HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1977Bayham Township By - Laws N0. 1903- 1936 1977 44 - t:'-- 47-42 gi o -5�, 5'o C) ec-�to IIZ6C -77 .......... 7- iz- f13 417 7- Y4� 'A ---a- --Z 0 71' '00 -Al zf . . . . . . 001, At 7-7/'12 �lly ......... --------- ... 30 e_zl 00000, TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 1903 BEING a By -Law to appoint certain officers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1977. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham in regular session assembled: - 1. That Russell Mannell and Roger Casier shall be Valuators of Livestock and Poultry killed by dogs to act independ- ently of each other, provided however that where the value of livestock or poultry killed shall be in excess of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) they shall act together and 0 both affix their signatures to the report and shall be paid at the rate of $5.00 per hour (min. of 2 hrs.) and .20¢ per mile for the use of .their automobile. 2. That Gibson, Linton & Toth shall be Township Solicitors. 3. That Hugh Ketchabaw shall be Drainage Commissioner at a 'salary of $5.00 per hour and .20¢ per mile for car. 4. That Wm. Underhill shall be collector of dog tax with remuneration to be 1/3 of fees collected plus $400.00 for car allowance. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3 rd. DAY OF January, 1977. REEVE CLERK T OWN SH I P OF BAYH AM BY - LAW NO. 1904 BEING a By -Law to appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -Keepers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1977. WHEREAS the Municipal Act, provides that these appointments be made; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham, that the following be and are hereby appointed to act as the following officers for the year 1977:- FENCE 977:- FENCE - VIEWERS Tony Csinos, R.R.# 2, Vienna, Ont. JDa �i -C4- -- 3 - . R: -b , burg; Qnt Leo Pressey, R.R.# 1, Eden, Ont. Steve Stefan, R.R # 1, Vienna, Ont. Ron Phillips, R.R.# 6, Aylmer, Ont. 'Robert Gregson, R.R.# 1, Straffordville, Ont. Alonzo Hagell, R.R.# 4, Aylmer, Ont. Vane Chute, R.R.# 1, Vienna, Ont. POUND - KEEPERS S& Wm. Howey, Straffordville, Ont. Ron Green, R.R.# 3, Tillsonburg, Ont. Clarence Milmine, R.R. 1, Ems, Ont.14YL-fill-r_ Robert Gregson, R. R. # 1, Straffordville, Ont. Ray Woodworth, R.R.# 1, Pt. Burwell, Ont. Julius Francia, R.R.# 1, Vienna, Ont. Steve Mueller, R.R.# 4, Aylmer, Ontario. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd. DAY OF January, 1977. N Reeve Clerk Form 100-69 Ontario ................ C Qrp.oxati.on....of....the.... Township..... of....Baylaam ............................. BY-LAW No.. ... 1.0.5.......... 2p=ja1V to authorize the borrowing of S 500,000. Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of S 500 1000. to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; N°TK.—Keret And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the to the estimates for the current year if adopted; Municipality p y as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 76, is if not. to those of last year. $ 1 y 289,, 633 . (Delete this And Whereas the total of amounts heretofore borrowed for the purposes paragraph if not applicable.) mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of The Municipal Act which have not been repaid is 3 100 1000 . Therefore the Council of the Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: SEAL 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate ; 500,000. to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest at such rate as may be agreed upon from time to time with the Bank. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all othe- sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this Third day of January 1977 G --J..... ....a.......... ............ - HS HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY i ......................................... ;� ..............................................CLERK....... F f' I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 1905 of the Township of Bayham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This Third As Witness the Seal of the Township of Bayham SEAL day of January 1977 ...................................................................................................................... CLERK 0 i THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY --LAW NO. 1906 BEING a by --law to engage Price, Waterhouse & Co. as financial consultants in connection with the application of the Town of Tillsonburg to annex certain lands in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS it appears that the Town of Tillsonburg is making an Application to annex certain lands in the northeast corner of the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham desires to resist the Application For Annexation by the Town of Tillsonburg; AND WHEREAS certain pr*paration, investigation and research, will be required to provide the municipality with financial information 40 in order that the Township of Bayham is adequately represented in connection with this matter; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham desires to retain and appoint the accounting firm of Price, Waterhouse & Co., Toronto Dominion Centre, Toronto, Ontario as their financial consultants in connection with these proceedings; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the accounting firm of Price, Waterhouse & Ccs. , Toronto Dominion Centre, Toronto, Ontario, be and the same are hereby appointed and retained as financial consultants in connection with all preparation and proceedings in connection with an Application by the Town of Tillsonburg to annex a portion of the Township of Bayham. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd. DAY OF JANUARY, A.D. 1977. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1907 BEING a by-law to engage A.M.Spriet & Associates as consulting engineers in connection with the application of the Town of Tillson- burg to annex certain lands in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS it appeart that the Town of Tillsonburg is making an Application to annex certain lands in the northeast corner of the Township of Bayham. AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham desires to resist the Application for Annexation by the Town of Tillsonburg; AND WHEREAS certain preparation, investigation and research will be required to provide the municipality with information on the engineering asaects in order that the Township of Bayham is adequately represented in connection with this matter; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham desires to re.ain and appoint the engineering firm of A.M. Spriet and Associates, 555 York Street, London, Ontario as their con- sulting engineers in connection with these proceedings; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the engineering firm of A.M. Spriet and Associates, 555 York Street, London, Ontario, be and the same are hereby appointed and retained as consulting engineers in connection with all preparation and proceedings in connection with an Application by the Town of Tillsonburg to annex a portion of the Township of Bayham. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TIM TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd. DAY OF JANUARY, A.D. 1977. CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1908 BEING a by-law to engage Shepherd, McKenzie, Plaxton, Little & Jenkins as legal Counsel in connection with the application of the Town of Tillsonburg to annex certain lands in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS it appears that the Town of Tillsonburg is making an Application to annex certain laa ds in the north-east corner of the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham desires to resist the Application For Annexation by the Town of Tillsonburg; AND WHEREAS certain preparation, investigation, research, Ontario Murkipal Board Applications and other legal proceedings will be required in order that the Township of Bayham is adequately repre- sented in connection with this matter; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham desires to retain and appoint the law firm of Shepherd, McKenzie, Plaxton, Little & Jenkins as legal Counsel in connection with these proceedings; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the law firm of Shepherd, McKenzie, Plaxton, Little & Jenkins, 380 Wellington Street, London, Ontario, be and the same are hereby appointed and retained as legal counsel in connection with all preparation and proceedings in connection with an Application by the Town of Tillsonburg to annex a portion of the Township of Bayham. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd. DAY OF JANUARY, A.D. 1977. REEVE CLERK krt THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1909 BEING a by-law to engage Municipal Planning Consultants as planning consultants in connection with the application of the Town of Tillsonburg to annex certain lands in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS it appears that the Town of Tillsonburg is making an Application to annex certain lands in the north-east corner of the Township of Bayham; and whereas the Township of Bayham desires to resist the Application For Annexation by the Town of Tillsonburg; AND WHEREAS certain preparation, investigation and research will be required to procide the municipality with information of the planning aspects in order► that the Township of Bayham is adequately represented in connection with this matter; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham desires to retain and appoint the planning firm of Municipal Planning Consultants, 400 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto as their planning consultants in connection with these proceedings; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the planning firm of Municipal Planning Consultants, 400 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto, Ontario, be and the same are hereby appointed and retained as planning consultants in connection with all preparation and proceedings in connection with an Application by the Town of Tillsonburg to annex a portion of the Township of Bayham. C, READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FIRALLY PASSED THIS 3rd. DAY OF JANUARY, A.D. 1977. REEVE CLERK A V THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO.1910 Being a by-law to establish the retention period of certain records of the Corporation. WHEREAS the documents and records hereinafter referred to are of no further use or value to the Corporation and it is deemed expedient to provide for their destruction; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. That the receipts, vouchers, instruments, files or other documents, records and papers must be kept by the mun- 0 icipality for the retention periods as set out in Schedule "All 1 hereto annexed and forming part of this by-law, and following the expiry of such periods the said documents may be destroyed. 2. This by -last will be effective on the day it receives the approval of the auditor of the Corporation. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd. DAY OF January, 1977. REEVE By-law No. 1910 is hereby approved as of the day of �%`-►� YY ,197 $ . for Peters Brown & Co. Auditor's Licence Number < Cl_� P, ARK if THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1910 Schedule "A" Description of Records Authorized to be destroyed Cash Receipts Summaries Tax Notice Stubs Returned Tax and Assessment Notices Assessment Appeals Cheque Stubs Account Invoice Vouchers Copies of Licenses Bank Statements Time Distribution Sheets 4* Payrolls Election Papers Budget file papers Public Works Contract Forms Paid Cheques Paid Debentures and Coupons Copies of Building Permits Duplicate Receipt Books Cash Book Sheets Cheque register Sheets Duplicate Deposit Books Tax Ledger cards Dog tag records Welfare records Correspondence BEYOND the retention period seven years seven years seven years seven years three years seven years seven years seven years seven years seven years four years four years seven years seven years seven years seven years seven years seven years seven years three years seven years three years five years seven years 3 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1911 BEING A BY-LAW to provide for the appointment of members to the East Elgin Planning Board for the year 1977. Whereas the Town of Aylmer, the Villages of Springfield, Vienna and Port Burwell and the Townships of Bayham, Malahide and South Dorchester have presented their nominees for 1977 to the East Elgin Planning Board for appointment by the Council of the designated municipality (being the Council of the Township of Bayham). THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:. 1. That the following are hereby appointed as members to the East Elgin Planning Board - NAME Clifford Copeland Max Moore Wm.MacIntyre Hugh Ferris Edward Latimer Tony Lama Harry Alward Joseph Volkaert Blake Wolfe(Real Roger Causyn Donald Shackleton John B. Wilson Gordon Pettit John Hulet (Councillor Councillor Councillor (Councillor 4Councillor (Conncillor (Councillor (Councillor Est.Salesman) ( Councillor (Councillor (Councillor (Councillor (Teacher) 7 REPRESENTING EXPIPES Town of Aylmer Jan. 1,1978 Village of Springfield Jan. 1, 1978 Village of Springfield Jan. 1, 1978 Village of Vienna Jan. 1) 1978 Village of Unnni- t. Jan. 1, 1978 Village of Port Burwell Jan. 1, 1978 Village of Port Burwell Jan. 1, 1978 Township of Bayham Jan. 1, 1978 Township of Bayham Jan. 1, 1978 Township of Malahide Jan. 1, 1978 Township of Malahide Jan. 1, 1978 Township of S . Dorchester Jah . 1, 1978 Township of S.Dorchester Jan. 1, 1978 Town of Aylmer Jan. 1, 1979 2. That Ronald Green, as Reeve of the Township of Bayham, is hereby appointed a member ex -officio for the year 1977. READ A FIRS, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY )ASSED THIS 2nd. DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1977. FA A �r r , s �t CLERK CLERK, R. MILLARD TREAS., L. VAN PATTER, B.A. TELEPHONE 773-5344 January 7, 1977 .► �o�N stop Or ly�� 87 JOHN ST., gOuTH AYLMER. WEST ONTARIO N5H 2123 Mr. Jack Petrie, Secretary Treasurer East Elgin Planning'Board, Straffordville, Ontario, Dear Jack: Re: i-iunicipal appointment Please be advised that the following re was passed by Council on Januar solution "THAT Don Shackletony 5' 1977: representatithe ves to and Roger Causyn be appointed East Elgin Planning Board," Their addresses and telephone numbers follows: ar-as Very truly yours, l A R, Millard, Clerk, Rl,l: me Don Shackleton, R• R• 7 4, Aylmer, Ontario, 773-5189 Roger Causyn, 407 Talbot St, W,, Aylmer, Ontario, 773-9187 I IN s► 11 Moved by VILLAGE OF VIENNA Chas. Racz Seconded by Arthur Goethals Date January 13, 19 77 THAT: Hugh Ferris and Edward Latimer be and are hereby appointed to represent the Village of Vienna on the East Elgin Planning Board for the year 1977• Certified to be a true and correct copy. kl/ .Van Belois,Clerk of Village of Vienna CARRIED (Signed) K.C.Emerson Reeve VILLAGE OF SPRINGFIELD OFFICE OF CLERK -TREASURER PHONE: 773-B.M a MUNICIPAL HALL BOX 28, SPRINGFIELD, ONTARIO NOL 2JO. January 6. 1977• East Elgin Planning Board, c/o !"r, J, Petrie, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Mr, Petrie: Please be advised that Mr. Fi llian Mac Int re and I Y _r, Max 1ro n re have been appointed representatives to the East Elgin Planning Board for the Village of Springfield for 1477 and 1978. Yours truly, VILLAGE nF SPRINGFIELD, (` "rs) Catherine ri ne j .� _ earss , Clerk-"'reasurer. .111.•• AIR a CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 1912 The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area, constituting of the attached Text, is hereby adop�ed. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Housing for 4P approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area. 3. THAT this By-law shall not come into force or take effect until approved by the Minister of Housing. READ a First, Second and Third time and Finally Passed this 2nd. Day of February, 1977. MP, 4V �101 Clerk CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 1912 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. Clerk "DUPLICATE ORIGINAL" EAST ELGIN OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2 OPL 0110-2 The following text constitutes Amendment No. 2 to the,Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area. Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Planning Area This amendment to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Plannin,g Area, which has been recommended by the East Elgin Planning Board and adopted by the Council of the Township of Bayham, is hereby modified under the provisions of Section 17 of The Planning Act as follows: 1. Section 3, The Amendment, is hereby modified by the deletion of amended section to be replaced by the following: "g) The park must be in operation only during the months of April to October.". 2. Section 3, The Amendment, is hereby modified by the addition of the following to amended section 1 ... "In addition the 5% park land so designated should be consolidated in one location only so that the land set aside for recreation is not dispersed throughout the trailer park area in a number of small plots.". t As thus modified, this amendment is hereby approved pursuant to Section 17 of The Planning Act, as Amendment No.2 to the Official Plan for the East Elgin Planning Area. Date: /Y.V.... . ORIGINAL SIGNSD BY s Al OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE EAST ELGIN PLANNING AREA AMENDMENT NO. 2 The attached text, constituting Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area was prepared by the East Elgin Planning Board and was recommended to the Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Bayham under the provisions of Sections 12 and 17 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, on the Std day of , 1977 . �. qai man Secreta y This Amendment was adopted by the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By-law Number /9/i_ in accordance with Sections 13 and 17 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, on the day of ,1� 197/. r i Ae e Clerk Amendment to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area which en recommended by the East Elgin Planning Board a opted by the Counc the Corporation of the Township of B is hereby approved in accordan 'th Sections 14 and 17 a Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, as Amendment 2 to th cial Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area. nister of Housing 0 BY-LAW NUMBER The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area, constituting of the attached Text, is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Housing for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area. 3. THAT this By-law shall not come into force or take effect until approved by the Minister of Housing. ENACTED and PASSED this 'L day of 7 , 197J Crr CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. /y/2& as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. i 0 BY-LAW NUMBER The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area, constituting of the attached Text, is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Housing for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan of the East Elgin Planning Area. 3. THAT this By-law shall not come into force or take effect until approved by the Minister of Housing. ENACTED and PASSED this 'L day of 7 , 197J Crr CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By-law No. /y/2& as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this amendment is to augment the residential policies of Section 4.3.4 for all urban residential designations to permit seasonal travel trailer parks and to establish standards for such parks. 0 2. BASIS The Official Plan does not contain any policies which are concerned with seasonal travel trailer parks, although mobile home parks are per- mitted in urban residential designations and standards for mobile home parks have been established. The lack of policy direction in the Official Plan has resulted in difficulties because there are already a number of seasonal travel trailer parks in East Elgin in the Village of Port Burwell and vicinity, and in the area designated as hazard land in Port Bruce. When proposals are made to expand existing travel trailer parks, or establish new parks, the lack of policy direction in the Official Plan may result in discriminatory or arbitrary decisions. Therefore, the Planning Board, in consultation with the Councils of the municipalities of the East Elgin Planning Area, deem it advisable to augment the residential policies to permit seasonal travel trailer parks in the Village of Port Burwell and to establish standards for such parks. 3. THE AMENDMENT Subsection 7 of Section 4.3.4 of the East Elgin Official Plan is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: 117. It is the intention of this Plan to allow for the eventual development of other residential types such as multiple family dwellings and single family mobile home parks within the resi- dential areas of the urban areas and seasonal travel ailer arks within the residential designation of the Villa -of Port P 9 9 Burwell. These residential types shall be included in separate zoning categories in the Zoning By-law and will be permitted, providing that an amendment to the Zoning By-law has been approvea by the Ontario Municipal Board." 0 A new subsection, Subsection 11, will be added to Section 4.3.4 as follows: "11. It shall be the policy of this Plan that an applicant who wishes to develop a seasonal travel trailer park shall enter into a development agreement with the municipality prior to the passing of an amendment to the implementing restricted area.by-law. Such an agreement shall include and ensure that the seasonal travel trailer park meets the following require- ments: a) The park must be accessible to a main road by means of a service road or roads within the park. b) The park must be served by a municipal or communal water supply and sewage disposal systems which meet the requirements of and are approved by the Ministry of the Environment, its agents and/or the Elgin County Health Unit as applicable. The methods and arrangements for ensuring adequate systems operation, maintenance, and responsibility shall satisfy the Ministry of the Environment. c) The park must be served by utilities and services such as hydro, lighting, storm drainage, and roads provided by the developer. Garbage collection and disposal shall be provided by the developer or by the municipality. d) An adequate buffer zone and buffer planting shall be provided to effectively screen the proposed development from other residential, commercial or industrial uses 0 9k whether existing or proposed. .•1 V" e) The park must have minimum lot sizes which are not less �.-. than 1,600 square feet. Z "'►4 f) The park must be a maximum of 60 units and a minimum of U 30 units in size. Q"' a AG w h) The park must have 5 percent of the gross area designated M as a recreational area. The buffer zone shall not be a part of the recreation area. M f C� i) The roads in the park must have a paved or gravel surface and adequate space must be provided to permit cars with trailers to back onto the lots. ' H v 0 r" 4 c . I j) The specific use to be made of the property and the location of all facets of the development must be set out in a site plan. This site plan must indicate: i. The true shape, topography, contours, soil, dimensions, acreage and location of the property to be developed as well as the extent of adjacent property held for future mobile park development. ii. The existing use of all land and the location and use of all buildings and structures lying within a distance of 400 feet from the land that is to be developed for the seasonal travel trailer. iii. The location, height, dimensions and use of all buildings or structures existing or proposed to be erected on the property. iv. All entrances and exits. V. Progressive and ultimate development of individual trailer lots and their dimensions, ancillary facilities and internal roads. vi. Drainage provisions - the method and final grades by which the trailer park shall be adequately drained, certified by a qualified engineer." N 4. IMPLEMENTATION The Official Plan Amendment shall be implemented in accordance with the Implementation Section of the Official Plan as contained in Section 6 thereof. 5. INTERPRETATION The Official Plan Amendment shall be interpreted in accordance with the Interpretation Section of the Official Plan as contained in Section 7 thereof. E, n THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 1913 Being a By-law to provide that in the year 1977 a levy be made before the adoption of the estimates for the year. WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it expedient to make a levy in the year 1977 before the adoption of the estimates. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That in the year 1977, before the adoption of the estimates, a levy shall be made on the whole of the assessment for real property according to the last revised assessment roll a sum not exceeding 50 percent of that which would be produced by applying to such assessment the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceding year on residential real property of public and separate school supporters. 2. That in the year 1977, before the adoption of the estimates, a levy shall be made on the whole of the business assessment according to the last revised assessment roll a sum not exceeding 50 per cent of that which would be produced by applying to such assessment the total rate for all purposes levied in the preceeding year on business assessment of public and separate school supporters. 3. The respective amounts to be levied under the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this by-law are Real Property Business Assessment Total $6,463,620. A 7$,050. $625_4126700 4. The rate to be levied under the provisions of paragraph 1 and 2 of this by-law to produce the amounts set out in paragraph 3 to this by-law is sixty (60) mills. 5. The dates of payment of taxes under this by-law shall be as follows: Due Date of lst. Instalment: March 15 Due Date of 2nd. Instalmant : June 15 6. In default of payment of the first instalment of taxes or any part thereof by the day named therein for the payment thereof, the remaining instalment or instalments shall forthwith become payable. 7. A percentage charge of one per centum (1)) shall be imposed as a penalty for non-payment of and shall be added to every tax instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day following the last . . 0 0 of 2 - 7.continued...0.6 day of payment of each such instalment and thereafter. an additional charge of one per centum (1Q shall be imposed and shall be added to every such tax instalment or part thereof remaining unpaid on the first day of each calendar month in which default continues up to and including December of this year. 8. It shall be the duty of the Tax Collector immediately after the several dates named in Section 5 to collect at once by distress or otherwise under the provisions of the statutes in that behalf all such tax instalments or parts thereof as shall not have been paid on or before the respective dates provided aforesaid, together with the said percentage charges as they are incurred. 9. The tax collector not later than 14 days prior to the date that the first instalment is due shall mail or cause to be mailed to the address of the residence or place of business of each person a notice setting out the tax payments required to be made pursuant to this by-law, the respective dates by which they are to be paid to avow penalty and the particulars of the penalties imposed by this by-law for late payment. 10. Taxes shall be payable to the Corporation of the Townsrlip of Bayham and shall be paid to the Collector at the Municipal Office. 11. The Collector and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due and to give a receipt for such payment, provided that acceptance of any such payment shall not affect the collection of any percentage charge imposed and collectable under section 5 in respect to non-payment of taxes or of any instalment thereof. 12. When tenants of lands owned by the Crown or in which the Crown has an interest are liable for payment of taxes and where any such tenant has been employed either within or outside the municipality by the same employer for not less than thirty days, such employer shall pay over to the Collector or Treasurer on demand out of any wages, salary or other remuneration due to such employee the amount then payable for taxes under this by-law and such payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount so paid. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd. DAY OF February, 1977• Reeve Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 1914 BEING a By-law to aurhoriae a certain agreement between the Township of Norfolk and the Township of Bayham respecting the maintenance and repairs of the road forming the boundary line between the Townships. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Norfolk and the Corporation of the Township of Bayham have entered into an agreement for the maintenance and repiir of certain portions of the roadway forming the boundary road between the said Townships: AND WHE SAS it is necessary to ratify and confirm the said agreement and to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute the agreement; MaSFORS the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the agreement attached hereto marked Schedule "Aft, be and the same is hereby ratified and cmfirmed and the Reeve and Clerk are authorised to execute the same cn behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham and to affix the Corporate Seal of the Township of bayham hereto. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TliyIE AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th., DAY OF Larch, A. D . , 197 Certified to be a true and correct copy of By-law No. 1914 as passed. J.A.Petrie, Clerk of Bayham Township. ;160'_0 c.� Clerk THE REGISTRY ACT DECLARATION UNDER SECTION 23 OF THE ACT I. Jack Petrie, Clerk of the Township of Bayhams do solemnly declare that 1. The Corporation of the Township of Bayham is a party to an Agreement between the Township of Norfolk and the Township of Bayham pursuant to Section 41.0 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, which Agreement affects the following lands: Q AND WHEREAS that boundary road from the north limit of Haldimand- N orf olk Regional Road Number 45 to the South limit of Haldimand- Norfolk Regional Road Number 3$ and continuing on to the Southerly limit of the Town of Til1sonburg forms a boundary between Norfolk and Bayham." AND I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and known that it is of the same force and effegt as if wade under oath. DECLARED BEFORE ME at the Township } of Bayham, in the County of Elgin this day of A.D. 197f. Violet Van Belois, Commissioner etc "The road allowance between Lot Number Twenty-eight, Concession �® a- --'umber Five; Lot Number Twenty -sight, south Gore Concession; Lot One Hundred and Thirtyy-six, Concession Seven; Lot Number i` Twenty-eight, Concession Eight; Lot Number Twenty-eight, Concession Nine; Lots Number Twenty-five to Twenty-seven inclusive, Concession Nine; Lots Number Twenty-one to Twenty- five inclusive, Concession Ten; Lots Number Nineteen to Twenty- one inclusive, Concession Eleven; being in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and Lots Number Twelve to Eighteen inclusive, Concession West North Road; Lot Number One Hundred and Thirty-seven, First Range South of the Talbot Road; Lots Number One to Five inclusive Compiled Plan Number One; being in the Township of Norfolk In the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk, in the former Geographic Township of Houghton in the County of Norfolk and Lot Number One, First Concession North of the Talbot Road; Lot Number One f Second Concession North of the Talbot Road; Lot Number one, third Concession North of the Talbot Road; Lot Number One, Fourth Concession North of the Talbot Road;in the Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk in the former Geographic Township of Middleton in the County of Norfolk, is a highwayy forming the boundary between the Township of Norfolk and the Township of Bayham: AND WHEREAS that boundary road from the north limit of Haldimand- N orf olk Regional Road Number 45 to the South limit of Haldimand- Norfolk Regional Road Number 3$ and continuing on to the Southerly limit of the Town of Til1sonburg forms a boundary between Norfolk and Bayham." AND I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and known that it is of the same force and effegt as if wade under oath. DECLARED BEFORE ME at the Township } of Bayham, in the County of Elgin this day of A.D. 197f. Violet Van Belois, Commissioner etc Schedule "Ar' to By -Law # 1914 of the Township of Bayham 'i i T wrir In 40114611 this first dw N W WWWO tY 060.0 W7* It TVI&Is a- a" 0 ITT - I A I J& L- - -"I w nm i# WWK MmVMS MOKIM OrMil ad " an a*url I* mlslpBlItles MID WMDW %Man 410 of ft llwroIdPal ft. I.SA 9 "If* 204 am no 0 be soured Im M tT M1MMt twtislPlts !gyp NNI " X1NOW" be1" � �rt0l.. rrtt�rtr-to Plot LA 9~ Wight. No" ft" rs�tlart Lit Commmi t SIXI Lire four be Orrrlr+t d a w 1ft1rvslar . ft""I t t Lit "W'l w r1 $I Litt t 1%11�%414firl10 Abd"M oil"; 1 fIrw « tri �► #t 1Yw wrt t ist' rrt#�, i'Mrt I Sr Olaf$ lift W~ 11►tlrr l+�s1r�lrtr. Otrtr Tit twat ft TOMW lrs1�lw►. #slay t1r►wr � Mtl� � t� '1�MMMl� �" t � � tt1r of 11* UW Was %*It* less~ saw% * COOMIN *at ftm bms MA M~ Mr ad Ulr� tM11t, !'lora New Owo of -WO be* ON ftow be to VIVO ftsfaltuf1t# ► tMrNMr arty Mt"It0 it 1wrr mp of a**% Is !fit 1 iiir.1�I1 tom art 1 rri�Ntr 1t0 lot tMt ftmr* Otlt fry Ml�t Ta Ml� tri' iM t t ltr C t r of rrrlrlir OW UK *n6w Mr, !last Wo of U%" L" t+wNMrr I t. Wow tOMuUM or1M of we TOU" Lot "is valid CrMrttilmm ftft of ft Taftet booft Lrrt Imm6w Ifte 1arr lot weft of %* Tel"% Mt c to Lam-�1t la OM►1 1 fttrllI%P of i• fir irrtr ri4 tiNrrrMloo st 01 M IN to f Olor#tr of ftrftI%q !• a k%om # Mtn M,1rrrAMaTiMr�M of Turfs) of 00*0 An 1 IiNtIL ► � llwrlt M1+r Orrlr►tk am 49 +1r ter SPAU IMS 0f ftl NO - 0~ 30 aria w l" af sr 1101k of ft 101 "11"A" lam a ami i�trr 11MM 11111 01` 1ttZl1 1M�! 1r ""lirrrtti+tr of �► lios aa# ) Ms M W * "M awl a""$" til +me %% „ !Mt ies M b ar _----t art W" as 0t ling "rat is to s�►r 10 ftrftlk sMt11 0"414% me is re"" 1trr la lot W14t am- of go ma- IV vow tho liver loop th Haft afi M*hllr�r, 016WWW lirtlarttl %W r 0 is tint ISO" 1#�tit of f�rt1 M�* t11r �1 art ll�rr �. ..t40 . SWOR t1N11 a INARit► aad bwo to mfr ftr 1% sk"o WHO 1M0% t1�r N 1s irrr�► t 1 !ref lltl �umv WWik i�gitytl ftet W406W x to vw )1as of us TWO of Tl1ls�rirrrl. a"fbi! od •fir t" to am all a mstra%/me or w mmewwdts to rr !t tm r k Me Ps" "Wily* #. • br l t1# or smovo " of im p�rtiMl t1 r IitMr r► M umsh It a t M � #s �ti tr! i i twvwmvw s. t li r rNwrs 1� 1e W- b1t Or itMtrweiv �i of go pw tum *1 ow l ry vim WMA tik ormse to "Intaft as "t apt Is lam► to (t) Limo i. frltr 10 !Mr trNrwr! t! aw sm"I " us* ft or Poor �Nsi�riitftt X11 �r1! .� t� It •�r� Nor be fm mw to M refer frr so of C"fA* t. a" Pero suit shit a +M r rM t ff is 1�rr amwt M fw ow—owm0l lA flier fa ii of fob YWo !. Ibis R omit be tw i of io ,urt t iOf r�t�r i. 19" amt $"11 $we to the bm 0 of td be am Pont" bwous "or ad misno to NVKU MSM IINr parhis o ffsri oofp w rstl�rs tM s sRl rireil iqr 1i 1Mrr�r tff tAr/r rrt�f� sf*rftf wh► rrlir ri is! iiti "11 II I OF1 'fOrN tit or W~ t M IILI�J>ON +gyTA p 60 1* I No. ZO /.2 3 i Land Registry Division of Elgin (No. 11) I CERTIFY that this instrument is registered as of /07.^7qj. M. APR 2 61977 in the 1.4 rd Registry Office 00r ct St. Thomas, 6 Ontario. LAND REGISTRAR 14 zI 01 MW 6, i?''l• Yours truly, J.A.petrie,.. Clerk. JAP/vv A =, encl' ROAD DEPARTMENT OFFICE TEL. 519-875-4409 BOX 128, LANGTON, NOE 1GO Mr. Jack Petrie. Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Bayham, P.O. Box 160, Straffordvi l le, Ontario. Dear Jack: March 31, 1977. Re : Boundary road agreement Norfolk and Bayham MUNICIPAL OFFICE TEL. 519-875-4485 QUOTE FILE NO. _14-16 _ 1-4-16 Ate... 44 Attached for your information and file is a certified co py of our By -Law Number 233-77 to authorize the agreement. subject a t The by-law and agreement have now been registered in the Norfolk Registry Office as Instrument No. 373973. RAL :dm Enclosure Yours sincerely, R. A. Loncke, Clerk -Administrator. 0 THE CORPORATION OF THE TO11INSHIP OF NORFOLK BY -LAI NU 233-77 By -Law No. 233-77 of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Norfolk to authorize a certain agreement between the Towns'li p of Norfolk and the Toy+nshi n of 3ayham respecting the maintenance and repairs of the road forming the boundary line between tha Toi,rns'iips . "IHEREAS Vle Corporation of the Township of Norfolk and the Corporation of t;ie Township of Bayham have entered into an acreement for the maintenance and repair of certain portions of the roadway forming the boundary road between the said Townshil)s .* AND '.►HF:^.EAS it is necessary to ratify and confirm the said agreement and to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agreement; THEREFOU the Co,,r.ci 1 of V>> Corporation of Township of Norfolk hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the agreement attached hereto marked "A" be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed and the Hayor 'k and Clerk are authorized to execute the same on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Norfolk and to affix the corporate seal of the Township of 0!orfolk hereto. D PASSED in open Council this Twenty -First day of (larch, A.D., 1977. Celfified to be o true copy Dated/*".. ............ 1977. Township of Norfolk '°.AY0P. CLERK -ADMINISTRATOR THE REGISTRY ACT DECLARATION UNDER SECTION 23 OF THE ACT I, Robert Loncke, Clerk -Administrator of the Township of Norfolk, do solemnly declare that: 1. The Corporation of the Township of Norfolk is a party to an Agreement between the Township of Norfolk and the Township of Bayham pursuant to Section 410 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, which Agreement affects the following lands: "The road allowance between Lot Number Twenty-eight, Concession Five; Lot Number Twenty-eight, South Gore Concession; Lot Number One Hundred and Thirty-six, Concession Six; Lot Number One Hundred and Thirty-six, Concession Seven; Lot Number Twenty-eight, Concession Eight; Lot Nuirber Twenty-eight, Concession Nine; Lots Number Twenty-five to Twenty-seven inclusive, Concession Nine; Lots Number Twenty- one to Twenty-five inclusive, Concession Ten; Lots Number Nineteen to Twenty-one inclusive,Concession Eleven; being in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and Lots Number Twelve to Eighteen inclusive, Concession West Borth Road; Lot Number One Hundred and Thirty-seven, First Range South of the Talbot Road; Lots Number One to Five inclusive, Compiled Plan Number One; being in the Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municipality of Hal dimand-Norfolk , in the former Geographic Township of Houghton in the County of Norfolk and Lot Number One, First Concession North of the Talbot Road; Lot Number One, Second Concession North of the Talbot Road; Lot Number One, Third Concession North of the Talbot Road; Lot Number One, Fourth Concession North of the Talbot Road; in the Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municipality of Hal di mand-Norfolk in the former Geographic Township of Middleton in the County of Norfolk, is a highway forming the boundary between the Township of Norfolk and the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS that boundary road from the north limit of Nal dimand- Norfolk Regional Road Number 45 to the south limit of Hal dimand- Norfolk Regional Road Number 38 and continuing on to the southern limit of the Town of Ti l l sonburg forms a boundary between Norfolk and Bayham." AND I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and known that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath. DECLARED BEFORE ME at the ) Township of Norfolk, in the Regional ) Municipality of Hal di mend -Norfolk this 24th day of March A.D. 1977. A CoVssioner etc. Corporation of the Township of Norfolk SCHEDULE "A" to By -Law 233-77 WIS ___11 i1T_ Made 1a dolicave tMls Alit d► of wry +A61L. 1971. ACTVIt41 w4"dw r OF 'tom ROT PWI OF IN Kew I MMor% k ani ft&* of two N1� �r�tNlltfos� MO WNVM u Of of ft lMolrr141pa1 -O.t:o: o 19109 *Nftfp U4 ad arra It satMwrls�t +t .M 60.444eved to" barbs" 44M oMlotpalitlos ?W us =1-16— ttMad toFtlr of my Mal r Rave* a boMt�ry an" $** O1011*1016:; AND MKIM theMd allorMM bitwoN lost NOW 1�t� Couslton Five; Lot M~ Twes"ltbt. toter Ir CoMOM14nx Lot IirMitr On Ned W 1Mtrgr-atx, Crmo lam Sin Lot No6ov On NOWMW aai lhimus1x, cWMIN toval Lot MrMor 1Mor O1 , GMOMs14s films Loot Nor IN -0610 t1 art. slat Mass LaW Mlwbttr tMrrtt�r-1"! w� �° to rrttt of loclMtwe. fttnt L t *A*w 'IMM M to 1M�-f'IMo 1ftlwiw, asslaA ToMrrM lIIrriroit. M 1�rMMW o facldtino aimmufft tlowat 10101 is ft Twomp of 9 1A Mo of 111116 art Una "i Ab* " H 1oal+aouve, mania Oat Nears lot MM r No 1lMoair*# and 'tM1r"OUIP t. rat New of tlr�r M+ort Awit 100 ft*W 60 to F1%V 121910119, CM410d !1410 NMicr OMI; bo1ve 10 W 1p of MMorlttk 10 talo A 0sul Miwi alvell t of IIc1dfi-1Nr1k. for 11werM1s TwMOUiMr of 10 1Mo looty of ftrftlk Mai Lot tlrr w Om# Mrtt CeAe 1811m on a of the Talbot Read; Lot M wbw Om* S Md ftnoMs14m Nor* of 00 Mot Wdt Lot tlai"F one IMM com"6148 NWO of on Talbot 006 LOt NWbir till. Pow" " Ooaal-tlsMt Marlb of the Talbot Recta Is the Tasolp of ftrfolk Is tato swami Mli040/041/ter of bolk Is the fWmar r PRIPC TWUM1p of 11401otle 1a the ftualf of 1tr1t1M, 1$ a MloWM ft"d t the Musa *A Trwuhtp of Nwftlk ad the Mttp of ftb ut No vWW" that ry t►+wwl hu Via Aort►It 11hdt of 16141204- Norlielk Aotlonotl Ind NwWr 41 to the i t limit of Naldlum-A "lk Aw M1 bad Nw*w 99 ad antinfi !opt to the 060orm limit of fte Tarot of T1116"Wo f ra a irawrtia►ry bolMoo Norftlk ad ltybat MM IMF OM TNIS Aa1MEOtWNWI 1 that 1A of idersti t of tiro ad ft WWI a►Mwaorta , fam ad undi tion Moral me ftw li talmd. #0 yartla Mtorats fad aproo as WIRMt. that 1s 1. Net k .halt nimble ad %M to ft"Iir for Its Mi wldu Mat Mtortlo�t of the bo"17 arra hoot 60 "M limit of Ma1il�oMoot►t�IM I folk MOlMI ftat MMooior 0 to shit 1lerlt •f MtlilortMMerhtk AlMial Aoad Ntxiwr N. w t • MAW SMrll rafotals ad kap b ►pair fff Its aMU rldth that 1 liaa of tha reit "m tM aff"h 1111t of Noldl�d-Msrllallt Ipa1 MdNMer !b ►son 11Wi t of M Town of T111saMw1��► L ftrflrlk and Iftim Ma to sMm all aawstr�atfaa or ra m cats MAW " M Own "M artily. C Mer+t1k "no M be ras bU ftr aantm% so of M 40 of M bar ary read Oich It ao"$ 0 adows as set art is PUR on (1) dom S. ftyka MWift to be rupeaslbU liar Com #1 M pertfaA of M Merry ned w4h it wim to nistals as sort 00 to rrtt+apM 1w M dm t. i. prlar M #0 of arw ambut so r o Is aw yar On awNMdpelf"n SM11 Malt W&r tMt arrrprr�ots w► M m6 ftr aaw tr be ►abed ftr as dwrW of east. 1'.party sM11 sWwdt a i ame -Stag " tm +fir ftr + qr ftr Cwtm i4a prior to teember it of "a firer. t. 11A1s At sAa11 M ftr a tarry of taiYom 10 aa1p sway 1 1977 aad smi l owe is tyre b8 tf"! t of aad M btam" "a t" peftft law*"$ iMrir s we am Mips* IN wiTMEst MM'E fMr the Mmtr We Aq i1► 1 tr ►rat time sasls 1w as W" of "Or re r wt si r1 drly a orlar+rt fo tat WMIC UK fM'AAA- I an OF YK TOMM IP s 11 • C:) q. w m v? o. o CCD. co �� ic Vis. afdfP S; N: chi v _ v C 06 O Vi k 1 Murch 229 1977. Mr. Robert Loncke, Clerk Treasurer, �» Township of Norfolk, Box 128, Langton, Ontario. Dear Bob: Enclosed are the original, and two copies of our boundary road agreement executed by Reeve Green and myself. Once again, I wish to thank you for the work you have done inppreparing same. Yours truly, J.A.Petrie, Clerk. JAP/vv encls. ROAD DEPARTMENT OFFICE TEL. 519-875-4409 MUNICIPAL OFFICE TEL. 519-875-4485 BOX 128. LANGTON, NOE 1G0 QUOTE FILE NO. .. 1-1-22 A V March 15, 1977. Mr. J. A. Petrie, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. NOJ lYO Dear Jack: Re: Boundary Road Agreement Bayham and Norfolk Townships 7'� 10'77 �:.i' Ur 17tdr11 Further to our telephone conversation of today, I enclose for signature of Reeve Ronald A. Green and yourself and the corporate seal of Bayham, the original and five copies ofNan agreement with respect to maintenance and construction or re -construction of the Bayham/Norfolk Townline. These are to replace the copies of the previously submitted agreement which had been signed by our former Mayor - Jerome Van De Slyke which are now invalidated because of a change in the head of our Council. As well, I have changed the date of the agreement to the current year to coincide with the term of the present councils. Would you kindly return the original and two copies of the executed agreement to our office at your earliest convenience. I must apologize for not having noticed this before. RAL: dm Enclosures - 6 Yours sincerely, N. R. A. Loncke , Clerk-Admi ni strator. Is - March 11, 1977. Mr. Robt. Loncke, Clerk - Treasurer, Township of Norfolk, box 12d,' Langton, Ontario. Tear Sir. RE: boundary Rohd Agreement You will find enclosed the original and two executed copies of the boundary road agreement, with certified copies of our by-law No, 1914 authorizing same. I will be registering our lay -law in the Elgin registry Office shortly. , Thank you for enclosing the draft copy of the declaration for the Registry Office which is of much assistance to me. Yours, truly, SCG �'S�s�_..� - .,......_...a�.....x..._....._..n—..�.�.. a.. a...... .._ ....__.. ,...., .�.. e _. ... J.A.Petrie, Clerk. - � JAP vv f encls. �'i�y�lYR 1:? Vii'• ?� ..y rX ,: 1� ( '�L �. � - ... ;,Q� 1r- ,.j • � Y f. b SCG �'S�s�_..� - .,......_...a�.....x..._....._..n—..�.�.. a.. a...... .._ ....__.. ,...., .�.. e _. ... t THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORFOLK BY-LAW NO. By-law No. of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Norfolk to authorize a certain agreement between the Township of Norfolk and the Township of Bayham respecting the maintenance and repairs of the road forming the boundary line between the Townships. WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Norfolk and the Corporation of the Township of Bayham have entered into., an agreement for the maintenance and repair of certain a - portions of the roadway forming the boundary road between the said Townships; AND WHEREAS it is necessary to ratify and confirm the said agreement and to authorize the Kayorr and Clerk to execute the agreement; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of Township of Norfolk hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the agreement attached hereto marked "A" be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed and the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute the same on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Norfolk and to affix the corporate seal of the Township of Norfolk hereto. PASSED in open Council this day of , A.D., 1976. Mafxio r Clerk-wAdminis t ra tor ROAD DEPARTMENT OFFICE TEL. 519-875-4409 A* BOX 128, LANGTON, NOE 1GO Mr. Jack Petrie, Clerk, Township of Bayham, P. 0. Box 160, STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario. NOJ 1YO October 21st, 1976 MUNICIPAL OFFICE TEL. 519-875-4485 QUOTE FILE NO. J-.1 -.22AV......... a1 w CaCC' �C ••.t......••.•.•....... .... ...MM..• Dear Jack: Re: Boundary Road Agreement Bay_ham and Norfolk Townships Attached is an original and five copies of the proposed 1k agreement in connection with the maintenance and construction or re -construction of the Bayham/Norfolk Townline Road as agreed to in principle by way of resolution of the two municipal councils. Would you kindly check the document and if found in order, arrange to have the original and copies executed by Reeve Schafer and yourself. z Also attached is a copy of a by-law we propose to pass to ratify the agreement. You may wish to prepare your own from this copy. I understand that a declaration will be required from the municipal clerk to be registered at the Registry Office together with the by-law and agreement. I enclose a photocopy of the declaration I propose to register which may be of assistance . . . 2 Mr. Jack Petrie -2- October 21st, 1976 in the preparation of your declaration for the Elgin County Registry Office. Would you kindly arrSnge to return the original and two copies of the executed agreement to our office, together with a �► certified copy of your covering by-law in due course. If you have any questions on this matter, do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely, { w R. A. Loncke, Clerk -Administrator. RAL :ml Encl. 5 c THE REGISTRY ACT DECLARATION UNDER SECTION 23 OF THE ACT I. Robert Loncke, Clerk -Administrator of the Township of Norfolk, do solemnly declare that: 1. The Corporation of the Township of Norfolk is a party to an Agreement between the Township of Norfolk and the Township of Bayham pursuant to Section 410 of The Municipal Act, R. S.O. 1970, Chapter 284, which Agreement affects the following lands: "The road allowance between Lot Number Twenty-eight, Concession Five; Lot Number Twenty-eight, South Gore Concession; Lot Number One Hundred and Thirty-six, Concession Six; Lot Number One Hundred and Thirty-six, Concession Seven; Lot Number Twenty-eight, Concession Eight; Lot Number Twenty-eight, Concession Nine; Lots Number Twenty-five to Twenty-seven inclusive, Concession Nine; Lots Number Twenty- one to Twenty-five inclusive, Concession Ten; Lots Number Nineteen to Twenty-one inclusive,Concession Eleven; being in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and Lots �► Number Twelve to Eighteen inclusive, Concession West North Road; Lot Number One Hundred and Thirty-seven, First Range South of the Talbot Road; Lots Number One to Five inclusive, Compiled Plan Number One; being in the Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municipality of Hal dimand-Norfolk , in the former Geographic Township of Houghton in the County of Norfolk and Lot Number One, First Concession North of the Talbot Road; Lot Number One, Second Concession North of the Talbot Road; Lot Number One, Third Concession North of the Talbot Road; Lot Number One, Fourth Concession North of the Talbot Road; in the Township of Norfolk in the Regional Municipality of Hal di mand-Norfolk in the former Geographic' Township of Middleton in the County of Norfolk, is a highway forming the boundary between the Township of Norfolk and the Township of Bayham; AND WHEREAS that boundary road from the north limit of Hal dimand- Norfolk Regional Road Number 45 to the south limit of Haldimand- Norfolk Regional Road Number 38 and continuing on to the southern limit of the Town of Til 1 sonburg forms a boundary between Norfolk and Bayham." AND I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and known that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath. DECLARED BEFORE ME at the Township of Norfolk, in the Regional Municipality of Hal di mand-Norfolk } thi s day of A. D. 1976. A Commissioner etc. 04 BY - LAW NO. 1916 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BEING a By -Law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited for the collection of garbage, ashes and other refuse in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to enter into an agreement with St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited for the collection of garbage, ashes and. other refuse. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the CorporSti.on of the Township of Bayham 1. That the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authrrized to execute an agreement with St:- Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited under the Seal of the Corporation. 2. The said agreement and apendices are attached hereto and f orms a part of this By -Law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 4th. DAY OF APRIL, 1977. i Clerk I THIS INDENTURE made in quadruplicate as of the 1st day of January, 1976. B E T W E E N: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, Hereinafter called the "Corporation" OF THE FIRST PART, - and - ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE LIMITED, Hereinafter called the "Contractor" OF THE SECOND PART. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, the parties hereto do covenant and agree each with the other as follows: 1. In this Contract and in the Specifications attached hereto as Schedule "I" and in Schedule III hereto: 6 (a) "By-law" means By-law No. f q/� enacted by the Council of the Corporation a certified copy of which has been attached hereto as Schedule "II" and forms a part hereof; (b) "Term" means the period between the first day of January 1976 and the thirty-first day of December 1978, both dates inclusive; (c) The Annual Contract Price for the Term.of this Con- tract shall be $29,560.98. l 2. The Contractor does hereby covenant and agree with the Cor- poration as follows: (a) To execute and perform expeditiously during the Term the whole of the work in accordance with the specifications and By-law. (b) To indemnify and keep indemnified and save harmless the Corporation and each of its officers, servants and agents from and against all actions, suits, claims, executions and demands which may be brought against or made upon the Corporation, its officers, servants and agents and from all losses, costs, 3. -z- charges, damages, liens and expenses which may be paid, sustained or incurred by the Corporation, its officers, servants and agents by reason of or on account of, or in consequence of the execution and performance of the work or of the non -execution or imperfect execution thereof or of the supply or non -supply of plant or material therefor. (c) To pay to the Corporation, on demand, all losses and costs, damages, or expenses which may be paid, sustained or incurred by the Corporation or any of its officers, servants or agents in consequence of any such action, suit, claim, lien, execution or demand, as aforesaid, and any moneys paid or payable by the Corporation or any of its officers, servants or agents in settlement of or in discharge of, or on account of, anything in respect of,xohich the Corporation is entitled to indemnity as afore- said, and in default of such payment, all such losses and costs, damages and expenses, and any moneys so paid or payable by the Corporation, its officers, servants or agents, and also any money payable by the Contractor under the terms and conditions of this Contract may be deducted from any moneys of the Contractor then remaining in . the possession of the Corporation on account of this or any other contract, or may be recovered from the Contractor. The Corporation covenants with the Contractor that if the work shall be duly and properly executed as aforesaid, and if the Contractor shall carry out, perform, observe, fulfil, keep and abide by all of the covenants, agreements, 9 stipulations, provisos, terms and conditions of the Contractor, the Corporation will pay to the Contractor, therefor, in monthly installments on the 15th day of each month during the Term, a contract price each year during the Term, which, in the first year of the Term, shall be equal to the Annual - 3 - Contract Price adjusted by reference to the population t within the territorial limits of the Corporation, including the populations of the Villages of Port Burwell and Vienna, as established by the records of the local Regional Assessment Office of the Ministry and, in the first year of the Term the Annual Contract Price shall be increased or decreased in accordance with the following formula and as described in Schedule III hereto: Annual Contract Price x (1975 Population - 1974 Population) (1974 Population ) and in the second and third contract years, the contract price for each such year shall be adjusted by reference to population and also by reference to the "all items" Consumer Price ;ndex (hereinafter referred to as the "C . P . I . ") as published by Statistics Canada under the authority of the Statistics Act and in each such year the Annual Contract Price shall be increased or decreased in accordance with the following formula and as described in Schedule III hereto: Annual Contract x Price (Previous Year's P C.P.I. for Januar, ulation - 1974 Population Population of contract year C.P.I. January, - C.P.I. January 1976 and such monthly payments as aforesaid, shall be paid when due on account of the contract price for the year within which N such month falls; and if before the 15th day of January in the second or third years of the'Term, the contract price for such year has not been determined, monthly payments shall continue until such determination has been made in an amount equal to one -twelfth of the contract price for the previous year and when such determination has been made for such year, all proper adjustments shall be made in the accounts between the Corporation and the Contractor for such year; and the contract price for such determined, as above, less all payments made during such year to the time of such determination, shall be paid in equal monthly installments over the balance of such year; all as further described and set out in Schedule III. Each of such monthly payments, less any monies which the Cor- - 4 - poration may be entitled to retain at the time of such payments are due, shall be paid on or before the 15th day of the month to which it relates; and, before making any such payment, the Corporation may require the Contractor to satisfy the Corporation that all valid claims against the Contractor for labour, materials or things hired or supplied upon or for the work have been paid or satisfied, or if any such valid claims are found to exist, may pay such valid claim and the Contractor shall within two days reimburse the Corporation therefor or the Corporation may, at its option, withhold from the payment due, sufficient amounts to satisfy the same. Provided that the Corporation shall not be liable or compelled to pay for any additional work not provided for herein. Provided also that the payment of any money hereunder shall not be construed as an acceptance of any bad or defective work to which the same relates, nor as an admission of liability to pay any money in respect thereof, and such payment shall not in any manner lessen the liability of the Contractor to do such work properly, although the default may not have been known to or discovered by the Clerk of the Corporation at the time the moneys were so paid. 4. The Contractor, together with a Surety Company, approved by the Corporation and authorized by law to carry on business in the Province of Ontario, shall furnish a Performance Bond to the Corporation in a form satisfactory to the Corporation in the amount of 100% of the Annual Contract Price to ensure the com- plete execution of the Contract by the Contractor. The expense of preparing and executing the Bond shall be borne by, the Contractor. If the Contractor is unable to provide a bond to cover the entire Term, it agrees to provide further bonds from time to time so that at all times the Corporation shall have a bond covering performance of the work. 5. The Contractor shall at all times pay or cause to be paid;, any assessment or compensation required to be paid pursuant to The Workmen's Compensation Act, and upon failure to do so, the Corporation may pay such assessment or compensation to the - 5 - Workmen's Compensation Board and may thereafter deduct such sums from monies due to the Contractor. The Contractor shall, at the time of entering into this Contract with the Corporation, make a statutory declaration that all assessments have been paid and the Corporation may, at any time during the performance or upon the completion of this Contract, require a further declaration that such assessments or compensation have been paid. 6. Prior to the commencement of the work or as soon thereafter as possible, the Contractor shall produce evidence satisfactory to the Corporation that the Contractor has obtained and shall maintain insurance from an insurance company authorized to carry on business in Canada, to cover its liability for bodily injury and property damage that may arise with respect to the work being performed under this Contract. Such insurance shall: 10 (i) be in the joint names of the Corporation and the Cop - tor; (ii) shall insure the Corporation as well as the Contractor against 311 claims and demands resulting from or con- nected with the execution of the Contract by the Contractor; (iii) shall have an inclusive limit at least equal to $500,000.00 and shall remain in force during the Term. 7. The Contractor shall, at its expense, insure and maintain in- surance against liability, bodily injury and property damage caused by vehicles owned by the Contractor and usekd in the work. The Contractor shall also, at its expense, insure and maintain insurance against liability for bodily injury and property damage caused by vehicles not owned by the Contractor and used in the work. Such insurance shall each have an in- clusive limit of at least $500,000.00. A vehicle shall be as defined in The Highway Traffic Act. 8. If the Contractor shall neglect to refuse to do any of the work or if he shall become bankrupt or insolvent, or com- pound with his creditors, or commit any act of bankruptcy or shall transfer, assign or sub -let or attempt to transfer, assign or sub -let this Contract, or any part thereof, without the consent of the Clerk of the Corporation or if at any time the work or any part thereof is not executed or is not being executed in a sound and workmanlike manner in accordance - b - with the reasonable requirements of the Clerk and in all res- pects in strict conformity with this Contract, or if the Con- tractor shall refuse or neglect to alter any defective or un- satisfactory work, or to comply with any reasonable order he may receive from such Clerk, or if the Contractor shall per- sist in the breach of any of the provisions of this Contract, then, and in each and any such case, after 24 hours' written notice from such Clerk to the Contractor, such Clerk shall have the full right and power, at his discretion, without process or action at law, to take the whole work, or any part or parts thereof specified in the said notice, out of the hands of the Contractor and the Contractor,. upon receiving notice to that effect shall give up the said work, or the part or parts thereof specified in the said notice, peacably to such Clark, who may either re -let the same to any other person or persons with or without its being previously ad- vertised, or may employ workmen and provide materials, tools, transportation and all other necessary things at the expense of the Contractor, or may take such other steps as hL!, the said Clerk, may consider necessary or advisable in order to secure the completion of the work to his satisfaction; and the Contractor and its sureties in every case shall be liable for all damages, expenditures and extra expenditures and for all additional cost of the work which may be incurred by reas- on thereof, and the same may be deducted from any moneys owing to the Contractor or may be collected from the Contractor by the Corporation. The fulfillment by the Contractor of any provision in this Contract may be enforced by legal proceed- ings and judgment, or order of Court, without prejudice to any other remedy herein contained. 9. When the work, or any part thereof, is taken out of the hands of the Contractor, as herein provided, it shall in no way affect the relative obligations of the Corporation and the Contractor, or its sureties in respect of -its or their obligation, or in respect of the remainder of the work (if any) . And if any balance of the contract price for the balance of the Term, or other money payable by the Corporation hereunder, shall remain in the hands 7 - of the Corporation upon the expiration of the Contract, the same shall be payable to the Contractor or the per- son legally representing him; but neither the Corporation nor any Officer thereof shall be liable or accountable to the Contractor in anyway for the manner in which, or, at the price at which the said work, or any portion thereof, may have been or may be done or completed by the said Clerk. Payment for any portion of the work called for by this Con- tract, shall not be deemed to be a waiver by such Clerk of the right to abrogate this Contract for abandonment, delay or any other reason consistent with the Contract. 10. The Contractor, its agents and all workmen and persons em- ployed by or under its control shall use due care that no person is injured and that no property is damaged in the prosecution of the work. 11. The Contractor and its sureties shall fully indemnify the Corporation, its officer, servants and employees from any and all liability or expenses by way of legal costs or oi-her- wise in respect to any claim or liability under The Mechanics' Lien Act or for any attachment for debt, garnishee process or otherwise. The Corporation shall not in any case be liable to any greater extent than the amount owing by it to the Contractor. 12. The Contractor shall keep the work under its control aid shall not assign, transfer or sub -let any portion without first obtaining the written consent of such Clerk. The con- sent of such Clerk to any such assignment, transfer or sub- letting shall not, however, relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for the proper commencement, execution and completion of the work according to the terms and conditions of this Contract; and the Contractor shall either in person or through an accredited agent, receive all notices, communi- cations, orders, instructions or legal service, as if i.t were performing the work with its own vlant and its own men. 13. All monies payable to the Corporation by the Contractor under any provisions in this Contract, or to the Workmen's - 8 - Compensation Board, as provided herein, may be retained out of any monies then due or which may become due, from the Corporation to the Contractor under this or any other contract with the Corporation or otherwise howsoever, or may be recovered from the Contractor or its sureties, or any or either of them in any Court of competent jurisdic- tion, as a debt due to the Corporation. 14. Any notice or communication to the Contractor shall be deemed to be well and sufficiently given or served if handed to any officer of the Contractor or if mailed to the Contrac- tor by prepaid registered post addressed to it at R. R. #5, St. Thomas, Ontario, or such other address as the Contractor may designate by written notice, and if mailed, notice shall be deemed to have been given and service will be deemed to have been effected on the second business day after mailing. 15. In any notice to the Contractor in respect of the work of any nature required to be done under any of the provisions of this Contract, or of any other matter, it shall not be obligatory upon such Clerk to specify minutely or in detail everything required, nor as the precise place or places where the work may be defective or faulty, or where any of the requirements of the specifications have not been observed; but a reference in such notice to the clause or clauses bearing upon the matter, and a description of the locality in general terms, and sufficiently clear to indicate where the defect or trouble exists, shall be deemed to be, and shall be ample notice. lb. This Contract and the covenants and conditions herein con - rained and in the Schedules hereto shall extend to and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective suc- cessors and assigns. 10 9 - 9 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Corporation has hereunto affixed its Corporate Seal and the Contractor has hereunto affixed its Corporate Seal attested to by the hands of their respective officers duly authorized on that behalf this day of 1977. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED Execution and delivery of this Contract by the Corporation is authorized by its By-law No.M6 enacted the Yel dayof 1977. r THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Clerk ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE LIMITED Per: 9 G'1 J r . SCHEDULE "I" MUNICIPALITIES OF BAYHAM - PORT BURWELL - VIENNA GARBAGE COLLECTION TENDER SPEC IF I CATIONS Item 1. The Contractor shall supply the necessary number of garbage collec- tion units, complete with sufficient personnel, as outlined by it in the SPECIAL FORM attached hereto, sufficient to collect weekly and haul all garbage, ashes, rubbish and other refuse within the territorial limits of the Municipalities of Bayham, Port Burwell and Vienna, in accordance with regulations of the Waste Management Act - 1970, governing the collection of all garbage, etc. Item 2. The Contractor shall during the Term collect, remove and dispose of all garbage generated, produced or created within such territorial limits which has been placed for collection and removal adjacent to the travdTled portion of the street in accordance with the By-law and the Contractor shall supply sufficient personnel aftd equipment for such purpose; provided that the Contractor shall not be required to collect and remove more than 12 cubic feet of garbage in any one week period in respect of any one householder, charitable instituation or church. Item 3. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintenance, repair and all other operating costs of the equipment supplied including the necessary licenses, insurance, gas, etc. Item 4. The units to be supplied under this contract, as stated on SPECIAL FORM attached hereto, must consist of steel bodies mounted on an adequate truck chassis. Item 5. The Contractor shall determine the number of original units that it will supply to perform the work throughout the Term. The Municipality reserves the right to instruct the Contractor at any time after the beginning of the Contractor's operations to increase the number of units to ensure adequate performance. Item b. All equipment supplied by the Contractor shall be maintained'.in clean condition.and no advertising of any kind on the units shall be permitted with the exception of lettering describing the Contractor as operating under this contract. Item 7. The Contractor shall ensure a neat and clean appearance of all of 0 - 2 - of its employees while on duty i.e. distinctive work coveralls shall be worn at all times. Item 8. The Contractor shall ensure that all work performed under this Contract will be supervised and performed in a manner satisfactory to the Corporation or its duly authorized representatives. Item 9. The Contractor shall ensure that someone in its employ, in a super- visory capacity, shall reside within or adjacent to the Township of Bayham in order to process complaints received and to receive instructions when necessary. Item 10. The Contractor shall be required to submit to the Corporation for its approval, a complete collection programme proposed for the collection hereunder. Item 11. All changes in the collection schedules shall be approved by the Corporation and the Contractor prior to its coming into effect. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, be responsible for adver- tising and notifying the general public of changes in the days of garbage collection. Item 12. The Contractor shall be responsible for damage caused to any recept- acle and also for refuse deposited on private or public property as the result of its operations. Item 13. The Contractor shall be responsible for one (1) special collection of Christmas trees after the Christmas Holiday season on a previously advertised schedule. The cost for such collection and advertising shall be included in the total tender price for the work. The Corporation also reserves the right to request the Contractor to make special pick-ups which shall be the subject of negotiations between the Contractor and the Corporation. CHEDULE "II" BY-LAW To provide regulations governing the collection and removal of garbage, ashes and other refuse THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. DEFINITIONS In this By-law, except section 2.1, 1.1 "Ashes" means the residue of any household fuel after such fuel has been consumed by fire; 1.2 "Collector" means any person or persons having a contract with the Corporation for'the collection, I removal and disposal of garbage; 1.3 "Garbage" means the following types of abandoned or discarded waste generated, produced or created by a householder, church or charitable institution: rl► all animal and vegetable waste material from the preparation of food, cans, sweepings, paper, cardboard, wearing apparel, ashes, bottles, glass, discarded household utensils, lawn and hedge cuttings, weaves, twigs, shrubs, brush and tree limbs] not exceeding 4 feet in length or 10 inches in diameter; provided that there shall be excluded from this s definition of garbage any Hazardous Substance or Prohibited Waste. 1.4 "Hazardous Substance" means a substance which, because of its physical or chemical nature or because of the form in which it exists, may explode or become ignited easily and cause intense flames or which constitutes a health hazard to the collector's servants, agents or employees by reason of their handling the same; 1.5 "Householder" means the occupant of residential premises, whether the owner, lessee, tenant or otherwise within the territorial jurisdiction of the Corporation; - 2 - 1.6 "Garbage Receptacle" means a metal or rigid plastic container with a capacity of not more than 2 cubic feet, with a secure lid and with handles and designed so that, when weighing 75 pounds, it may be quickly and conveniently lifted and carried by one man; 1.7 "Prohibited Waste" means the following (a) explosive or highly combustible material of any kind, (b) car bodies, (c) sheet iron and scrap metal, (d) tree stumps and trees having a diameter greater than 10 inches and a length greater than 4 feet, (e) any corrosive or toxic material, (f) any 'carcasses of animals, (g) liquid waste, (h) waste of any nature and kind as is now or may hereinafter at any time be prohibited for disposal at the Collector's waste disposal site by reason of any statute or regulation of the Province of Ontario now or hereafter enacted, promulgated or amended. 2. GENERAL 2.1 No person shall throw, place or deposit in any 1k park or on any highway within the territorial limits of the Corporation, any dirt, filth, glass, handbills, paper or other refuse or debris or car- cass of any animal. 2.2 No person shall suffer or permit the accumulation upon any premises owned, leased, occupied by him or under his control of any garbage, litter, waste material, animal or vegetable matter or any other matter or thing which may endanger public health. 3. DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE `. 4 3.1 Every housholder shall provide and maintain in good repair sufficient garbage receptacles or plas- tic garbage bags into which shall be placed all s 11 U garbage and waste material produced in or emanating from his premises. 3.2 No person shall deposit or place any hazardous substance or prohibited waste in any garbage recept- acle or plastic garbage bag which is to be placed for collection and removal by the collector. 3.3. No person shall deposit or place more than 2 cubic feet or more than 75 pounds of garbage in any one garbage receptacle or plastic garbage bag which is placed for collection and removal by the collector. 3.4 No householder shall place for collection and removal by the collector any garbage unless such garbage: M 3.4.1 Is contained in a garbage receptacle with its lid securely in place, 3.4.2 Is contained in a securely tied plastic garbage bag, 3.4.3 Is in a securely tied bundle not exceeding 4 feet in length, 12 cubic feet in volume or 75 pounds in weight or 3.4.4 Is dumped into a bulk garbage container provided in accordance with Section 5.1. 3.5 No householder shall place for collection and removal by the collector more than 12 cubic feet of garbage in any one week. 3.6 No person shall pick over, interfere with, disturb, remove or scatter any garbage placed for collection and removal by the collector, whether contained in garbage receptacles or otherwise. 4. SINGLE FAMILY 4R DUPLEX 4.1 Every householder, occupying a single family dwelling or occupying a dwelling unit in a duplex, - 4 - shall, on the day in each week f ixed for the collection of his garbage, and not before dusk on the preceding day, place or cause to be placed his garbage adjacent to the travelled portion of the street upon which his premises fronts for collection and removal by the collector. 4.2 Where garbage, placed for collection and removal by a householder in accordance with section 4.1, is contained in a garbage receptacle, such garbage receptacle shall be returned expediently by the householder to the place where the same is normally kept after the collector has emptied such garbage receptacle. 5. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS 5.1 Except as provided in section 5.4, the owner or d* owners of any apartment house or building, row housing, town -housing or other multiple dwelling, shall provide and maintain in good repair sufficient bulk garbage containers to accommodate 6 cubic feet of garbage for each dwelling unit. 5.2 The bulk garbage containers referred to in section 5.1 shall be designed and constructed so as to be compatible with the collectors equipment in order that such bulk garbage containers might be mechanically lifted and emptied and automatically N dumped. 5.3 Except as provided in section 5.5, every householder occupying a dwelling unit in an apartment house or building, row housing, town -housing or other multiple dwelling shall, on or before the day in each week fixed for collection of his garbage, place or cause to be placed his garbage for collection and removal by the collector of the bulk garbage container provided in accordance with section 5.1; provided that if such householders garbage is contained in a garbage receptacle, such garbage shall be dumped by the householder out of such garbage receptacle into the bulk garbage container and the garbage receptacle shall be returned expediently by the householder to the place where the same is normally kept. 5.4 Notwithstanding the provisions of section 5.1, the owner or owners of any apartment house or building, row housing, town -housing or other multiple dwelling, containing more than 2 dwelling units and less than 12 dwelling units, instead of providing a bulk garbage container in accordance with section 5.1, may provide a common garbage storage but or shed of sufficient size to accommodate 6 garbage receptacles for each dwelling unit and of such construction as to prevent the entrance of rodents or other animals. 5.5 Notwithstanding the provisions of section 5.3, every householder occupying a dwelling unit in an apartment house or building, row housing, town-* housing or other mutilple dwelling containing more than 2 dwelling units and less than 12 dwelling units where a common garbage storage but or shed has been provided in accordance with section 5.4, shall, on or before the day in each week fixed for the collection of his garbage, place or cause to be placed his garbage in the common garbage storage but or shed so provided. 6. CONTRACTS WITH COLLECTOR 6.1 Nothing in this by-law shall prohibit or prevent the collector from collecting, removing or disposing of any garbage or any other waste material at any time exclusive of Sundays, subject to any by-law prohibiting or regulating the making of noise, nor shall this by-law prohibit or prevent any person from making arrangements with the collector or with any other person for such collection, removal or disposal. 7. PENALTIES 7.1 Any person convicted of a contravention of any of the provisions of this by-law shall forfeit any pay • at the discretion of the convicting Judge a penalty not exceeding $1,000.00, exclusive of costs, for each such offence. Every such fine is recoverable under The Summary Convictions Act, all of the provisions of which apply, except that imprisionment shall be for a term not exceeding 6 months. 8. INCONSISTENT BY-LAWS REPEALED 8.1 By-law No. 1716 is hereby repealed. READ a First and Second time this day of 1977. READ a Third Time and Finally Passed thisy da of - 1 - 1977. N. ncCvc i Clerk SCHEDULE "III" FIRST CONTRACT YEAR: January 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976, inclusive. - Contract Price for First Contract Year = $29560.92 + $29560.92 x (Population 1975 - Po ulation 1974) ( Population 1974) - Population for 1974 is 5281 and the Population for 1975 is 4661. - The Contract Price for the First Contract Year, calculated as above, shall be paid in twelve equal monthly installments on the 15th day of each month during 1976. SECOND CONTRACT YEAR: January 1, 1977 to December 31, 1977, inclusive. - Contract Price for Second Contract Year = $29560.92 + $29560.92 x (Population 1976 - Population 1974 + { Population 1974 C.P.I. Janua 1977 - C.P.I. January 1976 .P.I. January 0 - If the Contract Price for the Second Contract Year is calculated, as aforesaid, before January 31, 1977, then monthly payments throughout the Second Contract Year shall be equal to one -twelfth of the Contract Price for the Second Contract Year as so calculated. - If the Contract Price for the Second Contract Year has not been calculated by January 31, 1977, then until such time as the calculation is made, the monthly payments shall be equal to one - twelfth of the Contract Price for the First Contract Year, and after the calculation of the Contract Price for the SeCond Contract Year has been made, the amount thereof, less any pay- ments made during the Second Contract Year prior to the completion of such calculation, shall be paid in equal monthly installments during the remainder of the Second Contract Year. , THIRD CONTRACT YEAR.: Janaury 1, 1978 to December 31, 1978, inclusive. - Contract Price for Third Contract Year = $29560.92 + $29560.92 x (Population 1977 - Po ulation 1974 + (Population 1974 C.P.I. January 1978 - January 1976) C.P.I. anuary 1976 - If the Contract Price for the Third Contract Year is calculated as aforesaid before January 31, 1978, then monthly payments W t t 1* - 2 - throughout the Third Contract Year shall be equal to one -twelfth of the Contract Price for the Third Contract Year as so calculated. - If the Contract Price for the Third Contract Year has not been calculated by January 31, 1978, then, until such time as the calculation is made, the monthly payments shall be equal to one - twelfth of the Contract Price for the Second Contract Year and after the calculation of the Contract Price for the Third Contract Year has been made, the amount thereof, less any payments during the Third Contract Year prior to the completion of such calculation, shall be paid in equal monthly installments during the remainder of the Third Contract Year. &,I a U . . DATED the 1st day of January , 1976 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM - and - ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE LIMITED GARBAGE COLLECTION, REMOVAL. AND DISPOSAL CONTRACT WRIGHT AND ASSOCIATES Barristers and Solicitors, 612-383 Richmond Street, LONDON, Ontario. N6A 3C4 BY - LAW NO. 1916 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BEING a By -Law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited for the collection of garbage, ashes and other refuse in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to enter into an agreement with St. Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited for the collection of garbage, ashes and other refuse. THF EFORE BE IT EXACTED by the Municipal Council of the 0 Corporation of the Township of Bayham 1. z. That the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby autharized to execute an agreement with St: Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Limited under the Seal of the Corporation. The said agreement and apendices are attached hereto and forms a part of this Icy -•Law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD T114E ARID FINALLY PASSED N THIS 4th, DAY OF APRIL, 1977. 0 V Clerk THIS INDENTURE made in quadruplicate as of the 1st day of January, 1976. B E T W E E N: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, Hereinafter called the "Corporation" OF THE FIRST PART, - and - ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE LIMITED, Hereinafter called the "Contractor" OF THE SECOND PART. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, the parties hereto do covenant and agree each with the other as follows: 1. In this Contract and in the Specifications attached hereto as Schedule "I" and in Schedule III hereto: (a) "By-law" means By-law No. enacted by the Council of the Corporation a certified copy of which has been attached hereto as Schedule "TI" and forms a part hereof; (b) "Term" means the period between the first day of January 1976 and the thirty-first day of December 1978, both dates inclusive; (c) The Annual Contract Price for the Term.of this Con- tract shall be $29,560.98. 2. The Contractor does hereby covenant and agree with the Cor- poration as follows: (a) To execute and perform expeditiously during the Term the whole of the work in accordance with the specifications and By-law. (b) To indemnify and keep indemnified and save harmless the Corporation and each of its officers, servants and agents from and against all actions, suits, claims, executions and demands which may be brought against or made upon the Corporation, its officers, servants and agents and from all losses, costs, .. 2 charges, damages, liens and expenses which may be paid, sustained or incurred by the Corporation, its officers, servants and agents by reason of or on account of, or in consequence of the execution and performance of the work or of the non -execution or imperfect execution thereof or of the supply or non -supply of plant or material therefor. (c) To pay to the Corporation, on demand, all losses and costs, damages, or expenses which may be paid, sustained or incurred by the Corporation or any of its officers, servants or agents in consequence of any such action, suit, claim, lien, execution or demand, as aforesaid, and any moneys paid or payable by the Corporation or any of its officers, 0 servants or agents in settlement of or in discharge of, or on account of, anything, in respect of which % the Corporation is entitled to indemnity as afore- said, and in default of such payment, all such losses and costs, damages and expenses, and any moneys so paid or payable by the Corporation, its officers, servants or agents, and also any money payable by the Contractor under the terms and conditions of this Contract may be deducted from any moneys of the Contractor then remaining iin the possession of the Corporation on account of this or any other contract, or may be recovered from the Contractor. 3. The Corporation covenants with the Contractor that if the work shall be duly and properly executed as aforesaid, and if the Contractor shall carry out, perform, observe, fulfil, keep and abide by all of the covenants, agreements, stipulations, provisos, terms and conditions of the Contractor, the Corporation will pay to the Contractor, therefor, in monthly installments on the 15th day of each month during the Term, a contract price each year during the Term, which, in the first year of the Term, shall be equal to the Annual - 3 - Contract Price adjusted by reference to the population within the territorial limits of the Corporation, including the populations of the Villages of Port Burwell and Vienna, as established by the records of the local Regional Assessment Office of the Ministry and, in the first year of the Term the Annual Contract Price shall be increased or decreased in accordance with the following formula and as described in Schedule III hereto: Annual Contract Price x 1975 P ulation - 1974 P 1974 Population ulation) and in the second and third contract years, the contract price for each such year shall be adjusted by reference to population and also by reference to the "all items" Consumer P,7ice Index (hereinafter referred to as the "C.P.I.") as published by Statistics Canada under the authority of tho. Statistics Act and in each such year the Annual Contract Price shall be increased or decreased in accordance with the following formula and as described in Schedule III her`to: Annual Contract x (Previous Year's P Price C.P.I. for Jan ulation - 1974 Population + Population of contract year C.P.I. January, - C.P.I. January 1976 and such monthly payments as aforesaid, shall be paid when due on account of the contract price for the year within which such month falls; and if before the 15th day of January in the second or third years of the Term, the contract price for such year has not been determined, monthly payments shall continue until such determination has been made in an amount equal to one -twelfth of the contract price L for the previous year and when such determination has been made for such year, all proper adjustments shall be made in the accounts between the Corporation and the Contractor for such year; and the contract price for such determined, as above, less all payments made during such year to the time of such determination, shall be paid in equal monthly installments over the balance of such year; all as further described and set out in Schedule III. Each of such monthly payments, less any monies which the Cor- - 4 - poration may be entitled to retain at the time of such payments are due, shall be paid on or before the 15th day of the month to which it relates; and, before making any such payment, the Corporation may require the Contractor to satisfy the Corporation that all valid claims against the Contractor for labour, materials or things hired or supplied upon or for the work have been paid or satisfied, or if any such valid claims are found to exist, may pay such valid claim and the Contractor shall within two days reimburse the Corporation therefor or the Corporation may, at its option, withhold from the payment due, sufficient amounts to satisfy the same. Provided that the Corporation shall not be liable or compelled to pay for any additional work not provided for herein. Provided also that the payment of any money hereunder shall not be cofistrued as an acceptance of any bad or defective work to which the same relates, nor as an admission of liability to pay any money in respect thereof, and such payment shall not in any manner lessen the liability of the Contractor to do such work properly, although the default may not have been known to or discovered by the Clerk of the Corporation at the time the moneys were so paid. 4. The Contractor, together with a Surety Company, approved by the Corporation and authorized by law to carry on business in the Province of Ontario, shall furnish a Performance Bond to the Corporation in a form satisfactory to the Corporation in the amount of 100% of the Annual Contract Price to ensure the com- plete execution of the Contract by the Contractor. The expense of preparing and executing the Bond shall be borne by the Contractor. If the Contractor is unable to provide a bond to cover the entire Term, it agrees to provide further bonds from time -to time so that at all times the Corporation shall have a bond covering performance of the work. 5. The Contractor shall at all times pay or cause to be paid, any assessment or compensation required to be paid pursuant to The. Workmen's Compensation Act, and upon failure to do so, the Corporation may pay such assessment or compensation to the 0 - 5 - Workmen's Compensation Board and may thereafter deduct such sums from monies due to the Contractor. The Contractor shall, at the time of entering into this Contract with the Corporation, make a statutory declaration that all assessments have been paid and the Corporation may, at any time during the performance or upon the completion of this Contract, require a further declaration that such assessments or compensation have been paid.1 6. Prior to the commencement of the work or as soon thereafter as possible, the Contractor shall produce evidence satisfactory to the Corporation that the Contractor has obtained and shall maintain insurance from an insurance company authorized to carry on business in Canada, to cover its liability for bodily injury and property damage that may arise with respect to the work being performed under this Contract. Such insurance shall: (i) be in the joint names of the Corporation and the Con - tor; O (ii) shall insure the Corporation as well as the Contractor against all claims and demands resulting from or con- nected with the execution of the Contract by the Contractor; (iii) shall have an inclusive limit at least equal to $500,000.00 and shall remain in force during the Term. 7. The Contractor shall, at its expense, insure and maintain in- surance against liability, bodily injury and property damage caused by vehicles owned by the Contractor and used in the work. The Contractor shall also, at its expense, insure and 1k maintain insurance against liability for bodily injury and property damage caused by vehicles not owned by the Contractor and used in the work. Such insurance shall each have an in- clusive limit of at least $500,000.00. A vehicle shall be as defined in The Highway Traffic Act. 8. If the Contractor shall neglect to refuse to do any of the work or if he shall become bankrupt or insolvent, or com- pound with his creditors, or commit any act of bankruptcy or shall transfer, assign or sub -let or attempt to transfer, assign or sub -let this Contract, or any part thereof, without the consent of the Clerk of the Corporation or if at any time the work or any part thereof is not executed or is not being executed in a sound and workmanlike manner in accordance 6 - • with the reasonable requirements of the Clerk and in all res- pects in strict conformity with this Contract, or if the Con- tractor shall refuse or neglect to alter any defective or un- satisfactory work, or to comply with any reasonable order he may receive from such Clerk, or if the Contractor shall per- sist in the breach of any of the provisions of this Contract, then, and in each and any such case, after 24 hours' written notice from such Clerk to the Contractor, such Clerk shall have the full right and power, at his discretion, without process or action at law, to take the whole work, or any part or parts thereof specified in the said notice, out of the hands of the Contractor and the Contractor, upon receiving notice to that effect shall give up the said work, or the part or parts thereof specified in the said notice, peacably to such Clerk, who may either re -let the same to any other person or persons with or without its being previously ad- vertised, or may employ workmen and provide materials, tools, *I transportation and all other necessary things at the expense of the Contractor, or may take such other steps as he, the said Clerk, may consider necessary or advisable in order to secure the completion of the work to his satisfaction; and the Contractor and its sureties in every case shall be liable for all damages, expenditures and extra expenditures and for all additional cost of the work which Taay be incurred by reas- on thereof, and the same may be deducted from any moneXs owing to the Contractor or may be collected from the Contractor by the Corporation. The fulfillment by the Contractor of any provision in this Contract may be enforced by legal proceed- ings and judgment, or order of Court, without prejudice to any other remedy herein contained. 9. When the work, or any part thereof, is taken out of the hands of the Contractor, as herein provided, it shall in no way affect the relative obligations of the Corporation and the Contractor, or its sureties in respect of its or their obligation, or in respect of the remainder of the work (if any) . And if any balance of the contract price for the balance of the Term, or other money payable by the Corporation hereunder, shall remain in the hands - 7 - of the Corporation upon the expiration of the Contract, the same shall be payable to the Contractor or the per- son legally representing him; but neither the Corporation nor any Officer thereof shall be liable or accountable to the Contractor in any way for the manner in which, or. at the price at which the said work, or any portion thereof, may have been or may be done or completed by the said Clerk. Payment for any portion of the work called for by this Con- tract, shall not be deemed to be a waiver by such Clerk of the right to abrogate this Contract for abandonment, delay or any other reason consistent with the Contract. 10. The Contractor, its agents and all workmen and persons em- ployed by or under its control shall use due care that no person is injured and that no property is damaged in the 0 prosecution of the work. 11. The Contractor and its sureties shall fully indemnify the Corporation, its officer, servants and employees from any and 311 liability or expenses by way of legal costs or other- wise in respect to any claim or liability under The Mechanics' Lien Act or for any attachment for debt, garnishee process or otherwise. The Corporation shall not in any case be liable to any greater extent than the amount owing by it to the Contractor. 12. The Contractor shall keep the work under its control and shall not assign, transfer or sub -let any portion without first obtaining the written consent of such Clerk. The con- sent of such Clerk to any such assignment, transfer or sub- letting shall not, however, relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for the proper commencement, execution and completion of the work according to the terms and conditions of this Contract; and the Contractor shall either in person or through an accredited agent, receive all notices, communi- cations, orders, instructions or legal service, as if it were performing the work with its own plant and its own men. 13. All monies payable to the Corporation by the Contractor under any provisions in this Contract, or to the Workmen's Compensation Board, as provided herein, may be retained out of any monies then due or which may become due, from the Corporation to the Contractor under this or any other contract with the Corporation or otherwise howsoever, or may be recovered from the Contractor or its sureties, or any or either of them in any Court of competent jurisdic- tion, as a debt due to the Corporation. 14. Any notice or communication to the Contractor shall be deemed to be well and sufficiently given or served if handed to any officer of the Contractor or if mailed to the Contrac- tor by prepaid registered post addressed to it at R. R. #5, St. Thomas, Ontario, or such other address as the Contractor may designate by written notice, and if mailed, notice shall be deemed to have been given and service will be deemed to have been effected on the second business day after mailing. 15. In any notice to the Contractor in respect of the work of any nature required to be done under any of the provisions of this Contract, or of any other matter, it shall not be obligatory upon such Clerk to specify minutely or in detail everything required, nor as the precise place or places where the work may be defective or faulty, or where any of the requirements of the specifications have not been observed; but a reference in such notice to the clause or clauses bearing upon the matter, and a description of the locality in general terms, and sufficiently clear to indicate where the defect or trouble exists, shall be deemed to be, and shall be ample notice. 16. This Contract and the covenants and conditions herein con- tained and in the Schedules hereto shall extend to and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective suc- cessors and assigns. - 9 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Corporation has hereunto affixed its Corporate Seal and the Contractor has hereunto affixed its Corporate Seal attested to by the hands of their respective officers duly authorized on that behalf this day of 1977. XI/ �� SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED Execution and delivery of this Contract by the Corporation is authorized by its By-law No.1914 enacted they day of `�1 1977. IV THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM er ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE LIMITED Per: c 1 SCHEDULE "I" MUNICIPALITIES OF BAYHAM - PORT BURWELL - VIENNA GARBAGE COLLECTION TENDER S P E C I F I C A T I O N S Item 1. The Contractor shall supply the necessary number of garbage collec- tion units, complete with sufficient personnel, as outlined by it in the SPECIAL FORM attached hereto, sufficient to collect weekly and haul all garbage, ashes, rubbish and other refuse within the territorial limits of the Municipalities of Bayham, Port Burwell and Vienna, in accordance with regulations of the Waste Management Act - 1970, governing the collection of all garbage, etc. Item 2. The Contractor shall during the Term collect, remove and dispose of all garbage generated, produced or created within such territorial limits which has been placed for collection and removal adjacent to the travelled portion of the street in accordance with the By-law and the Contractor shall supply sufficient personnel and equipment for such purpose; provided that the Contractor *shall not be required to collect and remove more than 12 cubic feet of garbage in any one week period in respect of any one householder, charitable instituation or church. Item 3. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintenance, repair and all other operating costs of the equipment supplied including the necessary licenses, insurance, gas, etc. Item 4. The units to be supplied under this contract, as stated on SPECIAL FORM attached hereto, must consist of steel bodies mounted on an adequate truck chassis. Item 5. The Contractor shall determine the number of original units that it will supply to perform the work throughout the Term. The Municipality reserves the right to instruct the Contractor at any time after the beginning of the Contractor's'�operations to increase the number of units to ensure adequate performance. Item 6. All equipment supplied by the Contractor shall be maintained'in clean condition.and no advertising of any kind on the units shall be permitted with the exception of lettering describing the Contractor i d W IUD operat ng un er this contract. Item 7. The Contractor shall ensure a neat and clean appearance of all of - 2 - of its employees while on duty i.e. distinctive work coveralls shall be worn at all times. Item 8. The Contractor shall ensure that all work performed under this Contract will be supervised and performed in a manner satisfactory to the Corporation or its duly authorized representatives. Item 9. The Contractor shall ensure that someone in its employ, in a super- visory capacity, shall reside within or adjacent to the Township of Bayham in order to process complaints received and to receive instructions when necessary. Item 10. The Contractor shall be required to submit to the Corporation for its approval, a complete collection programme proposed for the collection hereunder. Item 11. All changes in the collection schedules shall be approved by the Corporation and the Contractor prior to its coming into effect. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, be responsible for adver- tising and notifying the general public of changes in the days of garbage collection. Item 12. The Contractor shall be responsible for damage caused to any recept- acle and also for refuse deposited on private or public property as the result of its operations. Item 13. The Contractor shall be responsible for one (1) special collection of Christmas trees after the Christmas Holiday season on a previously advertised schedule. The cost for such collection and advertising shall be included in the total tender price for the work. The Corporation also reserves the right to request the Contractor to make special pick-ups which shall be the subject of negotiations between the Contractor and the Corporation. SCHEDULE "II" BY-LAW NO. • To provide regulations governing the collection and removal of garbage, ashes and other refuse THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. DEFINITIONS In this By-law, except section 2.1, 1.1 "Ashes" means the residue of any household fuel after such fuel has been consumed by fire; 1.2 "Collector" means any person or persons having a contract with the Corporation for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage; 1.3 "Garbage" means the following types of abandoned or discarded waste generated, produced or created by a householder, church or charitable institution: 41 all animal and vegetable waste material from the preparation of food, cans, sweepings, paper, cardboard, wearing apparel, ashes, bottles, glass, discarded household utensils, lawn and hedge cuttings, leaves, twigs, shrubs, brush and tree limbs not exceeding 4 feet in length or 10 inches in diameter; provided that there shall be excluded from this definition of garbage any Hazardous Substance or Prohibited Waste. 1k 1.4 "Hazardous Substance" means a substance which, because of its physical or chemical nature or because of the form in which it exists, may explode or become ignited easily and cause intense flames or which constitutes a health hazard to the collector's servants, agents or employees by reason of their handling the same; 1.5 "Householder" means the occupant of residential premises, whether the owner, lessee, tenaikt or otherwise within the territorial jurisdiction of the Corporation; - 2 - U 1.6 "Garbage Receptacle" means a metal or rigid plastic container with a capacity of not more than 2 cubic feet, with a secure lid and with handles and designed so that, when weighing 75 pounds, it may be quickly and conveniently lifted and carried by one man; 1.7 "Prohibited Waste" means the following (a) explosive or highly combustible material of any kind, (b) car bodies, (c) sheet iron and scrap metal, (d) tree stumps and trees having a diameter greater than 10 inches and a length greater than 4 feet, (e) any corrosive or toxic material, (f)•any carcasses of animals, (g) liquid waste, (h) waste of any nature and kind as is now or may hereinafter at any time be prohibited for disposal at the Collector's waste disposal site by reason of any statute or regulation of the Province of Ontario now or hereafter enacted, promulgated or amended. 2. GENERAL 2.1 No person shall throw, place or deposit in any park or on any highway within the territorial limits of the Corporation, any dirt, filth, glass, handbills, paper or other refuse or debris or car- cass of any animal. 2.2 No person shall suffer or permit the accumulation upon any premises owned, leased, occupied by him or under his control of any garbage, litter, waste material, animal or vegetable matter or any other matter or thing which may endanger public health. 3. DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE 3.1 Every housholder shall provide and maintain in good repair sufficient garbage receptacles or plas- tic garbage bags into which shall be placed all • 3 garbage and waste material produced in or emanating from his premises. 3.2 No person shall deposit or place any hazardous substance or prohibited waste in any garbage recept- acle or plastic garbage bag which is to be placed for collection and removal by the collector. 3.3. No person shall deposit or place more than 2 cubic feet or more than 75 pounds of garbage in any one garbage receptacle or plastic garbage bag which is placed for collection and removal by the collector. 3.4 No householder shall place for collection and removal by the collector any garbage unless such garbage: 10 3.4.1 Is contained in a garbage receptacle with its lid securely in place, 3.4.2 Is contained in a securely tied plastic garbage bag, 3.4.3 Is in a securely tied bundle not exceeding 4 feet in length, 12 cubic feet in volume or 75 pounds in weight or 3.4.4 Is dumped into a bulk garbage container provided in accordance with Section 5.1. 3.5 No householder shall place for collection and removal by the collector more than 12 cubic feet oaf garbage in any one week. 3.6 No person shall pick over, interfere with, disturb, remove or scatter any garbage placed for collection and removal by the collector, whether contained in garbage receptacles or otherwise. 4. SINGLE FAMILY OR DUPLEX 4.1 Every householder, occupying a single family dwelling or occupying a dwelling unit in a duplex, - 4 - shall, on the day in each week fixed for the collection of his garbage, and not before dusk on the preceding day, place or cause to be placed his garbage adjacent to the travelled portion of the street upon which his premises fronts for collection and removal by the collector. 4.2 Where garbage, placed for collection and removal by a householder in accordance with section 4.1, is contained in a garbage receptacle, such garbage receptacle shall be returned expediently by the householder to the place where the same is normally kept after the collector has emptied such garbage receptacle. 5. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS 5.1 Except as provided in section 5.4, the owner or owners of any apartment house or building, row housing, town -housing or other multiple dwelling, shall provide and maintain in good repair sufficient bulk garbage containers to accommodate 6 cubic feet. 1 of garbage for each dwelling unit. 5.2 The bulk garbage containers referred to in section 5.1 shall be designed and constructed so as to be compatible with the collectors equipment in order that such bulk garbage containers might be mechanically lifted and emptied arkd automatically dumped. a 5.3 Except as provided in section 5.5, every householder occupying a dwelling unit in an apartment house or building, row housing, town -housing or other multiple dwelling shall, on or before the day in each week fixed for collection of his garbage, place or cause to be placed his garbage for collection and removal by the collector of the bulk garbage container provided in accordance with section 5.1; provided that if such householders garbage is I\ contained in a garbage receptacle, such garbage shall be dumped by the householder out of such garbage receptacle into the bulk garbage container and the garbage receptacle shall be returned 5 - expediently by the householder to the place where the same is normally kept. 5.4 Notwithstanding the provisions of section 5.1, the owner or owners of any apartment house or building, row housing, town -housing or other multiple dwelling, containing more than 2 dwelling units and less than 12 dwelling units, instead of providing a bulk garbage container in accordance with section 5.1, may provide a common garbage storage but or shed of sufficient size to accommodate 6 garbage receptacles for each dwelling unit and of such ! construction as to prevent the entrance of rodents or other animals. 5.5 Notwithstanding the provisions of section 5.3, every householder occupying a dwelling unit in an 10 apartment house or building, row housing, town - housing or other mutilple dwelling containing more than 2 dwelling units and less than 12 dwelling units.where a common garbage storage but or shed has been provided in accordance with section 5.4, shall, on or before the day in each week fixed for , the collection of his garbage, place or cause to be I placed his garbage in the common garbage storage but or shed so provided. 6. CONTRACTS WITH COLLECTOR N 6.1 Nothing in this by-law shall prohibit or prevent the collector from collecting, removing or disposing of any garbage or any other waste material at any time exclusive of Sundays, subject to any by-law prohibiting or regulating the making of noise, nor shall this by-law prohibit or prevent any person from making arrangements with the collector or with any other person for such collection, removal or disposal. f 7. PENALTIES ` 7.1 Any person convicted of a contravention of any of the provisions of this by-law shall forfeit any pay . at the discretion of the convicting Judge a penalty not exceeding $1,000.00, exclusive of costs, for each such offence. Every such fine is recoverable under The Summary Convictions Act, all of the provisions of which apply, except that imprisionment shall be for a term not exceeding 6 months. 8. INCONSISTENT BY-LAWS REPEALED 8.1 By-law No. 1716 is hereby repealed. IZ>':AD a First and Second time this f �' day of - 1977. READ a Third Time and Finally Passed this y�� day of t-1 IV 1977. N, Clerk SCHEDULE "III" FIRST CONTRACT YEAR: January 1, 1976 to December 31, 1976, inclusive. - Contract Price for First Contract Year = $29560.92 + $29560.92 x (Population 1975 - Population 1974) ( Population 1974) - Population for 1974 is 5281 and the Population for 1975 is 4661. - The Contract Price for the First Contract Year, calculated as above, shall be paid in twelve equal monthly installments on the 15th day of each month during 1976. SECOND CONTRACT YEAR: January 1, 1977 to December 31, 1977, inclusive. - Contract Price for Second Contract Year = $29560.92 + $29560.92 x (Po ulatiaxi 1976 - Population 1974 + ( Population 1974 C.P.I. January 1977 - C.P.I. Janua C.P.I. January 1976) - If the Contract Price for the Second Contract Year is" calculated, as aforesaid, before January 31, 1977, then monthly oayments throughout the Second Contract Year shall be equal to one -twelfth of the Contract Price for the Second Contract Year as so calculated. - If the Contract Price for the Second Contract Year has not been calculated by January 31, 1977, then until such time as the calculation is made, the monthly payments shall be equal to one - twelfth of the Contract Price for the First Contract Year, and N after the calculation of the Contract Price for the Second Contract Year has been made, the amount thereof, less any pay- ments made during the Second Contract Year prior to the completion) of such calculation, shall be paid in equal monthly installments during the remainder of the Second Contract Year. THIRD CONTRACT YEAR: Janaury 1, 1978 to December 31, 1978, inclusive. - Contract Price for Third Contract Year = $29560.92 + $29560.92 x (Population 1977 - Po ulation 1974 + (Population 1974 C.P.I. January 1978 - January 1976 . . anuary 1976 y - If the Contract Price for the Third Contract Year is calculated as aforesaid before January 31, 1978, then monthly payments - 2 - throughout the Third Contract Year shall be equal to one -twelfth of the Contract Price for the Third Contract Year as so calculated.l - If the Contract Price for the Third Contract Year has not been calculated by January 31, 1978, then, until such time as the calculation is made, the monthly payments shall be equal to one - twelfth of the Contract Price for the Second Contract Year and after the calculation of the Contract Price for the Third Contract Year has been made, the amount thereof, less any payments during the Third Contract Year prior to the completion of such calculation, shall be paid in equal monthly installments during the remainder of the Third Contract Year. El 0 4 �. DATED the 1st day#of January , 1976 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM and - ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICE LIMITED GARBAGE COLLECTION, REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL CONTRACT WRIGHT AND ASSOCIATES Barristers and Solicitors, 612-383 Richmond Street, LONDON, Ontario. N6A 3C4 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 194 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 1911 APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE EAST ELGIN PLANNING BOARD FOR THE YEAR 1977. WHEREAS Mr. Tony Lama has offered his resignation as Member of the East Elgin Planning Board representing the Village of Port Burwell. AND WHEI,EAS the Village of Port Burwell recommends that Mr. Ken Matthews be appointed to replace Mr. Tory Lama. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF T�E TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1. That the resignation of Mr. Tony Lama as representative of the Village of Port Burwell to the East Elgin Planning Board be approved. 2. That Mr. Ken Matthews (Councillor) be appointed represent- ative of the Village of Port Burwell to the East Elgin Planning Board; said appointment to expire Januar' 1, 1978. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSEDNTHIS 6TH. DAY OF JUNE) 1977. ♦ r // •r �'- • REGULAR. COUNCIL MEETING OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL No: 101 Seadon 19 ...x' Moved by e7'' MAY 19 1977 Seconded by - Tq0qN- 5jEP OF-BAYHAAt -A""CGC��l1..-/2e'C-z -1 �C 'CLIC �l2itA I�.sL��/�Q.,c Z•/Y'C/�fSL�C�L-'l- CN��JKC/I�IXQ� Gwen Poster, Clerk—Treasurer 7 Village of Port Burwell. W ,y BST -Law N o . 1921 TOWVSHIP OF EAYHAM BEING a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1977, to levy the taxes for the year 1977 and to provide for the collection thereof. WHEREAS by action of the Province of Ontario, provision was made for the making of the assessment of the Municipality by the Province of Ontario Assessment Commissioner, prior to the 30th. day of September 1970 as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1977 should be levied; AND WHEREAS the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid has been revised, corrected and passed by the Assessment Review Court for the said Township of Bayham for the year 1977. AND WHEREAS no revisions were made by the County Judge; AND WHEREAS it ib necessary and expedient to lever on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of $951,879-00 for the general purposes of the said Township for the current year, for the payment of the County rate for the current year, and for the purposes of defraying part of the expenses of Public, Separate and High School education, and other purposes; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOW74SHIP OF BAYHl Tr4 ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Townthip of Bayham as made pursuant to Province of Ontario Regulations, and as revised, corrected and passed bi;r the Assessment Review Court be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the gear 1477 shall be levied. 2. Trat the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. 3. That, for the purpose of providing the sum of $436,263-00 for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount recuired for County purposes and other purposes for the current year, a rate of 77.616 mills on the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the ,Tear 1977upon the whole of the said assessment of the Township according to the last revised assessment roll, except that on assessment of $6,138,985.00 a reduction of 15%, shall be made. 4. That in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum A R$5159616.00 for Public, Separate and High School Education purposes for the current year the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1977 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School Supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder; - RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL AREA ASSESSMENT. MILL COMMERCIAL RATE ASSESSMENT MILL RATE TOTAL LEVY Elgin Cty. Elementary$5 , 332,160. 42.934 $393,115. 47.705 $2562272. Elgin Cty. R.C.S.S. 606,$25. 44,150. 99570. 49.050 27,260, Elgin Cty.Secondary 6,13$,9$5. 35.237 402,6$5• 39.152 2321081. 5. That, in addition, for street lighting purposes, the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessments in each of the following street lighting areas:- l.Straffordville, on Assessment of $627,935.---3.975 mills ---$2,5$0. 2 . Ri chmond , It It if 84,400.---3-993 --- 355. 3.Coringh, It it " 58,455.---2.99+ " --- 175. 4 . Eden , it It tt 148,785.--15.996 " --- 2)380. pl - 2 - 6. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector's Roll to the Tax Collector on or before the 16th. day of August, 1977. 7. All taxes and other special rates shall be paid in the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Township of Bayham. 8. Taxes shall become d, -ie and Davable orae -half on or before September 15, 1977, and one-half on or before+ December 15, 1977. Penalties for nor. -payment when due and discounts for prepayment of taxes shall be as provided for in Towmship of Bayham By-laws, (penalties at the rate of one per cent Der month commencing the first day of default of payment, , and discounts at the rate of one-half per cent per month for each month for which pre -payment is made) , subJ ect also to the provisions of By-law No. 1697. 9. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township at their last known address. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AWD FIA?ALLY PASSED THIS 3rd. DAY OF AUGUST, 1977.* 1k. r,I,ERK 1 ■ TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1922 A By-law to provide for the Maintenance df the Arn, Bartley, Carnes, Coomber, Corinth, Emerson, Fearnley, Green, Hampton, Lvsy, Magyar-Dieleman, Mitts, Meuller, Nevill, Phillips, Pollick, Scanlan, Stewart and White Municipal Drains and to raise the sum of $6744.58 to pay therefor. WHEREAS the above mentioned drains were constructed under the provisions of the Drainage Act, and according to the several by-laws of the m?inicipality, providing for such construction, and according to the various reports of the Township Engineers made thereon. AND WHEREAS it is provided by the said reports, by-laws and Drainage Act, that the Municipality of the Township of Bayham, shall maintain the said Drainage works, at the expense of the land and roads in the said Township in any way assessed for the construction thereof, in the portions accord - in r to such assessment, until such assessments or portions thereof, be varied. AND WHEREAS in compliance with such duty, the Municipality has from time to time, carried out certain minor repairs on the said drains. AND WHEREAS it i0s desirable to make a pro rata assessment and levy pursuant to the said Drainage Act, upon the land and roads assessed for the construction of the aforesaid drains, so as to provide for and raige the cost of the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto, which amount in all to $6,744.58 and the Lands and Roads assessed, and the amounts of the assessments thereon respectively upon which the assessments and proportions hereby made are fixed, appear upon attached Schedule of Assessments, which said Schedule is a part of this by-law. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to levy the amounts in one year. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. That for the purpose of paying the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto or for repayinm into the General Funds of the Municipality the amount or cost thereof the sum of $6,002.13 the amount charged against the land of the drainage works, and now assessable for Maintenance, the following total special rates and amounts shall over and above all other rates, be assessed levied and collected, in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected upon and from the undermentionedots or arts of P P lots as specified in the attached schedule of assessments in the present Tear 1977. 2. That for the purpose of paying the sum of $365.79 the amo,..I,nt charged against said roads of the Municipality, and $376.66 the amount charged against other Municipalities, the Province of Ontario, and other Boards and Corporations for the aforesaid purpose, accounts shall be levied against the roads of the Municipalit�T and against the other Municipalities, the Province of Ontario, and other Boards and Corporations to pay the aforesaid amounts. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd. DAY OF AUGUST, 1977. -r CLERK 7 SCHEDULE OF ASSESS 17S - BY - LAW ATO. 3-922 ARPT DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bavham ',398.$2 Roads - Prov. of Ontario 22.71 Roads - Tminship of Bavham 20.05 �• 0 BARTLEY DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bayham *215.54 Elgin Board of Education .78 County of Elgin 26.13 Roads - Prov. of Ontario 8 T,,2-4-9. p CARVES "A" DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bayham 3260.37 Roads - Township of Bayham 1 .6 S219.00 COOMBER "B" DRAIN REPAIRS Lards in Bayham M6 0.80 C 001 MER 'IF" DRA ITT REPAIRS -P— Lands in Bayham�2 . CORINTH DRAIN PAIRS Lands in Bayham $ 54.21 C . N . R ai lwav 1.00 Roads- Township of Bavham 2.25 ti7. Er.RSnrT 'tVTEST" D??AIN REPAIRS Lards in Barham 45.65 Roads - Township of Bayham 5.85 '3 1.50 Eh'ERSON "B" DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bayham 2 .95 E14ERSON DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bayham X29$.66 Roads - Tovmshio_ of Bayham 16.3A FEARNLEY DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bayham *692:$8 Ministr7- of Natural Resources 20.72 Roads - County of Elgin 53.60 ,*1767. 20 GREEN DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bavham fi10.17 Roads - Tcranship of Bayham 5.66 .15 . HAMPTO., DRAIr. REPAIRS Lands in Bayham $721.87 Roads - Township of Bavham 105.68 2.-5 . LYSY D?AIP,! REPAIRS Lands in Ba�Tham v 14AGYAR DIEL UIT DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bayham Roads - County of Roads - Township MITTS DRART REPAIRS Lands in Bavham Roads - Township Roads - Prov. of MEULLER DRAIN REPAIRS Erin of Barham of Bayham Ontario. - 2 - Lands in Bayham C. N. Railway Roads - Counter of Erin Roads - Township of Bayham Corinth Park (To-,%mmship) NEVILL DRAFT REPAIRS Lands in Bayham Roads - Township of Bayham PHILLIPS DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bavham Roads - Coi my of 91gin POLLICK DRAFT REPAIRS Lands in Bayham County of Erin - Roads SCANLAY DRAIN REPAIRS Lards in Bavham Roads - County of Elgin Roads - Townslip of Ba ,ham STEWART DRAIN REPAIRS Lads in Bavham Roads - Co?irty of Erin Roads - Township of Bayham ti:IT?ITE DRAIN REPAIRS Lands in Bairham C. P. Railway Roads - Prov. of Ontario. Roads - ToTansh ip of Parham $116.20 X330.80 16.85 106.60 .$A54 • 25 3/-,•5$ 6 L,07 w170.35 $121.x.0 1.38 9.13 9.13 .66 $1-150-70 $243 -'19 36.84 $280.]3 X335.06 10.2 _34 •3� $1017.70 111.0 ,1129.20 X106.29 3.96 0 > 45.03 1.$8 2.69 1� 9� 0 36.39 3.55 12.87 1.19 00 n �. a _ r BY - LAW 170. 1923 TOVETSHIP OF BAYHA?4 BEING A BY-LAW to amend By -Law No. 1889 providing for the construction of the ,HorV4tb. Bloriddel i Municipal Drain and levsring assessments thereto. WHEREAS Bir -law No. 1$$9 providing; for the construction of the Horvat.h.,B1'6iTd&&.1 14unicipal Drain under the provisions of the Drainage Act, was passed by the 11Iunicipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham on the 5th. day of July, 1976. JOID WHEREAS the amount specified in the said By-law for the con- struction of the said drain was 4. ,159200.00. AND WHEREAS the actual cost of the work all expenses included was $17,291.22 to which a grant of 14,957.56 has been applied to agricultural lands leaving a net cost of x,12,333.66, being $2,091.22 more than tIle estimated cost. 6 AND WHEREAS it is provided by The Drainage Act, that such deficient funds shall be added in prq rata proportions to the assessments contained in the ori.7inal Ry -law each year during which the debentures have to run. THEREFORE BE` -.IT ENACTED BY THE COUTTCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1. That the sum of $1,816.05 being the amount underestimated as assessed against lands as provided in By-law 1$$9 be and the same is hereby increased in pro rata proportions to the assessments as contained in the said By-law P,o. 1$$9 and the amounts are shown on the schedules of assessments hereto attached and which form a part of this Bir -law. 2. That the sum of $275.17 being the amount underestimated as assessed against roads as provided for in RST -law Fo. 18$9 be and the same is hereby increased in oro rata proportions to the roads assessed in Bir -law No. 1$89, said amount is hereby shown in the schedules of assessments, hereto attached and which form -.a part of this By-law. BY-LAW NO. 1023 .............continued......... ........?aye 2....... 3• 'khat the said sum of 82,091.22 shall be added to the amounts of the total assessments contained in By-law No. 1$$9 and the debentures be issued as provided for in By-law No. 1889 shall be the amount provided for in By-law No. 1$89. 4. That the interest rate of t�-.e said debentures as provided for in By-law No. 1:89 shall be ten and one-quarter per cent (1011+) ) per annum. 5 • This By-law comes into force on the final passim thereof, and mai.r be cited as the "Horvath Blondeel Muni cinal Drain Amending READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIIv1E, AND FINALLY PASSED TFIS 7th., DAY OF September, 1977. SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW F0. 1923 OF THE TOWTT SH IP OF RAYHAM SCHEDULE OF IMPOSED ASSESSMENTS HORVATH BLONDEEL DRAIN ENGPIEER'S ACTUAL AGRICULTURAL ESTITJ�ATE COST GRAN T INET COST Leo Van Loy t 180.00 204.76 68.25 136.51 B. Lemon 7.00 7.96 7.96 R. Banman 14.00 15.93 15.93 J.Main 11.00 12.51 12.51 H.De SimDile 14.00 15.93 15.93 V.Mitts 4.00 4.55 4.55 G. Horvath 2,352.00 21675.59 891.86 1,783.73 V1. Mitchell 50.00 56.88 18.96 37.92 G. Blondeel 22660.00 31025.96 11008.65 23017.31 1. Hesch 108.00 122.86 40.95 81.91 Bayham Roads 1,090.00 11239-96 11239-96 M.T.C. # 19 220.00 250.27 254.27 BRANCH "A" B . Lemon R . B anman J. Main H . De Simple V.Mitts G. Horvath W. Mitchell G. Blondeel 1..T.C. Bayham Roads BRANCH "B" G. Horvath G��{{. Blondeel M.T.C. BRANCH "C" G, orvath G. Blondeel M. Hesch ,�&6 , 710 . Oo 11.00 22.00 16.00 22.00 5.00 2,45L - 00 80.00 240.00 600.00 3C.00 ;'3 , 480. 00 4) 205.00 1,965.00 60.00 X2,230.00 S 131.00 722.00 102.04 .� .25 5.40 BRANCHES "D" "Et' & "F" G. Horvath $11275.00 G. Blondeel 550.00 81,825.00 796.16 2,02$.67 12.51 25.03 18.20 25.03 5.69 2,791.62 91.00 273.02 682.55 34.13 3.958.78 233.20 2)235.35 68.26 930.54 30.33 91.01 1,051.88 77.73 745.12 2,536.81 82_2.,85 149.02 821.33 116.o4 1,086.39 1,450.41 625.67 2,076.0$ x+9.67 273.78 3$.68 362.13 483.47 20$.56 �,6C4.49 12.51 25.03 18.20 25.03 5.69 1,861.08 60.67 182.01 682.55 34.13 x,906.90 155.47 1,490.23 68.26 1,713.96 99135 547.55 77.36 724.26 966.94 417.11 692.03 12384.05 C7 r BY - LAW NO. 1924 TOWl`9SHIP OF BAYHAM BEING a By -Law to amend By -Law No. 1867 providing for the construction of the Kerr Municipal Drain, and levying assessments thereto. WHEREAS By -Law No. 1867 providing for the construction of the Kerr Municipal Drain under the provisions of The Drainag-e Act, was gassed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham on the 1st. day of December, 1975• AND WHEREAS the amount specified in the said By-law for the construction of the said drain was X17,500-00- AND 17,500.00. AND WHEREAS the actual cost of the work all expenses included was t31, 229.97 to which a rrrant of $8,262-55 has been applied to agricultural lands leavin.q a net cost of $22,967.12, being .13,729.97 more than the estimated cost. 4 AND WHEREAS it is provided by The Drainape Act, that such deficient funds shall be increased in pro rata proportions to the assessments contained in the original B --law each year durir 7 which the debentures, have to run. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COMICIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNTSHIP OP BAYHAPI: i. That the sum of $10,897.66 being the amount under estimated as assessed against lands as provided in P7., -law 1867 be and the same is hereby increase. in pro rata proportions to,,the assessments as contained in the said By-law No. 1867 and the amounts are shown on the schedules of assessments hereto attached and which form a hart of this By-law. 2. That the sum of $2,832.31 being the amount under estimated as assessed against roads as provided for in 'By-law No. 1$67 be and the same is hereby increased in pro rata proportions to the roads assessed in By-law No. 1867, said amount is hereby shown in the schedules of assessments, hereto attached and which f orm a Dart of this By-law. . RY - LAW YO. 1024 ........ continued ............... DafrA 2 3. That the said sum of X13,729.97 shall be added to the amounts of the total assessments contained in Pyr -law No. 1867 and the debentures be issued as provided for in By-law No. 1867 shall be the amount provided for in By-law No. 1867. 4. That the interest rate on the said debentures as provided for in By-law No. 1867 shall be ten and one-quarter per cert (104) per annum. 5. This Py -law comes into farce on the final passing thereof, and may be cited as the "Kerr Municipal Drain Amendinsr By -Law". READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS � 7t'-. DAY OF September, 1977. CEST17 t 't. . SCHEDULE "All TO BY-LAW ILIO. 1924 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHPJ4 SCHEDULE OF IMPOSED ASSESST --,ITTS KERR TRAIN Freeman -Van Maele L. Bari G. Luki G. Shepherd Bayham Roads Bayham Roads 2,700.00 4,818.34 11606.11 3,399.00 6,065.75 21021.92 11893.00 32378.19 11126.06 681.00 17215.29 405.10 13,890. 24,787.66 87262.55 830.0.0 1,481.19 2,780.00- 4,961.12 $17,500.00 *31,229.97 11)18,262.55 t - 3,212.23 4,043.83 21252-13 810.190 16,525.11 1,481.19 4,961.12 :22,967.42 ETIGIKEER t S ACTUAL AGRICULTURAL ESTIMATE COST GRANT NET COST Robert Foutre 180.00 321.22 $ 107.07 214.15 J. Chilcott 11695.00 31024.84 1,008.28 21016.56 R. Phillips 963.00 1,718.54 572.85 1,145.69 A. Veitch 336.00 599.62 199.87 399.75 G. Luki 12395.00 2,489.47 829.82 1,659.65 U. Chilcott 648.00 1,156.40 385.47 770.93 Freeman -Van Maele L. Bari G. Luki G. Shepherd Bayham Roads Bayham Roads 2,700.00 4,818.34 11606.11 3,399.00 6,065.75 21021.92 11893.00 32378.19 11126.06 681.00 17215.29 405.10 13,890. 24,787.66 87262.55 830.0.0 1,481.19 2,780.00- 4,961.12 $17,500.00 *31,229.97 11)18,262.55 t - 3,212.23 4,043.83 21252-13 810.190 16,525.11 1,481.19 4,961.12 :22,967.42 . A TRE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1925 WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Bayham desires to execute an agreement with Her Majesty* the Queen in 'right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of the Environment for the supplying of water in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto; AND WHEREAS such agreement will not be executed until the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board has been obtained. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the 6 Corporation of the Township of Bayham as followS: i. That the Municipality Enter into and execute an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by the i�ini:�tcr of the Environment for the supplying of water in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto. 2. The Reeve and Clerk are hLerebv author i.red and directed to executes only to the approval of the Ontario Kinicipai. Board an agreerleni: SubStaL�tially theasee as -th nU Z C,A."0d hereto as Schedule "A". 3. This Ry -law is subject to the approval oil the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST TIME on READ A SECOIrD TIRE on READ A THIRD TIME and Of October 1971 the nineteenth the nineteenth finally passed day of October day of October on the nineteenth Ree :M Clerk ?":'77 ;.9 77 d ay 4 a . A TRE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1925 WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Bayham desires to execute an agreement with Her Majesty* the Queen in 'right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of the Environment for the supplying of water in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto; AND WHEREAS such agreement will not be executed until the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board has been obtained. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the 6 Corporation of the Township of Bayham as followS: i. That the Municipality Enter into and execute an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by the i�ini:�tcr of the Environment for the supplying of water in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto. 2. The Reeve and Clerk are hLerebv author i.red and directed to executes only to the approval of the Ontario Kinicipai. Board an agreerleni: SubStaL�tially theasee as -th nU Z C,A."0d hereto as Schedule "A". 3. This Ry -law is subject to the approval oil the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST TIME on READ A SECOIrD TIRE on READ A THIRD TIME and Of October 1971 the nineteenth the nineteenth finally passed day of October day of October on the nineteenth Ree :M Clerk ?":'77 ;.9 77 d ay 4 L SCHEDULE "A" to BY-LAW NO. 1925 OF THE (W THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THIS A,GRP.BrWT mads in triplicate this � day of A.D. 1977, B E T W E I N i r called the "Squalcipality95) THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, - and 40 HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF ONTARIO AS REPE8S8I11T:D BY THE MINISTER OF THE ars tar called t Crown THE PARTY OF THS SECOND PART MREAS the Crown proposes to supply water to the Municipality from Mater works which are owned and operated by the Crowns AND WHEREAS the council of the Municipality on the 19th day of October, A.D, 1977s passed By-law No. 1923 4 authorising the Municipality to enter into an agreement with the Crown for such purposes upon the texas and conditions hereinafter set out; AND " VA the Ontario Municipal Board has by Order dated the first da of November, A.D. 1977, approved the entering into by t W Municipality of this egres ent s NOW ?HF.RgFORB THIS SETH that under sub -section (la) of Section 17 and Section IS of The Ontario Water Resources Act, R.8.0. 1970s Chapter 332, as amended, the parties hereto, in consideration of the cavena nts , teras and conditions hereinafter set forth, covenant and agree with each other as follows t 1. In this agreement, (a) ' `cal.endag year" means the period commencing January 1st in any year and ending December 31st in the seas yam=s (b) "conomee a nt date" means time date on which the Crown is able to supply crater hereunder as determined by the Crown; (c) "CrowwY" means the Crown or any of its eaployus, agents, servants or officers authorised to act on its behalf under this agre = a t i (d) "initial period" mans the period coking on the c date and ending on the data specified In Schedula "B" of this agraerent = (e) "rat*" means the rata expressed in cents per ons sand Imperial gallons of water, as 4*tesm4nad by tate Crown hereunder; 41 _t, .. 2 M (f) "rate period" meane any period subsequent to the initial rate period consisting of three or five consecutive calendar years as stated in Schedule "8" of this agreement; (g) " gator Works" moans the Crohrn' a Elgin Area Water Supply Systems as described in Schedule "B" of this agreement, DUTIES 2. The Crown agrees: of CROWN (a) To supply water to the Municipality, without undue delay, on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, and to such other =m►icipalities and persmas and on such terms and conditions as the Crown may determine from time to time; (b) To exercise reasonable care in the carrying out of all of the terms of this agreement, it being understood and agreed nevertheless between the parties hereto that subject always to the obligation to exercise such reasonab a care, no warranty or liability on the part of the Crown is intended nor shall any warranty or liability be implied or imposed in respect of the *parfosmance of this agreement by the Crown. X'M 3. It is exTressly agreed and understood by the parties hAeto OF that all crater delivered by the Crown pursuant to this WATER agreemnt into any water works belonging to or under the control of the Municipality or into any service pipe or connection connected to any property or building for which the khmicipalit has agreed or is compelled by law to supply with Water, or into any service pipe or connection under the statutory control of the Municipality, shall be domed to be delivery of such water to the municipality for all purposes of this agreement. METERS 4a (a) The ?Municipality shall provide such metering equipment as may be approved by the Crown and as may be necessary to determine the volume of water withdrawn hereuader and the tiiunicipality shall pay to the Crow the cost of maintaining and reading flows in such equipment. ;STINATE (b) In the avant that the Crown deter mine& that the with- VOLU43 drawal of crater by or on behalf of the Municipality from the Water Works has not been recorded or has not been recorded accurately for any period of time, the Crown shall estimate the volume of water withdrawn from the Water Works during such period of time, and such doterminatiou and estimation shall be final and binding on the parties hereto. I (c) The connection of water Works that belong to or are under the control of the Municipality to the Water Work* and any repairs to or alterations of such connection shall be to the satisfaction of the Crown and at the expense of the Municipality, and in the event that the equipment referred to in sub -paragraph (a) hereof is installed in works bald-ag oto or under the control of the Mnnieipali , the Municipality shall permit the Crows access to sa uipwmt at any time r times for the purpose of reading or tooting such equipment, . -3 - SOLE S. The Municipality shall not use, tranadt, provido or SOUK purchase or otherwise acquire a supply of mater from any of source other than from the Water Works without the prior SUPPLY written consent of the Crown. CHARGES b. (a) The Municipality shall pay to the Crown all charges for water withdrawn hereunder which #ball be the sum of, (i) the gallonage change as sot out in sub- paragraph (a) hereof , and (ii) all sums received by they municipality as water rates lvposed upon owners or occupants of land In respect of local distribution saains or fire hydrants provided and operated by the Czowa hereunder. aY IDEM (b) The Municipality shall pay to the Crcyorn the charges set out in clause (ii) of sub -paragraph (a) hereof In the year in which such water rates are collected by the Municipality 0 GALL4NA (c) The gallonage charge for Water withdrawn hereunder CHARGE for a month shall be calculated as the product of the rate for water for the initialperiod or the rate s► period, as the case may be, applicable to such month and the total volume of water withdrawn by or on behalf of the Municippalitly from the Water Works in such month as de to rm�ine d the Crown, and such gallonage charge shall be paid by the Hunicipality to the Crown inaccordance ccordanee with its monthly s tate=mt of account delivered to the Municipality. SSEQUE (d) (i) Subject to the terms of this agreoent, the rate RATE for water for the initial period and any rate period shall be determined by the Crown in its discretion and shall be based on the cost to the Crown, as determined by it, of supplying water from the Water Works. (ii) The difference, as determined by the Crown in IDZK its discretion, for any period of time between the cost, incurred or anticipated, of supplying water from the Water Works and all payments, both made and anticipated to the Crown bp the Muni- cipality, and by any other municipalities or persons who have entered into or ase anticipated to enter into agreements with the Crown with respect to a supply of Nater fron the Water Works, and any subsidies received or anticipated by the Crown in respect of the construction or operation of the Water Works, shall be takea into account by the Crown in determining the rate. (iii) All accounting for the Mater Works shall be IDSA exclusively for the Water Works, and no surplus or deficits from the Water Works shall form as part of the accounting for any other system, operated by the Croom. ??CAMS FOR (e) The rates for water withdrawn hereunder for ihe INITIAL initial period shall be as stated in Schedule ;'n" PEatOD of this agreeaeat. i •.r ION AND P ARIA OF RATE -4- (f) As soon as practicable prior to the first day of December immediately preceding the and of the initial period, and any rate period thereafter, the Crown shall determine the rata for the period nest following and by its notification delivered to the Municipality shall inform the municipality of such rate. (g) Upon the petition of the Municipality filed with the Clerk of the Executive Council within thirty days after the data of delivery of the notification of a rate to the Municipality under subparagraph (f) hereof, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may confirm, rescind or vary such rate and the decision of the Lieutenant Governor in Council respecting such rate shall be final and binding on the parties hereto. (h) If the rate for any rate period thereafter is varied pursuant to sub -paragraph (g) hereof, the Crown shall ascertain the difference between the mount, if a!q, paid to the Crown by the Ibmicipality in the monthly payments for the period from the beginning ol.such initial period or such rata period, as the case nay be, to the end of the month next followingthe date of such variation (hereinafter referred to as the "rate adjustment period") and the product of the volume of water withdrawn by the Municipality for the rate adjust - sent period and the rate as varied under sub -paragraph (g) hereof, and by its statement of account for such rate adjustment period ;Delivered to the Municipality, the Crown shall inform the Ihnnicipality of the amount o to the Craven or by the. Crown and such amount shall be added to or deducted from the first mcnthl payment to be paid thereafter to the Crown by the Ihmieipalit y hereunder. (i) If any error or omission is made in any notification or statesiont of account delivered by the Crown to the Municipality under this agreement, the Crown shall correct such error or omission in the notification or nwnthly statement of account next following the date on which such error or omiasion comas to the attention of the Crown, and the parties hereto shall be bound by and shall comply with such correction. N {j ) The nailing by the Crown of a notification of a rate or of a statement of account in an envelope addressed to the Municipality shall constitute delivery of the notification or of the statement of account to the Municipality. (k) Any amount duce and payable by the Municipality to the Crain, together with interest thereon anter default at the rate of S percent per wmm, may be recovered with costs in a court of competent jurisdiction as a debt due to the Crown by the Municipality. (1) notwithstanding sub -paragraphs (e) , (f) , and (S), the Crown way, with the agreement of the Municipality evidenced by a resolution of the Council of the Muni- cipality, vary the gallonage rate at any time or tines during a tate period, initial rata period or initial period. M w. S r ?. All of the terms and conditions of this agreement not- withsng, it is agreed and understood by the patties hereto that if the Croaa is unable to supply enter " contemplated herein by reason of events beyond the aoatrol of the Crown, or by reason of the act* or omissions of the Municipality. the Municipality shall reimburse the Crown for all costs incurred by the Crown in pursuance of its obligations under this agreewmt. upon such reasonable terms and conditions as the Croon in its discretion may decide upon. 8. The Municipality shall take delivery of water under this 11 agreement on the comencement date in accordance with the terms hereof and shall pr are for the withdrawal and use of the water so as to be able to take delivery of crater as aforesaid. 9. (a) The Municipality shall sup$ly to the Crown not later than the 30th day of September in each year during the existence of this agreement a written report containing such information as the Crown may require respecting the Municipality's reasonable requireamrnts for Mater during a period of three years from the date of each report. (b) The Municipality shall supply to the Crown upon request at any time or times such other written reports or other information as the Crown may require. (c) The Municipality shall use reasonable care, dine dULt�renes and its best endeavours to prepare and supply to the Crohn any report or information required hereunder. 14. The Crohn shall use reasonable care, due diligence and its best endeavours, (a) to provide on or before the commencement date, a supply of water sufficient for the requirements set out in Schedule "A" to this agreement, and (b) to protide within a period of threes years of the receipt by the Cron of any rep*rt or information pursuant to paragraph 9 hereof, a supply of water sufficient for the reasonable requirements of thi Municipality as determined by the Crown and notified to the Municipality, and based on such to art or infatuation referred to above, provided tteat the Municipality has complied with all of the requiremients of paragraph 9 hereof and further provided that in the opinion of the Crown, the requirements set forth in any such report are compatible with all work initiated by the Crown in accordance with any previous report or information and any existing or anticipated eomit- ments by the Crown to supply any person with water frou the Water Works or any other water works connected thereto. 11. Except as otherwise expressly prodad in this agreement, the Crown in its discretion shall determine all natters with respect to the Water Works and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall determine, (a) the number of stages in the dater Works and the dates on vhich such stages shall be provided or acquired, - 6 - (b) the design, description, capacity, fuanedbn, alter- ations, replaoepents, modifications and enlargemsats of each stage of the Water Works, and (c) all matters affecting the economy of the Nater Works, (b) that rate of flow or volume specified in any report or information supplied by the Municipality pursuant to paragraph 9 hereof, whichever shall be the lesser, the Municipality shale pay to the Crow the sum of $100.00 for each day during which Mater has been withdrawn at such rate of flow or in such dolume, unless the written approml of the Crown to any such withdrawal has been obtained. 15. Where rates or charges are imposed by the Municipality ►T 0" on the owners or occupants of land in respect of the WATER supply of water by the Municipality, the Municipality ny say, in default of payment of such rates or charges in respect of such s pl , exercise schen necessary all remedies provided by law for the collection of such rates or ahasSea, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, if any such default continues for a period of 6 mouths, shall shut off the supply of water under the authority of subsection 3 of section 27 of The Public Utilities Act. W 112. All of the tors and conditions of this agreement not- IATWM,N withstanding, it is expressly agreed and understood by WATER the parties hereto that nothing herein contained creates TLY an obligation, express or lied on the Crow to supp1 water hereunder which as determined b the Crow would not be in accordance Frith good enginoorrin principles or practice, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, nothing herein contained creates any obligation, express or implied, on the Crown to enlarge, extend, alter or modify the Water Works, if in the opinion► of the 00own, the probable affect of such enlargement, extension, alter- ation or modification would be detrimmaul to the Crown's source of supply of water used for the Water Works,, 13. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 12 hereof, the provision of a supply of water by the Crown in compliance or with any report or information of the Municipality provided �I"TI S under paragraph 9 hereof shall be dowsed to be the fulfilment,by the Crown of its obligation under paragraph 10 hereof with respect to the period of time covered by such report or information. 14. In the event that the Crown enters into an a,greeinent to !Unan supply water frog► the Water Works to munici alities or SBS R persons other than to the Municipality and if the 28SVE Municipality at any time or time withdraws water from IUME 0; any part or parts of . the Water Works at a rate of flow or 2 OF in a volume Mich, as determined by the Commiss ion , s:ceeds, (a) that rata of flow or volmm which such part was constructed to accommodate in accordance with paragraph 10 hereof, or (b) that rate of flow or volume specified in any report or information supplied by the Municipality pursuant to paragraph 9 hereof, whichever shall be the lesser, the Municipality shale pay to the Crow the sum of $100.00 for each day during which Mater has been withdrawn at such rate of flow or in such dolume, unless the written approml of the Crown to any such withdrawal has been obtained. 15. Where rates or charges are imposed by the Municipality ►T 0" on the owners or occupants of land in respect of the WATER supply of water by the Municipality, the Municipality ny say, in default of payment of such rates or charges in respect of such s pl , exercise schen necessary all remedies provided by law for the collection of such rates or ahasSea, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, if any such default continues for a period of 6 mouths, shall shut off the supply of water under the authority of subsection 3 of section 27 of The Public Utilities Act. W BREACH NOT A BELSJ►SE METRIC UNITS r 7 M 16. The failure by any part? hereto to carry out any of the teres, covenants and conditions of this agreement shall not release the other party frog the performance of an terms, covenants or conditions of this agreement but this clause shall not affect any right of action that may arise for damages for breach 49,-04 agreement or otherwise. 17. This agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto with reference to the subject Bartter hereof shall not be altered or amended except by an agreesent S in writing duly executed by the parties hereto, shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their successors and shall not be assigned in whole or in part. 18. (a) Where any provision of this agreement provides for measurements to be made, quantities to be recorded or accounts to be issued based on units Which are not in the metric system, the Crown may, in its discretion, use units in the metric system in place of units not in the aeric system. (b) Where metric units are used pursuant to subsection (a), the Crow shall advise the municipality of all factors used by the Crfor purposes of converting units not in the metric systems to units in the metric system. • (c) In this section, metric systesr means the International System of Units established by the General Conference of Weights and Measures and authorised under the Weights and Measures Act, S.C. 1970-71-72, c.369 as it may bee amended from time to tiaa. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto caused their seal and corporate seals to be affixed, duly attested by the proper officers cm.:that behalf* THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BA N HER MAJESTY = QUEEN 111 RIGHT OF V f= Ott U10 AS REPRESFIMD BY THE ' EN�VIk�ONiAENT MINISTER OF THE EMRONMENT I ehov CO.OrtU. 1 11 11 JCONTRkACTS SLC.1 lit SCHEDULE "A" TO THE AGREEMENT MADE BETWEEN THE CROWN AND THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM DATED THIS dap of 19 ,r e OF MM Elgin Area Primary Water System (Provincial Project #5-0002-65) 1977 0.25 0.40 1978 0.25 0.40 1979 0.25 0.40 Elgin Area Secondary Water System No. 2 (Provincial Project #5-0087-68) 1977 0.012 0.020 1978 0.013 0.021 1979 0.014 0.022 A r W 41 :1' 1 Ja f :1' N : :A 1:�1 1 ' : i AKC-4107k1 tic. I DATED THIS day of 19 PURSUANT TO NAHE OF WATER SYSTEM: Description of Water System: Termination Date of Initial Period for Water Supplied from Elgin Area Primary Nater System: Termination Dates for Sub- sequent Rate Periods for Water Supplied from the Elgin Area Primary Water System: Initial Rate for Water Supplied from Elgin Area Primary Water Systems NAME OF WATER SYSTEM: Description of Water System: Termination Date of Initial Period for Water Supplied from Elgin Area Secondary Water System #2: Elgin Area Primary Water System (Provincial Project #5-0002-65) The Elgin Area Primary Water System comprises the low lift pumpin station and water treatment plant adjacent to County Road 24, County of El in, a 6 -million gallons capacity reservoir and a booster pumping station on Centennial Avenue adjacent to the North-East city limits of the City of S t . Thomas and approximately 20 miles of 30 -inch diameter water main extending from the water treatment plant to the* North city limit of the City of St. Thomas at North Edgeware Road. December 31st, 1978 December 31, 1983 and December 319t, of every fifth consecutive year thereafter. 48.0C. per 1,000 gallons N Elgin Area Secondary Water System #2 (Provincial Project #5-0087-68) The Elgin Area Secondary Water Syst comprises a 12 -inch diameter water main connected to the Elgin Area Ptimary Water System at County Road #24 in the County of Elgin and extending easterly along County Roa #4 Ving's Highway 73, and County Road #42 to the westerly limits of the Village of Port Burwell. December 31st, 1975 Termination Dates of Sub- sequent Rate Periods for Water Supplied from Elgin Area Secondary Water System #2: Initial Rate for Water Supplied from Elgin Area Secondary Water System #2t 0 as 2 December 31st, 1977 December 31st, 1982 and December 31st of every fifth consecutive year thereafter. 162.5� per 1,000 gallons I CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY LAW 1926 Being a by-law to regulate the supply of water and the price therefor from the Elgin Area Water System . WHEREAS Section 12 of the Public Utilities Commission Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 390, authorizes the Corporation to pass by-laws to regulate the supply of water and the price therefor: NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS as follows: 1. This by-law shall apply only to owners of premises abutting the Ontario Ministry of the Environment watermain located on Elgin County Road No. 42 in the Township of Bayham. 2. Every owner of premises desiring municipal water service for such premises shall make application therefor to the Corporation on the prescribed forms. 3. Upon application therefore, the Corporation may direct the construction of any service pipes and appurtenances necessary to provide water service to a premises and the applicant shall pay the cost thereof. 4. The CArporation shall enact regulations governing the material and construction standards of services. 5. (a) Except as herein provided, the Corporation shall require meters to be placed on every service pipe. Regulations covering material specifications, construction and maintenance standards of meters and their installation shall be enacted by the Corporation. (b) Service pipes providing water fire protection only may be unmetered. 6. Each applicant will pay the rates and charges fixed by the Corporation as set out in the Schedule 'At below. 7. This by-law comes into force oral, z 197 �. Read a First and Second Time this Nineteenth day of October, 1977. Reeve Clerk Read a Third Time and Finally Passed this day ofQk011av , 197/. save Jerk Schedule 'A' 1 ates for water sold for domestic and commercial uses and purposes: 1. Eash consumer shall pay, for each metered service, a minimum a bill of $15.00 every 13 weeks' period and shall be allowed to use 6,000 gallons of water during the period without further charge. Water used during the period in excess of 6,000 gallons will be billed at the rate of $2.25 per 1,000 gallons. 2. A late payment penalty of 5% will be charged. Ontario Ontario Municipal r Board The Clerk Township of Bayham Box 160 STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario, NOJ 1YO L Dear Sir: 416/965- 1907 Quote File Number E 771709 November 3. 1977 Enclosed is documentation as follows: Form E-15 180 Dundas St.W. Toronto Ontario M5G 1E5 (�X Board's order dated November 1, 1977 L.! Invoices) for Board's order Board's order dated Validation of By-law l_ Board's order. Validation of By-law Municipality: School Board: ti� D Yours truly, ,��V 17 191T (Mrs.) M. Fraser SRA:ak Head of Enclosure Capital Expenditures 0 E 771709 Mario Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Sections 17(la) 18 and 52 of The Ontario Water Resources Act, R.S.O. 19700 c. 332). as amended, and Section 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, (R.S.O. 1970, c. 323 -- and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Ministry of the Environment on behalf of The Corporation of the Township of Bayham for approval of the entering by the said corporation into an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of the Environment with respect to the supply of water, in accordance with the draft agreement filed with the Board on the 28th day of October 1977, and identified by the Secretary's signature B E F 0 R E S A.H. ARRELL, Q.C. ) Vice --Chairman ) -and- } } A.L. McCRAE, } Vice --Chairman ) Tuesday, the 1st day of November, 1977 THE BOARD ORDERS that the said application be granted, and that such corporation may exercise all its power3 for the purpose of entering into such agreement* SECRETARY IED TO BE TRUI.' (COPY OV 151 .,EGRET RY o, iNE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL 60ARE' 1k ENTERED 0. doZ-1,:::5L ; . .4,......21N* ....... fooNo .............0994,... NOV 4 1977 U !%z a M, M CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 2334 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND SCHEDULE "A" of By-law No. 1926, as amended, regulating water rates from the Elgin Area Water System. WHEREAS By-law No. 1926 is a By-law to regulate the supplying of water and rates for water from the Elgin Area Water System Project AND WHEREAS Schedule "A" of By-law No. 1926 has been amended by By-law Nos. 1978, 2062, 2110, 2157, 2188, 2243 and 2294. AND WHEREAS it is now necessary to further amend By-law No. 1926 to adjust the rates charged for the supply of water. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: THAT Schedule "A" of By-law No. 2294 is hereby repealed THAT the following be designated Schedule "A" of By-law NO. 1926 and be effective from January 1, 1987. SCHEDULE "A" RATES FOR WATER SOLD FOR DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL PURPOSES !. Each consumer shall pay for every metered service a minir^um bill of $30.00 every 13 week period and shall be allowed to use 6000 gallons of water during the period without further charge. Water used during the period in excess of 6000 gallons will be billed at the rate of $4.50 per 1000 gallons. 2. A late payment penalty of 5% will be charged. L0 READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 15th. DAY OF JANUARY, 1987. L%"Aj V " e Can CLERK w THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1927 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF LAND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Bayham is the registered owner of certain parcels of land lying within the limits of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that those lands be sold to the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: The land hereinafter particularly described, namely, those certain tracts or parcels of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Village of Port Burwell, in the Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, Province of Ontario, and comprising parts of Lot Eleven (11) in the First Con- cession of said Township, and part of land formerly covered by the waters of Big Otter Creek, containing a total area of one acre and one hundred and twenty-four thousandths of an acre (1.121 ac.) more or less; be sold to the Corporateon of the Village of Port Burwell for the sum of Ninety-nine ( $99.00 ) Dollars and that the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute such documents as may be necessary therefor, and to attach the Corporate Seal thereto. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th. Day of November, 1977. *W1 imam ._ Clerk • Furm 108 Quit Claim Deed UNITED STATIONERY eO. LIMITED. LEGAL FORM DEPT. 30 PRODUCTION DRIVE. SCARBOROUGH made in duplicate the TWENTY—THIRD one thousand nine hundred and SEVENTY—SEVEN NPt1Um and day of SEPTEMBER THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, hereinafter called the Grantor OF THE FIRST PART; THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL, hereinafter called the Grantee OF THE SECOND PART. Itt1P011Pt4 that in consideration of NINETY—NINE ------------------------ --------------------------- ($99.00) ----------------------DOLLARS dollars now paid by the Grantee to the Grantor (the receipt whereof is hereby by it acknowledged), 32K , the Grantor , do th hereby grant, release and quit claim unto the Grantee its heirs and assigns, all estate, right, title, intbrest, claim and demand whatsoever, both at law and in equity or otherwise howsoever, and whether in possession or expectancy, of the Grantor , of, in, to or out of all and singular those certain tracts Ammli� land and premises, situate, lying and being in the of Port Burwell, in the Township of Bayham, County of Elgin, Province of Ontario, and comprising parts of Lot Eleven (11) in the First Concession of said Township, and part of land formerly covered by the waters of Big Otter Creek, containing a total area of one acre and one hundred and twenty four thousandths of an acre (1.124 ac.) more or less, the limits of said tracts or parcels of land being more particularly described as follows, viz: Premising that bearings herein are astronomic and referred to the Easterly boundarg of Chatham Street which is presumed to have a bearing of N. 00 00' 00" E. and relating all bearings herein thereto. Commencing at the intersection of the eastern side of Chatham Street with the southern side of Pitt Street, thence due south 14 r _ 2 _ along said side of Chatham Street a distance of six hundred and sixty feet (660'), thence north thirty six degrees and fifty seconds east (N. 36° 00' 50" E.) a distance of one hundred and thirty six feet and six hundredths of a foot (136.061), thence due east a distance of one hundred and fifty seven feet and six hundredths of a foot (157.061) to the south western corner of the land which is to be deeded to the Crown for proposed public dock, thence north three degrees east (N. 30 00' E.) along the western limit of said land to be conveyed to the Crown a distance of forty feet and five hundredths of a foot (40.05'), thence due west a distance of one hundred and fifty nine feet and fifteen hundredths of a foot (159.15'), thence north twelve degrees nineteen minutes west (N. 12° 19' W.) a distance of nenety three feet and seventy six hundredths of a foot (93.761) to a point distant sixty (60) feet measured easterly and at right angles from said eastern side of Chatham Street, right angles thereto a distance of four hundred and eighteen feet and four tenths of a foot (418.41) to the southern side of Pitt Street, then westerly along said last mentioned side of Pitt Street a distance of sixty (60) feet to the point of commencement, containing an area of one acre and forty three thousandths of an acre (1.043 ac.) more or less PARCEL No. 2. Commencing at the intersection of the eastern side of Chatham Street with the northern side of Pitt Street, thence due north along said side of Chatham Street a distance of fifty eight feet and seventy five hundredths of a foot (58.75') , thence due east and parallel to said northern side of Pitt Street a distance of sixty (60) feet, thence due south parallel to said side of Chatham Street, a distance of fifty eight feet and seventy five hu?idredths of a foot (58.751) to said northern side of Pitt Street, thence due west along said side of Pitt Street a distance of sixty (60) feet to the point of commencement and contal.ning an area of eighty one thousandths of an acre (0.081 ac.). PARCEL No. 3. All and Singular those certain parcelsox—tracts of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the olice Village of Port Burwell, in the Township of Bayham, County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being composed of Lots Numbers 3 and 4 on the east side of Robinson Street, and Lots Numbers 21 3, 4 and 5 on the west side of Eurieus Street, in said Village of Port Burwell, according to Registered Plan No. 12 of the said Village, registered in the Registry Office for the County of Elgin. t .............. ... ............ u . Form•1UA Quit Clair Df -ed'; I 5 1 TO HOLD the said lands unto and to the use of the Grantee its heirs and assigns, forever. r SUBJECT however to the right and easement in favour of the Tillsonburg Lake Erie and Pacific Railway Company, and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, lessee of the Tillsonburg Lake Erie and Pacific Railway Company, their respective successors and assigns, to construct,maintain and operate two railway tracks across the easterly portion, forty feet (40) in width, of the parcel hereinbefore firstly described. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their Corporate Seals attested by the hands of their proper officers. igttrb. Orairb attb Driiuerrb in the presence of Clerk -Treasurer of the Township of Bayham eeve of the Township of Bayham I _ - A A F F I D A V I T I, JACK PETRIE of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin make oath and say: 1• I am the Clerk -Treasurer of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 2• The lands herein conveyed are, to the best of my knowledge, presently being used for the purposes of a public park. SWORN before me at the ) in the this day of ) A Commissioner, etc. N' L3 io1T 734 Revised July 16, 1974 r INS �up i ( �111 11,11 My 10�111" Ontario a United Stationery Co Limped, Legal Department 30 Production Dr, SutDorouph. Gnterio IN THE MATTER OF SUBSECTION 3 OF SECTION 5 OF describe nature of disposition THE LAND SPECULATION TAX ACT, 1974 Affidavit I, Jack Petrie , Clerk—Treasurer of the Township (print name) _o_f__Bayham; in the County of Elgin (print address) MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. I verily believe that the disposition of designated land evidenced in the attached instrument or writing is exempt from the tax imposed by subsection 1 of section 2 of the above Act by virtue of the disposition being: a disposition of designated land by a municipality in favour of a municipality as provided for by section 4 , clause b & j , subclause of the above Act. delete this 2. 1 am the transferor making the disposition referred to in paragraph 1 hereof. paragraph if Since the acquisition of my interest in the designated land that is referred to in paragraph Inapplicable i hereof and that is being disposed of to the transferee named in the attached instrument or writing, no disposition with respect to such designated land has occurred prior to the dispos- ition to the said transferee. delete this 3•,�tK�rC1tM?5�?tK74Ci�?t�i�€f�3itiK�S�rK paragraph if M$t4x4�}8K9i�1?#�Bl�tX inapplicable Sworn before me in the of this day of 19 i. A Commissioner, etc. I. 0 M; AFFIDAVIT OF SUBSCRIBING WITNESS so I, of the in the make oath and say: 1 am a subscribing witness to the attached instrument and I was present and saw it executed at by "See footnote "See footnote I verily believe that each person whose signature I witnessed is the party of the same name referred to in the instrument. SWORN before me at the in the this day of 19 A Commissioner, etc. All blanl,s must bt- filled in. 401"K TO VAHAGRA1'll Alli Ibl: Chatlels. kelail Allies tn% in 1•.1vtablr on the %ahtation of item% Ah+turn in 3111 flat Irnl+•,r, othxrwilsr t•xrmt+tr,l tiodrr the + .f 'flip Itetall title■ Tas Art, It SM 1470. x.11:+, ills surrrrn.b..l 't.r Me purp.+ar 44 Oils Affidavit insert above to,ly tilt- vsalur of chutick, the Intal value of whirls in the opinion of tilt, d.•p"•nt,nt rxrtr.ls =tou.uD. 'flus dne4 lot ex..nerate a lotrehaner from the payment of Retail Salt -s l';tx un tiny tangible personal property as part of this trans.wlion. When chattels ere purc•haArd Is loart of this trtutsaction with a valor of Inn, than $100.00. the applicable tax should be paid by the purchaser it) lite Treasurer of Ontario and remitted n the Minister of Revenue. A COMMtaaIONaI1 FOR TARING AFFIDAVIT{. [TC. t • Where a party is urulble to rend the inortuntrrlt or tArre a party signs by making his mark or in foreign characters add "alter lite instrument had been read to him arul he appeared fully to understand it". Where crrruted under a txitrer of attarnry insert "(name of attorney) as attorney for (name of party)"; and for nest clause substitute "I verily be•Ucrc that the person whose signature I witnessed was authorized to execute lite instrument as attorney for (name)". " Arnendc•d. fan. 1975 THE LAND TRANSFER TAX ACT, 1974 AFFIDAVIT OF VALUE OF THE CONSIDERATION 1N THE MATTER OF THE CONVEYANCE made Identify by: The Corporation of ... .the...Township.. of Bayham _.. _.. :hr I•arties :.> the ron♦eyance to: The Corporation of. -the Village of ..Port.. Burwell ....... _ ... ................... _........ .1. ......... .....__ _ __ __................. .......... on the ._ ...23rd . ..... .............. ............ day of September....................................... 1g .77 .. 1, _... Jack Petrie Clerk -Treasurer .., _......... ....... __....... ..................................... ............. ofthe . Township of Bayham... ..... ..... .............................................................................................. inthe County.. of . Elgin ...................................... ............................................................................. I.............. MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: I. 1 am the Clerk -Treasurer of the . Grantor .......................................... . named in the within (or annexed) conveyance. This affidavit may t.e made by the 2. 1 have a personal knowledge of the facts stated in this affidavit. parrhaser or vendor 3. (1) The total consideration for this transaction has been allocated as follows: or bs anyone (a) land, building. fixtures and goodwill _..................... $ artin►; for them ender ptrwer of (b) Chattels — items of tangible personal property (see note) ............ $ nl 1 att..rney or by an altew accredited in %ratink li the TOTAL CONSIDERATION S 99.00 purchaser, tor vendor ,,r h� the solicitor of either ..f thern or by (2) The true consideration for the transfer or conveyance for app other person appr++vrd by the Land Transfer Tax purposes is as follows: Minister of Revenue. (a) Monies paid in cash $i.9, 9.100........ (b) Property transferred in exchange (Detail Below) $ .....nil........ (c) Securities transferred to the value of (Detail Bclow) __ s nl�. ... . (d) Balances of existing encumbrances with interest owing at date of transfer1 ...... I.......... I ...... ..._ .... 1 .......... ........... ............ s .........nil .... (e) Monies secured by mortgage under this transaction .......... s ...........nil ....... (f) Liens, legacies, annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer issubject _ _............................................. s ........ nil ...... . (g) Other (Detail Below) .............. ............ ........................ S nil TOTAL CONSIDERATION (should agree with 3(1) (a) above) S 99.00 4. If consideration is nominal, is the transfer for natural love and affection? n/. a .................. 5. If so, what is the relationship between Grantor and Grantee? ... nla................ ......... 6. Other remarks and explanations, if necessary . ...................................... ................... ......... .....—...... ... ............................. .................. ..—........................... .................................................... .. ..................................................................................................................................................................... SWORN before me at the of this day of 19 (signature) A Commissioner, etc. All blanl,s must bt- filled in. 401"K TO VAHAGRA1'll Alli Ibl: Chatlels. kelail Allies tn% in 1•.1vtablr on the %ahtation of item% Ah+turn in 3111 flat Irnl+•,r, othxrwilsr t•xrmt+tr,l tiodrr the + .f 'flip Itetall title■ Tas Art, It SM 1470. x.11:+, ills surrrrn.b..l 't.r Me purp.+ar 44 Oils Affidavit insert above to,ly tilt- vsalur of chutick, the Intal value of whirls in the opinion of tilt, d.•p"•nt,nt rxrtr.ls =tou.uD. 'flus dne4 lot ex..nerate a lotrehaner from the payment of Retail Salt -s l';tx un tiny tangible personal property as part of this trans.wlion. When chattels ere purc•haArd Is loart of this trtutsaction with a valor of Inn, than $100.00. the applicable tax should be paid by the purchaser it) lite Treasurer of Ontario and remitted n the Minister of Revenue. • t • THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 192$ BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF LAND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Bayham is the registered owner of certain parcels of land lying within the limits of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that those lands be sold to the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell, THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNSIL OF THE CORPORATION OF : THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM : The land hereinafter particularly described, namely, those certain tracts or parcels of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Village of Port Burwell, in the County of Elgin, containing by admeasurement two and one half acres more or less, said lands being composed of Village Lots numbers Six, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten, West Strachan Street, also Village Lots numbers Six, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten, East Erius Street, in the said Village of Port Burwell, said lands form a part of the South part of Township Lot number Twelve in the First Concession of the Township of Bayham, and are further described in registered plan number Twelve of the said Village; be sold to the Village of Port Burwell for the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar and that the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute such documents as may be necessary therefor, and to attach the Corporate Seal thereto. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th. Day of November, 1977• W_. Clerk r At Form 106 Quit Claim Decd * do� ! [ lJ P UNITED STATIONERY CO. LIMITED. LEGAL FORM DEPT. 30 PRODUCTION DRIVE. SCARBOROUGH made in duplicate the TWENTY—THIRD one thousand nine hundred and SEVENTY—SEVEN NPIWPPn and day of SEPTEMBER THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, hereinafter called the Grantor OF THE FIRST PART; THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL, hereinafter called the Grantee OF THE SECOND PART. 0 WittIP130 4 that in consideration of ONE------------------------------ --------------------------($1.00)-----------------------DOLLAR dollars now paid by the Grantee to the Grantor (the receipt whereof is hereby by it - acknowledged), Ki , the Grantor , doth hereby grant, release and quit claim unto the Grantee its heirs and assigns, all estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever, both at law and in equity or otherwise howsoever, and whether in possession or expectancy, of the Grantor , of, in, to or out of all and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situa�e, lying and being in the Police Village of Port Burwell, in the County of Elgin, containing by admeasurement two and one half acres more or less, said lands being composed of Village Lots numbers Six, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten, West Strachan Street, also Village Lots numbers Six, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten, East Erius Street, in the said Village of Port Burwell, said lands form a part of the south part of Township Lot number Twelve in the First Concession of the Township of Bayham, and are further described in registered plan number Twelve of the said Village. Furp 1o8 Quit Claim feed 4 • t TO HOLD the said lands its heirs and assigns, forever. f 1 unto and to the use of the Grantee IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their Corporate Seals attested by the hands of their proper of FTers. cy t_ligttrd. -*ralrl attl Drliurrrb in the presence of Clerk -Treasurer of the Township of Bayham Reeve of the Township of Bayham Fore" 734 ltevr%" July tri, 1574 Ontario .01 United Stationary Co. Limited, Leyat Department 30 Production Dr. Scarborough. Gntsrm IN THE MATTER OF SUBSECTION 3 OF SECTION 5 OF describe nature of disposition THE LAND SPECULATION TAX ACT, 1974 Affidavit �Jack Petrie . Clerk—Treasurer of the Township of (print name) Bayham.the County of • (print address) MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. I verily believe that the disposition of designated land evidenced in the attached instrument or writing is exempt from the tax imposed by subsection 1 of section 2 of the above Act by virtue of the disposition being: . a disposition of designated land by a municipality in .favour of a municipality as provided for by section __4_____, clauseb & l, subclause of the above Act. delete this 2. 1 am the transferor making the disposition referred to in paragraph 1 hereof. paragraph if Since the acquisition of my interest in the designated land that is referred to in paragraph inapplicable 1 hereof and that is being disposed of to the transferee named in the attached instrument or writing, no disposition with respect to such designated land has occurred prior to the dispos- ition to the said transferee. delete this 3.i}flK�{t1CYcX��Crxt�Cst(�r#i{ffiKX�{�X��i}li{�[X paragraph if ?fid§ia�H$Ct7dXfKiFXt3t�{iXi}f. inapplicable{d¢Hi�i�I>�C3#fi�f�tsi2�llir}I�S$ft{�fe}{�tK�Y�r}4d?Q�I �fX]dt3�{stiN�rKt�iYaYrX#�f��}�X Sworn before me in the of this Y day of 19 A Commissioner, etc. • AFFIDAVIT OF SUBSCRIBING WITNESS , of the in the make oath and say: I am a subscribing witness to the attached instrument and I was present and saw it executed at by "See footnote "See footnote I verily believe that each person whose signature I witnessed is the party of the same name referred to in the instrument. SWORN before me at the this day of �r in the 19 A COMMIaatONat1 FOR TAKING AFFIDAVITS, RTC. • Where a party is unable to read the inttrurnent or inhere a party signs by making his mark or in foreign characters add "utter the instrument had been read to him and he appeared fully to understand it". Where executed under a power of attorney insert "(narne of attorney) as attorney /or (name of party)"; and fur next clause substitute "1 verily believe that the person whose signature 1 witnessed was authorised to execute the instrument as attorney for (name)". .Amended, leen 1975 THE LAND TRANSFER TAX ACT, 1974 AFFIDAVIT OF VALUE OF THE CONSIDERATION IN THE MATTER OF THE CdNVEYANCE made Identify by:... The.. Corporation -of .... the .... Tow.ash.ip....of...Bayha..m............................ _.., the parties wthe ..................................................... ......................... .. . c.•n►eyance The Corporation of .. the .Village .. of . Port... Burwell.. This affidavit may UP made by the parchaser or vendor t,r by renytme nrttng for them .inter power of rot„rnvy "r toy an aKet,t arrredlled in writing by the t,.rrcba.rr, nr vendor or by the >:,Ilicitor of either r,f them or by some other person approved by the Sinister of Revenue. on the 23rd ............................. day of _ September .................. ....... .. 1977.... I, Jack Petrie .................... C' erk-.Treasurer.............. ofthe Township... o.f... Bayham........ ...............1... ... ........................ ........ ...... .. .... I ....... I.................. in the . County ..of. Elgin............ ........................... ................................ .................................................. .... MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. I am the Clerk -Treasurer of the Grantor ... _ . named in the within (or annexed) conveyance. 2. 1 have a personal knowledge of the facts stated in this affidavit. 3. (1) "rhe total consideration for this transaction has been allocated as follows: (a) Land, building, fixtures and goodwill ..... .... .... I ... .......... I ....... . $ -1. 00 (b) Chattels — items of tangible personal property (see note) .... .. $ ni 1 TOTAL CONSIDERATION . $ 1.00 (2) The true consideration for the transfer or conveyance for Land Transfer Tax purposes is as follows: (a) Monies paid in cash ......................................... ............ ....... .... _ S ...1... 0 0 ...... (b) Property transferred in exchange (Detail Below) ............ .... .... _. s nil .......... . (c) Securities transferred to the value of (Detail Below) ......... .. s..... ni 1............ (d) Balances of existing encumbrances with interest owing at date of , transfer .. .... ......................... I— ...— $ ..... nil (e) Monies secured by mortgage under this transaction ....................... S mi 1............. (/) Liens, legacies, annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer is subject .......... .... .... ... ............... ........ ... I. ..... $ nil (g) Other ( Detail Below)....................................................................... $ n 1 TOTAL CONSIDERATION (should agree with 3(1) (a) above) S 1.00 4. If consideration is nominal, is the transfer for natural love and affection? n/a _................ 5. If so, what is the relationship between Grantor and Grantee? . .. . . n/a ....... .... . 6. Other remarks and explanations, if necessary release.. of ..Interest -from. . Grantor. Corporation to -Grantee ... for .... purpose -of -confirming title -of ... the.. Grantee.................................................................................................................... SWORN before me at the of this day of 19 A Commissioner, etc. (signature) All blanks mint be filled in. NOTF: TO PARACRAI'li 311) (b): Chattels: Retail sales tax is payable on the valuation of itemA shown in 3(1) (b) unless otherwise exempted under the pro. taions of The Retail Sales Tax Act, U.S.O. 1970. r.415, ILA amended. Far the perpose of this affidavit insert niove Doty the value of chattels, the total value of which in the opinion of the deponent e\veetls $100,011. This doer Mot exonerate a purchaser from the payment of Retail Sales Tax on any tangible personal property as part of this trunsaction. When chattels are ptlrcha.sed ase par! of thi, transr.ction with u noble .If lees than 5100.00, the applicable tax should be paid by the uurchater to the Treasurn Treasurer .f Ontario unit remitlyd to the Minister of Revenue. U t a-Y-LVI 10. 1929 T-�.) AUT1iORL22 i"II . C0R-P01,1 } (A% OF Ti � 1;� VILLA�Ua VL 11 here- in ter c.QjbJ "the Grantee" d which term. include its suc essors n° as ;i' s ri'C �.{�'j `'1, T �.� MSI) Q?EIiATE �i0i ?� � 71" "TIRED F01" T'ciL Ts'� .�- 13310?< 02 t AUR I"f T}i ; TOX.4'61HIP OF LAYHA7 ' hereinafter called "the0. . 01n inal.itt-" ;.. .: t};e gran tee ha- re -=nested The Corporation of the Tow ship of sayllan to r -rant it a franch i or ri f'li t of passi%7 thro-arh the !"awicinality , car the :purpose of conatructinr, usin!- and, operating, a lino or lines anfl works � or t �e uranwais.1ion of jater. ANDIME`A3, subject o the terns and conditions hereinafter set forth, the yol.mcil of 'Die Corporation of the Township of ,4ayham has af7.reed to grant the said ,franchise. 0 I`i} i�►:, s ' ""ZACTL? by the Council of The Corporation of the Tof-m 3 :t i n w. 4 . ayh a. -i i 1. a;'ull : i!dit, -)*der, permis:Aon and consent nl e hereby -ranted, conferred and assurers unto ille Corporation-* of the Villar~e of Vienna, its successors anA a33011,m3 to envor upon, use ani occupy the hi tways of or imder the Juriulioaion of the '.unicipalitiy vo survey, construct, lay, naint:ain, inspec ,, al=.er, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, u3e and opera :e in, tl ro,�i--�., 14apon, under, alo,, an.:i across the same or any of thea a nine line or _ liner with any an A' all coimections, arriaravu3, applianeas azo I N attachmento-, incluiinF attachments for cathodic prw:ection, necessary or inci ".ent al t;horeto ana to a system for the purpose of passing- through the iunicipali'.y and transmittirif. Nater. 2. such ri ht or franchise shall be subject to all the tennis and condit- F ion:- set out in an Agreement to he entered into between the w= coni cipality and thle Grantee in pursuance of :his cry -Lett, which A77re+Eic:tent shtall he in tl to 1 ox,41 hLereun to attached • 3 . 11 -le x4eeve and Clerk o ' the said iimicipalit-i are hereby authorized 1. and empowered to enter int© an;.:I to ex�:Lute on behalf of the I.1micipali.t •, the k-reement aforesait� and to affix the corporate seal thereto.'., IF d ..r -Law shall come in .o r'orce an ual.e oflect imediately after ri t reer a in t o ' orm fiereuxito annexe -I :hall have "een exe utec .ay all t:,e partiea �,�:eret�. Z` D A FLZJ`T, J4.XCCD AND THI1M Tr -'.Z V D FI14ALLY R.�av D MIS 7th. Day of ova,�✓er , l 1 0 I, J.A.Petrie certify the above to be a true and correct coyp of Township of Layham By -Law No. R Y IV 4 A G R B E E I T iimade in duali Cate tM s 7th. day of November A.D., 1977. BiET W N : L C OR erein EATIO14 OF THE TUW?tIjHIP UP LA ter called 'The Mnicipality - and - ;zereina"ter called VILUiL U. Che (jrantee Jf - {f 411 OF THE F Its iT PART OF WE j"ECOND PART `Jh e1i'I' J' the k`rantee has ree uested the ►"unici.pality to Grant to it and and its successors and assi1 11 a Franchise or :°i t o (A9- 1t:hrouph the '111unicinality for the purpose of construetinff using- and operating a line or lines and corks for the distribution of -rater within the 14junici.pali ty. . AVD 1`411L LAS the =unicipality has by 11.7 -Law passel on the 7th. day of November, A.D. ,1977, f -ranted the said franchise .from and after the execu- tion of this A reeiment and has authorivea and empowered the l�Peve and Clergy, of t'r:e said Municipality to exef.iite this A -reenent an,I, ;o affix the corporate m al thereto. DOW llii ISFORE THIS IMEdTULZ jade fn consideration of the premises and of the performance of :he covenants and oblif-ation hereinafter contairiel on the part of the Grantee WITII Jjis I as fO11oLrS: 1. The }-:t.nicipality does hereby grant, confer and assure 1knto the Grantee i ..; successors and assigns, full rif-ht, permission and consent o enter upon, use and occupy the hi r-hway s of or under the Jurisdiction of the to survey, construct, lay, maintain, inspect;, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace; reconstruct, use and operate in, throur-h, upon, tmeler, alone and across the same or any of them, a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, apparatus, applianyes and attachments, includin-- attachments for cathodic protection, necessary or incidental thereto anA. to a 3ysten :dor the purpose of distribu tine grater within the unicipality. 41 2. All neer (or renewal) :tains, pipes, lines anal works installed by s.frantee untie . -his«-reenant shall be consUrt�:teu ars: laid in accordance withoot en,,-ineerin- and construction practices. Except in case of timer -envy. 00 � � r (a)no excavation, openin;rr or work which will disturb or interfere with With the travelled surface o.f any highway shall be undertaken or commenced by Grantee , ithout written notice to such officer of the . unicipality as .may fro^ time, to time be appointed by the Council of the ^`,lunicipality for the purpose of general supervision over its 11ir,h:Ways (hereinafter referred to as "the said officer of the �unicipality'r, which term shall include the person acting in his stead in the event, of his absence fron duty) , su.ch notice to be given at leas -V 24 hours in advance of commencin;7 such work unless otherwise a; --reed to by the said officer of the ►lunicipality, and Nbefore laying or installing any new (or renewal) mains, pipes, lines and -.corks, the Grantee shall first file with the said officer of the J,mL 3 pality a preliminary clap or plan gho,.Ant- west it proposes to J.ay or install and the proposed location thereof and shall also check w,i th and obtain the Britten approval of the said officer of the unicipality as to such proposed location. L'ot later - l:an three wonths after the close of each of its fiscal years the Gran ,ee shall file with the Cilerk of the .'Aunicipality, ;.laps or plans showing the location and size of all mains, pipes, lines and works laid or installed by the Gran ;ee in the highways during- its previous fiscal year. 3. The said line or lines small be placed underground so far as is practical and if reruired by the Reeve or other officer of the lhmicipglity above :mentioned shall be located along* the sides of the said highways except :,here it shall I)e necessary to cross a hit-hwa-v and shall be so constructeJ as not to obstruct or interfere with the use of the r-ighway or ilith an;„ drains, ditches, brid,r-es, culverts or other works or improve - dents thereon or therein. Z�. In the event that the �zunicipality shall deem it expedient to alter the construction of any hir-hway or of any :municipal drain, ditch, bridge, culvert or other ;Works or imporvements thereon or therein and in the course thereo. it .3hali becorae necessary to have the Grantee make chcNnres in its line or lines or works in order to facw.litate the work of the Municipality, then upon receipt of reasonaole notice in writin � from the Reeve or other officer of the above mentioned speci fyinr; the change desired, the Grantee shall at its m -in expense chanf-e its line or lues or works at the point specified. The C'rantee shall cons ;ruct, repair and replace any such ling or lines or .Works with all reasonable expedition so that the highways shall not be torn up or obstructers for any iulnecessar-1 length of time and upon the constrlAction, repairing and replacin!s of any such line or linea or works or the taking; up of any of the same or the moving; of any of the same fro, -3 dace to place in a hid-hway, the hi,rjrway shall, with all reasonable expel-► ition, be restored to its proper level and graded and left in as safe and f-ood a state of repair as it was before it was entered upon or opened, and to the satisfaction of the said Leeve or o+ her officer of the I.unicipality above mentioned. a ;s m '.he rantee xhall and Joe a here' -,y at; all titles indermify anJ save harralo:3 3 tie iunicipality from and ak ains4 all loss, dwia f e, in jury or expen:)c l.ihich the Imicipality stay near, suffer or be put to by reason of an-��.ia. e "Q property or in,-iwna :.o persons caused by the construction, repair, nai.ntenance, removal or operation by the Grantee of any of its riains, 'Ii.pes, dines or .forks in the municipality !finless such 103s, dann--e, injury or expense is occasioaod by Act of God or by the act, neglect or dei avl1 of -;c> ,e person, 1 it i or co r -,orationo -her th n tie (1irantee. its servan t s, contractors, sub-conractors, c a -nts or e, ..1 7. Llle x• ..-h!ft ;3 an..i privile erctlt� . r intc�i -`;all corti�ni.ze and renair. in force for a perio1 of twenry year3 f ro. z tLe date i:ereof. . In ti:is A!-ree: ent and in the above referred to, (a) he t:ord "hir-h wayrr ;i gall mean a corrion or Tribli , iii r-1wayr anti incl-.L..ie a roa:i, 1�ri .f e an,.l any ocher stnictUre inci,.Jental t hereto, no^,.i or at any ime urin j- the v®rm of this Arreemen t ander the JLL.risciiction of the .-Municipality. ( :) ti. •.ord 11 lnieipality" small mean the `township of isayha^1 presentl-, cons,.. te,i or as it may from tine t4 time be � ons itut.ee ..Iurin -- the terfl of this ,.`i'"'reem. ent. .1.1ils ACw E , ;"' siall entire to -4Y:e ;)enefit of and be hi.ndini- upon t.1.e par tUes 4here vo ? Cheir successors and asci r -n s . ._::11 a. �.`.L 14.,..�.� 1Z i:i`►.L''�.1 ' tine parties have hereunto aff i;teci their respective corporate reals :L21y attested by the l:ands of their proper sir -nim- officers in N ME' CORPORATIOU OF 7HE TWI'MIP OF !1AY11A4 .I„ erfc THE COi PO .ATI i (' fE `�III.UO : OF VL' !:iTA K,eeve ( _ Clerk ;ter,:.. VILLAGE OF VIE NA LY -LAW NO. 70 BEI16IG a Ly -Lahr to authorize the reeve and Clerk to sign an ar;reent ent with the 11unicipality of the Corporation of the Township of Layhan for the con- sLruction, use and operation of works required for the transmission of water in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the . unicipal.ity of the Corporation of the township of Bayham did on . the 7th. day of Kovember, 1M, pass 1°y -Law No. 1929 of the said ` Mamicipality beim: a Lyeel.aw to authorize the Corporation of the Village of Vienna to construct, use and operate works required for the transmission of water in the Township of Layham. AND WEEREAS it is now necessary that the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Villa; -e of Vienna si f n an agreement to provide for the franchise or ril"lit of construction, usix.f- and operating a line or lines for the 6 distribution of water within the said. Townahip of i:ayham. ThhQ-RB 0FX, LE IT 191ACTEED BY THE 71MICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE COrI TI(I°I QF i THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1929 "A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA (here- inafter called "the Grantee" and which term shall include its successors d assigns) -TO CONSTRUCT USE AND OPERATE WORKSRE UIRED FOR THE TRANS- MISSION OF WATER IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM hereinafter called "the Municipality") . WHEREAS the Grantee has requested The Corporation of the Township of Bayham to grant it a franchise or right of passing through the Municipality for the purpose of constructing, using and operating a line or lines and works for the transmission of water. AND WHEREAS, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Bayham has agreed to grant the said franchise. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Bayham:- 1. Full right, pwwer, permission and consent are hereby granted, conferred and assured unto The Corporation of the Village of Vienna, its successors and assigns to enter upon, use and occupy the highways of or under the jurisdiction of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, use and operate in, through, upon, under, along and across the same or any of them a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, apparatus, -.appliances and attachments, including attachments for cathodic protection, necessary or incidental thereto and to a system for the purpose of passing through the Municipality and transmitting water. 2. Such right or franchise shall be subject to all the terms and condit- ions set out in an Agreement to be entered into between the Municipality and the Grantee in pursuance of this By -Law, which Agreement shall be in the form hereunto attached, 3, The Reeve and Clerk of the said Municipality are hereby authorized and empowered to enter into and to execute on behalf of the Municipality, the Agreement aforesaid and to affix the corporate seal thereto. 2 - 4 • THIS By -Law shall coxae into force and take effect immediately after an Agreement in the form hereunto annexed shall have been executed by all the Parties thereto. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th. Day of November, 1977. Clerk 0 t w 0 A VILLAGE OF VIENNA EY -LAW NO. 70 LEI1T11G a Ly -Law to authorize the Reeve an.J Clerk to sign an agreement with the i unicipality of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham for the con- struction, use and operation of works required for the transmission of eater in the Township of Dayham. 1`tI-IERZAS the i omicipality of the Corporation of the Township of ayham did on the 7th. day of t� overaber, 1977, pass y y -Law No. 1929 of the said Municipality beim a Lys -law to aut}ioriZe the Corporation of the :tillage of Vienna to construct, use and operate works required for the transmission of .eater in the To�niship of Dayham. AND ZIELEAS it is now necessary that the Reelre and Clerk of the Corporation of the Village of Vienna sig an agreement to provide for the franchise or rid -ht of construction* using and operating a line or lines for tr e distribution of =grater within the said Township of Bayham. THEREFORE i" ] IT ENACTED BY THE 41-TMICIPAL COM11CIL OF' THE CORPORATI(I' OF "�'HE VILLtML OF VIENNA Y THAT the 11eeve and Clerk of the Village of Vienna be and are hereby authorized to sif~n an agreement with the Corporation of the Township of Layliam dated the 7th. day of 4`41ovember, 1977 for the full right, power, permission and consent to enter upon, use and occupy the highways of or under the ,jurisdiction of the Corporation of the Tavinship of Bayhan. to survey, congtriabt, lar, maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew; remove, replace, reconstruct, use and operate in, through, upon, under, along and across the sa,,-ie or any of them, a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, apparatus, appliances and attachments, including attach - vents for cathodic Protection, necessary or incidental thereto and to a r system for the purpose of distributing water within the Corporation of the Toimship of Layh m and affix the corporate seal of the Village of Vienna a thereto. READ. A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TrU3 Ar.D FIPIALLY PASSED THIS 10th. Darr of 17.ovembor, 1977. t� .eeve Clerk I,Violet VanBelois hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of Village of Vienna By- LayQp..748 o&/.beiy gassed. A G R E E M E N T made in duplicate this 7th. day of November A.D., 1977. BET WEE N : THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYH hereinafter called "TheMunicipality" - and - E CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA ereinafter called "The Grantee" OF THE FIRST PART OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Grantee has requested the Municipality to Grant to it and and its successors and assigns, a franchise or right of passing through the Municipality for the purpose of constructing, using and operating a line or lines and works for the distribution of water within the Municipality. AND WHEREAS the Municipality has by By -Law passed on the 7th. day of November, A.D.,1977, granted the said franchise from and after the execu- 0 tion of this Agreement and has authorized and empowered the Reeve and Clerk of the said Municipality to execute this Agreement and to affix the corporate seal thereto. NOW THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE made in consideration of the premises and of the performance of the covenants and obligation hereinafter contained on the part of the Grantee WITNESSETH as follows: 1. The Municipality does hereby grant, confer and assure unto the Grantee its successors and assigns, full right, power, permission and consent to enter upon, use and occupy the highways of or under the jurisdiction of the Municipality to survey, construct, lay, maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, remove, replace, reconstruct, use and operate in, through, upon, under, along and across the same or any of them, a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, apparatus, appliances and attachments, including attachments for cathodic protection, necessary or incidental thereto and to a system for the purpose of distributing water within the Municipality. 2. All new (or renewal) mains, pipes, lines and works installed by Grantee under this Agreement shall be constructed and laid in accordance with good engineering and construction practices. Except.in case of P.mergency. r F on 2 — 2. (a)no excavation, opening or work which will disturb or interfere with with the travelled surface of any highway shall be undertaken or commenced by Grantee without written notice to such officer of the Municipality as may from time to time be appointed by the Council of the Municipality for the purpose of general supervision over its highways (hereinafter referred to as "the said officer of the Municipality", which term shall include the person acting in his stead in the event of his absence from duty), such notice to be given at least 24 hours in advance of commencing such work unless otherwise agreed to by the said officer of the Municipality, and (b)before laying or installing any new (or renewal) mains, pipes, lines and works, the Grantee shall first file with the said officer of the Municipality a preliminary map or plan showing what it proposes to lay or install and the proposed location thereof and shall also check with and obtain the written approval of the said officer of the Municipality as to such proposed location. Not later than three months after the close of each of its fiscal years the Grantee shall file with the Clerk of the Municipality, maps or plans showing the location and size of all mains, pipes, lines and works laid or installed by the Grantee in the highways during its previous fiscal year. 3. The said line or lines shall be placed underground so far as is practical and if required bap the Reeve or other officer of the Municipality above mentioned shall be located along the sides of the said highways except where it shall be necessary to cross a highway and shall be so constructed as not to obstruct or interfere with the use of the highway or with any drains, ditches, bridges, culverts or other works or improve- ments thereon or therein. 4. In the event that the Municipality shall deem it expedient to alter the construction of any highway or of any municipal drain, ditch, bridge, culvert or other works or imporvements thereon or therein and in the course thereof it shall become necessary to .have the Grantee make changes in its N line or lines or works in order to facilitate the work of the Municipality, then upon receipt of reasonable notice in writing from the Reeve or other officer of the Municipality above mentioned specifying the change desired, the Grantee shall at its own expense change its line or lines or works at the point specified. 5. The Grantee shall construct, repair and replace any such line or lines or works with all reasonable expedition so that the highways shall not be torn up or obstructed for any unnecessary length of time and upon the construction, repairing and replacing of any such line or lines or wdrxs or the taking up of any of the same or the moving of any of the same -txom place to place in a highway, the highway shall, with all reasonable exped- ition, be restored to its proper level and graded and left in as safe and good a state of repair as it was before it was entered upon or opened, and to the satisfaction of the said Reeve or other officer of the Municipality :above .mentioned. - 3 - b. The Grantee shall and does hereby at all times indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from and against all loss, damage, injury or expense which the Municipality may bear, suffer or be put to by reason of any damage to property or injury to persons caused by the construction, repair, maintenance, removal or operation by the Grantee of any of its mains, pipes, lines or works in the Municipality unless such loss, damage, injury or expense is occasioned by Act of God or by the act, neglect or default of some person, firm or corporationother than the Grantee, its servants, contractors, sub -contractors, agents or employees. 7. The rights and privileges hereby granted shall continue and remain in force for a period of twenty years from the date hereof. $. In this Agreement and in the By -Law above referred to, (a) the word "highway" shall mean a common or public highway and include a road, bridge and any other structure incidental thereto, now ar at any time during the term of this Agreement under the jurisdiction of the Municipality. (b) the word "Municipality" shall mean the Township of Bayham presently constituted or as it may from time to time be constituted during the term of this Agreement. 9. THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereunto affixed their respective corporate seals duly attested by the hands of their proper signing officers in that behalf. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM erk THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA eeve erk 0 C ORPORAT I ON OF THE T OWN SH I P OF BAYHAMM BY••LAW NO. 1931 BEING A BYwLAW,, to stop up and close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, Section 443 (1) (c) gives authority for municipalities to sell that portion of a highway which is so stopped up. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham; L. That portion of the road allowance through Lot 21, Concession 8, lying and being situate in the Township of Dayham more particularily described as Part 3 on Refer. ence Plan of Survey 11 R 993 on file in the Registry Office for the hegistry Division of Elgin, be stopped up and closed. 2. That the above road allowance be offered up and sold to the abutting lard owner or owners. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver conveyance of the said lands under the Corporate Seal of the Municipality to the said abutting land owner or owners. READ a First, Second and Third Time and Finally Passed this 5th. I day of December, 1977• Irs iko W., 0 /0"// P VA I c Clerk I, J.A.Petrie, Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, hereby certify the forgoing to be a true and correct copy of By -slaw No. 1932 as being passed by the Council of the Township of Bayham on December 5th., 1977. J. A. e ie, Clerk W COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 2504 "BEING A BY -LACI TO CONFIRM BY -LAS': NO. 1931 OF TIRE TaINSHIP OF BAYHAM; A BY-LAW TO STOP UP AND CLOSE AND SELL THE PORTION OF ROAD ALLMANCE THROUGH LOT 21, CONCESSION 8,M Ys�EREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 5th day of December, 1977, did pass By -Law No. 1931, to stop up and close and sell the portion of the road allowance through Lot 21, Concession 8, lying and being situate in the Township of Bayham, more particularly described as Part 3, on Reference Plan 11R993, on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elain. AND VTIEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the 14u- nicipal Act, the said Tormship By -Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By -Law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council, held not later than one year after the passing of the By -Law, by the Council of the Township. A14D ``MEREkS application has been made to the Council of the Corporal ion of the County of Elgin for a By -Law confirm- ing the said Township of Bayham By -Law. N011 THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows.- THAT ollows: THAT By -Law No. 1931 of the Township of Ba3rham, being a by-law to stop up and close and sell the portion of the road allowance through Lot 21, Concession 8, in the Township of Bayham, be and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a second time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of February, 1978. G. C. Leverton, Clerk m M r L. R. Carroll, Warden I, G. C. Leverton, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby ,certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 2504, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 15th day of February, 1978. G. C. Leverton, County Clerk 1Z; A CORPORATION OF THE TOVINSN IP' OF PAYI-IAN BY-LAW 1,10. 1951 BE111(', a P,• -Law to repeal Py-;aw rdo. 1?31 closing a portion of tr:e road throufrh Lot 21, Concession 8, in t1 -,e To vrn s -I ip of Parham. 1�J11}4REA S t1:e 'orncil of the Townshi o of 13alrham passed hy- Law flo. 1931, a by -Jaw to 13ton uD, close and sell a road allo:vance in the To*hmship of Rayham, said road allowanr, bei nor Part 3 on Reference Plan of, 3vry^fir 11 It nOl an,'l kroti n as itiriFe Road, on Decemher 5, 197?. AND VJ11EREA3 the Council of the County of ElFrin passed I)tr- Law No. 2501 r„pnfi.rminp, the action of the Coi?rci 1 of tho Tovmshi.p of Bavham on Fobruary 15, 1978. APTi) WHEREAS Ry -Law 11o. 1931 1^as not been rer1 ^':erod it e Rerristrtl Office for the Count;T of Elpir.. AFT) 1,11,1EREAS Order -in -Council O.C. 1.128/7:8 apnroved }; Her Honcr.ir the Lieutenant Governor dated the l9t1i, dart of April., A.D. 1978, closes Part 3 on Reference Plan oe Si.,,rve-r ]-1 F 993. AND 1411FRT"AS t}is action makes, Township of Bay'nar T I,aw Ito. 1)31 redundant. THERE'PORE he it Enacted by the Council of th^ Totm 7h3.p, or' B airh am THAT By-I,aw I'To. 1931, Passed by the Council of tbr, Tovmshin of. Bayham on December 5, 1977 is herehir repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TI .,4E AND FINALLY PAS.'ET) this 5th. DAY Ot{' June, A.D. 1978. elle 111 ?c TSL OF _ '� i CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1931 ' BEING A BY-LAW -,to stop up and close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, Section 443 (1) (c) gives authority for municipalities to sell that portion of a highway which is so stopped up-. ; ``HERE' PORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of, the Township of Bayham; 1: , . That •p,ortion of . the . road allowance through Lot 21, Concession 8, lying and being situate in the Township of.. Bayham ' more. pa'rti ci larily de8cribed. as Parti 3 -on Ref er- ' '.19pc.e• Plan. of. S+urve� .11 99 on file in *the Re ist Y 3 g ry Office for• the Registry : Division. of Elgiii_,'. be stopped up and closed 2.' That the above road allowance be offered up and sold to the abutting land''owner or owners. 3. That the Reeve.and.Clerk•ar.e hereby authorized to execute and deliver conveyance: of 'the said :lands .under the Corporate .Seal of.the Municipality -to the said abutting land owner or owners: . READ a First,. Second . eind . Third Time and Finally Passed this 5tho day of December, 1977: 1-� L Reeve Clerk I. J.A.PQtri$., Cleek of the Xorporation of. the TownshXp of Bayham, hereby. certify ,the forgo to be a true &-id correct co of •B� -law bio:• '1932 as &;Tm passed the Council of the Town t `..Bd ham m - c ber th .. 1 � aY � e� 5 , 19?7 • . A. etrie-; Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOVaTSH IP* OF BAYHAM BY-LAW N 0 . 1951 BEING a B:, -Law to repeal Ey-haw No. 1031 closing a portion of the road through Lot 21, Concession 8, in the To.mship of ba-:,rham. VJIIERFAS the Council of the Township of Bayham. passed By- Law No. 1931, a by-law to Stop up, close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham, said roa(a allowance hein.r Part 3 on Reference Plan of Survc%r ]_1 It 993 and known as Ridge Road,on December 5, 1977. AND MIEREAS the Council of the County of Eli -in passed 11zr- Latir No. 2501 confirming; the action of the Council of the Toi-mship of Bayham on February 15, 1978. AND WHEREAS By -Law No. 1931 has not been resristered in the Rei*,is'.;ry Office for the Counts of Elpin. AND WHEREAS Order -in -Council O.C. 1.128/78 approved by Her llonoiar the Lieutenant Governor dated the 19th, da`r o' April, A.D. 1978, closes Part 3 on Reference Plan of Survn-! 11 R 993. AND i IIERFAS this action makes Township of L.ayharl Ii -r -Law 7o. 1931 redundant. THERET' O E be it Enacted b -\r the Council of the " ot• nsh_i.p - o.i F ay h am THAT iw-I.aw No. 1931, Passed by the Council of the Township of ba,rham on December 5, 1977 is hereIrr repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND ARID THIRD TITHE AND FINALLY PASSED this 5th. DAY OF June, A.D. 197$. J h EB VE F 0 CORPORATION OF THE TO'v N3HIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO, 193 2 :R BEING A BY-LAW to stop up and close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, Section 443 (1) (c) gives authority for municipalities to sellthat portion of a highway which is so Utopped up. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham; 1• That portion of.the road allowance through Lot 114 N.T.R. lying and being situate in the Township of Bayhan more part- icularily described as Parts 3, 59 $, 11, 18, 19 and 21 on Reference Plan of O'urvey 11 R 768 on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin, be stopped up and closed. 2. That the above road allowance be offered up and sold to the abutting land owner or owners. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver conveyance of the said lands under the Corporate Seal of the Municipality to the said abutting land owner or owners. READ a First, Second and Third Time and Finally Passed this 5th. day of December, 1977. I,J.A.Petrie, Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, hereby certify the forgoing to be a true and correct copy of By-law No. 1932 as passed by the Council of the Township of Bayham on December 5th., 1977. .A.P'ertfrie, Clerk. N o oma. CIO �Oct4,1_ m ww T SL W w 00 -. i m N lk Ia 0 7 A CIO �Oct4,1_ m ww T SL W w 00 -. i m N lk Ia COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 2505 "BEING A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM BY -LACI NO. 1932 OF THE MINSH IP OF BAYHAM; A BY-LAh' TO STOP UP AND CLOSE AND SELL A ROAD A.LLMIANCE THROUGH LOT 114 N.T.R." VvIHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 5th day of December, 1977, did pass By -Law No. 1932, to stop up and close and sell a road allowance through Lot 114 N.T.R., lying and being situate in the Township of Bayham, more par- ticularly described as Parts 3, 5, 8, 11, 18, 19 and 21 on Reference Plan 11R768, on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin. AND LHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Munic- ipal Act the said Township By -Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By -Law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not later than one year after the passing of the By -Law by the Council of the Township. AND L'HEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporatitn of the County of Elgin for a By -Law con- firming the said Township of Bayham By -Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-I,aw No. 1932 of the Township of Bayham, being a by-law to stop up and close and sell a road allowance thrcugh Lot 114 N.T.R., in the Township of Bayhan., be and the same is hereby conf irmed. READ a first time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a second time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of February, 1978. G. C. Leverton, L. R. Carroll, Clerk A arden is G. C. Leverton, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 2505, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 15th day of February, 1978. G. C. Leverton, County Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 1932 BEING A BY-LAW to stop up and close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Municipal- Ac,V .R:S.O. 1970Section 443 (1 ) (c) gives authority for niurnud.cipalities to sell that portion of a highway which is so stopped.' up. THEREFORE.Bt IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council' -of -the Corporation of .the Township*; ,or---Bayham; . 1•. That portion.- of,': "the road allowance through Lot 114 N.T.R. ; . lying , and' being situate in the Township of Bayham more par- icuiarily described as.Parts 3, 5, 8, 11, 18, 19 and 21 on Reference Plan of Suryvey 11.R 768 on 'file in the Registry Office for the- Registry Division of •Elgin; • !be stopped up and • • . closed. ' - .:... ' '. • � - � . ' • •2. That the 'above' road allowance;=be offered up' and sold to ,-W abutting and -.owner or owners... 3'.= `That, the` Reeve . and Clerk, are -her authorized to execute `Wand�del'iver' cokiveyance of the. said-16ai:ds under .the Corporate, Seal of "the 'Municipality to the :said abutting land owner or ' owners:' READ . a First, Second• .and• • Third Time and -Finally Passed this 5th. da 'of December'.." .• _. _ •' •� `: - T � •ti, iii•'` ,,., r`, C• ..;•.. Reeve Clerk ,.. .. I , J. A. Petrie Clark of the Corporation oaf. the . Township of Layham,.,-.hQrbby cert jy ;lie oforZoin • : f co of $ -�law-'170.' 19 2 as - to be a -true and correct y 3 . , ..... assed the Council of.* the Townshit ,.off' '8ayhani on, p hY 9?? t December h. , 1 :... f � - N I 0 ilk �t ^ ev C3 I Q7 Mm Mm 3 (D =r _ N 00 mf 'A Y N 9 ap to st N 4w CORP04rlMAl OF THE' TU2.13LIP Or ' AYE:A:.1 LY - LAti# NO. 1932 I LING A BY-LAW' to stop up rand close and sell a road allowance in the 'Township of I:ayhamo �,vi9t�•� (�� c) �-tresVAiE1L'Z,E authority i or %ainicinalitie,3 to sell lat portion of a hif-himy Which is zo Stopned lip. Tlii;lLEFORE U1 I'" by 14-}iet�jlriica.4 c:e�A_ncil of tire- Gorporation of the Toiinship a�' 1 • That portion of the road allowance throup.)i Lot 1_14T; . A. l -rind; and si,inl� s .tti�-�t:e ir. t;lac `i'oim:,hip of :.a3►}2�-�i1 I10Y'C parr-- icularily deacr:Lbed as Farts 3, 59 8, 11, 13, 19 anri 21 on Reference Plan of curve, 11 " 76" ole file in the Reristz^,r (.;.L"Zice or t; is Re,-l:;tr;► :)iv .;Jon of ul.f;ir, >.A stopped up an, cac> 0"1. �•:iw Ll above, ro-1 rill. owa.!iee be r_,i'j'e.reri uv an(; .7r,' to Clic abiittin,: laml oirner or owners. 3. iliac; the 1Leove and Clerk are hereby authorized to e::ecute and deliver conveyance of. the said lands under the Uorporate .3eal of the 1 Lunicipalit;r to the said abuttinr lend owr-er or mvmers. 0 ?LAD a First;, 3ecord and Third f1irie and 17inally t'- ^ cl this 5th. day of December, 1977. jLeeve I,J.A.Petrie, Clerk of the Corporation of the n Township of bayham, hereby certify the forgoing 1 to be a true and correct copy of By-law No. 1932 as passed by the Council of the Township of Bayham on December 5th. , 1977.. 1 J.A.Petrie, Clerk. COUNTY OF ELGI14 By -Law No. 2505 "BEING A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM BY-LAW I40. 1932 OF THE TU ISkiIP OF BAYHAM• A BY-LAVI TO STOP UP AND CLOSE AND SELL A ROAD AL.LOVIANCE 7HROUGH LOT 114 N.T.R." I-MEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 5th day of December, 1977, did pass By -Law No. 1932, to stop up and close and sell a road allowance through Lot 114 N.T.R., lying and being situate in the Township of Bayham, more par- ticularly described as Parts 3, 5, 8, 11, 18, 19 and 21 on Reference Plan 118768, on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin. AA:D .•:NEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the ?.unic- ipal Dict the said Township By -Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By -Law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not later than one year after the passing of the By -Law by the Council of the Township. Ar:D Y.'HEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By -Law con - f irming the said Township of Bayham By -Law. • NUi TNEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By -Law No. 1932 of the Township of Bayham,, being a by-law to stop up and close and sell a road allowance through Lot 114 N.T.R. , in the Township of Bayhari, be and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a second time this 15th day of February, 1978. REND a third time and finally passed thi.s 15th day of Februaryo 19'i G. C. Leverton, Clerk L. R. Carroll, I•la r den I, G. C. Leverton, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 2505, • passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 15th day of February, 1978. J", J , ' t • \ G. C. Leverton, /\ County Clerk 16; 1 �:.Lw.1 Z F;,n I N 01° O9 4G" E 600 l ` 12 SCHEDULE 1 - OTHER DESIGNATION 114 N T -R LOT 114 N T R LEGEND I, 48 STANDARD IRON BARS SHOWN 114 IN T R PUBLIC TRAVFLLED ROAD �� �✓♦ 5/8 , 24• POUND IRON BARS SHOWN t FO DENOTES FOUND 114 N T _ PUBLIC TRAVELLED. ROAD 1! 4 _ FENCES -il Kms— "H 114 N T R ATR NTR. INST. Ns 172759 INST. NS 172189 LOT LINWN — -- ES OWN ` # ;;J C3 r �% �♦ Nsk 727 DE" " BAR BY JOHN W WESTON. 0 L TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0.265 AC.. _ c / 1 3 8 0 8 7 AND OCCUPATION BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE DERIVED FROM _ 60 SO FT 17 SEE PLAN A 90 LAR OBSERVATION REFERRED TO THE MERIDIAN [ENTRE STREET 127730 ANOY OCCUP4Ns TION 0 4444C. 206 SO FT IB OF LONGITJDE BO ° 49' 50 WEST 147 PLANK ROAD TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0.269AC- 0.156 AC 19 147 PLANK ROAD TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0 738 AC 1 068 AL 20 21 119 N.T.R 147 PUBLIC TRAVELLED ROA D PLANK ROAD _ TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0.205 AC. C 022 AC 0 277 AC /;l 2 6 85 30 _ ---- � 4— 2455 10 DLL;; 2391 %383'3 NEAL PROCUNIER INST. N-& 99049 SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE rm4 rb. Pl.A 4,fWf dxxa,. RECEIVED AHO D£P6S/7E0 AS Pwilr of THE AEG157RY ACT PLAIV //R 7�8 _ I NEPEBY CERTIFY THAT 1 THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT-WRr INACCORDANCE WITH THE ALT AND THE REGULATIONS SURVEYS THEREUNDER REGISTRY 047ED ^>'UCZ / /' 7d/ r OArEO �•o // �s%�j 1S 2 THE 91RVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 31 DAY OF rULY 19 75 DATED i'.ILY 31 1975 � � H v ✓ w/rr 12 SCHEDULE OT CON. PLAN OTHER DESIGNATION 114 N T -R LOT 114 N T R OWNER 114 IN T R PUBLIC TRAVFLLED ROAD 1 1 4 N T. R. , 114 N T _ PUBLIC TRAVELLED. ROAD 1! 4 N T R 0.79 AC± 0 147 AC 114 N T R ATR NTR. SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE rm4 rb. Pl.A 4,fWf dxxa,. RECEIVED AHO D£P6S/7E0 AS Pwilr of THE AEG157RY ACT PLAIV //R 7�8 _ I NEPEBY CERTIFY THAT 1 THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT-WRr INACCORDANCE WITH THE ALT AND THE REGULATIONS SURVEYS THEREUNDER REGISTRY 047ED ^>'UCZ / /' 7d/ r OArEO �•o // �s%�j 1S 2 THE 91RVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 31 DAY OF rULY 19 75 DATED i'.ILY 31 1975 � � H v ✓ w/rr INST. Ns 177815 INST. Ns 172189 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM INST. 14Q 1721 B9 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM INST, N- 17218 9 INST 144 172759 12 114 NT R -. SCHEDULE (CONTINUED) INST N� 172759' PART LOT CON. PLAN OTHER DESIGNATION OWNER AREA ON NI-BERED LOTS 1,N S T N ° 7 B 2 1 AND 0.74 AC AREA , N T R PUBLIC TRAVELLED ROAD TO%-MMIP OF BAYHAM 0.590 AC INST N° 99849 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0.79 AC± 0 147 AC 9 10 -114 114 ATR NTR. INST. Ns 172759 INST. NS 172189 0.305 AC 0.064 AC # ;;J C3 114 NT R. PUBLIC TRAVjWXD ROAD TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0.265 AC.. _ c / 1 3 8 0 8 7 AND OCCUPATION INST. Ns 177815 INST. Ns 172189 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM INST. 14Q 1721 B9 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM INST, N- 17218 9 INST 144 172759 12 114 NT R -. SCHEDULE (CONTINUED) INST N� 172759' PART LOT CON. PLAN OTHER DESIGNATION OWNER AREA ON NI-BERED LOTS 1,N S T N ° 7 B 2 1 AND 0.74 AC AREA I I 4 N T R PUBLIC TRAVELLED ROAD TO%-MMIP OF BAYHAM 0.590 AC INST N° 99849 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0.79 AC± 0 147 AC 9 10 -114 114 ATR NTR. INST. Ns 172759 INST. NS 172189 0.305 AC 0.064 AC # ;;J II 114 NT R. PUBLIC TRAVjWXD ROAD TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0.265 AC.. _ c / INST. Ns 177815 INST. Ns 172189 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM INST. 14Q 1721 B9 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM INST, N- 17218 9 INST 144 172759 H , V JEW T T, 0. L S OH7AR ;/O CA _/RVEYOR oivrslon or [to/x ­- ll I PLAN OF SURVEY OF PARTS OF LOTS I AND 2 EAST of CENTRE STREET, NORTH of CROSS STREET AND WEST of THE PLANK ROAD AND PARTS OF LOTS I, 2, 3,4 AND 5 WEST of CENTRE STREET, R H OF CROSS STREET AND EAST OF THE LLOWANCE FOR ROQD BETWEEN LOTS 113 AND 1114 D PARTS OF KS "A"AND 11 B« EAST OF THE PUBLIC ROAD D, SOUTH of CROSS STREET ND PARTS OF THE NNUMBERED LOTS NORTH of THE PUBLIC ROAD D SOUTH OF BIG OTTER CREEK ND PARTS • OF ROSS STREET, CENTRE STREET AND THE PUBLIC ROAD SED IN LIEU OF. THE LOWANCE FOR ROAD BETWEEN LDTS 113 AND 114 LL SHOWN ON THE PLAN OF THE ILLAGE OF WIL.SONBURGH . EGISTERED PLAN 147 D PARTS @F OT 114 - CONCESSION NORTH OF TALBOT ROAD N THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1w OUNTY OF ELGIN caLE 1 • ao H . V . JEWLTT 9.75 „ I ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 90 KENT STREET, RN SOUTH, AUTION I THIS A 15 NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE SIM CO E , ONTARIO • MEANING OF SECTIONS 29,32 OR 33 OFTHE PLANNING ACT TE I ALL HANGING LINES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAVE BEEN PHONE I - 519 - 426 - 0842 VERIFIED F W EI GS I CALC- P 75 13 - 1310 12 114 NT R INST N� 172759' 0.417 AC 13 114 N T R 147 ON NI-BERED LOTS 1,N S T N ° 7 B 2 1 AND 0.74 AC AREA 14 15 4 NTR 147 PLANK ROAD INST N° 99849 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0.79 AC± 0 147 AC U 076 AC. 1 284 AC 14 7 CENTRE -STREET CROSS STREET H VON W.P ARNOLD BY INST N9 0. 617 AC. IB SEE RAN 1 3 8 0 8 7 AND OCCUPATION LEO LYONS B INST _ 60 SO FT 17 SEE PLAN I4T [ENTRE STREET 127730 ANOY OCCUP4Ns TION 0 4444C. 206 SO FT IB 147 PLANK ROAD TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0.269AC- 0.156 AC 19 147 PLANK ROAD TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0 738 AC 1 068 AL 20 21 119 N.T.R 147 PUBLIC TRAVELLED ROA D PLANK ROAD _ TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0.205 AC. C 022 AC 0 277 AC H , V JEW T T, 0. L S OH7AR ;/O CA _/RVEYOR oivrslon or [to/x ­- ll I PLAN OF SURVEY OF PARTS OF LOTS I AND 2 EAST of CENTRE STREET, NORTH of CROSS STREET AND WEST of THE PLANK ROAD AND PARTS OF LOTS I, 2, 3,4 AND 5 WEST of CENTRE STREET, R H OF CROSS STREET AND EAST OF THE LLOWANCE FOR ROQD BETWEEN LOTS 113 AND 1114 D PARTS OF KS "A"AND 11 B« EAST OF THE PUBLIC ROAD D, SOUTH of CROSS STREET ND PARTS OF THE NNUMBERED LOTS NORTH of THE PUBLIC ROAD D SOUTH OF BIG OTTER CREEK ND PARTS • OF ROSS STREET, CENTRE STREET AND THE PUBLIC ROAD SED IN LIEU OF. THE LOWANCE FOR ROAD BETWEEN LDTS 113 AND 114 LL SHOWN ON THE PLAN OF THE ILLAGE OF WIL.SONBURGH . EGISTERED PLAN 147 D PARTS @F OT 114 - CONCESSION NORTH OF TALBOT ROAD N THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1w OUNTY OF ELGIN caLE 1 • ao H . V . JEWLTT 9.75 „ I ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 90 KENT STREET, RN SOUTH, AUTION I THIS A 15 NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE SIM CO E , ONTARIO • MEANING OF SECTIONS 29,32 OR 33 OFTHE PLANNING ACT TE I ALL HANGING LINES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAVE BEEN PHONE I - 519 - 426 - 0842 VERIFIED F W EI GS I CALC- P 75 13 - 1310 :Nor. 1t -L Y 7 0-4 7 / -1 n .. / 1. 1< / 1 C ri L 1-� a I L/A •�1. 1. C/,i•n is :: �-. ^�� TT6 CN -N7,5 221'38 A.221'94 27.<. �i� _:: i S .13 AND I. •. I+LZa t - Imo? r-----__ 40\5 P 1 a, 218 SII •+�•L li iini::." _ ° T6 CN.Ni-10 /mom_ T9'9W �.�ry I!8 21 L F:In RJ:<L Bi i1'l.Gig - 981.88 P'q8 I y'a \tea NoI° 09. 40 •'i' ' n.. 7.2? _0 —_N 01°09'40.. .IBT'95 -'�'� _?� L 4.. >�'\. NOI°0905-E _ Iof I IJ 2685:30 < tJDNN W P ARNOL64 i i i/ r' g CN` x`0 \3x N p 639g W - -S . R < 921 T6, _ DLED 1 �i i� N Oi° 40" E 1 r1 L. %. CZ rl 59 D os ti z4ss <, ,��,• t \/I I.r a W CN.<26 ,9 BS 10 Isar. W -L _ _ .' / INBT. N� R<9x1 ,p2 �"' '+o 09°21'so'W Iseos] J::1= „ ,5 {° °� 08. W. °T 20T I �.. N J \ DLL'J 239i' AFAS .SBS ] � ON x'96 �`O\,<�)?!°2p\ y l\ I� n :\ (V I W 2p6 5A . o q/ /3 `040 \ ry0` 8 w W \ I O' Ei # AAID CN < 100:14 ,9T+8. 60 \w0� 1 jBCH-N IYTTeD ry/rh•}O°ox pp908016.5 y}}II •:cRi, ., 19ai00 ,+.o o 11 1 PART .21 N' \1 4r Y 9 / FRAME 3 .i �.• PT9`o NEAL PROCUNIER E`1 ABM �, I.. _._ 1_ 04 \68\30A 6 BARN I _ _ • O r 15 0 /— '_ Thi' aW .x •'6o. I .)N9�/ / ... ,TT` '4 S X03: y T o •os - INST. NJ- 99949 ` INST.�f1i rooves 3e'aW °P� \o N e w• a ve W -1- �<9u'91 INS T Sow � '� •, � is Jt / cN.•T si'96 R Z W m�10 NxA°;34. N-+- LEO LYO 3 f 82 - I - , ,. 11/2 �Q\J / • I � ,_ - STOREe- - '0±q�+p °p°t 2A° s4 ' j o „ousE /'�A- b`e� WILLIAM E. MCALLISTER � >/ p , N c1 e 0 • 7 INSr-.Ns 1!:71'0 QeOz. °' i dr "/ I syr . e"O 0 3 8/. 6� 98 ' °O THELMA MEAN Me ALLISTER zoo.'nz °' 11 w', .N j.°e.� vary �. 149. JS IN T. N a 1 4 7/ +: 4. 1 bCNps•81 M' ',0 ,E \;°2A WI 0 0 y'z$.� `9 xp•t �, I ST. ".,3 3o N06°OJ'10"E N00°SSw N yp. AS J +8 1 �ti< N Y 100' 0 I N 04°OS, 0 _ 06 °Ol' m� --- __ BS 20 594 •� \•ji�0�/\+ a�l i f ¢- o•_ m � �° �a SCHEDULE 19449 A: X9480-- Nl3° 100'0 E_. ,• /_Nx S .N.DB°z45o w. J!•'Toc Ip PART $lu t9 ;4 ,i - °",,� ,.,�,`� °�'C= f'� PART LOT CON. PLAN OTNER DESIGNATION OWN J5 x' 1 - I ' I 114 N T -R -- INST. N 9- ��,..... >flv 03 60 bl+ Jay OS' _ rV �8 0 01�Ta X05 INST. N3 Ivo OS { SS OS �W2T° 1 2 114 N.T R R R:99I� h04°20�E � •__ 83 85 - 1 -S]'i2 .- �_. 83 55 - I 'jI I�N01°45' 'E 100'10y N o4°11'50"W 3 114 N T R. PUBLIC TRAVFLLEO ROAD TOWNSHIP OF P<9l9�g8 'P" I�'N OI°1530 E. r 9 NMe4�23W 4 114 N. T. R. I N S T. N-9- _ 5 114 N.T. R. PUBLIC TRAVELLED. ROAD TOWNSNIP 0 4/1 E'1, 1,1�I•\L 6 14 N T R INST. N� INBT. N J- 9 9 8 4 9 1 1 4 N T R INST. N kl& IA ---------------------- 111 �BO E 21 AN' _. I � 'N-,- INST. 270-4 7 I, INST. H -B- 170341 - .. �\ 'INST. N' -IL 170 9211 I L NJ H 7 N �� �� := � C T n . AL 1 'iCA6 3:.'h'E.''1 �.•.. ., !,.'2L .;� tj3°o,W ml a P W \°'/q `'•G ' .i .. 1. G r�. .A•. ii �.;-. Cvi! QUI AD a2 ET 3 o\p° N 06o T4'0_ ? ."til: iI _ 9T'0 ° q 2 °,off leo OZ o J�, / f <o \ 41 . l 1 n I JOHN \ W. P. i , ARNOLb• i i 'A,n L. r.. `e° r. % �, .,�°9 \ �\ .;:,,• ;+INar. Ns I38087 c ♦ry /! ANN41MARIA SCHAFER ., ° IN ST. N -B. 17082 1' , • _. INS T. ` , 1113T. 1113T. I Ns60 V .f ,TCL' ♦ N 00°44'2f1 1°' r .V `� 0! ` t2 % �F 99549 ! v0v , \ `';' ON { 25 f .. .. 'J \ vJ1• 'A., I6a xi±w W.'Aa1 �. 281'43 !0v '_ 137 ca eo'+ + /IP. O 20J�• "• ;ep 05°59'40"W 136 '4] 61.05'�- n!_'~ PART ./ _� / _6•}/3^// �x /- 1J�0CJ7''6T0"\'�^4N x{lasomN.O°4920'W 22 N7� 1 1 o INS � .Jy1 �-.� A - �-\"\i .'.\"\\\ S o 431'35 ♦ b♦/ �- `O Xz38 b°/p_0 /?'`' , I' 00 � /�/? C- 0 u-1 3 J' I v �b>, 103°4910 122'10 95'39 — Hv91 J f p B2•• 345'.99 r/ 1 9'J' - / BOgti �V .. f' /' I� W PART 13 q R•9tl'91 A\'9 J00` I u Z /0 •i I ° q n° r!— Ip I •,, pa.'8 •�3 ' j olp or.oa'JJ 4� • 4%90:0 •'� 43'c..� �--� - 121.9 '* 63'32 .`HI i0� 30 PART 9 21.<5 19'35 112 5923 -- 12210 N'00 B 49' 20 Bal. 10 �' I v n_, $Q 0/„ / ~0/ I - 'NJf'OCA, 205 a°0a, u -R I, t49,'3 5 �'c., BCNp{BI'M'� J8 — 101 t8.I-1 I I ^' '� `0 I o N(AO j2 ^r 3i qry/ �u PART X14 u p• FT {r IN y `c` `` / Ip "r olu N13°33 X62 1 \ .. H 06° 03' 10"E mo .3 00 p N 06°03 22]:01 li m °S9ry Im 1 im }JA'i 'e l0 °1 \J"• 449A•.19480 s N13o 100p 0 E* �03 o W.19 3J',0f _PART m (�Jc SII o olio r0° Q''e+ I �m YN 00°49 20 W IBS I / 62 —R•99T 91 CH.•N06°2450 I!8 olg' u` .�� �" .O/qq 1 - N6'12 _ �y'S_ Q'o r c JS 19268 139 - 1105°59'90Wo W 43153 32 m PART 10 ,q r m ,♦` Ip10!°S9 �-_NOS°3940W 101'9 J 699p,A _--_-- --- ( .- —1170°4920 W 141.62`-� — 110.*�� 5'! : 156 6B 7 1 N 04°49',20"W fN00°4920W i /' 21191 —•-1 i9' 1104,0020%° _. NEAL PROCUNIER P.•g ]14.1 ��. -. �.^09^556 gip, NOB°4g'20W INST N-+- 9994 9 NN 1•-1'�2 E o� n ROBERT GOUDESEUNE ,. 3o'E PART 0ry;> ANNIE GOUDESEUNE °fy 234 ,0 NC3°3320W N i0-1 - - 111 ST. Nj- 1727 S 9r L. 3! 1 1 -- 1� r• '.. r Iv �. 3 1 11 " '- \J 1 LO NF1 A;.I_..:5'A..,.,. Fl» 4UAD 3 F ,ISL:: NI L C.' 3 AN2J _. 4• 4 INET. Rs 1 7 t 1! Y ID N.05° 3990W 136'4T _ PART E--\ PART 4 W 431:35 �_- '. o'• NOT° 44. �3ie I Im I o >>2� 70. 59' 345.99 PART 6 f �_ N05° •6 \h 1qa o g ,y 2e e mlv PART101 39'23 172 2145 ,Z9:35 o_NO 59'gQW a]0 (I JS°59•40•W r` �2p4 6 221,o1 a 4951 1103.42 I 2%•61 41 w o m �41i `3 u 66:45 Jam- Zy �•E �A4 N09 °33'10.E .4 .W 0o 192:66 m 1°59' PART Y ml� u. WIO u N]; N00°06730Wp� 1!!)2 in- v W '� I m. m4 n IJ>. mI '°I 8-139 . 4J 1105°39 PART �0 1p 66 rig 90 W. 229-5_ - _ N 040 - m 1— -• N1 gJ _ 1 ` BVI Irl J�] 153. _ 101.9 2 JJ N09r 2663 4920W nt.ay> b O µ a',m ! Yo PART' Nl 10.. E 001 __ NOt 9 : N20r2 NO0^ 1�-1 ;Li y� PART 11]> paQ 10 i6 X91 - 34900 20 30 6 CI ?�T• ? r1 1 a C• 11/^ mitt- Ca C,) M Vi PART E 4 49 : a `. 1 .> 3 1 4 64 59. 40" W NOS' m1ti 234. 30 Nos°!!'20 W 101.0] 2­'o3,N -- _., T' .. r•� MATHEW A. SCHAFER IN9T. N•s- 172199 PART 2 1p2 Sa 00 ° 06 50" w NOB M nay 0 -9p6 jp 66' 59 2O- I55'6> N11°191• 0.30— yy_Tx OM 0 �`aN00°06150 N`NII ^1910..f 2^'_.4.�m. 312 No.>y T — NCI 25 N x Iu PART ! 19§'8I 229_5 -- --_-- �„�� I122'5o ml N 02 .w 119.e ----m PART 9 f ��. •-, .� 20 w 119. 02 N of ° 01 40-W Al MATHEW A. SCHAFER IN9T. N•s- 172199 PART 2 1p2 Sa 00 ° 06 50" w NOB M nay 0 -9p6 jp 66' 59 2O- I55'6> N11°191• 0.30— yy_Tx OM 0 �`aN00°06150 N`NII ^1910..f 2^'_.4.�m. 312 No.>y T — NCI 25 N x Iu PART ! 19§'8I 229_5 -- --_-- �„�� I122'5o ml N 02 .w 119.e ----m PART 9 f ��. •-, .� 20 w 119. 02 N of ° 01 40-W A-4 c+ E � .; F_F �. LOTS. - ,qc I• . I .. 6 5•... 1'11 ):l 'n [i F' !: P• R " A D 3 :c i �' c E: ,'. L /; T' Er 1 • L a To 1 +K?rON FRANC Ry� MQCCPoNICK L? / MATHEW A. SCNAFER I , e/e _• I 09 e3) EPART 1 zs9 • a JO 2 9 3 230' 29 x 202 �) JO ••E r` y x09°3)'30 'E ) `_0•d�_� OI - `•] ?/e �, ' x 09 °3)'3p,E Y1} i•l��` �..209'y6 E PART 969'19PARr44 54 ply - _ _ I F 6.11 q _ •Y4. �J. 29 �5� 583 )0 a N 00° 06. 50'•W 351 a ROBERT GOUDESEUNE 64___ -yp6 m — xoe 611 6 10 66'�p ANNIE 1 7 2 75EUNE a9a.,6 --` gam_ _ 11356: • INdT. MJ- 1 7 2 76 0 Nno9---�- — 0.30 09 911,. � F vii '^{x00°06150•WNII'°y IO" 923`��m, 3 ) • Ilp A i 1} Tom' 1 115 +- ' 1 4 m1 e. -- B 3 39 TO 14 - ...,iF. ;11,1:. ...�5•; ;! / �� /o a:: LC1T, a /b 1 • t.` L GI I m tJ m � �; • `p4N FRMICE$ / p i M�CORMICK • �� / 09°37 3p '6-9 254' 1 N 09037'3 B 09°3T'3p O9 a'_� 25 _-_' 202 'O1 0 r 37 30,r rr 71Np h 09°3).3p F i l_�' 0 �♦ =nor. 469' % 19 PART 1 7 F 2 ROBERT GOUDESEUNE ANNIE GOUDESEUNE INST. Ni 172768 MATHEW A. SCHAFER INET. N-=- 172 1 8 Y _ J J .43'B CiIBSO N. Ij1Nrj,0N. TU'1'I1 & C1AMPfii LI. DONALD M. GIBSON. O.C. IAN R. LINTON. O.C. BERNARD TOTH. O.C. SCOTT K. CAMPBELL Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. NOJ 1YO Dear Mr. Petrie: f arristcrs unb 6allmors 3E BROADWAY 'I' 11,1.SON I tU IM. ON,rA R 1 U TEL: 1519! 842-3658 FAX: (519) 842-5001 April 18, 1990. RE: Schafer transactions MAILING ADDRESS-. ,BOX 5 TILLSONBURG, ONT. N4G 4H3 r: 6 We are now ready to complete this work. We are enclosing deed in duplicate from the Township to Mrs. Schafer covering the old road allowances, etc. at Wilsonburgh. You and Mr. Chute should sign both copies in the normal way and affix the corporate seal and return to me. We have searched the title to the Schafer farm and it is in order. We have prepared a deed from Mr. Schafer to the Township for PARTS 1 and 2 on the Reference Plan. You might speak to Mr. Schafer and arrange to have him make an appointment with us to sign the deed and other documents. You could also let us have a cheque for the net proceeds of $7,550.49. IRL/dp Encs. It EI Yours truly, ? r.. IAN R. LI N. 0 Province of Ontario New Property Identifiers Executions (6) This (a) Redescription Document New Easement Conteh» Pian/Sketch ❑ Transfer/Deed of Land A Form 1 — LwW Regh mVm Reform Act. 1964 (1) Registry Land Titles ❑ 1 (2) Page 1 of 3 pages (3) Property Block Property identffier(s) Additional: See EJ (4) Consideration Five Hundred Ninety-two---- wiarst592.00 (5) Description This is a: Property Property Division ❑ Consolidation ❑ In the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin being Part of Lot 113 NTR shown as The Plank Road on Registered Plan 147, Part of Mill Street according to Registered Plan 1471 Part of Additkxi t the allowance for road between Lots 113 and 114 $ SchSchedule,❑ NTR, Part of Lot 114 NTR shown as The Public Road on Registered Plan 147, and Part of Lot 114 NTR shown as The Plank Road on Registered Plan Additional: 147, more particularly described as PARTS 2, 3, $ee ❑ 5, 6, 7, & 8 on Reference Plan 11R-1685. Schedule (b) Schedule for: (7) IntemsVEstele Transferred s Add'.tional Fee Simple Description ❑ Parties ❑ Other (6) Transferors) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee itfgiRD137ttilifiQKe�ldititl�ibiGiCi�i6i��iii[i�rifsifs�biB�iKeK ............................................................................... ............ Name(s) Signature(s) ........TU. CORPORJWTQN .Qk'. TRE..WWRSRTR.. ......I/. � ���........ . OF BAYHAM Cler}c f .w Reeve17 ............................................. ............ (9) Spouse(s) of Trsnsferors) 1 hereby consent to this transaction Names) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D 1990 .Q41 ... t 1 90; 04= , Date of Signature Y M O , , (10) Tmnsferor(s) Address for Service Straffordville, Ontario . NOJ 1YO (11) TMnsferee(s) Date of Birth YMD SCHAFER, Anna Marie t 1 .............................................................................. ....._... .. ............................................................................... ........ ... ...............................................................................I ........:... 4. (12) Transferee(*) Address forservice Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1YO (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M D , Y M D Signature. . ... . ... . . . ............. . !...:... ; Signature ............................ . :...: . 8oN cibr for Transteror(s) I have explained the effect of section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983 to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor to determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge Z and belief, this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature 0 Name and , Y M D Address of , ... . Solicitor Signature . I _ (14) Solicitor for Transferees) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records ,treveal no contravention as set out in subclause 49 (21a) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act. 1963 and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this g' transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act 1983. 1 act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario solicitor In good standing. '8-- Name and Date of Signature X a Address of Y M D Solicitor Signature. I.......... (15) Assessment Roll Number ; Cy. ; Mun.; Map Sub. Par. " Fees and Tax of Propertyi Not assigned. J • ' Z Registration Feg (16) Munklpal Address of Property (17) Document Map& by: Gibson, Linton, Toth & ? Land Transfer Tax Straffordville, Campbell, W U Ontario. 36 Broadway, P. O. Box 51? LL NOJ 1YO Tillsonburg, Ontario. O N4G 4H3 CC LL Total 40t I Newaorne and Gilbert. Limited April, 1985 Form LF1327 (1/65) Prov nce Ontario Schedule �- S Form s — t.«b R.�Irwo� R� na,1lK ' r � � � r t 1 r r • 1 j1r CORPOFUTIOI O% THE I U1.�T,O�.IP OF LAY}.�U.1 LY - LA�,d 1,1 0. 1932 LEING A BY-LAW to stop up and close and sell a road allowance in the Township of Layham* vfiiEHZ`AJ the 1,1unicipe.1 Act H.S.O. 19709 bection 443 (1) (;•) 7ilrels authority for :municipalities to sell that portion of a hi�tway which i? Jo stopped up. ThEREFOU LE IT 1:11'OAC`lED by the 11i.mic .pal (;cuncil of the G%orpuration of the Township o; La}fh;xa; 1 'Itat portion of the road allowance throu[ji Lot x.14 t1.'& .1�. 1;yTiI1�; <3)1�"� ►�'-1XIj; Sl%tIc?te in the 1'�Y�11:;'ll.i.l) O: _aj�}:�rin t"•lt7Y'c icularily described as Parts 3, 5, d, 11, 1��, l9 and 21 on Reference Plan of ouzwey 11 R 76113 on file in the *.,A r Uffice for the RerL-istry Division of El -in, 'in- Mopped np ° ar.. closed. "ha- L'he above road allowance be r.,1'fereri up and snA., to the -1-,zttinF7 land ovmer or owner. 3. That the peeve and Clerk are hereby authoriwcd to and deliver conveyance of the said binds under the �orporat-e 3ea:l of the 1 iunicipality to the said abutting iaA cinler or awn . READ a First, Second and Third lime wi( 5th. day of December, 1977. w COUNTY OF ELGIN By -Law No. 2505 "BEING A BY-LAW TO CGNFIRM BY-LAW NU. 1932 OF THE TOV-1-ISIHIP OF BAYHAhi; A BY -LAI•, TO STOP UP AND CLOSE AND SELL A ROAD ALLUIIANCE THROUGH LOT 114 N.T.R." I-MEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 5th day of December, 1977, did pass By -Law Igo. 1932, to stop up and close and sell a road allowance through Lot 114 N.T.R., lying and being situate in the Township of Bayham, more par- ticularly described as Parts 3, 5, 8, 11, 18, 19 and 21 on Reference Plan 11R768, on file in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin. AND LHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the I:unic- ipal Fitt the said Township By -Law shall not have any force until conf irrried by a By -Lata of the Council of the County in which the Township is situated, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not later than one year after the passing of the By -Law by the Council of the Township. • AN"D WhEREAS application has been made to the Count= l of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a Fly -Law con - f irming the said Township of Bayham Py -Law. NGVj THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of .Elgin enacts as follows: ThAT By -Law No. 1932 of the Township of Bayham., being a by-law to stop up and close and sell a road allowance through Lot 114 N.T.R., in the `township of Bayham, be and the sane is hereby confirmed. Is HEAD a first time this 15th day of February, 1978. READ a second time this 15th day of February, 1978. REND a third time and finally passed this 15th day of February, 1117F.! s t It i A G. C. Leverton, L. R. Carroll, �► Clerk I•;arden is, G. C. Leverton, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 2505, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 15th day of February, 1978. G. C. Leverton, County Clerk c:'L'....,,E F11)R V 40'• E ti 14 N T R 114 N T R 114 N T R. --114 N.T R 14N T R 1 1 4 N T R ROAD e,I_: �I,:�;LOTS I 2 37 4 AND 5 WEST OF CENTRE STREET : ) ----- NORTH OF CROSS STREET AND EAST OF THE 2 6 85' 30 --- — -- — - - ALLOWANCE FOR ROAD BETWEEN LOTS 113 AND IT4 AND PARTS OF DEEIO 2391 IAFAG z3e3'3 - ,� oo BLOCKS_ IIAII AND "B11 EAST OF THE PUBLIC ROAD C STREET NEAL PROCUNIER INST. N 1 99549 SCHEDULE DESIGNATION PUBLIC TRAVFLLED ROAD PUBLIC TRAVELLED ROAD LEGEND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Imo✓Im IAU Pbx M GWsfeC v ds, RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED AS AND SOUTH OF ROSS I a 1'a 4P. STANDARD IRON BARS SHOWN -o- Po,f= of THE REGISTRY ACT PLAN //R 5/B a 29 RGUND UPON BARS SHOWN �• I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT AND PARTS OF TH E FD DENOTES FOUND I THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN - ACCORDANCE AND THE REGISTRY UNNUMBERED LOTS NORTH OF THE PUBLIC ROAD r< _ FENCES SHOWN WITH THE SURVEYS ACT ACTAND THEREGULATIONS MADE THEREUNDER DATED,i':YU6 157;15:5 DATED-Z��acusr�y7s LOT LINES SHOWN --- -' WAS THE 31 DAY AND SOUTH OF BIG OTTER CREEK j NA 727 DENOTES BAR BY JOHN W WESTON, 0 L S 2 THE SURVEY COMPLETED ON 75 mer OF J J'LY 19 ,•., �i / / BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE DERIVED FROM DATED ��Y '3I 1975 AND PARTS OF • A. SOLAR OBSERVATION REFERRED TO THE MERIDIAN -a ° WEST- OF LONG IDE 80 49 S0 yc4xo - NV ✓ W/T�T x,olsTx4x mx axe xeelsaa•r ' ONTAR/O LA SORVEYOR P/Y/SIOx a/ et Glx /x4 11 I H V JEWIT T, O. L S - "Al_ PLAN SOF SURVEY USED IN LIEU OF THE OF PARTS OF SCHEDULE (CONTINUED) ALLOWANCE FPR ROAD BETWEEN LOTS 113 AND 114 _4111 v? PART LOT CON. PLAN OTHER DESIGNATION OWNER LOTS I AND 2 EAST of CENTRE STREET, No1im OF ALL SHOWN ON THE PLAN OF THE CROSSSTREET AND WEST of THE PLANK ROAD AND PARTS OF ROAD e,I_: �I,:�;LOTS I 2 37 4 AND 5 WEST OF CENTRE STREET : ) ----- NORTH OF CROSS STREET AND EAST OF THE 2 6 85' 30 --- — -- — - - ALLOWANCE FOR ROAD BETWEEN LOTS 113 AND IT4 AND PARTS OF DEEIO 2391 IAFAG z3e3'3 - ,� oo BLOCKS_ IIAII AND "B11 EAST OF THE PUBLIC ROAD C STREET NEAL PROCUNIER INST. N 1 99549 SCHEDULE DESIGNATION PUBLIC TRAVFLLED ROAD PUBLIC TRAVELLED ROAD AND SOUTH OF ROSS AND PARTS OF TH E UNNUMBERED LOTS NORTH OF THE PUBLIC ROAD AND SOUTH OF BIG OTTER CREEK ,•., �i / / AND PARTS OF CROSS STREET, CENTRE STREET AND THE PUBLIC RM ' USED IN LIEU OF THE SCHEDULE (CONTINUED) ALLOWANCE FPR ROAD BETWEEN LOTS 113 AND 114 _4111 v? PART LOT CON. PLAN OTHER DESIGNATION OWNER AREA ALL SHOWN ON THE PLAN OF THE =; B 114 N T - PUBLIC TRAVELLED ROAD TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0.590 AC. VILLAGE OF WILSONBURGH 9 11 1 N T R NST. Ns 17 2759 0.305 AC REGISTERED PLAN 147 10 114 MTP INST. N= 172189 0.064 AC AND PARTS OF j) 11 I1 4 _ NT R. PUBLIC TRAVELLED ROAD ,TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM °.265 AD. LOT 114 - CONCESSION NORTH OF TALBOT ROAD ri 12 114 NT R INST N-9- 172759 0.417 AC IN THE 13 114 NT R 147 U4NI,MBERED LOTS INST CC PjTT 82I AND 0.74 AC' TOWNSHIP OF- BAYHAM OWNER AREA I4 119 NT INST NAL 99849 0.79 ACS IN 11i INST -- N 2 177'81 5 - - -- -- UU76 AC --- -.-' IS 147 PLANK ROA D TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM UGHN W.PAI ' BY INST N� O 147 AC COUNTY OF E LG I N INST Ns 172,109 1 284 AC 16 SEE ULAN 14 7 CENTRE STREET CROSS STREET 13 8 0 8 7 AND OCCUPATION 0.617 AC H V JEWITT. - - — ° — LEO LYONS BY INST N— - SCALE 1 " • 50' TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM '60 SO FT 17 SEE RAI 147 CENTRE STREET 0.444 4C. - - ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 12n3o AND OCCUPATI014 1975 1NST. N-9---1 7 2 1 8.9 206 SO FT _ 18 _ 14 7 PLANK ROA D _ — --- - TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM _---- -- D. 269 AC. — —' 90 KENT STREET, SOUTH, CAUTION THIS PLAN IS NOT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 1910E WITHIN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0156 AC 19 147 PLANK ROAD TOWNSHIPOF BAYHAM 0 738 AC . SIMCOE I, ONTARIO. MEANING OF SECTIONS 29,32 OR 330f THE PLANNING ACT INST N- 1 7 21 B 9 1 OGB AC 20 - 114 NTR PUBLIC TRAVELLED ROAD -- TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 0.205 AC. NOTE I ALL HANGING LINES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAVE BEEN PRONE 1 - 519 - 426 - 0042 INST 'N -� 1 7275 9 0. 277 AC 2I- 147 PLANK ROAD_- TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAh1 f, 022 AC VERIFIED _._ -__-.,__ •:[ _la N T R _ _____ • INST„ No 99849 U 373 AC F W .1 GS CALC. PC. OWN MDP P 75 13 - 1310 - LEO LYON IP 1 1. (e ,; \Lu:/1 Ir'�(l/2r•1✓ INST. N J- 127730, - _ "W. 221•!8 4 :221'8♦ Zj � r� 9BT RR ...... CN : N v�T 'v mil \•TJ 1:� II& ANO 1i •f 1412e -F: < 1�2 A.13.41_&_ / 218.11 �O� Fi.111 '1 L li ii r•N l.L 1RJA1 No.9 .ifi cN,jei.T /ol._ N•" a z1 _ q'aP 2' `'�J•Pe 09• 40' E B0. •J' —N.01°09.10" IBT'9S rlP I _ / 'S.. >•r09• N01°09'.0'E hof I '� Ilo 22°1 3A' 1 _ _ '\ 167.'03 2685 30 L1 r A 1 11 �° r N N:PP B1 23 p:�39 N 01° 09' JO" 1 / H L. CP ♦ /� n f j c z� 713 N 10°3i'10y9 p .921 T6 - OLEO 0.0 y 1 •/F' 1. JI C".26, TB'e5 zas 1D /. ti .,o x INET. N� p.921 T6 �/R 'D. oye213CW fyA� o Z,e�B3 \'YJJ 20702 DLL] 2391' MiA� 10 u 3B A 1 q0. NtJ°s2 OI h.3. \ i:]B3 '3. , 7g M2�„1`'O TO �qqO 4,% CN. too INET. NL. .A3 _ N .040 2,t'15'W. - ..a. \T T6 CN. - 12773 0 / e o- ' h"1N3 A IBO. 6! z�,To• I e/o g PART• 21 Q - FRAME 6 BARN NEAL PROCUNIER INST. N -L 99 /49 / . 00 .1 es 63A %1,9 xV \0 ... - .i E=eel M V19 �;.... �.-.. n1_i. PLAN ::� gin,; IND 3Ow NJ- 0 11:E V; N f2,P2°F e 2 Nwa1z�A•'y 10' Nie FW -'•t" z,o-'Bej /eopeeJj�/` o LEO LYO # / / PART LOT Q_ 9 n4 'I o;Aeso zIII WILLIAM E. McALLISTERXotlsa�/ 01 INDTN17Nw ° a 9 114•7 3JEAN MCALLISTER 9Ao THELMA •� /f 10 114 A`led•Nm 'r N 63 o" ..B 1 N ST. NJ" D 1 4 is 1 .. 11 11 4 39 Ort i ez4•WI _ o $ I tf _.q J� o noe°o!'10"E xoo°!5'w N139o'40 w. a°•�''1 ezo� r) Iz 114 100'p I N 04°O5, 10•W - • f 08 °OJ _p•E -_ 83 20 59'4 le1T )� 11 6.0 ��N° roo'o ' - - u PART . - t�� rt @z < SCHEDULE! "' t 4B j= --PART o — '•5N'� -1 f "� :.i, r' - % F°o o� �� f'6 PART LOT CON. PLAN OTHER DESIGNATION _ OWNER - _- AREA 1 4 114 u8 � '• 1 114 N T A INST N �- 1778115 ULT. AC IS 33 lil4 el BB - " 3T �3*-mo i 13 0 o\ 30 �1. 100 08 d 21° ' N 04e 20'1 1•�N01°175p C. -31'12 8! SS /tl 2 114 N T N INST N9- 17:.1 B 9 1284 AC 16 SEE 1LAN 93•n w '�'i'B L N01°15.30 E N 04°'I 30 W ` I ' - ! 114- N T N - PUBLIC TRAVFILED ROAD TOWN9NIP OF BA HAM I 60 SO FT IT SEE RN! IS 43 _ _ 1}{1 4 11 ♦ N T R _ - MSTT. Nom- 112 1 Br9 206 50 FT IB _ t - 5 114 N.7 R PUBLIC TRAVELLED ROAD TOWNSHIP OF BAYNAM 0156 AC 19 \J 1 y L. CL11 r ' i F. C, LI 6 114 NT R INST Nom- 1 1219-8 -�11ES AC 20 114 INST. N J. f f f 4 f _.---- — I 114 N T R INST N-2- 1 T27S 9 0 277 AC -•- 2 J I_ i 2 1NBr. ^N 7047 1 INBT. Nj 170821 ' \ . ` LEO i Ivor. N JL 1 7 0 ` G '\J „e X2395 l' J • li i C T�\L_L :� 1 i it (��\v INn3 T. - 1 �o yL� l. Crii. ii: L' i D • \9 JOJ�f 134p220 W `h \. `�+ ' il3 niYU li•i 9• � N' Bps w P. ARNOLb4 �iI, i'ii (� /n I 'y -�w�♦•� N z�lel °" 4 •Irl NBT. Ns 138087 ] NB \ / ANNA \ on #K •06 \�oPUU_ MARIA SCRAPER . �_ / / I R c o , ON 296 INBT.\Ns �\ \ / i 4;77 ?�.Ary moo: Illy IT08t1 INST. N�-I- _ 't' 1381087 N 00°4929 W M19 l� -�. . JJJ�y/, / ryry \ 91 .4 - - - - _ f,q` /tO' O?b. \', 19l °w I �2 66645 6 10. a� 'r ..\.` o e • .♦ as° INBT. Nt P a' •e5 •60 _ o _ N l i .. 61'.e] - 1 M-49'20 W, '.` F..�� �,+°19'20"W. ` ••`�0' ON 26 I� 2,69 / V 1)T9 _ 99849 BS �. \ N N.OS°59'40"W 136'4T - 6 180'+ !O -/ 291 4) ,-y/ ... f/ F 1._. - - 2pJJ3 \ \ �1 >s INBT. \ IN J_ 133087 N1 I I -- = PART 22 \ J,. 7 .-, r15T 04 A 95'41 �T':4,9 "1 $•911 J, \6 J J a - '---- -- - -'-- N: 1 NO3°49'10"\\ N.O9'OT 6�'9 ' ;. .a�,?e9-°8r.o0°49'2o"w J22'10 — - CX :9S'.39 — CN.* w n'wi I� S o^ i °•°e PART 13 °i of // �`♦ i ,o R,us' f�092o wr o N?° F1 o�a LEO LYOf�I R..911'91 , 2C 3 _.I: .. 1 •y W 1 . i I q/O •5 BO r. 3• F .. i I.�. _ a ,:% / re.91 \4 4s. o --o `♦!6 a♦ /%a° I ;o 19. 20 mIW t'��N #f ° 59'2) 27.05 �29�)5 89T. 10 •__� N OC W .90:0 12 T.'91 -y7 63'52 °�O `Nr I�'O5 }1 a \ : 1 o f 1� 8 0• 7 IQ INST. Nt 12773;0 .s gyp° Q��izz'io � ° a 't � �q v `" � • M1 � ♦ ,./ j 1.4. �N'N.91 .144 9°p � � �W - 's% a t' �V �. F,�, Iv 'L� M1 - ♦ °� PART O�W'30'Y F4' �Gp iM1rl NE N o�� 00' Q'.E,4 mT 'y''e '0.,\°O. ,/ ♦ / /. -a �O 14 NIS°33..48 F el 39 1 X06°03'10.. N 13°24 WI l0 7 �i `P' +! m�0 i00 0 E _ I N 04°05' 0 N 00 55'W N OB °03'Ip- 85 20 39 4 >°S'9e 2 u N 00°19 20 w y490� _ •,m - - N2T° _ w A• -'N h°��.�, ioo'o _ u .PART 4 - z / o °/55 i'i"m ie5"62--P=99r 9i CX.•NO9°N50 W. 194. f p3��I 1t E'i° y r - 116'12 — -25b_ -� OO - 146• lU� 100.:0 A'1_ ° 1,. Nj'op o•�� 1 05°59 i5G54 _- '�—X00°4920 W 141.62,-. -N 05°59 40 N .\ � — 110 2 5. 4 e Flu 93'58--vNl" 3�3'a5 �_iV/ 15'0 �o\p, �—X00°a9'2p'W./ % NSF°Z T9p.W ,� f NEAL PROCUNIER - �g1 N 10p os 55'os--_ `� / { �b 1° R.99 48 04°20' E 93 95 ROBERT GOUDESEUNE 3•. a\. y93a,•45 N01°45'',0"E 10019 57'12 e3 ss '00 /- INBT Ni 89849 oN°4i 7L\4 LX01°1530'E W', 0"W ANNIE GOUDESEUNE N i INET.. NL 172789 Of `� 1643 1 I r ._ ° 1 1 Lr w 12 R -- 1 1 / 1 r• -- - l> I - n 1 INBT. N 1- 9 9 9 4 9 1 1 -'1 I INST. Nj O\ O° 0. , " lb p b• + / 4. • `� 4 INET. NJ. 1 7 2 10 9 \� N 00°49 2fY `M ex6 2--/- o 5 /- -N:U°49'20. `,` 13)'96 55// 3--\ i `.°59'40"W NOS 136,47 _. PART PART 4 — •�:� . 44•. - ,e obi b / V ,, i, _ NOT° x.48 4!1 •35 --L� I OS y�`.: �.: % % •bi'b. I <.• I� PAR ` N ' Im \ I' ImhJ)O ' PART 9 10. 2J 2�•f N05° 59 90•. — 45.99 3 /hC 0 ,. �• a .o Ia. \ Io. _ B . • o1oi 1 I i .?�.5 / �'' `� / 34 Ip• .o 59'4dW A NOS° 59 I.w m°IN?Of n 4"3e I mIU PART 9 I ° 59.23 18.91 _ N 00 a 49' 20 Be BBT. 10 4 - v w-7—'90 ' o elm IOI TB `yry Q't' I.1 V .F'0' f lu' 296'67 ` �. ma.�m ��'f0 y to I� _ )O S, ° 227.'01 I N ,,► m I o s ,L' � UI J% •� ! to o• '�j,'T a, <� , IOm 5T'B B:16 ol0� ' !1�2 N00406 5di(I 219 '45 o�1122'50 229'S_ 3!' N 6 �" eQ 0 � 192 o ir6y - ; •8' I a - y U m x� w m x5 PART 9 a + 8. iJ>, ml ter• 138 \ I ��, '! NOS° 59'40^W m PART 10 m a`' I. X594 . Z 34.88 I_N OS°59 40 N 156 • 69 I \ 'i I'4+' }N 00° S N20° V ,N 153 32 N 09n 556'63 N 08°49 20W 101. f ,t, 7L !; pl ROAD r - C,AD o, —_ 149.00 -- NOB^ zo r•1_I n r °s 1 1 _•� i1 ^b ao a�9 °1~ "M1 ROBERT GOUDESEUNE G172T5 UNE y 30 6 PART �1 s�v 'o ANNIE Nm°01 40 . zvr 10 —m5zaw _ No5° 59 •o"w 234 a ? IN ST.- Nom- 174769 ,.1 yl Nzoez c 30 .03°3320. 10T. BT IN3T. N-1 '1727 59 I i -r" 4 V R T1 1 A.L_S ♦IT cCP, R(:A!) 8 'VEEN LOTS .. i X fir .i0 AI LSF., . t/Ma. ry EW A. SCHAFER . N— ITZIe9 -" INET. NJ- - PAR 'tib. J)9�1] _. N 00° 06 50"W "03 42 59J )0 �.. m 356'94 .—__- - 009'61 296'61 _ N 9 e9 ISE ea •p so e. to miw e PART 2 �' mlo Y .apo�l_.— 6620 155:6 — 20°'06 �8 _ _ Y --- 9C 9'91 —i��+ u to 4 229'5!___- 16 NN•19 j0., - 0.10— N 00 •+ -- -_ - 06 50"-w T•--___. _ 1122:50 E 1u O m— N 0 <) 20 E N 02 9",3,- - N00° 06 o1v _ N 0 GrID I ] �yNpO. Ofi SD W -11° N 1910 'F 25��IIE, T1m o4- PART °.9.91 E f :i Gi_i :� m1a �:0Ar.� "0" — N0125 50 E 20. 15 N 00 30 20 W — — 6.9, B2 N01°01 p0 W 2 „ rI Li l! T INET.,. Rl 70 ri E E c, R !4 L CT JOAN FR4 INS1. AlcCoft ?7,0, ICK M.A T?4 E W A. SCHAFER I N S T. N-2- I T 1-8 9 0 .37. .37 P4*r Z54 5. N o5. - 3o o' 3 og*s?, 3o wi. jjj� 4 I - — I ! S A t Nr 110, ------------- 644 a N oo oG* 5o�, ROBERT GOUDESEU N E 356,9 ANNIE GOUDESEUNE 84, 1 7 2 7-5 9 4,, 66, 2o P o o- 0 04 4 3 so: lo Noo. oc.-13 N oo. De w� N" 925— '81 3,z� "o 1 4 = :z. 39 TO 54 N 3 a " T !:-Or UR N JO AN ARMCES INsr. ecoft, % 7818 CK MATHEW A.' SCHAFER Mey. tj-- I 1�0 '72 1 0 9 _ / _ w 234 2 54'29N 254 - 2 09. N 09 10 02 37, 30 r 1 o" 7 '30 PA flr 4 '9 ART 44., 37915 583 70' a ROBERT GOUDESEU N E 845 a 9o8"0 2 ANNIE -Alm MDESEUNE 4 48_ c INST. Ni 172755 LN THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 1933 A By-law of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin to authorize an agreement bwtween the Township of Bayham and the Township of South-West Oxford respecting; fire protection,. WHEREAS the Township of Bayham and the Township of South-West Oxford have entered into an agreement to provide fire protection and it is necessary to ratify and confirm the said agreement. THEREFORE the municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows 1. That the agreement between the Township of Bayham and the Township of South-West Oxford dated the 5th. day of December, 1977 a true copy of which agreement is described as Schedule "Ali attached hereto and forms part of this By-law, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PAJSED THIS 5th. DAY OF December, 1977, n 0 To;�T n 0 "SCHEDULE "A" THIS AGREEMNT made in duplicate this Fifth day of December, One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Seventy-seven: BETWEEN: WEI The Municipal Corporation of the Township of South-West Oxford, hereinafter called The Party of the First Part The t-11unicipal Corponation of the Township of Bayham hereinafter called The Party of the Second Part WHEREAS the party of the second part has requested the Party of the First Part to provide fire protection for a portion of its area, NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNES SETH , 1. The Partyo of the First Part hereby agrees to provide fire protection for the following pOrtion far' of the � Township of, Bayham, namely: Whose portions of: Lots 1 to 20 inclusive in Concessions 8, 9, 10 End 11 lying; north of Highway No. 3. 2. The Party of the Second Part hereby agrees to pay the Party of the First Part One Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars 01,500.00) per annum, this fee to be payment for two (2) calls. Addition- al calls shall be at the rate of Five Hundved Dollars (Y"6500#00) per call; provided however it is not the intent of %his S agreementnthat the Party of the First Part should respond to calls for grass fires where there is no danger to life or buildings. 3. This agreement shall be for a term of ten (10)tyears, commencing January 1, 197$; provided however that the remun- eration set out in paragraph two of this agreement shall be reconsidered after five (5) years and may be altered upon the mutual agreement of the Parties; provided further that this agreement may be tezr inated by either Party upon sox (b) months written notice to the other Party. Ir"A Page 2 INWITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have affixed their respective Corporate Seals attested by the hands of their respective signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. .w For The Township of South-West Oxford For The Township of Bayham c A THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF, BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 1933 A By-law of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin to authorize an agreement between the Township of Bayham and the Township of South-West Oxford respecting fire protection. WHEREAS the Township of Bayham and the Township of South-West Oxford have entered into an agreement to provide fire protection and it is necessary to ratify and confirm the said agreement. THEREFO$E the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. That the agreement between the Township of Bayham. and the Township of South-West Oxford dated the 5th. day of December, 1977 a true copy of which agreement is described as Schedule "W attached hereto and forms part of this By-law, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5th. DAY OF December, 1977. _4 REEVE C RK "SCHEDULE "A" THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this Fifth day of December, One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Seventy-seven: [03-CIAR51HA E The Municipal Corporation of the Township of Sout-West Oxford, hereinafter called The arty of the First Part The Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham hereinafter called The Party of the Second Part WHEREAS the party of the second part has requested the Party of the First Part to provide fire protection for a portion of its area, NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH, 1. The Party of the First Part hereby agrees to provide fire protection for the following portion for of the. -Township of Bayham, namely: Those portions of: Lots 1 to 20 inclusive in Concessions 8, 9, 10 and 11 lying north of Highway No. 3. 2. The Party of the Second Part hereby agrees to pay the Party of the First Part One Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) per annum, this fee to be payment for two ( 2 ) calls. Addition- al calls shall be at the rate of Five Hundred Dollars (;500.00} per call; provided however it is not the intent of this agreement,.that the Party of the First Part should respond to calls for grass fires where there is no danger to life or buildings. 3. This agreement shall be for a term of ten (10) years, commencing January 1, 1978; provided however that the remun. eration set out in paragraph two of this agreement shall be reconsidered after five (5) years and may be altered upon the mutual agreement of the Parties; provided further that this agreement may be terminated by either Party upon six (6) months written notice to the other Party. Page 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have affixed their respective Corporate Seals attested by the hands of their respective signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. J For The Township of South-West Oxford REEVE CLERK For The Township of Bayham it .t 40 1 Page 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have affixed their respective Corporate Seals attested by the hands of their respective signing officers duly authorized in that behalf. J For The Township of South-West Oxford REEVE CLERK For The Township of Bayham it B Y- L A W No. 86-77 A By -Law of the Township of South-West Oxford in the County of Oxford to authorize an agreement between the Township of South-West Oxford and the Township of Bayham respecting fire protection. WHEREAS the Township of South-West Oxford and the Township of Bayham have entered into an agreement to provide fire protection and it is necessary to ratify and confirm the said agreement. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of South-West Oxford Renacts as follows: 1. That the agreement between the Township of South-West Oxford and the Township of Bayham dated the 5th day of December, 1977 a true copy of which agreeme,)t described as Schedule "A" is attached hereto and forms part of this By -Law, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed. READ a FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AHD FINALLY PASSED THIS 20th day of DECEMBER, 1977. t t THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW N0. 1934 A By-law of the Township of Bayham in the C6unty of Elgin to authorize an agreement between the Township of Bayham and Donald Roy Nevill and Ferne Erie Nevill granting permission to use a portion of the road allowance between Concession One and Two. WHEREAS the Township of Bayham and Donald Roy Nevill and Ferne Reie Nevill have entered into an agreement for use of the road allowance between Concession One and Two to construct and main- tain a water line and it is necessary to ratify and confirm the said agreement. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. That the Agreement between the Township of Bayham and Donald Roy Nevill and Ferne Erie Nevill dated the 5th, day of December, 1977 a true copy of which agreement described as Schedule "A" is attached hereto and forms part of this By-law, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed; and the Reeve and Clerk are kereby authorized to execute the said agreement under the Corporate Seal of the Municipality. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5th. DAY OF December, 1977. RE CLERK Schedule "A" to Township of Bayham By-law No. 193+ J AGREEMENT made in duplicate this . — day of r, A.D. 1977• BETWEEN AND The Corporation of the Township of Bayham hereinafter called "The Municipality" of the First Part Donald Roy Nevill, farmer, of the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin and Ferne Erie Nevill, his wife, of the same place hereinafter called "The Grantees" of the Second Part WHEREAS The Grantees have requested permission from The Municipality to use a portion of the road allowance between Concessions One and Two, to construct a water line for their private and personal use. NOW TUEREFORE THIS INDENTURE made in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) receipt of which is hereby acknow]redged and of the premises and of the performance of the covenants and obligation hereinafter contained on the part of the Grantees, Witnesseth as follows: 1. The Municipality does hereby grant, confer and assure unto the Grantees, their successors and assigns, per- mission to enter upon use and occupy a portion of the road allowance between Concessions One and Two at Lot Sixteen for the purpose of constructing, laying, maintaining, inspecting, altering or replacing a line or lines with all connections and other necessary works for the purpose of transmitting water from a well located on the aforesaid road allowance at Lot Sixteen, Concession Two, to the residence of the Grantees located at Lot Sixteen, Concession Two, in the Township of Bayham. 2. All new (or renewal) pipes, lines and works installed by the Grantees under this Agreement shall be constructed and laid in accordance with good engineering and construction practices. r 4 1 3. No excavation, opening or work which will disturb or interfere with the travelled surface of the road- way shall be undertaken or commenced by the Grantees without obtaining the consent of the Road Superintendent for the Township of Bayham; and construction, repairing or replacing of a line or lines or works shall be carried out with all reasonable expedition so that the roadway shall not be torn up or obstructed for any unnecessary length of time and upon the conclusion of the work the roadway shall with all reason- able expedition be restored, as nearly as possible,to its original condition and left in a safe and good state or repair to the satisfaction of the said Road Superintendent. 4. 10 In the event that the Municipality shall deem it expedient to alter the construction of the roadway, or of any municipal drain, ditch, bridge, culvert or other works or improvements thereon or therein and in the course thereof it shall be necessary to have the Grantees make changes In their line or lines or works in order to facilitate the work of the Municipality, then upon receipt of reasonable notice from the Road Superintendent specifying the change desired, the Grantees shall at their own expense change their line or lines or works at the point or points specified. 5. The Grantees shall and do hereby ate all times indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from and against all loss, damage, injury or expense which the Municipality shall bear, suffer or be put to by reason of any damage to property or injury to persons caused by the construction, repair, maintenance, removal or operation by the Grantees of any of their lines or works. 6. The rights and privileges hereby granted shall continue in force until such time as major construction shall be undertaken by the Municipality and if deemed necessary at that time to terminate this Agreement, Sixty (60) days written notice shall be given to the Grantees, and upon the expiration of that period this Agreement shall be deemed to be terminated. VP r 7. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their hands and seals. Witness for the Corporation of the Township of Bayham Clerk ( ( onald Roy evill ( ( ( erne rie N6vill A M I THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP' OF BAYHANi BY - LAW NO. 1934 A By -.law of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin to authorize an agreement between the Township of Bayham and Donald Roy Nevill and Ferne Erie Nevill granting permission to use a portion of the road allowance between Concession One and Two. WHEREAS the Township of Bayham and Donald Roy Nevill and Ferne Reie Nevill have entered into an agreement for use of the road allowance between Concession One and Two to construct and main- tain a water line and it is necessary to ratify and confirm the said agreement. 0 THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. That the Agreement between the Township of Bayham ana Donald Roy Nevill and Ferne Erie Nevill dated the 5th, day of December, 1977 a true copy of which agreement described as Schedule "A" is attached hereto and forms part of this By-law, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed; and the Reeve and Clerk are hereby ,. authorized to execute the said agreement under whe Corporate Seal of the Municipality. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5th. DAY OF December, 1977. REEVE h A C CLERK Schedule "A" to Township of bayham By -lax No. 1934 tlL7 AGREEMENT made in duplicate this - day of r, A. D. 1977. BETWEEN AND The Corporation of the Township of Fayham hereinafter called "The Municipality" of the First Part Donald Roy Nevill, farmer, of the k ownsbip of Bayharp, in the County of Elgin and Verne Erie Nevill, his wife, of the same place hereinafter called "The Grantees" of the Second Part WHEREAS The Grantees have requested permission from The Municipality to use a portion of the road allowance between Concessions One and Two, to construct a water line for their private and personal use. NOW THEREFORE T11IS INDENTURE made in consideration of the sum 0 of One Dollar ($1.00) receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and of the premises and of the performance of the covenants and obligation hereinafter contained on the part of the Grantees, Witnesseth as f ollovis : 1. the ' :unicipality does hereby grant, confer and assure unto the Crantees, their successors and assigns, per- mission to enter upon use and occupy a portion of the road allowance between Concessions One and Two at Lot Sixteen for the purpose of constructing, laying, maintaining, inspecting, alterin,r- o^ replacing a line or lines with all connections end other necessary works for the purpose of tran3mitting water from a well located on the aforesaid road allowance at Lot Sixteen, Concession Two, to the residence of the Grantees located at Lot Sixteen, Concession Two, in the Township o:' Bayham - 2. All new (or renewal) pipes, lines and works installed by the Grantees under this Agreement shall be constructed and laitt in accordance with good engineering and construction practices. s 11 3. No excavation, opening or work which will disturb or interfere with the travelled surface of the road- way shall be undertaken or commenced by the Grantees without obtaining the consent of the Road Superintendent for the Township of Bayham; and construction, repairing or replacing of a line or lines or works shall be carried out with all reasonable expedition so that the roadway shall not be torn up or obstructed for any unnecessary length of time and upon the conclusion of the work the roadway shall with all reason- able expedition be restored, as nearly as possible,to its original condition and left in a safe and good state or repair to the satisfaction of t:le said toad Superintendent. 40, . In the event that the Municipality shall deem it expedient to alter the construction of -;Le roadway, or of any municipal drain, ditch, bridge, culvert or other works or improvements thereon or therein and in the course thereof it shall be necessary to have the Grantees cake changes in their line or lines or works in order to facilitate the work of the liunicipality, then upon receipt of reasonable notice from the Road Superintendent specifying the chanZe desired, the Grantees shall at their own expense change their line or lines or works at the point or points specified. 5. The Grantees shall and do hereby at al.l,,tin. es indemnify and save handless the Municipality from and against all loss, damage, injury or expense which the Municipality shall bear, suffer or be put to by reason of any damage to property or injury to persons caused by the construction, repair, maintenance, removal or operation by the Grantees of any of their lines or works. b. The rights and privileges hereby granted shall continue in fora• until such time as major construction shall be undertaken by the Municipality and if deemed necessary at that time to terminate this Agreement, Sixty (60) days writ. notice shall be given to the Grantees, and upon the expiration of that period this Agreement shall be deemed to be terminated. i" 7 • This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding; upon the parties hereto, their successors and assis. Il WITNESS WIIMOF the parties hereto have ser their hands and seals, rIj .�itness for the Corporation of the Township of Bayham { { { { ( C1erk 1 :-�z Dona d 4evi 1 �r'erne ' i j evil x JAP f vv enol. w Yours truly, J.A.Petrie, Clerk. 04 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1935 Being a by-law setting remuneration for members of Council. WHEREAS by virtur of Sec. 3$$ (1) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970,a.a amended, Municipal Councils may pass by-laws for paying the members of Council an annual remuneration. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to pass such a by-law. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 1. That the Reeve may be paid such sums from time to time as directed by,.Council not to exceed in any calendar year in aggregate, Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). 2. That the Deputy -Reeve and Councillors may be paid such sums from time to time as directed by Council not to exceed in any calendar year in aggregate, One Thousand, Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars. ($1,850.00). 3. All by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-'_aw are hereby repealed. 4. This by-law shall be effective from Jan. lst., 1977. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th. day of December, 1977. Reeve Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY—LAW NUMBER 1936 BEING a By -haw to confirm all actions of the Council the Township of Bayham for the year 1977. BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham that all actions by the said Council by bylaws and resolutions for the year 1977 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 19th, day of December, 1977. REE CLERK