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Bayham Council Minutes 1940
TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1940 `� 10 b C.1 • Town Hall, Straffordville, January 2, 1940 The inaugural meeting of the members of the Bayham Township Council was held on the above date. Members present were J. G. Turnbull, Reeve, ftlbert E. Brown, Deputy Reeve, Chas. 5cruton, N. H. McConkey and Ernest Scanlan, Councillors. The Declaration of Office was taken before the Clerk and members duly installed in office. Rev. Strachan was present and after a short prayer, addressed the council and wished them a most successful year. Reeve Turnbull replied, thanking Rev, Strachan and speaking to the Council members asked for their co-operation during the year. Minutes of the last meeting were then read, approved and signed by the Reeve and the following business was transacted. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan - That the Reeve and Deputy -Reeve be a committee to interview Dr. Johnson regarding his account and try and arrange a settlement... Carried. A by-law for the borrowing of money from the bank was then discussed and Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law borrowing of $35,000.00 from the Township expenses, and Reeve and a first t ime ... Carried. No. 1062 being a By -Law to authorize the Canadian Bank of Commerce when needed for Treasurer to sign for same, .be-now'read 0 Moved by Scanlan 6econded by 5cruton- That By -Law No. 1062 be now read a second time..Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scabl.an- That By -Law No* 1062 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That J. Faulkner down stove pipe and renewing what is be authorized to attend to taking necessary to make pine safe...Carried. Roads expenditures were then considered and the necessary by-law presented. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 10>>5 being a By -Law to provide for the total 1910 expenditure on roads in the Township of bayham, to the amount of Ul, 500.00, be now read a first times** Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by 5cruton- That By -Law No. 1063 be now read a seconds time.Carried Moved by 5cruton Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1063, be now read a third time and 10 finally passed... Carried. t Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we renew with Lloyd Grant, the bonds on our Treasurer and Collector as per Renewal of the A. E. Wilson Insurance Co. Ltd..Total amount $57.50... Carried. The following .resolutions were received from the Board of Trustees of the Police Village of Port Burwell. "That H.O.Alward be inspecting Trustee for the Ensuing term." "That the motion of Dec. 14th. 1939 requesting the payment of $20.00 for Constable's uniform be rescinded and the Board of Trustees donate said uniform to the Township Council for use of Constalbe in recognition of his services to the Village." (signed) W.H.James, Clerks, Moved by Brown Seconded by bouton-. That we instrtat our Clerk to subteribte for 10 copies of the Municipal World for Councillors and Assistants... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council hire Murray Greer as a Township Constable at $100.00 per month until we consider his services no longer needed, also that the Clerk get hien a badge... Carried. 0j Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That G. M. Mitchell and Vim. Stratton be appointed to the Straffordville Cemetery Commission for a term of 3 years...Carried. 0 Moved by Seruton Seconded by Brown- That we re -hire Wm.- Mitchell at a salary of (175.00 as Relief Officer for the year 19.0.00 Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council should adopt a system of payment of taxes twice a year and that we meet to prepare a by-law and regulations governing same. Meeting to be called by the Reeve,,, Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Collector, W. G. Mitchell, is reappointed to bolleat 19 .0 taxes and the balance of uncollected taxes, and said Roll to be returned to Treasurer on or before the First day of May A.D. 1940 at a salary of $400-00 per year... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That the following appointments be made for the year 1910. School Attendance Offiver------- J.D.Vallee--- Salary $25.00 per year. Weed Inspector ----------------- W.G.Mitchell- " 25.00 board of Health Member --------- Geo. Vallee tsFees Sheep Valuators -------------- John B.Goodhand Fees it " A.A.Jackson Fees Auditors ----------------------- Peters,Morrison & Brown " 150.00 Board of Health Secretary ------ J.D.Vallee i' 10.00 & fees Moved by McConkey Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No. 1064 being a by-law to appoint certain Officers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1940 A. D• , as per above resolutions, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No. 1064 be now read a second time. Carried Moved by Scruton �4 Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No. 1061 be i now read a third time and finally ,, passed... Carried. The application of Orin Bartlett dor the position of assessor for the year 1940 was filed and laid over for another meeting. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign the By -Law No. 1065 a by-law dealing with the maintenance et1the townline between Bayham and Malahide ... Q4rried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That BY -Law No. 1065 being a By -Law to authorize a certain agreement between the Townships of Bayham and Malahide respecting the maintenance and repair of boundary Roads Malahide" share - From the north end, Louth tb the northern limits of the south gore, and from the south end north to mid -way aeross.'second concession ,Bayham Township. Bayham share- From Talbot street in hamlet of Bayham, south to a point mid -way across second concession. Term 10 years. Be now read a first time*** Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Brown- That By -Law ise,1065 be now read a second time... Carried. Moved by Brown ; O Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1065 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- That the Township be divided up as follows;- A.E.Brown---- Port Burwell and lst.Cone. East and West. Chas.Scruton- East No -19 -Highway, south of Talbot Street. N.H.McConkey - West do do do do do J.G,Turnbull- West Otter Creek, north of Talbot Street. E. Scanlan -- East do do do do do Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Clerk be authorized to notify Blake Miller in regard to the obstruction on 3rd. Cone. near Robt. Gordon's, that such obstructions should be removed and if not, that he will be held responsible for any damages that may occur... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets... Carried. Dan McQuiggan, Gas for grader ------------------ Victoria Hospital, London, Medication igenstead ) F. E. Brown- Relief Ed. Sherman ---------------- J.D.Vallee- Registration B.M.& D. ------------- Municipal World Ltd.- Stationery & Supplies --- W. E. Greer- Goods, Mrs. Meszaros------------- C. L. Laing- do Ed. Berdan ---------------- H. C. McCurdy- do Mrs. benstead------------- Fred A. Bell - Survey and maps ---------------- Mrs. W. Froggett- Nursing Jas. 5crivens------- Mrs. J. V. Howard- Wood for Henry Palmer ------ P. L. Williams- Goods, Mrs. Fitch ------------- do do do Mrs. Tupper ------------ do do do Mr. Stevenson ---------- H. J. Culbert - do D. Matthews ------------ do do do Mrs. Anderson ---------- do do do Pete Travis ------------ do do do Russell Shaw----------- R.nChamberlain- Milk for Aldine Fitch - ------- Brantford Welfare Assn.- Relief A.Truman & fam- es. J. Culbert- Trip to btraffordville -PPV:---- H. Learn - Labor ------------------- P.V. W. B. McCord- Fence posts ------------ P.V. --- Municipal World Ltd. Subsc.& Supplies- P.V. C. A. Walsh - Goods, Ed- Curtis --------------- do do do Ida Tribe ---------------- do do do Emmett Miller------------ J.W.McQuiggan- do Mrs. Tribe --------------- do do do M. Nelles ---------------- Thos . Mabee - Stamps for Treasurer & Clerk ---- // to of a, of (?o. co))eCt — — 4.59♦ 9.70\ 6.72♦ 22.75. 3.29\ 20.26\ 10.00\ 12.64\ 5.00\ 9.00♦ 3.00\ 3.18\ 3,29N 3.00♦ 5.04,�,, 8 . oz... 4.21^ 1.00. 4.46 1.00 1-75\ 1.50\ 1.65\ 3.19\ 2.01\ 8.83 60\ 6.0 %.6.0 6.00` Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That we now adjourn to meet on February 5th. 1940 unless called earlier by special meeting... Carried . 0 10 11. Clerk's Office, Straffordville, Jan. 15th. 1940. A special meeting; of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date, members all present except Councillor McConkey, and the Reeve occupied the chair. The purpose of the meeting was to appoint an Assessor and discuss the drawing up of a by-law regarding the change to be made in the system of the collection of the taxes within the Township. Only one application for Assessor was received by the Clerk and it was Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council appoint Orin Bartlett as Assessor and Poll Tax Collector for the year 1910 at a salary of $350.00 per year..Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No. 1066, being a By -Law to appoint Orin Bartlett as assessor for the Year 1940, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Seruton- That By -Law No. 1066, be now read a second time..Carried. Moved by Scruton �� Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1066, be now read a third time and ,, finally passed... Carried. The Clerk was instructed to have the Township Solicitor prepare the necessary By -Law, having taxes become payable in two instalments, namely on July 16th. and December 16th* and that a Township penalty of 1% be added to taxes unpaid after such due date as weal as the statutory penalty of i of 1% per month. Also that a discount''of * of 1% be allowed on any prepayment of the second installment, per month. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That we now adjourn to meet on Monday, February 5th. 191+0.09 Carried. W F �#, I �"'*VO - - - i� e 4�j, • crk. 12 S__ Town Hall, Straffordville, February �th. 1940* Pursuant to adjournment of January 2nd., the Council of the Municipality of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, members all present except Councillor Scanlan and Reevp Turnbull in the chair. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read approved and signed by the Reeve and the following business transacted. Relief Officer Mitchell was present and discussed with the members several cases of relief within the Township. Accounts covering the same were received and passed and ordered paid. Harry Grant and Alva Brinn requested permission from the Council to use the Hall every Tuesday night for a meeting place for the Cribbage Club. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we grant the use of. the Townshin Hall to the Straffordville Cribbage Club for Tuesday evenings until the First of May... Carried. The Hall being nee0ed for other purposes in the afternoon and evening, Moved by 5eruton beconded by Brown- That we now adjourn until 2 P.M7 to meet at the Office of the Township Clerk.., Carried. Council met again at 2 v.M. aria' received the representatives from the a Police Village of Tort Burwell. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we honor the two resolutions passed by the Port Burwell Trustees, namely the grant of $25.00 tD the Port Burwell Library and $75.00 to the Port Burwell Band... Carried, Moved by brown • Seconded by McConkey- That we pay John Goodhand for valuing sheep, 2 trips @ 2.50 and 20 miles @ .10/ Total $7.00... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That the following Board of Health accounts be paid- To- Dr. J. H. F. Adams, salary as M.O.H. to the end of December 1939, $100.00; J.G.Turnbull, $3.70; Geo. Vallee,$3.30; J.D.Vallee f.3.00 as fees for attending Board of Health:.. Carried. Messrs. Stansell and Kauffman of Port Burwell interviewed the Council regarding a grant to the Port Burwell Band and it was Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey- That we grant the Port Burwell Band the sum of 675.00... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey- That a cheque be sent to Good Roads Assn. for $5.00 as membership for same and that the whole Council and Road Supto be delegates to same... Carried. Mr. Stinson of Whillier and Company interviewed the Council regarding the purchasing of a safe, this being laid over to another meeting. Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No. 1067 being a By -Law to change the time of assessment gent- to between April lst. and Sept. 30th. in each year hereafter and also that taxes shall become due en -or one half on July 20th and one half on Dec. 20th in each year including 1940, be now read a first time,** Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That By- Law No. 1067 be now read a ,second timme. Carrid Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No. 1067 be now read a third time all finally passed... Carried. 13 Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1068 being a By -Law to appoint Fence - Viewers and Pound Keepers for the year 1940 be now read a first time. Carrie Moved by. Scruton r. 4 Seconded by Brown- That By -Law Nip. 1068 be now read a seconded time, Carried Moved byBrown �� Seconded by McConkey- That By -Law No. 1068 be now read a third time and iD finally passed... Carried. During the day two different companies interviewed the Council regarding the purchasing of insurance covering the Councillors and Officials against accident while at work at Township business. The several propositions were considered by the members and a decision arrived at as follows; Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we take out a blanket policy with A4NM, Brown covering our Reeve, Deputy Reeve, three Councillors, Treasurer, Collector and Asseseor for protection against accidents to themselves while working; on Township business... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey- That the Reeve sign the several order:'sheets. Carried. W.J.Fewster, Goods- J.D.Wilson----------------- S 12. j3♦ C.L.Laing " Ed. Berdan----------------- 20.x.8♦ W. E. Greer, " Mrs. Meszaros-------------- 18.40\ G. Balaisis, Wood for Kostie Viskantos--------- 7.00\ Bill Koloson, " Mrs. Tribe --------------- 2.00\ S. Kirk Coal for Mrs. Fowler -------------- 6.5G F.E.Brown Goods, Mr. Sherman ---------------- 10180\ Mrs. J.V.Howard,Wood- " "--------------- 1.62 \ Henry Palmer -------------- 9.00♦ Treas. Brantford Twp., Relief- Robt Campbell ---- 8o63_\ R.D.Stickney, Goods- Geo. Bradt ----------------- 4#00♦ Lewis McQuiggan------------ 2.25\ " a " DI Masales----------------- 2.47♦ M. Laur-------------------- 18.34-♦ J.W.McQuiggan, „ M. Nelles------------------ 12.71\ H. J. Culbert, " Mrs. F. McMillan ----------- 2.17\ " " " Mrs. Ed. Dair---------- -- 14.6t�♦ " a n Mrs. Anderson -------------- 8.9 Pete Travis ---------------- 1 .84♦ Mr. J. Finucan------------- 1 Mrs. Cliff Wilson D. Matthews ---------------- 6.7 Russel Shaw ---------------- 81811\ P.L.Williams " James Brady ---------------- 11.9!X n " ++ Mrs. Tupper ---------------- 8.00\ " J. Stevenson --------------- 10.OQ\ Currie Wilson, Milk- Jim Brady ------------------ 3.10\ Valley Camp Coal Co., Coal Trav1Vys9Rob.Fu1I.And- 33.95 ♦ S. Kirk, Del. Coal do do ------ 2.30\ RoT M. Teall, Goods -Mrs Pfahler for Jan. -------- 11.973 " Coke " "------ --__-- 5.75♦ Goods- " " for Dec. -------- 11.55 " " r of " Bal. Nov, ur_..-�- lo90` J.W.McQui gan, " Ed. Breeze _________________ .82\ K. Kiskontas -------------- .96\ Joseph Robin --------------- 11.93\ Mrs. Tribe ----------------- 4.5 Lorne James, Trans. J.Gould to House of Ind.---- 5.00\ Dr. J1F.B.Rogers, Treatment- Elena Herrles------- 15.00\ A. E. Brown, Trans. B. Roloson to House of Ind.- 5.00\ Mrs, Henry Ward, Care of Mrs.Masales-lLmonth----- 5.:00♦ N.01StiLlwe11, Goods- Tony Taskey________________ 3;;`70\ W.H.James, Car to Council,Keyes,Stamps----- PvVt-- 3'.00 Port Burwell Library Board, Grant -------- P.V.-- 25.00 a f`' Port Burwell Band, Grant P1V. 7Zoo\o Port Burwell Enterprise, Stationery ------ P.V.-- 25t Central Pipe Lines, Gas -Police Hall-----�- P.V. -- 1.30♦ John Goodhand, Valuing sheep damaged by dogs --- Jas. Howey & Son, Damages to sheep by doss ----- Central Pipe Lines, Gas for Town Hall ---------- " Lorena Nelles Chas. A. Walsh, Wood for Lewis McQuiggan------- " " Goods- Emmett Miller ----------- " " Wood for Joseph Rohm ----------- " Goods- Ed. Curtis -------------- News Printing Co,- Printing & Notices ---------- Port Burwell Enterprise -Notice in paper -------- Lloyd Grant, Premium on Bonds, Coll.& Treas. --- Dr. J. H. F. Adams, M.a.H.salary to.Dec.31/39,-- J.G.Turnbull, Fees forattending B.ofH,--------- Geo. Vallee J. D. Vallee » " Apply on Salary ------------------- Wm, Stratton » » » ------------------- " " Councillors & Janitor's Pay ------ W. G. Mitchell, Apply on Salary ---------------- J. D. Vallee, Fees for registering Meyer Deed— Murray Greer, Salary for January 1940. --------- Port Burwell Band, Township Grant -------------- H. P.Grant & Sons, GOis Acct. Dec,15-Greer. ------- Munic ipal World Ltd,, Subs, Badge, Pool tax bk.-- Tress. County of Elgin, Hospital maintenance --- Can. National Rys., Main.Corinth W.W. to June30. T. J. Mahoney Tress,, Membership Good Roads. ---- Cliff Johnson, Wood for J.D.Wilson_____________ f 7.001 194.00\ 2,40\ 3.89\ 5.00\ 16.17\ 5. '.;,O\ 12, 00\ 31L, 1)4 \ .50\ 57.50\ 100, CO 3.70♦ 3.30\ 3,00\ 50,00\ 25.00\ 31.00\ 35.00\ 2.85\ 100.00\ 75.00\ 1.35 11.1♦ 372. 3\ 25.00\ 5.00\ 6. ooh Moved by Soruton Seconded by McConkey- That this Council now adjourn to meet on March lith. 1940 at 10.30 A . M . Carried. ft • ' Clerk* 14* 1W M 15. Town Hall, Straffordville, March 4th. 1940. Pursuant to adjournment of February 5th. 1940, the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, members all present and the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was transaoted. Communications read were as fol lows . - A letter from the Port Burwell Community Club expressing their thanks to the Township Council for the donation to the BoyAl Band. Also a letter of acknowledgement and thanks from Yrs. J. A. Jackson and Family. A bulleton from the Unemployment Relief Branch regarding Provincial Contribution for 1940 was also read as was Bulleton No. 16 from the Department of Municipal Affairs re Municipal subsidy. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Secretaries of all School Sections within the Township, submit their estimate of monies required for 1940 to the Clerk on or before May lst. 1940... Carried. A letter was read from C. Fred Bodsworth asking the Council for a grant to the Port Burwell Library. This was laid over to another meeting. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Brown- That our Clerk have notice put in Tillsonburg and Aylmer papers to the effect that all Truckers Over -loaded on Bayham Township goads during the months of March and April, will be prosecuted$ Constable Murray Greer has been instructed by Bayham Township Council to administer the full extent of the law.., Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey-* That By -Law No. 1064 be amended: that the name of A.A.Jaokson be struck off and the names of J.B.aoodhand for the north and Robt. McLean in the south be added as valuators of shbep killed by dogs... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That By -IA* No. 1069, being a By -Law to amend By -Law No. 1064, be now read a First time... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Seruton- That By -Law No. 1069, be now read a second tine. Carr! Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No. 1069, be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve and Deputy Reeve be a committee to investigate into the issuing of PedlarSe Licenses... Carried. At 2 o�olook P.M. there were a considerable number of ratepayers present from Eden and Straffordville who were interested in hearing the discussion on the estimates and agreement regarding street lighting in the Villages of Eden and Straffordville. The Clerk read the same to those present and then the Reeve declared the meeting open for questions or discussion. Qiite some time was spent going over this and then the Reeve invited any present to come forward and cause their names to be removed from their respective petitions if they so desired. Also any present might add their names if they so wished. After this the Reeve announced the following results had been reached. That the majority of the resident freeholders in the Hamlet of Eden were opposed to Street Lighting. That the Majority of the resident freeholders in the Village of Straffordville desired Street Lighting to be installed. Consequently there was no further action taken in regards to the Eden Street Lighting but By -Law No. 1070 was presented to the Council in connection with the Street Lighting in Straffordville. Moved by McConkey - Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1070, being a By -Law to authorise the Corporation to enter into an agreement with the Ilydro-Eleotrio Power Cosmaission of Ontario for Street Lighting in the Village of Sitraffordvilie and Reeve and Clerk to sign same, be now read a first time... Carried. 16. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1070, be now read a second time.Carrie Moved by Brown 10 Seconded By Scruton- That By -Law No. 1070, be now read a third time and (0- finally passed... Carried. Moved by Soruton Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No. 1071, Being a By -Law to rescind By -Law bio. 973 By which By -Law H.L.Godwin was appointed Road Supto at a salary of $900.00 per annum, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1071 be now read a second time.Carried Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1071, be now read a third tine and (;� E fiaally passed... Carried. Moved by McConkey ;eeonded By 6eanlan- That By -Lary No. 1072, being a By -Law to appoint H.L. Godwin as Road Supto at a salary of $900.00 per year and gas and oil for Township Truck, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Soruton Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No.1072 be now read a second time.Carried. 0 Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law Noe 1072 be now read at third time and ; finally passed... tarried. Moved by Brown 5eeonded by Beanlan- That cheques be issued to C. Scruton, 3 days at Toronto $9.00; N. McConkey, 3 days at Toronto, $9.00 and WoG.Mitchell, car to Toronto, $10.00, attending Good Roads convention... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That the annual statement of Expenditure under the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act, during the period Nov, 15th. 1938 to Dec- 15th. 19$9, .totaling $21, 568.98 as presented by the Road Superintendent, be hereby accepted... Carried, Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That the request of the Port Burwell Library Board for a grant be laid over until next meeting... Carried. Moved by Seruton Seconded by McConkey- That the Reeve and Deputy Reeve be a committee to Interview Dar. Berry in regards to the water system in Port Burwell. Carried. Mr. Robt. McLean requested the Council to procure a special shoe for a young lady who is at present staying at his place and is in great need of same. The Council agreed to consider the matter. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets.Carried; Central Pite Lines --Gae-ger Town Hall ------------ " " Gas, L. Nelles ------ N, --_N, 0. Stilwell, Goods- Tony Taskey ---------------- Wo J. Fewster, " J. D. Milson ---------------- W, E. Greer, " Mrs. Messaros-------------- Co L. Laing, " Ed. Berdan ----------------- Murray Greer, Telephone Calls ----- - - --_ ------.0__-040 " " Salary for February ----•------------- Treasurer Brantford Twp.,Relief R.Campbell, D&J.---- 5. Kirk, Coal & Cartage -Mrs Plahler•f��---•------- Mrs. Louise Mae Donald a Goods -Elgin Yyse------------ a * w Mrs. wia. Roloson _...040-0.. F. Be Brawn, Goods- Ed. Sherimn ---•--------------- �: Henry Palmer ---_..-__....__..,..-now 4* 20\ 5.83♦ U9. 1♦ 15. 0♦ 19.00 184\ 4\ 1. 7♦ 100.00\ 18.8 ,5.8 �560 '5935\ 11: �` t Mrs* J. V. Howard, Wood- Vyse/Sherman----------- John Brown, Goods- J. Finuoan ----------- w s w. Temple v _------_-~--------- Mr. lounge ------------ Currie Wilson, Milk- Jas. Brady ----------------- P. L. Williams, Goods- Mr. Stevenson ------------ " Mrs. Tupper -_------ N N Jae. Brady Central Pipe Lines, Gas for Police Hall-•-� I---- Valley Camp Coal Co, Relief Coal Pt.Burwell ----- S. Kirk, Cartage on above -----------------•----- H. J. Culbert, Goods- Mrs. McMillan ------------ " J. Finuoan ---•-_-_--r___-- " D. Matthews Russell Shaw -------------- " Cliff Milson --------- _-- INS - Mrs. Anderson ------------- n n n Phil Vaughan-------------� Ed. Dare Pete Travis --------------- Dave Langfield, Wood- J. D. Wilson -------------- Roy M. Teall, Goods- Mrs. Pfahler ------ --r-- Thos. Fluelling---------- -- J. "W. MoQuIggan, Goods- Ed. Breeze -------•------ K. Kiskontas Brantford Welfare Assn. Relief-A.Truman & Yamily- J. We MaQuiggan, Goods- M. Nelles ---•-----_-.._-- i' "1.Mrs. Tribe -------------- R. D. 5tiokney, Goods- M. Laur -------------•---- n n " D M 1, -- ---- n Chas. n• " " . ase W " Geo. Bradt ---r----0.0r_rr-- walsh, Wood- Emmett Miller ------------- n n d n n wm. Stratton, .1 N Geo. Bra t '.-_-r----------- Goods- Emett Miller ------------ " & Wood- Lewis Mcquiggan ---- Ed. c;urtis----------__ To applyon salary Councillors & Janitor Pay --------- W. G. Mitchell, To apply on salary--r_--rr---•.... J. D. Vallee, " " " - ft-r J. J. Faulkner, Piping & repairs -•-------------- Provincial Treasurer, Insulin Bratti & Tucker --- b. M. Brown Insurance, Preme, on accident policy - R. J. Lovell Coo Ltd., Typewriter ribbons------- whillier & Co. , Treasurer's supplies --------•--- Municipal world Ltd., Stationery & Supplies -•--- Thos. Mabee, Stamps -Coll. Treas. Clerk ---------- The Enterprise, Notices re street lighting ------ Henry ward, Care of Mrs Masales Co Scruton, Trip to Toronto- 3 days -----•------- N. McConkey, " " " ------------- W. G. Mitchell, Car to Toronto ---------------•-- H. J. Culbert, Bulbs, supplies, Car ----- P.V. -- L. Vaughan, Labor ---_-- _-_-___- P.V. -- Leonard Brown, Safety belt street lights- P.V. -- w. B.•MoCord, Teaming 4 hrs.------------ P.V. -- D. Axford, Labor-----__---r__--__--rr P.V. -- T. R. Ives, Meal for Transient ---------- P.V. -- 520.26 \ 12.83 \ 12.02\ 6.151 2.90\ 10.00\ 8.00\ 9.18 \ 1.8©` 58. bo 000\ 20.00,\ 8.00\ 6.76\ 9.91\ 9.10\ 8.79\ 9.97\ 9.73•, 15.00\ 11.$2\ To 9♦ 12.00\ 12.05♦ 5.43♦ 12.11♦ 11.97\ 7.92♦ 9.96\ 28.21♦ 5000\ 16. o. of \ 20.91\ 12.02 \ 25.00\ 19.90\ 35.00\ 56x •90♦ 2,o6\ 87.00♦ 5.92♦ 63*00\ 9. 9\ 9.00\ 1.75\ 5.00♦ 9.00\ 9.00\ 10.00♦ 22.01 \ 1. oo \ 8.00\ 2.00\ 1000\ •35\ Moved by Brown Seconded by Soanlan- That this Council now adjourn to meet ah 10.30 A.M. on April lets, 1940... Carried' r :/ �r� - `.... ... ni 17. i 4lerks, Town Hall, Straffordville, April let. 1940. Pursuant to adjourr ant of March 4th. 1940, the council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, members all present and the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed by the Reeve and the following business was transacted. Relief Officer Mitchell was present and discussed with the Council various relief cases in the Township. Bulletin No. 17, a summary of Municipal and behool legislation, was studied by the Council. A large delegation from Port Burwell, headed by the Police village Trusteed, interviewed the Council and discussed with them the question of the purchase of the I.O.O.F. hall as a community hall for the village. The following resolution was passed. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Bayham Township Council agree to pay lam. Kirk the sum of $200.00 for the Community Hall in Port Burwell, leaving a balance of $ 600.00 on mortgage with interest at the rate of 5% per annum, to be paid by the Police Village of Port Burwell yearly, a sump not less than $120.00 with interest and a By -Law be made by the Township Council and also one by the rolice Trustees to satisfy both parties and that we name a committee of two from the Township and two from the Village Councils to go to the Township solicitor at an early date and have an agreement and other matters attended to, and that a cheque of $200.00 be made to Wm. Kirk to cover his first payment and said oheque to be held by the Treasurer until the said agreement is ratified,** Carried. • Seconded by Brown- That the whole Council and Clerk, be named as a committee to met representatives of the Police Village at D. F. Gibson's office re purchase of hall...carried Mr. 6tinson of Whillier & Co., Toronto, showed the Council several designs and sisee of office safes suitable for Township use. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council purchase Safe No. 3360 at 5525.00 for the office of the Township Clerk. The old one to be taken in at $50.00 and new one to be used by our Road erupt... carried. Moved by McCohkey 5eeonded by Scanlan- That this council recommend Wm. G. Mitchell to the position of Corn Borer Inspector for the Township of Bayham for 1940,Carried Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets..Carried. H.E.F.L. of Ontario - Hydro for Town Hall ------------------ 9 8.62♦ Central ripe Lines - Gas " " "------------------ 7.50♦ L. Heller ----------------- 5.18\ - '► ., rolice Hall ---- P.V. ______ 2.40\ N. 0. Stilwell, Goods for Tony Tasky----------------------- 4.70N Louise Me Donald, Elgin Vyse---------------------- 7.40\ 6 it �< <' iQ Roloson--------------------- 13.71♦ George E.` beruton, Wood for Henry Palmer ------------------- 15*00\ Mrs. J. V. Howard, 11 .. Elgin Vyse--------------------- 13.501 F. Brown, Goods for Mr. Sherman----------------------------- 11.93♦ •• '' Roloson .98� M " " H. Palmer ----------r-----------------w- H. .2 Cecil B. Blinkinsop-------------r------ 3f \ Norm. Richwood ------------------------- 3.09♦ W, E. Greer, goods for yrs. Meesaros------------ 19.53\ S. Kirk, Cartage on Coal delivered-----------------r-r--r.r.� 3, 50� if Coal for Mrs. Pfahler---r------------------------- 6.58�� W. J. Fewster, Goods for J. Wilson -------------=------------ 16.20\ C. L. Laing, " Ed. Berdan----------rr------------ 22.01\ J. H. Howey, Wood for J. Meezaros--_____..-______ S 2.,25\It n " if " 2,25\ It Tony Tasky_______________ 4900--\tt n n " " n —_ --__—_—____—do ,50s, R, .Kennedy, Goods for Mrs, Chalk ---------------- 3.00\ y, n n „ -----------4040--- 10.00 Norm., Richwood .. ------------ 3000\ R. D. Stiekney, Goods for D. Masales----------4040 9.9 \ to tl 11 1s Geo. Bradt ------_----- 28,8 j. w. Moquiggan, " K. Kiskontas---------- 12-600\ Mrs. Tribe ----------- 11.57 \ Ed. Breeze 4040 11.99♦ m. Nelles ,4240.42__-40_40_4040 12.02 Brantford Welfare Assn. Truman relief -Feb, 4040--4040 2.04♦ Treas. Twp. of Malahide, Rutter " Jan.& Feb.--- 3.16\ Central Pipe Lines, Gas for Wm, Patten ---------- 12,9 Valley Camp Coal Coop goal -rt. Burwell families-- 39.76\ J. W. Brown, Goods for Mr, Finucan--------4040--4040 7.48\ N, Underhill, H " H. Busseu--------------- 14.00\ Currie Milson, Bilk for Jim Brady ---------4040---- 3.10\ H. J. Culbert, Goods for Russell Shaw 4040 4040 8.99\ it $1 11 11 D. Matthews ------------ 8001` 11 n 11 11 rhil Vaughan ----------- 18.57 Mr. Finuoan------------ 21.05♦ Cliff Wilson ----------- 12.00\ Mr. Anderson ----------- 8*41\ ears, McMillan ---------- 7.9$ Pete Travis 12. 2� Ed. Dair------------4000- 12.26\ P. L. Williams, " " Jas. Brady ------------- 12.00\ Mrs. Tupper ------------ 7.32\ J. Stevenson ----------- 10.01\ WM0 Patton ------------- 10.00'\ whillier do Company, Supplies for clerk 4040--- 4040-- .75\ J. H, Kauffman, Hydro for Christmas Tree 4040= ---- .50\ • ft. Kirk, Payment on Pt.Burwell hall (hold) 4040-•- 200.00` Chas. A. Walsh, Wood for Ed. Breeze -------4040---_ 5000\11 it 44 Kostis Viscontas------- 5.00\ 1, 11 Gclods for John Fogal------------ 3,00\ Rood for Geo, Bradt ------------- 5.00\ Goods for Ed. Curtis ------4040--4040 12,04 n " Wood for Emmett stiller ----4040--4040 5.00\ ,; It Goode for `t it 4040--4040--4040 20,02\ it IJI if Mrs, Hartoon---------- 12.05\ Henry ward, Care of Mrs. Masales to ftpr,let o 40-40-- 1, 67\ R. s[. Teall, Goods for T. Fleming ---------- 5.05♦ W, G. Mitchell, To ap�ly on salary --------- 35.00` J, D. Vallee, " a " ---------4040--4040 50.00\ Win. Stratton, n a " " --------4040--4040 25.00\ Councillors & Janitor's pay ------- 19.90\ Cliff Johnson, wood for J2 wilson--------------- 7.50♦ Hurray Greer, Salary for March ----------------4042 1004,00♦ Thos, Mabee, Stamps for Treasurer --------------- 3.00♦ J. W , Brown, Goods for W* Temple -- 40 40 - - - - 3.00 \ Workmen's Compensation Board- Vallee do Greer ---- 18.00` moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That this may 6th, at 10 Al M., Carried. Council now adjourn to meet on saga adh--r In N1 lime e e. 0 rk. 19• W ...�z .. �T�;^4 .�. !•�v_x..; Q °w rfYa rsrLzs�S�. a?Y,�Sr, 9 �t��;`h 0 rk. 19• W 20 Town Hall, Straffordville, May 6th. 1940. Pursuant to adjournment of April 1st. 19.0, the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, members all present and the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed by the Reeve and the following business was done. Discussion add passing of relief accounts required the whole of the time of the moaning session* At 2 P.M. the members took their oaths Cor the sitting of the Coin of Revision before the Clerk. Under the Reeve as Chairman, several appeals were heard and disposed of and by motion of Brown and Scruton the Court of Revision adjourned temporarily is in order that the Council might wait on several persons who had been in attendance some time and wished to inter- view the Council on other business. The Trustees and Clerk of tort Burwell presented the following letter to the Council. " At the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Police Village of Port Burwell, it was moved by Wm. Kirk, seconded by H. J. Culbert, that the Village require from the assessment roll for 1940, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) in taxes to be apportioned as follows;- Three Hundred Dollars M00.00) for General and Seven Hundred ( 700.00) Dollars for Hydro. Carried. Yours Sincerely (Signed) W. H. James, Clerk (Seal) Board of Police Trustees, Port Burwell. • A letter was also read and filed recommending the appointment of R. S. Meyers of Port Burwell as Township Constable. The agreement regarding the purchasing og the I.O.O.F. hall at Port Burwell was read and discussed and a change requested in the clause concerning the Board of Management of same. The Clerk was instructed to make the necessary change in the agreement and present same for signatures, Dr. %dams interviewed the Council and requested that Public Dumps be established throughout the Township for the convenience of the Public and control of rubbish. The Council agreed to keep this matter in mind while they were going over the Township roads within a few days. Joe Emmerson presented the case of Elgin Vyse to the Council and requested assistance in the costs of taking himto London for necessary treatments once a week. Moved by Brown ` Seconded by Seruton- That we pay J. Emerson $16.0 transportation of Elgin Vyse to London Clinic and that we continue this a ice for one month. Carried. Hugh Sharpe of Vienna was present and personally applied for the position of Township -Constable* Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the Court of Revision now resume its sitting. Carried. The balance of the appeals were then considered and the following decisions arrived at on all the cases of appeals heard by this Court of Revision. appellant Respecting Whom Complained Of Decision of Court. N. C. Brown Mrs. E. C. Stafford Father OSNiel Joe Pearson Ernest Soper Central Pipe Lines Mrs. George McDonough L. Rogers Cora Anderson Lots 3 & 4 Cono. 9 E.C.Stafford Est. S1 25 Cone. 3 Self- Pt.Burwell Self- Eden Self self Corinth Parsonage Otter River Gas Co. Ass, too high Ass* too high Ass. too high Dog Died Dog Destroyed Over -Assessed Ass* too high No teas we l l Not Allowed. Not Allowed. Not allowed. Dog off Roll Dog off Roll. Reduced to S"900 in "S.S. No. 23. Red. $300.00 to 5900.40 well removed in b.b. 23. 21 Appellant Respecting whom Complained Of Decision of Court. Donald Collings Self- 5.5, Noll Leslie Mcquiggan Self- 5.5, Doll Collector W.A.Neely Nettie Chivers Sam Williams A . Silve rthorn Angus Oatman Jas. Peacock Brownsville Nelson Gas Co. H. Clark Chas. Russell Ed. Moffat Lew Acres J . G.Turnbull Geo. Oldrieve H. L. Godwin C. 5cruton Self- S.S. No 5 Self- S.S. No.18 Self. Self- Conc.9 Self- Lot 9 'Con 9. Self- S.S. N016 -,elf -NJ 2 Con 9 Self- 127,128 in Pt. Burwell Self -10912 Con 9 Self- S.S. Noll P .Middelton Con 8 Self- Lot 2Con 10 Self Lot 112,113-6 S.S. No. 11 Chalk & Wildfang Dog Destroyed Not to be assessed. Dog Destroyed Not to be assessed. Wrong name Ass. H.A.Ostrander Tillsonburg, Dog Died Not to be assessed. Ass.too high Red. $250.00 to $ 3750.r Tenant's Dog Not Allowed. ASS. too high Not Allowed. Ass* too high Not Allowed. Gas well given Not to be assessed. up Change name Ass* to Gordon Bent 17 R.R. 3 Tillsonbur. Change Lot 128 Ass* to F . w . Burch St50 , 193 Egerton St . London Barn burned & Not Allowed - Tenants Tenants changed Lloyd do Margaret Esseltine. L Bitch & 1 dog 2 dogs removed, to be removed Dog to be added Ass. for 1 Bitch. 2 wells sold Ass. to Western Gas Co Wm. Atkins Dunnville Kea* too high Red. 9600. to $6404.40, Timber removed Change mane Ass* Dr. H . J . W i l df ang Tillsonburg, Ont. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the Assessment Roll be accepted as now revised by this Court of Revision and said Court of Revision now adjourn, sine die.Carried Being unable to epmplete the work during the afternoon, the Council adjourned until after supper. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Brown- That the Council be granted extra pay for night sittings without mileage.. Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That the Clerk be authorized to issue special permission to hunters to shoot ground hogs, providing the hunter has the necessary Provincial licenses and procures permission from the owners on whose land he wishes to hunt... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Seruton- That we grant the Port unwell Public Library the sum y of X25.00 for 9!� year the 1 0... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Soruton- That we hire Peters, wn & Co„ Auditors of Pprt Mrie for the year 1940 at a salary of $1?5Br ... Carried. Loved by Scanlan beconded by 5cruton- That By -Law No. 1073, being a By -Law to amend J%Y*Jaw No. 10649 hiring Peters, Brown & Co. as and ors for 1940 at a salary of $175.00 per annum, be now read a first tim ... Carried. Moved byMeConkey Seconded by beanlan- That By -Law No. 10?3 be now read a second time..Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scrut on- That By -Law No* 1073 be now read a third time and `Q finally paEnad... Carried* i getters were received from the C.e.R. and from the Board of Transport ComYaissioners for Canada advising this Council that the C.P.R. wished to dispence with the services of the caretaker at Vienna.- station. This was discussed and the following resolution passed. 10 22. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council does not endorse the removal of a Caretaker at the Vienna station... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Saruton- That we make the rates in the Township for the Township and County the same as the year 1939 and that we accept the School Trustees requisition for monies, also the special levy for the rolice Village and the By -Law levying rates be prepared and presented at the next regular meeting... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No. 1074'1 being a By -Law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign agreement re t;omQnunity Hall at Fort Burwell and completing deal for same, be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Saruton • Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No.1074 be now read a second time..Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No.1074 be now read a third time and finally passed... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Saruton- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Orin Bartlett, salary for 1940 assessment ------------- S fees attending Court of Revision------- Asel Bartlett- Buzzing wood for D. Masales------------ -Clif. Johnson- Wood for J. wilson --------------------- J. H. Howey- ii a Mrs. Mazaros ----------------- Geo. Scruton- " Elgin Vyse ------------------ " Mr. Sherman ----------------- W. E. Greer- Goods for Mrs. Meszaros__________________ rercy Green- i`ofEd. btevenson ----------------- W. J. Fewster- of 66 J. Wilson ----------------- J. W. Mc+4uiggan- Goods for Mrs. Tribe ----------------- " Ed. Breeze M. Nelles F. Be Brown - it it Mrs. Sherman --------------- Louise McDonald- " " Elgin Vyse ---------------- Chas. A. Walsh- to It Emmett -------------- 11 It it Ed. Curtis ---------------- Mrs. Hartoon-------------- " " hood for Dave Masales Hugh Millard- Millard- Moving Ed. Sherman to Brantford ---------- P. L. Williams- Goods for Mrs. Tupper ------------------ �' Joe Stevenson JamesBrady-------------�_- " wm. Patton -..,.-------------- H. J. Culbert- rete Travis -------------- " Mr. Finnucan----_-____----- " Mrs. McMullen ----------- Cliff. Wilson -------------- " Mrs. Anderson D. Matthews ---------------- RusselShaw ---------------- Ed. Daire Mrs. N. Underhill- Goods for H. Brisseau-------------- R. D. St iekney " " Goo. Brddt D. Masales R. Kennedy - goods for John Fogal --------- " Mrs. Chalk -------------------- „ N. Richwood ---r_----------w_-- SZKirk- Coke for Yrs rfahler------------------------elft Currie wilson - Milk for J. Brady-"--wrwr—__--W__w.0//W- Geo. Saruton- working at Township food ------__--__w Martin Berdan - " " " "-------_--__0rw_ Dave Roloson — wm. Gibbons — " " " —w__w_wdr_r_—.r-- Louis Roloson - " " " " __ ___ _ _______walr Erwin Turrel - it It •'40 4W 4W 4W ap am M IM.W 40 Im ow m Y�.A,.fr 350.00 \ 2.50 \ 2: 50\ 7.50\ 4,50\ 9.00\ g.8b\ 1 9 \ z. 07 \ 11.25\ 11.27\ 12.07 13.43 12900\ 9.89\ 10.10\ 12.01 \ 13.00\ .00\ 4.00\ #00\ i*00\ 10.000\ 6.00 \ 1440;_\ 13.11 \ 23.o6\ 7.91\ .91\ 8.24\ 8.04\ 6.94\ 15.02\ 7.00\ 31,00\ 12.66\ 3,00\ 10970\ 12.00 6.36\ 3.10\ 68*80\ .2 \ *50\ • 75\ 21.25 \ 0 n ,krnold Knipers - Working at Township wood --------------- $ 4.00 \ Frank Bartlett - of 61 of of --_Imam----Imam--Imam 20.00 F. E. Brown - goods for Ed. Sherman-------------Imam--Imam 1.35 \ C. L. Laing - " " Ed* Berdan-------------------- 9000\ H. J. Culbert - Labor for Ed. Dare ----------- P.V. Imam--- 1.50 w. H. James - Use of Car---------------Imam--Imam P.V. Imam -- -- 3.00\ T. R. Ives - Meal for Transient -------------- Y.V. Imam-_- .35\ Leonard Brown - Labor & Lumber ---------------- P.V. Imam--- 1.2 A. E. Brown - Payment on toilet oh Police hall Y.V. Imam--- 25.00 Treasurer Twp. of Malahide- Relief to Jas. Rutter ------- •95 \ U City of Toronto - " E.&E. Johnston,March--- 6.31 \ Thos. Mabee.- Stamps,auditor,alerk,Treas. & koollector --- 22.50 \ J. Emmerson - Transp. Elgin Vyse to London clinic ---ImamImam 16,00\ Roy M. Teall - Goods for Mrs. Pfahler------------------- 23.83\ Jack Richardson - Care of Town Hall & Grounds ----------- 4.50\ Central Pipe Lines - Gas for wm, Yatton-----------Imam--Imam 11.18\ is if is - i, of W. Chalk ------------------- 5-63\ Dr. J. H. F. madams - balary as M.G.H. to Mar. 31/40 Imam--- 100,00\ J. G. Turnbull - Fees attending Be of H.----------Imam--Imam 3.70\ Geo. Vallee - " " » __Imam------------- 3.30\ J. D. Vallee - �s .. ��--------------_ImamImam 3.00\ - To apply on salary ------------------ w 50,00\ Fred Bodsworth - Grant to Port Burwell library ---------- 25-00'\ W. G. Mitchell - To apply on salary---------------Imam--Imam 40.00\ Wme Stratton — }} " " - Pram____Imam- -__Imam 25.00\ " it - Councillors & Janitors pay---------Imam--Imam 19.90 ff- ofit to ( night session) - 17#00\ Peters Morrison & Brown - Bale of salary for 1939 ~ImamImam-- 81.35\ Dr. M. D. Williams - Fees examining M. Scrivens---___w.... 5.00\ Municipal World lbtd.- btationery & forms -------------- -- 2.6o\ wylmer Express - Ad* in paper ------------------------ *?5 \ News Printing Co. - auditors reports & Md. .0 a& Imam -Imam --Imam and Co., 22:98 whillier ----Imam--Imam� Printing &forms for Treas. l�37� D. Masales - CharityOft -------------------_r__—__—~_-_w-- 7.50 Central Pipe Line -a, -Gas for Town Hall -----------------Imam 8.50\ ii " " - of Of L. Nelles, March & April ----" 10.37\ Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Monday June 3rd. 1940... Carried. 23 En Town Hall, Straffordville, June 3rd. 19.0. rursuant to adjournment of May 6th., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, members all present and the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of the last meeting were read approved and signed and the following business transacted. Relief accounts were discussed and passed and District Relief Officer Davis went over a few cases with the Council. During the lunch hour, the Council motored out to investigate a couple places of complaint in the Township. On the return to the hall, N. H. Gray of Eden, was present and interviewed the Council regarding the proper boubdaries of the Agnes Moore property in Eden. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That Soanlah and Turnbull be a committee to go to the Registry Office re %gnes Moore property, Eden with power to act re settlement of same... Carried. .a Ted bivyer and Nlva Brinn of the Aylmer and Malahide Telephone Co., were present to consider the placing of poles in the Hamlet of Bayham. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the aylmer and Malahide Telephone Company be requested to keep their poles between the sidewalk and fence on Talbot street in t4he village of Richmond as requested by the residents of the above mentioned place... Carried. The Police Village Trustees presented the following resolution; - Moved by H.O.Alward Seconded by H.J.Oulbert- That the council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham, be requested to enact a By -Law providing that no person the age of twelve years or over, shall appear on any of the Public Streets and thoroughfares and Public places of the Yoliee Village of Port Burwell, clad only in what is ordinarily known as bathing dress, but that every person so appearing on the public streets and thoroughfares of the Police Village of port Burwell, shall wear ordinary street clothing or sahll be clad in such manner that the body is covered and concealed from the nook to the knees. And that such By-law shall provide that every person convicted of a breach of any of the conditions of such By-law, shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of the convicting Magistrate, a penalty not exceeding the stye of $50.00 or not lose than the sum of S 1.00 for each offence, exclusive of costs, and in default of payment of the said penalty and costs forthwith, the convict- ing Magistrate may commit the offender to the County jail of the County of Elgin, with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding 21 days, unless the said penalty and costs be sooner paid. Nnd that such By-law shall provide that the penalties, imposed by or under the authority of the said By-law shall be recoverable under the provisions of the Summary Convictions Act. (Signed) Board of Police Trustees, Per W. H. Jaynes, Clerk. This resolution and proposed By-law were discussed and at the request of the members of the Park Board present, it was agWeed to include in the By-law a • clause prohibiting the use of trunks only as bathing attire for persons of the age of twelve years ant over. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council endorse the resolution of the Police Trustee Board of Port Burwell and that we enact a By-law in accordance with this request... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the H. E. P. C. be asked to cancel the contra at8 on the farms of Mrs. J. McAllister and Mrs. Mae Thornthwaits as according to their requests... Carried. Moved by beanlan beconded by boruton - That a cheque be issued to pmt' G, Mitchell to the amount of $24411 covering uneolleetable taxes on the 1938 oil,... carried. I 'A 25 A communication was redd from K. E. Berry, Director of Sanitary Engineering, regarding the Corinth drain, In respect to this letter the following resolution was passed. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That this Council call on the County Engineer to examine and report 'on the Corinth Drain and that this Council meet the Engineer on this drain as per time appointed... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the petition for the repair of the Smith Drain be accepted and the Clerk send the necessary notices to all interested parties to meet on the Premises at a certain time and place... Carried. A letter of appreciation was read from Miss Iva Brisseau. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That the Clerk notify all persons who have dumped rubbish in ditches or along the roads of Bayham Township to remove such rubbish or pay for the removal of the same. This rubbish to be removed within ten days from date of notice... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1075 being a By -Law to levy the various rates in the Township of Bayham be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by 5eruton Seconded by Brown- That By -Law No. 1075 be now read a second time...Carrie'h. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1075 be now read a third time and finally passed... tarried. Moved by Brown 5eeonded by aeanlan- That By -Law No. 1076 being a B7 -Law to provide for the regulating of Bathing suits and etc, in the Village of Port Burwell be now read a first time... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No.1076 be now read a second time...Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1076 be now read a third time and 6 finally passed... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by 5eruton- That the Reeve sign the Order sheets...Carried. F. E. Brown - Goods- Chas. MacDonald -------------- $20.77 \ Henry calmer ----------------- 8.97 \ .. Norm, Rickwood--------------- 3.00 \ Louise MacDonald- Goods - Elgin Vyse-------------- 9.74 \ W.T.Johnson--------- 5.00 \ Roy M. Teall - Goods - Mrs. Pfahler---------------Z,50\ .10\ uiggan - Goods- Mrs. Tribe -------------- J. W. Mo�- ii $$ toM. Nelles---------------- 10902\ R. Kennedy - Goods - Mrs. Chalk ------------------- 9.96 \ Central Pipe Lines- Gas for Mrs. Chalk, April ----- 3.78 \ R. D. Stickney- Goods - D. Masales----------- ----- 10. Central Pipe Lines- Gas for wm. Patten for April -- 8. \ A. E. MoKibbin- Meat for Wm. Patten --------------- 2.07\ H. J. Culbert- Goods - Yrs. McMullen -------------- 8.27 \ ', Mrs. Anderson -------------- 8.14N P. L. Williams - Goods for gm. Patten ------------- 12.00\ firs. Tupper ------------ 8.00 \ Joe Stephenson --------- 10.03 Joe Emmerson -4 trips to London- Elgin Vyse------- Chas. Ai Walsh -Goods - E. Miller --------_--_-_-_- 34*10\ �it Ed. Curtis ---------------- 11.99 64'j Mrs. Hartoon-------------- 5,85 -% Albert E. Brown- Conveying Wolfe & webster,H of 1-- 10.00 Treas. of Vienna- Relief for upas. Butterwiek ----- 19.1.x\ " it soit Mrs* be McDonald 2.518\ A&. Dr, J. F. Be Roerg-Antitoxin for Mrs. Falkison ----S 15900\ " " Miss Herries ----- 15.00 \ Lydia J. Pearson - Care of Chas. Wolfe ------------- 8.00\ Drs. Alexander & McLeod- Mrs. Mazaros-ft go am - am W 4W - doe. ---•• 5.00 \ Harry Beaman- Hauling Wood 3 hrs. vs 1.25 --------- 3.75\ Lawrence'Smith- glasses fer Mrs. M. Howey ---------- 10.00 \ We E. Greer- Goods - Mrs. Meszaros------------- 194,39\ N. J. Fewster - Goods - J. D. Milson --------------- 4*36\ W. H. James - Car Tripe ------------- Y.V. --- 4oOO \ H. J. uulbert,� For Earl Vyse, Grading what, P.V. --- 1.00,\ Geo. Scruton - Hood- Elgin Vyse for May ------------ 5.70\ News Printing Coo- Printing & Supplies ------------- 13. 0 ventral Pipe Lines - Gas for Police Hall March- P.V. 1. 0", Apr. - P.V. 2*40 \ Town Hall Apr. ------- 3.50 --, Chas. kbdallah- Shoes for Miss Brisseau------------ 20.00\ Municipal world Ltd.- Stationery & Supplies -------- 1,74 \ R. J. Lovell & Coo- of V-------- 10.50\ H. E. P. C. Aylmer- Hydro arrears -Mrs.,. wilcox ----- 12.81 \ Tillsonburg " " -H. S. Cook --------- 14o52--, Valley Camp Coal Coo- Coal, Finucan,Anderson, Fulkerson 15.26 \ S. Kirk - Cartage on above ------------------------- 1.70\ Treas. Twp. of Brantford -Relief R.Campbell,Mar,bpr.- 17.74\ Treas. Town of Aylmer-Relief-Orvis Babcock, April -- 4*70\ It ii ,f " -Geo. Mahoney, April --- 3,74\ Provincial Treas* Insulin, Brotty & Tupper --------- 1.70\ Thos. Mabee - Stamps for Collector ------------ ---- 3,00\ Wm. G. Mitchell- To apply on salary ---------------- 3 ,00\ of - Uncollectable taxes for 1938 roll - 24.11\ WM. bt►ratton - To apply on salary ------------------ 25.00 \ Councillors & Janitor's pay --------- 19090\ 9 \ J. D. Vallee - To apply on salary ------------------ 50.00\ 11 it - Car, inspecting roads --------------- 10.00\ J. G. Turnbull - Going over roads 2 days ----------- 6.00\ A* E. Brown - �� " �� �� ------ 6.00 \ = Chase 5cruton- '' .. & car ------ 16.0'0 Erne - - Ernest 5oanlan- " " " " " ---- 16.00 \ N. H. McConkey- 11 it /, " ------- 6.00\ J. G. Turnbull- Trip to Toronto do telephone call ---.35\ A. E. Brown - 11 i/ _r -----------------r Z.00\ A. a. Johnson - Car to Toronto --------------------- 10.00\ parry A. 5itts - watching for doss re sheep -------- J*50\ Ted Jacobs - " it4`--- .75 \ Jas. Rorison - " It it of ------- 2.50\ John Goodhand- Fees Valuing sheep, 5 trips --------- 17, 50 \ Whillier & Co. -Share on Township safe -Credit note -- 212.5A\ D. Masales - Charity----------r--r----------------- J,50\ D. Tanner - Watching for doss re sheep ------------- ,50\ Jack ' Richardson - Work on Town Hall grounds -------- 5.25 \ Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council do now adjourn to meet again Tuesday July 2ndo, 1910... Carriedo, l erk. 26 r4 27 Town Hall, Straffordville, July 2nd. 1940. The Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, members all present and the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of the last meeting were read approved and signed and the following business was done. A notice from the County Clerk was read stating that the Township of Bayham will be required to pay the sum of $15,790.00 for County purposes for 1940. Aletter from the County Clerk also slated that a By -Law has been passed allowing a discount on pre -payment of County rate, or portion thereof. The application of H. C. Boughner for a taxi license was again laid over for further investigation. A letter from the Department of Municipal Affairs was read concerning the study of preparation of voters' lists and the conducting of Municipal elections by the department's solicitor, Mr. Alan'Van Every, and asking that Municipal councils and officials co-operate in the study. Relief accounts were then discussed and passed. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That a cheque for $3. 0 be issued to Nm. G. Mitchell as a rebate on 1940 taxes for business a sessment improperly charged.Carried- The following eommunicat ion was presented by the Port Burwell Trustees. " Gentleman - At the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees and in answer to the request of the majority of the business men of the village, it was moved by H.J.Culbert, seconded by Wm. Kirk, the By -Law (N0. 107 6) be changed to read as follows- Notice is hereby given that persons found walking on the streets or frequenting the stores or other public places in the village of Port Burwell without proper elothin& will be prosecuted. The use of Bathing Suits is restricted to Beaches only unless covered." The Council decided that for the present, the By -Law above mentioned would; not be changed but that the public notices could be modified and the clause pertaining to trunks need not be enforced. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That the Smith drain be repaired as soon as possible. Carried. Elmo Howey was present and in connection with his account for sheep killed by dogs, he agreed that half the pay to men who were hired to watch for dogs to return to the sheep, could be deducted from the amount of his cheque. Hospital Maintenance Accounts were passed as Memorial Hospital- St. Thomas. Mrso Vera Palmer h Inrant --:� ---------------- PearlRobinson ------------------------------ Mrs. Marion Rickwood ------------------------ Mrs. Nora Curtis --------------------- ------ Us ital for Sick Children -Toronto. na d Cam ran -------------------------- Victoria Hospital -London overs ------------------------------ Kenneth Kirkpatrick ------------------------- /,verda Lune __--r---------------------------- Harold McQuiggan ---------------------------- Elgin Vyse-------_r ___--_- St. Joseph's Hoe ital-London. • stokes ....... _-_r_r_ Parkwood Hos ital-London. Beatrice Ne ----------------------___------ follows;- KeithJohnston ------------------------------- Wm. Ecker -------------------__-__- Ontario Hos ita?-Moodstock. arrayNoftuan --------------------__-_____--_ DorothyC. Telles ------------------r-r-r__-- JosephL. Scruton--------------------------- Toronto General Hospital, arocQ ggan-------------------r-__---_- 4.37 1.75 111.;.00 114000 11,4.00 ,1 39•.25 22.75 22.?5 7.87 Toronto Western Hospital. rso Mtrlce d am era n & Infant ------- $ 10.27 Soldiers Memorial Hoe ital-Tillsonbur . onarBr sseau------------------------- 49.87 Mrs. Mary Janssens do Infant -------------- 7905 Mrs.. Julia Jakot------------------------- 4.37 Mrs. Myrtle Masales & Infant ------------- 10.57 Stanley Skerda--------------------------- 28.00 Mrs. Gladys Tisdale ______________________ 3'50 Baby Olive Tracey ------------------------ 22.75 Mrs, Matgaret Taylor do Infant ------------ 7,05 Jasper Wilson ---------------------------- 23.62 Mrs. Annie Wiskontas--------------------- .87 Kostas Wiskontas------------------------- .87 OlyarWiskontas__________________________ .87 Mrs. Eva Milne --------------------------- .87 Mrs. Lucy Hartoon------------------------ 2.62 Mrs. Ethel Smith & Infant ________________ 16.45 TOTAL X752.87 Moved by Brown Seconded By Scruton- That we two mowers, one for the north on Township Roads,.. Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown - and Civic Holiday That this and council 28. authorize our Road Overseer to purchase and one for the south, for cutting weeds Council proclaim Monday Aug. 5tho as a Public to meet on Aug. 6th. 1940... Carried. Moved By Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That we exempt Mrs. Wm, Rayson, H. J. Culbert, Ernest Holman, Victor Ford and Mrs. Lightfoot from dog tax for 1940 and that we rebate John Jibson the sum of $2.00 for improper assessment of dog tax for 1939... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey- That we raise the bounty on sheep -killing dogs from $2.00 tO $ 5.00 .. Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we engage a constable by the month for the Township at a salary of $100.00. Long distance calls and outside of Township trips considered extra for gas only... Carried. Applications were received from the following for the above mentioned position.- R. S. Meyer, Port Burwell; Hush Sharpe, Vienna; George Scruton, Vienna; Lewis Acre, BAyhm; 'Kenneth E. Grant; Victor H. Ford, Corinth; Orne P ressey, Corinth; Chas. Ferris, Straffordville; and John Pakmer, Straffordville. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Counotl engage Kenneth Grant as Constable for the Township of Bayham... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the property on Lot 11, Pt.21 East Erius St. Page 22, Roll No. 202, now being a Community Hall be exemptfrom taxation... Carried. Moved by Seconded work be Moved by Seconded McConkey by Scanlan - accepted and McConkey by Scanlan - That the petition of Leslie Swanee for drainage Fred Bell notified... Carried. That the Reeve sign the several order sheets. Carried. Central Pipe Lines- Gas N N N N Thos. Mabee- Stamps fo H. E. Po C, - Hydro for w. E. Greer- Goods for for L. Nelles--________-_' $ 2959\ " Town Hall ------------ 2940\ r Clerk ------------------- 9.00\ Town Hall ---------------- 8.62\ Mrs. Meszaros------------- 20.10\ Louise MacDonald- Goods for Mrs. Pfahler-------- n N n n Elgin Vyse --------- F. E. Brown- " " Henry Palmer ------- " N M N M N. H. McConkey - N Chas. MacDonald H. J. Culbert- " " Mrs. Anderson ------ " ------ Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies to Collector ----- Mrs. McMillan P. L. Williams- " " Joe Stephenson ----- N Wm. Patten --------- n Mrs Tupper -------_ . Central Pipe Lines- Gas for Wm. Patten ---------- W. E. McKibbon- Meat for Wm. Patten ------------- News Printing; Co. , -Envelopes for Clerk ---------- The Enterprise- Forms & Advt. ------------------- Municipal World Ltd.- Forma & Supplies---------- B.B. Graham,Treas.- Hospital Maintenance -------- Wm. G. Mitchell- Rebate on business tax 1940 ---- Dr. J.H.F.Adams- Expenses M.O.H. convention ----- J. D. Vallee- Trans. J. Riahardson-London clinic- " " To apply on salary _r-------------- Robt. McLean- Valuing sheep --------------------- Robt. Garnham- Lamb killed by dog--------------- Treas. Twp. of Brantford -Relief R. Campbell ----- W. H. James- Car to Straffordville-------- P.V.- A.R.Wright & Son - Supplies _______________ P.V.- The Enterprise- Printing-------------wr-_- P.V.- W. Kirk- labour --------------------------- P.V.- H. Learn- Labour --------------------w___-- P.V.- Re S. Meyers- Labour & Supplies ----------- P.V.- A. Hayward - Labour------------------------ P.V.- Chas. A• Walsh- Goods for Ed. Curtis ------------ � R . Ke nne dy - " Central Pipe Lines- Gas J. W. McQuiggan- Goods n n n R. D. St iekney- Wm. G. Mitchell - Wm. Stratton - n Emmett Miller --------- Mrs. Chalk------r_r--- for " " for Mrs. Tribe ----------- M. Nellee--__-___--_ Do Masales To Apply on salary ------------- ------------- Councillors' & Janitor's pay ----- Jas. Howey & Son- Sheep killed & injured -------- Thos. Mabee- Stamps for Collector ------- -------- Jo G. Turnbull- Meeting Highway Dept, Drains etc. - A. E. Brown n It N n C. Scruton- n - E. Scanlan- N M N M N. H. McConkey - N Jack Richardson- Work on Hall Grounds ----------- David Masales - Charity John Jibson - Rebate of Dog tax 1939 Roll ------- Joe Emmerson- 4 trips tp London,Elgin Vyse ------ Municipal World Ltd.- Supplies to Collector ----- 6. oo \ 11101\ 6.96 20.97 8.19\ 8.02\ 10.30\ 12.04 \ 8.00\ 5-18\ 102 ?\ 3• \ 2.35\ 1.31\ 752.87 \ 3.34 25.00 5.00\ 5u.oO%% 2.50 \ 6.50 \ 14.00 \ 1.00\ 17.90 \ 3.75\ 9.50\ 1.00 \ 6.65` 4.80\ 11.99 \ 11.99 lo. oo 3�.os\ • 9\ 9.32\ 10.78 \ 50.00\ 25.00\ 19.90\ 227.37\ 3.00\ 3.00\ 3.00 3.04\ 3.00\ 3.4Q\ 6.50 \ 7.50 \ 2.00 \ 16. oo \ 8.84 \ Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council now adjourn to meet on Tuesday Aug. 6th. 1940... Carried. tJ (j� � a rk. Y 29. 0 w. I 30 Town Hall, Straffordville, Aug. 6th. 1940. Pursuant to adjournment of July 2nd., the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, members all present and the Reeve presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read,approved and signed and the following business was done* - Communications were read from the Welfare Department regarding relief to families w1th empolyable male heads and two dependants. Also from". -the Game and Fisheries department requesting that the Township purchase pheasants. James Bentley of Eden was present and requested that the Council take some action in eonneation with the errosion of one of his fields by spring waters coming off other:1ands and Township roads. This was discussed and the following resolution passed. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Brown- That the Council have H. Godwin sign petition to have the engineer come to see about the Jas. Bentley wash out... Carried. Roy M. Teall of Vienna interviewed the Council in regards to some relief accounts held by him. One of Mrs. McDonaldks for wood was ordered paid but the Council refused to pay the one for wood for Mrs. Pfahler. Moved By Scruton Seconded by Brown- That H. L. Godwin engage a man to repair the Corinth drain according to advise of F. Bell, County Engineer... Carried. On recommendation of the Board of Health, the following resolution was passed Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That we authorize H. L. Godwin to attend to the cutting or destroying of weeds in the Port Burwell Baptist, Richmond, Firby and Claus Cemeteries... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve sign the order sheets... Carried. Roy M. Teall- Goods for Mrs. S. McDonald ------------- $7.60 \ Louise McDonald- " " Mrs. Pfahler---------------- 6.05\ Elgin Vyse------------------ 13.61\ F. E. Brown - " " Chas. MacDonald ------------- 16:21\ Henry Palmer ---------------- 7.99\ W. E. Greer- " " Mrs. Meszaros--------------- 19o85\ " " - Trans. to Hamilton, Mr. Meszaros-------- 10.00\ The Enterprise- Advtso in paper ---------------------- .70\ N N — Printing -------------------- P.V. --- 3.50 \ T. R. Ives- Meal ---------------------------- P.V. --- 935\ Haines & Haines- Legal fees ----------------- P.V. --- 5.00\ H. Learn- Labour --------- ------- P.V. _r- 1.35\ H. J. Culbert- Trip to Straffordville------- P.V. --- 1.00\ Goods for Miss V. McGaw --------------- 3.97\ u -w.&. "MILI%.I 1 s.. --------------- rf 0" -- " N « « Mrs. Anderson --------------- 7.88\ R. D. Stickney- " " D. Masales--w--------------- 14.81 --, P. L. Williams- " " Mrs. Tupper ----------------- 8.00\ Chas, MacDonald ---www---r--w 2.52 \ Joe Stevenson --------------- 10.00 \ WM. Patton ------------------ 12.01 N W. E. McKibbon - Meat for Wm a Patton------------------ 2.00N R R. Kennedy- Goods for Mrs. Chalk --------------------- 8*58\ J. W. McQuiggan- Goods for Mrs. Tribe.---------------- .27\ p N N N N M. Nelles10.00 w--r—..ter—_r_—___w— Chas. A. Walsh- " " Ed. Curtis --------------w- 12.00 \ Emmett Miller ------------- 15.0 Central Pipe Lines- Chas for Wm. Patton -----,---------- 1.9 \ Bert Newman- Wreath for Jackson ----------------- ----- 7.00 \ Kenneth Grant- Salary for July -----------------------100.00\ Albert Dollar & Son- Tile for Smith Drain2.:10\ Workmen's Compensation Board- Ande payment on $600.--- 12.:00\ Thos. Mabee- Stamps for Colleator as Clem ------------ 9.00\ C. Stanley Hogarth- Ins. Prem on Community. -Hall------- 12.50\ Haines do Haines- Swearing oaths, Greer & Grant ------- 2'600\ Jack Richardson- York on grounds do repairs eta.------- 10,W"00\ Robt. McLean- Valuing sheep- R. Garnham------rr--w.rw.. 2.50 S. Robt. Garnham- Lamb killed by dogs --------------- Dr. J.H.F.Adams- Trip to London, Baby Curtis ----- " M.O.H. salary to June 30th/40 J. G. Turnbull- Fees attending Be of H. --w-4040---- Goo* Vallee J. D. Vallee " M - To apply on salary ---------------- News Printing Coe- Advts* in paper --------------- Wm. G. Mitchell- To apply on salary ---------_._w4040 Wm. Stratton - " " " --------4040---- " " - Councillors & Janitor pay --------- Thos. Mabee- Stamps for Treasurer --------------•- D. Mangles- To charity --------_-------w__--w_---- Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- That the Council wishes to the Village of Vienna for the uniform for Moved by Brown 31 8.00 5.00 100.00 3•?0ss. 3 . oo\ 5 � 0.00\ 1.80 x.0.00 \ 25.00 \ 19 * 901\ 3.00\ ?•50--, 0 to send a letter of appreciation our Constable*. *Carried, Seconded by Scruton- That this Council adjourn to 3rd. owing to Sept. 2nd. being Labour day and that in the paper to this effect... Carried* I -Tee ve. meet on Tuesday Sept. a not ive be inserted erk . ft 32 Town Hall, 5traffordville, Sept. 3rd. 19.0. Pursuant to adjournment of August 6th., the Council of the Township of Ba*ham. met in regular session on the above date, members all present except Deputy Reeve Brown and Reeve Turnbull in the chair. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Relief accounts were discussed and passed. Bulletins from the Unemployment Relief Branch and from the National Registration Branch regarding relief were read and discussed. In accordance with a letter received from 0. G. Simmons, Supt,, the follcwing resolution was passed. Moved by acanlan Seconded by Seruton- That the H.E.P.C. be requested to cancel the hydro contract No. 3136 on Lot 5, Cone. 10 of Baynam Township, signed by H. N. McCurdy and now owned by H. P. Robertson... Carried. -Moved by McConkey seconded by 5canlan- That the Council pay Charlie Scruton $5.00 for taking trip to St. Thomas, re W. A. Crispin... Carried. Moved by McConkey „ Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council re -new Policy 2748, re public liability insurance on our roads with Lloyd's, London, England..Carried. Moved by seruton Seconded By 5eanlin- That we pay to Gordon Turnbull three dollars re trip to London with Mrs. Serivens... Carried. Moved by Scanlan seconded by Seruton- That we pay with Mrs. Scrivens... Carriedo, Kenneth Grant $3.00 for trip to London The Trustees of Port Burwell requested that the Council try and have some one appointed to register the guns in that part of the Township, and the Clerk was in6trueted to ask that the Dept. of the Attorney - General appoint Kenneth Grant to register guns in that locality. A petition was received from rate -payers along the Bayham-Malahide Townline asking that the corner at Calton be a stop corner. This was refered to the Road Supt. w. N. Wright of Port Burwell interviewed the Council in regards to the widening of Pitt Street just east of Robinson street. The Council agreed to consider this and at adjournment, proceeded to this place. Moved by Soruton Seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets.Carried J. W. MoQuiggan - Goods for M. Nelles--------------- " to - Cldthes for M. Striven ----------- We E. Greer - Goods for Mr. Meszaros-------------_-- Louise MacDonald- Goods for Mrs. Pfahler---•-------- it " - « " Elgin Vyse-------------- F. E. BRown - " " Henry Palmer ---------- -- Treas. Twp. of Brantford- Relief- R.Campbell--------- Drs. Alexander & McLeod- Treatment for J. Meszaros--- Mrs. R. D. Stickney- Goods for D. Masales----------- The Enterprise- Advte. do Printing Chas. scruton- Transp. W -A. Crispin to at. Thomas ----- Provincial Treasurer- Insulin, Brotty & Tupper ------ A. E. Wilson & Coo- Road Liability Insurance-----�•- J. D. Vallee- Express on Binder Cover-----•�►------•- " u - To apply on salary H. Learn- Labor & Supplies --_r-4040____-..----P.V.----- WM, Kirk- Labor--------r--. .0-.0- -ft .... NOP .V. -i--- H. J. Culbert- Trip to Council -------- ---- amp .V.----- " Goods for Mrs. Anderson .•- " Mrs. McMillen r. rr+--•-.r. Central Pipe Lines- Gas for Woo Patten -------------- $ 10.00 \ 3.78\ 20*04\ 6.00\ 11.17 4.59\ 16.50\ 9.00\ 10.70\ 2.20\ 5.00\ 2.51\ 224. 0� 50. 00%, 1.54♦ 3.00\ 1.00\ 2. 5 ., Dr. J. F. Be Rogers- Antitoxin for Kiss L. Herries -- L. Williams - Goods for H. McDowell --------------- H i/ - r: �� Mrs. Tupper -------------- " - '� J. Stevenson ------_..--__- " " - " " fto Patten W. E. McKibbin- Meat for " " --------------- Chas. A. Walsh - Goods for Emmett Miller ------------- Me G. Mitchell- To apply on salary ----------------_-_ Kenneth E. Grant- Salary for Aug. & trip to London --- Wm. Stratton - To apply on salary---_-rr__-..-__-..,._-,. to " - Councillors & Janotor's pay ----------- Joe Emmerson - 4 trips to London with E. Vyse-------- .David Masales - Charity ---------------- -----------....- J. G. Turnbull - Trip to London with M. Scrivens -•--- These Mabee - Stamps for Clerk & Treasurer ----------- $15•00N *20--, 900 10.00 12.00 N 2*2$ 12.03 \ 75.00\ 103.00 \ 25.00\ 16. to \ 16, oo \ 7.00� 6. oo 33 Moved by Scruton Seconded by 5oanlan - That we adjourn to meet again on Oct. 7th.. Carried s I* 0 t 34 Town Hall, 5traffordville, Oct. 7th. 1940 Pursuant to Adjourrmient of Sept. 3rd., the Council of the Township of Bayham meet in regular session on the above date, members all present and the Reeve in the Chair. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read approved and signed and the following business was done. Relief accounts were discussed and passed. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by McConkey- That we give a grant of 125900 to the Tillsonburg Fair Board, cheque payable to M. Ostrander... Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Brown- That we give W. Mitchell a $25.00 raise for tax collecting for 1940... Cabried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Clerk be authorized to have the Voters' List printed by the Port Burwell Enterprise... Carried. Albert Kicksee interviewed the Council in regards to his account with the Brantford Clinic, This Was laid over for further word from the clinic. At 2 o'clock P.M. the Council members took{their oaths as members of the Court of Revision for the 1941 Assessment Roll, and the following uses were considered and a decision made. Appellant Respecting Whom Lester Bates Mark Bates Mark Bates Lester Bates Church Parsonage Tenant Roy Nevill Tenants Verne Walsh Self Alfred Meadows Tenant Effie Wright Self John Utting Self Complained Of S.S. No. Change owner to 2 Mark Bates Red. by $100. Change owner to 2 Lester Bates Self Co Ellis as Tenant 11 Basil and Marie 12 Nevill as Tenants 2 To be ass. for Business 14 Stanley Simitus 14 removed 1.12 w.Vic. lot 20to 2 be assessed to Self Ed. Davidson 14 Ass. for new House 2 John Utting Self Asao old house to Allowed. 5 Red. by $100. Mr. Wood for $350.00 2 Walter Butcher Self Asso as owner 1.11 E. Rob. 24,-t acre -J100.00 2 Drew,Herbert & Self Asso as tenants of 2 Vera Margaret Ferris Walter Stansell Self Asso for new house as 14 Lloyd & Ilene, tenants Alta Bradfield Self,tenants Gerald Bradfield as Freda 14 as to nants,not Howey Harold Howey Self Asso for new house 14 Giry in, Wm, Dora Self Mss . to Lance & Martha 14 & Caroline Clark Artley Vyse Self Ass. to Borden do 14 Rowena Price J.D.Vallee Self Asso too high 14 Gunstone,Archie Self do Verne Wm.G.Mitehell Self Jack Culham Self H. S. Hull Self Ass* for Clyde Soper Sivyer Property Business Ass. removed Remove,add R. Holmes Ass. too high A.A.Johnson Self,tenants Guy do Mildred Johnson/ as tenants Lewis McQuiggan Self Ass. to David Everett H. 0. Alward Self Ass. as tenant of Roy`. New Eden Gas Co. Meyers ` Self Ass. for 2 more wells do 0701 ft. 2" pipe 114 Decision. Allowed. Allowed, Allowed Allowed $100.00 kllowed Ass. as $100.-1000.-100. Pitt & Eliz. for $400.00 Allowed. Allowed. Allowed. Allowed, ass. as $50--650- Allowed, S 50o- 350. Allowed. Allowed. Red. to S50e and 1050. Allowed 14 Allowed. 14 Allowed. 5 Red. by $100. on Bldgs. 10 allowed. 14 Allowed. 2 Allowed, Jess! on Part # MI 18 Ass. for 400* Appellant Albert Kicksee Nrmond Smith Merton Chute Hazel Everett Respecting Whom Frances McDer- mand Gas wells Albert Baldwin Self Peter Scott Self Capt. Henning Self Levi Lewis Tenant W.T.Johnson Self Owen Carson Self Fre d Fay Self Bacon,McKenney Self Cliff Foster Self John Kaufman Self Donald Soper Self Chas. F.Moody ,, —belf Allowed S.McCelland Est. Self Earl Woodward Self Mrs. E . Dickenson Self Complained Of Ass. too high Pipes removed Dog removed Wood removed, ass. too high . Ass. to be adjusted Ass. to Kolbe Fish Add. Artley Vyse & Ass. to Ass. to ties. to Ass* too high 35 S.S.90. Decision. 1 Red. by $300.00 On Bldgs, 16 Ass.Cancelled 4 Allowed. 4 Red. to 1800.00 Co. wife Additional Bldgs, Additional Bldgs. Additional Bldgs. Additional Bldgs, Ass. to P.L.Williams Ass. for 1 dog Additional Bldgs. 0 2 Ass. at 100-700. 2 Allowed. 2 Allowed. 9 Allowed 16 Allowed. 2 Allowed. 12 Red. by 5200.00 on land. 2 Raised $200.00 2 Raised 5200.00 2 Bldgs. raised")"IM 18 " " f300 2 Allowed. 1 Allowed, 1 Raised (1000. on W t 7 Con, 1. Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey- That this Court of Revision accept this Roll as now revised and that -we adjourn to meet at the call of our Clerk in respect to the revision of assessment on the Dickenson property...Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded b Brown- That cheque be drawn in favour of John Uttingto the amount of 116.42, taxes being paid twice...Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by 5cruton- That the Clerk write to Dwight Pressey and Verne Soper stating the decision of the Council to ask that permission be given, the Township to out trees so as to make Corner more safe for the travelling public... Carried. The Council revised the list of Game Wardens for the Township and the Clerk was instructed to forward their names to the Department for their appointments. It was also decided to hold the pheasant shoot on only the 25th. and 26th. of October. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets..Carried W. E. Greer, Goods for Mrs. Mezaros---------------------- X19. 6 Mrs, R. D. Stickney, Goods for D. Masales----------------- 13,40\ M. Ostrander, Sea.-Treas. Tillsobburg Fair ---------------- 25.00\ Louise McDonald, Goods for Mrs. Pfahler------------------- 5. 3\ " it 11 " Elgin Vyse -------------------- 13,42\ J. W. McQuiggan, " " Mrs. Tribe -------------------- 7.81 \ Chas. A. Walsh, " " Emmett Miller _________________ 1.78 \ P. L. Williams, " " Wm. Patton - -------- _---------- 12.00\ It '� Joe Stevenson ----------------- 10.00\ H. J. Culbert, " " Viola McGaw ------------------- 811,1\ Mrs. McMillan ----------------- 7.88 Mrs. Anderson ----------------- 5.83\ W. E. McKibbin, Meat for Wm. Patton ----------------------- 2.73\ Central Yipe Lines Ltd. , Gas for Wm. Patton --------------- 1.94 \ It " " " �� Town Hall --------------- 6o\ if " « " " L. Nelles--------------- .65 H. E. P. C., ----- Hydro for Town Hall --------------------- 15,82\ News Printing Coop Adv. do btatione---------------------- .66\ wm. Stratton, Councillors' & Janitor's pay ---------------- 19.90\ of " To apply on salary --------------- 25.00 t W. G. Mitchell, " ��--------------=----------- 60900\ J. "D. Vallee, " u " ----------------- 50.00\ F. E. Brown, Goods for Henry Palmer --------------------- 3.63.\ Jack Richardson, Work on Town Ball Grounds ---------------- 12.50\ John Utting, Rebate in taxes paid twice ------------r------- 16.42\ Kenneth E. Grant, Salary for. Sept. & trip to St.Thom&s -- 102.50\ Rev. W. A. Miller, Trans* Mrs. Chas. McDowell to Tills. ---- t 2-50 Orin Bartlett, Attending Court of Revision ----------------- 2, 50 � Thos. Mabee, Stamps for Treasurer --------------------------- 3.00 \ David Maseles, To Charity ---------------------------------- 7.50`. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Nov. 4th, 1940... Carried* eeve. s Town Hall, btraffordville, Nov. 4th. 1940- Pursuant 9 .0. Pursuant to adjournment of Octobbe-7th. the Council of the Township of Bay ham met in regular session on the above date, members all present and Reeve Turnbull presiding. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read approved and signed and the following business was done. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That this change the assessment of S. J. Mrs, Georgina Robbins, owner, adjourn, Sine Die... Carried* 360 adjourned session of the Court of Revision McClelland estate from P.L.Williams to amd that this Court of Revision do now The Relief Officer presented several communications and the Clerk read a letter from D. F. Gibson, explaining why it was though advisable to not' proceed further with the appeal on the Dickenson assessment. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council endorse the resolution of the Police Trustees to erect 2 new street lights on the Fish House road in Port Burwell... Carried. Several interested parties were present and heard the Clerk read the Engineer's report and specification of the Bentley Drain. Discussion followed and it was thoughtthat a less expensive method could be found for repairing this trouble and Road bupt. Godwin was instructed to proceed with the alternative plan. Mesdames Grant, McGregor and Brooks interviewed the Council in regards to a walk being constructed to the Straffordville cemetery. It was agreed that a gravel walk would be quite satisfactory and that this would have to be done under the supervision of the County. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That we appoint the Reeve and N. McConkey to�- committee to interview the County Road officials in regards to a foot- path along the County road to the Cemetery west of 5traffordville.Carried Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we pay Julius Uzoni the sum of $20.00 for 10 rods extra ditch on the Benner drain... Carried. 61 37• Loved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That By -Law No. 1077 being a by-law to provide for the holding of Municipal elections and appointing Deputy Returning Officers as well as Poll Clerks and Pollibg places for the said election, be now read a first time ... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No.1977,be now read a second time.Carried. \4 Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That By -Law No.1077, be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by McConkey- That by -Law No. 1078, beibg a by -low to designate the road between Concessions 3 and 4 at that place where it crosses the boundary road between Bayham and Malahide as a through highway, benow read a first time... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan -That By -Law No.1078 be now read a second ti.me.Carried. Moved by Brown Q� Seconded by Scruton- That by -Law No. 1078, be now read a third time and finally passed...Carried. s A drainage Petition was received and following resolution was passed. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we instruct the Clerk to write to Engineer Bell in regards the Cheesman drain west of Corinth and notify those persons interested... Carried, Horace Johnson, of the Straffo rdville Tennis Club, interviewed the Council in regards to the use of the Town Hall this coming winter for badmington. This was left with the Clerk and Mr. Johnson to work out a plan whereby the said Club would pay the extra heating and lighting expenses. Plan to be presented at next meeting. The Clerk was also authorized to purchase new blinds for the Town Hall and have same erected. The Township Constable agreed to help repair the rear porch and steps at the Town Hall. Moved by Brown Seconded b9 Scruton- That the Reeve sign the several order she_ts.Carrie'- H. J. Culbert, Goods for Mrs. McMillan ------------------ $8.12 \ .. to 11" Viola McGaw -------------------- 7.9c \ P. L. Williams, �� 't Wm. Patton --------------------- 15.36\ U ib'� " Joe Stevenson --------- - ------- 10.00\ Albert Deller & Son, Tile for Smith Drain -------------- 1.4.50\ W. E. Greer, Goods for Mrs. Meszaros------------------- 21,02\ W. E. McKibbon, Meat for Wm. Patton -------------------- 1.23\ Peters Brown & Co., Half auditors fees for 1940, -------- 87.50\ Municipal World Ltd., Stationery & Supplies ------------ 7.05\ The Enterprise, Voters' Lists & Advt.------------------ 10o -6o \ ,Dr- J. H. F. Adams, M.O.H. salary to Sept. 30/40 ------- 100.00\ J. G. Turnbull, Fees attending B. of H- ------------------ .70\ selecting Jurors ----------------- -00\ Orin Bartlett " " "----------------- 1.00\ George Vallee, " attending B. of H- ---------------- 3.30\ J D Vallee " ••----------------- .00\ •• " " selecting Jurors---- Jurors----------------- .00\ To apply on salary ---------------------- 50900\ Wm. G- Mitchell " " " ----------- 50-00\ Central Pipe Lines, Gas for Wm. Patton ----------------- ?--59\ J. W. Mc4uiggan, Goods for M. Nelles------------------- 5.00\ Mrs. R. D- Stickney, " " D- Masales--------------r-- 11.60 I\ p ---------------=--- Wm, Benner Repairs to Corinth Drain 8-40\ Spelman Benner " " "--------------=--- 5.20 \ Jack Richardson, Work on Town Hall Grounds ------------- 2,00\ Louise McDonald, Goods for Mrs. Pfahler------------ i 6.00\ " n " " Elgin Vyse-----------------6000 10.68\ . 38 Fred F. Brown, Goods for H. Palmer -------------------- $ 8.30 Chas. A. Walsh, of " Emmett Miller --------------- 16,-98-%, Julius Uzoni, Ditching for Benner Drain --------------- 20.00 Dr, H. J. Hart, Fees attending M. Nelles-------------- 10.00%., Thos. Mabee, Stamps ----------------------------------- 9:00 Wm. Stratton, To apply on salary —rte.—�..�.�.rr------------- 25 00%-, it " Councillors' & Janitor's pay ----------- 19.90\ Elmo Howey, sheep killed & injured -------------------- 110.00 -, John Goodhand, valuing sheep killed ------------------- 8.30 \ Kenneth E. Grant, salary for October ------------------ 100.00-,, it " " Trip re Jas. Scrivens--------------- 2,50-,-, Joe Emerson, 12 trips to London re E. Vyse------------ 48-00,, D. Masales, To Charity ---------r---------------------- 7-50%, Central Pipe Lines, Gas. for L. Nelles---------------- 1.94\ " " " it " Town Hall ---------------- 1.60\ Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That we now adjourn to meet on Friday Nov. 15th. Carried* erx. s Town Hall, Straffordville, Nov. 15th, 1940. The Council of the Township of Baynam net in regular session on the above date, members all present and the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of the last meeting were read approved and signed and the following business done. The Clerk presented the claim of Arthur Brooks for damages to his truck on Township road. This was refered to the insurance Company. Police Trustees Culbert and Kirk were present_ etnd asked for a grant for the Community Hall in Port Burwell. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council make a grant of (25.00 towards the seating and repairs at the Community Hall in Port Burwell...Carried. A letter from the Dept. of Highways was read by the Clerk, authorizing the spending of an additional $500.00 for Roads & Bridges forr 1940. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That school trustees submit their estimates for Trustee Levy to the Clerk by the 15th, day of February in each year...Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Dennis drain be repaired under the supervision of our Road Overseer and that the costs be apportioned as originally divided by the By -Law... Carried. Moved by Me Coey Seconded bynlan- That the Treasurer be authorized to issue a cheque for $757.63 tooH. E. P. C. covering payment to Oct. 31, 1940 for street lighting in Burwell & Straffordville and accounts be placed on the Dec. 15th. pay sheets... Carried. Messrs. Chambers interviewed the Council regarding connecting tile to the Marion Nevill drain and were informed that they would have to make their own arrangements for going across the lands of their neighbours. Mr. H. Johnson was again present for the Badmington Club and the Clerk presented figures to show the amount of gas and electricity used last winter The Club were to go ahead and use the hall and any additional costs will be paid by the said Club. The district inspector for relief was present and discussed with the Council a few of the cases in the Township. wdyournment to Dec. 16tho was then moved by Brown, seconded by ;*eanlan.Carri 0 39• Town Hall, Straffordville, Nov. 22nd. 1940. The Nomination meeting for the Township of Bayham was held on the above date between the hours of 1.00 P.M. and 2.00 P.M. with a rather small attendance of electors present. However there were several monina+ions for the various offices as follows. For Reeve- C. D. Coyle, A.A.Johnson, N. McConkey, Robt. McLean, Nathan Gray, A. E. Brown, G. Turnbull, E. Scanlan, Wm. Lilly, Geo. Vallee and Don. Soper. For Deputy Reeve- Fred Chandler, C. D. Cojr�e, Geo. Vallee, A. A. Johnson, N. McConkey, A. E. Brown, G. Turnbull, G. Mitchell, E. Scanlan, C. Scruton and Wm. Lilly. For Councillor- H. O. Allward, Wm. Brown, G. Turnbull, E. C. D. Coyle. Kirk, Henry Culbert, N. McConkey, A. E. Scanlan, C. 5cruton, wm. Lilly and After the close of nominations, J. D. Vallee, Clerk, was appointed chairman of the usual meeting and he then called upon Wm. Stratton to explain the Treasurer's report to those present. The Reeve and Deputy Reeve as weal as the Councillors were then called upon and they gave an account,mf the year's work done by the Council. Others nominees who so wished were then given a chance to speak to the s meeting. H. L. Godwin, Road Supt. was then called upon by the chairman to give an account of the work done 4iider his department for the past year and with permission of the chairman, Geo. Vallee, Presedent of the Bayham Red Cross Branch, spoke briefly on the coming Regi Cross campaign for funds and the necesity that this be well supported by everyone. The meeting closed with the singing of God save Thb King. At the close of the time limit for filing Declaration of Qualification by Candidate, the following has qualified for the various offices: - For Reeve- J. G. Turnbull, For ^eputy-Reeve - ftlbert E. Brown, For Councillors- Chas. 6cruton, Ernest Scanlan and N. H. McConkey. This being the number required to fill all the offices, they were declared elected by accleimation. Z, J. Dewey Vallee, Clerk of the Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, do hereby declare J. G. Turnbull duly elected Reeve, Albert E. Brown duly elected Deputy Reeve and Chas. Scruton, Ernest Scanlan and N. H. McConkey duly elected Councillors for the Township of Bayham for the years 1941 and L942, Said term being authorized under the Local Government Extension Act, 1940. v 0 God Save The ing. 01 k and Returning Officer. 40 Town Hall, Straffordville , December 2nd, 1940. The Council of the Township of Baynam meet in special session on the above date for the purpose of passing accounts, re -nearing hall insurance and appointing representatives to the tax sale and general business, members X11 present and the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of the lust meeting were read and adopted and the following business was done. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That the insurance on hall for *2000.00 and contents for $400.00, previously held by Denton & Vance of Tillsonburg, be transferred to W. G. Mitchell, Straffordville, and that the Treasurer be authorized to pay premium to the amount of ;21.60... Carried. The following hospitalization account was received from the County and passer. Memorial Hospital, 5t. Thomas. David Masales------------------- S 2.62 Harold Mewuiggan---------------- 21.00 Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. Violet Berdan-------------- 15.75 Paul Curtis --------------------- 36.87 Mrs. Blanche Tupper ------------- 246% Soldiers Memorial, Tillsonburg, Mrs. Lucinda Bradt & Infant ----- 15=55 Verna Claus --------------------- .87 Mrs. Jennie Falkins------------- 9.62 Helen Jennings & Infant --------- 10.57 Ermos Monoca-------------------- 26.25 Joseph Mezeros------------------ 14.00 baby* Murphy Phillips ------------ 2.62 Kugust Webster ------------------ 32-37 Mrs. day Tribe ------------------ 8.87 Ontario Hospital, Woodstock. Murray Norman ------------------- 43.25 Dorothy C. Wells ---------------- 46.00 Joseph L. Scruton--------------- 42.25 earkwood Hospital, London. Beatrice Neff ------------------- 114.75 K. Johns6n---------------------- 11..75 Wm. Ecker ----------------------- 11.4.7 Total 627.21 Moved by 5eruton Seconded by Scanlan- That dec. 26th, Boxing Day, be declared a civic and public holiday... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by beanlan- That the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to attend the tax sale Dec. 10th. 1940, in the interests of the Township.. Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey- That chequ be issued to W. G. Mitchell to amount of $10.00 for trip with H.L.®od in to Toronto... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scruton- That cheque be sued to J. D.Vallee to amount of 58.00 to trip to Dutton... Carried. The question of a snow plow for the Township was then discussed and it was decided that prices should be obtained whether a purchase was made or not, and the following resolution was passed. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Clerk be authorized to call for Tenders on Snow Plow and equipment. Tenders to be in before Dec. �i4th. and no tender necessarily accepted... Carried. W. H. Griggs interviewed the Council in regards to relief for Ed. Curtis til The Clerk was instructed to write to Mr. Alder, Division Engineer at London in regards to the promised repair work by the rept. of Highways to the turn at the foot of Teall hill, south of Vienna. Moved by McConkey seconded by Scanlan- That the Reeve sign the several order sheets..Carr& Wm. Kirk, Grant to Community Hall, Pt. Burwell ------ H. E. P. C.- Street lighting, Pt. Burwell-----1'��=-- do do do do btraffordville--------- Clyde E. Soper, Lumber for hall porch ----------•---- Albert Deller & Son, Tile for Corinth drain -------- Chas. A. Walsh, Goods for.mmett Miller ------------ Wm. G. Mitchell, Insurance on Town Hall ----___-_..__ Mrs. R. I). 5tickney, Goods for D. Masales---------- Municipal World Ltd., Stationery & Supplies -------- J. W. Mcquiggan, Goods for Mahlon Nelles__- -------- Central Pipe Lines, Gas for Town Hall -------------- do do do do do L. Nelles-------------- Aylmer Express, Printing financial statements ------ H. J. Culbert, Goods for firs. McMillen ------------_ do do do Viola McGaw ---------------- do do Salt for sand pile-----------P.V.---- do .V. ---- do do Trip to Council--------------P.V.---- Wm, ,V,____Wm. Kirk, Labour---•------------------------P.V. __-_ A. R. Wright & Son, Supplies --------------- POV.---- .q. Hayward, Salary--•-______________________r�V,____ W. H. James, Salary & Postage -------------- P.V.---- Wm. Laycock, WreathpMemorial service ------- P.V.---- 14m. Kirk, Labor -'Needs on Wilcox Lot -------- P.V.---- B. B. Graham, Hospital Maintenance ----------------- P. L. Williams, Goons for Wm. Patton --------------- do do do Mr. Stephenson ------------ do do do Wm. Patton --------------- Central Pipe Lines, Gas for 'Am. Patton ------------- Spencer Kirk, Delivering Coal ______________________ Valley Camp Coal Co., Coal for Relief families ----- E. C. bpragge, funeral expenses-wm. Ecker ---------- Jack Richardson, Work on Town Hall Grounds --------- Dave Masales, do do do do --------- Thos. Mabee, Stamps for Clerk & Collector ---- Kenneth E. Grant, Salary for November -------------- Wm. Stratton, Councillors' & Janitor's pay --------- do do To apply on salary ------------------- W. G. Mitchell, do do do ---________________ do do Trip to Toronto --------------------- J. D. Vallee, To apply on salary ------------------- do do Trip to Dutton school --------------- 25.00 69 .00 61.6 \ 3 4-70--- 4.68 .68 N 11.78 \ 21.6o 12.38 6.5E 9.911\ 1.20N 1.30\ 13.00 7.98-s-, 7.92 \ 1.56N 1.00 2.00 23.51 ,, 27.00 \ 25.x.0 N 5. oo \ 3.001, 697.21\ 11.99 \ 10-00%, 3.75 \ 5.83N 2.40 \ 14-34-\ L5.00\ 3�15-N 2.25\ 6.00 100.00 41.80,\ 25.00\ 50.00 10.00 50" 00 8.00 Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That this special session now adjourn to meet in regular session on Dec. 16th. 1940.00 Carried. • Reeve. Cl erk. 11 42 Town Hall, Straffordville, December 16th, 1940. Pursuant to adjournment of Dec. 2nd. the Council of the Township of Bayham met in regular session on the above date, members all present and the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed and the following business was done. Seasons greetings were received from Carl Grosskurth of the Canada Ingot Iron Co. and alto from D. F. Gibson, Township solicitor. Letters were also received from the Division Engineer, Mr. Alder in regards to the turn at the foot of Teail's hill on No 19 highway, and bulletins from the Department of Public welfare re Vacant Land Cultivat- ion and from Dept. of Municipal Affairs re School at Delhi. Advise from the Dept* of Highways to the effect that By -Law No 1078 re through road at Calton, had been approved was also received and the resolution from the Town of Kingsville in regards to free transport- ation for members of the C.A.S.F. was received and laid over to the next meeting. Mr. Judson of St. Thomas and sister, Mrs. Foster of Port Burwell interviewed the Council in regards to assistance in the funeral and burial expenses of their father of Port Burwell. This was discussed by the members and it was decided that the Council pay Mr. Spr gge,the undertaker, for this service, and that Mr. W. Judson, the on, re-imbure the Township in monthly payments, giving a note of 945.00 to the Township Treasurer to cover thdae costs. The following resolution wed passed. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council authorize Mr. Spragge to proceed with the burial of Mr. Judson and that we notify him of the same..Carrit The Clerk received and order signed by W. H. James, Clerk of the Police Village and O.K.'d by We G. Mitchell, Meed Inspector, to the effect that the sum of $3.00 were spent to clean up the weeds on the lot of Mrs. Wilcox on Erius Ste and if the same remain unpaid, the cost£ are to be added to the Collectors roll. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That this Council pay half of the Clerk's rental for phone for the year... Carried. Moved by McConkey Seconded by Scanlan- That Lawyer Gibson's account of t85/16 for Township services for 1940 be passed and cheque be issued for same...Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That this Council pay H. A. Ostrander 122.00 for blinds for Straffordville hall... Carried. Moved by Brown Seconded by McConkey- That bonus:s of t25.A be paid to each member of the Council with an additional $15.00 toyhe Reeve for extra services and that the appreciation of the Council be extended to the Reeve for his leadership and co-operation for the year 1940.00 Carried, High McConnell interviewed the Council in regards to dog tax improperly charged in the year 1937. Rools were produced to show that this was charged in error and the following resolution passed. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Brown- That we refund to Hugh McConnell the sum of Six dolla for taxes charged on dogs 1937... Carried. Moved by Scruton Seconded by Scanlan- That we pay to -W. Mitchell, the sum of Twen$7 Dollars for mileage he drove attending court re.Mrs. Chalk.. Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by Scruton- That this Council pay the hospital fees for will Cowan to have an operation on his eyes and he will pay us back as soon. as he can...Carried. _a 43 in answer to the call for tenders on a snow plow, 4 tenders were received by the Clark up to the time limit for same. These were from The Dominion Road Machinery Co. of Goderich, J. S. Innes Ltd. of Toronto, Sawyer -Massey Ltd. of Hamilton and The General Supply Co. of Toronto. Due to the fact that Mr. Caldwell, Dept. of Highway Engineer, did not come to the meeting and as the Council wished to go and see some of these plows, this business on motion;~by`Brown and Scruton, was laid over to another meeting to be called by the Reeve. C. D. Coyle attended the meeting in the interests of the Sawyer- Maasey Co. and explained the workings and attachments and etc. of this plow. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That the Reeve sign the Order sheets... Carried. S. Kirk, Del* wood for H. Palmer -----------------9 1.501 do do do do1.00 do do do do Mrs. Hagerty ------------- 2.00 N do Coke for Mrs, Hagerty ------------------- 9.93N Howard Palmer, Del. woad-Mazaros,Miller & Fowler-- 7.50 *\ Louise MacDonald, Goods for Mrs, P fahler--------- 6.00 \ do do do do Elgin Vyse---------- 5.55 F. E. Brown, do do H. Palmer ----------- 5.25♦ W. J. Fewater, do do Meszaros----------- 5.25 W. E. Greer, d o do do ----------- 21.21\ Clave Richmond, Hauling Wood for Meszaros-------- 3.UO \ G. S. Elliott, Repairs to Smith Drain ------------ 48.75\ 0. Ferguson, do do do ----------- 13.25\ W. Mills, do r10 do ---------- 5.00 Geo. Green, do do do ----------- 1.75 Central Pipe Lines, Gas for L. Nelles------------ 1.9 1 do do do dd do Town Hall ----------- 2.40 � News Printing Coo Printing & Stationery ---------- 9,45 Times Journal, Advt, on tax sale ----------------- 2.80\ Provincial Treas., Insulin for Brotty & Tupper --- 3.22 David Masales, Work on Hall porch ---=------------ .50 E. C. Spragge , Funeral for Mr. Judson ------------ 45.00 %(Rebate J. D. Vallee, phone rental for year------------- 9.37 do do school books for L. Tribe ---------- 1.16%s do do Bal, of salary for 1940. ----------- 50.00 N do do Fees as school attend. officer ----- 25.00 N do do Fees as Sec. of B. of H. ---------- 10.00 Donald F. Gibson, fees for 1940 ------------------- 85.16 Community Hall Board, Heating & Seating--- P.V. 25.00 Wm. Webber, Hauling sand & salting ------- P.V. -- 6-50\ Municipal World Ltd. Printing & Posters -- P . V. -- 7929\ ti.h. Wright & Son, Lamps for street lights P.V. -- 17-10\ N. R. Stansell, Santa Claus fund --------- P.V. -- 10.00\ H. A. Ostrander, blinds for hall ----------------- 22.v0 \ J. G. Turnbull. Bonus & Extra fees --------------- 40*00\ A. E. Brown, Bonus ------------------ ------------- 25,00\ Chas. Scruton, do ------------------------------ 25-00'% ErnestScanlan, do ------------------------------ 25.00 N N. H. McConkey, do ------------------------------ 25.00\ Fred A. Bell, Survey & report, Bentley drain ----- 65.u0\ Wm. G. ifitchell,Ba1s salary,'Cibll. geed Insp, R.0.120,00\ Wm. Stratton, Bal of salary for 1940 -------- ----- 25.00 \ do do Councillors' & Janitor's pay -------- 19.90 \ Kenneth E% Grant, Salary for December ------------100.00 Hugh McConnell, Rebate on dog tax, 1937 ---------- 6.00 \ Wm. G. Mitchell, Mileage re. Chalk case ---------- 20.00 -., Thos. Mabee, btamps for Treasurer ---------------- 3.00\ Daily Uommereial News, advt. re Snow plow -------- 8-40\ Hydro E. P. C., Hydro for Town Hall ------ ------ 9.70\ due) Moved by Brown Seconded by Scruton- That this Council now adjourn tjo meet again at the call of the Reeve... Carried. l •- 46 ■ 44 Clerk's Office, Straffordville, Dec. 17th. 1940. A special meeting of the Council of the Township of Bayham was held on the above date for the purpose of discussing and deciding on.the question of a snow plow for the Township* till members were present except Councillor beruton and Reeve Turnbull presided. j Moved by Brown �'•, Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council undertake to keep the roads of the Township passable by the removal of snow during the winter of 1940 -1 -Carrie Snow plow tenders were then look over acid discussed and it was Moved by Brown �;econded by Scanlan- That we accept the tender of the Sawyer -Massey Co. for model No. 30, 9' "V" type Snow Flow, complete as specified at S735.00, subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways,.. Carried. Moved by Scanlan Seconded by brown- That we authorize the Clerk to call for tenders for a trick, 3 ton preferred, to operate a snow plow for the coming minter on Township roads, all tenders to be in by 6 P.M. Dec. 21st. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted... Carried. Movers by brown Seconded by McConkey- That we adjourn to meet Saturday, Dec. 21st at 7.30 P.M... Carried. • e eve . s C erk. . Clerk's Office, Ilk-traffordville, Dec. 21st. 1940- .q special meeting of the Council of the TownsLaip of Bayhem was held on the above date for the purpose of decid1bg on tenders for operating the Township snow plow, all members being present excerpt Councillor 5eruton. Tenders were received from Basil Nevill, Jack Hotchkiss, Hugh Millard and Coyle & Palmer. These were all read and considered and the following resolution passed. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council accept Coyle and Palner's tender to operate the Township snow plow... Carried. The price on the above was $2.50 per hour includingthe extra help and the truck to be used is an International 1940, DS 0, 3* ton, with E.25 inch tires and ten forward speeds. Moved by Brown Seconded by Scanlan- That this Council adjourn, Sine die... Carried. erk. l 1