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Bayham By-Laws 1972
BAYHAM TOWNSHIP B y -Laws Numbers • 1753- 1782 1972 11 PW" lM-M Ow" Tie CarPOration aft the Tewnship of...Bayham . . BY-LAW No. 1753 j6plab) to authorize the i bore w o ng of $350,000. Whereas the Council of the Township o.f Barham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $3509000. to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; Nam� And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the f's• Municipality as sec forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19'1, is . to :hw And Whereas the total of amounts. heretofore borrowed for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of The Municipal Act which have not been repaid is S nil Therefore the Council of the T own sh.i p of B a77h am hereby enacts as follows: I. 71e Head and the Trftsurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality -to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN IISPERIAL BAN[ OF COXWERcF. a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $ 3 50 t 000 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with. the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest at such mte.;, s As' ma"yY-be agreed dpon from time to time with the Bank. 2. All suave borrbwed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums , borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentiobed iit the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality preceding years as and when such revenues a ei fveed or the current year and for aU 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of alI sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the currentear and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied liar such purposes Passed this Third day of Januar► 1972 TRZ HZAO OR THE UUNjciPALITY MEAL CLXRK f 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is ^a true copy of By-law No. 1753 of the Township of l a ham y in the Province of Ontario, duly pard at a meeting of the Council 4 the said Municipality duly held, and that the said fly -law is in full force and effect. Dated This 5 day of January 1972 As Witness the Seal of the To'wnahip of Baayhaaoa 16 TOWNSHIP OF HAYFIAM PSC - LAW NO. 1754 Being a By -Law to appoint Fend► -viewers ar.d Pound -Keepers in and for the Town ship of 4r ayb am for the year 1972. � EREAS The Municipal Act provides that these appointments be made; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Da: -ham, that. the following be and are hereby appointed to act as the following officers for the year 1972:- Fence-vi 972 : - F^ e„nce iewers Lloyd Herron, R.R., 2, Vienna Ont. Alva Drinn, R.R.# 6, Tillsonburg, Ont. Leo Pressey, R.R. 4., Aylmer, Ont. -a -Van.e -Chute-, R:R. t 1 Vienna, Ont. Weston Holtby, R.R.; 1, Eden, Ont. Steve 'ttefan, R.R. 1, Vienna, Chit. Ron Phillips°, R R.# 4, Aylmer, Ont. Robert Gref-son, R.R.# 1, Straffordville, Ont. Pound -keepers Don Fievill, Vienn, Ont, Wm. Howey, Straf f ordvill e , Ont. Robert Veitch, R.R.# 1, Eden, Ont, Roy Green, R. R. 3 ,• Till sonburg , Ont. Ray Soper, R.R.; 1, Vienna, Ont. Cjarence 1 ilmine R.R.# 1 Eden, Ont. Robert Gregson, A.R.# 1, itraffordvi.11e,Ont. Ray Woodworth, R.R.# 1, Port Burwell, Ont. READ a irst, :3econd and Third time and finally passed this 3rd. day of January, 1972. • 6 TOWNSHIP OF PATPAIM BY - LAW N0. 1755. BeinE a By -Law to appoint - certain officers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1972. E IT THEMFORL &NACTED b�' the Municipal. Council . of the Township of Bayham in reruiar session assembled:- 1. That Wilfred Hammer and Roper Casier s�- all be Valuators of Livestock and Poultry killed by dogs to act independ- ently of each other, provided however that where the val-ie of livestock or poliltr4r killed shall be in e-krcess of Two Hundred Dollars ( $200.00) they shall act together and both affix their .signatures to the report and shall be paid at tb`e rate of $2.00 per hour- and .20¢ per mile ° one way for the use of their automobile. 2. That Gibson, Linton & Toth shall be Township Solicitor. 3. That Mac Gibbons shall be Inspector under The Trench Excavators Act at $2.00 per hour and .200 per wile one way for car. That Walter Felson shall be Drain Inspector at a salary of $2.25 per hour and .200 per mile one way ``or car. 5. That Elton H. Jackson shall be Collector of DoE Tax at 16 a salary of one-third of tax collected plus $200.00 for ,v s of car. READ a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this 3rd. clay of January lcY72 . PoRPORATION of THIS TOWNSHIP UP' PAYuJUM BT --LAW N UM R 1754 A ]BY-LAW OF THE TOWNSHIP pF BAYHAM REGARDING THE 1,4AjjjTjXANCZ, MANAGEMIT, REGULATI0�1, CONTROL AND TAKING OVER OF CXRTAIN CL'AMi'ERIES. WHEREAS certain Cemeteries in the Township have been unused for many years, and are now in a poor state of repair, and can be considered abandoned: bR IT THER FORE gkCT&D by the M,micipal Council of the Township of Hayham that 1. The Cemetsries herein listed shall, according to Section 62 of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.o. 170, Chapter 57, be taken over by the Township of Bayham. Firby Cemetery, Best Cemetery, Ridge Road Cemetery, A. erg n-C-egaten-j, Old Richmond CometerY , Claus C(etery,' Otter Valley Cemetery, H&mock Creek Cemeter,-, Hutchieoz' Csmetery, Stanton Cemetery, Lot 1, Conc. 8 ,�� D + 8, The Cemetsries herein listed shall, according to Section 62 of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.o. 170, Chapter 57, be taken over by the Township of Bayham. Firby Cemetery, Best Cemetery, Ridge Road Cemetery, A. erg n-C-egaten-j, Old Richmond CometerY , Claus C(etery,' Otter Valley Cemetery, H&mock Creek Cemeter,-, Hutchieoz' Csmetery, Stanton Cemetery, Lot 1, Conc. 8 ,�� acre Lot 8, Conc. 10 1 acre Lot 24, Conc. 8 acre Lot '16P Conc. N.C. acre Lot 113, Conq. 7 1 acre' Lot 21, Conc. 5 acre Lot 211 Conc. 2 acre Lot �9' Conc. 2 acre Lot , 1 aC2''E' Lot �� Conc. 5 acre BY-LAW read a First, Second ,ar;d Third time this 2nd. day of February, , 19720 I, aeve lark I, J. A. Petrie Clerk of the Township of ayham, do Iereh that the fore oIng is a true and corrent co Y certify passed by the Municipal. Council of the Township ofyFayh No. 2nd, day of February, 1972. P Fayham on t e Certified this loth., day of Fehr:zary, 1972. I i qp� A000 ► ' bm mum OW Y*W% an a" a low out* of .Md or be +� 1. dk"• fir! to ab"Ies so or ��'�'' ���'i►� X10► , +• • s son nose. son . _ .. � • ams• i�� �,•son ` vier ' •• « a m 1, • cow*awe Imb— r 1 Qt• Us Cow* I Sao r.3 b "end md Ulm s r Ae MAS Ow 4c do bw �4ata-ww �eq; lf'/!. sob=� rutui tus lith, ,gip► at 0 FT -LAW NO, 1759 1. TOWNSHIP OF BA.I*W being a by-law to limit the gross weight of vehicles or c binatior. of vehicles, passim over certain bridges in the Townahip "of Barham. WHEREAS this authority is contained in Section 64, scab-section(a) off' the Highway. Traffic Art, R. S.O. 1970 AND WHEREAS it is deemed adviseable that the gross weight of vehicles Passing over sane, be imposed on certain bridges in the Township of a.rh m s THEREFORE BE IT SNACTRB b -f the Municipal Council of the Township of bayham as follows; 1. The limit of the cross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles, passing over certain briAFes in the Township of Bay rain, shall be in accordance with Schedule "A" li9tel helow and forming part of this B- -Law. - 2. -Law: 2. That notice of such limit of r-ross weir~ht, 1e,ihlj= printed, shall 5e ;� a ' Conspicuous c�zo� ' -postedp, in� do P zs place, at each. end of" each bridge respectively. o • That this By -Law %%all come into force enl effect upon beirf appro ed by the Department of", Transportat _or- and Communications and upon sib s being duly installed. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 6 day of 19720 - h Clarke t ikc - 'At! "An- ter 17+ q ..sa.:■�i�fii� List of _ 1x i eA Locatio-n E 20 sr�i,ht Limit I, J* A. Petrie, Clem of the Tovinship of Bayhams hereby* certify the above to be a true and correct copy of 'down sh i p of Bayham by -Law 11o. 1759 with Schedule "AO. 3 Tor. s r H. V. JEW16". O.L.S. MUNKIPAL a PO"VATs OURVIIY* G. DOUGLAS VALLEE LTD. CONSULTING tP44 W ttR To the . Reeve i ,Council , Township of Bayham, Sttaf fordvi l le , Qntaeio . - Gentlemen: JEWiTT AND VALLEE !O KtNT STRttT 9*uTN TZL[PMON[ 42"042 January 5, 1972. At the request of your Road Superintendent I have made an examination of the bridge located on road allowance between: Lots 18 t 19 in Concession II. This structure is a 70 foot span steel truss. The deck and stringers are timber and the cross beams are steel. This structure was originally located on the road allowance between Concessions IX -X, Lot 19. Following the construction of the new bridge at Concession IX -X, Lot 19, this structure was moved to it's present site. The distance between trusses is only 14 feet. Therefore thi % is a single lane structure. we have calculated the maximum safe load that this structure should support to be four (4) Tons, based on the steel in the trusses having maximum allowable working stress of 20,000 p.s.i. since the structure is old and quite possibly the steel, even when new was not 20,000 p.s.i. steel, I.would recommend to Council that this structure be posted for a load limit of three (3) Tons. The limiting member in determining the safe load is the top chord of the truss which has no lateral support for it' -s entire length. GOV/ah Yours truly, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS MINISTER DEPUTY MINISTER. A. T. C. McNAB Honourable Gordon Carton, Q. C. Ferguson Block, Queen#s park, Toronto 182, Ontario, April 21, 1972. �a Mr. J. A. Petrie, Clerk, Township of Bayham, STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario. Dear Sir: Enclosed is approved copy of By- law No. 1759 of the Township of Bayham. You will note that approval is limited to a period of three years, this limitation of approval having been recommended by the Structural Office of the Ministry. M Yours very truly, (Mrs.) A. O8 iltroe By- law Officer. Enc 1. t i D M.1a i UYVyLlim irk +iai7. TV WM ;ice AR&iir w vwii at i6100 . oar ow Mia bridges in tai We +au%Mftty is contained in Simon I It Idw traffic Uto 103000 19"1 A5D it to dtmd #Av 9 bU that tis gre I " �M�� iMi i�Md � a�ttaia brl�111 1" %W She Amelpa Cvga413 iwpil�r�s sa fo►3r't�;•• L* the limit of the pais meist at my Vdd014 call be In j@kdkdIIkII"� UtI& !� *i* iisa.d M Is ! AMOi VMMN J d tl 1�► n "a a N now w�! 0 ma mpry ! "gam ly mom► +�` r ■s+w w NObiaatio� LP at Sarhim or ied lerudl .....,.. 3� 7 � k a §� �f>., F' r✓i xh� �{" �t � �Ir • �rr� f• �. • A�+rR � � t • i 70, s s.'.r P ' .�:�i Ck a � ,{ >, � % 7��'�,{ �.St+�K'+t�i`�� ���" �s�i���� .�,�� q'�'• _. zS�,� F" 3 � � 'H' � 9 f '3T t� � ♦.,� 3i`Id' Tk�� k y :; Ss✓ 3> ,',,`�cy,�x ✓<� z> x t t f� FI�`c�f�c dC�� kl: n����F�A T sk �2" *a�b• , issues 4ppmmwb& �d� H. V. J " WI TT• O.L.S. MUNICIPAL ! PRIVATE SURVEY* JEWITT AND VALLEE SO KENT STREET SOUTH G, DOUGLAS VALLEE L -r D. 6MOCV6, ONTARIO COJ49ULTING 190OI01E1R TELEPHONE 426-0842 January 5, 1972. PX TO tile, fever - Council Township of Bayham`, , • StratfordvilTe, Ontario. ` Gentlemen: At the request of your Road Superintendent I have made an examination of the bridge located on road allowance between Lots 18 z 19 in Concession H. This structure is a 70 foot span steel truss. The deck and stringers are timber and the cross beams are steel. This structure was originally located on the road allowance between Concessions, IX-Xv Lot 19. Following the construction of the new bridge at Concession IX -X, Lot 19, this structure was moved to it's present site. The distance between trusses is only 14 feet. Therefore this is a single lane structure. We have calculated the maximum safe load that this. structure should support to be fo%r (4) Tons, based on the steel in the trusses havin.q maximum allowable working stress of 20,000 p.s.i. Since the structure is old and quite possibly the steel, even,,when new w*s not 20,400 p.s.i. steel, I would recommend to Council that this structure be, posted for a load limit of three ( 3) Tons. The limitinq top chord of the truss entire length. GOV jah member in determining the safe load is fhs- which has no lateral support for it's Yours truly, . DOUGLAS ALLFE , P. ENG. It r r DT4*W IIID. IN" a ter W� t*lw at or «r�M rai+a Is lost! 64, AX;) to ssabu am 00 P� V"* of NIMM-- ffw amw' be rr► A 1 1a Ow IfewOo of ORW "ai!"i bi Vii► at at a ort as �wr;•. �,. Us U40 at wo at aw "bisle w �Wiwt 4t Idt ��rrsrlMrr ter Tail 1rr t �1�M *AN 110" b*Uwv &W Aft - by 401mme t-by'r1mmi ► AbAL4C Ludt at � M" f I; ' stied, be pea" `r Aa a #"me as "A 4", +fit bri. 1. . �. � �b3s l�•Zsr small aarir ia�r t+aMrr� sr�d �tY`�*t seti+eaLiwo srd Ira 04 sk'nalm ANA 1riN asr rrt lladl®r L *or .t .�7y��F'• 1lrs. 18,019 a +�I�n� M y �opw i r M1. 04MIPAL A F1hVATK ou"VtXS, G. CaCC UGLAS* VALLEE LTD. C004SULTING EhQjr4FER JEWITT AND VALL.EE 00 KENT STREET SOUTH i114CO[. OWTAMM T[IrPHONi 426-0042 January 5, 1972. ... To. thP.... Reeve & - Couaci 1 , w Township of Bavham, Straffordvftle, Ontario. t Gentlemen: At the request of your Road Superintendeht I have made an examination of the bridge located on road allowance between Lots 18 & 19 in Concession II. This structure is a 70 foot span steel truss. The deck and stringers are timber and the cross beams are steel. This structure was originally located on the road allowance between Concessions IX --X, Lot 19. Following the construction of the new bridge at Concession IX-Xj Lot l9f this structure was moved to it's present site. The distance between trusses is only 14 feet. `therefore this is a single lane structure. We have calculated the tmaximum safe load that this structure should support to be our 14) Tons, based on the steel in the trusses havin max' allowable working stress of 20,000 q maximum is old and quite p•S•1• Since the structure. q possibly the steel, evgn when new ►was not 20,004 p.s.i. steel, I would recommend to'Council that this structure be Posted for a load limit of three ( 3 ) Tons. i The limitinq member in determining the safe load is the top chord of the truss which has no lateral support pport far it's entire length. Yours truly, GDV/'ah CQt,GLAS FE, P. ENG_. f M 11 1. CORPORATI O: OF THE TOWS SH IP of BAYIHAM BY-LAW ATO, 176q - Being aW,-Lax to authorize the carr; ing on of a program of Ae vreation within the msaning of the regulations under the Department of Slucation Act, to provide for the operation, maintenance and manaCement of parks and to proNride for the establishment, operation and maintenance of Co-Utunity Centres pursuant to the Co m tmi.ty Centres Act and the regulations made thereunder. Th.e Council of the Corporation enacts as follows, (a) Pirsuant to Regulations made under the De^artment of Education Act, a Program of Recreation -is hereby established for the residents of t7le Municipality. { ) •farsuant -to Section 377/63• of the Mwici.palro Act, a program of Park . atnag,ement is hereby established i'or the resider*•s of the V.!unicipalit . (c) Pursuant to the Co mimit y Centres Act and t .e remzlations made thereunder, a Community Centre or 'en -res) is hereblr established fcr V e residents of the. Municipality. H) The said Program of Re creat i l in , the said Pro lr-ram of . a Park Maaanara gent and t1_e said Co°L-Aunity Centre (or Centres) - shall be directed, managed and controllel on behalf of the Council of the Corporation by a Committee known as the ay`a:,n Recreation Parks and I- Co~ munni.ty centre Board. 2. The Committee shall be appointed from time to time by the 3• Council 'of the Corporation as follows: (a) Viae memters of the Council of the Corporation:. (b) Four res' dents of the sofd *aricipality, w.,o are "k; qualified to be elected as members of the Council.' Subject to the approval of Council,, the said Co:�it*se shall f orr-1-elate policies, rules and re ulati or a for anti relating to the acLmn.r..istration of community profTahas of recreation. M M 6 4. 50 t" . 7. d ti At ary meetings of the said Ommitt ee a +guoz"_xme-&Il ^�"nsist of a miniMlam of five Members, The said Comr'ittee sha11 ale ct a chairman annually from among its members and such other officers as -may be required, The said Cor►ymittes s=:gall submit to C'Mcil an annual report of its activities and such other reports as may e req'ired from time to time. when advisable, the said COMMi.ttee- ~gay apooir t area rereati.c,r cm, res and authorize such area com- mittees to establish and operate area community pro_ rr*-ms if ricrsation, and the cimtnittees s"all provide such services as t.t deems riecessary to assist these area ^o ittees J.- carryine on their activities. The aPpointne"'.t of the sai4 Committee shoy.rld be made annually at the first regular meetinf* of the Co ci ., Iry V or ag �s6on th6r®after as is e . edi.ent. The 'rneAbers shall hold office 1jr±til their shal.'! '-+ave v < been appoi^ tel provide. that all �ae^be-s s%a.lhold office 1.1aring the pl ias.zre of the council of the In ding out the provisions Of this by-law, the said Cor ittee s' -.all at all tomes -e tYe a. -ant of t1he Muni^i.pal Corporation ar while actink- ora f~id¢ * ithir the li-lits of the autllorit�, of t �iS '). -lavr neit :er tate committee nor ;-,ierrber thereof small inclar any liability by reason of anything dh ne or left undone b,► the Committee, provrided however, thli t nothinr in this :,arafraph contained shall aI.ithorize or empower the co itte"* to tr,^?zr a� : jebt, liab i.ty or obli atio- `."or which Muricipa' Corporation shall become .11 able without having Previ+ot- il-, ^�-a,ir�ed the ^onsent of the r� COUncil, of the Corpora tion. 10, Or. or before the i'- rst day of Febrtax"I each year, Vie sai I Committee shall submit to the M:°r.ici.nal Treasur�;r for audit a statement of its 'fina;n :ia1. affairs for the nr-ecedinr colas erd.ar ;, ear. V. 2 r d I, 11. The said Committee shall on, or about, the 1st days of February in* each year, sttbrmit a to the Co=w :il for their approval and ma:e a cc►iplete report of the prorra�n conducted during the preceding year. The budget shall contain the separate esti-mates as follows: (a) Recreation Committee general. nroc-ram. M Parks operation and maintenance. Community ,centre operation and maintenance. 12. The said Committe,:) may inc.ar* expendituros, as may be recommen- ded by the various torini.ttees, to the extent provided in the annual budget a~ proved by the Council, e sail Committee may prescribe fres for part.ici.pating in or admittance to any part of the community program of recreation or facilities used, 1.4. The said committee may sclic{ t or receive any gifts or bequests of- money or services of any donations) -tis be applied principal or income .for either the temporar,- or permanent use tor facilities, equipment, program or other recreational. purposes. 1.5. l0. The said committee shall conduct and supervis3 organized public recreation activities and is authorized to work jointly wit: other mt. icipal departments to provide and establish, operate, conduct ar.d maintain a supervised recreation sTfstem and to operate, improve and maintain property, both real and personal, for parks, playgrounds, recreation centres, and other recreation facilities and activities, The said Committee shall onoratey, maintain and manage or, behalf of t. -1.e said Corporation all proper*.i -4's w°^ich are now or which may hereafter be establ4A14,ied as co=.",m=ity centras, pursuant to the Comnunity Centres Act, or the regulations. made thereunder,, S TA�''TlIi 1.7. The said Committee may recommend to the Municipal Colmcil 3 the appointnent of a properly trained and. qualified Municipal Recreation Director. 13. The said Committee -na - appoint part -tine recreation workers on a paid or aE voluntax-I basis and shall be responsible for assirr;i the duties and responsibilities of such persons sub, ect to approval. of Cotmc j . 19. The said Committee sialI inform. V -e residents of ths� YUr icipalit1t of the bsr efits of and the opportunities f ^r recreation, and shall publicize the communit7 prop ratrtt of recreation. READ a First and- Secrnd time this /I READ a Zhi.rd time awid fina''.1.,:* passed this 1972. A. 4 daY of APA I' . , 1972. 117 day of A PA- 1 1-, leave., ork a 7, i, ., •? BY - LAW x0. 1837 Being a bar -last to amend brr-law 1760 0 WHMAS Section 2 of byelaw leo. 1760 of the Corporation of Township of Bayham sots out the appointment of members of the Bayham Roareation Park$i and ConrAmity Centre Board. AND 1M'KSJWS- it is dooaod adriaaable to amend Section 2 of By -Lax N o . 1764 THERUORE BR IT =ACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPMATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATH M • - , .. 8 M That s*ctiom 2 o Twadtipof Ba r be lmmdad to read: . The committee shall be appointed annually ' by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayhaai. MAD A FIRST, aC iIN D and THIRD TDM and FINALLT PASSID th i s 29th. day of 4ct6bor., A . D . , 1974, BY - LAW FO. 1761 A 'L ---Law of the Towrnshir) of Pa -,tam in the County of Elfin to authorize an a-reement between the Township of Hayham and the Township of Houghton respecting reciprocal fire nrotectior., W117PEAS the Township -7f Hayham and the Township off' Hou-hton r . have entered into .an agreement to- provide reciprocal Fire • protection and it is ne.cessar",- to istify and corfirm the r n • said. agreement. THLIL14FORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of avham enacts as follows: Z • That the agreement between tt.e Trwr-f shin of Parham anis' the Township of 1:olaghton datt:d the 4th, day of April, '972 a trxe copy of which a"eement is hereto attaches': and forms -,art of this Ey-Lawn, be and the Same is hereb-, ratif . e,d and confi rmert . READ a fir".t , second and thixi time ar:r nall.� r�assel this 17th. day of April , 19729 f Reeve h Dr w JAW So* 1761 �� °'f the T°++,n+�hip at aortae !a yet a to authorlum Am°+gyp or a�.:�" hatro �d �+ ?o��p Of Houghton oatored intim t � pro►ridir pr°t' iOa a It is to Avury =4 confift ►� �if' t* MWcipal COMM l ,� att� �'p�t�taa of the dip OX� � &a1`a�1,lowra, s Met th* � • Topp Of h;Ya end o 10""blp apt' H"Otca ds t*d t t o 4t►h e c � tea, day of April,, . +at` �ltich t Is hereto attach od �d t PwC at this 1',O'Y.. # be and th• ansae Is h*r9by VOWled acrd +ccmfirsed. "" s tires t aecond and third tip 171h 9 4WW at April. 197►,2. AMBIT . -a MADE IN DUPLICATE THIStf DAIS OF HUNDRED AJT D 3 NTV, -- "V0 * PETWIM P1 0", THOUSAND, NINE The Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham AND The micipal Corporation of the Township of Houlphton WI?EREA3 the Munici al Corporation of the Towrtshin of Bayhara and the Muiicinal lorporation of the Towns)-ip of,Hnu hton deim it reessa!"'.' to enter into a reciprocal- agreement for mutual fire rrotection, T14SUFORS V13 AGREEMENT WITNESSETH 1. All conditions hereinafter listed shall be deemed to apply to buildings only and it is hereb 1- understood that alarms .for crass and brush fires shall nct be responded to. 2. An-:), alarm, received b . the Township of Payham Fire Department or the T swns :i , of uoughtan Fire Department shall be resnonded to ' r -kthouZ * re ' and f� muni ^ipal bc�a�ndar es. , A Tt s"all be at the discxetjon of t'.e F4 zlo Chief (s) to respond. with the _`'ire V 7htinr equinmart deemed nece3sanj after *skim into consi enation the type of alarm being answered. 4. It shall be the duty of the Fire Chief receiving, the alarm tei notify his coz nternart to ascertain his knowledge of the alarm beim xrswere l and estimate-" time nf arrival at the stere of the all arm. 5. Upon arrival of the counterpart the resnondinC Fire department, shall be raleas id to return to its home mtj icipality. M . b. A.lams responded to shall be paid for by the round cipalit re^eiv-- ing benefit at the rate cf' ?�,',5.00 for thy! First hour .and $50.00 for each succcedin- hour or portion thereof; all tim6s commencin;r with depart°Lre from the .fire hall and ending upon return to the fire hall. ?. In the event of two alarms beim received simultaneously it shall ba they duty of a "ire Chief to respond to anv alarm receive~ from his home mi nicipality firstly; and in t qe event of tvi alax�n being received simultaneously from the reciprocating municipality, i t shall. be at the discretion of the Fire Chief to respond to the alar whi,,-h in his opinion is the more serious. n 2 r . 'this agr**Ment My be terminated at a' time any written notice Of not less than 60 days being given to the reciprocating P g munici- pality, W "NESS WH EOF the parties hereto have affixed the signatures of their signing officers and seals. IN The Corporation of the TOWnsbip of $ayham Pert Per: r eeve. The Corporation of the Township of Houghton Per: Per: �r eeve G] a 2 r . 'this agr**Ment My be terminated at a' time any written notice Of not less than 60 days being given to the reciprocating P g munici- pality, W "NESS WH EOF the parties hereto have affixed the signatures of their signing officers and seals. IN The Corporation of the TOWnsbip of $ayham Pert Per: r eeve. The Corporation of the Township of Houghton Per: Per: �r eeve G] A ; v - LAS` NO. 7A? A Bir -Law of t' Ae Township of Rayham in the M 40U,nty of Erin `o authorize an aprreement be+ --weer the' of *rayl a� a d t!� e 'owns hip of Dereham respect in .fire -,)rotection. WINSMA3 the Tovfnship of Barham and the Township of Dereham hs•.*e entered into an a!vreeml ant to prcvide fire protection and i`. is necessar,- to ratify and conf .rn the said aFrsement. ' HEREFO LE t';1 -4e' fft. ii cigaj Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayl. am, enacts as •follows: 1 • That the arrleement between the Township of Ba: -.ham and the Townsbin of Derek a t da"I" the 17th. da of Agri' , A of w. ic'h a reement is hereto-a'ttathed, A and forns part, of this B;, -Taw, he and *he sane is hereby ratified and Confirmed. READ a first, second and thir4 ttme and. finally passe -I this 17th.. day of Anril , 1972, M a V tt If {s N This agreement made in duplicate this / nine hundred and seventy -toot A day of AR41 A. , one thousand The Municipal Corporation of the Township of Dereham hereinafter called The Party of the First Part AND The Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayhao hereinafter called The Party of the Second Part WHEREAS the party of the second part has requested the party of the first part to provide fire protection for a portion of its area, NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH, The party of the first part hereby agrees to provide fire protection for the following portion of the Township of Bayham, namely: (a) That portion of Union School section No. 16, Bayham and 24 Malahide (Corinth) situate and being in the Township of Bayham (b) That portion of former Union School Section No. 23, Bayham, 10 Middleton • r , and 14 Dereham (North Eayham), situate and being in the TownAip of Ba4 yham. The above portions being better described on a map which is attached°and n e becomes part of this agreement, The party of the Second part hereby agrees to pay the party of the First part One hundred and Fifty dollars ($150.00) per call for the first hour or part thereof and $50.00 per hour for each hour thereafter, time to be taken from the time the Fire Truck leaves the Fire Hall until it returns. This ag rement may be terminated at any time by either party. Rates to be effective from Tay 1, 1972. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the j presence of 4 4 OL - Reeve, Township of Dereham !Clerk, Township of De►raham tee , To, of Bayham Towns4� Bayham, Clerk 4 .l 0 S t tjig; i --# ,.;0011 �.� f If 3 e i 0 4 A x`sas of attached afire ement outlined in re�.! V,r 1 3 i A x`sas of attached afire ement outlined in re�.! V,r 1 BY • LAW XO* 1762 r •Af- 1 r . r *INAOf and the haat satar*4 Into #a soWORM to pRro�rrld� fjjM�.�, A tesues and it is nsa+gg"T to rg%ity #ad confirm th'a Mord Mmao" that "Mic4ml Comen of the c: o*oreti on of WO oNab# Of BWhM =acts as follMS s a t► t� a�"��tt �t'1 TOM&I P of Layham and the' � i oily I�ir�ri�l� �t dated � � day of AMU, 1W2 t t ru* copy of which a l ant .ia h=V tro attached y ain't "forms Fart Of this 9710LAW 9 be and . the Srr is hem by ratified and contim d,, a, ti rat 0640A and third t1w and ftmaU Pagged 'M4 litho day of April, 1972. e� 4 r CORPORATION 04' Tx-TSSh1�' OF TArILA� , � v_LA'4 "TCS. 1765 eine- a h:<'-La,i *o amend, By -Lav? N,, o. 154? r Le it enacted 'gip the ColtnCil of the '�orporatior of t,'�e Township Of Fa•h�t s T1.1 -at Se cItion 5 of the said By_La-! 1;7o. -1547 he 3tr,or orr� and the follow -_1 * erefore:Se'tior 51.1 : ve caMp shall !pave available to its occupants certain facilities wt.ich shall be ^_on~..r : ted and maintained in a sanitar,r con: itio. b�• *: e operator of, the trailer ^amp. (a) Or a Iaur.1r- tray or connartment sink.. (b) A b -Iletin board located in a ccnve:lient place. c' An abundance of hot, and cald water. Ar1equate lirhtinr.facjljtiel Of t "� r} *A fl-+ .or or impervious ^iaterial sr,"7 ncI ned that I.. a any sp;11ed water will flow to a drain in the `_'lour which mast be capable of 3i sposinr of an such spill ed 'wrater. {f poi let fa^i3itie3 for wales consisti r of one fln.4 .» sh *ape toilat, one gash basin provided with faucets for hit ,end :old eater and n e shower. a �'� +, --i let sh& j he in a -rive - �7ompartment fir-�h self-closi. :Noor cala)-,-" of from the in z� d e , Toile a facilities .'or females cnnsis`in� +�." one f � L 2 js' 1tYp a -toilet, one wash basic provided - v4, th hot, ar d ^ -Dld water faucets and one shower.. Baf-Y toile* shall be in a crivate . s compartmer.t with self-rclosinr doer ca -,at Ze of beinr lacked froom the inside. 3houl;d the facilities for C le females� � be .�ocated adjacent to the facilities for the ^rales, they shaill be. senara - by at sound -proof wall. Read a .First, Second and Third tires and paused this Sth. da-, Jure, 1972. r .far :s s r w CORPORATION Of TU TOWSHIP OV BMM . BZ•LAW N O * 1765 Being a By -.Law to amend By •Law No* 1547 Be it =acted by the Council of the Corporation of the Tow ship That Section 5 of the said By -Law leo. 1547 be struck out and the following substituted theref ore . decti on 5 ft Zv ery camp shall have available to its occupants aartain facilities which shall be ccntructed and maintained in a sanitary condition by the operator of the trailer camp* (a) One laundry tri or double coMartment sink. (b) A bulletin board located in a convenient place. { a } An abundance of hot and mold water. r (d) , ' P Ade4uate lighting facilities of 'the f ruro"ScOuA 'typed ( e ) A floor of -impervious matsrsal so inclinid that mar spilled water will floes to a draw in the floor which must bar enable of disposing of any such spilled water. (f) Toilet ,facilities, for n leve consisting of one flush - type toilet, arae wash basin provided with faucets for hot and cold water and one shower. Each toilet shall be in a private' coiVartamt with self e closina door capable of being locked from the inside. (a) Toilet facilities for females consisting of one flush• typ* toilet, ane wash basin provided with hot and cold water faucets and one shower, Bach toilet aball, be in a prIvato .caVartment with self-alosing door capable of being locked from Y the road de. Should the facilities for the females be located &Qacent to the f'acilitles for the males, they shall be separated by a wmd-proof wall* Bead a First, :second and Third time and passed this 5th* day of Jmne , 1972. V t , TO, ALL LOCAL fit NICXPAL CLERKS ly Tjjj& COtMTy OF IELGIN Sir, or -fadan: Enclosed herewith to a co It f VY Or a suggested by -law -to licences regulate and govern trailer esaps, It is the opinion of the glein County rounc,l that relrjl&tion' regarding trailers should be as uniform as Possible throughout the %ounty. i-jith t.%1j& thought in mind you area to Present this by-law to your Council for their consideration. This by-law covers trailer c&6ps consisting of three (3) or more trailers and the County Solicitor is presently drarting.anOther by-law to regulate and licence'and "two filer ..one*(l) —establishments, vlhen this to cospleteds I will forward 41 you copy for your Council's consideration. Your* very truly, ALJ;ad do Lo Johnson Clerk -Treasurer County or zicin HYAw Sr. lam,? The Corporation of the Township of 9"ham ` A 3y -taw to licence, regulate and govern trailer i - camp* in the Township of B►hM in the County of Elgin, �w 1. WHEREAS under and by virtue of the H=1o1prl Act Rovisod Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 249, Section 441 and amendments thereto►, muntcipalities are empowered to pass by-laws licencing, regulating and governing _trailer *lamps; Now tnerefore the Anicipal Corporation of the Township of enacts as Pal logs t (a) "trailer camp* means land in or upon which threo or more vehicles se constructed that they are suitable for being attached to a .g motor vehicle for the purpose of being drawn or propelled by the motor vehicle are placed, located, kept or maintained notwithstanding that such vehicles are jacked -up or that their running gear is removed but not including any vehicles unless they ,are used for the living, sleeping s _ or eating ae:cemmodation of persons therein. 4j A t. , (b) •tr.ail¢r" ,means any vehicle se constructed that it is suitable for beim attached to a razor vehicle for the purpose of being drawn or propelled by the motor vehicle notwi,thatanding that such vehicle is ,hacked -up or its running gear is removed but net including any vehicle unless it is used for the living, sleeping or eating accoutmodations of persons therein. (c) "lot" means a defined parcel of land within a trailer camp to be used for the parking thereon of not sore than one trailer., jd) "inspector" means the local itmicipal building Inspector. (e) "officer" means the Medical Officer of Health or Inspector of th& Elgin -St. Thous Aealth Unit for the municiptlity,, This by-law skull be deemed not to apply to MW ; tr&Uer located in the municipality for the purpose of sale or storage as long t as' it is not used for living, sleeping, or eating accommodations. �Ir 4 a� 3• No trailer camp sh4ll be carried on or operated without n a current valid licence taerefor issued under the provisions of this by-law and no such trailer carp shall be carried on or operated unless AP! it couplits with all the requirements and conditions of this by-law. � Application for a licence must be lades to the Clerk -Treasurer of the Municipality on forms provided by the Aeric -Treasurer,, who will grante,�� � S Z . I .. 1 �. the licence where he in satisfied t eat all relevant requiremnts have been fulfilled and a licence fee of $5.0O has been paid by the applicant. 4. All trailer camps licenced under the provisions of this by-law shall conform to the following regulations: (a) The camp shall be located on a well -drained site properly x i graded to insure rapid drainage and freedom from stagnant pools of water, 'but, he trailer emp shall be so looated that the drainage from the trailer camp will endanger any water supply. (b) The camp shall be divided into late and no lot shall have a width of loss than 40 Net or a length of lose than 60 feet, and the boundaries thereof shall be clearly defined on the ground. In addition each let shall front upon a roadway of a minimum width of 30 feet, which roadway shall have unobstructed access to a public highway. Such road- way shall be treated and maintained by the operator so that it is dust free -and pas.sabIo at all times.. Yo parking of motor vehicles sha:L1 be permitted on am roadway of less than 36 feet in width.. Parking nay be permitted on one side only of a roadway where the road- way has a itiftisum width of 36 feet. If the roadway small have a mini - num width of 42 feet, parking may be permitted on either side of the roadway, but in all cases parallel parking only shall be permitted. (o) No lot shall be closer to the boundary line of the camp than 30 Peet. One trailer only shall be permitted to occupy any lot and the trailer shall be so placed that there is a minimum distance of 20 feet= between the ends or ends and sides of adjacent trailers and no side %of any trailer shall be permitted closer tb 1 C#1t.10 the side �of an adjacent trailer. s S. Every camp shall have available to its ocalpants certain facilities which shall he constructed and maintained in a sanitary con- dition by the operator of the trailer camp. 'tAe f'acilittet► shall be as conveniently located. as possible and such that they are no farther than 300 feet from any trailer nor closer than 30 feet to the boundary line of any lot upon which a trailer say bo situated. For every 8 trailers or fraction titereof, there must be provided Cie following facilities outsides of tcie facilities of his own horut ( a ) One automatic or sem.i -automat i e type electrically operat- ed washer. ,A V a, r Is % operated drier. � 3 w One automatic or semi-automatic type electrically (c) A bulletin board located in a convenient place. (d) An abundance of hot and cold water. (e) Adequate lighting facilities of the fluorescent type. S '(f) • f u „ A f 1oor of inpervi~ material so kelt " that any spilled water will flow to a drain in the floor which gust be capable of disposing of any such spilled water. (g� Toilet facilities for =&lea consisting of one flush - type toilet and one flush -type urinal, one wash basin prodded with faticete for hot and cold water and one shower. Each toilet shall be in a private compartment with self-closing door capable of being locked from the inside (h) Toilet facilities for females consisting of one flush- _ .. ., type .toilet, one wash ,basin ` provided with hot and scald water faucets and onb shower, tach toilet shall be is a private cospartment with self-closing door capable of beim locks& from the inside. should the facilities for the resales be located adjacent to the facilities for the males, they shall be separated by a sound -proof wall. 6. All lavindry and sanitary facilities shall be housed in a permanent service building or buildings which shall be heated for the comfort of the occupants of the trailers at all times except during the months of June, July, August and September to not lees than 68 degrees Fahrenheit% The building shall also be equipped with an exhaust fan or fans adequate to prevent tate accumilation of stale and stagnant air. In addition, there shall be provision made in the service bvii"ldings for proper electrical power to operate the laundering facilities. 7. Every camp shall have a supply of wator from the pipes of a municipality or from a source approved by the officer as meeting all requirements of the 3oard of aealth. No water shall be made avail- able from other sources. Underground piping shall be installed to such a depth that it in below tale frost line and each lot shall be provided with a connection supplying cold water within the limits of each lot and such connection suet be approved in type by the officer. No common drinking cups shall be permitted. 8. The operator of the camp shall install severs and conn- 16 9I 4 ,ft actions adequate to handle all anticipated sewage and in accordance with tae requirements of the Medical Officer of Health. All waste or sewage from t.le trailers or facilities shall be discharged into a sanitary sewer properly connected with a ,sewage treatment plant or into a septic tank or tanks which shall at all times be of such capacity and so oper- ated as to moot all regaAiremente suet by the officer. If and when a public sanitary 94:ver is availablo adjacent to such camp&, all such facilities shall forthwith he connected thereto. 9. Toilet facilities in any trailer shall be connected to the sewage system in use according to the requirenente of the : ted ieal Offi,7er of riealth and in particular in such a manner so that there is no leakage of waste between tie toilet and the sewer. 10. The operator of every camp shall provide electric lines so that there is available a suitable electrical connection within the lei boundary of every Ipt. "fie operator shall further pr -)vide a general: telephone service located' coAveniently in the c"p. 11. The operator of every c shall ripply metal garbage .+ ,�. • •.... yp .. '�' ..-e .�.pr.wti n _.. .+e° . .yyrs. #b:. w. .M'^' e cane sufficient in quantity to permit the disposal of all garbage and garden waste. Each trailer aaall be supplied with a metal garbage can at the rear thereof and the occupant of the trailer shall keep the same tightly covered and in sanitary condition at all times. The occupant N • .. shall upon each day that garbage is regularly collected and prior to the hour of such collection assemble all his garbage cans which contain garbage Min one location ad j acent tao the roadway for collection. lZ, The owner of every camp ,shall provide, at his own expense " s a for the weekly collection of garbage and refuse. 13, The space beneath trailers shall not be tised .as storage k. facilities unless such space is closed in for t;c o ent im perimeter of P • the trailer. 14. No porches or any other additions gather than steps shall be wade to a trailer without tree submission of plans and approval there- of together with a permit for the construction thereof to be granted by the inspector. 1s. Each trailer shall be equipped with a fire extinguisher of a type which is, in the opinion of the fire inspector adequate for Its purpose. . 9 . 4' 16. The camp owner shall evuip his ca -up with one fire exting- uisher for every twenty trailer lots and swch extinguisher shall be a type approved by the Fire Inspectorshall be availabla at all times is good working order and ashall b located no fart:ier titan 300 feet from M any trailer and in an accessible position. This fire extinguisher say be located within the building that houses the laundering facilities provided that such building is not kept locked at any tine. 179 The only type of clothesline to be allowed within the trailer camp is the rectangular type with one standard and of a maximum height of 7 feet. 18. Every trailer camp shall have an area of not less than 100 square Peet per trailer for playground purposes. trailer. (b) The make, model, licence number and year of all motor vehicles and trailers, (c) The authority issuing su ih licences, •(d ) , The date of arrival and departure of each trailer. (f) The said register ,shall be made available, for inspection ,at all times to law enforcement officers, pib►lic health officials and - ether officials and no record shall be destroyed' until after the lapse of seven• years from the last ,date of entry, 21. If the camp has not been previously licenced or 4f atter being previously licenced, changes have been made in the camp, or a change in the ownership thereof has occurred, an application for licence r shall be made in writing by the operator to the clerk or his deputy and shall give the following information and be accompanied by the following t supporting material: r 0s M T At 1 19. Every trailer camp shall have at least one competent attendant or caretaker whose duty it•shall be to maintain the trailer Cama, its facilities and egviipment in -Cool repair and appearance xnd in clean orderly and sanitary condition. M attendant or caretaker shall be "on call" 24 hours per day. y 20. ;very operator of a trailer camp shall keep a register in which shall be recorded the following: (a) The names, addresses and ages of every occupant of every trailer. (b) The make, model, licence number and year of all motor vehicles and trailers, (c) The authority issuing su ih licences, •(d ) , The date of arrival and departure of each trailer. (f) The said register ,shall be made available, for inspection ,at all times to law enforcement officers, pib►lic health officials and - ether officials and no record shall be destroyed' until after the lapse of seven• years from the last ,date of entry, 21. If the camp has not been previously licenced or 4f atter being previously licenced, changes have been made in the camp, or a change in the ownership thereof has occurred, an application for licence r shall be made in writing by the operator to the clerk or his deputy and shall give the following information and be accompanied by the following t supporting material: r 0s M T At 1 a 6 s {a Name and address of the operator, k (b} A sketch plan, drawn to scale of one inch equalling Boo feet, showing the location of tae carps, relating it to established 01-41 V4 . streets. N, tri Such other information requested by the clerk or his depraty as say be necessary to determine if the camp complies with the provisions of this by-law. 22. The said application, with accompanying material, shall be filed in duplicate with the clerk or his deputy; one copy shall be forwarded by the clerk or his deputy to the Officer who shall keep same for his records, and the Officer shall report in writing, to the clerk or his depity whether the plane and facilities comply with the provisions of the Public Jealth .Act, and any by-law •.under, hita ,jurie0W diction. Upon receipt, of the said report that the plan and- facilities so comply and provided that the application complies with the require- ments of this by-law, the clerk or his deputy in consultation with his council shall issue a licence. 23. In the event Ciat the application is refused, the clerk or his deputy shall advise the applicant in writing of the reason for a such refusal and the applicatit ,shall not be barred from submitting a further application. 24. (a) Save as hereinafter provided, every person licenced here under shall pay to the municipality a monthly licence fee for each lot available for opcupeacy by A trailer, of $20,00, The licencee of the said camp will account for and pay to the clerk or his deputy for the township the said ,monthly licence fee at the end of each ,month, not in advance. If the licencee of the camp shall in any monthly accounting establish to the satisfaction of the clork or his deputy that any lot in the camp Ahall be unoccupied during any month for a period upwards of. two weeks the clerk or his deputy shall forego that portion of the monthly fee in respect of the said lot for the said month dsaring which thea oase is so vacant, (b) If there was a licence issued to the same owner for the same camp in the preceding year, and no changes have been made in the k rasp, the owner may apply to the clerk or his deputy for a renewal of Vr yr ,N L t ` > hies: lioence, and if it appears that the licences has observed all .the "'Wovi; ions of this by-law, Che licence shall be Issued by the cleric oir Ma de"tyo Such licencee shall also pay the monthly licence fee:"Pro-* �tided to be paid by sub -section (a) hereof. {n� The licence shall expire on the 31st day of December in �n!r"'r" "" •'�!+.rMY,A«' »�,+,r'...e..�,.ir�w».+e..a, .... .. :�... .^ ,,, . � ..,:. ,,.»..w,.+.� 7'"'.`y"'°""wb'.. �, r.ws�, a�'„'.^ ,+.+: p^�. +rmm« rM.,g .. � "NRF �reUw years A,_w4eh the,,. licence � issu�eda and the licence shall not be - .. transferrable.. - A I 2S. It is decl.wred that If any section, subsection or part ft or parts thereof be declared by any Court of Law to be bad, illegal or ultra vires,'such part or parte shall be deemed to be separable and all parts hereof are declared to be separate and independent.and enacted as such. 26. Any -,person convicted of a breach of any of the provisions of this by-law shall forfeit and pay, at the discretion of .the convict-, it g Nati a' fa penalty or sum not exceec+ing $50.00 {©x-01113ivp of, costa and tate!provisions of the Sumenart ^onvictiona Act as provided and _,1im1ted.:t,.Y_;, he Mitnicipal Act shill a 1 h t i�w �+ddition their licence may be cancelled. w, 27. TAis by -lax shall take effect as and from the g. �. 19660 l; t1gACTED AND PASSED this .n 1, M v � Y 7 +day 1866. .O' �lerk % lYj4_ s 7 +day 1866. .O' �lerk % lYj4_ M BT LAW I0: 1.76 TOWSH IP OF PATNA LeinF a by-law to a4.opt the assessment on which the taxes shall be leveed for tl..s year 11772, to levy tie taxes for th.e ;-car 11772 and to ' provide for the c ."11ecti. rn thereof . W..rreas by action of the Province of Ontario, provision was rade .for t:=e Making of t a assessment o' -the 'dun. cipalit y- by the Pr�vir ce of Ontario Ij Assessment Comissioner, prior to the 30th. dad' of September 1970 as the assessment on which the rete of taxation for tho -.-car 11'?72 should be levied; AND ii4T IF AS► the asiessmert roll.. containi.n t ,.e assessment :jade as aforesaic? wai revised, oorre,ted anI. passed hrr the Aises on' Review Court for Vie sail TownshI-7% of Evrrham on the 25"--' . 'ay of` Jatn1,ar7, 11772. A` WHEREAS . o .nevi:si cn s were made 1-,y the ; otu-Ity � udge ; AND WHFMAS it is nece sa- and exT%aziient to lev-1 on the whole rateable property accordinr to the s..ast revised assessment roll of the said Tmirship tlie sun of $552,922.00 for the reneral purposes of tie said Town>hin .for the current year, for the payment of the County .rate for t)° o ci;rrent year, and for the purposes of iefra °inr hart of the exponses of Publi :, Separate and Hi, -I. School education, an' other purposes; TPEtEFJPE THE C(3"?CI1< OF T;CRPC�ni►TI GF VE T'sN''P OF PA:AI�;'ACTS AS F OLL943 s 1. Tl' )at, the asrge*,sment cont -at el in the. assessment roll of the awn§hip .of tea-`hwi ksi -"d p�.zx�want to Province of 0nt,aria Regulatfohs�, -and ad revised, corse ,ted and passed by the Asse 3ment bview`Court be and .the sa&me is hereby adopted and confirmed is the assessment 'on which the rate -,of 'taxation for the Aar'1972 shall to levie! 2. That the said assessment roll be and the iame is hereby* adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. 3. That, .for he PIU -pose of providing the sum of $250,040.00 for the general. purposes of the Cor oration, inch dini., the amount require) for Courty puxn, oses anc' bth+ir purposos for tie current year, a rate of 43.511 mills on the eollar be and the same is here) y levied for the -,-ear 1972 upon the whole of the said assessment of the Tovmship accordinC to the last revised assessment roll, except that on assessment of $5,84lV625000 a re'luction of $21,1CO.00 being 3.612 mills, shall be made owing~ to the ner capita (rant from the Provincial Governer-: for taxation relief for f'azm and. residential properties, as shown in the following s,.umar- : _ General. rate-'=--__-_-- --- 23,$84 --ills Count- rate --------------- 19.627 rills Total 43.511 mills Less redo-ction-___..------- 3.612 m1.119 4. Tha+", in additio.- for the i,irrnse of t':e StIn of 3' 2., �`or Pu`_Nl i c, Separate an � Ri!rf, School Education nurposes .for the cur�ent, year the q .followgin7®mill rates be anI t$e� .same are bereb-! levi�edf,,rytlhe-vear� 1 722 lipon t)e resnective i. orti�w+" s.I if t"S ,,3 ,email. assessment `!� L l,�i, of tM said �o� ship accoardinr to tre last revised assessment r-) , as indicated Ilereun ler; - Sc .sol.Residential '��, ll Co erci.a2 Mill A .0 .�. _...._ _ rCt #_ )agent ff-C-1—r, A s! * 5, X1,-71-5 . 2S•42 �lg�t3 t $3770 '. , 2 254..� ♦Total leQ r 14,&moi ]��''�. jj f6S Elfin 699 910. 23 . 528 12,63 5 • 26.11 3 1. 170 . Secon far'r East E1 in l , 663 , 580. 24.010 153,890, 2 .678 4!x,01 17. Secondarwr Ti?l,sonbure 4,178,0.5. 22.663 215191.0. 25.131. 1r,,o)6-29. i A P 2 5. '" at, addition, Por street: pl osers, Vhe folly owing sums he and are hc�re levied uptsA t :c respect' Ive asse ssmerts in each or the PO.lswinF 3treat lighting areas:- Straffor vibe., nn assessment of . " Z Ric) -mond 69mills-41P069-58 1?,85.rr—r 5.591 millsi.O.M399,02 der 44100/50--_-22.635 mills_..__ X57.33 _ 2.056 millsrrsw 105-35 5 a That, a'I.sc in addition, �' r the ��'r'�ose of defraying tete cost n.e �*arra�n collection and disposal in accorlance with Township of ��i�a� F -law bio, 1 2 a total 8 o� nt �. f 2b, 9'`O.0 C he W%d is hereh., Levied on 44 ' a34 9 of ;a 5 r •. d� ti .,.1• ter n. , &Fain -4t the properties invo?.vel, i. actor -anfe with Clatisc F0- 2 of the sad h ---.I aw. 7. "1-e D . r shall. prepare and 4elivor tic ^o�.lettforli, OIJ to tYe Tax Collector on or hefore the IW-, fig•» of .rune 1972. :. All taxes or c tYrer special. rates shall be paid in the caffi ^o if the -a-- 1 .. _ter gar Tr_as �r*r of tlr# Trwship, of and oner�al f on -r hofore De -ember 2�1, 1 1�?2. ;penalties "-r non-payment he at �ze�a.y '3 -our -41;s for prcpayme .", :,�' �a��� shall h,.as orc-,ridgy:j for and amen.ir r ~ the s� Py -law t + ? : a i ; 'oVtn , p n a h ar � ,. y -.law N o . 1697. . rn c ,n? lett r shal., ._"ave the' privilege of mailing the tax nr�t� ces tc� the several tai. aye rs of the Township at their las'A ono,v- a ! res4. 9► A ADS a First, Sot :z a, Thir ti Me and finalll passC� , ,11, Jun e ,197 2. Is A ADS a First, Sot :z a, Thir ti Me and finalll passC� , ,11, Jun e ,197 2. Is Fk T'UE COFR OPUT10 OF rHE T ISE TP OF B AnAM By - LAW NO. 1767 Fein- a '*iv -jaw to ame-~..� *-Law t= �. 17 40 Be it enacted by the icipal Council. �L the , e ©rporat _ nn of tie ^'� x�g.�b am. That of the sai. b -.. ].aw 10 ; 1 r 40 be str,, -z,,k cut ax:i the `'l l nvf rsu'st; tuts' therefore-, c� Ment and/or Frailer Parrs shall be divie into 3i., -es, Wi ea -h Site shad cantain a rtinirtuc area of 1,600 so. ft., shall be at least 30 .feet wide anj s? 1777 THE CMKRATICr 04V WE TCNr,'SHIP OF PAYTHA." "?,r -LAW 171;^ A BY -Law to a*_-,thorize the oro-e-sign.of v - ".. ri 1. school tax r the assistance of ol:erlyr parsons, WHMIEW the a' rd School 'T4a--+,-.. Credit Ass4 stance A 1961, authorizes local munici,)a1ities -o ncrovi-, Ie for muni ci-rai and school tax :refits or ref IL,-,dI-J Cnr lt-.Iia assistance -N4, elderly persoas, AND WAREAS the wliqlles to .3rovide such credits or refilnds. NOW THEREFORE the Council ena-I., t 3 as fo 1 .o''S VAT the treas,k,rer a-thorizel and direct -ed to allow credit -s or ref%,. -ds ?-U4,-ipaj taxes in. the maitimum a-,.otmt and to the persons specifiel in 11:sect .on 1 Or sect; on 2 of 7 :s Muni-ipal .-Aar.ca Act and 3chool Tem credit A3Sis4 read a First, Se o: -id and 711.ir,_-! -tire an -I `'I nail, nas3ed 29th iay of June, 1r, 20 16 Mm I-er, • a lk 44%' Jw OF EAYlt BY04AW Nth. 1769 A Ly -*I4 t to author! ee the pro d si cm of mr aip l 'JU sch"I tax crWIts for the &*SIs`t4nce cit' elderly persans, *M"" the uni aipal and school Tax Credit Ash stance Act • 1967, aut orlses loam, smicip+aUIles to provId* i"orunicip al and school cr*di is or z%efunda for the aauai stain c• of elderly per. H dP tHs C.ouUai,l W.ghss " Pride such ar�+�dAto or refunds, hug! THI &MR& the Cv,.m'aMil mss! a ag f ow& THAT the tr*&SUr *r is authorised WW lir ectad to chow Edi► is or refunds of nunt,oipal taxes in the set mount and to the psrsms WealtlSd in subsection 1 Of ssction 2 of The municipal and achool Tax Credit As ,etana* Act$ 1967. d a lrl"t o Sewed and Third brae end f1mal.ly pa mod WS 29th UY Of JM* f 1972. �"-1 Ar. 77 • '0�• • 4170 W Igo Iftl and Sdw4 UN Iwo MEN" some 4c � A NO avow's a" to the ad �W a 1&M� :oMrrt at ll�rt s1� �t lL�ti�► !ted Yfa sllL i► f! #0% L 1M. F, It- I Amba to I AM a lm�� :04 a" *is" 614 SOU a as at "end S"Ift Sm N"m A& wo Vol � 1964 4w?= — i moo. �► !* iA.t1) 44) gihs WMA to Mp VP aw or Pon at aNMi rll or ms sim to mu tha � at a 41-111 IF n IT at 1.00 "WS" Se &on" itsI& ww at aim �tl�► ��r� ��i�rt �1wr � �aFff t '►. Its, ► at hMt. M410 � mom Ses"d Or so,* UJO to we L�rt fir.► �. �� a�► �r� milt at Soo be a46 vp md t lata S~ or wr�r�rrs. "W'Asm ad Q4ft are I* M tvirwir or 4 r sawni73.OQ aM art �� a i t AM A AM MOM nW 1ALs 6"o, 41W at AMk-- Ar A law Mo AIM rINAL,Y Ow O -8 'A CIT YIGIN " i A BYL'7, 77 i. Y. J -(A I n ""A f vham on th* A" J'Tablaw ler 71., to stop I rt lin c, n the I.Ta.- I et, t .,Ll v .ter - 0 jr e "rCIIIn annexei. the unici- ;iny force all, of tete county in Which `L%,40 1, an �_rlir �7keatinq a ry GI tha .V'o u n f ter pa s s 1, 11, 0 f the L4W 0 .1 'A :Iakie to tne ;.'ouncil of the ,..turrortttion o ,in toll confirm- onfirm- n-, n- tl,,;e z;al J, r 1 rnor.ati-)n of the ".;Ounty Oi Ot of being 4.a Ax- -ion or in vie ,,a tilt.. t J 0;.ns On r1: LAW jull (3,17 r,, C j Cly f b{''7 s_% ni1 r 197z* ay z '.444 A uof, G. - - - - - - • - - - - - - - - 'm v •, �_ ..-?CrJ:1� �v�'.a'3ti„+i 1P �S`a�a :1Qt to, s'.' 3 ;:ire particularly 7 ,►ri.,�, f l G. l�i�� #2t� a)E„+(��jitla .Areet W"It thQ wn3tnrly %iolt ;�� il�l'f?iif'£; �"?.�'J..'�'� �l.i< ( �iC�►�.2 �t1•e niterly alone tnQ t a dla• Y � r�iri s, e tex- t� -.. `.t .i. +L �.. j •l+ t. r b � i 4 S pp�� r Ida ♦ ee G+1 t�1% j, 1. r 7 \ Y .. lli'..'-., 1a 3 r 4' 0 a t 4 r 4' lk 1. I& a • t NTN N lk 1. I& �P J L r NTN N �P J L r a lk BTwI.AW NO. 1772 TOWNSHIP O BATHAN BMG by-lawo atop up and close and sell a portion of Second Street in the Hamlet of Iden in the Township of Bayham wH t�B the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1470, Section 443 (1) 0) gives authority for municipalities to stop up any highway or part of a highway. AND WHIRRAS the Munici alAct R.S.O. 1970 Section x.61 (1) gives authority for municipalities to sell that portion of a highway which is so stopped up, THR%WORZ BS IT ZKACTSU by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham 1. That, that portion of Second Street in the Hamlet of Eden according to Plan No. 113 more particularly described as follows* -Comencing at the intersection of the northerly boundary of the said Second Street with the W03terly boundary of Township of Bayham Lot No. -23, Concession 9. Whence proceed- -tug south%.easterly along the northerly boundary of 4he °said, S -scored `Street a distance of 252.78 feet to - the westerly boundary of Provincial Highway No. I9. Whence south-westerly along the westerly boundary of Provincial Highway No. 19.a distance of 51 feet. Thence north+owesterly parallel with the southerly boundary of the said Second Street as Closed by Township of Ba*ham By -Law No. 1158 to the westerly boundary of Township of Bayham Lot No. 23. Thence northerly along the westerly boundary of said Lot No. 23 to the place of beginning; be and the same is hereby stopped up and closed. 2. That the above portion of Second Street be offered up and sold to the abutting land owner or owners. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver conveyance of the said lands under the Corporate seal of the Municipality to the said abutting land owner or owners for the sum of $75,00 and expenses of by-law, notices and conveyances in connecdDn therewith, s RUD A. FIRST AND SNCCUD TINN this 6th, day of September, 1972. i 9- 8LD t SHIED ?ali AND FDIILLZ PASSID this // day 1972* leve er M n w ti M n w Oma: ju �1 Sept. 11, 1972. Time Tillsmburg,News, P.O. Boot 190, Tillemburg, Ott ario. Dear Sire: Please place the following in yo= paper or, Sept. 13, 20, 27 and Oct. 4 ' TOWWSHV OF BAIW NOTICH OP STRUT CLOSING Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, Section 443 (1) (c), the corporation of the Township of Bghaa proposes to pass a by -lar to stop up and close a portion of Second Street in the Harslet of Eden moo2� particularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the northerly boundary of the said Second Street with the westerly boundary of Township of Bayham Lot 23, concession 91 Thence proceeding fly along the northerly boundary of the Second Street a distance of 258.78 feet to the westerly boundary of Q%em's Highway No. 19; Thence south- westerly along the westerly bcucdary of Queen's Hiway No. 19 a distance of 51 feet= Thence north-waterly parallel with the southerly boundary at the said Second Street as closed by Township Of BaThm By -Lw No. 11.58 to the westerly boundary of Township of Berhmo Lot No. 231 Thence northerly along the westerly teary of said Lot No. 23 to the place of bog nnlag. ...continued... 2 .. The Proposed by-law will protide for the sale of the above described lands In accordance with the Mimlolpal Act. The Council of the said Corporation will bear in person, or by Counsel, Solicitor or Agent, my person wbo claims that his land will be prejudicially aff we it by the said by-Im and mho applies to be heard at a meeting to be MU is Nn Cmmncil Chambers, Straffordnille on the Ileventh, day of October, 1972 ai the hour of 10:00 A.M. Dated this Sixth day of September, 1972. J. A. Petrie, Cleric. Tours truly, J.% A. Petrie, Clak JAP/ry TOWNS 2P OF BAY44AI4 N O T I C E Unless valid objections are received, a By -Law will be passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of baytiam at its regular meeting at Straffordville, Ontario, on Wednesday, the lith. day of October, 1972 closing up that Part -of' Second Street- -in- the, -Vi,,llage of- Eden,- in the Township a of baYha d� ly-ing L. tween the Plank hoad (highway No. 19) on the east and lino between Township Lot Numbers 22 and 23 on the gest, according to Registered Plan No. 113 for the said Village of Eden. Further Information cuay be obtained at the Clerk's Office. Anyone claiming this to be prejudicial to his interests must file a statement in writing of his objections with the Township Clerk on or be-A"ore October 10th., 1972. M Dated this 6th. day of September, 1972. ri A. Petrie, 'township Clerk. of 3.11yh am on ... .. s1 c pas IV..1Otv 1772 to top 7.x ars :+1 the j.art i cu Annexed. t1�e kat unici. a.► ;cif , any tares .. _..:r,hil oaf t� County �J11fC ,� � � in � ttta .c�un� 11 •? ; 4 - ';• t::� �r� �'t 'r of y y -� t;'e 33in.� - a i i t$ .r�r .�t.i iqt .tii s .� c ► �+ A i T 7 ,ounci 1 p ofn+F::ur:r tic�r�f_c c-or�firnt- �. rid' t..€.: .�t�.► 1 .",.� . _ ... :;rt.1 ...�f �: � _. ;.r•aati �>P of the jourity vi :'1 yin c: act: . •_ I .,Y Ofbeing '�► . C. t .,treat in. * t' e =aaf i r.- . • 4 5.i • . tit -,.. a { f,? .repeal. s . • a.s 1• J ry� w a .A i �+1 *e/ 1� ` rh .y,...: r, 197 �• cf paWI.JVi-.., i.t j J LVt~�]% V� 1 . r.. -—------------ ,?Y --..-..,.,...__— at. „ t • 4 5.i • . tit -,.. a { f,? .repeal. s . • a.s 1• J ry� w a .A i �+1 *e/ 1� ` rh .y,...: r, 197 �• cf paWI.JVi-.., i.t j J LVt~�]% V� 1 . r.. -—------------ ,?Y --..-..,.,...__— at. 5 i. .. i,a 3:.�..` r 1 V i {� ay ►..l :i♦fi.i •J W4. i Ac L .L n it.'E: ♦`i.sa 4: L ac—) r in V) 1 lan ANO. 1'13 ..Oro particularly described *_ ollow.; :n .xwldry ok Uke medic. ►,ecnnu .Arnet with the wA3terly .M. U.n arY of I.W"hfkf ' I.,t7 t llo. 23, t..cn,-r"J .ion 9, bio.nc!e pr4opediaq .ioulli-eastQrly along-, tine nort icrly i�. 5ciid, Jecoad'-Ar-o-ot a dis- . t1r3r 1;. .: Qou dares" 0 - Al . t, . ,` • � • � .i:I:Cra zo- .":•�4T�:ai s�-l�r ay 9 a A, .,f �I E!•►t. Lrrt: -,. 3Sterly _1 ;.�r J,st: �©.i ti-oundar., c): the 3alci ,c -o:t. �� r .� _u. t� _` �;�►.� � rR n ayha�! Y- Law Df r et "1 � i� .;Y .. - L • w ..�� a 1 Y ". aZ� '.�• � ds ■ v s A BY-LAW N o . 1772 T MISii I P OF BAYHA14 .. "'G a �--l.x�r tcy stoo up and close and sell aorti "L ,eet ire the: Harriet Of Eden in the To,,mshi ofp on of Second P 3a fham Municipal ct K.S.;t. 1970, Section aul.horit : .for municipa ities uQ stop u , �, 44�_z t 1 j � C � gives �ihway ti • y hihws or part of a AND W'HFR,1:,KS the 1..unicipal Acs "S-U-authr�rit.�y for ,municipalities to sell that sortion of a highway 461 El j sive;; which j-;'.30 stepped up Ahighway �•'H �+U.: ` bE IT JMACrfEi� by Lhe Mr nieipal Council of tip. -)f the T .�wnship of bayham e Corporation A That, that portion sof Second Street in the Hamlet o according to P�.an Fro. 113 more f Eder follows* Co. particularly described as -1mencing at the intersection of this northerly ounu�ary�of the said Second Street with the- lie.;tern bo r :, ... of Township of bayham Lot ��lo, 2 Ca � Y boundary ¢n ,��uth.-�. 3 � ,cession 9, Whence proceed- s` ..asterly along the northerly boundar, of the said second ,StrVet a distance of 252.76 feet to the wester boundary of Provincial Hi hwa No. 19. westerly along 'the westerly boundary o1 prov�ncial1�nce sourh-westerly distance of 1 feet. Highway :�o. 19 a 7 Thence north-westerly pai all el with the southerly bountiary of the said Second Street a� Closed b Township of H�aYham Hy -Law No. 1158 to the west:r1 boundaryY Of j'ownship of ayh&m Lot No. 23. Thence north: erly along h wesuer.ly bound.ax-1 of said Lot too. 23 to the p1. --e of be iinnin be aria the szane s hereby stc:.ped up and c1os�. � g; ?• t, �jt tri ar;o t _ un .a:Go 16. :it. eet be o ', s th�A t buttil.. an.i L'�w':�; t i x'eci u1 �:� �d sold r r c Yr: ., r . .� • it the n4 eve: a,,. d c�� : x are hereb authorize to execu,_; and liv rt co veyanc:e c.. ' le said Ian . ,; under the Corporate Seal tt. Mun� '_-ipa14 ty t .he said aLuLting land owner o L."e sura Of w`I5.UL a.ytd expenses f .. r owners lil }'2t?e�di � � � 1'aw, notices aI1C� herewith. 1 AND SECOND t�,I: � thi �trclay u,,,* Sept, fiber, 1972, .EA f f r{D UIE AND Fill"L PA.JSED -4hi e C J d Y of 1972. f O 4- I 14 cl, CA A�4 A. `.As -,een ratle to tne "ounc 1 of t1te rpe rat__ I I A 11 , y Iaw cc rn, t n P. s .%A a !1-.? a J. A es s a 0 e.", . er J7 - Lic; .2 1-4 al Warder; I m 7 7 r LA N -j ril P K A%� L T f. t, -0, rl 1. 1 Xly ha.,a on the 11th aw 177.1 to s t o rp up i cry.. )tI-t-at., in 'the A, �,i ; fore xtrti- larly A,,,�;Icribed U%rae C�)P y of 4 > c t 4-J c a orce nt i I o i n, w4i i ch e n of j7 0 r tn, s s n. -I `.As -,een ratle to tne "ounc 1 of t1te rpe rat__ I I A 11 , y Iaw cc rn, t n P. s .%A a !1-.? a J. A es s a 0 e.", . er J7 - Lic; .2 1-4 al Warder; I m i In ME CPOA" CSF T1 } 3P OF RAM"` /ill BY-LAWT o. A requi.ri — the 0•:;rers to �'erce nri, . swim i.n pools, a e darned- o,,t,iaor Pail' � 'HULAS a-th (rit � is frranted *,..o vn m a� l' � � � .ti' L=il .i0uncil 'i. � the Tr �7w 9h,1� J~ aider S c ^ion 5 (I) , para"app 24 Of the Milip � -} dols. 1970' for r equi rin t— oFrners of-`rivately wed out iot a.M � t ereet and -4 mai. tair perces a - d or sw�,. in,. a:.,es ar,)uand 911ch swi tinr pools an for prescri) r . the heicr�-,t and description of a-j�j T�� � . of erGrtin._* aneintain�n suchenres n VJ .ii�Ji .2" d rates* E IT TFIMFO .E E�iAC'T. D by th.e Co�n�°i1 0�' t �^ Township o� ayham.' � �he or�orat,�.on of thf» �*rivste? Y deed-otut.:o^►r swim. in. -� pe�aa.ne!�tl located or oo ` = oo.� means a ',Y body of water �, ,� rs on privately owned propert7 contalne d. b artifi•.ia1 metes ar,d rase;.� or � r �' wa*411-7, Vvinr- cr-.at}xin �airtaire for the purr nf r°i�±�z►#n � M is Y,] �'r'aio s:.a f?1ai!;ta,;. * #' tr :' �.. � � .�• a � r � �'�! ., � �', ��±"i a '� ci? � �- *� 1"1 r'i __n the T-1Wr31-::4-n , x' swimninr r,,�jj COY' t.:^ .0 biz C�' t?g'�'!', or he Ian"... on which Bach pool i s I6cated i s e.P ectivel re �.� e:^closer in, in arco' "da..n^e With the ��I�.owl prnvisf�,. an.i, or, s. a 'vert:- fey ;.,all h#� rot 1^ ss than uj inthes ' ver r re!n shag e so t �, p n-eir"t. J` .t i�._ '.�i� c cr e as not t Ld i. �( A► oles, or mans lamer V- � � c11 hat ����' r. " ., �, A �` `t a►�c ri inch 4 in *, �+ +,. �•� a -;.�,, r� 0 .;ed. c a a -U Ate` ' ..✓ tiw �' I r► v '•' -1'•� a ...� ,,1 }. • ,� J k:l ♦ 1 t . tthe ire �,, f*n'ce sk,aII �-e ..ocate1 on , r e or •1 ool ije of �• ^e. .avert: f, a • t� � _ _ . c e sj�a1.1 •.h �► s c� ladder, j. .y I1 `-� Eai_ i' 'M► !'�` ' f'► it � �1 ; .ra J� !''- � u Q M► � "� y°+. o a * A weZlir.�- hoa„-s-Rel or ? or arc.is,,, •�,0.1.. t � .ink may beu Ilized *:o cy�'fe z;h an•ofEver, 1 1- s11 .a�� � e r. I Jih; ll', -.a+. .!h All .�✓ r ^ors and a l nJl¢� s' de at the top of the rate to the intent that all a* �r i+acr •i 1 ~e'-18i4n sec•7relY close(' whet: a i �- t 21 ""a t*s s$?J'i th 2n�. '� act. ase . 3 Part sha? l not � �, * 4e. c fiJ"i!! .� 8�r" n -'fir � 3"^ ��.�r►1 -► � -•.�,.�,� �,a, s a r�aT:. �,�` *��;i'F^�,os�'x'e. � MMA Aw rjl r�It Ab eac 4-iI I. V C.�f[4i,.+ 1.. °. r x T'. he s^Mti01n sha�_l t' +�► i �" .. � 'IF-rolfisions of this :3hall ...� 'g"1, .,r. c i e` t f to c e. 71 -1' -Law s :a? a?alY t-' all t)"ivat el •�'�tr': e o.., or, re.. ardleis of the date of ere .'iof such +,^mir€ o©? • J. 7e"Se)' convict' ., , • s. of a#t r .:.e p.1is{.ins:` t s�.a l forfeit and p.a,... at the discre-Jon of t�'nv cti ,' st rat e r e , a � p , * • �. /�. r s� � c n costs, a. .+e 7 �,` a s r 7s a�, , a r�cove .q le . a�rle ,.ander the 77he ronv'�t,ors Ac* as ^rovie- the► .., `� AD A F r,''3T a MCMD .tea'.* of Ads TQ.�r 'PT ND FT!T�'A, 3 th . s 1µ?2. Reeve 4 BY - Lill NO. 1774 CORPORATION OF THS TowNSHIP OF BAT'HAX WHEREAS certain Cemeteries located in the Township of Bayham have been taken over by the Township in accordance -with Section 60 of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 57 by authority of By -Law No. 1758, passed the 2nd. day of February 1972 AND WHA MB it has been found expedient for the proper main- tenance of the grounds that the monuments, markers or other structures in those cemeteries shall be moved and re -erected in a central location; THSRUQU BE IT ,XACTZD by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayhas under the authority of Section 65 (2) of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1970 Chapter per 5?, 1• That the Monuments, markers or other structures in the cemeteries hereinafter listed in Section in a contral location in manner deemed 2 be re -arranged each cemetery in arcairn-Mor other proper for tievery . tonURWnt , Marker or the permanent preservation of other st 'uctutre and which will eaafid re-arran8 t, a mint ° nce of the grounds. , sake possible the proper 2. The provisions as set out in Section 1 of this By -Law shall apply to the following cemeteries: I Firby Con. Lot 1, Con. S 2 Best Com. Lot 8 Con, 10 3 Ridge Road Cem. Lot 1 Con. N.G. Aaera�ar Con. Lot 16, Con. W.G. 5 Old Richmond Lot 6 Claus 113, Con, 7 Lot 7 Otter Valley Lot 21, , Con. 5 23s Con. 2 8 Hemlock Creek Lot 19, Con. 2 9 Hutchinson Lot 15, Con. 1 10 Stanton Lot 279 Con, 5 3• This BY -Law shall become effective on the date which it is approved by the Ministry of Consumer and Carercial Relations under Section 65 (3) of The Cemeteries Ajt, R. s• O. 1970 Chapter 57, , Mead a First, Second and Third time and finallyassed this fa lith, day of October, 1972. i M By 40LW No. 1774 •'�1 • j* ' # I m i t s � �4�it�d in WOO �s at nim have beal! t ahm ww 1w thetrip In with &""m 60 at US COMM -q . .t . 19?O, t r #err s'i' by ga it St RYMLW no. 1709, et AND it has bow teurrd—di.wtt► for the �no taMt s St ww t riga t tie ■rrwrrrrWWI F Mar wwowwwwva in OWN gar tr'iee dau be MW and-arI'06 AMA JA MIMM a vtla�tttaa Iffl, IN 129M U IT by the MM14d M, CvuAcil at %be CaMuort at tie 'ltiwworltp at maw ter aAarRar�ity► at irrl.aat ! 1' '!M�rr #wet R.9.0. 197'x, ptr 37, l • That the wawrsrr Mtn amuig" a air Other Structures JA ter - M& ft "gum : be In.a rraatar�►�. -lomat► In 41"�r a �aits� er rrNr d for the wua m at "Isry aaw�rra�art, or - other Moru ttuQc+rt mrd ahiah wM* arwl� r��wgsrwt, �rke po�ibl+i tie pro►psar ar�iatwr at tjw oda. 2. Z� pr ► Ad =a " aunt in 1 of this DY -LW shall app x t adig e�t��� Z ? �' Can. L1I, Cane 8 8ea�4 pC+�r�. Caw. Lomat 1� �i �i X600 1Ce. 14t 16 GOA. *.Go Md xiahad Lot iB, holt. 7 Claus Lot 21 G. Otter V Lot soa cone 2 H alo►akaC 144 1 ! CoA t Hutchia a 8Cw* I 31 3t =t.4�ei L t *Cane i;* S ) W Md a Byer ai l breene � ve an the a uki t it Is lw ==%%j?jjMat et Cartwrrrre' Md C mdar � i s at►, t. 3. . 19"o Chapt4' 570 Xftd a Flivt, "aand mrd Third tim► d s Usk* dad` at October, 1972* LAWE-410400 4 V. � ww 0 ... ON+Aa 10 ftF -W { L CEMETERIES BRANCH 353 Richmond Street !T►+ FLOOR. 336 Y_ONGE STREET London 12, Ontario TORONTO 2116, ONTARIO 433-6197 ' TELEPHONE 363-6611 Se t*mbe r 18 1972 111 a Mr. J. A. Petrie, t • " Clerk Treasurer, . Twp. of Bayham, . Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario. Re: Municipal Cemeteries Twp. of Bayham County of Elgin Dear Sir: Pursuant to our recent discussion about cemeteries in Bayham Twp., I have listed below -the cemeteries which I understand are the responsibility of the Township Council. Cemeteries operated by Cemetery Boards appointed by the COW%C,i 1 of the Township of Bayham. Cemetery Location By -Law # Perpetual Care Held by Twp. 1 Dobbie Lot 15, Con. 10 1579 s $41000.00 2 Eden Lot 22, Con. 8 1135 80099.40 3 Guysborough Lot 132, Con. 7 1373 1 5,.179.00 4 St. Luke's Ang. Lot 16, Con. 3 1302 Held by Diocese 5 Snuck Lot 13, Con. 5 1644 of Huron 20500.00 6 Straffordville Lot 122, Con. S.T.R.1027 98231.00 7 Colton Colton 1279 4,758.00 Abandoned Cemeteries assumed by Township of Bayham By --law 1758. 1 Firby Con, 2 Best Con. 3 Ridge Road Con, 4 Amerman Con. 5 Old Richmond 6 Claus 7 Otter Valley 8 dock Creek 9 Hutchinson 1.0 S tan ton Lot 1, Con, 8 Lot 8, Con. 10 Lot 16, Con, B.G. Lot 16, Con. N.G. Lot 113, Con. 7 loot 210 Con. 5 Lot 230 Con. 2 Lot 19, Con. 2 Lot 150 Con., 1 Lot 270 Con. 5 4 • IV Mr, J. A. Petrie 2 September 18, 1972 I will contact the secretary treasurers of.the various cemetery boards regarding any submissions which tray be required under the Cemeteries Act and offer any assistance they require in maintaining adequate records. Many of the abandoned cemeteries appear to havri been cleaned up at one time but are rapidly reverting back to their abandoned state. It is the Township's responsibility to see that these cemeteries are maintained in a satisfactory manner. Many townships are taking advantage of the winter works programs. to assist in the clean-up of abandoned cemeteries and,'where the situation warrants, apply for permission to move the monuments. to a rent°ral cairn to facilitate maintenance of the grounds. < y I would like to thank - you for the assistance you have given sae in conn4ction with the cemeteries in the Twp. of Bayham and if I may assist you in any way do not hesitate to let ere know. HCF/ag Yours very truly, H. C. Fletcher, Regional Inspector. ;,"If XO* 0•0*06s0♦• This indenture, meds in duplicate the **o* d^y of • s . • • • • r . s • • • • • • 1900* Between: hereinafter called the [;raptor, D of the first part, (John ,2avid Jam) of (,300 Woodfield Road, W 1sQn. Ui y hereinafter called this Purchaser, to"Ancluds the plural should more than one name appear above of the second part Witnesseth that for the sum of (eighty doLra l .00) paid to the Grantor of which the sum of (tM X=eight dollars. $2B.00) is set aside in trust for poprpetual care with (The Wilson Trust CWilso, L Qo) In accordance with the prowisions of The Cemeteries Act, K.S.O. 1960, the Grantor doth hereby sell to the Purchxeer (lot 10. rMe 11. JA the Yi Gamete rv) as sham on the plan approved by the Department and having an area of (&) square feet. Sub jec t to the provisions of The Cewate ries Act, R . S • 0. 1960, and the Ontario Regulations in effect thereunder and to the Rules and Regulations of the Grantor which way be in effect from ties to tiim and as approved by the Dopsrtawnt. • s a • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • . • M • • • • • • M • • 4 Sec re to ry-Trea surer Mote (i) This sample deed is ,filled out to show the cowpleted document. All items in brackets mW undre rl inid should be deleted before printing. Not* (ii) This form rpuirss departmental approval. Two copies should be forwarded for approval before fiml, proof is sent to the printer for the initial printing and' when amendments are requi reef 0 sted Mules and fie latiors for 5ma11 Cemeteries Tele 4Y -laws aPe suggestions only anti the Cemetery 80ard shOu ld compile a set oi' rules their own particular needs anti naccordance a��le to Section 41 of The Cemeteries Act, nee with I• Lets and graves shall he sold hereafter by the Secretary -Treasurer, covered by a rate for Perpetual ;are set forth in theara of rates. , 2. Lots 'rade Prne` xousl.T. snl.c�, for which in L' a` be Placed under the pla�bysthe for Perpetual Care has not been he tariff o, ra`es.3+'m o• the charges set forth 3, Lots not under Perpetual Gare may he cared for on an Price shown on the tariff of rages. annual basis at a �,•;� ..'i'Ce -o f each- �.ntermrartt to be � cie shall be . of the Semeter;�r at .feast given to tht ,,,�,,,,,,,�, hours previous thereto except under special circumstances, 5• -NO' interment shall be made on Sunday except On a that hurial Must be made within 24 hours of deathinadoctor's certificate regulations of the Ontario Department of Health for the 1 with the communicable diseases. rol of 6. No body shall. he moved or disinterred without the written local mecicakl Officer of health and the consent of the Order from the court, or as provided in the RegulationsOf the ounuercThe Ceept,on ean t Act. The Cemeteries 7. If any trees or shrugs situated in any lot the hoard, ' become b'shall have, in the opinion of �means of their raats, or branches or in any other w4y, detrimental to the adjacent lots, or Prejudicial to the general appearance of the grounds, the Board may remove such trees or shrub parts thereof, s, or MR. "I'he erection hereafter is az hibited hedin or around lotps+ 909 of W;uers, fences, ra:iling$, walls,, NOY 9• 'O person shall do any worts upon a hurial lot without the permission of 10• Monunents to be erected for or b y lot concrete bases* anno Poundet:ior. shall owneraessall be set upon adequate or the f':11 depth of the grave. the tine .eeL in uepth, i L; ldren ander , the age of twelve years are not admitted to the grourus excep � charge of an adult, who shall be res nai ble for their o0 Conduct. good ,, O EM A.&A. %#WTO 0 1,972 or c all '441'.2 all ss's' Woo Lm4r Ia... fttafto*, O Atig: Mro. go Ce Flotcher pift" ti nd I awd a cerUfted oo" of To Of BWbm BYIwLm No. 1771*,* Tho approval of yow offico gill beated or wila-w%X& 0 row* truly • • A. P*trio, cIwk* BY -LAX NUMBER OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHEREAS the Cemetery situate on part of Lot , in Concession of the Township of has been taken over by the township in accordance with Section 60 of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 57. AND WHEREAS it has been found expedient for the proper maintenance of the ground that the monuments, `markers or other structures in the cemetery shall be moved and re -erected in a central location•, BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED that this Municipal Council of the Township of shall, under the authority of Section 65 (2) of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1970 Chapter 57 re -arrange the monuments markers or other ' structures � in the following manner; This icy -Law shall 1becolne effective on the date on which it is approved by the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations under Section 65 (3) of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 57. BY-LAW read a first and Second time this day of 19 BY-LAW read a Third time and PASSED this day of lO Reeve t k Clerk of the Township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true,anl correct copy of By -Law Number passed by the Municipal Council of the Township of on the day of 0 19 . Clerk r 1 i RY-IAM NUMBER A - LAW OF THE . TOwNSHI P OF REGARDING THE MAINTENANCES MANAG��. REGULATION, CONTROL AND TAKING OVER OF CERTAIN CEMETERIES. PIL5 certain Cemeteries in the Township have ave been unused for many years, and ars now in a posy state of repair, and can be considered ,abandoned; 8E IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the municipal l C P ®uncll of the Township of that 1. The Cemeteries herein listed shall, according to Section 60 of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. I9700 Chapter 57 be taken over by the Township of Cemetery, Lot Concession aeres •4e t�"rd , Lot. • � a Concession �h • fi 1,.> +•ewe.....°`." '"^-.^..�,w.°.r, a c iyr e 's , BY-LAW read a First and Second tiros this day of I9 BYE-ZAW read a Third time and PASSED this day of 19 Reeve--r--- �' C erk I ` Clerk of the To e' wnship•�of hereby certify that the foregoing is a true,do and correct co � �. Py of By Passed by the Municipal Council Of the Townshipo f on the day of C�►rtiti� this 19 day of 19► i BY - LAW NO, 1775 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAZRAX BEING ♦ BI -LAW to- stop up and close and sell a street or alley in the Hamlet of Richmond in the Township of Bayham. WHXRZAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, S*ction "3 (1) (c) gives authority for municipalities to stop up any highway or part of a highway. AJID WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, Section 461 (1) gives authority for municipalities to sell that portion of a highway which is so stopped up. BE IT ZNACTHD by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the 'Township of Bayhami; 1. That the street or alley lying and being situate in the Hamlet of Richmond according to Plan No. 22 nor* particularily'described as follows: Commencing at the north east corner of Lot No'. 13 on the south side of Talbot Road; Thence south easterly along the southerly Unit - of said Talbot' Road a distance of 61.3$ Feet -to the 4.orth - ire st corner of Lot N o . 12; 'Thence south , easterly along the west*rly, boundary of sai&-Lot No. 12 a distance "of 132.0 feet; Thence north westerly a distance of 61.38 feet to the south east corner of Lot No. 13; Thence north easterly a distance of 132 feet more or less along the easterly boundary of said Lot No. 13 to the place of beginning, be stopped up and closed. 2. That the above street or alley be offered up and sold to the abutting land owner or owners. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorised to execute and deliver conveyance of the said lands under the Corporate Seal of the *AnicipalityVto the said abutting land ow or or osiers for the sum of $100.00 and expenses of by-law, notices and conveyances in connection there- with. a Read a First and Second time this 11th. day of October, 1972. Is Read a Third time and finally patted this � day of 1972. l► • ♦...c; r;:;.> 3a.';< ...?F r., $ .� „x.l' :1:, a.,S�Y,ro rs`"d..1� s ..s .,ssz Y E c. �f<. "f:.'�L`?3 TOWNSHIP OF BAYNAM N O T I C E Unless valid objections are received, a By—Law will be passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Dayham at its regular meeting at Straffordville, Ontario, on Wednesday, the 6th. day of December, 1972 closing up that street or, al.lt:y � between' Lots 12 and 13'on the south • side of Talbot Road, according to registered Plan No. 22 for the Village of,Richmond. Further information may be obtained at the Clerks Office. Anyone claiming this to be prejudicial to his interests must file a statement in writing of his objections with the Township Clerk on or before December 5th., 1972. Dated this 26th. day of October, 1972. 1 -- A. Petrie, Township Clerk. It r BY - LAW NO. 1775 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNStilp OF BAYHAM BEING A BY -LACI to stop up and clo$e and sell a street or alley in the Harslet of richmond in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Municipal Act N.S.O. 1970 Section 443 (l) ick gives authority for municipalities to stop up any highway g Y or part of $ highway AND WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1974, Section 461 f11 gives authority for municipalities to sell, that portion of a highway ighway which is so stopped up. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal. Council of the Corporation Of the Township of Bayham; 1. That the street or alley lying and being situate w in -the r Haml.et, of kichmond according to' plan No. -22 mo:'e part-icularily described as follows: Coramencint at the north east corner of -Lot No. 13 on th6 south side o� Talbert Road; Thence south easterly alon the sou f limit of said Talbot Road a distance of 1. southerly the north west 38 feet to corner of Lot No. 12; easterly along the westerly boundary of Thence south said Lot No. 12 a distance of 132.0 feet; Thence north westerlya distance of 61.38 feet to the south east corner of L 4 -, No. 13; Thence north easterlydist of a ance of 132 feet more or less along the easterlybounds No. 13 to the place of beginnig, be stopped of said Lot . up and closed. 2• That the above street or alley be offer the abutting land owner or owners. ed up and sold to 3,. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to eXeeute and deliver conveyance of the said lands under the Corporate Seal. of the Municipality to the said abutting M land owner or owners for the sum of the and bu ing nses of by-law, notices and conveyances in connection there- with* re - Read a First and Second time this llth. da .f act Y ,ober, 1972. Read a Third time and finally passed this C!f day of r,ropt C• a - s 1972. l lerk TOWNSHIP OF HAYHAM N O T I C E Unless valid objections are received, a by -Law will be passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Dayham at its regular meeting at Straffordville, Ontario, on Wednesday, the 6th. day of December, 1972 closing up that street or alley between Lots 12 and 13 on the south side of . Talbot Road .. , ac carding tu registered Plan No. 22 for the Village of nichmond. Further information may be obtained at the Clerkts Office, Anyone claiming this to be pr*,judicial to his interests• -rust file a statement in writing of his objections with the Township Clerk on or before December 5th., iyY1. Dated this 26th, day of October, 1972. 4 _....J1 A . etrl Township Clerk. 'h. TOWNSHIP OF BAYEA 4 ,aX a3 -. , .. ,.+z,. ^>.,.,':- ,��..-.� •. � .!-, ,i 3r' � y , ,..� �s ..�- it ✓ v � `rr ,,.i =. � �-�:1 '3 .:K . pv>; � ..; `,�''fad'..`.s'..:b..6..3 ae cp.:.--^'?>+s, S -: c�j°..awi'�f`. *'�J.� L�Sa�Yr.S2 ic�i_i.�i....'�. 's.;;.,�i >* Si�'�`s S;Yc ., rP� a, .,ir � �.1u�S..n .l ??:,�..ox�3 ""�' ii7fo: iY A�Of�A"FZ'. k3 �' 3 .,, a.. .....$'% ,. �'�. <,.^�,,p7i`.%S 7S.wn.4.:. „ -. �. .., ni'�>' � <..: „ �i °�i` ?i'•;,�c,`RTJ+ N O T I C E M Unless valid objections are received a By -Law will be Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham at its regular meeting at Straff ordville, Ontario, on Wednesday., .- ,e 6th. day- of December, 1'972 closing; up that u , • t stree-, or alley between Lots 12 and 13 on th South side of it Talbot Road, according to registered Plan No. 22 for the Village of richmond. Further information may be y obtained at the Clerk's Office. • Anyone claiming this to be prejudicial to his interests must file a statement in writing of his objections with the Township Clerk on or before December 5th., 1972. Dated this 26th. day of Uctober, 1972. .A• etrie, Township Clerk, Ont 260 i* F.0. Soot 1909 T Uawburg, Ontari o. Door Sir* i 'lrao plass the fo13;�rina inyour paper as xor«,, r RR and Z9 ' TOWMIP OIP BAY NMCJ9 (W STRUT CLOISINO patios Is hereby given that pursuant to the provisians of the X=4 e1pal Act R.S, 0., 19Mg S etion 443 (1) IoI: the Corp i ratiaa at the Township of Boyhan propos" to pater a by-law to stare up and close a street or alley in the Hautet of Richmond awe Pa tioularly dosaribod "sa failo>ws s ti wt� at t" Iter" aoarnar at Uft ft. 33 ars tw south i eTa3,iwrt R�a" t Asa south oastarlT al Us �a�rl�r Umd% at saki Talbot maid a distance of 61#38 foot to the smith umt earner of Lot No. 12; Thence, soath Mont the westerly of said Lot No « 12 a diStai " st 332 *0 foot j Thfto* aorto v0stwly a distance of 61.38 foot to SM sostb oast oormw of Let No. 13; Thenso awth owiterly a dtstasso of ` 13 R tout awe or loss alms thq- oaaterly beundary at mid Lot if to tho place of betimdint. a 0 0 0 4 i 0- --mKI........... _I► 1 I ter" mow SO 2. 4. the .:punci l of the `A'ownshi p of :'ayhe.--m on the Uth lay of Jecez.,er, 1972., i..D. dio pass by-law 1775 to 6top up- and close arl_ sell n street or alley in tho ..ai.Uet of iiic:taan.i, 1 I o :own;.; of Ayh" 'pore :+arti- ctt larly doscriPed in chedule "A" which is Lem -unto annexed. pursuant to provisions of tiie O.unici. i4lal .,,c1t, t:tv raati ;:.a . owriahi-,Oi a - Law st%&i.l not have any force until confirme� 1.)y a ,y -mow of t ,e Council of the county in v:iic.a tiles is ligate, paased at an ordinary ateetinet of ti,c: itel r;ut l!.t*-r than ctr.e yeah after Ute passing • Q1 ti`e�.. Y-J'a d f L `+ :f "1 "'l s f taE, r , «t1411.',. < t.r.1 •�t•1k\..rLr application ll$$ UQf:lt ..d �d LG ttlP :Dune i l of the �.,orporati.on of t .e .ounty of r"_ltjin for a �jy-Law con- M +._.0 ..� .;.: rt,��c...• the :AnciI of t t t e ,'orpor3 L ;'311 0f i{e aunty of .-.1'ryin enacts as iollaws: 1 ♦ .° .t%. ► y -i.atw : v. 17 l %'O A 1.1ve ,,wn5tlif, of A-,atyh&%, L*ing a i y -law t,- stop :.tp ami c:io:;e and yell al street or alley, in the amlet -.f +Ac.Lmor..!, re and tha same is hereby confirmed. Kiwi-") a first tiro t.i� ,; � .• �.; �!% .:. o f ....� i i. a 4 i 7. � i 1 �'r V • ..� i p ..1 � '► : ,'1 g 1 � . i . � � I ( 4. .t' :, t~ r . t2.d �i::. f �nct1l pa►,:e t:.i k e ' • • � .J ''+P. .?�.7 r2. ••ar�i� n �. � ..may v....... r 61A n, t et C:.s a,� , ..i ek ♦ f ^; t V t •G:i.L�r�^.fin at ctE� nc.ttf� ®fit ,. c tne,r t 13 :..l •:= t +s ail � ". ;` r , int «►..!.,L ;:.kli�z�-f ivy r ♦ f'r t,t ..i i � ii, 1 ' V .i i 1 V +I • .. it V {S �, t.. l ' _ . i . ai�alvti r '- �. t„a ( L + 13 r a E' U BY - LAW NO. 1775 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BEING A BY-LAW to stop up and close and sell a street or alley in the Hamlet of Richmond in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, Section 443 (1) (c) gives authority for municipalities to stop up any highway or part of a highway.,, AND WHEREAT the Municipal Act R.S,O. 1970, Section 461 (1) gives authority for municipalities to sell that portion of a highway which is so stopped up. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham; 1. That the street or alley lying and being situate in the Hamlet of Richmond according to Plan No. 22 more particularily described as follows: Commencing at the north east corner of Lot No. 13 on the south side of. ''a16ot *Abad; . Wence south easterly orlon the southerly • limit ofti said .Talbot Road a distance of 61,38 feet to the north westa corner of Lot No'. 12; Thence so tth easterly along the westerly boundary of said Lot No. 12 a distance of'132.0 feet; Thence north westerly a distance of 61.38 feet to the south east corner of Lot No. 13; Thence Porth easterly a distance of 132 feet more or less along the easterly boundary of said Lot No. 13 to the place of beginning, be stopped up and closed. 2. That the above street or alley be offered up and sold to the abutting land owner or owners. 3. That the peeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver conveyance of the said lands under the Corporate Seal of the Municipality to the said abutting land owner or owners for the sum of $100.00 and expenses of by-law, notices and conveyances in connection there- with. lk Read a First and Second time this llth, dayv of October! 1972. a Read a Third time and finally passed this � da of • � �.,� ,�. � y l� , 1972. eevelerk F 7 0 Gibson, Linton, Toth & Odorjan, 36 Broadway, Tillsonburg, Ontario. Alt tri : Mr i • Llntnn Gentlemen : ' ti J&n * 19/73 a a v It will be appreciated if you will have e deed of land prepared in the names of: James Allen Fuller (Gantle &n) and Zit& Mildred Fullerh C i s wig y as ,joint tenants of the Township of Layham. for a street allowance as described in; the attached by -1&w No. 1775. Township of Bayham By-law No. 1775 re este g rad Pa December 29, 1972 as number 160962 Count of Y glgin conf'irWo On,r, by-law No. 2233 registered on Decembe r 29. 1972 as number 16p963 , The land is being 8014 for $230.00 bath �100.Qa for land .and X130. i" g or �►d�rez`t�t9ing and rakistratian Costs. .should you require any additional information Please contact me, or Mr. Pullet at R.R. 866-3690. 10 Aylm*r .. telophone Thanking you for your co-operation in this matter, `ours truly, JAPf vv encls. J. A. Petrie, Clerk. h Is •A It h " r ti h " r JI 7` OF ELGIN z;Y-Law So, 22W 0Y-i,.,�, . �,J �•.,�tr k:.,� - too. 1775 F i✓ �Jr L 1� ►iiU lLf 1#: .LLL ae Jc.unci l of the ':•awn-Z►i p ot- : ayham on the 6th :gay of Jecem,,er, 1971.0 diO 'ass by-1aw 1775 t stop UP and close ani,$ sell- e3 street or alley in the ' , i .:aF,ilet of Richmond, i n ► ��e wn:, 4i p of hayhaxa more parrt i- - larly des;erik*.d in-chedule 'A' which is hermminto annexed Pursuant to prnvisiun. o..•.,.nici- pal .Lct, tf�4 mai:: �`cwr+. .�;.: 'y-�.a« s'�all not have. any force Until r:oni i rmc ;:� �.�� a ,�; -Law c„ t.je-Oun.::il u: the J'ourity in wrlicit the i'�Pwr stip i.j �jf teat e, passers at an ordi nary meeting of t"i : ►urr�ii ��1 ;�vt later than (.)rke Year $,f te, r the T,assij�:j Te v r a .•.tYyl rt, ,.11> (`w.,.r tt; ii)licatlon ilaq 00011 ..d_ia 1.o t`:e Jo4nci of • ti.e%ortioration nt t tF 'cunty of -l(jin ko.r a 4 -Law con - 3 1 Ze .1n tle Sal :f 1':3+vn94i2 + w)x,- tae. wc►unci 1 of tied �orr�oral� ;. ar1 of tite '`OLL ty of �.lgin enacts as iol lows : 3,E:OnJ tJr, a 5 1 t i A.46 i i a a l l y pa 3 s e t 3 :'44:1Y j ' r ♦_t . l r,: l � i .•�1r��n :rrr'iri ca i• �`J �1.�J_.. u5aMu .1c1� d,:31t.eeLr vi.e l i n the . air s a of tii cru or► r,e an"I the sane is rtere.by --cn f i rnse,�-)r 3,E:OnJ tJr, a 5 1 t i A.46 i i a a l l y pa 3 s e t 3 :'44:1Y j ' r ♦_t . l r,: l � i .•�1r��n '4 i or al ivy 1yljta, �►rt�.� l� �.; •at 4s r t fu fo12waa: - ;c}.a,A►t'r�nfn.� at the lira, oast �"Crnitl �t.+�t'r'6 �v�,tt:. :�d� �i+C � y 3 i .. lr �► .k� ..t ::.,•iC: i 1 1 1�1 :. iIri 1 4 ♦ k,1 .�,,r w i .J - :s `'.rt 1 ♦ v 1 k . • t „} .. 1 Jv ' AQ L 4a • � i . ® � iii ri � a t id <a Mt � _ l � � � '� � �wi � • .. �. : . �. • � r.:�! �` : l ':� C.` .. � # � .r .� ..i v C' .l .. �• 1 .� ,... � k 1 a a k �` •k?1J t� � w �..' i .i. �¢ i..�� .i { `� J � r `� • � r• ... . � � 1 ,_ • i ! i. ' / • .r i • �� f, � . i its b � 1 i � e ti U, r .'� .� h � „� �,y r la4 ' U 1 4 O la4 ' U 1 4 I-] &' i C TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - U.W NO. 1781 Being a by -lax to'authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign an agreement with the Municipality of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for the con- struction, use and operation of works required for the transmission of mater in the County of Elgin. WHEREAS the Municipality of the Corporation of the County of Elgin did on the 20th. day of December, 1972, pass By -Lair No. 2235 of- the said Municipality being a By -Law' to authorize the Corporation of the Township of Bayhan to construct, use and operate works required for the trans- mission of water in the County of Elgin. AND. WHEREAS it is now necessary that the Reeve and Cleric of the Corpor. ation of the Township of Bayham sign an agreement to provide for the franchise or right of construction, using and operating a line or lines for the distribution of water within the,said Township of Bayham. THEREFORE B16 IT .ENACTED by the MUNICIPAL COUNCIL of, the C4RPURATICNof the TOWNSHIP OF BA`fHAM. That the Reeve and Clerk of the Township of Bayhan be and are hereby authorised to sign an agreement with the Corporation of the County of Elgin dated the 20th. day of December, 1972 for, the full right, power, permission and consent to enter upon, use and occupy the high -- Mays of or under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the County of Elgin to survey, construct, lay, maintain, inspect, alter, repair, renew, move, replace, reconstruct, use and operate in, through, upon, under, along and across the same or any of thea, a pipe line or pipe lines with any and all connections, apparatus, appliances and attachments, includ- e ing attachments for cathodic protection, necessary or incidental, thereto and to a system for the purpose of distributing water•within the Corpor- ation of the County of Elgin and affix the corporate seal of the Township of Bayhan thereto. TIME READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD/AHI} PASSED THIS 27th. DAY OF DECEMBER, 1972, s�_!1 r Or ELOD By»l aW Not 3335 y'v ! 0 3 d d 10HLRW the granted Me reted +� � lef to Cleenty of 1919in to q rmt it it fr"gj Ase or "t of pl,"Jaq t� the mai• pality for the paniess of ooastr+eatiaq, Uriah OW *PMUM a line of lines and works for the tssa mmissioa thtrnpit the Wtaioiprlity of 1latoli�• not iat rd to be distsuntad the MdA Bore of liars in the Owe#• aipality other than to peukase aborts on a hi&Um of &areas gait the dais► Is earried or conveyaL AD lilKit W, vtb jaat to the teres asyd essatime hereinafter r sat f*r th. t , 9*gn"1 st I" CoipatatieM of the C**nty •'I Llgiat lids w rood torat t thou MW f faawhise. U ftmlro s C XD br the O*mA1 of U -1111 11 +f# the Com ter of Imo► A= IT 13 HIJUM 40 9"lorre: • 1.NU riotip D~' `s P ssi+lts► +saasiMtt an hereby gnat". w `+rinsWid and "t"► "mss Ceirve rats t Of the y of SMS► its sors sad asmimts to eater upon, we mW oaanm the highways of of WWer the Juriodiatioa of tM *tiaipality to survey, aastrwt,- laor, # inspect, &It", repalr, aromim# srtove, sep�laoe, rio�nstaM�to rte dad opwate Like throes,, rmto wWsr, alter and morose the saw or % m` of thm a paps lire of pips l,im" with ate►" and all oma tioae, a�v�tsatas, a�pp►1iaftees and att atse insl�rdi► tq atta rsata for la r � a etc is atal tbar and to a system (for the PUIPr+O of y�sssiaq the t the *tiaipality Md t awttMaw totter Alah to ntrt -A.— to- be dig ed from the d lice- or Us" 1a the tiaipai t W OAS to PrsOrs AN* lawtd &rtt4 oft +a heir • of ams Atsk the sow to SWAOA o aso-m-r-r+sd. % �µ t. SS& A*t of frataaiore sb&U be fbjoct to all tars teem dad +e�adl►tisas set out in, out AgreenMtt to be WkWed Into betm to pality mW the Grantee in pussamoo of thim Oy r, *ielt Agreem +rat s al l be is the f ort heremato at tavhed 4 so awW&Vd a acrd C s rk of the said *miaipality are her eby authorized ,ate Sed to emtar into and to iexecute on belalf of the 'int`• the AgrOOK*nt aforesaid and: to affix the oorporote_ s eal thereto, 4* TMS BY -Law 8a11 oto► into force and take effect iasuidlate hr & t4w an Atseesont in the fOr a htreunto aAA*xod shall have beep, axe auied by all t e parties thereto. JMAJDa first tine i s 20th daY of December, 1972. IAD a BOMAd URO this 20th day of December, 1972, a third tbw and fiaaUY Passed this 20th day of Deceaber 1972, lie L• J ohmon Cleric M Js Wo Hodgson wa den f A a t E. E X E p T made in dupl i vats this 30th day of 31TVIIN# A. D,, 1973. narteNr i 4.1 OF HATE O CW Tib SECOND PART WH REJ S the Grantee has ra w►sted the Municipality to tit to it and its suaaessors asd &"LW s, a franchise or light of passing through the ftnicipality for the purpose of constructiva, using and operating a Lias or lines and vorks for the distribution of nater within the i aipali tyro AND WHEREM the Xkmi cipalitr has by byaLm posed oa the 20th dtr of December , A.D., 1972 , gmtad the raid franchise frog and �ittor the* �tin�.n of tme Arq�r t a 1 has anthoa�isad and owwnred the Warms and Clerk of -the said ltniciMlity to e:efute ,this Agrisient r and to affix the corporate seal thereto. WN TURETORE THIS MEpTORE sub in ooasideratioA of the ye raises and of the perfosaamo . of the cor emmts and obligation herein- after oontainsd on the part of the grantee WITNESSETH as follws: 1. The Municipality does hereby grant, confer and assure unto the Grantee its successors and assigns, lull righty poow, pemissiou and co04W to anter upon, vA* and occupy the highvays of or w%dear the jurisdiction of the aipality, to survoy►, construct, lay, saintaiA* M inspect, re"w, r+alrotrr, replam, reconstruct, use and opmrate ,ia, through, upon, m r, alow aad across theme or amy of thmw: a pipe line or pipe lines with any WA all connections, apparatus, I appliances and attachments, .including attachments for cathodic protection, neoessmy or incidental thereto and to a systm for the purposa of distributions water Within the mumicipaliiy. 11 2. All l mer (oar mMwsnMal) odes, pipes, lines and works installed by Grantee under this Agreement shall be constructed and laid in acoor- dance with good a ngi neeri ng and oo nstract i on praoti mm . Except in ca s e of emergoncy. . (a) no excavation, opening or work which will disturb or interfere with the travelled surface of any highway shall be uaudextaken or ooasencsd by grantee without written notice to such officer of the Municipality as na from time to t iat be appointed by the Council of t * !herd aipali ter for the purpose of general sur rri s ion over its highest s (hereinafter referred io as the said officer of the Muni +aftpal1 W, which term shall include the person acting in his stead in the evwt of his absence from duty) , such notice to be given at least 24 hours in advance of ncinq such work unless otherwise agreed to by the said offioer of the *Anicipality, and tb before laying or installing any naw (or renewal) ,mains, pipes, lines and works, the grantee shall first file with the said officer of the Muaiaipalitg a preliminary map or plan shoring shat it proposes to lag or install and the proposed location thereof and shall also check with and obtain the written approval of the said officer of the *wdci,pallty as to such proposed location. Not later than three months after the close of each of its fiscal gears the grantee she' I file with the Clerk of Ahe Municipality, saes or pleas showing the location and sine of all mains, pipes, lines and • works laid or installed by the ftantsa is the highways during its previous f i s oal year. 3. The said line or lines shall be placed underground so far as is pr act i cal mad it required by the Warden or otber o f f t oer of the Municipality above mentioned amll be looated along the sides of the said hi,grhwas except where it .shall be necessary to cross a highway and shall be so coustru ted as not to obstrwt or interfere, with the use of the highway or with "y gains, ditches, br*dges, culverts or oth,or works or ia►provenants thereon or -therein. 4. In the event that the MWasiaxipality shall dew it expedient to alter the oonstruction of aAy highway or of any sunioipal drain, ditch, bridge, culvert or other works or improvements thereon or tbam +aria ward in the oourse thereof it meal l became nacos sw7 to hares t * Grant** make ohs► - in its line or Timm or works in ordor to facilitate tko work of the Mei c i pal i tag, thea upon reari pt of reasonable notice in srsttl fres the Marden or other officer of the *micipa,lity above mentiomW specifying the ante desiared, the grantee shall at its own e rachange its line or limes or works at the point specified. .. 3 . S. The Grantee shall construct Ampasir and reF18cAUW such line or lines or works with all roasonable expedition so that the highways shalt not be torn up or obstructed for any unnecessary length of tial► upon the construction, repairing and replacing of argr such lino or lines or Barks or the taking up of any of the samm or the moving of any of the same from plaoo to place in a highway, the Mghway shall, with all reasonable expedition, be restored to its proper level and graded and left in "'safe and good a *,tat* of repair as it was before it was entered upon or opened, and to the satisfaction of the said Warden or other officer of the itni. cipality above went ioned. Ole The grantee shall and does hereby at all tin" indemnify and save hamless the Municipality from and against all loss, damage, injury or expanse which the *miaipility say bear, suffer or be pout to by roaion of amy +dauage to propM►rty or injary to persons caused by the construction; maiAtenan armoval or operation . _ cel,., by. the grantee of My cif ire maims, pipes, lines or works in the *mieipal ty unless such loss, ' d mmq*, LaJwq or expense is oovasionod by Act of God or by the act, float or default of sorue person, fixe► or corporation other than the grantee, its servants, contractors, sub -contractors, agents cr employees. 7. The rights and privil"os hereby granted shall continue and resin in force for t period of twenty rears frog the data hereof. 8. in this Agreement and in the Hq•Lar► above referred to, (a) the word 'highwaCidge shall :*an a common or public highwoty and include a road and an other structure Incidental thereto seer or at tiara ch=cipality. the toren of this roe• t under Us Jurisdiction of the dart � � (b) the word 'Non.ivi ity' shall nean the County of Elgin as presentlyoonstited or as it fret o nstitued dura the tesm of this 4wato t rise bre s. TM AG shall enure to the benefit of and be bixrdinq npea the ' pattio s hWeto, their successors and assigns. w # 0 IIS dl --L= W ' F CW th* parties ha•i hereunto affixed their respeativo corporate seals duly attested by the hands of their proper s i ,i ng officers in that behalf. T tai ON 4F THE TCS' HIP OF BAY lk i k R"Ve Clerk CWG?ATI ON OF THE COUNTY OF E IZ IN Clerk By--Law No. I78t, Corporation of the Township of Btvhax Beim a by-law to comfirmall actions of the Council of the Township of Bayhm for the year 1972. BE IT THEREFORE SNACTED BY THE Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Tow ship of Bayhan that-all actions by the said Council 1 bq by-laws and resolutions for the year 1972 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed. Bead a First, Second and. Third time and finally passed this 27 day of December. 1972, s I, k r' l� d J