HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1955BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1307 — 1324. 1668 1955 BAYHAM TOMSHIP BYLAW RBOORDS BYLAWS j 1284-13491 FILE # 33 File # 33 Date Subject 1284 ] Mar 54 Authorizing the borrowing of $ 28,000.00 for the erection of an addition to the Public School Building for the Noth Bayham §chool Section. 1286 4 Jan 54 Authorize the borrowing of $ 120,000.00. 1287 4 Jan 54 To appoint officers in Bayham for 1954. 1288 4 Jan 54 To appoint an Assessor in Bayham. 1289 4 Jan 54 Appoint Fence -viewers and Po=d -keepers. 290 ] Feb 54 Provide for the total road expenditures for 1954. ] 29] ] Mar 54 Appoint a Road Superintendent. 1292 1 Mar 54 Authorizing the borrowing of irony by way of tenporary advances pending the issue authorized by Bylaw No. 1284 1293 5 Apr 54 Adopt assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1294 3 May 54 To close and sell the north portions of lots 19 and 20. 1295 3 May 54 Close and sell the un -used portion of Talbot Road. 1296 7 Jun 54 Provide for a grant to the Elgin County Fed.. of Agr.. 1297 7 Jun 54 Approve the borrowing of $140,000.00 by the town of Tillsonburg. 1298 14 Jun 54 Alter the boundaries of P.S. No. 16 and 24. 1300 2 Aug 54 Provide for the issuing of Township hunting licenses. 1301 2 Aug 54 Close and sell certain streets in the Village of Straffordville. 1303 2 Aug 54 Provide for the additional road expenditures for 1954. 1304 4 Oct 54 Provide for borrowing the aggregate of separate sums. 1305 1 Nov 54 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections for 1954. 1306 15 Dec 54 Authorize the borrowing of $ 25,000.00.. 1349 6 Aug 57 Provide for the issuing of Township hunting licences. MY14AM TOWSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1307-13241 File # 34 Date Subject F= # 34 1307 3 Jan 55 Authorize the borrowing of $ 1401000.00.. 1308 3 Jan 55 Appoint certain officers in Bayhan for 1955. 1309 3 Jan 55 Appoint Fence -Viewers and Pound -keepers. 1310 7 Feb 55 Agreement to pay half of the cost of one school bus in the amount of 5350.00.. 1311 7 Feb 55 Granting privileges to D nm nion natural Gas Ccmp. Ltd. 1312 6 Jun 55 Approve of the borrowing of $75,000.00 by the Village of Vienna. 1313 7 Mar 55 Provide for the total road expenditures for 1955. 1314 4 Apr 55 Adopt assessment on which taxes can be levied. 1315 2 May 55 Add lands of S. S. No. 5, Bayham to the Vienna and Bayham Tbwnlship School Area. 1316 2 May 55 Provide grant to the Elgin County Fed. of Agr. 1317 6 Jun 55 Alter the boundaries of Public School Section formerly known as No. 8 and No. 15.. 1318 3 Oct 55 Close the sideroad between lots 25 and 26. 1319 6 Sept 55 Appoim-Tent of an engineer under The Ditches and Watercourses Act. 1320 3 Oct 55 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1321 31 Oct 55 Appoint an Inspector under the Trench Excavators Act. 1324 31 Oct 55 To set the fee for Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for Munc. elections. Form 100-51 Ontario TC:SIiIp OF')r�e iii•: ....................................................................................................................... BY-LAW No ...... 13Qry J........ �p=jFt)X to authorize the borrowing of $ 110, 0 0. CCS Whereas the Council of the Ti aVrr.s 1iD Or a Pham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 4,0"000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTE.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 54, not including ifchoif not, o trevenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of of last Year. debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale (Delete this paragraph if not applicable.) of assets, is $211,977-00 i 1 ' •fes=.✓.11; � ' tY ,• • ri � # tit • • • • • • � } • r�Ip =1A• Therefore the Council of the T, fi rnship of ?a rha: hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $1401noo.0o to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 3.11 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding ',, per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 3.11, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this rd day of Jaru':r 19= . . ...........`.................... THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL ............ 0� ................................. ................ CLERK i We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 1307 of the Town s�, I P of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This day of January 1955. As Witness the Seal of the TcwnshiD of a- haTi1. -............ r...... r..... `.... ! r:: .:. .................... THE HEAD OF THE NIUNICIPALITY SEAT_, t, .... �,.. .:......... :.: .... ..................... . CLERK .` � a: � �. r �. !a, y ` ,..� r. �� � �� � � fi � �� . �. _ TO*BSAIF OF BAYEAU, By -Law N o . being a by-law to appoint certain officers in :and for the Y..Am.ieipal _sty of the Township of Bajham for the year 195 -y . BL IT T +Y "FORL ENACTEX in regular session assembled;- 1. That ? D 8 % ` � e WS v . �f and alis 1, FRS ,Y % YA q t? shall be Valuators of Livestowk killed by dogs at 4 J = 7 per hour and . ,�(; g/ per mile one way for car. �vV � 2. That /'7 - H / J shall be school attendance officer at a salary of r r ti ""' and . ,�Dy per mile one way for car. 3. Thatd�LA% shall be t3eed Inspector 3t a salary of plug .% per. mile one way for oar. 4. That shall be Relief )ff i oer at a salary of 5. That D. F. Gibson,. shall be +solicitor of the Township. 6. That �vV � / Ai shall be building Inspector at a salary qR 7. That RO ,� L°. J/9�° SCA-`` Shall be Drain Imsoeator ate salary of :FAD a First, Second and Xhird Time and finally passed this day of January, 195.-.-,,/ . Reeve. Clerk. i a Township of Bayham. BY-Law10 . 1309. Being a by-law to appoint Fence -viewers and Pound-11,eeperg in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 19515; trnereas Section 386, rub-sec-�ion 47 of The =`unici pal '.ct,. S.C. 1950, provides that t -iese appointments be m=7�de; Bl�t IT THEREF01"LENACTED by the '-'unit i pal Counc-1 l of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in regular se,3sion a,7,sem`)1ed, that the following be and are hereby appointed to act as the followinCD g officers for the f ear 1955;- Fence-viewers, 955;- Fence-viewers. Frank Howey, Stra.► fordville Carman Ball , E0 en =1orace Hague, R.1, Stra.f.f, Lloyd Merron, R.2, Vien~ia reo, from ier, R.1,in,elrsoll �Pobt. C. Jackson, R.l, Strad. lva Bra_nn, P.6, Tillsonbur Fred Ball, Straf.fordvi ? le "ilonzo Hagell, Corinth .'illard-cl':llister, Stra.ff. �:�arl Travis, r orinth . Pclind-keepers. i .ario Bratty, R . 2 , Vienna Horace t1'ague , 8..1, Stra 'fordvi lle •"T Br an, � .1, Vienna e an , R . c� , ,ylmer obt. .'ackson, R.1 Stf Judson Fall, H.�}, iillson��ur��r ra 7• l m'Lne, 1 11, s,oen ';eo . Frocun.ie r, ' , �. , Ingerso' 1 Clarence 'olfe, ?.1, Vienna Roy :'vevil.l, Vienna, i(i, Laethers, rL.l,Pt.Burwe1.1. Ale %. til7.te, fell 11loore, R.1, t. Bur -,-.ell er A 4-1 -Joe 5-ilw-r -horne , q.6) Tills. �Ra,� ". '.1,,.,ard, 1-1 ..L" '?obt. Ve"i.tcrl, Z.1, T ?erx '? wr C•reen , .1, "orinth. t REt�i7 a first, second and. third t rl e and finally passel t',is )rcl. Oay of January, 1955). 7eeve. C 16` _k A CORPURATION THE T0'OF BKYR .: 3Y L'd .'1HE�ExS theouncil o' the %or -oration of the'o�,Fnshi of -,)ayha-i,i has agreed pith the %orporation of the Villat e of Vienna to pay part of the cost of a sciocl bus fol the Vienna and Bayhai Township School irea, in the amount of Five Thousand, Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars ( 5,)50.00). AND 1HE-?EAS the Corporation of the Village of Vienna contemplates issui n.;' a debenture therefor to bear interest at five percent and payable in equal annual instalments of principal plus interest, the interest fallinfT due on the 1st of February, 1950, 1957, 1958, 1959 and 1900. THEHEFORE, the council of the Corporation of the `Iow�nship of Bayham, ENACTS AS FOLL&IS : 1. Head of the Council and the Treasurer are aut Iorized and directed to execute an a_rreeinent with the Corporation of the village of Vienna, a cope of which is attached to this by-law and marked as Schedule "tit', bindin,-_, the Corporation as therein set out. 2. Cor!unenc ing, in the year 19,55, and thereafter in each year in which an instalment of principal and interest on the said debt become due the Corporation shall levy and raise the sum required by the said agreerient by a special rate sufficient therefor over and above all other rates upon all the rateable property in the Township of Dayham within the 'Vienna and Bayha„i Township School area. READ a first and second time this % day of � .�+ C. -„j 1955 Ivlayor or Reeve Clerk. B a third time and finally passed this ? day of . D. 1955. .,ayor or Heeve f. �Y Clerk, i i r � E E Tei E N T B E -T i E" i_ 114 : AND. _Z� made this day of February, A. ;:. 1955. THi:, {;ORPO�-�ATIU"', Or TAIL TOd'tiiySHIP OF BAEIA, ereina ter called AYMJ7 OF T xl'rFI tS i pArRr1' THE] �.Os.PO.tATI�s 1 OF 1H vILL�iy:1 CSF' VIE -A,' Hereinafter called RVIENNAtt OF THE 0"ECOUL i -)AAT it is expedient to j�archase a school bus. to serve the Vienna and i3airhaziu Township School Area at a cost of Five '1'hou.and , .Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars (',P'5,33.50.00) and to repay the same in five ecual installments of principal plus intor .st at fide percent { 5JJ) . A .b W11ER AS the Vienna and 3ayham Township Jchool Area is comprised partly of lands in th=e Village of Vienna, and partly of lands in the Township of 3ayham. I .7 7 i'VU:V , �Ia, � ",i` i7, IT J -Fid QED : 1. That Vis.ina shall issue a debenture for the said su ;i of rive Thousand, Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars {1;P"5,3jv.00) with interest thereon at five percent { 5;) payabl a annually on the lst of February , 1956, 195; , 1958, 1950 and 1960 accorc�in to the schedule as follows: 7rinci cal Interest fico 1955 ,107C.00 '267.50 lip ,.1337.50 1956 1070.00 214.00 1284.00 1957 1070-00 16().50 1230.90 1958 1070.00 107.00 1177.00 1959 1070.00 53.50 1123.50 2• 4W2- That Bayham shall pay to Vienna on the 1st of February in each year, commencin February 1, 1956, that portion of the total or principal and interest payable that day which the equalized a ssessment of the lands within the Township of Bayham included in the Vienna and Bayham Township School Area bears to the total of the equalized Q liZed as s e s s:tient within the entire Vienna dnd Bayham Township achool area, IST IdITNESS 'WHE.HE THE .?ARTIEO' 14KIRETO HAVE HEREJUNTO SIT THEIR HxNL SEAL. THE CORPORATION OF TH�, TO N"'HIP OF BAYHAY Head of thej Council ' Clerk. •. •.♦•.,..•. THE CORPORATIt W OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA Head of the Council 1 • • • •Ire . f • ,.f' Clerk, r;.. THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NUMBER Granting privileges to Dominion N a t ura 1 Gas Company, Limited. THE COUNCIL OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYRAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. AREAS by By -Law Number 1008, duly passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the lat day of April, 1935, a franchise was granted The Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited to construct and maintain a system of pipes along and upon certain highways for the purpose of continuing a line, work or system which is intended to be operated in and for the benefi� of the Town of Tillsonburg and other municipalities subject to the conditions and regulations set out in Schedule "A" to said By -Law Number 1008 attached, in which franchise it was, among other things, provided: "The franchise hereby granted shall be for the term of ten years from and after the final passing of the By -Law: provided that if at any time prior to the expiration of said terga of ten years or any renewal thereof the Company shall notify the Corporation in writing that it desires a renewal thereof for a further period of ten years, the Council may renew the same from time to time, for further period not ex- ceeding ten years at any one time." 2. AND WHEREAS by Letters Patent issued December the twenty-seventh, 1939, under The Companies Act (Ontario),, Section 11, the property, rights, privileges and franchises of The Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited became and are vested in Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited, an amalgamate corporation composed of The Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited and Southern Ontario Chas Company, Limited, subject to all the liabilities, contracts, disabilities and duties of each of the corporations so amalgamated. _ _....... ... ...... ....._ ..._ _........._. _. ,__........_......_ 4 W __a.._ �_ �... ...__. _, . �__,,� . ......N .� __ ..m _._..._ . _ _...._ ...... 4e 5 2* . AND WHEREAS by By -Law Number 1132, passed the 5th day of March, 1945 the Council of the said Corporation renewed By -Law Number 1008 and the Agreement therein referred to for a further period of ten years from and after the let day of April, 1945. 4. AND WHEREAS it is understood and agreed that para- graph 8. of the Agreement referred to in By -Law Number 1008 has been modified from time to time by orders of the Natural Gas Referee of the Province of Ontario. 5. AND WHEREAS Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited, � the said amalgamate company, has duly notified the Corporation in writing that it desires a renewal of the said franchise granted The Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited by By -Law Number 1008 and of the Agreement entered by the last named i Company with the Corporation of the Township of Bayham pur- suant to said By -Law Number 1008, for a further period of ten years from and after the let day of April, 1955• NOW THEREFORE the Council of the said Corporation of the Township of Bayham hereby enacts: 1. The franchise granted by the said By -Law Number 1008 and the agreement therein referred to are hereby renewed for the period of ten years from and after ,the let day of April, 1955. 2. The Reeve is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver on behalf of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Bayham and under its corporate seal, countersigned by the Clerk, an agreement in the form set forth in the Schedule ql hereto annexed upon the dell -very by Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited of a counterpart of said agreement under the seal of the said Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited and the hands of its proper officers in that behalf. PASSED this "'Y of 1955. lark Reeve THE SCHEDULE referred to in the foregoing by-law. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made they day of ;a=,t %' /f /� �- 14550 BETWEEN: DOMINION NATURAL GAS COMPANY, LIMITED, a body corpor- ate and politic organized under the laws of the Pro- vince of Ontario, hereinafter called the "Company" of the First Part, and THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, hereinafter called the "Corporation" of the Second Part . WHEREAS by By -Law Number 1008 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the lat day of April, 1935, a fran- chise was granted by said Corporation to The Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited to construct and maintain a system of pipes along and upon certain highways for the purpose of continuing a line, work or system which is intended to be operated in and for the benefit of the Town of Tillsonburg and other municipalities subject to the conditions and regulations set out in the Schedule "A" to said Bir -Law Number 1003 attached. AND WHEREAS by Letters Patent issued under The Companies Act ( Ontario) the franchises, rights and privileges of The Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited became and are vested in Dominion Natural Gas Company Limited, an amalgamate company made up of the said The Dominion Natural Gas Company, Limited and. Southern Ontario Gas Company, Limited, and the said Dominion Natural Gas Company, t Limited has requ,..sted a renewal of the said. franchise and agreement. 2. AND WHEREAS by By -Law Number 1132 passed the 5th day of March, 1945 the Council of the said. Corporation renewed B' °--Law Number 1008 and the Agreement therein referred to for a , further period of ten years from and after the 1st day of April, 1945. AND WHEREAS by By -Law dumber r - / 1? l passed the 7 y day of 1955, the said franchise and agreement has been renewed for the further term of ten years from and after the lat day of April, 19550 NOW THEREFOKE the parties hereto, their successors and assigns respectively hereby covenant, promise and agree each with the other as follows, that is to say: 1. The franchise granted by the said By -Law Number 1008 and the Agreement therein referred to are thereby renewed for a :I period of ten years from and after the 1st day of April, 1955 upon the terms and conditions mutatis mutandis set forth in Heid By -Law Number 1003, subject to the ' orders of the Natural Gas Referee of the Province of Ontario and The Ontario Fuel Board in regard to paragraph. 8. of the Agreement referred to in By -Law Number 1008, 2. The Company doee hereby declare its acceptance of the said renewal, and for itself,, its successors and assigns, covenants and agrees with the Township, its successors and assigns that it will perform, observe and comply with all the agreements, obligations, terms and conditions in the said re - newel by-law contained, and on its part to be performed, ob- served and complied with, and the Corporation agrees to observe and perform the said renewal by-law and conditions so far as the same relate to them. E< ; 3. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Company has hereunto affixed its corporate seal under the hands of tb.e President and Secretary ^f the Company a -,d the Corporation has hereunto affixed its cor- porate seal under the -ands of the Reeve and Clerk of the Corpor- ation. SINNED, SFALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of _C4i DOMINION NATURAL, CAS CCMPAVY, LIMITED By By / 61' �. Secretary THE MiUN I C I PA L CORPORATION OF THE T OWN SH I P OF BAYHA M save Clerk f. T C-, 1312 t:l I Trp P U' A _C 0 P L- RkA'I' 10 C 'Zi 0 �'. T - �_J 1 '-1 - IT I 4 A 'U -o ap-pro­­ oi" f-lla,.:e 1' -V'ie�nna 01 .,75,000.00 bl/ khe o Upon debent I I C 3 for t'herection. c ertion a.,-6 r eco?.-I-pnent- of a Pu ';-.,lic Sc.1001 U 11 d i mr, of ;gay ayham Sc-ool Arna. ';.,) ------ ---- ----- ---- -------- --------- 4,11-EE.R ]'.]AS he a and. 3ayham School Area `oar d has ayna­. for i -s applied to -It',he Corpo,at._Jon of `_-.Ile o 0- ) ) ­ rn � I -lve -s ­d Dotarsw_-,J,p_-,­ova_L 01' the `.)o-.,_,rowin:­ o.- Seven"- , -: - , _� no _. C1 j (.`7',00C%00) ur_,o% debe-;-i-'Ciires to be issue ' -' .4. 0 f d the purpo _L erectio-_,z, a,': 0 a Public '�.'c` ool u J 1 J' A. I I., L I for ienana and '..�IayhaSc.,-,.00l Area. . j . . r* 4" .., 0 77 V D t -1,-I C 0, In C -7� 1 0 �_,orjpo*,ratio.. 01 -.1t- idllar;e O w"- c' s ler to a clni e d, ny-lala., co of .enra is TDassinj,-r a h "0 ;,.,lo purpose of tie said. Ijor-_--oi-4,4_n- a -,,-.d debenz.ilres and is arran.,rin- for the approval of the Ontario !,'unicipal 3oard in resr-ject thereof. T 1 1-1 ` .hie Councl"Jof the ; ; o' Ba-, ham C, _� as follows:- -'he f"o-t-i-ora-ior. o." a -he �-."oi­hin o-:' 'a` -,a,: 'ereby approves h of the said bo -_r -row._: -.,-_1 of, Sevent. ive --i"housand Dollars (.P.,�,000-00) ' 5 2. '-TI i a t c o r or� ir_-, ,cin i the ;ear o 95d, aid I.: -i c v e rv Y e a r `C.hereafter in w1',-ich all,-. instalment- of n--.1-ncipal of the --;a--;d de'..).. and interesi, become di.,,.e, 'u -1 -le Co,- pol-at-Ion s*. -;all levy ana rise s - - "i i 1,14, 1 , share o -f IL:.he, said principal and 1-eres-'- and a -y other expensrl,s in connection t'hIIorewiA-..h as detel-2-a ined in acco-1-dance with 4% -.he p.,o%.'inions of the Public Schools Act (o r% a.y amendment, stubstution or any 17% f 4 other law which may lbe *,,-n lorce from ti.me �.o lu-im.e). upon all 0- 11C, the e rateable property of the said lies wi" which %J - hin - the said Area. 3. This 13y-iaw shall Cor ­,O i -to force alLi-d effec­ on the day J. p she - ina? r)assin(-, lt d f? 1. S ci ,(I second 61me. 7t'^ r, • 'i. `.% ? i 5. � ► Ev .i.l .,.�J t � Yi . ! 1 e 'aa �:z ::a_r,z .i: a::�c' fina-1- sa d h 6 ho IQs a " jLul0 1955. a 0 Ttih CUhI'uhATIUN OF Thb, `1'UWN Sh1P UF bA Yfikiii BYLAW Nu. 1312 A By-law to approve of the borrowing of $75,000.00 by the Village of Vienna upon debentures for the erection and equipment of a Public School Building of the Vienna and Bayham School Area. Messrs. Gibson & Gibson, Barristers, &c., Til.lsonburg, Ontario. 0 of a�75 #x.00 bY the of 'dere upm debenturatas for the erection and e 1.,d pnnn . of a Public 3 drool uildinZ., of the Viemu& and 3&yham School. Areae .r..w..+.........w..i.Asr ws....M..,w'..u.r►+....«...w..w,.�.w►.r.�,rr.+iw+.u,rr.rrr WIC. � E'Asr� the V ionx �Aa and Bayham School Area 3oard has applied to the Corporation W the To ns lip of 3aylluva for its apprn,v,ral of the borrowing, ofSeventy-five 1 i oltu id Dollars, (.�75, Ems. ) upon debentiav e to be iusued for the purpose of erection arid equipment o,C & Public School 1"AdIdi.ng for the Vienna and rayhw School Area. XZ D W"HER.I .-AS the Gt uric i l of the Corporat ioin of -4. -.he '1 i "pe of Vienna is pausing a 'y --laws copy of ' ich is hereto ,a shed, 'oj, t o �poso of hes .d borr+a►wrf�t J a:.d issues , dsben =.gree and is arranj; i,n for the approval of the Ontario 11unicipal. Board ir, respect: thererof o TRIM-M the Council of the Township of Bayham wiacts an f oll("M! 1. 'j"he florporation of the 'lomshi p of ftyharr hereby approves of the said borrowing of SeventywflVe 7'housmd Dollars 075000900)* 2. That com ncin � in the year of 195 '# and L every year thereafter in which a�,i instabnent of principal of tie ea. -d dela and interest. becom daze, the Corporation a utll le ry and ra-se its share of the said principai and interest and m_y� other expenses in connection therewith as dente_ rAned in accordance with the provisions of the Public Schools Act (or any �draent, subs�s;Ai tution or ,any othor law which may be in force from time Wo t ) upon a1l, of the rateable property of the said Mmicipalitty which lies win hin the said A..rea* 30 °1 his 3y -law ahall come into force a-nd effect on the day «. 2«.. of the flnC pmoing thoroofo Read a ir3 ::, ai id second time this da--- or nmrczl, x.935• r S of - I& I C' 19 5.5� 3 I 4. 51 -LAW # IZ§ THE C2M IL911C OF US- VILLAGE OF VI NA A By-law authorizing the borrowing of Seventy-five Thousand Dollars upon debentures for the erection and equipment of a Public 3 chool Building of the Vienna and Bayhan 3 chool Area. •r.W. nwWWM►sMrwn�rr4�r�QW.Www� —err +rOrmr WHEHHU the Vienna and Bayham jeh->ol Area is costprised of the Village of Vienna and part of the Township of B.ayham, in the County of Agin. AND NIMEA3 than Village of Vienna has been requested by the Vienna and Bayhax :school Area Board to raise the sum of J•venty-five Thousand Dollars (475,J00."10) for the purpose of the erection and equipment of a neer four roost public school building in the said Village of Vienna. AND '413REA3 it is expedient for the said purpose to borrow for the financing thereof the said sum of Javenty-five thousand Dollars (-J?75,000.0U) uponn the credit of the Corporation, and to issue debentures therefor bearing interest at the rate of tour and a quarter per centum (41%) f rom the date of i s sue until paid, and to provide for the dI scount and the expenses incid- ental to negotiation and sale of such debentures; .AND !"iIW A3 it is expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in annual instalments during the period of twenty years next after the date of issue of such debentures, of such amounts respectively that, with, the interest in respect of tie debt, the aggregate amount payable .for principal and interest in each year shall be as nearly as possible the same; 3ub,ject to the proviso that each instalment if principal may be for an even $100.00. 4500.00 or; -"1000., 00, or multiple thereof, and, that notwithstanding anything herein contained, the annual instalment of principal and interest may differ in amount Sufficiently to admit thereof; AND UME&EAJ the amount of the whole rateable property , 2 - of the Municipality, according to the last revised asseom*nt roll thereof in $141,960.00. ANIS WHEAgAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the corporation, is $5, 350.00, and no part of the principal or interest of such debt is in arrear; AND WHU A3 by Order dated the day of 1955, the Ontario Municipal Board has approved the purpose of the said borrowing and the passing of all requisite By-laws, including debenture Sy -laws; THEARFORE the Council of the Corporation of the 'pillage of Vienna enacts as follows: - 10 ollowst- 1. For the purpose aforesaid the Corporation shall borrow up -in the credit of the Corporation a aum not exceeding )' event y - five Thouaand Dollars ( 475, 000 • C0 ), and shall issue debentures therefor in sums of not less than 6100.:0 each.. Each debenture shall bear interest at the rate of four and a quarter per centum ( 4*%) per annum from the date of issue L itit the date of payment, payable annually and shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of such interest. 2. All the debentures shall bear the same date, shall be issued at one tin* and wi t h in two years after the day on which this By-law is passed, may bear any date within such two years and shall be made payable in annual instalments during the period of twenty years next after the date of issue thereof, and the respective anounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be the amount so designated in Schedule "A« hereto annexed. 3• The debentures shall be payable &a to both principal and intereatt in lamful money of Canada and may be made payable at such place or places in Canada as -,,hall be designated thereon. 4. The Said debentures shall. be ,sealsd with the seal of the Corporation and signed by the geeve, or by same other person authorised by by -lav to sign the u *, and by the Treasurer. The said interest coupons shall be signed by the Treasurer and his ,signature thereon may be written, stamped, lithographed or " 3 - engraved, 5• Cc encing in the year 1956 and thereafter in each year in which a payment of principal under this by-laiw► and interest thereon becomo due, the Council shall levy and raise in that year on all, the rateable property of Public School Supporters liable therefor in the said school area in the municipality an amount sufficient to pap such principal and int - crest, to the extent that such awaount has not been provided for by the special rates imposed on persons or property mads liable therefor by the by-laws of the Tom ship of Bayhaa, beim the other municipality partly included in the Vienna and Ba yham z� c h ool Area* 6. The said debenture3 may contain a clause providing for the registration thereof pursuant to ,section 335 of The Municipal Act. 7. Fending the sale of the said debentures; the ;°peeve and the Treasurer may raise for the purposes aforesaid by •ray of loan on such debenture3 any sura or sums of money not exceeding in all the sum hereby authorised to be borrowed and WAY hypothecate such debentures for such loan. s. The Corporation shall have the right, at its option, to redeem that portion of the said debentures which mature in the year 1966 on any date prier. to maturity at the places where and in they moneys in which the said debentures are expre3sed to be payable, upon payment of the principal amount thereof together with interest accrued to the date of redemption and upon givinE previous notice of said intention to redeem by advertising once in the Ontario Casette and once in a daily new3paper of general provincial circulation, public: ed in the City of Toront r. , and once in a local newspaper, such notice to be advertised as aforesaid at least thirty days before the dale fixed for redemption. Notice of intention so to redeem shall also be sent by post at least thirty days prior to the IM 4 date ast for auch redemption to each person in whose nude a debenture so to be redeemed is regi3tered at the address shown in the Debenture registry Book. 9. The proceeds from the sale of t .e said debentures or the sure of money borrowed thereon small be forthwith paid to the Vienna and Bayhazi Area Board. Read a firet and second ti-ne this fourth day of April, 1955• head a third time and finally passed this day of , 1.955. s tai 0 0 Cr.1 i� A tv Y CA 6 to � ' c* t�0 44 ,A. cr : a«a c+ #A,a 04 in 0% ct GA Q Wr $4, mr an�•�� a of N� I U r Township El,l '0� ..I, ONTARK)i DEPAR'rMENT OF HIGHWAYS ­,ron-"o 2 July 1 %, f I5th Y !:;)55. Mr. J. D. Vallee, Clerk, Township of Bayham, tr a-'fordville Ont. ., ""ir: 195; '1. ow rk s 1-1 i P e, n(I 1 t U �1 v" 11 u ry, b e r 1313 Amount 4.') _J85000.00 TI -.e hr)n7;urabl? J'7 -1 D 0 1", 1% n :"."-suor c h, i)rovr_-d ar-.:)ve citoci by -lay., to -a lir'� Vit, 58t000.00 4 In 0 1 1 r,.:fit C') i r I h,:, a , 1 v i c c-,, `'roan your -7) i r i c tu n c i r; �q 1 n,7: i n r under '',tn 0 T f anilr)ry 141-h -; C I- n subject to the --)�pprovcal - C; t-1 A. � iv�m - I- p ro va 1 each in,-1.iV1*(.1U,-'_1_'L -;,Iork --)-L" ro-o. and 41)ri,~ge cor.- 'Inkl o f p ul r j f -�a c h u,,�i d t Off' hir ery s z ru ct i,7) n A 1 ?:tin? tin pa 1 o r e q t, i prrir� n t n 1;1 U c,' -i s s he a p -j::% 1 t a i tier; , b --fi :.re t h b s a n: � - . _* ­ kj p prf_-'j_,0sr,(1 w,-,)rk o j, v A r j :7', P AV , e, r :1;:"c I an . f4 S. t -m '... r ci 2d a r a ' '16 v c o im t -n, by t 1 T o hitiz �) n -, h--irPvjj.TA-: . Attach, I- 1-, 0- 1 1-(),,4 C�j­ '_ by' -law -as is urn ed py -;f,' Y . . I � 0 .. 4 L, YC}tlzrs v-1--,,ry truly, ud:r� t.e of B a y III a m do-bpreby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 1.310 passed by -5..' he Council on the.7thday of March, 19. A lii) I 000 I;r , UU14 1 CJ P_ _�L NQNEER - ----- MI�iPA D.Wol of the said Corporation 12 X ownship Cler i FORM B-6 BY -»LAW NO. 1_'13 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE F01 THE TOTAL EXPENDITURE ON ROADS IN THE ,AANSHIP OF IN THE CO , NT Y OF WHEREAS The Highway Improvement 1".ct requires that the total �-xpenditure on roads be provided for annually by by -law -and that the' by-law be submitted to the Ministe;- of Highways for approval. AND WHEREAS the expenditure for the said purpose last year was;u............. which required a levy of ::;•, , . , 1212 , . , mills on the assessment of:.,:tri,.1.......... , . .. „ , AND WHEREAS the Ccuncil of the Corporation of the said Township desire3 to expend for the said purpose this year;r�:3i, for which it is prepared to levy an estimate of ..,9,1r ... , mills on the assessment of ,, ti.`�'.,.� :�............. . . THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows:- (1) ollows:- (1) The sum of Apa8=0C ,Q(_) is hereby appropriated from moneys raised by levy, debentures C'.nd government subsidy for total expenditure upon constructicn and maintenance of the roads under its jurisdiction during the year 19_2� as follows: - ROADS CONSTRUCTION ...............0.012. 15x500. BRIDGES & CULVERTS TOTAL 6 6000, Z 21,500o MAINTENANCE...............1212.... NEW MACHINERY................... 75000 �____�s.��• MISCELLANEOUS ................... � j,,_ 000_ 00. T O T A L S 471000. 411,000. 5�0. (2) The. said moneys shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act, (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, Passed at t o this 7t,,, day of 1"rcJ4 A. D. lg_Z ( 5 " A L } f Clerk Reeve IJ. D. Vallee Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of BC --wham do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 1313 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 7th day of :'Larch r 19 55, APFIDAD DOVE _ Township Clerk ' --------__.-_ ___1212--_--------- � --------' -/! , MUNIC I wL F.NGlfvF.E:lt, D.N.O. s i . v aR 11" Mss 0' /P, --L IFO FORM B-6 A BY-LAW TO PRO VI Dig. FO ;WN ' IP OF TOdNSHIP BY-LAW NO. 1313 THE TOTAL 1955 EXPENDITURE'. ROADS IN THE .Lr< THE_COUNTY OF ELGIN D;9TR16T_ WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires ghat the total t,xpenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. 6 wasMDO�HEREAS the expenditure for the said purgoge last year ..i............� .. which required a levy of mills on the assessment of.?,74,-��:.............. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the said Township desires to expend for the said purpose this year Ma999tQ9........ for which it is prepared to levyan estimate of ... gills on the assessment of,�7,7... ......... THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows:- (1) ollows:- (1) The sum of $ 58,000.00 is hereby appropriated from moneys raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and maintenance of the roads under its jurisdiction during the year 19 55 as follows: -- BRIDGES & ROADS CUI.1VE1 TS TOTAL CONSTRUCTION.................... 152500. 62000., 21,500. MAINTENANCE ..................... 20800.0- 51000. � 2�,0U0. NEW MACHINERY ................... .$ 7,5000 MISCELLANEOUS ................... 4 -4A000. 'r 0 T A L S 7,500. _ 004. 411,000. 58,000, (2) The said moneys shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate conies of this by-law to *he district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways. Passed at Straffordville this 7t'1_1. day of March A.D,19 55 ( S E A L ) { Clerk I, Reeve , Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the- day of, 19 . Township Clerk r By -Law No. / 3 / Tovmship of Bayham. Being a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1955, to levy the taxes for the year 1955 and to provide for the collection thereof. 1r1HERES by By -Law No, 1067 and amendments thereto, the Council of the Township of Bayham provided for the making of tr:e assessment of the municipality prior to the lst. day of September, 1954, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1955 should be levied; AND JH.EREAS the assessment roll containing they assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the said Tovmship on the 4th. day of October, 1954; AND WH.ERE►t S there were no appeals from the Court of Revision; AND 'fH ' EAS it is expedient to adopt the said assessment as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1955 shall be levied; AND WHEREAS it is necessary and e:pedi.ent to levy on the whole rate- able property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said. Tovnsl ip the sum of for the general purposes of the said Toimshi.p for the current year, for the payment of the County rats, for the current year, and for the purpose of defraying part of the expemses of Public and High School Education, and other purposes; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE, CORPO ,`1TION OF THE, TOS ,ISHIP OF BAYHAIA ENACTS AS FOLLO-.'.'S ; - 1. That the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Toanship of Bayham as made pursuant to By -Lair 'iro. 1067 and amendments, of the said TorA:mship and as revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision, be and the same is hereby adopted anti confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1955 shall be levied. 2. That the slid assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Toi-unship. 3. That , for the purposes of providing the sun of '7.' for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for Countir purposes and other pmrposes for tie current year a rate of mills in the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1955 upon the whole of the said assessment of the said Toti.rnship accord- ing to the last revised asse-,sment roll which is made up as follows; - General rate - ------ /3•67ti' mills County rate -------- 4. That in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of � J/ V 'f3. �, for P ubiic School Education i or the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1955, upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the Public School supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assess- ment roll, as indicated hereunder; - General Public ;school Rate on assessment of .,2,616,725. ---- 3.5 mills (S. S. No. 2 and Vienna -Barham :area excluded) Public School Section No.l on assessment of a 138, 885. -----10.8 t' 2 36,30.. ---- 35.7 3 1611000. ---- 12*4 " 4 98,558. ---- 10.0 5 100,910. ---- 11.5 6 90,689. ---- 20.3 t� 15 121,800. ---- IA -1 tt 16 346, 540. --__ 18.5 �r 23 158,780. - - 28.9 �t Vienna-Bayham :area 164, 308. ---- 27.2 't Bayham Township ,area 1, 399, 563. ---- 20.5 " And in addition, for Secondary School E'ducation, on assessment of T '138, 885. (S. S.No. 1) a rate of 7.'- mills, and on assessment of :1619000. S. S. No. 3) a rate of mills; r secondary school pupils tuition fees at outside schools, and further in addition on assessment of X;862, 002. a rate of//-, mills for East Elgin High School District, and - 2 - further in addition, on assessment of ?1,955,335. a rate of 7.6 mills for Tillsonburg High School District, 5. That, in addition, for street be and are hereby levied upon the following street lighting areas;- Straffordville on assessment Richmond Eden " t' lighting purposes, the following sums respective assessment in each of the of ;1$0,025. she sum of X37$.- 2.1 mills tt 251100* it IT if 140,- 5,6 tt 61,550& it' it tt 363.- 5.9 tt 6. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collectorts roll to the Tax Collector on or before the First day of June, 1955• 7. 'kll taxes or other special rates shall be paid into the ofice of the Tax Collector or Trea urer of the Township of Bayham or into the Branches of the Canadian ank of Commerce at Stra.ffordvil.le, Vienna, Port Burnell or Tillsonburg. $. 'Taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before July 20th. 1955 and one-half on or befo-e December 20th. 1955. Penalties for non- payment when due and discounts for pre -payment of taxes shall be as provided for in By -Law No. 1067 and amendments thereto of the said Tovmship of Bayham. 9. The Collector shall have the pr:Lvilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township at their last knovm. address. 10. After fourteen days notice, the Collector or his Bailiff may seize any goods for unpaid taxes. READ a first, seoond and third time and finally passed this day of /2?RJ4- 1955. j Reeve. 4 \' f r"f \j� �J r ,� ...� � I �� � � } r � �.._ �V � � °" ♦ s � � �..% 1. `�: ` �t `� �, s By -Law No. 1315), Tovmship of Bayhari. Being a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Bavham to add lands of S. S. No. 5, Bayharri, to the Vienna and Bayham Township School Area. :MIRL S sub -section (4) of section 15 of the Public School :`.ct, 1950) provides that a by-lai,. may be passed by a Toi�mship Council to add all or part of a school section to an existing, Tovmshin School Area.; :iirD HEtE1. 'S a request has been received from the Trustees o. -IL"' t?:e said S. S. ,Io.;, Bayham, that this action be taken; 'INDEERE1,1S the Board of Trustees of Vienna and La;Tham Tovmship School area are a,rreeable to accentin the addition of the aforesaid sci,00l section to their ex:_stinf area; THEREFORE the Council of the Toimship of Bayham enacts as follows-- 1. ollows-- 1. That the portion of the Tovmship of Bayham described in section 2 hereof be and the sane is hereby added to Vienna and Bayham Tovmship School i^,rea. 2. The lands to be added in accordance with section 1 hereof, shall consist of Public School Section dumber Five, Bavham, being the north halves of Tovmship lots numbered 17 to 28',.Concession Two, inclusive, and the south halves of lots numbered 17 to 2V inclusive , Concession three of t'1e said Tovmship of Bayham. 3. On and after the 25th. day of December, 1,55, the said school section No. 5, Bayham, shall cease to exist as a separate school section and the school board having; jurisdiction in such section shall be dissolved. 4. This By -Law shall take effect from the 2 tip. day of December, 1955. . .� A'� Read a first time this day of {� 1955. ,:. :dead a second time this day of Read a third time and finally passed this of / .1 19550 1 J. Reeve . 1955. day Clerk. M a I J By -Law 'J o . / 3, % T ofrnship of Bayham. Bein7 a by-law to provide fora brant to the !Min County Federation of 'A -ri culture . paragraph 4a of Section 405 of the _'unici.pal ,'� ct provides that councils, may pass by-laws for makinr; this 7rant; AND WHEZE.,%S it is considered necessary and eXT)ec'ient that this ;rant be made; TFEEREEF01E, BE-; IT Li3r�CT',,D BY Ti vi'1ICI%' `.L CGU;CIL OF THIE T041473i-:I.P OF B,"iYH.'�v FOL%jC�'. );- 1.1. that a P, -rant of 'IlChree "undred a n 'ufty .')oi lars 4 1-) 00 } be and is hereby ma de to the l,: -in County .Branch of t?_e CMtario Federation of culture. 2. That the Township Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to issue cheque _r`or same forthwith. a First , )e cond and Third Time anr' finally passed this clay of fo ?" .1955* Reeve. Cler'�:. I I E Y BY-Li',�_.i 1,10. o /,/ ` U. rISHIP OF 13AYHLI- Beim a by-law to alter the boundaries of � ublic School Sec..ion formerly :novm as No. 8 Bou,rrhton and No. 15 Bayham, now incluc.ed in Fou�;hton Township Public School :rea, by V31ithdrat.4ing certain lanes and adding.; same. to Dayhari ToVmship School :`.rea, Section 1Y, Subsection ' -� of tE he ublic Schools .".ct, 1'. .0. 19;11, provides. -o.,, the pas::i n~ of by-laws for the purpose of altering boundaries of school AND ,��?I � �_;:�5 a 1 "i petition has been received by the mLuiicipal council of the Toy.-nshin of Bayham, sib*ped by three of the four ovmcrs of lands a�'f(:cted, re(uestin that such action be taken; r� di) ��IiL « i5 personal contact was ?;1aC'le with the fourth owner and he stated that he would not oppose the transfer of his lands in or('-er that a solid block of proDerty might be included; the unicipal Council of the `_`oVArnshix) of ?ayham, deem this act-f_on adviseable; 1H .�.�� ~D oy he . uniciw)al council o� the Totrnshi?� of Balrham a s follows; - 1. oflows;- 1. That the f oli.own-; lands be and are hiere.by withcIraVrn from r ou hton Toi,mship School .'irea and the same are hereby wt tached to Bayham T ownsk rip School .`.rea, namely; - (a) The south 100 acres of ' ,ot 131, Cone . o , BayhaM. (b) The south 50 acres s of lot 1'1'2, Sonc . 6 , gat, ham. (c) 'i he north 115 acres of Lot 27, :youth Gore. BayYham . (d) The north 85 acres of Lot 28 , South "ore , 3ayham. The acreages expressed in resnect to lots 27 ann 28, Sout-h -=ore are aT_)proximate but it is the intention that when this by-law becomes effective, t. -,e whole of the said lots 27 ann 28, Soul -h "ore, shall be within the said EBayhw-i T o,Oariship School 1'.rea, 2. That this by-loin,shall come into force and effect on January lst. 1956 and small rel-.qain in force until renealled or amended. 3. That cmpies of this by-law shall be forvrard.ed to each School Board of "ected and to the inspectors of .Bl _.) and Norfolk Counties. IIL1' a first time tliis 6th, day of June, 1955. j f:D a second ti: e this 0th, aa�T of June , 19x5. . J C -XD a third time and finally pas sed this 1955. ie eve . 0th. day of June, eric. f 6 t7 ��� Li G y i o �V is U ��v S t/ , p -- "Z7 ��� Li G y i o �V is U ��v S t/ , p -- m in h(,,rcby f-,i*vt-!rt uw­r ',cetion 417,2' 1 o o Cloc on tollo, to (XI C', e!Y \.+V! 4 c c, C Void4.. tj mI r. 1 r the oj;�(j C4* Ct,� i_aiL tht,3 z i: a c o I on hr c �av('^, CXCC-,)t t,i4 lvc, (1;.,..170 f _1; tll.A airy*-J�lc AoLmcdi_l%* will. fl. ar is :x.Wson noMci-or or ir .qt, .:may person o cl--:Li 1-:1 Ll 'A U ici�- ily UL"fected. by t".-ic, V 'n I . .) It i -, fi all f A. r .ie, the undersirrned adjacent landovmers, hereby petition the ...un .c- Leeros d pal "'ouncil of the TovmshiT) of Baha,', to close sir between lots .9-5 and 26 com.menct-n-r C.t the, no,,-th end, of concession 4. southward to a T) o i n t feet nort"'i o" the northern bolumdary of roacl,. bets -Teen `.';oncessions 2 and 3,t Land (l -m e r Lot -Jo WOE-, "-p ?"i 1_,onc, -.'acres. :a • By --Law No. To,.*4rlship of Bayharn. Beim a by-law to stop up and close and sell the . siderosad between lots 25 and 26 through Concession 4 and the northerly portion of Township in Concession 3, Toreship of Bayheim. y ` HERE.,1S Section 469, :"ub-section 1 (c) and (d) of The . unicipal acct, 1950, provides that the council of munieipalJ.ty :n_.y pass a by-law for the purpose of stopping up and sel.-..in7 any hirrhr ray or part of a hieD hway; AND IHZJI'iE 1S adjacent owners have expressed a desire that the above mentioned road be stopped un and solei; 'iND li- -`ALE'S it is deemed necessary and expedient that said road be sto stomped up and sold; THEREFORE BEE I`I' -E!"N"I CTED by the •:unicipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows;- 1. That the sideroad bei�reen lots 25 and 26, Concession 4, together iAth the same in Concession 3, save and except t'r:e southerly 1270 feet, be and the same is hereby stopped up -and closed. 2. That the said portions of this sideroad so stopped up and closed, may be sold and conveyed to the respective adjacent landowners. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver conveyance of the said lands when sold, under the Corporate Seal of the Township of Bayham and upon payment of costs of said conveyance, surveying and any other incidental charges. That this by-law shall come into farce and effect after being confirmed by a by-law of the County of Elgin. REO a first time this day of195 5 . RSD a second time this (a day of 1955. READ a third time ne and finally passed this R4 day of lc 7 5 . *"Ily 2 '00 P reeve. Clergy:. ",....+....�. w bvt To ...mss. Wo-f"fLn, i 4,10 1 'a By—Di 9` w L,� o '. , t o � C:�' . : t a 1 Z.: G .l I ...:'• V and a.I 4i � .i� v .� � i t.�".! y, 43 �.+ r V � �fi. �t.1 c S✓ � � �i4 .».. T R i 7. of 2 r C ti..�:til 4 e Rtm i.� .3. '�..%n 1 �i d�l.i - a "ort" i Li $. r �` �'k/�. �.I i b 0 w3 c'•..' .L. sJ3' }}l � !1Y � r! r\�li�lli 11 ■ � � I�11� M Iw /� 1 ,,:•i.L .yi..3i�A te U1`. ,..%.w. F.li tir `..�.31.O m=,ii4i7.."Jb f f .i. sir.a•' :...._; +..+L} tt-- t,.}''f y _ .� 3 r p•,�y� !T 1 i' _ .tl� . f g>F (•+ t .,.e _.> g .� .! o �, _ f:... -d.... s' 49 ac:. t�-�e n: irt4:torly o.i:� %.r.�C,-,( Se" said » .C'�.;: .: : •..,:>.0 .. .... r. a.3_i:s�'w.'+.d�;lii t+ dpi i.3 i.«.i �.r p��.'�..: it ::..>...r:., ..-J��.ri 3rt.: Y;'::; .3.d..': A. �'..' .a. ::i�. tjj jj,.! £'a "� � ,{�^]� � F�1V ��`� ��'t � t 1��"j^ '{j` iC.. � Sit +' � y� � � � i tT ["� "• v,y "j »y+t /� (`S Y � v'1 3• �yq- ie ,�YL'.`;,i .� ov,,A$w.t1A*,') Zi'B��i ,"i is :3.-I:_% wli L d �r �4i L�`.7L ri..w i.u, L:� 1/' -Law r b w {'� x !a ��ilg r,9 i c S,,.y a }a.., 3. a, . ► .�,.g .. 4 . /� v ,p.Z r. s� S - i-, C.: s'= '" t� q - z 'd'• 's a1'w 3JC; YK 1i t a. a. L `.+q t.si �. sw ,L. r..•.i t : 1 w '.I ..�+ �J t.i `'a�,L ..i. b• i s 6✓ ... 'Lo t..� v i;:l .. xS .c. i r, .a. Er' L.,'«..f✓.. 'r f ` d..(� 'a r� ,.�. o �w r.. a 1 ( • .y S.? .g. (ro � y "t '.i ti ,`: f.., '... .'x : ats,1 eta -at t..1i or'u'.L " �,r' � }���� L�...�� � vS. t� iv L� •`lo:m�i %.� .was � w; W)Ls � ��i«.:� �f.1 LOc L� 4..�✓ c,. outh1s • n,:) r later V1- an �5��.wY �r1„+r.3r • .:,a .4. �t.r €%�... �� V:. �.� a�J•..� L.'.r�rL 6 e 5✓ 'i i F Li a 4 .••J I i.- ry ..4. w. 1� r> V r;.. i i. c. >• tiM Orr 4..: L..+ i.i L r /. e to +1 .l V rt ,.. , �} • , i ,1., :�, ,.. t'� �+ ., � {'11 ,..y j yi ,.� �" r i r f`�'b _. ,. V o♦ p f o x L.i i./ .... Jl � ..,� .,.. : o V ..J l.tiw � t ...i .s A T.. .i. l ,I. w r a ,.ei .�..3•:.., .: \,r ..1�. I.5. I ,.i ai ; 1_0 * .. . S , . 2p� {. y ... a (,1 z�•I�I `q is "{, f ! ♦ t 1 f.. y - •�"a`- ^� .� �y r * �` jy � f 4 <. , ^� "� ,.. i♦ .A.A .;,,:bw ?b k,!$�, t 3 -Cr V�,r �.�.l� A.... a.,�. �.*:Cr V•- �;, �t a. . lc 'J i_ V13 V .�z. }rl .. ki �.J� T r`� •s`�Qy {r 'S t ! +�j ry{ .ze . , .a e7 q /' 3 ?. � y %e i �. t 6 `Jq'—i. Say.r �� • l+ 71. �. i.�.i. h o ".fie. ��.j r�'e 4 a"n -`y .- +f 'i.3 1 �s,:l I •.Z e� •i n ay `ss°,? .,, +.awaa a:' a i a34.i x.. i.>,:..1 .;Gi.,..t:.,� Vo v14 � � ' c:�.n d. clp .�xi�4:S ti.md as. u. 1 t. -O i✓.�i.i:�i'`./� �,4`,iLssii+�r1A .1.�V�� xa� L.':�la �:..u� L Cro .�.6,j. V�l1♦i4✓\.^. si ii�d..f c' a a t t -,,, l �}� i �"'...; ..., y a•e 1 l'^ C"(':i D o r. 's ,::� 9 Tl �uizC: � `�" ,.�"' ,7 r`t r� ,+1i t.s3 a ct.: :. ."'A �+� C►�.aza.. A. � I fA tiI nwh' -p o TRLy2 °.'..i.'ri e , e" - � 'r � �..� "1 f.P" �.... . r f. i 1 : .�~ t: h r ' :: c.:. r! .il. `60, IL!"AD a .: acorea time t. zis 20th �.�a- ol, J :.X..�I a� • --� ro"rden T, J. Zi. Tliomsori, Clerk, of the Corj)oz'Wi'.Op of the ung: o, 1�' , I }serer erti f t at `h2 forg oing i� � true �o v of Duril.�w : or �g � o sped �)y th o��nc t o the e ti. rpo�a * n on the Rvith day of Jany ary, �� , �.serK. ap � r ti r r' c f y` ap Tmmship of m tC 'A071 I "D - ;.n cl.o, "o -0 t on of -�au, U%o- nort�.N.criy �)w I lot T�, 4":) LI 1%,� llrou,.,�. -l'onct-­. sion 4 r1l; - of ­h W, "j 71 e , ini i,,�ia 4 �9,j ub-- cct- icyn 1 n (rl) of I ct;1 )5 provi�.,,.a.,:,. tA,�at th(� coua�A! of :.'awicispality a,y a 0 p v c7 ­,1:Ln-- ly Ov. t o, o, of at/",) _n u 01-InClIn h. -we ex. -e:,. ire t a rt.)uJ be be o - it*; .i. ice.' t V, A r uy) Iml sold; rl f--7 Oy cl-,X-11 'Ouncil 0 s. "4 the o • I'x F A* -....3.,li' ami 'ion 4, to -other I A � r1 -y, r betty- an lots 25 Irl 1601hQ .;o, thurly 1273 3. 4 * , 1, �. I- . . y t ia 4 S. — 10"Crd. , I ou uu_lc , :; -• , ., U _r) ..n,-, c s po-1-ti(yac, ol" c7 ' 'crb.,�d sto,'11;..ec: %A ..lz--: ,y be sold .m-" commyr-4 t -o tLe respective LAJ;_cent l...ndmaicrs, I'halto tl-le ccvo _mel, -`10`1c:rIk- .-xc 1-.vraby ,_UM-roriz-cf,"t to ,-'Tid 1-1 vcl, con t- Y L,-ic(, o.11 'I- hc i� n wl,c-n 7olk. # im '44 - Id o.' tic o-" u;pon -p- y=ent O.J. '.,Ito tr 0 'a, . ..... y r, -I ch --r ! er •Inc, C10CAIII%r(`ITMLCCv ot�`_ w of colat., Owlkoi-ito (-'."A,Ct 4'Ift-er j, -J, + 0. f Irst til '11c t K i Owjr of t'(144.3 0 f 17 -IA -0 tt.-ktc fin"idly ,xis.,(A t1his F., REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER W. ARCH IBALD S.A. ar. CTOILI CONSULTING ENGINEER LONDON, ONTAnjo P.O. BOX 812 TELEPHONE 33407 r 2 f Y'. JL T v o ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR A By -Law No. ' /;3 � q, Township of Bayham. 3y -Law For .npointment of d ;weer. by-law for the appointment of an en7ineer under The Ditches and '.atercourses :ct. Finally r'µs sed Sept f55 The council of the Township of Bayham in the Clolunty of :El';in enacts as follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. Pursuant to The Ditches and '.'�atercourses ".ct, ' r. '.rchibald of the "it, of London in the County of : `i' ilesex, is appointed en-Tineer for this mmicinelity to carry out the provisions of the said. .':ct. 2. The en-ineer shill be., raid fees for ser .rices renslered unrier the .':ct in accordance with the `. arriff BV.; -T ..,ay.r of the '.ssociati on of Ontario Lana Surveyors. a first, secon(, an,.' third time and fin-;llv, passoc3 th i 4 6th. - o . Sent. 1955. Heeve. 1 4 A ■ l To,-.-nshi-Q of-a-rham. Bein7 a b,r-laii to nrovi('_e for the hol(Un7r of tie - uniciT_)al :3lect,ions in t o 3 unici?)alit-- o'' the '` o nisFzi° o v t ��n.am ryor t, E year 1955, _.D anc for the a;»oint in Y of' }}enut T return _- Gf w crrs, cell ::ler'. s anr:_ Folling =daces in t':e sever-1='o_.in--u;�.:"3.��ra a on in t':'_} Caic?. .unic.--) lit�rT of tl;E i,own hi- o .1 rrIh1 ^ � BL� ': r.l `. T "'� " '< _ ;, (((((( {� ; . �, r n R `} ♦;r+.} ,s„ ,�j Q ,"{ (� T (� !', � R •' i n � 1t'� y� J _i ».. t. ..{ J1 V ..J Ja..w�,1 �wl.l oTr v t lL%�AVt ✓, i 'J i. I1.0 Vt D ,J �'T1%r w':l s Mnat, provil'�.ed :�o.re' persons ^ualify 17or e -lection to of cc t'e.a.:-i are reouired to :dill the v�.riou s o f.", ces, .,,n election be he7L � on rryc. �t��. 19 5 aw;c c ord �n to'o� shin o�,�T'tiam r �j- aT ► .'o . 1'" , �:.nr.'c i:: x accordance ,;,rith the provisions of ctions .ct. That, tris, election o:- ..:.)ub- )ivision '0.1 0� the : _;: Z ci t:.Zit r sh s. l bE heI' (I at the :'olive 'x.11, .-ort ur- re.1, W. t t t at,--o;r..r , Iuye shall be )entity ).eturnin�­ C 11'-fi ce�� �z�� ti �<�,c., Cl1' rx s1,71'1 _ be Doll ulcer'_ . That., -the election dor ^-3ub-"Ililr .sion o. 2 -.'��.11 b7, x w'�' -"fit or near :evL,r~.�z lelCi `'en_'_r.t .o� e , _.nf� t _ _ `�r� '_ "' cr shall ll '"e ntlt rF L�tur:� n -- �; �."icer ^nr'. r �,Tr _.-. r 70_: be . oil "ler''. t ��xat th�C1 ��''_ z�'tctlo22 )�y�Jxy' uyY�?-.)i?IluT on r C7. ,3, � S "_,.1� e /��so�/��R h.tv�or nr''?r` t'�e .{,t`.�,.Ti ue,:Iite o.+` i. K.. T ...�31G�.L s, l/o:i. �,l- tsiC. �J ..J r./O».i .. • .T it, s+C-.'iti --h-;ll .i. t..+'ice.. =. enut� ?etur : '" r .. _ y,,,�.�. �� r,;� Z 0-16.1 cr y in�. U i �er �k.n� ;�..� .�t� �' i :a_�1 be ���; �,� f That t election �o�' .pub- ,�1,visj.oi? o.1`.;. :a � ��s IrDC �[� � t � o �{�?r?1:`�'6+1� ..'%.-.1-,.- -;i»'t`�, tl,i�. t/ �t�.l r�r ♦ ~ +^^,..ii t�.i 33.. _I �,ie :.i ,-�..+ j'S r' .1,: �✓ur ni�. t... f.^'I ce- *Tl l;h be o_ 1 T i�a' t?1�' r'. r Ct1o?"t for :=Lsb-` t -i �l'! ;_� _O"1 0 • ;'- _ill '-,tic, 1,,-, 1 du �o.^'ln n:j tlttl- t a�l s '� 5, t'ar t "{�z,r•KY'r io�J:i"i� rr S I"., Ge }{? ''•.t•� vui'3? i •. , fi `J the :: •; Fjc is .x oat .l. Q.r `u' .:'..t �i,%.. �..i ..v.f 1.. o.:Z .'%i • l ..;t 3. >r�� ..I,. iJ e {. �'.. 1� the , ,en ,.1 LJ �''oO-«. you .l inM ..'.''1 s. .f. t, LC.1t .A Z��. n. 4Ci� .. :.-c .Jxi ? _.i. {,�1, .)'v �Y.i li �l �j .'e �Aurnd.n`r- Ulficer �..nct !i1 `'re e1 o:� . »�_ .11 be ",',D 11 C1er'L. l _I -hat :,3 el'_.ctio��. _ or 1�.x,., '.)ivis-I on '"o. t >.__.�1 ibe ..e1:.. �J t';e v� c....on(< is lool �.4n(i thlat ,rerJ _`rocun,icr st :>.l3. be )e:�ut�T 'e t��.rnin�� C .�'ic^r nd ? sabelle 1'ct,,bank 1 be oll "'pler'k. A r ) .S l a V J . cC• ., cV -ion .n o r _% L� � - -.J - v i.. s ... O Yl o . ' 8 s x) - 1 l b c h o' `l at ,.i • :.� ."o. 4 _�cool that Yrs "itchell Sh.-.? l ce �e,7uc�,T �e;tuz�nan� �.F:"�'� cer �.�f� n it red, Soper sh .11 be 17oll Gley i - ? ti- — ( n y� r r .x vlie s=�zc' �rs�a�,,� .�etux ti:Ln , ., �.�.c�cr,3 �. . ;�._.1 =�.le� ..s be ...n;i �1..F, e I CrE �,' L�t�1(�rs.<Je" �,,_i r �?i: i t?C<. t^ t3 _.. =J �• w_Ci r.ici�? ,J_ect on ,.�- iA. accordance , its.. t: �e t c �, n ' to �r o S: i, e ,r +-.�� 'o_ o � _' ., - ,?�T :� -Ilot :t the ---Iid ,elrc Tions. z�Y rst, ^; S l i + `t t Y'� y i rj 4^ '�, �. t -y .., >. vo l+ i~: i 3 � ,1 ,Y r3 5. C .a 7, �iS < aA 1955 . 7e He eve f t L. By -Law No. 1321. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to appoint an Inspector under the Trench Excavators Act, for the Township of Bayham. 9HEREAS it is necessary that an Inspector be appointed under the provisions of the aforesaid Act; THEREFOLZE be it enacted by the municipal Council of the Tol mship of Bayham as follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. That John Jager be and is hereby appointed an Inspector under the Trench Excavators Act during the pleasure of the said Township of Bayham Council. 2. That the said Inspector shall be paid at the.rate of :1.00 per hour and .20¢ per mile one way, for use of car, for duties performed in compliance with the said Act and Regulations thereunder. c Read a first, second and third time and finally passed, this 1 j / day of Q? '-� 2 19550 ' M -Cler7—. By -Law No. 1324. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to set the fee for Deputy Returning Officers, and Poll Clerks for municipal elections and for setting the amount of rental payable for Polling Places. WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that these rates should be revised: THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham in regular session assembled as follows;- 1. That the following fees be allowed for officials serving at municipal elections in the Township of Bayham;- Deputy Returning Officers --_-- s loo Poll Clerks ------------------- $ 6'L v 2. That the sum of --1"7 be allo�ved for rental for Polling Places in the said Township of Bayham. 3. That in addition to the above fee, the Deputy Returning Officer be allowed mileage at the rate of .,G 0 per mile one way for returning ballot box to Returning Officer. 4. That the Returning; Officer be allowed the sum of $5.00 for delivering ballot boxes to the various Deputy Returning Officers in the Township of Bayham. 5. That all previous by-laws pertaining to these fees be and the same are hereby rescinded. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 31st* day of October, 1955. Reeve. P_ Was Clerk. W i —100w IVIO's 1661 .,TIIL(JX ,.xou to t If "Y vwj 3rAd S w.j �jr Hkiyllwaq (U." A t),"ruad Lot, f �61w va LAU't�l Oil, � -L I , AI1JJOnWAZ,` U "I ;ClIV-01 .i'A u,�' I -i Ow CALF 1011 7. Ot, IJU0014ALUX! IS A"O 140 s'Alkv'I j Drovi ;.*L ori f ur L '�' io j 16 UrQUS t4q WiA '61) 1611C runov;,j lltvo or . Ls rt' Jur'i..I Lis am'l who' Oiw it Y1 iarowrty 1;�t %Vrwi 'f ' 0 1 Itza .Oouousalw� rie two Port- 1 �A i,4 L4 1, 9 11r.4 In LIAO ViI.L11"V "X �'Vrl� tili (A iolf.-3 If3 t(:)"'0 1110iiial"ru, 1 4' i�iso - Zlio a. at * io Wlkl C�MO(.A A) Subjeot LQ Lila a,)4)rOvI4-L "X tho 14 jaltlatur o;c -s'AiI041-114]-ol'i 4W-'AA!'g 4 1.4730 18 LI jjOOjjcj i#jj,A3 r.;I," a Ia;� t�3� y I L 0 Ur 21 St *'uw a—� -Gliirk i J. D. Thomson Clerk of t Corporation of t' -e Co-,,nty of Flp-in, do hereby certify that the foregapinb;- is a true copy of 1.)'y -Law No. 16619 -,alzjsed by the Council of tLe sz'.-.id Corpordtion on the 21st day of January, 19550 �wrs County Clerk. 40* BAY14AM TOMSH_TP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1307-1324i File # 34 Date Subject FILE # 34 1307 3 Jan 55 Authorize the borrowing of $ 140,000.00.. 1308 3 Jan 55 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1955. 1309 3 Jan 55 Appoint Fence -Viewers and Pound -keepers. 1310 7 Feb 55 Agreement to pay half of the cost of one school bus in the amount of 5350.00.. 1311 7 Feb 55 Granting privileges to Dominion natural Gas Coup. Ltd. 1312 6 Jun 55 Approve of the borrowing of $75,000.00 by the Village of Vienna. 1313 7 Mar 55 Provide for thu total road expenditures for 1955. 1314 4 Apr 55 Adopt assessment on which taxes can be levied. 1315 2 May 55 Add lands of S. S. No. 5, Bayham to the Vienna and Bayham Township School Area. 1316 2 May 55 Provide grant to the Elgin County Fed. of Agr. 1317 6 Jun 55 Alter the boundaries of Public School Secti6n formerly known as No. 8 and No. 15.. 1318 3 Oct 55 Close the sideroad between lots 25 and 26. 1319 6 Sept 55 Appointment of an engineer under The Ditches and Watercourses Act. 1320 3 Oct 55 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1321 31 Oct 55 Appoint an Inspector under the Trench Excavators Act. 1324 31 Oct 55 To set the fee for Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for Munc. elections. Y -LAW E 1668 A 3y -Lair to amend. the By -Law Adopt..ing . a. Plan of County Road Improvement and i�stavlishing a County road �;ysteL in the County of Elgin under the Highway Improvement Act* The Council of the Corporation of the County of :b1 in enacts as key -Law Number 1668 as follows: 1. County Iload N10. 36 r The k)chedule of By --Law Number being the orf. final By -Law establishin ; a County hoad bystem, in the Co-anty of Elgin a, amended by Dy -Lasa A lumber .1052 bein; the last consolidating By -Law re-establishing the said system and further aniended b-,,7 subsequent amending 3y-L,aws is hereby amended by removin there from the roads designated and described as follov.,s: DE%`:1ChIpTTON BEING t�iat, portion of the exi tin= Count; ;Load Number )6 or the deviations thereof in the to ov,mship of Yarmouth, 001.1, I NCI IC at a po:ial; in tine ' esterly limit of the Hoed betwe' n Lots 18 and 19, Concession 08, distamt �I HUNJI -zi,„J tj (aCC' ) measured Northerly thereon from its intersection with the :southerly limit of saiu Lot 1 �; Sout':erly, along the .:esteri.y li�..it ::>f road and its Southerly extension, a ui: tance of SIX : UNC )11L,J ASND �:IX`''�' � Zx ' : ;T (6661; to its inter- section with the Northerly limit of Conce ;sign 7; ; stcrl r , -aloft;-- the itiortherly liriit of ace f SMITHUNDRED 1 ID T14-`_,� YConcession i, `dist T4 1,11 IN: A 14 D FIV: TENTHS FEST k/729-51); `'HZ1ICE Forth westerly, in a straight Line, a distance of T%�O 111WI D. 1 `D AND F ,:)RT ar A"14D N i.y S -':TY i 0 i,1i I EA Hid N. rD LEDTH,c FEET (247,92') more or less to its intersection with a point in the Southerly limit of Concession , distant FOUh iUNDRED AND FORTY ONE F ;ET (4411). measured Easterly thereon from its intersection with the :easterly li:.Iit of the road between Lots 18 and 19, Concession 6; County Road No. 36 THENCE WESTERLY, alon,cr the Southerly limit of Concession 8, a distance of FOUR HUNDRED MMD FORTY ONE FEET (441t); TH.ENC E Northerly, along the Easterly limit of the road between Lots lU and 19, Concession 8, a distance of FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY ONE FEET ( 4.4.1 t) ; THENCE North westerly, in a straight line, a distance of ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY .'IX AI,D r IF"'lY THREE ONNE.HUN_ KEDTHS FEET (166.5-31) more or les: to the � place of beginning. BE-ILM that portion ol" the existin( County Road Number ,36 or the dev'La.tions thereof in the Town- ship of Yarmouth, C"lV ENCIINC at a point in the Northerly limit of said Lot 20, distant 61X HUNDRED AND FORTY AN'D NINL T114TH6 FEET (6,40.9t) , measured thereon from its intersection with the Westerly limit of the road laid'out a between Lots 20 and 21: ` fiw"NCE South G 15t East, a distance of SEVEZZ, FEET (7t) ; `i'HENC ; :;outh easterly on a curve to the right, the radius of which is SEVE 4 HUNDRED AryD SELV N iLiD ININi TY FOUR ONE -HUND- REDTHS FEET (707,941) and the long; chord of which has a length of SIX HUNDRED A!D, SIXTY FOUR FEET ( 664. t) on a bearing of South 62° 171 East, a distance of SIX HUNDHLD AND 4'1NETY ONE to%.0 EI.EiiE1 ONE-HUNDREADTHS FEET ( 691.111) , arc. measurement; THE11C E South 34* 191 East, a distance of THREE THOUSAND AND TlidENTY ONE AND FORTY SEVEN ONE -HUN DR D - LHS FEET (3021-471); THENCE South easterly on a curve to the right, the radius of which is ONE rHI UZ.:.' ND FOUR HUNDRED AIN'D THIRTY Ti4'0 AND SIXTY N114L ONE -HUNDREDTHS FELT (1432.69t) and the long chard of which has a length of EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVEN AND T11.40 ONE -HUNDREDTHS FEET (807,02t) on a bearing of South 17'9 571 30" Last, a distance of LIGHT HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN ,AND NINE ONE --HUNDREDTHS FEET ( 818.091) , arc mea: ureraent; THENCE north 880 24.1 East, a distance of SEVE ITY Thhl,.SE FEET (73t) to a ;point in the Easterly limit of the road allowance between Lots 21 and 22, Concession 7; THENCE Norte 16 30t West, along the Easterly limit of said road allowance, a distance of ONE HUNDRED AAD FORTY k*lVb AND Th i rTf VC iV6 ONL44iUNDhEDTHS F?,'F,'' (145,351); North westerly, on a curve to the left, the radius of which is ONE `I`HU6 A U FIVrE HUNDRED A"� D T' "r"'d V'E AN'D : IXTY N INE ()14 L -HUN D- K;MTHS FE :JT (1512,69t) and the long c}cord of which rias C: en1 rth .3'+`s ta.a HUalc LrD t1Ni'-; +1JtJ iY .ii 11 f RTY '► R )1JL-HUN R' JTH` F1�:LT ( 711. 4 t) on a bBarin of North0 0 42t 50" ,.,est, a distan ,e of S LVEN HUNDR; D A111D ZIGHTE'EN AIND T114:IhTY T11R��:ED- TICS F"' -L - T (718,33'); TH04CE north 346 191 1.4est, a distance of THREl, THOUSA:! D AND 7o; 'NTY )INE =IIID HTY "31 -1,M -N '.N ONE -HUNDREDTHS FEET ( 3021.47') ; TH!71C +a Horth . e yteriy, on a curve to the left, the radius of which is SEVhN HUNDRED AND *'IG.4TY i;ilr: I AND D It1 I ETY FOUR F� i i� E�HEI 4 DI 1 %a �'E En, (787-9 +' ) and the long chord has a length of Si:;. HUNDRED AND F 'iTY IFIVE AND EIGIT ONL-HUr}k7TiisiC.i ��(U55.Oi) on a bearing of North 58° 521 461, v est, a distance of SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE AND FIFTY NINE ONE-HUNDh6EDTHS FEET (675.59') more or less to a point in the Northerly limit of the road allowance between Concessions 7 and 8; THENCE South 896 45t ';gest, along, the Northerly limit of said road cello,vrance, a distance of NINETY THREE #14'D FORTY ONE -HUN D111LDTHS BELT (93-40t); THENCE south 0' 15t East, a distance of SIXTY SIX, FEET ( 661) to the place of beginning. County Road BEING that portion of the existincr County hoad No. 46 ---_- number 46 or the deviations thereof in the ' T own - w ship of Bayham, C01MENCING at a point in the C0»C"4MV. P North east angle of said Lot 5; THENCE South along the East limit of said Lot 5, a distance of THREE HUNDRED AND THREE AND THIRTY ONE -HUD DREDTHS FELT (303.301); THENCE bouth easterly in a straight line, a distance of T'1!40 HUNDRED AND NINETEEN Ai:.D { 8 #4 FOLTY EIG11T F' l',,; (219-48") to a P, o int Jn 'j -he -.ie�terly lir il.'. of s a i d Lot 61 i.�,IY (503' L. s t -a nt i , sured -'oui;iicrl-r I., 'l -I c re an f X-0-1 a noint in the .iortll an.,,;Ie rf sai(l J,otl 6; T H k �'kx Cj E, .1h11tort, ec Ot a n c e j t V E) Of to t h el c cs 2.1 The no,-.-ws a,,3 aec, :tad are hereby renn,--vel-I J%rr,�► tile, t.., -,, '. I A: , , I �' I v - e I — 1, ' i - - intc, wiforce unfm the aprroval if�il 1 camo I A k, 1 4 1 -,, ic-rcof io r: t c C un t t thi V- 23rd aa✓ of i -larch Clork. -47