HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1959BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1383-1411 1959 BAYHAY1 TO1 NSHI P BYLAW RBCORDS BYLAWS [ 1383-14021 FILE ## 38 Bylaw # mate Subject ------------------------------ 1383 5 Jan 59 Authorize the borrowing of 3 200100.00 1 1 5 Jan 59 Appoint officers for Bayham for 1959 1385 5 Jan 59 Apoint fence -viewers and pound -keepers 1386 2 Feb 59 Prohibit@ the running at large of dogs 1389 2 Feb 59 Permits Ccn. Pipe Line Co. Ltd. to hook up 1388 16 Feb 59 Payment for the extermination. of foxes in 1389 2 Mar 59 1-"91 2 Agar 59 1392 2 Mar 59 1393 6 Apr 59 1394 6 Apr 59 1396 6 Apr 59 1397 4 May 59 1198 4 Ea;' 59 1399 6 Jul 59 14,o0 6 Jul 59 1 402 1 Spt 59 Bayham. To appoint a :load Superintendent Provide for road expenditures Restricting Parking Discount on taxes paid in advance adopt assessment on which to levy taxes Guaranteeing payments to the -town of Aylmer Approve the borrowing of 606,000.00 Provide for road -expenditures ire sc ino Bylaw Y;-- 1 ?90 To raise 501700.00 Designate Bayham area of Sub. Div. control F--71 71 100 - 51 Ontario ......... ..................... ........................... rl. .. n..a+rr.'r....................... I . . . . . . . . . ............. BY-LAW No.... - ................ pto authorize the borrowing of Whereas the Council of the (hereinafter called the ".Municipality") deems 'it necessary « to borrow the sum of $ • to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTE. --Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to theestimates for the current" as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19- adopted; ,not including year if ado if last not, to those revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of of year. debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale is of assets, r� 'am��f _ ... �.%i"[ el 3111 y _ --- (Delete this sr' Year lor- th pwrp6 e$ in nt or e- i ins - s ctxai a _ --- Ut tSI1Z . tb �� "1`30«'2`0�`Wa�Z�" paragraphif not 12 Of 1;�' �vf� -S,e�C�a �3� 1 ,'�he� , df whxc tl~ae M unlc p� has ,., , . . Therefore the Council of the of hereby enacts as follows - 1 . ollows 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF'COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate _ r to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 341 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 3.11, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed thisday of s Yt 19; A J TH H .............. ....... D OF THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL' CLERK, We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This day of 19 As Witness the Seal of the of • • • THE ,HEAD 1 OF THE MUNICIPALITY ................................................................... ...... t CLERK TOWNSHIP OF BAM1.141 Bp -Law No. Being a by -lav; to appoint certain officers in and for the lunicipality, of the 12u., nlship of 3ayliam for the year 195 SP BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED in rogular session as3embledoll READ a first$ second and third time and finally Passed this day of J 195 _.eeve, M C That -7 , e_1 C and shall be Valuators Of Livestock and Poultry killed by dogs at 1*00 per hour and *200 per mile One way for car, 2* That shall be school attendance of-ficer at a 6alary of anal 020;' per mile one way for car. 3. That shall be -ced Inspector at '.;,A*00Per hour plus .204 per mile one way +L%or car, 4. That J. D. `V'ullce shall' be Relief Officer att a salary of '240 00 5# That Donald 'L-11* Gibson shall be Township Solicitor,• 6* That70 shall be 'building Inspector at a salary of To 7 -hat shall be Inspector under The Trench r, Excavators ;".ct at $1.00 per hour and .20(,A per mile one way for car. READ a first$ second and third time and finally Passed this day of J 195 _.eeve, M C 4 N • a t 1117`dSHIP OF BAM"1. Sy-»I,aw 1110. 0 ,. Sero, a by -la -I to appoint Fence-vievrers and Pound -keepers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1959. r 4E S Sc c t i on 38 , sub -sec. 47 of The 12unicipal il,.ct , R i S i 0.1950 , proviOes that these appointments be made; IT THE'?MFOR�, �'T � mr� the .. �. E!.AdT .:D b;rb :.unicipal C3. ;uncil Of the orporation of the Totomship of Bayham, in regular se-jsjon assembled that the following be :and are hereby a.%pointed to act as the follow-ing officers for the year '1959 - Pence -vi 95- Pence--vi Lloyd Ile , p . 2 , Vienna Geod, Procunier, R.1,Ingersol,l Robt. G. Jackson, R,l,Straffo `3rinn R. T i l 1. r� sonbur Fred Ball,�straff, Alonzo Flagell Corinth :lillard A ic2Master, Straf.f. Earl Travis, Corinth Donald Duerson, 92, Vienna P(-rcy 1� atthews, -Pt.l, Pt.-I�ur. 4 4 L Ll n c /I c t L; _ f3 l � `1C A/IV /; V Found -keepers. 4 :arid Bratty, R. 2 to Vienna ItiorAace -ague, =til, Straff. Reg. ic` uiggan, R.6, 1ylmer Robt . Jackson, Str ff . Ira 1-,Almine Roll Eden Geo. Procun101*2 R o l v Ingersoll Roy 'Ievill, Vienna Ed. Laemers, 2 , Pt.Bunvc11 T Is F7R�i T ♦T.,.►a . Joe Silverthorne, R.a,Tills. Ray C .t lward , Stra,f, f . Root. Veitch, R.19 Aden .Roy Green, R.1, Corinth MAX f�PD�6s A/5)-fi 6; r_1 READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this s 4h. day of January, 195(,'4, _W -reeve,. BY -Law *Nyo. 1386.. - bEli'lle, Li U7 -law tO prohibite and relrglatf.� tine runrjin­�', lar�.�*e of dors Dal; 4, AU 4 Y L he ii,i. f f.4 A '1' of Secti I on 6 of The Dog Tax and 'i"he Gatl-�lef rlc­ P 9 and '.'cult -r-,- Ir(- j_957, --rovidcs ttolhia-,, co -1 ic-'',- may pas:> such A . AND WHERI ­ A3 it is deemed necessary and cxpedient that such action be taken: 11 1 CI ,)4u i -��o � -, e, 0- ounci- 0-, (a) dog'" means any doq, male or female lncludin,�, the yo-i_&ng, and the and plural of same shall.. have a like .1ca.r.ing. "owner" of' a do-, any, 'x.,S",esse's or "arl=rc. - ..owned" havp. a corres.p,nding meCXning. (c) 11runnin,!T at lar�..701 means when a dog is found in a street,roc-Ad or P�, DuI I I ^ --d not u. -vier 4-'tje blic 0 1- Of "'I'Ownship 0f_'i-_ia1" sha',L.1 mean and include a member of the apr)oint d 4 , . , 0" t'C 7ownshi Town -shin Coun.c_;..1, h I In inclualn- Poundke-eper and any othe.- uf.`Lict:r a oint(_� ' for thAe enforce.-au).,!L of of Township of F1,qyh_.,,,, directed !)vJ. o >-i i p a Io un c i may r r or d f t1l....e aurin -1 W.1.ich do -7 - Lat; at n of L,.ayiiam. :,notice of 5uL, A C' -A t once in a newz;a-per havin-A. Oil _.Fe -al c;rculati Dogs found running at lar. -e con,tr z a ry to cna )roclamatio;i ir,­.ued under this By -Law, may be seized and tiipounQ e 'd 0 4* Any dog imp Funded f4or d 1--criod of t�'111,rce day.,; (72 hour:�,'� may be r killed. unless sooner claimer" , tl-.e ow,­o.r 5, It sha.1-1 be the luty of •+--Ohc. Pou­idkeeper, as soObi as possible after 471 the i 1poundin- o" a do -r, to 4iVe I'Le C_ :Jte s trioti -"I of the said do- and to properly, care 'or Clo", W'rlile 60 J1.ny owner of a doo, may recover Apidl doh frorn the Poundkeener v,Ithin the period set forth J -i ColauJje 4 above, by pay::ient cc ot* followinT, r1ate of' fee-, s Fee f'ork i:npounding per •0 taare and fees' _L ()o per day* (each 24 hour3 or part thereof S 11 be corir-5iflkUred cric, a -v 7# Any o,.vner, who continues to permit '-ds dog run at 'A. far.re af ter 1' sTown notice of by a Towsliirp 0fNrj*e%j,_jj or W-herr lrlse coritr-,,vp"n�,s this fay -Law mcay incur A Penalty of not mare than X50., Cxclus�Lvc 0111, Costs pur 'er "Ifhe eN - and every succi penalty sLica-11 . c� b.rpn)v�rabl'c nQ conviction:. * " 80 A notice iven undr?r Clause 7 above, may he either vert -:al t wricten or printer.' or mailed by regr 'lar post, .,u 90 LT n case where any do _ 1-3 sus-Dectr,of beinin contact with a Tcvinship Official -her .119Y or,i n r the owner o such dog to elt.; lest rod- sa-A or to kee- it in lslol.itary coif int- for such peri,,:)d of - time as may be reco.---.;fiended by .3"overnment Officials. a i i r:3 j(,Q a *V! n rl (.1 of CSigacl,d) ";a j %T .,10 way 4.A o r a ev -.6 Li.tvt amendments rherw- o but LL-- .neaa",,- +..o ,4 :,"o,,, ari(i uinal 'A. 0 d t he t'llereof. a i i r:3 j(,Q a *V! n rl (.1 of CSigacl,d) ";a j %T fly - Lati., 'to, 1474 Tov:nst,, iT, aA:• bay am Being a Fy-I•a-v; to amens !�o, 1386- WHLriEAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that. said THER FORE RL TT �:' 4CT T" byth ;� `��,�.:�� cAreal Council of the Tov; zsY i. f of ' yha.i! a c f of , ov s • 1. Thai. clause (c) of Section i of By -Law io, 1'96 he t41!L' �� a -Id the folto':�in.a �=U"N"ti UtA::, therefoar: -- " i�:�: a it :; t I -:r xet- : ares wrie i �. �1og i -s fGand i str•e rt�;::��..or. I;ax�,G; ortceraui:lic place :�r oany property other tha:a fiat of ZOhe ow,ne-^ a.d .-yet visioly coni lased, When a dog is not visibly confined or restrained to the dwelling or p:4°operty of its owner or ofl, the persoa 3a�v ing caz-e a a custod;� of the same , it shall at 31i dies be restri.Led, upon leash in crlar•:;e O 5::�e person. 11EAD a r .rs . 3ecoad and Third �":se acid fi' naily. passed t h : s 6th day of I%y, 1963. (SiP-ned) C. D. Phillirs (SiLned) J. D. Vallee rieeve.Clerk, A, i, �',A'W o 1 1..: 7 4 Township of Bayhw-.i 11 bein-f a B-y-iaw to amend By -Law No. 1386 ',TFT 1, ' E ' S it is deemed necessary and e,-7pedient that said -N-Law be amended. B- TH&-IHEIPORE h 11 TT by this .".".unicipal Council of the Township of Bayll-kam as fo1:.,_ovvrs:- 1. 4"hat clause (c) of Section 1 of 3y -Law 'yo. 1386 be lelated and the followinT su'O)stitut,.' therefor: - unnin. at lar -ell means when CI - doo- is fL,n,4o,A ,..k in a stre(-,,',, road or hir,71-.Wcay or other puic. 1 i c place or on any proP ei,tv other than that of the owner and not visibly confined, :..,'hen a. Jo,-,, is not visibly confined or restrained trained I i to the dwellin.-r or priperty of its olorner or of the person hvin--r care and cusl%--Iodv of the same, it shall at all times be restricted upon leash in char --e of some person. HEAD a First, Second and Third this 6th dav of T -ay, l9b'). e e v e. time and finally passed. Clem. 40 ; r --Law 'I'lu nb e r Of 77P CORP ;D-, 1ajrtlCi� C`F " rE: E C;' ~i •EAM A T�y-7 aw tici t'_ij.: rr i L Thr, Cedi iir[i i Pi r e "J,, rJ"!t n.• D r. y L "Y"T - /{yr, :..' : ' w � ir" a >ti r , r..� y, r2r.jn r �: �'t '.fir ♦ '" _ �-N ti ..a a •� n ., "n�• �,t� �r of Tc��rrisr r;"f' f<yr r: as fflllox,s • • The Central T i i3e c/nr��'K:ii�� is �tl2t+�l tr } r Y � yw +, Y co xpe arrY , a� tt t .� , x ,.. ..� ,., b � U <...I": V e.. ?" :.� *i � r; � «°� ` ova ;.. ... , _ ., lifts the 7- Z a • is .i �e � 0 Y r, y' i i .y !�`' W t`� ` � Z r � "4 '".? �'7^t -'T ♦ .M � y� 1'� +� S 1.3 �i ] I.., i.."t. (,..Y ! 3 ri "'"� Y T •' t r`z '^. a it ! S I. S! ' .i .:. �` :'� i:.' � �"t f, O a Y �1I tkhie r ;4rt.ies he, rF-,t o T" + y],, tai t 1 l .,1, r` r z i,� l 1"'s �.? `:.� �' u} ,�,''•t Y1�**a r L ,� �j 4 r pt.�. E of f 44 • '= • +� • • • + • s w • a r? -eve b 0 i�Ti N lir"L of Fc.,bruary .D. 195~ i.'HPC' i i .. J. .L # o.i.. oth r T',✓ w : i s t i j o Y; � ✓ � Y � � L4 x t the .. :-ilE iJ 'E -J E ` '_l + J T Y i T !S f i T -P •, • W � r .,fie of .J _i i C' i Jr Y1 • l.; i 1959, a con 1 i "- � � ��� �� � 1..'a w t: .i .� . 7 �...• c .i, �....i � t.i �� � i ar 4 � 'w j" L 1'l �l i.i'J. �' �j^'s i•J:,•l �+' J . wG-' (/ice .,i• i ,j / i. • s • • • i • i • w ♦ • ♦ It At A • • ♦ • t i • r � r _„ E f.,' %r C, l 0 T ?"It ti.ls i1, as T t-� a e S Z G` e r-4 t+ x ., o'�. l • � �. �._s �„� �� R.. (^* .� t^ �^� \e .. (^ 3y Y.t .� . !` .+`', ,t 4. WIN, 1388 To-S,mElhip of Bayha.m. Dein - a "Ry -Law to -,)rovide for the payment of a bc)unty "'or the )X hi) o :,unicipal ,ct nrovides -co 27 o' '7i f sul - ' e for bt')unties for t -,e "�_'strut: blon of fuxes; it is deemed necc;ssary and expedient `I-*haICj this be done; by c. rUniCi,)al Council of the Io'VMShj J. I p of Bayham as followS3:_ 1* T -hat '--.he of Ini_,rty of Four D o -1- 1 r s f o r each fox do 4v,- roved 'vii' thin the said T oi-i-n.-aip ant', for 41: s aprlicat 1-- aprlicati on i;; la(An- t,"i-I the, sai(l "ownship of Bayhcam including Villa,(res of Vienna and nort Burwell, 2. Applicaticn bc, ',n t ';' to b e ri nr r, t o t;' c, o,ffice of the Township Clerk, durin7 re,-rular office hours by comnlet4n: an applicatil-,I-)n foi.-m ntno' -;iruin - !71 lleclJration that the fox was killed the Tovrnship and th, tail of tie fox, in a plastic bar- to be 7,(ft In't the office;-Ik1, r rk ,, -rho !All forthwith th o C destroy J This '3y -Law to J's . -4 be effective from Feb* 2nd, 1959 until rencalled. R-Irj.'ij a fi,rst, second and third t-ime and fizially passec"L this 16th clay of 7e 11. 1945 91 (S-igned) Basil Nevill, -.Ocve* (Signed) J. Do Vallee, Clerk. it J. D. Vallee, Clerk of Bayham Township, hereby -,_z.,rtify the above to be . a true and correct COPY of Township of 3ayham By -Law No. 1388, ji Glerk 6:r ayam ONTARIO 01.PARTM['_,N­j- C)F WGW-'VAYS Mr. J.D. Vallee Clerk., Township of Bayham StrafforJville., Ontario fie: Township of Bayham By-law No. 138Q Dear Sir: Toronto 5, Ontario April i4th, 1q5q This is to inform you that the Honourable Fred M. Cass, Minister of Highways, has approved the attached By-law No. 1389 increasinE the salary of Mr. john C. Tribe, Township Road Superintendent, from :3,000.00 per year to +46,5500.00 per year, effective the 1st day of January'. 1959. JVL: GG Yours very truly, J.V. Ludgate Municipal Engineer D. Yallee CLERK OF THE CORPORATION OF THE: TOWNSHIP OF Bayham — PO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING 18 A TRUE: copy or, By -"w No -1389 PASSED By THE COUNCIL OF THE SAID CORPORATION ON THE 2nd 0 DAY Or' APPROVED 1 FORM M,R,17 BY ---LAW NO, 1389 A BY—LAW TO APPOINT A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAY U..-iCOUNTY I N THE F7.G IN 'i?t"5'Tlr�'tC''T" *OF WHEREAS I7- IS DESIRABLE THAT THE LAYING OU -T AND SUPERVI'i10N OF ALL WORK AND EXPENDITURE UPON IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADS WITHIN THE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF THIS COUNCIL SHOULD 0E UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT, ACTING UNDER ITS DIRECTION, AND WHEREAS t "i IR THE DESIRE OF THIS COUNCIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT AND TO RECEIVE THE GOVERNMENT GRANT AS PROVIDED IN THE SAID ACT, BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE SAID TOWNSHIP AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED. 1 o THAT John Cl. `-'."i•ibe (NAME) Strafferdvilie , {.btarie. (ADDRESS) IS APPOINTED ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE SAID TOWNSHIP TO ACT AS AFORESAID IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEPROVISIONS OF THE SAID ACT FROM THE I 't• U ani DAY OF a AND DURING THE PLEASURE OF THE SAID COUNCIL, 19 59 2. THAT THE ROAD SUPERINTENDENT SF-fALL BE PAID AT THE RATE OF s3500.t')O PER FOR SUCH TIME AS HE MAY BE SO EMPLOYED, 3, THAT IT SMALL BE THE DUTY OF THE SUPERINTENDENT TO LAY OUT AND SUPERVISE ALL WORK AND EXPENDITURE ON ROADS WITHIN THE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF THIS TOWNSHIP COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE_ WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT. 4. THAT ALL BY—LAWS OR PARTS THEREOF AND ALL AND ANY RESOLUTIONS OF SAID COUNCIL CONTRARY HERETO OR INCONSISTENT HEREWITH, BE AND THE SAME ARE HEREBY REPEALED, 5. THAT TWO CERTIFIED COPIES OF THIS BY—LAW BE FORWARDED BY THE CLERK WITHOUT DELAY TO THE DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL ROADS BRANCH, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. 6. THAT THIS BY --LAW SHALL NOT COME INTO FORCE UNTIL APPROVED BY THE MINISTER OF HiGHWAYS, AS PROVIDED IN THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT, READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS `nd.DAY OF 1 --larch 1959 (SEAL) ( Signed) J. D. Vallee. CLERK (Signed) Basil Tlievill . REEVE I. J. D. Vallee CLERK OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF Barham QO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE COPY OF BY—LAw NO 389 PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE SAID CORPORATION ON THE 2nd. DAY OF Ivin ch 19 ig TOWNSHIP CLER Form MR. 16, 58-3802 BY-LAW NO. A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 -' � EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP Bi� _`.`':''f N THE COUNTY OF ,T "7.n. WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: "6 000 CC` M' The sum of_.....__._.._......_._.._.._rs hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19= as follows: Construction Maintenance Total ROADS ' $ BRIDGES & CULVERTS .... $._...__.._.__'. _.......... .......... _r ........ NEW MACHINERY , SUPERINTENDENCE & O"HEAD .. $_._____ • TOTALS $ .:_.. $ nil w (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) Thi approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at... "<iv lm 1_.'fihis__. (SEAL) F` -.._....,,,},�,.,c'�"_.moi.:_...—.,—,..:..�.�._...._.�....V..,,..._.:......__...._...............__ :. Clerk ric'$day of,.. I J ` .._.__.w..__.� . _..__... Reeve , Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of_.. ....... _ _...._._._, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the...._.___ _....._._ ,_.__..._........._.. dayof _. ................... ___.._._..._.__..._.. ._.... ...._.... _ _ 19_ _.__ _._..... Township Clerk. w I FORM MR -18 58'---3803 TOWNSHIP OF �� ��' ..._._—RE: BY-LAW No ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 1. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS LOCATION (BY LOT AND CONCESSION) (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS — TYPE AND LOCATION NATURE OF WORK MILES I i SUB—TOTAL ESTIMATED COST ` a r SUB—TOTAL (C) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (ITEMIZE) , (D) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS — EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) BRILLS RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) MILES ___ ._.... �_... SURFACE TREATMENT MILES ROADS — ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK FILLING, SWEEPING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING. DRAGGING, BLADING DUST LAYING — CALCIUM. SALT. OIL. PRIME DITCHES. TILE DRAINS. CATCH BASINS. CURBS, GUTTERS, DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING. CUTTING. BRUSHING, FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL. SIGNS, ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL — SNOW FENCE. PLOWING. BANDING. SALTING (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS (C) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 0 SUB—TOTAL k SUBTOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL �ir frC _ Dates Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data In the form indicated NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that total of items I (a) and 1 (b) beer to total of items 2 (a) and 2 (b). i i I i Dates Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data In the form indicated NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that total of items I (a) and 1 (b) beer to total of items 2 (a) and 2 (b). a ONTAr410 J. D. Vallee, Cleric , To -,,;ns s I'll o f al.rh � St f 4'or d'viL.i_ , Ontario. Worn ao 5 , {" 15, 19-59. P. D, Bear Sir: Re: 119'59 read Expenditure -y-law ,oer 1391 rmc-)unt 10, ; r„ Ine Hcnourable Fred ' �ut��arized t}.P arrrava of hip. "asp, ��.ir,istAr ofihways, bas r. ao0ve c itad by -lana to -a unit c f 2��,►J: , for ,:;anstr► acticn r for ',,aintenancQ and PI' ec;: e .r:a t�,. t -=r lei PX t h ti nd .urPS C is 0f' ei�.aer ti:e constr:cti.on or :airiterarCe , ..units will not by Q� ; inl� subsidy unless covered by a s t�� � t },, h �y� .nor � 1 i,.t F-� 1'1 � A fr, t� ('t .. ' it 3 +_ a �'� �j"! a�Y1�approved by vi e t li'aJ s f�r• s s ay rLval iS n ► ct t,, t individual rworkNo �, '.it�e save e a ,��ai �.� eaci r� d and bridge cor:structior� each contract for maintenance and '4hp: Y,urcras� �,;, y , . ��.tlpt'I�ril, . ' i Ie District, �.unicipal rri ineQr rr�uS ,. � , t be a, vis..d and his consent ootair Pd before such works or urchase:' are r,,rQ , � a.j or tenders called or ants corfurr- rlent mane by the-,)1„.s4� ip `-pith r s pct to thP ;, Sn the ?vont that anort on �f t., t,.�St �:?' r� , A c0 proncsed word, or ti�-p purchase is to be raised in a sll spouarat year or ir�a,�:ced by the issue c;1' dpbonturec �, ire a :pro�ral of tf ntar io aur<iciNal Board must be obtained b fora t work or purchase is aUt :oriz { �: e d or any corn=r,i-r�:erIt ": ade with respect thereto. �jne coPy Of the by-law as approved is rn turned r erewitij . Yours very truly, % _ 3 t •V'• Lu4ate P uniclpai '"ng1naP.T', . !L incl. I,-- J . -D, Vallee Clerk of the Corporation of Barham p of the Township do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No.1391 , passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the__ 2nd,* day of Lurch 19-5-9— ^ ----- AP2 r Township Clerk. t Porn MR.16, 58-3802 BY-LAW NO. 1391 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 1959___ EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF —-- -------JN ` t�`-`A—,_._._..--�._.__IN THE COUNTY OF..__ EUUN WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $_. 66 00 O hereby estimated as the expenditure �._. upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19-r2-9-- as follows: Construction Maintenance Total ROADS ............ . ........ $ 4,P5000 $ 31,350• _. $ �'5 f$50 , BRIDGES & CULVERTS ....... $.i.:L f 0C3U • 13 a500* NEW MACHINERY ............ $_12s650* _ $ nil $_ 12_:.650• ` SUPERINTENDENCE & O'HEAD..X 50• 3P6500 1+00000 TOTALS . 20#0000 1+6 , 000. µ66 , 000 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road Superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed a Ltx'affordyill -* ! •- 2nd • y 1 ic�i..t'' C,1 � . __ _ .--.-._,day of. A.D. 2 (SEAL) Sigrled) J. D. Vallee. Clerk ( Signed) Basil Nevin, Reeve I,_..___ J. D. Vallee Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of_ -_...__.__.__Y__.________.___..._.___._.._______._, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No.1391_.__.., passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the-. ...nu._• day of_._.____ March APul _,......,,,..�,,,..,.........-��..-..---•-�-.-.`... •s, D.H.' t. r- Township Clerk. T ownsnip of Bayham. By -Law No, 1392. The c; o unc it of the Corporation o l" the 3- unic ipality of the Township of Dayham enacts as follows 6I' I -I I`f IL OT. S rAxthe-urpose of this by -Law: - j ark mca.n: the standir,; of a vehicle, whether occuflie-d or not t e o rwi se than temporarily for the purpose of and while: actually r n&;aged in loan" ing or ur.loca ing . Street or "I irrhwa incl odes a common or public high -way, street, -.venue, par V �y, ,driveway ;quare, �1�1^�, bridge, viaduct or tresk.le, designed .and inte.n'ed for, or used b -j, the genual public for the passage of vehicles • Vehicle means every device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or dravm upon a Air;hway, except (devices moved by human power, ,vileTHOD OF P1UlhI °dG 0 person shall park a vehicle or, highway Pio. 19 in the Hamlet of Straffordville unless on the right hand side of the highway having regard for the 'irection in which the vehicle had been proceeding and unless the right Front and right repr wheels or runners of the vehicle ate parallel to and distant respectively not More than six inches From the edge of the roadway. TJu~�6:jLTJ. '•:.y person violating any of the provisions of this by-law shall be subject to a penalty of not more than Ten Dollars ('10.00) for the first offence and. not more than Fifty Dollars '-50.aO ) or every subsequent offence exclusive of costs, and all such A shall be recoverable under the Ontario Summary Conviction .,:ct . This by-law shall not become Affective until approved by the Department of Transport and until the signs have been erected and are on display. f�n.aeted and passed this 2nd. day of Tyiarch, 1959. 5 John Yaremko ( Signed) Basil ,' evil.l ;z�:, s; ►.neve 1 e , 1 (Signed) J. D. Vallee. er I, J. D. Vallee, Clerk of the Townsh �p of Bayham, hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of Township of Bayham By --Law No. 1392..�� .. yyj t Clerk o f Bayh 4s h i p.. , ° am o 0 n 4 Law I No C3 To,t,rnship of Bayham ein 1j, a By -Law to provide Jror f - ',e a-lJ- lowin-r of a discount paid in A�. advance and for irriposin.,­ a penall-#y for non-,)ayment of taxes when due. `111"'EAS subsection 4 (a) of 33ection 113 of the %.ssessment. .*.ct as riended in 19511 nrovides for the allowin,57 of a discount: '*T 7;D 6VHEREAS sui-osection 3 of Section 113 of the said AsseSsment .pct as amended in 195-2, provides fo.,-, imposinf:- a nenalty. .fl' 0-�e H AND 1VHE-'EJAS it is dee-nied necessary and expedien-41., that `is act -Jon be taken, T !H IT" F '-/, R1] BE IT E` ACTED by the 11�1i.inic-]*Lnal 'Jouncil of the Township of B-,�-%rhaim as follows me 1. That '1':•-:efolloiiin­ rates of discount be allowed _,'�or na,,,rmn c, in adve.nce o:� S'econd Installent c" taxes, T On or 1D/efore Duly 20th ------ 2`` On or before Cc4u--. lst - ------ 1-' 2. That a penalty of one per cent be char -ed for -ion--,-,a-,,-nent of taxes or any instC.'alme-ni, tk.,*,xereof on the first day of default "-.ND on the first dal,;, of each calen,--Ikar month thereafter in which default colatinues stn to the end of -17"he -.-ear during- which the said (,-..re levied. 3. (a) that the last 2 sentences of Cla.use 3 of By -Law 'Jo 1067 be deleted, (b) Tha''11-0 Clause 2 of Bly-Law11yo t10''�9 b e deleted._e - ( c ) 11 1 3 . t? Ty 11 f? 1 1 � 6 ?t it (d) That Dy -;,yaw J'10- 1173 be renealed. k READ a first, second and third t-ii-iie C_ -,V1 finally passed this dal- of Anril, 195`, 6y_ <2/ Reeve 1/57 Clerk. 1 w v t t By -Law No Township of Bayham Being a by-law to adopt the a—lessment on which thr taxes shall be levied for the year 1059, to levy the taxes for the year 1959 and to provide for the collection thereof. 'IHBRBAS by By -Law No. 1067 and amendments :;hereto, the Council of the Township of Bayham provided for the flak i ngr of the assessment o7 the municipality prior to the 1st. day of. Sept. 1958, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1:59 should be levied; AND ',,, HL'i .EAS the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of -Lev sion of the said Tovinshio on the 6th. day of October, 1951; A1JD '.•4',HEREA3 no anneals were heard by the Judcre ; AD..i" EIRE'S it is expedient to adopt thf' said assessment as the assessment on which the rate of taxa -.4 -on .1'or the year 1951 shall be levied; w *TITE:1.B 3whole, it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rate- able property according,, to the lase revised assessment roll of the said To�vrnshin the sum of for the 7eneral purocses of the said To,nnsz:in for the current Tear, � for t'le na��men , o' the County rate for the current near, and ~ or tyle purpose of- def ravin - part o. the expenses of ublic, Senerate and High >chool education, and other purposes; •y..�� ^."'S ��1 �j ,{ '�-� !�z THE { P'f? T q 'Y T f'1.1 T p � i TL11Ji11JL 4L� ti3it �1 i1 J 1.3 1� t.��i �A ...e tWi i lil r�'�1 ZY 7� YTS;`+• ((�xqY T';D C 1 r! .-tr T x;T r . L.i �J ' . _ _. ., <,i :. ' ..�f L.e i `4 .... T_ t±f V � :.J z �� � h 1. That the assess:dent contained in the a-ses,`-ment roll of the Townsi ip of Bavham as made-)ursi,iant to By -Lair No. 1067 and amendments of the , Col - and passed ��y the Co -:-:rt of said r. olvrnship, and -as revised aevision, be and the same is hereby adopted and con"irmed as the assess- ment on ahich t1le rate of taxation for the year 10?5` shall be levied. 2. That the said asp essment roll be and the sate is herebv adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll _'orthe said To,vnshin. 3. That, : or the nur?)ose of Drovidinc- the sum of ,; 9'. 0z "or the general purposes of the Corpora -!-,ion , includin the a,dount required for my pur �o es acid other purposes for the current year, a rate of ,__371#0 mills in the doll< r be an' d the .-amc is .sere "Dy 1e v i e d for the gear upon the hole of .he said assessment of "-the saga lo.,rnshio accord- in7 to the last revised assessme �.t ro 1 �'_ , except teat on an assessmen u of ,9 * , 030, co , a reduction of 1/,bv3.30 nein= y•0 mills, shall be made owing to .,he per capita -raizt from the Provincial overnmen , y or taxat- ion relief for `'arm and residential pro.>er--•'_es, as shoum in he folio-rYin� summary; - To tal taeneral ra-e ------ -/ *0 Mills �oL,nty rate ------------- 5, j7 :i otal it mess re:�uction - --- 3 0 Tr 4. T': i t, in ad-iition, for the-)ur,)ose of providin,-,, the sum of 64,-.?� 6� for Public sc *Iool u, uca :ion for the current Near the fog lo.. -in � mill be and the same are hel-eby levied for the year 1159 u -)on the respective portions of the said asses Ment of the 'ublic School supporters of the -."aid Tl olv nship according; to the last revised assess- -uent roll, as indicated hereunder;- en ublic School Section 1'o. 1, on assessment of . 137 &3-b- --- /8 r2 r' 4 99 8 -21-3 rt G 97 9 3� lb 3t 4 > >.2. 23 172, 0 g6 . Vienna-3ayham area ,� 3 7 n X-5 Bavham Townshlip Area ,� 9©9 717. Port Bur:.ell-Bayham :`,red 0 t 2 And in addition, to raise. the sum of for Separate School purposes, the follo7•.inrate be levied;- Vienna Separate School on as. essment of -alahide sr rr it It rr q, .9 40,0, J_',p rt Tillson burg rr rr rr if :r 7, 8.490. ___ j 3 •;L rr HoucTh ton rr tt rr tr rr LR /00, And in addition, on assessment of 'f 3, t oo. of the Vienna Separate School Sup )orters, for Vienna '?ublic School Debentures, rate of mills on �,he dollar be le,%ri ed; and in addition, on assessi'zient of 349, o �a• of the Vienna Separate School Su;orter s, or;a�rha�m A o�nship 2Airea Public School 11.)eben-,ores, a. rate of ills in the dollar be levied; and in addition, on assessment of =�, (goo, of the Vienna Separate School Stip-.r)orters for 5. ;. io. 2 debentures, a rate of 3'.3 =*tills ie levied; and in addition. on assessment of > /Z 60©..0.49 :Ile Tillsonburg Separate chool Sunpor�:,ers, for Dayham To ;:ns��i� Sciool area Leben -ores, a rate of mills be lev 4 eco: and in ('.ditioii on assessment of of the Houk hton Senarate `school Iiunti>orters , dor Ba -:h .m `'o-:.:!iship "cc,o1 rea Debe-n-ores, a r .te of Y-2 rmi? is be levy :� , _nd in addition, to raise�� s .m of ; �3, b�3 bb .:'c.r -,`econdaj. _ ScI-.001 iducat ion, :; �e follo--in~� rates are '�ereby levied on tie r-: s�pec�,ive ''i --h �>chool .`areas; - .Nast El in Hish School rArea on assessme : of ypl, � �_ --- 16 :mills i, i l l s on ,_- ur,- rr » tr tt " r, .� 1 a G _ _ _ 13,7 tr 5. What, in addition, for sk.r 1J,-�.ht�n� ��ur.:oses, the fo'llo .::� s xs be and are hereby levied upon the res `ective assess-ilents in each of the f olloi,. ig street ]..J_ ting areas;- Stra fordville, on assessment of mills Richmond It :r it Z c?, r/ %J ..._.. !'�.�'• �f1 »_ �{ � rr Eden 1t tr sr G 7, 07.ti, __.. G2•,Y z � . y It Corinth tr tt rt ; 3, pori _.... /y7..2e br 5 tr 6. The ;clerk shall pre --,are and deliver ;.he aollec or t s Voll to ,he Tax kiollector on or before the 'First... daft of June, 11,159, 7, ll taxes or other special rates s^all be 7aid into '.tae office of the Tax Collector or ' reasurer of the " o-,-.-nshi L o ' �a,rham or into the Branches o. the Canadian Dank. of Commerce at Straffordville, Vienna, Port Burwell or Tillsonbur~1. 8. Taxes shall become d��e -:nd payable one -hall" on or be -fore -July 20th. 19,59 and one-hali on or before December 21st. 'c5'. Penalties for non- pa,�Tment when due and d- ,counts for pre-paynn7ent of ta. es shall be as ;provided for in Py-La�T neo, 1393 of the said Tc wn. shio of Dawrha,! . 9. The Co]_lec ;cr sh ll h1ave the privile--e of mai141n the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the 'lo ..,nshin at their last knoi%rn address. 10. After fourteen d `Ts notice, the C.ol: ec t��r . or '^is ='ailif �' "i��;V" seize any -oods and chattels for un -id taxes. L Ao.D a first, second d a Y of nd -Wird tilne and finally passed this 1950. Reeve. m 5 no 1396 rateeinerl- ,-r cain the Of . ­ ­ , ­­ �y ,m. n.1, � u na-,rmen",-.-:) to th,:, Town, of ud ed in the Ea3t El. --i n the shl. n of Ba am, Hi<rr'q School District* b the increase,, In n`Lmbe.r :)-f nu,-)-'ls -'r r,:-�ason of at te nd inr H -h School i n t lez, said D tr I (C t , I t is ex -)ed _J ent i,,� L to enl��rf-e- the pres­",,,, I nt ii C;� � 3c . )ol .i 'yrs S r7p the, ",-1 11.1 $ k �, I i t i� i a t-, d i - +-'�� I P, L. owr, 0-,r, I '_ P in t",,e Count -T of -i]1r.,ino I A I 7D 7�, "-* -�. �j .9 .1 "1 �V, Ili I MCI t -1 c -) - " -'1 0 f 7- 1 7 -'� -, I s u i n e d eb P n t are In u'A e C) 0 , t \.1 -,:a '17or th e n s e t 111," o t-1 f 4 - school . ov ns,' p Cy.:. 3aa as v e ewent and is res-')onsibl�- Lo the 71o,, -in of for a ­-1',rt1,,o, of 1,110- Costs of the sa-ie. s 1ri 1, -) -f 3 - ­ ayhaM enacts aS, folio: - 1. The Townsl-,jr) 0' r- Bg uarantaes to -)av -0 the Town yha, of i"r1--ley, a S'Inl 01 loney on acco,jnt o{the debenzture issue q nf abD Ve -e"err.-d tn. each and every ,,rear 1:,.intill the sarne is ")aid off. 2* TI -Le ai._o,-,,nt tIl-e an-nual 7,a--�emt.- -so ­.z­rantecd, sl..Iall a­)(-,;,,rc-ni. Lp­-e 4-q- arr-.,lal all d n t s s,,je L ance "Ic orlrl 'd jL".L ho 4- E' t C" - 0 Is �4 of o, n ,) f Ayln.er -assed )n t.�jat andshall be t1he e�-,ialized ass -ss -en of t','riat r)o_rtjon of the To-, of 3a,,,-'.Ia-, the- East Is la d -.ien*L-. of Sc'­o.-)l'Dis-1u-rict bears to t, e total e tali zed ass-sz,:, h - L, all lan,-1 e vast ri i, ',TJ th 4. 1 ScInoc) I District. Si.prmed 2 Read a I'lirst time this 6tho d a -,r off' April A. D. 1^Z> 9 Read a Second t -I-n e tris 6th• da --r of r A. D. 10-9, an,"", read a Th-ird an,d finall,,, a used t '- -1 s 6th day of April D 90 0 Si.prmed # � � i .,a �... � `Y" `.R. , F x By-Law No. � �+ %t f THE CORPORATION OF THE TOW14SHIP OF BAYHAIrI A By-law to approve of the borrowing; of 4606, 000.00 by the Town of Tillson- burg upon deben -ures for the erection, equipment and furnishings of a. Nigh School Building in the Tillsonburg High School District. WHEREAS the Tillsonburg District High School Board has applied to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham for its approval of the borrowing of Six hundred anr: Six Thousand Dollars (4606j000.00) upon debentures to be issued for t?-:e purpose of erection, equipment and furnishings of a thigh School Building to be located in the clown of Tillsonburg in the County of Oxford for the Tillsonburg High School District. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg is passing a By-law, a copy of wiich is hereto attached for the purpose of the said borrowing and i ssllin debentures and is arranging for the approval of The Ontario NunicipaI. Board with respect thereto, AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient for the Corpo- ration of the Township of Bayham to accept its portion of the payment of principal and interest and any other expenses in connection therewith. THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows:- 1. The Corporation of the Township of Bayham hereby approves the said borrowing of Six Hundred and Six Thousand Dollars (4606,000.00). 2. The Corporation of the Township of Rayham hereby accepts its share of the principal and interest and any other expenses in connection with the said debenture issue by the Municipality of the Town of Tillsonburg. 3. That commencing in the year 1960, and in every year thereafter in which an instalment of principal of the said debt and interest become due, the Corporation shall levy and raise its share of the said principal and interest and any other expenses in connection therewith as determined in accordance with the provisions of the High Schools Act (or _2_ any amendment, substitution or any other law which may he in force from time to time) upon all of the rateable property of the said Municipality which lies within the said District. 3. This By-law shall come into force and effect on the day of the final passing thereof. Read a first and second time this May, A.D. 19590 ee e Clerk day of • T, Read a third time and finally passed this - N day of May, A.D. 1959, ee Clerk IWW CORPORATION OF TI'LL TOWN OF T A By-law authorizing the borrowing of Six Hundred and Six Thousand Dollars upon debentures for the erection, equipMent and, furnishings of a High Schaal Building in the Tillsonburg High School Area. WHEREAS the Tillsonburg High 6chool Area is comprised of the Town of Tillsonburg, the Village of Vi*nna, the 'pillage of Part Burwell, the Township of Naughton, part of Che Township of I'Aiddleton, part of the Township of t ayham, part of the Township of South Norwich, part of the Township of North al- singhan and part of the Township of Derehan, An WHEREAS the Town of Tillsonburg has been requested by the Tillsonburg High School Area board to raise the gine of Sias Hundred axed Six Thousand Dollars 4 4606, 00D. 00 3 for the purpose of the erection, equipment and f umishiAgs of a naW . District Nigh School building. AND WHEREAS it is expedient for the said purposes to barrow for the financing thereof the said sins of Six Hundred and Six `i nousand U011ars { X06, • oo) upon the credit of the Corporation, and to Issue debentures therefor bearinginterest t at the rate of five and three-quarters per centum (50) from they date Of issue until paid, and to provide for the discount and the expenses incidental to negotiation and sale of such debentures; Al"D *IA AS it is expedient to make ther P inoipai of the said debt repayable in annual iftst&lnents duringthe period Of twenty years next after the date of issue of such debent ure s , of suoh set"Ats resPectivoly that,, with the interest in respect ct Of the debts the Aggregate amount payable for principal and inte- rest in each year :shall be as nearly as ,possible the same- sub. r Jett to the proviso that each instalment of principal iso be y for sen even 4100.00, #500000 or #19000.00, or multiplethereof* that notwithstanding anything herein contained, the annual instalment of principal and interest may differ in amount suf fi- - 2- ciently to admitthlereof; AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Punicipality, according to the last revised assessmient roll thereof to , 6621 08th. . "D WHMEAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the Corporations exclusive of Local Improvement debts seed by special rates or assessment is $937*150.00 and no paw of the principal or interest of such debt is in arrears; AND WHEREAS by Order dated the day of October, 195 , the Ontario Municipal Board has approved the purpose of the .said borrowing and the p48sin9 of all requisite _- y -laws, including debenture By-laws; . THEREFORE the Council Of the Corporation of the `ice of Tillsonburg enacts as follawsl.- 1. For the purpose aforesaid the Corporation shall borrow upon the credit of the Corporation a sun not exceeding Six Hundred and Six Thousand Dollars ( 606 ,. C)Oj and shall issue debentures therefor in suss of not less than $100-00 each* Lach debenture shall bear interest at the rate of five and three- quarters ger centum (5M per annum from the date of issue until the date of payment, payable annually and shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of such interest, 2* All the debentures shall bear the same date, shall be issued at one time and within taro years after the day on which this by*law is passed, may bear any dai.e within such two years and shall be made payable, in annual instalments curing thep eriod Of twenty years next after the date of issues thereeof, and the res- pective auomts Of prineipal and interest payable: In each of such yearn shall be the amolmt so designated in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. 3 • The debentures shall be payable as to bath principal and interest In lawful money of Canada and may be ,made payable at such place or places in Canada as shall be designated thereon. 4• the said debentures shall be sealed with the seal of V 403- the .3- the Corporation and signed by the Aayor or, heeve or b • y somew, other person authorized by by,.la,w to sign t�Ie 8&mep and by the Treasurer* The said interest coupons s 1?a li be signed by the Treasurer and his signature thereon ma 0 y written, stamped, lithographed or engraved. 5* Commer ci.ng in the year 1959 and thereafter in each year in which a payment of principal under this by-law and interest thereon becowe d1je, the Council ��Iall lei ,and '�` raise in that year on all the rateable property in the.tauni cipality an mount 'sufficient to pay such principal and interest to the extent that such amount has not been Provided for by the sPeCi,al rates imposed on persons or property F y ode liable therefor by the by-laws of all the other .municipalities wh011y and partly included in the Tillsonburg High ichool. Area. '_ "he said debentures may contain a clause or� or the registration thereof pursuant to Section 335 of The Municipal Act. 7* Pending the sa P of the said debentures, the liety©r and the 'treasurer may raise for the purposf•s aforesaid b way sy of lean OA such► debentures any sum or sums of money not exceeding g in all the sum hereby authorised to be borrowed and may hypothecate p � hecate such debentures for such loan. fit* The Corporation shall have the right, g , at its options to redeem that portion of the said debentures which mature in the year 1978 on any date prier to maturity at thelaces p where and in the moneys in which the said debentures are expressed to be payable, upon, payment of the principal amount thprmof together with interest, accrued to the dame of redemption and upon giving previous notice of said intention to redeem by advertis ixlg once in the Ontario Casette and once in a daily news a P pef. of general provincial circulation, published in the City of Toron to, and once in a local newspaper, such notice to be advertised as aforesaid at least thirty days before the date fisted for rredeap- tiara* h®tice of intention so toredeem shall also be sent by Post at least thirty days prior to the dates set for such red emp- u OW440 tion to each person in whose name a debenture so to be redeemed is registered at the address shown in the 1) benture Ftegistry book. 9. The proceeds from the sale of the said debentures or the sum of money borrowed thereon shall be forthwith paid to the Tillsonburg High ;school Area board. Read a first and second time this day of October, 1958. M I YOR, day of Read a third time and finally passed this 1959. �,.A TRE CORPOR T1UK OF THE TOWN OF' TILLSONBU R0 BY-LAW Ott. Schedules "A" SCHEDULE OF MATURITIES Coupon: 54 Year Principal Interest Total 1 17, 00th 34* 845. 51, $45.00 2 18,300 339867.50 51,867.50 3 190000 329832950 51 0 83 2.50 J# 20 g 0300 31, 740. to 51, 740 * 00 5 21p000 30, 590.00 519 590000 6 229500 29 * 382.50 51 f 882 s 50 7 239500 280088*75 51,588*75 8 250000 26, 737.50 54 737.50. 9 269500 25, 300* 00 51., 800,00 10 28,E 239776.25 51,776,25 11 299500 22,166.25 51, 666.25 12 31000 20 9 470.00 51, 970.00 13 33 , 000 189 65# * 75 510 658.7 5 14 35,000 16,761.25 54761.25 15 371,000 14*748M 54748.75 16 39, 000 12, 621.25 519 621 * 2 5 17 "000 10, 378.75 51, 878.75 18 43 000 7, 992.50 51, 492.50 19 469500 5, 491.25 S1, 991.25 20 490000 29817.50 519817.50 4 6069000 4299 266* 25 41, 03 5, 266.25 A b k 4 Mme. CL 0 I,& ct co 1 o a A W0c '3144014 0w a. at 4 Q = 0 ,+ 1-0 174 ::r rC+ via 4 0 Form MR -16, 58.3802 BY-LAW NO., 1398 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 199.... EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OFaY' _.. _-- _..__._IN THE COUNTY 44644a cT. WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows; (1) The sum of $...42—.00Q1_00 , .._....-is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the .year 19..E f'_._ as follows. Construction Maintenance Total ROADS ..................... $ 1_._ , 04t _._ $_..__...-- $-1-4-:.x-1..._00 BRIDGES &CULVERTS ........ $271.870.00_.. $__.'�0 NEW MACHINERY ............ $_...� __. $ nil $_..._.�._. SUPERINTENDENCE & O'HEAD .. TOTALS ........... $ , 40 4_._ $_.2.� 000 •00_ (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at�traff©rdvill�,ish.day of_ W �49t__ �......___.__A.D. 19 (SEAL) l 'r'_1 c Ct J. J. Vallee Clerk .__ 3rale..._._ Reeve , Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of___, B ,yhan1 _ _., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No.__,. `' passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the_ day of_---.__ __'_..__ 19__'- Township Clerk. gt ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF 141GF4V•:AYr; Toronto 5, June 18, 1959 • i�r. J.D. Vallee, Clerk, Township of Dayhar:i `T_=LAF1V­'0r1LDVILLE, Ontario, Dear Sir: Re: Supplementary Road Expenditure By-law No. 1398 Amount - 474 000. Co. Tp, Please be advised that the above cited by-law has received consideration as a charge against the allotment for Special Capital Projects in the Department's estimates for the current fiscal year. The Honourable Fred M. Cass, Minister of Highways, has approved of the proposed expenditure, for subsidy purposes, to a limit of $ 42,000, for Construction, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. That the expenditure (s) shall be made only for the purposes set out in the by-law and supporting programme and shall not be diverted, either in whole or in part, to any other purpose without the prior consent in writing of the Municipal. Engineer. 2. That the individual works of road and bridge con- struction and the purc,iase of each unit of equipment and the award of contracts for same shall be subject to the approval of an engineer -of the Municipal Roads Branch. 3. That the District Municipal Engineer shall be informed and his consent obtained before tenders are called for the proposed work or purchase and before any commitment Is made by the Municipality. N.B. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work ,or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. Any copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, J. V. Ludgate, Municipal Engineer, JV L/ET Attach. FORM MR18 58-3803 TOWNSHIP OF 1. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS RE: BY-LAW No.,.� •-' ROAM PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 LOCATION (BY LOT AND CONCESSION) _f (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS - TYPE AND LOCATION 11 (C) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS 0TEMIZE) (D) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE! 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS — EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING :PAVEMENT} MILES _ RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) MILES ___ ._...... SURFACE TREATMENT MILES NATURE OF WORK f ii ILES ESTIMATED COST t ...._......... ROADS - ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING. CRACK FILLING, SWEEPING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING. BLADING DUST LAYING - CALCIUM. SALT, OIL. PRIME DITCHES. TILE DRAINS. CATCH BASINS, CURBS, GUTTERS, DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING, CUTTING. BRUSHING. FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL, SIGNS, ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL - SNOW FENCE, PLOWING, SANDING. SALTING (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS ,DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS (C) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) SUB -TOTAL SUB -TOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL Date Towns ip Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data In the form indicated NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that total of items I (a) and i (b) beer to total of items 2 (a) and 2 (b). i Form MR -16, 58-3802 BY-LAW NO.._1 308 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19;r)'.-9-.-... EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN' THE TOWNSHIP OF Bayhaini __..� IN THE COUNTY OF D1.SMI CT. -�. i .. -_ _ ..._.._ ..-.. _....-.. WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $j-2 �r -4- ._..__. is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19_.-_.Y_.- as follows: Construction ROADS. Maintenance Total $ -1 BRIDGES & CULVERTS .. NEW MACHINERY ............ $ $ nil SUPERINTENDENCE & O'HEAD.. TOTALS . (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at ' ?'ou y l #pis_ ... __• _ _day of_ _..__" __...._.___19 (SEAL) Clerk it Rel ve , Clerk of the Corporation of the Township do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No...._._.__._.., passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the day of_ ....... -..... . ------- .-.-_..___ _., 19_ . Township Clerk. T rn �,.T r ri � 4 .f f� 2428-59 THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 67 of Ti -e Ontario ct c.2b2) Ci n 1v an a:*.'plicat ilon I In i o f t.4.:e GiA rporation ollf the .Qwns'ii o f 3ayham; for aut'L orjty to ,- f .1roceed w t� on' lI I C1 raise 5() Ci'_�-C to is iri .-; the construction o.-41 tile, stone or tiiiiber c.,raiiis B �, F 11 w� r,,# : U iN N, 1.e.?.,ibe r, the 5th - and- day of' ku,�..ust, 1959 Kerber IT _16 under �-,nd in r:ursucaiice k of the 'ei-Isl<ation nereinbefore referred to, and of any , n(. all otter powers ve.,-,ted in t1 -le boards 'vh a L t; Ae Sz a i. d ci , 1, 1 i ci:i t i o i i b e 5.1 Lri ci t �, e s",- ,,, i e i s hereby approved, and 4k -..7!- .e sailc coryor,,ition I may n�jvvv proceed vyith the said un('.ertakiz,!-, and , for such ,,urpose -may rt-quisite by-law: ,. 16 ra • 4 Ile co' r� n'Tv 0 V F yI C) 4 + r -01j. j" n r issu.e J. e c rez, id e o jj n C'7 on In A - In k 07.7 r 71 C.fn.171 or in OVP- E� By - Law No. 1100 Township of Bayham A by-law to raise $50,000.00 to aid in the construction of tile, stone or timber drains. The Council of the Township of Bayham, pursuant to The Tile Drainage Act, enacts as follows: 1. That the Reeve may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this by-law, borrow on the credit of the corporation of'the Municipality such sum not exceeding in the whole $50,000.00 as may be determined by the Council and may in manner hereinafter provided, issue debentures of the corporation in such suras as the Council may deem proper for the amount so borrowed, with coi)pons attached as provided in section 4 of the said Act. 2. That, subject to section 10 of The Tile Drainage Act, when the council is of opinion that the application of any person to borrow money for the purpose of const rictin cr a tile, stone or in drain should be granted iwhole or in part, the Council may, by resolution, direct the Reeve to issue debentures as aforesaid and to borrow a sura not exceeding the amount applied for, and may lend the same to the applicant on the completion of the drainage works. 3. A special annual rate shall be imposed, levied and collected over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which the money is borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the principal and interest as provided by the Act. Read a first and second time this 6th. day of July 1959. Read a third time and finally passed this lst. day of Sept. 1959. (Signed)Basil Nevill Reeve. Si ed) J. D. Vallee Clerk, f Ar'7-�a J»�� TO- V In -) z pt rt n t .J :. d ±�i .�% .« 7 u '•J �.� .i >: ''"ar ' 01-d el" 4-0 4^- :'� 'S`T C7 � 0 pr':.l�r_i. 5 t7'��� J ' ✓1.1 `i I} o, y 1 i.7 i °• i , r" r r.+,r a ie r o `+ < yw >....J .L.. .'"1 ..� :.3 :i� M �' f�....;.., :'.'A : .•� r, ^r -n s,. 'F r (. I ,.., o .? ^ l ». CJS. •�3 � a < ,,.z. _.... Z . .. .. 7� ,., _ .. ...,.:... � r:... .. ,.� ..... >< ..:.. ..:...... < ? .., g-:. k 'Y�.\;�.w a . �;>7 \ • , < . ar , . �..... .o . ,>�:$ ti5s v.. .2 .,r.. s.. . .. a....>. .. _ . . ...... 'U •... < a J...c. �„T " C.k i,.3 a : ry '~ r� ^i �T � i .�.+., t Y •+ .7 "J I, 07i "o ' h d .1.. ,i ".] v'+.:3 a. , .. 'u r n o r r s on J .r� 4:i «L..A:. �M.. o � .. �� .::� "' T � Pa l `.:Yn. ~' o' � ?°.e off' �?"a'? a o ?' -rS a "ltn'' '?t,%3 a-- n r",rs In ( { r v n / , c }- '�' i.%i, l- c i 3 a J o.i. 13" I . i ° i �w rcA a ? ii` �. a' t _'' 2.^t.� `.,.1 T^�+ ��. l/ ..i..:,Z r•• e'? v ,� r' •^ /^t ?..+" . ;..,, 4- C; aw o r are a a ��,' rac . w �. o t G 1 L i 1 ✓ a S i i `a v o r i ?tett .`F .y .�^ a 1 o! poi z o�.~`�' t'~w .i '�. :� 3 u' �'� �.;.s .► J ik JVD{ Z„ar 0,'._' re a ;h lh ... :' i �.� t ..., ? C�': y. �:. v .. i C.:...s n 7. < of a . �P r . :i ..e ".. ”' ` �. ..3 C' - a �.; s"�.,, ....� .+µro ��z Y) 0. o "� ? 3- a 7 Z 3 1,. ,.•. L s,J n% i a -- o �� s i o n " o r ,.. ,.� ti,. , �..,r, ., �. ._ •, , . r >�._ ';• t ? r' �..L !.� -i a a� 01 � +;.iJl ' t.1 ' _ �r� ;f 1 0`^ • or .. ,... .. ✓ V _ \ l i :. �.e4 �1 ,� ... ?� ✓ Y') + ter _ C.E T • , .. 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CT Z! 3C2" or rorw e 1, 2? :a ;a 7n :I jjj,,, c o F? n Of o a r,..a a n, ra a 13 rd C103:1 i - n on r Two of nNa- Eli! :3 in :a I .......... e n for 111110.1c till officyl o f 0 ff i c -e Z3 n u c t 0'1 r 7 in n) ir r -c �D c .7) • qE; 1; Ey :Ckl I J 4, slubt 'AMS2101 oil 13 v7 i "L a r,,, o s c, -f - i iz, -:7.o " -1 1w Al rl: o. Wor, c:a,-,,s a-11't.,:)r 1 . . . . . . . . . . . T) Q S3 13 0 wylv: not! Coll of the of? the 'WIEN knoom CUT mach wwwon qjymrix- T_-�— r2 r:.,7. e d )SWORMIN'S to be of Moan o if TrAd A -As ion or nart. 17. ?Aar-) 7-)rovi of a ten :1 an oaf t e rr E);yj:1 11,30-:-1, r, 1 e n t r o Of lvn�`, Z, !I c? OMNI ?Ian of Sigglyr,p,ion or art of a rD!rister!,-.ad plan of • Z3 111) d -1 ri S i ED ri to MAIO a such nrovi,,3ions .^,.F :i x3rom A dersi�-nat�D-d 1:3 sari sarea 0-:7, c o TI t r o -1 it MIKA -lot; Von KNEered or dissojv�-anj vritly),1t; y,,, of th,� 31"SAI who WHA3 C-• ;M 0 n L, 3 7 u an offence cu '' Cori ij -able to a renait:,r .6f not 0 Min on "'gco; T. Of 0 i or! 'D '7 Or n -,11 ,..1l 1 O'f' r c n c c o rf, 3 07 -.on r r;7-, .,..-an oll c o- 0'- 0 as Ol c -.i 21, n nrl or OJ Of, o r a �'.3 u 11) 'S �D- c V 10 P RK K 30 A D n fp �q 0 N n -n rd -a3s?-d c c .' A s LJ • BAYHAM TOWNSHIP BYLAW BRC©RDS BYLAWS ( 1383-14021 FILE 3# 38 Bylaw ## Date Subject ------------------------------ 1383 5 Jan 59 authorize the borrowing of 4' 201100,00 1 384 5 Jan 59 Appoint officers for Bayham for 1959 1385 5 Jan 59 Apoint fence -viewers and pound -keepers 1386 2 Feb 59 Prohibite the running at large of dogs 138 2 Feb 59 Permits Ccn. Pipe Line Co. Ltd. to hook up 1388 16 Feb 59 Payment for the extermination of. foxes in Bayham. 1389 2 Mar 59 To appoint a road Superintendent 1391 2 Mar 59 Provide for road expenditures 1392 2 Mar 59 Restricting Parking 1393 6 Apr 59 Discount on taxes paid in advance 1394 6 Apr 59 Adopt assessment on which to levy taxes 139(,6 A. 59 Guaranteeing payments to tAe-town of Aylmer 1397 4 May 59 Approve the borrowing' of 4 6061000.011) 1398 4 � a;r 59 trovide for road -expenditures 1 399 6 Jul 59 ate sc ino Bylaw r 1390 1400 6 Jul 59 To raise 4' 5010100,100 14'02 1 ►Supt 59 Designate Bayham area of Sub. :div. control C BAYHAM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1404-14321 FILE # 39 Bylaw# Date Sub,jeat ------------------------------ 1404 2 Nov 59 Provide for hte holding of Kunc. elections 1405 2 Nov 59 Grant for Elgin County Fed. of Agr. 1406 1 Dec 59 For the licensing of trailers 140V 1 Dec 59 Rescind Bylaw ## 1 282 1408 15 Dec 59 For the holding of a 2nd nom, and election 1411 15 Dec 59 Stopmup part of second street 1414 5 Jan 60 Appoint fence -viewers and pound -keepers 1415 7 Mar 60 Road Expenditures 1416 2 May 60 Adopt assessment to levy taxes 1417 2 1,�Iay 60 Paying of members of Munc . Council 1419 22 Jun 60 Road Expenditures 1421 2 Aug 60 Approve of Seghers Subdivision 1422 2 Aug 60 Close Center Street south of Otter Street 1426 3 Oct 60 Appoint Road Superintendnet 1427 3 Oct 60 Amend Bylaw No. 1203 1 428 3 Oct 60 xiold ing of Eunc . elec toins 1432 15 Dec 60 Grant for Elgin County Fed of A gr. By -Law No. 1404. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for the holding of the Munizipal Elections in the Municipality of the Township of Bayham for the year 1959 A.D., and for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Polling Places in the several Polling Sub -Divisions in the said Municipality of the Township of Bayham. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Toimship of Bayham as follows; - Thatrovided more p persons qualify for election to office than are required to fill the various offices an election be held on Dec -7th. 1959 as according to Township of Bayharn By -Law No. 1203, and in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Elections Act. That, the election for Sub -Division No.l of the 14unicipality shall be held at the Police Hall, Port Burwell, and that Howard Chute shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Percy Clarke shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No.2 shall be held at or near Norman Light Residence and that 14urray Emerson shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Norman Light Aall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No -3 shall be held at or near Ray Thurston Residence and that Elton Jackson shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Ray Thurston shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No -4 shall be held at the, Township Ball and that Harry P. Grant shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Lyle Walsh shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No -5 shall be held at Corinth Institute Hall, and that Howard Coomber . shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Alex Duff . shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No.6-shall be held at the Eden School Building and that Chas. Ketchabaw shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Wilfred 1�elson shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No -7 shall be held at the Richmond School and that Fred Procunier shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Isabelle Hewbank shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No.$ shall be held at S.S.No. 4 School and that Mildred Soper shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Hazel Phillips shall be Poll Clerk. AND THAT the said Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks be and they are hereby authorized and required to hold the said Municipal Elections in accordance with the Act and to provide for voting by ballot at the said elections. READ a First, Second and Third time and finally passed the 2nd, day of November 1959 . V Reeve, r (al By -Law No. 1.05 Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for a grant to the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture. r7HE LENS paragraph 4a of Section 405 of the - -tunicipal Act (1953 ) provides that councils may pass by-laws for making this grant; AIND WHEREAS it is considered necessary and expedient that this grant be made; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE MIUXICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TO 1NSHIP OF B LYHAM AS FOLLOWS: - 1. That a grant of Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars (:�'350.00) be and is hereby made to the Elgin County Branch of the Ontario Federation of agriculture. 2. That the Township Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to issue cheque for same forthwith. READ a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this 2nd. day of November 1959 . e Reeve. U C t _.. ,r .:a -ph ,�I'-, i.F n t,� !✓ i moi. rL t..x %� f r 7 T , :.a o� t. i �: i. Jti ttt' .�i.a "1•. •i' i','T',.. • • �.`i,s:r 3StII OF B-`,Y1UJ4. DE'11-1--, 71 r)v-law ,)'-'or licensing e r s �� +� t"�I" 7'ti t 1i1�.c.. .L �..} 1 _f 3 �i { i i"j `aii`���'.,;i <'" a ' ' '. C%' wr {v c': ; 1 t i -L o v t 4 r =✓ T� .-1 ._.:i y r o i^ ..i. 0 1 i � .L^ �.. �i i S year i a:QY1JT'C��fi1_ilJsil-_ 5�.1�s`iY'1ZE' 't81i1 a;z^r t` 2 z%�:il -,..�� ti �' t � 11 T I nj�1,,-- „caw "trailer" rmeanS al f v ii i' -` S i, t it .S. ..+ ..i .t t.� i_ (.,} r i_i (``r .1. '� :. I tat^' "�. }. is S,I }.1 %, i `.J , t ,l L ' T 4� 11 .xi_ 1�..�.t. �: • n ' j'. ' i' ` 7 �"Pose i Q a C.• Q_' � -. �. drawn or „ro e1.1.ect �-1 its` Qr lu e'd. or tile J4 ns '10 -J r t, J s.� P. ,✓ si. , VE,!-!: c:. 5 ani � �.-;.in- oris re.-ioved, t7 14 ..`s_7.�i"' _.. ,r .:a -ph ,�I'-, i.F n t,� !✓ i moi. rL t..x %� •?i "t � ^,. ( i '� 7 T , :.a o� t. i �: i. 4 .�.. • f _'n .^r v. t- y.. �`� + !'•` t ..... _ 2 f +..1 :'.t .... ti. i.......a. fa.i. _ �- �i � 4�, Y� • � -} . 1 d k r•=�•r r, � j i • +. . Y ' .4 - `✓ .L. u,.. J fry { 4 S✓ 1. T r - - r: i ._ ^'t. t ` _a •..a:./. f:� t , �. i.. .. w i Ci .� . I -, ,.� "l 1 -.✓.. '' j~ L..:.;t ,;..:s .i :. .. o� - `✓ .L. u,.. J fry { 4 S✓ % i ~ , ..L f A . ti 1, c 1 - Ll A. • > .�, L V fit w �.} r L Y•Y + .+ f ✓f .i. .. ! E�. M f'a 7� ri � r 1 a a; i s t a �y k- ..: L r, Y • ., L V : Z ;J v ry t ♦ . , i 1' 1_ i�r r l `'s _ J �` ?� r r s i-. ♦ ,' y ✓ "�.. ✓ r c {r(�{1 is i-..i�T, .. iT; r `::�?_� in �`c '''--di - e.�re�.C� ...r F. ��.�.� i1 :7 ♦a.i 1L»y Y� ��t�-., F ty1 ") ai L�i?f"1.. ::s-7 Citi n —x - Our t;.....^ V ) (D S a . t.) s ^_i Y s Y " `• + n i tv (Da a:� c= , "' i P< asi�t _able, h4o c:. ;n_tY'; ; y:yT ... �ty + y`� {� } � T .` /`�. Aa i •,..t t...l y+ : 1� 2 � �.l ? .,.:� .. # f r t ,tY� ^+ j I i l Y e o ll Cc's C i-5 I f• i t i� 1. `D I'll 4 �..f , a .. i `:� srx i., �'S r' 1 7 i < 7 i✓ , } .r. h �.?ri ay of 0 If 1400., s,,,)OHl.;DULE t x t z., X t 7 t j ,., , , . �+ °`t+ � t:.�= ri _ .:�fi� �`�? � -�.,�s o � ��nyT 0, e continuous period , the rate of liccn;;e fec to btu c'.I-, r`red fog° e v ,T y month of portion of mant1-1, shall be ' 10. 0. Im May 3rd., 1971. Moved by - Green Seconded by -Schafer THAT: Schedule A appended to By -Law No. 1.06 be amended to read. "Except for the first 30 days of any one continuous period, the rate of licence fee to be charged for every month or portion of Month, shall be $20.00 plus a garbage collection rate prorated at the annual charge and prepaid monthly.tt This amendment shall be effective Tray 1, 1971. Carried (Sign -ed) J. Dennis Reeve Certified to be a true and correct copy. • i. Petrie Clerk- Dayham Town -s --hip. a . I By -Law No. / Vic' .. Townslaip of Bayham. Being a by -lays to rescind By -Law No. 1282. 1HEREAS the council of the Township of Bayham has passed By -Law No. 1#12& for licensing trailers located in the Tojmship of Bayham; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows-- THAT ollows;- THAT By -Law No. 1282 be and is hereby rescinded, READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this / ' da � ..('. . 5 Y of lq /. Reeve. a ,7 er . 4 u Dy -Lahr Ito, 1108. To=vmship of Dayham. Dcin g a by -la,," to provide for the holding of a second monination meeting and election, if necessary, for two councillors for the Toon, ship of Dayham for 1960. ''1171EAS the same was authorized by resolution unser date of Dec. 1st. 1959; it 'ND iky'HEMEIIS it is nese. }ary to hold a second nomination for the purpose of obtaining persons to fill the offices of t?rro councillors for 1960; TITI�REFORE BE IT ENACTED by the I.'unicipal Council of the Township of Dayham as folloi., s; - 1. That the date of Dec. 14th. 1959, at 2 P.1,1., be and is hereby confirmed as the date for the hol= ing of the Second 'Iomination .1eeting for the purpose of nominating persons for the offices of tiro councillors for the Nar 1960. 2. That providing more persons qualify for the above offices than are required to fillthe same, an election be held on Dec. 21st. y 1`59, and the sable in accordance ;rith the provisions of 3y-La�,- AIo. 1101, passed on the 2nd, day of _November, 1959. R'F]AD a first, second and third time and fianlly passed this. 15th. day of December, 1959. r L. •'t ' ; " Reeve. t CORPORATION OF T;IE TOW'�SIIIP OF 3AYIWI 3y -Law No. 1411 A 3y -Lav to stop up part of Second `7treet in the Vi I l age of Stra�f ford - Ville, in the Township of 3ayham. 'ATHERE.AS by Virtue of; Section �'ICr9 (1 (c) of ti1e Vainicipal Act, Revised ",tatutes of Oritario, 19S!0, Chapter 243 this Corporat i.on is empowered to stop tip part of a highway within the i'ownsh i p. AND "II:;RFA: ) it is deemed expedient to stop up Dart of Second Street according to repistereu Plan 'umt)cr ?US of the Village ' of Strafford'Ville. t�, i II�r, AS the reclui.-rementS of Vection 472 (1) of the b ` cinicipa1 Act dealing; with the publication of Notices of the proposed ')y-Lavr have I-een duly complied witil and no person whose lands might l:;e affected therel)v has applied to be heard or raised any of lection in respect thereof. 'Plil:RFIFORE BE IT FNACTED as a of the lowns}7ip of 1. That part of Second Street lying between the Plank Read (<<ighwa.y `umi�er Nineteen) on tale east, and 4est Street on the west accordins3 to regi stered Ilan 'N'"Umber ZPS of. the Vi l lage of Strafford- Ville ord-viIle in- the Township of !fayham, more particuarly described in Schedu•ie "A" to this 3y -Lain• is hereby stopped up.. ?. That the portion of the said strect closed by this icy -Lac, be conveyed to one or mare of the adjoining land owners as the Council may direct and that the Peeve and Clerk be and they are hereLy authorized to execute all necessary conveyances for this purpose. 3. This By-La.w shall tame effect as soon as the approval 'and the consent of the Lieutenant-C'overnor in Council and the C:ozinty of Elgin are obtained. Read a first, second and third time and finally passed this fif eenth day of December, 19S9. (signed) aasi l Nevi l l eeve. (signe(1) ,I. "'). Vallee er i, J. D. Vallee, Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of I3avhar;, hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of �'ownshir of 3ay1}am By No. 1411. er k o - . ayham Towns p• 11 THE Co "'POIZATION OF T111F Or: 11AYIIA1.1 ;-.._. ly- L,aw o. 1411 Schedule i►A" t. ALL A',411) (;DrC li.AR that certain Marcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being ih the Village of Stra.fford- vi Ile in the Tow; snip of 3avl7am, in the Countv of Fly;in, being composed of r-Irt rf Second Street according to rc% istered Plan Number 205 of the Village of Cyt ra f fortivi l le, more particularly described as follows: C 's"i1 ,N'CI,-C at the soutiz easterly angle of Lot Six on the I-10st side of the Planl, toad (Ili ghway 4umbcr Aineteen) and north of the Talbot !'oad ; westcrly along tho northerly limit of `second Street, two chains and thirty-six links more or .less to an angle in the same; a • • ' ` HI:.:C L continuing westerly along the northerly limit of ' "• Second I)treet, one chain and forty links more or less to the south- westerly angle of Lot Seven on the north side of Second Street and on the east side of ',`csr street; '1'ill:'NC;i: southerly along the' southerly. production of the easterly limit of 'nest `street, one chain .more or less to the southerly limit of O)econd Street; Tiil: NCIa easterly along the southerly limit of Second Street to an angle in the same; continuing easterly along the soiltherly limit of !second Street, two chains and fifteen links more or less to the north- easterly angle of Lot Five on the west side of the Plank Road (Iligh- way :'Jumper Nineteen) and north of the Talbot Roast; i'I L,vC[. northerly at right angles one chain more or less to the place of beginning. a� 11 a n. //�� N'AM • tri M• CN . • � w ,-� ►- y OQ r O :? r• j r..t M ►i CD O C, 0 �.J. r+ ►•+• , C'J ti � O n a Lai., C'n rt ­ 3L C�f Vie 'of Of Le��RL -tree Li thg� I t 1 T 11�vm 215th day t1 ' G 4JO i411 to stop ujp� ­art -h 1A 4. at an d in a ray j o--,, tl"e e f i I r C 04 S i rc 1"a"t1cu'arl',r described i ra th e s a (i I hereunto annexed. -COLato V10 )l� -- I., A. v40 . � t �'t t 0 the na-!.d -,�,hajll ac confim.iodl by a 0 t 4 e Tr,Its: n A z1;.; 0 Ut1lie d ►, _dthic 1!i_MY Of i-1 '-'**n for i4 By-Lavi confirTi-I'Mr, the� c -id tOjrr4.,,j,., tit" r)f tltra cf�f"­, rat ion A )U11t Y as ­ t f Utlyl 41 U LN C �,)_vj L) n A•d ')0 e of '.�traff "dv Ilo 311 t 1 0 -),vinsk"i n be, and t' a :c,;, A e is iereby coafirmer', r-1, til;le the ay of lilrc96c,h 196 a 80C`id time t' is23rd da Y 0 f a vl-:Ird tir:-Ia, a.rt(A" finally assed to J. t 3 r d day of 44:.,rcli I, Jo Do Thomson Clerk of the Cp;�iporation of the County of Elgin 0 1 do hereby Certify that the foregoing is a true cotheo23rd f -Law No. 1768 passed by the Council of the said C'��' O,tftporation on day of March, 1960. ounty Clerk to I'mi. C of v I ( J t -h 1A 4. at an d in a ray C.1 - It I Yt 13COnf-," tj,,Z1rj i I r C 04 n c 0 t 4 e Tr,Its: n A z1;.; 0 Ut1lie d ►, _dthic 1!i_MY Of i-1 '-'**n for i4 By-Lavi confirTi-I'Mr, the� c -id tOjrr4.,,j,., tit" r)f tltra cf�f"­, rat ion A )U11t Y as ­ t f Utlyl 41 U LN C �,)_vj L) n A•d ')0 e of '.�traff "dv Ilo 311 t 1 0 -),vinsk"i n be, and t' a :c,;, A e is iereby coafirmer', r-1, til;le the ay of lilrc96c,h 196 a 80C`id time t' is23rd da Y 0 f a vl-:Ird tir:-Ia, a.rt(A" finally assed to J. t 3 r d day of 44:.,rcli I, Jo Do Thomson Clerk of the Cp;�iporation of the County of Elgin 0 1 do hereby Certify that the foregoing is a true cotheo23rd f -Law No. 1768 passed by the Council of the said C'��' O,tftporation on day of March, 1960. ounty Clerk A. t ONTARIO EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OFFICE oc-625/60 Copy of an Order -in -Council approved by His Honour the Lieutenant -Governor, dated the 11th day of February, A.D. 1960, The Committee of Council have had under consideration the report of the Honourable the Minister of Highways, dated January 11th 19601 wherein he states that, ?A'HEREAS the Corporation o�" the Township of Bayham, in thc-County of Elgin, hs.s requested that consent be given to the elosIng of the streets or highway as described in By -Law Number 1411, a certified copy of which is attached hereto; AND WHEREAS the Minister of Highways reports that the closing of these streets or highways will not in any way inconvenience the Department of Highways for the future development of the King's Highway in the Township oP'nayham, in the County of Elgin, in the Province of Ontario. The Honourable the Minister of Highways therefore recommends that pursuant to subsection 2 of Section 24 of The Highway Improvement Act, 1957, consent .be given to the c?_osing of the streets or highways described in By -Law Number 1411, certified copy of which is attached hereto . The Committee of Council concur in the recommendation of the Honourable the Minister of Highways and advise that the same be acted on. Certified, Acting Clerk, V Executive Council. m 4 m f r X,� , qj T, e1x by P fD A c", ti an n 47 2 lv'i t c a rin I p P4,11 7 41- S y - t 1-1 e 4AL 0 Y r f Road 3 d Ww a. 's t s xu-o4 d "i n To��m r p ARM r U1 8� A 0 11S Nt losed by a 7� d '�c) more land a a..he WA Clark bq and h*r*6y r i ID *i(ci C11 t e for shml-j" k ps 30or &PPI-OvAl and' 'del; in stat the coun*7 or Arr, Road fli-St 0 r- Uh -&;%. i7d ti!xe Snd finally "is dty" Of Diceebtir, W r jq a IMI r s K :I Im r M Vr- -W FCRA, T I t 0 r C's *nd h f p baing compoqtd O,f V 5 cjf VV' O.f 'rib& , s .:r teJ I 'a nwa g c rN ,10 0o jot or the fw 'iN --- V JUMIt or 30cojad *n, d h. Ift's's to VO 411glo in t �w Ile -5t-7W4t tf) -YA westokk'y anZlle or 14t 'Z,bo -north xido of S*,Cand *t and e4vt aid* of ww 'Ile •-Iduction *I. Ilialt IT Iftf3st ao.ro �)ir "*IRS to Ilzlt, Imf 40Mbiorly limit Of Socond ftlro*t Lra an t =w ; V� 77t, 1 nu ing to lkjo�tj the .zhains cnd links xor& 1.7r lesx, 'to t-144 north, at--Srly of TJA Five the Road (q1g.h, And nch 0-f 'he T 01c, Rn, , Js x more or t4' a Bylaw # Date Subject BYIAWS j 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 ----------------------------------------------- 1229 2 Apr 51 Appoint a road superintendent. 1230 2 Apr 51 Alter the boundaries fo P.S. Sec. No.16. 1231' 7 May 51 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1232 7 May 51 Set apart the Township School Area of Vienna and Bayham. 1233 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1234 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1225. 1237 4 Jun 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1238 3 Jul 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 25,000.00. 1239 3 Jul 51 Establish a Community Centre at Eden. 1240 4 Sept 51 Provide for additional road expenditures for 1951. 1241 4 Sept 51 Limit the weight of vehicles passing over bridges in Bayham.- 1242 4 Sept 51 Designate during what period the assessment shall be made. 1243 4 Sept 51Cange the time for holding the Court Revision. 1245 1 -Oct 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1246 29 Oct 51 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1247 15 Dec 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1255 ? Nov 36 Discontinue the Vieruza H. S. District. 1275 26 Nov 37 Withdraw the Township of Bayham from the Vienna H.S. District. 1279 4 May 53 Establish rules and regulations with respect to the Calton Cemetery. 1341 13 Jun 40 Privilege of collecting taxes. 1366 13 Jun 41 N Revert a road in the Township of Bayham. 1390 13 Jun 42 Revert roads in Bayham, Aldborough. and Dunwich. 1393 6 Apr 59 r Provide for the allowing of a discount on taxes paid. 1427 15 Jun 44 Confirm bylaw No. 1114. �. 1431 15 Jun 44 Revert roads in Bayham. 1446 19 Jan 45 Confirm bylaw no. 1181 BAMiANi BYLAW RECC)RDS BYLAWS j 1229-1632 ) FILE # 28 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1462 22 Nov 45 T6 license public eateries. 1498 24 Jan 47 AmP..nd bylaw .No. 1478. 1499 23 Jan 47 Regulate the Cutting of Trees. 1502 12 Jun 47 Confirm bylaw No. 1158. 1505 12 Jun 47 mend bylaw No. 1478. 1506 12 Jan 47 Annex Area to the East H. S. Distirct. 1526 23 Mar 48 Incorporate the village of Port Burwell. 1632 17 Jun 53 Arnond bylaw No. 1478. Plus six unsigned and undated bylaw copies. i)Y-.Ua,YT of 7ah.am -F' a discount paid in Bv-i - *or -Jaw k-) o ,tcr a pcnalty for non-nayment Olr taxc:� 'lhen due o C t on 4 tai of' Sec; -"Inm 113 of the, Assessment )"4ct as u i -I I 19 -)l'Ov'dOo s f-- thc ol, a discQunt IT) off' 4- 3 ,,-ie said Ict '-U :0(,' -c tion 11 3 of 4 as ameridc, r o v d c '3. f o m pena.t-ty iry aiv, cxp-7-diene that tll%ls action b-0, t,--4 k11. PIJl'j, �; 1 .E by the ",unicipal Council of the Township of Bavham as foll-ows,- 1. That tlne- 1'ollowin- rf-:Ztcs of discount be allovied for payment in aiivance of Securid listaL,ienj- 0, Un or UE3fur r ly Ga or before `l'nat a �c.ia1 �; : �. per :�� ,. ; ..L�� 'or non---aym 20 ent of r taxes 'or of C:. 'J" r(1e faul U AND. A, on lv-h,-� -lillil,-7t*,&Y' a -,'h' Ln Aiich A* d C- r -j -0 :,nd whi-l- the said taxes alc -1e v ed. ,a, he I aot sentences o. I I J 3 b e deleted. rl -f aus e 2. Gf ;,-j-Law e :1elet-A. (Cl 1136 (d) lhat By -Law No. 1171 3) be repealed. a first, second and "iird time anti. f-.n-lly pa,,,,sf-,d'tliis ()th. day of A-Dril' o 195" Aee Ve • C lerk