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Bayham Council Minutes 1931
TOWNSHIP Council Minutes 1931 sem; eat-e.a/ Treasurer"g-Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Towns* of Bayham FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 15th, 1930 19M RECEIPTS ITEMIZED Jan. 1—Cash on hand from last audit ..............................$ 158 00 $ 158 00 Collected by Treasurer, 1929 Roll ........................ 1720 11 1720 11 Resident Taxes, 1928 Rol?, 0. Bartlett, coil. 774 90 774 90 0. Bartlett, premium on 1929 Roll .................... 41645 FR. 0 M � - I I - � 13876 34 0. Bartlett, on 1930 Roll ...................................... 49466 89 49466 89 Taxes returned to County Treasurer... ............. 28W 86 MISCELLANEOUS Jan. 14—Rent of hall.............................................................$ 1000 Feb. 25—C. P. R., assessment on Dennis Drain ............ 360 00 Mar. 4—Rent of hall.............................................................. 5 00 Twp. of Middleton, T. L. account .................... 58 55 Twp. Malaht'oe, T. L. account ........................ _.. 232 77 Apr. 3—Rent of hall.............................................................. 4 00 J. fitnerson, gravel ................................................ 1 50 May 5—Miss High. gravel .................................................. 1 00 Railwaytax.....::.................................._................. .. 32 86 June 30 --County Treasurer ..............................................._. 6 00 July 25—Ont. Government on highways....._ ................... 7275 60 Aug. 4—C. Garnham, gravel ............. ..... ..................... _...... 50 Pilkeynote ............................. ............................ :...... 49 25 Sept. 1—Rent of hall .................... _........... ...... ....._............... 5 00 Nov. 3—Rent of hall ....................... _..................................... 5 00 13—County Treas., Barkley Drain .............................. 31 00 17—B. McLean, refund from McDonald ................ 51 25 19—Treas-of Malahide, re S. S. No. 16 Deb......... 112 96 Dec. 2—Wm. Smuck and Wm. Grant, pool license.... 30 00 15—R. McLean, gravel.............................5................... 39 00 Geo. Kulp, the sold ......._........_......... :......_........ 38 28 'B. Brian, refund selecting jurors and S. S. No. 16.................................................................. 7 70 $ 8357 32 "Afrev of Taxes ..................... ..._.......................... $ 1322 70 POLIL*E VILLAGE Apr. 2—Rent of Gas House ................. _........ ............. ....... $ 10 00 Sept. 7—Pool and booth licenses ........................................ 110 00 Oct. 6—Subscription re oiling street _.............................. 313 00 Rentof engine ........................ _ ..................... _....... .. 5 00 Dec. 15—A. Brown ................ .......................... _........ ....... .... 1 00 Refund from Twp. of Bayham ..... .................... 38 40 $ 477 40 EDEN DRAIN RECEIPTS Nov. 14—Debentures sold ....................................................$ 368 00 County Treasurer, county share ...................... 295 00 N. O. Stilwell, share .. . .......................................... 16 00 $ 679 00 Received from Loans ....................... ......._........... 62000 00 $141732 57 —1— FR. 0 M � - I I - � Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May y Dell. Meyers, dragging and culvert......................................1 15 00 DISBURSEMENTS James Crossett, dragging ............................................ _.......... 11 17 50 Orr Neff, dragging .................................................. _„..»«........12 10 50 ROADS AND BRIDGES Ruthur Taylor, dragging and now........................................8 Silas Burwell, hill 22 50 3 25 13—E. J. Fernley, rep. culvert ....„.. „«...._............. _...... Road 23 $ 22 00 snow and sanding ....................................8 Lorne Best, dragging .............................._..............................4 16 00 Gordon Nelson, drawing gr el............................................10 19 5t1 Morley Tribe, rep. hill..............................................................4 225 Pete Underhill, ditching........................................................2 3 25 100 00 Warren Wilson, rep. hill...............................................„.........4 16 25 Geo. A. Kulp, superintendent ............. ................."';W_.,,.G Jack Jackson, re hill P......airing..........................................I 4 4 50 Department of Highways, for gravel .................. r•«...........I8 20 00 G. Tribe, dragging and repairing..........................................I1 450 Harley Learn, drawing and furnishing 15 2/3 cords ........16 73 50 G. Tribe, dragging and repairing hill......................................4 38 50 Bruce Bain, drawing gravel..................................................16 28 33 Henry Pearson, snow and dragging ........ ......... „. ................. 7 13 38 Lew. Acre, snow and culvert..................................................16 9 50 Ira Stilwell, wire for railing.................................................1i 34 fi5 Warren Wilson, rep. culvert..................................................24 5 00 Reg. McQuiggan, dragging ................................................... 25 5 UO •••�- 3—E. 1. Torrens, account to date._ ..................................... 3. 9 100 80 Reg. McQuiggan, culvert..........................................................3 8 75 JJas.Gunstone, shovelling show and ice............«..................11 10 00 Morley Hotchkiss, dragging..................................................15 g .......................... 14 W Lesion Everitt, shovelling snow ........................................... 11 2 50 Geo. Kul superintendent ......._............................................. G 100 00 J. B. Lipsitt, cement...........................................«.......................1 20 SO D. Fverett, road lank 9 32 OU Geo. Kulp, superintendent....................................................G 50 00 Jas. Gunstone, n•ork on hills .......... ............................_.........,ll 10 On Lewis Acre, shovelling snow.........................................».......16 27 00 C. A. Roloson, uragging ..................... ....................„.... '.............3 14 50 Jas. Crossett, shovelling snow ...................................... .........17 36 00 D. Everett, dragging and culvert..........................:.............. „S 15 00 3—Municipal World, supplies......................................................G 6 79 Gerald Usterhout, culvert ......................................................... 5 4 50 Darwin Millard, shovelling snow, rep. covert....................25 6 25 N. S. Shortt, dragging and repairs......................... ................. 1 38 75 Emery Dennis, snow and culvert ............. ...... .......... .......... I1 8 25 D. R. Shortt, rep. culvert..........................................................1 3 75 Del, Meyers, snow and rep. culvert ..........................»............1 3 00 R. Chambers, rep. culvert ..........................................................1 16 25 G. A. Kul superintendent...................._........._....„...............G Kulp, 100 00 Elgin Underhill, rep. bridge and dragging ........................15 dragging 10 50 G. A. Kulp, expense Good Roads Assn . ......... ..................... G 23 75 Elgin Underhill, dragging and repairs.......................... ....:.2 14 50 JJas. Crossett, dragging and shovelling snow ............... It g g 10 50 Reg. Godby, culvert repairs..............................................:...2 400 Chas. Murphy, snow .......................................... ----------_25 9 00 Sheldon Godby, culvert repairs 2 1 75 Wilber Taylor, snow .................. ............................«..... _.... .... 13 2 50 D. Roloson, dragging and ditching ..................... ........» ...... 14 5 00 7—Dan. Pearson, snow, dragging, repairs .................. _...... ....... 8 20 00 G. L. Nelson, dragging and snow .............. ........ ..»..............17 13 50 Jas: Gunstone, dragging, rep. washout................................11 22 50 Basil Howey, ditching and repairs 28 511 ••••••••• Gordon Tribe, culvert, dragging, repairs ....._............. 4 20 00 s ...•...•••••...•...•.........«.....7 Frank Howe ditching and repairs Y g 7 ••.. •.... 11 50 p, .....,....»........14 D. Roloson, re culvert, rep. hill .................._.. 17 50 Harold Howey, ditching and repairs ......••............ _ .............7 825 .... Emery Claus, rep. culvert and dragging ....... ........... ... »_. 4 24 25 John Godby, dragging Y, gBing................................................................2 350 C. A. Roloson, dragging.................................».........................3 17 00 ............................... Frank McQuiggan, trucking .....................1 2 50 Jas. Crossett, dragging .... ...... .... .............I.............«..........._.11 9 50 Frank McQuiggan, trucking Q g -•...•••...••.••••• ... •••2 1 00 Elgin Underhill, dragging and repairs............»_. 2 gi .............••. 11 50 ..................•... Frank McQuiggan, trucking.................................................4 49 SO ElginUnderhill, repairs ......................... _........ ....................... 15 5 00 Frank McQuiggan, trucking ....... _........................................... 5 48 00 D. Roloson, fence posts ........ .... ....................... ».............___G 59 00 Frank McQuiggan, trucking .................................................. _7 3 00� Geo. Kulp, superintendent .. . .................. _........ _............... _.G 100 00 Frank McQuiggan, trucking ................................................... .8 24 00 Kulp, p ..................._.G Geo. Kul postage and telephone .................. 360 Frank McQuiggan, trucking g 11 300 g..„..........................„._......._..... F. N. McQuiggan, truckin ..4 16 00 Frank McQuiggan, trucking ...... „._....................................... 15 500 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking ................ ........................ .....5 8 00 Frank McQuiggan, trucking ............... „............... _.................. 19 200 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking .....a.......... ... ..„._ ......................9 :.... 15 4 00 6 00 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking ...........:.............1..........................27 3 OG 1 00 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking ...................... ..„... _............. F. N. McQuiggan, trucking ................ ............... „a............ 26 2 00 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking ............. „............. .........:...............28 Emery Dennis, trucking ............_ ........ _................................. 11 11 00 John McAllister, dragging, snow ............. .... _„»,..„»........ 15 1300 8 50 Lionel Pearson, trucking8 1900 7 00 Reg. McQuiggan, dragging and culverts .......................„.3 Basil Howey culverts and dragging .................. .... ..„ti....».7. 8 25 W. J. Sweet, dragging...........................................,..................15 Roy Neville. snow........................................................................5 2 50 J. Godby, dragging and repairs ... .............. »............ _............ 2 5 00 Peter Underhill, ditching2 200 F. E. Ketchabaw, shovelling snow............._.„a........ :«.,„,..13 5 50 International Harvester Co., plow repairs .............. .. ..., G 9 00 L. C. Garnham, rep. culvert and bridge.... .... .......... „.,_,,..13 6 00 John McAllister, dragging, repairs.._................................15 12 50 •-•••••••••••••••••••»•• E. J. Fernley, snow and culvert .............. 23 23 50 Till. Marlatt, catch basin . ..................................... R 100 •••••••-• Edgar Goodhand, culverts and dragging....„..».»._. 3 7 75 1600 to S. Bratty, Brading and rep. to hill......................................14 dragging 12 50 500 Cliff. Bartlett, shovelling snow .... ....... _....... _.._... ». _..11 Wallace Weeks, dragging ...................................................10 22 50 D. J. Jones, ...............................................................22 Canada Ingot Iron Co., cutter edge .................. _................. G 10 25 Neil Ketchabaw, rods for drag ...... .� „........»...G 1 SO 1 Warren Wilson, rep. to hill ............................. __.................11 5 00 W. J. Fewster, bolts .................. _....... _.................... _....». ....G 77 Geo. A. Kul superintendent P, ............................................. .G 100 W ••••-•-••�t•••-••••--••• •• News Printing Co., printing ................._. G 2 00 ....................................................„ D. Roloson, dragging ..... 14 2 Sn ........__.„. „._.... Clarence Wolfe, road plank ................. „._. 9 11 20 Basil Howey, rep. hill ....................................................... ........ 7 29 00 Lewis Acre, dragging and repairs ...........__. ..........»:...»„_..16 11 25 Elgin Underhill, ditching and repairs Peter McQuiggan, rep. to creek............«...„..„............„......,4 3 75 Emery Claus, dragging 5—Jahn Sinden, ditching ........................ ... .... .......... •........... ..._.12 900 C. A. Roloson, grading and dragging ... _............................... 3 19 25 Edgar Goodhand, dragging and culverts_....__.......„_........3 13 25 Bordon Tribe, dragging and culverts....................................4 24 25 Robert McAllister, dragging and repairs„..:...„..„._. ....14 12 50 Morley Tribe, rep. to hill ................................... « .............12 9 00 John Jackson, grading _3 T. N. McQuiggan, drawing gravel..........:...............................1 T. N. McQuiggan, drawing gravel and plank ...................2 88 44 36 80 Gordon Tribe, grading and dragging ......................... Lorne Best, dragging,.................................................................9 .......,..4 26 25 30 00 T. N. McQuiggan, drawing gravel ............. ..... _ ................ 27 3 10 Ira Stilwell, wire........................................................................24 16 65 T. N. McQuiggan, drawing gravel ................. _...... .............. 4 22 00 Ira Stilwell, wire........._..............................................................11 45 20 T. N. McQuiggan, drawing gravel ............._.........._............. 8 28 00 F. N. McQuiggan, truck............................................................1 7 13 Lewis Acre, grading and dragging.......................................16 21 25 F. N. McQuiggan, truck...........................................................2 238 95 Wallace Weeks, dragging and culvert..............................10 14 75 F. N. McQuiggan, truck............................................................3 3 00 J. F. Bertran, culvert tile ...........................................».... .G 124 50 45 50 F. N. McQuiggan, truck............................................................3 N. 58 90 19 90 Harley Learn, hawfing gravel ................................ ..w:..c........16 F. McQuiggan, truck............................................................4 Gordon Graves, dragging........................................................16 17 50 F. N. McQuiggan, trick ............................... ............................. 5 3 17 A. Hover. culvert..........................................................................4 5 00 F. N. McQuiggan, truck............................................................8 1 00 T. E. Chalk. culvert....................................................................:.4 3 20 F. N. McQuiggan, truck..........................................................11 14 00 Fred. Bowes, culvert and dragging ........................... _......... 28 46 25 F. N. McQuiggan, truck..........................................................15 8 00 A. Silverthorn, stripping gravel .................... .................. ......G 25 50 F. N. McQuiggan, truck...................................».....................24 11 00 C, A. Walsh, wire and spikes...................................................9 5 10 a C. P. R.. freight...........................................................................G 4 16 July 7—Gordon Graves, grading and dragging •••• ••.••.••.••••.•...-••••.16 25 50 Lewis Acre, weeds and repairs.............................................16 45 00 Jas. Crossett, dragging and weeds, ............ .......... It 35 50 R. H. McCurdy, grading and culvert....................................3 16 88 Walter Weeks, ditching and dragging................................10 32 00 W. Light, grading and culvert ............... ................................... 3 16 88 Jas. Gunstone, rep. culvert......................................................I1 5 25 G. F. Curtis, grading and culvert............................................3 31 25 Reg. McQuiggan, grading and rep. culvert ........................3 16 00 F. Anderson, grading and culvert..........................................3 8 75 Reg. McQuiggan, rep. culvert ................................................12 9 50 T. Marlatt, rep. bridge..............................................................12 111 00 .........•• .....................••••.•.•25 Reg. McQuiggan, rep. to gully.•••.......................................... 7 50 A. Silverthorn, stripping gravel............................................G 21 00 Elgin Underhill, dragging........................................................2 7 50 ...... Norman Dick, fence guards ................................................ 27 75 W. K. Dennis, for piling..........................................................12 60 00 James Johnson, making tile...................................................G 18 00 Joe. Emerson, work on bridge..............................................12 12 50 R. H. McCurdy, culvert and tile.. ................................. ........... 3 6 75 Joe. Ferris, grading.....................................»..........................26 16 50 Aug. 4—Reg.Quiggan, weeds and ditching g ..............................12 85U Dominion Road Machinery, for grader ..............................G 599 62 Reg. McQuiggan, weeds..........................................................25 3 50 C. P. R., freight on grader......................................................G 25 38 W. Light, weeds 25 1 50 G P. R., freight on scraper ........................................ .............. G 4 16 Henry Berdan, weeds ...............................................................25 1 50 Joe. Ferris, road plank............................................................9 G 43 50 8 69 Reg. McQuiggan, weeds and repairs......................................3 W. Light. 10 75 250 MunicipalWorld, supplies ....................................... ............... weeds..........................................................................3 G. A. Kulp, superintendent..................................................... G 100 00 D. Roloson, weeds ......................................................... _........... 14 13 W C. A. Roloson, dragging and grading....................................3 18 75 Bert. Hilts, dragging, weeds and repairs ...................... _........ 5 62 75 Lionel Pearson, dragging and resurfacing ............................8 13 00 Dan. Pearson, weeds and dragging ............... ......................... 8 42 25 Roy Neville, road plank............................................................9 45 50 Lorne Best, weeds and grading ...•.............:............................9 22 75 Henry Grigg, grading ................ _............................................ 14 4 50 Joe Fletcher. grading..................................................................9 18 00 Eastern Steel Products, cor. culvert......................................1 46 59 Dell Meyer, weeds ...................... Eastern Steel Products, cor, culvert..................................15 20 12 N. S. Shortt, culvert and weeds .............................................1 26 00 L. C. Garnham, repairs............................................................14 13 12 30 00 Norice Vaughan, weeds ........................................ _.................... 1 6 50 4 00 OwenSoper, grading................................................................12 R. Butcher, weeds........................................................................1 Owen Soper, grading................................................................12 22 50 Cecil Neville, grading .................... 4, 11, 27, 13, 9, 10, 12, 15, 8 382 00 Merton Ryan, grading..............................................................12 7 50 Harold McQuiggan, grading 4, 11, 27, 13, 9, 10, 12, 15, 8 60 00 Howard Soper, grading......................................................... —12 7 50 ...................................... Jas. Crossett, weeds and gravelit 18 75 James Wolfe, grading ...........................................................12 1 25 W. Cascadden, weeds............................................................ ....11 6 25 Bert. Rohrer,grading..............................................................12 3 75 Cochran Foundry, rep. grader................................................G 5 25 Joe. Emerson, grading ........................................... _........... ..... 12 2 50 Elgin Underhill, weeds and grading............,........................2 19 50 Owen Soper, rep. Creek road ..........._..._ .............................24 24 25 Arthur Croxford, weeds 2 12 50 Joe. Emerson, rep. Creek road...t.........................................24 6 25 a Elgin Underhill, weeds ................................................... l5 400 Owen Soper, dragging ............ ..:...................... ..................... *_2 9 25 Arthur Croxford, weeds .......15 3 25 Harold McQuiggan, grading..................................................26 1 20 Morley Hotchkiss, cutting weeds....................... ..................... 6 19 00 Cecil Neville, grading................................................................26 24 80 John Godby, culvert and dragging .......................................... 13 00 Harold McQuiggan, grading .........._ ...................................... 3 480 C. A. Roloson, weeds and grading ........................................3 22 00 Cecil Newell, grading ......................:..........................................3 25 50 Basil Howey, weeds and grading ............................................ 7 17 75 Harold McQuiggan, grading..................................................14 1 50 Till. Martatt, rep. bridge............................................................9 1600 Cecil Neville, grading..............................................................14 8 50 Lyle Coyle, drawing gravel ........................................................ 3 103 06 Harold McQuiggan, grading ................................................. 2 7 50 W. Underhill, drawing gravel ............................». i 45 20 Cecil Neville, grading............................................»...................2 46 80 W. Wilson, drawingravel 8 .................................................... 3 28 66 g......:._............_ ........................ Harold McQuiggan, gradin .. 11 3 00 n W. Johnson, drawing gravel...................................................3 10 00 Cecil Neville, grading....._.........................................x..............11 A 20 00 600 Lewis Underhill, drawing gravel _. ......................................... ,3 16 00 Harold McQuiggan, grading ...................................»............. Lyle Coyle, drawing gravel 4 96 39 Cecil Neville, grading..............................................................»4 40 00 8 50 '. W. Underhill, drawing gravel..................................................4 71 70 Henry Beaman, dragging and reps.......................................15 W. Wilson, drawing gravel OrrNeff, ditching ................. _...... ............................ Edgar Goodhand, rep, culvert and dragging .......................3 ,............... 10 16 75 10 00W. - ..Lewis Underhill, drawing gravel .............................................. Johnson, drawing gravel...................................................4 4 7 60 5 70 Ii Newell, dragging ... ......................................................... ......13 450 `F. N. McQuiggan, drawing gravel and trucking ................ 25 59 Gordon Tribe, rep. culvert ................ .......................».........12 2 50 F. N. McQuiggan, drawing gravel and trucking ................ 3 95 70 —4— —5— Sept. F. N. McQuiggan, drawing gravel and trucking ............. 4 F. N. McQuiggan, drawing gravel and trucking .......... ..... 5 F. N. McQuiggan, drawing gravel and trucking .......... ... ..8 F. N. McQuiggan, drawing gravel and trucking.._»...._....9 F. N. McQuiggan, drawing gravel and trucking ............ IS F. N. McQuiggan, drawing gravel and trucking..............30 Geo. Kulp, superintendent .................. ...... __..I ................... G -. A. Silverthorn, stripping gravel ............. ............. .... »... L. C. Garnham, weeds and repairs ............... .............._...._..13 _.,:i. G. L Nelson, weeds ...................... .... ............... _.... ..... .......... 17 W. Sweet, weeds ................................ ..................... ..... ......_..15 JudBall, grading......................................................... _.............. 15 BasilHowey, grading ................... ......... ............ _....... ........... 15 John Howey, grading ................................ »......................... _AS A. Silverthorn, grading ......._........... ............... „......................15 Fred. Moody, weeds .» ......... ...... ....... .» ......................................9 Wm, Beckett, weeds, grading„................................_.,..........18 Gordon Tribe, grading and weeds ........... » ....................»........,4 Morley Tribe, grading.......»........................».............................4 Warren Wilson, grading ..................... _.... ................................. 4 LackJackson, grading ............. .... :_... .....................................4 rank Everett, weeds and dragging .......... .......... ..................5 Emery Dennis, weeds and dragging .... » ..............................11 R. Taylor, weeds and dragging ..... »............... _.................. ._...8 R. Taylor, weeds and dragging ...... ..... ...... ........... .............. 12 Eastern Steel Products, culvert pipe.................................„9 HenryGrigg, weeds ................... ...................... .......... ............. 14 Dominion Road Machinery Co., road machinery . ............ G J. W. McQuiggan, road plank..................................................9 M. L Burwell, railings .............. ............................... _............... 9 Emery Claus, weeds and dragging ...... » ................................»4 A. Meadows, account to date ......» ........................... „_..........G John McAllister, weeds and dragging ..................... _........... 4 Lewis Walsh, grading ..... ....... ......... ..„.... .............................27 E. J. Fernley, weeds and culverts ............. ..................... ..... 23 Joe Ferris, road plank .».......... ................ ..............................12 Jas. Johnson, making tile..... G London Advertiser, advertisink bridge tender.. .............. 2 Or. Neff, cutting weeds ................. ........ _ „».„..:..»..._....... ».12 Win. Mills, cutch ; -meds ................. ........._............. »... ........ 12 Wallace Weeks, cutting weeds »....... »...._....»...._...10 Floyd Smith, dragging and weeds ....... »........ ._._ ..............21 J. B. Lipsitt, cement ........................... _».._„........................... G A. Balderson, weeds and brush ...... ....... ................................15 Ed. Davidson, grading ... »...... _............. ..... .........................14 C. A. Ostrander, weeds and brush ......... ...... ... ..... _..... ...... 15 2—Harold McQuiggan, rep. bridge ...»._! . ............... _................. .9 Edgar Goodhand, weeds and ditching ........... ... ....................3s Chas. Brown, weeds and dragging.„ ............ ..................... _29 LorneBest, grading _.._.......... »._.._...._................... ...... ..9 LC. Garnham, rep. bridge ....................... _................ »»......... 13 Jas. Crossett, dragging and gravel ..„ ........................... ...... 11 W. Cascadden, cutting weeds......».............................„.........11 E. I. Torrens, account to date ...._ ................. _........................ 9 John Humphrey, shovelling snow_......................................11 kastern Steel Products, galvanized culvert ........................8 Frank Everett, grading..........»...............................................5 W. J. Sweet, grading ...... »... .......................................... ,.........5 CarlyleMagee, grading.................................»........................5 Melvin Crandall, grading...»...»......_.._...............»..................5 Stephen McDonald, grading ......_.... . ................................... Fred. Smith, grading ....... _....... _ ...............................................5 Gerald Usterhout, grading ....... ............................................5 Elgin Underhill, brushing ....... _....... » ................_...._e..._...»2 Sheldon Godby, grading . .................. _......„»......„......_...........2 Geo. Kulp, superintendent ................... ....... _ .... .................... —6- G 294 50 2 14 3 75 6 25 3 13 3 70 10000 40 6655 29 88 8 75 22 50 21 50 12 00 25 50 12 50 14 50 54 50 1000 10 00 7 50 7 25 12 75 27 00 11 00 40 23 19 00 96 00 30 00 36 12 18 50 65 12 50 7 50 19 00 8 85 40 50 5 25 5 87 17 50 16 25 17 25 29 70 13 00 12 50 15 75 9 00 23 6622 25 00 1 25 16 50 6 25 49 25 1 50 64 51 26 50 15 00 1600 5 00 9 50 1000 7 50 2900 12 25 100 00 D. Roloson, painting ................................... „_...».. ..__.».....9 D. Doloson, ditching............................»..„..................................3 D. Roloson, ditching.».....................»............_..._.„..._............15 Jack Jackson, cutting weeds ......_ ...... .............................»»..»I Peter Mitts, cutting weeds ...................... »»...... ........ .»......... 8 Neil Ketchabaw, rep. scrapers .» : .................. .... ..„........... »G Robt. McAllister, grading and culverts ....................»........14 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking ................ ... ............ ........... _....... F. N. McQuiggan, trucking ....... ............. ..... .......... .... ........ 4 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking ....................................... ....._5 F. N. M ....... McQuiggan, trucking.....................»..................»...........8 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking.......».................................»..........9 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking ................... _ ............ ................. 12 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking..............................»...................21 Wm. Brinn, grading ........................ „... :................. __................. 4 Gordon Graves, weeds and grading»......„..........................16 JamesJohnson, making tile ...................... _................ „.......... G G. Hayes, police village ............................... _.... ................ ....M. Ryan. Police village............................».......................... .35 Morley Claus, police village...................................».»..........35 E. McLean, police village....................................................„35 H. Brown, police village..........................................................35 John Jackson, police village ........................... _..................... 35 Walter Underhill, police village..............»............................35 A. Deller & Son, police village ......................................... _... 35 G. A. VanOrder, police village ........ ................................... ....35 Municipal Roads Oiling Co., police village ..... » ................AS Oct. 6—Ira Stilwell, wire for rail guards .....„ ....................2, 4, 5, Il HarryFirby, ditching........................»........................................5 Gordon Tribe, gravel and grading ....... .................... .........24 Gordon Tribe, gravel and dragging .„.......................... ....4 Dan. Pearson, gravel and repairs ..........» .................... _........8 JamesCrossett, dragging and gravel ................................ 11 Lorne Best, dragging and gravel .......................... „..... „..._....9 News Printing Co., printing .................._....................... ...G Geo. S. Elliott, weeds and dragging..........................:.........13 Geo. Kulp, superintendent ............r ........................... .......»G Arba Kulp, fence posts ............ »...... _ .............................A, 5, Il F. N. McQuiggan, trucking.....»......».................................»....2 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking ...... . ..... .......................... .......... 4 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking...........»...................................„...5 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking ..„........................................ 11 F. N. McQui McQuiggan, trucking......».....».....»_....„................... _12 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking...._...:„.»:...............:.:....._..„.:._}5 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking.........„...».»......................„......„.24 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking ......:: .......................... D. Roloson, painting bridge ......................... .............._.„..„.Il D. Roloson. painting bridge..................................`..........,.....»9 Cecil Neville, dragging and weeds......................................30 Cecil Neville. ditching...............................................................».4 CecilNeville. grading ............................ .......... ....................... _2 Warren Wilson, drawing gravel.........................„.................4 WarrenWilson. weeds ................... ....................... „.............. 11 T. R. Futcher, drawing gravel .................................... _..... _I6 T. R. Futcher, drawing gravel ........„ ..................... .... _......... 4 J. B. Lipsitt, cement . . ............................. ......... ....... .... G and 8 C. D. Coyle, rep. for machinery ....... ................. ..... „_..... .....G Lewis Acre. gravel and dragging......................„...».....„......16 Fred. Bowes, weeds and ditching ........... ................... „ »J Chet. Ketchabaw, weeds and ditching .. ...... .._..„.»...».7 Lloyd Raymond, weeds and ditching ......„ ............... ......... 7 Art. Lawrence, weeds and ditching .„. .................. ...... _„»7 Emery Claus. weeds and dragging .................................... 4 James Johnson, making tile .......... ..._„._„..:_._..G A. Defier & Son, for tile ................. ............. _.„. ........... .... ... 8 A. Defier & Son, for tile ...... ........ „....... ....... _._»._„. ..._.9 —7— S. Hodgkin, rep. culvert .......................... ... ........... ...... »...... 12 10 50 C. A. Walsh, account to date.............. _.......... ....... „........ .... G Nov. 3—D. Z. Jones, grading and dragging....................... ........ _....... 22 31 40 1500 E. Newell, weeds and dragging.............. ................... _......... 13 6 50 J. Howey, for gravel....................... ............... »... ................... 9 125 63 Edwin Pearson, shovelling gravel ................... ..._„....._.._9 87S Geo. Hayward, hauling gravel .................. ........ _. 9 2000 I5 00 George Beard, hauling gravel ..................»». .»_...»....»....9 Cecil Beamer, hauling gravel.__.._._....... ..._ ....„.... ...9 15 00 W. Starkey, hauling gravel....... ....... ......... ... ,.. ......... .......... 9 15 00 C. Jackson, hauling gravel ...................... _.... ....„..._........... 9 12 50 J. Silverthorn, hauling gravel ....... __.._»... ........._.».9 10 00 Lorne Best, hauling gravel ......................... .» ......„...».....9 51 25 J. Howey, hauling gravel...... ,».................. .... .....» ................9 75 00 Emery Culp, hauling gravel ......„.............. ..»... ._.»........._9 27 50 J. Fletcher, hauling gravel ............. »......»_....._ .»..9 27 50 C. M. Bearss, hauling gravel.......... .....»».......... _.................. 9 25 00 V. Ford, hauling gravel ............. ...».,_.......... ...»»..„..»....9 25 00 F. Seague, hauling gravel................... ............. __........ ............ 9 12 50 Robt. McAllister, dragging and repairs ......... „_............. 13 .8 00 Basil Campbell, weeds and repairing railing......................6 Lewis Acre, dragging .................»..„. 16 13 50 LC. Garnham. grading.............. ».............................. _.......... 30 282 Harley Learn, drawing and furnishing 2jfi cords gravel..16 10 50 A. Deller & Son, furnishing tile... ................_.............._.... 12 51 78 James Crossett, hauling and repairs-. ..................... ........... 11 36 00 Canada Ingot Iron Co., culvert ............ _.......... „.»_..»....»... 8 2089 Wm. Everett, team.._.__.................................. _._..._..............5 Canada Ingot Iron Co., rep- for grader ................... —.-.G 25 00 7 60 A. Meadows, account to date............ _......................... ...G G. A. Kulp, superintendent .............»............ ._.,...» .„_ G 6 05 100 00 J. Baker, the for drain 8 5000 N. S. Shortt, rep. culvert ..... .... ................. .... _..... ..... ........ ..1 2500 Fred, Eviland, rep. culvert ........................... 1 3 75 x-� Henry Beaman, rep. fill in culvert ........ .. .»..»............... Frank Elliott, the drain ...... .................. _..... ........ ..... _.......... 3400 i A. Balderson, rep• fill in culvert .......... ...... ........ _.. _. B 1800 C. A. Ostrander, rep. fill in culvert............ .... _................ a 1800 Thos. Berdan, building railing.............................. _S, 8, 11, 12 S4 25 Earl Brescau, building railing...... __....................... --Il, 12 21 00 Emery Dennis, dragging and grading ..__..... »._..._....„. 5 10 75 Emery Dennis. dragging......_........ __....... ..... ..,............ ... ll 300 Elgin Underhill, dragging ..._....... ........ ». ..._ _.........IS 6 25 Reg. Godby, repairing culvert ..-_..».„._.......„ J _ 15 2 00 Elgin Underhill, repairing bridge . _... » ... _ ..»»... _.. 9 75 Elgin Underhill, filling approaches ........ ...._.... ... 105 25 Reg. Godby, filling approaches _.,_»....„.. �... __.._...... C. P. R., freight on stone....-....-_.... ...................... ........».....2 3696 Reg. McQuiggan, rep. culvert ......... »..._....................... „.,»25 V 6 50 R. Gordon. rep. culvert ......._.... r._...._.._..... __ ._25 12S Reg. McQuiggan, rep, culvert _. »._..__.... »12 2 % Robert Gordon, rep. culvert .......... _ ._... _ _....._....12 75 Reg. McQuiggan, grading and repairs .._...» .. ....._._.3 10 50 Robert Gordon, grading and repairs . ......_._._ . „_ ».3 3 75 ' Dan. Pearson, hauling gravel and repairs .......... _,........»B 4690 Lionel Pearson, hauling gravel........................ ..... .... ... ....... B 32 00 D. Roloson, painting bridge..... ................ _............ ....... _... 11 1400 D. Roloson, dragging............................ ».. ........... .......... ....... _14 500 Basil Howey, grading and repairs......... ... ........ ............ 14 4250 Harold Howey, grading and repairs ........ _.................. .».14 13 25 Frank Howey, grading and repairs ... ........................ ..»._..14 4 50 C. A. Roloson, dragging.................... ............. ...... ............ ». ... 3 1300 Eastern Steel Products, for culvert pipe .-........... _...... ..... 11 38 49 James Wolfe, tile drain............ .................... _........ .......... .... 2 5 35 Owen Soper, ditching and grading.................................... ,2 38 00 Owen Soper, furnishing tile............... ..._.......... .......... ..... ... 2 2 65 Owen Soper, grading............... _............ ..-_-.._._ .................. 12 13 50 Owen Soper, dragging and repairs................ ._................... —8— Sidney Bratty, dragging and ditching.................„.............14 21 W F. N. McQuiggan, resurfacing............................................„.2 9020 F. N. McQuiggan, gravel and rail guards ......................... _.4 2205 F. N. McQuiggan, gravel and trucking ....................». ...._• 5 44 38 hauling rave!................................. F. N. McQuiggan,g g .......B 27 97 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking, rep. culvert ............... _... ,....,.9 6 25 F. N. McQuiggan, hauling tile and repairs ................. ..... 12 18 12 F. N. McQuiggan, hauling gravel ..........................»............19 34 50 F. N. McQuiggan, hauling gravel and tilt ..........................30 360 J. A.ackson, road plank ................................. .... .............. _..9 2045 Geo. ovules. building bridge .................................................2 3270 00 Herb. Newell, hauling gravel..................................................16 113 15 J. McAllister, grading and dragging....................................15 17 50 John Brinn, grading and repairs............................................4 75 00 Earl Woodworth, dragging and culvert ..........................»11 5 SO C. A. Walsh, wire ............... .._................ -................................. 11 861 Lewis Acre, dragging .................»..„. 16 10 00 A. Silverthorn; cutting weeds ... ..................................... »....19 12 50 A. Silverthorn, rep. bridge........................................................9 900 A. Silverthorn, stripping gravel..............»............................G 86 70 W. K. Dennis, hauling gravel ........ ....... ............. .... _............. 27 60 Lyle Coyle, hauling gravel ....................................... _............... 2 58 26 A. Skivyer, hauling gravel ...................... .......................... ..... 2 920 W. K. Dennis, hauling gravel................................................5 2000 Lyle Coyle, hauling gravel ...................... _................................ 5 21 66 Dec. 1—Canadian Pacific Railway, freight .......................................2 50 97 Canadian Pacific Railway, freight..........................................1 41 70 Frank Elliott, the drain ...... .................. _..... ........ ..... _.......... 49 00 A. Deller & Son, tile ............................. ......... ......................... 4 11 25 Off Neff, repairs to road ......................... _........ ........... i.. ...... 12 44 00 Gordon Graves, rep. culvert ........._ .... .......................„...........16 13 50 C. L Stafford, grading and ditching.........................».........14 44 00 N. H. McConkey, 26 cords gravel .......... ............. ....... „...._ll 32 50 John Godby, culverts and repairs .._............ .........................2 18 00 Geo, A. Kulp, superintendent ............................... _............... G 10000 Ira Stilwell, wire for rail guards ....................:......................2 32 80 Fred A. Bell, plans and supt. McCurdy bridge ..„............2 22500 Fred. A. Bell, to survey and cuttings ..................................12 20 00 Fred. A. Bell, to survey and description ............................30 46 00 Eden Drain, to culvert tile ...... ....... .......................................12 15 60 Henry Pearson, repairs and gravel ..................... _............... 7 71 25 D. Langfield, rep. culvert....._..............__...„........................_..7 1 75 James Crossett, dragging and hauling gravel ..................11 31 00 Wallace Weeks, dragging and ditching ............................10 21 25 Basil Howey. ditching....................................................„......„7 1400 Harold Howey, ditching and repairs......._....................._....7 1900 Arba Kulp, fence posts......................................»....»„....1, 2, IS 46 50 ” Gordon Tribe, ditching and repairs ........ ..... ....... _.»....... __4 29 75 Warren Wilson, drawing gravel ...... ......... ... ... ................... 4 2400 JamesGunstone, rep. washout ....... ............. ....... ..... .... „... 11 R 25 Leston Everett, rep. washout ................ ...... ... ..................... 11 2 75 Elgin Underhill, ditching, rep. culvert .... ....... _....... ........... 15 00 Geo. Powels, hauling gravel .......... _.......... ....................... 1000 Lew. Underhill, hauling gravel ................................ _.............. 2 26 66 G. L Nelson, dragging and weeds .......... .... ........ .......... ...... 17 6 25 Floyd Smyth, dragging and grading ........ ... .................. _.21 20 00 Sidney Bratty, dragging and ditching.................„.............14 9 75 Wm. Davis, cement -...--...... . .................. ..... ... ._...... .............. 23 1650 F. N. McQuiggan,' trucking ............... ..... »_... .................. ...... 1 4 50 F. N. McQuiggan. trucking ......................... ».._._.............. 2 26 25 F. N. McQuiggan. trucking .._................. _ »_.....»_..».......4 5 62 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking _.............. ».»»» ... »_.»...»7 400 F. N. McQuiggan. trucking .- ........... .._...._...... ...._.._ .............B 35 70 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking .......... ......................... 9 1 25 F. N. McQuiggan. trucking .- .__. ..._._...»..„........ »_..,11 41 2S F. N. McQuiggan, trucking ...... _....... _»...„........_._ ..12 1 25 F. N. McQuiggan. trucking ................ »»..»»......•... ...14 320 —A F. N. McQuiggan, trucking...........................................»».....16 6 25 H. Stewart, ditching .....................•••••••••._...._..:„........28 32 50 _ ..............................._..„......„.....19 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking_ 300 D. D. Hatch, ditching....................................................„.............28 7 50 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking ................... 7 20 D. Hatch, hauling gravel 12 50 D. Roloson, ditching ................ ......... ..................................... RobertMcAllister, dragging _.4 26 90 2 W ............................ „.„..................... _.28 C. Bowes, hauling gravel 28 ..................................................... Is 00 ........._._ .......................... _.......14 J. B. Lipsitt, cement ................................_.......................„......Il 580 H. Baldwin, weeds and grading..............................._.........12 H. Stewart, hauling gravel 67 50 17 50 Gordon Brinn, ditching .......................».............. Walter Underhill, hauling stone :.....................1 4 7 75 19 45 ...........„. ................................27 "”' C. Bowes, hauling gravel.........................................................22 57 25 ............... ..�+ ..,-" Walter Underhill, hauling stone...................„.......................2 42 2ti C. Brown, hauling gravel ......... 29 ............................._.........._. Davis, hauling gravel 11 00 5 87 Gco. Powels, extra work on bride g """""""""""""”""""' Herb. Newell, for gravel and hauling ..................... „............. 2 100 00 48 28 ........................................................29 0. O. Davis, hauling gravel 29 ..................................................._.. 500 Lew. Acre, hauling gravel......................................................1G 17 50 W. Beckett, ditching and dragging....................................18 11 50 Jas. Robertson, ditching..........................................................16 W C. James, grading........................................................................4 39 00 Peter Lauer, road lank P ”"""""""""""' 24 8 GS 92 B. Baker, tile drain ..................................................................„12 127 50 A. Silverthorn, stripping gravel ............................................ G 18 30 H. Stewart, for gravel 28 54 40 Thos. Berdan, rail guards ... . ..................................................2 28 00 .....•.•--•.-••••••••••••......•••.^••^•••..•-......•• A. Nevill, file drain 32 ......................................... 490 Earl Bresseau, rail guards .................. _............ ........................ 2 24 W J. Kennedy, dragging..............................................................16 25 00 John Mills, shovelling snow............................................„......7 7 50 D. Griggs, for catchbasin............................................. _.... _.14 500 Wm Cowan, hauling gravel..................................................10 135 00 M. Hotchkiss, dragging.......................................................14 8 50 Warren Wilson, hauling gravel............................................11 82 50 D. Moody, dragging.......................................„.........................9 82 50 Dec. I5—John McAllister, dragging....................................................15 10 W W. Wilson, hauling gravel......................................................5 24 00 G. Hotchkiss, dragging ............................... _.................... _... 19 13 50 W. Wilson, hauling gravel..................................................2 67 47 F. Everett, dragging ... .............. .................... ................... ..........5 6 25 Geo. Kulp, Supt. truck.........:....................::.............................G 125 00 H: Beaman, repairs to gulley......... .............. .... ............ ....... 8 32 W N. H. Gray, for gravel _ .....................9 6 25 E. Lindsay, repairs to gulley A. Balderson, repairs to gulley._.......... _..... ..... ......„„...8 1400 $ 18808 33 O. C. Anger, hauling gravel ........... .......... _........ ................. D. G. Jones, dragging ................. ................ ................... ...... 31 22 11 73 6 W MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS R. McQuiggan, dragging .. ........... _....................................... 25 3 W Jan. 13—B. Brian, registering births, tuarxiages and deaths ............. $ 32 75 i .. R. McQuiggan, repairing culvert .............................. _.........3 3 W Gas for town hall........................................................................... 3 10 E. J. Fernley, dragging .......................... _....... _............. ....... 23 58 W S. L. Squires, secretary Good Roads 'Association .............. S 00 H. Engram, trucking ..._...... ..... _.......................................... 23 2 50 Feb. 3—Municipal World, assessment rolls and dog tags.............. 40 56 Ed. Gall, repairing culvert ......._........................ ................. 23 9 W liar. 3—Municipal World, supplies........................................................ 9 16 B. Smith, repairing culvert ..._ ............... _............ _............... 3 10 50 B. Brian, postage .......... _............................... .........._............. ..... 3 75 .._..._._....._...._..—.— ............._ .............. L. Best, dragging........ 19 50 Gas for town hall ................................ _..... _.................................. 3 10 Ed. Goodhand, dragging 3 42 5f1 N. W. Weeks, expenses to Toronto ...................................... 17 40 Emery Goodhand, dragging 3 17 25 E. C. Spragg, Bayham's share Park Board ........................ 25 W L. C. Garnham, dragging ........... ..__„_... ».... ...................... 13 Geo. Kulp, superintendent .......... „_.... __ ...............................G 3 25 50 W May 3—B. Brian, postage ..................................................... ................ _ B. Brian, conveying inmate to House of Industry ............ 2 1 �6 W .. ...................G Geo. Kulp, telephone and postage ......_. ............................ ”"" 11 45 News Printing Co., for stationery ........................................... T. Marlatt, work on town hall 7 75 350 = R. Taylor, dragging and rep. .... .....__ ..................................8 18 50 ........................»........................ Apr. 7—B. Brian. Postage.......................................................................... 3 50 ................. S. Burwell, repairing ........_•.._......._. ........................8 3 00 Gas 8 60 R. Taylor, grading ...._ ..................... ... --_•................... _....... D. Roloson, ditching 12 5 00 8 45 ............................................ ............ ......_........_...............---- C. A. Walsh, mantels .....:............................ .......... _....... ........... _ 1 32 ._ .......... ........._......._....,....._...„....»......14 E. Dennis, dragging ....................................._........_.„. S 9 W Mrs. James Johnson, cleaning hall _ ............................... June 2—Gas Co. ........... .rep 2 W 3 700, G. Tribe, ditching .y,«..._».._„............_...« ..4 35 50 ................................._..»..............._...... C. A. Walsh, wire. rep. hall .........._.. ................„....................... ire, 1039 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking _.....................». , ..„.»».22 7 50 O. Bartlett, attending court of revision.................................. 2 50 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking __. ....... r .................. _........ _..1 3 75 G. Tribe, conveying inmate to House of Industry Y g Y ............ 6 W F. N. McQuiggan. trucking —...... ...... ........... .•............_....... 2 2 50 July 7—B. Brian, Postage, ................. 6 W ._........_..__. ........._....._. F. N. McQuiggan, trucking ........ ....3 2 50 ...................._.................................. Gas Co................................................._._............._...._..._... ......... 130 F. N. McQuiggan. trucking ........ ........................... __........... 4 2 50 . Wm. Grant, taxes returned ............ ..................... ................... _ 2899 86 ' F. N. McQuigganfi trucking ........... ... «.„............. ...... _........ 5 9 35 Mrs R.. W. Firby, grant to hall, Corinth ....... ............. .......... IW W F. N. McQuiggan, trucking._..._.................._......_...............8 3 10 R. McLean, for looking over roads....................... ............. 25 50 F. N. McQuiggan, trucking .... _............ __................... . 12 2 50 R. McLean, special meeting of Board ................................. 30 60 F. M McQuiggan, trucking .. . ............... ........... _......... ....29 3 10 Aug. 4—E. C. Spragg, treasurer Memorial Park ... ....... ....... ............ 10 W F. N. McQuiggan, trucking ..... _._....._ .... .........._.............. 30 10 50 J. Howard, wiring town hall _............... 101 W C. A. Roloson, trucking ......... .... _..'. ..__.:.. -••••• 3 11 W Sept. 2—Aylmer Express, advt. re weeds ........ .......................... _.... „ 75 O. Soper, repairs ................................ 24 11 00 Armco Co., pipe 22 37' O. Soper, ditching ................................»_..__. ._„._.........12 9 02 Gas Co. 70 ' O. Soper, dragging ................ ... _:.__._......:_........_.....«........... 2 4 00 J. W. Beattie, fence viewer ..... _............................... _................ 200 A. Meadows, account ...... ........ ...... .... —._....._....... _.„......... 15 19 10 Times -Journal, advt. R. Soper, grading ........_.... .................. __....__ »..._...24 9 25 Oct. 6—B. Brian, selecting jurors ... __.................................... _..... ........ 18 W E. Claus, grading, repairs ..... _.... ....... 4 34 W B. Brian. Postage ............ . .......................................................... _„ 2 W F. Bowes, resurfacing ... ........ ... .................. ..... .............. 7 17 50 R. J. Lovell Co., stationery —....... _........................................... 5 15 F. Bowes, ditching _.....». ... y.._........_.. __._...._..28 20 W News Printing Co., tax notices ... . ........................................ 10 W —1113— —11— Gas. Co . ....................... ........................... ....... ... ........................ ....... 60 Plaxton Huston Co., insurance _ .............. _.„............. ............ 150 00 Wm. Grant, postage and revenue stamps .........................„»... 75 00 Nov.3 --Gas Co. »„ ........................................ ...... _............................. ........... 70 C. A. Walsh, rep. windows, town hall ........ _....... .................. 7 50 R. McLean, telephone account .................................................. 110 E. A. Hemstreet, grant to Aylmer Fair ................... _........... . 35 00 Mrs. C. Neville, land for road...............................„........P' 50 00 Ray Dennis, land for road .................. _....... ................. .„»....... 50 00 Municipal World, stationery .......................................»..»..».... 1 38 Dec. 1—D. F. Gibson, deeds, consultation, etc .................„.....„...»...... 11 00 B. Brian, Insurance, O. Bartlett ........ ...... ..... ... .».................. 37 50 Municipal World, stationery .................................. _....„.»......... 3 36 B. Brian, registering deeds, Dennis and Neville.......„....... 6 10 Canadian Bank of Commerce, check books .......................... 21 00 Wm. Grant, refund, McDonald ................................................ 25 62 B. Brian, School Attendance Officer ...................................... 15 00 B. Brian, weed inspector ................... .... ................ .................. 15 00 Hydro -Electric, for town hall ...........» ..................................... 4 10 O. Bartlett, refund of bank charges .......................... „.... ....... 35 45 Dec. 15-0. Barthet, uncollectable tax, 1929 .:...... ..... _............. »........ 113 96 R. McLean, extra services....................................................... 5 00 B. Brian, postage .............. _........ ........ .............................. ..... . 800 Gasfor hall................................»..................................................... 260 Refund to police village ...» ............................. „........... _............. 38 40 $ 4156 86 POLICE VILLAGE, UNDER KULP, SUPT. 4 40 Apr. 3—F. Lawrence. grading.»..............................................................$ 14 40 W. B. McCord, grading .............................. _........................... . 300 W. Webber, grading ........... ..... ............ » ............................. _. 15 60 A. J. Hutchison, grading ............................................... ..... ._..... 9 60 May 5—F. Lawrence, ditching and repairing ...................................... . 1860 A. Forsythe, ditching and repairing ............................... „..... 600 H. Brown, ditching and repairing .... .... ............ ... _............ 3 00 R. Myers, ditching and repairing....7%..... ........................ ..... 7 50 A. J. Hutchison, ditching and repairing ..... ...... ..... _......13 80 June 2—F. Lawrence, grading and hauling stone ..._.___. ...... 1200 D. Underhill, shovelling stone and cinders .... ................ 200 A. Forsythe, shovelling stone and cinders ..».»...... 4 75 A. Mack, shovelling stone and cinders .................................. 4 75 W. Underhill, shovelling stone and cinders ...»..................... 2 25 J. Hawley, shovelling stone and cinders ............. ................. 2 25 A. J. Hutchison, grading and stone .» .............._.................. 7 8f, July 7—Innerkip Quarries, stone ...........,_„_ --- ----- ----- .............. ............ 79 83 Innerkip Quarries, stone .... _......... ... a . ».....„..,... .......... .,,. 77 80 T. Lawrence,work in police village 44 00 D. Underhill, work in police village ..... _..... ........................ 46 50 H. Walker, work in police village .............. „......... _... »........ 38 00 A. Forsythe, work in police village ... ........ _....................... 24 50 A. Mack, work in police village ........................................ 23 25 W. Underhill, work in police village .................................... 23 25 W. Travis, work in police village .......................... ............. 660 F. Travis, work in police village ....... _...................................... 5 10 A..1. Hutchison, work in police village ...............„....»...„.... 30 00 Aug. 4—F. Lawrence, work in police vilage ................... „...... _ _.. 2 50 L. Joyce, work in police village ....... . .......................rt.. »...».. 11 00 S. Chalk, work in police village ............................. ........... . ». 3000 J. Jackson, work in police village ............................ „..... ... _. 3 75 M. Claus, work in police village ....._ ...__... ..». _.»... 2 00 A. J. Hutchison, weeds and dragging ..... _......................... I. s0 Sept. 2—G. Hayes, work in police village ............................................... '34 50 M. Ryan, work in police village ...................................... ......18 00 M. Claus, work in police vllage.................... ................. „......... 36 SO —12— E. McLean, work in police village .......................... _............ 31 50 H. Brown, work in police village ................ .... ...... .... „. 28 20 J. Jackson, work in police village ....... -1 ..............»„..„.... 11 25 W. Underhill, work in police village .......... ........ ............ 20 00 A. Deller, tile ............. __.... ... _........... ........ ...... ........................ 51 00 G. VanOrder............................................................ „....... _............ 4 00 Municipal roads, oiling .............................................. .._„„....._ 61059 Dec. 1—W. Crawford, labor .................................... ..... ...... ............. ... 47 10 J. Armstrong, labor..............„............................»..................... 34 50 E. Gallagher, labor........................................................................ 23 75 A. Mack, labor ................................................ _........ „....... ........... 5 00 M. Claus. labor ...................»..............................„.. .................. 20 13 A. Forsythe, labor......................................................................... 15 o0 15—Wm. Walker, labor...................................................................... 1000 RoyMeyers, cement ........................................... _................. ...... 300 Police village grader ........................................ ...... I.................... 18 00 $ 1598 90 POLICE VILLAGE ACCOUNT Feb. 3—A. Collins, repairing light ................. ....................... ............. $ 300 F. Hutchison, printing ....................................... ....:...._:.....--- 12 50 Mar. 3—F. Millard, returning officer ..............................:.......:_.._. ..» 10 52 E. C. Spragg, for park board .................................... .. .. 25 00 Ed. Smythe, for gas .._._ ............... ................................ ..;.. 800 Apr. 7—Hydro-Electric, batteries ................ ....... ............ „..... ».....»w 22 44 F. Hutchison, stationery .............. ...... .............. _.» ..._.»...._ 7 00 A. R. Wright & Son, bulbs and s. pipe ............... ... ._...... 9 95 M. J. Ryan, for express ......» ....................................»„_» .» 1 15 A. C. Brown, work on police hall ............... ....... »._ 7 00 June2-W. Travis, lights .» ........... .................... .... .... ................ ............. 660 J. Stephenson, lights ........... ....... ».......................................... 5 10 H. Butcher, lights ,................................................. 5 00 Sept. 2—A. J. Hutchison, street work .............. ................... _.............. 6 00 G. Scanlan, drawing stone »..._»....»......._............:............ 5 00 A. Mack, work on street ............» .................. „............... :.......... A. Forsythe, work .............. ........................ ,.................................. 5 00 500 A. Brown, supplies ... .......... ....... ............. .................. ................. 3 25 R. Meyers, repairing walks .......... _... .... .»............................... 4460 LJoyce, drawing gas pipe ...................... .............................. .. 1 25 F. Lawrence, drawing stone ......... . ............... .............. ..... ....... 1000 Oct. 6—W. Travis, constable..................»...„.......................................... 44 00 R. Gilb4rt, constable ................... _.................. ..... .................... 27 00 E. Keech. constable ......................... ....... .._................................ . 27 00 . Gas Co. ............................. ............... a... _............................... :........... 5 35 Nov.3—F. Hutchison, printing ... ........................... »................ .................... 75 S. S. McDermid, insurance ................................. „...... .............. 4 40 M. Claus, painting hall.............................................................. 6 15 J. Crooker, painting hall ............... »......... .»............._.........».».. 8 22 Hydro -Electric .......................................... :................... .............. 525 10 A. R. Wright, hardware .. ............ ....... ............................ 23 30 R. Meyers, work ................ ........................... ................. „.... „_...20 40 H. Butcher, stamps and glass ..................................... .»...... _.7 00 A. C. Brown, work........»..».............................._........»..........»... 27 511 $ 929 S3 CHARITY Feb. 3—Floyd Smith, aid to self ....................................... ... $ 2.500 Mar. 3—B. B. Graham, hospital fee re Neff ....... ..... ........ .... _..._.. 27 12 Apr. 7—P. Williams, goods to A. Collins ..................... .... ... ._........ 6 11 May S—Fd. Moffatt, goods to W. Acre ...............»...»...........„..... .. 5 00 June 2—F. E. Brown, goods to F. Baker .................. ... »._». _........ 2 40 July 7—J. D. Curtis, operation F. Hilts.......................�__...__„.»..... 100 00 B. B. Graham, hospital fee, Miss Neff ... ............................ 105 00 —13— NDA*b 6W IMAIL" Feb. 3—A. D. Naismith. exp. M. O. H ...............................................$ B. B. Graham, hospital fee, H. McDonnell ............................ 30 62 17 00 B. B. Graham, hospital fee, Wm. Acre .. ............................. 11 37 A. D. Naismith, med, aid, M. O. H . ... ..........................._.... B. B. Graham, hospital fee, Margaret Acre ........................ 17 50 52 50 B. B. Graham, hospital fee, Mrs. J. Vaughan ........................ 29 75 Nov. 3—B. Brian, secretary B. of H . ......................................... __.... _ B. B. Graham, hospital fee, F. Hilts ..................................... 42 87 Aug. 4—H. Ostrander, ambulance services .......................................... 10 00 A. D. Naismith, visiting schools .............................................. ........................._. Ed. Moffatt, aid Acre ..................... . ... 1 98 7 00 ..................................... H. J. Hart, operation, Mrs. -Hor . 90 00 Oct. 6—H. J. Hart, med. aid, D. Ireland ............................................ 24 50 9 00 H. J. Hart, med. aid for Geo. P. Alward ............................. 13 00 Nov. 3—C. A. Walsh, aid for A. Smith ................................................ 7 50 A. Demeaud, aid............................................................................ 3 75 P. L. Williams, aid, Alex. Collins .......................................... 52 35 Dec. 1—Demeaud, aid.................................................................................. 3 75 C. A. Walsh, aid. A. Smith ....................................................... 1 88 Dr. Wenige, aid for Mrs. Demeaud... .................................. 1000 Dr. Rodgers; med. aid for Alex. Collins ............................... 26 25 John Meyers, goods for Alex. Collins .................................. 22 15 15—C. A. Walsh, goods for Elmas Nevill.... ..... ......................... 15 011 C. A. Walsh, goods for Wm. Johnson ......... ......_................ 9 76 B. B. Graham, hospital fee, Miss Neff ................................. 108 56 B. B. Graham, hospital fee Hugh McDonald ........................ 16 62 B. B. Graham, hospital fee, Allen McLean ............................ 15 75 B. B. Graham, hospital fee, Wm. O'Brien ......................... 16 62 B. B. Graham, hospial fee, Anna Bradfield ........................ 35 00 B. B. Graham, hospital,Haines & McGraw .......................... 20 99 H. A. Ostrander, burial of Mrs. Burch ................. _............... 50 00 F. Lawrence, taking care of Mrs. Bradfield ....................... 39 37 Ed. Moffatt, goods for Alex. Collins .................................... 10 00 $ 1007 46 SALARIES Jan. 13—R. Mclean, member's and janitor salary ............................$ 24 70 Feb. 3—R. McLean, member's and janitor salary ............................ 19 70 Marshall & Laing, auditors ...................................................... 40 00 B. Brian, to apply on salary as clerk .................................... So 00 Mar. 3—B. Brian, to apply on salary as clerk ........................................ 50 00 JZ. McLean. salary....................................................................... 20 70 Apr. 7—R. McLean, salary........................................................................... 20 70 B. Brian, salary............................................................................. 50 00 May 5—B. Brian, salary............................................................................. 50 00 O. Bartictt, assessing .................................. _............................... 250 00 R. McLean, member's salary ................................................... 19 70 June 2—R. McLean, member's salary ............ ............................... _...... 19 70 It. Brian, salary ............ ................... .............................. ............... 50 00 July7—B. Brian, salary ............................... a, ............................... ............ 50 00 R. McLean, member's salary ..................................................... 19 70 Aug. 4—R. McLean, member's salary ................................................... 19 70 B. Brian, salary.............................................................................. 50 00 Sept. 2—B. Brian, salary............................................................................ 50 00 R. McLean, member's salary ............................................... _.... 19 70 Oct. 6—R. McLean, member's salary .................................................... 19 70 B. Brian, salary.............................................................................. 50 00 Wm. Grant, salary as treasurer ............................................... 225 00 Nov. 3—R. McLean, member's salary ....................... _.......................... 20 70 B. Brian, to apply on salary . .... ............................... ..... ......... 5000 Dec. 1—B. Brian, balance of salary ...... . ............................ _............. ..... 100 00 R. McLean, member's salary .................................................... 19 70 Dec I5—R. McLean member's salary .............. _........ ....... .... _.............. 19 70 R. McLean, member's commission . ... ..... ................. ......_..... 100 00 O. Bartlett, to apply on salary as collector, 1930 ................ 225 00 O. Bartlett, balance of salary for 1929 .. . .............................. 75 00 $ 1779 10 —14— NDA*b 6W IMAIL" Feb. 3—A. D. Naismith. exp. M. O. H ...............................................$ 25 50 B. Brian, member B. of H . ........... ....................... ... .................. 17 00 May 5-111. Brian, member B. of H . ................................... _.................. 38 00 A. D. Naismith, med, aid, M. O. H . ... ..........................._.... 17 00 Aug. 4—A. D. Naismith, acct. M. O. H . ........................ _................... 52 50 B. Brian, member B. of H. ._ ................................................ _ 17 00 Nov. 3—B. Brian, secretary B. of H . ......................................... __.... _ 1000 B. Brian, member B. of H . ....................... ................................ 17 00 A. D. Naismith, M. O. H. acct . ................... .................... ....... 47 75 A. D. Naismith, visiting schools .............................................. 80 00 $ 315 75 TOWN LINES Jan. 13—J. M. Hale, settlement, Baybam and Mal. T. L ................$ 123 70 J. D. Flanders, settlement, Bayham and Dercham T. L. 24 70 Mar. 3—W. N. Burnett, settlement, Bayltam-Middleton T. L..... 36 22 $ 183 62 PRINTING Jan. 13—News Printing Co., financial statement and statements ...$ 52 75 Mar. 3.—Newt Printing Co., auditors' report and supplies .._....... 52 50 Apr. 3—News Printing Co., notices- arrears of taxes ....... _............ 1 75 Municipal World, supplies ....................................... _.._... ........ 7 90 News Printing Co., printing ....................... _........................... 3 50 Aylmer Express, voters' lists ................................................... 197 75 NewsPrinting Co . ........................ _......................... ...... _............. 12 00 News Printing. Cm,,_, r.9htt rCtrits? ....................... 150 $ 329 65 EDEN DRAIN ACCOUNT Oct. 6__B. Baker, on contract ..................... :................... ......................... $ 135 00 B. Baker, on contract.................................................................. 100 00 National Sewer Pipe Co., sewer pipe ...................................... 697 65 Nov. 3—D. F. Gibson. by-law ...................................................... ..'............ 85 00 D. F. Gibson, debenture .............. _.... _........................................ 5 00 Wm. Grant, selling debenture . ....... ........................................... 5 00 F. Bell. Supt., etc. ...:.:......................::.:.......................................... ` 110 20 Dec. 15—A. C. Wilson, work on drain ....._d_...__ ....... ................... 43 50 � tttst sa GRIGG DRAIN Dec. 15—W. H. Later, work ........ ........... ...... _............ ...... ....... _.........$ 28 35 Nov. 3—J. M. Hak, Baylram share Anderson Drain ..... ..................$ 41 50 SHEEP KILLED BY DOGS ACCOUNT Mar. 3—D.. Compeau, 4 sheep killed .... ._......... ................ _._.............. .$ 75 00 H. P. Robertson, 2 sheep killed ........... _...._........... ......... ... _. 30 00 A. C. Wilson. valuating ...._............ ............ _... _..................... 7 00 July 7—J. A. Jackson, valuating ... ................ ___.........__......_............... 420 Aug. 4—E. J. Fernley, I sheep killed ......... .................. ........................ _. 8 00 I. Stilwell, 1 sheep killed ... __._... _........................................ 8 00 C. Johuson, I sheep killed ......_ ..... ............. ....... ..... .............. 7 00 A. C. Wilson. valuating ..... ............ ............. .................... _.. 10 50 T. Dennis. 1 sheep killed.........................................................:.. 10 00 S. McDonald, 1 sheep killed........................................................ 9 00 J. L. Stansell, 2 sheep damaged ... . ........................................... 10 00 J. A. Jackson, valuating _.__..._... .. ._... ...._....._._._.. 4 00 $ 182 70 DEN*13 "MIR *¢FQIIINT Miscellaneous ............ __ ................ ......:....:....................... ................................. Jan. 13—Garshore Pipe Co . ............ .... .... ...... ..... _......... _.. ......._.....,.$ 48 03 Feb, 3—Wm. Laur, to apply on contract .............. ..... ..........«..... 200 00 June 2—Wm. Laur, balance of contract ................................................ 158 70 Oct. 0—Mrs. E. Nevills, bridge ........ . ...................................... _............ :. 50 00 Nov. 3—Jas. Thomas. bridge ...... ................................... ................._..... 50 00 Dec. 1—B. Hilts, bridge ............................................. .................. .............. 50 OO,.i' Fred. Bell, Supt. account ................ _................................... :...... 15 45 15—W. H. Laur, work.......................................................................... 15 40 $ 587 58 ARN DRAIN ACCOUNT Miscellaneous ............ __ ................ ......:....:....................... ................................. Jan. 13—B. Baker, balance of contract„ ..................................................$ 120 00 BARCLAY DRAIN ACCOUNT 100 00 A��pprr. 7—L. Kilmer, work on drain........................................................„..$ 70 00 MdY 5—L. Kilmer, work on drain ............. _............................................. 50 00 A. Deller & Son, tile .................................... _................................ 20 00 June 2-1_. Kilmer, work on drain........................................................... 60 00 July 7—L. Kilmer, work on drsilnl.t:..:r.k*..... ...................................... 48 00 Aug. 7—L. Kilmer, work ..............» ._.....»»..„.......................................... 60 00 Sept. 2—L. Kilmer, culvert ............ ................. .... ...................................... 12 57 L. Kilmer, cement and work ...................................................... 44 05 Oct. 6—A. Deller & Son, tile...................................................................... 32 50 - L. S. Johnson, lumber.................................................................. 16 55 $ 413 67 UNDERHILL DRAIN ACCOUNT Miscellaneous ............ __ ................ ......:....:....................... ................................. 'Sept. 2—A. Deller & Son, tile....................................................................$ 100 00 Oct. 6—B. Baker, on contract.................................................................. 100 00 Nov. 3—D. F. Gibson, by-law ... ..._i ha.. a fy.r.............................. 15 00 Dec. I—F. Bell, sept . ......................... .......„ _ «............................... 44 00 H. Underhill. work...........................„..:.......:................:............... 17 00 15—V. Underhill, work ...„ ....................... _....... __................................. 9 00 $ 285 00 SCHOOL SECTIONS 368 OO 'Dec. 18—By paid Hugh Weaver, secretary S. S. No. 1 ........ .............. $ 802 32 By paid A. R. Wright, secretary S. S. No. 2 ........................ 5398 03 By.paid 1). L. Jones, secretary S. S. No. 3 .............................. 900 78 By paid Murray Wilson, secreta'r�yy S. S. No. 4.........i......... By Robt. McLean, �sefreta4W& S. No. 5.......,...._.......... 846 25 728 46 paid 62000 00 By paid H. McConnell, secretary S. S. NO. 6....... „ „ p. 496 86 By paid O. Bartlett, secretary S. S. No. 8 ..................... _....... 846 51 By paid Henry Marshall, secretary S. S. No. 9 ..w............. 600 00 By paid A. Nevill, secretary S. S. No.j0..... ...... I..„ .............. By paid L. C. Laing, secretary` 5. Nb. -11.............................. 703 78 1047 00 By paid Roy Neville, secretary S. S. No.. ....._.............. By paid Geo. Marshall, secretary S. S. NiZ14....... ......... „_. 852 74 1993 98 By paid A. Brinn, secretary S. S. No. 15 ......._........ .............. 599 79 By paid J. W. Beattie, secretary S. S. No. 16...... ................ 2269 77 By paid C. Bowes, secretary S. S. No. 17 ............. _._..._.... 996 95 By paid Claud Wilson, secretary S. S. No. 18 ...... _ _...._. 1705 84 By paid Geo. S. Elliott, secretary S. S. No. 23..._..„„..„.„. 880 25 By paid J. P. Coombs, Vienna ..................... 498 75 $ 22168 00 Dec. 1S—By paid County Rate 1930 ... ............ ....„_.......... ..._. 24275 00 Dec. 1S—By paid Vienna High School ............ „......... ............ ..»..„.. 300 00 Dec. 15—By paid Loans for current expenses ................. _................. ..$ 54000 00 +-16— DEBENTURES AND COUPONS Miscellaneous ............ __ ................ ......:....:....................... ................................. Jan,2=By paid School Section No. 2 debentures and coupons ....$ 2609 17 Max 1—By paid Police Village Pt. Burwell, deb. and coupons ....$ 331 65 Aug. 15—By paid School Sec. No. 10 debentures and coupons .......... $ 348 69 June20—By paid School Section No. 16:.debenttires and coupons..$ 1255 19 Dec. 1—By paid Wallis Drain debentures and coupons ....................$ 522 21 Dec. 15—By paid Dennis Drain debentures and coupons ..................$ 505 58 Dec 15—By paid Arn Drain debentures and coupons ..... _... ........... $ 84 30 Dec. 15—By paid Tile Drain coupons......................................................$ 152 50 ABSTRACT OF RECEIPTS Miscellaneous ............ __ ................ ......:....:....................... ................................. Cash on hand from last audit ...................... :...................................... ...... .... 158 50 Uncollected taxes of the 1928 roll............................................................ 774 90 Uncullected taxes 1929 Roll.......................................................................... 13459 94 Residenttaxes of 1930 roll.......................................................................... 49466 89 Premiums on the 1929 roll ............................................. _.... _...................... 416 45 Miscellaneous Receipts .......... �1:d.......................................... 8357 32 Poffee Village Miscellaneous ................................ _..... .... _..„„. ......„.... 439 00 Eden Drain Debentures .............................. ......... ........ .... ................. .... _ 368 OO County Treas., levy on Eden Drain .......... ,...... .................... .........._.... 295 00 N. O. Stilwell levy on Eden Drain ............ _.._.__..._.......... ...._....„. 16 00 Arrears taxes from County Treas. .... .............. ......................__....__...„ 1322 70 Taxes returned to County Treas............................................................... 2899 86 Receivedfrom Loans.................................................................................... 62000 00 Collectedby Treasurer .............. ......... ................. ............._....................... 1720 11 PoliceVillage ...«..•—..._...»—.._—................... ....... .......... ........... 38 40 $141732 57 , � DM.10cl ".: , , ABSTRACTS'JSWI1111i1ZNT'Olt EXPENDITURES Roads and Bridges .................. ..... „.-------- ................................................. $ 18808 33 Miscellaneous ............ __ ................ ......:....:....................... ................................. 4156 85 ... Police Village of Port Burwell.........................................._.._._............ 929 53 Police Village, tinder Kulp, Supt.............................................................. 1598 90 Salaries............................................. „............................... __....„....„..„._ .._„.... 1779 10 Charity.................................................................................._............................ 1007 46 Boardof Health ...................... .r .................................. ............. ... ................ _ 315 75 TownLines......................................................................................_„.....„'„.... 184 6:? Printing.......................... ....................... _...................... „........... _.... „...... .......... 829 65 Sheep Killed by Dogs................................................................................... 182 70 DennisDrain ...... ...................... ................ . ........................ ........................... :..... 587 58 ArnDrain..................................................................................r..................:..... 120 00 BarkleyDrain................................................................................................... 413 67 Underhill Drain .............................................................. 285 00 EdenDrain ............... „....................................................................................... 1181 35 GriggsDrain.........................................:............................................................ 28 35 Dennis Drain Deb. and coupons ..................................... _....... „._............. 505 58 Arn: Drain Deb. and coupons..................................................................... 84 30 Wallace Drain Deb. and coupons............................................................ 522 21 Tile Drain Deb. and coupons ............... _..... .......... „....................... ...... ...... 152 50 ViennaHigh School .. ................... ....................... ..................................... _.. 300 00 Township Public Schools .......... ........... ._.... ».„._.. ................................ 22168 00 Intereston loans _„......_.............................................................................. 1853 98 School Sec. No. 2 Deb. and coupons ...................................................... 2609 17 SchoolSec. No. 10 Deb. and coupons .................................................... 348 70 School Sec. No. 16 and coupons .. . ...................... _.......................... _....... 1255 19 Police Village Hydra -Electric Deb. and coupons .............................. 331 65 —17— Paid loans for current .,,.,...;z .............. .... _. 54000 00 Paid County Rate for 1930 ................. ...... ................. ............. ................. 24775 00 AndersonDrain................................................................................................ 41 50 Raised on Dom. Gas assessment $7000................................ ........ ..... .... $140856 63 ASSETS 16 16 Cashon hand .............. _._........................... _................. » ..„...»...»... $ 875 94 Uncollected tax of 1929 Roll......................»................................................ 515 83 Uncollected tax of 1930 Roll ................ ».»._.:._.._................. ......._ 25427 67 Due from County Treasurer for arrears of taxes .................................. 5963 32 Doe from Department of Highways on Reads ............................. _..... 9243 35 Due from Treasurer of Malahide re School Deb. No 16 ........ .......... _ 112 96 Tileon hand...................................................................................................... 175 00 Plankon hand ........... :...................................................................................... 100 00 Graders on hand......................I..........................:.,._............................... 500 00 Scraperson hand ...................................................... _.................................... 100 00 Ironon hand .. ................... »............ ,................ ........».............._.........:.............. 100 00 Gravelpits ............... _....................................... :.............................................. . 500 00 Intereston same ................. _...................................... ................ ....... ......... .... $ 43614 07 LIABILITIES $ 8% 29 Demand note Imperial Bank......................................................................$ 38000 00 School Deb. that has been levied for but not paid ................................ 4200 05 Police Village debenture, the same ....................................................... _. 331 65 Due Police Village on current account ...................................................... 184 59 Due Police village re Hydro -Electric acct .............................................. 8% 29 $ 43612 58 Assets in excess of Liabilities ................................................ _.................... $ 1 49 STATEMENT OF STANDING OF POLICE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL RECEIPTS Miseella.ieous Receipts, cash ............................. __............ ....._.................. $ 481 40 Raised on assessment, viz. $193650 ...... ......... .._.......... ............ ................ 1368 90 Raised on C. P. R. assessment $9600 ........................................................ 61 44 Raised on Dom. Gas assessment $7000................................ ........ ..... .... . 4480 Raised on Medina Gas assessment $2509 .................... ..... ....»_........... 16 16 Raised on Bell Telephone assessment 41073 ............... .... »....._................ 6 86 Raised on dog tax...............................<......................:........»....'0....,....... 84 00 Due Police Village last audit .......... ...»................................................... 30 00 Government subsidy........................................................................................ 719 50 $ 2813 02 EXPENDITURES Spent by Police Village Trustees............................................................. $ 929 53 Spent under Kulp supervision ...................................... ............... _............. I598 90 Kulpsalary .............................. _................... ............................ _....................... 100 00 Due Police Village on current account .................................................... 184 59 $ 2813 02 Due Police Village re Hydro -Electric ...._......................................._._....$ 845 50 Intereston same ................. _...................................... ................ ....... ......... .... 50 73 $ 8% 29 WM. GRANT, Treasurer. �_ 151 C ----4" ......... /ore .. ... . .... - ----- IL co 19- M--- �4000";� 152 40,Pf L &�y { E 4 1 Io 154 .6 __—.� _-)�.._..✓/. __nn.ta±s_✓. /� ao 9hP r ✓wa...,�d,i.1.-�,./kw �uuo��j ii dv _ i ca��d �6 * /V-74— la4"-a �7,� v xe J law ^w 4s y /rLAg- Pm i%AO , �_rte/. C ■ _.. /�uu. Qu.i�.�olec�e� �xx. l�" ��-u� /�"`✓� �l Dw�edee�.� ar F� ��' d� .-." %dao aL v.�-n,.�., y. ,>� ro� _ � /i4 �a � a/ Niru_ i? ,� . to �P � .r� . e./� � ��u,�„�/ .. . ...... . ------ ----Qawd _ �! �k i�ul� _ _ __ I ./IZ�cPo' �f/ lc � � c�.ns - Xa 6u, �aj-� PV°Ty�('�.i 1EtA�utdrlr�— ` _. __ /1z/' �' G-aevmc✓ `� � 1d U2 � K /17 ..... . .... . ... .. 'oe � � �-� rte„ <� .��✓� �� __.1/�3�„/3� /1.13-:9»,U �frYs' ' SII 132, /3� �3� � �Yv � ,�a-.�, - �� _ � rsa �. ,� � as i� rb �/ p'zz � �� ,t � y Uo Quit �F�.� '�y /•iin -,-Ott 144wlreldt tiz� _ck el4j . ........... LG�>z���n� oola __ of �Nu-w /L�W u.�7 ,yt �u /� r F+a /Qi.4'6 '*'V— — UW Yaw—, I 44VIa— iv 159 e *avv �'j.+��,•i� uu' �eodnti./� eu�r Ok am 4 _ __ ur./r.:. G� /�c� Ixa�u, �l ✓ r a .a., llu L�!! �n . /�/ .�/ /5 L-u�,ccaddh �✓ 3h' o.^ /� /, .�`. 3. �,. h , j . Q-(�' E✓/avn �it4,o(;,� 7!� ,�,�.°Z��(/C!G/.. .s.oa ..mv,,,A � .. ........ ........... A64 ff!fl". Ar 6*1 i AU /Ko a z% qmLw o� _fit��ia✓ 414A iot ,// �H�u�—Gs+✓nrr.��a /lu. �o-ayc �9ra/` _ `Q'N""� .OF 163 164.- 168 167 PdaP/ �aZG.v�cw, f�!.e4- /vor 4z- '� It .vo r k�Ai �6ua.va( _.LL•.GO ........ . ....... . Fi 169 E ' 00 X �._ OtIC 44s/ jo dDD,Goy� S�d-/3�*,�. !�• O �DOO.?s— 1.,( 04G, _, • � � � Com' � , ;�-/�, Ae 4�� ....... .. ... e� 000',<,�v � y_r�amc Omar -c14e.z u...�� l6din� low1 a f l,G.r nom,At, /IuFire �- 000w.. IL __—Ih/M� Y �H�4.%.f�� ZHIGICt a/��G3he,N GPc.:--wtea� G%ha�/ 36:oD too i - huU4�' Aelws �,„/�1 14, 'L Idex-, aadiY.�mN �.�vGu!/. Quit//� /-G�o � /�re L.v flue-y�y l�.ny�l�ucw u�y�C ...... eaan�d Q �eP a aQ�.� �n„wrw++ �v�n.,�/ ��o.� . Rv'^ �rw,✓� ,-�✓ n � ,f'G�wc,+ aP,d .P�c ✓Ifit � .7. �o �a/�aG'k, / �J /3 �a�/ 9' sada e,�n.�✓ .eo i R��a+r� 3 2b' -- i '0000.1� �°,�,/a� ���acoiw 9nc.�,.; �. /�. U. 23 fru --- I�t K��6'0..,(i /%GGip��e-isce --- _ _I'"•�. o-ry K � � 173 174 L 175 ... . ....... �.11. �o*� � f�o,� /✓✓ _ ' /3,70 31, ghr .... ... ... . /�o 4L-toel 176 /% i,'�.,,,iYi� L.��, � �/ial +r-� G�d�..�,._ � /ru-/ ��. S"��f r i -�/c�uu ¢4 94u.� s,16n.�-.�s/.v-77- ��iutiu/.o,�p .00 - — { %�u � D�dLw �uoedli„d�✓iatute.✓ $t/ncu.4. � !,(i' .kr� ........ Oar AOL ��,�a+.lCd Q e�is� ¢saa � Ate/ &/�. /3 I _ � � ". rl- ........... L- - 177 178 U,�.&.y sr, Par a4lf� 4et4v- -Itota�� ISA f. /-o I Jo ... ... .... 179 t ' 180 I 181 4�- 182 116" .. .. ..... ...... .�� � it mood AOL/ � � y 183 0 NOTARY PUBLIC RURAL PHoN MALAHIDE ANO IEM 13AYtIA a COMMISSIONER. CONVEYANCING HOUGHTON. DAYNAM & TILLSON13URG ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES BEND. BRIAN CLERK OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STRAFFORCIVILLE ............ Iaoembar -Atb .......... 19:21 ONTARIO Amount due the several sohool seations for 1961 so tun No irustess General Y Total Hugh weaver 1 600*00 600*00 A*RoWright 2 3008*36 2400000 5402036 -40 0 3 99*67 600000 698*87 Mkirray Wilson 4 250*16 600*00 S10*16 Robt Mclean 5 122*33 .6400000 722033 Hurry McConnell 6 220*64 246*00 466*64 olarenob Wolfe 0 246*05 600*00 "6*08 Henry Marshall 9 680*00 400000 Alfred Havill 10 102054 600900 702*54 a* Ls Laing 11 297614 600*00 997*14 Roy sevill 12 257*54 600*00 857034 GOO w marshAll 14 795*15 1000000 1795015 Alva Brim 15 176*75 360.00 536.75 'It jwwr t Be t 16 983*75 910*00 189345 I Dean Hato ow 17 396.## 600o00 996*" Olaude Wileoll i8499*98 1000,600, 1499*98 less 13.1 GOO 3 Elliott 23 360*25 756*25 Vienna 558,600 559*00 Vienna 0 "7 High Oahool 300000 . ... ........ w '07 00 le 1, t0a I /601 J�- 411" �1ec /3� ff ll di fru, m,<G� i/ . �-�a � ---�xea.� �a�t �, � /�0 ff�Ei 00! w b,,, r�-1 n. u 183 b a /43/ s Az' /J'�& 411,010-1 F � o� �e X62 IV Az/ � ../:/\j 191 &,?Ioo,�f 1410" i 192 04-1,0� NOW��G ✓��.,�G, 2s' gyri ¢u.�o�— IA, "tf� • 1 r-