HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1967BAYHAM ".i TOWNSHIP By - Laws Numbers 1571 — 1597 1967 01 Font too -62 outttto TOWNSHIP OF BAY HAM .................................................................................................................................................................................... BY-LAW No.1 Z? .......... Of700t1b) to authorize the borrowing of i 2601000, 00 Whereas the Council of the T own s h i p of B ay h am (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 260,000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; Nara.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenl of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 00, not including trot to°hose revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of of last year. debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale 0 6' of assets, is $ 483 1517, Q0 XXXX (Delete this t paragraph if not applirabk•)KIMX XXX XXXXXXXXXXX Therefore the Council of the Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows - SEAL 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate i 260 11000. 00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 6 per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 9th- day of January 1967 -- !: ITHX HEAD 17 I= b=11 1PALM �tw® a I hereby certify that the foregoing is a ERK true copy of By-law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This day of As Witness the Seal of the of SEAL ��� said 19 CLERK PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY To THE MANAGER CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE STRAFFORDVILLE, ONT. The Secretary Treasurer, Township of HaYhaa, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: December S, 1967. We record that, with effect tram November 27th, the prime interest rate has risen to 6j%. We are pleased to advise that loans may continue to be granted to you at this prima rate. Our records indicate that $64,800, has been borrowed against By, -Law number 1571 for $260,000. ?ours very truly, Is G. A. Robinson, Manager. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. By -Law No. 1572 Being a by -lave to provide for a grant to the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture. WHEREAS paragraph 5 (a) of Section 394 of The Municipal Act, 1960, provides that Township Councils may pass by -Laws for making this grant; AND WHEREAS it is considered necessary and expedient that this grant be made; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAY HAM AS FOLLOWS:- 1. OLLOWS:- 1. That a grant of Three -Hundred Dollars ($00.00) be and the same is hereby made to the Elgin County Branch of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. 2. that the Township Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to issue cheque for same forthwith. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 9th. day of January, 1961 . Reeve L-1 TOYdNSHIP OF BAYHAM By -Law No. /,:� 73 - Being a by-law to appoint certain officers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1967. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham in regular session assembled; - 1. That ROUT P.117i9 e IY s c w and W1.4 FRE_D 1/f3 R T'F-/(' shall be 0 Valuators of livestock and poultry killed by dogs at /•-7 per hour and 120¢ per -mile one way for ear. 2. That/y`AR'.aFoS`/��9 L. shall be School Attendance Officer for the Township portion attending Vienna and Port Burwell Schools pJ at a salary of V5_0 _-) and.20¢ per mile one way for car. 3. That /4-4. ellf)T - shall be School Attendance Officer for the remainder of the Township at a salary of $ 0._;� and .20¢ per mile one way for car. 4. That /)()077 C' Y1_9 ('* 5vA1 shall be weed Inspector at a salary of 6. That Donald M. Gibson shall be Township Solicitor. 7. That�'/Y/V.�i''i J shall be Inspector under The Trench ._J Excavators Act at 3/ 6, per hour and .200 per mile one way for car. 8. That j41,1j_TEf N�IsoA/ and JZ:424/44D CA1077,e shall be Brain Inspectors at a salary of 3 1.1-6-7-0 per hour and .200 per mile one way for car. A 9. That • x',04 of —7;/i9T" \7_o11N ; . ,.7.W 1 Ur- A 5,494� A R Y o shall be Collector of Dog Tax at a salary a A'-� -1! /C &,E Bt )j 4 D /A1 C° 1 AV S PF (r7"o 61 AT l967. READ a first, second amd third time and finally passed this 9th. day of January, 1967: 1 erx. per hour and .20¢ per mile one way for car. 5. That 4, 0.V44 ),,C�= shall be Welfare Officer at a salary of 6. That Donald M. Gibson shall be Township Solicitor. 7. That�'/Y/V.�i''i J shall be Inspector under The Trench ._J Excavators Act at 3/ 6, per hour and .200 per mile one way for car. 8. That j41,1j_TEf N�IsoA/ and JZ:424/44D CA1077,e shall be Brain Inspectors at a salary of 3 1.1-6-7-0 per hour and .200 per mile one way for car. A 9. That • x',04 of —7;/i9T" \7_o11N ; . ,.7.W 1 Ur- A 5,494� A R Y o shall be Collector of Dog Tax at a salary a A'-� -1! /C &,E Bt )j 4 D /A1 C° 1 AV S PF (r7"o 61 AT l967. READ a first, second amd third time and finally passed this 9th. day of January, 1967: 1 erx. TOWNSHIP OF BAY HAM By -Law No. /�_ i`/ Being a by-law to appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers in and for the Township of 9ayha# for the year 1967. WHEREAS Section 377, Subpsection 58 of the Municipal Act, R.S.B., 1960, provides that these appointments be made; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham, that the following be and are hereby appointed to act as the following officers for the year 1967.- Fence-viewers 967.- Fence-viewers Lloyd Herron, R.2, Vienna Robert C. Jackson,R.l, Straff. Alva Brinn, R.6, Tillsonburg Alonzo Hagell, Corinth Earl Travis, Corinth Donald M. Chute, R.11 Vienna Weston Holtby, R.1, Eden. NARo�D A4/�h'X /, STeFF B.r,Vnr) E Wl k x, Pound -keepers Mario Bratty, R.2, Vienna Horace Hague, R.1, Straff. Robert C. Jackson Don Nevill, Vienna Howard Tait, Straff. Robert Veitchl. R.1, Eden Roy Green, R.1, Corinth Max Underhill, R.1,Pt.Bur. Ray Soper, R.1, Vienna Clarence Milmine, R.1, Er?en READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 9th. day of January, 1967. 1 PoRM OR -MR -17 REV. SEPT. 196A BY-LAW NO. 1575 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BATHAM IN THE NTY HU TQF ELGIN WHEREAS it is desirable that the laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Council should be under the supervision of a Road Superintendent, acting under its direction. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this Council to take advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and to receive the Government grant as provided in the said Act. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the municipal corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted. 1. That John C. Tribe Straffordville. Ontario. (name) (address) is appointed Road Superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the said Act from the let, day of Janua" 1967 and during the pleasure of the said Council. Z. That the Road Superintendent shall be paid at the rate of $ 5000.00 per_ annum for such time as he may be so employed. 3. THAT it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay out and supervise all work and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Township Council in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. 4. THAT all by-laws or parts thereof and all and any resolutions of said Council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. 5. THAT two certified copies of this by-law be forwarded by the clerk without delay to the district office, of the Municipal Roads Branch,$ Department of Highways Ontario. 6. THAT this by-law shall not come into force until approved by the Minister of Highways, as provided in the Highway Improvement Act. READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS 9ths day of January —1967 (SEAL) ay� CLERK d� REEVE Clerk ofthe Corporation ofthe Township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. passed by the council of the said corporation on the day of 19 TOWNSHIP CLERK N W GEORGE E, GOwwE i C w . wINIStER DC PtITr wIM9T[P DEPARTMENT Of HIGHWAYS Downsview, Ontario January 26, 1967 Mr. J.D. Vallee Clerk, Township of Bayham STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario Re: Township of Bayham By-law #1575 Dear Sir: This is to inform you that the Honourable George E. Gomme, Minister of Highways has approved the attached By-law #1575 of the above noted township which increases the salary of Mr. J.C. Tribe, Road Superintendent to $5,000 per annum, effective January 1st, 1967. Yours very truly, J. P. Howard JPH:GG Municipal Engineer attach. c.c. T.S. Caldwell -�v A- FORMO9-MR-17 �Mt REV. SEPT. 1964 BY-LAW NO. N/7 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF UTUN THE COUNTY QF, IWg 91ST' dL-r WHEREAS it is desirable that the laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement andmaintenanceofroads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Council should be under the supervision of a Road Superintendent, acting under its direction. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this Council to take advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and to receive the Government grant as provided in the said Act. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the municipal corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted. 1. That Johm C. Tribe $trai%rdTL116. o.%mr101 (name) (address) is appointed Road Superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the said Act from the let. day of Jud 19 67 and during the pleasure of the said Council. 2. That the Road Superintendent shall be paid at the rate of $ 70W600 per ua= for such time as he may be so employed. 3. THAT it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay out and supervise all work and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Township Council in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. 4. THAT all by-laws or parts thereof and all and any resolutions of said Council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. 5. THAT two certified copies of this by-law be forwarded by the clerk without delay to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Higiways Ontario. 6. THAT this by-law shall not come into force until approved by the Minister of Highways, as provided in the Highway Improvement Act. READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS "ha day of J"lWy _1967 (SEAL) CLERK 1, J. D. Vallee ce;gyAh�t�4W*e,' 't%IB ccI he:�V co d b@ at � . tgljS-0ac � day of YIi9hc+IaYa �uNICIPAI. EXGIREE^�— �_�_ REEVE rk ofthe Corporation ofthe Township of Bayh•� Q'0� v .e copy of By -Law No. 1575 passed by the oungy of the 'd January 19 67 P,RSZPN1 '4Upt� . TOWNSHIP CLERK By -Law No. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham for the year 1966. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham, that all actions by the said Council by by-law and resolution for the year 1966, be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this gr -,4 'TR' 11 R Y . day of , 196, 4 r By -Law No. /5 79 Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to increase the rate of interest charged on taxes remaining unpaid from the 31st. day of December in the year they were levied until the same arepaid. WHEREAS subsection (1) of Section 150 of The Assessment Act, 1965, provides that the council by by-law mar increase such rate to a rate not exceeding two-thirds of one per cent per month; AND WHEREAS it is deemed adviseable that this increase be made; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows; - 1. That the Treasurer scall add to the amount of all taxes due and unpaid, interest at the rate of two-thirds of one per cent Baer month for each. month or fraction thereof from the 31st. day of December in the year in which the taxes were levied until the taxes are paid. 2. This by-law shall come into force and effect on and after the 1st. day of 1Aarch 1967. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 6th. day of February, 194. 14 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By -Law No. m % l Being a by-law to appoint a Board of Trustees for J&ilpo it Cemetery. WHEREAS by virtue of The Cemeteries Acjr, R.S.Q. 1960, Section 63, subsection 1(e), councils of local municipalities may pass by-laws for the maintenance, management, regulation and control of a cemetery; AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary that such action be taken in respect to the Dobbie Cemetery, situated at the north end of lot 15, Concession Ten, Township of Bayham; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham, as follows:- 1. ollows:- 1. That a Board of Trustees for the management and operation of the Dobbie Cemetery be appointed. 2. That the said Board shall.,c_onsist of six members, In 1967, two members shall be appoied for a term of three years, two1l*69bers shall be appointed for a term of Two years and two members shall be appointed for a term of One year. In 1968 and succeeding years, two members shall be appointed each and every year for a term of three years. 3. The Board of Trustee appointed under authority of this by- law shall have all the powers conferred under The Cemeteries Act for the said Dobbie Cemetery, together with authority to receive monies from any source for the maintenance of the said cemetery and for perpetual care fund. 4. After the passing of this by-law, the Board of Trustees of the said D6bbie Cemetery may deposit with the Township Treas- urer, funds for perpetual care of the said cemetery. Such funds shall be included in the Townshipcf Bayham Cemetery PerpetuAl Care Fund and invested in accordance with investments authorized under The Trustee Act. The interest arising from the said investment shall be paid annually by resolution of council to the said Board of Trustees. No part of the principal amount of such investment shall be used for purposes other than invest- ment or re -investment. READ a 7* first, second and third time and finally passed this day of F�t$ 1967. eeve. e rk. By -Law No. 15$0 Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to amend By -Law No. 1088 of the Township of Bayham and to repeal By -Law No. 1199• WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that Clause No. 2, of the said By -Law No. 1088 be amended: THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE 1KMCIPAL COUNCIL of the Township of Bayham, in regular session assembled;. 1. That Clause No. 2 of the said by-law No. 1088 as amended by By -Law No. 1199, be amended further to read as follows; - "The owner of any dog within the limits of the Township of Barham shall pa annually when demanded by the Dog Tax Collector, a license fee of Three Dollars ( $3.00) for every dog or spayed bitch and Fire Dollars 115aOO) for every bitch and Five Dollars ($5.00) for each additiono which he or she may own possess or harbour B Y � within the limits of the Township of Bayham. 2. That By -Law No. 1199 is hereby repealled. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 6 r". day of 17)4 R f H 1967. ^ 14 s Reeve. er . By Township of Bayhaa« Being a by-law to amend By -Lax No. 1088 of the Township of and to repeal By -Lax No. 1199. WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that Clause No. 2, of the said By -Law No. 1088 be amended: THEREFORE BE IT SNAC TSD BY TH$ XUNIC IPAL COUNCIL of the Township of Bayhaam, in regular session asseabled;- 1. That Clause No. 2 of the said by-law No. 1088 as mended by By -Lax No. 1199, be ameaded further to read u follows;- "The owner of any dog within the limits of the Township of Ba ham shall pa annually when demanded by the Dog Tax Collector, a license fee of Three Dollars ($3.00) for eye fir d or spayed bi ch and Fire Dollars ( � . OO) for every bitch and five Dol (Igg . 00) for each additional do which he or she may own possess or harbour within the limits of the Township of Bayham. 2. That By -Lax No. 1119 is hereby repealled. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 6th. day of I -larch 19670 (Signed) C. D.'Philli s Reeve* (Si ed) J. D. Vallee Clarke Formr446-MR-16 '6A-66-168 DEPARTMENT Of HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO BY-LAW N..-1511 --------- A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 62_____. EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF __ #0 COUNTY ______- IN THE COUNTY OF XW ---------------- WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $__77,=._012 ----- is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19_67 as follows: Construction Maintenance Total ROADS ----------------------------: Z�i�`— _ s •—� $---5244100, BRIDGES & CULVERTS ------- %-Ur_ s--- :NEW MACHINERY -------------_---------------- E nil $-------- ----- SUPERINTENDENCE &• 1-` �`, J � 'M OVERREAD ---------------- i E TOTALS (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed town. ship road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act (g) The clerk shall transmit TrlpileaM copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways, Ontario, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expendi- ture is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised In a subsequent year. Passed at- i ii-------]AFtjlr-..__ day of --- JIMP&____-- A.D. 180 -- 0 (SEAL) I,---------sTa_Ae__YA1afteL------_----- Clem of the Corporation of the Township of -._----- Rayti8D1------------- do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law NoI5.83 -_____- passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the ---- L,II.Y11.----- day/of - March --- 1e67 __. 1/ �.0. Township Clerk APPROVED AUO�� MUNKaAr. saaoeletrt. D". u ■ Fonn.-6"R-16 bM-66-168 DEPARTMENT OF RIGHWAYS, ONTARIO BY-LAW No. --1501 ---------- A EY -LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 _01 ------- EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE NT TOWNSHIP OF __ COUNTY ___kA IN THE C1$+�NT Y OF _____EWIN---------------- WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways I., approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of s_77.500'00_-_-_ Is hereby estimated as the expenditure upone construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 11a_fa7 as follows: C instruction Maintenance Total ROADS ----------------------------s 7,1eQ0� s --45+400a--- s---52,.800•--- BRIDGES & CULVERTS ------- s_11,100.---- 8 ---- 1500..._-. s -_17,600_ -_- NEW MACHINERY -------------s----------------- $ nil $ ----------------- SUPERINTENDENCE & 1x500. 5,�• OVEMEAD----------------•8--- - -- 8 __ = 7 100_=--- TOTALS $.20,000.-- -- t--5?�0--- s---77,500. --- (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed town- ship road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act (3) The clerk shall transmit TriplkaN copies of this by -Lw to the district office of the Department of Highways, Ontario, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expendi- ture is auWoriud or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raked in a subsequent year. Paned at_5traff ordYil3A--------14th._ __ day of ----March A.D. 196.7--- . (SEAL) c-------- -- - fig L -------------------- -------------_----------- Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of ------- ----------------------------- do bereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Lw No.------------- -e I by the Council of the said Corporation on the ----------------- day of ---------------------------- to ------- Township Clark ONTARIO January 11th, 1967. O[PANTM[NT OF HIGHWAYS Box 217, Mr. J. D. Vallee, 390 Saskatoon St., Clerk Township of Bayham, LONDON, Ontario. STRAFPORDVILLE, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: 1967 Road Estimates By-law Enclosed are four copies of By-law Form OB -MR -16 and three copies of supporting Road Programme OB -MR -18 for use when submitting estimates of 1967 normal road expenditures for which your township will claim subsidy under The Highway Improvement Act. In order that the expenditures for this district may be kept within the amounts allocated to it, it is necessary to advise you that the maximum estimates that may be approved for your township for normal expenditures shall not exceed $ 20,000 for Construction and $ 57,500 for Maintenance. When preparing the by-law and supporting road programme be careful to see that the various sub -totals on programme agree with the amounts entered in the by-law. All totals should be rounded to the nearest hundred dollars. — Please pay attention to the footnote on the Road Programme re Distribution of Overhead, Construction and Maintenance. Three copies of the completed by-law and two copies of the programme must be forwarded to the undersigned not later than March 31st, 1967. A supplementary by-law and programme will be accepted for consideration later, if required, but it is necessary to ask that they be submitted not later than July 31st, 1967. Yours very truly, District Engineer. /sB Tp. FORM OB -MR -1S TOWNSHIP OF RE: BY-LAW NO. ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 to 1. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS /SIP/ LOCATION (BY LOT AND CONCESSION) NATURE OF WORK MILES ESTIMATED COR .. I�ono:op -314e 2soo: oe � 500. 00 fa 5 %z -4-100. 00 (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS — TYPE AND LOCATION SUB—TOTAL / j/00 • OQ r,/P Zrw 17 r. 19 C -al is 2 eoo 0O C./"P, /.? * /s C•v .,£/, w 3 O n o. 0 0 S. d / /` Co. AO _4- C.,, $LB-rc rwL ?/rc. .D //, /DO 0D (C) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (ITEMIZE) (01 SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) / Jr Ci 0 D O TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS — EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) MILES SURFACE TREATMENT MILE: ROADS -- ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING. CRACK FILLING. SWEEPING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING. DRAGGING. BEADING DUST LAYING — CALCIUM. SALT. OIL. PRIME DITCHES. TILE DRAINS. CATCH BABINS. CURDS. GUTTERS. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING, CUTTING, BRUSHING, FENCE BONUS r ' GUIDERAi L, SIGNS. ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL —SNOW FENCE. PLOWING. SANDING. SALTING SUB -TOTAL (S) BRIDGE: AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIR$ (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIR. SUB—TOTAL Cl SUPERINTENDANCE AND OVERHEAD SEE FOOTNOTE TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL / no �O �•I�.ODAOO �r /J 100. 00 000.0.0 n� .( 6-00 00 0oo - aQ 7-0 ' 00 �.0b0 Qc ,yl :,'00 00 his DOi 0� © s// 0 Q _00 •� h n0 G a -5'7 77 45oo•oo _ • Te.mhlP Eu aP.riMe •nr If inwffieient room eHeeh eddif;o 1 theeh giving the date in the form ind:ceted NOTE: S.Penntendenca end 0-1,-d may be diltributed bef—ce Co,0,.d;on and Meinlenence in the PIOPO,tion that of ;lent 1(e) one I(bl beer to totel of ilemt 21st end 2(b) — 7 7,6-00 4DZ / o v v C.". 6/00, /,?, 80 0, 3,07--5-0 9Y, /7 o 0. 7 /0Y00 /700 /7 /"1D, . if/moo — X7 7 :i - 0O. /2V . d �lL 7 -7 500 --- _- S 3 ------------- �S-�o 78 , 2�. 1 3,1,doo 11,35-0, ?,r40a 11 fid• _ ,�`�� X .. 7 S" �. .Z /�•oo0 y cl S-ao S p r7 • M9'poou 3yb 77!5-0O 3 a -5-0-0 00 I 1 3,1,doo 11,35-0, ?,r40a 11 fid• _ ,�`�� X .. 7 S" �. .Z /�•oo0 y cl S-ao S p r7 • M9'poou 3yb EXPLANATORY NOTE CONTID. By-law until the Compre ensive zoning by-law becomes effective. The reason for this is that it is im-ossible for the Council at this time to predict any changes that might occur and to provide for those pcssible changes in the Interim Zoning, By-law before they occur. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAtd BY-LAW NO. 1557 A BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE USE OF LAND AND THE ERECTION AI4D USE OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to regulate the use of land and the erection and use of buildings and structures in the area of the Township of Bayham NOTJ THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TEL TOWNSHIP OF BAYHPJ4 ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. TITLE OF BY-LAW This By-law may be cited as the INTERIM ZONING BY-LAW of the Township of Bayham. 2. CONFORTdITY rih( UIREi4ENT No land, building or structure shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected for any purpose except as set out in this By-law and in conformity with all the applicable provisions of this By-law. 3. PENALTIES 3.1. Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By-law is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine of not more than .1300.00, exclusive of costs; 3.2. Every such fine shall be recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act, all the provisions of which a?>ly, except that any imprisonment shall be as provided in The Municipal Act; 3.3. Where a person, guilty of an offence under this By-law has been directed to remedy any violation and is in default of doing any matter or thing required, such matter or thing shall be done at his expense; 3.4. Where a person has refused or neglected to reimburse the Corporation for the cost of such work, thing or matter done, the same may be recovered..by the Corporation in li":e manner as municipal taxes. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE No part of this By-law shall come into force without the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board but upon such approval this By-law shall take effect on the day of the passing thereof. 5. ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONING iiAP 5.1. The provisions oT this By-law shall apply to the area of the Corporation as outlined in red on the ZONING MAP being Section 5 of this By-law. BAY OF QVINTE DISTRICT SECONDARY SCHOOLS • Department of Education Projects Canadian Historical Calendar - One 1967 calendar including the dates of important events in Canada's past will be made available to each classroom. Portraits of Fathers of Confederation - One set of individual portraits accompanied by biographies will be sent to each school. Historical Flags of Canada - One set of full colour prints of flags which have flown over Canada from the beginning Of our country's history will be sent to each school. The Story of Confederation - Each school will receive a long-playing record depicting the Confederation story from the birth of the idea to the entrance of each province. Youth Travel Program - One student from Grade 11 in each school will be selected for an all -expense -paid two weeks trip to another province during the summer. Six hundred Ontario • students participated last year and more are expected to be on the move in 1967. Ontario's students will receive Centennial medallions and will be included in the Centennial Athletic Awards Program. Ontario Teachers' 'Federation Project A recording "Canadian Adventure", produced by J. Frank Willis, will be distributed to every school in the Province. Local Secondary School Projects and Programmes Belleville C.I. & V.S. Provide 500 volumes for a library in the Children's Wing of the Belleville General Hospital. Instal a lighted sign in front of the school with the school name and emblem on it. • Contribute to U.N.I.C.F.F. and probably one other organization. - 9 - y 9��DOc7 `7 7,s pa, `f 7500 G7�o. 3� C,oJ qs; o o vt 14- 0 D� � � POLLING SUB -DIVISION NO. 4. Mun. S.S. E1. Name Cond. Lot Con. Qual. P.O. J SUP, Onljr Verbrugge, Maurice M 123 6 Owner 4 J Verbrugge, Susan MW 123 6 Owner 4 Vaughan, Thomas M 125 6 Owner 4 J Vaughan, Francis M;1 125 6 Owner l; J Van'.4ynsberghe, vlary W 123 7 Owner 4 Vandeneckout, Camiel M 125 7 Tenant 4 Vandeneckout, Adriene Kid 125 7 idFNC 4 VanDeMaele, Joe M 123 6 Tenant 4 VanDeNaele, Yvonne ITW 123 6 MFNC 4 Vinnai, Steve M 125 7 Tenant 4 Vinnai, Margaret MW 125 7 14'NC 4 dalsh, Lyle M 125 7 Owner 4 Walsh, Viola • MW 125 7 Owner 4 J Wisson, Edgar M 124 6 Owner 4 Wisson, Opal 14W 124 6 Owner 4 Ward, Wm, M 118 6 Owner, 6 J Ward, Audrey IT4 118 6 MFNC 4 J Ward, Cleon iii 119 6 Tenant L Ward, Nina 14W 119 6 MFNC 4 Walsh, Verne M 125 6 Owner 4 J Walsh, Jean I_fW 125 6 PLrNC 4 J Wood, Miller M 130 6 Owner 4 J Wood, Ida Nfid 1-30 6 MFNC 4 J Wells, Roy M 124 6 Owner 4 Wells, Laurabelle I4W 124 6 Owner 4 J Wisson, Gerald M 124 6 Tenant 4 Walsh, _ellen M 125 7 Owner 4 J Walsh, Greta MW 125 7 Cwner 4 J Wimpory, John W. M 125 6 Owner 4 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OR HIGHWAYS Downsview, Ontario. Mr. J. D. Vallee May 11, 1967 Clerk, Twp. of Bayham Straffordville, Ont. Dear Sir: Re: 1967 Road Expenditure By -Law Number 15$1-Amountl 77-500 The Honourable G. E. Gomme, Minister of Highways, has authorized the approval of the above-cited by-law to a limit of $ 20,000 $ 77,500 for Construction, for Maintenance, and Total Please be advised that expenditures in excess of either of these limits will not be eligible for subsidy unless covered by a supplementary by-law approved by the Minister. Supplementary by-laws should be submitted as early in the year as possible, preferably before July 31st, 1967. This approval is given subject to the approval of each individual work of road and bridge construction, each contract for construction or maintenance and the purchase of each unit of equipment. The District Engineer must be advised anq his consent obtained before such works or purchases are advertised or tenders called or any commitment made by the municipality with respect to them. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. Lncl. Co./Twp. One copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, C. h. Wilmot, Nunicipal Engineer. By -Lair NO -15821, Township of Bayham, Being a by-law to appoint a Dog Tax Collector and Issuer of Dog Licenses for 1967, THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AS FOLLOWS:. 1, That Elton H, Jackson be and is hereby appointed Dog Tax Collector and Issuer of Dog and Kennel Licenses in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1967. 2. That the salary of the said Elton Jackson in respect to the above service shall be one-third of the amount of fee collected Plus $100.00 for use of car. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 3rd. day of April, 1967, 11 By - Law No. 1583 Township of Bay Being a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1967, to levy taxes for the year 1967 and to provide for the collection thereof. WHEREAS by By -Law No. 1067 and amendments thereto, the Council of the Township of Bayham provided for the making of the assessment of the municipality prior to the 1st. day of Sept. 1966, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1967 should be levied; and extended to Sept. 30, 1966 by By -Law No. 1566. AND WHEREAS the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the said Township on the 24th, day of Nov., 1966. AND WHEREAS no revisions were made by the County Judge. AND WHEREAS it is expedient to adopt the said assessment as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1967 shall be levied; AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of $412,896.00 for the general purposes of the said Township for the current year, for the payment of the County rate for the current year, and for the purpose of defraying part of the expenses of Public, Separate and High School education, and other purposes; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BjXHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: - 1. That the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayham as made pursuant to By -Law No. 1067 and amendments of the said Township, and as revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision, be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1967 shall be levied. 2. That the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and con- firmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. 3. That, for the purpose of providing the sum of $186,725.00 for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for County purposes and other purposes for the current year, a rate of 35.195 mills in the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1967 upon the whole of the said assessment of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, except that on an assessment of $5,431,400.00 a reduction of $18,602.00 being 3.189 mills, shall be made owing to the per capita grant from the Provincial Government for taxation relief for farm and residential properties, as shown in the following summary: - Total General ------------ ----------- .------ 15.746 Countyrate------------------------------- 1 . Total 35.195 Less reduction---------------------------- 3.189 4. That, in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of $226,171.00 for Public, Separate and High School Education purposes for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1967 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School supporters of the said Township ac"rding to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder;- School Section Residential Mill Commercial Mill Total or Area Assessment Rate Assessment Rate Leyy Bayham T.S.A. ROSS Vienna " Houghton Malahide " Tillsonburg EEDH School TDH School $4,835,200. 422,550. 231650. 19,350. 130.650. 5-96,200. 199471- $399,1.6. 15.212 1,500- 19-471 ,500.19.471 _ 18.000 - ,..#,.... 219634 $102,782.15 20.269 7,73$.56 - 460,49 348,30 21,634 2,581. 11,131.21 12550000. 20.261 75,374• 22.512 332107.45 3.881.100. 18.660 327.122. 20.733 79.199_. H.S. Totals $5;431,400. $402,496. $112,306.86 5. That in addition, for street lighting purposes, the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessments in each of the following street lighting areas:- Straff ordville on assessment of $ 557,350. - $1,859-32 - 3.336 Mills Richmond " " " 69,900. - 252.00 - 3.605 " Eden " " X 146,350. - 350.00 - 2.392 " Corinth " " " 53,700. - 235.20 - 1.380 " 6. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collectorts Roll to the Tax Collector on or before the 1st. day of June 1967. 7« All taxes or other special rates shall be paid in to the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Township of Bayham or into the Branches of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at Straffordville, Vienna, Port Burwell or Tillsonburg. 8. 'taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before July 20th. 1967 and one-half on or before December 20th., 1967. Penalties for non- payment when due and discounts for prepayment of taxes shall be as provided for in By -Law No. 1393 and amendments thereto of the said Township of Bayham. 9. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township at their last known address. 10. After fourteen days notice, the Collector or his Bailiff may seize any goods and chattels for unpaid taxes. READ a first, second and third time and finally phssed this 1st. day of May, 1967. erk . BY - LAW NO. 1584 Of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township Bayham BEING a By -Law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with GrAy.* Ubtiance . 1. The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement between Gray's Ambulance and the Township of Bayham dated the 1st. day of I'laY 1967, and to affix the Corporate Seal thereto on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 1st. - s A.D., 1967. BY - LAW NO. 1584 Of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township Bayham BEING a By -Law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with GrAy.* Ubtiance . 1. The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement between Gray's Ambulance and the Township of Bayham dated the 1st. day of I'laY 1967, and to affix the Corporate Seal thereto on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 1st. day of May A.D., 1967. Reeve. I M 10 2 THIS AGREEMENT made this lst . BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION 0 hereinafter calle AND day of 14ay , 1967. THE TOWNSHIP OF B . OF THE FIRST PART HARVEY ARTHUR GRAY of the Town of Tillsonburg, in the ounty of Oxford, carrying on business under the firm name and style of Grayts Ambulance, hereinafter called the OPERATOR, OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Parties hereto desire to set down the terms of an arrangement between them for the provision of an ambulance service for the purpose of conveying the sick and injured to hospital or other place, and in particular as such service may be for the benefit of the people of the Township of Bayham: AND WHEREAS The Ambulance Services Act, 1966, authorizes municipalities to pass By -Laws for entering into an agreement with any licensed ambulance operator or other municipality for a period of not less than two years and not more than five years to maintain and operate an ambulance service in the municipality, including the payment of an annual subsidy for such purpose as may be agreed upon; AND WHEREAS it is in the public interest to enter into an Agreement for the provision of an ambulance service by the Operator for the people Of the Township upon the terms hereinafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual terms, convenants and agreements herein made and contained, the Parties hereto agree as follows : 1. Failure of the Operator to comply with Provincial Legislation and Regulations governing Ambulance Service shall result in termination of this Agreement immediately upon the Township being made aware of it, without any written notice being given as hereinafter mentioned. 2. This Agreement shall be in force for the term of rive years from the lst. day of April, 1967, and expiring the 31st, day of December 1971 ) provided that: t I -2- (a) either party may terminate it upon ninety days' notice in writing to the other (b) The Operator will provide ambulance service in accordance with the said Act and its regulations, on a twenty-four hour daily basis seven days a week (c) the said service shall consist od one or more motor vehicles constructed and intended for use as ambulances, each equipped in accordance with the Provincial Regulations, and each manned by two properly qualified persons as in the said Regulations, and when one vehicle is absent from the Township a stand-by vehicle, properly equipped and staffed shall be provided during such period or periods. 3. The operator shall provide and maintain insurance by an insurer duly authorized to issue such insurance within the Province of Ontario as required by Regulations under The Ambulance Services Act 1966. 4. The Operator shall forthwith lodge with the Clerk of the Township of Bayham certified copies bf the insurance policy or policies and any renewals thereof, and shall not cancel or allow any'.such policy or policies to lapse during the term of this agreement or any extension or renewal thereof. The Operator further covenants and agrees to indemnify and save the Township harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, damages and costs arising in any manner whatsoever out of or in connection with the said ambulances or ambulance service. 5. The Operator shall be entitled to charge patients or persons i who use his services at the following rates: $10.00 per trip for first single patient carried, plus 50¢ per mile one way. $10.00 for each additional stretcher patient carried on the same trip. 7.50 for each additional sit-up patient carried on the same trip. Nil for indigent patients. •4 OM3 w For each patient whose point of origin is within the designated area, and who is carried beyond the boundaries of the designated area, a regular charge of 50¢ per mile, one way, shall be allowed for the actual mileage travelled beyond the designated area to the point of destination. For the purposes of this Agreement the boundaries of the designated area shall be deemed to be the boundaries of the Township of Bayham. b. The Operator agrees that he will abide by and observe all laws, rules and regulations, Dominion, Provincial, Municipal or otherwise applicable to the operation 'of vehicles on any road or highway and generally applicable to the said service and operation contemplated by This Agreement, and convenants that he will at all times maintain his vehicles, equipment and man power orderly, neat, clean and in first class order and repair. 7. Wo printing or advertising material shall be affixed or painted on any ambulance except for a sign showing the name and address and telephone number of the owner of the name under which he carries on his ambulance service. 8. The Operator shall permit the Township or its agents to inspect at all reasonable times during the currency of this Agreement, the condition and appearance--�of vehicles and the accommodation thereof, the appearance of drivers and attendants and to examine any driver or attendant with respect to the required qualifications under the Ambulance Services Act, 9. In consideration;thereof the Township shall subsidise the Operator during the term of this Agreement by paying to the Operator an annual subsidy, payable monthly, on the basis of 50¢ per capita for the municipality as its population is established in the Municipal Directory based on the previous year's population figures as printed in the said directory: 10. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall benefit the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the Parties to it. a i AREA C00E-416 DIAL - 365- 433 Mr. J.D. Vallee, Clerk Treasurer, Township of Bayham, STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario. Sirs: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION Toronto, Ontario. August 12th, 1966. RE: Ambulance Contract Payments =.=Z === === W=W=sr C=== It, is the policy of the Department of health to audit all claims made under the Ambulance Services Act 1966. In order to facilitate this, it is requested that the claim for 50% assistance for payments made under contract, to private operators during January to June 1968, be supported by photostatic copies of tot.h sides of any cancelled cheques comprising, the total amount of any such payments. Your co-operation in mailing the aforementioned copies to the office of the undersigned, 8th floor, Hepburn Block, Wueent s Park, Toronto, would be greately appreciated. PE I S/bl Yours very truly, P.H. Smith, Audit Supervisor. 8s L orwaruiLag pnuv*vwu$T.3.c cvpivs m cneques zampin t tiv vray,8s, AmW anc• for the period Jan. 1, 196$ to Jame 30# 196x. Cheque go. 101 LaLsued Fab. 6th is for Janu=T aad the one .ia d Juane 25th. , oto. 471, is for the umth of .June. ` ruati ng these are in order I remain Yanva vary truly z z 1 � ' r AMBULANCE SERVICES CLAIM FORM FORM: AS - 1 Name of Claimant...of ....•................................. (Municipality, General Hospital, Local Board of Health, etc.) Period Covered ......+�. �►�r.. �. :...................... . Amount of contract or grant paid $ 949.98 by the aforementioned operating an ambulance service on a contractual basis in accordance with the Regulations trade under The Ambulance Services Act, 1966. Date . t�:��;�. �•. 1900#0 ........... . Signaturee��L .. .,. 00. . . . . .. .�: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Business Address f��!. ��'' Phone Number ...' ;` '�!, 0 0 0 0 . , ... , Certified that the above amount is correct: Date 0_0_00 Signature of an Accountant certified under the Public Accountancy Act. To be submitted in quadruplicate to: JUL 9 1968 Ontario Department of Health Emergency Health Service Sth Floor Hepburn Block Parliament Buildings Toronto 2, Ontario THE AMBULANCE SERVICES ACT, 1%6 O. Reg. 375/66. Grants for the Provision of Ambulance S—ire. Made—September 1st, 1966. Filed—September 6th, 1966. REGULATION MADE UNDER THE AMBULANCE SERVICES ACT, 1966 GRANTS FOR THE PROVISION OF AMBULANCE SERVICE 1. Subject to section 2, where a municipality, local board of health or a public hospital provides ambulance service it shall be paid a grant of 50 per cent of its expenditure in providing the ambulance service, after deducting its total revenue received in providing the ambulance service from its total expenditure in pro- viding the ambulance service, and where no revenue is received the grant shall be 50 per cent of the total expenditure in providing the ambulance service. 3. No grant referred to in section I shall be paid unless the municipality, local board of health or public hospital ensures that the ambulance service, (a) is readily available on a twenty-four hour daily basis; and (b) is adequate for the needs of the popula+ion to be served. 3. Where a municipality, local (ward of health or a public hospital has provided ambulance service for the year 1966, upon receipt of a statement of the actual expenditure incurred by the municipality, local board of health or public hospital, certified by a public accountant licensed under The Public Accountancy Ad, the Minister may, subject to section 1, pay a grant of 50 per cent of the actual expenditure to the munici- pality, local board of health or public hospital. 4.—(1) Every municipality, local board of health and public hospital referred to in section 1 shall an. nually prepare a budget estimate of the cost of provid- ing ambulance —ice and shall submit the budget estimate to the Minister not later than the Ist day of February in each year. (2) A municipality, local board of health or public hospital may submit amendments to the budget estimate referred to in subsection 1. 5. Not later than the 1stdav of February in each year umci alit}•, ocTe.-ilth and public o>ptta receivm agent under section 1 h�all submit to the Minister an annual financial stateme7il TSf2RLi Dreceding year. 6. A grant referred to in section I may be paid in equal monthly instalments but %here a grant is paid in this manner it shall be subject to final adjustment upon receipt of the annual financial statement referred to in section S. 7. Sections 4, 5 and 6 come into force on the 1 st day of January, 1967. 1966 AMBULANCE SERVICES Chap. 7 17 CHAPTER 7 An Act to promote Ambulance Services and improve their Standards Assented to July 8th, 1966 Session Prorogued July 81h, 1966 HER 'MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows: Y. In this Act, Interprs tatlon (a) "ambulance service" means a service for the con- veyance of persons requiring medical attention to a hospital or other place; (b) "Minister" means the Minister of Health; (c) "municipality" includes a metropolitan munici- pality but does not include a local municipality within a metropolitan municipality; (d) 'operator' means a person or a partnership or asso- ciation of persons that has the control and manage- ment of an ambulance service, and 'operate" has a corresponding meaning; (e) "regulations" means the regulations made under this Act. 2.—(1) Notwithstanding section 29 of The Public Health L1M° Ad and section 1728 of The Municipality of bluroQolilan—R.3211360' Toronto Act and any by-law passed thereunder, no person shall operate an ambulance service unless he is licensed under this Act. (2) The Minister may issue a licence where the proposed Imus— ambulance service complies with the regulations. (3) The Minister may revoke a licence where the operatortte°°°au°" is convicted of an offence against the regulations in respect of the ambulance service. s. 18 Chap. 7 AMBULANCE SERVICES 1966 1966 AMBULANCE SERVICES Chap. 7 19 Bylaws 3.—(1) The council of a municipality may pass by-laws, designated of grants out of moneys appropriated therefor by the Legislature for the provision of (a) for acquiring, maintaining and operating an ambu- ambulance services, and for the conditions governing lanceservice, and for fixing and charging fees therefor; the payment thereof; (b) for entering into an agreement with any licensed (e) exempting any class of ambulance service or operators ambulance operator or other municipality for a period from thea application of this Act or the pp regulations; of not less than two years and not more than five years to maintain and operate an ambulance service (f) prescribing forms for the purposes of this Act and in the municipality, including the payment of an the regulations and providing for their use; annual subsidy for such purpose, as may be agreed upon;and (g) respecting any matter necessary or advisable to (c) for entering into an agreement with any person or carry out effectively the intent and purpose of this Act. other municipality for the use of an ambulance service by such person or in such other municipality. pm (2) A grant payable in accordance with a regulation made m is Exception Subsection I does not ly to a municipality for which (2) Sapp under clause d of subsection I shall not exceed 50 per cent of the amount expended for ambulance services by a munici- a local board of health provides an ambulance service under pality, local board o[ health, public hospital or non-profit pality, 1960, o. 821 section 29 of The Public Health Act. organization, as the case may be. Approvalof(3) An agreement entered into under subsection 1 is sub- 7. The moneys required for the purposes of this Act, Monsye ject to the approval of the Minister. including moneys necessary for the grants referred to in PepWty ¢, Any person who contravenes this Act or the regulations clause d of subsection I of section 6, shall, until the 31st day of March, o paid out of the Consolidated Revenue is guilty of an offence and on summary conviction is liable to Fund, and thereafter shall is paid out of the moneys appro a fine of not more than $500. priated therefor by the Legislature. Agre01n-te 5. The Minister, with thea approval of the Lieutenant pp S. This Act comes into force on a day to be named by the co�menca Governor in Council, may enter into agreements with operators Lieutenant Governor by his proclamation. nen for the provision of ambulance services in such parts of Ontario and subject to such terms and conditions as are agreed upon. g. This Act may be cited as The Ambulance Services Ad, short title Regulations 8.—(1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make 1966. regulations, (a) providing for the licensing of operators of ambu- lance services; (b) requiring the payment of fees for licences and pre- scribing the amount thereof; (c) governing minimum standards for ambulance ser- vices, or any class thereof, including the standard of service, equipment and other facilities used in ambulance services, and the qualifications that shall be held by persons employed in ambulance services; (d) providing for the apportionment and distribution to municipalities, local boards of health and public hospitals and to such non-profit organizations as are designated CHAPTER 6x< 15833 0 94998 T 1 July 8, 1968. Peters, Brown & Co., P.O. Box 160, Fort Erie, Ont. Attn & R nnn Dear Bob; - 1 am enclosing Ambulance Claim Forms and request Your signature on same. To substantiate the Payment total of $949.98 to our ambulance operator, I am attaching photostatic copies of cheques issued to Grays Ambulance as follows;_ Feb. 6/68 No. 101 - $158.33 for month Of January 1968. Mal. 5/68 " 208 - 158.33 " a " Febraurjr a Apr. 2/68 " 287 - 158.33 " " a May 7/68 " March " 377 - 1"58.33 " " " April " June 4/68 " 446 - 158.33 " " a May a June 25/68 " 471 - 158.33 " " " June " In accordance with instructions from the Dept. of Health, the contract with Gray's Ambulance was terminated as of June 30/68 and requested that claim for subsidy be sent in as soon after June 30th. as possible. Thanks for your attention to this. Yours very tr„ ly Clerk of Bayham Twp. Ehila. DEPARTMENT DF HEALTH REGISTERED Mr. J. Vallee Clerk -Treasurer Township of Bayham Straffordville , Ontario Dear Mr. Vallee: File Ref: AS/5000-1/B-190 Hepburn Block Parliament Buildings Toronto 2, Ontario 2 3 May, 1968 After July 1, 1968, the costs of arranging and financing essential ambulance service throughout the Province will be assumed by the Ontario Hospital Services Commission. Persons insured with O.H.S.C., entitled to use an ambulance will be required to pay only 25% of the schedule of rates which will be announced prior to that time. Since there will be no requirement for municipal subsidies beyond June 30, 1968, you are requested to arrange for termination of your present agreement with Grayfs Ambulance Service as of that date. This operator will be given the opportunity of participating in the over all plan for a comprehensive pattern of service by a direct agreement with the Ontario Hospital Services Commission. You may be assured that ambulance services will continue to be made available to residents of your community. If any difficulty arises in terminating your agreement, please notify this office immediately, so that we may assist you in this regard. In order to assist you in the preparation and submission of a claim for a grant of 50% of your qualified expenditures under your agreement for the period January 1 to June 30, 1968, we are enclosing the appropriate claim forms. These should be completed, certified and forwarded to the following address as soon as possible after June 30, and preferably by July 10,1968 - Ontario Department of Health, Hepburn Block, Queens Park, Toronto 2 , Ontario. Attention: Director, Financial and Administrative Services. NHM : dc Encl. Telephone: 365-5046 Yours very truly, (_�l C�� fta -� ) I ZL� N. H. McNally, M.D. Chief Emergency Health Services June 4th. 196$. Graye s Ambulance, Mr. H. Gray, 73 Victoria St., Tillsonburg, Ont. Dear ; sir ! .r In accordance with instructions from the Ontario Department of Health, the attached resolution was passed by this council at their regular meeting hold On June 3rd. Co=nsequently after June 30th. 1968, no subsidy payment will be forthcoming from this municipality. Thanking you for this and past co-operation while serving this Township, I remain 4. Yours very truly Clerk of Bayham Twp, $egi�s�►�d. anal. S June 4th. 196$. Graye s Ambulance, Mr. H. Gray, 73 Victoria St., Tillsonburg, Ont. Dear ; sir ! .r In accordance with instructions from the Ontario Department of Health, the attached resolution was passed by this council at their regular meeting hold On June 3rd. Co=nsequently after June 30th. 1968, no subsidy payment will be forthcoming from this municipality. Thanking you for this and past co-operation while serving this Township, I remain 4. Yours very truly Clerk of Bayham Twp, $egi�s�►�d. anal. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH File Ref: AS/1101-9 ► Hepburn Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. 13 zh June 1968 Dear Mr.' 40. � As you are aware, Municipalities in the Province have been requested to cancel payment of sub- sidies to Private Ambulance Operators on June 30th. It".is likely that we will be unable to complete financial assessment of every operatorts ser- vice in time to establish a definitive cash flow by July 31st. Arrangements are being made, as an.in- terim measure, to assure that each licensed operator now receiving subsidy payments will be paid monthly an amount equal to that which he has been receiving in the form of grants from municipalities with which he has agreements. a We will be in touch with each Private Operator very shortly now to work out the budgetary implications of a direct contract with the Ontario Hospital Services Commission. Yours very truly, N. H. McNally, M.D. Chief, Emergency Health Services. Telephone: 365-5046 AREA CODE -416 DIAL - 365 - 4338 Mr. J. Vallee, Clerk Treasurer, Township of Bayham, STRAFFORDVTTJ , Ontario. Dear Mr. Vallee: *0 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION Toronto, Ontario. April 16th, 1968. RE: Audit Report on 1967 Ambulance Services Claim Enclosed herewith is one copy of the above named report covering the calendar year 1967. This report is for your records. Yours very truly, G. ods, Director, Financial Services Branch. PHS/bl Encl. cc: Dr. N.H. McNally Central Files DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Toronto, Ontario. April 10th, 1968. To: Mr. G.L. Woods, Director, Financial Services Branch, Department of Health. From: F.L. Finchen, Senior Audit Inspector, 1 AUDIT REPORT Ambulance Services Claim Name of Claim: Township of Bayham Period Covered: April 1, 1967 to December 31, 1967 SSuumr_ra r of Amounts Claimed and Audited: Amount of Contract or Recom-nended Audited ExpenditureCl3imedAudit Ad t n nt Amount $1 424.7 $1 424.91 Provincial share = SOti of $1,424-97 = $712. tet_ = 49 The Audit_ Adjustment may be reconciled as follows: NIA AUDITED AND CERTIFIED CORRECT. r` Approved By: i P.H: Smith, Au it Supervisor. f � F. Firr hen AREA CODE -416 DIAL - 365 - 14338 Mr. J. Waller, Clerk -Treasurer STRAFFORDVILLE, Sires DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIdE SERVICES DIVISION Ontario. Us Ambulance Contract Payments March 19th, 1968. It is the policy of the Department of Health to audit all claims made under the Ambulance Services Act 1966. In order to facilitate this, it is requested that the claim for 509 assistance for payments made under contract to private operators during 1967, be supported by photostatic copies of both sides of any cancelled cheques comprising the total amount of any such payments. Your the undersigned, appreciated. PHS/b1 co-operation in mailing the aforementioned copies to the office of 8th floor, Hepburn Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, would be greatly Yours very truly, • //W P.H. Smith, Audit Supervisor. FORM: AS _ l ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AMBULANCE SERVICES CLAIM FORM Name of Claimant ..KJrVS!`y`!�'.. off' A64 �JN /Y1 ....................... (Municipality, General �;os pital, Local Board of Health, etc.) Period Covered .:y PR k ./,..1947 ... /'Cc • 3 i, 1 !�rG Amount of contract or grant paid $ � /*• f, 9 operating an ambulan � by the aforementioned ce service on a contractual basis in accordance with the Regulations made under The Ambulanceh Services Act, 1966. Date , 0 0A0v 3 i 68' . • . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . Signature , Title Business Address S,'7'�Q,t FO✓/��• �. Phond Number Certified that the above amount is correct: Signature of an Accountant certified under the Public Accountancy Act. To be submitted in quadruplicate to: Date —_Z�JAV 31 Ontario Department of health Emergency Health Service 8th Floor Hepburn Block Parliament Buildings Toronto 2, Ontario r ♦• IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Party of the First Part has hereunto affixed its corporate seal attested to by the hands of its proper signing officers to that behalf, and the Party of the Second Part has hereunto affixed his hand and seal. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF in the presence of: ) BAYHAM } By: } } } A�1 ) 114 . r arvey ur/,uray . I I DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Mr . J. D. Va I I ee, Clerk -Treasurer Township of Bayham Straffordvilie, Ontario Dear W. Va 1 Ise: File Ref: AS/5000-.IAB-igo Whitney Block Parliament Buildings Toronto 2, Ontario 2.X June, 1967 We are pleased to return an approved copy of your agreement and budget for the year, 1967. Enc I. . 365-1113 Yours truly, Gi N. H. McNally, Chief Emergency Health Service AMBULANCE c,RVZG85 BUZ)GET F K3i�M Irorm A5-3 BUDGET APPROVED (Subied to Post Audit) C. Cha on, M. D. Deputy Minister Ontario Department of Heahh Name 'TOWSW OF BAXW (Munici ality. General Hoapitalt Local ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Board of Health, BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR THE YEAR 19667. .. .00 per contract (copy attacked) negotiated for the arnbulance oervico in accordance with the Regulations made under the Ambulance Serviced Act, 1966, Certified to be the approved budget of the Ambulance Service for 14 67 . . ........ r Ma 196 Dat..........::...:... Signature lie .. •mss. Title .................•......... To be submitted in Quadruplicate to: Emergency Health Services, -Department of Health, parliament Buildings, Toronto 5,• +Oate1.io THIS AORB T made this APPROVED �K � <h,�� M o. 1 st . day of May , 1967. am AND . . OF THB FIRST PART epu y m,s eram of the Town of Tillsonburg � Ontario Department of Hea a OM yof Ord ! on business the firm name and style of Gray s hereinafter called this OPBRATOR9 OF THE SECOND PART, WHEREAS the Parties hereto desire to set down the teras of an arrangement between than for the provision of an ambulance service for the purpose of conveying the sick and injured to hospital or other place, and in particular as such service mW be for the benefit of the people of the Township. of Bayham s AND WHEMS The Ambulance Services kAct, 1966, authorises municipalities to pass By -Lava for entering into an agreement with any licensedjanto ce operator or tither municipality for a period of not lose than two years and not gore than five years to maintain and operate an ambulance serviee in the municipality, In di the pa�e-et of an annual subsidy for such purpose as say be agreed upon; An i�IHERBA3 it is in the public interest to enter into an Agreeient for the provision of . an ambulance service by the Operator for Qw people fif the Towns U vupas the teras hereinafter set forth. NOW THHRBFORZ in consideration of the dutual terms, convenants and _4 reea to beta, auk and codntained, the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Failure of the Operator to comply with Provincial Legislation and Regulations gova ing Ambulance Service shall result in t"r termination of this Agreement asediately upon the Township being made aware of it, without any written notice being given as hereinafter mentioned. 2. This A,greemant shall be in force for the term of Five years from the 1sto day of April, 19679 and expiring the 31sto day of December 1971 , provided that: (a) either partly mW tauinate it upon ninety days t notice in writing to the Other (b) The Operator will. provide atnbulanme service in accordance with the said Act and its regulations, on a twenty four hour daily basis seven days a week (c) the said service shall canal at cd nae or umv motor vehicles constructed and intended for use as atabulances, each equipped in accordance with the Provincial Regulations, and each manned by two properly qualified persons as in the said Regulations, and tdm one vehicle is absent from the Township a stand-by vehicle, properly equipped and staffed shall be provided during such period or periods. 3. The operator shall provide and maintain insurance by an insurer duly authorised to issue such insurance within the Province of Ontario as required by Regulations under The lance Services Act 19"* 4. The Operator shall forthwith lodge with the Clerk of the Township of Bayham certified copies Af the insurance policy or policies and any renewals thereof, and shall not cancel or allow pny-'.a*oh policy or policies to lapse Owning the tette of this agreement or any extension or reRnmal, thereof. The Operator further covensats and agrees to indaaify and save the Tommship haml.ess from and against any and all clraims, actions, damages and costs arising in any manner whatsoever out of or in connection with the said aubulances or ambulance service. S. The Operator shall be entitled to chargj patients or persons who us* his services at the following rates: $14.0trip for first single patient carried, plus 500 per 0gone way. $10.00 for each additional stretcher patient carried on the same trip. 1 7.50 for each additioanalsit-up patient carried on the samm trip. Nil for indigent patients. l **34D For each patient whose point of origin is idthin the designated area, and who is carried beyond the boundaries of the designated area, a regular charge of 50# per Haile, one way g shall be allowed for the actual mileage travelled beyond tie designated area to the point of destination. For the purposes of this It the bovasdaries of the Of ftyl 0 b, 'the Operator agrees that he will abide by and observe all laws, rules and regulations, Dominion, Provincial, Municipal or oiherxise applicable to the operraation ;of vehicles on any road or highway and generally appliotble to the said werviae and operation contemplated by This Agree�ntj and conven,ants that he will at all times maintain his vehio•es, equipment and man power orderly, neat, clean and in first class order and repair. 7. leo printing or advertising material shall be affixed or painted on any ambulance except for a sign showing the name and address and telephone number of the owner of the name under which he carries oa his ambulance service. 8. The Operator shall permit the Township or its agents to inspot at all reasonable times during the currency of this Agreement, tete condition and appearancentof vehicles and the acconmodatioan thereof,` the appearance of drivers and attendants ,and to= ezunine any driver or attendant with respeat to the required qualifications under tht Ambulance Services Asst. 9 • in consideration; thereof the Township shall subsidise the Operator during the tagrsca of this Agreecient by paying to the Operator an annual subsidy, payable monthly, an the basis of 50# per capita for the municipality as its population is established in the Municipal Directory based on the previous year's population figures as printed in the said directory: lo. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall benefit the respective heirs, executors, adtinistrators, successors and assigns of the Parties to it. ob4A- Ig 11ITm33 WMEOF the Party of the First Part has here roto affixed its corporate seal attested to by the bonds of its proper signing officers to that behalf, and the Party of the seaoad Past has hereunto affixed his head and seal. 9I MIZE SMM AND DELA ) in the presence of : ) I ) THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HA3HM ByIgoe Reeve. HOMO ur/ . MAY 24 1967 Ontario Department of Health EMERGENCY HEALTH SERVICF4 16 BT - LAW N0. 1584 Of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of BayhM• BRING a ByrmLax to authorise the Reeve and Cleric to *xecute an agree,�ent with r' yW �d� ;�-a. - � LL . V . r ,�. r WHEREAS Section 3 of The Ambulance Services Act 1966, provides that the Council of a mm' cipality may pass bar -laws for entering into an ap mot with any licensed subulance operator; AND WHIZRBAB the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayhad desirous that an agreea`ent be cads with. dray's Ambulance, Tiltsanburg, Ontario. NOW THZRZFO►R8 the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bay►ham enacts as follows: 1. The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorised and directed to execute an Agreement between grayto Ambulance and the Township of Bayham dated the 1st. day of May IW t and to affix the Corporate Seal thereto on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Bayhaa* READ a first, second and thtrd time and finally passed this 1st. day of May A«D.t 1967. I DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Mr • J. D. Va I I ee Clerk - Treasurer Township of Bayham Straffordville, Ontario Dear Mr. Vallee: File Ref:AS/5000-I /BI 90 Whitney Block Parliament Buildings Toronto 2, Ontario 29 April, 1967 This will acknowledge your letter of April 24th, together with your draft By-law and agreement, for which you request our comments. We find your agreement to be satisfactory,wtth the exception of one item under clause 5. The tariff rate is not indicated for each additional sit-up patient carried on the same trip. We enclose the Department of Health Budget Form number AS -3, In quintuplicateJ. to be used in submission of your budget estimate for ambulance service for the current year, under the Ambulance Services Act, 1966 and Ontario Regulation 275/66. Please return this form in quadruplicate together with three signed copies of your agreement, to this office for approval at your earliest convenience. If we can be�of any further assistance please do not hesitate to write or call. Yours truly, N. H. MC Na i I y, M. D. Chief ' EnclEmergency Health Service 365-1113 Az` e• s` It 9 ��-K97 0 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AMBULANCE szRVICES BUDGET F OaM corm AS -3 Name •••••:•••.......•........••••................................... (Municipality, General Hospitals Local Board of Health, etc.) BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR THE YEAR 107 -UM 000 per contract (copy attached) negotiated for the ambulance service in accordance with the Regulations made uude'r the Ambulance Services Act, 1966. CertiAed to be the approved budget of the Ambulance Service for 19 67 MW go,19? Date .................... To be eubm•itted in quadruplicate to: Signatur - . 0 Title . �......................... Emergency Health Services$ .Department of Health, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 5,• Ontax•io D Township of Bayham J. D. VAS, Cittk and Tre"urar Pbons "&.gslt Arm Coda Sl9 STRAFFORDVELLB, ONTARIO Mr. H. Arthur Gray, 45 Queen St., TILLSONBURG, Ont. Dear Sir; - April 24, 1967. I am enclosing a draft copy of a proposed by-law and agreement in respect to ambulance service for Bayham Twp. Kindly check this over and advise whether or not it appears satisfactory to you. You will note I did not fill in the sum for a sit-up patkent as I did not know it. A copy is also being sent to Toronto for their tentative approval. Yours very truly rQffi�_ - Am - r�140 V9, Clerk of Bayham. Gentlemen Due to the new regulations in Ambulance Equipment fear must have a subsidy from your Township ,A in order o serve you a s have in the past. The Ontario Government nowK pay kali" of any subsidy that is paid to an Ambulance Operator. now have, an agreement with Oxford County to pay 500 per person. They will receive 250 per person from the Ontario government . I will be forced to serve Oxford County ft rat unless we can come to an Agreement on this business as soon as possible. The new Ambulance Law has already forced me to purchase another Ambulance in place of my station wagon. I now have two legal else Ambulances. I would be glad to meet with you to figure out the amount of people I can serve properly. 0 Harvey A. Gray, Amir 1. BY - LAW NO. 1584 Of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. BEING a By-Luw to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with Gray's Ambulance. WHEREAS Section 3 of The Ambulance Services Act 1966, provides that the Council of a municipality may pass by-laws for entering t into an agreement with any licensed ambulance operator; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham is desirous that an agreement be made with Gray's Ambulance, Tillsonburg, Ontario. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: i. The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement between Gray's Ambulance and the Township of Bayham dated the 1st. day of May 1967, and to affix the Corporate meal thereto on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 1st. day of May A.D. , 1967. It THIS AGREEMENT made this lst. day of I -lay , 1967. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ereinafter called the TOWNSHIP. OF THE FIRST PART -AND- HARVEY ARTHUR GRAY of the Town of Tillsonburg, in the County of Oxford, carrying on business under the firm name and style of Gray's Ambulance, hereinafter called the OPERATOR, OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Parties hereto desire to set down the terms of an arrangement between them for the provision of an ambulance service for the purpose of conveying the sick and injured to hospital or other place, and in particular as such service may be for the benefit of the people of the Township of Bayham: AND WHEREAS The Ambulance Services Act, 1966, authorizes municipalities to pass By -Laws for entering into an agreement with any licensed ambulance operator or other municipality far a period of not less than two years and not more than five years to maintain and operate an ambulance service in the municipality, including upon; AND WHEREAS it is in the public interest to enter into an Agreement for the provision of an ambulance service by the Operator for the people of the Township upon the terms hereinafter set forth. S NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual terms, convenants and agreements herein made and contained, the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Failure of the Operator to comply with Provincial Legislation and Regulations governing Ambulance Service shall result in termination of this Agreement immediately upon the Township being made aware of it, without any written notice being given as hereinafter mentioned. 2. This Agreement shall be in force for the term of Five years from the 1st. day of April, 1967, and expiring the 31st. day of December, 1971, • provided: that : - 2 - ( (a) either party may terminate it upon ninety days' notice in writing to the other (b) The Operator will provide ambulance service in accordance with the said Act and its regulations, on a twenty-four hour daily basis seven days a week (c) the said service shall consist of one or more motor vehicles constructed and intended for use as ambulances, each equipped in accordance with the Provincial Regulations, and each manned by two properly qualified persons as in the said Regulations, and when one vehicle is absent from the Township a stand-by vehicle, properly equipped and staffed shall be provided during such period of periods. 3. The operator shall provide and maintain insurance by an insurer duly authorized to issue such insurance within the Province of Ontario as required by Regulations under The Ambulance Services Act 1966. 4. The Operator shall forthwith lodge with the Clerk of the Township of Bayham certified copies of the insurance policy of policies and any renewals thereof, and shall not cancel or allow any such policy or policies to lapse during the term of this agreement or any extenstion or renewal thereof.The Operator further convenants and agrees to indemnify and save the Township harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, -damages and costs arising in any manner whatsoever out of or in connection with the said ambulances or ambulance service. 5. The Operator shall be entitled to charge patients or persons who use his services at the following rates: $10.00 per trip for first single patient carried, plus 50¢ per mile one way. $10.00 for each additional stretcher patient carried on the same trip. $ 7.50 for each additional sit-up patient carried on the same trip. Nil for indigent patients. - 3 - For each patient whose point of origin is within the designated area, and who is carried beyond the boundaries of the designated area, a regular charge of 500 per mile, one way, shall be allowed for the actual mileage travelled beyond the designated area to the point of destination. For the purposes of this Agreement the boundaries of the designated area shall be deemed to be the boundaries of the Township of Bayham. 6. The Operator agrees that he will abide by and observe all laws, rules and regulations, Dominion, Provincial, Municipal or otherwise applicable to the operation of vehicles on any road or highway and generally applicable to the said service and operation contemplated by This Agreement, and convenants that he will at all times maintain his vehicles, equipment and man power orderly, neat, clean and in first class order and repair. 7. No printing or advertising material shall be affixed or painted on any ambulance except for a sign showing the name and address and telephone number of the owner of the name under which he carries on his ambulance service. �. The Operator shall permit the Township or its agents to inspect at all reasonable times during the currency of this Agreement, the condition and appearance of vehicles and the accommodation thereof, the appearance of drivers and attendants and to examine any driver or attendant with respect to the required qualifications under the Ambulance Services Act. 9. In consideration thereof the Township shall subsidise the Operator during the term of this Kgreement by paying to the w Operator an annual subsidy, payable monthly, on the basis of 50¢ per capita for the municipality as its population is established in the Municipal Direcotry based on the previous year's population figures as printed in the said directory: 10. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall benefit the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the Parties to it. - 4 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Party of the first Part has hereunto affixed its corporate seal attested to by the hands of its proper signing officers in that behalf, and the Party of the Second Part has hereunto affixed his hand and seal. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of: j } } THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM B y: Reeve. ulerx. Bey Arthur/Gray a • LW moo U" at *M141pal ow � f �'�MrM� ► t�►�o fib. doowfto o !lsro os ao io la°� 1966, nrl+ wwk the at o aossiai., sufl r � pew 4,014" rw �tt�o��#ame aAtwith mg qqmm�ww1�edbo�roo opW AXD Ww Comu31 of +w Cog -4 - oa at wo at D lis is d1N�l s Wwt an so 1 mmt be NOW ulth OW o W lo f ! `iti1K Q3,� off' t �ioa of tit ?�btp 1le asm mrd Cjwk we Md AA Owd to 3�or p ot daud ow 34*4 daw of low Iwo and to&t' z VW CFIavrp� dolt b� ► m bd*U st Ow Corrparr� o� at aw Tom � S�prlurs. =Do rd tsm a"fumly this ]Lob* ft or aw l.Dos ]L"?*'' r r � � fi a lot" dow at OF US MW PAXT 71 48 buddam" MAW tt�s •! *roes hro dwtthl! aa�rlled the w in snow PART the il" bar"* der _ %* ar c don Ow 1wm at m #�`!`Ip�lr�'�► �� � tom" t�M j����01� +O�t � �• only 06 fortho p! 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This 4 rlwtll be I& t tw the Oftu st ri" Yewa +arr the 100* 4AW at IL900 Md s19 Ayd" tIS )IA* 41W st ,r 2 Qr t dal asabe ray ..W iii wo moi► e4.* ..u« f t 00 a%d intigi#aN►�►Nr�t+ar�r !► bow d+sa (0) as �r dd � �� �r� w at so oar w" Now +awl a" - W& um " aaa a aMr�, Udbaaippt #� �urasardarro� With mar p tit ww rid, , and Aft me vwda* ig O teras she raa ►,p rrd f pw p � Md W dWU liar p F"WV dqa' IFIVAII& a ' MIW UMd ic+ In --- l- IV ft liar +ia r alttiw l�I�d to 1� va* views P -A loodaU WMAW The Ast ►9"r 40 1 MaMittp of pSOM st 'iii # M 4w st Md aw ;rid 46Odl oft SWAG w 012 ai sw1h or or jlW 4 30" ftv ft ww su c thin oaM�risId a too i�aa'j► rr�nrMWo � wilb� �• .. !wdwwm►w o" noir piw'i0�� A* Ole t+ r: 40 f 9"40 "Uo" ate , plays U116 =U,6404 sea phi i am SAP. l !'w ider W- - - ti. 0 3 ,0 rr am& - Ntt Vol" at erre is rdwd at No �' ww p huts to It. Sat VdW U I�m as b ii` Ow + 1� ��rw ar t, • e NW at 0 pre slut aw moi e dWU be Vle 616va wevoust 1► d 1e wa am, to go " � +le �t. Tw d it tad was +mrd to be aw MBdW st !i '! Alpe iwe t be OW" by aid abaraer w alt Ott d ���at� �aacLMLa�t, ��rrAndf l+�p�l► oe U tbS rh I= Of r ►sier Oft a vied are Md l �+a �t to tuba $odd swVAIMM W Md �rprart l►r�► tNr1djr 'fit i„ Md tiwt 1a1 tedu at au Unms a his vddaUw#+resp md � page m", Qom► # r a 9dw am Moir. 70 i i i MONOW 04U be a'AKAMA d w Willd rw a do, the ama acrd at OW MOM 40 tie UM MAW lid$ he ,' jr�artt�r dwU 11 --Ij-d tbd � ,p +oar amt b! 1 t4 ab ►►! t►fi�tf Ist e+dttdtop rMret arra eMi,tsMUM am as the appa�orwwNr !dad aster to a" to aw +�►i�e IdIA fm 00 WAIW :It i gi • -11� Ow IffilMp IIM�� t ie rl� ton at this by pelift to tyre as a � � f +Ar Via ftas or XV PW swift f1w 00 names or #t its it egrq - a��d # tbe► d ft p e*s pup �l as ti M a, P - 3s tbs add ! _ mit M dWU to td so men% th* e bel"I em out -i ert, adrla�►s�ir�� f--ww ad �' ww p huts to It. take Its W- sea too by %W hIWAd* St Ito as -m -f -ft GM*SM In sh" bobwo %I* Pon* st the Mt, 0 Moll 441--1 Is No promeme sts e5ql-,a� 1&ty� 114 3:..�. i By -Law No. 1586 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, A by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the-8tu%-ef_4--------------' - 44'ie-mak' Nuke-+er the sum of $ 1539.00 , the proportion to be contrib- uted by the municipality for completing the drainage works). WHEREAS the requisite number of owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll, of the property hereinafter set forth requiring drainage have petitioned the council of the Township of Ma chide praying that the following lands may be drained by a drainage works; Lot 35, Conc. 9, jlalahide Township Lots 1 and 2, Conc. 9, Bayham Township (Incorporating Cheesman Award Drain No. 1 under provisions of "The Drainage Act".) AND WHEREAS the council has procured a report made by Fred A. Bell and Associates and the report is as follows: (See next page) A. y GHEESMAN DRAIN No. 1 TO 0SHIPS OF MALAHIDE AND BAYHAM TO THE REEVE; AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE GENTLEMEN: - In accordance with instructions received from your Clerk and in ans-,-ter to a petition of the interested owners asking that the Cheesman Award Drain No. 1 (kivard dated October 18th, 1919) be incorporated under the provisions of "The Drainage Act", we beg to state that we have made an examination of the drain and of the lands affected and beg to report as follows:- We ollows:- We recommend that that portion of the i'Eain Drain on the westerly side of the Town Line between the Townships of Malahide and Bayham and that Branches A and B be left in place and that the balance of the Main Drain be reconstructed and extended as shown on the accompanying Flan, profile and Specifications. We recommend that the work be constructed in strict accordance with the accompanying plan, profile and specifications. The plan shows the location of the drain and the lands affected thereby and the profile and specifications show the size, grades, cuts and manner of disposing of excavated materials. We have allowed in our estimate to the owners for the old drain incorporated in the work and for severance and for damages to crops (if any) occasioned by the disposal of excavated materials. The whole of the Twain Drain and Branches A and B are hereby incorporated under the provisions of. "The Drainage Act". Stakes are planted along, the course of the new work which are numbered consecutively from 0 at the head to 23 - 15' at the outlet. All the lands affected by the work are farm lands. We estimate the cost of the work to be as follows: 14 RE: Cheesman Drain No. 1 -2.- I* IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE ALLOWA.,PICES TO OWNERS for Old Drain incorporated in the work. CON. LOT OR PART OWNER kLLOWA110E 9 3 5 3/8 Ex Ry. D. Rabbets $179-00 179*00 2. IN THE TOWNLINE between the Townships of Iialahide and Bayham (a) Stake 0 to Stake o - 66 40' - 10" Sewer Pipe 75.00 261 - 10" Tile @ 644 16.64 1 - Catch Basin 65.3.6 4 157.00 (b) Allowances to Owners of Old Drain incorporated in the work. CON. LOT OR PART MINER ALLOWANCE 9 NJ 35 M. Van de Mae le X162.00 Township of Malahide ;150000 Tmwnship of Bayham 4 54.100 196.00 553.00 3. COST IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM (A) STAKE 0 - 66 to 14 - 90 1424f of 10" Tile e 64¢ X911.36 STAKE 14 - 90 to 15 101 of 10" corru- gated iron pipe 45.14 STAKE 15 to STAKE 23 - 15 650 cubic yards excavation k? 45¢ 222,50 �1z49, o0 (b) ALLOWANCES to owners for damages to crmps (if any) occasioned by the disposal of excavated materials and for severances which we determine to be as fol -lows, CON. LOT OR PART OWNER DAMAGES SEVERANCE 9 Wj NJ ex Ry G.W. Farkas .35•vOO X100.00 $ 135.00 $1384.00 Carry forward $2116.00 RE: C heesman Drain No. 1: -3- Carried Forward 4. Survey Expense, Plan, Report, etc. $ 205.00 Stakes $ 2.00 Assistance on Survey P 16.00 Clerk's fees & By -Law 1-4alahide 4 75.00 it Bayham Inspector Letting and Superintending Incidentals 65.00 25.00 4:; 55.00 _11.00 This sum we assess against the lands and road liable for $2116.0o $ 484.00 ►2600.00 Assessment for benefit and outlet as shown on the following Schedule of Assessment. SCHEDULE OF ASSESS; JENT TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE CON. LOT OR PART APPROX. OWNER BENEFIT OUTLET TOTAL ACRES AFFECTED 9 N 35 20 N S E5 R 24 9 3/ x y. 35 16 ASSESSI,, 'NT ON LANDS rl.Van de Maele ; 190.00 $ 92.00 $282.00 G `k.. J. Laarman 120.00 110.00 230.00 D. Rabbets 290.00 58.00 348.00 4600.00 X260.00 V86o.o0 i Town Line between 1,Lalahide & Bayham TOTAL ASSESSMENT - MALAHIDE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHATI 9 W N 1 30 G.J.Laarman E N N.Ry. 1 10 M.Hochstetler N S ex.Ry. 1 ,0, E N S Ry. 1 8 -&. E. Schooley NJ W ai 2 $186.00 15.00 201.00 086.00 $275.00 $1061.00 065.00 � 85.00 � 450.00 00.00 12.00 377-00 40.00 20.00 60.00 s WJ NJ ex Ry. 2 10 G. W. Farkas 390.00 390.00 Right -of -Way across Lots 1 & 2 Canadian Nat- ional Railways 55.00 6.00 61.00 ASSESSMENT ON LAUDS $1215.00 $123.00 $133$.00 Town Line between Malahide & Bayham 186.00 15.00 201.00 TOTAL ASSESSNEDIT .; ti X1401.00 $138.00 $1539.00 $2187.00 $413.00 $2600.00 RE : Chee sman Drain No. 16 After completion that portion of the drain in the Tewnship of Nlalahide and on the Town Line is to be maintained by the Township of Malahide by Assessments levied on the lands in Malahide and on the Town Line in direct proportions to the above Schedule of kssessment. That portion of the drain in the Township of Dayham is to be maintained by the Township of Bayham by assessments levied on the lands in Bayham assessed for Benefit and Outlet and on the lands in Malahide and on the Town Line assessed for outlet in direct proportions to the above Schedule of Assessment unless otherwise provided for by Amendments to "The Drainage Act." We have the honour to be, Gentlemen, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO May 17, 1967. Your obedient Servants FRL'D A. BELL AND ASSOCIATES Per: Donald I. Houghton Engineers and Surveyors . AND WHEREAS the council is of opinion that the drainage of the area described is desirable; THEREFORE the council of the Township of Bayham, pursuant to The Drainage Act, 1962-63, enacts as follows: 1. The report is hereby adopted, and the drainage works as therein indicated and set forth are hereby authorized and shall be completed in accordance therewith 2. The Corporation of the Township of Bayham may borrow on the credit of t#e Corporation the sum of $ 1539.00 ..for the. rai naS work r._aotear being the municipality's proportion of the funds necessary for the drainage works) ; provided that such sum shall be reduced by the amount of grants and commuted payments with respect to lands and roads assessed, and may issue debentures of the Corporation to that amount in sums of not less than X50, each, and payable within five years from the date of such debent- ures with interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum: Payable by cheque such debentures to be without coupons and to be payable at the Office of the Treasurer of the Township of Bayham at Straffordville, Ontario. 3. For paying the sum of $ 1215.00 , the amount charged against such lands and roads for benefit, and the sum of $ 123.00 , the amount charged against such lands and roads for outlet liability, and the sum of $ ---- , the amount charged against such lands and roads for injuring liability, apart from lands and roads belonging to or controlled by the municipality and for covering interest thereon for five years, at the rate of seven per cent per annum, the following total special rates over and above all other rates shall be assessed, levied and collected (in the same manner and at'"the same time as other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the undermentioned parcels of land and parts of parcels and roads, and the amount of the total special rates and interest against each parcel or part of parcel respectively shall be divided into five equal parts, and one such part shall be assessed, levied and collected as aforesaid, in each year, for five years, after the passing of this by-law, during which the debentures have to run, provided that no greater amount shall be levied than is required after taking into account and crediting the amount of grants under subsection 3 of section 64 of The Drainage Acte, 1962-63, the amount of moneys paid under a by-law passed under subsection 4 of section 40 of that Act and commuted payments with respect to lands and roads assessed. Lot or on Part Acres Affected Int.for Total Ann. Assm. Benefit Outlet Inj. Est. 5 yrs. Spec. ea.Yr. for Assm. Assm. Assm. Grant C 7% Rate 5 yrs. 9 WJNJ 1 30 365-00 85.00 -- 300.00 32.90 182.90 36.58 9 EJNJN.Ry 1 10 365.00 12.00 -- 251.33 27.58 153.25 30.65 9 NS Ex.Ry 1) E N S . Ry 1 ) 8 10.00 20.00 -- 10.00 4.10 24.1+0 4.88 NWSJ 2 ) 9 WJNJ EX -Ry -2 10 390.00 -- - - 260.00 2$.55 158.55 31.71 9 Rt -of Way lots 55.00 6.00 -- (x) -- 13.40 74.40 14.$8 1 & 21C.N.R. 9 Townline ,14alahide & Bayham 186.00 15.00 -- ( x ) -- 44.10 245.10 19.02 1401-00 138.00 -- 851.33 150.93 838.60 167-72 Total for Benefit - $1401.00 it "Outlet - 130.00 it rr Inj . Lia . - -- Total - 1539.00 (x) Not agricultural lands Not eligible for grant. 1+. For paying the sum of t 201.00 , the amount assessed against such roads and lands of the municipality, and for covering interest thereon for five years at the rate of seven per cent per annum, a special rate, sufficient to produce the required yearly amount therefor, shall, over and above all other rates, be levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are°levied and collected) upon and from the whole rateable property in the Township of Bayham in each year for five years, after the passing of this by-law, during which the debentures have to run, 5. This by-law comes into force on the passing thereof, and may be cited as the " Cheesman Drain I. -o. 1 By -Lawn. FIRST READING - JUl r lith. 1967 ' SECOND READING - July 4th. 1967 and provisionally passed. THIRD READING - 400, Al, lfb7 ENACTED this *�rN , day of Av s 7- 191- Reeve. • ' er . 1 N O T I C E Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held at the Township Office, Straffordville, Ontario, on the 4th, day of Auf-ust 19`7 , at the hour of 2. OC in the after noon, for the purpose of hearing and trying complaints and appeals against the assessments in the foregoing by-law. All notices of appeals shall be served upon the Clerk of the Township of Bayham at least ten days prior to the first sitting of such Court of Revision. Notice of intention to make application to quash the fore- going by-law must be served on the Clerk of the Municipality within ten days of the final passing of the said by-law. Dated this 13th, day of July 19 67. erk of Bayham Township Straffordville, Ontario. Peru 0"M16 Review ( Supplementary) NY -LAW No_ 1587 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 67 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM IN THE COUNTYOF __ ELGIN MEMIFF WEEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requites that the total expenditure un roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the 30nMee at Bighw,lya for approval. THERWOBE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The stun of is hereby estimated as the expenditure npm the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under ib Jurisdiction during the year lla as follows: TOTALS IL -61,500. ---- s--4,5.00 . ----- t 661000.00 (2) The said monies aball be expended. under the supwviaion of the duly appointed town, ship mad superintendent and on work performed in aeeordanee with The Highway Improvement AM. (8) The clerk shall transmit TriplkaM copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways, Ontaro, not later than March 819 of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any ezpendl. taro is authorized or wort commenced which will be financed by the in" of debentures or monks raised in a subsequent year. Passes at__Strafferdyil ------18th.------ d y, of ------ Jul -y_-------- A.D. 11t- 6-7__ iF. J24 - -- ---------- --- cleft Beevs Ir --- -------- —--------------------- —------- ---- Ciat of the Corporation of the Town!hlp of ------------------------ ------------ do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of B* -law No_--------, pawed by the Council of the aid Corporation an the --------------- of --------------------------- to------ QrP�c��JP. Construction Ifainten TOW ROADS -------- --- ------;-12�QQQ . - ;�j-- - BRIDGES & CULVERTS -------s_4945QQ•---- $--------------- ���'pp�SS�r�.f20 a rz+usaraQQ- NEW MACHINERY -------------- ;----------------- $ no SUPERINTENDENCE & OVERHEAD---------------- _---------- —--- — $---------------- B ----------- TOTALS IL -61,500. ---- s--4,5.00 . ----- t 661000.00 (2) The said monies aball be expended. under the supwviaion of the duly appointed town, ship mad superintendent and on work performed in aeeordanee with The Highway Improvement AM. (8) The clerk shall transmit TriplkaM copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways, Ontaro, not later than March 819 of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any ezpendl. taro is authorized or wort commenced which will be financed by the in" of debentures or monks raised in a subsequent year. Passes at__Strafferdyil ------18th.------ d y, of ------ Jul -y_-------- A.D. 11t- 6-7__ iF. J24 - -- ---------- --- cleft Beevs Ir --- -------- —--------------------- —------- ---- Ciat of the Corporation of the Town!hlp of ------------------------ ------------ do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of B* -law No_--------, pawed by the Council of the aid Corporation an the --------------- of --------------------------- to------ QrP�c��JP. . ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Mr. J. D. Vall*e, Clerk Township of Bayhu, STRAFfORDVILLE, Ontario. Co. & Twp. Downsview, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: Supplementary Road Expenditure By -Law No. 15$7 Amount - $ 66,000:00 August 9, 1967 The Honourable George E. Gomme, Minister of Highways, has authorized the approval of the above cited by-law to a limit of $ 61,500.00 for Construction $ 49500.00 for Maintenance $ 66,000.00 Total The approval is given subject to the following conditions: 1. That the individual works of road and bridge construction and the purchase of each unit of equipment and the award of contracts for same shall be subject to the approval of the District Engineer. 2. That the District Engineer shall, be informed and his consent obtained before tenders are called for the proposed work or purchase and before any commitment is made by the Municipality. 3. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of.,, the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. :sm Encl. A copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, C. R. Wilmot, Municipal Engineer, Operations Branch. Form 094at-14 Roll a (SvpPlenntory) BW AW xorl�� A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 —61 _—EXrENDITUREs ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAiBAI[ _____ IN THE COUNTYOF W88REAS The Highway Improvement Act requites that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFOBB the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (I) The sum of i- l •� — Is bereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under Its iurtsdiction dung the year I94 as follows: Construction Maintenance Total ROADS ---- ------------------ ;_ 12*0=---- $--4*5(X) .----- BR.IDGES & CULVERTS -------i- oJ00-- - i----------------- i �9sJ�•00- NEW MACHINERY ------------- ;----------------- i an i ------------- --- 'ERINTENDENCE & OVERHEAD ---------------- -;----------------- _----------------- $------------ TOTALS;.-se---- =--4s3Q------- (2)----- (1) The said monies shall be expended. under the supervision of the duly appointed town- ship road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (9) The clerk shall transmit TripikaM copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways, Ontsm, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expendi. titre is authorised or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raked is a subsequent year. Paused at --- $ti��OTdTUM-------X�"h=- da of ------ J�-----.. A.D. 19- -67- (SEAL) - ------ --- ---- -- ---------------- r eke Eesve J D. Vallee ....... __— ...... Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of �_------ do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No-15-87----�t.r___- Powd by the Council of the said Corporation on the day of !4Z----------• I hereby confirm that this by-law has _ --------------------- ----- been approved by the Minister of Township UNICIPAL ENGINEER A—, FdRM 08 -MR -18 t '-4197 119VIOW 1. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS P r DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO TOWNSHIP OF e19 %� i%'� RE: BY-LAW NO. Z�7 101 ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 LOCATION (fay LOT AND CONCESSION) NATURK OF WORK MILES ESTIMATED COST ,4. 0`7_5 /J7 4 ! .� '� G t Z lL9 fi o A y#A11 • �► �v v.c �v� 1 f , r b o v D (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS — TYPE AND LOCATION 11V:574), el)4 LIERT - 40T ,2 Lv©AIe sur--T+OTAL o f_ JULVz lyre-ul 6)9 I276tE S IMCF.) e, P.R. A.0 r ! s , CONN- /x$7"94 Cyk VC i S - .. 7, rfotyc ro 3 __ ooff. RNs iL Cal, 4o7" /OQ//o/t1�° ool ___ ______ �. 1At5TAA.- C L)k 0E - R 7'S -- ZAV4 #1 b1000117b V 70_u1.A/,41NA7 09eflAIC dQD. s u B—TOTAL. (C) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (ITEMIZE) (0) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 2. MAINTENANCE R-Olm S /�90 9"IPA M A AI (R (A) ROADS _.-- EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) MILES SURFACE TREATMENT MILE: ROADS - ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING. CRACK FILLING. SWEEPING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING. BLADING DUST LAYING — CALCIUM. SALT. OIL. PRIME DITCHES, TILE DRAINS. CATCH BASINS, CURBS. GUTTERS, DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING. CUTTING. BRUSHING, FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL. SIGNS, ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL -- SNOW FENCE. PLOWING, SANDING. SALTING BUD—TOTAL (8) BRIDGE: AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS SUB—TOTAL (C) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD SEE FOOTNOTE TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL / ,j ©Q; _ �w , A5L/- z 1+0*'* - & / t1,� �/ f Vii►A QahTo hip Rord uprrintrrsdrnt If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data in the form indicated NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that of items 1(a) and 1(bl bear to total of items 2(a) and 2(b) i BY - LAW NO. 1591 TO► INSHIP OF DAYHAVI A by-law to raise X200,000.00 to aid in the construction of tile, stone or timber drains. The Council of the Township of Bayham, pursuant to The Tide Drainage Act, enacts as follows; 1. The Reeve may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this by-law, borrow on the credit of the corporation of the Municipality such sum not exceeding in the whole 4)200,000.00, as may be determined by the Council, and may in manner hereinafter provided, issue debentures of the corporation in such sums as the Council may deem proper for the amount so borrowed, with coupons attached as provided in section 4 of the Act. 2. Subject to section 10 of The Tile Drainage Ast, when the Council is of opinion that the application of any person to borrow money for the purpose of constructing a tile, stone or timber drain should be granted in whole or in part, the Council may, by resolution, direct the Reeve to issue debentures as aforesaid and to borrow a sum not exceeding the amount applied for, and may lend the same to the applicant on the completion of the drain- age works. 3. A special annual rate shall be imposed, levied and collected over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the money is borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the principal and interest as provided by the Act. Passed the day of CEP7"0 8C)R 1967. "--_)Reeve. FORM 5 (section 5) AFFIDAVIT OF HEAD OF MUNICIPALITY I, Co D. Phillipa, of the County of 81gin WIT: Township of Bayham in the County of S1 8,'u, Reeve of the Township of Bayham make oath and say: y I have not been served with any notice of intention to make application to quash a by-law passed on the 2nd, day Of October, 1967, by the Council of the Townshipof Ba yham NO-, 1591 entitled "A By -.Law to raise $200,000x00 to aid in the construction of tile, stone or timber drains," nor have I been served with any notice of intention to make application to quash any part of the by -lax, nor with any notice to that or the like effect. Sworn before me at the o "-- t , ". j Of in thej County of •z this .j day of 1967. 4-L. ww40 once w_ ►www Jamas DC Vattae, Notary public, Erin County; Expires June 23, 1970, �- wwwwwwww Reeve. 40 FORM 6 (section 5) AFFIDAVIT OF CLiMK County of It J. D. Van", of the Township TO WIT: of Bayham in the County of Elgin, Clerk of the Township of Bayham make oath and say: 1. On the 2nd. day of October, 1967, the Council of the Township of Bayham at a meeting specially called for that Purpose passed a by -lax for borrowing money to be lent for the construction of tile, atone or timber drains, being No. 1591 and entitled "A By -Lax to raise $200,000.00 to aid in the construction of tile, atone or timber drains," a copy of which certified by me is now shown to me marked "A" 2. I have not been served with any notice of intention to make application to quash the by-law, or any part there. Oft not with any notice to that or the like effect. Sworn before me at the of iin the County of t / this > 7�v day ofQ-�-��- 196 Clerk ww r►ww�rwwww.�iwww wwwwiwrw ONTARIO TREASURY DEPARTMENT The Clerk -Treasurer, Township of B�yham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: Novmber 23, 1967. Re: Tile Drainage Loans TCLCPh1ON[ NO. 365. 5195 ARCA CODC .116 PARLIAMNNT §UILDINOS TORONTO ! In response to your letter of November 21st, I am►able to advise you that due to a revolt' of operation you $till have a borrow credit basis authority of your _ � potential wader By lax No amounting to $15,600.00. I recommend that you use this By -lax to the full extent of its borrowing power or at least until your new one has been passed and presented here for acceptance. If you do not repeal By -lax N01400 your overall borrowing potential will stand at $250,000.00.. After acceptance of your By -lax No -1591 by this department debentures and coupons should bear No.1591. I as enclosing a memorandum -of procedure regarding the Passing of a By-law to authorize the issue of debentures under The Tile Drainage Act. Yours truly., Accountant, I.HTrivett/ec Loan Accounting Section. encl: Dec. 7th, 19670 Treasury Department, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ont . Be ::MI- Ddune _I�r 4_110 Dear Sirs; - I herewith present for your acceptance, the following materials respecting the above noted matter. 1. Affidavtit of Reeve C. D. Phillips. 2. Affidavit of Clerk J. D. Vallee. 3. Certified copy of By -Law No. 1$91 Marked A as rme*tioned in Clerkls affidavit. Clerk of Bayhamt Twp. 4 NOT* 15th. 1967. The, OntarioQi al Board, st!d"e St Toronto, Mario. R4 ,vFUis P. F. g. $-59 and c 3402:7. . Dear Sir; - On %M -5th day of August 959 the Hoard issued an Order a ro�rin of the rwli o% W X00.00 to aid in the constructioonn of t le a Stand ember drains. D i On the 21sto day of Setember, 1967, another Order was issued for the same purpose in anount another $200, 000.00 . concern now is does this further a al increase the total authorised for this Township to $250 or, only to the limit of th* . .atter aaovnt auth+csM.sed of WZOW.00 In' completing futuri debectures, I will require to know which by -.law to iasw same a Ww w re Iremain T ing you for any help you can give ate in this. 4 Yours Very truly TELEPHONE 365.1912 THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 145 QUEEN ST. WEST To80NTO PLEASE QUOTE FILE NO. G 3402-67 November 2.0, 1967 Mr. J.D. Vallee, Municipal Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: RE: Tile, stone or timber drains I have your letter of the 15th instant you that this Board does not give advice. and have to inform It is suggested that you communicate with Mr. L.H. Trivett, Loan Accounting Branch, Treasury Department, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, for the information you require. Yours truly R.5 COTT SECRETARY RS /p c Loan Accounting tit ch, Treasury Dep t� Parliaalent Bis, Toronto, Marla." Dear Sir;- Nov, 21, 1967. 2 '1'li��i0�i� o� loan'dZ'�1�. " r . on 'art let., 1959, thio -Township passed -law No. 1400 a was subse uattrl ved finalized, in j�N���E��, q A and, ai+ t 6f -$50 D'O 0 a0 f s the drainage,, ft .21st Sept 1967 this 2'o ship passed by -lax No. 1591 in as 11 asount W6&.00 for the same pWTOse orad it is s pe�cb+rd "this try -last ;111 be finalized ° the end of this M nth _ With 6 filingof affidavits b ► self and the Reeve to the effect there hm no camp faints. +� now is liter mch- does our authorisation cowers, 412TX O.QO or $200,QW*00 ? Also after finalization of our now '-G. should ar1� new issues of debentures be under it or std= we use. up the rmainin& balance under 'the former by - lair. Any advice you can give ms concerning the above matter will be greatly appreciateds Yours very truly Eta 2 '1'li��i0�i� o� loan'dZ'�1�. " r . on 'art let., 1959, thio -Township passed -law No. 1400 a was subse uattrl ved finalized, in j�N���E��, q A and, ai+ t 6f -$50 D'O 0 a0 f s the drainage,, ft .21st Sept 1967 this 2'o ship passed by -lax No. 1591 in as 11 asount W6&.00 for the same pWTOse orad it is s pe�cb+rd "this try -last ;111 be finalized ° the end of this M nth _ With 6 filingof affidavits b ► self and the Reeve to the effect there hm no camp faints. +� now is liter mch- does our authorisation cowers, 412TX O.QO or $200,QW*00 ? Also after finalization of our now '-G. should ar1� new issues of debentures be under it or std= we use. up the rmainin& balance under 'the former by - lair. Any advice you can give ms concerning the above matter will be greatly appreciateds Yours very truly News Printing Co. , 136 Broadway, Ti.11sonburg, Ont. Dear Sirs .. October 4th. 1961 . f 4 . News Printing Co. , 136 Broadway, Ti.11sonburg, Ont. Dear Sirs .. October 4th. 1961 . I am enclosing a copy of our PywLaw No. 1591 together with a notice, to be published in y� papers of October 14, 20 and 27th. These should be published together with the -lair Immediately above the .notice. Thanks for your attention 'to this. J Yours very truly 11 Clerk of $Whamo 0 f I am enclosing a copy of our PywLaw No. 1591 together with a notice, to be published in y� papers of October 14, 20 and 27th. These should be published together with the -lair Immediately above the .notice. Thanks for your attention 'to this. J Yours very truly 11 Clerk of $Whamo 0 TOMMIP or 8�l A by4W to r4s a #OW *00 to aid In Qw aoas t r tam at tlla, at=* or %lubes dbaiAs • O#�rllaril 6t US x�p �o�f' ,«t, pvar►an�tt to Mr To �� 1et, soom as allots 1* no rr�� �r titer to tial, &J"t to ter �ro�rlsime o a=0";x � on tba omit of Ww � a�t3a n at t1 such a n so% + � # MWla 000000s►s dat►te�imid tM • provided soil * �:r%. In �Iqr �wA�#isat"l.�at'�tM Ze Co�aft d*botturas MUM In sub as NNWdNs for ;Wmmmt so bi d, with aaop—s m mko s p In s+ i+aa 4 oft "tt . 2* C3ub jsa�tto "CUan 10 at Tba Ts S 1WaL r* Aet, Ubm the M -4-31 s of opriAia tkwt UW applicaueft aa� pwe= to amw for No p�rssa of -- mmu;Q* m"'a, a s� or is drain dW4d be � or n fit, t C0W%Nbl MO, bar reratuts,aa, d - lam* o issw +tbMlttm as atav vad �d to b�s�ar emm �dl� tm t s ►I,1+sd �Wo and mW 2►iAd WW saw to tw "OuGmt 46 the Wou of the drsia- so mmko* eo11�o � abt�tr� i121�o�ahar�r �s��g a��la�r�d in rasp�aL al=dk � �au� is baa�rowd� wdrioient tie the aMo theM urommt at Lbs p�rleeipltl d laLa"t at provided by is o, t 2nd. da of October J. . ( :)i Tned) � . D. Phillips * c -no ) J. D. Vallee • S DIE ONTARIO MUNTICIPAL BOARD 145 QUEEN ST. WEST TELEPHONE 365.1912 ToR ONTO September 21, 1967 Mr. J. D. Vallee, Township Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: PLEAASEOUOTE FILE NO_ 3 Re: Proposed capital ex ture of $200s000-00 td to aid in the construction of tile, stone and timber dr ins I am directed to inform of September, 1967, this Boardograntedu that oa the 21st day above application. Formal order accordinglywill of the issue in due course. Invoice for the Board's -f-ee will accompany the formal order. ccompany Yours truly, ,► Q, SR: R. SCOTT SECRETARY Ontario Municipal uoard, 145 Queen Street West, TORONTO 1, Ont, Doar Sirs; - 1 am enclosing a .certified copy of our Township Dy -Law fro. 1591 on beinr, given two readings by this council and provisionally passed. Notices of this by-law under Section 1, sub -section (3) of The Tile Drainage Act was published in The Tillsorburr News on Aw-ust 4th,, 1.1 th. and 18th, 1967. Consideration for approval of sake frill be appreciated by this council. Yours very truly 0 CeX'k oy nayham Twp. �.r .i( 'i.y = ��' .t f.^ •a .• _ - * � as -.` ..�� :. T i►i t CIA.24 '1`'_..�ir _X?�nsx�L�...�..3k �� � M�r. •:�..,...ti - - .-�; v ;� .. ..� �.. Please Note Np person appeared before council to � J Y x oppose the passing of this by-law, 'ti ,,• � � •. . �, 4 ': �h�-•fr ` .;.�.'�$ .ri `` �� a _ ` r �. a.. 1�caiHL".�+J.' 'tir..�.#ti"f•' "�r. '�� '� RII.!'�°� �" .,�• },a'+',iw.... ... � •.j���4a"A ♦ �s4 F �`r,' �g.� J. D. Vallee, Clerk. `}• ` '� K , _..;- - y',. -".'tea' ,A47 l^T,; N �"'' •„p.'Yk- .Yt` x s^: - t4� -�; ` ,fir,_; .;4'p "��" . t �'' a� +�T t � .} �� t � �• �'n �� aX � ��� ��' 3 ° � � ^ � �� r .. to♦x _ y } :♦� My . ���� I'/I/4/`�/.Lf} �� � .. . �.,`� Jx_ .? �,-• i,? 3a,. . a �,� i�'• � � ,x�p f°�X' �.��ky a e r�°i` . I.} s .. ° - .. <.. A�` •$'' "i}S s. }`!x �:. Y` v •Pi Or _ Form 3-A PLLASE QUOTE FIL% NUi°• Br Telephone Nwaber G3402-67 395-1912 im ONTARIO Kr.J.B, Vallee, Clerk Township of Barham,, STRAFFMDVILLE, Ontario. Dear air, Construction of tile , atc&@: or timber dtains THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 145 Queen Street !'Jest Toronto 1, Ontario Sept.8,1967 ( By-law Number 1591 ( Bill Number n Resolution passed Receipt is acknowledged of your letter dated 11 sept.6,196? M. and enclosure, which will be given consideration. ;hen communicating with the Board in connection with this Matter, please quote file number, Yours truly, R. SCOTT SECRETARY Dear Q Sir ; i Your Me G 3402,m67. rs. TOWSMp ••:� `�� `• :: • • � ; of B�x�a�aB,►-Ia�r �o, 1541. -_ ,5 In an�Z` to.: -j of �pt * , l2th. 9 1 in pleased to present, the fes information as therein. t autho ►tld to bare a lar By,•�'.ww No. �asand t, 1_19 59 a apprav�d T a On o lei eti Beard an hh* 1959: o OEX�.� Anount already dobentured 17, 500*00 Applications approved but not fJ ialisad - 23, .t0 Bal an,ce under By.*I ax . No. 14M........�... � 9 000 tima C1c•'1`re�ta. wsnship of 16yham �i THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 145 QUEEN ST. WEST TELEPHONE 365-1912 TORONTO PLEASE QUOTE FILE NO. G 340,2-67 September 12, 1967 Mr. J. D. Vallee, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Bayham St raf fo rdville Ontario Res Construction proposed under authority of Ehr-lax 1591 Dear Sir • In order that consideration your application will you please be Board with a statement showing the date to be borrowed, and the amount e-ci sting by-laxs still in force for tile, stone or timber drains. EL/hd A �S' be given to approval of good enough to furnish the total amount authorized to remaining unpaid, under the purpose of constructing Yours truly, R. SCOTTY Secretary f *i 0 Township of Bayham ). D. VALLB$, Cork and Treasurer Phone 666d521 Arca Code SISI 9TRAFF0RDVILLE, ONTARIO News Printing Co., 136 Broadway, Tillsonburg, Ont, Dear Sirs; - Aug. 2nd. 1967. Kindly place the following advt. of notice in your papers of August 4th., 11th, and 18th. Township of Bayham Botice of Meeting to Consider By -Law, Take notice that a by-law for raising $ 200,000-Wjmder the provisions of The Tile Drainage Act, will be taken into consideration by the Council of the Township of Bayham, at the Township Office, Straffordvillq on 5th, day of September, 1967, at the hour of two o'clock in the after noon. Thanks. J. D. Vallee, Clerk. T- ern of Bayham Twp, Form 38-B PLBA6E QUG�TL FILE, NUI,1BER Telephone NumberIN 365-1912 G 3402-67 ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MU NWAPAL BOARD J-45 Queen Street West Toronto 1, Ontario Mr. J. D. Vallee, Township Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: September 22, 1967 Re: Construction of tile, stone and timber drains I am enclosing herewith duplicate original -order pursuant to section 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, together with invoice covering the -Board's fee therefor. SR: Encls, 2 Yours truly, R. SCOT SECRETARY' x r J r $ THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MAmA T Lei OF Section 6.4 of The t}ntar{o Munic (f ioal Soard 11e ..j . u. lyou p C. 274 an and - IN THE 14ATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town_ ship of Bayham for approval of the borrowing of the sum of $2001000.00 to aid in the con- struction of t ile , stone or timber drains BEFt)R I G 3402-67 V. So MILBURN, Member an and - THURSDAY, the 21st W. T. SHRIVES ) day of SEFTEMER, 1967 Member THE BOkhD ORDERS, under and in pursuance of the legis- lation hereinbefore referred to, and of any and all other Powers vested in the Board, that the said application be and the same is hereby 6ranted, and that the corporation may now proceed with the said undertaking and for 'such purpose may pass all requisite by-laws. e SECF i:TAF,Y FNTE E Q. B. Folio No.. SEP ? h 1961 sxrefs , ►Y, Umario Muniu.Coat board The Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: TREASURY DEPARTMENT Finance and Economics January 15, 1968. 8e: Tile Drainage By-law #1591 In response to your letter of January llth, I may say that your By-law is now in order and you may submit debentures for purchase under its authority. TCLEPNONC NO.36". , 5195 AREA CODE 416 PARLIANSNT BUILD10400 TORONTO 2 I regret the delay in supplying formal acceptance of the By-law. IATrive t t /ec Yours truly, 1% • Accountant, Loan Accounting Section. Legal Hence: I;Y-L&W No. 1591 Township of Bayham A by-law to raise $200,000.00 to aid in the construction of tile, stone or timber drains. The Council of the Township of Bayham, pursuant to The Tile Drainage Act, enacts as follows: 1. The Reeve may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this by-law, borrow on the cre- dit of the corporation of the Municipality such sum not ex. ceediing in the whole $200,000.00, as may be determined by the Council, and may in manner here- inafter provided, issue debentures of the corporation in such sums as the Council may deem proper for the amount so borrowed, with coupons attached as provided in section 4 of the Act. 2. Subject to section 10 of The '`Tile Drainage Act, when the `Cobnol is of opinion that, the "application of any person to bor- row money for the purpose of constructing a tile, stone or tim- ber drain should be granted in whole or in part, the Council may, by resolution, direct the Rene to issue debentures as aforesaid and to borrow a a= not exceeding the amount applied for, and may lend the same to the applicant on the completion of the drainage works. 3. A special annual rate shall be imposed, levied and collectAl over and aboveall other rates upon the land in respect of which the money is borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the principal and interest as provided by the Act. Passed the 2nd day of October 1967. (Signed) C. D. Phillips Reeve :Signed) J. D. Vallee Clerk. — NOTICE — Corporation of the Township of Bayham Take notice that the above is a true copy of a By-!aw passed by the Council of the Township of Bavham on the 2nd day of Octo- ber, 1967. and all person, are re- quired to take notice .that any one who desires to apply to have the by-law or any part thereof quashed must serve notice of his applicat:an upon the Head or Clerl: ui this municipality within 20 days after the date of the last publication of this notice. and most make his application to the Supreme Court of Ontario with. in one month :,iter the said date. This notice was first published on the 13th day of October, 1967, and the last publication will be on the 37th day of October. 1967. J. D. Vallee, Clerk. TONSIN Or UYRAN Notice Of Meeting To 'consider By-Law Take notice that a by-law for raisng $200,- 000 under the provisions of The Tile Drainage Act will be taken into consideration by the Council of the Township of Bayham, at the township office, Straffordville, on the 5th day of September, 1967, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon. J. D. VALLEE, Clerk ?' - � ` �. .. � ,/" S - ` ;,�. TREASURY DEPARTMENT December 12th, 1967 The Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: Tile Drainage TELEPHONE NO.366- AREA CODE 416 PANLIAURNT BUILDING! This will acknowledge receipt of your By-law No. 1591 and affidavits. As evidence of proper publication of the By-law please submit a Form 4 or excerpts from the newspapers in which advertisements were carried. UlTrivettfbn Yours truly, �e-_7_ Id Accountant Loan Accounting Section TORONTO p TREASURY DEPARTMENT PAR AMENT BUILDINGS Procedure respecting by• -lags to authorize TORONTO issue of debentures under The Tile Drainage Act 1. Give the by-law (see Form 1 of the Schedule to the Act) first and second readings only at any regular or special council meeting; 2. Submit a certified copy of the proposed by-law, after lst and 2nd readings, to the Ontario Municipal Board with an application for approval of the expenditure authorized by same (see Secs. 67 and 68 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act); 3. After approval from The Ontario Municipal Board advertise special meeting as required by Section 1, s.s. 2 and 3 of the Act; and Form 3 of the Schedule to the Act; 4. If the by-law is passed at the special meeting, publish a copy of it as required by Section 2 of the Act (see Form 4 of the Schedule); 5. File certified copi cs the following with the Treasurer of Ontario: Original by-law, Affidavit of the Head of the Municipality (Form 5); Affidavits of the Clerk (Forms 4 and 6) Notes: (a) A 1956 Amendment to the Act striltes out paragraphs 2 and 3 of Form 6; (b) Section 10 of the Act requires that approval of the Treasurer of Ontario must be obtained before an application is granted by Council. l By -Lax No . 40.3 - Township of Bayhat. Being a by-law to provide for the holding of the Municipal Elections, the Municipality of the Township of Bayhan for the year 196 and for k%.' appointing of Deputy ReturningOffivers Poll Clerks and Pol Planes ling for the said Municipality. � BS IT THEREFORE EXACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayhm as follows:- That provided more persons qqualify for election to office than IM7. uire� to fill the various officea, an election be held on Dec. � . as according to Township of Bayham By -Lax leo. 1203, and in accordance provisions of the Municipal Election Act. That the election for Sub -Division No. 1 shall be held at the 1 in Port Burwell, and that 11)4x shall be Deputy Returalug Officer and Pzr?c Y shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 2 shall be held at or Dear the residence of Normw Light, and that InvR R 4 Y k-olzpt 5,A/ shall AWDeputy . Returning Officer and s k1PM yqN j.) e,#T. shall be Poll Clerk. ThAt the action for Sub -Division go. 3 shall be held at or near the ,� -Esq-VhCastAm and that k4.Tory Q%) ek 5 r Af shall be Deputy Return- ing Officer and kYk,t= 4,emcAl shall be roll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 4A shall be held at the Township Hall in Straffordville and that H.P CRAA:T shall be Deputy Returning Officer and �\raylv w & /m roc tL / shell be Poll Clerk, That the election for Sub -Division No. 4B shall be held at the Township Hall in Straffordville and that WA459 shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that 1�-,EVR6E CAfi?ZQon/ shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for sub -Division No. 5 shall be hold at the Coo# Irian tell- 11 and that F44 ml y s shall be Deputy Returning {officer and that A1Rs. J'R/Air- Nuc, saAf shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for :Sub -Division No. 6 shall be held at the Edea School and that �jh9 0 C k D SAW V E t� shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that In/ ss &h7"Iy�%R/A/E McVe10EA.k shall be Poll Cleric. That the election for Sub -Division No. 7 shall be held at the Richmond Church and that /wA05, 44-N sin? ;>srA/ shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that lip's. arrvE /Iefe shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 6 shall be held at `-ear-viii a L and that xer, G • r i ps shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that pws• wRRRzv CRAVES shall be Poll Clerk. AND THAT the said Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks be and they are hereby authoriaod and required to hold the said Municipal Elections in accordance with the Act and to provile voting by ballot at the said elections. READ a first Second and Third tine and finally passed this da of � y P � f Nove abort 1961: By -Law No. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHkl, A by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality - the sum of § 34$.00 the proportion to be contrib- uted by the municipality for completing the drainage works). WHEREAS the requisite number of owners as shown by the last revised assessment roll, of the property hereinafter set forth requiring drainage have petitioned the council of the Township of Miami praying that the following lands may be drained by a drainage works; epgb" AND WHEREAS the council has procured a report P made by 20 imp and the report is as follows: t pool H. V. JEWITT. O.L.S. MUNICIPAL A PRIVATE SURVEYS J. B. DODD. O.L.S. DRAINAGE CONSULTANT G. DOUGLAS VALLEE LTD. CONSULTING ENGINEER To the Reeve and Council, Township of Houghton. Re: Garnham Drain North Branch Gentlemen: 11 JEWITT, DODD & VALLEE SO KENT STREET SOUTH 906CM 0MlAJU0 TELEPHONE 42* -6115 October 25, 1967. In accordance with your instructions and persuant to provisions of Section 52 of the Drainage Act, I have examined the North Branch of the Garnham Drain and wish to report as follows: The open ditch from its junction with the main drain in the Township of Middleton back north and west through the Township of Houghton to the tile drainage system currently on the lands of Mr. A. L. Garnham and M. Garnham is filled in to the point that the tile drainage system is practically inoperable. I recommend that the drain be cleaned in accord- ance with the specifications and grade sheets and profile enclosed with this report. I determine the amounts to be paid to owners entitled thereto under Section 8 (1) of the Drainage Act for damages and Section 8 (8) for right- of-way, as follows: M IAT OR PART NAME OF OWXE R W. pt. of 138 M. Garnham E. pt. of 138 N. T. R. R. Hall Lot 13 9 N. T. R. Do Swinn Lot 140 & 141 N.T.R. E. & J. Marshall SECTION 8 (1) SECTION 8 (8) TOTAL 25.00 50.00 75.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 150.00 300.00 450.00 k 0 6 0 -2- LOT OR PART NAME OF OWNER SECTION 8(l) SECTION 8 (8) TOTAL Township of Middleton SW. h Lot 1 Con. I N. T. R. G. Jenkins NW. h Lot 1 S.T.R. G. Jenkins 25.00 50.00 75.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 T O T A L $400.00 $800.00 I estimate the cost of this work to be as follows: Allowances under Section 8 of the Drainage Act Excavating and leveling some 4,000 cu. yds. of material from 5,400 lineal feet of open ditch @ 400 per lin. foot 3 Supply 30 lineal feet 54" x 12 ga. corrugated steel pipe @ $13.00 per lineal foot Install same on lands of E & J. Marshall Supply 30 lineal feet of 54" 12 ga. corrugated steel pipe @ $13.00 per lineal foot Install same on lands of D. Swinn Lot 139 N.T.R. Supply 60 lineal feet of 54" 12 ga. corrugated steel pipe @ $13.00 per lineal foot Install same under road between Lot 138 and 139 Using pipe salvaged from road crossing place on lands of R. Hall and install in drain Supply 60 lineal feet of 60" 12 ga. corrugated steel pipe @ $14.50 per lineal foot Remove existing structure at Townline and replace using above mentioned pipe $1200.00 1,200.00 21160.00 390.00 75.00 390.00 75.00 780.00 350.00 75.00 870.00 450.00 -3- Survey, plan report and expenses Houghton Clerks Fees Houghton Bylaw Bayham Clerks Fees Bayham Bylaw Middleton Clerks Fees Midd leton Bylaw Supervision of construction Letting contract and incidental expenses T 0 T A L 450.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 250.00 130.00 Of the above amount, the following charges shall be charged directly to the road authorities concerned for the installation and supply of road culverts. Townline road between Middleton and Houghton Townships Supply and install corrugated steel culvert 1,320.00 Road between Lot 138 and Lot 139 Township of Houghton 1,130.00 Is Leaving the sum of $5,595.00 to be assessed against the Drainage Area. This aum I assess against all the lands and roads affected in accordance with the annexed assessment schedule. After construction the drain shall be maintained by the Township of Houghton at the expense of all the lands and roads assessed herein and in the same relative proportion until said assessment shall be varied in accordance with the provision of the Drainage Act. All of which is respectfully submitted. Yours truly, ' JBD:mdp �� John B. Dodd, 0. L. S. ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE GARNHAM DRAIN LOT OR PART ACRES NAME OF OWNER BENEFIT OUTLET TOTAL BAL.AFTER AFFT. SUBSIDY Townshi of Bayham Concession VII SE. pt. of 28 9 V. Badzioch 45.00 45.00 15.00 NE. pt. of 28 35 A. Brinn 175.00 175.00 58.33 � of Bayham Houghton Townline 7-50V00 50.00 125.00 _ _ Total Township of Bayham $75.00 $270.00 $345.00 Township of Houghton North of the Talbot Road NW. pt. of 137 5 Corp. of County of Elgin 25.00 25.00 8.33 SW. k of 137 49 A. L. Garnham 275.00 245.00 520.00 173.33 Cent.E.pt. 137 13 A. L. Garnham 65.00 65.00 21.66 SE. pt. of 137 40 W. Ringland 275.00 200.00 475.00 158.33 --r SW. of 138 49 M. Garnham 275.00 245.00 520.00 173.33 SE. of 138 50 R. Hall 275.00 250.00 525.00 175.00 N. pt. of 138 5 F. Garnham 25,00 25.00 8.33 Lot 139 110 D. Swinn 430.00 550.00 980.00 326.66 140 & 141 126 E. & J. tsarshall 435.00 630.00 1065.00 355.00 Total Assessmen-` Lands 1965.00 2235.00 4200.00 Top. Road bet'n Lots 138 & 139 150.00 100.00 250.00 Bayham Houghton Townline 75.00 50.00 125.00 Middleton Houghton Townline 75.00 50.00 125.00 Total Assessment Lands and Roads 2265.00 2435.00 4700.00 Houghton • ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE -- 2 LOT OR PART ACRES NAME OF OWNER BENEFIT OUTLET TOTAL BAL. AFTER AFFT. SUBSIDY Township of Middleton North of the Talbot Road SW. h G. Jenkins 150.00 25.00 175.00 58.33 South of the Talbot Road NW. �4 G. Jenkins Total Assessment Lands Middleton Houghton Townline County of Nor.1olk Road #1 Total Assessment Lands and Roads Middleton d 150.00 150.00 50.00 $300.00 $25.00 $325.00 75.00 50.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 $375.00 $175.00 $550.00 . AND WHEREAS the council is of opinion that the drainage of the area described is desirable; THEREFORE the council of the Township of Bayham, pursuant to The Drainage Act, 1962-63, enacts as follows: le The report is hereby adopted, and the drainage works as therein indicated and set forth are hereby authorized and shall be completed in accordance therewith 2. The Corporation of the Townshiham may borrow on the credit of t e Cor the sum of i"y � Po ration � being the municipalityt s proportion of the funds necessary for the drainage works); provided that such sum shall be reduced by the amount of grants and commuted payments with respect to lands and roads assessed$ and may issue debentures of the Corporation that amount in sums of not lhan $50. each, and payable withinIRM years from the date of debent- ures with interest at the rate of MR per cent per annum: 'it! " aws of f See" +1s� 4 MIS Mls such debentures to be without coupons and to*be payable at the Office of the Treasurer of the Township of Bayham at Straffordville, Ontario. 3. For paying the sum of , the o t charged against such lands and roads for benefit, and the sum of $ , the amount charged -against such lands and roads for outlet liability, and the sum of .- , the amount charged against such lands and roads for injuring liability, apart from lands and roads belonging t or controlled by the municipality and for covering interest thereon for years, at the rate of per cent per annum the following total special rates over and above all other rates shal be assessed, levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the undermentioned parcels of land and parts of parcels and roads, and the amount of the total special rates and interest a inst each parcel or part of parcel respectively shall be divided into equal parts, and one such parthall be assessed U , levied and collected as aforesaid, in each year, for � years, after the passing of this by-law, during which the debentures have to run, provided that no greater amount shall be levied than is required after taking into account and crediting the amount of grants under subsection 3 of section 64 of The Drainage Act, 1962-63, the amount of moneys paid under a by-law passed under subsection 4 of section 40 of that Act and commuted payments with respect to lands and roads assessed. • • In as Be I a Z; TV 3 TO f, L UM 400 175M "me U6*6f 7045 0*45 "M 30.01 r- . Now :5.01 Men J0027 "S.00� MO UL NAA.67 40." as $"0" 4. For paying the sum of $ .OG, the amount assessed against roads and lands of the municipality,g Inst such for ai�w far covering interest thereon Year's at the rate of per cent per annum, special rate, sufficient to produce the required yearlyamount a shall, over and above all other rates, be levied and collected therefor, "same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and {l the upon and from the whole rateable property in the Township of Ba ham in each year for P yham in which the debentures aveato,rafter the passing of* this by-law, during ung 5. This by-law comes into force on the be cited as the "A Is MkM * 1102M MAS FIRST READING - SECOND READING - THIRD READING - ENACTED this day of passing thereof, and may By -Law". 19 eeve. er l 1 r T(J1r I4& _ IP OF j.Yi iX.l FROF-c,SEDZ014ING BY.IW%4 Tt'r3LE 0F' COP'TEN TS BY - Lr ;i t10 • I �r 9 E1,1, I T TITLE (.•F By-I�d CONFORt�y Section 1. i•:hite General Provisions. Section 2. l hite Dcf-initions. Section 3. Iiihite hstablishiaL n t of Zoning I�•�p Section 4. ti:"hite Wonc Symbols. Section 5, .hite Establishment: of U en P 6pacE Zone 1, Section 6. i4hite Interpretation of Zone _-oundories. Section 7, i t c General UseCulatio g ns. Section 8. Green Upen Sr.ace ( C'S ) Zone kegulat Ions . Section 9, Y( llow Rosidcntial ( 1; Zone. kEaulat ions . Section 10, rink usiness ( B ) Zone tecrulat ions . Section 11. Buff -_u ( DT -, Zone Regulations. Section 12: Blue Industrie:1 ( C ) Zo. ne, kec7ulations . BeL.Res.Forms TMINSHIP OF Moved by ....................... Seconded by ...................... BAYHA�i Session of Vi4 _/6'11997* And 10 resolved that By -Law No. being a by-law to - Be Now Read a First Time, moved by ........................ Seconded by ....................., Carried ......................... Reeve. And resolved that By -Law No. be now Read a Second Ti Moved by, ........... Seconded by, .......... --- me. Carried ........................,. Reeve. hnd resolved that By -Law No. be now read a Third Time and finally passed. Carried ......................... Reeve. Is 4 A r L B Y - L k 11 No. .��,9�'•...•.. ti BY-Ul,' TO FRGWIDE FGF{ THE ZCNII4G GF CEF<TAII"I �; DS. THE COUNCIL GF' THE CCRI' 0Rr;,TIOII OF THE TU.fNSHH OFrtjjU i + i iill'1 ENACTS i,S FGLLC' .'S : TITLE OF BY-Lajo : This icy -law may be cited as the ZONING BY-L�,'4 COIvFORi-,1ITY REQUIRE ENT: I10 land, building or other structure shall be used and no building or other structure shall be erected for any purpose except as set out in this By-law and in conformity with all the applicable provisions of this By-law. P W GENERILL PROVISIONS SECTIO{N 1 1.1. PENALTIES 1.1.1. Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By-law is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine of not more than X300.00, exclusive of costs; 1.1.2. Every such fine shall be recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act, all the provisions of which apply, except that any imprisonment shall be as provided in The :4unicipal r*ct; 1.1.3# odere a person, guilty of an offence under this By-law has been directed to remedy any violation and is in default of doing any matter or thing required, such matter or thing shall be done at his expense; 1.1.4. Where a person has refused or neglected to rein. burse the Corporation for the cost of such work, thing or matter done, the same may be recovered by the corporation in like manner as municipal taxes. 1.2. BY -LABS P.EPEaED 3 The following Restricted area (Zoning) icy -laws are hereby repealed: 1.3. EFFECTIVE DATE No part of this By-law shall come into force without the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board but upon such approval this By-law shall take effect on the day of the passing thereof. t R E F I N I T 1 0 14 S SECTION 2 2.1. r�CC;ESSORY BUILD114G means a building, attached or detached incidental and subordinate to the main which is not used or intended for use 2.2. ACCESSORY USE which is customarily use of the lot and as human habitations means a use customarily incidental, subordinate and exclusively devoted to the main permitted use and carried on with such main use on the same lot. 2.3e AGRICliLTUf6- L USE means the cultivation of land, the production of field crops and the selling of such crops produced on the prem- ises and the breeding and care of livestock and the sell- ing of such livestock or the product of such livestock raised on the premises. 2.4. i U :OEILE 110EPAIr; SHOF means a building or other structure where major repairs to and body wore upon, or pe.intinc7 of motor vehicles is carried on, but does not include a gasoline: filling station, automobile service station, wrecking yard or any type of out -door storage. 2.5. OTOD.103ILE SEI�VIC;E ST%IOI means a lot, building or other structure, where such goods are sold and such minor services are provided which are essential to the running operation of motor vehicles and may include the selling of refreshncnts to the travelling public by way of vending machines, and may include a coffee shop, but does not include a retail store, automobile repair chop as defined in subs-ection 2.4. of this by-law, or the business of sellinc cars or other vehicles, and does not include a mechanical or coin operated car wash- ing establishment except that cars may be washed by the operator or an employee of the station with or without the aid of semi-automatic equipment. 2.6. BOaDING HOUSE Means any house or huildincr in which the proprietor resides and occupies at least 10 percent of the floor space used for the purposes of the boarding house as his residence, and supplies for hire or aaiz�to other persons, lodging with or without meals in rooms furnished by the proprietor with necessary furnishings and includes a rooming house, but does not include a hqtel or apartment house. 2.7. BUFFER STRIP neans an arca of a lot des ionated as such on a Zoning ,ap or Zoning i::ap Schedule and to be used only for the purposes of screening land, buildings or other structures by the planting and maintenance of trees and shrubs. 2.6. BUILDING means any structure used or intended for sheltering any use or occupancy. 2.9 . Bb I LD I NG tiiaE.x means an arca designated on G Zoninc; Hap or Zoning leap Schedule as "BUILDING AREn" which defines the area of a lot within wilier, permitted buildings or other structures may be erected, used and maintained. IV M 0 2.10. CLINIC means any building containing more than two rooms used or intended for use for any of the purroses of medical or dental practice, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing includes the offices or consulting rooms of members of the medical or dental professions listed in this by-law under the definition "I:ome Occupations" and includes any building in which two or more Home Occupations are being carried on by members of the said medical or dental professions. 2.11. CORNER LOT means a lot bounded on two or more adjoining sides by street boundary lines which include an angle of not more than one hundred and twenty-five degrees and in the case of curved street boundary lines such angle is formed by their tangents drawn from the points . where the boundary lines of the lot meet the street boundary lines. 2.12. C OVERnGE means that portion or percentage of the area of any lot upon which buildings or structures are erected or are permitted to be erected, but does not include areas used for septic tanks, the fields or drainage pipes. 2.13. Di: ELLI NG means any building or part of any building used or intended for use exclusively for residential occupancy including an apartment building, but does not include a hotel, motel, boarding house, rooming house or similar commercial uses or private or semi -private or public institutional uses. 2.14. MELLII�IG,_ DUPLEX means a multiple dwellinc, comprising two dwelling units one above tho other. 2.15. D'.;ELLINYG1 (21i E-FMLILY means a dwelling consisting of one dwelling unit only. 2.16. D..ELLI1G, SET:I-DETACIIED means a dwellinq comprising two dwell'inq units side by side and joined by a common or party wall. 2.17. 94ELLIIvG, I::ULTIPLE means any dwelling containing more than turo dwelling units. 2.18. DWELLING UNIT F• .0 means one room or a group of rooms in one building used by one family for residentiEl occupancy having food preparation and sanitary facilities and a private en- trance from outside the building or from a common hall- way or stairway inside the building. 2.19. EXTERRkL DESIGN means the design arrangeraent or pattern of materials forming the exterior of a building or structure. r 2.20. FAIAI LY means one person or a group: of persons, including dom- estic servants, residing as a single, non-profit house- keeping unit in a dwelling unit and roomers or boarders not exceeding three in numbers. 2.21. Ftii&s USE means the use: of a parcel of lend for the pur .,uses of agriculture, (a) having an arca of not less than 25 acres, or (b) havinc an area of not less than three acres if the agriculture --1 use of the land provides the sole livelihood of the land owner and whose sole bus- iness is agriculture, and includes the erection and use of buildings and other structures neccssrry for the agricultural use including farm residences, except that in zones where buildings and other struc- tures are prohibited such use refers only to the land. 2.22. FLUGR AREI, means the sun total of the aross horizontal ureas of the several floors of the building or buildings and other structures on a lot or parcel of land, measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls or from the centre lint of the common wall separating two buildings or other structures, and the "floor area" of a building or other structure includes 1. basement or cellar floor area where: basement or cellar ceiling heiglLt is 6 feet or more, unless otherwise specified, 2. elevator shafts, and stairwells at each•flaor, 3. floor area used for mechanical equipment, 4. penthouses, S. attic space having headroom of 7 feet or more fer at least half the attic floor area, 6. interior balconies and mezzanines, 7. enclosed porchc;s, 8. floor area &cvoted to accessory uses end home occupations, • but area used for a I rivate gcracge, parking or loading whether in the main building or structure or in an accessory building or structure, is not included in the: "floor area". 2.23. FLOOR AREA RATIO means the "floor arca" (in square feet) of all build- ings and other structures on a lot divided by the area of the lot (in square feet) . 2.24. GASOLIEE FILLING STAT IC#1\1 means a place where petroleum products only are sold and are delivered cIrectly to the fuel tanks of motor vehicles. 2.25. Gini GE , SEI1- DETht,.: E D means two garages attached by a common wall centred on the lot line. 2.26. HEIGHT means the full height of a- building or other structure measured from the lowest point of the finished grade at the exterior walls to the highest point of. the build- ing or other structure, not including any ornamental dome, chimney, tower, cupola, steeple, church spire, water storage tank, electrical apparatus, television antennae, or structure for the mechanical equipment required for the operation of the building or other structure, e.g., an elevator. i r . W. 2.27. HOi,:E OCCLTATI(;N means a use other than residential conducted in a dwelling unit and which use, 1. is clearly secondary to the main use of the dwelling unit as a private residence, 2. does not change the character of the dwelling unit as a private residence:, 3. does not show exterior evidence of being conducted therein except a s ion showing the nano of the occupant with letters indicating university degrees and profe:ssioncl affiliation of the said occupant which s iccn does not exceed six inches by eighteen inches in area, 4. docs not create or become a public nuisance ane: in particular not in regard to noise, traffic or para.ing, 5. does not occupy more than 25;0 of the total floor arca of the dwelling unit including basement or - cellar area used for home occupation or as living quuarters, or 300 square feet whichever, is the lesser, and, for greater clarity, such use includes the offices or consulting room for a profession such as a phy- sician, dentist, chiropractor, lawyer, engineer, accountant, teacher, musical instructor when a single pupil is instructed at a time, the office for a trade such as a painter or Electrician and the Mork room for a dressmaker, milliner or hairdresser, but does not include or permit a clinic, any shop, tea room, tourist home, convalescent home, mortuary, funeral parlour, dancing school, rooming house, board- ing house, hair -dressing if more than one person is engacied in the trade, millinery work if more than one person is engaged in the trade, real estate or in- surance office: if more than one person is engaged in the business, or anv other similar use or other com- mercial use or institutional usc or a workshop, store cue yard, parking area or plant for any of the trades. 2.28. INDUSTRIAL-CCi1,11RC IAL USE means any EstabV:shriEnt involved primarily in repair- ing, servicing, processing or manufacturing activities and the fol=owing as accessory uses only: transport- ation, wholesaling, storage, or shipFing. 2.29. INSTITUTIC�Ki�L USE means the use of land, buildings or other structures for governmental, religious, educational, charitable, philanthropic or hospital jurposes and involving activities �,nd�-operations i,�hich are car;ied on for some public or social purpose and not as a business. 2.30. LOr�DII SF',,,CE means a paved area 12 feet by 30 feet, with 14 feet clearance above the paved surface, made available for the loading and unloadin(- of - one motorized transport vehicle, with a way of access at least 12 feet in width from a publi* roadway with suf.figient turning radious and area uitder all conditions of use. 2.31, LOT means a parcel of land, or more than one but adjoin- ing parcel's of land under one ownership and approp- riated for the exclusive use of a building and acc- essory buildincys or for the exclusive use of a group of buildings comprisine one undertaking or enter- prise Which said parcel or parcels abut upon a public street. 2.32. LC`f DEPTH means the shortest horizontal distance between the front lot line; and rear lot line: of c_ lot. 10 2.33. LCT LIUE A means any :boundary line of a lot and includes e front or stre:�i lot line, sidE. lot line_ -_nd reg r lot line;. 2.34. LOT ;,IDT?i means the shortc--t horizontal dist: nce: between the side lot lines. 2.35. 1,10EILE I101.1 includes a trailer and meE:ns an,,r novable: vehicle or living unit or portable structure having no foundation other then wheels, jacks or skirtings and so designed or constructed as to pernit occupancy for dwelling or sleeping rurroses or commercial purposes. 2.36. I':OTEL Means a building or group of buildings comprising Either separate units or a rot: of units which contain living or slecping accoruiodation for transient occ- upancy and which have, individual entrances and in- cludes tourist cabins. 2.37. P KING t�RLP. means 1. an erce shown on a Zoning Map or Zoning Map Schedules as "Fri d:ING wiLich defines the area of a lot as an open space clear of buildings or other structurc-s, wnicl-L is avail�ible and maintained for the parking of motor vehicles, and includes pedestrian aisles, lanes for the movement of vehicles, and other space necessarily incident to the parking of vehicles and together with a way of access to and from a public road or highway under all conditions of use, 2. an area shown on a Zoning I-.:ap or Zoning Map Schedule within a "BUILDING x%RErn" as "PQM ING iiREn" which defines the area of a lot as a space within a building, which is available and maintained for the parking of motor vehicles, and including ped- estrian aisles, lanes for the: movement of vehicles, and other space necessarily incident to the parking of vehicles, together with a way of access to and from a public highway or road under all conditions of usc. 2.38. PARKING SPiLCE • means an area 10 feet by 20 feet made available for use for the parking of one motor vehicle: with a way of access at least 10 feet in width from a public road or highway, together with an adequate way of ingress and agress to such parking space under (:11 conditions of use. 2.39. FIT includes a quarry, oil well or gas well ana means any opening or excavation in or working of the ground for the: purposes of removal of mineral, soil, rock, quartz, lime:stonc, earth, clay, sand, gravel, cement, natural oil, natural gas, and any similar natural resources, but this does not include a well intended to be used for private we ter supply. .d 10 V. w 'r s 2.40. PLAIdTII;G c REtt means an area shown on a Zonings iviap or Zoning I.Iap Schedule as "F'LAIITl �G xaL,-," which def incs the area of a lot upon which, no building or other structure may be erected or used and uron which no vehicle may be parked, but which may include pedestrian walkways and other space: necessi. rily incident to the movem(;nt of pedestr- ian traffic on the lot. 2.41. PUT ISL,xxD �u�EA means an arca shovm on a Zoning Eap or Zoning !,lap Schedule: as "PUMP IS"-dID which defines the area of a lot ui on which the erection rand use of gasoline pump islands for cor�ercial distribution of gasoline or other fuels is permitted. 2.42. REGISTERED 1 L -,N the symbols "iti.T'." followad by a number or numbers, egg., R.F. 123.. means T:EGISTERED FUhN number .. or numbers .... A 2 f43. RESIDE'&,TI:�L USE means the use of a building or a part or Farts of a building as a private dwelling only. 2,44, RESi1TICTED bUSIi' hSS bSE means the transaction of business, the buying and selling of goods and services in retail stores and shops, in offices, hotels, res,taurents, banks, or other but similar commercial establishments, but does not include dry -cleaning -or laundry plants, except pickup stores or businesscs supplying self- service laundry facilities, automobile repair shops, automobile sales except in a completely enclosed building, printing shops, plumbing shops, carpentry shops or woodworking shops. metal working shops, the selling of builders' supplies and paints and glass except in retail stores, tiro repair shops, ware- housing or s tora.gc of any kind except that incidental to a retail commercial business; transportation terminals, poultry hatcheries, raising of animals and animal processing, Lhe buying and selling of solid, liquid or gaseous fuels, or other dangerous or com- bustil31c, inflarumble or explosive substances, the makinq ox p -ocessinq of any product which is not solely made or proce ; ed for retail s- lc only on the premises. 2.45. RURI;L-RES .DEI TI«L USE means the. use of lanes, buildings and other structures for residential purposes in rural or%open space areas where puhl.ic water sitrly and public sewage disposal facilities are not available, farms excepted, and including a lot of not less than 15,000 square feet but no parcel of land of more than ten acres in area and 1. which lot exists on the day of the passing of this by-law, or 2. which lot has been created by Consent to Register under thy; ,.,provis ions of Section 32(b) of The Planning, Act, R.S.U. 19601 Chapter 296, and has been specifically designated for rural -residential use under the: provisions of Subsection (13) of Section 26 of The planning i%ct, IL-C.S.O. 1960, or 3. which lot is a. lot within a Registered Plan of sulAivision. 2.46. SHOP II lG CEIJT?E means a building or a group of buildings for the use of restricted business establishments, planned, design- ed, developed and managed as a unit having off-street parking provided on the site. 2.47. STOREY means that portion of a building which: is situated between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it and, if there is no floor above it, that portion between the surface of any floor and the ceiling above: it, and which is ,,ore than 50`,o above the average finished grad: and wl,ic_, has a he:ic)ht of more than 7 feet and includes cn attic having more than 7 ff:et hca:droon for at least SGia of the attic floor area.' 2.48. STERLLT paeans a comrzion and public street or road, and includes a highway and a bridge forming part of a street or on, over or across whiciz a street passes. ' 2.49. STRL0.11RE means any materiel object or work erected as a unit or constructed or put together of connected or'de�endcnt parts or elements, whether located under, on or above the surface of the around. 2.50. WAREHOUSE-COI.3XR.CInL 11SE means any establishment involved in wholesaling, storage, and s}:ipmcnt of goods and materials. 2.51. YID means a portion of a. lot or a parcel of land uncovered and open from the ground to the sky, its minimum depth or width respectively is measured at right angles from the lot line and includes, according to its location on a lot, a front yard, side: yard and rear yard and such yard extends alone the entire length of the respective lot line. 2.52. ZONE moans an area delineated on the Zoning Lap or Zoning i. .ap Schedules and established and designated by this by-law for a specific use. 2.53. ZONING K&F ziND ZONLIG 1-�P SCHEDUES means map sheets incornoratcd in this Iay-law and showing graphically,the location, size and boundaries of Zones established by this by-law together with other explanatory text and matter. y me i M-% "W ft E S T A B L I S h i E 11 T 0 r -- Z 0 N I NG h►;KF SECTION _�3 3.1.1. The provisions of this ,by -lair shall apply y t o the area of the municipality as defined on the Zoning 1,1a p being g Section 3 of this by-law. 3.1.2. The land llSe zol:es to which the provisions and reg- ulations of this by-law shall respectively a -11 and p.r y their loca.tiori and boundaries are outlined on the Zoning Map which is incorporatLd in this by-law h •err. - _ with and which together with -the Zoning Mlap Scheduler and with all explanatoz y matter on the Zoningi-: ap and Zoning Lap Schedules shall form part of this by-law. C Z 0 N E SYI'.B0LS S E C T I 0 N 4 4.1. In order ` to carry out the purposes and provisions of this by-law the following zone;: are hereby established and are designated upon the Zoning leap and Zoning i:.ap' Schedules by the Zone Symbols consisting; of the letters and numbers sett out in sur) -section 4.3. of this by-law. 4.2. t ll lanes shown uron the Zoning i ap and Zoning 1 ap Schedules shall be deemed to he included within the: zone respectively indicate=d by the: corresponding le=tter or numrjer or letter and number appcaring on such Zoning i:ap and Zoning.ap Schedules. 4.3. The following Zone Symbols shall aptly: (-,Sl for Cpcn .pac -, Gong: 1 4.3.2. OS2 for Open Space Zone 2 4.3.3. OS3 for Open Space Zone 3 4.3.4. OS4 for Open Space Zone 4 for Residential Zone 1 �.3.b. R2 deleted 4.3.7. B1 for Business Zone 1 4.3.8. B2 for Business Zone 2 4.3.9. B3 for 2us i ness Zone 3 4.3.10. B4 for Busine=ss Zone 4 4.3.11. BS for i Business Zone S 4.3.12. B6 deleted 4.3.13. 137 deleted 4.3.14. IN for Institutional Zone 4.3.15. Cl for Industrial Zone 1 4.3.16. U2 dcictcd 4.3.17. C:3 de=lete==d 4.3.18. C;4 delete=d 4.3.19. C5 dereted 4.4. Special Zoniss tandards sy::L�ol followed by a number ( e.g. B4-6 ) refers to particular or special zonina standards within the respective zone indicated by the zone symbol. v w ft r ESTr.BLI SIR 1ENT OF OPEN S1 -.--,CE ZUIE 1 S E C T I O N 5 5.1. This by-lavi shE.11 apply to all lands within the municipality and all such lands shall be deemed to be included in the Open Space Zone 1 (OS1) unless shot -m upon the Zoning ;.:ap and Zoninq 1:ap Schedules as being included in a zone other than . Open Space Zone 1(OS1). 5.2. All lands other than C`pEn Space Zone 1 (OSl ) shall be deemed to be included within the zone indicated by the corresponding Zone Symbol on the Zoning !;lap and Zoning 1-1ap Schedules. • INTERFR,ET.`.TIt,11 OF Z C N E B0 U NDRIES SECT I Ger: 6 6.1.1. In determining th<_ boundaries of Zones as shovm. on the Zoning L,ap and Schedules thereto, the following rules shell apply: 6.1.2. Zonc boundcries shown as ar­proxim�-Acly following lot or strcrct boundary lines shall be construed to follow the. lot or street bounC1ary line:. 6.1.3. Zone bcundcries shown as approximately following the ccntre line of streets, lanes or E.ny other richt-of- way shall be construed to follow the centre: line of the street, lane, or other richt-of-way. 6.1.4. Where a street, lane, other richt-of-way or water course: serves as a boundary between two or mors: differ- ent zones, the centre ling, of the strE;ct, lane, other right-of-way or w&tcr ccursc, extending ;in the general direction of the long dimensions thereof, shall be considered the boundary between the: zones. b.1.5. there a zone boundary follows an irr�;gular unsurveyed line, it shE%.11 be interpreted as following a contour line, and the elevation shovm on the Zoning r,�ap shall be the elevation of the: contour line referred to the ceodet is & tum. :hero different Elevations are shown from place to place: aloncr such an irregular unsurveyed line these elevations shall be interpreted as the elevation referred to the r:eode:tic datum; at the: inter- section of such line and the nearest township lot line, and intermediate points sliE_11 be found by interpolat- ing; or r.rorortioning along, the: said irregular line hi-- tween the nearest defined elevations in either direct- ion. dhere two contours in the "same area have the same elevation, the: contour intended to be defined shell be determined according to the scale shown on the Zoning 1%ap. 6.1.6. Distances not specificclly indicated in words or figures on the �oninr:, c,ap shell be: determined according s to the: scale shown there6n. 6.1.7. `,there any lana, building or other structure is used for public purposes or for tl,.e purposes of a public utility so that by operation of law the provisions and - regulations of this by-law do not apply either wholly or in part to such land and at any time: thereafter the lk 6.1.7, coni. C land shall revert to such ownershiF or to such use as to be capable in law of being governed by the pro- visions and regulations of a restricted area (Zoning) by-law then the land, shall forthwith conclusively be deemed to be included in the zone of the property contiguous to it end when the land shall lig: between two different zones, the boundary between such two different zones shall thereafter be deemed to be along the middle line of the lend provided the land is not zoned by this by-law otherwise. 6.1. S o Wherever it occurs, the i%:unicipal Limit is the boundary of the zone adjacent to it. 0 G E N E R A L U S E S Z C T I C N 7 7.1. BUI LDI iX ARES-. �EEGU LGIBS Wh�_rcvcr a zoning nap or zoning- map schedule shows the words "BGILDING t UMx" this shall zbe the only area on a lot for building, subject, however, to all other applicable regulations contained in this: by-law. 7.2. COiY1YtCIAL VEIIICLES It-: RESIDE1JrYJtxL ZONES It shall be T-rohibited to use any lot or part of any lot in anv residential zone for the purposes of parking or storin(7 any corunercial vehicle except one, such vehicle which doe.- not exceed the three-quarter ton rating pro- vided such vc::hicle: is perked or stored in an accessory building. 7.3. COIVJ-1UTING T:HE LCT For the purpose of computing the: are& of a lot, an adjacent lot, street or lane shall not be deemed to form part of such lot, nor shell any right-of-way for which the: first mentioned lot is the dominent tenements 7.4. CO 41 -UT ING rME FLUOR 1-11:EA 7i,he:n computing the total Floor rnrea permitted., in this by-law &s the maximun on a lot, the index figure set out in this by-law as the maximum Floor rae:a i.atio .for the respective zone must be multiplied by the area of the let measured in square fctA . 7.5 . ErNCI RO.►C:I�� IJTT INTO YARDS In residential zones: 7.5.1. Sills, 'Oelt courses, cornices, eaves or gutters, chimney breasts, bay windows or pilasters may project into a required yard but not more than two feet. 7.5.2. Balconies, canopies, or unenclosed Porches may pro jcct into a. required front or rear yard but not more than 5 feet. 7.6. EXTERii1� DESIGN ` erever the external design of buildinc or other structure is regulated by the inclusion in the by-law of a zoning map schedule, the external design of the build- ing or other structure shall be as shown on the zoning map schedule. 0 7.7. FENCES Lawful fence: shall be deemed not to be subject to the yard rrovis ions of this by -lay; except as otherwise pro- vided for in this by-law. 7.8. FROi4T Ur LINE ON LU:NER LOTS Except where othen-tise: re:gull*te:d, the: shorter street lot line shall be deemed to be ti1L- front lot line: on a corner lot. 7.9. FRO NT Yh?D S Its RESIDENTIAL AREAS In re:siduntial zones the front yard shell not be used for storeae . 7.10 . MINIPM, kEUU Ii ,ia;NTS 7.11. Except where specifically stated as being maxima, the numerical figures in this by-law other than those refer- ing to the permitted number of residential units within the zone, or to an absolute figure upon which the re- quired minimum number of parking spaces is based (e.r. floor area, number of scats, or area for sports) shall be the minimum requirements. NO ZU:R YARD G* C( -R ER In residential zones, a on corner lots, but the shall aTply instead. 7 12. J n tci-. I td G AREr% LOIS rear yard shall not be required lesser side yard requirements `.herever a zoning map schedule shotes the words t�.xL this slLall indicate the area -►in ich shall be avail- able and maintained at all times for the parking of motor vehicles. 7.13. t LhI,JT1�.G iaEti Wherever a zoning map schedule shows the words "l-UNTIiIG ARLAII this shall indicate the area which shall be used for planting and no building or other structure shall be erected or used on such area and no vehicle shall be parked or stored thereon and no paving shall be laid thereon other than that required for the movements of pedestrian traffic but such paving intended to acco.�'.o-' date pedestrian traffic shall not exceed a width of four feet. 7.14. I R IV TE G!,RAGES Notwithstanding other rrovisions of this bar -law as to accessory buildings, in residential zones on adjoining' lots private car garages may be erected across the side lot line common to ;moth lots but the garage for both lots shall be designed and erected as one building. 7.15. FRCIUI ; 7.16 . FU[ IP ISLr04DII'vRE11. Wherever a zoninr iwp schedule indicates an arc& e -s "PliI:P ISL:.ND 1'aLL'' this shall b�the only area for a rump island on a lot and no other area on such lot shell be used for such purposes. 7.17. RE('UIRED WRDS Notwithstanding other provisions of this by-law, the regulations of this by-law ap; lica.blc: to front, side and rear yards shall aptly exclusively to that portion of a lot required by this by-law to rye provided as c yard. "he regulations shall not apply to any land additionally provided as a yard C hove the required minimum Except that in all residential zones the remle.tions contained in section 7.9. of this by-la.it shall pl-.ly to the recuircd front yard and any additional arc& added to the front yard beyond the required mininurt. 7.18. SEVER40ILITY OF CLhUSES If any section or sections or clause or clauses of this by -1 w, or any part or parts thereof, may be found by any Court of Law to he held to be bad, or illegal, 'or beyond the: power of Council to L:nact, such section or sections or clause or clauses or part or parts thereof shall be deemed to be suparatc: and independent there- from, and to be enacted as such. 7.19. SIGN Wherever a zoning map schedule shoes thy: words "SIGN I RM&" this shall indicate the only ares on th(-. lot which may be used for the erection of a sign or signs separated from a building or other structure. 7.20. SFi-xCII•,G OF SL ILDII4GS 7.20.1 '_buildings or other structures erected or used for the: purposes of or in connection with the extracting of natural resources, or buildings or other structures erected or used for the raising or keeping of livestock ( c, . g. stables, dost kennels, chicken houses, piggeries, etc.), buildings for growing mushrooms, or similar buildings or structures shell not be crEcted closer to the: nearest boundary of any resident- ial zone that S00 fe:ct. 7.20.2 Buildings or other structures to be erected or used for industrial uses and processes in which natural resources are used as a raw material lumber, Earth, clay, sand, gravel, stone, rock, oil, gas, or zany other similar material), shall be erected not closer than 1,000 feet from the boundary lino of any resIdent is 1 zone. 7.21. SPixClNG LF S4id'IT:-t:Y BUILDINGS xuYD STRUCTURES 7.21.1. 11'otwithstanding other provisions of this by-law, the space; or distance between septic tanks, cess- pools, tile: fields, seepage beds, or privy vaults and buildings used for residential use: shall not be less than 40 fcct, cxce;pt the build- ing served. 7.21.2. The space or diste.nce bettreen septic tanks, cess- pools, t ilo f ie:ld.s, se:e pe:oc beds, or privy vaults and any lot boundary line shall be not less then 10 feet. 7.21.3. Septic tanks, cuss -pools, privy vaults, or other structuress, tillorks or places for the. deposit or storage of human or animal excrement shall not be located closer than 150 feet of the high- water mark of F ny water re;servior, creek, stream., 7.21.3. con t. brook-, pond, laky:, o drain leading to then, the: around or of any 7.2 2 . TEI J 0R:=,RY USES 7.23. 7.24. r water course,, cr any or onto the: surface of well or spring. In all use zones the following temporary uses, buildings or structures shall be permitted on a lot but only so long as the same are necessary for any construction work in progress on the lot and which has neither been finish- ed nor abandoned: construction carrps, work carers, tool sheds, scaffolds, or any other building or structure incidental to and necessary for t'_ke construction work carried on on the lot but this does not include a mobile hoinc or trailer for living or sleeping purroses. L�-SD WITHOUT' BUILDI liGS ►here land is used for or in connection with residential, business or industrial or institutional uses but without any buildings or structures thereon, all yards required by this by-law on a lot in thu respective use zone shall be provided and maintained as yards and the applicable regulations shell apply, except where the land or lot is used for gardening or open space purposes not prohibited by this by-law in such use zone. USES PROHIBITED Uses not listed as permitted in a use zone in this by- law shall be prohibited in such use zone. 7.25. VISIBILITY SIT INTEkSLCTION'S 7.25.1. In residenti,.:1. business, industrial and instit- utional use zones on a corner lot a building or any other structure shell not be erccte6 in such a manner as to materially impede vision between a hciaht of two feet and ten feet above the centreline grade: of the intersecting streets in the triangular area bounded by the street lot lines of the corner lot and a line joining points along said street lot lines3 thirty feet from the point of the intersection of said street lot 1 ines . 7.25.2. Tn all of,en space: zones on E corner lot a build- ina or other structure shall not be erected in such a manner as to materially impede vision between a heicht of two feet and ten feet above the centre:lino grade: of t1te intersectina streets in the' triangular aree- bounded by the street lot lines of the corner lot and a line joining points alone the street lot lines 150 feet from the Point of the intersection of the: said street lot liners. 4 7.26. h:OBILE E011S PROHIBITED IN .0 ZJC-NES It shall be prohibited to �-Iocate and use a mobile home in any use zone for the purposes of residential, business, industrial or institutional uses, temporarily or perm- anently, unless the: use of r mobile home for such purposes is listed specifically in this by-law as a permitted use within « particular use zone. 7.27. UNFINISiIED BUILDINGS It shall be prohibited to use for human hasitation any partly finished or unfinished building intended to be used for purposes of human habitation and this includes any t, -pe of d,,,Yelling,, hotel, motel, boars inch house, room- ing house:, and any coT;imercial Eating c:stanlishment and 7.27. cont. regardl(:ss of whethcr such building is owns(:. or used privately or intended for commercial or institutional use. 7.28. UTILITIES IuND SERVICES Underground structures rccruired or installed by the municipal corporation, the 11'ydro Electric Power Comm- ission of Ontario, a public utilities commission or any company: Public Utility for t: c supply and transmission of water, gas, electricity, heat, television or telephony: service: or for the removal and transmissicn of storm and sanitary waste, are pernitted in any use zone. Structures incidental to the aforesaid under- cYround structures may be erected above the surface of the c_round provided they occupy an areF. of less than 25 square feet, z rc less than 6 feet high Fnd their outside dimensions con- tain a volume of less thon 125 cubic feet, pro- vided that they are properly screened by the planting of bushes e. nd trees, • Transmission and distribution equipm(:nt for communication signals and electricity within new res identiE. l subdivisions she ll be placed underground, e1 cy;pt where, in the opinion of the utility responsi:Dle, it is not feasible to do so. Other aerial transmission and distribution installations exclusive of new subdivisions are permitted, including switches, transformers and other equipment normally placed on poles, but this does not permit the erection of steel towers for the transmission of high voltage electricity. 0 w �PEId Sp�C;E ZONES _—.......... __ h> O P E N S P A C E ( OS ZONA: REOULM ONS 8.1. aISTING USES IN OPEN SPACE ZC14"ES 8.1.1. The height, floor area and location of any buildings and other structures; the floor area ratio, the size, frontage and depth of the lot on which the buildings and other structures are located, the front, side and roar yards on such lots, the maximum coverage and the number and location of off-street parking spaces, shall remain as they lawfully exist on the day of the passing of this by-law. 8.1.2. Sub -section 8.1.1. shall not prohibit the erection of accessory buildings or the enlarge- ment or extension of buildings and other structures which are permitted under the pro • visions of sub -sections 8.2., 8.3., 8.4. and 8.5. provided the erection, enlargement, or extension is in conformity with the applic- able provisions of this by-law other than sub= section 8.1.1. 8.1.3. ''here the frontage and area of a lot on which buildings and other structures arc located is less than that requircd in sub -section 6.2., 8.3., 8.4. and 8.5., the lot frontage: and lot area which lawfully exist on the day of the passing of this by-law shall be the minimum lot frontage and the minimum lot area of such lot for the purposes of this by-law. 0 t4 f " 1411 SECTION 8 y 8.1. aISTING USES IN OPEN SPACE ZC14"ES 8.1.1. The height, floor area and location of any buildings and other structures; the floor area ratio, the size, frontage and depth of the lot on which the buildings and other structures are located, the front, side and roar yards on such lots, the maximum coverage and the number and location of off-street parking spaces, shall remain as they lawfully exist on the day of the passing of this by-law. 8.1.2. Sub -section 8.1.1. shall not prohibit the erection of accessory buildings or the enlarge- ment or extension of buildings and other structures which are permitted under the pro • visions of sub -sections 8.2., 8.3., 8.4. and 8.5. provided the erection, enlargement, or extension is in conformity with the applic- able provisions of this by-law other than sub= section 8.1.1. 8.1.3. ''here the frontage and area of a lot on which buildings and other structures arc located is less than that requircd in sub -section 6.2., 8.3., 8.4. and 8.5., the lot frontage: and lot area which lawfully exist on the day of the passing of this by-law shall be the minimum lot frontage and the minimum lot area of such lot for the purposes of this by-law. 0 t4 Lot urea for Rural Residential Uses: Lot Frontage: Ground Floor Area of Dwellings: (a) (b) (c) structures. 150000 square feet. 100 feet. 875 square feet for a one -- storey dwelling; 950 square feet for a split level dwelling; 750 square feet for a dwelling having more than one storey. Coverage: 20° maximum for. rural - residential and instit- utional uses; Location of Buildings and other Structures: Front Yard 65 feet. Side Yards: 15 feet. Rear Yards: Equal to the height of the main building,'except that a detached accessory building stall not be erected within 2 feet from the rear lot line. Rural -Residential Uses on large lots: i;o lot having an area of ted acres or more shall be used for rural-res- idential ural-res- identis1 purposes unless it has a minimum front- age of 700 feet on a public road. Off -Street Parking: a) In the case of rural -res- idential uses: 14 parking spaces per dwelling unit on the lot on which the dwelling i&.located plus one additional parking space for every 100 sq. feet or portion thereof over the first 100 square feet of floor area de- voted e-voted to or used for the purposes of a home occu- pation- r 8.2.2. SPECIAL USE REGULATIONS Notwithstanding other applicable provisions of this by-law, and in addition to the General Use Regulations contained in subsection 8.2.1., the special, reg- ulations contained in this subsection shall apply to the area or areas defined: Defined Area: US1-1 as shown on the Zoning Yap, Part 2. Other Permitted Uses: Trucking Business. Other Permitted Buildings or Structures Mildings and structures for the pe ftitted uses existing at the date of the passing of this by-law, Defined Area: OS1-2 as shown on the —�� Zoning N:ap, Part 24. other Permitted Uses: :- Well digging business. Other Permitted Buildings or Structures: Buildings and structures for the permitted uses existing at the date of the passing of this by-law. t Defined Area: OS1-3 as shown on the Zoning Lap, Fart 19. Other Permitted Uses: Saw i-ii11 tther Permitted Build- ings or Structures: Buildings and Structures for the permitted uses existing at the date of the passing of this by-law. Defined irea : CS1-4 as shown on the Zoning Lap, Fart 18. ether Fermitted Uses: Trucking business. Cther Fermitted Build- ings or Structures: _ .Buildings and structures fcr the permitted uses existing at the date of the passing of this by-law. Defined rirea: OS1-5 as shown on the Zoning Iv,ap, Fart 3. Other Permitted Uses: Butcher Other Fermitted Build- - ings or Structures:Buildings and Structure: fcr the permitted uses dr existing at the date of the passing of this by-law. Defined rirea : 051-46 as shown on the _ Zoning i,ar, Fart 6. Other "errmitted_ Uses: Building Contracting. Other lernitted 3uild- ings or Structures: Buildings and Structure;, for the permitted uses existing at the date of the passing of this by-law. 8.2..2.7. Definedrea: GS1-7 as shown on the ._�_......._._._.___._. Zoning 4:ap, Part 7. tither Fermi ted Us es : Trucz ing Business. 1 Permitted Buildings and Structures: (a) Lot iixea Coverage: Lot Front, ate : (b) (c) (b) Ground Floor area:(a) (b) (c) Farm buildings and struc- tures but no such build- ings and structures shall be erected ,-en a lot or parcel of land of less than 25 acres notwi th 4 standing sub -section 2.21. of this by-law; One -family rural -resi- dential dwelling law- fully used on the day -f the passing of this by-law; Accessory building in connection with the per- mitted dwelling. 25 acres for farm use; 15, COC square feet for rural -residential uses lawfully used on the day of the passing of this by-law. 20% maximum. 700 feet for farm uses; 100 feet for permitted rural -residential uses. 975 square feet for a one -storey dwelling; 950 square f eet for a split-level dwelling; 750 square feet for a dwelling having more than one storey. Location of tuts and Structures: FLont Yards- 40 feet. Side Yards: 4 feet plus 2 feet for eac storey or part thereof abc..3 one storey on one side and 10 feet on the other side, except that an accessory building may be erected not less than 4 feet from a side lot line, or, if the access- ory building is detached and erected entirely to the rear of the main building r . 8.3. OPEN SPACE Z a N E 2( 082) RML�TIGNS 8:3:1. GENF.AI USE REGULATIONS 84410-1i' Permitted Uses: (a) Farm uses; (b) One -family rural•resid-. ential uses lawfully used for such purposes on the day of the passing of this by-law; (c) Home Occupations; (d) Accessory uses. Prohibited Uses: Notwithstanding sub -sec- tion 2.21 and of this by-law, poultry farms, mushroom farms, fur farms; piggeries, hatcheries, commercial greenhouses and dog kennels shall be pro- hibited. 1 Permitted Buildings and Structures: (a) Lot iixea Coverage: Lot Front, ate : (b) (c) (b) Ground Floor area:(a) (b) (c) Farm buildings and struc- tures but no such build- ings and structures shall be erected ,-en a lot or parcel of land of less than 25 acres notwi th 4 standing sub -section 2.21. of this by-law; One -family rural -resi- dential dwelling law- fully used on the day -f the passing of this by-law; Accessory building in connection with the per- mitted dwelling. 25 acres for farm use; 15, COC square feet for rural -residential uses lawfully used on the day of the passing of this by-law. 20% maximum. 700 feet for farm uses; 100 feet for permitted rural -residential uses. 975 square feet for a one -storey dwelling; 950 square f eet for a split-level dwelling; 750 square feet for a dwelling having more than one storey. Location of tuts and Structures: FLont Yards- 40 feet. Side Yards: 4 feet plus 2 feet for eac storey or part thereof abc..3 one storey on one side and 10 feet on the other side, except that an accessory building may be erected not less than 4 feet from a side lot line, or, if the access- ory building is detached and erected entirely to the rear of the main building coni. Rear Yard: Off -Street Parking: not less than 2 feet from a side lot line nor less than 8 feet from an existing difell- ing on an adjacent lot, but the side yard for both the main and accessory building shall not be less than 12 feet along a flanking street, Equal to the height of the main building, except that a detached accessory building shall not be erected within 2 feet f rom the rear lot line. (a) In the case of permitted rural -residential uses: 1.1 parking spaces per dwelling unit on the lot on which the dwelling is located Flus one addit- ional parking space for every 100 square feet of floor area devoted to or used for the purposes of a home occupation; (b) In the case of farm use 4 parking spaces per f a rn. . A. ;S Gl 'i - ?f. ` b � �' Y, :"%�: 5 - '•q C JF+", .,� rfl ..: F,' � J Y ' _. i ,�.-.i. •".� ",.. ' "'v; s.: . :. <, ...:.. .. u.- „� £St„� z.«. Y. R '•.l:a. .f.. ,KL'- C. :( .. ,.. < ,. :. .: ,., .. ', :. r..4 a',.< .&• t.,1b. "'�. :<-w. ., :, .;. ,: ... +. C' •ts:.. h, .tt af'•:. Y� ... ;r � :. , :,. <.�. kms..;.. ..4 �G.e., �...:..... ... •i �a+i t."i�'>•� C.' iaY..;�.,>,.. t +'�p'^< �-./:M .:(:: ., �... r. _., ,. ....o �.-.. .. ... u F �,. a• .,. ,. :. __ .. .: .,..: a �.ticr.. ., .. _ _; _ :, ,. Y. , ,:., ¢ ,aa!,�>� :>n,•. ... ,., ...,-..;. ., ., t .r%, Z; <��F.c. >n ..,r. r z;°`,. . y iii: s. 3s.�.�i'� .. ,'. :.. r.. _.,., t ,..:..h,. _X's� R ..¢..,,,. ., . .. ,; _.;., , .. .;,,. t �tg'y 4. -:et e .�` . 'fes" ; `E...Ls;:;.• .�'k' .a+ �'f' f; s ��,..... A :.r:: s a:: Az R-. •�; ,-.` •:) r. f a_ E:. �3' .: �. ,:. �C'".fa. r %h t .f L'. "3 ..fit` 2.,(,. iy 44 �-i�.:., f f •N. <f.. W., r�' V s 'E 8.3.2. SPECIAL USE REGULWkA. IL, S Notwithstanding other applicable provisions of this by-law, and•in addition to the General Use 1":egulations contained in subsection 8.3.1.; the special reg- ulations contained in this suLsection shall apply to the area or areas defined: 8.3.2 , l s Defined Area: tither Permitted Uses: tither Fermi.tted Build- ings or Structures: Defined area : Other Fenaitted Uses: Other permitted Build• ings or Structures: CS2-1 as shown on the Zoning i.:ap, Fart 4. Scrap Yard. Buildings and Structures for the pernitted uses existing at the date of the passing of this by-law. 1. OS2-2 as shown on the Zoning i :ap, Fart -1. Building Contracting. Buildings and Structures for the permitted uses existing at the date of the passing of this by-law. 0 3 t r, a 8.4. 8.4.1. db OPEN SFi4CE ZGNE 3 (063) REGULriTIONS GEP� R'EGUI.iTIONS I-ermitted tD1 Prohibited. Uses: Permitted Buildi�, and Structures: (a) (b) (c) Lot area: Lot Frontage: Lot Coverage: Lie icjh t : Location of Buildings: Front Yard: Side Yards: Hear Yard: Off-street rarm u 5 t; . Notwithstanding sub -sec- tion 2.21. and of this by -lair, poultry farms, mushroom farms, fur farms, piggeries, commercial greenhouses, hatcheries, and dog ken- nels shall be prohibited. Courts and structures necessary for the erec- tion of nets, baskets or other equipment incident- al to the: playing, of amateur sports; Swimming pools; I'laenas or clubhouses for participation in boating, curling, ice skating, rol- ler skating, swimming, golf, basketball, volley- ball,�indoor track and gymnasium activities, in- door displays and exhibi- tions. 1001000 square feet. 250 feet. 10% maximum. 45 feet maximum., not more than one storey. 100 feet . 50 feet . 100 feet. In the case of a club- house, one parking space for every 100 square feet of floor area, in addit- ion to the off-street parking required forthe connected recreational facility. (b) In the case of an arena or any other recreation- al facility with seating provision, 10 spaces plus one space for every 6 seats, or one space for every 100 square feet of floor area or playing area, whichever is the greater. (c) In the case of a swimming pool, one space for every 40 square feet of pool area plus ont space for every 6 seats, if any. (d) In the case of any other outdoor recreation activ- ity other than a normal Cont. Yk ° -hole or 106 -hole oolf course, Iwith no seatinq provision fcr spectctors, one space for every 100 square feet of area for recreational use. (e) In the case of a golf course, other than those cormonly knoirn as a nin- iature coiirse,' driving rant{e or pitch and putt course-, 50 spaces for each 9 holes. (f ) In the case of farm use, 4 spaces per far,,. 8.5. 0 P E 11 S P, A C, E_ Z 0 N E (064) REGULF�I ONS 8.5.1. GENERA REGULhTICNS Permitted Uses: (a) hny outdoor recreational Prohibited Uses: use; (b) Farm use. (a) Notwithstanding subsect- ion 2.21. and of this by-law, poultry fauns, mushroom farms, fur farms, piggeries, hatcheries, commercial greenhouses and dog kennels shall be pro- hibited; (b) Buildings and structures shall be prohibited. RESIDEr�TItiL ZONES 3 I RESIDENTIRL (R) ZONE R E G U L R T 1 0 N 3 w • � • • 1���.► M.�a1 •� �rr� -M i1 SEC T ION 9 9.1, EXISTING USES IN RESIDEZZ LI L i,.RE iS Nri.. �y -• w •..a��, r+. .... � �W as�ti ��•�. w.._...• '�Yi �rr� r.. i 9.1.1. The height, floor area and location of any build- ings and other structures, the floor area ratio, the sire; frontage and depth of the lot on which the buildings and other structures are located, the front, side and rear yards on such lots, the maximum coverage and the number and location of off-street parking spaces, shall renain as they lawfully exist on the day of the passing of this by-law. 9.1.2. Sub -section 9.1.1. shall not prohibit the erect- ion of accessory buildings or the enlargement or extension of buildings and other structures which are permitted under the provisions of sub -sect- ions 9.2. and 9.3. provided the erection, enlarg- ement, or extension is in conformity with the applicable provisions of this by-law other than sub -section 9.1.1. 9.1.3. Where the frontage and area of a lot on which buildings and other structures are located is less than that required in sub -sections 9.2. and 9.3., the lot frontage and lot area which law- fully exist on the day of the passing of this by-law shall be the ninimun lot frontage and the minimum lot area of such lot for the purposes of this by-law. 10 9.2. RES IDENTIi1L Z 0 N E 1 (.R 1. ..-.r .►..r.. -_ • .r • ...- .• t._•w r w .• a w .. • • _.r ,._..• r .- a_1r,...r +r+r.r.•.rr" R E G U L A T I C 14 S 9.2.1. GE1dERr.L REGUL xTIO S Permitted Uses: (a) residential use: (b) Institutional uses law- fully existing on the day of the passing of this by-law; (c) 17orte occupations; (d) r:ccessory uses. Permitted _ Buildings and other —+ - (a) t£ne one -family dwelling structures: or one unit of a serai.- detached dwelling on one lot; (b) Institutional buildings and structures lawfully existing on the day of the passing of this by -lair; (c) iiccessory buildings on residential lots* Lot ixrea.: !sphere puadic sanitary sewage disposal facil- ities and piped public water suprly are not available:15,000 square feet `.'here public sanitary sewage disposal facil- ities are not avail- able but piped public water supply is avail able: 7,500 square feet :here public sanitary sewage disposal facil- ities and piped public water supply is avail- able: 4,000 square feet Lot Frontace : Where subsection applies: 100 feet '►there subsection. applies: 75 feet '.,here Subsection applies: 40 feet Lot Depth: 100 feet Coveracte : (a) 2510 maximum for the dwelling: (b) 87. maximum for accessory buildings. _Location of Build- inand Other S7trLictureS Fro.nt _Yard: (a) 70 feet on lots front- ing upon a i..- _T's High- way, County Road or Township :toad; (b) 25 feet in residential subdivisions. Sid Yards: (a) One -family dwellings; 4 feet plus 2 feet for each storey or part thereof above one storey on one side, and 10 feet on the other side, except than an accessory building may be erected not less than 4 feet from a side lot line or, if the access- ory building is detached and erected entirely to the rear of the main building, not less than 2 feet from a side lot line nor less than 8 feet from an existing dwelling on an adjacent lot, but the side yard for both main and acc- essory buildings shall be not less than 12 feet along a flanking street (b) Semi-detached dwellings; 10 feet on each side except that an accessory building may be erected"'not less than 4 feet from a side lot line or, if the accessory building is detached and erected en- tirely to the rear of the main building, not less than 2 feet from a side lot line nor less than 8 feet from an existing dwelling on an ad- jacent lot, but the side yard for both main and accessary buildings shall be.not less than 12 feet along a flanking street. Rear Yard: Equal to the Height of the main building, except that a detached accessory building shall not be erected within 2 feet of the rear lot line. he_%ght (a) 2 store, maximum for the main building; (b) 12 feet maximum for accessory buildings or structures: Floor -srea Ratio: 0.40 maximum. Ground Floor Area: ( a ) 950 square feet for a one storey one -family dwelling; (b) 950 square feet for one dwelling unit of a semi- detached dwelling; Off-street Parking: (c) 850 square feet for a split level one -family dwelling; (d) 750 square feet for a one family dwelling having more than one storey. 1J parking spaces per dwelling unit on the lot A I 1 • ¢nn� 7.2wl.11w {con't.j on which the dwelling is located, plus one addit- ional parking space for every 100 square feet or portion thereof over the first 100 square feet of floor area devoted to or used for the purpose of home occupation. U 9.3. RLSIDENTIAL ZONE '2' k2 ) REGUATIONS deleted un gg • 5-1 Vo B U S I N E SS Z ON E S is 6 BUS INESS ( B ) ZONE REGULJ1.TI C IV' S S E C T I 0 N 10 10111 EXISTING USES It' BUSINESS ZG17ES 10.1.1. The height, floor area and location of any buildings and other structures, the, floor area ratio, the size, frontage and depth of the lot on which the buildings and other structures are located, the front, side and rear yards on such lots, the maximum cover- age and the number and location of off-street parking spaces, shall remain as they law- fully exist on the day of the passing of this by-law. 10.1.2. Sub -section 10.1.1. shall not prohibit the Erection of accessory buildings or structures, or the enlargement or extension of buildings or other structures which are permitted under the provisions of sub -sections 10.2., 10.3., 10.4., 10.5., 10.6., 10.7. and 10.8. provided the erection, enlargement or extension is in conformity i.,ith the aur-licable provisions of this by-law other than sub -section 10.1.1. 10.1.3. -.here the frontage, depth and/or area of a lot on which buildings and other structures are located is less then that rec;uired in sub -sections 10.2.1 10.3.01 10.4., 10.5., 10.6., 10.7. and 10.8., the lot frontage, depth, and/or area which lawfully exist on the day of the passing; of this by-law shall be4-the minimum lot frontage, the minimum depth, and minimum lot area of such lot for the purposes of this by-law. I 6 10.2, BY S I N E S S Z 0 N E 1 ( Bl ) REGULrdlCNS 10.2.1, GENM,L USE REGUI. MONS Permitted Uses:, Pernitted Build- ncq.s ana otHe~ Structures: Lot i -area : H ilgricultural storage facil- ities such as grain elevat- ors, live stock auction barns and yards, market gar- dening, nurseries (hortic- ultural), garden centres, commercial riding stables, commercial open space rec- reation, golf courses, country clubs, cemeteries, air ports, fair grounds, mixing and storage and sell- ing of fertilizers, servic- ing and selling of farm ma- chinery and equipment, petro- leum distribution centres, BUT does not include.gas- oline filling stations, automobile service stations, wrecking yards, junk yards, pits or residential uses. Buildings and other struct- ures associated with the uses permitted. 40,000 square feet. Lot Frontage: 200 feet. 10, 2.1.5. Lot DeFth: 200 feet. Lot Coverage: 50',� maximum 10.2.1,7. Location of Build- ings and Structures: Front Yard: Side Yards: Rear Yard: Extended Yards: 80 feet. 10 feet . 10 feet. Off-street Parking, : 0 Where a Business Zone 1 (B1) abuts a Resid- ential Zone, a yard o.- 20 feet shall be pro- vided on the business lot at all lot lines common to both zones. The entire front yard shall be provided for off-street parking including driveways, 10.2.2. SI ECII%L USS: REGliL -OVIL NS . . I�otwithstanding other aprl:cahle provisions of this by-law, and in additi(.-n to the General Use regulations ' contained in subsection 10.2.1., the special rev- ulations contained in this subsection shall apply to the area or areas defined: 10.2.2 ,1.1. Defined n'xea : Other Permitted"Uses: 10.. C.ther Permitted Build- ings or Structures: 10•.2, 2.2.1. Defined t-ixea : Other Permitted Uses: Other I emitted Build- ings or Structures: B1-1 as shown on the Zoning IT.zp, Fart 14, icesidential use. One one -family dwelling. qA, f U-2 as shown on the Zoning tiap, Fart 5. Residential use. One one -family dwelli: unit. x a lYa B .0 8 1 N ' S 8 Z 0 N E 2 (B2) REGULATIUNS • 10.3.1. GENERAL USE REGULMONS Permitted Uses: hutomobile service Station. . tot Fro ntae,: 150 feet. Lot Uel: 150 feat., Permitted Build- ings and Stru t- Buildings and struc- ures : tures lawfully exist- ing on the day of the passing of this by- law. Coverage: 20 ro maximum. Location of Buildings and Structures: Front Yard s (a) 60 feet for buildings; (b) 15 feet for pump islands; (c) 10 feet for signs. Side Yards: (a) 15 feet for buildinas and 1 pump islands; (b) 5 feet for signs. Rear Yard: 5 feet. Distance from existing_ re- sidential Buildings No building or pump island shall be erect- ed less than 25 feet from an existing resi- dential build- ing. .iii'.'. ♦ w.. +:r.. w...w ,.. •a .Ay.- hy...>•✓.`• W:, - ... M..✓.. gJ[.. - r , . .. ► 1.013.2. SPECIAL USE C REGUIATIOES r �sr •r+r�r.r.�s.+rr+-++.-ww+r�. lrotwithstanding other' applicable provisions of this-- by-=iaw, and iif additiom -~to the General Use regulations contained in subsection , 10.3.1.,,., the special reg- ulations contained 1nthis subsection shall apply to the area or areas defined:,ti , Defined Area: B2-1 as shown on the Zoning Yap, Fart 2. 10.x.2.1.2. Ether Permitted Uses: Residential use. Other.Permitted Build- ings or Strudf ur_es : One one -family dwelling • unit. Defined urea: B2-2 as shown on the Zoning reap, Fart 16., Other Permitted Uses: Variety Store and Residence. 1003.2.2.3. Other Permitted Build- ings or Structures: One one-faiaily dwellin »unit - IQ ` 10.4. BUS I NESS Z 0 N E 3 03) REGULMONS 10.4.1. GENE%, L USE REGULhTIONS Permitted Uses: Permitted Build- ____.___ inks : Lot i'rontacie: motel, motor hotel, or tourist cabins, a restaurant or other com.ercial eating place, refreshment stand, fruit or veg- etable retail stand. Buildings for permit- ted uses including accessory buildings. (a) Lotel,. Motor hot- el or tourist cabins: 200 feet; (b) other permitted uses: 100 feet. Lot Depth: 200 feet. Coverage: 25% 'maximum. 10&4.1.6. Height: 2 storey maximum. Location of Buildings and other Structutes: Front Yard: (a) Buildings: -80 f eet ; Signs: 10 Side Yards: Rear Ward: (b) 10 f eet . 10 feet. feet . Off -Street Parkin : i e entire front yard shall be pro- vided for parking including driveways. Extended Yards: ;;'here a Business Zone 3 (B3) abuts a Residential Zone, a yard of 20 feet shall be provided on the business lot at all lot lines common to both zones. i%ccessory Residential Use: Cne dwelling unit shall be permitted in conjunction with a Business Zone 3 (B3) use provided for the accessory dwelling unit an arca of 4,000 square fee of land is provided in addition to the minimum area requir- ed for the permitted use. 10.4.2. SF'EG I &L Uu�E IREGUL, - MC. a6 notwithstanding other aFP-:.licable provisions of this by-law, and in additida. to •the General Use kegulations :-: contained in subsection 10.4,1,, the special reg- ulations contained in this subsection shall apply to the area or areas defined: 10.:4.2.1. r, 10, Def ined area: Other Permitted Uses: Cther p=ermitted-'-Iuild- ings or Structures: B3.-1 as shown on the Zoning hap, Fart *'A, Pool room and Gasoline Fillina �)tati.on, fiiildings and Structures for the permitted uses existing at the date ,of the passing of this by-law, Defined Area: -BB-2 as shown on the Zoning flap, Fart 23. Lthei •Permitted L - . ti Gasoline Filling .�._. _.� Station. Other Permitted Build- ings or Structures:. . Defined. ixrea : Other Fermitted Uses Other termitted Build- ings or Structures: Defined area: Other Fern.itted Uses: Cather rermitted �uild- in s or Structure: Defined i rea : Other Permitted Uses: • Buildings and Ztructures for the permitted uses ;xi: i:inr' t the de,te of tai Fk Csinr of t:tiis by-law. B3-3 as shown on the Zoning Lap, Fart 11. A Gasoline Filling Station. ' 'uildinas and 'tructures for the permitted uses existing at the date of the passing of this ]ry= law. B3-4 as shown on the Zoning Hap, Fart 12, A Gasoline Filling Station. Buildings and Structures for the permitted uses existing at the date of the passing of this by-law. B3-5 as shown on the Zoning Lap, Part 8. A Gasoline Filling Station. L., Other f ermitted Build- ings or Structures: Defined area: Other Permitted Uses: Other Permitted Build- ings or Structures: Defined rrea : Other F ermitted Uses: Other Permitted Build- ings or Structures: 10 Defined rhea: ether Feri?fitted Uses: Other Fermitted -tuild- ings or Structures: Buildings and Structures for the permitted uses existing at the date of the passing of this by-law. B3-6 as shown on the Zoning Lap, Part 9. n Variety Store. Buildings and Structures for the permitted uses existing at the date of the passing of this by-law. B3-7 as shown on the Zoning 1"ap, Fart 17. A Gasoline Filling Station and Fool room. Buildings and Structures for the permitted uses existing at the date of the gassing of this by-law. B3-8 as shown on the Zoning l.ap, Fart 11. Gasoline Filling Station. Buildings and Structures for the permitted uses existing at the date of the passing: of this by - )saw. 10.5. B U S I N E S S Z O N E 4 (BU REGULAixTIONS 10.5.1. GEh7EW L USE REGUId-2IGNS Permitted Uses: bowling alley, curl- inq rin)-,, roller skat- ing rink, nursery, garden centre, animal hospital, funeral parlour, automobile sales lot; accessory uses, incl- uding a dwelling unit when accessory to the business-use.- usiness-use: Permitted Build- ._._.___..._. _ ._._ _ r. ice; Buildings for per- mitted uses. Lot Fr_ ontage : 100 feet Lot Depth: 200 feet, r Coverage: 255"o Maximum. Location of Builcii' ngs _end Structures: Front Yard: 80 feet. Side Yards: 10 feet.,3. Rear Yard: 35 feet. M Setback: No sign shall be erected- closer than 10 feet fron any lot line. Extended Side Yards: ;,'here a Business Zone 4 (B4) abuts a Residential Zone, a side yard of 20 feet shall be provided at the side lot lines on -the busin- ess lot adjacent ,to the Residential zone. i.ccessory Residential Use: One dwelling unit shall be permitted in conjunction with a Bus i nes s Zone 4 (BA) use provided for the accessory dwelling_ unit an area of 4,000 square feet of land is pro- vided in addition to the minimum lot area required for ,..-the Permitted use. Off -Street Parking The entire front yard shall be pro- vided for off-street parking including driveways. I_. •111■ I.I I��I���I� 10.5.2. 61ECI."L bbL kE,GULrAlICi; Notwithstanding other applicable provisions of this by-law, and in addition to the General Use regulations contained in subsection 10.5.1., the special reg- ulations contained in this subsection shall ap.ly to the area or areas defined: Defined area: tither I ermitted tlses : Other I-ermitted Build- ings or Structures: B4-1 as shown on Zoning Rap, Part 5. A Gasoline Filling Station. BuildincYs and Structures for the permitted uses existing at the date of the passing of this by-law. 10.6. BUbI NESS ZONE 5 (M) hEGL'LhTI(;NS M 10.6.1. GEI# -,L USE REGUL:21ONS ` • • �r�..r-•.r ..•. .r.a-ter •...•«rr ,�...,, ••r.w. w Permitted uses:(a) tiny %restricted Business • Use carried on within a, (b) (c) (d) (e) Permitted Buildings: Lot i'ronta!ae: Lot Depth: Coverage, 133-uildincy Size: 'q, Height: Floor tarea Ratio: completely enclosed building and with no ve- hicular traffic into and out of the front of the building from any f ront yard, but not including a shopping centre; Institutional uses; Dwelling units above.the r_zain or first storey of the main building; Hone occupations; ;,ccessory uses. Buildings for permitted uses. (a) 30 feet. (b) 15 feet where access is provided to the rear of the lot from a public lane or road other than through the f ro nt yard of the lot or a resi- dential zone. 165 feet'-. 4016 max imus . :here the lot f rc ntage is 15 feet the entire frontage of the lot shall be occupied by the main buildinc7 having a minimums depth, measured from and at right angles to the bui ldinr line, of 40 feet and a ninimur. height of one storey. i'here the lot frontage is more than 15 feet the main building on the lot shall have a frontage of not less than 15 feet and a minimum depth, measured from and at right angles to the building line, of 40 feet and a min- imum height of one storey. (a) 35 feet maximum for the main building, and the front wall of the main building shall be con- tinuous for the full height of the bui ldi n5 . (b) 20 feet maximum for accessory buildings. 0.80 maximus. Location of Build- ings and Structures: Front Yard: �r.,r.... _.. r.r.r wr.r Side Yards: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Fear Yard: -Lxcessory Build - 60 feet. 15 feet where access to the rear of the lot is not provided for other- wise: i,+o side yard shall be required where access is provided to the rear of the lot from r public'. lane or road other than,r, through the f ront yard of the lot or a resi- dential zone; !here a side yard must be provided, one side. yard only shall.hr,- re.9"... qu ired;v.. here tiro side yards z are provided, -each side ` yard shall be 15 feet; J, side yard at a, side, street lot. line shall not be required; here a us incss Zone, 5 (B5) abuts c Resid- ential Zone, a side yard of 20 feet shall be provided on th-e - ' business zone lot at the side lot line' common to both zones.' 35 feeyt. xngs t,n accessory building shall not be located between the f ront lot line and the front of the main 'Ouilding. Off -Street Parking: 'Ilse entire front i�(:sident ial Uses: " yard shall be provided for parking including drive -ways. (a) tihere sanitary sewers are not available and dwelling units above *the main or first story of the main building are provided, for each dwel lino unit an area of - 4,000 f•4,000 square feet of land shall be provide,, on the lot in addi t io: to the minimum area re- quired e.quired for the permit i.: - business use. (b) the minimum. floor area per dwelling unit shall_ be 600 square feet no+ including stain.!ays and hallways, 10.6.2. SIECIiU, USE :�EGLLRTIOI*IS IotwithstandincT other applicable provisions of this by-law, and in addition to the General Use reuulat ions contained in subsection 10.6.1., the special reg- ulations contained in this subsection shall apply to the area or areas defined: 10-6.2.1. Defined, a' rea : B5-1 as shown on the __Zoning 1%ap, part ti. Other_ Fcrmitted Uses: A Gasoline Filling Station. Other lermitted Build- inas or Structures: Buildings and structures . _ •---- for the permitted uses existing at the date of the passing of this by-law. Defined Lxea : B5 n2 as shorn on the . Zoning 1,1ap, Fart 1. Other Fermitted Uses: Dry Cleaning- agency and Post Office agency. Other Permitted Build - or Structures: Buildings and Structures for the permitted uses existing at the date of the passing of this by-law. Defined urea: B5-3 as shown on the Zoning nap, Part 1. e Other Iermitted Uses: A Gasoline killing Station. Gther Fernitted Build - or Structures: Buildincls and Structurt;s for the Ferriitted uses existina at the date of " the passinc of this b-,,- -law. .. 0 10.7. BUSI NESS ZCNNE 6 { Bb ) UG ATIOINS deleted 10.8. B U S I N E S S Z O N E 7 ( B7 ? REGULr-,T IONS deleted 1. 111STITUTI0Id1aL ZONES ft I NSTITU i' I0NAL ( IN ) Z 0 N E REGGZI�TICHS S E C T I O N 11 11.2, EXISTING USES IN INSTITUTIONitL ZONES 11.1.1. Me height, floor area and location of any buildings and other structures, the floor area ratio, the size, frontage and depth of the lot on which the buildings and other structures are located, the front, side and rear yards on such lots, the maximum coverage and the number and location of off-street parking spaces, shall remain as they lawfully exist on the day of the passinc► of this by-law. 11 Ll ft . 11.2. IN3TITliTI0NAL Z 0 N E ( IN ) R E G U L �h T I C V S 11.2.1. GENERAL USE nEGGLATIONS Permitted Uses: Governmental, hospital and religious institutions, educational institutions under the direction of Public School Board, the Iligh School Board, and the Separate School Board, and Public Utilities. Fermitted Buildings: Buildings for permitted uses. Location of Buildings and Structures: Front Yard: 20 feet. Side Yards: 15 feet. Rear Yard: 15 feet. Off-street Parking: (a) Governmental Lses: 1 parking space for each 400 square feet of floor space. (b) Hospital Uses: 5 parkinc- spaces for each 4 beds; (c) Religious Uses: 1 parking space for each 4 seats in the main auditorium; (d) Educational Uses: 1. Elementary schools: 3 spaces plus 1 space per classroom; 2. Secondary schools: 8 spaces plus 1 space per classroom; (e) Public Utilities: 1. Offices: 1 parking space fo each 400 square of floor space; 2. Service treas : 1 space for each 9,000 square feet of service area, up to 5 spaces, plus 1 space for each additional 18,000 square feet of service area. Ij IVDUSTR•Ir.I, ( C ) ZO:v'E ItEGULitTI011S S E C T I O N 12 12.1. E;:ISTII G USES I14 Ii.DUSTRIII WINES 12.1.1. The height, floor area and location of any buildings and other structures, the floor area ratio, the size, frontage and depth of the lot on which the buildings and other structures are located, the front, side and rear yards on such lots, the maximum coverage and the number and location of off-street parking spaces, shall remain as they law- fully e:cist on the day of the passing of this by-law. 12.1.2. Sub -section 12.1.1. shall not prohibit the erection of accessory buildings or structures, or the enlargement or extension of buildings or other structures which are permitted under the provisions of sub -sections 12.2., 12.3., 12.4., 12.5., and 12.6., provided the erection, enlargement or extension is in conformity with the applicable provisions of this by-law other than sub -section 12.1.1. 12. 12. 2. I N D U S T R I A L 2.1. GEIIERAL USE REGUL&TIONS Formitted Uses: Z O N E 1 ( Cl ) REGL'LATIUIIS Permitted Buildings and other btructures: Lot r.rea: Lot FrontaQc: Lot Dypth: CoveK;gee: Floor Area Ratio: Location of Buildings and other Structures: Front Yard: Side—. --s: hear Yard: Cff-street Farkina: Off-street Loading (a) Industrial -commercial use; (b) Mice use in connection with an industrial -comm- ercial use; (c) Industrial -commercial accessory uses; (d) Living quarters for a watchman or caretaker and his family whose duties are essential tothe main- tenance of an industrial - commercial use, and which living quarters shall be permitted only on the same lot or land where such industrial -comm- ercial use is located. buildings and other structures for the permit- ted uses. 15,000 square feet minimum. 100 feet. 150 feet. 50; maximum. 0.50 maximum. 20 feet 15 feet 35 feet an area comprising part of the side or rear yards and equal to the floor area of the buildings, shall be available and maintained for the park- ing of motor vehicles on the same lot on which the use is located. Off-street loading facilities shall be pro- vided on the same lot on which the use is located and may be provided in the front, side or rear yard. 12.2.21. Defined_ Brea: Cl -1 as shown on ti.e Zoninc, Lap, Fart 4. Cther Fcrmitted Uses,: r, Gasoline Filling - Station. Otiler iermitted Bui.ld- incs and Structures: Buildings and Structures for the Fermitted uses existing at the date of the passim- of this by-law. s IBM SCALE NOATM ' all, r� -•r is � -- ,(r.�;; � ���:ii lir■ �I�i MIAWN MY" n SECTION 3 TOWNSHIP OF BAY HAM BY- LAW N: 1595 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP PART I N TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY- LAW N2 1595 SECTION 3 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP PART 2 t b • 40 Z 2 W �-wll b TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY• LAW N° 1595 SECTION 3 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP PART 3 bi SECTION 3 N 0 O 2 O u TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY- LAW N° 1595 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP PART 4 III 11111mm� . 49 3 �.. • . . 0 1S 1��rN� • o � s : e s = IL r i/ r O •i • • w J = p w !«ba w • • • o • ! • s '1s 1l In r M • w r w f • r Z •ZSo I -no TOWNSHIP OF BAYNAM BY - LAW N° 1595 SECTION 3 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP PART 5 TOWN SHIP 4F BAY H AM BY - LAW N4 1595 SECTION 3 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP PART 6 0 c ' s 0 0 0 SECTION 3 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY- LAW N° 1595 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP PA RT 7 It L? SECTION 3 TOWNSHIP OF BAY HA M BY - LAW N' 159 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES IAP PART 8 SECTION 3 TOWNSHIP OF BAY H A M BY • LAW N! 1595 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP PART 9 I '. SECTION 3 w 9 z O s O w 3 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW H: 1595 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP PART 1! - O = N � m s M . Z 0 U N _ Q m = �a O m Z U) 0 0 U)o s g d v 0 to CL o W J s a � v 4 Q t J � � SECTION 3 w 9 z O s O w 3 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW H: 1595 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP PART 1! It lb TOWNSHIP OF BYHAM BY- LAW N! 1595 SECTION 3 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES le�ol�l 0 !cpl� - 0 IAP PART 12 �z 09 V TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY- LAW N! 1595 SECTION 3 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES . « (/) Zs O O 0 MAP PART 13 11 TOWNSHIP OF BAY N A M BY- LAW N! 1595 SECTION 3 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP FART 14 TOWNSHIP OF BAYNAM BY - LAW N: 1595 SECTION 3 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES TOWNSHIP OF HOUGHTON Z 3 0 0 0 MAP PART 15 . f rt, 49, W N 40 Ln O ua �dsa W �OjL a0 O Zed air -10 to (L N Z J �2 0 s 3 A TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY- LAW Nt 1595 SECTION 3 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP PART 17 0 0 N • (� i�'7I j Qu Z �1 O r g � C) � � o U u co = OD U. O J a a N 4D a _ 2 3 5 z 1 a W ��/�' v! ' /'� c o V) J J O z K 2 � r r s � O V M � 0 lb A 1 • 4 11 ly TOWNSHIP OF BAYH A M BY-LAW N ° 1595 SECTION 3 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MA P PA RT 18 SECTION 3 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW N2 1595 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP PA RT 19 0 SECTION 3 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY- LAW Ns 1595 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES 341H1i"1VW -10 dIHSNM01 1 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW N4 1595 SECTION 3 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP PART 20 MAP PART 21 ►' r A o SII of 0 V 301 H V I V W Jo I I H S N ,110-L Imp a � S 9 U a N � r i C� � S J V � m . cf) U) o o 0 0 z �a U O U ff x = �o ..... (f) a t/) 0 m O a Q w w - s n - o Z 0 O �0 s TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW N: 1595 SECTION 3 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP PART 23 � 9 U a N w J V M u ..... (f) a t/) O m O a Q _m n - o Z 0 O �0 Z os ►- o► a 3 4i O i'- � °1 J 4� a 'rCL o o 1 � O r • � O t' _ TOWNSHIP OF BAYH AM BY-LAW N! 1595 SECTION 3 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP FART 24 E TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY -LAW N! 1595 SECTION 3 ZONING MAP AND SCHEDULES MAP PART 25 s o q W H V Y I ' 0 } ai b �b� N C/) 0 �a O O Z .. ��yi 9 ca V V 3 Abd �{rb�0 bti a 3 � bJ o O CL v o HWY. Nom` 9 sa�K a e 8 O = .J R'r-Law `1 1547 Townshin of "Dwavham. Being a by-law to confirm 311 actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham for the year 1967. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the 1,uniciDal Council of the Township of Bayham, that all actions by the said Council by by-laws and resolutions for the year 1967, be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 15th. day of December, 1967. Reeve. t 0 3 rx.