HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1945TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1945 . .ti , 1 "0" 10i 160 Township Mall, Straffordville, .Tart. 2nd. 19)x5. The Inaugural meeting of the 1945 Council of the Township of Bayhom war held on the above date and those tHking the necessary heclnrationr of Office were;- Reeve C. n. Coyle, Deputy -Reeve Neil H. McConkey and Councillors Arba A. Johnson, Charles Scruton and Verne Baldwin. It war Very much regretted that the local minister war out of town and unable to attend at the opening of this meeting. Mr. P. A. Call, Mamager of the local bank, attended at the meeting and complimented the members on their return to office and wished them every succ;eEs in the coming year. Minutes of the last meeting were read, Approved and signed and the following business :was done. Memorandum was received from the Dept, of Agricultural in respect to the appointment of a Weed Inspector. ilotice was received of the dates of the Good Roads Assn. Convention at Toronto with request for membership. Letter from tree Clerk of North Walsingham instructing that they will. not pay for trips made by our fire truck unless it is called by a member of the Council. The Reeve signed the usual Certificate of Fmnloyer for the re-newal of ttie bonds un the Collector and Treasurer. Moved by MoConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council limit the 4ervicea of our fire, trunk to BayhAm Township and Vienna... Carried. 0 Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Johnson- That this Council join the Ontario Grool Foals 'Asen and the TreaPurer issue R cheque of lk5.00 for membership fee. Cerried' The Bank borrowing by-law was discussed and prepared. Moved by Johnson Se;conde,j by McConkey- That By -Law No. 1127, being a by-law to authorize the' Reeve and Treasurer to borrow up to 535,000.00 at the Bank of Commerce for Township expenses for 1945, be now resd a first, time. Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No. Carried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No. finally passed. Carried. 112?, be now read a renonc� time. 1127, be now read a third time and Appointment of Township officers for 1945 rias then consider! -A. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That the Township Officers be re -appointed for 1945 at the same :Alaries, except the Assessor to be appointed at the February meeting... Carriel. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Baldwin- That By -Lew No. 1128, being A by-law to appoint officers for 1915, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconde;l by McConkey- That By -Law ilio. 112.8 be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1128, be now read A third time and finally passed. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That the Collector continue to collect tars on the 1944 Moll until the First of May 1945 at which time all unpall taxes to be returned to the Treasurer... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That the Clerk re -new the usual subseriptions to the Municipal W4prldVft0T. Carried. i Moved by Johnson Seconded by Baldwin- That we give a grant of S25.00 each to the Port Burwell and Hiehmonj Libraries.for 1945.00 CarriAd. 161 Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That Mrs. A. Grant, C. T). Coyle and Dewey Vallee, be re -appointed to the Straffordville Cemetery Board for three years. Carried. Proved by Scruton Seconded by Baldwin- That thJw Council wish our Reeve every sucreee in- getting n- gett.ing the yiardenship for 19450.4 Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- Theft the Reeve sign the several order Plicets. Carried. Valley Camp Coal Co.- Coal for Mothere' Allowance --- f 42.50\ P. L. Williams - relief for Patten ------------------ 11.90\ " " - " " Stephenson -------------- 16.50 W. E. McKibbin- " " Patten ------------------ 2.00\ Earle Travis - " " Meszaros---------------- 10*ap J. W. Mc4uiggan- '' Curtis ------------------ 30.90 ` N. 0. Stilwell - J. D. it Meszoros---------------- O a?.)f 00� T. J. Mahoney,Treas.- Membership Good FORdS Assn. --- 5.00 Frank Steers - Gas for Patten ----------------------- 3-13\ n of _ of u Tnwr, 14011 -------------------- 'A _ on. Lloyd Grant - Bonds premium ----------- -------------- 57.50\ Lloyd Jackson - Fox Bounty -------------------------- 40.00\ Treas, Port Burwell Library - Grant ----------------- 25.00\ Treas. Richmond Library - Grant --------------------- 25.00\ H. L. Godwin- deals for men operating plow ---------- 43.50\ Thos. Mabee - Stamps -------------------------------- 7,00 J. D. Vallee, Councillors and Janitors Pay ---------- 16.80 \ r 0 Moved by McConkey Secondee: by Johnson- That this Council do now nd journ to meet again on Feb. 5th. 19.5.00 Carried. 13 . 162 Township Hall Straffordville, Feb. 5, 1945 Pirsuant to adjournment of Jan. 2nd., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above *late, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. ]minutes of the last meeting were reed, approved and signet] and the. following business was done. CorLmunieations read and filed were as follows; - By -Law No. 1140 , of the County of Elgin confirming Township By -Law NO. 1121. Requests for member -ship from the Ontario Nuninipal Alen. and the Onto. Assn. of Rural Municipalities. Declarations of office from the Police Village Trustees and letter advising that P. E. Wilson is chairman, H. 0. Alward, Clerk, F. A. Hawes, Inspecting Trustee, Members of Memorial Park- P. F. Milton and F. A. hawes. Letter from Dept. of Planning and Development requesting return of their form for informaticn by Feb. 10th. Rev. A. J. McKaye, paid a friendly visit to the Council and expressed his regrets at not being able to attend at tree inaugu^al meeting. He wished the Council and Township much success in the eurtaptyyeer . and congratulated tiie members on their election to office and also Reeve Coyle to ule election as Warden of 1.1gin County -Ile closed his remarks with a short prayer. Reeve Coyle thanked Yr. McKaye on behalf of the Council and officials. Messrs. Alward arid Wilson of the Police Trustee Board waitel on tke Council and presented orders for payment, and letter asking that the Qum of `1500.00 be levied on the Police Village for street lighting Rnd general exp eased for the year 1945. Mr. Wilson also asker3 that ronsileration be given to procuring it publics dump for the village. Reeve Coyle rtatel that be thou7_ht eomr thing could be worked out with the Park Board along this line.. a 1,loved by Johnson 1 Secondee by Soruton- That the Roan Supt. buy dinners for the men operating the snow plow and charge same to the Poarjc and Bridget ae,'r'.t. Carried. _,ond expenditure for 19 .5 was then discussed. Moved by McConxey Seconded by Joi-uison- That this Council set our Road exnenc?{ ture for 1945 at �22,000.00... Carried. Moved by Jornieon Seconded by McConkey- That ray -Law Vo. for expenditure on roads and bridges be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Scruton F-econded by Johnson- That By -Law No. Carried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That ray -Law No* finally passed... Carried. 1.129, being n by-law to provide CC t22,000.00 for the year 1945, 1129 be now renrl a se^ond time. 1129 be now read a third time and Discussion was then held in respect to salary of the Road Supt. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council per year for lair work as Poad Oversees Council... Carried. Moved by Baldwin an amendment in the present pay Ii. L. Godwin 11200. k:0 during the pleasure of the Seconded by Scruton- That By -Lair No. 11j0, being a by-law to appoint H. L. Godwin res Road Supt. at A salary of .1200.00 per year, be now read of fret time... Carried. Moved by McConkey Secondei by Johnson- That By -Law Ido. 1130, be noxi read a second time. Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by MnCanxey- That icy -Law No. 1130, be now real a thirl time and finally passed... Carried. 0 163 Consideration sas Hien given to the appointing; of an Asgerror for '945 Thr. Clerk advised the council that an application had be F n re ^.e ived from Orin Bartlett for the job. After some disc:u cion it was lecided to retain the lgld.� AsseeCor. Moved by McConkey Secondel by Scruton- That tiiis Council hire W. G. I1itc;hell to asaees the Township for 1945... Carrieci. Moved. by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That -Law No. 1131, being a by-1Rw to appoint an Assessor for tree year 1945, be now read a first time...Carried. 3 Moved bl, Johnson fSeconded by McConkey- That By -Law !3o. 1131, ue bow reAc' A recond time. Carried. Moved by Baldwin Secondee by Scruton- That �3y-Law No. 11319, bf now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That this Council delegate the Council ane? Off'_cials to attend the Good ?loads Convention held Feb. 2u'th. and Mar. 1st. in Toronto... Carried. The Couhcit then considered the bdisiness of the purchase of any new road machinery. Moved by Baldwin Se(,-,ondee. bJr Johnson- That the Clerk be authorized to advertise for tenders on*a new -k ton truck. Old truck to be taken as trade-in. Tenders to be in office of Clerk not later than six .'.M. March 3rd. 1945... Carrie.. The Council did not make definite arrani;tments to make this purchase and the approva14 of the District Engineer wns to be obtained. TLie Road Supt. advised that nearly 1,1000. had been spent on snow removal in January. Moved by Scruton Seconder by baldain- That the Reeve .-ign the several order sheets. Carried. Valley Camp Coal Co*- Fuel Mutner's Allowance--- !, 1+2.50,\ '► "fit" - Relief' ---------------- 16, 00.\ W. E. McKibbin - Relief, Wm. Fatten ------------- 2.00-% Clifton Pressey- Fuel, Mother's Allowance ------- 20.00 Geo. Chute - " Relies ------------------ lO.OG� P. L. Williams - Relief p V. Croxford----------- 10.00\ 1'. Stephenson ----------- 13.25 Wm. Patten ______________ 11.90: W. E. Wattf.rson - " Edith r erry------------- 1?. qN ?q. 0. Stilwell - " J. Meszaroa------------- 28.50,\ Earle Travis - Fuel `_------------- 10.00N J. W. MISQuiggan - Relief, Masales & Curtis ------ 54.55\ Arthur Sheffer - Salary _________________ P.V • --- 9.10\ Charles Smyth - Labour ------------------- r.V.--- 1.80\ Henry Dark - "__________________ P.V.--- 1.00N George Young - "__________________p.V.--- 6.i�0� Municipal World Ltd,- Subsc.------------ P.V.--- 3.00 News Printing Co.- Printing _____________ F.V.--- 6.43 P. E. Milson - Car Hire ----------____-__ p.V, ___ 3,00-%Treas.,.Ontario Municipal Assn.- Membership ------ 10.00 r:. E. Grant - Salary for January, Police -------- 10C.00 N. fA F`. T). --------- 35-00-% Supples for F. P. --------------- _.ft 12.35,\ Phone Calls, Police --------------- 3.00-N Chas. A. Walsh - Supplies F. D- _________________ Lyle Grant - hepairs to fire truck -------------- �-50\ 45%. H. P. Grant & sons - Pulice car expenses -------- jr.00 - Bulbs for street lights ---- �. 5\ - Gas etc. for fire truck ---- 10.65 N Treas . Elgin County - Hospitalization ----------- ;114.11\ Treas . of Vienna - Relief Wit~i. Pake, Dec. & Jan. - / 28.28 Frank Steers - Gas for Township Hall ------------ 4.90♦ - " N fin. Patten _______________ 4.21%, Treas. Assn. of Assessing Officers -Membership --- , I0.00%_ a 164 W. G. Mitchell - Ins. for firc truck -------------- 0123.1U� to .� - To apply on salary --------------- 50.OG%. A.M.Brown Ins. Coo- Insurance --------------------- 87.00 if. i). Cook - Repairing pump T.H.------------------ 2.1 Municipal World Ltd.- Subsc. & supplies ------------- 16. 16-\ News Printing Co.- Printing ex Advt. Etc ------------ 23.30\ `rhos e Mabee -,stamps - - - - - - - ----------------- - - - - -- 23.00.\ J. D. V l.iee - Peg. 9. M. ':D. -------------------- 13.50\ To apply or, salary ----------------- U.00%. --- --- Council & Janitor pay -------- 1EI.80N Fd. Davidson - Rental to June 30, 1945 ------------ g0.00.\ Moved by Scrutori Secondel by Saldwin- That this Uouncil -lo now vid journ to meet again on h►arc:h 5th. at 1 P .M ... Carried* R.90021 VA 0�0! 2?jr'4V' � �W_ Aga /Vs ON Township Hall, Straffordville, March 5,1945. Pursuant to adjournment of Feb. 5th. , the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was clone. Communications were read and filed. Representatives were present from Dominion Gas Co. Ltd., requesting a ten year re-newal of the Company's franchise in the Townshig"4 The usual number of game wardens were recor+tmended to the Dept. of Game & Fisheries. Messrs. Caniel and Maurice Verbrugghe waiter on the Council and • requested the use of the Township Hall for the purpose of holding religious servies by Jehovah Witnesses. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council take no action in regards to the request by the Jehovah Viitnesses to rent this hall for services. Carried. 1. The by-law granting a re-newal of the franchise of Dominion Gas Co. Ltd., was then read and considered. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That by -Law No. 1132, being a by-law to extend the franchise of Dominion flatural Gas Co. Ltd for a further period of ten years, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That By -Lew No. 1132, be now react a second time. Carried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1132, be now ;4read a third time 1� and finally passed... Carried. Appointment of Fence -Viewers and Pound -Beepers for 1945 was then considered. 0- 165. Moved by McConkey Seconder] by Johnson- That by -Law leo. 1133, being a by-law to appoint Fence -Viewers and Pound -Keepers for 1945, be now read a first time. Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That by -Law No. 1133, be now read a second time. Carried Moved by Sr;ruton Seconders by Baldwin- That riy-Law No.1133, be now read a third time 3 and finally passed... Carried. A by-law defining a lawful line fence and setting the fees of Fence -Viewers and Livestock Valuators was then presented to the Count Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1134, being a by-law A lawful line fence and to set the fees of Fence -Viewers Valuators, be now read a first time... Carried. N ov e i by Johnson Seconded by McConkey- That by -Law No. 113)x, be now read a Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law lio. 1134, be now read a and finally passed,.. Carried. to define and bivestoe bb6ond time third time Tenders were then opened in respect to the purchase of a new i ton truck for use of the Road Supt . , Two tenders were received, both from Frank L. Truman, one for a G.M.C. truck and one for Chevrolet Truck. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council Accept Truman's tender for the purchase of a new G.M.C. truck at 51055.00 with an allowance on the old truck of $586.00 as per tender of Feb. 28, 1945, Reeve to sign order for same and apply for permit to purchase same... Carried. W. G. Mitchell asked the Council for consideration of making the sidewalk east from the bank to his residence, higher in order that water in the spring would not rover it to a depth of several inches. Moved by McConkey Seconder] by Scruton- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carriel, Valley Camp Coal Co.- Futl it it it " _ M J. W. McQuiggen - Relief, " " n E. Wisson - Relief for D. n n _ it tt ti Clifton Pressey - Belief P. L. Williams tt n n W. E. MnKibbin Earle Travis W. E. itatterson N. 0. Stilwell Treas. of Vienna for Mothers' Allowance -- S " Relief --------------- E d. C13rti's --------------- D. Maseles--------------- Masales, Feb. ______---__- It Jan. ---- for w --for A. Brunsden �MtrA.) ---- " Wm. Patten ------------ F. Stephenson --------- Wm. Patten ------------ J. Meszaros-r----__--r " K. Perry " J. Messaros----------- " Wm. Peke -------------- 08 fox ------------------ Stanley Augustine - bounty ftUgh Ke t chabaw ProvincialTreasurer - Insulin --------------------- Peters, drown h Co.- Fees ----------------------r--- Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies ------------- P . V. --- A. H. Wright & Sbn - "----------- P.V. --- Lloyd Vaughan - Salary & Repairs ----------- P.Y. --- Frank Suers - Gas for Township Hall --------------- Wm. Patten -------- Lyle R. Grant - Repairs to Fire Truck -------------- H. P. Grant cue Sons - Police car expenses -----------' Parsons' Paint. Shop - Be of H. signs -_....--_----_--- W. G. Mitchell - To apply on salary Trip to Toronto 42.50 26.00 30.30\ 24.50N 5.00 5.00\ 10.00\ 11.90\ 13.25. 2. 00\ 10.00\ 12,50\ 34.14\ 5, 00\ 5.00♦ . 98 100.00 \ .87\ 21.90% 14.30\ 3.9o\ 5.29\ 2.95\ 350 11.001 50.00\ 25.00% e \\ A. A. Johnson - Trip to Toronto ----------------- " "M Car Exppnsea H. L. Godwin - Trip to Toronto --_-__--!_!__ K. E. Grant - Salary for Feb. ------------------- J . D. Vallee - To apply on salary --------------- it - Council and Janitor pay ---------- Thos. Mabee - Stamps -----------!---------------- RoB T M e&V RV j( - rviEL FoR Wh"- PA T TE Al -- - - -- -- - - -- - _ _ 25.00N loo.00\ 35 • oo,, So, oo-\ 18. eo` 7-ao\ /p. oo\ 166. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on April 2nd. 1915 at 1 P .i... Carried. - Fz4i, V11- A* I WN ,. 0 Township Hall, Straffordville, March 13th. 1945* A special session of the Council of the Township of bayham was heli! on the above date for the purpose of considering the establishment of a prisoner of war camp on the local municipal grounds for labour purpoees and also for consideration of other township business: All members were., present except Councillor Scruton and Reeve Coyle presil^e. Moved by Johns')-.; Seconded by Bellwin- That this Council does of war located or our Municipal grounds at co-operate in every way possible to procure r:ecessary... Carried* not wish to have Prisoners Straffordville but we will other locations if Mo7,0. ry mcConkey Seconded by Johnson- That the peeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the Fxpebditure return for the Roads aitd Bridges account for 1944 -Carried. Moved by Jehhsbn Seconded by Haldw-in- That we-n-crrmend that Inspector Smith hold a meeting at Straffordville on Thursday, March 29th. at 8 P.M. in respect to Township school area... Carried. Loved by McConkey Seconded by Baldwin - That this special session do now adjourn.Carried. IA I. 167 Township Hall, Straffordville, Apr. 2,1945. Pursuant to adjourment of March 5th. the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, Approved and signed and the following busiress was done. Communications and hospital notices were read and ordered filed. The Clerk n-^esented the following resolution being the outcome a ratepayers meeting held at the Township Hall on Rarch 28th. Moved by John Morse Seconded by H. L. Godwin- Thmt the Township Canncil prepare to for, a Township School Area for Bayham Township, and that section wishing to withdraw, notify the Township Clerk of a vote taken at a ratepayers meeting of the section. Notice to given to the Clerk on or before May ljth. 19L5. Carried UnaximouEly C. D. Coyle, Chairmsn. Moved by McConkey of 1915• a by-law any negative be Seconded by Johnson- ThPt our Clerk send every school Section in Bayham a copy of the resolution passed at the school meeting held in Straffordville, March 28th. 1945 in regards to sehool area.. Carried. The Cleric presented the audit of Township school books as prepared by the Township Auditor. Moved by McConkey Seconrind by Scruton- That this Counoil authorize the Tvrasurer to pay the auditors for auditing 19W} township school books, S160.00.Carried. Stanley Luce attended on the Council and presentee' a petition signed by the majority of persons interestel in the Garnhan. Award Drain and asking that this drain be repaired. Moved by Baldwin Secronded by Scruton- That the petition of Stanley Luce and others for repairs to the Garnham Award Drain be accepted and the Clerk notify �► Fred A. Bell, Engineer, and request same to be changed to a Municipal Drain... darried. s Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council reed tend H. L. Godwin to the position of Corn Borer Inspector for 1945... Carried. A delegation headed by Rev. Frank Humphreys, waited on the Council in respect to the passing of a by-law to form A cemetery commission to manage Eden Baptist cemetery and to provide for perpetual rare for plot owners. The By -Law was presented to the Council; Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson.- That By -Law No. for a Board. of cemetery Commissioners Baptist Cemetery, be now read a first Carried. By -Law No. 1136 Has then presented to changed the time of Court of 'Revision discount and penalty to apply on tax Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. By -Law No. 1067 and repeal By-law No. Carrier. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law and finally passed... Carried. 1135, being a by-law to provide and perpetual care for Eden time and provisionally passed* the Council which by-law to Nov. 15th. and amended the collections. 1136, being a by-law to amend 1089, be now read a first time. No. 1136 be now reed a second time. No. 1136 be now read a third time Discussion of Township finances was then consid',ered by the Council and the setting of the mill rate for general Township expenses. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That the Township iniil gate be set at 10 mills plus 1 mil provincial subsidy and the budget ref the Treasurer be ticcepted... Carried. ` mov e l by McCORkev Seconded by Baldrin- symoathy... Carried. L Moved by �eccnded Carried, That +pur Clerk send Wm. Stratton a letter of Scruton by Johnson -That the Keeve sign the sev--NF1 order shprte. Valley Camp Coal Co. C. A. Jaekson - Fuel J. H. Howey - tt Clif'tcn Pre'Saey- " N. 0. Stilwell - It If _ P. L. 1,1ill isms - ft n .16 F F. McKibbin - Frank Laemers - Fuel for lothers' Allowance -- t for nelief, Masales------------ 11 tt meszj'Aoa------------- 7 Willaert-------- 't Brunsden __________________ Nelief for Willsert--------- ------ ft tt Meszeros ---------------- to it Patten-------- ---------- tt it Stephenson ---- -- tt It Patten ------------------ it it If J. W. Mcquigga.n - it it MasRles ----------------- !t it _ tt it Curtis __________________ Treas. of Vienna - „ If Pake ____________________ Frank Steers - Gas for Patten '__________________ it it _ ft it Town Hall - _ _ _ _ - _ H. E. P. C. - Hydro for Hall ------------------------ Norman Lijzht - Trucking coal ------------------------ H. P. Grants Soma - Gari for fire truck eta---------- " " 't - Straff. street lights ---------- " - Pal4 t- -.e car expenses --______-___ 14'eiv s Printing Co.- Printing & Advt • ----------------- Thos. Mabee- 'Restage _______________________________ Municipal World Lyd.- Supplies ______________________ Peters, Brown & Co. - Bal. Auditing fees ------------ A. E Simon, Sec.- Community Hall, Prine.100.------- Willzrd Penner - Fox Bounty ------------------------ Bugh Howey - it " _______________ ---------- Thomas Vaug'ar,,z- If tf ------------------- ------ Elgin Construction Co.- On Account No. 1 Drain ------ War Assets Corp.- Freight on supplies -----------_____ W. G. Mitehell - To apply on Salary ----------------- J. D. Vallee - if tt it it ____ - Councillors' and Ja'itbr's pay ------- K. F. Grant - Police $100. F.D. V715. for March ------ Lehoy Curtis - Expenses re. School meeting ---------- 42.50\ 9.50\ 10.00\ 10.00. 10.00 ,.,., 23.50 29.50 11.90\ 2.00--., 10.00 29.60•, 29.77` 1L .14 ` 4.21\ 9.90. 6.07` 4.50. 20.85\ 4.60\ 35.00% 18.24\ 15.00\ 19.54\ .67.50\ 115.00 \ 10.0,0\ 10.00 5.00\ 500.00 . 71\ 50.00 80.00 X3.90• 135.00 � 10.00 R Movo cd by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on May 7th. at 1 P.M... Carried. 169 Township Hall, Straffordville, May 7th. 1945• Pursuant to adjournment of April 2nd. the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital notices were read and filed. The following school sections notified the Clerk that they dick not. Irish to enter the Township school Area. 5.5.No. 1, S.6.No. 3, S.S.No. 4, S.S.No. 5, 5.5.No. 9, and 5.5.No. 16. Subsidy on 1944 over -expenditure of $192.74 was received fvom the Dept, of Highways . Approval of By -Lax No. 1129, re. Roads expenditure for 1945 of $22,000.00 was received from the Dept. of Highways. Application for a permit to purchase a new truck for Road Supte was rejected by Dept. of Munitions and Supply. Eden Cemetery board tendered a written request for usual grant. General repairs to Township Hall and grounds was considered by the Council. Moved by Johnson Secondee by Scruton - That a committee consisting of the Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and Clerk be set up to look after repairs to Township Hall and. grounds and the rest of the Council and Officials act as advisors -O& curried. Messrs. Murphy and Coomber of Corinth waited on the Council in respect to waste from cheese factory and repairs to Corinth Drain. The Council agreed,to look this over when they take their annual tour of rands. Mr. Chas. Turhbull of Corinth also waited on the Cpuncil in respect to x the proposed closing of Corinth station by the C.N.R. he was asked by the Council to have a petitioned signed by interested ratepayers of the district and the same would be forwarded with the following resolution to the C.N.R. and also to the Board of Transport Commissioners. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Mcruton- That this Council oppose the action of the Canadian National Railways in respect to the closing of Corinth Station.Carried. A letter was read from D. F. Gibson, Township Solicitor, in respect to Eden Cemetery By -Law, making certain comments on same, but advising that this by-law be passed in its present foam. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No. 1135, being a by-law to appoint a Cemetery Commission for Eden baptist Cemetery, be now read a th&rA time. Carried. sEC-0wrv, Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton - That 87-I,aw No. 1135 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That a grant of $ 5.00 each be given to Eden, Richmond East, Richmond West, Claus, and Straffordville Cemeteries for 1945..0 Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That this Council purchase a $ 5000.00 Bond of the 8th. Victory Loan to be used as a post war fund for the building of a new hall or repairs to the present one and to be known as a Memorial Hall... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Baldwin - That the Clerk prepare a► by-law to set aside $25,000. of present held Victory Bonds to be used as a post war fund for Roads and Bridges and $ 5000. for new hall or repairs to present Hall... Carried. N by-law for levy the various tax rates and providing for the collect- ion of taxes in the township was then discussed and prepared. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No. 1137, being a by-law to adopt the assessment for 1945 and to levy taxes for 1945 and to provide for the collection thereof, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No. 1137, be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Baldwin- That By -Law No. 1137 be now read a third time and finally passers... Carried. Rev. A. J. McKaye attenders bt the meeting and invited the Council and officials as a body to attend thanksgiving service on Tues. May 8th. at 11 R.M. to commemorate the signing of the armistiee with Germany. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That this Council delegate W. G. Mitchell, Rrba Johnson and any of the council that can go, to attend the ^ssessore Convention to be held in Niagara Falls June 13-15/45... Carried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton-That sign the several order sreets.Carrie Frank Steers- Gas for Town Hall ------------ f x..90\ tl It - it it 'Wm. Patten3.13\ News Printing Co.- Reports & Advt.---------- 37.03\ Aylmer Express- Rdvts. & Notices ----------- 3.00\ Thos. Mabee - btamps------------------------ 15 .00\ J. H. Howey- Lumber & Posts ---------- P.V.- 3�+-70\ T. R. Ives - Flags ---------------- P.V•- 24.00\ Lloyd Vaughan - Care Street Lights --- P.V.- 12.001 w. G. Parsons- Banners --------------- P.V.jj 49,25N P. E. Wilson - Labour ------------ P .V• - 15.00\ Dr. H. J. Hart - Sal. Oct.l to Mar.31/x.5 --- 100.00\ " - Expenses to Toronto ------- 25.00\ C. D. Coyle- L. of H. Fees ----------------- 3,96\ Geo, Vallee- " "--------- 3,00` J. D. Vallee- 11 It --------------- 96 Hlex. Bain - Cutting Weeds ----------------- .oON Elgin Constn. Co.- Bal. on No. 1 Drain 310.92\ Eden Cemetery Board - Grant ---------------- 5.00\ Richmond East if - "--------------- 5.00\ Richxusd West - _______________ 5.00\ Claus Cemetery " 5.00\ Straffordville - p -------------- 5.00\ Earl Woodworth- Fox Bounty ----------------- 5.00\ Earl Bristol - " "--------- 5.00\ Harry Davidson _ n �' ________________,. 35.00\ Waite Honsinger- " "------- 30.00\ P. L. Williams - Relief for Stephenson ----- 13.25\ itIt- '' it Patten --------- 11.90\ W. E. McKibbin - It it'! 2.U0\ Prank Laemers - " '--------- 10.00\ Morrison & Watterson - Mrs. Perry ---- 12.591 J. W. Mcf4uiggan - Masales------- 15.00♦ n nit Curtis -------- 30.30\ J. H. Howey - Helief for J. Willeart------- 10.00\ It if _ If It Meszaros---------- 10.00 \ Treas, of Vienna - " " Pake-------------- 14*14\ W. G. Mitchell - Trip to Kitchener --------- 15.00\ of " - To apply on salary -------- 50.00\ K. E. Grant - Police salary for April ------ 100.00♦ It H _ r D ,. to 11 35.00 H. P. Grant & Sons - Police car expenses --- 35.00♦ J. D. Vallee- To apply on aalary----------- 80.00\ N. H. McConkey - Exp. Roads meeting London - 8.00\ Verne Baldwin - of " " " �� - 5-00\// n h " A. A. Johnson - - 8.00\ C. D. Coyle - it U tt tt _ 8.00\ Receiver General of Canada- Eighth V.L. ----500R�90\ 171 J. D. Vallee - Council & Janitors pay -------- t 18.80" N. 0. Stilwell - Relief for Willaert--------- 23.50\ 11 11 -of If Meszaros--------- 25.00 Moved by Baldwin Secondee by Scruton - That this Council now adjourn to meet again on June 5th. at 1 P.M... Carried. eve Township Hall, atraffordville, June 5th. 1*5. rursuant to ad jourrunent of May 7th. the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date,all members present except Reeve Coyle. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was dobe. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Baldwin- That the Deputy -Reeve preside at this meeting in the 'absence of the Reeve... Carried. Hospital notices and Communications were read and filed. A letter was received from the Secretary of S. S. No. 2, advieing that that section did not wish to enter Township school area. Messrs. Turnbull and Coomber of Uorinth waited on the Council and presented a petition asking that electric street lights be installed in the hamlet of Corinth. They were instructed to have the H.E.P.U# make a survey of the situation and prepare costs then it would be taken up with the interested ratepayers by the Council. These men also asked that work be clone on sidewalks at Corinth this year and requested a grant for the public park and borinth cemetery. By -Law No. 1138 was then presented to the Council. This by-law provided for the setting apart of school sections numbered 8,10,11,12,l49 17,18 Rnd 23 as a Township 5eho6l Area. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Baldwin- That by -Law number 1138, beim; a by-law to set ape apart certain school sections as a Township school area, be now read a 01 first time... Carried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by beruton- That By -Law No. 1138, be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No. 1138, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That we donate the sum of $ 50.00 to the Corinth Bark, eheque payable to Chas. Turnbull, Sec... Carried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Johnson- That we give to the Corinth Cemetery the usual grant of five dollars.** Carried. 172 A letter was received from the Board of Transport Commissioners, advisin that no further application has been received in respect to Corinth station other than when approval was given for the replacing of the old station by a new s)4elter. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That the Deputy -Reeve sign the several order sheets... Carried. Frank SteersT Gas for Town Hall ---------------- t 1.90 to " - ,f of Patten ------------------- 2 05� Treas. of Vienna- Relief for Pake-------------- 10.26\ N. 0. Stilwell- Willaert--------- 21.9 :. - it It 5 Meszaros--_______ 35-00\ \ Morrison & Watterson- Relief for Perry --------- 17.50\ W. E. McKibbin- Relief for Patten -------------- 3-71-\ P. L. Williams 0 n it n -------------- 13.30♦ if it - " 5t,ephenson---------- 12.60\ J. W. Mcquiggan- of Curtis-------------- 30.30\ Thos. Mabee - 5tamps for Clerk ----------------- 4.00\ W. G. Mitchell - Dog Tax Com. 109 on 1598. ----- 59.80\ It " - To apply on salary ------------ 50-0()\ W. H. Taylor - Rebate on taxes ----------- -- 2,32 ,e, K. E. Grant - License & Ration Book, fire truck- 3.001 " it - Salary for May, Police-------�---- 100,00\ it it _ 4; t, F. D. ----------- 35.001 Provincial Treasurer - Insulin ------------- 1.95\ William Rayson- Fox Bounty ------=------------- 5.00N Gerald Wisson- ------------- 5.001 Harry Matthews - '►--------------------- 25.00\ Waite Honsinger- "--------------------- 45-00\ Charles Grass - ''--------------------- 10.00N Leston Everitt- " +'--------------------- 10.00♦ Lyal Tait - "--------------------- 20,00\ Ira Buchner - 'i "----------=---------- 5.00 Harry Davidson- "------------------ 65,00\ Archie Gunstone- "----------------------- 20.00\ Wm. Garrett - ------ 5.00\ Chas. Turnbull, Sec.- Grant to Corinth Park ---- 50.0Q\ Corinth iCemetery Board - Grant ----------------- x.00\ J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary -------------- 80.00\ " it - Councillors' and Janitor's pay -- 15.70♦ H. P. Guant & Sons - Pbliee car expenses - ---- -- 35.00% Frank Laemers- Garbage disposal ---------- P.V.- 60.00\ Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again July 3rd. at 1 P.M... Carried. 0 173 Township Hall, Straffordville, July 3rd. 1945. Pursuant to adjournment of June 5th., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. hospital notices were read and ordered filed. The following communications were read and considered. Letter from -ft. 0. Alward with pay vouchers enclosed and asking that sonsideration be given the matter of appointing a constable for the south end of the Township and also complaining Of a hole on the road near Alex Simister's home. The C.N.R. replied that they had no intention of closing Uorinth station or doing away with caretaker. Notice from County clerk that Bayham had been equalized at %2,, 724. and that the sun of S18,592. would-be required 'for county purposes from +Bayham for 19450 Letter front Dept. of Education giving approval to our By -Law No. 1138 re. Township school Area and asking that copies of resolutions from the Townships of Dereham and Middleton re. Union section be forwarded. 0 Resolutions were received from the Townships of Dereham and Middleton giving their approval to the union section No. $3 entering Township School area. Registered letter addressed to the Bayham Board of Health was read to the Council whielk from W. C. Brown Law Office re. Irvin Murphy's complaint that sewage from the Corinth Cheese factory has been over- flowing the drain on his lan s and that the drain is in urgent need of repair. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Baldwin- That this Council notify Donald Murphy, the 9er4 Corinth Cheese Maker, that the drainage from the cheese factory must not be all()wed to go into the Township drain at Corinth and that the Drain Inspector repair the drain... Carried. Mr. Donald Soper of Hort Burwell attended on the Council and went into some detail as regards to low cost protection work to help off -set the bank eroAion east of Port Burwell. He agreed to put up t500- if the Township would put up a like amount and he would supply the gravel and supervise the work without further cost. Moved By bcruton seconded by Johnson- That we co-operate with Donald Soper for protection stork to lake bank at Port Burwell and if the proposed work is carried out, this municipality will contribute 0500, on same. Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That this Council donate the Calton Cemetery Board the sum of $20.00 to be used for their cemetery at Calton.Carrie Moved by Baldwin *40 Seconded by Scruton- That the following persons be appointed to the Eden Cemetery Board. Wilfred Nelson and Camby Travis for 3 years; William White and Nathan Gray for 2 years and Rev. F. S. Humphreys and William Holoson for one year... Carried. The Treasurer explained that there were very few properties liable for the tax sale and that it would cause considerable expense to hold the sale for 3 or 4 properties. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That,in view of the fact that there are very few properties liable for tax sale, this municipality does not hold the usual tax sale this fall... Carried, a: q., %i ;y `•`1 Baa ] 173 Township Hall, Straffordville, July 3rd. 19.5. Pursuant to adjournment of June 5th-, the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. hospital notices were read and ordered filed. The following communications were read and considered. Letter from h. 0. Alward with pay vouchers enclosed and asking that consideration be given the matter of appointing a constable for the south end of the Township and also complaining Of a hole on the road near .Alex Simister's home. The C.N.R. replied that they had no intention of closing Uorinth station or doing away with caretaker. Notice from County clerk that Bayham had been equalized At $2 P72 and that the sum of 916, 592. would-be required 'for county purposes from Bayham for 1945. Letter frog► Dept. of Education giving approval to our By -Law No. 1138 re. Township school Ar,6a and asking that copies of resolutions from the Townships of Dereham and Middleton re. Union section be forwarded. Resolutions were received from the Townships of Dereham and Middleton giving their approval to the union section No. �3 entering Township school urea. Registered letter addressed to the Bayham Board of Health was read to the Council wh.f eh from W. C. Brown Law Office re. Irvin Murphy's complaint that sewage from the Corinth Cheese factory has been over- flowing the drain on his lands and that the drain is in urgent need of repair. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Baldwin- That this Council notify Donald Murphy, the @art Corinth Cheese Maker, that the drainage from the cheese factory must not be allowed to go into the Township drain at Corinth and that the Drain Inspector repair the drain... Carried. Mr. Donald Soper of Hort Burwell attended on the Council and went into some detail as regards to low cost protection work to help off -set the bank erosion east of Port Burwell. He agreed to put up S500- if the Township would put up a like amount and he would supply the gravel and supervise the work without further cost. Moved By Scruton seconded bJr Johnson- That we co-operate with Donald Soper for protection Rork tb lake bank at Port Burwell and if the proposed work is carried out, this municipality will contribute $500. on same. Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That this Council donate the Calton Cemetery Board the sum of $20.00 to be used for their cemetery at Calton.Carrie Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That the following persons be appointed to the Eden Cemetery Board. Wilfred Nelson and Camby Travis for 3 years; William White and Nathan Gray for 2 years and Rev. F. S. Humphreys and William Holoson for one year... Carried. The Treasurer explained that there were very few properties liable for the tax sale and that it would cause considerable expense to hold the sale for 3 or 4 properties. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That, in view of the fact that ;there are very few properties liable for tax sale, this municipality ,does not hold the usual tax sale this fall... Carried. ' t s 174 Mr. P. E. Wilson attended at the Council meeting and discussed with th members the matter brought up in Mr. Alward's letter. H by-law for establishing a post war fund was then considered. Moved by McConkey Seconded by beruton- That By -Law No. 1139 being a By -Law to establish and maintain a reserve fund for post war replanement of or improve- ment in public works, be now read a first time... Carrie(l. Moved by Scruton (a Seconded by Johnson - That By -Law No. 1139 be now read a second time. "l Carried. 1 Moved by Baldwin. Seconded by I.cCpnkey- That By -Law No. 1139 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by beruton- That the following accounts be paid for expenses to Assessors' Convention at Niagara Falls- W. G. Mitchell, S39.0C and A.A.Johnson, $25.00... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carried, W. R. Kirk, Late our ------------------ _rrwb_.w p,y, - f1r-, 53.E Lloyd W. G. Mitchell - To apply on salary ------------- Vaughan- S)rreet Lights -------------- P.V.- 24.00\ Frank J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary --------------- Laemers- Garbage disposal ----------- P.V.- 60.00,\ J. W. Mcquiggan- Relief,Curtis ------------------ 36,55N it 10.00\ It _ " Masales----------------- 20.00 P. L. Williams - " Patten ------------------ 13.30\ Wm. Rayson - " -- -- 5-00\ 1t - Stephenson --------------- 12.60N W. E. McKibbin - 2 Patten ------------------ 2.00-\ N. 0. Stilwell - 1.Meezaros ---------------- 38.90\ E. Wilson - ItMasales ----------------- 5.10\ J. H. Howey - 1' i(eszaros , June --------- 5-00\ ti 11 It 'i Thos. H. A. K. E. it May - --------- 5, 00 ` Mabee - Stamps ---------------------------- 56,001 Ostrander- burial ro. G. Parker ----------- 59.00\ Grant - Material for steps at Hall -------- 5,25\ " - Salary for June ------------------- \ 11 _ 100.0011 �� 35 00� ........_......r.....— & Sons- Police car expenses --------- 35.00\ hydro for Hall --------------------- 6.071 - Gas " "-------------------- 1.30\ 11 04 Patten ------------------ 2.05\ H. P. Grant H. E. P. C. - Frank Steers 11 to News Printing Co. - Tax notices & Etc. ---------- 12.97\ Treas. Elgin County - Hospitalization ------------ 96,74\ W. G. Mitchell - To apply on salary ------------- 50,00\ it - Exp. re Assessors' Assn. ------- 39.00\ A. A. Johnson - " 11" ------- 25.00 J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary --------------- 80,00 It - Council & Janitor's pay ---------- 18.80\ Morrison & Watterson - Relief re. Perry --------- 17.60\ Frank Mott, Treas.- Grant to Calton cemetery ---- 20.001 Dan kntone - Fox Bounty ------------------------- 5,00\ Pete McQuiggan - Fox Bounty --------------------- 10.00\ Norman Gordon -------------------- 5.00\ J. Leston Everitt- ----------- ------- ---- 5,00\ arthur Stanat - --------------- ------ 5.001 Harry Davidson- ------ --------------- >5. oo\ Archie Gunstone- ---------------------- 10.00N Wm. Rayson - " -- -- 5-00\ Moved by McConkey ;seconded by. ,%)cruton- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Aug. 6/45 at 1.30 P.M... Carried. Township Hall, Strayfordville, Aug. 6th. 1945. Pursuant to adjournment of July 3rd. the Council of the Township of riay ham met in regular session on the above date, all members present except Councillor Scruton. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approted and signed and the following business was done. Communicatopns and hosnital notices were read and filed. A petition was received from owners of Iroquois Bark, asking that, weeds wade to roadway. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Jdh.ns on- That the weeds Port Burwell be looked after by our 175 of sumier eottages on the west side be out along the road and repairs and roads ;#cEt of the park at Offinials... Carried.. Mooed by Johns on seconded by McConkey- That we send delegates to the Ontario Municipal Assn. to be held in Toronto Rug. 28 to 31... Carried.. Moved by McConkey seconded by Johnson- That this Council join the Mayors and Reeves Association for 1945..0 Carried. A petition was rectived by the Clerk asking that work be done on the Wm. Pollock Award Drain and that it be changed to a Municipal Drain.. Moved by Baldwin Secondedby Johnson- That the petition on Wm. Pollock Award gain be accepted and that the Clerk notify Fred Bell, Engineer...Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Baldwin- That this Council give the Aylmer Fair Board the usual grant of $100.00 for 19415 fair... Carried. Mr. Donald Soper agdin waited on the Council in respect to protection work eaAt of Port Burwell. Further pians were discussed and Mr. Soper stated that he would try and begin tl-ds work about Oct. lat. Houghton Township Uouncil requested the passing of the following resolution. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Baldwin- Whereas the Council of the Township of Houghton has requested that permission be granted to Union School Section No. 15 and 8 to join Houghton Township School Area; therefore he it resolved that such permission be and itehereby granted... Carried. Moved by Johnson seconded by McConkey- That this Council pay the usual fees for going over roads;- Coyle $3.10. McConkey !13.00, Johnson $3.40, Baldwin *13.00, and Scruton $3.70.00 Carried. Win. Guzak called on the Council and requesters that steps be taken to make repairs to Ciialk drain as water is backing up in his cellar. On adjournment the Council agreed to visit this drain. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Baldwin- That the peeve sign the several order sheets.t;arried Frank steers- Relief for Patten ------------- " •` - Gas for Hall --------------_____ Frank Travis- Work on Dug -Outs -------------- H. A. Ostrander- Burial re. B. Garrett ------ it " Mulholland ------- News Printing Co.- Printing & Advts.-------- Treas. of Aylmer- Share Division Court ------ Thos. Mabee- Stamps ------------------------- Goodsell ---- ______________Goodsell Wilson- Fox bounty ----------------- J. D. Vallee- Meals at Vienna --------------- " " - Drawing tax deeds ------------- " To apply on salary ------------ " Council & Janitor ------------- W. G. Mitchell- To apply pn salary ----- 2.05 \ 1.90\ 59.40♦ 45.00\ 51.00\ 15.71\ 9.660♦ 10. 00 5.00 4*70� 3.00\ 80.0Q\ 15.10\ 5r0.00--, 176 f-awK J.fixmaR5 - RZ 6ARBA�a - - -- - - - R �. ---_ 60-00 ��K+?Y OARK. - I�ADovR—�3.s FA.FfigWF_s _ CAR 0IRE_ _ _ —_ __ Pt% _ -- 3 o. K. F. Grant- Salary for July ---------- $100.00 :� i, _ .. ,i ..---------- 35.00.. 11. P. Grant & Sons- Police car expenses 35.00., Treas . Aylmer Fair board- Grant ------- 100.00 N% ,assn. of Ontario Mayors & Reeves- Ker-.- 5.00♦ C. D. Coyle- Inspecting "loads --------- 3-10\ N. H. McConkey- of It--------- 13.00 N. A. Johnson- -------,._ 3,40\ Verne Baldwin- --------- 13.00 Chas. Scruton- 3 •�0 P. L. WilliaTas- Relief,F.ste�enson --- 12.60♦ ii to—It wm. Patten ---- 13.30 W. E. McKibbin- i'if---- 2.00♦ Susan Froggett- " Perry --------- 4.00 Morrison & Watterson- ki ---------- 17.6o\ J. W. Mc4uiggan - Masales ------ 24.96♦ " It - " Curtis ------ 34.48♦ N. 0. Stilwell- Meszaros ----- 38.90\, '- Willaert ----- 7-00\ ,�•S. C pK1 Co, - _ .. njESZARo 5 . - - - --. S, * O NoL4)P_✓ - . X00♦ Th'aA 9 . of W ADW YA -. ' P/9RE +t* „,,�,..._ /y� Ste♦ • Moved by McConkey Seconded by Baldwin- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, Sept. 4th. at 1 P -M • ... Carried. R Townf,hip Mall, Straffordv'i Ile, Sept. 4thto 19= 5. Pursuant to adjournment of I,ug. 6th., the Council of the Township of Baynam Mct* .111 regulru- on tui above late, all members iresent and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, a --proved and signed and t1le folluwi: g business was done. Hospital notices were read end filed. Notice was ^eceived from the County Clerk that the County Health unit would begin to function on Sept. let. and that the local Roard should be dissolved. D. F. Gibson, Township Solicitor, advised that the application of Mr. Vincent Barrie re. hydro az-rears, should be referred to the H.F.P.C. A letter was received from H.O.Alward, Police village clerk, Advising of an obje,tionable health situation in Port Burwell* Messrs. John Goodhand and Robt. Jackson, gaited on the Council in respect to sheep being killed by dogs. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council pay Robt. Jackson's bill of $1"35.0\,) for sheep killed by dogs... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey- That this Council appoint Robt�Jackson livestock valuator for the Township for the remainder of 1945... Carried. E Moved by 5cruton Seconded by Johnson- That the Local Board of Health be and is hereb$ dissolved as from the lct. day of Sept. and Dr. Hart and the :;ecret€�ry be paid to that date... Carried. 177 Mr. Donald ;toper attended at the Council meeting and gave further information and plans in respect to protection of bank east of Port Burwell, Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That thd,-- Council of this Municipality wish our Reeve much success in Lis neer venture as Member of Parliament and that he has a pleasant and enjoyable ..rip to OttawR in this his first journey there as member for Elgin... Carried. Moved. try Ccruton Seconded by Johnson- That the Reeve sign the several orler sheetc.Carrlei Frank Steers- Gas for hall -------____________ 4 1.30 of to — of " Petters --------- 3.13 P. L. Williams- Relief for Stephenson ------ 11.95: -it Patten ---------- 13.3a , W. F. Mchibbin- " " 11 ---_______ 2.00 Lester Broon - " " Perry ----------- 16.19N, J. W. McQuiggan Masales--------- 22.59, n tt _ tt Curtis ---------- 3G. 5r N. 0. Stilwell. Willaert-------- 21.95♦ If ,� - '• " Meszaros-------- 3E. 05 � W. G. Mitchell - To apply on &ssessing ----- 10C.00N "It- Itof salary _______ 50.OG% J. H. Howey - ;Relief for Meszaros---------- 5.00�-,, Treas. of Vienna - " Pake------------- 7.40 Rvbt. C. Jackson- Sheep killed by dogs ----- - 135.00\ John Goodhand - Valuing sheep -------------- 7.3E Frank Laemers - Garbage Coll. -------- P.V. -- 75.00\ P. E. Milson - Labour &- #aterials --- P.V.-- 5.00\ Workmen's Comp. Board- Re. Employees ------- 4.3.20,,. J. D. ,Vallee - To apply on salary ---------- 80.00\ "it- Council k Janitor fees ------ 18.80\ " It - Fee j pec . B. of H. ---------- 10.00\ Dr. H. J. Hart- t3al. salary M.O.H.--------- 100.00♦ Chas. bcruton - Poultry killed by dogs ----- 50.00 H. L. Godwin - Trip to Toronto ------------- 32.50-\ H. A. Ostrander- Amb. re. Mrs. Dick -------- 4.00\ Thos. Mabee - Stamps -_____- -----___________ 7.00\ Shillier h Co.- Forms ---------------------- 5.11\ Municipal World Ltd.- Printin.g etc;. -------- 52.78\ Julius Uzoni - Rebate on hydra arrears ----- 18.09\ Stephen Laemers - " " ^ " ----- 2,40\ H. E. P. C. - Hydro arrears Collected ------- 12.13-\ Provdincial Treas. - Insulin ---------------- .81\ A. E. Wilson Co.- Roads Insurance --------- 224.54 K. E. Grant - salary for Augur t ------------ 10(?*00� If It — It 10 to ---------- — 3i•00♦ � H. P. Grant & Sons - Police car expenses --- 35.00♦ Moved by McConkey, Seconded by Johnson- That the application for in- terim payment of statutory grant on roads expenditure for 1945 to Au 31st. be signed by necessary Township off. & forwarded to Dept. Carne• Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That this Council Bio noir adjourn to meet again_ on Oct. 1st. at 1 P.M... Carried. 176 Township Hall, 5t.ra f fordv ii le October 1st. 1545- j Pursuant to adjournment of Sept. 4th., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above .Bate, all members present except Councillor boruton and Reeve Coyle presiding* minutes of the last meeting viere read, approved and signed and the following business r was done. The application for a perrlit to purchase a now half ton truck rps refudel on dept. 7th. btt under late of ept. 26th. a permit was granted. letter was received from our au�:itor stating that the interest froze our reserve fund should be set up in a special account. hospital notices were read anti filed. Mr. Donald Soper again visited the Council in respect to bank erosion east of Port Burwell and stated that high water made it LmPossi'sle to do any work at the present time. Disr;ursion was held in respect to interviewes with officials at London and Ottawa. Moved b;� McConke;,r Seconded by ba1(lwin- That Donald toper be authorised to go to Ottawa If neceU.:a-7 in respect, to coil erosion along the bank of the lake east of Port Burwe 11.. • Carried. Moved by McConkey SeconOIC.3 by Joi-Anson- That this Council request DeMey VAllee to write the Canglian Underwriters re. our fire insurance. We now have fire protection in the form of a good Fire Truck and feel that we shoulrl have so,rie ctonsir3olration on our Nates... Carried. Moved by McConkey t;econded by Joi«ison- T:�at the Clerk advertise for tenders on ilewi half ton truck and that teli?ers close on Oct. l ; i. 1045 at 6 P.M. Old true to be taken as trade-in... Carried. Mr, G -ant M. Mitchell, represent in the Esst Elgin Rehabilitation Committee, w&ite._ on the Council and rave an outline of ti:eir work and requested a grant to help carry on their duties. Move,, -1 by McConi�ey Seconded by BRldwin- That this Coun,il donate t100.Gu to the Fast Elgin Reiiabilitation Board... Carried. Moved by Bal -lain Seconded by McConkey- Tl -,at this Council instruct the Drain Inspector to repair= the Chalk Drain and the Berdan-Cheesman ?gain... koarried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- Yhat this Council and our Clerk an:! Road Overseer be a Oorrzrii ttee to work in connection with the elct ling collect ion for foreign sufferers... Carried. Mr. Roy Nevill interviewed tiie Council in respect to drainage of the Laur and Adlington properties and also about opening up the road thru lots 15 and 16 Cone. 2. Mr. Nevill was given petition to have signed in r -spent, tc FA{cl drain and the Clerk was instructed to i rocure informatilon in respect to the ownership of the above road. A by-law ass then discussed in respect to including poultry under the protection of the Dog Tax and Livesto^k Protection Act. Moved by Johnson- :'econded by McComikey- That By -Law No. 1140, being a by-law to include poultry uii{ler tine Dog Tax and Livestock Protection Act, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Baldvi in +t �� Seconded by Jolzison- That By-law No.1140 be now reach a second time.Cark, `1 McConkey tr Loved by r Seaonded by Johnson- That By -Law No. 1140 be now read a third t1me and finally passed... CHrried. Consi,.ieration was then given to a 'to e„ by-law to regulate the moving of buildings on Township roads and to provide for a deposit of t2c.O0 befcm a permit is Issued. 17 Moved by Ba.l(lwln Seconded by Johnson- That by -Law No. 1141 tieing a by -lair to regulate the moving of buildings 6n Township roads, be now read a first time.Carried. Moved by Johnson Secon-3e Cl by Baldwin- That icy -Law No. 1141 be .fort read a second Carrie!. Moved by McConxcy Seccn,le d by Baldwin- That B-?,_TSsri No . 11'.1 be now reafl, a thir-1 t 4 oe s n,. 04- finally passed.... ^t.1'riF,ci. by-law :las then presented to provide for t�_e hol ling of !!unicipel election: for 1945! Moved. by McConkey Seconded by Baldwin- That lay -Lary Ue. 11,'..}2 being a the holding of municipal e le rations for 1945 and to ,3eputy returning officers and po�.l clerks, be now Carried. Moved by balr'Awin �-econdel by McConkey- That Moved by Johnson Seconded by McConkey- That finally passed... Carrie -i. by-lnv, to provide for name polling places- real laces- read a t ime .. . By -Law No. 1112 be now read a te6otid - timeq06 67 -Law No. 11-)42 be noir read a thirri time anM Moved by McConkey I'econdel oy Johnson- `:llat the :►peeve sign the several order shrmete... Carried. J. W. McQuiggan- Relief for Ed. Curtis ------------- ii . E. Mchibbin - " IT Wm. Patter ------------- P. L. Williams - " " k. Stephenson ---------- " it - '' " Vim! Patten ------------- J. Froggett - " " Mrs. K. Parry --______-- N. 0. Stilwell. - " " J. Meszeros---------- J. Ii. Howe;; ----- ---- criorrison & Watterson- " " Nirs. K. Perr---------- Frank Steers - Gas for P!m. Patten ------------------ ti -----------------" It - it it Town Hall - li. E. P. C. Hylro for Town 141a 11 ------------------ Mun4 cipal World Ltd. - Porn's & Supplies ---------- -- AylmerExpress - Advts.----_--____-_________________ News Printing Co.- " -------- ____________________ C. F. Soper - Supplies for Dug -outs ---_-____-______ Peters, Brown & Co.- Yortion 19'15 fees ------------- W. G. Mitchell - To apply on salary ---------------- " it - Bal. assessing fees ----------______ K. E. Grant - Salary for Sept! ---------------- 19 " It - Trans. fog^ H. Morris ----------------- J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------------ " It - Council & Janitor pay ---- Thos. Mabee - Stamps ------------- -------- _--------- 1:ec . East Elgin Rehabilitation Con.- Grant --------- 71m. Kirk - Cutting weeds --------------------------- P. ______________ _--__- P. Grant & Soris - Police car expense ----------- Clyde Soper- Lumber ________________________ P.V.--- Frank Laemer: - Garbage disposal ----------- P.V.--- 3E•55� 2.00 11.95\ 1f.;C♦ 37.50-,, 5.00\ 17.60 2.05. 1.30+. ! 0 ; 2.29♦ 2.00\ 1.20% 18. E0\ 100.00" 50, UO" 200.00 IC,CG.00\ 35.00\ b.oc\ QO.CO� 15/10\ .00\ 100.00\ 10.00♦ 35!00♦ 1.70 5.00` .13 0 15 Moves, by McConkey Senended by Johnson- That this Uouncil do now adjourn to meet again on Sat! Oct. 13th at. n P.M. and agmen on Oct. 29th! at 1 P.M.. Carried. 0 M. Clerk's Office, Btraffordv ills, Oct.13/1. ! A special meeting of the uouneil of the Township of Bayham, was held on the above date for the purpose of opening tenders for the purchase of a new half ton truck and for other business. All members were present except Councillor Johnson and Reeve Coyle presided. Two tenders were received, both from F. L. Truman. One for G.M.C. ton model 93-14 with 650-15 6 ply truck tires plus heater installed at $1083.75 and allowance for old trick of $500.00. Other for �k ton Chevrolet, same equipment at $1067.75 with allowance for old truck of $ 500.00. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Seruton- That we acce t the tender of F.L.Truman for a new G.M.C. i ton truck Model 93-1 with heavy duty tires and heater installed at $1083.75 with allowance of $500.00 for old truck. However 6f G.M.C. truck is not available we will accept a Chevrolet truck with same equipment and at $1067.75 and $500.00 allowance for old truck... Carried* Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That H. L. Godwin, Road Supt., be authorized to sign order with F.L.Truman for a new half ton truck.. Carried. The Clerk notified the Council that claims for damages had been received from Imperialle Fuels Ltd. and Clayton Godby by reasonof accidents suffered by vehicles on Township roads. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Baldwin- That this special meeting of the Council do now adjourn... Carried. --Reeve* 181 Township Hall, Straffordville, Oct. 29, 19.5. Pursuant to adjournment of Oct. let. the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications and Hospital notices were read and filed. A delegation from Riebmmd and vicinity waited on the Council in reppeet to the brpken brifte near there and were assured by the Council that there was no intention of closing the roads and that repairs would be made as soon as material could be procured. Mr. Thos. Ives and Mr. Gordon Chalk of Port Burwell, visited the Uouncil and gave a report on their attendance at a conference in Cleveland in respect to Tourist business along the north and south shores of Lake Erie. The Clerk was instructed to send a letter of appreciation to Mr. J.L.Pinny for his accomadation and services rendered to these gentlemen on this trip, A delegation of farmers interested in the Serr Drain were presented and requested the Council to take some action to repair this drain. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That the Drain Inspector be authorized to make necessary repairs to the Kerr Drain... Carried. 6 A representative was also present from the Elliott Drain and asked that this Drain be repaired. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That the Council send our Ditch Inspector out to inspect the Elliott Drain and have trouble repaired...Carried. Messrs. Morley Pollock and Bert Rata wlited on the Council in respect to 'a drain on their properties. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That the Drain Inspector make an inspection •f the drain on Morley Pollock and Bert Ratz properties and take steps to remedy same... Carried. Mr. T. S.. Caldwe 11, District Highway Engineer, was present and discussed with the Council road conditions due to wash -outs by heavy rains it was decided to pass•_ -a by-law for an additional $2000. for extra money to take care of this. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No. 1143, being a by-law Vo provide for an additional expehditure of $2000. on Township Roads and Bridges be now read a first time... Carrier!. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1143 be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey- That by -Law No. 1143 be now read a third time and finally passed... Uarried. Consideration was then given to the purchasing of a Bond of the Ninth Victory Loan. Moved by McConkey Seeondedby Johnson- That thisoCouneil spend S 5000. in the buying of Victory Bonds; 52500. for Roads and Bridges and 52500. to be set aside as a fund for building improvement... Carried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That a grant of $ 15.00 be given the Last Post Fund in respect to the Late Rpy L. Harris of Port Burwell... Carried. Mr. Claus was present and ask the Council do do all it could to have the Work on his drain proceeded with as soon as possible. . Moved by Seconded Carried. Arthur C. D. H. H. Chas, Verne A. A. J. Vii. N. 0. !� . EO a, McConkey by Baldwin- Vyse - Fox Coyle- Fees McConkey - Scruton- Baldwin - Johnson - That the Reeve sign the several order sheets.. Bounty ----------------------- iii VV 5-00", OVO attending Council ----------- 6,20%, «----------- 6.6o\ « " --- 10.20, 3,,4o\ s4d` Mc4uiggan- Relief for Ed. Curtis -------- 31.5 Stilwell - i63 J. Meszaros------- 8.90N McKibbin- Wm. Patten ------- 2.00-, Williams F. btehphneon ----- 11.95 %% WM4I Patten -------- 13.30 Morrison & Watterson A :1 .• Mrs. K. Perry ---- 22.60\ Eitel Bros.- Relief for G. Haggerty ----------- 90.65 N Valley Camp Coal Co.- Relief for Patten & Perry 22.12\ to 0t - Travis,Meharg LaMay 36.01 Treas. of Vienna for Pake---------- 18.67N Frank Steers - Relief For Patten ------------- 3.13♦ " " - Gas for Town Hall -------------- 1.30 Frank Laemers -- Garbage Dispoeal--------P.Y.-- 60.00N Rev. J.H.Curtis- Exp. Clothing Drive ----P.V.-- 5.00\ Miss Joyce Smith- " -----P.V. -- .35\ Lloyd Vaughan - balary re. Street Lights P.V.-- 12.00\ Twp. of Bayham- Payment on hall -------- P.V.-- 210.00\ Medical Welfare Board- Rebate ----------------- 1.12\ Ed. Davidson- Rental to Dec. 31/45 ------------ 90.00 News Printing Co.- Advts. & Etc. -------------- 2.52\ Ray Matthews - Fox Bounty ---------------------- 5,00\ Howard Coomber- " ------------- 5,00♦ Clarence Reid ------------ 5.00♦ g. E. Grant - Salary for October -------------- 135.00\ it 4 4 - EX for Tran o t t i e* sp r a on --------- 9.00\ H. P. Grant & bons - Police car expenses ------ 35.00\ Thos. Mabee - Stamps -------------------------- 7.00\ J. D. Vallee- Deed & Janitor's pay --- 7,00\ To apply on salary -------- ------ 80000\ W. G. Mitc)4ell- ++ 44 it it 50.00\ Berton Hilts - Work on hall grounds ----------- 26.30\ Receiver Gener*1 of Canada- (the V.L.----------5000.00\ Last Post Fund- Ghat re. Roy L. Harris ------- 15.00\ s Moved by McConkey Seconded by Baldwin- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Nov. 15th. at 1 P.M... Carried. --- rA_ Reeve". - 182 4 183 Township Hall, Straffordville, Nov. 15,19.5. A regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date with all members present except councillor Baldwin and Reeve Coyle presiding. H. L. Godwin acted a Clerk in the absence of J. D..Vallee. Minutes of the previous meeting were read, approved and signed by the Reeve and the following business was done. Very little business was before the Council so at 2 P.M* the Council formed themselves into Court of Revision for the 1946 Assessment RoAlp having previously subscribed to the necessary oaths. C. D. Coyle acted as chairman and H. L. Godwin as Clerk of the Court. The follwoing appeals were heard and decisions made as follows; - appellant Respectinji Matter^ Decision Mrs, E. Carroll Self Assessment too High Reduced by t25. Stanley Backus Self " " " Not allowed. Nelson Boyd Self Reduced by 1100. Dry Milk Co. Bordens " " " Not allowed. Eunice Ecker Self " " Not allowed Je#nrVeyern Self Improper Assessment Assessment on Eeland " house to be 5700. and More to be ?'S assessed to Malahid Telephone Co for Moved by McConkey beconded by Johnson- That we now adjourn this Court of Revision bine ' Die, and accept the assessment Roll as revised... carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again Dec. 15th. or earlier at the call of the Reeve... Carried. t t L ?'S Y °' Township Hall, Straffordville, Nov. 23rd. 1945. The Nomination meeting for members of the Township Council for the Township of Bayham for the year 1946 and for Trustees for the Bayham Township School Area was held on the above date between the hours of ,one and two Y.M. About 30 -interested ratepayers were present. At the close of nominations, the following names had been submitted. For Reeve- C. D. Coyle, N. H. McConkey and Burton McCord. For Dep. -Reeve - A. A. Johnson, N.H. McConkey and Burton McCord. For Councillor- Eugene Mitchell, Lyle Coyle, Chas. Jackson, Verne Baldwin, William Grant, Chas. beruton, Clayton A. Jackson, Stewart McKibbin, Fred Chandler, Newell Wright, Lloyd Jackson, and Geo. S. Elliott. For Trustee- Lorne Alton, Lyle C. Coyle, Millard McAllister, James Jones, mhas. Jackson, Manley SIppson and Chas. Laing. The usual after meeting was held with J. D. Vallee as chairman and he went over the financial statement with triose present. All nominees were then called upon for short addresses, the Reeve and 8eputy-Reeve giving an4 outline of both County and Township work during the year. The meeting closed with God Save the King. 0 By 9 Y.M. on the following evening the following had taken the Oath of ftllegiance and signed the Declaration of 4ualification. This bein no more than the number required fobs the several offices, I hereby declare the following elected by acclaimation for the respective following offices. Reeve - N. H. McConkey A Deputy -Reeve - A. A. Johnson Councillors - Lyle Coyle, Chas. Sackson and Newell Wright. Township School Area Trustees - Lyle Coyle, Chas, Laing,, Stanley SI.mpson and Chas. Jackson. This being one short of the required number for School Trustee, I hereby set Friday, Dec. 7th. 1945, as a date to hold another nomination for this office between the hours of 1 and 2 P.M. at the Township hall Straffordville. Election if necessary to be on Dec. 17th. 1945 • ng Officer. � •ta• . nr-rl • .e Township Hall, Btraffordville, Dec. 3rM. 1945 - special meeting of the CoAncil of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date for the purpose of passing accounts and doing general business. ^11 members were present except Reeve Coyle, Moved by Johnson Seconded by Baldwin- That N. H. McConkey be nhairman of this special session in the absence of the Reeve... Carried. hev. A. J. MaKaye and the Clerk discussed with the Council certain charges made in a bulletin published by the Langton Parieh eriest, which referred to indecent exposure of school children at the medical examination at • Bayham Township eublic School. Investigation to date had shown this chars to be false. Moved by Johnson Seconded by 5cruton- That the Deputy -Reeve, Rev. A. J. McKaye and J. D. Vallee as chairman, be a committee to further investigate the charge made by the Langton Parish eriest in respect to health examination in a Public school of Bayham Township with instructions to take aetion...Uarriedv Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That the following tax unc o l le ct able . Mattie Brien ------------ S 1.50 Baldwin Property -------- 40.70 Leo Lafortune----------- 4.94 J.H.Littlewood---------- 7.41 Total ----------- 54.55 arrears be written off as Carried. Roy Nevill again waited on the Council in respect to the opening up of Township road between Lots 15 and 16 Concession 2. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Johnson- That having previously received a petition to open up road -between lots 15 and 16, concession 2, as a Township road, the Clerk be instructed to write Geo. D. Teall to ask if he has any claim in this land and if so to submit evidence of same at meeting of Council on Dec. 15, 1945.... Carried. H. L. Godwin gave an account of the work done on the drain of Jack Kauffman as ordered by the local board of Health. Moved by 5cruton Seconded by Johnson- That the account of James brady re. Kauffman drain be paid to the amount of 976.55... married. It was suggested that the new mambers of the Council for 1946 be invited to attend at the next meeting on Dec. 15th. Moved by 5cruton Seconded by Johnson- That the Deputy Reeve sign the seiaeral order sheets. Carried. F. S. Law & Co.- Relief for J. llessavos-------- 6 7.80N Morrison & Watterson - " " Mrs. Perry -------- 22.60� K. C. Emerson - " " " " ________ 5.00. P. L. Williams- '' `' F. Stephenson ----- 11.95N - " Wm. Patten -------- 13.30\ J. W. Met,�uiggan- '� D. Masales-------- 9.83'\ ti" - " " Ed. Curtis ________ 36,55\ Clifton Pressey - " " A. Brunsden------- 84900\ J. H. Howey - " " Meszoros (Oct.) 5.00\ - --- (Nov,)10.00\ N. 0. Stilwell - 11 is`' ------------ 35.00 Valley Camp Coal Co.- belief for families ------ 15.01-, if " " - " '� I.A. cases --- 51.02♦ Frank Steers -(has for Patten ------------------- 4,21\ Town Hall --------------- 1.90-\ Thos. Sayers - Work on Corinth drain ----------- 37.80 \ Albert Dekler & Son- Tile -------0 10.00%% !Willard Benner - fork on Benner Drain ---------- 7.00\ Spellman Benner ---------- .00 Municipal World Ltd,- Supplies ----------------- .5? News Printing Co.- Advts, & supplies ------_---- 20.36 ► 0 Thos. Mabee - Stamps ---- __------_-_------- Treas. of Vienna- Relief for Pake--------- H. E. P. C.- Arrears collected re Winter E. W. Hdines - Cert. voters' lists-------- Treas. Elgin County It Hospitalization ----- Provincial Treas.- Insulin re. bartty ----- H. E. - P. C.- Port Burwell Qt. Lights ------ •• 'mbtraffordville 4$ •• ------ Dominion Cutout Col,- Lamp Puller-- Mtnicipal World Ltd.- Supplies ----- P.V.-- Frank Laemers - Garbage Disposal --- P.V.-- William Laycock- Wreath ------------ P.V. -- Lloyd Vaughan- Salary street lights- P.V.-- S.S.McDermand- Ins. on Police hall - Y.V.-- P. E. Wilson- Grant for services --- P.V.-- F'. H. Hawes- Grant, supplies, labour - P .V. -- H.O.Alward - " Clerk, Tel.& Post.- P.V.-- Wm. G. Mitchell- To apply on salary ------- J. D. Vallee -------- 11 ,t - account -------------------- - Council & Janitor's pay ---- K. E. Grant - Salary for Nov. F.D.-------- if if i Y � PRKsronr� FOR Freq - Telephone ca le ----------- Jaynes Brady - Mork re. Kauffman drain ----- Albert Augustine- Fox Oounty--------------- tt it — it 11 ---------- Thos. Vaughan - of 41 --------------- Fred Ostman - is it_______________ Charles Bradt - 44 st---------- Lorne Taylor - it 44 ------------- W . ___---_-_N. Hayward - " - Lester Brown - ,. -------__------ Charles Grass- be --------------- Wm. H. Wilcox - if --.,------------ H. F. Grant & bons- Police car expenses ---- 18.00.,, 11.27-.- 28,80., 9.15. 2?7.82 .,98..- 7J.00 25 .50- 1.30 .01� 40.00 6.00 6 . o0 ,, 4 32N 15.00 . 18.08 27.00 50.00 so. 00-N 11-77%% 33.20\ 35.00,s 100 00 �.?s"N 5 76. 55 5.00 \ 5-00-, 25.00, 5.00. 5.00. 5.00 ., 5•0o. 5.00%, 5.00 5.00%, 35.00\ Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That this council cio now adjourn to meet agein on Dec. 15th. at 1 P.M.... "arried. 0 . MO -11V,, R 187 Township Hall, btraffordville, Dec. 15th. 19 .5. rursuant to adjournment of Dec. 3rd, the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business war clone. Communications were read and filed. Mr. Horace Johnson waited on the council in respect to the purchase of road allowance north of dt raffordville and not used by leo. 19 highway. Mr. Johnson stated that he had made satisfactory arragemnents with the land owners on the opposite side of this unused portion. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That the Clerk prepare a by-law entitling H. B. Johnson to the ownership of the old roadway north of Little Otter Creek And Eft Nora. IV Highway, for the sun of $30.00... Carried. Moved by McConkey ; :r ,,.✓ oSeconded by Scruton- That this Council Petition the Dept. to changea the ,�tchool ^at in respect to Township School areas, so that trustees may j�t�'"�1- receive the same remuneration as a council member for attendance at �� r meetings and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Inspector, �R putt' Minister of Education, and neighbouring Townships... Carried. Moved by McConkey �-' Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve declare Boxing Day a Civic: Holicty,, Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That the fireman be paid $3 -UG per man for each trip with truck and that 5traffordville Central be paid %10.00 and fort Burwell Central $5.00... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council receive the same bonuses as last year, and the Clerk receive $20.00 for extra services... Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That the Councillors and Officials hereby express theirappreciation to our Retiring Reeve for his leadership during 1945 and extend to him the best wishes for 1946... Carried. Councillors -Elect Chas. Jackson and Lyle Coyle were in attendance at the meeting on invitation from the Council. Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carried, Frank Steers- Gas for Town Hall --------------- .90� t, it - t. .. Patten ------------------ .21,\ Albert Augustine- Fox bounty ------------------- 5-0c\, Harry Davidson - n s. ------------------- 5.00 Jack Pugsley -t ------------------ 5.00\ F'rad it, Bell - Insp. & Exp. No. 1. Drain ------ 1$.00% Canada Packers Ltd.- Map for Clerk ------------ 1.50\ H. E. P. C,- Hydro for Hall ------------------- 6.07\ News Printing Co.- Printing & Advts.---------- 1.51\ Thos. Mabee- Stamps for police ---------------- 4,00k Lyle R. Grant- Account ------------------------ 13,40,- U 64 Is - 23 trips with fire truck ------- 69.00� Lloyd Grant - Prem. on Tress. Bond ------------ 20.00 N Drs. Alexander & McLeod- Services Roy Harris -- 10.00 � Jaok Grant- Gas & Etc.F.D.--------------------- 23,40" " to - Bulbs 5traff, Street Lights -------- 8,50 " u - 18 trips with f ire trueWit---------- 5 * 00 %, D. F. GiiWon - Account ------------------------ 11.60\ Basil Nevill - 12 trips with fire truck ------- 36.o0\ Jack Hotchkiss- 11 " " "------- 33,00%- 3,00•elm. Wm,Partington- 1 " " it ------- 3.00 T K. E. Grant - 22 trips with fire truck -------- " - Service re. btraff. at. lights -- " - Salary for December------------- �- 11 1/ 11 ----- J. D. D. Vallee - 10 trips with fire truck------- 11 to - Bal. of salary ----- ,"of- Salary S. A. 0. - W. G. Mitchell - Bal, of Salary ----------- -to _ It - Trips.. to Woodstock °& Tprpnto-- Miss Herta Atkinson- Grant re. fire ekila------ Harold Tuff - " " If +► J. D. Vallee - Council & Janitors pay --------- H. P. Grant & Sons- Police car expenses -------- C. D. Coyle - Grant for extra services -------- N. H. McConkey- " " " ------ A. A. Johnson - " " " __-_- Chas . Scruton - " " " " Verne Baldwin - - Fees re. meeting Dec. 15- J. D, Vallee - Grant for extra services ------- Mrs. Cora Meyer - Poll clerk -----------Y.V.--- Lloyd Maughan - Caretaker St,Lights ----P.V.--- Mrs . Homer Tedford- Returning Officer --P . V, --- News Printing 80. - Printing -----------P ,V, --- F. A. Hawes - Car Hire ----------------- Pove—M. Municipal --------------- P.v,--- Municipal World btd. - Poll Sook Etn.----P.V, --- 66.00 10.00 , 100.00 35•O()-,. 30.00 ., 120, 00 25-00., 125.00, 16,20 10.00--, 5-00,, 17-50'-- 35,00\ 60.o0., 30,00 30.00 ,., 30.00 • 30.00. 3.30. 20.00 \ ,50\ ,00-, 6.o0-, 30.43 6.0o • 1,62 M Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey- That this Council do now adjourn Sine Die... Carried. 188