HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham Council Minutes 1942TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1942 75 Albert E. Brown- Bonus and extra services ----------- S 25.04 � Chas. Scruton - " " " "----------- 25.00"' Ernest Scanlan- n M " " 1�--------- 25.00 � N. H. McConkey- 25.00 %,, J. G. Turnbull- Expenses trans. family to Windsor -4040 10,00-,, Thos: Mabee- Stamps for Treasurer -------------------- 3.00 Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan - That this Council now adjourn to meet again on January 5th. 1912... Carried. ertc. Town Hall, Straffordville, Jan. 5th, 1942, The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications were read and filed and relief accounts passed. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by brown- That this Council send W. G. Mitchell and J. Turnbull to Toronto to see the Compensation Board in regards to the Elgin Travis case... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1093, being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow 935,000.00 from the Canadian Bank of Commerce to meet current expenses until taxes are paid, be now read a first time.,. Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No.1093 be now read second time..Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No. 1093 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That the Clerk re -new the 10 subscriptions to the Municipal World for 1y42.00 Carried. ,appointment of officers for 1942 was then considered by the Council. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Brown- That this Board pay stock valuators fifty cents per hour and telt cents a mile one way for their services: when valuing livestock... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No, 1094, being a Py -law to appoint certain officers Ln and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1942 as follows, be now read a frist time... Carried. r V (► 76 W. G. Mitchell, appoimted assessor 4300* plus 10% of dog tax collected. Geo. Vallee, member of Board of Health *s $3.00 & mileage per meeting. Robt. McLean & John B. Goodhand, valuators of livestock *s .509 per hour and .10¢ per mile one way. J. D. Vallee, School Attendance Officer C, $25.00 W. G. Mitchell, Meed Inspector M, 925.00 J. D. .Vallee, Secretary of B. of H. I x,10.00 plus meeting fees. W. G. Mitchell, Collector 1 $475.00 ✓ W. G. Mitchell, Relief Officer (m X175.00 ✓ K. E. Grant, Poll Tax Collector 1 . W for eacti one collected. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No -1094 be now read second time.Carrie Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brwon- That By -Law No. 1094 be now read a third time and finally passed.., Caroied. Moved by brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Collector, W. G. Mite74ell is re -appointed to collect the balance of the uncollected taxes on the 1941 roll and that the said roll be returned to the Treasurer on or before the lste day of May, 1942... Carried. Bonds were re-newed on W.M.Stratton, Treasurer and W.G.Mitchell,Collecto Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That C. D. Coyle and Dewey Vallee be appointed a# members of the Straffordville Cemetery Board for term of 3 yrs.Carried. Moved by brown Secondedby Scanlan- That we make an a dwance of 135.00 per month for expenses to Ken. Grant for gas etc. ayable same as in 1941 -Carried Jas. Galbraith, Bank Manager, addr ssed the Council, commending them on the fine financial condition of a Township* H. P. Grant was granted permission for the Cribbage Club to use the Township Hall for meetings. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve Signe the several order sheets.Carr. Mrs. R. D. Stickney- Goods for D. Masales---------- W. E. McKibbin- Meat for Wm. Patton ----------------------- Valley Camp Coal Co.- Coal Stephenson & Robbins ----------- P. L. Williams- Goods for Wm. Patton ---------------------- n It n n F. Stephenson --__-r_____________ Russel Shaw- Del. Coal, Mrs. Robbins ----------------------- H. J. Culbert- Goods for A. Wilson ------------------------ " Mrs. McMillan _______--__w_--___-- W. E. Greer- Goods for Mrs. Cabanaw - --------------------- " " it it J. Meszaros for Dec. --------------- (t it It 11 of it 1f Nov. __-- Chas . A. Walsh- Wood for Mrs. Brunston -------------------- n tt n n Meszaros ------------------------- if ---------------- " " " Mrs. V. Cavanaw-------- Frank Steers- Gas for Yam. Patton -------------------------- J. W. Mc(4ui gan- Goods for Ed. Curtis --------------------- C&larenee id- Wood for Mrs. Pfahler--------------------- Louise MacDonald- Goods for " It F. E. Brown- Goods for Mr. Minard ------------------------- Treas . City of Brantford- Relief for R. F. Sherman -------- J. D. Vallee- Reg. of Be M. & D. -------------------------- Neil McQuarrie- Trip to Straffordville------------- P.V. -- Aylmer Express- Printing financial statements ------ P.V.-- " U — is is " & notice -__--- Clyde E. Soper- Cement ----------------------------- P.V.-- Drs. Alexander & McLeod -He. Marshman-Glisson accident ------ 1'. Timmons- Coal for Mrs. M. Travis ----------------------- H. L. Godwin- Fees re. Marshman-Wisson NormanDick --------____:.___-_-- A. E. Wilson Co. -Prem* on bonds, treas. & Coll. ------------ Thos. Mabee- Stamps for Clerk & Treas. ��------------------- W. M. Stratton- Couneillbrs' & Janitor's fees ------`------- 12.38 2.?5 11.42 12.01--. 13.18 1.00 6.56-, 8.10--, 24,65-, 26.00 25.37 10.50 15.00--- 10-50 8.10 16.00 8.00--. 8.00%., 12,00's, 2.93-s. 25.75♦ 1.50. 11.07• 16, 12., 56. oo..... 15.00*k 26.40 9.00.E 3.00 57.50 6.00 19,90 Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Monday Feb. 2nd. 1942... Carried. Reeve. 77 Town Hall, Straff'ordville, Feb. 2n1. 1942 The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, members all present except Councillor Scanlan and with Reeve 0 Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications were read as follows;- From Dept, of Highways re. no subsidy being paid in 1942 on construction work. From Municipal Affairs re. meeting the Umpire, :Mr. Justice Lucien Cannon, on Unemployment Insurance tact. From Dept. of Municipal Affairs re. Wartime Housing. From h. 0. Alward stating that the following appointments had been made in the Police Village;- Harry Dark, trustee to replace H.J.Culbert; W. R. Kirk, Chairman of Trustees; N. 0. Alward, Clerk; Harry Dark, vice- chairman; Harry Dark, inspecting trustee; Park Board Members, W. R. Kirk and Harry Dark; Pound Keeper, William Webber; Fence -Viewers, Homer Learn, John Meyer and WV B1 McCord; Caretaker, fire ehgine and street lights, filbert Hayward. From the Good Roads Assn. requesting membership. From The Hospital fmr Sick Children requesting donation. Messrs. Morse, Benner and Simpson interviewed the Council in regards to a grant for the proposed re -modeling of the church shed at Richmond into a community hall. The Council promised these men that a grant would be forthcoming if this plan materialized. Moved by brown Seconded by Scruton- That the security bonds of Township Officials now on deposit with E. W. Haines, Aylmer, be transferred to our own safety box in Straffordville... Carried. A delegation led by Mr. Murray Wilson attended on the Council in regards to having gravel put on a road in their district. The Reeve and Road Supte agreed to visit this road and do their best for these men. At 2.30 P.M. the Engineer's report on the proposed Memorial Park Drain Extension was read by the Clerk before the Council and a large gathering of interested ratepayers fvvm Port Burwell. Much discussion followed and the ratepayers present requested that a decision on this work be laid over to another meeting. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the matter of Memorial Park Drain Extension be adjourned to be considered at the regular meeting on May 4th./42.Carried. Road Expenditures for 1942 were considered by the Council. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That a by-law be prepared authorizing the expenditure of 121,000.00 for roads and bridges for the year 1942... Carried. Moved by McConkey seconded by Scruton- That by-law expenditure of $21,000. on roads read first times. carried. No. 1O95,being a by-law to authorize th e & bridges in Township for 1942, be now M Moved by Brown seconded by McConkey -That By -Law No -1095 be now read second time..Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown -That By -Law No.1095 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Mrs. Cr A. Meyers requested by letter a grant for Port Burwell library. Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey -That we give Richmond and Port Burwrtll each .425.00 grant to their library... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton-That this Council pay H. L. Godwin 410.00 on his expenses at the Road convention held in Toronto Feb.25-26.9 Carried:. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scretton- That we authorize the members of the Township Council to go as delegates to the Good Roads Convention in Toronto Feb. 25-26 and that the annual membership fee of S5.CO be sent to Mr. Mahoney, ser,. Good Roads... Carried. Advise was received from 'Mr. J. D. Thomson, County Clerk, that Bs#ham Township had been equalized at the sum of S2,425,735- Moved 2,425,735. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton-That., we pay Wm. Mitchell and J. G. Turnbull It15.00 each to cover expenses trip to Toronto re. Elgin Travis... Carriel. Movel by McConkey Seconded by Brown- That D. F. Gibson be Township Lawyer for 191.2.. Carried. Moved by Brown � Seconded by cruton-That we accept the resolution of the Board of Eealth re. the care of, Joseph Ycquillan and that we appoint the Reeve to inter- view Mrs. Mequillan re. same... Carried. M. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brvwn- That the Trustees of the various school sections of this Township be required to submit their estimates for school monies to the Clerk on or before March 1st, 19.2... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey -That the Reeve sign the several odder sheets.Carried. Mrs. R. D. Stiakney- Goods for D;� Masales________________ # Geo. Luton- Del. coal, MoMillan,Patton,Wilson------------ Frank Steers- Gas for Wm. Patton ------------------------ Chas. A. Walsh -Wood for Mrs. Cavanaw--------------------- n n n n Dave Masales-------------------- - W. E. Greer- Goods for Mrs. Cavanaw --------------------- n n n n Mrs. Meszaros -------------------- Hollier & Son- Coal for Mrs. C. Palmer ------------------ Clifford Johnson- wood for Violet Camanaw--------------- 1: H Yrs. Yfahler ----------------- " it " J. Meszaros--------------- J. W. Ycquiggan- Goods for Ed. Curtis -------- Clayton Jackson- Wood for Edna Gunstone ----------------- Louise MacDonald- Goods for Mrs. Pfahler ---------------- Valley Camp Coal Co. -Coal for Nilson,Patton,Palmer,MeMill J. W. Brown- Goods for Jas. Brady --------------------- - H. J. Culbert- " " airs. McMillan -------------------- P. L. Williams- " " F. Stephenson -------------------- " If " Wm. Patton it n " " Archie Nilson -------------------- E. S. Law & Co.- Shoes for V. Cavanaw ------------------- W. J. Fewster- Clothing 6 of ----------------- Dr. J. H. F. Adams- Y.O.H. salary,Oct.l to Nov.15/41 ---- Dr. H. J. Hart- " Nov. 15 to Dec. 31/I ,.- J. Go Turnbull Fees attending B. of H. Geo. Vallee - " " J. D. Vallee- " If n " - To apply on salary-------------------.�__-_ Municipal world- Stationery,supplies & subscriptions ---- Industrial Construction Co.- Work Corinth Drain Outlet--• 12.65 3.00 10.26 10.50 00 %- 26. 45 24.15-, 15.50 16.00 ", 16.00 15.00 \ 15.98 9.75 %... 8.Oo• 32.21 -,, 6. oo %,, 8.80 N 10000"". 12.02 --, 8000% 2.50 N 3.75 --., 50.00 N,, 50.00 ',,-, 3.70 , 3.30, 3.00** 50.00N �4•3 N 71.75 %. Drs. Alexander & McLeod- Exam re. Elgin Travis -------------- News Printing Co,- Jte. proclamation A.M.Brown Ins, Agency- Prem. Councillors' h Officials Ins. --- Port Burwell Library Board- Annual grant -------------------- Pec. Richmond Library - " it T. J. Mahoney- Membership Good Roads ------------------------ W. G. Mitchell- To apply on salary ------------------ " - Expenses to Toronto ----------------_____w___ J. G. Turnbull- 11 11 '+ --------------------- H. P. Grant & Sone- Bulbs for Straffo street lights ------ --- " " - Police car expenses --------------------- K. E. Grant- ski*" for January ----------------------- W. M. Stratton- To apply on salary -------------------------- " 1 it - Councillors' & Jandtor's pay ---------------- FrankSteers- Gas for Hall --- ------------------------------- Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey- That this Council Monday March 2nd. 19.2... Carried. FtN 0_4 w � adjourn 4,00 � .84 87.00 25.00\ 25.00. 5.00 \ 50.00 \ 15.00 15.00 \ 3.6o. 35.0 100,00%.. 25.00 \ 16-40,,, 16,5o%, WON Clerk's Office, 5traffordville, FeL,21/42. N special meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held pit th Clerk's office on the above date for the purpose of passing the petition for statutary grant,for roads and bridges and for passing a supplementary by-law for roads expenditure for 1941. All present except Councillor Scanlan. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No. 1096 being a by-law total 1941 overexpenditure on roads in the Township of amount of $966-33 be now read a first time*** Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey -That By -Law No. 1096 be now read Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Brown- That By -Law iso. 1096 be now read a finally passed... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey- That the petition for expenditure for the year 1941 to the amount tho &ut hdrlie dr -part ie a and forwarded to the Moved by Scruton Seconded. by McConkey - adjourn... Carried* to provide Bayham to time... the statutary grant on road of $20,966.33, be signed by department..* Carried. special session Council Town Hall, Straffordville, Mar.2nd. 1942. The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present amdept Councillor Scanlan and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read approved and signed and the following business was done. Relief accounts were passed and Communications were read. No action was taken on the resolution from the Town of Dundas. The Department of Game and Fisheries requested a list of Deputy Game Wardens for 1942. In reply to their letter, the Clerk was instructed to notify Millman & Shaver that the Road Supto would investigate their request for more Protection on road to Robt. Gordon farm. The Application forms for membership into the Assessing Officers Assn. were received from the Department of Municipal affairs* Moved by McConkey Seconded by beruton- That this Council instruct the Clerk to put a notice in the weekly papers to the effect that all truck& drivers adhere to the law of half loads throughout the months of March and Apri1...Carried. Hospital maintenance account passed totalled $285.61 Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey- That this Council take membership in the Asse sort s Officers' Assn* and that the Clerk be authorized to send the fee often dollars... Carried. A by-law appointing Fence -viewers and Poud-keepers was then preparers. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1097 being a by-law to appoint Fence -Viewers and Pound -Keepers for the year 1942, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton-That By -Law No.1097 be now read second time.Carried. Moved by Brown Oil Seconded by McConkey- That by -Law No. 1097 be now read a third time and �finally passed... Carried. The Trustees of Port Burwell attended on the Council and discussed several items of interest to the village. Wm. Kirk presented a tax notice charging taxes of the Community Hall to hien when this property should have beam exempt. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we issue a cheque to the Treasurer to cover the amount of arrears of taxes on the Community Hall, for the amountof $28.14 plus interest and penalty to cover same... Carried. Mr, Frank Howey interviewed the Council in regards to the right to use a closed street in the hamlet of Eden. This property last fall was ploughed by Mr. Tanner. The Reeve said this would be investigated as soon as Councillor Scanlan returned from the south. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That the Clerk send the revised list of Deputy Game Wardens to the Department for approvalee.Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council pay Wm. Mitchell for two trips to Toronto,$20f.00; H. L. Godwin, 2 trips 0.00 and J. G. Turnbull 2 trips $ 20.0t /- * * Carried. Considerable discussion followed in regards to Phe possibilty of the City Dairy plant being put to some use in furtherance of the war effort. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That this Council appoint Reeve Turnbull, Clerk Dewey Vallee, H. L. Godwin and Harry Donnelly a committee to look into the possibility of turning the condense factory into sbme line of irnployment for war purposes... Carried. Moved by Brown Secondedd by Scruton- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets.Carried« I Frank Steers- Gas for Town Hall----------_______________ S 14,50N Ii to 11 " lam. Patton �,54OOOIS Louise MacDonald-Goods for Mrs. Pfahler_________________ W. E. McKibbin- Meat for Wm. Patton--------------------- 2.00,, 11 it to 11 b1 11 ........ 1*45 P. L. Williams- Goods for F. Stephenson- �---------------- 10.00 --1 to _ t1 Wm. Patton--_________________ 12.00 N it - itMrs. F. McMillan_____________ 8.50 J. W. Brown- Goods for Mrs. Elgin Travis---------------- 15.00 N it It - 11 1t Jas. Brady----------------------- 13.00 N Valley Camp Coal Co.- Fuel for Georgia M.Robbins-------- 10.00 1, t► ►, 11 _ '� 11 Mrs. F. McMillan--------• 7.50 it " » n _ " " Mrs* C. Palmer 10.00 11 - Jas. Brady _______________ 7.50 11 It 1, n _ ►, ,1 Wm. Patton--------------- 5.b3'N Mrs. Elgin Travis-------- 10.00N F. Stephenson------------ Fred Timmons- Fuel for Mrs. Harriett Travis------------- Z*59> .00 � J. W. Mcquiggan- Goods for Edwy Curtis ------------------ 82\ Mrs, R. D. Stickney- " David Masales---------------- 2,,45\ W. E. Greer- Goods for Joe Meszaros--------------------- 25.00 of It- if " Violet Cavanaw------------------- 27-50', Clifford Johnson- Fuel for Lois Pfahler----------------- 16.00N Joe Meszaros----------------- 16.00 1 Ada Brunsden----------------- 10.001 Violet Cavanaw-------------- 16.00,, B. B. Graham Treas.- Hospital maintenance--------------• 285.61 Brantford Welfare Assn.- Relief, R. E. Sherman---------- .8 �6 Provincial Treasurer- Insulin,Brott ,Edwards,Tupper ----- y 4.92., Treas. Assessors' Assn,- Membership_____________________ 10.00► Thos. Mabee- Stamps for auditors------------------------ 12.00-% of " - it if Clerk & Collector--------------- 6.o0%,., Peters, Brown & Co.- Bal. fees & forms & envelopes ------ 93.10 Clerk Division Court Aylmer- Re. Soruton-Nix award ------ 111.42♦ Lloyd Herron- Fenceviewer re above---------------------- 4.00 Robt. McLean- 1,-------------------- 4to00 Harry Saxton- 1' .------------------ 1.00 %, Municipal World Ltd.- Stationery re.Mitchell------------ 4 46%, Seguin Brothers- " "------------ 10.18 S. R. Hart & Oo. Ltd.- "------------ 3.99 Can. National Mfrs.- Share maintenance Corinth wig-gags--- 25.00♦ W. M. Stratton- Arrears re. Community Hall-------------- 30.88\ R. R. Wright & Son - Eave troughing, police hall - P .Y. -- 18.00 N Port Burwell Library Board- Grant---------------- P.V.-- 2 .00 N Alex. Simister- Repairs to Fire engine----------- y.V.-- .65.E Jack Luton- Trucking----------------------------- P.V. -- 1.95 William Webber- Labour--------------------------- P . V. --.70� ------ P.V.-- H. 0. Alward- Stationery, Yoatage,etc.----- - 2.10N Neil McQuarrie- 2 trips to Straffordville-------- P.V. -- 3.00 A. R. Wright & Son- Bulbs etc. ------------------- P.V. -- 25.23 N George Young- Labour----------------------------- P.V.-- *70-% MurrayBrady- "_____________________________ P.v._- *35-% LaverneFulkerson- 'i____________________________ P.V.-- .35,` Charles Lindsay- Heifer injured by dogs----------------- 10-00011k., John Goodhand- Fees valuing above----------------------- 2.59 W. A. Stratton- Councillors' & Janitor's pay ------------ 30. 0\ 11 " _ To apply on salary---------------------- 25.00 %*% J. D. Vallee- " " " "---------------------- 50.00 ______ W. G. Mitchell- " " " " - - ---______-ft ____ 50.00 It " - Expenses re. 2 trips to Toronto--------- 20.00N H. L. Godwin- " re. Roads convention---------•- 10.00N " " - re. 2 trips to Toronto--------- 20.00 N J. G. Turnbull- It It1; if --------- 20.00 H. P. Grant & Sons- Expenses for police oar-------------- 35.00 K. E. Grant- Salary for February------------------------ 100.00\ Moved by Brown Beeonded by 6oruton- That this Council do now adjourn/to meet again an Monday, April 6th. 1942... Carried. 0 eve. Cl*rk• FIM Town Hall, Straffordville, April 6th. 1942. The Council of the Township of Bayham met In regular session on the above date all members present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read approved and signed and the following business was done. A memorandum was received from the Dept; of Public Welfare advising that the contribution of the provincial government towards direct relief would be on a 50-50 basis with that of the municipality as from Apr. lst. 1942. The Clerk was instructed to issue ground -hog permits as per applications. w letter was read from the C.P.R. advising that the clearances on the Eden and Vienna tunnels were now 133" and 1213" respectively and asked what action the Council decided to take. The Clerk received a letter from Don. Soper of London asking him to notify the council of the progress made towards having the work done by the Dominion Government on the east side of the Port Burwell harbour and especially asking that a letter of appreciation be sent to Mr. Milson Kills for his help in this matter. The Clerk was instructed to do same. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Clerk notify the C.P.R. that the Reeve and Road Foreman of the Township would like to meet representatives of the Company at the Vienna tunnel at thieft earliest convenience... Carried. Mr. John P. Coombs, supervisor of the Department of Municipal Affairs, paid a friendly visit to the council during the morning session and many points pertaining to municipal governemt were discussed. Mr. Summers Harper, County Corn -Borer Inspector, wrote to the Council asking that a man be named for the appointment as inspector for this Township for 1942. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council recommend that W. G. Mitchell be corn borer inspector for the Township of Bayham for 1942...Carried. Notice was received from the Police Village Trustees that the sum of $1225-00 be required to be levied in the Police Village as a special rate for 1942 to be used as follows; $500.00 for general expenditure and $725.00 for hydro account. The return of by -Law No. 1095 from the Dept. of Highways with the approval of only $11,400.00 as road expenditure for 1942 caused considerable diseussuion among the council members. Movedby McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That in consideration of road expenditures made to date, owing to road conditions during Dec., Jan, and Feb. and since approximately $7300.00 of the approved 511,400o have alreddy been spent, this Council strongly protest the drastic out made in the approved roads expenditure for the year 1942, having previously budgeted at the first of the year on a basis of $41,000o, expenditure...Carried. The Clerk was instructed to send copies of the above resolution to Mr. Caldwell, Mr. Marshall and to the Minister of Highways. Mr. Borden Price, grader operator, waited on the council and requested a raise in wages. Moved by Scruton ` Seconded by Scanlan- That we allow Bordie Brice 509 per hour while working on grader, to take effect Apr. 6th, 1942. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council be a committee to go to the Roads convention held in London on Thursday Apr. 9th. %42. , The ,Reeve to have power to appoint any further committee that is deemed necessary growing out of b the business of the London meeting...Carried. The Treasurer's budget was considered and discussed. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That the Township rate to be levied for the year 1942 be set at 10 mills plus 1 mill subsidy, same as last year... Carried. ER George Berdan interviewed the Council in regards to the proposed drain along his farm. The Council agreed to put this drain in if the of the proper size could be procured and their road expenditure permitted. Messrs. Geo. Vallee and Art. Sawyer waited on the Council dnd requested the full co-operation of the Council and officials in the coming Red Cross campaign for salvage. They were assured this would be given. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey -That this Council pay J. G. Turnbull $4.00 and W. G. Mitchell $10.00 for trip to Indian Reserve...Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That this Council make an inspection of the Township Roads on Monday & Tuesday Apr. 13th. & 14th. unless it becomes necessary to go to Toronto on Roads delegation and then date to be set by the Reeve...Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the hydro contracts be cancelled on the following properties where houses have been removed. Mrs. Aleda Bradfield, Straffordville Geo, Vallee, Eden, transfer to Straffordville..... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets.Carried. 0 W. E. McKibbin- goods Louise MacDonald- " P.L.Williams - " It It _ If rr It — fl J. W. Brown n it _ n W. E. Greer J. W. Mc(4uiggan- " C. it. Jackson - Fuel C. M. Johnson- of n ti to for Wm. Patten ---------------- S 2.00 "so .,. ,. r r _ 1- 1 W . J. F'ewste r- Clothing to it „ it If it — Goods for V. Cabanaw ----------------- Frank Steers - Gas for dim. Patten ------------------- If U — o, ,o Town Hall ----------------- - Mrs. R. D. Stickney- Goods for D. Masales----------- H. P. Grant & Sons- Bulbs for Straff . street lights - Aylmer Express- Advto in paper ---------------------- Municipal World ltd.- Supplies ---------------------- H. E. P. C.- Hydro for Town Hall --------------------- News Printing Coo- Printing, Advt. &etc. ------------ R. S. keyere- Labour -------------- ----------- P.V.-- Mrs. Ellen Hilts- Cleaning hall & chipso------------ Thos. Mabee- Stamps, Coll. Treas. & Clerk ----------- W. G. Mitchell- To apply on salary ------------------ " " - Trip to Indian reserve -------------- Wm. Stratton- Councillors' & Janitor's pay ---------- 11 11 - To apply on salary -------------------- J. D. Vallee- ItIt 44 -------------------- K. E. Grant- Salary for March ----------------------- H. P. Grant & Sons- Police car expenses -----__----,.- ..----------.r..-----------.. J. G. Tunnbull- Trip tp Indian reserve -------------- Miss Foster- Care re. J. McQuillan ------------------ wAcLeY CAMP COAL. Co. - Coal re• port Svralei) ��►,►,.1es ----- -- LARRY LUTON- Cads%c re. -&hovt lfsI'Z a Z'1asLI.LCI'------------ Wm. Patten ---------------- F. Stephenson ------------- " Mrs. McMillan ------------- Mrs. E. Travis ------------ " Jas. Brady ---------------- J. Meaza►ros--------------- " Ed. Curtis ---------------- " D. Masales ---------------- " Violet Cabanaw ------------ L. Pfahler ---------------- for V. Cabanaw for Marsh ---- Fe b - --- Feb. ----- 8.00\ 12.00 \ 10.00-... 8.00 15.00 13.00 25.00 25-75%, 7.50. 16.00• 16.00 5.20 5.10 .., 27.50 2,59%, 4 80(�N 12.50 4,P 80 •15 -s. 8.98 � 33.29 N 000\ .00 9.00 50.00\ 10.G0\ 19.90 \ 25.00 ,\ 50.00 100.00 35.00 a� .00 60.00 a9.1X.,\ dfao� Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That this council do now adjourn to meet again on lith* day of May 19 .2... Carried. l Town Hall, Straffordville, May 4th. 1942. The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. A circular was received from the Minieter of Municipal Affairs in regards to the requirements in connection with the i mill subsidy. \ Mr. J.x.P.Marshall replied to our letter of the 7th. March but did not give much encouragement that the 1942 roads appropriation might be increaftd Circulars from the Department of Highways were received setting out the method to follow in order that unmarked gasoiline might be procured for graders. No action was taken in regards to the resolution reekivdd from the Township of Dunwich re. changes in xasessment act. A. memorandum was received and filed from the welfare Department in regards to Food schedules and Shelter costs. Donald Soper wDvte the Clerk requesting that a letter of thanks be sent to PrbaAer Hepburn for his efforts in regards to the water lot at Port Burwell, being procured for possible federal work. The Police Village Trustees sent up a resolution authorizing a grant of 525.00 on their behalf to the Port Burwell Sea Scouts. A petition was rectived from Eden Cemetery Board requesting a grant for the Cemetery Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That this Council grant 920.U0 to the Eden Cemetery Board, cheque to be payable to W.L.White, chairman of the Board.0 ried% Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That e account of J.t�.$rown for t for Pete Travis and that of &8.06 f Soods from P.L.Williams for � children be paid and charged to charity account... Carried. Reeve Turnbull had to leave the meeting at 3 P.M. Moved by Scanlan Seconded. by Scruton- That this Council appoint Brown for chairman in the absence of Turnbull... Carried. N by-law for accepting the revised assessment roll and for levying the taxes was then considered. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law confirm the assessment roll and �p for the year 1942, be now read a Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey -That By -Law finally passed... Carried. No.1098 being a by-law to adopt and levy the various tax rates in the Township third time... Carried. No.1098 be now read second time.Carried. No. 1098 be now read a third time and Mr. Poulter interviewed the Council in regards to support for his and otherchhvebes efforts in connection with services to be held quarterli in honour of Bayham persons serving in the armed forces. This support was promised. Mr. Spragge of Port Burwell asked the Council for a grant for the Sea Scouts of the Village of Port Burwell. Council agreed to consider this* Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council send W.G.Mitehell and G.Turnbull to Toronto to see J.S.Band about Mrs. Seely of Port Burwell and about Joe McQuillan of Hamilton... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That a cheque be issued in favour of Miss E. Foster of Hamilton for 1 month board & Lodging for Joseph McQuillan, (30.00.Carriej i Moved by Scruton ` Secondedby Scanlan- That we pay to Ernie Scanlan $14.0(/for expenses �re. conference, Township roads, car transportatAon; Neil McConkey $9.00 re. same; Dewey Vallee $13X60 re.. saame; J.G.Turnbull, $25.65 xtra for trip to Toronto; Chas. Scri ton00 re. same;Wm, Mitchell S .09' tri to • Toronto and also H.Godwin ?�O trip to Toronto... . Carried. p Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey -That this Council grant J. Tanner and Frank Howey permission to use the street between their respective properties as they see fit to divide between themselves, but that no stationary fence be erected other thatt on the lot lines. . . Carried. The consideration of the Memorial Park Train Extension was laid over indefinitely to such time as interested parties might wish to have this work considered. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That the deputy reeve sign the order sheets.Carried. W. J. Fewster- Goods for V. Cabanaw------------- S 27-50\ George E. Beard- Fuel for J. Meszaros----------- 10.00 W. E. Greer- Food for " of ----------- 25.00 P.L.Williams- ItVim. Patton ---------------- 12.00 Isit - " it F. Stephenson ------------- 10.00 " if - Clothing for Elgin Travis --------- 3-00,, Food for F. McMillan -------------- 8.00 J. W. Brown - " Elgin Travis ------------- 18.00♦ ii. E. McKibbin- " " Wm. Patton --------------- 2.001% Frank Steers - Gas for " to--------------- 59 2:65%, Henry Dark - Gas for Police Hall ---------P . V. --- Pt. Burwell Sea Scouts- Grant ------- -----P.V.--- 25-00-% M. S. Somers- Shoes for V. Cananaw-------------- 5.20\ Louise McDonald- Fuod for Lois Pfahler---------- 8.001 N. 0. Stilwell- Clothing for J. Meszaros-------- 5-00'-, Mrs. R. D. Stickney- Food for D. Masales-------- 9.699,\ Frank Steers- Gas for Mrs. McMillan -----------w-- 2-59%, w. L. White- Grant re. Eden Cemetery ------------ 20.00--, Drs. Alexander & McLeod-Chgs re. Meszaros & Travis 38-50',, Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies ------------------ 25.52 \ Provincial Treasurer- Insulin,Brotty & Edwards -- 3.96\ Soldiers' Memorial Hosp. Tillst Re. L.Kennedy --- 26-55\ J. W. Brown- Re, Mrs. Travis -------------------- 13.12 \ P.L.Williams- Ke. Russel Shaw children ---------- 8.o6\ Albert Deller & Son- Tile for Chalk Drain ------- 1.40 Workmens' Comp. Board- Ass. re Clerk & Police --- 18,00\ Thos. Mabee- Stamps,Coll. 6.00,Treas.3.00------- 9.00 Miss E. Foster- Board re. J. McQuillan ---------- 30.00 Dr. H. J. Hart- �alary M.O.H. Jan.L to Mar 31/42- 100.00,\ Geo. Vallee- Fees attending B. of H. ------------ 3.00 J. G. Turnbull,,- � 3.70 � it it - Expenses re. account ----------- 25,65"- 5.65`J. J.D. Vallee- To apply on salary -------------- -- 50.00 -s,n r-ees B. of H. --------------------- 3.00 Roads & car ----------------------- 13.60 Chas. Scruton- Roads etc. re. account ----------- 19.00 Wm. G. Mitchell- To apply on salary ------------- 50-00\ it it Car to Toronto - ---------®__----- 5-00-s. Ernest Scanlan- Car etc. re. account ------------ 1.00 N. H. McConkey- Roads etc, re. account ----------- 9.00\ H. L. Godwin - Trip to Toronto ------------------ 7.00 N, W. M. Stratton- To apply on salary -------------- 25.00 \ it it - Councillors' & Janitor's pay ---- 19.,90--.. K. E. Grant - Salary for April ------------------ 100.00N H. P. Grant & Sons- Expenses re. Ploice car ----- 35-00'% E. C. Spragge - Chairs re . Community Hall Pt . Bnr. -- 86.84 N A. E. Simmons, See*- Mort age Int. to Mar/42C.H. - 30-00\ FRANK �TiEE�t— x/45 FoR YoWIY /M LL X E. $ImfnanS - PAYAt NT AY 410R7r9A41 pR1)vCtPAi_ Rw• CMAPIVIT/' Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council adjourn to meet June 1st. 19.2... Carried: s The regular meeting the above date, all of the last meeting business was done, straffordville, of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held on members present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes were read, approved and signers and the following A memorandum was received from the Department of Municipal Affairs asking that Councillors and officials do all in their power to have citizens put their winter's supply of coal in early in order to ease transportation facilities and help out in a possible fuel shortage this winter. Mr. Grant Mitchell interviewed the Council in regards to a grant to t Aylmer fair again this season. Council agreed to consider this later. Mr. E. P. Rowe, owner of gas wells in school section No. 18 waited on the Council and requested a reduction in the assessment of some of his wells which had fallen away done in production. He was given no encouragment that any reduction would be made. Father 0 -Niel of Tillsonburg attended on the Council and showed a plan whereby his property in Port Burwell is being sub -divided in lots for summer cottages and he wished to have a narrow road made through this property for the convenience of land -owners. Lana for the road to be given by himself and the Township to build and nmaintainlit. The following resolution in the same regards was received from the Trustee of the Police Village. , "Loved by W.R.Kirk Seconded by H.O.Alward- Be it resolved that the Police Trustee Board recommend to the Bayham Township Council that the Proposed street as shown in a proposed subdivision of Lots 12, 14 & 15, Plan 197, be not approved at the present time:' The Council considered this plan and agreed to meet theft with the district engineer of the Department of Highways and all interested parties at an early date to work out some solution. Henry Gri<Tgs interviewed the Council a grain down the toll -gate sideroal. look after this. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That a cheque for for license for the Town Hall, payable regards to the cleaning out road superintendent agreed 13.00 be issued by the Treasurer to Provincial Treas... Carried. Moved by Brown seconded by Scanlan- That 938.71 be paid to the Byantford being the balance of money from Albert Banyacskits account burial expenses of $65.00... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That `air Board, cheque payable Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey- That sum of $100.00... Carrier. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That, 1 o'clock P.M. and that a Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey - Council grant . Ostrander... Council $25.00 to Carried. Sanatorium, after meeting Tillsonburg further notice, this Council meet at be placed in the paper to this effect* several W. R. Kirk- Man h Team ------------------------- P.V. -- A. k. Wright & son- Supplies ------------------ P.V. -- Henry Dark Labour - - ----- P EdwardHardiman- Labour ----------------------- P.V. J. H. Howey- Feul for V. Cabana* ------------------- —ow W. E. Greer- Food for J. Meszaros ----------------_-_--- W. J. �ewster- " " V. Cabanaw-------------------4.... George E. Beard- Feul for J. Meszaroe ----------------- J. W. McQuiggan- food for Ed. Curtis ------------------ sheets.Carried 5.00 � 5.65 3.151 1.25 9.7 25900-s, 10.00 N. 6.00 ,..., 25.80,,, P. L. Williams- F'(_)od for Mrs. E. Travis ---------- 18.00 N 31 It to s, F. Stephenson ----------- 10,00N of to +t :► Wm. Patton -------------- 12.00. W. E. McKibbin- " " to it 2.00 Ralph Turnbull- "------------- 3.50 Municipal World Ll'd.- Supplies for Treasurer ----- 1.72 News Printing Co.- auditors reports -------------- 28,51-., Elizabeth Foster- Lodging re.J. McQuillan -------- .00 � E. C. Spragge- Funeral re. Mrs. Schuler ---------- N.00-% W. G. Mitchell- To apply on salary --------------- 50.00 1 To apply on Tog Tax Coll. -------- 25,00 ,ss " - Car to Toronto & phone Salle ----- 13.00 " J. G. Turnbull- Trip re. account ------------------ 13.50%% K. E. Grant- Trips to London & Dresden ----------- 10.00 *% $$ It- Salary for May ---------------------- 100.00 Provincial Treasurer- License for Town Hall ------ 3.00, Brantford Sanatorium- Balance re. A. Banyacski --- 38-71---. Mrs. May McKinnon- Relief for Mrs. Sealey --------- 15.00%, W. M. Stratton- To Apply on salary --------------- 25-00%, to " - Councillors' and Janitor's pay --- 19.90'N J. D. Vallee- To apply on salary ----------------- 50.00 Thos, Mabee- Stamps for Clerk, Treas. Coll.------- 24-00--, M. Ostrander Sec.- Grant Tillsonburg Fair -------- 25,00--, Sec. Treas. aylmer Fair Board- Grant ------------- 100,00--., h. P. Grant & Sons- Police car expenses ---------- 35.00 \ Frank Steers- Gas for Town Hall ------------------ 5:880 ' Gas for WM. Patton ----------------- /• 9 Moved by Seconded on July 5cruton by McConkey- That this 6th. 1942.60 Carried. W/' W .0-JR.R .a...`. &000 Council do now adjourn to meet again Fort Burwell, June 3rd. 1942. eric. A special meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date at Port Burwell on the Property of Father O'Neil. All members present except Councillor McConkey. After due consideration and on recommendation of Mr. Caldwell, District Highway Engineer, the following resolution was passed. Moved by 5eruton seconded by Brown- That this Council approves of the proposed private roadway through the property of Father O'Neil in the Village of Port Burwell as shown on elan No. 197 of the said Village of Port Burwell but that this Council accepts no responsibility whatsoever in regards to the said roadway.... Carried. Council adjourned. •Reeve. /_ Cie . .. •• Town Hall, btraffordville, Ont., July 6th./42 The regular meeting bf the Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date at 1 P.M. with all members present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read approved and signed and the following business was done. A letter was received from W.C.Brown in regards to the Branches a k B of the Wallace Drain. No action was taken as this drain is to be proceeded with. Notice was received from Mr. J. D. Thomson, County Clerk, that the sum of $18,932. would be required from the Township for County purposes for the year 19420 .Authority was received from the Administrator of Fine Clothing to have one Police Constable's uniform made to specifications. A letter was received from T. F. Forestell, K.C. of Fort Erie North, on behalf of Mr. Irvin J. Murphy, claiming damages from the Township by reason of • the negligent and improper construction of your Township drain through his property and your refusal to maintain the same:' Council took Action later on this. A quotation was received from the Letter Shop Supply Co. of Toronto on the printing of voters' lists. N bulletin was received from the Department of Agriculture re. Weed Control. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That owing to the fact that this Council has (line all in their power to co-operate with Irvin Murphy in regards to the Corinth Drain and have not received any cofoperation whatsoever from him, therefore this Council considers that no damages or claim for same are justified in this respect... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- That this Council pay 4S5.00 to Dr. L. Joslyn Rogers of Toronto for analysis cf material sent in by K.E.Grant.Carried,. Moved by McConkey seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve proclaim Monday Aug. 3rd. as a Civic and Public Holiday, and that this Council meet on Tuesday Aug, 4th. at 1 P.M... Carried. At three P.M. there were no ratepayers present interested in the Brabehes A.& B. of the Wallace Drain so the Council considered same and since there was a majority assessed for benefit on the signed petition, the Council accepted same. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the Engineer's report on the Branches A & B of the Wallace Drain be accepted and that the Court of Revision on said Drain be held on Aug. i.�.th. at 2.30 o'clock P.M. and that the Clerk serve the necessary copies of the By -Law on all parties concerned, same may be either written or printed or partly written and partly printed.. Notice of proceedings to quash shhll be served at the came time... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconled by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1099, being a by-law to provide for Drainage work knowti as Branches a & B of the Wallace Drain and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the sum of 9500* for completing same, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No. 1099, be now read a second time and provisionally adopted... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That we pay to Gordon Turnbull, E. Scanlan, p. Brown and Chas. Scruton the suns of 12.00 each for meeting at Port Burwell re. Father O'Neil and also same to Dewey Vallee for use of car. Carried. J f Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That cheque for S35.?,t� be iss.uu[ * payable to Wm. G. Mitchell, Collector, for the following counts.-, Rebate to Howard Burnham on 1942 t - $8. 8 - house burnedr last year " Aleda Bradfield " 26.24" - house moved lastear-4 y Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by bcanlan- That a cheque for x,10.00 be issued to H. E. Brown and charged to the Uommunity Hall account, Port Burwell, to cover error in deposit of grant... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve sign the several Order sheets. Carried. Dr, James D. Purves- Services re. Vera Mabee ------- t 75.00 W. E. Greer- Goods for J. lAeszaros----------------- 25-00%, Treas. City of Brantford- Relief re.Ed. Sherman ---- .98%, H. P. Grant & Sons- Bulbs, 6traff. 5t. lights ------ .80 Police car expenses ------------ 35-00N, Dr. D. G. Leatherdale- Visit re. Mrs. Schuler ------ 3.00%, Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies --------------------- 38.23 Nb H. F. P. C.- Hydro for Town Hall -------------------- 4-62,... News Printing Co.- Advt. Printing etc. ------------- 17.50♦ W. M. Stratton - Councillors' & Janitor's pay ------ 19.90\ it " - To apply on salary ----------------- 25.00 J. D. Vallee - " it ----------------- 50.00,\ Thos, Mabee- Stamps, Co11.6. Tras. 3. -------------- 9.00\ B. 13. Graham, Treas.- Hospital maintenance --------- 622.60 J. W. McQuiggan- Goods for Ed. Curtis -------------- 25.80 ,\ Dr. Joslyn Rogers- Analysis of salt re. police ----- 5-00\ Frank Steers- Gas gor Wm. Patten ------------------- 3.24 W. E. w .� w w w-- w w .. w r r- McKibbin Food for Wm. Patten ---- 2.00� P. L. Williams- Goods for W. E. Patten ------------- 12.00 ,, Mrs. Elgin Travis --------2.6o-,.. F. Stephenson ------------ 10.00's Mrs. F. Travis ----------- 18.00` Municipal Board.- Fees re. Wallace Drain Hr. A & B-- 8.00 ) J. G. Turnbull- Attending meeting Pt. Burwell ------ 2.00 N Ernest beanlan - " " " --_--- 2.00 A. E. Brown - n n n 2.00 \ Chas. Scruton_ Ti TT "------- 2.00-♦ J. D. Vallee- Car to " " �t----- 2.00 IN. G. Mitchell- Rebate on 1912 taxes --------------- 35.22\ " - To apply on salary ----------------- 50.00 it " - To apply on assessing ---------------- 100.00N t�. E. brown - Error in Hall grant ------------------- 10.00N Bert Hilts- Work on Hall Grounds ------------------- 9.25\ K. E. Grant- Salary for June ----------------------- 100.00\ Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council do now adjourn to meet Aug. Ith. at 1 P.M... Carried. r Town Hall, Straffordville, Aug. 4th. 19.2. The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present except Councillor McConkey and Reeve Turnbull presided. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. A letter was rea-1 from superintendent R. Hayes of the C.N.H. requesting that permission be granted for the closing of Corinth station since it had recently been damaged by fire. H petition for drainage work was received from J. V. Howard, H. L. Godwin and otriers . Notice of claim for damages was received from Russel Chambers and a letter was received from our roads insurance company that they would make no allowance in this case. Notice of claim for damages was also received from «. H. Roloson of St. Thomas. This was referrefdto our insurance company. ti bulletin was received from the Dept. of Municipal Affairs in regards to Unemployment insurance. Messrs. Morse and Milmine, trustees of S.S.No. 11, waited on the Council and presented minutes of a meeting of ratepayers of their school section at which meeting, authority was given for the erection of a new school house and for the issuing of debentures for same for an amount of 55000.00 for 5 years at 3* % interest. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That we accept the resolution as presented by the Turstees of school section No. 11 and that a by-law be drawn up authofizing the issuing of debentures for '5000.00 for the erection of a new schooloCar Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That a certificate the following employees of this Township Insurance Commission. Names of employees- K. E. Grant H. L. Godwin Borden Price Percy Green as to the permanent employment of be forwarded to the Unemployment W. G. Mitchell W. M. Stratton J. D. Vallee Moved by bcanlan Seconded by Scruton- That this Council would station removed and if the Company would pay would get them put on as we are satisfied it $50.00. Carriede Carried. not agree to have the Corinth for the materials, the Council can be repaired for less than Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That the petition of J. V. Howard, H. L. Godwin and others for drain through lots 22 to 25 in concession 3 and 4 be accepted and that the clerk notify Fred x. Bell to make an examination. Carried. Approval having been received from the Ontario Municipal Board it was Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1099 in regards to the Branches J'% do Gt B of the Wallace Brian, be now read a third time and finally passedd Carrie No appeald against the assessment were made on this drain so no Court of Revision was held. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1100, being a by-law to provide for the borrowing of 95000.00 upon debentures & provide for the erection of a new school building for S.S.No. 11, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Brown- Tkht By -Law No. 1100, be now read second time.Carried. This by-law was provisionally passed and a copy to be sent to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval. Moved by Brown " Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve sign the several" order sheets.Carried.. E. S. Law, Clothing for J. Meszaros------------------ .00 W. E. Greerp Food n n n-----------2?.00 %, N. n0. Stilwell- Clothing for n ------- 3.90\ 3.50 J. W. Mc4uiggan- Food for Ed. Curtis ---------------- P. L. Williams- " " Wm. Patten ---------------- 11 - Clothing ,. •• --------------- 0 " - to for F. Stephenson---------- ir rr - Food of is it ------ It 'ifV. Travis ,f �� - Clothing if to to -------------- George E. Beard- Fuel for J. Meszaros_______________ W. Ell McKibbon- Meat for Wm. Patten ----------------- Frank Steers- Gas for P. Travis --------------------- „ it _ ►i tI Wm. Patten -------------------- Mrs. May McKinnon- Relief for Mrs. Seeley ----------- Dr. D. G. Leatherdale- Visit re. Ed. Curtis --------- Frank steers- Gas for Town Hall --------------------- Fill Benner- Work on Chalk Drain _______________ Spellman Benner- i' of I at --------- ---------__ Municipal World Ltd.- bupplies ---------------------- Thos. Mabee- Stamps --------------------------------- Earl --------------- __--------____Earl Smyth- Uniform for Constable ------------------- Dr. J. F. B. Rogers- Treatment re. Miss Harries ----- W. G. Mitchell- Trips, London & Woodstock ----------- " It - To apply on salary ------------------ Workmens' Compensation Board -Prem re.Clerk & Const. -- Dr. H. J. Hart- Services re. account ---------------- 't It - salary Apr.lst. to June 30th./42 ---- J. D. Vallee - Fees B. of H. ------------------------ " it - To apply on salary -------_-__..-____-- 4 J. G. Turnbull- Fees B. of H. -------------------- K. ----___- ____K. Z. Grant- Salary for July ----------------------- H. P. Grant & Sons- Police car expenses ------------ -- W. M. Stratton- To apply on salary ------- ---------- - " " - Councillors' & Janitor's pay-------- 0#'rARio MdivIel ol. d oApi) - FEES J?E & C yv. ii ,8r- SAW • - - - - - - - - - _ - - -- - - - - 25.80 \ 12.001 1.30\ 3.20,% 10.00') is 00%, 2.6" 5.001 2.00 1.30 1.94 � 30.00 5.00 6.0. N 2.50♦ 2.50 4•7a\ 9.00 46. oo 15.00 10.00 50.00 18.00•, 40.00 100.00 3.00\ 50-00\ 3.70. 100.00 35.00\ 25.00 16.EQ s" o o Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council do now adjourn to meet on Tuesday, sept. 8th. at 1 P.M..* carriedo a�96A'_OL_� PZIN eeve* ti: It cierK. 92 Town Hall, Straffordville, Sept. 8th. 1942. The Councillof the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Eftuteio of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That deputy -reeve Albert Brown preside until Reeve Turnbull arrives... Carried. A letter was read from the Clerk of the Police Village Trustees, requesting that the weeds along the village streets be out, Referred to the Road Supt. Correspondence was read in connection with the koloson-Marshall car accident and the Clerk instructed to take no further action re. same. Notices of admissions to hospitals were received of Ed. Curtis, Phillip Wallace Slaght and Margaret Antone. Miss Antone was deemed to be a resident of Malahide Twp. Approval was received from the Ontario Municipal Board in regards to Township by-law No. 1100. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That by-law No. 1100 being a by-law to provide for the borrowing of $5000.00 upon debentures and for the erection of a new school building in S.S.No. 11, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. A request with by-law attached, Co. for the replacing of a pole concessions opposite lot 10 - Moved by Scruton was recdived from the Bell Telephone on township road between 10th. and 11th Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No. 1101, be now read a first time.Carri Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law C� Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law and finally passed... Carried.. No.1101,be now read second time.Carrie&. No.1101, be now read a third time Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That we re -new our road insurance for another year, and that the =treasurer issue a cheque for $224.79 to A. E. Wilson & Co. for premium for same... Carried. Wm. Kennedy interviewed the Council in regards to the construction of a sidewalk in front of his property. The Council agreed to pay for the cement and gravel used in same. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve be authorized to consult our Township attorney and act accordingly in regards to collection of debt from J. Marsbman... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carried. H. O. Alward- Labour --- ------------ P.V. ------ J. D. Axford- to ------------------- P.V. --_-- Frank Steers - Gas for Wm. Patten _________________ W. E. UcKibbin- Food for " ----------------- P. L. Williams- Clothing "_________________ n " - Food for " ----------------- " Clothing, Mrs, V. Travis --------- " Food for 1. Stephenson --------- Clothing " " ------------ J. W. KcQuiggan- Food for Ed. Curtis -------------- L E(gear- Food for J. Keszaros ----------------- . KeMe y -Cement do gravel re. sidewalk ---------- News Printing Co.- Advt. & eta. ----------------- -- �.QO � 2.00 1.90 12.00 \ 2* 6o..., 18700.". 10.00 3.35• 2g. 80 \w ll. 98.` 5:04 � 0 Lawrence W. Smith- Lenses for M. Meszaros--------- Drs. Alexander do McLeod- Services re. L.Meszaros -- A. E. Wilson & Coo- Roads insurance ---- ----------- Treas. City of Brantford- Relief, Ed. Sherman ----- Ontario Hospital, Landon- Services re.E.Travis ----- A. Silverthorne- Feneeviewers fees --------- Ernest Holman- Wmo Holman- " „ ---------------- Wm. Berdan- " " ---------------- J. G. Turnbull- 2 trips to London re. ECurtis ---- Wm. G. Mitchell- To apply on salary --------------- W • M. Stratton - !t " M ---------------- It -------------- " - Councillors' & Janitor's pay ----- K. E. Grant- Salary for August -------------------- H. P. Grant & Sons- Police car expenses ----------- J. D. Vallee- To apply on salary ------------------ K. E. Grant - Trip ' to London ---------------------- # ji! P.C. -H YORO FO)? Tb ww 5•00N, 2 .75 21.68N 10.00\ 2.00\ 2.00\ 2.00 15.00 50.00 25.00 19.90. 100.00 35 -OA 50-00---, 6.00.x, 4 • /ls � 93 Droved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, Oct. 5th. at 1 P.M... Carried. Town Hall, Straffordville, Oct. 5th. 1912. The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date,all members present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. D A letter was received from the Clerk of the Peace advising of the number of jurors to be s&lected from this Township. A memorandum was received from the Secretary of Association of Assessing Officers, advising of a meeting of that body in Toronto on the 15th. and 16th, of October. Notice was received from the Dept. of Game and Fishereies that open dates for pheasants this season would be 23rd. and 24th. of October with October 28the as optional. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton-That we declare Oct. 28th. open hunting for Pheasants in Bayham Township and that licenses be issued by our Clerk and Chas. Scruton only... Carried. Treasurer Stratton attended on the Council andrequested Leave of Absenoe for the duration of the war as he had been accepted in the Veterans' Guard. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scankan- That we grant Wm. Stratton leave of absemee as Treasurer of the Township of Bayham for the duration of the war as per his request... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we essors' convention to be held A letter was received from would not be necessary at #dditional $25.U0 in fees. delegate Wm. in Toronto Mitchell/to attend the Ass - Oct. 15th.& L6th.. Carried* our auditor advising that another audit this time and also making a request for an rj Ll:; o Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan -That this Council give the auditors $25.00 extra on their salary for 19.2... Carried. The Clerx presented a request from the Bell Telephone Co. of Canada, that. we pass a by-law givir* some person in the Township authority to supervise work done by the Company within Bayham Township and legalizing work already done. Moved by brown \� Seconded by Scruton- That we appoint pur Road Supt. as supervisor over construction and repair work of the Bell Telephone Co. and that a By -Law be prepared for same... Carried. E2 Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1102, being a by-law re, above be now read a first time... Carrier. Moved by McConkey vo$- Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No.1102,be now read second time.Carried Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1102 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by brown Seconded by Scanlan- That we appoint Dewey Vallee as acting Treasurer to fill the vacancy caused by the leave of absence of Wm. Stratton and that a by-law be prepared to cover same...Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1103, being a by-law to authorize Leave of Absence as Treasurer for W. M. Stratton and to appoint J. D. Vallee as Actmng Treasurer of the Township of Bayham, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton-That By -Law No.1103,be now read a second time.Carrie Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1103 be now read a thrid time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the caretaker be given authority to make a charge of $3.50 per night for the use of the hall for showers etc. to cover cost of cleaning and fuel... Carried. The Janitor was authorized to procure fuel for the hall. Moved by Bbown Seconded by McConkey -That the Reeve s ign the veveral order sheet,,s . Carried W. E. Greer- Food for J. Meszaros ----------------- W . E. McKibbin- beat for Wm. Patten --------------- P. L. Williams- Food for F. Stephenson ------------ " V. Travis ----------------- " Wm. Patten --------------- " Mrs. Patten -------------- J. H. Kaufman = Repairs to fire engine ---- P.V.--- A. R. Wright & Son - Supplies ------------- P.V.--- S. S. McDermand - Insurance on police hall--P.V.--- Edward° Hardiman - Labour ------------------ P.V.--- Provoncial Treasurer- Insulin re.Brotty & Edwards - WM. G. Mitchell - Bal. assessing fees -------------W " It - Bal. Dog tax fees --------------- it - Tp apply on salary -------------- Bert Hilts - Work on hall grounds ----__----------_ J. D. Vallee-- To apply on salary ------------------ W. M. Stratton - Councillors and Janitor's fees --- " " - bal of salary to Oct. 5th. ------- K. E. Grant- Salary for Sept. --------------------- H. P. Grant & Sons- Expenses re. police car--�----- Thos. Mabee- Stamps ----------------------------- Len. Kilmer- Work on Branches A & B Wallace Dr. Frahk Steers- Gas for Town Hall ------------------- 25.00\ 2.00 10.00 18,00.."O#6,Aa 12.00., a -w• 1.90 e?,�-fid.• vs- 5.5�F 9�t ,eau sr� 20:3'2,,,, �„Rs-,�►��"� 41 1.00 3.75 200.00 26.x.0 "*- 50,00--,- 4, 50 * -50.00--,-4.50 **-% 50, OG 55.00 100.00 35.00 9.00 100.00 . 6o_*% Moved by EWewn, Seconded by McConkey- That this Co4neil meet again on Nov. 2nd. at 10 o'clock A.M.... Carried* eveo adjourns to 95 Town Hall, Straffordville, Nov. 2nd. 1%2, The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were ^ead, approved and signed and the following business, wA.s done. A letter was received from our solicitor requesting that the Councillors support thr drive of the Salvation Army for funds. Mrs. Albert G. Smith of Port Burwell requested assistance from theCounnil And wished to make application for Mothers' Allowance. The Council did not consider this to be a worthy case for either. Appreciation for passing By -Law No. 1102 was received fror,� the Bell `rele,ohone Co. Messrs. Coyle and Wolfe, Trustees of S.S. No. lid, waited on the Count.ili#in respect to procuring the use of the Town Hall for school aniomodation until such time as the school At Straffordville can be rebuilt. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That we grant this school section, S.S-Ko. 14, permission to hold school in the hall here until a new school can be built and that they have permission to divide this room to accomodate their classes... Carried. Alva Brinn interviewed the Council in regards to improper work done by the Township of Houghton on the Garnham Drain. This Council agreed to lheet all interested parties at the drain on Wed., Nov. 11th. at 1.30 P.M. At 2.�_';0 o'clock P.M. the Council members took the necessary oaths and formed a Court Of Revision on the 1943 assessment roll of the Municipality. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That J. G. Turnbull be Chairman of the Court of Revision... Carried. The following appeals were heard and decisions arrived at. Appellant hesp. Whom Property Reasons Decision. � Central Pipe Self Line Co. Western Gas Co. Self Pearl Garnham Self Mrs. Belle Self Poustie WM,,- C. Patterson Self Lines, etc. 2 wells Red. gas & business Abandonment Bus. Ass, Bus. Removed Lot 35,E Ass. too high Strachan Gas welld 1 well Abnd. Adjourned to Nov. 14th. for 'further information Assessment cancelled Allowed. Not allowed. Reduced to 5400. Wm. Lilly Chas.Lilly Lot 15, Ass. too high Red. to S50. on land & Cone. 10 $400. on Buildings. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That all the appeals be granted as recorded and that an adjournment of the Central Pipe Line appeal be heard on Nov. 14th. 1942. Carried. Council then resumed its normal Business. Parties interested in the Benner Drain were present and heard the Clerk read the Engineer's report and specifications on same. Discussion was then held. Parties were given the right of withdrawing their names from the petition for same. No party withdrew his name and no additional parties signed same. A majority of persons assessed for benefit on the drain having signed the petition it was Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- The interested parties on the Benner Drain having heard the Engineer's report, be it resolved that this Council do now accept this report and that the Clerk be authorized to proceed with the By -Law and that the debentures be spread ober a period of, 10 years to cover same Carried. 3 Considerable discussion was held with a committee of ratepayers from S.S. No. 14 in regards to the purchase of fire fighting egdLipment for either the school section or the whole Township. It was decided to hold a public meeting on Nov. 10th. at 8 P.M. to make further plans and report to the Council on Nov. 14th. Arthur Sawyer of Vienna,. Chairman of the Bayham Township Salvage Committee interviewed the Council in regards to another Township drive for salvage. It was decoded to hold a meeting of all interested persons on Nov. 11th. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That our Clerk advertise the safe that is now at Mrs. Grant's for. sale... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton - That the Reeve sign the several order sheets,Carried. Frank Steers, Gas for Wm. Patten ------------------- 1.94 . P. L. Williams- Goods for Wm. Patten --------------- 10.00 " tt - it tt F. Stephenson ------------ 10.44 ft f/ if 11 if _ --------------- 3.25 W-. ;:. lAcKibbin- Food for Wm. Patten ________________ 2.0011-1 J. W. WLcQuiggan_ it tt Ed. Curtis ---------------- 25-80\ W. E. Greer - Goods for J. Meszaros---------------- 7.93\ Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies --------------------- 5-33\ Drs. Alexander & McLeod- lyiedicines re. Meszaros ---- 11.00 Dr. D. A. Archibald- he. Venereal case # 12 -------- 10.00 P. L. Williams- He. Elgin Travis account ----------- 2.94, P F. Davis Co. - ��atch re. Stratton ---------------- 40.40 Dr. H. J. Hart- Miller cue Hart re. Albert Hooker ---- 4.00 tt " " - M.O.H. June 30th to Sept. 30th/4,2 --- 100.00 � J. G. Turnbull- Fee, B. of H. ---------------------- 3.74 it it - Selecting Jurors ------------------- 4.00 � Geo. Vallee - Fees, B. of H. ----------------------- 3.00 Clayton A. Jackson- Wood for Hall ------------------ 8.50\ _ J. D. Vallee- Fees, 13. of H. ----------------------- .00", • tt " - Selecting Jurors --------------------- .00-,, To apply on salary ------------------- 70.00' Flowers re. Mrs. Stratton ------------ 1-50-,, Harry Godwin- Work on Benner Drain ----------------- 2-5011-1 Willard Benner- t' " "----------------- 3.00-, Spellman Benner- " " "----------------- 1.50 H. P. Grant & Sons- i3ulbs, Straff . street lights --- 6.65 it - Expenses re. police ear -------- 35.00 -,, W. G. Mitchell- Selecting Jurors ------------------- 4.40N Attending Court of hevision-------- 2.50 \ To apply on salary ----------------- 50-00'%, tt tt - Trip to Toronto -------------------- 15-00\ Trips, Aylmer & Tillsonburg-------- 6.00 Albert Hayward- Salary for 1942 ------------ P.V.--- 35-00%, Wm. Layco(.,.k- wreath ------------------------ P.V.--- 5.50 H. 0. Alward- Grant re. services ----------- P.V.--- 20.00 *% W. R. Kirk - " n "----------- P. V . pp- 10.00 **% Henry Dark - " " tt ----------- P.V. --- 10.00N. Thos. Mabee- Stamps, Collentor & Constable --------- 6.40 .,, J. D. Vallee- Councillors' & Janitor's fees -------- 19.90\ K. E. Grant - Salary for October ------------------- 100.00 H. L. Godwin- Trip to Hamilton & Dundas ------------ 10.00 J. G. Turnbull- Trip to Toronto -------------------- -roa)N 10.00 -- FRAOM b WERS - &AS Fort hfi9t t.. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .r- . g� N% Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Saturday, Nov, 14th. at 1 P.M... Carried, 00 fReeve. Clerk. i . 9?' Clerk's Office, Straffordville, Nov. 7th. 1942. A special meeting of the Council was called by the Reeve bn the above date for the purpose of considering the purchase of a bond of the Third Victorl Loan. All members were present except Deputy -Reeve Brown, s 0 Mr. Galbraith, Local Bank Manager was present and discussed with the members the financial affairs of the Township and the advisability of the purchase of a bond. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council Victory Loan out of the general funds Reserve fund, the Reeve and the Clerk to be fully registered... Carried. purchase $ 5000. bond of the Third of the Township to be used as a to sign application for same. Bond Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That this special meeting of the Council do now adjourn... Carried. i Reeve. i Town Hall, Straffordville, Nov. 141 th. 34_9.�P. A regular meeting of the Council Of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date, all members present except Councillor MnConkey. Reeve Turnbull presided. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and tree f&llowing business was done. Mr. Dawson, of the Childrens' Aid Society was present and met the Councill- ors and explained to them the workings of his society and requested their full co-operation. Ratepayers from the Township and Vienna and Police Trustees were precFnt an4i Fire fighting equipppent for the Township was again discussed. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council purchase a Fire Fighting equipment and a truck for same And that the Village of Vienna be allowed to share in this egdipmenpro ratio if desired by their Council, also that a cvMinittee be named with power to act... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the keeve, Clerk and E. Scanlan be a committee to act in connection with the plans for the purchase of fire fighting equipment... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No. 110., tieing a by-law to provide for �- drainage work, known as the Benner Drain, be now read a first time.Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1104, be now read a second time and provisionally pasted... Carried. Messrs. Oven and Howard of the Central Pipe Line r;o. Ltd. were present and waited on the Council in respect to that company's appeal re assessment. Mov(—A by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council do now sit'as Court of Revision on the appeal of the assessment of the Central Pipe, Line Co... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That this Court of Revision'grant the appeal of the Central Pipe Line Co. except for the gas wells which are to remain at 5200. ea. The total assessment to be S25,192.84... Carried. WWI Moved by Brown Seconded by bcruton- That we accept the 191}3 Assessment Roll as noir revised and that this Court of Revision do now adjourn, Side Die.Carriel. Moved by Scanlan Seconded 'by 5crutvn- That this Council have H. Godwin and G. Turnbull go to Toronto and see T. Marshall in regards to road subsidy for 1543.Carried. ;!loved byBrown Se nonded by Scanlan- That this Council do now adjourn to meet on Saturday Dec. 5th. at 1.30 P.iri.... Carried. Clerk's Of -fine, Nov. 18Yth. 1542. A special meeting of the Council of tree Townsi ip of Bayham was held on the above date for the purpose of considering; and accepting if satisfactory, the contract of Bickle-Seagrave LVd. of Woodstock, for the purchase of fire -fighting eouime-rlt for the Township. All members were present (Pitse and Reeve Turnbull presided.. Messrs. H. L. Godwin arc C. D. Coyle of the Township were also present. The Clerk read the above mentioned contract to those present and discussion and consideration was glen held on same. Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey- That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement with the Bickle-Feagrave Ltd. of Woodstook for the purchase of their "all -service Community Fire Equipment" to be mounters on a Township truck for the sum of %3800.00 and a By -Law be prepared for next meeting. Carried. Moved by Seconded Scanlan by Brown - That this Council dp now adjourn... Carried. eve. C r Town gall, Straffordville, Nov. 27th. 1942. The nomination meeting for members of the Municipal Council of the Township of Suydam was held on the above (late between the hours of one and two o'clock Y.M. with rather a small attendance of ratepayers present. The following persons were nominated for the various offices;�,r F'or Reeve # - Gordon Turnbull, Albert Brown, C. D. Coyle, Chas. Scruton, Grant Mitchell, Geo. Vallee, H. L. Godwin and Robt. McLean. For Deputy Reeve;- Albert E. Brown, J. G. Turnbull, Neil McConkey, Chas. Scruton, Fred Chandler, C. D. Coyle, Lyle Walsh, Johnson and Robt. McLean. For Councillors- W. h. kirk, J. G. Turnbull, wriest ; cablan, Chas. Scruton Neil McConkey, A. Brown, Marry Alward, Fred ChRnIler, Geo. Vallee, C. D. Coyle, A. A. Johnson, Fred Benner, Lyle Walrh, aril Grant Mitchell. After the close of the nominations, J. D. Vallee, Clerk, was appointed Chairman of the public after -meeting and as Acting Treasurer of the Township, gave a report of t.le financial standing of the Municipality. All those nominated were given the opportunity of aldresring, the meeting , iLieeve Turnbull giving an outline of tale Councils work during the past two years ani also the doings of County Council. Tile other members all addressed the meeting ;vith the exception of CouncillGr Scanlan who was unable to be present. H. L. Godwin, Road Supt. gave an outline of road conditions and expenditures during the past year. At nine o'clock P.M. on Hov. 28th. the following had qualified for the various offices. For Reeve.- Chas. Scruton aril J. G. Turnbull. For Deputy -Reeve.- Albert Brown and Neil McConkey. For Councillors.- Harry Alward, C. D. Coyle, A. A. Johnson and Ernest Scanlan. This being more than the required number in each office, polls were held on Monlay, Dec- 7th. 1)42. with the following resulte . For Reeve- Crus. Scruton polled 278 votes. J. G. Turnbull polled 414 votes. For Deputy -Reeve- Albert Brown polled 248 votes. Neil ;McConkey polles 418 votes- For otes.For Councillors- :iarry "lward polled 247 votes. C. D. Coyle polled votes. A. A. Johnson polled 413• votes. Ernest Scanlan polled 340 votes. I, J. Dewey Vallee, Clerk of the Township of Bayham, County of rr.lgin, do hereby declare J. G. Turnbull :iuly elected as Reeve, Neil McConkey duly elected as Deputy-Keeve, amd C. D. Coyle, A.A. Johnson, and Ernest Scanlan duly elected as Councillors for the Township of Bayham for the year 1913. God Save The Kiwi;. r •i /� Clerk and Returning Officer. Town Hall, Straffordville, neo. 5th. 19L=2. A meeting of the Council of the Township of Ba;;ham was held on the above date, all members present except Deputy -Reeve Brown, and Reeve Turnbull presiding. The meeting was held for the purpose of paFcing accounts and doing general businees. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were reAli, approved and signed ani the following business was done. Approval fvr expenditure of ¢101.0. on the Benner Drain was received from the Ontario Municipal BoRvd Notice of appeal against th; findings of the Court of Fevision was filed by the Central Pipe Line Co. The Clerk notified Judge Ross. Season's Greetings were received from Gibson & Groom, Township solicitor. Notice of ar'imission to Tillsonburg hospital was received free!! re. Sherman Siai th . Notice of a conference of Municipal Treasurers in Kingston on Nov. 24th. and 25th. was received from neptty Minister of Municipal Affairs, The By -Law in regards to Fire fighting equipment was then diLcussed ani Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scrutun- Tnat by-law Bo. 1105 being a by-law for the purchase of a truck and the necessary equipment to equipe it as fire truck and provisions to take care of same, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scr uton- That 3% -Law No. 1105 be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by bcanlan- That by -Law No. 1105 be now read a third t iT4 and OU" finally passed... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- Thitt this Council authorize the Clerk to write to the Canadian National Rys., Montreal, re. the condition of Corinth statio as to fire damage etc... Carried. Account for Hospital Alaintenamce was present, amounting to x.652.79 a A. G. Mitchell, assessor, presented a request by Claude Wilson and Frank Anderson for rebate in dog tax. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That this Council give a cheque to C. Filson for overpaid dog tax of 12.00 Frank Anderson same for t6.00..Carried. Moved by McConkey beconded by Scanlan- That tj:e following accounts be paid;- Harry Godwin, trip to T.oronto,S10.00; J. u. Turnbull, trip to Toronto, x'10.00; W. G. Mitchell, Car to Toronto, lU.UU... Carried. Considerable discussion was then held in regards to a place to keep the fire truck and the hiring of Ken. Grant to look after same. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That we pay Kenneth Grant t35.00 per month for taking care of the Township fire truck, this includes heating in the winter of the garage and keeping in shape to go out at a call any time. Said agreement to come in effect as soon as suitable place can be secured and not later than Dec. 15th. 1942... Carried. The keeve, and Clerk were instructed to interview Mr. Ed. "avidson of Vien in regards to the rental of his proerty in 5traffordville for use re abov and if possible to rent house: and garage together as Mr. Grant said he would move to that locattonhere he could keep the truck in more efficient operating condition. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets.Carried Ontario Municipal Board- Fees Benner T`rain------------- 2.00S. H. F.. P. 'C. -Pt. Burwell street lighting ------------ P.V. 707.09 __--- ------ b do - Straf f'ordv i�.le do -- --- 25 .02 � J. D. Vallee- Councillors' & Janitor's fees -----------t8.90 Mervin Anger- Purchase of truck re. fire equipment ------ 1000.00 Provincial Treasurer- Insulin ------------------- ------- 3,42 E. W. Haines- Certifying voters' lists ----------=------ u.00� Gibson & Groom- Legal fees for 1942 -------------------- 25.35 News Printing Co.- tidvts. & Printing ------------------ Municipal World- Election supplies & forms ------------ H. E. e. C.,tiylmer, Hydro arrears collected ----------- do Walsingham n n _________-- Peters, drown & Co.- Portion of fees __________________ Robt. Jackson- Sheep killed by dogs ------------------- John Goodhand- z: '` do' - Fee for killing deg -------------------- Robt. McLean- Valuing s4eep killed ____________________ s. B. Graham-Treas.- Hospital Maintenance ------------- Treas. of Tillsonburg- kelief for Alice ftlward-------- Treas. of Brantford- It to Ed. Sherman --------- N. 0. Stilwell- Cldthing re. J. Meszaros-------------- George E. heard- Fuel re. it " ______-_____ W. E. Greer- Food for :: ----------- K. F. Grant- Material repairing toilets --------------- to to - Salary for November ---------------------- H. P. Grant & sons - Police (;ar expenses -------------- J. D. Vallee- To apply on salary ---------------------- IV - Re. account ________________________ Claude Wilson- rebate on do§ tax ---------------------- F ra nk Thos - K lber J. G. U U Anderson- ---------------------- Mabee- stamps, Coll & Treas - -------------------- t F. Brown- Council fees etc. -------------------- Turnbull- Purchase of Power take -off ------------ of - Phone calls --------------------------- " - Attending Garnham T)rain--------------- Trip to Toronto ----------------------- " - Expenses re. fire truck --------------- Mitchell- To apply on salary ____________________ it - Car to Toronto _____________________--- Harry Godwin- Trip to Toronto _________________________ N. H. McConkey- Attcnding Garnham gain --------------- E-A"'nest Scanlan- ------------ " " - Expenses re. fire truck ---------______ Valley Ay It ;e r W. E. tt S hicquigg n- Food re. Ed. Curt Is ___________________ _ Clot..hing re. " ------------------ Camp Coal Co.- Fuel, relief families --------___ Express- Voters' fists & Fin. statements------- 1�IcKibbin- Meat f*or Win Yatt,en------------------- • Williams- Food for 1. Stephenson it n n fl Frank bteers- Clarthing ----------------- - Food fcr Ihm. Patten - Clothing .. -------_-_____----- Gas for Town Hall -------------------____ 37.21 1; .13 U, 85,\ 24:65 S,_ 100.00 15.00 15.00 5.00-"-% 2.10s, 652•79N 16.! 0� 9.98 3.50` 10.Ou 25.00\ 1.00 100.00 35.00,, 75.00 19.87 2.00 E.00"'.., 12.00 11.40,\, 32.5E 1 2.85 3.74 10.00 5.00- 50.00 ,- 10,00 N 1C) . 00 "IN 3.30 3.50 10. cc .� 25, EO • " 1% 30.00 *11% 106.92.E 2.00 10.00 3.25 10. CON 1.90-., 2.40 Iv;oved by McConkey seconded by Scanlan- That we Adjourn to meet on 7)ec. 15th. at 10 o'clock in the morning at Wm. Mitchell's office... Carried. .7 �i�itt e rx . •m 101 Office of W.G.Mitcizell, Straffordville, Der,. 15th. 1542. The Council of the Township of Baynam met in regular session on the above date, all members present except Councillor Scruton, and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read, approved and signed and the following business `drAs done. H letter was reneived from Mr. T. S. Caldwell, of the Dept. of Highways advising that Government Subsidy would be paid on a net total expenditure of S15,000.00 for the year 1942. Payroll forms were received from the Worimien's Compensation Board. Notice was received of the addmission of Mr. Sherman Smith to the Victoria Hospital at Lon]on. ,also a letter was received from Mountain Sanatorium, Hamilton, advising that hiss Jean Brackenbury, a patient, vias now ready for discharge and that this Municinality was responsible for aftercare. The Council were of the opinion_ that this family had not resided in the Township for several years. No appeals having been recieved by the Clerk in regards to the Benner Drain it, was Moved by bcanlon Seconded by Brown- That by -Law No 1 1104, Drainage work known as the Benner Drain, finally passed... Carried. being a By -Law to provide for be now read a third time, and Moved by Brown Seconde=d by Scanlan- That the Reeve proclaim Dec. 26th. Boxing Day as a Civic and Public; holiday and that Jrhe Clerk advertists, name in the .paper... Carried. Moved by Scanlan, Seconded by McConkey- That this Council send Turnbull and Godwin to Toronto as a committee on the Vienna Bridge... Carried. Moved by 3rown Seconded by Scanlan.- That the usual bonuses of (60.00 for the Reeve and � 30.G0 for each of the other Councillors be paid and thatlthe appreciat- ion of the members be extended to the Reeve for his leadership and co-operation during the past year... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carried. Foy S. Meyer- D. R. 0. ## 1 _____________________ It 4.80-, Thos, Elliot- F. C. ## 1 ------------------------- 4.00 ,,., Ed. Scruton- D. P,. 0. #, 2 --------------------- 4.6o� Fred G. Baker- P. C. ##2 ------------------------ 4.00 Hobt. C. Jackson- D. R. 0. #r 3 ----------------- 4.30 Kay Thurston- P. C. # 3 ------------------------4.00 H. P. grant- D. RQ 0. ## 4 ---------------- 4.00 Norman Dick- P. C. ## 4------------------------- 4..001 Walter Nelson- D. k. 0. # 5 ------------------- 4.90 Doris Richmond- P. C. # 5 ---------------------- 4-00N J. W. Tanner- D. R. 0. ## 6 _____________________ 4.00 --, Vera Mabee- P. C. ## 6 -------- - ---------------- - 4-00� I -red Procunier- D. R. 0. ## 7 ------------------- 4.30 Jenny Atkinson- P. C. #r 7 ---------------------_ 4.00-s Ira Mitchell- D. R. 0. # 8 --------------------- 4.80 Murray Wilson- P. C. # 8 ----------------------- 4.OpN Bert Hilts- Janitor ## 4 --------------------- 7-- 2.00 Wallace Grass- Rental ## 2 ---- ------------------ 4.00", W. L. Humphrey, Sec. Treas.- Rental ## 3 -------- 4.00N Irene Uilbert, Treas. w. I.- Rental ## 5 -------- i4.00,% Ernest Scanlan, Sec. Treas. - Rental ## 6 -------- 4.0U"%,, Percy Green- Rental #f 7 ------------------------ A-00%, Louanna Pressey- Rental ## 8 -------------------- .00 H. E. P. C.- Hydro for Town Hall --------------- . %%1 C. h. 13urwe1l- brick re. Fire Dept. ----------- - 5.7 �„ I -red A- t3ell- Memorial Park Drain --------------- S 95.00 dO - 'Wallace Drain br. A. & B. --------- 13-U() do - i3eiiner Drain ---------------------- 62.00 A. k. Aright & Son- Stove pine etc. ------- Y.V.- 21.08 J.• F. Meyer- Labourer --------------------- P.V.- 1.00\ A. J. hutchinson- Monination expenses ----- P.V,- 7-6"2\ do - tieturning Officer ------- P.V.- 3.00 'W. R. Kirk- Trip to Straffort?.ville-------- P.V.- 1.50-. do - Telegram & telephone calls ---- P.V.- 1.86 H. 0. glwnrd- Gas for police hall --------- P.V.- .60 \ do - 3 trips to Straffordville --- P.V.- 1 .50 do - Labour ---------------------- -0 - 2.80 Community Hall gcCt. - Hnnual payment ------ P .V. - 200.00 K. E. Grant- Salary for December ---------------- 100.00 \ do - .. re. fire dept. ______________ 17.5(}\ do - " re. Straff. St. lights ------ 10.00N Treas. Town of Aylmer- itelief, Geo. Mahoney ----- 5.71\ J. D. Vallee- Bal: of salary, Clerk & Treas. ---- ,75.00 N do - Salary as School Rtt.. Officer ----- 25.00 N do Sec. B. of H. ----------- 10.00 Is P. Grant & Sons- police car expenses for Dec.- \ 35 00 G. Mitchell- Int. on Cemetery fund to Dec.31. - 29.17 � do - Bal. of salary ------------------ 125-00--, J. D. Vallee- Coulcillors' pay ------------------ 14.30 \ J. G. Turnbull- Bonus for extra services --------- 60"00%s A. F. Brown- ., .. ..--------- 30.00 Chas. Sc rut on- '► +' 1T ------ 30.00 _`veil H. McConkey- » --------- 30.00� Ernest Scanlan- " " " ---------- 30.00 Thos. lvlabee- Stamps for Clerk ------------------- 3.00 Moved by grown Seconded by McConkey- That this Carried. Council do now adlourn, Sine Die. Reeve. a 002 ft