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Bayham Council Minutes 1949
TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1949 189 Township Offioe, Straffordville, Jan. 3rd. 1949. The Inaugural meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date in the new Township Office at Straffordville at 10.30 A.M. Rev. W. M. Thomas was present and with a very impressive ceremony, dedicated the new office to Township and municipal use gave the Council members timely words of advise and encouragement. He also congratulated them on their election to their responsible offices for 1949s Reeve Arba Johnson then thanked Mr. Thomas for conducting this service and invited him to return to this or any other meeting of the Council any time he so wished# and welcomed the new member, Mr. Walter Nelson. The several members Of the Council then subscribed to their declarat- ions of office and the regular business session proceeded. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed by the Reeve. Hospital notices were read and filed. Approval from the Dept. of Highways and Municipal Board was received in connection with paying for halt of new road grader in 1949. The usual expression of season's greeting were received from Donild F. Gibson, K.C. Contract -.price of $240. was received from J. P. Fish for wiring of hall. A letter was received from Workmens' Compensation Board re, finest Ecker and Koelbe Fish Co. Jack grant, Fire Chief waited on the Council in respect to certain repairs to the fire truck. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That this Council approve the purchase of a new water tank for the fire truck... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Nelson- That we do now adjourn for lunch to meet again at 2 P.M... Carrifd. The Council nembers and officials along with Rev. Thomas and Mr. Sutherby, Bank Manager, were dinner guests of Reeve Arba Johnson and a very enjoyable noon hour kas had by one and all. At 2 F.M. the regular business of the Council was continued. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Mitchell- That the Clerk subscribe for the usual 9 copies of the Municipal World for Council members and officials... Carried. Mr. J. C. Eichenberg, Chairman of the T*ftsonburg Hospital Board, waited on the Council in regards to financial assistance towards the building of an addition to the present hospital. Considerable dissues- ion was held in this respect. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve and Clerk be a delegation to go to Toronto in regards to a grant to Tillsonburg hospital... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That this Counedl authorize payment of $10.00 to the Straffordville " Telephone Operator and 55.00 to the Port Burrell operator for services rendered in regards to fire oalls...Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Nelson- Having examined the Fidelity Bond of J. D. Vallee, Tress. and Tax Collector, it is hereby directed that same shall be placed in Township vault for safe keeping... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council make a grant of $25.00 to the Richmond library... Carried. Mr. Harry Sutherby waited on the Council and expressed appreciation of his bank for the business done by the township and asked for a continuation of same. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That By -Lair Ho* 1189, being a 'kby-law to authorise the Reeve and Tress* to borrow up to S35,000* for current Township expenses for 1949, be now read a first time.** Carried« i Moved by Jackson Seconded by Nelson- That By -Law No. Carried. 45.44\ Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No* finally passed... Carried. 1189 be now read a second time. 1189 be now read a third time and Appointment of Township officers for 1949 was considered and the following by-law was presented, naming officers for the year as follows Sheep Valuators - Robt. C. Jackson and Carman Ball at .50¢ per hour and'.2O� per mile one way. School Attendance Officer - J. D. tallee at $25.00 and .20� per mile one way. Weed Inspector - H. L. Godwin at 25.00 Relief Officer - J. D. Vallee at 1200.00 Solicitor - Donald F. Gibson, K.C. Building Inspector - H. L. Godwin at .54¢ per hour. Drain Inspector - H. L. Godwin at .5W per hour. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That By -Law No, 1190, being a by-law to appoint the above officers far 1949, be now read a first time...Carrieds Moved by ?nelson Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1190 be now read a second time. Carried* r ed. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That By-law No. 1190 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried, Some discussion was held in respect to the incorporation of Port Burwell as a village and as to the method of settlement of assests and liabilities. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That this Council appoint auditor C. C. Brown of Fort Erie to arbitrate a settleyhent of assests and liabilities between Bayh.am Township and the Village of Port Burwell... Carried. Those calling on the Council to pay their respects and wish the members well for 1949 included C. D. Coyle, M.P. and George Vallee. The Treasurer gave a report on the standing of the Reserve Fund as of Dec. 31., 1948. It was decided that fubure meetings of the Council should be held at the new Township office. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Nelson - That the Reeve and Clerk sign the prder sheets. Carried. Roads and Bridges - Road Supt pay lists ---- $8319.39 Archie Noels - Repairs to office ----------- 10.00\ Ed. Curtis - Relief for January ------------ 45.44\ Edith Perry - " " " "_____.M..___-- 42.40\ Viktor Brunsdon - " " "------------ 11.50% Jules Arnou - " " " ------------- 3$.25\ Cowell's Wallpaper & Paint Store- Re. office 9.00\ George E. Grant - Treas. & Coll. Bond ------ 3j:50"%, �. News Prints Co.- Advts. h etc. ----------- � 3 6\ Canadian National Rys . - Corinth Wig -Wags --- 25.030\ Treas. Dereham Twp.- Relief fbr Masales ---- 26.46\ Treas. of Ontario - Police Sal. for Dec. --- l48*\ " M Ea : - p " Nov . --- Z5 5$. 9♦ 'gym. Partington - Fox Bounty ---------------- 5.00\ - - - ---�- d Brisseau - " "-------- Leonard 5.00 \ Wm. nn, - i1 1� _.�I**. W.ram00-.Wrerr_-.Wr B i 5o,00\ Archie Noes - +r� .w_+.0__ -....4m ft 5.00 ` Harold Helmer - " " _______________.. 5.0}o' Fred Ball 5,900*George Grass - " " __..___--____-__.. 5, ony Tony Lemche 5, ok 00 C. E. So er - Work h Material for T. Hall office J. D. Vallee - Reg. of Be J. D. Adams Ltd.- Interest Miss Berta Atkinson - F.D. Harold Tuff A. A. Johnson - Attend. 1 Chas. F. Jackson W. G. Mitchell - 1 Lyle Coyle Walter Nelson - 1 Treas, Richmond Library - -- --- M. as D. ---------- on note --------- pay to operator - M meeting---------- Grant------------ S 927 * 25 147 • 0� 15 25\ 221.1.5♦ 10.00 5.00 5 . 4N 5.40♦ 6.00 6.00%. 25.00. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Nelson- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on F-eb. 7th. at 1 P -M, at the ToTnship Office... Carried. eeve. 1.91 erx . Township office, �traffordville, Feb* 7th. 19490 rursuant to adjournment of Jan. 3rd., the' council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and hM following business was done. uommunications received included the following; - Request from oalvation army for usual grant. From Elgin County Federation of Agriculture inclosing proposed by-laws with request that they be placed before Council. copy of resolution from council of s.ldborough Township asking support from this Township re. Township hunting licenses. From Workmen's Compensation Board, notifying that Ernest Faker does not o orae under the Act* From London Free Press re. One Hundredeth Anniversity of same, Reports were received from the Health Unit and Police Dept. Letter from the Dept. of Highways stating that Nod. Parking signs would be erected at -Township Fire hall. Letter from Acting Clerk of Port Burwell concurring in appointment of c:. u. Brown to arbitrate assests and liabilities of Township and Village. Two hospital notices were also received. Mr. Grant Mitchell wkited on the Uouncil in support of the Federation of* Agriculture. He also requested grant for Aylmer Fair grandstand. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Nelson- That this Council make a grant of $100. to the Bayham Township Federation of Agriculture... tarried. No action was taken ofl the rroposed by-law and the grant to the Aylmer Fair Board was laid over to next meeting. Moved by Coyle beeonded by Nelson- That this Township join the ^ssn. of Assessing Offiar and Tres& forward fee of $10.00 Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That this Township join the Ontario good Roads tress and Treas. send fee of $5.40 and -the Councillors, Road bupt, and clerk be delegates to same..* carried. ■ 192 Moved by Nelson oeeonded by Qoyle- That this Township join the Ontario Municipal assn. and the fee of $10.00 be paid... tarried. Moved by Nelson oeeonded by Mitchell- That the petition of vhas. D. Coyle and others for drainage in lots 27 and 28, Cone. 5 and South Gore, be received and Fngineer Bell be instructed to make survey and report... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That this Council concur with the resolution passed by Aldborough Township in December in regards to lieneses for Americans... varried. Moved by Jackson 6econded by uoyle- That this uouneil make the usual grant of *25.00 to the salvation army... varried. Moved by uoyle �eeonded by Nelson- That the petition for statutory grant on Roads and bridges expenditure of $36,985.50 for 1948, be authorised and the necessary officers sign same... Carried. Moved by uoyle oeconded by Nelson- That the following pay and expenses be allowed to Reeve and clerk for trip tp Toronto. no A* Johnson --------------- $6.00 J. D. Vallee, car & Meals --- 18.50... carried. Moved by Mitchell oeconded by Jackson- That the clerk request permission from District Engineer Ciidwell to purchase a Bull -dozer blade for new ~dams grader at an estimated price of $700... harried. a delegation from the north part of the Township waited on the council and requested gravel and repair work done on their road. The Road Sup'o* promised to see that some was forthcoming. Considerable discussion was held in regards to the iture for 1949 and how same was to be apportioned* was then prepared. Moved by Nelson oeconded by Coyle- That By -Law total expenditure of WtOuO• first time... tarried. Moved by Jackson total reads expend - The following by-law No. 1191 being a by-law to provide for on Township roads for 1949, be now read a Seconded by Mitchell- That by -Law Ao. 1191 be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Mitchell seconded by Jackson- That by -Law No. 1191 be now read a third time and finally passed..* tarried. a The t;lerk then informed the Council that by-law No. 1188 re. Aylmer High .drool debentures was for an insufficient sum and that a new by-law was required. Moved by Jackson- That By -Lary No. 119e, being a by-law to guarantee pay- ment of portion of debenture to the TownEof Aylmer in respect to new addition to East Elgin District High oehool, for $110,000., be now read a first time... Uarried. Moved by Coyle oeconded by Nelson- That By -Law No. 119e- be now read a second time. carried. Moven by Mitchell Seconded by Nelson- That By -Law No. 119e be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. The Road 6dpt. discussed with the Council the mattgr of an increase in hourly pay for casual labour. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the Road bupt. pay labour at the rate of .60y. an hour... varried. �JJ Moved by Nelson Seconded by uoyle- That the clerk order 6 copies of the book "Municipal council and uouneillors in Ontario" and send fee of .50Y, eaetarried. Moved by uoyle oeconded by Jackson- That this council make a grant of $25.00 to the meed rair sponsored by the Elgin crop Improvement nasn. ... uarried. Mr. hurray 5tenabaugh discussed with the council plans for assessing for 1949 but appointment was laid over until next meeting. Moved by Jackson seconded by uoyle- That the peeve and clerk sign the order sheets.Carried Roads and bridges- Road Supt!s pay sheets --- $3229.35' Frank Steers - Gas for hall _________________ 2.50\ Chas. F. Jackson- Sink for hall ------------- i6,5p� Ed. Curtis - Relief for Feb. ---------------- 45.001 Edith terry - ,. �f :,---------------- 42.00\, Victor Brinsdon- -•---------------- 11.50` Jules arnou — 11', ,� 38,25\ Robt. Grant - btamps------------------------ 19,00 H. A. McCgrdy - Relief for H.Doxtator------- 2.731 Treas. 6frV16nna - Relief for rake ---------- 14.1N ` Dereham- Masales ------ 26.46` News Printing eo.- hdvt.____________________ ,9�'\ .mylmer Express - Printing V.L.-------------- 17595 Municipal world Ltd.- Subsc. & supplies ----- 20.011 Treas. of Erin county - Hospitalization ---- 200.16\ J. D. Vallee - 4 tax deeds ------------------ 4.Oc� `• - btools for office ------------ .50% Expenses to Toronto ---------- l .50t '• •• - To apply on salary ----------- 17 R33\ Receiver General - Tax ---------------------- ,Opt Treas. of Ontario - Police salary ,for Jan.--- .75\ $$ is:: •expenses •' Dec. - - 6- 5.36:\ Jack Grant - Salary for Jan. ---------------- 35,m. Roy Vaughan - 6 fox killed ------------------ 30,00 Lee ulaus - 2 " "_________________- 10.00\ Leonard Brisseau- 1 fox killed -------------- 5.00t Earl Bristol - 1 `� it 5.00\ skean Brinn - 1 .' '' -------------- 5.00\ Walter Taylor - I ______________ 5.00-% Imperial Home Insulation Coo- For town hall-- 2h5.00♦ Ivan Dennis - Benches for office ------------ 1.41\ Ellen Milts - Cleaning hall _________________ 190201 Henry weaver - well at hall ----------------- 25.00 Lloyd Jackson- 2 fox killed ----------------- 10.00\ J. D, Vallee- Fmpress on signs -------------- 5\ Municipal World Ltd.- supplies ______________ 9\� Kenneth Beemer - 1 fix killed _______________ 5,00\ U. F. Soper - Time & Material, Town hall ---- 1101.94\ Ralph Hurley - Fire truck water tank -------- 120.79♦ uhas. F. Jackson, Treas.-.Grant Agr.Fed. ---- 100.00\ Ray Alward - 6 1/8 cdo wood for hall -------- 39.81\ balvation army - Grant ---------------------- 25.00%► �,. h; Johnson- Trip to Toronto -------------- 6,00N :: I$ - rittend 1 meeting ------------- 5.40'\ uhas. F. Jackson- " 1 ______________ 5.00'\ W, G. Mitchell - " 1 " ______________ 5.0O\ Lyle Coyle - " 1 ______________ 6,00\ walter Nelson - 1 6 , m. w. G. Mitchell- Stove for hall -------------- 35.00\ J, D. Vallee - .. it U -------------- 10.00\ Institue of Local Gov't.- Subse t e -------_--- 3.001 Victor Langton, See*- Grant for Seed Fair --- 25*00\ Treas. Ontario Municipal Assn.- Memb. fee --- 10.00\ !1 Ontario Good Roads ,assn.- 5.00\ " ,ftssn. of assessing Off.- 10.00\ Moved by Jackson, beeonded by uoyle- That this March. 7th* at 1 P.M. .. Carried. Reeve. 0 COunail do now ad joton to vlerk. 194 Township Office, Straffordville, March 7th. 19490 Pursuant to adjournment of Feb. 7th., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. PO Communications received included the following. - Acceptance of order by J. D. Adams Ltd. for Bulldozer blade No. 11 at $ 620.00 with delivery about April 1st. Receipt of resolutdon regarding Aldborough Twp. By Dept. of Lands and Forests. Card of appreciation for flowers from family of Late Mrs, F-mma Jackson. Several hospital notices were received and filed. The Reeve presented a request signed by several meiabers, for use of hall for services by Local Co. of Jehovah's Witnesses. This was referred to resolution passed by this Council in 1946. Reports were received from Police Dept. and Health Unit. Notice of Convention of Assn. of Assessing to be held in Waterloo on March 24th. The Clerk presented and discussed with the Council, accounts received from the County Clerk in regards to pupils from sections No. 1 and 3 attending secondary schools. Mrs. Cora Meyers made written application to the Council for grant to Port Burwell library. No action was taken on this. A written reguest was received for grant for Township Road Supt. Assn. of Elgin County. The Report of Mr. C. C. Brown on the division of asse4ts and liabilit- ies concerning the separation of Port Burwell from the Township was read and discussed. Mr. Hugh Matthews waited on the Council in regards to road ajoining his property in the fourth Concession. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Township take the necessary steps to advertise and close road allowance between north halves of lots 10 and 11, cone. 4 and if possible, sell same to Hugh Matthews for the sum of one dollar... Carried. Several delegations waited on the Council in respect to repairs to drains and gravelaand work on Township roads. They were assured their problems would be given consideration by the council and F.oad 5u pt. Reeve Wright and Councillor McKibbon of Port Burwell waited on the Council in respect to fire and police protection for the village and also stated that the Port Burwell Council had accepted the settlement of assets and liabilities as suggested by C. C. Brown, auditor: Moved by Kitchell Seconded by Jackson- That Bayham Z2wnship provide fire protection for Port Burwell on the same basis asAbther municipalities... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the Bayham Township police serve Port Burwell as requested by Reeve Wright and Councillor McKibbon and that Port Burwell pay 20% of gross police account as submitted by the accountant of the Ontario Provincial Police... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That this Council accept the a et 'V't and liabilities between Bayham Tw and Port Burwei a vis eglo a same... Carried* y p r .'e�*Wftt Bayham Twp. pays to Port Burwell the follows sums. Share of maehinary--------------------- S 6.9.00 Share of Surplus & Reserve fund -------- 5,02 900 Balance of Police Village acct.--------551*35 Total ------------------------ 6.9224*35 Less drainage charges of - $152-56* Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the drainage petition of Robt4 McCurdy and others be accepted for cleaning out of Grigg Drain and Fr4d A. Bell be asked to survey same and r.eport... Cer'l'ied. W. . I I q 3 i�/5 Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Vouncil make a grant of $25.+00 to the Elgin Township Road Supt.'s Association... Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That the Township Treasurer be authorized to pay accounts as sub*itted by Secondary School Boards for education of pupils from Public School Sections numbered one and three and levy for same in the respective sections... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized and instruct ed to purchase a Bulldozer blade to fit our Adams grader No.414- Carried. On recommendation of Public School Inspector McColl, the following appointments were made; - Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the Bayharn Township Council appoint Mrs. H. A. Pressey and J. D. Vallee to the Elgin Library Assn. for year 1949.00 Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the Teen Age grpup be granted use of hall free of charge, also the Lions Club, with the understanding that it be properly cleaned after each time of use. Also that rental for commercial purposes be set at $8,00 per night... Carried. The Clerk presented a by-law appointing certain officers for 1949. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That By -Law No. Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers for Carried. Moved by Nelson 113, being a by-law to appoint 19 9, be now read a first time. Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1193 be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Mitchell SAeconded by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1193 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Mr. Grant Mitchell waited on the Council and again requested a grant for j�ylmer Fair. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council make a grant of $200.00 to the Aylmer Fair Hoard... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Mitchell- That the Clerk make application to the Dept. of Municipal Affairs to use $2500. of Reserve Fund to pay to Port Burwell being their portion os same... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That, providing departmental approval is forthcoming, the Treasurer be authorized to sell a $ 5000. Dominion of Canada Bond.., Carried. The Road Supt.'s pay sheets and the hauling of stone for Township roads was discussed by the council. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets...Carried. Roads and bridges- Feb. pay lists --------- 69, 517.661 Frank Steers- Gas for hall for Jan. ------- 20.00 \ Treas. of Pt. Burwell- Bal. of levy ------- 551.35♦ Archie Noels - Drain at Hall -------------- 12.00 Ed. Cubtis - Relief for March ------------- 45.00\ Edith Perry - " " " ------------- 32.00\ Victor Brunsdon - " " "------ 11.50\ Jules Arnou - " " " ------------- 38.25\ F.W.McCurdy - Feb. relief for Doxtator ---- 9.55\ George Beard - " " " " ------ 2.001\ Treas. of Vienna - Relief for Pake-------- 14 * 1�\ Treas . of Dereham- " " Masales ----- 31.1.E 1 C. E. Soper - Painting at hall ------------- S 242.60\ H. D. Cook - Work at hall --------M---------- 119.37♦ _Municipal World Ltd.- Forms etc. ------------ 3.77\ J. P. Fish - Wiring at hall ---------------- 30 .33w Toronto Stationery Supplies Ltd.- Supplies-- .ESS Treas. of Ontario - Salary of police, Feb.-- 14 .? 5� 4 n n n - Exp. of police Jan. ---- 5\ Jack Grant - Salary for Feb.---------------- 35.00\ J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ---------- 172-33N Receiver General - Tax --------------------- 4-00\ George Grass - Fox Bounty ------------------ 10.00, Harry Stewart - " "------------------ 10.00N Fred Ball - f� "------------------ 5.001 Fred Oatman " " ___-___ - --- -------- 1©,0� Clarence Reid __________________ 5�*00� Val. Tisdale ------ ___------ __ 5.00` Peters, Brown & Good.- Bal. salary for 1948- 409.60 Robt. Grant - Stamps ----------------------- 7-00\ Frank Steers - Gas for hall for Feb. ------- 45.00\ Treas. of Aylmer Fair Board- Grant --------- 200.00\ Vermont Pow, Treas.- Grant Rd -Supt Assn.---- 2;e00"*' A. A. Johnson - Attned 1 meeting ----------- .40♦ Chas. F. Jackson- " 1 "----_____-___ 5.00\ Lyle Coale - " 1 " ____ s 6 00♦ t, - Exp. to Toronto & car --------- 40.00♦ F�. G. Mitchell __---___________ 25.00♦ - Attend. 1 meeting, ---------- 5.00 ddalter Nelson - " 1 "------------ 0.00`► H. L. Godwin - Exp. tp Toronto ------ ------- 25.00\ J. D. Vallee - " " "-------------- 25.00♦ Moved by Coyle Secondel by Nelson- That this Council now ads ourn to Meet again on April 4th. 1949 at 10.30 A.M... Carried. 16 196 197 . Township Office, otraff'ordville, Mar.31,1949. special meeting of the Bayham Township tiouncil was held at 9 ^.M. on the above date at the call of the Reeve for the purpose of hearing representation made on behalf of seteral owners of dairy heards in the Township. All members were paesent except councillor Mitchell and Reeve Johanson presided. councillors Nelson and Boyle along with two owners of dairy herds ask- ed that steps be taken to delay the T. B. testing of herds until durine the summer. Moved by Nelson oeconded by uoyle- whereas several dairy farmers of been advised that T. B. testing of dairy herds would this thwnship within the next few days; ,nnd Whereas cows are now just beginning to production after having been feed all winter on the ,end whereas special representation in this made to this Uouncil;- the Township have begin within come into f arms ; respect has been THFREPORE B": IT RE,-;,OLV'1FD that this council, in special session assembled, hereby request that the To B. testing of cattle in the Township of bayham be postponed until after August 1st. 1949, in order that no undue hardship will be suffered by owners of dairy herds in this Township... carried. The clerk was instructed to prepare copies of the above resolution for the rept. of agriculture at Ottawa, C. D. Coyle, A.Y., Departmental Representative at London, Victor Langton, Agriculture Representative for Elgin and also Gordon Newell. Moved by Jackson oeconded by uoyle- That this special session of the council now adjourn to meet again Monlay,, Apr. 4th. at 10 K.?V!... tarried. jrMR ►A - ..•..� .. s -1. 198 Township office, btraffordville, April 6th, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment of March 7th,, the Bayham met in regular session on the above and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the meetings were read, approved and signed and done. Hospital notices were read and filed. Council of the Township of date, all members present last regular and special the following business was Communications received and placed before the Council included the following; - Memorandum from Mr. T. S. Caldwell, District engineer, regarding Regional Conference to be held in London on hpr. 8th. 1949- Advise 9 .9.Advise from Messrs. Frank Slaight and hobt. Veitch that they do not wish to act as Poundkeepers of the Township. A letter from the Veterinary Director General at Ottawa, stating that the wishes of the council as expressed b# their resolution of Mar. 31st. would be observed. expression of appreciation for grant by Elgin County Federation of Agr. Notice from the Qounty Clerk stating that the Township of Bayham had been equalized at the sum of !t2, 52$,7U3. for 1949. from the Livestock Commissioner advising of the change in Marble I ly Act. Reports from the :police Dept. and Clerk of the County koourt. Consideration was then given to the appointment of an assessor for the Township for the current year. It was decided to hire hurray z>tenabaugh at a salary of $700. per year plus Dog tax and Poll Tax Commissions. Moved by Coyle seconded by Nelson- That By -Lair No. 119., being a by-law to appoint ei an Assessor, Dog Tam and Poll Tax Collector, be now read a first time. '1 Carried. Moved by Jackson oeconded by Mitchell- That ay -Law NQ. 1194, be now read a second time. carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1194 be now read a third time -and finally passer. At eleven otclock ,.M* the u ouncil met the delegation present in respect tbrthe Reconstruction of the Nevill Drain. The Clerk read the t!.ngineer is Report and specifications on same and some discussion was held. The Reeve asked if any present wished to withdraw their names from the original petition for this drain. Four persons, namley P. Clarke, c. �. Scanlan, Lyal Tait and R. chambers, withdrew their names and this left only three names on the petition in favour of the drain, namely- John ozakal, C. H. Kaufman (not present) and the Township. No others were present to add their names to the petition so the Reeve declaredert the petition for this drain to be rejected. Moved by Mitchell 5eeonded by Jackson- That this council now adjourn until a o'clock e.M* tarried. At 2 r.M, the regular business�%ouncil was ag*in p-oceeded with. A delegation of Messrs. Coombei w `Xh radburn and Rev. Gould of Corinth waited on the Council and requested attention be given to improvement of drainage on C. N. $. right-of-way at Corinth where it is being a menace to the parsonage property. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Clerk arrange for a meeting of the Township Reeve and Drain Inspector with c. N.R. officials in regards to drain prob- lems at Corinth... Carried. Requests were made to the Council for sidewalk .repairs in the Township. Moved by Jackson beconded by Mitchell- That the money for sidewalk repairs as follows be allowed for 1949;- otraffordville $200., Eden. $100., Corinth X100. and Ricbmond $100... Carried. M Mesdrs. basil Nevill, Robt. Grant and tam. wellheiser waited on the Council in respect to the passing of a by-law to establish a k*ommunity Centre at the Township grounds at -)traffordvilleo The delegation stated s J that this proposal was the outcome of two well attended meetings held at the Township Hall recently and they had been appointed in this respect. An outline of the work to be done and plan for financing was also given. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That By -Law No. 1195, being a by-law to establish a Qommunity centre on the Township gorungs at btraffordville be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Mitchell oeconded by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1195 be now read a second time. carried. Moved by Nelson oeconded by uoyle- That By -Law No. 1195 be now read a third time and finally pas sed... carried. The above by-law named the following Board of Management. C ounc i 1 members for one year - Reeve Arba Johnson Chas. F. Jackson Community members for two years- Lyle Walsh Miller wood Horace Johnson George Grant ulayton Jackson. Mr. Fdwin Twining waited on the council and made applicat&on for a taxicab license. Moved by Jackson oeconded by Mitchell- That the clerk be authorised to issue a taxicab* license to Edwin Twining for the year 1949, upon payment of the necessary fee and submission of certificate in regards to proper insur- ance coverage... uarriel. Moved by Nelson oeconded by Coyle- That the council members and Road erupt. and clerk be delegates to the Dept. of Highways Regional Conference at London on Friday, npril 8th. at 10 ti.M... varried. Mobed by Mitchell seconded by Jackson- That the Reeve proclaim Daylight ,waving Time as the official time of the Township of Bayham from 2 pril 24th. 1949 to 2 A.M. Sept. 25th. 1949... Carried. Moved by uoyle seconded by Nelson- That the names of Frank olaight and Robt. Veitch be taken off by -Law No. 1193 as roundkeepers and the following be adled.- Mike Lysko and wm. 'Taylor... (;arried. Moved by Mitchell -)econderl by Jackson- That By -Law stop up and sell, road allowance now read a first time... carried. 'Moved by Coyle 'vo. 1196, being a by-law to close, between lots 10 and 11, cone. 4 , be seconded by Nelson- That gay -Lair No. 1196 be now read a second time. Carried. The third reading bf this by-law was withheld pending proper notices and publication of notice. Moved by Coyle oeconded'by Nelson- That By -Law No. 1197, being a by-law tp authorize% the Reeve and clerk to sign agreement with officers of the Village of Fort Burwell in respect to the settlement of Assets and Liabilities as recommended by c. CO Brown, Auditor, be now react a first time. Carried. Moved by Jackson oeconded by Mitchell- That By -Law No. 1197 be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Mitchell seconded by Jackson- That by -Law No. 1197 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Considerable discussion was held in regards to a grant to Tillsonburg Hospital by the Township in order to b Fast Elgin into line on a baais similar to the other counties. Reeve explained the whole situation including County grants already made by FlaIn county and what Bayham's responsibilty would be in regards to a Sto Tiomas tiosp tal building plan. Also he and Deputy Reeve Jackson, discussed with the members a recent meeting of all Bast 7.1gin county uounail i representatives of the Tillsonburg Hospital Board held a few at this office. Fach municipality were asked to contribute to $1.,000, on a basis of number of patients using this hospital over the last three years. Moved by Jackson 201 days ago the sum of averaged oeconded by Coyle- That this council make a grant of $9000. to the Tillsonburg Hospital Board, payable T3UOU. a year for each of the years 1949, 1950 and 1951..0 carried. The Treasurer then presented his budget fZ Revenues and Expenditures for 1949- It was given considerable attention and discussion and it was decided that 1 mill would be required to be added to the General Township rate of the previous year for hospital purposes. moved by Mitchell seconded by Jackson- That the Treasurer's budget for 19.9 be adopted. Carried. A by -Law was then presented levying the various rates for 1949- Moved 9 .9.Moved by Coyle oeconded by Nelson- That by -Law No. 1198, being a by -lave to levy taxes for the year 1949, be now read a first time... Carried. Loved by Jackson seconded by Nelson- That By -Law No. 1195 be now read a second time. carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson8 That by -Law No. 1198 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. a Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the Insurance on the Township Hall be increased by 53000.41. Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That Jesse Dennis be zamed as Fire thief and Caretaker of otreet Lights and that the resignation of Jack Grant be accepted with regrets... tarried. Moved by Nelson seconded by Coyle- That the peeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and bridges- March pay lists---------- Robt. Grant- Stamps ---------- -------------- _ H. F.r.t►. - F . D-8.19; Hall 14.55;Off .5.04 ---- Ed. Curtis - Relief for mpril--------------_ Edith Terry - ., --------------- Victor brunsdon- ••______________.. Jules%rnou ---------------- Treas. Dereham Twp.- Relief for Masales ----- " of Vienna - It is Pake-------- News rrinting uo.- Uheques, envelopes, etc, Municipal world Ltd!- IDog Tags & etc.------- Fernlea Flower whop - wreath re. errs.Jackson- Treas. Agin county - Hospitalization ------- Jack Grant - License for fire truck -------- - " Bulbs for -)treet lights -------- •' '• - Vare of It " ( 3 mo-) --- " - z>alary for March ------_- ? nmett Nolan - Repairs to police typewriter-- Treas. of Ontario - Police salary for Larch - to -i.expenses for F'eb. - Hrnold McDowell - Fox Bounty ---------------- Wm. Brinn - _________________ Geo. F. Grant - Office , t;ont.---------- Clayton n.Jackson- dabs for office --------- Roy Vaughan - Fox 'jounties ------- __-----,._-- J . D. Vallee - To apply on salary ----------- r.0. Box rental �. A. Johnson - attend 2 meetings----------- uhas. Jackson - 642 .. _______----- Lyle Coyne - at 2 .. __-___-______ Walter Nelson - to 2---- w. G. Mitchell- _ *1731.20 4' 9.00 27 78\ 45.0 42.00*, 11.50 38.25--- ,31,46\ 14.15\ 2-4. LL1\ 36 •40\ 9 0 150.58 2.00♦ 3.05\ 6.00\ 35•00\ 22.45, 1+8.75, 53,13. 5.00♦ 5.00\ 32.80\ 6. o0 25.00\ 183.33\ 5.00\. 10.80's 10.00"i* 12.00 12.00A 5.00-N Moved by Secondee May 2nd. Nelson by Coyle - 1949 0 oyle- 1949, at That this Uouneil now adjourn to meet. -again on 10.30 n.M... uarried. NOWr / IF ` .,�.... . . Zol Township Office, Straffordville, May 2nd. 1949. Pursuant to adjournment of April 6th.,, the Council o f the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital notices were read and filed. Letter was received from theFire Marshall's office with bulletin re. new grant and application forms. A letter of appreciation for grant given to Tillsonburg Soldiers' Memorial Hospital was received from Mr. Stubbs, the Secretary. Approval of Roads Expenditure of 37,000* was received from the Dept, of Highways* Approval waw ...also received from Mr. T. S. Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer, Awwwpurchase of Bull -Dozer blade for Adams grader. A letter was received from Donald F. Gibson, XoC., in respect to issuance of debentures for new High School for the district. Letters from C. B. R. reo drainage problem at Corinth. G. D. Coyle, M.P. replied to request of Council for postpnement of T.B. testing of cattle in Bayham Township. Copy of Elgin County By -Law No. 1558, was received setting County rate for 1949 and notifying Bayham Township that its share would be $24,023. A written application for grant to Elgin Horse Breeders Assno, was received from Mr. G. N. Roloson. Discussion was held in regards to Clause No. 2 of'ZoryLaw 10. 1088 re, licensin# of doge in Bayham Township. Moved by Nielson Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law NTo. 1199, being a By -Law to amend By -Law Do. 1088, be now read a first time... (tarried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That By -Law Do. 1199 be now read a second time. Carriedo Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That By -Law Not 1199 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That this Council give the Elgin Horse Breeders Asan* the sum of $25.00 for 1949... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Council now adjourn for noon to most again at 1.30 P.M.., Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this C ounci 1 approve of the /'purohase of Bull - Dozer blade for our Do. 414 Adams grader at a price cif $620... Carried. Mr. George Grant interviewed the Council in regards to the re-newal of Treasurer's and Collector's bond and payment of arrears claimed owing on same. 202 Moved by Coyle Seconded by Felson- That the bond of J. D. Vallee, Treas. and Tax C olleotor iOe reduced to $5000o total amount... Carried. Messrs. Elton Jackson, Hugh Matthews and Albert Sinden, waited on the Council in regards to the final passing of by-law for closing road between f lots 10 and 111, Cono. 4, Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Nelson- That Chas, Jackson and Lyle Coyle be a delegation to work with High Matthews, Albert Sinden and Elton. Jackson in respect to use of right-of-way over Watterson farm in order that the Township might close sideroad between lots 10 and 11, Cono. 4... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle• In accordance with representation made by Elton Jwkson and others, the final passing of By -Law bio. 1196 be deferred until the committee reports... Carried. The Council members discussed appointments of voluntary firemen and the sending of members to school at London. Also the appointment of Inspectors. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- 2#at the following be named as Volunteer Firemen in addition to Chief Jesse Dennis;- Basil Nevill, Jack Hotc#kiss, Harry Grant, Lyle Walsh and D. Vallee... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That Fire Chief Jesse Dennis aad Firemen Basil Fevill and Harry Grant be named as assistants to the Fire Marshall under authority of the Fire Marshall's Act... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That Fire Chief Dennis and two others firemen, if possible, attend Fire Fighters' Training school at London on May 19 & 20. Carried. a Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the Council Inspect roads on May 12th. and 13th. To meet at Straffordville at 9 o'clock... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Frank Steers - Gas for hall and Office -------- $ 20.65 Elgin Vyse- Relief for April ------------------ 25.25 Robert Grant - stamps ------------------------- 5.50. Ed. Curtis - Relief for May ------------------- 45.00N Edith Perry - " "------------------ 35.00\ Victor Brunsdon - " " "--------------- 11.500 V ee - __________________ Elging y R " R 25.025,\Jules Arnou - " " "----------- 27o00\ Hollier & Son - Fuel for Doxtator for Feb.----- 5.601 Treas. of Vienna - Relief for Pake------------ 14.15\ 8reas. of Dereham - " Masales--------- 31.46\ J. D. Vallee - To applynon salary ----_______-- 183.331 " " - Fuel M.Pohlisk for office ------ 2.00s, Underwood d.- Office typewriter ------------- 62.50 News Printing Co.- Botice & auditors reports -- 78.55\ Aylmer Express - " re. truckers --------- 6.72\ Waite Honsinger - Fox Bounty ------------------ 5.00\ Wo J. Harper - " "----------------- -- 5.00 Kenneth Wolfe - " "------------------- 5.001 Clarence Jenereaul- " "------------------- 9.00\ Charles Grass - " " Mom ------------ ----- 15.00\ Fred Oatman - " "------------------- 89.00\ Treas* of Ontario - Police Salary for April --- 148.75\ - " Exp. for Larch ----- 59.58 \ Jesse Dennis - salary for April --------------- 35.00\ Jack Palmer - Fox Bounty ---------------------- 3.00\ Barry Davidson - " "________________________ 39.00\ Fred Tribe - " "----------------------- 6.0t?� Fred Oatman - " "----------------------- 17.00\ J. J. Faulkner - Work at Hall ----------------- 125.59\ Treas. Elgin Horse Breeders Assn.- Grant ------ 25.00♦ Jesse Dennie - Bulbs for street lights -------- 8.08\ A. A. Johnson - Attend at London -------------- 5.40♦ " 1 meeting -------------- 5.40t Chas. Jackson ------- 5.00% at London -------------- 5.00\ Wo G. Mitchell - M " " __-- ------ 5.00\ n " _ Car to "--------------- 4.80*v Attend 1 meeting -------------- 5.00\ Lyle Coyle - " 1 "-------------� 6.00N Walter Felson - " 1 "------------- 6.00\ Moved by Jaokson Seoonded by Mitchell- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again June 6th. at 10.30 A.M... Carried, I 0 r W sJ Township Office, Straffordville, June 6th. 1949 The regular meeting of the Bayham Township CoBnoil was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Bosiptal notices were read and the following communications were considered and filed. Memorandum from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs advising that it was not now necessary to have printed on the tax slips, information as to Educational grant and one mill subsidy. .Monthly reports were reoeived from the health unit and provincial police. Appreciation few flowers from the Hilts family. A letter of thanks for the grant from the secretary of the Elgin horse Breeders Assn. Advise from the Fire Prevention Officer to the effect that Assistant to the Fire Marshall., cards would be issued to our fire ohief and two firemen. Communications from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs and Port Burwell in regards to part of the reserve fund for Port Burwell. A letter was received form the Regional Forester in regards to young pheasants for release this spring. A letter was also received from Geo. D. Teall in regards to road near property of Roy Nevill. Requests for grants were received form Calton Cemetery Board and Tillsonbur Fair Board* Moved by Coyle Seoonded by Jackson- That the following lioenses for eating plaoes be approved; - John Ewerth - Refreshment Stand, J. L. Dennis - Restaurant Tom Bedozytko - Ice Cream Stand, Bruos Kennedy - Ioe Cream Stand., Carried. Moved by Jaokson Seoonded by nelson- That this Council do now adjourn for dinner until 1.15 P.M.... Carried, 204 The Clerk presented a petition signed by Frank 3laght and 44 others requesting improvement to creek known as the "Little Jerry" for drainage purposes. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the petition of Frank 8laght and others for improverpent of "Little Jerry" Creek be accepted and Cleric forward same to Engineer Bell for survey and report as soon as similar petition is receiv- ed from Dereham Twp.., Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That a copy of By -Law leo. 1197 and agreement with Port Burwell in respect to settlement of assets and liabilities be filed with the Ontario Municipal Board... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council make a grant of 125.00 to the Tillsonburg and Dereham Fair Board... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That this Council make a grant of $5.00 to the Calton Cemetery, J. F. Mott, Sec.-Treas.., Carried. A letter was presented by our insurance broker clearing up the matter of th& Tax Collector's and Treasurer's bond and arrears of premium eltimed on same. Moved by nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve be authorized to sign endorsement re. Bond No. 068264 of J. D. Vallee to reduce same to $5000. same to be taken for a term of 3 years... Carried. Mr. Herbert Davis met with the Council and discussed the question of brushing along road at corner of second concession road and Malahide TQwn- line in order that it might be a safer corner and also the matter of line fence dispite with a neighbou.r". He was advised to call on fenceviewersµ in regards to the line fence matter,. No definite report was made by the committee in respect to By-law No.1196 so this matter was laid over until such report is forthcoming. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- May pay lists ---- Frank steers- Gas for hall and office -------- University of Western Ontario- Firemen's fee-- Robt. Grant - Stamps --------------------- Aylmer & Malahide Tel. Co.- Police & Off. phone Ed. Curtis - Relief for June ------- Edith Perry Perry - ----------------- V. - ---------------- n n n --- Elgin Vyse- " " " ---- ------------- ^ JulesArnou_---------------- Treas. of Vienna -" " Pake, May ------------- " " Dereham-1 " Masal.es, May --------- News Printing Co.- Advts. & Printing--------- Fernlea Flower Shop - Wreath re. G. Hilts ---- C. E. Hickey & sone Ltd.- Fire Dept. Equip.--- Treas. of Ontario - Police salary for May ---- " ^ " - " Expo for April ---- Robt. Jackson- Trip to Fearnley's re.turkeys - Carman Ball - Valuing shhep ------------------ Keith Somers & M.Ketahabaw - Sheep Killed ---- Hay Stationery Co.- Flag --------------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ----•------- " Nevill Drain work ------------- " "Council meals 2 days---.-�►_..___ Wm. Stewart - Fox Bounties ------------------- Alex Proonsko- " w . Mervin Rex - " ^ ___-___-____________ Longuin Maertens Billie Bites Ira Caswell - " "--------- ------ 6111 91.2 9 4, 18.15\ 6.15 9.00\ 65.170\ 45.00\ 35.00\ 11.50\ 25.25\ 15.50\ 11.65\ 26.46\ 29.36\ 6.00\ ?8.01\ 148, 75\ 56.43\ 3.00\ 1.84\ 20.00\ 6.95\ 183.33\ 20.00\ 15.15\ 9.00\ 14.00\ 9.00\ 6.00\ 6.00\ 3.00\ 01 205 George Suich - Fox Bounties --------------- 3.00"' Charles R. Davis - "-------------- 3.00 Albert Sinden - " " ________ ______ 3.00 Fred Cannan - " "-------------- 20.00\ Harry Davidson - "-------------- 14.00\ Grant Motors - Repairs to Fire truck ------ 1.25. Jesse Dennis - Salary for May ------------- 35.00 " Expenses ------- F.D. ------ 28.00\ H. P. Grant - " F.D._______________ 10.00 A. A. Johnson - Insp. roads & Council ----- 16.20\ Chas. Jackson - " ------ 15.00\ Lyle Coyle - " ------ 18.00\ Walter Fialeon - ------ 18.00\ '. G. Mitchell- "------- 1x.00. " - Car for 2 days ------------ 20.00\ J. F. Mott, Sec.- Grant to Calton cemetery- 5.00\ . M. Climie, Sec.- Tillsonburg Fair- 25.00 Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on July 4th. at 1 P.M... Carried. r Re ev e. Clerk. Township Office, Straffordville, July 4th. 1949. Pursuant to adjournment of June 6th., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital notices and the follwwing communications were read and filed. Letter from the Commissioner of Provincial Police advising of the termin- ation of present contract at Dec, 31, 1949 and quoting terms of new agree - if the Township wishes to continue the services of Provincial Police. Approval was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs to use $2500. of Reserve Fund to pay to Port Burwell. Communications were received from the Game and Fisheries Branch of the .Dept. of Lands and Forests in regards to an open deer season this fall and explaining the set-up under regulated Township areas. The monthly report was received from the County Police Court Clerk. A petition was presented to the Council of Dereham ratepayers asking that the smith Drain be repaired which drain has an outlet in "Little Jerry Creek." Moved by nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the following applications for eating place licenses be approved; - Mrs. Robt. Gordon --------- Ice Cream Stand Nelson Boyd --------------- Wallace ----------- Wallace Barber ------------ Refreshment Stand. Carried. Reeve A. N. Wright of Port Burwell and a representative of the Pennada Petroleum Co. wiited on the Counoil and explained that part of the land where the proposed refinery is to be located, is in the `township of Bayhm and requested the Council to pass a by-law similar to the one passed by a the village. F ME Moved by Nelson Seoonded by Coyle- That this Council is in favour of passing a by-law permitting the Pennada Petroleum Co. to establish, operate and maintain a petroleum refinery near Port Burwell and the Clerk prepare a by-law for same... Carried. A by-law was then presented and discussed pertaining to the issuing of debentures by the Townek of Tillsonburg for the erection of the new High ochool for the area. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1200, being a by-law to approve the borrowing of 4,573,000. by the Town of Tillsonburg upon debentures for the erection and equiping of a new high scholl and for paying Bayham Townships annual shkire of same, he now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Jacks on Seconded by Mitchell- That By -Law 11(o. 1200 be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Coyle s Seconded by 1yeleon- That By -Law No. 1200 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Ylr. Mockler of the vestetner Co. of Canada, waited on the Council and demonstrated the operations of thibr small duplicating machine. Discussion was held in regards to purchasing one for Township use. Moved by Jacks on ' Seconded -by Mitchell- That this Council purchase a Gestetner at the prism of 166.50... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Council order F. ton of coal for office from Geo. Chute... Carried. Mored by Belson " Seconded by Coyle- That this Council is not in favour of an open season for deer locally for 1949... Carried. Loved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the taxes of Messrs. Smith & Ehde, Roll No. 1341 for 1949 be written off as gas wells have been disconnected and pipe pulled... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve declare august 1st. a civic and public holiday for the Township of Bayham... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges- June pay lists ------------ Frank Steers - Gag for hall & Office--------- Robt. Grant - Stamps for tax notices --------- Ed. Curtis - Relief for July -------------___- Edith Perry - " ---------------- Victor Brunsdon ---------------- Jules Arnou ---_--_-----_ 1d.E.P.C. - Hydro for fire hall --------------- " - hall &office------------ Treas. Dereham Twp.- Relief for Masales ------ " of Vienna - " " Pake--------- John Mc(;.uiggan - Groceries for Geo. Baldwin -- Treas. of Elgin County - Hospitalization ----- News Printing Co.- Tax notices & etc. -------- Municipal World Ltd.- notices, etc. ---------- Toronto Stationery Supplies - Supplies------- Treas. of Ontario - Police Sal.for June ------ Exp. for May ------- Elgin Fruit Growers' Co -Op.- Atlacide-------- Geo. Grant Ins. Agency- Fire truck Ins. ------ Ralph Hurley - Wel#ing on fire truck --------- H. P. Grant - Gas, etc for " " --------- Geo. S. Elliott- Tile for drain ------------- $2421.58 3.80N 42.0 01% 45.00\ 56.00\ 11.58` 151 . 5 0� 8.36 10.12\ 26.46♦ 11.65`- 8. 00\ 8.00\ 121.74\ 32.40\ 1.01\ 7.23\ 148.75\ 75.62\ 185.60\ 131.42\ 2 , 00\ 32.24\ 12s00\ 10 207 Harry Davidson- Fox Bounty ---------------- 4 5.00\ Art. Stahat - n ^---------------- 5.00` Lester Smith - " "---------------- 5.00\ Geo. Grant Ins. Agency - Iner. on T.H. ---- 27.00\ - Safe Burglary --- - 20.00\ J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary --------- 183.33\ Deese Dennie - Salary for June ------------ 35.0ON Murray Stenabaugh - To apply on salary ---- 100.00\ A. A. Johnson - attend. at 1 meeting ------ 5.40\ Chas. F. Jackson ------ -6.00\ W. G. Mitchell - "------- 5.00` Lyle Coyle - „ n n ------- 6.00 Walter nelson ------- 6.00\ Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, Aug. 2nd. at 1 P.M... Carried. Reeve. Townah tp C f f i ce , August 2nd. 1949, erg.# Pursuant to adjournment of July 4th., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present except Deputy Reeve Jackson and-ouncillor Mitchell. Reeve Johnson presided. Minutes of the latt meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. .dospJ.tal notices, health unit and police reports were read and filed. A letter was received from the :lerk of North Walsingham Twp. stating that the Township did not contribute to the salary of the local police. The five year guarantee No. 03371 was received for Gestetner machine No. 478111 recently putchased. .A letter was read from D. F. Gibson, in regards to resolution to be passed by Council and in regards to selling of debentures locally. The Tax Collector reported that more than 435,000. had been collected of the 1949 taxes. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the taxes of Warren Gas Syndicate on well bought from Patterson for 1949 be written off. Roll No. 1175 and taxes of $7.72... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the penalty and interest on taxes of H.L.Evans be written off on payment of taxes for 1946-7-8 by B. H. Pullin, amount of 6.38... Carried, The Treasurer then presented a list of lands liable for tax sale. Moved by Nelson Seo and ed by Coyle- That the Reeve issue a warrant to hold tax sale on Dec. 10th. 1949... Carried. The Reeve then issued the usual warrant with the -seal of the Township iippressed thereon and a list of lands attached. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the following applications for eating plaoes be approved. C. J. Hetehabaw - Ioe cream stand N, E. Greer - Restaurant - ... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- Resolved that the Muniaipality of Bayham hereby consent$ to the Ontario Municipal Board issuing an Order authorizing the capital expenditures made to date by the Tillsonburg District High School Board, and also an Order authorizing the issue of debentures by the Towns of Tillsonburg for the erection and equipment of the new school building. Carried. Toe Clerk then presented a by-law as requested by the Pennada Petroleum 410 and which by-law had been approved by the Township solicitor. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1201, being a by-law to permit the f Pennada eetroieum Co. to erect, maintain and operate an oil refinery in thio Township of Bayham, be now read a first time... Carried. aloved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That By -Law l+o. 1201 be now read a second time.Carried Moved by Nelson R Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1201 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. ' Some discussion was held in regards to the policing of the Township after January 1st. 1950 but this was laid over to the next meeting and the Clerk was instructed to try and have a representative of the Provincial force inf attendance. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried: oads and Bridges accounts- JIily pay lists ---- $1239.17J` Frank Steers - Gas for hall and office --------- 3,80N Ed. Curtis - Relief for August ----------------- 45.00\ Edith Perry - " "------------------ 35.00\ Victor Brunsdon - " "------------------ 11,50\ Workmen's Compensation Board - insurance ------- 60.00 Algrid Siurna - Fox Bounty --------------------- 5.00\ Gestetner Ltd.- Machine ------------------------ 166.50,\ " - Supplies ----------------------- 30.40\ Treas. of Vienna - Relief for Pake_____________ 11.65 Treas . of Dereham - Masales--------- 25*46\ News Printing Co.- Printing & forme ------------ 25.06\ Geo. Chute - Coal for office ------------------- 107.50\ Treas. of Ontario - Police salary for July ----- 148.75' Exp. for June ------- 91.26\ J, R. Dennis - Salary for July ----------------- 35.00\ k J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary -------------- 183.33\ Robt. Grant -- Stamps -------------------------- 7,00\ A. A. Johnson - Attend 1 meeting --------------- 5.40\ Lyle Coyle - " 1 --------------- 6.00\ Walter Belson- " 1 it --------------- 6,00\ � Moved byvoyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Tuesda'V� Sept. 6th. at 1 P.Y... Carried. w Reeve 209 Township Office, Straffordville, Sept. 6th. 1949. Pursuant to adjournment of August 2nd. , the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Monthly reports were received from the Police, Magistrate6 court and healt '. unit. Bulletin was received from the Ont%rio Municipal Assn. in regards to survey of operations of volunteer fire departments. Notice from Central Pipe Lines to not dispose of gas heating equipment due to the fact that gas is likely to be more plentiful in the near future. Advise from Bell Telephone Co. in regards to replacement of pole at Lot 17, Concession X1. Several hospital notices were read and filed. Circular Vo. 8411 was received from Superintendent of C.N.R. in regards to the necessity of keeping flangemays cleaned out when grading roads at 1 railway crossings, A letter and by-law was received from the Village of Port Stanley in to the change in proceedure of handling of tax sales. This was laid the next meeting for further information. The Council was advised that s cheque for $2585.54 was received wept. of ":unicipal Affairs in lieu of 1 mill subsidy of former regarN over toi; from the years . Mr. Ray Award 'waited on the :ouncil in respect to a tax rebate. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- Owing to the fact that Ray Alward had one gas pump removed in fall of 1948, be it resolved that the sum of 44.54 be written off his 1949 taxes on this assessment of 4100. Roll No. 718...Carried. Fire Chief v-esse Lennis discussed with the council the matter of several repairs to fire truck and the care of fire hall and heating same. Moved by Coyle Seconded by l4elson- That this Council ask Ed. Davidson to make a solid partition to close off rear door cf fire hall for use of upstairs resfidents Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to sell a 5000. Dominion of Canada bond for the purpose of transfering to the general account, funds still due that account on purchase of grader and settlement with Port Burwell... Carried. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the petition for 431,283.71 for expenditure on Roads and to August 31, 10.49, be hereby authorized same... Carried. statutory grant to the amount of Bridges for the period Jan. 1,1949 and the properrofficers sign s Moved by .iac kson Seconded by Mitchell- That this Council make a grant of 435.CO to the Elgi Plowmens' Association... Carried. Inspector Duncan of the Ontario Provincial Police, attended at the meeting in respect to the re-newal of contract for police services for 1950. Submission was made by the Township to the effect that the costs Were becoming too high and that neighbouring municipalities of similar size and po)ulation were not providing this police protection but were using members of the force stationed throughout the distriot. Considerable discussion was held on this matter and Inspector Duncan agreed to take this problem up with the Commissioners office and report at a later date. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Mitchell- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Brdiges- August pay sheets ----------- Frank Steers - Gas for July ------------------- Provincial Treasurer- Tax sale advt.----------- Treas. of Port Burwell - Settlement ------------ Jules Arnou - + month relief for Aug. ---------- Ed. Curtis - Relief for Sept. ------------------ Edith Perry- " " ------ ----- ------ Jules Arnou - " ----------------- Rews Printing Co.- Advts. ---------------------- Treas. of Dereham- Relief for Masales---------- 41558.85 3.80\ 7.50 5520.44\ 7.75\ 45.00\ 35.,00\ 15.50 2.52 26.46\ i lreas. of Ontario - Police salary for mug. " - expenses for July --- Murray Ketehabaw - Sheep killed & injured ------ Robt. C. Jackson- Valuing sheep ---------------- J. D. Vallee - To appy on salary -------------- J. R. Dennis - Salary for bugust--------------- Murray 1�1-etchabar. - Shooting dog killing sheep -- Ed. Davidson- Fire hall rental , 1 year -------- Arthur Shepard - Spraying demeteries----------- A. A. 40ohnson - attend i meeting --------------- Chas. F. Jackson ---------------- iV Mitchell " " --------- Lyle Coyle - �� r, --------------- Walter Nelson - "--------------- Treas. Elgin Plowmens' Grant------------ ,MIRRAY 5-rCA1A6Ac/6 X - To oiv s,44 foRV - _ - - - - - - - - - - - t,148. 75N 72.82♦ 70.00` 4.10\ 183.33 35.00. 5.00 60.00\ 122.50\ 5.40\ 5.00\ 5.00\ 6.00\ 6.00s, 35.00' Moved by Coyle Seconded by Mitchell- That this Council now adJourn to meet again on October 3rd. at 1 P.I... Carried. ieeve . , C 1 Township Office, Straffordville , Oct. 3rd. 1949. Pursuant to adjournment of Sept. 6th., the Council of the Township of Bayh met in regular session on the above date, all members present except Couna for Coyle and Reeve Johnson being absent for the start of the meeting. Moved by Felson Seconded by Mitchell- That ueputy-Reeve Jackson preside at this meeting until the arrival of the Reeve... Carried. Hospital notices were read and filed. Prices on a sign for the office was received from A. Parson, TillsonburA and the Clerk was instructed to order one at $42.00. .e.nother appeal for a grant was received from the Port Burwell Library Board It was decided that this grant should not be made. Monthly reports were read from the County Court Clerk and Health unit. Notice from the Dept. of Municipal affairs that a school would be held in St. Thomas on November 1st. next. A request for funds was received from the Tillsonbur unit of the Red Shier 4 8 appeal. This grant was made last february. l The Clerk reported on the approximate cost of preparing the 1949 voters' Lists with the new %estetner machine. Further discussion was held in regards to the request fpm Port Stanley fo a change in tax sale procedure, Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the Clerk advise Port Stanley that at present w are not in favour of changing our tax sale prooeedure... Carried. Mr. Roy Nevill waited on the Council again in regards to road through his property and in respect to his procuring hydra at his farm. Some discussio was held but no definite action taken. The Clerk reported that no advise had been received in regards to Provinoi Police matters as discussed at the last meeting. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried- 4 Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That this Council noir ad;ourn to meet again on Oot. 31st. at 10 A.M... Carried. LJ e- Sept. pay sheets----------- Roads and BrddrC*P,Lines) $1051.02\ Hugh Ferris - Gas for hall & Off.-- 3.8k Ed. Curtis - Relief for October --------------- 45.00- Edith Perry - if"--------------- 35.00, Treas. of Dereham Twp.- Relief for Masales ---- 26.46- Treas. of Vienna- August relief for Pake ------ 11.65. ,. .� w - Sept. ,� " ,� ----- 11. fib News rrinting Bo.- Tax Sale advts.------ -�---- 3.50, Gestetner Ltd.- Supplies---------------------- 33.59- 0. E. Soper - Repairs to office--------------- 39.87, Treas. of Elgin County- Hospitalization------- 150.12. Treas, of Ontario - Police salary for Sept. --- 148.75 Expenses " Aug. --- 106.16 Murray iietohabaw - Sheep killed--------------- 120.00\ Robt. Garnham - Turkeys killed---------------- 27.00' varman Ball - Valuing above------------------- 4.50 Murray Stenabaugh - To apply on salary-------- 400.00- Jesse 'ennis - Salary for Sept.-------------- 35.00- x. L. Vallee - To apply on salary------------- 1831133` Hay Stationery Coo- Supplies------------------ 4.34 R. 2. P. C.- Hydro for fire hall-------------- 8.98 hall & Office --------- 10.12 Robt. Brant - Stamps-------------------------- 7.00- Bon E. Stewart - Labour on office door-------- 1.50, Frank E. Travis- Labour & supplies Eden 3,W.--- 87.66. Alex Chandler - Labour on Eden S.W----------- 30.00 A. A. Johnson - Attend 1 meeting-------------- 5.40, vhas. F. Jackson 1 " ------ -- --- 5,00- Wm' G. Mitchell - " 1 "-------------- 5.00-, Walter nelson " 1-------------- 6.00, Peters, Brown & Good- To apply on audit fee --- 156,00\ & binder, 4 Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That this Council noir ad;ourn to meet again on Oot. 31st. at 10 A.M... Carried. LJ 2I8 Clerk's Office, Straffordville, Oct. 31, 1949. Pursuant to adjournment of Oct. 3rd., the November meetings of theCounoil of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date, all members present and peeve �ohnson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approveA and signed and the following business was done. The following communications Pere received and disetesed. A bulletin from the Workmen's Compensation Board to employers in regards tcl the reporting of accidents. A letter from the Ontario Municipal Assn. pertaining to the enquiry into t Workmen's Compensation Act. Notice and report from the Bell Telephone Co. in regards to the increase i rates. Reports were received from the health Unit and Provincial Police and Court Clerk of the County. A resolution was read from the i"'alahide Township Council in respect to the hunting of Jack rabbits. No action was taken. Advice was received from the Commissioner of Provincial Police in regards I to a survey made of the surrounding municipalities in respect to policeE services. j The Clerk reported that the total cost of making the 1949 Voters' Lists would be $68.08. Moved by nelson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council approve the paying of our Clerk the sum of X26.00 in connection with ma'iing up the 1949 Voters6s Lists and t1lai we now adjourn for noon to meet again at 1.30 P.!►... Carried. Council resumed session again at 1.30. Moved by Zaekson Seconded by Mitchell- That this Township take steps to enter a complaint against the increase in rates as proposed by the Bell telephone Co. arra ed . Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That all members of the 'unieipal Council be named as members of the assessment Court of Revision, and that this Council now adjourn tp hold said �.ourt of Revision... Carried. The members then subscribed to the necessary oath of office before the Cley Loved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That Reeve A. a. Johnson be Chairman of the Court of Revision... Carried. the following appeals were heard and considered by the Court and deoided as follows; - Appellant -respecting Felson Ward Self Howard Ryan Self 0, N. R. Se if Matter Comp. Assessment too high Improperly Assessed Applic. for reduction of taxes on tenement Decision lot allowed. tk. Reduced $300. on pumas and business assessm6nt. Not allowed. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That the 1950 assessment roll be now adopted as finally revised and this Court of Revision now adjourn... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law l;o. 1202, being a by-law to grant aid for the erection of an addition to Soldiers' Memorial hospital i Tillsonburg, be now read a first time... Carried. Loved by Mitchell Seconded by lielson- And resolved that By -Law jyo. 1202 be now read a Seoond time... Carried. fLoved b Coyle Seeondei by Jackson- and resolved that By -Law No. 1202 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. 213 Loved by Jackson Seconded by iielson- And resolved thAt By -Law iso. 1203, being a by-law to fix the day for nominations and elections in the Township of Bayham, be now iyead a first time... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Ilitchell- And resolved that By -Law Ao. 1203 be now read a secon time... Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- And resolved that By -Law iso. 1203 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. loved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law Zio. 1204, being a by-law to provide for the fiolding of elections for �Jou.ncil and Local Boards for the year 1950 and appointing Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Polling; Places, be noz read a first time... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law iYo. 1204 be now read a second L time... Carried. . Loved by Lelson Seconded by Coyle- end resolved that By -Law v'o. 1204 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by 14itenell Seconded by ,7:aaic3jn- the reeve sign t:: :truer sheets... �srrieu. .lords aria ridges accounts- October pay sheets --- tiugh Ferris - Xas for nail and off ice --------_--_ Treas. of Vienna - Oct. relief for Fake---------- Treas. of L)ereham _ 11 rt 1T ivasales------- 4estetner Ltd.- :overs for V.L.is ---------------- " it - Stenon for covers -------------- Underwood Ltd.- Repairs to police typewriter ----- Wm. Stewart - .'ox SountV ------------------------- Fred Oatman - -------------- . -------- J. L. Dennis - Bulbs for Straff. street lights --- C. E. Soper - Cement for Straff. Sidewalks ------- .Ken Grant - ►epairs to fire truck ---------------- Tillsonburg Commerlial "rimers- Stapler etc. ---- Robt. grant - Stamps ----------------------------- J. L. Dennis - Salary for October ---------------- J. D. Vallee - To apply or, salary ---------------- " - Selecting 4urors------------------ A. A. Johnson - 1T TT ----------------- Murray Stenabaugh- T, __-_---_---_-__-- Basil Nevill - sravel for Straff. Sidewalks ------ Peter's roofing & Planing ?:ill - Repairs to office Treas. of Ontario - Police salary for October ---- TT it _ expebsee for Sept. J. 1). Vallee - Prep. stencils for V.L.'s--------- Fred Baker - Painting office --------------------- Ed. Curtis - Relief for November ----------------- Bdith Perry - " " TT ----------------- b. Johnson- tittend. 1 meeting ----------------- tha((s. F. Jackson - �, 1 ►� ----------------- W. G, Mitchell - " 1 Tf ----------------- Lyle 'Coyle - 1 " ----------------- Walter Felson - TT 1 " ----------------- 14urray Stenabaugh - Attend Court of Revision ----- 41311.30 3.80-, 14.15 2-.46 1.78 3.51, - . 3 0, 15.00 5.00,1- 18.001, .00`18.00 246.12, 1.00. 13.65- 9.30, 3.g5.9.30, 35.001. 183.33\ 4.00,, 4.00.1 4.00\ 72.90, 32.00- 148.75, 92.96, 28.00 40.00, 45.00- 42.00- 5, 40\ 5.0042.00- 5.40\ 5.00\ 5, 00\ 6, Oa 6.00, 2.50\ :Sgt. Clubbe, of District headquarters discussed with the Council the polioit situation of the Township and the re-newal of contract for 1950. The member decided to hold a meeting on Friday night, Nov. 4th. With Port Burwell and Vienna representatives on this matter. Moved by L►itehell, Seconded by Jackson- That this Counci-1 now adjourn to meet agian on Nov. 4th. at 8 P.M.... Carried. n Township Office, Straffordville, Nov. 4th. 1949. Pursuant to adjournment of Oct. 31st . , a special meeting of the Bayham ,Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Also present at the meeting were Moore of Vienna and Reeve Wright McKibbon of Port Burwell, Reeve Palmer and Councillors Pace and and C cunei ll cr s Bodsworth , Kaufman and The purpose of the rpeeting was to discuss with these ad Zoining municipalit- ies the matter of policing the area and whether or not to re -new the agreement for the services of a member of the Ontario Police Force. The clerk summarized this matter from the time the agreement was first mad4 with the Commissioner and several communications were read which had been received during the last few weeks. Considerable discussion was held by al: present on this matter and by a shove of hands of those present, it was unanimously decided that Bayham Township should re -new this agreement under the Police act of 1949, commencing Jan. 1st. 1950, and that the Villages oA, Port j3urwell and Vienna would submit resolutions from their respective Councils in support of same. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- bnd resolved that by -Law leo. 1205, being a by-law to authorize an agreement with the vommissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police for the policing of the Township of Bayham by a member of the said Force in accordance with the Police -act 1949, and effective from January 13t. 19501, be now read a first time... Carried. s Moved by nelson Seconded by Mitchell- �.nd resolved that By -Law %o. 1205 be now read a Second time... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law iNo. 1205 be now read a Third time and finally passed... Carried. Y;oved by liel son Seconded by Coyle- That this special session of the Council now ad ourn to meet again on Dec. 6th. 1949 at 1 PAI.... Carried. Reeve. . 215 'township hall, 3traffordville, itiov. 28th. 1949, The annual nomination meeting for the Township of Bayham was held on the above date to nominate candidates for the offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, 3 .ouneillors and 3 Trustees for the Bayham Township School Area. Nominat- ions opened at 2 Pok. and In attendance were about 30 ratepayers. Shortly after 3 P.M. the Returning Officer declared nominations closed. The following names mere placed in nomination. Reeve - a. u. Johnson, (rant Mitchell, : has. Zackson and Jeorge Vallee, Deputy Reeve - vhas. � ackson, Lyle y ogle , IV. Go Mitchell and falter Nelson,41 councillors - Wm. litehell, Walper Ti'elson, Lyle Boyle-, Alva Brinn, 13layton wackson and seorge Vallee. School -board rustee - Grant Mitchell, Earl Green, Cecil Ball, Geo. S. Moore, art Kartyn and 'I:illiam Rex. The usual after meeting was held and J. i. Vallee was appointed chairman. As Township Treasurer, he explained the financial statement to th6se and answered questions regarding same. All nominees present were then called upon to address the meeting and the Reeve and -Veputy Reeve outlined the matter of voting on the by-law for the at.Thomas Elgin Proposed hospital. R. L. Godwin, Road Su.. t. was then gave an account of his department for tho, past year. The meeting closed with "God Save The zing" . by nine o'clock the following evening, only the number required to fill th various offices had signed the necessary qua' ificat ion papers and subscrib ed to the Oath of Allegiance, I# v. yewey Vallee, ?et�zrning Officer, hereby declare the followong person duly elected by acclaimation to fill the various offices as listed below, in the :township of A5ayham for the Year 1950 and in the case of School Trustees for 1955 and 1951. Rev b. X. vohnson, Farmer, Straffordville, Onto Deputy ,Reeve-- Chas. F. : as kson, Farmer, Straffordville, Ont. aounoillors - Lyle Coyle, Farmer, R.R.S, Tillsonburg, Ont. Walter Nelson, Farmer, uorinth, Ont. * u. Kitchell, Agent, Straffordville, Onto Trustee - (bayham Township School area, 2 year term.) Grant Mitchell, Farmer, R o R.1, Eden, Onto George S. Moore, bgent, Eden, Ont. William Rex, Butcher, Straffordville, Ont. Clerk and Returning Officer* MULTS OF POLL on Elgin County Hospital By -Law Vote. - Doo. Poll 80. Por •Rainet ReJeoted. 1 6 1 t 8 8 3 $ 3 4 38 a . 1 b 3 12 6 18 16 7 19 1 8 8 0 I Total -A bth. 1949. 2160 Township Office, Straffordville , Dee, 6th. 1949. Pursuant to ad journment of Nov. 4th. , th e 0 ounci 1 of the Towns hip of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. i":inutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital notices were read, and discussed. Letter was received from the Superintendent of the Children's Aid Society in regards to food for emergency cases. A letter was read from the orkmens Compensation Board in regards to addition coverage on volunteer firemen. From Donald F. Gibson, K.0 . , in regards to appeal agianst the increase of rates of the bell jelephone C.o. It was decided that no further action would be taken for the time being at least, A copy of resolution was received from the Village of Vienna, approving of the continuance of police services on a ten per cent basis. Also a resolution was received from the Vienna School Board stating their willingness that the farms of Huron Smyth, Lyndon Smyth and Verne roper might become a part of the Vienna union section. Various reports were received from the dealth unit, Police Constable and Court clerk. Loved by Felson Seconded by Ooyle- That our Clerk advise Houghton Township that we will no pay our share of Priddle Award Drain until sate has been completed to the satisfaction of Chas. Winter, Tiorman Shortt and the Township of Bayhanje j carried. i Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That the eoterage on Volunteer Firemen under the Workmen's Compensation Act be increased from $1500. to 1:3000..8 Carried* Ir loved by qac kson Seconded by Mitchell- That this Council be in favour of re- imbursing members of the Child en's aid Society for sup lyin food for children in P 8 emergency cases in the Township of Bay ham... Carried. Moved b;� Zackson Seconded by Mitchell- That t.ae Treasurer issue a the Cemetery Perpetual ;are Fund in an amount of Dominion of Canada :ponds purchased for said Fund Moved b,,Nelson Seconded by Coyle- 2hat the Treasurer issue Fund in an amount of 1.3700. for deposit in ..ownship... married. Loved b`� I itchell Seconded by Jackson- That the Clerk be and Lothers Allowance application for PI 3� cheque on the account of t1500, in payment of Cron the Township..00arri d. t a cheque on the Post 'far Resere the General Account of the if paid 0.00 for each Old age Pension the year 1949... 'Carried.E Considerable discussion was held in regards to the matter of purchasing a!,, 1. new truck next year for the .. ownahi p. Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council Caldwell to advertise for tenders on hoist... V'arried. Loved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- Whereas Christman Lay, be it therefore as Boxing Lay, to be a public of Bayham... Carried. request permission from Mr. T. S. a new 5 ton dump truck with box and Monday Dec. 26th. is a legal holiday for resolved that the Reeve proclaim Dec. 27th, and civic holiday in and for the Township Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That the following allowances be made for elections in Bayham Township. Deputy Returning Officers------ ,6.00 Poll Clerks ------------------- 5.00 Rental for Polling Place ------ 4.00 Carried. �lu Moved by Coyle by Seconded by nelson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Roads and Bridges - November pay lists --------_- R4. Yy 411"687\ Archie Noels - Labour & Machine re. S.W.-------- 160.04 Murray 3tenabaugh - Bal. of salary & Coms. ------ 225.30 -- Robert C. Jackson - Valuing sheep. -------------- 2.40, Murray Stenabaugh - :kiileage to St. Thomas ------- 5.00N* Betton riilts - Work at Town Mall ---------------- 16.70- " - 2 meetings at hall --------------- 6.04"- Chas. S, Laing - Materials for Rich. S,Y�.------- 15.80+ It it - Labour " it #' 24,00 - Jesse "ennis - Salary for Iv'ov. F.L.------------- 35,00 " - ,• 9 mo. re. St. Lts. -__- 18.Q0 J. L. Vallee - To apply on salary --------------- 180.03 " - Delivering ballot boxes ---------- 5100- r 0oA,P & ispp. 1.7 0 3. -------- 51,00. Receiver seneral - lax re. Vallee --------------- 3.30 A, A. Johnson - Attendance at 2 meetings -------- 10.80• Chas, F, Jackson - " " "--------- 10,00. Lyle Coyle ------- 12.00, 10.00• 'Vatter Nelson - " _________ 14,00; .augh Ferris- C,P.Linee, las for hall & office --- 3,80 Aylr..er & Lalahide Tel Co.- Q°fice phone --------- 19.3 " " " - Police phone --------- 41.92.. Ed, Curtis - Relief for Deo. -------------------- 45.00. !�di th ferry - '" " --------------------- 42.00., Treas. of Vienna - L rake, ,cv. ______ _ ____-_ 14.1b� Treas. of Dereham - Masales---------------- 31.46-, The Times -Journal - Tax sale advto-------------- 52.00.. laws Printing Co.- Advtso and notices ----------- 3.00-, Be We Haines - Gerte voters lists --------------- eAbIN Treas. of Elgin County- Hospitalisation --------- 454.87, H. P. Grant - Trans. re. A. DeGrands to Hosp. --- 4o9b, George grant Ins. Agency - Hall & Dia. Ins. ----- 311.50 Treas. of Ontario - Police salary for Boy. ------ 148.75` expenses for Oct. -•-- 56.58` • Nathan Hayward - Fox Bounties ------------------- 30.00 George Grass - " "-__----------_-__-- 5.00% Mike Pelts - sheep injured ---------------------- 10.00 H. Be P. Co- Straffordville 3t. Lts.------------ 279.50 He P. Grant- Gas, Oil do Repairs for fire truck -- 122.33. Howard Chute- D.R.O. leo. 1 - -------- 7.00. Thos. Elliott- Poll Clerk So. 1 ----------------- 510006. Treas. of Pt. Burwell - Rental No. 1 Poll ------- 4.00-, Fred Baiter ----- D.R.O. --- Do* I Poll ---_______ 610501 Kenneth Thomson - Poll Cleric " 8 "---------- 5.0ON Elgin Vyse _____- Rental --- " 2 "---------- 41000 Elton Jackson --- D.R100. --- " 3 " _----------• 6,86. Ray Thurston ---- Poll Clerk " 3 "--------_-- 51000, Treas. Bayham Soh* Bd. Rectal " 3 "----------- 41000 H. Pe Grant ----- D.R.O. --- 8o* 4 Poll •-----•-- 6.00,, Norman Dick •---- Poll Cleric " 4 "-•------- 5.00, Be H. McConkey -- D.R*Oo --- " b "-------- 6.80. Alex Data ------- Poll Cleric " 5 "--------- 5.00 Treas. Wommens' Inst. Rebtal " 5 "-------- 41000` Chas. Aetohabaw --- D.R.O -- " 6 "---•---- 6.30% Wilfred Nielson -=-- Poll Clerk " 6 "------•- 5.00. J. H. Howey ------- Rental " 6 "-------• 4.00. Fred Proounier --- D.R.O. •• " 7 " ••-•----- 61040 Yrs. Stanley Simpson, Clerk " 7 " •-•----- 51000; Treas. Bayham Soho Bde Rental " 7 "-------- 4.OQ Hurray Wilson ---- D*R.O• -- " 8 "--------• 6.80. Harold Holditah -• Poll Clerk " 8 " •----••• 5.00 Treaso, S.Selo. 4 -• Rental -- " 8 "-------- 4.00% Carried. 217, Moved by Coyle; Seconded by nelson - That this Council now adjourn to most again on Dec. 15th. at 1 P.Y10.. Carried. {Cie Reels. E18. t 1F Township Office, Straffordville, Dec. 15th. 1949. The last regular meeting of the 1949 Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, appooved and signed and the follow- ing business was done. Approval was received from Mr. T. S. Caldwell, Munioppal engineer, to tender for a new 5 ton truck. Notice from Victoria dospital, that Mr. George Dinwoodie was a patient. Report of the Fire Chief for the period Dec. 15/48 to Dec. 12/49 was received and discussed. From the Clerk of Houghton Twp., the engineer's certificates pertaining to the completion of the Priddle Award Drain. Moved by Jackson Seconded by 00ohell- That the Clerk send accounts to outside Municipalities for fire truok services charging $50o for large fire and $S0, for small fire... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Council pay the Volunteer Firemen $3.00 per trip each and allow George Grant for 5 trips... Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That ism. Wellheiser be paid $25o for laundry expenses and that George Grant be added to the firemen list and that we accept the Fire Chief's report... Carried. 10 Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the Reeve be authorized to attend the adjourned tax sale on Dec. 24th. 1949 and purchase property if necessary... Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That J. D. Vallee be appointed to District High School Area Board and that Howard Coomber Aylmer High School District Board. Both appointments to 1951... Carried, the Tillsonburg be appointed to be for 1950 qnd Moved by Felson Seconded by Coyle- That Straffordville Telephone ventral be paid 110* fire calls handled and Port Burwell operator $5.4.. Carried. for Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- That this Council provide 2 cups for pupils of East Elgin High Sohool District aid a oheque for $13.55 be issued in payment of same... Carried. Moved by Mitchell - Seconded by Jackson- That the Township Treasurer be authorised to pay interest out of the Cemetery Trust Fund to the Treasurers of Eden and Straffordville Cemeteries in accordance with their investr#ente... Carried* Moved by Nelson Seconded by Coyle- That the Clerk advertise for tenders for a new 5 ton truck with dump boa and hoist. A 1943 Maple Leaf 3 ton truck with dump ami -box and hoist for trade-in. Tenders to close Jan. 7th. 1950...Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1206 being a by-law to �Ij set the fee for Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks and rental for Polling Plaoes, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson- And resolved that By -Law No. 1206 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved By Belson Seconded by Coyle- And resolved that By -Law No. 1206 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the usual bonuses of $60* for the Reeve and $30. each for the Deputy Reeve, Councillors and Clerk, be ,paid...Carried. 4 s S sit Moved by Seoonded Coyle by Nelson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets...Carried. Roads and Bridges accounts- December pay lista ----- $675.39 J. L. Dennie - Sal. for December ------------------- 35.00 66 trips with fire trunk ------------ 198.00 J. D. Vallee - Balance of salary ------------------- 180.07 School Attend Officer --------------- 25.00 Office# account - 1 1.70 H. L. Godwin - Weed Inspector salary --------------- 25,00 " - Dtain and Building Insp. salary ----- 25.00 Jack Grant - 10 tripe with fire truck -------------- 30.00 Sen Grant - 3 " " --------- 9.00 Lyle Grant - 3 9.00 H. P. Grant - 33 " " " "------------- 99.00 Basil INevill- 43 " " "------------- 129.00 J.Hotohkiss - 28 " " --------- 84.00 Lyle Walsh 29 " " "------------- 87.00 Berton Hilts- Care of hal for tax sale ------------- 3.00 Wm.Wellheiser - Laundry Aoot# for fire dept. ------- 25.00 George Grant - 5 trips with fire truck ------------- 15.00 Bertha Atkinson- Fire Dept. bonus re telephone ----® 10.00 Harold Tuff - " " " ------ 5.00 A. A. Johnson - Bonus and 1 meeting ------------ 65.40 Chas. Jackson - " " 1 "--------------- 35.00 Lyle Coyle - " " 1 "--------------®- 36.00 W. G. Mltohell - '� " 1 ---------------- 35.00 Walter elson - 1 "-------------©-- 36.00 J. D. Vallee, - Bonus ------------------------------ 30.00 Reoeiver General - Tax re. Vallee ------------------ 3.30 Treas. of Vienna - Relief for Pake----------------- 14.15 Aylmer Express - Printing & ad7ts.----------------- 18.36 Len Simpson - Gravel for Straff. S. walks ---------- 12.00 Bews Printing Co.- Advts. and notices -------------- 12.35 County of Elgin - 1949 county rate ------------- 249023.00 Frank steers - Gas for hall and office ------------- 3.80 Trophy -Craft Ltd.- Cups for Aylmer H.S.------- ----- 13.55 Robert Grant - stamps ------------------------------ 5.00 Treas. -den Cemetery - Interest to Lec. 11*f ------ ISS �s Treas. Straff. Cemetery - " " 1/tQ Q---- q•vo It was decided that the inaugural meeting of the 1950 council would be held on Uonday, January 9th. 1950 at 10 A.lt. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Nelson - That this Council now adjourn, Sine Die ... Carried. eeve. 11 r