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Bayham By-Laws 1957
BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1340-1355 1957 BAYHAM TOMSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1284-13491 FILE # 33 File # 33 Date Subject Bylaw -- ------- 1284 ] Mar 54 Authorizing the borrowing of $ 28,000.00 for the erection of an addition to the Public School Building for the Noth Bayham School Section. 1286 4 Jan 54 Authorize the borrowing of $ ]20,000.00. 1287 4 Jan 54 To appoint officers in Bayham for 1954. 1288 4 Jan 54 To appoint arr Assessor in Bayham. ]289 4 Jan 54 Appoint Fence-viewers and P=d-keepers- 1290 ] Feb 54 Provide for the total road expenditures for 1954. ]29] ] Mar 54 Appoint a Road Superintendent. 1292 1 Mar 54 Authorizing the borrowing of money by way of tengorary advances pending the issue authorized by Bylaw No. 1284 1293 5 Apr 54 Adopt assessrrent on which taxes shall be levied. 1294 3 May 54 To close and sell the north portions of lots 19 and 20. 1295 3 May 54 Close and sell the un-used portion of Talbot Road. 1296 7 Jim 54 Provide for a grant to the Elgin County Fed. of Agr.. 1297 7 Jun 54 Approve the borrowing of $140,000.00 by the town of Tillsonburg. 1298 14 Jun 54 Alter the boundaries of P.S. No. 16 and 24. 1300 2 Aug 54 Provide for the issuing of Township hunting licenses. 1301 2 Aug 54 Close and sell certain streets in the Village of Straffordville. 1303 2 Aug 54 Provide for the additional road expenditures for 1954. 1304 4 Oct 54 Provide for borrowing the aggregate of separate sums. 1305 1 Nov 54 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections for 1954. 1306 15 Dec 54 Authorize the borrowing of $ 25,000.00.. 1349 6 Aug 57 Provide for the issuing of Township hunting licences. 31 s '4.�., Y.1 M1.•�!♦•W� ,.'.� .�,..�yT�: :"�t'y `('1 re'), � C" ♦1 'Y•R /"• r.. .' �... ,,a ��' .. r «a. ., �.. .. rye., .. r,'`.�. ^ 1 1 ;... � .y -i • y� .. . n ' . �^*y ." .J- f", . � ' .. .'l ' ; r� r, ^e r � f` •, n r i't Y �^i i., !1 S e y s Dy- Law No o 1349. T ownap of Ba7hame Being j- ..:v tQ ?rc�. ,cue for the issuing o� Township Licences for theiur:iim- Lof phea,mmtr, rabbit; and fokess L. <tec ' ,d r' o.0 writh .-faction 0214a of The �I e sic? gishcrics BE IT :'i�a�;�:j.�'C��� i°iJ'I.4.GT ;D by VIC 4itu°xi;° �.�r� t cil of the Toiraship of z, ,.1,� ...�. b� � ., .�. '-; - r' -x-ider aec iii 44a of T'he ^'fhsrict;i, "or tdu~inie C3pen reason, o, 4" -Id 1ti J t in, tie 3aid ::'O-Vdn3hip of Bair". {.� »o a �.�►+ '► ,'i'�'+rrAI ' i-xv, t' n ,� a �islc,�.�.i ��t+ E3A�L:£'E:Ct she f011CM.*irg;V P -4,1 o S; - or rur .l. :3-1.c ent o.-' the �i.ci�al.i'��•, � fee. not .ter than .20,1 t Ath an issuing fee of .055 , t0 j<A «25� . 'F any per sin not a rural resi 'ent of the mmicip ii.ty, tae nflt g'�" t �_w uai i7� l.$2 111th En iscu fee of .18 ,tot 3 eo 2.00 3 • ill anima of 200 licences sha? 1 be available for use of non rur - residents with no rejtrictions on the nmabear of m-sidemt licencc3e 4« The fog lc rim, perSons are hereOy xuthorized to 13sue Who Moro. - said is DO `Ta Lueef Str- ffor?vill , Un -u* .. « J . "cjrl miorth s F ort r3u?"' ;� 11, Or t « Read a first, iecond and third tLme and finally passed thi3 6thv day of August 1937. eeve . Clerk* BAYHAM TOWNSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS 11340-13681 FILE # 36 Bylaw # Date Subject 1340 7 Jan 57 Authorize the borrowing of 3 1601000.00 1341 7 Jan 57 To appoint officers for Bayham for 1957 1342 7 AJan 57 Appoint fence-viewirs and Pound -keepers 1344 6 May 57 To allowthe sale of county property 1345 1 Apr 57 To aMopt tax levy assessment 1346 9 Apr 57 To appoint a road superintendent 1347 2Jul 57 TO amend bylaws 1322, 1323, and 1330 1348 2 Jul 57 Maintenance and repa&r of boundary roads 1351 7 Oct 57 To amend bylaw No. 1340 1352 28 Oct 57 Provide for holding of Municipal elect6ons 135? 28 Oct 57 To provide grant for Ekkin County Dept. of Ag. 1354 3 Dec 57 To hold second nom, and election if needed 1355 16 Dec 57 xuthorizc toc borrowing of"4'16,4o/).,,),.,, 1 356 6 Jan 58 Authorize the borrowing of 3 176, 000.00 1357 6 Jan 58 Tne paying of membeps of hte council 1358 6 Jan 58 To appoint officers for Bayham for 1958 1359 6 Jan 58 Appoint fence -viewers and pound -keepers 1363 3 Feb -98 - To provide pensions for emp, of municipality 1364 3 Mar 58 Provide for road expeditures for 1958 1365 7 Apr 58 To amcnd bylaw ;f1363 1366 7 Apr 58 Restricting,the weight of vehi&les on bridge 1367 7 Apr 58 Regulate and license public eating-estab. 1368 7 Apr 58 Adopt assessment to levy taxs ?,I-- Bym Law Moo mcrtnAiV of 1 r4 a t ill& :.' byea"o p tp jx0vi(.'e, �Or t1hru lnkxine- of Tommuhil:1 LIcences for . " - rie! - uiv.� I-AQt.4*A; Olt,, aec'oc�Izimrov A th 4 Cf04 r:hp. livic viii" ''ishoricri . , I JTXII. 7 7 ot_:� ) of Cq J, _Cjj of t4, IL by tl-c Zw, Alt" poma not bil* k%x,.AO%v 4-v-7 *:ho- tl-w .i * L ocL Al of 4,)tal fe!e JN Iw Wic ark . -- 11 1" Occ not F;rt:),*tcr t1um - .6 r I sA ?or ,,-uiy poma not i, rtaoca. of tl-w Mal i CO S -UL -x- of 4,)tal fe!e JN Iw .1 ' mir.1- m. of 2CIO 1teen"r, alu-A.11-1 be ",&�nble 'or use of non ruriA .�. it t rest:aat;4 Auh ao ions on tbw rimabor of Ucuncp,-'u* ft -ft , A I, #"r -A 4* The pGracna x-,..%e,hcrcb7 *,,I.%O.%#.*�O"-i_;-d to Lac J� Mae thn f0i 0 -;cId 3.icunc;-s,*Q id I i A', # V �r C. ,Ort Dulmmil, Gr1:11,000 11- it'sad a, M%,wt- . aecond and third time and f inany p�A- 3sexd this d of Z 9"'. 2** 7 * Form I00 -5I Ontario BY-LAW No...Z.= 40........ to authorize the borrowing of , 160 s 000.,r-,0 Whereas the Council of the .I. oli,. 'n. I4 o, �_ ltyjjaM (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 1601000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NoTtt.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of .the estimated revenues of the Munici- tot t escurrent p y p y 9 ja, not including ates for the current alit as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1, if nnot.ew ifato thoose' revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of of last Year. debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of tax^s and proceeds from the sale Of assets, is $ 2 37 9 49,8 • 00 (Delete thisIB`.f3cZTXf�' paragraph if not applicable.) _ ..�IIIIZ�I�_. �C,tr._1.�..�,�. _ . _ .<�.,t�c.Y...�" � _ _. _'.Y��'' _..•' .���.� � :.R�_:R'�I2C�1" " >..���iI�FR�I'�yr'1•" Therefore the Council of the T of%rnc,hi n of 1�av,h�..; hereby enacts as follows: - 1. The Head and the Treasurer are- hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANS OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $ 160 1000. 00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 3-11 of the Xlunicipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding '; per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section :341, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply 'in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 7th. day of ianuary 19 57, C w �.-:.. .....1c c .. .. 1 : ..... : :L........... . - THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL j. . :..... .�:.................... LERK We hereby certify that , the 'foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This As Witness the Seal of day of 19 the of .h %.G...... I.��.......z ... ��..................... THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL.................................................................... ........... CLERK TOUNSHIP OF BI YRAll o By—Law No. 1341. Being, a by—law to appoint certain officers in and for the .unicipality of the Township of Bayle -am for the year 1957, K", Il' THEEI.EFORL LLlr'LCTLD in regular se Psion assexabled; — 1. That lRobt.. r. Jackson and i1fred 4"arper shall be Valuators of Livestock killed by 4vis at .}1.00 per hour airl .2oc! Fier Idle one way for car. 2. That , . . Jhute shall be school attendance officer at a salary of ,',25.00 and .20 { per mile one bray for car. .�. i l'yt ~' O`Jt • J `.C1`_ -on shall be ix,:nd .i.lt►`.:pec:�ol at a -al a.L �1 d ,c-; R of plus .20;' per mile orae gray for car. 4. That J. D. Vallee shall be Re? ief Gfficer at, a salary of 5. That D©nald M:j Gibson, -, shall. be Township Solicitor. That �'To� I,,in shall be Building Inspector at a salary of "25.00 per year. Rk') a First, Second and Thi ;�•d t:ine and finally passed this 7 -J'a clay of January, 1957. eeve. rn ot,mshiT) of 'avham. 131+2. ?eine a bar -law to appoint Fence-viet•;ers and. alound-keerers' ire ':,nd for the r= o:,.rn '.-iin of 3ay-h r,� for taetlae ve;:r 10457; lhereas erection , ~ect7_on 1,.7 0:=' 1 %50, nrovi�ies that hese annointrn��nts be Mnrr e; ' TT}'-uni^inal council. of t_'.e ;or )oration of the ''mmship of "layliam, in re=-ular session rlsser-ihled, th-att the follot-din -, be and are hcrebtT a.pnointed to act as tl-ie follot inv of f:i.cers for the year 1957; - Fence-Viewcl s. Horace Hague, Lloyd Herron _�. ?, Vienna eo. Procunier, _'.1, ln«ersoll- :Zobt. C. Jackson, �.l, �tr.!:11 . '�lva Brinn, a�.. w,illsonbur -,,red --gall, ;tra LE'f . I_onzo l<a-ell, 'Corinth - iil a;•c: c.'.11i ster, > Lraw'f .' „arlr,=zvi s , o.-inth 1W07-7N�'u.'5 R1 • P% 61..R. uI,,:i--:eer.,ers. �_ �___�. ars (a "3r a t t -, ':1.enna' once `l rut?, :'..1, �tralI .' i M _ �e c,Amer - �obt. J -wcltson , , ;tr01 lra ::ii; line ., . =eo.'rocunier, A.l, ln~"ersoll� a"a.-(,-ncc .,offe, .l, ,a . ,aIna - 22 ,'u -h _:oore, '.i, _ U. urt:,ell 'oe _lve rtriorne il1s.' �.:ard, qtr Oi t• Jeltch, _'.i, (.,.en r o1. _reen, ' .1, Cor ��nth - 3 first, second and tl.yrd tiny e and finally this 7t . r 6,a; O J<a:.uarY, ln5l. Leeve. Nrl t 'Oo-.,mshin of Bavham• 3An g a by -L -w to stogy -u? , close pan<. sell mused nort-� ons of of l in vo c : o• �. , bet-,een the no:.•th en(i.� of lots 5 end 6, aon. E), and bet.recn the no2th ends of lots nf� F}, �onc • ? , '''o•:�?�iY? of c tion I.,o0, �;u� -sec ti On 1 (c) "-n�' (r',. } of '�"3c .._1,_?"l? �. r) ._CI ._Ct , '+�rOV1C7ea til �t the '.iOti7Zc'il O -s a muniC:i_y7'"?_ iiftr :,i<-'�' Y3{ S ���r .1 ^z�p�^ +r A -)urnosc of stonm-)in- un :-.enc' sell in.- gin- hit -h -,,c", 01^ �.^� o" '�ir..y,,,,�zj• . _ a it 1S m ci ss:�ry t �:.t is eae o ^tions of ro". '.. ��y sto y, .� UID an, -J. closed as a nevi divers ion ro�.r?. i„- now in use tt cse viclni t? ^s; _fjJ ^�r 1' _ ac1� .W.ce�ylt c��mcrs to,-et?,er ,•%i th others f:�esire t�� tit some clic?position be mace of these un -uses. portions o:" roa�_s; rI, -1_111 ..y 1,, ._,... " " .,_? . C" ►- t 77 � _• r� r� 1� t r! .� -ha r efir r, 1 ,: L -..J da �.I....iJ L.l._.. ... ...J i....✓.JsJ �! the tui 1 C a �.1 �;, `.J �l �..d! L ^� 1 'wI.f iii w V ti -'� in f 3ayhwa as follows ; - 1 • -'??t the '0110.11n M '-',,.,oG' O '7't-LO7l ;�, O -C :oLi7'it'' of -1-in n �,o;? CI as formerl;,T cess mate,', be _n' the same are hryr-:b�� sto,.�..,ed un ~�.n dosed, ne-mely; - ` I-o�^{rtion �o_�.f+�^On�{e� Lo1I3�nencin�; -it -I no -int in the � o-l-tn e-- st �.n-lc of said SJOV .r Q:14 +' r.7 `./vra1l C?h1 of ... BaTrh.-1 S5� r s iP� rr tis' y -s' lO+� t!'i Ci T" 2 •_, r �. y -i [:1 ..b '....3 T i7 of ::fai�:�i lo-�., j, :;, d� ist .?Ce O� .f� .�. ,�.��', .�y_. .-)..�.�:► .`� _.,..._,�,, .!'.' �^.._ ._ Y-� H (�3 �3.3Ct } ; ',.•._,-4k J h e .�cj ter�_y in a stra i ght line ., a. �� tom' )f� t r, 4 l?�• 'T l 'r'j' a• :!"1 Cd.�.Jtj�^.tS Q� 1 •IllY1..�«..x;'J :v L.'iJ 1 syL1.a i. ii { (;?l • r� ,1 } to /Q1Alt .L l the : . vtel l r lit, . t }- !� i i ? !: V .'o , C • , dis t int 4,1'I:� 't �: _:a ? .:.} ._� ? ...� "' ( 50 ti s} , measure(I outn�r� creon rroM a ooint in the forth west -n, le o:" cai J lo4 al onr • _ f _. the CSt i 1-"'.? t Q_ mal :t �0{. O, :? 1St,.Y3Cf? O� � � .::� �'_l. _J.�. � `1 1• _F _-"-JT ( 50 t } j 1 I -i Cf_j :rr'stc.r�ly in a3 Dt:r ni ht 1 ine, r; ,.i is 'I of J (`4r?`T -v r - ? , r: •., �{- - r � : T', 1 � � �-� � r�� Try � �y ,., � ` � ,� , n +�.L24. iii i_, AJi'V�. .rrti G`I —Ir IU...�_L � 31 ..::1i (66-7ti1 } U. u??e ola��? �_ be:;Znninc, ( `_.gee -ounty cif �`Jl .1 ',�-....::'r .,o. 1'68) � 1 O»tion `o• �j+°i© — V�'� _ori ✓a1Y✓ ,t ?%oZ:LG '„? G 1e a' 7t t..y t''1� Ij Ot l oncT lam, ((�'ownshin of -Th am �. r?.is'ance of _�}`':1 �'::Cl' ri.` 'i'V i..Il.` :tl _i.., f^ r_il (! Iq?.21t� ? } , :dr....sured -)outherly thereon from a point in the oo rt 7 east a=_-� le o said'. to � ; iC "ort'zer ly, -1 1 on - t.ie_ ;-ts terl;� li3i-!4 t of said 5 , _1� '- lot U:”=.nc-::. of r^ -A "lr• r ^, - fi (��?.. ., .r� .. "� j ..y,Z r ".t. j(^� - 't r,? ?r -� jY< •.4 ..� T ?"`''''-'�� f,'� �iiVi� 1 ".l.lT.,..�..a. �1 J � ..��.s�1�6 }i ..ai.� _: ad =� !l1 _i ��. _a f�1-1 �J�.zE � _. �,1,...- � ,.T -, • ;1 .tel (1102. ?1 Ye i St�'r1tT, lori ; til -le 3outh::rly 1i'T'i o the i ovm ine between the Townships of Jereham -ind -�.avhalq, a disc-mce of �f y _ "Q ONI:'_ -.TT ' ' ' 1 rp ¢¢// 62 t o i Yt � Y1 o ♦..iLJ .t.%_ L.�..Fd .l xJ f.-. ( 4�7. ) �J ... .}�4J �i1 J .._.:, J. Jhe .."vt .. �1h f re t am -le o lot j, font.. �i.7; r^y�T J ,..�:; ✓outhe-rly, 3 co: - %e ` ' "''•l.r' S.. -• T.yl rT ,r V..i limit o!, -aic' lO ., U '�_? ^t +.'.1CC C� �' �r # ._', a�_..:�:.) __._.► r_"' .'� _ �:� ,D,ti _�_ ..�'_� (l ;r�� t 2 1 } -"r" 4; y..., -rt b i7: c, c.' ,� �T i� -j. y+ +'� Yt ^y �, ,�., ..J �, � � . .. 1 i �.j .:.� _ { '....� }a a j� 4 '-, {..' ! i �% lJ 1 tX, w., L It line, •'1 d i s :.i y,l 1 c e Q � ..' 3 a.o i .._i 41"1 j . L.,I _ £.' � j ..J � ! .... �T;.J � �� .., l _ .. �. I✓�,:t_« ';a` (0;'•31 },o tic1<ce off' ne�-;��nn ,cent �ni�r, bar .c? �r _tstzre -tent -1"1 fo am" tour 1ne- - un(Irek s (`�.�1� ; cry 1 -11 -le same. -ore r or le . (3ee lountr;r O _: "in �,,_f'. y,.: __O•l Vic' l• :.'h'?t thesey�Q�'tiO`^S o" -oC SO stO'd 'r -n sold CC�:?VEZ'Ca'i ,0 �?i� 'y� "sEE?nt 1._LY'�� QT.-ner or Qt`?Cr �e'l: so:'_. 3 . `s hat the Heeve -,.nc' "lerk re heireby to el.ec;ute and deliv- er conveyance of the said lmds i-:' yen sold, ander the Cor-oor ate Kcal of this :.:unici ality upon n��ymez�t of the suxR of 01,T" �C7:I,_':Z �1us costs of said conveyance, surveyin , and any other incidental chw,.r-es. ` 4. `_'hi bar -law shall cornu nto force anc.1 e 'fect fter 'sae .n confirmed by-law of the •'ounty of �`1--in. :) a _'first time this second ti7aie this l ` 'hird title .end fin -ally • 6. ay ox log 7. nas'sed this (� :'.a�.r Of t Thy -Law Igo. Township of Bayham * Being a by-law to stop -up, close and sell mused portions of 0ounty of Elgin ►load Ido. 46 $ betvwfru tine nc --tl end3 � of lata 5J�and � Jone • �, and between the north ends of �.ots 5 and b, Conc. 10, Townsh1p of Bayharn. .1HEREAS b , ction 4, v . nub -section 1 (c) and (d.) of The }municipal tict provides that the 'Council of a mu.iie.- pallty ruiy Nass a by-law tL purpose: of stopping up and selling any higiriay or part of a highway; AIND it is necessary that these portions of roars be stopped up and closed an a neer diversion road is now in use in these vicinities; AND ` 1"E' E.A.3 adjacent at-mers together -�,rith other,, c-''esire th�.xx sore disposition be made ai these un -used portions of roads; T HEIZEFOiE Big TIT EN;,O*T D by the Municipal Council of the Tovatship of Bayham as follows i - 1. That t -he following 'T`vm portions of County of Elgin Flo"-- Ido. 0, as f omerly designated, be and the same are hereby stopped up :and Gl.osed, nemely; - Fortio No e - Commencing at a point in the r4orth east angle of said o Cone* S. :'ownshi,) of Bayham, THEI.IGI,; south alona the East limit of said lot 5, a distance of THREE 11MIDRLD ATM) TRI49 1.,110 THIRTY- OlM- INDOMMelir; (303.301 ); 'i" I?,.10E South easterl in a straight lute, a distance of TWO HUNDRLD It'iM NINETEEN1M.F{3lff SIGHT ONE--IIUITIDRETIS FLEET (21 *481) to a point in the IJesterly limit of said lot gib, Conc. it, dist int FIVE HUNDRED AND THREE FEET ( 5031) measured Southerly thereon from a point in the North west angle of said lot 6, TH L 'CE Forth along the •:ost limit of said lot 6, a distance of FIVE HUNDRED It _iii TLIAEE 1IT' (503t); THENCE Westerly in a straight sins, a distance of SIVY SIX 2ilTs SEEM WO 0I4E-►H1R1DRZDS FE& (66,721) to the plave of beginning. ( See County of Elgin By -Law Igo. 1668 ) Porti.. =12 Two - =41.1�IICITIG at a point in the .Laster, limit of lot �.onc. �wnshi.p of Rayham, a distance of ONE T110 St.3D OUE HUNDRED AIS I'dIi3I:T ' 0 IyiD T 1� ';i TYY "OUR OIIE-HU IiIRi� S F`EEi (1.192.24 t) , measured Southerly thereon from a point in the Horth east angle of said lot 5; TTIMCE Northerly, along the Easterly lith of said lot 5 a distance of ONE T HOUSA41 O�I�; .It�i��Iln � IND I�il�y Y T `�►O ��� � ,`Ei�TY FOS � �� .-; FEET (1192, 24 t) ;T11E110E Easterl, along the Southerly limit of the Town Line between the Townships of lereham and Rahast, a distance of SIXTY' SEVEN &) SIXTY TJ0 ONE -HUNDREDS FEET (67*62�) to a point in the Borth west angle of lot b, Conc. 10; THETICE Southerly, along the Westerly liuit of said. lot 6, a distance of ONE THOUSAND FIVE.: HUMED 1':10 TWO -0 SIXTY TWU ONE-::JHDRED) F FIET (1.502.6 2 t) • THENOE Forth westerly in a straight line, a distance of THREE HUN3 ED 10M TWO frT NINL'TY THRI-14 ONE HUIUMLDS 111BET ( 302.13') to the place of. beginning, Containing by admeasurement Iwo and Four O e. -Fain reds ( 2.04) acres be the same more or less. (See County of Elgin By -Law iio,1686, ) :. That these portions of roads co stopped up ant.. closed. M-Ny be sold may be sold <nand conveyed to and 'Wa' Jacent limd owner or other person. 3e That the Reeve and clerk are hereby authorized to execute ci inJ deliv- er conveyance of the said lands when sold, under the Corporate Seat of this 114unicipality upon payment of the sum of OPE DOLL'a plus cos.:s of said conveyance, surveying, and any other incidental charges. 4. .This by-law shall come into force and effect after being confirmed by a by-law of the County of Elgin. REDO a first time this day of 195 READ a second time this clay of 195 • RMAD a Third time and finally passed this day of 195 C 4 P y «►Last No . 13 44 • T o,y#m h1p of 3iyhk . Dein.» b a*. '- p -uo , clone anc' =11. u d arta ons pf "o-unty ... toc� of "It- in 7.o¢.�#.i 'Jo. 46 b�3ttT�9t1 the north v�tds o�' loth 5 d 6 �►�►Cr and beUrec4i th� ao .-t x ends of '.oto .'S and 6, �+:�c, 1 , " t � nsh1p of Bayhamo "A(m X69, section 1 (c) i d (d) of '_TU r zic�. . Act provide � that the 10ouncil of a -ur icipAity =Ay ss a bygm a 2or t?w pub3e of utoppina up and sulllng any highway or part of % hi7,htray, A11") gIt is necossthat these portionz of roads bo stopped' up and closod as a new diversion road is now in use in these vi cin.itic s; AJ) '.. 13 a+d jacext miners tot,—cther with othore, (Iesix a that sem:. EY disposition be tzutde of these: un -used portions: of M-4118; T ZL JACA"�Z by the uni.csip€tl "o rnil of t ho Tory n Ati.p of i.. 1 hat the follc"wing ?m porticus o County of LIZU Roud 1'io. 46,, AAs formorly deli. Gated, 'oe and the same hereby sto,-)ped urn mac! tllosod, nemel.y i - � 'Pcert a %oo ncing at a point In the forth est � plc o� saic�� Lot v' On , 'e sx i. � a�, Ba 11:1, z. ;� : �-� h alone "t 4 . ;t �. i- it of said l of 5 9 a �:+►ii�J�Iancr. of ....In't»V•iil �i i �aizfj + _, .� DC0 0 �t) ; . 4. .AGE South easter r i n a str line. a r'!* e 1 • x f - a •�q w -.� � Y .�„ . t" q` ' .,y. *�.,,� . Z di.st-mge of �:;� 1 ��1 ,�I�_) 1�I��"�a.I;171 .��.� Fi A 1**.L ,., C ��.DS ( 219*1+8) to a point in the Nester_ Xy limit of said�.et �� � �e�►c. �, distant " V� i L�� ;' ':' � s ;.$ (rj�i m usured "outherly theroon from a point in the 3orth west1e of Bald lot 6 North n? ong the Ric3t int of said lot 6,ntiioe of 4t_: 1) AT;6 F'.: 2 (503t); TH111CF. Wosterly In a straightline, a distance of 3=1 Sid ' =j �LIFIEN S�' T740 OUB MUDN.:DS FT ►-T Wor2l li) to the lave ref beel.malm ;. (�>ee 0•ounty of UZin --L-aw iso. U48) Po rt°> g 'i at a point in thes rSy limit ,of lot ons. L' xinshi -) of l�yham a distance of C" `. x110 3:4 JD �� i�� �.,. 13l b:'Y'' A. fi. �i' t<< ''' t�-►i"tTd 5 (1.'� i raea enrd " outhorly thore+c�n fr= a int in the =forth east an i a of � lot 5; ��'ttj, 1, 7.a :.1 '}.'# {�^,l�7'4�arty tT���ierly, .,Ion ;toe 1::ast�,icy�.,- r�Yly_l� 1 tal.t of said of 3� ,{ra ('gli*t sy,rtanco of 01 I i 'i, 1410311I'M QUIZ** ITU10"', �W 4.y13ii.�9ir� � WO AM, gi 't' !'� F� F ,' (1,1,92*24t ) IT111`1 Easterly,, alang the Southarly limit of the Town Line betwen the Townships of ADeret :a d a urn, a di.atan,ce of S IX71 Y SJN �� AN :``Ian TWO ONS-1�tTIMR m,� 3 �$ _ "; (67062t) to a. point in the r. Orth west -m-le of lot 6, Gmes ltd; THENCE ,Ikatherl �, along the «early limit b said lot 6 a distance of 04IL `� 1f0b 3 » iD F`M-4 ����1������ «��� '� �� SIXTYt � � ��.�..�.��� i��:. gS 1"1.:2 (1502 X62!&1, '�1"��� � Horth stn 'A in a e�trJq,Pht line, a distance of i xf ��L �A.�0 I ��� :"�''� �:�iil�� '�'1 R =� Ili N1 5 a'' ice. ( 302.93 t) to the place of bogimi '„ S+vaxtaining by adv � tt �c :: r t fro and =cur lase '11tradreds (^ ) ac s be the ern or lens. (Onc nt of Llgin 110.16M. 2,0 That t1w se portion: �f roa.d r so stopped up and clouect ;�a �.y be ld ay . � n,l L` . r)V .rc d1 to and adJcicent 1. ,.n- mer or other person. 3. 'Chat the AeoVe =6 k:tlerk are hereby authorised to excaute aad C$oliva- er sono anon of the said Lands when said, =der the %•orporat�e :Deal of this aid aIcip llty upon paqmnt of the am of 01M DOLL". plum casts of said conveyance, , and any other incidental charges. 4. Thi j b;{ -?.au c-4%:1. ccs into force and effect- aft -or beim co ft by a by-iavi of the County of agin►. UAD a first t iw: thi. a RLAD a soco nd time this 1st. day of 1st. day of April April READ a Third time and f'inLaly passed this May 19" 7 6th. 1957 . 1957 . d. ay of (Signed) Walter D. Nelson (Signed) J. D. Vallee ;. By -Law No. 1707 "A By -Lasa to Confirm By -Law No. 1 of the Townshi of Ba hams Dein° a BY -Law to Stop -U., Close and. Sell Unuseo. Portions of Count of Elgin Road No. 46, Between the Morth ends of Lots 5 and 6.-Conc. ' , and between the North ends of Lots 5 and- 6Concession 10 Toim hi of Ba ham." VMEREA" the Council of the Township of Bays}ars on ti'.e ft l clay of May, 1957, A. D., did bass iiy-Law 1344, for stopping up, and closing, and selling unused portions of Count zr Road o. 46 between the north ends of lot: 5 and 6, concession 6, and between the north ends of lots 5 and 6, Concession 10, T ovmship of Baylha: , a ore particularly described in the said By -Law, true copies hereof -lire hereunto annexed. AND WHERIAS pursuant to the provisions of tie "u.nicipa.l Act, the said Township By -Law shall not :have any .force until confirmed by a By -Lair of the Council of Whe County in which the tovinship is situate passed at an ordinary xleetin r of the Council held not sooner than three months, nor later than one year, after the passing of the Dy -Laws of the Council of tine Tovrnship. A.D:D WHERZA application ha' s been made to the Council of tj e Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By -Lava corfiniing said Tovmship By-- Lava. '140V4 THEREFORE the Council o f the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as f ollours: THAT By -Lace No. 1344, of the T ovmship of Buyham. being a. by-law to stop -up, close, and sell unused portions of County Road No. 46, between the north ends of lots 5 and 6, Concession �' , and bet -Teen the north ends of lots 5 and 6, Concession 10, Township of Bayham, be, -,md the saute is hereby coni ir,;ed. READ a first tit le this 17th day of September, 1957. READ a second time this 17thday of September, 1957. READ a third time, and finally passed this 17th day of September, 1957• I I'lClerk vlarden I, J. J. Thomson. Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Agin, do hereby certify that the forego:ir. is a true copy of. By Taw leo. 1707, passed by the Council of the sail Corporation on the 17th day off' Be t. 1951, f ,4 c1 1 : K ............. ..... 10 rvt �, o;`m h J.'f y� o� '�e�:4.Y.'-�iG,"it�i'• 3e in 4:� .f -T-1 .Itr to adopt the 3.s se sr entre on ;,.-)_, c n the, 1Cvied for the year 1957, to levy the tnlxc',.'or C.r x_0;1 i' nr` t0 '">rovide ~or the Col1.'.Ction thcreo�'. -TT O? T ? �' ! ' (} l 7 ? j"1 "Y`1 E i-1 r� r + f j-' : j._. . Q -,1-0. r_ 2.,, f� '"' r .n c -� l o", -1 1"3 re ?- `;y'* " 1"' . t li lei• t h�, riri1e,in� o.� lf.Fi ,fir'r t a !r O 11 Q.r' :._ rl .;:t ?� Q 1 :. e f s. x _ ; ,,. '1 O. . : :u1� .i,. yC, 3. 'J !.:t � �.. t it n ..f.. o r lJ o t i� i:': 1st. f , '"? S% tyJ, :~1 ' ,.�i -,-)t • � ;J' 5 '�-_ , ..,.:�..' tf i? i'9 .`t om` , s, rt i''`� ,: t t on ;'ii1�.L'1 i✓? p an<' e, f v : a '� fo.— thr �rj- •ys TS t o_:. t1OS� $� ' ' t 1Q s-`>C>.�'sOn U I'O _ CfJ'l t. ._...n In t, r =.. a ll aforesair' t. -w revispD0, co j ,ct !(`. anO n .s 7, cf f �� -.�,J ,ourt o -, is.Lon of, t'`>.�' �jr`�1 t..l ;i�0.'iixJ}1 ;'� on 1 lfiy("� c;t • '.c.�,T o_i.. �...'':4.1 C��::'l:''"', i •'.=y(f j A.Y':". tT i'✓i-E(-, _: ount-tr JuCI `-'"C on o ')nd. 10 .` v Z ..� on( t l -or- 1 � as e,-,, t". _ �.� illJt, •-,1 ��a'1 �r iJ i to jrZi ..Le o 0�j ." ?fir' .?5J y it ef,e...�ent to -o o -) t,. ich t'�Ce r �.e Q_ v � V�_o�l r�o�, the w.Te,�,-, 1 �?5rl �._°°�..�? 1 be lev1.e n c c .w ry ' 3 rl ",J c , J: -1 t to _ e �i ", on i.r 6l' e: --ole ro e �..�le ro ';rt`T '�GCO-:'f?il t^ 4- "r-! "s: 'f? ?rt SC;rol? o -he ` c''1 r'O'.".'n:� ?i t 1E u:r Of ' �' , Or ti:^ ""i�ncr I '7u'"r dose s of tie ~ai o,,..�shi � or U.:e c a. r_ n. ar, _. c, _ e )an,fentf�o ..� _ ._ to n or tine c�zrx'eY0t roar, n d for t 'In e r,uzr n o s e o P 'r .-rin=- o- rt o� t'rr e C --menses O `.'1.ib1i C a :etC: `;.?^3� F1 .'2 Gt=JOI ! ';Cat1t�?^�, T r (3?", 'e ' i.!r,,)ose s j a b iSaaw .ate 1.:3 '3 % .',.. �� i._ l ?_ :., :✓� L w-, . t�_.i t_ ; 1 • 'P' a t the as—sE.',`asi?erlt CC�nteminG'(:. In .�isC r��rl{''.?fit Noll o!' t, e i t'z � ns r.� ^ rs n r ri t , �- I"�Yr i z, r3 c ;' f t of _� rn .� .. e u �lt tfo - .... ,o, 1n =7 �n�S c.f the Isairl `2ow.'lshin and' "'.s reviser. A. tC?vl,�i.o n v'� :.,oLz i�.�'r Jv,d e 0G �1'.!. t,..j _c1� IC' 1 a z „?"t`' '. _...,C) v .C, {. Con.riri-lei. as the assessment o_`1 ,rt:l..Ci"? t €? w„,t{ of t,_ :_ .t�'.o3'1 �OS' `tie �rCr4�► 157 s��:-�11 b levLed l e';'� ?�;�; t t �-� cy rte. .� .i. (' r.- � �, ra r1 An �-'-o � h (� y'� C7 .dY. �'3.e s *^: ^'} ; r± }7 � y-• :'� tz '1 r: /'� 'l'�- -:� C� +A,'� l: ,_i r..;c n ,1 -5 s:.a.."l�t i if � +.i �.i �"`.S Z �_' ...4 C�3:7 �.. tC� � .+..+ ... �...: `,/ ' ✓ i. �. confi:rxlet' ?s ti?Q 1 st rf:v scrl 1-oll .5.1e n • :gat, or the nus -nose of, pro -ti Ji n- the ,,zip of �, ` C.' �O� or t o ene,r-:-.1 nurno:~e:� off'' the aon. o-l'-ttion, includ�.n^yst��c �:�ount rer.uil'��71?t �'c3r n -Lm, ores r`.n ?. olt ex nurno G 7 for 4..i,~. C��.'.'.~1 r��i tJ �r Gw1 , .... ice.AU �.i. 3 a� '"il_`. � 1n t 1C' ro?_la.r e ..riC� y e Sa:?1C' , s . ret le�T� c. �,.� �-�:�� veor . 57 inion the ,.r ,ole o the daid �� z less fent, ��."- i n -!,.o t' -?e 1.-)st ��evj_ser; _.ssc -~s �tiont ro11 c=,tcc �t - :�t on __, �;�=:.�e:� t Q:�' , t.'•_rt'�� UC k.. ion of .11' �' � • � i�f �:� •� }7 �C' o .,r,_n , k t , : cer c; �i�f . -�r ::Zt : °roW t h c rmvinc.__ ? ":o Y ernrac-nt "*o-^ attion relies o?� '�zr ai(3 �es f'c:lt:.l nronz-,rtics, s "'.';J' 1 in tie _ ;_ ol1a rzn„. �z� � �'",r T ♦ - t nye l s .mss. —., tc----------- l' -`'` 't `0otal 3 010 • C?r s reuCt1o'_t t:..lC) a! -at, in a�:�diti on, 'or t'~�� �urnore of ?7rovi�3in�' t'�r� s'a�:� oto ���`�, or 'uclic ac'roal education for t �^ c zrrent ;,fear, the "olio,-rinr- .rill ' rates be. and the saliiie are hereby levied for the fear 1957 upon tro respective Corti ons off' thc� said sse ent off' the 2;u' 1i c ;"drool suonorter s of the sairl accordin7 to the 1h.st revised assess- ment roll, as indic:Aed hereune.=er: - "enorl:.l Public "_'cli'lool ..'ate on s.-,essment of ::2, S07, .2 nil ls. (:':')e-o.3cnools,.:J..,•'�o. 2, t:.; '.1icnna-i:ayham .rea. a �clur<ed. ?ur lic 3(-_>ction .' o, l on ssessmen t of 139, 2�5 • ---- 10.8 r 3 1.21.12000 1 105,158, o 94) 3 (`) Q• 16 '451742 • ---- 1 0 10 y. :! ,lf�}. U - 2 - 7ienna-'1r_)1avhaip Area on of 237173/5 - ---------- sT u 1 "sses ,,ion" 2'.9, mills 1"w.rham _0117nSIAT) 1 5 -3 11, 56, 0 ---------- 7 � tf ,nd in addition t o raise the su.-i of 00 0 Po r e n. a, r - t c-, cl-1 o o 1 purposes, the, folluainr, rates be 1c,,vied: - Vienna .3ep--.-.rato school on ofCOO - ------- -- mil? aln.hid e t? It It 700. It T i 131. s o nb u r If it ''It it 600 - - - - - - - 1.y.00 in —c'i--ion 01-Lof u )000, '01F' hc `,-�ftna "eY_v.rr,,1-(,., -e Cf' r�'1001 r u Ochool for Vic-11-11r," .1-lu!) a 11.0 mill's in the (.`_oi1-r be levied; in 'r'dit'on, on a —c rn c; n t off' t, c r - -IAT) 050. o f the Vienna "I .school 'u-nno.,, ),-'a ha�n. "o n or r e 1 i c _'chool DebenturecI 0 iiil c �,A t`c 'oil -r b -7,!!�. �') -� e cs�,rv�nt o f O'��' tien 'n r - lo -vied; in. ition, on F, jC100-1- --ort-ors o r yr 0 T- I- C1, 0 f on a, )eon ur c s ,.r,)art( .n,; �chool '.u�-)porter-, f -r) r a, kd ka s ID e 1 c v i -3. ra e Off' :? 0 1 gill,: - 0 7 Or "f -con- -rlr _'c�-ooi -o r -if -e the u, o f '40 in -di'on t 1, j; " 1. i n, I %r e b —e v 2. 0 In cn,,cti 'no o rc a s •81-5 'In -In -Ic oo! ',.rea on �_-sr-essr nt o c on or srec, -0 _4 J-1 Ln_ 7 De 2rc, here,03v levic(l. unon, t .-n of the 0 11 win- t c, c 'Ej arcas;_ L_._o 0 r V I..L,.L on a o.. "tra-7 ^ 0 7 O"D n p 1000 D4 !.prep r e n J* v c. - c, o o ),o t c) he X ollectol, o --,,.-i or beforc, he i r s e 7 ce or t o t h c o 70 .'.11 t -axes o -r ot.-icr pec? - t e - sl,:-: t h c T a'. Y, ',011 actor or 2 e .. s u r c r o e o', -n < 71-_ i n, o or into t*1 r, 4- n n J_".anclles of the an ad I a -n o 0 c e .I Port- `.ur!e11_ or i'i 11 so n1c,, u r.f,., 'ore jul-yr '--�Otl •i -i. n on or br-i -1 axe Is sh�zil be, come due .,�nr 1°57 c_n one --Tall on or be ore Dccr.,mbcr 210t -1h.. 10, 5 e n,---. 1 t i c S, for ~ion- 7r-- t�) r� tis P,�-11771'i.e_nu -,.,,Then (lue- alliscounts f o r r c a ,,tient of sh!, n r o v i rl ed -for in -�3-�?-_T 10 7 s thereto o-7 th e. saf cl L _ia O to h 1- T) o f .j ��_ v - i� h Yhc e3o I I (- c t o- s' 11 ave the privil -- --,e off' ri- il in - the' x not 910 . C:" j- .1 to the--over'-.1-11 taxoayers ol-_ the at their last kno?,.m 3 SS• 10,.".'.ter fourteen c!"pyo, notice , the f-'3ol ecl-.or ohi s) . -1. Ballif." F) Jccize r --r dor un-r)aid ..�.n-v, oof!.s ,n.,,,. ch f , ..first, seconand tllird time ani. inally -of cse(' --his day of 1957. h 1 �C ��� . � I `� • �_ r� • _ �� \, ` J`' �� A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 %7 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF TrOr r IN T!'HE --' COUNTY '@'� OF WHFRFY"kS The H-1-ghway Improvement Act requires that, tllhe total exr-enditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the 'f7.Y - law he submitted to the Mi_niste.zz of Highways for approval, THF:RFFOIiF he . �� off' the Cori para tion of the said Town. -hi, ` enact3 as follows:- (l } The 3uYn of '_, 7 , }�?��•`- _ — _ is hereby a r: pro .r.iat.eG rc monies ,reviled by levy Y :febentures and overnment subsidy for the e t -se ur_:on Cots-:.riictl_0n and ma l ntenarZCe of the rOad3 Lander its jlr sr i z ` ,1ii rin the ye,:�r 19 5"' asfollows: (2) The said monies shall be expended under the of the duly appointed townshir road superintendent and on work pt?r''.�Z'mec accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk steal transmit duplicate cor--ies of this buy-lalvi the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of not later than March 31st of the said year. Passed a t this day of (S F. A L} Clerk Z,�j_1.Ce , Reeve Clerk of the Corpora t i n of the Township of do hereby certify that the foregoin; Is a true copy of By-law No. 1343 passed by the Council of the said Cor- poration or- poration on the 1-5. day of - -arc; 19a 'Township Clerk "ONSTRUCTION NTENANCE TrOr r ROADS FRT� Ti ��`^��a' �t f T �'(� �-'Z 11 J 4!IAE %./ULV ER Iw7 ♦ b f Y ^� /^. P�It J' (�j ^! ��!+f i�•tfl/ t",. «! s .fi T Y� Y f' I i j j+��00 NEW MACHINERY,. 0 .4b � �''� J •� ^, r a. u a a .� ••• rNo TOTALS $ 2r) c)no.00 i, ,E� ", -°".. (2) The said monies shall be expended under the of the duly appointed townshir road superintendent and on work pt?r''.�Z'mec accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk steal transmit duplicate cor--ies of this buy-lalvi the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of not later than March 31st of the said year. Passed a t this day of (S F. A L} Clerk Z,�j_1.Ce , Reeve Clerk of the Corpora t i n of the Township of do hereby certify that the foregoin; Is a true copy of By-law No. 1343 passed by the Council of the said Cor- poration or- poration on the 1-5. day of - -arc; 19a 'Township Clerk or . 1+ Of1TAR10 DEEPAIRTMENT OF "ICx-?VIAYM Toronto 5, Lay 21st, 1.9579 A -r. J. 'D. Vallee, Clerk, To7tmship of Bayhazn, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: ice : Township of Bayham By-law ho. X46 This is to inform you that the Honourable as f Allan, -ir_ister of Highways, has approved of the attached By-law Io. 1346, appoiritin� y:r. J ohn ^. Tribe, Straffordville, Ontario, as Township. -Road Super- intendent, at a salary of $3,000.00 per year, effective the 1st day of _: ay, .1.957 • ET. Attach. w Yours very truly, �A J . V. Ludgate, :uni ci pal Engineer. PO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE COPY OF BY-L.Aw NO. 1346 PASSED BY THE COUNCIL. OF THE SAID CORPORATION ON THE A It DAY OF _ Apr 19 • R01V1V D d. . v FORM M.R.17 BY—LAW NO. w�# A BY --LAW TO APPOINT A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF AMT IN THE COUNTY ,6Mj OF WHEREAS IT IS DESIRABLE THAT THE LAYING OUT AND SUPERVISION OF ALL WORK AMC) EXPENDITURE UPON IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADS WITHIN THE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF THIS COUNCIL SHOULD BE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT, ACTING UNDER ITS DIRECTION. AND WHEREAS IT !S THE DESIRE OF THIS COUNCIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT AND TO RECEIVE THE GOVERNMENT GRANT AS PROVIDED IN THE SAID ACT. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED sY THE COUNCIL OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE SAID TOWNSHIP AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED. 1. THAT John G- Tribe tt4xPd;wv% a (NAME) (ADDRESS) IS APPOINTED ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE SAID TOWNSHIP TO ACT AS AFORESAID IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISION'S OF THE SAID ACT FROM THE �istla DAY OF � 19 AND DURING THE PLEASURE OF THE SAID COUNCIL. Z. THAT THE ROAD SUPERINTENDENT SHALL BE PAID AT THE RATE OF $ PER FOR SUCH TIME AS HE MAY BE SO EMPLOYED. 3. THATIT SHALL BE THE DUTY OF THE SUPERINTENDENT TO LAY OUT AND SUPERVISE ALL WORK AND EXPENDITURE ON ROADS WITHIN THE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF THIS TOWNSHIP COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT. 4. THAT ALL BY-LAWS OR PARTS THEREOF AND ALL AND ANY RESOLUTIONS OF SAID COUNCIL CONTRARY HERETO OR INCONSISTENT HEREWITH. BE AND THE SAME ARE HEREBY REPEALED. 5. THAT TWO CERTIFIED COPIES OF THIS BY-LAW BE FORWARDED BY THE CLERK WITHOUT DELAY TO THE DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL ROADS BRANCH. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. 6. THAT THIS BY-LAW SHALL NOT COME INTO FORCE UNTIL APPROVED BY THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS, AS PROVIDED IN THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT. 7 -;"/READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS DAY OF w*4.y -.�._ 1952 (SEAL.) I ♦ 4* 11* Va.1.*0 CLERK OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF allwa PO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE COPY OF BY--L.AW NO. 1.3 46 r� PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OR THE SAID CORPORATION ON THE DAY OF 19 M • l(" F `OV F D f FORM M.R.17 BY—LAW NO. 1346 • A BY ---LAW TO APPOINT A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF v BAYHAYI IN THE COUNTY j6y!fto OF ELGIN WHEREAS IT IS DESIRABLE THAT THE LAYING OUT AND SUPERVISION OF ALL WORK AND EXPENDITURE UPON IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF ROADS WITHIN THE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF THIS COUNCIL SHOULD BE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A ROAD SUPERINTENDENT. ACTING UNDER ITS DIRECTION. AND WHEREAS IT IS THE DESIRE OF THIS COUNCIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT AND TO RECEIVE THE GOVERNMENT GRANT AS PROVIDED IN THE SAID ACT. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED BY TH£ COUNCIL OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE SAID TOWNSHIP AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED. 1. THAT John C. Tribe.r--f nr(?vz l l P On t. (NAME) (ADDRESS) IS APPOINTED ROAD SUPERINTENDENT IN THE SAID TOWNSHIP TO ACT AS AFORESAID IN ACCORDANCE T:T WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE SAID ACT FROM THE l at . DAY OF ` `a 1957 AND DURING THE PLEASURE OF THE SAID COUNCIL. 2. THAT THE ROAD SUPERINTENDENT SHALL BE PAID AT THE RATE OF $3 000, J0 PER year FOR SUCH TIME AS HE MAY BE SO EMPLOYED. 3o THAT IT SHALL BE THE DUTY OF THE SUPERINTENDENT TO LAY OUT AND SUPERVISE ALL WORK AND EXPENDITURE ON ROADS WITHIN THE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF THIS TOWNSHIP COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT. 4. THAT ALL BY-LAWS OR PARTS THEREOF AND ALL AND ANY RESOLUTIONS OF SAID COUNCIL CONTRARY HERETO OR INCONSISTENT HEREWITH. BE AND THE SAME ARE HEREBY REPEALED. 5. THAT TWO CERTIFIED COPIES OF THIS BY-LAW BE FORWARDED BY THE CLERK WITHOUT DELAY TO THE DISTRICT OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL ROADS BRANCH. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. 6. THAT THIS BY-LAW SHALL NOT COME INTO FORCE UNTIL APPROVED BY THE MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS, AS PROVIDED IN THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT. READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS rT—W DAY OF Agril 19.57 _..� f!`. .rte' .� _ •�,. CLERK OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF Q0 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING Is A TRUE COPY OR BY-L.Aw No. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE SAID CORPORATION ON THE DAY OF 19 .x, TOWNSHIP CLERK -rI l'r trl DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Toronto Mr. J.D. Vallee, Clerk:, Township of Bayham, Strattordville, Ontario. Tp./I.D. 5, Mal 29th, 1957. Dear Sir: Re: 1957 Road Expenditure By-law Dumber 1343 Amount � 67,000.00 The Honourable Jas. N. Allan, Minister of Highways, has authorized the approval of the above cited by-law to a limit of 201000.00 for Construction, Q �7,000.0o for N.aintenance and 67,000.00 Total. Please be advised that expenditures in excess of either the construction or maintenance limits will not be eligible for subsidy unless covered by a supplementary by- law approved by the Minister, This approval is given subject to the approval of each individual work of road and bridge construction, each contract for maintenance and the purchase of each unit of equipment. The District Yuni.cipal Engineer must be advised and his consent obtained before such works or purchases are advertised or tenders called or any commitment made by the township with respect to them. One copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith, b. cieric I , _ J . D . Vallee J. V. Ludgate, Municipal 7ngineer. Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of _ Baht_, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No.1343 passed by the Council of the said Cor- poration or- paration on the day o f , 19-57____. A PP am -E60' Q• 0.N.o. t FORM M.R. lBY-LAW NO. 1343 A by -LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 57 EXPENDITURES ON ROAD=S IN `J"HAF TOWNSHIP OF t3t'�Y�I1� i IN THE COUNTY OF Elplill TR ftfpaw WHFRFAS The 11-I hwuy Improvement Act requires that the tote -j exl--enditure on roads be provided for annually by by-- aw and that, the law he submitted to the Minister _X Highways for approval. T'J*RFF ORS: t ;^ .: �'�f the ror sora t ion of the sold `oT��a� ellacts as follows: - (1) The sure of $67000.00 is hereby a,)prtor.rl,, ted f -A, montes r-rovi.ded `by levy, ebentures and government su'shsidy for ll -ie ture upon construct -ion and maintenance of the roads under its juri.sd ict during the year 19_27. as follows : -- CONSTRUC`T'ION ROADS,.,,.,, G. 1 e� • s s v• 9 N r f1 1 .•. - -w oo NEW M C HINFRY .. ,164 * m 4 04 9:200. oa MA INTFNANCE $ 32 -20&i-00, 9 000.00 _ TOTALS $_,.20_1000,00 $ 47, 000.00 � T0TA ? t �M 399100. �Q ... 9 700, 00 9 200!00 92000000 _._._. (2) The said monies shall be expended under the suf..ery i. s l on. o { the duly* appointed township road superintendent and on work pex•for71(!,.-' a--curdance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk sha 11 transmit duplicate col_ ies of this by --law the district office of the Municipal Roads P_ranch, Department of �i.;- r .�,.,✓,. not later than March 31st of the said year. Passed at Straf'fordville this 15day of 1darch A. D.1 ").57 (S F t? Tom) r Z Clerk - -T—, - I, J. D. Vallee , Reeve Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Dayham , do hereby certify that the forep, Is a true copy of Bylaw No.1343 passed by the Council of the sairC� r- pora tion on the is day of Marsh .9 19. 57 , - - f &Z _ flfiJlllClPq ENC. NE&p, "' -•�•�' 'R.0. -7f1 .� f C Townshir, Clerk ■ t 14 :717 1,1 in 1, r> rA n rt cv—rv. 14 :717 1,1 in 1, r> rA 14 :717 f r t s 4 . Y • .a : . � f f This af;ri..mjont made in (1U.-plici.ite this 14-.t day of &I.-L'iy A*D* 1957 B1rT1,.;, I i Y'W 4 _1'J the Ilunicipal Corpora - ion of the To%mt;hip of Mqham of the First Part and the .O..unicipal CorporwAon of t! .e Tome 1ii:p of ."lalahide of the occond pw-t. JUWAo under tho provisirms of Oaction 437 Chaptor 2143 :**SSw(jq 19.509 the Commations of LdjoLillng' `sUnicipalitics, may enter Into a:i agroomoat for the "Iain-*Denance tund Rapatir of zmy Highway fore the Dbwiclary bet-voon such ',iwl icipal i ties,, w1wraby eacllh o -.e 7 -tcmiu�dcrtalm ill for a to= of not excooding "on yo --yrs, to 'y zi:'i mop re: uir w -q porton of such ti-io 3a!d - Tovma_'J,-)s have J,, Int Jur isdic. ti ill -In over til to 1."oad betwoon the ski; ` Taanships and it !"�- docued expediarit to provide for tho'"Lviazion o..' lw-..o aalcll 3o each ..'ns yin may be respdazible for ulila ice and i'LepuIr of a portion of Ile 3av :-Je N, I I,) t 1 11, 1 1 1 ' **I�'e at;mement witneuscz�h thdt in conool.rier-4-Jon o"" the %Wki lil %P '� 1� %.& ko � �' .9 ;rO ,praut iaos and uutuall c,.)vew rui"Cs wid a, cue:its herainaftor containod I Im tho ?artios hereto .0 ree each tlic ot,ior a.-; 1'ollov- : b 1. T1, to Ta."z'-IsUp of Bayliam sl M wt-O id repr c reapoauiblo 2or tw,_ter,. por:.''l,"Ai o1i' 3ouzadary ro.,._id, roa,_" ut)ed in n lieu of Dow-dar" I o �;uc"--, Boundary r(L) �d exiot"o bvtiw.1,srm the y rozo .. 1 0 said 4-own3hips,, bein',,: '.iora av, 1.3 to uay, all W"t yportioit-1 ol"' ibuntil' road xi,"' road used in liou of botuidary road, ly*Jj,.-; -,.;Ut,.l of �'b'b 3 i�' ziort", 0 ..,neeaaion Foure - 2. T'lix of alale hiicf'_,M, build, m.."ntn*"n aacl rc,--) ir uid bo .1osponalibile f" r t_�,o portion -of Bowrj,!1,..,ry oat,' 11"Otucen V-10 ciore parti cul'-Xly Ocacribed aa 1*'o1low%,JAq t:t 13 to 3ay, Vlat portion of Uounclixy roa" north WE No* 3 Highway Ulvt portion of road in c �-)ne* 3* Lach rinw-1co anr !.. 1-4,ivo full m 19cc),%, j -u 3pervision ib L*�, P over galV.-ic work un(1(.1,rta'1:ei on its respective portion ofSowridary Road, aziy 3ubzidy which may -00 ail d' by the Doparttxmnt of I Pub3.10 1":'.-'1'_4aaYj Of .'Jroviace of Untaric on such work, 01.,au S. long to the 'Llbinicipality.accounting,, for the Exponditurej wwept that any mrk or undertaking,eats ted to cost more that One Thou=id Dollars sluill have the approvU, of the Councils of both Tmn. sUps and the a xmdituro shall bo divided equally betwom the am d Townships* 4. This mor nt o. La,.1. con- tinue in forte and a Tial 1. be bindine upon the a aid To-mahips until the First day of May A.D • 1967# ase road ch.wisos or conditicns warrant a now wvacment. 5* This acpree ent shall becorm effective and binding n this said To s',Apo when co fi.-m 'by Dy4oLaw of the Council of each: of the saidohips, ani such ,-%tomt a copy of tsf.sArr _Xeement Attached, al tall be rogi stora:d in to ie re. ; . star Of .Ice of each reCisUT divit 3Q. -i in which such hi h ay or ;:any portion thereof io oitu`:te« 60 !iter tho m,-istration of such Dy-IA'-ws each To ship s4all i:nde-rw ify and saves hamleas the other from any lass, or d e arising from the meant of re. -t s of the pCa►r1tion which it has assn ,* L► `' £":s the Corporate Soalo of the said Corporation and the Winds of V.eir respective reeves and Clerks. Signed, sealed ,and delivered in tho presa� xe of :eV® 7fl �• Olork tai' Dayliam 7TVp. Reese of !W -chide Tvrp• filler,of 11alWiide TWPO seal �f I BY-LAW X10. 1348* A By -Law to authorize a certain agreement between the Tovrnship of Bayham and the Toi-rnship of Malahide, respecting the maintenance and repair of Boundary Roads. WHEREAS the Tovmships of Bayham and Malahide have entered into an agreement for the Maintenance and Repair of certain portions of the High-aay forriing the Boundary Road between the said Tot=mshiy)sj and it is necessary to ratify and confirm the said agreeL- to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute the sa_rae. `."here - ore the l unicipal Council of t' e Corporation of the Toirls-'Io of BAYHAIAI enacts as follows:- THAT ollows:- THAT the Agreement between the Toanships of Da -sham and Malahide dated the FIRST day of 14AY A.D. 19579 a true copy of which agreement is hereto attached, and Forms a part of this; By -Law, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirned, and the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the sane on behalf o2 tl&j Corporation, and to affix the Corporate Seal of the Toimship of BAYII J4 thereto. PASSED in open Council tills SECUIM Read a Fir -t time Read a Second time Read a Third time day of JULY A.D. 1957. Reeve. Clerk. This agreemnt made in duplicate this lot day of May A.D. 1957 BET UMN the 14unicipal Corporation of the T oimship of Bayham of the First Part and the 14unicipal Corporation of the Township of � 1alahide of the second part* "IHEREAS under the provisions of : rection 1+37 Chapter 243 R.S.O. 195010 the Corporations of ad joiging unicipalities, may enter into an agxee nt far the i gain tenance and Repair of any :lighway foz�ing the Boundary between such 1,',unicipalities, whereby each of kiAem u#dertake for a term of not exceeding Ten years, to iaLita.Ln and keep in repair any portion of such llig,hway. AIM WHMEA.� the said TokmslUps have jfInt juri3dic iErn over the Boundary Road betty on the said T(Yiinships and it is deemed expedient to provide for the {division of the said 1 ighway so t` -.au each Township may be respbrisible for tic 1' `Ia t ntenatace and repair of a portion of the SM:10 . NOW Tip' this agreement witnesseth that in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants and a reements herei belong to the lamicipality accounting; for the Expenditure; except that any work or undertaking estimated to cost more that One Thousand Dollars shall have the approval of the Councils of bath Townships and the expenditure shall be divided equally between the said Townships. 4* This agreement al -tall continue in force and sell be binding upon, the said Tovmships until the First dozy of May A.D. 1967, unless road changes or conditions warrant a new agreement: 5. This agreement shall become effective and binding on the said Townships when confirmed by By -Law of the Council of each of the said Tovmships, and such Dy -Lags with a copy of this Agueemnt attached. shall be registered in the registry Office of each regist7 division in which such highway or any portion thereof is situate. 6. After the registration of such By -Laws each Township small indenur• ifry and save harmless the other from any loss or dama�ye arising f the want of repair of the portion which it has asetuned. WrIMESS the Corporate Seals of the said Corporation and the Rands of their respective Reeves and Clerks. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Reeve of Bayhaq Tarps j_ Clark df Bayham Twp. 0 y' Ree of Malahide Twp. Cler of fUlahide Twp. Seal Seal. By -Law No. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to amend By -Law No. 13.0. WHEREAS action taken by the Bank of Canada has made it necessary for local banks to again incl -ease the rate of interest on money borrowed from local banks by local municipalities; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayham as follovis; - 1. That, effective August 26th. 1957, and thereafter until changed, the said rate of interest as set forth in By -Law No. 13+0, shall read Five and One -Half ($J) per centum per annum. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 7th. day of October, 1957• By -Law No. 1352. Township of Bayhan, . Being a by-law to provide for the holding of the .•Iunicipal elections in the .riunicipality of the Township of. Bayham for the ye -..r 1957, 11I.D. , and for the appointing of Deputy Heturnin.-v- Officers, Voll Clerk and Polling Places in the several Polling Sub -Divisions in the said unicipality of the Township of 3ayham. B-�"' T! THEREFOiE ENACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayha.*n as follows; - That, provided more persons qualify for election to office than are required to fill the various offices, an election be held on Dec. 2nd. 19 7 as according to Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1203, and in accordance with the provisions of the �1,unicipal Elections ,'lct. That, the election for Sub -Division Nol of the i-unicipality shall be held at the Police Hall, Port Burwell, and that Howard Chute shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Percy Clarke shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division �o. 2 shall be held at or near Fran: Reiser Tenant House , and that Fred Baker shall be Deputy Returning Officer and i•surray Emerson shell be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division r-�o. 3, shall be held at or near Ray hur ton' s residence and that Wilton Jackson shall be Deputy Returning Officer and ray Thurston shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 4 shall be held at the Township Hall and that Harry P. Grant shall be Deputy j`eturning officer and I vle ':Jalsh shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 5 shall be held at Corinth Institute Hall, and that Hov,rard Coomber shall be Deputy Heturningg Officer and :lex Duff shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division 'No. b shall be held at the Eden School Building and that Chas. tetchabaw shall be Deputy Returning Officer and ',Jdilfred "elson shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 7 shall be held at the .-richmond School and that Fred Procunier shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Isabelle Hewbank shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 8 shall be held at 3.S.140. 4 School and that Ira 1%iitchell shall be Deputy Returning Officer an(-!. 1. ildred ;roper shall be Poll Clem:, ANS} THAT the said Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks be and they are hereby authorized and required to hold the said i.'unicipal Elections in accordance with the Act -anrd to provia'e for voting by ballot at the said elections. READ a First, :second and Third time and finally passed this 28th* day of October 195 7 . Reeve. rk. a Ex By -Law 11o. 13 5 3 • Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for a grant to the Elgin County Federation of agriculture. YMEtREAS paragraph 4a of Section 405 of the "' nicipal Act (1953 ) provides that councils may pass by-laws for making this grant; AND *4HERE S it is considered necessary and expedient that this grant be made; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE �, UNICIP'iL COUINC IL OF THE TO ISHIP OF BAYH 14 AS FOLLO S : - 1. That a grant of 'Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars (350.00) be and is hereby made to the Elgin County Branch of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. 2. That the Township Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to issue cheque for same forthirdth. READ a First, Second and Third Time and finally passed this 28th. day of October 195 ? • Re -eve. ��: _Clerk I a t By -Law No. �. J 77 I ot-m shi n of Ravham. Being a by-law to hold a second nomination and election if necessary, in the Township of 3avham for the year 1057 wend for the apl?ointin� of election off ici-_ls -,.nd pcj_lin�7 places for the said election. 114L,%�11".1D at the rer;ular no --urinations held on Dov. 25th. --m-1 by 9.00 P.m. the fol + o�Tin:� day, only "� .o councillors had co-.pleted cualific Ation-onners -for the elec-Qion to that office; :�I4) pili ;I �.� i�' is necessary that the Couf-icil of t':e �ovmshira o`' 3avham have a total of three Cowncillors; `J.'IJA;SH_'I'J C R` B'1: IT I]TIAC`I -F) b -r the : unicin:.;l council of the of Bayham as follows; - l. `What a new nomin=ation for one council seat be `held on TFriday, Dec, 1 th. at 2.01 p.m., 1957. 2. That nrovi{ling more than one Person qualifies for the said or Vice, :ten election be held on I)ec. 2 r:� . JC) -7. 3 . I hat the said elec pian be held in � c co- Jaince with f otin :ship of Ba -ham By -Law =o. 120 , except as to dates meet -_on od above , and that . o? 11r I�lr.ces, ,enUttr �iet;urr}ln �'f1'1Cers ��n'� <01.3 ��lerk. be the sarae as set fort:. in B-r_L.~I., 1o. 135:. :) a first, second, and third time and finally Passed. this 3rd. day of Je:cember, 1057 • r v+ )17 �' Reeve. CA' 1er k. v 9' --Li, 30* 1348* A By -Law to avltit-torize a contain w•rec,,,-aent b0tvj(,--un the Tovmslulip ol' -c-1-1tide, rcs cct,4n,, 1.-1-,c mu�_ntertancc of Baybj�,.,.; T, � , .). - . . r 6 C;� .4, t and repa-ir t'.;.4.7' Bourvl.ary Road:_-), jo-is! i)s of Bi-v%,,ham -ind *-I'alahide Lave ontered into an a.,1!,ro-cmcY.J�,.,1..-, t',*,c _Luintenance and of certain portions of -t - the 11a. 4 -he 3ow-idary Road betwocn said Toirns" : VA $I 'j. 4 S I L I 1% � .% * � 1. 1 and it _23 to ratify C "he �,aid a,reciacat, wn�d` ' U u to Vic- '11-1,evo, -n,,,vClci:* to c-ocut,e tlie ia,,. cowleil 01, Ourt)ueation Of L!.:e of B."AlUd"I enacts as :ollov-)*,— Tl't1 'Ialahide HAT t,ic A.,rrecr�ent To-.,nshlps c �4;k.""Z141M t. a-- I dated the day of 1,1.,n,Y 19571p a true co- a py of whicl, agreement is ',oroto 6- -,ttaciiod, and qs 1-1 -)r , a part of 13v-Law'he and 9 the aw-ic is berobv w r:-_-tiflod ands. C on f 44. r. �,S 0 a, 0 an the oeve,urtl Clerk ure heroby uo exc,,Cuto the sa..ic on a, .e Corporate 3cal oP t'�c beh:-�,lf off. this Corpor.A-sion,, ancl. tc x ', " L,, �# A- ;.L Ta�ms,,Ap of LAY,11,;z,1.4,11,1, t1icreto. P ;ILD in Colincil this A) Read a tine Ucad a Secoriku tinic Ii read a ' Ard time day ol-' JULY A*De 1957* Clerk. N Forin 104-51 Ontario �lV.!'NSlit I1" Vi'B:fitTi,i1.1..i BY-LAW No ........ . to authorize the borrowing of $ 16 ; 400. rj0 Whereas the Council of the "'os i ':i ow 7�a,vha,, (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 16)400-00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTE. --Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- foor`thehe eeumrzaen�t pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 57, not including year If adopted; if not, to those revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of of last year. debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale of assets, is $ 2 5 2 , c00.00 And Whereas the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed (Delete this this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 341 of The paragraph if not applicable.) Municipal Act is $ 1«0, 000 • 10 of which the Municipality has already borrowed a total of $ 1 1 7 , 5". 0 • `�1 Therefore the Council of the 1'otrn:;hip of :,3avham, hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in -the aggregate $ 16 , 400. 00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 341 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be r, paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 341, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 10tI, • day of I ecemi:=er 19 57 • THE HEAP OF THE/ MUNICIPALITY SEAL ......... l ... ...L ...... ....... ........... ERK . y 1 We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This As Witness the Seal of the of day of 19 D THE HEAOF THE MUNICIPALITY ................................... :............................ C..... LERK