HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1970BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By - Laws Numbers 1681-1718 1970 Farm IED N O—W TOWSHIP_OF BAMIA1[ BY-LAW No. 1681 p=[a� to authorize the borrowing of =3$0,000,00 Whereas the Council of the Township of Barham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of = 350,000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; N^r•—■ And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Y Municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 69, is It•.L .U_ 599,041.00 MRa.�ik 1 Therefore the Council of the Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: t. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipalityto borrow from time to time by way of promissorynote from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BAN[ OF COMMERCE • anln or sums not exceeding in the aggregate i 3 50 , 000.00 to meet until .the taxes are collected ,the current expenditures of the jMunicipality for the Yom, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (f) of Section 329 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note,or nota sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest at -such rate as may !x agreed upon Arom time to time with the Bank. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is herebv authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 5th. &N- Of January 1970 TO OED MDMICDALM t� I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. of the of in the�Wrovince of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duty held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This day of 19 As Witness the Seal of the of a... cuaa TOWNSHIP OF BAYNAM. By -Law No. 1662. Being a by-law to appoint certain officers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1970. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Baykam in regular session assembled. - 1. That Wilfred Harper and Roger Casier shall be Valuators of Livestock and Poultry killed by dogs at $ 2.00 per hour and .10$ per mile for car. 2. That Jack A. Petrie shall be Welfare Administrator at a salary of $ 300,00 per year. 3. That Gibson, Linton &. Toth shall be Township Solicitor. 4. That Mac. S. Gibbons shall be Inspector under The Trench Excavators Act at $ 2.00 per hour and .100 per mile for car. 5. That Wlter Nelson shall•be-Drain Inspector at a•salary of $ 2,25 per hour and .ltd per mile for cai. 6. That Elton H. Jackson , shall be Collector of Dog Tax at a salary of one-third of tax collected plus $100.00 for use of car. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th. day of January, 1970• w 1W e, J, 't—, G;V_9 v January 9, 1970 DspartMt of Social & Fanily Services Parliamat Buildings Toronto, Ontario Atter: Mr. C. J. Williams, Director Mvaialo 1.W lta_*+ Admte�at_ratian_ a`j.��. Dear'Sir: In accordance with Depaataental regulations please find enclosed a certified copy of Township of Bayhan By-law ho. 1682, setting out the appointa►snt of the undersigned as Welfare Administrator for the year 11970. Totes truly . Petri• uty Clark TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM By -Law No. 1683 Being a by-law to appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1970 WHEREAS Section 377, Subsection 58 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, provides that these appointments be made; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham, that the following be and are hereby appointed to act as the following officers for the year 1970: - Fence -viewers Lloyd Herron, R.R.#2, Vienna, Ontario Alva Brinn, R.R.#6, Tillsonburg, Ontario Alonzo Hagell, Corinth, Ontario Vane Chute, R.R.#1 Vienna, Ontario Weston Holtby, R.R.1 Eden, Ontario Harold Parker, R.R. 1 Vienna, Ontario Bennie Wilk, R.R.J1 Vienna, Ontario Fred Conan, R.R.#1 Corinth, Ontario Robert Gregson;.R.R.,#1 Straffordville, Ontario a Pound-keener.j Don Nevill, Vienna, Ontario Howard Tait, Straffordville, Ontario Robert Veitch, R.R.#1 Eden, Ontario Roy Green, R.R.1, Corinth, Ontario Ray Soper, R.R.#l, Vienna, Ontario Clarence Milmine, R.R.#1 Eden, Ontario Robert Gregson, R.R.#I, Straffordville, Ontario Ray Woodworth, R.R.#1 Port Burwell, Ontario Read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this 5th. day of January 1970. IN Reeve By -Law No.1684 Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to increase the rate of interest charged on taxes remaining unpaid from the 319t. day of December in the year they were levied until the same are paid. WHEREAS Section 31 of Bill No. 222, being an Act to amend The Municipal Act, provides that maximum interest that may be charged on tax arrears is 1 per cent per month; AND WHEREAT; it is deemed adviseable that this increase be made; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AS FOLLOWS: - 1. That the Treasurer shall add to the amount of all taxes remaining unpaid at Dec. 31st. in any year, interest at the rate of one pmr c6i6t Or konth, or fraction thereof, until the same are paid. ti 2. This by-law shall come into force and be effective from the 1st. day of January, 1970. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 5th. day of January, 1970. ee�e. 5. f Cler s By -Law No. /491 P Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to form and constitute a drainage Court of Revision for the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS Bill 219 amending the Municipal Drainage Act, provides for such Court of Revision: THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows; - 1. That a Drainage Court of Revision to consider and determine appeals on drainage assessments be and is hereby formed and constituted for the Township of Bayham. 2. That the members of the Municipal Council of the Township of bayham shall -and are hereby appointed as members of such Court of Revision. 3. That the Drainage Court of Revision as formed and constituted above, shall hold office for the year 1970• READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th. day of January, 1970. Reeve. er%— k - U r g i OL IL rip • v a !� { ai' ir lipv n .8$ 8'8 8 C� ONTAg10 Co. ,Np.� DEPARTMENT OF HIGHw­S Mr. T.D. Vallee Clerk Downsview, Ontario Township of Bayham Hey 11, 1970 STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario Dear Sir: Re: 1%70 Road Expenditure By -Law Number 1691 Amount $ 107,000-00 The Honourable George E. Gomme. Minister of Highways, has authorizedth.e,approval.of,th:e.Above-cited by-law to a Iimit of I . $, 39,000.00 or Construction, $ 681000.00 for Maintenance, and $ 107,000.00 Total Please be advised that expendi' res in excess of either of these limits will not be eligible for subsidy unless covered by a supplementary by-law appro,ed by the Minister. Supplementary by-laws for unavoidable expenditures in excess of the normal allotment will be considered, but such supple- mentary by-laws should be submitted prior to May 31st, 1970. By -Laws submitted after that date may not be considered for approval until March 1971, the end of the 1970-71 fiscal year. This approval is given subject to the approval of each individual work of road and bridge construction, each contract for constructiora or maintenance and the purchase of each unit of equipment. The District Engineer must be advised and his consent obtained before such works or purchases are advertised or tenders called or any commitment made by the municipality with respect to them. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised In a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. One copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, Encl. .R. 'Idllmot Municipal Engineer. plow, oodsK sob" XT -LAW n. _tel A fTAAW TO lRoV= MR flR H ZQ___ OD'ommm a+ soAm *4 Thlt Towm w aur M __ THI Go rr w or offfteT tt� 'lima uwbww bpnmomtt Ad itp I am Ae fatal .a 0 u tomb N pYM br a ooft b bhp ad 64 do hp4n M sibnftd to bo MIAW of SOON$ tar Ism"IL S�Uttle the coma of so taeprmtt• N do said Tbmmsilp bods r ADomk W Sts amm d { IT1229-00_—_ Y M+b WANO i as t►o V104t. +em 1Y wmlmdir d now"wmw d A• trrb we ►rilpm ubr us ftmtaflatMm a7mrlmp do pe lo— so hmb Osnhmdiam Kwo6 m m" TOW ROADS — -,------------ 1SLb00.00 t_- 521$00.00 HRIDCM ! C ULVEWM _----�? 1000.00 4L --x,000.00 NEW YAC2EDMY------------�, a�?40jOQ..:-A ti9, OVER RCAD----4______ �-- "� ►QQSZ. Q9 --- 0, 200,-44 t--- 6 400 s 00 WrAIA M Tie rid samim d" lw osyomemd mmior the spowwm of no daft Amebw town. s►y few sgrhdmnt d om mott Paletesd in saceadsmee mdth 'ism HiAW" b0prow Mmt A& M Tie daft sUU bummit Tr%dWmW aapfes of We by la- to We didrid amen of the Dgrtoor of M%*mm Omhrm, mat latr that Match " of tM old year. (p 7% appewal of the Omtarlo Ymekipai board s►eU be abbla d bden aw etpemdi. %ft Y sdMdrd or wt ewsemead attich will be flmameed by the iw d debemtmne or mmir rob" Y e ssiogmo d tor. *ry �9traffordTilldh . 2nd. �ti _y_-_- ADu_,_:7- ..... . _ ------ ams d- -Feb ar � ----------- ------------------------------------ L ---�-----�- - -------_��----• Cka d as onvwmd m of tL Twmotb of ------- —--- _--------- - r hsmalp aemti>d Amt tb bn/dy Y a titre aop d Dpism psod hr Ao as m n d As oM Clmrprdhm as 1M _------------ dwd --------- ----------l�mWy Qat-------- rover o�A+w- • TVMIIMw or 494 YNN i✓1 RRI BY-LAW NO mom 111001BRAMMS FOR TM TUB it 1. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS LOCATION MY LOT AND CONDMMgw) MATVRa OF VPMK NILO b MATZD COG► (G/- MIWb AND CULVDITS - TY►[ AND LOCATIOr •u. -TOTAL ;, 0 <<Ti � • � '° � :i. neo. ( Gu D --TOTAL .000 (CI Naw NACNINOY AND MACMIMa DHMG (fT=N.=) �od Sp00 IDI GOPOIINTtNDZ*Ca AND 01/01NMAD (•b IOOTMOT[I. , • > .. W O DO• 1. MAINUMANCE IAI wOADG aIT1AOROIMMY aft—ACING (PAVGl1GNTI Nm4m ----- RpUGPACING IGRAVt4 M wTONE-. MILb--------- SVRTACE TRUTW[NT rlLl. GOILDS -.. ORDINAaT PAVEWtMTPATCNING, CRACw PILLING. •WGOING ■TONE Oa GGAVtL PATCHING. DAMGING. OLADING WT LAYING - CALCIUM. •ALT. OIL. MIN[ DITCNb. TILE MAIM/, CATCH WING. CUM". GUTap. DAAINAGG ANIRS"g. G WaaO SPRAYING. CUTTING. GGUGNING. PtNCK GOMUS GUID"AIL. SIGN/. EON■ NARKING WIMTtw COft T - MIG'W P(MC[ PLOWING SAMOINO GALTING 61 DMOGE AND CULVG7ITG WAlpll WAI" ID60Cwl", rINOR .—ING h G� GVPERIMTGNOANCE AND OVGRNGAD SGw POOTNOTG V 4 TOTAL• Poll CONGTRUCTION wD-TOTAL GUG-Tw AL TOTALS POG NAINTWANCS GRMD TOTAL ! --•`C. --- -- -- ' �E(' _ % - - 1 -- () . /L ^ r0. II :wrM4 NM..MMYI .A6iIrAr JMA G;.+M 14. AH. ,. M bin ,b u M mw &II~ 4rc MIG (>.— - M 0.,— — 1-1I - - ks I - A MG Y� MG1 Gf IN II.1 - I(►i t.GM b blGl M et - NAI W 701 • yaw aeo.ct t ca...e � C wwY • O[N.• rMT[I• DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS London, Ontario. Jan. 4, 1971 P. 0. Box 6008 W.. J. A.. Petrie, Clerk -Township of Bayham,' )traffordville, Ontario. ear Sir: he: Township of Bayham Transfer of Funds ve of the coresolution passed by lhjjctownship ounilon December 17, 1970,toamehe Normal No. 1691 as follows: - Construction of itoads Decrease - Concession 4Lots 13 and 14 from 46,000 to 4 0.00 - 45400.00 Add- Gonc. 7, Lots 128 & 129 2000.00 a Lonc. 41Lots 20 & 21 2300.00 Conc. 7, Lot 129 1100.00 L Yours truly, �uF G my C.C. E_ U. District Municipal Engineer TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM BT -LAW NO. 1692 Being a by-law setting rem naration for members of Council. Whereas by virtue of sec. 406 (1) of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1968, Municipal Councils may pass by-laws for paying the members of Council an annual remuneration. And Whereas the Council of the Township of bayham deems it necessary to pass such a by-law. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 1. That the Reeve may be paid such sums from time to time as directed by Council not to exceed in any calendar year in aggregate, One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). 2. That the. Deputy -.Reeve and Councillors maybe paid such sums• fi-os tSme to time as directed by Council not to exceed in any calendar year in aggregate, Seven.Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00). 3. All by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. 4. This by-law shall be effective from April 1st., 1969. Read a First, Second and Third time and passed this 2nd.. day of March 1970. A 4'. k. Reeve. gClerk. A BY-LAW TO P20VM MR TM it 7Q OUqMDffVRU ON ROADS IN TNR TOWNSM Of -Junm ------- IN TNR COUNTY OF --- 1110111011 VMWALU A. N*mw I . Ad for* a Md do %W toomilKwo as real M pow Ow ammOr hr *40w md MM tM br4wr be oWboftol to Me AllaMw of 00-m Sw snftvsL TaxwArm ow commea se Or owporod" ve do Mdd Tows" aaueb a twl"m M no a a' S -42+300-M— is tw*v -domw a the mpmamv om as "m*wmm md mommomm at to mmis ad brwm mww to jwbmetiea &WIN cm pm IM Y boom calsbudim Yaiehanee ?bta ROADS MUDM & CULVERM ------ NEW MACEUNERY ------------- 41 A OVIMMAD. --------------- $ 70TAL8 0L"4.3 -W -Q0-- %----------------- ► •�-- W ----------------- 0 "s so moo" "H bm al"w" "ft do N a* uww 00 to" floutdooke md ft vat I . im aaeeardamoa wft at Hwnw It A& Al 7u am* sun traeatait Tf%dwb a*iw of tbM by lbw to ft& dbaid offlo aj tie DepwtvAm of Milmn Gotulss ma how dm Mare► " of aw acid pw (V TM asoma of tie OMwU MuskW sad dmH be obtLb" ietare a" amp-& tm is audorMW w vut asarewed wbkb wM be ammumd by Me Wme of dobmtw" w mAnim rabM bB a mdom~ pw. Rend d-Atr&ffQrdYil3 e -------?Ad------- ft at --- Xarzh -------- &D. 19-7jo-- (3111AU ckft 'd as owmetwe of as T.Wmw a — - — — ---------- se scab mt* sm on leege, it a tM CM df sl taw ft=A d ---- ------------- do 4d Is— ------------------- ck* March 9, 1970. De t. of Highways, P.O. Box 6008, LONDON, Ontario. Attn. Mr. T.S.Caldwell, District fr. Dear'Sir;- ti • I enclose our road expenditure supplemaintary by-law No. 1693 for your consideration for approval. A very heavy charge is anticipated in 1970 for Munioipal Drain construction affecting Township Roads. Consequently this comcil wishes to have this expenditure provided for in this by-law. The followiAg is a list of drains involved which were either constructed late in 1969 or programmed for 1970. Those marked "X" have direct charges against roads and the total for this is shown on the by-law progr rams as $3300.00 under culvert construction �faae of Drain B/L go, Roads ahare(esti■ated) Stewart 1631 $1100.00 AL Meuller 1615 700.00 PA 16Arh 1622 1000.00 x Nevill 1630 3800.00 PA Ssdth 1605 1150.00 Freeman torp 1627 • 450.00 ✓d Netchobaw No. 2 1629 2400.00 X Deli 16666wton 1669 8500.00 800.00 Zamecnik.00 Reiser-C�m 1685 1608000.00 Total 422,300.00 Trusting this will sit with your approval, I remain ?ours very truly encls. Clerk of Baybas Twp. FORM ORLMR.ID ...wET RE.I.LD I. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROAOA DEPARTMENT Of HKMWAYS ONTARIO TOWNSHIP OF GfAYNAn) RE: 6Y4AWNO. 1443 _ ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 ',i LOCATION IRU LOT 410 CONCUM Dow) MATURE OF WORK MILES ESTIMATED COR MOALCIPAL :JCA/NS SEE Li 5T ATTAC/JED 157 000. 407"5 6'r08 CCMe 849 a/rCNnvB, GRADING • FILL- J SS00• f OTS /3 • /A{ N L- A ., /a- z J'oo I/ /O D // ` RECvkr4er W.r/f C71DNE 3 o o V -- — or IL L3r no wR-�� IRI RRIDDM AND CULVERTS — TYFR AND LOCATION 37.00O. InyAilGIPA- afAt s - SEE 41ST 4-rmedED 3 300, .coils 6 n 8, Cb NC If 9 - Ci LV>;R'Tr RE. ROAD 00AIST090opp /. Sb0• --------- -- .U.—TOTAL _ o (C) NEW MACNIMMY AND MACHINE SMEIIA (IT01RR) - -- — YFC 300 (D) RVPMINTOIDO.C[ "D'OVERMEAD IRM FOOTNOTE) 7 TOTA•LA FOR CONSTRUCTION 2. MAINTENANCE ' IAS ROAD. EXTRAORDINARY A MUST/ACING IPAYL.ILNY� MILES RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONL� MILES SURFACE TREATMENT ROADS ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK FILLING, SWEEPING STONE OR GRA"L PATCHING. DRAGGING, SLADING DUST LAYING CALCIUM, SALT, OIL, MIME DITCHES, TILE DRAINS, CATCH DRAINS- CUR". GUTTERS, DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING. CUING, BRUSHING. FENCE SONY GUIDRAIL. SIGNS. EON[ MARRING • WINTER CONTN1 - SNOW IpCL. FLOWING. SANDING SALTING RUIN --TOTAL SI MIDGE- AND CULVERTS 11AIom REPAIRS IDESCRID[ MINOR RE►AIRS AUS, -TOTAL MI AVPRINT"DANCE AND OVSON"D SEL FOOTNOTE TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL --------.-----. _..—. ---- 1 --------- --- - N '—#— — -HNA .e `i—W .IMNL Vl;A@ 1IN 0.1. ;. H. (..M iN1-NF1 MOIA: 5.m.+....0.wc. W OwrM.. b— C- ­o.. H M.4.M.SM. . Ib. i.S.,A.S EMI w �Mwa It.) A.. IIS, b— 1ST MN, .0 21.1 ..r Kb) I M ONTARIO MPARTY(NT G N,GNWAls Mr. J. D. Vallee Co., Twp. Clerk Township of Bayham Do4nsview 4E4, Ontario Strafforciville, Ontario June 29th, 1970 Dear air: RE: Slioplemen:arY Expenditure BY -Law Number 1693 `n the amount of $ 42,300 The above :Stied by-law has been approved by The Honourable George E. Gomme, Minister of H:ghwa,s, subject to the limitation ghat the subsl,L payable 'or w3rk porforn.ed under this Dy -law, together with she :subsidy payable ander the ty-law (a) previously approved, shall not in total etceed S1 iY 0? APPROVALS 1st Arororal 2nd Aiproral f ✓. MAXIMUM JSUBSIDY AXP BLE -- $ 32,240 for Construction. 7400 iS'lr 00 Total $ 35,500 for Maintenance. J;30.) 0 12,140 This approial Sa als.) sub,ect to the followirg corditioas: $67,740 1.' That t:ie iniiyyidiral' we rks of road and bridge constriction and the E.urchaae of eaoa unit of equipment and the award -of contracts for same Shall >e suoject to the approval of the District Engineer. 2. That tie District Eng'neer shall be informed and his consent obtained t.efore tenders are called for the proposed work or purchase and before any commitment Is made by the Municipality. 3. In the event tha: any portion of the cost of the propos!d work or purchase Is to be rsisec in r subsegient rear )r financed by the issue of debentAres, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board gust :)e ob.aineo before the work or purchase is autiorized or any commltment made witt respect theret i. A c6py�of :he bi-law as alpro%ed is returned hererith. Very truly yours, CRW:S1 C. R. Wilmot Encl. Municipal Englnecr S1 iY 0? APPROVALS 1st Arororal 2nd Aiproral f ✓. MAXIMUM JSUBSIDY AXP BLE -- _ :onatruct:on Mainter:anee Total $20,100 $35,5 $55,600 0 12,140 12,140 $32,240 $3 ,504 cc $67,740 A�A� r h R it40 ' ej oil 1 16 0 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP CF BAYHAM EY -LAW NO. 1694 being a by-law for regulating and inspecting the use of any lands or structures for storing used motor vehicles for the purpose of wrecking or dismantling them or salvaging parts thereof for sale or other disposal and to prohibit the use of certain lands for such purposes. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to regulate the use of lands and structures within the Municipality for storing used motor vehicles for the purpose of wrecking or dismantling them or salvaging parts thereof for sale or other disposal and to prohibit the use of certain lands or structures for such purposes. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1) Anyone wishing to use lands or structures in the Township of bayham, for storing used motor vehicles for the purpose of wrecking or dismantling then or salvaging parts thereof for sale or other disposal, must apply to the Council thereof for a permit. 2) This permit is to be issued at the discretion of the,Council tor a,fee`o Twenty Dollars A40.00) per annum to be renewed annually by January ls4. 3) Any lands used for the ab6ve mentioned purposes prior to the Passing of this by-law are subject to the provisions of this by-law. 4) Any lands used for the above mentioned purposes shall be enclosed by an upright well supportedeight foot solid wooden fence. 5) Any person violating this by-law shall be subject to a penalty of Twenty-five Dollars (w25'.00) for the first offence and not more than Three Hundred Dollars (000-00) for each subsequent offence, exclusive of costs, and all such penalties shall be recoverable under the Summary Convictions act. 6) And by-laws inconsistent with this by-law are hereby repealed. 7) This by-law shall become effective immediately upon the passing thereof. Read a first, second and third time this 6th., day of April, 1970. Reeve pk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1695 Being a By -Law to appoint a Lottery Licencing Officer. WHEREAS The Municipal Act provides that the Councils of all municipalities may pass by-laws for appointing such Officers and servants as may be necessary for the purpose of The Corporation; A14D WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to appoint a Lottery Licencing Officer; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Jack Petrie is hereby appointed Lottery Licencinp Officer for the Township of hayham. 2. That the said Jack Petrie shall hold office during the pleasure of the Council and shall exercise all the authority, powers and rights and shall perform all the duties and obligations which by Statute or by-laws are or may be conferred or imposed upon the Lottery Licencing Officer and any other duties that may be imposed by Council. Read a first, second and third time this 6th. day of April, 1970. eeve. �_lerk. txs OORPoaArlae a► =X TVAMMV or SAMUX w4m Mo. 16" Reins a &f.LW to Owe a LvttU7 Llsansittt ottisatr. *=W 00 *Adadpai AS% prov thK tba Cassells of su WmA*iIPMiitias mW paw b7 -IMS for +�lPaiatiat anah Ctftoors sed SWWMI" M MW be eaaaaaary for W. P.V. as non" %ice$ AND WWMU it is dossed autpsdiMet to Mpgodnt a IMOUT Lioseaiut QMOWI WN Una= the MtsiadPal Cotteail at the CogporsUan et t* rwWMP at BQYtM =Aars A3 FOIJM: 1• Zbst Joe retris is,bsesby appoint" LoOU*Nmdtss�• 4t Omoar for tba lbty&ip f . !' ?bat tba said Jadt ?#tris shall bald *MOO dtrrIM W Pisawwo at W Cetstail sed shall wral" all tba **"WLIYP mars Med riots sed shall Netas all abs chaise +red ob1lMU Ms Walsh by 9tattts or br'Um ars or Mtn be Owfarrod or lapasod qm aha Lottery L, OUNIM Ottioar and esy otbae duties than MW be itgosad by Couuil. a "" a Brat. "*ad sed third alas this belt. day as April, 1970. By -Law No. 1696 Township of Bayham Being a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1970, to levy the Taxes for the year 1970 and to provide for the collection thereof. whereas by action of the Elgin County Council, provision was made for the making of the assessment of the municipality, by the Elgin County Assessment Commissioner, prior to the 30th. day of September 1969 as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1970 should be levied; AND WHEREAS the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the said Township of Bayham on the 27th. day of November, 1969 AND WHEREAS no revisions were made by the County Judge; AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment rollof the said Township the am of $572,836.00 for thegeneral purposes of the said Township, for the current year, for the payment of the County rate for the current Tear, and for the purposes of defraying part of the expenses of Public, Separate and High School education, and other purposes; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayhaa as made pursuant to County of.Elgin Regulations, and as revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision, be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1970 shall be levied.. 2. That the said;asses'smant roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. 3. That, for the purpose of providing the sum of $189,989.00 for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for County purposes and other purposes for the current year, a rate of 32.668 mills on the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1970 upon the whole of the said assessment of the Township according to the last revised assessment roll, except that on assessment of $5,740,465. a reduction of $19,564.00 being 3.408 mills, shall be made owing to the per capita grant from the Provincial Government for taxation relief for farm and residential properties, as shown in the following summary: - General rate ------------ 17.896 mills County rate ------------- 16.453 mills Total 34.349 mills Legs reduction---------- 3.408 mills 4. That, in addition,'for the purpose of providing the mum of $382,847.00 for Public, Separate and High School Education purposes for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1970 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School Supporters of the acid Township according to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated 'Hereunder;_ School Residential Mill Commercial Mill Total Area Amsesmment Rate Assessment Rate Levy Elgin CLy. Public $5,020,270 27.805 $352,165 30.894 $150,468.47 Elgin RCSS Vienna 492.900 32.298 1,910 35.878 15,988.21 Elgin ROSS Tillsonburg 184,770 33.516 6,105 37.232 6,420.05 Elgin RCS3 Aylmer 42,525 32.070 1,363.78 Secondary East Elgin 1,613,020 34.780 148,840 38.644 61,852.60 Secondary Tillson urg 4,127,445 33.642 211,340 37.380 146,755.39 -2- 5. That, in addition, for street lighting purposes, the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessments in each of the following street lighting areas:- Straffordville, on assessment of $587,220.-----1.584 mills ----4930.16 Richmond w w w 71,490.-----3.742 mills----- 267.52 Eden 144,535.-----2.456 mills----- 354.98 Corinth " " " 55,845.-----2.328 mills----- 130.01 6. That, also in addition, for the purpose of defraying the cost of garbage collection and disposal in accordance with Township of Bayham By -lax No. 1636 a total amount of $3,936.00 be and is hereby levied on the basis of $16.60 per unit, against the properties involved, in accordance with Clause No. 2 of the said by-law. 7. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collectorts Roll to the Tax Collector on or before the 1st. day of June 1970. S. All taxes or other special rates shall be paid in to the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the 'township of Bayham or into the Branches of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at Straffordville, Vienna, Port Burwell or Tillsonburg. 9. Taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before July 20, 1970, and one-half on or before December 21, 1970. Penalties for non-payment when due and discounts for prepayment of taxes shall be as providers for in By-law No. 1393 and amendments thereto of the said Township of Bayham, subject to the provisions of by-law No. 1697. 10. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township at their last known address. 7 Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 1st. day of June, 1970. Reeve a By -Lax No. 1697 Township of Bayham Being a by -lar to amend by -lar No. 1067 Whereas Section No. j of by -lar No. 1067 provides that taxes shall be due and payable one-half on or before July 20th., and one-half on or before December 20th. And Whereas it is deemed expedient to mend this Section. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED By THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM: 1) That Section 3 of By -lar No. 1067 be amended to read: "Taxes for the year 1970 and each subsequent year &hall be payable one-half on or before July 20th., and one-half on or before December 20th., provided that taxes having a gross value of fifteen dollars or a portion thereof shall become due and payable in total on or before July 20th." Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this first day of June, 1970. eeve M WV By -Law No. 1707 Township of Bayham Being a by-law to provide for biennial elections and two year terms of office for Councillors. WHEREAS Township of Bayham By-law N6. 1653 provides that Councillors of the Township of Bayham shall hold office for one year terms. AND WHEREAS by virtue of Section 53 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960, Councillors may be elected for two year terms. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that Municipal Councillors hold office for terms to coincide with those of the County School Board Trustees. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1) That Township of Bayham By-law No. 1653 is hereby recinded. 2) That Councillors elected at the Municipal elections in 1970 shall be for the years 1971 and 1972, and that subsequent elections shall be held bienially with Councillors being elected for two year terms. Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 8th. day of September, 1970. y Reeve I& By -Law No. ro Township of Bayham Being a by-law to provide for biennial elections and two year terms of office for Councillors. WRSRBAS Township of Ba ham By-law N8. 1653 provides that Councillors of the Township of Bayham shall hold office for one year terms. f. AND WHEUA3 by virtue of Section 53 of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960, Councillors may be elected for two year terms. AND WHEREAS it is deemed eq>edient that Municipal Councillors hold office for terms to coincide with those of the County School Board Trustees. THERUQRZ BE IT ENACTED BY TRE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATIOV OF THE TOWSHIP OP BAY11AM: 1) That Township of Bayham By-law No. 1653 is hereby recinded. 2) That Councillors elected at the Municipal elections in 1970 shall be for the years 1971 and 1972, and that subsequent elections shall be held bienially with Councillors being. elected for two year terms. Head a first, second and third time and finally passed this 6th. day of September, 1970. A a By -Law No. 1708 Township of Bayham A By -Law to authorize the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances pending receipt of government grants and the sale of debentures authorized by By-laws numbered 1676,1685, 1690 and 1705. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by by-laws duly passed, authorized the issue and sale of debentures for sums not otherwise provided for as follows: - Date passed B/L No. Purpose Gross amount Estimated debenture Jan. 19, 1970 1676 Reiser-Csinos Dr. $2,497.00 $1,925.00 Mar. 25, 1970 1685 Zamecnik Drain 6,463.00 4,512.00 Mar. 25, 1970 1690 Casier Drain 10,009.00 6,837.00 Sep. 8, 1970 1705 Fisher Drain 4,435.00 3,169.00 AND WHEREAS prior to the passing of the above noted by-laws, the respective approvals of The Ontario Municipal Board were obtained as evidence by the following Board Orders: - By -Law No. Order No. Date of Order 1676 G. 9.532=69 Jan. 14, 1970' 1685 G 9609-70 Mar. 23, 1970 1690 G 9715-70 Mar. 23, 1970 1705 H 977-.70 Aug. 2Q, 1973 AND WHEREAS the above noted By-laws do not require the assent of the electors or of those persons qualified to vote on money by-laws; AND WHEREAS the Corporation desires to borrow money as temporary advances pending receipt of government grants and the issue and sale of debentures; NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Corporation agrees to borrow and doth hereby audorize the borrowing from the CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE as temporary advances pending the receipt of government grants and the issue and sale of the debenture's above recited such sums as may be required but not exceeding a total of $23,404.00 on the terms and subject to the conditions as set forth in this by-law. 2. Within the limits aforesaid and as moneys are reouired from time to time for the purpose above recited, the Head and Treasurer acting on behalf of the Corporation, are hereby authorized to borrow moneys from the said Bank for the said purposes pending receipt of government grants and the issue and sale of the debentures authorized as aforesaid and to sign and deliver to the said Bank such promissory note or - 2 - notes as may be required for the repayment of the moneys borrowed at such time or times and at such rate of interest as may be agreed upon with the said Bank, but not exceeding 9 per centum per annum, and to affix the corporate seal of the Corporation to such promissory note or notes. 3. The Head and Treasurer are hereby authorized to assip;n and pledge the said debentures to the said Bank upon the issue thereof to be held by the said Bank as collateral security for all moneys borrowed under this By-law and interest thereon and to assign to the said Bank the moneys growing due from the sale of the said debentures; and the proceeds of the sale of the said debentures, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be paid to the said Bank in satisfaction of the moneys borrowed under this By-law and interest thereon. Passed this 8th. day of Sentember, 1970. Witness the Corporate Seal i4�s�tcs • .���� of the Corporation of -the Reeye Township of Bavham PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY TO TME ,AANAGER <1> CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Septa:her 36, 1.70. y township of. f*yhaia, ;at �?l iL:1iL:S, Lutario. STRAFFORDWILE. ONT 'Lear Sirs: iy-Law 470E „e have pleasure in coiuirt..irlg tnl.t the Ban}: is prepares to provide te=.porary fir=ar,ci„g ir, coru,ection with the above-mentioned projectks) iii art alrornt r,ot exceecing $13,404. or, the uncerstavding that ,rior approval of t:.e Unt,rio , unici. al _iu rd will be obtained. It is uneerstooc thE:t cayit� 1 works projeci.a are financed !;,• way of grants, resarve funcs am/or deterture `_ssu,.,s rnd while it is the vank'r i. tention to roviGe the Rhove-ventioned tcr!)(— ry fbo ncirY until such ti; a ..s fa,cer,t is arrallgec frcr, ti:e fore4o'_rg, or other sources, ti,e *nk will expect the rely tive deitx:r t Lr,•s to !,e carheteu pror.}tly, regarcless of issue co,,t. s TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY/LAW NO. 1709 Being a by-law to provide for the conditions of work, vacations with pay, and sick leave benefits for Township employees. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary to provide for the conditions of work, vacations with pay and sick leave benefits for employees; And whereas the Council is empowered topass such a by-law under the provisions of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960 - Sec. 377 paras. 58, 59, 60. THEREFORE the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of hayham enacts as follows: 1. (a) "Employee" means any salaried or hourly rated officer, clerk, workman, servant or other person in the employ of the Municipality who has been in such employ for a continuous period in excess of six months. (b) "Employer" means the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham. 2. Conditions of work: (a) The employees in the Roads Department shall work a minimum of nine hours per day Monday through Friday inclusive; excepting in case or cases of emergency such employees may be required to work longer hours on a shift bases but no einpluyee shall 6perate a'machine more than twelve hours. continuously. Employees working in excess offifty hours in any week shall be allowed equal time off at the discretion of the %ployer'as•well as regular pay for the extra time worked but in no case shall additional pay for overtime be considered. (b) The employees in the Clerical Department shall work Monday through Friday inclusive during the hours of 9:00 to 12:00 A.M. and 1:00 to 5:00 P.M. excepting as otherwise directed by the Exployer. (c) The 1. Drinking of alcoholic beverages 2. Taking of drugs (except as prescribed by a physician) 3. Refusal to obey instructions relating to conduct of work 4. Wilful neglect of the safety of others 5. careless operation of equipment w may result in instant dismissal of the employee by the employer. 3. Vacations with pay shall be allowed. a) After one full year's service - 2 weeks b) After ten years continuous service - 3 weeks. c) After twenty years continuous service- 4 weeks d) Nine statutory holidays with full pay shall be allowed namely:- New Year's Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Dominion Day, Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and any other holiday proclaimed by the Reeve of the Township of Bayham. 4. Sick leave benefits shall be allowed. (a) On a cumulative basis at the rate of 1} days per month not to exceed 200 days in total. On the termination of employ- ment no employee is entitled to more than an amount equal to his salary, wages or other remuneration for one half the number of days standing to his credit and in any event not in excess of the amount of one half year's earnings at the rate received by him immediately prior to termination of employment. (Cont Id.) Payze 2 CONTINUED h. (b) The Employer may request a doctor's certificate of illness whenever it is deemed necessary. (c) Special allowance of three days with pay will be allowed in cases of bereavement where a direct member of the family of the employee, or his spouse, has died,without being consid- ered as any part of his sick leave. 5. The Employer will generally endeavor to offer steady employment and security of position to all employees who conscientiously adhere to the provisions of section 2 of this by-law. b. Employees will be given consideration for promotion to other positions within the work force where possible. Personal records and qualifications will be reviewed from time to time and grievances will be considered provided they are filed in writing to the attention of the Employer. 7. Employees will be protected by enrollment in the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System, Canada Pension Plan, Workmen's Compensation and Unemployment Insurance, unless exempt, and all employees will be required to pay the (w,/ employee's share in the aforementioned plans. yq S. / Employees shall be paid on or about the 16th. and last days flA of each month at the various rates and schedules as determined from time to time by resolution of Council. 9. Assignments and garnishees will not be accepted by the Employer. 10. All By -Laws deemed inconsistent with the'provisions of -this By -Law are hereby repealed. 11. This By -Law shall be deemed to have been effective from January 1, 1966. 12. READ a First, Second and Third time and finally passed the Second day of October, 1970. w — =�" 6. 9 4,, •eve. COkPORATICN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATHAIM BY - LAW NO. 1972 LeING a Ly -Lax to amend Fy-Law No. 1709 by providing for the addition of payments to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan for Township employees. WHSRSAS By -Law No. 1709 provides for the conditions of work, vacations with pay, and sick leave benefits for Township employees. AND M'iiERSAS it is desireable to amend by -Law No. 1709 to allow for enrollment as a group for payments to the Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan. THEREFORE BE IT 4NACTSD BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1. That Sectiian 7 of Ly.;Law No. 1709 is hereby amended by the addition of )ection 7 (a). 7 (a) Permanent full time employees shall be enrolled as a Proup in the Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan with the Phmicipality paying 100% of the premiums, e.fective January 1, 1979. READ A FIRST, 3ECCND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PA66ED Thla 22nd. DAY OF January, 1979. 7-- heave MClerk BT -LAW N0. 1710 Being a by-law to set the time of nomination and election of candidates for the office of Trustee to the Elgin County Board of Education and the Elgin County Roman Catholic School Board. Whereas, in accordance with the provisions of The Act to amend The Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act, 1968 and The Act to amend the Separate Schools Act, 1968, Councils shall pass a by-law naming the date, time and place for the holding of nominations and elections of trustees to the Elgin County Board of Education and the Elgin County Roman Catholic Separate School Board. Therefore Be It Enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corp- oration of the Township of Bayham. 1. That nominations be held on Monday, November 23, 1970 between the hours of 7:30 and 8:30. in the afternoon in the Cowes' ity. Ball, -Straffordwille, Ontario for (a) Four Trustees for the Elgin County Board of Education to be elected by the Public School Supporters of the Municipalities of Aylmer, Bayham, Belmont, Malahide, Port Burwell, South Dorchester, Springfield and Vienna for a two year term of office. (b) One Trustee for the Elgin County Romar. Catholic Separate School Board to be elected by the Separate School Supporters of the Municipalities of Bayham, Port Burwell and Vienna for a two year term of office. 2. That,in case more candidates qualify for election than are necessary to fill the above offices, the election, by ballot, for the same shall be held on Monday, December 7, 1970 between the hours of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon and 7:00 a d2clock in the afternoon. 3. That the election for the above noted offices be held in accordance with the provisions of the Elections Act for municipalities. Read a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this 2nd. day of October, 1970. -... 4.9 �• e BY - LAW NO. 1711 Being a by -lar to appoint a Clerk and Treasurer and Tax Collector for the Township of Bayham. Whereas Section 215 of the Municipal Act RSO 1960 provides that Councils shall appoint a Clerk; and Whereas Section 218 of the Municipal Act RSO 1960 provides that Councils shall appoint a Treasurer; and Whereas Section 225 of the Municipal Act RSO 1960 provides that Councils shall appoint a Tax Collector; and Whereas the offices of Clerk and Treasurer and Tax Collector in and for the Township of Bayham shall become vacant on October 313t., 1970. Therefore Be It Enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 1. That Jack Allen Petrie be and is hereby appointed to the offices of Clerk and Treasurer and Tax Collector in and for the Township of Bayham, 2. That the said Jack Allen Petrie shall perform the duties as required by the Municipal Act, and any related Acts, and any other duties as required from time to time by resolution of the Council of the Township of Bayham. 3. That the said Jack Allen Petrie shall be paid a salary as determined from time to time by resolution of the Council of the Township of Bayham. . 4. That the appointment of the said Jack Allen Petrie to the above noted offices shall become effective on the 1st. day of November, 1970. Read a First, Second and Third Time and finally passed this 2nd. day of October, 1970. Reeve. 'Clerk. BY-LAW NO. 1713 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Biing a by -lar to provide for the holding of the Municipal Elections in the Municipality of the Township of Bavham for the vear 1970 and for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Polling Places for the said Municipality. U'IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Township of Bavham as follows: - That, provided more persons qualify for election toarfice than are recuired to fill the various offices, an election will be held on Dec. 7th., 1970 as according to Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1203, and in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Election Act. That the election for Sub -Division No. 1 shall be held at the Parish Hall in Port Burwell, and that Max Underhill shall he Deputy Returning Officer and Percy Clarke shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 2 shall be held at or near the residence of !Norman Light, and that Murray Emerson shall be the Deputy Returning Officer, and that Norman Light shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 3 shall be held at or near the residence of George Shearer and that Elton Jackson shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that Lyle Lemon shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for,30-rDi.vi-inn No. 41 shall be field at the Township Hall in 3traffordville, and that H.P. Grant shall -be Deputy Returning Offic*A and that Blake Wolfe shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 4B shall be held at the Township Hall in Straffordville, and that Lyle Walsh shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that George Cameron shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 5 shall be held at the Corinth Church Hall, and that Mrs. Roberta Phillips shall he Deputv Returning Officer, and that Mrs. Mary Beard shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 6 shall be held at.the Eden School, and that Miss. Catherine McDowell shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that Mrs. Blake Caswell shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 7 shall be held at Richmond Church, and that Mrs. Len Simpson shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that Mrs. George Acre shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 8 shall be held at the Calton School, and that Mrs. Warren Graves shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that Mrs. William Shaw shall he Poll Clerk. And that the said Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks be and they are hereby authorised and required to hold the said Municipal Elections in accordance with the Act and to provide voting by ballot at the said elections'. And that the Polling Hours for the election on Dec. 7, 1970 for Municipal and School purposes shall be from 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. READ a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this 2nd, day of November, 1970. Reeve Clerk BT -LAW NO. 171'J TOWNSHIP OF BA7HAM B6ing a b7 -lav to provide for the holding of the Mumicipal Elections in the Municipality of the Township of Bayham for the year 1970 and for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Polling Places for the said Municipality. NU 1'T THEREFORE EXACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayham as follows: - That, provided more persons qualify for election toaffic• than are recuired to fill the various offices, an election will be held on Dec. 7th., 1970 as according to Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1203, and in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Election Act. That the election for Sub -Division No. 1 shall be held at the Parish Hall in Port Burrell, and that Max Underhill shell be Deputy Returning Officer and Percy Clarke shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 2 shall be held at or near the residence of Norman Light, and that Murray Emerson shall be the Deputy Returning Officer, and that Norman Light shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 3 shall be held at or near the residence of George Shearer and that Elton Jackson shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that Lyle Lemon shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 41 shall be held at the Township Hall in Straffordville, and that H.P. Grant shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that Blake Wolfe shall be Poll Clark. K That the"election for Syb-Division No. 4B shall be held at -the Township Hall in Straffordville, and that Lyle Walsh shall be Deputy Returning Officir,-and that George Cameros shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division Ifo. S shall be held at the Corinth Church Hall, and that Mrs. Roberta Phillips shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that Mrs. Mary Beard &hall be Poll Cleric. That the election for Sub -Division No. 6 shall be held at the Eden School, and that Miss. Catherine McDowell shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that Mrs. Blake Caswell shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 7 shall be hold at Richmond Church, and that Mrs. Ion Simpson shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that Mrs. George Acre shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 8 shall be held at the Calton School, and that Mrs. Warren Graves shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that Mrs. Willie %Shaw shall be Poll Clerk. And that the said Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks be and they are hereby authorized and required to hold the said *micipal Elections in accordance with the Act and to provide voting by ballot at the said elections. And that the Polling Hours for the election on Dec. 7 1970 for Municipal and School purposes shall be from 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 ki. BEAD a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this 2nd. day of November, 1970. ReeveCloFk- By -Law No. 1714 Township of Eayham Feinp a By -Law to amend the fees payable to Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for duties performed at Municipal Elections and for rental paid for the use of polling places used for municipal Elections. THEREFORE FE IT ENACTED In, the ?4,anicipal Council of the Township of Fayham as follows: - 1. That the followinp fees he allowed for officials serving at municipal elections in the Township of PBvhan:- Deput•c Ret,irninr Officers ------ 8 21.00 Poll Clerks ____________________ 18.00 2. That the sum of x15.00 be allowed for rental for Pollinr Places in the Township of Layham. Th.in. addition ;to -tre above fee, Election Officials be allowed mileare at th8 rate of .100 per mile travelle in returning ballot box to Returning Officer. 4. That the Ret,trning Officer he allowed t!,e s"m of $10.00 for delivering ballot boxes to tre various Deouty Returning Officers. 5. That all previous by-laws nertaininr to the above fees he and are hereby res�inderi. READ a First. Second and Third time and finally nassed this 2nd. da-- of December, 1970. eeve. or . BZ - LAW NO. 17-14' TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM BEING a by -Law to enter into an agreement with Advance Container of Canada Limited for the disposal of waste in the Township -of bayham. WHEREAS certain tenders were advertised and submitted for the disposal of waste in the Township of Bayham; and WHEREA3 it is deemed expedient to accept the tender submitted by Advance Containers of Canada Limited. „-THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by. the Municipal Council of the CorooratiorP of the Township of Bayham 1. That the Peeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an agreement with Advance Containers of Canada Limited under the Seal of the Corporation. 2. The said agreement designated as "Apendix A" is attached hereto and forms a part of this By -Law. X&AD a First, Second and Third time and finally passed 11 this 2nd. day of December, 1970. Reeve erk Schedule "A" This Agreement made this 2 day of December 1970. BETWEEN: ADVANCE CONTAINERS O! CAIiADiA LIMITED, Hereinafter called the "Contractor" OF THE FIRST PART. - and - • THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AYLMER THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF SPRINGFIELD THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH DORCHESTER THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL Hereinafter called the "MUNICIPALITIES' OF THE SECOND PART. v • I• WHEREAS the participating Municipalities (herein called "Municipalites") have accepted the offer of the Contractor for the provision and operation of "Waste Transfer Sites" for gar- bage and waste from the Municipalities. AND WHEREAS the parties hereto have agreed to enter into y these presents to more.•particularly set out the terms of the Agreement between them. IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants herein contained the parties hereto hereby covenant and agree as follows: A. DEFINITIONS • "CONTRACT" "Contract" - the word herein, and in any agreement, bond, specification or condition herein refer- red.to, means the Agreement to do the work entered into with the Municipalities by the Contractor, and includes the bond, the covenants of each of the parties, and any other documents referred to or connected with the Agreement herein. 0 "GARBAGE" - shall mean and include only rejected, abandoned or discarded household waste, either animal or ve- getable, wearing apparel, waste paper, broken crockery and Blas aware, bottles, cans, grass, cuttings, garden refuse and other such refuse or matter in packages, containers or bundles, not exceeding twelve (12) cubic feet per household; • 'WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE" shall mean the Com- mittee established by the Municipalities which is responsible for the negotiation and re -negotiation of contract terms and I • I• 3 - for the supervision of the work to be performed thereunder; "WASTE TRANSFER SITE" means a defined area or tract of land to which the Municipalities shall bring, or cause to be brought, garbage to be transferred to compaction contain- ers at -the site, the said containers to be removed by the COn- . o tractor,to.a waste disposal .site established and maintained by the Contractor; "WASTE DISPOSAL SITE" means a sanitary landfill location or other area where the garbage may be disposed of in accordance with the regulations established by the Waste Man- agement Branch of the Department of Energy and Resources; "ASSESSMENT SERVICES MANAGER" means the person or persons for the time being filling the office of Assessment Service Manger for the region or regions encompassing the mun- icipalities, or the person then acting as such; "PERSON' "SHALL" "MAY" "HEREIN" "WORK" "WORKS" "CONTRACT" "CONTRACTOR" "INSPECTOR" "ENGINEER" "WRITTEN" "SURE- TIES" and "SECURITY" and words used in the singular number or the masculine gender, shall have meaning and effect as given to them in the•Interpretation Act of the Revised Statutes of Dntario. B. THE CONTRACTOR WILL: 1. Establish and maintain two waste transfer sites, including stationary compactors with odour suppression devices, together with compaction containers and open containers suf- �0 A - ficient to handle the waste deposited therein. 2. The location of the said waste transfer sites shall be approved by the Waste Management Branch, Department, Of Energy and Resources and by the municipalities wherein the sites are to be located. 3. Provide the necessaryfequipment,and operators to transfer,to the compaction containers, ail garbage brought to the Waste Transfer Site by the Municipalities, or by a Collector on behalf of the Municipalities, or by any resident of the said Municipalities, provided that the quantity thereof shall not • exceed twelve (12) cubic feet per week from any one household. 4. Remove full compaction containers to Waste Dis- posal Sites. 5. Maintain, jepair and pay all operating costs of the equipment and obtain licences, insurance and fuel necessar for the operation thereof. 6. Pay all costs incidental to the maintenance of the Waste Transfer Sites and keep the sites clean and devoid of papers and other refuse. 7. Maintain such all weather roads at the sites as may be necessary to permit the ingress or egress of vehicles. 8. Receive garbage from the Municipalities or • their respective Collectors during a period of four hours per day, Monday through Friday inclusive, and on all holidays on which garbage is collected in the Municipalities. 1-1 • • 9. Erect and maintain suitable signs clearly mark- ing the Waste Transfer Sites and the hours which they will be Open for the receipt of garbage. 10. Keep the work as set out herein under its per- sonal control and shall not assign, transfer or•sublet this -Contract or any portion `thereof without first obtaining the consent of the>.Munici.palities, which said consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 11. Insure that all work performed under this contract will be supervi s ed and performed in a manner satisfactory to the waste Management Committee or its designated representativi. 12. Indemnify and save harmless the said Munici- palities against all losses, costs, damages, or expenses which may be paid, sustained or incuired by the said Municipalities or any of its officers, servants or agents in consequence of any action, suit, claim, lien, execution or demand arising from the negligence of the Contractor in the performance of this Agreement. 13. Assume the defense of, and fully indemnify the Municipalities, against and from all suits or actions arising frowt the claim of any person or persons who claim to be patent"s of any any process used in connection with the work or of any craterial, plant machinery, tool or appliance used in or thereon or in any way connected therewith. 14. Together with a Surety Company authorised by • A • 0 • 6 - law to carry on business in the Province of Ontario, to furnih a Performance Bond to the Municipalities in the amount of 100 of the contract price to insure the complete execution of the contract by the Contractor. r The expense of obtaining the bond shall be borne by the, Captractor. . 15. Insure that someone in his employ will be avail able to process any complaints and to receive instructions when necessary. 16. To at all times pay or cause to be paid, any as$- essment or compensation required to be paid pursuant to the Workmen's Compensation Act, and upon failure to do so, the Municipalities may pay such assessment or compensation to the, Workmen's Compensation Board and deduct or collect such 17. Prior to the commencement of operations, to produce evidence satisfactory to the MunAcipalities that the Contractor has obtained and shall maintain insurance from an insurance company authorized to carry on business in Canada, to cover his liability for bodily injury and property damage that may arise with respect to the work being performed underl, the Contract. Such insurance shall: ( i) be in the joint names of the Municipalit the Contractor and any sub -contractors) ( ii) shall insure the Municipalities as well as the Contractor against all clams. and y t ft 7 - demands resulting from or connected with the execution of the Contract by the Contractor. shall have an inclusive limit at least equal to $500,000.00 and shall remain in force for the lifetime of the Contract. 18. To insure and maintain insurance at his expense, against liability, bodily injury and property damage caused 0 vehicles owned by the Contractor and used on the work. The Contractor shall also, at his expense, insure and maintain insurance against liability for bodily injury and property damage caused by vehicles not owned by the Contractor and us on the work. Such ,insurances shall each have an inclusive a limit at least equal to $500,000.00. A vehicle shall be as defined in the Highway Traffic Act. 10 C. THE MUNICIPALITIES SHALL 1. Pay the Contractor monthly payments at t6 rate of one -twelfth (1/12) of the annual contract price, as herein provided, less all duly authorized deductions. Payment will be made no later than the sixth (6th) day of the following month. All payments to the contractor shall be made out of th funds under the control of the Municipalities, in their public; capacity, and no mesiber of the municipal governments or any officer of the Municipalities is, or is to be held,. personall liable to the Contractor under any circumstances whatever. r■ M • 8 - 2. The annual contract price shall b6.calculated, 4 for each calendar year, on December 31st of each year, at the rate of One Dollar and Seventy -Four Cents ($1.74) per capita, based upon the population of each Municipality as'established by the current revised assessment of the Municipalities.ac- cording to the records of the Assessment Services Manager for the region. Payment for the work done under this contract shall be revised at the beginning of each year, commencing JanuaryLl 1972, if and when the Consumer Price Index, as calculated by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics and based on the December, 1969, Index of 165.2 should vary by more than five (5) points after September 1st, 1971. The bid price shall either be in - creased or decreased by an amount calculated using the fol - I lowing formula • Variance _(5 points or more) x bid price per annum 165.2 3. In addition to garbage as herein defined, the Contractor will be permitted to receive and dispose of waste from contractors, commercial estAblishments and individual homeowners, In consideration for this service, the Contractor may charge a rate of fifty cents (sat) per yard or such other rate as say be determined in accordance with changes in the Consumer Price Index, by applying the formula referred to in Clause C. 2 above, using the Consumer Price Index for December Z r so w V � 4. The Contractor shall have the right of salvage ft and the right to designate the Waste Transfer Sites, subject to these operations being carried out in such a manner as to cause no delay in the maintenance of the Waste Transfer Sites. S. Allow the Contractor. to receive garbaZe for , transfer at the said Waste Transfer" Site, in addition to that undertaken`to be received by the Contractor pursuant to the provisions provisions of this Agreement. THE PARTIES MUTUALLY COVENANT THAT • 30th day of September, 1975, and if desired by the,Contractor or the Waste Management C—ndittee, or their designated repres atives, negotiations for a further five year contract are to be commenced no later than January 1st, 1975, and such nego- tiations are to be completed by or before*June 1st, 1975. 0 - .. This agreement and convenants and conditions herein shall extend to and be binding upon the successors and assign of the said Contractor and the said Municipality respectively. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties; hereto from the date of acceptance of the said Tender until th • 30th day of September, 1975, and if desired by the,Contractor or the Waste Management C—ndittee, or their designated repres atives, negotiations for a further five year contract are to be commenced no later than January 1st, 1975, and such nego- tiations are to be completed by or before*June 1st, 1975. 0 - .. This agreement and convenants and conditions herein shall extend to and be binding upon the successors and assign of the said Contractor and the said Municipality respectively. • IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Municipalities have hereunto affixed their Corporate Seals under the hand of thein respective Mayors, Reeves and Clerks of the sa id Corporations,i as the case may be, and the said Contractor under the hand of ...a ,t, • - • low 4 its proper officer in that behalf.. < SIGNED SEALED) AND DELIVERED} ADVANCE CONTAINER OF CANADA in the presence of ) LIMITED } Per ) THE CORPORATION OF THE } TOWN OF AY LME R Per: ........................... Clerk Mayor } TOWNSHIP OF MALARIDE yPer: ..................'...•..... ) Clerk } VILLAGE OF SPRINGFIELD } Per: ........................... } Clerk Reeve TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH DORCHESTER Per: ...•......•...•...........• Clerk Aeeve } TOWNSHIP F SAY Per: .. .. ...�"` .'"':::. • . ) rk Reeve VI E OF VIENNA ) Per: Jl�rs••.•..•••.•.............. Clerk Reeve VILLAGE OF PORT BURNELL } Per: ....•...................... Clerk Reeve r - V BY - LAV NO,/ ?14� TOWNMUP OF BAYMM SUNG a .byeaLaw to eater ' into an apc94ment with Advance Container of Canada Limited for the disposal of waste In the Township of Barham o wHAUA3 certain tenders were advertised and submitted for the disposal of waste in the Township of Bayham; and W it Is deed expedient to accept the tendw submitted by Advance Containers of Canada Limited. THMUOU U IT =ACTED by the Municipal Council of the Carporation of the Township � of Bayham • 1 t ' O 10 stat tie Rowe =d Clerk be and are hereby authorised to execute an agr*om*nt with Advance Containers of Canada Limited under the Seal of the Corporation. 2. The said agreement designated as "Apendix AN is attached hereto and. forms a part of this By -Law. K AD a First, 3e c and and Third time and finally passed this 20d* day of Decarber, lM . leave 10 n 1 1► TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. c i A By-law to.authorise cn agreement with St. 'Thomas Sanitary Collection Services Ltd. (Garbage Collection) 1970 A G R E E M E N T THIS INDENTURE made tin triplicate) the y day of ►.�✓'` one thousand nine hundred and seventy. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYRAM hereinafter called "THE MUNICIPALITY" - and OF THE FIRST PART ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICES LIMITED hereinafter called "THE CONTRACTOR" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the said Municipality has awarded to the said Contrac the contract for the COLLECTION OF GARBAGE, ASHES AND OTHER REFUSE IN AND FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. according to the General Conditions set out in Hy -Law No. agpexed `hereto as Appendix "A", ,the ,said. Contractort haviriq put in a Tender therefor, a copy of which is hereto annexed, which said tender was accepted by the Municipality on the I day of oito,r� , 1970. NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESSETH that the panties hereto hereby agree as follows: THE CONTRACTOR AGREES WITH THE MUNICIPALITY: 1. To execute and perform the whole of the work herein mentioned with due expedition and in a thoroughly workmanlike manner in strict accordance with the provisions of this Contract, and the said General Conditions and tender, and that in the executiol and performance of the said work, the said Contractor will carry out, perform, observe, fulfil and abide by ,all the coIvenants, agree- ments, stipulations, provisions and conditions mentioned and con- tained in the said Appendix "A" and tender to be carried out, per- formed observed and fulfilled by the said Contractor to the sae extent and as full as if each of thew was set out and specifically repeated herein. M 2 2. To indemnify and keep indemnified and save harmless the said Municipality and each of its officers, servants and agents from and against all actions, suits, claims, executions and demands which may be brought against or made upon the said Municipality, its officers, servants, and agents, and from all loss, costs, charges, damages, liens and expenses which may be paid, sustained or incur- red by the said Municipality, its officers, servants and agents by reason of or on account, or in consequence of the execution anoper- formance of the said work-or'of the non -execution or imperfect execution thereof or -of the supply or non -supply of plant or material therefor. 3. To pay to the said Municipality on demand, all loss and costs, damages, or expenses which may be paid, sustained or in- curred by the said Municipality or any of its officers, servants or agents in consequence of any such action, suit, claim, lien, execu- tion or demand, and any `honeys paid or payable by the said Munici- pality or any of, its officers, servants or agents in settlement or in discharge thereof,, or on account thereof, and that in default of such payment all such loss, costs, damages and expenses, and any moneys so paid or payable by the said Municipality, its officers, servants, or agents, and also any moneys payable by the Contractor under any of the terms and conditions of this Contract may be re- covered from the said Contractor or the Surety named in the Bond hereto attached in any court of competent jurisdiction as moneys paid at their request. And to assume the defence of and fully indemnify the Municipality against and from all suits or•actions arising from the claim of any person or persons who are, or claim to be, patentees of any process used in connection with the work, or of any material, plant machinery, tool or appliances used therein or thereon or in any way therewith. !. To furnish a Performance Bond to the Municipality in the axKm tt of 1000 of the Contract Price to ensure the complete execution of the Contract by the Contractor. The expense of pre- paring and executing the Bond shall be borne by the Contractor, i r r I n - 3 - 5. To at all times pay or cause to be paid, any ass- essment or compensation required to be paid pursuant to the 10ork- men's Compensation ,pct, and upon failure to do so, the Municipality slay pay such assessment or compensation to the Workmen's Compen- sation Board and deduct or collect such expense. 6. Prior to the commencement of operations, to produce evidence satisfactory to the Municipality that the Con- tractor -has obtained and shall maintain insurance from an in- surance company authorized to carry on business in Canada, to cover his liability for bodily injury and property damage that may arise with respect to the work being performed under the Contract. Such insurance shall: i) be in the joint names of the Municipality, the Contractor and any sub -contractors= ii) shall insure the Municipality as well as the Contractor against all•claime and demands resulting from or connected with the exe- cution of the Contract by the Contractor. (iii) shall have an inclusive limit at least equal to $500,000.00 and shall remain in force for the lifetime of the Contract. 7. To insure and maintain insurance at his expense, against liability, bodily injury and property damage caused by vehicles owned by the Contractor and used on the work. The Con- tractor shall also, at his expense, insure and maintain insurance against liability for bodily injury and property damage caused by • vehicles not owned by the Contractor and used on the work. Such insurances shall each have an inclusive limit at least equal to $500,000,00. A vehicle shall be as defined in the Highway Traffic Act. The .said Municipality covenants with the said Contractor that if the said work shall be duly and properly exe- cuted as aforesaid, and if the said Contractor shall carry out, 4 .■ U .. 4 perform, observe, fulfil, keep and abide by all the covenants, agreements, stipulations, provisoes, terms and conditions of this Contract, the said Municipality will pay the said Contractor there- fore the sums calculated in accordance with the prices mentioned 1 in said tender subject to such annual adjustments as may result from the application of the per capita rate set forth in the said tender to increases or decreases in the population of the municipa- lity on the first day of.january in each calendar year as estab- lished by the current revised assessment figures obtained from the records of the Assessment Services Manager for the region. In addition, payment for the Mork done under this contract shall be revised at the beginning of each year, commencing January 1, 1972, if and when the Consumer Price Index, as calculated by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics and based on the December, 1969 Index of 165.2 should. vary by more than f ive (5) points of ter Sept&ber l st', 1971. Ther bid price shall either be increased or decreased by an amount v . D calculated using the following formula Variance (5 points or more)x bid price per annum 165.2 The Contractor is entitled to receive monthly payments at the rate of 100% of the work actually done, less any duly auth- orised deductions. Payment will be made no later than the sixth day of the following month. All payments to the Contractor shall be made out of funds under the control of the Municipality, in its public capacity, and no member of the Municipality or officer of the Municipality is, or is to be held, personally liable to the Contractor under any circumstances whatever. AND it is understood and agreed between the parties hereto as follows: The Contractor shall only be responsible for collection of such garbage and other waste material in rural areas as is placed by tha householder as near as possible to the householder's rural tail box, 4 I 5 - The Contractor, his agents and all workmen anA persons employed by his or under his control shall use due care that no person is injured and that no property is damaged in the prose- cution of the work and the contractor shall be solely responsible for all damages to person or property including theft, whether the property is owned by this Municipality or any of its employees. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto from the date of acceptance of the said Tender until the 30th day of September, 1975, and if desired by either party, negotiations for a further five year contract are to be commenced no later than January lot, 1975, and such negotiations are to be completed by or before June let, 1975. This agreement and convenants and conditions herein, and in the said General Conditions and tender contained shall ex - tem, to... and. be binding upon the successors and assigns -of thk said Contractor Ind the said Municipality respectively.,. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Municipality has hereunto affixed its Corporate Seal and the hand of the Reeve and Clerk 11 of the said Corporation, and the said Contractor has hereunto affixed its Corporate Seal, and the name of Robert A. McCaig, pioper officer in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF ST. THOMAS SANITARY COLLECTION SERVICES LIMITED Per: !.. :...,. .. ... .. . THE CORPORATION O$ THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY HAM i Reeve ! • ♦ ♦ • • ♦ • • • ♦ • • • • • • • A TOWNSHIP OF EkAYEM BY-LAW NO. To provide regulations governing the collection and removal of garbage, ashes and other refuse in the Township of Bayham. IV A TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. To provide regulations governing the collection and removal of garbage, ashes and other refuse in the Township of Bayhan. s THE COUNCIL or TES CORPORATION or THE TOWNSHIP or BAYHAN ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1.1 DEIINITIONS ,In this by-law l.l.l -"Ashes" shall mean the residue of any household fuel after sudh fuel has been consumed by fire. 1.1.2 "Collector of Garbage": or "Collector" shall mean any person or persons who, for the time being, has been awarded a contract for the collection of garbage in the Township of Bayham . 1.1.3 "Garbage" shall mean all rejected, abandoned, or discarded 'household waste, either animal or vegetable, all household rubbish and garden clippings. Tree limbs and brush cut in lengths not exceeding 3 feet and tied securely in bundles, and empty cartons, crates and packing cases, packaged and securely tied in bundles not exceeding 3 feet in length, width, or heighth and not exceeding 75lbs. in weight, .shall be included in this def initton . ."Hazardous Substance" means a- substance which, l?ecause of its physical or chemical nature or'because of the form in which it exists, may explode or become ignited easily and cause intense fires. 1.1.5 "Householder" means any owner, lessee, tenant, occupant, restaurant or person controlling the property under consideration. 2.1 GENERAL 2.1.1 No person shall throw, deposit, or place, or cause or allow to be thrown, deposited, or place, upon any street, Littering highway, walkway, lane, alley, park or other public piace Streets within the Township of Bayham, any dirt, filth, garbage, etc. ashes, animal or vegetable matter, manufacturing or com- mercial waste or other refuse. tA .2.1.2 No person shall suffer or permit the accummulation upon the premises owned, leased, occupied or under his control, of Accummulation any garbage, litter, waste materials, animal or vegetable of Refuse matter or any other matter or thincj6, which in the opinion of the authority having jurisdiction is or maybe endangering public health, life or property. 2.1.3 Every householder shall provide and maintain in good repair sufficient receptacles to contain all ashes, garbage and other waste material produced in or emanating from Receptacles each dwelling, restaurant, apartment house, public 'institution or other building under his control. Each such receptacle shall be of a dtrsign and material approved by the Clerk of the municipality and shall be covered, shall be of a capacity not exceeding two (2) cubic feet or 75lbs. in content weight, and shall be provided with handles so designed that the said receptacle may be quickly and conveniently handled by one span. Notwithstanding the foregoing, plastic garbage bags may be used provided, such I, -2 -- bags shall be securely tied and the content thereof shall not exceed two cubic feet in volume, or 751bs. in weight. Not more than six (6) regulation cans or tw6lve (12) cubic feet will be picked up each collection day*. 2.1.4 Every householder and restauranteur shall thoroughly drain all free liquid from all kitchen and table waste kitchen and wrap it well in paper or other acceptable material tt ste and deposit such waste in receptacles used exclusively for garbage. 2.1.5 No person shall suffer or permit any hazardous substance Hazardous to be deposited or placed in any garbage or ash receptacle Substances for removal by the collector of garbage. 2.1.6 No person shall pick over, interfere with, distrub, remove Picking or scatter any ashes, garbage, waste materials, or any Over other article placed out for removal by the collector, Prohibited 'whether contained in receptacles or otherwise. 2.1.7 Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, the owner or owners of any apartment house, row housing, town housing or other multiple dwelling, shall provide for the Multiple tenants thereof, a bin or other receptacle sufficient in Dwelling size* to contain the garbage of all tenants, properly stored Containers in receptacles as mentioned in Section 2.1.3 or this by- law and constructed so as to preclude the entrance of fliest rodents or other animals. 3 o 1 1�lANUF,CTURING AND COMMERCIAL WASTES. ~ , �.Ili��ilw �..rs ice.. Ilbil i M i ■ n inri��� ww < 3.1.1 The collector shall not be required to collect more than twelve (12) cubic feet of "trade waste" on any collection day. `Trade waste" is defined as abandoned, condemned, or rejected product, by-product, manufacturers' or builders' waste, packaging or the spoiled stock of any wholesale or retail dealer. All trade waste in excess of twelve (12) cubic feet shall be collected and disposed of by, and at the expense of, the consignee or owner of such materials. Where such materials are delivered to the public disposal area provided by the collector of garbage the materials shall be disposed of at the expense of the consignee or owner. The public disposal area will be available for this purpose for a period of four hours daily, Monday to Friday inclusive, legal holidays excepted. Cl COLLECTION REGULATIONS 4.1.1 During the period of the contract every householder in a village or hamlet, shall on the day of collections place and keep all receptacles at the curb and shall return the receptacles when empty to his own premises. the collector of garbage shall cause all receptacles placed and kept in accordance with this by-law to be emptied and returned to the place from which they were taken, provided that in any commercial area served, by an accessible lane or alley in the rear of the premises, collections shall be made from such lane or alley, subject to Section 3.1 hereof. Where With respect to rural collections, every householder Receptacles shall place and keep all ashes, garbage and other waste to be material as near as possible to the householder's -rural Placed. mail box on the day of collection. 4.1.2 One collection per week shall be made from each premises, Regular within the Corporate limits, provided that the house - Collections holder -has complied with all provisions of this by -slaw, 40 . 7 4.1..3 Additional collections may be made by the' collector, provided that such collections shall be undertaken at the expense of the householder. The collection of kitchen or Additional table waste from any premises, in any week, in excess of Collections the content of six (6) regulation receptacles shall, for the purposes of this section, constitute an additional col- lection. • 4.1.4 The Collector shall, without charge, remove all ashes, waste paper and rubbish, exclusive of excavated materials or *trade waste", from all charitable institutions, and Intitutional other public buildings owned and operated by, or on the Charitable _ ._._. sole behalf of the Township'of Bayham, subject to the and public provisions of Sections 2.1.3 and 4.1.2 of this by-law, building provided all waste paper shall be securely -tied in bales collections. or biundles not exceeding 75lbs. in weight. For the purposes of this section, the collection of ashes, waste paper or rubbish in excess of 12 cubic feet or the con- tents of six,(6) regulation receptacles in any one week shall constitute an additional collection. 4.1.5 No employee of the collector shall be required to enter Employees any building, private dwelling, apartment house or tene- Prohibited ment, ascend or descend any stairway or enter any elevator from hoist or lift for the purpose of carrying out or returning entering thereto any receptacle. This section shall not preclude buildings. any agreement between the collector and householder for provision of such services. 4.1.6 No employee of the collector shall demand or accept any No• gifits#; gift, • gratuity., ..payment -or consideration whatsoever -for , gratuities, services rendered save and except such wages'ari,sing from payments his employment with the said colr4ecto.T. O • 4.1.7 Nothing in the by-law contained shall prohibit the col - Time of lector from collecting and disposing of any garbage, ashes Operations and other refuse at any time, exclusive of Sundays. 5.1 PENALTIES 5.1.1 Any person convicted of a contravention of any of the provisions of this by-law shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of the convicting magistrate a penalty not exceeding $300..00, exclusive of costs, for each such offence. Every such fine is recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act, all of the provisions of which apply, except that imprisonment may be for a term not exceeding six months. 6.J INCONSISTENT BY-LAWS REPEALED 6.1.1 Any by-laws inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. 7.1 EFFECTIVE DATE • 7.1.1 This by-law shall become effective and take force+frons the date of the final passing hereof. 1970. READ a First and Second time this % day of A.D., READ a Third time and finally -passed this 2, day of b�4A-"J­W-A.D., 1970. CLERK 45 • ♦ • ♦ • • • • ♦ • ♦ • • ♦ • ', - • • • • • ♦ ♦ • • a . . . • REEVE l� s By. -Law N o . 1718 Township of Bayharri Beim* a by-ojaw to confirm all actions of the Council of the Township of Bay'ham for the year 1970. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Mmicipal Cotuxcil of the Corporation of the Township of Fayhatn, that all actions by the said Council by by-laws and resolutions for the year 1970 be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed. Read a first, Second and Third time and finally passed this 17th. day of December, 1970 tA P_ 4 V _.r Clerk W, 0