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Bayham Council Minutes 1941
TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1941 . 45 Town Hall, Straffordville, January Cth, 19.1. The inaugural meeting of the 1941-1%2 council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date all members tnesent. The several Declarations of Office was taken before the Clerk after which the Reeve in a short address thanked the members and officials for their co-oper- ation in -the past and asked that it be continued in the future. The others present also spdkt", I�riefly after which the minutes of the previous regular and specials meetings were read,approved and signed and the following business was done. The Treasurer and Collector were collections and bank borrowings. 1941 being the lowest it has been bank borrowing was then discussed Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow of the Township affairs for 1941, present and gave an account of tax The loan at the bank as of Jan. 1st. n for several years. The by-law for and the following resolutions passed. No 1079, being a by-law to authorize up to 135,000.00 for the financing be noir read a first time...Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That By-i,aw No 1079, be now read a second time.. Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1079p be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. 0 Moved by Brows. Seconded by McConkey- That we re -new our 10 subscrip,tjcns for the Municipal World for the year 1941... Carried. The account for S treat Lighting in the `tillage of Straffordville was then presented to the Council and it decided that the Township could carry this costs without the 'issuing of debentures and that thQ interest should be 5 % the same as that paid by the Township at the bank and be repaid in ten equal annual payments assessed on the part of the Township receiving the benefit from,,the said lights. The following resolution was passed. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That tie of the Street Lighting system tie yearly assessmente to the payments bear interest at the Treasurer be authorized to pay the cost in Straffordville and the Clerk apportion parties interested, and that overdue rate of 5% per annum...Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey- That the Treasurer be authorized to have cheque drawn to the County Treasurer fur the sum of 125.00 to pay the returned taxes on the Littlewdod property in Port Burwell... Carried. The Road Superintendent then brought up the question of a new * ton truck and stated that the Dept. of Highways Engineer had recommended that a new truck be purchased. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we authorize the Clerk to call for tenders for the exchange of truck for the Township of Bayham. Truck to be ton capacity .equipped with 6 ply ground grip tires on rear, 6 ply heavy duty on front, 5 tires in all. Tenders to be in not later than Jan. 15th at 6 P.m.., Carried. Mr. Wm. H. Grigg and Mr. Wm. Laur interviewed the Council in regards to repairs to the Beecroft, and Dennis drains respectively, and were given petitions to have signed by interested parties in connection with eac4h. Officers for the year 1941 were then discussed and it was Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That the appointed Officers for the year 1941 be re -instated with the same salaries as for 1940 with the exception of Assessor to be appointed at a later date... Carried./` A By -Law for the above was then prepared. _r 46 Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1080, being a by-law to appoint certain officers for the Township of Bayham for the year 1941, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by McConkey seconded by Scanlan- That by-law No.1080 be now read a second time.CarritL. Moved by Brown �p Seconded by Scruton- That By -Lair No. 1080 be now read a thrid time and finally passed... Carried. A de i,=Cation of neigrlhours and friends of the Carter youth who was injured. in a cutting -box accident on the first concession, interviewed the Council in respect to assistance by the Council in the paying of the hospital account for the injured boy. The Council agreed to give this matter careful consideration and do their best in this respect. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the -.Reeve sign the several order sheets.Carrie W. E. Greer, Goods for Mrs. Meszaros------------------ 20.78 N, Louise MacDonald, Goods for Mrs. Pfahler-------------- 6.00 Elgin Vyse ---------------- .37� F. E. Brown, " " Henry Palmer -------------- 7-09---, Central Pipe Lines, Gas for Wm. Patton ----------------- 9.18 P. L. Williams, Goods for J. Stevenson ---------------- 10.02 it it it n Wm. Patton ----------------- 12. G0 ------ ---------- f�•73� no J. Culbert, " " Mrs. McMillan b------------- 7-98--,, " it " " Viola McGaw ---------------- 13.99 � W. E. McKibbin, Meat for Wm.Patton, Nov.& ?pec. -------- 4-30--, Valley Camp Coal Co., Coal-Robbins,Steph., MCMil & McG.- 28.96-, Spencer Kir', Delivering above coal ------------------- 3.00 �, Mrs. R. D. stickney, Goods for D. Masales------------- 13.06 Chas. A. Walsh, Goods for Fm -nett Miller---------meso--meso 12.00♦ J. W. Mcquiggan, 11 M. Nelles------------meso--meso 10.01"', n n n it Ed. Curtis ----------------- 14.9L N F. Livermore, Fees re Chalk case ---------------- - some 10.00 -�,, J. D. Vallee, Registration of B. M. & n. -------------- 28.25%.% Aylmer Express, advt. re snow plow truck ----------•meso- -75--, Canadian National Rys., Corinth Wig-bags--------meso--meso 25.00,-., H. E. P. Co. Straffordville Street Lights installation,1016.03 1 Vim. H. Grigg, Trans. for Ed Curtis--------------meso--meso 1.00-s' B. b. Graham, tax sale prop. purchased by Reeve -meso--meso 25,00-,, A. E. Wilson & Co., Bonds Stratton & Mitchegl -------meso 57,50%% fim. Stratton, Councillors' & Janitor's pay ------------ 52.10 attending tax sale ---------------------- .0C J. G. Turnbull, " .; --------------- 2 time 8.00 � Central Pipe Lines, Gas for Viola McGaw --------------- 8.39 � Ed. Scruton, Mood for Relief families ----------------- 65,00 "-- Thos. Mabee, Stamps -Clerk, Collector & Treasurer ------ 12.00 %, Proved by Brown seconded by Scruton- That we now ad jorn to meet at the office of the Clerk on Wed, Jan. 15th. at 7.30 P.M... Carried. 0, rid 0- WA !1114k, 4 CierK. 41 47 Clerk's Office, Straffordville, Jan. 15th. 1941. The Council of the Township of Bay:nam met in special seesion on the above date for the purpose of considering tenders received on a new truck for the use of the Foal Superintendent. ^11 members were present an.1 Reeve Turnbull presided. Tenders were received from the following;- Frank ollowing;- Frank L. Truman- 19.1, ton Chev. as specified, trade difference -#522.00 do 1940, do do do - 450.00 C. D. Coyle - 1941P -t� ton International do do - 650.00 Chas.B.Laister - 1541, � G. M. C. J.C.Eichenberg - lyil, A largo do do - 450-00 do do - 490.00 Tie tenders were all considered and Lyie Grant was present to represent the Truman tender a,i d C. D. ',oyle attend in the interest of his own. Both explained the many points of the tricks and answerer] questions asked by the Council. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That we buy a 191 1 Chevrolet I ton truck at f 8q�.Co and allownne for old truck cf x;375.00 making new truck cost 5522.001 lettering innlur?erO, ensl service including 8 greasings and tiro check-ups. This motion did not carry,; Loved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That we buy G. M. C., 191.1 truck at the Laister tender, subject tl the approval of ti.Le nenartment of Highways.. Carried. Moved by 5cruton becondea by McConkey- That we now adjourn to meet Feb. 3rd... Carrie-'. ve0 erk. 48 Town Hall, Straffordville, Feb. 3rd. 1941. The Council of the Township of Bayham met oil the above date, Councillor snanlari being the only absentee and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings we ^e read approved and signed and the following business done. Letters were read from the Ontario Good Roads Assn. asking that this Townarin again sen(l in membership; from J. D. Thomson, County Clerk, sts�ing that ;he equalized assessment for the Township is again tet at ak2,425,735.GG; one from the Central Pipe lines aphorizing our Treasurer to make cheques payable to Frank Steers; one from R. T. i0oCall, Clerk of Charlotteville, advising that he has been unable to trace Leonard Winter, w letter was also received from Irvin J. Murniq of Corinth, advising that he refuses to pay any more on the Corinth Drain ani that if damiages are not paid and the ditch filled in by „ay 15the 1)'4l, he will put the matter in his solicitors' hands. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That this Council authorize the Treasurer to pay the annual fees to the Ontario good Road; Association for 1941 enO that the Count' a. attend tyle annual meeting... Carried. A letter v,as r ad from the Port Burwell Trustee board requesting that a grant of 125.00 be ivtn the Port Burwell library and charged to the acpount of tht Police Villa e. This was ione as per their or(ler No. 120. Iiospitsl Accounts passed were as follows; - I] Victoria Hospital, London �lrs. Ada Palmer _______________________�._____ Vit, .OU 49 Soldiers' Memorial, 7illsonburg. war. ur s__rr________r___________________ 20.12 Richard Healey ------------------------------- 3,50 Mac McConkey ----------------r___-_____-_----- 4•37 Baby Roy Tribe ------------------------------- 11{0.70 William Wilson ------------------_____________ 3.50 "Jars. Goereks Ketchabaw ----------------------- 7.87 00ario hospital, Woodstock. Murray Norman ________________________________ 17.25 Dorothy C. Wells _____________________________ 22.50 Josenh L. Scruton---------------------------- 22.5G Farkwood hocnital, L�)ndon i3eatr ce tie __ ------------------------------ 45,75 K. Johnson----------------------------------- 4P.75 iNm. Ecker---__-___..___________-__r_r___r_r___ 14.25 .,Total $397.06 Hoy Nevill interviewed the Council in regards to the ownership of the road allowances between lots 15 & 16, Concession 2, and asked that the Council try anO, find out if the Dept. of Iiignways had proved any ownership in their investigations. The Reeve told Mr. Nevill that the Clerk would try and get this information from the Department. Mr. Laister of Tillsonburg, delivered the new Township -4 ton truck while the Council was in session. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we authorize the Road Overseer to have a hot water heater installed in the G.Y.C. truck... Carried. Mr. Caldwell, District Engineer, was present and discussed with the Council road expenditure for the year 1941. rafter much consideration it was Moved by Brown 5e conde d by Scruton- That we apply for S20,000.00 for the year 1941 for Roads and Bridges.., Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1081, being a By -Law to provide for the expenditure of $20, 000.00 on Township roads for 1941,/,be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown -That By -Law No•1081 be now read second time...Carried. 49 Moved by drown Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No. 1081 be now read a third time and a` finally passed.., Carriecl. A letter from Mrs. Meyer was read thanking the Council for the Township grant to the Port Burwell library for 1940, and asking for another grant for 19141. Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey- That we give Port Burwell Library a grant of Twenty - Five dollars same as last year,.* Carrie.. Move -1 by McCo.ikey Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve sign several oilder sheets... Carried. Louise Mac')onal a - Goods for Mrs. Pfahler------------- S 6.00 it it Elgin Vy se ---------------- 8. le- F. eF. E. Brown, H. Palmer ---------------- 4.70 Chas, A. Walsh, " " Emmett Miller ------------ 15-04-,, Don Emerson, Del. wood to E`1 Miller ------------------- 2.0G -%, .T. W. Mcquiggan, Goods for Mahlon Nelies-------------- 10.06 it " Ed. Curtis ----------------- 12.01 Mrs. R. D. Stickney, to IT Geo. Bradt ----------------- 14.99 � ►` to It D. Masales----------------- 10.2111% ski. F. Greer, 11 IT Mrs. Meszaros-------------- 21.62♦ Mrs. N. Underhill, " It H. Brissenu________________ 8.00 64 „ It it IT Chas, Gradmell------------- 5.03 P.L.Williams, itFrank Stephenson ----------- 10.25 " .. W,r,. PRtton_________________ 12.06 W. F. _AcKibbin, Meat for ism. Patton -------- -------- 1.02%, J. W. Brown, Goods for P. Travis --------------------- 12.00 N a rt it 11, C. Wilson --------------------- 10-50%% R. S. Meyer, hauling coal &; limbs- 'McMillan & Wilson -- 3.00*... H. J . Culbert, Goods for Viola McGaw ------------------- 14.07", ,�it " Mr. Finucan ------------------ 18.83 if It Mrs. Anderson ---------------- 2. U N it tt t1 n y 7 • � Mrs V se -------------------- 1 10 a to Russel Shaw ------------------ .17 � " to it Mrs. McMillan ---------------- 8.63 Valley Camp Coal Co, Coal- Pt. Burwell families ------- 63.10 � S. Kirk, Cartage on above lU ''� . EGA' ___________________ 6:00 " ti Cartage- wood for Fowler --------------------- 1.00 ,., " it Coke for Mrs. Haggerty ----------------------- 11.00 N Frank Steers, Gas for 'Nm. Patton ---------------------- 10.80•. i, ,t it ---- - 3 L. Nelles ---_.� _rr _.r__r+r l• 0 Town hall ----------------------- 4.80 H. J, Culbert, Car', trip --------- ------------ ?. V. --- 1.00-,, H. 0. Alward, Supplies ---____.._.._____________ P .V, --- 1.25 J. H. Kaufman, Hydro for Christmas Free ------ P .V, --- 4.5C t A. R. Vlright & Son, Supplies ----------------- P.V. _ 23.70 Port Burwell Library Board, Grant ------------ P.V. -•- 25.00 H. J. Culbert, Supplies -------_____---------- F.V. --- 2.30 Francis btatthews, Board a Lodging-Derso Biro -- 17,00 � ughton Twp a. E. Brown, Mileage & Telephone re Biro - 1,40 J Wm. G. Mitchell, Trip to Tillsonburg re Burke --------- 3,00\ it IT it " London belief school --------- 5-00% " to To apply on salary ------------------- 50.00 -% S. J. Mahoney, Fees- Good Roads Assn. ----------------- 5.00 Municipal world, 10 subscript6ons for 1941 ------------ 10.00 News Printing Co. Printing & supplies ----------------- 18.89\ Joe Emerson- Trips with Elgin Vyse-------------------- 28,00%,, Dr. J.H.F.Adams, salary to Dec. 31st. 1940 ------------ 100.00 J. G. Turnbull, Fees attending B. of H. --------------- 3.70 Geo. Vallee, it -------------- 3-30---- J. D. Vallee, „ to It __-_____ 3,0L to it To apply on salary - ---------------------- 0.00 A. M. Brown, Liability insurance, Councillors -officers- 7.ti0 Treas. `town of Aylmer, Relief for Geo. Mahoney -------- 4-04---- 6. .04----6. ti. Graham T.11eas . - Hospitalization ------------------ 397.06 Edward Scruton, Wood for families --------------------- 67.50 K. E. Grant, salary for January ----------------------Q* 100.00 Wm. Stratton, To apply on salary --------------------- 25.00 it to Councillors' & Janitor's pay -----------=- 34 30 Howard Palmer, Del* mood to Winter -------------------- 2.50 ,%.. Port Burwell Library Board, Township Grant ------------ 25.004 Thos. Mabee, Stamps for Treasurer --------------------- 6.00 . 5© Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That we adjourn to meet March . 3rd. 19.1... Carried. 2szaAa�z� • esusd/ . Clerk. Town Hall, Straffordville, March 3rd, 19L1. The Council of the Township of Bey'lnam met in regular session on the above date, members all present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Relief accounts were discussed and passed. r,plicutivtt� for the po:;ition vi r;abessor were received from Orin Bartlett, Wm. G. Mitchell and K. C. Thomson,At the requEst of Wm. G. Mitchell, his application was withdrawn. The other applications were then discussed by th Council. Moved by McConkey seconded by Scanlan- That this Council hire Orin Bartlett as Rssessor for the Township of Baylla.m for the year 1941 sit a salary of #300.00 and the necessary by-law be prepared to take care of same... Carried. Movel by Scr„aton Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1083, being a By -Law to appoint Orin Bartlett as Assessor for the year 1941 at a salary of 1300.00 be now read a first time... Carried. Moven by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No -1083 be now read a second time.Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That By -Lave No.1083 be now read a third time and rAb finally passed... Carried. The lists of Fence -Viewers and Pound -Keepers for the Township were then checked over and a by-law prepared for appointing same for 1941. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No 1082, being a By -Law to appoint Fence - Viewers and Pound -Keepers for 1941, be now read a first time...Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No -1082 be now read a second time.Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No. 1082 be now read a third time and tC finally passed... Carried. The Council then discussed the rate to be levied for general funds in the Township for 1941. Moved by McConkey f Seconded by Scanlan- That the Township rate for 1941 be 11 mills, less 1 mill for provincial subsidy... Carried. t A letter was received from the Port Burwell Trustees asking that the s' of $1210,00 be levied in the Police Village for 1941 to cover general expenses and street lights.. 51 The following recommendations were recieved from the Strafffordville street lighting Committee as the amounts to be levied in the area effected for the year 19.1. Installation, principal and interest-- X131.58 Labour replacing bulbs --------------- 10.00 Purchase of new bulbs ---------------- 20.00 Service charges to Oft* 31st. 19.0---- 64-63 TM6. ., Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That -this Council adopt the different School estimates as per schedule submitted... Carrie -1. The By -Law for levying the taxes for 1941 was then presented. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by brown- That By -Law No. 1084 being a By -Law to strike the rate for the Township and to levy the taxes in the Township for the year 1941, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No.1084 be now read a second time.Carried. Moved by Brown gSecond.eri by Scruton- T�iat By -Law No. 1081 be noir read a third time and 0 finally passed... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we allow Ernie Scanlan S,9.00 for expenses to Good Roads Association also Vim. Mitchell *5.00 for car expenses for trip` to Toronto re came... Carried. Reeve Turnbull, Councillors 1,13canlan Pile McConkey along with the Clerk were appointed as a committee to arrange settlement of costs of Garnham Drain between the owners of east half of lot 136,Qoncession 7. Mr. Ernest Soper interviewe;l the Council in regards to repairs to the Arn . Drain. he agreed to consult the other owners interested and try and arrange same. Moved by Scanlan Secondedby Brown- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets.. Carried. W. '�_. Greer, Goods for Mrs. ivieszaros--------------- S 21.66 \ W. J. Fewster, " » L. Winter (Jan.) ------------ �} .02 � 11 to �� " has, Jennings ---------_r--- lb.l � C J g 3 11 it n n 9` J. D. Wilson ---------------- 15. " it " " L. Winter (Feb.) - 16. 02 J. B. Howey, Wood for Mrs. L. Winter --------------- 11.00� 11 11 ii 11 11 :l ..r--. -------- 7.00\ " It " Mrc. Meszaros---------------- 16.00N " " " " Mrs. J. Nilson --------------- 18.00\ F. F. Brown, Goods for F.. Palmer ------------------- 4 -elf Crlas. A. Walsh, Mood for Ed. Curtis ---------------- 5.00 IT " Goods for Emmett hiller ------------ 12.12%, Howard Palmer, Del, wood to millers ----------------- 2.50 Louise MacDonald, Goods for Elgin Vyse------------- 13.37 IT if to " Mr. Pfahler----------- 6.00 J. W. McQuiggan, Goods for Mahlon Nelles----------- 9.90\ it " Ed. Curtis16.01 ------------- Mrs. R. D. Stilrkney, Goods for D. Masales---------- 10.00\ » » » » G. Bradt ------------ =5.87 P. L. Williams, Goods for Wm. Patton --------------- 12.32 11 It 11 11 it If 2-75--, "It It" Harold Bris seau ---------- 4-03N it ,t 11 it Mrs. Vyse--------------- 3 99 � if ifMr. Stephenson ---------- 10.00 J. W. Brown, " "' P. Travis --------------- 16.00 C. Wilson ---------------- 15.00 Mrs. N. Underhill, �` H. Brisseau-------------- 16,!.21 � it Mrs. C. Gradwell-------- 20.17 W. E. McKibbon, Meat for 4m. Patton ---------------- 2917,%, Valley Camp Coal Co., Coal for Pt. Burwell Families- 57.60, (over) 52 H. J. Culbert, Goods for Earl Vyse---------------- ik 20.00 \ It "itto Mrs. Finucan------------- 20.02 N "toIt Russell thaw ------------- 12.00 "itit Mrs. McMillen - tf „ of ,t Mrs. tinderson------------ 8.01 �, ► . to It Pers. V. McGaw ------------ 1.4.51 � S. Kirk, Cartage on coal, 9 1, .60�---------------- 5.x.0 � n n pet. wood to C. 'Wilson ------------------- 1.50 " Coke for Mrs. Haggerty ------------------- 9.10 n n n n n n -------- ---------- 9.95,E Del. wood to C. Wilson & Fowler --------- 3. 50 �. R. S. Meyer, Wood for C. Wilson ------------------- 2.00 Edward Scruton, wood for Relief families ---------- 37-50N., H. J. Culbert, Gas for Hall --------------- P. V. - .60 41 to Trip to Strafford.ville ----- F. V. - 1.00 Frank Steers, Gas for arm. Patton ------------------ 12. 2 •N., it ;, L. Nelles__________________ 5 it of " " Town Hall __________________ 4.20 � Municipal World Ltd. Stationery & Supplies -------- 899 -N Provincial Treasurer, Insulin- Brotty, Tupper, Edwards 4:14-*, Treas . Twp. of Middleton, Garnham Drain ----------- 73-00\ R. J. Lovell & Co., Stationery & Supplies --------- 1.59 Lawrence Smith, Glasses for Ernest Jennings ------- 9.50 Drs, Alexander & McLeod, Fare re Joe :des zaros ----- 24.00 Jr. J. H. F. Adams, account re J. Richardson ------ 13-00--.. K. E. Grant, salary for February ------------------- 100.00` Thos. Mabee, Stamps- Clerk,Collector, Treasurer --- 9.00\ Wm. G. Mitchell, To apply on salary --------------- 50.00 \ ---------- " it Car expenses to Toronto- 5.00 � Ernest Scanlan, Trip to Toronto ------------------- 9.00\ Wm. Stratton, Councillors & Janitor8s pay --------- 19.90\ it ofTo apply on salary ------------------ 25.00 J. D. Vallee, ii.' ------------------ 50.00 \ Moved by 8rowr+ Seconded by StmMLAiJ - That the petition for the statutory grant, on road expenditures to the amount of $17,292.11 be signers by the authorized parties and forwarded to the Department.... Carriers. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Brown- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on April 7th, 1941..40, Carried. Reeve. e rk . 53• Town Hall, Straffordville, April 7th. 19.1. The Council of the Township of Baynam met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Relief accounts in the Township were passed. A", letter was read from bummers Harper, asking Haat thiF Council recor.2nend a corn borer Inspector for Baynam. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Brown- That this Council recorm. end W. G. Mitchell for Corn borer Inspector for this year... Carried. A letter was received from the Dept. of Municipal ftffe;irs, advising that the 1 mill subsidy would again be payable to Municipalities. A letter was also rectived from the-rielfare Dept. advising of the new regulations pertaining to relief etc. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- Tnat Lyle Walsh and A.A. Johnson be re -appointed to the Straffordville Cemetery Board for a term of 3 years... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That, in consideration of his request, this Council recommends that the ii dro contract of Howard Burnham, on l')t 5, Conc. 2 bayriam, be cancelled... Carried. At 2 P.M. several interested parties, met with the Council and near) the Clerk rEad the Engineers' Report on the Berdan-Cheesman ''rain. after much discussion, those present were given the opportunity of signing the petition or withdrawing their names And it was found that enough had fixed their manes to the petition to make a majority and the drain carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Report on the Berdan-Cheesman :'gain be accepted provisionally and that the Clerk be authorized to prepare By -Law for same, payments to be extended over a period of ten years at 4 % per annum... Carriei. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That this �;ouncil pay J. D. VeScanlan , W. G. Mitchell, A. E. Brown and J. G. `Turnbull each 53.50 and Ern *8.50 for self and car for attending Road Conference in London Ard... Carrie'. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- Tc.at cheque be issue to A.M.Brown Insurance Co., to tree amount of $61.65 for truck insurance or 1941 and charge same to goads and bridges ... Carriel. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we allow Ken Gra a bonus of X7.00 per month additional to his :clary in compensation.df gas and oil... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we allow W. G. ,Mitchell the sum of Six dollars for trip to St. Thomas re. Viola McGaw... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That cheque be issued to Wm. Mitchell for SC5.34 being the amount of uncollectable taxes for 1939... Carried. By -Law No. 1085 was then presented and discussed. ' Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That By -Lax No. 1065, being a By -Law to authorize the Treasurer to pay the costs of installation of Street Lights in Straffordville and for the Clerk to charge same to ratepayers within the area assessed fvv same, be now read a first time... Carr•ieu. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No.1085 be now read a second time..Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That by -Law 'NO -1065 be noir read 4 third t&me and 10�� finally paseei... Carried. 54 Several paries interviewed the Council in regards to having work done on their respective roans. Tlie Council agreed to look these roads over and see what can be done in the near future, Grin Bartlett declined to accept the position of Assessor at the salary set by tree Council so the following resolution was passed. Mooted t)y ; cruton Seconded by Scanlan- That, we accept the application of W. G. Mitchell for ti ressor at f3Uu.00 and that we give nim 10% on dog taxer collected by him. Carried. Moved by Seconded Scruton by Drown- That tree Reeve sign the several order sheets... Carrier. Violet Dadson, Goods for Leonard Ginter _______________ S 12.00 W. J. Ff-wster, If," Chas. Jennings --------------- 15.97 if f?" 11 J. Wilson ____________________ 11•_5.1_ -N Leonard Winter --------------- .02 W. F. Greer, ;' Joseph Meezaros-------------- 21. 3 Mrs.N. Underhill " " H. Brisseau------------------ 4.11 � to 11„ '+ Chas. Gradwell--------------- 20.10 J. W'. brown " " C. Wilson -------------------- 20.00 � " it tt n P. Travis ________________ 16.00 h. I.S. Meyer, Wood for jus. Brady --------------------- Valley Camp Coal Co., Coal for Relief families -------- 25.2 N S. Kirk, Cartage on above ----------------------------- 2.40 W. E. McKibbon, Meat for 'rim. Patton ------------------- 2.10%,, P. L. W'illiAm: , Clothing for Earl Vyse---------------- 3.99- it " n it J. Finnucan-------------- 10. G0 If it Goods for F. Stephenson --------------- 10.1E " it " it Wm. Patton -______----------- tt n ►t V. McGaw -------------------- n. J. Culbert, '� " Earl Vyse----------- - ------ 20.00 \ " If V. McGaw -------------------- 14.17 N „ it " " F Snew--------------------- 12.0C .. Mrs. 1. McM�llan------------ 8.19 �• iArs. J. Anderson ------------ 8.08 tt " t1 Mr. Finu,^,an ----------------- 20.08 � Mrs. k. D. Stickney, Goods for D. MAsales------------- ;.16 to ,t it It Geo. Bradt ------------- 42-94 N J. McQuiggan, Goods for Ed. Curti: ----------------- 15.97 *--% is to If M. Nelles----------------- 8.85 Louise MacDonald, " it Mrs. Pfahler-------------- 6.00 ,,, I# it If Elgin Vyse---------------- 22-07%, C. A. Walsh, Goods for E. Miller ---------------------- 17.01 " " Wo8d It Geo. Bradt --------------------- 8.00 it to r, of Ed. Curtis --------------------- 10.00 it it tt to J. Wilson ---------------------- 18.00 it It Bulbs for Street lights, Straffordville---- 3.50 *--- F. E. Brown, Goods for H. Palmer ---------------------- 4-15--, h. P. Grant & Sons, Bulbs,Street LightsiStraffordville- 1.20 Frank Steers, Gas for L. Nelles-----------------------•E5 � of tt if Wm. Patton -------------------- 12.96 -,-, tt it it it Town Hall ----------------------- 6.50 H. E. P. C., riydro for Town Hall -------------------- 7.72* E. C. Spragge, Burial for Gordon Brady ---------------- 45400 ---% J. 13. Clark, Teeth work on Verna Pfahler-------------- 13.00 Harry Davidson, Work on Torn Mall chimney in 1935 S. Kirk, Cartage & coke ------------------------------- 1.55 Harold BrisSeau, Labour ---------------------P.V.-__-__ 4.00 Alex Simister, Repairs to Fire Engine ------- P.V.------ 3.00 Louis Stewart, Goods ------------------------ F.V------- 4-00---, H. J. Culbert, Trip to Straffordville-------F . V. ------ 1.00%, Gas for Police Hail ---------- P.V------- •60♦ Workmens' Compensation i3d.0 for Clerk and Constable --- 18.00 A. E. Brown, Trans. Jas. Burke & V. McGaw to St . Thomas - 10.00 *4% " Trip tp London ---------------------------- 3-50--, J. G. Turnbull, �t �,�-------------------- -- 3.50 to It Assistance on i3erdan-Cheesman DrAin --`--- 3.00 N% W. G. Mitchell, Trip to London ------------------------ 3-50%4. To apply on salary ----------------- 50-00%--, Trip to St. Thomas re V. McGaw ------,--- 6.00 %-. " " Uncollectable taxes for 1939 ----------- 65-34--,,, J. D. Vallee, To apply on salary --------------------- it 50.00 ,,� Trip to London _________________________ 3.50 . Ernest Scanlan, Car & Trip to T,ondon------------------ 8.50,' Clare Cheesman, Assistance on Berdan-Cheesman nrain --- 2.50 � Harry Godwin " " " " ___ 3-00,.,. Clark Liddle " " " " --- 3.00 C. Turner " " " " 1. 0 News Printing Co., Advt. re truckers ----------------- 2-4 Treas. Town of Aylmer, Relief -Geo. Mahoney,Jan.& Feb.— 10.41 � MuniciQal 'World Ltd., Stationery & supplies ----------- 25.27-\ Peters Brown & Co., :dal auditing fees fro 19.0. ------- 93 -CO -s' Am. Stratton, To apply on salary ---------------------- 25.00 -'s, Councillors & Janitor's pay ------------- 19.90 K. E. Grant, Salary for march ------------------------- 100.00'..' Thos. Ylabee, Stamps for Huditors---------------------- 12.00-s' H.E.P.C., Aylmer Office, Hydro Arrears Collected ------ 76.1 Moved by Seruton Seconded by brown- That we now adjourn to meet again May 5th... Carried. Town hall, Straffordville, May 5th. 1941. The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, members all present and Reeve Turnbull in the chair. Minutes of the last meeting were read,approved and signed and the following business was done. A letter was read from Dr. H. J. Wildfang stating that repairs would be made at once in order that no unsatisfactory sewage would eater the Chalk Drain from his premises. The Municipality was notified that the the railroad bridge on No. 19 highway previously liable for its maintenance. Communications were also read from the regards to vacant land cultivation and registration reportse old road up the hill just north of reverts back to the Municipality Department of Public Welfare In termination of national relief f 56 Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1086 being a By -Law to rescind By -Law No. 1083 and to appoint Wm. G. Mitchell as Assessor for 1941 be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No.1086 be now read a second time..Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey -That By -Law No. 1086 be now read a third time add finally passed;;. Carried. Geo. Elliott and others presented a petition to the Council requesting that a grant be given the Dobbie cemetery. Moved by Scaukka Seconded by McConkey -That this Council give $29.0 to the Dobbie cemetery board for repairs and a cheque be issued in favodr of James Elliott. Carried. Wm. Stratton and Wm. G. Mitchell, members of the Straffordville Cemetery Board, requested that the Council pay the interest on money deposited with the Township and raised by the sale. of plots for perpetual care. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this CouAoil pay the Cemetery Board interest on money known as the Cemetery perpetual care fund, that is deposited in the Township Council's Baine in the bank here. Amount of interest due $16.25 up to Dec. 31st. 1940, this interest to be at the rate of 5%per annum. Carried. Wm. G;. Kitchell also asked for a grant to the Straffordville cemetery. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Seruton- That is Council pay to the Straffordvill a cemetery board the sum of $20.00 Ming the annual Township grant to four different cemeteries per year in Bayham Township. Cheque to be given to Treasurer of Straffordville Cemetery Board 41se that this Council pay to Mrs. Betsy Brian the sum of $5.00 for a on the Claus cemetery... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Soruton-That we pay Mn.Mitehell$10 and a. Turnbull 53.00 expenses to Toronto and A. Brown $3.00 expen to St. Thomas re Miss Herron and Robt. Chivers... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That we pay C. So on $3.00 and G. Turnbull pe" for trip to Vienna to meet engineer re Tev, Drain... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1987 being a By -Law to provide for Drainage work re Berdan-Cheessan Drain and for borrowing on the credit of t the Municipality the sum of $1394.50, the proportion to be contributed by this Minieipality, be now read a first time... Carried. r� Moved by Scanlan �t Seconded by Soruton- That By -Law No. 1087 be now reed a second time.Carrie ., By -Law provisionally passed and to be forwardedeto the Ontario Municipal Board for approval with thenecessary f S2.00., 57 Moved by Brown Seconded by Soruton- That the Clerk deliver personally or mail by registered post to each of the assessed Vwners, or their lessees or the occupants of their lands or agents of such person or leave on the lands with some grown up person, a dopy of the Berdan-Cheesman Drain By -Law together with a notice of the sittings of the Court of Revision and notice as to proceedings to quash, such By -Law and notices may be either written or printed or partly written and partly printed. In the ease of unoccupied lands, the Bar -Law and notices shall be mailed by registered post to the last known address. Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the Court of Revision for the Berdan-Cheesman Drain By -Law, be held at the Town Hall, St raffordville, on June 2nd. 1941, at the hour of 2.30 o'clock P.M... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Seruton- That we have expense account payable to Harry Grant not to exceed $15.00 per month for police, commencing April 1/41. Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That cheque be issued to Wm. Stratton to amount of $15.57 being the amount of hydro arrears on 194.0 roll of Annie Johnston and already paid into Aylmer office... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey -That the Clerk be authorized to obtain lieense.;froms from the Municipal World and that licenses be issued toeaeh butcher in the Township of Bayham having a slaughter house... Carried. Moved by Soruton Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No. 1089 being a By -Law to amend By -Law No. 1067 re time of Court of Revision of Assessment Roll and penalty for tax arrears, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1089 be now read a second time.Carried. Moved by Scanlan (� Seconded by Seruton- That By -Law No. 1089 be now read a third time and lO� finally passed... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve and H. L. Godwin be appointed to make arrangments with Wm. Beckett to snake settlement of timber on the road allowance at lot 20, Cone. 7 near Eden hill... Carried. The By -Law for the licensing and regulating the running at large of doss in Township of Bayham was then discussed. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No. 1088 being a By -Law to Lienese and require the registration of dogs and to impose a license fee on the owners, possessors or harborers of them, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seeonded-by Brown- That By -Law No.1088 be now read a second time..Carried. Moved by Brown �C Seconded by Scanlan -That By -Law No. 1086 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That we put in the same men for game wardens for the Township for 1941 and that Ken Grant's name be added to list...Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Saruton- That the Reeve sign the Order sheets... Carried. W. J. Fewster - Goods for Chas. Jenningsf ----___..w__--;%7.4� N N N N J. Milson ------------------ 19.5 9%% N N N Mrs. L. Minter ------------ 17.32♦ W. E. Greer - " Joe Meezaros---w_____-_-ww_ .32 Violet Dadson - Rent for L. Winter *00 J. H. Howey - Mood for Joe Messaroa_______________w_w 7.50 * 1 J. W. Maquiggan - Goods for M. Nelles-----------4040--4040 10.1? H. J. Culbert - " " Mrs. Anderson ------------- 8.08 R. Shag -____..____-..-____4040 12.61 Viola MoGaw 6N Mrs. F. McMillen ---------- UO-s' Earl Vyse_________________ 16.72 ., P. L. Williams- " " Frank Stephenson ---------- 10. 4W3n n n " Wm. Patton ----------4040--4000 �00 1 .60 Mrs. N. Underhill - Goods for Chas. Gradwell -0040-4040--4040 25.00., J. W. Brown- Goods for Cliff Wilson -------------4040-- 20.00 Frank Steers - Gas for Wm. Patton --------------------- 10.80 W. E. MoKibbox - Meat for Wm. Patton -----------00004040--- 2.17 *%% Valley Camp Coal Coe- Coal for 3.84 1 Louise MacDonald - Goods for Mrs. Pfahler-------4040--4040 6.00 Elgin Vyse 15.37 James Elliott - Grant re Dobbie cemetery --------4040--4040 20.00 ,., Mrs. R. D. Stiokney � Goods for G. Bradt --------4040-40 X7.20 J. W. McQuiggan - Goods for Ed. Curtis ------- 40___40__-r_r 15: 9;� Chas. Walsh - Oilcloth h snaps for assessor ----------- 3 t - Rood for Geo. Bradt --------------------- 5.001 Goods for E? biller --------------------- 12.061 Mrs. Ada Moore --------------- 22.94 N'- Wm. G. Mitchell - Interest on cemetery funds ---------- 16.25 � - To apply on salary ------ ______-____- 50.00 W. R. Kirk - Labour on sidewalks & streets 4040- P.Y. 4040 7.00 1%. E. C. Spragge - Wreath for funeral --------40-40- P.Y. 4040 .00 McConnell Nursery Co.- Shrubbery re Police hall P.V. 4040 2*39 Dr. J. H. F. Adams - M.O.H. salary to Mar.31/41------- 100.00b,-, " " " - Treatment for cases 5,6 & 7 4040--4040 126.00 %.., ' J. G. Turnbull - Fees attending Be of H. -------------- 3.70 ---, Geo. Vallee _ n n " 40----40--_---4040 3.30,-, J. D. Vallee _ " n n _0040-----40-40--- 3.00 � " " - To apply on salary ---_________-____-_ 50.00 Dr. D. G. Leatherdale - treatment for case # 10 ------- 8900%, Aylmer Express - Notice to Truckers ------------------- .75 N,.% Dr. J. F. B.Rogers - Treatment for L. Herries ----40-40-- 15.00 --, Municipal world Ltd.- Supplies for Collector ---------- , .73 --, Lawrence Smith - Glasses for Jack Richardson -4040--40W-4000 MOO %, News Printing Coo- Printing auditors reports -------•-- 25.00 Fred A. Bell - Survey do expenses do stakes,Berdan Chees- 85.00 Wm. G. Mitchell - Trip to Toronto do car --------------- 10.00 J. G. Turnbull - " n n _--__4040-----4040--4040 4040- 3.00 A• Brown - Expenses to St. Thomas --------------------- 3.00 Co Seruton - Meeting at Vienna -----------0040-----4040--4040 3.00 "N J. G. Turnbull - " " 4W----__-.._____•-____4040..40 3-00's, Wm. G. Mitchell - Grant to Straffordville cemetery ---- 20.00 N. Betsy Brian - Grant to Claus cemetery ----------------- 5.00 -,, Municipal Board - Fees re Berdan-Cheesman Drain ------- 2.00\ H. P. Grant & Sons- Gas for Police car 40 ------------- 15.00 8, E. Grant - Salary for April ------------------4040---- N 100.00 Wnt. Stratton - Hydro arrears rebate -Annie Johnston----- 15.57\ - To appy on salary ---------40-40-----40404040 25.00 N%, - Councillors' & Janitor's pay --------•-- 19.90 \ Thos. Mabee - Stamps -Clerk ,Treas,& Collector --•------- 9.00-,, FrankSteers - Gas for Town Hall -------------- WP-.W-IW4W a. 40 900---% ig n n " " L. Nelles---------------------- - 3 . Pre��nc�a1 Treasurer ----.- -- -- - 4040-- 4040- ______4040---___-., 3.00 N Moved by Brown Seconded by Seruton - That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday June 2nd. 1941... Carried. Town Mall, Straffordville, The Council of the Township of Bayham meet in regular session on date, members all present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following was done. Grant Mitchell interviewed the Council explaining the followed by the East Elgin Fair Board and requested a program. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That East Elgin Fair Board for this Council pay $100.00 1911..9 Carried* accounts were checked and passed. the above of the last business new procedure to be grant to aid in this Aylmer and Mr. Pattenson of the Central Pipe Lines Ltd. was present at the Council meeting and requested to make an appeal against the assessment levied against I§heir property in connection with the Berdan-Cheesman Drain. The Council decided to hear his case so accordingly at 2.30 O'clock the members took the necessary oath and heard Mr. P attenson's plea -This was considered by the Court and the following resolution was passed. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the appeal of assessment on the Berdan-Cheesman Drain by the Central Pfpe Line Ltd* be not allowed and that this Court of Revision now adjourn, Sine Die... Carried. Mr. Pattenson also presented a new franchise between the aboveementioned* Company and the Township in connection with the laying of pipe lines within the Township. The was laid over to another meeting for consideration. Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey- That we pay Chas. Scruton $20.50; $ 6.00; Neil McConkey $18.50 and Ernie Scanlan $6.00 for roads... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That J. G. Turnbull $3.00 and pay Neil iicConkey $3.00; Scruton $3.00 for trip to J. G. Turnbull inspecting Township Scanlan $3.00; Hi11..Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That we pay Chas. Scruton $6.00; Wm. Mitchell $10.00; J. G. Turnbull $7.35 and H. L. Godwin $6.00 for trip to Toronto re Teall Hill... Carried. H. L. Godwin petitioned the Council for a grant for the Richmond gest Cemetery. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council pay to the Secretary -Treasurer Richmond best Cemetery Board $20.00... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No* 1087 being a By -Law re Be rdan- Cheesman Drain be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. George Berdan asked the Council that a drain be made to drain the southern part of his farts into the Wallace Drain. He was given the necessary petition form to be signed by the interested owners. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- That this Council pay C. pigs lost by dogs. Total $28.00.00 Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That Carried, Scruton $2.00 each several order sheets.. Steers- Gas for lltn. Patton -------------- $ 7. 9 6 L Nlls 3 9 Town Hall --------------- 2.1.0 Spragge- Burial etc. for Peter MaGaw ---- 45.001,, MoKibbin- Meat for wm* Patten ----------- 2o Z5 Culbert- Goods for Mrs. 14cMillan-------- 8.02 of if it Mrs. J. Anderson ----- 6. . P . L. Williams- Goods for Frank Stephenson --------- 11 1f If fi WM. Patten --------------w W. E. Greer- if J. Meszaros---------.----- W. J. Fewster- it " L. Minter ---------------- tf ,t if J. Wilson ---------------- Louise MacDonald- " Mrs. Pfahler------------- Howard Lashbrook Sec.- Gram to East Elgin Fair --- Bert Hilts - Mork on Town Hall Grounds ------------ Mrs. Merl Hilts- Cleaning Hall ----------------w-__ Chas. A. Walsh- Goods for Emmett Miller ----------- " wood for L. Winter --------------- if it Mr. Meszaros-------_w--_- " " Goods for Mrs. Ada Moore ---------- Wood for Geo. Bradt --------------- M " " Ed. Curtis ............... Mrs, R. D. Stickney- Goods for Geo. Bradt --------- J. W. McQuiggan - Goods for Ed. Curtis ------------ Clare Richmond- Work on Corinth Drain ------------- James Williams- Labour ---w-_-_------------ P.V. -- Norman Walker - It -------- I'm -----w_-___ P.V. H. J. Culbert Trip to Straffordville ---- P.V. -- J. D. Axford- Labour ---------------------- P.V. -- Thos. Horlick- "---------------------- P.Y. -- A. R. bright do Son- Supplies -------------- P.V. -- Jas. M. Brady - Labour -------------------- P.Y. -- Homer Learn - Ploughing ------------------- P.V, R. S. Meyer - Labour ---------------------- P.Y. W. K. Kirk t Teaming -------- P.V. -- Lawrence Smith- Glasses for Margaret Meszaros ----- Dr. J.H.F.Mdams- Trans-Edwy Curtis -London 2 trips -- Wm. G. Mitchell - To apply on salary -------------- " " Car to Toronto Trip to St.Thomas- Weeds -------- " Equalization 3 school sections -- Chas. baruton- Trip to Toronto -------------------- If i, is I, Teall Hill ---------------- " is Going over Roads J. G. Turnbull- " " n ------------------- " " Trip to Teall Hill ----------------- " " U If Toronto & phone calls ----- Neil McConkey- Going over roads ------------------- if 11 Trip to Teall Hill ----------------- Ernest Scanlan - Going over roads ----------------- It " Trip to Teall Hill --------------- H. L. Godwin - Trip to Toronto -------------------- Municipal llorld Ltd.- Supplies -------------------- Authors & Cox Ltd,- Repairs re Artifical Limb V.Pf- - Grant to West Richmond cemetery Albert Deller do Son- Tile for Corinth Drain ------- H. P. Grant & Sons- Bulbs for Street li§hts------- u it u it It 4+ If it It it is Town Hall -------- --- Robt. Garnham- Ewe injured by dogs ---------------- Alexander do McLeod- Doctor accounts for Meszaros -- Provincial Treasurer- Insulin-Brotty,Tupper,Edwards Craigview Hospital- Accts. re MaGaw & Herron ------ H. P. Grant & Sons- Gas re police car -------- ----- K. E. Grant- salary for May ----------------------- Thos. Mabee- Stamps-C1erk,Collector 4 Treas. ------ C. Scruton - 14 pigs killed by dogs %Y $2.00 ea. ---- J. D. Vallee- To appy on salary ------------------ Wm. Stratton- to ------------------- " " Councillors' do Janitor's pay ------- - S 10.20%% 16.6o \ 22.00 �. 17.50 13.96 6.00 100.00 N 4.45-- 7.33 .45~7.33 15.21 ti 6. oo U5 � 13N 5.00 . oo �. 2 .26 �. 16.74 63.00 %, 8.40 8.40 1,00--.., ,75-%, 1.x.0 \ 1.25 9.45 2. 0--, 14. 0 4.80 7.50 10.00 \ 50oOO 10.00 5,00-,., 15.00 6,00 3.00 20.50 ---% 6.00 3.00 1 -50N 3.00 6.00 3.00 6. oo -., 30-84-,. 22-55-., 20.Oo \ .80--, 1.20%, 1.20 \ .30 \ 3.00 •3 \ 58.50 15,00--,, 100.00--, 1J. oo 2.00 50.00 \ 25.00 \ 19.90 \ If Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton - That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday July 7th... Carried. PE . 61 Town Hall, Straffordville, July 7th. 1941. The Council of the Township of Bayham Met in regular session on the above date, Deputy -Reeve Brown being the only absentee and Reeve Turnbull presided. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. A signed petition for drainage work was received from Geo. Berdan and others, Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the Geo. Berdan drain petition running into the Wallace Drain be accepted and the Engineer called... Carried. Moved by McConkey " seconded by Scanlan- That the Clerk get in touch with Resident Engineer at London for the Highway Dept, asking thein to meet County Representatives and Township Council in Village of Port Burwell regarding drain on July 18th. at 2 P.M. at Tait's garage... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve proclaim Monday Aug. 4th. as a civic and public holiday and that the regular meeting of the Council be held on Tuesday Aug. 5tho and that the required notices be published in the newspaper... Carried. Hospital Maintenance accounts passed totalled $661.47 Moved by Scruton 0 Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council pay for a gun for K. Grant to use while he is Constable... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the Clerk notify Mr. Simister, Port Burwell, that all cars and parts of ears must be removed from street at once and kept off hereafter or Council will take steps to prosecute...Carried. Movedbby McConkey seconded by Scanlan- owing to the fact that it is necessary that Reeve Turnbull be absent from this Council sitting this afternoon, we hereby appoint Chas. Seruton to sit in the Reeve's chair for the remainder of this meeting and that Soruton sign the several order sheets...Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- That Turnbull and Godwin go and see about buying the gravel from the air port at Aylmer with power to buy... Carried. Mr. Ernest Soper presented a petition for repairs th the Arn Drain. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- That the petition for repairs to the Arn Drain be accepted and that this Council have the necessary repairs made under the supervision of the Road Supt... Carried, Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- That this Council appoint Kenneth Grant for pill tax collector at 50.E a man... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council grant Nathan Underhill and James Brady of Port Burwell permission to out certain trees being one on each place... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by 5eanlan- That this Council recommends that K. E. Grant be appointed a constable for the County of Elgin... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- That this Council pay K. Grant for one trip to Aylmer $2.50 and one to London $5.00... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the Council out the sweet clover and weeds here on the grounds... Carried. M. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council pay Charlie ScrutorV�2.00 for bringing Mrs. Anderson to the Doctor... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- That the acting Reeve sign the order sheete.Carried Frank Steers,- Gas for L. Nelles------------------- $ 1-94,-, Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- That this Council adjourn to meet again on August 5th.99 Carried* r r � + eerre. iii 0 TownHall ----------------0000- 1.20 Wm- Patten -------------0000-0000 3.89 N H. E. P. C.- Hydro for Town Hall --------------0000--0000 9.52 -. Louise MacDonald- Goods for Elgin Vyse-May--------- 9.01 it" Mrs* P fahler _ w -www _ _ _ - 6.00 � Mrs.R. D. Stiekney- 2 Dave Masales----------- .94 - G. Bradt -_-__0000--0000---_ � -05---- J. W. McQuiggan- " Ed. Curtis-----_w__w__- 1 10011%. Chas. H: Walsh - " " Mrs. Adda Moore -------- 16,75-,, "if-" Emmett Miller ---------- 12.03 P. L. Williams- Frank Stephenson ------- 10.00 ,, )# ii Wrn. Patten -------0000--0000 17 13 H. J. Culbert - " " Mrs. J. Anderson ------- 8.00 Mrs. F. McMillen------ - J. W. Brown - " Cliff Milson ----------- 4:00N W. E. Greer - " Joseph Meszaros-------- 21,45-s, W. E. McKibbin- Meat for Wm. Patten ---------------- 1.73 1 B. B. Graham- Hospitalization, June session --0000--0000 661.47 � Children's Aid Society -Maintenance Mrs.M.Cashmore--- 12.85 ,%, E. E. Atkinson- Ambulance re. Miss Heron ----------- 6.00 � News Printing Co.- Printing and Advt.--------0000--0000 37.44 -.,. Mahlon Chute- Services watching for dogs ----------- 2.00%.., H. J. Culbert- Trip to Straffordville --0000--0000P.V.0000 00 1:60 It -.� ww___w0000_ _• " - Gas for Police Hall P.V. � Is it - bupplies----------------------P.V. 0000 2.00 W. G. Chalk - Supplies __-_.__`._______w___w_--P.V.-- 3.00 W. R. Kirk- Labour ---------------- 5.25---, MomerLearn- " 0000-____-___w_______________p,V. _- .75 Jas. M. Brady- "---------------------0000----P.V.0000 5.9 R. J. Lovell Co•Ltd.- Su lies,Clerk do Colleetvn---- Pp 3 .08 � W. G. Mitchell- To apply on salary -------------0000-- 75.00 -,,,, Wm. Stratton - II #I __w_w_.W__-__w-___ 25.00+ " -a Councillors' & Janitor's fees -0000-•-- 16.10 H. P. Grant & Sons- Police car expenses -0000---00-00-•• 15.00 K. E. Grant- Salary for June -----------------0000--0000 100.00\ J. D. Vallee- To apply on salary -------------0000--0000 50.00 \ It if- Trans. J. Richardson to clinic ------- 5.00 --,, Thos. Mabee- Stamps for Clerk, Collector, Treasurer- 12.00 Wm. Grigg- Sheep killed bI dogs --------------0000--0000 22.00 � It n _ » " " --------------0000--0000 38,00--, Wm. Ringland- " " " " --------------0000--0000 17.00 --,- Bert Hilts - Work on hall grounds ------------------ 3.50 � K.E.Grant- 1 trip to Aylmer do 1 to London 00 W4000-- 7.50 ----. Chas. Scruton- Trans Mrs. Anderson to Doctor ------- 2900,-\ K. E. Grant- Killing do Burying dogs (3) ------------ 3.00 ,,,, Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- That this Council adjourn to meet again on August 5th.99 Carried* r r � + eerre. iii 0 63 Town Hall, Straffordville, August 5th. 1941. The regular meeting of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date, Reeve Turnbull being absent for the morning session and Councillor McConkey being absent all day. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan - That in the absence of Reeve Turnbull, Deputy -Reeve Brown be chairman of this session until the Reeve returns... Carried. Minutes of the last meeting were read approved and signed and the following business was done. Board of Health and Relief accounts were discussed and passed. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- The the petition of Chas. Sampson and others for drainage work in Port Burwell be accepted and Engineer Bell notified.Carried Reeve Turnbull assumed the chair in the afternoon session. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council be a committee to meet Engineer Bell on the Port Burwell, Derdan-Silverthorn and Corinth Cheese Factory Drains on a date to be set by the engineer... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That this Council pay J. G. Turnbull 93.70 trip to" Port Burwell July 18th, to meet County and Provincial engineers re Sampson Drain... Carried. Messrs. Turnbull and Coomber of Corinth, interviewed the Council in regards to the proposed closing of the C.N.R. station at Corinth, stating that it was being closed against the desire of the public. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve and Ernest Scanlan be a committee to investigate the advisability of closing Corinth station with authority to have a petition circulated and presented to our solicitor... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That owing to Monday, Sept. 1st, being a holiday, that this Council meet on Monday Sept. 8th. and that a notice be put in the Tillsonburg paper in regards to same... Carried. Representatives of the Central Pipe Line Co. Ltd. ,wave present and asked that their agreement with the 'township be re-newed in regards to the laying of pipe lines and construction of works. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1090, being a By -Law to authorise the Central Pipe Line Co. Ltd. to construct, use and operate works resuired for the transmission of gas in the Township of Bayham, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1090, be now read a second time. Carried. Moved by Scruton u0 Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No. 1090, be now read a third brae and finally passed... Carried. Mrs. Mel Chambers requested that the Council pay her for turkeys killed by dogs. The Council decided to set no precedent by so doing but promised Mrs. Chambers to give full assistance in having the Provincial police try and locajre the owners of these dogs and advised action in a court. Moved by Scarman Seconded by Scruton- That this Council grant $25.00 to the Tillsonburg Fair Board and Cheque payable to M, Ostrander... Carried, A letter was received from Fred A. Bell, Engineer, stating that the contract for the work on the Berdan Cheesman Drain was awarded to Leonard Kilmer of Corinth and that for supplying the to Albert Deller do Son. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carried. 10 44 . 64 blex. Simister, Repairs to Fire Engine --------- P.V. 1.50 � F. E. Lawrence, Labour ______________________ P.V. -- 11.20 W. E. McKibbin, Meat For Wm. Patten -------------------- 2.1I1N., Frank Steers, Gas for It to ------------- _______ 104 %,,,,0 H.. J. Culbert, Goods ,_for Mrs. Anderson ------------------ 8. Iti' to" Mrs. McMillan ______________..__ Louise MacDonald, " " Mrs. Pfahler----------------- 6000%, P. L. Williams, " " Frank Stephenson ------------- 10-03---, it It Wm. Patten -- 13.20 Dr. J. H. F. adams, salary to June 0041, less X32. ------ 68.00 if it Fees cases No. Jib -9'10,11.---------- 75-00---- J? 5.00 .J? G. Turnbull, Fees attending Board of Health --------- 3.70 N Geo.1; �� �� ►► ►► Vallee, --------- 3.30 � J. D. Vallee, " " to "--------- 3.00 � It it To apply on salary ------------------------ 50.00 Frank Steers, Gas for Town Hall ------------------------ .6o-,,,, if11 L. Nelles .6 Wm. G. Mitchell, To apply on salary --- ----------------- 120.00 J. W. Mcquiggan, Goods for Ed. Curtis ------------------ 15,93s.., Mrs. R. D. Stickney, Goods for D. Masales-------------- 11-79--, Chas. A. Walsh, Wood for Ed. Curtis -------------------- 5.00 Goods for Emmett Miller ---------------- 15.08-. Wm. Stratton, To apply on salary ----------------------- 25.00 N-, I& ti Councillors' & Jandtor's fees -------------- 16.60*,-, Thos. Mabee, Stamps for Treas. & Collector ------------- 6.00 w*-- " W. E. Greer, Goods for J. Meszaros--------------------- 22.57 -,, J. G. Turnbull, Trip to Pt. Burwell re Drain ----------- 3,70N. H. P. Grant & Sons, Bulbs for Straffo street lights ---- 2.40. Expenses on police car ----- 15-00'-- Bert 5.00'--Bert Hilts, Work on Township grounds ------------------- 9.25 *% K. E. Grant, salary for July ---------------------------- 104.00 -" Dr. H. J. Hart, Call re Chas. Baker, Bayham & phone----- 4,00 "'-% M. Ostretnder, Sec.Treas, Grant re Tillsonburg Fair ----- 25.00 Moved by Brown 5eeonded by Scanlan- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on aeplj. Monday, Sept. 8th... Carried. 0 Reeve. 65 Town Hall, Straffordville, Ont. Sept. 8th, 1941. The regular meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date, all members present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read approved and signed and the following business was done. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we make a grant of $25.00 to Elgin Plowman's Association... Carried. Mr. Don Soper and H. J. Culbert of Port Burwell interviewed the Council in regards to their supportin a movement to have some protection provided by the Dominion Gover%nent to stop the erosion of the banks at the lake front, east of the harbour, where buildings are being endan#ered. Petitions were presented from land owners interested and also from the merchants of the village, being addressed to Wilson Mills Federal member. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council unanimously endorse the petition and requests of the property owners and others interested in the matter of shore erosions at Port Burwell and that the Clerk be authorized to write a letter endorsing these petitions to the federal member, Mr. Wilson H. Mills, Sparta... Carried. Mr. Wallace Raymond entered a claim against the Township for damages suffered when he fell into an unprotected drain opening on a Township road in the village of Straffordville. The Claim was ordered filled and the Clerk instructed to notify our insurance Company. In the matter of the closing of the Corinth station, the Reeve reported that more business was done there than was formerly thought and that the committee would meet Supt. Hayes in this respect at any time. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That the Weeve and Councillors Scanlan and McConkey be a committee to meet Supt. Hayes at Corinth re closing of the Corinth station, date to be decided upon... Carried. Mn. Geo. Kulp requested that the Council Clean out the open ditch part to the Carnes Drain as Rater was being held back above the the level. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That repairs and cleaning out of the Carnes Drain be attended to as soon as possible under the supervision of the Road Supt... Carried. Robt . McLean, Township Poundkeeper, interviewed the Council in regards to a note held by him as security for livestock claimed from pound. The Council advised Mr. McLean toenforce payment of this note when due. Mr. Kenneth ROloson asked the Council for assistance in paying his hospital and doctor accounts, saying that he would work for the Townshi in order to repay. The Council agreed to give this their consideration. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. P. L. Williams- Goods for Wm. Patton ---------- --_r- 9 14..881, it " " " Frank Stephenson ------------- 10.06 % W. E. Greer - " J. Meszaros----------------- 23.03♦ H. J. Culbert - F. McMillen -------- 7.8 w. E. McKibbin- Meat for Wm. Patton ------------------- 2.96♦ F. E. Brown - Goods for Dan Minard------------------- 12.11\ Louise MacDonald- " ! Mrs. Pfahler----------------- 6.00\ J. W. Mcquiggan - " Ed. Curtis -------"---- ------ 15.98\ Mrs, R. D. Stickney- Goods for D. Masales ------ ------ 10.72% Chas. A. Walsh - Goods for Emmett Miller -------------- 9,34% Frank Steers- Gas for 'dim. Patton ------- ----------- ..r_.. 1.94% " of - " " L. Nelles---..__--r____--------- _ , 65.,E B. W. Smith,Sec.- Grant bo Elgin Plowmans' Assn. '------- 25*00\ Workmens' Compensation Board- 2nd, payment re Clerk,policel8.00\ K. E. Grant- Salary for August 100.000% H. P. Grant & Sons- Expenses re police car ------------ 15.00 ► Provincial Treasurer- Insulin, Brotty,Edwards,Tupper -- A• E. Wilson & Coo- Premium re roads liability-------- Cahada Ingot Iron Co.- Pipe for Berdan-Cheesman Drain -p McMurtry Hardware Ltd,- Gun for police ------------ Municipal World World Ltd. - Supplies --- --------------- Leonard Kilmer- On account, Berdan-Cheesman Drain ----- News Printing Co.- Supplies and advt . ----------------- R. McLean- Valuing livestock -------------------------- Wm. Stratton- To apply on salary ---------------------- " " - Councillors' and Janitor's pay ---------- J. D. Vallee- To apply on salary ----------------------- Wm. G. Mitchell- To apply on salary --------------- ---- Thos. Mabee- Stamps for Treas. & Collector ------------ Moved by Seconded Oct. 6th. Brown by Scruton - That 19.1..0 Carried. WEi Council adjourn Straffordville, $3.85♦ 22I1.?9♦ 50' 0\ M 30.00\ 1- 15\ 200.00 \ 6.70\ 7.00\ 25.00♦ 19.90N 50.00\ 50.00\ 6.86\ Clerk, The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. The meeting commenced at nine A.M. in order that the afternoon session might adjourn at an early hour to attend the funeral of the late K. W. MacKay, retired clerk of Elgin County. Minutes of the last meeting were read approved and signed and the following business was done. Relief accounts and cas passed. A letter from Wilson H. he has recommended that lake bank east of Port indigent patients Mills, M.P. something be Burwell. A report on improvement to the and discussed by the Council. Moved by Scanlan discussed was read in which done to overcome Seconded by Scruton- That the report of Fred the outlet of the Corinth Drain be accepted Mr. Bell that the work be proceeded with at Mowed by McConkey Seconded by Seanlaru- That Colin Brown of audit Township books for the year 19.1... Moved by McConkey Seconded by Brown- That our Reeve, J. G. H. L. Godwin, be a committee to interview Engineer re. the taking over of the road School by the County... Carried. Corinth Be 11 on and that once... Fort Erie Carried. he stated that erosion of the improvement to the Clerk advise Carried* authorised Turnbull, and Road Overseer, the Provincial Departmental from Eden to the Corinth Rev. Poulter and Matson Wasson interviewed the Council and requested that the Council take steps to have Gordon Tribe instal a muffler on his notev at the chopping mill as the continual roar of this motor is very annoying to W arby houses. The Council discussed phis and decided to take the matter up with Mr« Tribe and have the nuisance remedied. r 67 MrveR d. Scruton and Wm Ringland attended on the Council in regards to the repairs of a line fence between Mr. Scruton's property and that owned by Mr. Nix. The Council recommended that Fencev iewers be called. Moved, by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That theeReeve sign the several order sheets.Carried Bert Hilts, work on Township grounds ----------------- $ 2.50 N John Smyth Mfg. Co*- Lettering Township truck --loom--loom 2.50 Hamilton Health Assn.- Maintenance, J. Mezaros------- 26.00 \ H. E. P. C.- Hydro for hall--------------------loom--loom 15.69\ Albert Deller & Son- Tile,Berdan-Cheesman Drain ------ 500.00♦ J. G. Turnbull- Assistance, Corinth Drain ------------ 1.50 Wallace " .•.•____ -_ 2.00\ n n " Strachn " loom ------loom-- 2.00\ Harry Godwin- " " " loom -------loom - 2.00 Wallace " loom----loom--loom 2.00 Corinth " -_loom--loom--loom 1.50♦ George Berdan- " Wallace " loom----loom--loom 2.00♦ George Powles- " Strachn ,=----loom--loom 2.00\ H. P. Grant & Sons- Bulbs for street lights, Straff.loom 4.80 Expenses re. police car 1 .00 N p --_-loom--loom 5 Frank Steers- Gas for Wm. Patten --------------------- 1.94\ J. W. McQuiggan- Goods for Ed. Curtis----------loom--loom 15.99\ W.E.Greer - goods for J. Meszaros-----------------loom- 23.12\ Louise MacDonald- Goods for Mrs. Pfahler------------- 6.00\ F. E. Brown - " " Mrs. Minard-------------- 16.19♦ Chas. A. Walsh- Wood for Ed. Curtis ------------------ 7.00\ Mrs. R. D. Stickney- Goods for D. Masalea ------loom--loom 12.00\ P. L. Williams - " " Wm. Patton ----------loom 12.00\ F. Stephenson ----loom►-•- 10.00\ H. J. Culbert- " " Mrs. F. McMillen ------ 7.97\ W. E. McKibbin- Meat for Wm. Patton ------------------ 2.03 A. R. Wright & Son- Supplies--------------P.V.-loom--loom 18. 70\ W. G. Mitchell- Dog Tax Com, in full-------------loomloom 6.80 N n ` Salaryas Assessor ------------------- 300.00% To apply on salary, ry, Collector --loom---= 50.00 \ Robt. McLean --Sheep killed & injured -by- dogs -____-____ 103.00\ John Goodhand Fees valuing above 5.60\ Earl Smyth- Tnousers for police ---------------------- 10.00♦ J. G. Turnbull- Trip to Hamilton--------------loom--loom - 3.00\ W. M. Stratton- Councillors' & Janitor's pay --------- 19.90\ To apply on salary ------------------ - 25.00\ J. D. Vallee - N "-------------loom--loom 50.00\ K. E. Grant- Salary for Sept. --------loom---•- 100.00♦ Dogs killed, 12 @ 1.00------------loom--loom 12.00\ Wm. Partington- Watching for dogs re sheep, 2 nights--- 4.00\ Thos, Mabee- Stamps, C1erk,Cillector & Trees. -------- 9.00\ Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Monday Nov. 3rd. 1941•.. Carried. - eeve. erk. i ft Town Hall, Straffordville, Nov. 3rd, 1941. The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regulem session on the above date, all members present for the afternoon session but with Deputy -Reeve Brown presiding over the morning session in the absence of Reeve Turnbull. Minutes of the last meeting were read,approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications were read and filed and relief accounts passed. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That in the absence of our Reeve, J. G. Turnbull, Albert Brown our Deputy Reeve act as chairman... Carried. At 2 P.M. the Council members subscribed to the necessary oaths as members of the Court of Revision for the 1942 Assessment Roll. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That J. G. Turnbull be chairman of this Court of Revision... Carried. The following appeals were heard and decisions arrived at as follows; - Appellant Orin Bartlett W.C.Brown J. D. Vallee Can.Nat. Rys. J. D. Vallee Respecting Who rr Self Anderson Lot 3.4 Con. 9 Geo.Vallee Self C. Howe (Straff. lights) Complaint Ass* tbo high Ass. too high Tenant to be added. improper Ass. New house Decision Lowered $400, on laid. No change. John h Doris Schuster added No change Ass. for lihts raised to SNO* Messrs. Bartlett and Brown attended before the Court in respect to their appeals as above. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That this Court of Revision do now adjourn, sine die,.and1that this roll be now adopted as the revised assessment roll of the Township of bayham for 1942 .. Carried. Newell Wright appeardd before the Council in the interest of Mr. W. J. Lewis who owns property in Port Burwegg, requesting that the Council give qtr. Lewis a rebate on his taxes for 1941. The Council agreed to consider this but pointed out that it was unconstitutional to give rebates on taxes which had already been levied. Dr. Adams interviewed the Council, explaining that he expects to be called for active service, requested that leave of absence be granted him as M.O.H. and that the Township pay his account in regards to the A.L.Wisson accident of 1939• Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That we grant Leave of Absence to Dr. J.H.F.Adams, M.O.H. of Bayham Township... Carried. The above account was also ordered paid. By -Law No. 1091 was then presented to the Council for their consider- ation. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1091, being- a By -Law to prohibit abate and regulate noises and public nuisances in theiTownship of Bayham, be now read a first time... Carried. If Moved by Scahlan Seconded by McConkey -That by-law xo.1091 be now read ,seaon4 Line.Ca M Moved by Scruton �\ Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No. 1091 be now read a third time and a finally passed... Carried, Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That this Council pay Turnbull and Godwin for trip to Toronto on getting roads turned over to the County $15.00 each and $15.00 to W. Mitchell for driving... Carried. H.J. Culbert, trustee of Port Burwell, asked that the Council pay the interest on Community Hall mortgage and that the same apply to all future payments, the Township to receive the levy from the Police Village at the end of each year. The Clerk was instructed to notify Don. Soper that he is authorized by the Council to set posts at the end of Pitt Street as per agreement with Police Village Trustees and Road Supt. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Clayton A. Jackson- Wood for Dave Masales------------ Chas, A. Walah- Wood for Ed. Curtis ----------------- Wm. Grigg- Sheep killed and injured by dogs ---------- F. E. Brown- Goods for Mrs. Pinard ______________ J. W. McQuiggan- Goods for Ed. Curtis ----------------- Loiuse MacDonald- " " Mrs. Pfahler---__-______ Mrs. R. D.Stickney- " " D. Masales ------------------ Frank Steers- Gas for Wm. Patten --------------------- P.L.Williams- Goods for F. Stephenson ---------------- n n _ n n Wm. Patten -------------------- W. E. McKibbin- Meat for " " -___-_ Peters, Brown & Co.- Auditing fees (1941 partial) ---- Frank Steers - Gas for Town Hall -------- ---------- Leoinard Kilmer -',fork on Berdan-Cheesman Drain -------- A. E. Simon, Sec. - Int. on Com. Hall mortgage --------- H. J. Culbert- Goods for Mrs. F. McMillan A. Wilson -------------- " 2 trips to Straffordville ---- P.V. ---- W. S. Laycock- Memorial wreath ---------------.V.---- H.E.P.C.- Installing 2 street lights ------- - P.V.---- Albert ':Dhgal - Sale as caretaker of lights-- P.V. ---- H. 0. Alward- Postage, stationery, labour ----- P.V.---- Grant .V.---- Grant as P.V. Sec. for 1941 --- F.V.---- W. E. Greer- Goods for J. Meszaros ------------------- Municipal World- Supplies for Clerk ------------------- 'Wm. G? Mitchell- To apply on salary ------------------ " Attending Court of Revision --------- " selecting jurors -------------------- J. G. Turnbull- " it ____---------- n J. P. Vallee - ff n _ n n _ Geo. Dr. to Board of To apply selecting attending Vallee - TV J.H.F.Adams- n n _ n n n Healthfees ----------------- onsalary -------------------- jurors----.------------------ Board of Health ------------- .0 - -W -.0.0.0 40.W - - .. ------------ ..-..-....-_.._-.. salary to Sept. 30th. 1941 --•------- Fees on cases 1,8,9,13,106,107 ------ Fees re A.L.Wisson accident -------- Verne Gunstone- Wood for D. Masales ------------------ J. G. Turnbull- 2 trips to Toronto re roads ---------- H. L. Godwin Wm. G. Mitchell- Car-----�---- K. E. Grant- salary for October ---------------------- H. P. Grant & Sons- Gas for police car --------------- Wm. Stratton- To apply on salary --------------------- . Councillors and Janitor's pay ---------- Thos, Mabee, Stamps for collector Carried. S 2.35\ 5.50\ 76. oo \ 15.78\ 16. oo \ 6. oo\ 11.96♦ 2.59\ 10.30\ 17.oG\ 1.30\ 87.50\ 1.20\ 225.00\ 1;0.00\ 8, 04\ 6.93 2, 00 5.00 75.77♦ 27.00\ 1.70\ 25.00\ 23.53♦ 1.5?\ 50.00\ 2.501 4.00\ 4e 00\ 3.70\ 50.00\ 4.00\ 3.00\ 3.30♦ 100. oo \ 34 * 00\ 70.00\ 6. oo\ 15.00\ 15.00\ 15.00\ 100.00\ 15.00\ 25.00\ 19.9o\ 4•oo\V Moved by Scanlan; Seconded by Scruton- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again Nov. 15th. at 1.30 P.M... Carried. izd Reeve. •• ?0 Town Hallo Straffordv ille , Nov. 15th. 1941. The Council of the Township of bayham meet in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read,approved and signed and the following business was done. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- Owing to the non-attendance of persons interested, the reading of Engineer's report on the Branches A and B of the Wallace Drain, shall be laid over to the meeting of Dec. 1st. and the Clerk notify all parties concerned... Carried. Aletter from Fred A. Barnum was read by the Clerk in which letter he asked for damages for his client, Irvin Murphy, in respect to the Corinth Drain, also stating that action would be taken to collect same. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That as this Council has made every effort to comply with the Municipal regulations in regard to the repairs to the Corinth Drain, and having received no co-operation from Mr. Murphy, have decided to take no further action regarding his claim for damages. Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scatlan- That this Council is of the opinion that,in the recent setting of the maximum price of tobacco, the growers have not been given the amount of consideration they are entitled to and this Council belieteetthat undue hardship will be placed on the growers of this district. Copdes of this resolution to be forwarded to the WarTime Price and Trade Board at Ottawa, Secretary of the Marketing AssN, at Simcoe, and to the Clerks of neighbouring Municipalities... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That this Council send Wm. Mitchell to Toronto to attend a meeting held in the King Edward Hotel on the 211th. day of Nov. r 1941 for the purpose of forming a Provincial Association of Assessors. Carried. A delegation of the Middleton Township Council attended on this Council for the ose of deciding the responsibility of an indigent by the name of- E Sidlo. Bayham Council offered to go P-50 on the ho6pital account involved but this offer was not accepted by Middleton Township. Moved by Brown Seconded by ScrAton- That this Council do now adjourn to meet in special session for passing accounts and general business on Monday, Dec. 1st, 19.1..0 Carried. -1000.� nw, w, / ,tom _..c T Clerk. . 71 Town Hall, Straffordville, Nov. 21st. 1941. A meeting of ratepayers for receiving the Treasurer's financial statements from Jan. 1st. 1941 to Nov. 15th. 1941, was held on the above date at 2 P.M. All the Council and Officials were present,t,ekczept. Deputyf-8eevp- .. Brown,,.and only two ratepayers attended. Clerk Vallee was appointed chairman of the meeting and called upon the Treasurer to go over the financial statement with those present. Our Reeve and Warden of the County, J. G. Turnbull, was then asked to say a few words in regards to Township affairs. The remaining members of the Council and Officals and ratepayers present were then given a chance to comment on the Treasurer's financial statement and discues Towbahip affairs. in general. 0 The meeting then adjourned on motion of those present. 72 Town Hall, Straffo rdv ille, December let. 1941 A special meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date. the purpose of the meeting was for passing accounts and conducting business in general. All members were present and Reeve Turnbull presided after a late arrival. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That Albert Brown act as chairman until J. G. Turnbull gets hese... Carried. Mebbrs. Robt. Jackson and Wallace Humphrey interviewed the Council in regards to the Township grant for the Smuck's cemetery. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council pay the Smuck's Cemetery Board $20.00 to be spent on their cemetery... Carried. Reeve Turnbull then arrived and relief account were passed and communications read. A notice was received from Mountain Sanatroium in regards to the admittance there of Joseph McQuillan who had enlisted from this Township. A letter from the Wartime Prices and Trade Board was received in reply to our resolution, stating that no price had been fixed on tobacco. Assessor W. G. Mitchell gave an account of hisattendance at a meeting in Toronto for the purpose of forming an Assessor's Association. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council grant Wm. Mitchell $15.00 to cover expenses to Toronto re Assessor's convention... Carried. Messrs. Locker, Allan and Grigg attended on the Council in regards to repairs to a hill near their school which they considered to be very dangerous for school children. The Reeve and Road Supt. agreed to visit this hill in the near future and do what they could in this respect. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Bron- That this Council engage Dr. Hart as Medical Health Officer on th�,%asis as we engaged Dr. Adams, and that a By-law be prepared for same. Appointment to take effect from Nov. 15/.1.. Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That by-law No. 1092, being a by-law to appoint an Acting Medical Officer of Health for the Township of Bayham, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No.1092 be now read -second time.Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No. 1092 be now read a third time and 1017- finally passed... Carried. A report from Robt. McLean, a fenceviewer on the Scruton-Nix case, was read stating that Mr. Scruton had completed his fence but that Mr. Nix to date had done nothing. Councillor Scruton was instructed as to how his father might proceed with the work of the other fence. Mrs. B. Brian send to the Council a written request for an additional grant to the Claus Cemetery. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we pay Mrs. B. Brian the sum of 95.00 to apply on the maintainanee of the Claus Cemetery for 1941... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets.. Carried. y W. L. HUmphrey- Grant to Smuck's cemetery ----------=-- $ 20.00 � Brantford Welfare Dept.- Relief for Ed. Sherman ------- 2.64--,. Chas, A. Waldh - Wood for Meszaros & Brunton ------j-- 17.0G%-, J. W. Mcquiggan- Goods for Ed. Curtis _______________'_- 16.40 73 H. J. Culbert- Goods for A. Wilson ----------------- S 8-05N. " to " " Mrs. McMillan ------------- 8,01\ c Frahk Steers - Gas for Wm. Patten ------------------ 5.18 P. L. Williams- Goods for F. Stephenson ------------ 13.5 " " Wm, Patten --------------- 15 .6 W. E. it -- McKibbin- Meat " "------------ .6 Russel Shaw - Delivering Coal -----------------------.00 HomerLearn - " " ..--------------------- 1.00" Valley Camp Coal Co.- Coal for Pt.Burwell families-- 43,88-.,, H. J. Culbert - Goods for R. Shaw family ----------- 2,,65-,, Louise MacDonald- " " Mrs. Pfahler------------- 6,00 F. E. Brown - it " Mrs. Kinard -------------- 19,23,N Frank Steers - Gas for Town Hall ------------------- ,60 ,N Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies for Clerk ----------- 1.98", E. F. Davis Co,- Watch for M. 0. H. --------- ------ 32975 Bert Newman - Flowers for Mrs. Adams --------------- 240-00 W. G. Mitchell- Trip to Toronto Assessor's Assn.---- 15,00.E Mrs, R. D. Stickney-Goods for D. Masales----------- 11.92 Provincial Treasurer- Insulin-i3rotty,Edwards,Tupper- 3.53N News Printing Co.- Notice re Court of Revision ----- l-,50\ Albert Deller & Son- Tile for Arn Drain ------------ 2.14,s, Canada Vitrified Products- Y for Berdan-Cheesman Dr- 5.99 David Roloson- Mork on Carnes Drain ---------------- 10, 25 ,s, Howard Roloson- " " " "---------------- 1.25 Treas. Twp. of Bayham- Payment on Community Hall-P.V. 200,00- H. 0. Alward- Labour on sidewalks ----------- P.V.-- 18,90-", H. J. Culbert- Salt for sandpile------------- P.V.-- 2,0011.. to it- Two trips to Straffordville -- P .V. -- 2.00+� J. F. Meyer- Labour on sidewalk ------------- P.V.-- 19,6o-,, A. R. Wright & Son - Supplies ---------------- P.V.-- is* 40 R. S. Meyer- Labour on sidewalk & trucking -- P.V.-- 51.$$0 J. H. Kaufman- Gasoline & Repairs P.V. 7,30,\ Lloyd Vaughan- Lunber and Labour ------------ P.V.-- 5,85--,. H. 0. Alward- Trip to AylmerP.V.-- 2.00\, Mrs* E. Dosser- Cleaning Police Hall -------- P . V . -- .00\ H. E. P. Co- Street Li§kiting Pt. Burwell ---- P.V.-- 7 .00\ Straffordville----------- 25 .50 \ Neil McQuarrie- Labour on sidewalks --------- P.V.-- 17.50 \ H. J. Culbert- Bulbs ________________________ P.V.-- 3,15 McMurtry Hardware Ltd.- Ammunition police gun ------ 7-50\ Robt. McLean - Valuing sheep, Wm. Grigg ------------ 1.50 \ Thos. Mabee- Stamps for Clerk, Coll. & Treas.------- 12,00 Mrs. B. Brian- Grant for Claus Cemetery ------------ 5.00\ J. D. Vallee- i telephone rental & tolls ----------- 9.87 to " To apply on salary 50.00 of " Fees berdan�Cheesman Drain ------------ 35.00\ K. E. Grant- Salary for November ------------------- 100.00 H, P. Grant & Sons- Gas for police car ------------- 15900---, W. M. Stratton - To apply on salary -------- 2500 � - Councillors' & Janitor's fees ----- 41.80N Memorial Hospital Tills.-Re.Marsbman-Wisson Accid. -- 41,90,--N LEN. KAMER-SAL,. ON cvKrRAeT t. SrRAwri�.Vmvxff--§U4AX uIU,%eic PRXR.-- _-- _ ;z r6, s -o � Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Dec. 15th. 1911, .. Carried. r e a 74 Town Ball, Straff ordv ille , Dee, 15th. 1941- The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read approved and signed and the following business was done. Season's greetings were received fro m Carl Grosskurth and Donald F. Gibs6n. Other communications were read and filed. Mr. E. C. Spragge of Port Burwell and Mr. Nick RJ:m1aek of Aylmer interviewed the Council in regards to the burial of Albert Banyascki an indigent from Brant Sanitoriun. The Council agreed to pay $45.00 fo4�Krarg.gge, ial and $20.00 transportation from Brantford and if friends wishe a better burial, they could make further arrangements with Mr. Mr. Ed. Scruton waited on the Council in regards to the Fenceviewer's award in the Scruton-Nix case. Mr. Scrtton stated that he had completed Mr. Nix'a portion of the fence and the Council agreed to be behind M r, Scruton in his claim for compensation from Mr. Nix, Mr. John Goodhand, stock valuator, appeared before the Council and presented his report of damages done to cattle of Mike Marinchuck. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve proclaim Deew 26th., Boxing Day, as a public and civic holier.;; and that the Clerk advertise same in newspaper... Carried. Moved by Seconded of $25.00 for extra Moved by Seconded Scruton by McConkey- Thathis Council grant the usual yearly bonus each to the m ers of the Council and $ 50.00 to the Wqrden services during 191.1.00 Carried. McConkey by Scanlan- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets.Carried Gibson & Groom- Fees for 1941 ------------------------- Florence Pirie- Services re. Marshman-Wisson---------- Frank Steers- Gas for Town Hall ---------------------- H. P. Grant & Sons- Bulbs-Straff ordville Str. lights - " " "- Expenses re. police car Roy Nevill- Work on Arn Drain ---- ---------------- ---- Drs. Alexander & McLeod Serviaes-Rer Meszaros-------- Fred A. Bell- Advt. letting & supt.Berdan-Chees. Dr.-- " Survey, expenses & report, A & B Wallace " It - Outlet survey, report etc. Corinth Dr. J. D. Flanders, Treas.-Repairs Green & Crossett Dr, --- Aubrey C. Buchner Treas.- " Garnham Drain --------- NewsPrinting Co.- Advt. ----------------------------- S . E. Carle- Ambulance re, Lucy Shaw ----------------- B.B.Graham, Treae*- Hospital maintenance ------------- Mike Marinchuck- Cattle injured by Bogs -------------- John Goodhand- valuing above ------------------------- E. C. Spragge- Funeral & Trans.re.A.Banyacski--------- K. E. Grant- Salary for December --------------------- " " - Rep. bulbs, Straffordville Str. lights -- " It - Killing dogs @ 1.00 ea. ----------------- E. E. McTaggart- Clerk's fees, Berdan-Cheesman Dr. ---- J. D. Flanders- " " " " " ---- Albert Deller & Son- Bal. contractW. G. Mitchell- Phone call re Violet Cavanaw---------- " " Bal. salary for 1941 W. M. Stratton " " " If Councillors' & Janitor's pay ------- J. D. Vallee - Bal. salary fssClerk for 1941 --------- " " - Salary, school attendance officer ----:- " " - Secretary Board of Health ------------- J. G. Turnbull- Trans. ft. Wolfe to House of Ind.----- " Bonus & extra services -------------4040 $78.35 25.00 \ 1.80\ 2-40%, 15.00 5.00 \ 11.50 \ 46.00 40.00" 18.50• 11 :0505\• i.8O "', 1.\ 636,N 30.00 � 4:60 � 65.00 100,00'.4, 10.00 7-00'-, 10.00 10.00- \ 305.00 \ 2.30 100.00 1." 25.00 \ 19.90 50.00 � 25.00 "S 10000%. 5e00,4 50.00 < 75 Albert E. Brown- Bonus and extra services ----------- S 25.04 � Chas. Scruton - " " " "----------- 25.00"' Ernest Scanlan- n M " " 1�--------- 25.00 � N. H. McConkey- 25.00 %,, J. G. Turnbull- Expenses trans. family to Windsor -4040 10,00-,, Thos: Mabee- Stamps for Treasurer -------------------- 3.00 Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan - That this Council now adjourn to meet again on January 5th. 1912... Carried. ertc. Town Hall, Straffordville, Jan. 5th, 1942, The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, all members present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read approved and signed and the following business was done. Communications were read and filed and relief accounts passed. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by brown- That this Council send W. G. Mitchell and J. Turnbull to Toronto to see the Compensation Board in regards to the Elgin Travis case... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1093, being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow 935,000.00 from the Canadian Bank of Commerce to meet current expenses until taxes are paid, be now read a first time.,. Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No.1093 be now read second time..Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No. 1093 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That the Clerk re -new the 10 subscriptions to the Municipal World for 1y42.00 Carried. ,appointment of officers for 1942 was then considered by the Council. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Brown- That this Board pay stock valuators fifty cents per hour and telt cents a mile one way for their services: when valuing livestock... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No, 1094, being a Py -law to appoint certain officers Ln and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1942 as follows, be now read a frist time... Carried.