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Bayham By-Laws 1953
BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1269 — 1285. 1632 1953 File # 32 Date Subject Bylaw # 1269 2 Mar 53 Approve of the borrowing of $ 17,000.00 by PortBurwell. 1270 5 Jan 53 Authorize the borrowing of $ 100,000.00. 1271 5 Jan 53 Bylaw No. 1168 is repealled. 1272 5 Jan 53 To appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1953. 1273 5 Jan 53 To appoint an Assessor in Bayham for 1953. 1274 5 Jan 53 Provide for total road expenditures for 1953. 1275 2 Feb 53 To appoint Fence -viewers and Poind-keepers. 1276 2 Feb 53 Alter the boundaries of Polling Sub -Divisions 5 and 6. 1277 2 Mar 53 Approve Sub --division of lots 22 and 23. 1278 1 Apr 53 Alopt assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1280 4 May 53 To alter the boundaures of P.S. No. 8 and No.15. 1281 1 Jun 53 Provide grant to the Elgin bounty Fed. of Agr. 1282 1 Jun 53 Prohibite and regulate the use of trailers in Bayham. 1283 5 Oct 53 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1285 5 Oct 53 Apthorize the borrowing of $ 30,000.00. BY-LAW NO. 1 0? b r THE CORPORATION OF TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM* A By -Law to approve of the borrowing of Seventeen Thousand Dollars by the Village of Port Burwell upon debentures for the re -construction and equipment of part of the Public School Building in Port Burwell for School Section Number Two Bayham. WHERE S the School Section Number Two Bayham Board has applied to the Corooration of the Township of Bayham .for its approval of the borrowing of Seventeen Thousand(417,000.00) Dollars upon debentures to be issued by the VillaFe of Port Burwell for a term of ten years for the purpose of the re -construction and equipment of part of the Public School Building ;n the Village of Port Burwell which was destroyed by fire" being the gymnasium and assembly hall. I ,kND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell is passing a By -Law, copy of which is hereto attached, for the purpose of the said borrowing and issuing debentures and is arranging for the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board in respect thereof. THEREFOR, The Council of the Township; of Bayham enacts as f allows: - 1. The Corporation of the Township of Bayham hereby approves r of the said borrowing of Seventeen Thousand(�17,000.00) Dollars. 2. That commencing; in the year of 1953, and in every year thereafter in which an instalment of principal of the said debt and interest become dtie, the i3orporation shall levy and raise its share of the said principal and interest and any other expenses in connection therewith as determined in accordance with the provisions of the Public Schools :pct or any amendment, substitution or any other law which may be in force from time to time upon all of the rateable property of the said �*iunicipality which lies within the said School Section Number Two Bayham, and forthwith pay the said amount to the said School Section Number Two Bay"am Board or the Village of Port DONALD F G I BSON, K.C. ROYAL BANK CHAMBERS TILLSONBURG, ONTARIO j.D.Valloe, Esc., �11 I e3ruarJ= 2 , l;)j, Toj,rnship Clem:, Dear :r. Ta11ce :- 1 �ere�ri a. enclose cor,-r lair rt ')6 aspassed !D." Village of Pori: ')ur1 e ]1-1. ����?1 i to 1"'e a% .c��` CC"c tG '1'� �� ?^ 1 r - a par c. G:.. ��o1.11� '�-,r-lay: . trer, 3,2")`-) I r' T rer;ger: ger correc',1-r I J r Z. r gn ,_ sent ou copies o.� c. :,hat ' �r-laz'r so vaa� .,^ �.�.�, i5 r_�o ssed, .-ou car. let me have cer ti iec? co ies of i �.. � - � zr,, , OU U0 ""o„ na , e these-, please se lei, kzoir a-nd I ori ].l have conies rrzade and J You will no'.;icG r`r':'ro77_1air. .J r �1. h., n v was xaassed on' 24 ohis r,10_Al, and -une Greer of he I :unici1:a� =soard was issuo:-. Gn t'�e 12 ,; o ' anuary a;ring 0.- the Enc. C- J a lours trul r, r CLERK . Burwell to be used to pay the said debentures, 30. This By -Law shall come into force and effect. on the date of the final,passinE thereof. Read a first and second time this day of Ae/ cI- REEVE 9/Z C 'CLERK Read a third time and finally passed this ae day of .............. REWE CLERK. a I 0 BY --LAW NO. THE CORPORATION OF THE `POWNSHIP OF BAYHA* M. A By -Law to approve of the borrowing of Seventeen Thousand Dollars by the Tillage of Port Burwell upon debentures for the re -construction and equip - went of part of the Public School Building in Port Burwell for School Section Number Two Bayham, Donald F. Gibson, Q. Tillsonburg, Ontario. IL"T T t2 "EV$ is 7F ay—law. au .. io i z i"g the tw or w4 - in , of ev toev 'hous:And Dollars for the re -.construction and equip. sant of part cit the Public Zicel Ouildir : In Fort Burwell for :school Z�e.Ation Number 'A wio, Barham. HM AS School ecti or N ar T o s alhatn, 13 com, ri aad of the Village of Font Burwell and part of the Township of Bayhaz both in the ouvty of i.n. :.. the V111.4,. -e of Fort Dur all h.:,As peen rfv uested by the o*hool �*cuon Number ''; o o yttan to raise the sum of 'i eventegn Thou&nd ( 417 *t 0.00) i aol, rs for the purpose o l' t ha re4mannetruction and a uipsent 0 ' par -4 of the Public "�*hool Building;; in trho x`111 a syfi of Fort; Burwell =,, hi.ch was destroyed by fire being the gymnasium end sasembl y halle e x 'zh H.1 -, it is expedient for the said purpose to borrow for the i'i,n:. in Y thereof -.h s. id: sum of "."evant.ean 1 h,:�uszmd 17,000*00j Dollars upon the craidlit of the :or. arraUon, and to issue dehenturus thorefor bring inter st;3.t the rate of five per cefntu (5j41 fr,43 Cho date o' issue until. =turity and to provide for the discount and the expenz*a incidents, to negotiation And *"le of such deban tu,ros; Ai t :. it i s expedient to ager the principal of the said debt repayable in annual intaluenA;s durin�b th* period of ten yc.�-irs next after the cute of issuo of such debenture* � of su sh ano is reapectively ti , t., with the interest in respect of a debt, &ZZr-gate amount payable for principal and interest in arch yo r shall be as nearly an possible the saaaa; subJect to the proviso that each inat4la ent of grin ipal may be for an even =0.0Q * X500.00 or 410 }0.00, 4r multiple thersof aind# that not%vitits tan ding anythin herein contained, the annw*1 instalment of principal and interest may differ in amount sufficiently to adpit Lhereof; r*RMI L the a unt of the whole rateable proV y of the Municipality, actor ii.ng to the last revi:.'e.,A asseaseent roll thereof i. -s 4285 * 101.001 w there is no a mUn ,4 debenture debt of the D infik,4-A t,� by birder dated the twelfth day of JAnuary. 1953# the Ontario Aunicirvil #'zr ;l. s 4,11P proved the p ur ns a of the said borrowing andthe pQasin of Al rex�4isite BymlAwa* .nwlu ins debenture - lawa; THai.;x"o��� the "ouncil of the : ori oration of :. A Village of Por:, Bur-we11 an�tctr. :as f011ows« 1. For the Purpose afor€ s—uid he �or >or Ation shall :grow upon the aredit of the 4orpor=�.tLion a :.urn riot exceeding :`seventeen Thousand ( 417#000* i) f�ollare, and is" �A1, issue debentures 4.harefor in sins of not less than ;100.00 eacho zyach debenture Shan baar in.eras . oAt the rato o♦` five per zest= per jpnum from the date of isssuo until the d1late of nt. :• 3 ,e wmually and sh.Al h:Ave courvne attachod Lhorrto for the payment of such interest. All the debentures shall Sear the sAme datPe& shall be Issued at one time and winds two years after tho day' on this By-•la.w is p4ssadr may bear any date within such two ;dears and shAll be made payable in an.ji" instalmmts OurinLr, the period of ton years next after the date of issue thsrsof t and the respective wounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be the amunt so designated in chedule "A* hereto wmaxed. 3, The debentures ahall be pay4ble as to Neth principal and intorost in lawful amey of wanada and may be xade payable at su^^h plata or places in ia1' ada as shall be designated Cher n. 4. The said debentures shall be scaled with the sal of thepox-poration anis signed by she Reeve# or by so=* other person euttcr.ed by by�•l to sib the ' , and by the Treasurer* said Interest cttuS tine shall be signed by the ire,.xsurer and his sig"taro thereon muy be written, sta erd,e littwgra hed or am"vede ,ommaneing in the year 1953 and thereafter in e4ah, year in w3an Ai ^h an i ns tal lent of principal of the said debt and interest become dues the lorrlor,A,tion shy ill levy 4 -Ind rise the specific sun shown for the rare* --}active year in t"Clu ffo,,.�rth colOf the s.:�if � ah dul.e. Such sum shall be levied and rai►sod 4y a upeci►al roto sufficient. therefore over and above all o Lei er ria t:es * upon all tho rateable property of pub"Ic zchA-)ol suppv. rt*rs in the saki Sol Dol Section Na ber — o.3ayhan which .is in the municipality. provided hawaver that in 4 ch y,ar in Whiah an instalment of principal, oZ Ate s.Aid deet and inter�,st 4ecwm. due, she y'reasurer of the '1 ..sa s ofPort Burwell -5hall rcwj; ast the School :�sct on 4Xumbar 74'wo Bayhan mrd and tho of t;.h. Tow-nship oj, ljayllkim to anange to pay to the Vlilage of Port Bur =eil the proportionate share of the said arm tat t rya bl e =,y the s 4i d 70us hi p of hayh on that p"rt of thu s id ��o�.:�t�l ttct,$ :gin Nw%4e ` '..4 o �r���b n which is in -tc to nsiti -; o,�' .Afh4ja iu -i.acordanic with Lht provisions of the Public .ychoals fat or any aiuimant, substitution or any other law which may be in for^.c from time to time. The mounts received each year from that source shall be usod to r*duco the anount to ba levied by the Villa ,a of Port Burfeil. 6. Thi said debw.turss m�jy c nt.iin 4 clause providi - or the registration thert�of' ,,u.rsuant to ' 00t i on 3.35 of he �� i ipal pct . 7* Pendirve the a4le of the s : id debwtuJr03s -he heave and the Treasurer y mise for the pur,"V6e3 aforesaid by way of lain on such debentures any sum or sums of money., riot a "Hcooding in all tho suer hereby auttiori. ed to be borrowed 4ad may by oLheca to such dbben tures for such loan. S. The orporation shall hive the rights at its option, to rem that portion at 'ths "d debentures which mature in the tenth year either in whole or in part on any date prior to nki turity 4t the pl4ces where and in the noneys in widch the said debentures ars expressed to be p ryaUil,eq upon payvrnt of the principal mount ther*of together with interest accrued t o .he date of redemption and upon ivinE previous notice of said intention to redeem by adverwi.sinC on** in the Ontario �;azetta and once in a daily newspaper of general provincial circul ai►ioni publi-shed in the "ity of Toronto# �d once in a local ne vaper, such notice to U'a advert# oed as aforesaid at least tUrty days before the data fixed i'or redemption* fttice of intuntion so to redeem shall alar be sent by post at least thirty d,.-A,ys prior to the at.* set 1'40r such redejApLion to sa-ch person in whose name a debenture so to be rodeemad in roi-Astered at th*t address shown in the Debenture *-aristry Rook* 9* The proceeds from the sale of 41 --he said debtintures or the srn of mor.ey ljorrowed T,;her,?-:nV &hall be fort I-eai%*,h paiZ! to the �.',ection Number Two Dayham Board. 100 This B3r-wlaw shall not ecome vllailid tint a By—liv appi-oving! of the same shali be passed by the of the "ZorporatAn". cif tho To*nship of bayhavo 1952# head a first :end aocond Uize trUs -lay 0.1' O<Yo� Read a third time .nd finally passoil this 11 r] : ! 0 cj*o to o Wiz. °a 0. �w :r 0 boo • OK 00 "a0 a 0 !r"*V z of Form 104.38 Ontario ivr,vjnIP OF Bulni. • BY-LAW No....1 .7.0........ to authorize the borrorwing of S i00 , UCO. C C Whereas the Council of the owrlsh i p of bay ham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of S 100 ,OCC . CO to meet, until the tares are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NoTF.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the 11%,7unici- to the estimates current p p y. not including for the current alit � as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 52, ifo enot, ar if adopted; revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures, is S 19 b , 0 0.0 0 f� hArea s,`.. iQ.a Q I .jjf.I:.iA (Aff)L aU tbQdZXA dD gr�:eid.L .�il�.�.y��..fa0�.,�2L'.•.,�J.lt�'.�]i?�BS�I�1f�2�2Q1]�'X61.c.iLic..�Sl1.��i�L:�1�_:l�f�'�Aj,�.�`�ir��>.0��, xf%�'t,P_t, (I?elete this paragMt)h if not ' T ' y y li©1;r.CUM;i & applicable). Therefore the Council of the Township of lea yha hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S 100, 000.00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the 'Municipal pct, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 4* per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes Ievied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 5th. day of tianusr y 19 56 . . ....... : ..... ...... ......... THE I�� OF THE I IUNICIPALITY t fs % SEAL f /` I r' ....... ..... ......... . r ' CLERK V XVe hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This day of As Witness the Seal of the of 19 ".............. •.•. THE HEAD OFTHE MUNICIPALITY ............................................................................... CLERK c �t by -Law iyo . 12 71. '.2ovrsi9hip of buyham. Vxi., L"6 -erection 417,1(f) of The A:unicipal nct provides that councils of local :nanicipalities may pass by-1•:Aw3 providincr for the paying of Mlembers of oancilt� for attend- ari, e at meet inks;. nils ►:n�.li� it is deemed adviseavle for t =:.s council to act in accordance with A re3olution of the 195 council ander date of pec. 15th. 1952 ; by theuuni.cipal :oarcil of the or of the Towriship of Bayham ss follows; - 1* what the rate of pay for each member of the pr� aid �ouci l of the township of .5ayham be mix Collars per day for attend - ante at ::gee tin_rs . �. ghat in addition, the s n, of .104 per mile for each Nile necessarily travelled in att6nainM such r:�eetin,�s, be aboved to each mealoer. :5, ghat y-L�vv �'o. ll6B be and is hereb., repeai.Ied. Ri.:af) a First, second and :&hird time and finally parsed this 5th, day of Vlanuary, 1953. •_.--T � �/�' 4;� 1. ,y`� ' �,/• _, �'f� s `.,�"� -� ea eve ,,. ..ler.. 6 IX �•O,IVSAIP OF B;,Yli"i. Bylaw No, %v� %'�, Being a by-law to appoint certain officers in and for the &.unicipality of the Township of bayham for the year in regular session assembled;- is ssemb'+ed;-is ,.Z hat 46T C. ,11? PV 501V and J I)4'f i shall be Valuators of livestock billed by dogs at �� per hour and per mile one way for car. 2. &hat 444 C shall be sohool attendance officer at J� a salary of and ,ot20� per mile one way f or oar. 3. That 1�0 i shall be weed inspeotor at a salary of C5- au .`"' plus per mile one %vDy for car. 4. :hat 4 4 ,EF shall be :del ief Officer at a salary of C) b. That . '. siheon, Q. ► . shall be solicitor of the Townah ip. b. That � � � �'��� � shall be building inspector at a salary of per b44w. �1F.*9o9 7. That C�rO DUV /J shall be lora in inspeot or at a salary of =7 per . Yet? U.&AD a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this dalt of January, 195 I%ge a oe . R��-''. � �'', A� • �. 111 ��`a 61 4 `K�'y f �ys .�'� �` \`�✓ ``�' 11 ' \, `rte`!\`�\' P� QQ',as E a By-Luw 14*o . 12 73 . .ownship of Bayham. Being a by-law to aj-point an tissessor in and f or the ` o nshilp of Bayham for the year 19.3; r►rih_ ZAa it is deemed ne;;essary arra expedient that this o-Nnsh ip a;_point an u;gse3sor; Citi" "'Ll) by t he 2unici pal �'1ti�i i of the � OvV7i hip of Bayham as follows; - 1. that Wilton V-ackson be and is hereby appointed as asseisor of the I'ownship of 3ayhsm for the year 1953. 2 . ghat the said Ilton f�c'�son be pa id the s u: of "1100. ;alp► ry for assessing for 1953. 3 . "'tat the said Elton v ackson also ooll ec t i;o5 "ax and be allowed commission of 200 of tax collected. 3i::r�L a third time and finally passed this 5th. day of `anuary, 1953. .reeve. m a ..tr rw e '�r 7� BY-I.Ad TO PROVIDV" 0 F J." Y ii;Lk BY-LA:,',1410. .1274 TOTI,�L 19 5;6EXP.IEIL4'DITURE C"i", ROAD"-:)' 1114' T14 7, 10.L A. OF jI STR I C#T j'ct requires that -1-1 e 41-otal The'Hi.ajiway Improver,,er,t j LL- U e x pe rid i t-ure on road"s be provided for annually by by-law and t. to by-1ab e s u b, m � i t t e d to T 1, i I r Cif -` i 1 - Al �; a 1, 7 s p,D �^ o v a 31 of ti-te 1,orporation c-' ti,ie sai.i Towrst'r A_ erjlcts as (1) The sari of V_�6�0000-00 is I-lereby appropriated aioriies ra,"Sed by levy, debeli-A.I.,es f,,, -d -overn-alent subsidyf or gotw gotPx-euiture -a upon construe ti or. al;,,: .-aintera;ic; of ti -ie roads u -n -ler its juris- diction durii,.C, the yeral- I as fc) i I ow s B,`_iIj'GXES & R C, t'- D Z3 C U L VJq T S TOTAL LICO . cc 16,0k. ( IQ 0 34 000.00 VG0.U0 2 .RY �C7, .......... 0 C: 6C UCC.(, 2 'I''he said monies slial-2. '. Ibe expended undel, the supervIsion of t--.I-,e duly appointed tr_),.,,ms"iip roadf3,11perintenden.1", on work orlm�ed tn The ii" :v; Improvemr-n-1- .c t. 0 1 i n a c co ra R-11ce.. ,Ali A. c Ie rK* Sr; ill tra-rismit, 7 Ii 0 Et'._e co- C ---, f; > o Ror.ds 731 r� cin 'r') fn,%,j ays a,,3--zetj at, f or d vi 11 e trafis 5tnqLia- tanuary 53W 1IEEVE U. C."Lerk ol.' t_,.ell ".;orpo ion L. Town srllp 01, do nereby certil'*y that thC-. foreIOILP' is a true copy of ny-law ho, --passed by the Council of the said Lorpora-r,ioli cin til-Le19 , -j Cl 1i_ i.,3HIP CLERK 3 (If 0 f ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Mr. J.D. Vallee, Cler';, Townsll'i p of Bavha-,n, Straff'ordville, Ontario. `orcnto 2 , cc:?-, -�r 21 + , i. )4 - IFIL. F, • Township. -of Bayhai-a as,a t1P yr,.;ur i9-')'3 :.:: raster of i "- ....:y �, tyle :::Dnourable Geo � . F1easeJ tc direct t', -.at it, b2 ir.creaCu, JA � 10 000.00 � d 1 10 , 000,000 . orovel n . un�er 'Atte o�ri1 �?; ��� i �ive '- } Ji : Vc is l 60,000.00 fcr currel t yeir• Yc,urs very !U . • T". c i r. r- Q t if J DEPARTMENT OF H1GHWAYS Mr. J. D. Vallee, Clerk, Township of Bayham, STRIU'FORDVILLE , Ontario* Dear sir: Toronto 2, April 22nd, 1953 • H: 1953 Township road Expenditure Fv-laws rlease be .advised that the Departr:ent has carefully considered the by- Law to provide f -)r the expenditure 60,000.00 under Th `xi�,��,,:,ay I^,prove3nent Act in the year 1.953 a- su --i`t; �ed. by year �d�uricipaiity. Ih.e :onourable (gee. H. Doucett, 1-:inister -of i -7h ays, has apprcved of a m,--ixiru i total expenditure of 1;� 501000.60 on ~o-hich subsidy may be payablee under the said Act- This pct This overall approval is given subject to approval of aach i.ndividua� work of road construction :and brie -e con- strurtior, and ci' the purclic se of each, -.zn i.t of, r-achinery or equipment. -n al's. such cases the D-istrict Enjineer ru t she aavi5ed and ap.cbai1befere the k - t1 pr, -posed -work I- purcase is a6vertised and tenders called cr any cor�mit~~ent is -made by the NLunicipali ty. The Department request's votir co -operatic:: so that t �e amount of -,.'.-,e expenditure in '953 subr it ta=d f cr sub si 1y will not exceed the approved by-law amount as stated above, J ���:% D D A copy of the by-lavl as approved is returned herewith,. Yc urs very truly, �• r C iefur..ici 4-a1ninePr. I j BY-LA.r7 J.4 . 1274 r OVIi)E FOR ��.� TOTi,1 19 53E:�PEI' JITUI .': <�C.':i;r� �i< � 1GfiSti_a IP OF ii $ri Ili `1ii� Cu�;1VT�y QF i`.L .IN i�I�TRICT The H:. ;hwtry Improvt:;:-ent � ct re tzirYe � the.�t u _ fi�f ^i expenditure on mads be prcv ded for annually by by-Algw ar,,,l t': at e by -1 `:iry be s b.:l tted to .i he 1%ai J. ,..•te 1 c, :.Ai -I ay.,-, ^a o. n J�-1. • .. :i. .�. � its.•, t11J �,`v`r� `JI -e uc',?�A ci 1 0 th. Corporation of T err zcts cis :'0110W-- ; l) The smi of Y, 60,000.00 1. a > :r�: )y a proprJA.-a;�:�� _.'rGi. ii 0i� i L S r�� .`�E3u by levy, debertu--.-es -i:A;-.*o%-ern ent .subsidy for tnta ex-Wer;:aiture upon -c©nstrizction of. the rcads under i -u3 r;uris- diction duriI,e7 the ye ;3r 1 5Z as follow4 18 000000 18,0(0,00 0�.:i 1411.1 .�41 1 � %.r : S'�.�'i�l ft..; � IML' • • • • • `3' u r4 (2i 3Q1, 000. U0 4, 000.90 34, 000,00 29600.00 - 29500.U0 59500000 - 59 O00.00 389000.00 22,000.00 60 000100 V1 Sc11d i:OT"ii £':3 �7 --ill. �r expended u;. er tie cuy er vi S'. lln of t� e d'tzl�r cid: C1ntE � toV�'I2Sri1 o ?'U'id :;u t r ?'* C?Iv"I _.a t7 i :'�'-,r' --ie -- s. V i X. .i. .A. 1+ cs n a- 1., The T rat ^ t •..� '7"` n "'^ ^: 1.,, ''' !� .y i.n avco dRn a 'till tli» he 1.'& r�Y> „J' ...a:k 4, �f"de<_... ,(. ;. V a clerk -'all t r a c t 0 f. c o'' t I^� ,:.:w=� cb ! =�c - rax ,! -Ji 9 t I ✓T ii�d r3 S . at 8tr��i'orc�yill� �::.l...s $th.; y;� ���~ Janusryr 53 , L t . V ,1.,..L.. 1. .. Q � 2 J. D. Vallee ,ler k. o t- 3, 1-;tirpor a�i°wa�.z E f tie fown snip of do d0 Hereby cert,. i Y that the f c. -c: is a true copy of ny-law x,0.1274 gassed by ztle Council of the said �orpoi•aiiorl c.D the 5th, day ofJanuary 19 b3 CLERK TOWNSHIP OF BAYH" * By -Law TNo. 1275. Being a by-law to appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1953 . 4HEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to appoint these officers for the year 1953 ; AM iWHZRLAS Section 386, Sub -Section 47 of The Municipal act R.S.Q. 1950, provides that these appointments may be made; BE IT THI RE CRE ENACTED by the municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham , in regular session assembled, that the following be and are hereby appointed to act as the following officers for the year 1953 .- Fence -viewers. Ernest uolman, Straffordville Carman Ball, Eden Horace vague, R.R.l, Straff. Geo. S. Elliott, R.5, Tills. Lloyd Herron, R 2, Vienna Geo. Procunier, R.1, Ingersoll Robt. Jackson, :R.1, Straff. Alva Brinn, R.6, Tillsonburg Fred ball, Straffordville Alonzo Hagell, Corinth Willard KcAllister, Straff. Earl Travis, Corinth. Pound -keepers . Mario Bratty, R.R.2, Vienna dorac a Hague, R.1, Straff. 'Nm. Brinn, R.1, Vienna Reg. hc�uiggan, R.6, Aylmer Robt. Jackson, R.1, Straff. Judson Ball, R.6, T.ills'burg Ira : iilmine, R.11, Eden Geo, Procunier, R.1, Ing'soll Cecil Beemer, :orinth Clarence `Wolfe, R.11, Vienna Roy Nevill, R.2, Vienna Ed. .6aemers, R.1, Pt. Bur. fv. L. 'ihite, Eden Hugh Moore, R.1, Pt. Burwell Joe Silverthorne,R.6, Tills. Ray :.Alward, Straffordville Robt. Vietch, 11L.1, Eden Roy Green, R.1, :orinth. Read a third time and finally passed this 2nd • day of 1956 . Re ve . February ' C1erk. .;.�.�. ��� �...�- t . - �, �, ,. ��� � ... ��, TOWV3HI P OF BAYH" . By -Law No. 1276, Being a by-law to alter the boundaries of Polling Sub -Divisions numbered 5 and 6 in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS Section 81, Sub -section 6 of the municipal Act, R.S.O. , 1950, provides that council may make a redivision of Polling Sub -Divisions for the convenience of the elebtors; AND WHEREAS the Township road through lots 11, 12 a-1 13, Con.8 has been closed; SND WHEREAS for the convenience of electors living on the south portions of lots 12, 139 14 and 15, Bon. 8, it is deemed necessary and expedient that this redivision be made; TEEREFORE BB IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. That the southerly portions of lots 12 to 15 inclusive in Concession 81 be and the same are hereby detached from Polling Sub -Division Io. 5 and the same are hereby added to Polling Sub - Division No, 6. 2. That the description of said Polling Sub -Division No. 5 shall now read as follows;- Comprising lots 8,9 and 10, north gore; lots 1 to 11 inclusive and those portions of 12 to 15 inclusive lying westerly and northerly of Big Otter Creek, Concession 8; lots 1 to 15 inclusive in Concessions 9 , 10 and 11. ;6. That the description of said Polling Sub -Division No. 6 shall now read as follows;- Comprising lots 11 to 28 inclusive, North Gore, those portions of lots 12 to 15 inclusive lying south and east of Big Otter Creek, Cone. 8; and lots 16 to 28 inolusive in Concessions 81, 99 10 and 11. 4. That previous by-laws, insofar as pertaining to the descript- ions of the aforesaid Polling Sub -Divisions, be and the same are hereby repealled. READ a first, second and Third time and finally passed this 2nd. day of February, 1953. Reeve.' 0lerk. \, �� �,; � �t �''� � � "'�J ' � � " _. � �' � ,. ' � '� `'�. 4 � v �h � % .r s BY -LA; �Xi-_id'Ljh i a 7 i A By-law to a ,.prove of aplan of part of Lots I'went. -two and Twenty-three in the Eighth concession of the Township of Bayhwa in the ounty of Ii.l-;in, including all Lots south of ri irst Street as shorn on regist- ered Plan number 113 of the Village of Lden. a. j lan h� s been prepared by Hobert ; . smith, O.L.b., beinE the sub -division of the riortM:erl;f parts o ' Lots Tl,,renty-two and Nenty-three in the L i ,hth %or.cession of the Township of .Da.yham, including all of uhe lands in. the said Lots formerly included in re�rist - plan number 113 of the Village of oder_, in the `County of Lots being, nurh tiered One to viorty-sij, inclusive, end th e street s beirig shorn as K-ain t treet , Gray Street and `I. .vis Street. the lnsp;ecto of Legal Offices has applied for _,r Or,-?er by the of the ;'punt-%, of `'.1 it to approve of the saiu _-flan and d.irectin,; re`,istr-tion of the same. .._.. ,.,. for that purpose it has neer. re a..ested that t ie Town. --hip of �ayham approve of the said plan. L. _`LLC'l' �_:� �';�'v,�i0 hE :_: t. } ;�lt'r�L v0`l�.:L 0� TLE OF Th ILA OF f ollows . — i . i'he sub-ciivis ion of tyle n ort lerly o f Lots 11, enty- two and 'r wenthree in the i�;iLhth C'oncess on of the Township of Bairham, including, all of the lanU s in the said Lots i'crr�:er1�T included in regist erec? plan number 113 of the Village of 2.den, in treCounty of Alvin, Lots being numbered One to Forty-six inclusive, and the streets being shown as 1, a in Street, Gray Street and Travis jravis ,street, is hereby app roved and acceptuedo 2. `T'r.e streets in the suu-division, being 34�air. Street , Gray Street and Travis Street, are hereby dedicated as ?public streets and their boundaries, limits an".z locution as sho,,gn on the said plan are hereby &pproved g ra #:,ified and confirmed. 3. The iteeve and erk Lre hereby Directed to -rran� e for the re istrLtion of tr:e s id plLn and any necessLry court or M be considered n ecessUry for that. or other proceuure ��:ich puri?ose. there cf. i'hi_s 3;r-laVr s�-rdll take effect on the uLte of passirig Read a Firs' --11 6 econd and Third time and pLsea this day of10.53. i• -f.1 ♦ i f V 9 by -11-1 v Number The Corporation of the `Township of Bayham, h lay -law to approve of Calan of part of Lots 'Twent -r-two and ` ;-ienty-three in the iai�Irth Gon- cession of' the Township o. -AO Bayham in the County "of El,—.—in, inclu{.ging all Lots south of First 'Dtreet els sllown on re ist- ered plan number 113 of the Uillc- e of ' den. Donald Gibson, Tillsonburg, Untario, By -Law No. 1273. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the levied for the year 1953, to levy the taxes for the to provide for the collection thereof. taxes shall be year 1953 and WHEREAS by By -Law No. 1067 and amendments thereto, the Council of the Township of Bayham provided for the making of the assessmet of the Municipality prior to the 30th. day of September, 1952, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1953 should be levied; AND WHEREAS the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the said Township at an adjourned sitting on the 27th, day of October, 1952; AN!) 4fiSREAS there were no appeals from the Court of Revision; AND W '`REAS it is expedient to adopt the said assessment as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1953 shall be levied; AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rate- able property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of t 152, 916.00 for the general purposes of the said Township for the current year, for the payment of the County rate for the current year, and for the purpose of defraying part of the expenses of Public and high School Education, and other purposes; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TO iNN SuI P OF BAYdAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; - 1. That the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Town- ship of Bayham as made pursuant to By -Law No. 1067 and amendments, of the said Township and as revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision, be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1953 shall be levied, 2. That the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. 3. That, for the purpose of providing the sum of $ 77, 5 84.96 for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for County purposes and other purposes for the current year, a rate of 2 6.4 mills in the dollar be and the same is hereby levied f of! the year 1953 upon the whole of the said assessment of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll which is made up as f oll owe ; - General Rate -------------- 12e5 mills County Rate --------------- 14.2 " Fire rept. Rate --------- 1.7 " 4. That, in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of $52,311.0( for Public School education for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1953 upon the respective l ortions of the said assessment of the Public School supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assess- ment roll, as indicated hereunder; - General Public School Rate an assessment of $2,543,106. -- 3.3 mills (S.S,1�o.2 and Vienna-Bayham Area excluded) Public School Section No.l on assessment of 4136,985. 112.8 " 2 349004. --- 32.8 " 3 1549700. --- 10.3 " 4 919308. --- 13.1 " 5 960210. --- 9.4 " 6 889739. --- 23.9 " 8x 1400411. --- 19.7 " 9y 969164. --- 13.7 " lox 186,000. --- 19.7 llx 1209505. --- 19.7 " 12X 1389050. --- 19.7 " 14x 3439084. --- 19.7 " 15 1260650. --- 8.0 " FA Public School Section No.16 on assessment of 4325,697. 11.2 mills 17x 1319966. 19.7 " 18x 305,160. -- 19.7 " 23 1579641. -- 9.6 " Vienna y 61,994. -- 13.7 { x denotes Bayham Township School. Area) { y " Vienna-Bayham School Area) And in addition for Continuation school purposes, on assessment of X34,004. a rate of 9.7 mills, said assessment being portion of Township in Port Burwell Continuation School Area, and also in addition, for Secondary school education, on assessment of 4136 985. (3.8,No.1) a rate of 9.5 mills and on assessment of 4154,700. 1S.S.No.3) a rate of 5.5 mills for sections not included in High School Areas, and further in addition on assessment of 4704, 840. a rate of 9.5 mills for East Elgin High School District, and further in addition, on assessment of �-1, 704, 739. a rate of 7.0 mills for Tillsonburg High School District, 5. That, in addition, for street li__iting purposes, the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessment in each of the following street lighting areas;- Straffordville on 4171,125, assessment, sum of X360. -- 2.1 mills Richmond on 229675. 158. -- 7.0 Eden on 60,875. " " " 323. -- 5.3 " 6. And in addition, in accordance with Judge's Q*der, dated Jan, 9th. 1953, in respect to the Eden Survey, on assessment of 44,400, for land values only, in the area included in said survey, a levy be and is hereby made of �2 5.00 per each 4100, of said land assessment. 7. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Colleot ort s Roll to the Tax Collector on or before the First day of June 1993, 8. 811 taxes or other special rates shall be paid into -,.the office of the Collector or Treaaurer of the Township of Bayham or into the Bran- ches of the Canadian Bank of voamerce at Straffordville, Vienna, Port Burwell or Tillsonburg. 9. Taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before July 20th. 1953 and one-half on or before December 219t, 1953. Penalties for non- payment when due and discounts for pre -payment of taxes shall be as provided for in By -Law No. 1067 and amendments thereto of the said Township of Bayham. 10. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township. 11. After fourteen days notice, the Collector or his Bailiff may seize and goods for unpaid taxes. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this lot, day of April, 1953 ji.D. n.. wfflpram, wew'N"r ME A a , 1r. Jospp4 'ichaffer, R R . 1 9 Straffordvi 1-1. e on t 1-1 0 .ear Sir;- Apri'l 10th, 1953, '2ony -71ndri.ch h reliies-red our '_aouncij to transfer his lands in lot 1.30, con-, 6' froi-i tree auysbaro Z)r,-hool 3-ection to thp :or.4tL is h ol that hi --3 .Jyiii�'Iren nij s1ttnn6 tc, Jtr-.�-Fforciviile )hocol. In or0er to do this properly, your p�irt of lot onc I" A �,A L I r) r C 1 D keep, it in uomplete gots . This Is your notice that the J*ouncll will, on 11ay 4th. at 6 D -i consider 4 by -111,7 for the 1:.-1bovn1/',,-nent14--Med transfer of said lands, yours being the south part of -1:1", 'lot 160, Jones 6. 4C acres, and i"r. Gindrick's being the reuaing 160 acres of said lot. r,erristered CERTIFICATE OF POST OFFICE REGISTRATION This receipt Is necessary If enquiry is desired I11N 447 'Y 4 PR 10 19 FF F If more than 20C. ] —ON i . E_ — .1 Inst LOSS ONLY E MAXiMUM INDENINITY PAYABLE CANADA 20c. fee $2i - 40c.. fee S100* 30c' fee $50- -1.5c. fee S75; ; for loss, rifling or dunnage. GREAT BRITAIN -18.17 for loss or rifling. UNITED SMATES—$25.00 for loss only. OTHER COUNTRIES- -Information may he obtained at the Post Office. 5011— 1,500,(KJO Yours very truly M Clerk of bayhar.j Twp. i BY-LAW NO. TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAY• Being a by-law to alter the boundaries of Public School Union Section formerly known as No. 8 Houghton and No. 15 Bayham, now included in Houghton Township Bublic School Lrea, by withdrawing certain lands and adding same to Bayham Township School Area. UH IA.3 Section 14, Subsection 1 (b) of The Bublic Schools Act, R.600. 1950, provides for the passing of by-laws for the purpose of altering boundaries of school sections; AND TUBE .5 a written and personal request has been received from �.'r. Tony Gindriek, owner of leo acres of lot. 130, Cooncession 6, by the Municipal ouncil of the Tiownsh ip of Bayham, requesting that his lands be transferred to Bayham Township ochool area; AND YFdER iS the owner of the remaining 40 acres of said lot, was notified by registered post, under date of April lath. 19539 that his lands would be included in said transfer; A1W VCH:-,_iEAS the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham, deem this action adviseable; N01 Ti&. hFORL BL IT ENACTED by the Lunicipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. That all land in the lot 14"o. 130, Concession Six, South on Talbot Road Bast, in the Township of Bayham, and belonging to Houghton Tovmship School Area (Formerly Union Section 4"os. 8 and 15, -Houghton and Bayham) , be and the saiae is hereby withdrawn from the said Houghton 'i own sh ip School area and added to .Bayham Township School Area. 2. shat this by-law shall come into force and effect on Jan-gary 1st. 1954 and shall remain in force until repealled or amended. 3. That copies of this by-law shall be forwarded to each School Board affected and to the Inspectors of 111gin and Norfolk Counties, REAIJ a first time this day o_ Rr!�.D a second titime this day o RII&D a third time and f-irally passed this " 1 Reev . 1953. 19530 day of �u � p Vp �. �1 :4 d i6 !w IN f By -Law 14o. 1o?9 Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for a grant to the i.lgin J"ounty Federation of igriculture. ririir�a5 paragraph 4a of -section 405 of The :k"znic ipal hct provides that council may pass by-laLis for making this ;rant; AVI., 4,dLREAS it is considered necessary and expedient that this grant be made; lZCL-j,Ri.P 0Hiii. I .� �!. Jts� 1 Y �ri .�. U.� 1�. x'_sL vO J �. IL �.r cr u►r � ��z l OF i3hY a6 F0LLj*15; _ 1. '.hat a grant of Three r�undred and Fifty i;ollars ( w350. } be . and is hereby -rude to the Agin Jotinty Branch of the Ontario i'ederation of 1-,:7-riculture. ghat the lownsftip Treasurer is hereby a:zthorized `and directed to to pay flame forthwith. �t L a t gird time and finally passed this ist. aay of V A 1953. f reeve . tip. �� 1 �iF � 0 GIBSON & GIBSON BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS DONALD F. GIBSON, Q.C. DONALD M. GIBBON D. Valle,,,,, -_`,sq. , St. -110D, Ont a -io. Deas .��. Valle:_ R ROYAL BANK CHAMBERS TILLSONBURG, ONTARIO .� .-opt. 6, L/,%• I har, c`�ecked 7-f-1 a i `"lug .-or 1282 u i a , 04 r�,: yard. �:s-e ;ra�'.le 's. I no'.: �E cetha' 3';., fol'Lolvi � exact l � the i-;. rdin�; � o r I do no`. knot,%r 174.oTa the ' -,--2aj,r ca -1 '�e t. Y, t be a better r dra m, a�_,. ,ro; 1d no �3.. ai'z�r taF?'v'_ Chai1E' 1_'"z 1 i. • x i ''i 0�1t"t 4n tllc� :, ] a �id ' BIW O 77 _o t - Interpretation under sub -section 91a aforesaid. 4. n penalty of not less than _la•CG and not more than .„.F0.00 exulusive of costs, shall be imposed apon any person who contravenes ai--y of the provisions of this by-law, and that each day that a person contravenes this by-law shall be dee:ed to constitute a separate offence. .-zeaa a first time this ! day of lead a second time this' / "day of Read a third ti:�e and finally Vassed this I l 9. . 19 F• 3 . ,day of Ree e. - Gy /V' erk . By-L�iw l,u . Township of r6ayham. aeilig a by -1 -,ivy to prohibits and re;�alate tte use of trailers in the 4.0ti'9r1 I'iip of .5�, jgam; aeCton� , -section Sia of the.�nc.�;tiiL proY.rides that councils may pass bar -lairs to prohibite the use of traiiers; All 1z" it i3 dee��od rece3sary and expedient that each by-law be passed; 3l� i '!UcaCUi by the :.: znicipal ::ouncil of the ' ownship of 3ayfta 'i tis i. `::hat the Ise of ant trailer in the township of 3ayham is hereby prohibited f yr the living, sleeping or eat;ine, a::Co'. o,'atior� of -:A,L ; person ur persons, .for --tore than 60 da�;s in ai,y periL)d of ter, consecutive months. { �. his by -lam shall apply to a ;� and all tr,.Lilers wo_ioh may 'Oe �n use in the :o i.,ship of Bayham before. or at he tine of the pasging thereof. 3. In this by-law, "trailer" is irter�reted as in accordancP with interpretation .finder sub -section 91a aforesaid. 4. penalty of not le33 than' 10.00 and not more than ,�50. o exclus'*ve of coats, shall be impo e.6 apor, an;,,' person ~ho contravenes �.y of the provisions of tni.s uy-law, and that each da; that .a person contravenes this by-law shall be dee-.4.,--d to constitute a .Lp,arate oier.;;e. Read a first time this day of 19F . :ead a second. time this / �-`dsy of 19� 1, .3 .-�, . Read a third t�..le and fir all;,, rissed this � '�� day of Reeve By -Law IJ o . 1286* Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for the holding of the Municipal Elections in the municipality of the Township of Bayham for the year 1953 , A.D. and for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and rolling Places in the several Polling sub -Divisions in the said bluniaipality of the Township of Bayham. BE IT TtUkREFORE KNACTED by the Council of the Township of Bay�iam in regular session assembled; - That, providing more persons qualify for election to office than are required to fill the various offices, an election be held on Dec. 7th. 19 53 as according to Township of Bayham By -:yaw No. 1803, and in accord- ance with the provisions of the unioipal Elections Act. That, the election for Sub -Division iso. 1 of the "14anicipality shall be held at the Police hall, Port Burwell, and that howard Chute shall be Deputy Returning Officer and rercy Clarke shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -.Division No. 2 shall be held at or near .L%eva Bradfield .tenant riouseand that Fred raker shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Kenneth Thomson shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 3, shall be held at or near the Residence of ay Thurston and that Z: Form 100-38 Ontario ...................................... a.w??......P........ .....$ay . m.................................... BY-LAW No..12 85 ........ to authorize the borrowing of $ 30, 000.00 Whereas the Council of the Township o f Bay harp (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 30, 000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; No-m—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1953, not including year if t, adopted;se revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures, is $ 909;130.00 And Whereas the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of The (Delete aphi this of which the Municipality has alread ° borrowed paragraph if not 11.7unicipal Act is $ 100 * 000 . C D y applicable). a total of $801,000.00 Therefore the Council of the T owrl ship of Bayliam hereby enacts as follows: SEAL 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $30, 000.00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of` the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 4r,%� per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 15th. day of De o emb er 19 53 T E IfOF THE MUNICIPALITY '.. ......CLERK XVe hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This day of 19 As Witness the Seal of the of ................................................................................ THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL......................................................... CLERK ooklor (Aj 6- BAYHAM TOMSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 1269-12851 FILE # 32 File # 32 Date Subject Bylaw # 1269 2 Mar 53 Approve of the borrowing of $ 17,000.00 by Port Burwell. 1270 5 Jan 53 Authorize the borrowing of $ 100,000.00. 1271 5 Jan 53 Bylaw No. 1168 is repealled. 1272 5 Jan 53 To appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1953. 1273 5 Jan 53 To appoint an Assessor in Bayham for 1953. 1274 5 Jan 53 Provide for total road expenditures for 1953. 1275 2 Feb 53 To appoint Fence --viewers and Poind-keepers. 1276 2 Feb 53 Alter the boundaries of Polling Sub -Divisions 5 and 6. 1277 2 Mar 53 Approve Sub -division of lots 22 and 23. 1278 1 Apr 53 Alopt assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1280 4 May 53 To alter the boundaures of P.S. No. 8 and No.15. 1281 1 Jun 53 Provide grant to the Elgin Bounty Fed. of Agr. 1282 1 Jun 53 Prohibite and regulate the use of trailers in Bayham. 1283 5 Oct 53 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1285 5 Oct 53 Apthorize the borrowing of $ 30,000.00. BAYHAA TOWNSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 ----- __ M- ------ -------------------------------- ------._,.. Bylaw # Date Subject 1229 2 Apr 51 Appoint a road superintendent. 1230 2 Apr 51 Alter the boundaries fo P.S. Sec. No.16. 1231 7 May 51 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1232 7 May 51 Set apart the Township School Area of Vienna and Bayham. 1233 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1234 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1225. 1237 4 Jun 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1238 3 Jul 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 25,000.00. 1239 3 Jul 51 Establish a Comrm1nity Centre at Eden. 1240 4 Sept 51 Provide for additional road expenditures for 1951. 1241 4 Sept 51 Limit the weight of vehicles passing over bridges in Bayham.- 1242 4 Sept 51 Designate during what period the assessment shall be'made;' 1243 4 Sept 51 Change the time for holding the Court Revision., 1245 1�Oct 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1246 29 Oct 51 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1247 15 Dec 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1255 ? Nov 36 Discontinue the Vienna H. S. District. 1275 26 Nov 37 Withdraw the Township of Bayham from the Vienna H.S. District. 1279 4 May 53 Establish rules and regulations with respect to the Calton . Cemetery. 1341 13 Jun 40 Piivilege of collecting taxes. K 1366 13 Jun 41 Revert a road in the Township of Bayham. 1390 13 Jun 42 Revert roads in Bayham, Aldborough. and Dunwich. 1393 6 Apr 59 Provide for the allowing of a discount on taxes paid. 1427 15 Jun 44 Confirm bylaw No. 1114. 1431 15 Jun 44 Revert roads in Bayham. 1446 19 Jan 45 Confirm bylaw no. 1181 BAY11AM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1462 22 Nov 45 TO license public eateries. 1498 24 Jan 47 Amend •bylaw ,No. 1478. 1499 23 Jan 47 Regulate the Cutting of Trees. 1502 12 Jun 47 Confirm bylaw No. 1158. 1505 12 Jun 47 Amend bylaw No. 1478. 1506 12 Jan 47 Annex Area to the East H. S. Distirct. 1526 23 Mar 48 Incorporate the village of Port Burwell. 1632 17 Jun 53 Amend bylaw No. 1478. Plus six unsigned and undated bylaw copies. M s 1M 16 A ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH O F F I C E or THE DEPUTY MINISTER TORONTO 2, 0.0VEMBER 9TH, 1953. %1R. J. D. VA LLE C, / CLERK OF THE Tow,NsH 1 P OF 3AYHAM, STRAFFORDVILLE, LNTA?Io, `FAR HR. VALLEE: :E HAVE. RECEIVED FROM THF DEPARTMENT OF t"UNICIPAL AFFAIRS, TWO COPIES OF YOUR EY -LAW -;-It79. REING A 9Y -LAW TO wSTABLI SH RULES AND RE ;,.1L AT I ONS WITH P ESPECT TO THE ;ALTON CEMETERY. THIS AY -LA.: HAS BEEN REVIEWED, AND THE rOLLOW i NG INFORMATION I S SvBM 1 T TEn, THIS IS THE FIRST INFORMATION THAT WE HAVE G8TA) hFIJ GONC=RN INC TH 15 CEMETERY. `1--E AS:iuME THAT IT IS OWNED BY THE TOWN SH I P, 8 U T 14E DO NOT HAVE OTHER I N F 0 R M A T 10N, AN Y0U ADV 1 SE US WHETHER THIS WAS E STABL ISHED 3' THE TOWN— S HI P, CR W14ETNER I T IS A CEMETERY WH ICH WAF TAKEN OVER 8Y THE MUNICIPALITY? I THINK YOU WILL BE AWARE THAT UNDER THE CEMETER IES ACT, IT I S NECE:JrARY TO OBTA I N THE CONSENT OF TH I S r!EP A RT°1ENT FOR T 4E t_STi+nL I,SHME NT OR ENLARGE_ME NT OF A CEMETERYt I N THE SAME MANNER AS IT IS *TO O 5TA I N THE CC,NSFNT FO.R THc 1 l''—LAWS TO REGULATE THE CEMETERY, r IT IS STATED IN WHE'FIRST PARAGRAPH OF YOUR 8Y- LAW FH AT TH,_ CEMETERY SHALL Br I N T HE: 'HANDS OF v *C0MMi S310N," KNOWN AS THE ",,ALTON :EHCTERY 0MMI 'S I ON. TH I S DOES NOT APPCAR TO BE A PROPER NAME UNDER THE EXISTIN(, LF'r;ISLATION, THF: MEM07-RS APPOINTED WOULD NOT BE A COMMI :'SION, BUT RATHFR A COMMITTEE, IT 1S FELT, THEREFORE, CHAT THIS WCKDI NG SK0ULC eE CHA'�GE __.D TO THE DALTON CEMETERY COMMITT,, j I N LAUSE , OF TH'E F Y — LAW, REFERENCE I S MADE TO A SUM OF1OO.0O3 :ti7,0d; OR `srjQ,(jQ` DEPENDING ON THE SIZE OF THE PLOT. THE SIZE OF THE PLOT SHOAL[ RE SPEC I P I ED I N EACH I NSTAN;CE Sr 'THAT THF RE WI LL BE N3 0 P P 0 R T U N I TY FOP. CONFUSION, LIKEWISE IT WOULD B.F.. BETTER IF ALL THES£ CHAPCES ,ERE SET UP IN A SCHEDULE OF RATES WHICH WOULV BE ATTACHED TO THE BY—LAW, THEN I T WOULD ONLY BE NEC.ESS•ARY TO MAKE REFERENCE TO TH i S SCHEDULE, V r R — 8. The following rules and regulations with respect to the cemetery are hereby adopted: (1) Persons desiring to purchase lots will call on the caretaker, who will assist in making a selection and, when settlement is made, an interment will be permitted. (2) Lots free from all encumbrances are conveyed by deed securing the purchaser and his heirs -a title in fee simple but for the purpose of sepulchre only, subject to the rules and regulations that are now in force or may be adopted thereafter', l(3) ' ;o deed will be issued umtzl a lot is fully paid for, and if inter- ment is permitte*efore such time, the Cemetery Commission retains the right to refuse future interment or any improvements until any balance due on such lot is fully paid, and in case of persistent default, to remove any body already interred to any part of the cemetery that may be assigned for this purpose. - ? - CLAUSE 4, IS NOT IN ORDER. IT la NOT FELT THAT THERE IS AUTHORITY UNDER THE CEOETERIES }QCT TO CARRY OUT THE PROVI'S1 ONS OF THIS CLAUSE, A LOT OWN>^R MAY BE CHARGED FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF HIS OWN PLOT, aUT THAT 1 S ALL THAT CAN BE DONE, AND THERE 1 S NC '.-J.AY THAT TH I S MAY BE CHA"2 ED TO THE PROPERTY OF THE PLOT OWNER IF HE IS A LAND OWNER IN THE TOWNSHIP, _OIMILI.RLY THE REMOVAL OF BODIES AFTER TEN Y'(: -.ARS IS CONTRARY TO THE eEMETFRI ES +CT, AND COULD NOT BE INCLUDED IN THIS BY—LAW, REFERENCE MIGHT BE MADE TO SECT ION 28 OF THE 'EMETERI ES ACT. uLAUSE 59 IS INDEFINITE, AND IT WOULD BE PREFERRED AS INDICATED A8Q THAT THERE BE A SCHEDULE OF PRICES ATTACHED TO THE END OF THE RY—LAW. A^AIN IN CLAUSE 8 (3) OF YOUR BY—LAWO RFFi-RENCE IS MADE TO THE R I GMT TO REMOVE ANY BODS{ ALREADY INTERRED IN ANY PART OF T HF.. . CEMETERY. TN I S IS CONTRARY TO ;SECT 1 ON 28 OF THE CEM ET ERI £S ACT, WF; I CN )£CT I CiN DEFINES THE CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO THIS PROCEDURE, AGAIN THAT THEE CONSENT," OF THE REQU I RED FOR THE SALC OR +LL THAT 1S NECESSARY IS AND TO PAY THE RE �)U I RED NOT EXCEE=D '2.00. IN kCLAUSE 8 (4), 1 WOULC P01NT OUT UOMMISS10N9 OR vOMHITTEE� I NOT TRANSFER OF OWNERSH I r OF A LOT. TO ACV ISE THE OWNER OF THE CEMETERY TRANSFEP FEE, WHICH IN ANY CASE MUST THE MFANINr. OF .CLAUSE IS NOT CL—AR, IT WOULD S EEM DESIPABLF TO CLARIFY THIS SO THERE WILL E E NO CONFO;ION ON THE PART OF ANYONE WHO READS IT, HE CLAUSE APPPARG TO PE CONTRADICTORY IN SOME RESPECTS. :IJERE APPEARS TO BE S.' VE C;oNFUS ION ALSO CONCERNI *V^ LAUF�E 8 ( I 1 ), AND 8 (6). I HESE T,40 MI GH BE COMBINED., I TAKE IT THAT'N7, SPECIAL CARE !S TO BF rtA1)E ON ANY PLOT ! N. THE CEMETERY, OR IS T I S MERELY A C ASE' OF ARRAN11EMTNT 9 F T W E E N THE PL(3;- Ok,:NER, AND 'TILE SUPE=R ICN i I-NDENT OR C A.RETAK-ER C3 I Nr; Pr l !ITT 7. FE SEr NC; 0 8 J E C T 1 ON TO 3PEC1AL CARE BEING FOLLOWED BY THC CEMETERY COMMITTEE PROVID- ING FUNDS ARE AR^ANrEC FOR THIS THAT IS A PR4,CTICE THAT IS CARRIED OUT IN A NUMHFE' OF CEMETERIES. I N CLAUSE '8 ( IG ), RFFFRENCe= IS MADE TC THE kElk) VAL OF ANY STRUCTURFS OR 0 Q J F C T S WHICH ARE NOT KEPT IN GOOD REPAIR, I T WOULD APP%.;,R DESIRABLE TO G IVE NOTICE TO THF PLOT 0.1NE R 13EFORE ACT1 ON Ir TAKEN TO HAVE THIS REQ -IOVAL. THAT 1411;HT 9F. INCLUDED I N YOUR 9Y—LAW AS WELL, SIMILARLY i N .L AUSE 8 ( 17) , NO DEF I N I TE F{ .URE IS LIVEN FOR OPENING OF A r.RAVE. IT IS N,ECESEARY THAT T H 1 5 RE 4 SPFCIF I'; 0NE, AND Ar,A1N 1T% IS SU';"FSTED THAT I T BE INCLUC ED I N A SCHEDULE (1F FEE'S ATTACHE D TO TH'r" BY—LAW. CO:JT I N UE D... . 4 8. The following rules and regulations with respect to the cemetery are hereby adopted: I* (1) Persons desiring.to purchase lots will call on the earetalmr, who will assist in making a selection and, when settlement is made, an interment will be permitted. (2) Lots free from all encumbrances are conveyed by deed securing the purchaser and his heirs a title in fee simple but for the purpose of sepulchre only, subject to the rules and regulations that are now in force or may be adopted thereafter. (3) Igo deed will be issued unt:Ll a lot is fully paid for, and if inter- ment is permitte*efore such time, the Cemetery Commission retains the right to refuse future interment or any improvements until any balance due on such lot is fully paid, and in case of persistent default, to remove any body already interred to any part of the cemetery that may be assigned for this purpose. CALTON Cr -_"F- TERM — 0 VALLE E PA ,E .�. ALSO IN k•LAU`,-�' A OEFI NI TE AMOUNT 5Nf7ULD 87- GIVEN FOR THE CONSTRUC710N OF MONU14ENT FOUN3— ^T10N1; +HI:3 1`^ U)',UA.LLY PA' ')FD .",T A R.",TE PFR CUBIC FOOT, IF A SCHE D,,Lr- 0V PATES I i SFT UP TO COVER A LL CH AG S, T14 1 ;; n11 LL , E' T;iF s,C0!JV.F:_N 1 F N T tiFTH0n OF CARRYIti^1 THIS OUT. THCN AT A LATER O ATF IF IT IS nESIRED ?'Q CYAN,F THrgr RATr ; AT ANY 71M7-9 IT CAN R !) NF •rI T110UT nLTER I NG THF7 T1-F7CnNTrs=!TS 0#7 T►4+' F:.Y—L4W, . 1�Y T f2LYO, j / 1,.. % T■ j f! J I RF CTO RV �. iANITARY .tG{ R!t!^, 1'11CI ;..• . 8. The following rules and regulations with respect to the cemetery are hereby adopted: (1) Persons desiring to purchase lots will call on the caretaker, who will assist in making a selection and, when settlement is made, an interment will be permitted. (2 ) Lots free from all encumbrances are conveyed by deed securing the purchaser and his heirs a title in fee simple but for the purpose of sepulchre only, subject to the rules and regulations that are now in force or may be 'adopted thereafter. (3) i o deed will be issued unt Ll a lot is fully paid for, and if inter- msnt is permitte*efore such time, the Cemetery Commission retains the right to refuse future interment or any improvements until any balance due on such lot is fully paid, and in case of persistent default, to remove any body already interred to any part of the cemetery that may be assigned for this purpose. P'AY A L S 0 1U7'1IRE C0NCERN'ING THE AVAIL— VAIL— ABILITY ABILITY OF TWO COP ES 0 F A PLAN OF YOUR r. EMFTIE RY SHOW I NG , THE LAYOUT OF ,rdALKS, ROADS, OLOTS, ETC, i►a: S1 SHOULD (J PF ":t1PPLIE0 T;;, THIS t;EPARTM:-NT, ONE COPY OF 'riHICrs '.11LL t (• RFTURUrD AFTER f T YAc; P F7N "P,-)Rr1VF:,, JILL vci ALS('. Af.vI:-- T4 1 S C',F f- IC A'.' TO W it T4ER T'iE OTHFR R - CU I f" Fr"FhTS C F T rafts :1EMETf'r1F3 -,C'+ nND T1f'=: tE^ti LAT1ONS ARE; REINr, 0f3 FpVi-p, Twi: R% ARE: A NUMPrR OF— Ti4r •'•F� AND ( AM Ni -,T CFRTA I N WHETHER YOU ARF F AM I L I AR o41 TH ALL OF T ;47M, . 1�Y T f2LYO, j / 1,.. % T■ j f! J I RF CTO RV �. iANITARY .tG{ R!t!^, 1'11CI ;..• . 8. The following rules and regulations with respect to the cemetery are hereby adopted: (1) Persons desiring to purchase lots will call on the caretaker, who will assist in making a selection and, when settlement is made, an interment will be permitted. (2 ) Lots free from all encumbrances are conveyed by deed securing the purchaser and his heirs a title in fee simple but for the purpose of sepulchre only, subject to the rules and regulations that are now in force or may be 'adopted thereafter. (3) i o deed will be issued unt Ll a lot is fully paid for, and if inter- msnt is permitte*efore such time, the Cemetery Commission retains the right to refuse future interment or any improvements until any balance due on such lot is fully paid, and in case of persistent default, to remove any body already interred to any part of the cemetery that may be assigned for this purpose. ONTARIO DEP,urrmENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS PAR LIAM E NTt' ILDING5 Tc RONTO ez terrber 22)nd 1:.,b3. I:'r. J'. '). thee, f erk-Treas'trer, owrisi it of 13:1Y'—In ,, ,Ar,_,ffordville, C-atarif t enr :;ir Z'i1a sill ac '.no,vled-e ecL I;t of Your lett9r of t'se 1 'th i? >t::}t t ,'Jli.n w', ich ,fou en- '-lojet two copies 1a -,v to 63t -,r`# rt'. -4 .� , entl to C�;r_t"n 1. .. ?e r,eI etr-3re i :Yct i;_3 i::iSt:?r�d t,__ia has ))cer' re f?rrcd to ',j . .1. a. ?>; ry►, T}i-ector eeri. raTjc'., '`p art:.en : of Belt._, for a .te:.ticr�. ',Tours tru1 r, Y� tm1 �3t,erviaer. r 8. The following rules and regulations with respect to the cemetery are hereby adopted: (1) Persons desiring to purchase lots will call on the caretaker, who will assist in making a selection and, when settlement is made, an interment will be permitted. (2) Lots free from all encumbrances are conveyed by deed securing the purchaser and,his heirs a title in fee simple but for the purpose of sepulchre only, subject to the rules and regulations that are now in force or may be adopted thereafter. (3) Iyo deed will be issued unt:L1 a lot is fully paid for, and if inter- ment is permitted$efore such -time, the Oemetery Commission retains the right to refuse future interment or any improvements until any balance due on such lot is fully paid, and in case of persistent default, to remove any body already interred to any part of the cemetery that may be assigned for this purpose. e 0 ter. A. L. Berry, ' irector, Sanitary i:ngineerin3 yivision, Lept. of Health, Parliament Buildings, Toronto,�n*�irio. .ear Sir;- :fie : 0alton W"emetory By -Law. Firstly, I wish to sincerely apologi,7.e for the delay in replying to yours of Nov. 9th. last, but due to ni• �9q;Irfl of jeer end work, etc., I put this 1Pt ter aside for 15 -iter rind more caref_iI con9ideratior. -) .a )nilly, this by--'_aw was forwarded. at the reaEuest n 0ur ��i ,1;��;1 a���aitor t�.no was more pgrtic!.rlarly o^nccrned as to whther or not we. were using the proper method fnr setting ilp _,or vnmetary erpetual were Fund. '1r ►uril ionto ccr. ernin o► oi)r vari ous C11LIS eBin the above mentioned by-l�iw have been carefully noted and we reolize sonic_ of those caul: not be enforced, but they were copied from u previous by-law, passed many vrears ago and which huL4 served the purpc,c e ver, well for which it was intended and we do not wish to disturb this set-up more than in really recesQary. iiowever we do want to have this mutter looked after on a sound basis and if your yepartment has a model by --law fora which we might procure in order to have our council study and consider, it would be very much ap;,reciateu if we could receive Name and poq:3ibly have it rAolace the one we passed previously. "Jur problem is :vainly us follows;_ One by one, t:aese local cemetery Boards are requesting to have a Perpetual -are plan estabZi.ehed through the Township :;ouncil for their -awn respective cemetery and to provide that future Boards be appointed by the council with each cemetery having their oven Board. Perpetual .aro is to be sold by t!-lese Boares arid the fends turned over to the '.:owriship for proper investment find the proceeds from this investment to be paid over annually to these local Boards. (hese are not new cemeteries but old established one and in most cases were or Still , are cr-,nnected with a near- by church. cont. 8. The following rules and regulations with respect to the cemetery are hereby adopted: y (1) Persons desiring to purchase lots will call on the caretaker, who will -assist in making a selection and, when settlement is made, an interment will be permitted. (2) Lots free from all encumbrances are conveyed by deed securing the purchaser and his heirs a title in fee simple but for the purpose of sepulchre only, subject to the rules and regulations that are now in force or may be adopted thereafter. (3) it -o deed will be Issue; unit .1 a lot is fully paid for, end if inter- ment is permitted efore such time, the Cemetery Commission retains the right to refuse future interment or any improve cents until any balance due on such lot is fully paid, and in case of persistent default, to remove any body already interred to any part of the cemetery that may be assigxied for this purpose. 0 :his plan appears to be a solution to better care for at least some of our rural cemeteries and any assistance your iepartmert vary give u3 in this matter would De deeply spprec .sted . YourR very truly 0 J 8. The following rules and regulations with respect to the cemetery are hereby adopted: I* (1) Persons -desiring to purchase lots will call on the caretaker, who will ,Assist in making a selection and, when settlement is made, an interment will be permitted. (2 ) Lots free from all encumbrances are conveyed by deed securing the purchaser and his heirs a title in fee simple but for the purpose of sepulchre only, subject to the rules and regulations that are now in force or may be adopted thereafter. (3) i;o deed will be `ssuec u t:.l a lot is fully paid for, :And if inter- ment is permitte*efore such time, the Oemetery Commission retains the right to refuse future interment or any improve Lents until any balance due on such lot is fully paid, and in case of persistent default, to remove any body already interred to any part of the cemetery that may be assiried for this purpose. Lr. h. 1, Berry, Juirector,, unitary..ncrineering ..-ivision, Lept, of health, Parliament Build irigs , Toronto, Ontario. i,ear Sir;- Re: Cal -ton 0'eTnetnry By -La -x. Firstly, I wish to sincerely fi!)ologize for the delay in replying to yours of Nov. 9th. last* b»t due to pressure of year end work, etc., I put this letter aside for lfiter Sind more careful consideration. aecondly, this by-l�iw forwiirded qt the reouest of our municipal auditor who 4's3s more pgrticulurly concerned as to whether or not we were using; the proper method for setting up our Cemetery 'erpetual ;are Fund. Your com-~ients corcernin'; our various cifitises in the above meritioned by-law have been carefully rioted send we reilize some of these could not be enforced, but they :sere copied from a previous by-1Siw, passed many yours ago qnd which has served the purpose very well for which it was intended rind we do not wish to disturb this :yet -up more than is really necessary. However we do want to have this m=atter looked after on a sound basis qnd if your Department hies a model by-lqw form which we might procure in order to have our council study and. consider, it wo Lld' be very much i3p;,reciute„ if we could receive came and possibly h:Ave it replace the one :►e passed, previously. 14* r )ur problem is mainly T19 folio►,cs; - )ne by -)ne, these local cemetery boards are requesting to helve a :2erpetual ware plan established through the Township ;;ouneil for their own respective cemetery and to provide that future Boards be appointed by the council with each cemetery hiving their own Board. r erpetual .'are is to be sol:: by these Boards <ind the funds turned , over to the. A.ownship for ;roper investment rind the proceeds from this investment to be Laid over ar►nu5lly to these local Boards. These sire not new cemeteries but old established one and in most cases :sere or Still ire c(cnnected with 1% near- by church. cont. f annual fee or tax. 8. The following rules and regulations with respect to the cwemetery are hereby adopted: (1) Persons desiring 'to purchase lots will call on the caretaker, who will assist in making a selection and, when settlement is made, an interment will be permitted. (2) Lots free from all encumbrances are conveyed by deed securing the purchaser and his heirs a title in fee simple but for the purpose of eepulchre only, subject to the rules and regulations that are now in force , or :ay be adopted thereafter. (3) ii -o reed will be is pec vmt-il a lot is fully paid for, :And if inter- ment is permitte4efore such time,the Cemetery Commission retains the right to refuse future interment or any improveMerits until a-ly balance due on such lot is fully paid, and in case of persistent default, to remove any body already interred to any part of the cemetery that may be assigned for this purpose. P '...'his plan appears to be ci soli.ition to better care for -at least Some of our rural cemeteries rind £iny issistance your Department oan give as in this Ana iter :,-ould be clecply aE;�:reciated, Yours very truly v1erk of $ayham ywp. j U a. • annual fee or tax. 8. The following rules and regulations with resect to the cemetery are hereby adopted: (1) Persons desiring to purchase lots will call on the caretaker, who will .:assist in making a selection and, when settlement is made, an interment will be permitted. (2) Lots free from all encumbrances are conveyed by deed securing the purchaser and his heirs a title in fee simple but for the purpose 9f eepulchre only, subject to the rules and regulations that are nov in force or :.Zay be adopted thereafter. _ (3) Igo teed will bessuec t��:_�.l a lot is gully paid for, :And if intcr- :aent is permitte*efore such time, the cemetery Commission retains the right to refuse future interment or any improve Lents until any balance due on such lot is fully paid, and in case of persistent default, to remove any body already interred to any part of the cemetery that may be assigned for this purpose. Township of Bayham J. D. VALLEE, Clerk and Treasurer Phone 46 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO bpr11 1st. 19 ,3. 'o the .iunicipal �ourci 1, Township of Bayh Gentlemen;- ri'e, the and ersi ned , :: erlibers of the � alton cemetery Board, hereby request the 1.:unieipal ouncil of the owns hi p of 1�ayham to pass the necessary by-- law to establish a Perpetual mare Lund for the �;alton cemetery. 1-C8l8uer containing a record of all transactions in respect of the sale, transfer and ownership of lots' and also an account with each individual lot -owner with respect to the annual f e e or tax. 8. The following rules and regulations with respect tg the cemetery are hereby adopted: (1) Persons desiring to purchase lots will call on the caretaker, who will Assist in making a selection and, when settlement is made, an interment will 1�e permitted. (2) Lots free from all encumbrances are conveyed by deed securing the purchaser and his heirs a title in fee simple but for the purpose of eepulchre only, subject to the rules and regulations that are now in force or -iay be adopted thereafter. (3) It -o deed will be :ass, cd �?_n_t Ll a lot is fully paid for, and if in �,�r- :Ment is permitted1before such time, the Oemetery Commission retains the right to refuse future interment or any improve Lents Tantil any balance due on such lot is fully paid, and in case of persistent default, to remove any body already interred to any part of the cemetery that may be assigned for triis purpose. H F 1-C8l8uer containing a record of all transactions in respect of the sale, transfer and ownership of lots' and also an account with each individual lot -owner with respect to the annual f e e or tax. 8. The following rules and regulations with respect tg the cemetery are hereby adopted: (1) Persons desiring to purchase lots will call on the caretaker, who will Assist in making a selection and, when settlement is made, an interment will 1�e permitted. (2) Lots free from all encumbrances are conveyed by deed securing the purchaser and his heirs a title in fee simple but for the purpose of eepulchre only, subject to the rules and regulations that are now in force or -iay be adopted thereafter. (3) It -o deed will be :ass, cd �?_n_t Ll a lot is fully paid for, and if in �,�r- :Ment is permitted1before such time, the Oemetery Commission retains the right to refuse future interment or any improve Lents Tantil any balance due on such lot is fully paid, and in case of persistent default, to remove any body already interred to any part of the cemetery that may be assigned for triis purpose. H -by -Lava T, o . 12 7 9 . ownship of Bayham. A by-law to establish rules and regulations with respect to the Calton Cemetery. BL IT �3� lcav, +'&D BY TE".:.:t1I ICI �L COlii .;IL C�, 'l-. T0,"ri S I�.= Or B,&YzL _' �,a r OLL01VVS ; - 1. she care and management of the said cemetery shall be in the halids of a commission, hereafter known as "she Calton Cemetery Commission", composed of three mei rs, one of whom sh&ll be appointed each year for by the Council of the IoAyiship of Bayham and shall hold office for a term of three years, ( the first Commission to be composed of a three- year term for one member, a two-year term for one member and a one-year term for one member.) 2. The municipality shall receive from the lot owrlars any sum of money for permanent Lnvest,Ment, the annual interest of which is to be expended upon their lots or on general improvement if so re::uested . 3. lion payment to the .�unicipality ( through the Treasurer if so desired) by a lot -owner of the sum of One Hundred Dollar, Seventy -Five Dollars or �ifty Dollars, depending on the size of the plot, which sum shall be placed to the credit of the Cemetery Trust Fund, the ::--unicipality will undertake the care of the lot in perpetuity. 4. All other lot -owners shall, or, or before the first day of April in each year, pay to the Dalton Cemetery Commission of this •1unicipality the sum of three dollars towards the general care and upkeep of the cemetery or, in the case of default where the plot -owner is a land -owner in the said municipality, the same may be charged to his property as taxes, or, in the case of default in payment of said tax for a period of ten years, the commission shall have power to remove any bodies tntexred therein to any part of the cemetery that ray be assigned for that purpose together with any markers or gravestones thereon and resell the said ' lot. 5. `he price of the lots may be fixed from time to time by the said Calto Cemetery Commission, but shall not be less than Ten Dollars for a double mix Dollars for A single lot, and Three collars for a half -lot. lot, 6. From and after the passing of the by-law a special account shall be kept by the : Township Treasurer to be called "the Calton Cemetery �_rust Fund". This fund shall include all money paid to the township Treasurer by the commission for investment. :jo part of the money received into this fund except the interest derived therefrom, shall be expended for any purpose whatsoever, but the same shall hereafter be held by the To,:nship in trust to be invested and kept invested from time to time in such securityes as may be authorized for the investment of sinking funds and that have been :approved by the Cemetery Commission. `ihe interest arising from the said fund shall be paid annually by a resolution of the Council after the amount has been certified by the Treasurer to the Jemetery Commission to be expended by it in the care and mar agement o' A' the cemetery. 7. The Cemetery Commission shall keep a register containing a record of all transactions in respect of the sale, transfer and ownership of lots and also an account with each' individual lot -owner with respect to the annual fee or tax. 8. The following rules and regulations with respecat to the cemetery are hereby adopted: (1) Persons desiring to purchase lots will call on the caretaker, who will assist in making a selection and, when settlement is made, an interment will be permitted. (2) Lots free from all encumbrances are conveyed by deed securing the purchaser and his heirs a title in fee simple but for the purpose of sepulchre only, subject to the rules and regulations that are now in force or :iay be adopted thereafter. (3) i+o deed Txill be ` sU cec ufat l a lot is fully paid for, : nd if inter- ment is permitte*efore such time, the Cemetery Commission retains the right to refuse future interment or any improvements until any balance due on such lot is fully paid, and in case of persistent default, to remove any body already interred to any part of the cemetery that may be assigned for this purpose. (4) deed from the Cemetery Coianission and its record on the books kept under the direction of the Cemetery Coimnission is the only evid- ence of title of the proprietor recognized by the municipality, there- fore, sale or transfer of the lots by the awner shall not be valid without the consent of the Cemetery Commission and its approval end- orsed by the conveyance. 'The record of a properly ri:ad e sale or transfer will be made by the 'Jemetery Commission upon payment of two dollars, which shall be paid to the Cemetery %o,a:.,ission. (5) The subdivision of a lot or the subdivision of the ownership of a lot is not allowed, the joint purchase of a lot is not recomi-mended, but, when it occurs, the Cemetery �om►nission, if it dee-Is it expedient, will permit a transfer duly executed by either owner to the other but to no other person. (6) General care does not provide for care of monuments, grave markers, or any other decorative plan°ng which may be placed on lots, but does include grass -cutting and reasonable care ofshrubbery. Lot -owners may have work consistent with the rules and regulations, done by arrange- ment with the Cemetery Corami.ssion which will furnish the lowest possible estimate to properly execute the work. (7) Lio person other than the caretakerand lot -owner or members or serv- ants of their families shall be permitted to perform any work on any lot and such work shall be confined to the working hours of the day and under the supervision of the caretaker. (8) Improvements within the cemetery before as well as after interments are made will be under the control of the Cemetery Commission. r'ereafter no plots shall be enclosed with a fence or hedge and shall not be raised above the level of surrounding lots. <.11 foot -markers must be sunk to the level of the surfaxe of the earth. (9) i.4o trees or shrubs shall be Nlanted on lots or graves nor shall any trees or shrubs be cut down, removed, or trimmed without the permission of the Cemetery Coinmission. juch work can be done only under the direct- ion of the caretaker. ( 10) Lot -owners who plant out flowers and then fail to have their: proper- ly watered and tri4,imed and l ept free from weeds are hereby notified that the caretaker has the right to remove neglected plants from beds, graves, vases or urns. ( 11) The careta ger must not undertake with any lot -owner to give any special care to any lot in the -cemetery. ( 12.) Lot -owners shall keep it good repair any structures or objects which may be placed on the lot,, ..failing which the sa:.le ::ray be removed. ( 13) Lonuments must" be placed as dear the centre of the lot as possible unless permission is liven by the Cemetery Commission to place them otherwise. ( 14) The Cemetery oazmissi on has thrl right to prevent or reiz:ove any structure or object %;hich they deem injurious to the general good app- earance of the cemetery. ( 15) Funerals while within the ::;rounds will be under the control of the Caretaker. ( 16) i o burials shall be alloweed in any lot against which there shall appear charges due and unpaid. (17) X11 graves must be prepared by the carer. _.ny lot -owner desir- ing a grave opened shall apply to the Cemetery v om.—Iiiss i on, and pay for such work in accordance with the prevailling fee. (16) X11 foundations' shall be built by or under the supervision of the caretaker at the expense of the lot -owner. Reasonable notice must be given and pay-nerit at the time of giving order. 31oundat i ons shall be built six feet deep and of the same size as the bottom base or foot of masonry above ground ( until one foot from top of ground and then extend- ed four inches each side) and will be made level two inches below the surface of the ground where it is lowest. 11he Cemetery Commission reserv- es the riht to require lar_:er and deeper foundations if in their opin- ion it is required. (1G) iso person shall be permitted to enter the cemetery except through the gates, .vhi,-h are to be closed at dark. (20) i,ot-owners, their far:lil i es and visitors will be admitted daily and are recuested to abs'erve all rules adopted for the regulations of visit- ors. (21) Children unattended by persons who will be responsible for their conduct will not be admitted. (2 2) Bicycle riding will not be permitted except on the road for vehilles, in the cemetery. (26)11.o rapid driving or ridin,or drivin- or r1ding on lawns, will be permitted. (24) X111 persons are strictly prohibited from pluvYLing any plants, whether wild or cultivated, breaking any trees or shrubs, marring any stone -work, orf in any ,.7ay defacing anything in the cemetery. (25) The caretaker shall furnish a statement of all extra work other than general care of lots to the cemetery ::oma_mission. v:ho shall enter the same on their books for collection. ( 26) plot-o�1ners are advised that no ..oney should be j)aid to the care- tajier for any purpose whatsoever. a third time annally passed this '`�� day of`lC� 195 . J -ieeve i _�/ 10 11 It I i s I' (24) X111 persons are strictly prohibited from pluvYLing any plants, whether wild or cultivated, breaking any trees or shrubs, marring any stone -work, orf in any ,.7ay defacing anything in the cemetery. (25) The caretaker shall furnish a statement of all extra work other than general care of lots to the cemetery ::oma_mission. v:ho shall enter the same on their books for collection. ( 26) plot-o�1ners are advised that no ..oney should be j)aid to the care- tajier for any purpose whatsoever. a third time annally passed this '`�� day of`lC� 195 . J -ieeve i _�/ 10 11 It I i Or �. ;`°hri►nt1111 % June 30th, /953. JONM D.TNOu90M , Ns. J. D. Vallee, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: I have to -day receivhd anproval from the Department of 2ducution, Toronto of 3y -Law I;o. 1032, to annex portion of tovansirip of Bay'iur:: to the East Elgin Iiigh Jchool District. The sane to take effect on JLn nary lst, 1954. Yours truly, u JDT:I.:B Cle.k-Treasurer, County of Elgin. )fir -Law Tao. 1478 is amended accordingly. IEAD A first time this 17th day of June, 1953. READ a second time this 19Lh day of June. 1953. READ a third time, and finally passed this 17th day of June, 195:1. I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby I certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 1632, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 17th day of June, 1953. County Clerk. .3y -Law Lo. "Youiea arpa to tile 3us� y :ir, Ii;;h :iciwol Jistiiot uizd '"and 3a- :x t Lo. 1•176. r :!i;L itZ-3 the `xo,msaip of ':3yila . :wS _oquuatucl tileullition of the lollowiry; area to the Sns2 3] in 7Ii„!i acsrooi ;Astrid, I:D'.r L ::�i.m3 Chapter 166, ueotipn 7, saosaptiott 1, tt. ;i. 0. 1850, Hakes provision= for the swe, '119 Council of tae CnrporL':,iori of i: -,e County Of -yl, in enacts: r is -c-he area be and i3 1e100;; arinexpu to tae i ast L4,1n .i1ji .:e.iool 7isurict: Concpssiul: ;:r.e - .:.11 of io,;s 1 to 7•li:cliisivo wwd tiiow of 1o's 8, 9, and 1U, not ii, :-le li11 „c of J;Unjo:ll. Concoa::lon ,.io - 'ouch :iaares of 1013 1 to lU inclusive . suujec$ L'o .'�:ie U'r; zoval of the ir3ster of sducaui(u. l,o. 147:> 13 W-endod accotdin,;1;,•. r ;.i... :.) fiYa w, i o 17th du,., of. Jr.u�ie, .. ,. ..moi Y :second tii.-:e ti :is 17th day oi' ,tulip, u third tirx), an,% 2i! iii-L;i ;7�,saod ' !tis 17th d1 ; Of I, J. D. Thomson, Cler:, of tiie Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the forejb,Anit is a true cony•of 3y -Law Rio. 16:52, passed by the Council of the said C'-I-retion on the 17th day of June, 1953. County Clerk. � �. ,� �. ��` �� �. � � �� � c �� w ��