HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1989BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By - Laws Numbers 2436-2484 1989 BY-LAW NO. 2436 THE Council of the Corporation.of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 28 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. A 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 28 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. REEVE ENACTED AND PASSED this 5th day of January, 1989. CLERIC CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2436 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK - 1 - 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use desig- nation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately 0.81 hectares (2 acres) and is situated in Part of Lot 23, South Gore, in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands have been severed by the county of Elgin Land Division Committee. Although the subject lands are currently undeveloped, it is proposed that this parcel of land be redesignated to permit the creation of a rural residential dwelling on the severed lot. Located on the south-west corner of Lot 23, South Gore, the subject lands are adjacent to a tributary of the South Otter Creek. The wooded banks associated with the tributary are located on the north and east boundary of the land and provides a unique aesthetic setting for a rural residential dwelling. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses namely, tobacco farms, and existing rural residential uses. Although the land has the capabilities of supporting specialty crops (tobacco), the property is situated on Class 4 and 6 soils according to the Canada Land Inventory of Soil Capability for Agriculture. The relatively small area of land, and the presence of additional rural residential properties in close proximity, indicates that the site is not critical for the continuation of agricultural production. The subject lands exceed the minimum distance separation factor for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, as amended. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with a sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone. This proposal complies with the relevant evaluation criteria used for considering rural residential uses on lands designated Agriculture within the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. - 2 - This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which Schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3gof the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. i SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO.28 28 Area changed from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" aAgriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands � s s Conservation Lands r Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Minerat Resource Areas ,..(D._. Provincial Highways ...{� Arterial Roads (County Roads) 1 ITITI 1 !TI 0 5000 10900_ 15000 Feet La I TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM .221.0 D �QlJTH . 4v �a 1 • , N N �218 0. SCHEDULE "Y' AMENDMENT NO.28 I -. 2,95 1 r � - r • • i ~c 0 2185 I ' ��t �t•. CONCESSION V f LOT 21 LOT 22 LOT 23 .LOT- 24 Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT E5 FARM BUILDING WOODLOT ■ SHEDS/KILNS/GARAGES NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. It J t RF A� \�EFom 1 NOES t �V iOT 25 0 250m 6I scar: 1:10,000 34m O -P 0158;.11 028 AMENDMENT NUMBER 28 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM WORKING COPY SUBJECT: STUART HOOGSTEEN RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 23, SOUTH GORE The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 28 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham 0 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 28 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2436, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 5th day of January, 1989. REEVE CLERK BY-LAW NO. 2449 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 31 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 31 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. REEVE ENACTED AND PASSED this 2nd day of March, 1989. CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2449 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK - 1 - 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use desig- nation on a parcel of land from "Hazard Lands" to "Rural Non - Farm Area 9" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately 5.43 hectares (13.41 acres) and is situated in Part of Lots 14 and 15, Concession 1, in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands form part of a larger holding comprised of approximately 11.33 hectares (28.0 acref). The area is presently covered by a medium density woodlot and is zoned Hazard Lands in the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham. The formation of a small gully located on the plateau approximately 70 metres north of County Road 42 bisects the lands and drains into the South Otter Creek. The existing Hazard Lands designation on the subject lands is due to the proximity of the South Otter Creek and its associated valley walls. It also encompasses the wooded area located on the plateau. It is the intent of this Amendment to permit the establishment of a mobile home park on that portion of the property considered non -hazardous (plateau). The generalized Hazard Lands designation which applies to the subject lands has not been mapped in sufficient detail to determine if development can be accommodated without risk due to flooding or slope instability. A review of topographic information reveals that the area proposed to be redesignated contains that portion of land associated with the eastern bank of the South Otter Creek and a gently sloping plateau area. The elevation difference between the area which appears to be the top -of -bank and the creek is in excess of 10 metres (32 feet) and spans a horizontal distance of approximately 80 metres at the southern property limit and approximately 50 metres at the northern limit. This translates into a vertical slope of 12.5% and 20% respectively. The subject lands are comprised of Class 6-7 Valley Complex soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. There are no specialty crop soils on the subject lands and the closest building or structure capable of housing livestock is in excess of the minimum distance separation formula as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, as amended. - 2 - Due to the circumstances discussed above, and, more particular- ly in light of the existing land use on the subject lands, they have been determined to meet the relevant criteria for designation as a non-farm area. It is imperative, however, that prior to the issuance of building permits for the place- ment of mobile homes, approval be received in writing from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority. This development will not be required to develop by a plan of -subdivision because individual lots are not being created. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the rural non-farm use by rezoning the subject lands from an Agricultural (Al) Zone to a Special Open Space (OS -2) Zone. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Hazard Lands" to "Rural Non -Farm Area 9", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which Schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Non -Farm Area 911, may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section, subsections b) through 1) inclusive and Section of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham subsequent to the receipt of written approval of all building, grading and drainage plans by the Long Point Region Conservation Authority. SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT Na. 31 E Lands changed from "Hazard Lands" to "Non -Farm Area No. 9" Agriculture I - . I Highway Commercial Hazard Lands Conservation Lands r Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas ...G... Provincial Highways Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15Q00 Feet 11 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM D ; Cbl ; `F _ LOT 13 • Lt- C �J t ' �1 JI • 194 G • PORT '. BURWELL ' • 197 0 • r I • : 1 ' I• ' 1�•190 1 4° %: 0,0, 0 41 LAKE ERIE 194 S L -0T 1 4 143 SZ . SCHEDULE "Y' AMENDMENT N0.31 1�• 194 0 1940 A/* .�_.. Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT d FARM BUILDING WOODLOT � SHEDS/GARAGES/KILNS • RURAL RESIDENTIAL UNIT NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. 0 250m 500m Scall: 1:10.000 WORKING Copy 34F AMENDMENT NUMBER 31 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM APR 14 1 COUNTY OF ELGIq c-ncscs a�;tE SUBJECT: ARTHUR VANDERISPAILLIE NON FARM AREA 9 PART LOTS 14 AND 15, CONCESSION 1 Ttft following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 31 to the Official Pian of the Township of Bayham Cog To OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 31 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2449, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 2nd day of March, 1989. REEVE CLERK C7 BY-LAW NO. 2451 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 34 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 34 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 2nd day of March, 1989. REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2451 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. w G 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use desig- nation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately 1.56 hectares (3.85 acres) and is situated immediately north of Highway No. 3 on the east side of Part of Lot 10, Concession 9, in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated bn the east side of Part of Lot 10, Concession 9, in she Township of Bayham. As a result of a recent decision by the Elgin County Land Division Committee, it is now proposed to change the land use designation on both the severed and retained parcels of land to recognize the rural residential nature of the retained lot and to permit the construction of a single family dwelling on the newly created lot. The retained portion of the subject lands is occupied by one single storey brick house. The newly created lot is presently undeveloped. Both lots are situated within an existing mature woodlot, thereby providing an aesthetic setting. The Township of Bayham's Tree Commissioner's Report, dated April 26, 1988, noted that only 16 trees would have to be removed in order to build a single family dwelling on the newly cre4ted lot. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the Subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses; namely tobacco farms and existing rural residential uses, which are located along Highway 3 and County Road 44. Although the subject lands are situated on very gently sloping, Class 2-3 Plainfield and Bookton Soils, the area is imperfectly drained thereby creating some limitations for viable agricul- tural production according to the Agricultural Soil Capability for Common Field Crops Classification System as prepared by thea Ontario Institute of Pedology. In addition to the imperfectly drained soil conditions, the following limitations may affect agricultural production on the subject lands. "Low natural fertility which may or may not be possible to correct by additions of fertilizers or manure. - 2 - Adverse topography due to steepness or complexity of slopes which increases the cost of farming over that of level land, decreases the uniformity of growth and maturity of crops, and increases the hazard of erosion damage by water." Consequently, due to the relatively small area of land, and the above -noted limiting factors which may affect agricultural production indicates that it is not critical for the subject lands to remain in an agricultural designation. The subject lands exceed the minimum distance separation factor for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, as amended. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with a sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zoge.. y _ This proposal complies with the relevant evaluation criteria used for considering rural residential uses on lands designated Agriculture within the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. This official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached,Schedule "A", which Schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with. the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. w a � 94§44, 1 s le TOWNSHIp OF 13AYNAM LOTI'- 10 Lb L01 9 CON q (0) Z// SCHEDULE 11B11 AMENDMENT NO, 34 ........... y. 'OT:13 Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources J SUBJECT LANDS 0 RESIDENTIAL UNIT r:5 FARM BUILDING tC? WOODLOT m GARAGES/KILNS/SHEDS NOTE:This map' is for clarification purposes only. 0 25ft soon Scale: 1:10 Ix SCHEDULE 11B11 AMENDMENT NO, 34 ........... y. 'OT:13 Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources J SUBJECT LANDS 0 RESIDENTIAL UNIT r:5 FARM BUILDING tC? WOODLOT m GARAGES/KILNS/SHEDS NOTE:This map' is for clarification purposes only. 0 25ft soon Scale: 1:10 a -t WORKING COPY 17 e AMENDMENT NUMBER 34 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE D V TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM � APR 13 1989 CCi ': E Y OF ELGIN CLERK-IREASUREWS OFFICF SUBJECT: De LEEMANS RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 1Q, CONCESSION 9 The following text and sap schedule constitute Amendment Number 34 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham .. OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 34 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after eva?uation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -.Law No. 2451 Section 17 of the Planning Act on the 2nd daofordance March, with day 1999. REEVE CLERK I* B? -LAW NO. 2 456 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 39 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 39 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 16th day of March, 1989. REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2456 as .enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERIC n - 1 - 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use desig- nation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2 . LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately 0.35 hectare (0.86 acres) and is situated in Part of Lot 21, Concession 9, in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands containing one single family dwelling and two greenhouses have been deegmed to be surplus to a larger farm holding. Situated on the north side of County Road No. 44, it is now proposed that this parcel of land be redesignated to permit the creation of a rural residential lot pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance. The retained portion of the subject lands contains a variety of structures including a single family dwelling, two barns, two bunkhouses, two greenhouses, three sheds and twenty kilns. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are mainly comprised of agricultural uses; namely tobacco farms and cash crops as well as the urban development associated with the hamlet of Eden which is located east of the subject lands. Although the subject lands are situated on very gently sloping, well drained Class 3 Plainfield Soils, according to the Agricultural -Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology, the following limitations for agricultural production have been identified: "Low natural fertility which may or may not be possible to correct by additions of fertilizers or manure." Due to the relatively small area of land, and the fact that the lands are not currently used for agricultural production Township Council, deems it appropriate that this area be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which better suits the proposed use,of the lands. The subject lands exceed the minimum distance separation factor for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with a environmental sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone. 11 - 1 - I. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use desig- nation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately 0.35 hectare (0.85 acres) and is situated in Part of Lot 21, Concession 9, in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands containing one single family dwelling and two greenhouses have been deemed to be surplus to a larger farm holding. -Situ•sted-on the north side of County Road No. 44, it is now proposed that this parcel of land be redesignated to permit the creation of a rural residential lot pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance. The retained portion of the subject lands contains a variety of structures including a single family dwelling, two barns, two bunkhouses, two greenhouses, three sheds and twenty kilns. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are mainly comprised of agricultural uses; namely tobacco farms and cash crops as well as the urban development associated with the hamlet of Eden which is located east of the subject lands. Although the subject lands are situated on very gently sloping, well drained Class 3 Plainfield Soils, according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology, the following limitations for agricultural production have been identified: "Low natural fertility which may or may not be possible to correct by additions of fertilizers or manure." Due to the relatively small area of land, and the fact that the lands are not currently used for agricultural production Township Council, deems it appropriate that this area be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which better suits the proposed use of the lands. The subject lands exceed the minimum distance separation factor for livestock operations as outlined in the official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with a environmental sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone. - 2 - This proposal complies with the relevant evaluation criteria used for considering rural residential uses on lands designated Agriculture within the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing -from "Agric,ulture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which Schedule shall constitute part of this' Amendment. ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. 7-00 A .0FR i 'AN Ll wi i I Nowaill i " It f K Amid ffifpv ,gas 49 Wil OOAl' ISO Ltx� a r_. 0 r4oly" #vf%pw we 6.O..A0,-0 102C c,ft,m* VNon"o ew APR 25 1989 SECOUNTY OF EL6(N FRS omfv AMENDMENT NUMBER 39 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: ROMMEL FARMS LIMITED RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 21, CONCESSION 9 The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 39 to the Official plan of the Township of Bayham I OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 39 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after :evaltritt-ion of public input pursuant to the provisions of 'the Planning Act. ' THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2456, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 16th day of March, 1989. REEVE CLERK en BY-LAW NO. 2459 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 40 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk *is -hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 40 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 20th day of April, 1989. RREVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2459 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. v CLERK - 1 - 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use desig- nation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately 0.24 hectares (0.60 acres) and is situated in Part of Lot 20, Concession 8, in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands up until March 1989 contained one single family dwelling and apumphouse which was deemed to be surplus to a larger farm holding. As -a result of a recent fire that destroyed the house, the subject lands now contain a burned out foundation. Situated on the south side of County Road No. 44, it is now proposed that this parcel of land be redesignated to permit the creation of a rural residential lot which is suitable for the reconstruction of a single family dwelling pursuant to the process of -severance and conveyance. The retained portion of the subject lands contains a variety of structures including a single family dwelling, two barns, two greenhouses, one chicken coop and nine kilns. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are mainly comprised of agricultural uses; namely tobacco farms and cash crops as well as the urban development associated with the hamlet of Eden which is located east of the subject lands. Although the subject lands are situated on very gently sloping, well drained Class 3 Plainfield Soils, according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology, the following limitations for agricultural production have been identified: "Low natural fertility which may or may not be possible to correct by additions of fertilizers or manure." Due to the relatively small area of land, and the fact that the lands are not currently used for agricultural production Township Council, deems it appropriate that this area be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which better suits the proposed use of the lands. - 2 - Notwithstanding, the presence of the small chicken coop which has the capability of housing a limited number of chickens, the subject lands exceed the minimum distance separation formula for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone. This proposal complies with the relevant evaluation criteria used for considering rural residential uses on lands designated Agriculture within the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands. qy _ 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which Schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. 16 4 SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 40 FZOILands to be changed from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands L Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Qj mineral Resource Areas Provincial Highways Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 2000 4000 Mw" 0 so 00 10000 00 Feet p: TOWNSHIP OF 6AYHAM SCHEDULE X1811 Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT r5 FARM BUILDING WOODLOT SHEDS/KILNS/GARAGES NOTE:This snap is for clarification purposes only. 0 230► 6001n WQRKiNQ COPY 34 OP 0158 040 AMENDMENT NUMBER 40 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1 f�sceoe���� MAY 22 1989 CO M, OF ELGIIJ C 2M-TrMSUREWS GMCE SUBJECT: LESLIE AND MARGARET FENDRICH RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 20, CONCESSION 8 The following test and sap schedule constitute Amendment Number 40 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham 1* Co y To OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 40 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planting Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2459, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 20th day of April, 1989. REEVE CL RK BY-LAW NO. 2462 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 43 to the official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2'. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorize& and directed 'to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 43 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. BNACTED.AND PASSED this 20th day of April, 1989. REEVE CL9RK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2462 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. I* CLERK - 1 - 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use desig- nation on a parcel of land from "Hazard Lands" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately 0.71 hectares (1.75 acres) and is situated in Part of Lot 120, N.S.T.R. (Concession 7), in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THB AMENDMENT The subject lands are sitd#ted on the south-west corner of Part of Lot 120, N.S.T.R. (Concession 7), which forms part of a larger farm holding consisting of 166.74 hectares. Although presently comprised of bush land, it is proposed that this parcel of land be redesignated to permit the creation of a rural residential lot pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance, which lot would be suitable for the erection of a single family dwelling. Located among an aesthetic medium density mature woodlot, the subject lands overlook a tributary of the Little Otter Creek which is situated to the east of the property. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are mainly comprised of agricultural uses, namely cash crops and the above -noted wooded valley lands. Rural Residential lots are located along County Road 38 and Maple Grove Road. The physiography in the area of the subject lands are characterized by a large gently sloping "V" shaped valley which is associated with the Little Otter Creek. The existing "Hazard Lands" designation of this subject land is indicative of the Little Otter Creek and its associated valley walls. The generalized Hazard Lands designation which applies to the subject lands has not been mapped in sufficient detail to determine if development can be accommodated without risk due to flooding or slope instability. A review of topographic information reveals that the area proposed to be redesignated contains that portion of land associated with the eastern bank of the Little Otter Creek. The elevation differnce between the small level area which appears to be suitable for construction of a single family dwelling and the tributary of the Little Otter Creek is in excess of 15 metres (50 feet). - 2 - The subject lands are comprised of Class 6-7 Eroded Channel and Valley Complex Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. There are no specialty crop soils on the subject lands and the closest building or structure capable of housing livestock is in excess of the minimum distance separation formula as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Due to the circumstances discussed above, and, more particularly in light of the proposed use of the subject lands, they have been determined to meet the relevant criteria for designation as a non-farm area as outlined in Sections, and of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. ,16 It is imperative, however, that prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of the single family dwelling that development be regulated subject to the policies of Section (d) of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands. 4. DEVILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Hazard Lands" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which Schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 - Rural Residential of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, as amended, subsequent to receipt of written approval of all building, grading and drainage plans by the Long Point Region Conservation Authority. 43 SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 43 '4 Area to be changed from "Hazard Lands" to "Rural Residential" Agriculture Highway Commerclal Hazard Lands Conservation Lands T Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAV Mineral Resource Areas --mom.. Provincial Highways «--E6,m Arterial Roads (County Roads) 2000 4000 Metres 5000 10900 15900 Feet 11 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE' b" i AMENDMENT N0, 43 .7 — Zv i r � tR 118 �. ► -o� 118i �• T. • �� \ SCOT ZZQ AOT --12 10 \ N 'LOT e - -'i TALFF-07-fi otter 17 Ire /;.�ti>•' t I.`'f r '� v. , Av o -,etc r • • • _ ��•o (( �_ 17 Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources i LOU' SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT d FARM BUILDING ,. WOODLOT • GARAGES/SHEDS/KILNS NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only, 0 260m d00M 8cele: 1:10.000 s , I MAY 30 1989 COUNTY Of ELGIN UMJREASURER'S OFFlCE WORKING Copy 34 OP 0158 043 AMENDMENT NUMBER 43 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: MITCHELL FARMS LTD. RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 126, N.S.T.R. (CONCESSION 7) The following test and sap schedule constitute Amendment Number 43 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayhas H 4 j1*1_ AA 7 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 43 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after,evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Plah ning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2462 , in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 20th day of April, 1989. REEVE CLERIC BY-LAW NO. 2484 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 49 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 49 to the Official .Plan of the. Township ON Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. REEVE ENACTED AND PASSED this 3rd day of August, 1989 CLE CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2484 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK ,. OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 49 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Hamlets" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 1.5 hectares (3.7 acres) and is situated in Part Lot 1, Concession 4,, in-,�he Toknship.'of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are located on the east side of County Road No. 43 immediately north of 'the hamlet of Calton in the Township of Bayham. It is the intent of this Amendment to expand the Calton "Hamlet" designation in a northerly direction approximately 240.0 metres (785 feet). The purpose of this expansion is to accommodate the creation of 3 residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance and include an existing cemetery in the hamlet boundary. The northerly limit of the proposed hamlet boundary will be an existing side road which is located approximately 650 metres north of the intersection of County Road,No. 43 and 45. The proposed alteration to the existing "Hamlet" area boundary is not Intended to contravene the policies of Section'which state that hamlet areas are Intended as "small dormitory clusters, providing limited low order commercial services to the immediate surrounding area". County Road No. 43 acts as the municipal boundary between the Townships of Bayham and Malahide. In the Township of Malahide on the west side of County Road No. 43 the hamlet boundary designation extends approximately 530 metres north of the Intersection of County Roads No. 43 and No. 45. 1* - 2 - Incorporating the subject lands into the hamlet of Calton appears to be the most logical direction for expansion of the hamlet. Within the Township of Malahide, hamlet development has occurred to within 120 metres of the proposed expansion. The lands south, west and east of the intersection of County Roads No. 43 and No. 45 are prime agricultural land comprised of specialty crop soils. The subject lands are not associated with an environmentally -sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone. This Official Plan Amendm.P.t is intended to be adapted together with'an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed hamlet use of the subject lands. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT 1) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Bamlets", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. 11) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Hamlets" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.3.2 of the Official Plan, Hamlet policies, as amended. SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 49 4g Lands changed from "Agriculture" to .*Nmlets" —.<D. Provincial Highways ...... Arterial Roads 1Co"h1r 000414) Q 5000 10900 15900 Feet `h Agriculture Highway Commercial Hamift INir.�i11M..�lII��IIMineral Resowco Areas —.<D. Provincial Highways ...... Arterial Roads 1Co"h1r 000414) Q 5000 10900 15900 Feet `h TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM S ' a t2�14CESS I0N 1V ... 3,5 0 a �— ,T— ~ a 0,42 . i r4 1 1 •• LIMITS OF HAMLET; • BOUNDARY +• i2� 3 i 0 SCHEDULE"B" AMENDMENT N0, 49 LOT 1 ,azo t LOT i �r �• CON t« o -= VIA r" pr ;�,� l oG -'� A t CALTON TOWNSHIP Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LANDS RESIDENTIAL UNIT C5 FARM BUILDING Q WOODLOT a SHEDS/KILNS/GARAGES NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. 'W 0 2500 500m L scale:1:10AW In ' i1•lAl � • � a p .r - !• • �r '•r1 j�j ��a_'7 a � 0 SCHEDULE"B" AMENDMENT N0, 49 LOT 1 ,azo t LOT i �r �• CON t« o -= VIA r" pr ;�,� l oG -'� A t CALTON TOWNSHIP Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LANDS RESIDENTIAL UNIT C5 FARM BUILDING Q WOODLOT a SHEDS/KILNS/GARAGES NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. 'W 0 2500 500m L scale:1:10AW In APPENDIX 'A• NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING a 1* 19113 SU" Rapt Uff4ted, V6, low door, sir, cruise, power windows/locks/trunk, 68,000 N,Illi, • miles, $6,100 or best offer, Phone 866.3343 d" Art or 1683415 after 5 00. 45 453-7181, 45 FOR SALE: 1981 Toyota Corolla, four door wagon, live speed. $1,800, 842-8920. 45 one owner, -- Dw mileage, I offer, call !-1430. 45 Wtorcycles taxtylrtlda 2-5531. 45 ,7, 6ur4u ynci� 1979 HONDA CB 650, loaded, 11,000 luloretres, mint condition, $1,795 firm. 45 $42-2418. 46 �G• 19841984 HELMETS FROM $23, tires, cylinder boring, I • anytime, Wiseco pistons, used bikes. Art William Cycle 45 Ltd., 33 Third Concession, 6.8 p.m. 46 ttttlitionmg, no, Call Boats 45 b, 37 f100 a n d Motors r 5:00. 45 1984 19 ft. Searay Seville Bowrrder in ex- ift Po'"ror ceflent condition, 140 Mercruiser 3 lite in - .100 firm; board/outtowd, depth sounder, VHF radio, 0.165-9062 swim platform, ice box, dual batteries with 45 switch. Phone 815-2716. 48 am bucks. 1989 QUICKLOAD boat trailer, 7,000 lb. It for resale tandem, brakes on one axle. All aluminum 'tor free wnstruction, handles up to 27 h. boat: Wf"day, 8 875.2726. 48 45 "'""---- JOHNSON-EVI N RUDE parts and service (since 1954). Older motors a specialty. J.C. Fowtre of Sous, 150 Simcoe Street. Tdisonburg. '` p Businen hours 4 30 p.m -6:00 p.m. daily. Saturday till noon; 842-9669. 48 F.L. 1 FOR SALE' bhason 4 h.p. trolling motor, =475: Phone 842.4835. 48 18' CUTTER with 165 h.p. Merc. rnboar /out/outd rias board, complete with VHV radio fish Finder, tw down riggers and EZ bad trailer. $9.500 or best offer Days 842 4841, evenings 842-9768. 48 1:989 11'16" KMV, 528u with 50 horse, only 2% months obi, Yamaha Pro and Shorelander bade. Boat is ballad. • Asiung, $16,000. Call titter 8 p.m., 842.2865. 48 motor.. Homme 3 s and Camnam 40 camper trailer, ex Heights Plaza. 52 LIEN ACT: Warehouse Man's. Goods left at the premises of Fred Evans, RR 1, tangton, will be soli by public auction August 1, 1989 at Nor• folk Auction Centre if storage is not paid before July 27, 1989 and merchandise remov- ed. Any further information regarding this mat- ter contact E. Nelson, 8665512. 52 Practise safcr sc X. Get the facts. Let's Talk. Call the Ontario Ministry of Health AIDS liwline I - 8(X)- 068- A I I )S, 52 Legal .NOTICE TO CREDITORS All claims against James Albert Russell Ryan, tate of the Village of Vienna, in the County of Elgin, Retired Labourer,must be filed with the undersigned on or be- fore July 31, 1989. Thereaf- ter the estate assets will be ftnbuted having regard only to the claims then received. BROWN & BROWN Barristers and Solicitors 30 Brock Street East Tiltsonburg, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix N 0Ifices Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING t' To Be Held By BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments Take Notice that Mw Coundt of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a pubic meeting for the purpose of informing ft public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in socmdance with Mw provisions of The Planning Act. The amendments b be oorsidwed are as follows: APPUCATIONB LOUIS SARI - Lot 11, Cone. 10 to change dte zoning of a portion of his lands Man A t to Rural Residential. This is a condition of severance by the Elgin County Land D v*on Committee. C.D. PMfLUPS LTD - Lot 14, Cone. 9, to change ire zoning on a portion of the lands from Al to Special Agriculture to permit a severance of an undersized agricultural pa vol to be sold to an abutting owner - and - to change a po+etiort of to lands from Al to Estate Residerutial b create two reskiential las for future severance. C.D. PMLUPS LTD - Lot 1, Cow. 4, lo change the zoning on a portion of the lands from At to Hamlet Residential b extend the boundaries of Calton nordwrfy to permit knirs resk*wdial expansion. DANNY DEPLANCKE AND PAUL DEPLANCKE - Part Lots 1, 2 8 3, Fust Street, North side, Plan 258, Eden, to change the zoning from Future Development e 1 hme N Residwi Jai to permit 9w erection of a tour fanmily dwelling. The Public MeewV will be held in Mw Council Chamber at Sraffordvdle, com- numbig at 8:00 P.M. on Thursday, August 3, INS. Any b - quh sdr6 a Moat date may be ,dwocle d lothe Towrathip Clerk (M-5521) J.A. Pea is Toownship 0" si soodoft. onwb. Ai Iyo r y APPENDIX B' MINUTES OF PUBLIC MEETING 2028 Record of Public Meeting held August 3, 1989 concerning Official Plan and Zoning by-law amendments. Reeve Chute declared the public meeting as advertised to receive comments on proposed ammendments to the Township of Bayham's official plan and zoning bylaws open. The first application was that of Mr. Louis Hari, Lot 11, Concession 10 to change the zoning of a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential. Mr. Bari was in attendance and he offered no comments. He did, however, question the length of time required to wait before conducting a survey. Mr. Bari was advised that the necessary waiting time would be thirty-five days. No one else present offered comments on this application. Councillor R. Phillips having declared a conflict of interest in the application of C. D. Phillips Ltd. and vacated the council table. The second application was that of C. D. Phillips Ltd. Lot 14, Concession 9, to change the zoning on a portion of the lands.from Al to Special Agriculture to permit a severance of an undersized agricultural parcel, to be sold to an abutting owner and to change a pofion of the lands from Al to Estate .residential to create two residential lots for future severance. henry and Carole Reimer were present and they explained that they wished to purchase this property to expand their ornament and water lily business. No further comments or objections were received on this application. The third application was that of C. D. Phillips Ltd., Lot 1, Concession 4 to change the zoning on a portion of the lands from Al to Hamlet Resident- ial to extend the boundaries of Calton, northerly to permit -future resident- ial expansion. A number of comments were received from the floor. Mr. Paul Hillard questioned as to how far the expansion will extend and he was advised that it.would extend as far as the cemetery. Mr. Millard also canted to know if there would be possible expansion to the south and east of Calton and that should such expansion be initiated, that the same consideration be extended to such a'proposal as was being give to this application. Mr. Phillips commented that at the present time no future.development plans have been made. Mr. Millard and Mr. Keszler were advised that Council has no present plans for Calton and that this application was a spot zoning change. Mrs. Millard questioned the depth of the proposed change and she was advised that it would be 225 feet deep. No objections were received and the concerned group were advised that they had thirty-five days to file an objection. The fourth and final application was that of Danny and Paul Deplancke, part lots •1, 2 and 3, First Street north side, Plan 258 Eden to change the zoning from Future Development to Hamlet Residential to permit the erection of a four family dwelling. Darlene Bentley expressed concerns regarding the water supply in the area and how this development would affect this supply. Mr. Deplancke replied to this concern advising that they will obtain water from a drilled well. Mr. Deplancke also advised that plans would include a storage tank in the basement so as not to require a large drain on the present water supply at any given time. Questions regarding sewage disposal were raised and Mr. Deplancke advised that the Elgin Health Unit has verbally approved a filter bed system. Mr. Deplancke explained briefly to those present that there would be one building only with four apartments two of which would be located on the main or first floor and two on a second floor. No further comments or objections were received. Reeve Chute declared the public meeting closed at 8:40 P.M. i pc RC mcope sept I /M AMENDMENT NUMBER 49 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ,lI WA J,i ct;(ErM jy�o AM so Isey MONfY OF El6til1 RBtlt-7REMeFlrc acre SUBJECT: C.D. PHILLIPS LTD. HAMLET OF CALTON PART LOT 1. CONCESSION 4 34 -OP- 0158-049 The following text and map schedule constituteQ Amendment Number 49 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham 0 �0 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and ma Na. 49 to the Official Plan Of Township Of Prepared upon the recommendation of S Amendment Planning Advisory Committee after p of Bayham was the Township b Bayham Pursuant to the provisions of the evaluation on of public input CANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of Of the Township of Bayham b the Corporat on with Section 17 of the• p y By_1�►` NO' 2484. in accordance August, 1989, CANNING ACT, on the 3rd day of REEVE CLERK Bayham Township By,--.-, Laws By -Laws # 2487-- #2492 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By -Law No. 2487 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of 'the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held AUGUST 17, 1989 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held AUGUST 17 , 1989, and special meeting(s) held ----- be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 17TH, day of AUGUST , 1989. Reeve � n Clerk BY-LAW NO. 2488 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 50 to the Official Flan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text is hereby adopted. t 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 50 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 7th day of September, 1989 11 . CoeC�.c.,.._ REEVE ULEKK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2488 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. V LLZCZL 1. 2. 3. • PURPOSE OF • OFFICIAL PLAN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 50 The purpose of this Amendment is to add policies pertaining to Temporary Use By-laws to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. LOCATION This amendment applies to the entire Township of Bayham. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The Planning Act, 1983 allows for the zoning of lands for temporary uses where it is known that a specific use is appropriate in the short term. Section 38 of the Planning Act authorizes the passing of by-laws to permit such uses which would otherwise be prohibited by the Township's Zoning By-law. Township Council has determined that the temporary use of mobile homes and/or travel trailers is appropriate in the Township of Bayham under the following circumstances: i } the placement of a mobile home on a lot for temporary residential purposes while a permanent dwelling is being erected; ii) the placement of a mobile home on a agricultural lot for temporary residential purposes which is intended to be used as an additional supplementary dwelling for farm labourers; iii) the placement of a mobile home or a travel trailer on a lot for temporary use as a construction site office. Township Council has further determined that the temporary use of a site specific area may be appropriate in the short term in order to permit a land use activity to locate,on a property which otherwise is prohibited in the applicable zone. - 2 - In any instance where Township Council deems it appropriate to use a Temporary Use By-law, Council shall determine the appropriate period of time for application of such by-law, which period shall not exceed 3 years unless extended by a subsequent by-law. All Temporary Use By-laws passed in the Township of Bayham shall be subject to the same notice, approval and appeal procedures as a zoning by-law under the Planning Act, 1983. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT MOD,ft ,A i 11DtV No �WER SE T NF PLAN ..''.. '7.15 7.15.1 MODIFICATION 7.15.2 No. -;r UNDER SECT;ON 17(9) OF THF PLANNING' AGI, 19V Temporary Use By-laws U -P -.L X J.- -_the - nun k o i pal i t y may pass "temporary use by-laws" pursuant to Section 38 of the Planning Act, 1983, to authorize the uses as established in Section 7.15.3 of this Official Plan for a period of time not exceeding 3 years. Use __0 ffis 14-ew- land, lhu-Wdim, atm l a to v -A G be -zoned---- temporary uses for renewable periods of up to three years. These by-laws may also be extended indefinitely, at the discretion of Council, providing that each extension is enacted by an appropriately approved by-law pursuant to the Planning Act, 1983. Upon the expiration of the time period(s) authorized by the by-law, the uses, buildings and structures that were permitted under the by-law cannot be continued as legally non -conforming uses, buildings and structures. 7.15.3 Temporary Use By-laws may be passed for temporary periods, the length of which shall be determined by Township Council, but not to exceed three years, to allow the establishment of: i)a mobile home for temporary residential accommodation pending the completion of a permanent dwelling; 0 MMIFiCATION No. UNDER SEC NON 171'9) OF Tff PLANNING AGT, 1048? - 3 - mobile --- e- an -au. -a$ r i cultural l o t f o r ©--resien#-accommodations which e ,as an additi-ona-1 aufarm, 1 -ab ou r e r s ; iiia mobile home or travel trailer to be used as a site office, or for accommodation for a caretaker or watchman during a large construction project. MODIFICATION iv ) � e act ",y-- on_..._a specific parcel No. hi ch -a aper apr i at e i n the UNDERSECTION 1719) OF e—prohibi ted TNF PLAidNN ) ACT, 19S? e� 7.15. 4 f e -1 -1 -ow -i ng croqteria in the evaluation of applications for Temporary Use By-laws for mobile homes or travel trailers i)th t the proposed unit is temporary in natu`r, e and will not be difficult to terminate when the authorizing by-law expires; ii)that the proposed unit is not incompatible with adjacent land uses; U_iii)that parking required by the proposed unit C.3=will be provided on-site; and o ?,z iv) that the proposed*unit will be located as oc close to the existing dwelling or C) =0 dwellings as possibl&,, where applicable, CD n so that it does not directly front on a Wo.public road allowance. � w o = 7.15.5 'Township Council will use the ollowing criteria in the evaluation of applications for Temporary Use By-laws for specific' -land use activities which are otherwise prohibited in the applicable zone. �n i)Temporary Use By-laws shall only be enacted for uses which w4ll not preclude the future development of any lands fox their most appropriate use, as defined bV the Official Plan; - 4 - ii) ouncil shall consult with property owners a d any other agencies or individuals who mi t have knowledge of when conditions mig suit the development of the prope ty, in accordance with the Official Plan, rior to enacting a Temporary Use Nt�p�F�CAT ION By-law; �.._._. i i i) Only uses hich will not create land use No pR EC�40N -0(9) of conflicts o disrupt the use and UN development neighbouring properties jrjAF PLANNING ACS � 19a� shall be auth ized by temporary use by- laws; iv) Notwithstanding t e above policies, temporary uses tha are not otherwise permitted by -the Of cial Plan as permanent uses, may be ermitted by teffiko � APPENDIX 'A' NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING �. Rent,"y , . K LIFT trucks, G&C Bechard Sales and Ser - Ltd., Straffordville, 866-3241. 43 0 �-- a JOHN McKENZIE Auto Auction, Wednesdays les, .10:30 a.m.; Thursdays 6:30 p.m. Buy or sell, ►Ps over 200 cars per week. Associated Auc- Ist, tioneers, London, (519) 453.7182, 40 . �' 1-800-265-1906. 45 sP, - 1977 OLDSMOBILE Delta Royale, two door ane hardtop, selling as is, 866-3374. 45 40 '4 — 1982 FORD Granada, new tires, four door, six di- ,,,cylinder, $1,000 as is. Call at noon or atter Its..- 6:00, 866-3729. 45 r6 40 ','.1985 PONTIAC 6000, air, cruise, low mileage. -- `"."New brakes and exhaust. Asking $7,900 cer- eh, titled; 842.2754. 45 for is, �k'HEAVY DUTY trailer hitch from Tow and Hitch, ;all,� complete. Phone 842-4387. 45 40 " PARTS FOR 1981 Chev pickup, hood, tailgates, drive shaft, rear end, step-up bumper. Phone ,841.4387. 45 ' _ 1988 MUSTANG GT, jet black, tinted windows, 40., --- .; 35,000 kms, excellent condition, $16,000; ur` X4842.3359. 45 dh, ''1982 DODiak Milli er,"very' 'eood condition, if . ;five speed standard, new brakes, AM/FM 40 ,stereo, cassette deck, digital clock, bucket -- .• seats, overhead map reading instrumentation; 50. 842-6504 after 1 p.m., 72 North Street West, 40 Tillsonburg.: 45 at�`'t '1975 FORD F-250, good condition, best offer, 1; 0842-4468 after 6:00. 45 40 ,. -- 4 ' 1982 NEW YORKER, loaded, 90,000 miles, one ,. very good condition, $5,250 or best offer. 40 Olympia desk model electric. typewriter; --* ' N 688-0156. 45 42, ,•{ 1982 CAMARO Berniletta, V6, air, very good 40 'r condition, $5,800 or best offer. Phone -- 842-2413, ask for Tom. 45 Aa .., . r� otorodes Olt =w� Notices' NOTICE TO CREDITORS Particulars of claims against the estate of WILLIAM LESLIE TUGHAN, late of the Town of Tillsonburg, in the County of Oxford who died on April 8, 1989, must be in the hands of the undersigned Solicitors by August 31, 1989 after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed. George Tughan and Candace Dillman, Executors, by their Solicitors GOWLING STRATHY & HENDERSON, 50 Queen Street North, Kitchener, Ontario N2H 6M1 day 5 p.m.; Wednosday is Monday 1 p.m.; Friday is Tuesdaylem. Happy 19th Connie e Love the Family Legal Notices Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING I To Be Held By ' BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan And Zoning By -Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of Informing the public in respect of proposed official pian and zoning by-law amendments in accordance with The Planning Act. The amendments to be considered are as follows: JOHN WALKER AND JON S. WALKER - Lot 2, Conc. 5, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Estate Residential to permit the creation of three residential lots. This application is a condition of severance by the Elgin County Land Division Commit- tee. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM - to amend the Official Plan of the Municipality by the incorporation of temporary use policies and to zone lands in Lot 126 NTR to reflect present hamlet official plan designation. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at the Township of Bayham Office, Straffordville, commencing at 8:30 P.M. on Thursday, September 7, 1989. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521) J.A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario . NW 1 YO 9, 24 a 4 e► iTENTION, HUNTERS: .300 Weatherby F. num, 3x9 variable scope and Weatherby I.," unts, excellent condition, $1,200, 10 X82.2858. 44 se th IO 0 �-- a JOHN McKENZIE Auto Auction, Wednesdays les, .10:30 a.m.; Thursdays 6:30 p.m. Buy or sell, ►Ps over 200 cars per week. Associated Auc- Ist, tioneers, London, (519) 453.7182, 40 . �' 1-800-265-1906. 45 sP, - 1977 OLDSMOBILE Delta Royale, two door ane hardtop, selling as is, 866-3374. 45 40 '4 — 1982 FORD Granada, new tires, four door, six di- ,,,cylinder, $1,000 as is. Call at noon or atter Its..- 6:00, 866-3729. 45 r6 40 ','.1985 PONTIAC 6000, air, cruise, low mileage. -- `"."New brakes and exhaust. Asking $7,900 cer- eh, titled; 842.2754. 45 for is, �k'HEAVY DUTY trailer hitch from Tow and Hitch, ;all,� complete. Phone 842-4387. 45 40 " PARTS FOR 1981 Chev pickup, hood, tailgates, drive shaft, rear end, step-up bumper. Phone ,841.4387. 45 ' _ 1988 MUSTANG GT, jet black, tinted windows, 40., --- .; 35,000 kms, excellent condition, $16,000; ur` X4842.3359. 45 dh, ''1982 DODiak Milli er,"very' 'eood condition, if . ;five speed standard, new brakes, AM/FM 40 ,stereo, cassette deck, digital clock, bucket -- .• seats, overhead map reading instrumentation; 50. 842-6504 after 1 p.m., 72 North Street West, 40 Tillsonburg.: 45 at�`'t '1975 FORD F-250, good condition, best offer, 1; 0842-4468 after 6:00. 45 40 ,. -- 4 ' 1982 NEW YORKER, loaded, 90,000 miles, one ,. very good condition, $5,250 or best offer. 40 Olympia desk model electric. typewriter; --* ' N 688-0156. 45 42, ,•{ 1982 CAMARO Berniletta, V6, air, very good 40 'r condition, $5,800 or best offer. Phone -- 842-2413, ask for Tom. 45 Aa .., . r� otorodes Olt =w� Notices' NOTICE TO CREDITORS Particulars of claims against the estate of WILLIAM LESLIE TUGHAN, late of the Town of Tillsonburg, in the County of Oxford who died on April 8, 1989, must be in the hands of the undersigned Solicitors by August 31, 1989 after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed. George Tughan and Candace Dillman, Executors, by their Solicitors GOWLING STRATHY & HENDERSON, 50 Queen Street North, Kitchener, Ontario N2H 6M1 day 5 p.m.; Wednosday is Monday 1 p.m.; Friday is Tuesdaylem. Happy 19th Connie e Love the Family Legal Notices Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING I To Be Held By ' BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan And Zoning By -Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of Informing the public in respect of proposed official pian and zoning by-law amendments in accordance with The Planning Act. The amendments to be considered are as follows: JOHN WALKER AND JON S. WALKER - Lot 2, Conc. 5, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Estate Residential to permit the creation of three residential lots. This application is a condition of severance by the Elgin County Land Division Commit- tee. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM - to amend the Official Plan of the Municipality by the incorporation of temporary use policies and to zone lands in Lot 126 NTR to reflect present hamlet official plan designation. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at the Township of Bayham Office, Straffordville, commencing at 8:30 P.M. on Thursday, September 7, 1989. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521) J.A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario . NW 1 YO 9, w • APPENDIx 'B' MINUTES OF PUBLIC MEETING And resolved that passe*d.....Carried fly -law No. 2491 be now read a ------------- th i rd t ime and f ina 1 ly - W R#cord of public meeting held Aeptember 7, 19899 concerning official plan and zoning by-laws. Reeve Chute declares a public meeting as advertised to hear comments on certain official -plan and zoning by-law amendments open. Applications are from Mark 1)r. ieglie'for a change of a portion of his lands from agriculture,to rural residential; from Leftbrooke Construction Ltd. to change the designation of their property from farm industrial to hamlet commercial; from J. & J. Walker for a change of a portion of their lands from agriculture to special rural residential; ,11Y)(1 from the Township of Rayham to incorporate temporary use policies in the off (c• i ri l plan and a zoning amendment to recognize a hamlet residential use in Lot 126 N.T.R. In the application of Mark Drieghe, no one is in attendance to offer any comments. In the application of Leftbrooke (,(instruction Ltd., Mr. Bruce Johnston is in attendance. slaving a copy of the proposed by-law, Mr. Johnston requests clarification on the wording of the amendment pertaining to sideyards. The present building being in exist.ance for several years, while not in conformity With By-law 2387, the existing sideyards are permitted. Any new construction will be in conformity with the by-law. No one appears with further comments. In the application of: J. & J. Walker, Mr. John Barris is in attendance. lie is in agreement with the proposed by-law. No one appears with further comments. In the applicati�;n of the Township of Bayham to amend the official plan to incorporate tempory use policies, ,rind to change the zoning on i parcel of land in Lot 126, N.T.R., Reeve Chute reviews the proposed by-laws. No, one has any comments to offer on the proposals. Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed. Moved hy: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. And resolved that By-law No. 2493 being a the council of the Township of B;jyham at be now read a first time.... -Carried Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: And resolved that Fay -law No. 2493 he now Movod by: R. Sandham and `seconded by: And resolved that By-law No. 2493 he now passed..... Carried Moved by: R. That general $27,325.97 be on September Sandham by-law to the meeting confirm all actions of held September 7, 19899 R. Phillips read a second J. Nezezon read a third time.....Carried time and finally Sandham and Seconded ley: J. Nezezon accounts tota 1. i l,g $3 1 , 856.20 and road accounts totaling approved and t fiat this council now adjourn to meet again 210 1989, at 7:30 p.m. ,,,...Carried I ---------- ---------- Reeve Clerk - • • AMENDMENT NUMBER 50 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: TEMPORARY USE BY-LAWS 34 -OP -0158-050 The following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 50 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham ORIGIN& • • OFFICIAL PLAN 1 4�1__ TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 50 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was of the Township of with Section 17 of September, 1989. REEVE adopted by the Council of the Corporation Bayham by By-law No. Z488 , in accordance the PLANNING ACT, on the 7th day of CL • 2 - • 3. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT, is hereby modified by deleting subsection 7.15.3 ii) in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "a mobile home in conjunction with a farm operation intended as a supplementary dwelling for farm labourers ; " 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT, is hereby modified by deleting subsection 7.15.3 iv) in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "a land use activity on a specific parcel of land which is appropriate in the short term, but is otherwise prohibited in the applicable zoning by-law. These proposed temporary uses are a permitted use in the Official Plan. 5. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT, is hereby modified by deleting subsections 7.15.4 and 7.15.5 in their entirety and replacing them with the following: 7.15.4 "Township Council will use the following criteria in the evaluation of applications for Temporary Use By-laws: i) that the proposed use is temporary in nature and will not preclude the future development of the site, nor will the use be difficult to terminate when the authorizing by-law expires; that the proposed use is not incompatible with adjacent land uses, and Council shall consult with property owners and any other agencies or individuals who might have knowledge of when conditions might suit the development of the property, in accordance with the Official Plan, prior to enacting a Temporary Use By-law; that parking required by the proposed use is provided on-site; and /3 • • - 3 - iv) that the temporary use will be -evaluated on the proposed servicing, and that the use will not create or increase any servicing problems on or off the site. As thus modified, this amendment is hereby approved pursuant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983, as Amendment Number 50 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham. Date: /* 0, Diana L. Yrdine, M.C.I.P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest BY-LAW NO. 2489 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 51 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 51 to the. Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 7th day of September, 1989 .: �' , . 1,; -- - '- 6 ��' � REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2489 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK �t= Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses, namely tobacco farms. Two rural residential lots are located opposite the subject lands on County Road No. 43. The physiography in the area of the subject lands is dominated by the Big Otter Creek and its associated wooded gullies. The existing "Hazard Lands" designation on the subject lands is related to the Big Otter Creek and its associated valley walls. This generalized Hazard Lands designation has not been mapped in sufficient detail to determine if development can be accommodated without risk due to flooding or slope instability. A review of topographic information however, reveals that the area proposed to be redesignated includes the portion of land associated with the Big Otter Creek and a gently sloping plateau area. The elevation difference between the area which appears to be the top -of -bank, and the creek, is in excess of 20 metres (65.6 feet) and spans a horizontal distance of approximately 160 metres at the north end of the subject lands and 90 metres at the south. This translates into a vertical slope of 12.5% and 22% respectively. It should be noted however, that the majority of the subject lands are comprised of the wooded area that is associated with the Big Otter Creek, however, all development on the proposed lots is anticipated to occur on the plateau lands. The wooded gullies should not be affected in any manner as a result of development. The lands encompassing the Big Otter Creek and its associated valley walls are classified as Valley Complex according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. The area comprised of the plateau lands has also been included in this classification. There are no specialty crop soils on the subject lands and the closest building or structure capable of housing livestock is in excess of 150 metres from the proposed lots. 4. • - 3 - El Due to the circumstances discussed above, and more particularly in light of the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands, the proposal has been determined to meet the relevant criteria for designation as a non-farm area as outlined in Sections, and of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. It is imperative to note however, that prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of a single family dwelling on each lot, that develollment be regulated subject to the policies of Section (d) (Valley Walls and Top of Bank Policies) of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT I) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" and "Hazard Lands" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A",?which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Sections 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential and (d) Valley Walls and Top of Bank Policies of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, as amended. 9 C1 ca 4 0 u • SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF 6AYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 51 4 51 Lands changed from "Agriculture" and "Hazard Lands" to "Rural Residential" Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas --..�► Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County RoaOs) 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 Feet Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands hi._I i GI'COnsemtion Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas --..�► Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County RoaOs) 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 Feet 1 TOWNSHIP OF 6AYHAM • SCHEDULE"B" AWN11MG1dT IM r ....r .........�..v���u� IV $'JIIlIzLI.Y VI 11CLUICI 1iCbUUT-Lti5 SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT r5 FARM BUILDING 4C? WOODLOT • KILNS/SHEDS/GARAGES NOTE : This map is for clarification purposes only. 250m 600m Scale: 1:10.000 APPENDIX 'A' NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING ' ipment "'Rent 0 h FORK LIFT trucks, G&C Bechard Sales and Ser- vices Ltd., Straffordville, 866-3241. 43 e- . ATTENTION. HUNTERS: .300 Weatherby F. Magnum, 3x9 variable scope and Weatherby 1.0 mounts, excellent condition, $1,200, 10 582-2858. 44 t nobiles it 1JOHN McKENZIE Auto Auction, Wednesdays s, 10:30 a.m.; Thursdays 6:30 p.m. Buy or sell, Ps over 200 cars per week. Associated Auc- st, tioneers, London, (519) 453.7182, 40 1-800-265-1906. 45 P, 1977 OLDSMOBILE Delta Royale, two door ne hardtop, selling as is, 866.3374. 45 40 - 1982 FORD Granada, new tires, four door, six dr- cylinder, $1,000 as is. Call at noon or after ks, 6:00, 866.3729. 45 r6 40 1985 PONTIAC 6000, air, cruise, low mileage. New brakes and exhaust. Asking $7,900 cer- h, tified; 842-2754. 45 for a, HEAVY DUTY trailer hitch from Tow and Hach, II complete. Phone 842-4387. 45 40 PARTS FOR 1981 Chev pickup, hood, tailgates, the drive shaft, rear end, step-up bumper. Phone 0, 8424387. 45 me 40 1988 MUSTANG GT, jet black, tinted windows, ' 35,000 kms, excellent condition, $16,000; urg 842-3359. 45 ally } ith.' 1982 DODGE Challenger, very condition, if five speed standard, new brakes, AM/FM 40 stereo, cassette deck, digital clock, bucket — seats, overhead map reading instrumentation; 50. 842-6504 after 1 p.m., 72 North Street West, 40 Tillsonburg. 45 at. 1975 FORD F-250, good condition, best offer, iew 842-4468 after 6:00., 45 40 — 1982 NEW YORKER, loaded, 90,000 miles, ane very good condition, $5,250 or best offer. 40 Olympia desk model electric. typewriter; -- 688-0156. 45 ger, N2, 1982 CAMARO Berniletta, V6, air, very good 40 condition, $5,800 or best offer. Phone -- 842.2413, ask for Tom. 45 dey .30 der. 1_16torcIles Cdl 40top day 5 p.m.; Wednosday is JAPI Noti 41 Monday m.; Friday is Tuesda m. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Particulars of claims against the estate of WILLIAM LESLIE TUGHAN, late of the Town of Tillsonburg, in the County of Oxford who died on April 8, 1989, must be in the hands of the undersigned Solicitors by August 31, 1989 after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed. George Tughan and Candace Dillman, Executors, by their Solicitors GOWLING STRATHY & HENDERSON, 50 Queen Street North, Kitchener, Ontario N2H 6M1 Happy 19th Connie Love the Fmii i l y L e g Notices Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Be Held By BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan And Zoning By -Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of Informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by -14w amendments in accordance with The Planning Act. The amendments to be considered are as follows: JOHN WALKER AND JON S. WALKER - Lot 2, Conc. 5, to rezone a portion of their lands from Al to Estate Residential to permit the creation of three residential lots. This application is a condition of severance by the Elgin County Land Division Commit- tee. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM - to amend the Official Plan of the Municipality by the incorporation of temporary use policies and to zone lands in Lot 126 NTR to reflect present hamlet official plan designation. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at the Township of Bayham Office, Straffordville, commencing at 8:30 P.M. on Thursday, September 7, 1989. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521) J.A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1 YO 0 i I i i I APPENDIX 'B' MINUTES OF PUBLIC MEETING 1 i 3 i i 1 And resolved that passed.►..,. Carried Ily-law No. 2491 1)v now read a third R#c"rd of public meeting Te 1 d Aept embe r. 7 1 989 � , concerning official plan and zoning by - I - as. Reeve Chute declares a public meeting as advertised to hear comments on certain Of f ici;rl plan and zoning by-Inw .-imencimptits open. Applications are from Mark Drieghe'fora change of a portion of his lands from agriculture to,rura1 resider tis1; from Leftbrooke Construction Ltd. to change the designation of their property from farm industrial to hamlet commercial; from J. & J. Walker for a change of a portion of their lands from agriculture to spec is 1 rural residential ; ,",d from the Township of Bayham to incorporate temporary use policies in the, of f ic• i,al plan and a zoning amendment to recognize a hamlet residential use it, 1.ot 120 N.T.R. time and finally In the Application of Mark I)riegirr, no one is in at.tondance to offer any comments. In the application of Left.hrooke (.const ruction Ltd. , Mr. Bruce Johnston is in attendance. linving a col)y of the proposed by-law, Mr. Johnston requests clarification on the wording of the amendhlent pertaining to sideyards. The present building being in existarlce for several years, while not in conformity with By-law 2387, the existing sidoyards are permitted. Any nt-iw construction will be in conformity with the by-iaw. No one appears with further comments. Iti the ,ppl ication of J. & ,l, Walker, Mr. John Barris is in attendance, lie is in agreement with the proposed I)y—law. No one appears with farther comments. In the applic.-ltinit of the 1'ocansl�ip of lisyllam to amend the official plan to incorporate tempory use policic,s, alld to change the zoning on a parcel of land it, i.ot 126, N.T.R., Reeve t:litrt(_ r-eviews the proposed by-laws. No. one has ani• comments to of for on t hr propos.11 s. Reeve Chute declares the pui) 1 i c meet, Ing closed. Moved by: G. Nelles and ;Seconded by: R. And resolved that By-law No, 2493 being a the counc i i of the Township or Bayliam at be now read a first time.... -Carried Moved by: J. Nezezon alld Seconded by: And resolved that By-law No. 249'3 be now Moved by: R. Sandham anci -Seconded by: And resolved that By-law No. 2493 be now passod..... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham That: general accounts $27,325.97 be approved on September 21, 1989, Reeve Sandham by-law to the meeting confirm all actions of held September 7, 19899 R. Phillips read a second J. Neze.zotl read a third time.....Carried time and an(] by: J. Nezezon tot;l I i ng $:31 ,856.20 and road accounts And that this council now adjourn to at 7:30 p.m. ......Carried N f ina 1 ly totaling moat again Clerk 0 g I/ �; 0 ORIGINAL AMENDMENT NUMBER 51 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: WALKER RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 2, CONCESSION 5 34 -OP -0158-051 The following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 51 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham • • OFFICIAL PLAN I vsI TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 51 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was of the Township of with Section 17 of September, 1989. �Z) - e_-0 REEVE adopted by the Council of the Corporation Bayham by By-law No. 2489, in accordance the PLANNING ACT, on the 7th day of CLERK Amendment Number 51 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham This amendment to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the'Township of Bayham, is hereby modified under Sections 17 (9 ) and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983, as follows: 1. Item i), DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT is hereby modified by adding the following to the fifth line, after the term "Schedule "A" 11: ",and defined as those lands above elevation 206 m. , ... it As thus modified, this amendment is hereby approved, pursuant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983, as Amendment Number 51 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham. Date: Diana L. J#rdine, M. C;. I . P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest I • BY-LAW NO. 2490 • THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 52 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text Eknd map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 52 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 7th day of September, 1989 REEVE CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2490 as enacted and passed by the Council -of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 52 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0.60 hectares (1.50 acres) and is situated in Part Lot 18, Concession 4, in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated on the south east corner of Lot 18, Concession 4 in the Township of Bayham and form part of a larger farm holding comprised of 39.8 hectares (98.5 acres). Although presently undeveloped, it is proposed that a new rural residential lot will be created pursuant to the approval of this Official Plan Amendment, an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment and the process of severance and conveyance. The subject lands are topographically isolated from the workable area associated with the remainder of the farm holding by a small wooded tributary of the Big Otter Creek and an elevation difference of approximately 5 metres ( 16 . 4 feet) . The wooded tributary of the Big Otter Creek also forms the eastern boundary of the subject lands thereby creating an aesthetic setting for the proposed rural residential lot. Existing 'land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses, namely tobacco farms. An additional rural residential lot is located west of the subject lands on the south west corner of Lot 18, Concession 4. The subject lands are comprised of imperfectly drained, Class 3 Plainfield Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crop in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. In addition to the imperfectly drained soils, the subject lands have been noted to have low natural fertility which may or may not be possible to correct by additions of fertilizers or manure. Due to the topographic isolation of the subject lands from the remaining farm holdings, and the difficulties associated with farming this low-lying area, Township Council deems it appropriate that this area be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which is a more appropriate use of this land. The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT I) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential",, those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended. SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 52 rJ2 Lands changed from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" •..0._. Provincial Highways -J3-3 Arterial Roads (County Roaac) 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15Q00 Feet Agriculture s Highway Commercial Hazard Lands Conservation Lands ' Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas •..0._. Provincial Highways -J3-3 Arterial Roads (County Roaac) 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15Q00 Feet TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE"B" AMFNnMFNT Nn r;g VA Ao-r 19 Lof 29L-- AR�, OF DDITIONAL LM.DS-', �- 1 JEt ,B APPH'eANt i o 1 c V i 1* 1, t� Y It Is Ii 204'5 1 . Base Map Source:4ntario Ministry of Natural Resources DSUBJECT LANDS RESIDENTIAL UNIT d FARM BUILDING WOODLOT • KILNS/SHEDS/GARAGES NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. 20 .207.0 los o 250m boom Scale: 1:106000 APPENDIX 'A' NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING 0 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0 SCHEDULE"B" AMFNT)MFNT Nn- Sg 20L/-- 'I. 17 18 ,'toT 19 LLoi! LOTY2� R�. OF DDITIONAL L �— I E6� APPNtANl; ��� 8 i� �; ! •i' �� I u 209• IF � r �. I �� �� • ��$ 1 III {• p ±— � ,� ; � _ , , ,' � � I ` ���'� � •`azo � Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources CDSUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT d FARM BUILDING t!:• ,? WOODLOT • KILNS/SHEDS/GARAGES 0 250m 500m NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. Scale: 1:10.000 1 O. CLARK, of the Township ,of Norfolk, in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand- Norfolk, Widow, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of MILDRED O. CLARK, of the Township of Norfolk, in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, Widow, who died on or about the 20th day of December, 1985 are hereby notified to send parti^l,lars of same to the undersig. ted on or before the 2nd day of August, 1989 after which date the estate will be distributed with re- gard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be li- able to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. KAPUSTA, SAYEAU & -: AICKEN 237 Main Street Delhi, Ontario Nog 2M4 Solicitors for the Administrator 91111pe kitchen is the most frequently room in the house. Apart from e4obvious danger from burns and scalds, there are other dangers from falls, cuts and poisoning. A well - planned and convenient kitchen layout can make all the dif- ference in avoiding potential hazards. It is essential that your ac- tivities be carried on undistracted by traffic. The activity area should be well clear of circulation routes and also other activities, such as din- ing. At the same time, you should be able to watch children playing both inside and out of the kichen. As much as possible, there should be continuous working spaces bet- ween the stove, sink and refrigerator. Small, unconnected work tops involve additional lifting and carrying of hot saucepans and dishes which increase risk of spillage, burns or scalds. The stove should be located so that the swing of any door will not in- terfere with a saucepan handle pro- jecting from the stove, or with a per- son standing in front of it. It should be at least two feet from any window to avoid setting fire to the curtains or blowing out a gas flame. Work spaces, preferably with a heat - proof surface on either side of the stove, are best. This permits hot saucepans to be set down and pro- vides space for handles to project o ices 14� Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING ' To Be Held By BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan And Zoning By -Law Amendment TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments in accordance with The Planning Act. The amendments to be considered are as follows. MARK DRIEGHE - Lot 18, Conc. 4, to rezone a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential. This application is to satisfy a condition of the Elgin County Land Division Committee. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at the Township of Bayhaert Office, Straffordville, commencing at 8:30 P.M. on Thursday September 7, 1989. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Town- ship Clerk (866-5521) J. A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 : Straffordville, Ontario Q - NOJ 1 YO over the sid f the stove instead of the front, a child may reach up and pull aucepan of boiling li- quid over itself. A stove in a corner or in front of a counter, where you have to reach over it to the work top beyond, is particularly dangerous. Many accidents occur when a per- son must climb onto a chair or other surface to reach high shelves. The maximum height of any shelf should not be more than six feet above the floor, or if over a counter, 5 1 feet. Cupboard doors should be sliding, or if hinged, should not project beyond the front of the counter to eliminate the danger of bumped heads. It is preferable to avoid having cupboards placed over a stove. If, however, this can not be avoided, the underside should be protected in case of a fire on the stove. In many households, the cup- boards under the kitchen sink are us- ed to store cleaning agents, polishes, bleaches, drain cleaning fluids, and other substances, all of which may be extremely corrosive and dangerous. Because the cupboards are within easy reach of children, special precautions must be taken. The door of the cupboard should be provided with a child - proof secon- dary catch which must be disengag- ed before the door can be fully o ed. These catches, require strei or special coordination of press twisting or pulling which is gene ly beyond the ability of chip under five years old. An adequate level of lightin also essential over the sink stove, so that you are not workii your own shadow. Furthernr electrical receptacles or swit should not be within reach of a son using the sink. Safety outlets with a blade ope protected by a shutter and opei only by a grounded plug, will vent children from pushing sma jects into them. Such outlets st be provided in' the kitchen, I ment, and laundry room. _;ter the kitchen, the bathroo potentially the most hazardous p in a home. In a wet, steam} mosphere, the dangers of slipl falling or scalding are intensi Most accidents involving the elc take place in the bathroom. Grab - bars capable of with! ding a lot of weight can be insti in baths for elderly people. The tom of the bathtub or shower sh be covered with non - slip adh( strips to prevent falls. Soap hol placed in both tub and showed Auction ,.So I es' AUCTION SALE FURNITURE, BANKRUPT PARTY TYME STOCK, APPLIANCES ETC. Selling consignments of Household Items & Tools; al under instructions from Deloitte; Haskins & Sells Trustees Bankruptcy of Party Tyme from St. Thomas; sale held SHACKELTON AUCTIONS, 5 mite north of Aylmer & 3 east on County Rd. 48 or 8 mile south of 401 hwy. on Putn Rd. THURSDAY EVE, AUG. 3,6:30 P.M. Gourlay piano & bench; el. stoves; refrigerators; chest fre ers; automatic washer & dryers; dishwasher; office desk chairs; Electronic cash register; adding machine; file cabin beds; dressers; chesterfield suites; bedroom suite; but space savers; arm rockers; T.V.; quantity of modern & old gl & china including rose bowl; Old Colony silverplate; lamps; s tables; 3M 787 copier; Olympia Omega 001 copier; chro tables & chairs; stereo; slant top desk and other househ items. BANKRUPTCY STOCK - All kinds of paper & pla cups, serviettes & plates; specialty party products for Anni sary, Wedding, Birthdays, Halloween, Christmas, novelty ke decorations, wrapping paper & etc. Selling Cash & Carry at 5 or more off from 1:30 to 5:30 day of sale. Miscellaneous Tools - Husky 613 3 speed riding I mower; Steam Jenny; 10 drawer metal cabinet; miscellane garden & and tools and numerous other unlisted items. TERMS - Cash night of sale. LES SHACKELTON JOHN SHACKELTON 765-4450 - AUCTIONEERS - 765-4440 APPENDIX 'B' MINUTES OF PUBLIC MEETING And resolved that I1y-law PaSsed.....Carripd No. 2491 be now read a third time R#cord,of public meeting geld Aeptember 7, 1989, concerning official plan an(i�zor)ing by - laws. Reeve Chute declares a public meeting as advertised to hear comments on certain Official plan and zoning by-law .-amendments open. Applications are from Mark Drieglae'For a change of a portion of his lands from agriculture to rural residential; from Leftbrooke Construction Ltd. to change the designation of their property from farm industrial to hamlet commercial; from J. & J. Walker for a change of a portion of their lands from agriculture to special rural residential; 111(1 frnrn the Township of Bayham to incorporate temporary use policies in the officf;il plan and a zoning amendment to recognize a hamlet residential use in Lot 120 N.T.R. and f ina1 ly In the application of Mark Driegbe, no one is in attendance to offer any comments. In the application of Leftbrooke Construction Ltd., Mr. Bruce Johnston FIs in attendance. Having a copy of tiles proposed by-law, Mr. Johnston requests clarification on the wording of the amendment pertaining to sideyards. The present building being in existance for several years, while not in conformity with By-law 2387, the existing s i(i(►yards are permitted. Any new construction will be in conformity with tale by-law. No one appears with further comments. In the application of J. & J. W;11k(-r, Mr. John Harris is in attendance. lie is in agreement with the proposed by-1nw. No one appears with further comments. In the applicatfnll of the Township of Bnyham to amend the official plan to incorporate tempory use policies, ;and to change the zoning on aarcel of land in Lot 126, N.T.R., p Reeve Chlrte reviews the proposed by-laws. No. one has any comments to offer on t hr proposals. Reeve Chute declares the 1 Ub I is meet Ing closed. Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: R. And resolved that By-law No. 2493 being a the COUrlci 1. of the Township of li;lyham at be now read a first time.... -Carried Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by. And resolved ti,,,t lay -law No. 2493 be now Moved by: R. Sandh;im and Seconded by: And resolved that By-law No. 2493 he now passed..... Carried Moved by: R. That general $27,325.97 be on September Sandham accounts approved 21, 1989, ---------- ----------- Reeve S a n d h a m by - law to the meeting confirm all actions of held September 7, 198910 R. Phillips read a secorrcl J. Nezezon read a third time..... Carried time and ,111(1 Seconded by: J. Nezezon toga t i rig $3 1 , 856.20 and road accounts ar)d that this council clow adjourn to at 7:30 p.m . ...... Carried 0 finally t 0 L aling meet again Clerk 0 0 ",2490 AMENDMENT NUMBER 52 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: MARK DRIEGHE RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 189 CONCESSION 4 34 =0P- 018-052 The following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 52 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham ORIGiNAL • • OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 52 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was of the Township of with Section 17 of September, 1989. REEVE adopted by the Council of the Corporation Bayham by By-law No. 2490, in accordance the PLANNING ACT, on the 7th day of C Amendment Number 52 to the Official Plan f or the Township of Bayham This amendment to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of C3 Bayham, is hereby approved pursuant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983, as Amendment Number 52 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham. oate:J. Ey: N er� Diana L. Jabine, M. C. I . P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest A CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2491 BEING a By-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an Agreement with the Corporation of the Village of Vienna and Paul Durst for the supply of water at Lot 13, Concession 2. WHEREAS Paul Durst is the owner of lands at Lot 13, Concession 2, in the Township of Bayham AND WHEREAS the said Paul Durst is establishing a mobile home park on the aforesaid lands. AND WHEREAS the council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham has passed By-law No. 2412 adopting Amendment No. 21 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham and By-law Z166/88 to amend By-law No. 2387 to provide zoning of the lands at Lot 13, Concession 2, for the aforesaid mobile home park, AND WHEREAS the supply of water for the aforesaid mobile home park will be through the Village of Vienna water distribution system. AND WHEREAS it is now necessary to provide for payment to the Village of Vienna for the supply of water in the event that the said Paul Durst goes into default with respect to payments owing to the said Village. THEREFORE BE IT ENCACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE COPRORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP* OF BAYHAM - 1) That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute an Agreement with the Corporation of the Village of Vienna and Paul Durst to provide for the supply of water at Lot 13, Concession 2, on which lands may be established a mobile home park. 2) THAT the said Agreement be attached to and form a part of this By-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1989. �.►e'c-p REEVE V 0 CLERK THIS AGREEMENT made in triplicate this 51--"-. day of Sertem. he r A.D. 1909 BETWEEN: WATER WORK'S AGREEMENT THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA, hereinafter called Vienna, PAUL DURST and and THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, hereinafter called Bayham, WHEREAS Paul Durst has submitted to the Executive Director, Water Supply and Pollution Control, of the Ministry of the Environment for its approval plans and specifications JQr--Ue construction of a water works as defined in The Ontario Water Resources Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 332, or its successor, as amended, which are to be constructed by Paul Durst and to be located on Part of Lot 13, Concession 2 in the Township of Bayham and owned by Paul Durst for the supply of water to a trailer park located thereon; AND WHEREAS Paul Durst has reached an agreement with Vienna with respect to the supply of water by Vienna and the purchase of water by Paul Durst; AND WHEREAS the Council of Vienna passed By -Law No. 857 authorizing Vienna to enter into and execute this Agreement; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the covenants, conditions and payments hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows: 1. Subject to compliance with The Ontario Water Resources Act, the Environmental Protection Act, 1971 and any successors, and all other relevant statutes and regulations, the obligations to operate, maintain and otherwise deal with, manage and control the water works after the effective date of this Agreement, shall be the responsibility of Paul Durst. 11 2. Vienna will supply water for the aforementioned water works for normal household consumption to the said water works; however, should a supply of water not be available, Vienna shall not be held liable in any t respect. -2- 3. It is hereby agreed that Paul Durst shall not add to, alter or extend the aforementioned water works without the prior approval of Vienna and any other appropriate authority. 4. It is hereby agreed that this Agreement shall be for the supply of water for a maximum of 28 trailers or living units as shown on the attached Plan 8967 dated August 9, 1989, prepared by G. Douglas Vallee Limited. Any additional trailers or living units to be served will require a separate Agreement. 5. Paul Durst hereby agrees to pay double the normal water rate from time to time payable by the residents of Vienna or as determined by Vienna in recognition of the fact that there are no frontage charges or connection charges payable in relation to the water works system. Paul Durst agrees to supply a Letter of Credit or cash in the amount of $1,000.00 as security for the cost of water in the event of default by Paul Durst. This amount may be revised at any time by Vienna. Payment for the supply of water shall be made monthly. A ten percent (100) penalty shall be charged on all accounts not paid in full on or before the 20th day after the date upon which accounts are billed. 6. In the event that Paul Durst goes into default with respect to the payments owing to Vienna, he hereby authorises Bayham to add the arrears to the taxes for the property on which the water works is located. Bayham hereby agrees as a party to this Agreement to add the aforementioned water arrears to the taxes as aforesaid for collection in the usual manner. 7. It is hereby agreed that Vienna will not assume ownership and/or operation of the water works system in the event of default by Paul Durst. 8. It is hereby agreed that Paul Durst will locate the water meters at the shut off valves of the main line and will allow Vienna and its servants and agents a general easement over the property upon which the water works is located for the purpose of inspecting the water meters and taking readings from them. 9. It is hereby agreed that Paul Durst will reimburse Vienna for all legal and engineering fees incurred by Vienna in the preparation, any �• subsequent revisions, and enforcement of this Agreement. 10. It is hereby agreed that this Agreement may be terminated by 11 either party after a period of 3 years from the date of signing however Vienna shall have the right to revise the Agreement as it sees fit subject :to the aforementioned right to terminate by Paul Durst. i -3- 11. It is agreed and declared that this Agreement and the covenants, provisos and conditions shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of each of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The Corporation of the Village of Vienna and The Corporation of the Township of Bayham have hereunto caused their corporate seals to be affixed, duly attested by their proper officers in that behalf, and Paul Durst has hereunto set his hand and seal. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA in the presence of ) N r THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM a F LVE ) a CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2492 A By-law to provide for the maintenance of the Benner, Berdan Cheeseman, Burwellvile, Carruthers, Corinth, Deli, Dereham-Bayham Townline, Eden (1987), Freeman-Storp, Garnham, Jacko, Kapin, Lamers, Magyar Dieleman, Peidl, Phillips, Schonberger, Schonberger Extension, Smith, WallaceQ,Winter (Houghton) Municipal Drains and to raise the sum of $16,638.65 to pay therefor. WHEREAS the above mentioned drains were constructed under the provisions of the Drainage Act, and according to the several by-laws of the municipality, the Township Engineers made thereon. AND WHEREAS it is provided by the said reports, by -laws and Drainage Act that the municipality of the Township of Bayham, shall maintain the said Drainage works, at the expense of the lands and roads in the said Township in any way assessed for the construction thereof, in the portion according to such assessment until such assessments, or portions thereof, be varied. AND WHEREAS in compliance with such duty, the Municipality has from time to time, carried out certain minor repairs on the said drains. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to make a pro rata assessment and levy pursuant to the said Drainage Act, upon the lands and roads assessed for the construction of the aforesaid drains so as t -e 0-ovide for and raise the cost of the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto which amount in all to $16,638.65 to the lands and roads assessed, and the amount of the assessments upon which the assessments and proportions hereby made are fixed, appear upon attached Schedule of Assessments, which said Schedule is part of this by-law. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to levy the amounts in 1989. NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENCACTS AS FOLLOWS: - 1) That for the purpose of paying the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto or for repaying into the General Funds of the Muncipiality the amount or cost thereof the sum of $9,483.07 the amount charged against the lands of the drainage works, and now assessable for Maintenance, the following total special rates and amounts as set out in the Schedule of Assessments attached hereto and forming a part of the By-law, shall over and above all other rates be assessed and levied and collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected upon and from the undermentioned lots or )arts of lots as specified in the attached schedule of assessments in the present year, 1989. 2) That for the purpose of paying the sum of $2,081.62 the amount charged against said roads of the Municipality, and $387.91 the amount charged against other Municipalities, The Province of Ontario and other Boards and Corporations for the aforesaid purpose, accounts shall be levied against the roads of the Municipality and against the other municipalities, the Province of Ontario, and other Boards and Corporations to pay the aforesaid amounts. 3) That the sum of $4,686.05 be charged to the Treasurer of Ontario under the Drain Maintenance Grants Program for repairs to drains serving agricutlural lands. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TINE AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th DAY OF SEPETEMBER , 1989. REEVE CLERK ROLL # BURWELLVILLE DRAIN REPAIRS 6-137 Bayham Roads MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS continued REPAIRS GRANT. NET. 8.01 8.01 8.01 8.01 3.11 3.11 TOTAL BURWELLVILLE DRAIN REPAIRS 11.12 11.12 CARRUTHERS DRAIN 12.03 4.00 8.03 5-050 REPAIRS 5-132 36.88 12.29 24.59 4.20 5-170 149.58 49.85 99.73 8.63 5-171 87.08 29.02 58.06 5-172 74.99 24.99 50.00 15.67 348.53 116.15 232.38 Bayham Roads 1.50 128.68 128.68 g Twp S/W Oxford Agr 80.96 26.98 53.98 S/W Oxford Roads 27.86 27.86 TOTAL CARRUTHERS DRAIN REPAIRS 586.03 143.13 442.90 CORINTH DRAIN REPAIRS C N Railway Bayham Roads TOTAL CORINTH DRAIN REPAIRS 5-048 12.03 4.00 8.03 5-050 62.42 20.80 41.62 5-109 12.63 4.20 8.43 5-117 12.93 4.30 8.63 5-110 1.50 .49 1.01 101.51 33.79 67.72 15.67 15.67 1.50 1.50 118.68 33.79 84.89 ......................CONTINUED........... 2 - Schedule "A" to By-law No. 2492 TOWNSHIP OF BYAHM MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS ROLL # REPAIRS GRANT BENNER DRAIN REPAIR 2-093 2-097 2-098 2-101 2-103 2-181 2-185 Bayham Roads TOTAL BENNER DRAIN REPAIRS BERDAN CHEESMAN DRAIN REPAIR 5-101 5-102 5-101.01 5-102.01 5-103.01 5-107 5-108 5-105.01 5-109 5-117 5-117 Bayham Roads TOTAL BERDAN CHEESMAN DRAIN REPAIRS 94.82 391.86 209.96 165.45 14.51 29.02 19.35 924.97 81.31 $1006.28 10.12 4.61 2.68 18.91 11.31 1.48 .74 12.06 36.63 2.68 1.19 102.41 40.42 142.83 31.60 130.61 69.98 55.14 4.83 9.67 6.44 308.27 $308.27 3.37 1.53 6.30 3.76 4.01 12.20 .89 .37 32.43 NET 63.22 261.25 139.98 110.31 9.68 19.35 12.91 616.70 81.31 6.75 3.08 2.68 12.61 7.55 1.48 .74 8.05 24.43 1.79 .82 40.42 32.43 110.40 ......... CONTINUED .........I TOTAL DELI DRAIN REPAIRS MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS -2521.12 DEREHAM-BAYHAM continued ROLL # REAIRS GRANT. NET DELI DRAIN REPAIRS 3-157 301.42 100.47 200.95 4-067 2.99 .90 2.09 4-070 11.97 3.98 7.99 3-158 59.88 19.95 39.93 4-071 479.08 159.69 319.39 4-072 14.97 4.98 9.99 4-073 394.24 131.41 262.83 4-074 4.99 1.66 3.33 4-120 2.99 .90 2.09 4-122 29.94 9.97 19.97 4-123 479.08 159.69 319.39 4-125 714.63 238.20 476.43 4-128 149.71 49.90 99.81 4-129 4.99 1.66 3.33 2650.88 883.36 1767.52 Elgin Rd # 38 174.70 174.70 Bayham Roads 578.90 578.90 TOTAL DELI DRAIN REPAIRS 3404.48 883.36 -2521.12 DEREHAM-BAYHAM TOWNLINE DRAIN 5-129 2.29 2.29 5-125 6.61 6.61 5-128 2.19 2.19 /meq /A 0? Bayham Roads 69.51 69.51 TOTAL DEREHAM-BAYHAM TOWNLINE DRAIN REPAIRS 80.60 80.60 0 ...............CONTINUED.............. MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS continued ROLL # REPAIRS GRANT EDEN (1987) DRAIN 6-077 20.13 6-077-10 17.30 6-077-15 17.30 6-086 22.60 6-084 4.59 6-118 120.10 6-197.02 60.05 6-198 12.71 6-199 6.35 7.53 40.03 20.01 281.13 67.57 C P Railway 86.54 Twp BAyham Roads (First St. ) 116.28 TOTAL EDEN (1987) N First STreet DRAIN REPAIRS 483.95 67.57 FREEMAN-STORP NET 20.13 17.30 17.30 15.07 4.59 80.07 40.04 12.71 6.35 213.56 86.54 116.2.8 416.38 DRAIN REPAIRS 5-137 .64 .21 .43 5-135 2.64 .87 1.77 5-134 4.93 1.64 3.29 5-133 2.32 .77 1.55 5-131 4.14 1.37 2.77 14.67 4.86 9.81 Bayham Roads .95 .95 TOTAL FREEMAN-STORP DRAIN REPAIRS 15.62 4.86 10.76 GARNHAM DRAIN REPAIRS Bayham Roads 3.53 3.53 N TOTAL, GARNHAM DRAIN REPAIRS 3.53 3.53 ................. CONTINUED .............. JACKO DRAIN REPAIRS 3-090 2-194 Bayham Roads TOTAL JACK DRAIN REPAIRS KAPIN DRAIN REPAIRS Bayham Roads TOTAL KAPIN DRAIN REPAIRS MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS continued 19.90 19.90 17.71 17.71 37.61 37.61 16.04 16.04 53.65 53.65 48.78 48.78 48.78 48.78 LAMERS DRAIN REPAIRS 18.29 36.60 338.02 3-119 .98 .32 .66 3-153 .59 .19 .40 187.48 u � 3-154 4.75 1.58 3.17 6.32 2.09 4.23 Bayham Roads 2.18 2.18 TOTAL LAMERS DRAIN REPAIRS 8.50 2.09 6.41 MAGYAR DIELEMAN DRAIN REPAIRS 5-011 TOTAL MAGYAR DIELEMAN DRAIN REPAIRS PEIDL DRAIN REPAIRS 3-154 3-157 3-121 Bayham Roads TOTAL PEIDL DRAIN REPAIRS 15.62 5.20 10.42 15-6265.20 10.42 54.89 18.29 36.60 338.02 112.67 225.35 49.42 16.47 32.95 442.33 147.43 294.90 187.48 187.48 629.81 147.43 482.38 .................CONTINUED................ MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS continued ..................................Continued................., 11 ROLL # REPAIRS GRANT NET PHILLIPS DRAIN REPAIRS 5-124 50.79 16.92 33.87 5-122 20.31 6.76 13.55 5-125 86.81 28.93 57.88 County Road # 46 4.84 4.84 TOTAL PHILLIPS DRAIN REPAIRS 162.75 52.61 110.14 SCHONBERGER DRAIN REPAIRS 2-190 797.10 265.69 531.41 2-181 672.66 224.21 448.45 2-101 170.42 56.80 113.62 2-102 816.03 272.00 544.03 2-103 45.08 15.02 30.06 2-098 1050.47 350.15 700.32 2-097 324.61 108.20 216.41 2-093 135.25 45.08 90.17 4011.62 1337.15 2674.47 Bayham Roads 717.79 717.79 TOTAL SCHONBERGER DRAIN REPAIRS 4729.41 1337.15 3392.26 SCHONBERGER EXT DRAIN REPAIRS 2-183 43.65 14.54 29.11 2-181 2604.09 868.02 1736.07 2-185 1023.73 341.24 682.49 2-190 1057.95 352.64 705.31 TOTAL SCHONBERGER EXT DRAIN REPAIRS 4729.42 1576.44 3152.98 ..................................Continued................., 11 MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS continued ROLL # REPAIRS GRANT NET SMITH DRAIN REPAIRS 5-174 3.62 1.20 2.42 6-176 39.42 13.13 26.29 .98 43.04 14.33 28.71 C N R 18.74 58.17 18.74 Township of Bayham Roads 54.98 18.41 54.98 TOTAL SMITH DRAIN REPAIRS 116.76 14.33 102.43 WALLACE DRAIN REPAIRS 5-041 2.18 .72 1.46 5-043 2.96 .98 1.98 5-046 87.25 29.08 58.17 5-048 55.26 18.41 36.85 5-102 4.50 1.49 3.01 5-103 1.07 .35 .72 5-103-01 4.31 1.43 2.88 5-105 6.29 2.09 4.20 5-105-01 35.60 11.86 23.74 5-117 13.78 4.59 9.19 5-117 19.20 6.39 12.81 2.3240 1'1.31 i ss. D/ C N Railway 1.88 1.88 Elgin Cty Rd # 46 1..88 1.88 Bayham Roads 6.84 6.84 TOTAL WALLACE DRAIN REPAIRS 243.00 77.39 165.61 WINTER (HOUGHTON) DRAIN REPAIRS 1-073 1.21 1.21 1-074 1.82 1.82 1-080 18.27 18.27 1-127 1.37 1.37 22.67 22.67 County Road # 56 1.82 1.82 Bayham Roads 23.34 23.34 'DOTAL WINTER (HOUGHTON) DRAIN REPAIRS 47.83 47.83 Bayham Township By- Laws By -Laws # 2493-- #2509 .;9 3- r�___..__.._....�....�:__�_:�.__..._.._ -I-,, o --e I/ 4S 2503 LH 3 a 5 0 �LHq ez5o3 ,)5O-0 9501 Sol B�—Icws =r.af.Qx 1 q89� i 3 7o Go &-A r, a I 1 a C_16 e-,,, S o 1- Co u. c i 4-5{ ,� o -F -6c-;*./ P/an ;2 q R 6 — *55 -fes -C�Q/ [/044 /X. D-4-0- 1. e -t - gadk,,. L .r ►-tom,[ S.e-pfA•,be.r al, /989 /� /► C, e'A exCAo'-,, S O T t -o tsJt c / �-� q � �o Co tiT'i rrr.. OLl � AC77cr S o t- �o ttinc � X,-, Ot M441-4 # 5� -1b D -(A C.a ►-�. K...-�cJoL 6a rte . Aj_4eh^C�k C'o,.+a, N.r Orr CR•r. a dam. o 19 J,/ qgq + 58 1� 6 r c I o� / P/4-^ re . Ko -r#,0-4'\ C) l9, 1989 �- 5 a 3 — ,¢,M.e,•�l.r�+ � 59 � o-� �-� a l Ply �-� o C,fo LLr ► q, 1889 a-11 o- c fi o -r. s o -r Co LA c r I o"L.r lq,1?29 a5o6 - T IVa 6¢• , t 98 9 A/o v -e -r L, O� 5o d A (7 r rr,.- O�- f' C_C �7 [rn No v t,,L,, a. ,19 8 q s a g— � •�d..�.�..�-f 6 a OICP; _I feta,\ � NoL, Ig89 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By -Law No. 2493 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held SEPTEMBER %. 1989 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL, OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held SEPTEMBER % , 1989, and special meeting(s) held ----- be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7TH, day of SEPTEMBER , 1989• Reeve Clerk • 0 BY-LAW No. 2495 �J THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 54 to the Official Flan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 54 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3, THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 21st day of September, 1989 REEVE CLERK - CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2495 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 4 LL' YCA 1. 2. 3. • PURPOSE rM • OFFICIAL PLAN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 54 The purpose of this Amendment is to designation on a parcel of land from "Rural Residential" in the Official of Bayham. LOCATION change the land use "Hazard Lands" to Plan of the Township The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0.58 hectares (1.43 acres) and is situated in Part Lot 11, Concession 3, in the Township of Bayham. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated on the north west corner of Part Lot 11, Concession 3, which forms part of a larger farm holding consisting of 30.0 hectares. Although presently comprised of bush land, it is proposed that this parcel of land be redesignated to permit the creation of a rural residential lot subject to the approval of this Official Plan Amendment, an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment and pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance. Located adjacent to an aesthetic medium density mature woodlot, the subject lands overlook a tributary of the Big Otter Creek which is situated on the south side of the property. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are mainly comprised of agricultural uses, namely tobacco farms and the above -noted wooded valley lands. An existing Rural Residential lot is -located to the east of the subject lands. The physiography in the area of the subject lands is characterized by a large gently sloping '"V" shaped valley which is associated with the Big otter Creek. The existing "Hazard Lands" designation of the subject lands is indicative of the Big Otter Creek and its associated valley walls. 4. MoNOTION • DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i} No. - UNDER SECTION 170) OF THE PLANNING AC1, 19M 3 - Schedule 'A' Future Plan of the Township amended by changing "Rural Residential", heavy solid lines on "A", which schedule thls Amendment. • Land Use of the official of Bayham, is hereby from "Hazard Lands" to those lands outlined in the attached Schedule shall constitute part of 11} The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Sections 4.2.3 Rural Residential and { d } Valley Walls and Top -of -Bank Policies of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, as amended. 13 • 1�1 SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF 6AYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 54 54 Lands changed from "Haiarq�Lands" to "Rural Residential" Agriculture Highway Commercial ....<D... Provincial Highways Arterial Roads (County Roads) `q -t- 0 0 5000 10000 15Q00 Feet Hazard Lands Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) �? Minerat Resource Areas ....<D... Provincial Highways Arterial Roads (County Roads) `q -t- 0 0 5000 10000 15Q00 Feet TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM C .2+a'0 SCHEDULE"Y� AMENDMENT NO. 54 %-w 214.0 J r r f •7 PA BjY P1 f X. LOT, `' %• �.. J f AN III's Base Map Source:Ontari-o Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT �J FARM BUILDING WOODLOT ■ SHEDS/KILNS/GARAGES 0 NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. 1 21 213 s r Z 40* /�► ..rte yam•. �. '�"' 7' �,. I LaT1113..�-� see 1� •2t4 0 k> p q 0 250m 500tH ti 1 1 Scale: 1:10,000 1%Ii i . • -'"'/ III I LOT 9 � ..J; —{� i '.'. •. ter. � : CON r f •7 PA BjY P1 f X. LOT, `' %• �.. J f AN III's Base Map Source:Ontari-o Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LANDS • RESIDENTIAL UNIT �J FARM BUILDING WOODLOT ■ SHEDS/KILNS/GARAGES 0 NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. 1 21 213 s r Z 40* /�► ..rte yam•. �. '�"' 7' �,. I LaT1113..�-� see 1� •2t4 0 k> p q 0 250m 500tH ti 1 1 Scale: 1:10,000 ICE TO DITO'RS tate of CHARLES DULONG, late of Tillsonburg, in the xiord, Deceased, n the 10th day of and others having nst the .above es- uired to send full of., such 'claims to fined before Sep - 1989 after which ate's assets will be aving regard only s that have then ed. & SZORENYI rs & Solicitors rvey Street . Box 176 burg, Ontario 4G 4H5 for the Executrix 59 ricE To :DITORS state of AMELIA -1 SMITH, late of f Tillsonburg, in the oxford, Deceased, )n the 2nd day of and others having inst the above es- juired to send full of such claims to igned before Sep - 1989 after which rate's assets will be raving regard only ns that have then red. "42%4 IVaaV •• Tf Aisles %Paa4 Vt M • v vvMwl VA latexf' ' h paint. , Primer is un- necess for repainting jobs. There are two precautions to take: 1) Don't paint when the temperature is under 45 degrees. or over 85 degrees 2 ) Don't spread the paint too thin. Alkyd .or oil base enamel is the next most frequently used paint in- side a home. You can't beat it for painting walls panelled in wood, PLANNING ACT, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING TO BE HELD BY BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL RESPECTING PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENTS Take Notice that the Council of the Corpo- ration Of The Township of Bayham wdl hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of pro- posed official plan and zoning by-law amendments in accordance with the Plan- ning Act, the amendments to be consid- ered as follows: WAYNE TAYLOR - Lot 121, Conc. 6, to change the zoning on a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential. This is a condition of severance by the Elgin County Land division Committee. ELLEN H. EFF - Lot 11, Conc. 3, to change the zoning on a portion of her lands from Allo Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of a rural residen- tial lot. SUNBURST ORCHARDS LTD. - Lot 12, Conc. 4, to change the zoning on a portion of their lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of a rural residential lot for the retirement of the previous owner. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers, at the Township of •L ANTIQUE& RE EQUIPMENT Al SUNDAY AUGUST 27TH, 1 MONDAY AUGUST 28TH, 1 60 Cedar ;it., Tiilso Tobacco Auction Exch We have been instructed by a majo the complete inventory and assets of ants. SUNDAY 10 A.M., 3 AL ANTIQUES: Gas pump, (2) grarx stoves; {Z5) wash bowls &pitchers, (2C farm tools, (25) coal oil lamps, (25) copper &brass pots, (30) various musi flasks. (3) piggy banks, (50) radios, lamps, (2) organs, (1) piano. (5) park pews, (2) wrought iron benches, (80 wooden high chairs, (5) buffets, (I) ch wishing well, (1) wheelchair, (110) st cream separator, (5) pickle crocks, (I large quantity of various children's toys (1) deacon bench, (1) unicycle, hurK memorabilia, approximately 200 variol RESTAURANT EQUIPMENI (4) Walk in freezers, (50) dishwa; freezers, (2) cold drink dispensers, (14% pizza racks wlpans, (20) storage rack; counters, (10) S.S. sinks, (f) S.S. % ovens, (4) deep freezers, (2) dough n counters, (2) salad bar units, (1) S., fridge, (4) Bunomatic coffee makers compressors, electronic cash regist6 racks, (2) metal desks, (2) walimot podium, arm chair, large issortmen chairs, (20) wagon wheels, (150) be( large quantity of serving trays, dist toilets, (5) sinks, hundreds of small it( TERMS: Cash or approved cheque be required. VIEWING & PRE-REGISTRATIO a.m., 5 p.m. Bidders cards $2.00. All verbal announcements take pr AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: Duetoth thousands of items to be sold we will rings at once. We recommend you vi • APPENDIX 'B' MINUTES OF PUBLIC MEETING .,q 1 U Public Meeting Record of F'ub:! ic, Meeting held September 21 and Zonin b 1989 concerning Offica.I_ plan g by-law' amendments. Reeve Chute declares a public meeting as advertised proposed amendments to the Township of Ba ha to receive comments on by laws open. Y m's official plan and zoning The first application was that of Mr. Wayne to change the zoning of a portion of hi1 Taylor, Lot I21 Concession his ands from Al to Agriculture Mr. Taylor was in attendance and inquired as to the length of time have to wait to proceed. Mr. Taylor was adv the length of time required for the Mini advised he had to wait 35 r the application. No further comments werer of Municipal Affairs received on this a eCeived nor were there application No. 6 and Rural he would days plus to approve any objections The second application was that of Ellen H. E to change the zoning from Al Agriculture to Ru f' Lot No. 11, Concession No. 3, Were in attendance nor were there any commentsral Residential. No persons received regarding this matter. The third application was that of Sunbrust Orchards Ltd. Lot No. 12, Concession No. 4 to change the tonin o (re John Hendricks) Al Agriculture to Rural Residential. No ersonsa Portion of the lands comment on this a P were in attendance to application. Deputy Reeve R. Sandham expressed concerns that this was not a suitable area for residential use. fie used by adjoining fruit orchards would make this an unsuitable that "bangers" b location. Also the pack barn was located too close to the le residential matin residence. No further comments or objections were received on this application Reeve Chute declared the public meeting closed at 8:51 P.m. M Moved by R. Sandham and seconded by: J. Nezezon And resolved that By -Law No. 2498 bein a by-law Council of the Township of Bayham at the metin now read a First Time.......Carried g Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles And resolved that by-law No, 2498 be now read a Moved by R. Phillips and seconded by R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2498 be nqw read a passed........ Carried Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by R. Sandham That this Council now adjourn to meet again on Reeve to confirm all actions of the held September 21, 1989 be Second time....... Carried Third Time and finally October 5, 1989 at 7:34 P.M, ...... Carried .t fr l- " ( - Clerk (ACting) Amendment Number 54 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham This amendment to the official Plan for the Township of Bayham which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby modified under Sections 17(9) and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983, as follows: 1. Item i} DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT,, is hereby modified by adding the following to the sixth line, after the term "Schedule "A" ": "and defined as those lands above elevation 213.5 m," As thus modified, this amendment is hereby approved pursuant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983, as Amendment Number 54 to the official Plan for the Township of Bayham. Date• . ... �...6./.... ... �IUA*La Diana L. cArdine, M.C.I.P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest 0 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0 THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 54 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No. 2495, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 21st day of September, 1989. 14 _- REEVE CLERK BY-LAW No, 2496 • THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as -.fol lows 1. THAT Amendment No. 55 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule_ Is ,hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 55 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 21st day of September, 1989 Z). i � . 0--A� REEVE Lig 1114 .14 CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2496 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. a CLERK f C7 1. PURPOSE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 55 The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION r-= The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0.42 hectares 1.04 acres) and is situated in Part Lot 12, Concession 4, in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated on the south west corner of Lot 12, Concession 4 in the Township of Bayham and form part of a larger farm holding comprised of 45.7 hectares (113.0 acres). It is proposed that the subject lands containing one single family detached dwelling, one mini barn and a detached double garage, be severed from the remainder of the farm holdings to create a rural residential lot for retirement purposes. Section of the official Plan of the Township of Bayham provides for the creation of a rural residential lot which is intended to be used for retirement purposes by a farmer who has been farming a substantial number of years, is retiring from active working life and wishes to retain a lot for a retirement home. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses, namely tobacco farms. A number of additional rural residential lots are located both east and west of the subject lands on the road allowance between Concessions 3 alid 4. The subject lands are comprised of imperfectly drained, Class 3 Plainfield Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. In addition to the imperfectly drained soils, the subject lands have been noted to have low natural fertility which may or may not be possible to correct by additions of fertilizers or manure. i i • • SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 55 4 55 Lands changed from `Agriculture" tO "Aural Residential" I N S T R Agriculture Z� R_ StrallorlviN• S 00 S T u R Highway Commercial ` r w • 3 Hazard Lands Consery -ation Lands Pp V Haffileft (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral R630urce Areas ••-�... Provincial Highways Arterial Roads (Counlx Ao'Sgi) 0 5000 10900 15000 Feet • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM LOT 11 U SCHEDULE"B" AMENDMENT N0. 55 3.20- 0 t 12 LOT1-bi 1.4 I V h O l� 206-0 • �J 2i3 5 IF • / Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LAND! ' RESIDENTIAL UNIT �J FARM BUILDING WOODLOT KI LNS/GARAGES /SHEDS NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. 0 26Om 500m s J Scale: 1:10.000 LOT t .t .216 0 U SCHEDULE"B" AMENDMENT N0. 55 3.20- 0 t 12 LOT1-bi 1.4 I V h O l� 206-0 • �J 2i3 5 IF • / Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources SUBJECT LAND! ' RESIDENTIAL UNIT �J FARM BUILDING WOODLOT KI LNS/GARAGES /SHEDS NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. 0 26Om 500m s J Scale: 1:10.000 ' M4 .VIIV t• •.H. V..V Vl •.fV �rVYbY V• ICETO latex paint. Primer is un- necess for repainting jobs. There DITORS are two precautions to take: 1) Don't paint when the temperature is under tate Of CHARLES 45 degrees. or over 85 degrees 2) DULONG, late Of Don't spread the paint too thin. Tillsonbur in the Alkyd or oil base enamel is the 9, next most frequently used paint in- xford, Deceased, side a home. You can't beat it for n the 10th day of painting walls panelled in wood, and others having nst the .above es- ulred to send full of. such 'claims to : U931No0c@$ -" gned before Sep - 1989 after which ate's assets will be aving regard only PLANNING ACT, 1983 s that have then NOTICE ed OF A PUBLIC MEETING & SZORENYI TO BE HELD BY BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL rs &Solicitors RESPECTING PROPOSED OFFICIAL rvey Street PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW Box 176 AMENDMENTS burg, Ontario Take Notice that the Council of the Corpo- 4G 41-15 ration Of The Township of Bayham will for the Executrix 591 hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respell of pro- posed official plan and zoning by-law ICETO amendments in accordance with the Plan- ' D ITO RS ning Ad, the amendments to be consid- . ered as follows: state of AMELIA WAYNE TAYLOR - Lot 121, Conc. 6, to H SMITH, late of change the zoning on a portion of his I Tillsonburg, in the lands from Al to Rural Residential. This is a condition of severance by the Elgin Dxford, Deceased, County Land Division Committee. )n the 2nd day of ELLEN H. EFF - Lot 11, Conc. 3, to • change the zoning on a portion of her and others having lands from Al to Rural Residential. This Inst the above es- will permit the creation of a rural residen- quired to send full tial lot. of such claims to SUNBURST ORCHARDS LTD. - Lot 12, igned before Sep Conc. 4, to change the zoning on a portion , 1989 after which of their lands from Al to Rural Residential. ate's assets will be This will permit the creation of a rural having regard only residential lot for the retirement of the ns that have then Previous owner. The Public Meeting will be held in the 'ed. Council Chambers, at the Township of ANTIQUE & RE5 EQUIPMENT A SUNDAY AUGUST 27TH, MONDAY AUGUST 28TH, 1 60 Cedar it., Tillsonb Tobacco Auction Exch We have been instructed by a majc the complete inventory and assets of SUNDAY 10 A.M., 3A ANTIQUES: Gas pump, (2) gra stoves, (25) wash bowls & pitchers, (2 farm tools, (25) coal oil lamps, (25) copper & brass pots, (30) various musi flasks, (3) piggy banks, (50) radios, ( lamps, (2) organs, (1) piano, (5) park pews, (2) wrought iron benches, (80 wooden high chairs, (5) buffets, (1) ch wishing well, (1) wheel chair, (10) st cream separator, (5) pickle crocks, large quantity of various children's toy (1) deacon bench, (1) unicycle, hun memorabilia, approximately 200 var' RESTAURANT EQUIPMEN (4) Walk in freezers, (50) dishwa freezers, (2) cold drink dispensers, (1 pizza racks w/pans, (20) storage rack counters, (10) S.S. sinks, (6) S.S. ovens, (4) deep freezers, (2) dough counters, (2) salad bar units, (1) S. fridge, (4) Bunomatic coffee maker compressors, electronic cash regist racks, (2) metal desks, (2) wallmo podium, arm chair, large assortme chairs, (20) wagon wheels, (150) be large quantity of serving trays, dis toilets, (5) sinks, hundreds of small it TERMS: Cash or approved chequ be required. VIEWING & PRE-REGISTRATIO a.m., 5 p.m. Bidders cards $2.00. All verbal announcements take p AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: Duetoth thousands of items to be sold we wil rings at once. We recommend you vi APPENDIX *B9 MINUTES OF PUBLIC MEETING Public Meeting Record of Pub"ic�Meeting held September 21, 1989 concerning Official Plan and Zoning by-law amendments. Reeve Chute declares a public meeting as advertised to receive comments on proposed amendments to the Township of Bayham's official plan and zoning by-laws open. • The first application was that of Mr. Wayne Taylor, Lot 121 Concef,ion No. 6 to change the zoning of a portion of his lands from Al to Agriculture and Rural Residential. Mr. Taylor was in attendance and inquired as to the length of time he would have to wait to proceed. Mr. Taylor was advised he had to wait 35 days* plus the length of time required for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to approve the application. No further comments were received nor were there any objections received on this application The second application was that of Ellen H. Eff, Lot No. 11, Concession No. 3, to change the zoning from Al Agriculture to Rural Residential. No persons were in attendance nor were there any comments received regarding this matter. The third application was that of Sunbrust Orchards Ltd. (re John Hendricks) Lot No. 12, Concession No. 4 to change the zoning on a portion of the lands from Al Agriculture to Rural Residential. No persons were in attendance to comment on this application. Deputy Reeve R. Sandham expressed concerns that this was not a suitable area for residential use. He felt that "bangers" used by adjoining fruit orchards would make this an unsuitable residential location. Also the pack barn was located too close to the main residence. No further comments or objections were received on this application Reeve Chute declared the public meeting closed at 8:51 P.M. Moved by R. Sandham and seconded by: J. Nezezon And resolved that By -Law No. 2498 bein a by-law Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting now read a First Time....... Carried Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by G. Nelles And resolved that by-law No. 2498 be now read a Moved by R. Phillips and seconded by R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2498 be now read a passed........ Carried to confirm all actions of the held September 21, 1989 be Second time.......Carried Third Time and finally Moved by J. Nezezon and Seconded by R. Sandham That this Council now adjourn to meet again on October 51 1989 at 7:30 P.M. 0 .'z ......Carried f Reeve Clerk (ACting) t a AMENDMENT NUMBER 55 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ORIGINAL SUBJECT: JOHN HENDRICKS RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 12, CONCESSION 4 34 -OP - 0158-O55 The following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 55 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham r t OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text -and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 55 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared.upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was of the Township of with Section 17 of September, 1989. adopted by the Council of the Corporation Bayham by By-law No. 2496, in accordance the PLANNING ACT, on the 21st day of REEVE CLERK 4 • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2497 BEING a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an Agreement with DeCloet-Bayham Limited. WHEREAS it is necessary to enter into an Agreement with DeCloet-Bayham Limited to incorporate certain conditions deemed necessary to promote the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Township and particularly the inhabitants of the Village of Eden immediately surrounding the industrial use of the said DeCloet-Bayham Limited. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1) That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with DeCloet-Bayham Limited 2) That the said Agreement be attached to and form a part of this by-law READ A FIRST , SECOND, THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21st DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1989 REEVE CLERK vp r THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this � day of e, 1989. B E T W E E N: and THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM hereinafter referred to as the "Township" OF THE FIRST PART DECLOET BAYHAM LIMITED, a Corporation incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario, hereinafter referred to as the "Company" OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS the Company is the owner of certain lands located in the Township of Bayham, County of Elgin and .being Part of Lots 22, 23, and 24, Concession 9, and certain lots on Plan 113, Village of Eden. AND WHEREAS the Company has obtained an Official Plan Amendment and the Township has passed Zoning By-law No. 2165-88 which has the effect of rezoning part of the lands of the Company to a Special Rural Indust0rial (M2-5) Zone. AND WHEREAS this Agreement"is deemed necessary to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the inhabitants of the Township and particularly the inhabitants of the area of the Tillage of Eden immediately surrounding the industrial use of the Company. AND WHEREAS the Parties hereto wish to set out their obligations; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH as follows: 1. The Company agrees to cease using the current entrance off Highway No. 19 for any reason whatsoever and agrees to eliminate the gate area at the entrance. 2. Upon approval of the Zoning By-law, the Company shall apply to the Ministry of Transportation for a New Entrance Permit to the premises off Highway No. 19, said entrance -to be located immediately to the north of that part of Lot 23, Concession 9, known as PART 3 on Reference Plan 11R-3779. The Company further covenants and agrees to make all necessary efforts to obtain such Entrance Permit including making applicati n to the Ontario Municipal Board if required. 3. The Company shall maintain and keep in a good state of repair the present steel fence located on the property, and the Company agrees to extend the existing fence in a southerl direction to the limit of Company lands and to further extend the fence in a westerly direction by 60 feet. This fence shall be of the same construction as the fence presently in use. 4. The Company shall erect an 8 -foot high security fence around the entire property which is the subject of the Rezoning Application and shall keep the gates locked from 6:00 P.M. on Saturday evenings until 6:00 A.M. Monday mornings and all holidays, and the Company further agrees to post notices on the property to that effect. 5. The Company shall plant trees and seed grass on the existing barrier area and all land between the barrier and the fence. - 6. The Company shall erect two Stop signs at the existing entrance to Company property from County Road No. 44 and two Go Slowly signs along the driveway from the road entrance of County Road No. 44 to the Company gates. 7. The Company shall perform all necessary landscaping work needed to improve the appearance of the Company lands along County Road No. 441 included but not limited to planting trees and sowing grass seed where needed. 8. The Company shall erect a Cautionary sign on the north side of County Road No. 44 across from the Eden Cemetery. 9. The Company shall spray all gravelled and other areas which cause dust on a regular basis. 10. The Company shall erect a new building on the Company property of a size suitable to allow the Company to perform 90% of the construction of its products inside, said construction to commence on or before October 1, 1989, and to be completed in the spring of 1990. Said building is to be constructed on the existing cement pad. In the event manufacturing work is done outside the building, the Company agrees to locate same west and north of the newly constructed building at least 260 feet north of the southerly limit of the property so as to minimize noise. i 3. The Company shall maintain and keep in a good state of repair the present steel fence located on the property, and the Company agrees to extend the existing fence in a southerl direction to the limit of Company lands and to further extend the fence in a westerly direction by 60 feet. This fence shall be of the same construction as the fence presently in use. 4. The Company shall erect an 8 -foot high security fence around the entire property which is the subject of the Rezoning Application and shall keep the gates locked from 6:00 P.M. on Saturday evenings until 6:00 A.M. Monday mornings and all holidays, and the Company further agrees to post notices on the property to that effect. 5. The Company shall plant trees and seed grass on the existing barrier area and all land between the barrier and the fence. - 6. The Company shall erect two Stop signs at the existing entrance to Company property from County Road No. 44 and two Go Slowly signs along the driveway from the road entrance of County Road No. 44 to the Company gates. 7. The Company shall perform all necessary landscaping work needed to improve the appearance of the Company lands along County Road No. 441 included but not limited to planting trees and sowing grass seed where needed. 8. The Company shall erect a Cautionary sign on the north side of County Road No. 44 across from the Eden Cemetery. 9. The Company shall spray all gravelled and other areas which cause dust on a regular basis. 10. The Company shall erect a new building on the Company property of a size suitable to allow the Company to perform 90% of the construction of its products inside, said construction to commence on or before October 1, 1989, and to be completed in the spring of 1990. Said building is to be constructed on the existing cement pad. In the event manufacturing work is done outside the building, the Company agrees to locate same west and north of the newly constructed building at least 260 feet north of the southerly limit of the property so as to minimize noise. In the event the Company finds it necessary to expand its production facilities in the future, it agrees to locate such facilities on the north lialf of the lands which are subject to this Rezoning Application. 11. The Company shall keep all garbage and refuse arising out of its operation within the boundaries of the lands being rezoned and the Company shall immediately clean up any refuse which spills beyond the boundaries of the lands. 12. The Company shall store all its products within the following areas: (i) the area enclosed by the security fence; (ii) part of Lots 7, 8 and 9, Plan 113, more+particul rly known as PART 5, Plan 11R-3391. 13. The Company shall limit its working hours done outside the proposed building to the following: (i) Monday to Friday - 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. (ii) Saturdays - 8:00 A.M. t.q 6:00 P.M. and shall post notice of its hours of work, said notices.to be prominent; no work on Sundays or holidays. 14. The Company shall pay the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) per year to the Township, commencing July 1, 1989, and thereafter on the first day of July in each and every year up to and including the first day of July, 1993. The payments described in this paragraph shall be used exclusivel for the beautification and improvement of the appearance and enjoyment of the Village of Eden. Without limiting the generalit of the foregoing, it is intended that the funds be used on improved playground facilities and equipment, sidewalks, tree planting, landscaping and bench areas. 15. All decisions concerning the disbursement of the funds set out in Paragraph 14 of this Agreement shall be made jointly by the Company and the Township, and both parties agree to seek suggestions from the Village residents as to the best manner in which to allocate funds; in the event of a dispute, the opinion of the Township shall prevail. 16.� The Company shall deposit an additional Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) with the Township, which deposit shall be placed in an interest-bearing account, and which deposit will be deemed a performance guarantee of the Company's obligatio s under the terms of this Agreement. In the event the Company performs all its obligations pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the Township hereby agrees to return the deposit together with all accrued interest to the Company on or before July 1, 1999. 17. In the event the Company fails to perform its obligations according to the terms.of this Agreement, the Township shall notify the Company in writing of its failure to comply and the Company shall have three (3) working days from receipt of such notice to take such steps as it deems necessary to correct the default. If the Company fails to comply with the written notice within the allotted time period, the Township shall issue a written demand for compliance to the Company. If the Company fails to correct its default within three (3) days of receipt of the demand for compliance, the Township shall be entitled to perform itself or through its agents all work necessary to insure compliance. The Township shall be entitled to reimburse itself from the deposit account set out in Paragraph 16 of this Agreemen for all direct costs incurred in correcting the Company's default together with an extra charge equal to 50% of the costs incurred, said extra charge to be a penalty levied against the Company arising out of its failure to comply. In the event'it is necessary for the Township to correct the Company's default and utilize funds out of the account described in Paragraph 16 herein, the Company hereby agrees immediately to deposit sufficient funds in the account so as to insure the balance in said account equals at least Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). 18. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the Parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have hereunto affixed their corporate seals as atte3ted by the hands of their duly authorized officers in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) in the presence of ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM �• 1 `? rte_ �// a DATED: June r 1989. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM DECLOET BAYHAM LIMITED AGREEMENT Gibson, Linton, Toth & Campbell, Barristers and Solicitors, 36 Broadway, P. 0. Box 5, Tillsonburg, Ontario. N4G 4H3 F' CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF RAY►TAM By -Law No. 2498 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held September 21, 1989 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by -Laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held September. 219 1989, and special meeting(s) held ----_ be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME ANT? FINALLY PASSED this 21st. day of September , 1989. Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNS11I P OF RAYHAM By -Law No. 2499 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held October 5, 1989 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNC11, OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by -taws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held October 5, , 198 9, and special meeting(s) held ------- be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND ANI) THIRD TIME ANI) FINALLY PASSED this 5th. day of October f 198% - -De C4�1 - Reeve Clerk 0 BY-LAW NO, 2500 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 10 THAT Amendment No. 56 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 56 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 8. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 19th day of October, 1989 REEVE i q* CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By --law No. 2500 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 1. 2. 3. OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAY'HA.M AMENDMENT NO, 56 PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the official Plan of the Township of Bayham. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0.34 hectares (0.83 acres) and is situated in Part Lot 135, Concession 6, in the Township of Bayham. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated on the north side of Concession Road No. 6 in Part Lot 135, Concession b, and form part of a larger farm holding consisting of 56.33 hectares. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are mainly comprised of agricultural use; namely, tobacco farms and continuous row crops. An existing surplus farm subject property. It is land be redesignated to residential lot which is landowner's son pursuant conveyance. The subject the Background Study to Township of Bayham, as a farm development. dwelling is situated on the proposed that thisf:parcel of permit the creation of a rural intended to be occupied by the to the process of severance and lands have been identified in the official Plan of the n area with potential for non Although the subject lands are situated on nearly level Class 3 Plainfield Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology, the soil classification is not felt to be a critical factor in considering the redesignation of the site due to the presence of an existing single family dwelling. It should also be noted that the Canada Land Inventory Soil Classification System recognizes tie subject lands as being on Class 4 .. 4. 0 0 - 2 - and 6 soils. Furthermore, the subject lands do not have the ability of supporting specialty crops (tobacco). Notwithstanding the presence of Class 3 soils, Township Council deems it appropriate to remove the subject lands from the present agricultural designation and place them into a rural residential designation due to the relatively small area of land, and the fact that this property is currently occupied by an existing surplus farm dwelling. The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. Si) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended. 0 • SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 56 .-.(D— Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 • Feet 56 LANDS CHANGED FROM "AGRICULTURE" TO 56 "RURAL RESIDENTIAL" Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands Conservation lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas .-.(D— Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 • Feet TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE"B" AMENDMENT N0. 56 .223.0 LOT 131 ���� �T 113 L OF136 1 0 .221.0 i\ CL - � � • �. - -- � /' 12 .220-5 CONCESSIO I { 220'"- ' r lr• ` r// S --- .220- 219-0. 220219.0. • • ��♦i '� I]-� `�� �`•`._ F.� ��,.._ . — fit«.. V Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources ED SUBJECT LAND • RESIDENTIAL UNIT � FARM BUILDING WOODLOT ■ SHEDS/GARAGES/KILNS NOTE : This map is for clarification purposes only. 0 250m 600m Scats: 1:10.000 10 ri APPENDIX 'A' NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING N .% 1 legal Notices I I I Notices � Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETIN To Be Held By BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUN Respecting Proposed Official Pla and ning By -Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Co ion of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The amendments to be consid- ered are as follows: APPLICATIONS JUDY OLDHAM:- Lot 21, Conc. 8, to change the zoning of a portion of her lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of two residential lots. ESTATE OF VERNE SOPER:- Lot 15, Conc. 3, to change the zoning of the property from Al to Rural Residential to permit the creation of four residential lots and zone an existing residence. 'TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM:- Lot 16, Conc. 5, to change the zoning from Al to M2 (Industrial) to permit the enlargement of the existing transfer station and to erect a residence as an ancillary use to house a site supervisor. BRUCE KETCHABAW:- Lot 135, Conc. 6, to rezone a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential. This is a condition of severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. JACK ROLOSON:- Lot 16, Conc. 2, to rezone his lands from Al to Rural Residential to create two additional residential lots. TONY VANDEVYEVERE:- Lot 21, Conc. 8, to rezone his lands from Al to Al special to permit the expansion of an agricultural home occupation in woodworking. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Straffordville, commencing at 8:00 P.M. on Thursday, October 19, 1989. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521). J. A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario N0J 1 Yo The Norfolk Board of Education HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT COURSES NIGHT SCHOOL 1989-90 1. Courses to be offered at Simcoe Composite School. A computer course to be offered at Valley Heights. 2. Courses to begin October 10, 1989. 3. Courses to be held Tuesday. Wednesday, or Thursday nights from 7:00 -10:40 p.m. for 30 sessions. 4. No fees, but a $20.00 textbook deposit is required the first night of classes. 5. Registration Nights: Valley Helahts Secondary School, SopL 26.7:00 - 9:00 p.m. WATER HEATER INS'T'ALLATIONS EAST ELGIN AREA ONTARIO HYDRO invites qualified contractors to submit tenders for the installation of water heaters in the East Elgin Area Work will commence October 15, 1999 for a one year period. Tenders closing 4:00 p.m., local time, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1999. Tendering documents may be obtain(d: WRrrl{.MSIT: Ontario Hy- dro, East Elgin Area Office, John Street North, Aylmer, Ont. Phone: (519) 773-8428. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. OR: Ontario hydro, 1075 Wellington Road, London, Ontario N6E IML Attention: Purchasing Dept. Phone: (519) 681-1390. 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Ministryof Division of Natural Mines Resources Ontario Notice of Application Pits and Quarries Control Act Prouse Transport Limited, Mt. Elgin, Ontario, NOJ 1 NO, hereby give notice that application for a licence to open, establish or operate a pit on the lands described as follows: Pt. Lot 4, Concession 3, Township of Dereham (S. W. Oxford), County of Oxford, con- sisting of 8 hectares more or less. The estimated amount of aggregate to be extracted annually is 15,000 tonnes. The operation will be inter- mittent with a portable plant installation. i 0; t� n ,a J APPENDIX *Bs MINUTES OF PUBLIC MEETING Public Meeting: Record of public Oeting held October 19, 190 to inform the publ i.c At. and receive comments on proposed official. plan and zoning by-law amendments as advertised and circulated on behalf of: Judy Oldham, Bruce Ketchabaw, Mary Ward on behalf of V. Soper Estate, Paul Karran on ' beha 1 f of ..lack Rol oson, Township of Bayham on behalf of Advance Container of Canada Ltd. and Tony Vandvyvere. The public meeting is declared open by Reeve Chute at 8:00 p.m. Applications are read with results as follows: -Judy Oldham- Mrs. Oldham is in attendance, however, she has no comments and there is no one offering any comments in opposition to the proposal. -Bruce Ketchabaw- Mrs. Dwayne Ketchabaw, datigllter-i n -law of the appl i cant , is present speaking bri e l- I y in support of the proposal. No mie offers any opposition to the proposal. ' -V. Soper. Estate- Mrs. Mary Ward and Allah Soper are in attendance in support of the application. No one offer -s any opposition to the proposal. -Jack Rol oson/P. Karran- Mr.. Rol oson is present, however, o`; ers no comments other than he will answer any quCtit i ons tail the appl i cat, on. No one offers any opposition to the proposal. -Advance Container of Canada Ltd . /Township of Bayham- Mr. Robert McCaig is present and expl a ins that the intent of the appl i cation i s to expand the present transfer station which is some 20 years old. It is expected that new facilities will make the station more accessable for small trucks. 1t will be much easier to keep the Site clean. Also, it is the intent to have a small residence for an on site custodian. Mr. E. ':erbrUgge inquires as to the final size and the location on the site of the renovations. Mr. McCaig replies to the question. No. one offers any negative comments of opposition to the proposal. -'Pony Vandevyvere-Mr.. Vandevyvere Is presents , However, has no comments but will answere any questions. No. one has any opposition to the proposal. After re(luest i ng any further comments and none being offered, Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed. 505 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Nel l es And resolved that by-law No. 2505 being a by-law Co confirm a 1 1 actions of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held October 1.9, 1989, be now read a first time.....Carr.ied Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by-, R. Sin ndham And resolved that By-law No. 2505 be now rvad a second time..... Carried Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: .l J. Nezezon And resolved that By-law No. 2505 be now read a third time and finally passed.....Carried Moved That 7: 30 01 by: R. Sandham and seconded by: J. Nezezon this Council now adjourn to meet again on November p.m........Carried 25 1989, at Reeve Clerk Ministry ofinist6re des 777 Bay Street 777, rue Bay Municipal Offaires Toronto, Ontario Toronto (Ontario) Affairs municipales M5G 2E5 M5G 2E5 Ontario • Apr i 1 51 1990 Mr. J.A. Petrie C1 e r- k Township of Bayham Straffor•dvi l 1 e, Ontario NC -Q l Yo Dear Mr. Petrie: Fie: Approval of Amendment No. 56 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham File: ' ► 34--OP-C) l 58--056 On April ^, 1990 this Official Plan document was approved. Please see the; certificate page. The Original and Duplicate Originals have the approval endorsed thereon, One Duplicate Original has been retained for the Ministry's records. The Original, any remaining Duplicate Originals, and the wor .:i ng copies are enclosed. Yours truly, Robert Blunt Area Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Enclosure MOE OMAF Elgin Long Health Unit Point Region Cons. Auth. 0 • ORIGINAL TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE SUBJECT: DWAYNE KETCHABAW RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 135, CONCESSION 6 34 -OP -0158-056 ki The following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 56 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham 0 SIV Amendment Number 56 to the Official Plan f or the Township of Bayham This amendment to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby approved pursuant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983, as Amendment Number 56 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham. Date: q0 Diana L. �#rdine., M. C. I . P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 56 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment of the Township with Section 17 October, 1989. was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of Bayham by By-law No. 2500, in accordance of the PLANNING ACT, on the 19th day of _e�o �am - - r1e. ,2, REEVE CLERK BY-LAW NO. 2501 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: = _ 1. THAT Amendment No. 57 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 57 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 19th day of October, 1989 � � r REEVE Chi CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2501 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 10431-11 1. 2. OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 57 PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to designation on a parcel of property to "Rural Non Farm Area No. 12" in the Township of Bayham. LOCATION change the land use from "Agriculture" the Official Plan of The area affected by this Amendment Is comprised of approximately 1.28 hectares (3.16 acres) and is situated on the east side of Highway No. 19 in Part Lot 16, Concession 5, north of County Road 45, in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are presently comprised of a medium density mixed forest, and the Township of Bayham's Waste Transfer Station. It is the intent of this amendment to redesignate the subject lands to permit an expansion in both size and scope of the existing waste transfer operation as well as to allow the construction of a residential dwelling unit as an accessory use. The dwelling unit will house a site supervisor. Section of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham permits the establishment of small scale rural industrial uses that serve the farming community in the agricultural area. Due to the proposed expansion of the existing operation and the fact that a residential dwelling unit is intended to be constructed, Township Council deemed it appropriate that the subject lands be redesignated to a Rural Non Farm Area rather than allow this activity to continue to operate within the agricultural designation. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses; namely tobacco farms and cash crops, and a number of existing rural residential lots, which are located along Highway No. 19 and County Road No. 45. Although tobacco farms are located in the vicinity of the subject lands, this site does not contain specialty crop soils. �I !9 0 • - 2 - The subject lands are situated on very gently sloping Class 3 Plainfield Soils. The area exhibits poor drainage characteristics which creates some limitations for agricultural production according to the Agricultural Soil Capability for Common Field Crops Classification System as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. In addition to the imperfectly drained soils, the following limitations may affect viable agricultural productivity on the subject lands. "Low natural fertility which may or may not be possible to correct by additions of fertilizers or manure. Excess water, other than from flooding, limits use for agriculture. The excess water may be due to poor drainage, a high water table, seepage, or runoff from surrounding areas." It should also be noted that the Canada Land Inventory Soil Classification System recognizes the subject lands as being Class 5. Due to the relatively small area of land, the present land use activity occurring on the site, and the restrictive soil characteristics which would permit viable agricultural activity, Township Council deems it appropriate that this area be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural non farm area designation which better suits the existing and proposed expanded use on the lands. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed expansion to the present rural industrial use of the subject lands. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to L`n m Ai eeNo n11 - 1 those lands No. I UNDER SECTION 17(9)'OF THE PLANNING ACT. 19a' outlined in heavy solid 1 es on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. -- 3 - The lands subject to this Amendment and designated n -F-rrm Area_:.._- may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Sections 4.3.6 and 4.4 of the official Plan, --aeidentl "1 as amended. MDD�TI�V UNDER SECTION 17(9) OF THF PLANNIN6 AGS, 193.' MWIFICATION f� No. f UNDER SECTION 17(9) OF THE PLANNING W, 198'1 J 1 57 11 SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 57 ._ 57 Lands changed from "Agriculture" to "Rural Nan Farm Area No, 12" Mineral Resource Areas ..(D... Provincial Highways ....�_ Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 20001 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 Feet Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands •,� ; Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas ..(D... Provincial Highways ....�_ Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 20001 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 Feet 1 j APPENDIX 'A' NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING � �y LOPI oceLegal Notices tic, oil ,. r. Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETIN To Be Held By BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCI Respecting Proposed Official Pla and ning By -Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Co ion of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The amendments to be consid- ered are as follows: APPLICATIONS JUDY OLDHAM:- Lot 21, Conc. 8, to change the zoning -of a portion of her lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of two residential lots. ESTATE OF VERNE SOPER:- Lot 15, Conc. 3, to change the zoning of the property from Al to Rural Residential to permit the creation of four residential lots and zone an existing residence. 'T'OWNSHIP OF BAYHAM:- Lot 16, Conc. 5, to change the zoning from Al to M2 (Industrial) to permit the enlargement of the existing transfer station and to erect a residence as an ancillary use to house a site supervisor. BRUCE KETCHABAW:- Lot 135, Conc. 6, to rezone a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential. This is a condition of severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. JACK ROLOSON:- Lot 16, Conc. 2, to rezone his lands from Al to Rural Residential to create two additional residential lots. TONY VANDEVYEVERE:- Lot 21, Conc. 8, to rezone his lands from Al to Al special to permit the expansion of an agricultural home occupation in woodworking. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Straffordville, commencing at 8:00 P.M. on Thursday, October 19, 1989. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521). J. A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1 YO 59 The Norfolk Board of Education HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT COURSES NIGHT SCHOOL 1989-90 1. Courses to be offered at Simcoe Composite School. A computer course to be offered at Valley Heights. 2. Courses to begin October 10, 1989. 3. Courses to be held Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday nights from 700 -10:00 p.m. for 30 sessions. 4. No fees, but a $20.00 textbook deposit is required the first night of classes. 5. Registration Nights: I Vallev Helahts Secondary School. SeDL 26.7:00 - 9:00 n.m. WATER HEATER INSTALLATIONS EAST ELGIN AREA ONTARIO? HYDRO invites qualified contractors to submit tenders for the installation of water heaters in the East Elgin Area. Work will commence October 15, 1989 for a one year period. Tenders closing 4:00 p.m., local time, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1989. Tendering documents may be obtained: WRITE/VISIT: Ontario Hy- dro, East Elgin Area Office, John Street North, Aylmer, Ont. Phone: (519) 773-8428. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. OR: Ontario Ilydro, 1075 Wellington Road, London, Ontario N6E 1 MI. Attention: Purchasing Dept. Phone: (519) 681-1390. 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Ministryof Division of Natural Mines Resources Ontario Notice of Application Pits and Quarries Control Act Prouse Transport Limited, Mt. Elgin, Ontario, NOJ 1 NO, hereby give notice that application for a licence to open, establish or operate a pit on the lands described as follows: Pt. Lot 4, Concession 3, Township of Dereham (S. W. Oxford), County of Oxford, con- sisting of 8 hectares more or less. The estimated amount of aggregate to be extracted annually is 15,000 tonnes. The operation will be inter- mittent with a portable plant installation. A 0r ti 0 APPENDIX 'B' MINUTES OF PUBLIC MEETING Public Mee t i r)g : Record of publ•-ic 06ting held October 193 198 to inform the public and receive comments on proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments as. advertised and circulated on behalf of: Jud Oldham, Bruce Ketchabaw, Mary Ward on behalf of V. Soper Estate, dham, p r Estate, Faul Karran on behalf- of Jack Rol oson , 'I'Ownshi p of Ba ham on behalf of Actuante Conta`i ner of: Canada Ltd. and Tony VandvyvE,,rE, . The Plib l i e meeting is declared open by Reeve Chute at 8:00 Applications are react with results as follows: -Judy Oldham- Mrs. Ol dhain is in attendance, however, she and there is no one offering any comments it, opposition -Bruce Ketchabaw- Mrs. Dwayne. Ketchabaw) daughter-in-law is present speaking bri e i' 1 y "I support of the proposal. any oppos i t i oi, to the proposal. So )er Est,�t M p. in. has no to the of the No one comments proposal. appl i Cant, offers • I c e- z s . Mary Ward and Allan Soper are in attendance in stipport of the application. No . one offers any opposition to the proposal. -Jack Roloson/P. Karran- Mr.. Roloson is present, however, otters no comments other than he will answer any questions on the application No one offers Croy opposition to the proposal. -Advance Container of Canada Ltd . /Townsh i l) o f Bayham- Mr. Robert McCaig is present and explains that the intent of the appl i ca t icon is to expand the pre- ,,nt t i-ansfer station which is some 20 years old. It is expected that new faci l i ties wi 1 1 make the station more accessable for small trucks. It will be much easier to keep the site -clean. Also, it is the i "tent to have a sma l 1 res i deuce for an on s i to custodi nn. Mr. E. Verbrugge inquires as to the final sizeand the location on the site of the renovations. Mr. McCaig replies CO the question. No. one offers any negative comments of opposition to the proposal. -'ropy Vaiidevyvere-Mr. Vc-Indevyvere is present , however, has no comments but will answere any questions. No. one has piny opposition to theosa ro p p 1. After rerlues t i rig any further comments and tone being offered, Reeve Chute declares the public: ineet ing closed. 505 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: G. Ne 1 1 es And resolved that by-law No. 2505 being a by-law to confirm all actions of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held October 19 1989, be now read a first time.....' Carried Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. . 2 505 be now react a second time .....Carried Moved by: [Z. i,111 I 1 i ps and Seconded by: .1. Nezezon And resp l vett e ha t By-law No. 2505 be now t-ead I third time an.1 finally passed ..... C,�i-ri ed Moved That 7 : 30 . by: R. Sandham and seconded by: J. this council now ad j()urn to meet aga i ti p•m........ Carried Reeve N Nezezon on November 2, 1989, at Clerk r f rt ORIGINAL AMENDMENT NUMBER 57 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: ADVANCE CONTAINER OF CANADA RURAL NON FARM AREA► NO. 12 PART LOT lb, CONCESSION 5 34 - op. 01 53- 057 The following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 57 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham 0 Amendment Number 57 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham This amendment to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham which has been adopted by the I, Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby modified under Sections 17 (9 ) and 21 of the Planning Act,' 1983, as follows: 1. Item i), DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT, is hereby modified by deleting the following from the fourth line: "Rural Non Farm Area No. 12" and replacing it with an "Industrial" designation. 2. Item ii), DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT, is hereby modified by deleting the following from the second line: "Rural Non Farm Area No. 12" and replacing it with an "Industrial" designation. 3. Item ii), DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT, is hereby modified by deleting the following phrase from the fifth line: "Rural Residential". As thus modified, this amendment is hereby approved pursuant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983, as Amendment Number 57 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham. Date: Iygo-o8-(1� Diana L.(rdine, M. C. I . P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest C� OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE M1U]71��9'.iii�7�3•_l'isi131 THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 57 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No. 2501, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 19th day of October, 1989. ter z) l/ REEVE CLERK p 7E -,TE • BY-LAW NO. 2502 • THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 58 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. _ 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 58 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 19th day of October, 1989 REEVE CLERK CERTIFIER that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2502 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHA.M AMENDMENT NO. 58 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0.81 hectares (2.00 acres) and is situated in Part Lot 16, Concession 2, in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are located on the east side of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16, Concession 2 in the Township of Bayham. It is the intent of this amendment to redesignate the subject lands to permit the creation of three rural residential lots. One of the lots is presently occupied by a single family dwelling and shed. The two remaining lots are vacant and are proposed to be developed pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance. The subject lands are topographically isolated from all other agricultural land use activities. The land which has a gradient difference of over 20 metres is located on a pocket of idle agricultural land which has not been worked for over ten years according to the Ministry of Agricultural and Food Land Use Systems Mapping. Since the subject lands are bounded by the Canadian Pacific Railway line, Tunnel Road and Highway 19, the area cannot logically be consolidated with an adjacent agricultural operation. Additionally, the subject lands have no capability of being used for agricultural production due to their topographic characteristics. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of a mixture of existing rural residential lots, the urban land use activity associated with the Village of Vienna; and agricultural uses consisting of tobacco farms and continuous row crops. 2 10 SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 58 C�rJ8 LANDS CHANGE FROM "AGRICULORE" TO "RURAL RESIDENTIAL" Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands _(D. Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Road6) 1 58 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 • Feet Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas _(D. Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Road6) 1 58 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 • Feet • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1.97 LJ SCHEDULE"B" AMENDMENT N0. 58 -_--j! �Q` • / 202.0 200 ••00 3 ....� ///, 202 q .2010 17 202 5 Jit •C •--. ^ • -• _ ,.._..j � ` :.'_""„ �9S % ,! ` 1• `"'" � .� r� ; `,' ` . -2.0' • / _ 5. � •. •' mss:_,,,, ',,,� .--•--...,„`-`....-„+.... � r + % r Dom .�, �``.; �._`` �� f► Cyt' _ _ .201 p ! r� Got Co�-_ `• _' -ase' _�:---.._.- 1 .. r •:'' f ( j ��•-, �: 62-5 ,,i'' / X46- 061 - r F , I a/I � • � � 1 Lot 16 LOT/17 ?`�' Lft' 8 Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Q SUBJECT LANDS 0 RESIDENTIAL UNIT 1:5 FARM BUILDING WOODLOT ■ SHEDS/GARAGES/KILNS NOTE :This map is for clarification purposes only. 0 250m 600M scale: 1:109000 LOT -1,59'? t 1790, P / iSIP -p F , I a/I � • � � 1 Lot 16 LOT/17 ?`�' Lft' 8 Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Q SUBJECT LANDS 0 RESIDENTIAL UNIT 1:5 FARM BUILDING WOODLOT ■ SHEDS/GARAGES/KILNS NOTE :This map is for clarification purposes only. 0 250m 600M scale: 1:109000 • APPENDIX "A' NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING 0 • • • • OW 47 Lept Noticel� fr,.. as..', Planning Act, 1983 FNOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING/ To Be Held By BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COON Respecting Proposed Official Piaand ning By -Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Co ion of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The amendments to be consid- ered are as follows: APPLICATIQNS JUDY OLDHAM:- Lot 21, Conc. 8, to change the zoning of a portion of her lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of two residential lots. ESTATE OF VERNE SOPER:- Lot 15, Conc. 3, to change the zoning of the property from Al to Rural Residential to permit the creation of four residential lots and zone an existing residence. YOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM:- Lot 16, Conc. 5, to change the zoning from Al to M2 (Industrial) to permit the enlargement of the existing transfer station and to erect a residence as an ancillary use to house a site supervisor. BRUCE KETCHABAW:- Lot 135, Conc. 6, to rezone a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential. This is a condition of severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. JACK ROLOSON:- Lot 16, Conc. 2, to rezone his lands from Al to Rural Residential to create two additional residential lots. TONY VANDEVYEVERE:- Lot 21, Conc. 8, to rezone his lands from Al to Al special to permit the expansion of an agricultural home occupation in woodworking. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Straffordville, commencing at 8:00 P.M. on Thursday, October 19, 1989. • Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521). J. A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario H0J 1 YO 59 The Norfolk Board of Education HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT COURSES NIGHT SCHOOL 1989-90 1. Courses to be offered at Simcoe Composite School. A computer course to be offered at Valley Heights. 2. Courses to begin October 10, 1989. 3. Courses to be held Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday nights from 7:00 -10.00 n.m. for 30 sessions. 4. No fees, but a $20.00 textbook deposit is required the first night of classes. 5. Registration Nights: ` Valley Heights Secondary School, Sept 26,87:00 - 6:00 p.m. WATER HEATER INS'PALLATIONS EAST ELGIN ONTARIO HYDRO invites qualified contractors to submit tenders for the installation of water heaters in the East Elgin Area. Work will commence October 15, 1999 for a one year period. Tenders closing 4:00 p.m., local time, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1989. Tendering documents may be obtained: WRITF./VISIT: Ontario Hy- dro, East Elgin Area Office, John Street North, Aylmer, Ont. Phone: (519) 773-8428. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. OR: Ontario Hydro, 1075 Wellington Road, London, Ontario N6E 1 MI. Attention: Purchasing Dept. Phone: (519) 681-1390. 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Ministryof Division of Natural Mines Resources Ontario Notice of Application Pits and Quarries Control Act Prouse Transport Limited, Mt. Elgin, Ontario, NOJ 1 NO, hereby give notice that application for a licence to open, establish or operate a pit on the lands described as follows: Pt. Lot 4, Concession 3, Township of Dereham (S. W. Oxford), County of Oxford, con- sisting of 8 hectares more or less. The estimated amount of aggregate to be extracted annually is 15,000 tonnes. The operation will be inter- mittent with a portable plant installation. w U ti 0 APPENDIX 'B' MINUTES OF PUBLIC MEETING 1505 • Public Meeting: Record of public ating held October 19, 190to inform the public .and receive comments on proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments as advertised and circulated on behalf of: Judy Oldham, Bruce Ketchabaw, Mary Ward on behalf of V. Soper Estate, Paul Karran on behalf of .Jack Roloson, Township of Bayham on behalf of Advance Container of Canada Ltd. and Tony Vandvyvere. The public meeting is declared open by Reeve Chute at 8:00 p.m. Applications are read with results as follows: -Judy Welham- Mrs. Oldham is in attendance, however, she has no comments and there is no one offering any comments in opposition to the proposal. -Bruce Ketchabaw- Mrs. Dwayne Ketchabaw, daughter-in-law of the applicant, is present speaking briefly in support of (lie proposal. No one offers any opposition to the proposal. -V. Soper Estate- Mrs. Mary Ward and Allan Soper are in attendance in support of the application. No one offers any opposition to the proposal. -Jack Roloson/P. Karran- Mr. Roloson is present, however, offers no comments other than he will answer any questions on the application. No one offers any opposition to the proposal. -Advance Container of Canada Ltd./Township of.Bayham- Mr. Robert*McCaig is present and explains that the intent of Che application is to expand the present transfer station which is some 20 years old. It is expected that new facilities will make the station more accessable for small trucks. It will be much easier to keep the site clean. Also, it is the intent to have a small residence for an on site custodian. Mr. E. Verbrugge inquires as to the final size and the location on the site of the renovations. Mr. McCaig replies to the question. No. one offers any negative comments of: opposition to the proposal. -'Pony Vandevyvere-Mr. Vandevyvereis present, however, has no comments but will answere any questions. No. one has any opposition to the proposal. After requesting any further comments and none being offered, Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed. Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: C. Nelles And resolved that by-law No. 2505 being a by-law to confirm all actions of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held October 19, 1989, be now read a first time..... Carried Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that. By-law No. 2505 be now read a second time..... Carried Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: .I. Nezezon And resolved that By-law No. 2505 be now read a third time arra finally passed..... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by That this council now adjourn to meet 7:30 p.m ........ Carried Reeve . J. Nezezon again on November 2, 1989, at t:tz Clerk r AMENDMENT NUMBER 58 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: PAUL KARRAN RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 16, CONCESSION 2 34-dP-0158-C��� The following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 58 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham ,. opiomAL 7 1 • OFFICIAL PLAN TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule No. 58 to the Official Plan of the prepared upon the recommendation n Planning Advisory Committee after pursuant to the provisions of the r� constituting Amendment Township of Bayham was f the Township of Bayham evaluation of public input PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No. 2502, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 19th day of October, 1989, -.2), REEVE V JUM R w 9 0 0 AMENDMENT NO. 58 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM This Amendment No. 58 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham, which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham is hereby modified as follows: 1. PART 4 - DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT, the following new Item is inserted immediately after Item ii): "iii} Section of the Official Plan is hereby amended by adding the following new Item: m) a parcel having an approximate size of 0.81 hectares and is situated in Part Lot 16, Concession 2 in the Township of Bayham. Three estate residential lots may be created." As thus modified, this amendment is hereby approved pursuant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act. Date: f D'�t%I 1�#A Diana L. rine, M.C.I.P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs THE Council of the accordance with the enacts as follows: BY-LAW NO. 2503 Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby 1. THAT Amendment No. 59 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. - 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 59 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 19th day of October, 1989 -:Z)./�.�. REEVE CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2503 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. • 1. PURPOSE • OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 59 The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of two parcels of land totalling approximately 2.47 hectares (6.10 acres) and is situated in Part Lot 15, Concession 3, in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are presently comprised of a 0.35 hectare (0.85 acre) and 2.12 hectare (5.25 acre) parcel of land. It is the intent of this amendment to divide the subject lands into four rural residential lots pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance. The applicant has proposed to sever the larger of the two parcels into three rural residential lots and leave the smaller parcel as one lot. The two parcels have always been under the same ownership, however, they are divided by Center Street which runs in a north -south direction. Six rural residential lots presently exist in the block of land between Center Street and Highway 19. Although it is proposed to create rural residential lots west of Center Street, it should be noted that some non farm land use activity presently exists on the west side of the road allowance, namely a rural commercial, automotive sales establishment. The creation of rural residential lots in this vicinity will ensure that non farm development is establishing in a location which is predominantly built-up. The smaller parcel of land is presently occupied by an existing single family dwelling and a mini barn which is used for storage purposes. It is not anticipated that further development will occur on this parcel. The larger parcel of land is presently vacant and has not been farmed for a number of years. • 2 _ • Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses, namely tobacco farms and continuous row crops. A number of additional rural residential lots are located both north and south of the subject lands on Highway No. 19. The Village of Vienna and its associated urban land use activity is directly south of the subject lands. The subject lands are comprised of imperfectly drained, Class 3 Plainfield Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario k Institute of Pedology. In addition to the imperfectly drained soils, the subject lands have been noted to have low natural fertility which may or may not be possible to correct by additions of fertilizers or manure. Due to the general built-up nature of the -area, the fact that one of the proposed lots is presently developed and the limiting factors which may affect the viability of agricultural production on the vacant parcel of land, Township Council deems it appropriate that this area be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which is a more appropriate land use for this land. The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone. Notwithstanding the presence of Class 3 soils or specialty crop soils, this proposal complies with the relevant evaluation criteria used for considering rural residential uses on lands designated Agriculture within the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By --law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands. 0 - 3 - 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT to i) Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended. 11 SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 59 59 Lands changed from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential." —(D. Provincial Highways as Arterial Roads (County Roads) 59 • 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 1500.0 Feet • Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands . Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) f� yJj Mineral Resource Areas —(D. Provincial Highways as Arterial Roads (County Roads) 59 • 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 1500.0 Feet • 06 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE B�� AMFNTIMFNT un qQ ... .._ ........_ ... . vor.+ o l i Ut 13 LOT,'14 � LOTI 15.0 o so 21 CON , I I4I z oily?11 s2-1 fL if IX 1. ;. s � �, --fir -._.. ' �� = 1, � � ••i ,., � .J J r ``~'200'/ ! �` 4! ti(i �.� "�� • i , 6r t v VI LLAT • / � 1.. ,1:-,_ • ` � j •ail ! ', • + ( tj [=1� f80 =` _ i •\t = I (y ,•rte,. ,`AO r' i j i V NA' r _;.► • ,} , � � � ---rid Base Map Source :Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources DSUBJECT LANDS, • RESIDENTIAL UNIT �j FARM BUILDING WOODLOT ■ KILNS/SHEDS/GARAGE; NOTE :This map is for clarification purposes only. 0 N 0 250m 500m Scale: 1:109000 • • APPENDIX 'A' NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING rl 0 0 LJ Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETIN To Be Held By BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUN Respecting Proposed Official Pla and ning By -Law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Co ion of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The amendments to be consid- ered are as follows: APPLICATIONS JUDY OLDHAM:- Lot 21, Conc. 8, to change the zoning of a portion of her lands from Al to Rural Residential: This will permit the creation of two residential lots. ESTATE OF VERNE SOPER:- Lot 15, Conc. 3, to change the zoning of the property from Al to Rural Residential to permit the creation of four residential lots and zone an existing residence. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM:- Lot 16, Conc. 5, to change the zoning from Al to M2 (Industrial) to permit the enlargement of the existing transfer station and to erect a residence as an ancillary use to house a site supervisor. BRUCE KETCHABAW:- Lot 135, Conc. 6, to rezone a portion of his lands from Al to Rural Residential. This is a condition of severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. JACK ROLOSON:- Lot 16, Conc. 2, to rezone his lands from Al to Rural Residential to create two additional residential lots. TONY VANDEVYEVERE:- Lot 21, Conc. 8, to rezone his lands from Al to Al special to permit the expansion of an agricultural home occupation in woodworking. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Straffordville, commencing at 8:00 P.M. on Thursday, October 19, 1989. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521). J. A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1 Yo 59 The Norfolk,Board of Education HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT COURSES NIGHT SCHOOL 1989-90 1. Courses to be offered at Simcoe Composite School. A computer course to be offered at Valley Heights. 2. Courses to begin October 10, 1989. 3. Courses to be held Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday nights from 7:00 -10.00 p.m. for 30 sessions. 4. No fees, but a $20.00 textbook deposit is required the first night of classes. 5. Registration Nights: WATER HEATER INSTALLATIONS EAST ELGIN AREA ONTARIO HYDRO invites qualified contractors to submit tenders for the installation of water heaters in the East Elgin Area.. Work will commence October 15, 1989 for a one year period. Tenders closing 4:00 p.m., local time, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1989. Tendering documents may be obtained: WRITE/VISIT.- Ontario Hy- dro, East Elgin Area Office, John Strext North, Aylmer, Ont. Phone: (519) 773-8428. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, OR: Ontario Hydro, 1075 Wellington Road, London, Ontario N6E I M I . Attention: Purchasing Dept~ Phone: ' (519) 681-1390. 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Ministryof Division of Natural Mines Resources Ontario Notice of Application Pits and Quarries Control Act P►rouse Transport Limited, Mt. Elgin, Ontario, NOJ 1 N01 hereby give notice that application for a licence to open, establish or operate a pit on the lands described as follows: Pt. Lot 4, Concession 3, Township of Dereham (S. W. Oxford), County of Oxford, con- sisting of 8 hectares more or less. The estimated amount of aggregate to be extracted annually is 15,000 tonnes. The operation will be inter- mittent with a portable plant installation. APPENDIX 'B' MINUTES OF PUBLIC MEETING Public Meeting: Record of public 96ting held October 19, 190to inform the public and receive comments on proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments as advertised and circulated on behalf of: Judy Oldham, Aruce Ketchabaw, Mary Ward on behalf of V. Soper Estate, Paul Karran on behalf of Jack Roloson, Township of Ba yham on behalf of Advance Container of Canada Ltd. and Tony Vandvyvere. The public meeting is declared open by Reeve Chute at 8:00 p.m. Applications are read with results as follows: -Judy Oldham- Mrs."Oldham is in attendance, however, she has no comments and there is no one offering any comments in opposition to the proposal. -Bruce Ketchabaw- Mrs. Dwayne Ketchabaw, daughter - in-law of the applicant, is present speaking briefly in support of the proposal. No one offers any opposition to the proposal. -V. Soper Estate- Mrs. Mary Ward and Allan Soper are in attendance in support of the application. No one offers any opposition to the proposal. -Jack Roloson/P. Karran- Mr. Roloson is present, however, of.ers no comments other than he will answer any questions on the application. No one offers any opposition to the proposal. -Advance Container of Canada Ltd./Township of Bayham- Mr. Robert McCaig is present and explains that the intent of the application is to expand the present transfer station which is some 20 years old. It is expected that newt facilities will make the station more accessable for small trucks. It will be much easier to keep the site clean. Also, it is the intent to have a small residence for an on site custodian. Mr. E. Verbrugge inquires as to the final size and the location on the site of the renovations. Mr. McCaig replies to the question. No. one offers any negative comments of opposition to the proposal. -Tony Vandevyvere-Mr. Vandevyvereis present, however, has no comments but will answere any questions. No. one has any opposition to the proposal. After requesting any further comments and none being offered, Reeve Chute declares the public meeting closed. 505 Moved by: R. Sandham and Seconded by: C. Nelles And resolved that by-law No. 2505 being a by-law to confirm all actions of the council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held October 19, 1989, be now read a first time..... Carried Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: R. Sandham And resolved that By-law No. 2505 be now read a second time..... Carried Moved by: R. Phillips and Seconded by: .1. Nezezon And resolved chat By-law No. 2505 be now read a third time anal finally passed..... Carried Moved by: R. Sandham and seconded by That this council now adjourn to meet 7:30 p.m ........ Carried J. Nezezon again on November 2, 1989, at Reeve Clerk Ministry ofinist6re des 777 Bay Street 777, rue Bay Municipal Affaires Toronto, Ontario Toronto (Ontario) Affairs municipales M5G 2E5 M5G 2E5 Ontario April 5, 1990 Mr.. J.A. Petrie C 1 e r k: Township of Bayham Straffordvi l le, Ontario N( --)J 1 YO Dear Mr. Petrie: Re: Approval of Amendment No. 59 to Official Plan for the Township File: 34--OP--0158--C_)59 the of Bayham On April 2, 199(--) this Official Plan document was approved. Please see the certificate page. The Original and Duplicate Originals have the approval endorsed thereon. One Duplicate Original has been retained for the Ministry's records. The Original, any remaining Duplicate Originals, and the working copies are enclosed. Yours truly, Robert Blunt Area Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Enclosure C • C. MOE OMAF Elgin Long APROVAL 1 . OP Health Unit Point Region Cons. Auth. .1 1 1. 14 PIA 1'11 ORIGINAL AMENDMENT NUMBER 59 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: MARY WARD RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 15, CONCESSION 3 34 -�P - 0158 - 459 The following text and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 59 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham Amendment Number 59 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham This amendment to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby approved pursuant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983, as Amendment Number 59 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham. oate:o4�vv �1gnQ,� Diana L. dine, M.C.I.P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest I V 0 OFFICIAL PLAN TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 59 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No. 2503, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 19th day of October, 1989. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSII I P OF BAYHAM By -Law No. 2505 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held October 19, 1989. BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held October 19 1989, and special meeting(s) held ------ be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th. day of October 1989. Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2506 BEING a by-law to amend By-law No. 2023 respecting the licencing and registration of dogs. BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1) That Section two (2) of By-law No. 2023 be and is hereby recinded and the following substituted therefore. 2. The owner of any dog within the limits of the Township of Bayham shall pay annually and before the Thirtieth day of September, in each year, to the collector or Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, a licence fee of Ten dollars ($10.) for every dog which he or she may own, possess or harbour within the limits of the Township of Bayham. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd. DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2506 BEING a by-law to amend By-law No. 2023 respecting the licencing and registration of dogs. BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1) That Section two (2) of By-law No. 2023 be and is hereby recinded and the following substituted therefore. 2. The owner of any dog within the limits of the Township of Bayham, shall pay annually and before the Thirtieth day of September, in each year, to the collector or Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, a licence fee of Ten dollars ($10.) for every dog which he or she may own, possess or harbour within the limits of the Township of Bayham. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd. DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE 0019164:ii=0]MOXA. 1A31 BY-LAW NO. 2507 BEING a by-law setting remuneration for members of Council. WHEREAS by virtue of Sec. 98 (1) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980 as amended, Municipal Councils may pass by-laws for paying the members of Council an annual remuneration. AND WHEREAS the Coucnil of the Township of Bayham deems it necPsary to pass such a by-law. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1. That the Reeve may be paid such sums from time to time as directed by Council not to exceed in any calendar year in aggregate, Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00). 2. That the Deputy -Reeve and Councillors may be paid such sums from time to time as directed by Council not to exceed in any calendar year in aggregate, Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000.00). 3. All by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. 4. This by-law shall be effective from January 1st., 1989. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd. DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By -Law No. 2508 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held October 26 and November 2, 1989 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held November 2 , 1989, and special meeting(s) held October 26, 1989 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 2nd. day of November , 1989. Reeve Clerk BY—LAW NO. 2509 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 60 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 60 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. "'a TED AND PASSED this 16th day of November, 1989 CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2509 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. OFFICIAL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAK AMMDIGM NO . i 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION s The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0.19 hectares (0.46 acres) and is situated in Part Lot 129, Concession 6, in the Township of Bayham. • V. 61 �• The subject lands are situated on the south side of County Road No. 38 east of the hamlet of Straffordville and form part of a larger farm holding consisting of 39.5 hectares (97.5 acres). The subject lands contain an existing single family dwelling and garage which have been deemed to be surplus to the landowner. As a result, it is the applicant's intent to redesignate the subject lands to permit the creation of a rural residential lot pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses, namely tobacco farms and continuous row crops. In addition, a number of existing rural residential lots are situated west of the subject lands on both the north and south side of County Road No. 38. Although the subject lands are situated on very gentle to moderately sloping, rapid to well drained Class 3-4 Plainfield Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology, the soil classification is not felt to be a critical factor in considering the redesignation of the site due to the presence of an existing single family dwelling and garage. It should also be noted that the Canada Land Inventory Soil Classification System recognizes the subject lands as being on Class 4 and 6 soils. Notwithstanding the soil classification or the presence of specialty crop soils on the subject lands, Township Council deems it appropriate 2 - to remove the subject lands from the present agricultural designation and place them into a rural residential designation due to the relatively small area of land, and the fact that this property is currently occupied by an existing surplus farm dwelling and garage. The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands. � • ;1' 1: � is i} Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended. 11 r7 L__J • SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 60 6o LANDS CHANGED FROM "AGRICULTURE" TO ~RURAL RESIDENTIAL" Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands '.� Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) C,,,j Mineral Resource Areas ..(D.,. Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 2000 4000 r r r Metres 0 5000 10000 15900 Feet TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM t LJ 2 � •� � � I I I I SCHEDULE"Y I AMFNDMFNT Nn _ fin r t 230 -.p .230 f' } Y p ' 227-0 228.5 i • r � I t.227•0: �r %�/ \__ •11'.• i ' li ass• r • hit• r' • i--� IL • • • •' 229 4 �. 225.5. O SeSeTeRe Lot iv .226 5 LOT 128 Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Q SUBJECT LANDS 0 RESIDENTIAL UNIT �J FARM BUILDING WOODLOT � KILNS/SHEDS/GARAGES NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only, .22e•0 I CONCESSION VI 0 250m 600tH _� Scats: 1:10.000 A P P E N D I X ' A Notice of Public Meeting 5 t . About one minute later Tillso, ,r. G burgs advantage grew when Jet Bouck took a pass from Georg . Ugal Wray, beating Paul Bushell. The McCallums -- Mark from Mik -- teamed up with just 48 seconds lef S. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a Public Meeting for the purpose of Informing the public in respect of a proposed Official Plan and Zoning By -Law amendmentq in accordance with the Planning Act, the amendments to be considered are as follows: FRED HERMANN: Lot 129, Concession 6, to change the Zoning on a portion of the lands from Al to Rural Residential to pnrmit the severance of a surplus farm residence. T1-- ` ublic Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers, at the Township of Bayham Office, Straffordville, commencing at 8:00 P.M. on -Thursday, November 16, 1989. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Cl (866-5521). ' J.A. PETRIE Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1 YO 59 TOWN OF TILLSONBURG CA r: t MUNICIPAL TAXES TAKE NOTE THAT THE SECOND INSTALMENT OF THE 1989 FINAL REALTY AND BUSINESS - TAXES DUE - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1989 Taxes payable by mail prior to due date, to The Treasurer, Municipal Offices, 200 Broadway, Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 5A71 or at the Municipal Off ices. A penalty of 1.25 percent shall be charged on taxes payable the first day of default and an additional 1.25 percent the first day of each month thereafter until paid in full. PLEASE NOTE: Failure to receive tax notice does not relieve the taxpayer from payment of taxes nbr liability of penalty for late payment. Final tax notices were previously mailed July 27,1989, R.' E. Jones Revenue Officer Municipal Office 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor, Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 5A7 59 first period to put DOM on the scoreboard. The second period saw just on, goal when defenceman Jon Kriwe: picked up the pass from Smith in hi: own end, skated the entire length o the rink and made it 3-1. In the third, Smith took a pas.4 from Bouck then skated behind th4 Delhi net from where his pass ou- the other side was one -timed into the open corner by Jeff White. In exhibition play at Waterforc Friday, Tillsonburg blew away the home team 13-2. Wray put on a five -goal perfor- mance in addition to netting one assist. Bouck had a hat trick and four assists and Shawn Crane picked up three goals. White had one goal and one assists. Kriwez also had a goal. Other assists went to Brad Atoms Delhi atoms downed their Tillson- burg counterparts'3-1 Sunday. Delhi went ahead late in the first period and held on to the 1-0 lead until early in the third when they got two more goals. On an unassisted effort, '1111son- burg's Eric Lockey broke Greg Con - die's 'shut- out bid with just under five minutes left in the game. Ryan Francke had all of Delhi's goals. , M6tomcross A racing Dunes Gopher Dunes is holding its final mote -cross races of the year this Sunday, Oct. 22. Come out and see the riders com- pete on the fastest, highest flying track in Ontario. Watch the thrills and excitement this Sunday for all classes of motor- cycles and four-wheel ATVs, four stroke and two. Admission is $5 per adult, $2 per 12 and under arid' Free for pre- schoolers. Sign -in is' 7-9 a.m. with practice runs beginning at 9:30 a.m. sharp. Races begin around 11 a.m. and last until 5 p.m. A P P E IN D I X ' B' Minutes of Public Meeting � s • A P P E IN D I X ' B' Minutes of Public Meeting tlubl.i. c rte( t; i n R.ecoud of Ptibl i r- tr ont-.i ng Held November 16, 1989 concerning Official_ Plan and �.oni iiq by-I.aw amendments. Reovc, r'lrrr l.o dec.l a rns a ptibl is meeting as advert i sed to receive comments on ame_ndmonts to the Township of Bayham's Official Plan and 7oni-irci by -Jaws 'I11e opp.1 • ghat or fir. Fred Hermann In Part Lot 129, Concession 6, i r, t.lie ()r nayllam from Agricul tura 1 (11I) to the Special Rural tlubl.i. c rte( t; i n R.ecoud of Ptibl i r- tr ont-.i ng Held November 16, 1989 concerning Official_ Plan and �.oni iiq by-I.aw amendments. Reovc, r'lrrr l.o dec.l a rns a ptibl is meeting as advert i sed to receive comments on ame_ndmonts to the Township of Bayham's Official Plan and 7oni-irci by -Jaws Remo, (."Im I o dc:,c,,.l(,t rc-d the public meeting t closed at 8:07 P.M. 'I11e opp.1 r<-at.ion is ghat or fir. Fred Hermann In Part Lot 129, Concession 6, i r, t.lie ()r nayllam from Agricul tura 1 (11I) to the Special Rural Pps iflr_nl i a 1 ( PIR -- 1 1) . 'M(7? ley-T,,w will also rezone the remaining farm 1»1 d i nki.,: i ti Part; 1219 Concession 6 from Agricultural (Al) ?one to Special No we- rf, iii aLt-.enciance- to address t;tris application and cocrnr_il had no d i sf•+r,;-; i cin rr(lf-it-c ing 1.he application. Remo, (."Im I o dc:,c,,.l(,t rc-d the public meeting t closed at 8:07 P.M. Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ontario 10inist6re des 777 Bay street Affaires Toronto, Ontario municipales M5G 2E5 February 28, 1991 Mr. J.A. Petrie Clerk Township of Bayham Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1YO Dear Mr. Petrie: Re: Approval of Amendment Official Plan for the File: 34 -OP -0158-060 No. 60 to the Township of Bayham On February 22, 1991 this Official Plan document was approved. Please see the certificate page. The Original and Duplicate Originals have the approval endorsed thereon. One Duplicate Original has been retained for the Ministry's records. The Original, any remaining Duplicate Originals, and the working copies are enclosed. Yours truly, Vincent Fabiilli Area Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Enclosure c. c. MAF MOE Health Unit Catfish Creek Cons.Auth. County MNR 777, rue Bay Toronto (Ontario) M5G 2E5 41 s SUBJECT: FRED HERMANN RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART UM 129, CONCESSION 6 3 �CP%** 0158mO6O The following teat and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 60 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayhan ORlGtNA'L m AMENDMENT NO. 60 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN FOR THE THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM This Amendment No. 60 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham which was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham is hereby approved under Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date: N ).!, - � Q4, � Diana L. Jardine, M.C.I.P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Ministry of Municipal Affairs Bayham Township By � Laws By -Laws # 25 1 #2523 1989 gU. —ro w I'\ s A (, F 02 S !� — �D Con -► , r "Y— Y-025 ,2 5 1�4 Prov d1r6 o t-\- 1381 �5- —To 4rLkc- l 7 D�e Co� La4- :?-, / 9 9� 5 l 4 •-,, d -Y, 4 -# 69- -{"' 0 515 — m e.,� d ► �^ -1- 3 4-F��ca. / P/ I'-.�. /•1 Or►- I S cpm � S 18 7"x 5 ! — To Co ,(\ -r-, r -,M- a 1( o` C--fi ' f -D_ C'O . La.�r 4 , 1 18 1 d- 5 ,PO — X159 Ta a4y-," B --/ -4 �1- 3:7 z -f A,L 1 o r-; OL- C- � -6 d-- -2- a n i a - U ,�-G27"►� e�- I , � -I � q vZ 5 7o ac -b a-?" s m -r C. c. -l+ Ci -2)e-�98q CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By -Law No. 2510 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held November 16, 1989. BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the -said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular' meeting held November 16 , 1989, and special meeting(s) held ------ be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 16th. day of November , 1989. Reeve Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By -Law No. 2511 Being a By Law to amend By -Law No. 2444 providing for the construction of the Garner Branch - Carnes Municipal drain, and levying assessments thereto. WHEREAS By -Law No. 2444 providing for the construction of the Garner Branch - Carnes Municipal Drain under the provisions of the Drainage Act, was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham on the 4th. day of May, 1989. AND WHEREAS the amount specified in the said By Law as the Township of Bayham's share of the cost for the construction of the said drain was $15,900. AND WHEREAS the actual cost of the work all expenses included was $16,659.66 to which a grant of $2,833.91 has been applied to agricultural lands leaving a net cost of $13,825.65 being $2,074.35 less than the estimated costs. AND WHEREAS it is provided by The Drainage Act, that such excess funds shall be decreased in pro rata proportions to the assessment contained in the original By -Law each year during which the debentures have to run. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1. That the sum of $2,259.11 being the amount over estimated as assessed against lands as provided in By -Law 2444 be and the same is hereby decreased in pro rata proportions to the assessments as contained in the said By -Law No. 2444 and the amounts are shown on the schedule. 2. That the sum of $184.76 being the amount under estimated as assessed against roads as provided for in By -Law No. 2444, be and the same is hereby increased in pro rata proportions to the roads assessed in By -Law No. 2444, said amount is hereby shown in the schedule of assessments, hereto attached and which form a part of this By -Law. 3. That the said sum of $2,074.35 shall be added to the amount of the total assessments contained in By -Law No. 2444 and the debentures to be issued as provided for in By -Law No. 2444 shall be as provided for in By -Law 2444. 4. That the interest rate on the said debentures as provided for in By -Law No. 2444 shall be twelve per cent (12%) per annum. 5. This By -Law comes into force on the final passing thereof, and may be cited as the "Garner Branch - Carnes Municipal Drain Amending By -Law". READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th. DAY ON DECEMBER 1989. REEVE CLERK SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 2511 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE OF IMPOSED ASSESSMENTS GARNER BRANCH - CARNES MUNICIPAL DRAIN 7927.00 8501.80 2833.91 Township of Bayham Road 1348.00 1445.74 9275.00 9947.54 Twp. of Bayham Spec. Asst. pro -rateable 1200.00 Twp. of Bayham Spec. Asst. non -rateable 5425.00 Not assessable for Maint. 15900.00 N 1287.02 5425.00 16659.56 Net 2957.99 378.24 992.43 1339.23 5667.89 1445.74 2833.91 '_ 7113.63 2833.91 1287.02 5425.00 13825.65 Engineer's Actual Agricultural Estimate Cost Grant H. Garner 4137.00 4436.98 1478.99 K. Stickel 529.00 567.35 189.11 K. Stickel 1388.00 1488.64 496.21 K. Stickel 1873.00 2008.83 669.60 7927.00 8501.80 2833.91 Township of Bayham Road 1348.00 1445.74 9275.00 9947.54 Twp. of Bayham Spec. Asst. pro -rateable 1200.00 Twp. of Bayham Spec. Asst. non -rateable 5425.00 Not assessable for Maint. 15900.00 N 1287.02 5425.00 16659.56 Net 2957.99 378.24 992.43 1339.23 5667.89 1445.74 2833.91 '_ 7113.63 2833.91 1287.02 5425.00 13825.65 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By -Lav No. 2512 Being a By Law to amend By -Law No. 2477 providing for the construction of the Fifth Street Municipal drain, and levying assessments thereto. WHEREAS By -Law No. 2477 providing for the construction of the Fifth Street Municipal Drain under the provisions of the Drainage Act, was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham on the 7th. day of September, 1989. AND WHEREAS the amount specified of Bayham's share of the cost for drain was $16,700. in the said By Law as the Township the construction of the said AND WHEREAS the actual cost of the work all expenses included was $19,496.93 to which a grant of $1,930.22 has been applied to agricultural lands leaving a net cost of $17,516.71 being $866.71 more than the estimated costs. AND WHEREAS it is provided by The Drainage Act, that such deficit funds shall be increased in pro rata proportions to the assessment contained in the original By -Law each year during which the debentures have to run. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1. That the sum of $451.35 being the amount over estimated as assessed against lands as provided in Bwy--Law 2477 be and the same is hereby decreased in pro rata proportions to the assessments as contained in the said By -Law No. 2477 and the amounts are shown on the schedule. 2. That the sum of $1,318.06 being the amount under estimated as assessed against roads as provided for in By -Law No. 2477, be and the same is hereby increased in pro rata proportions to the roads assessed in By -Law No. 2477, said amount is hereby shown in the schedule of assessments, hereto attached and which form a part of this By -Law. 3. That the said sum of $866.71 shall be added to the amount of the total assessments contained in By -Law No. 2477 and the debentures to be issued as provided for in By -Law No. 2477 shall be as provided for in By -Law 2477. 4. That the interest rate on the said debentures as provided for in By -Law No. 2477 shall be twelve per cent (12%) per annum. ` 5. This By -Law comes into force on the final passing thereof, and may be cited as the "Fifth Street Municipal Drain Amending By -Law". READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th. DAY OF DECEMBER 1989. REEVE P CLERK 1 0 0 BY-LAW NO. 2514 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 62 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 62 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 7th day of December, 1989 CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2514 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK 1. 2. 3. OFFICIAL PLAN • ' THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAK 1AMENDMENT NO. The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. LOC'.ATION 4 The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0.54 hectares (1.32 acres) and is situated in Part Lot 16, North Core, in the Township of Bayham. The subject lands are situated on the east side of the North Core Road and form part of a larger farm holding consisting of 115.74 hectares (286.0 acres). The subject lands contain an existing single family dwelling, a garage and shed which are surplus to the landowner. As a result, it is the applicant's intent to redesignate the subject lands to permit the creation of a rural residential lot pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance. It should be noted that the lands intended to be retained by the applicant contain two additional dwelling units, two barns, one shed and a greenhouse. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses, namely tobacco farms and continuous row crops. In addition, a number of existing rural residential lots are situated in the vicinity of the subject lands. Although the subject lands are situated on very gentle to gently sloping, imperfectly drained Class 2-3 Muriel Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology, the soil classification is not felt to be a critical factor in considering the redesignation of the site due to the presence of an existing surplus single family dwelling and accessory structures. It should also be noted that the Canada Land Inventory Soil Classification System recognizes the subject lands as being on Class 3 soils. Notwithstanding the soil classification, or the presence of specialty crop soils on the subject 4. • 2 • lands, Township Council deems it appropriate to remove the subject lands from the present agricultural designation and place them into a rural residential designation due to the relatively small area of land, and the fact that this property is currently occupied by an existing surplus farm dwelling and accessory structures. The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i� Schedule 'A' Future Land Use of the Official Plan, of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. U I SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 62 S2 LANDS CHANGED FROM"AGRICULTURE" TO "RURAL RESIDENTIAL" 62 aAgriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands Conservation LandS J Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas —.0. Provincial Highways Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 2000 4000 Metres Q 5000 10900 15900 Foot TOWNSHIP OF 6AYHAM NMI 084 SCHEDULE"B" AMFNi1MFN7 un Fq t 2305 . �� • • • Z' t i - t= 14 234.0 - 234 , ,f NORTH GORE V 234 0, if .234.0 LOT 14 Lo _---�- ' N,----� .2 M•O � ;' 04Z� --2s? , ► r: ` > t Lor ,,, --- , -- f -- L...'a - . f --" 4 - ► 0 .235 5 ADDITION� �---OWNED --. BY APPLIfCANT -�,.L___ _ .236.0 \. / '�• • • r_ 17 O•` ('7 1 Lot 1, LOT. 18 , 09 .�, base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Q SUBJECT LANDS � RESIDENTIAL UNIT d FARM BUILDING WOODLOT ■ GARAGES/KIINS/SHEDS NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. ZSOm 600m Scale: 1:10.000 A P P 8 N D I% A' Notice of Public Meeting LeAWIces..A Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING pl Notice � To Be Held By BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act._The amendments to be considered are as follows: APPLICATIONS JEAN MORRISSEY: - Lot 113, Conc. 6, to change the zoning of a portion of her lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of a residential lot and is a condition of severance by -the Elgin County Land Division Committee. - HUGH & GENE KEICHABAW: - Lot 16, Conc. NG, to change the zoning on a portion of property from Alto Rural Residential to permit the creation of a residential lot. This will facilitate the severance of a surplus farm residence by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. NEW ENGLAND MOBILE HOME PARK LTDa - Lot 23 -24, Conc. 9, to change the zoning from Al to Al special to permit the expansion of the existing mobile home park. HARRIS TEALL: - Lot 15, Conc. 2, to rezone a portion of his lands from Al to Al special. This will facilitate severance of farm buildings by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. CLARENCE b CAROLE ARCHER: - Lot 8, Conc. NG, to rezone their lands from Al to Rural Residential and Al special to create a residential lot by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. LLOYD b MYRNA COWAN: - Lot 21 - 22, Conc. 8, to rezone their lands from Al to Al special to permit the expansion of a forestry use and a pet cemetery. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Straf- fordville, commencing at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, December 7, 1989. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521). J.A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordvllle, Ontario NOJ .1 Y0 56-60 Words $7.50 $10.85 $7.50 $10.85 plus 15' plus 22' Over 60 Words Per Per Word Word NOTICES Birth Notices ........................... Death Notices ......................... Weddings .............................5 Donations Pictures under 5100 ........... $ Retirement Pictures .......... 40 years plu. ....................... . under 40 years$ FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Engagements, as above .................', Engogements with picture .............. $ Family Pictures ........................ $ Anniversaries ......................... $ Birthdays .............................I Graduation ...........................5 ANNOUNCEMENTS Coming Events ........................ Anniversaries ........................ Weddings .............:.............. Engagements ......................... Births............................... Deaths.............................. Appreciations ........................ Card of Thanks ....................... In Memorioms ........................ REAL ESTATE Commercial Property ................... Let, for Sole .:.........................1 Hcusefor Sole ......................... Mobile Homes ......................... Property for Rent ...................... Vacation Properties .................... Room and Board ....................... Rooms for Rent ........................ Wanted to Rent ........................ Property for Sole or Rent ................ FARMS AND LIVESTOCK Forms for Sole ........................ Forms for Sole or Rent ................. Tobacco Quotas ...................... Form Equipment , .................... . Seed and Feed... ..................... Livestock for Sale ..................... Pets................................. ASA I q p y A P P E N D I X v B 1 Minutes of Public Meeting ► 0 Pol'nt (I of I+ .h.l. 1 r Mori. i till hr 1 d December. 7, 1 hill) concerning or r ir: i a 1 t►1 wilt find Zott i tri by-law a►nmon(Itilvn Ls . Reeve Chttto declares tl►f• public meeting as advertised to receive comment on proposed amendments to the Township of Bayham's Official Plan and Zoning 17y -laws open. 'i'110 r i rr.1 0I,p1 ivaI;1cin rJ.r^ `l hat; or f1.tr. riR Te -ill r -r fly-f,nw 7,2.15-1111 t.r► c•Ir.rnlr• I Ito 7-0101111 fill a ?6.2") Irf� •i.a re (61.116 acre) p:1 r f'r 1 or i.and s i l;ua i.r+d crtt Ili(. ttortit s i die, of if ighway 11 1 9 it, pt i,ots 11 & 15, Concession 2 from Aflr i err 1 Litra 1 (Al ) ^tone to the Special. Agriculture (111-25 to 111-26) ?.one. There wore nn comments or objections roc:eived regarding the application. The Clerk :►rlvigrr1 Hvi t ror respondence r. ern ivnd from the Elgin - S t . Thomas flea l t Unit arty t yr%ct tiny havo no ob ject i otls . 'i'11fy sorond appl ical.ion was that or Jean Morrisny re 11Y -Law 7,217-119 I:n ch.anfln life zoning on a sevorod 2.01 hc-cta re (5 acre) parcel of land s i ttta ted on t.Iio sntttir gide+ or r ount.y i2oarl No. 38 in part I.ftt. 1 1 5 Cnnt`nnsinn 6 (SS 11111.) rr.otn Actrir.n1tor:►t (Al ) ..ot►r, to Special Rural Itf-sidentin.l (RR -12) 7.nttr. Sor.ond l y, IL will rezotio t.ltr± reta i nod pa rr.e 1 n r 1 a n f rom Ag r i ru 1 Lura 1( A 1) 7(111r, to i.he Spr'c i a 1 A(l r i rtt 1 t.rtrrt (A) -?7) zonr` to reconyn i. z a minimum lot di f ic.ienf•y. No roilln►r.,,lti wt r,,-% rmcnived pes.rtlIifIti, to I;hi!. app1 if-at.Ioil '1110 C i cork ally i sod tlui t. cor r•or, pottdr. nce rece ived f rom the Elg i rt - St . Ti emir, ifr±a f 1" 11 Ittlit advised they had tint objections. Previous objections from the Mini^t:r.y 1,r Acirict►1 titre and Food are to he withdrawn. 'I'll(, third nppl.ic:aLinn w;ls 1-.11:1t or f.l.oyd Cowan ro. fly -Law 7,211-139 to rlr:►nrlr 1 Ire ;•.cert i aril „►t ,► 6-1`0 (16.5 avrr) pare -vi or 1 anri r, i I.tt.r I.f+d fill I ir. :f►r►IAI t; i,i1• err It i cirlr I,c,.r,l i tr part: s l,fltr, 21 and 2.2 Confess l frit it r droll A-tricul f r►►.n rnl) ; r,ttr i.,r I.hr' Special Agriculture (A1-21) 7.onn. Mfr (,o►nnrr+tel of, inns wrrr rnooivrd. Tito Clerk advised that correspondr+trrr' w�•; r r+f-r+ i vrcl r r oin I.lrr I: l r1 i tr ;i.. 'i'1►ontas lira 1 th Un i i'. and con to i nod too rr!► j rr- I. i rill.: . Thr' rnt►C' 1 It appl i r_a tic►n tJFls Llia L of Lite New Elly l and Mobile ; home Park rn : t:y._l,ii,i r1f►. ',7..18-11� i.c, f h.►nclr the zoning on a 2.7.113 hectnrc (56.11:►r�r(!) r(.,r(.,*(,•l or l..a►tcl l.nc•a I.rct r►it I+a rt Tots 2.3 15, 21 r'.oliress ion 9, f rom A-1 r i f•rr 1 i.rr r-,• (AI) 7-011"atld r;t�rr• i :► i Aft r i c,rt 1 tare (A ! - 1) 7,onr i:o the Moh i le Ilornr pa ric (till ) A i • ,r Io c Ir:►iqlf, _f► i it i rlrl fan ,� r). 'i � Nectar, r (1.59 ncrr) sl -rip or 1 anfl c:h ie�lr f1►r n►.. Lit(' wort hf-1t-tr bolltldary or. Life snmf% parcel of. land from Lhn A`1 r i ru i I u t a i (Al) 7.otrr I.c� t.11c, Open Space (05;) zon . Mr. C Mt 11,11oncdl., adj:rr•r+nt. property owners, (-xl)rr.r;,nd eonr_rrtrr, r.r+clardittri t hr r+r rf+c•t hist -11,71119" V. -Mild have oil their w:l t;r+r su• rpply Th ► Clork .ar1v i .;rfi I lla t i;ho 1. tff i tl-St . '!'iff,nr,r , health Unit had no obact ions to-~ t}le amt-►rcimr�n►. sttbjoct In Life followi►rcl: I. Thr- proponent is advised that they wi l 1 r.erltzire a site pl ar►. 2. 'floe, I`finist.ry or i�:trvirottment approves tiff- exLension or w,aLrr sorvicor, cit- 11(1111 comtnunia 1 System. 3. A soil study con<lrrr.ted by a qualified ongineer, containing permnabi l i 1-y ratos and soil cf,rrrpostion. Cf►rrospondellce was als„ received from the Ministry of Agricultt►r.n and i'clorl .►dvis.incl that this property is considered print( agricultural lartd and that. df,r. ttntett t.rd j us i i r i e, t; i f,n is rrclu i roti to ch a nolo the use r rnm a(I r i cu 1 t n r. a i. '1lW rlinist.ry or Natural Rr sources advi led they bad no concerts;. Drpttty Reeve, Sandilnm r'itrlui red as to the depth of the n' lloticit's wrl 1 and 14n, .adv i sr'd that It war; 115 reet drop. Coune i l..lor Phillips :�rmmen ted L h:r L a nerds study may also l,e necessary. Tho r i f t.lr appl i ca t: i on was that of Thigh & Gene! Ketch,ahaw re By-1,.aw tio. Z216-89 to c -hang( the zoning oto .a 0.51 hectare (1.32 acre) parcel of land sit►►atcd On the ea t side of thr NorEh Gore Road in Fart; Lot 16 North rore from Acirirnitrrr:tt (AI) Zona to R►tral Residential (RR) Zone. The Clerk advtnt'!a rorrnspoticic�lice was rer.rivrd from thn Ministry of. Agriculture+ and rood, 'i'I►r rlciin-St. Thoma, iivalth Unit and Ministry of Natural Resources ,advi ,incl they ilAd no objections. No other comments were received. 'i'hr► sixth application was that or Carole and Clarence Archer ro fly -Law ;!219-111 to ritnndr the zoning o►► ,1 0.35 ilect.aro (0.87 acre) parcel of land situ.al.r!rf on "IP S0Ittit side of t 1rr 7th Line road allowanre, in part lot 8, (:nnrr!;Sion 7, from 11rlriculture (Al) 7011r two Rural Resiclrnt.i.al (RR) 7.onn. Al^n, to r. r+zone* the lands i n tendoo Lo be ret -a i nrri from i ho- Agri cu t tura 1 (AI) 7,onr to t-110 Sped a 1 Rura i Res i lir+tit i n l(PR-11) Zone. The lands intended to be re tea i nrci are eompr i ,ori r r 1.')l pec t,a r. ns (4-113 tar_ res) . No verbal comments were, r-vopived. The Clerk advised that correspondenro was received from the 1, 1 cl i n -St . Thomas flea l til ltrl i t adv i s i nq they have no Objections to tho appl if•al.ic►tt. Response from i,he Ministry o Na1;ural Resnurcos indicated they had no cnnrerns. rorrr,pondenr_e from the Ministry of Acirict1101re and Conrl ,acdViRAci that based on tite informahtnn avaitahlr+ that thr+y cannot support thr� proposal AS it it; not in conrnrmity to tltr Orfici,al flan or the Food 1,011d ruicinlAnos. No further comments were rrr_rnivrd. I2f�rvr? C1111te declared 1:111% 111110is W-lef.iny cl.nsrrl ,tis 2:36 p.m. 0 0 clvkGm� AMENDMENT NUMBER 62 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OTHE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN F i SUBJECT:HUGH & GENE KETCHABAN RURAL PART LOT 16, NORTH•. s •4 �Pp - 0 1 0(22 tme .� e0 The following text and snap schedule constitutes Amendment Number 62 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayhan Amendment Number 62 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham This amendment to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby approved pursuant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983, as Amendment Number 62 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham. Date: Diana L. --irdine, M.C.I.P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest OFFICIAL PIAN TOi+iNSHIP OF BAYHAK THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 62 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was &epared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council the Township of Bayham by By-law No. 2514, Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 7th REgVB ' CLERK of the Corporation of in accordance with day of December, 1989. Ministry ofInist6re des 777 Bay Street 777, rue Bay P Munici al Offaires Toronto. Ontario Toronto (Ontario) Affairs municipales M5G 2E5 M5G 2E5 Ontario April 5, 1990 Mr.. J.A. Petrie Clerk: Township of Bayham Str-af f or-dvi 1 l e, Ontario 4 NOJ 1 YO Dear Mr. Petrie: Re: Approval of Amendment No. 62 to the Official Plan for the Township of Dayham File: 34 -OP -0158--06 On April 2., 199C-) this Official Plan document was approved. Please see the certificate page. The Original and Duplicate Originals have the approval endorsed thereon. One Duplicate Original has been retained for. the Ministry's records. The Original, any remaining Duplicate Originals, and the working copies are enclosed. Yours truly, Hobert Blunt Area Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Enclosure N C. C. MOE OMAF Elgin Health Unit Long Point Region Cons. Auth. MNR • APROVAL 1 . OF • BY-LAW NO. 2 515 • THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 63 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 63 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 7th day of December, 1989 ZD. Z'1"Lz REEVE 6 i. CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 2515 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK 1. 2. 3. OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAK AMENDMENT NO. 63 The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is approximately 2.01 hectares (5 acres) Part Lot 113, Concession 6 (S.S.T.R.), Bayham. comprised of and is situated in in the Township of The subject lands are situated on the northwest corner of Lot 113, Concession 6 (S.S.T.R.), in the Township of Bayham and form part of a larger farm holding comprised of 16.2 hectares (40 acres). Although presently undeveloped, it is proposed that a new rural residential lot will be Created pursuant to the approval of this Official Plan Amendment, an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment and the process of severance and conveyance. The lands intended to be retained are also presently undeveloped. A review of topographic information reveals that the subject lands slope in a northwest direction approximately 20 metres (65 feet) over a horizontal span of 45 metres (147 feet). This translates into a vertical slope of 44%. As a result of the topographic characteristics of this property, the subject lands have not been used for agricultural production for many years. In addition to the topographic characteristics that restrict agricultural production, a woodlot is situated on the property, which in essence divides the lands into two parcels. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of agricultural uses, namely continuous row crops. Two rural residential lots are located on the north side of County Road No. 38 east of the subject lands. The hamlet of Richmond isNlocated approximately 600 metres west of the subject lands. 4. 2 The subject lands are comprised of very gentle sloping imperfectly drained, Class 2 Bookton Till Soils and moderately sloping, moderately drained, Class 4 Muriel Soils according to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops in Elgin County as prepared by the Ontario Institute of Pedology. The subject lands have been noted to have adverse topography due to steepness or complexity of slopes which increases the cost of farming over that of level land and decreases the uniformity of growth and maturity of crops and increases the hazard of erosion damage by water. Furthermore, the subject lands have not been identified as capable of supporting specialty crops such as tobacco. Due to the difficulties associated with farming the subject lands as a result of the topography, Township Council deems it appropriate that this area be removed from the present agricultural designation and placed into a rural residential designation which may be a more appropriate use of this land. The subject lands exceed the 150 metre minimum separation distance for livestock operations as outlined in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Additionally, the subject lands are not associated with an environmentally sensitive area or a fisheries and wildlife habitat zone. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential. use of the subject lands. i) Schedule W Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential as amended. L'sio • C� SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO. 63 63 LANDS CHANGED FROM "AGRICULTURE" TO "RURAL RESIDENTIAL" Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands -; Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Com,, Mineral Resource Areas Provincial Highways „ Arterial Roads (County Roam) 0 5000 10000 15Q00 Feet TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Olt 10 ! hl r 226.5 19 201• t 22'k-5 i t �.00, ry1 ►; +' ! % r !"/ 229.0, 1902t� ?, � 1 1) ON VN,eWol t 231.5 SCHEDULE"B" AMENDMENT N0. 63 B .- II I� O U II y i II 250.E :\\--` IONAL LANDS OWN D- P' MAN All .205 \� 00ek r Z ! �+ ; 1 220 LOT 1`:_`,, .fit LOT 1��, LOT lig r LOT 115\ m7► �' r 220-5 I, ` 229.0 j Base Map Source:Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources D SUBJECT LANDS � RESIDENTIAL UNIT d FARM BUILDING WOODLOT • SHEDS/GARAGES/KILNS NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only. 0 250m 5OOrn Scale: 1:10,000 A P P B N D I Z A' Notice of Public Meeting UO Maims Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Be Held By BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the purpose of informing the public in respect of proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendments to be considered in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act. The amendments to be considered are as follows: AE!PLI TIQNS JEAN MORRISSEY: - Lot 113, Conc. 6, to change the zoning of a portion of her lands from Al to Rural Residential. This will permit the creation of a residential lot and is a condition of severance by'the Elgin County Land Division Committee. - HUGH & GENE KETCHABAW: - Lot 16, Conc. NG, to change the zoning on a portion of property from Alto Rural Residential to permit the creation of a residential lot. This will facilitate the severance of a surplus farm residence by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. NEW ENGLAND MOBILE HOME PARK LTD.: - Lot 23 - 24, Conc. 9, to change the zoning from Al to Al special to permit the expansion of the existing mobile home park. HARRIS TEALL: - Lot 15, Conc. 2, to rezone a portion of his lands from Al to Al special. This will facilitate severance of farm buildings by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. CLARENCE & CAROLE ARCHER: - Lot 8, Conc. NG, to rezone their lands from Al to Rural Residential and Al special to create a residential lot by severance by the Elgin County Land Division Committee. LLOYD &-bURNA COWAN: - Lot 21 - 22, Conc. 8, to rezone their lands from Al to Al special to permit the expansion of a forestry use and a pet cemetery. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at Straf- fordville, commencing at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, December 7, 1989. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the Township Cleric (866-5521). J.A. Petrie . Township Clerk Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario N0J.1Y0 ,...r 56-60 Words $7.50 $10.85 $7.50 $10.85 plus 15' plus 22' Over 60 Words Per Per Word Word NOTICES Birth Notices . . Death Notices . Weddings............................. Donations Pictures under $100 ........... Retirement Pictures .......... 40 years plu ........................under 40 years FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENTS Engagements, as above ................ . Engagements with picture .............. Family Pictures ........................ Anniversaries ......................... Birthdays ............................. Graduation ........................... ANNOUNCEMENTS Coming Events ........................ Anniversaries ........................ Weddings ............................ Engagements ......................... Births............................... Deaths.............................. Appreciations ........................ Card of Thanks ....................... In Memorioms ........................ REAL ESTATE Commercial Property .................. . Lots for Sole .:........................ House for Sale ........................ Mcbile Homes ......................... Proaerty for Rent ..................... Vocation Properties .................... Room and Board ....................... Rooms for Rent ........................ Wanted to Rent ........................ Property for Sale or Rent ................ FARMS AND LIVESTOCK Forms for Sole ....................... . Farms for Sale or Rent ................. Tobacco Quotas ...................... Form Equipment , ..................... Seed and Feed.. ...................... Livestock for Sole ..................... Pets................................. A P P B N D I% ' B' I►iinutes of Public Meeting . , ORIGINAL AMENDMENT NUMBER. OFFICIALTO THE • LAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: JEAN MORRISSEY RURAL RESIDENTIAL PART LOT 113, CONCESSION 6 (S.S.T.R.) 34 - OP �015)8-Ofi3 The following test and map schedule constitutes Amendment Number 63 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayhan 0 Amendment Number 63 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham This amendment to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby approved pursuant to Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, 1983, as Amendment Number 63 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham. m 0'D Date • CC�� �� Diana L. J dine, M.C.I.P. Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 63 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law No. 2515, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the 7th day of December, 1989. MMMR_�� M • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By -Lax No. 2518 BEING A By -Law to amend By -Law No. 1711 appointing a Clerk and Treasurer and Tax Collector for the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By -Law No. 1711 provided for the appointment of Jack Allen Petrie as Clerk and Treasurer and Tax Collector for the Township of Bayham. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed expedient to appoint a Treasurer and Tax Collector under the provisions of Sections 79 and 87 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1. That William Bogue be and is hereby appointed Treasurer and Tax Collector in and for the Township of Bayham. 2. That the said William Bogue shall perform the duties prescribed by the Municipal Act and any related Acts, and such other duties as may be directed from time to time by the Council of the Township of Bayham. 3. That the said William Bogue shall be paid a salary as determined from time to time by resolution of the Council of the Township of Bayham. 4. That the appointment of the said William Bogue to the aforesaid offices shall become effective on January 1, 1990. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1989. R VE 0 n t CLERK BY - LAW NO. 1711 BeIr. r. a by-law to appoint a Clerk and Treasurer and Tax (.ollector for the Townshin of Bayham. Whereas Section 215 of the Municipal Act R30 1960 provides that. Councils shall appoint', a Clerk; and Whereas Section 218 of the I•Ii.micipal Act, RSO 1960 provides that Councils shall appoint a Treasurer; and Whereas Section 225 of the municipal Act RSO 1960 provides that Councils shall. appoint a Tax Collector; and Whereas the offices of Clerk and Treasurer and Tax Collector in and for the Township of Davham shall become vacant on October 31st., 1970. Thprofore Be Tt Enacted by the flunicinal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bavham. 1. That Jac]: Allen Petrie be and is hereby appointed to the offices of Clerk and 'rrpasurer and Tax Collector in and for the Totmship of Bayham. 2. That the said Jack Allen Petrie shall perform the duties as required by the Municipal Act, and any related Acts, and any other deities as required from time to time by resolution of. the Council of the Township of Bayham. 3. That the said Jack Allen Petrie shall be paid A salary as determined .from time to time by resolution of the Council of the Township of Dayliam. ° 4, That the appointment of the said Jack Allen Petrie to the above noted offices shell become effective on the lst. day of November, 1970. Read a First, ,;econri and TI-?ird Time and finall.v passed this 2nd. day of Octol)nr, 1970. Reeve. r Y Ile, �� _ ' Clerlc. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By -Law No. 2519 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held December 7, 1989 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held December 7 1980, and special meeting(s) held ---- be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th. day of December , 1989. Reeve 0 Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2520 BEING a by-law to authorize the purchase of land at Lot 111, Concession 6. WHEREAS the residents of the Hamlet of Richmond have operated a communal water supply system for a period of several years without organization. AND WHEREAS a corporation known as Richmond Community Water Inc. has been formed as a non-profit organization under the Province of Ontario, Charter No. 853176. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed proper that the source of water for the aforesaid system be under municipal ownership and managed by the Richmond Community Water Inc. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1) That the Corporation of the Township of Bayham purchase property consisting of 2.40 acres at Lot 111, Concession 6, being described as Part 1 on Plan 11R4061 and Parts 3 & 4 on Plan 11R3788 from Lamers Farms Limited and Peter C. & Alice M. Lamers for the sum of Fifteen Thousand ($15,000.00); said property being the source of water for the communal water system for the hamlet of Richmond. 2) That authority be granted to the Richmond Community Water Inc. to enter upon the aforesaid lands and have full control over the distribution of water to the residents of„the.Hamlet of Richmond. READ A FIRST, SECOND & THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21st DAY OF DECEMBER 1989. CLERK 8 REEVE Province of Transfer/Deed of Land o Ontario Form 1 •— Land Registration Reform Act, 19" ' (t) Registry Land Titles 1 (2) Page 1 of 2 pages (3) Property Block Property Identifier(s) Additional See rSchedule (4) Consideration >- FOURTErN THOUSAND--------------- Dollars$ 14,000.00 J Z (5) description This is a Property Property 0O Division U Consolidation [� fn . W Part of Lot 111, Concession South Talbot Road, U ILL Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated iL New Property Identifiers as PART 1 on Plan 11R-4061, and M Additional Part of Lot 111, Concession South Talbot Road, O " Schedule �� Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated Executions as PART 4 on Plan 11R-3788 Additional See f Schedule 1 (6tD� (a) Redescription ; (b) Schedule for (7) Interest/Estate Transferred ent New Easement Additional Fee Simple ns Plan/Sketch Description t j Parties [� Other C] {8) Transferors) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee and certifies that the transferor is at least eighteen years old and that Date of Signature ............ y M D Name(s) . Signature(s) LAMERS.FARMS•.TMITED ..........................................................: .9f.9.;.1�;. Peter Lamers, President : 1989 12 Alice Lamers, Secretary-Treas. .. ... ........... We. have. authoxj.ky..to..)zi nd ...... .... .. + . . the Corporation s (9) Spouse(s) of Transferor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Names) Signature(s) y M D (10) Transferor(s) Address , for Service R. R. # 1, Aylmer, Ontario, N511 2R1 (11) Transferee(s) Date of Hirth y M D ; THE. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHI.P OF BAYHAIrI ' ; ...................................................................:.....i...•.. = i (12) Transferee(s) Address for Service Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1YO r. (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983 Date of Signature Date of Signature y M D y M D Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:... .. . . Signature . ... .'... Solicitor for Transferors) I have explained the effect of section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983 to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor 10 dotermine that this transfer does not contravpnp that cation and hasad on the IMormtion supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge Z and belief, this transfer does not contraver►e that section I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing Date of Signature O Name and ' y M 0 0a Address of Signature. .... . Solicitor I _ (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 49 (21 a) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act, 1983 and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this °'transfer Does not contravene ser tion 49 of the Planning Act 1983 1 act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario E. solicitor in good standing `0~ Date of Signature a 26 Name and y M D in - K 8. Address of , f=9 Solicitor ; 0 (15) Assessment Roll Number ; Cty ; Milli: MapS►►b Par } Feet and Tax of Property not assigned Z Registration Fee (16) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by: O Michael Doyle j Land Transfer Tax R. R. I DOYLE & PRENDERGAST w Aylmer, Ontario U t NSIi 2R1 Barristers & Solicitors LL 10 Sydenham Street East O Aylmer, Ontario 01 Total di1T, 11.2 Nr•w�►n►►• al►tf r:►IlK-rt. 1 imlfe•.t r1 i., ,i I•.. 1 .�►. t 1' 1'i" ` r l V,r t�rvi-ed Autos!, 199, New•±a+mr and Glltwrt, t.imltPd Form I1Ti8 (R PA) Form 1 - Land Transfer Tax Act Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration Page 2 Rifer to all instructions on reverse side. IN 1 i Il MA T t t R 01 fill' CONVFYANCf_ UI' (ir►aeet brio) deawnWoon of tano -____Part of Lot 111,._Concession__South._ Talbot. Road, Tswnsh I p aay_halm• Cou�of._ Elgin, designated as Part 1 on 11R-4061 and Part 4 on 11R-3788 RY (print names of an transferors in tuitry ,-...__._. LAMFRS FARMS ,.LIMITED TO (see instruction t and print names of alt transferees In full) ____ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM_� 1. (see instrwIlon 2 and print names) in fulQ .____ JAQK_.A .._.PETRIE MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1 I ;t++r (place a clear moi* within the square apposite that one of the lotk+wing paragraphs that describes the capacity of the deponerWa))' (see instruction 2) (a► A Terson in mist for whr+m the land conveyed in the above described conveyance is being conveyed. (b) A trustee named in the above described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed; C] (c) A transferee named in the above described conveyance; (d1 The Authnri:r(i agt!nt or soffit lime rlrfinrt in this tr;insrxtinn for (Inswrt name{s)nf fubw�+apsp I am the Clerk for The corporation, of_.The.-Town ship. of_ described in paragtaph(s) jp), (k). (c) atvove, (strrk+ Wt rMnrencas to inapplicable perngraphsl 0 (e) The President, Vice Presitlent, Manager, Sort etary• Director, or TrPasurer authori/ed to act for (iVaen namem of corporalion(s)) _ described in paragraph(s) (a). (h), (c) above; (strike out references to inapplicable paragraphs) 0 (f) A transferee described in paragraph( ) (kwort o* one of paragraph (a), (b) or (c) above, as applicable) and am mak ing this of f idavit on my own behalf and on bahalf of (insr+rt name of spouse) who is my spoUsr' de?scribrxi in paragraph ( ) (insert only one of paragraph (a), (b) or (c) above. as applicable) and as such, I have personal k nowledge. of the facts herpm dnposwi to. 2 (To be completed where the Value or the consideration for the Conveyance exceeds $250,0001. 1 have read and considered the def inition of "simile family residence" set out in clause 1(1) (ja) of the Act The land conveyed in the above descr ib-_ d conveyance [l contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. Note: Clause 2(1) (d) imposes an additional tax at the rate of one-half of one per [] does not contain a single family residence cent upon the value of consideration in excess of $250,000 where the conveyance El contains more than two single family residences (ser+ instruction 3) contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. 3 1 have read and considered the definitions of "non resident corporation" and "non-resident person" set out respectively in rlausers 1(1)(f) and (q) of the Art aeon each of the following persimis to whom or in tnist for whore the lard is being conveyed in the above-described conveyance is a "non resident corporatirin' or a "non-resident petson" as set out in the Art (see arsirmttons 4 and s) ...n -ane d. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: la) Monins paid or to he paid in cash . . . . . . . $ 14. 000,_QQ._ (b) Mortgages (i) Assrimed (show principal and rnteresst to be credited against purchase pike) . . . . . . (ii) Given batik to vendor . . . . . (c) Property transferred in exchange (detail below) $ ail. All Blanks (d) Securities transferred to the value of (detail below) $ Must Be (e) Liens, legacies, annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer is subject . . . . . . . $ nil Filled In (f) Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax (detail below) . . . . . . . . . . . $ nil insert `Nd' W) VALUE OF LAND, BUILDING, FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO LAND TRANSFER TAX (Total of (*Ito (f)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 14,000.00 $ where (h) VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS items of tangible personal property Applicable (Retail Sales Tax is psysb/e on the vstue of alf chattels unless exempt under 'Retail $X11._ the provisions of the Sales Tax Act', R S O 19190, c I31, as amended) • • • _ (i) Other consideration for transaction not included in (g) or (h) above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ __llrl 1 (j) TOTAL CONSIDERATION . . . . $ 1 4; nn _ n 5. If consideration is nominal, describe relationship between transferor and transferee and state purpose of conveyance. (see instruction s) 6. If the consideration is nominal, is the land.subject to any encumbrance? _n/a 7. Other remarks and explanations, if necessary. ., n /a r Sworn before meat the Township of Bayham in the County r:f Elgin this dity of December 1989 A Commissioner for tak inq Affidavits, etc Property Information Record ack A. Petr iffWs) A, Describe nature of instrument need _ B (i) Address of proprirty being conveyed (of available) R. R. # k._ Aylmer, Ontario, N5H 2R1 (ii) Assessment Roll No. (ifavutable) .not_ a98ignedC. Mailing address(es) for future Notices of Assessment timdAr the Assessment Act for property being conveyed two instmoon 7) _-BOX._.162Qa _51raffordville, Ontario,_NOJ IY0 E (i) Registration istration number for last conveyance of property n/a � Y I party being conveyed (rravaAtabAs) (ii) Luta► description of property conveyed Same as in D.0) above. Yes ❑ No ® Not known 0 Names) and address(es) of each transferee's solicitor Michael Dovle DOYLE_& PRENDERGAST� B�rrister� Solicito»'s 10 Sydenham Street East Av I mer, Ontario NO L...1L2~.. — For Lend Registry Office tm only __._•_ REGISTRATION NO, Land Registry Office No Registration Date of' i ransTer/ ueea oT Lana V Qntarl0 Form 1 — Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 (1) Registry ki} Land Titles h} (2) Page 1 of 2 pages (3) Property BlockProperty Identifiers) Additional See f`l Schedule 1 f (4) Consideration } ONE THOUSAND--------------------- Dollars $ 1,000.00 J z (5) Description This is a Property Property O Divlslon } Consolidation _} W tn D Part of Lot 111, Concession South Talbot Road, U Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated LL as PART 3 on Plan 11R-3788 O New Property Identifiers Additional LL See Sct�edl►le Executions Additional Sege ' Schedule (6) This (a) Redescription :(b) Schedule for (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document New Easement _ Additional Fee Simple Contalns Plan/Sketch C: Description Parties [ Other [ (8) Transferors) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee And certifies that the transferor is at least eighteen years old and that we are sE.ouses of one another Dale of Signature Name(s)........................ .................ure(s. ........................1 y M D I.AMERS,, Peter Cornelius1989 12 IAMERSR,Alice Margaret........ .......... ................. ..� 1989 12:.. . .. .............. .......... ........................ _.. (9) Spouse(s) of Transferor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Names) Signature(s) - y M D (10) Transferor(s) Address for Service R. R. # 1, Aylmer, Ontario, N51i 2%1 (11) Transferee(s) Date of Birth Y M ID TJW. QQR1PQMT ION. OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYMM ............................................................... ' t ...................................................................._......... ... (12) Transferee(s) Address for Service Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario, NOJ 1YO (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act. 1983. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M D y M D Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. Signature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Solicitor for Transferors) I have explained the effect of section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983 to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor -J to determine that this transfer does not contravene, that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge Z and belief, this transfer does not contravene that section I am an Ontario solicitor In good standing. Z 9 9 Date of Signature 0 Name and' y M D a Address of ' Signature Sig. . O Solicitor . . ... . I _ U (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) 1 have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records 0o aZ reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 49 (21a) (c) (11) of the Planning Act. 1983 and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act 1983 l act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and 1 am an Ontario C A solicitor in good standing C FL No- Name and Date of Signature . o F Address of Y M [� C, _-" Solicitor L V Signature. . . . . . . . . (15) Assessment Roll Number Cry ; Mun ; Map Sub flat Fees and Tax of Property` ; not assigned r � Registration Fee (16) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by W land Transfer Tax R. R. # 1 Michael Doyle �� UOYLE & PRENDERGAST w Aylmer, Ontario v Barristers & Solicitors N511 2k1 lLL 10 Sydenham Street East io Aylmer, Ontario 'p: ;LL. Total Nerr!w►mr ani) l;oll►r►t, I (mart} Fol III I F 1 "1'' , I 1 9 °, 1 tfr� tart AiiMj%t, 144) M)rmNriot-uI r and (3ilt+rrt. t.imit.ri Form 1 - Land Transfer Tax Act Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration Page 2 Refer to all instow tions on reverse side Ill 1111 MAI It'll til 111f t:clNVt YAN(:t rel (ln,w,th►IwfdescrrprlorrdlarKry Part of Lot 111, Concession South Talhot Road, `I'slwnshi of --i3ayham,—C.aunty of._._>.iUde:i_gnated as PARI' 3 on Plan 11R-3788 BY (print names of all transforors in AIM) E T R_ CQRNELIUS LAMERS and ALICE MARGARET LAMERS TO (see instruction 1 and print names of all transferees in ful✓) .--THE- CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM_ i (see instruction 2 and print names) in lull) JACK _ PET.RIE -- -- MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: t I am (place a clear mar* within the square opposite that chip of the following paragraphs that describes the capacity of the deponerrt(s)) (see Instruction 2) (a) A person in trust for whom the land conveyed in the above described conveyance is being conveyed. E) (b) A trustee named in the above described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed; n (c) A transferee named in the above described conveyance: (d) The authnrv(•rf agent or solicitor actino in this trans�'action for (insert names) of princlooks)) . I am the Clerk for The Corpora t.ion_._.o£__The_Township of_-Bayham _.- ___...�._ drlscrib"J in lhiragraph(s) ka). Jb). (c) above, (sitoka art roforencwq to ararv*Abla paragraph+) W The President, Vice President, Manager, Secretary, Director, or Treasurer authorised to act for (iYMert namets) rf corporolion(sp described In paragraphs) (a), (h), (c) above; (strike -)ut references to inapplicable paragraphs) 0 If) A transferee described in paragraph( ) (insert only one of paragraph (a), (b) or (c) above, as appNcabie) and am mak ing this affidavit on my own behalf arxf ren behalf of (insert name of spouse) who is my sponse described in paragraph I ) (insert only one or paragraph (a), (b) or (c) above, as applicable) and as such. I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to 2 (To be completed where the vahm of the consideration for the conveyance exeted9 $250,000). 1 have ry ad and considered the definition of "single family residence" set out in clause 1(1) (ja) of the Act T he land conveyed in the above described convpyance El contains at least ons. and riot more than two single family residences Note: Clause 2(t) (d) imposes an additional tax at the rate of one-half of one per EJ does not contain a single family residence cent upon the value of consideration in excess of $250,000 where the conveyance 0 contains more than two single family residences (see instruction 3) contains at least one and not more than two single family residences 3 1 have read and considered the definitions of "nonresident corporation" and "non-resident Berson" set out respectively in clauses 1(1)(f) and (g) of the, Act and each of the following parsons to whom or in trust for whom the land is being conveyr,d in the above described conveyance is a "non resident corporation" or a "non-resident person's as seri out in the Act (see instructions f and 5) . _none_ 4 THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a) Monies paid or to ie paid in cash $ 1 fnon LII (b) Mortgages li) Ass-lmed (show principal and interest to be credited against purchase price) $ nil, 1. iii) Given back to vendor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ n i 1 (c) Property transferred in exchange (derail below) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Ylll (d) Securities transferred to the value of (derail below) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . $ Ili 1 (e) Liens, legacies, annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer is subject $ ni 1 (f) Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax (detail below) . . . . . . . . . . $ n i 1 (a1 VALUE OF LAND. BUILDING, FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO LAND TRANSFER TAX (Total of (a) to (f)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 .000-00 $ l,_QQQ.-,00__._ (h) VALI IE OF ALL CHATTELS iterns ref tangible personal property (Retail Sa!,Fs Tax is payable on the value of all chattels unless exempt under $ nil the provisioes of the 'netail Sales Tax Act', R.S.O. 1980, c 4U, as amendd) e • • . . • . • • • • • • . . • • . • • . • . • • • • — 6) Other consideration for transaction not included in (g) or (h) above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ nil (j) TOTAL CONSIDERATION . . . . . . . . . , . . . . $ 1,000-00- 5. ,000_005. If consideration is nominal, describe relationship between transferor and transferee and state purpose of conveyance. (see instruction 6) ___m/_a_ 6. if the consideration is nominal, is the land subject to any encumbrance? II/a 7. Other remarks and explanations, if necessary. n/a _ Sworn before meat the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin this day of December 19 89 A Commissioner for t.al, roti Affidavits, etc Property information Record rt C Jac A. Petrie All Blanks Must 114 rifled In Insert 'Nil' Where Applicable A Describe nature of instrument nP_Pd _ -- B (i) Address of property being conveyed (Naysdable) R- R--__—I"ylmers_Oi-t:.d.rio, N5H 2R1 (ii) Assessment Roll No. (tlave#sb4) _ not_..assigned._ C. Maahng addresses) for future Notices of Assessmp.nt +►rider the Assessment Act for property being conveyed (see instruction n BOX 160 -&bra€£c►rdv-i l Le,Ontario, _ N0J_ _lYQ U E (i) Registration number for last conveyance of property beinq conveyed (rlavartabre) Iii) Legal description of propertyNconveyed-Same as in D. (i) above. Yes C] No Not known 0 Name(s) and address(es) of each transferee's solicitor For Land Registry Office use only -# #ael-L3oyle REGISTRATION NO. - )GY-LE---&—P_R9NDERGAST------_.- -Ba rFist eFs 6 Land Registry Office No. -1:BRegistration Date -Ayer T -Gaga r i ca N o bZ1 T _ '-"Z7 S 'A P I L I rfl II I — -------- I� D tv SLIJ711 TAL­oT P — U L E 0 02 A, Pi --- AI III- ::iI 2 FAr ^r III 501JIli TALT'T 17M[l 29C�35 0 E;j APR-zo,fgeg 3 FAR' DF 11 1 SCI1T11, -AL[, �T F:,7ArI '1"" '11-1— K'W) 2911035 0 11 2 Ac 'j-1 A Pff I I I _'llwo r_O J5�' _1C.w p A0 CAUTION THIS PLAN Jt.j;c fj(T A "t t.N 0" SUB( _ '.;I 'E f I Atir411i, , A' I PLAN OF SUPVFY OF PART OF LOT III CONCESSION SOUTH TALBOT ROAr) TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM u COUNTY OF ELGIN 7,Iii - r A r% I C- DEED LINLg__ 4 7 sl.,9" INST. Nc 2 35 3`$1, 9 ^ 0 '1�11' �!'?� 4� '-C!•. I_ F 40' ID T 4 8, E o3'E 1-.1 a•: 1— D- 11- NOTES: I �R�E N' .1 1 , . . 11 ..' : I - LIN - 2 INST Na 221� N. 'F MILL S-1— A, Ill.. 71 "1 "Y All 77 1. DEAPI;G -F 5= 7 A WaAs aw �fi 'i:iwi C, s ll`tl�l HJJ N. IEVII TT al $ < SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE .1 12 Ih APFZILJW� 'J. APRIL 14 lSPD BRIAN VAUGHAN SURVEYING LIMITED 124 CENTRE STREET. ST.THOMAS.ONI F711 _E8 9 4r N51P 3T5 PH. 631- 5057 k T ID,/ -,l T PA 1: T (3 I'' 14ST N 2 9 bl, 5 1 NS -7296135 .0 1 A 1, ID A 1; T V 7 5 7,Iii - r A r% I C- DEED LINLg__ 4 7 sl.,9" INST. Nc 2 35 3`$1, 9 ^ 0 '1�11' �!'?� 4� '-C!•. I_ F 40' ID T 4 8, E o3'E 1-.1 a•: 1— D- 11- NOTES: I �R�E N' .1 1 , . . 11 ..' : I - LIN - 2 INST Na 221� N. 'F MILL S-1— A, Ill.. 71 "1 "Y All 77 1. DEAPI;G -F 5= 7 A WaAs aw �fi 'i:iwi C, s ll`tl�l HJJ N. IEVII TT al $ < SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE .1 12 Ih APFZILJW� 'J. APRIL 14 lSPD BRIAN VAUGHAN SURVEYING LIMITED 124 CENTRE STREET. ST.THOMAS.ONI F711 _E8 9 4r N51P 3T5 PH. 631- 5057 S C H E P/.l�� / i �lj� j PART L 0 T CONCE SSIO PART OF 111 SOUTH TALBOT ROAC /2 * Hal? iR • ?�L%,c�: —.��', / ;;R t3 i All ppR i 5 / PhR i r PAR i 3 / i��`e.• T P/�R i *�_---L �— i:IR-^'1045 1> �4 AR _DEED .R'Z /- %,-.--PART ' i6S/ — t� _ R r 3 0 Irl nl C?• / / �/ •�"���� > s<Oi I NST N. 2 n I-Y-� f/ i^ a� DEED SINE-- 1 tl' :iRa.lE MAI. Mo. 8 M J O j 5 �, ME'S K BI.09' C �IR-NT2. IIRaTN O ZEAS. �nX 6 `s y ,;r, » �I i A.D g I` Lr , 7 NS33 A, I DEE° `�'_E a0�� v I,1 •\ Z rr r•' z — = a` PART I 2 �\r g, J aEM- D U L E 13 NI- 2.39 Ac I REQUIRE THIS PLAN TO BE PLAN 11R -x•41%1 DEPOSITED UNDER THE REGISTRY RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED ACT. DATE. DEG. �9By DATE' DECEMBER 1,1989 LAND REGISTRAR BRIAN VAUGHAN FOR THE REGISTRY ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR DIVISION OF ELGIN ( I I ) CAUTION THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE PLANNING ACT PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF LOT III CONCESSION SOUTH TALBOT ROAD TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM COUNTY OF ELGIN BRIAN VAUGHAN SURVEYING LIMITED 1989 SCALE I • 50' NOTES: BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE REFERRED TO THE EASTERLY LIMIT OF MILL STREET AS SHOWN ON REFERENCE PLAN IIR-3788, HAVING A BEARING OF N 5• IIS 20" W. LEGEND: ■ SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND _DENOTES 0 DENOTES 7 _ STANDARD IRON BAR 1 SHORT STANDARD IRON BAR RIB DENOTES ROUND IRON BAR. I8 DENOTES IRON BAR CC DENOTES x^` WIT DENOTES S} M MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION (CONCRETE � S.0DENOTES S 1355 DENOTES I 1130 DENOTES �\r g, J aEM- D U L E 13 NI- 2.39 Ac I REQUIRE THIS PLAN TO BE PLAN 11R -x•41%1 DEPOSITED UNDER THE REGISTRY RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED ACT. DATE. DEG. �9By DATE' DECEMBER 1,1989 LAND REGISTRAR BRIAN VAUGHAN FOR THE REGISTRY ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR DIVISION OF ELGIN ( I I ) CAUTION THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE PLANNING ACT PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF LOT III CONCESSION SOUTH TALBOT ROAD TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM COUNTY OF ELGIN BRIAN VAUGHAN SURVEYING LIMITED 1989 SCALE I • 50' NOTES: BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE REFERRED TO THE EASTERLY LIMIT OF MILL STREET AS SHOWN ON REFERENCE PLAN IIR-3788, HAVING A BEARING OF N 5• IIS 20" W. LEGEND: ■ SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND _DENOTES 0 DENOTES SURVEY MONUMENT SET SIB DENOTES STANDARD IRON BAR S.SIB. DENOTES SHORT STANDARD IRON BAR RIB DENOTES ROUND IRON BAR. I8 DENOTES IRON BAR CC DENOTES CUT CROSS WIT DENOTES WITNESS CIA DENOTES MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION (CONCRETE MONUMENT) S.0DENOTES SOURCE UNKNOWN 1355 DENOTES BRIAN VAUGHAN OLS 1130 DENOTES J G. RUPERT O.L.S. H.V.J. DENOTES MV.JEWITT O.L.S. MEAS. DENOTES MEASURED SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT AND THE REGISTRY ALT AND THE REGULATOG MACE THEREUNDER 2 THE SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 231d. DAY OFNOVEMBER, 1989 ST THOMAS, ONT, BRIAN VAUGHAN NOVEMBER 28, 1989 ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR BRIAN VAUGHAN SURVEYING LIMITED 124 CENTRE STREET. ST.THOMAS, ONT. N5P 3T5 PH. 631-5057 99 - 334 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2521 BEING a by-law to amend By-law No. 2376 authorizing a charge for Official Plan and Zoning Amendments WHEREAS By-law No. 2376 as Passed by the Council of the Township of Bayham on November 19, 1987, set our charge for Official Plan and Zoning Amendments AND 'WHEREAS it is now deemed necessary to amend this charge THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM; - 1) That Section 2 of By-law No. 2376 be amended to read: 2. That an application for an amendment to the Restricted Land Use By-law shall be accompanied by a payment of Five Hundred dollars ($500.00) (a) The applicant shall assume responisbility for any additional costs related to the said application and subsequent approval By-laws. (b) Agreement for payment of said additional costs shall be a condition of the signed application." 2) That Section 3 -Of By-Laif No 2376 be amended to read: 3. "That an application for an Official Plan amendment shall be accompanied by a payment of Five hundred dollars. ($500.00) (a) The applicant shall assume responsibility for any additional costs related to the said application and subsequent approval By -Law. (b) Agreement for payment of said additional costs shall be a condition of the signed application." 4. That By -Law No. 2521 come into force and effect on January 1, 1990. READ A FIRST AND SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21st DAY OF DECEMBER, 1989. BEEYH a 0 A-� CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE "TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY -Law No. 2376 Being a By -Law to Authorize a Charge for an application for an Official. Plan Amendment and for an application for a Rezoning or Minor Varian.:e to the Restricted Land Use By -Law for the Corpor,�t i on of the Township of Bayham WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to charge for amendments to and for minor relief from the Restricted Land Use By -Law and for amendments to the Official Plan and to meet expenses related to the application and subsequent approval by-law; NOW TI]EREFORE the ('tounci 1. of the Corporation of Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: l . "That an app] i cat i ren for a minor variance to the Restricted Land Use Ay-1,nw shall be a flat fee payment of ($150.00) one hundred and fifty dollars. . That an application for an amendment Use By -Law shell be accompanied by a i our hundered . (a)The app] i.cant shall assume al costs relaCed to the said approval By -Law. to the Restricted Land payment of ($400.00) responsibility for any addition - application and subsequent (b)Agreement for payment of said additional. costs shall be a condition of the Signed application. 3. "1 ha t an application for an Official Plan amendment shall. be accompanied by a payment of ($300.00) three hundred dollars. (a)1 -he applicant shall assume responsibility for any additional casts related to the said application and subsequent approval (b)Agreement for payment of said additional costs shall be a condition of the signed application. 4. 'That By -Law No, 2376 come into force and effect immediately upon its passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 19th. DAY OF November, 1987. REEVE s f CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2522 BEING a by -.law to designate smoking areas in municipal buildings in the Township of Bayham WHEREAS the 'Smoking in the Workplace Act' sets out restrictions on smoking in the workplace. AND WHEREAS it is mecessary to designate areas in which smoking is permitted in the municipal buildings. THEREFORE BE IT ENCACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAK 1) Areas designated to permit smoking in Municipal buildings in the Township of Bayham are: (a) the council chambers (b) the office of the Clerk (c) the office of the Chief Building Official (d) the firemen's lounge (e) the garage lunch room READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21st DAY OF DECEMBER, 1989. < 7 J � REEVE CLERK Memorandum From: Carol Judd Date: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 Re: By -Law Enforcement & Inquiries Re: Smoking By -Law, October 2, 2001 Sonia Letourneau phoned concerning the Municipality's Smoking By-law. Do we have our own by-law or do we simply rely on the Provincial Legislation. October 3, 2001 I phoned Sonia back (1-888-655-5273 ext 259) and informed her that the Municipality of Bayham does not have a smoking by-law. The Municipality amalgamated three townships into one in 1998 (Township of Bayham, Village of Vienna and Village of Port Burwell). Township of Bayham has a smoking by-law 42522 dated December 21, 1989, which designates areas in the municipal buildings as smoking areas, This is no by-law in place, which deal with public buildings within the Municipality of Bayham. Caf I 1 w Irttrwhiction lTE(TIVE JANI 1ARY 1, PM your workplace, along with sortie 2:33,1MM1others throughout Ontario, will be required by the .Gnoking in the Morkplace Art to restrict owthe-job smoking. I lie purpo-w cif t his Act is to restrict workplace smoking by C%tablishitig mirtirmirtt statidards that limit expotsure to tobacco smoke in the workplace. I he Still►kirjl,> fit the• 11; a lrl►lcro•oaAct applies- to all workplaces III der provincial jurisdiction. In other words, W per cent of I iie Ontario work force will be covered by the Act. 'This includes retail. commercial, manufacturfliR and mining o1►eratic►ns. hc►spitals, social service agencies and educational ittstitutio ►ns. t iiveti the large nriml►er of workplaces that are subject to this 1,1%v, vott are protuibly .iffected. So, whether you are an Cittl►locer or an eti►ployee, it is important tha'it you know your riOlts aticl re%Iu li sibilities under the Act. zi Brief Gluide to the . cooking in the Workplace Act 1.1ie ,Silwhing to they It � trkpkuce Act sets out clear restrictions on %nu)kion in t he workplace. Here's what it does . ,. °13ie :1rt I►r► �l,iteits �i►t►king i`n enclosed workplac+�s. An itrlostol wc►tkplace` means a partially or fully completed huildinti. mine or tunnel that is separated from the outdoors. Vehirles, sttc•h ,is fittzes or the cabs of trucks, are not coitciefe rad toa tic ;> ',,t,l.i!t•es. However, a mobile literary or Ito 'All It s►itit lm alvi I lit .► trailer, for example. would be c►►tisicfa•red a v�+arkplu c and therefore is stihject to t Lis Act. • Areas Ma «+,rkplace used primarily by the public are also exempt front tlit, Act. For example, shopping malls, the floor area of ;t Moore or servcct- centre that is accessible to the public. re°stactr:tnts Aiit1 bats, are exempt from this legislatkni. Areas of a workplace I hat are not accessible to the public, such as lunch r►K►tns .tsid t ha- area behind counters, are subject to this Act. Maity t irttaria E mimicipalities now have regulations in place restrict Mg smoking in public areas. a► Employers may designate a smoking area in the workplace If an enilrk►ye•r do es iiot designate a smoking area, smoking is balmed in tl-hit mwkplace. • If an employer chomses to desiRiiate a smoking area, this area {or areas}c animl exceed''2 In-rcent of the flc>,►r area of the workplace. Prior to designating the smoking area, an employer is required tc► consult with one of the following_ 1) the joint health aril sa`ifety committee; 2) a sirniL3r committee in which employees participate; or 3) the workers' health and safety representative. • if all employee asks to work in a place away from a dewliatecl sinc►kin% area, tJie evil►Inver is oblig -d to make every rvatinnable effort to accontnu►date that ref 0 It is an offo,nce for an eriiployer to take a reprisal action against an employee who has to olged a complaint under this Act. A F:inployers convicted of an offence ander this Act are .utbject to;► inaxinutm fine of MOM and employcu-s loit maximum fine of $5M. • 'l is.,'VAFs enforced by Ministry of hairmr inspectors .-ippc►inted udder the fkcii1xrtimialllea th and SaletvAct. • The Sinokinil in the Workpkwe fi at recoRiiixes t hat t here now exist workplace smoking{ restrictions in some munirilmliities and in federally regulated wc►rkplaces. In order to work effectively with other statutes and by-laws that restrict workplace smoking, the Act states that the more restrictive• Eirovision, whether it is a municipal by-law (it other Act or regahation, will prevail, f'clttirtg the Act tc, Work in Your Workplace The .Smalirinct in the Workplace Act is not complicated. In fact it's very %imple. The folle)wing steps serve as a guiidc� to follow in putting the - Act to work in your workplace: L Employers should begin thinking now about whether or not they warn tx► designate sm6king areas iii their workplace. Prior to t-stablishing a designated smoking airea, employers are reoltiired to consult with the joint health and safety committee, a similar committees in which eirtployees particilmle or the workers' health acid safety representative. it is possible that your workplace does not have such a committee or a health and safety representative. In such cases I here is rid) obligation to consult, tart it still makes sense to talk it over with your employees. This is a gond opportunity to find 1* out what their fxeferences are and what prohlems some individuals may have with tobacco smoke. An employer will he in a better position to make an informed decision after learning how the employees feel. Ultimately, however, it is I lie emplover's derision. 2. It the viiij)loyer lu►s decided not to tfc-sign.,►te <�i smoking area, sinoking is prohibited in t hat workplace. If the decision is to designate an area, certain restrictions will apply. Nota, t fie designated smoking area or areas (there may be more than one) is limited by the Act to a maximum size of 25 per cent c►f the floorarea of the workplace. Whether there is one fir several smoking areas, the total area of all srnoking areas can►rot exceed 25 per cent of the floor area. 3. U'mi► op,rs are required topost ost signs 111.-11 identify the designated snioking areas) in the workplace. 4. If an employee asks to be moved to a location away from a designated smoking area, the employer is required to make every reasonati'le effort to accommodinte the ernployee's re(lit"st. "l'llis "nay i►►volve moving the empk)yee to another desk, sectim, of the work area or a separate office. Employers sho iild lee sensitive to employee requests not only because the legislation s-►ys they must attempt to accomtwxhate such requests hilt hecanse• some people have adverse reactions to tobacc'o snu►ke. S. Employers. whet tier they have designated a smoking area or c1loseii to prohibit smoking in the workplace, erre resln►iisible for ensuring compliaiwe in tlieir workplace. in other words, t hey are required, within reason, to ensure that smoking is coi►fined to the designated areas or, if smoking is prohibited, ti ► ensure t hat no one smokes in that workplace. & For f►in hvr informatio n or assistance regarding workplace sn►<rkii►g, please contact the Ministry of t..abour office near You. Remember, I he Dict becomes effective January 1.19%. if these simple steps are followed, you can put the Smoking in the Woirkndoce .,10 to work for you. Ontario Ministry of Labour AIM t 4niversity Avenue Rwonfo. (h►tario Mr7A l f7 10/911 Ministry of Labour O Ontario A Guide to Ontario's Vorkpiace Smoking Law 0 I t.()R PORA'C I ON OF THE 'roWNSHI P OF BAYHAM By -Law No. 2523 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions of the council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYIIAM at the meeting(s) held December 21, 1989 BE I'I ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP 01 BAYHAM pursuatit to the provisions of The Municipal Act tKat all actions of the said council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regtilar meeting held December 21 , 1989, and special meetings) held ------ he and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 21st. day of December , 1989. Reeve Cl erk