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Bayham Council Minutes 1943
TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1943 6 MI Town Hall, Straffordville, Jan. 4th. 1947. The inaugural meeting of the Council for the Township of Bayham for the year 1943 was held -on the above date. Declarations of Offices were taken before the Clerk by Reeve J. G. Turnbull, Depute Reeve N. h. McConkey, Councillor Ernest Scanlan, Councillor C. n. Coyle and Councillor A. A. Johnson. Reeve Turilbull wished the Members event sucness in the coming year and asked for their co-operation in Municipal matters. Rev. E. A. Poulter attended at the opening of the meeting and aldressed the Members briefly and led in a s#ort prayer. Mr. James Galbraith, bank mamager, also attended and congratulated the members and gave a report on the financial standing of the'Township. After the opening ceremonies, the minutes of the previous meeting were read, approved and signed and the following businecs was none. Notice of agmission to Tillsonburg Hospital of Mahlon Nelies was received and the Council agreed to take rare of the expenses.. A statement of charges of patients in Ontario Hospitals was received from the Deputy Minister of Hospitals and the Council deemed that this Municipality was improperly sharked for Viola E. Bracicenbury who was a resilent of i4alahide Township. The Clerk to give notice of this* A by-law for borrowing money at the bank was then discussed and prepared Moved by Johnson s Seconded by Coyle- That By -Law No. 1106, being a by -lav to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to borrow up to 535,000* on the credit of the Municipal- ity to meet current expenses until taxes are c6llected for tree year 19" be now read a first time... Carried. t Q Moved by Scanlan t Seconded by Johnson- That by-law no. 1106 be now read second time.carrie Moved by McConkey ; e ;onde l by Coyle- That by-law No, 1106, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Johnson- That this Council now afl journ until 1.30..Carriedo Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Johnson- That G. M. A11itchell and H. P. Grant be members of the Straf"Lordville Cemetery Board for A term of 3 years... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Johnson- T"t the Clerk re -new 9 subscriptions of the Municipal Worl:i and have tine al,iresses corrketed... Carrie, -I. Discussion of raise in rates of pay for road workers was then held. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Johnson- That the Road Superintendent be instructed to pay thirty-five cents per hour for Tian and sixty cents per hour for man ante team... Carried. 4 Appointment of officers for 1943 was then considered. Moved by McConkey Secolideri by Cole- That this Council re -instate officers mentioned in Hy -Law No. 1094 of 1942 for the year 1943- Carried. A By -Lav appointing the foll� wing officers was then prepared. Aseessor- �i. G. tUtchell vv, '1�3UC?. per year plus 10% dog taxes collected. i�!einber Board of Heal -...h- Geo. Vallee 1, fees per rriecting. Valuators of LivestocK- liobt. IvIcLean and John B. Goodhand 1 .50� per hour and .10� per mile one way. School Attendance officer- J. D. Vallee I !,25. per year. .deed Inspector- '4. G. 14itchell 0X25. per yeAr Secretary, Hoard of Health- J. D. Vallee 'b 510. net year }�ius meeting fees. Collector- W. G. Mitche .LI�75. per year. belief Officer- W. G. Mitchell ftv x•175. per year. Poll Tax Collector- h. E. Grant 4-1i .505�, for each bne collected. s 0 104 Moved by Coyle Seconded by McConkey- Txlat bylaw No. 1107, being a by-law to appoint certain officers in and for the Township of Bayriam for the year 1%3, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by McCinkey Seconded by Coyle- That By-law No.1107 be now reed second,time.carried. Loved by5canlan 'Q Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law !io. 1107, be now read - a third time and fina ly passed... Carried. The peeve and Clerk .gave a report to the Council on the appeal of the Central Pipe Line Co. Ltd. against the decision of the Court of hevision as to -.the assessment of the Company for the year 1943. Discussion was held and it was explained tnatc;ertain co-operation could be expected from other Wunicipalities of the district in regards to fighting the case. Loved by McConkey Secondedby Coyle- gnat Reeve Turnbull, Clekk Dewey Vallee and Assessor 'fir'. G. Mitchell be a comiiittee to act on the appeal of the Central Pipe Line Co. re, reduction of assessment on their wells and lines in the Township of Bayram, ►with full authority to get Counsel on the seid situation... Carried. The Council gave consideration as to the best time to hold future ineetings so as to not interfere with the holding of school in the dell more than is necessary. Deciders to hold Council in the evenings. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Coyle- That tht,,Reevef-aign the several order sheets.Carried Arthur Benner- Wood for Vistor Brunsden------------ George E. heard- Fuel for J. Meszaros-------------- N. 0. Stilwell- Clothing for " --.------------ P. L. Williams- Goods for W. Pattep.---------------- ►t it _ it it if _..__----_---,_...�__ " - ►' " F. Stephenson ------------ J. W. McQuiggan- Clothing for Ed. Curtis ----------- ►► Food for"------ I. E. IrieKibbin- Food for Adm. Patten ---------------- W. E. Greer- Food for J. Meszaros-_-____-.___-___-__ Valley Camp Coal Co.- Fuel for families ------------ Treas. of Brantford- Relief for Ed. Shcarman-------- Medical Welfare Board- Rebate on overpayment ------- Albert Deller & Son- Tile for A. & B Wallace Dr. ---- Clyde E. Soper- Material for Fire hall ------------- Kilmer & McConnel..- " .• •. "---------- liarry Davidson- Davidson- Mork on u ------------- J . D. Vallee- Beg. of B. M. & n. ------- ------------ Lloyd. Grant- Prem. on bonds, Treas. & Coll. -------- Frank Steers- Gas for Wm. Patten -------------..__--_ Laurence Smith- Repairs to glasces(Meszaros)------_ Clifton` Laur- Trans. Wm. Wolfe to H. of I• ------ --- H. L. GRdwin- Expenses to Toronto ------------------ J. GR„ Turnbull- " " It --------------- W. _--_--_W. G. Mitchell --Car " of __________________ J. D. Vallee- Councillors' & Janitor's pay --------- Thos. Mabee- Stamps for Clerk-Treas.------- -------- F�PA{ll�( STA SR6 - $A S AN? WAW. PA I -T NA(� - - - - • - - - - - - - _ . _ - - - 2.00 9.00N 3- 50\ 1.90\ 10. CN 10. 00\ �.25% • 53� 25.80-% 2.00 25.00s, 61.64\ 4* 99� 2.50. 156.00� 67.20,\ 16.96\ 5•0N 22.00\ 55.15 1.30\ .00\ 5 15-00\ �. 15. oo 10.00.% 19.00\ 6. oo\ Moved by McConkey Seconded by Coyle- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, Feb. 1st. 1943 at the hour of 6 P.M... Carriede r s uierK. 14 105 Town Hall, Btraffordville, Feb. let. 1943. Pursuant to ad jourranent of Jan. 4th. the Council of the Township of K Bayham met in regular session on the above date, Councillors Coyle and Scanlan being absebtees. Minutes of the Last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Notice was received pf the Good Roads conventions and request for Member- ship fee. Notices of admission to hospitals were as follows;- Tillsonburg, Florence Marlene Elijah and Edgar j g Parry; 5t. Thomas, Merlyn Baker and Mahlon Nelles Tillsonburg hospital advised that they were taking the case of the Elijah • child up with the Indian agent and would advise further. s A letter was received from Department of Health statins that Viola E. Brackenbury had been accepted as a Bayham Township patient in 1930. ' 0 A statement and tax deed was received from B. B. Graham re. Littlewood property in Port Burwell. Mr. H. 0. Alward of Port Burwell filed a letter containing the names of 5he Police Village officials for 19.3. Requests for membership was received from The Ontario Municipal anon. and from The Ontario Assn. of Rural Municipalities. A bulletin was received from the Department of Agriculture in regards to weed control and appointment of Weed Inspectors. A circular was received from the Department of Health in regards to Provincial care of patients suffering with tuberculosis. The Clerk expressed the thanks and appreciation of the Bayham Township Red Cross Branch to the Council and Road Superintendent for their support and assistance during the past year. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- TAat this Council join the Good Roads Assn. and that our Clerk send membership fee of $5.00..0 Carried. Messrs. Lewis Garnham and Frank Travis waited on the Council in regards to assistance for Mr. Jas. Johnson. The Council agreed to see that he be sent to St. Thomas Hospital for proper care and treatment. _ The members of the Board of Trustees of the Police Village of Port Burwell attended at the Council meeting for a short time. Discussion was held in regards to insurance on the fire truck and equipment. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That insurance on the Township Fire Truck be placed with We G. Mitchell to the premium amount of 5142.50... Carried, Mr. H. L. Godwin, Road Supt* requested a raise in salary and consideration of this was given by the Council. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council pay H. L. Godwin $1000. per year as road overseer and that a by-law be prepared for same... Carried. Road expenditures for 1943 was then discussed and it was decided to ask the Department to approve of an expenditure of $16,000* for this year. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No. 1108, being a by-law to provide for the total 1943 expenditure on Roads in the Township of Bayhani, be now read a first time... Carried. i Moved by Johnson Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No.1108 be now read second time.Carried • moved by Johnson Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No.1108 be now read a third tine and finally passed... Carried. s The Clerk was instructed to write again to lir. Hayes in regards to t, repairs to the Corinth station. M Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council take xrba Johnson, C.D.Coyle, Ernest Scanlan, Y.L.Godwin, Wm. Mitchell and Dewey Vallee to the Good Roads convention...Carried. Moved, by Johnson Seconded by McConkey- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carried. J. W. McQuiggan- Relief for Ed. Curtis --------------- $ 2 .80� " " -W" " " " ___..__.____-_-__ , 54` P. L. Williams- 3' i1 F. Stephenson ------------ 3.2 1! u _ 13 !1 33 !3 ____-------- 10.00 !1 " _ !1 ►� Wm. Patten --------------- 1.90\ to 11 _------------ 10.00 FZ McMillan ------------- 6.00\ " - Pearl Miles --------------- 5.00 Mrs. N. Underhill- M. Bottrill------------ 5000\ W. E. McKibbin- WA►. Patten ______________ 2.00\ N. 0. Stilwell- " " Joe Meszaros------------ 3.501. W. E. Greer- " " " " ___.._____..-_ 25.00 George E. Beard- " " " "----------_- 10.00` Valley Camp Coal Co,- Fuel for Relief families ------- 93.82\ H. P. Grant do Sons- Bulbs for 5traff. 5t. lights ----- 5,40\ Chains re, fire truck ------------ 41.8$0\ Police car expenses -------------- 35•� Munn's Hardware- Stove & pipe for fire hall ---------- 21.90 Bert Hilts- Re. scott Chattels ----------------------- 4,00\ Chas. Brooks- Seizure re. above ---------------------- 5.00\ Mrs. B. Tait- Blow torch for fire truck -------------- 7.50\ Mrs. H. J. Hart- assistance re. M.O.H.---------------- 10.00 Dr, H. J. Hart- Treatment re. Venereal diseases------- 31.00\ toIt " - Y.O.H. Salary, Sept.30 to Dec.31,142---- 100.00 Dr. D. A. archibald- Treatment re. Yen. diseases------ 2.00 \ Drs. Alexander & McLeod- Medicines re'. Meszaros ------ 18.00` News Printing Co,- Printing advt.-------------------- 2228 � Municipal World Ltd.- Printing do stationery ---------- 15.62\ Thos. Mabee- Stamps for auditors ---------------------- 12.00\ - " " Clerk & Collector ------------ 6.00 Dr. J. B. Clark- Re. Marshmn-Wisson accident -------- 40.00♦ Albert Deller & Son- Tile for Elliott Drain ---------- 1.05 A.M.Brown Insurance Agency- Prem, re. Employees ------ 87.00 K. E. Grant - Exp. re Scott seizure ------------------ 34.00 " 64 - Salary for January _____________________ 100.00♦ " 35 Ed. Davidson- Rental to March 31/43 ------------------ 52.50 W. G. Mitchell- Trip to assessors' meeting ----------- 20.00\ - Rebate tax arrears, H. Knapp --------- 1.02 - To apply on salary ------------------- 50.00----- J. D. Vallee- ---------- 75.00 Fees, Be of H. ------- __________________ 3,00\Geo• Vallee- " �i--�_�. .*--_".0.0_ 3.00"'-- J. G. Turnbull- ►'------------------------- 3.70N J. D. Vallee- Councillors' h Janitor's pay ----------- 12.40N T. J. Mahoney, Sec.Treas. - Membership to Good Roads--- 5.00 Moved by Jo�mson Seconded by McConkey- That we adjourn to meet again on March let at 6 P.M... Carried* 0 _.. I NONE - 0 Ulerk's Office, Straffordville, March 1/1943. The Council of the Township of Bayham, met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the folluwing business was done, ti letter was received from Cdr. R. Hayes, C.N.H. Supt. stating that there would soon be a decision in regards to repairs td Corinth station. Mr. W. N. Weeks wrote to the Clerk requesting the Council to have some logs removed from the mouth of the bridge near his place. N memorandum was received in regards to joining the association of assessing Officers of Ontario for 1913, laid over to next meeting. Mr. D. G. Kilmer of Port Burwell wrote to the Council requesting a grant for the benefit of the troop of Sea Scouts in that Village. The Tvustees of the Police Village were present and by regular form requested that $ 11.00. be levied as a special rate in the Police Village of Port Burwell for the year 1943- K grant of $20.00 from the Police Village to the Sea Scouts was also atithorized by letter. jqn account of $352.22 for hospital maintenance was received from the County Clerk. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Coyle- That this Council make a grant of $2000 to the Port Burwell Sea Scouts and thatthe Treasurer be instructed to send a cheque... Carried. R By -Law No. 1109 was then prepared and discussed. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1109 being a by-law to appoint H. L. Godwin as Road 5u t. at a sa ar of 1000. per ear, be now read P � y $ P y , a first time... carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No.1109 be now read second time.Carried. Moved by McConkey + Seconded by Coyle that By -Law ' No.1109 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Mr, A. M. Brown of St. Thomas appeared before the Council and Rave them a playa of insurance for volun"er firemen in the Township. No action was taken until local agents kaxe an opportunity to present thlir plans. The Treasurer then presented a budget of Revenues and Expenditures for the year 1913 and considerable discussion was held in this respect and about the Township rate for 1943- Moved 913.Doved by McConkey Seconded by Coyle- That this Council drop one mill from the Township rate for 1943... Carried. Moved by Coyle Seconded by Johnson- That we accept the budget prepared by the Treasurer for 1943•.0 Carried. Mr. Lewis Garnham attended on the Council in respect to funds left with him by the late James Johnson. The Council approved of Mr. Garnham's action in the disposition of this money whereby the balaneg of funds would apply on the funeral expenses of the late Mrs. Johnson. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Johnson- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets.0 rvied Valley Camp Coal Coo- Fuel for relief families ---- $ 78:00♦ N. 0. Stilwell- Clothing for J. Meszaros---------- 3:5()-% Arthur Benner- Fuel for Mrs. Brunsden------------- 9.75\ Mrs, N. Underhill- Food for M. Bottrill----------- 5.00 N, P. L. Williams- Food for F. Stephenson ------------ 10.00 3• 2 11 t1 11 " F. McMillan -----------/--- 5.00 11 1� 11 11 arm. Fatten-------rrrrr 10.00\ 1.90\-------------- P. Riles w0(x J. W. Mequiggan- Relief for Ed. Curtis ----------r- 25.80` If h h I'/ In George E. Beard - Fuel for J. l[eszaras 9. E. Greer- Relief for J. Meszaros------------- -- Port Burwell Library Board- Grant -------- P.V.---- W, R. Kirk- Car hire 2 tripts------------ P.V.---- Port Burwell 6ea Scouts- Grant ----------- P.V.---- Lloyd Vaughan- Trucking ---------- P.Y.---- H. 0. alward- Supplies ------------------- P . V. ---- Valley"Vamp Coal Co.- Fuel --------------- Y.V.---- News minting Co.— minting, tidvts. etc. ----------- Frank Steers- Gas for Town Hall --------------__---_ H. w. Ostrander- Funeral exp. J. Johnson - ------- -- Dr. Douglas Forester- Treatments ------------- r.10.+10000 Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies ----- ---------- Tillsonburg Hospital- Re, Florence M. Elijah ------ eeters, Brown h Cos- Balo auditing fees 1942 ------ B. B. Graham, Treas.- Hospital Maintenance-------- Bickle Seagraves Ltd.- Equipment contract etc ------ Acid ----- Acidetc, extras ----------- " Additional hose do equip. ---- J. H. Kaufmann- Set chains for fire truck --------- John Faulkner- Time re. Pipe Line appeal ---------- Provincial Treasurer- Insulin ------------------r__ Port Burwell Sea Scouts- Township Grant ----------- Charles B. McClurg- Fees re. Pipe Line appeal ----- Judge D. C. Ross- of it H. L. Godwin- Expenses ------- -rr_- --------- C. D. Coyle- Expenses to Good Roads --------------- A. A. Johnson -- " " " "---------------- W. G. Mitchell- H. L. Godwin - W. G. Mitchell- Prem. on Fire truth Ins. ---------- - To apply on salary --------------r_ Exp. re. Pipe Line appeal --------- J. G. Turnbull- J. D. Vallee- -.0 40 " as Councillors' & Janitor's pay -------- - To apply on salary -----4y--____..__-...,- K. E. Grant- Salary for Feb. - ----- F 11 M to it is H. Po Grant & Sons- Police car expenses ----------- Peter Underhill- Rebate on hydro arrears ---------- K. E. Grant- BxPo, re. Ed. Parry, Brantford -------- Frank steers- Gas for Wm. Batten ------------------ plqo J). -A,,caJVsF AbR BINE TRV6K- - � -- -- - - -- - - -- -- -- The resignations of Reeve J. G. Turnbull and Counei were then handed to the Clerk. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Johnson- That the Deputy -Reeve preside Council meeting...Carried. S 25•OON 20.00 4.00 20.00 *50-.., 1.7N 1.9 ,� 39.30 N 1.30\ 45.00 10.00-\ 10.14x., 22 . ? 5 \ 107.50 \ 362.22 38 -40%� 49 • 90%�,- 355.91 27.65-\ 15.00 2.77 20.00\ 100.00 \ 12.50\ 13.50\ 15.00 15.00\ 25.00\ 15.00\ 127.10\ 50.00\ 15.00\ 7.00` 10.00\ 18.90\ 75.00\ 100.00N 35.00\ 3 .00\ 2 .80\ 8.00\ 2.05 llor C. D. Coyle 0 for the rest of this Moved by Johnson Seconded by 5eanlan- That the resignations of Reeve Turnbull and Councillor Coyle be accepted with regrets... Carried. Moved by 5eanlan Seconded by Johnson- That this Council adjourn to meet again on Monday Apr61 5th. at 6 P.M... Carried. r V . log WARRANT FOR AN ELECT ION. Clerk's Office, Straffordville, Ont. Larch 6th. 1943. The resignations of Reeve J. G. Turhbull and Councillor C. D. Coyle having been received and accepted by the majority of the members of the Council of the Township of Bayham, I. J. Dewey Vallee, Clerk of the sAid Township of Bayham, hereby direct the Returning Officer of the Township, Mr. J. Dewey Vallee, to hold nomination and if necessary an election, to fill the vacancies caused by the aforesaid resignations. Proposed date for the nomination would be Friday, lurch 12th. 1913 with the election if necessary on Saturday, March 20th. 1943. Dated at Straffordville, this Sixth day of March, 1943 A. D. t Clerk of Bayham Twp,,,. Town Hall, Straffordville, March 12th. 1943• pursuant to the above warrant, nomination was held on the above date to fill the vacancies caused by the resignatione of Reeve J. G. Turnbull and Councillor C. D. Coyle. Those nominated ware as follows;- Reeve:- U. D. Coyle, Albert E. Brown and Burton McCord. Councillor:- a. N. Wright, Charles Scruton, H. 0. Alward, Clayton Jackson, Fred Chandler and Robt. McLean. At the close of nominations at 2 P.M., Clerk J. D. Vallee was appointed Chairman of the after meeting and the Nominees were all called upon to address the several ratepayers present. By 9 o'clock on the 13th. of March, the following had qualified to fill the vacancies, Reeve, C. D. Coyle and Councillor, Charles 6cruton. This being only the required number, 1, J. Dewey Vallee, Returning Officer for the Township of Bayham, hereby declare,, Charles D. Coyle duly elected by acclamation to the office of Reeve and Charles Scruton duly elected by acclamation to the office of Councilor for the Township of Bayham for the balance of the year 1943. A and Returning Officer. V { Town Hall, Straffordville, March 22nd. 1943• The Council of the Township of Bayham met in special session on the above date for the purpose of swearing in the new Reeve and Councillor and diecuse ng with the Road oupt. the condition of roads throughout the Township. All members were present ani Reeve Coyle and Councillor bcruton duly subscribed to their Oaths of Office, after which Reeve Coyle presided. The cases of several indigent hospital patients were discussed and the problem of procuring gas for the use of our grader operators. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Johnson- That this Council have the Clerk write to the Oil Control board about extra gas for the grader men...Carried. H. L. Godwin then gave an account of damage to Township roads by the spring freshet. The Council agreed to accompany Mr. Godwin on a tour of inspection. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the application c statutory grant on $15, 017.86 for Road expe and forwarded to the Dept. of Highways for Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council do r 01�0 - - Reeve* • IN 110 111 Town Hall, Straffordville, April 5th. 1943• rursuant to adjournment of March 1st., the Council of the Township of bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were - read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Several bulletins were received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs. These were read and ordered filed. Approval of By -Laws Numbered 1108 and 1109 was received from the Dept* of Highways. Notice of admission to Brantford Sanatorium was received in regards to Edgar terry. Notices from Tillsonburg Memorial Hospital was also received in regards, Arabella Meharg and Mrs. Arsula Grigg. Mr, Summers Harper, County Corn Borer Inspector, wrote requesting the Council to recommend someone as Township Inspector. Messrs. Lloyd Grant and W. G. Mitchell each submitted plans for the protection of volunteer fireman of the Township. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council insure 6 men to operate the Baynam Township Fire Truck with Lloyd Grant for 91000-o principal amount per man as per plan submitted... Carried. Considerable discussion was held in regards to the Township taking over the road between Mrs. Thornewaites' property and that of John McQuiggan and the Clerk was instructed to procure information from the Townsh;p solicitor in regards to the same. Mr. Spellman Benner and several others interested in the Benner Drain attended on the Council in regarls to having the work comenced at an early date. Trey were advised that the By -lair nqd been given the third reading and everything was ready for V.r. Hell, Etgineer, to advertise and let the contract. Mr. George Vallee attended on the Council in regards to hav sing a peice of sidewalk built south from the church in btraffordville. The Council agreed to give this their consideration* Mr. James GAlbraith waited on the Council in respect to having the Council take some action in regards to asking the Oil Controller to release enough gasoline to permit children to attend secondary schools throughout the district. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council petition the Oil Controller to the effect that curtailment of gasoline is making it impossible for people living in rugal sections to get their children to High Schools. We therefore petition you to liberate enough gasoline to enable people to take their children to High School by means of taking turns with their automoblies and taking five or six in one carload.. Carried. Copies of this resolution to be Cent to the Oil Uontroller and to the Dept. of Education. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That this Oouncil send our membership fee of 110.00 to tae: Assn. of Assessing of Ontario... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That this Council appoint W. 8. Mitchell as Corn Borer Inspector for the year 1913.00 Carried. Appointments of Fence -Viewers and Pound -Keepers was then discussed. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That viewers and ppound-keepers time... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That finally passed... Carried. By -Law No. 1110,3 by-law to appoint fence - for the year 1913, be now read a first By -Law No. 1110 be now read a second time.Carr By -Law No.1110 be now read a third time and -f The Clerk then presented a by-law for for levying the various mill rates in 1i \ Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan - Moved by Johnson Seconded by ba"ton- Carriedo adopting the assessment roll and the Township. That By -Law No.11ll be now rAad a first tixe.Carrie That By -Law No.11ll be now read a second time.., 112 Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No. 1111 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Mr, W. G. Mitchell, Collector, presented a list of uncollectible taxes which he wished to have taken off his roll. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Johnson- That J. D. Vallee, Treas. issue a cheq-ae to W. G. Mitchell for uneollectable taxes to amount Of $22.75... Carried. Discussion was held in regards to roads and on maintenance of same. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council apply for an extra grant of S3000- to take care of snow and spring freshets and that we send a interview the Department. Committee to be C. Godwin... Carried* expenditure of money to the Dept. of Highways the extra work caused by. delegation to Toronto to D. Coyle and H. L. J. D. Vallee, Clerk and Treasurer, requested a raise in salary from the Council to the araount of that allowed other officals. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Johnson- That we give J. D. Vallee $50.00 on Clerk and 150.c on Treasurer's salaries as from Jan. 1st. 1943... Carried41 Mr. David Everett waited on the Council in regards to having the hydro contract on his daughter's property at Lot 15, S. Gore cancelled. The' Council agreed to cancel same or have it transferred to other property-, Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Johnson- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets o uartde Frank Steers- Gas for Town Hall -------------------- H. E. F. C.- Hydro 11 at ---------------- W.W D. Vallee- Council and Janitor's fees ----------- Mrs. N. Underhill- Goods for J. Brady-------------- " Relief for M. Botrill----------- " F. McMillan ---------- Valley Camp Coal Co.- Fuel for Families ------------ L. Williams- Relief for F. Stephenson ------------ ii of _ It If F. Stephenson ----------- ii of _ It (1 Pearl Wiles --------- Is to ii N If WM. Patten -------------- ii 11 — 11 11 {i ------ N. 0. 0. Stilwell- " of to 4M J. W. Mcquiggan- u it J. Meszaros------------- Ed. Curtis -------------- George E. Beard- " °' J. Meszaros------------- Arthur Benner- It Ada Brunston------------ J. H. Howey- Material for fire hall ---------------- •C. S. Hogarth- Ins. on Community Hall -------------- Dr. Douglas Forester- Treatment re. Ven. disease --- Thos. Mabee- Stamps re. Clerk & Assessor ----------- Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies -- ------------------- K. E. Grant- Expenses re Ration Books fire truck --- 11 " - Salary for March ---------------------- if to _ It ►. of F.D. ----------------- W. G. Midchell- Uncollectable taxes ---------------- i, ka - To apply on salary ----------------- Treas. Assn. of Assessing Officers- Membership ----- J. D. Vallee- Fees re. S.S.No.11 By -Lax & Deb. ----- " " - To apply on salary ------------------- H. P. Grant & Sons- Police car expenses ------------ Municipal World Ltd* -M Dog Tags --------------------- W. E. McKibbon- Relief for WMM. Patten -------------- 1.30N 8.98\ 40.00 N 5.00\ 2.78♦ 5.08\ 41.88,\ 3.25 10.00 5.00` logo, --- 10 * 00 .9o,---10.00 3.50N 23. 6 5-s. 25.80\ 4-50-,, 10.00\ 10.00. 12.55\ 11.50 8.00N 12.001 18.44 2.00\ 100.00\ 35•00\ 22.751 50.00 10.00 5.00 85.00\ 35•Q0'% 13.63,E 2.00,, Moved by Scanlan i Seconded by Johnson- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday May 3rd. 1943... Carried. .r esus. r a, 61 113 Town Hall, Straffordville, May 3rd. 1943- eursuant to adjournment of kpril 5th., the Council of the Township of Baynam met in regular session on the above date, all members present and, Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications and notices of indigent patients were received and filed. Mr. James Galbraith was present and discussed with the Council the advisability of having the Bank of Commerce in Tillsonburg resume the collection of current taxes of the Township. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That the taxes can be paid in at the Bank of Commerce, Tillsonburg, as instructed by the Straffordville Mgr, Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That the tenders for the Benner Drain as submitted by Fred Bell be Rppfoved and accepted... Carried. Said tenders being Construction- Charles nietrinh, Dashwood, 9450.00; Tile- Albert Deller & Son, Brownsville, f-435.00. The Police Village Trustees attended on the Council and presented their accounts for payment and discussed drainage and repaire to the Village streets. 0 Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council appoint Lyle 3oyle, Tack Hotchkiss, Basil Necill, Lyle Grant and Dewey Vallee with Ken. Grant as chief, as fireman to operate the Municippl Fire Truck. These menle names to be submitted to the Insurance Co. to be named in the policy. Carried. On recommendation from the local Board of Health the folloeing resolution was presented to the Council Moved by Scruton Seconded by ,E"canlan- That our Township Constable be instructed to enforce the Public Health Nct in regards to Public Nuisances and that a notice be put in the paper in regards to rubbish on Township Roads... Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That the application of the trustees of S.S.No. ij� for the issuing of debentures for building a new school to the amount of $13, 000. be accepted and a by-law be prepared for issuing same.. Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That By -Law No. 1112, being a by-law to provide for the issuing of debentures to the amount of X13,000, for building a new school in S.S. No. 14, be now read a first time... Carried. ' Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That by-law No. 1112, be now read a second time and provisionally passed... Carried. The Bell Telephone Co. asked for consent to make repairs to some lines in the northern part of the Township. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That by-law No. 1113, being a by-law to grant consent to the Bell Telephone Co. to replace, reset and reinforce poles < as detailed on Plan r157 be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That by-law No. 1113 be now read a second Time.Carri Moved by McConkey Seconded by Seruton- That by -lair No. 1113 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by boanlan- That htis Council buy a strip of land from Say :open for road purposes. This land is situated in 3rde concession in lot seven on the north side of Big Otter Creek said strip of land to comprise about ; acre and to cost $40900, Mr. Soper to bear the cost of the refenoing... Carried. Copy to Mr. Caldwell, En*ineer. ' 4 114 Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- That this Council invest $5000* mE the Fownthip money in the Fourth Victory Loan... Carried. Moved by Johnson Seopnded by 5cruten- That we pay E. Scanlan 58.00; Neil McConkey, $3.00; and M.K.Johnson, $3.00 for trip to London... Carried. Moved by McUonkey seconded by Scruton- That this Couacil give the winner of each group in the school quiz contest, $4.00 worth of War Savings stamps. Contest to be held in Straffordville, May 4th. 1943... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council be a committee to meet Verne Baldwin May lith. in regards to the buying of his farm and that this Council have power to act on sF=e... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council give the Straffordville Boy Scouts a grant of $20.00... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carried. Frank Steers, Gas for Town Hall ------------------ S 1.30 W. E. McKibbin, Meat for Wm. Patten -------------- 2900 P. L. Williams- Relief for F. Stephenson --------- 10.00 " " "---------- 3.25N Wm. Patten ------------ 10.00 __---------- 1.90 E. S. Law- Relief for J. Meszaros---------------- 3.50 N. 0. Stilwell- it------ ---- ------ 25.00 J. W. Mcquiggan- Ed. Curtis -------------- 410\ 250. George E. Beard- 'T J. Meszaros-------------- 8,00" wlbert Hayward- Salary------------------- Y.V. ---- 8.75N Rev. Neil McQuarrie- Car Hire ---------- #.V. ---- 2.00N, Lloyd Vaughan- Labour h material ------- P.V. ---- 2.00N h. R. Wright & Son- Supplies ----------- P.V. -- 9.36\ H. P. Grant & Sons- Bulbs btraff. St. lights ----- 3.60 ' - Gas & repairs fire truck ----- 19.73 Police car expenses ---------- 35.00 Chas. A. Waldb- Chains & wrenches F.D.--_________ 7*15%. K. E. Grant- Equipment F.D.----- ---------------- Mae .80\ it tt _ salary for April -------------------- 35.00\ to n _ it n to Yotibe---------------- 100.00 W. G. Mitchell- Uncollectable taxes --- ____--- ____ 2.00%, it " To apply on salary --------------- 50.00 Municipal World- Supplies ----------------- -_ 7.59 News Printing Coo- " & advt.----------------- 23.38 \ Drs. Alexander & McLeod- re. Meszaros------------ 10.00N Dr. A. J. Hart- Treatments ----------------------- 14,00%, tt tt _ Trans indigent ----------------- 15.00\ " - salary Jan.l to Mar 31/43 -------- 100.00\ C. D. Coyle- Fees B. of H. ----------------------- 3.00\ Geo. Vallee- tt "----------------------- \ J. D. Vallee- tt It ------------------------ 3-00\ it " - To apply on salary ---------------- 80.00\ A.A. Johnson- Trip to Toronto -------------------- 10.00 H. L. Godwin- " M --------------------- 10.00\ tt If - Dinners --------------------- -_ 5.25\ Reeiever General of Canada - 4th Victory Loan ----5000.00% J. D. Vallee- Councillors' & Janitor's fees ------ 19*OO T#os. Mabee- Stamps ------------------------------ 11.00\ E. Scanlan- Trip to London ---------------------- 8.00 N. McConkey- " "----------- __--------% 3.00-\ A.A.Johnson- w "---------------------- 3.0(T P. Williams,Treae.- Grant to scouts -------------- 20.001 Thos. Mabee- Prizes for quiz contest--------------` 12.00; Ontario Municipal Board- Fees re. S.S.No. 14------' 13.04N rff,##1e STEEIPS 6{A S, /YJVL 1 E s s FA TT,eW A*jt *. IRR - - - - _ _ _ q. ftp N The Clerk was instructed to send the revised list of deputy game and fishery wardens to the Dept. of Game and Fisheries for approval. - Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That this Council now adjourn to meet agiin in regular session on May 25th. 19.3... Carried. IP Township Hall, Straffordville, May 25th. 1943• 115 e r.c . s Pursuant to adjournment of May 3rd., the Council of the Township of Bayham held their regular June meeting on the above date, Councillor& Johnson and Deputy -Reeve McConkey being absent and Reeve Coyle presiding Minutes of the last regluar meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Notices of admission to hospitals of indigent patients were received and the Clerk instructed as to the replys. % letter was recieved from Mr. McGill, Supt., C.P.R. re. Vienna tunnel clearances and the Clerk was instructed to reply that the Municipality would adept no responsibility in this connection. The account at Craigview Hospital of N. Mulholland was referred to the County. Moved by Beanlan Seconded by Scruton- That this Council put in a sidewalk from the Church to the next street south in Straffordville... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That in consideratuAon of the application of interested parties, the Council hereby appoints the following as membea of the Cemetery board of the Claus Cemetery; Mrs* B. Brian, Chairman and Secretary -Treasurer, members- Sam Palmer, A.A. Johnson and Emery Claus... Carried. Moved by Scruton 5eeonded by Scanlan- That the Township purchase the property of Verne Baldwin lying north and west of Big Otter Creek and comprising about 143 acres for the sun of 54500.00 and that a by-law be prepared for closing the Township road through the property and the Reeve and Clerk be appointed a committee to close the deal... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That by-law No. 1112, being a by-law to provide Bor the borrowing of $1 ,000. upon debentures for the building of a new school in S.S.No. , be now read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Scanaln Seconded by Scruton- That this Council have the Clerk write the insurance Co. about our fire truck and rates and apply for a grant from Universal Agenoies, Toronto, in regards to the Crandall fire... Carried. Moved b SScanlan Seeondei by Scruton- That the to Toronto and H.Godwin, Coyle 10ouncil pay W. Mitchell 510.00 for trip and Johnson, 58.00 each to find out about culverts... Carried. 13 116 Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That the Clerk give the adjoining Munieipalitles our rate of $50.00 for each call of the fire truck... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council recommends that the proposition of a Health Nurse be taken up with the County and be made County wide. Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve sign the several order sheete.Carr J. D. Vallee- Council and Janitor's pay ----------- " - To apply on salary ---__________-_r__ N. 0. Stilwell- Relief for J. Meszaros------------ E. S. Law & Co,- J, o.-J. W. McQuiggan- " M. Nelles------------- �� Curtis ------------- W. E. McKibbin- " WMI Patten ------------ P. L. Williams- i{ 91 _ 11�� - ►: F. Stephenson ---------- George E. Beard- " J. Mezzaros------______ Frank Steers- Gas for Town Hall ------------------- Provincial Tregourer- Insulin, Brotty & Edwards ---- H. P. Grant h Sons- Repairs to Fire Equip. -------- i! 1$ 11 of -------�— of it - Police car expenses----------- Bickle-Seagraves Ltdo - Equipment for Fire Dept. ---- K. E. Grant- Salary for May ------_-,.___________.._r W, G. Mitchell- To apply on salary ------- __------- Com* on dog tax ------------------- " Trip to Toronto ------------------- H. L. Godwin- M " -------------------- C. D. Coyle- �� .. -------------------- A A. A. Johnson- 11 11 1W_ _ Thos. Mabee- Stamps ------------------------------- Pimvincial Treasurer- License for Town Hall ------- 15.6o•. 85.00 20.74-,., 7.00 7.50-,,.. 2 .27\ •53-� 2.00 1.090\ 10, 00\ 3.25\ 10.00\ 6. oo-.., 1.O'\2. 3--,, 12.40N 16.80., 35.00 118.80 35.0x• 1.00.00\ 50.00\ 20.00\ 10.00\ 8.00\ 8. ooN 8.00N 7.00-\ 3.00 Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on July 5the at one o'clock... Carried. 117 Township Hall, Straffordville, July 5th. 19430 The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on Monday Judy 5th. at 1 p.mo all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications and notices of hospital admittances of indigent patients were received and ordered filed. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council rebate Wm. Froggett on over paid taxes $8.25 also May McMillan $2.34 om Hydro incorrectly charged.Carried. Hospital Maintenance as submitted by the County for the Township of Bayham amounted to $584.13 Discussion was held in regards to sidewalk conditions throughout the Township. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council pay up to $500.00 a year to the several villages of Bayham Township for the building and repairing of eid sidewalks, said money to be proportioned as follows;- Straffordville about $200.09; Corinth, Eden and Richmond about $100.00 each. Carried. Requests were received for Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That Board for 55.00 and to the Treasurer... Carriede s grants to the Eden and Dobby cemeteries. the Treasurer send a cheque to the Eden Cemetery Dobby Cemetery Board $ 5.00, James Elliott Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That the Reeve, C. D. Coyle, proclaim Aug. 2nd. aa. a civic and public holiday for Bayham Township and that the Clerk put notice in the paper of the same... Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by McConkey- That we give Aylmer Fair the usual grant of $100.00.00 Carried. Mr. Albert Matthews again interviewed the Council in regards to the private road leading into hid property. The Council agreed to investigate same. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That each Councillor be paid $3.00 per day for two days going over roads and that Coyle and Scruton be paid 52.00 extra each for looking over drain with Houghton Council... Carried. as Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That C. D. Coyle be the overseer in Straffordville, Ernest Scanlan in Eden, H. L. Godwin in Corinth and N. McConkey in Richmond to look after the building and repairing of sidewalks.Carried. Mr. Fred A. Bell attended at the Council meeting in regards to making a survey and discription of the verve Baldwin property and road. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve sign the several order shpets.Carried Geo. E. Beard - Relief, N. 0. Stilwell- P. tilwell-P. L. Williams- W, illiams-W. E. McKibbin- " J . W. mcquiggan- " N n r 11 J. Meezaros----------------- $ 5.00 "------------------ 25.00 F. Stephenson ----------------- 3.25N 10.00\1 Wm. Patten-------------�----- 10.010.00--..0 " .Mus wwrw—w—ww 1090 n—w—arw--wwwwwwr—wwrw ` r,. 0--.. ��// M. V Nelles---rw--wrww—aftao r—r.. 10049`j Ed. Curtis r------------------ 2 .V ~ mow--rwwwwwww—w—w..ww .GV y Frank Steers- Gas, L. Nelles---------------- S 1.4O-�,. Wm. Patten ---------------- 4,21\ '► " - " Town Hall ---------------- 1.30\, A. R. Wright & Son- Fire Pails -------------- 18.00\ Clyde E. Soper- Materials, F.D.------------- 3.70\ J. J. Faulkner- "------------- 10.48 Chas. A. Walsh- " "-------------- 15,39\ A. Squire- board re. N. Mulholland ---------- 109.00 Wm. Froggett- Rebate on taxes --------------- 8.2 May McMillan 2.3 Z' Henry Dark- Car Hire ----------------- P.V.--- 2.00 W. H. Kirk- Telephine salla ----------P.V.--- .95\ Stephen Laemer- Labour---------------P.V.--- 5.25\ J. H. Kaufaann- Gasoline 970\ Lloyd Vaughan- Labour & Materials ----P.V.--- 38.26 K. E. Grant- Salary for June -- ---------- ---- 100.00` F.D.----------- 35.00 Materials F.D.----------------- .90� H. E. P. C.- Hydro Town Hall ---------------- 10.24 \ Grand & Toy- Supplies ----------------------- 2.50 News Printing Co.- Advt. h Printing --------- 23.37 H. A. Ostrander- Funeral re. M. Bottrill ---- &50---, 00\ - " & Exp; re. WK. Alward--- The Fyr-Fyter Co. Ltd.- Equipment F.D. ------ 128.00 B.B.Giraham, Treas.- Hospital maintenance ---- 584.15-% Thos. Mabee- Stamps for Coll. & Treas. ------ 43.00 Irvan Murphy- Allowance re Corinth Drain ---- 15.00\ J. D. Vallee- Fees re. " " ----- 10.00♦ " it - To apply on salary ------------ 80.00 \ W. G. Mitchell- " "------- --- 50.00 \ W. L. White- Grant Eden Cemetery ------------ 5,00\ James Elliott- Grant Dobby Cemetery --------- 5-00--, J. D. Vallee- Councillors' & Janitor's pay -- 19.00\ K. E. Grant- Expenses to London - - ------ 18.00 Basil Nevill- " "------"------ 8.00 H. Lashbrook, Treas.- Grant to Aylmer Fair--- 100.00` C. D. Coyle- Travelling Expenses ------------ 8.00 N. H. McConkey- " "------------ 6.00 -.., A• A. Johnson - " " ____---_-__ - 6.00 Ernest Scanlan- " "------------- 6.00 Chas. Scruton- " "------------- 8.00 H. P. Grant & Sons- Police car expenses ----- 35.00♦ FiP/9NK STE JF RS - &ig s R 7-0SuN #,4kk - - - __ __ - • 3a OmYwR,o 04Z4�T7,& - ThX kiz *ow r. - _ - - - - - - / 5 •ov Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council now adjourns to meet again on Tuesday, Aug. 3rd. 1943... Carried. Fkv-Alg- I lo%: Rio , J 118 0 119 Township Hall, Straffordville, Aug. 3rd. 1943• The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the gbove date, all members present except Deputy -Reeve McConkey and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. The Township cheque in favour of Irvan Murphy for $15.00 being damages allowed by Engineer Bell for Corinth Drain Outlet was returned by Mr. Murphy to the 'treasurer with no explaination. A letter was received from Supt. Hayes of the C.N.R. in regards to meeting the Council about Corinth station. Clerk was instructed to arrange for meeting on Aug. 10th. at 2 P.M. at Corinth. A letter was also received from Mr. McGill, Supt. of C.P.R. in regards to the clearances at Howey and Vienna tunnels. The Clerk was instructed to take no action. Mr. M. Ostrander requested by mail a grant for Tillsonburg Fatt Board. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council make a grant of $25.00 to the Tillsonburg and Dereham Agricultural Society and cheque be payable to M. Ostrander, Sec.-Treas... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Johnson- That this Council will support any movement to have a breakwater or other protection erected in order to save the property along the lake shore east of Port Burwell... Carried. +� Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve sign the several order sheete Xarried Mrs. H. J. Hart- Assistance in schools ------------- S 15.00 N Dr. H. J. Hart- Salary, Apr.l to June 30/43 -------- 100.00'-,,- C. D. Coyle- Fees attending B. of H.---------goes--goes 3.00 J. D. Vallee- n n n __________goes 3.00 � To apply on salary ------------------- MOONS* n n _ Councillors'and Janitor's pay -------- 15.70 M. Ostrander, Sea,-Treas.- Fair Grant--------goes--goes 25.00 Frank E. Travis- Work on sidewalks ----------------- 41.00\ A. SgAires- Board etc. re. N. Mulholland --------goes- 6.50\ Lloyd o firemen ---------------------- stent- Ins for fi 60. 00\ Municipal World Ltd.- School Debentures ------------ 2.51\ The Fyr-Fyter Co. Ltd*- Equipment ------------------ 21t,50%, Frank Steers- Gas for L. Nelles---_-__.�____-_r___-- 1,40 n n .. n N Wm. Patten ------------------ 4,21% N. 0. Stilwell- Relief for J. Meszaros--------goes--- 3.50 __r____.._—_—_— 25*00\ W. E. McKibbin- Relief for dim. Patten -------------- 2.00N, P. L. Williams- n N N N _goes ---_-___-goes 1.90-.,, _ 10.00 F. Stephenson ----------- 3.25 ____-_____..-.. 10.0ON J. W. MaQuiggan- n N Ed. Curtis -------------- 4. 3--,. w N n _goes-----goes--goes 2�j $� M. Nelles--------goes--goes •95-,, W. G. Mitchell - To apply on salary ________________ 50+Q0%, K. E. Grant- Salary for July-----------------goes--goes 100.00♦ n N _ N N "-----------------goes--goes 35,00---- 5.00.A. H,P. Grant do Sons- Police car expenses ------goes--goes 35.00♦ Thos. Mabee- Stamps ---------------------- 7.001 Times Journal- Advto re tax sile 27.30♦ MA /f S`r-rZ9S - AhT7'EN,,�-!3� Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That this Council adjourn to meet again on Sept. 6th. at 1 P.M.... Carried. J 10 120 Township Hall, Straffordville, Sept. 6th, 193. Pursuant to adjournment of Aug. 3rd., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present except Councillor Scruton and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications were read and ordered filed. Road liability insurance was re -hewed with A. E. Wilson & Co. Coverage of volunteer firemen under the Workmen's Compensation Board .was discussed. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council take out protection for our men operating Fire Truck with the Compensation Board... Carried. The Corinth station situation was then discussed and the Clerk instructed to send a copy of the following resolution to Mr. Hayes. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Johnson- That this Council take no action on the Corinth station... Carried. The Clerk notified the Council that he had received a summons in regards - to the Steve Sziloek accident on bridge near Richmond, whereby the plaintiff was suing for damages. The case had been turned over to the insurance company who were planning on fighting it an -1 entering a counterclaim for damages to bridge. It would be necessary for Township witnesses to appear at court. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That owing to the Law Suit pending ree truck breaking through bridge, we authorize the Clerk to contact Fred Bell, our engineer, and have him inspect the bridge in question this week. Carried. Moved by Maeonkey Seconded by Johnson- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets.Carrie a. J. W. McQu iggan- Relief- Mahlon Nelles--------------- 9,95\ Ed. Curtis ------------------ 25 80\ ----------------- 4 j�81v P. L. Williams- " Wm. Patten ------------------ 1.90\ N------------- IF, ------------F. Stephenson --------------- 4M ---- -------- a& - ------------------------------ l0. 00-- W. 0_W. E. McKibbin- " Wm. Patten ------------------ 2.00 N. 0. Stilwell- J. Meszaros----------------- 3.50 _ h r ------------------ 19.19N L. W. McDowell- Work on sidewalks ---- ------------- 37.29 . J. H. Howey- Cement for -------------------- 27.16\ J. H. Mur�hy- Dirt & Gravel "--------------------- 17e75� ti - M M A -------------------- 24.25 H B Johnson- Cement for "-------------------- 7.25 Frank E. Travis- Work on -------------------- 46.25,--, Clyde E. Soper- Cement for '�-------------------- 28.00\ Ed. Davidson- Rental to Dec. 31/1.3 -----r------------- 135.00♦ Drs. Alexander & KcLeod- Ke. Meszaros---------------- 14.50\ A. E. Somons, See=- Prince 100. Into 25. Com. Hall --- 125.00\ Lloyd Grant- Prem. Roads Insurance ------------d ------ 224,*54 \ os p. B.B. Graham, Treas . - Rebate re, Harvey Vaughan --- --- 25.37,, H. P. Grant & Sons- Bulbs, Straff. Lights ------------ 5.40 - Gas for Fire Truck --------------- 4.19 - Police car expenses------rr---r-- 3000 Workmen's Compensation Board- Ase. 3 .54\ Ass. on firemen, ------Mb- .00 Tress* town sof Ti.11sonburg- Relief re. Wintermute ---- 10.36` Canadian Bank of Vow eree- Fees for Onto Municipal Bd. 13.001 Jo D. Vallee- Prep. Deb* & By -low S . S. Mo. 14 --------- 15.0QK,.. Councillors' salary JanAtor' a pay ----------- 15., 3 . TR - To apply on salary ---------------- .sal-- eo,00 - W. G. Mitchell- � ,� �► ..-__--____-...._--r-w,�,. 50.00 si 121 K. E. Grant- Salary for Auust ----------------- n n - n n§ F.D.------------ M M - Trans. patient to H. of I. -------- A. Squire- Care re. Mulholland for Aug. -------- Municipal World Ltd ---1943 ststutes------------ H.E.P.C. Aylmer- Hydro arrears Coll.------------ " Walsingham- " n ++ --------__-- Provincial Treasurer- Insulin ------------------ News Printing Co,- Advts. & supplies ----------- Albert Deller & Son- Tile for Benner Drain ------ Frank Steers- Gas for Town Hall ---------------- h n _ n n Wm. Patten --------------- n n - h it L. Nelles---------------- $108.00 \ 35.00\ 6.50 4,50%, 2.00, 109.92. 28.80,E 2.87- . 64-: •40 34 \ 1.30\ 3.13 1 *40N Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council do now adjourn to meet at 1 o'clock on Oct. nth. 19 .3... Carried. C� e rx. Township Ball, Straffordville Oat. 4/43 Pursuant to adjournment of Sept. 6th., the Council of the Township of Bayham meet in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Notices of admission to hospitals of indigent patients were received and filed. Mr. D. F. Gigson, by letter, requested a donation to the Hone Front appeal of the Salavation Army. No action taken. Notice was received from Davidson & Davidson of St. Thomas that they were attending Court on 6th* in regards to the Sisilook ve Bayham case. Henry Grigg attended on the Council and requested that certain drains be cleaned out. The Council agreedto meet with the interested parties on Oct. 8tho at the site of drain. A letter was received from the Dept. of Game & Fisheries in regards to a pheasant hunt this fall. Moved by Seruton Seconded by Scanlan- That a pheasant season be not held in this Township this fall but that persons be per fitted to hunt rabbits, fix and partridge during the winter months without the Township licenses... Carried. Kr. Morley Claus interviewed the Council in regards to repairs to a drain affecting his property and the Council s8reed to zeet at the drain with interested persons on Oct. 8th. at SJ30 P.M: A letter regarding unemployment insurance was received from the Commission at Ottawa and the following action was taken. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That the Clerk send a certificate ' to the Unemployment Insurance Commis icon certifying that ; the employment of the following em loyees, in noraal raotlee, Is ppermanent in oharaoter. H. L. =in, K• E. Grant, 1. Go Mitobell, Borden Price, Percy Green and J. D. Vallee... Carried. lk Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council authorize our Clerk to in the Aylmer and Tillsonburg papers for tenders for truck J;o our snow plow this winter, tenders to be in by Oct. 25th* and include 2 ern... Carried. 122 advertise operate to Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carried. Goo* E. Beardr Relief for J. Meszaros----------- $ 5.00♦ We E. McKibbin- " " N. PItten----_______-, 2.00\ P. L. Williams- 1.90\ 10.00\ F. Stephenson----rr___ 3.25\ --.r..rrr--_r- 10.00N N. 0. Stilwell- " " J. Meszaros -,---------- 3.50'% 1f N - N N N •..- ---..- 2.00\ We J. . Mcquiggan- " N Ed. Curtis ----------- 110. N N N N R --r------r 25. N N ,- M N M. Nelles _-_- -- -- 9.81 H. P. Grant do Sons- Gas & supplies F.D.---------- 18.95 " N " - Police car expenses -- ---- 35.00 Thos. Mabee- Stamps---__r______________r_ -- 19.00 News Printing Co.- Advt. ebb. ------------_------- 3.2+-%, H. E. P. C*- Hydro for town hall --------------•- 12.+04\ Municipal World Ltd*-* Supplies -------------•---• 3. 2\ Ellen Hilts- Work on hall grounds -----0-040 ----- }. 5 A. Squire Care re, Mulholland 45.00\ Toronto Western Hospital- Re. Gladys Brown •-4040-r 2.00%, K. E. Grant- Salary for §egt.----ND --------- ------ 10000\ « N am _ „ __.. ....—_ _ —.r — — .0"4040 4W 4W ?W5:00\ J. D. Vallee- Toa 1 on sala-------•-----•4040000♦ « « - Councillors' & Janitor's pay -0040- 19.00\ W. G. Mitchell- To apply on salary --------4040-••• 50.00\ Dog tau Com. Bal. --------- 35.20\ " " • To apply on Assessing 100.00\ s Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That this youncil now adjourn to meet again on Monday, Nov. 1st. at 10.30 1: M. .. Carried. i MR 123 • Clerk's Office, Straffordville, Oct. 15th. 1913 ♦ special session of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date for the purpose of considering a by-law in regards to the closing up of the road allowance through the south halfs of lots eleven and twelve in the eighth concession of Bayheoa. Discussion of the by-law was held by those present, who were, Heave Coyle, Deputy -Reeve McConkey and Councillors Scanlan and Johnson. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1114, being a by -low to close road allowance across the south half of lots numbered 11 and 12, Concession 8, Bayham, be now read a first time.... Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by McConkey- That By-law No. 11:14 be now read a second time. Carried. The Clerk was instructed to advertise the by-law in the proper manner and that final consideration would be given to IM at a meeting of the Council to be held on'Nov. 15th. at 2 o'clock P.M. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- Tlaat this special session of the Council now adjourn... Carried. 0 A � � i! joll am I" ,I "T III 9 . 124 Town Hall, Straffordville, Nov. lat. 1943* ftesuant to adjournment of Oct. lith. the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last regular and specials meetings were read, approved and signed and the follwoing businese was done. Communications were read and filed and cases of indigent patients were considered. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council pay account for cleaning hall of $15.35... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council pay the winner of the School Quiz contest a five dollar afar Seveg Certificate and two dollars worth of stamps is each to the second and third place winners..Carried. Chas. Minter of the First Concession attended on the Council and submitted a petition for drainage work. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Johnson - That the petition for drainage work in the Townships of Bayham and �houghton in 1st. and 2nd, concessions be acsnept M and the Clerk notify Engineer Bell... Carriedo, 0 Discussion was held in regards to the expenses of extra driving for Township business. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Johnson- That this Council pay 14 per mile one way for driving care on Township business... Carried. A by-law providing for the holding of election for Council for 1944 was then considered. Moved by Seruton Seconded by Scanlan- That by-law No. 1115, being a by-law tN provide for an election in December 1913 and appointing Deputy Returning Officers and Poll flerks for carne, be now read a first time..Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by 4ohnson- That by-law No. 1115 be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Johnson i Seconded by Seruton- That by-law No. 1115 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That bhie Council purchase a WOW= Victory Bond... Carried. At 2 O'clock P.M. the Council subscribed to the necessary oaths for Court of Revision on the 1944 assessment roll of the Township and Moved by Johnson Seconded by Seaman- That Reeve Coyle be chairman of this Court of Revision... Carried. The following appeals were heard and decisions made as follows; - Ap,pel_lant, Respecting Ray Silverthorn Self Central Pipe Lines Self J. W. Tanner Howard Burnham Me D. Rowe J. D. Vallee Self Self E, P.Rowe Lots 23,24 x. chat. Lots 11,12 Cana. 8 Matter Com . of Decision Ass, too high No change Business Ass. Ass. too high; do Township property do No change Business Ass .remove d ABs . for $400- 00 No change Not to be assessed for taxes. do Appellant J. D. Vallee . • Chas. Laister Chas. Scruton H. L. Godwin Chas. Scruton 125 Respecting Matter CME* of Decision 4040 �..�... _ .. - L.Kilmer Sold 1 acre Lower Kilner by $25.00 Asse, Fredrickson $ 50.00 H. Marlatt Sold property Ass. to Geo. Vallee - H. Kennedy Not Ass. for Ass. $100.00 for Business Business Angeline Bailey Not Assessed Mm. Ringland & Mrs* Ringland Erwin Turril Frank Winter & Mrs. Winter Donald Chute. Not assessed e a Reduce Laister to Land -41750; Bldg -$200. Ass. A. Bailey Lana -$50. , Bldg—V504- Ass. as tenants of Wm,Weaver Est. Asps. as F. S. with Geo. Turril Ass* as tenants of Mrs. June Honsinger. Ass. as F. S. with Me rt &n Chute, �► Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That the changes of Assessment by the Court of Revision be finally confirmed and the Assessment Roll be adopted as the Revised Assessment Roll of the Township of Bayham for the yeas 1944. Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That this Court of Revision do now adjourn, Sine Die*** Carried. The Clerk reported that no tenders had been received in answer to the advertisement for same in regards to a truck to operate the snow plow for the coining winter. Consideration war then given to the idea of purchasing a new truck if a suitable one could be found. Moved by Seruton Seconded by Johnson- That #she Clerk advertise for tenders for a Truck t• handle snow plow. To be at least 3 ton with a 3 or 4 ydo gravel dump box. Also prices on dual transmission extra.... Carried. *vveg* Be Johnson interviewed the Council in regards to the use of the hall by the Badnmington Club this winter. The Council agreed that the hall would be available the same as in previous seasons. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carried. Geo, Be Beard- Fuel for Mes$aros----------------- $ 10a00-\ We E. MoKibbin- Relief for Wme Patten ------------ 2000\ Bruise Smith ----------- 4.00\ P. L. Williams- " " Patten ----------4040--4040 10.00\ Stephenson ------------ 3,25-s 10000\ Be Smith ...4040....-....» .4040,.- 12.004\ Patten -------------4040 1.90 N© 0. Stilwell- Messaros ----4040-----40-40 25*00N -.------ -ft ----- a 3-50\ Valley Camp Coal- Stephenson ------------- ;- ."MON Patten ---------------- �(. �� V \►i J. W. McQuiggan- " " Curtis -------------- 2 . o\ N—.....r40-40.1---.0.....e— .50` N !! 11 M M. Nelles-+s-......oft _........r 119a 58-♦ Treas, of Tillsonburg- Relief for H. Wintermute40 10.36,\ 004040 loo 36A Frank Steers- Relief for Nelles & Patten 40- ?.' .�� Frank Steers-eas for Town Hall ----------------_.. " " - " " Bruce Sanith ---------------- Stephen Laemers- Cutting weeds ------------------ Chas A. Walsh- tax etc* for hall ---------------- Ellen Hilts- Cleaning hall --------------------- Bruce horse- Richmond sidewalks ----------------- Municipal ---------- -__Municipal World Ltdo - Supplies ------------------ Mrs. B. Brian- Cemetery care ---- ___.W_ Bickle-Seagraves Ltd- Siren & materials --------- Charles Dietrick- Apply on Benner Drain --------- Peters, Brown & Coo- To apply on fee ------------ A. Squire- Care re. Mulholland ------------------ W. Go Mitchell- To apply on salary -------------- " " Attending Court of Revision Selecting Jurors K. E. Grant- Sal. for October --- _____ F.D.-------------- " " Switch for Truck ------------------ J. D. Vallee- To apply on salary ---------------- " " Selecting Jurors ------------------ " " Prizes for school quiz ------------ C. D. Cole- Selecting Jurors --------- mm " Special session -------------------- Ernest ------ ____w_Ernest Scanlan- " " -_-r_--___w_ Arba JohnsonNiel McConkey McConkey ------------------- J. D. Vallee- Councillors & Janitor ------------- H. P. Grant & Sons- Police car expenses --------- Thos. Mabee- Stamps for Clerk ------------------- I 8-MeR ______________►t•MeR -- QAL. DA/ l 44L.Aeje DRAIN/ A ♦ F.� - - - - -- - - - f'%rA/1rh' S7Ee^ - I%AS, RVA,IEF 0- To+VN #44t - - - - - - - - - - - --- � 1. � 1. 0\ 9• o..s 3*92*141 1 5.00` 1 3.82 10.00 96.12 3 50 . oo\ 100.00%, 45.00\ 50.00,\ 2.50\ 4.00 100.00\ 35 -ODS 1.65 80.00^-, .00 . 00 -.., 4.00 3.10 6.�o� 6.40 6.30 19.00 3 .00N'. 00 -', S•3i ` Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this Counci 1 do now adjourn to meet again on Nov. 15th. at 1 P.M... Carried. R 126 127 Town Hall, Straffordville, Nov. 15th. 19+3• . Pursuant to adjourranent of Nov. let., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read approved and signed and the following business was done. ConsAderation was given to by-law for closing road through lots 11 and 12 in the 8tho concession* Messrs. J. D. Stewart and Elmo Howey were the only ones present to register any objections to the third read of same. Mr. Stewart agreed to the terms outlined in the following resolution, Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That in regards to the closing upof road through lots 11 and 12, cone. 8, re. Dy -Law No. 1114, this Council agrees to fix up the road to J. D. Stewart's property at lot 11 Cone, 8 by giving said road a good coat of gravel, 100 cord for mile, and maintaining same in good travelling condition in consideration of which Mr. Stewart withdvaws all his objections to closing said road. Carried. The following resolution was accepted by Mr. Elmo Howey in regards to withdrawing his objections to closing said road. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scruton- That in order to close the road through Baldwi'h property, the Council and Officials agree to give 8 hours work cutting wood for Elmo Howey on Monday, Nov. 29/43, Elmo Howey to woak with the rest and to furnish refreshments, agreeing to relieve the Township of any future obligations in regards this road. Council to put a light coat of gravel on road by Mark Baldwin's property. (SelLgre0d 83 )Carried. All objections in regards to this road having been removed it was Moved by Scruton ° Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No: 1111�, being a by-law to close road ` through south halfs of lots 11 and 12, Cone. 8, be now read a third � time and finals assed... Carried. Y P One property not being sold at the tax sale, the Treasurer set a date of Nov. 27th. at 11 o'clock A.M. for the holding of an adjourned sale. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Johnson- That the Reeve be authorized to purchase lands for the Municipality at the adjourned tax sale... Carried. Tenders for the purchase of a new truck were then considered, there being only two tenders, J? C. Eiehenberg and F. L. Truman. Mr. Lyle Grant represented Mr. Truman Before the Council. Both tenders were discussed and considered and it was Moved by Scanian Seconded by Scruton- That we accept tender of F. L. Truman for new truck as listed in tender less shock -absorbers and with 10 ft. Dump Box with wooden sides No. 134S Brantford, and with No. 2 Hoist and 8.25-20 tires all around. Also that the Reeve be authorized to sign order -for above. Carried. It wad decided to hold a meeting on Nov. 30th. in the evening to pay monthly accounts and do regular business. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That this Council do now adjourn to meet Nov. 30th. 1943 at 7 P.l[... Carried. 1 erx. 128 Town Hall, Straffordville, Nov.26th/43 The nomination meeting for members of the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham for the year 1944 was held on the above date between the hours of one and two o'clock P.M. with a very small attendance of ratepayers present. The following were placed in nomt#ation;,- For Reeve; - Co D. Coyle; Fred Chandler and Robt. McLean. For Deputy -Reeve;- N. H. McConkey and A. A. Johnson. For Councillor;- Vern Baldwin, A. A. Johnson, Chas. Scruton, Ernest Scanlan and C. D. Coyle. After the close of nominations, J. D. Vallee, Clerk was appointed Chairman of the usual after -meeting and as Acting Treasurer, gave an account of the financial standing Of the Municipality. All nominees were given an opportunity to address the gathering, the Reeve and Deputy -Reeve giving a report on the work done by the County Council as well as Township work. H. L. Godwin also spoke for a few minutes on road conditions throughout the municipality. At nine O'clock P.M. on Saturday, Nov. 27th. the following had signed the necessary Declarations of qualification. Reeve; -'C. D. Coyle e Deputy -Reeve; - N. He McConkey Councillors- Vern Baldwin, A. A. Johnson and Chas. Scruton. This being the required number to form a Council for 1944, 4�I 3, J. Dewey Vall4c Clerk and Returning Officer for the Township of Bayhem, in the County of Elgin, do hereby declare C. D. Coyle duly elected Reeve; N. H. McConkey, duly elected Deputy -Reeve; and Vern Baldwin, A.A. Johnson and Chas. Scruton, duly elected as Councillors for the Township of Bayham for the year 1944 by acelaimation. ,Cod Save The King. Clerk and Returning Officer* Township of Bayham. 129 Town Hall, Straffordville, Nov. 30th, 1943. Pursuant to ad jourranent of Nov. 15th., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in special session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. The purpose of the meeting was for doing business in general and passing November accounts. Communications were read and filed and hospital cases considered. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Johnson- That owing to the recent accident on the crossing in Straffordville in which one man was killed and several seriously injured, we hereby petition the UP.R, to instal a wig -wag or such signal as is efficient at said crossing. This was the second accident and in several cases there have been near misses... Carried. The Clerk was instructed to send copy of above to C.P.R. Discussion was held in regards to the condition of the C.P.R. tunnel near Vienna and the road -bad. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council notify the C?P.R, to the effect that their tunnel at Vienna is in bad shape. At times the road is practically impassible. We therefore advise that you take immediate steps to make repairs... Carried. Moved by Scanlan 0 Seconded by McConkey- That this Council sue Joe Marshman for damages caused by accident to Doc. Glisson... Carried. Loved by Seruton Seconded by Scanlan- That the peeve sign the several order sheets.Carrie H. E.J. C.- Straffordvtille Street Lithts-------- $223.87\ ----- " - Port Burwell "-- - 617.64 \ George E. Beard- food for J. Messaros----------•- 10.00\ N. 0. Stilwell- Relief for "------------ 25.00\ E. S. Lax as Co.- " " " ___-_-..w_-__ 9.00\ P. L. Williams- " " Stephenson -----------,- 13.25\ " n a& n n Patten ---------------fir 11.90-\ J. We MoQuiggan- n " Ed. Curtis ------------ 2 .80 \ __---_„----- •5 0 M. Nelles--_____-.._-- 11.W Valley Camp Coal Coo- Coal for Relief families --- 68.00\ Aylmer Express- Voters' Lists & Printing --------- 129.2 ?71 News Printing Co.- Printing& Advt.-------------- 1 .68\ Fred A. Bell Re. Bayham vs. SZilock 36.00 \ Albert Deller L Son- Bal. Tile for banner Brain -- 87.00\ Charles Dietrich- " contract " " -=-- 122.001 Provincial Treasurer- Insulin -------------------- 2.82\ Lest Post Fund- Grant re. burial Wm*G. Shaw ------ 15.00\ Ridley Funeral Home- Ambulance services ---------- 21.00\ Lyle Grant- Work etc* on truck ------------------ 12.40\ Toronto Western Hospital- Re, Gladys Brown-------- 7.00\ A. R. Wright do Son----- ------- ..------ P.V.--_....__- 1.9o1 We R. Kirk --__..--------------------- P.V.-------- 4.17\ "---------rr_sr--------..__ rove, ---ss r-- 17.001 HenryDark -------------------------- P.V.-------- 2.80\ N " -------------------.w------ P.V.-__r__..r 15.001 Homer Tedford ----------------------r P.V.-------- 1 .00 1 J. H. Howe ------------------------- P.V.-----r..- Y 10�. 8♦ � WilburCookson ---------------------- P.v. r-rr__-r 1.00♦ Clyde Soper ------------------------- P. V. -------- 11.20\ H. 0. Alward ------------------------ P.V.-------- 25.00♦ LloydVaughan ----------------------- P.V.--------- 2.20\ Nis. Laycock --------- ---------------- P.V.---IV---- 4.50\ Artley Yyse------------------------- P . V. --__......-; 20.00 \ Stephen Laemer----r----------------- P.V.--r 7.801 Norris Vaughan ---------------------r- P.Y. _____r_.. 2.00\ Lew Acre- Re. Ba Cham vs. Szilook--------------- 3,50\ C. D. Coyle- " N _rw...-rs....._rr-_--.- 3.51i\ K. E. Gratnt- 3.6o\ " " - Police salary for November ---------- 100.00\ K. E. Grant- F. D. Salary for November ---------- S 35.00\ " " - Telephone calls -------------------- 3.55a Dr. H. J. Hart- MQO.Ho sal. to Sept. 30/x.3 ------ 100.00\ C. D. Coyle - B. of H. fees _____________________ 3000 Geo. Vallee- " " ....__________________ 3.00\ J. D. Vallee - " "-•-----____---______ 3o00\ _ J telephone rental & calls ------- 11.\ Commissions re, tax sale --------- 51. \ To apply on salary --------------- 1 Xpp-., 11, G. Mitchell- " " "-..------------- 125.00'\ Insurance on Town Hall----------- 21.60\ H. P. Grant & Sons- Police car expenses --------- 35.00\ Bert Hilts- Caretakers services ----------------- 10.00 C. D. Coyle- Attending Council ------------------ 6.20-N N. H. McConkey - " "-______ _-________.. 6.60.♦ A. A. Johnson- " " __-__..-..-----__-__ 6.80 Ernest Scanlan- " "__________________ 7.00 Chas. Scruton-- " " ------------------ 7.40 Thos. Mabee- Stamps ----------------------------- 7.00\ Moved by Soruton Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again at 1 o'clock P.M. on Dec. 15th. 1943... Cirrried* t e evFe . 1)0 131 Town Hall, Straffordville, Dec. 15th, 1943. Pursuant to adjournment of Nov. 30th. the Council of the Township of Hayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Coyle presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read,approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications and hospital notices were react and filed. A letter from the Dept. ofsMunicipal Affairs was received and read in retards to the recommendations made by the auditor in his report for 192. The Clerk was instructed to reply that the recommendations either had been carried out or would be during the coming year. Lloyd Grant attended on the Council in regards to insurance on the new gravel and snow -plow truck. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That we insure our new Township gravel and snow -plow truck through Lloyd Grant. Policy to cover $ 50.00 deductible for collision and $10,000. and $20,000* public liability...Carried-. Mr. James Malbraith, local bank manager, who its being transferred to Delhi buanch, visited at the Council meeting to pay his respects and thank the Council for their co-operation in the past and to ask for a continuance of same fbr his successor. Considerable( discussion was held in regards to a post war program of work on our Township roads. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council accept the primary estimates for a post war 5 year program on construction and repairing Of our roads, bridges and culverts as follows;- Br1ee40,U00 Culverts $25,000, Grading $30,000, Wi3ening $25,000 and Drainage ilO,000, making a total of $130.000... Carried. K. E. Grant, Fire Chief, gave a report on operation of fire truck since Feb. 18th. 1943w Report was filed. Consideration was then given to accounts to adjoining municipalities for use of truck and to remuneration of volunteer fireman. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Johnson- That this Council authorize the Treasurer to send an account to theTownship of Houghtob for two calls with fire truck at $ 50.00 each call and allow a rebate of $ 50.00 on same and that we pay each of our volunteer firemen $3.00 per trip and $10.00 to the telephone switch operators..-. Carried. Moved by Johnson Seconded by Scanlan- That the Treasurer send an account to Vienna for one trip with fire truck at $50.00 with rebate of $25.00.Carried, Moved by Sc:ruton Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council give a bonus of J30.00 to each of the Councillors and Deputy -Reeve and $60.00 to the Reeve and that this Council express the appreciation of the members to our,,Reeve for bis leadership and services during the year... Carried, Hcy 0. Alward, Polive Village Clerk, attended at the Council meeting and presented accounts for payment, At the close of the Council session, Reeve Coyle invited the members and Officials to be his guests for supper served at Grants Hotel. Loved by Seruton Seconded by Scanlan - Carried. That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. W9 B. McCord- Teaming ------------------- Stephen Laemer- Labour ------------------ Lloyd Carter- Hauling sand -------------- P. L. Williams- Salt _____________..____-.. W* R. Kirk- Labour __________.... P, V, .25-\ P.V.--• .20 P.v. --- 8.00\ P.V.--- 2.55 P.V.--- 51.15 A• J. Hutchinson- Printing etc. ---------- P.V. --- A. R. Wright & Son- Supplies -------w_____ P.V.---- Henry Dark- Labour ------------------------ P.V. H. 0. Alward- Fees ----------------------- P.V.---- Fred A. Bell- Fees re. Baldwin --------------------- " Benner Drain (Supt.) ------------ B. B. Graham,Tress.- Hospitalization ------------- Municipal World Ltd,- Forms ---------------------- News Printing Co*- Advts a etc. ------------------- A• Squire- Care re. Mulholland ------------------- S . E. Carle --Ambulance res L. Joyce -------------- Carroll Bros.- Valves eta, fire truck ------------ H. E. P. C.- Hydro for Town Hall ------------------ K. E. Grant- Salary for Dec. Police -------------- M " Im " " " Fire Chief ---------- " Care Straffo street lights ---------- " Expenses to Woodstock --------------- W. Go Mitchell- Bale of salary ------------------- J. --_- ---_J. D. Vallee- Bal. of salary --------------------- w " - Sal. as S. A. 0# ------------------- N Fees Sec. B. of H. ----------------- " Benner and Wallace Drains ---------- Thos. Mabee- Stamps ------------------------------ K. ----------- ____-w__-______K. E. Grant- 12 trips to fires ------------------- Jack Hotchkiss -R10 Basil Nevill- Lyle Coyle- 3 -__---_-_- LyleGrant- 13 ------------------- Jack Grant- 2 " " " ____---------___w_- J. D. Vallee- 5 " " " ___________________ Mies B. Atkinson- Telephnne service re, fires ---- H. P. Grant & Sons- Police car expenses ---------- J. D. Vallee- Councillors and Janitor's pay ------ C. Do Coyle- Bonus for services ------------------- N. H. McConkey- " " " ..__...._________ A• A. Johnson- " " " .._____.._____..____- ErnestScanlan- " " " ------------------- Chas. Scruton- " " " ---.._.._-..___-___..- WORI*6! 7'om P 1;rCNA IPD - TU NI V 0 P1/ AIc TNAW N4,4J• 2.62\ 37*25\ 5.00 40 9 00\ 50.00 893.83-\ 1.53.-\ 10-07.\ x.5.00 \ b0 \ 6o25\ 3.00 ♦ 100.00\ 35. oar 10.00\ 4 * 00.% 250.00\ 100.00\ 25.00\ 10.00%, 55•00N 1.0.001 116.00'\ 110.00♦ 24.00 9.00\ 39.0 6.00 15.00 10.0G\ 35.00\ 19.00-- 60 * 00\ 9.00-- 60.00\ 30.00\ 30.00 \ 30.00\ 30.00 /tv 'o o.\ Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council do now adjourn, Sine Die. Carried. 132 P YA'ph n�� .