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Bayham By-Laws 1971
BAYHAM i TOWNSHIP B y - Laws a Numbers 1720--m 1752 19-71 TOWNSPIP OF BATPAM BY - LAW NO. 1720. Behr a BY -Lar to appoint certain officers it and for the Township of Bayham for the year 14 '1 BE IT T?HEREFORE ENACTED by the Municinal Council of the Townshin of ; Bayham in regular ses'ion assembled :- 1. That 'Wilfred Varner and Roger Casser shall. he Valuators of Livestock and Po!zltrt= killed by dogs @ $2,00 per hour and .20¢ per mile one way for car. 2. That Gibson, Linton & Toth shall be Townshin Solicitor. .. ,That Mac C►ibbongsY all be Inspector. tmde�, The Trench ixcavators Act a.t 2.00 per,,rhour� and .20f per ,mi:le one way for car. That Walter Nelson stall he Drair Insrector at a salary of .32, 25 per hour and .204 per mile one way for car. Than Elton Jackson shall he Collector of Dog Tax at 2-0:_ a salary of one-thl rd of tax collected pltzs � . DLJ for us,* of car, ,f READ a first, second and tlArd time ar" finally ^assed t',i s 4th o day of January 1971. t • ErR� . TOWITSPIp OF � PAXP - LAW NO. 1721 beim: a Hy -Law to aPPoint Fence -viewers and P'Aund-h.eepers in and for the TownshiP of bayham for the year 1971. E AS Seg tinn 377,. Subsection58of 1't:e Municiral Act, R.S.O. l9�p, provides that these ate Dint . � vents he made; HE IT T'"REFORE ENACTED by the uni. cin F a1 Council of the To sh_j. n Or Rayham , that the fol l owe. n'r he and are hereby aPPoint#d to aft as the following officers for the v»ar 1971: Fence -viewers LLoyd Herron, R.R.# 2, Vienna, Cent. Alva Prinn, R -R. 6, Til.lsonblirg 0.►r Alonzo uapell, R.R. � ,. Vane Ghilzto R,R. 1i�i A2mGr Unt. Weston Holtby, R.R.# Vienna, tint. Stove Stef ar . t � 11:Rr , tint* Vienna, C �at,�ae, Hezez�,.� Jr.�, R.R. tion �'hi 1.Venn�, t�t:t � . 11ins, R•R.# 49, -A, 1morj Ont-. Robert GreP'son, R.R.# I, StraffordvilZ« Cert t . Pound-keerers s Don NevillvVi�nn.a, Cent. ` m- Howey, Straffordville, ont. Robert Veitch, R. R. o Roy Green, R. .; R. � 1 � Ed.,n, Ont. 3� illsonburp, Ont. Ray roper, R 'R Clarence Milmine, lR.Rie Vienna, G'n*�. Robert Gr�►pson, ?.R 1 l tE►den, Ont. , Rav Woodwort ,R.R. t traffordville, tint. a r 1, Part Burwell, Ont. lk READ a First,, 4 t � • da.,► of a r TOWITSPIp OF � PAXP - LAW NO. 1721 beim: a Hy -Law to aPPoint Fence -viewers and P'Aund-h.eepers in and for the TownshiP of bayham for the year 1971. E AS Seg tinn 377,. Subsection58of 1't:e Municiral Act, R.S.O. l9�p, provides that these ate Dint . � vents he made; HE IT T'"REFORE ENACTED by the uni. cin F a1 Council of the To sh_j. n Or Rayham , that the fol l owe. n'r he and are hereby aPPoint#d to aft as the following officers for the v»ar 1971: Fence -viewers LLoyd Herron, R.R.# 2, Vienna, Cent. Alva Prinn, R -R. 6, Til.lsonblirg 0.►r Alonzo uapell, R.R. � ,. Vane Ghilzto R,R. 1i�i A2mGr Unt. Weston Holtby, R.R.# Vienna, tint. Stove Stef ar . t � 11:Rr , tint* Vienna, C �at,�ae, Hezez�,.� Jr.�, R.R. tion �'hi 1.Venn�, t�t:t � . 11ins, R•R.# 49, -A, 1morj Ont-. Robert GreP'son, R.R.# I, StraffordvilZ« Cert t . Pound-keerers s Don NevillvVi�nn.a, Cent. ` m- Howey, Straffordville, ont. Robert Veitch, R. R. o Roy Green, R. .; R. � 1 � Ed.,n, Ont. 3� illsonburp, Ont. Ray roper, R 'R Clarence Milmine, lR.Rie Vienna, G'n*�. Robert Gr�►pson, ?.R 1 l tE►den, Ont. , Rav Woodwort ,R.R. t traffordville, tint. a r 1, Part Burwell, Ont. lk READ a First,, 4 t � • da.,► of Second and Third time and finally passed this i s January 1971. • • 1 .. ,... .......F �. a Second and Third time and finally passed this i s January 1971. • • 1 .. ,... .......F �. Farm 140.0 Ontarb Th*-- C4a oration - oaf . the ....... __, B'Nr-LA%V' No. 1-122 21 jppxlab) to authorize the borrowing of = 3 50, 000. Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham (hereinafter called the "Municipality'") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 3 50 , 000to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current extvnditures of the Municipality for the year: ""°"• And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the 'm ooww"M Municipality as wt forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1974 , is YW it X aw ar»� 491W $753,907• rw" And Whereas the total of amounts heretofore borrowed for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1)' of Section 329 of The Municipal Act which have not been repaid is i n i 1 Therefore the Council of the Township of bayham hereby enacts as follows: I. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate = 3 50, 400 • to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the , including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Sep 329 of the. Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipplity to the Barak a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by She Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest at such rate as may be agreed upon from time to' time with the Bank. 2. All gums borrowed pu=nn t to the authority of this bylaw, as well as all other sums borrowed in this Year previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received, 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realised in respect of taxes levied for the currant year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Pawed this 4th. day of � January 19 71 ^�' T tt HtuD Of THZ MUNICIPALtry ssAL CLt<RK .... t I, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No.1722 of the Township of hayham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This 4th. As Witness the Seal of the Township of sayham day of Jianuary 1971 CLIKK 1 TME MUNICIPAL, VOIRLD LVI ITER, :T. TNOMAS, ONT. r THE DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ACT BY-LAW No..___1723.____w.. BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF LAND The...........__ GQ.L..............of the-_.�.DB�'nRA TICf....�..�_._ Oman Comma W sort wr Tn"W") OF THE TMSHIP OF BAYHAM --.-•-........................... . �..w... .......�i, � �............�......_.._--._----------------...- enacts that— The land hereinafter particularly described, namely,4 _. d._.__?:??.E' lar�«that..w certain parcel or tract of land and oremises situate, lying and being Township of bayham -in the County of Elgin, described as follows CC? LING at the iouthwest ante of said Lot, THENCE Easterly along the mouth Lfmit. a distance of. 300 feet; THENZE Northerly parallel to . `-'the °es limit o said Lot,.__"._feeti_..THENCE'esterl..lara�l�el to the .........._.._......_....._._.___._._�...................-• --- _._ .......... ._ .I....... .... .._ ..... ....... South limit'of 3sid Lot, 300 feet .to the Westerly..limit thereof;- .. THENCE Southkri�a;terly_�:kmt___20_ feet_ more or less to the place of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREQUT AND THEREFROM a strip of lana a, roxim .f se�...�n _ width__, ony_ the___souther�.,g__ bouund�r�r__of..the .......... parcel herein described expropriated by the County of Erin for road- *q;Ln ..P_.Q.4Q aA......................... .._...M....._..._..........._... ... ......... ................... _._..� �.._�.....�......_..._..._ be sold to.__. Ali I I i am__Clauri.Ll.a_and.Marilvm-- Chm-i11�t..__._......_..._.... ..... ..... .,................... for the sum of.___F.a=._1iundrnc3 ..a andthat _........................................................ ._........ and._.._ M - .,.�_._.._..w.............__..._....__...._.�_......�Ii_....._._..... ....... ........... ...... ....are hereby authorized to 1W , Owt W $Omans) execute such documents as may be necessary therefor, and to attach the Corporate Seal thereto. (sem) Approved by the Department of Municipal AEaiar+s....,...............,�.............. . DEPT. �'F MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS FEB _ 11971 ' Read and P'as6ed in open meeting this ..._.ith----...-......day of. JANUARY,.1971:. i.f c:aia� row T*17 OW TI'WY3PIP OF BATRAM BT -LA's NO. 1724 being a hy-law setting remuneration for members of Council. Whereas by virtue of Sec. 406 (1) of the I Zuni cipal Act R. J . 0. 19689 Municinal Co1mcils may pas3 by-laws for paying the members of Council an annual remuneration. And. Wherea 3 the Gouncil of the 'Pownshin of hayham deems it necessary to pass such a by-law. TH&iEF0ii& BE IT OACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Toi-msh.ip of Bayham. 1. That the peeve may be paid such sums from time to time as directed by Council not to exceed in any calendar year in aggregate, One Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars (;;1,500.00). ,,. • . That -the ire -city -Reeve and Colln�illors 'may be paid such'bums- ' frnm time .to time as directed by Coiunci not tv exceed'in any calendar year in aggregate, -One 'Thousand, Twt�. Hundred and, Fifty Dollars (.$1,250.00). 1. All. by -Laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby revealed. 4. This hr -law shall he effective from Jan. 1st., 1971, IN Read a First, Second and Third time and passed this lithlv day of F abr?iar-r, 1971. �Ze.+ "eve . 7 s c' FOR" MIN - 1-4 Ma/is= f 'I'Ri31i" "Flee. fthway fsgrr vesear! Act requires that dw testa npawdltara an rads be provided . for a wroaft ' lad► bylaw seed 60 So by-law be adwaitted to Uw liter of fdlewaya for 4"r"61. 111CCRWORK the Cousefl of the C.+oep W*a of the said Towwh* "acts as #allows: C2} 7% .aa. ad ��"�1!�,i� ..__.._ is lbs "United as the awyeaeditare upon a�aa ted i same at dr. rsa s and brides under ibe jarlyddioa dr�wraring the pU� a►e tenewa: Coast I Ntlwaae ROADS NM "CIMMY -------- ail TOTALS OD The said nowiab abaall be ween i If V odes the saapsrridaa of the darts appointed tolm. %hip road as teoaad an wart pet for +ed in arcrordsaaas with The H gbwa y laeprtirwesat Aat. (3) The afrt shall traaeaA Tar*iteste copies of this by-law to the district affles or the Dspartaeaat of vagneays, Octarw sant later than Kareb 31st of the said yew. i#? The approval ad tragi Ontario K* kipal Board shall be obtained berate any expen& tare Is autbaeird ar wart wldrb will be ftanced by the ism of A i h i three or awa as xaaired in a mdws mW yew. b Taawsd at StraffordZU110a ------ IA,s, - _ _ _ day ei_ PUiW- - . A.D. W -U r_ ----------------- _ .._ ._. tea . r.w_ . __w_. __.—___,.____,. chft «r aM aoel.1100a 41 Se TOWMbo of ,� _ _p _f IM_____..__..____—_..___ -9 As, redid aw tib tOd dw d is a tree eat ad itlaw 3� Fwd 1► a* Osman of so am CJrteI- w - iia magi ire day alt ,' 1 R s Elk 5 �ca�vE FEB 18 1971 <1-', OF NIGt1'4t000 t' • Elk 5 �ca�vE FEB 18 1971 <1-', OF NIGt1'4t000 A BY-LAW TO 00 IM. "...:Z1.__QC!OIOIT` OM ON ROAU 84 TW �OVN1'Y t�t'yVI/lA �! (w_ !' --------1N THE of __-_--_.�I�{'it�.._�...___....,...� 1C'T" WKWZAS The MOMY MWe+earsot Art repose !lest the UW #ttirs as rook be provided -let aruali r b tgr-iaw and that the by-law be sebbuMed to the UlaWft ON RirdwW for apprw*L 't"XIMMMWWORi the Ceti at the Ceepeeali as of the said Township MuKU ae fol am: (i) The acre at is hereby a tboded as the aapedltm up" the ca.,ta.etie. areal a.babe.s ee of tie tads and b rider under No j w k dietioa doing the yw 071— as teak ws: Comby etioa TOW ROADS ---- - ------- —M. --------- 4 _1-8 ,?SJD,0 SES A CULVEFM __-__-------- $___ NEW MACHUMY -----------a.._�4,��.� s, ail �---1QOQt .OD Su t n OVERzs7s'sAD----------------- �w _ ��? s� ,_�Q_}�� 'a _ __16- 20-0 -0-OD (A 7% said aaoaieo shill be espee b under the aa�wwrwwwv of the dot► appoh*W tows• ship trod agdte+wrdeot and on war performed In aaeedaee with The Hfphway I>fnpsorsneat Ad. W The clash shall bvnaatit TrkMeMe copies of this btr-hew to the district aMft st the Departatt st Mobwam 4otaruk not lebr than ltmb list of the said yew. (d) The app meal of the Oatatio M alcipv Do" sb&U be obtalued be twe any espm& two is out mind or week eamm-aced which will be flaaneed by the broe a[ debeotarae or messes raind In a admagw* pas. rami o[_ Ae aru y.. _ _ . A -D. is -71!- --------------------------- s71•- ._______________________ Owk ed on CwpMeratlen at the T+e,...Id/► d do to the ie a tM espy et Mv4M nr�.._lN i___, pt mw %w as owma at ere ,ram otep.enu-- as th. a.� I IR+ORM O�-:rtll-t! I q or XA FA ITAAW 040. _ I WAD NoOR,AMW K* 'M YEAR ion I. CC "tw (A) ROAM LOCATION MY LOT AIM ) DrlLtm NATURE OF WORK MILES QTIMATED CO/T -In _ ' • *1i.N► I ii 0 V (0) MIDGE! AND CULVERT! — TYPE AND LOCATION lus—TOIrwL SUS --TOTAL (C1 NEW MACNfNCRY AND MACMIMS ONEDI (rf=AltE) Tm Tmk 100 000 _ ?�31,11�ER!NTIUIDENCE..!►!tD +pJsRMEAa (!EE ) . 8A) ROADS — EXTRAORDIN"Y REIYRFACINO (PAVEMSKT) RpURFACING tGRAVEL OR 91 C) MILES - SURFACE TREATMENT MILE: --- ROADS --- OR DI NARY PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK FILLING. *WCWING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING. DRAGGING, BLACIN4 DLWT LAYING -- CALCIUM. SALT. OIL. PRIME DITCHEI. TILE DRAINS. CATCH BASING. CURN, GUTTERS, DRAINAGE ASSESSIrENTS WCCD SPRAYING, CUTTING, BRUSHING. FENCE SL?NUS GU1DERA/L. 014". SONE MARKg" W!NTER C:Ot -- SNOW FENCE. PLOWING, SANDING. SALTING i0) 8*100E; AFib CULV6WM MAJOR RE►Ailll f DESCRIW) MINOR RE!'Ai!!i �C# 4VP&*INTENOAftCE AND OVERMILAD SSS FOOTNOTE TD'*ALB P" CONOTRUCTION � SUl• - T07 AL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TWAL &fW% �S00 3$W*00 *00 low*oo *00 OW �� * i 000 R a-wofideot fee^ 01-4c, osillefios9 ilwb ei*i" SR 4WO h& #be iom i"40ted Mfi1i: Lo 4ow Owr%" on" be boo+o" C+wt wcrio& no"dW i Nrl000am uft *0 M *0 of if*W4 I(s1 *" 1fbl ►Err ss **%! of oems wt*au'vtaw oR W04WA" Mr, JD' vallss Ttp. Clark, Tarp, of Bayhaa, P.O. Box 6008 London , Ontario. January 6, 1971. Straffordville, Ontario, Re: 1971 Road .Estimates By -Law Dear Sir: Enclosed are four copies of By -Law Form OB -MR -16 and three copies of supporting Road Programme OB -MR -18 for use when submitting estimates of 1971 normal read expenditures for which your township .will claim subsidy under The - Aighw ay Improvement Act. In order that subsidy expenditures for this district may be kept within the amounts allocated to it, it is necessary to advise you that the maximum expenditure amount that may be approved for your municipality for normal work must be such ] that the subsidy amount based therm shall not exceed: f $ 209100.00 for Construction acid $ 35, 500.00 for 'Maintenance (i.e.) The by-law and road programme will show expenditure amounts but the subsidy calculated from those amounts must not exceed those figures noted above. When preparing the by-law and' supporting road programme, be care- ful to see that the various sub -totals on programme agree with the amounts entered in the by-law. Please pay attention to the footnote on the Road Programme re Distribution of overhead, Construction and Maintenance. Three copies of the completed:by-law and tv*a copies of the programme must be forwarded to the undersigned not later than March 31st, 1971. In the event your municipality considers it necessary to submit a supplementary by-law, such by-law must reach this office not later than May 31st, 1971. 1 must caution that each by-law will be subjected to rigorous scrutiny and recommendations for approval will be in line with our financial position at that time. It is unlikely that any s2pplementUy b -law received after May 31st 1971 will be Liven consideration until the end of our fiscal year. Yours very truly, JI Dstrict Eng Mr. J, A. Petrie, Clerk, Township of - Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario, ONTARIO Twp. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS MINISTER: HONOURABLE CHARLES MacNAUGHTON DEPUTY MINISTER: A. T. C. McNAS Downsview, Ontario June 4th, 1971. Dear Sir: Re: 1971 Subsidy Allocatio7n,/ Reference By-law NO1 25With Supporting Statement of Proposed Expenditure Th -6 -Honour at3le Charles MacNaughton, Minister of Transportation and Communic4tions, has authorised a subsidy allocation based on the above- y noted by-law and supporting statement of "expenditures in the amounts of • 20,100, r for Construction $ 351, 500, f for Maintenance $ 55: boo, ,f Total Please note that where expenditures produce subsidy amounts in excess of either of the above limits, fthe excess amounts will not be eligible for consideration unless covered by a request for a supplementary allocation approved by the Minister. Supplementary request for unavoidable expenditures in excess of the normal allotment will be considered, but such supplementary request should be submitted ,prior to May 31st, 1971. Requests submitted after that date may*not be considered for approval until March 1972, the end of the 1971-72 fiscal year. % This approval is given subject to the approval of each individual work of road and bridge construction, each contract for construction or maintenance and the purchase of each unit of equipment. The District Engineer must be advised and his consent obtained before'such works or purchases are advertised or tenders called or any commitment made by the municipality %fith respect to them. The approval of. the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorised or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures ,or monies raised in years subsequent to the term of the present Council. One copy of the submission as approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, Am C. R. Wilmot, Director, Municipal Roads Brwich. Encl. V. FORM oa—mot 16 1viID , NTS' T+4"M►l�Ni� OF _ 3An .�..___.._4 N�1 Tim o:___���.,......�.....�._......__...� WMWAi The HidtvM Inspvoyessisat Act rewires that U* total xpamditoe+s *a rook be pmWed icor Aftua1b by by -low and that the by-law be std to the litter *t 8ipi'was for sappre val. Tthe Coomcil of tho frovam Rion of the staid Township a utts as !xoom (1) The vam oaf ;_2!_.5 !_ 0 Is budiv estimated " the aI Dditurs wawa canes and amistonas>x,e of the reads and bridpo under its Jnrisssdktion during the YQWW i* as follows; Coub m t'sn atai eeltauae Total ROADS __ __ i. _ , t o.t �;__.._______�,.___ f � BRIDGES & CtJ VERTS NEW Y 2 Chi.Uta� ` 2 .__^_____ € 0 _ ;_.. 1 TarALS i.. 2d,t_0.00 i. _.--------- (2) .------- (3) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed town. Ship road asaperintesndent and on wort P*rt rmed in ateordanro with The Hisbwa r t Act. A3 7U clerk shall transmit Tr%Oksss le copies of thio by-law to the district office ad the Department of Highways. Ossstarm. not later than Mareh 319 of the said you. (4) The appnml of the Ontario Municipal Hoard shall be obtained before any expena ton is avUkrised or worse c+aeuneneed which will be financed by the issue of debentures or rrsiionies mind in s svbftqaW peer. pwed►.r u r: i 13 - _ .... l t? :. _. _ . day of .. Fe b r y , A.D. u. 71... CU AU NPI __..----- I.__, C3wk gat aka Corporates of ase Towsrsearifp at _ ! ----------------- — ------ # M # mew out* that the is a true to0y of >t -law dslr�l�lsd if i0 i at se, s aw Gusrpets�Mnt M �o • • `► ry lk • .Tlei i lk • .Tlei t ' O � Jud 3 - 1971 FEB 18 1971 f s r o"TARio DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Mr. J.A. Petrie, Cleric, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Twp. Downsview 464, Ontario. June 14, 1971 J Dear Sir: RE; 101 Supplementary Subsidy Allocation with Supporting Statement of Proposed Expenditure. The Honourable Charles MacNaughton, Minister of Transportation and Communications, has authorized a supplementary subsidy allocation in the amount(s) of $ 11 , 250. for Construction $ - for Maintenance $ 1 ls 250. Total I%P..tot►1 subsidy allocation for Construction and for Maintenance is shown at the bottom of this letter. Please note that where expenditures pro-. duce subsidy amour?ts in excess of either of the total limits s'hown�below, the excess amounts will not be, eligible for consideration. This approval is given subject to the approval of individual works of road and bridge construction, contracts for construction or maintenance and purchases of equipment. The District Engineer must be advised and his con- sent obtained before such works or purchases are advertised or tenders called or any commitment made by the Municipality with respect to them. The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in years subsequent to the term of the pre- sent Council. One copy of the submission as approved is returned herewith. M Total of Subsidy Allocations Yours very truly, P C. R. W ilmot, Director, Municipal Branch. Construction $ 31,350. / . Maintenance $ 35. 500.. Tota I $ 66,850. TO'MIw" OF RI: BY-LAW NO. ROAD FROORAMME FoR TIS YEAR It 1. CONSTRucnoM (A) 1 CAM L+OCATIOM (OV L4W ANO / MATUM Os WORK MILAD 81M MATED COWT + o Lo T 1Aj :„ :o CIO Cl - HA U 9, q TO 4, T4q Ae lk +G.. i+ !' r"S C rti.✓ A—/ Ar /rri M'001041W AM0 CULV XTV -^• TVP6 AND LOCATION x x *UD--T+DTAL z V r INNS 8v!—TOTAL iC) NBW MACMINIMV AND MACMiIME •MRIs (1110MI39) (0) OWPURI/MT611IDWMC9 AND OVEM04ZAD (91M POOTNOT!) TOTALS PIM CONINTRUCTION 2. MA00r0 kH= ` ti W ROADO —• 8XT kAQ0O11'1ARr '. A1lURIACIMO (PAVtMw't V IMILt>I ROWR►ACIMA tORAVKL OR NTONt) MIL• GURIAC[ TAEAT"KNT MILL ROADS w-- OADfNAAr PAVEMENT rATC1/1006. CRACK PILLING, S CUPINQ iTONE ON GRAVEL PATCMINt, DRA•OINO, OLADINO QUIT LAVI" -- CALCIUM. SALT. 04L. MIME DITCMtS. TILE DRA ftW CATCH 8AiliMO. CURM. iUTTOW. DRAINAOIN ASlINMtNTS W[ED SPRAVINIx, CUTTIMA. DRU"INO. POOCK 20NUG OU1DEAAIL. 41614111, 90"t MARKIN@ WINTER COM/TRt1L -- SNOW FV#CE. PLOWING. SANDING. •ALTING dSf 001069 AND CULV60" MAJOR RtPAIRS (D4CR111[) 111101400 RE►AlAS 4C► •U►;RINTtNDANCt AND OV40114"D lits POOTMOTE SUIT --TOTAL SUQ—TOTAL TOTALS POR MAINT/NANCR �% C v PC~ 00 -mm -111 rowws�w cf � BY --LAW NO. � �� s ROAD FR+OGRAMM PM THI YEAR 14 (A) NOADS LOCATION MY LST AND CONC=WIONI HATURt OF G0I4R MIL IM tRTiMATUD Cos (0)'10104140 AND CULVS*TG -- TYPE AND LACATIO t GUW -TOTAL t 'o 0 •UW -TOTAL (C) IWSW J&*AMINtR1 L iAD MACHINE tNOW (l"NIZZ) zi f (D) GUPICRINTUNDONCt AND O'1 m"SAD (Ga FOOTNOTw y Z. MA,�WT�MANt.E (A) ROADS -- UXTILAO111DINARY RtGURFACING fPAVZMtNT) litMm RKSURFACINO 4GRAVEL OR GTON90 MILtG - - -- GURFACC TRI ATMUNT NILS ROAD* - - ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK FILLING, OWCKPING OTCW49 OR GRAVEL PATCHIN41. DRAGOINA. SLADING DUST LAYING — CALCIUM. GALT. OIL., !PRIME DITCMt'.>/. ME DRAINS. CATCH RAGING, CUR", OUTT91MG. DRAINAtt A"U"914711 1M99D G►RAWNG. CUTTING. 8RU4"IN4. 'FtftClt GONUG 40+aIDtMAIL, GJaNs. art MARKING WINTER C.3"TROL. -- SNOW PENCE. PLOWING. 01ANDIN6. 1ALTING W 0RI049: AND CULVER" 14AJOR RtPAIRtt (060CR1Gt.1 MINOR *CPA#" CF GL PENINTtNDANC6 AND OVERHEAD !/K FOOTNIM 9 TOTALG MO CONOrOtIC"ON GUS—TOTAL ! GUi--TOTAL TOTAL.,& FOR MAINTSMANC[ GRAND TOTAL 4✓1 0 < ME � .� � f 1 Ci - �3 '�"! C�•� i g---�•�_� _ _�,_r... ... _.- it <xfrtf room orv*co own g yr ftq f*'s *of* ;* tho twin <no _a'* ^ "�ro•lPsr Thr 1x11 4o0v,bvsaal ta11f�.�ta1� Cwevl<�t6!*4t1 t1+�d J+d�,rah1►M1^1C11 =R :M IKOPOrf R t(IW of cf�#Na t,aj I�9Ci i€11a t3tM fA fpf*of 46ml i(rl dad f 40 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS MINISTER: HONOURABLE CHARLES MacNAUGHTQN DEPUTY MINISTER: A. T. C. McNAB London, Ontario, July 5 1971 P. 0. iox 6008 14r* J.A. Petrf e, Clark -Township of Sayhaa, Straffordville, Ont. Dear Sir: Re: TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAX Transfer of funds to &send By -Law No. 1726 Supplementary 'fit approve of the resolution passed by your township council ro the transfer of funds in connection with the above which we are listing below. Delete;,_....Conc. 8, Lots 129-132 --Con.$/9 Lots 6-8 ,..Con. 9/#0, Lots 16"18 w , Con. 3,, Lots 20-21 Docreass- Conc.9/10, Lots 1-4 from •-- $5500.00 to $3300.00 Add-► Ka c h . Tractors Loador) backhoe Balance of 6 ton truck iso rs ',truly, 16micipal C1*rk $3,000.00► 3, 001).00 w- 20 000.00 t.)( . 1,000.00 2*200.00 ✓V ;•• V• '�'� for 1. H. Greenly C * C• H.O. District )buaicipal ];iJFA*Sr AUDit 6, . ?1 e*oo 600W*oo suva= 15th* Fobruwyg A* POUU- Lay Im l lit. how"hwWrto IL '0! foo 6*(M* o r a*00 r as t xc000 ?i. ti ?1 e*oo 600W*oo suva= 15th* Fobruwyg A* POUU- Lay Im l lit. how"hwWrto IL '0! foo 6*(M* o r a*00 r as t xc000 ?i. GUIDERAIL. SIGNW ZONE MARKING Wift"M CONTROL - SNOW FENCE. PLOWINti. SANDING. SALTING W 81110GE: AND CULVENTS � MAJOR RPAIRS (DESCRISE MINOR REPAIRS 1C, SUPENINTC MDA14CC AND OVERHEAD SEE FOOTNOTE SUEt--TD'TAL SUS TOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL ! f X-Avowlf00 0 ialtcli�plrst m"m •tt*0 iddl'li4sil •ASSN 91 -mg t♦+s dint to firs #*m xedicitiq i•Qi� �atjlltfrAl ltGr i+rd Carr ^04d " be 409+60lsd betw*06 Cot fr"Aeo &ad It)itlrtMn Wa Nt ** 0"*e**•sa fw 40 tt#M4 1(!) #04 )10) bsst is hail of 4w"s 0FOOM"107 os mow- a DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO low"aw OF in t R& MAW NO. � .._ ' _�w ROAD MlOQRAMME FOR THE Yam » n 1. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS LOCATION (SY LAT AND CONCESSION) MATURE OF WORK MILES ESTIMATED COST .,. _ . 01- ____w Ift---r ♦ 4/9 G_..8.�._.. --- - .. _ _ . f _ 000 Do._ _ 1{ul TOlAL .. fw%. (S) 80100M AND CULVERTS T*PE AND LOCATION I" IL16 cul IV nn 131 m,.A� A_ SUV---•T+OTAL (C) "IVW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (ITEMIZE) mill 4A Am .00 (D) SUFEIRINT21NDENCE AND OVERHEAD (,SEE 10OOT7MOTE) . ° • TOTALS FOR CON,SIRUCTION . Z. MANTMANCE (A). ROADS •-- EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES --- --- - ---^—,.- --- ".--"r--" RESUR►ACIMG (GRAVEL OR STONEI MILES SURFACE TREATMENT MILES ROADS --•- ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING. CRACK FILLING. SWEEPING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING. SLADING DUST LAYING -.. CALCIUM. SALT. OIL. !RIME DITCHES. TILE DRAINS. CATCH BASIN*. CURSS. GUTTERS. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING, CUTTING. SRUSHING. FENCE SONUi GUIDERAIL. SIGNW ZONE MARKING Wift"M CONTROL - SNOW FENCE. PLOWINti. SANDING. SALTING W 81110GE: AND CULVENTS � MAJOR RPAIRS (DESCRISE MINOR REPAIRS 1C, SUPENINTC MDA14CC AND OVERHEAD SEE FOOTNOTE SUEt--TD'TAL SUS TOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL ! f X-Avowlf00 0 ialtcli�plrst m"m •tt*0 iddl'li4sil •ASSN 91 -mg t♦+s dint to firs #*m xedicitiq i•Qi� �atjlltfrAl ltGr i+rd Carr ^04d " be 409+60lsd betw*06 Cot fr"Aeo &ad It)itlrtMn Wa Nt ** 0"*e**•sa fw 40 tt#M4 1(!) #04 )10) bsst is hail of 4w"s OF BATHAM BY-LAW NUMBER 1727 Being a By -Law to repeal By -Law Number ') appointing a Road Superintendent! for the Township of BATPAj!. in the Coof ELGIN NOW THEREFORE BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED: That By -Law No, l)µl of the Corporation appointing a Road Superintendent for, the road system of. the municipality is repealed. �. 1 That this By-Lsw shall, not come into force and effect until the Minister of Highways for Ontario has given his consent in writing to the enactment of this By -Law repealing By -Law No. 14, pursuant to subsection x of section 75 of The Highway Improvement Ac t, R. r--,. O. 19,600 Chapte r 171. READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time and passed �► in open Council this 1:5th. day of ?ebrU&ry A. D. 1971. (SEAL) Clerk it Int, Reeve Is J • A: Petri a ._.» Clerk of the Corporation of they Township of bayham do hereby certify that the fore- going is a true copy of By -Law No. 1727 passed by the council of the said corporation on the 15tho day of Febru&ry,19 71 TO CLERK b • ML,. 41 MEMORANDUM TO: RE: DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS London -- Ontario January 26,1971 P.O. Box 6005 Township Clerks ROAD SUPERINTENDENT APPOINTMENT BY-LAWS The instructions contained in our memorandum bf January 15,,19'71,, must be cancelled. It has been pointed out that the present By - Live reflect the road superintendents* salary which cannot oe repealed simply by a Counoil Resolution. Therefore, to ensure that no administrative errors occur in the future it is requested that Townships take the following action: 1. Repeal the last By -Law which appointed the -Road Superintendent, using form OB -MR -17A - submit in duplicate, 2. Pass a new Hy -Lax appointing the Road Superintendent on the revised Form OB-XR-17 (revised Nov. 1970) - submit in duplicate. 3. Pass a Resolution of Council indicating the Road Superintendentfs name, salary, car allowance and the effective date. When the above steps have been followed, any .future revision of Road Superintendent's salary, fpr the presegt incumbent, will be carried out by Resolution passed by Council. A copy must be forwarded to the District Office for our record.*. If for any reason a Road Superintendent!* appointnent is terminated including resignation, dismissal or death, the steps outlined above t 1, 2, 3 j must be followed. Copies of Form 09 -MR -17A and revised Form OB -KR -17 aro attached. S HHGsDP H.H. Greeny EXCL• District Municipal Sngineer P.S. Please return three completed copi+ea of each ay -law. Resolution has been received. r ONlA�lO 0woArT umm OF )OWWA fS Municipal Roads Branch, Downsview 464, Ontario. April 30th, 1971. Mr. J. A. Petrie, Clerk, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. « a ' Re: Road Sdperh►tendent By -Law Number 1727 • Repealing BX -Law Number 1641. ....�.�i De ar Sir: The Honourable Charles MacNaughton, Minister of Highwiys, has approved the attached By -Law Number 1727 of your municipality which repeals By -Law Number 1641, a AAW/AEN/mv Attach. cc: Mr. L. E. Walker Yours very truly, A. A. Ward, Municipal Operations Engineer. OF BATHAN BY-LAW NUMBER 1147 Being a By -Law to repeal By -Law Number _ - appointing a Road Superintendent for the T own s h ip of JIA�WLK in the County of AWIN slam NOW THEREFORE BE IT ANIS IT IS HEREBY ENACTED; That By -Lawn No. �_ of the Corporation appointing a t r' Road STuperintendent for the road system of the municipality, is ti repealed. That this By -Law shall not come into force and effect until the Minister of Highways for Ontario has given his consent in writing to the enactment of this By -Law repealing By -Law No, jLgjl pursuant to subsection 2 of section 75 of The Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 171. READ a FIRST• SECOND and THIRD time and passed A in open Council thi, s 15th day of robmag y A.D. 19 7.1 (SEAL) Cler AatJjW Reeve p :LCIA Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of _ ja&XbM do hereby certify that the fore - going is i trace copy of By -Law No I he,XebT *oar.4& that this by-law b"11 QDPro"d by the Miniver of Highways. ...... ^`:�«...�................... ....... MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS ENCINEER JL72 passed by the council ;h, day of I sr19.�. a t FEB 18 1971 OF r t FEB 18 1971 OF me" an -dem- P Nov, ars, miss B7 -LAW NO. 1728 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP Or BAXHAK IN THE Or E"ZIN WHEREAS it is desirable that tate laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement andwrintenanceafroads witkin the exclusive jurisdiction of this Council should be under the supervision of a Road Superintendent, acting under its direction. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this Council to tab advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and to receive the Government grant as provided in the said Act. SS IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the municipal corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted. That bloc S. Gibbons, Straffordville, Ontario. (name) (address) is appointed Road Superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the said Act from the 1,th. .day of Februal Y, . 19 2 -1 --and .during the, pleasure of the said Council. Z. THAT it *hall be the duty of the superintendent to Ly out snd supervise allrwork and expenditure on road* within the exclusive jurisdiction of -this Township Council in accordance with the provieims of the Highway Improvement Act. S. THAT two ccerttfied copies of this by-law be forwarded by the clerk without delay to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways Ontario. {. THAT this by-law shall not come into force until approved by the Minister of Highways, a• provided in the Highway Improvement Act. READ A THIRD TIME - AND PASSED THIS 15 th • day of YdbruarY , 19 71 (SEAL) _ RlC 't1tjjfg REEVE I, J_ 0_ Petrie ClerkoftheCorporation oftheTownship of-aYham do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. passed passed by the council of the said corporation as do IJ,4h, day of FaLrual-y 191_ eeV. nev. N. HT -LAW NO. 170 A,6T-"W TO APPODiT A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE TOWNSHD? OF KwaM 1N THEOF KM WHEREAS it is desirable that the laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of roads within the exclustve Jurisdiction of this Council should be under the supervision of a Road Superintendent, acting under its direction. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this Council to take advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and to receive the Government grant as provided in the said Act. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the municipal corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted. I. That Kae 3. aib(S. SL><'ffwdyMe. atmio, (name) (address) is appointed Road Superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the said Act from the jjW• day of Tema 19 71 and during the pleasure of the said Council. .... _ _ 2, THAT it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay out and supervise all work and expenditure on road* -within the aiclusiw Jurisdiction of this Township,Council in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. , J. THAT two certified copies of this by-law be forwarded by the clerk without delay to the district office at the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways Ontario. 4. THAT this try -law shall not coma into force until approved by the Minister of Highways, as provided in the Highway improvement Act. READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS a th• day of t/pavan• 19_?1— (SEAL) �' Rx A REEVE 1, J, A.e_?@jgd ms Clark of the Corporation of the Township of Buba do hereby certify that the fo»going U a true copy of Hy -Law No.1728 paaed by the council of the said corporation on the ZS:h. day of ieES7Llf 19 7— v r j NSHIP CLERK I he:c•�g ccs' z:4 that tti:s by-law hcz been opproved by the A:iaisle r of Iighways. ..... ,�' ..,. * ............... MUINICIPAL OPEUMONS ENGINEER s tto o•N'a soapb �� F Z-7E :I "FEB 18 1917 <<6[ Mi.. ' Of Ht6NW Avg 7� �'aa31 0V.'W.err a .wMArs Municipal Roads Branch, Downsview 464, Ontario. April 30th, 1971. Mr. J. A. Petrie, Clerk, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Re: Townihip of Bayham By -Law Number 1728. Dear Sir: The Honourable Charles MacNaughton, Minister of Highways, has approved the attached By -Law Number 1728 of your municipality which appoints Mr. Mac S. Gibbons, Straffordville, Ontario, as Road Superintendent effective February 15th, 1971. AAW/AEN/mv Attach. cc: Mr. L. E. Walker w w Yours very truly, A. A. W ard, Municipal Operations Engineer. BY - LAW NO. 1732 Being a b ---law to appoint a Welfare Administrator for the Tovm shin of °ayham. Whereas Section 5 of the General Welfare Assistance Act R.S.O. 1960 providas for the appointment of a Municipal Welfare Administrator. And whereas the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to appoint a Mltricipal Welfare Administrator. Th!+refnre he it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Cornoratior. of the Township of hayham 1. That Leslie Jack Nevill be and is herebv appointed Welfare Adninistrator in and for the Township of Bayham. 2. That the Corporation of the Township of Bayham may enter into an agreement with the Corporation of the Village of Vienna for the shared services of the •aforei$id Logs13.e Jack Nevi11 for the administration of welfare in that Village. 3.. That the aforesaid Leslie Jack Nevill shall perform all the duties of Municipal Welfare Administrator in a^cerlan.^.A with the terms of the General Welfare Assistance Act and Regulations thereto. 4. That the aforesaid Leslie Jack Fevill shall be paid a salary of X5,200.00 per annun and a car allowance of ;500.00 per anr.iu^. 5. The Com-ratior of the Township of Bayham shall make application tc the tlinister of Social & Family Services for payment of subsidy on the cost of administration as provided in Section 7.b(2) of the General Welfare Assistance Act. !�. This By -Law shall become effective upon approval of Vie Minister of Social & Family Services. Read a First, Second and Third time and passed this 7th. day of April, 1971. 'Reeve. erk. THS CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM BZ -LAW No. 1732 A By-law to define the Township for the collection of garbage. WHEREAS under subsections 77 and 78 of subsection 1 of section 379 of the Municipal Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, Chapter 249, and amendments thereto, by-laws may be passed by this Council controlling collection of garbage throughout the Township or in defined areas of the Township. NOW THBRBFURS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. All the lands in the Township of Bayham, are hereby defined as an area for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage and other refuse. 2. A monthly rate is hereby established in lieu of any special rate for such collection, removal and disposal, and such wonthly rats shall be charged against the owner of each y and 'every dwelling unit, commercial estebliahment or industry within the Refined area. 3. Where a commercial enterprise or an industry is combined with a dwelling unit in the same presdses, only one monthly rate will be charged. 4. By-law No. 1636 is hereby repealed. WiAD a first, second and third time and finally passed this 3rd. day of May. 1971. Reeve THS G RATI(S OF THE TOWSHIP OF BATH M BY-L&V So. ABy-lax to define the Township r the collection of garbage. WHRRUKAS undar subsections 77 and 78 of subsection 1 of Section 379 of tha Municipal Act, Hevisad 3 tatutes of Ontario, 1960, Chapter 249, and Aftsndwents thereto by this Co � b? -lasts iay be passed Council controlling collection of garbage throughout the Township or in def � t fined areas of the Township. NOW TRX'ORS the Council of the Corporation �`p of the Township of bayhan hereby enacts as follows: l • All the lands in the Townshipof Ba yham, are hereby defined as an area for the collection, reaeov al and disposal of garbage and other refuse. 2• A aonthly,rata is hereby established in lieu of any special rate for such c0n*ction, rmoval and disposal, and Such nOnthly rate shall ba charged against the _ . owner of each and viiy dwelling* uni,Itt `c rcia2 .establ . . , i��tant` or industry Within the def iced area. e R • 3. there a> osaeerrcfal enterprise x'prise or an industry is conbinad With a duelling unit in the same pr«sises : n.ly one monthly rate Will be charges . o e• By-law No. 1636 is hereby re e P alod. Pj= a first, second and third tine and finally y passed this 3rd., day of May, 1971. M I* nosy* BY - LAW NO. 1733 TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM Being a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1971, to levy the taxes for the year 1971 and to provide for the collection thereof. Whereas by action of the Province of Ontario, provision was made for the maki.r g of the assessment of the Municipality by the Province of Ontario Assessment Coadni,ssioner, prior to the 30th. da yy of September 1970 as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for tine year 1971 should be levied;. AND WHEREAS_ the assessment roll containing -the assessment wade as aforesaid was revised, -corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the said Township of Bayh m on the. 8th. day of January, 1971. AND WHEREAS no revisions were made by the County Judge; AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sins of $490,546.00 for the general purposes of the said Township, for the current year, for the payment of the County rate for the current year, and for the purposes of defraying part of the expenses of Public, Separate and High School education, and other purposes; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACT AS FOLLOWS: - r 1. -That the a usessment contained in the assessment roll~ of the Township of Bayham as` made pursuant to Province of'. Ontario Reguiations; and as revised, corrected and passed,by the Court of1Revision, be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1971 shall be levied. 2. That the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. 3. That, for the purpose of providing the sum of $248,361.00 for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for County purposes and other purposes for the current year, a rate of 40.247 sills on the dollar - be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1971 upon the whole of the said assessment of the Township accordinto the last revised assessment roll, except that on assessment of $591189,720.00 a reduction of $19,544.00 being 3.379 mills, shall be made owing to the per capita - grant from the Provincial Government for taxation relief for farm and residential properties, as shown in the following summary: - General rate ---------------24.303 mills County rate --- _____......,.__--19.115 mills �' Total 43.41.8 mills Less reduction 3.379 mills 4. That in addition, for the purpose of providing the sun of $242,542.00 for Public, Separate and High School Education purposes fot the current year. the following will rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1971 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School Supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder; - School Residential Mill Commercial Mill Total Area_ Elgin Cty. . Sleiment=7*51096.080 14.234 $3731330 15.815 $7$,"0• Elgin ROSS Vienna 4609300 18.001 19855 20.001 $,323, Elgin RCSB Tillsonburg 139,180 26.447 - - 39-b81. Elgin RCSS Aylmer 94,160 25.224 50880 28.027 29539. Secondary Boast Elgin 1,637,070 21.425 133,975 23.806 3$9282. Secondary Tillsonburg 4,398,940 25.139 247,090 27.932 2.11.9277. 4 - 2 - 5. That, in addition, for street lighting purposes, the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessments in each of the following street lighting areas:- Straffordville, on assessment of $5409940.----.1.722 mill,s.--►U9026.21 Richmond " " " 70#3.10#-----" 564 mills.... 319.98 Eden " " 145,270.!---2.147 ;sills---- 355.46 Corinth " 519225.----2.557 mills---- 130.98 6. That, also in addition, for the purpose of defraying the cost ofarbag* collection and disposal in accordance with Townshipof ba an By. -law No.1732 NO-1732 total amount of 26,990.00 be and is hereby levid oda the basis of $21.30 per unit, against the properties involved, in accordance with Clause No. 2 of the said by -lax. 7• The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector's Roll to the Tax Collector an or before the ,1st. tial. of June 1971. S. All taxes or -other special rates shall beEayham. aid in the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Township of 9. Taxes shall becate due and payable one-half on or before July 20, 1971, and one-half on or before December 20, 1971. Penalties for non-payment when due and discounts for prepayment of taxes shall be as provided for in By-law No. 1393 and amendments thereto of the said Township of Bayham, subject to the provision of By-law No. 1697, 10. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to _ the eaveral taxpayers., of the To+mship at their' last know addre", READ a First, Secand and Third time and finally passed this 3rdo day of May, 1971. • i '1''C SgIP OF BATHM BT - LAW NO. 1734 Being a By -Law to amend Bl -Law No. 1720, Be It .enacted By The Council of The Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 1. Section 5 of By -Law 1720 is hereby repealed and the following substituted therefore That Elton H. Jackson stall be Collector of Bog Tax at a salary of one-third of Tax Collected plus $200.00 for use of car. READ 4 .First, Second and Third time and finally passed this 20 h :' day of May , 1971. P_ 1 • w M .2.ITT D_ F TOWN*JHZP OF ._HAS BT -LAW NUMBER 1?35 DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHi�AYS WHEREAS clause 2+6 of subsection 1 of section 1 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S,.4. 1960, Chapter 172) provides that: - "Through highway" means any highway or part of a highway designated as such by the Minister or by by -lax of a municipality approved by the Department, and even such highway shall be marked by a stop sign or yield right-of-way sign in compliance with the regulations of the Department; NOW THERE ORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follow3:•- 1. The following highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Township of Bayham are designated as through highways: - The boundary between Houghton and Bayham Townships from the northerly limit of County of Elgin Road No. 45 (between 'township of Houghton Lots 11 and 12) to a northerly point where the boundaries of the Townships of Bayham and Haughton intersect. 2...; .,The doaisnatlon in section 1. of this by -lair of a highway- or paict of -a highiii� as a thro u highway all not include any intersection • thereon where thehroad1 insh tersected is a 's Kin Highway o there traffic King's � Y � control signals are installed. 3. The penalties provided in section 15#4 of The Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this by-law. 4. This by-law shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transport. READ A FIRST, MOND AND THIRD.TIMB AND FINALLY PASSED this 7th. day of June, 1971. I lk 0 lor=� at a be �uetid� ak�iMr~�L � 'l I as ►r�i at ffgw �?I I F or WO '1'�rMN�i,Ar of ILO 1 �11w�� �aei �as�it M �hwmow �:�� Avg Unitilet U am 32 i 1lf�%T 'lyIM1tl="m � at a* as�... r MMA3sat,_aM�t�s 3 �t1ts 1/��,w at a� it NA at �i�q AW• .� �� ���. iatl �K iaa'�iri� atp OMMISM tirr+N �� fin Yw�i�aMsN�l�i 1+i"& ICLK*� q or *W-6 1h['!"1 N�Vol p�l� aN ls�a]l�d. 3i�i�1i�a�M�!'�p��i���it t� iii !M � lf�lak+�lrie nos sb&Usaft WNW att'ftai" tat" h/ the 1i A !' ', WD AiiT SIJ= #fir` et am* I Iffu I, J.A.Petrie, Clerk of Bayham Township hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of Township of BVham By -Lax B o . 1735 on being finally paai. Approved th,s sip? _x4f day of off 19" Pursuant to the provisions of The Highway Traffic Act, Charles MCacNaughton Ministet of Tran t#W and'9mtrt micbtions Per Z Rtgistrar of VaArtJ" 33 RAIVET STREET fvHOMAS D,' MORRIS BARRISTER AND SCULPTOR P. o. box its TILLSONBURG - ONTARIO March la, 1971. TELEPHOKB $42-3347 Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Bayhan, Straffordville, Ontario. Dsar Sirs Re: Boundary line between Houghton and y ' Basham Township. I an the Solicitor for the Township of Houghton and as such have prepared i through highway By -1$w for the Township, One section in our By6-law which we would like to make a Through Highway, reads as follows: "The boundary between Houghton and Bayhaa Township from the limit between Lots 11 and 1.2 to the northerly boundary of the Township of Houghton." In order to declare a road which serves as a boundary between two Townships as a through highway, it is necessary that both Town. ships pass now more B -7 -Labra designating such roads as Through Highways.. I believe Kir. Priddle, Road Superintendent for the Township of Houghton, has already discussed this natter with your Road Superintendent and he .appeared to be in favour of passing this By -Lax. We are ready to submit our By -Lax to the Department of �' Transport and the purpose of this letter is to enquire as to whether or not your Township has passed a similar By -Lax. If you have not done so, would you kindly advise me if you are in favour of this and if you intend to pass this By -Law soon. • I would appreciate risceivi g your co nt s at your earliest c ounvenienc e . . TO(** jd Yours very truly, T. D. MORRIS s%HJARVEY STREET THOMAS D. MORRIS BARRISTER AND SOUCUOR T. a box 1215 TILLSONTURG • ONTARIO January 21st, 1972. TELMON1 642r3U7 0/6 Mr. J.A.Petrie, Clerk, 'Township of Hayham, STRAFFORDV'II Ontario. ti Dear Mr. Petrie: Re:.8y-Lax No.173 I acknowledge receipt of your letter re the above, and apologize for not sending a certified copy of same to you previously but I now enclose same herewith. T thank you for your kind co-operation in this matter. Yours very truly, TDM: jd T. D. SIS Encl.(l) lk 0 i I - qtr. Thams C. Xarr1s, MRHarm" str % , emburgs Ontario. Dear Sir: January 19, 1972• 01 ' 4 s Boundary Lino between On June lig, 1971, we seat you three certified copies of our bylaw leo. 1735 designating a through highway almg the &toy* boundary. It was my understanding that our oy-law would be submitted to the Departaent of Transport along with that of the TwAnship of Houghton. Upon approval an endorsed copy was to be returned to this office. To UP we have no indication of the approval or the status of car by4law. It would be appreciaUrd if you would advise me of the current situation. JAP/Tv Yours truly, J. A. Petrie, Cle2c. 0 t%r.om* D. Morris, 35 Harvey Street, . Ontario, : B oot,itid,i't; lavhAm w Lin between 1 1 Further to your latter of j 40Mala, firA 3 *Ortifiod copies of cwr� by .%w �o. 1?�3 �� • a 'T'hrough H.ig wsy, As diaouaaed on the telaphoae, you will aubedt our copies to the D""t+mt apt` TrvtnaWwt ,W whoaro +�P ved istdm . for Ow fu.a o i *io'g you for y r CoapOr+rtIm in this Matter. 'fours iuly, • C1e,,R �dA��Ctnr socia. I M 35 RARVIT STRM TELEPHONE 842-3U7 THOMAS D. MORRIS BARRISTER AND sm iQTQR P.O. sox 123 TILI..SONBURG - ONTARIO Jure 4th, 1971. Clerk Treasurer, Township of Bayham, Township Office, STRAFFOR.-r.)V I I. E, Ontario. ;r. r • °10 Bear Sir: Tie: Boundary line between B'ou htran� anct.14ayhar Tcl ?nhi . r r+n• II.b1�l�ili�Oi1�� O This will acknowledge and thank you for your lettere of March 10th and June 3rd, 1971. Please accept our apolomie .for not replying to your March 10th letter at an earlier date. 14c are endo^ink► the original and copy of the proposed n'y- Law which we trust you 9=;ill find sr.tisf .a^tory. If this is .satisfactory to your Council, when t?,e Rv-Law I,,, -been ,pas; ed, i.,rould you plea-ce return a certified ~or y of the By -Law to this office. Your'^_o-operation and as^ist ince herein are very much. anpreci.ated. Fours vera{ truly, JV.: j d V. Jens 3 ! 1971 • T Y. Xol ris, Barrister & 3oli c 6t or , 3 Remy 3uvot , Ul.sonburi# Obtario. Dear 31r � , a M=Mz:!M= !• .. •� �• • Un March 10th. you wrote concerning by-laws you ws"e preparing to make a Through highway on that Houahton:- Bayhm boundary. 0n March Ilth. i requested a► copy of the byawLwa for than inf oxuation of this Council, To dant I have not recaivod a reply, and if you wish any action at U44Jdbo Council seating (lune 7) you should send the rigbt away* JAP/YY Yours truly, 4 * A * Petrie, Clerk ! S i r 10 t xarch lith * , iota.. ' s g7 Mlrri s, $- Barristw & $oUcitar, S Stmt I. bwS , Ontario. • (1 . Dear Sirs. qV54 . .; ,• . • �� _ t • 'roar letter of Murch 10 will be prssentod to Comail an March l7 for their cements. It would be appreciated if you would send as a photocopy of the bey -lax you pr pared for the Towmahip of Rou&ton in this natter prior to the 1M. While out Toad Superintendent has no objection to burins this road designated as a Through Highway, the dsaisiou will hsri to be "" by Council* I mall probably be abIe to advIse you of their deai Sion shortly after the ►tib JAP/ v you" truly, J. A. Clerk. 4r'- V TRZ CORPORATION of TM BT-LA11 NUKBZR 1?36 A by-law to raise #300,000.00 to aid in the construction of sub- surface drainage systems for the purpose of improving the agricultural productivity of the land drained, The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, pursuant to 'rhe file Drainage Act, 1971, enacts as follows: 1. The Hoag of Council say from tine to time, subject to the p rovi si ons of this by-law, borrow an the credit of the corn oration f t ohe municipality such sum not exceeding in the whole $3b6,000.00, as oW be determined by the Council, and W in manner hereinafter provided, issue debentures of the corporation in such sums as the Council may dean proper for the amount so borrowed as'provided in the Act. 2. When the Council is of the opinion that the application of any person to borrow money for the purpose of constructing a drainage work should , be granted in whole or, in part, the Council- may, by resolution, direct"the Head of Council to issue-debenturea as aforesaid and to borrow a am not *xceedng the amount, applied for, and may a lend the same to the applicant on the completion of the drainage works. 3. A special annual rate shall be imposed, levied and collected over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the money is borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the principal and interest as provided by the Act. BEAD A FIRST AND SECOND TDM THIS 5th. DAY OF JULY', 1971. BEAD A THIRD TIKE AND FINALLY PASSED THIS '/ DAY OFA , i i 21 V R1 . 38-B TELE PHON E NUM BER PLEASE QUOTE FILE NUMBER 365-1912 V1 H 3121-71 aMT"10 THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 123 Edward Street Toronto 141, Ontaric r115* Mr. J.A. Petrie.. Clerk, Township of Bayha.m, Straffordville, Ontario, Dear Sir: September 14, 1971 Re: Expenditure of $300 , 000 *0 3 for construction of tile, stone or timber drains I am enclosing herewith duplicate original order pursuant to Section 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act together with invoice covering the Board's fee therefor. k.r. Enols. 2 Yours truly, ,'w ,4. FRASER AC TD4C SECRETARY lei .E • a r ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD Ix THE MATTER OF Section 64 of JAL- * v * AV -1u p Ce s sad a* IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Tom*- ship of Bayban for approval, of the borrowing of the soar of 000 * 00 to bar used to pay the cost of the construction of tile, atone or tiaber drains I H 3121-71 B 9 F 0 R S s J e i`° ,HY'� Q*0* FRIDAY 9 the 10th day of and - SEPTEXUR, 1971 A* TAX 1VM# Q•C.O Xwober d a THE HOARD ORDERS$ under and in pursuance of the V - legislation hersinb afore referred to, and of any and all other powers Tested in the Hoard, that this application be and the same is hereby granted, and that the Corporation may now proceed with the said borrowing in a total amt not to exceed 5300900+0.00 and for such purpose mty pass all raquisito by -lawsp provided that the Corporation in exerci&- ing any Of its powers approved by this order shall comply with all statutory and other legal r4guir'6sents related thereto* N- 10 ACTING 39CP.8LHY ENTERED folio Nv� 2ffi- SEP; 160w�l . r CORPORATION OF THI TO*BHIP OF BATHAM BY -LAV NUXBU 1736 A by -lax to raise $300,000.00 to aid is the construction of sub- surface drainage systems for the purpose of improving the 4!� �e agricultural productivity of the land drained. �e e Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bat has, r ,o ursuant` to The Tile Drainage Act, 1971, enacts as 'follows.: The Read of Council may f9x= time to tine, subject to the rovisions of 'this by-law, borrow on the credit of the corrpporation f the municipality such sum not exceeding in the whole $300,000.00, a may be determined by the Council, and say in manner hereinafter a ° rovided, issue debentures of the corporation in such s=3 as the o0 ouncil may deem proper for the amount so borrowed as provided in he Act. Q'v ° . when the Council is of the opinion that the p application �tf any 43 Orson to borrow money for the purpose of constructing a drainage o ' work should be granted in whole or in part, the Council, may, by resolution, direct the Head of Council, to issue debentures as o 0 aforesaid and to borrow a sura not exceeding the amount applied for, ,0 "t and nay lend the same to the applicant on the completion of the 0"a O drainage work a . *o �v e 3. A special annual rate shall be iosed, levied and collected U over and above all other rates upon we land in respect of which 00 o the a mey is borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the principal and iuterst as provided by the Act. �e e boo RZAD A Tirst and Second tine this 5th, day of July, 1971. • .o o m v T C i e #° Acting- eeve Clerk e� of i HUD A Third tin* and Finally Paasod this 4 dap of October , 1971. w � a si�aed� 1. Petri e•ve Clerk I v t s s 4 6 F.. !ox --_x ♦�Ir11I11� St gibe .�� rrWiyr w�1r. t+��r w Nwr..t i�wLrs w AUl-t�l Ari�Mt7i� 4t tly it Nr��A M !Mi Ad1►► bm logo to rr:Mw to or � ��"a��4�.w► A 1161M Acting a itA"MIAmt3rA '►Viff 4 � October, 1971 • I, .lack Allen Petrie, Clerk of the Township of Bayha®, hereby cert► that the foregoing is a true and correct copy afBy-law leo. 1736 as passed bar CarWation as bw 4%ho day of October, 1971 altt*o MMI Aw. . I& M/w0b WOO— PON Vitt-- OUP"elPAL WOOL* k9u rr Y. MK• T"M 4•. Opel CWMSY TO WIT: �. AFFIDAVIT OF CLERK The Tile Drainage Act,1971, Form 6 in the CWM1W Clerk'o€the - oath and my: Towri�r B make 1. On the . day of Oetobr g , 19 n , the Council of the To d . . of Bay1M passed a by-law for borrowing money to be lent for the construction of drainage works, being No. 370 and entitled "A By -Law to raise money to aid in the construction of drainage works under The Vie Drainage Act, 1971"', a copy of which certified by me is attached hereto as an exhibit to this my affidavit and marked exhibit "A". 2. A certified copy of Hy -Law No. 1"6 was registered in the registry office for the Registry Division 'of 31 dit on the +22"• day of OQUbW , 1971 3. No application or r .. been or bought. • . . • • • • • • ♦ • • • • • • • ♦ • • •win ♦ • • ♦ • • • • • • • • • • s • • • • • Sworn before me at the VIUAL" of in the "Mir �► • this Of sVMttardVillS C1 1m• day 19 no A Commissioner cau� • • «•• • + • '� • or S • ~ • l .• f • •••f f 00 4 lib A w4m to red.40 an so to a" ft as aglow 00 f f f; 0� d • ' : a��i�wri�►' at soi. f at as. at 140� ..:.. _ •- it L ` .. X11 Aar i!! +rirls� e • t ri at comau NOWcoma am am to ism a�,�tO to � �r f41% at OW aqr ss arrrrrr i n at wwr ft agga M "IS .MOW am for tip► !r t. Miert C � a(da rt Mr�M� saw iiift 0003A I& or Whe r at ,rs aL a at so a 1�atI& two 3fte all P" she& wr . l am NASA ac ��IS � asa" Wpy it IV am A nAms AM fte" am this Sao dw St Mrt 19no ( Sdvb") ?MY Caicos AW� 'nisi uaNr ad + etc couqr , of 0 1 -10 NIQ NJ �a .. • • c'q • s • 30'r • • • tk �•Yr 1� 1m A W4W is ,.+0 arad" at 91W 60 4t mrWomms sr at wor�r..�t..e w 10 !W 11x10 BMs 40 tM13�we ti / r slow!' �► 1'r� tsrs M t� tln ii� �t tug w� •ar alit �t0�a ri�i� ,1i00.Ops as 1W *9 marl OW 3x . s. t � �� Li !a d �r *aowa am" ��al► tir iMi awr�st PWS li Mawr ad N 1N's+w a �■t� a�M ��Y���+ lrr� III� �� Mir M �M � Sm" dmu be 3tl=SUM � t w�Ki� r tlr�j whir«� ad as j�RW W A@t. �• ��IL11Kr 9=44 MIN =771AZ IN= 'lr1 ii ii` PAS= =I& 4 W' (' October, 1971 I, Jack Allen Petrie, Clerk of th,q Township of Bayham, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of by-law No. 1736 as gassed by the Corporation on the 4th. day of October, 1971 y �l•L1t w� 3� A to i s e" to --- ill - i MrInd INOW a..�i..r .a.�.,r�,,a .r s�.� Vol w i at •s....... tset3�wr, , :�■it�y�i�r' INK w .w0Wr� ss I"M Mwt�t IM �wl�ti� in ami� a11�! M�Mrr!'Mlr lawn it tIr An s" rr �rR 4r �� � a � Me�wrM a� Aw�1 �► at soat +�a�. w► r. u..uN e�+.R or la sew =00wwt a =Sbm A a -- wmw VL is NINMEMPM *a Poona L A 41W st ift. 1 ' raw we mow r �M 1 '� ti�M1 r ��� 1l�wt �+r 1 dq► �lb.e.b.r � 3�. I- M The Corporation of The TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM By -Law Humber 1737 Being a by -lax to repeal by -lair No. 1691,. Be it Enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of TMG Township of Bayham, That By -Lair No, 1694 be repealed. A HZAD a'First', Second and Third time and finally . ally passed this 5th* day of .Ju1y, , 1971. M, Peilm� T _ Milo.1 TU i i i`I05 OY 'i'gg f OF SA leis i'f-LM W . 1711 ♦ NT4W to liaa use, rate and daly ern ege Sharps , Salvage Ards , lecond-hand Moods sad Yards and Dealers in Second• hand Goods, under section 3% of the *=Lai• W Act, t.l,Q. t 1"0 meter 249, i11li it is considered necessary and desirable to at* the character and we of salvage shops, relYads yards, s •hand oods shops and yards and dealers in second-hand goods ire the %wbtp'of Dayba m e AND 11MMULU by and pursuant to the *micipal Act, R.S.O. 1964A►tSr 149 ind more partianlarl ire tions 396,, 379 (113 ani!4' and srandrsnts thereto the ai!a 1 Council is authorized to erste such powers, U IT= 1ts]l►i0 x WCTlDamici Council of the ftrwrstion of the Towwnship ofas fo levet 1. Thi the p.r Y of this sy►t UD HADD (} v! YAZD' or l�iGO 400D6 TAW shall sem landsa" anwhich are located for storage, sale or 0;4S aripr+rise axed ' not kept within a building or -.other +nNver, irrpt t � paper, rags, bones, bottles, bicycles, autastiabile tisss inoperative �r�achdw x' r', o ►d riastal , used Ami.ldi aerials , and other scrag ast�ert►aI and salvage +aped fiWat es an automobile wrecking ozd or yards for storage of wrecked and/or unroadwort�jr automobiles, (b) "�-DA'Oft QOOW1 includes Baste paper rags, banes, bottles, bicycles, automobile tires, old arstal and other scrap material and salvage, (c) "DiA,Li in GOODS" shall scan persons uW operate a salvageand or second-hand Dada yard and includes pons go frapt house to use or along ,g� hia s for the punwoe of collecting, purchasing or ob ng second - goods. 2* dLL . salvrage Yards and second-hand goods yards wi this the Corporation of the Township of fad shall be bounded on all sides sew end except for a gate or gates for ingress and +gess by a fence or structure of sufficient height and of such material and % cous-trsation as herein -after set forth, as to satisfaetoril close said id salvage bard or second-hand goods yard from view Tthe public at large. • 3. PSUM to be erected po sett to paragraph I hereof, shall be constructed of a corn ted alvanistd metal or alnmi;W or b sound good +coni true tionpa t o f light '� { � pain � a 1 g prey in ooloux. ALL fences erect" shall be maintained in reasonable r.�ea" and wbert such is psoas truc t ed of jalvanLsed ere t.al , the fence shat l be u&Lntained so that so rusting is visible and tease such rusts condition is visible $ the fence shall be painted, and maintained condition in a light it'o! colour . 4* 90 TgiM shall e in or carry on a salvage yard or seeond•he" and or 44Z in second -band goods as defined La 1 �f without first obtained lr+em�th�e Corporation of t!#e '!a►we+tshi oh# � a licence p Daybm, i i M _ a 39 APPUGMON fer'licamw shall be sad* to tw Municipalcouncil of the Corporation of the lbaship of and avah limo any be Scanted or refused at the disaret n of the Couwil. 6. IID licence shall be treated until the ps w $ion• of this � � into Sal =* ?ands and Isar mesad Goods Yards oaf with a e re a licewe h"'%.--oen sated under this% araw rri�ous �y•Law, the saw nay ber iced at the discretton of dw 0 r cil. 70 '!IM fee paid for a licence granted under this•Lase shall be $20.00 and each licence shall aspire on December 231st of each year. s, ANY person violating this BroLM shall be subject to a pen - altar of Tw@Rty•fiwr Collars $23 .for the• f rs � } i t Offence and not ,mors than Tbree Rundrod Dollars ($300,00) for each subsogvrset Offence. exclusive sof costs,, and all suchties shall berecoverable under the Summary Convictions leat"o 9. THIS=LM"oXiPal passed pursuant to Sections 396 379 (113) and -247 of Act it, .s.o« 1960 Chapter 2440 10. ANY B►-L&W i sistfut with the *tron�►►isions of this ft-oLa�r are Awrob� wed. 11, ?DIS Sys -Law shall come into full force and effect on the day of third and final reading, lei ¢� J a Tirst, Second and Third 4r day of 9x971. tUM saad ftgMklly passed this r t Is #r b t 0 THB CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAXI M BY-LAW NO. / 7 U A BY -LACI to license, regulate and govern Salvage Shops, Salvage Yards, Second-hand Goods Shops and Yards and Dealers in Second- hand Goods, under section 396 of the Munici- pal ,Act, R. S.4. , 1960 Chapter 249. WHEREAS it is considered necessary and desirable to regulate the character and use of salvage shops, salvage,yards, second-hand goods shops and yards and dealers in second-hand goods in the Township of Bayham. AND WHEREAS by and pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 2490 and more particularly Sections 396, 379 (113) and 147 and amendments thereto, the Municipal Council is authorized to exercise such powers. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham as follows: 1. FOR the purpose of this By -Law: (a) "SALVAGE YARD" or "SECOND-HAND GOODS YARD" shall mean lands, premises on which are located for storage, sale or otherwise and not kept within a building or other cover, waste paper,, rags, bones., bottles ,a bicycles ; automobile ,tires inoperative machineryt ol*d metal, used `building materials, and'othe-r scrap material and salvage .and includes an automobile wrecking yard or yards for ,storage of wrecked and/or unroadworthy automobiles. (b) "SECOND-HAND GOODS" includes waste paper rags, bones, bottles, bicycles, automobile tires, old metal and other scrap material and salvage. (c) "DEALERS IN SECOND-HAND GOODS" shall mean persons who operate a salvage yard or second-hand goods yard and includes persons who go from house to house or along highways for the purpose of collecting, purchasing or obtaining second-hand goods. 2. ALL Salvage Yards and second-hand goods yards within the Corporation of the Township of Bayham shall be bounded on all sides save and except for a gate or gates for ingress and egress by a fence or structure of sufficient height and of such material and construction as here -in -after set forth, as to satisfactorily close the said salvage yard or second-hand goods yard from view of the public at large. 3. FENCES to be erected pursuant to paragraph 2 hereof, shall be constructed of (a) corregated galvanized metal or a"uminum, or (b) sound wood construction painted of a light grey in colour, ALL fences erected shall be maintained in reasonable repair and where such is constructed of falvanizod metal, the fence shall be maintained so that no rusting s visible and where such rusting condition is visible; the fence shall be painted, and maintained in a light grey colour. 4. NO PERSON shall keep, engageal M in or carry on a salvage yard or second-hand ggoods yard or din second -hared goods as defined in paragraph 1 Creof, without first having obtained a licence from the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. :: 4 a 2 - 5. APPLICATION for licence shall be made to the :Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayhatn and such licence say be granted or refused at the discretion of the Council. 6. NO licence shall be granted until the provisions of this By -Law pertaining to Salvage Yards and Second -Hand Goods Yards have been complied with and where a licence has been granted under this By -Law or anythrevious By -Law, the same may be revoked at than discretion of e Council. 7. THE fee paid for"a licence granted under this By -Law shall be $20.00 and each licence shall expire on December 31st of each year. 8. ANY person violating this By -Law shall be subject to a pen- alty of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for the first offence and not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for each subsequent offence, exclusive of costs, and.all such penalties shall be recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act. 9. THIS BK -Law is passed pursuant to Sections 396 379 (113)9 and 247 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 244. 10. ANY By -Laws inconsistent with the provisions of this By -Law are hereby repealed. r 11. THIS By -Law shall come into full force and effect on the day of third and final reading. READ a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this /day of , 1971. , 11 M. ffm THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 17JY A BY -LAST to license, regulate and govern Salvage Shops, Salvage Yards, Second-hand Goods Shops and Yards and Dealers in Second- hand Goods, under section 396 of the Munici- pal Act, R.S.O., 1964 Chapter 249. WHERUS it is considered necessary and desirable to regulate the character and use of salvage shops, salvage yards, second-hand goods shops and yards and dealers in second-hand goods in the Township. of l a*Ntm. AND WKER,BAS by and pursuant to the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960Chapter 249, and more particularly Sections 396, 379 (113) and 147 and amendments thereto, the Municipal Council is authorized to exercise such powers. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham as follows: 1. FOR the purpose of this By -Law: (a) "SALVAGE 'YARD" or "SECOND-HAND GOODS YARD" shall mean lands, premises on which are located for storage, sale or otherwise and not kept within a building or other cover, waste paper, rags, bones, bottles, bicycles, . . automobile tires inoperative machinery, old meta, used building materials, and other. scrap material ind salvage ►and includes an automobile wreckiflg yard or yards for storage oaf wrecked and/or unroadworthy automobiles. (b) "SECOND -HADD GOODS" includes waste paper rags, bones, bottles, bicycles, automobile tires, old metal and other scrap material and salvage. (c) "DEALERS IN SECOND-HAND GOODS" shall mean persons who operate a salvage yard or second-hand goods pard and includes persons who go from house to house or along highways for the purpose of collecting, purchasing or obtaining second-hand goods. 2. ALL Salvage Yards and second-hand goods yards within the Corporation of the Township of Bayham shall be bounded on all sides save and except for a gate or gates for ingress and egress by a fence or structure of sufficient height and of such material and s construction as here -in -after set forth, as to satisfactorily close the said salvage yard or second-hand goods yard from view of the public at large. 3. FENCES to be erected pursuant to paragraph I hereof, shall be constructed of (a) corregated galvanized metal or aluminum, or (b) sound wood construction painted of a light grey in coloui. ALL fences erected shall be maintained in reasonable repair and where such is constructed of galvanized metal, the fence shall be maintained so that no rusting is visible, and where such rusting condition is visible, the fence shall be painted, and maintained in a light grey colour. 4. NO PERSON shall keep, engage in or carry on a salvage yard or secondhand goods yard or deal in second-hand goods as defined in paragraph 1 hereof, without first having obtained a licence from the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. .. W w ■ - 2 S. APPLICATION for licence shall be side to the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham and such licence may be granted or refused at the discretion of the Council. 6. NO licence shall be granted until the provisions of this By -Law pertaining to Salvage Yards and Second -Hand Goods Yards have been complied with and where a licence has been granted under this By -Law or anyprevious By -Law, the .same may be revoked at the discretion of the Council. 7. THE fee paid for a licence granted under this By -Law shall be $20.00 and each Licence shall expire on December 31st of each year. 6. ANY person violating this By -Law shall be subject to a pen- alty of 'Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for the first offence and not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for each subsequent offence, exclusive of costs, and all such penaltie's shall be recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act. 9. THIS By -Law is passed pursuant to Sections 396 379 (1.13)9 and 247 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 241. 10. ANY By -Laws inconsistent with the provisions of this By -Law are hereby repealed, . 11. THIS By -Law shall come into full force and effect on the day of third and final reading, R AiD a First, Second and Third time and. finally passed this dad' o:f 1* 4.. i w -;0-7 0 F. f 214AW In 0011 4 By-l"fact l,iasusi= �ikamt cow"1"94 mrd,, seam -fid a �rvme seaet- hmd goods. fte Comell of the Omporatim of tbw Countf of Ipwroat to 19W.Roviakd Btatutes of Ontario, Chapter Rd$, 800tics 430 and am -mitts thwoto, MUMS AS loLUM s 1. ab►op usalaos mM xeatil the occupaSt obtains a license therefor grw*od =der the seal of the Corporation, Bard signed by the Cleric and Tx4axer r thereof. Upon the applicatioa foe such a Iiamse doll be producod a certlf ica to of approval .< frcm'the loal Offteor of Ahe Agin -St . Thmas Ss►%th grit =6 m approvl resolution from the Council of the uam►ieipw- alitT in VIAch the lands or buildings are situs to . The fee for such a license shall be $15 . W . 2. So person, shall operate any vehicle for any oaf the purposes of a salvage shop, a salvage yard or a second-hand shop, either on his own account or as the agent or servant at another person, without first Obtaining a license to do so. Upom appl1cat oo for such a license the applicant shall a prodwe a letter of recom ondation from the Chief Constable of the applicant's mmi Ilty. The fee forte such a l.ivense still be 05.00. i 3. *ewws for the use of lands or bu°ildJ"__,s mst be pe ,nentllr rdlspUyed on the proulaos, and ltoeiaaes to operate a "'hicle • must be carried by the persm so licensed erhemever gratin* am" a vehicle, and failure, to so possess such liomses shall be deemed a breach of this By-law. 4. 4.1.1 licenses shall be non, -assignable and non -trans- ferable, and shall be taken out on the 1st day of January in each year, or before operating in any year, and shall expire 4 W, No lands or bulls in the gouty, cf' Mall #hall be used as a salvage sb*,t a =jv*de 7med, or a secand-wand ab►op usalaos mM xeatil the occupaSt obtains a license therefor grw*od =der the seal of the Corporation, Bard signed by the Cleric and Tx4axer r thereof. Upon the applicatioa foe such a Iiamse doll be producod a certlf ica to of approval .< frcm'the loal Offteor of Ahe Agin -St . Thmas Ss►%th grit =6 m approvl resolution from the Council of the uam►ieipw- alitT in VIAch the lands or buildings are situs to . The fee for such a license shall be $15 . W . 2. So person, shall operate any vehicle for any oaf the purposes of a salvage shop, a salvage yard or a second-hand shop, either on his own account or as the agent or servant at another person, without first Obtaining a license to do so. Upom appl1cat oo for such a license the applicant shall a prodwe a letter of recom ondation from the Chief Constable of the applicant's mmi Ilty. The fee forte such a l.ivense still be 05.00. i 3. *ewws for the use of lands or bu°ildJ"__,s mst be pe ,nentllr rdlspUyed on the proulaos, and ltoeiaaes to operate a "'hicle • must be carried by the persm so licensed erhemever gratin* am" a vehicle, and failure, to so possess such liomses shall be deemed a breach of this By-law. 4. 4.1.1 licenses shall be non, -assignable and non -trans- ferable, and shall be taken out on the 1st day of January in each year, or before operating in any year, and shall expire 4 W, b _g_ on the 31st d,q of December in 5 year. !'he Council jo►y revoke any License issued under this IV -law at _g_ on the 31st d,q of December in the sail year. !'he Council jo►y revoke any License issued under this IV -law at any tim frith or without cause. In all cases where - the license it tw fOrGe for W part of a year, the fee shall be the sass as for a ftn year • - A11 'lands and buildings licensed under this ?fir -law shall be aabj*Ot to inspection at all reasonable tures by arW police officer or other person having municipal authority! d. Provided always that nothing contained in - this By-law shall apply to persons engaged in collecting, purchasing or obtaining second-hand goads for patriotic or charitable parrposes . , w } 7• Any person convicted of a b: each} of any of they provisiocis of this By-law shall forfeit and pay a penalty not exceeding the svM of Fifty Dollars (exclusiv* of costs) for each offense, or for each day thAt each offence continuos, and in default of payment of the said penalty and costa the con- vIcting Nagistrate may comait the offender to the common gaol of the County of Elgin for a period not exceeding twenty-one days. a. In addition to all other penalties, any contravention of Section qac of this By-law may be restrained by action at the iAXtaace of a ratepayer or the Corporation pursuant to • 1937 Remised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 2740 Bection , 555. 9. This BY -law 31411 repeal By-law Rumber 14910 and all other b -laws 6 sistent therewith, &M shall care into force and take effect on the date of final passing thereof. READ a first t more this J*th day of June,, 19". RRAD a second time this 13th day of Juxae, 19". READ a third time and finally Passed this 13th, day of June, 1946. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 404 CUWX 7-,.. WAIVOWf r �.._ Cr BLMI 1t�►—tax 1tu. l#�t�l • t f �e oese�ed advisa&ble to aired 14y—tar so, 1476 of M* C ouaar ty of ° alsts . ww agms the Goose i i of the CorRpwst ien of the County of 191610 as f'ol i o"s • TUT P000grartpb No* i Of BY.Laa NO, 1476 be deleted and the f0110rg substit.at4d th erefore: psrs+as "all operate aay rrahicie for any of the purposes of a saalrra t shop, a 861vage yard or a second—hand shop either on his s+ Ott or 04 the went or servant of another person without first +vbtaf�ri�t s license to do so. Upon application for such a license the applicant shall produce a .setter of recoMondation from the Chief Coaatjkblo of 'the applieantis municipality, or a letter from the Clerk .C.od�t. adwising w g that the applicant has CIO oritisa1 " renOrd. The fee for much' a 1 $ ce"P shall be $5.00.0 t o READ a first time this l9th day of January, 1967. REVD READ a second time a third time, this 19th and finally day of January, passed this 19th 1967. day M ' C lark Of January, 1967, • Warden TEL. (519) i4* -3$`4 G1B5ON, L INTON & TOTH •ARRISTER" & SOLICITORS OOMALO r 6#0$010, 0. C10%g I DSNALO W0#050#4,0 C uur If- UKTOft: 0. C •iANAAO 40TH DEP4141S 00001JAN Mr. J. A. Petrie, Township Clerk, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Mr. Petrie: Re: Salvage Yards etc 35 BPOApWAY TILLSONSURG, ONTARIO June 18, 1971, Ve,c enclose - draft - by-law which we think should help- to V solue your difficulties,. You will note that a salvage yard -is defined 4s property on which certain things are located "for storage, sale or d.therwise". This compares with wording in your ppresent by-law that the storage must be for the purpose of wrecking or dismantlin them or salvaging parts for sale or other disposal, g 8 n8 You will note that in Section 396 of the Municipal Act there is no specific definition of what a salvage yard is and it would appear that such could exist entirely apart from the sale of merchandise. We would suggest that by-law number 1694 be repealed and the enclosed by-law be passed. If you have any further questions please get in touch with us. IRL/mlr E-nc 1. M Yours truly Ian R 1, _4 E-1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TMSH IP OF BATHAN BZ-L&W NUMER 1739 BEING a By -lax to engage a By-law Enforcement Officer under Sectim 377 (58) of the Municipal Act R. S.O. 1960. VURICAS Leslie Jack Nevill was appointed By-law Enforcement Officer of the Township of Bayhm by resolution of Council dated January 26, 1971, THEREFORE B8 IT ER'ACTSD by the Municipal Council of the Ttgnship of Bayhan. 1. That the appointuent of Leslie Jack Nevill as By -lax Enforcement Officer be and is hereby confirmed. 2. That all actions of the aforesaid Leslie Jack Nevill .i hereto fore taken in accordance with the duties` of by- law enf orcemebt officer be and are hereby c onfiraed . 3. That the aforesaid Leslie Jack Nevill shall be responsible for carrying into effect the provisions of any by -lax as from time to time passed by the Mu i cipal Council of the Township of Bayham. BRAD a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this Ith. dad of July, 1971. n 7' THE CORPMATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATHiX B7 -LAW NO. 1740 A BT -LAW TO LICENSE REGULATE AND GOVBRN, TENT AND/CR TRAILER PARKS WHZREAS provision is made in the Municipal Act, Section 101 for licensing, regulating, and governing of Tent and/or Trailer Parka. AND EH►B, it is deemed advisable to provide for the licensing, regulating, and governing of Tent and/or Trailer Parka, within the Township of Bayham, this By -Lax shall apply to all Tents, Trailers, Tent Trailers, Truck Campers, Motor Coacher, or any type of mobile conveyance used for sleeping, and self contained housekeeping purposes. THBMOR.E THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF B.ATHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: r (1 ) A Tent or Trailer Panic may only he satabli shed' its a location in ti � the Hunicipality approved by the Council of the Township of Bayam. (2) No person or persons shall establish, operate, keep or maintain a Tent or Trailer Park, without first obtaining a Permit as required by the Department of Tourisme and Information, and a License therefore, and paying the fees prescribed under Clause (4) of this By -Law. (3) No owner of land situated in the Township of Bayham shall permit the use of land for the purpose of a Tent and/or Trailer Park unless a License for the establishment and operation of such Park has been issued in accordant* with this By -Lax, and'has not expired or been revoked. Also a current license, be obtained from the Ontario Department of Tourism and Information, for the operation of the Tent and/or Trailer Park, together with approval from the E1Ein Medical Officer of Realt. (4) A fee of $25.00 per year for one to Twenty-four sites. $50.00 per year for Twenty-five to Forty-nine sites, $100.00 per year for Fifty sites and up. (5) The Clerk of the Municipality shill be the License Issuer, and applications for Licenses shall be made on Forms supplied by the License Issuer. * %, .s .. 2 (6) The Tent and/or "Trailer Park license shall state the number of sites, and the period of time for which the License is valid. (7) when a License for a Tent and/or Trailer Park is issued, renewed, suspended, or revoked, notification thereof shall be sent by the License Issuer to the Department of Tourism and Information, the Modical Officer of Health, the By6Law Enforcement Officer, and the Fire Chief. In the case of suspension, or revocation, the reason for such action shall be stated, and forwarded to each of the above mentioned parties. (8) Nut and/or Trailer Parks shall be divided into Sites, and each. Site shall contain a minimum area of 1,600 sq. ft., shall be at least 30 feet wide and shall have the boundaries clearly defined. Tents and/or Trailers shall be located on each site so that there .ire shall be at least 20 feet clearance between 'Tents and/or Trailers, provided however, that with Tents and/or Trailers ypa#ed. end to end, the and to and clearance between" Tents*&nd/or Trailer* shall not be less than ten feet. No Fent and/or Trtiler shall be located closer than fifteen feet from any building situated within the Park, or fifteen feet from any adjoining property line. Tent and/or Trailers shall be located at least five hundred feet fret the boundary line of all public roads or 1ft highways. Where any.residential building is located outside the 19,?{ boundaries of the Park, on property that abuts or adjoins the Park property, no Tent and/or Trailer site shall be less than One Hundred feet from that boundary line. There shall not be more than fifteen Tent and/or Trailer sites per acre of available land sui table f or such use . • (9) All such Sites shall Out upon a driver of not less than feet in width, where one way traffic only is perai.tted, or Twenty feet, where two way traffic in permitted. The driveways shall have unobstructed access to a public road or highway. All drive- ways shall have surfaces paved, oiled of otherwise treated to control dust, and so constructed that automhbiles and trailers will not become ani red . r E ( 10) Every operator of a Tent and/or Trailer Paris shall, provide each site with a picnic table and a covered garbage receptacle. He shal.+provide a daily garbage collection service and a garbage disposal area approved by the Medical Officer of Health. (11) All parks shall be located on well drained property, properly graded to ensure rapid and freedom from stagnant pools of water. (12) It shall be the duty of the licensee to keep and maintain a register with all necessary information as required under the Department of Tourism .and Information Act, and regulations there- of, and said Register shall be available at all braes to by -lax enforcement officers, public health officials, or other officials whose acquisition of the information contained in the register is required. The Register, records shall not be destroyed for a period of seven years, following the date of registration. J X13 i .A sieparate area shall, bar provided for recreational purposes. This area shall be in a location not subject to traffic hazards and be :P p • not less in area thsin one lot for each twenty tents or trailers or fraction thereof. (14) The operator of each tent or�trailer park shall provide sanitary facilities in accordance with the Regulations made under the Department of Tourism and information Act, 1966 and/or by the Department of Health, and/air by other Departments of the Provincial Government. (15) Ali owners or operators of a tent and/or trailer park within the Township of Bayhaa amt comply with all of the regulations as laid down by the Ontario Department of Tourism and Information and/or by the Department of Health. (16) The operator of each tent and/or trailer park shall provide an adequate supply of approved and potable Mater in accordance with Section 13, 14, 15 ' anid 16 of the Regulations made under the Department of Tourism and Information Act, 19". ( 1? ) Rrvery tent and/or trailer park shall be equipped: at all times with suitable fire protection in good working order and with approved first aid equipment, and be in accordance with Section 42 of the Regulations made under the Touriami and I formiaticu Act of 1966. 4 (18) No person licensed under this By -Law shall cause or permit any obstruction of vehicles or otherwise on a highway in front of or adjoining his promises or any thronging or congregating of the public on such highway. No signs shall be erected in such a manner so as to obstruct the vision of motorists to the entrance of a public thoroughfare, or as to cause distraction. (19) No person licensed under this by-law shall permit his prenises to be used for any unlawful purpose, nor shall he permit disorderly conduct thereon or any profane, obscene or abusive language to be used by any person thereon. (20) No owner or person in charge of any dog, cat or other pet or aniaal shall permit it to run at largo within the linits of any tent and/or trailer park, or allow it in any bathing area. (21) A responsible attendant or caretaker, owner or operator, shall be in charge at all tires to keep the tent and/or trailer park, 0 i.ta .facai.t.ies and oqu:�pment in a clean, orderly and sanitA y. • condition and dhall be answerable for -any violation of�_the ' a provisions of this by-law. The council may revoke any license issued under this by -lax, (22) .Any premises licensed under this by-law shall be subject to inspection at all times by the Department of Tourism and Infor- nation, the Medical Officer .of Health, the Public Health Inspector, the Fire Chief, the Hy -Law Enforcement Officer or any Police Officer having local jurisdiction and no person shall refuse admission to any such inspecting officer or shall fail to remedy any condition if so requested- by any such official. (23) This by-law shall not apply to any tents and/or trailer& operated in connection with any Exhibition, Fair, Carnival or other public i place of amusement or entertainment provided such Exhibition, Fair, Carnival or entertainnent is authorised by the Nunicipal Council to operate for a specific duration of tin* in a certain. area. (24) No permanent residents shall be allowed in Tent and/or Trailer Parks, and all Tents and/or Trailers and other vehicles must be renoved by October 15. 16 5 - (25) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by -lair shall be liable on suer conviction to a fine not exceeding Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) exclusive of costs and shall take such steps as may be necessary to meet the requirements of this BY -Law. 26) Zach play that a violation is permitted to exist, shall constitute a separate offence 16 RZA A FIRST AND SECOND TDM THIS 5th. DAY DF JULY, 1971. READ A THIRD TINS AND PASSED IN 4PM COUNCIL THIS 5th. DIY 4F JULY, 1971. a 41 r, #a � t r 7 � Chit �TY� t�F THi TtJ�9�iIP t�"' BAj � e31�g a bye -lair to �,.La�r Ho. 17�►0 Be it +�na cted by thrr .i cipal Council, o� T�rnahi �►• �o�ati as of , F �' Nom. That �eat�,c� � � tha said by -lax No. 1 ?� be struck out and °Che �'ollawing �ba,titut.+itd tharsfore s � � 1 Teat and,%or 'Trailer parka shall be dirided into 31tes, and each bite aha1,1 cQn t sin a axir�iraum area �, l (� ' aQ • • , shatll be at least �a rN,t wide and aha11 hays the bo �dariea� clearly de�inad Tents and�or Trailers sha3.1 be loaata►d oa eaoh -sit• a►o that there shall be at laa;at gip, feet cl+ia2'ance betas ea T+�►ta armor T`rail+rra, Pj''ovided ho�rever, that frith Tents anc�%� 1'x'aj,l . era parked end to end, the end to end �+r�arance batxeen Tent a � �r T�'ail®ra .... .. ., shalt vat be leas tan tee �. t. �- �� dent and/'or T�"ailer aha11 be lc�,cated clover tlra n i'i.t'teen feet froaf �Y b'�.1 d ai tasted xi Chin the � Park � or fiFteen f set from sin Y ad�oining Frap�trtp line. Teat and%or T��ti3„�rs a�hall be loc ated at least three b�undred i'tet trona the boundary line of � all pili c roads or S'a•. � a� rr►aidentia2, buil i ding a lQeatad aut si da the h���~iea o`P the Parc, � propex-t that . Y abuts or adjoins the Park p�-appy , no Te�t�t and,/oc' Tra,�,1 sr site a�ha�.1 be leas one hunda��d te�et fry that boundary line. Th a4ore than .fi.�'teen e� s� not be � Tent and f or 'Tra32er sites per acre of land suitable for �� ,� available ,� s � A FIfi AND S�CCND T,II � T�xs �th, DAY of JUNB, 19?2. � � ��D � AND PA�tD 1� CPQ Com SIL T�1� �th . DAx '� � z�7�. �, .- ..,, i ■ I Corporation of the Township of Bayhan By -Lax No, 1.742 Being a by -lax to impose a special rate upon various lots in the Township of Bayhan to apportion the coats of the repairs to the Arn Municipal Drain. ftereas the Arn Municipal Drain was constructed under a report prepared by Jewitt, Dodd & Vallee dated July 24, 1968 and numbered D 157; And Whereas certain repairs have been necessary and completed under an addendum to report D 157 dated May 26, 1971; And Whereas it is necessary to levy certain sums of money to pay for the repairs. Therefore Be It Enacted By The Municipal Council Of The Corporation Of The Township Of Bayham : 1) The addendum to report D 157 dated May 26, 1971, is hereby adopted. ` 6 -2) The sum of $933,08 is estimated receivable from the Province of Ontario as grants on agricultural lands. 3) The sum of $2,297.75 is hereby levied upon the lands as set out in report D 157 in the following apportionments.- Concession pportionments: Concession W 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 Lot N� 124 s iza NS/8 129 sj/8 123 S# 122 do 1, 9.G. SO 121 &st 13 s.c, bJ i3 Dept. of Transportation do Communications for Highway #19 Township of Bayham for road allowance Concessions 5 do 6 Total $ 4.90 1,139.12 48.67 796.41 821.72 95.41 24.35 4$.67 $2,979.25 165.53 146.05 $3,290.83 Grant $ 1.63 379.71 16.22 265.47 273,91 31.80 8.12 16.22 $993.08 $993.08 Balance $ 3.27 759.4,1 32.45 530.94 547.81 63.61 16.23 32.45 $1.,986.17 165,53 146.05 $2,297.75 4) Any of the aforementioned sins not 'being paid shall be added to and collected at the sass time and manner as ordinary taxes are levied and collected. Read a First, second and Third Tine and Passed this 7 day of Soptemtor, 1971. A tFORM 08 MR If A BY4AW TO MR+0'11/M K* TMI 19 VEPVHWMM ON ROAN IN THE CQVNTY !'fie ingkwsy -rrresassit Act Maim that tie total ase -- ME ne so roads be pea WW frr ammudly d! "-bm and that the by-law be submitted to the Kfuk peer at It b"" tot ape "SL ? the Cimaeil of the Corporation of the MW Towns♦tiip enacts as follows: (i) 1% WM e< x11 AgWk _______ it bereby estimted as the lure up= the oouetion and saw a the roads and b ridpee oosder Its jwb dietiaw drefnt the year 19a as f oueww Cmroctlo- TOW 131 DGES & CULVE3M ----* ----------------- I..____-____------ • - SUPXRD T1:NDENCE A v • '1'+CYrAL8 s ---------- #-SOW -M (3) The said mots shall bre evendod under the arperrrisias of the " appointed town- thip road siVabd ndest mW on waft perta med is aceardaace witfti 7W H10way hWavement Act (1) TU clack shall bwm mit Tr%Wea/e crop les of this by-law to tree district office of the nepwinat of makwa yes, 4ubm, not later than Math 31st of the said rear. (4) The app+ wW of the Outario Municipal Hoard small be a tained before any a:peedi• tort in authorised or work .-m or d wb b will be Mun ed by the here of debentarts or nuooles rabod is a yew. h ra.ed stj -----7-------------- dw se- �!`., A.D. 19 ---------- I. _--__-- C aft .r 4m i3he,e.e1elas se the 'Towmw at d! bei► M!ft 04 fts hPow■3 is a true copy of 34,14m lKw. 74-0—__ _ _, "nod br est cn!! of *0 ssie arr.oti.. ,w the i p4mw O!-owle MAW.� n�riri+rr�r.wr�wwr Afl lIOM�AAAA� !m im um 1f n i. COMI7MIC110M L.00ATIdIMy L+OT AMD a�aNCMrfiN) MATURE OF %VCMK MILT S m""T1O cow (BY MOMIr AMD C MV.W t - TM AMD LOCATION w.—YWAL sus—TOTAL {C► maw MAC"I"m r. AMD "ACNINE SMEDS ITlrMW ov et MMIN"WOOMPOM AND CVWWEAD (Olt PO V I NO W TOTALS Poe CONISTRUCTION I ROADS -- IQTTIAORDIPSART ROLIR►ACINNS (PA1 omo#T) MALA WIMWWACINS 1MADd AR w In #IILAll SURFACE TREATMENT MILE s ACRD S — ORDI /MARY PAMEMOST PATCHIIN. CAACIL FOLLOW &WOWINto MOM ON •RAOL PATCHIN4. DRAGGING. DLADINa DUST LATIIN CALZIUM. SALT, OIL.. PRN/E Dfl=#M "" DRAINS, CATCH fAilNls, CWIMM SUWMS, MAIM/A411 AMESSNi1T1S WWD SMA"NO, CUTTING. DRUSHINS. PENCE DONUS "104IIAIL, 61000, 2OWW 0AAR1sls WONT IR CONTIllm SNOW I►lNCE. fL.OWI N. SANDINS. SALTING (D) 01106C , AND CULtf=n* MAXOR REPAIAS (040CRiDE) MYNIMOR W&PA040, (C) SUP 1,01MTEMDANCt AND O SWASAD $CC rOOTMDTC SUS—TOTAL *LIS --TOTAL TOTALS /OR KAINT04A OCC SRANID TOTAL rtwr 7 s i.asclri..l m.. «4.► Mlllifi...l *sa. ;%i.. r. Am" ;* /w ►om 1 1 +brvol kpft# 0 0 1800•�.M..11moM OW *4m6 d a" M 410+10*W M/...ev Con0ovetiso .r Y.inlr..«.. illiSo fli mos' 024 00 .f 400% 1(s i o" l(k) bw to 6" .f loom a" mu) FORM MR to f *XV1 £ I m-13AIAam— wi-♦ w rot w_.. H.'�.rM: ,M elrrtr►.rY_rt+��Y._gl.!�M•w.aK i+IS i. ••Rf■ MCI MAO TW N'Y the WW 08 bo pfOrldod 1W mwdtr 1Wasd Ow*4mbe sAft1tWd `r �11� the i%� of RJOWW rw APPWWL 7 HmW RZ ft Comma at the Carpafades apt do nu Townswp staffs as soww etas et -._____rt,.__..rta U buWor bbd as Ow tooDdUmm open the a�isa aad aeaiotfae+beao at cwt meds sail brifta =WWr Us JuriidtctI= +dam the yw as t�ollw�ror Civanrctiun ltatsaaeaa+ Total BFL=ES & CVL!� ---awr-.�1�.r.r +. a.wer .R w.rs ws«.�►M_ *----.----.a-------- �»ro+war _wrt-.w---- OVI WF.A D _ TMAIS no acid aw i W shall be ixpooftd a ud w the vormwisim of the duly appoteted town- ship road upwints""t am an waft pef fin- to aceordamm wft 7U Higbway 1'mpovwmmtt Act {p} The dot OwD tars it Tr%Wka o ftp Ws of this by-law to the district Wnm at the Dere wa to a. of Hlgbways, Outwn, RA laW than Karek dist of the said Tw. 0) The apt+reVSI at the Ontario Munklpal Hoard shall be obta%ed before mw i- tm is as Wkwbod ae vwk +aos mmRo I which will be fiusoc£ed by the kms of debentures or mwkim Mod to a subsegoM yw. btsrod at ..,..----- .,'....___.. thin. --------- -__» &W a#------------------ A.D. t!!. .._, .....,..,.�.._ . — _..______,.__ ties .�-1✓.M1M+Y/_MM.hV•1.-wrtMkM�.1IYiM'+I s`laIMM+IM-Ywwti'M.F-Iswr. +1►rt M.w_M.M_r..er w..f c1Wft ON tm the at t7 4 N+kv.M iN 114M#.a1YMrtrr.-yw.+M-iA-a1UarY.------ _.Ml� � � .� � � � of t CsKt £ i I 's £ i s �lt�tlrl O!-�IM R•. t � 1ovowsw or I* SYAAW NO. NDAD P= Im TUB 1t LOCAYMN (D7 Lor AN* COMCMwION? $OATVRt OR VICOW MIL.Dw iMT/MATUD CWT (DY DRAMM A" CM VUM — It A" LACATWN !LIl--TOTAL. _. - rvir—TOTAL. V "" NOON !C) NSM' MACIitMSMY .AMD MACM)MS MUM (nvdmw � LD1' /W"PIDOMCS AND OVOWSAD (OM E2?"100TV L �AAIMT1MiANC (A) — SXRAC"IflARY IIOi6/RI'ACIM! WAV=01109TF MH." OWSBUwrACIM! 4401Al/1a, Dirt 07*4W) MM.M r4'RPAC t T ft "TU # T MILK f worAe! -- O�eylKw�rY PAV MSMT PAT NIOW COACK FILLIMS. WW9040Mi **"Wg OR S AVSL PATCNIMO. DRA 0006. OL"IMa DWT LAYINS — CALCIUM. SALT. OOL, PRIM* DtTCMM< TILS DOAMME. CATCM DAi11M. CUOMO. ii!'R ZM. DRAIMASS ANfNMS " NO OPAAYIIiM. A TWO. 0*64 MIMl, "MCS • WUO *UlDgAAIL, SISN+l:. 210019 WAMWlr 1 INTM'CfigTOW. — 9P#0W PLOWS"S. •AMDINl. •AL.TIM! l!� D &"&: AND C*&V=" MAJOR RUPAIwr (SG CRIDt) MIN** ww►AlR! W) OUPSON,ct'flw—+ AMiD Orill""D saw IYOTMDlS TOTALS P% w COMwT1tYCTIOM OUD—TOT Ai •itl—T'O'I'Al. '!WAL& Milkl AISIVID/ASOCw !IlJkaID TOi►AL. NOW / 40 NOW i a s ori d ow be 4kot4wo" belftswo coftbinOgNOW 44d til iAft 0VAW 0 D! #OWWO'80 WO st *W% i(e) 04 tai; 6W to $*W of Mollie 40 It a, % AM I& DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Mr. J.A. Petrie, Clerk, Township of Beyham, Straffordyville, Ontario. Dear Sir: Downsview 464, Ontari October 12, 1971. Re:' 1971 Supplementary Subsidy Allocation .with Supporting Statement of Proposed Expenditure. The Honourable Charles MacNaughton, Minister of Transportation and Communications, has authorized a supplementary subsidy allocation in the amount(s) of $ _ for Normal Maintenance $ &)0 f for Special Winter Control . w Maintenance $ 800. TATA L- , O ' The total subsidy allocation for Construction and for Maintenance is showrn at the bottom of this letter. Please note that where expenditures pro- duce subsidy amounts in excess of either of the total limits shown below, the excess amounts will not be eligible for consideration. r It is to be understood that additional approvals given as a direct result of the severe winter conditions which prevailed in the earIly part of this year in no way establishes a level of approval for maintenance allocations which may be used as a guide in future years. One copy of the submission as approved is returned herewith. Total of Subsidy Alloca tions Yours very truly, C. R. Wilmot, Is Director, Municipal Branch. Construction $ 3+x,150, r Maintenance $ 36,300./ Total $ 72,4501 lr't*M 09—MR-16 REVISED Jnr -I AW ra._ 174 ..i A NY -LAW TO P tMDE PM THE t! _ n ___. amDmultas ON ROADS IN THE At no Air b"Pro+emmit Ad that MW total sn"diture an roads be p o l , !re #11DanUy by by-law and that do by4mv be aWbodtud to the Mtnlater of RidbjWs 1W SPPROML 1'!M� tis Cbmeil aR tare carpondsm 10 ** Mid Tbwnddp esaeb of fima s: 111 I%e no of E- -Amp ------- k bmow eptimaw as thedlttnre tom• ft cans metion and aromas at So reads and brifto ®der +fit #orisdiction during tie y+M' It . u follows, C 04r uet3oe 1LalebaS Thiel ROADS - 1, *00 1,600.00 BR=ES A CMVERTS�._.___.______.__ . +_ii_!�_�._�.�� OL _i_•!___r._i.4ii�ilYi • + < OVERHEAD A _ TMALS ...... Aoj M The rid ffmaies "I be Mspea6d maiec ft so"eiSiaa of the dais► aped town� slip real si p o latsrnierri and on waft p da ped in 406W MM wttb The Hisbvo t ACL 0 US slurp I 11 1r Mr SOW ed thk by -lar ► to the district ofilce et the D -111!1 00 ei 10ways, Oatarro, I" later tb" 11aM SW et the said year. (4) 'he &Mwv rel of the Oa MAG ltereiciW 18009 Shall be obtained before any *xMdi- tm is auummriaed art` wank asruoeacre+d wikkb will be fbmmd by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a StireqU■t yet. Pa"at_ ,_.---��i�l day at... tI�'... AJ). 1! 21_ _-, Cktc *I lire cim p" sNlr d so '4uiit at - . _ " _.�,.,».. �_. ..R_....�. --. & #1 Fft cauty tw the 9WAP1 W it a oft am at D isw Us.17 turd• 1W to Cw"m et aw add Caes►earatlea +oar tie _ _ _7 Clea 1 ' 0 � � r � � � • W i 1 . re 1 3 ,A���i NOW x�� zri.�iEt2�.. 41„�Nrr� i,Mdfj' cc ?� V 9 d3S '%ZZ,A 13 :) 3 C. E I V ~� W SEP2 3 tq.71 �r,��f fast. 2 LORMN �' rIL- Mt1 1 11, lla& m6ghd by ft*Lom n bared 171 , 1729 and 1,744. %M Ow Conrail at Us Corpoaratiaa at the Tamohip of bogrl�ara b7 b7•a1aN►r►s duly prsssed. authorised tis Lams orad ftls of first for rasa not otherwise provided for as f*Voris:,m Aa a" ftb, It 1971 1712 WalUce Or. =9 3x"00 V,�• 1 17 daboia r i�ar.txt, x,000.+00 , 4 rp;*It 10ti 1741 batt. 40850000 5.24903 ► D prior to the Pa�� at above bar -lata, ter rrip*atirr* approvals at The Qatario JWA41,pal Board wexe obtadaed as evidence by ter fo11awlag board Ordual•• ET•• -asks, LLrda oto. �L►ta at' 1 H 16 w Imo. 1, 1WO lei H 22Aam7l. Xwo zg 1WI 1I iia�flmoo,► 1 2, As +d Dai: 19714 the abwm •ast�sd a lssrs do not rsquixtit the amt at f1be alsctors or at persons qual,ii'iad to trot* as maney by -lags; AND the Corporation desire& to borrow money as t iaporary ar�aas psndixy, receipt ofnrx�csss�►t great end the issue sad *ala of elsbmtu rss; -!- I il 3=1 0,0= A3 JPOLLM t a 1* %* C4mVaratica hr*" to borrow and cloth hor*br at as the eoe:o�s from tir. c�►tAn�tu �, SM OF ct�cs .s t,..poe.:r M�oM v�La the rye spc at government ,branw mn the Lawn and M3� of the dtMaturN above loaited such sues as mW be required but WS d3a a4 of M94P*00 as WW Was and sub j* t to the` errdiUme as est for" In tits br4me 16 Wfthl n tho 1iit o afareaaU and " sonoys we dred AxaMOR to tiws for tsar purpose &tom ro#tad, tw head ad ;TreapA r &Wag on of the CorparsUan, aro bWvby authwIssM to I+osr aftws frM Ow *aid Bmk for the said ponding receipt at gawaaawM rtb+s orad Use isew ad SOU of the debentures authorised as aforesaid Md to Md da3.itrrgr to the Ma's AMA auah --1 not or 4 .. x ow *Ot4M 00 OW be for thet"Such tip �� at ON& US 4"d Soak t oad. too 4kftU thr to Sol of 00 C or �$ ar�oorsLs,a, �. ,a! TU'sr arm b7 axthwis" Lo a.w4do mrd 40, 00 MMdlWbmLwmst Odd Bmk Vm the f toby the � Bilk be b44 �sdm the Mauth* 004 VM ftid , be �cr�s, Or 00 r �,► �`a a�+�t be F *0 U* said labonVmd, am the "' ft*LW and intt LlR • P& seed We 24 d, at � a ign t *r J j 0 By -Law No. 174f Township of Bayham A By -Law to authorise the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances pending receipt of government grants and the sale of debentures authorized by Bye -Laws numbered 1712, 1729 and 174,1. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayhan by by-laws duly passed, authorized the issue and sale of 3ebentures for sines -not otherwise provided for as follows: - Date RA gad B I No, se Gross Mout EstIMAted 4eb2ntiwe Feb. 19 1971 1712 Wallace Dr. $10, 5$0'.00 $7,207,00 Apr, 23, 1971 1729 Schonberger Dr.Xxt. 13,000.00 $,666.67 Sept. 7, 1971 1741 Palmer Drain Ext. 7,850.00 59249.34 AND WHEREAS prior to the passing of the above by-laws, the respective approvals of The Ontario Municipal Board were obtained as evidence by the following Board Orders:- B j L,X N2* Order Ho. _DA1, _2C Order %'R 1631-70 Dec. 1,1970 1729 H 2240-71 Mar. 25, 1-971 1741 H 2308-71 liar. 25, 1971 is aimended Oct. 14, 1971. AND WHEREAS tho above noted By-laws do not, require the .assert of the electors or of those persons qualified to vote on money by-laws; AND WHEREAS the Corporation desires to borrow money as temporary advances pending receipt of government grants and the issue and sale of debentures; NOW THEREFORE , THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Corporation agrees to borrow and doth hereby authorise the borrowing from the CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF CONMRCE as temporary advances pending the receipt of government grants and fte issue and sale of the debentures above recited such sums as may bo requited but not exceeding a total of 431,430.00 on the terms and subject to the conditions as set forth in this by-law. 2. within the limits aforesaid and as moneys are required from time to time for the purpose above recited, the Head and Treasurer acting on behalf of the Corporation, are hereby authorised to borrow moneys from the said Bank for the said purposes pending receipt of ,government grants and the issue and sale of the debentures authorized as aforesaid and to sign and deliver to the said Bank such promissory note or 4 Fw 404 • OAll Wim' e BY-LAW No. /%f ,P 100 ZIj8p2lab) to authorize the borrowing of = /co Whereas the Council of the f&4_ r (hereinafter called the "'Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of 3 -3to A130 as to meet, until the tares are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; `°"'Vs''aw t. t �. wcl�wrw And Wheraw the total amount of the estimated revenues of the fmdMunicipality es P as set forth in the estimatadopted for the year 19 ..z is atbw yew, �. €'0'0'" And Whereas the total of amounts heretofore borrowed for the purlxms mentioned in subsection ( 1) of Section 329 of The Ni unicipal Act which have not been repaid is S Therefore the Council of the�of hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMEaCIE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $ 3J, Yjo to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the, including the amounts required for the purpbaes mentioned in subsection ` Vit,). �' `!� tion 329'of the* Municipal Act, and to give on behalf'of the Municipality to the Bank a promislrory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head aid Treasurer for the moneys so bprrowurd, with interest at such rate as may be agreed upon froyn time to time with the Bank. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed is this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall. with interest thereon, be a charge upas the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to applyin payment of all sums borrowed as afonw4 together with interest thereon, alof the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. "� ilk ASSAL Passed t his 94 day of 19"-// ,wXRC I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy, of By -lawn No. / i�� of the of in the Province of Ontario, my at a meeting of the ouncil of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said fay -law is in full force and effect. Dated This q As Witmn the Seal of f the " of MAL day of 1971 a IF am 2 notes as may be required for the repayment of the moneys borrowed at such vias or tines and at such rate of interest as any be agreed upon with the said Bank, and to affix the corporate seal of the Corporation to such Promissory note or notes. 3• The Head and. Treasurer are hereby authorized to assign and pledge the said debentures to the said Bank upon the issue thereof to bs held by the said Bank as collateral security for all moneys borr thi owed under s BY -law and interest thereon and to assignto the e said Bank the UORO rs growing due from the sale of the said debentur e3; and the proceeds of the sale of the said debentures, or so much thereofas may be necessary, shall be paid to the said Hank in satisfaction of the aoneys borrowed under this Bp -Law and interest thereon, Passed this 0 dad of Witness the Corporate Seal Of the Corporation of the Township of Bayhamr 4 6� lk Clerk ik K� By -Law No. 1746 Being A By -Lax to Establish a Fire Department WHEREAS The Municipal Act provides that the Council may by By -Lax establish and regulate a Fire Department: THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATICK OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. In this By -Lax, unless the content otherwise requires, (a) "Council" means the Council of the Township of Bayham, (b) "Department" means the Township of Bayham Fire Department, (c) "umber" includes an Officer. 2, A Department for the Township of Bayham to be known as the Township of Bayham Fire Department is hereby established and the Bead of the Department shall be known as the Chief of the. Depar4men°t. 30 In additiog to the Chief of the Department, t -he Department y Personnel shall consist - of a Deputy Chief and such number of Division Chiefs, Captains and other 0fficers and members as from time to time may be deemed necessary by the Council. J+. (1 ) The Chief of the Department may recommend to the Council the appointment of any qualified person as a member of the Department. (2) A person is qualified to be appointed a member of the' Department for fire fighting duties who 16 (a) is not less than 18 gears of age and not more than 60 years of age, M (b) is of good character, (c) passes such aptitude tests as may be required by the Chief of the Department, and (d) is medically fit to be a member as certified by a Physician designated by the Chief of the Department. (3) A person appointed as a member of the Department for Fire fighting duties shall be on probation for a period of b months duria.g which period he shall take such training and examinations as may be required by the Chief of the Department. 4 2 If a probationary member appointed for fire fighting duties fails any such examinations, the Chief of the Department may recommend to the Council that he be dismissed. 5. The remuneration of all members of the Department shall be determined by the Council. 6. The Chief of the Department is responsible to the Council for the proper administration and operation of the Department, for the discipline of its members, and (a) May make such general orders and departmental rules as may be necessary for the care and protection of the Department and generally for the efficiency operation of the Department, provided that such general orders and rules do not conflict with the provisions of any By -Laws of the Municipality. (b) Shall review periodically the policies and procedures of the Department and may establish an Advisory Committee -consisting of such Officers as he may determine fromtime to time to ti m assistohim in these duties. (c) Shill take all proper measures for the prevention, control and extinguishment of fires and for the protection of life and property and shall enforce all Municipal By -Laws respecting fire prevention and exercise the powers imposed on hire by the Fire Marshals Act. { d ) is responsible for the enforcement of this By -Law and the General orders and departmental rules. * (e) Shall report all fires to the Fire Marshal as required by the Fire Marshals Act. (f) Shall submit to the Council for its approval, as required by the Council, tha annual estimates of the Departmait. 7. The Deputy Chief ahail report to the Chief of the Department on activities of the Divisions that are his responsibility and carry out the orders of the Chief, and, ip the absence of the Chief, has all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the Chief. g. (1) The Department is composed of the following divisions: Division of Administration Division of Apparatus, Equipment and Communications Division of Fire Fighting Division of Fire Prevention Division of Training 16 r C lk __ 3 (2) The Divisions of Apparatus, Equipment and Communications, Fire Fighting and 'Training are under the Direction of the Deputy Chief who is responsible to the Chief of the Department for the proper operation of each Division. 9. The Chief of the Department is responsible for the carrying out of the following duties of the Division of Administration: (1) Provide adminstration facilities for the Chief and Deputy Chief of the Department. (2) Prepare the Departmental budget and exercise control of the budget. (3) Prepare the payroll of the Department and initiate requisitions for materials and services and certify all accounts of the Department. (4) Maintain personnel records. (5) Arrange for the provision of new buildings. r (b) Arrange for the provision of medical cervi ee s ti (7) Prepare the annual, report of the Department. (8) Carry out the general administrative duties of the Department. (9) Provide liaison with the County of Elgin Fire Co-ordinator. (10) Assist the County of Elgin Fire Co-ordinator in the preparation of an Emergency Fire Services Annex and Operating Procedures, 100 The Deputy Chief is in Charge of the Division of Apparatus, Equipment and Ca=unications and is responsible to the Chief for the carrying out of the following Duties of the Division: (1) Prepare specifications for the purchase of apparatus and equipment. 2) Maintain and keep in repair all existing buildings, fire fighting rescue and salvage apparatus of the Department. (3) Modify apparatus and equipment. (4) Provide recharging facilities for fire fighting extinguishers and cylinders and to test and repair hose., (5) dere a Waterworks Commission is established provide liaison in order to ensure an adequate flow of water in new waterworks projects and the adequate maintenance of existing waterworks facilities for the use of the Department. (6) Ismue clothing, equipment and cleaning supplies. (7) Receive alarms and dispatch apparatus. 16 - 4 (g) . Prepare specifications for new conmunication systems and for additions to existing communication systems, {9? Maintain the communications systems of the Department. (10) Prepare the annual report and budget of the Division of Apparatus, Equipment and. Communications to be submitted to the Division of Administration, The Deputy Chief is responsible to the Chief of the Department for the management and operation of the Division of Fire Fighting; and for the carrying out of the following duties of the Division: 1. Prevent, control and extinguish fires. 2. Conduct, through the Division of Fire Fighting or the Division of Fire Prevention, investigations of fire in order to determine cause, origin, and where appropriate, to notify the authority having jurisdiction to conduct an investigation. • r 0 .3. Perform rescue and salvage operations and rerdOr First 'Aid. . Respond and assist at such emergenci*s as may be required by o the Chief of the Department. 5. Participate in training at stations. b. Conduct company fire prevention and familiarization inspections of promises. 7. Perform apparatus maintenance and cleaning duties at stations. 8. Prepare the annual report and budget of the Division of Fire prevention to be submitted to the Division of Administration. 13 . The Deputy Chief is responsible for the carrying out of the l following duties of the Division of Training: 1. Conduct training for all personnel of,,the Department in Fire Alministration, Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting;, 2. Administer Training Programs in 3tatiofis. 3. Prepare -and conduct examinations of members as required by the Chief of the Department. 4. Prepare the annual report ander Budget of the Division of Training to be submitted to the Division of Administration. 14.411 The provisions of this vection with respect to the promotion of members do not apply to the Deputy Chief. (2 ) ,Any member having at least 2 years of service with the Department way made application to the Chief of the Department to qualify hiss for promotion to a rank immediately sup9#,or to his present rank. It. • .-..5__ (3) Every recommendation for promotion of a member wade to the Council by the Chief of the Department shall be based on the evaluation of: (a) The results of examination taken by the member. (b) The age and physical fitness of the member, and (c) The fire and station .record of the member. (4) when, in the opinion of the Chief of the Department all other factors for the promotion of two or more members are equal, seniority of service in the Department governs. (5) The Fire fighting► and station record of each member of the Department shall be evaluated as follows: (1) The Captain of each company shall evaluate each member of the company. (6) The Chief of the Department and the Deputy P y Chief shall evaluate all members of the Department who- are ,participating in :an , ex -amination for promotion. . '(?) Every aprplieant for promotion shall take such written, oral and Practical ex mi.nati on as may be required by the Chief of the Department. 1.5. Every member of the Department appointed for fire 'ri tin duties is subject to a medical examination at least once Bi- annually and at such other times as the Chief of the Department may require. 16.(1) Every member of the Department shall report for duty at the time prescribed by the Departmental rules and shall remain on duty until relieved. (2) In the case of a member failing to report for duty,the e officer -in -charge shad report this in writing, through his superior officer, to the Chief of the Department. (3) No member, (a) while in uniform, shall enter ;,,anyremises P where al oohaZi c beverages are sold or consumed, except in theerfo P rmanCe Of his departmental duties. (b) If his ability is impaired by the use of an intoxicating beverage or drug, shall be permitted to remain on duty, (c) while on duty, shall consume any intoxicating beverage or drug. (4) No member shall solicit the influence or Support of P anyone in order to aecvs"e a transfer. nr4vqnr_i ^ri . 11 J 17,(l) The -Chief of the Department may reprimand, suspend or recommend dismissal of any member for insubordination, inefficiency, misconduct,tardiness or for non-compliance with any of the provisions of this Dy -Law or general orders and departmental rules that in the opinion of the Chief would be detrimental to the discipline and efficiency of the Department. (2) Fol1.�oWing the suspension of any member* the Chief of the Department shall report the suspension and his recommendations to the Council. (3� A 'Member shall, not be dismissed without being afforded the opportunity for a hearing before Council, if he makes a written request for such hearing within seven days after receiving notice of his proposed dismissal, 18. The Department shall not respond to a call with respect . to a ...fire --or amIrgency outside the limits of the Municip tl'ity except with respect to a fire or emergency, 1' 19, (a) That • in the opinion of the Chief of the Department threatens property in the Municipality or property situated outside the Municipality that is owned or occupied by the Mimicipality, (b) In a Municipality with which an agreement has been entered into to provide' fire protection, or (c) On property with respect to which an agreement has been entered into with any person or corporation to provide fire protection therefor. This by -Law comes into effect on the day it is passed by Council. N PASSED THIS 26th. DAY OF OCTOBER, 1971. eeve • rk 4. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BYLAW 140. W34 A BY-LAW FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE MUNICTPALM OF BAYHAM FIRE DEPAMMiENT WHEREAS the Municipal Act provides that the Council may by by-law establish and regulate a fire department, THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows I In this by-law, unless the context otherwise requires (a) "Member" includes an officer: (b) "Fire Protection" means a range of services as determined by amicil policy. - - 2, -*rA•Dr&iment for the Municipality of Bayham to be known as the Bayham Fire Department is hereby established and the head of the Department shall bk' known ' u the Are Chief (b) The goals and misaaon statement of the department shall be those contained in Schedule "A" of this by-law 3 In addition to the Fin Chief, the Department personnel shall consist of Two Station Chiefs, and such number of Captains and other officers and members as from time to time may be deenned necessary by the Council. 4 (a) The Fire Chief may recommend to the Administrator the appointmertt of any qualified person as a member of the Department subject to approved hiring policies contained in Schedule "B" of this by-law (b) Every member of the Department appointed for fire fighting duties is subject to a medical examination at such times as the Chief may require. (e) A person appointed as a member of the Department for fire fighting and fire prevention duties shall be on probation for a period of twelve months during which ume he/she shall take such trwning and examination as may be required by the Chief (d) If a probationary member fails any such examinations. the Chief may recommend to Councal dw helshe be dismissed or the probation period be extended. g S. (a) The Chief may reprimand, suspend or reoammend dismissal of any member for insubordination, inefficiency, misconduct, tardiness or for non-compliance with any of the provisions of this by-law or general orders and departmental rules, that in the opinion of the Chief, would be detrimental to the efficiency of the department! (b) Following the suspension of any member, the Chief shall report the suspension and hts,(her recommendations to the Administrator (e;) A member shall not be dismissed without being afforded the opportunity for a heanng before Council, if Wshe makes a written request for such heotring within severs days after receiving notice of hidher proposed dismissal b The remuneration of all members of the department shall be as determined by the Council. 7 The Chief of the depounera is responsible to the Administrator for the proper adminisatratm and operation of the department, for the discipline of its members and. (a) shall davviop ant! publish swch written standard operation guidelines end such general ore m and deeipelr mental rules as may be necessary for the care and pirotectan of the diel - P t equipment and department personnel, and generally for the effic,etu operation of the dtpanmem, provided that such orders and rules do not conflict with. the provisions of any by-law of the mun,upality (b) shall review periodically the policies and guidelines of the department end may establish an Advisory Committee cor ist,ng of such members and hevshe may deers necessary to aasest himNer in thtsnee duties By-law No 98-34 Page 2 (e) Shill take proper measures for the prevention, control, and extinguishment offires and for the protection of life and property and exercise the powers imposed on him/her by the Fire Prevention and 1'trotection Act, and the Fire Chief or his/her designate shall be empowered to authorize Fre depannie t members to, (Q. pull down or demolish any building or structure to prevent the spread of fire (i) when unable to contact the property owner, to take such necessary action which may include boarding up or barricading of buildings to guard against fire or other danger, risk or accident (iii) The corporation may recover expenses incurred by such necessary action in a manner provided by the Municipal Act (d) is responsible for the enforcement of this by-law and the general orders and departmental rules (e) Shall, through the Station Chiefs, report all fires to the Fire Marshal as required by the Fire Prevention &. Protection Act r (f) Shall submit to the Treasurer for council approval the annual estimates for the , dim •i 8 The Station Chiefs shall report to the Chief on the activities of the divisions. that .are his responsibility and carry out the orders of the Chief, and in the absence of the Chief the 11 Station Chief has edl the powers and shall perform all the duties of the Chief 9 (a) The departme tit is eoupond of the following divisional functions, Division of Administration Division of Apparatus and Equipment Division of Fire Suppression Division of Fire Prevention Division of Training (b) Each division of the department is the responsibility of the Chief and is under the direction of the Chief or such member designated by the Chief 10 In addition to the Chief and Station Chiefs, the Bayham Fire Department shall have the following number of officers, three Captains, one Training Officer and one Fire Prevention Officer per station. Inc' Wing the Chief, Station Chiefs and Officers, the department will consist of no more than thirty-eight members The duties and responsibilities of each posdm are described in Scheduk "C" of this by -taw t I The Fire Prevention Policy of the Bayham Fire Department small be conducted as described b in Schedule "D" of this by-law 12. The Bayham Fire Depanment shall not respond to a tail with respect to a fire or a nargenc,, otsaide the limits of the municipality except with respect to a fire or WWF41 (a) that to the opinion of the Fire Chief threatens property in the municipality or property outside the nwn,cipality that is owned or occupied by the municipality, (b) at the discretion of the Fire Chief to a municipality authorized to participate in the county emergency fire service plan and program (mutual aid), (e:) an those h4ghways that are under the Jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transportabon or wntun the county where the county has established a resort support system, (d) outside the municipal boundary where the Fire Chief or his/her designate determine* that immediate action is neceemearry to preserve and protea life and/or property and the serving Fire Department is rwufiaad to respond and assume command 13 Job descriptions foe, all officers and members of the Bayham Fire Ulepartment shall be as described ,n Schaduk "C" of this by-law 14 The: promotxmW policy ofthe Bayham Fire Department stall be conductod as deacbed in ale "E" of thus by-law 1 S Officiers arrd members of the Bayham Fin Departmerst receive remuneration as described m Schedule "F" of this by -taw By-law No 99-34 Par 3 Ib. AND THAT all by-laws mW amcrdm"ts t woo enacted by the font VdbW of pmt gwwdl, the V 1iW of Vienna, and the Township of Hayham, pe liming to the a Fife DroQartrncrt, be Y ^ READ a first and second time this 21 st day of May 1991 Deputy Mayor Clerk r READ a. third time, and Finally Passed this 2"d day ofJuly 199, Maw/p4 Zm , Ckrk 4 By -lax No W34 Pop 3 16. AND THAT A ad gon"WO mA jo a SOW by die h�rwar Y" Wp Pm &uvmdj. the V * Md dw TOWS at 9117 Fe DqxutrwA, be 1 READ and nacmd tiam this 21 st day of May 199 D"Uty Mayor Ckrk READ a third time, and F:natty NOW thi3 2"'�day v>�• luly't�. • -� Mayor Ckrk s, 10 b THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM Br -LAV NO. 1747 Being a Hyp Lax to appoint the Chief of the Township of Bayham Fire Department, WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayhan have enacted a By --Law No. 1746 to establish a Fire Department and WHEREAS the Council has considered a By -Law to establish the position of Chief of the Fire Department THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of tha Township of 1 O y 1. Bayham enacts that Mr. Harold Dennis be appointed as Chief of the Fire Department to serve from October 26, 1971 until this By -Lair is rescinded. A READ a First and Sec,and time this 26th. day of October, 1971 Reeve Is G A READ a Third time and Finally Passed this 26th. of October, 1971• erk ..�,,. t r lk ■ BT -LAYS NO. 1748 Being a by-law to prescribe the manner of the setting of fires and precautions to be observed by persons setting out fires. WHBRBAS by virtue of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960 'Chapter 249 - Section 379 (1) (28). Mimicipal Councils may pass by-laws for proscribing the whole or any part of the municipality, the tunes during which fires may be set in the open air, and the precautions to be observed by persons setting out fires. THEREFORE BI IT RNACTED ' BT THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF hAIHAM 1. In This BY -Law : - (d) (e) (f) "Municipality* shall, mean the Corporation of tha Township of Bayham. "Fire Department" shall mean the Township of Bayham Fire Department. lei I "Fire Chief's shall mean the chief of the Bayham Township o Volunteer Fire Department, or his Deputy, as from time to time appointed. 'Clerk" shall mean the clerk of the Townshio of Bayham as from time to time appoirted. "Provincial,Officer" shall mean a person who is designated by the Minister of Health of Ontario for the purposes of enforcement of The Air Pollution Control Act - 1967. "Air Contaminants" and "Air Pollution" shall have the meaning described in Section 1 of the Air Pollution Control Act 1967. 2. The burning of all air contaminants and any other items which i may be deemed to cause air pollution is hereby prohibited except under written authority from a Provincial Officer. 3. No person or persons shall set out any fire in the Municipality, except in an incinerator, withou* first obtaining a permit from the Fire Chief who, at his discretion, nay issue said hermit without charge. 4. The Fire Chief may request the presence of, or authority from a Provincial. Officer before granting permission to any person or persons to set out a fire in the Municipality, r • .M 2 5. The Fire -Chief shall prescribe the time or Beres of the settir and the precautions to be taken before the setting out of any fire after taking into account the location and intensity of the fire to be set. 6. In the absence fo the Fire Chief, the Clerk may at this discretion, assume the authority of the Fire Chief for the purposes of this by-law. 7. Persons requesting the aid of the Fire Department for fires found to be deliberately set may be charged an amotmt deemed Bufficlent to pay all expenses incurred including* remuneration of the firemen and all operating expenses of the fire truck or trucks, and upon failure to pay such hosts same may be added to and collected at the same time and Manner as municipal taxes are levied and collected. I. Parsons contravenin . - the r �; provisions of this by -lax shall' be , subject to a fine not exceeding Three` Hundred Dollars, exclusive of cosh, and or a teres of imprisonment not exceeding twenty-one days at the discretion of the Convicting Provincial Judge. Every such fine is recoverable under The Summary Convictions Act, all the provisions of which apply, 9. All by-laws deemed to inconsistent with this by-law are hereby repealed. % Read a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this 1ste day of November, 1971. ."'W • 9 u, 2 a IrkM 0 --MR" ! 6 REVISED BY-LAW lbw.._ Azp !__----- A BY-LAW Tp fpr IrOR TNg 19 __?1___-_- VO4"DffURI5 ON ROAD$ IN THE TOWN3MW OF - lk ---------- 1N Tull COUNTY � OF tTIU CT WXMUW 7U tenor bye ! Aet rrgnlreo ?fat tie tots? ilk as reads bo dewidM !e: smtptr aw by-law and that tit by-law be witted to tht ltiaiOW d lfigiwpo Bair y�nL AMINAMWORS the coswu at the Camoemum ad the am Ip ftacu " hover (1)71W mm at --- .t► ,�QQ._ r mn* admosd at th..�eralaer. am sw aNAI meanand .n}ataeasa of roads and b rfdgr undw ib im bdktka durbW tht lir L1___ t�rrtrab.etiaa MainbaaaosTOW ROADS ------- w ........... �. ___?4,Qml _________________ ----------- ----------------- $L ---------------- / I W 1 t 0000 � $----------------- M ---------------- M Tht said avant shall be expm" saftrr the aMpu 1 4 re of tit duly appointed ?two. sh* rem MWeh- h edea? sed an vat Palo aaed in wmrdna 00 722 Ri=hway �arosesat ACL (:) "W auk awl tram mit Tr*461" cop ip of th#a W" to as dimbid am" of the Nywtuftt at Hisimon ouUmk nat istwr th" March "A of tiro asid 7w. (') Tb* SPPNWW Of the Oubrio MuOkipai 944M mall be obbiaW b fseu so S qM& tare is amawirad ar wat eorlrwrd vbkh will be fbuseed bF iitit in" of dMioaAtre = or Sys roMsi is s owww~ Vie. lsnnd a � ------ 464N _ . - - +f•,► at_ _)IM'1�M1W-W ... A.D. MIX. X. -jk*_ „ �.___�.�..______.._ Choi It as 0 is of ?tit 'llenrawi/ st _ -----------------------is bum* mib 14 *0 *"0*9 Y . beenof ads itrlrw XL --413-0---, Pon" 1W so coma at tin Mid curia m t.. _ _ _----------- a1► It 'At lk eit-CEIVE 0 NOV 4 -1971 L R9°VISEC? 2 MR— 16 A ISY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 .�/�_____.EXPINMURES ON ROADS IN TME couH TOWNSHIP OF _ ?fllq,qCOUNTYIN THE OF WIM RF,A& The Ifighway Improvement Act rewires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the bylaw be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval - T1WREFORR the Council of the Corporstion 'of th+e said Township enacts as follows: (1) n# sum of $ i7'cr I -is hereby estimated as the expenditure u pon 6follll©e.ra construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the you g_tbtt A a c Construction ROA D.S Maintensace S Total NkW MACHI:YE Y ; I Q ?�► . ; nil OVfERHi�AD ~ o TOT, AI.."% $ Q Q Q ;J -e-? 0 0 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly &M%lated town ship rna+f superintendent ancf can work performed in accordance with They lftghway 11nprovement Act. (3) The thrk shall transmit TrWkaoo copies of this bylaw to the district office• of the TePsrtmt"t of Highways, Ontarte, not later than March 31st of the said year. 4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Hoard shall be obtained before an e: wee is autborLied or srork commenced which will be financed by.the issue of debentures or e4 Pend raised in a suhs"uent ywr Paaaod � r G'r��� tlua t `SEAL, day of '1 `.�'rr•�-yrt,,�/�+Ew' A D_ to I "� Is l>lorro Clerk of Um Corporation of the 'ittt►arMls of do bertby csrtily tUt the foregoing is a true eaPr of By-law b1► tho council of the said Corporation on the � _ day o! 0 I 9 t 2 MR— 16 A ISY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 .�/�_____.EXPINMURES ON ROADS IN TME couH TOWNSHIP OF _ ?fllq,qCOUNTYIN THE OF WIM RF,A& The Ifighway Improvement Act rewires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the bylaw be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval - T1WREFORR the Council of the Corporstion 'of th+e said Township enacts as follows: (1) n# sum of $ i7'cr I -is hereby estimated as the expenditure u pon 6follll©e.ra construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the you g_tbtt A a c Construction ROA D.S Maintensace S Total NkW MACHI:YE Y ; I Q ?�► . ; nil OVfERHi�AD ~ o TOT, AI.."% $ Q Q Q ;J -e-? 0 0 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly &M%lated town ship rna+f superintendent ancf can work performed in accordance with They lftghway 11nprovement Act. (3) The thrk shall transmit TrWkaoo copies of this bylaw to the district office• of the TePsrtmt"t of Highways, Ontarte, not later than March 31st of the said year. 4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Hoard shall be obtained before an e: wee is autborLied or srork commenced which will be financed by.the issue of debentures or e4 Pend raised in a suhs"uent ywr Paaaod � r G'r��� tlua t `SEAL, day of '1 `.�'rr•�-yrt,,�/�+Ew' A D_ to I "� Is l>lorro Clerk of Um Corporation of the 'ittt►arMls of do bertby csrtily tUt the foregoing is a true eaPr of By-law b1► tho council of the said Corporation on the � _ day o! 0 I FORM owmR-16 TOWWSHW of At GYAAW NO. ROAD PROGRAMME RM THE YEAR 19 I. CONSTaLK710N (Ai ROA 06 LOCATION 4611 L07 AMD CoitCu"softi MATURE OF WORK MIL86 -/72 zo A7 Z 2- 4E 4- TOTAL IR t#Ilpod AND CULVCATs TVP't AND LOCATION ILEO-'!'13TAt. , IC) N11W MACMINORI► AND MACMIN�H9" t IT/SMIJEt► ..�,..,....,...,.�.....�_....,. _ _ w ..� 101 9brR0klf4VaND6kCE AND OV ShHCAD 4668 M31W040T91 TOTAL* ►CSR CONSTRUCTION s v • 2. MAiNTINAP CE . (A) 00AGO RXTIIAOADlt4AAY MQURPACING (PAvema IT, IdIL96 0t6URRACING 46RAV9L. pA OTOkS, 1144Lto OURIACC 101[ArOW9147 ROADS -~ ORDINARY PAYtW`ItT PATC611000, CRACK :ILL IN0.. OW EEPIfto 6T0049 OR G,AA4IEL PATCH014 , OMAOQS04G O A04ftG SUST LAYINS CAi.E+600. MALT. OIL, MIME VITCKM. TfLS D*AtNi> CATCH DAMNS CU1106, oUTT9106 OI1A104ASt AOOt60M904" wtEO Ot*Arun*. cwwlfto, OAve"I"I(, Fcf*Ct OoNvi 84,11 fb[RAn . OIafts, LONE MARKIN4ii W1144ft0' O►+TROL S040W ftNCt P,tj%VjR(& iA►V()tM(i !A. )'Ir:., 4Oe iRiLt�► Apla GUL.VILOve MAJOR *CPAIM f" C&f") Ilot"*411 I141PAi*6 <Co SU09RfitT6l4@AMCt A##* OV9RA9A0 *Orli /10,0114014 is SU6 TOTAL flus TOTAL TOTALS Poo MAtNi[MAmcc GAAIrO TOTAL. MTIMATKO COOT _ 3"Q C Q _. /5040 - 8) 0c6 ,. ,q S' * k *Aa - s w er • � # • *41 !s''a 1*0l* a M* iirsw ..." 'sa,{I�'�i •nc'l9►as^'jk:io::i �N/ rN�a9gt� a+�r� ItR '5+xss �,wr1!�I.Y s � ., ..tea. ( d�-. �+'..=';.,a A�k�t' Mis'Nt.*i n�R :A 4►e ferg�rs-arlltpp Ajt t>t. :ld gsy lei} dl�1 !�`1'°i '. 1.Mf► W 1•+y3 vi ovems So i ■ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS MINISTER: HONOURABLE CHARLES MocNAUGHTON DEPUTY MINISTER: A. T. C. McNAs Twp. Downsview 464, Ontario. November 22nd, 1971/ Mr. J. A. Petrie, Clerk, Township of Bayhem, � �' '�1,l n Ac§upplem'entary Subsidy Allocation with Supporting Statement of Proposed Expenditure. The Honourable Charles MacNaughton, Minister of Transportation and Communications, has authorized a supplementary subsidy allocation in the amount(s) of $ 4,000. for Construction $ - - for Maintenance 4 , OOO . Total The total subsidy, allocation for'Construction and fbr Maintenance ,is shown at the bottom of this letter. Please note that where Vxpendituires pro'- ' duce subsidy amounts in excessof either of the total limits showh. below, the excess amounts will not be eligible for consideration. This approval is given subject to the approval of individual works of road and bridge construction, contracts for construction or maintenance and purchases of equipment. The District Engineer must be advised and his con- sent obtained before such works or- purchases are advertised or tenders called or any commitment made by the Municipality with respect to them. The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in years subsequent to the term of the pre- sent Council. One copy of the submission as approved is returned herewith. lk Total of Subsidy Allocations Yours very truly, C. R. Wilmot, Director, Municipal Branch. Construction 43,1 50. Maintenance $ ,36, 300 • ,l Total 76,450. It Dy -Lax No. 1752 Corporation of the Township of Bayham beim► a by -lax to confirm all actions of the Council of the Township of Dayham ,for the Year 1973L, BE IT TK BEFORE ENACTED by the municipal Council of the Corporation of tie Township ofapham that all actions b7 the said Council b 0 y by-laws and resolutions for the year 1971 be and the same are hereby approved4nid confirmed. Read a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this 29 day of December, Iri 1. at