HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1964BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1486-1507 1964 FILE # 42 File # 42 Date Subject Bylaw # 1486 6 Jan 64 Authorize the borrowing of $ 200,000.00. 1487 6 Jan 64 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1964. 1488 6 Jan 64 Appoint Fenoe-viewers and Pound -keepers. 1489 6 Jan 64 Provide for grant for Elgin County Fed. of Agr. 1490 6 Jan 64 Authorize Reeve and Clerk to sign agreement between Bayham and Clarence Ray Alward and Agnes Jean Alward. 1491 3 Feb 64 Authorize sale of former township office property. 1492 2 Mar 64 Appoint a Road Superintendent in Bayham. 1493 23 Mar 64 Provide for the road expenditures for 1964. 1494 4 May 64 Adopt assissment on which to levy taxes. 1497 6 Jul 64 Close and sell a s-=eet or alley in Straffordville. 1499 6 Jul 64 Provide for road expenditures for 1964. 1500 6 Jul 64 Authorize agreement between Bayham and Vienna on fire protection. 1501 4 Aug 64 Provide for an expenditure of an estimated $12,000.00. 1503 2 Sept 64 Provide extension of time for return of assessment rol-. 1504 29 Oct 64 Provide for holding of Munc. elections. 1505 29 Oct 64 Provide for public school supporters to vote for Public School Trustees. 1507 26 Nov 64 Extend closing time for the 1964 Assessment Court of Revision. 1509 4 Jan 65 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1965. 1510 4 Jan 65 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1511 4 Jan 65 Authorize the borrowing of $ 250,000.00., 1512 4 Jan 65 Provide for grant to the Elgin County Fed. of Agr. 1513 4 Jan 65 Amend Group Annuity Plan for employees of Bayham township. 1514 1 Feb 65 Authorize participation in the Ontario Munc. Erployees Retirement System. BAYHAM BYLAW PBOORDS BYLAW'S # j 1486-15231 FILE # 42 aunt. File # 42 Date Subject Bylaw # 1517 15 Feb 65 Provide for the road expenditures for 1965. 1518 15 Feb 65 Provide for the road expenditures for 1965. 1519 1 Mar 65 Appoint a Road Superintendent. 1521 1 Mar 65 Provide for the road expenditures for 1965. 1523 19 Apr 65 Adopt assessment on which taxes shall be levied. I Forni I00-4.' Ontario TO'r Nz:_)'HIP OF Hj YHA1-1 ............................................................................................................ BY-LAW No..14. b.......... �i=[Cft. to authorize the borrowing of S 200, 000.00 Whereas the Council of the Toi-.mship of 3ayham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 2001800.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTE.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the ertimates 1 6 not includin for :he current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year l.� '� g yar iflIf ot,ato� hose revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of of last year. debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of t,-.,xes and proceeds from the sale of assets, is S 387,969.00 X x�iK�x:��.����Y�1X�.�4f�$�X��#>���:�€�1�4�X���4��`�4C��4�►X�'4�I�� (Delete this s�xx�ix1.1X?x.�cxx' para�r� ph if not GYM {�!yj .�y. tj �� �r v. V �r y �' t� / V V, appltc tle.) ,Nlt- �'1`1Y�.Cxix11.'LYx1L;x1L`M'1 xxxxxxxxAr .xxx,� �x11xxyjARY1 t �2i'11�11�T.`2Y2i11"Lr:tlt`lY-llih7', Therefore the Council of the Tottimship of Payham hereby enacts as follows 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN INMPL•'RLkl. BANK OF ('0'MI tERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S 200) 000. 00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 5 per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the sa;d Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in pay;:ient of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 6th* day of January 1964 . .. ...........:.. .., .................... THE DEAD OFTHE MUNICIPALI'T'Y t SEAL f . r ----- -- CLER �. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. of the of ` in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By -'law is in full force and effect. Dated This As Witness the Seal of the of �! a SEAL day of 19 ...........................................................C.... . CLERK I TCWNSHIY OF BAYHA` .T:. By -Law No. 1487. Being; a by-law to appoint cert.qin officers in and for the municipality of the Township of Barham for the year 1964. BE IT THEaE Oil ENACTED by the municipal council of the Tovmship of Bayham in regular session assembled; - 1. That Aobt . C. Jacksonand . i.lf. red earner shall be Valuators of livestock and poultry killed by do, -;s at 1.2r per hour and . 2 ? ¢ per mile one way for car. 2. That L. vhu,�a a salary of 450-00 �. That �obt. Jackson shall be achool Attendance Officer at and .2¢ per mile one tray for car, shall be �{leed Inspector at x,1.25 per hour plus .20¢ per mile one way for czar. t{. `?'hat J.J.VaJ- shall be Relief Officer at a salary of w�200.00 5. That Donald gid.. (ribson shall be Township Solicitor. 6, That John u. Tril)t= of '?5.9Q 7. That John v. Trine Lxcavators Dict at :,P _1.25 shall be Building Inspector at a salary shall be Inspector under Thee Trench per hour and .2�¢ per mile one way for car. �. That 14al-t.er Nelson and "Donald Cl ute shall be drain inspectors for the north half and south hlaf of the Township respectively at „;1.2)5 per hour and .20¢ per mile one way for car. M READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 6th, day of January, 1961. Ir Reeve. c 1 0 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHANI, By -Law No. 1488. Being; a by-law to appoint Febce-viewers and Pound -keepers in and for the Township of 5'ayha�n for the year 1961. RIHEREAS Section 377, Sub -section 5$ of The 11,01unicipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, provides that these appointments be made; r BL IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the i,Iunicipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in re;Tu_lar session assembled, that the following be and are hereby appointed to act as the following officers for the year 1964. - Fence -viewers Lloyd Herron, R.2 Vienna. Clarence Jerereaul,R.l,Ingersoll Robert C.Jackson, R.12Straff. Alva Brinn,'R.6,Tillsonburg Alonzo Ha_ell, Corinth "lillard McAllister, Straff. Earl '!'ravis, Corinth '}'�y�pp �r f (�f J Df -A, ��� NC)..I'4 ' 'o READ a first, second and day of January, 1964. Pound -keepers Dario Bratti, rR.2 Vienne. Horace Hague,R.l, Straff. Robert C. Jackson Don Nevill, Vienna Howard Tait, Straff. Robert Veitch, tR.1,Eden Roy "'Treen, R.1,Corinth Max Underhill R, 1,Pt.Bnvwell Ray Soper, R.1,Vienna - Clarence `.jilmine,R.l,Eden third time and finally passed this 6th. i Reeve. J Clerk 0 f By -Law PJo. 14819, Being a by-law to provide for a grant to the EI in County Feieration of �,,riculture. WHEREAS para,,.raph (a) of Section 394 ofr The :Municipal .iet, 1960, proviles that "01.ancils may pass by-laws for .akin,, this ,,rant; ."SNL WHEREAS it is considered mecesaary and expedient that this grant be made; THEREFORE BE IT ENACT."a BY THE JITNICIFxL COUI CTL OF T` r' T0.%TTJS�,TP OF BAYH ALI AS FOLLOvaS ; _ 1• That a grant, of Three Hundred Dollars be :enc'dl is hereby made to the Erin C#ounty Branch of the Ontario Fed.eraticn of Amricu2tizre. ?. That the Towr:ship Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to issue cheque for same forthwith. READ a first, second - a•nd thirl time and finally -passed this 6th. day of January 1964. .Reeve. Cl6xk. il 0 TOi'J"NSHIP OF DiffHAI-1. By -Law No. 1490. Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign an agree- ment between the Township of Bayham and Clarence Ray .Award and his wife Agnes Jean Alward; 1,1HEREAS Fred 'a. Bell &, Associates, by Plan of Survey dated November 20th. ic)63, did lay out certain_ lots and streets in Township Lots I., niurbered 125 and 126, Concession 6, on land owned by the Alwards; A\I KEREAS certain terms were agreed upon in connection with the said. Plan by the Parties concerned; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the 1-jur_icipal Council of the Tot -.-reship of Bayham as follows-.- 1. ollows:- 1. That the ',iunicibal Council of the Townsnin of Bayham is in agree- ment with the terms and conditions of an agreement dated november 28th. 1,963 between ClZLrence Ray Alward and Agnes Jean Alward., Parties of the First Part and Township of Bayham, Party of the Second Part, respecting a Plan of Survey prepared by Fred A. Sell L Associates, dated 20th. day of November, 1963, 2. That the said Agreement and Plan, attached hereto, forms part of this By --Law. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized to sign the aforesaid agreement on behalf' of the Township of Bayham and to affix the Corporate Seal of the said Township of Bayham. TREAD a first, second and third time and finally passed this 6th. day of January, 1964, 4" Reeve. Clerk. 0 f TriI6 _ �� ,T made (in duplicate) the twenty --eighth day of 4ovember, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three. B tV j T t"if & J i `i i' NN, D ARY.�L''rl,xtli, of the Township o ayham, in the ounty of �:lgin, Manufacturer, and JZ-J1'I.N :L`djQ. his wife of the same place, as joint tenants, herein called the � a.rties of the is I�riST Bdff TH=#, MUNIGIeRL CORFORiMOh OF THE TU"ASHIP OF BJif JPS, herein called he Party of the :CONN "Y`L; 1%attS the parties of the ii'irst tart are the reistered owners of certain lands consisting of parts of Lots 125 and 126, south of Talbot noad and east of the Canadian Pacific Uailway, in the '.iownsihip of Bayham, in the County of algin; ::isotHiir: the said parties of the First Fart have requested permission to sell certain building lots, which lots are designated as Parcels 1, 2 and 3 on the Alan of burvey prepared by if red n. Hell & :.ssociated dated the 20th day of november, 1963, a copy of which is attached hereto; i:h.0 Mir. &A'6 the said parties of the First Fart have made a provision for access to the said building lots by means of a proposed street which is'also shown on the aforemen- tionea purvey and outlined in red; ,"I Nli it has been ag=reed that the parties of the r`irst kart will convey the title to the said street to the party of the 6econd Fart, subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. The parties of the First i art will have a deed of conveyance prepared for the land to be included in the aforemen- tioned street at their own expense. 2. The parties of the First Part will be responsible for carrying out the necessary levelling and gradin; of the said street. 0 E — 2 s 3. 1Zhe party of the :second Part agrees to accept a convf,,-ksce the said street with the existing encroachment of the shop building shown on � the aforementioned tan and arrees that such encroachment may continue for the lifetime of the ?resent building. 4. 'ihe par4JP-s of the First i -art imdertake for themselves, their heirs and assi__;ris that they will not erect or permit to be erect -.ed any buildings on that, part of their lands which would he a continuation southerly of the aforementioned proposed street. the parties here -to have hereunto set their hands and seals. 1J lk C.��h °U' i' S11� l �" >l, li ["f ii' .. `ln �t i UF THE TOWNSHIP OF B LY'HI-%YI. Der �r _ � y .AL i6+ 0 00 Cl 4. ♦ ,� `�'._" ' it 1 ' . Y" ' . ® cl-cr �+ lot j ct fw' N W ' r t a j D z C) 0 Tj rn V 3� 7m-- F9 4 r D TLD: rove.,iber 2.1.--Ith, "'*DO 19630 CL.'k 1514, GL L L4 COVOIT' ' TION H John C. Mc gide, Barrister C olicitor, 11 T John C. Mc gide, Barrister C olicitor, 11 Bv-Later No. 1491. Township of Da -,.-ham,. Beim; a by-law to authorize the sale of the former township office property in TotN-nshin Lot .125, North on Talbot Street in Straffordville . WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayr. am, on January b, b 1964, did verbally authorize the Clerk to sell the aforesaid Property for the hereinafter named sum, of money; AND WHEREAS the said sale eras completed within the next few days following; the aforesaid date; I`TJ WHERL".�S the completed deed has been delivered to the Jrantee and the purchase price paid in full; THE'LEFOBE BE IT ENACTLD by the 1,1unicipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows:- 1. That the sale of the former office ce property in Straffordville in Township Low No. 125 and being north on Talbot Street, for the sum of Two Thousand. Dollars (•,:2000.00) is herewith approved. 2 , That the si ;natures of the reeve and Clerk together wrath the ` seal of the Township of Bayham, on the deed conveying the afore- said property to one, Lydia Kaptein, are hereby authorised and confirmed. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 3rd. day of February, 1961. R ve. G r • HON. C. S. M' NAUGHTON 'AINISTER Doirnsvievi, Ontario April 13, 19u4 a Mr. J.D. Vallee Clerk, Township of 3ayham S°TRAFFORRDVILLE, Ontario Re: Township of Bayham v-law'1492 _ -- Dear Sir: This is to inf orm you that the Honourable C.S. MacNaughton, Minister of Highways has aDoroved the attached By -lave Ir -"1492 of the Tov,mship of bayham which increases the salary of Mr. John C. Tribe, `.2ownship Road Superintendent from $3000 per year to $3600 per year, ei'fective January 1st, 1904. A. T, C. M"NAB UEPUT'r MINISTER Yours very.truly, 6P J.C. Thatcher JCT:g Assistant Municipal Engineer attach. (S-EAL) CLERK J. D. Vallee :i'.S. Caldwell REEVE Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayhan do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 1.92 passed by the council of the E,a;d corporation on the 2nd. day of March 19 64 )O�PPROVEQ IN S IGH A? aR . TOWNSHIP CLERK FORM Ota -MR -1: (V6RMERL.Y MR^ -17,) MAY i962 BY-LAW NO. 1.92 A I3Y -LAW 'TO APPOINT A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM IN THE COUNTY Or, DISTRICT ELGIN WHEREAS it is desirable that the laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure: upon irripruveint: rt a=:d rTiainteriance of roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this: Council should be under the supervision of a Road Superintendent, acting under its direction. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this Council to take advantage of The Highway Improverne:.nt Act and to receive the.: Government grant as provided in the said Act. BE IT WHEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the municipal corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted. 1. 'That John Co T4 ibe Straffordville, Ontario. (name) (address) is appointed Road Superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the said Act from the 18t• day of January 19 �' and during the pleasure of the said Council. 2. That the Road Superintendent shall be paid at the rate of $ 3800'00 per such time as he may be so employed. year for 3. "n.wr it shall be the dutyof the su erintendent to la out and supervise all work and expenditure on P A Y P P roads within the exclusive jurisdiction. of this Township Council in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Imp rove rnent Act. 4. "THAT all by-laws or parts thereof and all and any resolutioi'rs of said Council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. 5. THAT two certified copies of this by-law be forwarded by the clerk without delay to the district office of the NlUnicipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways. 6. THAT this by-law shall not come into force until approved by the Minister of Highways, as provided in the Highway Improvement Act. READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS 2nd • day of March 19 64 (SEAL.) CLERK REEVE ,,—J. D. Vallee Clerk of the Corporation of the, Township of Bayhrr - do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 1492 passed by the council of the said corporation on the 2nd* day of Iflarch 19 64 it PROVED t�(IN ST F HIGHWIAyl r TOWNSHIP CLERK .> FORMI 06 -MR -17 (FORMERL-Y MR -17) MAY 1962 BY-LAW NO. 1492 A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A ROAD SUPERIN I'ENDENT IN THF "TOWNSIiIP OF BAYH1-TI IN THE COUN'f Y O FT,G11"'. DIS'T'INCT WHEREAS it is desirable that the laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon irnprove inent and rnaintenance of roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Council should be under the supervision of a Road Superintendent, acting under its direction. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this Council to take advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and to receive the Government grant as provided in the said Act. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the municipal corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted. 1. That John C. Tribe Jt raff ordvil le, Ontario, (name) (address) is appointed Road Superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the said Act from the intday of Janu=ary 19 and during; the pleasure of the said Council. 2. That the Road Superintendent shall be paid at the rate of $ 3800.00 per year for such time as he may be so employed. 3. THAT it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay out and supervise all work and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Township Council in accordance witli the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. . 4. THAT all by-laws or parts thereof and all and any resolutions of said Council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. - 0 5. THA"T two certified copies of this by-law be forwarded by the clerk without delay to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways. 6. THAT this by-law shall not come into force until approved by the Minister of Highways, as provided in the Highway Improvement Act. READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS And • day of (SEAL) -'- CLERK i'• is r C h Clerk of the Corporation'of the "Township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Lav No. corporation on the day of 19 REEVE 19 passed by the council of the said TOWNSHIP CLERK b R ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGH:. A Y,, Downsivew, May 12th, Nr. J.D. Vallee, Clerk, Township oi* Bay iam, S` RAFFORD'VILLE, On ca rio . '1 p. / I. D. Onta rio. 1904. Dear Sir: Re: 1964 Road Expenditure By-law Number 1493 Amount $Y6,600. The Honourable C. S. MacNaughton, .Minister of High- ways, has authorized the approval of the above cited by-law to a limit of $ 20, 000. 50,000. $ 76; 000. for Construction, for Maintenance, and Total Please be advised that expenditures in excess of either the construction or maintenance limits will not be eligible for sub- sidy unless covered by a supplementary by-law approved by the Minister. Supplementary by-laws must be in the hands of the District Engineer not later than July 31, 1964. This approval is given subject to the approval of each individual work of road and bridge construction, each contract for maintenance and the purchase of each unit of equipment. The District Engineer must be advised and his consent obtained before such works or purchases are advertised or tenders called or any commitment made by the township with respect.to them. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed • work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent Year. or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. i One copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. VYXosvery truly, J. P. Howard, Municipal Engineer. aw (C) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) Date SUB—TOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL I Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data in the form indicated NOTE. Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that total of items i(a) and 1(b) bear to total of items 2(a) and 2(b). + FYiM 09•MR-1e (FORMERLY MR -18) 62.9799 s TOWNSHIP OF__ RE: BY-LAW No ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 1. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS I OCATION /RY LOT ANn CONCFRiR10N1 NATIlar AF WAple Ulf Rs7t CaTiLAATCn !`nRtT M I i� SUB—TOTAL (C) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (ITEMIZE) % (D) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) �` i ,• TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS — EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES ...__ — .._._.. RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) MILES SURFACE TREATMENT MILES ROADS — ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING. CRACK'FILLING. SWEEPING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING, SLADING DUST LAYING — CALCIUM, SALT, OIL, PRIME DITCHES, TILE DRAINS, CATCH BASINS, CURBS, GUTTERS, DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING. CUTTING. BRUSHING, FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL. SIGNS, ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL — SNOW FENCE, PLOWING. SANDING, SALTING (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS (C) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) SUB—TOTAL BUB—TOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL sL /! f i 1 _,..... .. _..._. _ ....._._.— _._........-............. ..._.—._..... SUB—TOTAL +` (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS — TYPE AND LOCATION ! r i ` _..... _. M I i� SUB—TOTAL (C) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (ITEMIZE) % (D) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) �` i ,• TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS — EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES ...__ — .._._.. RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) MILES SURFACE TREATMENT MILES ROADS — ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING. CRACK'FILLING. SWEEPING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING, SLADING DUST LAYING — CALCIUM, SALT, OIL, PRIME DITCHES, TILE DRAINS, CATCH BASINS, CURBS, GUTTERS, DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING. CUTTING. BRUSHING, FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL. SIGNS, ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL — SNOW FENCE, PLOWING. SANDING, SALTING (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS (C) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) SUB—TOTAL BUB—TOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL ;.O Date Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data in the form Indicated NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that total of items 1(a) and 1(b) bear to total of items 2(a) and 2(b). 1 sL ;.O Date Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data in the form Indicated NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that total of items 1(a) and 1(b) bear to total of items 2(a) and 2(b). 1 It s Form OB -MR -16 63.4165 BY-LAW No. 1493-.... A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 64 EXPENDI`E'URES ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP QP _$AYHAY, IN THE GO L1 h TYOF Fa= LI WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on- roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the ?Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $ _76,._OQQ.,.QO.. _.._... is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon he construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19e. - as follows: (2) The said monies shalt be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed tow=n- ship road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the llunicipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, Ontario, not later than :March 31st of the. said year. (4) The approval of tale Ontario Municipal hoard shall be obtained before any expendi- ture is authorized or work commenced -which will be financed by the -issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed atSTRAFFORDVILL]Jbis 23 r-.. day of N.ARCH A.D. 19. 64 _ (SEAL) Clerk _ . Reeve Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the day of , 19 Township Clerk 0 Construction Maintenance Total ROADS - 41200. S 439400- s 1.7..1.600 .. BRIDGES & CULVERTS 12,230. S 7,000. $_.. _19..,.?3 Q!___ NEW TMACIIINEY 5 1,770, $ 11; SUPERINTENDENCE &- OVERNE AD s 1, 800, s 5,600. 7 ,4009 TOTALS s 20, 000. S 56, 000. 7b 1.000.x_ _ (2) The said monies shalt be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed tow=n- ship road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the llunicipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, Ontario, not later than :March 31st of the. said year. (4) The approval of tale Ontario Municipal hoard shall be obtained before any expendi- ture is authorized or work commenced -which will be financed by the -issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed atSTRAFFORDVILL]Jbis 23 r-.. day of N.ARCH A.D. 19. 64 _ (SEAL) Clerk _ . Reeve Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the day of , 19 Township Clerk 0 Form OB -MR -16 63-4165 BY-LAW No. 1493 _ .. _ A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 t 4 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE COUNTY TOWNSHIP OF _z -j. i'HA,%1 _.._ IN THE OF Z C. WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure; on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: 0.) The sum of s _76*0_00 a 10 _ . is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon t�}e construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19a_ as follows: Construction Maintenance Total ROADS $ 1;., 200. s 1+3 P,40`s BRIDGES & CLJ1_,VT:RTS S 12,230, s 7 v 000. NEW MACHINERY 1,770* g :i l s 19770 - SUPERINTENDENCE 9770. SUPERINTENDENCE & 00. 600. OVERHEAD_ _ _ _... $ 9 .y: 5 � � S 7 : TOT_1I.,S 20, 000 5t►, V110 � '?E.> i 000. (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed town- ship road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shsll transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Iiighways,,.Ontario, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of file 0,ntario Municipal Board shall. be obtained before any expendi- ture 'is authorized or work commofiedd which will be financed by the issue of"debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at3T_iA `'''"0RDV ILL4is 23 rd. day of MARC H A.D. 19 64 (SEAL) Clerk Reeve I J D. Vallee , Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 1493 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 23rd. _ day of March 19 64 Township Clerk A E3 I IN0, V YEa 1F. -V c By -Law No. 1494 Township of Bayham Being a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1964, to levy taxes for the year 1964 and to provide for the collection thereof. WHEREAS by By -Law No. 1067 and Township of Bayham provided for municipality prior to the lst. which the rate of taxation for to Nov. 30, 1963 by By -Law No. amendments thereto, the Council of the the making of the assessment of the day of Sept. 1964, as the assessment on the year 1964 should be levied; and extended 1482. AND WHEREAS the assessment roll containing the assessment m. -.de as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the said Township on the 23rd, day of March, 1964. AND WHEREAS some revisions may be made by the County Judge on May 8, 1964. AND WHEREAS it is expedient to adopt the said assessment as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1964 shall be levied; AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole ra teable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of $297,097.00 for the general purposes of the said Township for the current year, for the payment of the County rate for the current year, and for the purpose of defraying; part of the expenses of Public, Separate and High School education, and other purposes; THEREFORE THE COU:-4CIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: - 1. That the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayham as made pursuant to By -Law No. 1067 and amendments of the said Township, and as revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision, be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1964 shall be levied,' 2. That the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. 3. That, for the purpose of providing the sum of $129,641.00 for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for County purposes and other purposes for the -current year, a rate of 24.557 mills in the .dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1964 upon the whole of the said assessmentof the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll except that on an assessment of $5,337,250.00 a reduction of $12,53L40 being 2.349 mills, shall be made owing to the per capita grant from the Provincial Government for taxation relief for farm and residential properties, as shown in the following summary: - Total General rate -------------- 11.560 County rate --------------------- 12.997 Total 24.55 Less reduction ------------------ 2.349 4. That! in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of $10'5,593-00 for Public, Separate and High School Education purposes for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1964 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder;- w 2 _ School Section Residential Mill Commercial Mill Total or Area Assessment Rate Assessment Rate Levy� s.S.No. 1 $165,500. n n ti 4 129,$00. n n n 6 1$9,650. 16 5$9,200. n " " 23 27$,350. Bayham T.S.A. 2,$1$,000. Vienna T.S.A. 360,050. Pt.Burwell T.S.A. 331.900. TOTALS $74,8629450, R.C.S.S.Vienna 't Houghton " Malahide rr tt n " Tillsonbur TOTALS 411,200. 12,050, 17,900, 33.650. $.001 14.405 14,848 11.140 7.699 15-588 12.891 13_. 278 12.977 15,5$$ 18.000 15.011 ,800, -- 69750. 4,200. 17,450. 47,305. 5! 54. 2929894, 23,083- 4. X452,459. 9.890 16.006 16-498 12.37 8.555 17-320 14.323 14.75+ $1,539.$$ 1,937.00 3,103.$1 7,149.23 2,623.42 48,999 * 90 $,999.90 4,972.02 4.475.1$ 74,500.44 K16'4 1$ 7.$ 4 322.20 50�5.�.1,2, b`351.30 E.E.D.H.School 11546,500. 18.302 $6,155. 20.335 30,056.00 T.D.H.School 3,7901750. 12.956 366t3O4. 14.3 96 4,3$6 TOTALS$5,337,250, 452 459. 41442.27 , 5. That in addition, for street lighting purposes, the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessmetts in each of the following street lighting areas:- Straffordville on assessment of $536,925. - $663.64 --- 1.236 MILLS Richmond it " " 7y,000. - 229.54 3.1$$ n Eden rr n rt 15031400 t - 378.92 -- 2.519 rt Corinth " " " 56,:300. - 224.19 3.9$2 " And in addition, in accordance with By -Law No. 14.75, for special fire rotection services, on an assessment of $971,009., to raise the sum of 375.00., a mill rate of .3$6 mills be levied on all rateable property in the School Sections Numbered 16 and 23. 6. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector's Holl to the Tax Collector on or before the 1st. day of June 1964, 7. All taxes or c,cher special rates shall be paid into the office of ;he Tax. Collector or rreasurer of the. Township of Bayham or into the Branches of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at Straffordville, Vienna, Port Burwell or Tillsonburg. 8. Taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before July 20th. 1964 and one-half on or before December 21st., 1964. Penalties for non- payment when due and discounts for pre -payment of taxes shall be as provided for in By -Law No. 1393 and amendments thereto of the said Township of Bayham. 9. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices -to the several taxpayers of the Township at their last known address. 10. After fourteen days notice, the Collector or his Bailiff may seize any goods.and chattels for unpaid taxes. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 4th day of May, 1964. l , Reeve. Merk. U r i �,(`► �� �.�,� ..,w. �� �� ` i � �� �` �� � M � r � �� i� r � c' i, `}, � 1` r � .�, -.� July 22, 1964, °�r• J. D. Thomson Cler,; of Elgin ounty, Court House, a t . i Nomas, Dear Siz•; - T herewith�:'pY of our By -Law -v`�• 1'97, providing for the closing of an alley in thy. `tillage of traf. fordville. " vro u l d apz1e c L 3 t ? the nece 3r ary action by the Elgin County Council to confirm this "losing as soon as same ..may be donc . Thanking-�u, I remain Yours very truly Clerk o.� Bayham .Tovmship, By -Law No. 1+97 Township of. Bayham Being a by-law to stop up, close and sell a street or alley in the Village of Straffordville according to registered Plan 205 of the said Village of Straffordville. 'vVHEHEAS Section 459, sub -section 1 (c) and (d) provides that the council of a municipality may pass a by-law for the purpose of stopping up and selling; any highway or part of a highway: AND WHEREAS adjacent owners have requested the council to take the action hereinafter designated: AND WHMEAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that this street of: alley be stopped up and closed and sold: THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the .Municipal. Council of the Township of Bay ham as follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. That the following street or alley in the Village of Straffordville be stopped up, closed and sold to the adjacent owners, all descriptions being in accordance with Registered Plan No. 205 of the said Village of Straffordville: (a) The street or alley situate, lying acid being between Fourth and Fifth Streets, east of No. 19 Highway, bounded on the east by Village lots 17 and 19 and on the west by Village lots 16 and 1$. 2. That the above street or alley so stopped up and closed may be sold either in whole or in parts to one or more of the adjacent land owners. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver conveyance of the said lands when sold, under the Corporate Seal of the Township of Bayham. 4. That this bylaw shall come. into, force and effect after being confirm ed by a by-law of the County of Elgin. READ a first time this 1st. day of June 196.. READ a second time this 1st. day of June 196.. z`r(y READ a third time and finally passed this day of 1964 * Reeve. C1 rk. 0 y � k *yy ` S 1 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF F 100. i�tr. J. D. Vallee. Cleric, Township oa' Bayr,anl, ')T' RA FORDVILLE, Ontario. T Downsview, Ontario. August 14ti"), 1yu4. Dear Sir: Re: .3upplementary Road Fxnenditure 3y -i 3w "o.14 y Amount 1 OQQ L.Q. _._ Please be advised that the above cited by-law has received consideration as a chzr7e a=rainst the allotment for Special Capital Projects in the DepartmrAntls esti.l.rintes for the current fiscal year. The Honourable C. ). IacNau,7hton, irlinistar of fliahways, has approved of the nronosad expenditure, for sub- sidy nurnoses, to a limit of 15,000-00 for Construction, SUBJBCT TO 'y'HF FOLi,O''.'1NG UONIJITI iJi :" : 1. That the expenditure(s) shall be made only for the purposes set out in the her -law and supportinm nro- -ramme and shall not be diverted, either in whole or in part, to any other purpose without the prior consent in writinF;of the IMunici nal Ein?ineer. 2. That the individual works of road and bridne con- struction and the purchase of each unit of equip- ment and the award of contracts for' same shall be subj pct to the approval of an Pnr;inepr of th e Municipal Roads Division. 3. That the District 11unicipal "nrrineer shall be informed and his consent obtained before tenders are called for the proposed dork or purchase and before any corTritment is made by the 1.1unicinality. N. B. In the event that any portion of the cost of the oronosed work or purchase is to he raised in a subsequent gear or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario I-ilunicipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made vrith respect thereto. :D incl. A copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, J. P. Howard, Municinal v'np:ineer, Operations Branch. FORM 08 -MR -18 (FORMERLY MR.18) 82-3798 / TOWNSHIP OF —RE : BY-LAW No. ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 99 1. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS LOCATION (BY LOT AND CONCESSION) NATURE OF WORK ` MILES € ESTIMATED COST (D) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS -EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) SURFACE TREATMENT MILES .__..__.. MILES - MILES_-._-- TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION r - ROADS - ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK FILLING, SWEEPING, STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING. DRAGGING, BLADING DUST LAYING - CALCIUM, SALT, OIL, PRIME DITCHES, TILE DRAINS, CATCH BASINS, CURBS, GUTTERS. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING. CUTTING, BRUSHING, FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL, SIGNS. ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL - SNOW FENCE. PLOWING, SANDING, SALTING (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS (C) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) Date SUB -TOTAL SUB -TOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL Township Road Superintendent A� If insufficient room att,.,h additional sheets giving the data in the form indicated NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance In the proportion that total of items 1(a) and 1(b) bear to total of items 2(a) anc, 2(b). U Form OB -MR -16 (formerly MR -16) 62-3789 III' -LAW `t t 1499 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 64 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF $AYHAM IN THE COUNTY DISTRICT OF ELC I n+ �t'III�:111�;_1 Tile Iligliwa.v Improvement Act recittires that the total expenditttre on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law he stibinittv(I to the Minister of Ili-ltwiiys for approval. TIiE13,EFOIII: the Council of the Corporation of t lie side To-,vnship enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $.Z.5.1. Qq.,0 ...:.......... is hcret)y estiniated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridfres under its ,juriscl1vt ioll dtirittu* the ycar 19 64....... as follows: Construction IMADS- ................ ........ . ................. -...... :.000.00 Maintenance Total . 9..000.00 . I3lM)C�Ia & C11A'ERT ...... b a 00J . �0 .$ .. _ . - _ 6_, 000. 00. EIl' MACII1\'ERY $ $ nil SUPERINTENDENCE & OVERHEAD .... .........$.. TOTALS $15 , 000.00 $..... . ,15 , 000.00 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and oil work performoil in accordance with Tile 11ip".111vay Improvement Act. (3) Tile clerk shall transmit dupli,ate copieN of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Road:, Branch. Department of Iliullway�. f 11tario not later 01:111 March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontlirio Municipal Board shall be obtained before any ex. penditure is atithorized or work' corbinenced whWh Nvill be financed by the iestie of deben- tures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Pa -,sed iitStraffordvil. e, 6th. (SEAL) i Clerk clay- of JT11y :1.1). 19 64. I 5�e Reeve Clerk of the Corporation of the Township o1 do hereby certify- thin the foregoing is a true copy of 1i% -Lam- \o,. passed by the Council of the saifl Corporation ori the day o1' 19 _. Ttlivii,hil) Clerk G Form OB -MR -16 (formerly MR -16) 62-3789 No. 1499 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19...64 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OFAYHAM. . IN THE COUNTYOF ELGIN DISTRICT 'NN'IIEIiEAS The Highway Improvement _ et recllcires that the total expendit.lire oil roads be provided for annually by lit--laxv and that the be slibliiitte(l to the 'Minister of Highways for approval. THEREI''ORE the Couiceil of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: r (1) The sum of is hereby estimated is the expenditure iipon the Coll.,; rnetion and maintenanee of the roads incl hrid-es vender its juri:cliction (1111•X►<z thr rt',lr 1 S).(._3ti as follows: Const rtiction I1.OAD5 9t000•00 1`)RlD{'ES & CULVERTS $...6.#000.00 NI"M 'MACHINEI%I' a .ST'PE,RlNTENDLNCE & 01-EILIIEAI) TOTALS s Maintenance Total 9!1000.00 6,000.00 X5000.00 (`?) The said monies sliall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed tovv liship road siiperintendent and oil Nvork performed in accordance with The Ilinliway Improvement. let. (3) The clerk shall traiismit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district ofiiee of the 11ilnicipal Roads Branch. Department of IIi!rllAv;lx's, Ontario ,,not later than '!Brill 31st . of the said year. . (4) The approval of the Ontario Muni cipal Board shall be obtained before any ex- pendifcire is authorized or ivork commenced ` h ic•Ic � will be finaneed bN the i sne of deben- hires or monies raised in a subsegment year. StraffordviUe 6th. Mv,sed at _ . this clay of July 64 (SEAL) Clerk \� Rem cJ. D. Vallee __ ., Clerk of the Corporation of t}le To%vilship of BaY am do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true cold of I;v-I.. aw No. 1499J Massed 1.)1- tt�e Council of the ,aidCorporationoilthe 6 h.0.. (lax of uly 19 ..... xz�&Z_ i Township Clerk Au.1 P,D1-%,OV ""D ti 1 A M>fl111CiPAL ENGllry.Fll. U.HA. BY-LAW NO. 1500 A By -Law of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin to authorize an agreement between the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna respecting fire protection. WHEREAS the Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna have entered into an agreement to provide fire protection and it is necessary to ratify and confirm the said agreement. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. That the agreement between the Township of Bayhap and the Village of Vienna dated the lst. day of June 1964, a true copy of which agreement is hereto attached and forms part of this By -Law, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 6th. day of July 1964* SEAL eeve. Clerk. ■ �C— ► dG. 606 By*�'tr.', 4 of the Village of Vienna Lu the �;ounty of r*l in to suthorixe an agreemout betuoeu the Totaiship of V!S!f .iuid the Village of Vienna reavocting fir* plate ctiou. MIZILAS &tie :owuship of Blayhux and the Village of Vienna Nv?s iinl6 artsd Into an egaree"nt to provide fire protection aritit is mace ry to ratify said coni'im the said Wteumt* th#s I A.01lActl i.l of ti*r iorpoaration of the Village of Y i e nn a enIRetle as f03.10wss 10 Is .'Mult the s rvo"ut between the Township or liayha* and the 9.11& a of Vl*ruia datou the 1st day of June 19646 a :rut copy of which agreezent is hsreta attach*d and forms part of this Dy'Mu&wl, be tend the same ie hereby ratified and contir$ed s If" -AD zz first, rocond sad third ti=p and finally passed this 3rd �'ay of Ju lir -7- Z I ? 7-Z? i J ,a er . r. 4 THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 1sto day of June, 1964, BETWEEN AND The TOW.SHIP OF BAY iii, hereinafter called The Party of the First Part, The VILLAG lry OF VIENNA, hereinafter called The Party of the Second Part: WITMESaETH that the Parties hereto mutually agree in respect to fire protection provided by the Warty of the First Part,to the Party of the Second Part an follows; - 1. The Party of the First Part agrees to provide the services of the Township's Fire Department and vehicles for fire protection for the Party of the Second Part, such services to be subject to prior calla and the Party of the First Part shall not be held responsible for the failure of any part of the said services. 2. The Party of the Second Part agrees to pay to the Party of the First Part, for the &bove services, on the following basis. - (a) A holding fee of $150.00 annually; (b) 75.00 for the first hour or part thereof and 450.00 for each add- itional hour or part thereof, that the pumper truck is called for service tc the Patty of the =Second Part; (c) X50.00 per call for use of 'tank truck; providing that this fee mentioned in Clause (a) shall be deducted .from the amounts levied in clauses (b) and (c) should this sum be greater than that in clause (a) . 3 The Party of the ,First Part shall not be responsible for providing any additional fire fighting equipment from other municipalities unless Officials of the Party of the Second Part request same in which case the Party of the Second Part shall be responsible for any additional fee tha Might be charged by the other municipality. 4. This agreement may be terminated at any time by either party giving 90 days written notice to the other party, Signed, Seated and Delivered. wnshi of Ba s Reeve SEAL n z Village of Vienna SEAL ` ----Reeve Clerk. 0 By -Law No. 1501. Township of Bayham« Being a by-law to provide for an expenditure of an estimated $12,000.00 under the provisions of The Confederation Centennial Act, 1962-63 and Regulations made thereunder. WHEREAS it is deemed adviseable and expedient that the expenditure be made: THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. That an addition be constructed on the front of the present Township Hall and that certain repairs be made to the front and exterior of the present building. 2. That the estimated cost of "12,000.00 for the above project be provided for as' follows - (a) The sum of $4,000.00 (estimated) by the Government -of Canada. ( b) The sura of �4, 000.00 (estimated) by the Government of the Province of Ontario. (c) The sum of 4,000.00 (estimated) by the Township of Bayham from current funds. 3. That the above project shall be constructed and completed in accordance with the provisions of The Confederation Centennial Act, 1962-63 and regulations made thereunder. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed the 4th. ' day of August, 1964. Reeve. erk . <r + r .icivaw»enoaatem•:Lhxiss.:w-.ass»!.�ved>o5.�.,.raww.;ia.3..a>:w1+"a�.,:c tax,�.ow,s.,air;1.Ez,xi�x'eL,awSs:ao>...w.>xmr...sterfis;...d. r --N ii rV �J By -Law No. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. Being a by-law to provide an extension of time for the return of the assessment roll made in 1964 for 1965 taxes c,h%-;;fflZ-rg,e f a ,. t e r . WHEREAS by -Law No. 1257 provides that assessments be made during the period Jan. lst . to Aug. 31st., t 'RAE` S ,B �IZNo 1 x'"o i��s th t e� 1 e fs on .� �l 'onIrs Mo a O�tob Y � AND WHEREAS additional time is required to complete the assessment made in 1964: THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows:- 1. ollows:- 1. That the period for completing the assessment for the Township of Bayham, Made in 1964 for 1965 taxes be and the same is hereby extended to the 30th. day of September, 1964. ate, t,� 4a� fa ho�ing'!h0-,As,sessmgnt Gour \.cffrj� v�sign t, o n the s �i d `a s s es `s�ne n t�,-f- 01 A be" i . That in 1965 and future years, dates for the above matters shall be as provided for in By -Laws numbered 1257 and 12.3 respectively. READ a first, 6econd- and third time and finally passed this 11 2nd. day of September, .1961. eeve. 4 . By -Law No. 1504 Township of Bayham Being a by-law to provide for the holding of the Municipal Elections in the Municipality of the Township of Bayham for the year 1964 A.D., and for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and uuy � ,Micf�a�ity of the Township of Bayham. BE IT THE tEFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayham as follows: - That, provided more persons qualify for election to office than are required to fill the various offices, an election be held on Dec. 7th. 1964 as according to Toimship of Bayham By -Law No. 1203, and in accordance with provisions of the Municipal Elections Act. That the eleco- on r ub-Division No. 1 of the Municinali.ty shall be held' at the `�4�'` ° ' - , Port Burwell and that Howard Chute shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Percy Clarke shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 2 shall be held at or near Norman Light's Residence, and that Murray Emerson shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Norman Light shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 3 shall be held at or near Ray Thurston's Residence and that Elton Jackson shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Ray Thurston shall be Poll Clerk. That,. the election for Sub -Division No. 4 shall be held at the Township Hall and that Harry p. Grant shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Lyle '::lalsh shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 5 shall be held at Corinth Institute Hall:;. and Howard Coomb4r shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Alonzo Hagell shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 6 shall be held at the Eden School and that Harold Sawyer shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Miss Catherine McDowell shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 7 shall be held at tbe.Richmond School and that Fred Procunier shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Mrs. G. 'Green shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub-Divieion No. 8 shall be held at S.S.No. 4 School and that �Ylrs. ".ildred Soper shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Mrs. Hazel Phillios shall be Poll Clerk. AND THAT the said Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks be and they are hereby authorized and required to hold the said Municipal Elections in accordance with the Act and to provide for votin by ballot at the said elections. READ a First, Second and Third time and finally passed the 29th day of October 1964. R eve. r i �r • C1 rk . 0 v lk� NISwt By - Law No. 1505 Township of Bayham Being a by-law to provide portions of Union School this Township to vote at this Township for Public Township School Area* for public school supporters of Sections outside the boundaries of certain Polling Sub -divisions in School Trustees for the newly formed WHEREAS By-law No. 1504 provides for holding of municipal elections for the year 1964 and the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks and the naming of Polling Places; AND WHEREAS, for public school purposes, certain portions of adjoining townships, are deemed as a part of Bayham Township. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows: - That voters from the union portion of Malahide Township, of Calton School Section, (S.S.No. 6 & 7, Bayham and Malahide,) will vote at Pollin Sub -division No. 8. 2. That voters from -the union portion of Malahide Township, of Corinth School Section, (S.S.No. 16 & 24, Bayham and Malahide,) will vote at Polling Sub -division No. 5. 3. That voters from the union portion of Dereham Township, of North Bayham School Section (S.S.No. 23, 14 & 10, Bayham, Dereharn and Middleton, J will vote at Polling Sub -division No. 5. 4. That voters from the union portion of Middleton Township, of North Bayham School Section (S.S.No. 23, 14 & 102 Bayham and 11�iddleton,) will vote at Polling Sub -division. No. 6. • READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 29th. day of October, 1964. Reeve. C 1 erk n BY - LAW NO. /r� E^7 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Beim, a by-law to extend the time for closing of the 1964 Assessment Court of Revision. Whereas Section 56 Sub -Section (9) of The Assessment Act provides for the passing of by-laws for extending the time for Assessments Courts of Revision to dispose of appeals. And Nhereas is deemed adviseable to extend such time for the closing of the 1964 Assessment Court of Revision. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the IN'lunicinal Council of the Township of Bayham, that the time for closin��; of the 1964 Assessment Court of Revision be extended for a period not exceeding 60 days from the30th, day of November 1964. Lead a First, Second and Third time and finally passed r this �' day of 1'L�.. 1964. Clerk n By -Law No. 1874 "A By -Law To Confirm By -Law No. 1497 of the Township of Bdyham, BP.1nF a By -Law to Stop Up- Close and Sell a Street or Alley in the Villare of :Straffordville Accordine to Registered Plan 205 of the Said Village of Straffordville." WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 6th day of July, 1964, A. D.,did pass By -Law No. 1497 to stop up, close and -Pell a street or alley in the Village of Straffordville according to Registered Plan 205 of the said Village of Straffordville, more particularly described in the said By -Law, true copies hereof are hereu.tte annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, the said Township By -Law shall not have any force until confix•med by a By -Law of the Council of the County in which the township is situate, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not sooner than three months, nor later than one year, after the passing of the By -Law of the Council of the Township. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of.Elgin for a By -Law confirming the said township by-law. i NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By -Law No. 1497 of the Township of Bayham, being a by-law to stop up, close and sell a street or alley in the Village of Straffordville according to Registered Plan 205 of the said Village of Straffordville, be, and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 18th day of November, 1964. READ a second time this 18th day of November, 1964. READ a third time, and finally passed this 18th day of November, 1964. Clar warden C, -f C ., (, �• J. .. -L.. 1 A r .. {ice ,:, t.v :I (.r!<.