HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1948TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1948 1 257 Township Hall, Straffordville, Jan. 5th. 1948. The Inaugural meeting of the 1948 Bayham Tcwnship Council was held on the above date. Those present and subscribing to the necessary declar- ations of office were Reeve Arba A. Johnson, Deputy Reeve Chas, F. Jackson and Councillors A. N. Wright, Lyle Coyle and Wm. G. Mitchell. The Reeve called upon Rev. W. M. Thomas of the local United Church charge to address the Council. Mr. Thomas read a khobt scripture lesson and closed his remarks with prayer. Reeve Johnson then thanked Mr. Thomas and exteneded an invitation to return at any time and sit around the Council table. The Reeve then addressed the Council briefly and the usual business was proceeded with. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed. Communications and hospital notices were read and filed. The Clerk presented 2 items of uncollectable taxes. Moved by Wright Seconded by Jackson- Th�K the 1947 Yaxes of Harry Brady, Roll No. 63 to the amount fo S20.20 with interest, be written off... Oarried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded i Coyle- That the 1946 taxes of Percy Terry to the amount of 116.72 with interest be written off, being amount on building not owned by Terry... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That the Clerk subscribe for 8 copies of the Municipal World, one for each member of Council and one for Clerk, Road Supt.. and Assessor... Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconders by Coyle- That this Township make a grant of 525.00 each to the Port Burwell and Richmond Libraries... Carried. Discussion was held on the matter of illegal hunting and taking of game in the Township. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Mitchell- That the Clerk invite Game Marden Niel to attend the next meeting of this Council... Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Wright- That this Council adjourn for dinner... Carried. Council resumed session again at 1.15 P.M. The Clerk presented an account from`,bhe County for the Continuation school charges of James Elliott for the years 1944-5-6. This pupil did not live in the Continuation school area as formerly thought.to be Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Wright- That the Treas. be authorized to issue cheque to the County of Elgin for $230.27 being Continuation School charges for James Elliott for the years 19114-5-6..0 Carried. George Vallee, Building Inspector, waited on the Council in regards to enforcement of the Building By -Law in respect to the Carter property in Port Burwell. He was instructed to use court proceeding if necess- ary in this case, By -Law No. 1178 was then presented to the Council. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Wright.- That By -Law No. 1178, being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow up to $35,000. from the Canadian Bank of Commerce for Township expenses, be now read a first time. Carried. 0 Moved by Wright Seconded by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1178 be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Jackson Seoonded by Mitchell- That By -Law No. 1178 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. 258 Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That the rate of mileage be raised to .200 one way for the ffficers that are elligible to same on By -Law No, 1179. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Mitchell- That By -Law Roo 1179 being a by-law to appoint the following officers for 1948 Livestock Valuators - Robt. C. Jackson and Carman Ball at .50 cents per hour and .20� per mile one way, School Attendance Offieer- J. D. Vallee at a salary of 425.00 plus .201 per mile one way. Weed Inspector - H. L. Godwin at a salary of 125.00. Relief Officer - J. D. Vallee at a salary of $200.00 Solicitor - D. .k. Gibson, K.C. Building Inspector - George Mallee at .54, per hour and .20¢ per mile one way for car. Drain Inspector - George Vallee at ,50� per hour and .20/ per mile one way for car, Be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1179 be now read a second time. Carried. Loved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle That By -Law No. 1179 be now read a Chir l time and finally passed... Carried. Considerable discussion was held in regards protection for the level railway crossings in the Township. The Bayham Lions elubaand other` persons requested that some action be taken in this respect. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Wright- Whereas representation has been made by Service Clubs and individuals, be it therefore resolved that this Council petition the Canadian Pacific Railway, the Canadian National Railway, and the hoard of Transport Commissioners for protection at all unprot- ected railway crossings in Bayham Township including crolssings on No. 19 Highway. Attention is drawn to the fact that there have been six fatalities in the past eleven years in this Township at Railway Crossings... Carried, The Clerk was instructed to sena c6pies of the above to all interested parties including; the Dept. of Highways. Moved. by Jackson. Seconded by Wright- That, the Councillors and Road Supt. and Clerk be delegates to the Good Roads Convention in Toronto on Feb. 24th. & 25t1a Carried, -t F The( drbIt�' 6bp)re bf the proposed by-law to settup a Park Board as prepared by D. F. Gibson, K.C. was read in full by the Clerk and dsieussion was held. The council decided it was acceptable as prepared with the exception that the Clauses of the Public Parks Act referred to in Section 11; should be printed in full in the by-law. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and bridges - Payment voucher aE sheet - f6755.86%, Wm. Brinn - Fox Bounty ---------------------- 10.00\ James Rutledge - Fox Bounty ----------------- 20.00 Roy Vaughan - " "----------------- 20.04 Reg. McQuiggan - �� "----------------- 5.0Q'-, Murray Fmers on - " "----------------- 10.001N - Harold McConkey- -- - -- 1 5 .00!'-, Ge6rge Grass - " "----------------- 10.00 Earl Bristol - " "----------------- 5.00\ Ed. Curtis - Relief for January ------------- 40.00\ D. Masales - " " "------------- 46.00\ Wm. Patten- " " " ------------- 34.25\ Edith Perry - " " "------------- ,39,00\ Dan Antone - " " "---------- V . Brunsden " " "------ Annie Vyse ------- ------- Q- J. D. Vallee - Reg. of B.M.& D. ------------- 15.0,G� -Toronto.Stationery Supplies Ltd.- Supplies -- 20.3 Robt. C. Jackson - Valuing turkeys ---------- 4,0 Wm. L. White - Fork & gravel 'shite Drain ---- 13.4t� f A. R. Aright & Son- Lantern & etc. Chalk I -7r.-- 2.3 Dr, 10v. G. Green - Treat. V. 638 r -__r "D. No. 55 18.00 � Prov. Treasurer- Police salary for Dec. ------ 145.83,, it " - " Exp. for Nov. -------- 5055` Port Burwell Library - Grant ----------------- 25.00. Richmond Library - it ----------------- 25.00 Treas. of Flgin County - Cont. school chgs.--- 230.27 A. A. Johnson -attend. one meeting ---------- 5.1tQ\ Chas. F . Jackson - " " _-_ ___-_- " -- i or •� A. N. Wright - �� n ��-----------. 8 Lyle Coyle - �� V � �f �� _----_- r r r _ _ 6.Q� Wm. G. Mitchell - ----------- 5.001< Berton Hilts - Care of 11all one meeting ------ 3.00,\ Moved by �;"Itchell lecohded by Coyle- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Monday, deb. 2nd. at L P.M,.. Carried, eeve. Township Hall, btraffordville, Feb. 2nd. 19480 b 259 rursuant to ad j ournmet of Jan. 5th.,, the uounc it of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital notices were read and filed. Appeals for financial assistance were received from the Qalvation army, nick vhildrens' Hospital at Toronto and the rolish Relief fund. A letter from the Village of Vienna with the following resolution enclosed- Moved by George Forsyth, oeeonded by Milton ocott- Regarding safety precaution for Railway crossings in the Township of Bayham. The Council of the Village of Vienna requests the Council of the Townsb/ of Bayham to take some action to ensure the safety of citizens in this regard... Carried. Howard calmer, Reeve. Mr. H.O.alward advised by letter of the rolice Village offioil.s for 194$ and enclosed declarations of office. The Tillsonburg mire Dept* advised that their truck had attended 3 fire in this Township during 19470 A letter was received from the Clerk of Malahide Twp. stating that his Council had advised that the account for fire truck services should be sent to the individuals servede acknowledgement of receipt of resolution re, crossing protection was received from the C.N.R., C.P.R., Board pf Transport Commissioners, Dept, of Highways and U9 D. Coyle, MY. �► petition was received form G.C.Travis and others representing about 90% of interested residents, requesting that a new and proper survey be wade of that portion of the Village of Eden. } Communications were received from Birks-F1118 �tyrie in regards to tba shipment of veterans' gifts and +oar to reclaim Tax on sil*or trl ys o 26o Moved by Jackson Deconded by Boyle- That the Council, having inspected the `Treasurer's and Tax collector's Bond to the amount of $ 10,000. shall have the same placed in the Township vault for safe -keeping... carried. Mr. Murray waited on the Moved by Coyle oeeonded by Jackson- That the Township of bayham at carried. vouncil in respect to the position of assessor Murray otenabaugh be hired as Assessor for $700. for 1948 plus 10% of Dog Tax collected. Mr. Daniel Neill, County Game Warden, visited at the Council meeting ad discussed with the members several item of interest pertaining to the protection of game and also regulations pertaining to protected areas. Mr. John Stubbs and others, representing The Hospital Trust of the Tillsonburg Hospital, waited on the council in respect to aid in the financing of a proposed new addition of about 50 beds. They stated thatthe assistance from the county of Elgin was not sufficient and it would be necessary for the 1 oval munteipalities to aid in the builddng of this new addition. The Council agreed to give this serious thought and felt that some support would be forthcoming. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That this Township join the Good Roads Assn.0 and the Clerk be instructed to forward annual fee of $5.00 -for membership. carried. Moved by Jackson seconded by wright- That the petition of c. V. Travis and others in regards to a new survey for the south east part of Eden, be accepted and the Solicitor and engineer be advised accordingly. charges to be apportioned over the whole area surveyed... Carried. Mr. Alva Brinn, Trustee of Houghton Twp. Roheol area, waited on the • council and complained of the high levy for school purposes in the Bayham portion of section No. 15. It was agreed that the assessors should equalise this section at an early date and the clerk agreed to met with Mr. Ravin and Mr. Brinn in this respect at an early date. Moved by Mitchell oeconded by Coyle- That Lorne Alton and Wilfred Nelson be mined as members of the Eden uemeter'y Board for 3 years... carried. Moved by Mitchell beeonded by wright- That this Council make a grant of $25.00 to the oalvation army... carried. Moved by Jackson oecondedby Coyle- That By -Law No. 1180 being a by-law to appoint an Assessor for 1948, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Fright Seconded by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1180 be now read a second time. Carried* Moved by uoyle beeonded by Mitchell - That By -Law No. 1180 be now read a third time and finally passed..* carriede considerable discussion was held in regards to roads and bridges expenditure for 1948. Owing to the fact that the new grader would it was decided that total expenditure would ably and that it would be adviseaile to ask the reserve fund for this. purpose. Moved by Coyle Seconded b Jackson- That By -Law No. 1181, for the 198 total expenditure of S37,000. w' s read a first time... tarried. Moved by wright aeeonded by Mitchell- That By -Law Nb, 1181 Carried* likely be delivered in 194: have to be raised consider - permission to use some of being'..a by-law to provide on Roads and bridges, be now be now read a second t1ne. - 261 Moved by Jackson Seconded by wright- That By -Law No. 1181 be now read a third time and finally passed... tarried. Moved by Jackson 5eeonded by wright- That the Clerk be instructed to make application to the Ontario Municipal Board and the Dept. of Highways for permission to sell $5000. bond of reserve fund and also use $2000# from accrued int- erest in savings account to expenditure on new grader... Carried. J. D. Vallee presented a statement of salaries since 1940 and asked for a raise in the salary of clerk, Treas, and Tax Collector. Moved by Jackson Seconded by wright- That the salary of the clerk-Treas, be increased $200, per year and the salary of the Tax tolleetor be increased $100. per year as from Jan• let. 1948. tarried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That George Vallee be an added delegate to the Good Roads assn, convention... tarried. Moved by Kitchell Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve sign the oilder sheets...�arried. Roads and bridges - Jan. 1st to Feb.lst. ----- $4676.86 Frank Steers - Gas for hall ------------------ 6.50 N Ed. Curtis - Relief for Feb. ------------- ----i�0.00 � D. Masales - $# N _0000----------00_00 x.6.00 \ atm. Patten - ., ., .. 0000-0000---- f f -00--00 34,25 Edith Perry - " " t _-------______0000 39.00 V. Brunsdon - ----------0000--0000 10.00 Annie Vyse - " ----------0000--0000 20:OQ< Birk-r:llis-Ryrie - Trays for veterans --0000--0000 192.81 ?' _ 5. Sets It it ------ 16800 " - Refinishing 2 trays ------- 8..13\ Treas. of Vienna - Relief for Fake ----------- 12.97%, News Printing Coo- Printing & Advts.--------- 9.99Vunicipal Municipal world Ltd.- Subscriptions ----0000--0000 16.00\ Treas, of Ontario.-rolice salary for Jan. ---- 145.83\ .0 44 64 - 44 Expenses for Dee, -- 47 . 42\ J. H. Murphy - Gravel for otraff, . o.w. -0000--0000 11.50` " " - it i1 Benner Drain ------- 5..00 G. A. Barrie - Amb. to London re •Townsend ---- 15.00 Treas. of Elgin county- Hospitalization ------ 6.55, Leater Smith - Yox bounty -------------------- 10.00` okean Brinn - .. 0000----------__-0000--0000 5.00 \ Thos. Vaughan - „ 0000------------------- 35.00\ Lloyd Jackson - '. ------------------0000- 25.00\ Earl Bristol - -------------0000 15.00\ tilare nae Jenereaul---------------0000--0000 5.00\ Nathan Hayward - '. --------------0000--0000 5.00\ Chas. p. Walsh - Bulbs for street lights 0� •• N — N .a hall ------------- 1• 5 ` " - Coal Oil for Benner drain --- .50 Mrs. Homer Tedford - Dep. Ret.Officer --- P.V. 6.00\ A. No -Wright - Supplies -----------0000--0000 r.V. 6.67 \ Frank Laemers - Garbage Coll. -----0000--0000 P.V.0.00 Municipal world Ltd.- Sup. & subs. ------ Y.V. 8.09 H. 0. Alward - re. census --------------- Y.V. 6.00 Frank Laemers - Garbage Coll. ----------- v .V. .0.00 brthur Brooks - Hauling sand ------------ r.V. 16.00 , Harold brisseau - Labour ------ ---------- Y.V. 2*40 Albert Fulkerson - '' ----------0000--0000 r.V. 2.40 \ w. S. McKay - Legal feesY.V. 2.00 Newn rrinting vo.- Printing ------------- Y.V. 8.80\ P. E. Wilson - Labour & Material -------- Y.V. 1 .0l� Frank L. Stephenson - Salt -------------- P.V. .50� Salvation army - Grant -----------------0000---= 25.QO\ Treas. Good Roads assn,- Membership fee ------ 5,00\ K. E. Grant - Bilary for Jan. ----_________,.__ 35.,Q0\ J. D. Vallee - To apply on slaty -------0000--0000 171 .$3\ Receiver General - Tax _______________________ ,00 \ t►. a, Johnson - attending i meeting ----0000--0000 5.1.0 262 Chas. F, Jackson -.Attending 1 meeting ----- ; 5.40 a. N. wright - 1 ------ 0\ Lyle Coyle 2,00 \ w. G. Mitchell- 1 ------ 5.00\ Berton Hilts - Care of hall 2 meetings ---- 6.00 Robt. Grant - Stamps auditors and Trees. --- 23,00\ Canadian Bank of commerce - Over deposit --- 9000\ The Uouncil agreed to attend at a meeting of the committee in regards to the Gifts for Veterans to be held at the Township hall on Dec. 13th. at 8 r.M. Moved by Mitchell beconded by uoyle- That this touneil now adjourn to meet again on March 1st. at 16 b.M... carried. Reeve. Township Hall, ,�traffordville, March 1, 1948. rursuant to adjournment of Feb. 2nd., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson, presiding. ,Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the followirAg business was done. Communieiations read and filed included approval from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs to use $7,0009 of the reserve fund to apply on the purchase price of a new power grader. Also a letter from Mr. Kydd of the hoard of Transport Commissioners, requesting a meeting with Council representatives on March 3rd, at 2 P.M. Moved by Mitchell beeonded by Wright- That H. L. Godwin, Weed inspector, and the Reeve be delegates to the meeting in regards to the control of Poison Ivy in rort Burnell... carried. Moved by Jackson aeeonded by uoyle- That half -load regulations for trucks be ehforeed on Township roads during March and April and the clerk advertise same in paper... Carrie:. Moved by Mitchell 5eeonded by Wright- That this lownship make a reward of $25.00 to persons providing information leading to the conviction of anyone unlawfully killing deer and pheasants in Township of Bayham and the same be advertised in the papers. Reward to be paid out of License fund... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That the Council, Road oupt. and clerk be a deleg- ation to meet with representatives of Board of Transport Commissioners on Wednesday, March 3rd. at Z P.M. at Clerk's Office.., carried. Moved by Jackson tieaonded by t;oyle- That this Council adjourn for noon to meet ,again at 1.30 Y.M... Carried. The usual Council business was resumed at 1.30.P.M. constable wellheiser was present and gave his`report for the month of February. He also requested the purchase of a used typewriter. 263 Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council buy the rrovincial rolice office the typewriter recommended by wm. wellheiser at the sum of $45.00, Carried. Discussion was held in regards to the admission in Mountain Sanatorium of Wincanty Konop, a Polish immigrant. Moved by Mitchell beconded by uoyle- whereas wincenty Konop came to uanada in Dec. 1946 under volish Immigration ocheme Group No. 1506, and is now in Mountain oanatorium, this kaouncil deemthat they should not be responsible for his care in said hospital or any after-care as a tuberculosis patient, it being considered that with proper medical examination and attention, this man should not have been permitted to enter this Country.uarried. 1 Moved by *right Seconded by Jackson- That we donate the sum of $20.00 to the z5ick ✓ Childrens' hospital at Toronto... carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That this Township join the Ontario Municipal Moan. . and the Assn. of %saessing Officers, and the clerk send the fee of S10.,% for each one... carried. Moved by Wright oeconded by Coyle- Tnat By -Law No. 11$, being a by-law to appoint kence-Vieners and Found -Keepers for 19 S, be now, read a first time. Carried. Moved by Jackson �1 Seconded by Mitchell- That By -Law No. 1182 be now read a second time. carried. Moved by Jackson oeconded by Mitchell- That By -Law No. 118 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried.. The Following persons waited on the Council and discussed items of mutual interest. Mr. Tony Logger, municipal drain; Mr. D. Neill, County Game Warden; Mr. George Vallee, drain Inspector; Mr. Roy Nevill, permission to cut trees on Township road and Grant Mitchell, recommending appointment to btraffordville Cemetery board. Moved by Jackson oeconded by "right- That this council appoint to the-traffordville cemetery Board, Chas. uoyle, M.r., opal wisson and wm. Mitchell for a term of 3 years... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this council pay Newell Harry Godwin and wm. Mitchell the sum of $ 25.00 Roads Convention nBlJenses, and that J. D. Vallee for same... warried. Wright, Lyle uoyle, each for at6oni6ug Good be paid the sum of S30 -VI Moved by Jackson oeeondedby uoyle- That the Reeve sign the order sheets...uarriede r'rank steers - Gas for hall ________________ S 6.50\ Ed. Curtis - Relief for March --------------- 45.00\ David aasales - .,--------------- 50,00\ _ _____-----__-- wm. rotten '' 7.25 Edith terry ..-------------- ;e.OU V. Brunsden "-------------- 11.5U'\ nnnie Vyse - .. 14 --------------2-15\ .00A Treas. of Vienna- it rake -------------- GehrgeGrass - kox bounty ------------------ 5-00\ Lloyd Jackson - " " -____..____.._____ Ono _ 10.00 \ Martin Madacei - " " _-_--------------- 10:00 \ Murray Laur - ------ ------ 5.00-\ Leon Veryser - " "-------- 5.0U \ G. E. Manchester- " "----------------- 5.00\ J. Kehl@j* 10.00\ Thomas Vaughan - " "------------------ 15.W\ George Grant - Prem Employees Ins. ---►------ 80.00\ Roads Lia. "-------_- 200.00\ ._ Treas, of Ontario- Police Sal. for Feb. --- $145.83\ exp. " Jan. ---- 47.42 \ Provincial Treas. - Insulin for Bratty ---- 1.38\ Canadian National $y.- Corinth wig -wags --- 2.00\ J. W. McQuiggan - Relief for Antone------- .00\ Ellen Hilts - Cleaning hall & repairs ----- 24* 33\ Frank Laemers- Garbage ``oll. g----------P.V.- 0.00` George Chute - Coal ----------------- P .V. - 13.34 J D. Vallee - To apply on salary --------- 17 33\' Receiver General - Tax -------------------- .00.E K. E. Grant - Sal. for Feb. ------- ------ 35.00\ Drs. Alexander & McLeod- sedicine L.P. ----- 2,00\ Treas. Ont. Municipal Assn*- Mem. fee ----- 10.00 \ Treas. Assn. Assessing Off.- " " ---- 10,00N Sick Childrens' Hospital- Grant ----------- 20.001\ Roma Waller - Police typewriter ----------- 45,00\ Robt. Grant - Stamps for clerk -trees. ----- 7.00\ A. A. Johnson - Attend. 1 fleeting --------- 5.40 Chas. Jackson - " 1 "---------- 5.�0\ 0 \ A. N. Wright - " 1 "--------- 5. - Exp. to Toronto -__________- 25.00\ Lgle Cogle- " " "---------- --- 25.00 - Attend. 1 meeting ------------ 6.00\ W. "G. Mitchell — " 1 "------------- 5.00-\ - Exp. to Toronto --------- 22.00\ Berton Hilts - Hall 2 meetings ------------ .00 n8 \ H. L. Godwin - Exp. to Toronto ------------ 25.00\ J. D. Vallee p " " " be car -------- 30.001 Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle 3rd. at 2 P.M. at i" s 264 - That this Council adjourn to meet again on Larch Clerk's Office... Carried. eeve. Towbship Hall, Straffordville, Apr. 5the, 1948. Pursuant to adjournment of Mar. 3rd., the Council of the Township of Bayham meet in regular session on the above date, all members present except Councillor Wright. Reeve Johnson presided and minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. -w Communications and hospital notices were read and filed. The Clerk was instructed to advise Tillsonburg Hospital that Lloyd Anderson should be expected to pay for his Wife's care while in the hospital. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That applications be approved for eating place licenses for the following. - Mrs. Ila McConkey Fred Dorken Bruce _Kennedy... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That the following tax arrears be written off a uncollectible- Year 1947, Murray James - $10.10 an interest.Carried. Moved by Mitchell, Seconded by Jackson- That the Reeve proclaim Daylist► Saving time to be the official time of the Township of Bayham for the period 2 a.m. Apr; 25/48 to 2 a.m. Sept. 26A8... Cararied. 265 Recommendations were received from the Board of Transport Commissioners in regards to crosAing protection in Bayham Township. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Mitchell- That the Township Road Supt. be instructed to instal proper advance warning signs as railroad crossings as recommende4f by the Board of Transport Commissioners in letters of March 13th. 19.8e and recommend that the railways proceed with improvement of eight lines It is however, reeommedded by this Council that proper flasher lights be installed on both crossings on No. 19 Highway... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That this Council support the res6lution of the War Amputations of Canada to increase 100% disability to $100. per month... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council adjourn for dinner to resume session again at 1.30 P.M.., Carried. Regular business of the Council was resumed at 1.30 P.M. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council approve of the purchase of $5000 - Province 5000.Province of Ontario Bond at 984 with interest rate at 3%. for the Fden and Straffordville Cemetery Perpetual care funds, and that the balance of this fund be placed in a special savings account in the Canadian Bank of Commerce... Carried. A new quotation was received on the up-to-date price on the new Adams Power grader of $1.,906.00 and q request that a new order be signed. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Cole- That the Reeve sign a further order at Slid, 906.00 fr the new Adams 1414 power grader... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That the report and estimate of Fred A• Bell on the open portion of the Kerr Drain be accepted and that the work be proceed with in accordance to the plan and specifications contained therein. Carried. Moved b -y Jackson . Seconded by Mitchell- That the Clerk be instructed to notify the Doctor and Hospitals of the district, that the Township will not be responsible for hospital and ambulance accounts for residents from the Township unless same is approved by the Reeve or one of the Co$ncillors prior to such service being rendered... Carried. Mr. Grant Mibbhell submitted a payers of the Township, asking be enforced in this Towns4ip. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That B -Law Warble -Fly Control Act 1947, be Moved by Jackson petition signed by more than 50 rate - that the Warble -Fly Control Act 1947 No. 1183 being a by-law to enforce the now read a first time... Carried. Seconded by Mitchell- That By -Law No. 1183 be now read a badoidd time. Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded ,by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1183 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. In response to a request by Mr. G. N. Roloson, the following resolution was passed. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council make a donation of $25.00 to the Elgin Horse Breeders' Association... Carried. Mr. Joe Beiner and others waited on the Council and requested that a fill be repaired and other work done on their road. The Council agreed that the fill was a dangerous place and that this road would be looked over when the annual spring inspection was made and would try and do some repair work on this POO& U I 16 Some discussion Hospital and the rates for 1948. special session further. was held in regards to the Tillsonburg Memorial Clerk took up the matter of budget and Township It was decided that the Council should meet in a in the near future to discuss these two matters Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets...Carried. Daniel Priebe - Relief for March ------- Lew i s T owinand - Frank Steers - Gas for hall H. E. P. C. - Hydro " " He Ward - Relief for March -- - --------- ------------- Ed. Curtis_- " April -------------- D. Masales - " "------------- - Lewis Townsend- " "-------------- Wm. Patten - N N -------------- Edith Perry - " "-------------- H. Ward - " " -------------- Victor Brunsdon- " "-------------- Annie Vyse - " "-------------- Robt Grant - Stamps ------------------- Frank Stephenson - Relief for Treas. of Vienna - Anderson -- Fake ----- Valley Camp Coal Co.- " " Anderson -- J. g. McQuiggan - Relief. for Antone ---- Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies--------- Treas. of Ontario- Police Sal. March --- N N N _ " Expo Feb. Remington Rand Ltd.- Repairs----------- Birks-Ellis-Ryrie - Silver tray-------- Treas. of Elgin - Hospitalization ------ Peters, Brown & good- Bal. Audit fees --- J. D. Vallee - Trans* Adding Mach. ----- " " - Tax sale expenses -_------ N N _ To apply on salary ------ ReceiverGeneral - Tax ----------------- K. E. Grant - Salary for March --------- Allen Walsh - Fos; Bounty ------- -------- Fugene Townsend - " -------------- Lloyd Jackson Rrnold McDowell- " ---- Fred Bowes Harry Stewart - " --------- Wm. Stewart - " --------------- Atkinson Funeral Home- Burial , Peters - Frank Laemers - Garbage Coll. ----- P.V. -- Frank Hawes - Care Ste Lights --- P.V.-- Ed. Laemers - Land Rental ---____ P.y.-- C . S . Hogarth Ins, Agenoy- Prem.--- P . V. -- P. E. Wilson - Repairs ---------- P.V.-- N. Wright - Light Bdlbs--------- P. V. -- A. A. Johnson - Attend 1 meeting ------- Chas. F. Jackson - " 1 " -----_-- Lyle Coyle - " i "--------- Wme .G. Mitchell - " 1 " ____- Berton Hilts - " 1 " ______ Elgin Horse Breeders' Assn*- Grant ----- Moved by Seconded regular 4•0O \ 1 .00 2,50 21*40 6.25\ x.5.00 � 50.00 r 14.00 7.25 \ 2.00 11.50 \ 11.50 \ 23.00\ 15.00 16.0O 14.15 \ 7.72 \ 11.8 299. 5.8 3 42 « 72 \ 2 .81\ 40 .10N 1.50\ 6.70` 17.00 \ 35«00\ 5,00\ 5.00\ 5 « 00 \ 10.00 10.00 15.00 5-00\ 20.00 0000\ 18.00` 100.00\ .85\ •30\ 37. 2\ 5. 0\ 5 *40\ - 6,00\ 'S. 00 \ 3.00-\ 25.00\ Mitchell by Jackson- That this Council now adjourn to meet again in session on May 3rd. 1948 at 10 A.M... Carried. 0 266 267 Clerk's office, Straffordville, April 23rd. 1948. A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date, all members present except Councillor Mitchell and Reeve Johnson presided. Road Supt. Godwin was also in attendance. The purpose of the meeting was to give consideration to the budget for 1948 and to strike the various mill rates for the 1948 taxes. The Treasurer presented to budget and the various items of revenue and expenditure were discussed. Moved by Wright Seconded by Jackson- That the deficit of 52825. in the County Rate for 1947 be absorbed in the General Township levy for 19.8... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That the less 1 mill Provincial Subsidy 1948 be adopted... Carried. Township Mill Rate be set at 11 mills and that the Treasurer's Budget for Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1184, being a by-law to levy. taxes for 1948 and provide fot the collection thereof, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1184 be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That by -Law No . 1184 be now read a third time and* finally passed... Carried. Discussion was held in regards to expenditure on Roads and bridges - and the paying for the new grader when it is delivered. The Clerk was instructed to invite Mr. Caldwell, District Engineer, to our next Council meeting to go into this matter further. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That this ` to meet again May 3rd. at 10 special meeting of the Council adjourn A.M... Carried. FA No .E Township Hall, Straffordville, May 3rd. 1948. Pursuant to ad jourment of April 5th., the Council of the Township of Bayham Met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last regUlag and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Several communications were read from the Board of Transport Commissio- ners regarding erbssing protection in Bayham Township. The Financial report and copy of by-law No. 1525 set County rate for 1948 was received. Hospital notices were read and filed. Mr. T. S. Caldwell, District Municipal Road Engineer, attended at the morning session of the Council and discussed roans expenditure and the financing of the new power grader for 1948. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That the Clerk reply to letters of the Board of Transport Commissioners under date of April 28, 1948 to the effect that definite responsiblity of the railways to improve sight lines at certain crossings in Bayham Twp. were acknowledged when inspection was made by Cdr. Kydd and Township Officials and the Clerk advise the Board again of this matter... Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That pursuant to By -Law No. 1088, the Reeve procl&im that Bogs shall not be permitted to run at large during monhhe of May and June..* Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That this Council adjourn for the noon hour to meet again at 1930 P .M t e e e Carried. The regular business of the Council was resumed at 1.30 P.M. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Wright- That Murray Stenabaugh and J. D. Vallee be appointed delegates to the Assessors' Convention in London on June 7, 8 and 9th.00 Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That the following licenses be apptoved.- H. W. McCurdy -*Ice Cream Stabd John Ewereth - Refreshment Stand O'Giel Bros. - Restaurant Mrs. gallate barber - Refreshment Stand... Carried. Mr. Jack Luton made written application for a license to operate a taxi in the Township.of Bayham. Moved by Wright Seconded by Jackson- That the Clerk be authorized to issue a Taxi License tp Jack Luton upon payment of the proper fee and submission of a certificate that the proper insurance regulations have been complied with... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That this Council petition the Dept. of Highways for proper intersection warning signs to be installed where County Road enters No. 19 highway at Port Burwell east and also Township street from the south... Carried. Messrs. Tait, McKibbon and Wilson, of the Memorial Park Board, waited on the Council and requested a grant for general operating expenses of Board for 1948. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council grant the - Memorial Park Board the sum of $200.00... Carried. 3 Moved by Mitchell 3ty aro lrK34Ya7ik ,o 6AlYK4R k` i"ttih �cif�i.�" �H Seconded by Wright- That this Council inspect TOW n�ship ros ds on May and 11th. to meet at Straffordville at 9 A,M* each; day... Carried Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright - 269 That the Reeve sign the order sheets. , . Carried. Roads and Bridges - April pay sheets -------- $21.}9.81 `%. Frank Steers- Gas for hall ------------------ 2* \ Canadian Bank of Commerce -Cemetery Fund ----- 59 C?00\ Ed. Curtis - Relief for May _________________ 5.00\ David Masales- " " " ---------------- 44.001 Lewis Townsend- " " " ---------------- 1 .00\ Wm. Patten - " ________________ 2 .25\ Edith Perry - " " " ________________ 35 *00 \ Victor Brunsden- " " "---------------- 11.50\ Annie Vyse - " " "------ 2 OQ` Aylmer Express- Advts.--------------------- ,04\ News Printing Coo- Printing & Advts .-------- 100.94\ Murray Stenabaugh- Equalizing S .S. No. 150 --Mm 5.00♦ Treas. of Thorold- Relief for 0. Patchett---- 16.74\ Vienna - Pake---------- 14*15N J. D. Vallee- P.O. Box rental --------------- 3.00 To apply on salary ------------ 17NO\3\ ReceiverGeneral - Tax ---------------------- K. E. Grant - Salary for April -------------- 35.00,\ F.d. Davidson- Rental,Jan.l7.8-June3O/48 ----- 90.00 \ Murray Stenabaugh- To apply on salary ------- 100.00\ Treas. of Ontario- Police salary for Apr.---- 145.83\ " - R Expemses " March---- 39.05\ Birks-Ellis-Ryrie- Tray for veteran --------- 17..90\ Fred Oatman - Fox Bounties ------------------ 20.00` Harry Davidson- " "------____________ 23.00` Treas. Memorial Park Board- Grant ---- P.V.-- r-0.00\ Frank Laemers - Garbage Coll. -------- P.V. -- �O*QG\ Elgin Fruit Growers' Co -Op. -Warble Fly Powder 92.6y\ Howard Palmer - Repairs to Outlet, Herr Lir. -- 570.00•\ Treas. Eden Cemetery - Interest to May IA8-- 1 6.83\ " Straff. " - " " " ---1.6R A. A. Johnson - Attend 3 meetings ----------- 16.20\ Chas. F. Jackson - " 3 " ___-____-_-- 16.20♦ A, No Wright " 3 " 18.60-\ Lyle Coyle - " 3 "------------- 18.00♦ W. G. Mitchell - " 2 "______________ 10.00\ Treas, 6f Memorial Park - Grant ------------- 200.00\ Berton milts- Care of hall 1 meeting -------- 3.00\ x W Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That this `'ouncil now adjourn to meet again on June 1st. at 1 P.M... Carried. . 270 Township Hall, Straffordville, June 1st. 1948. Pursuant to adjournment of May 3rd., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the abhv a date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received and read included the following;- Letters and agreement from the Commissioner of Ont. Provincial ?oliee. Notice from Victoria Hospital that accommodation for Poliomyelitis case would be limited to Middlesex tnunty and City of London. Letter from the Continental Casualty Co. advising of the settlement of the Ray Milmine case. From the Dept.. of Highways, approval of Roads expenditure of $37000. and acknowledgement of request concerning stop signs at Pt. Burwell. From the Board of Transport Commissioners, orders No. 70577 and 70595 providing for flasher light protection for U.P.R. crosiings on No. 19 Highway. Several notices from hospitals of admissions of indigent patients were also received. Wm. Wellheiser waited on the Council and on behalf of the grounds committee; requested a grant for park at Straffordville. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That the Council make a grant of 5150. for fence* and posts and improvements in Park at Straffordvillel.. Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That this Council adjourn to hold Court of Revision on Additional Assessment... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Mitchell- That Reeve Johnson be Chairman of this Conrt of Revision... Carried. 4 Moved by Wright Seconded by Jackson- That the assessment of A. E. Brown under Section 57A be reduced by the amount of $75.00... Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That the appeal of the Canadian National Rys. for rebate of portion of 1947 taxes be not allowed... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That the requests of Lila Carroll and Louise Hatch for assessment adjustments be not allowed for 1948 tax roll and this Court of Revision now adjourn... Carried. Council then resumed the regular business. Moved by Wright Seconded by Jackson- That this Council request the Ontario Dept. of Health to make a survey in respect to hospital accommodation and responsibility in Elgin County and Tillsonburg Hospital District.Carrie Loved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- In view of the recent action of Victoria Hospital in regards to Poliomyelitis cases from Municipalities outside of Middlesex County and City of London, it is hereby requested that the Provincial Dept. of Health take some immediate action to have suitable accommodati provided for cases from other municipalities which might require treat- ment in the near future... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That approved. - Gordon Chalk N. H. McConkey Chas.Ketehabaw Robt . Harris M. Monaco the following licenses, for eating places be . Lilj Consideration was then given to the new agreement providing for the policing of the Township by member of the Ontario Provincial Police,to be effective from June 1st. 1948. Moved by Wright Seconded by Mitchell- That Clause No. 11 of the agreement with the Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police be deleted and the sum. in Clause No. 6 be changed to $1785.10.00 Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1185, an agreement between the Township of Bayham Ontario Provincial Police for the polining read a first time... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That By -Law '10. 1185, Carried. Moved by Mitchell !� Seconded by Wright- That By -Law No. 1185 be finally passed... Carried, being a by-law authorizing and the Commissioner of the of the said. Township, be now be now read a second time, now read a third time and Mr. Harry Brown interviewed the Council in regards to repairs to bridge on Brown sideroad. It was agreed that this should be moved to a new location if consent of the land owner could be obtained. It was decided that a special meeting should be held on June 3rd. for the purpose of meeting Mr. Harry Donnelly in respect to change of road- waY into farm of K. Emerson and to look over the new Power Grader. ,41so to meet Clyde Soper in respect to proposed repairs and additions to the Township Hall. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges- May pay sheets --------- $3044.84♦ Frank Steers - Gas for hall-------�------- 2.50-\ Aylmer & Mal. Tel.Co. - Police phone exp.--- 0.99\ Fd. Curtis - Relief for June --------------45-00\ D. Masales - " " " _____________ 4 00\ Lewis Townsend- " " "------------- .00 Wm. Patten - " of Ontario - Police Sal. for xay, --- a _ to " " ------------- 2 .25N Edith Perry - " " "------------- 35.00\ Victor Brunsdon- " " "------------- 11.50 Annie Elyse - " " "------------- 23.00\ Chas. Grass - Fox Bounty ----------------- 11900,\ W. D. Axford - " " _--_---_---__-___ 6.00 Thos. Vaughan - " " ----------------- 1.00 \ Harry Davidson- " " ----------------- 3 .00 Blake Gibbons - " " ----------------- 17-00\ Leston Everitt- ---------- 12.00 Lorne Taylor - " " ----------------- 12.00\ Fred Oatman - " ------------------ 3.00 workmen's Comp. Board*- Comp. for 1948 ---- 52,50\ Keith Somers & M.Ketehabaw- Sheep killed -- 92,50\ it tj It _ it it _.... 12 50 Carman Ball - Valuing Robt. C• Jackson- Robt. Garnham - Sheep George E. Beard - Rep. Thos, Sayers - Rep. to 11 .. _ 1! George McGregor - " 11 u If if --------- .Oo \ u . Sheep killed -------- 3.20 A N !. _------- — 1.6o „ of .--------- 3.20 \ killed -------------- 20.00\ to Corinth Dr. ----- 18.00 Corinth Dr. -------- 10,00\ Kerr Dr. - ------- -- !3.00 It 1i --------- .Oo \ u - Corinth Dr. ------- .Oo \ George Vallee - Insp. Corinth Drain ------- 7. Q 5 Eden 44 2.64 y Chalkof---- --- \ rt. Burwell ------ .50 .60\ Treas . to of Ontario - Police Sal. for xay, --- a _ to " 5f83\ ` G,a -- p ` C 7 .72 News Printing Co.- advt. ----------- ------ 1.44 K. E. Grant - Salary for May ______________ 3 Ooh J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary --------- 17 . 3\ 0 " - Telephone calla & meals ---- .85, Receiver General of Canada - Tax -------------- S A. A. Johnson - Meeting in Aylmer ------------- it - Meals in Aylmer --------------- Ethel Dosser - Cleaning ---------------- r.V. -- Frank Stephenson- bupplies_____________ P.V.-- Frank Laeners - Garbage Uoll.---------- P,V.-- Less Murphy - Grass cutting ------------ P.V. __ Thos. Sayers - Work on Corinth Drain ---------- Murray btenabaugh - Attend C. of R.----------- Ge6rge Grant - dire truck ins. ---------------- G. A. Barried Funeral Home - Ambulance -------- A. A. Johnson - Inspecting toads ---------- ---- tt - I meeting _____________________ Chas. F. Jackson - 1 " of 9 " - Inspecting roads ----------- A. N. Wright - it r, 4; _ 1 meeting -------------------- W. G. Mitchell- 1 " --- ------- If " - Inspecting roads ----_--______- Lyle Coyle it11 .. of _ Car 2 days ----------------------- - 1 meeting ------------------------ Berton Hilts - Care of hall ------------------- Robt. Grant - btamps-------------------------- Moved by Seconded July 5th. tarried. 172 4.00 5.40 50 2.50 \ 1.92\ 55.00\ 1.50 \ 4.00\ 8.50� 979-\ 20.04 \ 10.80 5 «40 \ 5,40\ 10. 0\ 11.6o\ 5.80\, 5.00 10.04\ 12.00\, 20.00-\ 6. oo 3.00\ 10.50 \ Mitchell by Coyle- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on at 1 P.M. with a special meeting Thurs. June 3rd. at 1 Y.M. Reeve. atraf f ordv it le, Ont, June 3rd. 1948. A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date in accordance with adjournment of June 1st. 1948, All members present except Councillor Wright. The members along with Mr. Harry 8onnelly looked over the road situation at the K. Emerson farm adjoining Big Otter Creek and Mr. Donne.11y advised that the Council were welcome to use any of his land as required for a new road for the consideration bb& " that it be properly fenced. The members then watch a demonstration of ditching and road building by the new Adams Grader. At 4 P.M., the touneil meet Clyde Soper at the Township Hall and discussed with him the proposed additions to be built thereto. Mr. Soper took a rough sketch plan of the additions and agreed to go into the matter in further detail and give the Council an0k estimate of the cost of said additions. Council adjourned to meet again on Monday, July 5th. at 1 P.M. 11 173 Township Hall, btraffordville, July 5th. 19.8. Pursuant to adjournment of June 1st... the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital Notices were read and ordered filed. Other communications included letter from Victoria Hospital in regards to the case of Ray Diller. Letter from Doctor he-nnedy asking if the Municipalities wished to have the monthly health report continued. The clerk was instructed to reply in the affirmative. Letter from D. Neill, Game Overseer, asking for a grant to the St. Thomas hunt Club re. distribution of pheasants. Advise from County Clerk stating that the equalized assesEment of the Township of Bayham had been set at $2,528,703. Acknowledgement from the Dept. of Health in regards to resolutions passed June 1st. and replying that a program was being developed to handle the poliomyelitis situation. Letters were also received from the Board of Transport Commissioners enquiring about the placing of advanced warning signs at certain railway crossings. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Goyle- That J. D. Vallee, Treas. be and he is hereby 0 authorized &n behalf of the Township to sell the following Dominion of Canada mond;- L2V3241 for 15000. to apply on purchase of Adams grader... Carried. Mr, C. H. Esseltine of Tillsonburg, made written application for a taxi license in the Township of Bayham. Moved by aright Seconded by Jackson- That this Council grant a taxi license to Mr. C. h. Esseltine of Tillsonburg upon payment of proper license fee and certificate showing that the proper insurance is in force..Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Mitchell- That the Reeve proclaim Aug. 2nd. 1948 as Civic holiday in and for the Township of Bayham...Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That the 1948 taxes of Mur r y James, ro&l ire. 361, be written off, amount $11-40... Carried. Moved by Mitchell 6econded by Wright- That the following licenses for eating places be approved. - Chas. Laing W. F. Greer Wanda Boyd - Ice Cream Stand - Restaurant - Restaurant... Carried. R Moved by Coyle beconded by Mitchell- That the petition of Leslie bwance and Geo. b. Elliott for a drain be accepted and the olerk Forward petition to 1r ed A. Bell... Carried. Moved by uoyle Seconded by Wright- That the Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Counciilor Mitchell be a committee to interview I-. S. Thomas, M.L.A., in regards to a grant to help repair Township Hall... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That this Council request the Dept. of Highways to assume that part of No. 19 Highway in the Police Village of rort Burnell, formerly known as 19A, and that a copy of,this resolution be sent to Mr. F. S. Thomas, M.L.A... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council grant $20, towards the Vainten ance of Trinity Anglican cemetery at Port Burwell.,.. Carried. 174 A large delegation of ratepayers from the First Concession east waitd on the council in reppett to road repair work and the possibility of improvement to bridge over little otter. The council instructed the Road t)upt. to improve approach to east end of said bridge. Moved by Wright Beconded by Jackson- That the Reeve sign the prder sheets..Carried. Roads and Bridges- Judy ray sheets---Z--- Maud Brady- Relief for June --------------- Howard Roloson- Post for Hall grounds ----- Frank Steers - Gas for hall --------------- H. F. P, Co— Hydro for hall --------------- Robt. Grant - Stamps for tax notices ------ Ed. Curtis - Relief for July -------------- Dave Masales - " If " ---------- Lewis Townsendii Townsend6 Montle vatten- ------------- T_ dith Terry - ' " ------------ Victor Brunsdon- " ------------- Annie Vyse - " '; ------------- Maud Brady - �t „ ►� ------ ------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------ - - Expe re. assessors' Conv.--- Receiver Geberal - Tax re. Vallee --------- K. E. Grant - 5alary for June -__-_r_______ Treas. of Vienna - May Relief for Pake ---- If of it_ June News Printing Co.- Tax notices & envelopes - Aylmer Fxpress - Advt.--------- T -------- Elgin Fruit Growers' Co -Op.- Bal. Warble F. Treas. Elgin County - Hospitalization ----- Bas it Nev ill - Trucking culvert, F. Foutre -- Clyde *3oper - Uement & Blocks T.H.--------- Treas. of Ontario- Police sal. for June --- 11 r �� - F.xp . May Longin Maertens - Fox Bounty ---_________r_ Leston Evetitt - to 6 ----------- F. A. A. Hawes - Btreet lights ---------- P.V. Frank Laemers - Garbage Coll. -------- - Y.V. The fylmer Express- Printing --------- P.V. Leslie Murphy - Labour --------------- P.V. Pt. Burwell baseball Club- Grant ----- P.V. Elgin Fruit Growers' Co -Op. Ktlecide ------ C. E. Soper - 5 bags cement, sidewalks ---- - Cement & lumber, T.H.------- a. Johnson- 2 meetings ------------- Chas, Jackson- Jackson- 2 to ------ --------- --- A. N. Wright - 1 ------------------- W. G. Mitchell- 2 ------------------ Lyle Coyle- 2 --- - -- --- ----- ----- Berton Hilts - hall 1 meeting - . it44- Hall, Rev. of V.L.----- ---- wm. Batten - Bal* relief for July--------- Treas. Trinity Anglican Cemetery- Grant --- $9561.06 12.- 50\ 20.00 0 1.90` 6.07 7.00\ 5 .00\ 4�:0ctv 01k 11.50\ 35.00` 11.500 23.00\ 11.50\ 179.331 7-05\ 4.00\ 35.00\ 11.15• 11.15\ 25.16\ �-04\ •8 ` 129.6? a 6,25\ 5.40\ 145-63 46.08 5.00 5.00\ 6. oo 60.00 x..86 2.25 15.00 175, 00 6.25♦ 33.81\ 10.80. 10.80 5.80 10.00 12.00 ` 3.00 .00 •75 20.00 21 i Moved by wr i ght 5eeonded by Jackson- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, ftug. 3rd. at 1 P.M... Carried. IdFA L05M!. Pal 1AAFW1d X .. D. . 1?5 Qlerk's office, otraffordville, July 22nd. 1948. A special session of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date at the call of the Reeve for the purpose of giving consideration to the proposed building of an addition to the Aylmer High School. All members were preEent except Councillor Mitchell and Trustee Howard Uoomber was also in attendance representing the East Elgin High be hool Board. The Reeve and Trustee uoomber outlined the necessity and extent of the proposed addition and the members present thoroughly discussed this matter. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That thk-- Cotneil of the Township of Bayham be in favour of the proposed addition to the present Aylmer High bchool Carried* home discussion was held in respect to the repairs to the Township hall and grounds and some hospital cases were considered. Moved by "right oeconded by uole- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on august 3rd. 19K8 at 1 P.M... tarried. w 0 Township Hall, 6traffordville, Aug. 3,1948. Pursuant to adjournment of July 5th., the uounci 1 of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present except DeptitIrikeeveJackson and Councillor Coyle. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communication read and filed included the following. - Letter fnom western Region Manager of H.E.P.Co advising the Mr. Roy Nevill must assume the responsibility for line construction to his buildings unless the Township declares his laneway a public road. A letter from the C.F.R. advising of the business done at and from Vienna station and that they wish to remove same, and maintain only a platform. Mr. Mr. J. A. Carroll, Oupt. advising of the steps to be taken to qualify for a grant/ for community halls. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Wrights That the petition of the majority of residents ratepayers for drainage along Talbot Street in the Village of btraffordville be accepted and forwarded to Fred A. Bell for survey. carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Mitchell- That the Restaurant License of J. L. Dennis be apprp'ted... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Mitchell- That the dupla ate taxes on business assess ment of Lorne Foster, Roil No. 83A, a written off to the amount o 55.70 on 1948 tax roll... Carried. I'd 176 Moved by Mitchell beconded by Wright- That the Business tax of Lydia Laur, Ro&l No. 834 to the amount of $4.00 be written off 1948 tax roll./..Carried. Moved by Wright z5econded by Mitchell- That the sum of $3.00 for Building Permit for Norman Oliver be re -bated to George Vallee, fee returned on cancellat- ion of permit... Carried. Moved by ,iright Seconded by Mitchell- That a cheque be issued in favour of co, Develtre for $10.89, rebate on 1948 taxes incorrectly taxed.Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Wright- That the bayham Council give to the Park Board the amount of $200. for the up keep of Park for 1948 -..Carried. Moved by Mitchell beconded by Wright- That the Clerk notify the Ontario Fire Marshall regarding buildings on No. 19 Highway in 5traffordville...Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Wright- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carried. Roads and bridges accounts for July-------- $1506.31 Frank zDteers - Gas for hall --------------- 1.90\ Archie Noels - Work on toilets ------------ 110.85\ Murray t�tenabaugh- To apply on salary ----- 100.00 Td. Curtis - helief for August ------------ 45-00\ D. Masales - n 11 ------------- 49-00\ Lewis Townsend- of------------- 14.00\ Montie Patten - '�------------- 11.50` Edith Perry 35.00\ Victor r>rusnden- " " "------ ------ 11.50\ tinriie Vyse - ------------- 23-00\ Maud Brady - to it., ------------- 11s50 � Treas. of` Vienna- Relief for Pake, July --- 11,15\ Yunicipal 'J,orld Ltd. - Sy�pplies------------ c�1.?3 News Printing Co. Ltd.- Building permits -- 4.59 \ Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for July -- 146.75\ it,� - exp. '+ June -- 59-73\ Elgin Fruit Growers' Co -Op.- wtlecide ----- 78.75.\ Cyril Develtre - Rebate on 1948 taxes ----- 10,69\ Naylor Farm Supplies- 300 ft. link fence -- 74.55\ George Vallee - Rebate on N.Oliver permit - 3.00\ K. F. Grant - Salary for July ------------- 35.004� J. D. Vallee to------------ 179.31 Receiver General - Tax -------------------- 4-00\ Clarence Reid - Fox t3ounty---------------- 5.00 Robt. Grant - 6tamps---------------------- 7-00\ Frank Laemers- Garbage Coll.--------- P.V.- 60.00 \ 0 -1.4- Twp. of Bayham - Atlecide----------- P .V. - 175.00 Leslie Murphy - Labour -------------- P.V,- 3.00-\ Treas. Memorial ?ark Board- Grant --------- 200.00\ Arthur Shepherd - spraying cemeteries ----- 47.25\ Coucke & Grant - Bulbs for 5t. lights ----- 13.20 to " - Care of Fire truck ------- 19.85\ A. A. Johnson - 2 meetings ---------------- 10.80 \ uhas . Jackson - 1 ---------------- 5. 0 � Ae N. Wright - 2 1�______________.._ 11. 0\ Lyle Coyle - 1 64 ----------------- 6.00\ Not G. Mitchell - 1 of ________________.. 5-00\ Berton Hilts - 1 It ----------------- 3.80 \ Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Wright- That this Uouncil now adjourti to meet again on Wed, Sept. lst; owing to Labour day on Sept. 6th....Garried. l / —! i eeve. 177 Township Hall, btraffoildville, sept. let. 19480 vursuant to adjournment of tiug. 3rd., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes fo the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received and read included the following;- Letter ollowing;-Letter from the office of the Fire Marshall in regards to the inspection of buildings in -_)traffordville. Request for the usual grant to the Tillsonburg and Dereham Fair. A bulletin from the Dept, of Highways advising that the Dept. cannot approve any supplementary by-laws for additional roads expenditure for 1948- A letter from the U. r. R. in regaitds to the rimoval of Vienna station. Moved by Mitchell ,econded by Coyle- That the Deputy Reeve preside at this meeting until the arrival of Reeve Johnson... Carried. Moved by Wright seconded by Coyle- That applications for the following licenses be approved;- Mrs. pproved;-Mrs. G. Beauclerc. - Ice Cream otand, Mrs. Robt. Gordon - Ice Cream Mand. carried, s Moved by uoyle Seconded by Wright- That this Council make the usual grant of $25,00 to the Tillsonburg and Dereham Fair Board.., Carried. Councillor Mitchell, on behalf of the Aylmer grant for that organization. Moved by Mitchell seconded by Wright- That the usual grant of Aylmer and Fast Elgin Fair Board., -.Carried. Fair Board, requested a t100* be given to the Moved by Coyle seconded by Mitchell- That this Council register no objection to the removal of the shelter station at Vienna by the C.P.R..Carried. A delegation consisting of Chairman Johnson, Trustees K�ightman and Hoyle and ?rincipal Kirkwood,representing the Tillsonburg District High School Board, waited on the Council and discussed the building and financing of the proposed new high school for the district. Moved by Jackson oeconded by Coyle- That this Council approved of the proposed building of a new high school in Tillsonburg and that the Tillsonburg District High School Board be advised to proceed with same... (tarried. Moved by Jackson seconded by Wright- That the petition for the interim payment on statutory grant of read subUidy is hereby authorized, to the amount of $32,425.00... tarried. Moved by Mitchell tieconded by Coyle- That the Keeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads ati& bridges- August pay lists --------- $1628.79\ Frank steers - Gas for hall ------------------ 1.90\ Lewis Townsend - Relief for Sept. ------------ 14,00\ Montie ratten --------- 11.50\ Fdith Perry - ': .' .,------------ 35.00\ Victor Brunsdon- ------------ 11.50\ Maud Brady - ------------ 11.50 \ Fd. Curtis - �: �, .,------------ 45-00\ Treas. of Vienna- '• Pake, Aug* ------- 11.15\ k. M, Reynolds - Fencing and labour ----------- 25.10 C. "F. Soper - Material 7 labour -------------- 161.95\ News Printing Co.- Advts.-------------------- 2,40\ Treas . of Ontario - Police sal. for %ug. ------ 148.7 ;It K. E. Grant - Sal J. D. Vallee - To Receiver General exp. July ----- 39.b. for July & Aug* -----------.. 70.00 apply on salary ------------ 179.33\ - Tax ----------------------- 4.QQ Treas. Tillsonburg & I'erehan Fair Board- Grant -- $ 25.00♦ Treas. nylrner & East Elgin Fair .hoard- 'i --- 100.00\ Frank Laemers - Garbage toll. ------------- r.V.- 75.00\ +William Patten - Labour ------------------- p.V,- 5000\ Leslie Murphy - "------------------- P.V.- 3.00 \ P. E. Wilson - "------------------- P.V.- 2.00\ Rose Eveland - Uare of lights ------------- r.V.- 18.40 nrthur 6hepherd - opraying poison ivy ----------- ?1,00\ A. A. Johnson - Attendance 1 meeting ------------ 5,,4o\ Chas. I. Jackson - ,I 1 ----------- 5,40 ,n. N. Wright - it 1 ------------ 5,80♦ Lyle Coyle - it1 ------------- 6.00 W. G. Mitchell - " 1 u ------------ 5.00 Berton Hilts - Hall"for 1 ------------ 3.00\ Robt. Grant - z)tamps ---------------------------- 7.00\ Considerable discussion was 7.eld in regards to the repmodelling of the `township hall and the Clerk was instrusted to contact C. E. roper in regards to the plans and if necesary, have the Reeve call a special meeting. Moved by Mitchell seconded by Coyle - regular session on Q Q That this council now adjourn to meet again in October 4th. at 1 V -M... Uarried. eeve. 178 0 Township Hall, Straffordville, Oct. 4th. 19.6. Pursuant to adjournment of Sept. 1st., the regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date with all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Among the communications received and read were hospital notices, a letter from the Acting Clerk of the Peace in regards to the selection of Jurors and a bulletin from the Dept. of Municipal Agfairs notifying all municipalities about schools to be held throughout the southern part of the province. Messrs. LeRoy Curtis, Reeve and J. D. Flanders, Clerk, of the Township of Dereham wiited on the Council in respect to the re-newal of agreement for the maintainance of townline between Dereham and Bayham. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign agreement with the Township of Dereham and that a by-law be prepared covering same... Carried. Moved by Seconded signing ' townline Moved by Seconded Carried. Moved by Seconded finally Mitchell by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1186, being a by-law to authorise the of an agreement in regards to division and maintainance of with the Township of Dereham, be now read a first time,Carried. Coyle by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1186 be now read a;second time. Jackson by Mitchell- That By -Law No. 1186 be now read a third time and passed... Carried. Mr. Robt. C. Jackson and Mr. W. L. Humphrey, met the Council and request - a grant for the Smuck cemetery. 179 Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That this Council give Smuek Cemetery Board 520.00 grant and one spraying of atlacide where necessary... Carried. Mr. John Szakal waited on the Council again in regards to drainage and was promised that it, would be taken up with Fred A. Bell immediately. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the Council form the Court of Revision for the 1949 assessment roll... Carried. Clyde Soper attended at the meeting and discussed with the members a plan for repairing and re -modelling the Township hall. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That Clyde Soper be given the job, on a time and material basis, of adding 16 feet, inside measurement, to the south end of Township Hall, said addition to be used as a stage and dressing rooms with kitchen underneath, remove present stage, etc, to enlarge auditor- ium and build chimney on north end... Carried. ' Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roads and Bridges- September pay sheets ---- $967-12\ F. Steers - Gas for hall ___________________ 1.90 H. E. P. C.- Hydra for hall ---------------- 6-07\ Robt. Grant- Stamps ------------------------ 11.00\ Fd. Curtis - Relief for Oct. --------------- .00 \ Lewis Townsend- " it ------------- --- 14-00\ Montle Patten - " it" ---1------------ 11-50\ --------------- Edith Perry - " " "35.00 � Victor Brunsden - " " "--------------- 11.50 Maud Brady - " n --------------- 11.50 Treas. of Vienna - " " Pake, Se t. --------- 11.15 Treas. of Dereham- " " Masales--------- 26.4 6 \� Ivan Dennis - Work on hall ----------------- 8.00\ Max Alton - Fox bounty --------------------- 3-00\ News Printing Co.- Advt.--------------- ---- 1.20` County of Elgin- Hospitalization ----------- 118,03\ Treas. of Ontario- Police Sal. for Sept. --- 8-75\ 12,21\ Exp. " Aug. .._.._ Geo. E. Grant - Lia.Ins . & Emp. & Safe ----- 300.00 � - Adjust. on Fire Truck Ins . -- 12.64 \ Robt . Garnham - Sheep h' filled & Injured ----- 475.00 Robt. C. Jackson - Valuing sheep ----------- 11.70\ K. E. Grant - Sal. for Sept. _______________ 35.00 J. D. Vallee- To apply on salary ----------- 3 17No\ Receiver General - Tax --------------------- Murray Stenabaugh - To apply on salary ----- 400-00\ J. D. Vallee - Meals for members ----------- 8.30• W. L. Humphrey, Sec . - Grant for Smuck cemetery 20.00\ Bob. Hoshal - Cutting lawn ------------ P.V. 3.75♦ F. Laemers - Garbage Coll. ------------ P.V. 60.00\ Frank E. Travis- Eden Sidewalks ------------ 36,00\ Alex Chandler - "-------------- 31. 0 A. A. Johnson - Attend. 1 meeting ---------- 5.40 Chas. F. Jackson - " I n ---------- 5,0 \ A. N. Wright - 1.�0 5 W. G. Mitchell - " 1 "---------- 5.00\ Lyle Coyle - " 1 "---------- 6.00 Berton Hilts - Hall 1 "---------- 3.00 Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That nate of Court of Revision, a CZ thd.e.a0uncii�;not -jadourn tb-mbet, again' on Oct. 25th« at 1 P.M. Carried. 1 eeve. • 0 PM Township Hall, Straffordville , Oat. 25th. 1948 Pursuant to ad j ourm*nt of Oct. 4th., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications received were as follows; - Letters from the St. Thomas Steel Products Ltd* in regards to school safety signs. Letter and bulletin from the Unemployment Insurance Branch. Appeal for funds from the St. John Ambulance Assn. Also hospital notices and reports from the health unit and Provincial Police. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That this gouncil order 19 school safety signs and necessary posts and have these signs erected at the required schools. Carried. Mr. Wm. Fitzpatrick interviewed the Council in regards to having the ceiling of the auditorium of the Township insulated. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That this Council grant the job of insulating ceiling of Township Mall to Wm. Fitzpatrick of Tillsonburg. Said job to be done with 5" of rook woil and not until all electric wiring* has been changed. Contract price of S245.O0... Carried. Messrs, George Moore and Cecil Ball attended at the meeting and explained work being done for a ball grounds and rink at Eden and asked for grarA for same. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Mitchell- That this Council make a grant of S50* to the Eden Athletic Assn... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That this Council session now adjourn to hold Assessment Court of Revision*** Carried. The required oaths as members of Court of Revision were taken by the Council members before the Clerk. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That A. A. Johnson be Chairman of the Court of Revision... Carried. The Clerk reported that only two appeals had heen placed in his hands and that Mr. Wmo Sorrill was present to give evidence on his own behalf. The following appeals were heard and decided. Appellant Respecting Matter Deels ion w.�r.i�. ri•r.��rrrr■ Wn9 Sorrill self Assessment too high Reduced by 5300. 4M bui l d ings . Geo. Beauelers self Gas pumps removed Reduced by $200. the Assn* on said pumps. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That the 1949 Assessment Roll be adopted as finally revised and this Court of Revision he now ad journed.Carried. The Council resumed its regular basiness. Mr. Jack Grant waited onthe Council in respect to the care of the fire truck and the Reeve announced that Mr. K. E. Grant have not moved into his new house and that it would be necessary to appoint a new fire chief. p Moved by Wright Sevonded by Coyle- That the Clerk be instructed to express by letter the Council's sincere appreciation to K. E. Grant for services rendered over the past several years as Fire Chie1f and the Deputy Reeve and Clerk be a delegation to interview him in regards to trandfere of records, etc* to his successor... Carried. I 181 Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That the Clerk make application to the Dept. of Highways for «bio Parking" s'igm on both sides of highway at the Fire Hall... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That Jack Otant be appointed Fire Chief for the Township Volunteer Fire Brigade, effective from Oct. 1/48, at a salhry of We per month. Township to provide fuel for heating the fire hall... Carried. Mir. Geerg*` Vallee, Drain Inspector, interviewed the Council in regard to draifto work and asked permission to proceed with opening of • Logger dom". - Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That the Drain Inspector be authorized to proceed with -the opening up of the Logger drain pending receipt of report from Engineer Bell... Carried. The Clerk discussed with the Council the bulletin received from the Unemployment Insurance Branch. Moved by Mitohell Seconded by Coyle- That for the purpose of certifying employment by the Township of Bayhan as permanent in accordance with paragraph ( 1 of Part II of the First Schedule to the Unemployment Insurance Act and of special orders made by the Unemployment Insurnace Conesissisno thereunder, the following be and they are hereby authorized to issue certificates. - Reeve and Clerk of the Township of Bayham. Carried. Moved by Jackosn Seconded by Wright- That By -Law No. 11.87 being a by-law to provide for holding election on Deco. 6tho and naming Polling Places, Deplty Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, be now read a first t1me.Carried4 Moved by Wright Seconded by Jackson- That Dy -Law Noe 1187 be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Mitshell Seconded by Coy, That By -Law No. 1187 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Mr. P. E. Milson met with the Council and discussed with them the Fund for Britain appeal. Mr BeyrN6*fill waited on the Council once more in regards to the taking over of the road leading to his buildings in the second. Concession. The hoad Supt, agreed to take this matter up with Mr. T. S. Caldwell, Municipal Engineer. .Vwxjiderable discussion was held in reards to the proposed purchase i tbb�bank building from Marlatt and Bradfield. Moved by aJaskson Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Clerk be a oonwittee to interview C. R. Marlatt with authority to purchase bank building on the best terms possible... Carried. Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Wright- That the Reeve sign the order sjeets...Carried. Murray Stena«bough - Bale of assessing salary --- S100.00N - Dog Tau Com. _-_....____i..ri_— 111.40• " - Poll Tax Com. -------------- 12. M n - Postage s & eta. ------------- .b 5 3" Frank Steers - Gas for hall -------------------- 1.90\ Ed. Curtis - Relief for Nov. ------------------- 45.00% Lewis Townsend - " " « i__-_--_i_--_r— "am ..— ,19.00, Montle Patten - " " «---------------11ri 16.50. Edith Perry - a M M goam4.—_..—..---_—.i.."W. me— 1 42.00% —'i ��"'1114-950% Victor Brunsdon - « " « ____---- ,. _.,..,_., ,,, ,,--i- 50 ` Maud Brady - " « «-_-_--r__--__i_-,.-- 16.50% Treas. of Vienna- " for Pake, Oct. ------------15% Treas. of De�reham- " « Masales, Oet M-r--i....r.. 21:46,s Stuart Kinsey - Fox bounty ------------------ S10.00• John Spiese - " » ____....______.._____ 5.00. Carman Ball - Fencseviewers fees --- 5,00-, Wmo Berdan - " " _______---_.. 5.00, R. A. Hagell - " " WON _____-___- 5.00. Lloyd Anderson - Work on Carnes drain ------- 27.00 - Andy Szalatyan - " " " " ____,.__ 42 & 75, Joseph Waldherr _ » " " » 40 41041040 39.75N David Holoson - " " " "-___--- 73.75 ,* Municipal World Ltd- Supplies --------------- 11.01$ News Printing $o.- Tax arrears notices ------ 5.13, Peters, Brown & Good - Portion 1948 audit ---1 0.00\ J. H. Hower - Cement & Lumber, Eden S.W. ----- 1.93.E Robt. Garnham - Bounty on d6g--------------- 10.00 Wo G. Mitchell - Over -Dep. on 1946 taxes ---- 72.51' Murray Stenabaugh - Attend. C. of R. -------- 2.50-, - Selecting jurors --------4 OT -- A. A. Johnson - » »------ :00N Jo Do Vallee aw IM.W k*00N To apply on salary ----------- 17•33,, Receiver General - Tax ------- _------------- _ 9000*- Jack Grant - Sal for Oct. F. D. -------------- 3 g .00Y` y Ro den Cathers - Police hall ins.-------FvV. Frank Laemers - Garbage Coll.-----------P.V. 60.00, Cecil Ball, Sea*- Grant to Athletic Assn. --- 50.00' A. A. Johnson - Attend* i meeting ----------- 5.40.. Chas. F. Jackson- " 1 "----------- 5.tOl*- A* N. Wr ht - " 1 " -.»..- -- .0` Wright 5 Wo t . Mitchell - » 1 " -- -_as 5,�� Lyle Coyle - 1 __-__--____ 6.Oo-. Berton Hilts - Hall for 1 meeting ----------- 3.00 - Roads and Brddges - Oct* pay sheets---------1264*42N I 182 Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Wright- That this k;ounell now adjourn to meet again on Nov. 29th. at 1 P.M... Carriede, Clerk's Offiae, Nov. 4th. 19.8. A special meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date for the purpose of considering a by-law in respect to the issuing of debentures by the Town of Aylmer for an addition to the High School All members were present except Councillor Mitchell and Reeve Johnson presided. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1188, being a by-law to the TmsLbf Aylmer, that certain payments in respect for enlargement of the present High School, will be paid Municipality, be now read a first time... Carried, Mowed by Jackson Seeonded by Wright- That By -Law No. 1188, he now read a second time. Carried* Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1188 be now read a finally passed... Carried. Moved by Coyle, Seconded by Wright- That this spesial session of the Council now adjourn to sleet again on Nov. 29th. at 1 P.M... Carried. guarantee to debentures by this third time 'and � h to 183 Township Hall, Straffordville, Nov. 26th. 1948, The annual nomination meeting for the Township of Bayham was held on the above date to nominate candidates for the offiees of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, 3 Councillors and 2 Trustees for the Bayham Township School Are Nominations opened at 2 P*M** with about 30 ratepayers present and at 3 P.M. the Returning Officer declared nominations chosed. The following names were placed in nomination;- Reeve- Arba Johnson, N. H. NeConkey, Grant Mitchell, Chas. F. Jackson and Edgar Wisson. Deputy Reeve- Chas. Jackson and Lyle Coyle. Councillors- Lyle Coyle, W. G. Mitchell, Walter Nelson, Roy Green and Newell Wright* School Board Trustee- G. -W. Tupper and Robt. Jackson. The usual after meeting was held with J. D. Vallee acting as chairman. As Township Treasurer, he eyplained the financial statement and then called on each of the nominees for a few minutes talk. H. L. Godwin, Road Superintendent, was also called upon to give an account of Township road operations for the current year. Before the meeting- s closed, the ratepayers present were favoured with a few remarks from C. D. Code, M.P. The meeting adjourned about 5 P.M. with God Save the King. By nine o'clock the following evening, only the number required to fill the various offices had signed the necessary qualification papers and subscribed to the Oath of Allegiance. I, J. Dewey Vall%gAeturning Officer, hereby declare the following persons duly elected by acclaimation to fill the various offices in the Township of Bayham for the year 1949 • Reeve = Arba A. Johnson. Deputy Reeve - Chas. F. Jackson. Councillors - Lyle Coyle, Walter Nelson and W. G. Kitchell, Trustee, Bayham Township School Area Board - ( 2 year term Robert Co Jackson and Marren Tupper. king Officer. Township Hall, Straffordville, Nov. 29th. 19.8. Pursuant to adjournment of Oct. 25the the regular meeting of the Council .of 'the Township of Bayham was held on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Letter was received from Mr. R. L. Kennedy, Dept. of Municipal AffaiRs in regards to use of reserve fund re. hall and office. Copy of By -Law No. 1526 of the County of Elgin, incorporating Port Burwell into a village. Approaval from Dept. of Highways re. purchase of Adams grader. Report from Dept. of Highways res payment of interim subsidy. Reports were received from the Health unit and County Court Clerk. The resignation of George Vallee as Drain Inspector and Building Inspector was also received and placed before the Council. Hospital notices were read and filed. Moved by Aright Seconded by Jackson- That the resignation of George Vallee as Building Inspector and Drain Inspector be accepted with regret. Also that the Clerk express in a letter the appreciation of Mr. Vallee rs services during the last several years... Carried. Messrs. N. H. McConkey and Geo, Heard, Sr, waited on the Council and requested a grant for a rink at Corinth, Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Coyle- That the Township Council donate $ 50.00 to the Corinth Recreation Club for the building of a rink... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Mitchell- That this Council approve of the action of the committee in the purchase of a municipal office building for the sum of $2900.00 Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That 2 months tax -ea on the building purchased from Marlatt and Bradfield to the amount of 65.34 for the year 1948, be written off. Roel No. 896.00 Carried. Moved by Mitchell ` Seconded by Coyle- That the following drainage charges be written of the 1948 tax roll and be charged back to said drain. Roll No. 1318 - Kerr drain - Roy Green, 08.13 Incorrectly charged... Carried. Moved by Wright Seoonded by Jackson- That the following cheques be issued for Kerr drain expenses incorrectly charged on 1918 tax roll. Roll No. 1319 - Mike Mironehuk - $25.37 1320 - Fred & Ross Cowan - $30*45 Carried. Chairman H. Y, Johnson, Truntees S. Wightman and W. A. Hoyle of the Tillsonburg District High School Board, waited on the Council and explained that they had been successful in obtaining permission ,from the Dept. of Education to add 2 more classrooms and possibly an- other gymnasium to the plans of the proposed new high school and that it was necessary to have the approval of this from the various municipalities in order to place same before the Municipal Board. The estimated total cost of building to be S 575,000.00. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That this Counodl approve of the action of the Tillsonburg High School Hoard in adding additional rooms to the proposed new high school building in Tillsonburh and that this municipality will be responsible for its share of debentures for same.,. Carried. The Council members made a tour of inspection of the building and discussed ehanges and repairs for same. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That Chas. Jackson, 9, be a committee to have neer office building G. Mitchell made ready new office and the Clerk for use.Carriei 185 Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the Clerk request permission from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs to make expenditure from Reserve Fund set up under By -Laws No. 1139 and 1156 as follows; - Purchase and improvement of a municipal office including vault --------------- $1.000. Repairs and addition to present Township hall with new chimney ---------------- x.000. Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the Reeve sign the order sheets -Carried. Donald F. Gibson- Pureh of office building -- $2900.00 ` Jules Arnou - Relief for Nov. --------------- 38.25\ Fred Travis - " " " ---------------- 16.50 Treas. of Ontario - Police Sal. for Oct. ---- J8*75,, Exp. " Sept. ()*79 -- Ho E. P, C. — Pt. Burwell St. lights -------- 756.50 - Straff'ville "--------_ 279.50. Frank Steers - Gas for hall ----------------- 1.90, Prov. Treas. - Insulin for Arnou------------ .28• Treas. of Vienna - Relief for Pake, Nov. ---- .1 Dereham- " " Masales " -..-- 2 .4 News Printing Coo- Printing & Adtts.------- 9.91. Toronto Stationery Supplies Ltd.- Supplies -- 26.06, McMahon - Mork on Claus Drain --------- 13,950- 3.50JFrank . R, Walters - " " "-__-___-- J. 7.50` J. A. Clegg - " " " ---____r_ 13.50 Arthur Claus - " " "--------- 56.25.. Lee Ulaus - " ____,.____ 56.25 Earl Claus - " " " _________ Claus - " " " __-_____+263. �6:25�Emery James Williams - " " "--------- 22:9, Eitel Bros.- Coal for office ---------------- 107 Ed. Davidson - Fire hall rental ------------- 60.O0, Trophy Craft Ltd.- Trophies re. Aylmer H.S.-- 18.15, Municipal World Ltd.- supplies -------------- 5.22, St, Thomas Steel Prod. Ltd.- 19 school signs- 40.02% H. Beaman - Gravel for Eden S. W. ----------- 14 -em W. L. Looker - Fox Bpunty-_-_-__-+------___- 5.00 W. J. harper - " "------------------ 5.00 Ernest Ecker ------------------- 5.0(> Fred Oatman - " " _________..________ 5.00, Warren Tupper - Sheep killed & injured ------ 4000a - Mike Peltz --------_- 25.00 M. Ketehabaw & K.Somers- " " "-_-______ 370.00, Carman Bal? - Valuin"g sheep _________________ 3,97Z.Robt. C. Jackson- _________________ 5.91 Cooper Auto Wreckers - 2" iron posts T.H.---- 18.00, Lloyd Grant - Treas.& Coll Bond prem --------0,. -037 *50,, Jack Grant - Sal. for Nov. ------------------ 35.00. J. D. Vallee - To apply on sal. ------------- 179.33. - Account & phone -------------- 17.13. Receiver General - Tax ---------------------- 4,,m Robert Grabt - Stamps ----------------------- 7,00- C. E. Soper - Time & Material T.H. to date -- 1214.16 H. D. Cook - Repairs to fire truck ---------- 20.25, A. R. Wright & Son - Metal Pt. Bur drains --- .68, Berton Hilts. - Care of hall & grounds ------- 28.50�W""' Ant one Logger - Work on"Log§er drain -------- 290.00, --------- 22.50% A. N. Wright - Stove pipe ------------- P.Y.- 2,35.. Ross Eveland - Care St. lights -------- P.);. - 24.00,. H. 0. Alward - Sal* for clerk --------- P.Y. - 50.00- - Grant for services ----- P.V.- 20.00' Stuart MaKibbon - " " " _..___.. P.V.- 20.OT A. E. Brown - " " " ______ P.V.- 20.00` Frank Laemers - Garbage Coll. --------- P .V. - soam- Branch 81, Can. legion- wreath ,--►------P . V. -- 6.50, A. N. Wright - Supplies --------------- P.V.- 42.50% • Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies ---------- P.V.- $ 1.14 A. A. Johnson - Attend 2 meetings --------- - - -- 10.80"" Chas, F. Jackson - " 2 "-------------- 10.80 A. N. WrIgIXt - " 2 "-------------- 12.60-. Lyle Coyle - " 2 " _--_r___r_____r 12.00~ W, G. Mitchell. - " 1 0a Berton Hilts - Hall 2 meetings --------------- 2:06, Mike Mironahuk - Rebate on Kerr drain --------- 25. ?` Fred & Rode Cowan - " " " _r_____r- 30. y George M. Beard, Sea. -Brant for rink ---------- NOW, Aylmer & Malahide Tel Coo- Police phone ------- . \ Clifton Brinn - Team on Claus drain ----------- 22.50 Roads and Dridges - Nov. pay lists ---------- 2288.20\ Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Dec. 15th. 1948 at 1 P.M... Carried. r Clerk's Office, Sbraffordville, Dec. 15/48,, - Pursuant to adjournment of Nov. 29th., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Johnson presiding* Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. 0 Hospital notices were read and filed. Approval was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs re, spending of $8000* for repairs to hall and procuring office building. Communications were received from the Municipal Board and Det. of Highways in regards to payment of half costs of grader in 199. Letter of thanks for cups donated was received fnom Mr. H. A. Stevens of the Aylmer High School. Prises were also rectived fnom St. Thomas Steel Products for Railway crossing signs* Moved by Coyle Seconded by Mitchell- That the Clerk order 24 Railway Warning crossing signs from the St. Thomas Steel Products Ltd... Carried. Moved by Wr6ght Seconded by Jackson- That the Reeve proclaim Dec. 27th. 1948 to be Boxing Day and as such to be a public holiday in and for the Township of Bayham... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve and Treaso be authorized tp sell a Dominion of Canada Bond of $5000. of Reserve fund for use for financing hall improvements and purchase of office and that the balance of said expenditure be provided from Reserve fund Savings account in accordance with Departmental approval... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Mitchell- That the $5000. Province of Ontario Bond held as a Trust Fund for the Cemetery Perpetual Care, be placed for safe keeping with the Canadian Bank of Commerce and that uninvested balance 6f this fund be kept in a special bank account... Carried. r U7 Several ratepayers from the Calton district waited on the Council and requested a donation for the financing of their rink. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council make a grant of $35.00 to the Calton Rink Committee. Carried. (Tony Kennedy, See.) Moved by Mitchell Seconded by Jackson- That the caretaker of street lights in Strafford- ville be paid $2.00 per month for same for 1948-9... Carried, Mr. Ken. Grant waited on the Council and presented a report from the Fire Dept. of 1948- He also requested permission to purchase the revolver he used as Township Constable. Moved by Wright Seconded by Mitchell- That the Township sell the police revolver to Ken. Grant for $15Q00.04 Carried. s Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That the Fire Dept. report be received and the Township pay the volunteer firemen at $3.00 per trip each for each fire attended... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by .Wright- That the usual bonuses of $60.00 for the Reeve and $30, each for the Deputy Reeve and Councillors and Clerk be paid. Carried. Moved by Coyle 6 Seconded by Jackson- That this Council express its regret at losing the services of Newell upright as Councillor and wish him well for the future... Carried. Mr. Walter Nelson, C&uncillor-elect, attended at the meeting for part of the session. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Fd. Curtis - Relief for Dec. ------------4040--4040 $ 45.00. Lewis Townsend- » " '" -_----------4040--4040 19.00"" Montie Patten - " " « _4040...._____________ 16.50,. Edith Perry - " " " ------------4040--4040 42.00. Victor Brunsdon- " " " __________________ 11.50 Maud Brady - " » » ________4040--_-__4040 16.50 Jules Arnou - » » " ________________-_ 38.25: Fred Travis _________________ 16.50,E Treas. of Ontario - Police sal. for Nov. 4040--4040 148.75,. " » " _ " Exp. " Oct. 4040--4040 58927-- 8.27_Ontario OntarioMunicipal Board - Fee re. Grader ------ 8.00\ Frank Steers - Gas for hall ___________________ 2.50. Robt. Grant - Stamps -------------------------- 9;00, Ellery Mayo - Trench for pia at hall --------- 13.0E Jerry Maxwell- " " N 13.00., George Vallee - Inspecting drains ------------- 81.80. Buildings ------------- 80.10. Treas. of Vienna - Relief for Pake, Dec.------- 14.1 Aylmer Express - Advts. & Statements ---------- 19.9 Treas. of Elgin County- Hospitalization ------- 222.29 W. A. Dennis - Work on Arn drain -------------- 3975-, Skean Brinn - Fox Bounty ---------------------- 5000". Georgegrass - " N __-_____-_-_4040-__-___ 5.00 Ralph Hurley - " " _-______..-_..______40_40 5.4Q. Nathan Hayward - « " __..-___.._____________.. 10.04. George Chute - Coad. for Fire hall 40404040_-40_-40_-- 63.00` Cou"ake & Gr»ant - Bulbs, Straffe St. Zte * -w4 . ._-.. - Repairs to fire truck -_4040 26.43,% Treas. of Elgin County - County rate -------- 230243.0,. J. D. Vallee - Ba.l#. l 948 salary *A -0 --_ I'M ____4►_4040 17%.6 '. _ h0.1 Attend Officer 2 . ~' i�lc Rece.`er General T ;. Jack Grant sa .ary for . ,_,�-_ _ W& , e « Care Str*al kat Lt_- @a. K. . Grant I u Martin D. Roloson - Mork on Chalk drain ---- 2.00\ Antone Logger - Work on Logger drain ------- 634,37` H. P. Grant & Sons - Gas, etc fire truck --- 72.93 - Bulbs, Straff. St. Lts.- 13.3 H. L. Godwin - Weed inspector for 1948 ----------- 25,0 A. A. Johnson - bonus and 1 meeting -------------- 65.40 - Chas. F. Jackson - " « l " w______________ 35,40",- A. N. Wright — " " «------ 35.80' Lyle Coyle - « 1 «--------------- 36. ook W. G. Mitchell- " " 1-w.n_w________-- 35•O(X J. D. Vallee - Bonus------------------------..w_—w 30.00\ - Attend alr 4 fires ------------------ 12.00. Jack Grant - " " 29 " ..................87oM Basil Nevill - " " 19 ------------------ 57.00Q Jack Hotchkiss- 10 " ____w____ --__ _ft _w— 3o.Oc� Lyle Grant - " 2 " ------------------- 6.00 Fred Tribe - " " 3 « ..------------------ 9.Oo� Anthony Kennedy, Sec.- Grant to Calton rink ------ 35•0()` Berton Hilts - Care of hall 1 meeting ------------ 3.00 H. E. P. C.- Hydro dor hall ---------------------- 6.07 D. k, Gibson, K.C.- Account for 1947-8 ----------- 86 50, H. E. P. C. - Hydro for fire hall ----------------- 8.23'k E. W. Haines - Cert. voters' Lists ------------- 9.15% M. K. Chute - Painting office 0-e flog ------------ 160.0oN Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That this Council now adjourn, Sine Die. Carried. i 0