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Bayham By-Laws 1951
BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 112819 1222-1247 1951 BAYHAM TOWNSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1193-1228 ] FILE # 27 Bylaw # Date Subject 1193 7 Mar 49 Appoint�� Fencx--viewers and Pound -keepers. 1194 4 Apr 49 Appoint an Assessor and Dog Tax Collector for Bayham. 1195 4 Apr 49 Establish a Com=ity Centre in Straffordville. 1196 4 Apr 49 Close and sell road allowance between lots 10 and 11. 1197 4 Apr 49 Approving of settlement of assets and liabilities with Port Burwell. 1198 4 Apr 49 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1199 2 May 49 Amend bylaw No. 1088. 1200 4 Jul 49 Approve the borrowing of $ 573,000.00 for a new school. 1201 2 Aug 49 Refinery of Pennada Oil Co. 1202 31 Oct 49 Grant aid for the erection of addition to Soldiers Memrial Hospital. 1203 31 Oct 49 Fix the day for nominations and elections for local boards. 1204 31 Oct 49 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1205 4 Nov 49 Authorize an agreement between Bayham and Ont. Prov. Police. 1206 15 Dec 49 Set the fee for Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks. 1207 9 Jan 50 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1208 9 Jan 50 Appoint certain officers in Bayjam for 1950. 1209 6 Feb 50 Provide for the change of time for the coTpletion of the assessment roll. 1210 6 Feb 50 Amend bylaw No. 1151. 1211 16 Feb 50 Provide for road expenditures for 1950. 1212 6 Mar 50 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. ' 1213 29 May 50 Alter the boundaries of P. S. Sec. No. 4 in Bayham. 1215 5 Jun 50 Adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied. 1216 9 Jun 50 Form a public school section of lands now within Bayham. BAYHAM BYLAW FORDS BYLAWS ( 1193-1228 --- -------------------------------------------------- Date Subject FILE # 27 cont. 1217 5 Sept 50 Authoriz,�ng the borrwoing of 123,000.00 for a new school. 1218 14 Sept 50 Authorize the borrowing of money by way of temp. advances. 1219 -2 Oct 50 Amend bylaw No. 1203. 1220 30 Oct 50 Provide for the holding of Munc. lelctions. 1221 6 Dec 50 Authorizing the borrowing of $ 42,000.00 for a new school. 1222 8 Jan 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1223 8 Jan 51 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1951. 1224 8 Jan 51 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1225 5 Mar 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 23,000.00 for school buses. 1226 5 Feb 51 Authorizing the borrowing of monet by way of temp.advances. 1227 10 Feb 51 Provide for the road expenditures for 1951. 1128 5 Mar 51 Authorizing the borrowing of money by way of temp. advances. rt n Form 100-38 Ontario TQAT.3#OF BAYHAM . ......................................................IP............................................................... BY-LAW No..12 2.2......... Zj712y=jtj)X7411 to authorize the borrowing Of $ 3.5$000.00 Whereas the Council of the Township of Bayham (hereinafter called the "Alunicipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 35, 000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOM—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- fotheestimates 9FJO , not including for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1, g year if tadopted; fnot. those revenues derivable or deriveT from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures, is S 125 t • (Delete this paragraphifnotp a total of $ Therefore the Council of the Township of Bay ham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S 6 5 , 000 0 00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the IN'lunicipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 4* per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge - upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and wher such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereb'*authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the' current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 8th, day of January 19 51 /4 rl.. .. .... r THE IEA OF THE MUNICIPALITY � SEAL ...............�-f .' .................. CLERK `Ve hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said N -1unicipality duly held, and that the said By -Law' is in full force and effect. Dated This As Witness the Seal of the of SEAL day of 19 ................................................................................ THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY ................................................................................ CLERK 0 TOWNSHIP OF BAYB.AQ. BY -Law No. 1A,2 a Being a bylaw to appoint certain officers in and fore; e Municipality of the Township of Bayham for the year BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED in regular session assembled; - 1. That �'%0 % �_ j'fiQ50/y and C.1'91?0" Fi94L, shall be 0 o C::71Valuators of livestock killed by dogs at A per hour and per mile one way for oar. 2. That t/. D, LJW A 1, 4,E shall be school attendance offioer at L- a salary of o��,00 and ,, 04 per mile one way for oar. 3. That %�D/.�%. �'. JfHekSQtl shall be weed inspector at a salary of av plus per mile one way for oar. 4. That of shall be Relief Officer at a salary of 4 0��Ce . L4 5. That D. F. Gibson, K.C. shall be solicitor of the Township. 6. That Y• � • 9rP11tj//V shall be building inspector at a salary of ¢ per hour. 7. That rs-rOUMV shall be drain inspector at a salary of per hour. RRAD a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this day of January, 195 % O / 'M,_ ME ice/ .r 97 9 / . Clerk. i• a r„ i OWUSnIP OF BAYHAY . Bir -Law N o . / '� '� `� :tieing a by-law to appoint Fence -viewers and wound weepers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1951. W ITR ,AS it is deemed necessary and expedient to appoint these officers for the year 1951; AND dEREAS Section 386,Y"3'Cb-sect ion 47 of the ,..7unicipal xict, R.S.O. 1950, provides that these appointments may be made; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the 1:unicipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in regular session assembled, that the following appointments be and are hereby made for the year 1951.- Fence-7iewers. Wm. Berdsn, Bayham.' Ernest riolman, Straffordville' Carman mall, Lden - riorace d�ague, R..1, Straff. _. seo. S. Elliott, R5, �illsonburg' Lloyd Herron, at, Burwell. seo. 2rocunier, R.l, Ingersoll- 'Robt. Jackson, R.1, Straff./ seo . Ros�ell , R. R. u, Aylmer -alva Brinn, R.6, Tillsonburg Fred Ball, Straffordvii le Alonzo riagell, orinth - 4rillard 1%.cAll.ister. Stritf..' Pound -keepers. Ro b t . Gar nham L:� e—He Horace vague .,. m. Br inn ' Reg. Ycl%uiggan ` Root. Jackson Judson Ball Ira Limine Geo. Procunier,� Oecil Beemer ' Clarence 11'olfe Roy i"evill Ernest Holman .14d. Laemers W. L. _,t,hite .. ('Eta. HOPI MooRE - READ a third time and finally passed this 19510 day of Reeve 1* f 3Y-LA,.J Its. E Cj,.lNo:; 1 l.Jl' iJriYl�:i� z By-law a.uthcriLin th-e borrowin of 'Pwo_nt-t1hree Thous -and Dollars _ loon -debentures for the �urc 1��se of SC-Aoo! 'busses and t le earect�il on o:: a l or :S<� Th::1m '. ol:.'?`�:ihip Scj�ocl Are; -i at L t-<Alfordv_L .J::. t'�"":)' the 'i'o-a Sship oa. Barham School urea is comprised of ;.art of the Tov,, shij-, o_i .3.�.yha.m., '1_.: ':)" ' S the To:,'ns 1ip. 01 N r avham has beer, reciue-te,-' h,r TbB`a;' ;:;tn mO"t';~t!c 211' SC 3ool Ara -2'a BoariJ to rai—c t1r.,e sizi,t, n �, 7 ur - r 3Q11 trr 3�3 x''00 o�G } � or the—1-3.rpose n , '.i'Cr'iaSln, school bUSSLS :s:?'. at �tra"for d.vJ_11 e :T" :� ��� .,, it, i SX 030 for t��e ,iia nur;:o:ac> to e0th:: Sa .:l sum of TN;!enty-three Thous,- nd Dollars upon fill credit t �; o�• : or'�a ion, to issue debe:,yiires there_l-'or bea.rin :: Interestat. nate of t :rec n C"ni:U?1 l'3>J1 acid- 'to rov : 1e 1'oT' t 1.`~+ ? Sr'O'�;` t �Il � lu ,:expenses incidental ne -cr.-4 t -i `� o ^ . � t � on drld s-�_,. of s.ac:-r d�bentaare.�, .: ,B ,i� � :;:j t i Q_`.jJQ: i���'at t0 E1:ui E' the ,ri a,cil ill ol' �.he said debt repaya;;le in annu=m_ inst.,111ments durinyr the l,eriod of.."',.. �i VE ypirs next "C. -he data ^:s t ,3sue off' such debbentures, o - such amourits re-; -)ectively that, v,ith the intern:;`: in re i cct the-,, =� ur �-,c:�.t.c ,:.:r_sLL�t' �. ,le ter rr�.nc��, , .��,, •}f� SJ C -t J .a. '�-� .i.l L L — er-es- -*,Ln J ,:1.,1r be as In+? -:fir i :;a --JossitJle the s,-Ame; subject to LIh.e yroviso that each in: talr!,ent of � Yr; ncipall may h e for an even 500." �?_:^ ,;100C.1-00, or n�ra? ti jal e t_her o.", an J, r,,-�.t not,►ithst;:indin ; cirl:,thin"~ herein contained, the annual instalment of - rincipal and intex^e.s f, may differ 1-n amount sufficiently to radmii_, t,"ierr:o:'; ri tiB �H Lr the ariount of t ho i4hole ret ea ;le r ro, erty of the- 17.:un ci" Na? ].t' , 9rc:orrlin,� :,o "�h-3 1. S)4" �'•_viszd assessment roll 0 S 2 43 7 ,? o0 s-i�4:J i. uli. t,:.J .... t) .moi .i. is?t `.�1.C.J of he Corpora",ion, except local ii,.:provement =_and school debts secured by sF-ec _:a1 r a t. e s or �� :. se.3:nt ens andno _curt oa' h-1 principal cr i.nterest o:: suc!.-L debts is it arrear; ANI'D bjr Ord,Or 4ated the o3� A Tff d.�y oi- Ff 6elJ�Jqi 1951, the Orit ario Munic i_pal Board has appro-,Ted the purpose of the sid =>orro.in,�. :�nl tha.S>in�� o:�' +.1I reuisitue 3• -Laws, includinfi; (Iebenti.Lre By -La,' -is: THS; --I— '`C46i the o" the ".io.-poration of th,� To,m: of pay'ri -Im enacts as foll.o.,is:- 1 O For the purpose afore,.s..Iid the � � t• .t U.- on the credit of the 'orpora pion a sun not exceed -i n Taentir- three 1,"hous�and Dollars (,fw3,0J0.00) and shall issue debentures therefor in sums of not leas than ;,')100.0' each. qac debenture shall bear interest at the r,1 ; 1 of three percent (3;.?) .from the dale of issue unti*M_ t le d.Ate of ra, nt ani. shall have coupons attached t"isret01 ...o2 ol.' suc 1 interest, 2. ill the debsentvres shall bear the same nate, sha1J. be issued :at one time: and �,.-i j:,n-In t4:o years alter the day on irhicr this By—Law is I-)«ssedt may near any ?aic: writhin such t�fro years arch s'h. 4 1 be made ,_.z�ayabl c in annual installnent s Burin,, the period O;Dears next after the date of issue thereol, and the respective ariounts o ' and interest payable in each o:�' such years shall be the aif,ount so desi nal:,ed in schedule Ittit hereto aneXed. 3 a The debent,2res be 'as to ^incipal� and intorest in 1,awful- :non. -.y of C'anadl and may be made payable at such place or places in Canada as s1riall be designated thereon. jf. The said debertares shall .be sealed with the jeal-6 of the Corporation an-4,s:L,rier? by t? -ie :lee pro, or by some ocher person authori ?e ; �- by by-l�� �r �o sign the sarie, and by the Treasurer. The said interest coupons shall be sued by the Treasurer and his S1.L'?�a-Vlura t :t roon iTlr 1),c) tFritt;t?:'., i;t�??t �?�, ?,i_t.`�o£;raphed Or engraved. r-. In each year in which- .-ar instalment of principal o r the sa ici debt and interest become due, the Bayham Township Schocl area Board sh.Ul arid pay to said Co-rporation the specific sum sno:In for the resr,ec` 4 ve Year in theo�:�rth column of t�_e said schedu �.e, �::�xich amo�,�n t shall be levied and raised arnua.�ly by �� s ,eci< 1 Y':aUe s tl.'L'- c7.ent thorercr over anal. �,J�f� �-y i n.�_ ;.,may+ r-,.. 7 nT c'�i�. ^i' t"�.1.'' r;.�tac� 13 P, `1— -- (''rt.7 i the .r .l. \. .. .i v said area. . _ . _ _ �r. ("►i,�- (� .31� �.zi"1 .1 oise prov.:lin f or til -e- ?'t? s Lra;� .on th�'I~E?0 ' �T'SLIc`ITIt t0 Li P,^ f:,'10I�. j}�3 of he i . ':'. r'? p 3� �C'�;. ?. Fendin-r the sale of the said d eber.tl.ires, the R-e-vo and, t} -,n '.'re-' suren,r n �,y raise J.or the 1~ur-,oses ta:� es, id xJ;% ,1J' C� l o-tn -n such debentures any sur, or surT3 of .coney not exceeding in all the sari .n erebv au n ori �. ed to �ae� borrowed ar r? � � ,,,��, .,�_ , �, c a �? su-h d��bcl Ir:l s J ♦ i. .i r i.or such loan. r -P he �-:orror --ion shall h�: ve the ri -ht, at I.ts option, to redeem that ortion of the said debentures wj.ich riativ.re it fi1::t ���% fe= r �1th�?r it ?,: Jl`? ;?r '.Ii �` ':"t on K -any date �"�i,, rJ�. Q ;il'_, ,u?"i `, j' 1+� fihe rlc;%'F"3 yl_E?rt� <�I:d -i n i.Iie i M �'r in which the said debentures, ire expressed c 'be na, a'.1e, uj,on ?Ct. ''�'`"-'-�' o . the rincij - l amount, t ier eon' tog-vth r with interest *accrued to the d,-zte of redeT�ption and upon. rrev--Lous notice o -t sa=d intention to redeem L) -v adverti s -in ; once in the CnL,ario Gr-�.se�,tc n once in �i d -a--.-17 newspaper oiE eneral provincial ci rc-.l_ ti on, y,'�b1? shed 1n the raj ;,' of r!'oronl `J, c nd once in a .-3.0calnevispa er, 1 to a. c 1y 0 r 4 '`.J :try �.� �A �_ v 4 �.' 1 -.� T S.a.C_'1 I'iOtlCe t,CE:" advertised cS t ►. '"�' y.i�S be Core v xe dal. -Oe fixed :Lor re;►.els-, tion. 'Notice of intention so to redeem sha? 1 also be gent by post at least thirty days prior to the date set for such r..ede.mpti.on to Frac}I L erson in whose name a debOntur. e so to be redeemed -.s registered at the address s}iovxn in the Debenture Reu--Lstxy Book. 9. .Phe proceeds from the .sale of the -,-i _;� debentures or the sum c{~ money thereon shall, be forthiiit raid toy 1M the s�4 d Bayharq TovmsMp School Area Board. R.ead a first and second time- 8th. day of January) 95 1 T 4.,'Jl T LVZ IL R lt(?<,Id a thi--d,time and --Cinaily passe -al thisT day o* CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO..1225... SCHEDULE "A" c I r 4231000.00 3 FIVE YEARS YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST ANNUAL PAYNENT 1 4300.00 690 . oo 4990.00 2 4500.00 561.00 5o61.00 3 4600.00 426,00 5026,00 4 4700.00 2$$, oo 49$8.00 5 1 900.00 11+7.00 5047.00 $23000.00 $2112.00 X25112.00 c I r COAT OF ;ROTS P.F.C. 5016 Ontario The Ontario Municipal Hoard Tuesday, the Sixth day of February, A*D., 1951. B E F O R E t'. J. tai©ore, O.L.S., } 114 THE iTTrR OF Section 67 of "The VICE-CRAIRMANt } Ontario Municipal Board Act" (R.S.O. j 1950, Chapter 262), and .. and. _ } IN THE 1 -TATTER OF Section 298 (13) (d) of "The I.1.unicipal Act" (R.S.O. 1950s R. C. Rourland, 1 :;hapten 24;,) , and I3ER . } IN THE MATTER OF the aprlication of the Corporation of the Township of } Bayham for approval of the ,mder- } taking of the capital expenditures of (a) 018.979.35 for the purchase of three buses, and (b) Ax020.65 for the erection of a storage garage, Bayham Tovmship School Area, and } j IN THLe i.1ATTER OF the said Corporation's propo.?ed By-law Num::er 1225. UPON THE AP►'LICA`i`ION OF the said Corporation and upon consideration of the material :.Filed, THi:: BOARD OR Dh2S, under and in pursuance of the provisions of Section 67 of "The Ontario Municipal Board Act" (R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 262), that the undertaking by the Corporation of the Township of Bayham of the capital expenditures of (a) 018 a 979.35 for the purchase of three buses, and ' (b) X49020:65 for the erection of a storage garage, Bayham Township School Area, be and the same is hereby approved, and that the said Municipality may now exercise its powers to proceed with the said under- taking and may authorize or provide moneys therefor to the extent provided for by or consequent upon this approval, and for such purposes may pass all requisite by. -laws, including debenture by-laws, provided however, that the terra for repayment of the debentures which may be issued hereunder shall not exceed five years. 1* N COkT OF AMS P.F.C. 5016 Ontario The Ontario M icipal Board -2- AND i.iL 30A.0 FURTHER ORDERS # under and in pursuance of the provitions of 0 oction 298 (13) (d) of "The "unicipal Act" (R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 243)s, that the manner of givin notice of intention to redeem debentures as provided in the said proposed By-law Number 1225, be and the same is hereby approved. (5 ;d.) �'� . J. Moore VICE-CHAIRIAAN. BAYHAM TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO Zan. 8th. 1951. To 'The Beyham Township Council, Straff ordville , Ont. Gentlemen;- Approval hiving been received from the Lepartment of Education, you are hereby requested to raise the sum of x,23,000. by debentures over a period of years, for the following purposes; - Purchase of three school busses--- 189979.35 iarage -re stora--------------- 4,020.65g Total----------- 939000.00 Your early consideration of this matter would be appreciated. Yours very truly Vallee , Sec. •Vnauo&A.LI1 ata vv- .60-0,0 General school rate 4.3 , '.7rusteea levy • 7.3 Debenture levy .3 M Tillsonburg H.3'. f�! Total 40.9 milks f, � it i r� �,i�+i,�r4t� �i� � 5 • �' T1 L CORL `(iF', OF THS. TU4#113HP UK 1 rt WI e 11 By-law authorizing, tho borrowing of T aenty4ft-Owee '11iousand Dollars upon d ebenturos for the purchase of school busses and the erection of a story7e gdra,;e for the Bayham Tovinship Gchooi Area at Straffordville. 2, J. Dewey Vallee of the Toimship of Bayhams in the County of Elgin, Municipal Clork, maka oath and say:-. 1. 1 aia the Municipal Clerk of the. '.<o.,-mship of Bayham. 2_. Attached heretd i; a true cony of L.y-law i�'1225 of the said To;•-nship of Bayi;am. 3. The said By-law .vas duly nassed by the I-:unicipa3 Council of the Township of :3aylram at their meeting on the 8th* day of Janu-ury, 1951, and is to bo given a tl:i.rd reading; and finally passed after the same leas been duly approved. 40the ,ill rata required to carry the prop osed debenture i:3;;uc is ' � mills. 5. The current band., loan of the Township of 13ayhara is fit., ',/G, s'oc�. -� • 31 ! �). 60 1 he present a:ti;�tint; debenture debt of the l oimsiiip of Bayham is wl8osl52.97 (includes interest) a2.1 of which is A'or public school. 7. The 1950 assosament of the said Toi-mahi.p of Bayham tat as �2 # 426, 760.00 and the mill rate varier with the various public school sections and high school areas. Aden Jection jA8 could be consid©red as an average :3ection within the said public school area and had the following mill rates: in 1948 -- 34e2 mill:; in 1949 - 38.1 mlll3; in 1950 - 40.9 ndlls. 8. The 1950 mill rate was rade up as Follows: County rate 10.7 Township rate 1203 General school rate 4.3 , Trustees levy • 7.3 a Debenture levy .3 Tillsonburg H.O". Total 40.9 mills a 902w 9. The nrzount of arrears of taxes outstanding at the end of 1950 was .3 10. Attfached hereto and rurked Ubibit IIA" to this affid,-Avit is a copy of the letter received by the Council of the Corporation of the xormship of Bayhum from. tho Trustees of the Dayhwa Township :school Board. t SWORN BEFORE HE at the x 014n } of iillsonhurg, in the County of Oxford, this day of. January , 1 * D. , 1951. i A Commissioner* etc. �XIIII)IT "A" BAYHAM TOWHISHIP SCHOOL BUM Office of. tho Secretary St,raffordvilleg Ontario Jan. 8th. 1951. To The Bayham Township Council, StraffordvUle, Ont. Approval having been received from the Depal-tment of Educat ion # you are hereby requested to raise the sum of 423#000* by debentures over a period of five years* for the following lurposes;- Purchase of three school busses 418,979.35 Garage and Storage"MM 4,,02Q.&5 Total 23 # 000 *00 Your early consideration of this matter would be appreciated. Yours very truly J. D. Vallee! Sac. Bayiaam To%nship J)chool Board. This is Zuxhibit "A" referred to in the affidavit of J. Dewey Vallee. SWORN before this day of January, A.D., 1951. A Commissioner# etc* w I I SY r. //C 0? Iv A By -Law authorizing the of money by wazr of t wporary advances pending the issue and sale of the debentures authorized by By -Law No.1221. the Ccl�ncil of t ' f` `Corporation of Tovrnshir. of Ba. -.rhes has enacted its r'3v-Law ::o. 1221 passed on the 5th. da'' February 1951' duly authorizing t ;e issue and sale of debentures f'cr raising a 7,un� not exceeding 4O42,000100 AND !-,'HEEAS, by Order dated the 23rd, da r of January 19 51 the ,..ass enP of t):e said F;r--Law was du1Zr arrrov�r. by the Ontario ifl�.nic =rat Board; i .1D IVRI REAS the sc.id `i.-- :':: cs not reou. re the assent of tho electors or of those qualified to vote (; money by-laws; the Corrorat2l, n gesires to bo, -row Mxc::ey wa temT)oraI-y advances pending* the issue and sale of the said debentures; NN, TIFEREFORE, TIFF,' CvUNC" IL OF 71"11 CORPORATION OF Township of 3ayham 11 T T, i 1-1- �..jl e Li �:.., T ..:; 1, , I .., . 1. The Co-porltion agrees to borrow and doth hereb;:- a:,thorize the borro�,%ine from The Carad--ar. Bank of Comnmerce as temrorary advances pendint, the issue and sa} e ofthe debentures a).ove rrcited such s:.ir;is as may be required but not exceed nF a total. of $ 42-,0M*00on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Fav -La w. 2. Within the 1�mit aforesaid and as moneys arc required from time to time for the nurrose above recited, the goad and Treasurer, acting on behalf of the Corporwt' on, are hereb•r authorized tc borrow moneys from the said Bank for the said purrose pendlnp the issue and sale of the debentures authorized as aforesaid and to. sign and deliver tc the said 'lank such nromisscrT note or notes as may be reouired for the repayment of t' -e mrne •s borrowed at such time or times and at such rete of interest as may be aFreec' -.,Pon with the :.paid Ban':, but not exceeding the late of per cent per annur.:, and to affix the corF orate sale of the Corrorat ion to such' Tardr�issor�, not,? or -2 - The Head and Treasurer are hereby authorized to assign and pledge the said debentures to the said Bank upon the issue thereof to be held by the said Bank as collateral security for all moneys borrowed under this By -Law and interest thereon and to assign to the said Bank the moneys, growing due from the sale of the said debentures; and the proceeds of the sale of the said debentures, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be paid to the said Bat-ik *_n satisfaction of the meneYs borrowed under this By -Law and interest thereon. Passed t,�is 5 � + . . . da,,, cf. . .. Fpbv4aTy. .1;' 51 '%TITNESS the Corporate Seal of the Corporation of Township of Bayham. . . . He::d of ici pality Clerk WE HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law Ido. . . . . . J of the Corporation of the Township of Barham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting or maetinPs of the Council of the said Corporation duly and regutlarly he! -d, and that the said 113,.• -Law is now iz full. force and effect. Dated this.5th. day of , . . Feb* . .1951 WITNESS the Cornorate Seal of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. Head of is ipal ity Clerk 0 L Feb. 14th. 1951. Mr, T, S, Caldwell, District Municipal Engineer, Dept. of dighways, � London, Ont, Lear Sir; - I submit herewith,, our by-law providing for roads expe$diture for 1951 in an amount of 1-40 000.00. Attached thereto is 3 i Feb. 14th. 1951. Ohief Municipal Lngineer, Bept. of Highraye, Parliament Bsild ings , London. Ont. Dear Sir; - f. Herewith submitted is our Township of Ba,yham By -Law No. 1227, providing for an expenditure of "40 000.00 on Township roads during 1951. Last year approvel,._of the ;game sum was requested but the �-epartment deemed it nee©'Ssary to reduce this amount *:36,000.0() Special consideration is requested by your Department in resoect to our 1951 expenditure with a view of approving bar by-luw for the full amount. The Council of the Township of Bayham submits the following for your consideration in support of this request. 1. Due to the reduced amount for 1950, the 0 ounc it last yoar decided to postpone the erection of a garage and storage for Township vehicles. This is estimated to cost from x'3000. to 14'4000. and is urgently needed and should be constructed this year. 2. A total of six school busses, 3 public school and 3 high school, will be travelling on 35 to 40 miles cf';ownship roads this year and these roads, of necessity, will require special mairitenanee and attention. 3. A general inc%mease in ~ages of all employees and the increased cost of muterlals and other services, require t4at more money be spent to at least maintain the roads and provide the same in services as in the past. 4. As this Township is more or lees the rata al drainage out- let for neighbouring muni eipal itiss, our roads program requires more money for and more attention to hills, Fills, bridges, culverts, wash -nuts and etcs than most other townships which are more favourably situated geographically. b. 6ith ever increasing year-round traffic, our ratepayers are demanding better roads and more and better services such as grad- ing, snowrplowing and sanding and it is the earnest desire of this Council to provide these roads and services to the best of their ability and so far as finances will permit L ` r ` Clea of the corporation of the to, -n hI' C of_ jo hereby certify th^t tn^ forepoing true .* COT -,Y o{' Py-1�1,► No.Aft.p� sccd by the council of t :� cai� cornor�tion on the any of 19 ;_t ' V TOWNSHIP CL,FRK ►�, �J�` -- 2 - :she foregoing is respectfully submitted, at the request of ray council, for your serious consideration. Thanking you for any special attention to this matter, remain Yovrs very truly Clerk of Bayham `i'wp. ■ v Cler3r Of the, cornor^ ti Dn of tl-,c to -n- h1J.T; OL— ."o hcreby certify that tn^ foregoing iC a true COPY 0:` No. .��........_P-Issc`j by the council of thy', rail corpor-Ation on the -lay Or TOWNSHIP CIIFIRK t .ftp FORM B-6 PY-LA' N0. 1227 A EY -LAW TO PROVIDE FOP, THE TOTAL 19EL-EXPENDITURE ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYEAM y` IN THE BOUNTY OR ELG O �`ISTRICT WHEREAS The Higrl•7,1y I.rrrovcrent Act- Ch„PLer 55. P..S 0 . 1937 --nl -ger 1-cnt1:- re^uircr th?t the total eymmnnAitur? on to! -ml, -hip ro�'ir ori” briagec LC provilel for -nnu-illy by tv-,rnshir. by -l -1, -- THEREFORE the council of th- corpor-ntion of the F-' .'i- i.c7t-��,:"'j"�i.'-� ,,.,.,�c,tr -r p (1) The urr of W 40 , 000.00 „ir hereby arrrorria tet from rronit ^ rn ire' by levy, debentures -ni government subSidy for total cxpnnHiture upon construction !mnl mpintc:npnce of the ro---?r --nl brilge� unicr .tc juricaiction lurinrr the r -r 1951 fo 1l a°•'S BRIDGES & ROADS CULVERTS TOTAL CONSTPUCTION........ $ 12500.00 y 1 * 000.00 $ 2S500.00 MAINTENPNCF... , . , , , , $ 22, 500.00 59000000 $ 27f500.00 NEW MACHINERY... . , t $ 1, 500.00 $ 1,500,00 MACHINERY REPAIRS, .. $ 29500,00 $ 2,500.00 MISCELLANEOUS ........ $- , . 6, 000.00 $ 60000,00 $ 34,000.00 $ 69000.00 $ 40,000.00 (2) Th^ cai� ron.,^c rta.t.l �-C':''i1 {. �Zr-ier, t;nc direCtiar or t?iC' L11z' t ' .J �.��a 1 f J tr`T ns-' ir. ra- i sun- r•rintcn•ient -nl on 1-or1;—tnrsr)rrr^. i ? n ?ccori-r(, th T ;'_` Hi fi=•*ay , Ir.-r^,v-.rent Act. (3) T c clerk c 7- Y �' ;^1 cr cr o thi i,�-lM , to U. r i t ict o _ L _c�_ i r. ^ t n' ll tr^:' � t a ? c t^ C i —a• 1. ^j c r rr; ? L t i �. 2 r {_ • r"� ice.. n f. «. f� ! .f` a:. :,:.. N'�;ni ci 1 Ro - � Pr, ncr Dc._ rtr :-nt n Hi?., _ �y:. on or of oL c F- 'br�r ry 2F%_! of t,- , rr^rrY;w •^.^r. r - n t Straff ordville �• CLERK 10 �..t� cr February L 14 51 REF o_!" the corT —r^ tion of trc to -m, I-ii1 �o hcreby certify true foregoing iF tru Nr I;�Sscd by the council of t,:^ rail .corpar-Atzon on the TOWNSHIP CL.FRK 3 ,, 1 y 1 FORM P-6 FY -LAW 1.10 1227 A EY -LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL 196 -EXPENDITURE ON ROADS IN THE TOV NSHIP OF Bd Y"d I N THE BOUNTY OF UG IN ..'ISTRICT WHEREAS The Highl-n- v I.rr.rover mt Act. Chapter 56. P.S 0 - 1937 n� .,rcn+„ renuirep that the total eipenHi.ture on toy-►nr :: roa1r, -n` bri�gec bc provilcl for nnur�lly by township by --i.- THEREFORE the council of thr�rnration of ti i i0,,>ri�;ir rz,tC rollorr . (1) The gum of $ 40-000.00 ,ir :hereby Pppropri�tel from voni%cs by levy, lebentures and government subsidy for total exp:mHiturc upon construc lon -mnl rrpint npnce of the ror-Ir Pn1 bridges unlet- �t:- ;uric?iction luring the r';�r 1951 folio -S MOAT'-,) FRIDGES & CULVERTS TOTAL, CONSTPUCTION... J1, 600.00 $_ 1'0Q0'00 2, 500 00 MAINTFNANCF... 22, 500 .00 $ 5,000,00 ? 27, 500.00 NEW FACHI NERY. I , $ 1,500,00 MACHIMERY REPAIRS... $ 2 .500.00 MISCELLANEOUS. z , , 6, 000.00 1,500.00 2.500.00 ID 6,000.00 '_''34, 000. 00 69000,00 y. 402 000.00 .* (2) Thi Pail r(' ' .� `";., _l tc �•., !1n� L” the `direction of t1C 11 ''ppOil"it,- tn� .n� ri' rQ' :'U?;' rintcrl'Ient ��,� Qn t,ro+-�• - r,r10�l -r, - j in P.CCor' --rroo �" th T Hi �;ht.Ta V Ir- rnv7r-cnt Act. ( SEAL) t Straff ordyille t:.M � 10 F Piga - � -- - - - - - - - - ------ ----------- - - - -- - - - - - CHIEF MUNICIPAL ENG=NF.IAi. D,�- (Signed) J. D. Vallee (Signed) Chas. F. Jackson. CLEPK February 51 • REEVE P I . J . Dewey Vallee Clot, o'' the corpor^ ti -_)n of' tlhr to- - -113 y Ba yham -10 hereby certify th--t tnc forevoinv is a true p Y 1227 p-ssc,l by tt e council 0� t: :^ ca ii corporation on the loth. OP February 19 51 f tr-rirrrit conic.- o" thi� by --1-1-, to t:i- listrict ol- .Lcc of tar, ci.ra1 Ro--1c Fr�!nch Dc7-rtr~cnt o' Hi 7'^°- o r or tciorc �'^:)rtz ry`F.th of t:ac ( SEAL) t Straff ordyille t:.M � 10 F Piga - � -- - - - - - - - - ------ ----------- - - - -- - - - - - CHIEF MUNICIPAL ENG=NF.IAi. D,�- (Signed) J. D. Vallee (Signed) Chas. F. Jackson. CLEPK February 51 • REEVE P I . J . Dewey Vallee Clot, o'' the corpor^ ti -_)n of' tlhr to- - -113 y Ba yham -10 hereby certify th--t tnc forevoinv is a true p Y 1227 p-ssc,l by tt e council 0� t: :^ ca ii corporation on the loth. OP February 19 51 f :-t'-Lala A By-law authorizinga the borrow.inp of money by way of t emnorary advances pending the issue � rd sale of the debe attires authorized by B F-Ixzw Pio d22 5 �VIHER AS the Co,jneil of the Corperatic,n of '_c-wnship of 9ayham has enacted its By -Law Vo. 12215 passed on the 5th., day of March 19 51 dul,� authorizine, the issue and sale of debentures for raising a sum not exceeding � 23, 000.00 AND ?'N"RE'S, by Order d .tgd the 6th. da,, of February 1951 th^ rass nr of thh said 5, -,f -Law. w7 s duly arTroved l y t.1. -.c Ontario i,lunicipal Board; AND ' ":..-:REAS the said ?res riot require 1--^e -is:>ent of the electors or of those aual i''ie-? to �*ct o on ^ ondy by-laws: M."D %TF:RE S the Corl,ora'Aon de3ires tc Dorroi: Morey as temporar;r advances pending the issue and sale of the said debentures; %(�W TtiT�'R�'FC7E, THE CC;UNCIL !-'F`"t- E CCIi� Lia"1'"?(_1; CF Tcwnship of 7)�.;,,ha.- 1. ilne Cor•porat, i4:n aiY-rees t c -orrow and doth hereby authorize the horrow;ing from The Canadian Bank of Co:zmerce as temrora.r;r advances pending the issue and sale c,f the debentures abo Te recited such sums as may be recti fired but not exceeding a total of 1 23, 000 .00 on the terns and 311: ject to the conditions set forth in this Bv--Law. -,. �Tli;hin tre limit aforesaid and moneys are required .frc - time to time for the rurrose abo-e recited, the Mead and Treasurer, act,inr on behalf of the Cornoration, are hereby authorized tc !sorrow mcncys from the said Sank for the said nurpose rerdinf- the i'sslie anci sale cf the debentures authori.zed as aforesaid and to sign and deliver to the said Ba,ik such promissory note cr notes as may be reouired for the repayment cf the- moneys borrowed tit such time or times and at such rate of ;.nterest as may be agreed uron w�_.th the said Pant-, but not exceeding the 3 1+ Y .a, r r } the rate of 4� nor centum per annum, and „o affil. ' ,he ccs_ r,o_ ate seal of ,he Corr..oration to such nromissary note or notes. M I* r -2- 3. The Head and Treasurer are hereb- authorized to assiM and pledge the said debentures to the said Sark upon the issue thereof to be held by the said Bank as collateral security for all. mcneys borrowed under this By -Law and interest thereon and to assign to the said Bank the moneys growing due frcm the sale of the said debentures; and the rroceeds of the sale of the said debentures, or so much thereof as may be necessar",r, shall be paid to the said Bank in satisfaction of the moneys borrowed under this By -Law and interest thereon. Passed this , b' . . day of. , far ah, 0 419 bl I-JIMZESS the Corperate Seal of the Corporation of Township of Bavham. Alp Head of Iriicipality Clerk WE HSPXBV CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. of the Corporation of the Township of Bat -ham in the Province of Cntario, duly,,pas.sed at a meetinp or meetings Of the Counc;.l of th.e said Corporat .cn duly and regularly held, and that the said By -Law ii' n - ow in full force and effect Dated this . 5.t •. . da,' of .195 1 IITP:?±SS the Corporate Seal of the Corporation of the Tovmship of Bay ham. Head of Funic ipality, I* Clerk 4 . It A& r 0 0 It* r 0 BAYHAM TOWSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1193-1228 ] FILE # 27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bylaw # Date Subject 1193 7 Mar 49 Aint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1194 4 Apr 49 Appoint an Assessor and Dog Tax Collector for Bayham. 1195 4 Apr 49 Establish a Community Centre in Straffordville. 1196 4 Apr 49 Close and sell road allowance between lots 10 and 11. 1197 4 Apr 49 Approving of settlement of assets and liabilities with Port Burwell. 1198 4 Apr 49 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1199 2 May 49 Amend bylaw No. 1088. 1200 4 Jul 49 Approve the borrowing of $ 573,000.00 for a new school. 1201 2 Aug 49 Refinery of Pennada Oil Co. 1202 31 Oct 49 Grant aid for the erection of addition to Soldiers Memrial Hospital. 1203 31 Oct 49 Fix the day for nominations and elections for local boards.. 1204 31 Oct 49 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. , 1205 4 Nov 49 Authorize an agreement between Bayham and Ont. Prov. Police. 1206 15 Dec 49 Set the femme for Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks. 1207 9 Jan 50 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1208 9 Jan 50 Appoint certain officers in Bayjam for 1950. 1209 6 Feb 50 Provide for the change of time for the completion of the assessment roll. 1210 6 Feb 50 Amend bylaw No. 1151. 1211 16 Feb 50 Provide for road expenditures for 1950. 1212 6 Mar 50 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. N 1213 29 May 50 Alter the boundaries of P. S. Sec. No. 4 in Bayham. 1215 5 Jun 50 Adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied. 1216 9 Jun 50 Form a public school section of lands now within Bayham. BAYHAM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS ( 1193-1228 ] FILE # 27 cont. Bylaw# Date Subject 1217 5 Sept 50 Authorizing the borrwoing of 123,000.00 for a new school. 1218 14 Sept 50 Authorize the borrowing of money by way of temp. advances. 1219 2 Oct 50 Amend bylaw No. 1203. 1220 30 Oct 50 Provide for the holding of Munc. lelctions. 1221 6 Dec 50 Authorizing the borrowing of $ 42,000.00 for a new school. 1222 8 Jan 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1223 8 Jan 51 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1951. 1224 8 Jan 51 Appoint Fence--viewers and Pound-keepers. 1225 5 Mar 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 23,000.00 for school buses. 1226 5 Feb 51 Authorizing the borrowing of monet by way of tenp.advances. 1227 10 Feb 51 Provide for the road expenditures for 1951. 1128 5 Mar 51 Authorizing the borrowing of money by way of tenp. advances.• ••: , I w BAYHAA TOWNSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 ----- __ M- ------ -------------------------------- ------._,.. Bylaw # Date Subject 1229 2 Apr 51 Appoint a road superintendent. 1230 2 Apr 51 Alter the boundaries fo P.S. Sec. No.16. 1231 7 May 51 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1232 7 May 51 Set apart the Township School Area of Vienna and Bayham. 1233 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1234 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1225. 1237 4 Jun 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1238 3 Jul 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 25,000.00. 1239 3 Jul 51 Establish a Comrm1nity Centre at Eden. 1240 4 Sept 51 Provide for additional road expenditures for 1951. 1241 4 Sept 51 Limit the weight of vehicles passing over bridges in Bayham.- 1242 4 Sept 51 Designate during what period the assessment shall be'made;' 1243 4 Sept 51 Change the time for holding the Court Revision., 1245 1�Oct 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1246 29 Oct 51 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1247 15 Dec 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1255 ? Nov 36 Discontinue the Vienna H. S. District. 1275 26 Nov 37 Withdraw the Township of Bayham from the Vienna H.S. District. 1279 4 May 53 Establish rules and regulations with respect to the Calton . Cemetery. 1341 13 Jun 40 Piivilege of collecting taxes. K 1366 13 Jun 41 Revert a road in the Township of Bayham. 1390 13 Jun 42 Revert roads in Bayham, Aldborough. and Dunwich. 1393 6 Apr 59 Provide for the allowing of a discount on taxes paid. 1427 15 Jun 44 Confirm bylaw No. 1114. 1431 15 Jun 44 Revert roads in Bayham. 1446 19 Jan 45 Confirm bylaw no. 1181 BAY11AM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1462 22 Nov 45 TO license public eateries. 1498 24 Jan 47 Amend •bylaw ,No. 1478. 1499 23 Jan 47 Regulate the Cutting of Trees. 1502 12 Jun 47 Confirm bylaw No. 1158. 1505 12 Jun 47 Amend bylaw No. 1478. 1506 12 Jan 47 Annex Area to the East H. S. Distirct. 1526 23 Mar 48 Incorporate the village of Port Burwell. 1632 17 Jun 53 Amend bylaw No. 1478. Plus six unsigned and undated bylaw copies. M s 1M 16 f'o r m F-1 BY-LAW No. ;"- irJ A.Di.JT A haD SUPEr:INfiiDEAiT III THE Tot�NSHIP Or T tt THE Cvj 1N1 F r 1. = i P MYfPf e I' VM_ -PJ AS) it it desirable that the laying out and supervision of all work. and expenditure upon irprovement and maintenance of roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this council should be under the supervision of a road superintendent, acting Lwder its direction; -� ANE 1,MERRA,S It is the desire of this council to take advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and to receive the Government grant as provided in the said Act; Fr TT THEFFFIM EI'ACTFD by the council of the municipal corporation of the said tovnsh.ip and it is hereby enacted; t 1 That = 'tr�'�,� I.. Iname) (address) Is appointed road superintendent in the said . toi:rnship to act as aforesaid in accordance ieith the provisions of t:►:e said Act from the 3~ day of 'n " =rY and during the pleasure of the said col-mcil. 2. That the road superintendent shall be paid at the rate of $ l�C'=� • ti ner year '"or sucli time as he may be so employers. 3� 7' AT "it t7hr- .l be the Maty of the superintendent to lay out and supervise all vrork and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this township council in accord?_nce with Vne provisions of the Highway Improvement Act. 4. "NAT all by -;laws cr parts thereof and all and ani resolutions of said council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith., be and the same are hereby repealed. 5. VAT tL%'o certified copies of this by-law be forwarded by the clerk without delay to the distrint office of the Municipal Roads Franch, Department of Highways. 5. THAT this by --law shall not core into force until approved by the Minister of High�-.rys, as provided in the Highway Improvement Act. PED A T41FD it IE AND PASSF'D THIS �n� • day of L CLERK 1, ,ewey V!i1lc-e, Clerk of the Corporation of the township of iiayhatr, do ::ereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of Ley -Law *Io.% passod by the council of the said corporation on the `nd ' day o f . pril jg '71 ?0VFD r � ...� - OF HIGHWAYS MwNSHIP CLEF t BY-lai NO,/ � 3o T04NSHIP OF BAYHAY1. Being a by-law to alter the boundaries of Public School Section No. 16 and Bayham Township School Area ( Formerly S.S.No. 17) by withdrawing certains lands from the said `�ownship area and adding same to S.S.No. 16. yv�.AS Section 14, Subsection 1 (b) of the �ublie Schools act provides for the passing of by-laws, for the altering of boundaries of school sections; AIM AEMEAS a request,.,�rgs been rece:I'ved from Robert Stewart, one of the two owners affected, that such action be taken; AND W:drr�S all owners affected have received notice of the proposed action; NO`d T.a:��ORE BE IT FxUACTi:L by the Municipal Council of the 'township of Bayham as follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. That those pDbtions of lots 11, 12 and 13, situate and lying north of Big Otter Creek in the 8th. Concession of the Township of Bayham, be and are hereby withdrawn from Bayham Tpwnship School Area and are hereby added to Township of Bayham School Section No. 16. 2. That Big utter Creek shall be the boundary between S. S. Ido. 16 and Bayham Township School area across these said lots in the said Concession 8. 3.That this by-law shall come into force and effect on January 1st. 1952 and shall remain in force until repealled or amended. 4. That copies of this by-law shall be forwarded to each School Board affected and to the Inspector. Read a first time this day of 1951. Read a second time this day of 1.951. Read a third time and finally passed this day of�'t. t` Reeve. r- r I i 0 v► N 1 r I ajT..iJt�� lily • /� / Township of bayham. peeing a by-law to adept the as: essment on which the taxes shall be levied for the yc,ar 1951, to levy the taxes for the year 1951 and to provide for the collection thereof, w;i-i&RE.a5 by By -Law iso. 10:7 of the ".2ownship of bayham, passed on the 5th. day of February 1940, the 110ouncil of the said Township provided for the making of the assessment of the iY:unicipality prior to the 1st. day- of September, 1950, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1951 shoals be levied; .iiliD i4nX`,Hi"6 the asseosment roll c=ontaining the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the JDart of ::evi Sion of the said Township on the 2nd. day of October, 1950; thefre were no appeals from the court of Revision; vidERhA6 it is expedient to adopt the said assessment }i8 the as3essnient on which the rate of taxation for the year 1951 shall be levi_ ed ; , it is z,ecessary and expedient to levy on the whole rate- able property according to the last yrevised assessment roll of the said ownship the sum of 1,��, qAl4i. for the general purposes of the said Township for the current year, for the payi:ent of the :'ourity rate for the current ;year, and for the p zrpose of defraying part of the expense; of Public acid r i h .school ed ucat ion, and other purposes; r•, .r' a: � n:c. C iJ%v i L 1 P rill 10RP01_ ' ' p ,,I 1� << s �-i 1 1. C� 1'r � i Lim.. 1 V r r 1. That the a.,3se3sment contained in the assessment roll of the .'own - ship of .3ayham as made pursuant to By -Law leo. 1067 of the said '�own- ship and as revised, corrected and pa sed by the .;ourt of Hevision, be and the same is hereby adopted and confirned as the a33eosifierlt on which the rate of taxation for the year 1951 shall oe levied . 2. That the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopte4' and confirmed as the 1%p+. rev; sed a3sessmer t roll f or th e 3ai d owns :Pip." 3. 'what, for the purpose of provid:.ng the suer; of for the general purposes of the �.O'orporati.on, including the a -mo -ant required for ,ounty purpose: -i ina oti:tz-L parposea .1for current year, a rate of mills in tile dollar be and the same is hereby levied fcr the year 1951 :upon the ►hole of the said assessment of tie said :L:'owr,,ship a`cording to t. -.e la;t Y•evised asses3 ert roll -,:hich is made up is follo��s; -- Ge.neral :late --------- :rills Jounty Nate ---------- 12.5 it 4. That, in ad�iitio�i, for the purpoae of providing the Sum of X43,714. for Public Qchool oduc;ation for the carrent year, the following mill rates be ' and the same are hereby ;levied for the year 19.1 upon` the respcutive portions of the said assessment of the Public 6chool sapporters of the said ownahip according to the last revised asseas- ment roll, as i.nd i.3ated hcre7.znd er; - enerul Publics .6chool Zate on assessment of 1.21,3499717. - :5.8 gills (S.S.Vo. 2 and Vienna sections exclude"') , Public School section i1o.1 on a3sessment of 41279460. ---11.8 " 2 " " 2 9 2 9. 15 .9 3 123,750. -- 6,5 " 4 9119CA. -- 112 2 rt 79 , 710 . --- 11.3 " 6 78,114. -- 13.7 cx 125,249• -- 17.7 " 9 769964. -- 13.9 " lox 15 i , 950 6 -- 17.7 '► llx 11601750 -- 17.7 " 12x 1 1025. -- 17.7 „ 14x 84 , . , 4. -- 17.7 1� 11196175. -- U.l " 16 3109843. -- 11.4 " 17x 1329241. --- 17.7 " r w 2 - Public School Section i4o. 19x on assessment of X259, 712. -- 1.7.7 mil: 23 1591307. -- 7.3 Vienna 57, 559. --17.1 " ( x denotes Township School area) .►nd in addition for Jontinuation school purposes, on assessment of 429,929. a rate of 6.7 wills, said assessiment bei.n portion of Township in Port bur -well �:ontinuation School urea, and also iki addition for Sedondary school education, 6n assessment of 4127,460. (6.6.1o. 1) a rate of 7.4 mills and on assessment of X123, 750. (S.S.iio. 3) a rate of 3.4 mills for sections not included in liigh School areas, and further in addition, on assessment of X6691331. a rate of 7.4 mills for Last Elgin High School District, and further in addition, on assessment of X1,486,735, a rate of 7.9 mills for Tillsonburg High School Listrict. 5. That, in addition for t� purpose of providing the sum of X530.00 for street lighting purposes in the hamlet of Straffordville for the current year, the following mill rate be and is hereby levied for the year 1951 upon the asse lsm. ent of X.139,525. being 3.8 mills. 6. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the 0ollector's :oil to the Collector on or before the First day of June 1951. 7. All taxes or other special rates shall be paid into the office of the Collector or Treasurer of the Township of Bayham or into the Brancho of the CanadiAn :bank of Coiinerce at Straffordville, Vienna, Fort Burwell or rTillsonburg. 8. Taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before July 20th. 1951 and one-half on or before December 20th. 1951. Penalties for non- payment when due and discounts for pre -payment of taxes shall be as provided for in By -Law 14o. 1067 and amendments thereto of the said Township of Bayham. 9. The 3ollector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers if he so desires. 10, after fourteen days notice, the Collect or or his Bailiff may seize any goods for unpaid taxes. Fav a third time and finally passed this 7 ,/day of 1951 �.L. f Reeve . ♦ 0 erk. <d" 0 0 0 4 16 0 Bp -Law No. IWJ,,2, Township of Bayham. Being a By -Law of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham to set apart the Township School Area of Vienna and Bayham Township Area, 410MAS it is expedient that a Township School Area be set apart; AND WHA' EAS a request for this action has been received by this Council from the Board of Trustees of Bayham Public Sohool section Number Nine; AXD WHEREAS a letter has been received from the Clerk of the Village of Vienna, stating that the necessary by-law has already been passed by the Council of the said Village of Vienna; '24KR FORE the Council of the Township of Bayham, pursuant to the authority conferred by subsection (6) of Section 15 of The Public Schools got, R.S.O. 1950, enacts as follows; - 1, The portion of the Township described in section 2 hereof is hereby set apart as a Township School Area, 2. The said Township School Area shall consist of Bayham Public Sohcol Section Number bine and also the Bayham. Township portion of 9. Union Public school Section with Vienna together with the whole of. the said Village of. Vienna. S. The Board of school trustees of the said Township School Area is hereby designated as "Vienna and Bayham School Area Board." 4. 4n and after the 25th, cisy of December, 1951 the school sections included in the said Township School Area shall cease to exist as separate school sections and the school boards having jurisdiction in 3uoh sections shall be dissolved. 5. This by-law shall take affoot from the 26tho day of December, 1951. Read a first time this % day of 1951. L--^ir1 Read a second time this 7 day of �'�� 1951. Read a third time and finally passed this Pday of 1951. er . t > ■ t t r Moved by--.._.......... Ont. Meeting � �/a-%cue opo tiie toYinsllip of 3aynE":: council to .-.lso Cur Cou:�c; 1 sub.G s is tn�. Q �n�; �� r rinaol w :. to be for;i:�d ,�' U. iE nna and Bayna. 3ei'lool r e yn� Is 1951. Y.) ur s -0�" erl� '�l�rt� villa . oti I r Vienna, Ont. Feb, 28, 1951. Mr. J. n. Vallee, TovmshiQ of Bayham Clerk, Straffordville, Ont. Dear "r. Vallee, The Council of they Village of Vienna v+isii to advise .tile Council of tie Township of Bayham that till council o:L the Villa;::; ol" Vienna hav'Z passed the n cessary Sy -Law to includ iii: 'Vienna ''u'blic :school and S.S. No.9 3ayh jii to for::: a school area. y.:ciu-st tile. to •ns lip of 3ayha:. :;:ouncil to also ass tfie nec,�;sSaj';,r `;yLaV Our COunci 1 su�:ges is the ij +:.,., of L -az-:: C. -drool :t to be for i:Gd. iE� >> senna and Bayha:. 3c3-ioo1 va " 'tours V -r;j clerk:illag. o' Vi,:;nna. A �-41( 1951. 7. Reeve* r' s a .. . 1 U By -Law No, •� i f Township of Bayham. r Being a By -Law of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham to set apart the Township School Area of Vienna and Bayham Township Area. :�E�AS it is expedient that a Township school Area be set apart; ANIS WH :.&.ALS a request for this action has been received by this Council from the Board of Trustees of Bayham Public School Section Number Stine; A11D 'v. T " S a letter has been received from the Clerk of the Village of Vienna, stating that the necessary by-law has already been passed by the Council of the said Village of Vienna; THER11FORE the C ouric it of the Township of Bayham, pursuant to the authority conferred by subsection (6) of Section 15 of The Public Schools Act, R.S.O. 1950, enacts as follows; - 1. The portion of the Township described in section 2 hereof is hereby set apart as a Township School Area. 2. The said Township School Area shall consist of .Bayham Public School Section Number Nine and also the Bayham Township portion of Union Public School Section with Vienna together with the whole of the said Village of Vienna. S. The Board of school trustees of the said Township School area is hereby, designated *as "Vienna and Bayham School area Board." 4. On and after the 25th# day of December, 1951, the school sections included in the said Township School Area shall cease to exist as separate school sections and the school boards having jurisdiction in such sections shall be dissolved. 5. This by-law'shall take effect from the 25th, day of December, 1951. RBad a first time this 'y day of h,.a 1951. Read a s e �ond time this -/day of 19510 Read a third time and finally passed this % day of Reeve, . _r_ r j • ve ♦ ` j BY-Lh : d T H L C0 PO Lfi Tl044 CF 'T'HE TO I��SiiIt ur' 5r�`{ ri«lei A By -Laver to amend By-law No. 1221 which is a By-law autho-i. zing; the borrowing of Forty-vio Tl�ouwanc 101i_"Ir's upon debentures for the erect•, on and eonipment of a Public School Br lding 'or the "lalton Schcol Section. ------------------------------------- WHEREAS .------ -----_..-- -- ----------------- WHEREAS By -l; -:.,w No. 12?1 was duly passed vii th the approval of the Ontririo i,iuni.cipal Botircl for the rurpose of horrowinF Forty-two Thousand. Bol. for the ~-ur. no. -:.e- of the erection and equipment of a rew pub.Lic sc ,00l bu-iiriint, in the Calton z:)'eriool :vection, and provide; for interest at rata" of three percentum 3 �) an three and one -1 alf percentum (3 ) on the debentures as is sore partici_?l.n:rl it C,P1;: oi?t in the said by-law. AND '4111HEREAS it nas been found- irapossil- e to sell debentures with those interest rates to advanta-e at the present t1 me. TH �if:;FOi�, v the Council of tide Corporc-)tion of the loirnsijin of Ba,�rham enacts q.9 follows:- The ollows:-- The r� to of interest. in re;�Pect of - the debenture's to be issued under By-lUv.' No. 12.21 f`or the purpose aforesaid i !� hereby ` chanMed from the rates sets out in ,the said By-lawto four percer.turr, (4 0) o 2. Schedule "ti" annexed to the said By -1< ,r is amended so th&.t it v�►ill nova- read as set out in Schedule "a" hereto att�iched. In all other respects By-law I�umber 1 '21 i4 Hereby ratified ana confirmed. :tea l a • first and second time this day of I,'.ay, 1951. C. , Read a third time and finally pa s;: ed t1ii Of I�;ay, 1051. 1.i'. 0 j�y-Law :, o . / X36 Township of Bayhams being a By-law to repeal By -Law 14o. 1233. EAS -y-Law ::o. 12"tb �i�-,� as duly passed on .,ay, 7th. 1951 to amend by-law ido. 1221, and increasing interest rate to fo,...r percents m (0). AM) IHEIUAAS it has been found that a satisfactory sale of the debentures as provided ,,,for in zy-Law ivo. 1221, cannot be made at this rate of interest. i 'LREfORE the Municipal Council of the Ourporat ion of the `Township of Bayham enacts as follovvs ; - 1. "hat "_,V ni hip of �bayham 3y -Lave - o. 12-,3.3 is hereby repe.alled. Read a first time this , f-1 day of June, 1951. Read a second time this day of June, 1051. r ead a third time and finally passed this day of June, 1°u1. C w W 13Y --LA., 1,L. THE C0hP0itj' Ti0N OF THE TO M'ShiP OF BAYI- AM. ti By -Law to amend By -lav 1,, o. 1221 vihich is a By-law auth- orizing the borro�vi.ng of Forty-two Thnv.c�and Dollars upon debentures for the erection and equipment of a Public School Building for the Calton ;school Section. BY-LkW NO. Ig c� q THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAA A By -lash to amend By-law number 1225 which is a By-law authorizing the borrowing of Twenty-three Thousand Dollars upon debentures for the purchase of school musses and the erection of a storage garage for the Bayham To.hmship School Area at Straffordville. ------__ _—-------------------- 4HEREAS By-law number 12.25 provided for raising Twent,,r- three Thousand Dollars on debentures for the purpose of purchasing school busses and erecting a storage garage at Straffordville and LD the said debentures w, --,re to be at three per cent interest. AND .HEREAS it has been found that present conditions require four per cent interest rate to sell the said debentures to advantage. THEREFORE the Council of. the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: - 1. The rate of interest set out in said By -taw number 1225 is hereby ch-an„,d to four rer cent and Schedule 11 .411 referred to in the, said By-law is he rebyw amended so that it will read as set out in Schedule "At' hereto annexed. 2. In Lill other respect- By-law number 1225 is hereby ratified and confirmed. 1951. �> Read a first and second time this % day of May, 1951. f CLERK Read a third time and finally passed this % day of May, t -wr,-mr r CORPOkATION OF THE TOViTzSHIP OF BAYHkk BY-LAW NO. 1234. SCHEDULE "All �323 , 000.00 FIVE Yt.',AF S 1�, YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST AN14 AL PAYD ENT 1 4200.00 $ 920.00 5120.00 2 4400,00 752.00 5152..00 3 1 600.00 576.00 5176.010 392.oc 5 5000.00 200.00 5200.00 $23000.00 $ 28L; C. 00 25840.00 r 0 r r N s` J BY-LAW NO. U THE _CORPORATION OF THE TO V4Z HIP OF BAYHAM A By-law to amend By-law number 1225 which is a Ry -law authorizing the borrowing of Twenty-three Thousand Dollars upon debentures for the purchase of school busses and the erection of a storage garage for the Bayham Township School Area at Straffordville. Donald F. Gibson, K.C., Tills onburg, Ontario, BY-LAVI N 0 . 1 •? 3 ThE COr�PO,,ATIO OF THE `1'0`.,; SH!i" GF r A'YHAdv'i A By -Law to amend By-law I,io. 1221 which is a By-law Guthorizing the borrowing of Forty-two Thousand Dollars upon debentures for the erection and eQuipment of a Public School Building for the Calton School Section. WHEHEAS By-law No, 1221 was duly passed with the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board for the purpose of borrowing Forty-two Thousand Dollar's for the purpose of the erection and equipment of a new public school building in the Calton School rection, and provided for interest at rates of three percentum (3;0) and three and one-half ercentum (3 : 0) on the debentures as is more particularly set out in the said by-law. P'd4-D WHEREAS it has been found impossible to sell debentures with those interest rates to advantage at the present time. THEREFO=RE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: - 1. The rate of interest in respect of the debentures to be issued under By-law No. 1221 for the purpose aforesaid is hereby changed from the rates set out in the said By-law to :four and a half percentum (). 2. Schedule "Ail annexed to the said By-lai% is amended so that it will nof- read ac set out in Schedule """ hereto attached. 3. In all other respects By-law Number 1221 is hereby ratified and confirmed. Dead a first and second time this Lith day of June, 1951. VE CLERK , mead a third time and finally passed this day of die, 1951. CLERK f CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. By- LAW NO . SCHEDULE: "All $42,000000 T 1EN TY YEARS YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST ANNUAL PAYYILN T 1 $ 1300.00 1890oOO $ 3190.00 2 1400.00 1831.50 3231.50 3 1500.00 1768.50 3268.50 4 1500.00 1701.00 3201.00 5 1600.00 1633.50 3233.50 6 1700.00 1561.50 3261.50 7 170000 1185.00 3195.00 8 1800.o0 1.08.50 3208050 9 1900.00 1327.50 3227.50 10 2000.00 12.2.00 3242,00 11 2100*00 1152.00 3252.00 12 2200.00 1057.50 3257.50 13 2300.00 958.50 3258.50 14 2 .00.00 855,00 3255,00 15 2500.00 7+7.00 3247900 16 2600.o0 634,50 323 *50 17 2700.00 517.50 3217.50 18 2800.00 396,00 3196.00 i9 2900.00 270.00 3170900 20 3100.00 139.50 3239.50 $ 42,000.00 22,576.50 $ 64,576.50 I M BY.IA4 141) 0 ? 3 7 �rr+n,.. wrrnn ...wr+...r+r. TTL CC— �i t, li ?111 V 01 ,i.; tiyh wl A by -Law to amend Hy -lair 1 o. 1221 vi,ich is a Jy-lav aut horivin the borrowinfg of Forty-two Thousand Dollurs upon debentured for the ereCLI on and equir.4,ent of a `ublic "' chool "wilding for the Calton .)chool 'Ziection. —w www�rrwww w ww•.rwrw ww s 006660 rar .+M..►"oft Mizl fiaAS by-law 1161o. 1221 was duly ::gassed With the app roval of the Ontario municipal Board for the purTkose of borrowing Forty-two Thousand Dollars for the pun)ose of the orection End equipment of a new - ubli c :ichool b-uild':inj in the Calton =:)ctjool :action, and is rovided Cor in;.erest at rat►ezi of Lhrec � errus�tuzA� i and three kind on44-hal i" r. �; rcentum on Lho d a benLure3 as is more -articularly set out in the :said btr-law. V'ND `,bLA AS it has been fend i . osii.ble Lo sell debentures with those interest; rates to advantare at tie .resent tune. the Council of the fiorporation 0.&- Lila A'Ov'ri shij of j'aylla m enacLri3 as 1.ollows 1. The rate of interest in respect of Lice debenturva to be i, issued under 3y -law No. 1221 for the J,jum, ose aforesaid is iereby chan -ed frr w the rates set out in Lhe said i.)y-L-w to i'vur and a half y ,. Percenttun 2. Sched.ul'e "A% = axed to the said is wnend'ed so that: it will no,-,,, read a,w set out in �'chedul€: "A" herot,o attached. 3. In all othe. res-,ects By --law Number 12*21 is 6ereby i-atified and confi z=a( . teal b first Linc: ��cco old tire t hi �3 4th i&k of jun+: , i %5il. «`ea,d a third time of Juncit 1951- 0 P K = nd finally passoo this � day . i =11 t i Y AR CORPOR;MON UP TILL I'Q04-111P 6F 1.14MAV.0 Fl ,^1:t C I V j,&L •► W i�4i I!- iULitt "v, Z 4" r UAW.' I'M Utt L . ` 7 `l 1 1300*00 1890000 "1190600 2 1400 *00 1931.50 3 231.50 3 15m000 1709 * 50 3269 . 50 4 1504.00 1701.00 3 201 *00 5 1600000 0 1633.50 3233.50 6 1700sOO 1561.50 3261.50 7 1700000 1485 *00 3193.00 8 1800,600 1409 * 50 3208.50 9 1900000 1327e50 322 7.50 10 20{30.00 1242.00 3242.00 11 21i -'A3.00 1152.+0303 3252.003 12 2200*00 1057. �O 3257.50 13 2300.00 958 •' 03 32580*50 14. 2400.030 8 55.+03 3255.030. 15 2500.0 0 ?J�V7*00 3247*00 16 2 . k 634 w 503 3234.50 17 2700.0 517.5© 3217.503 18 k .Ota 396.00 31 .00 i .c�0 O.qE} 3170000 20 31003.0 0 139.50 3239.50 42 9 0003.00 22 io576.50 64, 576.5 0 7 L w -Y X-7- /T Ir BY-LAW NO, THE CORPORATION OF THE TU,,il\ SHIP OF BAMAM. 1. By -Law to amend By -later No. 1221 which is a By-law auth- orizing the borrovring of Forty-two Thousand Dollars upon debentures for the erection and equipment of a Public School Building for the Calton School Section. 1 N Form 100-38 Ontario TOWNSF-IP OF 'MAYHAM ........................................................................................................................ BY-LAW No..123e........... p=� to authorize the borrowing of $ 25,000.00 elKo Whereas the Council of the Township of bayham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow th^ Sum of $ 25,000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTE. -Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estjp4tes adopted for the year 19 not including f n t. aoo hose' revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures, is $ 155,000.00 And Whereas the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of The paragraph if not Municipal Act is $ 35,000.00 , of which the Municipality has already borrowed applicable). a total of $ 35,000.00 Therefore the Council of the Township of bayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S 259000.00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 4+' per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in, the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the. Municipality for the current year and for all. preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this, 3rd day of July 1951 .... ......� TMHEA E O HE MUNICIPA.....LITY E .. SEAL We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 1238 . of the Township of Bad*ham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of tie said Municipality duly held, and that the said $y -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This 3rd day of July 19 51 As Witness the $eal of the Township of Bayhem. • . • . THE•HEAD OF.TFIE MUNICIPALITY ��• f SEAL.................................................................. ... ... CLERK �r� r 3 htA� i bidons nent of G ommunity re Aott R.3.0. 1950; • r nmunity ventre at r. 6 and now part of i fined by more than ahool neat ion; SA IP OF BAY established at on No. 18, now a =tered by the appointed from time ir, and 3. That the said Community Centre shall be maintained permanently as a Community Centre by the "said Board in oonformity with the mat and regulations made thereunder. PASSED at Straffordville this 3rd, day of J my 195 1 A.D. ( Signed) Chas. F. Jackson Reeve. Certified to e a true and correct copy of Township o Bayham By -Law Flo, 1239. Clerk of Bayh m Twp. (Signed) J. D. Vallee or=. By -Law Bo. 1239. Township of Bayham. A By -Law to establish a *ommunity 3entre at Baden. B R A provision is made for the establishment of �;ombunity Jentres in Ontario under the Jommunity Centre Aot, RoSe0o 1950; AND 4-HLREAS it is deuired to establish a Community J.entre at Iden, in former public Sohool Seotion Boo lb and now part of Bayhano Township Sohool AHL �i"RU3 s petition has beta reoeived, signed by more than half of the ratepayers of the said former Aohool aeot ion; HIS R :POn Tim MIN IC IPAI. yQUBCIL OF THY, TOWNSHIP OF BAXIdA� MAC TS AS POLLG #13; - 1. That a dommunity ::entre be and is hereby established at Sden, in and for former Publio Sohool Seot ion Bo. 18, now a part of 7syham Township Public Sohool Aroa. 2. That the said:ommunity centre be administered by the following Hoard and their successors, duly appointed from time to t ime. Lyle Doyle v Boil M. Ball repr3senting. the v;ounoil for the ensuing year, and E v h<�e. �tet'cha baro Harold Sawyer ,i:rs. Eora Inman George Moore George Jenkins. for the ensuing two years. 3. That the said Community Centre shall be maintained permanently as a :ommunity Jentre by the said Board in oonformity with the Aot and regulatlons mace thereunder. at 6traffordrillt this 3rd day of Uly 195 1 A.i. ( Signed) Chas. F. Jackson ( Signed) J. D. Vallee ®ere. w JIM. . Certified toe a true and correct copy o of Township Bayham By -Law iVo. 1239. Clerk of Bay m Twp. By -Law leo, 1239• Township of Bayham. N By -Law to establish a 3ommunity :entre at Eden. ►'rir c S provision is made for the establishment of Uom.munity Ventres in Ontario ander the Jon.-nunity ;entre .set, A.SX. 1950; iii;1i " S it is desired to establish a Commun .ty Ventre at Eden, in former Public School Sect ion i o. 18 and now part of Bayham Township -'School area; r AND 'ri`H I EIS a petition has been received, signed by more than half of the ratepayers of the said former school secst ion; THEIREFOI:►' TH& MUIIGIP_-�L COU140IL UP .HE TOWNSHIP OF i- IiAO TS AS FOLLOWS;- 1. OLLOWS; 1. That a 0ommunity Centre be and is hereby establishes at ;den, in and for former Public School Section iso. 18, now a part of Bayham Tovvr6ship Public school Area. 2. That the said ,� ouimu its% Ceiitre be administered by the following Board and their successors, duly appointed from time to time. Lyle voyle ue-il ,'. Ball representing the V ouncil for the ensuing year, and 'Chas. Xetchabaw Harold Sawyer Aurs. "Iva Inman ueor�e Moore Ge orae Jenkins. for the ensuing two years. 3. That the said Cemmunity Centre shall be maintained p?rtranently as a Oommunity Ventre by the said Board in conformity with the ,met and regulations msde thereunder. PASSED at Straffordvilia this 3rd. day of jury 195 ,1 Zl.*Do e Reeve . clerk. 4 f r DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Mr. J.D. Vallee, Clerk, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir, Toronto 2, November 1st, 1951. ..°m" Re: 'Tovmship of Bayham 1951 Supplementary Expenditure By-law No. 12+0 in the amount of $6,000.00 Please be advised that the above cited Supple- mentary By-law to provide for 1951. road activities in the Township of Bayham has been reviewed by the Minister of Highwa,,Is, the Honourable Geo. H. Doucett, and he was pleased to direct that it receive the approval of the Department. The additional amount, $6,000.00 set out in Supplementary By-law Into. 1240 and approved herein, together with the original expenditure by-law approved in the amount of $40,000.00 under date of April 16th, 1951, gives the Township of Bayham a total approved appropriation of $46,000.00 for the current year. For your records, herewith please find one copy of the approved By-law. JMM:SW Attach. Yours vEr_y truly, PFI..-MacInnes Chief Municipal Engineer REEVE I Dawe Vallee ._ � __...C1e&. of the cor?aor=tion of the to=.,ns hin C "$eAam to hereby certify th--t t'n c foregoing is true copy of No. 1240 F�ssc,i by the countl o th^ Nail corporation on the 4thelpy of, Sept. 19 51 TOWNSHIP CL,FRK FORM F - 6 PY LAV! No 1240 additiona A FY --LAW TO PROVIEE FOR T?", "lTt"L 51-.q-.'XPFNDITLTRrI-F ON PC)AIDS, IN Tf-ju" TO V..,NS9IP r; -U, N, �', Y VI OF Basi ham IN THE ! � 7 ?,�T T 0 in ri W.1 -1' —, - HEREAT Th. Hi qlA v - I.- Yrov--,, �-r 4L, C, r U. 0 0") n fl i t u r- c, n to! .,n L. re,lu r,7p thint tnC totP1 c, -n.nu-,11v by tv-7,1ship by THEREFORE tne council �—.' C-1 b (1 ) The, :-umof 6000.00 lc.rc Y 11-vY. -} ca tnri �'rovcrnrr-.nt Filt, r tot:�a]. n r—in-tv-nncc, of thc ro-I., PnI bri-iFec unvier C, � o.I 1:.i''' - ioRiDGES; & R 0 A F;S CUL VERT` TOTAL CONSTPUCTION ... ....S s �:, 45OOsOO 1500.00 6000,00 MAINTFNANCU, — .P — $ NEW VACHINFRY ....... $ MACHINERY PLEPAIRS , . , T, MISCELLANEOUS 4500.00 1500.00 ,q), 6000000 on]. F t ro!- Fur-rintfmIcnt rr PI, Tr r n t A c to SEAL Straffordville 4th Sept 51 .-A 0. . CLERK a Dewey Vallee Bayham - Py--ln—1240 y No. 't� Y t C t, 4thSept. 51 u P, E 17VE r - j u I y - I I "I /I VW)HIP 0 11( .wing ei by-law to li^iit ti—, vci;;ht of vehycles pricing, over brid;Es onow:1Sr1ip ri:s i� the .� ."::�;>i;p of Layh3???, rel ab -section O.A.,section ;4 of the t rovides that a mui.icipal corport;itioa apprctial of the i:e,,.,,artment o ii ah"a lz- _t'� ' �,/��/��'Jj � r �i a'� , a 1 t ». t.. �'r e r� � T ?1y tT� � L L �:a; �f�� "v'er ar �.d '�:S ? 10 its t a i 1, .� . Y l ; � ��L'•es iJ .� t .. U c v i i 'v ice.: ( e J _ ..y. l L l:.i , . j } a+ - 1 G1 '� Y' v a. be p s .'tea C d r ,.:A .t. � i :.. . v i, .� v .i.:� zi.L V V � ... L � ►�i 1 1 � �y �. Z' r. AL .r: i.' � : �.r ,J Sl i l; :: ..i l ail;,�u �.. ..iL' t t:le j?'%..33' V7E.'�i t_t (�.:. s LVehiCG a Germs.. -.i � � � e „_ r r , 1 l �. & ci S I�, l �..�. c e d heel0Ver a V it f ;1 :..1 t. V l C7 i'J i .�. % �. � � 1 .1 C:1 v~�.� � r • a -lace a L e n i:h e n d G eVt✓i'y r 0ti 0`Ji?iw Ci"? p ro td i:i u :.'C)hr u tl].p riG such sign stall br!aa• the f oz•.t� -^oruir.p-j'���U�� LL..l /10 v. renal , es fGr trA, .Vi0li3t On, 0ir .,. ,_. hof this, --lay',' sr_all e.. be in accordaxloe -its >Jub- ction 7, Section ;A of the 0,, d i:.i�h;-lays �r�:.�:Lic tsct, _t.a.8.I95C. 4• i'iS off, -1a: shall. come irtc force and of ect wrun approved by <��. o filial of the �epart� er�t 0.10 zLi iJh,vWa;; s . rZt time mAA this ua f 1951. a �..�.o��d t ��.. �. ua t_�is d1� o. IJ�1. a L1^ time and -PI ' &A Rao this p� day of r , n ,, ieeve .. ;,lerk. 0 by-l'A'6 1,40 . / .*� ;z— ' z— A. 04�1SaIY CP i3bYI ' .tieing a by -Law to designate during 'what period the assesa-mzrit shall be made in the ` own3nip of Bayram and when the assessment roll shall be returned to the 'A`ownship ::lerk; tii:: is S 6ub-se5tioxis 1 and ( of Section 53 of the -assessment .�.ct, 1950, provides authority for this action; it is ,deemed necessary and expedient that a change be made from the former time for taking such assessment and returb- tng the said assessment x611; b� IT E,,6 i;Tz.. by the :unicipal noun ;i 1 of the Township of Bayham as follows;- "hat ol lows; - 1. :.'hat the assessment of the "ownship of Bayl'iam shall be taken yearly between the 1st. day of V'anuary and the 30th. day of September and shall be the assessmrent QA.,wtieh,4,hO taxes shall be levied for the year next following. - ` .• That the said assessment roll shall be ret -urn ed, f;zlly, r. completed , to the, " oTmishi p :lerk, nut . later than the 19t, day of October in each year. 3. what by -Lacs Iios. 1067 and 1e89 and 1209, be and the sauce are hereby repealled insofar as they pertain to tirile of assess Tent aril return of the assess :ent roll. AD..a �Iria` , 6"N.O AA and 2ilRDI ti. je arld fir -all passed this dap of Reeve J 1 I* 3I . a f s a, 3Y -Lia, -v 140 . /,Z Z1 3-- 20 "'Ii416niP OF Bld, yri Ii i. Be.i.ng a By-law to change the time for holding the :`oust o. :'.evisi on on the assessment roll; ► �: C:� it is deemed necessary and expedient that a change be rade in the date of hold irg tie assesst,er;t court of revision; by the ,:unicipal Jorporation• of the 'A'ownr 3 ip of Bayhar'n as , follows; - 1. ghat the vourt of .tevislon for the assessment roll of the ownship of ba ham .for the y �;ar 1951, shall be held on the % LIonday of ther.onth of October in the said year and that for s _icueedin-, years �nE said vourt of "-;evision shall be held on the first :.onday of the month of October, in each ease at the hour of 2 o'clock tP,L,, 2. 'What the -,.qem.bers of the Municipal council shall be and constitute the said court of1evision in each^ year. 3 'ghat Olause L of 3y -Lav; iso. 1.151 and the 'whole. of:.6,;-Law o . 121-10 be ar:d t -Ne' =ame' are hereby re pea lied . a time and finally passed this daY �f T • 195 01 reeve.' 0 I* J It Form IM38 Ontario .......................................:......neh. ez ..of......yam..................................... BY -LAV No .... 1(45.•...... 1'(1V=jkj1X to authorize the borrowing of G C; , cc Whereas the Council of the of 3a— ha:r� (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of S 2 C , 0 C 0 . ^ 0 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; .Noir,.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the crEI, not including for thecurrent t(( pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 Lg year if adopted; ,f -not. to those revenues derivable or derived from.,errears of tales, borrowings and issues of cf last year. debentures, is S 2:::: , 0C°C . ; C And Whereas the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of The (Delete this paragTaphifnot Municipal Act is $ 6C,CC0.0c, of which the Municipality has already borrowed appIicable). a total of S 6C,$ 0 CQ^ 0 .L Therefore the Council of the of ba;,� harn hereby enacts as follows 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMNIERCL a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate L , CCL` . C 0 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the 4lunicipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 4 per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this i day of c t 3,2 e r 19 E 1 ..... .. .. L. ..... ....... I If D OF THE `IUNICIPALITY i SEAL .. ........ ..... RK We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Latin No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Xhinicipality duly held, and that the said By-La«v is in full force and effect. Dated This As Witness the Seal of the of I SEAL 1 day of 19 w ................................................................................ THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY ............. ......................................................C..... LfiR.. ti► I B i t` w .a �T t riY -L,hW Nlu . /,? 14 `I,QoV -\Jz-)Ili I e C! k I:;iz Y 4`'nl4i . t.ein a by-law to r-ruvide for tris iictldin,g of the r:i3I?-`_cipal 71F-ctions in the "unic ipality= of the u: � :i°a of =ia-, hP.r; for the ear 1 �1 and for tiZe aOpointin ; of epo+4r ietur!-,,ir-tw t fficers as well as tali tiler Ks and rolling; Places in the several eollin r ; ub-!)ivisions in the a i :t i1irunicipality of _ o�, r1, zZin of i3,:-ii�.,,. _ IT 1'� t y o c, t ra .. .; 'i • �•; s n n {., t ,; �4r�i:`!w a t:- Cil vi t ri t� o R, _£am i reizular sessiun asE Eairblel; - •t hat, pr ovidin-- i�,orc ," _rsuns qualify for Nlection to office than are required to .fill the various o`f�ices, an election be hell on =.pec. 7rrd. 51 as acccrlin , to 1`C�»r Esi, of" I Kyi;ar~I �y -LaW :t�. 12C%7, a>�{d ir. accorlance with, t LIT. provis i GI1S of tie l t�nic�ip�;l lt~r,+,icr�- tict . `i' ,at, the election for ,uta-L,ivisIon ],io. 1 of t?:e .unic:ipalit;r S1%811 be held at ?olice :.all, sort )urwE°11 an(d t eat F arlar�d ur�ute si;all be DEr,ptity fi=Eturnini� (A jAcer, am t atj rePc3= vlarke stfr3.11 :�e ruil Vier k for tho sail '1na t the election for .zip -.►:iv is icn °,4o . 2 s tea i.l be hel*14 at ul• rear tr F home ;A +,.t3ra; -if ielyd (Tenarit ) in tate said. : ub-..)ivISion, and treat nenneth r.'ioirtoL on shall be �.�Erput�; :=_Erturriiri� C f f icE;r, aIi{d that John rrur=, °ett :-Mall be roll uleric for t.le sai-' ,:,ub-1AUisIon. `1,nat the election fur ; ub-s;ivi_cicn _vu. ;, shall be field at or near the r�si.lcnce of uazj,.l �,ev.ill `tenant :douse in t'tiP sari cub-T:4viE;ior,, and that ~;lt.on ,3Ac3:3C7nt shall be oepU vii t;E:turning (►f f icer, and t nat ranti i*Y u* c+ cit shtil1l bP, roll u1erK for the sRi'I .)Ub-oivision• That t:rie el` c tion for bub-wivis; on 4o. sl all be isF lri a the Township c all in ttie said oub-L)ivisioz-i, and t^ at, ,,arty =2�ar�t scull be 9eputy heturning of f icer, arir! that Ueor�:3 Vallee s_lall be roll ulE;ri-~ in the aifa ,�u"b- "vision. ` hat the ele.^tion for pub-`;ivis'iun r��o. 5 shall ��� heli at t'iE., : Corinth Intitue iia 11 in tree said "Sino.-'Uvi. ion; and that hu�vard Coomber' s'�a11 1)E entl ,.Y tfficer , an- that A 1 e x Luff 1;;R 11 t,E. roll Ul,_'K in the Stil ` h,at the election for Sub-T'-1Ju. c cS R_ 11 )c held at txxe ,school rsui.l:ding in the said &ub- Aivi:: ion, and ti-lat upas . rietc,habaw snail b(-,-: e put',r t!f f icer, a nrd t 'at i�iltr d _��elson' stall e -cell ulerj it, ti� r: € ; d ;-ub-{?ivirion. Tnat t .e Election for ,,u )-_iAvisicn -,:c. 7 s'I:.all be it- lcd at t.� Rich.monl School iri the said L_ ub '.Division, .an -i tr:at rreid- rrocunier shall be 0�.,,$uty r,cturninjpz, officer, and t*1iat l:;ab&lle tiewbank s'riall be r'ull ulErv. in t_I` saird ;,ub-..,ivl�ic;rl. l't-,at t11E elEr ct ion f or :,ub- iv:� C un lc1. shall be meld at tt::e �.;,. No* �chraol in the :-aicd ;-.si:y-';ivision , and treat 1-a , ito ell shall be :leputy neturrink- Officer, and that r,v;urray rr ilson stall be roll clerk in the said Eub-�.ivis i cn. AIS_)' ThAT the said Dpeut;; �etur,-Arig, air" _'oll ulcrks be and they are hErebv authorized and required to mold the lair' '-'uni.c pal lections in accordance with t"t;e pct arid to -rovi(-iie for voting; by ballots at the sail elections. rr,.iJ a rix"stxjF e c u n d arA -rhi d time and f'irLa.l.1y passed tile, 4_�11/ day of 95/ , 7 Reete . E:rx. Form 100-3S Ontario Township of Bayham ............................................................... .... ....................... ........... I.................. BY-LAW No...12.4 7.•....... 01 360avi to authorize the borrowing of S 20 t 0 C 0.00 Whereas the Council of the Township o f Bayham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of S 20, 000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; No-,E.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- fotheestimates 951 , not including for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1, g year if adopted; a not, to those revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of c f last year. debentures, is S 155 , 0 0 0 And Whereas the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of The (Dlete this :aragrephif not 1�Iunicipal Act is S 60 , 00C . 00 , of -which the Municipality has already borrowed applicable). a total of S 6 E, 000 . 0 0 Therefore the Council of the Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow= from time to time by way of promissory note from TIIE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S 20,000.00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding ¢-0, per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or ,received either o'vd, account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 15th. day of December 19 51 i f SEAL f ....... .. ... ... ............................. THE II Aft" THE UNICIPALITY or � r .... LERK ..... 1 We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Lay. - NN 0. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This day of , 19 As Witness the Seal of the of SEAL ......... . THE .. IiF� D�( F THE MUNICIPALITY ................................................................................ CLERK A BAYHAM rIOMSHIP BYLAW RE )ORDcS BYLAWS # [ 1235-12681 FILE # 31 File #31 Date Subject Bylaw # 1235 5 Feb 51 Authorize the Corp. to enter into an agreement with the Hydro -Electric Power Corm. of Ont. for street lights. 1248 7 Jan 52 Authorize the borrowing of $ 60,000.00. 1249 7 Jan 52 Appoint officers in the Township of Bayham for 1952.- 952.1250 1250 7 Jan 52 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1251 21 Jan 52 Guarantee of certain payments to the Town of Aylmer. 1252 4 Feb 52 Formal agreement between the H.P.C. of Ont. and Bayham. 1253 7 Feb 52 Provide for total 1952 road expenditures. 1254 7 Feb 52 Appoint an Assessor for Bayham Township for 1952. 1255 7 Apr 52 Authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign agreement for police services. 1256 5 May 52 To prohibit the firing off of fireworks in Bayham. 1257 5 May 52 Designate wren assessment shall be made in Bayham and when the assessment roll shall be returned to the township clerk. 1258 7 Jul 52 To close and sell the road between lots 16 and 17 ir.Bayham. 1260 6 Oct 52 To provide for drainage work in the Tbwnship_of Bayham. 1261 6 Oct 52 Authorize the borrowing of $ 30,000.00. 1262 6 Oct 52 Establish a volunteer Fire Department. 1263 21 Oct 52 Authorize purchase of fire truck. 1264 27 Oct 52 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1265 27 Oct 52 Close and sell a portion of road across lots 121 and 122. 1267 27 Oct 52 Borrowing of money to purchase a fire truck. 1268 15 Dec 52 Authorize the borrowing of $ 25,000.00. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO WESTERN REGION Township of Bayham, STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario. AttentionMir, J. D. Vallee Dear Sirs: 340 WELLINGTON STREET LONDON, ONTARIO January 14, 1952. We are attaching for your records a fully executed Copp of an ,Agreement dated December 19th, 1951, between this Commission and your Corporation, concerning street lighting for the hamlet of richmond. Yours very truly, { 4, /nIA4Z Consumer Service Engineer, Western Region covenant, promise and agree as 1'ollows:- 1. The commission on behalf of the Corporation shall light the highways in that area in the Township of s,4 kw/�In which may be more particularly described as follows:- THIS AGREDhIENT made in triplicate the day of A ...� , B ETWEEN: A D. 19 `> THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO. hereinafter called the "Commission" OF THE FIRST PART. - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BA.YIIXA hereinafter called the "Corporation" OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS the Corporation entered into a Rural Power Contract with the Commission dated the second day of Nove::iber A .D. 1925 for the rural distribution of electrical power within the Township of B Y -F-1 , AND WHEREAS the Corporation upon the petition of a majority of the resident freeholders in that certain area within the said Township which is hereinafter more partic- ularly described has applied to the Commission under the Power Commission Act and amendments thereto (hereinafter called the "said Act") for street lighting on highways in the said area and the Commission is agreeable thereto; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that for the considerations herein contained the parties hereto covenant, promise and agree as follows: - The Commission on'behalf of the Corporation shall light the highways in that area in the ' Township of OA W ,r 4r7 which may be more particularly described as follows:- t - 2 The north half of lots 11.1 and 112, concession 6 and the, south half of lots 11.1, and 112 concession 7 as outlined in red on the sketch marked exhibit A attached hereto and forming part of this agreement, and which is known as th Hamlet of Richmmd by that number of street lights on those ighways in the said area which are specified in the followin list, namely: - Name of HNumber of lights thereon Talbot Road fast 1+ Church Street as shown on the attached sketch marked exhibit A and in addition by such further street lights on the said highways and on other highways in the said area as shall be requested by the Council by notice in writing to the Com- mission from time to time; 2. The Commission on behalf of the Corporation shall construct, and install the said stpeet lights including all poles, conductors, lamps, brackets, transformers, devices, appliances, equipment and apparatus necessary therefor, here- inafter called "street lighting works"; 3. The Commission on behalf of the Corporation shall maintain and operate the street lighting works except the replacement of lamps and the winding of the time clock which shall be effected by the Corporation and except as herein elsewhere provided; s 4 n As fur as possible 1.Lnder this agreement and the said Act, the said street lighting Works shall be subject to the same conditions as works constructed by he Commission on behalf of the Corporation under the said Rural Power Contract and the Commission shall assume obligations in respect to the said street lighting works similar to its (obligations in res- pect to works constructed under the said Rural Power Contract-, Lghways Power for said lighting of shall be supplied to the Corporation by the Commission under the same conditions as power supplied by the Commission under the said Rural Power Contract; 6, The Corporation hereby grants to the Commission full right, power and authority on behalf of the Corporation to light the highways in the said area as aforesaid, to per- farm, enjoy and enforce all duties, powers, rights and agree- ments belonging to the Commission under this agreement and to do all things necessary for or incidental to the performance of this agreement; 74 (a) The Corporation shall pay to the Commission the cost of the lighting of the highways in the said area which shall include all costs incurred by the Commission for the purpose of this agreement and without limiting the generality - of the foregoing, costs in respect of the said lighting similar to those for which the CorpoT° .tion is liable under the said Rural Power Contract, more particularly the costs for construction, installation, maintenance and operation; (b) The Corporation shall make payments of bills rendered by the Commission from time to time; (c) The Commission shall from time to time adjust and determine the amount for which the Corporation is liable under this agreement; - 4 - 8. The Commission shall have the same rights and remedies in respect of the said street light- ing works, the said lighting of the highways and of the electrical power supplied under this agreement as the Commission has in respect of the works, rural power dis- tribution and electrical power under the said Rural Power Contract; The wor. "power" shall also mean "energy" wherever the context permits; 9. The Corporation shall, at all times, with all diligence and all lawful means in its power co- operate with the Commission and fulfil the terms and purposes of this agreement; 10. The Commission shall be a trustee for i the Corporation of all property maintained and operated by the Commission under this agreement but the Com- mission shall be entitled to a. lien upon the said property for all monies expended by the Commission under this agreement and not repaid, at the expiration of this agreement the Commission shall determine and adjust the rights of the Corporation having regard to the amount expender by the Commission and paid by the Corporation respectively and such other considerations as may aplear equitable to the Commission and are approved by the Lieutenant -Governor -in -Council; 11. This agreement shall remain in force for forty years from the date hereof; 5 12. This agreement shall extend to, be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the parties hereto their successors and assigns respectively; IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed attested by the affixing of their corporate seals and the signatures of their proper officers duly authorized thereto. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO? 4 o. __ ._ .... ,�. o .. o :• • g• O♦• e a O• O a o a O 0• •i _ 0. 0 0 0 C.s v U 0• 00 0• .. O 0 O Chairman, i J R L O O L O J a 0.) G s .• • C. a ., v 4 a C a 9 • v'-.� O. C o � ♦ • a .- p d • W • • o r . • ., Secretary. - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAM!"! ,A!''V � ��„f/�.. . � .. f `.�- Imo„ �'• I' ... ."�" ....' • O • O a _.p ..-'! • o • O • • 0... O • � • • G a • p • • o O • o • Oma• O + v ,• � o 0 0 0 Reece ' G O V • O O O t • it O • S • O J • O • v •� r • G • • J 1 O • O • y e V O C ..+ Clerk. 0 E • t Y r. + i 0 E • cor4 1 \%^j P AND WHEREAS at the close of the said meeting there were re- ma•ining on the petition a sufficient number of names to constitute t � � � t •1 i t cor4 1 \%^j P AND WHEREAS at the close of the said meeting there were re- ma•ining on the petition a sufficient number of names to constitute t � � � t •1 i t BY LAW NO. / Z .3 0 of The Corporation of the Township of BAYLI A By-law to authorize the Corporation to'enter into an agreement with The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario for Street lighting. WHEREAS a majority of the resident freeholders according to the last revised assessment roll residing within the area described in the petition have petitioned the Council of the Corporation of the Township of BA' to procure from The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario, street lighting in the said area, and the said petition was accompanied by the certificate of the Clerk of the Township stating that it was signed by a majority of the said resident freeholders; AND WHEREAS pursuant to such petition the Council of the said Township have requested The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario to supply electrical power or energy for that purpose; and The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario has furnished estimates of the cost thereof; AND'WHEREAS notice was duly given to each of the petitioners signing, the said petition that the Council of the Township would at a special meeting called for that purpose consider the said estimates; AND WHEREAS the Council of the said Township at such meeting held within one month after the delivery of said estimates, namely on the fif th day of February , 19 51 considered the said estimates, and heard the petitioners; AND WHEREAS at the close of the said meeting there were re- maining on the petition a sufficient number of names to constitute - 2 - a majority of the resident freeholders within the -said area; NOW THEREFORE THE COUATCIL OF THI.: CORPORATION OF .'HE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAY1 enacts as follows:- ollowso-1, 1'6 THAT the Corporation of the Township of F.,,ArHA X do enter into an agreement with The Hydro -Electric Power Commis:..ion of Ontario for street _lighting in the said area, a copy of which agreement is hereto attached and forms part of this By -taw; 2• THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corperation be and they are hereby aiithorized and required to execute the said agreement on :jehalf of the Corporation and to affix the Corporate Seat there- to and to deliver such agreement when exE-cuted to The Hydro - Electric Power Commission of Ontarr:-o; 3. THAT of the cost incurred under said ag.^eement for street lighting in the area therein descrjbed be raised, Levied and collected by an annual special tate upon the taxable ;property lying w;.thin the said area; 4. THAT N0N,C- of the cost in.rlar»ed under the said agreement {or street lighting in the area ther=ain deeScribed be paid by the Corporation and be chargeable to the muni.c'.pa.lity as a whole, DATED at and. finally passed this d..y of t1�L'1�/�: A.D. lg ter• /Reeve. • • l r • • s # • • • • 0'.W* • • • • • • • Cleric, 19 a DATED A.D. ly LAW THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COM- MISSION OM-MISSION OF ONTARIO. ''wl - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAlrz STREET LIGHTING A G R E E M E N T 48o512c H.E.P.C. Capital I 0 0 is 0 6 0 #A 0 a 0 4 0 0 I* 46 et 0 0 is 0 6 0 #A 0 a 0 4 0 0 I* BY-LAW NO. 1255 To Discontinue the Vienna �l ,h jchool )istrict v Massed 27th Tdovember, 1936 Certified Correct County Clk,.rk