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Bayham Council Minutes 1944
TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1944 133 Township Hall, Straffordville, Jan. 3rd. 1944 The inaugural meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date. All members were present and subscribed to the necessary Declarations of Office namely, Reeve C. D. Coyle, Deputy - Be -eve N. He McCpnkey and Councillors A. A. Johnson, Chas. Scruton and Vern Baldwin, Rev, E. A. Poulter was present and addressed the members and led in a short prayer. Reeve Coyle expressed the appreciation of the Council to Mr. Poulter. Minutes of the last meeting of the Council were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Mr. Pouter asked the Council to put a price on the old piano which has been laying around the hall unaded for a number of years. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That this Council donate the old piano which has- been in the way around the hall for several years to Rev. Poulter. Carried. Hospital notice was received re. Edgar Turrill of Vienna. This was found to be a Village of Vienna case. Communiiations were received from the C.P.R. Supt. in regards to the Vienna tunnel and that repairs had been made temporarily and would meet with the Council again in the spring. Discussion was held in regards to the Collector returning his roll to the Treasurer with all tax arrears. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Johnson- That this Council authorize the Collector to hold - the 1913 Tax Roll until the late of May 1944 and collect taxes on same and on that date all taxes including other arrears be returned to the Treasurer... Carried. The by-law for borrowing money at the considered. Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law Noe up to $35,000, from the Canadian Bank until the taxes Are ooller.ted for the time... Carried. Moved by Scruton Sceonded by Baldwin- That By -Law No. Carried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No* and finally passed... Carried: bank if necessary was then 1116 being a by-1,aw to borrow of Commerce, to meet expenses year 1944, be now read a first 1116 be now read a second time. 1116 be now read a third time Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That this Council pay Port Burwell and Ricbmand Libraries the usual yearly grant of $25.00 for 1944**. Carried. Mcive d by Scruton Seconded by Baldwin- That the Clerk re -new 9 subscriptions of the Municipal World for Councillors and Officials... Carried. Moved by M6Conkey Seconded by Scruton- That A• A. Johnson and Lyle Walsh be re -appointed to the Straffordville Cemetery Board for a period of 3 yeare.Carried, Consideration was given to the appointing of Township Officers for 19 Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That the Township Officers be re -appointed for 1944 the same as in By -Law No. 1107 for the year 1943... Carried. . Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- Tha By -Law No, 1117 being a by-law topoint certain officers for the Township 8f Bayham.for the year 191a , be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law Noe 1117 be now read a second t1ne. T Carried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Soruton- That By -Law N8. 1117 be now read a third tin* � F finally passed... Carried. ` e ki 134 Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That we give C. CWyle, A. Johnson, N. McConkey and Chas. Scruton, $3.00 each for trip to Vienna about tunnel and this Chas. Coyle be paid for mileage, 10 miles at .12�... Carried. Mr. Galbraith, Local Bank Manager paid a friendly visit to the Council Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carried. Tre as . Tress. Frank M n n H. E. Treas, N George n Pt. Burwell Library- Grant for 1?44-------- $ Richmond Library- Steers- Gas for Town Hall --____------------- n Wrn. Patten --------------- " Bruce Smith -__-w__-_w___--- n L. Nelles 0 ----------------- P. C.- Hydro for Bruce Smith ---------------- of Tillsonburg- Relief for Wintermute,Nov.-- H DCC . -- E. Beard- Fuel for C. Jennings ------------- 11 N " Geo. Vallee Valley Camp Coal Co,- Coal P. L. Williams- Relief for W. J. Fewster- . N. 0. STilxell- W. E. McKibbin- - " N J. Meszaros----w_------ M. Nelles-------------- for families ----------- B. Smith-----_w-w_-_w-- Wm. Patten ------------- F. Stephenson ---__---_- C. Jennings ------------ J. Meszaros------------ Wm. Patten B. Smith --------------- Chas. A. Walsh- Broom etc. -------_w-w___--___----- n° " - bolte etc. ___--.--_w-----____---..,- A. Squire- Care Mulholland for Dee. --------------- H. D. Cook- Repairing pump ---------------------ww- LloydGrant- Prem on bonds------------------------ J. ----------------_w_-__J. W. Mcquiggan- Relief for M. Nelles------------- n Ed. Curtis ------------ J. D. Vallee- Cpuncillors and Janitor's pay ------- Thos. Mabee Stamps ------------------------------- C. ___-_w-- - --C. D. Coyle- Expenses re. Vienna tunnel ----------- A. A. Johnson - N. H. McConkey- Chas. Scruton- " " "----------- 25.0_ 25•oa 2.90 5.29.\ 1 e 40N 1.4- "" 3,2&'\ 12 13:466N 3 -� .?6N 5.10\ 10.00 .50t 3 •00-% 9.90,\ 11.90'\ 13.25--% 3 . b5 � 3. 3 25.00 2.00 2.00 .63� 1.45 1.31. 46. 0 *".%7. 2N 57.50\ 12.00\ 30. 0� li . Q%, 10.00N 4920\ 3.00\ 3.00%- 3. 00 \ .003.00\ Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That this Counoil do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, Feb- 7th. 1944.... Carried. f 135 Township Hall, 8traffordville, Feb. 7th. 1944. The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed And the following business was done* communications read included the foliowing.- beveral letters from C.P.R. and Board of Transport Commissioners re. Straffordville crossing and Vienna tunnel, x letter from Mr. D. F. Gibson in regards to further action re* erosion at I&ML banks east of ?ort Burwell. Hospital notice re. Camby Kennedy. Notice from County Clerk that the equalized assessment of Bayham Township had been set at $2,4210176. Letter from E.C.Montieth, Division Court Clerk in regards to action against Marehman. Notice from the Department that a portion of the highway in lot 13, Concession 2 had been turned back to the County* w cheque from. the Dept. of Highways for $5.68 being subsidy on the over -expenditure on roads for 19l 2. Letters asking for membership in the Goods Rbads teen,, Assn, of assessing Officers, Assn. of Ontario Rural Municipalities and the Ontario Municipal Assn. Moved by McConkey 0 Seconded by Johnson- That this Council appoint 5cruton, Johnson and Baldwin delegates to the Good Roads convention held in Toronto the middle of February and include Township officials... Carried. Moved by McConkey seconded by Johnson- That this Council appoint Reeve C.n.Coyle and clerk Dewey Vallbe to sign agreements with schools re. public nurse activities... Carreid. Moved by Johnson seconded by 5cruton- That we pay C.D.Coyle for trip to Toronto with his car 120 miles at 14 per mile one way- $14.40... Uarried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That we send membership fee of # 5.00 to the Good Roads wssn... Carried. Moved by McConkey beeonded by 5cruton- That this Uouncil join the Ontario Municipal Assn, and that the Treasurer be advised to send $10.00 fees for name... Carried. A representative from the .Rati*n administration waited on the Counbil in regards to sharing some bflethe costs of the Local Office in Aylmer. Moved by 5cruton seconded by Baldwin- That providing Malahide and Dorchester enter into this PiAn, our Clerk send to the Ration Board at Aylmer the five dollars a month asked for and to be Paid half -yearly... Carried. The Clerk was asked to write to Mr. Milson bills asking for some action re lake banks at Port Burwell. Further discussion was held in regards to the five year post war plan for roads and bridges expenditure. Moved by McConkey seconded by Johnson- That this Council revise our former post war r budget to read as follows;- Bridges -X70,000; Culverts -%35,000; f Grading Roads -410,000; Widening Roads -535,000; and Drainage -'520,000. tarried. Loved by 5cruton Seconded by Johnson- That the following tax arrears be written off the Treasurer's books as uncolleotable taxes; - Wm. Ford- $*54; Mrs. Jakins-$2.35; J.H.Littlewood 7.34; Lewis Stewart S4.69; Jermyn Vercylev.20f; Clifford Wolfe -52.68; Stanley Walters -.500 Carried. r.. y . CERTIFICATE OF POST OFFICE REGISTRATION This receipt to necessary if enquiry is desired DATE marrter FEE if more than 10c. MAXIMUM INDEMNITY PAYABLE INTERNATIONAL - $ 9.65 for loss only. UNITED STATES - $25.00 for loss only. GREAT BRITAIN - $ 9.65 for loss or rifling. CANADA -10 fee $25 20c f 50 3 f 135 Township Hall, btraffordville, Feb. 7th. 1U. "3.e Township of Bayham met in regular session on the lembers present and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of meeting were read, approved and signed Rnd the ;s was done. )acs included the folhowing. - !rom C.P.R. and Bpard of Transport Commissioners re. ,ossing and Vienna tunnel. D. F. Gibson in regards to further action re. Danks east of sort Burwell. Vie. Camby Kennedy. �y Clerk that the equalized assessment of Bayham h set at $2,421,176. lontieth, Division Court Clerk in regards to action c. . ee i , 0, ee $75. ► 40c. fee $100; for loss, rifling or damage. Department that a portion of the highway in lot 13 66B.-1,000,000-21-2-40 been turned back to the County. Dept. of Highways for $5.68 being subsidy on the over -expenditure on reads for 192. Letters asking for membership in the Goods HAads Itssn., Assn. of assessing Officers, Assn. of Ontario Rural Municipalities and the Ontario Municipal Assn. Moved by McConkey 0 Seconded by Johnson- That this Council appoint Scruton, Johnson and Baldwin delegates to the Good Roads convention held in Toronto the middle of February and include Township officials... Carried. Moved by McConkey Beconded by Johnson- That this Council appoint Reeve C.D.Coyle and Clerk Dewey Vallie to sign agreements with schools re. public nurse ectivi'ties... Carreid. Moved by Johnson seconded by Scruton- That we pay C.D.Coyle for trip to Toronto with his car 120 miles at 12� per mile one way- $14.40... Uarried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That we send membership fee of #5.00 to the Good Roads Assn... Carried. Moved by McConkey 5eeonded by Scruton- That this Uouncil join the Ontario Municipal Assn, and that the Treasurer be advised to send $10.00 fees for same... Carried. A representative from the in regards to sharing sour Moved by Scruton Seconded by k3aldwin- That this piAn, our Clerk send dollars a month asked for Ratite administration waiters on the Council : blethe costs of the Local Office in Aylmer. providing Malahide and Dorchester enter into to the Ration Board at Aylmer the five and to be Paid half -yearly... Carried. The Clerk was asked to write to Mr. Wilson mills asking for some action re lake banks at Port Burwell. Further discussion was held in regards to the five year post war plan for roads and bridges expenditure. Moved by McConkey seconders by Johnson- That this Council revise our former post war budget to read as follows;- Bridges -5709000; Culverts -%35,000; Grading Roads- 40,000; Widening Roads -435,000; and Drainage -$20,000. Carried* Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That the following tax arrears be written off the Treasurer's books as uncolleetable taxes;.- Wmm. Ford- 5.54; Mrs, Jakins-$2.35; J.H.Littlewood-47.34; Lewis Stewart 54,69; Jermyn Vercylev*20g; Clifford Wolfe -S2.68; Stanley halters -.50g Carried. 136 Messrs. Arville Wolfe and Clyde Soper waited on the Council in regards to repairs to No.l Drain. A petition was prepared fvr them to have interested owners sign. Mr. Gall, Local Bank Manager visited the Council to meet all the members and to sa3r that his and the bank's services were available at any time when needed. Consideration was given to the 1944 expenditure on roads and bridges* lhe-Qlbyk was instructed to prepare by-law for spending $20,000.00 Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No. 1118, being a by-law to provide for Road expenditure to amount of $20,000* for 1944, be now read a first time... Carried, Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1118, be now read a second time... Carried. Moved b y McConkey S Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No. 1118 be now read a third time 111 and finally passed... Carried. Mr. Chas. Baker attended on the Council re.his accident on the 4th. concession road. He was advised to make claim for Clerk to send to insurance company. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Baldwin- That the Reeve sign the several order sheet#. Carried. J. D. Vallee- To apply on salary ----------------- 9 80.00\ Donation re. las. Galbraith -------- 10.00\ Fees, B. of H. --------------------- 3.00\ 1i 1/ w Reg. of B ♦ M. & D.-----------ww 18.00` Frank Steers- Gas for Town Hall ------------------5.90\ We Patten -----------------w 153\ a y h .i _ • h F3. Smith ---------- —------- — 5.29 L. Nelles------------------ 1.40\ Clifton Pressey- Fuel for Ada Brunston----------- 10,00\ Geo. Vallee- F. LeMay--------------- 10.00\ - Fees B. of He ----------------------- 3.00\ Valley Camp Coal Coe- Coal re. Mothers' Allowance- 42.50\ "to`' is - " it Relief families --- 17.00` P. L. Williams- Relief for Wm. Patten ------------- 11.90\ U '. - 11 *3 F. t�sttephenson--------- 13.75 // h _ If �� B. L?I ith-------------- 9.90\ N. 0. Stilwell- " J. Meszaros ----------- 2 .00\ _ • n _..w__w_-ter--_. 0.'.W. J. Fewster- mrs-t C. Jennings ----- 23. 5%, W. E. McKibbin- u W. Patten ------------ 2.00 J. W. Mcquiggan- " '+ M. Nelles-__--------- 11.97\ Ed. Curtis ---------- - 30.37\ George E. Beard- " J. Meszaros---------- 10.001 " 11 - " " C. Jennings ---------- 10.00 C. D. Coyle- Car expenses to Toronto ------------- 1-40\ n It w Fees, B. of H. ------- ----------- ---- 3.00 Drs. Alexander do McLeod- Services, Smith,Messaros - 3?.\ H. P. Grant & Sons- Bulbs, Straff. St. lights ---- 7.9'0-, Gas etc, re fire truck ------- 15.53N u " - Police car expenses----------- 3 -00%, J. J.., Faulkner- Chimney top re, fire hall -------- .00\ P. E. Wilson- Mork on walks -------------- Y.V.--- 5.50 H. 0. Alward- Municipal World subsc. ----- P.V.--- 3.00 A. R. Wright do Son- Account -------------- F.Y.--- 17.20 \ Treas. Elgin County- Hospital maintaimmee------- 95.61\ Trees. Tillsonburg- Relief for Wintermute-------- 13.46\ Thos. Mabee- stamps for auditors ----------------- 16.00N If _ Treas .--- %___ -ft ..ww .00` A. Squire- Board re. Mulholland---------------� ►- .50%, A. No Brown Ins. Agency- Prem. Council do Off* ---- ltz000N R. W. Haines- Certifying voters Lists ------------ .15 � Ridley Funeral Home- Ambulance re. with ------ 13.00 Dr. H. J. Hart- Treat, veneral diseases --------- 52.00•. « 0 u 00 M.O.H. salary to Deo.31/43 ------- 100.00\, s Earl Smyth- Troussers for police--------------- ,nssn. of ,assessing Officers- Membership -------- News Printing Cc.- Notices & Printing---------- Muniaipal World Ltd.- Subsc.& Printing--------- Treas. Ontario Municipal Assn.- Membership ----- Treas, Good Roans Assn.- Membership ----------- W. G. Mitchell- Ins. prem on fire truck -------- Canadian National Rye*- 2 yrs. Rig -Nags -------- W. G. Mitchell- To apply on salary ------_------- K. E. Grant- salary for January ---------------- " - salary & allowance for January ---- J. D. Vallee-- Couikcil do Janitor's pay ---------- 11.50\ 10.00., J.40�. 0 10 *00 � 5.00 123,10%, 50.00 50.00 100.00%, 35, 00. 18.80\ 13? Movedby Scruton Seconded by Baldwin- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on March 6th, at one o'clock... Carried. Township Hall, atraffordville, Mar. 6th. 1944. ftrsuant to adjournment of Bayiaam met in regular present and Reeve Coyle owing tb illness, H. L. last meeting were read, business was done. of Feb. 7th., the Council of the Township session on the above date, all members presiding. In the absence of the Clerk, Godwin acted as Secretary. Minixtes of the approved and signed and the following Communications received were- From Board of Transport Commissioners, letter setting March 8tho as a date to meet Township and County offioials at St raffordville crossing. From C.P.R. Plans re. Vienna Tunnel and sight lines at Straffordvilie crossing. N From A. E. Milson & Co.- Advising that they could not allow the claim of W. C. Baker for caanmages. From Dept. of Game & Fisheries, requesting the appointment of Deputy Game Wardens for 1944. Frm Wilson H. Mills, stating that he was trying to get some action in regards to erosion of banks east of Port Burwell. Front H. 0. Alwarl, Clerk of Police Village, asking for a special levy of $1350.00 on the Police Village for 1944. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Seruton- That this Council appoint the 1943 Game Wardens for the year 1944.9. Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council adhere to the law re, trucks drawing half loads during the months of March and April and an advto to be put in wylmer and Tillsonburg Papers... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Baldwin- That this Council pay the dele tes Roads meeting in Toronto $25.00 also IM, Mitchell S .40 services;- Arba Johnson, C. boruton, H. L. Godwin and Imo Total $111 *40- .. Carried. Representatives of the Vienna Council galled to discuss in regards to the Reid boy at Vienna. It was decided to with the Children's Aid Society and Pr6v incial Police. to the Good for czar Mitchell some action get in touch . 138 Chas. Jennings interviewed the Council ir► regards to some assistance for medical care. pie was instructed to contact Dr. Hart. Moved by 5cruton Seconded by Baldwin- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carried* Frank Steers- Gas for Tows Hall ------------------ $ 13,90-\ Wm. Patten ----------------- 5.2%, B. Smith ---r_ --------------- 2.05\ L. Nelles------------------ 1.40\ Valley Camp Coal Co.- Coal for relief ------------ 8.50\ " if " M. " " bothers' Allowance - 51.00\, Geo. E. Baird- Fuel for C. Jennings -------------- 10.00\, 46 it it _ " " J. Meszaros--------------- 10.00\ J. W. Me%tuiggan- Relief for Ed. Curtis ----------- 30.37\ - of N M, Nelles ----- 11.02♦ Clifton Pressey- Fuel for A. Brunston------------ 10.00\ W, J. Fewster- Relief for C. Jenningd ------------ 24-95\ Frank Laemers- Coal for Ism. Patten --------------- .501 N. 0. Stilwell- Relief for J. Meszaros----------- 29.50\ W. E. McKibbin- " " Wm. Patten ----------- 2.00♦ P. L. Williams- F. Stephenson--------- 13.25%, B. Smith ------------- 10.00 Vim, Patten ----------- 13.90-♦ Treas. of Tillsonburg- Relief re. Wintermute ----- 1 .qk Thos. Mabee- Stamps ------------------------------ ,00-s. Fred R. Barnum- Search do Dese. re. tax sale ------ 12.00\ Clyde Soper- Posts-------------------------P.V.-- 404G\ Lloyd Vaughan- Salary ----------------------P . V. -- 20.00\ A. E. Brown- Labour & materials ------------P . V. -- 16-50\ Provincial Treasurer- Insulin --------------------- 2,.87` The Fyr-Fyter Co, U4.- Equipuant----------------- 16,25\ Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies ------------------- 18.93\ News Printing Coe- Assessment notices ------------ 15.55 Peters, brown & Co.- Bal. sect. for 1943 --------- 106.20\ A. Squire- t3a1. re. Mulholland to Feb.12/I.4 ------ 18.00\ A• A. Johnson- Attending Good Roads -------------- 25,00\ Chas. Scruton- " " "-------------- 25.00\ H. L. Godwin - " n " -------------- 25.00\ W. G. Mitchell- _______________ 25.001 41 of - Car to �� �+--------------- 1E. 40\ If To apply on salary --------------- 50.00-♦ K. E. Grant- Salary for February ----------------- 100.00•` 41 1/ .0 it 6 ,�----------------- 3§.04\ H. P. Grant h Sons- Police car expenses ---------- 35*()O,\ J. D. Vallee- To apply on salary ----------------- 80,0Ci\ " of - Council & Janitor's pay ------------ 13.80.1 Mrs. Grace Andrews- X'Kays at chest clinic ------- 8.00\ Moved.. by beruton Seconded by Baldwin- That this Council do now adjourn and will meet agAin April 3rd, at one O'clock... Carried. 0 0 139 Township Hall, trefiwr-'!ville, Apr. 3rd. 1944. pursuant to adjournment of March 6th... the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present except Councillor Baldwin and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done Communications read and filed included the following;-. From Dept. of Highways- Circular in regards to requirements in respect to Municipal Bridges under the Highway Improvement Act. Also Approval of By -Law No. 1118 in respect to expenditure of $20,000, on roads and bridges for 1944. From Dept. of Municipal Affairs- Memorandum in respect to the two mills subsidy to be paid by the Province for 1944. Notices from hospitals re. John Teller and Mrs. Margaret Hutchinson. From Summers Harper re. recommending Corn Borer Inspector. From Wilson Mills in reppect to Bank ereosion east of Fort Burwell, From H. 0. Alward, Clerk of Port Burwell with petition attached in regards to coal dust and smoke nuisance at Valley Camp nock. Moved by McConkey 0 seconded by Johnson- That this Council notify the Valley Camp Coal Co. that the dust from the coal in unloading their boats of coal in the summer time drifts over the village and is a nuisance. We therefore ask the Company to do something to control the same... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That the petition of Ary i lle Wolfe and Clyde Soper and Others for drainage work oe accepted and the Clerk notify Fred A. Bell, engineer... Carried. Consideration was then given to the estimates and budget for 1944 - Moved by McUonxey Seconded by Scruton- That we accent the Treasurer's budget for 1944 which places the Township rate at 9.0 mills the same as last year...Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No. 1119, being a by-law to adopt the assessment, to levy taxes for 1944 and provide for the collection thereof, be now read a first time.-* Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No, lliq be now read a se6orld time. Carried. Moved by McConkey iliq Seconded by Scruton- That Hy -Law No. 1119 be now read a thtri time and finally passed... Carried. Appointments of Fence-Vieuei%!3 and Pound -Keepers for 1944 was then held. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No. 1120,being a by-law to appoint Fenot4 Viewers and Pound -Keepers for 1944, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by McConkey - That By -Lax No. 11#0, be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1120, be noir read a third time and IIV finally passed... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That C. D. Coyle, Arba Johnson, Chas. Scruton and N.H.McConkey be paid for trip to Vienna tunnel';.. $3.60; $3.40; f3-70 and 13.30 total tl4*00... Carried. Moved by McConkey w Seconded by Johnson- That Harry Godwin be appointed Corn Borer Inspector for 1944... Carried. , 140 Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That on the recommendation of the Cemetery Board. this Councillappoints the following additional members to the Straffordville Cemetery Board;- Mrs, H. E. Donnelly, 3 years; Mrs. Maude Lipsit, 2 years and Mrs. Adda Grant, 1 year... Carried. Moved by Scruton ` Seconded by Johnson- That the keeve sign the several order sheets..Carried George E. Beard- Fuel for C. Jennings ------------------ S 1n0*00\ ♦. it 14 1f J. Meezaros---------------- 1004 N. 0. Stilwell- Relief for " _________________ 25,004 W. J. Feaster- " " C. Jennings ---------------- 20,80-., P. L. Williams- B. Smith -------------------- 13.90.\ '► - it Vim. Patten ----------------- 11.90♦ n n _ of F. Stephenson -------------- 114-50--% W. E. MCKibbin- it " Wm. Patten ----------------- 2.!00 4 it u - I1 n B. Smith ----- _-r--------- • 1J} 5` Clifton Pressey- Fuel for A. brunsden------------------ 10,001 E. S. Law- Relief for J. Meszaros--------------------- 4,50\ J. W. McQuiggan- Relief for Ed, Curtis ---------------- 30,30\ it tv - It 11 M. Nelles--- __---------- 0_ 11,85\ Valley Camp Coal Co.- Fuel for Relief ------------------ 8,50,\ M. J� . --------- 5 1.00 %% Treas. of Vienna- Relief for Vl. rake ------------------ Iii .-72,\ It 11 - •♦ n Town Ha11---------------------- 7,92% Frank Steers- Gas for Relief -------------------------- 10.90\ " 1' - It 14 Town Hall ----------------------- 15.9x,. Thos. Mabee-btamps------------------------------------ 15,004 W. G. &litchell- To apply on salary -------------------- 50,00 J. D. Vallee- tv of ft _ _ 80.004 " - Council and Janitor's pay --------------- 1 -50\ " - Exp. re. Tax Sale ----------------------- ,90.4 K. E.' Grant- salary for Maroh------------------------- 100.004 as a n n ri • . 35000\ H. P. Grant do Sons- Police car expenses --------------- 35,0+ 4 C. D. Coyle- Meeting C.P.R. officials----_---r_r___--_ 3,644 A. A. Johnson- " " ^ __-----..___ -_- 3,40\ Chas. Scruton- " " n ------------------ 3.70♦ N. H. McConkey- r n » ------------------ 3,30\ Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on May 1st. at one o'clock,.. Carried, -i E P C -Hydro for B Smith _________________ 5 1, .1 r Reeve, - G k. r Reeve, - G k. r 141 Township Hall, Stra3ffordville, May 201944. eursuant to adjournment of April 3rd., the Council of the Townehip of bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present amd Reeve Coyle presiding, Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communication were received and read from the following; - Valley Camp Coal Co.- Stating that they would do all possible to reduce the coal dust nuisance at their dock at Port Burwell, Board of Transport Commissioners- With order Vo. 64711 enclosed author- izing the replacing of the present station at Corinth with a portable shelter. C. P, R.- Re. meeting council at Vienna tunnel: Dept. of Highways- Re. over -expenditures on Roads do Bridger. Dept, of Municipal affairs- re. appointment of signing officer. Notices of admission to hospitals of Asa rursell, Corinth; Mrs. Ada Brunsden, Bayham; and Stanley Mizon, Straffordville. Communic4tions were ordered filed. At 2 P -M, the Council 6ourneyed to the Vienna tunnel to meet represent- atives of the C.P.R. in regards to repairs to the tunnel and roadway through the tunnel and the providing of more overhead clearance: Considerable diecussion was held with the C.P.R. officials and on the return to the Hall, the following resolution was drawn up. Moved by McConkey seconded by Johnson- That this Council accept the odfer of the C.Y.R. re. the putting of tile in the tunnel east of Vienna, namely that the. C.P.H. furnish and deliver the tile, also the cement needed and that a length of galvanized pipe be put on the lower end of the tile, that the C.P.R. also furnish and deliver to Vienna, cinders up to three carloads. That the Township do the work of putting in the the and trucking of the cinders and that this Council accept no responsibility as to the future upkeep or condition of the tunnel... Carried. The Clerk was instructed to write to the C.P.R. in regards to the above and obtain from theca a..letter confirming the above especially the fact ir+ regards to future responsibility. The Trustees of Eden Cemetery requested the Annual grant of t5 -00 - Moved by Bal(win seconded by seruton- That the customary Grant the Board of the following cemeteries. - Eden, lam. White; Straffordville, W.G.Mitchell; Richmonf East, Geo. Procunier; Richmond West, of 95.00 each be given to Claus Mrs, B. Brian; Geo, Ortonv.. Carried. Moved by 5cruton Seconded by Johnson- That in accordance with the new regulations imposed by the Dept. of Municipal Affairs, the Reeve and the Treasurer of the Municipality be and are hereby authorized to sign cheques jointly on behalf of the Township of bayhatn... Carried. Reeve Coyle received an invitation to attend a meeting in Toronto re. Provineiii programme of Planning and Deve lopftpt. Moved by Johnson seconded by 5cruton- That C. D. Coyle go to Toronto May 8th. for the meeting called by Geo. Drew... Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Baldwin- That we bpy Five Thousa�iC Dollars 35000.) of the Sixth Victory Loan... Carried. Lloyd Grant attended on the Council in regards to the insurance carried by his Company on the Volunteer Fireman:. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That the insurance on volunteer firemen with Lloyd Grant be cancelled in favour of protection with the Workmen's Compensation Board... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That $500. be spent on sidewalksAn in the Township for 1944 as follows;- Straffordville $200. , Eden 5100.`, Ric bmond 1100. and Corinth $100... Carried. Mr. T. S. Caldwell, Dintrict Engineer, called on the Council and arraijged to accompany them on their annual inspection of Townehip roads Moved by 5crut on Seconded by Johnson- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Tress. of Vienna- Relief for WM. Poke -------------- Treas. of Tillsonburg- Relief for H. Wintermute ---- George E. Beard- Relief gor J. Meszaros----------- J. W. Me4uiggan- +6 it Ed. Curtis ------------ It t+ tt M. Nelles ------------- P. ---P. L. Williams WM. Patten ------------- ii of - " " F. Stel2henson--------- W. Re McKibbin- '' " Wme Patten ------------ Frank Laemers- Fuel for Wm. Patten ------------------ N. 0. Stilwell- Relief for J. Meszaros__- ---------- Frank Steers- Gas for Town Hall -------------------- :: tt go it Relief --------------------- -- Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies --------------------- News Printing Co.- erinting & advts. ---------------- Dr. H. J. Hart- Account re. Jennings --------------- H - " U V. n. ----------------- of ----------- -.I it — Salary to Mar.31/44------------ C C. D. Coyle- Fees Be of H. ---_---r----------------- Geo. Vallee- " "--------__-----_------_-_ J. D. Vallee- To apply on salary ------------------- ft M It It Tota Sawyers Valley Camp K. E. Grant- of rant- - Council be Janiubr pry ----------_--_-- - Yees B. of He ------------------------ - Corinth sidewalks -------------------- Coal Co.- Coal for Ben. Garrett -------- Expenses------------------------------ Salary for April ---------------------- tt ft 11 he P. Grant & Sons - We ons - We G. Mitchell- To tt r Treas h it tt tt Those ---------------------- Police car expenses ------------ apply on salary ----------------- of Eden Cemetery " 5traffcrdfille " Claus " Ric-limond East " Richmond west asseSairig -------------- Grant--------------------- aemetery- Grant -----__------ u _ :i ------------- 1t _ N ...._ �..—......�.--- 44 _ Mabee- Stamps -_------------- r --_-------_- Moved by Scruton SeconU6 by Johnsuri- oa &'une 5Ln. 1944. &t, 9.45\ 13-96-\ \ 10. Cc\ 30. � O\ 9 • 5-\ 11.90\ 13.25\ 2.00\ 5.00\ 29.50\ 21.90%. 9.82\ 1.03 32.55%, 2.00` 10.00\ 100.00\ 3.00\ 3.00\ 80.00\ 18.80\ 3.00\ 7.00\ 7.50\ 5.85\ 168.00\ 35.00\ 35.()O\ 50.00 \ 100.00\ 5.00\ 5.00\ 5.00\ 5.00\ 5.00\ 7.00\ 0 That this Council do new adjourn to meet again one otr'vck P.M.... Carried. . 143 Township Hall, btraffordville, June 2nd. 1944, A special session of the Council of the Township of Bayham was called by the Reeve on the above date for the purpose of hearing Y.S. InspectoR Smith and Supervising Teacher McColl, explain the formation and action of Township School Area for rural schools. ^11 members were present except Councillor bouton and Reeve Coyle presided. Also in attendance were Messrs, Wright and McCord from Pt, Burwell* Messrs, anith and McColl covered the organization and advantages of the proposed set-up and the others present asked considerable questions in respect to this plan. Further action in this respect was laid over until the regular meeting of the Council on June 5th. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Johnson- That this special session do now adjourn.Carr ied. i Township Hall, btraffordville, June 5th* 194 Pursuant to adjournment of May 1st. the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding after a late arrival. Minuths of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business was d one . Communicitions were received as follows; - Board of Transport Commisisners- enclosing order No. 64792, instrusting C.Y.R. to erect protective signals at 5traffordville crossing. C.r.R.- Confirming aggreement re, Vienna tunnel and roadway and atso letter res, clearances at Howey tunnel. Dept. of Highway- Auditors report for 1943 and letter re. Building permits. Dept. of Agriculture- he, farm commando brigades. Ontario Municipal Assn. Re. Annual meeting and delegates. Moved by Baldwin Seoonded by Seruton- That N. H. McConkey be chairman until Reeve Coyle arrives... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That R. G. Mitchell be sent to Toronto by the Township of Bayham to attend the Assessor's Convention... Carried. Berton Green waited on the council in regards to his tax arrears and hydro contract. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council Green on -the understanding that he pay until back taxes are paid... Carried, sign hydra contract for Bert $ 50.00 per month on back taxes Discussion was held in respect to the proposedTownship behool Area. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Seruton- That we call a public meeting of the ratepayers to hear Inspector Smith res, Township School Area on June 22nd. 1944, at 8 o'clock P.M. Clerk to notify all bees, of ,school sections and put notice in Aylmer and Tillsonburg papers... Carried. Mr. Albert Brown of Port Burwell waited on the Council in regards to some work he wishes to do on the street souhh of his property. Reeve Coyle and H. L. Godwin, were appointed to look after same. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson - That the Reeve sign the several order sheets.Carri-a. E. S. Law- Shoes for Meszaros---------------- $ 9*00` N. 0. Stilwell- Relief for '- 4040------------4040- 25.00\ J. W. Mcquiggan- 64 " M. Nelles ---4040--4040 10.00\ to " _ Ed. Curtis �d-____-- 30.30 Frank Laemers- " " Wm. Patten -------- 3.50\ P. L. Williams- " " it ii 11.90\ " if _ F. Stephenson 4040-_- 13.25\ Mrs. No Underhill- " " G. Andrews --4040--4040 18000\ VII. E. MaKibbin- " " WM. Patten -------- 2.00 H. P. Grant & Sons - Repairs to Fire Truck --- 18.00\ " it " - Bulbs for street lights 4040- 4.201 Treas. of Tillsonburg- Relief re. Wintermute - 13.96\ Frank Steers- Gas for Town Hall -------------- 15.9a,\ 't if go it " Patten ----------------- 5.29\ 11 to — it it B. (,_mitt. -------- ------ 1-40 Geo. E. Beard- Relief for Meszaros -40 ------- 7#50\ Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies --------------- 12.21\ Provincial Tress- Insulin for bratty --------- .98\ � Workmen's Compensation board- Re.employees --- 2 .20\ Thos. Mabee- Stamps for Coll and Treas. -404011M-- .00 K. E. Grant- Wood for Town Hall -------------- � .50� " - Salary for May ------------------ 100.0■/0��\ tt — it It it 4040-- 4040__.._40.0.040_. 35-00\ H. P, Grant h Sons- Police car expenses 4040--4040 35.00\ C. D. Coyle- As per statement ---------------- 32.40\ N.H.Mcgonkey- " " 00.0-0-_--.0 0 4040--_ 18 20\ a,A*Johnson- ;, of 4040---4040----4040--4040 13.60\ Chas. 5cruton-----------4040---- 11.10 \ Vern Baldwin- " " -_________4040____ 13,20 H.L.Godwin - " " 4040____________4040_ 5,,00\ Ed. Davidson- 6 mo. rental ------------------- 9a.00\ J. D. Vallee- meals at Vienna ---4040_--40404040-___ 4,80\ To apply on salary ------------- 80.00\ Pay for Janitor ---------------- 4.00� W. Go Mitchell- To apply on salary ----------- 50-900\ - Do tax commissions ---------- 30.00\ NA - Pi nitr 'VE. M)Vlr 4040 - - - - - — 4040 4040_— 9.8'9\ Moved by Sioruton Seconded by Johnson- That we now adjourn to meet again on July 3rde at one o'clock... Carried. . 145 Township Hall, straffordville, July 3rd. 19!x.. Pursuant to adjournment of June 5th., the Council of the Township of Bay ham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and - Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read,- approved ead,approved and signed and the following business was none. Hospital notices were received in regards to Phillip Henderschott and George livingstone. From Mrs. Edith Loucks of the Pt. Burwell Library Board, letter of Appreciation of grant. From County Clerk- Notifying that the sum of #19,973 will be reguired from Bayham Township for 1944. Prmm County Clerk- By -Lags Noe. 1.27 and 1.31 re.closing of Road and reversion of road to the Township. From Dept. of Munitions and Supply- Bulletin re. wood fuel. From D.F.Gibson, letter and deed re. Baldwin property. Mr. Donald Soper attended on the Council in regards to the erosion of lake bank east of Port Burwell and on behalf of persons interested, asked that the Council again contact the Dept. of Public Works at Ottawa. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That owing th further erosion of the lake bank east of Pt. Burwell, this Council hereby asks our Township Solicitor to again present a request for protective measures to the Dept. of Public Works., Ottawa, and also to notify the Dept. that this Council will expect that Dept. of Public Works to be responsible for any further damage done to private or public property... Carried. Mr, Hugh McConnell of Calton interviewed the Council and asked for a Lic- ense to operate a poolroom, consisting of two tables. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council issue a Pool License to Hugh McConnell for two tables, $15.00 for 1944... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council instruct the Clerk to check the deed re. Baldwin property and if satisfactory issue cheque for same.. Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That we pay W. G. Mitchell 030.00 for trip to Toronto for meeting of ftssessors' Assn.l• Carried, Messrs. Gordon Tribe and Lloyd Grant attended on the Council in regards to repairing hill or closing road through theeir porperties. After much discussion a committee was appointed to look after same. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and Road Supt* be authorized to arrange deal and terms for closing road through Tribe and Bell properties... Carried. Mr, Chas. Winter attended at the meeting and asked about engineere aktftg survey of the drain on his property. The Reeve stated that he would contact Mr. Bell and arrange for him to make this survey at an early date and also that of No. 1 Drain. Mr. David Everett asked that the sidewalk in front of his property be raised. The Reeve stated this would be done as soon as funds were made available for it* Moved by MaCOnkey seconded by Baldwin- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets.Carried W. E. McKibbin- Relif for Wm. Patten --------------- S 2.00% P.L.Williams - n a a a ___.._______w... 11.90 of of - " ': F. Stephenson ----------- 13.25\ Earl Travis- " ►` J. Meszaros------------- 5.00\ B.O.Stilwell- 25.oa%-,. J. W. Mcquiggan- Ed. Curtis ___w__________:. t 30*3pN, h it _, .6 M. Welles 9175' Treas. of Vienna- " " Wm. Pake---_,.__________-_ 3089\ s 146 The k7r-Fyter Co. L#d.- Hose for Fire Truck ------- $125.25' Albert De ller & Son- Tile for Kerr Drain ---------- 1.50\ Geo. E. beard- Work on Kerr Drain ----------------- 21.83\ Thos. Sayers- tv11 ,. •• _- 12.95 ''ii- Work on Corinth sidewalks ----------- 8.75\ Frank Steers Gas for Town Hall 1190\ to is _ 11 " Wm. Patten ----------------- .21\ H. E. P. C.- Hydro for Town Hall------------------�107\ News Printing Co,- Stationery --------------------- •05 B. B. Graham, Treas.- Hospitalization ------------- 356973\ W. G. Mitchell Expenses to Toronto - To apply on salary ---_--_---_--_-_ 50.00 K. E. Grant- Salary for June ----------- ------ 100.00\ if 11 — I1 to +i _--- __________________ 35.40` H. P. Grant & Sons- Police car expenses ----------- 35,00 J. D. Vallee- To apply on I-alary------------------ 80.00\ Councillors' & Janitor's pay -------- 18.80\ Ed. Davidson- Rantal to Dec. 31/44 ---------------- 90.00\ A. R. Wright & Son- Supplies ------------ P . V. ----- 5,40 Community Hall ---------- 3. a - Wm. R. Kirk - Gas & Hydra =S ---------- 162 5 ff�7• Thos. Mabee _ _ Stamps ---------------------------___ 51,00\ Moved by McConkey bedonded by Baldwin- That this Uouncil do now adjourn to meet again on Aug. 7th. at one P.M... Carried* IJIM . -M .>ZT6s big 148 Consideration was then given to the sale of the Baldwin property now owned by the Township, Moved by McConkey, Seconded by Scruton- That this 'UXmnO1,dL iaut or1"t 2hbOt 1erk ct 1 k dkeawttend 4,te B4d dide peo f M -le 81104 to nd eft to be received until bug. 26/44 at E o'clock P.M... Carried. Moved by BeCdxkay Seconded by Baldwin- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets.Carried.w J. W. Mcquiggan- Relief for Ed. Curtis ------------ " „ _ a " M. Nelles-------------- P. L. Williams- " " Wn.1. Patten----------- �: F. Stephenson -------- N. 0. Stilwell- '' .ieszaros W. E. McKibbin- " " Wm. Patten ----------- Earle Travis - " " J. Meszaros---------- Treas. of Tillsonburg- " H. Wintermute-------- Treas. of Vienna - " " Wm. Pake------------- F. Steers - Gas for Wm. Patten -------------------- it If _ " Towns Hall -------------------- ,ft. E. Simons Sec.-Treas.- Mortgage Payment C.H. .... it to of +4 _ Into to Mar. 1944 ------- Dr. D. S. Forster- V.D. treatment ----------------- News Printing Co.- Printing & Advts.------------ -- W. G. Mitchell- To apply on :salary ---------------- " " - Takes re. Western Gas Co. --------- Dr. H. J. Hart- Sal. wpr.1/4. to June 30,24 ------- Geo. Vallee- Fees B.O.H. -------------------------- C. D. Coyle- ---- J. D. Vallee- " "-------------------------_ it of - To apply on salary ------------------ "It- Council and Janitor Pay ------ Thos. Mabee- Stamps ------------------------------- K. E. Grant- Sal. for July ------------------------ $$ It _ of ►+ ------------------------ H.P.Grant & Sons- Police car expenses -------------- 30.30 \ ?'51\ 11.90\ 13.25 29.50\ 2.00% 8.6ti 3 \ 9.89\ 4.21\ 1.30\ 100.00\ 20.00 8.00\ 28.50\ 50.00` 13.20\ 100.00 . 00 3.00\ 3.00\ 80.00\ 18.60. 7,Q0\ 188.00\ 3,7•00\ 35.00 s Moved by McConkey Seconded by Baldwin- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, Sept. 5th. at 1 P.M... Carried. IF! 149 Township Hall, Straffordville, gept. 5th. 19440 Pursuant to adjournment of Aug. Fath, the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session ofi the above date, all members present except Deputy -Reeve McConkey and Reeve 6oyle presided. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Hospital notices were recieved re. Benjamin Purdy and Mrs. Hilda R. Tillotson and neither were cons ir'ered indigent pRtients of this Township. Letter of appreciation of f&owers from Mrs. M. McGregor. Plan and specifications of proposed Waterson Bridge were received from Fred A. Bell and notice asking for tenders. At 2 P.M., Lloyd Grant and Gordon Tribe were the only persons present in respect to the closing of Road through Tribe and Bell properties. A signed ststement having been madf by Township from all rights in respect to their being no other objections it was Moved by Baldwin them that they released the maintaining said roads and Seconded by Johnson- That by-law Ao. 1121, being a by-law to close road through Bell and Tribe properties, lots 5 be 6, Conc. 4, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. 0 Councillcr Johnson, on behalf of the Fast Elgin Fair Board, appealled for the usual grant in support of same. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Baldwin- That we give to the East Elgin Fair Assn. the usual grant of $100 `00... Carr&ed. Only one tender for the purchase of the Baldwin property was received by the Clerk and it was from J. D. Stewart for the sum of !t2100* for the whole property or 1800. for that east of the closed road. Moved by Baldwin Secondee by Scruton- That the tender of J. D. Stewart on the Baldwin property be not accepted and the Clerk instructed to return Mr. Stewart's Cheque... Carried. Discussion was then held in respect topaying a Township bounty for the killing of fox by residents. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That this Council, pay a bounty of x'5,00 for each fox killed or taken in the Township of Bayham by a resident of said Township or Village of Vienna and lolerk prepare an affidavit and claim form. All claims to be approved by Council... Carried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No. 1122, for an additional expenditure of $ 5000.00 be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1122 carried. Moven by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1122 and finally passed... Carried. Only one tender was construction of the Construction Co. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- Co. on the Waterson cheque to submittor being a by-law to provide on Township roads fer 1944 be now read second Time* be now read a third time received by tired A. Bell in regards to the Waterson Bridge. This was from the Industrial That the tender of the Bridge be not accepted of tender... Carried. Industrial Construction and the Clerk return Grant Mitchell and Shane Simpson attended on the council and requested use of hall on the evening of Sept. 6th, for political purposes. This was granted. Moved by Scruton, Seconded by Johnson- That the application for road subsidy be prepared and forwarded to the Dept... Carried. 4 :i Moved by Seruton Seconded by Baldwin- That we pay W. Aug. 29th. at 12¢ per mile one gray, Hurry G,9-dwin and A.A.Johnson 520.00 Municipal assn... Carried. 150 G. Mitchell for gar to Toronto 120 miles X1.4.40 also D. Vallee, each for attending Ontario Moved by Johnson Seconded by.Scruton- That a committee of Reeve, Road Supt. and Clerk be appointed to arrange sale of Baldwin property at a pripe of not less than t2500.00 and the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign deed or deeds conveying same... Carried. Clyde Soper again waited on the Uouncil in rt pect to having the suvvey made of No. 1 Drain. The Reeve promised to contact Mr. Bell in this matter. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Johnson- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carried. P. L. Williams- Relief for Wm. Patten ------------- 11.90 it " - 66 '• F. Stephenson --------- 13.25 W. E. McKibbin- it Wm. Patten ------------ 2.00\ N. 0. Stilwell- " J. Meszaros----------- 29-50%,,. Earle Travis - " it "----------- 5.00N J. W. Mcquiggan- " " Ed. Curtis ------------ 25.80\ Port Burwell Library Bd.- Grant ------------- P.V.- 20.00 Alphonse Laemers- Labour -------------------- P.V.- 8000\ A. R. Wright & Son- Supplies -------- _.M P.V.- 4.65N Mrs. Ethel Dosser- Cleaning Hall ------------ P.V-- 7.00\ Henry Dark- Labour ----------------------- P.V.- 11.00\ Robt, McLean- Valuing sheep ----------------------- 2.58\ Robt, Garnham- Injured sheep ---------------------- 4,00\ Workmen's Compensation 6o&vd -Bair-der-1944------- 7,80\ H. t. P. C.- Hydro Arrears Paid ------------------- 136.63\ Frank E. Travis- Work, Straffordville sidewalks --- 84.65\ J. H. Murphy- Gravel U ---- 27.00 H. B. Johnson- Cement ---- 62.94\ Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies -------------------- 1.02 Lloyd Grant- Ins. Prem. re. Roads ----------------- 224.54N Frank Steers- Gas for Wm. Patten ------------------ 2009 t' " - " " Township Hall --------------- 1030\ W. G. Mitchell- To apply on salary ---------------- 50.001 Dog Tax Commissions --------------- 54.40-\ K. E. Grant - Salary for August ------------------- 100.00\ of 11 _ !1 11 it F ..----------�---- F. 35. 00\ h. P. Grant & Sons -Pollee car expenses ----------- 35.00\ J. D. Vallee- To apply on salary ------------------ 80.001 if " - Council & Janitor Pay --------------- 15.50\ East Elgin Fair Board- Grant ---------------------- 100.00\ W. G. Mitchell- Car to Toronto -------------------- 14,,4o\ J. D. Vallee - Trip to Toronto -------------------- 20.00\ Harry Godwin - It 's 4; ------------------ 20,00\ A. A. Johnson- Itit :t --------------- ". 20.00\ Thos. Mabee- Stamps ------------------------------- 300c, Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Johnson- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on October 2nd. at 1 P.M... Carried. . W1° 151 Township dell, Strafforlville, Oct. 2,19L4 - Pursuant to ad journme:it of Sept. 5th.,, the Goanr,-1.21- of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. The following communications were read And ordered filed;, hospital iled;- hospital notices re, Geo. Gallagher, Harriett Gallagher, almon Hutch- inson, and Paul Chikowski. From. Dept. of Municipal Affairs- Memorandum re, public health service and copy- of Act. Also memorandum re. industrial post -rear expansion through Governrnent House, Lon -len, Englan 1. From Dept. of Highways- Approval of Fxpenditure of an gdd1tional 15000. on roans and br'i flees for 19and approval of payment of interim subsidyto the amount of kZ 2. 2. Mr, Donall Sorer gite,4 on the ljouncil anA requested that gate across Pitt Street east, be moved to a point farther west, Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council appoint h. L. G©Twin to meet Donald Soper re. moving of gate on Pitt street, west to a point agreed on by Soper and Godwin... Carried. Moved by McConkey 5econlef"i by beruton- That phis Council order our Treasurer to sena the Clerk of Town of Aylmer, Fohn_ S. Foy, the sum of *9.60 to pay our Sheare of ti:e cost of the Division Court in hylmer for 1943•.,• Carried. The Clerk reported that Dr. Nicolson of Langton had refused to accept the position of M.O.H. for Township. The committee appuintecl in regards to the sale of Baldwin property reported that sale had been arranged for the sum of 4,2500. cash. Moved by 1.1.'cruLun Seconded by Johnson- Vnat the ",eeve sign the several order sheets. Carried. H. E. e. C. - Hydro for Town 11all-____-__________ 15 6.07\ Frank Steers- Gas for --------------- 1.30\ of to It '. Nim. Patten _________________ 3.13\ Tras. of Vienna - Relief for W4m. 'Fake ------------ 9.89♦ Farle Travis - " " Meszaros---------- 8.04 N. 0. Stilwell- " it ------------ 29.50 P. L. 14illiams- " Wra. Patten ---------- 11.90 F. Stephenson ---__- 13.25♦ W. F. McKibbin - " " Wm. Patten --------- 2.00\ J. W. mc4uiggan - " ', Ed. Curtie ----------- 30.34♦ Thos. Mabee- Stamps ------------------------------ 12.00♦ xylmer Express- advts. & Etc. -------------------- 2.00 1ews Printing Coo- of It --------------------- 20.x2♦ Fyr-F'.Co. Ltd.- Supplies --------------------- 11.75 Provincial Treas. - insulin ----------------------- 1.95 H. P. Grant & Sons - Bulbs for street lights --- -- 3.60\ it it - Gas for r ire Truck ---------- 22:42\ to it of - Police car expenses --------- 35.00\ Beaver Foundry- Repairs to fire truck ------------ 5.72♦ W. G. Mitchell- To apply on salary --------------- 50.00 it " - Bal. of Assessing fees ----------- 200.00\ K. E. Grant - Salary for Fept. Police ------------ 1000O0\ if �� it ►� �� F . D. -------------- 35.00\ J. D. Vallee- To apply on :salary ----------------- 80.00\ n n _ Council Janitor's pay ------------- 18.80 Treas. of Aylmer - Share Division Court Cost: ---- 9.60-\ Moved by Scruton; Seconded by Johnson - to meet again Nov. 6tr,. at one o'clock eeve. That thi.. Council do now adjourn 1* 1r2 Towbship Fall, Straffordville, No -Ti. Pursuant to adJournrent of 0it. ?.i:'.., do :sic Town€hln of Bayiiam met in regular. session on the above ,'stp, all nnrt�rrP nrercrt except Councillor Baldwin and w�.tr Reeve Coyle presiding. Minut er of the last neetirig were read, a.parove'3 sli sjt rCl o�'�? the foi Moved by JoInnson Se ^ onde d by McConkey- That By -Law holding Election for lA5 Oounc i l poll Clerks and Polling places for Moved by Scruton 15x 110. 112..1.;., being A by -lave to provI de for end appointing Deputy -Returning Officers same, be now rend a fri::t time.Carr ied, Seconded by Johnson- That �y-Law I4o. 1124 be now read A recond Moved by McConkey y cecanciEci bir Scruton- That By -Law No. 1121.E be now real a third time and f inslly passed. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scrubuo- %his Coun^:.1 contact Dr. Rogere of Port Burwell re. taking oven off ltledicPl Healtia Officer and if agreeable, anrcirt him. Barried. .. Moved by MaCon- key Seconded by Scruton- That t'r:is Counc 1 take out a �k;000.C;, Victory Mond in the Seventh Victo1 Losr. and t .Rt Peeve and be imnowerel to buy this Band... Carried. The Badmington Club was permitted the use of the Township hall fnr vla4ri-.� tris coming season. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve sign the several orl r sheete.CarrieM. Treat. of Houghton- Repairs to "arn'rarn T�rayn---------- t_ 25,1E James welsh- airing in I4e11 -------------------------- .,/00\ Tress. of Vienna- Relief r•e . Wm. Paxe { Cn+ .)--------- a Pa J. W. Mc4uiggan- " Fd• Curtis _____________ 30.2 6< Earle Travis - " " J. Meazaros-------------.Gam `�i11� R.~ns- " 'Am. Patten -- __________ I;-' 111 c 11.,0 F. Stephenson ---------- 1.?� W. F. tic 'k>ibbin- " Wm. Patten ------------- 2.00 N. 0. Stilgell- 1` J. Meszeros------------ 2®. =0 1 Edmund TYolfe- Assistance 1 ________-______ As.�istanc �n l:o. � Drain 4.00\ John Gravel- _______________ tr•Op� Harold Soper- " " " K _______________ &:.L0%% Ellen Hilts- '„ork on Mall & GrounIs--_______ .________ 21.076 Wm. Kirk- Repairs to Community Hall -------- ---------- ;�.5E\ Treas. of Vienna- Relief He. Wm, Pake (Sept.) H. A. Ostrander- Wreath (Naismith) --------________-__ M,.unicipel World Ltd.- Supplies ----------------------- ^.27. L - for Cenotaph_---_ -__-___ v ____.. Wm. ayco.ck Wreath D. tJ . 4 �5� ,Robt. McLean- Valuing s4epp---_--------------- - ---_.___ 5,9 Pv ,Crs, Brown & Co;- Portion auditing; fees ------------- 1np•0p� Frank Steers- Gas for Wnt. Patten ----------------- It of of 2.01; 1 ,.fall ------ 50\ Finery Claus- Sheep killed by dogs -------------------- 2L; .00� Clyde Soper- Lumber for sidewalks -------------------- 1 -77 Clarence Heid- Bounty for fox 5,00\ Wilbur Taylor- �' �� �, ______.._______________ _ � �, . OCA Enrl Woodworth- a ► n ----------------------- 500� Fronk T.. Ti'avi!:- ork at COTCmuriity Pa --k -------------- 15. ~C\ 1.P. GrFm Soni- Tires for fire truc:k---__________ 10 .60 /o p „ _ Police car expenses----------____35.00� Lyle H. Grant- Work on fine truck -___.. --------------- 7.50\ K. E. Gr*nt - PRint for fire Mall " - Salary tc;r October it it _____ -- - - - ---------_--_ 100.00♦ ` F.eceiver General of Canada- 7th. V. L. _______________ 5vvi. o0\ C. D. Coyle- Selecting i. •a. 1.1ite.hell- To apple on salary:------- 50.GU� " " - At`..enaing C. of P. -______________-___ ?.50'\ - Seec:ting Jul�or� __.._ ___________-_ J. Y. Valiee- a It _-_.______------__--__ 1 ,,COQ ,o - To apply on salary -- ----_- ._-- -- _ - --- E0.00\ " - 13ouncillors' & Janitor's nay ----------; 1 .50\ �. tamn's ------------------------------------ `�a0� RI�TNdR S#,EF,PER c•A 1PJ5 OF 1-19 o rvv - - - - - - - - .,_ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ : V. f d b Jot on Second�:t oar *cruton- Thst, t -is Co ci o w Nov- 15th. at 1 P.jA... Carried. � Reeve. / 5 ad i ourr� t :Mit=t fi n.: -Rin on 154 Township Hall, Straffordville, Nov. 15, 1944. Pursuant to adjournment of Nov. 6th., the Council of the Township of Bayham met, in regular session on the above date with Reeve Coyle presiding. Councillors Johnson and Baldwin were absent. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. ' A memorandum from the Dept. of Public Welfare in regards to relief was read to the Council. A letter was received from Mrs. F. J. Martlew of Tillsonburg, in asking permission to move her cottage at Port Burwell out on Pitt Street in order to save it from the bank erosion. A notice of admission to Mountain Sanatorium of Vincent Csubak, an employee of Mike Morrison, was received. The Clerk was instructed to sign the hydro contract of Z. J. Murph7 of Corinth. The Reeve and Road Supto agreed to look over the situation at Port Burwell in respect to the moving of the cottage by Mrs. Martlew. The Reeve reported that Dr. Rogers would be willing to adept the appointment of acting M.O.H. in order to give emergency service. The Clerk was instructed to write the Dept. in Toronto in Apect to thia„ Reeve Coyle and H. L. Godwin, agreed to visit the location of the Poll(..ek Award Drain and endeavour to get the necessary petitiop signed in order to have it changed over to a Municipal Drain. On adjournment, Reeve Coyle invited the Council and Officials to have dinner with him at the Vienna Hotel. Rdscussion was held in regards to the revision of our by-law relating to Pounds, and the Clerk was instructed to prepare a new ne to have at the next meeting. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruten- That hhis Council do now adjourn to meet on Dec. 15th. at 1 P.M -9 0f Block... Carried. V . 155 Township Hall, 5traffordville, Nov. 4th. 1944. The Nomination meeting for members of the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham for the year 1945 was held on the above date between the hours of one and two o'clock P.M. with a small attendance of rate- payers present. The following names were placed in nomination; - For Reeve;- C. D. Coyle. For Deputy -Reeve;- N. H. McConkey. For Councillor;- Verne Baldwin, A. A. Johnson, Chas. Scruton, Ernest Scanaln and Clayton Jackson. .After the close of nomination, J. D. Vallee, Clerk was appointed chairman of the usual after meeting and as Acting Treasurer of the Township, gave an account of the financial standing of the Municipality. All nominees were called upon for a few remarks, the Reeve and Deputy - Reeve giving an outline of work done by the County Council as well as the Township Council. H. L. Godwin also gave a brief account of Township Road conditions. Fire Chief K. E. Grant was called upon for a report in regArds to the Township Fire Dept. The Returning Cft,is:er declared C. D. Coyle elected Breve by Acclaimation and N. H. McConkey elected Deputy -Reeve by Acclaimation. 0 At nine o'clock P.M. on Saturday Nov. 25th. the following had qualified for Council, and signed the necessary forms. Councillors- A. A. Johnson, Verne Baldwin and Chas. Scruton. This being the number required fur form the Council for 1945. I, J,. Dewey Vallee, Clerk and Returning Officer for the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin, do Igereby declare C. n. Coyle duly elected Reeve; N. H. McConkey, duly elected Deputy -Reeve; and A. A. Johnson, Veraf' Bal dwin and Chas. Scruton, duly elected as Councillors for the Township of Bayham for the year 19+5 by ae .laimation. (hodave The King* ce4r a � Clerk and Returning officer. Township of Bgtham. Nov. 27th. 19446 Results of Dominations for police Trustees of Village of Port Burwell for year 1945 as report0to Township Returning Officer by T. k. Ives, Returning Officer for Polive Village. H. 0. Alward, P. E. Wilson and Frank Hames Elected by anclaimation. Necessary forms signed and filed with Township Clerk. Clerk, of Bayham Twp. " n� a. 0 156 Township Hall, St,raffordville, Der;. lith. 19440 A special session of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date for the purpose of passing accounts, passing certain by- laws and doing Township business in general. All members were present except Councillor Johnson, and Reeve Coyle presided. Communications received and read were as follows; - From C. P. R. letter in regards to tile and repairs to roadway at Vienna tunnel. From J.A.P.Marshall of the Dept.of Highways, letter authorizing pay- ment of subsidy on 42000. re. Baldwin property. From Dept. of Game & Fisheries, letter stating that the paving of bounty for fox does not come under the -control of the Dept. Letter from Clerk of Police Village enclosing two revolutions. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That this Council approves of the resn3.Lt; one of the Police TY°ut ,,Pe" -whereby each member receives !.15,00 each for Pervice for the year and t.10.00 for tiic clerk, to be charged to the Police Village Account... Carried. Accounts to outcide Municipalitier were then considered by the Council. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- The the Clerk be instructed to send outside accounts for fire truck calls and warn interested Municipalities that unless these accounts are paid by Dec. 23/44, our truck will not. accept calls to their Municipalities... Carried. By -Law No. 1125 was then discussed and considered. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1125, being a by-law to regulate pounds and fixing poundkeepers feet, be now read a first time.darried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by McConkey- That. By -Lary No. 1125, be now read a second time,. Carried. Moved by Scruton 1� Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No. 1125, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1123, being a by-law to provide for repairs to No. 1 Drain be now read a third time and finalljr passed. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to prepare by-laws for defining a Line fence and paying feneevitwers fees and fees of sheep valulttors. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Baldwin- That the Reeve sign the several orler sheets . Carried Valley Camp Coal Co.- Coal for 0. Meharg----------- do do - " " V. Travis ----------- Albert Brunsden - Fuel for A. Bruneden------------- Valley Camp Coal Coe- Fuel for V. Croxford --------- E. e. Law & Co.- Cl+,thing re. Meszaros ---------____ Frank Laemers- Fuel for Patten --------------------- P. L. Williams- Relief for V. Croxford------------- n Patten ------------------ " Stephenson --___-________ J. W. btcQuiggan- " Ed. Curtis -------------- N. 0. Stilwell- " " Mesaaros ---------------- Earle Travis- Fuel for Meszaros------------------- E. lAchibbin- Relief for Patten ------------------ Treas. of Vienna- Relief for Peke ------------------ H. 0. Alward- Grant for services --------- P.V.}---- " " - (Clerk) Henry Dark - u " _-___------- p.V.'w_-_w Labour---------------------- P.V.------ A. E. Brown- grant for services ---------- P.V.----- Bayham Township- Payment re. Com. Hall---- P.V.----- P. L. Williams- Supplies ------...ww_ P.V#_____ Delbert Meyers- Tuning ------------------ P.V.---_w 9 8.50\ 8.50,\ 10.00 8.50 9.00\ 10.00\ 23.68\ 11.90\ lOOC� 30:3� 25.00 10.00 2.00\ 14-14\ 15.00 10.00\ 15.00% 4.80\ 15.00\ 200.00 2.55\ 6.001 C 157 A. R. Wright & Son- Supplies ------------------ P.V•--- 9 5.65 ,, W. B. Moore- Labour --------------------------- P.V.--- 3.20 Sheffer- --------- .--- Arthur ..heifer Care of street lights P.V 6.00-, Wm, S. Laycock- Wreath ------------------------ P.V.--- 1.40"N H. E//.�� P. C.- Street Lights -_______- P.V.-- 617,j64 -N d«\ o - t: " 1 Straf f . , -------------------- 223,87-\ Frank Steers- Gas for Wm. Patten ---------------------- 3.13\ it if Town Hall ----------------------- 1. G\ " - Is " V. Croxford (Shipp) -------------- 1. G.... Aylmer Express- Printing Relief Vouchers -------------- 13.50\ News Printing Co.- Advt.-------------------------- 2.24 B. B. Graham, Treas.- hospitalization ----------------- 163.E0\ Pnovinaial TrF-asurerr Insulin ------------------------- 1.95< Earl Smyth- Police Uniform ---------------------------- 43.7 Vli. L. Graham- Servives re. Iona Vyse------------------ 17.00, H. A. Ostrander- Hendershoot Burial -- ----------------- 58-00\ ---- Earl Woodworth- Fenceviewers fees ------------------ 3.72 Lloyd Jackson- n n ---------------------- 3.00 HarrySaxton- "--------------------- 3.36N J. D. Vallee- Half Phone & P .0. box rental. ------------- 10.137\ To apply on salary ---------------------- 80.00� Council do Janitor Pay ------------------- 29.50 Thos. Mabee- Stamps ----------------------------------- 22.00\ K. E. Grant- Salary for November __________________ 100.00 --------------- ------ 35.00 H. P. Grant & Sons- Polite car expenses --------------- 35.00N Ralph MacDonald- Bounty on fox ------------------------ 5.001\ Lester drown- " " ----------------------- 10.00\ Wm. Brinn- " ___________________ 10.00\ Earl Bristol- n "----------------------- 10.00.\ Gerald Reid - " "----------------------- 10000\ Moved by McConkey Seconde'i by Baldwin- That this �oiincil do now adjourn to meet again on Dec. 15th. at 1 P.M. sharp,.. Carried. �J Reeve.i Clerk s 158 Township Hall, Straffordville, Dec. 150 1944. Pursuant to adjournment of Nov. 15th., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members prevent and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last regular and rpeciol meetings were read, approved and signed and the folbowing buriners was done. Letter with account was received from T). F. Gibson, Township Solicitor, expressing the season's greeting to the Council and Officials ;u1itor, Letter and by-law form was received from C.C.Brown, Township explaining the new set-up on the public school audit and the necessary by-law to pass to take care of same. Mr. Phil Vaughan waited on the Council and asked that the Council take steps to place a new sidewalk along Chatham Street in Port Burwell* lie was told that this power came under the authority of the Police Village Trustees. Several applications for bounty on f&xes willed were received and passed. Fire Chief Grant gave a report on the operations of the fire truck since the 1st, of January 1944. Moved oy McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council accept the report of our Fire Chief' len. Grant re. year's operation of the fire truck and that the pay for tale men bf t3.UU per trip, be paid and that the telephone girls rective tlU.00 for their servives... Carried. Discussion was held in respect to the new auditing by-law. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton-That By -Law No. 1126, being a By -Law to appoint C. C. Brown as auditor for the Township as sfell as all local Boards including public schools, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Baldwin Secon(led by Johnson- That By -Law No. 1126, be now read a second time. Carried. ,�.. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No. 1126 be now reed a third time end finally passed... Carried. Moved by Sohnson Seconded by Scruton- That the Council of the Township of Baynam give a grant of S25 -OU to the War Memorial Hospital for Sick Children at London, Ont... Carried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That the Clerk prepare a by-law defining a lawful line fence if made of rails or stumps, to be well filled up and at least four feet high and if made of wire, to be at least four feet high and to consist of at least eight wire and Kay be made partially or wholly from barbed wire with no responsibility on the person erecting same. Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded,by Scruton- That the `treasurer issue a cheque of 110.00 to C. D. Coyle to be administered by Coyle and Johnson as a gift to the M ia,nrr family at Christmas time.., Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That the Treasurer issue: a cheoue of #20.00 to W, G. Mitchell to cover expenses to Toronto attending meeting of Weed Inspectors*** Carried. Moved by Baldwin Seconded by Scruton- That the Treasurer issue cheques;; covering the usual bonuses to members of the Council; 00,00 for the Reeve and $30.00 each for the other members, also 110,00 for the Clerk, and that the members of the Council and Officials express their sincere thanks to the Reeve for his leadership and co-operation during 1944.00 CaIrried . 159 Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve proclaim Dec. 26th., Boxing; Day at a civic and public holiday for the Township of Bayham. Clerk to put notices in Aylmer and Tillsonburg papers... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded try Scruton- Thatthb Reeve sign the several order sheete. Carrier]. Gibson & Groom- Legal fees for 1943-4 ---------- f Fred A. bell- Survey etc. Wo. 1 Drain ---------- Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies ----------------- News Printing Co.- Advts. etc. ----------------- Ay liner Express- Voters' Lists etc. ------------- H• F. P. C.- Hydro for Town Hall--------------- Clyd; F. Soper- Materials re. Memorial--------- ChRs. Minter- Bounty on Fox --r--r------r------- Clarence Reid- " " " ---------- --------- Fred Bowes - " n �+ -------- ---------- Skean Brinn- " " " -----------r_------_ K. E. Grant- 27 trips on fire truck ------------ J. Hotchkiss- 17 " 4 •t a_ --_------ L. Grant - 30 " " " ---------- J. D. Vallee -10 n n " ___ ------ Be Nevill - 16 " " ------------- J. Grant- 17 ------------- Miss _'►hiss Be Atkinson- Operating switch fire calls -- War Memorial Hospital,London- Grant ------------ C. D. Coyle- Grant to misner family ------------ We G. Mitchell- Bale of salary ---------------- 40 " - Expenses to Toronto------------ J. ---------a_J. D. Vallee- Bale of salary ------------------- to - Council & Ja�Tnitor's pay ---------- it '- Fees Be of H. -------------------- Geo$alleii- " -------------------- C. D. Coyle- n Dr. H. J. Hart- Sal. K. E. Grant - salary to N _ N " Ii. P. Those C. D. N. H. A. A. Cha e . Verne J. D. E. We it - Care Grant & Sons- Mabee- Stamps Coyle- Bonus McConkey- " jor�n on - it Scruton - " Baldwin - " Vallee - " it _------------------_ M.O.H. Julyl to Sept 30/44 - for Dec. '` Police ----------- /o 6 • n Straff. . St. Lights ---------- Police car expenses -------- for Treas . ----------------- forservices ---------------- of n -.err rrawr-r-r.ra- n it - - - - - - - -------_.. " n ---------------- �► n r -- r- - - - --_ -_ ar _- Haines- Cettifying Voters Lists ---------- Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- 94.95-\ 6o. ooN 5.32,-., 138•5I\ .57\ 6.07." 07." 20.6. ,, 20.00NI 25.00 5.004 5.00 81.00\ 51.00\ 90.00 \ 0.00," 8. 00 51.00\ 10.00\ 25.00\ 10.00,\ 175.00\ 20.00 155.00 18.80` 3.00• 00 3• 0 100.00 160.0t� 35 00 10.00 35.0 6o w 30.00\ 30.00. 30.00\ 30, 00\ 10.00 8.15\ That this Uouncil do now ad journ,Sine Me.Carried. 0