HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1946TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1946 log Township Hall, btraffordville, Jan. 7th. 1946. The Inaugural meeting of the 1946 Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date. Those subscribing to the necesary IYeelarstions of office were;- Reeve, N. H. McConkey; Deputy Reeve, A. A. Johnson and Councillors, A. N. Wright, Chas. F. Jackson and Lyle C. Coyle. Rev. A. J. MaKaye, the local minister, was present and after congratulating the members on their electing to office, delivered an Anspiring addrees anti lead in a short prayer. Each member of the Council and the Clerk was then called upon by the ]Reeve to say a few worts after which Reeve McConkey thanked Mr. McKaye for his attendance and asked for co-operat- ion and support from the other merlbers for the tasks ahead in the comi�g.� QAr. Regular busines was then proceeded with. Minutee of the lasF!V- K read, approved end igned by the Reeve. Communications and hospital notices were read end filed. Mr. & Mrs. Hugh McConkey were present And requested the Council to sell them the two lots on Chatham street owned by the Township. Loved by Johnson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council sell the Littlewood and Lakortune properties in Port Burwell to Hugh and Ila McConkey and the Clerk be instructed to have necesary Deeds prepared. Purchaee price to be 1100. for the two lots ... Carried. The method of candling the hall rental was then discussed. Moved by Jackson t seconded by Wright- Resolved that Caretaker of Hall render account of rent for hall and also account of expenses for caretaking every three months... Carried. Mr. Roy Nevill again discussed with the Council the opening of road to his property in Concession 2. No action taken. Those attending at tree meeting and wishing the new council much success in the coming year were C. D. Coyle, ld:r. an(I G. M. Mitchell, Moth ex -wardens of the Uounty of Elgin and Also Mr. T). A. Gall, local bank manager, who congratulated the members on their present office. Mr. George Powles, ,A,sst. County Road Fngineer also paid a friendly call. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That the Collector be authorized to collect 1945 taxes to May 1st. 1946 and on that date to return the 1945 Roll to the Treasurer... parried. Imoved by Johnson Seconded by Wright- That the Clerk subscribe for enough copies of the Municipal World for each Councillor and Official... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Johnson- That the usual grants of 125.00 each be paid to the Port Burwell and Richmond Libraries.., Carried. Moved by Coyle seconded by Jackson- That the Township of Ba. ham join the Ontario Municipal Assn. and that the Clerk send the 10.00 membership fee. Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this Township join the Ontario Good Roads Assn. and that the Clerk be instructed to forward a fee of 95.00 for came. Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Wright- That G. M. Mitchell, H. P. Grant and 14aide Lipsit be re -appointed to the straffordville Cemetery Board for 3. years and that MrF. Fdgar Wisson complete the unexpired term �f the late Add* Grant... Carried. No action was taken irregards to the resolution of the Townsof Aylmer in respect to Prisoners of War attending social functions and Etc. 1W i 11 190 The usual Bank borrowing by-law was then presented to the Council. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1114, being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow up to $35,000.00 on the credit of the Municipality from the Canadian Bank of Commerce for current expenses fog 1940, be now read a first time... Garriel. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Wright- That By -Lair No. 1144, be now read a se ^ond time. Carried. Mooed by Coyle Seconded by Wright -That by -Law No. 1144 be now read 9 third time ani' finally passed... Carried. Discussion was then held in regards to the appointing of officers for 1946. It was 6ecided to not appoint and Assessor until the next meeting Voved by fright Seconded by Johnson- That by -Law No. 1145, being a by-law to appoint certain officers for 1)46 as follows;.. Livestock Valuators- Robt. C. Jackson & John Be Goodhand 4 .50¢ per hour and .12¢ per mile one way. School gttendance Officer- J. ?). Vallee cm 4,.25.00 plus mileage of .12¢ per mile one way. Weed Inspector- W. G. Mitchell (1' 125.00 plus milr_:age of .12,E per mile one -gay. Tax Collector- We G. Mitchell t475. per year. Relief Officer- We G. Mitchell « $200. per year. Poll Tax Collector- K. E. Grant ,4� .50* each. Solinitor- D. F. Gibson . Be noir read a first time... Carried. Loved by Jackson Secondee by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1115 be now read a EF,,ond time. Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Wright- That By -Law No. 1145 be now read a third time finally passed... Carried. and Moved by Johnson Seconded by Wright- That By -Law No. 1146, being a by -19w to sell revert- ed road in Lot 20 Concession 79 Bayizam, to Horace Be Johnson for t30.00 be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1146 be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Wright- That By -Law No. li46 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carriel. Moved bT Seconded Carried'. Jackson by Coyle- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. J. W. McQuiggan- Relief it it _ if K. C. Emerson - to Morrison & Wat, t,erson- " N. 0. Stilwell - " W. E. McKibbin - " P. L. Williams - " i1 Valley Camp Coal to 61 t, for Ed. Curtis ------- " Masales---------- Mrs. -------- Mrs. Perry ------- n n Co.- Fuel .. ,. John C. Tribe - Fox Wm. H. Wilsox- " N . Hayward George C. Bradt Lyle Walsh Merritt Matthews- " Skean Brinn - " Lloyd Grant - Prem News Printing Co. - K. Grant Crayford - r Bounty n n n n n n J. Meszaros ------ *me Patten ------- ua - - - - - - — Stephenson ------- for Patten & Masale It Meharg Lie Travis- ------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ravis------- --r-----r-- -------r-_-_------- -------------------------------- on Collector's Collector's Bond -----,-- Printing & Advts.--------- Books re. Mdnicipal Govt. - 36.50N 28.25-, 5.00s, 22.60 35.00 2.00,, 13.30\ 11.95-. 16` ?5 20.13 5.00-\ 5.00 15.00 5-00,, ,5.00 ,/5.00. ' 5.00N 37-50N 5,84.-- '2.40N .84,.`2.40N 191 Mylmer Express - Voters' Lists Advt. & Etc.--- $.132.85x Thos. Mabee - Stamps ------------------------- 7.00\ H. D. Cook - Labour re. stove Town Hall ------ 2.10\ H. w. Ostrander & Son - Amb. "re. Geo. Hayes -- 10.00\ Treas. Good Hoads assn.- Nlembershin---------- 5.00', " onta:too., anicipa1 %ssn. - --------- 10.00-, " Port Burwell Library - Grant ----------- 25.00-\ " Richmond Library - "---------- 25.00, J. D. Vallee - Council & Janitor Pay ----------- 19.90N George Bradt - Board for marry ?horse --------- 15.00-, Tress. of Vienna --Relief-for-rake ------------ 11.28 . Moved by Jackson Seconded by Cole- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Feb :nth. 19K6 at 1 P.M... Carried. Township Hall, Straffordville, Feb. 4th. 1946. Pursuant to ad joury ent of Jan. 7th.,, the Council of the Township Bayharn met in regular session on the above date, allmembers were present and Reeve McConkey presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business done. Communications and hospital notices were read ani filed* of was Road Supt. Godwin presented the statement of expenditures on Roads and Bridges for 1945 - Moved by Wright Seconded by Johnson- That Roads and Bridges Expenditure of $24,007.66 for 1945 be authorized and application for government grant on same be made and the required officials authorized to sign same... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That Cecil Ball and Nathan H. Gray be re -appointed to the Eden Cemetery 0 ission f!r a period of 3 years and that Frank Travis be appointed to complete the unexpired term of the late William Koloson... Carried. A delegation was present from the Bayham Lions Club requesting a donat- ion to the Porti .Burwell Sea Scouts for the purpose of erecting life preservers on the beaches at the Harbour. Loved by Johnson Seconded by Wright- That we donate $40.00 to the Port Burwell Sea Scouts for the purpose of buying life preservers for use on the Port Burwell Piers and that a cheque for this amount be forwarded to Mr. Kingwell, Secretary of the troop... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council adjourn until 2 P.Y. for lunch. Carried. i Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That a Booster vacuum brake be installed on tko f1re truck and the Fire Chief be authorised to attend t• same... Qarriad. r! 192 Moved by Wright Seconded by Johnson- That the petition for drainage along Victoria St. In Port Burwell be received and the Clerk notify Fred A. Bell, Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That the same game wardens as for 1945 be re- appointed for 1946... Carried. A letter was received from the Clerk of Derehan Township notifying of the non repair of tko' Berdan-Cheesman Drain. Moved by Wright Seconded by Johnson That the Drain Inspector be authorized to make necessary repairs to the Berdan-Cheesman Drain... Carried. A delegation from Corinth waited on the Council and agreement was made in respect to Corinth Drain along C.N.R. to Cheese factory. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this Township join the Assn. of Assessing 4ffisoo for 1946 and the Treasurer send fee of $10.00 for same... Carrier, Consideration of Roads Expenditure for 1946 was then held. Moved by J ohns o n Seconded by Co le- That the sums of $25,000, be spent on Roads and Bridges for 19 6 and a By -Law be prepared for same... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1147, being a By -Law tp provide for the expenditure of $25,000. on Roads and Bridges in the Township of Bayham for 1946, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Bright- That By -Law No. 1147 be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Wright- That By -Law No. 1147 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Discussion was then held in respect to tete appointment of an Assessor for 1946. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Wright- That the salary of the Township Assessor be $350• per year plus 10% of dog tax collected... Carried. Loved by Wright Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No. 1148, being a by-law to appoint an 94, bat� Assessor for 1 6 be now read a first e... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law "o, ll)�8 be now read a second time. Carried, Moved by Coyle Seconded by Wright- That By -Law No. 11)4 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Roy Nevill attended at the Council and produced papers from the Village of Vienna showing that the Village had been assessed and paid expenses for the Teall drain in respect to road allowanow between lots 15 and 16 concession 2, Township of dayham. This was under date of Nov. 7, 1910. Messrs. Prise and green, grader operators, waited on the Council in respect to regulations re. 8 hour day and requested a raise in wages. This was discussed by the Council and referred to the Road Supt. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Wrigkt- That the members of the Council and officials of t% Township be delegates to the Good Roads Assn, convention at Toronto on Feb. 26th. and 27tk. 1946.6. Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Wright- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carried. Thos. Vaughan- Fox bounty ----------------- # 10.00"'. Leston Everett- "-..___.._.._-..____........,. 5.00 - Ralph Kelley- " 1--.._........-_......._-,...,..� 5.00 William Brinn- "-_-_--_�!�!!!!!-__---- 10.00 i W. Gri f f in- Fox Bounty Keith Beemer- " Harry Stewart- " N. Hayward - " Morrison & Watterson- E. Wisson- J . W. McQuiggan - " n _ W. E. McKibbin - P. L. Williams - Valley Camp Coal Co.- " r-+----r__r-rw-w-rr--_- _--..r Chas. Baker - Trualing Corinth Drain -------- Lee Baughman - Chas. Walsh - Bulbs for Town Hall ------------- Valley Mamp Coal Coo- Coal ---_--..___ P.V. -- Municipal World Ltd.- Subse.------_-_ P.V._- Frank Laemers - Garbage Disposal ----- P.V.-- B. Kingwell, Sec.- Grant to Sea Scouts ------ Thos. Mabee - Stamps ---------------- -_ Frank Steers - Gas for Patten ------------•-- " Gas for Hall ----------------- Canadian Nat. Rys. - Corinth lig-Wags.-------- Municipal World Ltd,- Supplies & Subsc.-----•- Mrs. E.P.Diakenson- Hydro rebate--------- A.M.Brown Inso Ins. Co. - Officiils Ins. ---------- K. E. Grant - Licehae for fire truck -------- " " - Salary for January ----------- " " r " " " rr_-rrwwr-rrr W. G. Mitchell - To apply on salary --------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ----------- " Council & Janitor's Ippy----•- Reg. of B. M. & D• J. H. Howey - Fuel for Meszaros Dec. & Jan, -- Assn. of Assessinf Officers- Membership ----- Wm. G. Mitchell - Ins, for fire truok----r..w Treas. of Vienna - Relief for Pake---------- N. 0. Stilwell - Relief for Meszaros-------- H. P. Grant & Sons- Police car expenses ----- 5.00N 5.001, 10.00 25. oo., 12.50. 15.10 10.00♦ 28.25 8 3 •55-N 2,00-- 10.00.1 .00•10.00. 12.00• 25.15• 57903\ 61.25•. 32.50 N 1.15-, 2.85. 3.00 80.00• 40.00. 16.00 • 5.29. 1.90. 25.00N 10.08 17.83. 87.00\ 2.00 35-00-- 100.00" 50.00• 80.00 19.90 13.75 20.00 \ 10.00-, 138.50. 11.28 38.5o• 35.00-, 193 E7 Mored by Johnson Seconded by Wright - That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Marsh lith. at A P.M.O. Carried, Reeve. r a Relief for for K.Perry ---- " " Masale�-rrww Curtis ----- " " Patten ----- " " Stephenson -- " " Patten ----- " " Families --- N " M.A. ------ Chas. Baker - Trualing Corinth Drain -------- Lee Baughman - Chas. Walsh - Bulbs for Town Hall ------------- Valley Mamp Coal Coo- Coal ---_--..___ P.V. -- Municipal World Ltd.- Subse.------_-_ P.V._- Frank Laemers - Garbage Disposal ----- P.V.-- B. Kingwell, Sec.- Grant to Sea Scouts ------ Thos. Mabee - Stamps ---------------- -_ Frank Steers - Gas for Patten ------------•-- " Gas for Hall ----------------- Canadian Nat. Rys. - Corinth lig-Wags.-------- Municipal World Ltd,- Supplies & Subsc.-----•- Mrs. E.P.Diakenson- Hydro rebate--------- A.M.Brown Inso Ins. Co. - Officiils Ins. ---------- K. E. Grant - Licehae for fire truck -------- " " - Salary for January ----------- " " r " " " rr_-rrwwr-rrr W. G. Mitchell - To apply on salary --------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ----------- " Council & Janitor's Ippy----•- Reg. of B. M. & D• J. H. Howey - Fuel for Meszaros Dec. & Jan, -- Assn. of Assessinf Officers- Membership ----- Wm. G. Mitchell - Ins, for fire truok----r..w Treas. of Vienna - Relief for Pake---------- N. 0. Stilwell - Relief for Meszaros-------- H. P. Grant & Sons- Police car expenses ----- 5.00N 5.001, 10.00 25. oo., 12.50. 15.10 10.00♦ 28.25 8 3 •55-N 2,00-- 10.00.1 .00•10.00. 12.00• 25.15• 57903\ 61.25•. 32.50 N 1.15-, 2.85. 3.00 80.00• 40.00. 16.00 • 5.29. 1.90. 25.00N 10.08 17.83. 87.00\ 2.00 35-00-- 100.00" 50.00• 80.00 19.90 13.75 20.00 \ 10.00-, 138.50. 11.28 38.5o• 35.00-, 193 E7 Mored by Johnson Seconded by Wright - That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Marsh lith. at A P.M.O. Carried, Reeve. r a V Township Hall, Straffordville, Mar. 4th. 1946. Pursuant to adjournment of Feb. 4th,., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and - Reeve McConkey presiding, Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications were read and filed. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Coyle- That the Clerk instruct D. F. Gibson, K.C. to write to the superior of the Langton Parish Priest and ask that a. correction be published in regards to charges re. Bayham Township Public Sehiol and Elg//7 Health Unit and that disciplinary action be taken against said. priest. Carried. Mr. Geprge Grant waited on the Council in regards to fleet insurance coverage for the Township vehicles. Sgme discussion was held in this respect. Moved by Jackson Secondedby Wright- That the Deputy -Reeve abd Cpuncillor Coyle be appoint- ed as a committee to see into the matter of insurance on Township property and motor vehicles... Carried. Messrs. Stephenson and MoKibbin, waited on the council in respect Village and the Township. It was procure a siren to be located in would be given to the passing of one for garbage collections. of the Police Village Trustee Board, to various items of interest to the agreed that efforts would be made to the village. Also that consideration a building restriction by-law and also Reeve Sheldon of Vienna interviewed the Council in regards to what the Township was considering doing for returned personel. Moved by Jackson Seconded,by Coyle- That the Cleric advertise papers for names of Veterans of 'World War 11 request for complete information incase. ro 3 weeks... Carried. in the Aylmer and Tillsonburg from Bayham Township and be carried in each paper for Moved by Fright Seconded by Johnson- That the half load season for trucks on Township Roads be enforced in Bay ham during March and April and that the Clerk put notice in Aylmer and Tillsonburg papers for 2 weeks... Carried. C. D. Coyle, Y.P. also waited on the Qouncil in regards to the regulating of building within the Township. Mr. J. Plley, County Sanitary Inspector, for East Elgin, net with the Council and discussed the possibility of passing several by-laws in regards gb health conditions within the Township. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Wright- That we pay H. L. Godwin, J. D. Vallee, Lyle Coyle and W. G. Mitchell, 925.00 for attending Good f(oads Convention at Toronto and J. D. Vallee mileage of $14..40 for car... Carried. Mr. Douglas Tanner interviewed the council in regards to claim for damages when his car struck the Township ` tusk while said truck was sanding a hill east of Eden. He was advised to submit a written claim to the Township Clerk. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carried J. D. Vallee- To apply on salary -------------- " " -Councillors ' & Janitor's pay ----- N Deed re. McConkey------------ Treas. Elgin Elgin Count y- Hospitalization ---------- A. E. Simons, Sec.- Bal. Mobtgage Com.Hall ----- Treas. Straffordville Cemetery- Interest ------ Tress. Eden Cemetery- Interest ---------------- News Printing Coo- Stationery do 80.00 20,40%, 2 13?:24N 210, 0t},. 41,87 4&50% 15.12 y Frank Steers- Gas for Hall ---------------- S 9.90\ It " Patten -------------- 1.21♦ Provincial Tress.- Insulin ---------------- .9811" Harry Stewart - Fox Bounty ---------------- 5.00\ Fred bowee ---------------- 15.00\ Arnold McDowell- " " ______---_w__-- 10.00\ Arthur Stanat - " " __------------- 5.00• Skean, 13rinn - " "---__--.._.._---- 5.00 Emery Claus - 5.00 George Grass- " "------------•-_ 5.00 Trees. of Vienna • Relief for Pake-------- 11.28• E. Wisson - " " Maaales 5.00\ J. H. Howey - " " Mes$aros •••- 10.00. C. A. Jackson - " " Perry 10.0(3\ N. 0. Stilwell - " " Meszaros •--- 37.19% W. E. McKibbin- " " Patten ------ 2.00\ P. L. Williams 0 " " Patten ------ 13.90\ - " " Stephenson -- 10.00 Morrison & Watterson- " " Perry ------- 15.00• 12.60 J. W. McQuiggan - " " Masales ----- 27.25 if �� _ " " Curtis ------ 36.55 Valley Camp Coal Coo- " " Patten ------ 8,75,11% M. A. --_---- 5.15 , ?�0.00\ Garbage— Frank Laemers - Collection Garbe e--- P.V. - A.R. Wright & Son- Supplies ----------P .V. -- 18.28\ Municipal World Ltd.- Municipal Act ------- 1.00-, Atkinson Funeral Horne- breath re. Hart ---- 6.00• 0. McGregor - Trans. re Jae. Trash -------- 3.00\ W. (.T. Witeliell - To apply on salary ------- 50.00• 11" - Meeting at St. Thomas ---- 10.00". it " - Attending Good Roads ----- 25.00,, H. L. Godwin - " " " ___ Imp _ 25.00\ Lyle Coyle - " " " -_--- 25.00 J. D. Vallee - " " " ---- 2 .00N Car to Toronto 40`Kit 1 -40,,- . E. Grant - Salary for Feb. ------------- K. 3(^5'.00 ` it " _ " " "-----------�- 100 .00 ` H. P. Grant & Sona- Police car expenses --- 35.00 Thos. Mabee- Stamps for 0ollector--------- 7.00 Moved by Seconded on April Jackson by Wright- That let. at 1 P.M... this Council do now adjourn to meet again Carried. 195 c N 196 Clerk's Offive, Straffordville, Mar. 15, 1946, A special meeting of the Counetl of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date for the purpose of considering what to do about the road situation and whether to continue the hauling of stone by trucks. All members were present except Councillor Wright. H, L. Godwin, Road Supt, explained the condition of the Township roads and how he diad been keeping thein in resoneble repair until recently. The Council decided to go and have a look at some of the nearby bad places* Loved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That the Road Supt. ley otf all trucks from haulin stone except the Township truck as we believe the loads are doing more damage to the roads than the stone can keep in repair. This resolution to be in force during the continuance of soft and muddy roads. Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Jackson- That this special session do now adjourn.. Carried Towbahip Hall, Straffordville, Apr. let • 1946. r Pursuant to adjournment of March 4th,, the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve McConkey presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was done, The following communications were received and read. Letter from the Clerk of Police Village re. Garbage collection by-law and building restriction by-law. Also prices on fire siren. Approval from Dept. of Roads expenditure of $25,000- Notice 25,000.Notice from Dept* that one mill subsidy to be paid again this year. Request from W.W.Shaver fvr donation to Arena and Legion Hall in T i l lsonburg . Notice of Fire Dept, training course at Toronto. Petition from Bayham Township School Board for si0ewalk to Strafford- ville sehoil east of No. 19 Highway. Communications fronD.F.Gibson and Bishop of London re. ahagges by Langton Perish Priest. Resignation of K.E.Grant as Township Constable. Letter from Sec. of Board of Transport Commissioners in regards to expenses of improving vision at Tupper crossing on Townline. Prices were received froaAnglo Canadian Underwritters in regards to insurance for Township and recommendation of appointing a broker. Letter from Canadian Automobile Service Assn. re. investigation of Tanner accident with Township truok. The Clerk was instructed to return cheque of Victor Biekx which was deposited with application for permit to move building. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Johnson- That the Clerk be instructed to write the Dept. of Highways with regards to building cement sidewalk from main intev� section of Straffordville along east side of No. 19 Highway to the Public Saha.,.. Carried. 1 �xA ,� � yi '•f,�3 e "� r r i 19? Moved by Jackson Seconded b Coyle- That the tax arrears of the Otter River Gas Co. to the amount of 14.72 and interest be written off... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That the Clerk advise the Board of Transport Commissioners of this Township's willingness to oo-operate to the extent of its liability in the matter of removal of treer at crossing mileage 96.200 Cayuga sub -division of C.N.R••• Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign Deed for Township to Transfer Community Hall in Port Burwell to the Board of Trustees of the Police Village... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Johnson- That the Clerk notify the C.N.R. to remove obstructions in the Corinth Drain placed there by their tenants at Corinth... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Johnson- That the Clerk write to the Dept. of Public Works as a reminder of the work which needs beim clone along the lake bank east of Port Burwell... Carried. Consideration was then given to the passing of a by-law to appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers for 1946. Moved by Jackson e Secondedby Coyle- That By -Law No. 1149, being a by -19w to appoint Ponce - viewers and Pound -keepers for 1946, be now read a first time.. Carried. Loved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 119 be now read a second time.. Carried. Moved b M y Johnson Seconded by Coyle- That Hy -Law No. 11119 be now read &third time and finally passed... Carried. Messrs Lloyd Grant and W. G. Mitchell eakh in turn waited on the Council in respect to insurance on property, vehilce►s and liability. Considerable discussion was held in respect Township for 1946• Moved by Johnson Seconded by Coyle- That we levy 9 mills as current year... Carriedo to the expehdit tre e of the the Township rate for the The Clerk-Treas. asked the Council for an increase in wages in consideration of the increase in work he is required to perform. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Johnson- That this Council increa€e the Township Clerk's wages J200. per year, salary to now be $1200. per year for the combined position of Clerk k Treasurer. Such increase to data, from Jan. 1st. 194C Carried. Councillor Wright of Port Burwell introduced several items of interest pertaining to the southern end of the Township, including the fact that it is thought a movement is under way by the C.P.R. to use more ground in the harbour area and perhaps usurp some Township property. A delegation led by Conrad Kauffman wwited on the Council and asked for drainage work. A petition fora was given them to have signed. Moved by Wright :=eeonded by Coyle- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets.Carried. Williams- Relief for Stephenson --------- S 11P90 � h n " Patten. -------------13. 0\ 91 Mrs. i9. Underhill- " " Burger ------------- 20.80 J. H. Howey- n � Meesaros----------- 10000% flaggi3.Stilwell- " - " " " "---__-__....,. , $rown Ferry LI M_ W. E. MCKibbin- Relief for Patten ----------- 2.00\ Valley Camp Coal Co.- Relief ---------------- 8-75\ Mothers' bllowe:nce ---- 26.113. C.S.Hogarth- ibsurence Com -hall ------- P.V. - 11.50-s Stuart McKibbin- Car Fare ------------- r.V.- 2.000 Frank LaLemer - Garbage Coll. ---------- P .V. - 40.00 Thos. Sayers- Work on Corinth Drain --------- 7.00 George McGregor- " " It " --------- 64-50N Frank Steers- Gas for Town Hall ------------- 11.90• " tt _ " " Patten ---------------- 4* 21 -- Thos. Mabee- Stamps ------------------------- 7.00 Ed. Davidson- Ikental to June 30/46 ---------- 90.00N Wm. r3r,,inn- Fox Bounty ----------------------- 5.00-, Munloipal World Ltd*- Dog Tags ______________ 13.76 " if " - Supplies -------------- 1,16\ H. E. P. Co- Hydro for hall ----------------- 6.07 Peters, Brown & Co.- Balance of Fees -------- 267.55 Treas. of Aylmer- Div. Court Costs ---------- 9.60\ E. Wisson - Relief for Masales-------------- 5.00\ Bert Hilts - Cleaning pipes at hall --------- 2.00\ W. G. Mitchell- To apply on salary ---------- J. D. Vallee - " " " "----------- 20.00-, 0.00. K. E. Grant - : alary for March -------------- 135.00N H.P.Grant & Sons- Police car expenses ------- 35,OO` Bert Hilts - Hall i meeting ----------------- 2.00-, N. H. McConkey- Attending 3 meetings -------- 11.�0\ A. A. Johnson- " 3 "-------- 10.20\ Lyle Coyle - " 3 "--------- 12.00\ Chase Jackson- 2 "--------- 6.80\ A•N.Wright - " 1 " ___----_.. 3,80-\ J. W. McQuiggan- Relies-Cufttis & Masales ---- 63.80\ Some consideration vias given a building regulating by-law but as the hour was getting late, it was decided to hold a special meeting at the office of the Clerk to finish up several matters of business. Moved by bright Seconded by Coyle- That this Council adjourn to met again in special session on Thursday, April 11th. at. 7 P-M...Carried. F girl\ \k • S' > h.n s -,"M 199 Clerk's Office, Straffordwille, Apr.11, 1946. A special meeting of the Council of the Township o' Bayham was held on the above date for the purpose of completing unfinished business from ft meeting of April 1st. All members were present except Councillor Coyle and Reeve McConkey presided. The question of Township Constable was given consideration. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Wright- That the Clerk contact the necessary Department in Toronto as to the podsibility of an agreement to have a Provincial Police located in Bayham Township.., Carried. The Treasurer's budget for 1946 was then presented to the Council. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That the Budget be accepted as prepared by the Treasurer... Carried. Considerable discussion was held in respect to the method of handling the Township insurance and the coverage desired. Moved by Wright Seconded by Johnson- That we appoint George Grant as Township Insurance Broker under the arrangement suggested by the Anglo Canadian Underwritt- ers, 50% of Commissions to the Broker ani the balance to be eiviled among the other licensed agents in the Township. Insurance to be placed., as per selgedule prepared... Carried, Schedule of Insurance- Fleet Insurance on Following vegicles. Fire Truck Q $10/20,000. personal liability Gravel Truck ) 1000. property dar.�age Small Tnagk } t50. Deductible Collision; Fire & Theft. Grader No. 1 ) 15/10,000- f ersonal Liability Grader No. 2 ) 3,CCC, property lamage $50. Deductible Collision; Fire n Theft. Township hall when present policy expires- Building- $3000. Contents 1500. with supplemental contract. Roads Liability-- Same as at present with special endorsement added. Accident Liability- Same as at present, with less premium. The members present gave considerable consideration to the passing of by -laves to regulate building within the Township and also the Collection and disposal of ashes, garbage & Ebe, It was felt that more time should be spent on these by-laws and they were laid over until the next meeting Moved by Johnson Seconded by Jackson- That this Council now adjourn to meet Rgain on Monday, May 6th. at 9 A.M... Carried. Ke Township Hall, Straffordville, May 6th. 1946. Pursuant to adjournment of Apr* llth, the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve McConkey presiding. Minutes Of the last regular and special meet - Ings were read, approved end signed and the following business was done. Communications were read and discussed. Mr. Reg. Mcquiggan waited on the Council in reppeot to road and fence aid joining his property. He was assured that the Council would co-operate in this matter as far as they could go. Considerable discussion was held in respect to the appointment of a Provincial Police for the Township. Also the poessibility of have Vienna enter into the plan. Moved by Johnson - Seconded by Wright- That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement with the Commissioner of Police for Ontario for police protect- ion under authority of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1937, Chap. 266, Section 383a and any officer so assigned be given authority under provisions of Section 139 of the Liquor Control Aot... Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Coyle- That pur Clerk, Reeve and Councillor Wright be a committee to attend Vienna Council to -night in regards to Police Protect ion... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council now adjourn for dinner until 1.30 P.m... Carried. The Council resumed session again at 1.30 P.M. s " Owing to the pressure of other business, W# G. Kitchell, tendered his resignation from all municipal offices to take effect upon the oompletis of the present term of office. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That the resignation of W, G. Mitchell from his various municipal offices bb accepted with regrets, to take effect on Dec. 31st, 1916.90 Carried. Mr. G. H. Roloson, by letter requested a grant for the Elgin Horse Breeders Assn. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Coyle- Thata agrntof$25 * 00 be given to the Elgin Horse Breeders Assn. for 1946.9 carried* Moved by Aright Seconded by Coyle- That the following applications for Restaurants and Ice Cream Stands be approved. Restaurants- Shipp Bros., Wanda Boyd and Fred Dorkin. Ice Cream Stabde- H.W.Mourdy, N, 0. Stilwell and J. W. Tanner... Carried Messrs. Clarke , Bratty and others interviewed the Council in respect to repairs to Bridge and sideroard in the second concession. The Council agreed to have repairs made as soon as material and labour was available Messrs. Earl Woodworth and Marshall waited on the Council in regards to repairs to an Award Drain put through by Jae. Timmins in Sept. 2, 19074, The Council agreed to repair their portion and Yr. Woodworth agreed t• contact all other parties and try and have repairs spade without the expense of Billing on an engineer. 11 201 Order xo. 67281 of the Board of Transport Camunissioners was received and discussed. This order did not agree with the recommendations presented 6 the Council by previous letter of March 23rd. The Clerk was instructed to write to the Board and refer them to this letter, regarding better vision at Tupper crossing. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That the petition of Robt. Veitoh and others for drainage work be accepted and forwarded to the drainage engineer... Carried. A by-law for levying rates in the Township was then presented. Loved by Johnson Seconded by Wright- That Dy -Law Noe assessment. levy taxes and provide read a first time... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. Carried. Moved by Coyle 1150, being a by-law to adopt the for the collection thereof, be now 1150, be now read a second Time. Seconded by Jackson - That By -Law No. 1150 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That the resignation of K. E. Grant be aceppted as . from Apr. 30th. 1946 as Township Constable... Carried. * Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve sign the several order sheete.Csrried. a Elmer Robbins- Fox Bounty -------------------- S 5.00\ Leston Everitt- " ---------------memo--- 20.00N Lorne Taylor - " --------------memo--memo 15.00\ Floyd Taylor - 13.36% 20.00• JackLouch - " -___memo__w---____.._memo 5.00\ Ralph Honsinger- " ---------------memo-memo 25.00N Waite Honsinger- " ---------------memo--- 40.00% Fred Oatman - " memo------------------ 75.00-s Harry Matthews- 10.00-S WalterTaylor - "--------------memo--memo 5.00• Thos. Mabee- Stamps -------------------------- 26.04\ Municipal World Ltd.- SupI)iiee---------memo--memo 13.36% Frank Steers- Gas for Town Hall -------------- .90� n " _ " " Patten ------------ ..--- .21� News Printing Coe- Reports, notices Etc. memo--- 8..67% Aylmer Express - Advts tic notices ------------- 28.75N Tress, of Vienna- Belief for Fake ------------ 22.56\ R. J. Lovell Co.- Supplies -___w___ -----_w_-_- 2.04\ A.R,Wright & Son- Bulbs etb. ---memo--memo P.V.--- 18.00\ Township of Bayham- Com. Mall -------- P.B. --- 1.00♦ Frank Laemers - Garbage Coll. --memo_-memo P:V.--- 60.OQ\ Yrs. E, Dos per - Cleaning Hall -------P . V. --- 2.80\ Frank L.Stephenson- Stamps h File ---- F.V.--- 2.00\ Robt. C. Jackson- Livestock Valuator --------- 5*40-.. Edgar Goodhand - Repairs Chalk drain --------- 11.0/0'�\ Emery Goodhand - " " n --wwwwmemo 11.00 \ P. L. Williams- Relief for Patten --___--__-memo 13.90 " " - n n St*phenson----memo-memo 11.90. N. 0. Stilwell- l[essaros ---memo--memo 38.50 C. A. Jackson " " Masslea---------- 10.00\ E. B. Brown - " " Perry ------memo--memo 10.00• N " ,� " n " memo-....w..memo-•• 17.60` We E. MoKibbin- " " Patten ------memo-memo 2900\ Yrs. N. Underhill- " " Burger ----------- 20.84\ J. We McQuiggan- " " Masales---------- am" " Curtis ----------- 3 *2p N 6 Valley Camp Coal Co.- Rel6df for Burger ------ 8.5 5l\ E. Tedford. - 38 here killed bj 4o§e---------- 57wW% E. J. Fearnley- 1 heifer -------meso 65•OO N. H. McConkey- Attending special meeting memo-- 3 80 • 242 U A. A. Johnson- -- Attending special meeting ------ S 3.x.0 � Chas. Jackson- " w w '-------- 3. 0 . A. N • Wright - " w n ww__-_-- 3, D. F. Gibson - Fees re. Community Hall ---------- 15*40\ W. G,' Mitchell - Dog Tax Coni. ------------------- 25.00 � (I - To apply on salary ------------- 50.00% J, D. Vallee - " " n -_w..----..-..- 100.00 M w - Council & Janitor pay ------------ 20040 K. E, Grant - Salary for April 35.00• IM .----ww,.--------- 100.00` H. P. Grant & Sone - Police car expenses -------- 35.00 Treas. Elgin Horse Breeders "one- Grant -------- 25.00 cEo. BRANT. — rj eE r ,lysaxw Ilex , FlvE revepe. / 2 J• 7�� Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council adjourn to meet again on June 3rd. 1916 at 10 A.M. D.S.T.. Carried. L Township Hall, Straffordville, June 3rd. 1946. Pursuant to adjournment of May 6th., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve McConkey presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications were read and filed. The committee reported on the visit to the Vienna Council. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That we accept Vienna's offer to co-operate in the salary and expenses of the Provincial Police to the amount of 10% for protection of the Village... Carried. 0 Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That the petition of Basil Campbell and others for Drainage og lots 14, 15 and 16 in Concession 5, Bayhsmv be accepted and forwarded to Fred A. Bell to make a survey and re-port..Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle-* That this Council accept the several applications for licenses for eating places and ice cream stands of Chalk's Drug Store; Ida stalker; Clarence Roeseh; Thos. Mabee and Detinis Lunch Room... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Jackson- That this Council adjourn for dinner until 1.30 P.M... Carried. The Council resume sitting at 1.30 P.M. A delegation waited on the Qounoil in respect to repairs to the Berdan- Cheesman Drain. y Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That Reeve McConkey be appointed to look after the opening up of the Berdan-Cheesman Drain-** Carried. '03 Mrs, Vera Martlew of Tillsonburg, waited on the Council in respect to some reduction in taxes because of not having received any tax notices for three years and also because her property had nearly all been washed into the lake. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Wright- That owing to the fact that Mrs. Martlew has realtved no tau notices or assessment notices since owning the Lapow1k property, this Council will therefor accept $40.00 as payment in full for taxes for 1943,1944 and 1945... Carried* r moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That the Clerk correspond with the C.N.R. calling attention to the high bank on railway right-of-way at the Tupper crossing suggesting that the said bank is mainly responsible for the dangerous condition existing at this crossing... Carried.. The Clerk presented a diagram and specifications as laid down by the Dept. of Highways for sidewalks built along highways in order that subsidy might be granted. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Wright- That Frank Travis be hired by the hour to build a sidewalk from main corner at Straffordville to school along east side of No. 19 Highway according to Dept. of Highway specifications and that .a committee of Deputy Reeve, Councillor Jackson and bhe Clerk interview H.P.arant in regards to this sidewalk along his service slation.Carri4td Moved by Johnson Seconded by Wright- That Dewey Vallee attend the assessor's Convention in Tor -onto June 10, 11 and 12th. and that his expenses be paid.Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- Owing to the fact the Clerk has received no trustee' requisition for money from S.S.No. 2, this Council approve of his action in levying for 1946 the same sun as was requisitioned for 1945. Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle - to include S.S.Noe by-law setting out with the school at That this Council petition the Elin County Council 11, Bayham and Union Section No. %,, Bayham, in a the District for High School purposes for hast Elgin Aylmer... Carried. By -Law iota. 1151 was then presented setting the Court of Revision as the last Monday of October Moved by Wright Secondedby Jackson- That By -Law Court of Revision for assessment Moved by Coyle Seconded by Wright- That By -Law Carried. Moved by Jackson day for hold ing the at 2 P.li. No. 1151 being a by-law to set date of roll be now read a first time -Carried. No. 1151 he now read a second time. Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1151 be now read a third time and finally passed. Carried. A by-law was then presented and discussed for the regulating of garbage collection, removal and ddsposal. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1152 being a Bey -Law to regulate the collection, removal and disposal of ashes, garbage and other refuse in theTownship of Bayham, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That by -Law No. 1152 be now read a seoond time. Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That By -Law No. 1152 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Discussion was held in respect to a by-law operation of taxicabs - in the Township, The prepare a by -claw for the santeo to license ._and regulate the Clerk was instructed to z 204 Loved by Jackson Seconded by Wright. That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carriede, wranninyolksert- Fox Bounty --------------- $ 30.00 Robt. Yyse- '� " - _______________ 5.00% Nick Eno - is to .•.•------------- 20.00 Jack Gibbons- " it _________ 10.00 -- Charles Grass- " "--------------- 45.00 Art. Stanat - " To _______s& 5400N Blake Gibbons- " "--------------- 15.00. Fred. N. Benner- " "--------------- 5000 -- Harry Matthews- " "---______.._____ 20.00,, Cleonbard - if to --------------- 5.00 \ Fred Oatman - " to --------------- 0.00 Harry Davidson- t' if ____---------�- 0.00 Frank Steers- Gas for Town Hall ------------ 4.90\ It ft - Gas for Patten --------------- 3,13%. Workmen's Compensation Bosod- Dues -=------- 35.2x` Provincial Treasurer- Insulin -------------- 2.93 ` J. D. Vallee- To apply on salary ----------- 100.00N No Councillor's & Janitor's pay-- 20.40-, K. E. Gralit- Siisry for May ---_..______-____ 35,00. Mrs. N. Underhill- Relief for Burger ------- 20.30N W. E. McKlbbin- " " Patten ------- 2.00N Lester Brown - " " Perry -------- 14.83 to " �.4M.0.0M-0 12.32 C. A. Jackson- to It ft ________ 10.00 N P. L. Williams - 't it Patten ------- 13.90• J. W. McQuiggan - of it Curtis ------- 36,,55-\ it is _ ff It Masales -_-__- 33.25. N. 0. Stilwell- It Messaros ----- 38:4 H.E.P : C. -New Light --_..-___.._- -_-_"P . V. -- 28.30 N Frank Hawes- Labour ---------------..- P.V.-- 4.75N Frank Laeners- Garbage Collection --- P.V.--ft 40.00. Treas. of Vienna - Relief for Pake--------- 7.40` Atkinson Funeral Howe- Re. Trash ----------- 57.00 Willard Benner- Mork on Benner Dain ------- 1•?5• Spellman Benner- it to to " - 3.00N W. G. Mitchell- To apply on salary --------- 50-00\ Thos. Mabee- Stamps ------------------------ 7.00,, Aylmer Express- Letterheads W. G.Y.----__-Mao -- 9.72 ` Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That we now adjourn to meet again on July 2nd. at 1 P.M... Carried. 0 205 Township Hall, btraffordville, July 2nd, 1946. Pursuant to ad jouran: ent of June 3rd*., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date,'all members present and Reeve McConkey presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done, A signed aggreement for Ontario Provincial Police service was received. Grants were requested from Township Roads Supt. Assn. and Tillsonburg and Dereham Fair Board. Communications were received from D.F.Gibson, R.C. in respect to the writ re . Morinth Drain by Murphy. The C.N.R. advised that they considered visibility to be adequate at the Tupper crossing, A sketch of til&e of property of Memorial Park was received from our solicitor. Financial report and By -Law No. 14 was received from the County of Elgin shows Ba hems share as lb, 1 for 1 6. g � � � 57 94 A bulletin was received from the Dept. of Agriculture in respect to weed control on Roods. Attention was drawn to the fact that certain organizations were holding religious services in the Hall on Sundays. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council does not rent the Municipal Hall at Strlaffordville to religious organizations for services and that any eommittments be cancelled as from above date... Carried. e Moved by Coyle seconded by Wright- That our Relief Officer take steps to have a charge of non-support laid against Kenneth Parry in respect to his wife and family being on re le i f in this Township.*. Carried. Mr. Donald Soper of Port Burwell waited on the Council and discussed the matter of bank eroSsion and public dock at the harbour. He also requested that his hired man be made a Township Constable for the protection of his property at the lakeside. Moved by Wright Seconded by Johnson- That in response to the request of Mr. Donald Soper we appoint Mr. Chas. Rabdall as Township Constable.., Carried. Constable Weilhkiser, the new Provoncial Police stationed in Bayham Twp, was present and met the members of the Council. He requested that signs be erected in Memorial Park setting the speed limit at $ miles per hour. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That signs be erected at Memorial Park, Port Burwell, restricting speed limit to 6 milks per hour on all driveways and park- ing areas. Also that the Clerk prepare a by-law. covering this regulation Carried: Mr. lyra. M. Stratton, Treasurer of the Township, at present on Leave of Absence, waited on the Council and submitted his resignation from this office. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Wright- That it is with sincere regrets that this Council accept the:. resignation of Wm* M. Stratton as Treasurer of the Township after several years of true and faithful service... Carried. Mr. Elmo Howey attended at the meeting and asked permission to take his ponies to the park at Port Burwell on Sundays. This was referred to the Park Board. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Jackson- That this Council give a grant of $25.00 to the Township Road Supt.Assne Cheque to be payable to Vermont Pow, Treas.. -} Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Johnson- Than this Council give a grant , of $25.00 to the Tillsonburg and Derek Fair Board... Carried. i Township Hall, btraffordville, July 2nd. 1946* D11rniiant to adjournment of June 3rd. , the Council of the Township of tho above date, all members present -- --Weft ,.Q'atis Township of Ba ha Y m J. D. VALLEE, Clerk -Trus. STRAFFORDVMLE, ONT. Phone 46 Larch 8th. 1949• Receive.1 from J. D. Vallee, Cler. k certifie'l copy of resolution dat,j Jul 2nd � 1946, re, renting of Municipal =fall for religious g s services. J 2a5 ivedo arg he at the Pur of to told//I Hall kt any charge and is sed the requested that his hired man be made a rowab"& ton of his property at the lakeside. Moved by Wright Seconded by Johnson- That in response to the request of Mr. Donald Soper we appoint Mr. Chase Randall as Township Constable... Carried. Constable Wellhhiser, the new Provoncial Police stationed in Bayhem Twp. was present and met the members of the Council. He requested that signs be erected in Remorial Park setting the speed limit at 8 miles per hour. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That signs be erected at Memorial Park, Port Burwell, restricting speed limit to 8 milks per hour on all driveways and park- ing areas. Also that the Clerk prepare a by-law, covering this regulation Carried: Mr. lam. Me Stratton, Treasurer of the Township, at present on Leave of Absence, waited on the Council and submitted his resignation from this office. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Wright- That it is with sincere regrets that this Council accept the resignation of WA. Me Stratton as Treasurer of the Township after several years of true and faithful service... Carried. Mr. :lmo Howey attended at the meeting and asked permission to take his ponies to the park at Port Burwell on Bundays. This was referred to the Park Board. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Jackson- That this Council give a grant of $25.00 to the Township Road Supt eAssn. Cheque to be payable to Vermont Pow, Treas.. Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Johnson- That, this Council give a grant of $25.00 to the Tillsonburg and Dereham Fair Board... Carried.,4 Considerable discussion was held in respect to the paying of $100. to Ervan Murphy as suggested in the letter of D.F.Gibson, Township Solicitor, for settlement of claim in reppeet to the Gorinth Orain. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That this Council pay the $100. damages requested by Don Gibson with regards to Corinth Drain and bring in an engineer to re -survey the drain... Carried. ` Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve sign the several order sheete.Carried. - Roads and Bridges accounts, total ------------ $998.6o N. H. McConkey- Insp. Roads & meeting -------- Uo-, A. A• Johnson- it to -------- 0` A. N. Wright --------- --- Lyle Coyle - " r " -w - - - 3► y Z.60. .00• Chas. Jackson - •" " " -------- 6.8o% car -------------.. 10.00N J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------ 100.00N 1t it - Toronto exp. & meals ----_—__Was 38.85• H.E.P.C. - Hydro for hall -------------------- 8.79-, Frank Steers - Gas 11 "------------------- 1.30• 11 11 _ 11 for Patten ---------------- 3.13\ News Printing Co.- Tax notices & Advt.------- 17.46\ H.E.P.C. - Hydro arrears paid by Barrie ------ 54.78% Treas, Elgin County- Hospitalization --------- 274.22\ BertGreen - Fox Bounty ---------------------- 5.00 N. 0. Stilwell - Relief for Meezaros --------- 31'0,500'\' W. E. McKibbin - " A Patten ---------- 2.00\ P. L. Williams - 11 _____ 13.90 \ Mrs. N. Underhill- " Burger ---------- 20.30% Lester Brown - " " Perry ------_---- 30.53• J. W. Mcquipan - Masales--------- 33, • if " " Curtis ---_--_--_ 36.55. Frank Laemers - Garbage Call. --------- P.V.-- 60.00\ Mrs. E. Brown - Paint --- - P.V. -- 44.00 <111 Williams & Stephenson- Chades for hall- P.V.-- 27.00\ Frank Hawes - St. lights & grass ------ P .V. -- 38. 0 \ Treas.of Vienna - Relief for Pake------------ 7,40\ Thos. Mabee - Stamps for Collector ----------- 43.00\ Albert Deller & Son- Tile for Cheesman Drain-- 3.00% Corinth " -- - 10.00 John Darer - Hauling the Corinth Drain ------ 1.50\ George Beard- Itit It------ 4.00` Henry Foster- Mork on Cheesman Drain --------- 20.00 t1 it - " Morinth Is --------- 38.00 Thos. Sayers - `' " to --------- 70.50\ 11 11 _ 1t ,� Cheesman "--------- 20.00 � Harry Coomber- Corinth Drain ---------- 53 # U4 N Provincial Treas.- June salary for Police ---- 145.83N Vermont Pow, Treas.- Grant ------------------- 25.00N Berton Hilts- Janitor 1 meeting -------------- 2.00-, Treas. Tills. & Dereham Fair Board- Grant ---- 25.00N W.C.Brown Law Office - Re. Murphy writ ------- 100.00-\ K. E.- Grant - salary for June F.D.------------ 35.00-\ W, G. Mitchell - To apply on salary ---------- 50.00-, Moved by Seconded Tuesday, Jackson by Coyle - Aug* 6th. -"o719k 'f/s"y8 7Z �a& aea#: That this koouncil now adjourn to meet again on at 1 P.M... Carried. 0 16 207 Port Rowan Bay, July 15th. 1946. A special meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date. Those present were Reeve MoCoilkey, Deputy -Reeve Johnson and Councillor Coyle. Moved by Johneon Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve proclaim Monday, Aug. 5th as a civia holiday and the Clerk advertise same in papers... Carried. The special session adjourned. Township Hall, Straffordville, Aug.6th. 1946 - - Pursuant to adjournment of July 2n&,,, the Council of the Township of Ba~yham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve McConkey presiding. Minutes of the last regi/al k special meetings were read, approved and, signed and the follow tng business was done. *stition was received from Murdock Thompson and others request/rig additional street lights along Brie Street. Liquor Control Board requested copy of by-law appointing officer under section 139 of Aot. Communications were read from C.D.Coyls M.P. in regards to the public dook and bank erosion at Port Burwell. Dept. of Highways advised that the Township had no authority to restrict speed limit in Memorial Park to 8 miles per hour. D. F. Gibson, K.C. advised that the Murphy writ had been with- drawn and advised the Township of have engineer make a new survey at an early date. Geo. Plunkett advised that wm. J. Johnson Estate was still owneP% of pteoe of lanai adjoining his propgrty along No. 19 Highway. Dept. of Welfiare advise& they would not accept the full a000unt of Mrs. Haggerty for fuel last wintir. Mr. John Szakal waited on the Counoil and. presented petition for drainage signed by interested ratepayers. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That the petition of John Szakal and others for drainage be reoeived and the Clerk forward same to an Engineer and ask him to make a survey and report at an early date... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That the Reeve ask Fred A. Bell to make a new survey on Corinth Drain anis if he cannot do this at an early elate.,, another engineer is to be prooured... Carried. Moved by Johnson Ssoonded by Wright- That a oheque of $13.68 be issued payable to W. G. Mitchell as error in 1946 tares of Sydney Gibson.Carried• Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That this' Council call the attention of the Dept. of Highways to the dangerous inter-seotion at Strafford- ville with the suggestion that a caution light be installed at this point... Carried. Moved by► Johnson Seconded by Coyle- That the 2 additional street lights Straf f ordville... Carried.. Council request the H.E.P.C. to erect on facie Street in the 'Pillage of Moved by Jaokson Seconded by Coyle- That the applications for licenses for eating plaose be approved for the following,- Peter Montgomery; W. Be Greer and Robt. Fleming.., Carried. A by-law was considered appointing Wme J. Wellheiser as an offioer under Sec. 139 of the Liquor Control Aot. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Chyle- That By -Law Ifo. 3.153 an officer under Seo. 139 of the Liquor read a first time... Carried. Moved by Jackson being a by-law to appoint Control Act, be now Seconded by Wright- That By -Law NO a 1153, be now read a seoond time... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seoonded by Wright- That By -Law No. 3.153 be now read a third 4 time and finally passed... Carried. A by-law was then presented appointing J. D. Vallee as Clerk - Treasurer of Bayham Township. Moved by Jackson Seo onded by Wright- That By -Law appoint a Clerk-Treasuer of the read a first time... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded. by Johnson -That By -Law time... Carried. Moved by Coyle No. 1154, being a by-law to Township of Beyham, be now No. 1154 be now read a second a Seconded by Jaokson- That By -Law No* time and finally passed... Carried. 1154 be now read a third Moved by Wright Seconded by Johnson- That the Reeve, Deputy reeve, Clerk, Road Overseer and Councillors be delegates to the Ontario Municipal Assn, oonvention at Toronto on Aug. 27th to 30th.. Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That we grant $100, toward the expenses of Elgin County Plowmans' Assn, Plowing Match on October 79 19469 oheque payable to Vie. Langton, St. Thomas, Seo. Elgin Plowman Assn... Carried. Polioe Constable Wellheiser attended at the meeting and gave a report on his work during the past month. Donald Soper waited on the Council and. discussed items of interest pertaining to bank erosion and Dublio dook at Port Burwell. The Glerk was authorized to procure a bull -dozer to bury the glass and scrap remaining on T%nship grounds* Instructions were given to the Clerk to wttte to Dept. of Highways and ask for permission to spend an additional $2000. on Township roads and to draw their attention to the fire hazard of burning rubbish at their wayside tables along No. 3 Highway ado e 00Brid.gee ---------------------_----_- W. G. Mitohell- Dog Tax Commissions --------- " rt - Apply on Assessing salary ------------ - Expe, St. Thomas 2 meetings -- Taxes error 1946 S. Gibson --•- Frank Steers - Gas for Patten --------------- V1 _ n n Town Hall ----------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ----_____-- C ounc it & Janitor ------- _........ Cahadian National Rye.- Exp. re. Tupper Cross Hews Printing Co.- Advt. -------------------- Times Journal - Advts.------- -- Moved by 'Coyle Seoonded by Johnson - sheets... Carried. R That the Reeve sign the several oder $1096.93 # 30.00 100.00 50.00• 20.00 13.68 *% 3.13\ 1.30 100.00 \ 20.44. 50.06\ 1.32N 6050-., 02'09 RD? Thos. Babe* - Stamps -------------------- ..... 14,00% Treae. of Vienna- Relief for Pake 00 00--0000--0000 7.40\ Treas. of Ontario - Polioe for July --0000--0000 14.58% Isaac Terry - Fox Bounty ------------------- 5,000\ Gordon Underhill - " -------------0000--0000 5,00N 8. Underhill - Relief for Burger ----------- 19.07N W. E. NoXibbin - " n Patten ---------- 2.00. P. Z. Williams - " " " ________0000 13.90 -- John MoQuiggan - 't " Masales -----0000-- 33.56 n if _ n Curtis ---_ 36.56\ Robt. McCurdy - n " Parry ----------- 10.00\ - F. J. Hulton - n " Meszaros-------- 25.00S W. 0. Stilwell - n n n 0000____0000 3S,b0� Mrs. Fred Brown- n " Perry -----0000--0000 28.19- F. Westover- Painting Com. Hall ------ P.Y.- 200.20\ A. R. Wright & Son- PaInt , putty eta. -- Pao- 55.69 Mrs. E. Brown - Turpentine ----------- P* Y. - 1.95N B. Howden - Painting Roof ------------ -P. Y. - 65.00N H. 0, Alward. - Taking oensus ---0000--0000 P.V.- 20.00♦ Frani L. Stephenson- Paitage & Eta*-.-. P. V, - 3070N. P. E. Wilson- Repairs eto.------------ P.Y.- 5.00\ Frank Zaemers - Garbuge Coll. --0000--0000 F.''.- 75.00\ George Armstrong- Cutting grass ------ P.Y.- 2.001\ -hoe. Sayers - Mori on Corinth drain ------- 27.60• Harry Coomber - n it " 7,50 H.P. Grant & Sons- Work on fire truok------.. 15.07--- n n " - Bulbs Straff. S.L.------- 7.26 K. E. Grant - Salary F.D.________________0000 35.00 Via. Langton Seo.- Grant Plow Matah-------.- 100000", - Total $1269.01 Moved by Coyle Seoonded by Johnson- That this C ounail do now adjourn to meet again on Sept. 3rd, at 1 P.ii... Carried, I e4 Township Hall, Straffpr&ville, Sept. 3rd. 1946. Pursusant to adjournment of Aug. 6th. 1946, the -Council of the T own shh ip of Bayham met in regular session on the above date,, all members present and. Deputy -Reeve Johnson presiding until the arrival of the Reeve. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. A copy of model by-law was received feon the office of the fire. Marshall with instructions that all municipalities are required. to have this by-law covering the licensing of public halls. Communioations were received from the C.P.R. in regards to repairs to No.l Drain. Letters from the Dept. of Highways stating that their Mr.Alder would look into the matter of a caution light and also the fire hazard at wayside tables. A cheque was also received from the Dept. covering 60% of over -expenditure on Roads to the amount of $3.83, A letter was received from the Police trustees asking that weeds be out on certain properties in Port Burwell. Several hospital notices were received and filed. An application for a license for an ice oream stand was received - from Robt, Kennedy, Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That A. A. Johnson be chairman in the absence of the Reeve, Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That the license application for eating place of Robt. Kennedy be approved... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That W. R. Kirk be hire& to out weeds 6n the following properties in Port Burwell- Wilcox, lot next to the United Chtroh and Webber property... Carried, A by-law was then presented for an additional expenditure of $2000. on Roads and Bridges. Moved ly Jackson Seconded by Cole- That By -Law No. 1155 being a by-law to spend an additional 12000. on Roads and Bridges in the Township for 19460 be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Johnson Seoonded by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1155 be now read a second. time,.. Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1155 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. The Clerk then presented a by-law sett in up a reserve fund, with the Vistory Bond purchased last fall. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1156, being a by-law to eat& establish and maintain a reserve fund of $5000., be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Jabkson Seconded by Coyle- That By -Lew No. 1156 be now read a second. time... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No. 1156 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Howard Coomber attended at the meeting as a representative of the Corinth School Board, and requested that S. S. No. 16 be included in the Aylmer High School district. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Wright- Whereas the Public School Board of S. S o No. 16 at Corinth, have requested to be included in the Aylmer High School District, it is therefore reoommended by the Council of the Township of Bayham that this request be granted and the said School Section be included in the necessary by-law of the County of Elgin to take effect from Jan. 1,1947... harried, 0.7/40 s Constable Wellheiser was present and gave a report on his work for the month of August . Messrs. Delbert and John Timpany waited on the Counoil in regards to damages gone to to their property oaused. by persons cutting fenoe and using fields as road during winter when snow blooked. the Township road.. This was laid over tothe next meeting. Moved by Johnson Seo onded by Wright- That the Reeve sign the order sheet s. Carri e d . -Roads and Bridges -------------------------- $1373.19 Frank Steers- Gas for Patten --------------- 2.05\ Hall ----------------- 1.30\ We G. Mitohell- To apply on assessing ------ 100.00 n n _ n n n salary --------- 50.00 *% J. D. Vallee - " " " "---------- 100.00\ C ounoil and Janitor --------- 20.40 We E. MoKibbin - Relief -for Patten --------- 2.00• Yrs. N. Underhill- " " Burger --------- 20.80\ P. L. Williams - " " Patten --------- 13.90\ Mrs. Be Be Brown - " " Perry ---------- 14.92\ n A n _ n n n ....-------- 12.11\ n tt n _ n n rr .......... - ---- 5.00.\ �► N. O. Stilwell - " " Meszaros------- 38.50\ J. W. MoQuiggan - " " Masales-------- 33.901 n n _ n n Curtis --------- 36.55 Munioipal World Ltd.- Supplies ------------- 4.02\ Thos. Mabee - Stamps ----------------------- 11.00\ Provinoial Treas•- Insulin ----------------- .98\ Polioe salary August ---- 145.83 Exp. July -------- 59908\ ,. Florent Plets - Fox Bounty --------- 5.00\ Gordon Tisdale- " it -------------�._-- 5.00♦ ` K. E. Grant Salary f or Aug. 35.00\ Ed. Davidson- Fire Hall rental Deo.31/46 --- 90.00\ Stevens Signs - Name plate Com.Hall---P.V.-- 10.26 Frank Laemers - Garbage Coll. --------P. V. -- 60.00\ Beo. Armstrong - Cutting Grass-------P.V.-- 2.85\ W. R. Kirk - Cutting weeds -----------P. v. -- 7. 50-\ Moved by Seo onded again on Johnson by Wright- That this Oot. lat. at 1 P.M... Counoil now Carried. adjourn to meet i w 0 • r, i w 0 Township Hall, Straffordville, Oct. lst. 1946. Parsuant to adjournment of Sept. 3rd., the Counoii of the TownehLp of Baagham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve McConkey presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. The following oommunications were received - From Kinsmen Club, Tillsonburg, requesting grant for swimming Po 0 1 From bhe Clerk of the Peace advising the number of jurors required From the Dept. of Welfare advising of the oontAnuance of fuel supplies for Mothers' Allowance Beneficiaries. Approval of the additional expenditure of 52000. was received from the Dept. of Highways. Card of appreciation from the Goodhand family. Letter from Delbert Timpany advising that unless settlement is Aaae by Oct. 15th* he will proceed to collect damages to cutting of fenee and using fields for winter road. Letter from the Dept.of Zmicipal Affairs in regards to the withholding of large amounts of teases from depositing in bank. From the Salvation Army, an appeal for funds. Also several hospital notices of admission. Mr. J. W. Tanner of Eden waited on the Council in regards to the closing and purchasing of a portion of street in Eden. He was informed that the C ouho it would o o -operate and he was to supply all information required. Some discussion was held in regards to the number of patients from this fownAbA3i who use Tillsonburg hospital and the intention of the Town of Tillsonburg of making an addition to same. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That the members of this Council constitute the Court of Revision to be held on +Ootober 28, 1946 for the 1947 Assessment Roll of the Township... Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council make a grant of $100, to the Aylmer Fair Board... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That we contribute $25.00 to the Red Shield Home Front Appeal of the Salvation Army... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That By -Law 80. 1157, being a by-law to name the Polling Places and to appoint Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for elections to be held Dec. 2nd. 1946, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1157 be now read a second time Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That By -Law No. 1157 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 11581 being a by-law to provide for the payment of Bounty for Fox destroyed within the Township of Bayham, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That By -Law No. 1158A be now read a tbdond time Carried. Moved By Coyle Seoonded by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1158Abe now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Constable Wellheiser gave a report on his services for the month. of September and C. D. Coyle, M.P. paid the Council a friendly visite. 0 /t o? / Moved by Coyle Seconded by Wright- That the Reeve sign the order streets. Carried. Roads and Bridges total -------- ----------- Frank Steers- Gas for Hall ---------------- n IT _ n n Patten ---- ______- H. E. P. Co, - Hydro for Hall -------------- N. 0. Stilwell - Relief for Meszaros ------ E. B. Brown - it " Perry ---------- n n _ IT n n -------- go Mrs. N. Underhill- It It Burger -------- P. L. Williams a " " Patten -------- W. E. MCKibbin - n IT it J. W. McQuiggan - 't " Masales------- TV _ n n Curtis -------- F. J. Hulton - IT n Meszaros ------ It n _ n tt n Treas, of Vierma - " It Pake (Aug.) --- n rt n _ n " " (Sept.) -- P. E. Wilson - Labour ----------------P.V.- Frank Laemers- Garbage Coll.---------P.V.- George Armstrong - Cutting Grass -----P. v. - Alex Chandler - '.dork on Sidewalks --------- Frank Travis - it " " ---------- Thos, Mabee - Stamps ---_______-__-__------ News Printing Co.- Advt. ------------------ J. D. Vallee - Mileage Ration Books ------- n n - Salary -------------------- " " - Council & Janitor ---------- "I. G. Mitchell - To apply on salary ------- K. E. Grant - Salary for Sept.----------- Treas. Ayfter Fair Board - Grant---------- Treas. Red Shield Home Front Appeal- t3=nt- Provincial Treas.- Police salary ---------- n " - " Exp. for Aug. ---- $1343.05 1.40\ 2.16 9.37 38.50\ 11.40%- 12. 50 1.40�12.50 20.80 13.90 2.00\ 33.90\ 36.55 5.00 5.00\ 7.40\ 7.40 5.00\ 75.00 \ .80 \ 78. i0 134.00 4.00 1.44 6.42 100.00 20.40 50.00 35.00\ 100.00N 25.00\ 145.83 \ 85.78 \ Moved by Coyle Seconded by Wright- That thi s ' C ouncil now adjourn to meet again on October 28, 19469 at 1 P.M... Carried. Township Hall, Straffordville, Oct. 28th. 1946. Pursuant to adjournment of Iat. lot., the Council of the Township of Barham met in regular session on the above date, all members present , sx6ept Deputy -Reeve Johnson and Reeve McConkey presided. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Letter was received from theChairman of Tillsonburg Soldiers' Memorial Hospital asking that the Council meet with their representatives to disou�s the question of enlarging the hospital and the Township's share in same. A bulletin was received from the Dept. of M nioipal Affairs setting out the new regulations in regards to does for nomination and elections. A request was received from the BOOM& of Trustees of the Police Village asking that the Council authorize a vote on the proposed instalation of a water system anti also requesting that the Community Hall fund be turned over to the Police Village fund. Notices of admission to hespital of several township residents were received. Moved by Jackson Seoonded by Coyle- That the Council meeting now adjourn for Court of Revision... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That N. H. McConkey be Chairman of the Court of Revision. The members of the Court of Revision Voinig N. H. McConkey, A. N. Wrigtt, Chas. Jackson and Lyle Coyle, then subscribed to the necessary oath of office. A. A. Johnson was absent. The follewing appeals were heard, concerning the 1947 assessment W. RaLarnon respecting C.NR, incorrect basis of assessment and assessment too high;- Adjourned to Dec* 2nd. and Clerk instructed to advise Mr. MoLarnon of error of Assessor. Lomao Gas & Oil Cp.- respecting self- Wells closed down. Adjourned to Dec. 2nd. and Clerk instructed to proe=se more information. Mrs. Violetta Davidson, respecting self, assessment too high, Reduced by $50,00 on land. J. W. Tanner, respecting Gep. Gilmore, Change of ownership. Allowed. J. W. Tanner, respecting Alex Howey, Change of ownership. Allowed. H. O. Alward, respecting several residents of Port Burwell f who should be assessed and some not correctly assessed. Changed as per list attached for vot1mg purposes. Moved by Wright Seconded by Jackson- That this Court of Revision be adjourned to Dec. 2nd. 1946 at 2 P.Y. and the Council now resume the • regular business. Yr. D. A. Gall, president of the Racket Club, waited on the Council and requested permission to have core levelling One south of the tinnis courts and to use the well and premises for an open air rink* Permission was granted. ,2/4 s V Mr. Steve Sedlaaek attended at the meeting and asked that a drain be made from his property westward.. He was given forms to notify the various owners to meet under the provisions of the Ditches and watercourse Act. Discussion was held in regards to the passing of a by-law to fix the Uy for holding nominations and elections* Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That By -Law No. 11574 being a by-law to fix the last Monday in November at 1 P.M. as nomination day and the seoond Monday in December as election day, be now 1'sdd a first time;... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1157Abe now read a second time. Carriad. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Wright- That By -Law No. 1157A be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. A by-law was then p,pesented to provide for the closing up and selling of a portion of Second Street in Eden. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1158 being a by-law to close up and sell a portion of Second Street in the Hamlet of Eden, be now read a first time... Carried. 1 Moved by Wright Seconded by Jackson- That By -Law No. 1158 be now read a seoond time and provisionally passed... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Jackson- That the Trustee bard of Port Burwell be authorized to hold a vote on the question of installing a watex"rks system in the Police Village, at a cost up to $120,000. Said voting to be held on Dec. 9th, 1946.,. Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That the Clerk be instructed to notify Mrs. O. Bartlett not to interfere with drain on her property.Carried. Constable Wellheiser was present and gave a report on his aetiviti for the month of October, He also advised the Council that a pati of his residence would be available as an office for himself if the Council would see fit to spend about $75, to repair same. This was agreed to ))i the members present. Mov ed by Seconded Carried, Wright by Coyle- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Roads and Bridges ------------------------ Frank Laemers- Garbage Coll.----- P.V.- Harry Alward- Car Hire ------------- P.V.- Frank Steers- Gas for Hall --------------- n n _ n n Patten ------------- Valley Camp Coal Co.- Fuel for LeMay ----- n n n n_ n " Travis ---- n n n " _Relief " Patten ---- Mrs. E. B. Brown- Relief for Parry _______ Reg. Xo Qmiggan- Relief f or Perry 2 Mo. ---- W9 E. MoKibb in- TT " Pat t en ------ -- P. L. Williams- " " n -------- N. O. Stilwell- " " Ye szaro s ------ J. W. MoQuiggan- " " Masales------- n n _ n n Curtis -------- Earl Bristol - Fox Bounty ---------------- C. E. Soper - Materials re. sidewalks ---- News Printing Co.- Advt. ----------------- Peters, Brown & Co.- Part fee ------------ Be rt Newman- Wreath for J. Goodhand --4wwr=ww $87 6.54 60900\ 2.00 1.40N 3.24\ 8.75 \ 8.75 \ 6.00 14.40 12.50 10.00 2.00 13.90 38.50 33.90 36.56 5.00 105.14♦ 1 68 100.00 6.00 ,;2 /6' R . H. Do Cook - Work on pump -_r_wrr-rw wi►-r $ 1.25, Frank Be Travis- Work on Eden S.W. ---- 41o00\ Alex. Chandler - n n n n 00--00 28o70\ Harry *irphy - Gravel for " " 004w00- 9.00 J. H. Howey - Cement for " " ---- 21.20 Thos. Mabee - Stamps for Wreas. & Coll. 10.00 \ W. R. Kirk - Cutting weeds ------------ 17,25\ WI G. Mitchell- Attending C. of R. 0060-4w 2.50 n " Selecting jurors 0000--0000 4.00 N. H. McConkey- " " 0000-__- 4.00\ J. D. Vallee - " " 0000--0000 4.00\ " It - To apply on salary 0000--- 100.00` " it - Council & Janitor ------ 17.00 ,, W. G. Mitchell - To apply on salary 00 50.00 \ n n r To apply on Assessm--- 100.00 n n _ Equal. 2 school See.-- 10.00 \ Albert Deller & Son - Tile Corinth dr.- 28.30 K. E. Grant- Salary for October -0000--0000 35.00-% Provincial Treas.- Police sal. Oct.---- 145o83\ " " - " � Exp. Sept.--- 68.70 Moved by Wright Seo onded by Coyle- That the Vounc it on Nov. 15th. at 1 P.M. Carried. adjourn to meet again Township Hall, otraffordville, Nov. 15th. 19460 0 rursuant to ad4ournment of October 28th., the Council of the Township of Bayham not in regular session on the above date. x11 members were present except Councillor Coyle and Reeve McConkey presided. R. L. Godwin acted as Clerk in the absence of J. D. Vallee, a general discussion was held in regards to Township affairs and problems pertaining to Roads and Bridges. No accounts were passed. Moved by Johnson oeconded by *right- That this council now adjourn to meet again on Dec. 2nd. at 1 r.M... uarried. ;.[.r ..0t •� �s..r. / ..2+► ' a16 4916 He D. Cook - Work on pump ------------- Frank Be Travis- Work on Eden S.W. ---- Alex. Chandler - if " " " ---- Harry *arphy - Gravel for " " ---- J. He Howey - Cement for " " ---- Those Mabee - Stamps for Treas. & Coll. We R. Kirk - Cutting weeds ------------ 11 G. Mitchell- Attending C. of R. ---- " " ,- Selecting jurors ------ N. H. McConkey- " " ------ J. D. Vallee - " " ------ n " - To apply on salary ----- " " - Council & Janitor ------ MUNICIPALITY Session Movedby ...... ....................................................... Secondedby..... .. .. ............................ (tarried.... 1925\ 41.00 \ 28.70 9.00 \ 21.20 �► 10.00 �► 17.25 2.50 4.00 4.00\ 4.00 100.00 ` 17.00 *% 5n -on BAYHAM ................ Z.. -4.5 ..................................... 19-,14 � f5 hip re present except Godwin acted as Councillor Doyle anu Clerk in the absence of J, D. Vallee . general discussion was held in regards to Township affairs and problems pertaining to Roads and Bridges. No accounts were passed. Moved by Johnson seconded by Wright- That this council now adjourn to meet again on Dec. 2nd. at 1 r.M.., varriedo FAI c: e r 0 I 217 Township Hall, Straf fordo ille , Nov. 25th. 1946. The Nomination meeting for members of the Bayham Township Council for 1947 and for two Trustees for the Bayham Township 6cbool Board was held on the above date from 1 to 2 D.M. About 30 interested ratepayers were, present and the Clerk explained the changes in the Act respecting nominations, qualificattlons and etc. At the close of nominations, the following names had been submitted. F -or Reeve - N. H. McConkey . For Deputy Reeve - A. A. Johnson and A. N. Wright. F -or Councillor - Chas. F. Jackson, Lyle C. Coyle, A. N. Wright and Wm. Mitchell. For Trustee - Chas, P. Jackson, George Moore and Chas. Ketababaw. Not having resigned a previous nomination as Councillor, the name of A. N. Wfight was withdrawn as a candidate for Deputy Reeve. Wm. Mitchell also resigned his nomination for Councillor. The returning officer then declared the following to be elected by acclaimation for the year 1947. All qualified immediately. Reeve - N. H. McConkey Deputy Reeve- A. A. Johnson Councillors - Uhas . k. Jackson, Lyle C. Coyle and a. N. Nright . J. D. Vallee was then named as Chairman of the usual after --meeting and discussed and explained the f inincial report with those present. He then called upon all nominees who gave a short talk, the Reeve and Dpputy-Reev covering the work done by the County Council and the Councillors going over the Township affairs. Truatee Jackson gave a report on the work of the School Board. General discussion was held by the ratepayers present in regards to some action in respect of the honouring of the b6ys who served in the armed forces during the past war. Councillors present expressed their wholehearted co-operation and the meeting named Rev. A. J. McKaye asd Chairman with J. D. Vallee as viee-chairman and to name their own committee to represent the Township and take steps towards some suitable recognition in the above respect. The appreciation of the meeting was expressed to J. D. Vallee for his services as chairman. The meeting closed with the singing of "God Save The King." By 9 o'clock the following evening, George Moore and Qhas. F�. Jackson only had qualified for Trustees and were declared elected by acclaimat- ion. /' P Clerk and Returning Officer. 0 218 Township Hall, Straffordville, Dec. 2nd. 1946. Pursuant to adjournment of Nov. 15th., a special meeting of the Bayham Township vouhcil was held on the above date for the purpose of passing accounts for payment and doing general business. ..11 members were present and Reeve McConkey presided. Hospital notices were received and filed. Advise was received from County Clerk Thomson, stating that the Dept. could not accept a.o.No. 16 into the ..ylmer High Dchool district on Jan. 1st. 1947 but that Januar y 194$ would be the earliest. A letter was received from D. P. Gibson with enclosure of Grant u. Brown on behalf of Irven Murphy in regards to the Corinth Drain. Fred A. Bell forwarded his report on repairs and improvement to outlet of Corinth Drain. 10v@d;H711Jttakkbn Seconded by Coyle- That this Council now adjourn to hold adjourned sitting of Court of Revision... Carried. Moved by Wright - Seconded by Coyle- That the assessment of the Lomac Gas & 011 uo. be cancelled on the wells in S. S. No. 16 due to wells being plugged... Carried. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this Court of Revision does not lower the assessment of the Canadian National Rys. in z. No. 16. ..ppeal not allowed... carried. Moved by *right seconded by Jackson- That the 1947 Assessment Roll of the Township of Bayham be adopted as finally revised and this Court of Revision now adjourn sine die... Carried. Mr. Lyle Walsh waited on the Council and requested a chance to purchase old roadway pf Talbot Street adjoining his property east of Straffordvi))e and when such road reverts back to the Township. The Clerk then read the report of Fred A. Bell on Corinth Drain repairs Moved by Johnson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council accept the report of Fred A. Bell for repairs and improvement to outlet of uorinth Drain, and the clerk be instructed to prepare by-law for same... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Coyle- That this Council declare Thursday Dec. 26th., 1946 Boxing Day, as a public and civic holiday in and for the Township of Bayham... carried. Moved by Jackson Deconded by wright- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... carded. Valley Camp Coal Co.- Fael for M.A.---------- S20.13\ I, It 1. to - " " Relief --------- 27.33\ W. E. McKibbin- Relief for Patten ------------ 2.00\ P. L. Williams - " " "------------ 13.90\ F. B. Brown - " " Perry ------------- 15.10\ v .. _ .. ..------------- 12.50\ J. W. Mckuiggan - uurtis------------ 36.55\ 1, _ .. Masales----------- 33.90\ N. 0. Stilwell - Meszaros---------- 38.50\ Treas. of Vienna - Pake , Oct. ------- 11.27\ 11 .. _ Nov. ------- 11.28 \ H. E. P. C.- Street Lighting----------r.V.--- 751.69\ Times Journal Ltd.- Advts.----------- P.V.--- 27.90\ 0. Bartlett - Hauling coal ----------- P.V.--- .65\ Williams do btephenson- oalt---------- Y.V.--- 1.70\ Mrs. E. Dosser - Cleaning Hall ------- P.V.--- 8.40\ Valley camp coal uo.- uoal----------- P.V.--- 2.40\ Frank Laemers - Garbage uoblection --- P.V.--- 40.00\ Frank L. Stephenson- Postage---------- Meadows.uritoph & Uo.- burvey--------- W. G. t;halk - t;ar Hire - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Treas. et.Burwell Cahmber of Com. o. McKibbin - Grant for services H. 0. Alward- of it itFrank L.,-)tephenson- News a rinting uo.- r rinting Joe Be ineer - Work on Benner Joe Beinner - " it " W. Benner - of" Spellman Benner- ----------- Drain------------ ------------ plex Chandler - Work on sidewalks ------------- Frank E. Travis- it it " ------------- Provincial Treas. - Insulin ------------------- C. E. Soper - Qement for sidewalks------------ Minicipal world Ltd.- Typewritter paper ------- :: .. _ Forms ------------------- AylmerExpress- Advts. ------------------------ Waite Honsinger - Fox bounty __________________ N. Hayward - it it ------------------ n or S 2.18\ 375 -OU. 2.00 \ 10.00 20.00\ 20000\ 30.00 \ 8.?5\ 58.50\ 52.00\ 6 ` 1.88 16.10\ 23.00\ 1.95\ 21.00\ 1.71\ 2.71\ 7.15 \ 5.00\ 10.00\ Manley Augustine Jr.- ------------------- 00 Wilbur Locker QQ --------------- Ralph L.MacDonald - ---------_________ Treas. of Elgin County- Hoa italization------- Provincial Treas.- Police 1&5.83,ExP,54.36 H. E. r, u.- z>traffordville street lights ----- Frank Steers- Gas for 19atten ------------------ " " - it If Town Hall --- ------------ K. E. Grant - balary for Nov. -------------- --- W. G. Mitchell - To apply on salary --------- J. D.Vallee - '1 !t ii i1 ----------- '' - council & Janitor pay ---------- John R. Tucker - hepairs to typewritter------- is ,1 to - Supplies --------------------- Berton Hilts - Cleaning hall & grounds -------- The .4tkinson Funeral Home - Trans re.Geo.reters F. J. Hulton - Wood for Meszaros-------------- 50 \ 5.00\ 5-00\ 336,o8\ 200.19\ 258.50\ 3.24\ 1:40\ 35.00 50.00• 100000\ 38.8u �.15*\ 42,29\ 10.00-, 10000\ 219 Moved by Jackson Seconded by Wright- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Monday, Dec. 16th. at 1 P.M... Carried. vim LiA 220 Township Hall, Straffordville, Dec. 16th. 1946. Pursuant to adjournment of Dec. 2nd., the Council of the Township of Bayham mebt in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve McConkey presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the dollowing business was done, Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That the Deputy -Reeve act as Chairman until the Reeve arrives... Carried. Communications were read and filed Constable Wellheiser was present and gave a report on his work for the past month. Fire Chief K. H. Grant waited on the Council and gave a report of the operations of the fire truck for the past year and recommended that a new motor be ptrchased for the truck. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That this Council give permission to the Fire Chief to obtain a new motor for fire truck... Carried. The ClE-rk then presented &. by-law for the repirs etbo to the Corinth Drain. Moved by Jackson Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1159 being a by-law to provide for repairs and improvement to outlet of Corinth Drain, be now read a first Time... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Wright- That By -Law No. 1159 be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Johnson. Seconded by Wright- That By -Law N o . 1159 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. The Reeve then anounced that consideration would be given to the reading of By -Law No. 1158 for the third time and passing of same. He requested anyone having objections to the closing of the portion of street in Eden as provided by this by-law to place same before Council. W. E. Nelsom stated that he considered the Council were not asking enough money for the selling of same but raised no objection in regards to the closing of same. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1158 being a by-law to stop up and 1� close a portion of Second Street in the Hamlet of Eden and to sell same, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Wright Seconded by Johnson- That this Council appoint Howard Coomber as representative from Township of Bayham on the East Elgin High School Board... Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Wright- That 43.00 each per trip made Operator and S5-00 to the Carried. we pay the volunteer fireman the usual and $10.00 to the Straffordville Telephone Port Burwell Operator for extra services. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Wright- That a bonus of $60.00 be granted to the Reeve and $30.00 to the Deputy -Reeve and each Council member Und $30.00 to the Clerk from Township Funds.., Carried. Messrs, Geo. Kulp and Geo. Adlington waited on the Council in regards to some unpaid taxes of 1945, f8t&�ntage asked to contact the Assessor and Collector who appeared to have made some adjustment in same. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Johnson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets.Carried. Roads and Brid es ------____-r_-__________ g Frank Steers- Gas for Hall --------------- g S :00\ it " patten ------------- 3»24\ Alex But i - Fox Bounty ------------------ 5.00\ Albert"Augustine- "------------------ 5.00\ Roy Vaighan - "------------------- 5.00\ Thos. Mabee - Stamps --------------------- 15.00\ News Printing Co- Printing & Advt .---i�r*v- 25.29\ Aylmer Express - " re. Mitchell ------ 7.99\ Victor W. Ruckle - Levelling Grounds ----- 14.00,\ H.E.P.C. (Sinmcoe )- Arrears re. Winter ----- 14.4Q\ Municipal World Ltd.- Poll Book---4P.V. - 2.37\ R. Hemphell - Wreath - ---------------- P.V. - 6.00\ News Printing Co.- Printing---------P.V.- 1 :28\ Mrs. E. Loucks - Poll Clerk---------P.V.- .50\ Mrs. H. Tedford - Dep. Ret. off.----P.V. - .00-\ Frank Hawes - Salary re. lights-----P.V.- 36.00.\ J. J. Faulkner- Chimney top F.D.--------- 5.00\ Chas. Walsh - Bulbs for hall ------------- 1.7Q\ H. P. Grant & Sons- Fire truck exp. ------ 34.92\ Stro light bulbs ----- 4.80\ Donald I. Gibson- Account for 1946 ------- 106o68\ Emery Claus - Sheep Killed --------------- 2.00\ �*90\ Robt. C. Jackson- Val, sheep killed ------ E. W. Haines - Cert voters' lists -------- 9.15\ Dr, R. E. Weston- Treatments re. V.D. ---- 22.00\ Fred A. Bell- Survey Corinth Drain ------- 10,00\ J. H. Murphy - Gravel Straff. sidewalks--- 3.00\ K. E. Grant - Salary for December -------- 35.00\ reo street lights --- 10.00\ 30 callson fire truck ------ 90.00\ 11. E. P. C,- Hydro for hall -------------- 6.07\ W. G. Mitchell- Bal salary for 1946 ------ 200.00• Basil Wevill- 24 calls on fire truck ----- 72.00\ Jack Grant- 19 calls on fire truck ------- 7.00\ Lyle - 15 " " " " ______ �5,00\ �Gran�t JacyT Jack 1lotVhkiss 13 " " " " _ r,_ 39.00\ Fred Tribe - 5 " " " " ------ 15.00\ J. D. Vallee- 10 " " " " ------ 30.00\ By -Law & Fees Corinth Dr. --- 154-00\ Expense account ------------ 12-41\ Bal, of salary for 1946 ---- 125.00\ Bonus for services --------- 30.00\ N. H. McConkey - " "------- 6o.00\ A. it. Johnson - " " " 30.00\ A. N. Wright - " " "----------- 30.00\ Lyle Coyle - " " "----------- 30.00\ Chas. Jackson- " " "----------- 30.00 J. D. Vallee - Council & Janitor fees ---- 20:40` Miss Berta Atkinson- Extra service F.D. --- 10.00\ Harold Tuff - Extra services fire Dpt.- � 5.00\ Moved by Coyle Seconded by Johnson- That this Council now ad journ,Sine Die. Carried. 221