HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1966BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1541-1566 1966 1 BAYHAM TUMSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS # [1541-1566] FILE # 44 File # 44 Date Subject Bylaw # 1541 3 Jan 66 Authorize the borrowing of $ 250,000.00. 1542 3 Jan 66 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1966. 1543 3 Jan 66 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1544 3 Jan 66 Provide for grant to the Elgin County Fed. of Agr. 1546 3 Jan 66 Setting rate of pay for members of c 6unci 1. ' 1547 7 Feb 66 Licence, regulate and govern trailer camps in Bayham. 1548 7 Mar 66 Appoint a Road Superintendent. 1549 7 Mar 66 Provide for the road expenditures for 1966. 1550 7 Mar 66 Authorizing the borrowing of 119,000.00 for a school addtion. 1552 4 Apr 66 Repeal Bylaw No. 1473. 1553 2 May 66 Authorizing the borrowing of money to pay township bills. 1554 2 May 66 Adopt assessment on which shall be levied. 1555 6 Jun 66 Authorizing the borrowing of money to pay township bills. 1556 6 Jun 66 Provide for the road expendityres for 1966. 1558 5 Jul 66 Appoint a Board of Trustees for the Edison Pioneer Cemetery. 1559 8 Aug 66 Repeal Bylaw No. 1550. 1561 6 Sept 66 Provide time extension for the return of the -assessment roll. 1564 30 Sept 66 Name the merr ers of the Court of Revision. 1565 30 Sept 66 Authorize agreesment with Houghton Township for maintenance on the Bayham-Houghton Townline. 1566 3 Nov 66 Extend time for closing of.1966 Assessment Court of Revision. — / .5c,'' 0?1 Cc £ . v c Form 100-6.'" Ontario BAY HAI 1 541 ..................... wing of S 250 , 000. 0.0 Knship of Bayham deems it necessary to borrow the sum Intil the taxes are collected, the current year; of the estimated revenues of the Munici- )pted for the year 19 65, not including sale of assets, borrowings or issues of *rears of taxes and proceeds from the sale Townshin of Bayham -eby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to )rOmissory note from CANADIAN INIPERIAI, BANK xceeding in the aggregate S 2 57 1000 .0o d the current expenditures of the Municipality equired for the purposes mentioned in subsection Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality tes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by UIC I IC:CLU CMU . , �u�.�.... .�. �.... ...oneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 5 per centum per annum. 2. Ali sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous Sears from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The "Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys' hereafter collected or --received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this ? rc? . day of January = 19 6C :................ ............ - THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL t .-� �,: - ......... ........... ....... ........... EKK I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No.. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This day of 19 As Witness the Seal of the of .................................................................. CLERK..... nr r — / .5c,'' 0?1 Cc £ . v c Form 100-6.'" Ontario BAY HAI 1 541 ..................... wing of S 250 , 000. 0.0 Knship of Bayham deems it necessary to borrow the sum Intil the taxes are collected, the current year; of the estimated revenues of the Munici- )pted for the year 19 65, not including sale of assets, borrowings or issues of *rears of taxes and proceeds from the sale Townshin of Bayham -eby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to )rOmissory note from CANADIAN INIPERIAI, BANK xceeding in the aggregate S 2 57 1000 .0o d the current expenditures of the Municipality equired for the purposes mentioned in subsection Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality tes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by UIC I IC:CLU CMU . , �u�.�.... .�. �.... ...oneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 5 per centum per annum. 2. Ali sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous Sears from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The "Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys' hereafter collected or --received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this ? rc? . day of January = 19 6C :................ ............ - THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL t .-� �,: - ......... ........... ....... ........... EKK I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No.. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This day of 19 As Witness the Seal of the of .................................................................. CLERK..... Form 100.6' Ontario i $. 4r HIP OF iAYH_1:`1 ........................................................................................................................ BY-LAW No..1 5 t� 1......... to authorize the borrowing of $ 2 50 , 000 . JO Whereas the Council of the Tovrn ship of Bayham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 250,00-0-00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NoTn.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the I\Ylunici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 65, not including if noear t. to thoge revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of of last year. debentures or from a stlrplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale of assets, is $ 4 57 , b 17'. 00 t (Delete this phiTilT1'�`NZ�4.Y1�':.�QiW�•(�'i r.iYli'i.S�t1iI,cYk'7K1.il/Fit.`s`�ia`YJ'tl��'•ii��is'iiY.1� paragraph if not applicable.) r ; .. • �r ,r „ . - < r ;(k�kdy(,r Eri• ti141: 4 X :XXxXXX Therefore the Council of the 7o wn s h i p of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $ 250 1000.00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of the Municipal act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 5 per centum per annum. 2. Ali sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and, directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid,- together with interest. thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose: Passed this ^ rc? • day of January 19 66 �.......�.,... C..��. ............ THE HEAD,. of THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL �- C ERIC I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This As Witness the Seal of the of day of 19 ................................................................................ CLERK n 11 0 i 'I'UWNJ H I P OF BAYHAM By --Law No. 1542 Bein ; "a by-law to a���-oint certain officers in and for the Municipality of the 'Township of bayham for the year 19 6. BE IT ThLfii:FUn ENAC ALD by the municipal council of the Township of Bayham in re gular session assem led:- 1. That Robt. Jac.' -,son and IAAA _fred Harper shall. be Valuators of livestock and poultry killed by do --s at $1.25 per hour and .20¢ per :,iiile one way .for car. 2. That shall ne School Ar Lendance Officer at a salary of ,; �C. :�n� .20r per :ri le one ���3y for car. 3. That hobt. C. Jack6on shall be geed Inspector at "„.1.25 per hour plus .20¢ per mile one way for car. 4. That J.i}.Vallee shall be relief Officer at a salary of ;90 5. chat Donald M. ribson shall be Township Solicitor. b. That John C.`i"ribe shall be Buildini; Inspector at a salary of 425.00. 7. rhat John C.'rribe shall be Inspector un,-er~ The Trench Lxcavators recti. at 41.25 per hour and .20¢ per mile one way for car. - $. That Walter Nelson and Donald Chute shall be drain Inspectors for the north half and south half of the Township respectively at ;'1.25 per hour an„d .20¢ per rile one way for car. RL'ID a first, second and t::ird time and Finally passed this 3rd. day of January, lye'=, . Reeve. i Clerk. it L it TO"-tNSHI P of BAYHAM By -Law No. 1543 being a by-law to appoint Fence -viewer: and Pound -keepers in and for the TownsY,ip of Bayham for the year 1966, WHEREAS Section 377, Bub -section 58 of the Municipal Act, R.S.C. 1960, provides that these avnointments be made; BE IT THE4tLrr0r,LE ENACTED by the illunici.pal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in regular session assembler:, thr.t tr-.c followin;r cje and are hereby appointed to act as the following otj,icers for the year 1966. Fence -viewers Lloyd Herron, K.2, Vienaa aul- R- 1_; Ingeraoll� . Robert C.Jackson,R.1,SGra1^-f. Alva Brion, R.d,Tillsonburg Alonzo HaTell, Corinth Willard McAilister, Straff. Earl Travis, Corinth Donald .Chute, R.1,Vienna • Pound-kee oells Mario Brat 6y , F� . 2 , V ie nria �'or•ac� HCa--,ue.H.l,Straffordville Robert C. Jackson Don Nevill, Vienna Howard Tait, Graff. Robert Veituh, R.l,Eden Roy ('ween, t.l , Corinth Max Underhill, h.l,Pt.Burwell Hay Soper, R.1, Vienna Clarence 11ilmine, R.1, r:den READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 3 =^ day of January, v ec ve Clerk 13 f TOWNSHIP OF BAYHA14 By- Law No. 1-541, Being a by-law to provJ de If'o • a grant e.4 ti,e E1,7,in- County Federation of Agriculture. NHERLA%�, paragraph 5 (a) of Section 39t� o£ The Municipal �sct, 1960, provides th at 1 ownshf p Councils may pass by --laws for making this ;rent; AND 4H R1,A 6 it is considered necessary and expedient that this arrant he made; THLREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE ; Ui".JCIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAY11AM AS FOLLOWS: - 1. That a grant of be and is hereby mane to the E1�7in County Branch of the Ontario r'ederation of A;;riculture. 2. That t -he Townshio Treasurer is hereby .authorized and direct -ed to issue cheoue for Jame forthwith. HE,4D a first, second and t!',ird time and finally passed this day of r ^ Reeve anuar"r , 166 . V Clerk 0 Hy -Lai -r No. Township of Hanham. Lein- a by-law for sett.inm the rate of pay for members of council for attendance at meetinrr of the council. .rHl Z if ) rub -section on (e) of' :rection 405 of The >"uni_ci;�al ►ct , 1960, and amendments, provides for payment to members of councils for atteddance at meetings; .1IJ it is deemed adviseable that the rate of remuneration for council members be adjusted in accordance E-;ith council resolut- ion riate;-.i Jecember 15th. 1965; TH ,AEN; '16,tL DL ITL dry ;T�� by the 'ouncil of the Township of Bayham as follo, s; - 1. That the rate of nay for each member of the municipal council of the Township of 3ayham, shall be Sixteen i'ollars (.:,116.00) per day for attendance at regular and special meetings of. the laid council.. 2. That milear;e shah, be allowed at the rate of .100 per- mile for the mileage necessarily travelled in attendance at council meetings. 3. That. By -haws Numbered 1417, 1357 and 1271 are hereby repealed, 4. That this Hy -Law shall be effective on and after the 1st. ray of January, 1966. . a i�l:'�t, second and third time and finally, passed this 3rd. ria -1,r of January, 19b6. I reeve. �� .... ..�'1erk. 0 0 CA 0 COAPOhATION Or' THE T01114SHIP OF BAYIIAM Y-LAlr rZ 0. 1765 L eing a by -Law to amend �y-Law No. 15-4 7 Le it enacted by the Council of the corporation of the Toamship of bayham. That Section 5 of the said By -Law No. 1547 be struck, out and the followin" substituted therefore: Section: : Every camp shall have available to +ts occupants certain facilities which shall be contructed and maintained in a sanitary condition by the operator of the trailer camp. (a) One laundry tray or double co::ipartment sink. (b) tA. bulletin board located in a convenient place. (c) An abundance of hot and cold water. (d) Adequate lighting facilities of the fluorescent type. (e) A floor of impervious material so inclined that any spilled water will 'low to a drain in the floor which Must be capa'Ule of disposinE of any such spilled :tater. (i) . Toilet facilities. for males consisting of one .iush- . Lype toilet, one wash basin. ,provided with faucets for hot and. cola water and shower. Eacii toilet shall be in a private compartment with self-closinE door capable of beinE locr.ed from the inside. ( ) Toilet facilities for females consistinL of one flush - type toilet, one wash basin provided with hot and cold dater faucets and one shower. Each toilet shall be in a private com artiment with self -closing- door capable of being locked froom the inside. Should the facilities for the females be located adjacent to the facilities for the males, they shall be separated by a sound -proof wall, head a Zirst, ;second and Llhird tii:ie ar.0 gassed this 5th. day of June, 1972. erk. T0: ALL LOCAL xiJNICIPikL CL ,z:KS IIS Til% COUNTY OF ELGIN Dear Sir or : !ad am: -:.nelosed herewith is a. copy of a suggested hy--lac, to licence, re)," late and. govern trailer camps. s It is the opinion of t -ie lain County Council tslat reg,.1lations refrar�ling trailers he as unicorn as possible t:lrougiiout t=ie County. "'it'll tAis thoug:lt in iind, you are asked to present this by-law -',.-lo your Council for t:ieir consiOeration. n its by-law covers trailer cai.ips consisting of t free (3) or -lore trailers and' t:;e County Solicitor is presently drafting anot!.er by-law to regulate and licence one (1) and two trailer establislAments. T,'hen this is co=npleted, I will forward, you a copy for your Council's consideration. Yours very truly, A. 1, Jonnson Clerk -Treasurer County of Elgin .:LJ/sd k BY�Law No. 1547 The Corporation of the Township of Bayham A 3y -Law to licence, regulate and govern trailer camps in t le Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin. 1. ITH!= ;SAS under and by virtue of the Aunicipal Act :revised Statutes of Ontario, 'napter 2A9, Section J01 and amendments t:iereto, municipalities are empowered to pass by-laws licencing, regulating and governing trailer camps; ??ow tiierefore the :•1unicipal ;;orporation� of tike Township of enacts as follows: (a) "trailer camp" means land in or upon w;-iich three or more vehicles so constructed that t ley are slAtable for being attached to a motor vehicle for the purpose of being drawn or propelled by the motor vehicle are placed, located, kept or maintained notwithstandircr twat suc i vehicles are jacked --up or that t heir runnim rear is removed but not in-luding any vewlicles finless t*aey are used for the living, sleeping or eating accommodation of persons therein. (b) "trailer" means any vehicle so constructed that it is suitable for being attac:ied to a motor vehicle for the purpose of being drawn or propelled „y tine motor ve,iicle notwithstanri:zg that �icIi ve' icle is jacked -up or its running gear is removed but net including any vehicle unless it is used for tie living, sleeping or eating_ acro- modations of persons t:7erein . (c) 'clot" means a defined parcel of land within a trailer camp to be used for tine parking tfereon of not more than one trailer, (d) "inspector" means the local Aunicipal 3uilding Inspector, (e) "officer" means the 1,1ed i cal Officer of :1ealth or Inspector of tate Clgin-St. Thomas ;:ealth Unit for the municipality. 2. This, by --law shall be deemed not to apply to any trailer located in the municipality for the purpose of sale or storage as long as it is not used for living, sleeping, or eating accommodations. 3. No trailer camp shall be carried on or operated without a current valid licence tAerefor issued under the provisions of this by-law and no suca trailer camp shall be carried on or operated unless it complies with all the requirements an(! ,--onditions of this by-law. Application for a licence must be made to the .lerk-Treasurer of the municipality on forms provided by the --lerk-Treasurer, who will grant wr 2 r the licence w1here he is satisfied t.iat all relevant requirements have been fulfilled and a licence fee of $5.00 has been paid by the applicant 4. All trailer camps licenced under Cie provisions of tais by-law small conform to the following regulations: (a) The camp shall be located on a well -drained site properly graded to insure rapid drainage and freedom from stagnant pools of water, but, no trailer camp shall be so located that the drainage from the trailer camp will endanger any water supply. s (b) The camp shall be divided into lots and no lot shall have a width of less than 40 feet or a length of,less than 60 feet, and the boundaries thereof shall be clearly defined on the ground. In addition each let shall front upon a roadway of a minimum width of 30 feet, which roadway shall have unobstructed access to a public highway. Sf.ich read - way snail be treated ane maintained by the operator so that it is dust free and passable at all times. ?o parking of motor vehicles shall be permitted on any roadway of less than 36 feet in width. Parking may be permitted on one side only of a roadway w;lere the road- way has a minimum widtA of 36 feet. If the roadway scall have a mini- mum width of 42 feet, parkin; may be permitted on either side of the roadway, but in all cases parallel parking only Shall he per:litted. (c) No lob shall be closer to the boundary line of the -tamp than 30 feet, One trailer only shall be permitted to occupy any lot and the trailer shall be so placed that there is a minimum distance of 20 feet„ between tAe ends or ends and sides of adjacent trailers and no !side of any trailer shall be permitted closer than 24 feet to the side of an adjacent trailer. 5. .very camp shall have available to its occupants certain facilities which shall 1-•e constructed and maintained in a sanitary con- dition by the operator of tae trailer camp. The facilities shall be as �conveniently located as possible an(-' such that they are no farther t; -an 300 feet from any trailer nor closer than 30 feet to tree boundary line ti of any lot upon which a trailer may be situate('. For every 8 trailers or fraction t;iereof, taere must be provided t -ie following facilities outside of tone facilities of his own home: (a) One automatic or semi-automatic type electrically operat- ed washer. - 3 -- (b) One automatic or semi-automatic type electrically operated drier. (c) A bulletin board located in a convenient place. (d) An abundance of Aot and cold water, (e) Adequate lighting f aci.l itis of the fluorescent type. ( f ) A floor of impervious material so inclined that any spillad water will flow to a drain in the floor waic.t mitst be capable of disposint* of any such spilled water. (g) Toilet facilities for males consisting of one fllisii-- type toilet an(! one flus<i-type urinal., one wase basin provided with j ` faucets for hot and Cold water and one shower. �ac:-t toilet shall be in a private compartment wit: 4 - ections adequate to :handle- all a itiripated sowa�re and in accorclan wit"a ta,• req;Areanents of tie ii,eclical Officer of ;iealth. All waste or sowa<Te from tae trailers or facili_ties shrill ,� disc barged into a sanitary sewer properly connected wit;i a sewage: treatment plant or into a septic tank or tanks waicla sAall at all times bo of capacity and so op, r- ated as to meet all requirements set by the officer. .if and waon a public sanitary sower is availah.le ad jacont to such camps, all such It faciliti ,s shall f ort;-1wit'ii `- e connected thereto. 9, rroilet faciliti<� in any trailer s•`iall be connected to t`ie. sewage, system in nse accordin.'- to the regtiirenents of the t °eciical .')f fi ,�cr of _�ealth and in particular in such a manner so that tlher-, is no leakage of waste between t -ie toil"A and Cie sewer. 100 The operator o," every camp shall provide electric lines 6o that t sere is availa )le a suita'43le electrical connection within t -Le boundary of every lot. rhe operator shall furt'ier provid-2 a -rrt�neral telephone service located conveniently in Cie carp. 11. Tze operator of every camp s_iall Soirply metal garbage cans sufficient in quantity to permit tf(: disposal of all garl)age and garden waste. ;zic:i trailer s.iall be sups iad' wit;n a. metal garbage can at tine rear tiiareof and tae occupant of Cie trailer shall keep the same tig fitly covered and in sanitary condition at all times. T'" i�. occupant. shall upon each day t,nat garbage is regularly collected and prior to the ;lour of sued collection assemble all his garbage cans which contain garbage in one location adjacentto the roadway for collection. 12. The owner of every camp sihall provide, at his own expense for t1-13, weekly collection of garbage and refuse. 13. *7he space lbeneath trailers s:iall not. he used as storage facilities unless suc:i space is closed in for t:Ye entire perimeter of the trailer. 14. No porches or any other a0ditions oCiar than steps shall he made to a trailer without t:te submission of glans and approval there- of together with a permit for the construction t:iereof to be granted by the inspector. 15. ac:i trailer small be equipped witn a fire" extinguisher of a type wnicli is, in the opinion of tie fire inspector adeauato for its purpose. 1 16. The camp owner s.*iAll enriip `ii., ca-np with one fire extirlff- .As4er for ev-rry twenty trailer lots anc! sfi *i extinx;iiis_ler sna.11 be a type approved by t;iL: `-ire Inspector and shall bo availabla at all times in ,ood working, order r.nd saall �o locate: -d no fart.:iur t;pan 300 feet from any trailer and in man accessibla position. This fire oxtinguis er may be located within the building that houses the laundering facilities provided t.lat such building is not kept locked at any tima . 17. The only type of Clothesline to be: allowed wit1iin t:ie trailer camp is tie rectangular tvpe with one: standard and of a -;pax i_mtrii height of 7 feet. 18. Every trailer camp shall iiavo an area of not less titan 100 square f`_et per trailer for playground purposes. 19. Svery trailer camp shall clave at least one compct-�nt attendant or caretaker whose duty it shall be to maintain the trailer Camp, its facilities and eq,xiprlent in goo.' repair anc. appaar,)nc,• and in a clean orderly ant' sanitt ry cont' i.tion . An attf.nrant or caretaker shall be "on call" 24 ;Hours per day. 20. 3very opera for of a trailer camp shall keep a register in which s call be. recorded ti -ie following: (a) . The names., C ddress��s r,nd ages of every occupant of every trail, -.r. (b) The make, model, licence number PnO year of all motor vaAicles and trailers, (c) The authority issuing spa ,2ia licences. (d) The date of arrival and daparture of each trailer. (e) The said register shall be made available for inspection at all times to law enforcement officers, pW)lic health officials and otSier officials and no record shall be destroyed until after the lapse of seven years from the last date of entry. 21. If the camp Sias not been previously licenced or if after being previously licenced, c ranges have be,. -n made in tale camp, or a chango in ta� owners:iip thereof has occlarred, an application for licence shall be made in writing by tie operator to t:ie clerk or bis deplity and shall give Cae following inior:_nation and be accompanied by the following supporting material: 10 a� (a) I,, ame anr' of t lv; operator. sketca plan, drawn. to of ono. Inca eqiialling �00 '? 't, s,iowi, �T t:,iit' Loc,: (. lois of t_1 ' camps, r(: 1lat1n T It to estat lis-"Ied st re,, t s . (c) Su% t of.-ier inforrw-ation requested by tale clerk or :iis dep=t.y as may be n3_ -c ss ary to det=ermine if camp co.-Iplies wit.;h t.rie provisions of this by-law. 22. "sae 6 aid' apf_,lication, with accomp,~anyin,crnat ;pial, s ��ll be Filed in duplicate with th-0 clerk or .iis deputy; one copy forwarded by tyre clerk or :his c':;puty to t its, Officer who shall Keep t h;:� same for pais records, and the Officer s:-iall report in writir.i,, to the clerk or 1his d ep,tty tAe, plans and. Facilities comply with t:`t= provisions of ta"ie }public .'ealt:-h Act, and r ny by-law �.tn:'er 1 -his, ;juris- diction. Upon receipt of the said; report t1ipt tae plan and faLilitios so comply and provider': t.,iat the ap-licption complies wit: t o require- ments of t1lis by-law, the clerk or his dr:pitty in cons-iltation with .tis council scall issue a licance. 23. In tae event t.iat tae application is refused, tide clerk or its deputy shall advisa tho applicant in writing of. t_i e, ro<ason for suer refusal and tA, apY l:ic<�,t s; aIll not be, barred from saabmi.tting a furt.tor apilication. 24.. (a) Save as heroin; -zfter provfided, ovary person licenced here under sna ll pay to the municipality a montAly li.concj-. f. -4a for each lot available for occupancy bv a trailed, of "20.00. The licencee of the said ca,np will account for and pay to tho clerk or his deptity For the township tae said monthly lic.:nc � t: ea at the enc{ of each mont i, not in advance. IF tate licencee of camp shall i--,, any ­iontaly accounting establish to t.te satisfaction of t.ie clerk or :lis dep•.tty t .at any lot in the camp s.iall Ise unoccupied daring any montjh for a period upwards of two weeks the clerk or :his deputy s:.all foredo tilat portion of t..ie monthly f=ee in re-spect of the said lot for the said ►-longi d -►ring which Cie same is so vacant. (b) If t:iere was ra licence issued to the same owner for the sari: camp in the preceding y er, and no changes .have been made in tie camp, the owner may apply to ti -,e clerk or his deputy for a renewal of + + • "4 .1is licence) and if it appears tila llcencee ;1<?:; ohf3e rved all the provisions of this by-law, t:z , licence s.irall be i.ss=)ed 1)y the clerk or .lis deputy. S ica liceneee si1a11 also pay the monthly licence fee pro- vided to be paid by sub -suction (a) hereof. licence ssi211 expire on ta-3 31st day of J::-c_:�bLr in the year in waic i the liconc� is issued, and till' licenc : shall not be transferrable. K 25. It is decli+rn(I til: t it any sF,:�ction, subsection or part or parts thereof be declared by any _ourt of Law to be bard, ill;:gal or ultra vires, suc 1 pert or p?.rts sA'ipll 1),3 deemed to be separabl�and all parts =leroof <.re declared to be separate a -W independtr�nt and enincted -1s such. 26. Any person convicted of a �7 reach of any of t:ie provisions of this by-law s: -i, -)ll forfeit and p. --.y., at t.re discretion of the convict- ing :iagistrate, a penalty or sun not axce?c'in- X54.00 (excl.silfe of costs) and tae provisions of tae Suli!i ry convictions Act as provided and linited t y tie sliall apply t lereto and in adc'.ition their licence may be cancelled. 27". T, -,i& .y-lirw shall take effect . as anr' from t.he day of 1966. i����T,LD AND PASS+�J tAis % day of FIE i5 1966. rl�rk 0 <C> ra h60N. C. S. M'�NAUGHTON A. T. C. WNAB MINISTER DEPUTY MINISTER (SEAL) W_ DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Downsview, Ontario April 12a 1966 Mr. J.D. Vallee Clerk, Township of 3ayham S`fRAFFO 9\1ILLE, Ontario lie: Township of Bayham �3y-law #15�+�3 Dear Sir: This is to inform you that, the 1lonourable C . S . MacNaughton, Minister of Highways has approved the attached By-law #1-48 of the Township of .Bay ham which increases the salary of Mr. J.C. Tribe, Road Superintendent to $4500 per annurn, effective January 1st, 196)'6. JP11: GG attach. cc - T.S. Caldwell CLERK 1, J. D. Vallee yours very truly, J. P. Howard Municipal Engineer 0 �, REEVE Al A U0\ Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of BAyham do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of 3y-La,wx No. 15�i8 passed by the council of the said corporation on the 7th, day of March i g 6_ JVED MINISTER OF �[tGhWAYS 'TOWNSHIP CLERK 3 FORM IB—MR-i 7 Rev, sEer, 1964 BY-LAW NO. 1548 A BY-LAW TO APPOINTA ROAD SUPERIN FENDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF I\ I1iE COUNTY OF Dj,& l a"6 BAY HAM ELGIN WHEREAS it is desirable that the laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of : ;is Council shou;.d be under the supervision of a Road Superintendent, acting under its direction. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this Council to take advantage of The Highway Irnprove men t Act and to receive the Government grant as provided in the said Act. BE IT THEREFORE FNACTED by the Council of the municipal corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted. I. That John G. Tribe___=�traffordYlle;_.Untarin__.—__ (narne) (address) is appointed Road Superintendent in the said township to act as aforesa cl :n accordance Nvith the provisions ofthe said Act from the lat. clay of Jan ary 19 66 and during the pleasure of the said Council. 2. 'That the Road Superintendent shall be paid at tilt rat,- of S_. Q_. �pc:r annum for such time as he may be so employed. 3. THAT it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay oat and suue z vase all work and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction; of this Township Council :n accordance with the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. =1. THAT all by-laws or parts thereof and all and any resolutions of said Council contrary hereto or inconsistent,herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed, 5. THAT tk•o certified copies of this by-law be forwardt d bV the %v.,,hout cleia` to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Departrnvnt of Hi. rtways O::ta::o. 6. THAT this by-law shall nut c .,:.: force until approVu of Highways, as provided in the Highway Improvement Act. READ A THIRD TINIL AND PASSED FFIIS 7th. day of March �19_66 (SEAL) CLERK J. D. Vallee v A uV% — .,:,• :.. cif tE:c C.�rtr..�rat:.;�� ui tt:, REEVE i•ok•rl:inip of Bgyham do hereby certify that the foregoing iy a true c.)py of N:i. 1548 passed by the council of the said corporation on the 7th. day of March 19 6_ , ED- ' 'OW NSHIP CLERK MINISTER OF I IuHWAYS FORM 08 -MR- 1 7 REV. SEPT, 1964 BY-LAW �O. 1.548 A BY-LAW TO APPOI`T A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE "I`OWNSHIP OF BAYHA4 I1 THE couN I'Y Off, A-I6�'4t•GG"3= ELGIN WHEREAS it is desirable that the laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon imp rovernent and maintenance of roads within the exclusive jurisd.ction of ::is Council should be under the supervision of a Road Superintendent, acting under its direction. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this Council to take advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and to receive the Government grant as provided in the said Act. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the municipal corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted. r 1. That _ john C. Tribe �Straffordv lle , Ontario (name) (address) is appointed Road Superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the said Act from the lat. day of January 19 66 and during the pleasure of the said Council. 2. That the Road Superintendent shall be paid at the rata of S—�O pt-. r annum for such time as he may be so employed. 3. THAI' it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay out and supervise all work and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Township Council in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. 4. rHAT all by-laws or parts thereof and all and any resolutions of said Council contrary hereto or inconsistent, herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. 5. THAT two c( -,.-fieri copit-s of ...is try- a -,ti• be forwarded by t:,, c:. r:: .tiitho°:' :,-Aay to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Hi�izways Onta?"o. 6. [I-i.AT this by-law shall not come :i,o force: until appruvt:d by the Nlin.5ter of Highways, as provided in the highway Improvement Act. - READ A "THIRD TINtE AND PASSED THIS 7th day of (SEAL) CLERK March 19 66 Cirrk, of the C.,,*porat. 1 , o: t.. I'owiishi. p of y� REEVE do hereby certify that the foregoing s a true+ copy of I;y-La,.\ '.). passed by the council of the said corporation on the day of 19 TOWNSHIP CLERK le t1 Co. / Twp. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Downsview, Ontario. May 11th, 1966. Mr. J. D. Vallee, Clerk, Township of 3ayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: 1966 Road Expenditure By-law Number 1549 - Amount$ 771 500.00 The Honourable C. S. MacNaughton, Minister of High- ways, has authorized the approval of the above cited by-law to a limit of $ 20,000.00 for Construction $ 57,500-00 for Maintenance, and s 77,500.00 Total Please be advised that expenditures in excess of either the construction or maintenance limits will not be eligible for subsidy unless covered by a supplementary by-law approved by the Minister. Supplementary by-laws should be s ubm itt d as early in the year as possible, preferably before July 31st, 1 66. This approval is given sub�ect to the approval of each individual work of road and bridge construction, each contract for maintenance and the purchase of each unit of equipment. The District Engineer must be advised and his consent obtained before such works or purchases are advertised or tenders called or any commitment made by the county with respect to them. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in- a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario. Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized .or any commitment made with respect thereto. Encl. One copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, J. P. Howard, Municipal Engineer. I. ---------------------- , Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of _ __ _-____Rayh8m------------- ____, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No._1549_____, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the _.__.7th•______..__ day of ------------ 19.66-_- APPROVED AL "GME.M. D.>K.o. _ - - - - Township Cle --- S--' RSc,LS �4 t qUD% ., DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO Form OB -MR -16 Revised b5-2391 BY-LAW No... _ -154.9._ .. - - - - A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 b6EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHA IN THE COUNTY OF WHEREAS The highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of 77 50.4._00__ _'__ is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1966 - as follows: Construction Maintenance Total ROADS _.. _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ ... _ _ _ _. _ _ .. _ _. _ .- � 7 .*,000. Q0- $-.45400,..00 $ . -52,,100,-00 BRIDGES & CULVERTS -,_$ U o WG9 04 ' $ 6. 70M NEW MACHINERY $ $ nil SU13ERINTENDENCE & OVERHEAD g 1!600.00 $ 59700.00 $ 7300.00 ,rnTA1,S s 20,000.00 s 571,500.00 $ 77,500,00 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed town- ship road superintendent and on work performed . in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit Triplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways, Ontario, not later than March 31st. of the' said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expendi- ture is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or -monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed 36traffordYillehis __. _.. 7th. . day of._._....March (SEAL) A.D. 19. 66 J i Reeve D. Vallee - -- _ _. , Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham_ do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. x..549 , passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 7th* .__...._ --day of Mareh 19.6b_ _.. r ff;R0 `�-4 .0 Al, ENGINEER. D-H.O. Township Clerk. March 8th., 19�to . ` ',"Ir. T. S. Caldwell, District1 nisi Sal Encrineer, Depart.mens; of High. -rays, P.O. Box 1,2171 ILvLNDJN, 0�,'_ario. Dear Sir: I ars enc Losing copies of By-L,.-uas :dos. 1548. arid 1540 foi- ycur and Depart: ►ental approval is requested on same. The 1966 program is at -..ached to By - Law No, 1549, A reply at yoL.-r early co.z�: eit_'_ n- ,�aald be appreciatedJ. fI.an= in , you, I remain, Yours very truly, Clerk 'of Bavha.-,i stiip. 'iDV/vs encls. ------------------------, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of Bylaw passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the --_..____- ___ y ____-.. da of ------------ Township Clerk 390 Saskatoon Street, London, Ontario, t,w January 11, 1966. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Mr. J. D. Vallee, Clerk, Township o.' Bayham, STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: 1966 Road Estimates By-law Enclosed are i'our copies of By-law Form OB -MR -lb and three copies oi' supporting Road Programme OB -MR -18 for use when submitting estimates o' 1966 normal road expenditures .for which your township will claim subsidy under The Highway Improvement Act. In oder that the expenditures for this district may be kept within the amounts allocated to it, it is necessary to advise you that the maximum estimates that may be approved for your township for normal expenditures shall not exceed 20,000.00 i'or Construction and 57� 500.00 for Maintenance. When preparing the by-law and supporting road programme be careful to see that the various sub -totals on programme agree with: the amounts entered in the by-law. All totals should be -ounded to the nearest hundred dollars. - Please pay attention to the footnote on the Road Programme re Distribution of Overhead, Construction and Maintenance. 'three copies of the completed by-law and two copies of the programme must be forwarded to the unde.-signed not later than March 31st, 1966. A supplementary by-law and programme will be accepted for consideration later, if required, but it is necessary to ask that they be submi�Led not later than July 31st, 1966. Yours very truly, District ',ngineer. /sg t, Tp ---------- .---------------------------------------- Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the _ day of _---------------- ------ 19---- - -------------- Township Clerk DEPARTMENT Of HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO Form OB -MR -16 Revised 65-2391 BY-LAW A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 6.6_. EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM IN THE COUNTYOF ELGIN WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. f THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of - 77, 500:�%)______ is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the con9truction and maintenance of the roads and 'bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 1966. as follows: Construction Maintenance ROADS -_._. _._..... _._.._. `.__. ...._.__s 7,000.00 BRIDGES & CULVERTS _ _$ 112400 0 04 NEW MACHINERY P, Total s 45,100-00 s 52 , 100.00 $ 6,700.00 $ 1$,100._00 SUPERINTENDENCE & OVERHEAD ..s 12600.00 $ 51700-00 $ 7,, 300, 00 TOTALS $ 20,000.00 s 57,500.00 S 77,5.00.00 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed towel. ship road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit Triplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways, Ontario, not later than March 31st of the said,year. , .. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expendi- ture is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed atSt,r affordYi116his . _ . 7t<h. (SEAL) 1i ! Clerk day of - March A.D. 19 66 Reeve Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the day of Township Clerk u V i = BY-LAW No. 1550 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. A By-law authorizing the borrowing of One Hundred and Nineteen Thousand ($119,000.00) Dollars for the construction of a four room addition and school furnish- ings therefor for Straffordville Public School. WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has been requested by the Bayham Township School Area Board to raise the sum of One Hundred and Nineteen Thousand ($119,000.00) Dollars for the construction of a four room addition and school furnishings therefor for Straffordville Public School. AND WHEREAS it is expedient for the said purpose to borrow for the financing thereof the said sum of One Hundred and Nineteen Thousand ($119,000.00) Dollars upon the credit of the Corporation, and to issue debentures therefor bearing int- erest at the rate of six and one quarter percent (614-%) from the date of issue until maturity and to provide for the discount and the expense incidental. -to negotiation and sale of such debentures.; AND WHEREAS it is expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in annual instalments during the period of twenty years next after the date of issue of such debentures, of such amounts respectively that, with the interest in respect of the debt, the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in each year shall be as nearly as possible the same; subject to the proviso that each instalment of principal may be for an even $100.00 or $500.00, or multiple thereof, and that notwithstanding anything herein contained, the annual instalment of principal and interest may differ in amount sufficiently to admit thereof; AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the municipality, according to the last revised assessment roll thereof is $5,805,796.00 of which $5,197,496.00 is for public school supporters. -2 - AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the Corporation is $307,697.00 and no part of the principal or interest of such debt is in arrears. AND WHEREAS by Order dated the day of 1966, The Ontario Municipal Board has approved the purpose of the said borrowing and the passing of all requisite By-laws, including debenture By-laws; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows:- 1. ollows:- 1. For the purpose aforesaid. the Corporation shall borrow upon the credit of the Corporation a sum not exceeding One Hundred and Nineteen Thousand ($119,000.00) Dollars, and shall issue debentures therefor in sums of not less than $100.00 each. Each debenture shall bear interest at the rate of six and one quarter per cent (6-1-4%) per annum from the date of issue until the date of payment payable annually and shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of such interest. 2. All the debentures shall bear the same date, shall be issued at one time during the year 1966 after the day on which this By-law is passed, may bear any date within such period, and shall be made payable in annual instalments during the period of twenty years next after the date 'of issue 'thereof , and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be the amount so designated in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. 3. The debentures shall be payable as to both principal and interest in lawful money of Canada and may be made payable at the office of the Treasurer of the Township of Bayham or at The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in the Town of Tillsonburg, or in the Village of Straf fordville . 4. The said debentures shall be sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and signed by the Reeve, or by some other person authorized by by-law to sign the same, and by the Treasurer. The said interest coupons shall be signed by the Treasurer and his signature thereon may be written, stamped, lithographed or engraved. -3- 5. Commencing in the year 1967 and thereafter in each year in which an instalment of principal of the said debt and interest become due, the Corporation shall levy and raise upon all the rateable property of public school supporters in the Township of Bayham an amount sufficient to pay said principal and interest to the extent that such amount has not been provided for by the special rates imposed on persons or property made liable therefor by the By-laws of the Township of Malahide and the Villages of Port Burwell and Vienna, being the other municipalities involved in Bayham Town- ship School Area. 6. The said debentures may contain a clause providing for the registration thereof pursuant to Section 323 of The Municipal Act. 7. Pending the sale of the said debentures, the Reeve and the Treasurer may raise for the purposes aforesaid by way of loan on such debentures any sum or sums of money not exceeding in all the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed and may hypothecate such debentures for such loan. 8. The Corporation shall have the right, at its option, to redeem that portion of the said debentures which mature in the twentieth year on any date prior to maturity at the places where and in the m6neys.in which the said debentures are expressed to be payable, upon payment of the principal amount -thereof together with interest accrued to the date of redemption and upon giving previous notice of said intention to redeem by advertising once in The Ontario Gazette and once in a daily newspaper of general provincial circulation, published in the City of Toronto, and once in a local newspaper, such notice to be advertised as aforesaid at least thirty days before the date fixed for redemption. Notice of intention so to redeem shall also be sent by post at least thirty days prior to the date set for such redemption to each person in whose name a debenture so to be redeemed is registered at the address shown in the Debenture Registry Book. 9. The proceeds from the sale of the said debentures or the sum of money borrowed thereon shall be forthwith paid to the Bayham Township School Area Board to be used for the - 4- Straffordville Public School to be used to pay for the said construction of the said four room addition and school furnishings therefor. READ a first and second time this seventh day of March,' 1966. r t �..ReeVe Clerk READ a third time and finally passed this day of 1966. Reeve Clerk Y CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW No. 1550 SCHEDULE "A" $119,000.00 TWENTY YEARS YEAR RATE OF INTEREST PRINCIPAL INTEREST ANNUAL PAYMENT 7. 64% 41500.00 s 10,550.00 1. 64% $ 31200.00 $ 7,437.50 $ 10,637.50 2. 64/0 32300.00 7,237.50 10,537.50 3. 6410 3,600.00 79031.25 10,631.25 4. 64% 31800.00 62806.25 10,606.25 5. 64% 4,000.00 6,568.75 10,568.75 . 6. 64% 41300.00 61318.75 102618.75 7. 64% 41500.00 6,050.00 10,550.00 8. 64-% 4,800.00 51768.75 10, 568.75 9. 64% 5,100.00 5,468.75 10,568.75 10. 64% 5,400.00 51150.00 10,550.00 11. 64% 52800.00 4,812.50 102612.50 12. 64% 62100.00 41450.00. 10,550.00 13. 64% 63500.00 4,068.75 102568.75 14. 64% 6,900.00 3,662.50 10,562.50 15. 64% 7,400.00 33231.25 10,631.25 16. 64% 7,800.00 22768.75 10,568.75 17. 64% 81300.00 21281.25 101581.25 18. 64% 84800.00 1,762.50 10,562.50 19. 641 91400.00 11212.50 1030612.50 20. 64% 101000.00 625.00 10,625.00 $119,000.00 $922712.50 $211,712.50 V. BY-LAW No. 1550 The Corporation of the Township of Bayham. A By-law authorizing the borrow- ing of One Hundred and Nineteen Thousand ($119,000.00) Dollars for the construction of a four room addition and school furnish- ings therefor for S traf f ordville Public School. Gibson, Linton & Toth, Barristers, &c., T illsonburg, Ontario. 0 0 5 By -Law No. 1552. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to repeal By -Law No. 1473. WHEREAS By -Law No. 1473 defibed certain portions of Bayham Township as a special fire protection area; AND ',WHEREAS it is now deemed adviseable that this special area f be discontinued and dissolved; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows; - 1. That By -Law No. 1473 be and is hereby repealled. 2. That fire protection in the special area mentioned in said by-law No. 1473 be provided on the same basis as remainder of Township with the assistance of the Dereham Township fire Department, READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 4th. day ofpri 1,..1966 eeve. er . 11 f I 0 BY-LAW NO. 1553 A By-law authorizing uhe borrowing of money by way of temporary advances pending the issue and sale of the debentures authorized by By -Law No. 1550 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of. Bayham has enacted its By-law No. 1550, passed -on the lith. day of April 1966, duly authorizing the issue and sale of debentures for raising a sum not exceeding $119,000.00, for the following purpose, namely: construction and furnishings of a four room addition to the Strafford•ville Public School. AND WHEREAS prior to the passing of the said By-law, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board was first obtained, as evidenced by the Order of the said Board dated the 25th. day of April, 1966. AND WHEREAS the said By-law does not require the assent of the electors or of those qualified to vote on money by-laws; ADM WHEREAS the Corporation desires to borrow money as temporary advances pending the issue and sale of the said debentures; NOW, THEREFORE, THE -COUNCIL OF ThE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Corporation agrees to borrow and doth -hereby authorize the borrowing from CANAUIkN IMPERIAL BANK OF COiVU11ERCE as temporary advances pending the issue and sale of the debentures above recited as such sums as may be required but not exceeding a total of X119,000.00 on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this By-law, 2. Within the limit aforesaid and as moneys are required from time to time for the Nurpose above recited, the Head and Treasurer, acting on behalf of the Corporation, are hereby authorized to borrow moneys from the said Bank for the said purpose pending the issue and sale of the debentures authorized as aforesaid and to sign and deliver to the said Bank such promissory note or notes as may be required for the repayment of the moneys borrowed at such time or times and at such rate of interest as may be agreed upon with the said Bank, but 3 • - 2 - not exceeding the rate of six percentum per annum, and to affix the corporate seal of the Corporation to such promissory note or notes. 3. The Head and Treasurer are hereby authorized to assign and pledge the said debentures to the said Bank upon the issue thereof to be held by the said Bank as collateral security for all moneys borrowed under this By-law and interest thereon and to assign to the said Bank the moneys growing due from the sale of the said debentures; and the proceeds of the sale of the said debentures, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be paid to the said Bank in satisfaction of the moneys borrowed under this By-law and interest thereon. Passed this 2nd. day of May, 1966. WITNESS the Corporate Seal of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. ead of 14unciipality Clerk ,NE HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 1553 of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting or meetings of the Council of the said Corporation duly and regularly held, and that the said By-law is now in full force and effect. Dated this 2nd. day- of May, 1966. WITNESS the Corporate Seal of the Corporation of the Township of Bayharp. Head of Municipality Clerk t V t e�'�` �� '_ � cam, ` .� �; � _. r• ('t, t.1 n. '�'� �� ! n � _ V «� � 4) a^� ��, t �: � � 1 .� ! � r ��• t By -Law No. /- Township of Bayham Being a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1966, to levy taxes for the year 1966 and to provide for the collection thereof. ,WHEREAS by By -Law No. 1067 and amendments thereto, the Council of the Township of Bayham provided for the making of the assessment of the municipality prior to the lst. day of Sept. 1965, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1966 should be levied; and extended to Sept. 30, 1965 by By -Law No. 1529. AND WHEREAS the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the said Township on the 14th. day of Dec., 1965. AND WHEREAS some revisions were made by the County Judge on Jan. 26, 1966. AND ;WHEREAS it is expedient to adopt the said assessment as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1966 shall be leviE?d; AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according; to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sun of $352,257.00 for the general purposes of the said Township for the current year, for the payment of the County rate for the current year, and for the purpose of defraying part of the expenses of Public, Separate and High School education, and other purposes; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: - 1. That the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayham as made pursuant to By -Law No. 1067 and amendments of the said Township, and as revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision, be and the same is hereby -adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1966 shall be levied. 2. That the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. 3. That, for the purpose of providing the sum of X163,528.00 for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for County purposes and other purposes for the current year, a rate of 30.326 mills in the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1966 upon the whole of the said assessment of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, except that on an assessment of .;Y5,3$8,350.00 a reduction of $12,53b.00 being 2.325 mills, shall be made owing to the per capita grant from the Provincial Government for taxation relief for farm and residential properties, as shown in the following summary; Total General-------------------- 13.960 County rate---------------------- 1b.-�66 Total 30.� Less reduction-------------------- 2.;25 4. That, in addition, for the purpose of providing the su.m of for Public, Separate and High School Education purposes for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1966 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder;- s A - 2 - School Section Residential Mill Commercial Mill Total or Area Assessment Rate Assessment Rate Levy Bayham T.S.A. .;)4,7839050. 15,426 $415,596. 17.140 $80,906.65 ROSS Vienna 412,550. 20.604 - - $1500.18 Houghton 301550. 1" .520 - - 413.04 " Malahide 181100. 1.000 - - 325.80 11 Tillsonburg 1441100. 15.426 1 0. 17*140. 2,254.60 TOTALS 6051300. 1,850. 11,403.62 11 EEDH School $1,558,600. 17.066 74,424. 18.969- 2$,010.30 TDH School 3, 829,750. 16.224 243,022. 18.02 68,317.52 H.S. TOTALS $5,38$,350. $417,446. $96,327.$2 And, in addition, on an assessment $366,600., in former Public School Sections No. 5,9 and Vienna, the sum of $733.20, being 2 mills in accordance with Referee's Report, dated May 5th.0 1465, be levied for Public School purposes. 5. That in addition, for street lighting purposes, the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessments in each of the following street lighting areas:- Straffordville on assessment of $557,450. - $1,979.52 - 3.551 Mills Richmond rt r: 67,050. - 241.95 - 3.609 " Eden ,i 1501750. - 399.93 - 2.255 r� Corinth " it 53,700. - 235.27 - 4.380 " 6. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector's Roll to the Tax Collector on or before the lst. Gay of June 1966. 7. All taxes or other special rates shall be paid in to the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the ToTvnship of Bayham or into the Branches of the Canadian I..mperial Bank of Commerce at Straffordville, Vienna, Port Burwell or' Tillsonburg. 8. Taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before July 20th. 1966 and one-half on or before December 20th., 1966. Penalties for non- payment'when due and discounts for prepayment of taxes shall be as provided for in By -Law No. 1393 and amendments thereto of the.said Township of Yayharz. _ 9. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing; the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township at their last known address. 10. After fourteen days notice, the Bollector or his Bailiff may seize any goods and chattels for unpaid taxes. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2nd. day of May, 1966. Reeve. 0 By - Law No. 1555 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Bein- a by -la,. -r to authorize the Cor -oration of the Township of Bayham to enter into an agreement for temporary advances to meet the cost of work in progress in the said Township under the Hic-tway Improvement Act durin7; 1966. r WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation has by by-law, approved with the Minister of Ni ghv:ays, for ap-roximately 3.50 miles of Township road to be constructed as a Development Road in accordance with the previsions of Part Xl of the Hi;hway Imnrovement Act $ R.S.O. , 1960, Chapter 171., and amendments thereto; AND WHEREAS the said agreement has been duly signed by the Reeve and Clerk on behalf of the Township of T3,�jrham and by the Minister of IIi. 7hways for the Province of Ontario; AND viHEHEAS by Dept. of Ii i<;;hways Work Order, D.R. 785 - 2 , dated 1'1ay 17th., 1965, the Department has approved of an allot - mens, of .1P*54;150.00 for the above noted work, same to be carried out by the Township of 'Bayham under supervision of the District Engineer. AND HEREAS it is estimated that tempora.;• Wloans of up to X501000.00 ma;r be required to finance the above operations pending receipt of payments by the Province of Ontario as the work progresses. AND WHEIREAS the Corporation desires to borrow money as temporary advances pendin,17 the provision and. receipts of funds as above noted. THEREFORE BE IT E S1'.CTED BY THE CORPORATION OF TSE r0 .NSHIP OF BAYH AM AS FC LLO IS : - 1. The Corporation a:Trees to borrow and doth hereby authorize the borrowinc from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COINI"ER.CE as temporary advances to meet the cost of work in progress on Development goad No. 785, during; this year 19bb, such sums as may.be required but not exceeding a total of :50,000.00 on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this By -Law. - 2 - 2. Within the limit aforesaid and as moneys are required from time to time for the said purpose, the Reeve and Treasurer, acting on behalf of the Corporation, are hereby authorized to borrow moneys from the said Bank for the said purpose and to sin and deliver to the Said Bank such promissory note or notes as may be required for the repayment of the moneys borrowed at such time or times and at such rate cf interest as may be agreed upon with the said Bank but not exceeding the rate of 6 per centun per annum and to affix the seal of the Corporation to such promissory note or notes. 3. ^:11 moneys to be received from the Government of the Province of Ontario r-)ursuant to The Highway Improvement Act and from, the rate- payers and from any other sources as hereinbefore recited shall,w en received, be paid to the Bank and applied thereon and all such moneys are hereby char:;ed to and in favour of the said Bank for repayment of the moneys, shall not be applied for any other purpose. 4. Should the Corporation pass a By -Law of By -Laws to raise by debentures such sums as may be necessary to repay the moneys borrowed under this By -Laky as temporary advances, or any part thereof, and interest thereon, the proceeds from the sale of any such.debentures shall be applied only for the purpose of such repayment. PASSED this 6th, day of June 1966. eeve Clerk WE HEREB�r CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham passed at a meeting or meetings Qf the Council of the said Corporatior duly and regularly held and that the said By-law is now in full force and effect, DATED this day of _r 1966. WITNESS the Corporate seal of ` the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. _ Reeve Clerk �� y� i � �. . � ''�s Qt V� �` ° -�' � � '�. �, `_'' �� �-' �.:� ,� j t1 �J tf �— ?�ry,J`r ^'' J � �'`,4. �, �. t� �f I e .J` � s � . � . �� �, c /ORM Od•MR-le (FORMERLY MR-te) 42.3799 TOWNSHIP OF 2ff/I Lf % RE: BY-LAW No. 11 ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 f" 1. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS J LOCATION (BY LOT AND CONCESSION) NATURE OF WORK MILES I ESTIMATED COST f.- 3 i i (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS — TYPE AND LOCATION SUB—TOTAL 3 � l � �l�G° !... re) _ .._ ..�c..� _.-- _ L) Roy t! iJ L U L,r}_� r ,_.. ` !, it t_ _ /.02, o q is c'' /r 4V6 ,�/ l - t 3 SUB—TOTAL oio (C) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (ITEMIZE) "50 2 v (D) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS — EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) SURFACE TREATMENT MILES .__ MILES ..._ M I LES ..... TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTIONQ ROADS — ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK FILLING. SWEEPING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING, BLADING DUST LAYING — CALCIUM, SALT, OIL, PRIME DITCHES, TILE DRAINS. CATCH BASINS, CURBS, GUTTERS, DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING, CUTTING. BRUSHING, FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL. SIGNS. ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL — SNOW FENCE, PLOWING, SANDING, SALTING (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS (C) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) SUB—TOTAL SUB—TOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE .M r Date GRAND TOTAL C Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data in the form indicated NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between: Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that total of items 1(a) and 1(b) bear to total of items 2(a) an(s2(b). • 0 Form OB -MR -16 Revised [Additional) 644198 BY-LAW No. -1556-----. ------ A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19.66------- EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF-_-BAYHAM ------- IN THE COUNTYOF --- ELGIN --------------- -, OtSTRIt6r WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $ I+ s5QQ * 00----_-- is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon jhe construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19-0_b_ as follows: Construction Maintenance Total ROADS ------------------------------ 7,_600.00 $------------------ $___7.1_600.00 BRIDGES & CULVERTS $. ,17.1_000..00_ $.-----------------7,000,00_ NEW MACHINERY - _- . -. - - - $ 15_} QOQ. QQ $ nil $_ 15 , 900, Q _ SUPERINTENDENCE & OVERHEAD ----------------- _ __._____ __ $-------------- _ $------------- TOTALS $ . _ 40.,.5_0 .00_ $----------------- $_ 4o_,SoQ . oo _ (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed town- ship road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit Triplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways, Ontario, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expendi- ture is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed a t ffordvillqhis_-__.__---------------6th.,._ day of_ _ . June A.D. 19.6 __ (SEAL) -- ------ �"`--------- Clerk------ f, Reeve f I, ----------------------------------------------- ._ ., Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of _ .. ------------------------------------ , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the _ _ .- --__-._. -- day of ---------------------------- 19--.----- -- Township Clerk I r t � r li r� u r T p . ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Downsview, Ontario. June- 2�_ , 1 r. J. L,. Va_Iee, 'Alo1. c., V e , :� ; r . s Dear Sir: Re: Supplementary Road Expenditure By-law No.1,-)0 Amount 14.0 , r L: . 0: e Please be advised that the above cited by-law has received consideration as a charge against the allotment for Special Capital Projects in the Department's estimates for the current fiscal year. The Honourable C . S. MacNau�hton, Mini st pr of Highways, has approved of the nronosed expenditure, for sub- sidy purposes, to a limit of for Construction, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLO.�.'ING CONDIT I ONS : 1. That the expenditure(s) shall be made only for the purposes set out in the by-law and supportin7 pro- ,-ramme and shall not be diverted, either in whole or in nart, to any other purpose without the prior consent in wri.ting of the' Munici.nal.EnFrineer. s 2. That the individual works of road and bridp-e con- struction and the purchase of each unit -of equip- ment and the award of contracts for same shall be subject to the approval of an engineer of the Municipal Roads Division. 3. That the District Municipal En?ineer shall be informed and his consent obtained before tenders are called for the proposed work or purchase and before any commitment is made by the Municinality. N. B. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to he raised in a subsequent -year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made vrith respect thereto. A cony of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, J. P. Howard, Municipal Eno;ineer, :D Operations Pranch. Encl.► Form OB -MR -16 Revised 64419$ jAdditional) BY-LAW A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 -6-6 ------- EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF __ $AYHA°? ----_- COUNTY _ IN THE OF --- ELGIN WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $40 -P -50-0-e-00 ------- is hereby estimated as the expenditure uponh construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 199 as follows: Construction Maintenance ROADS_ ----_.__ - ------_.----- s - --7}WO—t04__ ' $------_---_--_-- - Total BRIDGES & CULVERTS $_.,jr�'.tQQQ-.QQ- $------------- . $.17 -,0.00,.00 - NEW MACHINERY �...1.5t�QQ.LiO $ nil $ 15.t9_00,QQ_ SUPERINTENDENCE & OVERHEAD TOTALS $Q (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed town- ship road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit Triplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways, Ontario, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expendi- ture is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed a6traffordy-illethis _ - _- 6thq_ (SEAL) day of. June _ A.D. 1966 op Clerk Reeve J D Vallee Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Ba ham , _ _ - -, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Iaw No. passed passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the ..._ ._6tr1� day of 1966--_ 4 b� -- MUN!cipA.L ENGINEER. U.H.O. .------ Township Clerk 0. PSS`S��N�I� U t� 9 OF F �YHMM Hein - a b�F-laL: to -_,,poi.nt a. Roar;? of fri.:Ftces for the Edison Pioneer. CF�retery. WHEHEAS by virtue of The 'e;;ie::eries Act R.S.C. 1960, Section 60, the south ;part of lot 15, coriLecsicn 3, `1,.'nT°4ns"_ip of Bavhnm an lot rumbcred, on Re,_Jstered Plan 54 of t -ce of Vienn , ot`icA-wine known `.s t. e -di>on Pioneer Cemetery is aba_ dcaned: AND it, is deemed necesf- ,r 1 for hli,,3torical purposes, that this ccmet ery be preserve -d: THP..REFORE "!1IT by }he °'uni ci pal Council of the sotornshlin as follo-r:,:— Z. she of a Cpmetery Hoard and the appointatent of 3 me7'-IDers for- s .ane, for t1re ''.dove noted cemetery, is t.ere- by auk horized .id corlfi „ted'. 2. 1111-t n i9.;,, r.1e ttle!r,er s it311. +oe a;pointed for 3 year k,ellit, of -le fur a�42 year tem and one me mer for a 1 ye.ir teriti, w;jtt In 1 16 / an4 SZ.cCC(!er'inf : ..� •')!ifs member shall be appointela each year for a three year 3. ",he a'i>::'_ !: f)?r)nointed under uthortty of By -Law shall have all t .e powers conferred under rhe Ceinet. H .0=, �'. _" °`" > : ;.��? ��{?;; ifi ones r tar ".i@�.C'T''r, together wits: autnor ity to receive monies from, ang inte_-e81..e'a >���rtic5, for there,torai,{on of the said Cemetcry, and perpetual care fund. 4.. Fror� �:��tl :.f+;k:r, I. je -----In,- or 1-1,:i s bT,-1 :w, a accou;t shall be kept by the Township Treasurer to be c,-.11ec3 "'he :;c:i3on Pioneer t:r.Mettcry ?'rust �'u.^d". It. t:is fund shall include all money paid to the "Township I'rE'`;purer by the Board. of Trustees for invest lent. No part of the money received into this fund except the 4.nte*te:t ^ er'ived th�:,,E:`'r;-a,h:.11 be e�cr�E:n,erl f. cr any purpose whatsoever, but,the same shall hereafter be held by �,:�f, , °n.,..l., �.�,; � f .. ,,. tL '1-o tie inve-1 -nr! kept investee' frost, time to time in such securities as may be authorized U; -iae rah, P. T ruetee s ^::t , ..or ince o.tments of si nkin-c?, funds, etc. The interest arisin~ from the said fund shall be resolution of she (.'Pouncil _.fter the amount has been certified b .- the Treasurer to the 0e.-.1etery k3o.,gmi�sian to be expenued by it in the care and manazement of the cemetery. 0 Ri�D a f i,•s'; , sc, co.zd and thir,.i U.Tne arid I 4th. , da-,- c f July 1960", (Si7nPd) C. D. Phillips Aeeve. T hereby certify the above to be a true and corrkct copy of Townshin of Payham 3y -La-., No. 1558. clerk of �avham Tocanshix�. :Lr:a'Lly passed ti -lis (Sigmed) J. D. Vallee Clerk. of : ru,ct:C'f cjY' rho ";..I."c n Tr �.<. `T11 l'.ip of r- Cei'iete7 1 £�C .l r+► ? f tt i '�G?�v� CyF��,� 1 C))I "rr�ra'£'i''. 1i�I? t�lF of �t' is z;. o n^^,neo' w i c em - n C.: c e s .� .�-s ; l y, r �., �.. ,. � �. , . r* ` .. �•. ' ` r % �, 4 � !'7 Ci i curie TOii is s '� .L Y Of =:1 s f 11, -` s ; .._ ♦ :. ta�' Co ii1 0.. rt.♦}:.il •1+..+ �L +': +_. ... �;. .,.� L a,J t. �'�e ..',�-%� lA�:E"� <�'. C�`T P.. ilntj L�>,, �. �. .. ,. ..� 't G� "'}(:'Y• ... • >'<,� �, �� _���ti, Y"i? i'' ;r��� "r' c�t':r.. f_! �F' ^ :.'Ea .�t�✓E:`: l ��I' �'J 7 'i' -a y� t . r, ,' . i", c. v^a ` i tir r2 y♦ term ♦ -i a mc., .� 7'. Y i , ♦� r,e :..f , {ane l+ _;l,• _ .? 1 t� �-e<,, t, .., __"1 ar�c f??1F. ' ::.F •e: 'nr '1 }"' r..' _ }} , t•y ,t,. ne �'i� i.''7=.;♦ti i�... r1,steeb- c' ,-�0 ;.P_;� ?l1(lE? <1ui iIC`1"1. _.1) ot. iii: S a o. ? s Y ' a 1 .._ �,'. vi Yr �• o, 1....1 c)-,.4 F:,- r ,,.:� r o 11 e r v♦ p • , i� i 1 � i � .� ' .f �- ; i- . uc::lc ,Q i e s ccs the a .�.di,7;cn t.f tO <'?,ji:?Y' ``:'i :"'. �'t i•t:C�i'1 ', .r t,tc: t ror-, �I' v erat.�x-;:ariPs, f_or _ -ester' _a: of T:, :e s sCl n ; ' c rl {> '!- C• i" . l .. L^'� >-, l a...}.�{...-b ..:� i �..� ...\� T1f S !A s.�'c.L. .. . ti - P j \ r> ' . i >-r • . i .yr (� �/ + C ( ti''r, •� C n ;f '7 , (.� f s `� r �- > Y ''r Yom, • , yr ii ��' �� C �. - ...� _l. �% , _.. ' Ct .. 'l.1iTt .r � ,, . � ri''f t. R ') � t , E �• t-. _ 't 7 hac...., 47'9^'• C,'� {- `^; it j'• { ire -r b,F f;J..e o rri o i�J.,1c- 1„• c art o f :, c Vt;'` , nt'e ttij. s fund f'`Xcer?t lip a ,. re 4- (�f'� �iC�C} t i, c:X•e 'rr,'[, Sjt .. Z }` ti'.7�iif"y� aP. i fan,, .4n N., 9 e v,-.1- .�, �J i e in tr,15 t ,0 'rp investP i nv f, st pC ?'rt;� ,f LJ1 E' r 1.'►1e 1.1 >Z:C,3 E?vu .> tt'2.e,.,' _S :C c', tit 1iY?11�..:r rued cl ��r� r+ >r, G� *' > ,> r c:.t_, � 4 c f cam + �' i .• _ �..�... pct, ox �:�t e.. ,,)E1.1, o r�- : , .n • Vic. 're:r; tr':c gait3 r, ?'. a 111i@.I1<r '(I'v'a resCl 1., , �, n-' urc� 1 t't,er t� F amol int card e,,; t-, .a Trey >>.re.r c,Y t:C CF?'?ami-s3 on to "'E F'}:i en s '. by it :L ns tIr1e C,irp a -}r �.nt e ' tine cemeter , ,�......1 ':i'.r se�.�?�'� �;✓,, ��.- �... „?f' l,�,l(. .C'..' >�•.l :..f! C�-��.:^e;:�, thiis 4.1 rte • 0 OW ft- i `tel �1 OW ft- i 0. a TO NSP OF Bt:TH!"JA r.-Lt"'Vd ` NO. 1559. Beim; a By -Law to reveal By -Law No. 1550. WHEREAU'3 it has been arranged for providin%:r the sum of .,119, 000.00 for public school purpcses, b T the is, re and sale of a debenture hir this Municipality to The Ontario Educ-).tion r?ra tal Aid Corporation. N -D WHEiEAS it i s necessary that the above mentioned a --Law be rerp,alled . Tt4EiEFCITE be it enacted bir the -"uni. c i al Council of the Township of B:,yham as .folle;fra : I. That Dv-I:aw No. 1750, having received first and second readings, be and the same is herebyrepeal?ed. E `JT CT�..7 tihl s f . o. ay of -? e eve�i 19C;h, ale V. w It A (INI rM By -Law No. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for an exten-sion of time for the return of the assessment roll made in 1966 for 1967 taxes. WHEREAS By -Law No. 1257 provides that assessments be made during the period Jan. 1st. to August 31st; AND WHEREAS additional time is required to complete the assess- ment made in 1566; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows:- That ollows:- That the period for completing the assessment for the Township of Bayham, made in 1966 for 1967 taxes, be and the same is hereby extended to the 30th. day of September, 1966. 2. That in 1967 and future years, dates for the above matter shall be as provided in By -Law No. 1257• READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 6th, day of oeptember, 1966. Reeve. Ulerk. By -Law No. 156. Township of Bayham. Being a By -Law to name the members of the Court of Revision for the assessment made in 1966 for 1967 taxes. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows;- It 1. That the members of the 1966-67 municipal council, namely Reeve C. D. Phillips Dept. Reeve James S. Elliott Councillor Harold Garner Joseph Volkaert it Ed. Mat schke do hereby constitute and form the Court of Revision for assessment avpeals against assessment made cin 1966 for 1967 taxes. BEAD a first, second and third time and finally passed this 30th. day of September, 1966. Reeve. ,-= le'rk 0 By -Law No. 1565. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to authorize an agreement with the Township of Houghton for maintenance and construction work on the Bayham- Houghton Townline. WHEREAS it is deemed necessary that this agreementfinalized; THEREFORE BT IT ENACTED by the Municipal Corporation of toe Township of Bayham as follows; - 1. That an agreement, dated the 30th. day of Septi a copy of which is attached hereto, be and the same is hereby approved. 2. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute same by affixing their respective signatures and the Corporate Seal of the Township of Bayham. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 30th. day of Sept., 19bb. Reeve . x fi Clerk. 0 THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 30th.day of Sept. BETWEEN: and TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, 196641 party of the First Part, hereinafter called BAYHAM. TOWNSHIP OF HOUGHTON, party of the Second Part,hereinafter called HOUGHTON. ;WITNESSETH and the Parties hereto mutually agree as follows, in the matter of work done on the Bayham-Houghton Townline Road between the north end of Concession Four, Bayham Township and the north end of Houghton Township, all of which is in accordance with discussions held recently in Toronto by members of the respective councils. 1. The responsibility for ordinary maintenance of the said road shall belong to BAYHAM. 2. If HOUGHTON has road machinery available for work on any portion of the above noted road, the same may be used for credit of Moughton Township upon prior agreement between the goad Superintendents of the two townships. 3. tiny major construction work on the said road must first be agreed upon by the councils of each municipality and BAY HAM and HOUGHTON may both participate in this work. 4. A separate road account shall be maintained for work of any nature done on this road and each municipality shall_ be responsible for costs on a 50-50 basis. IN FITNESS 4HEREOF the Parties have hereunto affixed their Corporate Seals duly attested by the proper officers on that behalf. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. is Reeve. 31 E A L . Clerk. TOWNSHIP OF HOUGHTON, Reeve. SEA:. Clerk. % A r THIS AGREEMENT made in dunlicate this 30th •day of Sept. 19b6. BEf LEN: TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, ,?:arty of the First Part, her inafter called BAYHAM., and TOWNSHIP OF :,hQUG11TON, part r of the Second Yart,hereinafter called HOUGHTON. WITNLS`:ETH and the Parties hereto mutually agree as follows, in the matter of work done on the B_nyham-Houghton Townline Hoad between the north end of Ccace�ision Four, Bayllam Township and the north end of Houghton Township, all of which is in accordance with discussions held recently in Toronto b,.- members of the respective councils. 1. The responsibility for ordinary maintenance of the said road shall belong to BAYHAM. 2, If HOUGVON has road machinery available for work on any portion of the above noted road, the same may be used for credit of HOUGHTON TOWNSHIP upon prior agreement between the Road Superintendents of the two townships. 3. Any major construction hvrk on the said road must first be agreed upon by the councils of each :municipality and BAYHAM and HOUGHTON may both participate in this work. 4. A separate road -account shall be maintained for work of done on this road and each municipality .6hall be responsible on a 50-50 basis. any nature for costs IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have hereunto affixed their Corporate Seals duly attested by the proper officers on that behalf. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM* Reeve. SEAL Clerk. TOWNSHIP OF HOUGHTON. r f'. '/.,,, �.�,,,f.� r�>� Reeve. S E A L j f (�?� Clerk. BY - LAW NO. 1566 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAIVI 1 Being a by-law to extend the time for closing of the 1966 "-.ssessment Court of revision. Whereas Section 5b Sub -Section (9) of The Assessment Act provides for the passing of by-laws for extending the time for Assessments Courts of Revision to dispose of appeals. And Whereas is deemed adviseable to extend such time for the closinT of the 1966 Assessment Court of Revision. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham, that the time for closing of the 1966 Assessment Court of Revision be extended for a period not exceeding 60 days from the 30th. day of November 1�66.. r Read a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this , �� h Tw day of I L 1966. Reeve. J" Clerk. r El C BAYHAM TOMSHIP BYLAW RECDRDS BYLAWS # [1541-1566] FILE # 44 File # 44 Date Subject Bylaw # 1541 3 Jan 66 Authorize the borrowing of $ 250,000.00. 1542 3 Jan 66 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1966. 1543 3 Jan 66 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1544 3 Jan 66 Provide for grant to the Elgin County Fed. of Agr. 1546 3 Jan 66 Setting rate of pay for nEnbers of c6uncil. 1547 7 Feb 66 Licence, regulate and govern trailer camps in Bayham. 1548 7 Mar 66 Appoint a Road Superintendent. 1549 7 Mar 66 Provide for the road expenditures for 1966. 1550 7 Mar 66 Authorizing the borrowing of 119,000.00 for a school addtion. 1552 4 Apr 66 Repeal Bylaw No. 1473. 1553 2 May 66 Authorizing the borrowing of irony to pay township bills. 1554 2 May 66 Adopt assessment on which shall be levied. 1555 6 Jun 66 Authorizing the borrowing of money to pay -township bills. 1556 6 Jun 66 Provide for the road expendityres for 1966. 1558 5 Jul 66 Appoint a Board of Trustees for the Edison Pioneer Cemetery. 1559 8 Aug 66 Repeal Bylaw No. 1550. 1561 6 Sept 66 Provide time extension for the return of the assessment roll. 1564 30 Sept 66 Nam the menbers of the Court of Revision. 1565 30 Sept 66 Authorize agreement with Houghton Township for maintenance on the Bayham-Houghton Townline. 1566 3 Nov 66 Extend time for closing of 1966 Assessment Court of Revision. 11 BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By - Laws Numbers 1569 — 1570 1966 By -Law No. 1569 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, A by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the sum of $ 71600.00 for completing the drainage works -------------- r44ta " - Q&tr_i4- � - c ix&S. -work-) . WHEREAS the requisite number of owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll, of the property hereinafter set forth requiring drainage have petitioned the council of the Township of Bayham praying that the following lands may be drained by a drainage works; Lots 1.4 to 17, " 15 to 16, " 123 to 126, S. Gore Conc. 5 AND WHEREAS the council has procured a report made by John B. Dodd, O.L.S. and the report is as follows: v l By -Law No. 1569 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, A by-law to provide for a drainage works in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin and for borrowing on the credit of the Municipality the sum of $ 71600.00 for completing the drainage works -------------- r44ta " - Q&tr_i4- � - c ix&S. -work-) . WHEREAS the requisite number of owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll, of the property hereinafter set forth requiring drainage have petitioned the council of the Township of Bayham praying that the following lands may be drained by a drainage works; Lots 1.4 to 17, " 15 to 16, " 123 to 126, S. Gore Conc. 5 AND WHEREAS the council has procured a report made by John B. Dodd, O.L.S. and the report is as follows: AND WHEREAS the council is of opinion that the drainage of the area described is desirable; THEREFORE the council of the Township of Bayham, pursuant to The Drainage Act, 1962-63, enacts as follows: 1. The report is hereby adopted, and the drainage works as therein indicated and set forth are hereby authorized and shall be completed in accordance therewith 2. The Corporation of the Townshi of Ba ham may borrow on the credit of tie Corporation the sum of $ Vi�'•0 being the funds necessary for the drainage works not otherwise provided for (or being the municipality's proportion of the funds necessary for the drainage works); provided that such sum shall be reduced by the amount of grants and commuted payments with respect to lands and roads assessed, and may issue debentures of the Corporation to that amount in sums of not less than X50. each, and payable within five ears from the date of such debent- ures with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum: :3�;Af;�TUi 1 f (After Deduction of Estimated Grant) I:4"rF-RE.gT mt. 1. 33.74 893.7 a. 2.T?. 951 i 24.. 124.4a7� 3. 21(1 e 86 1013.02 1224.48 4. 146.98 10799 122494$ S. 14019 1149069 1224o4d 10;+..4 7 5038e 13 6122.40 such debentures to be without coupons and to be payable at the Office of the Treasurer of the Township of Bayham at Straffordville, Ontario. 3. For paying the sum of $ 3,$70.04 , thet �arged against such lands and roads for benefit, and the sum of $ V ' ) the amount chargedpffainst such lands and roads for outlet liability, and the sum of $ , the amount charged against such lands and roads for injuring liability, apart from lands and roads belonging t or controlled by the municipalityd for covering interest thereon for I" years, at the rate of 6f per cent per annum, the following total special rates over and above all other rates shall be assessed, levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from the undermentioned parcels of land and parts of parcels and roads, and the amount of the total special rates and interest ag i,,st each parcel or part of parcel respectively shall be divided into equal parts, and one such part ahaall be assessed, levied and collected as aforesaid, in each year, for ,Iyears, after the passing of this by-law, during which the debentures have to run, provided that no greater amount shall be levied than is required after taking into account and crediting the ,amount of grants under subsection 3 of section 64 of The Drainage Act, 1962-63, the amount of moneys paid under a by-law passed under subsection 4 of section 40 of that Act and commuted payments with respect to lands and roads assessed. J,ot Mcres Benefi Outlet Inj. Est, InL„rest Total Annual Assm. Con or aff - Assm. Assm. Lia. Grant for 5 yrs. Special ea.yr. for Part ected Assm. Cz 61 f Rate 5 years 5 N.Pt,15 14 833.53 70.00 23.33 9.48 56.15 11.23 .Pt. 5 $6 AYHAM TwP. ROAD 690.00 5,00 93.50 1.00 6,00 1,20 N.Pt,15 .42 633.70 5.00 OTAL FOR DRAIN $7600.00 1100 6.00 1.20 N.Pt.15 .95 5.00 1.00 6.o0 1,20 N.Pt,15 .95 5.00 1100 6.00 1.20 N.Pt.15 .27 5.00 1.00 6,00 1.20 N.Pt,15 22 435900 145.00 58.95 348.95 69.79 SJNj 16 15 75.00 25.00 10.15 60.15 12,03 NJ 16 35 800.00 175.00 325.00 132.10 782,10 156942 NJ 17 25 125.00 41.67 16.92 100,25 20.05 3G 14 525.00 8.33 3.38 20.05 4.01 Pt, 15 11.6 6o.00 20.00 8.15 4$.15 9.63 Pt, 15 935 5.00 1.00 6.00 1.20 Pt. 15 1.05 5.00 1.00 6.00 1.20 Pt, 15 .50 5.00 1.00 6.00 1.20 Pt. 15 1.0 5.00 1.00 6.00 1.20 Pt. 15 .61 5.00 1.00 6,00 1.20 Pt, 15 .34 5.00 1100 6.00 1.20 Pt, 15 .40 5.00 1100 6.00 1.20 Pt. 15 .20 5.00 1.00 6.00 1.20 .6&w17 54 620.00 270,00 296.67 120.57 713.90 142.78 E. 17 19 95.00 31.67 12,87 76.20 15.24 . 6 S5/8 123 6 30.00 10.00 4.10 24.10 4.82 S� 124 35 175.00 58.33 23.73 140.40 28,08 125 117 1165.00 585.00 583.33 237.08 1403.75 280.75 S1/8 126 .G 18) 6 30.00 10.00 4.10 24.10 4.82 NiSt126 51 500.00 255.00 251.67 102.32 605,65 121.13 S02126 26 130.00 43.33 17.63 104.30 20.86 C.P.R. 100.00 45.00 4$.33 19.68 116,35 23.27 Hwy.#19 250.00 40.00 96.67 39.32 232.65 46.53 OTAL FOR BENEFIT3870.00 2250.00 2018.33 833.53 4935.20 987.04 rr it OUTLET 2250.00 AYHAM TwP. ROAD 690.00 230.00 93.50 553.50 110.70 ,t <t tt 790.00 263.34 107.04 633.70 126,74 OTAL FOR DRAIN $7600.00 2511.67 1034.07 6122.40 1224.48 4. For paying the sum of $ 14W•00 the amount assessed against such roads m lands of the municipality, and for covering interest thereon for years at the rate of per cent per annum, a special rate, sufficient to produce the required yearly amount therefor, shall, over and above all other rates, be levied and collected (in the same manner and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected) upon and from thp, whole rateable property in the Township of Bayham in each year for eyears, after the passing of this by-law, during which the debentures have to run, 5. This by�rlaw��nnis Ura into force on the passing thereof, and may be cited as the By -Law". FIRST READING - SECOND READING - THIRD READING - ENACTED this day of 19 Reeve . Clerk. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.";' 0.. A Byelaw to amend By-law No. 1562.• TOWNSHIP THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF TEE .................. OF • .$ XYM • . . . . • r . . ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Byelaw No. 1562.., being a By-law entitled "The Building By-law" of the Corporation, shall be, and hereby is amended by adding thereto a new Clause 1.4.6. under Section 1.4. and said Clause 1.4.6 shall read as follows: SECTION 1.4 APPLICATION FEES 1.4.6. EXCEPTION A Building Permit Fee shall not be required ­T4here a farm building or structure is to be repaired, changed, or altered, farm -residential buildings excepted, provided that the total value of all repairs, changes, or alterations, to any one farm building or structure, farm - residential buildings excepted, does not exceed $1,000.00 within any one period of 12 consecutive months, and said total value shall be computed on the basis of the actual cost of materials and labour prevailing at the time said repairs, changes, or alterations, are being made, but all other provisions of this By-law shall apply including those pertaining to obtaining Building Permits. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 3rd. day.of November, 1966. eve . CARL ALTENBERG PLANNING DIRECTOR Mr. J. D. Vallee, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Kr. Vallee: COURT HOUSE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO October 20th, 1966 FILE NO. Some time ago, I was instructed by the County Council Planning Committee to prepare an amendment to the Building By- law which would permit a building permit to be issued without a fee being charged for repairs or alterations of a value of $1,000.00 or less of farm building. This amending By-law has been prepared and is herewith submitted to your Council for consideration. It was suggested at the respective County Council Planning Committee that possibly all Township Councils should adopt this amending By-law to assure uniformity of the Building By-law throughout the County. L'e would be pleased to receive an answer from you as soon as possible indicating the opinion of your Council regarding this matter. Thanking you for your attention, I remain. Yours very truly, C. Altenberg �_---' Plannina Director County of Elgin CA/sd THE CORPORATION OF THE . . • .. . • ... • • . • . / . . . • • . . • . • • ...... / . . BY-LAW N0. asses. A By-law to amend By-law 210. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF aT .................. OF .................ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Byelaw No. sass.., being a By-law entitled 'The Building By. -law" of the Corporation, shall be, and hereby is amended by adding thereto a new Clause 1.4.6. under Section 1.4. and said Clause 1.4.6 shall read as follows: SECTION 1.4 APPLICATION FEES 194.6. EXCEPTION A Building Permit Fee shall not be required Vhere a farm building or structure is to be repaired, changed, or altered, farm -residential buildings excepted, provided that the total value of all repairs, changes, or alterations, to any one farm building or structure, farm - residential buildings excepted, does not exceed $11000.00 within any one period of 12 consecutive months, and said total value shall be computed on the basis of the actual cost of materials and labour prevailing at the time said repairs, changes, or alterations, are being made, but all other provisions of this By-law shall apply including those pertaining to obtaining Building Permits. THE CORPORATION OF THE BY-LAW NO. A By-law to amend By-law No. ieem.. THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE.................. OF .................ENACTS AS FOLLMS: By-law No. being a By-law entitled "The Building By-law" of the Corporation, shall be, and hereby is amended by adding thereto a new Clause 1.4.6. under Section 1.4. and said Clause 1.4.6 shall read as follows: SECTION 1.4 APPLICATION FEES 1.4.6. EXCEPTION A Building Permit Fee shall not be required ithere a farm building or structure is to be repaired, changed, or altered, farm -residential buildings excepted, provided that the total value of all repairs, changes, or alterations, to any one farm building or structure, farm - residential buildings excepted, does not exceed $11000.00 within any one period of 12 consecutive months, and said total value shall be computed on the basis of the actual cost of materials and labour prevailing at the time said repairs, changes, or alterations, are being made, but all other provisions of this By-law shall apply including those pertaining to obtaining Building Permits.