HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1968BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By - Laws Numbers It, a 1598-1631 1968 Fars 100-62 ontarw ...........................................T4?.......Q '...... .T.AXE..I.........,..................................................... BY-LAW No.15.93 .......... 21 to authorize the borrowing of $300,000-00 Whereas the Council of the Township of �ayham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of = 3 UQ 14ua . 0c to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; rens.--Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- foor`the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 _7, not including year adopted; revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of Of ialt Year. debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale of assets, is ; 6162 119. GO ,j' ,J �f ♦ '� 1 T Tr 'c r r r r r r t ff (Delete this tAk1:WGiT.v r -r, Yt�-iii=�i�ri TT T para �t( not appluabk.)riph Therefore the Council of the Township of iayhart hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate = 3 00 a 000 . 00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding ' '. per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. , Passed this 8th. day of January 19 —�...�� THE HSAp OF Tics MUNICIPALITY SEAL ell v CLERIC I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This day of 19 As Witness the Seal of the of sBAL ................................................ ..... cisx .. PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY TO THE MANAGER CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE STRAFFORDVILLE, ONT. Septmber 11, 1968, The Clerk, Mr, Dewey Vallee, Township of ftyhas, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: - Please be advised that interest rate an advances effective Septanber 3, 1%8 kill be 6j%. A?A/sh T"" truly, , v^ .�---�..�.-._1 8. ?. ♦l.lsn, Manager. PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY To THE MANAGER CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE STRAFFORDVILLE, ONT. The Clerk, Mr. Dewey Vallee, Township of Bayhaai, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: July 30, 19689 Please be advised that interest rate an advances effective August 1, 1968 will be 7%, Yours truly, R. T. , s ager. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT PREPARE IN DUPLICATE ORIGINAL TO BORROWER COPY RETAINED BY BRANCH CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Straffordville, Ontario. The Treasurer, Township of Hays Straffordville, Ontario. Date Dear Sir: may 8, 1968. In accordance with the Bank Cost of Borrowing Disclosure Regulations, we advise that in relation to the credit of 125,000. $ Currents t1f�ou at this branch the cost of 75 400:. --C i -- Ul as t borrowing for a period of one year, expressed as an annual percentage rate of the full amount available under such credit, is 7k C-�, per annum. It will be appreciated that the rate of interest applicable to advances made under this credit is subject toochange and that the duration of the credit is at the pleasure of the Bank. I Yl Fc 788-.3 PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY To THE MANAGER The Township of Bayhaa, Stra.ffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE STRAFFORDVILLE. ONT. February 20, 1968. 1 In accordanee with the recently a.nnnunced change � 8 interest rated, we advise that effective immediately the interest rates n your borrowiJig by way of note has been set at 7 %. Interest on borrowing by way these rates, of overdraft is considerably higher And and ��� charE;es on loans and overdrafts, nay be obtained at this branch. Yours truly, G.A. ROBINSON G. A. Robinson, Manager. V T 1vFITOF 'AYhA: -La'd :TMJ . %•�7 eine a by-law to appoint certain officers in an-' for the Tovinship of # ayham, for the year 1968. nE IT Ti 3� FOR2 "LT ; �D CT by the � :uni cipal Council of the lovmship of �a •ham in regular session assembled. - 1. That )'08'-f C. O7ReX 6PN and WaF647zD NAle pkj? shall 4e a �Talua fors Of �.,ivesto� ani Doultr , filled b;► dots at per hour and .20¢ per mile one ,;Ia,,rr X%or car. L ( - -- J j u y 94P Rile, one r 3. That _/ ��ff� �` shall be ;"elfare dmini strator at a salary of �o p."o per year. 4. ':'hat Ci$S+EA), 0(1N icN T rc i # shall be Toanship. Solicitor. 5. That vc HIV (2,i rP j 3 shall be inspector unler The Trench �v Excavators °.ct at /- per hour an: .20� per Nile one .ray for car. 6. That VAJ,i,cR NC A,5c'A/ and Z)Crv44 D 0Hi,7-4 shall be Dray n Inspectors at a salary of I.�` per hour and .200 per ~pile one ..�ayr for car. 7. That J O_C AI shall be Collector of .)'of~- '_,"ax at a salar+ of one-third or tax collected plus /Cv.r 4%or u e of car. 8. That %fk At . L"fi h lV7 shall be Ru , "ng. %nsaector ata salar-- o per hour and .200 Der :mile one Baa -r for car. GAJ a first, second an:' third time and finally passed this dao� ..e 1908. Reeve. f j_t g` � t � r Dec. 10, 196$. Municipal Yeltare Administration Branch, Dept. of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario. Atte. Mr,, C. J. Williams. Director. Dear Sir; - In accordance with your Memorandum of November 22, 1968, I am herewith enclosing a copy of our Township of Bayham By -Law No.1599, passed on January 8th. 1968, and includes the appointment of a Welfare Administrator for this Municipality. encl. 0 Yours very truly Clerk of Bayham Twp. Memorandum to: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND FAMILY SERVICES PARLIAMENT OUILOINGS.TORONTO Municipal Welfare Administration Branch November 22, 1968. Regional Administrators Municipal Clerks Municipal Welfare Administrators Indian Bands The General Welfare Assistance Act states in Section 5; "The Council of a municipality may, with the approval of the Minister, appoint a Municipal Welfare Administrator". This applies to administra- tors appointed after March 21, 1967, when this Section of the Act became effective. Welfare Administrators holding office through a By -Law or Resolution of Council prior to that date need not obtain Ministerial approval. If the Council of your municipality has, since March 21, 1967, appointed a welfare administrator, either on a part-time or full- time basis, it is now necessary to obtain the approval of the Honourable John Yaremko, Minister of Social and Family Services. This is a condition of obtaining subsidies under the General Welfare Assistanceo Act and Regulations. In those municipalities where a person administers welfare services without having been officially designated by By -Law or Resol- ution, it is required that such official designation be made in order to comply with the Legislation.. Would you, therefore, forward to me a signed copy of the By -Law or Resolution appointing your welfare admipistrator. If this has already been done, please disregard this request. If the municipality has obtained a conditional letter of approval from the Minister, it is necessary that you re -apply for a final approval. These same conditions apply to 10 (2) of the General Welfare Assistance Act administrator of a Band to be approved by the Indian Bands since Section requires the welfare Minister. C. Williams Director. ♦ '� enw,:: - ,' ?. � �; s .'•..: ; , < a ;.;; x.., .. Sd , " r• i �.F ,; ut te�c 3i t� ��K. :>f�2a 'k - �,�: �'""� ... ,_., � <F:._:'� � i.,< . ,7E.. •:a � < , t ±F," e � 4.'x�:�- ws .a' 4 5r ""�3�rt"'�t� yc�; R'�„ �.z.:�?'.��if"°� ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND FAMILY SERVICES OFFICE OF THE MINISTER Parliament Buildings, Toronto 5, Ontario. December 17, 1988. Mr. J. D. Vallee, Clerk and Treasurer, Township of Bayham, STRAFFORDV ILLI, Ont. Dear Mr. Vallee: Thank you for the copy of Cay—Law No.1599 for the Township of Dayham appointing you Welfare Administrator for the Township. I am pleased, pursuant to Section 5 of the, General Welfare Assistance Act, and Section 3 of the Homemakers and Nurses Services act to approve your appointment to this position. The elected and appointed officials of the Township of Bayham may be sure that we appreciate their work in administer— ing assistance under the terms of this legislation. Yours sincerely, Y aremko Mini of Social and Fancily Services '=fi' min G �' ;;�vl.� i � C�' I'v-Law ',"o. 1600 r'einrr a hlr-law to appoint Fence-vie7viers and Pound-keeper3 in an . for the Town ship of "a- -ham for tj•.a ►r section 377, subsection 5 of 'the :gun ci�aal pct, 10,60, provides that these appointment made: i :. i :�t.ri r!�i i,.'#:ti1 .1,,.n-Yit)al noun cil o�. the ao►ans.�lp► of -�� .. _ 1. +.1: .t the f olio -in - an .- are hereby nnnointe�? to ack _ ol_o., n o_ fic r---) for A,--"-- -ar 1 , ")6. - 'ence-Viewers 4 L1o�Td :.erron, - I Vienna, �-,r, . ✓ ~ , 4 Alva 7rinn, '.:L.b, Tillson'-)urr,� Ont. Alonzo :.well, Corinth, Ont. i nr� r1nri n��_ Qn4- Donald ::. 'hut®, • �.1, Ji enna, Ont. eston :oltby , R . R 1, "den, !?nt . . arold. narker, ? . .1, 3traff ordville, Ont -ennie `•#' .lk, R.11.1, Vienna, ='int. jv A LY!z- R JUL 4.so N , R R OrR )JL' TIN, c rJY. h'0 31 R % ORe 19sc N Tz�t1N Found-:ee��era Don '. evi l l , Vienna, On t . Howard Tait, 3traf �'ordville, Ont • Robert Veitch,.�:.1, Eden, t. t I o -1r C'reen, R.R.1, Corint?-, , On . r DOnt. oper, , • 11arence ".ilmine, :'..:�.1, oder, On; . RcbEa 1 6RC9 So 7D- WV PAS' GUc?O '�l;? %f!, 1�'l POR -I Rtloqwc a . a first, second an:-' t it ' day of, `Y/9 A/'oq R q -i a an,'Pinalltr passed „ .� s 190• t WORM 00 -MR -16 J0 REVISED TOWNSHIP OFPAWbM---------- IN THE COU141 T or DISTRICT WHICIEAS The Highway Lnprovemeat Act requires that the total sspesdit w e on took be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the 3tisisiw d 900grs for approval. TH'OIIE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of ;_ l�---___ is bereby estimated as the ezpeoditure oft construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year !/ as follows: i4 (3) The cleric shall transmit TAO;caft copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of HighwaYs, Ontarho, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expendi- ture is authorised or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures ;or monies raised in a subsequent year. PafNd at let, A—AZow -----� . ---- --- + �--- A.D. 10_ _- (SEAL) �i 0 ----------------------------Res" --------- 1. M ------------------------- Clam of the Corporation of the Township of __-4N ------------------------ do busby eartib thik the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No._��.__N pessed by thus Council of the said Corporation on the _ _��1.__------ day of ...... fti-------------- . MAL. I he-reby confirm that fla beet aPProved by the I Highway& CIPRL EKG 1*& construction maintenance / I Total ROADS --------: --- i ce __ &MO -10-9 s-_ 6-SMAL BRIDGES & CULVERTS ------- ;..__o%. ;__i..' NEW MACHINERY ------------- $_ --------------- ; nil $-------- ------ 1 SUPE4IP"ENDEVCE & TOTALS (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed town- ship road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. i4 (3) The cleric shall transmit TAO;caft copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of HighwaYs, Ontarho, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expendi- ture is authorised or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures ;or monies raised in a subsequent year. PafNd at let, A—AZow -----� . ---- --- + �--- A.D. 10_ _- (SEAL) �i 0 ----------------------------Res" --------- 1. M ------------------------- Clam of the Corporation of the Township of __-4N ------------------------ do busby eartib thik the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No._��.__N pessed by thus Council of the said Corporation on the _ _��1.__------ day of ...... fti-------------- . MAL. I he-reby confirm that fla beet aPProved by the I Highway& CIPRL EKG 1*& MRM OB -MR -18 TOWNSHIP OF 9,1 Z,0VAj 25: BY-LAW NO. //,00/0 ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 6 S 1. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS LOCATION (BY LOT AND CONCESSION) NATURE OF WORK MILES dTIMATED COST M .. ..Alfoo. a a az ." 91 •/ •/ .• 300 , oa a i // zo // / N .l.Z (T Soo + �i a SUS—TOTAL 7 -00 (B)' SRIDGES AND CULVERTS — TYPE AND LOCATION 1-51010z 612 a, 12 7' 0 0 . a e ••, .2 ► q0 .► GQ •• . A 4 4 A / 350a 70a v SUS—TOTAL (C) NEW MACNINERY AND MACHINE SHED* (ITEMIZE) (0) -SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) 1 D + a S TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION Z. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS — EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES --- RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE, MILE* /4' Solo, ^np SURFACE TREATMENT MILE: ---- ROADS -- ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING. CRACK FILLING. SWEEPING D STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING. DRAGGING. BLADING a DUST LAYING — CALCIUM. SALT. OIL. PRIME SSC O O¢ DITCHES, TILE DRAINS, CATCH BASINS. CURBS. GUTTERS. DRAINAG[ ASSESSMENTS 3 Ia Obi WEED SPRAYING, CUTTING. BRUSHING. FENCE *ONUS 040 • goo GUILfERA1L. SIGNS. ZONE MARKING f X0 Q . Qa WINTER CONTROL — SNOW FENCE. PLOWING. SANDING. SALTING fraioa t D'& 0 BUB—TOTAL ;B) BRIDGE: AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS a*� 00o t 00 SUB --TOTAL D g o O 00 C) SUPERINTENDANCE AND OVERHEAD SEE FOOTNOTE TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL/� j 00 000 � , �r�G•/, /./ d /?� (� zG& Date /-V Tawmhlp Road Superintendoo If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data in the form ;n&cated NOTE: Supervnfendence and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that of items i(e) and 1(bi, bear to total of ifems 2(a) and 2(b) Y ,FOR M CSB--MR--16 REVISED al4.AW 1%�__ 1606 --- A BY-LAW TO MOYIDE FOR TNF. 1! _ 6 ?__,..._. EXPENDITURF.S ON ROADS IN THE COUNTY TOWNSHIP OF LaZham---------- IN TNF. OF __ E1 r-in___�_______�__-_ OISTRlCT WHEREAS The Mgbway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Mghways for approvaL TI RE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township e=wb as follows: (l) The Sam of �_��.i�G � CO ____ is hereby estimated as the On anditure upon construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction dwins the year 19& as follows: Conslrttction Maintenance Total ROAM---------------------------- BRIDGES A CULVERTS ------- w NEW MACHINERY ------------- ; ---------------- $ an $----------------- TOTALS;. -�C oCiOQ:GG s -W tOg-,.CG (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed town• ship road superintendent and on wort performed in aecordanee with The Highway Improvement Act. (E) The clerk shall transmit Tr1okeft copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways, Ontam, not later than March 21st of the said, year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Hoard shall be obtained before any expendi- ture is autborissd or wort commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent yew. Passed d4' .._ il1rCh---- A.D. 1!- =-- am) �. "g r-..,...�.., L ---- J. D. Vallee-----------------_----- cant of the owpention at the Township of _ __ Bayi13IIi_________________----_, do iereby aerltfj► that the foregoing is a true aw of By -Lw No -1 b06___. pasted 1W the Coroctl ad the said Ooeposatioo an the _ __ t r .--_ __ _ -- dap► of March_,,•_ u_68 --------------- ------- — -------------------- Clerk 0. ONTARIO Mr. J. D. Vallee, DEPARTMENT HIGHWAYS Clerk, Township of Bayham, STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario. Co./I'wp. Downsv�ew, On rio. May th, 19618. Dear Sir: Re: 1968 Road Expenditure By -Law Number 1606 Amount $ 80.400.00 The Honourable George E. Gomme, Minister of Highways, has authorized the approval of the above-cited by-law to a limit of $ 20,000.00 for Construction, — 60,400.00 Vor Maintenance, and $ 80,400.00 Total Please be advised that expenditures in excess of either of these limits will not, be' el i�;ibl e for subsidy unless covered by a supplementary by-law approved Supplementary by-laws should be submiittedbeforePJul 31st, ly()8. y 3 t, This approval is given subject to the approval of each individual work of road and bridge construction, each contract for construction or maintenance and the purchase of eact, unit of equipment. The Distriiit Engineer must be advised and his consent. obtained before such works or purchases are advertised or tenders :alled or any commitment made by the municipality with respect to them. In the event, that any Portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year Or financed by the issue of deb(:-ntures, the approval OF the Ontario Municipal Board must, be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any comrnitment made with respect thereto. One C:vpy Of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yours ver; truly, Encl C. R. 'Wilmot, Municipal Engineer. I ONTARIO Mr. J. D. Vallee, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Clerk, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: 390 Saskatoon St., Box 217, London, Ontario. January 11th, 1968. Enclosed are four copies of By-law Form OB -M-16 and three copies of supporting Road Programme OB -MR -18 for use when submitting estimates of 1968 normal road expenditures for which your township will claim subsidy under The Highway Improvement Act. In order that the expenditures for this district may IQ -p be kept within the amounts allocated to it, it is necessary ----- to advise you that the maximum estimates that may be approved°°P o for your township for normal expenditures shall not exceed ---�- 4 20, 000.00 for Construction and $ 60, 4OO. O(for Maintenance. When preparing the by-law and supporting road programme be careful to see that the various sub -totals on programme agree with the amounts entered in the by-law. All t0t813 should_bm_rounded tothe-nearest hundred dollars. Please pay attention to the footnote on the Road Programme re Distribution of Overhead, Construction and Maintenance, Three copies of the completed by-law and two copies of the programme must be forwarded toothe undersigned not later than March Slat, 1968. A supplementary by-law and programme will be accepted until July 31st, 1968, but I must caution you that each by-law will be subject to much more rigorous scrutiny than in previous years because of the current financial situation. Such a by-law should be submitted as early as possible and only for the most urgent situations which cannot be postponed, jatd Yours very truly, c District Eng neer Tp. THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS To All Municipal Councils in Ontario: I wish to advise that you will be informed as soon as possible of the amounts assigned to your municiality for normal road or street expenditures in 1969. It is our intention to give very close scrutiny to all supplementary by-laws in the caning ,year, and under no circumstances should you spend money or make a commitment on which subsidy is expected before receiving official Department approval of a supplementary by-law. Capital expenditures on connecting links will also be subject to the same careful scrutiny, and no commitment should be made on such an expenditure before receipt of official approval. Yours sincerely, Toronto, Ontario December 21st, 147 George E. Gomme Minister Form 064M•16 634165 BY-LAW VTil]%---- t JuppT(ii entary ) A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 �__EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ___a___ --------------- IN THE COUNTY OF �l _' DISTRICT WHEREAS The Mgbway Improvement AM requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by -Lw and that the by -Lw be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The stmt of 4__00 nLL__0n_— Is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon thq construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1D-_•_1 as follows: Conatruction Maintenance Total 4900-00 4 900.00 BRIDGES & CULVERTS ------- $--4,5 -,1,00---00 - i----------------- $--/" 5. 100 _00 NEW MACHINERY ------------- 4.20_000_00_ i nll i__20_O9Q_QQ SUPERINTENDENCE & OVER.HEAD----------- 4----------------- 4----------------- 4---------------- 90 000.00 00 000.00` TOTALS 4- -- ------ -- -- 4---------------- - 4--=--------- (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed town- ship road superintendent and on work performed In accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, Ontario, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expendi- ture is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised In a subsequent year. ai11Q�� 4 t' "arca - Paned at-------------------- ""�----------------..__ dey of_------ ----------- AD. 1D_:._ (SEAL) , Cleak Reeve --------------- I,------------------------------------------------- Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of _____________________________________ do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No ------------- passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the ------------- day of ---------------------------- 1D------ - ------------------------ - Townahip Clerk O DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS .Kay 22nd , 196$. Mr. J. D. Vallee, Clerk, Township of Ba yhp.m , STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario, Co. & Twp. Downsview, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: Supplementary Road Expenditure By -Law No. 1607, Amount - 90.000 The Honourable George E. Gomme, Minister of Highways, has authorized the approval of the above cited by-law to a limit of $ 90,000 $ 90,000 for Construction for Maintenance Total The approval is given subject to the following conditions: 1. That the individual works of road and bridge construction and the purchase of each unit of equipment and the award of contracts for same shall be subject to the approval of the District Engineer. 2. That the District Engineer shall, be informed and his consent obtained before tenders are called for the proposed work or purchase and before any commitment is made by the Municipality. 3. In the event that any portion of toe cost of the proposed work or purchErse is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. A copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. • Yours very truly, C. R. Wilmot, nc Municipal Engineer, Encl. . Operations Branch. r {"7 4 O ■ 1n v i�f Ib IJ: _ ol D'IM 4 o or m+ w 0 FP Io P 1 I I O i � to o '� 8` { I I v� r �D`b' �9 x I� + K oo `T"+ 6 f E z v 6sv f0 :10 ft $ O 1 1 P.. i0 I I O ;O ;O ir Q F i I ' i I Ag a ■ I I I I � r p I C ■ � o I I iorT I 2 a i o 1 y r o a rpp gg tY� ip 1O rO !O 10 roo to ' I w DORM 08 -MR -1* TOWNSHIP OF ij tq F& BY-LAW NO. Z ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 (,o y f::> L 1. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS LOCATION (BY LOT AND CONCESSION) NATURE OF WORK MILES ESTIMATED COST Lre 'T /3 KIK sg!:� a G G SUS—TOTAL (B)' /RIDGES AND CULVERTS — TYPE AND LOCATION SUE—TOTAL (C) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (ITEMIZE) a oe-424, tell �G (D)'SUPKRINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS — EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE, MILES SURFACE TREATMENT MILE: ROADS - ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING. CRACK FILLING. SWEEPING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING. DRAGGING. ,LADING DUST LAYING — CALCIUM. SALT. OIL. PRIME DITCHES. TILE DRAINS. CATCH BASINS. CURS$. GUTTERS. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING. CUTTING. BRUSHING. FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL. SIGNS. ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL — $NOW FENCE. PLOWING. SANDING. SALTING (B) BRIDGE: AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS (C) SUPER INTENDANCE AND OVERHEAD SEE FOOTNOTE 0 SUB --TOTAL SUB—TOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL ZZ QG00, Catet�Road Su eriatersdent P P If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data in the form ind;cated 0—) Q o 040 0 0<7�1 Ga �01 Q00 NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that of items I(a) and 1(b) bear to total of items 2(a) and 2(b) 1 f r ,, 4' co . j6 �,, ♦t� "' I e) lD D D� ?24(> / c) /9 s /,�-0D,✓ 5 -eq, v o� �6al00, G, 00 GAll fog. lap• f s2 7 � t) 9- /9&7- �?o - u. q6� 400 I 01 3 J Y3.0 u 1 0 � . 14 1 e-1,�6� 9 11 0 5i 0 v /znyec�a� elk 0 % v A, rlt.j 0 go, If f 6"y) 1 c614 -- �. -s--,g Y.2. Fr 74F �0)/ , , .4 �) �o.ao0. -- �}/�,13o �- 6-0 6�Z�OD. �L� S 7�v. :2 / &1 d 8&. �L'4 6 a o fl -'2 �' G Z 0, of D U �D, a o 0 02 G, 2 3 3, 3 v S� 3 2. 7, o . J3 3y3 a ft Mun . El. Onlv Na me Zylstra, Jacob Zylstra, Hilda Zirkel, John Zirkel, Theresa POL SING SUB -DIVISION NO. 6. Cond, Lot Con. Qual. P.O. J S.S. Sur) . m 22 8 MY 22 8 m 17 8 MST 17 8 37. Owner 3 Owner 3 Owner 3 Owne r 3 0 16 sun . E1. On lv 4 l / i ?dame POLLING -SUB -DIVISION 140. 7 Cond. Lot Con. Cual. P.O. J S.S. Malskaitis,Valdenaras M 111 6 Owner. 5 2•Malskaitis, Maria 11W 111 6 Owner- 5 Miatthews, Plerritt Ai 111 7 Owner • 4 ME Maurer, Martin 109 110 6 Owner • 6 ME Pflaurer, Christine IYIW 110 6 Owner6 CjwnE r Matthews, Bernice MW 114 7 Owner 4 McCabe, Ike McCabe, Margaret Iii I'VI 109 109 6 6 Tenant ' 3 J McAllister, `aim. M 114 7 MFrde Owner 3 J 3 Mc.:llister, Thelma J. :v'W 114 7 Owner 3 Newland, Chas. Pi 111 7 Owner 3 J qewland, Huth 14W 111 7 Owner 3 J Neidert, Henry TSI 109 7 Owner 3 114 Neidert, Mary iT1 109 7 CjwnE r 3 7 Norman, Robt , "' 117 7 Tenant 3 J Nor,lan, Vera 1 i�; 117 7 MFNC ' 3 3 3 Oatman Frcd W' er 112 7 Tenant 5 J Procunier, Fred Wler 115 7 Owner 4 Procunier, Fred Jr, M 115 7 Owner.- 4 J Procunier, Farrol 115 7 :F'dC . 4 J Procunier, Drank : ' 114 7 Owner • 4 Procunier, Plargaret i11W 114 7 :IF'IC 4 Pressey, Leslie Pressey, If,abel i'I INIW 4 4 NG Owner, 3 J Pre,ssey, Leo 11 4 NG NG Owner Owner 3 3 J Pressey, 14ary TV 4 IN Owner, 3 Pritchard, Elva K91 114 7 Owner 3 Pritchard, Hanlon M 114 7 MFNC,+ 3 Procunier, Neil Procunier, 11arion M NPT 114 7 Owner 3 J Patkus, Benny Psi 114 4 7 MFAIC • 3 J Patkus , :ary ; , irlW 4 5 5 Owner. Owner 6 6 Palmer, Henry B 112 7 tenant 5 Patkus, Algie M 4 5 Tenant 6 Patkus, Jean Marie P'IW 4 5 I,IFNC 6 . Roloson, Gordon II 111 6 Owner 5 Roloson Janet111 6 Owner 5 J Roloson, Harry Ai 111 7 Ownc r 5 Roloson, Gertic MW 111 7 ,IFNC . 5 Ralf, Robt Ralf, Betty _I -, ,I 1 1 5 Tenant 6 vi 5 iFNC 6 Stanat, ."lex �'1 110 7 Chmer 5 J Stanat , �.'iartha ::,J 110 7 �1FNC • 5 Stanat, :,rthur M 110 7 Tenant 5 J Stanat, Violet MW 110 7 1FNC 5 J Strachan, C.C. Wl er 112 7 Owner 5 Simpson, Leonard M 111 6 Owner 5 J Simpson, Jean MW 111 6 iiFPJC 5 J 40. FORM O8 -MR -17 REV. SEPT. 1964 BY-LAW NO. !X08 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF �`'' JF.i.. COUNTY ?T.(`rp' IN THE DISTRICTOF - WHEREAS it is desirable that the laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement andmaintenance of roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Council should be under the supervision of a Road Superintendent, acting under its direction. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this Council to take advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and to receive the Government grant as provided in the said Act. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the municipal corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted. 1. That JOF'?! �. mLI„J :,^_^'. ORDOILL 027"AR!0. (name) (address) is appointed Road Superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the said Act from the day of ,T 19 and during the pleasure of the said Council. 2. That the Road Superintendent shall be paid at the rate of $ 5, r)02- 02 per `ear for such time as he may be so employed. 3. THAT it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay out and supervise all work and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Township Council in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. 4. THAT all by-laws or parts thereof and all and any resolutions of said Council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. 5. THAT two certified copies of this by-law be forwarded by the clerk without delay to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways Ontario. 6. THAT this by-law shall not come into force until approved by the Minister of Highways, as provided in the Highway Improvement Act. READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS day of �.arci 19 (SEAL) CLERK t _ REEVE J. n. V LLEEE T :AYH. -A' i I, Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. passed by the council of the said 4 y da of "A7"A7(11.`119 corporation on the y 11 TOWNSHIP CLERK FORM Os -MR -17 ��w� REV. UPT. 196A BY-LAW NO. A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF IN COUNTY T DISTRICT OF um WHEREAS it is desirable that the laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance ofroads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Council should be under the supervision of a Road Superintendent, acting under its direction. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this Council to take advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and to receive the Government grant as provided in the said Act. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the municipal corporation of the said township and it hereby enacted. 1. That at "M a e (name) (address) is appointed Road Superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the said Act from the "e day of 19 w and during the pleasure of the said Council. 2. That the Road Superintendent shall be paid at the rate of $ Ss"e** per »r for such time as he may be so employed. 3. THAT it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay out and supervise all work and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Township Council in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. 4. THAT all by-laws or parts thereof and all and any resolutions of said Council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. S. THAT two ciertified copies of this by-law be forwarded by the clerk without delay to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways Ontario. e 6. THAT this by-law shall not come into force until approved by the Minister of Highways, as provided in the Highway Improvement Act. READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS (SEAL) CLERK L ths day of ar•a 19 we I, J. D. VALLEE C le rk of the Corporation of the Township of REEVE r,AvrtA do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. I_4:_passed by the council of the said corporation on the t' day of 'R.CE' 19 TOWNSHIP CLERK �M. GEp1EE [, C .yEQL � MI HiS TFC • O[.UT• u�r.y T[. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Downsview, Ontario May 3, 1968 Mr. J.D. Vallee Clerk Township of Bayham STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario Re: Township of Bayham BY -law #1608 Dear Sir: The Honourable George E.Gomme, Minister of Highways has approved By-law #1608 of the Township of Bayham which increases the salary of the Road Superintendent, Mr. J.C. Tribe to $5,600 per year, effective January 1st, 1968. Yours truly, attach. t C. R. Wilmo Municipal Engineer C.C. T.S. Caldwell �I I fib$. .rte FOF1a 0"ft-17 Fav, carr 4196, BY-LAW NO. 1608 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BATM COUNTY NW33 IN THE DISTRICTOF WHEREAS it is desirable that the laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Council should be under the supervision of a Road Superintendent, acting under its direction. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this Council to take advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and to receive the Government grant as provided in the said Act. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the municipal corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted. 1. That J= 0. TRM STRk"MDVL=, MTARIO. (name) (address) is appointed Road Superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the said Act from the 1 at. day of JANUART. 19 68 and during the pleasure of the said Council. 2. That the Road Superintendent shall be paid at the rate of $ 596W-00 per 70r for such time as he may be so employed. 3. THAT it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay out and supervise all work and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Township Council in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. 4. THAT all by-laws or parts thereof and all and any resolutions of said Council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. 5. THAT two certified copies of this by-law be forwarded by the clerk without delay to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways Ontario. s 6. THAT this by-law shall not come into force until approved by the Minister of Highways, as provided in the Highway Improvement Act. READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS 4 th. day of March, 19 68. (SEAL) ; / • " CLERK REEVE I. J. D. VAL= Clerkofthe Corporation ofthe Township of BAYHAM do hereby ti rIA"C&:t QOafUMgdK t 4hig tb1 aJdV aJ bn eanp9rOved by the Mini,t corporation��2ftWownh %b_ _day of w No. 160it passed by the council of the said a19 6$. TOWNSHIP C ,p•t1'c S�rG� aby dP ■ S 61F Ny By -Law No. /G L-9 Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to form and constitute a drainage court of revision for the Township of Bayham. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham as follows: - 1. That a drainage Court of Revision to consider and determine appeals on drainage assessments be and is hereby formed and constituted for the Township of Bayham. 2. That the members of the Municipal Council of the Towmship of Bayham shall and are hereby appointed as members of such Court of Revision. 3. That the Drainage Court of Revision as so constituted shall hold office for the years 1968 and 1969. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 1st. day of April, 1968. Reeve. Cleerk. By -Law No. /Z� /[' TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. A by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the sum of $ 10,600.00 for completing the drainage worksIot`-bk►e--stae-ef-------------- r-she-ppegepLioa-to-bo-aoatrib- uted +5p -4t immrfo-i-pe-4fbyr-for-eempleti-Rg-the -drainage-warka4. WHEREAS the requisite number of owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll, of the property hereinafter set forth requiring drainage have petitioned the council of the Township of Bayham praying that the following lands may be drained by a drainage works; Lots 21, 22 & 23, Conc. 4 & Lot 22, Conc. 3 AND WHEREAS the council has procured a report made by John B. Dodd, O.L.S. and the report is as follows: L By -Law No. /&// TOWNSHIP OF BAYHA:I. A by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the sum of 6 19,725.00 for completing the drainage works Lor_the_sum_o£4-------------T_tba_prapentinu_te-bc-centnib- uted_hx-thelnunicipalit}c�or _completiag_tho-dnaiazgo-rto ) . WHEREAS the requisite number of owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll, of the property hereinafter set forth requiring drainage have petitioned the council of the Township of Bayham praying that the following lands may be drained by a drainage works; Lots 9 & 10, Conc. 1 Lots 8, 9 & 10, Conc. 2 AND WHEREAS the council has procured a report made by John B. Dodd, O.L.S. and the report is as follows: By -Law No. //, / .2 - Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to limit the gross weight of vehicles or combination of vehicles, passing over certain bridges in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS this authority is contained in Section 52, sub -section (8) of The Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1960: AND WHEREAS it is deemed adviseable that the gross weight of vehicles passing over same, be imposed on certain bridges in the Township of Bayham: THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows; - 1. The limit of the gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles, passing over certain bridges in the Township of Bayham, shall be in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By -Law. 2. That notice of such limit of gross weight, legibly printed, shall be posted up, in a conspicuous place, at each end of each bridge respectively. 3. That this By -Law shall come into force and effect upon being approved by the Department of Transport and upon signs being duly installed. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this / ,�i ' N day of li P/i l _ 196 8. Reeve. Schedule °A°, By -Law No. List of Bridges. Location Name of Bridge Lot No. Conc. No. Gross Weight Limit Carson 19 9 & 10 5 Tons Moore 124 7 10 Tons Robertson 122 7 2 Tons Knotts Mill 114 7 10 Tons Centre 113 7 5 Tons Cook 10-11 10 10 Tons Beattie 114 6 15 Tons Goal H e—O,,, m�•C4 Ape ei Fyay+ ri '�px�7+ fix' SpFr 1► H'O pQ wctr o' 1-+ O : Ir O !U H ►� QO F� . ►1 V N • p� M +9 F� '�V KpH M ►1 �p»Wry t1r cp S "�a P O ei A A h cd P M to ct in pp�� M ►► F� r b p ct ra g Dc s o ��4► • � Pi � g � � � gyp+ cot C. [U tT O ~ SJ v r �` p O •f ��Mi• !i `■Q� •1 •�! r •R■ Fp' ■�P Y r H p Q iz e►1 O 1`tf, tS! • r 4 �p � N � � � � h O til O' w � • � e* � O • • 1 O� e+ s+ O r+ 10 fn S ra�?1 y ro 99 pi C+ b C = i i i • % t V ~ N a schedule "A•► By -Law No. /�/ y Location Name of Bridge Lot No. Cone. No. Gross Weight Licit Carson 19 9410 ? ', Tons Moore 1" 7 10 Tons Robertson 122 7 '2 Tons Knotts Min 114 7 10 Tons Centre 113 7 S Tons Cook 10-11 10 10 Tons Beattie 114 6 15 Tons .w Azz ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT OFFICE OF DEPUTY MINISTER Mr. J. D. Vallee, Clerk and Treasurer, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO 2 June 12th, 1968. Dear Sir, Re:_Bayham Township By -lar Number 1612 This follows up our letter of April 18th concerning the above by-law. Mr. K. L. Kleinsteiber of the Department of Highways Bridge Office has now furnished us with an opinion respecting the proposed weight restrictions on the bridges named in Schedule "A" to the by-law. The opinion is to the effect that the by-law be approved for a period of two years, providing that: Carson Bridge - the weight restriction should be reduced to 3 tons Robertson Bridge - the weight restriction should be increased to 5 tons Beattie Bridge - unless the deck is repaired the weight restriction should be reduced to 5 tons. Mr. Kleinsteiber informs us that he is forwarding a copy of his inspection report together with the above recommendations to Mr. T. S. Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer for the Department of Highways in London, with the suggestion that he discuss this matter with the township. One copy of the by-law is enclosed. It is respectfully requested that consideration be given to re-enactment insofar as the three above-named bridges are concerned. If the weight restriction i ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT OFFICE OF DEPUTY MINISTER Mr. J. D. Vallee,, Clerk and Treasurer, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO 2 June 12th, 1968. Dear Sir, Re: Bayham Township By-law Number 1612 This follows up our letter of April 18th concerning the above by-law. Mr. K. L. Kleinsteiber of the Department of Highways Bridge Office has now furnished us with an opinion respecting the proposed weight restrictions on the bridges named in Schedule "A" to the by-law. The opinion is to the effect that the by-law be approved for a period of two years, providing that: Carson Bridge - the weight restriction should be reduced to 3 tons Robertson Bridge - the weight restriction should be increased to 5 tons Beattie Bridge - unless the deck is repaired the weight restriction should be reduced to 5 tons. Mr. Kleinsteiber informs us that he is forwarding a copy of his inspection report together with the above recommendations to Mr. T. S. Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer for the Department of Highways in London, with the suggestion that he discuss this matter with the township. One copy of the by-law is enclosed. It is respectfully requested that consideration be given to re-enactment insofar as the three above-named bridges are concerned. If the weight restriction y 'RFi .D 's+ �$ s '�aw .a*t� r,.� �v. �,J✓ �k jT� "1..,.�i�5 ��" �'v� �s "'' � ��t.�w Z%�.3; i s Mr. J. D. Vallee. on the Beattie Bridge remains as 15 tons, please supply us with a statement to the effect that the deck has been repaired. v Yours truly, (Miss) M. Edmond By- lav Officer 2 MON. CoWDOGE E. GOMME MINISTER i A T C M'HAS OE►UTY MIMSTER - 14 , DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS London ------Ontario June 14, 1968 P. 0. Box 217 Mr. J.D.Vallee, Clerk -Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: RE: BY-LAW #1612 LOAD RLSTRICTIOL43 UN SiRUCTU.tBS Please find attached photostat copies of recent inspection reports made by Mr. K. L. Kle in ste iber,Munic ipal Bridge Liaison Engineer of the Department of Highways re the above by-law. i I would suggest that your consulting engineer be made aware of these reports and I would anticipate that the recommendations as outlined would be carried out. Yours truly, F.D. Clarke SENIOR hUNICIPAL SUPERVISOR FDC:DP FOR ATTACHED T.S. Caldwell DISTHIA'4;XNICIPAL EN]TINEEc r k April 16, 1968. . of Trmsport , W:1t tneT Block Parliament Toronto, Ontario. Dear Sirs; - I ani attaching top copies, duly certi!'iad, of our By -Lair No. 1612 to provide for uniting 1aMs passing over certain bridges in thin Townahip. Your consideration for approval and advice an same at an early date will be appreciated. gnal,�t. Zags *aT truly Clerk of Baoaura Towna►ship. April 16, 19689 ft. T. S. Caldwell,, Dwte of "A Undmo Catarioe DwS:ir;40 QR"aW ng a "" of our ByAm Noe 1612 for Your, latcavaticae Two emetif led copies of this have to-dff been to Dept. of Transport with a request far approval, oaf asme* I belimm Xre Frank C"w* of your office Is acquai rd With Wis COMWIts action In this mt*two 3 Baal* Tom: a vW7 truly Clash of Bayhase I H. V. JEW ITT. O.L.S. MUNICIPAL ! PRIVATE SURVEYS J. B. DODD, O.L.S. DRAINAGE CONSULTANT G. DOUGLAS VALLEE LTD. CONSULTING ENGINEER Mr. John C. Tribe, Road Superintendent, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ont. Dear Sir: JEWITT, DODD & VALLEE 90 KENT STREET SOUTH SUOMI 0NT"10 TELEPHONE 426-6115 April 11, 1968. With reference to our telephone conversation of this morning and my examination of the bridges in your Township, I would recommend the posting of the following load limits: GDV/ah Carson Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Tons 107 MOAI. 9 • .10 Moore Bridge . . . . . . . . . . .10 Tons -10'I i.?ti, C'cw. 7 Robertson Bridge . . . . . . . . . 2 Tons �� i� ,�., PcAl 7 Knotts Mill Bridge . . . . . . . .10 Tons7 Centre Bridge . . . . . . . . . . 5 Tons (OCA/ 7 Cook Bridge . . . . . . . . . . .10 Tons STs iaf -i1, t'c�✓ �D Beattie Bridge . . . . . . . . . . 15 Tons 4, 7 �...G•, C'o ' !� Wilson Bridge . . . . . . . . . . Close to all traffic. I c `r G, `7 -r N 3 Y s truly, G4 DOUGLAS VALLEE, P. ENG. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT OFFICE OF DEPUTY MINISTER Mr. J. P. Vallee, Clerk and Treasurer, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir , PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO 2 April 18th, 1968. This refers to your letter of April 16th, with which you enclosed two copies of By-law Number 1612 of the Township of Bayham, providing weight restrictions for vehicles passing over seven bridges in the township. Before considering approval of a by-law of this, nature, it is our practice to request the Bridge Office of the Department of Highways for an opinion respecting the proposed weight restrictions. A copy of your by-law is being sent to that office to -day for that purpose. We will correspond with you again when their reply comes to hand. v Yours truly, (Miss) M. Edmond By-law Officer To: Mr. T. S. Caldwell, FRoM: Bridge Division, District Municipal Engineer, Downsview, Ontario LONDON, Ontario. DATE: June 11, 1968. Dun FILE REF. IN REPLY To susJECT: Bayham Township, Lot 6/7, Con. 3, Structure Site No. 5-142. During my inspection of bridges in Bayham Township and Elgin County, I came across this bridge. A copy of my report is enclosed for your information. If you require further information or assistance, please let me know. KLK/im Encl. rS.W..a..r Vc.o ' C'. t r--� K. L. Kleinsteiber, Municipal Bridge Liaison Engineer. J u 11 1968 t�ti'� a W v Ar K June 21t! . 1968. (wt 4 so N) RE: Bayham Township, Site 5-142, Former Approval M2717, Lot 6/7, Con, 3. I inspected this bridge on June 5th. 1968 in company with Bob Moore, Elgin County Engineer. The bridge was closed to traffic. The superstructure is structurally sound and safe for loads of 10 to 15 tons. The substructure is in only fair condition due in part to its age and to the height of the abutments. The worst deterioration is the south abutment which has been subjected to both river scour and erosion from surface water from the surrounding terrain. The latter has caused serious problems at the base of the S.E. wingwall. At the time of inspection the top of footing was visible at the S.E. corner. The south abutment and wingwalls are cracked and some movement may have occurred as reported by G. Douglas Vallee in 1964. The north abutment and wingwalls are satisfactory. If the bridge was built in accordance with the plan on file (M 2717), the south abutment is 26 feet high and is founded on natural ground. The north abutment is 24 feet high and it is founded on piles (probably timber). Present flow of the river directs the water towards the south abutment. The base of footing for this abutment was 3' - 9" below streambed and at the time of my inspection, the top of footing ,was visible. In other words, it is quite possible that scour has penetrated to a depth below the base of footing. If this is the case, this would explain the possible movement of the south abutme . Considering all the factors I still be::.eve the Lridat is serviceable to light vehicles but a more detailed examination would be necessary before assigning any load limit. K I RE: Dayham Township, Site 5-142, Former Approval M2717, Lot 6/7, Con. 3. The following renovations to the south abutment could be one answer. (a) fill all scour and erosion :soles with large boulders, KLK/ss (b) place random rip -rap against the wingwalls and the abutment, (c) channel the road ditches away from the bridge. K. L. Kleinsteiber, Municipal Bridge Liaison Engineer. . f To: DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY• ONTARIO MEMORANDUM Mr. T. S. Caldwell, FROM: Bridge Division, District Municipal Engineer, Downsview, Ontario. LONDON, Ontario. Dun FILE REF. DATE: June 10, 1968. IN REPLY TO .SUBJECT: Bayham Township Bridge Inspection. The Township submitted a by-law through the Department of Transport restricting the load on six bridges and one culvert. Since the most recent inspectior of these structures was carried out by G. Douglas Vallee for the Township in 1964, I inspected the following on June 5th. In general, all the structures were unchanged from the consultants reports but several have been recently repaired while others require some attention. Site 5-109 - Carson Bridge The east approach span had failed a week or so ago and had been repaired by installing three sections of 6 inch diameter pipe as stringers between the abutment and pier. The work was complete and in satisfactory shape. The Township's by-law indicates a 5 ton load restriction. I will be recommending that this be reduced to 3 tons. Site 5-152 - Moore Bridge This is an all concrete structure in reasonably good shape. The north abutment has spalled badly jig -,t above the footing where it joins with the wingwall. The reinforcing is exposed thus by cleaning out the loose concrete, the hole can be patched and should be attended to this summer. I *also recommend that the Township install some guide markers to show the edges and the ends of the bridge. Their proposed 10 ton load limit is okay. Site 5-151 - Robertson Bridge In 1964, the consultant reported that the south abutment was badly cracked and spalling. They also indicated a hole in the deck. This condition still exists 4 years later. The hole in the deck is along the west edge near mid span. movement of the abutment as reported by the consultant was not apparent to me and since four years have passed with no restriction on the bridge, I do not agree with the proposed 2 ton restriction. I will be recommending at least 5 tons. :;F;: Tj nayham Township Bridge Insocction, Site 5-149 - Knotts Mill 3ridge This bridge is in satisfactory condition for the proposed 10 ton load restriction. The timber deck and stringers are satisfactory now but they will require maintenance in the near future. Site 5-148 - Centre Dridgc The east abutment of this bridge has been repaired quite recently. At present the renovations are adequate, but excessive moisture or a heavy load could displace the abutment. The problem is that the abutment is resting at the top of the river bank which is very steep. Unless the Township tied the abutment to a deadman back in the road, they should stabilize the abutment by either tying it back or by placing heavy rip -rap on th-D river bank under the bridge. The remainder of the bridge is satisfactory for 5 tons. Site 5-145 - Beattie Bridge This is an old county bridge and the structural steel is in very good condition. The plank deck is in need of immediate replacement after which time the proposed 15 ton load restriction will be quite safe. If the Township are not in a position to repair the deck, I would recommend that the by-law be altered and the load restriction reduced to 5 tons. Cook Culvert - Lot 10/11, Con. 10 ` Due to the fact that Mr. Bob Moore accompanied me on these inspections and that I visited a dozen or so of the County's bridges south and west of the '.township sites• I omitted this site on my return to Toronto. Based on the Consultant's report of 1964 and the fact that the culvert has only a 16 foot span, I will be approving of the proposed 10 ton load restriction. I propose to recommend that period of two years after which law, but only after the bridges KLK/im t :3196 the by-law be in f orce f or a the Township could renew the by - have been in7ected. K. L. Kleinsteiber, municipal :ridge Liaison Engineer. r !w Department of highways Ontario► (:o4)v for t1w information o!' Mr. T..S. Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer, LONDON, Ontario. Bridge Division, Downsview, Ontario, Juno 10, 1968. Miss M. Edmond, By -Law Officer, Department of Transport, Parliament Bldgs., TORONTO, Ontario. RE: Township of Bayham, By-law No. 1612. Dear Kies Edmonds In response to your memo of April 18 and the attached by-law, I inspected the seven bridges on June 5. I recowmnd a provisional approval of the by-law for a period of two (2) years. The load limits to be as follows. 3 Carson Bridge. Lot 19, Con. 9/10 3 tons (reduced f rola Site No, 5-109. 5 tons). Moore Bridge. Lot 124, Con. 7 Site No, 5-152. Robertson Bridge. Lot 122, Con, 7 Site No. 5-151, Knotts Mill Bridge. Lot 114, Con. 7 Site No. 5-149. Centre Bridge. Lot 113, Con, 7 Site No, 5-148. Cook Culvert Beattie Bridge, Site No, 5-145. Lot 10/11, Con, 10 Lot 114, Con, 6 10 tons 5 tons ( increase from14 t 2 thus)* 10 tons .J. 5 tons 10 tons i5 tons (provided the deck is repaired 1 otherwise 5 tons) . «. Z REs Township of B$ ham BY -law No. Bayham, 1612. I AN forwarding a copy of recommendations to Mr. Caldwell Diatri coon report and and Z trust he will be discussing District Municipal Engineer the Township. 4 the various probles with KLK/im oc. T. S. Caldwell K. L. Kleinsteiber, Municipal Bridge Liaison Engineer. CII c� I V- nij By-law No. 1613 Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1968, to levy the Taxes for the year 1968 and to provide for the collection thereof. WHEREAS by action of the Elgin County Council, provision was made for the making of the assessment of the municipality by the Elgin County Assessment Commissioner, prior to the lst. day of Sept. 1967 as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1968 should be levied, and extended to ITovember 1, 1967 by By -Law No. 1983 of the said County of Elgin; AND WHEREAS the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the said Township on the 23rd. day of January, 1968; AND WHEREAS no revisions were made by the County Judge; AND WHEREAS it is expedient to adopt the said assessment as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1968 shall be levied; AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property accordinto the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of $421,351.00 for the general purposes of the said Township for the current year, for the payment of the County rate for the current year, and for the purpose of defraying part of the expenses of Public, Separate and High School education, and other purposes; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TWORRHIP OF BATHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: - 1. That the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayham as made pursuant to County of Elgin Regulations, and as revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision, be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1968 shall be levied. 2. That the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and conf- irmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. 3. That, for the purpose of providing the sum of $197,598.00 for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for Couhty purposes and other purposes for the current year, a rate of 36.27 mills in the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1968 upon the whole of the said assessment of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, except that on an assessment of $5,559,145.00 a reduction of $17,6.6.00 being 3.18 mills, shall be made owing to the per capita grant from the Provincial Government for 77axation relief for farm and residential properties, as shown in the following summary -.- General rate -------------- 16.98 County rate --------------- 19.29 Total ----- 36.27 Less reduction -------------- 3.18 4. That, in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of $221,098.00 for Public, Separate and High School Education purposes for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1968 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School Supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder:- f 10 w 2 - School Section Residential Mill Commercial Mill Total or Area Assessment Rate Assessment Rate Levy Bayham T.S.A. $4,906,150. 15.02 $3699005. 16.69 $79,849.00 ROSS Vienna 3929000. 15.56 12485. 17.29 61125.20 " Houghton 25,100. 15.02 -- -- 377.00 " Malahide 199350. 18.00 -- -- 34$.30 Tillsonburg 2169545. 15.02 5,5856 16.69 3 345.72 Total Sep.School $ 652,995. $ 7,070. $10,196.22 EEDH School 1,597,045. 22.40 $1,820. 24.89 37410.31 TDH School 31962,100. 21.74 2949255• 24.15 93,242.31 H.S. Totals $5,559,145. 376,075. $131,052.62 5. That in addition, for street lighting purposes, the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessments in each of the following street lighting areas: - Straffordville, on assessment of $571,990..- $1,839.28 -- 3.216 mills Richmond tt 69,790. - 252.01 -- 3.611 Eden n 146,150. - 359.97 -- 2.463 Corinth 55,770. - 235,18 -- 4.217 tt 6. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector's Roll to the Tax Collector on or before the lst. day of June 1968. 7. All taxes or other special rates shall be paid in to the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Township of Bayham or W into the Branches of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at Straffordville, Vienna, Port Burwell or Tillsonburg. 8. Taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before July 19th. 1968 and one-half on or before December 20th. 1968. Penalties for non-payment when due and discounts for prepayment of taxes shall be as provided for in By -Law No. 1393 and amendments thereto of the said Township of Bayham. 9. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township at thkir last known address. *fter �Fettrteen de _-Y READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 6th. day pf May, 1968. Reeve. ft 0 erx. ■. By -Law No. 1614. Township of Bayham. A By -Law to authorize the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances pending receipt of government grants and the sale of debentures authorized by By -Laws numbered 1592, 1605, 1610 and 1611. WHEREAS the council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by by-laws duly passed, authorized the issue and sale of debentures for sums not otherwise provided for as follows: - Date passed B L No. Purpose Gross Amount Est. Debenture Dec -15/67 1592 No.l Drain $52,000.00 $1$9778.60 June 3/68 1605 Smith Drain 29,000.00 9,105.34 ft 1610 Emerson Drain 101600.00 3,900.00 " 1611 Scanlan Drain 192725.00 61245.00 $1119325.00 AND WHEREAS prior to the passing of the above noted By -Laws, the respective approvals of The Ontario Municipal Board were obtained as evidence by the following Board Orders: - _B/L No. Order No. 1592 G 3914-67 1605 G 4642-68 Date of Order Dec. 13, 1967. May 3, 1968. 1610 G 4861-68 April 23, 1968. 1611 G 4862-68 May 9, 1968. AND WHEREAS the above noted By -Laws do not require the assent of the electors or of those persons qualified to vote on money by-laws; AND WHEREAS the Corporation desires to borrow money as temporary advances pending receipt of government grants and the issue and sale of debentures; NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Corporation agrees to borrow and doth hereby authorize the borrowing from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE as temporary advances pending the receipt of government grants and the issue and sale of the debentures above recited such sums as may be required but not exceed- ing a total of $111,325.00 on the terms and subject to the conditions as set forth in this By -Law. 2. Within the limit aforesaid and as moneys are required from time to time for the purposes above recited, the Head and Treasurer acting do 2 - on behalf of the Corporation, are hereby authorized to borrow moneys from the said Bank for the said purpose pending receipt of government grants and the issue and sale of the debentures authorized as afore- said and to sign and deliver to the said Bank such promissory note or notes as may be required for the repayment of the moneys borrowed at such time or times and at such rate of interest as may be agreed upon with the said Bank, but not exceeding the rate of 8 per centum per annum, and to affix the cogporate seal of the Corporation to such promissory note or notes. 3. The Head and Treasurer are hereby authorized to assign and pledge the said debentures to the said Bank upon the issue thereof to be held by the said Bank as collateral security for all moneys borrowed under this By -Law and interest thereon and to assign to the said Bank the moneys growing due from the sale of the said debentures; and the proceeds of the sale of the said debentures, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be paid to the said Bank in satisfaction of the moneys borrowed under this By -Law and interest thereon. Passed this 3r• day of June WITNESS the Corporate Seal of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. Head of Muni f t' Clerk. a 1968 . cipaUty PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY To THE MANAGER CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE STRAFFORDVILLE, ONT. The Secretary -Treasurer, Township of Baynam, Strafforaville, Ontario. Re: Capital Project Audcipal Drains Dear Sir: May 2, 1968. We have pleasure in confirming that the Bank is prepared to provide temporary financing in connection with the above mentioned project in an amount not exceeding $111025.00, on the understanding that,prior approval of the Ontario Municipal Board be obtained and that the relative financing will be completed in accordance with your present intentions, as discussed with us. We will require a special by -lax for this capital project which we request should follow the format of the enclosed pro forma as closely as possible. Ci/.c -& . 1602 /0/0 1611 /sqz Yours very truly, G. A. Robinson, Manager. �s, By -Law No. / (o / TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. A by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the sum of $ 17,640.00 for completing the drainage works i cam.-t�v-awa-0L4-------------7-the- fro #.o�-4-.contr.4 tw utaci-by.-thQ aMAtaips►ltty-ioV-complotSag-4iW-clVGiu rg4-WQr4W4. WHEREAS the requisite number of owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll, of the property hereinafter set forth requiring drainage have petitioned the council of the Township of Bayham praying that the following lands may be drained by a drainage works; Lots 5, b & 7, Conc. 9 it 5, b & 72 " 10 AND WHEREAS the council has procured a report made by John B. Dodd, O.L.S. and the report is as follows: AND WHEREAS the council is cf opinion that the drainage of the area described is desirable; THEREFORE the council of the Township of Bayham, pursuant to The Drainage Act, 1962-63, enacts as follows: 1. The report is hereby adopted, and the drainage works as therein indicated and set forth are hereby authorized and shall be completed in accordance therewith 2, The Corporation of the Z own ship of Bayham may borrow on the credit of tie Corporation the sum �f $17,640.00 being the funds necessary for the drainage works not otherwise provided for (or-being-4he - w7-a�--A*n&s-aeesaa-der-�l4e-ere�age-xer�Ce3 ; previded that such sum shall be redu^ed by the amount of grants and commuted payments with respect to lands and roads assessed and may issue debentures of the Corporation to that amount in sums of not less than $50. each, and payable within Ten years from the date of such debent- ures with interest at the rate of 71 per cent per annum: DEBENTURES (After Deduction of Estimated Grants) Year Interest Principal Total 1. 25.50 509.52 12 5 02 2. 581.29 033.73 1215.02 3. 533.76 681.26 1215.02 4. 482.66 732.36 1215.02 5. 427.73 787.29 1215.02 6. 368.69 846.33 1215.02 7. 305.21 909.51 1215.02 8. 236.98 978.04 1215.02 9• 163.62 1051.40 1215.02 10. 84.7 6 1130.26" 1215.02 1810.20 6340-00 121 0.20 such debentures to be without coupons and to be payable at the Office of the Treasurer of the Township of Barham at Straffordville , Ontario. 3. For paying the sum of $ 6,0"47.00 , the amount charged against such lands and roads for benefit, and the sum of $ 10,131-009 the amount charged against such lands and roads for outlet liability, and the sum of $ NIL , the amount charged against such lands and roads for injuring liability, apart from lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the municipality and for covering interest thereon for Ten years, at the rate of 7t" per cent per annum the following total special rates over and above all other rates shal be assessed; levied and Collected (in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the undermentioned parcels of land and parts of parcels and roads, and the amount of the total special rates and interest against each parcel or parr. of .:_,parcel respectively shall be divided into Ten equal parts, and one such part s,}all be assessed, levied and collected as aforesaid, in each year, for en years, after the passing of this by-law, during which the debentures have to run, provided that no greater amount shall be levied than is required after taking into account and crediting the amount of grants under subsection 3 of section 64 of The Drainage Act, 1962-63, the amount of moneys paid under a by-law passed under subsection 4 of section 40 of that Act and commuted payments with respect to lands and roads assessed. Lot Acres Con. or Aff- Benefit to 't.Pt, 5 15 $ - S,Pt. 5 23 100.00 S.E.Pt.5 1 100.00 S.E.Pt.5 1 100.00 S,W.Pt.5 2 - Sept* 1 - C.Pt.Si 6 62 1000.00 S.E.Pt.6 1 =- S.E.F-:,6 1 -- Sept. 6 7 350.00 Si 7 30 -- 9 N.E. Cors 1 100.-00 N.Pt. 6 .43 -- �' 6 .32 6 .14 -- :t 6 2 67 ,r 6 .5 6 1 -- E, 6 2 -- s' '' 6 15 1200.-00 6 10.5 -- N.Cen.Pt. 6 2500.00 N.W 7 7 N.E. 7 7 -- TOTAL FOR LANDS 5450-M CTY.RD.LOTS 5 & 6 331.00 C.N.R. -- C.N.R.(Direct AssmDc66.00 TOTAL FOR BENEFIT 47.0 1i OUTLET 10131.00 ^ TVIP.RD. TOTAL FOR DRAIN I.n j . Outlet Lia, Assm. Assa $ 750-00 -- 1150.00 50.00 - 50.00 - 100.00 - 50.00 - 3100.00 - 50.00 - 50.00 350,00 - 1500.00 - 50.00 - 50.00 - 50.00 - 50.00 100.00 - 50.00 -- 50.00 - 50.00 - 100.00 .� 750.00 500.00 -- 350.00 - �)lluZ.id • I •• 331.00 - 100.00 - 10131-00- Interest Total Est. for�0 Yrs.Spec. Grant C 7N Rate $ 500.00 $ 1.14.20 $364.20 8Y3.33 190-43 607-10 .�- 68.60 218.60 f- 68.60 218.60 45.70 145,70 -- 22.80 72.80 270•33 6zz-$o 199z.$a -- 7 -- 22.80 72.80 466.67 106,57 339.90 1000.00 228.40 728.40 .�- 68.60 218.60 -= 22.80 72.80 �- 22.80 72.80 -- 22.80 72.80 .:.. 45,70 145.70 22.80 72.80 �- 22.80 72.80 -�- 22.80 72.80 -- 45,70 145,70 1300.00 297.00 947.00 333.34 76.14 242.80 1666.67 380.77 1214.10 233.33 53.33 170.00 2 120-00 3 2672-70 522. -- 302.40 964.40 -- 45.70 145.70 -- 487.00 1553.00 9300-00 1507-8011185-80 Annual Assm.Ea. 36.42 60.71 21.86 21.86 14.57 7.28 199.11 7.28 7.28 33.99 72.84 21.86 7.2$ 7.28 7.28 14.57 7.28 7.28 7.28 14.57 94.70 24.28 121.41 17.00 17.20 52.27 96.44 14.57 155.30 a. 4. For paying the sum of $662.00, the amount assessed against such roads and lands of the municipality, and for covering interest thereon for TEN years at the rate of 71 per cent per annum, a special rate, sufficient to produce the required yearly amount therefor, shall, over and above all other rates, be levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the whole rateable property in the Township of Bayham in each year for TEN years, after the passing 6f this by-law, during which the debentures have to run, 5. This by-law comes into force on the passing thereof, and may be cited as the "NKEULLER DRAIN By -Lawn. lk FIRST READING - V 21 191 '5, SECOND READING - Ov,i, '� �, jq b $. THIRD READING - I a67 fid, /9L= $" ENACTED this 7~- day of dL", & v 5 7` 19 b 6-. 0 N 0 T I C E Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held at the Township Office, Straffordville, Ontario on the / s T Of /�1��°l1S i 19 b6 ' dap , at the hour of d'cc9 in the i9 F T,ER noon, for the purpose of hearing and trying Y g complaints and appeals against the assessments in the foregoingb O by-law. All notices of appeals shall be served upon the Clerk of the Township of Bayham at least ten days prior to the first sitting of such Court of Revision. Notice of intention to make application to quash the fore- going by-law must be served on the Clerk of the Municipality P y w4 -thin ten days of the final passing of the said by-law, � y law. Dated this �` day of U-0 k 1 a 9 0 rk of Bayham Towns rip-, traffordville, Ontario. b To the Reeve & Council, Township of Bayham, MAY - t 1966 Re: Meuller Drain Project #D.124 Gentlemen_ In accordance with your instructions persuant to a petition signed by a majority of persons being owners of lands lying in an area requiring drainage. I have examined the area and wish to report as follows. The area requiring drainage comprises Lots 5 & 6, Con. IX & X in the Township of Bayham, being in the general vicinity of the hamlet of Corinth. There appears at this time to be in existence a tile drain which drains from the main intersection of the hamlet of Corinth, Easterly and Southerly into the Little ,Terry Creek Drain. This tile drain is not functioning at all, and as a result it is necessary that the entire drain be reconstructed using concrete field tile: throughout, and new catch basins placed at strategic locations within the hamlet, as well as catch basins placed along th` road crossing, on the road between concession IX & X. The drain will provide considerable drainage for the agricultural lands in the area as well as the residential lane in, and around, the hamlet of Corinth. It is also necessary that a now pipe be placed under the Canadian National Railway right-of-way to carry the new drain. I recommend that fourty feet of 18" x .375" wall thickness, spiral welded steel pipe be installed by boring and jacking under the railway. One-third of the cost of the installation shall be charged to the drainage area, two-thirds shathe be charged directly to the Canadian National Railways. The C.N.R. has option of installing this item themselves, or it may be installed as part of the contract for this project. I I determine the amount to be paid to, owners entitled thereto for damages occasioned by the disposal of excavating material (Section 8-1) and for right-of-way (Section 8-8), as provided in the Drainage Act, 1962- 1963. LOT OR PART NAME OF OWNER SECTION 8 (1) SECTION 8 ( 8 ) TOTAL Concession X: S.1/2 of 6 Pt.of S.1/2 of 6 R. Mannell Twp.of Bayham Community Park N.pt of 6 T. Evanitski S.Centre pt. Haiman & Meuller of 6 Total Allowances -- Section 8 100.00 50.00 95.00 100.00 50.00 105.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 345.00 355.00 700.00 2 - y-stimate tie co:.t �i �::�:: v%uZn Lo LL a:.J Allowances under Section 8 of the Drainage Act Supply and install Gabion basket outlet projection at entrance of this drain into the Little Jerry Creek Drain Supply and install 20' x 18'* x 16 ga.corrugated steel pipe complete with rodent grate at outlet Supply 2,900 lin.ft. of 16" concrete field the @ 82� per lin.ft. Excavate, lay and backfill 2,900 lin.ft. of 16" concrete field tile @ $1.10 per lin.ft. Supply 60 lin.ft. of 18" - 16 ga.corrugated steel pipe & install under road between Con. X & IX. Supply and install by boring & jacking under Canadian National Railways - 40' x 18" x .375" wall thickness - spiral welded steel pipe Supply 800 lin.ft. of 12" concrete field the @ 480 per lin.ft. Excavate, lay and backfill 800 lin.ft. of 12" concrete field tile @ 80� per lin.ft. Supply 1,100 lin.ft. of 10" concrete field tale @ 371, per lin.ft. Excavate, lay and backfill 1,100 lin.ft. of 10" concrete field tile @ 50� per lin.ft. Supply and install two 10" x 16 ga.x 60' road crossings @ $325.00 each Supp�y and install nine concrete catch basins @ $220.00 Supply and install one concrete junction box Supply 155 lin.ft. of 8" concrete pipe @ 63C per lin.ft. Excavate, lay and backfill 155 lin.ft. of 8" concrete pipe @ $1.00 per lin.ft. Supply and install fibrefelt & fibreglass tile guard @ 20C per lin. ft. Engineering @ 7 1/2% Clerk's fee By-law Commissioners Fee Letting Contract & incidental expenses J $ 700.00 150.00 2378.00 3190.00 400.00 1600.00 384.00 640.00 407.00 550.00 750.00 1980.00 150.00 97.65 155.00 1000.00 1190.00 125.00 150.00' 150.00 153.35 TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 $17140.00 - 3 - Less Special Assessment to the Canadian National Railways to cover two-thirds of the cost of supplying and installing pipe under their right-of-way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11066.00 Leaving a balance to be assessed against the Drainage area of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,,574.00 This sum I assess against all the lands and roads affected in accord- ance with the Annexed Assessment Schedule. After construction the drain shawl be maintained by the Township of Bayham at the expense of all the lands and roads assessed herein, and in the same relative proportion until said assessment shall be varied in accord- ance with the provisions of the Drainage Act. JBD/ah All of which is respectfully submitted. l Yours truly,, -- ,JOHN B. DODD,._Q:''L. S. - 4 - Township of Bayham - Meuller Drain ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE: - LOT OR PART ACRES NAME BENEFIT OUTLET TOTAL BALANCE AFF'T AFT.SUB. Concession X: N. pt. of 5 15 S. Szippl (nprJ S'cc vo) 750.0025$:-'00 250.00 S.pt. of 5 23 A. Nasswatter 100.00 1150.00 1250.00 416.66 S.E.pt.of 5 1 W. Burwell 100.00 50.00 150.00 S.E.pt.of 5 1 W. Hansford 100.00 50.00 150.00 S.W.pt. of 5 2 M. Kosteniuk 100.00 100.00 S.pt. of 5 1 Womens Inst. 50.00 50.00 `'"FrRHti Cen.pt.of S. 1/2 of SQL, 62 R. Mannell 1000.00 3100.00 4100.00 1366.66 S.E.pt.of 5, 1 O. Lindsay 50.00 50.00 S.E.pt. of 6 1 W. Turner 50.00 50.00 �� = S.pt. of 6 7 Community Park 350.00 350.00 700.00 233.33 j« S.1/2 of 7 30 C. D. Phillips Ltd. 1500.00 1500.00 500.00 15 Concession IX: N.E.corner of I /I IV 100.00 50.00 150.00 N.pt. of 6 .43 J. Twining 50.00 50.00 " .32 E. Duff 50.00 50.00 " .14 Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ 50.00 50.00 " 2 MrS M.Wallingion 100.00 100.00 t .7 J. Friesen 50.00 50.00 .5 G. Chilcott 50.00 50.00 C. ' 1 R. Sayers 50.00 50.00 z " 2 F. Stimers 100.00 100.00 15 T. Evanitsky 1200.00 750.00 1950.00 650.00 I - 5 - 74Qw Township of Bayham - Meuller Drain ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE:- LOT CHEDULE:- LOT OR PART ACRES NAME BENEFIT OUTLET TOTAL BALANCE r AFF' T AFT .SUB . , �L,, Concession IX: N.pt.of 6 10.5 T. Toth N.Centre pt. S. Meuller of 6 S. Haimann 2500.00 N.W.gt. of 7 7 B. Pal27 500.00 500.00 166.66 2500.00 833.33 i{ 350.00 350.00 116.66 N.E.gt. of 7 7 T. Evanitsky 350.00 350.00 116.66 TOTAL OF LANDS . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5450.00 9700.00 15150.00 County of Elgin Rd. between Lots 5 & 6 331.00 331.00 662.00 Township of Bayham Rd. between Con. X & IX 331.00 331.00 662.00 Canadian National Railways 100.00 100.00 TOTAL OF LANDS & ROADS . . . . . . $ 6112.00 10462.00 $16,574.00 To n. OL c` TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM June 3, 1968. Moved by R.Green Seconded by Tony Csinos That additional 6" tile be laid on Meuller Drain on west side of county road north to Mr. Szipplts field tile and his assessment be inc- reased to $500. for benefit and $750. for .,outlet and remainder of costs be proportioned over whole assessment area. Also that a grass waterway be incorporated across south part of lot 6, Conc . 10 of R.?•iannell . Carried. (Signed) Horace B. Johnson. Reeve. Certified cop- !�6rk,of-Bayham Twp . 0 By -Law No. 1616. Township of Bayham. Being a byiaw to limit the gross weight of vehicles or combination of vehicles, passing over certain bridges in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS this authority in contained in Section 52, sub -section (8) of The Highway Traffic Act, R.3. C. 196o: AND WHEREAS it is deemed adviseable that the gross weight of vehicles passing over acme, be imposed on certain bridges in the Township of Bayham: *HB 3FOHZ BS IT MACTO by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows; - 1. The linft of the gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles, passing over certain bridges hn the Township of Bayham, shall be in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By -Law. 2. That notice of such limit of gross weight, legibly printed, shall be posted up, in a conspicuous place, at each end of each bridge respectively. 3. That this By -Law shellcome into force and effect upon being approved by the Department of Transport and upon signs being duly installed. 49 That By -Lax No. 1612 is hereby repealled. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 1st. day of August 1968. Si ned) Horace B. Johnson Signed) J. D. Vallee Reeve. C• I, J. D. Vallee, Clerk of the Towmship of Bayham, hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1616 with Schedule "A" attached. Approved this 20th day of August, 1968 pursuant to the provisions of The Highway Traffic Act for the period ending August 20th, 1970. Irwin Haskett, MINISTER OF TRANSPORT Per: A i g n L Name of Bridge Carson Moore Robertson Knotts mili. Contra Cook Beattie SChodide *An* By -Law No, 1616 List of Bridges. Location Lot No, Conc. No, --mm-mmm� 19 9&10 124 7 Name of Bridge Carson Moore Robertson Knotts mili. Contra Cook Beattie SChodide *An* By -Law No, 1616 List of Bridges. Location Lot No, Conc. No, --mm-mmm� 19 9&10 124 7 122 7 114 7 113 7 10-011 10 lu 6 Gross '.YAipAHf- T4.44 - Ton a 10 Tons 5 Tons 10 Tons - 5 Ton a 10 Tons - 5 Tons Of By -Law No. 1616. Township of Bayham. Being a bylaw to limit the gross weight of vehicles or combination of vehicles, passing over certain bridges in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS this authority is contained in Section 52, sub -section (8) of The Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1960: AND WHEREAS it is deemed adviseable that the gross weight of vehicles passing over same, be imposed on certain bridges in the Township of B ayh am : THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. The limit of the gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles, passing over certain bridges In the Township of Bayham, shall be in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By -Law. 2. That notice of such limit of gross weight, legibly printed, shall be posted up, in a conspicuous place, at each end of each bridge respectively. 3. That this By -Law shall come into force and effect upon being approved by the Department of Transport and upon signs being duly installed. 4. That By -Law No. 1612 is hereby repealled. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this S = day of 1968. eev°e . clerk. A# Schedule "A", By -Law No. 1616 List of Bridges. s Location Name of Bridge Lot No. Conc. No. Gross Weight Limit. Carson 19 9 & 10 3 Tons Moore 124 7 10 Tons Robertson 122 7 5 Tons Knotts 14ill 114 7 10 Tons Centre 113 7 5 Tons Cook 10-11 10 10 Tons Beattie 111 6 5 Tons s • Approved this 20th day of August, 1968 pursuant to the provisions of The Highway Traffic Act. Irwin Baskett MTNISTER OF TRANSPOR MUN CIP"ITI 0f=SHIP OF BAIHPe/nig BI -LAW NUMBER 161.7. Ac PROVIDING FOR THE ERECTION OF YIELD RIGHT-OF-WAZ SIGNS AT jXTIM9CTI0N _ WHMAS subsection 2 of section 66 of The Highway Traffic Act (R.s.O. 1960, Chapter 172) provides that: No yield right-of-way sign shall be erected without the approval of the Department and every sign so erected shall comply with the regulations of the Department; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: - 1. The intersection on highway set out in Column 1 is designated as an interaction where )yield right-of-way signs shall be erected at the location shown in Coltmn 2. InteraectigA Township road between concessions ten and eleven and sideroad between lots fifteen and sixteen. . _ it ._._-_� F acin,gtraffic rr��r rrr South bound on sideroad between lots fifteen and sixteen and North bound on sideroad between lots fifteen and sixteen. 2. The penalties provided in section 85 of The Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this by-law. 3. This by-law shall not become Department of Transport. ENACTED AND PASSED this 1st. it effective until approved by the day of August I, J. D. Vallee, Clerk of the Township of Bayham, Hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of Township of Bayham By -Law No,�1617. / Lnekk of Bay ownshi rA H eeve. It ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT OFFICE OF DEPUTY MINISTER v. Mr. J. D. Vallee, Clerk and Treasurer, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Mr. Vallee, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO 2 August 26th, 1968. Following up our letter of June 12th and yours of August 13th, we enclose approved copies of By -lads Numbere 1616 and 1617 of the Township of Bayham. Yours very truly, (Miss) M. Edmond By-law Officer MUNICIPALITY OF TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. BY-LAW NUMBER 1617. PROVIDING FOR THE ERECTION OF YIELD RIGHT-OF-WAY SIGNS AT INTERSECTION. WHEREAS subsection 2 of section 66 of The Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 172) provides that: No yield right-of-way sign shall be erected without the approval of the Department and every sign so erected shall comply with the regulations of the Department; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the 1.1unicipality of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows:- 1. ollows:- 1. The intersection on highway set out in Column 1 ..,is designated as an intersection where yield right-of-way signs shall be erected at the location shown in Column 2. Column 1 Intersection Township road between concessions ten and eleven and sideroad between lots fifteen and sixteen. Column 2 Facing traffic South bound on sideroad between lots fifteen and sixteen and Norti. bound on sideroad between lots fifteen and sixteen. 2. The penalties provided in section 85 of The Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this by-law. 3. This by-law shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transport. ENACTED AND PASSED this C day of 1968. J eeve. I V --' Clerk. O, t,7_1 :j . �l PUQVIDUG Elder TUT UUTICS Of TI= WHUAA5 sobs ellen Z of ee tiat 66 of The HighwAq TrWie Act ( jt. g.0* 19W9 MWteas 172) fides that s !1eold rirA�•w4 � a�hall be Ie�sC� ori LM approval of the Deperpont mt r aLiVWT� of LM Drpso wvetmd �L� with � *Ki-, , THAISPOR, the Council of the Corporation of tis INnicipalit y of the �owaship of Dahan enacts as follows s •• 1. The interseetitan an hi set my in Column 1 . is ftsigtted as w interee tion wha s ld r~igj.;=7-4f sus shall b�►erected at the location; ` xh!fAkhmm roadbetv�en cones a�l tin and eleven &W ad.deroad between lots fifteen and :.l.xteen 9 3anth 'boand bets oen lot sdxteen a a 11forth bound between lots sixteeno an a Marasd fifteeet and an sidercw fifteen and 2. The p nsaltiea provi4WM in s"tion 85 of The Hi way Traffic Act mall apply to offences sealast this by -tax. 3. 'mss bylaw shaU not become effective until approved by the Departaent of Transport. EXACTIW AND PA330 this Lam' - v , I, J. D. Vallee, Clw* of the Township of D&rh&u, Hereby certify t a above to be a true and correct copy *f Township of Barham byLaw floe 1617. •tii t ��fit row " �% - r ` a 1 ot � '... 0 _ r t M' ' to i% at 66 3l6fl• O��' ile�li�M rat Mt ��~ '!Ai!!it Ast a Alm qowlqmqolpa t~d t,� ��aiu0bed�st� aid !� � �1� tdNi tip Cwt at Latae lw et the I o na t�1*Los anMad ► t�rM dam dwU So- w�. � ++�wr aad+i�� k bamt s ga led.sweed Mho me Ml IS* ► ' +rr+ri tatWIF !' !!w►#�► 40 ftUM *WdMft We by4wl i 3* MSU" by the AM #A&= ibis Off` 119"40 It Jo D. V&U" s Chic of tbfD Of Bffbm, HMWOY ccar UY the a U be o tiw &vAQarricI cqq of Z'b�ra iia of Bahw ByL*w bio. 16174 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT OFFICE OF DEPUTY MINISTER Mr. J. D. Vallee, Clerk, Township of Bayham, Straf fordville, Ontario. Dear Mr. Vallee, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO 2 July 15th, 1968. In reply to your letter of July 12th, I enclose a model form of by-law providing for the erection of yield right- of-way signs at intersections. You will note that Section 1 contains two columns, one in which intersections shall be designated, in the case of a township by lot and/or concession numbers, each of the roads forming an intersection, and the other describing the exact location of each sign. Departmental policy requires this manner of designation and sign location description. If and when you submit a by-law for approval, it would be greatly appreciated if you would forward a map or plan of the township showing the intersections affected by the by-law. Yours very truly, (Miss) M. Edmond By- law Officer MODEL NUMBER...9 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT A BY-LAW PROVIDING FOR THE ERECTION OF YIELD RIGHT-OF-WAY SIGNS AT INTERSECTIONS Under section 108 of The Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 19609 Chapter 172) all by-laws providing for the regulation of traffic on highways are required to be submitted to the Department of Transport for approval. In the interests of uniformity, and for the guidance of municipal clerks, the Department has drafted a number of model forms of by-laws. One of these, model number 9, a '�copydf which is attached, provides for the erection of yield right-of-way signs at intersections. Please notes 1. After final passage by Council, duplicate certified copies should be submitted for approvaZ.r 2. By-laws should be forwarded to the Department of Transport, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2. 3. Photostatic copies are not acceptable for Departmental purposes. 0 - -. MUNICIPALITY OF BY-LAW NUMBER PROVIDING FOR THE ERECTION OF YIELD RIGHT-OF-WAY SIGNS AT INTERSECTIONS WHEREAS subsection 2 of section 66 of The Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 172) provides that: No yield right-of-way sign shall be erected without the approval of the Department and every sign so erected shall comply with the regulations of the Department; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of enacts as follows: - 1. The intersections on highways set out in Column 1 are designated as intersections where yield right-of-way signs shall be erected at the locations shown in Column 2. Column 1 Intersection Street and Street Column 2 Facing traffic bound on Street 2. The penalties provided in section 85 of The Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this by-law. 3. This by-law shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transport. ENACTED AND PASSED this day of CLERK 19 J By -Law No.1618 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHA.M. A by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bay ham in the County of Elgin and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the sum of $3,600.00 for completing the drainage works (-oma -sum --of 4--------------T-the-pwepair#.4o12r-.�a-b� •� t.ted--by��.�e-lauuaicipa�ity-�o�a-cosa}�lotlAg-�i�s-drai-�arksj . WHEREAS the requisite number of owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll, of the property hereinafter set forth requiring drainage have petitioned the council of the Township of Bayham praying that the following lands may be drained by a drainage works; Lots 26 and 27, South Gore and adjoining road. AND WHEREAS the council has procured a report made by John B. Dodd, O.L.S., and the report is as follows: By -Law No. 1619 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. A by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the suns of $ 29950.00 for completing the drainage WHEREAS the requisite number of owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll, of the property hereinafter set forth requiring drainage have petitioned the council of the Township of Bayham praying that the following lands may be drained by a drainage works; Leta 19 =4 201 G40s e) day! lo" 20, CMM *4 amd atJoU L g :,o"*, 0 AND WHEREAS the council has procured a report made by Join B. Dodgy, O.L.j.# and the report is as follows: Cl 4 By -Law No. 1620 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Being a by-law to provide for the holding of nominations and elections for School Trustees, in accordance with provisions of The Act to amend The Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act, 1968, and The Act to amend the Separate Schools Act, 1968. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED AS FOLLOWS: - 1. That nominations be held on Monday, Nov. 18th., 1968 at the hour of 7:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M,. for - (a) Four Trustees for the Elgin County Board of Education to be elected by the Public School Supporters of the municipalities of Malahide, South Dorchester, Bayham, Aylmer, Belmont, Springfield, Vienna and Port Burwell for a two year term (1969 and 1970). (b) One Trustee for the Elgin Roman Catholic Separate School Board to be elected by the Separate School Supporters of the municipalities of Bayham, Vienna and Port Burwell for a two year term (1969 and 1970)• (c) Such other School Trustees as may be necessary. 2. That, in case more candidates qualify for election than are necessary to fill the above offices, the election, by ballot, for same be held on Monday, December 2nd., 1968, between the hours of 10:00 o'clock A.M. and 7:00 o'clock P.M. 3. That the election for the above noted offices be held in accordance with the provisions of The Elections Act, for municipalities. Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 30th. day of August, 1968. Reeve. Ila i ,, Clerk. By -Lax No. 1620 TOWNSHIP OF BATS Being a by-law torovide for the holdinS of nominations and elections for school Trustees, in accordance with provisions of The Act to amend The Secondary Schools sad Boards of Education Act 19689 and The Act to anand the Separate schools Act, 1468. BE IT THIEUR—E 'ORE SNACTSD AS POLLOWS : • 1. That nominations be held on Moondj, Nov. 18th. , 1968 at the hour of 7:30 P.M. to 8:30 *Me, for — (a) Four Trustees for the Elgin County Board of Education to be elected the Public School Supporters of the municipalities of atahide South Dorchester Bayham, Aylmer, Belmont, Springfield, Vienna and Post Burwell for a two year term (1 69 and 1970)• (b) One Trustee for the S1 n Roman Catholic So arate School Board to be elected the Separate School Supporters of the municipalities of Bayham, Vienna and Port Burwell for a two year tome (1969 and 1970)e (c) Such other School Trustees as may be necessary. 2. That, in case more candidates than are necessary to fill the election, by ballot, for same December 2nd., 1968 between t o'clock A.M. and- o'clock qualify for election above offices, the be held an Monda , he hours of 10:00 P.M. 0 3. That the election for the above noted offices be held in accordance with the provisions of The Elections Act, for municipalities. Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 30th. day of August, 1968, Reeve . N Clerk. 0 TUdNSHIP OF BAYHADI BY-LAW ff" /4.Z,3 A BY-LAW to issue and charge fees for licences to hunt, during the open season, pheasants, rabbits and fox; WHERE AS pursuant to the provisions of the Game and Fish Act 1961- ? and the regulations made thereunder, the Corporation of the Township of Bayham has authority to issue and charge fees for licences to hunt pheasants, rabbits, and fox during the open season for such game, within the said Township. NM THEREFORE the Municipal council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows; (1) That no person shall hunt pheasants, rabbits or fox within the ToVmship of Bayham in the County of Elgin until a licence for that purpose has been obtained and such licence to be in addition to any other licence or permit required by law of the Federal or Provinail Governments. (2) The Clerk of the Township of Bayham or other person or persons appointed from time to time by the Council shall issue and sell the following; A) A licence for non-residents of the Township of Bayham or non-residents of Ontario to hunt pheasants, rabbits and fox at a fee of 1_P`3.30 per season. B) A licence for residents of the Township of Bayham to hunt pheasants, rabbits and fox at a fee of $1.00 per season. (3) The fee prescribed shall be paid for each licence as and when same is issued. (4) The licence issuer shall receive .30 cents for each non- resident licence, and .10 cents for each resident licence to be issued by the licence issuer out of the above licence fees. (5 ) That for the purpose of this BY-LAW all Township licences issued within the County of Elgin are non-recipricale during e pheasant season, but are recipricale for rabbits Tox upon closing of the pheasant season. n g (6 ) In this BY-LAd, th q,$rds "Resident of the Township" means any person who i wit"hin the Township of Bayham and Villages of Vienna and Port Burwell. (7 ) In this BY-LAW, the words "Non-R#sident of the Township" means any person who does not reside within the Township of Bayham or the Villages of Vienna and Port Burwell. ($) A minimum of 200 licences must be available for use of non- residents of which 30 are available to non-residents of Canada; with no restrictions on the number of resident licences. (9) That all previous BY-LAWS passed by the Township of Bayham, which are inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Read a First time this 1st. day of November, 1968. Read a Second and Third time and FINALLY passed this P' day of p�E cv Ell q c - R • 1968. Reeve. erx. D*w Sirs .'•► In aaaardance with your rgwart of Novo 13tb. , I art onaloaing a +aortifi*d copy of our Uunship of Babam Her-Iw Bo. 1623 as bring girt third r+oadi . A A' Nov. 1, 1968. Dept. of Lands and Forests, c/8 Lax Branch, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont, Dear Sirs ; - I am enclosing two copies of our Township of Bay = By -Law No. 1623 on receiving first reading for your considerat- ion for approbal . This is in accordance with the request of one of your officers who left a sample copy at this office. Nncle. Your early advice on the same would be appreciated. Yours very truly Clerk of Bayhan, 0 F L F _.....r4 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND FORESTS TORONTO, Ontario. November 15, 1968. !,"r. J.D. Vallee, C Jerk, Township of Bayham, STRAFFORDVILLF, Ontario. Dear Sir: WHEN "[PLYING hiY::LY CUOtt I.fS FILE NUMB( a FS 125- TWPS. Your letter dated November 1 enclosing two copies of your by-law No. 1623 amending by-law No. 1349 governing the issue of licences for hunting pheasants, rabbits and fox in your township has been received at this office for acknowledg- rrent . Please be advised the provisions of the by-law are in accordance with the authorization which the Minister of Lands and Forests has extended for this purpose. A certified, signed third reading copy of this by-law will be appreciated. Yours very truly, JFG. cam C.H.Dlad ark hief. . c.c. Aylmer D/F Fish Wildlife Branch. PLEASE QUOTE DEPARTMENT FILE NUMBER IN ANY REPLY By -Law N o . llp; y - Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for the holding of the Municipal Elections in the I.Tunicipality of the Township of Bayham for the year 1968 and for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Polling Places for the said Municipality. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayham as follows:- That, ollows:- That, provided more persons qualify for election to office than are req- uired to fill the various offices, an election will be held on Dec.2nd, 1968 as according to Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1203, and in accordance with provisions of the :Tunicipal Election Act. That the election for Sub -Division No. 1 shall be held at the Parish Hall in Port Burwell, and that Max Underhill shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Percy Clarke shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 2 shall be held at or near the residence of Norman Light, and that Murray Emerson shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Norman Light shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 3 shall be held at or near the George Shearer Residence and that Elton Jackson shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Lvle Lemon shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. ISA shall be held,at the Township Hall in Straffordville and that H. P. Grant shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Mrs. Robt Soper shall be Poll Clerk, That the election for Sub -Division No. 4B shall be held at the Township Hall in 5traffordville and that Lyle Walsh shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that George Cameron shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 5 shall be held at the Church Hall, Corinth and that 'Mrs. Doug. Falkins shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that I-Irs . Duaine Nelson shall be Poll Clerk, That the election for Sub -Division No. 6 shall be held at the Eden School and that I•Iiss. Catharine LicDowell shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that Mrs. Clinton Kennedy shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 7 shall be held at the Richmond Church and that I<<rs. Len Simpson shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that Mrs. Gene Acre shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 8 shall be held at Calton School and that I•'irs. i4yarren Graves shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that i,Trs. William Shaw shall be Poll Clerk . AND THAT the said Deputy Returning C'fficers and Poll Clerks be and they are hereby authorized and reouired to hold the said �,Tunicipal Elections in accordance with the Act and to provide voting by ballot at the said elections. AND THAT the Polling Hours for the Election ori Dec. 2, 1968 for School Trustee shall be from 10:00 A.i-i. to 8:00 P.I,I. READ a first, Second and Third time and,, inally- passed this 1st. day of ti� November, 1968. f Reeve C THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By-law No. 16A �► Being a By-law to expropriate certain lands in the Township of Bayham for the alteration and widening of the road between Lots Thirteen in the First and Second Concessions of the said Township. WHEREAS by Section 333 sub -section 1 of The Municipal Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, the Council of this Township is empowered to pass by-laws for expropriating any land required for the purposes of the Corporation. AND WHEREAS it is considered necessary to widen and improve a portion of the road between the First and Second Concessions of the Township. AND WHEREAS under the Expropriation Procedures Act, Statutes of Ontario, 1962-63, Chapter 43, the title to the lands expropriated under this By-law will vest in the Township on the registration in the Registry Office for the County of Elgin of a plan showing the said lands. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED as a By-law of the Corpor- ation of the Township of Bayham: 1. The lands situate in Lot Thirteen, Concession One and Lot Thirteen, Concession Two, in the Township of Bayham, more particularly described in Schedules "A", "B", "C", "D" & "E" to this By-law, are hereby expropriated, the lands expropriated from each owner being as follows: Parcel 1 - George William McCord and Marjorie Ethel Ann McCord. Parcel 2 - Lisabeth Marianne Waller Parcel 3 - Keith Underhill Parcel 4 - Joseph A. Bootle and Jennree Bootle Parcel 5 - William Burton McCord and Alta Gertrude McCord all as shown on plan prepared by H. V. Jewitt, Ontario Land Surveyor, annexed hereto. ft -2- 2. The Reeve and Clerk of the Township are hereby authorized to make all necessary arrangements with the above named owners as to amount and payment of compensation and to execute all necessary contracts, agreements and other documents in connection therewith. 3. The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the said plan on behalf of the Township and to arrange for registration thereof in the Registry Office for the County of Elgin in accordance with the Expropriation Procedures Act. READ a first, second and third time and passed this day of /1/0,). , 1968. e, '9 Reeve • Clerk. 0 SCHEDULE "A" H. V. JEWITT. Q.L.S. MUNICIPAL A P"IVAT1<SURVCYS J. B. DODD. O.L.S. ORAINAQt CONSULTANT G. DOUGLAS VALLEE LTD. CONSULTING CNGINMR JEWITT, DODD do VALLEE f0 KRNT STRQlT SOUTH 111RCO 1 0MTAR10 TtL[rHON[ 42"115 December 19, 1967. Part 1 Owner: George William McCord and Marjorie Ethel Ann McCord Area : 0.126 acres DESCRIPTION OF LAND ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and in the Province of Ontario being composed of part of Lot 13 in Concession II in said Township which said parcel is more particularly described as follows: Bearings contained herein are referred to those shown on a plan registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Elgin as Number 46; . Commencing at the intersection of the southerly limit of said Lot 13 with the westerly limit of the Tillsonburg Lake Erie and Pacific Railway, said intersection being distant 581.6 feet meas- ured on a course of North 700 39' 30" West along the southerly limit of said Lot 13 from the south-east angle of said Lot 13; Thence North 700 39' 30" Westalong the southerly limit of said Lot 13 547.95 feet to an iron bar planted; Thence North 190 20' 30" East 10.0 feet to an iron bar plant- ed; Thence South 70° 39' 30" East 547.95 feet more or less to the westerly limit of the Tillsonburg Lake Erie and Pacific Rail- way; Thence Southerly along the last mentioned limit being a curve having a radius of 1096.0 feet an arc distance of 10.0 feet, the chord equivalent being 10.0 feet measured on a course of South 190 20' 30" West, more or less to the place of commencement. HVJ : and .' . . ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 71rao'; xrRoyr on .J r., 1* SCHEDULE "B" H. V. JEWITT. O.L.S. MUNICIPAL • MtIV^M SURV[YS I JEWITT, DODD & VALLEE J. B. DODD. O.L.S. DRAINAQL CONSULTANT •O K[NT 1{111[[7 SOUTH SM *k 0MtAt10 G. DOUGLAS VALLEE LTD. T[L[►NON[ 42# -VIS CONSULTINOIWGIMMR December 19, 1967. Part 2 Owner: Lisabeth Marianne Waller ' Area 0.035 acres DESCRIPTION CF LAND ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and in the Province of Ontario being composed of part of Lot 13 in Concession I in said Township which said parcel is more particularly described as follows: Bearings contained herein are referred to those shown on a plan registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Elgin as Number 46; Commencing at the intersection of the.westerly limit of the Tillsonburg Lake Erie and Pacific Railway with the northerly limit of said Lot 13, said intersection being distant 636.34 feet measured on a course of North 70° 39' 30" West along the northerly limit of said Lot 13 from the north-east angle of said Lot 13; Thence North 700 39' 30" West along the northerly limit of said Lot 13 514.75 feet to an iron bar planted; Thence South 19° 20' 3011 west 3.0 feet to an iron bar planted; Thence South 700 39' 30" East 514.75 feet more or less to the westerly limit of the Tillsonburg Lake Erie and Pacific Railway; Thence North 190 20' 30" East along the last mentioned limit 3.0 feet more or less the place of commencement. HVJ - and ONTAR D SURVEYOR .. SCHEDULE "C" H. V. JEWITT. O.L.S. MUNICIPAL R PRIVATZ SURVKYS J. B. DODD, O.L.S. DRA04AQ9 CONSULTANT G. DOUGLAS VALLEE LTD. CONSULTINQ CNOIN[LR Part 3 Owner: Keith Underhill Area : 0.110 acres DESCRIPTION OF LAND JEWITT, DODD do VALLEE 90 KENT STRIET SOUTH 11014M OWAVO T[LIPHONIE 420-4115 December 19, 1967. ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and in the Province of Ontario being composed of part of Lot 13 in Concession II in said Township which said parcel is more particularly described as follows: Bearings contained herein are referred to those shown on a plan registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Elgin as Number 46; Commencing at the south-east angle of said Lot 13; Thence North 700 39' 30" West along the southerly limit of said Lot 13 481.6 feet more or less to the easterly limit of the Tillsonburg Lake Erie and Pacific Railway; Thence Northerly along the last mentioned limit being a curve having a radius of 1196.0 feet an arc distance of 10.0 feet, the chord equivalent being 10.0 feet measured on a course of North 19° 20' 30" East; Thence South 70° 39' 30" East 478.3 feet more or less to the easterly limit of said Lot 13; Thence South 01° 14' 30" West along the easterly limit of said Lot 13 10.52 feet more or less to the place of commencement. HVJ . and �. . ONTARIO LAND S VEYOR ro-0-1 r(N• 1' e s SCHEDULE "D" H. V. JEW ITT. O.L.S. MUNICIPAL A ►RIVATt SURVIrYS J. B. DODD. O.L.S. CRA 4"t CONSULTANT G. DOUGLAS VALLEE LTD. CONSULTING [NOINCiR JEWITT, DODD & VALLEE !O KINT STRt[T SOUTH 906C06. ONIARM TELEPHONE 42"IIS December 19, 1967. Part 4 Owner: Joseph A. Bootle and Jennree Bootle Area : 0.013 acres DESCRIPTION OF LAND ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and be :n the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and in the Province of Ontario being composed of part of Lot 13 in Concession I in said Township which said parcel is more particularly described as follows: Bearings contained herein are referred to those shown on a plan registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Elgin as Number 46; Commencing at a point in the northerly limit of said Lot 13 distant 300.5 feet measured on a course of North 700 39' 30" West along the northerly limit of said Lot 13 from the north-east angle of said Lot 13; Thence North 700 39' 30" West along the northerly limit of said Lot 13 185.84 feet more or less to the easterly limit of the Tillsonburg Lake Erie and Pacific Railway; Thence South 190 20' 30" West along the last mentioned limit 3.0 feet; Thence South 700 39' 30" East 186.76 feet; Thence North 020 20' 30" East 3.44 feet more or less to the place of commencement. HVJ:md I! + ONTAR0 D SURVEYOR I H. V. JEWITT. O.L.S. MUNICIPAL • PRIVATE SURVEY• J. B. 0000. O.L.S. DRAINAGE CONSULTANT SCHEDULE "E" G. DOUGLAS VALLEE LTD. CONSULTING ENGINEER JEWITT, DODD do VALLEE !O KENT STREET SOUTH 0 'PA1. OWA"O TSLtrwON[ 42"115 December 19, 1967. Part 5, Owner: William Burton McCord and Alta Gertrude McCord Area : 0.021 Acres DESCRIPTION OF LAND ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and in the Province of Ontario being composed of part of Lot 13 in Concession I in said Township which said parcel is more particularly described as follows: Bearings contained herein are referred to those shown on a plan registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Elgin as Number 46; , Commencing at the north-east angle of said Lot 13; Thence North 700 39' 30" West along the northerly limit of said Lot 13 300.5 feet; Thence South 020 20' 30" West 3.44 feeit; Thence South 700 39' 30" East 300.56 feet more or less to the easterly limit of said Lot 13; Thence North 010 14' 30" East along the easterly limit of said Lot 13 3.15 feet more or less to the place of commencement. HVJ . and . . . �. . C:�:ONTARIO LAND URVEYOR xrAo THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By -law No. /�,2 b Being a By-law to expropriate certain lands in the Township of Bayham for the alteration and widening of a road between Lots Thirteen in the First and Second Concessions of the said Township. Gibson, Linton & Toth, Barristers, &c. Tillsonburg, dntario. �ITH UNDERHILL T. NO 116543 RT 3=0.110 acres N 0' E an 0 4 78+76 , 5 70^ 39'30"E 6 b Q PAF �0 x 1 S S I 0 N NOTES I IRON BARS 1"a I' a 48' SHOWN 2 FENCES SHOWN a 3 CENTER LINES SHOWN - 4 LOT LINES SHOWN -- -- W ° W O 2 iO N4 S E AN GLE �• i LOT 17, CON.31L 016 2 478'_3 -- r\ 387'55 {) I a\ �e\ n 300'5 --� 300' b i T r s N E ANGLE a -fie LOT 11, CON. IC o Z T m c' LE WILLIAM BURTON MCCORD •', \r E ALTA GERTRUDE MCCORD = O y E INST. NO. 29515 ' rea PART 5 = 0.021 acres. TOWNSHIP PLAN SHOWING Lands to be acquired by Township of Boyhom for rood widening purposes. t ACROSS PARTS OF LOT 13, CONCESSION I 'O C 0� AND PARTS OF b -.°i u o LOT 13 CONCESSION �L U M yti 9+ G , IN THE •.Ci P N m x TOWNSHIP OF DAYHA M4� Ill 'd,w M ID lo IN THE D-4 'E o 'a bp N ti COUNTY OF ELGIN (D Hca cr)bL a M SCALE 111= SOI timW w o •rl F, m F E C N A Bearings are astronomic and ore referred to those shown on Registered Plan No. 46 by Deportment of Highways of Ontario. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT. I. THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT ANO THE REGISTRY ACT AND THE REGULATIONS MADE THEREUNDER' 2. THIS SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE. 25 .. DAY OF OC.%OBER, 19 .G%.. r _ V. JEWITT ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 1 • GEORGE WILLIAM MCCORD MARJORIE ETHEL ANN MCCORD INST. NO 31302 PART I=0126acres ^a L 0 T 1 3, S 70. 39 "' E 34795 loo cc 0 70�39�. ]4t�9!]ItE n110 3T0�39'30'E�- ' oo,o0 ALLOWANCE FOR ROA S 10.39.30-E 514'.7! ]00 00 --� S )0. 39,30,E 514:75 R PART L 0 T 1 3. LISABETH MARIANNE WALLER INST. NO. 94040 PART 2 =0.035acres. i z N0 iE3 ' IRON BARS 1'• I' 4 46' SHOWN O 2 •ENCESSHOWN W O \ 3 CENTER LINES SHOWN t W Q - — KEITH UNOERHILL + 4 :OT LINES SHOWN . 3 J INST. NO 116543 a w a r a ¢ PART 3.0.110 acre$ J / u 0 m LL = W 'O m a a N C 0 N Ca o o E .°I So-1g,S 1 0 N =L p oe off o j �o oa J a m ART r• 9 EANGLE i J f 2 LOT 13, Co. — S Toe 39'30' C 41 .1— 104'8 3,3 3 ,•.STO•39' 30"E - 40l',6 9 70• ]9' 30' 252�T5 1 S TO- 39' 30,E 38)'33 d1 SET EEN CO NCE SSIp N5 S and f 3L �'n r3 ' 1 5)0.39'30' 1n 165' ♦ STO.39'30'E 300' 76 S'TO- 39'30'E 1475 W0g S 70.39'30' E 186')6 '0� �•I r _ _ Y PAR7 ¢ W a n �� r N E 4NGLE^ LOT I3, o \t i i COHII _ C W o N I C E PART a S S I 0 N = - e0 A m o a a m J m z JOSEPH A. BOOTLE WILLIAM BURTON McCORD JENNREE BOOTLE ALTA GERTRUDE MCCORD :E O INST. N0.29028 E ; $ INST. NO. 29515 , 3 acne.. BART 4 • 0.01 3 ac. PART S 0.021 acres. t i 1 i TOWNSHIP 83-9B3-9 I9 TOWNSHIP TOWNSHIP U O3 W � ' a: > m w a — KEITH UNDERHILL 3 -� INST. NO 116543 GEORGE WILLIAM McCGRD W a r a PART 3.0.110 acres `. . MARJORIE ETHEL ANN MCCORD J INST, NO 3 1 3 0 2 r u O PART 1 =0126acres LL = � v a Ww m o. 'n ^ L 0 T 13 C 0 N C , Z E Soo o S 1 0 N 00 Ob.:, N a ~ / OACa OV 022 J Z N .Z - PA f J a z vs PART ![AN GSE a Z H Z < e � LOT 13, CON 5 T O° 39' ]0' E 51)55 5 TO. 39 ]0" E ITI3 o1'e 3T ' S TO 39 10 E 50)'95 pO5)0•39' 30"E 48"6 OHO W nibc11� I' 1, 1 S]0. 39 '30"E 300'00 510•]9'30'E 232'73 I 5)0.79'30"E 3BT'SS ol_m ALLOWANCE FOR ROAD o1 BETWEEN CONCESSIo NS nig^, 5 )O. 39' 10'E 514'73 --�--- S70.39.30.IS5'e/ S )0.3930-E 3 SOO "°O' W BB'0 — — 9e'T6 S TO° 39'30" E SI 1'75 0 5 )0.39'30"E 186')6 n ,° PART 11'13 p0 x n W — > O ^ • �,;� ART oo W a T O z L 0 T 1 3, C W 0 0 N C E IPA RT a S S z 1 0 N J = r 4 N /0 � _ a LISABETH MARIANNE WALLER 0 ° rn JOSEPH A. BOOTLE WILLIAM SURTO INST. NO. 94040 _ Z Z JENNREE BOOTLE ALTA GERTRUDE PART 2 = 0.035 acres.F a _ t INST. NO. 29028 INST. N0. 29313 PART 4 =0.013 otos 8 > PART S = 0.021 ocr 83-9B3-9 I9 TOWNSHIP TOWNSHIP Fy-Law No. 1626 Township of Payham Being a Py -Law to amend the fees payable to Deputy Returni Officers and Poll Clerks for duties performed at municipal elections and for rental paid for the use of polling places used for municipal elections. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Minicipal Council of the Township of Payham as follows; - 1. That the following fees be allowed for officials serving at municipal elections in the Township of Payham;- Deputy Returning Officers ------- a 18.00 Poll Clerks --------------------- 15.00 2. That the sum of � 15.00 be allowed for rental for Polling Places in tlie'T646r hip of"Bayham. y 3.':hat in addition to the above fee, election Officials be allowed.mileape at the rate of .10¢ per mile travelled in returning ballot box to Returning Officer. 4. That the Returning Officer be allowed the sum of ;.1G.0)for delivering ballot boxes to the various Deputy Returning Officers. 5. That all previous by-laws pertaining to the above fees be and are hereby rescinded. 16 READ a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this 1st. day of November, 1968.. reeve.Clerk--? By -Law No. LAW TOWNSHIP OF BAYRM. A by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the sum of ;�� � for completing the drainage works L1W the prepertion to be eentr WHEREAS the requisite number of owners, as shown by the, last revised assessment roll, of the property hereinafter set forth requiring drainage have petitioned the council of the Township of Bayham praying that the following lands may be drained by a drainage works; i. fta. %Ka 10, li,:.12A 139 4M * 14. ti AND M ERRAS the Courc i l has procured a report made by and the report is as follows: 26t 3s"q 0 et ALOWN&'LIQ j r �• � wt� +rte fir►. �. r. ��Nr airy i�a� 1M► . !�, 1 art � rr�r • �t�r �!'� fair. M� 1110 M rM M liwa r 00 h+�.N� M�t�f�ai l�da M a 191 b4a. ..�it�iv Peru= �t�'w'rs� The several owners of the properties to be beaneited were visited at the tiros of the survey, and this report is prepared to agree with their wishes insofar as possible, Tho Bain Drain extension has been desigmW to drain a law area oa 3 w j lot 12 and also to intercept water etraining from the S l lot 12. The the has bean sised for sub -surface drainage erally, with provision for rum -off to catch basins at sta. 6+WDrain and sta, 23+90, an the last side of the Township Road* Corrugated astal pippe culverts have been provided for, who" the drain: crosses the Town= road allowance sta. 23+90, and the lansway, sta. 31+15, to niniaise the risk of frost breakage. At resent an 00 till *drain exists frown ata. 16+U0 to 23+94 on d lot When exuarined tee found thi s tile to be o *rating well , that the new drain ZWd be installed to the son side the tile. he . It will be nose however to 0' 0=ect the present till to the catch basin sta. 2#W D at the time of construction. The anoanto shown in the following schedule oaf .allowances, will in ar opinion, c ansate properties indicated for damage unoler Section 8 (1) of the Drainage Act 1962-63: I, can. Z S W j lot 12 S j lot 1.1 ' ' 3 } ' lot 10 O 41 G. Luki L. Bari Freeman -Story $ 97-a0 155.00 78.00 F Total 330,00 r Future maintenance of this drainage works shall be the respon- sibility of the Township of Bayhan, and the costs of such future maintenance shall be borne by the properties assessed in the report and in the sate relativepproportions, except that the properties wif1 not be assessed for benefit unless work is actually carried out on the tile drain ..t on the property. The fellming is the intimated Costs of the work and the incidental expenses: To smpply the following No. 1 Grade field tilt e • 1085 L P of 6" $ 174.00 1690 L P of 8" 389-00 90 L F of 14' 647.00 M Total To Install the above tile: s Supply and Install: Fibre glass top and bottom on 6" and P tile; and on top only of 140 the '!'pro 21 z 21 Catch Basins sta, 04M and 23+90 50f z 150 oP 14G sta, 23+90-24+40 - Township Road 10t z 15' CLQ' W/Rodent Date and necessary rip -rap sta. 32+90 - Outlet 20'1 x 15. CM? 144 st.a. 31+15 - Lanowal Brisitia j and filler in of open drain ata. 24+40 - 33 0 Seation 8 (1) Drainage Act 1962-63 ,gia+ser t s foes and a sp en aws Glaait • s fe" Publishing and Printing Dy -Lahr 1210.00 727.00 280.00 220.00 45000 65.00 0.00 530.00 550.00 85.00 100.00 Advertising and Letting Cvatract Ommissioner' s sees iaeu Is Supervision of Construction Court of Rrvision, i�oati�tgraeies Total 85.00 Lzo.o0 164.00 ?5.00 * 6598.00 The attached Schedule of Assesmsent apportions the "tstimaUd Costs" to the proportion concerned in proportion to their rea- Paudbil,ity for *Outlet" and "Ben;ki t" . io assessment char•s b ort for in p burins I.ia ilit� as i been made in this re b fs not It aontiei ated injury will occua� to any lands because of this con- straction . 06der Sectiaas 619 6364 of the Draisa� Act 196"3 a Previaaia, ft=t of 3 1 3% of the cost of seas: atio n , on agri- "Itu ral ',ands o tai.ned. A sub ti+�actt brant bar Federal A .8 . D . A . the provincial Fant adm stratian redia will further reduceagri cultural =W=Umtz by another one-third, the assassoats are then payable twOwthirds by grant and one. %Xrd bar preWtY asssaaot t. S 10"0a*A,ly submitted tMa Ath Uy of 9eptobsor, 190* trIahaa, Bersan and .lsso4atss Ltd. Consulting or* (Seal) John 9. Norris= J*n S. Xorrisan Supervisor. 3CMWULZ OF � ? JOB NO. T-183 8 Acreage lain Drain Z SA 13 96 Nauthe 3 •63 �.64 •2n.63 12 4.r. aard 21 it �u 6.80 3M is a.I�Cl�� 2 2 000 b5 . 1' . 1414, 3 U L.Bari o0 9411,00 9 s 10 Yr*sm a -ft 11 �P 1 750.00 � so 1 ,?5 0.00 Total Wcultural Assesar�t 393".00 2,605.00 6 , 2o4. oo bartwom UM L.10 & u, Come *I 36o . oo 34 a 04 ,, 394.00 Total Lead and roads =0109.00 21639.00 6,396.QA sazs3 UM MnGVAL 4s W -33 1/ 2,066.00 WO A.s. i. A . 33 3 2,068.00 M. 2 , 068.00 MAL AaiICQLTMtAL AS►XSSNM 6j204.00 4 AND WHEREAS the council is o opinion that the drainage of the area described is desirable; THEREFORE the council of the Township of Bayhem, pursuant to The Drainage Act, 1962-63, enacts as follows: 1. The report is hereby adopted, and the drainage works as therein indicated and set forth are hereby authorized and shall be completed in accordance therewith 2. The Corporation of the Township of a may borrow on the credit of tjte Corporation the sum f 6959 •� bo ' the funds ! ink necess for the drainage works not otherwise ovided for 8 P=' pr vided that such sum shall be.reduced by the amount of ante and cued payments with res ect to lands and roads assessef and may issue debentures of the Corporation to that amount in suss of not leas than $50. each, and payable within two years from the date of such debent- ures with interest at the rate of 71 per cent per annum: (After deduction of estimated its) $184.66 .95.66 p • #200.32 $1,186.5o 1, 275.50 #2,4".00 0.,371-46 w 1,3n.16 *2,742.32 a- ouch debentures tQ be without coupons and to be payable at'the Office of the Treasurer of the Township of Bayha m at 3traffordville. Ontario. l 3. For paying the sum. of $ 39394.40 , the amount ccharged against such lands and roads for benefit, and the sum of # 5 • , the amount charged against such lands and roads for outlet liability, and the sum i b the amount charged against such lands and roads for injuring 1 a iti y, apart from lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the municipality and for covering interest thereon for two years, at the rate of ?t per cent per annum the following total special rates over and above all other rates shail be assessed, levied and collected tin the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the undermentioned parcels of land and parts of parcels and roads, and the amount of the fttal special rates and interest against each parcel or part of parcel respectively shall be divided into UM equal parts and one such part shall be assessed, levied and collected as aforesaid, in each year for tato years, after the passing of this by-law, during which the detentures have to run, provided that no greater amount shall be levied than is required after taking into account and crediting the amount of grants under subsection 3 of section 64 of The Drainage Act, 1962-63, the amount of moneys paid under a by-law passed under subsection 4 of section 40 of that Act and commuted payments with respect to lands r. -ctds assesud. .6 .6 So ,� sit P 6"000 x.00 654.00 37.24 3" * 216 lft. u , o U 1710.00 u .67 "941 "9974 324*07 Tsui Vlwr 04" X3.00 ftwd tor low 3116.00 r #•fid AUQ+43 ?a Mun 46"6 *00 X0.32 2742.32 1) *3A 4. For paying the sum of S M900the amount assessed against such roads d lands of the municipality, an� or covering interest thereon for SIN years at the rate of per cent per annum a special rate, sufficient to produce the required yearly amount tAerefor, shall, over and above all other rates, be levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the whole rateable property in the Township of Bayham in each year for WO years, after the passing of this by-law, during which the debentures have,to runs 5. This "by-liw come into orc o die -passing thereof, and may be cited as the " � �+11�# By -Law". FIROT READING - SECOND READING - THIRD READING - ENACTED this ULML-M--&� 39 ilii. lafth -— 39 lose day of 19 . 1-1 Reeve . i ' P r t s � 4. For paying the sum of S M900the amount assessed against such roads d lands of the municipality, an� or covering interest thereon for SIN years at the rate of per cent per annum a special rate, sufficient to produce the required yearly amount tAerefor, shall, over and above all other rates, be levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the whole rateable property in the Township of Bayham in each year for WO years, after the passing of this by-law, during which the debentures have,to runs 5. This "by-liw come into orc o die -passing thereof, and may be cited as the " � �+11�# By -Law". FIROT READING - SECOND READING - THIRD READING - ENACTED this ULML-M--&� 39 ilii. lafth -— 39 lose day of 19 . 1-1 Reeve . i r 4. For paying the sum of S M900the amount assessed against such roads d lands of the municipality, an� or covering interest thereon for SIN years at the rate of per cent per annum a special rate, sufficient to produce the required yearly amount tAerefor, shall, over and above all other rates, be levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the whole rateable property in the Township of Bayham in each year for WO years, after the passing of this by-law, during which the debentures have,to runs 5. This "by-liw come into orc o die -passing thereof, and may be cited as the " � �+11�# By -Law". FIROT READING - SECOND READING - THIRD READING - ENACTED this ULML-M--&� 39 ilii. lafth -— 39 lose day of 19 . 1-1 Reeve . i • .4.. I 16 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held at the Township Office, Straffordville, Ontario, on the 6U' day of 1969 , at the hour of 21CO in the nook for the purpose of hearing and trying complaints and appeals against the assessments in the foregoing by-law. All notices of appeals shall be served upon the Clerk of the Township of Bayham at least ten days prior to the first sitting of such Court of Revision. Notice of intention to make application to quash the fore- going by-law must be served on the Clerk of the municipality within ten days of the final passing of the Dated this J J%A* day of ti U f. said by-law. 19" Clerk of Bayham T wnship, Straffordville, Ontario. 1 r By -Law No. 1628 Township of Bayham. Feint a by-law to confirm all action of the Council of the Township of Dayham for the year 1968. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the �'hani cipal Council of the Township of Fayham, that all actions by the said Council by by-laws and resole tions .for the year 1968, be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed. READ a first, Second and third time and finally passed this 16th. day of December, 198. f: b Lerk. b Lerk. By -Law No. 16g4 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, A by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the sum of for completing the drainage works -To - }. WHEREAS the requisite number of owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll, of the property hereinafter set forth requiring drainage have petitioned the council of the Township of Bayham praying that the following lands may be drained by a drainage works; g. tt. Las 24j 1s and 16, Cen""Ioa 6 dod a • Tt. WU Uj1# alyd 16o X* rU titer aid roe"* VITRFAS thr .: unel l hq a rrocilraA R vv port made by ado a. 0 O.L.d• b and the report is as follows: • By -Law leo. 1630 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. A by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the sum of $ 19,000.00 for completing the drainage works (•oi+-#►--s---....-..--.._..-........lair-►-ipla- 4&- the+-fiti-% WHEREAS the requisite number of owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll, of the property hereinafter set forth requiring drainage have petitioned the council of the Township of Bayham. praying that the following lands may be drained by a drainage works; Lots 1�0 to 22 inclusive in Concession Ono and Adjoining Roads. . M AND WHEREAS the council has rrocurP-! 1 report made by John B. Dodd, O.L.S. and the report is as follows: • 4 4 a- 9 �. By -Law No. 1631 TOWNSHIP OF HAY HAAM * bar -law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham iti the County of Elgin and for bo. -rowing on the credit of the Mmicipality the sum of 4 202000.00 for completing the drainage works �==tf= aaznt=9.11- ==-_6 = =per' -propcx�.* xt -its -be--a ►- VMJM3 the requisite number of owners, as shown by the last revised asassament roll, of the property hereinafter set forth requirMS tpAtgge hove petitioned the council of the Township of AayhAx pr4ytng that the following lands may be drained by a drainage workel ` -Lots 10, 11 & 12; Concessions d & 9 and Adjoining Roads. AND%W EAS the council has procured a report made by John B. Dodd, O.L.S. and the report is as followat 1-0 y It