HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 19786 rw Bayham Township By- Laws N0.1937-1968 1978 W Z s 3 �.. s"V age I9�3 � _......._.i..�..._._..�-«......_.-•____J..�.._ _- __. ..._.._�__.._.....__..-...._ _ _ 1ST_ �.._.._._....-.._-.._._..._._._....,... �-.--.�._._. ___._.._ ._ T... ,.Ritmo._._=--r.-...__........... �.. -.._ ..._-.._ ..._., _ MOO - IV f 44 Y 4 . �.� - _ f TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 1937 BEING a By-law to appoint certain officers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1978. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham in regular session assembled: - 1. That Russell Mannell and Roger Casier shall be Valuators of Livestock and Poultry killed by dogs to act independ- ently of each other, provided however that khere the 0 value of livestock or poultry killed shall be in excess of 6 Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) they shall act together and both affix their signatures to the report and shall be paid at the rate of $5.00 per hour (min. of 2 hrs.) and .20# per mile for the use of their automobile. 2. That Gibson, Linton & Toth shall be Township 03olicitors. 3. That Hugh Ketchabaw shall be Drainage Commissioner at a salary of $5.25 per hour and .20¢ per mile for car. 4. That Wm. Underhill shall be collector of dog tax with remuneration to be 1/3 of fees collected plus $400.00N for car allowance. 5. That Wm. Underhill shall be Chief Building Official, and be paid at such rate as may be determined from time to time by resolution of Council. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS llth. DAY OF January, 1978. :)A CLERK TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1938 BEING a By-law to appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -Keepers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1978. WHEREAS the Municipal Act, provides that these appointments be made: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham. that the following be and are hereby appointed to act as the following officers for the year 1978: - FENCE --'VIEWERS Tony Csinos, R. R. # 2, Vienna, Ont. 1W Leo Pressey, RR. 1, Eden, Ont. Steve Stefan, R..R. 1, Vienna, Ont. Ron Phillips, R.R. 6, Aylmer, Ont. Alonzo Hagell, R.R.#4, Aylmer, Ont. Robert Gregson,R.R.#l, Straffordville,Ont. Vane Chute, R.R.# 1, Vienna,Ont. POUND - KEEPERS Wm. Howey, Straffordville, Ont. Ron Green, R.R.# 3, Tillsonburg, Ont. Clarence Milmine, R.R.# 1,Eden, Ont. Robert Gregson, R.R.# 1,Straffordville,Ont. Ray Woodworth, R.R.# l,Portl By_rwell, Ont. Julius Francia, R.R.# 1, Vienna, Ont. Steve Mueller, R.R.# 4, Aylmer, Ont. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 9th. DAY OF January, 1978. LA �i►.L! I' Form 100.69 Oats iio ...........GOU_. T.I.W....UF....THE..-TO'aSHIP.... 4F -BAYH.ASI................................... BY-LAW No ...... _19.3 9_ _.. of"P=jZjbj to authorize the borrowing of $ 500,000. Whereas the Council of the Township of Bayham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 500,000. to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the 'Municipality for the year; NOM—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the to the estimates for the current Municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 7? is year if adopted; P Y P y if not. to those of last year. $ 1,574,760. (Delete this And Whereas the total of amounts heretofore borrowed for theur oses paragraph if not P P applicable.) mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of The Municipal Act which have not been repaid is 8 nil Therefore the Council of the Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate = 500 1000. to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest at such rate as may be agreed upon from time to time with the Bank. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this ninth day of January 1978 .. 0.�;�r�..... .................. ....... ......... HE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL ........................................... j....... ................................................... ` V-1 CLERK I hereby certify that t40-11'"foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. of the in the Province of Ontario, Municipality duly held, and Dated This of y passed at a meeting of the Council of the said at the said By-law is in full force and effect. day of t' 19 As Witness the SeaYof W the of ............................... ......................... CLERK TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 1940 BEING a By-law to amend By-law No. 1915 providing for the construction of the Deli Municipal Drain, and levying assessments thereto. WHEREAS By-law No. 1915 providing for the construction of the Deli Municipal Drain under the provisions of the Drainage Act, was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham on the lith. day of July , 1977. AND WHEREAS the amount specified in the said By-law for the construction of the said drain was $5,150.00. AND WHEREAS the actual cost of the work all expenses included was $7,173.25 to which a grant of $2,316.50 has been applied to agricultural lands leaving a net cost of $4,857.25, being $2,023.25 more than the estimated cost. 0 AND WHEREAS it is provided by The Drainage Act, that such deficient funds shall be increased in pro rater proportions to the assessments contained in the original. By-law each year during which the debentures have to run. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1. That the sum of $1,964.80 being the amount under estimated as assessed against lands as provided in By-law 1915 be and the N same is hereby increased in pro rata proportions to the assessments as contained in the said By-law Ito. 1915 and the amounts are shown on the schedules of assessments hereto attached and which form a part of this By-law. 2. That the sum of $5$•95 being the amount under estimated as assessed against roads as provided for in By-law No. 1915 be and the same is hereby increased in pro rata proportions to the roads assessed in By-law No. 1915, said amount is hereby shown in the schedules of assessments, hereto attached and which form a part of this By-law. 3. That the said sum of $2,023.25 shall be added to the 'amounts of the total assessments contained in By-law No. 1915 and the debentures to be issued as provided for in By-law No. 1915 shall be the amount provided for in By-law No. 1915. continued...... • BY— LAW NO. 1940..... continued.... #*****o**000ePage 2 4. That the interest rate on the said debentures as provided for in By-law No. 1915 shall be ten and one-quarter per cent (10;x) per annum. 5. This By-law comes into force on the final passing thereof, and may be cited as the "Deli Municipal Drain Amending By-law". READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 9th. DAY OF January, 1978. v REEVE LERK N E. DeSutter A. Lapenas A. Lapenas E. DeSutter G. Barbier G. Barbier C. Marshall F. Pargauskas Vm.Rayson 0. � ermann E. Silverthorne Wm. Rayson 0. Hermann County of Elgin Bayham Roads SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 1940 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE OF IMPOSED ASSESSMENTS DELI DRAIN ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE ACTUAL COST AGRICULTURAL GRANT 190. 264.66 $$.22 2376. 3309.67 1103.22 225. 313.42 104.47 75. 104.47 34.82 1$5. 257.70 85.90 150. 208.94 69.66 37. 51.54 17.18 225. 313.42 104.47 300. 417.89 139.30 817. 1138.05 379.35 372. 51$/.18 172.73 11. 15.32 P. 370 51.54 17.18 5000. 6964.80 2316.50 95. 132.33 -- 55. 76.62 -- 5150. 7173.75 2316.50 0 NET COST 176.44 2206.45 208.95 69.65 171.80 139.28 34.36 208.95 27$.59 75$.70 345.45 15.32 34.36 4648.30 132.33 76.62 4857.25 0 5 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NUMBER 1941 adopt BEING a By -Law to j Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Planning Area. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area, constituting the attached Schedule "A" and explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Housing for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan of the East Folgin Planning Area. 3. THAT this By-law shall not come into force or take effect until approved by the Minister of Housing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 9th. DAY OF January, 1978. CLERK 0 0 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NUMBER 1941 adopt BEING a By -Law to / Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Planning Area. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment N'o. 3 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area, constituting the attached Schedule "A" and explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Housing for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area. 3. THAT this By-law shall not come into force or take effect until approved by the %sinister of Housing. MAD A FIRST, SECOND AND THUD T114E AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 9th. DAY OF January, 1978. MA W, xt; TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NUMBER 1942 being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 5 to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Planning Area. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 5 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area, constituting the attached Schedule "A" and explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Housing for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 5 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area.► 3. THAT this By-law shall not come into force or take effect until approved by the Minister of Housing. * READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD Zi ME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 9th. DAY OF January, 1978. ��vE 41 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NU14BER 1942 Being a Ey-law to adopt Amendment No. 5 to the Official Plan for the East Elgin PlanAing Area. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of `the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 5 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area, constituting the attached Schedule "A" and explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of housing for approval of the'aforementioned Amendment No. 5 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area. 3. THAT this By-law shall not come into force or take effect until approved by the i,inister of Housing. READ A FIRST, SECMD AND THIRD U ME AND FI14ALLY PASSED THIS 9th. DAY OF January, 1978. C4RK 11 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW N 0.19.43 BEING a By-law to establish a highway or public road in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Section 443 (1) (a) as amended gives authority to municipalities to establish and layout highways. AND WHEREAS Mr. Manford Brooks has sold a certain parcel of land to the Municipality by deed registered as No. 191440 in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No.11); said parcel designated as Part 6 on Reference Plan 11R-702. AND WHEREAS it is necessary to utilize the aforesaid parcel of land as a highway or public road. TO BE ENACTED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1. That parcel or tract of land being part of Lot 111 South of Talbot Road East in the Township of Bayham and being part of that block of land situated on the Southeasterly side of Centre Street, known as the "E Cross Block" being a subdivision of said Lot No. 111 according to registered Plan No. 22 for the Village of Richmond, designated as Part 6 on Reference Plan 11R-.702 and registered to the Township of Bayham by Instrument No. 191440 be designated as a highway or public road in the said Township of Bayham, and be named John Street. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 9th. DAY OF January, 1978. rA P-0, 09, 1 i• t � • C ORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY -►LAW N O t 1943 HEINR a by"l.aw to establish a highway or public road a in the Township of Bayh4019 19701 Section 443 (1) (a)r as amended given Authority to municipalities to establish And layout highways, AND WHBRBAS Mr, M ord Brooke has sold a certain parcel of - .#land to the Municipality by deed registered as No, 191440 in the Registry Office for 0the Registry Divisionof f Blpin (Nor l)i said Parcel designated as Part 6 on Reference crenae Plan 11Rw7Q2. AND WHBMAS it is necessary to utilise the aforesaid a d parcel Of land as a highway or publin road, TO BE INACTED BY THE MUNIQIPA4 COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION _. RP RATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1. That parcel or tract Qf land beingart of Lot of 11.1. South Of Talbot Road East in the Township of B ayh$m and being part of that block of land situated on the Southeasterly Side of Centra Street, known as the 'tg Cross blockit being A subdiviaion Of said hot No. Ill according r ing to registered Plan Nov 22 for the Village of Richmond deAignatad $a Part 6 on Reference Plan 11Hw702n a d reglatsrod-..0 the ToWnehip of Beyham by Instrument um t No. 191440 be designated as a highway or public road in the e"4 Township of BayhaMl and be named John 8treet. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINq Y �� FASUA this 9th. UAY OF dantiary, , 19r/R. { IfAl /9' Jan, lg , 1978. Rd'bt, Davis, Registrar Lsnd Registry Office, ' P-0- BOX 4, St, Thomas, Ontario, Dear Sir: Enclosed you will .find two (2) certified copies of Township ' of Dayhacn BY -law Y aw ado. 1943 for registration. A180 enclosed Is Our cheque in the account of %P10.00 being your fee. 'Jpan registrati ` it will C 1 be appreciated if you .�i.. �. one cap to Y me. JA c f�rrrrrrrr�r ta 01 Ml r Z Q 7 a i a{.��. ,I s_ .0 ' •'1 Jsx. '� i ? cam,.. .'�'...�`.�.,:° ., �..`�'< ♦:! :'„i.�l �`:•;j,�'?r. fe,�.,.s CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP of BAYHAM BY-LAW N 0.1943 BEING a Bywlaw to establish a highway or public road in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Municipal Act, R.S.Q. 1970, Section 443 (1) (a) as amended gives authority to municipalities to establish an layout highways. AND WHEREAS Mr, Manford Brooks has sold a certain parcel of._ land to the Municipality by deed registered as No. 191140 in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No . 11) ; aaid parcel designated as Part 6 on Reference Plan IIR-702. AND WHEREAS it is necessary to utilize the aforesaid parcel of land as a highway or public road. TO BE ZNACTED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1. That parCel or tract of land being; part of Lot Ill South of Talbot Road Oast in the Township of Bayham and bung part of that block of land situated on the Southeasterly side of Centre Street, known as the nE Cross block's beim; a subdivision of said hot No. 111 according to registered Plan No. 22 for the Village of Richmond, designated as Part 6 on Reference Plan 11R-.702 and registered to the Township of Bayham by Instrument No. 191440 be designated as a highway or public road in the a said Township of Bayhaml and be named John Street, READ A FIRST, 3SCOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 9th, DAY OF January, 1978. Jan. 1$9 1978. Mervin L. Riddelt, Barrister & Solicitor, P.O. Box tad , St. Thomas, Ontario. Dear Sir.: RL: Part of the E, Cross Block, Plann22, "Richmond" Township of Bayham, Part Enclosed ' :yI0u will find a certified copy 6f Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1943 designating � g the above as a public street as forwarded for registration today. Y Yours truly, J.A.Petrie, Clerk. JAP f vv encl. • Mervin Leo Riddell Barrister & Solicitor, P.O. Box 88, St. Thomas, Ont, Dec. 29! 1977. - Dear Sir: RE: part of the E.Cross Block, Plan 22, "Richmond" Township of Bayham p Part P R -- 202X% P. With reference to your letter of December 28th. , no by -►law has been passed by the Municipality designating Part b, Plan lx R -• 702 as a public road under Sec. 443 (1) (a) of the 14unikipal Act. I am preparing a by-law for Councilfs consideration at their January meeting correcting this oversight.%You may assure your client that the road access as it appears now will be maintained by the Municipality, Yours truly, J. A. Petrie, Clerk. JAP/vv 9 0 MERVIN L. RIDDELL BARRISTER & SOLICITOR 840 TALBOT STREET TELEPHONE 631-3211 December Clerk Township of Bayham Stratfordville, Ontario Dear Sir: P.O. BOX as ST. THOMAS. ONTARIO NSP 3T8 28, 1977 RE: Part of the E. Cross Block, Plan 22, "Richmond" Township of Bayham, Part 13, Plan 11R-702 I act for Norman Garbutt in the purchase of the above -noted lot from Omar Eicher. I note that the Tow Bayham has taken title to John Street as it extends ast th of south west side of the above -noted lot. Has the Township of the asa Bayhampasseda by-law opening John Street (Part 6 Plan R - O public road. I wish to ensure that my client has road access to his lot. 1 Yours truly, P �W_Md om 1 0 01" AP FROM - '0 MLR: jhs Mervin L. Riddell r" ��n��, i,r� DEC X77 ti TC�t� �;1; ► Lir` �3AYI-iAM 3F_R ....................................«.«.. n u d U 19144(. Form 142—Used With Doer. lot Pose UNITED STATIONERY CO. LIMITED. LEGAL FORM DEPT. 30 FRODUCTIOII DRIVE. SCARNOROUGH made (in duplicate) the 2nd day of Februar;,-, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-Esix. In rursuanrr of Xllr 061iort Norncs of (IIonuryanrrs Art. ji :-Ai;F0RD E ;OOiiS, of the Township of Malahide, in the County of Elgin, Carpenter, Hereinafter called the "GRANTOR" OF THE FIRST PART !4111 D r THE COIIPOR��TI01. GF `y �,' ':;� :Tr OF 2A'Y11AI•;s Hereinafter called the 11GR:I;TFE" • ctnes4etb that in consideration of 1..., 0 C;2.00) Dollars of lawful money'of Canada, now paid by the said Grantee to the said Grantor by hi; acknowledged, lie L%u to said dgnolgt in fee simple. All and 06ingular th at certain parcel , the receipt whereof is hereby the said Grantor Both Grant or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Bayham, in the County o Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of part of Lot 11 South of Talbot Road East in the said Township of Bayham, and being part of that block of land situated on the Southeasterly side of Centre Street, known as the "E. Cross Block" being a subdivision of said Lot No. 111 according to Registered Plan No. 22 for the Village of Richmond, designated as Part 6 on Reference Plan 11R-702 deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11). .I HEREBY C 5 2° 3 8"A��� �� `�� ---}-- i � )�. AND' �61.04 - E 2 0.07\-N I (2) HIS DATECLJ NOPART 2c` I;JST. N9 4 �^ tNST. N9 137964 20996 I NnT E_ � 30 W / } DETAIL ACC0RDI 113005 1 46.40 Q„ __ 140-I I.00 100.00 Qv N 60,00 + `'9 POST E MOT TO STALE _ cTA.YDAR QN 520 3 8'W 2 4 0.00 -----�--, 00 Q w RE FENCE - IRON BA PART �N 6 NI \ - IRC". BA tO INST. N° 1379 N N� f Z z! .10 0 0, - ALL HA Qv360 N520 38 w I :o INST. N° 133-72 W 120.00 a� 120.00 c" SOW N52038'W 10 .N ! 0 00�I a If 9.46' Q� 00: 2 ` -- W- I.. W N - 11 N r- N kD o PART 3 0 PART 4 �, � � \ PART 5 '-- U� '`' - Z Z 1 NST. N° 137964 �� `� INST. N9 137964 1l:ST. N° 137964 u 1�1 / 2 5 8.34' w1RE \♦ c E NCE t41213 3 7 2 1 i E14CE p iiL 1�1 III 14 0.0 0 ;-1, O O Q1 _ "= PART ,NST. N9 .I HEREBY C 5 2° 3 8"A��� �� `�� ---}-- i � )�. AND' �61.04 - E 2 0.07\-N I (2) HIS DATECLJ NOPART 2c` I;JST. N9 4 �^ tNST. N9 137964 20996 I NnT E_ � 30 W / } DETAIL ACC0RDI 113005 1 46.40 Q„ __ 140-I I.00 100.00 Qv N 60,00 + `'9 POST E MOT TO STALE _ cTA.YDAR QN 520 3 8'W 2 4 0.00 -----�--, 00 Q w RE FENCE - IRON BA PART �N 6 NI \ - IRC". BA tO INST. N° 1379 N N� f Z z! .10 0 0, - ALL HA Qv360 N520 38 w I :o INST. N° 133-72 W 120.00 a� 120.00 c" SOW N52038'W 10 .N ! 0 00�I a If 9.46' Q� 00: 2 ` -- W- I.. W N - 11 N r- N kD o PART 3 0 PART 4 �, � � \ PART 5 '-- U� '`' - Z Z 1 NST. N° 137964 �� `� INST. N9 137964 1l:ST. N° 137964 u 1�1 / 2 5 8.34' w1RE \♦ c E NCE t41213 3 7 2 1 i E14CE p iiL 4 r THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW N0. 1944 Being a By-law to provide that in the year 1978 a levy be made before the adoption of the estimates for the year. WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to make a levy in the year 1978 before the adoption of the estimates. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENAGTS..AS FOLLOWS: 1. That in the year 1978, before the adoption of the estimates, a levy shall be made on the whole of the assessment for real property according to the last revised assessment .roll a sum not exceeding 50 percent of that which would be produced by applying to such assessment the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceding year on residential real property of public and separate school 40 supporters. 2. That in the year 1978, before the adoption of the estimates, a levy shall be made on the whole of the business assessment according to the last revised assessment roll a sum not exceeding 50 per cent of that which would be produced by applying to such assessment the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceeding year on business assessment of public and separate school supporters. 3. The respective amounts to be levied under the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this by-law are: Real Property Business Assessment TOTAL $6,533,905. 77,x+05. $6,611,31o, 4. The rate to be levied under the provisions of paragraph 1 and 2 of this by-law to produce the amounts set out in paragraph 3 to this by-law is sixty (60) mills. 5. The dates of payment of taxes under this by-law shall be as follows: Due Date of lst. Instalment: March 15 Due Date of 2nd. Instalment: June 15 6. In default of payment of the first instalment of taxes or any part thereof by the day named therein for the payment thereof, the remaining instalment or instalments shall forthwith become payable. 7. A percentage charge of one per centum (lib) shall be imposed as a penalty for non-payment of and shall be added to every tax instalment ■ r. 2 - or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day following the last day of payment of each such instalment and thereafter an additional charge of one per centum (1%) shall be imposed and shall be added to every such tax instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day of each calendar month in which default continues up to and including December of this year. $. It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector immediately after the several dates named in 03ection 5 to collect at once by distress or otherwise under the provisions of the statutes in that behalf all such tax instalments or parts thereof as shall not have been paid on or before the respective dates provided aforesaid, together with the said percentage charges as they are incurred. 9. The tax collector not later than 14 days prior to the date that the first instalment is due shall mail or cause to be mailed to the address of the residence or place of business of each person a notice setting out the tax payments required to be made pursuant to this by-law, the respective dates by which they are to be paid to avoid penalty and the particulars of the penalties imposed by this by-law for late payment. 10. Taxes shall be payable to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham and shall be paid to the Collector at the Municipal Office. 11. The Collector and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due and to give a receipt for such payment, provided that acceptance of any such payment shall not affect the collection of any percentage charge imposed and collectable under section 5 in respect to non-payment of taxes or of any instalment thereof. 12. When tenants of lands owned by the Crown or in which the Crown has an interest are liable for payment of taxes and where any such tenant has been employed either within or outside the municipality by the same employer for not less than thirty days, such employer shall pay over to the Collector or Treasurer on demand out of any wages, salary or other remuneration due to such employee the amount then payable for taxes under this by-law and such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount so paid. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 13th. DAY OF February, 1978. 14. CLERK 14. ap BY-LAW N 0 . 19+5 A By -Law of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin to authorize an agreement between the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna respecting fire protection. WHEREAS the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna have entered into an agreement to provide fire protection and it is necessary to ratify and confirm the said agreement. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. That the agreement between the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna dated this 13th. day of February, 1978, a true copy of which agreement is hereto attached and forms part of this By-law, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 13th. DAY OF February, 1978. Q,EAL a ot ,aw Qf. ..ae of V� enra in the County of '81rin to authorize aa,gn. reement between the Township of Bat•ham and the Village of Vienna resnpcting fire protection, WHFREA� the Township Of Bayham and the Vt11agP of Vie nf.. have entered into an agreement to provide f,.i_�r. p otrt.nri anq. t e_ -eoasary ratify and confirm the said d ee E t -.he Mem ci.pal o.f the ('r ra 6 rat:;d of e Vi llape of ViOrna enacts as o. lo That*tahe agreement between the Township o of � h iI�.11aP of Vienna dated the 13th div of . bruarv, 197'�" Mt-: ;. a true copy of which agreement is hereto attache -i and forms part of thin By -Law, he and th:1 same her: ratified and. confirmQc�_ .. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THTin Tfil` Ar1D T+'T�11tI. , Y I PA33MM T141 9th1 .1, DAY OF Febriiar' � 197-4! THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 13th. day of February, 1978, BETWEEN MEN The TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, hereinafter called The Party of the First Part, The VILLAGE OF VIENNA, hereinafter called The Party of the Second Part: WITNESSETH that the Parties hereto mutually agree in respect to fire protection provided by the Party of the First Part to the Party of the Second Part as follows: - 1. The Party of the First Part agrees to provide the services of the Township's Fire Department and vehicles for fire protection for the Party of the Second Part, such services to be subject to prior calls and the Party of the First Part shall not be held responsible for the failure of any part of the said services. 2. The Party of the Second Part agrees to pay to the Party of the First Part, for the above services, on the following basis:- (a) During the calendar year 1978, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500-00), which sum shall be the cost of one (1) fire call. Each additional fire call shall be at the rate of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). (b) During the calendar year 1979, the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00), which sum shall be the cost of one (1) fire call. Each additional fire call shall be at the rate of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00). (c) During the calendar year 1980, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), which sum shall be the cost of one (1) fire call. Each additional fire call shall be at the rate of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00). 3. The Party of the First Part shall not responsible for providing any additional fire fighting equipment from other municipalities unless Officials of the Party of the Second Part request same in which case the Party of the Second Part shall be responsible for any additional fee that might be charged by the other municipality, provided however there shall be no charge for additional fire fighting equipment called under a mutual aid agreement in effect in the County of Elgin. 4. Charges arising from false alarms where it is not necessary to remove any equipment from the vehicles of the Party (f the First Part shall be subject to negotiation between the Parties. ...Continued... -- 2 5. This agreement may be terminated at any time b either r party giving ninety days (90) written notice to the other Party SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED Township of Bayham, eve SEAL Clerk Village of Via Reeve SEAL �_. _ D,.: Clerk 0 U, 9 e- 0 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1947 BEING A BY-LAW to provide for the appointment of members to the East Elgin Planning Board for the year 1978. WHEREAS the Town of Aylmer, the Villages of Springfield, Vienna and Port Burwell and the Townships of Bayham, Malahide and South Dorchester have presented their nominees for 1978 to the East Elgin Planning Board for appointment by the Council of the designated municipality (being the Council of the Township of Bayham). THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: - 1. That the following are hereby appointed as members to the East Elgin Planning Board - NAME REPRESENTING Clifford Copeland (Councillor) Town of Aylmer Max Moore (Councillor Village of Springfield Wm. Maclntyre (Councillor Village of Springfield Hugh Ferris ( Councillor Village of Vienna Edward Latimer (Councillor) Village of Vienna Kenneth Matthews (Councillor) Village of Port Burwell Harry Alward (Councillor) Village of Port Burwell Joseph Volkaert (Councillor) Township -of Bayham Blake Wolfe (RealEst. Salesman) Township of Bayham Donald Ingram (Farmer) Township of Malahide Donald Shackleton (Councillor) Township of Malahide John B. Wilson (Councillor) Township of S.Dorchester Gordon Pettit 'Councillor) Township of S.Dorchester John Hulet (Teacher) Town of Aylmer N EXPIRES Jan.1,1979 Jan. 1,1979 Jan. 1, 1979 Jan. 1, 1979 Jan. 1, 1979 Jan. 1, 1979 Jan. 1, 1979 Jan. 1, 1979 Jan. 1, 1979 Jan. 12 1981 Jan. 1, 1979 Jan. 1, 1979 Jan. 1, 1979 Jan. 1, 1979 2. That Ronald Green, as Reeve of the Township of Bayham, is hereby appointed a member ex -officio for the year 1978. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 13th. DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1978. CLERK VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL 0 P.O. BOX 299 Port Burwell, Ont. NOJ liv ♦t +• t 't. t'_ COUNCIL MEETING:,�?tf�la � Session 19.L� Uo,%vd by Seconded 4. Z14, VIA �EUTFZED TO BE A TRUE AND CORREGT-COPY: - Clerk -Treasurer •w.Wa wn. u�, N. •+tea. «n. Nds Ib1 No.. A �D JAN D 23 19)8 OWNSHiP Gr' t3AYf�, iIF . VILLAGE OF SPRINGFIELD ------------ OFFICE OF CLERK -TREASURER PHONE: 773-8555 MUNICIPAL HALL BOX 29, SPRINGFIELD, ONTARIO NOL U0. January 17th, 1978, ?'r. J. Petrie, secretary -Treasurer, East Elgin Planning Board, Straffordville, nntarin, NnJ lYn. Dear T."r. Petrie: This letter will advise that 3nringfield's representatives esentatives to the East Elgin Planning Bnard fnr the year 1978 are Mr. 'Jilliam MacIntyre and "Jr. Tlaxwell T`rnnre. We trust this is the infnrratinn which ynu require. Yours truly, VILLAGE nF SPR*GFIELD, ti�irs) Catherine Bearss, Clerk -Treasurer. i GIL JAN 1 f; 1978, �r JOHN FOY, CLERK -TREASURER AND TAX COLLECTOR 0 TOWN OF AYLMER tirtwo AYLMER, ONTARIO January 31, 1978. Mr. Jack Petrie, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Bayham, P. O. Box 160, STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario. NOJ 1YO Dear Jack: POSTAL ADDRESS 46 TALBOT ST. WEST N5H 1J7 TELEPHONE 773-3164 This is to confirm our telephone conversation earlier this week concerning the Town of Aylmer appointments to the East Elgin Planning Board. Council passed their appointment by-law on Monday night and again named Councillor Cliff Copeland to serve as council's representative to your Board. Our member at large, Mr. John Hulet, has one year remaining in his term of appointment. We hope that the East Elgin Planning an interesting and productive year in that our 2 members will do their best towards that goal. Yours truly, ( --,/ /�q�w Deputy Clerk -Treasurer. C. L. Knapp CLK:pk Board will have 1978. We know to contribute -EB 1 1978 COWNSHIP Of BAYHAN, c. c. Mr. John Hulet, 16 Centennial Avenue, Aylmer, Ontario; Councillor Cliff Copeland, 10 Moore Avenue, Aylmer, Ontario. CLERK, R. MILLARD TREAS., L. VAN PATTER, B.A. TELEPHONE 773-5344 s February 1, 1978 Mr. .Jack Petrie, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: Cid'Agtu' or A f 7 87 JOHN ST., SOUTH AYLMER, WEST ONTARIO N5H 2C3 Re: East Elgin Planning Board Please find following a resolution appointing the representatives for Malahide Township to the East Elgin Planning Board: "THAT Donald Shackleton be appointed to the East Elgin Planning Board for the term of 1 year. That Donald Ingram be appointed to the East Elgin Planning Board for the term of 3 years." Mr. Don Ingram's address and telephone number are as fcllows: Mr. Don Ingram, R. R. # 6, Aylmer, Ontario. 773-2399 Very truly yours, R. Millard, Clerk. RM: mc FEB 2 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM X I TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW N 0 . 1948 The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bavham, in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, hereby enacts as follows: 40 1. THAT Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the Eaq Elgin Planning Area, constituting the attached Schedule "A" and explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. WHAT the Clerk is hereby authori2ed and directed to make application to the Minister of Housing for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 4 to the Offi,:ial Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area. 3. THAT this By-law shall not come into force or take effect until approved by the Minister of Housing. Read a First, Second and Third Time and Finally Passed this 6th. day of March, 1978. LERK do 0 EAST ELGIN OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 4 The following text and Plan, lasignated Schedule "A" attdched hereto, constitute Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the East LlUln Planning Area. A. OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE EAST ELGIN PLANNING AREA AMENDMENT NO. 4 The attached map designated Schedule "All and explanatory text, constituting Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Arra, was prepared by the East Elgin Planning Board and was recommended to the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham under the provisions of Sections 12 and 17 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, on the 24th. day of January, 1978. ^, t � Ch rm Secre`ry This Amendment was adopted by the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law Number 1948 in accordance with Sections 13 and 17 of The Planning Ac t, R.S.O. 1970, on the 6th. day of March, 1978. 'k Reeve Clei%k��- This Amendment to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area, which has been recommended by the East Elgin Planning Board and adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham is hereby approved in accordance with Section 14 and 17 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, as Amendment Number 4 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area. Date Minister of Housing EAST ELGIN OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 4 The following text and Plan, -lesignated Schedule "A" attached hereto, constitute Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the East Llgln Planning Area. OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE EAST ELGIN PLANNING AREA AMENDMENT NO. 4 The atirached map designated Schedule "A" and explanatory text, constituting Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area, was prepared by the East Elgin PlanAng Board and was recommended to the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham under the provisions of Sections 12 and 17 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, on the 24th. day of January, 1978. Ch rm n - . La2�! Secretary This Amendment was adopted by the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law Number 1948 in accordance with Sections 13 and 17 of The Planning Ac t, R.S.O. 1970, on the 6th. day of March, 1978. Reeve C1et---- - This Amen Area, whi Board and Township 14 and 17 4 to the dment to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning ch has been recommended by the East Elgin Planning adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the of Bayham is hereby approved in accordance with Section of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, as Amendment Number Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area. Date Minister of Housjng TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NUMBER 1948 The Council of the Corporation of the Township of B yham, in accordance with �provi.sions of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area, constituting the attached Schedule "A" and exvlanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Housing for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area. 3. THAT this By-law shall not come into force or take effect 4ntil approved by the Minister of Housing. ENACTED and PASSED THIS 6th. eve day of March, 1978. IN /41 WAS 1 ...�10 CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. 1948 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. N to 1. PURPOSE The purpose of the Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of land from "Restricted Agricultural" to "Residential" to permit development as part of an eight (8) lot single-family residential sub- division. 2. LOCATION .. Th4 Amendment applies to the land in the Hamlet of Straffordville south of T41bot Road East and the existing residential development, west of Centennial Avenue and north of the junction of Centennial Avenue and Highway.19. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The lands affected are presently designated as "Restricted Agriculture" on Schedule "E", Straffordville: Future Land Use [dap to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area. The portion of the site which is closest to the road is vacant and the land behind it is used for agriculture. The surrounding uses consist of single-family homes to the east and north and agricultural lands to the west and south. There is also a park on the northeast corner of Centennial Avenue and Talbot Road East, The Planning Board, in consultation with the Council of the Township of Bayham, deem it advisable to change the designation from "Restricted Agricultural" to "Residential". There are several reasons for the chane: I) The population growth from the subdivision is consistent with the basis and goals of the Official Plan. Although no target population is established for Straffordville it is established in Goal D of the Plan and the policies of the Plan that "The future development of the East Elgin Planning Area should be guided so that urban -type growth takes place in the Town of Aylmer, and the Villages of Port Burwell, Springfield and Vienna and the.Hamlet of Straffordville ...." ii) The development is consistent with Section of the Plan which restricts "major residential development, generally defined as plans of subdivision with more than 10 lots in the Villages of Springfield and Vienna and the Hamlet of Straffordville until both sewer and/or water services can be provided ...". This section also indicates that "Residential development in these areas will be allowed on the basis of infilling with some growth in areas directly adjacent to existing built-up areas through small plans of subdivision ...." iii) Although there are other lands in Straffordville which have been designated "Residential" in the Plan there have been no proposals for development in those areas. 0 iv) The development is an extension of the existingresi- dential area to the north and east since the poposed single-family use will be consistent with the adjoining residential areas. Furthermore, two of the lots and a proposed road allowance in the subdivision are within the area designated "Residential" in the Official Plan. 4. DETAILS OF AMENDMENT Schbdule "E", Straffordviile: Future Land of the East Elgin Planning Area is hereby "Restricted Agricultural" to "Residential" Schedule "A" hereto attached. 5. IMPLEMENTATION Use Map to the Official Plan amended by changing from the area identified on The Official Plan Amendment shall be implemented in accordan Implementation Section of the Official Plan as contained in Stin the Sec thereof. tion 6 6. INTERPRETATION The Official Plan Amendment shall be interpreted in accordant Official Plan as contained in Se with the Interpretation Section of the Offi thereof. Section 7 N APPENDIX r Z The following Appendix is not intended to form part of the Amendment No. 49 but is included only for the purpose of providing information in support of the Amendment. P iding 0 . 0 The Appendix will include: I. Notice of the Public Meeting. 2. Minutes of the Publ i.c Meeting. N I 1427 Council. Chambers 9trufforrivi.11 Januar► 21, 1918 ;► nponial mnot,init, of hayhain Township Council in hnl(l t,Iii.n ovnn-Inif fnr t.ho pur hon or lin) (linen ptibl.i n mnoti,ng Cnr Amnn►liont, No. 1+ Ln On t ll'llt n12 Plan Ivor the Raab i41 ,fn Planning Arne. Iloovo it. Oronn hrnoi dna �,vi th Councillors It. Jandham # . Schafer anti J. Vnikunrt• ln�. pttondnnve: -J. Hoe tlownon is in attendance rep esentingg Jamas F. tl4cLaron Ud. j and :�. Wnlfo as ropresentstive to the asb H�.Fin Planning; Boatel# r"ho meeting in openh4`at 8:00 P.M. and at 9145 nQ one had como Vorviarri w i. t h ,any c milts: en t a• *'ovod by t •J. Volkaert and Snoonded by: K, dandham That this spacial meeting of'Counail naw adjourn.......•...Carriod +-, NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING . Ratepayers of* The Hamlet 'of Str*rdviile and The East Elgin Planning Area ' The East Elgin Planning Board Is considering a draft amendment to the Official Plan of the Last Elgin Planning Board. AMENDMENT NO.4 . Amendment No. 4 will affect a parcel of . land in the Hamlet of Straffordvlile, south of Talbot Road Esit, west of Centennial Avenue, and north of the !unction of Can: t! tennial Avenue and Highway 19. The property Is about Zoo feet deep and the front pert Is vacant, while the rear portion Is now u for agriculture. The surrounding uses ` consist of single•f Ily homes to the out and north, and . agricultural lands to he west, northwest and south. THE OFFICIAL PLAN DESIGNATES THIS AREA �•'' c� "RESTRICTED AGRICULTURAL" Tht effect of Amendment No. 6 would be to designate ' this property "Residential" to permit the development of an eight tel lot subdivision of single-family homes. it &h: -_-!d be noted that two of these lots at the north end of proposed subdivision and a 66 foot road allowance, to pers-Wt eventual development to the rear of this site, are already designated "Residential" In the Plan. Residents of the Township of Bayham and the Hamlet or StrcCordvIIIt ere encouraged to participate with P!annirg Board in reaching a decision which will affect area. Copies of the proposed Official Plan Amend. mat are available from: MR. JACK PETRIE, Clerk -Treasurer The Township of Eayhom Box 160 N'ghway, Straffordville, Ontario NOJ IYO Telephone: 666.5521 Written comments may be sent to the Planning Board or mo y be brought In person to the public meeting at: MUN ICIPAL OFFICE, STRAFFOROYILLK, ONTARIO JANUARY 23j, 1979 $:00 PA ' I 1427 Council. Chambers 9trufforrivi.11 Januar► 21, 1918 ;► nponial mnot,init, of hayhain Township Council in hnl(l t,Iii.n ovnn-Inif fnr t.ho pur hon or lin) (linen ptibl.i n mnoti,ng Cnr Amnn►liont, No. 1+ Ln On t ll'llt n12 Plan Ivor the Raab i41 ,fn Planning Arne. Iloovo it. Oronn hrnoi dna �,vi th Councillors It. Jandham # . Schafer anti J. Vnikunrt• ln�. pttondnnve: -J. Hoe tlownon is in attendance rep esentingg Jamas F. tl4cLaron Ud. j and :�. Wnlfo as ropresentstive to the asb H�.Fin Planning; Boatel# r"ho meeting in openh4`at 8:00 P.M. and at 9145 nQ one had como Vorviarri w i. t h ,any c milts: en t a• *'ovod by t •J. Volkaert and Snoonded by: K, dandham That this spacial meeting of'Counail naw adjourn.......•...Carriod 0 An 0 J6 FIFTH ST FOURTH STREET THIRD STREET SECOND STREET ti FIRST STREET W TALBOT ROAD EAST cn MAIN STREET 0 0 0 EAST ELGIN PLANNING AREA STRAFFORDVILLE: ' FUTURE LAND USE Residential Commercial Industrial �•7L(SL?� Open Space A Restricted Agricultural Area changed from Restricted Agricultural to Residential 'AMENDMENT No,4 SCHEDULE "A" - 4 500 t0oo Feet t 1 James F. MacLaren Limited . TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1948 The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, hereby gnacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the Ptst Elgin Planning Area, constituting the attached Schedule "A" and explanatory text, is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorised and directed to make application to the Minister of Housing for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area. 3. THAT this By-law shall not come into force or take effect until approved by the Minister of Housing. Read a First, Second and Third Time and Finally Passed this 6th. day of March, 1978. N EAST ELGIN OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 4 U t The following text and Plan,o's i gnated Schedule "A" a t tached ht reto' constitute Amendment No. 4 to the Official Pian of the East Elgin ,1 Planning Area. OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE EAJ ELGIN PLANNING AREA AMENDMENT NO. 4 The attached map designated Schedule "A" and explanatory text, consti- tuting Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area, was prepared by the East Elgin Planning Board and was recommended to the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham under the provisions of 9tcions 12 and 17 of Th�,,� Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, on the �I day of , 197Y. Ch rm Secretary This Amendment was adopted by the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law Number /yy8 in accordance with Sections 13 and 17 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, on the G a? day of (_4�az c4 , 197 Redvd Clerk This Amendment to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area, which 'las been recon ,ended by the East Elgin Planning Board and adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham is hereby approved in accordance with Sections 14 and 17 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, as Amendment Number 4 to the Official Plan of the Fast Elgin Planning Area. Date Minister of Dousing F. This amendment to the Official ' r Plan for the East Elgin Planning Area, which has been recommended by the East Elgin Planning Board and adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Tcwnship of Bayham, is hereby approved in accordance with Section 17 of The Planning Act as Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Planning Area. 00 Date C• j",• �`• t' • , Executive Director G drnini-stratiou L)ivision wooIwiinistry of Housing N TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NUMBER 1948 The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, hereby enacts as follows: 1. TI -IAT Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area, �� constituting the attached Schedule A and explanatory text, is horeby adopted. 2. TIIAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Ilousino for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area. 3. TIIAT this By-law shall not come into force or take effect until approved by the Minister of Flousing. ENACTED and PASSED this Z tl day of d 1974. Cl erk CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the T01•Jilsh i p of Bayham. 1. PURPOSE The purpose of the Amendment is to change the lane use designation on a parcel of land from "Restricted Agricultural" to "Residential" to permit development as part of an eight (8) lot single-family residential sub- division. Z. LOCATION This Amendment applies to the land in the Hamlet of Straffordville south of Talbot Road East and the existing residential development, west of Centennial Avenue ang north of the junction of Centennial Avenue and Highway 19. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The lands affected are presently designated as "Restricted Agriculture" on Schedule "E", Straffordville: Future Land Use Map to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning "area. The portion of the site which is closest to the road is vacant and the land behind it is used for agriculture. The surrounding usesconsist of single-family homes to the east and north and agricultural lands to the west and south. There is also a park on the northeast corner of Centennial Avenue and Talbot Road East. The Planning Board, in consultation with the Council of the Township of Bayham, deems it advisable to change the designation from "Restricted Agricultural" to "Residential". There are several reasons for the change: i) The population growth from the subdivision is consistent with the basis and goals of the Official Plan. Although no target population is established for Straffordville it is established in Goal D of the Plan and the policies of the Plan that "The future development of the East Elgin Planning Area should be guided so that urban -type growth takes place in the Town of Aylmer, and the Villages of Port Burwell, Springfield and V i;�nna and the Hamlet of Straffordville ...." ii) The development is consistent with Section 4.3.1`.5 of the Plan which restricts "major residential development, generally defined as plans of subdivision with more than 10 lots in the Villages of Springfield and Vienna and the Hamlet of Straffordville until both sewer and/or water services can be provided ...". This section also indicates that "Residential development in these areas will be allowed on the basis of infilling with some growth in areas directly adjacent to existing built-up areas through small plans of subdivisio-i iii) Although there are other lands in Straffordville ti.;llich have been designated "Residential" in the Plan there have been no proposals for development in those areas. Pa U_e 2 iv) The development is an extension of the existing resi- dential area to the north and east since the proposed single-family use will be consistent with the adjoining residential areas. Furthermore, two of the lots and a proposed road allowance in the subdivision are within the area designated "Residential" in the Official Plan. 4. DETAILS OF AMENDMENT Schedule "E", Straffordville: Future Land Use Map to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area is hereby amended by changing from "Restricted Agricultural" to "Residential" the area identified on Schedule "A" hereto attached. 5. IMPLEMENTATION The Official Plan Amendment shall be implemented in accordance with the Implementation Section of the Official Plan as contained in Section 6 thereof. 6. INTERPRETATION The Official Plan Amendment shall be interpreted in accordance with the Interpretation Section of the Official Plan as contained in Section 7 thereof. 1k APPENDIX The following Appendix is not intended to form part of the approved Amendment No. 4, but is included only for the purpose of providing information in support of the Amendment. The Appendix will include: 1. Notice of the Public Meeting. 2. Minutes of the Public Meeting. 0 _. L3 :Yr Council Chambers, Stra.f. f ordville, January 23, 1978 A special meeting qr Isayh$m 'Township CUuncil is hold this even ' the purpose of holding a public meeting for Amendment No to dor Official. Plan for the East algin Plannin ; r the with CounailJ.ors R, Sandham, M. Scharer an�Ja�VRekve R, Green presides AaR k�, HoWeon is in attenda�ic® re • �- cert �.n attendance, Wolfe 43 representative to the �4astnElgInJpiasni Ft TlacL d. Ltd., and g� n ink heard. The meeting 1s opened at 8:00 P,M, , and at $• with any comments, 45 np one, had came forward :Moved bys J, V01kaert and Seconded by; R. Sandham That thin apeci4l meeting of Counoil now ad.journ........ .. c r ar ied 9AV� NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING . Ratepayers of The Hamlet of Straffordville and The East Elgin Planning Area • The East Elgin Planning Board Is considering a draft amendment to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Board. AMENDMENT NO.4 Amendment No. 4 will affect a parcel of land in the Hamlet of Straffordville, south of Talbot Road East, west of Centennial Avenue, and north of the junction of Cen- tennial Avenue and Highway 19. The property is about 200 feet deep and the front part Is vacant, while the rear portion is now used for agriculture.*rhe surrounding uses consist of single-family homes to the east and north, and agricultural lands to the west, northwest and south. THE OFFICIAL PLAN DESIGNATES THiS AREA "RESTRICTED AGRICULTURAL" The effect of Amendment No. 4 would be to designate this property "Residential" to permit the de\,elopment of an eight (8) lot subdivision of single-family homes. It should be noted that two of these lots at the north end of the proposed subdivision and a 66 foot road allowance, to permit eventual development to the rear of this site, are already designated "Residential" in the Plan. Residents of the Township of Bayham and the Hamlet of Straffordville. are encouraged to participate with Planning Board In reaching a decision which will affect their area. Copies of the proposed Official Plan Amend- ment are available from: MR. JACK PETRIE, Clerk -Treasurer The Township of Bayham Box 160 No. 19 Highway, Straffordville, Ontario NOJ IYO Telephone: 866-5521 Written comments may be sent to the Planning Board or may be brought In person to the public meeting at: MUNICIPAL OFFICE, STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO JANUARY 23,1978 8:00 P.M. 1k 1427 11 Council Chambers, dtraffordvi..11n, Januar r 21, 1978 �npor.iri7. mo©t.1nl* of bayha►n Township Council. in bol(] Lh.i n. ovoii i nir fry • ON, purpoon cif' hol d irlp, ca pull i r moeting Vor Arnnurlrierl t, it o. If Ln t,t!r, !T i vial Kan l'or Lhe East, I l tri n Planninp- Aroma. knove it. Croon 1nro:O do.,; •.i t1: Gounci ll or:3 P. 'andhain, M. Schafer and J. L'oa.I�uE�rt: In t:t.E�nci�'iilc!e. .:�. iii. Howson is in attendancr4, representinp, Jarprs F. liacLufi-,%n Lt,ri. , and r nlfe as representative to the Fast Elgin Planninfr Board. i;n ineetinp. 1:3 openod at 8:00 P.M. and at A;If5 no one had come- Corward wi.til anis comments. .ovocd by : J. Volkaert and 8oconried by: it. jandLiam :i -at this sper.,ial mentinp, of Council now adjourn...........0arriod 0 L AI 05 F'• M EAST ELGIN PLANNING AREA STRAFFORDVILLE: FUTURE LAND USE Residential Commercial Industrial Open Space A Restricted Agricultural Area changed from iss�•? ;3�ra ��:'�•-'" Restricted Ayricul Lural ` to Residential Ai�Ci;D� i�_idT ilo , 4 SCHEDULE "A" 0 500 1000 Feet J.:mes F. flecUren Lholtcd it • "DRAFT" NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING RATEPA't:RS OF THE HAMLET OF STRAFFORDVILLE AND THE EAST ELGIN PLANNING AREA The East Elgin Planning Board is considering a draft amendment to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Board. Amendment No. 4 Amendment No. 4 wil.1 affect a parcel of land in the Hamlet of Strafford- ville, south of Talbot Road East, west of Centennial Avenue, and north of the junction of Centennial Avenue and Highway 19. The property is about 200 feet deep and the front part is vacant, while the rear portion is now used for agriculture. The surrounding uses consist of single- family homes to the east and north, and agricultural lands to the west, northwest, and south. The Official Plan designates thaws area "Restricted Agricultural". The effect of Amendment No. 4 would be to designate this property "Residential" to permit the development of an eight (8) lot subdivision of single-family homes. It should be noted that two of these lots at the north end of the proposed subdivision and a 66 foot road allowance, to permit eventual development to the rear of this site, are already designated "Residential" in the Plan. Residents of the Township of Bayham and the Hamlet of Straffordville are encouraged to participate with Planning Board in reaching a decision Which will affect their area. Copies of the proposed Official Plan AmendmeAt are available from: Mr. Jack Petrie Clerk -Treasurer The Township of Bayham Box 160 #19 Highway Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Telephone: 866-5521 Written comments may be sent to the Planning Board or may be brought in person to the public meeting at: DATE: TIME: PLACE: U CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP :DF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1949 BEING a By-law to amend By-law No. 1514 authorizing participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System. WHEREAS By-law No. 1511 provides that every continuous full-time employee shall become a member of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System on the completion of six months service. AND WHEREAS revisions to the Ontario Municipal Employees Retire- ment System Act necessitate amendments to By-law No. 1511+. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1. That Section 3 be amended to read: Every employ"te who is engaged on a continuous full time basis and every permanent part time employee, described as an employee who is employed on a cnntinuing basis but as a condition of employment does not have set hours, provided however.; that employees engaged as casual or seasonal labour shall not be considered permanent part time employees, after January i., 1978, shall be immediately enrolled in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System. Read a First, Second and Third Time and Finally Passed this 5th. Day of June, 1978. tceeve r Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TORISHIP - OF BAM1.1 BY-LAW NO. 1949 BEING a Ey-lau to amend By-law ?io. 1514 authorizing participation in the Ontario iunicipal Employees Retirement System. Z41EREAS Ly -law No. 1514 provides that every continuous full-time employee shall become a member of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System on the completion of six months service. AND WHEREAS revisions to the Ontario Municipal Employees Retire- men4 Systera Act necessitate amendments to ley -law No. 1514. THEREFORE DE IT ENACTED BT THE COMCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOMISHIP OF BAYHAi : 1. That Section 3 be amended to react: Every employee wbo is engaged on a continuous full time basis and ewery permanbnt part time employee, described as an employee who is employed on a cnntinuin'r basis but as a condition of employment does not have set hours, provided howeverf that employees engaged as casual or seasonal labour shall not be condidered permanent part time employees, after January 1, 1978, shall be immediately enrolled in the Ontario iilt.nicipal Employees Retirement System, . . A head a First, Second and Third Time and Finally Passed this 5th. Day of June, 197. Clerk By -Law No. /Aly-- The O4rpQrattQR or too Township of Aw4m, Being a bywl,aw to authorise parttctpat�on.in the Ontario Municipal Employesq Xet$roment 4ygtAgr WHEREAS pursu t to sectio 15 of The Ontario Municipal Employeen Retirement 3yrtem Act, 1961-62 a rpunieio#lity or local board may by by-law or resolution elect to particl.pnte in the Ontario Nunici al Jimpl.oyeas fietirement System and may pay tq the fund the total. of t�e employer and employee contributions, and bop all the powers uecesa- ary and tooldental. thereto; NOW THEREFORE BE 1T ENACTED as a b -law of the Corporation of the Township of aayham (hereinafter called the Employer) as follows: 1. The P4plQyor hereby elects to participate in the Ontario Muni#al r4xpployeee Rettroment System an of the first Day of March 1965 Therein called the effective,date) and authorizes the Clerk-TreaAurer to submit this election in writing (by rovision of a certified cop of this by-law) to the Secretary- reaourer of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Board. 2. employes who, before the effective date, was an employee tve= f t e Em to er is entitled to become a member of the System if Y Y he 16 a don a continuo s � e d at least 759 o the employees no etsp oyed becc pe e;pboro. 3. Everyerson who becomes an employee of the Employer on or after the effective date ahall sa a eonditton of his employ- ment, bepome a Member or the 4etem, or if he to already a member resume hie con but*One to the System on the completes lA Qf six man ho pf Aervips Qn a continuous v i�ne heals, r ded hQwavor, t t 4f he to already a MOMbef 0; the 4 stem, t butiQ e b axi onia bo kl may, on the electlon o the o oeeaacQ ens� p� y d a during he first six months of his sv of 4 +he Clerk-Tr+anal;rsr of Too 4orpor4tton of the Towq4hip of ;4yham to hereby author sed to arrange fqr the 4e44c4044 from the egrnlnae of each omployes who la a member of the Ayatem, the o9ntr4butt4Aa roqutrod to be made b t&e member, and to rot 4140h pantyJj t*pns together with t a amounts required tt}}nder the Act to be pg by the Employer, to the Secretary- T�roaqurer of the Ontar o ftctpal. Empl gyees Retirement Board and to execute 41T nocoaxAry documents and to do suc thOngsIp"04 so are neconogry to carry .AO the Intent of thin %y- Few Y. h9AP a f �rat j soQQ;}d d �hlyd time and fn4ly paaasd this 44Y A r CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSNI? OF BAYHAM BY-LAW PIO. 1949 Ij BEING a By-law to amend By-law No. 1514 withori?ing participation in the Ontario Mi)nicipal Employees Retirement System. *IEREAS By-law No. 1514 provides that every continuous full-time employoe shall become a member of the Ontario Muni.cipal Employees het�.irement SvsteM on the completion of six montr,s service. 11 AND WHEREAS revisions to the Ontario Municipal EmploNreQs Petire-- ment Sirstem Act necessitate amendments to By-law No. 1.514. THEREFORE TIF IT EI`1ACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE T0T131-1i'CP 07 RAYBAM: 1.4. That Section 3 be amended to read: Everlr employee who is enpaped on a continuous full time basis and ever�f pprmar.ent part time employee, described as an employee who is emnloyod on a cnntinuinr basis but a^ a condition of employment noes not have set hours, provider howevor., that employoeg engaged as casual or seasonal labour shall not be considered permanent part, time emnl nyr�.es, after January 1., 1975, shall be immediately enrolls l in the Ontario fifiinicipal Employees Retirement System. ILoad a First, Second and Third Time and Finally Passed this >th. I)ay of Jnne , 1973. Reeve N 0 • 1 . II. �• •M1� tiw��✓ �r 77�'r r CORPORATION OF THE T0Ti NS11IF OF BAYEA14 BY-LAW NO, 1919 11 • BETNG a By-law to, amend Bir -law No. 1511* authorizing participation in. the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System. WHEREAS Bir -law No. 1514 provides that every continuous full-time employee shall become a member of the Ontario Municipal Fjmployer�a F-�etirement. Svstem on the completion of six months service. AND WHEREAS revisions to the Ontario Municipal Employees Retire-. ment 5jrstem Act necessitate amendments to res!_law 11o. 151.4. THEREFORE PE I`P ENACTED BY THE COLMCIL nF THE GORPORATIM OF TIDE TOt018HIP Or BAYBAM: 1..• That Section 3 be amended to read: Every employee who is enpaped on a continlaoi?s ''sill tino, basis and every permanent part time employee, descrthori as an employee who is emploved on a cnntinutnfr basis but as a ^ondition of employment does not have set ho>>rs, provided however; that employees enpared as casual or seasonal labour shall not be considered permanent-, part ti ate empl. otrr f>> , after January 1, 1978, shall be immediately enrol.lerl it the Ontario I-4iinicipal Employees Retirement S,Tstem. Read a First, Second and Third Time and Finally Passed this 5th. Day of Jnuw, 1478. Reeve C 1 Pik .• 10 CORPORATION OF THE TOIRISHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1949 u BEING a Icy -law to amend By-law No. 1514 authorizing participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System. WHEREA 3 By-law No. 1514 provides that every continuous full-time employee shall become a member of the Ontario Municipal. F�mployeos FL'otirement-. System on the completion of six .^lonths service. AND VRIEREAS revisions to the Ontario :Municipal rmplolrePs Ftet,ire- meM System Act necessitate amendments to By-law 'No. 1514. THERE -FORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE T011PTSHTP Or DAYHAM: 1.... That-, Section 3 be amended to read: Every employee who is enpaped on a cont•.iniious frill tim^ Iasis and every permanent part gime employee, doseri.he,'i as an employee who is employod on ,p continui.np has i. Mit as a nondition of employment does not have set hours, provide] however; that employees engaged as caslial or seasonal labour shall not be considered permanent, part, time emnl dynes, atter January 1, 1978, shall be � i.mmediatel-., enrnller) it the Ontario I.Iunicipal Employees Retirement S�,►stem. i ead a First, Second and Third Time arl Finally Passed t Ili s Sth . +1a,* of J„no , 1978. Roeve i CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP DF BAYHAM 0 BY-LAVI DIO. 1949 E BEING a By-law to amend By-law No. 1514 aiithorizirr, participation in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System. WHEREAS By-law No. 1514 provides that every continuous full-time employee shall become a member of the Ontario Municipal EmployePs Retirement System on the completion of six ~ionths service. AND VMEREAS revisions to the Ontario 14unicipal Employees P..et.ire. ment Svstem Act necessitate amendments to L,7 -law ^1o. 15:1.4. THEREFORE PE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION nEj' '1'IIIa T"�i'JrISi':IP OW RAYHAIM: 1..- That Section 3 be amendel to read: Ever-ir employee who is enpafed on a cont.in>>ous f 1111 ti-mn basis and every permanent part nmplo�►Ae, riescri.hod as an employee _e who is employ .d on*a .nntlnuinp, hastis blit as a condition of employment does not have set hours, provided however; that employees enpaFed as caslial or seasonal. labour shall not be considered nPrmanent-, part time emnlovoes, aftor Januar-%r 1, 1978, shall- be immediately enrolled it the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement S.Irstem. Hf ad a First, Second and Third Time and Finally Passnd 01is ith. I1a,r of Jitne, 1978. O l o r,, N 7 8 14 IS 2122 28 29 ............................ AUGUST T x' 9 (0 16 17 23 24 30 31 T r 11 12 18 19 25 26 .... ........ SUN s 13 4 20 11 27 18 25 NON 5 12 19 26 me 6 13 20 27 .... 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 SAT 3 10 17 24 .... s �� "2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 31 OCTOBER T u 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 .................... T r `6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28 s 8 15 22 29 TUESDAY 8:00 SEPTEMBER 1977 6:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 1 1 :30 2:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 7270 270 Tuesday, September 27, 1977 95 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 1950 BEING A BY-LAW TO STOP UP AND CLOSE AND SELL A ROAD ALLOWANCE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.0.1970, gives authority for municipalities to stop up, close and sell that portion of a highway which is so stopped up. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham; 1. That portion of the road allowance known as Centre Street, Plan 22 for the Village of Richmond, lying and being situate in the Township of Bayham more particularily described as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on Deposited Plan of Survey 11 R 1494 on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin, be stopped up and closed. 2. That the above road allowance be offered up and sold to the abutting land owner or owners. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver conveyance of the said lands under the Corporate Seal of the Municipality to the said abutting land owner or owners. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5th. DAY OF JUNE, 1978. 11 . CO.RPORATMT OF TAF TOWDSHIP OF BAYHAII BY - LAW 110. 1950 BFP G A BY-LAW TO STOP UP AMID CLOSE AMID SELL A ROAD ALL1:;h1MCE IMI THF `I'OVAISHIP OF BAYHA',I. 4 VAIERFAS the Municipal Act R.S.0.1970, gives a-:thority .for } s' municipalities to stop up; close and sell that portion of a h:i.rhway which is -so stopped ip. 6 r THEREFORE 1iF IT' E11ACTED by the rolunicinal Coun^i1 of the Corporation of Qie TowmshiD oC Pavham; .1. - Thai; portion of the road allowance known as. centre r Street, Plan 22 for the Vi.11are of Richmond, ly inrr and 'Wring . situpre. in the Township of Bayham more parti c,.0.arily .,iescri.bed ani Parts 1, 2, .3, 4; and 5 nn .Dcnosi.trd Plan of Survey 11. R 1494 +r . on file in the Registry Office for the RePi•str,! Division or Elvin, be stopped up and closed. R 2. That tre above road allowance ,be offered `rn and sold to the' abiittJ.nfr land owner or .oimers. 3. That the Reeve and Cleric are hereby aut-hdrised to execlite and deliver conve-ance of the said Lands, urd,,r the Cornorate 3eal of tKe, Iiunici.palit,r to the said abnttir/' land e owner or owners. - - - READ A FIRST, sPC0MI1i AIID THIRD TIME AND Jel lii'.i ;,;'I) '11T,; rh. DhY OF JIT11F, 1078 : I ` d. A . Petffe, Cleric at the � Tosaehip of Bagh= he" e► cert the !` g� to be a true and correct co� of 9�1—laa No, i95E) as Passed by tfib Council dr the Towddp of Bsyhera an .hme 5 1974. s9 , PLAN MATERIALS PLASTIC MATFRIAI M TLAR GAUGE 0 001 INCH INA - SPECIAL T <2 JCENTFIE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM R P 220 146 AGRES 2 22 CENTRE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM - R P 22 0. 114 ACRES 3 22 ICENTRE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM R P 22 0.016 ACRES 4 22 CENTRE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM - R.P 22 0,061 ACRES 22 CENTRE TO WNSM IP OF BAYHAM - R P 22 O. 126 ACRES !J /REDO/RE TN/SPEANBE DEPOS/TED RECE/✓ED ANO DEP05/TED AS UNDER PART II OF INE AFC/STAY 4CT PLAN //R Z#_9 _ DATED 441- N JEW/TT OE.S E0. IN(.FE s wr I— >xoo r0 ur A, ",S'. TN- n/ >/•'I LEGEND II STANDARD IRON BARS I -X 1•X49SHOWN-SIB ROUND IRON BARS 5/8" X 24• SHOWN I . 0 1 E- LOT LINES SHOWN -------- I — DEED LINES SHOWN -- — — 1 .Ji FD DENOTES FOUND ]- BEARING ARE ASTRONOMIC AND REFERRED TO THE EASTERLY LIMIT OF CENTRE STREET, N 11 '12'E ACCORDING TO PLAN IIR 102 I31.IT:1: h 131. n'I; .I Z _� Lr '00 rD sIe I ILl 1 I I 1-1 rV T R I r - 10. of ".o I ED St. —� ROSS SCOTT CAROLd' ALICE SHIRSLEY 3939 4 - 'NST N= 143939 143939 I� M — MOLDEM4RAS MALSKAI TIS _ MARIA MALSKAITIS (� INST N = 30611 ^ 2IT' i] o I o sIe « >T• 0z _ I. r l Ier «voY / S33 00 5e'r LEONARD DAVID SIMPSON • JEAN MARION SI MPSON _ — INST N3_. 5 Q \\ \ CATERS FARMS LIMIT \ \ \ INST N= 133]'11 11 PLAN OF SURVEY \ " OF PARTS OF _ CENTRE STREET - �� \ ACCORDING TO REGISTERED PLAN 2 2 IN THE — VILLAGE OF RICHMOND �4°4er IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM . • y� IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN w SCALE 1 I' 50 . J 1978 +, Lr CAUTION ! THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE MEANING OF SECTIONS 29,32 OR 33 OF THE PLANNING ACT NOTE ALL HANGING LINES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN BEEN VERIFIED. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I Hf Af 1T CE.TIFT iH.1 I.IS SUR El AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WIT« vf THE SU.ES ACT .ND TME .C41]t.T ACT AND TH[ .E4U4.TIONS AMDE T.E.EUNDEA i THE >U.v(♦ rA3 CD«PL(IED ON T.E Ix 0.T Or FE ..... I . IST. DATED FEMUA.T ---- - -��• • l , H V JE ITT 0 S H.V. JEWITT ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 90 KENT STREET, SOUTH, SIMCOE , ONTARIO. PHONE I - 519 426 0842 W B G S ICALC -R C D 1 OWN - W JS 8 5 - 3 - TOWNS YIP I H rb u14 1tla0 I— I - _ JI !J /REDO/RE TN/SPEANBE DEPOS/TED RECE/✓ED ANO DEP05/TED AS UNDER PART II OF INE AFC/STAY 4CT PLAN //R Z#_9 _ DATED 441- N JEW/TT OE.S E0. IN(.FE s wr I— >xoo r0 ur A, ",S'. TN- n/ >/•'I LEGEND II STANDARD IRON BARS I -X 1•X49SHOWN-SIB ROUND IRON BARS 5/8" X 24• SHOWN I . 0 1 E- LOT LINES SHOWN -------- I — DEED LINES SHOWN -- — — 1 .Ji FD DENOTES FOUND ]- BEARING ARE ASTRONOMIC AND REFERRED TO THE EASTERLY LIMIT OF CENTRE STREET, N 11 '12'E ACCORDING TO PLAN IIR 102 I31.IT:1: h 131. n'I; .I Z _� Lr '00 rD sIe I ILl 1 I I 1-1 rV T R I r - 10. of ".o I ED St. —� ROSS SCOTT CAROLd' ALICE SHIRSLEY 3939 4 - 'NST N= 143939 143939 I� M — MOLDEM4RAS MALSKAI TIS _ MARIA MALSKAITIS (� INST N = 30611 ^ 2IT' i] o I o sIe « >T• 0z _ I. r l Ier «voY / S33 00 5e'r LEONARD DAVID SIMPSON • JEAN MARION SI MPSON _ — INST N3_. 5 Q \\ \ CATERS FARMS LIMIT \ \ \ INST N= 133]'11 11 PLAN OF SURVEY \ " OF PARTS OF _ CENTRE STREET - �� \ ACCORDING TO REGISTERED PLAN 2 2 IN THE — VILLAGE OF RICHMOND �4°4er IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM . • y� IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN w SCALE 1 I' 50 . J 1978 +, Lr CAUTION ! THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE MEANING OF SECTIONS 29,32 OR 33 OF THE PLANNING ACT NOTE ALL HANGING LINES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN BEEN VERIFIED. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I Hf Af 1T CE.TIFT iH.1 I.IS SUR El AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WIT« vf THE SU.ES ACT .ND TME .C41]t.T ACT AND TH[ .E4U4.TIONS AMDE T.E.EUNDEA i THE >U.v(♦ rA3 CD«PL(IED ON T.E Ix 0.T Or FE ..... I . IST. DATED FEMUA.T ---- - -��• • l , H V JE ITT 0 S H.V. JEWITT ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 90 KENT STREET, SOUTH, SIMCOE , ONTARIO. PHONE I - 519 426 0842 W B G S ICALC -R C D 1 OWN - W JS 8 5 - 3 - TOWNS YIP I H rb u14 1tla0 /REDO/RE TN/SPEANBE DEPOS/TED RECE/✓ED ANO DEP05/TED AS UNDER PART II OF INE AFC/STAY 4CT PLAN //R Z#_9 _ DATED 441- N JEW/TT OE.S E0. IN(.FE s wr I— >xoo r0 ur A, ",S'. TN- n/ >/•'I LEGEND II STANDARD IRON BARS I -X 1•X49SHOWN-SIB ROUND IRON BARS 5/8" X 24• SHOWN I . 0 1 E- LOT LINES SHOWN -------- I — DEED LINES SHOWN -- — — 1 .Ji FD DENOTES FOUND ]- BEARING ARE ASTRONOMIC AND REFERRED TO THE EASTERLY LIMIT OF CENTRE STREET, N 11 '12'E ACCORDING TO PLAN IIR 102 I31.IT:1: h 131. n'I; .I Z _� Lr '00 rD sIe I ILl 1 I I 1-1 rV T R I r - 10. of ".o I ED St. —� ROSS SCOTT CAROLd' ALICE SHIRSLEY 3939 4 - 'NST N= 143939 143939 I� M — MOLDEM4RAS MALSKAI TIS _ MARIA MALSKAITIS (� INST N = 30611 ^ 2IT' i] o I o sIe « >T• 0z _ I. r l Ier «voY / S33 00 5e'r LEONARD DAVID SIMPSON • JEAN MARION SI MPSON _ — INST N3_. 5 Q \\ \ CATERS FARMS LIMIT \ \ \ INST N= 133]'11 11 PLAN OF SURVEY \ " OF PARTS OF _ CENTRE STREET - �� \ ACCORDING TO REGISTERED PLAN 2 2 IN THE — VILLAGE OF RICHMOND �4°4er IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM . • y� IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN w SCALE 1 I' 50 . J 1978 +, Lr CAUTION ! THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE MEANING OF SECTIONS 29,32 OR 33 OF THE PLANNING ACT NOTE ALL HANGING LINES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN BEEN VERIFIED. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I Hf Af 1T CE.TIFT iH.1 I.IS SUR El AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WIT« vf THE SU.ES ACT .ND TME .C41]t.T ACT AND TH[ .E4U4.TIONS AMDE T.E.EUNDEA i THE >U.v(♦ rA3 CD«PL(IED ON T.E Ix 0.T Or FE ..... I . IST. DATED FEMUA.T ---- - -��• • l , H V JE ITT 0 S H.V. JEWITT ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 90 KENT STREET, SOUTH, SIMCOE , ONTARIO. PHONE I - 519 426 0842 W B G S ICALC -R C D 1 OWN - W JS 8 5 - 3 - TOWNS YIP I H rb u14 1tla0 COt;t;TY OF LLG11; By -Law ii'o. 2531 „I�E7i�C Is F3Y-I.1;II 7'C7 CUIlFI1:i:: 1:Y-I.11�1 I10. 1950 CF OF BAYIIAM,; A BY-I,AI,: TO "r- T F, UP AN'D C;LWE 10111) SELL A ROAD ALLOj' A-111C;E IN T1: F.. TC);-; N SI i I P OF B-AY1141i.i" I-MEREAS the Council of the Township of 13ayham on the 5th day of June, 1978, A.D. did pass By -Law No. 1950, to stop up and close and sell a portion of the road allowance known as Centre Street, Plan 22 for the Village of Richmond, lying and being situate in the Township of Bayttam, more par- ticularly described as Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on Deposited Plan of Survey 1?R 1494, on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin. AND VUERE119 pursuant to the provisions of the MAU- nicipal fist, the said Township By -Law shall not have any force until ccnfirmed by a by-law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council, held not later than one year after .the passing of the by-law, by the Council of the Township. AND LiliEREAS application has Been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a by-law con- firming the said Township of Bayham by-law. NCS,. HEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: That By -Law No. 1950 of the Township ofBayham being a by-law to stop up and close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham be and the same is hereby confizmed. READ a first. time this 27th day of September, 1978. READ a second time this 27th day of September, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of September, 1978. rA G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, Marden. I, G. C. Leverton, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy .of By -Law No. 2531, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 27th day of September, 1978. L. Leverton, County Clerk. CORPPTS.ATTOTT 0" V;> T0t'.71,Sii TP (1P LAYH ;I i BY - T -A ! H0. 1050 I;r 1iI� A TiY-I„' W TO STOP UP AND CLOS'? AI'D SELT, it R"111) AT,L0��!;*U'$ TI`' TI; I, `rr)h.Tlsn T -P nF I'AYIIA,,`. I'PiFFTZ2A'; Une . i,.znici.nal Act R.3.0.10,70, gives a�itrority i'rr mimici.nal.i`:ics to sten up, close and sell tI^a : portion of a I�i_r�r�.ra�r :•l;~i.c' is so stopped .n. THERrTniii, m, IT EI` ACTED bir the Nunic i.Dal. Coln i 1 o{' '-p Corporation of. the Toi•msl-i.p of Fa -marl; 1. . That portion of the road allowance ':known a, Co^ .m Street, Plan 22 for the Villai;e or Ri.c}^rionrl, 1-►inf- and o-inr sit;ua};e in tNr.: `i'owns' ip of Payham more partirrl.ari.1-ir .-lo -.r-i i od a:1 Parts 1., 2, 3, 4 and r on Deposit^d Plan o1' 1.1. :t 1494 on fi 1p in the►* R.egistr�r Office for thr, Refristrl, 'li-vi.s.ion o' Elgin, he stopped lip and Closed. 2. `i" -at ti,e above road allo.,aance hc� offorod lip and -col l to t:ic al-ml.ti ng land owmer or. ovmers. 3. That tare Reeve and Cleric are hnr.-�b,.• authlor-i.!�rd to a exec,it:e and deliver convelrance of t' -!n sa:.-.cl Tari ; Cornorate )mai. of tho ..Iunicipality to t.>~►e sai.rl abvitt-i.rr- Tano owner or comers. R7 -,AD A FTRSTI >ECnND ATM THIRD ''LIrl.”; AND 1{TAIr►IaJI:' I'rLS' ;,1) `i'i1T;; 5t'.. PAY n^ J"rl.;, 19? F`'.1. if I, J. A. Pete, Clerk of the Toanship of Bayham, hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of By-law No. 1950 as Passed by the Council of the Township of Bayham on June 5, 1978. N. 216556 Nand Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) I CERTIFY that this instri.1men+ is repittered aS Of OCT 2 01978 in thl 1 Cnd P,e,zistry office t St. Thomas. ntarlo. LAND REGISTRAR 4 i CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1951 BEING a Bir -Law to repeal By -Law No. 1931 closing a portion of the road through Lot 21, Concession 8, in the Township of B ayh am . WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham passed By - Law No. 1931, a by-law to Stop up, close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham, said road allowance being Part 3 on Reference Plan of Survey 11 R 993 and known as Ridge Road,on December 5, 1977. AND WHEREAS the Council of the County of Elgin passed By - Law No. 2504 confirming the action of the Council of the Township of Bayham on February 15, 1978. AND WHEREAS By -Law No. 1931 has not been registered in the Registry Office for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS Order -in -Council O.C. 1128/78 approved by Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor dated the 19th. day of April, A.D. 1978, closes Part 3 on Reference Plan of Survey 11 R 993. AND 14HEREAS this action makes Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1931 redundant. THEREFORE be it Enacted by the Council of the Township,of Bayham THAT By -Law No. 1931, Passed by the Council of the Township of Bayham on December 5, 1977 is hereby repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 5th. DAY OF June, A.D. 1978. E VECMR 4► CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1931 BEING A BY. -LAW ^ to stop up and close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, Section 443 (1) (c) gives authority for municipalities to sell that portion of a highway which is so stopped up. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham; 1. TIat portion of the road allowance through Lot 21, Concession 8, lying and being situate in the Township of Bayham more particularily described as Part 3 on Refer- ence Pl,.n of Survey 11 R 993 on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin, be stopped up and closed. 2. That the above road allowance be offered up and sold to the abutting land owner or owners. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver conveyance of the said lands under the Corporate Seal of the Municipality to the said abutting land owner or owners. READ a First, Second and Third Time and Finally Passed this 5th. day of December, 1977. Clerk COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 2504 "BEING A BY -LAV TO CONFIRM BY-LAVI NO. 1931 OF THE Ta-INSHIP OF BAYHAM; A BY-LAI'i TO STOP UP AND CLOSE AND SELL THE PORTION OF ROAD ALLMANCE THROUGH LOT 21, CONCESSION 8.00 V:NEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 5th day of December, x.977, did pass By -Law No. 1931, to stop up and close and sell the portion of the road allowance through Lot 210, Concession 8, lying and being situate in the Township of Bayham, more particularly described as Part 3, on Reference Plan 11R993, on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elain. AND 1-diEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the I4u- nicipal Act, the said Township By -Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By -Law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council, held not later than one year after the passing of the By -Law, by the Council of the Township. AND WHERE.tiS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By -Law confirm- ing the said Township of Bayham By -Law. N011 THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: MAT Ey-Law No. 1931 of the Township of Bayham, being a by-law to stop up and,close and sell the portion of the road allowance through Lot 21, Concession 8, in the Township of Bayham, be and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a second time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of February, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk L. R. Carroll, Warden if, G. C. Leverton, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 2504, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 15th day of February, 1978. G. C. Leverton, County Clerk J./ s CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY --LAW NO. 1931 BEING K BY-LAW -, to stop up and close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, Section 443 (1) (c) gives authority for municipalities to sell that portion of a highway which is so stopped up. , THEREFORE BE.IT'ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the CQrporation of• ths* Township ofay ara;, That' .portion of , the road allowance through Lot 21, Concession 8, .lying and being situate in the Township of. Bayham' more. pa�ticularily described as Part • on Refer- enc.e•'Plari of. Surrey .11 993 • on file in the Registry Off ice •for• the Registry= Division. of • Elgin•, be stopped up and -.:closed. 2.' That the above~ 'roan allowance •be offered up and sold to the abutting land "owner or owners. 3. That the -Reeve. and.. Clerk' .are hereby `authorized to execute t and deliver conveyance: of 'the said :lands %under the Corporate Seal of the Municipality -to the; said abutting land owner or owners. READ a First,. Second' --and Third Time and Finally Passed this 5th. day of December, 1977:' n. �t •=. - � / c � • -lam' C �I � � � �,/' ,• . Reeve :: Clerk I, J,A..Petrijj,.,fler4 of the Corporation of the Township of Bayhan,•`;hereby..certiPy- the forgo ng to be a true and correct copy sof 8 -1a'W No:' '1932 as beiri Passed tth4 Council of the Tow ishi• c ` h ham M - being. 5th hY 19n v v TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By -Law No. 1954 BEING a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1978, to levy the taxes for the year 1978 and to provide for the collection thereof. WHEREAS by action of the Province of Ontario, provision was made for the making of the assessment of the Municipality b;r the Province of Ontario Assessment Commissioner, prior to the 30 th. day of September 1970 as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 197$ should be levied; AND WHEREAS the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid has been revised, corrected and passed by the Assessment Review Court for the said Township of Bayham for the year 1978. AND WHEREAS no revisions were made by the County Judge; AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of $958,954 for the general purpose of the said Township for the current year, for the payment of the County rate for the current year, and for the purposes of defraying part of the expenses of Public, Separate and High School education, abed other purposes; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHA1-7 ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. That the assessment L ontained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayham as made pursuant to Province of Ontario Regulations, and as revised, corrected and passed by the Assessment Review Court be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1978 shall be levied. 2. That the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. 3. That, for the purposeof providing; the suit of $ 429,528 for the geeral purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for County purposes and other purposes for the current year, a rate of 75.629 mills on the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1978 upon the whole of the said assessment of the Township according the to last revised assessment roll, except that on assessment of $6,212,960 a reduction of 15, shall be made. 4. That in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of$559,426 for Public, Separate and High School Education purposes for the current year the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied fon. the year 1978 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School Supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder; - RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL AREA ASSESShTNT MILL RATE COMMERCIAL ASSESSMENT MILL RATE TOTAL LEVY Elgin Cty.Elementary$5,625,280 46.048 $3869145 51.164 $27$,7$7. Elgin Cty. R.C.S.S. 5879680 46.967 129205 52.186 2$,239. Elgin Cty. Secondary 6,212,960 37.923 39$.350 42.137 2529400• - 2 - 5. That, in addition, for street lighting purposes, the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessments in each of the following street lighting areas: - Lighting RESIDENTIAL MILL COMMERCIAL MILL TOTAL AREA ASSESSMENT RATE ASSESSMENT RATE LEVY Corinth Eden Richmond 56,255 1419835 89,865 Straffordville525,760 2.89,4 13.911 6.139 39575 13,865 3 , 230 3.717 124,750 3.405 16.366 7.222 4.373 175, 2,200. 575• 2,500. 6. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector's Roll to the Tax Collector on or before the 16th. day of August, 1978. 7. All taxes and other special rates shall be paid in the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Township of Bayharq. 8. Taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before September 15, 1978, and one-half on or before December 15, 1978. Penalties for non- payment when due and discounts for prepayment of taxes shall be as provided for in Township of Bayham By-laws,(penalties at the rate of one per cent per month commenciti7 the first day of default of pa,rtment, and discounts at the rate of one-half per cent per month for each month for which pre -payment is made), subject also to the provisions of By-law No. 1697. 9. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township at their last knovm address. READ A FIRS%, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd DAY OF AUGUST, 1978. n T0W1'`TSHIP OF BAYHAI,4 BY-LAW 110. 1956 A By-law to provide for the T'•lai.ntenance of the Adler, Arn, Bartley, Bartley Ditch, Carnes, Casier, Coomber "A", Coomber "R", Coomber "F", Crossett, DEli, Emerson "A", Emerson "West", Fearnley, Garnham, Grigg, Hampton, Jacko, Mitts, I'•'ieuller, Fevill, No. 1, Palmer, Phillips, Pollock, Swance, White, Winter, Zamecnik Municipal Drains and to raise the sum of $20,589.76 to pay therefor. I'Thereas the above the Drainage Act, providing for such Township Engineers mentioned drains were constriicted under the provisions of and according to the several by-laws of the municipality, construction, and according to the various reports of the made thereon. AND WHEREAS it is provided b that the Municipality of the Drainage works, at the expen in any way assessed for the ingto such assessment, until y the said reports, by-laws and Drainage Act, Township of Bayham, shall maintain the said se of the land and roadg in the said Township construction thereof, in the portions accord - such assessments or portions therof, be varied. AND UTEREAS in compliance with such duty, the Municipality, has from time to time. carried out certain Minor repairs on the said drains. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to make a pro rata assessment and levy pursuant to the said Drainage Act, upon the land and roads assessed for the construction of the aforesaid drains, so as to provide for tLnd raise the cost of the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto, which amount*in all to $ 20,589.76 and the Lands and Roads assessed, and the amounts of the assessments thereon respectively upon which the assessments and proportions hereby made are fixed, appear upon attached Schedule of Assessments, which said Schedule is a par -G of this by-law. b AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to levy the amoimts in one near. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bavham enacts as follows: 1. That for the purpose of paving the said repairs and e�ens.es incidental thereto or for repaying into the General Funds of the Municipality the amount or cost thereof the sum of $17,505.01 the amount charged against the land of the drainage works, and now assessable for Maintenance, the following total special rates and amounts shall over and above all other rates, be assessed levied and collected,in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected upon and from the undermentioned loth or parts of lots as specified in the attached schedule of assessments in the present year 1978. 2. That for the purpose of paying; the sum of $952.1+6 the amount charged against said roads of the 'Municipality, and $2,132.29 the amount charged against other Municipalities, the Province of Ontario, and other Boards and Corporations for the aforesaid purpose, accounts shall be levied against the roads of the Municipality and against the other Municipalities, the Province of Ontario, and other Boards and Corporations to pav the �aforesaic'd amounts. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TII4E AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd. DAY OF AUGUST, 1978. NO ., SCHEDULE OF ASSESS14ENTS - BY - LAW N0, 1956 ADLER DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bal ham Roads- County of Elgin ARN DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bavham Roads - Prov. of Ontario Roads - Township of Bayham EARTLEY DRAIN REPAIRS 8 202.67 —..54.6. 3 257.30 $ 216.33 12.02 10 , 6Q Q Lands in Bavham $ 59.$9 BARTLEY DITCH REPAIRS Lands in Bavham Roads- County of Elgin Roads- Prov, of Ontario 0 CARNES DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bayham Roads - Township of Parham CASIER DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bavham Roads - County of Elgin Roads - Prov, of Ontario C ©ONBER "A" DRAIN REPAIRS Lards in Bairham C.N. Railway Roads - Township of Bayham, V C 0014BER "B" DRAIN REPAIRS Lards in Ba1rham COMBER BER " F " DRAIN, REPAIRS Lands in Bal,rham 482.20 61,05 18.60 .� 5 61. 5 $ 155.50 $ 2,685,89 38.68 z, 0.00 231-51- 2.2,5 ��� JJSSS2 ,..^^//''�� 4 spm` L-272-32 CROSSETT DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bavham Roans - County of E1 in 4.2e' ' Roads - Township of Bayham '92 . 7 DELI DRAINT REPAIRS Lands in Bayham Roads - Co,,MtY of Elgin $ 820.03 b2.97 Ll 2 I . . EMERSON " A " DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bajrham EMERSON 11 'TEST 'r DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bavham Roads - Township of Bayham FEARNLEY DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bayham Roads - County of Elgin GARNHAM DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bayham Roads - To.-mshio of Bavham r: GRIGG DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bad*ham C.P. Railviay Roads - County of Elgin Roads - Township of Bayham HAMPTON DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bayham Roads - Township of Bavham JACKO DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bavham Roads - Township of Bavham Roads - Norfolk (Houghton) Twp. MITTS DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bayham Roads - Bavham Township Poads - Prov. of Ontario MULLER DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bairham C.TT.Railway Roads - County of Elgin Roads - Township of Bayham NEVILL DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bayham Roads - Township of Bayham O 286.74 ]23-50 119.41 0.2 S 12 69.59 10.3q $2,658.90 296.25 215.20 323.15 73� 402-50 772.81 11 3-14 '.a �5 x.71.48 200.88 70.34 ,$1,142,70 ;P 54.59 26.68 0.2 X1.0 158.93 1.61 10.68 10.68 0 119.71 3 042 $ 1 .20 -3- 1"0. 1 DRA Irl REPAIRS Lands in Bavham C.P.Railway Roads- County of Elgin Roads - Township of Bavham PAUM DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bavham Roads - County of Elgin PHILLIPS DRAITTT REPAIRS 1,910.45 1.23 37.12 9. 95 $2,042-75 711.18 156.22 0 Lands in Bavham 502.13 Roads - Count;• of Elgin 15.37 517.50 POLLOCI: DRAIN REPAIRS Lards in Bayha.4 �)3 , 0$0.55 Roads - County of Elgin 337-50 __ rl L18.05 _ %;)2 , 5.05 SWANCE DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Barham 428.54 C . N . Railway 16 . WHITE DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in B&yham 243-90 C.P. Railway 23.77 Roads - Prov. of Ontario 86.27 Roads - Township of Bai,rham 7.92 t .86 WINTER DRAIr4 REPAIRS Lands in Bayham 73.59 Roads - County of Elgin 75.66 Roads - Bavham Tovmship 5.95 155-20 ZAMECNIK DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bavham * 15.96 Roads - Township of Bayham —7-72 E:23-25 6. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW N0. 1957 BEING a By-law to amend By-law No. 1594 designating; through highways. WHEREAS By-law No. 1894 designates certain highways in the Township of Bayham as "Through Highwayaa AND WHEREAS it is now necessary to d6signate additional highways as through highways. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN , 1., THAT Section 1 of By-law No. 1894 as Passed by the Council of the Township of Dayham on July 5, 1976 is amended by the addition of: 1.27 The road between Lots 10 and 11 in Concession Two commencing at the Southerly limit of the road between Concessions Two and Three, proceeding Scu therly to the Northerly limit of County of Elgin Road No. 42. Ot READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIYZ AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th. DAY OF September, 1978. WA 'V�' M_m • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 1957 BEPTG a RIr-law to amend By-law No. 1894 designatin through highways. WHEREAS By-law No. 1894 designates certain highways in _ y the Township of Bayha!tm as "Through Highways" x AND WHEREAS it is now necessary to designate addition � a_ highways as through highways. • THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TMINSHIP OF BAYHAM 1. THAT Section 1 of By-law No. 1894 as Passed by, the J Co'an&il of the Township of Bayham on July 5, 1976 is amended by the addition of: 1.27 TI-Lz road between Lots 10 and 11 in Concession Trio commencing at the Southerly limit of the road between Concessions Two and Three, proceeding Scu therly to the Northerly limit of County of Elgin Road No. 42. % READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th. DAY OF September, 1978. o� CLERK P, W. NOTICE OF APPLICATION to The Ontario Municipal Board by Corporation of the Township of Bayham for approval of a by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section of The Planning Act. the 35 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisio Ps of Section 35 of The Planning Act for approval of By-law 195 passed on the 7th • day of September 1978. A copy of the by-law is furnished herewith. A note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law and stating the lands affected thereby is also furnished herewith. 0. ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, within twenty-one (21) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the clerk of the Township of Bayham notice of objection to approval of the said by-law or any part thereof and shall indicate that if a hearing is held the objector or an agent will attend at the hearing to state the objection. ANY PERSON wishing to support the application for approval of the by-law may within twenty-one (21) days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the clerk of the Township of Bayham notice of his support or approval of the said by-law together with a request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving also the name and address to which such notice should be given. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said by-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the by-law will be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the clerk undersig�.-d, the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent. THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS will be DATED this 29 day of September October 20 , 1978. Mr. J. Petrie Clerk -Treasurer The Township of Box 160 Straffordvi11e, NOJ IYO Bayham Ontario e a 1978. EXPLANATORY NOTE BY-LAW NO. 1958 The lands affected by By-law No. 1 95$ are outlined in lines on the attached map designated Schedule "A" and heavy solid vacant. If By-law No. 1 95$ is approved b are presently Board it will permit the lands outlined in by solidlines Schedule "A" to be used for the development of seven estate on residential lots. tate 0 0 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1458 Is t t 0 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW N0. 1958 SECTION 41 TITLE PAGE 1 General 1 2 Administration 2 3 Definitions 3 4 Zones and Zoning Map 8 5 General Provisions 9 6 Estate Residential (ER) Zone Regulations 12 a 1 It a , 1 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1958 A By-law to provide for the zoning of certain lands in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to implement the Official Plan of the Planning Area: NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 GENERAL 1.1 TITLE 1.2 APPLICATION 1.3 SCOPE 1.4 VALIDITY 1.5 EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall be known as By -Law No. 1958 of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. The provisions of this By-law shall apply to those lands identified as ER, Estate Residential on Schedules "A" and "B" to this By-law. No lands shall be used and no buildings erected, altered, enlarged or used except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law on the lands designated ER, Estate Residential on Schedules "A" and "B" to this By-law. Should any section, clause or provision of this By-law be held by a court of competent jurisdic- tion to be invalid, the validity of the remainder of the By-law shall not be affected. This By-law shall, upon approval of the O%tario Municipal Board, come into full force and effect as of the date of passing hereof. t SECTION 2 ADMINISTRATION 2.1 ADMINISTRATION 2.2 VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES 2.3 INSPECTION OF PREMISES 0 2.4 LICENCES AND PERMITS 2.5 CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY 2.6 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION 2 This By-law shall be administered by the person designated by the Council of the Township of Bayham as a "Zoning Administrator". Any person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of the By-law shall be liable to a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) exclusive of costs, for each offence, and every such penalty shall be recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act, R.S.O. 1970 as amended from time to time. The Zoning Administrator or any employee of the Municipality acting under his direction may, at any reasonable hour, enter and inspect a property or premises where there is reason to believe that any s land has been used or any building or structure has been erected, altered, enlarged or used in violation of any of the provisions of this By-law. No municipal permit, certificate, or licence shall be issued where the said permit is required for a proposed erection, alteraticn, enlargement or use of any building or structure that is in violation of any provision of this By-law. No person shall use or change the use of any land covered by this By-law or of any building or structure on any such land without obtaining from the Zoning Administrator a Certificate of Occupancy. 44 An application for a Certificate of Occupancy shall be accompanied by completed zoning applications in duplicate and by plans, prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor if deemed necessary, showing: i. the actual shape and dimensions of the lot to be used or upon which it is proposed to erect, alter, enlarge or use buildings or structures; ii. the proposed location, height and dimension of the buildings or structures in respect of which the Certificate .is applied for; iii, the location of every building or structure already erected onhe lot. The application shall be accompanied by a statement signed by the owner or his duly authorized agent specifying the use to which the lands are intended or the use to which the buildings or structures to be erected, altered or enlarged are intended. . I 3 SECTION 3 DEFINITIONS GENERAL i. For the purposes of this By-law, the definitions and interpre- tations given herein shall govern. ii. In this By-law, unless the context otherwise requires the expres- sion "use" or "to use" shall include anything done or permitted by the owner or occupant of any land, building or structure, directly or indirectly or by or through any trustee, tenant, servant, or agent, acting for or with the knowledge or consent of such owner or occupant, for the purpose of making use of the said land, building or structure. iii. In this By-law, the word "shall" shall always be construed as mandatory. iv. In this By-law, unless the contrary intention appears, words imparting the singular number or the masculine gender only shall incleemales e more persons, parties, or things of the same kind than one, and as well as males, and the converse. 3.1 ACCESSORY, when used to describe a use, building or, structure, shall mean a use, a building or structure that is normally inci.- dental, subordinate and exclusively devoted to a main use, building or structure, and that is located on the same lot therewith. 3.2 ATTACHED, shall mean a building otherwise complete in itself, which depends for structural support, or complete enclosure, upon a division wall or walls shared in common with an adjacent building or buildings. 3.3 BASEMENT, shall mean that portion of a building between two floor levels which is partly or wholly underground. 3.4 BUILDING, shall include any structure whether temporary or perma- nent used or intended for sheltering any use of occupancy but shall not include a boundary wall or fence. 3.5 BUILDING AREA, shall mean an area designated on a zoning map or Zoning Map Schedule as "Building Area" which defines the area of a lot within which permitted buildings or other structures may be erected, used and maintained. 3.6 BUILDING INSPECTOR, shall mean the officer or employees of the Municipality for the time being charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of the Building By-law. 3.7 BUILDING LINE, shall mean a line within a lot drawn parallel to a lot line, it establishes the minimum distance between the lot line and any building or structure, which may be erected. Where the lot line is a curve, the building line shall be a line drawn parallel to chord of the arc constituting the lot line. A chord is a straight line joining two points on a curve. 3.8 COVERAGE, shall mean in the case of a residential building or structure that portion or percentage of the area of any lot upon which buildings or structures are erected or permitted to be erected on the lot (not including a swiriuning pool) measured at the level of the lowest storey containing habitable rooms, and in the case of a non-residential building or structure, that portion or percentage of the area of buildings or structures erected or permitted to be erected on the lot (not including a swimming pool) measured at the level of the lowest storey above grade, including in both cases all porches and verandahs, open, unenclosed terraces at grade, steps,'cornices, eaves, bay windows, chimneys. SECTION 2 ADMINISTRATION 2.1 ADMINISTRATION This By-law shall bedi nistered Person designated by the Council by the f the Township of Bayham as a "Zoning Administrator". 2.2 VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES Any Person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of the By-law shall be liable to a fine not to o exceed one thousand �$1,000.00j exclusive of costs, for each offence, and every such penalty shall be recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act, R.S.O. 1970 as amended from time to time. 2.3 INSPECTION The Zoning Administr OF PREMISSatoof the Municipalityactinor any employee direction may, at ny reasonable hounder s enter and inspect a property or premises where there is reason to believe that an land has been used or any building or y structure has been erected, altered, enlarged or used in violation of an of the provisions of this By-law. y 2.4 LICENCES No municipal ermi AND PERMITSP ts certificate, or licence shall be issued where the said Permit is required for a proposed erection, alteration, enlargement or use of any building or structure that is in violation of any provision of this By-law, 2.5 CERTIFICATES No person shall u OF OCCUPANCY use or change the use of any land covered by this By-law or of any building or structure on any such land without obtaining from the Zoning Ad4ninistrator a Certificate of Occupancy. 2.6 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION An application for a Certificate of Occupanc shall be accompanied by completed zoning applications in duplicate and by plans, prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor if deemed necessary, showing: i• the actual shape and dimensions of the lot to be used or upon which it is proposed to erect, alter, enlarge or use buildings or structures; ii. the proposed location, height and dimension of the buildings or structures in respect of which the Certificate ,is applied for; the location of every building o0, structure already erected on the lot. The application shall be accompanied by a statement signed by the owner or his duly authorized agent specifying the use to which the lands are intended or the use to which the buildings or structures to be erected, altered or enlarged are intended. 3 SECTION 3 DEFINITIONS GENERAL I. For the purposes of this By-law, the definitions and Interpre- tations given herein shall govern. ii. In this By-law, unless the context otherwise requires the expres- sion "use" or "to use" shall include anything done or permitted by the owner or occupant of any land, building or structure, directly or indirectly or by or through any trustee, tenant, servant, or agent, acting for or with the knowledge or consent of such owner or occupant, for the purpose of making use of the said land, building or structure. iii. In this By-law, the word "shall" shall always be construed as mandatory. iv. In this By-law, unless the contrary intention appears, words imparting the singular number or the masculine gender only shall include more persons, parties, or things of the same kind than one, and females as well as males, and the converse. 3.1 ACCESSORY, when used to describe a use, building or structure, 61 shall mean a use, a building or structure that is normally inci- dental, subordinate and exclusively devoted to a main use, building or structure, and that is located on the same lot therewith. 3.2 ATTACHED, shall mean a building otherwise complete in itself, which depends for structural support, or complete enclosure, upon a division wall or walls shared in coninon with an adjacent building or buildings. 3.3 BASEMENT, shall mean that portion of a building between two floor levels which is partly or wholly underground. 3.4 BUILDING, shall include any structure whether temporary or perma- nent used or intended for sheltering any use of occupancy but shall not include a boundary wall or fence. 3.5 BUILDING AREA, shall mean an area designated on a zoning map or Zoning Map Schedule as "Building Area" which defines the area of a lot within which permitted buildings or other structures may be erected, used and maintained. 3.6 BUILDING INSPECTOR, shall mean the officer or employees of the Municipality for the time being charged with the duty of enforcing the provisions of the Building By-law. 3.7 BUILDING LINE, shall mean a line within a lot drawn parallel to a lot line, it establishes the minimum distance between the lot line and any building or structure, which may be erected. Where the lot line is a curve, the building line shall be a line drawn parallel to chord of the arc constituting the lot line. A chord is a straight line joining two points on a curve. 3.8 COVERAGE, shall mean in the case of a residential building or structure that portion or percentage of the area of any lot upon which buildings or structures are erected or permittH to be erected on the lot (not including a swinnning pool) measured at the level of the lowest storey containing habitable rooms, and in the case of a non-residential building or structure, that portion or percentage of the area of buildings or structures erected or permitted to be erected on the lot (not including a swimming pool) measured at the level of the lowest storey above grade, including in both cases all porches and verandahs, open, unenclosed terraces at grade, steps, cornices, eves, bay windows, chimneys. 0 99 3.9 DWELLING, shall mean a building, occupied or capable of being occupied exclusively as a home, residence or sleeping place by one or more persons, but shall not include hotels, boarding or rooming houses, motels or institutions. 3.10 DWELLING UNIT, shall mean one or more habitable rooms occupied or capable of being occupied by an individual or family as an inde- pendent and separate housekeeping establishment in which separate kitchen and sanitary facilities are provided for the use of such individual or family, with a private entrance from outside the building. 3.11 DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED, shall mean a building designed, intended and/or used for occupancy by not more than one family. 3.12 ERECT, shall include: bui1ding, construct, reconstruct, alter, and relocate and, not to limit the generality of the foregoing, shall be taken to include any preliminary physical operations such as excavating, grading, piling, cribbing, filling, or draining, structurally altering any existing building or structure by an addition, deletion, enlargement or extension. 3.13 FAMILY, shall mean an individual, or two (2) or more persons who are interrelated by blood or marriage or legal adoption, or a group of not more than three (3) unrelated persons, exclusive of servants, occupying a dwelling unit, and not more than two (2) persons who receive their lodging and/or board for compensation. 3.14 FLOOR AREA, shall mean the sum of the areas of all of the i'loors of a building measured in the manner set out in the definition of "Ground Floor Area" in this By-law. The "Floor Area" shall not include the basement as a portion of the "Floor Area" in single family detached, duplex and semi-detached dwellings. 3.15 GARAGE (PRIVATE) or CARPORT, shall mean a building or portion of a building designed for the storage of not more than three (3) private passenger motor vehicles wherein no service for profit is rendered; where such structure is attached to the main building, it shall be deemed to be part of the main building and not an accessory building. N 3.16 GRADE, shall mean the average elevation of the finished level of the ground adjoining all the walls of the building. 3.17 GROUND FLOOR AREA, shall mean the area of a building or structure measured from the outside walls at grade, exclusive of any attached accessory building, terrace, verandah, open or enclosed porch or sunroom or enclosed porch as an integral part of the building and habitable in all seasons. 3.18 HEIGHT, when used with reference to a building or structure shall mean the vertical distance in feet between the horizontal plane through grade level and a horizontal plane through: a) the highest point of the roof assembly in the case of a building with a flat roof or a deck roof; b) the average level of a one slope roof, provided that such roof having a slope of less than twenty degrees with t'he horizontal shall be considered a flat roof; c) the average level between eaves and ridges in the case of a roof type not mentioned in subsections a) and b) inunediately preceding. The height regulations shall not apply to any ornamental dome, chimney or tower. 5 0 3.19 HOME, OCCUPATION, shall mean an occupation for gain or support conducted entirely within a dwelling as a secondary use provided that: a) one member of the family is engaged in the business; b) there is no external display or advertisement other than a sign which is a maximum of six (6) square feet (.5574 square metres) in size; c) there is no external storage of materials, containers or finished products; d) does not change the character of the dwelling as a private residence; e) there is no mechanical equipment used except that ordinarily used for housekeeping purposes or for recreational hobbies. If any undue noise, fumes, dust or odour arising from such occupation escapes to any adjoining premises, such occupation shall not be deemed a permissible home occupation; f) does not occupy more than 25 percent of the total floor area of the dwelling unit including basement or cellar area used for home occupation or as living quarters, or 300 square feet (27.87 square metres) whichever is the lesser and, for greater clarity, such use includes the offices or consulting rooms for a profession such as a physician, dentist, chiropractor, lawyer, engineer, accountant, teacher, musical instructor when a single pupil is instructed at a time, the office for a trade such as a painter or electrician and the work room for a potter, weaver, dressmaker, milliner or hairdresser, but does not include or permit a clinic, any shop, tea room, tourist home, convalescent home, mortuary, funeral parlour, dancing school, rooming house, boarding house, hairdressing, if more than three people are engaged in the trade, real estate or insurance office if more than three people are engaged in the business, or any other similar use or other commercial use or institutional use or a workshop, storage yard, parking area or plan for any of the trades. 3.2_'0 !-.OT, shall mean a parcel of land, described in a deed or other document legally capable of conveying land or shown as a lot or block on a registered plan of subdivision. 3.21 LOT AREA, shall mean the total horizontal area with the lot lines 1k, of a lot and in the case of a corner lot having street lines rounding at the corner with a radius of twenty (20) feet (6.096 metres) or less, the lot area of such lot is to be calculated as if the lot lines were projected to this point of intersection. 3.22 LOT, CORNER, shall mean a lot situated at the intersection of and abutting upon two (2) or more streets which intersect at an angle of less than one hundred and thirty-five 135) degrees and each of which is at least thirty-three (33feet 10.0584 metres) wide. 3.23 LOT FRONTAGE, shall mean the.horizontal distance between the side lot lines of a lot measured at right angles, but where such lot lines are not parallel, the lot frontage shall be measured perpen- dicularly from the line joining the center of the front and rear lot lines at a point twenty (2.0) feet (6.096 metres) back from the front lot line. 3.24 LOT DEPTH, shall mean the horizontal distance between the front and - rear lot lines. Where these lines are not parallel, it shall be the length of a line joining the mid -points of the front and rear lot lines; for lots with curved front lot lines, the measurement shall be taken from a line drawn parallel to the chord of the arc of the curve constituting the front lot line, lying midway between said chord and a line drawn parallel to said chord and tangent to said arc. W A 3.25 LOT, INTERIOR, shall mean a lot situated between adjacent lots and having access to one street. 3.26 LOT LINES, shall mean the boundary lines of a lot defined as follows: a) Front lot line shall mean the line dividing the lot from the street except that: i) in the case of a corner lot the shorter boundary line abutting the street shall be deemed the front lot line, but, if each of such lot lines should be of equal length the front lot line shall be deemed to be the front lot line as established in the block by prior construction. ii) in the case of a through lot the shorter boundary dividing the lot from the street shall be deemed to be the front lot line and the opposite longer boundary shall be deemed to be the rear lot line. In case each of such lot lines should be of equal length, the front lot line shall be deemed to be the front lot line as established in the block by prior construction. b) Rear lot line shall mean the lot line farthest from or opposite to the front lot lane. c) Side lot line shall mean a lot line other than front or rear lot line. 3.21 LOT, THROUGH, shall mean a lot bounded on two opposite sides by streets each of which is at least thirty-three (33) feet (10.0584 metres) wide. Provided, however, that if any lot qualifies as being both a corner lot and a through lot as hereinbefore defined, such lot shall be conclusively deemed to be a corner lot. 3.28 MAIN BUILDING, shall mean the building in which is carried on the principal purpose for which the lot is used. 3.29 MAIN WALL, shall mean the exterior front, side or rear wall of a building, and all structural members essential to the support of a fully enclosed space or roof. 3.30 MOBILE HOME, shall mean a single-family detached dwelling designed to be transported after fabrication, either on its own wheels, in a flatbed, in other trailers, or on detachable wheels, to a mobile home lot and which is suitable for occupancy as a dwelling unit except for minor and incidental unpacking and assembly operations, placement on a mobile home stand, connection to utilities and the like, but which does not include single-family detached dwellings constructed in parts, designed to be transported to a lot where they are joined as integral units and placed on a permanent foun- dation over a cellar or basement. 3.31 PARKING SPACE, shall mean an area enclosed in a principal building, in an accessory building, or unenclosed, having an area of not less than two hundred (200) square feet (18.58 square metres), exclusive of aisles or driveways and accessible to a street or lane and set aside for the purpose of parking an automobile. 3.32 PERSON, shall include an individual, an association, a firm, a 10 partnership or an incorporated company. 3.33 RESIDENTIAL USE, means the use of a building or structure or parts thereof as a private dwelling. 3.34 STOREY,. FIRST, shall mean the lowest storey of a building, excluding the basement. r 7 3.35 STREET OR ROAD, shall mean a p0lic hirhway as defined by the Minicipal Act. 3.36 STRIiOTURE , shall mean any erection fixed to or supported by the soil. 3.37 TRAVEL TRAILER, shall mean an -it vehicle so constructed that it is sliitable for hein.p attached to a motor vehicle for the purpose of being drawn or propelled h,► tr�e motor vehicle, but not including* any vehicle unless it. Is used or intended for the living, sleepin or eatinr ccommodation of persons therein for seasonal, recreatic antivit.,. 3.38 TISE, (when >>sed as a no>>n) , shall mean the purpose for which anir land, biiildinr or str»ct.ure is designed, arranged or intended to be occupied or >>3ed, or for which it is occnipted lised or maintain 3.39 YARD, sr,all mean an open space on the same lot with a main btjildi or st.rtictmre, inoccupied and lanobstrticted as otherwise provided i this By-law. 0 a) FRONT YAW'), shall mean a yard extending across the frill width of t},e lot, between the front lot line and a line parrallel thereto on the lot, , t)) REAR YARD, sriall mean a yard extending across the frill width of t1le lot, between the rear lot line and the nearest wall of the main building on such lot; the depth of any rear yard shall he deemed to be the perpendiclalar plane between a point: in the rear lot line and the nearest part of the main buildir or stricture; c) SIDE YARD, shall mean a yard between a htaildinp, or structure and the side lot line extetdinr froi the front yard or front lot, line (if no front yard is required) to the rear yard or rear lot line (if no rear yard is redui_red) the width of a reni?ired side yard shall be deemed to he the perpendicular distance measured in a horizontal plane between a point in th side lot line and the nearest, part of the main bui_ldi.nr Igr structure. L SECTION 4 ZONES AND ZONING MAP 4.1 ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES For the purposes of this By-law the maps hereto annexed as Schedules "A" and "B" shall be referred to as Schedules "A" and "B" to By-law No. 1 9 5 8for the Township of Bayham. The following zone is shown on Schedules "A" and "B". ZONE SYMBOL Estate Residential ER 4.2 USE OF ZONE SYMBOLS The symbol listed in Subsection 4.1 shall be used to refer to land, buildings and structures and the uses thereof permitted by this By-law in the Estate Residential Zone, and wherever in this By-law the word "zone" is used, preceded by the said symbol, such zone shall mean any area within the Township of Bayham delineated on Schedules "A" and "B" and designated thereon by the said symbol. 4.3 INTERPRETATION OF ZONE BOUNDARIES Where any uncertainty exists as to the location of the boundary of the said zone as shown on Scnedules All and "B", the following rules shall apply: a) unless otherwise shown, the boundary of the zone as shown on Schedules "A" and "B" are centre street lines and the pro- duction thereof; b) where zoning boundaries are indicated as approximately following lot lines shown on a registered plan of subdivision, such lot lines shall be deemed to be the said boundary; c) where zoning boundaries are indicated as approximately parallel to the line of any street and the distance from such street is not indicated, such zoning boundaries shall be interpreted as being parallel to such street and the distance therefrom shall be determined by the use of the scale shown on the zoning map; d) where any zone boundary is left uncertain after application of the provisions of sections 4.3 a), b) and c) of this By-law, then the boundary line shall be determined according to the scale on Schedules "A" and "B" in the office of the Zoning Administrator. 1k SECTION 5 GENERAL PROVISIONS 5.1 APPLICATION OF OTHER BY-LAWS Nothing in this By-law shall operate to relieve any person from the obligation to comply with the requirements of the Building By-law or any other By-law of the municipality in force from time to time or the obligation to obtain any licence, permit, authority or approval required under any by-law of the municipality. 5.2 STREET FRONTAGE OF BUILDING LOTS Except as hereinafter provided in this By-law, no person shall erect a building or structure and no person shall use any building, structure, lot or parcel unless the lot or parcel to be so used or upon which the building is situated, erected or proposed to be erected abuts or fronts on a street or road. 5.3 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION USES The followin temporary uses shall be permitted in the Estate Residential ?ER) tone; temporary uses of buildings and structures incidental to and necessary for the construction work carried on but for so long only as the same are necessary for construction work in process which has neither been finished nor abandoned. 5.4 PERMITTED ENCROACHMENTS IN YARDS a) Every part or any yard required by this By-law shall be open and unobstructed by any structure from the ground to the sky, provided however that those structures listed in the following table shall be permitted to project into the yards indicated for the distances specified: YARD IN WHICH MAX. PROJECTION PROJECTION FROM MAIN WALL STRUCTURE IS PERMITTED PERMITTED sills, belt courses, cornices, eaves, gutters, chimneys or , pilasters any yard .5 metres fire escapes and rear yard exterior staircases only 1.5 metres window bays front and rear yards only 1 metre open roofed porches not exceeding one storey in height, covered cornices any yard 2.5 metres b) Private garages or other accessory buildings other than accessory living quarters: i. shall not be used for human habitation; Ii. shall not be built closer to the front lot line than ate minimum distance required by this By-law for the main buildings on the lot; iii. where an accessory building is built on a corner lot, it shall be built no closer to the front or side lot lines than the minimum distance required in this By-law for the main building on the lot; 01 10 iv. shall not exceed 6 metres in height or contain more than two storeys, where the garage or accessory building is detached from the main building; V. shall not exceed 10 percent coverage of the total lot area; vi. shall not be built closer than 1 metre to a lot line, except that common semi-detached garages may be centered on the mutual side lot line, and, except where a lot line abuts a public lane in which case an accessory building may be located not less than .5 metre from the said line; vii. shall not be considered a part of the main building for the purpose of calculating the lot coverage even if attached to the main building. 5.5 PERMITTED PUBLIC USES The provisions of this By-law shall not apply to the use of any land or to the erection or use of any building or structure for the purpose of public service by the municipality or by any local Board thereof as defined by The Municipal Affairs Act, Chapter 98, R.S.O. 1970, any telephone, telegraph or gas company, any department of the Governments of Ontario or Canada, including Ontario Hydro provided that: a) the lot coverage, setback and yard requirements prescribed for the zone in which such land, building or structure is located shall be complied with; b) no goods, material, or equipment shall be stored in the open in a Residential Zone; c) any building erected in a Residential Zone under the authority of this paragraph shall be designed and maintained in general harmony with residential buildings of the type permitted in the Zone. 5.6 PROHIBITED USES It shall be prohibited to use any land or to erect and use any building or other structure in the Estate Residential (ER) Zondk for the purposes of wrecking yards, automobile salvage yards, dumps, the collection of rags, Junk, any refuse, scrap iron, or other scrap metals. 5.7 MOBILE HOMES PROHIBITED IN ALL ZONES It shall be prohibited to locate and use a mobile home in the Estate Residential (ER) Zone for the purposes of residential, business, industrial or institutional uses, temporarily or perma- nently, unless the use of a mobile home for such purposes is listed specifically in this By-law as a permitted use within a particular use zone. . 5.8 TRUCK, BUS AND COACH BODIES OR TRAILERS OR TENTS USED FOR HUMAN HABITATION a) No truck, bus, coach or streetcar body or tent shall be used for human habitation within the Estate Residential (ER) Zone whether or not the same is mounted on wheels. b) No travel trailer, as defined in Section 3 of this By-law shall be used for the living, sleeping or eating accommodation of persons within the Estate Residential (ER) Zone for a period of more than sixty (60) days in any period of ten (10) consecutive months. 11 5.9 MOVING OF BUILDINGS No building shall be moved within the limits of the Estate Residential (ER) Zone, or shall be moved from outside the Estate Residential (ER) Zone into the Estate Residential (ER) Zone without a permit from the Building Inspector. 5.10 OCCUPANCY OF PARTIALLY COMPLETED BUILDINGS No new building shall be occupied before the main side walls and roof have been erected and the external siding and roofing have been completed, and sanitary conveniences installed and, where applicable, kitchen and heating facilities have been installed. 5.11 PARKING REQUIREMENTS The owner of every dwelling unit erected or enlarged in the Estate Residential (ER) Zone after the passing of this By-law shall provide one parking space for such erection or enlargement. 5.12 CORNER LOT SIGHT RESTRICTION Notwithstthding any other provision of this By-law on a corner lot within the triangular space included between the street lines for a distance of 9 metres from their point of intersection, no building or structure shall be erected and no shrubs or foliage shall be planted or maintained which obstruct the view of a driver of a vehicle approaching the intersection. 5.13 YARD AND OPEN SPACE PROVISION FOR ALL ZONES No part of a yard or other open space required about any building for the purpose Gf complying with the provisions of this By-law shall be included as part of a yard or other open space similarly required for another building. I N e 12 SECTION 6 ESTATE RESIDENTIAL (ER) ZONE REGULATIONS 6.1 GENERAL USE REGULATIONS 6.1.1 Permitted Uses a) residential uses; b) home occupations; C) accessory uses. 6.1.2 Permitted Buildings and Other Structures a) one single family detached dwelling on one lot; b) accessory buildings and structures. 6.1.3 Lot Area .8 hectares minimum. 6.1.4 Lot Frontage 25 metres minimum. 6.1.5 Building Coverage 20 percent maximum. 6.1.6 Floor Arei 148 square metres minimum. 6.1.7 Front Yard Depth 18 metres minimum. 6.1.9 Side Yard Depth 8 metres minimum. ' 6.1.10 Rear Yard 15 metres minimum. 6.1.11 Regulations for Accessory Buildings 9 No accessory building shall be located withi side or rear lot line. n 6 metres of a 6.1.12 Location of Buildings and Other Structures No building, septic tank or the field install Placementarea or removal of fill shall be Permitted in t or the shown on Schedule B" of this By -paw, ed n the lowland 6.1.13 Setback from Break -of -Slope 7.62 metres as on minimum for all buildings on lot n Schedule Bit. The break -of -slope is define 6 and 7 d as the 243.84 metre contour line for lots 3 Schedule "B", and the 242.316 metre contour and 5, as lots' on and 7, as shown on Schedule 11B11.r line for lots 6 6.1.14 Setback'from Lowland Area 7.62 metres minimum from the lowland area o "8t'. n lots 1 and 2, as shown on Schedule 13 6.1.15 Setbacks From Livestock Operations All estate residences shall be located a minimum distance of 90 metres away from buildings, structures and facilities housing livestock operations or livestock waste receptacles. Read a FIRST time this 7th.day of September s, 191$ . Read a SECOND time this 7th -day of aeptember 1978 . Read a THIRD time and finally passed, this 7th -day ofSeptember191$ . Reeve P�onald A. Green t ` Clerk J. A. Petrie El a > M ESTATE RESIDENTIAL This is Schedule •A• to By- l sw No. /Y.� posted the 7 dor of I► Ault ililillilljllll \ � -tom/f � ♦ / //1\ / I \`�,;//♦/11/.,!1`'`11"//j d/%%Ao ' `tlt�`'/ - ftp' I•►.'r� Rand A' NO OF ♦/.riot` ' ///_1)\1\`// i♦ /.► �♦l� /1� 1`/J1�1/�tj,t/`1� jl/\�1�J; 1; I N fit ft ' f � /\"I�_�t/�1/- ISI♦/_/\1 /♦ , ` / 1 ► `'� 1 ` / //{ `/•/��'♦/�/tet/ j /�J\.\ ♦/`\J It op .0 ter ♦ - l � � oop r -t`��/ Ire ♦ ;/J` �I \1j\moi ��/l\J\/\ %/♦.. {i �j/\/..r,i\'I1/�/�li /1 /�`♦ �{--% iii\/ �)i i 1.0 10 /rMl ':�/moi \ �1,`{ 1 "�li i� �/1�\ // /�/♦/li�j / I�r tl../t�♦/>/�`If\�,JI�f�`%{,iitt./�/ ♦fi _ _ 1 1.0 '/\'fes_. � jl� / �� 1/\/ /f �\\/ / / 1 �1�{ r Jrl\\�! 1♦ it00 op .00 AA_ t - S GA t.4 ,13 to W C-) r O O n rn ON cn t-� O Z W) CORPORA`T'ION Or THE TO10SHIP OF FAYriAIo-i BY-LAW NO. 1.960 I�SIi GT A j,Y-LATd TO S'H'OP UP AND CLOSE MTD SSLL A ROAD ALLOIIA"TCF Ii'TE TSHIP n'i'3AYA�ji. =.:SAS the 1 nir;ci Pal l ct tt.5.0. 1970) ,gives autiicr4_ty for M ir. i cipalitics .,- .1 �. t� s�o;� �z�, close and �,cll �ha� Portion. o� a .T:rI" ch is s{, ton ed.z�n ti �. BE I'IN ENACTED h,!- the r•I� n.4 f l; nrn r rat j orl (If, tj? C' 17, tJ of Pa. .roa,i al.loiiZncc: r) t �. (=are, anr,' ?gar'; of t'r=_c roa,- alto 'a_n(,r-• �,e;;j.l,�o,, T,;��z,,,�z ro,�o a!-, ; CoyIc<<:; ;�.r,n � � a-:' r�• an�.l. i�cznsi_t-,it a�T, ars clor nartic-11_ari l-ir d� �r�riho-i as Part 1 on Dn osito- Pla;. of Survelr 11 R 1-80 o- file its`-, r �, , ,. „ ,...�.c or V10 _. �•.., �v )ivis`! on o.-, Elr:1n, be s50n','_ un ')- ,fir..;„1 ' i”- -* af, t -,,, ab(^v:: roa,i allowance I. -,c^.0 lar.,, o.:ncr or ovmers. C�VG • s „{ , a, Id Clerk aro Yr.—, .-&-,_ Lei �" , ;� �Oi3I) AND THIRD TT' --,?j;: it TAr T Y t) A -, m,, J J J• , .. A r ?nrl . I)AY 1)(3TOT-1 r , ].1717 _ ItJoAsPetriot Clerk of tb*wna�.tp ofDoy vhoartheo dopy _ '�► jaiy�.r JUL R 1979 _ ''OWNSFiIP Cir BAYHAi� ■ JUL V79 -A ..................................... G.C. LEVERTON, A.M.C.T. County Clerk and Treasurer (MRS.) R.M. DANIEL Deputy Clerk -Treasurer November 1, 1978 Mr. J. A. Petrie, A.M.C.T. Clerk -Treasurer Township of Bayham Si'RAFFORDVILLE, Ontario N0J +1Y0 Dear Sir: 9 GLADSTONE AVE. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 21_3 PHONE (519) 631-1460 Attached please find two certified copies of County of Elgin By -Law No. 2537 which confirm Bayham's By -Law No. 1960, stopping up and closing and selling a road allowance in the Township of Bayham. GCL:sh Encl. i o y� Yours truly, G. C. Leverton, Clerk -Treasurer. ��N 19iD 11G�! �VVN=c1`�� G`r nj•YH�,n The Tillsonburg News, Aug. 21, 1978. P.O. Box 190, Tillsonburg, Ontario. Gentlemen: Please print the following, Notice in your paper of September 6, 13, 20 & 27 - + CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Township of Bayham intends to pass a By-law pursuant to the Municipal Act to stop -up, close and sell: 1. Part of the road allowance between Lots 10 & 11, North Gore, and part of the road allowance between North Gore & Concession 8 in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin and described as Part 1 on Deposited Plan 11 R 1580. The above mentioned DepositAd Plan may be seen during regular office hours at the Municipal Office, Straffordville. Any person who claims that :his lands will be predudicially affected may apply in writing to the undersigned not later than September 29, 1978 and will be heard in person or by his Counsel, Solicitor or Agent. DATED AT Straffordville this 21st. day of August, 1978. J.A.Petrie, Clerk, Township of Bayham, Box 160, Straffordville,Ontario. Yours truly, JAP/vv J.A.Petrie, Clerk. Oct. 6, 1978. Mr. Geo. Leverton, Clerk - Treasurer, County of Elgin, 9 Gladstone Avenue, St. Thomas, Ontario. Dear Mr. Leverton: Enclosed you will find two copies of Township of Bayham Ly -Law No. 1960 for road closing. It will be appreciated if .You will place this on your agenda for confirmation by County Bouncil. Yours truly, J.A.Petrie, Clerk. JAP/vv encl. August 3, 1979. The Reeve & Council, Township of Bayham Gentlemen: Please be advised that I have no interest in purchasing the portion of the road allowance between Lots 10 & 11, Conc. N.G. and described as Part 1 on Plan 11R1580; to which I might be entitled as an abutting owner. Yours truly, INST. NO. 16234.1 LOT 10 a. N 81034'50"W ALLOVVANCE BETWEEN N 81034'50" W 469. 1 C 011\1 CF—s's 101\1 ° 210.22' 856.85' �W _r I REWIRE THIS PLAN TO BE RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED AS L D 1 1 I INST. NO. �. DEPOSITED UNDER PART II '1'4x rl 12 J 557 I'4 OF THE REGISTRY ACT PLAN I I R - /,r80 66. 47 .J Nei° ]•'!o" w 9" EE�� /r'II,( /''' 144.11'Tr*se.o' DATED - 1y 1-r(/�i �Y� DATED -ff6 r_ /,gm PART ONE PLAN J JR - 5815 IN ST. NO. J806J6 C 0111 C Ess] ON 11\108 T: I G ORE JNST. NO. 200837 'ED FROM OBSERVATIONS OF THE SUN I.FOUGM THE NORTHWEST ANGLE OF LOT 48'43 WEST) AN HAVE BEEN VERIFIED. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT (I)- THIS PLAN AND SURVEY ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT AND THE REGISTRY ACT AND THE REGULATIONS MADE THEREUNDER. (2) - THIS SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 14th DAY OF JUNE , 1978. DATED - 1; RCICUSI (Q-7� F.V TON - ONTARIO LINO SURVEYOR i CO1NCEISSIO1 's 1\1 ORT 1 GjJr{E: r\l\ID 15 - �F­T­ ^/ PAR T Iz ONE •00 tt� DEPLAND REGISTRAR FOR THE 798.31 ( Area =1 1.72 Acres) 'tx Nal°Ji lO"x 4ONRS°J•'!0 r + REGISTRY DIVISION OF ELGIN (NP II) 0 110.21 MEAS = 218.15' PLAN IIA -588 217.60' e. aa. •>•' \ pis 0, w i La w FD.I/•'9]'9. CAUTION: THIS PLAN .O s° ,O •° CORNER q WITHIN THE MEANING OF 0 -� N fo. \ SNORT—ST LOT i 1 , x.00RE 29,!2 OR 33 OF THE PLANNING - " I " o L DT I NORTHEAST CORNER LOT 10 . NORTH GORE s o PART ONE PLAN J JR - 5815 IN ST. NO. J806J6 C 0111 C Ess] ON 11\108 T: I G ORE JNST. NO. 200837 'ED FROM OBSERVATIONS OF THE SUN I.FOUGM THE NORTHWEST ANGLE OF LOT 48'43 WEST) AN HAVE BEEN VERIFIED. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT (I)- THIS PLAN AND SURVEY ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT AND THE REGISTRY ACT AND THE REGULATIONS MADE THEREUNDER. (2) - THIS SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 14th DAY OF JUNE , 1978. DATED - 1; RCICUSI (Q-7� F.V TON - ONTARIO LINO SURVEYOR LL. i ..R PART OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 10 8(11 NORTH GORE PART OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN NORTH GORE AND CONCESSION 8 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM COUNTY OF ELGIN SCALE- Ian =50 feet 28 JUNE, 1978 JOHN F. WESTON P. ENG,OLS. 25 DELEVAN CRESCENT TILLSONBURG , ONTARIO N4G 3M6 �� T - IDS- 7 i INST. NO. C) J47852 ^/ 1 tt� w i La w FD.I/•'9]'9. CAUTION: THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF r- ao )L,) d O I SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE MEANING OF 0 -� N SECTIONS 29,!2 OR 33 OF THE PLANNING - " I " o L DT I ACT. • s o al "n1 ` 7- < < r1 z a l J - I I O ab.•1' 12.9E I N91°]!'30w xai°J!'JO-r m .R° a a LL. i ..R PART OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 10 8(11 NORTH GORE PART OF THE ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN NORTH GORE AND CONCESSION 8 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM COUNTY OF ELGIN SCALE- Ian =50 feet 28 JUNE, 1978 JOHN F. WESTON P. ENG,OLS. 25 DELEVAN CRESCENT TILLSONBURG , ONTARIO N4G 3M6 �� T - IDS- 7 3111 SEEM LOT 9 F. w'E4TOR - ONIANIO LAND SURVEYOR i LOT JO �. 1NST. NO. 1623-01 CONCEION o SS 6 ..I•.4'.O•. 1 380.16� 210.22 66. 47' �w N 61-3450"W 856.85' :lk RJAO ALLOWANCE BETWEEN Lu C D N C ssiONS � I\IOr37H GORE AND 3 w PART 1= O N E _ -O(Area .n.zs I Il14 N BID 34 50" w „8.31, 1.72 Acres) N .I 14 14 4. • a• s. 0. ■. c0ENE4 469.95' . 110.21' MEAS 218.15' PLAN IIR-588 = 217.60' o 4011TMIE.T LOT AD, E04TN .011E •Os A ,044 .o NONT.EA.T CORM[R LOT 10 , NORTH GORE (1 I L_ , C PART ONE PLAN 11R - 588 \ l 1NST. NO. 180616 _J LOT 1 O C OIN CESSI ON N 0RTH G ORE W 0 M 1 O • N � �1 Z 1NST. NO. 200837 s i v— k 4a' z NOTES 1 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE - BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE DERIVED FROM OBSERVATIONS OF THE SUN I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT AND ARE REFERRED TO THE MERIDIAN THROUGH THE NORTHWEST ANGLE OF LOT 10, CONCESSION NORTH GORE. (LONGITUDE 60°48'43" WEST) 4 (I) - THIS PLAN AND SURVEY ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT AND THE REGISTRY ACT AND THE REGULATIONS - ALL HANGING LINES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAVE BEEN VERIFIED. MADE THEREUNDER. y (2) - THIS SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 14th DAY OF JUNE , 1978. DATED -p AUCUSi (Q'? �5 F. w'E4TOR - ONIANIO LAND SURVEYOR CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW No. 1960 BEING A BY-LAW TO STOP UP AND CLOSE AND SELL A ROAD ALLOWANCE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, gives authority for municipalities to stop up, close and sell that portion of a highway which is so stopped up. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham; I. Part of the road allowance between Lots .10 and 11, North Gore, and part of the road allowance between North Gore and Concession 8, lying and being situate in the Township of Bayham more particularily described as Part 1 on Deposited Plan of Survey 11 R 1580 on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin, be stopped up and closed. 2. That the above road allowance be offered up and sold to the abutting land owner or owners. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver conveyance of the said lands under the Corporate Seal of the Municipality to the said abutting land owner or owners. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd. DAY OF OCTOBER, 1978. __ &9 �P P_� I _ REsVE ERK a CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Notice Is hereby given that the Council of the Town 6 ship of Bayham Intends to pass a Bylaw pursuant to the Municipal Act to stop.up, close and sell: 8 1. Part of the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11, North Gore, and part of the road allowance between North Gore and Concession 8 In the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin and described as Part I on Deposited Plan 11 R 1580. The above mertlloned Deposited Plah may be seen Wring regular office hours at the Municipal Office, Straffordville. Any personwho claims that his lands will be predudicially affected may apply In writing to the . undersigned not later than September 29, 1978 and will be heard in person or by his Counsel, Solicitor or Agent. Dated at Straffordvilte this 21st day of Auoust, 1978, J.A. Petrie, Clerk, Township of Bayham, Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY..LAW No. 1960 BEING A BY-LAW TO STOP UP AND CL S E AND SELL A ROAD ALLOWANCE &EREAS the Municipal Jct x.8.0. 1970, given authority for municipalities to stop up, close and sell that portion of a highway which in so stopped up. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayh=# 1. Part of the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11, North Gore, and part of the road allowance between North Gore and Concession S. lying and being situate in the Township of Bayham more particularily described as Part 1 on Deposited Plan of Surrey 1.1 R 1580 on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin, be stopped up and closed. Z. That the above road allowance be offered up and sold to the abutting land owner or owners. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorised to execute and deliver conveyance of the said lands under the Corporate Seal of the Municipality to the said abutting land owner or owners. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd, DAY OF OCTA, 1978. I,J.A.Petrie, Clerk of the Township of Bayham, hereby certify the above copy of Township of Bayham By -Law No.1960 passed this 2nd. Day of October, JQ3. .A.Petrie, Clerk of Bayham Tomship. 41.0 ,+ CC)U'ITY OF ELMI IJ I By -Law No. 2537 ""BEING A HY-LAVJ TO C:JIFIRM BY -L, lA Nt'.. 1960 OF THE TO MISHIT' OF RAYIMI• % BY-UtVI TO STUF 'U A14D CLCD. E AND :ILLI. j, ROAD Id,I,G',;A!:CE IN TI IE TUI-1-101SH I P OF BAYHA�M . " VIIIEI?Ef-.S the Council of the Township of I3ayham on the 2nd clay of Octoh(-r, 1978, fi-D. did pass By -Law No. 1960, to stop up and clo;c. and sell part of the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11, ::orth Gore, and part of the read allowance between North Gore and Concession 8, lying and being situate in the Township of i?ayham, more particularly described as Fart 1 on Deposited Plan of Survey 1IR-1580, on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Munic- ipal Act, the said Township By -Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a by-law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council, held not later than one year after the passing of the by-law, by the Council of the `1'own,ship. AtiD ZrtiF.RI r.S application has been made to the Council of the Corporation 4 the County of Elain for a by-law con- firming the said Township of Bayham by-law. NUI THEREFCRE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: That By -Law No. 1960 of the Township of Bayham being a by-law to stop up and close and sell a read allowance in the Township of Bayham be and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 26th day of October, 1978. READ a second time this 26th day of October, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of October, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk. L. R. Carroll, Warden. I, G. C. Leverton, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the f orenoina is a true copy of By -Lair No. 2537, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 26th day of October, 1978. G. C. Leverton, County Clerk. ri t,F N CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1962 FsEING a By -lain to authorize the sale of land, in the Township of Barham. WHEREAS By-law No. 1477 of the Township of Bayham, passed July 8, V 1963, provided for the stopping up, closing and sale of portions of the roadway through Lots 2, 3 , L., 5, 6 & 9, in Concession L. AND WHEREAS By-law No. 1845 of the County of Elgin, passed November 20, 1963, confirmed By-law No. 1477 of the Township of Bayham. AND WHEREAS the aforesaid by-laws have been registered in the Registry Division of Elgin 40. ll on November 22, 1978 as Instrument No. 217505. AND WHERJEAS the Reeve and Clerk in office at the time of the ­,as� ng of the orirrir_al by --law having retired, it is now considered nrudent to again authorize ,the sale of the aforesaid lands. NOW THEREFORE BE IT EFACTED BY THE CORPORATION 0-' THE TOWFSNIP OF PAYHAM iunicipal Council THAT the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute conveyances to one or more of the abutting landowners as provided for under the provisions of the municipal Act for the parcds of land closed by Township of Bayham By-law No. 1477 as confirmed by County of Elgin By-law 1845 and registered as Instrument 217505• READ A FIRST, SECO14D AND THIRD TIME AIM FIFALLY PASSED THIS 23rd. DAY OF November, 1978. i CLERK t 1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1962 BEING a By-law to authorize the sale of land, in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS By-law No. 1477 of the Township of bayham, passed July 8, 1963, provided for the stopping up, closing and sale of portions of the roadway through Lots 2,3,4,5,6 & 9, in Concession 4. AND WHEREAS By-law No. 1845 of the County of Elgin, passed November 20, 1963, confirmed By-law No. 1477 of the Township of Bayham. AND WHEREAS the aforesaid by-laws have been registered in the Registry Division of Elgin No. 11 on November 22, 1978 as Instrument No. 217505. AND WHEREAS the Reeve and Clerk in office at the time of the passing of the original by-law having retired, it is now considered prudent to again authorize the sale of the aforesaid lands. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Municipal Council THAT the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to execute conveyances to one or more of the abutting landowners as provided for under the provisions of the Municipal Act for the parcds of land closed by ' Township of Bayham by-law No. 1477 as confirmed by County of Elgin By-law 1845 and registered as Instrument 217505. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 23rd. DAY OF November, 1978. REEVE LERK 11 TRE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF FAV -HAM F'w' - LAW FUMBER 196;? BEING a ETT -Lasa to confirm all actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham for the --nar 1973. BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bahram that all actions by the said Council by by-laws and resolutions for the year 1973 be an,'. the same are hereby approved and confirmed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME ATID FIT ALLY PASSED ; this 23rd. day of November, 1978. w • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1964 BEING a By-law to amend By-law No. 1952 providing for the construction of the Todd Municipal Drain, and levying assessments thereto. WHEREAS By-law No. 1952 providing for the construction of the Todd Municipal Drain under the provisions of the Drainage Ace, was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham on the 7th. day of September, 1978. AND WHEREAS the amount specified in the said By-law for the construction of the said drain was $20,000.00. AND WHEREAS the actual cost of the work all expensed included was $36,710.47 to which a grant of $8,433.26 has been applied to agricultural lands leaving a net cost of $28,277.21, being $16,710.47 more than the extidated cost. AND WHEREAS it is provided by The Drainage Act, that such deficient funds shall be increased in pro rata proportions to the assessments cont4ined in the original by-law each year during which the debentures have to run. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1. That the sum of $13,06$.58 being the amount under estimated as assessed against lands as provided in By-law 1952 be and the same is hereby increased in pro rata proportions to the assessments as contained in the said By-law No. 1952 and the amounts are shown on the schedules of assessments hereto attached and which form a part of this By-law. 2. That the sum of $3,491.89 being the amount under estimated as assessed against roads as provided for in By -.law No. 1952 be and the same is hereby increased in pro rata proportions to the roads assessed in By-law No. 1952, said amount is hereby shown in the schedules of assessments, hereto attached and which forms a part of this By-law. 3. That the sum of $150.00 being the amount under estimated -as assessed by Special Assessment against the Ministry of Trans- portation & Communications as provided for in Bywlaw No. 1952 aforesaid, said amount of $3400.00 is hereby increased to $3,550.00 being the actual cost of the work plus $300.00 for administration costs. continued....... P. By -Law No. 1964 -...continued ...................Page 2 4. That the interest rate on the said debentures,#s provided for in By-law No. 1952 shall be eleven per cent per annum. 5. This By-law comes into force into force on the final passing thereof, and may be cited as the "Todd Municipal Drain Amending By-law". READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4th. DAY OF December, 1978. . CLARK a U SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 1964 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE OF IMPOSED ASSESSMENTS Ministry of Transportation & Communications Special 3400. 3550.00 - 3550.00 $ 20000. 36710.47 8433.26 28277.21 TODD DRAIN ENOINEERfS ACTUAL AGRICULTURAL ESTIMATE COST GRANT NET COST J. Chilcott $1970. $3935.15 $1311.72 $2624.43 H. Jackson 300. 599.21 - 599.21 V. Holbrook 40. 79.92 - 79.92 C. Godby 35. 69.97 - 69.97 W. Weaver 3750. 7490.95 2496.98 4993.97 S. Oleka 3565. 7121.54 2373.85 4747.69 S. Oleka 60. 119.71 - 119.71 J.Chilcott 2120. 4234.92 1411.64 2823.28 A. Donck 600. 11 $.42 _ 3921 Z _.$.9� 12440. 24849.79 7993.66 16856.13 Ministry of Transportation & Communications 1570. 3136.32 - - Elgin County 1900. 3795.55 - - Bayham Roads 30. 60.02 - - 3500. 6991.89 BRANCH "A" S. Oleka 540. 1078.71 359.57 710.14 J. Chilcott 120. 6b�': 240-08 $0.0 160.0 131 .79 439.60 79.19 Ministry of Transportation & Communications Special 3400. 3550.00 - 3550.00 $ 20000. 36710.47 8433.26 28277.21 • __ TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 1965 BEING a By -Law to amend By-law No. 1953 providing for the construction of the Bartley Municipal Drain, and levying assessments thereto. WHEREAS By-law No. 1953 providing for the construction of the Bartley Municipal Drain under the provisions of the Drainage Act, was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham on the 7th. day of September, 1978. AND WHEREAS the amount specified in the said By-law for the construc- tion of the said drain was $17,300.00. AND WHEREAS the actual cost of the work all expenses included was $30,230.61 to which a grant of $5966.31 has been applied to agricultural*lands leaving a net cost of $24264.30, being $12930.61 more than the estimated cost. 4► AND WHEREAS it is provided by The Drainage Act, that such deficient funds shall be increased in pro rata proportions to the assessments contained in the original By-law each year during which the debentures have to run. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1. That the sum of $9479.81 being the amount under estimated as assessed against lands as provided in By-law 1953 be and the same is hereby increased in pro rata proportions to the assessments as contained in the said By-law No. 1953 and the amounts are shown on the schedules of assessments hereto attached and which form a part of this By-law. 2. That the sum of $3300.$0 being the amount under estimated as assessed against roads as provided for in By-law No. 1953 be and the same is hereby increased in pro rata proportions to the roads assessed in By-law No. 1953, said amount is hereby shown in the schedules of assessments, hereto attached which f orm a part of this By-law.. _, .. ...... 3. That the sum of $150.00 being the amount under estimated as asoessed by Special Assessment against the Ministry of Transportation & Communications as provided for in By-law No. 1952 aforesaid, said amount of $3100.00 is hereby increased to $3550.00 being the actual cost of the work plus $300.00 for administration costs. continued....... By -Law No. 1965..... continued..................Page 2 4. That the said sum of $12930.61 shall be added to the amounts of the total assessments contained in By-law No. 1953 and the debentures to be issued as provided for in By-law No. 1953 shall be as provided for in By-law No. 1953. 5. That the interest rate on the said debentures as provided for in By-law No. 1953 shall be eleven per cent (11J) per annum. 6. This By-law comes into force on the final passing thereof, and may be cited as the "Bartley Municipal Drain Amending By-law". READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS lith. DAY OF December, 1978. N w SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 1965 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE OF IMPOSED ASSESSMENTS BARTLEY DRAIN Ministry of Transportation & Communications Special _10.0._55a.00 3550.00 $ 17300.00 30230.61 5966.31 24.261.30 l ENGINEERtS ACTUAL AGRICULTURAL ESTIMATE COST GRANT NET COST W. Weaver $210. 0403.14 $131+.38 $26$.76 M.Sousa 325. 623.79 - 623.79 S. Oleka 3300. 6334.24 2111.1+1 4222.83 J.Chilcott 14.20. 2725.69 908.56 1817.13 A.Vonck 2000. 3838.82 1279.61 2559.21 N.Boyle 590. 1132.59 - 1132.59 H.Garnham Est. 300. 575.77 191.92 383.85 T. Cox 70. 134-47 - 134-47 Future Farm Suppl. 1180. 2264..92 754.97 1509.95 A. Donck _ 915. 17 6.38 ,_58 6 1170-99 10310. 19789.81 5966.31 13823.50 Ministr of Transportation & Communications 1390. 2668.06 - 2668.06 Elgin County 2200* 1222.74 - 1222.74 3590. 6890.80 - 6890.80 Ministry of Transportation & Communications Special _10.0._55a.00 3550.00 $ 17300.00 30230.61 5966.31 24.261.30 l TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 1967 BEING a By-law to appoint certain officers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1979. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham in regular session assembled: - 1. That Russell Mannell and Hugh Mauthe shall be Valuators of Livestock and Poultry killed by dogs to act independ- ently of each other, provided however that where the value of levestWk or poultry killed shall be in excess of Two Hundred Dollars (.1200.00) they shall act together and both affix their signatures to the report and shall be paid at the rate of $5.00 per hour (min. of 2 Hrs.) and .20� per mile for the use of their automobile. 2. That Gibson, Linton & Toth shall be Township Solicitors, 3. That Hugh Ketchabaw shall be Drainage Commissioner at a salary of $6.00 per hour and .20�K per mile for car. That Farl Rohrer shall be collector of dog tax with remuneration to be 1/3 of fees collected plus 1400.00 for car allowance. N 5. That Wm. Underhill shall be Chief Building Official, and be paid at such rate as may be determined from time to time by resolution of Council. 6. That Harold Dennis shall be Chief Fire Inspector, and: be paid at such rate as may be determined from time to time by resolution of Council. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4th. DAY OF December, 1978. �.1 May �.1 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 1968 BEING a By-law to appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -Keepers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1979. WHEREAS the Municipal Act, provides that these appointments be made: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham , that the following be and are hereby appointed to act as the following officers for the year 1979: FENCE -VI EWERS Tony Csinos, R.R.# 2,Vienna,Ont, Leo Pressey, R.R.# 1,Eden,Ont, Steve Stefan, R.R.# 1, Vienna, Ont. Alonzo Hagell , R. R. #4, Aylmer, Ont. Robert Gregson, R.R.# 19 Straffordville, Ont. Vane Chute, R.R.# 1,Vienna,Ont. % POUND - KEEPERS Wm. Howey, Straffordville, Ont. Clarence Milmine, R.R.# 1, Eden, Ont. Robert Gregson, R.R.# 1, Straffordville, Ont. Ray Woodworth, R.R.# 1, Port Burwell, Ont. Julius Francia, R.R.# 19 Vienna, Ont. Steve Mueller,R.A.# 4, Aylmer, Ont. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4th, DAY OF December, 1978.