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Bayham Council Minutes 1950
TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1950 220 Township Office, Straffordville, Jan, 9th. 1950. The Inaugural meeting of the Bayham Township Council for the year 1950 was held on the above date with all members present. Those suscribing to the necessary oath of office were - Reeve Aria A. Johnson, Deputy Reeve Chas. F. Jackson and Councillors Lyle Coyle, Wm. G. Mitchell and Walter Deleon, Rev. W. M. Thomas was yresent and led in prayer and spoke briefly to the members. The Reeve then thanked Mr. J-homas and invited him to have dinner with the members and officials. The minutes of the last meeting were then read, approved and signed by the Reeve. Several communications and a hospital notice were read and filed. A copy of a resolution was received from the Township of North Walsingham advising that they would not be responsibile for fire truck services to their Township unless approved by the Reeve or council member. noughton Township again advised of charges due on Friddle Award Drain, The clerk was instructed to write again concerning this matter, Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That this Council notify the fire chief not to accept any fire calls to the Township of North Walsingham, and that the bill for Henry Ian Goethen's fire be sent to him... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Councillors, Road Supt. and Clerk be delegates to the Good Roads Convention on Feb. 21st and 22nd. and send membership fee of 15.00 ... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Mitchell- That this Township join the Association of Assessing Officers and the Ontario municipal Association and that the fee of $10.00 each be paid... Carried. koved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That this Council make a grant of 425.00 to the Elgin Counter Crop Improvement Association, cheque to be payable to A. V. Langton, Sea.-Treas... Carried. Moved by Nielson Seconded by Coyle - That a grant of *25.00 be made to the richmond Library. Carried* Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the Clerk subscribe to 9 copies of the Municipal World... Carried. The Council then ad4ourned for noon and along with i�r. Thomas, Mr. Doraty the local bank manager, and officials, were guests of Reeve � ohnson for dinner. A very enjoyable noon hour was had by one and all. The regular business was resumed about 1.45 and a delegation from the East Elgin high School Board and also i,1r. Alex Tisdale and Benny Patkus waited on the council in regards to repairs and improvements to their reeppet ive roads. Also several truck agents and truck equipment agents waited on the Council in regards to tenders on the 5 ton truck. Tenders were opened but owing to the hour of the day, no decision was reached as to the acceptance of any tender. Moved by Mitchell _ Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law No. 1207 being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow up to X35,000.04 from the Canadian Bank of Commerce for current expenditure of the Township of Bayham be now read a first time... Carried, Moved by Coyle Seoonded by Nielson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1207 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Nelson }� Seconded by Jackson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1207 be now read a third; time and finally passed.,. Carried. x f 221 Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- And resolved that By -Law No. 1208, being a by-law to appoint certain officers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1950, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seoonded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1208 be now read a second time... Carried, Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1208 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That the Reeve, Road Supt*, and Clark -Treasurer be authorized to sign *etition for statutory grant on roads expenditure for 1949 of $37,257.33 less $535.34 being amount of roads revenue...Carri ed. Moved by Coyle Seoonded by Nelson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Treas. Tilleonburg Soldiers' Memorial Hospital- Grant -#3000.00 Edwy Curtis - Relief for January ---------------------- 45.40 Edith Terry - ,� "----------------------- 42 00 Jules Arnott----- -- -------------- H. E. P. C.- Hydro for hall & office ----------------- '� fire hall Treas. of Dereham Twp.- relief for Masales, Deo. ----- of Ontario - Police Salary for No. ---------- w Exp. -Nov.--------- Canadian Rational Rys.- Corinth Wig -Wags ------------- Co A. Walsh - Account re. hall & office -------------- fire truck ----------------- " - Street lights ______________ H. D. Cook - Account re. hail & office ______________ Grant Motors - Repairs & tires for fire truck -------- Municipal iorld Ltd.- Tax arrears forms-------------- Times-Journal - Advt. re adjourned tax sale - --------- Lloyd Jackson- Fox Bounty ---------------------------- Earl Bristol ---------------------------- Marry Matthews - ____----------------------- Don Partington _-------- ________-------- ____ fit o Partington - -------------------- ------- Ragereville Asphalt Paving Ltd.- Re. Straff. sidewalks A. A. Johnson - Attending 1 meeting ------------------ Chas. F. Jackson - 1 ------- - ---------- W. G. Mitchell - 1 ------------------ Ly y n n L le o le - 1 ______---_..-_ Walter Nelson - 1 " ------------------ J. D. 'Vallee - Reg. B. M. & ire ---------------------- " - Express re. Street lights------------- Treas. Good Roads Assn.- Membership ------------------ Assn, of Assessing Officers - membership ------- " Ontario Municipal Assn. - " _-------- A. V. Langton, Treas. - Grant to Crop Imp. Assn.------ Treas. Richmond Library - larant --------------------- Frank Steers - Gas for hall & offioe----------------- Robert Grant - Stamps -------- - ------------------ - ---- . 15.50 10.12 11.66 31.46 148.75 58.74 25.00 19.95 - 7.60 1.20 - 16.49 - 133.34 7.92 1.70 10.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 - 21.2b 5.40 5.00 5.00 - 6.00 6.00 7.00 . 75 5.00 10,00 10.00 25.00 25.00 8.40 7,00 Movea oy Boyle Seoonded by Afelson- That this "ounoi 1 now adjourn to meet again on Thursday Jan. 12th. at 8 P.M... Carried, Reeve. 0 229 Township Offioe, Straffordville, Jen, 18th, 1950. A speoial meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date for the purpose of considering tenders on 5 ton truck and for completing business unfinished from the last regular meeting. All members were present and Reeve Johnson presided, f Representatives of the White truck from London and 6imooe were present in respect to their respective tenders, and dtecussed this matter with the Council. A delegation of James McCabe and others waited on the Council in regards to further work on the Ker Drain where the is broken. The eagAntirinformed them that an engineer would be obtained as soon as possible for this work. Mr. Murray Stenabaugh, assessor, discussed with the members his work for the coming year and the taking of the population census as provided by an amendment in the Assessment mot. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That this Council hire Murray Stenabaugh as Township Assessor at a salary of 4725, and year and 10% of dog tax collected for 1950... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- riaving examined the re-newal of the fidelity bond of Ve D. Vallee, it is hereby directed that it shall be placed with the bon4 in the township safe... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the Clerk pay Clyde Joper 410.94 for material for pheasant pens and charge to license account... Carried. Considerable discussion was held in regards to the various tenders received for the purchase of a 5 ton truck for the Township. Moved by vawkson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council go and inspect the new b ton Mercury truck and if satisfactory, that the tender of Pearce Motors be accepted at ►4580, b4 plus Maple "eaf truck, sub�eot to the approval of the rept. of Highways... Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Deleon- That this Council now adZourn to meet again on Jan. 219t. at 2 P.M. at the ': ownshi p Hall... Carried. Reeve. L I' s- Z�' f i S 1 �y Tp y'„/ 4 �'1✓ "� �. � .2 ��2 •, > d �h- �:.� � �,L dpi .S % � �6.�2 F iD< Y+• 2 `T �j . 223 0 A M +2 Township Office, Straffordville, Jan, 21st. 1950. A special meeting bye the Bayham Township Council was held at one o'clock -4o m -,-° on the above date. All members were present and Reeve Johnson presided. awe m � Mr. Ed. Pearce of Pearce Motors was present and discussed further with the ® members, matters pertaining to his tender on a 5 ton truck and also the miz H o question of else and type of hoist for box for said truck. Moved by Coyle CH i Seconded by Nelson- That the tender of Pearce Motors be accepted for a tH o C Mercury 1950, 5 ton truck, M-215, at $4717.64 for chassis equipped with 7 r-40 o 10.00 x 209 12 ply tires, lose allowance of 4975. for Maple Leat 3 ton truck. co .O(D q Also that a Brantford 5+-6 yd dump box be installed, No. 12-596B, with No. ,o Jcz ae 1 11 heavy duty hoist, at price of X888.88. Said tender subleet to the approv- o a +s al of the Dept, of Highways. ..Carried . 04-1 -,4 44 Oro '4 " The matter of a sign for the front of office was again considered by the m m (D a whole oouikoil. >. o .� Moved by Jackson 0 0 seconded by Mitahell- That ti o v office from Robte Dunsmore m ,-4 a m m and at an approximate coat Loved by Nelson the Clerk be authorized to order a sign for of Tillsonburg. Lettering to be of gold leaf of $60.00... Carriad. Seconded by Coyle- That the Council Adjourn to meet again at 2 P.M. at the D Township Hall... Carried. -#-i • b � 0 m 0 m O O N v v 4-4 m /� eeve. L/ ark. Township tiall, straffordville , Jan. 219t. 1950. i A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held at 2 P.M. on the above date at the Township hall for the purpose of commemorating a meeting on the same date 100 years ago, when responsible municipal government was first formed in Bayham Township. Reeve Johnson presided and those on the platform with him were.- Deputy Reeve Chas. F. Jackson, Councilovs Lyle Coyle, Wm. G. Mitchell and Whiter Nelson, Rev. W. M. Thamas, Rev. J. N. Gould, Donald F. Gibson KX, and Clerk J. D. Vallee, About 40 interested ratepayers and residents were also in attendance. The Reeve called the meeting to order and after welooming those present, explained the purpose of the meeting. He then introduced tiles plptBerat on the platform. Clerk Vallee was then cilled upon to read the minutes of the meeting held at Sandy Town on January 21st. 1860 and afterwards read the names of the Reeves and their tenure of office who had served the Township since that date. Rev. Mr. Thomas then asked those present to rise and observe a minute silence in memory of those reeves and cou.koillore who had passed on and offered a suitable prayer. then Deputy Reeve Jackson introduced Donald F. Gibson, K.C., Township Solicitor of Tillsonburg, who then addressed the meeting. He reviewed the local municipal government situation prior to 1860 and the need for responsible local self government as Provided in The Baldwin Act of ;1049. Mr. Gibson then gave a very brief outline of The Baldwin Act and the evolution of local municipal governnnAt up to the present time. He also included several words of kindly advice for the future and closed his remarks with an offer of *25.00 donation to be used a prises for an essay writing contest among Bayham Township Public school pupils on a topic pertaining to past history of the Township. �r Councillor Nielson then. thanked Mr. Gibson for coming to Straffordville and delivering this fine address. Reeve Johnson then announced that a meeting would be held at the close of this Council meeting for the public discussion of plan& for the observance of a Bayham Township Centennial to be held during the doming summer, Adjournment of the Council meeting was then moved by Councillor Lyle Coyle and Seconded by Councillor ffm. G. Mitchell, and after a closing prayer by Rev. J. N. Gould of Corinth, the Reeve declared the meeting adjourned. eeve. January 21st. 1950. C 1 e rJV. At the public atter meeting held in regards to the observance of a Bayham Township centennial, Deputy -Reeve Jackson was named as 4h*irman for the meeting and %';, D. Vallee, Secretary. mr. John Timpany and ar. Chas. Turnbuil in turn were ca.L.Let u to tine p atzorr�: fano as the oldest residents df the Township, present at the meeting, were asked to tell some of their experiences of years ago. Both reobted some very interesting incidents. The Chairman invited others present to express their views in regards to the proposed celebration this summer and those responding to his request Included, Rev. Mr. Thomas, Ex -Reeves Grant Mitchell, Gordon Turnbull, N. H. McConkey, Harry L. Godwin, and George Vallee. .Also Mrs. harry Donnelly and Constable wellheiser spoke briefly and made .worthwhile suggestions. The Chairman a centennial. celebration. Zt was Moved and seoonded officials be the proposed called for a vote of those present as to whether they thought should be held and it carried unanimously to hold such a by George Vallee by Grant Mitchell- :hat the present council and Vownship a oommittee,with power to add as necessary, to make plane for. centennial oblebration. This motion also carried unanimously. Mr. H. F. 0ohnson, of the Tillsonburg Bowe, was present and when asked to say a few works, commended the council on its plans to hold such a centennial and pledged the faithful support of his press in the matter. The meeting closed with the singing of "God Save The King." 0 3 JtE 0 5 t List of Bayham Township Reeves since 1850. Name Silvester Cook A. M. Willson John Skinner Ambrose M. Willson James P. Weaver John Burwell Robt. I. McBaughton James P. Weaver William A. Glover John H. Jones Warden in 1861-2 Thos. Wm. Dobbie William Y. Emery Daniel Freeman William Y. .finery Daniel Freeman Alexander McBride Thos. W. Dobb i e Alexander McBride William Back -house George A. Best Henry Stratton Henry T. Godwin Warden in 1889 William Backhouse William M. Ford Warden in 1894 David Stratton Warden in 1904 William Grant Joseph Ambrose Jaekson David Stratton Joseph Ambrose Jackson Warden in 1913 William H, Moore Alfred Hevill David Stratton Harry L. Godwin Robert McLean :has. D. Coyle William H. Bradfield Grant M. Mitchell Warden in 1936 George Vallee 0* Gordon Turnbull Warden in 1941 Chas. D. Coyle Warden in 1945 Neil H. McConkey Arba A. Johnson Years 1860 1851 1862 1853 1854 1865 1856 1857-8 1859 1860-1-2 1863 - 7 1868 - 1870 1871 4 1872 1928 1873 (Part) 1873 - 5 1876-7 5 1878-9 7 1880 1881 188E - 7 1888 - 1890 1891 1892 - 1896 1897 - 1902 1®03 - 7 1906-9 1910 - 1911 1912-3 1914 1919 1930 - 1922 1923 - 4 1925 - 1928 1929 - 1930 1931 - 1933 1934 - 5 1936 - 7 1938 - 9 1940 - 1943 (Part) 400/x/40441 1943 - 1945 1946 - 7 1948 - 1950. Mun. Clerks, William Hatch John P.Vansitlail March 1860 D. C. Swayze Feb. 1861 William Lane 1867 Jacob S. Jones 1873 J. G. Pauling 1881 Benjamin Brian 1906 J. D. Vallee 1939 f and oft nee yle by em • h .4 t r Y* A � ��� , s s �:' 3 E :.t r.. }. h a .`rs; a ✓r 4 M u � List of Bayham T owns hip Reeves since 1850, Same Years Mun. Clerks, 9ilvester Cook 1850 William Satoh BA-YiiAlvi i06N.3'riIP wOUNCIL. 1950 Program of Council meeting - J arivary 21st. 1950. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Call to order and rsu,.ress of Welcome ----------- issue . n. ohrson. istroduction of Co ..c it and Dlatfcrm. guests ------- n ►` 3. Reading of minutes 4f mEst; Wig, tar-. 2.1st . 155C ---- C.Ierk V. L. Vallee Z • HC.Od aR of names v1 ,E; (.'Y vs s:.nL•G 0,n. 21st. 16li% •w.r Observance of a minute silence in ^;:;, ury K Cues and Corr<�; T,er�: ,r�= vvh;, raLT'� pas3t:d on a -d prayer --- Revs ce introduction of Speakc-r-__--_-__-__-_----_-------_- - save vr198. F • Jackson. '�. Address ---------------------------------_ _---------- Donald F. cwnsrip Tr`hsnks tcva:r ---- ------------------------- ---- '`- = or; v�.;aiici 1 r £'1S Ci t Aa-nLu.nce': Brits - -- - - -_ _- -- -- .--- -- -.- - - -- -- --•----- - - - -•- --ova t vIai.sc.n 1L. Ad olarnment----------------------- vo,yIG. - d::d by c, u n or 104 11 to- Ct., 1 l.l. Clos na pra;Yer--_____-._ _--_-----_ _---- _- -- ��jr. �. _Io a.d. r ; �. t h L. L' s t i • • :.► op 4 4 _V" tC3 tc� :._ id for 1 n regards to some form= of par_I.c -rsc'rva, 'c:., of :; r.a. �0,w sn- p �:;ntvri �.`�1 during t he corning q �rrm:W+r mo.r. L s . ft -70.,.; SAI"' VII 1 ZIL t L1��i s s ti f" 4 and of nos Y1e by a t [1 or, 1 y. H x 22b Township Office, Straffordville, Feb. 6th, 1950. Pursuant to adjournment of Jan. 21st*, the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date with all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding, Minutes of the last regular and special meet- ings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Advice was received from the Commissioner of Ontario Provincial Police, to the effect that the 26% grant would not be deducted monthly but adjusted at the end of the year. Health unit and police reports were received and read. A written notice of unstated damages Was received from Mr. Orin Bartlett in respect to damages suffered by him and his wagon at the Waterson bridges west on 4th. concession on January 31st. 1950. Notice was received from the Central Pipe Lines in regards to increase in rates. �.equest for membership was received from the Untario Association of Rural Miunicipalities, e letter was received from bra. becord, Clerk of Houghton T'wp, re. Priddle drain and the Clerk was instructed to try and arrange meeting between our Drain Inspector and Boughton Drain Inspector. The Council was advised that a oheque for $15.39 was received from the Workmens' Compensation Board as adjustments for the past 3 years. Appreciation for grant to Elgin County Seed J'air was received from Mr. A. V. Langton, Secs Mr. Orin Bartlett waited on the Council and discussed with them his accid%at on 4th. concession, The Clerk was instructed to notify our insurance ►gent. A delegation from the Vienna School Board waited on the menbers and presented a petition requesting that certain lands from Do. 4 and No. 8 sections be transferred to Vienna fublio school section. 1'he'Council agreed to give this matter their attention at an early date. Several delegations from various parts of the Township met with the vouncil and requested work on and improvement to their respect roads, A large delegation from S. Be No. 9 along with representatives from Vienna ,'chool Board, met with the Council and presented a petition, asking that they be joined with Vienna Section to form an Area. This was discussed and it was decided to lay this matter over for a short time to see if possibly other sections might be interested in joining as well. kr. Archie Anderson,i Peeve of Tillsonburg, discussed with the Council, the matter of fire protection to be supplied by Tillsonburg for the Township of Bayham and stated that other municipalities were being asked to enter into agreements as well. This was discussed by the members for some time and laid over for further consideration. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That Fred A. Fell, Civil Engineer, be instructed to report on the repair and extension and enlargement of the Kerr Drain and that he will have authority to vary the original assessment ... Carried. Representatives of the Straffordville and 1:da*emeteries waited on the Council and requested a grant equivilent to 2% on their investment in perpetual care funds as the 3% noWallowed was not sufficient to meet the caretaking expenses. Moved by Iiitchell Seconded by Jackson- That a grant of 2% on amount invested in Perpetual Care Cemetery Funds be made to Straffordville and Eden Cemeteries on their respective amounts for the yearn 1949 and 1950. The 1950 grant not to be paid until December 1950.4. Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That the following be appointed to the Cemetery Boards;- Straffordville - A. A. Johnson, Lyle Walsh and Mrs. 4. Be Donnelly. Eden;- barley Howey and Cecil Ball, all for a three year term... Carried* Moved by Mitchell Seoonded by Jackson- And resolved provide for the change of time for now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Belson Seconded by Mitchell- That By -Law CARR r Eta that By -Law No. 1209 being a by-law tp the return of the assessment roll, be Nb. 1209 be now read a second time. 226 Moved by Jackson Seconded by Nelson- That By -Law No. 1209 be now read a third time and / finally passed... Carried. Moved by Jaokson Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1210 being a by-law to amend By -Law No. 1151 and set a new date for holding of assessment Court of Revision, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Mitchell- And resolved that By -Law No. 1210 he now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1210 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Prior to the regular meeting of the `council, the members and officials held a short meeting as a committee to name a township wide committee for the observance of Ba yham Township Centennial. All told, about 60 members were named and if was decided to hold a meeting of this committee at the Township Hall, 8n Feb. 16th. at 8 P.M. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the oder sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges - January pay lists --------- Ed. Curtis- Aelief for Feb. ------------------- Edith Perry " --------- Jules Arnou --------- Treas. of Dereham Twp.- Jan. relief for "sales " it Vienna - Zan. relief for Pake ------ News Printing Co.- 2 advts. ------------------- i4unioipal World Ltd.- Subso. and stamp-------- Treas. of Elgin County- Hospitalization ------- Canadian Gen. Electric - Lamp ©hanger--------- Treas. of Ontario - Police salary for man. -- it exp. for yeo. ---_-- Fred Bowes - Fox Bounty ---_-----___---____-_-- Clifford L. Ellis - Fox Bounty ---------------- Donald Smith - " --------------- John Biro - " --------------- Merlyn Wolfe - " ---------- Lloyd Jackson Nathan Hayward - „ " _r____--__r__r Wilfred &etohabaw - n -------------- Geo. Grant Ins. Agency - Treas. Bond prem. ---- Geo. Chute - coal for fire hall--------------- Treas. Straffordville Gemetery - Grant-------- Treas. Eden Cemetery ------- ~ -------- J. D, Vallee - To apply on salary ------------- J. L, Dennie - Salary for Jan. ---------------- A. A. Johnson - 3 meetings ____________________ Chas. F. Jackson - 3 m " ------------------- - Lyle Coyle - 3 " - -- __-- W. G. Mitchell- 3 " -------------------- Walter Nelson - 3 _-__________________ Berton Hilts --Ball meeting Jan. 21. ---------- $►3220.05\ 45.00, 42.00, 15.50, 31.46 14.15 2.76 19.38 54,12 17,18 215.83 5E . 82 20.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 93,75 52 46, yt9.00� $ /•'2D` 183.33,' 35.00 16,20, 15 , 00• 18,00, 15,00" 18.00, 3000\ Some of the regular business not being completed at this meeting it was decided that the C iunoil should meet again on Feb. 16th, IF Moved by Mitchell 3eoonded by wackson- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Feb. 16th. at 1 P.M, Carried, z 227 Township Office, Straffordville, Feb. 16, 1950. Pursuant to adjournment of Feb. 6th. asspecial meeting of the Bayham Town- ship Council was held on the above date for the purpose of completing unfinished business of Feb. 6th. All members were present and Reeve Johnson presided, Some discussion was held in regards to further plans for the Centennial to be held July 2, 3 and 4th. Reeve Johnson requested permission for the BOy Scouts and Cube to have use of the Township Rall on Tuesday and Thursday nights with the understanding that they be pndprroyoper management and that they co-operate with the caretaker in keeping the hall clean and tidy. The metabers then d4scussed to some length the matter of a building for Township vehicles and equipment and also the roads expenditure by-law for the current year. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law No. 1211 being a by-law to provide for total expenditure onrsroad s in Bayham Township of �40 , 000.00 for the year 1950, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law bio, 1221 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1211 be now read a third i ( time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this special session now adjourn to meet again on Monday, March 6th. 1950 at 10 o'clock... Carried. Reeve. r r-7 � � v1® • Township Office, Straffordville, March 6th. 1950. Pursuant to adjournment of Feb. 16th. , the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve ohnson presiding, i'linutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. :fie ports from the Health Unit and Police were read. dospital notices were received and filed. An Order from the Natural Jas "eferee was received in regards to the change In rates of the Central ripe Lines Ltd. A statement and notice of sittings were received in respect to the application of the Bell Telephone moo. for an increase in rates. Requests for grants were received from The Salvation Army, The Health League of Canada and The St. John Ambulance Council. Communications were also received from the Associated kedical jervices in regards to enrolment of a group for medical and hospital services. Loved by J asks on Seconded by Nelson- That the 1949 taxes on the Township of Bayham Office property, Roll No. 924, to the amount of $32.08 be written off...8arriede Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That J. L. Dennis, Chief, and Harry P4 Grant and Basil Nevill be re -appointed as Assistants to the Fire Marshall for 1950. Carried. gas Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That insurance coverages on Township vehicles be increased to $5000. property damage and J60,0001, and 4100,000. public liability, in accordance with recommendation of Township auditors..Carried. Consideration .gas then given to the appoin-cin# of Fence -Viewers and Pound - keepers for the current year. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1212, appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers in the Township year 1950, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Mitchell- And resolved that By -Law lio. 1212 second time... Carried. Moved by Mitchell being a by-law to of Bay ham for the be now read a Seconded by Jackson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1212 he now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That tris Council now adjourn for lunch until 1.30 P.M... Carried* Council reumed session again at 1.30. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by wackson- That this Council make a grant of $25.00 tc the Salvation Army... Carried. t Several delegations waited on the council in respect to road repair and improvement and also two gentlemen were present and wished to sell gravel to the T owns hi p for road ptirposes . Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Clerk insert warnings in local papers to Truckers in regards to half -load season being enforced in Bayham Township during March and April... Carried. Further discussion was held in regards to the proposed building for Township vehicles and the members decided to go and look some over. Loved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council request permission from the wept. of Idunioipal affairs to use from the Reserve Fund, $2300. to apply on parchase price of new truck and 41700. for erection of new storage building for vehicles... Carried. Moved by 1+ i tehell Seconded by Nelson- That the delegates to the wood Roads' Convention be paid $25.00 each and Chas. Oaekson 41,15. for oar expenses... Carried. Beloved by Moyle Seconded by Jackson- That we pay Walter Nelson $5.00 for shooting dog while damaging poultry... Carried. It was decided that a meeting of the Council with committee Chairmen of the centennial eommitte, should be held in the near future. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Robt. Grant - Stamps for auditors ------- -------- Hugh Ferris - C.P.Lines Gas account------------ Edwy Curtis - Relief for March ----------------- Edith Perry - " ----------------- Jules mrnou - " ---------------- C. E. Soper - Dustbane ------------------------- "` " - Erecting sign & repairs T.H. ----- Whillier & Co.- Assessor's supplies ------------ Municipal kforld Ltd.- Dog Tags ----------------- News Printing Co.- Advts. re centennial -------- Aylmer Express --- The Times Journal - "--------- Treas. of Vienna - Feb. relief for Pake-------- Treas. of Lereham lriasales ---- Robert Lunsmore - Office sign------------------ � 15.00 32 .25. 40.00 42.00• 15.50 6. 00,, 9.80,\ 13.94\ 23.71\ 2.40 3356. 7. 00,. 14.15. 31.46 60.00. F. L. Stephenson - Groceries for Mrs, Rlliott--- $12.35 Treas. of Dereham - Repairs to Crossett Dr. ---- 5070. Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for Feb. ------- 215.83 is - " exp. " Jan. -------- 23.42~ x' Fred 4a tman - Fox Bount - - - - - 15.00" John Schuller -------------------- 5000' Lloyd Jackson - "--------------------- 10100- Fred 0.00Fred Bowes --- 10000.` :,ohn L. H ey - "------------------- 5.00` Nathan HaNard - " " --- -------------- 5,00,- Treas. East Elgin H.S,Dist.- `tuition re # 1 ---- 244.81 J 0 D. Vallee - Steel mat for office ------------ 2.25, Earl Bristol- Fox bounty ----------------------- 510� Verne Baldwin - Poultry killed ----------------- 20.00, J. L. Dennis - Bulbs for street lights --------- 11.10, Salvation Army - Grant ------------------------- 25 00., Walter Nelson - Shooting dog ------------------- 5.00. Robt. Grant - Stamps for Treas.---------------- 7.00- Treas. Tillsonburg Dist, HOS.- Tuition re.# 30-10 72.47, J. D. Vallee - io apply on salary -------------- 183.33, J. L. Dennis - Salary for Feb. ----------------- 35.00- A. A. Johnson - 2 meetings --------------------- 10.80 - Chas. F. Jackson - 2 meetings ------------------ 10.00- " - Car to Toronto -------------- 15000. 6, G. Mitchell - 2 meetings -------------------- 10.0Q - Expenses to Toronto ----------- 25.00.. Lyle Coyle - " " ----------- 25.00. " - 2 rpeetings------------------------ 12000 - Walter Nelson - 2 meetings --------------------- 12100"- H* L. Godwin - Expenses to Toronto ------------- 25.0Q` J. D. Vallee - " " "------------- 25.00 Murray Stenabaugh - To apply on salary --------- 50.00\ Roads & Bridges Acct.- Feb. pay lists --------- 6332.04 Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on April 3rd. at 10 A.M... Carried. . ........................ Reeve. 229 Biokle-Seagraves Shop, Woodstock, Mar. 9th. 1950. A special meeting of the Council was held at the Biokle Seagraves Factory in hood stork to examine the fire truck when torn down and to decide on repairs and replacements of equipment. These matters were discussed and considered by the members with the shop manager and the following resolution was presented, dove d by J asks on Seoond ed by Nelson- That we repair our present fire truck with a new pump at approxinately $800. and a new 400 gal. tank at $700. Also other minor repairs as necessary including one new reel for l" or 1f" hose. Also that and allowanoe be made of 4110, for old pump... Carried. The Company promised completion of this work in about 1 week. Council adjourned. Reeve. PA WN township Office, Straffordville, `.arch 14th. 1950. A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date for the purpose of meeting with representatives of the pastern Steel Co. in regards to a building for Township vehicles. All members were present and Reeve Johnson presided. Messrs. !king and &rmstrong were present and discussed with the members various plans and the type of building required for Township purposes. An estimated price of X4000. for foundation, wall and building was submitted by Mr. -Ling. This to be an all steel building and about 40 x 64'. The Gounc it decided to give this matter further consideration and to apply to the Deptartment for permission to erect such a building. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Council request permission from the -Dept, of Highways to erect a building, approximate size 40' x 601 for storage, garage and workshop for `Township vehicles and equipment. Estimated cost 0000.... Carried* The special meeting then adjourned. Reeve. LJ Township Office, Straffordville, April 3rd. 1950. Pursuant to adjournment of March 6th. , the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve vohnson presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital notices :ere read, daicussed and filed. A bulletin was received from Inspector McColl in regards to los* by school sections not being in School areas. A petition for 2 additional street lights was received from F. Albright and others. Approval was received for the using of 4000. of reserve fund as per resolution of �aroh 6th. Copy of agreement for fire truck services was received from the Town of Tillsonburg. Reports were presented from the Police officer and court clerk. The Clerk read a summary of sheep losses with respect to dog tax as compiled by the Provincial Dept. of Agriculture. Botioe was received from the County Clerk stating that Bayham Township had been equalized at t2,542,866. and that the sum of t26,046. would be required for county purposes in 1950. A letter was read from the Bayham Township school Board requesting the Township Council to issue debentures in an amount of $132,000. for addition to public school at Straffordville. Notice of increase in rates was received from the .4ylmer and Malahide Telephone moo. Mr. Frank Albright waited on the Council and discussed with them the proposed erection of a building for garage and workshop for Township vehicles. Prices submitted were $4000. for frame building with insul board siding an� flat built-up roof, and 4500. extra for cement block building. -y Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the Treasurer issue a cheque of $1046.85 to Treas, of Town -,of Aylmer as payment on debenture of East Elgin District high School: Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the following licensee be approved;- 11. E. Greer - Restaurant 4 23 H. W. McCurdy - Ice cream Stand Chas. G. Laing - Refreshment Stand Tom Nedozytho - Restaurant Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That this Counoil now adjourn to meet again at 1.30 P.M... Carried. The Council resumed the regular business at 1.30. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That 2 additional street lights be installed on back street near Sopers' Lumber Yard... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That this Council not accept the present agreement with the Tillsonburg for fire protection, pending a committee of Councillors Coyle and Felson contacting Tillsonburg Officials... Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- Whereas application has been made to this Council by the Board of Trustees of Bayham Township School Area, for the ."Ifinioipality to issue debentures in an amount of $132,000. for the purpose of erection of an addition to the Straffordville Public School; Be it Therefdre resolved that this Council endonse the action of the said Bayham Township School Area Board in this Respect, that we approve of the hiring of an architect and the preparation of plane a1'd specifications for same and that the Clerk be instructed to have a by-law prepared for the issuing of debentures in an amount of 4132,000, for the erection and equiping of an addition to the public School at Straffordville and that said debentures be levied upon all the lands and property within the said Basham Township School Area; And that this Council will give favourable oonsiderat to the aforesaid by-law, .. Carried. Considerable time was spent in going over the proposed budget of Revenues and Expend i tures and the discussion of the 1950 mill rate. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council accept the Treasurer's budget of Revenues and Expenditures and that the ownship rate be set at 12.3 mills. Carried. Mr. Fidelis :saes waited on the Council and requested work done on a fence and culvert at his farm. It was decided that this work should be done at an early ddte. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... varried. Roads and Bridges - "rch pay lists------------ iiugh Ferris- C.P.Lines gag account----_-------- fi. E. P. C.- hydro for hall and office --------- " ►r fire hall -------------- U. Curtis - relief for April ------------------ Edith Perry "-------- -- Jules Arnou - `"--- - -- ---- --- --- -- Tress. of Vienna - Relief for Pake, Mar. ------- " Dereham - " " Masales, Mar. ---- News Erinting Co.- Assm. notices--------------- Treas. --------------Treas, of Elgin county - Hospitalization ------- " unL�x°ij - Police salary for March ---- " expenses " Feb. - - - - Arnold McDowell- Fox Bounty -------•------------- Nathan Hayward - " ------------------- Robt. Grant - P.Q. box rental ------------------ H. M. Watts - Tuning hall piano ---------------- G. A. Barrie - Amb. re. Mrs. McDowell---------- Treas. of Aylmer- Re. High School debenture ---- Tress. of Pt. Burwell- Tuition re. nos.l & 3 --- �. L. Dennis - Salary for March ---------------- �. D. Vallee - To apply on salary -------------- " Com. & Exp. re. tax sale -------- " 1 ript to St. Thomas ------------ A. A. Johnson - Attend. 3 meetin e ------------- $1694.37 27.75N 16.52 10.71\ 40.00% 42 .00, 15.50. 14.15\ 31.46• 12.96 12.7\ 215.83 53.50, 10.00 5. 001 5.04. 7.50 4.00; 1046.85, 810.24, 35.00. 183.33. 15.51 3.00\ 16.20\ 1. 232 Chas. F. Jackson - Attend. 3 meetings --------- 15.00, V. G. Mitchell - 3 --------- 15.00\ Lyle Coyle - " 3 "--------- 18.00 'Walter Nelson - 3 "---------- 18.00 It was decided that definite action in regards to the Township building would be laid over to a future meeting. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Mitchell- That this "ouncil now adjourn to meet again on Londay 11ay 1st. at 10 A.M... Carried. Reeve. Clerk: C Township Office, Straffordville, May 1st. 1950. Pursuant to ad'Journment of April 3rd., the 'Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the abpve date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. �:inutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done, hospital notices were read an -i filed. Notive was received from the wept. of ?:unicipal Affairs that a school would be held in St. Thomas on May 4th. Balance of sidwalk subsidy was received from the jept. of highways to an amount of $256.13 The Ontario Municipal Board advised that their office would be closed during August except of emergency applications. Taew agreement for fire truck services was received from Tillsonburg. .health unit and Court clerk reports were read. s request was reoeived from the 2611sonburg Fair Board for a grant. advice was received from F. 3. Thomas , advice,, , that this .ownship would receive a copy of his committee's report on conservation. Prices of crushed stone delivered at Str�iffordville was received from the Hagersville Auarries Ltd. A petition signed by 21 resident ratepayers of the village of iichmond was received asking for prices On street light installation. Moved by %itehell Seconded by uackson- That the following tax arrears and interest be written off as uncollectible. name Year flues Interest Total Kenneth Bean 1945 5.83 1.62 7.45 " 1946 4.96 1.05 6.C1 " 1947 6.31 .87 7.18 Morley Carson 1945 5.83 1.53 7.36 it " 1948 14.25 1.11 15.36 George Graves 1946 5.96 1.26 7.22 George Target 1947 6.05 .69 5.74 J. W. Webster 1945 11.65 3.15 14.80 " 1946 9.93 2.10 12.03 f 1947 12.63 1.74 14.37 " 1948 14.25 1.11 15.36 j Total $112.88 ar- �C::. S. The above being taxes on cottages now removed from memorial Park Beach in Port Burwell.... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to enter into agreement with the Town of Tillsonburg for fire protection and use of fire truck at 50. for first hour and 625. for each additional hour... C .arried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council make the usual grant of %1W1*2 5.00 to the Tillsonburg and Dereham Fair Board... Carried. moved by Jackson Seconded by mi to he 11- iha t Fred A. Bell be engaged at once to survey bound- aries of townline road between Jtalahide and Bayham Townships starting at top of Cook hill and proceeding south one mile... Carried. The above resolution was passed at the request of George Vallee, County I orestry C ommiss i over. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Council now adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 P.M... Carried. The regular business of the-ounoi1 was resumed at 1.30 P -M, Loved by Jackson Seconded by Litchell- That in accordance with Clause 13 of By -Law -Jo. 108, the Reeve proclaim that dogs shall not be permitted to run at large in the Township of Bayham during the months of I�:ey, vune and July... Carried. Moved by Moyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Louncil endorse the action of the Reeve in proclaiming Daylight Saving 'mime for the period midnight April 29/50 to midnight Sept. 23; 50... Carried. Loved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the Road Supt. be authorized to purchase a Cap size filing cabinet and charge same to Roads and Bridges account... Carried. 1. owed by Jy:itehell Seconded by Jackson- That the following iicehses be approved; - Robt. Gordon - lee Cream Stand Bruce aennedy - Ice Cream Stand... Carried. Loved by Boyle Seconded by Nelson- That the petition of resident Freeholders of the Village of Richmond be received by this council and a request in accordance with the said petition, be made of the hydro Electric .ower Commission to make a survey of the said Village of Richmond for costs for street light installat- ions and service charges for same. Also that the Clerk prepare a map defining the area to be assessed for same and the assessment of the said area to be submitted to the oommissi ong .. Carried. A by-law for issuing debentures for the proposed addition to the Strafford -Y villa was then presented to the ;ounci 1. Some discussion was held in this respect and at the request of Councillor ::ogle, the by-law was laid over to a later date. ?loved by 1.:i tc he ll Seconded by Jackson- That the ►eeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- April pay lists -------X2803.96 iiugh Ferris - G.P. Lines account, hall & office --- t 11.00 Mary Lalonde - relief for + of April -------------- 35.25., Ed. Curtis - Relief for May ----------------------- 40.00 Edith Perry -35,00 35.00 •pules drnou - ►,---------------------- 15.50 Lary Lalonde - "--------------------- 73.50 Treas. of Vienna - belief for Pake, April --------- 14;115 " Dereham - Masales, "-------- 36.46 Biokle-Seagraves Ltd.- Repairs to fire truck ------ 1560.00 JGrant u otors - " ------ 34,17. !Iiotchkiss appliances - Bulbs for office ----------- 1.68 Treas. c4if Ontario - Police salary for April ------- 215-j83 +' ' expenses 34.92 Gestetner Ltd.- 6uppliea ----------------______-- Frank L. Stephenson- Croceri es for 13Y. Elliott --- Fred Oatman - ebx Bounty ------------------------ Chas. Grass - ------------------------ Blake vibbons _ R _____-____ Robt. Grant - Stamps ---------------------------- Victor Biekx - ?ox Bounty ----------------------- Geo. �,- Grant - Ins. on fire truck--------- Treas. Til.lsonburg & Lereham Fair Board- Crant -- L, Dermis - Salary for April ----------------- D. Vallee - To apply on salary --------------- Peters, Brown & Co.- bal. 1949 audit fee -------- " - Envelopes, forms etc. ------ L. Dennis - car one trip to (,�oodstock F.v.---- Chag Jac kaon -tt'• " ------ 8 . A* .-)ohnson '. u. TYi tchell Lyle Boyle - �ral ter nelson - Attendance at n R 1 meeting --------- 17.46 15.54 93.00 12.00 14.00. 6.00 5.00 133.47 25.00 35.00 183.33 300,00 7.10 4.25 4.25 5.00 5.40 5.00 0.00 6.00 234 } Some discussion was held regarding the coming centennial and it was decided that a meeting. of all chairman should be called for ivondfay evening lay 8th. Loved by liLi tche 1 l Seconded by Jackson- That this 'ouncil now ad"ourn to meet again on June 5th. at 10 6.b:.... Carried. e Reeve. i 1erk: Township Office, Straffordville, "ay 29th. 1950. a special meeting of the Bayham Township vouncil was held on the above date for the purpose of giving consideration to by-laws for the alteration of boundaries of school sections and the formation of a new school section. nll members were present and Reeve Johnson presided. also in attendance were Chairman �iobt. Jackson and Trustee s. K. %itehell of the Baybam `:township School Board and a delegation from =Richmond of Messrs. Percy Green, Nard Benner, Ira Lilmine and Len Simpson. This delegation presented a petition to the council signed by 67 names and representing about 50 owners and tenants, a aging that their former section :o. 11 be withdrawn from the school area and an individual section formed. Prior to the meeting, a petition had already been received fvvm ratepayers of North Bayham school section requesting similar action as that of the 3ichmond petition. ;his petition was signed by about 31 resident ratepayers of 13ayham plus several from Dereham and Middleton Townships being part of the school area. This petition requested the withdrawal of former section No. 23 from the area. letter was also received from the Bayham Township School board requesting action on the part of the Council in respect to their resolution of April 3rd. 1950. re. issuaing of debentures. 1:oved by Oackson t Seconded by Kitchell- That in the matter of alterations to the boundaries of Vienna School Section, this Council approve of registered notices being given to Xen Bradfield and mike Barzo as all owners of other lands affected, sig ed names to the petition... Carried. Koved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Council consider sufficient notice given to ratepayers of proposed school section No. 23 by Clerk by mailing of letter . by regular post to each assessed owner and setting out lands to be affected. Carried. Moved by: wkson : Seconded by Mitchell- And resolved that By -Law Bo. 1213, being a by-law to alter the Boundaries of S. S. No. 4, Bayham, and Bayham Township School Area and Vienna Union section, be now read a First time... Carried. This by-law provided that those portions of lots 10 and 11 in oonsession 3. Bayham north of Big Otter Creek and also those portions of lots 12 to 16 inclusive. Cone. 3, presently assesses to Bayham Township School Area, be joined with Vienna Union section so that the north boundary of said section be roads between concession 3 and oono. 4, along the aforesaid lots. Loved by Mitchell Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By-law No. 1213 he now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1213 he now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Considerable discussion was then held in regards to the two petitions received and those present were given a chance to speak to the Council. Trustee Grant Mitchell acted as spokesman for the !School Board and Messrs. Percy Green and lard Benner for the other delagation. A by-law in respect to No 23 section was then presented to the Council. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law withdraw certain lands from Bayham Township Public School Section No. 23, be now read a not carry so no further action was taken in Moved by Jackson Seconded by Kitchell- That owing to the time sections and notifying affected ratepayers, Council d o not take action in regards to the formation of a school section at Richmond... The Reeve grant for Moved by Seo onded Manitoba Moved by Seconded 10 A.M... LI No. 1214, being a by-law to School Area and to from a first time... This rbading did respect to this by-lawo limit for formation of school ebb. , be it resolved that this petition of ratepayers for Carried. then drew attention bi the ' ouno it members to the matter of a Flood Relief in l"anitobii. Coyle by Oackson- That this Council donate the sum of $100.00 to the F1oidd Relief Fund... Carried. Mitchell by Jackson- That we do now ad i ourn to meet again on June 6th. at Carried. Reeve. t Mi 236 Township Office, Straffordville, June 5th, 1950. Pursuant to adjournment of May let., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Tlx:inutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following►.business was done. Reports were read from the Police, Court clerk and health A resolution was received from S.S.No.9, requesting that their section be joined with Vienna and others possibly, to form a school area. n bul i et ing was received from the Dept. of Lunici pal &ffai rs setting out the system of grnats for 1950. Notices of admission of two indigent pptients Ras received from Voctoria hospital. Approval of By-law I. o. 1211 was received from the Dept. of n-ighways but a reduced amount of �O, 000. 00. From the kept. of ►:anicipal &.-fairs, a statement of grants paid in 1949 lieu of 1 mill subsidy. for in request was received from the Elgin Horse Breeders' Assn. for the usual grant. From the Straffordville Lions Club, a request that Jaly 3rd and 4th. be made holidays in the ownsaip in honour of the Centennial celebration. Loved by Coyle Seo onded by nelson- That this Council 00 J . Ke tchabaw - Ice L. H. McConkey - it approve of the cream stand. Carried. following licenses; - 'donsideration of relief accounts of seo. Baldwin, a former resident of this Township and as submitted by Derehaff. Township was then made. Moved by 111i tchell Seconded by Jackson- ghat this A"owrkship pay under protest, the relief a. -counts of neo. Baldwin, to the Township of Dereham and that by doing so, we accept no responsibility on behalf of this man other than to relieve Dereham Township of same... Carried. Loved by Jackson Seconded by Nelson- That the Township Council of Bayham declare a publie holiday within the Township for July 3 and 4th. 1950... Carried* Yoved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- shat this Council make a grant of X25.00 to the Elgin Horse Breeders' Assn. for 1950... Carried, Moved by Jackson Seconded by Iii tohell- And resolved that By -Law Ido. 1215, being a by-law to adopt the assessment and to levy taxes for the year 1950 and to provide for the oolleotion thereof, be now read a first time... °married, ti loved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- Amd resolved that by -Law iio. 1215 be now read a second time... Carried. "Loved by Coyle Seconded by T►elson- And resolved that By -Law moo. 1215 he now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. loved by Kitchell Seconded by Nielson- That this Council calks.- Straffordville - $200. Corinth - 100. Eden - 100. Richmond - 100.00 spend the following sums on side - Carried. Considerable discussion was held in regards to the coming centennial celebration and the Clerk was instructed $100. worth of fireworks. The by-law for school debentures was again laid over. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- May pay lists -------$3025.49 Hugh Ferris - C. P. Lines accto for hall & off.-- $ 20.25-, Robt. Grant - Stamps for tax arrears ------------ 1,2.001* - Aylmer & Malahide Tel Co.- Office phone --------- 20.70*- " - Police phone --------- 49.92\ Manitoba Flood Relief Fund- Grant ------------- $100.00 Edwy Curtis - Relief for June ----------------- 40.00 - ----------- ---- Mary LaLond e - - 73.50 Robt. Grant - Stamps for centennial ----------- 7.00 Treas. of Vienna - Relief for Pake, May ------- 14.15.. Treas. of Dereham - " Masales, May ----- 21.46 Municipal World Ltd.- Dog licensee ------------ 7.26,, Assm. notices ----------- .601, i. Webster - Offioe supplies, etc. --------- 6.45. News Printing Co.- Audit reports, envelopes --- 72.85, Frank L.9tephenson- Groceries for G.Elliott --- 10.00, Treas. of Ontario - Police salary for May ----- 215,83. expenses for Apr. -- 21.12 - George Grass - Fox Bounty ----------------- 6.00- " "--------------- Albert Sinden- ------ 3.00 Fred Oatman - " " --------------- 39.00 Harry Davidson- ~ _w____--- ------ 15.00' Leston Everitt- " "-------------- 3100", Blake Lester - " " ______r_____________w 5.00` Andrew Laoseko- " "--------------------- 12.00. Floyd Ta$lor _ �. " ---------------------- 14.00, Francis Volkaert-" R ______________________ 9.00. W. L. Looker - " " ____-------- _w_____--- 3.00, Ray Woodworth - Milk for G. Elliott ----------- 11.10. C. E. Soper - Brick work at Township hall ----- 960.02 Robt. C.Jackson- Valuing cattle --------------- 4.20• Wm. Ringland - Cattle killed & injured -------- 175.00. Treas. of Dereham Twp.- Relief for G.Baldwin -- 39.24% Treas, Elgin Horse Breeders' Assn.- Grant ----- 25.00. d. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------- 183.33 - Meals inspecting roads --------- 12.50, .i. L. Dennis - Salary for May ------__..______-_ 35.00, N - License, calls, etc. ----------- 4.81, A, A. Johnson- 3 meetings & 1 day on roads ---- 21.6C, Car expenses for 1 day --------- 10.00, Chas. F. Jackson- 3 meetings & 2 days on roads- 25.00. • Lyle Coyle - 3 meetings and c days on roads --- 30.00 - Car expenses for one day --------- 10.00; 'IN. Mitchell- 3 mbetings-------------------- 15.00. Walter Belson- 3 meetings and 2 days on roads - 30.00• Moved by Coyle Seoonded by Nelson- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on June 26th. at 1.30 P.M... Carried. Reeve. I a 23? 238 Township Offiftif Straffordville, June 9th. 1950. A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date for the purpose of meeting with a delegation of ratepayers of Borth Bayham in regards to the formation of a public school section in that area and withdrawing these lands from the Baynam Township School area. All members of the Council were present and Reeve Johnson presided. about 1,15 ratepayers of North Bayham, formerly public school section No. 23, formed the delegation. Consierable time was spent in discussion of the above matter and those members of the delegation present were requested by the Reeve to state their case to the council and enter into the discussion. b,oved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- In consideration of special representation made to this council by ratepayers of former School Section No. 23, be it resolved that a by-law be again presented to this Council, providing for the formation of an individual school section in that district., Carried. .4 owed by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law lNo. 1216 being a by-law to form a public school section of certain lands now within Bayham Township School Area, namely,-. A11 Lots 10 to 21, inclusive, Cone. XI, Bayham. if 11 " 20 " X I4 . half 9 & 10 and 21 & 22 N. 131#14 15 and 16 Also those portions of north parts of lots 17,18 and 19 lying north of Big Otter Creek in Concession IX,Bayon.am, Be now read a first time... ;arriea. b,oved by Jackson Seconded by klitehell- And resolved that by -Law lNo. 1216 be now read a second time... Carried. The Clerk was directed to send a copy of this by-law to the Lept. of Education for the l.'.inister's approval before given third reading. bloved by : ackson Seconded ny Mitchell- That this special session of the Council now ad`ourn. Carried. Q Q � seeoe. 07 Clerk -f Township Office, Straffordville, June 26,1950. Pursuant to ad `ournment of June 5th., the regular Zuly meeting of the Bayham Township council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve v ohns on presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meets ings were rwad, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications were read as follows;- irom Town�off Tillsonburg re. Otter Valley Conservation Authority. Report of Health 'Unit for Lay. Hospital notices from Beck :u:emorial Sanatorium and Tillsonburg Hospital. Invitation from Yarmouth Township to attend their Centennial. Letter from Deputy i.jinister of Education stating that the Department not approve of By -Law No. 1216. Letter from Kr. Frank Xetchabaw making offer to donate a picture of Hatch, first Township Clerk, to Township to be installed in Township This kind offer was accepted by the Council. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Kitchell- That the Clerk order an price of 126.50, material No. 6248.0. Carried. does William 011f ice., awning for front of office atq�`` Proved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council reoeive the Bayham Township School Board in regards of June 14th. 1950, and also go on record as closing of said school... Carried. zap and file the communication of to Richmond School under date supporting this action re. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That this Council make a grant of $35.00 to the Elgin Plowmen's Association... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Council make a grant of X50.00 to the Elgin County Road Supt.'s Association.., tarried* Mr. t3wen Carson waited on the Council and requested repairs made to his road and was promised that the Road Supt. would give it some attention. The members then discussed further matters pertaining to the Centennial celebration and the Council paid a visit to the Township grounds and Community centre. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges dccountd- .tune pay lists ----- Frank Steers - sas for hall and office Robt. Grant - Stamps for centennial------------ �t Treas.------------- " - Tax notices -_-___---- .News Printing Go.- Supplies for centennial ----- of "- .idvt. Tax notices & Envelopes- Treas. of Dereham - Zune relief for I�asales ---- R of Elgin - nospitaliaation-------------- Gestetner Ltd.- Ink and paper .Lover School Supplies - Blinds for hall & Off .-- T.W.Hand Fireworks Go,- For centennial --------- Morley Mc,uiggan - Fox Bounty __________________ ri..P.C. - hydro for hall & Office ------------- H. P. 'srant - Gas & Oil for fire truck --------- The Times -Journal - Centennial advt.-------- vlgin Fruit Fruit "'rowers' Co -Op.- Atlas ide, centeries- Treas. Ellin Plowmens' Assn. - Grant ----------- R County Road Supt. *e Assn.BGrant --- H.E.P.C.- hydro for fire hall ------____--_----- Canadian Bank of Commerce -Prize Env, re. Gent. - J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary if. L. Dennis - Salary for June ----__-___r-_-_-_ : rs, We L. Looker - Cleaning office ------------ A, A. Johnson - 2 meetings ---_r---------------- Chas. F. Jackson - 2 " --------------------- Lyle Coyle - 2 ----------------- n�' ,i• . Go Mitchell- 2 ----------- - r - _ ------ Walter _____Walter Nelson - 2" --------------------- �. L. Sutherland - Prep, centennial book ------- t2496.06- 9. c5- 2.00- 31001- 41.00-, - 2.00- 3.001- 41.00. 31.91, 33.35 2 6 o W 721.67 11.90- 55.3& 100.00, 5.00• 12,28 36.46 31.3% 194.4Q, 35.00. 50.00, 13.36- 135.10- 183.33 35.00- 8.7 5_ 10.80, 10.00. 12. OC, 10.00. 12.00- 100.00% ]Loved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on August 7th. 19501, at 1.30 P.34... Carried. - neeve . a Township Office, Straffordville, duly 17th. 1950, A special meeting of the Bayham Township Uouncil was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. also in attendance were the Trustees of Bayham Township School area. The purpose of the meet- ing was to discuss certain problems arrising fnom the proposal of certain lands to withdraw from the School area, onemderable discussion was held in regards to this matter and a letter was read from the Deputy lUnister of Education, advising that the Council might proceed under section 40 the the Public Schools Act, in order that By -Law lip. 1216, might become valid and binding. This by-law was not approved on Dune 16th. 1950 by the Deputy Minister. Several ratepayers of Forth tayham along with Mr, F. S. Thomas, M,L,A. , atteAded part of the meeting and were invited to enter into the discussion. Mr. Thomas outlined the steps taken by himself to procure an appointment with the :..inister of education on behalf of a small delegation from former Section Ivo, 23 and gave a report on that meeting. trustee ,Mitchell passed on a suggestion from Cdr. McColl on advice from the Department, that the solution of the problem might be the building of a two room school by the Area Board at North Bayham. 71iose present from this former section declined to say whether this might be acceptable or not. It was finally decided that a joint delegation o' the Council and QehooZ Board should go to Toronto and interview the :►sinister of Lducation and �:r. Thomas kindly agreed tt arrange an appointment. :.loved by Jackson Seconded by Nelson- That in consideration of a letter from the Deputy Minister of Education dated rune 29th. 1950.9 this v ounci l make furt r.er consideration of By-Lww lo, 1216 under Section 40 of the Public Schools Act, and that the Clerk send a copy of same to the Bayham Township area School Board... Carried. The following communication was received from the Bayham Township School Board. � my 17th. 1950. "Moved By lti tchell Seconded by .Tupper- Rhereas the Bayham Township Counoil is giving furthN er consideration to By -Law No. 1216 and that a copy of same has been served upon this Board on the above date, said By -Law permitting the withdrawal of certain lands from the Bayham Township School Area, be it therefore resolved that this Board oppose the passing of said By -Law under Section 40 of the Public Schools Act on the following grounds; - 1. That this Board has entered into financial obligations with the Departmentle approval, for the building of additional school accomodation in the Area to the amo,xnt of $123,000. 2. That this Board is of the opinion that if former school section No. 23 is permitted to with draw, former section Igo. 11, whioh presented a petition for withdrawal to the municipal Council on May 29th. 1950 and on which no action was taken, that said section No. 11 would again press for withdrawal and may create a general break-up of the whole area. 3, Also this Board believes that if one part of the Area is permitted to withdraw, all other parts wishing to do so, would have to be treated in a similar manner. Carried . ( Signed) Robert 0. Jackson, Chairman. Moved by Felson Seconded by Iitchell- That a delegation of the Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Oounoillor Coyle go with representatives of the Bayham Township School Board to meet with the .'inister of ducat ion... Carried, Moved by Yitchell Seconded by Jackson- That this special Council session now adjourn. Carried. Reeve. e rx, It A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date, all members present and rlw*ve Johnson presiding. The Reeve announced that 35 the purpose of the meeting was to give consideration to the passing of a by-law for issuing debentures re. 3ayham Township School Board request and` also whether or not By -Law I4o. 1216 was to be given the third reading. Considerable discussion was held ' in regards to'letting North Jayham Lands out of the School Area. LUoved by C o.7le Sedonded by Nelson- That By -Law Ziio. lands, namely former school section Area, be now read a third time, and law to the said School Board under married. 1210, being a by-law to withdraw certain No. 23, from the Bayham Township School, that the clerk send a copy of this by - section 40 of the .Public Schools Act. A by-law was then presented for the issuing of debentures in with a request by letter addressed to Reeve Johnson, from th e accordance 1 XSchool Board* Moved by Nelson Seconded by Ooyle- And resolved that By -Law No. 1217, being a_ by-law to �. authorizing the borrowing of X123,000.00 upon debentures for the erection of a new addition and equipment for the school building at Straffordville for the Bayham Township School Area, be now read a First time ...Carried . loved by Jackson Seconded by liitchell- And resolved that By -Law iio. 1217 he now read a Second time... Carried. The above by-law provided for the payments of abov^ debentures to be levied on all lands within the Area except those portions within the Townships pf .,iddleton and Dereham and the following lands in 3ayham Township ll of lots 10 to 21 inclusive in Ooncession XI All of lots 11 to 20 ^ ^ X Vorth half lots 9 & 10 and 21 & 22 ^ X North half lots 13,14,15 and 16, " IX And those portions of north parts of lots 17, is and 19 lying- north ying-north of Big Utter Creek in Ooneession Ig. The Clerk was instructed to have solicitor take proper steps to have this By-L-iw presented to the Ontario L:unicipal Board for approval. 1�:.oved by Kitchell Seconded by Jackson- That we do now adjourn this special meeting of the council... married. Reeve. (Z" , ^1e��. 6 cat 242 Township Office, Straffordville, august 7th. 1950, The regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve j ohnson presiding. The meeting -.as held in the forenoon in order that the members might attend the celebration of uldborough Township's centennial in the afternoon. :.:inutes of the last regular and special meetings were r -ad, approved and signed and the follow - business was done, hospital noti,3es were received, discussed and filed. Reports �°ere rrad from the police, coart clerk and Jinalth Unit. A grant of X425. �,as reueived from the Province in respect to the dome for the aged on 1949 operating costs as submitted by the County. Request for payment in respect to the Raymond Priddle award witch was received from the Town:3hip of aoughton Township. the Clerk was instructed to Fay this 3cc punt on the recommendation of Drain Inspector 1lodwin, request for a grant was received from :.:r. uiott for the Calton Cemetery. '. .approval for purchase of new Mercury truck Ftas received from the DepartTpen' of ai ghway3 . ommunications were read from the Village of Vienna in regard3 to School .area with 3.6,No. 9, and also road across tile yard dam. Invitations were received to attend Southwold and Aldborough Townships Oentennial celebrations. I esults of a survey in respect to bounties paid and markings used was received from the Dept. of Lnads and Forests re. wolf, fox and bear. N,oved by I.: 2'3 H. E. P. C.- Iydro Installations etc. ------------- r 44.37 " 'T - 13,470 watts power 0 .40 ------------- 48.49,, News Printing Co.- Centennial book & printing ----- 1216.46 A* L. +Niss6n - Policing 2 nights ------------------ 10.00 James Kennedy - " 1 "----------------- 5.00, Treas, Aylmer BoyA' Band - Sunday service --------- 50.00'. W. G. Mitchell— Car expenses --------------------- 25.00 Ed. Curtis - relief for July ---------------------- 40.00% ;0iary Lalonde - " ^ " ____________________ 73.50 Geo. ;McGregor - t� �� ��--------------------- 15. 50 F. Steers - Gas for hall & office for June -------- 3.80 Ed. Curtis - Relief for -august ------------------- 40.00 Jules Arnou - ►' ►' „-------------------- 15,50L M=ary Lalonde - " "------------------ 73.50,, Geo. Miesregor _ �� " "------------------ 15.50, 'Tress, of Vienna - July relief for Pake----------- 11.65 Treas, of Lereham - July " it Masales-------- 86.46, Geo. L. Acre - Richmond sidewalks ----------------- 115.70 - Geo. Chute - Coal for office ---------------------- 119.16, L. e.. Catchpole - Awning for office --------------- 26.5Q .albert Zeller & Son - 'Tile for Chal': -Drain -------- 2.80. Robt. Grant - .51.0. for municipal World acct. ------ .7% Treas. of Ontario - Police salary for June -------- 215.83, exp. " iilay-------- 33.08, " " '► - salary " July -------- 215.83, " - Exp. for June ---------- 60.84. C. E. Soper - Roofing Town hall addition ---------- 141.70,. Workmens' Compensation Board - Prem. 3200. _, 1.30 - 41.60, Vol. firemen -- 23.40, Wm. Ringland - Injured cow by dogs ---------------- 40.00. Robt. C. Jackson - Valuing above ------------------ 2.501, Xelth Somers - Sheep killed by dogs --------------- 35.00, Lee Inman - 7 turkeys killed by dogs -------------- 28.00, Carman Ball - Valuing above 2 x 1.60 -------------- 3.20 Stanley augustine Jr.- Fox bounty ----------------- 5.00" .Alan Veiteh - It ------------ - - - - -- 3.00, Robert Brown - TV----------------- 5.00• Harold Belore - Spraying cemeteries --------------- 77.00 Nevis Printing Co.- Advts. & printing -------------- 3.121 J. F. Mott, Treas.- Grant to Galton cemetery ------ 5.00` Robt. Grant - Stamps ------------------------------ 7.00 Frank Steers - Gas for hall &r office for July ----- 3.90 J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ----------------- 183.33, J. L. -Dennis - Salary for July -------------------- 35,00- A. Johnson - 3 meetings plus �5.--------------- 21.20. - Car to Toronto -------------------- 15.00, Chas. F. Jackson - 3 meetings _____________________ 15.00_ .'r'. . luitchell - S "---------------------- 15.00. Lyle Coyle - 3 meetings plus 45. ---------------- 23.00 :halter Nelson - 3 meetings ----------------------- 18.00. 11oved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- that this Council now adjourn to meet again on Sept. 5th. 1950 at 1 P.Iu... Carried, 0 rA Reeve. 0 uierx. Township Office, Straffordville, Sept. 5th. 1950. Pursuant to adjournment of august 7th., the regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date w i tb Reeve Johnson presiding. Councillors Mitchell and Nelson being absent. 1:11nutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the- following business was done. .approval was received from the Ontario Municipal Board in regards. to 1--y-Law Vo, 1217 re, debentures for addition to Straffordville school. A communication was received from John F. Weston, engineer and surveyor, suggesting that air photos be made of villages of Bayham Township. Igo action was taken in respect to this matter, t letter was read from ":r. 01arance Lamoure, requesting use of the Township Hall for religious services. This was referred to a former resolution in this matter, A letter was also received from the Trustees of the Anion School Section at Calton, advising that they were building a new school to be located in Bayham `township and that a by-law to issue debentures would be required in the near future. Reports were received from the iiealth Jnit and Reeve Johnson reported on a meeting of Reeves re gas rates for the Central Pipe Lines Ltd. A petition for drainage was received from Dert 1ti itts and others. A very fine letter was rective d from Justice Clinton Ford and lars. Ford in regards to the prize of 45.00 awarded themas persons travelling the greatest distance to attend the centennial. 1'he prize of X5.00 was returned by them together with another X5.00 with the request that this x.10.00 be used for the upkeep of some cemeteries in Bayham Township, Hospital notices were received and filed. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1217, being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of ";.123,000. upon debentures for addition to school at r Straffordville, for Township School Area, be now read a third time and finally passed... V",arried. Loved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That the Clerk have Township Solicitor, in oo-operat- ion with 1►r. Tisdale, prepare by-law for issuing debentures to build a new school at Claton when plans are sufficiently advanced sor same.Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That the :lerk prepare agreements for Providing fire and police protection for neighbouring municipalities... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That the age of lots 14, 15 and 16 in South parts lots 123 and 124 Bell for survey and repostt... petition of Bert Litts and others for South Gore, north parts lot 15, Cone, Cone. 69 be accepted and forwarded to Carried. drain - 5 and Engineer Loved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That a rebate of X5.00 each be paid to Pow's aardware and E. F. Davis & Co., Jewellor, for advertisements no included in Centennial Book...` Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts - August pay lists --- $1713.541 Treas. of Ontario -Municipal Bd, fee re bob. ---- 123.00 Ed. Curtis - Relief for Sept. ------------------- 40.00\ Jules Arnou - " " "------------------- 15.50\ Mary Lalonde - " " ------------------- 73.50 Geo. McGregor - "------------------- 15.50\ Bickle-Seagrave Ltd.- HAse & Fog nozzle --------- 160.00\ 50 ft 3/4 hose ------------ ; „. Provincial Treas.- Insulin for Arnou------------ .33\ Treas. of Dereham - Aug. relief for Masales ----- 26.46\ Treas. of Ontario - Police salary for Aug. ------ 215.83 Exp. for July -------- 36.84\ E { Robt. Jackson - Valuing turkeys ----------------- 5.00\ Drs. Cresswell & Harrison - Examining cow ------- 5.00\ j Murray �.etehabaw - Lamb killed by dogs ---------- 30.00\ 01 N, t varman Hall - Valuing lamb killed------------- H.E.P.C.- Labour & mileage re. centennial ----- C. E. Soper - 3areens re. centennial---------- Pow's nardware - rax re. "----------- Treas. of 1�alahide - Charges re. 3heesman Lr.-- " " .Houghton - TVr e . Pr i d d 1 e Dr. - - Robt. 0. Jackson- Fee re. Ringland cattle ----- Pow's aardware - Centennail ad. rebate -------- E. F. Davis & Co.- -------- J. L. Dennis - Salary for august -------------- J. L. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------- A. A. Johnson - attend. i meeting ------------- Chas. F. Jac'_cson - '• 1 " ------------- Lyle Coyle - n 1 �,------------- Moved by Ooyle Seconded by Jackson - October 2nd. 1950 at 1.00% 18.82\ 10.1q 9.66 1. 85, 17.40 6.00` 5.00\ 5.00\ 35.00\ 183.33\ 5.40\ 5.00\ 6.00\ '.What this Council now adjourn to meet 10.30 A*M... Carried. Reeve. again on 246 t Township Office, 3traffordvill e, Sept'. ,4th. 1950. A special meeting of the :"ouncil of the ,Township of Bayham was held on the above date for the purpose of giving consideration to a by-law authroizing the Reeve and `�reasurer to borrow money against debentures until sold, for Bayham Township School Area. Those present were the Reeve, Deputy .=peeve Ja3k_son and Councillor ...itchell. ;:Toured by Jacks on Seconded by Kitchell- And resolved that By -Law No. 1218, being a by-law to authorize the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances pending the issue and sale of the debenrures authorized by By -Law Ivo. 1217, be now read a first time... arried .� Ioved by Litohell Seconded by Jackson- ind, resolved that By -Law A'Ao. 1218 be now read a Second time... Carri d�d . Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- And resolved that By -Law No. 1218 be novo read a third time and finally passed,.. Carried. The special meeting then adjourned. Re ev e. { 246 A 1 d Ii Township Office, straffordville, October 2nd, 1950. Pursuant to adjournment of Sept. 5th,, the Council of the Township Bayof iia hal* -et in regular session on the above date with all members present and Reeve': Johnson presiding. t1inutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, aj.proved and signed and the following businesi was done* laommunications were received as follows;- ?rom the Office of the Fire lkarshall, a letter re fire prevention week and table of fire losses. Hospital notices al -id health unit and Court Clerk reports were received and. filed. ,OMMunfications from Lept. of Health and :mountain sanatorium were received In respect to, after care for Wincenty donop. application forms for interim grant were received from Dept. of Highway., Price was received from ..:r. Be C. Maunder on Frink snow plow and wing. :she Clerk road a letrer received from =r. deo. Teall ree taxes and old road to Highway. ;kiove d by Coyle Seconded bar Lelson- That this Jouno it issue a cheque of 45.00 to "array f-etohabaw for killing dog while molesting sheep... Carried. Moved by Baoks on Seoonded by Kitchell- That this :ouncil approve of the statutory grant on roads expenditure to amount of 125,017.28 up to august 31, 1950 and that t proper officers be authorized to sign application for same... Carried't Moved by Mitchell Seconded by J'ao kaon- end resolved that this Council ad journ for noon to meet again at 1.30 P.K... varried. The 'ouneil met again shortly after 1:80 P.M. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Nelson- That our Council form the Court of Aevision for the 1951 assessment Roll and that the Clerk be Secretary of same... Cazrted. The members then subscribed to the neoessarr oaths as members of the afore- said Court. Moved by nelson Seconded by Coyle - Carried. That Reeve Lohnson be Chairman of this Court of Revision'. Moved by Coyle Seconded bi Nelson- That part of the 1950 taxes of O' Giel Bros. in an amount of x.7.32 be written off. Gas pumps removed for 9 months of the year 1950... Carried. Roved by Mitchell Seconded by toacksoh- That the Court of Revision reduce the assessment - of udna Goodhand by X250, on 46 acres of lot 14, Conce, 10, Roll No. 1038r Robert Veitoh appeal - No change " a - 727 Crown Appeal - Reduce by 41100, re. dodder & Aynes - " " 58B.j' 0' Giel Bros. appeal - Reduce by X200 on pumps And thatathe 1951 Assessment Roll be now adopted as finally revised and this Court of evision now adjourn... Carried. The regular business of the Council was then resumed. :.;r. Hugh Matthews waited on the Council in respect to gravel for hill at Watterson sid Broad . 0 'Mr. Eiehenberg, Chairman, and bashers of the Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Trust waited on the Council and asked that they assume the rese onsibilit y IE of appointing a committee to canvass the Township for funds for the hospital* [The Council agreed to try and do this and to oontact he local Lions' Club =` lin this matter. Tenders were then opened on the bids for sale of the ;123,000. debenture issue for the addition to the Straff ordville sohool. 247 Owing to the action of the Dominion Cabinet in announcing the removal of price control on the Oanadian Lollar, several of these bids were withdrawn at the last minute. :yids received were as follows; -plus accrued interest; - Canadian Bank of �:ommerce with .good, aundy and Co. ------------- � 99.19 Anderson & Co. ------------------------- 99.028 R. A. Laly & Co. Ltd. ------------------- 100.256 harrison & Co. -------------------------- 100.52 (4ithdrawn) Goulding Rose & Jo. with Bankers Bond Corp. Ltd. ----------- 99.255 " w o I,. ''raham & Co. ---------------------- 100.59 Bell souinlock & Co. -------------------- 101.05 " Burns Bros. & Lenton -------------------- 98.469 " Fairclough & Co. ------------------------ 99.697 " Ieard, Robertson & vo. failled to tender but offered par for a week's option. .Loved by Jackson Seconded by nelson- That this Oouncil appoint the Clerk and our solicitor L. F. Gibson, j�.C, to sell the school debentures at the best possible value... "C"arried . Moved by Coyle Seconded by 1r:itehell- And resolved that By -Law amend By -Law No. 1203, namely change hours for read a First time... Oarried. :.loved by nelson lyo. 1219, being a by-law to hold in R election, be now Seconded by Coyle- and resolved that 3y -Law ilo. 1219 be now read a second time... Carried, L:ovc7d by Jackson Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law leo. 1219 be now read a third time and finally passed.. t Carried. Loved by lvelson Seconded by Uoyle Books... Carried. - That each school in the 'ownship be given 25 Centennial a itas decided that the �ouneil would take no action in respect to Yr. 'leall's request to purchase old road near his place until the Council could make an investigation of same. .,+ove d by Jackson Seconded by L:itehell- That the Reeire sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Sridgea accounts- September pay lists -- Frank Steers - sas for hall & office------------- L:urray Stenabaugh - Bal. of salary --------------- - Log lax Comp. 10,, ------------- " - Envelopes, etc --------------- Treas. of lillsonburg- ti. 5. Deb. ---------------- ii. E. P. C.- Hydro for hall & office ------------- " fire hall ---------------- Morley Pollock - Fencing at hall ----------------- Jack Baldwin - Fox Bounty ------------------------ Chas. A. Walsh - Groceries for A. Campbell------- Treas. of Dereham- Sept. relief for l: asales ------ IT Vienna - ^ " it Pake-------- " " Elgin - .ospitalixation -------------- C. a. Jackson - good for office ------------------ Dews 2rinting Co.- ad &. printing ----------------- Treas. of Ontario - Police salary for Sept. ------ exp. ----- exp. Aug* - uestetner Ltd.- Supplies ------------------------- = Nestor Gaumol - Poultry killed ------------------- Robt. C. Jackson- Valuing poultry ---------------- Ed. wavidson- Fire hall rental for 1950---------- Robt. Grant - Stamps ------------------------------ Rdwy Curtis ielief for Oct. -------------------- E Jules Arnou - " October ---------------- 1:ary Lalonde- ,► '--------- - Geo. McGregor - �� �.--------------- London Business Institute - Stencil for V.L. ----- Roy Carroll - Gas for fire truck ----------------- Murray netchabaw- Killing Log -------------------- 2579.85% 3.90% 675.00 \ 116.601 4.49% 6804,184\ 13.47\ 7.51 45.16 5.00 28.28\\ 26,46\ 88.49\ 7.50\ 9.92\ 215.83\ 52.06\ 33.07 24.00 1.0k 60.0t� 10.40 !40.00\ 15.50` 73.50\ 15.50 3.75\ 4.17i\ 5.00\ if J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------ ^ 'rep. of 55 stencils re. V.L*-- J. L. Dennis - .gal. for sept. ---------------- A. A. Johnson- attend. 1 meeting ------------- Chas. F. Jackson- 1 -------------- Lyle Coyle - " 1 "------------- '• ur. I itch -e11 - " k "------------- palter Nelson- 1 IT ------------- Bayham School Board- i1apital hcct. re. .veb.--- 4 183.331 27.50` 35.00♦ 5.40\ 5.00\ e.CO� 5. J0, 43CC.0Q\ 12 500. QQ'\ Yovcd by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That this :ouncil now adjourn to meet again on Oct. 30th. at 10.00 A.1d... 0,arried. a 2 oeve . I Township Office, Straffordville, Oct., 30th. 1950. 1! Pursuant to adjournment of Oat. 2nd., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Police, Court Clerk, and Health Unit reports were read and filed. Requisition was received from Union Section Bo. 7 and 6 Malahide and Bayham for raising $42,000. to build and equip new school. Manual of assessment values was received from Dept. of Municipal Affairs. Communication from Port Burwell in regards to agreements re. Yolioe Services and Fire Protection. Signed agreement from Middleton Township for Fire Protection. Letter from Dr. Walker re. Winoenty Konop. A bulletin, new regulations and letter from Dept. of Public Welfare in respect to unemployment relief. } A letter and Cheque was received from the Dept. of 2nblio Welfare in regards to grant for Children's Protection Act. Moved by Jackson 0 Seconded by Mitchell- That the Reeve aid Cleric be and are to sign Police and Fire Truck agreements with Port Burwell agreement with Middletin Township... Carried* hereby authorised and Fire Truck Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That our Relief Officer authorise the Welfare Dept. in Hamilton to take oars of Mr. W. Konop for sanatorium afteroare..Carried. Moved by Belson Seconded by Coyle -That the over to the Riobmond Best Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That debentures to R. A. Daly d accrued interest from Oat. Carried. donation of X10. from Justice Ford be turned Cemetery... Carried. this Council approve of the Bale of $123,000s, Co. of Toronto at a price of $100.856 plus lots, payment and delivery at Straffordville. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Belson- And resolve* that By -Law No. 1220 provide formthe holding of municipal elections and for Deputy Returning Officers and 11611 Clerks and Polling a first time... Carried. being a by-law to the appointing of plaobs, be now read K M 249 Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1220 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Belson Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law No. 1220 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by nelson- Whereas Reeve Johnson has meeting, be it resolved that Chas. F. Jackson Moved by Belson Seconded by Mitchell- : i I Mr* itchell- been called away from this preside in hisabsence.Carried. That this Council now adjourn till 1.80 P.M.Carried.{ The regular business of the Council was resumed at 1.30 P.M. Moved by Belson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council accept the requisition of the Board of Trustees of union Section Bo. 7 and 6.Malahide and Bayham, for a sum of $42,000* to be raised by debenture issue over a period of 20 years, for the purpose of acquiring land, building and equiping of a two room public3 school and for paying architect fees and other incidental expenses. And that the Clerk have the necessary by-law prepared and the same will be properly passed by this Council on condition that the Township of Malahide pass a by-law guaranteeing to be responsible to the Township of Bayham for their share of said debentures on an equalized assessment basis...Carried. Mr. Shelton interviewed the members in regards to the purchase of gravel 1 from his pit for roads repair. The members told him that some oonsiderat ion would be given this matter* "r. Stanley Lute waited on the Council in respect to Cleaning of open dram on Berdan sideroad south and also tile on north branch of No. 1 Drain. He it was informed that to date, it had been impossible to procure Kngineer bell.;,. to do this work. Considerable discussion was then held in regards to procuring another engineer to look after our Township Drains. Moved by Belson Seconded by Mitchell- Whereas this Township has been unable to get survey work done on Municipal Drains by Fred A. Bell, O.L.S., C.E., be it therefore resolved that this Council request the resignation of the said Fred a Bell as Township Kngineer, and that all drainage petitions on which the work is not completed be returned to this Township Office... Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Nelson- That the Deputy Reeve sign the order sheets* **Carried* Roads and Bridlas' Acoounts- Oct. pay lists ------- Frank Steers- for hall and office ------------ Co g. Soper - work on hall & materials ----------- News rrinting Co.- Advts and printing ------------ Clarence Heid - Fox Bounty -------------_-________ .Milliam Bsldwin- " • ---------------------- Bllke Lester - Property redeemed at taxsale ------ R. A.Shelton do Son- Gravel re Straff. S.N.------- Edwy Curtis - nelief for November ---------------- JulesArnou - * " "--------------__ GeorgeMwGregor----------------- Municipal World Ltd.- Debenture Register --------- RobertGrant- Stamps ----------------------------- Archie Noels- Work on Straff. S.■. 19514 .75� ---- Peters, Brown & Good- Part 1950 audit fee -------- Murray Stenabaugh- C.Of R., Jurors & exp. -------- J. D. Vallee- Selecting Jurors ------------------- " " - To apply on salary ----------------- J. L. Dennis - Salary for October ---------------- A. A. Johnson - Selecting jurors ----------------- " ` - Attendance at 1 meeting ---------- than. F.Jaokson---------- Lyle Coyle We G. Mitchell ---------- Walter Belson ------ N. G. Mitchell - Car to 3t. 'Phomas------------- OA4Y LAL+MAE - RELIEF FOR A OLIA#J/AER - *2000.54\ 3.80N 10 5.79, 29.11` 5.00 5.oQ 159.04% 20.40\ 43.00\ 36.00, 23.00• 7.21\ 7.00 146.25` 200.00\ 11.50,\ 4.00, 183.33 35.00• 4.00\ 5.40 5.00\ 6.00, 5.00, 6.00. 5.00, Y'y•CA 11 M 3 Capital Account Bayhan Towns hi p Moved by Seoonded Deo. 4th. 250 School Board- Aduanoe on Deb.---- $12,600900 Mitchell by Nelson- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Monday at 1 P.Y... Carried* Q Q eve. Township Office, Straffordville, Deo. 6th. 1950. .40 The regular December meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the' above date with all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes o the last meeting were read approved and signed and the following business° was done. >j Several Hospital notices were read, discussed and filed. Signed Fire Trusk service agreements were received from Port Burwell, Vienna and Houghton Twp. Also from Ed. Davidson for fire hall rent4l. Municipal subsidies received were for Polioe,$496.75 and Fire Dept. $.352.30' Health Unit and Police reports were received. Interim Roads subsidy ohs ue in n amount of 11 060.94. a y q a P � A Communications were received from Mr. hilip Dickenson and Crown Attorney.i Sanders re. appointing Harry Brown as sepecial constable, {� A request was received from the Board of Trustees of Calton school Section to issue debentures in an amount of $42,000. for land, new school and equipment for union school section No. 7 and 6. Malahide and Bayham. A copy of letter from the Dept. of Education giving approval of sketch plans for this school was also received. f Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law Bo. 1221, being a by-law to authorise the borrowing of $42,000* upon debentures for the erection and { equipment of a Public School Building for the Calton School Section, be t now read a first time...., Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Jackson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1221 be now read a Seoon4 ` time. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to send cope of same to the Ontario Municipal for consideration and approval* P Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Reeve and Clerk sign agreements with the } Village of Vienna in respect to Police protection and Fire Truck services. Carried* F Moved by Jackson ii Seoonded by Mitchell- That this Council approve of the agreement with Ed,1 I[Davidson for rental of fire hall and adjoining garage for $100, per year. Carried. Moved by Coyle €' 2 Seconded by Nelson- That the Reeve and Clerk be authorised to sign Fire 4 Trusk ssrvioe agreement with the Township of Houghton... Carriede, Yr. Grant Mitchell of the Township Area School Board, waited on the Counoi� land requested that some oonsiddration be given to,roads over which school buses will operate early in the new year. He specially requested that gravol or stone be put on plaoes this fall or early winter where roads would likely get soft in the spring. The Council agreed to this matter due oonsid- oration. "�� Co Nlr' D - )019 QR .z s ;Z 251 Township Hall, Straffordville , Nov. 27th. 1950. The annual nomination meeting for the Township of Bayham was held on the above date to nominate candidates for the office of Reeve, Deputy -Reeve, 3 Councillors and E Trustees for the Bayham Township School Area. 4 Nominations were declared open at E P.M. and there were about 65 interested ratepayers in attendance. All nominations having been completed at 3 P.M. the Returning Officer declared nominations closed. 1 The following nemes were placed in nomination, Reeve - Arba Johnson, Chas. Jackson and H. L. Godwin. Deputy -Reeve - Lyle Coyle and Wm. G. Mitchell. Councillors - Walter Nelson, Wm, G. Mitchell, Harold Sawyer, Lyle Coyle, Lyal Tait, Donald Chute and Ceoil M. Ball. School Bossd Trustee- Cecil Ball, George Cameron, John Jager, Hugh Millard, Robert Jackson. f The usual after meeting was held and J. D. Vallee was appointed ohairman. fs As Township Treasurer, he reviewed the finanoial statement of the Township'! for Jan. lat. to Oot. Slat. All nominees were then called upon to address ii the meeting, the Reeve and Deputy -Reeve giving an outline of the County III Council work for the past year. Road Supt. H. L. Godwin was then oalleA " upon And gave an account of the operations of his department for the past months. C. D. Coyle, M.P., also gave a short talk. Trustee Grant Mitchell and Chairman Robt. Jackson, gave an account of and answered questions pertaining to the building and operations of the new school at Straffordvil; e. The Returning Officer explained the proceedure to follow for the candidates, t9 qualify or resign their nominations and the meeting closed with "God Save The King." By nine o'clock the following evening, the following names had been lAft in nomination and qualified for the various offices. s Reeve - Chas. Jaekson. ( Acclamation) Deputy Reeve - Lyle Coyle and Wm. G. Mitchell. Councillors - Walter Belson, Lyal Tait, Donald Chute and Cecil Y. Ball. School Trustee - George Cameron, John Jager and Robert Jackson. This being more than are required for all offices except Reeve, a Poll was held on Dec* 4th. 19509 with the following results. £1 I, J. Dewey Vallee, hereb declare the following duly elected;- Reeve- Chas. F. Jackson, fAcolamation) Deputy -Reeve - Lyle Coyle Counoillors - Cecil Ball, Donald ].Chute and W!1r Belson. School Area Trustees - George Cameron and Robe Jaokeon. ^'Clerk and Returning Officer. rs CO Y,L. ,E 8 i Al !o 6 y 3 9 8* 2 '28 -4/2 2.. IE /n lrchF,L4. .3-4 74 3© IFS is' s"7 /8- 7 3 9 3 Hv-r'� �3s �� .2 s S� �v 3A14/9 b 3 9 / t NE4 SoN //00 Fro E -7W/7- 78 *9�9 Al /� !� A1.3 3�8off CK Sod A14 72 11 J7 J,6 r&- E ,I� All, L 7�2 i I, J. Dewey Vallee, hereb declare the following duly elected;- Reeve- Chas. F. Jackson, fAcolamation) Deputy -Reeve - Lyle Coyle Counoillors - Cecil Ball, Donald ].Chute and W!1r Belson. School Area Trustees - George Cameron and Robe Jaokeon. ^'Clerk and Returning Officer. rs M Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That this Council appoint Harry Brown of R.R.1, Port Burwell as a Speoial Constable, with authority only on the lands of and for, offences committed on the property of Philip Be Diokenson. This appointment is made at the request of lir. Dickenson and; on the recommendation of E.F03.3anders, Crown Attorzwy, with the understand= ing that .there will he no additional costs levied against Bayham Township in respect to this service... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That th6sR4evec:U1gA the order sheets.*, Carried. Roads and Bridges- November pay lists--------- Treas. of Aylmer- Bal H.S.Deb. --------- Frank Steers Steers - Gas for hall & office ---------- A* & M. Tel Co.- Office phone & calls --------- " Police phone & calls--------- Edwy Curtis- Relief for Leoember-------------- Jules Arnou - " " " -- -------------- Geo. MoGre$or- " " "--------------- Treas, of Ontario- Police Sal. for Oct. ------- exp. " Sept. ----- " " sal. Nov. - " exp. " Oct. ------ Hotohkiss Appliances- Amp. rental re. centen--- j Provincial Treas.- Insulin for Arneu---------- I H.F.S.Sanders - Cert. Voters' Lists ----------- The Franklin Press- Print. School Deb.-------- '� Treas. Elgin County - Hospitalisation --------- Treas. of Hamilton - Post San. oare,Konop ----- j Wm. Rinoland - Cow killed by d o s,Oot.26 ------ w Bov.B------- Robert C. Jackson- Valuing above -------------- Nathan Hayward- Fox Bounty -------------------- Ralph Hurley - " " -------------------- G. Be Morse " " -------------------- Geo. Vallee - Tax sale redemption,C.Brinn ----- J. L. Dennis - Chains for fire truck ---------- Ken. Grant - Prestone for ---------- Verne Baldwin- Work on Eden Drain------------- Geo.Grant Ins. Agency- Safe Burglary Prem.----- " Employees Lia. " ---- w Mun.& Roads Straffordville Com. Centre- cement re.S.W. ---- Treas, of Tillsonburg- Fire truck services ---- News Printing Co.- Notices & printing --------- Office Printing & Satationery Co.- Supplies --- Wm. Ward - Wood for Mrs. Be McDonald ---------- - - J. L. Dennis Bulbs re. St. Lts. - - - - - - - ...... H. Y. Grant - Gas,0il & batteries Fire Tr.----- Walter Taylor - Fox Bounty -------------------- J. L. Dennie - Sal. for Nov. ------------------ Bert Hilts - Work on hall grounds ------------- " " - Hall for 2 meetings -------------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------- " " - Delivering ballot boxes -------- " " - 12 O.A.P. Applications --------- Receiver General- Tax re. Vallee -------------- Howard Chute- D.R.O. No, 1 Poll--------------- E0J .Fearnley- P.C. " "_______________ Treas. of Pt.Burwell- Rental Bo. 1 Poll ------ Fred Baker - D.R.O.------- " 2--_----- Aenneth Thomson- P.C. ----- " 2 "-------- Thos. Vaughan - Rental ---- " 2 "-------- Blton Jackson- D.R.O------- " 3 " Ray Thurston- P.C.-------- " 3 "-------- Treas. Bayham Soh.Bd.-Rehtal,Nos.3,6 & 7------- H. P. Grant - D.R.O. ------ No. 4 Poll ------- Norman Dick - P.C.-------- " 4 * ------- Howard Coomber- D.R.O. ---- " 5 " ------- Alex Duff - P.C.---------- " 5 "------- Treas. Corinth We Inst. --- " 5 "------- ChasOKetohabaw - D.R.O. --- " 6 Wilfred Belson p P.C. --- " 6 $4357.74 521.24 5.10 31.15-, 44, 7k 43.00\ 26.00,, 23.00.- 215.83, 80.28,, 215.83-, 53.08\ 30.00 . 68. 8.15, 148.50` 77.10 117.76\ ( Nov. 6 -Dec .31 ) 190.00 140.00; 8.00\ 10.00 5.00 5.00\ 318.78, 37.84, 2.50-, 18.20.. 20.00 80.00, 200.00,, go' oc 400.00_ 12.28, 56.48, 6.00, 4.32, 75.6& 5.00- 35.00 x'1.50. 6000\ 181.03 5.00\ 36.00, 2.3(� 6.51\ 5.00\ 4.00` 6.4O\ 5.00, 4.00 6.30. 5.00\ 13.00. 60001 5000, 6090 5000, 4.00. 603& 5.00. e Fre& Proounier- D.R.O.--------- No. 7 Poll IMrse Be Simpson- P.Q.---------- 7 ---- Ira Mitchell - D.R.O.---------- " 8 Murray Wilson- P.C.------------ " 8 " lTreas.S.S*No.4- Rental -_------- " 8 " ---- iBayham Twp. School Board -Capital payment -- ---- �� w n n " .o w w __----- 6 Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That 115th. at 1 P.M... Carried. 263 6.30 5.00 6.65 5000 4.00 5500.00 18000.00 this Council now ad j oitrn to meet again on Deo. .1 C Township Office, Straffordville, Dec. 15th. 1950. Pursuant to adjournment of Dec. 6th., the Council of the Township of Bayham' met in regular session on the above date, all members present an Reeve ` Johnson presiding. Prior to the meeting, all members and officials were guests of Reeve Johnson at a very enjoyable dinner. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital notice was received in respect to Mr. Thos. Berdan, Season's Greerting were received from Mr. Carl Grosskurth of Armco Drainage' November report from the Elgin-St-iThomas Health Unit. Fire Chief J. L. Dennis submitted a report showing 30 calls answered by the;; fire truck and a total loss of $118,050* made up chiefly of the Corinth Cheese factory and Naylor' Mill. j Moved by Mitchell. d d J Th t St ff d T h C t l b id b Seoon a by achson- a ra or villa slap one en ra a pa a onus of $10. for fire calls handled and Port Burwell $5. Also that Qolu*teer Firemen be paid $3, per trip with truck... Carried. . Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the Reeve declare Dec. 26th., Boxing Day, to be a civic and public holiday in and for the Township of Bayham... Carried* Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That interest be paid to Straffordville eries in respect to their investments, and also the 2% grant with resolution of Feb. 6th, 1950... Carriede and Eden Cemet-. in acoordanoe In response to a request from Mr. Grant M. Mitchell, the following resolut1. - ion was passed. _. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council make a grant of $240. to the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That we pay the promised Villsonbu.rg Hospital Trust,,.* Carried* i M d b J k grant of $3000* to thb ova y eo son -- Seconded by Mitchell- That the usual bonuses be paid as the Reeve and $30. each to the Dep. Reeve, Councillors, 1; Supt... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That our retiring Reeve on the years of faithful service Moved By Jackson follows;- $60. to Clerk and Road- this Council express their sincere appreoiation tc completion of his term of office and for several. on the Municipal Counoit... CarriedLe m 254 Seoonded by Nelson- That the inaugural meeting of the 1951 Council be held on January 8th. 1951 at 10 A.M... Carried. f Prior to adjournment, Reeve Johnson called upon all members and officials present to say a few words and then replied thanking everyone for their t? kind expressions of appreciation and wishing the new council every succese in 1951. {i Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That. the Reeve sign the order, ,aheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts-* Dec. pay lists ----- George shute- Coal for fire hall _________________ Chas. A. Walsh Caretaking supplies ------------ Aylmer Express - 4rinting fin. statements ------- Municipal World Ltd.- Eleotion supplies --------- Freeman Electric - Wiring re. Centennial lillsonburg Plumb.& Heating Co.- Off. furnace --- Alonzo Hagell- Labour on Corinth Drain ---------- Canadian Bank of Commerce- Exp. re. Debentures -- H. P. Grant- Gas. re. S. McDonald --------------- Harry Brown- Turkeys killed by dogs------------- Robt. C. Jackson- Valuing above ------------------ N athan Hayward - Fox Bounty ---------- ----------- Treas. Eden Cemetery- 2% Grant to Dec. 1/50 ----- " Straffordville----- Ii. P. Grant- Bulbs Straff. St. Lights----------- Treas. of Vienna - Pake relief for June & Aug.---- Treas. Tillsonburg Hospital- Grant ______________ Treae. Elgin County Federation of Agrio.- Grant - Treas. Eden Cemetery - Interest in acot.B286 ---- Treas. Straff. ._-- J. L. Dennis - Care St. Lights ------------------ " Salary for Fire Chief ------------ " 29 trips a $3. ------------------- Basil Nevill - 18 " "------------------- J. Hotchkiss - 15 Geo. Grant p 12 " " _------------------ Harry Grant - 13 ------- Lyle Walsh - 10 " " ------------------- Berta Atkinson- Phone re, fire calls ------------ Harold Tuff - " " " _____________ H. L. Godwin - Sal. Building Insp.------------- Robt. C. Jackson- Weed Insp. salary ------------- J. D. Vallee - School ttend. Officer salary ----- " Bale salary for 1950 ------------- A. A. Johnson- Bonus and 2 meetings------------- Chas.F. Jackson- " " 2" ----------- Lyle Coyle 2 ---- y " n - -------------- W. G. ' Mitohell- " " 2 "---------------►. Walter Nielson - 2-------•-------- li. L. Godwin - Bonus-------------------__�____.. J. D. Vallee ;e, Reoeiiter General- Tax Vallee ----------- 42217.70 49.80.. 10.35` 15.12- 14.76, 21.28\ 5.30, 5.10` - 26.98\ 2.40. 70.00\ 4.00 10000 88.00 52.00 3.00 23.30 3000.00 240.00 112.34 66.39. 24* 00 35.00 87.00 54.00 45.00 36.00 39.00 30.00 10.00 5.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 180.07 70.80 40.00 42.00 40.00 42.00 30.00 30.00 3.30 Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That this Council now adjourn, Sine Die... Carried. ■ 0 eris. wI