did this and also none signed in favour. However petitions submitted carried la majority of those iz svour of lights. The freeholders present requested that minor changes be made in the plans submitted and that 7 lights be ereote d in place of six. Moved by Chute "Seconded by Ball- Whereas the majority of resident freeholders of the Hamlet of Richmond, having signified their approval of Plan No. 2, as Isaggested in letter of Dec. 13th. 1950 of the H.E.P.C. London offiae, for street lighting, with the following alterations in lay -out of lights; - 17 - 200 watt radial wave reflectors planed as shown on amended plan attaoh- ed hereto; Be it therefore resolved that the H.B.P.C, revise estimates in laocordanoe with these changes and that an agreement be prepared by the `Commission for the supplying of these lights and services... Carried* a Moved by Nelson f , 3eoonded by Coyle- That this Council make a grant of $95.00 to the Elgin' !;County Seed Fair, payable to A.V. Langton... Carrifd. �A letter was read from D. F. Gibson, K.C. stating that; he had been unable to procure the servioes of Fred A. Bell to make the proposed survey of a portion of Eden, and requesting that he be granted authority to have the firm of Cre and 8*04 do this work. . ILI Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That we approve of our hiring the firm of Ure and Smith to make a portion of Eden... Carried. sF is i sol ioitor,Donald Fe Sibson, K.C.` survey of the south easterly Messrs. C. Looker and Ho Grigg waited on the council in respect to their school having been placed in the Township area, and now being closed by the school Board and children transported by bus. They were advised that their objections to this would have to be placed before the School Board concerned. Several delegations and individuals wAited on the council in respect to roads. They were advised that their problems woytl.d receive due considerat- ion by the members and Road Supt. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That By -Law No. 1221, being a by-law to authorize tj}e borrowing of $42,000, upon debentures for the erection and equipment of a public school building for the Calton school section, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. lAppr*val for the above having been received by O*der of the Ontario Munio- ipal Board dated January 23rd. 1951. 1 The Calton school Board having requested funds for their school as soon as possible, it was deemed adviseable to present a by-law pv9vtdJk4et26v hhbi Reeve and Treaso to bonrow for this purpose. £1 Moved by Ball ` Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1226, being a by-law to ;authorize the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances pending the issue and sale of the debentures authorized by By -Law No. 1221, be now rea a first time... Carried. Moved by nelson 'f Seoonded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law No. 1226 be now re4d a second time... Carried. Moved by Coyle Qeconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1226 be now rrad a third time and finally passed... Carried.; Moved by Coyle s Seconded by Nelson- That this Council extehd bongratulations to our Reeve on his election as County Warden for 1951... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council join and Clerk send fee of 10.00 Carried. the Ontario Muniaiplaks000iation F Time did not permit completion of business so it was decided to hold a special meeting to consider roads expenditures for 1951 and salaries and any other unfinished business. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve sign the otder shhets.. o Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- January pay lists --- H.E.P.C. - Straff. Street lights ---------------- Rdwy Curtis - Relief for Feb. ------.------------- Geo. McGregor - " " " ------------------- Jules drnou - " " " ------------------- Treas. Elgin County- Hospitalisation------------ Treas. of Hamilton - Feb. care re. ionop-------- " Addl o re* Konop Treas. of Tillsonburg - Jan* relief re. McDonald - W. G. Webster - Office supplies ------------ ----.w Police W ------------------ Municipal World Ltd.- 9 -subscriptions ----------- w R " - M. Reg. & supplies -------- News Printing Co.- Envelopes & advto------------ Treas. of Ontario- Police Salo for Janj--------- " exp. " Ded.--------- James Rutledge - Fox Bounty --------------------- G. B. horse - " "-------------------- Earl Bristol - " "-------------------- Keith Ketohabaw- " " -------------------- Geo. Grass - " "-------------------- Arthur Claus -------------------- N. Hayward $3756.31./ 326.06\ 43000\\ 33 0 00\ 26.00\ 639.11\ 60.0{\ 28.95\ 44.301\ 3.75 •3.75\ 18 0 00\ 5o6b� 13 011\ 215.83\ 43.62\ 25000,E 10.0 10.00\ 5.0Q\ 5o0A\ 10.00 25000\ . x Lyle Walsh - Fox Bounty ----------------------- J. L. Dennie - Bulbs Straff. 3t. lights ------- w w - License fire truck -------------- Naylor Farm Supplies -Poets re. Grounds------- Taylor-Craft Ltd,- Trophies -re East Elgin H.S.- Frank Albright - Repairs to piano ------------- A. V. LAngton,Treas.- Grant Couhty Seed Fair -- Treas. Ontario Municipal .Assn.- Fee ----------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------- J. L. Dennie - Fire Mall etc re. Jan. --------- w w _ St* lights re. Jan. ----------__ Chas. F. Jackson - Attend i meeting ----------- Lyle Coyle - Attend 1 meeting --------•------ Walter Nelson - " 1 " --------_----w--- Cecil M. Ball - " 1 " Donald M. Chute - " 1 " ---------------- Moved by Nelson I Seconded by Coyle. session on Saturday 4 f 260 10,00 ` 28.92. 2.00, 32.10 13.901, 22.00 25.00\ 10110G.- 183 033\ 0.00•183.33\ 35.00\ 5.00\ 5.00\ 6.00\ 6.00 5.40\ 5.601 That the Council now ad Bourn to meet again in special evening, Feb. 10th. at 8 P.M.... Carried. eeve. Township Office, Straffordville, Feb. 10th. 1951. A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held for the purpose of completing business laid over from the of Feb. 5th. All members were present and Reeve Jackson in following business was done. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That Stenabaugh, ae Township It on the above date regular session the chair. The I we accept with regrets, the resignation of Murray Assessor... Carried. The question of salary and wages increases was then thoroughly discussed by the members and it was decided that those working on and hourly basis should be increased by from .05� to .15� depending on their regular type of work. j Loved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That J. D. Vallee be granted an increase in salary of $100. as Tax Collector and $300. as Clerk -Treasurer and also that and 00 M . er ear. increase be granted in the salary of H. L. Godwin of }�3 p y , all efleotive from Jan. lat. 1951... Carried. The Reeve gave approval that cheques be issued to bring these salaries wages up to date for the month of January. and Lxpenditure of Roads for 1951 was then discussed by the council and it was decided that the by-law should be passed for the same over-all amount as last year and that the Clerk write a special letter to the Chief Municipal Engineer setting out reasons why the council considers this amount should not be reduced. Moved by Ball Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law No. 1227, being a by-law to provide for the expenditure of $40,000. on roads in the Township of Bayham for 1951, he now read a first time... Carried. ' Loved by Chute Seoonded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1227 be now read a seoond time... Carried. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute - :*i resolved that By -Law No. 1227 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. W . 261 The Clerk was instructed to otder two large maps of the Township from Mr. Me S. Arniel of Toronto and several of the members wished to prooure the smaller ones. Cheques issued in respect to salary and wages increases were as follows;- �F Borden Price ------------------------- 28.701% W, L, Looker ------------------------- 26,15n Fred Tribe --------------------------- 23.90x Mahlon Belles ------------------------ 9.9(\ f{ H. L, Godwin ------------------------- 50,00 J. D. Vallee ------------------------- a1.88� Receiver General ---------------------1.45• w++ --------------------- 2.70 i� 3'1 loved by Chute Seconded by Ball- That this special session now adjourn to meet again on March 5th. 1951 at 10.30 A,M... Carried. Won, Mom, Reeve a Township !Office, Straffordville, March 6th. 1951. Pursuant to adjournment of Feb. 10th., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Jackson presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications was received from the 047jol• refuing to accept any respons- ibility in upkeep of ditch and hill at tunnel north of Straffordville, Request was received from Mr. Spencer McConnell for grant to Deep Waterway Committee on Port Burwell. Hospital notices were read and filed. Copy of resolution was received from S.S, o. 9; requesting to join with Vienna in a Township School Area. A letter was also read from the Clerk of Vienna stating that Vienna had already passed a by-law to this effect. Statement of 1950 Roads subsidy was received from District Engineer. lir. J. D. Flanders, Clerk of Dereham, requested an equalization of union school section No. 23. A letter addressed to the Reeve was read from Geo. D. Teall, re. extra taxes on new building. Robert Stewart submitted a written request that his lands be transferred t! Corinth school section, i Letter was read from the H.E.P.C., London office, re Richmond street light A letter from the Clerk of Tillsonburg re. Otter Valley Conservation Authority was laid over for further consideration, Mr. Be H, McConkey waited on the council and discussed with them the position of assessor for 1951. The use of new assessment forms was oonsidei- ed and the whole matter laid over to a special meeting. j " Constable Wellheiser advised the members that his old typewriter oould not be made to work properly and that another one would be required. The Clerk was to contact the Underwood frim in this respect. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That this C ounoi 1 now adjourn for lunoh to meet at 2 P. Carried. During the noon hour, the members visited the site of the complaint with the C.P.R. and regular business was resumed. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Chute- That the Clerk write to the C.P.R-t and request their as operation in opening ditch at the foot of thier fill near Mileage 24,E in n. 1 . order that road may be improved... Carried. Moved by Chute Seoonded by Ball- That this Council make a grant of 450. sponsoring Pt. Burwell as a deep-sea water port. Cheque McConnell... Carried# 262 to the Committee payable to Spencer Fire Chief Dennis and Basil Nevill interviewed the council in respect -,to purchasing an agxiliary pump for use with fire truck. Moved by Coyle Seoonded by Ball- That the Reeve and Fire Chief be a committee to purchase an auxiliary pump for fire truck... Carried* Mr. Blake 4olfe was also in attendance and requested that several others, in addition to the volunteer firemen, be instructed in the operations of the fire truck in j:a6ee of emergency* moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That the following liwenses be approved. - T. Nedozytho -- Roadstde-1Coifee shop, ziestaurant. Chase Laing r.!" Ice cream stand. Mrs. Robt. Gordon He We McCurdy No H. McConkey - " " " ... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Coyle- That the following expenses be paid for trip to Toronto to convention.- � H. L. Godwin - - - - - - - $264,00 Donald Chute ------- 25.00 Cecil Ball --------- 40.00 ... Carried. �t Moved by Coyle Seoonded by #all- That we accept the request of S.S.No. 9 and Village of Vienna to form a Township School Area and the Clerk prepare by-law for same... Carried. Several ratepayers attended at the meeting and requested attention to the respective roads. The Council advised that this matter would be attended to as soon as possible. Stanley Luce also requested attention to the tile portion of Noel Drain. Approval having been received from The Ontario Municipal Board, it was Moved by Coyle Seoonded by Ball- That By -Law No. 1225, authorizing the issuing of debent urea in an amount of $23,000, for purchase of school busses, be now read ai third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seoonded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law Noe 1228, being a by-law to auhtorize the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances pending the issue and sale of debentures authorized under By -Law Noe 1225 be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Ball Seoonded by Coyle- And _resolved that Bp -Law Bee 1228 be now read a second f ►. time... Carried. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law No. 1228 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Mr. Cook, Assistant District Municipal Engineer, was present for part of tj I ke meeting and discussed road problems with the members. Moved by Ball Seoonded by Chute- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges Accounts- February pay lists --- $4145.98 Frank Steers Gas for hall and office 14 o 75� `i Robt. Grant- Stamps for auditors ----------------- %" 8.00 Edwy Curtis - Relief for March ------------------- 43.00` Jules Arnou - E6.00s. Geo. McGregor - " " " ___----______------ 23.00• Robt. Grant - Stramps for Treas.----------------- 7.00\ Trease of Hamilton- Post San, care re.W.Konop ---- 66.34\ News Printing Co.- Envelopes --------------------- 6.59N . H.E.P.C.- Inst. 2 lights in Straffordville ------ Wm. Wellheiser - Dispenser ______________________ Ronald Vaughan - Fox Bounty --------------------- Wm. I. Stewart - " " _____________________ Arnold McDowell - " "---------------- Treas. of Ontario- Police sal. for Feb. --------- n n _ exp, Jan. --------- Spencer McConnell - Committee grant ------------- H. L. Godwin- Exp. to Toronto ------------------- Donald Ohute - " ^ " ------------------- C�eo it Ball - " " " -- J. L. Dennis- Fire Dept. sal. ___________________ - Straff. St. Lte. ------------------ J. D. Vallee To apply on salary --- ------------ Receiver General - Tag re. Vallee ------- -------- Chas. F. Jackson - 2 meetings ------------------- Lyle Coyle - 2 meetings ---------------------- Walter Nelson- 2 " ---------------------- Cecil M. Ball - 2 " ----------------------- Don. M. Chute - 2 " ---____________________ Ca ital Account 146.43\ 1.50\ 5.K 50m' 15.00. 215.83• 95.57: 50.00, 25.00, 25.00\✓ 40.0fl.- 35.00", 5.00-N 215.41\ 1.45\ 10.00\ 12.00\ 12.00\ 10.60 11.20\ Con School -Board No. 6 - Advance -------------12,500.00 Bayham Twp, School Board - " -------------19,800.00. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That this Council now adjourn to meet ag4in on Monday, April 2nd. at 10.30 P.M.... Carried. eeve . Township Office, Straffordville, 14areh 15th. 1951. A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date, all members present except Councillor Chute and Reeve Jackson pres- ided. The purpose of the meeting was to consider tenders on new -tV ton truoli and to discuss assessing problems and considering the hiring of an assessor* Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council approve of the advertising for tender for new * ton (truck with present truck for trade-in... Carried. Three tenders were received and considered as follows; - Grant Motors- Chevrolet at 41814.25 less $700. allowance. Lindsay & Son - Ford at 11799.13 less $459.13 allowance, Pearce Motors - Mercury at X1817.00 less $700. allowance. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Ball- That we accept the tamder of Grant Motors for a new Chevrolet * ton truck at price of 11814.25 less $700, for trade-in as per tender submitted March 15th. 1951... garried. Considdrable discussion was held in respect to assessment matters and Mr. Elton Jackson waited on the Council in respect to the position as Township Assessor. A decision on assessment matters and the engagement of an assessor was laid over for further consideration. Dove d by Ball Seconded by Nelson - April 2nd., 1951... That this Carried. special session. now adjourn to meet again ski PAr♦ f. ski 264 Township Office, Straff ordvill e, April 2nd. 1951. Pursuant to adjournment of March 5th.,, the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Jackson presiding. ]Uinutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the fohlowing business was done. Hospital notices were read and filed. ,:.t,,Invitation to attend Open douse at new offices of Children's Aid Society. Requests for usual grants were received from the Elgin Morse -Breeders Assn. and The Tillsonburg and District Fair Board. Letters were received from T. S. Caldwell in respect to condition of the Second Concession and south part of Bayham-Yialahide Townline. Auditors reports were placed before the council and also report of the Straffordville Commur►ity Centre. A copy of resolution was received from the Bayham Township School Board stating that the Board would not object to transfer of certain lands to S.S. No, 16. Advise was received from the County clerk that Bayham had been equalized at �2, 562, 866. for 1951 and that the sum of t30,514, would be required for county rate for 1951. A letter and bulletin was received from the Live Stock Branch at Toronto in respect to dogs killing sheep and suggested remedies. A large delegation of ratepayers and residents from the Second Concession both east and west, waited on the Council and complained of the present condition of this road and requested some action to remedy same. Mr. Zack Sawyer and Rev.Downing were the prinoi palf%spokesmen and considerable discussion was held. The eodneil agreed to try to make some improvements to this road during the coming summer, particularly in the matter of better drainage. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Council adjourn for lunch to meeta again at 1.30 P.M... Carried. Council resume regular business at 1.30 P.M. and several other ratepayero waited on the members in regards to repairs to their respective roads. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That the application of W. E. Greer for a Lunch Counters license be approved... Carried. Moved by Nielson Seconded by Coyle- That this council make a grant of X25.00 to the Tillson- burg Fair Board.., Carried. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That this Council make a gram of 025.00 to the Elgin Horse -Breeders Assn... Carried. A by-law was then presentedtn respect to the increase in salary of the Township Road Supt, Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1229 being a by-law to appoint Harry L. sedwin as Road Supt, at a salary of 41800. per year from January 1st. 1951, be now read a first time... Carried* Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law iso. 1229 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Chute f Seconded by Ball- And resolved that By -Law Bo. 1229, be now read a third time and finally passed,** Carried, Moved by Chute � f E Seconded by Ball- That Daylight Saving time be effective in this 29wnship from 12.01 A.M. Sunday April 29th. to 12.01 A.M. Sept. 30th, in the year `s{ 1951... Carried. Councillor Ball reported that he had contacted several owners in the vicinity of south half lot 21, Cono. 8 in regards to removal_ of fence as requested by the C. P. P. Moved by Ball Seconded by Belson- That this Council express n6 objection to fence being removed between C.P.R. tYU*m and No. 19 #ighway through s+ lot 21# Cono.8 4arried. j .0 1,,V0 objection having been raised by the Bayham Township School Board, by - Law No. 1230 was presented to the council'w Moved by Chute Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law Do. 1230, being a by-law to alter the boundaries of S.S.No. 16 and Bayham Township School Area, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by .Coyle Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1230 be now read a second time... Carried* Moved by Nelson Seconded by Ball- And resolved that By -Law No. 1230 be now read a , third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That the Treasurer purchase a 1000. 3`� Victory Loan with funds from the Cemetery Perpetual Care Funds... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Clerk advertise for sale in local paper, the 3% debentures for t23, 000. for school area busses... Carried. Considerable discussion was held in for 1951 and N. H. McConkey waited Mr. Elton W-ackson had also phone to to accept the job. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That Elton of Township and N. H. McConkey a W. bonus to each for using Dog Tax collected... Carriedo regards to the hiring of an assessor on the Council in respect to the position. the Clerk advising that he was prepared w.ackson be engaged to assess the south part the north part at a salary of $400. each 4ith extra sheets and that they receive 10% of Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That the reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges Accounts- March pay lists ----- $3416.12\ Frank Steers- Gas for hall and office ----------- 18.75\ London Concrete Machinery Co.- Pump, firer truck - 221.63\ H.E•F.C.- Hydro for fire hall ------------------- 15.22 hall and office ------------ 40.12, M. S. Arniel Maps - --- - -- - 3.00 News Printing Co.- Cheques for Gen acct .-------- 15.44 Peters, Brown & Good- 1950 audit fee ------------ 300.00\ - Stationery ---------------- 7.M Treas. Elgin County - Hospitalization ----------- 188.55 Treas. of Ontario - Police salary for March ----- 215.83\ 11- A Expemses for Feb. ---- 49.24 Treas. zast Elgin II.S.Distriot- Tuition fee 1 -- 669.333 " Tillsonburg Dist. H.S•Bd.- " It 3 -- 138.85, " Pt. Burwell C.S.Bd.- Tuition fees # 1 & 3 -- 556.43\ Treas. of Hamilton - Post San care ,Apftil,Konop -- 64.20\ Ken Gran) - Repairs to fire truck --------------- 24.08\ Edwy Curtis - Relief for April ------------------ 43.00\ Jules Arnou - " If ----------------- 26.00\ Geo. McGregor- If If "----------------- 23.40\ Robt. Grant - P.Q. ,box rental ------------------- 5.00\ Treas, Tillsonburg Fair Board- Grant ------------ 25.00\ " Elgin horse -Breeders Assn.- "----------- 25.00\ - -------------------- John Todd Relief for April 27.00 J. L. Dennis - March Saiary F.i�----------- ------ 35b.0 -t, it it It If St* Lts • 5.00 J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary --------------- 215.21\ Receiver General - Tax -------------------------- 1.45r Chas. F. Jackson- Attend. � meetings ------------ 10.00\ Lyle Coyle - " 2 If ------------ 12.00\ Walter Nelson - If 2 "------------- 12.00 ' Cecil M. Ball - " 2 "------------ 10.60s, Don, M. Chute - " 1 "------------ 5.60► Moved by Ball, Seconded by Ghute- That this C ounoi l now ;adjourn to meet Y again -on May 7th. at 1 P.M... Carried. 266 Township Office. 3traffordville, May 7ths, 1961. Pursuant to adjournment of April 2nd,,, the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Jackson presiding, minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Notice of equalized assessment was received from the Assessors in respect to the following anion school sections;- Vienna, Calton, North Bayham and Corm A bulletin was received from the Ontario Municipal assn, re, resolution from Niagara Falls' council in regards to turn -over tax. Finance Committee's report and By -Law Bo. 1590 was received from the County. Letters were received from the 4'elfare Dept. of Hamilton in respect to the physiaial condition of W. Konop. Notice of a Building Officio..l.s Conference, May 14th. to 17th. at Toronto was received from the Dept. of Planning and Development. Approvals were received from the Dept. of highways in respect to purchase of -;- ton truck and of Roads Expenditure By -.Law iso. 1227 in the full amount' of $40,000,00 Rospital notices were discussed and filed. I letter was received from the Hagersville Quarries stating that the freight rate from there to Straffordville was 41.20 a ton. Mr. Howard Coomber of the East Elgin nigh school Board waited on the council and discussed with them the matter of procuring an mrchiteet for further program at the Aiylmer High School. moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council is in accord with the East Elgin Sigh School District Board retaining an architect to prepare sketch plans and set estimates for an addition and/or alterations to the present East Elgin High School... Carried. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That this Council adjourn for noon until 2 P.M...Carried. Council resumed usual business at 2 P.1. and John Honsberger on behalf of Aero Taxi, presented a written request fora taxicab license for two cabs. Moved by Chute Seconded by Ball- That taxi licenses for 2 cabs be granted tokAro Taxi of Tillsonburg upon payment of 135.00 fee and compliance with terms of By -Law. Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That during the period May 1st. 1951 to July 31st. 19519 dogs be not permitted to run at large in Bayham Twwns hi p and that the Reeve issue a proclamation covering same... Carried. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That this Council approve application for an ice Cream Stand license for Bruce Kennedy... Carried. r Moved by Belson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council support the resolution of the III of Niagara Falls in objecting to amendments to the B.N.A.Aot, giving the Provincial Government authority to levy a 3% turn -over tax... Carried. � 40 Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That this Council approve of Hydro contract- for Lloyd 5 Raymond at Eden and that a request be made of the Hydro office to collect s deposit of 115.00 until such time as applicant erects a dwelling.Carried. A discussion of estimates of revenue and expenditure for 1951 was then held by the members* Moved by Coyle Seconded by Felson- That the Township levy be Treasurer's budget be adopted... Carried. set at 12.3 mills and the Moved by Chute 1 Seconded by Nelson- That By -Law No. 1231, being a by -,law to adopt assessment for 1951 and to levy taxes for 1951 and provide for the ion thereof, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Ball the oolleotow Seconded by Fels on- And resolved that By -Law No. 1231 be now read a second time... Carried. kloved by Coyle-. Seconded by Ball- And resolved that By -Law Lo. 1231 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. 1,,In accordance with a request received from Village of Vienna Board of Trustees for 3. Be No. 9, the following by-law was Moved by Nelson - 261 and also the presented.- . Seconded by Ball- And resolved that By -Law oto. 1232 being a by-law to set apart the Township School Area of Vienna and Bayham Township Area, be now read a first time... Carried* gloved by Ball Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law lyo. 1232 be now read a Second time... Carried, S Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No, 1232 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. As satisfactory sales could not be arranged for Calton School bebentures and also Area School Bus debenttkkea, and apon :advise of the Township solicitor, the following by-laws were presented to raise the rate of interest in each case to 4%. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Ball- And resloved that By -Law No. 1233 being a by-law to amend By -Law No. 1221, be now read a first time... Carriedo Moved by Chute Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law No. 1233 be now read a Second time...Carried. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- And resolved that �3y-Law No. 1233 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. `oved by Ball Seconded by ltielson- And resolved that By -Law iio. 1234, being a by-law to amend By -Law Lo. 1225, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Chute "" Seconded by Coyle -And resolved that Bit -Law Do. 1234 be now rear: a second 'ime...Carried . Moved by Coyle Seoopded by Nelscn- And resolved that By -Law Iro. 1234 be now read a third time and finally passed ... Carried. Mr. Cook, A96istant District Municipal Engineer, discussed road problems with the council and it was decided to make a tour of all Township roads on May 17th. and 18th. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That the Reeve sign the order sheets...Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- April pay lists --- $4539.15Y Calton School Board- Aapital account advance -- 8000.00 " tr - " 11 " --•. 9000.00\ David Mill9rd - Relief for April -------------- 21.00\ Frank Steers - Gas for hall & office, March --- 18.75\ Robt. Grant - Stamps -------------------------- 11.00\ Edwy Curtis - Relief for May ------------------ 43.00` Jules Arnou - " ►'----------------- 17.5Q\ Geo. McGregor - " "----------------- 17.50 John W. Todd - " "----------------- 17.50\ David Millard - " " "----------------- 13.50\ Aylmer Express - Advts.----------------------- 9.12,\ News Printing Co.- and printing ---------- 76.87\ Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies ---------------- 19.53% R " " _ Dog Tags ---------------- 24.04 Gestetner Ltd.- Ink --------------------------- 2.84 Central Pipe Lines - Office furnace ----------- 2.48,\ Albert Deller & Son - Tile for Arn Drain ------ 2.88N workmens' Compensation Board- Vol. firemen ---- 19.80\ " " " - Gen. account ---- 32.34 Geo. Grant Ins. Agency - Fire truck ----------- 136.57 Treas. of Ontario- Polioe salary, April ------- 215083'\ - " expenses, Karoh------- 4,7.98\ ;f Frank Volkaert - Fox bounty ------------------- 150ON R. Me Whaley 21SON Fred Sivyer - " "------------------- 9.00 LeRoy Bates - Fred Oatman - F1oyd Taylor - Basil Devill - Chas . Grass - Skean Brinn - Earl Bristol - Fox 'Bounty ------------------------- n n ff n --------------------- ------------------------ - -------------------- - n fr ----------------------- n f! if ft Tio881d Killion- " " ------------------------- Frank Steers - Gas for hall & office, April ------- J. L. Dennis - Salary for April fire dept. -------- " "_ Straffordville St. Lts.---------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------- Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ----------------- Chas. F. Jackson - bttend 1 meeting --------------ab- Lyle Coyle - " 1 " ---------------- Walter Felson - n 1 " ---------------- Cecil M. Ball - " 1 " ---------------- von. M. Chute - " 1 " ---------------- 45.00'- 58.00 25.00 11.00, 34.00 12.00, 18.00 3.00'. 7.60 35.00 5.00', 215.21\ 1.46 5.00, 6.00, 6.00ti 5.30_, 5.60\ Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on June 4th. at 1 P.N... Carried, Township Office , Str.3ffordville, May 17th. 1951. A special meeting of the members of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date, prior to inspection of Township roads. All members were present and the purpose of the meeting was to consider the following resolutions. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That the "'treasurer be and is hereby authorized to sell X2500. of Dominion of 0anada Victory Loans, re. purchase of 5 ton truck, from the Post Aar Fund,,.0 Carroed . Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the Treasurer and Solicitor be and are hereby authorized to sell the Bus debentures and Calton School debentures as best they can... Carried, Lembers adjourned to inspect roads to -day and to -morrow. s 269 Township Office, Straffordville, June 4th. 1951. I Pursuant to adjournment of May 7th., the council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date ,all members present and Reeve jaeksonpresiding. minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. tiospital notices were read, discussed and filed. Letter was read from Mr. Johnston, Supt. of O.P.R. Approval was received for By -Lave No. 1229, re. salary of Road Supt. I.Ionthly reports were received from Police Constable rWellheiser and County ,,ourt Clerk. Letter and convention dates were re:.°eived from "elfare Officers'. Assn. Bequest for grant to Calton cemetery was received from :.sir. Mott. Communications were received from R. e. Daly Co. and `ownship Solicitor in respect to Sale of us debentures, Moved by Chute Seconded by Sall- That an Ice Cream Stand license be granted to Zennedy's Store at Dalton... Carried, The Clerk discussed some changes in the Voter's List act. ;Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the municipal Voters' List be prepared in alphabetical order... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Assessors be paid the following for equal- izing school section. - Elton Jackson- $10. for Vienna and Calton N. H. McC obkey- x:10. for Corinth and North Bayham, and also 45.00 each for attending school at St. Thomas„f Carried. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That Robt. Jackson be allowed t-10.00 for expenses attending Weed Inspector's meeting at Guelph... Carried. 11 Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the following 1951 taxes be written off as busines�- es are not operating. - Roll 499, Lewis Thomas Roll 770, John Derer, business tax - $5.42 - 4.74 ... Carried, Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- Whereas Thos. Nedozytho has planted poplar trees over tile on Bartley Drain on lot S. mono. 8, it is hereby authorized that the Drain Inspector order him to remove same or they will be removed by the Township at his expense... Carried. Moved by %%huts Seconded by Ball- Resolved that for the purpose of certifying eipployment b Township of Bayham as permanent in accordance with paragraph one of Part I of the First Schedule to the Unemployment Insurance Act and of Special Ord made by the Reemployment Insurance Commission thereunder, the following bo and they are hereby authorised to issue certificates: Officer so authorized - J. D. Vallee, Clerk-Treas. ... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nielson- That a grant of J5.00 be made to Calton cemetery, J. Mott, Sea.-Treas... Carried. An agreement with the H.E.P.Ce for street lighting in the Hamlet of Richmond was then read and discussed. Loved by Chute Seconded by Ball- And resolved that By -Law 1+o. 1235, being a by-law to authorized the Corporation to enter into an agreement with the ii.E.P.C* for street lighting in Richmond, be now read a first time.,,.* Carried, Moved by Coyle ,i Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law Iio. 1235 be nbw read a second �3 time... Carried. Moved by Ball Seconded by Nelson- .And resolved that By -Law .+o. 1235 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. re �x 270 Discussion was heldin regards to sale of debentures and prices at various interest rates. The Clerk advised that the matter of sale of Claton school Debentures had been discussed with the Chairman of the Board and they had recommended that interest rates be increased to 4+% in order that a more satisfactory sale might be made. moved by Dielson Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law Ito. 1236, being a by-law to repeal By -Law No. 1233, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Ball- And resolved that By -Law No. 1236 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1236 be now read a third time and finally passed,*, Carried. A by-law was than presented to increase this interest rate. Moved by Chute Seconded by Ball- khd resolved that By -Law NMo. 1237, being a by-law to amend ay -Law No. 1221, changing debenture interest rate to 4 for %elton School Section, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law Igo. 1237 be now read a Second time... Carried, The Clerk was instructed to forward a copy of this By-law to Township 6olieitor for presentation to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval. The Road Supt. discussed with the members the costs of repairs to Adams's grader and the settlement offered by the Company. Moved by Ball Seconded by Coyle- That this Council accept the offer of settlement with J. D. Adams Ltd. as contained in letter of May 16th. 1951 for a credit of 274.90 on crankcase block... Carried. The meiu�ers and officials then went to inspect a building on the farm of Gordon Robertson and to=' the Township grounds to look over site for a proposed garage and storage for Township vehicles and equipment. The Reeve and Road Supt. were requested to procure further information and ,prtces jn ,re6pect to erection of this building. ;Moved by Chute Beeonded by Ball- That the Reeve sign the order shhets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- May pay lists ---- Sec.-Treas. S.$.No. 6- ilapital acct. --------- A. & M, 'telephone Co.- Police & office------- Edwy Curtis - Relief for June ---------------- C)ules Arnou ---------------- seo. McGregor- " ^ ^ --------------- John W. Todd - " '" --------------- David Millard - " " --------------- H. L. Godwin - deals insp. roads------------- T.he k'ranklin Press - Printing bus deb. ------- Municipal World Ltd.- Dog Licenses & supplies - News Printing Co.- Advts --------------------- Aylmer Express - ^ ------_______ Toronto Fire Equip. Co.- Supplies ------------ Fred A. Bell - Maps for Richmond St. Lts.----- Treas, of Ontario - Police sal. for gay ------ n n ►. _ �+ exp. " Apr. ----- Robt. Stewart - Fox Bounty ------------------- Harry Davidson " ^ -- Thos.Nedozytho - " ------------------- L. R. Bates - " " ------------------- Fred Oatman - ------------- Samuel Lammens - " " ------------------- F. Howson -Police typewriter ----------------- Elton Jackson - Equal. schools & exp. -------- N. H. McConkey____------ Robt. C. Jackson - Expenses weed conv,------- 3 . F. Mott, Sea . -Treas . - Brant Calton cemetery - J. L. Dennis - F.D.salary for May ------------ " " - 8traff. . St. Lts , May -------___ J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------ Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee------------ �4i44.83 5000.00% 85.10 43.00\ 17.50 17.50` 17.50, 13.50. 18.40\ 49.50\ 8.98\ 5.48\ 11.34 2.10., 5.00\ 215.831, 41.83 5.00N 3.00\ 5.00 3.00. 3.00", 5.00\ 75 . oO., 1500011, 15.00,E 10.06\ 5.00 35.00 5.00-\ 215.21\ 1.45\ Chas. F. Oackson - 2 days insp. roads ----------- & 10.04X R M +t Gar 1 day on roads 10.00 R R tl - 1 day council ----------------- 5.0a Lyle Coyle - 2 days insp. roads ----------------- 12.00 n it - 1 day council ---------------- 6.013, Walter nelson - 1 day insp. roads --------------- 5.00, " ^ - 1 day council ------------------- 6.00 Cecil Ball - 2 days insp. roads ----------------- 10.60 " " - 1 day car on roads ----------------- 10.00' " it - 1 day council ---------------------- 5.30\ Don. Chute - 1+ day insp. road3----------------- 8.40\ " " 1 day council ---------------------- 5.6Q� le le Lost cheue Tin • 1160---------------- Earl Bristol 18.00\ Moved by Seconded 1 Poll*** Nelson by Coyle- 0arri6d . 271 That we do now adjourn to meet again on July 3rd, at Town3hip Office, Straffordville, July 3,1951, Pursuant to adjournment of June 4th., the Council of the Township of Bayha met in regular session on the above date, all members present axdept ooun- c it for Felson. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That the Deputy reeve preside until the arrival of the Reeve... Carried. Llinutes of the last regular meeting were read ,approved and signed and the following business ^vas done. Reeve Jackson then arrived at the meeting. Hospital and Sanatorium notices were received and information in regards t Vinoenty Konop. Report was received from the Clerk of the County Court. Acceptance was received from the Unemployment Insurance Commission in respect to certificate of permanent employment of four employees. The County Centennial Lonmittee advised that trees might be available for ' planVing during centennial year and requested information as to how many .� Bayham might require. The clerk was advised to inform then that 5 white oak would be used if supplied, Notice of -:application by the Dominion Natural -as Co. for increase in rated was received on order from the natural sas Referee. Grants were received from the .Province under the Homes for the -i►ged Act and Children's Protection Act. bdviee was received from the Dept. of Ldueation that the By -Laws setting 11 apart the Vienna and �3aynam Township School area, had been approved and ths, Mr. McColl, Inspector, had been named referee to determine a settlement of'! the accounts and properties of the interested school sections, letter was received from the Dept. of Municipal affairs in respedt to grants to the Federation of Agriculture, a petition was received, signed by sufficient ratepayers of former 5.5.No. 18, requesting that a Community Centre be establis#ed at Eden. Statemant of sale and delivery of School Bus debentures was received from R.Z.Daly Co. Ltd. % I Mr. Howard Coomber, Chairman, and fir. Stevens', Principal, of the East Elgi H&gh School District, waited on the 30ancil and presented plans for the etilargement of tie, present high school building in order to provide the accommodation required during the next few years. Considerable discussion was held on this cutter with the two representatives. . r, . 272 Moved by Ball Seconded by Coyle- That this Council hereby gives tentative approval to th assumption of its proportionate share Of a debenture issue by the Town of Aylmer in the amount of 1450, 000. for providing and equiping ten add itiona teaching areas at the East Elgin High School.., Carried. The clerk -was instructed to sent certified copies to the Clerk of Aylmer. Loved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That we approve of an Ice Cream Stand license for C. J. Xetehabaw at Eden... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Chute- That the Business Tax of :13.55 bw written off Morley Aotchkiss property being former business assessment of X250. on Dr. Cardwe property, Roll 579 in 1951 tax roll... `married. Moved by Ooyle Seconded by Ball - That taxes on assessment of 2500. of J. A. Saylor property in amount of 135.50 for 1951 be written off as building was destroyed by fire during past winter... Carried. At 3 P.M. several interested ratepayers. all except two, were in attendant in respect to repairs to the Nevill Drain and listened to a proposition a submitted ty the Road erupt., Reeve and noward Palmer, to have the Irian pa in working order at a much lower cost that was estimated by the engineer Then his report was turned down. Considerable discuss ion was held in regi to this matter. Repairs to the drain were again laid over due to the fact that two owners present objected to same and also that two others with large assessments were not present. At 4 P.M. only one rep resentative,besides Councillor Ball, was present froi Eden in respect to Eden Street Lights. The Olerk advised that one letter had been received to have name withdrawn, but that a majority was still in favour of the lights. The proposal for street lighting was declared carries by Reeve Jackson and it was decided to contact Mr. Simmons in regards to further details, Township '>oli6itor D. F. Gibson advised that approval had been received in respect to the first and second readings of the amending by-law to the Calton school debentures and that it would be in order to present same for third reading. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Ball- That By -Law Bo, 1237, regarding Calton school debentures be now read a third time and finally passed q.. Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Ball- And resolved that By -Law 111o, 1238, being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of an additional $25,000, from the Canadian Bank o Commerce fr current expenditure, be noy read a first time... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Ball- and resolved that By -Law I4o. 1238 he now read a second 43, time,,* Carried. n 7) Moved by Chute Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law No* 1238 be now read a third t and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Chute- And resolved that By -Law leo. 1239, being a by-law to establish a Community Centre at Eden, be now read a frist time... Carried. Moved by Chute Seconded by Ball- And resolved that By -Law Lo* 1239 be now read a second time... Carried. Droved by Ball Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law No. 1239 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Members of the Board of Manager#ent named in by-law were - For Council - Lyle Coyle and Cecil M. Ball, Others- Chea.etchabaw, Harold Sawyer, Eva Inman, {deo. Moore and Geo. Jenkins. ` Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That August 6th* be declared Civic Holiday in and for t Township of Bayham... Carried* 273 Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on August 7th. at 1 P.M.... Carried. _Cont' d from page 274 J. L. Dennis —Fire N - S t . ahas . F. Jackson - Lyle Coyle - Walter Nelson - chilf sal. for July ----------- 4 lts. for July ------------------ Attend 1 meeting n 1 w " � R --------------- --- ------------ --------------- 36.00,' 5.00N. 5.00` 6.OQN, 6.00-• er Moved by Nelson Seoonded by Coyle- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Sept. 4th. at 1 P.M... Carried* r r Moved by .Ball Seoonded by Chute- That the Chairman sign the order sheets... Carried. it Roads and Bridges Accounts- Junepay lists ----4000.191 Savings Scot. Iwo. 1- Trans from y� eserve fund -- 2500.00 Frank Steers - Gas for hall and office -------- 7.45 -- Jacob Cronkwright - Relief for June ----------- 8.00\ N. H. McCor: key - 10o of 4169.00 dog tax ------ 16.90\ Robt. Grant - Stamps for tax notices ---------- " it " " 38.00• - Clerk-Treas.-------- 10.00\ it " Eden St. lights ---- 2.00-\ H. E. P. C. - dydro for fire hall ------------- 17.30,\ hall & Office --------- 16.99,. Edwy Curtis - lielief for July ---------------- 43.00 „ ___-- -____ Geo. McGregor- " " " ----- -- 17.50` David Iaillard - " n "--------------- 13.50 Oaoob Cronkwfight - " " "---------------- 10.00\ J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------- 215.21. Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ------------- 1.45` Grant Motors - Gas & Repairs to fire truck ---- 77.16\ News Printing Co.- Tax notices, etc. ---------- 27.34\ Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies ---------------- 5.80\ Gestetner Ltd.- Supplies for V.L.------------ 39.37\ Treas. of Elgin - Hospitalization ------------- 803.04\ J. L. Dennis - Sal. for June F.D.------------- 35.00", - Sal. Straff. St. Lts.---------- 5.00\ We E. Greer " Fox Bounty ---------------------- 5.00\ Treas. of Ontario - Police salary for June ---- 215.83\ expenses for May --- 71.68 Chas. F. Jackson- 1 meeting ------------------- 5.00 Lyle Coyle - 1 "------------------- 6.00 Cecil Ball - 1 "---=---------------- 6.30\ Donald Chute - 1 "-------------------- 5.6Q\ Discussion was held in reagrds to the proposed garage for Township vehicle and the Reeve was authorized to have Frank Albright draw up plans and specifications for same. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on August 7th. at 1 P.M.... Carried. _Cont' d from page 274 J. L. Dennis —Fire N - S t . ahas . F. Jackson - Lyle Coyle - Walter Nelson - chilf sal. for July ----------- 4 lts. for July ------------------ Attend 1 meeting n 1 w " � R --------------- --- ------------ --------------- 36.00,' 5.00N. 5.00` 6.OQN, 6.00-• er Moved by Nelson Seoonded by Coyle- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Sept. 4th. at 1 P.M... Carried* r r 2 74' Township Office , 5traffordville, august 7th. i951. Pursuant to addournment of July 3rd., the regular meeting of the Bayham i lownship council was held on the above date. Those present were Reeve Jacks' Deputy Reeve Coyle and Councillor Nelson, Reeve Ja3kson presided. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done, Iihospital n6tices were read, discussed and filed. Lteers concerning 1951 taxes were received from Smith and Ehde and also Mrs,* .Julia Zostiuk, The Clerk reported that a claim for damages was pending from Vieary Claims Service on behalf of Roy Douglas Roth and also one from Floyd Taylor. Police and Court Clerk reports were pre3ented to the Council. The Clerk was instructed to send account from Mrs. Layman for Mrs. Dave Millard to the County. A letter was read from L. F. Gibson, Township 03olicit0t, In regards to the proportioning of costs re. Eden survey and also one in regards to Calton school debentures. Three bids were received on the Calton School debentures butr-were not eonsi4- ed acceptable at the present time. Reeve Jackson reported on a meeting with Mr. Alison, C.P.R. Divisional Engineer, in regards tofill and road near Howey tunnel. M r. killison agreed to send power shovel in to assist in widening this road in order that the fill be not distrubed. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That a Refreshment Booth license be granted to narold Sawyer of r.den... Carried, Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the sale of the School Bus debentures at a price of 98-t to the R. A. Daly Co. be and is hereby approved... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Township Treasurer and Solicitor be and are hereby authorized to sell the Calton School Debentures... Carried. Plans and specifications for storgge garage as submi .'ted by Mr. Frank Albright were examined and discussed. In general they were considered satisfactory but it was believed that more detail as to dimensions and and materials specifications would be adviseable. A list was prepared for guidance in this respect, The Council members abd the Road Oupt. took a short recess and went to inspect the second concession were the large grader was widening same and makkng ditvhes. to ome discussion was held on the matter of Por permission to spent an additional sum instructed to +aansult Mr. Cook, Assistant requesting the Dept. of Highways on roads and the Road Supt. was Engineer, in this respect. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried* oads and Bridges accounts- July pay lists ---------4318.80 {;rank Steers - Gas for hall and office ------------- 3.90\ 'Jules Arnou July relief -------------------------- 17.50\ N. H. McConkey - To apply on salary ----------------' 60.00. Robert Grant - Stamps ------------------------------ 3.00\ Edwy Curtis - Relief for Au ust-------------------- 43.00 Jules Arnou - " "-------------------- 17.50\ Geo. McGregor - 't "-------------------- 17.50#t 'Pavid Millard _ n n n ____________________ 13.50\ anadian Bank of Commerce - Sch. Deb. -------------- 1128.73% ewe Printing Co.- Notice of meeting --------------- 1.20\ unicipal World Ltd.- Assessment sheets & cover ---- 92.1& real. of Hamilton - Post San.care re. Konop------- 60.00\ )Certified Electric Co.- Bulbs Straff. St. Lts. ----- 19.6b\ Oreas. of Ontario - Police sal. for July ----------- 215.83+ _ p ____________ ex for June 47.88\ Ronald Ward - Fox Boutty--------------------------- 10.00. Je D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------------ 215.16` eceiver General - Tax re. Vallee ------------------ 1.50\ see a X7' 1 276 Township Office, Straffordville, Sept. 4th, 1951 Pursuant to adjournment of August 7th. , the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date. members present were Reev vhas. F. Jackson, Deptty Reeve Lyle Coyle and Councillor "elson, h inutes o the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Notice was received from board of Transport Commissioners of an applicatio by the Bell Telephone Lo. for an increase in rates. I otice of Hearing to be held was receivod in respect to application of yominion Xas moo. for increase in rates. Police and Court Clerk red. orts were received and filed. Several hospital notices were received, discussed and filed. Subsidy under the Police "pct in and amount of t'552.7`' was received. The reeve advised that an award of fenceviewers re. Pressey and Zns was appealed by ir. Ens. The Engineers report on the Jivvance gain was received and a2 so 3 Petition for cleaning out and repairing the Bartley L,rain. Moved by Coyle Seconded by nelson- That the 1951 tax -as, roll iso. 1020, of Smith and Ehde, in an amount of X21.68 be written off, wells and pipe line removed.Carried moved by Felson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council approve of the sale of Calton School Debentures at a price of ":99, plus accrued interest, to Isard, Robertson & Co... carried, i►roved by Coyle Seconded by n els on- 'A:hat the Dominion of Canada V1000. bond due in 1956 and recently purchased for the Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund, be placed In the local 3ranch of the Canadian Bank of Corimaeree for safe-keeping..Carrie Discussion was held in regards to the engineers report on the proposed Swance Drain and also on the petition for repairing the Bartley Twain. The Clerk was instructed to call meeting of Council and those interested in the Swanoe Drain at the convenience of Mr. Swance and others. Moved by ogle Seconded by Nelson- That John F. Weston be requested to make a new survey and re -assess the Bartley Drain in this 2ownship...Carried, Loved by Felson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council petition the Dept, of Highways for statutory grant on roads expenditure to Aug. 319t. 1951, in an amount of 389510.74 and that the proper officers sign same... Carried. Further discussion was held in regards to asking the rept. for permission to spent more money on Township roads in 1951. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law provide for additional expenditure of $6000. read a first time... Carried. Moved by nelson Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law time... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Belson- And resolved that By -Law time and finally passed... Carried. No. 1240 , being a by-law to on roads for 1951, be now io. 1240 be now read a second No. 1240 be now read a third A by-law was then considered, for limiting loads_ on bridges on Township roaj Moved by Coyle II Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1241, being a by-law to limit weight of vehicles and load to 10,000 lbs. on all bridges on Township roads in the Township of Bayham, be now read a first time... Carried, i,Moved by Nelson 113eoonded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law No. 1241 be now read a second time... Carried. i Moved by Coyle 13eoonded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1241 -be now read a third time anfd finally passed... Carried. The Reeve advised that the assessors where unable to complete the assessmen within the time limit set by by-law and that an extension of time was is. M L a 276 necessary and also that the time for holding Court of Revision on setae would have to be changed. The following by-laws were presented. 1 Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that by -Law No. 1242, being a by-law to designate the period when asaesement shall be made and when the roll to be returned to the Township Clerk, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law No. 1242 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that shy -Law "o. 1242 be now read a third time and finally passed.*, Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law Bo. 1243, being a by-law to change time for holding Court of Revision, be now read a first time.Carriei Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1243 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Felson Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that isy-Law No. 1243 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. It was dedided to defer the proposed new building for the time being. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- Au;ust pay lists ------ 41817.10♦ Frank Steers- Gas for hall and office ------------- 4.00\ Edwy Curtis- Relief for Sept. --------------------- 38.0 Jules Arnou - " " '* _______________`_____ 17.50\\ Geo. McGregor _ ^ r "--------------------- 17.50✓ David Millard - " " "--------------------- 13.50/ Geo. Chute- Coal for office ----------------------- 127.18✓ Treas, of Hamilton- Post San.Care, Konop,11ept.----- 30.001 Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies -------------------- 4.92✓ Ed. .)avidson - Fire hall rental for 19,651 ---------- 100.00/ Treas. of Ontario - Police sai. for August -------- 215.83 exp. for July ----------- 69.52/ Donald F. Gibson- Exp. re. Calton school dab. ----- 347.84 it The Franklin Press -Print. re. ^ " ---- 86.68 Canadian Bank of Commerce - Exp. handling Calton deb. 23.66/ ✓, Bus Deb. 17.13 John Andratis - Fox bounty ------------------------ 25.001/ John F. Weston - Survey, eta. Swance Lrain-------- 195.00✓ Canadian Warconi Co.- Calls re. Noels searhh ------ 2.05 N. H. MoConkey - Apply on salary ------------------ 150.00 / J. L. Dennis - F.v* sal. for Aug. ----------------- 35.00 ✓ St. Lts for iiug. 5.00 J. D. Vallee- To apply on aalary------------------ 215.16 Receiver General- lax re. Vallee ------------------ 1.50✓ Chas. F. Jackson - Attend. 1 meeting -------------- 5*00 Lyle Coyle - ^ 1 '1 --------------- 6.00 Walter Nelson- " 1 IT--------------- 6.00,/ apital Account- reas. 13ayham Twp.- Lxp. re. Calton ;jeb.---------- 458.18 real. S.S.T�o. e - Bal. deb. funds ---------------- 6039.42 4oved by Coyle .Seconded by Nelson- That this Council now adjourn October let. at 1 P.M.... Carried. to meet a ga in on 1 0 277 Township Office, Straffordville, October let. 1951. Pursuant to adjournment of Sept. 4th., the Council of the Township of Bay met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Jackson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. A eommunieation was received from the Letter Supply @o. advising that they would print 175 to 200 copies of our Voters' List for ;88.00 Advice was received from the rept. of Municipal &ffairs that it would not be necessary to a sahool supportgrs column in our Voters' lists. A letter was received from the Clerk of the Peace advising of the number of Jurors to be selected. ,4 report was received from the County Court Clerk. The reeve and Clerk reported on the situation of Mrs, lodby a:?d her hospitE account. It was considered adviseable that the Township not entor into thif case in ar y way. At 2 P.M�. only r. Swance and lY'r. ri. 3raydon along with isir. -Traydon's eon, were present for the reading and consideration of the engineer's report on the proposed Svanee the-reading Some discussion was field and the Reeve finally asked if ar, dished to add their names to the petition and also if any _"wished to withdraw their names. Done viere adced and none withdrawn. :awoved by Ball Seconded by Chute- a majority of those benefiting by the proposed Swance t Drain, having left their names on the petition for same, it is herety I resolved that this Coupe it proceed with the drainage by-law for sane.Carri( a ,oved by ball Seconded by Chute- and resolved that .6y -Law ivo. 1244, being a by-law to provide for Drainage work in the '2own3hip of Bayham known as the Swance Drain, be now reaa a first time... 0arried . Moved by Chute Seconded by .call- and resolved that .3y -Law iio. 1244 be now read a second", time and provisi onall;7 passed... Catri ed . k:oved by Coyle Seconded by nelson- .hat the Clerk shall cause to be printed and mail by registered post to all interested parties, a copy of the Swance Lrain ny- Law, together with a notice of holding of the Go -art of AeviEion and notice as to proceedings to quash in accordance with Section 25 of the :,_anicipal Drainage act ... Carried. 11r. Johu,. Szakal and ::r. Stanley Luce waited on the Council and discussed their respeotive drainage problems. L'_oved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That thisour_cil order 3 culverts suitable for hand1ing surface eater on lots 130, Cone. 5 and 7, on Mtuiicipal Drain No. and same to be installed under authority of L owns hi p Dra iange Inspector. Carried. A the Council and Road Supt. dsieussed the matter of expenditures 6n bridges' and culverts for the year 1951 and on recommendation of ngineer Caldwell, it was - Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- ghat amounts be X2500. for maintenance of roads and of -w:fi000 . as per By -Law... Carried. amended in By -Law i;o. 1240 to read V '3500. for maintenance of bridges, The Ci srk advised that a new bank borrowing by-law would be required. Moved by ball Seconded by Chute- and resolved that By -Law '..o. 1245, being a by-law to authopize the aeeve and Treasurer to borrow up to i�20,000. for current expenditures, be now read a first time... Carried. Loved by lielson i* d. tot4l 6econded by Chute- zi d resolved that By -Law oto*. 1245 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Chute ' jeeonaed by nelson- &nd resolved that iffy -Law ho. 1245 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. "oved by isall Seconded by Chute - That the Reeve sign the order sheets...Carried, i{oads and bridges accounts- Sept. pay lists ----- .'rank steers - Gas for hall and office---------- lreas. of ' illsonburg - n. 5. Debenture --------- ii. z. P. C.- hydro for hall and office ---------- n fire hall ---------------- Edwy Lurtis - relief for October ---------------- Jules &rnou - +t " ---------------- Geo. 1:cGregor - ,► ---------------- :,avid Millard - t' ,t �,--------------- ailtidian Bank of Commerce - xrea debentures ----- Robt. Grant - $tamps ---------------------------- Berton hilts - ;"ork on hall grounds------------- .F.3.3anders - Grown &ttorney fees------------- Treas. iagin County - nospitali�ati on----------- Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for Sept. ------- it n _ it exp. for Aug.--------- Fernlea Flower Shop - Wreath re. is cConkey------- v. L. Dennis - Fire chief sal. for Sept. -------- " " 3traff. street lts. - -------------- W. L. Vallee - To apply on salary --------------- Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee --------------- Chas. F. Zackson- Attend. 1 meeting ------------- Lyle Coyle - " 1 t' ------------- Walter Nelson - " 1 " ------------- Cecil Ball - :t 1 ___---------- Don. Chute - " 1 ------------- 1869.45 ✓ 3.90 9689.48/ 10 121/ 11..10✓ 38.00/ 17.60 17.50 1350/ 8543..50 7.00/ 21.50✓ 23.00✓ 426.33, 215.83 f 81.7fi 8.0C✓ 35.00✓ 5.00/ 215.16 1.50 5.00 6.00✓✓ 6.00 5.60. 5.60 278 Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That this :ounci 1 now ad ' ourn to meet again on Oct. 294 at 1 P.1i... Carried. A speoial meeting above date for the roads and also to Deputy Reeve Coyle .reeve'. Township Office, Straffordville, Oot. 15th. 1951. of the Counoib of the Township of Bayhm was held on the purpose of considering oertain matters pertaining to form Court of Revision. Present were Reeve Jaokson, and Councillor Nelson. Advioe was reosived from the Muntoipal Board that the 3wanoe Drain By -Law had been approved subjeot to addition of redemption olause for third reads A program and date were reoeived in respeot tgbanadian Goods Roads Assn., convention at Toronto on Nov. 1-3. The Piro Marshall's offioe advised of a sohool for fire ohiefs to be held Oot. 25-26 at University of Toronto. Appreoiation for flowers was received from Yrs. =oConkey and family. Letter from T. Be Caldwell was reoeived in respeot to by-law Bo. 1241. Moved by C oylp Seoonded by Nelson- That this Couno it authorise the temporary closing of 11sideroad between lots 5 and 6 south of County road to lake bank, adjoining Seeley property... Carried. Moved by Belson Seoonded by Coyle- That the resolution under date of Oot. lot. 1951 re* ohange in By -Law No. 1240, be and is hereby resoinded...'.Carried. 9 E'1! Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nielson- That whereas By -Law Bo. 1227 provided for expenditure on culverts and bridges in an amount of #6000o and whereas this amount is not large enough to meet the required expenditure; it is hereby resolved that the Dept. of Highways be requested to approve of the transfer of $25000' from the miscellaneous appropriations andadddd to the culvert and bridges appropriations of the said By -Law No. 1227... Carried. Moved by Coyle 1 Seconded by Nelson- Whereas the assessment notices have not as yet been ooap- leted and ready for mailing for the year 1952, be it hereby resolved that the date for appeals be and is hereby extended to a date to be determined by the Reeve and Clerk to conform with the mailing date of the said notioel Carried. ! Moved by Seconded Carried. Moved by Seconded Court of Nelson by Coyle - Bel son by Coyle - Revision That this council now adjourn to form Court of Revision That Reeve Jackson be named as Chairman of the Asseass for the 195E Assessment Roll... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Court call of the Chairman... Carried. Regular business was then resumed. Moved by Coyle of Revision now adjourn to meet at the Seconded by Nelson- That Diss Donna Aetohabaw be engaged to assist in the completion of the assessment roll and mailing of assessment notices at a salary of $30o per week, and payment is hereby approved... Carried. The Clerk gave a report on the progresefof the Voters' lists and the prep- aration of the assessment roll and notices. Moved by Coyle 3eoonded by Belson- That this special council meeting now ad journ.Carried. Township Office, Straffordville, Oct. 2.9th. 1951. Pursuant to adjournment of Oct. lts . , the regular meeting of the Ba yllam Township couni c it was held on the above date, all members present Except Councillor T3elson, and Reeve Jackson presided. minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approver and signed and the following business was done. hospital notice was received from Simooe re. Iver. Emerson Brown. Letter was received from Messrs. Hare and Harrison re. "Irs. DeN`unck complaint of �Irainage stoppage. Report was receive l from 17ept. of Education re. Inspec,tor's settlement of assets and liabilities and approval of same re. Vienna and% Bayham Township school r,rea4 Application was received for a Lunch Counter license from hers. M. Brant and was referred to the County. Letter under late of Cct. 25th. .-;as received from Uicary Claims service re Roy Roth accident. Approval was received from the wept. of Highways to transfer V2500 from miscellaneous to bridges appropreations for 1951. a 280 Letter was also received from the Dept. of Highways, through the UNistrict engineer's office, re. by-law to limit weight of loads on brigges. Police and court clerk reports were received and filed. Approval and order was received from the Ontario Municipal Board in respect to Swance Drain By -Lacy Ito. 1244, with the provision that a redemption claus be added for third reaAling. The redemption clause as requircd by t ^e Municipal Beard was prepared and included in thc satd 6; -1u:3. Moved by Coyle Bede nded by Ball- And resolved that By -Law No. 12144 be now re -ad a third t and finally passed... Carried. L ,\o appeals having been received on the Swance drain by-law, #:,-,e holding of a drainage court of revision was not -:necessary. °oved by Coyle Seconded by i3all- That part of the taxes of John Pearson for assessment for 1951 be writtenoff in an amount of t 16.5 as. re -moved in fell of 1950, roll ''"o. 823... Carried. building buildings wer oved by Coyle �eccndel by Chute- That a re -bate of 140- 51-0 on 1 51 taxes be paid to Mrs. f belle +alsh, roll o. 637: 'Laving pair] these taxes twice, July 3rd. 1951 :Oct. 19th. I`ll... Carried. . Discussion was held in re -cards to o���pletion of unfl '.she: assessr.crAt of tI late N. YcConk.ey and the amount to be € 'l1o,for the work lore. Move) bar Chute �enon�Ier! by Ball- Teat a cheque be issued to ,'vjrs. 'dna McConkey for X200 being balance of fee acid dog tax com_maission on N. B. McConkey salary as Assessor... Carriedo A by -Law proviling .for elpotions `.vas then presented. �"!oved by Chute Seconded by Ball- hn I resolved that By -Lav Pro: 1246- , being a by -law to provide for holl-Ing munir:Ipal ^leetior_s and for appointing', neputy Returning Officers Poll Clerks anI Polling places, be now read a first time.Carriec Y' ov e d by Ball Seconded by Chute- And resolve? t1iat By -Lary T:o. 121tC be row read a second time... Carried. 1 oved by Coyle Seconded by Ball- And resolved that B;y - aw P;o. 12146 be nova read a third time and finally passed... Carried. The account of Crown .,ttorney �:anders for Rex vs ,:itker�s case for X26.20 i was discussed and laid over. Fire chief Dennis discussed with the members the mater of the auxiliary pump to the fire truck and presented a proposition for procuring one which yvill be more useful than the one no, -,i owner. The members were of the opinio that this trade should be made., x a delegation of Jack Sawyer, Fforley r,:equiggan, John Main and Doald Emerson representing the ratepayers along both ends of the second concession, wait on the council in respect to having gravel put on their road where it had been freshly ditched and graved. Considerable discussion was held and the Reeve advised that it inight be possibly to get a few loads but that the appropriations for 1951 was about all used up except for enough to keep the graders going. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Ball- That the Reeve sign the order sheets...Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- October pay lists----- $1703.26✓ Frank Steers - Gas for hall and office ----------- 3.90✓ Ontario Municipal Board- Swance drain fee -------- �60100:1, 5.00 Donna hetebabaw - Office helpOet2' to 1 inc. ---- 5Donald F�, Gibson- Legal fees inc. schools -------- 503.x.1 Tillsonburg Plumbing & Heating Co.- Office furn.-- 10.04,/ James Walsh - nepairs office light ---------------- 1.75X Municipal World Ltd*- supplies ------------------- 1.68 f Hotchkiss Appliances - Bulbs for office ---------- 1.50 Robt. Grant - Stamps ----------------------------- 7,Op EU {. Id . i 281 i t Mrs. belle Walsh - Rebate on 1951 taxes ------------ S 40.50/ Fred �iv5 er - ?�'ox Bounty~ -------__r_____------------ S,CJG. Bennie Wilks - " " ---------------_______w__ 10.00/ Richard Matthews - " " ____________ 5.00/ Aeith Ketchabaw- " "----------------- 5.p0,/. Lytle Walsh- " �'------------- ___r_----__ 2U.04f aim. Partington - " "------------------------ 5.00f Basil Nevill - " " *_------------- ____r__-_ 5000 H. P. Grant - Gas for fire truck ------ ~ ------------ 4E oV Geo, Grant Ins. Agency - S'afe burg. � Lia, Ins. ---- 305, OG/ Provincial Treasurer - Police salary for Oct. ------ " 21 .83 expo Sept. ---- 9 .62. Donna netehabaw - 1 week salary to Get. 22 --------- 30.00r r r_ w_-___�.r w _r__--- Elton Jackson.,Selecting jurors -- 4.00/ J. L. Dennis - Sal -for Fire Dept* ------------------ 35-00/ nStraff. St. Lts.----------- 5.00 Peters, Brown and Good- Portion 1951 audit fee ----- 200.00/ J. D. Vallee,- Selecting ,jurors --- 4,04/ To apply on salary ------------------ 215.16/ Receiver General - Tax ----------------------------- 1.50 Chas. 11. Jackson- Selcting jurors ----------- - ------ 41.00-/ " It It - Attend.. 2 meeting -Is --------------- 10.00/ Lyle Coyle - " 2--------------- 12.UC3 Walter nelson- " 1 It -------------- 6,00' Cecil Ball - It 1 " --------- 5,30✓ Donald Chute - 1 _w__ww__-______ 5.E0✓ Edna McConkey - dal. assessing fee ----------------- e 200.00✓ Moved by Coyle Seconded by Ball- That thio Council now adjourn to meet again on Dec, 3, 1951 at 1 P.14.0.0 Carried. Township Office, Straffordville, Dec* 4th, 1951. A meeting of the Bayham Tpwnship Council was held on the abyve date, with !! all members present and Reeve Jackson presiding. Minutes of the last regulate meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done.`' Court and Police reports were read and filed. A letter was received from the London Concrete Machinery Co. re* exh,hange of auxiliary pumps on fire truck. Hospital notices were read and discussed. Approval was received from the Dept. of Highways re. By -Law No. Interim subsidy and statement was also received from the Dept. A statement of municipal subsidies was received from the Dept. Affairs. A letter was received from the Ontario Municipal Board re. of Swanoe Drain on payment of $5.00 fee. Communications were received and filed from the C oNoR. re. A certified voterex list was received from the Clerk of the 12400 o f Hi ghwa ye .i of Kunioiga final approval Swanoe Drain. Peace. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That we trade-in our Yodel A ump for fire truck and urohass a new one Yodel 7 M -London at price of 1273,00.,less allowance of 169.00 for present pump... Carried. r' Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Council approve of the Reeve proolaiming Monday, Nov. 12the as a holiday for the Township of Baybmz as Remembrance Day observance... Carried. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute - and civic holiday That the Reeve proclaim Boxing Day, '"eco 26th, in and for the Township of Bayham... Carriede see as a pub Mr. Elton Jackson, assessor, waited an the council and discussed the matter Of extra remuneration for work done. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That Assessor Elton Jackson be atlowed . 75� 130 hours and .7� per mile for 189 miles, total of $110073 for done re. McConkey... Carried. Moved by Seconded assessing an hour for extra work Nelson by Coyle- That Elton Jackson be allowed an increase of $250. for during 1951...Carriedo Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges Pay Lists- Nevember pay sheets ----#2095.89 \ Bdwy Curtis- Relief for November -------------------- $ 38.00\ Jules Arnou- w " w --------------------- 26.00% Geo. McGregor- " " "--------------------- 23.50 David Dillard- " " "--------------------- 31000\ Donna Ketchabaw- Office help, Oct. --- 30.00\ Aylmer & Malahide Tel, Co.- Office phone ------------ 38.60. Robt. Grant- Stamps reo assessment notices ---------- 49.00\ Aylmer & Dalahide Te1,C o.- Police phone ------------- 40.75\` Edwy Curtis - Relief for iJecember------------------- 38.00\ Jules Arnou - " " "------------------- 26.00\ Geo. DoGregor- " " "-------------------= 23.50\ David Dillard- " " *--------------------- 21.00` News Printing Co.- Stamp, notices & envelopes ------- 19.37 \ Municipal World Ltd.- Election supplies ------------- 15.24 \ w w w _ Tax arrears sheets ------------ 3024\. Letter Supply Co.- Printing voters' lists ----------- 88.00\ W. G. Webster- Carbon & ribbons -------------------- 10.75 Treas. Elgin County - Hospitalization --------------- 395062N • Treas. of Ontario- Police salary for Nov. ---------•- 215.83\ - " exp. for Oct. ----------►--- 51.64\ Provincial Treasurer- Insulin for Arnou------------- 1.09• George Acre - Richmond sidewalks -------------------- 82.70, - Len. Kilmer - Corinth "--------------------- 3090- - Treas. of Tillsonburg - Gurtley fire call ----------- 50.00 Lloyd Jaokson- Fox Bounty --------------------------- 5.00 • Lloyd Anderson- " "-------------------------- 5000% Austin Casoad6en- " "------------------------- 5.00\ Jerry Travis - " "------------------------- 5.00. Stan Kairys - " w _------------------------ 5.00. Archie Gunstone- w "------------------------- 5.00", Lathan Hayward - " " ------------------------- 15.00\ *leo Prooenko - " "------------------------- 5000% Fred OatqBn - n " ------------------------- 10.00% Frank Steers - Gas for hall and office -------------- 7.45\ ;James Walsh - Lleotrioal repairs at hall ------------ 1000\ 9. W. McQuiggan - Chbrity to Brown family ----------- 13.18\ hase A. Walsh - w w w w __---____-- 4.00 J. L. Dennis - Flash lights & batteries, F.D.------- 5.60• jPntario lunioipal Board- Swanoe Drain fee ----------- 5000\ Ponna Ketohabaw - Bal.wages, Nov.20-24-------------- 25.00` J. L. Dennis - Nov. Salo F.D.----------------------- 35.00` w w _ " w Straff. 3t. Lts.----------- 5.00` J. D. Vallee- To apply on salary -------------------- 207.96` 13 O.A.P. applioations O $3. 39.00 Receiver General - Tax re. Vallee ------------------- 8.70\' Elton Jackson - Salary & Allowances ----------------- 872.33k Chas. F. Jackson - Attend. 1 meeting ---------------- 5.00\ tyle Coyle - " 1 " -------------r-- 6.00 alter Nelson- " 1 w ---------------- i 6.00 b Boil Ball - " 1 "----------------- 5.30 Donald Chute - " 1 "---------------- 5.60\ loward Chute - D.R.O No. 1 -------------------------- 7.00\ eroy Clarke - P.C. No. 1 ------------------------- , 5000♦ E reaeo of Port Burwell- Rental Doo, 1 ---------------- 4.00\ . 4 Thomson - D. R. 0. Bio. 1 --------------------- 6080 r __rr rr_rr_--.rr-___ r__ ohn Froggett P. C . 5.00 • � r E i gen Bradfield - Rental for No. 2 ------------- 4.00\ Blton H. Jackson - D.R.O for No. 3 ----------- 6.30 ` Ray Thurston - P� Co for " ----------- 5.00 € " " - Rental 4.00 R H. P. grant - D. R. 4. " No. 4 ------------- 6.00 Wm. Stratton - P. Co a " ------------ 5.00k ,,Howard Coomber - D. R. 0. for No. 5 ---------- 6.90-, Alex Duff - P. Ce " " --------- 5000k Treas. Womens'Ihstitute - Rental "-------- 4.00\ Chas. j. A-etahabaw - D. R. 0. No. 6 ---------- 6.40\ Wilfred Nelson - P.C." ---------- ,5.00k Treae. Rden Community Centre - Rental No.T:: - - 4.00\ Max Mitchell - D. R. 0, for No. 7 ------------ 6.30\ Mrs. Isabel Hewbank - P.C. "' ----------- 5.00\ Bayham School Board - Rental " ---------- 4.00 -- Ira Mitchell - D. R. 0. for Nol 8 ------------ 6.80\ Murray Wilson 9 P. C. a ------------ 5.00\ Treas, S.S. No. 4 -Rental " ----------- 4.00\ J. D. Vallee - Del. ballot boxes ------------- 7.50\ yes ►1 1 Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That *hie council adjourn, to meet again on Dec. 15th. at 10 A.ld... Carried. -W a 0?FV Township Ball, Straffordville, Nov. 26th. 1951. The annual nomination meeting of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date for the purpose of nominating candidates for the office of Ree♦ Deputy -Reeve, three Councillors and 3 Trustees for the Bayham Township School Area, 3F Nominations were declared open at 2 P.M. and about 60 interested rate- payers were in attendance. Nominations were declared closed at 3 P.Y. The following named had been placed in nomination;- Reeve- omination;- Reeve- Charles Jackson, Walter Nelson and A. A. Johnson. Deputy -Reeve- Lyle Coyle and Lyal Tait. Councillors- Cecil Ball, Walter Nelson, Donald M. Chute, Jacks Sawyer, Morley MoQuiggan and Lyal Tait. Trustees- Ayrest Stilwell, Arthur Martyn and Grant Mitohell. The usual after meeting was held and J. D. Vallee was named Chairman for same. After a review of the financial statement, all nominees were called upon for a few words, the Reeve and Deputy -Reeve giving an outline of the work of county council during the past year. Road Supt. Rodwin also spoke briefly as well as Mr. John Cook, Assistant District Municipal Engineer, who was in attendance for part of the meeting. The returning officer explained the requirements forqualifyingfor the above odfives and the meeting closed with God save he ging. By nine o'clock the following evening, the following names had been left nominations and had signed qualifications for the following Offices* Reeve- Chas. Jackson (Acclamation ) t Deputy -Reeve - Lyle Coyle and Lyal Tait. Councillors - Cecil Ball, Walser Selson, Donald Chute and Morley MoQuigganw Tzustees - Ayrest Stilwell, Arthur Martyn and Grant Mitchell. d Trustees Stilwell Martyn and Mitchell f Reeve Jackson an were declared elected by acclamation and a poll was held on Dec. 3rd. 1951 for the offia 08 of deputy -reeve and councillors, with the following restlts. Po1,C. NAME � oz. � � b 7 S` � n % X94 Co YAC,E #72 E -7/9 / -r 97 /l.Z 7 c�7 9 14 zs Y U z iq 3 Y /,? Y �_Y /.Z 4 All 6 V O 3 ,E CHv7''E 6z /.5-z 3 i 74 / s' / 17 1* 0 ' /4'Q')1 G9 fi N S/ !3G 2s 9,0 7 3% ,t 3 9 y 98 N�� SOS / G �z /s"L 7s" �� I, J. Dewey Vallee, hereby declare the following duly elected;- Reeve- Chas. F. Jackson (Acclamation) Deputy -Reeve - Lyle Coyle. Councillors - Morley MoQuiggan, Donald M. Chute and Ceoil Y. Ball. Trustees (2 year term) Ayrest Stilwell, Arthur Marty?a'and ;Grant Yitohell. stunning uTria er. a -- 4 61 too Township Office, Straffordville, Dec. 15th. 1951. Pursuant to adjournment of Dec. 4th., the Council of the Township of Bayhami held the final meeting for the year on the above date, all members present and Reeve Jackson presiding. Also in attendance was Counoillor-eleot Morley Me4luiggan. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Report was received from the County Court Clerk. A letter was received from Victor H. Tillson, K.C. re. the Township's refusal to approve the issuing of an eating place license to Mrs. M. Brant A request was received from the County Federation of Agriculture for the usual grant. A report from the Fire Chief was read and filed. A copy of resolution was received from the Bayham Township School Board an requesting that the Township take some action in the matter. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That amendments be made to the Highway Traffic Act to provide that all traffic be not permitted to pass a standing school bus on any roai in the Province of Ontario; and that a copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Highways... Carried. Several interested ratepayers from both Houghton and Bayham met with the council and heard the Engineer's report read concerning the Coyle and Lautenschlager .gains as prepared by John F. Weston. Considerable discuss was held and it was decided to hold a further meeting and invite fir. West to attend same. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That no definite decision having been made on the engineers' report oh the Coyle and Lautenschlager Drains, it is hereby resolved that this matter be laid over to a further meeting with Engineer Weston to attend same... Carried* loved by Seconded Carried. Nelson by Coyle -That this Council now adjourn for noon until 1.45 P.Y. Usual business was resumed at 1.45 P.M. Intriduoed by Councillor Nilson, the matter of a blade for tractor to be used as a snow plow for Corinth sidewalks was discussed. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That this Council authorize the purchase of a suitable tractor blade up to $70. for the purpose of plowing Corinth sidewalks and same be charged to Corinth sidewalk account... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Belson- That as s reply to the letter of Victor H. Tillson, K. under date of Nov. 10,1951, the Clerk reply by sending a copy of the lette received from Dr. Roger G. Knipe, M.O.H. dated Nov. 2, 1951.., Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Volunteer firemen be paid the sum of $3.00 ea for every trip made with the fire truck, and $15. to Wm. Wellheiser for laundry expenses... Carried. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That 410. be granted to {Central and 45. to the Port Burwell Centra handling fire alarm calls* ..Carri ed. IlMoved by Nelson the Straffordville Telephone 1 for services rendered in Seconded by Coyle- That this council make a grant County Federation of Agriculture, payable to hm. Sparta, Ont... Carried. of $360* to the Elgin Harvey, Seo.-Treas., Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the promised grant of $3000, to the Tillsonburg .dospital be paid... Carried. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That a grant of 2% on their respeot ive , deposits be made to the Eden and Straffordville Cemeteries... Carried. "'Oe - I 288 Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That the 'treasurer be authorized to issue cheques on Savings account No. 3 as interest payments to Eden Cemetery- $141.38 and Straffordville Cemetery- 73.38... Carried, [ Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That Howard Coomber be appointed as Trustee for East Elgin District High School and J. D. Vallee for Tillsonburg District High School for a term of two years... Carried* Moved by Coyle Seconded by Ball- And resolved that I s authorize the Township to borrow an expenses, be now read a first time.. Moved by Chute Seconded by Ball- And resolved that time,.o. Carried . Moved by Nelson Seconded by Chute- And resolved that time and finally passed... Carried. By -Saw bo. 1247 being a by-law to addizionril 420,000.00 for current . Carried. By -Law No. 1247 be now read a second By -Law No. 1247 be now read a third Moved by Nelson � bee onded by Coyle- That the following bonuses be paid to Council and officials and follows;- Reeve $60. Deputy -Reeve and Councillors #30. eaoh and Clerk and Road Supt. $30. each... Carried. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That the inaugural meeting of the 1952 Council be held on Monday, Januray 7th. 1952 at 10.30 A.M.... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. I Roads and Bridges accoimts- Dec. 15th, pay lists --- P Frank Steers- Gas for hall and office ------------- Aylmer Express- Printing Financial Stm.----------- News Printing Co.- Printing ballots and etc. ------ Treas. Eden Cemetery- Savings No. 3, Interest ----- " Straffordville " Treas. Elgin County - County rate ----------------- Doaald Barris - Fox Bounty ------------------------ Lloyd Jackson - w w ------------------------ Archie Gunstone- " " ----------------------- Treas. Tillsonburg Hospital- Grant CF&xal year) Certified Electric Co.- Bulbs Straff. St. Lts.----- Chas. A. Walsh - Janitors supplies ---------------- " ^ - St. lts and Fire Wept.----------- E.F.S.3anders - Fee re. Rex vs. Aitkens---------- Les Kilmer - Corinth S.W. repair ------------------ Taylor -Craft Ltd.- 2� trophies East Elgin H.S. ----- Treas. Elgin County 'ed. of Agr. - Grant---------- Treas. of Eden Cemetery - 2 % Grant --------------- " Straffordvillew w w --------------- Robt. Grant - Stamps ---------------------www------ J. L. Dennis - Dec. 5a1. F.D. --------------------- Straff. St. Lts. " R - 47 trips fire truok ---------------- J. D. Vallee - Balo salary for 1951 --------------- " w - Sal. School Attend Officer--------- Reoeiver General - Tax re. Vallee ----------------- Robert Jaokson- Sal.for Weed Insp. ---------------- H. L. Godwin - " " Building Insp.------------ Howard Coomber - Work re, assessing --------------- Basil Nevill - 25 trips fire truck ----- ----------- Goo. Grant - 24 Jack Hotohkiss-13 Harry Brant - 18 " " " ---------------- Lyle Walsh - 29---------------- ¢ Wm. Wellheiser Laundry account F.D. - ------------- Chas. F. Jaokson- 1 meeting & bonus --------------- Lyle Coyle - l " . "-------------- Walter Nelson- 1 w w ______________ Don. M. Chute - 1 a " -------------- 18.45♦ 16.50\ 2701511- 141.38-. 73.38• 39514.00 5.001 10.00\ 5.00\ 3000.00\ 44.30 8.27` 3.21% 26.20. 9.75N — 15.90� 360.00% 100.00% 52.50". 7.00 35000\ 5.00 \ 141.00 \ 205.34\ 25.00\ 11.40,% 25.00 N. 25.00 33.08 75.00♦ 72.00 � 39.00\ 54.0,0\ 87.00\ 15.00 65 *GO � 36.00 36.00 35.60 El k Be? N Moved by Coyle Seconded by Belson- That this Council now adjourn. Sine Dt e... Carried. Clergy Township Hall, Straffordville, Deo, 21st, 1951. The adjourned sitting of the Bayham Township Court of Revision for the 1952 'Assessment Roll was held on the above date in response to the call of Chairman Jackson. All members were present and the Chairman presided. Each member duly subscribed to the oath of office before the Clerk. Many were present to bring their reeppotioe complaints before the Court and the following eases were heard and d6cisions rendered as follows; Roll No. .Name 841 Decision of Court. �► /"" J. W. LeRoy Carroll " " f ✓ Reduce land Assm. by $100. 990 C'1 Chrysler Reduce Building Assm. by $200. a�� 799 'Cecil Ball - 1 meeting and bonus ------------------- 35.30 75. 1 (1' lig J D. Vallee - Bonus ------------------------------- 30.00 100. 472 `H. L. Godwin - "------------------------------ 30.00 $925. 462 .Berta Atkinson Grant re, fire calls 10000 $550. ( Sold Off) j ;.Harold 'Tuff - " " " R -------- 5.00 N Moved by Coyle Seconded by Belson- That this Council now adjourn. Sine Dt e... Carried. Clergy Township Hall, Straffordville, Deo, 21st, 1951. The adjourned sitting of the Bayham Township Court of Revision for the 1952 'Assessment Roll was held on the above date in response to the call of Chairman Jackson. All members were present and the Chairman presided. Each member duly subscribed to the oath of office before the Clerk. Many were present to bring their reeppotioe complaints before the Court and the following eases were heard and d6cisions rendered as follows; Roll No. .Name 841 Decision of Court. �► 544 W. LeRoy Carroll " " f ✓ Reduce land Assm. by $100. 990 545 Chrysler Reduce Building Assm. by $200. Wm, 799 Corinth Parsonage J. Reduce land Assm. by 75. Stenabaugh y$i 1037 J. Vincent Reduce Barn Assm. by 100. 472 L. Smuck ✓ Reduce house Assm. to $925. 462 Gordon Robertson ✓ Reduce barn Assm, by $550. ( Sold Off) 899 L. Maertens V 786 A. Hagell ✓ 946 1 894 760 f 977 AU Clifton Laur w w �/ Joe Silverthorne ✓ S. H. Backus Robt. Grant 980 Fred Chandler 841 D. Pearson 797 D. Ulkins 1025 C. Kennedy 990 H. Chrysler 1006 Wm, Barry 11011 f J. W. Tanner e 993. M. Stenabaugh y$i 1037 J. Vincent 1045 Be Belson 472 L. Smuck Advised if barn not replaced soon to ask for tax rebate from council. Reduce land Assm. tp $2000. Reduce Building Assm. to *1600. " Land " to 2400. Reduce Land Assm, to $500. Red4oe House Assm. to $600. Reduce Land by $500. (Error in addition) Reduce Business Assm. by $100. Reduce by $150. on land (Error) Reduce Buildings $100. (Removed) Take off $50. Business Assm. Total to be $7 Reduce Buildings to $500. 11 ✓ Reduce Buildings to $500. Inorease land to $300* ✓ Reduce Buildings to $625. Increase land to tirbo ✓ Raise house byr $200 and land by $25. , X Ro ohange Reduce Buildings $100. ✓ Reduce Buildings to $800. �/ Reduce by $100. on Buildings . 14- h f M Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That the above revisions be made in the 195E Assessment Roll and that this Roll be now adopted as finally revised... Carried. Moved by Ball Sedonded by Chute- That this Court of Revision now adjourn... Carried. 4 C he i rman . ,ourt of Revision. 'Co perk Court of Revision* l Roll Na. Name Decision of Court (Cont'd. ) ! 145 ST. Soper Reduce land to $450. 255 Increase land by $900. f; f 86 M. Bratty No change £° 389 Bert Ratz f Reduce by $100 on land Asem. f 1009 C.J.Ketohabaw v/ Reduce Buildings by $250. Increase land By $25. {:1828 Geo. 3, Moore Reduce $300. on house. Increase land by $25. F 814 W. Ce Turner x No Change- Descriptions corrected. i 231 Jules Arnou X No Change 66 M. Melohoir X No Change 109 Z. Balaze X No change 822 " " J Reduce buildings by $200. 744 C. Ball Reduce 1000. on land 745 " " ✓ Reduce 1400* on land (Error) 1004 V. Baldwin f Reduce 4100. on land 1160 M. Kostiuk f Reduce by X150. on land 1161 A. Kostiuk Reduce by 4150. on land 886 J. Holtby ✓ Reduced $25. on land 887 " 26. " " Advised to see Assessor �888 " ✓ " 25. " " next year re. woodlot Exemp = ion 1162 E. Goodhand x No change in assessment. Parts to be assessed to new owners. 846 L. Magyar x No Change. Moved by Ball Seconded by Chute- That the above revisions be made in the 195E Assessment Roll and that this Roll be now adopted as finally revised... Carried. Moved by Ball Sedonded by Chute- That this Court of Revision now adjourn... Carried. 4 C he i rman . ,ourt of Revision. 'Co perk Court of Revision* l