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Bayham By-Laws 1969
BAYHAM TOWNSHIP B y -Laws c Numbers 1632 —16.80 1969 Tana W -•i Oe"As TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW No.1 0.3 2.......... ZI j6p4ab) to authorize the borrowing of $300,0001bo Whereas the Council of the Township of Bay -ham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 300,000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; Na.--twiff And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- ar`dw ONION pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 6$ not including n0aff. too, revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale of -assets, is $ 596.201.00 YXXXXXXAAA (Delete W. ANK XW IN- MAIM 9 got Z=.) Therefore the Council of the Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf ' of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BAN= OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $ 300, 000 .00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the r, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of tion 329 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality - to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corpor&V Seal and signed by ' the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed,- writh, interest, which may be h paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exuding 61 per centum per annum. 2., -All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the pu-poees mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, 4' of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfuily be Applied for such purpose, Passed this 6th. • day of January 1969 -- -, THS BRAD THS YUNICIPAAU sSAL I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 1632 of the Township of. Bayham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This 6th, day of January 1969 As Witness the Seal of Y the Township of Bayham. �ovER> I Coo. coo, 1-1 I 4 m PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY To Tat M40AGER CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE STRAFFORDVILLE. ONT. January 15, 1969. The Clerk, Treasurtr, f 'w- 14wey Vallee, ti TcJrwmhip of 3ayham., Straf f ordvil la t> , Ontario. Dear Sir: Please be ac poised that ir?terest rate on advances effective aanua ry 20, 1969, wrili be 7%0 l' Tourb tru4, :ti • R. T: A i PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY TO THE MANAGER IN <0 CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Larch 25, 1469, The C1erk,.Treasurer, Nr. Dewey' Vallee, Township of Bayha&,, e Straffordville, 06tario. Dear Sir: Please be advised that, interest rate on advances effective March 28, 1969, will be 717. Tours truly, i R. T: 7CLlan, . RTA:a Manager. STRAFFORDYILLE, ONT. PLf:Sf A00*[SS RfPIC TD T"t MANAGE0 CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE STRAFFORDVILLE, ONT. June 16, 1969. Corporation of Township of Hayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: In accordance with the recently annnunaed change in interest rater, we b advise that effective immediately the interest rates en your borrowing by way of note has been set at 8 %# On Capital Loan and 1969 Loan. Interest on borrowing by rrav of overdraft is considerably higher and these rates, and Kinimum charges on loans And overdrafts, may be obtained at this branch. . Yours truly, R.T.Allan, Manager. PLEASE ADORESS REPLY TO THE MANAGER <0 CANADIAN IMPERIAL. BANK OF COMMERCE July 1, 1969. • torpora tion of Township of Bayham, Straffordville, O ttario, Dear Sir: In accordance with the reCentlY annmuncod change, in ,interest rates, we advise that effective immediately the interest rates r n ycur borrowing by way -f note has been set at8j %, on 1969 Loan and Capital Comm, M Interest on borrowing by wav of overdraft is considerably higher and these rates, and minimum charges on loans and overdrafts,, may be obtained at this branch. Yours truly, R. T.All.a�, .Manager. STRAFFOROVILLE, ONT W. TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM. By -Law No. 1635 Being a by-law to appoint Fence -viewers and Pound-keetpers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1969. WHEREAS Section 3?7, Subsection 58 of The Municipal Act, R.S.B. 1960, provides that these appointments be made; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham, that the following be and are hereby appointed to act as the following officers for the year 1969. - Fence -viewers Lloyd Herron, R.R.2 Vienna, Ont. Alva Brinn, R.R.6,'illsonburg, Ont. Alonzo Hagell, Corinth, Ont. Donald M. Chute, R.R.1 Vienna, Ont. Weston Holtby, R.R.1, iden, Ont, Harold Parker, R.R.1, e, Ont. Bennie Wilk, R.R.1, Vienna, Ont. Walter Nelson, R.R.1, Corinth, Ont. Robert Gregson, R.R.1, Straffordville, Ont. r �► Pound -keepers Don Nevill, Vienna, Ont. Robert Veitch, R.R.1, Eden, Ont. Roy Green, R.R.1, Corinth, Ont. Ray Soper, R.R.1, Vienna, Ont. Clarence Milmine, R.R.1, Eden, Ont. Robert Gregson, R.R.1, Straffordville, Oat. Ray Woodworth, R.R-L. Port Burwell, Ont. A 8 - READ BEAD a first, second and third time and finally passed this 6th. day of January 1969. Reeve. . "$F eric . G r . r -* THE CORPOIWION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYRAM BY -Lm No. 14 3 A By-law to define an area within the Township for the collection of garbage. WHEREAS under subsections 77 and 78 of subsection 1 of Section 379 of the Municipal Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, Chapter 249, ,and amendments thereto, by-laws may be passed by this Council controlling collection of garbage throughout the Township or in -defined areas of the Township. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the "Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The lands in and about the Village of Straffordville, in the Township of Bayham, more particularly known and described as the north halves of Lots 123, 124,125 and 126 south` of _ the Talbot Road in the said Township, and the south halves of 'hots 123, 124, 1I5 and 126 north of the Talbot Road in said Township are hereby defined as an area for the collection, removal and T.disposal of garbage and other refuse. 2. A monthly rate is hereby established In lieu of any special rate for such collection, removal and disposal, and such monthly rate shall be charged against the owner of each and every dwelling unit, commercial establishment or industry within the defined area. The initial monthly rate to be charged against the owner of each dwelling unit, commercial establishment or industry shall be $1,35, subject to alterat4on from time to time by resolution of this Council. 3. Owners of farms within the defined arei say be exempted from the provisions of this by-law by filing with the Clerk of the Township notice in writing. of their desire to be so exempted. 4. Where a commercial enterprisi'or an industry is combined with a dwelling unit in the same premises, only one monthly rate will be charged. 5. The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorised to hire such persona and make such other arrangements u msy be required to tl V. �. JL eeve er lk Is 0 P4 0-4 IIr rto o (� C M'► +t :3�� Pa. rt to rt 0 0 to m ►� Pt H w b I& U THIS AGR MUT made in duplicate this 23rd. day of January, 1969, BETWXEN ; - TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, hereinafter called the Party of the First Part, and SILAS LOCKET, of Straffordville, hereinafter called the Party of the Second Part: WITNESSETH and the Parties hereto mutually agree in the matter of the collection, removal and disposal of garbage and other refuse, in the area of Stra.ffordville as defined in Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1636, as follows: - 1. The Party of the Second Part, commencing on January 24th. 1969 and on each Friday thereafter until and including January 23, 1970, hereby agrees to properly collect, remove and dispose of all garbage and other refuse, properly prepared and placed for such collection, removal and disposal, by the respective ratepayers within the said defined area. 2. That in consideration of the above noted service, the Party of the First Part will pay to the Paryy of the Second Part the annual sum of :4400. payments to be made on a monthly basis. 3. It is mutually agreed that loose wet garbage shall be -properly wrapped and placed in pails, cartons or plastic bags. Limbs or brush to be cut in lengths not exceeding two feet and bundles of same to be tied. All garbage and refuse for collection to be placed at the front of each respective property and to be so placed and ready for collection not later than 9.00 AM. on the day of collection. • r 4u - The. Party of •the• Second. Part hereby agrees to use 'a prolftrly covered vehicle for the service rendered under this, -agreement. ` 5. The Party ofnthe Second Part further agrees•to keep his vehicle properly covered with insurance and his employees used in this service, covered under the Workmsnts Compensation Board Schedule and that he will hold harm- less the Party of the First Part for any accident or damages suffered by himself, his employees or his vehicle, of any kind whatsoever, or to any other party or property of any kind. 6. Any proposed change in this agreement will not be valid unless notice of proposed change shall have been given by 90 days prior notice of same, in writing, by one Party hereto to the other Party. IN WITNESS whereof the Parties hereunto set their hands and seals. Witness. j } Witness. • . GiBSON, LINTON & TOTH BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS DONALD F. O1Gs0N, O.c. H,fp ►ISE► DONALD 04a1Eso•N, c.c. )AN R, i►NToM 0110NAR0 YOTM Mr. J, D. Vallee, Township Clerk, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Mr. Vallee: 36 BROADWAY TILLSONSURG, ONTARIO _January 7, 1969. We have , recently delivered three copies o ' he .: a .. Proposed garage co l lec bion by-law. 16 ti It V_ We wish to` ' to provide for a s 'ectal point out that the Municipal Acta ears P rate to be established for a scheme such as his and additional provision is made for chargingbuildings on a monthly basis. The Act is somewhat unclear, and we eel that circumstances you are probably safe in passing a b -lawn the with a monthly rate $ without any reference y which deals referred to in subsection 77. to a special rate as Of course the by-law has been drawn hurriedly. We wtauId be particularly concerned over the definitions of "dwelling unit commercial establishment" and "industry". dwelling should develop it would be fairly easy to replace Ifly uncertainty something more complete at a -1 -law with later date. I RL/bc Yours truly, r f t/ w Ian R. Ley= .V IC t6e 4 , ��4 - .< -,,,iXc r .. .! l J lei l 10 V —0.0 ok < 4 r \ t Estimated costs for garbage collection in Straffordville Street Lighti= Area on n rn; 1 7 v tb*,m Assessment of Area (1.968) - $571,9900 1 mill= $5 .99 7.35 mill =$4204.1 Bid by Silas Lockey - $42oo.Oo Costs per iResidential $1000. of assessment = 7.35 d property under credit of $3.53 . resent re p gulatis wsuld h$�►e ' a tax (Resrideace) On *1500. assessment Less @ 7.35 $x.]..03 Costs per year On $2500. assessment @ 7.35 $1$.38. Lass Costs per year 353 ' 8 5 - On $3500. assessment Less @ 7.35 � $25.73 Costs per year . 53 2 2 �LE .. Business & Commercial) On It 2500. Assessment @ 7.35 18.38 5000. 01 7000. of _ @ 7.35 - @ 7.35 36.75 151-45 BOUNDARIES OF AREA :.. • So,Uth to 1.nclude Martin Fischer residence. North to include Paul Mallard House. ` East to include East Alward e, West to corn4r Past Barn Park. (Not more than one signature perp erty or apartment '' , Plea 4 2 Estimated costs for garbage collection in Strafferdville Street Lighliag AEga gn a pall ra,tg bpjs Assessment f�f Area (1968) - $571,990. 1 mill = $5 1.99 7.35 mill =$4204.13 Bid by Silas Lockey - $4240 o O4 Costs per $1000. of assessment =,.7.35 ' .-Residentialproperty, =der presenp regulattftns wf+uld have . a tax .credit. of T3,53.- _ -EXAMPLE - (Residence)sl • • On 41500. assessment 41 7.35 - $l1.03 Less 3.51 Costs per year On $2500. assessment t- 7.35 - $18.38 Less 3,53 Casts per year 0-8 On :)3500. assessment . @ 7.35 $25.73 Less 3.51 Costs per year 1,22,120 EXAIVLE - jBuslness & Commercial) On P2500. Assessment C 7.35 -- 18.38 5000. C 7.35 - 36-75 lk 7000. @ 7.35 51-45 BOUNDARIES OF AREA:. Smuth to include Martin Fischer residence. North to include Paul Millard House. ' East to include Ernest Alward mouse. West to corner past Ball Park, (Not more. than one signature . per pJ%perty nr apartment,please.) , 0 Is 0�1 4 lk W, ■ y� w K �=Wmh2p- 4 is r y e i • Estimated costs for garbage collection in Straffordville Street Lightin& Aria on a mill rate basis Assessment of Area (1968) - $571,990, 1m.11=$571.9% 7.35 mill =4204.13 Bid by Silas Lockey - $4200-00 s Costs per $1000. of assessment = 7.35 Residential property under present regulations would have a tax -.redit of $3.53. EXAMPLE - , Pe!gdenc'e) ° On. assessment 0 7.35 _$11.93 Less 3.53 ' Costs per year • On Y2500, assessment @ 7.35 $18.38 Less 3.53 Costs per year • On :0`3500. assessment C 7.35 = $25.73 Less 3,53 Costs per year 22.2 UAYIPLE - Business & Commercial) On 2500. .Assessment @ 7.35 = 18.3 I, 5000. f; @ 7.35 36•?5 is 7000. J @ 7.35 $51.45 .M BOZ NBARiES OF AREA:- South REA:- South to include Martin Fischer residence. Ncrth to include Paul Millard House. East to include Ernest Alward House. West to corner past mall Park. (Not more than one signature per property or apartment,pleasea) r '►v Tis IF to certify that the rignstvrps of thQ following a are in favor of gerhage collpction in the village of lei qtr !"ordvil3e with the cast are acl ed to the taxes O ' -Do �? .- 3 2- t r • • �G"/w v�G�/ �1.��' ..G' . �G�i oto '� / a.,.a e aL:L".,.✓ a.J ,a c M .�,z II C>1 -44� 1�f� 2 ul-. 1«rd/ 4 0 ti 4 r� s M Estimated Street Li costs for garbage collection in Strgf htn� Ar ... �ea on a trill rate ba ci e f °�Yille Assessment of Area 1 mill - $5 1.99 7.35 mill 4420 Bid by Silas Lockey ke Y Costs per $100Re.siassessmentiapropertY under present 7•3 5 creditof $3.53. �gu latians would have e - Residence) 1500. assessment Less 7.35 "_ $11.03 Costs per year r On $2500, assessment 0 Less ?•35 Costs per year On $3500, assessment @ r Less x•35 $25.73 Costs per year EXAMPLEBusiness do Commercial)22.2 On 2'.500. Assessment @ t� 5000. �1 •3 5 18.3 7000. @C3 7.35 � 36.75 35 151-45 BOUNDARIES OF AREA ; • South to include Martin Fische North to include Paul r residence. East to include E Millard House, . West to corner Past Alward House. past Ball Park. (1968) - $5711990. $4200.00 (Not more than one signature r 0 a tax per property or apartment,please.) } Y: 16 tn�. 5lghcr5 on �{�i 5 S�ecfi� CUnt��l�'IOh.S To i' �ar�GCi� J/ r S .13 is oio agreC.. J ccrno ✓al as I r &-tz,74-- lk v r Estimated costs f'©r garbage collection in Straff ordville Street Lighting Area o millr e -basil Assessment of Area l mill = $571-99 7.35 mill $4204.1 Bid by Silas Lockey (1968) - $571,990. $4200. Costs per $1000. of assessment = 7.35 . Residential. property under, present regulations c red i t' X3.53 would have a x cif • .. E - fResidencei « On 11500. °assn ssment 0 7.35 411.03 Less Costs per year M On $2500, assessment @ 7.35 $18,38 Less Costs per year 3.53 1144 On $3500. assessment 0 7.35 $25,73 Less _. Costsear er p Y 23.53 2.2 XAI P`LE - Business & Commercial) On 2500. Assessment @ 7,35 -- 15.38, 5000. 7.35 36.75 7000. ♦' 7.35 51.45 BOUNDARIES OF AREA.- South REA:- South to include Plartin Fischer residence. North to include Paul Millard house, ` East to include Ernest Alward Rouser West to corner past Bali. Park. 3 r ,a F (Not more than one signature per property or apartment please.) s Is v . & 4."00 lk 4k I- a � �� %%l��� , ' vvt+,r1� ,zwi ol< o4p Wb z I, nj Estimated costs for garbage collection in Straffordville Street Li htin Are Qn-a mill rate -basis Assessment of Area 1 mill = $5 1.99 7.35 mill =4204.1 Bid by Silas Lockey (1968) - $571,990. - $4200.00 Costs per $1000. of assessment = 7.35 Residential property under present regulations would :redit of $3.53. EXAMP,E - (Residence) ) have a tax c On +1500. assessment V 7.35 $11.03 Loss Costs per year On $2500. assessment @ 7.35 $18.38 Less 3.53 Costs per year On $3500. assessment C 7.35 -- $25.73 Less 3.53 Costs -per year z2.2 EXAMPLE - Business & Commercial) On 12500. Assessment @ 7.35 18.38 5000. �' @ 7.35 36.75 7000. •' @ 7.35 51.45 BOUNDARIES OF ARE,' : - South to include Martin Fischer residefte. 4 1-10 North to include Paul Millard House. A( - East to include Ernest Alward House. ,• West to corner past Ball Parr. . (Not more than one signature per property or apartment,please.) � ass S�o n�-�e .V A �ENivA �o v1t y t - M �f4 s 1 9 • s Estimated costs for garbage collection in Straffmrdville Street Li htinZ Area on a mill gate basis Assessment nf Area (1968) - $571,990« 1 mill = $5 1.99 7.35 chill =4204.1 Bid by Silas Lockey -4200 0 r V Costs per $1000. of assessment = 7.35 Residential property under present regulations would have a tax credit of .$3.53 a•- ti t EXAMPM - (Residence) On Less assessment 7.35 $11.03 Costs per year 3.53 On $2500. assessment @ 7.35 $18.38 Less Costs per year On $3500. assessment Less @ 7.35 $25.73 Costs *per year 22 2 EXAMPLE - Business & Commercial) On 2500. Assessment 5000. �� @ 7.3518.3$ � 7000. �� @ @ �►, 3 5 7.35 _ 6 •75 _3 $51.45 BOUNDARIES OF AREA : - Smuth to include Martin Fischer residen e. North to include Paul Millard House. East to include Ernest Alward Heise, West to corner past Ball Park, r (N'�t more than one sigrptoure per Pr*Psrty Ar apartment. please.) I T " In Laatri tis . dw of JiMi 'J 1 1909 9 rim " Lee =$ lr 'sisrL"'�e' aa� I" P lir FI JI arr sm hitt hw"slwr saw wr" it sus s ac sit s a, sowirwai and +u - I --ML at saw i sh s"WammVilaw!s. 3b, as ie Ift AL--- en.r sr. i....e P.�ra .4 ;a � �....�samommsi.. J.■...�s . � trL�4 o.s, rw�a.� all isr+.w� �rne�.or«• arrl �"" for Arlt Mt3Meien r�wrsi rM 41�Z� s�slN � MLY1a w Mtd yt'js�d Mia. !. !fes 3s a�stw scow MsM +MnN� � �t w1 fir"fir"rare esu ,.o► .. wM D� ANk-- tM arra w .� ma 1e" )•��+�R'Md Ws l� � �'brp iril be _ _ 6� a�- a�1 1a , �e'iw1 a�' /SlrrRt� b�P. LaM N� �i �s is apt �Mrdift fw te" rt N�dIN �f M be 11od. X11 pa'a� cwo"wo4uWM*r t"iews3�si "LWe=-sii9.00 7 4. !! tWty of to YM t s owa�r�nriss s�eorwdt. s�! * a� �r ward afir sa�rrriawr roiw s Q ai�i am"" he bans& low as llh& go �r btr !�swlcwsu or Us m" sem►, or aw . w s Ja W" a� w rdis sr ss� at alb► � 90 est st arra, &a sa~l , w s" rimer wwoo is C ooiw to*. " E has" Md sesue N 0 Mr . A . C . Hollingsworth, , Straffordirillo, Oat, a January 8, 1970-. W, ` Attached hereto, find a copy of agraament for garbage collection which it will be necessary for you to sign. Kindly call at the Township office and bring this copy with you and sign the one we have here also. The one wi]1 be returned to you for your records as soon, as it is ca Vleted by the Township Officers. enol. Your early attention to this will be appreciated. Yours very truly s Cleft of Bayh". ■ I, THIS AGRLDMT made in duplicate this 9th. day of January, 1970, TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM, hereinafter called the Party of the First Part, and A. C. HOLLINGSWORTH, of Straffordville, hereinafter called the Party of the Second Part; WITNESSETH and the'Parties hereto mutually agree in the matter of the collection, removal and disposal of garbage and other refuse, in the area of Straffordville as defined in Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1636, as follows:- 1. ollows:- 1. The Party of the Second Part, commencing on January 30, 1970, and on each Friday thereafter until and including January 29th, 1971, hereby agrees to properly collect,.remove and dispose of all garbage and other refuse, properly prepared and placed for such collection, removal and disposal, by the respective ratepayers within the said defined area. 2. That in consideration of the above noted service, the Party of the First Part will pay to the Party of the Second Part, the annual sum of $3,800.00, payments to be made on a monthly basis. 3. It is mutually agreed that loose wet garbage shall be properly wrapped and placed in pails, cartons of plastic bags. Limbs or brush to be cut in lenghts not exceeding two feet and bundles of same�to be tied. All garbage and refuse for collection to be placed at the front of each respective property and to be so placed and ready for collection not later than 9.00 A.M. on the day of collection. 4 . The vehi al e • r Party of for the � , the Second Part hereby ,agrees to use • w properly covered service rendered under this agreement. A o . j. The Party of the Second Part further agrees to keep his vehicle prop- erly'covered with insurance and his employees used in this service, cover- ed under the Workmen's Compensation Board schedule and that he will hold harmless the Party of the First Part for any accident or damages suffered by himself, his employees or his vehicle, of any kind whatsoever, or to any other party or property of any kind. b. Any proposed change in this agreement will not be valid unless notice of proposed change shall have been given by 90 days prior notice of same, in writing, by one Party hereto to the other Party. IN WITNESS whereof the Parties hereunto set their hands and seals, i itness Witness TOWNSHIP • OF BAYHAM t 0 i Reeve. Clerk. r� U- No. A. 11y -lata to def Im as area vitWLa the Township for the oollostiow of w atm under a&,__ rswo 77 and 72 of oubeostiat 1 of 4osttor 379 of the nodeActs hired ftatetoo of Ontario, 19600 Caaptor 2400 and thwato, by-law &" be passed by thio C@wsll mestrolling oollostlem of Swbqp tl�row�wt the Towmam► hip or .!s def id areas of the 1`oMrwob4r . sm 'i' i the aw"Ll of the Corpe ratLou of the 'loMrhip of taylra�n h�aceby Boasts as follo� t 1. 'im lardo is acrd about the "lia0e of Otrlot is two 'i'rwsrb rice Particularly %Wm acrd desellbod r as the ssstw bslw4w of 14 to 123, It 40 123 OW 126 • a k of the 'Talbot f►aid. iat the saw 2Nrrrrtr#,p� SW the -asaft halves of UO 113, 1i4, 123, OW 126 of the Talbot bid is said Tarbip are bersby dof3md art an saw for the oollostil rural amid dotbw tufa" 2. A. sato is 1 a blr established in. lig of MV eplesial urate for a�rsb oolleetiow, normal a w 4if}ooa1, sod such meaft1' rate shall bre efthm— d against the oasor of om& ' aid oyez y dwell i ad unit. Qwnersial establ isb lout or iodw►tsy t s► tleo dofitsd area. IM initial Taro to be alfarr�od aptiaat flea owner of each dwlling unit, oomasoial oetadelialrrs 0 or rode try "all be $1035a sob je:t to alteration fsor tial to t im by lut ies of this mil. 3. O�X ml of fame witkiar the def coed an* OW be em op ted from the proWl,rlarrt of thio byelaw lir fill" +oitb dw Clark of the T 1p SOUSS li MULUS of theme dosis+e to be 00 osM ted . 4. Vbere a tat aetorpsisa or an La" is osubiaed with a dw►lling adt In the saneo ptard�►�rs,� only one ■rutbly sate Val be shared . S . The Roe" sod Clerk we hereby awtwosimw to Irina emb poreoW and =A* @W& otlar assayr to as my be s rM to 4 •24, effectively Sam amastease of tb,# vyuwo a first, sem and thind tim and dark► +�f 1919, fludl this �► ,� � �rss� 4rwr ►• J v , . .1 hereby certify thit the ais a tjue e � of BY"Ift Wober Vass br the C�ti1bf the Tarr whi` r p �! zayham. +q janawy 6, 1969. IN Is R3 W. is pod 7 w� e R go o a g g d i = Y G M � M • M R » �A A: .� a s as P' IL VI' Mr. J. D. Vallee, OwTA*00 Co./Twp. Clerk Df►ARrN[MT or wIGw AYS Township of Bayhan, Downsview, Ontario. SThAFFOHDVILLE, Ontario. May 9th, 1969. Dear Sir: Re: 1969 Road Expenditure By -Law Number1639 Amount $ 151,000. The Honourable George E. Gomme, Minister of Highways, has authorized the approval of the above-cited by-law to a limit of '.*x,000, for,Construction, 63,000 for Maintenance, and $ 151,000. Total Please be advised that expenditures in excess of either of these limits will not be eligible for subsidy unless covered by a supplementary by-law approved by the Minister. Supplementary by-laws for unavoidable expenditures inexcess of the normal allotment will be considered, but such supple- mentary by-laws should be submitted prior to May 31st, 1969• It is unlikely by-laws submitted after that date will be considered for approval until March 1970, the end of the 1969-70 fiscal year. This approval is given subject to the approval of each individual work of road and bridge construction, each contract for construction or maintenance and the purchase of each unit of equipment. eThe District Engineer must be advised and his consent obtained before such works or purchases are advertised or tenders called or any commitment made by the municipality with respect to them. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed worK or purchase Is to be raised In a subsequent year or financed by the Issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase 1s authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. One copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, Encl. M11mot, Municipal Englneer. 'WORM O9i MR -Ie Rt V IfBD RTa.AW PIG. -_1638 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE »b4- ------- OWENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP Of __ COUNTYBayham . _ -_ IN THE OF ----_Elgin _----- DISTRICT WHERL 6 The f iigbway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the bylaw be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. Tflfa 27OR1S the Co mail of too Corporation of the " Township onsets as follows: (1) The sum of It15 -,QW.QQ_-.-_- is hereby estimated as the etryeoditure upon the construction and maintensaa of the roads and briddd under its jurisdiction during the year It. b9 as follows Comsdrwttwo Maintenance Total ROADS - ------------------ 62,400 -- BRIDGES i CULVERTS - --- fj -(>t9-rQQQ•--._ F..-_b,OQQ._ i---75-,QOfl._.._ NEW MACHINERY -------------- SUPERINTENDENCE ----------- SUPE RINTENDENCE A OVINWEAD .._-----------•-- S D10W, s 5x000,._.. �-12 000. TOTALS t;•-151,OQQ,_-- (i) The said monies shall be mean" under the Supe. -vision of the duly appointed town chip road superintendent and on wort peedoffed in accordance with Time fairjbway improvement Act (7) The clort shall transmit Triphase eopies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Hiaawsys. Ontarw. not later than March Slat of the said year. (f) The approval of the Ontario Municipal floard shall be obtained before any exmdi- tore In authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or motile, maimed to a subasgeeet ynr, P" dp al -----Marsh A.D. 1p 69 L ----------- —------- »------------ ------------- cant at at Grporatioe of the Towazhip of __. ------- ._._____a____.-._<..____, de iwNp -mb that the farepoing is a true aepy d wt. Ik-----'.------- Messed M of Comment! of ow red CespWouse an the _ _-- day of -------------- _-- to------ ---------_. - .. Towmb* clo t �oRr ORMR./S DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO ar..•, Af..� rowNSFR► of 'oh VN/9 /►1 RE: RT-uw No. 438 ROAD PROORAMME FOR THE PEAR 19 1. COMTEXTION (A) ROADS LOCATION IIT LDT AND CONCYSIONI MATURE OF WORK Y.LZS ESTIMATED COR GPR OJrRYASS-A.CTr�Pou r• 1AA,D'P,11?CHe5k T 4,gGAA, _ 770 FICA A. oT /9 CONS 90 to LEA K 4"D •� G O� RU! -TOTAL {SI MIDRd AND CULVEIITE - Trp! ARD LOCATNIN /0.4/00 -�- NEUi•-_ JIDT ] EON rD rCuLJERT} _ _� rAASA' E91 - Q -1c hoT /q COA/C 0 -/0 r `_. ODD i 7- opo _i IJ014,nMCE -ro PR %jU/DED RA 1V SU AfMEAITnpY _ EUM -TOTAL DOO (CI NEVI MACHINERY AND MACNINE SNOW IRo111'y YL �/� Toack WADE ✓ / / (�, i _. IDI SV PERINTSROpIC[ AND OVERHGp {EEE .IOOT)IDTEj: ✓ 7 DSD• ✓ . TOTALS'FOR COMETIIUCTION I . MAINTENANCE A. ROAD[ - EIITIIAORO,NARY RE1•URlACING►AV[Y [NTS MILES --------- RESURFACING 1GRAVEl OR STVN, MILD SURFACE TREATMENT MIL[: - _-----.__ ROADS ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING. CRACK /FLUNG. SWI"ING ST'ON[ OR GRAVEL PATCHING. DRAGGING. SLAVING DUR LAYING CALCIUM, SALT. OIL, ►AIME J DITCHM TILE DRAIN@. CATCH EA.INS, CURD. GUTTER@. DRAINAGE Ab ESSY[NTS - ✓ Wim SPRAYING, CUTTING. SHUSHING. FENCE EONYS 1 6UIDEAAIL. SIGNS. iONE MARKING "k— CONTROL- $NOW FENCE. 1LOWIN6. SANDING @ALTiNG it @US TOTAL II MIOGS: AND CULVERTS MAJOR RVAIRS D"CRIEE M IMDR R[IAIRf � EUS -TOTAL '1 SUF INTENDANC[ AND OVERHEAD SE[ FOOTNOTE TOTALS FOR MAINTMANC[ V GRAND TOTAL 80 - _____��f/J/1 _T —1- 3 ocQ__L _Y ---- - /-M� r C O92 - coo § v0� COD OOE ol PAR rr rwAf•yrrr room •HY,• •ee�no•M d••R 9'r:p M e•N :• rl• ,w.• iW;c•I.0 MOIE. `N --f d-- •d 01•r••W M M L"'' — `-- Carr.-- •W U•;•rMM11•• ,e V• /.•oorriw fA•r e/ iN1ry 11.1 •.! 1161 M•r r• rot•1 0l if•.•r-r E1q W M4 By -Law No. 1639. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to amend the rate of interest respecting certain drainage by-laws of the Township of Bayahm. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows: - 1. That the rate of interest quoted in the following drainage by-laws be amended to read eight per cent per annum. - By -Law No. 1$92 - No. 1 Drain By -Law No. 1610 - Emerson Drains By -Law No. 1618 - Hedges Drain By -Law No. 1619 - Csinos Drain. 2. That interest schedules in the above noted by-laws be amended accordingly. READ a first, second and,third time and finally passed this 1st. day of April, 1969. .�... J t_el Reeve. w By -Law No. 1640. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for the levying of a monthly rate for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage and other refuse as set out in By -Law Ivo. 1636. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham, that the monthly rate as set out in Clause 2 of said By -Law No. 1636, be and the same shall be plated on the Collect- or's Roll of the Township of Bayham, on an annual basis, against the respective properties as set forth in said By -Law No. 1636 and levied and collected in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 1st. day. of.. April.,, 1969. _. � Reeve. I& .M roRY on -MI-1 ] L , Rev. savr. Isss BY-LAW NO.1641 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM IN THEUNTY A F Agin WHEREAS it is desirable that the laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Council should be under the supervision of a Road Superintendent, acting under its direction. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this Council to take advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and to receive the Government grant as provided in the said Act. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the municipal corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted. I . That Mac S. Gibbons Straffordville. Ontario, (name) (address) is appointed Road Superintendent in the said township to act a aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the said Act from the 17th • day of March 19 69 and during the pleasure of the said Council. 2. That the Road Superintendent shall bepaid,at the rate of S 7,wo-on pe'r tinny- for such timi as he teat' be: so'employed. 3. THAT it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay out and supervise all work and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Township Council in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. 4. THAT all by-laws or parts thereof and all and any resolution& of said Council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. 5. THAT two certified copies of this by-law be forwarded by the clerk without delay to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways Ontario. w 6. THAT this by-law shall not come into force until approved by the Minister of Highways, as provided in the Highway Improvement Act. Is READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS 1st. day of April i96_ (SEAL) r CLERK REEVE Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. passed by the council of the said corporation oo the day of 19 TOWNSHIP CLERK ONTARIO 09►ART.9.7 G/ NIONW •V� Downsview, Ontario May 6, 1969 Mr. J.D. Vallee Clerk Township of Bayham STRAFFORDVILLE? Ontario Dear Sir: Re: Municipality of Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1641 The Honourable George E. Game, Minister of Highways has approved the attached By -Law No. 1641 of the above noted municipality which appoints Mr. Mac S. ribbons, Straffordvllle, Ontario, as Road Superintendent at a salary of $7,000 per annum, effective March 17th, 1969. Is Yours truly, C. R. Wilmot attach. Municipal Engineer c.c. T.S. Caldwell fiOaY �-1aM1! L�� ' NOV. apr. 1004 B7 -LAW NO.16" A BY -LAN TO APPOINT A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF IN THEeAi iACOUNig;&PF WHEREAS it is desirable that the Lying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Council should be under the supervision of a Road Superintendent, acting under its direction. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this Council to take advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and to receive the Government grant as provided in the said Act. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the municipal corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted, 1. That Aw i• 4illra "Imctamm"14 oliaftog (name) Ladd re s e ) is appointed Road Superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the said Act from the iiae day of 1962 and during the pleasure of the said Council. 2. , That..thy _Road, S.ups.rintende nt shall be paid at the rate of $ '7=0 m per annum for tr such time as he may be so employed. .: 3. THAT it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay out and supervise all work and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Township Council in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. 4. THAT all by-laws or parts thereof and all and any resolutions of said Council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. S. THAT two certified copies of this by -4w be forwarded by the clerk without delay to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways Ontario. 6. THAT this by-law shall not come into force until approved by the Minister of Highways, as provided in the Highway Improvement Act. READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS il't. day of Apxda is 19 -.60L - (SEAL) (Signed) J. D. Vallee (Sided) Horace B. Johnson CLERK REEVE I, J. D. Valise ClerkoftheCorporationofthe-Cowoshipof Bayham_ do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. IfA41_ passed by the council of the said corporation on the lat. day of April 19 6_ TOWNSHIP CLERK LLI&4mn 11 H C' p d cs >� na it ID' off_ 1 S y n IirO► j E' 3 iw ILI o n` X Eh PL 0 oil kv 0 r ���{r' �'��,r �'�.. '� � � t� 1 L� .-. Co. k Twp. IMP Down -view 464, Ontario. June 13th, 1969 ONTARIO Oi►4AT CCT or HIGHWAY• Mr. J.D. Vallee Clerk Township of Bayham STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario Dear Sir: Res Supplementary Road Expenditure By -Law No. 1642 Amount - $ 26 000.00 The Honourable George E. Gomme, Minister of Highway:, has authorized the approval of the above cited by-law to a limit of $ 26,000.00 for Construction $ - for Maintenance $ 26,000.00 Total 'Phe appr1aval is given subject to the following conditions: 1• That'the Individual works of road and bridge construction and the purchase of each unit of equipment and the award of contracts for same shall be subject to the approval of the District Engineer. 2. That the District Engineer shall be informed and his consent obtained before tenders are called for the proposed work or purchase and before any commitment is made by the Municipality. 3• In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised In a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase Is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. A copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, :ch �J Encl. C.R. Wilmot, Municipal Engineer, Operations Branch. T r FORM 09—MR—Is REVISED Supplementary sTr.u►w fta.__.1642._------____-- A RT -LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 11 kQ------ EX►tNDMURES ON ROADS IN THE ba ham COUNTY TOWNSHIP OF _---- Y-. ._ IN THE OF ----- F,,1gin__ _*#5FNOF WHXRTAS The Highway imprev went Act repnires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the bylaw be submitted to the Minister of Highway, for sppre.al. THERFIORE the Coaneil of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (11 The am at g 26..D O.. QQ - .... Is bereby, estimated as the esprnditure upon tPe construction and maintenance at the road& and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19--09 as follows: clu mbMwe Maintenance Total ROADS ----- ---- - --_. _ ,_QQQ> 4Q $------------- - It _ . 8, 000.00 BRIDGES t CULVERTS - 5,1 ,QO�xQQ_. f .. i_1H.000..00_ NEW MACEINERY _...._ -_y_..: __...._.:..•..E..: - .. nil . , f - SUPERrN 124DENCE & OV UMEAD--------------- _ ._ _- 11;.._._. E------- -----''-- TOTAI_9 $26,000.00.- 1_ ------ 1-26,000_00_ (2) The sad monies &hall be expended under the supervision of the duty appointed town %hip road superintendent and on wort performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (7) The elect shall transmit Tristteep mPies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways. Ontarn, not later than March Dirt of the uid year. (e) The approral of the Ontano Municipal hoard shall be obtained before any expendi Lure to autierW a< wort commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies ranted M a sohowitsaet year. Pared d3trafford�ill� - 1st. day of Jpril AD 1969 UNIAL) 4 -- --------------- CIO an" L ___—_-.------------ __________-___-_______---- Clark of the OpWation of the Township of ------ ----------------------- _______________________ `belft _tib that the tweaslmm is a true copy of Dy -law !N ------------- . Omni r ilii• Comma t ilio am CtwpWatioa sis the day, of -- ----- ----- -- — -- -- FORM C/"R.ID I. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROAM DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO Towws" r Or eA Y/ h tlll RE: BY-LAW NO. ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR »69 /b^olj- 6V PP4E,*1FW3:;I RY' LOCATION (DT IDT AND CONCESGNOHI NATURK OF WORK MILES ESTIMATED CWT A07 14 !'pN� �o/O for 8000• IDI "IMM AND CULVERTS – TYPE AND LOCATION DUD–TOTAL V OED, - CA,t a ad - Ln r /Qr Lym-- 9a i o � l AMC IE ---_ DUD–TOPS (CI NGW MACHINMY AND NACINM[ GNGDIS (ITo1RD . (DI &U►OIMTumomcc, AND DHDDNDAD (DQ FOOTNOT[I _. MAINTENANCE A� ROAM EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING IFAVEMENTi---- RESURFACING iGRAVEL W STONE, ALLY - -'- Su wIAC[ —INEPT wOAW ORDINARY IAVKNKNY PATCHING, CRACK PILLING. SWEEPING KION[ OR GRAVEL PATCHING DRAGGING- RLADING DUST LAYING CALCIUM. GALT. OIL. PRINK DITCHES. TIL[ DRAIN$, CATCH RAISINS. CURDS, GUTTESS, DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT$ WEED MIIAYIMG. CUTTING. GAU$HING INCE $ONUG GUIDESAIL $IGH$ iONI NARKING WINTER CONTROL *NOW FENCE PLOWING SANDING SALTING $� RRIDGE AMO CULVERTS MAJOR RXPAIRIS ID[$CwIGE YINOw w[PAIM C� $UPKRINTENDANCE AND OVERHEAD $EK FOOTNOTE .w TOTALR row CONSTRUCTION SUS TOTAL $UD --TOTAL TOTAL& PON MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL - • K..A s:$T:T.:IT H iW 0—wr re... Ma* .AAi. dI..R "I" lL..Y. '. IA. '— , W 4.- 4� L$IWM.NNAi. Mf OwYMw r M Aa+ -- MMM. cam,,— ..A M.;wwaA— a M. Y..."'.. R. .1 — 1(.1 ..A II►I MW N IvI.I 0 �Nn. [Iq .R& 1M TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM By -Law No. Ib#4 Being a by-law to appoint a Board of Trustees for the Smuck Cemetery. WHEREAS by virtue of The Cemeteries Act, R.S.6. 1960, Section 63, subsection 1(e), councils of local municipalities may pass by-laws for the maintenance, management, regulation and control of a cemetery; AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary that such action be taken in respect to the Smuck Cemetery, situated at the north end of lot 13, Concession 5, Township of Bayham; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of i?ayham, as follows: - 1. That a Board of Trustees for the management and operation of the Smuck Cemetery be appointed. 2. That the said board shall consist of three members. In 1969 one member shall be appointed for a three year term, one member shall be appointed for a two year term and one member shall be appointed for a one year term. In 1970 and each succeeding year, one member shall be appointed for a three year term. 3. Tha Board of Trustees appointed under authority of this by- law shall have all the powers conferred under The Cemeteries Act for the said Smuck Cemetery,, together with authority to f receive`moriieS from any source ,or the maintenance of the ,said cemetery and for perpetual care fund. 4. After the passing of this by-law, the Board of Trustees of the;said Smuck Cemetery may deposit with the Township Treasurer, funds for perpetual care of the said cemetery. Such funds shall be included in the Township of Bayham Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund and invested in accordance with investments authorized under The Trustee Act. The interest arising from the said invest- ment shall be paid annually by resolution of council to the said board of Trustees. No part of the principal amount of such investment shall be used for purposes other than investment or re -investment. HEAD a first, seoond and third time and finally passed this day of % 144 S 1969. —Tee ve. s. V10I �• Mr. Wallace Humphrey, Sac. 3auoh Gra!"". ti.R.l a straRordvwa' oat. ry Dear Slr;- Kay 6, 1969. I am pleased to forward to you, a copy of Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1644, providing for the establishment of a Board of Trustees for the amuck Cemetery and for a perpetual case fund. follows; - Members appointed by the council to this Board are as Wallas• Humphrey - For 1969 Allan 1hurston - " 1969 and 1970 Robert dregson - • 1969, 1970 and 1971. This office should be advised on or before i Dec. N. in each year of your recommendation for appointment for the next three years. Ye are also ready to accept any funds you may wish to invest in the Perpetual Care Fund. Tours very truly Cleft of Bghaa Twp. T0IMJW Or BATW Dy -Lee ■e. daLb a by -lav to appoint a Board of Trustees for the yuck by vLrtuo bf The Cemeteries Act, R.S.O. 1960, Section 6), wDseotion 1(*). councils of local samialpalitiea may pass b�-lama for the salatsoance, management, resolatim and central o� a AiD mamas t is doused necessary that such action be taken in reapest to IM swat[ Off, situated at the north and of lot 1) oaneemmien s lfwnari► or Dgtyni TB�i U n LACI D br thel"CaMpal Council at the Tow u hip of BOOM, es follew=- 1. That a Board of Trustees for the management and operation of the Amok Cemetery be appointed. 2. That the amid Board shall consist of three members. In 1969 one member shall be appolated for a thew year tare, ane member shall be appointed for a two year tern and one somber @hall be appointed for a me year tars. In 1970 and each sucoeoding year, me mrmmmbaur shall be appointed for a three rear tern. ). Us Board of Trustees appointed ander authorit of this bb7r Ler aiaall have All t"he Conferred wader �e Cam@teries Act for the said 3inak together with authority to receive monies free my source for the asintenanoe of the said cometory and for page nil as" fund. 4. Attar the passing of this by-1,sr, the Board of Trustees of the said smack Cemetery W deposit with the Tonandp Treasurer, funds for perpetual oars of LM said owatay. Such fands atoll be Included in the ToWddp of Bnhas Cemetery ftrpetml Cars lumd and invested is maeaedaeoo with investments authorised Under The Tru"Ge Act. IM interest arising from the said invest - neat eAall be paid seminally by resolution of in oil to the said Board of Tru�tsos. •o past of the principal amount of each investment shall be used for purposes other thea investment or re-inrestasnt. HEAD a fir"ah woad and third time and finally passed this day of 1969. .0 By -Law No. 1645 Township of Bayham. teing a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1969, to levy the Taxes for the year 1969 and to provide for the collection thereof. 'WHEREAS by action of the Elgin County Council, provision was made for the making of the assessment of the municipality by the Elgin County Assessment Commissioner, prior to the 30th. day of Sept. 1968 as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1969 should be levied; AND WHEREAS the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the said Township of Bayham on the 14th. day of November, 1968; AND WHEREAS no revisions were made by the County Judge; AND WHEREAS it is expedient to adopt the said assessment as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1969 shall be levied; AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property accordinto the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of 4419,958.73 for the general purposes of the said Township for the current year, for the payment of the County rate for the current year, and for the purposes of defraying part of the expenses of Public, Separate and High School education, and other purposes; THEREFORE THE .COUNCIL, OF .nZ 9ORPORATION. OF . THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. - 1. That the,assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayham.as made pursuant to County of Elgin Regulations, and as revised, corrected and passed by the Court of ?tevision, be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1969 shall be levied. 2. That the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and conf- irmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. 3. That, for the purpose of providing the sum of $198,341.58 for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for County purposes and other purposes for the current year, a rate of 36.35 mills in the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1969 upon the whole of the said assessment of the Township according to the last revised assessment Boll, except that on an assessment of x5,637,765.00 a reduction of x19,564.00 being 3.47 mills, shall be made owing to the per capita grant from the Provincial Goaernment for taxation relief for fram and residential properties,as shown in the following summary: - General rate ------- 17.00 mills County rate ------- 19.35 " Total ---- 36.35 " Less reduction ------- 3.47 " 4. That, in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of :x219,094.54 for Public, Separate and High School Education purposes for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1969 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School- Supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder: - School Residential Mill Commercial Mill Total Area Assessment Rate Assessment Rate Levy Elgin Cty.Public 4;4,970,645• 14.90 351,665. 16.55 x79,882.67 " " RCSS 667,120. 15.16 5,195. 16.84 10,201.02 " " H.S. 5,637,765• 21.38 356,860. 23.75 129,010.85 -2- 5. That, in addition, for street lighting purposes, the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessments in each of the follow- ing street lighting areas:- Straffordville,on assessment of X572,695. - $1,799.28 -- 3.142 mills Richmond " 70,240. - 267.97 -- 3.815 " Eden " " 144,270. - 355.34 -- 2.463 " Corinth " " " 55,995. - 130.02 -- 2.322 " 6. That, also in addition, for the purpose of defrayiny the cost of garbage collection and disposal in accordance with Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1636, a total amount of $3760.00 be and is hereby levied on the basis of X16.20 per unit, against the properties involved, in accordance with Clause No. 2 of the said By -Law. 7. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector's Roll to the Tax Collector on or before the 1st. day of June 1969. 8. All taxes or other special rates shall be paid in to the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Township of Bavham or into the Branches of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at Straffordville, Vienna, Port Burwell or Tillsonburg. 9. Taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before July 21st. 1969 and one-half on or before December 19th. 1969. Penalties for non-payryent when due and discounts for prepayment of taxes shall be as provided for in By -Law No. 1393 and amendments thereto of the said To.mship of Bayham. 10. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township at their last known address. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2nd. day of June, 1969. --Te-eve. L 4. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Weed by.......Dowd& ..... bt ............_.�p?'t...2d.z...... M 9. .... Se .d.d b�...._...................................._.. _ ........... D. nac: this council adopt the following sill rates for 1969. - For County purposes - 19.35 -ills T=p purposes Farm & Residential - 13.53 " s Industrial A Commercial - 17.00 " Certified copy- '4AI1 3 �/r-7D CAMgp (9lgwedl Horac.e .. H. . Johnson ........... ................_......._.................. lt...e May 13, 1969. Moved by Tony Cainos Seconded by D.A.Graham Be it resolved That it is imperative that tax bills be prepared at this time In order that they my be in the hands of the ratepayers before the date of the first installment, July 219t. In order for the local municipality to provide a tax collection service for the County School Boards, the lar provides that a riquiilitien `stating the desired amount shall be in the hands of the Municipality by March lat. To this date no such requisition has been received. While promises were made that'the economy of scale would provide savings on educational expense, rumors have reached this council that this may not be the case. To provide for the contingency that there will be no reduction this year in cost of operations under the County boards it has been decided that provision will be made to provide an amount equal to the 1968 educational levy. Therefor this council levy the same total amount of funds for 1969 as was levied in 1968 for all educational purposes and if this amount proves to be larger than ranuired by the E1 in County Board of Education and the Elgin County Taman Catholic Separate School Board, rebates will be made Carried. (Signed) Horace B. Johnson, Reeve. Certified copy - Clerk of Baylj= Twp. By -Law No. 164.9. Township of Bayham. A By -Law to authorize the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances pending receipt of government grants and the sale of debentures authorized by By -Laws numbered 1615, 1622, 1627 and 1631. WHEREAS the council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by by-laws duly passed, authorized the issue and sale of debentures for sums not otherwise provided for as follows:- DiLte 2Asped 11L No. Aug. 30/68 1615 Oct. 7/68 1622 Dec. 31%68 1627 Purl o se Meul.ler Drain Arn - " Freeman -Store Dr. Gl:oss Amount $17,640.00 16 , 900.00 6,598.00 Est. Debenture' $8,340.00 6,700.00 2,462.00 June 2/69 1631 Stewart Drain 20,000.00 7,853-34 61,118.05 AND WhFjRZAi prior to the passing of the above noted by-laws, the respective approvals of The Ontario Municipal Board were obtained -as-ev.iAence, .may the. fQ lowing Board Orders: - n BSL o . 'Odder No. Date _.2f Order 161,5 55779-68 Aug. 19, 1968 1622 G6187 -6J Sept. 24, 1968 1527 G6955-68 Dec. 16, 1958 1631 G7149-69 Jan. 30, 1969 AND WHER&AS the above noted By -:Laws do not require the assent of the electors or of those persons qualified to vote on money by-laws; AND `dHEREAS the Corporation desires to borrow money as temporary advances pending receipt of government grants and the issue and sale of debentures*, NOW THEREFORE, EFORE, THE COM CIL OF THE CORPORATIOta OF THE TO' SHIP • OF BATHAM HEREBY E ACT$ A3 FOLLOdS : 1 . 1. The Corporation agrees to borrow and doth hereby authorize ti=re borrowing from the CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF CQT0':ERCE as temporary advances pending the receipt of government grants and the issue and sale 01 tura debentures above recited such sums as may bvrequired but not exceeding a total of :'51,138.00 on the terms and subject to the conditions as set forth in this icy -Law. 2: Within the limit aforesaid and as moneys are required from time to time for the purposes above recited, the Head and Treasurer acting on behalf of the Corporation, are hereby authorized to borrow moneys from the said Bank for the said purposes pending receipt of government 2 - grants and the issue and sale of the debentures authorized as afore- said and to sign and deliver to the said rank such promissory note or notes as may be required for the repayment of the moneys borrowed at such time or tines and at such rate of interest as maybe agreed upon with the said bank, but not exceeding the rate of 82 per centum per annum, and to affix the corporate seal of the Corporation to such promissory note or notes. 3. The head and Treasurer are hereby authorized to.assign and pledge the said debentures to the said Lank upon the issue thereof to be held by the said,bank as collateral security for all moneys borrowed under this By -Law and interest thereon and to assign to the said Bank' the moneys ,rowing. due from the sale of the said debentures; and the proceeds of the sale of the said debentures, or so much thereof -as may be necessary, shall be paid to the said Fanlc in satisfaction of the moneys borrowed under this By -Law and interest thereon.. Passed this 7th. day of July, 1969• ti n 4ITFIr&S5 the Crornerate Seal of the Corporation bf the Township of Layham. Ok k. ' r u ;ead of 11unicipajity Y • C employee of the Township of Bayham. 'WHEREAS to confirm the action taken by resolution of the council of the Township of Bayham on date of October 7th.,1968, it is deemed adviseable to pass a by-law: THFRFFORF BE IT ENACTED by tho Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham.as follows:- 1. ollows:- 1. That effective August lst. 1969, Jack Petrie be and is hereby engaged as Deputy Clerk, Deputy Treasurer, Deputy Tax'Collector and Deputy Welfare Administrator of the Township of .Bayham. 2. That in consideration of the aforesaid employment, the salary . . of. .the sand dock Petrie . shall be at the rate of5200.0 per annum. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 7th* day of July, 1969. M eeve By -Law N o . 1653 Township of Bayham. Beim a by-law to rescind By -Law No. 1443• 'HAAS it is desireable to co-ordinate the election years for both !Unicipal Councils and County School Board Trustees; A D WH ' `0 `'y -yaw No • 14.43 provided for biennial elections in the Township of Bayham for members of the Municipal Council • AND 1'1HEREAS elections years for I"uni.cipal Council members do not coincide with`the years set for elections for Count School Trustees; r'ustees ; ThEREFORE BE IT MACTED by the Municipal Council of the . Toy unship of Bayham as follows; - 1. That By -Laity No. 1143 be and is hereby rescinded. 2. That in accordance with provisions of the 1F' Ici al Act m F , embers of the Municipal Council elected for 1970 shall hold office for one year in 1970 and each succeeding year. W. t. L • RUD 6 fi1rst, second and third time and finally passed this 7th. day of July, 1969. arc �-^�-.i �i . ✓ ���y�w�-`�.,.. -_"^'� eeve. lk • By -Law No. 1054 Township of Bayham. Beim a by-law to provide for a retirement allowance for J. D. Vallee . SAS by .'ection 2.40 of The Municipal Act, R.S, 0. 1960 a council may grant an annual retirement allowance ' or otherwise, to an employee who has had continuousaserviceonthly for at least twenty pears with the municipality; r AND WHF^REAJ it is desirous to provide such retirement allowance for'J. D. Vallee who has had continuous service with the Townshi of Bayham since March, 1st. 19,39; P BE IT THMWORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Townsh of Bayham as 'follows: - ip 1. The Corporation of the Township 6f Bayham shall at normal retire. vent ale and as of November 1st. 1970 allo��rance for life for J. D. Vallee in provide annual retirement Dollars (-180o.00) of Eighteen Hundred payable in equal monthly installments. 2. Normal retirement age shall be sixty-five. 3. The Council shall annuallyy provide in current estimates the annual. sum required to pay the aforesaid retirementX1.1 owa' n c e. 4 • This By -Law is passed pursuant,. to Section 2 # Act R.33.0. 1960. t Q . of The Municipal 41 READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 7th. day of July , 1969. eve . • 4 p4s1h_�ffK Additimftl RT-1AW x,---3 65 _ A IrT1AW TO FR0'YIDE POR THE 1f 6-9 -------- ExFmDITURES oN RoADS IN THE Towm" T Of _PAPIAM------- COUNTY-- IH THE of _19LILi------------------- DISTRIC T WHZRZ" The Highway Improvaaoent Ad requires that the trial espandkma on roads be provided for annually by by-law md, that the by-law be eabmitted to the Mlidder of Highways for approval. THOU the Council of the Corporation of the sold Township &*seta as follows: (1) The &am of f 5, 50'0 - 00 -------- to hereby estimated as the expenditure upon t�� construction and maintenance at the reed{ sod bridges under its Jurisdiction during Che year 1p- .air,) as follow: Camatructima Maintenance TOW ROADS __-------- —------------ 5 - ��t�- - f-------- -------_ t__5`IlQ.IlG BRIDGES ! CULVERTS _----- ---- ;---------------- $5,0-00--IIM--- NEW MACHINERY ----- -f — S aril f — - ----- SUPERINTENDENCE A OVERHEAD �._._,.R- .._._._...,_,___, .f- <-- _ 7VTAI3t�a1�Q�i.o�_..— f------ ----- fr`.4Q (T) The said arise shall be expended under the sipsrvWon of the duty appointed town- ship road supertntaedW and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmitV "�t�0lei of this bylaw to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch. Department of Highways, Ontario, not later thanyreeh-Goft the said rear. j (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expendi- ture is authorised or wort commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subagaent year. PaaNd at4traff ordyillesia- _ .....20th..... _ _ day of_. _ -a'.:;,:1:: AD. It Ea (SEAU 14 h Butt RWft I, ------------ ------------- ...----- .___............_. Clart of the Corporation of the Township of _.- . _ _.. _ _. _ _. _. _ .. , do hereby certify that the foregoing u a true copy of fly -law v ----------- , passed by the Comacil of the said Corporation on the - day of Township Gert rover oirli./f TOWWS M OF RE: &Y -LAW NO. ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 1• 1. CONSTRUCTION IAP Rowes LOCATION 1ST LOST YID CONIC NATURE DI uIORR MIL.KI STIMATED COST ,1,07'3 9C G E7 1 CCvL', PARD+n/1? N+LA ''FAJF L 19I DRIDGES AND CULVgTS - TYPE AND LOCATION Sum --TOTAL DO C✓LL)ER7 SU* --TOTAL ~ i� ICI NEW MACHINERY AMD MACHINE *HEDf (TTYIIM. IDI SUPEMINTINDENCK AMD OVERHEAD (SQ FOOTNOTE 2. MAINTENANCE 'Al ROADS --EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) PILES RESURFACING IGRAVCL OR iTOM 1 MILS $URIACK TREATMENT PILE; ROAD* - ORDINARY PAVEMENT FATCMING. CRACK FILLING. SWEEPING *TONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING. DRAGGING. GLADING DUST LAYING — CALCIUM. GALT. OIL. MIME DITCMES TILE DRAIN*, CATCH GASINS.CURp. GUTTER*. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED $FRAYING.. CUTTING. $RUSHING. FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL SIGNS. KONG MARKING to WINTER CONTROL — SNOW FENCE. PLOWING. GANGING. SALTING S- SRIDGK AND CULVERTS MAJOR .EPA." IDI ICRISSI rINOw REFAIRS J CI GU"AINTKNDANCE AND OVERHEAD SKE FOOTNOTE V TOTALS FOR SOM$TRUCTION ' $US—TOTAL GUG—TOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTEMANCK GRAND TOTAL -- - _-- _. ---- n ....«.w...oa.n •n«• •Ae,•.ow xrw a••+* RR a•.....n• b..n .w c..•a MOI[. ", M•.$•nc• w O.W.• MN .1 iM.l ...I nnc �'0. ce• o M•I W n•.nI E(M w K(►I Co. . '"wp. '1010' Sub 26 Do.rn:•• lew 4b4, Ontario. 0 ONTARIO D[PA„T.,I,fT 0I HIGHWAY* September 26th, 1969 Mr. J. D. Valles Clark Township of Dayhas Straffordville, Ontario Dear Sir: Re: Supplementary Road Expenditure By -Law No. 1656 Amount - $ 5,wo pp The Honourable George E. Gomme, Minister of• Highways, has authorized the approval of tte above cited by-law to a limit of 5,500.00 for Construction $ f'or Maintenance a 51;500.00 Total The appro_val is given subject to the Pollowing conditions:, ° 1. That the Individual works of road and bridge construction and tt:e purchase of each unit of equipment and the award of contracts for same shall be subject to the approval of the District Engineer. 2. That the District Engineer shall be Informed and his consent obtained before tenders are called for the proposed work or purchase and before any commitment is made by the Municipality. 3. In tt;e event that any portion of tt,e cost of tt:e proposed work or purct.ase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase 'is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. A copy of the by-law as approved is returned t:erewith. ` Yours very truly, :ch C.R. Wilmot, Encl. Municipal Engineer, Operations Branch. _ C C3 p. t R Soy is Ow ` z r 8 S $� �s � � • t w � S S� pk �. a 6L rn R o ;o I M 8 4 It R R c * ~ (O'AUG 28 'r%q EY -Law :o. 1667 Township of Payham. Being a by-law to provide for the holding of the Municipal Elections in the MuniApality of the Township of Dayhan for the year 1969 and -for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Polling Places for the said Municipality. E IT TKERSEFO?.E ENACTED be the Council of the Township of Hayham as follows: - That, provi�!ad more persons (,ualify for election to office than are re^uired to fill the various offices, an election will be held on Dec. 1st., 1969 as according to Township of Dayham `By-law No. 1203, and in accordance with the provisions or the Ptunicipal Election Act. hat the election for jub-Division Iio. l shall be held at the Parish Hall in Port cur -well, an.i Lhat :•`.ax Underi.ill shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Percy Clarke shall be Poll filer,:. That the election for'aub-Division No. 2 shall be held at or near the residence of I+orman Light, and that :.',urray Emerson shall be the Deputy iieturning Officer, and that Norman Light mall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 3 shall be held at or near the residence of George Shearer and that Elton Jackson shall be Deputy returning Officer, and that Lyle Lemon shall be Poll Cler:;. That the election for Sub-Divizion No. 4A shall be held at t',Ie Township Hall in .itraffordville, and that H. P. Grant shall be Deputy 4eturning . vfi`ieer, atnd that'".)lake ':.6lfe shall be Poll Clerk. Meat the election for Sub -Division No. 4c shall be held A the Township hail in, ;traffordvillo, 'andthat Lyle '.;alsh shall be Deputy Returning Gfficer, and that,Geor�-e Cameron shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 5 shall be held at the Corinth "'hureh Ball, and that Mrs. Doug. 7alkins shall be Deputy neturnin4 Gfficer, and that :.Ira. Duaine Nelson shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division :Io. 6 shall be heli at the Eden School, and that Iiiss Catherine ',CDowell shall be Deputy Returning Gfficer, and that '-Ira. Blake _.7asdell shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 7 zhall'be.held at Richmond Church, and that ::rs. Lan-Ampson shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that Mrs. Gene Acre shall be Poll clerk. That the election for Sub -Division :'o. 3 shall be held at the Calton School* and that Mrs. Marren Graves shall to Deputy Returning Officer, and that :•:rs. i.illiam Shaw shall be Poll Clerk. And That the said 'Deputy Returning Officers aryl Poll 31er,,w be and they are hereby authorized and rewired to h►ld the said ;Vunicipal Elections in accordance with the Act and to provide voting by ballot at the sai4 elections. And that the Polling hours for the election on Dec. 1, 1969 for ::unicipal purposes shall be from 10:06 a.,*. to 7:00 p.n. AD a first Second, and Third tinj and finally passed this 21st, day of October, 1966. y, •..r4, ..e eve puty Cler By -Law No. Township of ■ayhan Being a by-law to rescind By -Law No. 1639. WHEWU S By -Law No. 1639 was passed on April lat. 1969 to amend the interest rate on certain drainage by-laws: AND WHEREAS the interest rate provided therein is not sufficient at this tine to cause the debentures provided for to be saleable: THXWORB BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayhaa that By -Law No. 1639 be and the same is hereby rescinded. Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 3rd. day of Nevenber, 1969. By—Lew Iio. 11% Township of &ayham _ai a -iaw to .,�scind r,_ -La -w l.o. 1639• LY -Law i'o. 1 39 wan passed on April 1st. 1969 to mend the interest rate oa certain drainOge by-laws: „liJ 4;.t..l+iJ the interest rate provided therein is not .sufficient at this tine to cause the debentlzres ;:rovide,i for to be salealle: iris FGi ri BZ 1T a'lI.A,,fdii tv t}:e-unicipal Council ct the Town.nt:ip of ,: ayhan that 7 -y -Law No. 16,39 :,e ani ti:e same is bars' v rao; indcl. siaad a first, second and Chir: tine and finally passed this 3r-1. day of lievembar, 1959. `.- -La:r Ro. /'e%'/ Township of Fayham. Beir.E a :y -Law to amend the rate of interest respactin ; certain drainaE.e by-laws of the Township of%y ann. I & Ii Zhzi"F t;-�c ii+AOT D by the 7.unicipal Council of the To.)inship of .ayham as follows: - 1. That the rat= of interest ruotei in the followin municipal drainary by-laws be and is here;; --y amanded to real nine per cant per ann=:- "v_Law Na. Name of Drain 1592 C 3914-'17 1303 o^uth G 464.:-S8 i1G :rmerson C 4;361-63 1611 Scanlan G 4362-63 1615 ::euller G 5779-63 1619 3sin o3 G 5946{b)-,, 1622 :ern G :"137-66 1627 Freeman-3tor? G ;955-5< 1529r:atchataw No. 2 G 7I43(a)-69 15� a:ill G 714,,{' )-69 X 1.,,,1 .,..a:. -ars G -� 7149—v.. 2. That interest achedules in ::1@ alcove note be amended �ccorc ir.-1-. izL'AD a first and socon.. _.,.0 ro-;icic^.ally oastied tris ?rd. day of Novembar, 19503. 3 :isAJ a'third tire and finally passed this 3�. _.a ✓ 1969. 3v By -Lm Do. /G 'i' Township of Bayha. being a By -Lm to ainnd the rate of interest respecting owtain drai&W by -lams of the Tosaship of Bayhaa. BA IT TYAtiTCBt >QACTHD by the Municipal Council of the Toraehip of Bayhsa as follows: - 1. That the rate of interest quoted in the following auaicipal drainage by-laws be and is hereby aaeoded to read nine per oent par aonus:- by-Lm No. 1592 Asea of Drain No. 1 Q�ri.b Dila G 3914-67 16150 mon 6 7 0 4861-68 1611 304141111% a 486 Z'(b) 1615 Mouller a 51,6 (b )-68 1622 Ara G 6187-68 1299 t 0 62 o. 2 ►8 )-69 7?1�5 1630 tevill G 71" bj-69 1631 3tswu't G 7149-69 y 1. That interest schedules in the above noted by-lan be amended aooardindly. R"D a first and second tine and provisionally passed this 3rd. day of Norber, 1969. Clerk. a kXta a third Lias and finally passed this 4 day of �xc-mi4- 1 %9. Rim-vo. Clerk. I, J. D. Vallee, Clerk of the Township of Lsyham, hereby cartthe above to be a true and correct copy of Town 2 p of Bayhaa By -Lw No. on being provisionally passed. Clerkam own p. I By -Law No. 1673 Township of Bayham Being a b -law to enter into an agreement with the Victorian Order of curses under the provisions of The Homemakers and Nurses Services Act. Whereas it is deemed necessary to enter into an agreement for services with the Victorian Order of Nurses: Therefore Be It Enacted by the Municipal.Cquacilsof_ths Corporation of the Townahip of Bayham; 1) That the Reeve and Clerk*be authorised to execute an agreement for the services of the Victorian,Order of Nurses; and 2) The said agreement designated as "Appendix A" is attached hereto and forms a part of this by-law. Read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this 3rd. day of December, 1969. cave er Appendix "Am The Victorian Order of Nurses for Cauda provides a hose nursing service on a visit basis that enables a patient to remain in his own home or to return to his home from hosp- ital or other irstitutiop. The service is given by registered nurses under the direction of the patient's physician. Nursing care and health teaching is the prtaary aim of the Victorian Ordere''peYdint fbi service is arranged in accord with the in- dividual patient's financial circumstances. t •1 } 19 >t} 1} Corporation of the Township of Bayhan being a municipality in the Province of Ontario A N D VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES, Oxford BRANCH . The following arrangements will be put into effect to provide for payment for home nursing service to patients el- igible under the legislation, Bill 148, The Homemakers and Nurses Services Act, Province of On19g, and also payment thereof commeming December 3, b •l. The Order will provide service for patients eligible und- 0 or the Act in accord with overall policies of the Victorian Order of Nurses for Cauda. 2. Fors 4 will be completed for each new patient, and submitted to the Welfare Department for their approval before sub- mitting a statement of account of service. j. lore 4 will be available at all times for inspection by the Provincial Welfare Administrator. 4, YLe Municipality will PRY the Victorian Order of Nurses at the rate of -.U, 50 for each free visit made to patients e1L is under the Act. S. p,tisnta will PRY What they or* able to PRY in fees for ser,. +'ias" to 'the Vi'etc laa Orale, of Nurses and if the patient's financial position makes him eligible under the legislation the Municipality will par the difterer,cs u to the Akte'per visit, p full 6, A monthly statement of visits made and payment due will be submitted to the Department of Welfare of the Municipality by the Victorian Order of Nurses. Dated at the Township 0f Barham this 3rd. day of December 1 69 ' ( S igna t urea ) o.. 4—, 8eeve of Lhe Muaicipality .u+ — ictorian Ord -,r . of Nurses ----------------- .—o DEPARTMENT O► SOCIAL AND ►AMlly SERVICE! 0--ce OR -r ...... - THE HOM84w►mc M7r NURSES SERVICES —ACT Pursuant to. subsection 1 of Section 5 bf The Home- ' "y makers And Nurses Services Act, the undersigned hereby gives approval to the organization known as "The Victorian Order Of -Nurses (Oxford Branch)" as the organization to furnish nurses for the purposes of the said Act in the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the Agreement made between the Victorian Order of Nurses (Oxford Branch) and the Corrora- tion of the Township of Bayham on the Std day of December,1969, LATM at Toronto this 29th day of December, 1969, By -Law No. 1675. Township of Bayham. A By -Law to authorize the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances pending receipt of government grants and the sale of debentures authorized by By -Laws numbered 1629, 1630, 1666 and 1669. WHEREAS the council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by by-laws duly passed, authorized the issue and sale of debentures for sums not otherwise provided for as follows: - Date passed B No. Purpose Gross Amount Est.Debenture July 7, 1969 1629 Ketchabaw No.2 Drain $ 7,900.00 $ 3,966.66 July 7, 1969 1630 Nevill Drain 19,000.00 8,358.93 Dec. 3, 1969 1666 Deli Drain 36,300.00 18,533.33 Dec. 15,1969 1669 Hampton Drain 12,100.00 5,063.34 $75,300.00 AND WHEREAS prior to the passing of the above noted by-laws, the respective_ approvals of .The -Ontario Municipal Board were obtained as evidence b7 the `fo]lowiag Board Orders:- B/L rders:-B L No. _ Order No. Date of Order 1629 G7148(a)-69 Jan. 27, 1969. 1630 G7148(b)-69 Jan. 30, 1969. 1666 G9100-69 Nov. 10, 1969. 1669 G9212-69 Nov. 10, 1969. AND WHEREAS the above noted By -Laws do not require the assent of the electors or of those persons quailifiod to vote on money by-laws; AND WHEREAS the Corporation desires to borrow money as temporary advances pending receipt of goverment grants and the issue and sale of debentures; NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM HEREBT ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. The Corporation agrees to borrow and doth hereby authorize the borrowing from the CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE as temporary advances pending the receipt of government grants and the issue and sale of the debentures above recited such sums as may be required but not exceeding a total of $75,300.00 on the terms and subject to the conditions as set forth in this By -Law. 2. Within the limits aforesaid and as moneys are required from time to time for the purposes above recited, the Head and Treasurer acting on behalf of the Corporation, are hereby authorized to borrow moneys said from the said Bank for thepurposes pending receipt of government grants and the issue and sale of the debentures authorized as afore- said and to sign and deliver to the said Bank such promissory note or notes as may be required for the repayment of the moneys borrowed at such time or times and at such rate of interest as may be agreed upon with the said Bank, but not exceeding 9 per centum per annum, and to affix the corporate seal of the Corporation to such promissory note or notes. 3. The Head and Treasurer are hereby authorized to assign and pledge the said debentures to the said Bank upon the issue thereof to be held by the said Bank as collateral security for all moneys borrowed under this By -Law and interest thereon and to assign to the said Bank the moneys growing due from the sale of the said debentures; and the proceeds of the sale of the said debentures, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be paid to the said Bank in satisfaction of the moneys borrowed under this By -Law -and interest thereon. Passed this 35th. day of December, 1969. WITNB33 the Corporate Seal of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. w Reeve. Head of Municipality. Clerk. I Ik BY -Lax No. 16"$o. Township of Bayham. Being a by -lar to confirm all actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham for the year 1969. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham, that all actions by the said Council by by-laws and resolut+ ions for the ;ear 1969, be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed. READ a first, Second and Third time and finally passed this 15th. day of December, 1969. • ... Reeve. y w r S