HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1960BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1414-1432 1960 41 I BAYHAM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS ( 1404-14321 FILE # 39 Bylaw## Date Sub.jeat ------------------------------ 1404 2 Nov 59 Provide for hte holding of riunc. elections 1405 1406 140q 1408 1411 1414 1415 1416 1417 1 41 9 1 421 1422 1426 1427 2 Nov 59 1 Dec 59 1 Dec 59 15 Dec 59 15 Dec 59 5 Jan 60 7 Mar 60 2 May 60 2 Eay 60 22 Jun 60 2 11u 60 2 Aug 60 3 Oct 60 3 Oct 60 Grant for Elgin Count,; Fed. of Agr. For the licensing of trailers Rescind Bylaw # 1 282 For the holding of a 2nd nom, and election Stopmup part of second street Appoint fence -viewers and pound -keepers Road Expenditures Adopt assessment to levy taxes Paying of members of �:unc. Council Road Expenditures Approve of Seghers Subdivision Close Center Street south of Otter Street Appoint Road Superintendnet .rimend Bylaw No. 1203 1428 3 Oct 60 -- nolding of Eunc. electoins 1432 15 Dec 60 Grant for Elgin County Fed of Agr. Form 100-51 Ontario i `.. ..................... 1...............�.L ...mac i i...`................................................. BY-LAW Nod -. � ............ to authorize the borrowing of $ 200, 000.00 Whereas the Council of the ' a:.:1 f1= I} of 3ay h n, (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum Of $ 200)0-0010,0 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NUTS.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- forthe thee current t pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 5) a,, not including rear if adopted to those` revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of of last year. debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale of assets, is $ 2 7 ,1 ,� Q . 00 ; t(�(A��r 4T�4���` _ X��4{�''.T�i��.�po ��N�1~0`��i�'ti .�Y.T�Y�. ��`�1�lT��t�`�i°1L'�ra'�1ri��zL�'e1Re e.`�° (Delete this a llM 'y X lei Yllili`AY 1Y.1'11 Y-1Cl1CXY*!,t'nyx �a�'�. ax 501aft LY2`1r.� .,O ,� paragraph if not applIcable.) , Yrzr r -.r TX �r•rX , Yrs a sr�r•r ! ,r. •r ,r, r� .r : iui cr al' c . s� ,. Y_��r_X _.X 1f.L.� ::r �::�f`.3iV )ff& m3}aahf rl� tri .r r, ZTz . v r Z t •r•X t x Therefore the Council of the 'I of%m This} of 3ayh-am hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $ 2 00 , 000.00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 341 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 5 per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 341, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of th+ Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is herby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source. which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 4tl? • day of u anuary 19C THE HEAD OF THE M IPALITY SEAL ........ r . � / ................. ..... ... -`�....-.� .............. . �LERK i - We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This As Witness the Seal of the of day of W .......................................................................... ...... THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY ................................................................................ CLERK i Form 136.46 ................ J anu ar'3r ......4th .................19... 60 THE MANAGER THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Dear Sir: This Letter is to Certify that the officers of TOWNSHIP OF BAY' HAM ... are as follows: ............................................................. ......................... ......................................................... Reeve - Donald M. Chute, R.R.1, Vienna, Ont. Clerk, Treasurer and Tax Collector - J. Do Vallee, Straffordville, Ont. and the following are its Directors: Deputy Reeve - Charles D. Phillips, R.R.6, Aylmer, Ont. Councillor - Norman Pre s sey, R. R .1, Corinth, Onto " N. Bruce Hedges, R.R.lq Straffordville, Ont. Rosa Carson, R.R.Q., Tillsonburg, Ont. We hereby undertake to notify you of any changes in our Directorate and/or officers, also of any changes in by-laws respecting the authority of Directors, officers or employees to sign on our behalf and in particular of any changes in by-laws of which copies have heretofore or may hereafter be lodged with the Bank. You -ray assume that the above-named are the Directors and officers of our organization and in charge of its affairs and that our by-laws and resolutions of which you hold copies are in full force and -effect until you are notified to the contrary. SEAL Yours truly, ......1 _.. e._� _._Reeve le. TO 114SHIP OF D ,Y�-i� • . L'y-L a,-.. o. 1413 . Deinv a by-law to appoint cert -i n officers in and for the Municipality of the Toimshi) of Dal'ham for the year 1960. DE I_ .' � .�C D by ,the municipal counc:*l of the To7f,mship of 3ayhiam in regular session assembled*- 1. That Robt. C. Jac?.son" and `i4il.fred Harper ' shall be Valuators of Livestock and Poultry killed by dogs at ;;1.00 per hour an i. .20r per mile one ,t ay* for car. 2. `I'h(t 11,% L. Chute/ shall be School Atteddance Officer at a salary of )25.00 an(.20;: per mile one :ra�r for car, 3. That Robt. C. Jackson shall be ',e -ed inspector at V1.00 per hour plus .20�` per mile one :.ray for car. 4. That J. D. Va_L_ Shall be Relief Officer at a salary of ;>200.00. hat Donald ?`i. E-i.bson shall be Toi-r-nship Sol_:*.citor. 6. That John C. Tribe shall be 3uilding Inspector at a salary of 25•C0• 7, That John C. Tribe shall be Inspector. under The French • .Excavators :'pct at '..;)1.00 per hpur and .204: per mile one ways for car. �S. That Joliri C. Tribe tog�tlhcr :ri�.th the Councillor of the area, shall be Drain Inspec'..or. .":1D a first, second and third time and finally passed this 4th. day ;of January 19`60 " — zol, •' Reeve. r a rk.. '1'10`11163111? OF B,iYit.U�_. By --Lazar No. 1414. �Beinc, a by-law to appoint _Fonce-vici,mrs and � ound-''tieepers in and the Tmmship of BaJrhai-ii for the year 1960. ; li�.11 ::':S Section 3�6, sub -sec. 1-,.7 of The "unicipal .pct, Q.S.O. 1950, Provides that these appointlr.eiit s be made : f' THLREFOIRE Ed*CTED b, the -imioi '�al Councj.l of the Cor- oration of the Toimsr_ip of Bayham, in regular session assembled, that the following be .and are hereby appointed to act as the fo? lo��ring officers for the year 1960.- .7, en c e -v ienwers 960._ Fence-vienwers Pound -keepers Lloyd Herron, R.2, ViennaY '��Iario Bratti, R.2, Vienna Geo. Procunier, 1.1, IngersoZl` ' Horace Hague, R.1, Straffordville Robt, C. Jackson, R.1, Straff.'` ,. Robt. Jackson, R.1, Alva Brinn, R.6, Tillsonburg - v Roy 'tevill, Vienna Fred Ball, Straffordville vGeo. Procunier, R.1, Ingersoll `.lonzo Ha ;ell, Corinth Ed. Lamers, R.1, Pt.BurV�ell ..illard i> c." llister, Str ff.-` ,rJoe Silverthrone, R.6, Tills. Earl Travis, Corinth 'Ray C. :Award, Straffordville Donald .amerson, R.2, Vi.ennu *,Robt. Veitch, :.1, Eden Percy 1atthetr s, R.1, Pt. Buri-4e1.1L' Roy Green, R.1, Corinth Lloyd Chute, R.1, Vienna Y IV Underhill, R.l, t t.Burt�rell �' / Gerald. �Ji.sson, Straff. (dogs only) READ a first, second and third time and Finally passed this day of �jr)/E.��/��� 196 z eaFe, a. i 11 I Tp. /I. D. ONYAPto DEPARTMENT OF E-:1GHWAYS Toronto, Ont. :.'.r. J.D. Vallee, :`day 16, 1960. of Dear Sir: Re: 1960 Road Expenditure By-law Number Amount $ 64,500. The Honourable Fred. M. Cass, Minister of Highways, has authorized the approval of the above cited by-law to a limit of $ 20,000. $ 442.500. $ 64,500. for Construction for Maintenance and Total Please be advised that expenditures in excess of either the construction or maintenance limits will not be eligible for subsidy unless covered by a supplementary by-law approved by the Minister. This approval is given subject to the approval of each individual work of road and bridge construction, each contract for maintenance and the purchase of each unit of equipment. The District Municipal Engineer must be advised and his consent obtained before such works or purchases are advertised or tenders called or any commitment made by the township with respect to them. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the is sue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. One copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, S � J1�j V. Ludgate, / E T Municipal Engineer. Encl. Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of _.._ Bayl? do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. -A 41�---, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the day of I1,arch ------ __ 19 60 s � Clerk. ��_�� • Form MR•l6, . • S9-JJ87 BY-LAW N O . 1115 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19.._0... EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE 'COWNSHIP OF_.._...-3A_YH.•. _.__ IN THE COUNTY OFL�Cx1Td D+STft4C'-T WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expendi- ture on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. - THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $ 64# 5flQ.()4_-- is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19 0 as follows: Construction ROADS _______-- $ _12,1.40. BRIDGES & CULVERTS $ _7j5,50* NEW MACHINrERY ------ $ nil... SUPERINTENDENCE & 3504 OVERHEAD TOTALS $ 20 000. lTaintenance s 30,850,, $ 10#000„ $ nil 3,650• 44 t 500 , Total 42P950-9 171590 - Is nil.. --- 4,00010 _ 64+ l 50.E (2) The said monies shall be expended under the stlnen,ision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Brar ch, Department of Highways. not later than ` March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal, Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work comm -need which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a ,ubsequent year. Passed at Straf fordvil _7.th& (SEAL) Clerk day of 11a.rch Reeve A.D. 1 o 60 1' •_____:_ _ .._ ---------------------- Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of _. , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the day of Township Clerk. FORM MR -18 TOWNSHIP OF _�RE: BY-LAW No 59-3388 ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 1. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS LOCATION (BY LOT AND CONCESSION) NATURE OF WORK MILES j ESTIMATED COST i ii r � I (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS — TYPE AND LOCATION r ' (C) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (ITEMIZE) (D) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS — EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES— RESURFACING IG�PAVEL OR'9TOi1E) MILES SURFACE TREATMENT MILES ROADS — ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK FILLING, SWEEPING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING. DRAGGING. BLADING DUST LAYING — CALCIUM. SALT, OIL. PRIME DITCHES, TILE DRAINS. CATCH BASINS, CURBS. GUTTERS. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING. CUTTING, BRUSHING. FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL. SIGNS. ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL — SNOW FENCE. PLOWING. SANDING. SALTING (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS (C) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) SUB—TOTAL I t s �r ! SUBTOTAL i 3 TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION SUB—TOTAL SUB—TOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL Date Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data In the form Indlcated NOTE: Superintendence and Jverhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that total of items i (a) and 1 (b) bow to total of items 2 (a) and 2 (b). By -Law No. 1116 Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1960, to levy the taxes for the year 1960 and to provide for the collection thereof. WHEREAS by By -Law No. 1067 and amendments thereto, the Council of the Township of Bayham provided for the making of the assessment of the municipality prior to the lst. day of Sept. 1959, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1960 should be levied; AND WHEREAS the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of lievision of the said Towmship on the 5th. day $ of October, 1959; AND WHEREAS no appeals were heard by the County Judge; AND 1JHEREAS it is expedient to adopt the said assessment as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1960 shall be levied; AND ;MEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole ratty'.. able property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of $234,258.00 for the general purposes of the said Township for the curregt year, for the }payment of the County rate for the current year, and for the purpose of defraying part of the expenses of Public, Separate and High School education, and other purposes; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAI ENACTS AS FOLLOWS,;- 1. OLLOWS,;- 1. That the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayham as made pursuant to By -Law No. 1067 and amendments pf the said Township, and as revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision, be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assess- ment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1960 shall be levied. 2. That the said assessment roll be and the -same is"hereby adopted and confirmed a -s the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. 3. That, for the purpose -of providing the sum of "98,934-00 .00 for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for County purposes and other purposes for the current year, a rate of 35.8 mills in the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1960 upon the whole of the said assessment of the said Township accord- ing to the last revised assessment roll, except that on an assessment of 2,972,455., a reduction of "11,603.30 being 3.9 mills, shall be made owing to the per capita grant from the Provincial Government for taxat- ion relief for farm and residential properties, as shown in the follow- ing summary,-- Total ummary:- Total Ganeral rate ------ 19.0. mills County rate ------------- 15.9 tt Total Less reduction --------- 3.9 " 4. That, in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of ;p61,966.78 for Public School Education for the current 'Sear, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1960 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the Public School support- ers of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder; - Public School Section No.l,on assessment of :;p 139,935• --- 16.6 mills 4 104)608* --- 21.1 It 6 105,739. --- 21.2 ft 16 359,110. --- 26.5 tt 23 176117$. -__ 25.8 it Vienna-Bayham Area Bayham Township Area Port Burwell-Bayham Area 241, 085 . --- 27.7 tt 131619,650. ---17.0/ tt 1$1+1255. --- 29.2 tt - 2 - And in addition, to raise the sum of $2519.24 for Separate School purposes, the following rates be levied; - Vienna Separate School on assessment of $119,900. --- 17.0 mills Malahi.de I ►t ft 91700. --- 15.9 ►r Tillsonburg ►t tt it 1$,050. --- 13.2 ►t Houghton ►t ►t :t 691000 - - - 14.5 tr and in addition, to raise the sum of $69,587.63 for Secondary School Education, the following rates are hereby levied on the respective High School Areas;- Eatt Elgin H.S. Area on assessment of 927,$13. ;42 22mills Tillsonburg it it it 2)159s497* ---- 22.'.� rt 5. That in addition, for street lighting purposes, the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessments in each of the following street lighting areas;- Straffordville on assessment of $210,375. -- w442.20 -- 2.1 mills Richmond It t► It 291600* -- 11 5.10 -- 4,9 it Eden it Tt It 461.55 -- 6.8 it Corinth It It It 231400* -- 20112. -,. $.6 it 6. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collectorts Roll to the Tax Collector on or before the 15th, day of May, 1960. 7. All taxes or other special rates shall be paid into the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Township of Bayham or into the Branches of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Straffordville, Vienna, Pert Bun -;ell or Tillsonburg. 8 Taxes shall become due and payable, one-half on or before 1960 and one-half on or before Penalties for non- payment when due and discounts for pre -payment of taxes shall be as provided for in By -Law No. 1393 and amendments thereto of the said Township of Bayhamn. 9. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township at their last known address. 10. After fourteen days notice, the Collector or his Bailiff may seize and goods and chattels for unpaid taxes. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this day of May 1960. 2nd. Reeve. �-�C'Ie�rk. By -Law No. 1417. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for the paying of members of the Municipal Council for attendance at meetings. WHEREAS Section 417 of The Municipal Act, 1957, provides that Council may pass Dy -laws for paying members for attendance at meetings; AND WHEREAS it is deemed adviseable that a by -lana be passed under sub -section (e) of the said section 417; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. That the rate of pay for each member of the municipgl council of the To:,mship of Bayham shall be .;'13.00 per day for attendance at regular and special meetings of the said Council. �. That mileage shall be allowed at the rate of .10¢ per mile for the mileage necessarily travelled in attendance at council meetings. 3, That By -Laws Nos. 1271 and 1357 are hereby repealed. 4. That this By -Law shall be effective on and after the lst. day of March, 1960, READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 2nd, day of May, 1960. Reeve. n Jerk. I f R Yis -4 , - 1— 1, - 1, c-, c c;,. 1O.L; 'a 4- 0, ax JV -V% .4. U1 U ul,» tiiercto tlic, -V% .4. U1 U ul,» J WO aw, 0 rk c c r y - L (),rized to neo ,,Auh ), i , X3:3 - !: ',c a, ► - c a to c oa -1(21 -LOO r t All . . f -1 v :ccvc Clerk O.J. 7al-ler, of 1m, herc-by corti.1y cibove to '!,;A, a tram md cc)ni-cct c C) -,)y o 01-1115, i -.1 0 tnlyham f,'lon'; oil 0 E 205 for 13;,j its ghwuy Li In S, by Va,l C. I C 0112 fir), J WO aw, 0 rk c c r y - L (),rized to neo ,,Auh ), i , X3:3 - !: ',c a, ► - c a to c oa -1(21 -LOO r t All . . f -1 v :ccvc Clerk O.J. 7al-ler, of 1m, herc-by corti.1y cibove to '!,;A, a tram md cc)ni-cct c C) -,)y o 01-1115, i -.1 0 tnlyham f,'lon'; oil 0 E ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Mr. J.D. Vallee, Clerk, fownshio of gay yam, StralTordvi:ile, Ontario. Dear Sir: RE Sltl)))]rq?1•y I c�:rcl BY -1;m No. 1419 Amou!)t_ $ 20,500 -I':xpeliditlrr-c. It TO rontc, Ont. July 71 1960. Please b(" <lrlvisc�cl t}I�it thc. -lbove cited 1.)v-l;:l.w has re- ceived consideration as a c,ll;i rge ag<zirlst the allotment for Special Capital PI-ojcar.ts 1ll.thE:' 1�epIl�t.rl�e�llt's e,�timat(.s for t}le current fiscal year, The llonour<:IbR., Fred M. Cuss, t�'lirlister of Highways, has approved of till' Proposed expenditurcfor subsidy p1.ir1)oses, to a limit of 20,500 for Construction, SUBJECT TO THE; F01.1 -OWING C ONDIT10ims: I. That the expenditure (s) sh ill be made only for the purposes set alit in the by-law and sUppol•ting pro- gramme and shall not be diverted, either in whole or in part, to any otlier purpose with ut the prior consent in writing of the Pvli,�nicipal Engineer - 2, That the individual wor};s of road .and bridge con-struction and the •ptI rcha se, of each unit of ,equipment and the award of contracts for sarne shall be subject to the approval of an engineer of the Municipal Loads Branch. 3. That the District Municipal Engineer shall be in- formed and his consent obtained before tenders are called for the proposed work or purchase and before any commitment is made by the Municipality. N. B. In the event that any portion of the cast of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal. Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto, JVL/ET Encl. A copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, J. Ludgate, Municipal Engineer. I. Fon" MR -16, 99-3387 BY-LAW NO. 111 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19__ `''0. EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE 7 COUNTY��u TOWNSHIP OF ,,:1Y1 1 T'i IN THE 151STMI" OF.. 1T3 WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expendi- ture on roads be provided for annually by by-law -and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $ 20 9 500 a 00. _ is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 190_ as follows: ROADS Construction s 1.10100. BRIDGES & CULVERTS $ NEW MACHINERY SUPERiNTENDENCE & OVERHEAD 4.,000. TOTALS $ 202500. Allaintenance nil Total s 11000-o-00 0000.00. $ 20,500.00 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The cler=k shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the'Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario :Municipal Board shall he obtained before any expenditure is authorizer) or work commenced which will ho fin. -meed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at Stra 0rU1V 1 s ____ 2nde (SEAL) Clerk day of June �.D. i 1) 00 f Reeve Vallee Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 1410 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 22nd.-o--- day 2nd __day of J=e Township Clerk. .'o 11 FORM MR ---1e FORM TOWNSHIP OF "` __ RE: BY-LAW No.— ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 1. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS LOCATION (BY LOT AND CONCESSION) 4 NATURE OF WORK _ MILES ESTIMATED COST i i ' 4 SUB—TOTAL (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS — TYPE AND LOCATION ! z _ /! ! ! t SUB—TOTAL (C) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (ITEMIZE) j i (D) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) ? TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION r 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS — EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES — -- ---. r RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) MILES t SURFACE TREATMENT MILES J ROADS — ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK FILLING, SWEEPING _ STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING. DRAGGING. BLADiNG DUST LAYING — CALCIUM. SALT, OIL. PRIME f DITCHES. TILE DRAINS. CATCH BASINS, CURBS. GUTTERS. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING, CUTTING. BRUSHING, FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL. SIGNS, ZONE MARKING r WINTER CONTROL — SNOW FENCE, PLOWING, BANDING. SALTING i SUBTOTAL (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS iDESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS SUB—TOTAL t— (C) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) r' TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL Date Township Road Supenn endent If insufficient room attach additional shoats giving the data In the form indicated NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed bi :ween Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that total of items 1 (a) and 1 (b) bear to total of items 2 (a) and 2 (b). Fork MR46, 89-3387 BY-LAW NO...-'�-� A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19_6.0- EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE t`OWNSHIP OF. $AYM41COUNTY IN THE Bf ic9rDF..___- ELGIN WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expendi- ture on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. e THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $ 20 f 500-_Q0____ _ . is hereby estimat -d as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19 60 as follows: (2) The said monies shall be exp ended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, De partment, of, -Highways, nit later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed .at Straffor. dvilltis -_--22nd. day of June A. D. 1.9 60. (SEAL) Clerk > Reeve -' Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No... ......- passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the ___. ------ day of _ ________--.-- -, 19---_-_ ------------ ----- _ .- Township Clerk. Construction Maintenance Total ROADS ------------- _ 1.1.g-500 • $ $ 11. sOQ00 BRIDGES & CULVERTS $ . 9.1-000. $ 1115 9)000.00 NEW MACHINERY --------- ----- $ _-. _ $ nil SUPERINTENDENCE & OVERHEAD . _ - I ...... __.._ $ $ TOTALS $. 204500- .$ 20000-00 (2) The said monies shall be exp ended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, De partment, of, -Highways, nit later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed .at Straffor. dvilltis -_--22nd. day of June A. D. 1.9 60. (SEAL) Clerk > Reeve -' Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No... ......- passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the ___. ------ day of _ ________--.-- -, 19---_-_ ------------ ----- _ .- Township Clerk. BY- LAW NUMBER A'Va I THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TO';9\JSHIP OF BAYHAIvI A By -Law to approve of the Seghers Subdivision VHEREAS Arthur Seghers and Prudence Seghers are the owners of the following described lands and premises:- All and sinjular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises being composed of part of Lots Seven and Eight northwest of the Plank Road, Centre Street south of Otter Street, and part of the un -numbered Lot northwest of the Plank Road and south of Otter Street, all accordin to Registered Plan No. 205 for the Village of Straffordville, Township of Bayham, which may be more particularly described as follows:- Premising; - that the bearings are Astronomic and are referred to the meridian throuh the southeast angle of Lot 4 on the west side of the road allowance between Lots 15 and 16, Concession 3, as shown on Registered Plan No. 544 and are based on the centreline of The Kingts Highway No. 19 between chainages 24+68.37 and 35+19.19 according to Deposited Plan D-1.13, which has a bearing North 0 0210011 Nest. Co-immencing - at a Standard Iron Bar planted in the westerly limit of Lot 124 STR at a distance of 669.52 feet measured South 0013t %'gest along the said limit from a Standard Iron Bar planted at the northwest corner of the said Lot 124. Ther_ce - South 83031130t1 East 576.29 feet to a Standard Iron Dar planted in the easterly limit of Centre Street. Thence - North 06024t4'011 East along the said easterly limit Df Centre Street 7.64 feet to a Standard Iron Dar planted at the intersection of the said easterly limit of Centre Street with the southerly limit of Otter Street. Thence - South 83043t East along the said southerly limit of Otter Street 71.07 feet to a Standard Iron Bar planted on the northwesterly limit of Lot 5 West of the Plank_ Road, according to the said Plan No. 205 . Thence - South 3912 t West along the northwesterly limits of Lots 5 and 6 west of the Plank Road, 131.23 feet to a Standard Iron Bar planted on the said easterly limit of Centre Street. Thence - South 21 0 4$t West 22.$6 feet Thence - South 500501 East to'and along the northeasterly limit of the said Lot 7, Registered Plan 2051 a t distance of 123.80 feet to a Standard Iron Bar planted on the northwesterly limit of Highway No. 19) according to Plan D-113. Thence - South 39 101 :- est along the said northwesterly limit of Highway 19 a distance of 183.87 feet to a standard Iron Bar planted. Thence - North $0 501Jest along the said limit of Highway 191 a distance of 11.55 feet 'to a concrete monument planted according to the said Plan D-113. Thence - North 66000110 West 145.22 feet to a Standard Iron Bar planted. Thence - -;\forth- $0046120'1 guest 4$.71 feet to a Standard Iron Bar planted. Thence - South 190351 ;Nest 40.81 feet to a Standard Iron Bar planted. Thence - North $0050120" vilest 332.17 feet to a Standard Iron Bar planted on the westerly limit of the said Lot 124 STR, at a distance of 995.29 feet measured 0 South 0 13? West along the said westerly limit from the Standard Iron Bar at the northwest corner of the said Lot 124. 0 Thence - T4orth 0 131 East along the said westerly limit of Lot 124 STR 325.77 feet to the point of commencement. AND WHEREAS the said Arthur Seghers and Prudence Seghers have caused the said lards to be subdivided. AND WHEREAS the said Arthur Seghers and Prudence Seghers have requested the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham to accept the said subdivision plan pursuant to and in accordance with the terins and conditions hereinafter set forth. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township - 'I - of Bayham enacts as follows-0- 1. ollows:- 1. The subdivision of the lands and premises above described and registered as Plan No. covering Lots 1 to 9 inclusive, Block "All) the widening of Kingts Highway No. 19, and the street allowance, namely, Arthur Street is hereby accepted. 2. The said widening of Kingts Highway No. 19 and the street allowance, Arthur Street, are hereby dedicated as public streets in the Township of Bayham. Y 3. The said owners shall be responsible for the initial grading of Arthur Street. This work to be performed in accordance with the instructions of the I,11unicipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. This B;r-Law shall take effect on the date of passing thereof. READ a first, second and third time and passed this day of August, A.D. 1960. REEVE i CLERK THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOV,TySH IP OF BAYHAIII BY-LAW NUMBER /�-�'/ a By—law to approve of the Seghers Subdivision GROOS': & T OTH, Barristers, etc., Royal Bank Building, Tillsonburg, Ontario. N If THE MMICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOV;VSH IP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NUMBER a Bylaw to approve of the Seghers Subdivision GROOM+ & T OTH, Barristers, etc., Royal Bank Building, Tillsonburg, Ontario. B ..LAW TUMB j 11L22 ,,_, cors ai vrION OF Tf�E TOW"11,31IP OF BAY -H JA A By --Law to close Centre Street south of Ot �.er Street according to Registered Plan No. 205 for the Village of Straffordville, in the Township of 13ayham. 4II11,'ZEAS Arthur Seghers and Prudence Se,, -hers have caused certain lands in the Village of Straffordville, in the Township of Bayham, to be subdivided. 'L" � jjL_jE1:S the said subdivision of lands has been registered as plan ;o. I���� !;ui�"AS for the purposes of the said Subdivision it is deened neces2ary and adv1 sable to close hereinafter described lands and ,premises. TI -I ]1"".EF0.�E the Council of the Corporation of the ''o,,mship of Bayham Enacts cas follows: 1. The fo11owin ' )ortion of Centre Street shall be and is hereby closed: "All and. singullar that certain parcel or tract of lard and premises situate, lying and being that -ortion of Centre Street accordinc; to lec;istered Flan no. 205 for the Village of Straffordville Township of i34'yham which lies south of the southerly limit of Utter Street, and- ,ahich is shoY7n on a -plan o �' a survey by John F. �.'eston OLS -dated the _14th of June 1960. as f oliows : - It may be i'iore ')articularly described ?re isinr - that the bearin 7s are Astronomic and are referred to the -meridian throu ;h the southeast corner of I,ot 4, :�e.;i stored .-Ilan ado. 54, on the 'Jest side of the read allowance between Lots 15 and 16, Con. cession 3, Townshin of B*yham, Co,-ii-i�encing - at a Standard Iron 13ar .planted at the inter- section of the said southerly limit of Utter Street and the easterly limit of the said Centre Street, which bar may be located by starting at a Standard Iron Lar ;planted at the northwest corner of Lot 124, STK, t pence :)'ouch 010131 C'Sest along the westerly limit of the said Lot 663.71 feet to the southerly limit of Utter Street, Bence South 830431 Last along the said southerly li:.:it of utter Street , 576.92 feet to the point of co,.imencement. . 2 - 'thence - South 06024140" taest alon r the easterly lirait of Centre Street 33.73 feet to a bead in the sal d limit. Thence -- �otzth 50048, E<�st 15.05 feet Y;1ore or less to the northyre,sterly lirait of the said I ighvray No,, 19 accordin r to flan D-113. Thence -South 390101 West along the north,,lesterly li -At of Ili hway 10 a distance of 26.15 feet more or less to a Standard _} ron Bar -planted. Thence - ''forth 800501 Vlest 11.55 feet to a Department of : i h-,,;ays 1onu?.ifun t n? anted .hence - South 39`'"l,4lest� aloft ::Ze .ri ierlel ii.::i:, of Highway 19, a distance of 34.08 feet to the sout hwe,t.;t-or y limit of Centre Street. Thence zf orth 500481 ,lest along the said southwester? y Amit of Centre Street 41.14 feet to a bend in the said limit. Thence - 'forth 06`)2414011 East along the westerly li:}).it of ;entre Street 359.64 Feet more or less to the .3aid southerly limit of Otter Street. "'hence - South 830431 'Nest Colon; the s;Jd ;southerly lt-At of Otter Street 60.00 feet to the point of commence- ment E-10 a first, secor►d time and provisionally passed this 2nd. day of Aug. .'..D. 1960. (signed) ,E . (signed) J. D S' lallfw M M READ a third time and finally oasued this uth't�' '" tk:u 60. (si,,Yrled) o r'.�, V. F L. K It J. D. Vallee, Clerk of the Corporation of-,,Vwl?,omsWat*f Bayham, hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1422. er of-Bayham own s I BY-LAW NUMBER 1422 THE MU:N1ICI?AL CORPORATION OF THE T O.,1NS H I ' OF D;ff1-LVJ A By -Law to close Centre Street south of Otter Street according to Registered flan No. 205 for the Village of Straffordville , in the Tovmsllin of Bayham. GRO01-1 & TOTH, Barristers, etc., Royal Bank Buildinm, Tillsonburg, Ontario. Ej m By -Law No. 1781 R A BY -Law To Confirm By. w No. 22 of the Townshi of Ba ham Bein B - w to Close Cent= Street South of Otter Street According to Rex- istered Plan No. 205,for the Villa a of St affo dville in the Township of Baphamon WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 6th day of September, 1960, A. D., did pass By -Law No. 1.22 to close Centre Street south of Otter Street according to Registered Paln No. 205 for the Village of Straffordville, in the Township of Bayham, more particularly described in the said By -Law, true copies hereof are hereunto annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, the said Township By -Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By -Law of the Council of the County in which the township is situate passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not sooner than three months, nor later than one year, after the passing of the By -Law of the Council of the Township. AND WHEREAS application has-been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By -Law confirming the said township by-law. -NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By -Law No. 1122, of the Township of Bayham, being a by-law to close Centre Street south of Otter Street according to Registered Plan No. 205 for the Village of Straffordville, in the Township of Bayham, be, and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 19th day of January, 1961. READ a second time this 19th day of January, 1961. READ a third time, and finally passed this 19th day of January, 1961. Warden I, J. :. T}lnmson, �lerk, of t:te uo-^poration of the Uounty of Tln, do he-ebv c-�t-ti y that- the foregoing 16 a true copy of 13y- ja:v X16. 1781, passed by the Council of tie said Co"po-ation on the 19th day of Jaijuary, 1961. r�+ {; Clerk OFFICE LOCATION - DOWNSVIEW AVE., KEELE ST. -- HIGHWAY 401 TORONTO, ONTARIO. Ll DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Mr. J.D. Vallee Clerk, Township of Bayham STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario Dear Sir: POSTAL ADDRESS - DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS. TORONTO 5, ONTARIO. October l9, 19b0 He: Township of Bayham By-law No. 1426 This is to inform you that the Honourable F.M. Cass, Minister of Highways, has approved the attached By-law No. 1426 of the Township of Bayham increasing the salary of Mr. John C. Tribe, Road Superintendent, from $3500 per year to $3600 per year, effective the lst day of March, 1960. Yours very truly, r J.V. Ludgate :GG Municipal Engineer I, J. D. Vallee Clerk of the Corporation of the township of Dave do -hereby certify that the foregoing .4s a true copy of BY -Law . No. -1426 � passed by the October io _IPRUVED4 council of the said corporation on .fir. w �• �� •A ER OF y►CH4y YS the 3rd. day o f Y Farm P-18 BY-LAW NO,, 1426 A '-b_;j, 0 APPOITItiT A ROAD SUPEP.INTENEENT Int THE TOUNSHIP Or •."Yti T zu ' LT F97PFAS, It is desirable that the laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this council should be under the supervision of a road superintendent, acting under its direction; AMIP WH" PZRA.S it Is, the desire of this council to take advantage of The Hi ghvray Improvement Act and to receive the Government grant as provided in the said Act; FF IT THE_PFFOP7` EVACTF'D by the council of the municipal corporation of the said township ?:nd it Is �, reby enacted: I. That joha ri n (name) (Address) is appointed road superintendent in the said . township to act as aforesaid in accordance c -•l th the provi si, crus of the said Act f. rcm the 1 st . day o f ;`a r.nb ______ 19 and dur"Ma the plca.surc of the said council. 2. That the road superintendent shall be paid at the rate of $ 3U00.00 per year "'ar stick tine as he may be so employed. 3. TNAT it shal1 be the duty of the superintendent to lay out and supervise all work and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this township council in ; ^cor ance with the provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. 4. THAT all. by-lais or parts thereof and all and any resolutions of said council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith,, be and the same are hereby repealed. 5. THAT two certified copies of this by-lqw be forwarded by the clerk without delay to the district *office of the Municipal Roads Pranch, Department of Highways. 5. THAT thio by-law shall not come into fore until approved by the Minister of Highm ys, as provided in the Highway Improvement Act. PEAR A i HY FD TIME AND PASSF'D THIS day of nc 19 -6g� iSEkL- CLERK REEVE Clerk of the Corporation of the township of ° . x do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law uo, ll passel by uh^ council of the said corporation on the '''"' • day of IDWNSHIP CLERK 0 E BTT -Law No. j -� 7 Town shin of Bavham. pPi nf, a b -,,r -law to am, Pnd R -:,-Law No. 1.283 re o-ard in o the time .for holding; of nomination meeting s. ,WHEREAS it. is deemed necessary and exn..edient, that certain c han7e s be made in the time for holes ink; nomination meet in ps . THEREFORE BE !91 ENA.CTEB by the 1,1unicinal Council of the Township p of Bavham as follows ; - 1. That Clause No. 1 of By -Law T\T.o. 1203, be and is hereby amended to read as folloi,rs;- "That the nominations for Councii members and members of local Boards in the Townshi n of Baybam, shall be held at the Tovinship Hall at the hour of 7 3t1 oT clock P. m. and that such nominations shall be held on the 4/9"Y7 - in /9`Y7 in November. 2. This by -Law shal-1 remain in force fror.► year to Near until amended or repealed. '.�EAB a first, Second and. Third time and finally passed in open A . Council this C; day of L�`C , 7C- 1460. peeve. 3 er . 0 I r rl By -Law No. 11:_28. Toi-mship of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for the holding of -she Municipal Elections in the �-iunicipality of the To,mship of Bayham for the year 1960 JIoD., and. for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Palling Places in the several Polling Sub -Divisions in the said Muni. ci.nali. fiy of the Township of Bayham. BL IT CID by the Council of the Township of 3ayham as follows; - That prc,vi.led more persons qualify for election to office than are re wired to fill the various off ic,_ s,, an election be held on Dec. 5 1;� 0 a r ":r c or 1 ins to Toi:n ship of Bayham By -Law No. 1203, and in accordance w'ithl the provisions of the !Vkini c; pril z'lections '.ct. That, the electioa .'or Sub-`)ivJ_si.on o.1 of thc shall be held at the, t'olice 1lall. i'ort ��ur11e3.I, and that Powa.rd Chute shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Perc1.T (:1.arke shall. be Poll Clerk. That, the election f fir Sub -Division ,Io.2 shall be l:eld at or near �!`orman IatrrhtT s Residence , W1, that I° tzrrav Emorson -hall be Deputy Returning 01 (icer and Norman Light shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division `10.3 shall be held at or near Ray Thurston's .residence and that 14',I -ton H. Jackson yl-�-ill be Deputy returning 01"fiver and Ra- Thurston shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub --Division No -4 shall be held at the Township Hall and that 1�arry P. r1rant shall be Eeputy Rcturn_in Officer and Lyle ' alsh shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No.5 shall be held at Corinth Institute fall, and that Howard Coomber shrill be Deputy Returning Officer and Alonzo Haaell shall be ?ol'-' Jerk. That,.- the election for Sub -Division No.6 shall be held at the Wen School Building and that Harold Jawver shall be Deputy returning Officer and iss -Catherine, 1.EcDov&moi,. tae . r'a l Clerk-. That, the election for Sub -Division I10.7 shall be held at the Richmond School and that Fred Prod vier shall be Deputy c u-ni ng officer and `'rs. Percy green shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division 'No.8 shall be held at 3. S.11o. 4 School and. that �,`rs. �` ildred Son�all be Deputy returning Officer and IArs. Hazel Phillips shall bePollClerk. A!\1D THAT the said Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks be and they are hereby authorized and required to hold the said Municipal Elections in aveordance with the Act and to provide for voting by ballot at the said elections. READ a First, Second and Third time and finally passed the 'rd• day of October 19 60 Reeve* .;� ., ` `<t�',Sz$a �.�.. < � _ -.-..��.�c f._§�s�.,d�>'se:,<.,,. ....:s .��'"s�`•a:'OG... :,�D.,�_ .a,.f Vis, tl. : :�'i�i.,»: �'k°4x����sXia�ys��>,. �m�ais?�` '�"3�0 �����''��i..`.5��' - ..<. �:, S `�' .:,. ...�Sn ,. :u.•� � �� � - - � ' ff - 4 m .1432 'n n r), -I cz, n 14- 1 T T Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars 350,00) 141 4 -7 r • 4- 4c,- n rl rl 15th,, December i n," 0 m 4 t a T..,......dHE +` IlN ( BY-LN1 r A BY -Law to restrict; &na the 'OMi,REJAS it Aas beco:.Gte ex-petc en t: far t^.1 general. golf ere, Of :e ^c�uc� �E nLy ,fn ma.Y.�a ar=k i)rav �,���wes sf*�_s a gAti�r -341d f1sh resources of the C.r-u.iGy by p ,-ese:. vixg ��j f,Ixprc �r r)t 4f i the County; aro. is ,�.:�. �.� , ��. Under t',..�sst :3 of The T�,etas 4 <. � �, ^;: A�xt�� � +• �. e=�r � � d to pass by, 'lam x tg r . t.#n; :;' re�7u- Al .s� rpt �vit, P 's } v cutting, �a�t�':�,".ncox` L t provadirg for the r fs r?L�e �•,. fi` ,., . }: ovUS33 of any by, -,.$w pa�3e.tj �1t4�//�yf { O �J.i l 1 of t' / r Tl r]' y 4s �® �. i.a 1„f �J �j.. t%l. 4$ �J, ' l !„f 4' PI.•a�L.',� 4+'����`J ,� 1J� J.J.. t".��tl • Except as h�i?`eiriaiIter provided, ac:� ' -' vJxg tree o.f t1h&, epee. A.es lia ed bel. %nr -hat snq*J .fi t,ed bAow shall be de6t�-•oy�-.. by cik 'k;' k PIM, .a Alh 4 tee ., I.? Orlm : ora . , 4b JL re i�� White �s�k bard ?fid j M w , Iaek VZ .le air t*�L�ir'/ �•`,, AF '!A L -NUT Black *I ShagSar g, Ic ITO �'iTiA '' h i t a I.R o d y k F"1 i"' 'R�tix�,tree. sta� x /at_r 3.�diWl.e'J:s �+�61JiMJ4�3zj C H SIN UTKentucky 4 41cu, ?ber tree s Sycamore wierican Kew? uc�; dlnnett,r or 25 PINE Jackil SC,Q,.,.r:J LARCH HIR^H . White, Gra-v, B is.ci CEDAR � `shite x Red Black �J.0CU1://3T7 Polack. Nor jy Bi31 eac"'. � ' iiuti �, a . y ti r�a�? IX I� ."1 ref c^'_"""y` el_i ��:� i a sul -, h 3_ i„nellide the bark End b.3 takers at above the highest point of the geround at the bi.,ne the +. ree ,_ 21, This by-law' shall iot apply to a? �-m trees t:•h;_7, i• aria tc 0c., cu.� for us*,, :,r-, :-_ir?.1e �:.�3 t,h��.4 �za rens ; (b) di3eased or Infesrmd • r'ec,3 tha., shr. ul (l 50, or removed tc= prevent. d4&-eaQe Or '_Iaseots fr';)V1 Wind :c Y'' f:t.re 11 i,rAt,r,.1�`1�� JX" 1. 1`r;i�'1' �k?,<E.c�� C> extent t. ,at **(.he r.,ox t f`a:1t of mer�)..ali :•ab e 1� :.�:: ���� in °3��, �r�ees i c riot l tkely� to �ri�..�,� fs; t1 eeo of poor :m and. qua.tity i rail �:10!£i t3 $.�j' c in the s' and C3 1tsrf eeS Ar�-iTitRill or. JW viJlC-d..�.r,� 1 .S )r f3i..`1.- _j e) t"?eatd,rit 31iau.ii'00 C!Ut or, for pi4t.:.nfith.yMaC~s �iir.C�.t cut This by -Law s4al'L he rI vIlt , interfere ♦, -i., f_; P.. -Hon r � a,3 j registered c wirt'r of i and for at,,. 1-a-ast, i-twc yc.-.S..°.w Cut tree -q- t h+ -tie {gra .fi oT hid ��,) W -a (b i :interfara wl -; iii tzny ri ,htk a c•r po-:t'e h ,upc,n a mu.n.foipa:lity, '07 Th;- N.u.Tlioipa). interfGr�X vri :r.: thc., rights rj po is 1 c Who CltT�17�_t,L....T� ' hydro "Jeptri,GPOW(:-" W(:"C:C�i 1, (n 10 . S.n , e-° �— Board or }�C� ��+� i�; �: •:. � .�'�1� �? �. � r: for or oit behalf of The �1..i�s��7`�..il�! i �l i Clz: ar l.n i l i apply tir=e s g7nvi.rig 'upon anyAghwav u porx ar, � t Apply t 1��g"r;W►�S. not exceadln�., o acvresl- Any person v cAcItei tY ? prcl,,-I sloas o1 zap �.s B -10. "i . shy: I.2 be Z i l `'. 0 *" -,fffnic a $ 3lUf ®.?CQ!I�Fy;,,;,f.? at'f?"'Tt t3"s :'��Itii''3.�+t?IiI%3:'�+ �:Y� z it officers o :arfcrret- the p rovisi rnnf �, 1_ 8�r�IJRill tiav be eppoinl,:,cci ,.)y reacil:Iti on Of c0-; c1.*V. and a_a :off ick;. iso appoint est a 3 not be a mems- er o.- t.-ounc lj. for Q-ic4 County if b) hold off -ice :i7" suchterm ae na �;<� �pr.t: •I b �. rezolut ion o.= the Council; end -4 r kc) be paid an. L.).Owallce for salar,,, iok-, 1-1the ramie of per hour when engaged in the enforcement of th.-Is By. - Law and an allowance for travelling e: Tenses at the rate of ten Cents per mile travelled in the eniforce. Ment of this BY -Law, 69 By -Law Nos., 1499 and 1730 of the County Of Elgin are hereby repealed, 70 This By-law z;'-ja-1j come Ln t o f a — c c-� ;;-r,,. - K a., ej e ffe r t Tieda-tely -%-,-.)on rhL passinf- PASSEP on open Council- read-ing IfAh dZtv of (Coun-tyoZ 2n' v-oadl.ng t --le 15th E 'rc:t� " -f C"; of J� D� Llovr .9. Gq b Cr uz, n On t a r c) f 0 Y ,1 w N s ter: BAYHAM TOMSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 1423-1447 J FILE # 40 -.-..-----------------...,----------------M File #40 Date Subject Bylaw # 1423 6 Mar 60 Tb control the use of land. 1433 9 Jan 61 Authorize the borrowing of $ 200,000.00. 1434 9 Jan 61 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1961. 1435 9 Jan 61 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1436 6 Feb 61 Appoint an Inspector for plumbing in Bayham. 1437 6 Mar 61 Provide for 1961 road expenditures. 1438 3 Apr 61 Repeal Bylaw No. 1401. 1439 3 Apr 61 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1440 1 May 61 Provide for 1961 road expenditures. 1441 5 Jun 61 Authorize an agreement providing a common number for the Fire Department. 1442 25 Jul 61 Authorizing the borrowing of 89,300.00 for the erection of a public school. 1443 3 Jul 61 Provide for biennial elections in Bayham. r 1444 3 Jul 61 Appoint an Assessor in Bayham for 1961. 1445 2 Oct 61 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1447 15 Dec 61 Provide grant for Elgin County Fed. of Agr. BY-LAW MIBER 3 THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAY'HAM A By -Law to control the use of land and the character, location and use of buildings and struc- tures erected or to be erected on the Seghers Subdivision in b. the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS it is considered necessary and desirable to regulate the use of land and the character, location and use of buildings and structures erected or to to erected in the Seghers Subdivision in the Township of Bayham. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. The provisions of this By -Law shall apply to the Seghers Subdivision registered as Plan No. 279 in the Registry Office for the County of Elgin, the said Plan having been approved by this Council and the Ontario Department of Planning and Development. 2. (a) Except as hereinafter provided in this By -Law no person shall use any land in Lots 1 to c inclusive and Block "A" on the said Re -istered Plan for other than residential purposes and no person_ shall erect or use any building for any purpose other, than as a single family dwelling. (b) T,Iothing in this section shall prevent the occupant of a single family dwelling carrying on any domestic or household art not affecting the amenity of the neighbourhood or if a professional person, from occupying one or more rooms as an office, providing there is no display of goods or advertising other than a plate not larger than one square foot, but no person shall carry on the business of operating a. rooming house or a boarding house within the defined residential area; and for greater clarity, "operating a rooming house or boarding house's shall be construed to mean provide sleeping accommodation, meals, or both for monetary considerations to more than three persons. (c) The floor area of a single storey house shall be not less than seven hundred and fifty square feet. The ground floor area of a split-level house or of a storey -and -a -half house shall be not less than seven hundred square feet. The ground floor area of a two- storey house shall be not less than six hundred and fifty square feet. No building shall. be higher than two storeys. No building shall have I Jr- an r an exterior wall covering of building paper, composition asphalt, plywood or imitation brick. No building shall have a roof of any rolled -roofing. {d} No dwelling, including accessory buildings, shall occupy more than thirty-three percent of the area of the lot on which it is situate. (e) Not more than one dwelling shall be erected or placed on a single lot as shown on the said registered plan of subdivision. {f } No part of any building or accessory building shall be erected or placed at a distance of less than twenty feet from the boundary of Arthur Street. The minimum width of each side yard, clear of all projections except a two -foot eve projection or a one - foot chimney projection shall be not less than six feet. (g) The total area occupied by accessory buildings shall not exceed eight percent of the area of the lot or parcel of land on which they are situate. Such Luildings shall not exceed one storey in height, and, when not attached to the dwelling, shall be located in the rear yard of the dwelling, provided that a garage built-in and forming an integral part of a dwelling shall not be considered as an accessory building.. No accessory building shall be used for human habitation. 3. Nothing in this By -Law shall prevent the use of any land within the defined areas as a public street, where it has now been designated as such. No building shall be erected or any existing building altered or added to on any lot or parcel of land if the result is to make any building contrary to the provisions of this By -Law. 5. This By -Law shall not apply to any land or buildings which, on the day of the passing of this By -Law, is used or erected for any purpose prohibited by this By -Law, so long as it continues to be used for that purpose, nor shall this By -Law apply to any building the plans for which have been approved by the Municipal Building Inspector or the Council, so long as the building when erected is used for the purpose for which it waserected. b. Purchasers of all lots in this Subdivision must agree.to have the exterior of their homes or buildings completed within a period of two years of the commencement of the construction thereof. ' to Any person convicted of a breach of the provisions of this L' I J. - 3 - By -Law Shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of the convictinE Magistrate a penalty not exceeding the sum off' $50.00 .for each offense, exclusive of costs. Any existing By -Laws of the said Township of Bayham affected by the clauses herein contained shall be and hereby are altered and amended to conform with this By -Laws and this By -Law shall be deemed to rule in the event of any conflict, between this and any other By -Law of the said Township of Bayham. 9. This By -Law shall come into effect` upon the day it receives the approval of the Ontario Municipal Hoard. tie d n pvisio all s ,ed this Read a first., second arr-r-rmc-a-rrs- day of Aug* A. D. 1960. REE 11 CLE, Rx READ a third time and -finally passed this day of 196q► 11 2nd. D so BY- LA -'WV I�UI'IBER 142 3 THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATIO1f OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN A By -Law to control the use of land and the character, location and use of buildings and struc- tures erected or to be erected on the Seghers Subdivision in the Toi%n ,hip of Bayham. Groom & Toth, Barristers, etc., ` Royal Bank Building , Tillsonburg, Ontario. M. ONTARIO THE 0-.\-TAI?1() N.11-NICIPAJ, J30A.RD 145 QUEEN ST. WEST TELEPHONE -EM 3-1211 T ri 1. 11 roli.- o N.. .14 r S - -ind -2-1- Y-+- r, V. 114 It, t .1110 • J. r: F, t `r I'll, -1 101; ' , '--� =r. 1- , I I.' if PLEASE QUOTE FILE NO. .. .. .. ...... . . - iY"y. vtr,-, hereinbefore referred to, and of any and all other povie-1-s vested in the Board, that By—law 1423, passed the 6th day of March, 1961, be and tl,e same is hereby approved. r� ACTING 3ECRTMRY, rl 2. Nr) P.F,I4. 529-60 ,4-Aa;r_ THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN TIP, M►T I' R CF bection 30 c,f The Plarinira,Act i F. S, 0.e 1960, c . "' 670 - and - IN T 4E txTi .M X an ap,llicc..tion of The Corporation of the Township of Bayham for approval of its .Restricted Area Ry -law 1423., B E,F 0 R F HIL. IrF.iUT�i?�DY Vice-Chaimlan, - and - L. J1U4IFS CVJ$ Memb er. Friday, the 7th 6 ay of April, 1961, THIN A111I� 4TION having come on for a preliminary public hearing before the Clerk of the Corporation of the TownsY:ip of Bayham at the Township of Bayham, on t'., -,e 19th daffy of January, 1961, in accordance with special directions of the Board, And it appearing that -notice of the said hearing had been duly given inaccorda_ ce with the said directions, and the said Clerk having reported in writing to the Board the evidence 14 adduced and what was alleged at the said hearing, and having reported that no one aneared in o �sposition to the said a -plication, and the Board hr:ving considered the said report a:x% the said application at a subsevent public hearing at the City o-" Toronto on the 24th day of January, 1961; and the Board having reserved its decision until this day; VE BO�,RD ORDIERS, under and in pursuance of the legislation hereinbefore referred to, and of any and all other powe.-s vested in the Board, that By-law 1423, p .sled the 6th clay of March, 1961, be and t"e same is hereb; * approved. ACTING 3ECR?NARY. n