HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1950BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1207-1221 1950 BAYHAM TOWNSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1193-1228 ] FILE # 27 Bylaw # Date Subject 1193 7 Mar 49 Appoint�� Fencx--viewers and Pound -keepers. 1194 4 Apr 49 Appoint an Assessor and Dog Tax Collector for Bayham. 1195 4 Apr 49 Establish a Com=ity Centre in Straffordville. 1196 4 Apr 49 Close and sell road allowance between lots 10 and 11. 1197 4 Apr 49 Approving of settlement of assets and liabilities with Port Burwell. 1198 4 Apr 49 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1199 2 May 49 Amend bylaw No. 1088. 1200 4 Jul 49 Approve the borrowing of $ 573,000.00 for a new school. 1201 2 Aug 49 Refinery of Pennada Oil Co. 1202 31 Oct 49 Grant aid for the erection of addition to Soldiers Memrial Hospital. 1203 31 Oct 49 Fix the day for nominations and elections for local boards. 1204 31 Oct 49 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1205 4 Nov 49 Authorize an agreement between Bayham and Ont. Prov. Police. 1206 15 Dec 49 Set the fee for Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks. 1207 9 Jan 50 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1208 9 Jan 50 Appoint certain officers in Bayjam for 1950. 1209 6 Feb 50 Provide for the change of time for the coTpletion of the assessment roll. 1210 6 Feb 50 Amend bylaw No. 1151. 1211 16 Feb 50 Provide for road expenditures for 1950. 1212 6 Mar 50 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. ' 1213 29 May 50 Alter the boundaries of P. S. Sec. No. 4 in Bayham. 1215 5 Jun 50 Adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied. 1216 9 Jun 50 Form a public school section of lands now within Bayham. BAYHAM BYLAW FORDS BYLAWS ( 1193-1228 --- -------------------------------------------------- Date Subject FILE # 27 cont. 1217 5 Sept 50 Authoriz,�ng the borrwoing of 123,000.00 for a new school. 1218 14 Sept 50 Authorize the borrowing of money by way of temp. advances. 1219 -2 Oct 50 Amend bylaw No. 1203. 1220 30 Oct 50 Provide for the holding of Munc. lelctions. 1221 6 Dec 50 Authorizing the borrowing of $ 42,000.00 for a new school. 1222 8 Jan 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1223 8 Jan 51 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1951. 1224 8 Jan 51 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1225 5 Mar 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 23,000.00 for school buses. 1226 5 Feb 51 Authorizing the borrowing of monet by way of temp.advances. 1227 10 Feb 51 Provide for the road expenditures for 1951. 1128 5 Mar 51 Authorizing the borrowing of money by way of temp. advances. rt n Form 100-38 Ontario .....................TOWNSHI.P.....OF...... ...................................... BY-LAW No.... /';�.07. Zf T" P=jtj)X to authorize the borrowing of 5 3 5, 0 0 0.0 0 Whereas the Council of the Township o f Bayham (hereinafter called the "I'Iunicipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of S 35, 000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the X-lunicipality for the year; NOTE.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 4� not including year if adopted; if not. to those revenues derivable or derived from arrear of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures, is S 12 0, 0 0 0.0 0 (Delete this paragraph if not applicable). Therefore the Council of the Township of Bay ham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from Tim- CAxADW-4 BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S 3 5, 00 0 . 00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years -as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid,. together with i4eres.t thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 9th. day of January 19 50 ...... .................................................. �j THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY .... .....ice �.1.,- ...... CLERK We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. of the Township of Bay ham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This 9th. day of January 19 50 As Witness the Seal of the Township of Ba yham. SEAL I 1 l "' .............. THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY .. I ............................................. CLERK TOWNSAIP OF BAYdAM. By -Law No. 1208 Being a by-law tp appoint certain officers in and for the lUounicipality of the Township of Bayaam for the year 1950. BE IT Tdr:REFORE EBACTLD in regular session assembled;- 1. ssembled;- 1. That Robt. C. Jackson/ and Carman Ball Valuators of livestock killed by dogs at .50� - and .20� per mile one way for car. shall be per hour 2.That J. L. Vallee shall be school attendance officer at a salary of X25.00 and•20¢ per mile one way for car. 3. That Robt. C. Jackson / shall be reed Inspector at a salary of 25.00 plus .20 ,1 per mile one way for car. 4. That J. D. Vallee shall be Relief Officer at a salary of � 200.00 5. That D. F. Sibson, 4.0. shall be solicitor of the Township. 6. That ri• L. Godwin shall be Building Inspector at a salary of /v: .504 per hour. 7. That H. L. Godwin of 4 .50. per hour, shall be Drain Inspector at a salary Rx.AD a third time and finally passed this 9th. day of January, 1950. r Reeve. ! ' Jerk. l I > M 40 Bx-Latin NO. /'?G 9 TOWIti SHIP OF BAYHAM. Being a By -Law to provide for the change of time for the completion of the assessment roll by the Township Asseseor and the return of same to the Township Clerkv irHERLAS Sub -section. (2) of Section 59 of the Assessment Act as amended in 1949 provides that Councils have this authority; -l. Ah.k) W`,RLAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that this be done; �HEREOFRE BE IT EIJACT.ID by the Munibipal Council of the Township of Ba yham as follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. That the assessor of the Township of Bayham shall make the assessment and prepare the assessment roll of the said Township of .bayham during the period Jan. 1st. to September 1st. and the assessment roll shall be completed and returned to the Clerk of the Township not later than the 1st. day of September. 2. That the asses3ment so ta�en shall be the assessment for the next succeeding year. 3. .That the second sentence of clause 2 of By -Taw leo. 1067 as pertains to the time for the taking of the assessment is hereby repealled. REAL a frist, second and third time and finally passed this day of `� ,c_. 19 (�) 6' . 1;. Reeve. s C lerk. BY-LAW NO. lo�% 10 TOWNSHIP OF BAYiiAM. Being a by -Law to amend By -Law No. 1151. 'rti 'REAS IT is deemed necessary and expedient that the date for the holding of the assessment Court of Revision should be changed; T"iiEREFORL BelT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows;- 1. what Clause 1 of By -Law No. 1151 shall eb amended to read as follows;- court of ,ievision of the assessment roll for the Township of Bayham for the year 1951 shall be held at the ('ownship Office at Straffordville on Monday, October 2nd. 1950 at 2 P.M. and on the first .:onday of October in each year thereafter for each subsequent year at the hour of 2 2.M0 2. shat September 14th of each year shall be the final date for receiving appeals on the said assessment roll for each subsequent year. READ airst, second and third time and finally passed this . $ :C�) .^ f Reeve. L G f Clerk. 1 • f '40 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Toronto 22, T;a y 5th, 1950. W • T.D. Vallee, Clerk, Twp. of Beyham, straffordville, Ontario* Dear Sir: pd -j 1950 Towrhip Road Expenditure By -lave Please be advised that the iEpartment has carefully r!ori- siderea the pry -law to provide for the expenditure of,� 40 000100 under The Hi -rhway I preve�►ent Act if) the year 1950 as su51itt,—J key your munici.pc,lity. Thee Honourable H. :�oucett, 1�'inister of T.riFrhcgays, has aoproved of a maxim . -a total expenditure of 41e369000900 on which subsidy may 'he pcaya'ole under the slid Act. This overall apprcval is . ivpri subject to approval of E,ach individual wcrk cf roaa construction dial bride construction aria of the purchase of each unit of m,-ac:=inezy or equipment. Tri all ^uch cases the Ji.strict .ri'ine.E r ra-ust 're --Advised and approval obtained before the proposed work or purchase is advertised and tenders called or any co=mitment made by the municipality. It ;:Dist be distinctly unlerstoo,.: that if the appropri.=_itions for roaJs, b,,id res qnd culverts, and - achinery as sz_owri in VA, el by -lacy arA expended for nny other purpose than t'Lat for �:,hic h they were respectively appropriatpll, suCsidy will not ap? ly on tT:e expenditure unless tte written npprcval of the Dep rtment is o�tginel e-fore.-thp. oxp,= iiti�re i r^�1:iP in eac" .case . The Department reove sts • .your co -oiler: tion so t1;at the amount of t,!.P P.x•pendit",.re its 1.950 aubt pitted for su;;si .lyT Ori ll riot exceed the ?pprovad ;�,y-law arrcunt as stnLed above and indicate l on the .. )py of the t-yY-law returned to you here"',ith. .,Y. It k, 1. ♦ ■ Tours very truly. J.A.11!, Marshall, G:.iLf �.:unicipal inn ginecr. _ Atta�:I, J Drwl1 +Pall*! Clerk of the corporation of the toVINship � �• of Haybam do hereby certify that the foregoing is r t ? ; co of PY B -law No. passed Y by the council of the said corp rati he� , 16 da y of ' 60 19..._._..... , ._______��A. WNSHIP CLERK k, 1. ♦ ■ F I FORM F-6 FY -LAW NO. 1211 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL 19_50_EXPENDITURE ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF. BilyA2 I N THE COUNTY 0LLG IV DISTRICT WHEREAS The Highl,►ay Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R.S.O., 1937 and arrendmentF renuireG that the total ex.pendi Lure on to�,mehi n roads an,' bri ?ges be provile.1 for annually by tot•.►nship by -lair. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the e,.i-i townGhip enacts aG followr. (1) The cum of $ 40.000.00 .i F hereby appropriated from rfonics rn isel by levy, lebentures ?.nil government subsidy for total expenHiture upon construction an l maintenance of the roa.ds and brig, s unler its juriFl iction wring the year 19 50 'AF follo�,,,s ROADS FRIDGES & CULVERTS TOTAL . CONSTRUCTION........ $ 1 .500, 00 $ 1,500,00 $ 3,000.00 MAINTENANCE......... 21,500,00 $ 4,500,00 $ 26tor.10,00 NEW MACHINERY....... $ 4 + 80C • CC MACHINERY REPAIRS... $ 10200.00 MISCELLANEOUS.......,'-', ,,. 59000,00 R 34,000.00 498001100 $ 1,20�?.00 $ 5,000.00 69000000 400000,00 (2) The Gari rronios 1--h?11 be eNTpendel under the direction of the -'uly appointc-1 tollmship road Guperintenlent and on work rerform-1 in accorla.nce with The Highw!ly Irr:provLr,ent Act. (3) -The clerk chill transmit ltupl-icat•c copies or this by -l -w to the district office of the Municipal Ro-1s Eranch, Departrrent of High,,TayC, on or before Febru� ry 2Wf of the present year. Passed at (SEAL ) tra pf r nil I this 16 1-ny of ?ebruary A.D.. , 1 b � / CLERK VE ' I J. uea+ay Vallee Clerk of the corporation of the tovmshiv� a a yhs m ;� o ' Flo hereby certify that the foregoing is P tr`,ue 1211 I c 1 by the council of the iii corpora ti.oh ,.on"',the copy of Py-1?.1��.► No. ,ase � � ;-a � . a 16da of Feb, 50 QWNSHIP CL.FFRK 0 ,, By -Lav No. /o� 12 . Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to appoint Fence -viewers and Found -keepers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 190. WHEHI AS it is deemed necessary and expedient to appoint these officers for the year 1950; AND WHEREAS Section 404, Sub -section 40 of the '"unicipal Act provides that these appointments be ;Wade; BE IT TEEREFORE EiyACriEL by the L unicipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in regular session assembled, that the following appointments be and are hereby made for the year 1950. Fence -Viewers for 19b0. '11m. Berdan, Bayham i'.0. Ernest Holman, Straffordville.' Carman Ball, Widen. , Horace dague, R.R.1, Straff. Teo. S. Elliott, R.S, Tillsonburg- Lloyd zier:ron, Pt. Burwell.- seo.-"rocunier, R.R.l, Ingersoll' Robt. Jackson, ;?.11.1, Straff.' Jeo. Roszell l R.R. o, Aylmer.' lva Brinn, R.R.6, iillsonburg.' Fred Ball, Straffordville, nlonzo uagell', �.orinth� Hillard *U:cAllister, Straff.' Vames ..:lliott, ?'*. 3urwe11.- REAL a third time and finally passed this 1950. r Reeve . c� Pound -.beepers for 190. aures Elliott - Lawrence Thomson -iobt. Carnham Uorl.ey dotchkiss no Cattle Aorace uague ►m. Brinn Reg. ldc _ uiggan Robt . j ac ks on Hudson Ball Ira i6iilmine neo . Procunier' Cecil Beemer Clarence ,y olfe Roy Nevill Ernest dolman' Ed. Laemers�- L. White Julius Francia C� day of 1,:arch, V. e 9-- I 4 I t r BY-LAW NO. /0 / �L_ TOWNSHIP OF BAYH=. Being a by-law to alter the boundaries of Public School Section No. 4, Bayham and Bayham Township School Area, by withdrawing certain lands therefrom and adding same to Township of Bayham portion of the Union school section with Vienna. Section 14,Subsection (1) (b) of The Public Schools Act provides for the passing of by-laws for the purpose of altering boundaries of school sections; AND TEAS a petition has been received by the I►lur_icipal Cofln.cil of the Township of Bayham, signed by all except two of the rate- payers affected;-„,.-$” AND these said two owners were advised of this uroposed action by registered post on May 28th, 1950; AND HER. AS thb municipal council deem this action necessary and expedient; NOW BL IT �INACTED by the :_unlcipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows;- 1. 'ghat certain lands shall be and are hereby withdrawn from Public School Section Ido. 4, Bayham, and from Bayham '. ownship School area and shall be added to the Bayham T"ownship portion of the union Public School Section with Vienna. 2. .6hat these said lands shall be and contain as follows; - Those portions of lots 10 and 11, concession III, Bayham, lying and situate north of Big Otter Creek. Also those portions of the north parts of lots 12 to 16 inclusive, Concession III, 3ayham, presently assessed in Bayham Township School Area, so that the .northerly -limit of said Vienna Union Section shall be the Township load ' between the Th'i►rd a.id ?ourth coneessions. 3. That this by-law shall come into force on January 1st. 1951, and shall remain in force until repealled or amended. 4. That copies of this by-law sha?.l be forwarded to each School Board affected and to the Inspector. Read a first time this p� ! 7'M 'clay of .'..ay, 1950. read a second time this p��i rNday of IYia y, 1950. Read a third tiu.e and finally passed this � Say of r:ay, 1950. Reeve. / /� / f� �I fi/ 0-!m s i 19 A —IoC RE D SCOA/ D,�9 R Y-/ VIVIOM S"&HOOL, 4) I f r I N } v • 4 Z �. r b � \ � N W 0 } v • y -Law 140. o�? Township of Bayham. Being a 3y -Law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1.050 , to levy the taxes for the year 1950 and to provide for the collection thereof. .WHEREAS by BY -Law j,,o. 1067 of the Township of Bayham, passed on the 5th. day of February 1940, the council of the said Township provided for the ma -,in:z of the assessment of the-unicipality prior to the 30th. day of September, 1949, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1950 should be levied; dl�L WdLIREAS the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the said Township on the 31st. day of October 1949. ►ISD iilr L'i. ^'.yS there were no appals from the Jourt of _.ievision; -&Ni) NHERRAS it is expedient to adopt the said assessment as the assess- ment on which the rate of taxation for the fear 1950 shall be levied; 4ALIREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rate- ahle property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of /0,�, 000.°—for the general purposes of the said Township for the current year, for the payment of the :;ounty rate for the current year, and for the purpose of defraying part of the expenses of 'ublic and rii h School education, and other purposes; THE�iEFORE TrE COUIXIij OF TzE LORPORATION OF THE `I'OWIdSdIP OF 13AYdAM enacts as follows;- 1. That the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayham as made pursuant to zy-Law iiio. 1067 of the said A'ownshi p and as revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision and County judge, ieee be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1950 shall be levied. said 2. That tne.assessment roll be -and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised =assessment roll for the said Township.,. 3. 'That, for t he purpose of ptoviding the sum of S�5^ 8�� a� for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for county purposes and other purposes for the current, year, a rate of ,2.3.0 mills in the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1960 upon the whole of the said as3essment of the said Township according to the last revised asse3sment roll which is made up as follows; •- -Teneral Ratemills ,.ounty Rate ------------- /0.7 mills 4. That, in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of 31,�0o.°�' for'ublic school education for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1950 upon the respective portions, of the said assessment of the _ublic School supporters of the ;aid Town9hip according to the last revised asses~- ment roll, as indicated hereunder;- 'Yeneral Public School _.ate on as3essment of 1'2,362, 757. - 4.3millg and Vienna sections excluded) Public school rection Too. 1 on assessment of 4129,160. - 805 ► 2 28,704. ------18.9 " 3 124957.5. ---- 6.4 ►' 4 87,508. ------11.4 " 5 799810. ___-_.. 8,8 6 7799390 ------ -7 9 , 8x 140, 449. = ---- 7• G 9 79#6640 ------ // 3 lox 157,075. ------ 7.6 llx 1159300. ------ 7.6, •• 12x 121,525. ------ 7. 14x 282, 034. ------ 15 110, 97,5. ------ 9 G •• 16 3099808. ------ 17x 1329791. ------ 7•G 18X 256V010. ______ 7-6 A Public school section iio. 23x on assessment of 158,174.----- 7.6 mills Vienna 35,259.-----15.4 " (X denotes yownship School area) And in addition for .%ontinuation school purposes, on assessment of X289704. a rate of 6.9 mills, said assessment being portion of ':'owns iii p in Port Burwell continuation School 'Area, and also in addition for Secondary school education, on assessment of 1129f 160. (S.S.I.o. 1) a rate of 4.6 mills and on assessment of `124,575. 3) a rate of 1.6 mills for sections not included in High achool hreas, and further in addition, on assessment of � 673,246. a rate of 6.7 mills for .ast .lgin nigh achool :Ljistrict, being sections 4, 6, 11,16 and part 17; and further in addition, on u6sessment of f"l 471,075. a rate of 6.0 mills for Tillsonburg hizh S,:cool :L/istrict, being sections 3,9,1C,12, 14,15, parr 17, 18,23 and Township portion. of V _-enna sections. 50 shat, in addition for the purpose of providing the sum of ;;466.00 for street li hting purposes in the Hamlet of Straffordville for the current year, the fo,;e-I!'bwing mill rate be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1950 upon the assessment of X137, 040. being 3.4 mills. 6. she "lerk shall prepare and deliver the Oolleetor's _'oll to the Jolleetor on or before -the :First day of V-une 1950. 7. All taxes or other special rates shall be paid into the office of the Oollect or or 2reasurer of the 10ownship of- Ba,yham or into the Branches of the Janadian Bank of Jommerce at Straffordville, Vienna, Port Burwell and lillsonburg. 8. Taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before Duly 20th. 1950 and one-half on or before Lecember 20th. 1950. Penalties for non- payment when due and discounts for pre -payment of taxes shall be as provided for in By -Lave No. 1067 and amendments thereto of the said Township of Bayham. 9. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several tax payers if.he so desires. 10. ;.fter fourteen days notice, the Colletor or his Bailiff may seize any goods for unpaid taxes. : L a third time and finally passed in open 0ouncil this day of x.Da peeve. Clerk. w 41 0 R"I i TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM . Being a by-law to form a public school . section of lands now within the Bayham Township School area. W15MEAS Sec. 14, Subsection (1) (b) of the Public School Act provides the authority for a i4"'Lunieipal Council to take such action; AND ffi:Z 3 a petition has been received by the 1�:unieipal Council, signed 'by the majority of assessed ratepayers of lands to be so affected, and representing about 70'/o of the assessed value of said lands; ra,`iD ','Vh-` A&8 all assessed owners of affected lands were advised of this proposed action by letters sent by regular pust under date of Yiay 23rd, 1950; AND 4H&M.S the :,:unicipal Council of the Township of Bayham deems it necessary and expedient that this action be taken; THM.EFORE Bi; IT 1�14kC` D by the 1N"'unieipal Council of the `-ownshi p of Bayham as follows; 1. That the following lands in the Townckip of Bayham be and are hereby withdrawn from the Bayham Township School Area and the said lands shall form a public school section, namely;- All of Lots 10 to 21 inclusive, concession XI, Bayham. IT n tt 11 re 20 it IT X it .Y.half " 9 & 10 and 21 & 22 X " N e ha l f 't 14, 15 and 16 " IX " ri . real f ': 13t " IX 't Also those portions of north parts of lots 170 18 and 19 lying north of Big Otter Creek in Concession IX, Bayham. 2. That the lands of the Townships of 1�iddleton and Dereham, now forming a part of Bayham Township School Area, shall be admitted as part of this new public school section. 3. That this by-law shall come into force on the 25th. day of December, 1950, an& shall remain in force from year to year unless amended or eepealled. 4. That the new section so formed shall be known as Public School Section iio. 23, Bayham. 5. That the organization of this section shall be in accordance with the provisions of The Public Schools Act in respect to new sections. T# Tvyz7 READ a first time this day of Mft7,, 19500 v head a second time this 9 r� day of ikff, 1950. Read a third time and finally passed this ay `-day of Xu7, 1950. Q Reeve. Clerk*.. !] y x F- a/ I OF rl dASlHtqm -/--Otvy$H/p A/o 0 r.4 / MED 10 } N ISO. 1217 THE COi• POHATION Ory' T1 -Ij TO`:V SHIP OF 3AYHA - A By-law authorizing the borrowing of One Hundred and Twenty-three Thousand Dollars upon debentures for the erection of a nett; addition and equipment to the sc�1ool build- inn- at Straffordville for the ToT•tn- ship of Dayharri School Area. iii he Township of Bayham School Area is cor.-prised of art of the Tov:mship of Bakrha_m, part, of the To,frvs J p of IL i dd.leton and part of the Toi„:nship of Dereham. ” ''.� 'rlLKz the Totnmship o " e. -ham has been requested by `.:he Bayharh '�ot,,-nship School Area Board to raise the ruin of One Hundred and Twenty-three Thousand Dollars (,,,1439000-00) for the purpose of the erect -ion and ecui_)ment oz a new addition to the school buildin g, at Straffordvilleo AND ,WHEREAS it is exr�edient for the said purpose to borrow for the f inancin, thereof the said sum of One Hundred and T:Venty-three 'Thousand Dollars ("123)000-00) upon the, credit of the Co.rporat ion,; `to .is sue debentures therefor bearrinF interest at the rate of three per cenmtu(„) from the date of issue until the date of payment on those debentures t�;hic ~iatI.1.re duri.nu the first ten y ears and on the r`maininp- debentures from the date of issue un�il maturity at the rate of three and one --half per centum (32;x} per -ann payable annually and to provide for the discount and the expenses incidental to negotiation and sale of such debentures; id.'D . H itrAS it is expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in annual instalments during; the period a of tt%renty years next after the date of is sue of such debentures, of such a-rounts respectively that, with the interest in respect of the debt, the ar;-;rebate amount payable for principal and int- erest in each year shall be as nearly as possible the sal -11e; n ■ 2. subject to the proviso that each instalment of principal may be for an even "'100. UO,; :ri�500.00 or <,;1000.0G, or multiple thereof, and, that notwithstandinc- anythinr- herein contained, tho annual instalment of principal and interest 111ajr differ in amount sufficientyY- to admit thereof; ihEit 'AS the amount of the whole rateable property of the 1,unici.pality, according to the last revised assessment roll th reo.f is ;,,21 tp?6, 760.00. YihEi-t�;AS there is no existinE, debenture debt of the Corporation, except local improvement debts secured by special rates or assessments and no part of the 1>rincipal or interest of such debts is in arrear; -?K h ,J :4HEI'EAS by 04 -der dated the I, W da,,- of /9 619Z)s `% 19 0, the Ontario K-unici.pal Board has approved the purpose of the said borrowing and the passim of all recu;_site B✓.-Lawsp includirr- debenture By -Lairs; TH.I!JRFFO,-,� the Council of the Corporation of the. Township of Bayhum enacts as follows: 1. For the rur-ocke 'aforesaid the Corporation shall borrow upon the credit of the Coraoration a sum not exceedin`- the Hundred. and `l -,renty-three Thousand Dollars (f123,C)00o00) and shall issue debentures therefor in sums of not less than w10O.00 each. ,::ach debenture which becomes due in ten Nears or less shall bear interest at the rate of three per centuTn (3; �) from the date of issue until the date of pa,,inent and the rernai.nint- debentures from the date of issue until maturitir at the rate of three and one-half per centum (3T'1;%) per annum payable annually and shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of such interest. 2. All the debentures shell bear the same date,# small be issued at one time and within t;•ro years after the day on which this By -Law is passed, may bear any date within such two year:. ar_d shall 0:, made p�.;; �- le in annu•..-,. -' ~3. c alments during the period of twenty gear. next after the date of issue thereof, and the re:�pective amounts cl' p.-incipa.l and interest payable in each of t n such years shall be the amount so designated in Schedule hereto annexed. 3. The debentures shall be payable as to both principal and interest :i. n lawful money of Canada and rrr.a�r be made palrable at such place Gr places in Canada as shall be designated thereon. 4, The said debentures shall be sealed the Seal of the Cornoration and sifned by the reeve, or by some other, person authorized by by-law to sign the sane, and bl- �t. e Tl ensurer. The said interest coup. c shall be signed by the Treasurer and his signature thereon may be written, starined, litho(•raphed or engraved. 5 . In each year in which an instcalment of rrincipal of the said debt and intere:-t become clue) the 3ayhan, 'Town ship School Area.Board shall collect and pay to the said Corporation the; specific sLu shoim for the respective year in the fourth column of the said schedule, which amount shall bo levied and raised annually by a special rate sufficient therefor over and above all other rates on all of the rateable propertMr in ti:e said area. Save and except those portions of the said area in the ioi-msiiips of 1•_iddleton and Dereha nL and. the follow:�n,- lands of the said area in thF Town -ship of Bayharii, namely;- ,I 11 of Lots 10 �0 21 inclusive in Concession 1L1 All of Lots 11 to 20 inclusive i lr Concession Y. !orth :calf Lots -9- �c 10 & 21 zS� 22, Cortes -.on X i11orth half_ Lots 13, 14P 15 rc 16, Concession 1=� And those portions of north parts of Lots 17, In & 19 lyinG north of 3i- Otter Creek in Concession 1:" ( The above lands being with- drawn from the sa;Ld Bayham Township School Area under authority of By -Law i,do. 1216 of the said Township of Bayham, passed the 24th day of July, 1950, and to take effect on December 25th, 1950.) 6. The said debentures may contain a clause providing for the registration thereof pursuant to Section 336 of The Municipal Act. 7. Uendin- the sale of the sa id debentures, the v Reeve and the Treasurer mars raise for the purposes aforesaid by way of loan on such debentures any sum or sums of money not exceeding in all the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed and may hypothecate such debentures N for such loan. o. The Corporation shall have the right;, at its option, U redeem that portion of tyle said ddebentures which mature in the twentieth year either in i•:holo or in part cn an�,r date prior to rr.aturity at the places where and in the moneys in which the said debenture. are expressed to be payable, upon payment of the principal amount ;,hereof together with interest acc-rued to the date of redemption and upon `-iving previous notice of said intention to redeem b a iverti.sinr• once in the Ontario Gazette and once in a daily newspaper of general ?provincial circulation, rublishe�� in the Cit!T of Toronto, and once in a local newspaper; succi notice to be advertised a-, aforesaid at least thirty days before the date fixed for redemption. E`otice of intention so to redeem shall also be sent br post at least thirty days zrior to the date set for such redem ption to eacci person in whose name a debenture so to be redeemed is registered at the address shoi,.n in the Debenture degistry Book. q. The rroceeds from the sale of the said debentures or the sum of money- borro�--red thereon shall be forthwith raid to the said Bayham Toimship School Area Board. 19500 r ead a first anci second time this 24th day of July, i i L" I'M !i, i C " A J� Head a third time and finally passed this � da r of , 1 CL.:c� ti .................. YE-'ItPi. „-,07. RATE 0F Ri11", 1PL INTER 'Sq :'JTT-yU�L FAYLEI ,'P 3 45O�.C0 C4 .5U1 � 501 2 3;�� 3'�t 41.60o,CJr 3?13.50 X513.,0 3 3-13 4700,00 3775.50 847.., 0.1W0 3 'J:3 r:, !;.900.00 3634 , -0 8 534.5U 3 i 3 , 3' ; 5000, 00' 3 87.50 8'.; 7.50 6 3 , 3. , r 510C ,00 3 37.50 { s -�7, 50 ,.. 7 .�,���'..' 5300,00 31.8'r.,0 50 .�U� .00.. 3025,50 525, 0 9 /✓, �'_;� 5700.00 2"60, 5C b;r,0, 50 10 3,� 3:;� 6000.00 2689.50 8680.50 11 3 � J 6 200 , oo - 2509-50 8709,50 12 J' 6400oOO 22c,--1 ro X69?...5J 3:.. 6600.00 f 2o6b.50 86.6 8 felVoC, 00 ` .. 1 El, -37 O 50 8t.'i 1••51 l,j 7000,00 850C-50 l 3;'_,- ' 280.00 135!x.:0 X55!;-. %o 17 ' ,= 7500.00 1102. o 86o2, , o ., . c'" 00. ! `-' or) 1� �r � , CIO , 6;1. o , oo 1 3 ;> 8000000 5U7.00 8507.00 20. 3- 8,)c,o.0 o 287.00 00 r 123,000,00,:'rl5. J0 ,; i' 1* 0 TORONTO, v RECEIVED FROM' P. F. :a THE SUM OE 7276 0 .DOLLARS 100 CURRENC)V CHEQUE M.O. OR P.N. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD INITIALED -_____ 17 59 x, AD. , 19501 ► c r' ��ectzon 70 of "The jai }}al Board Act" (R. SeOo sr 60). (alp by hMpter 66) , rand . oction 305, sub - (d) of "The Municipal 1937 , Mw- Ater 266"), €x,'TT :' the ripplict.tion wet.ion of the 36w_sh1_p )r approval of the of a cc:)tal e: -)e .d1tu.re ,00 for the eret� v Lor.. -if to tk xid equ `. p:,w I:t of the )i at 3traff'urdvlll,-.-. for ) of DVIYI:wm Ch.001 Aret:, , ai d ail O.o thep�/S� id y{ n ��} Q to uro i�ofr ed .i. is — a l;; 11 bL�mber I Car :joration -;nd u! .: 1 t -Suallcv of the trg rictct,i� tc t,ed by 0 A 3* 19469 V i o Leis 609 Lh t the by he W�)r_'Urati on jl' the r� TC?+aish:� p of ?a f: : i e= 3i I� :1 E : 1 I1� .�'iilrtJ of `�<3, Cat .04 for tie arcet-Iorl of an addition to cad eu-.ulpi:1�3 t "-2.. the Publioohool L;Vtraf"©A dere for tLeToy►r shii af'Buy ���;r. Scho .l, ;xee b , aid Whe 3z,,,me 'ks he:�el)y .mid tha . tl-,.e st:� .� 'cup .cir;tw..ity �iL�4 itc,-.' oxcrelse. its to )- ocoe:_' -,-ith the ,3tiid undertc,k1n,,. aTid may aut orizc or a)rovi(1e Sawiays ther or to t _c extcnt vided for b- cZ co ,scl,ii4t: iit U")011 o.!1s a�.-z?rovc31, aid .for.:sui- u our-jass.:s L*y pass .-,11 re, u3.site b; s► ii C u. j.la _> de'Je►nture b� -Iaws, Jrovi(ied ?!c; t 'e t" r for- t3.c debentures which ma- be issues he .cun.�er shall not exceed tweaty, ears, ♦`i[ iI i E11-44 "�A } 4:� \+ • �•r A: � �.=••'1. � •..,/ �.l i.} 16 if.4 s i of r icer & d In . the -.,rovisio.is of Section 305, sub3uct icon (15) (,d) of 'The "u 4icl.ntjl c ,"3937, Chanter 266), that the .anmer ref c;iv�..�.:; :otice cif Iatent1on to rdee j dobexttures as provided Li the Aid Mlro.)..-scd ; ;,_ --lar , be'end the :ia o is hereb a .)Pro ed. ft ONTAP 10 THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD Frida., v the tv;cnty-f if th day of Yu,-lu,,; D. , 19501 n � - "t 0 '�'l - a T Viee-Cha , alad R.C. Rovilands Y"em"bers 4 IN Tm:%, t';F Jection 70 of "The Ontario Vunicl;)al Board Act" (R*8000 11937, CImpter 60), (as by 0#3* 194(-;, Chapter 66), and r, �i� u 114 TM,44 ection, 305 0 S'b- sel,.-tlon (15) (d) of "The 14,uniclrpal if, c 4-" *,1sXe 1937.4 Cliht : pter 266 TH mT = the applicotion dr the Corporation of the t�Dvi_,shlp ,of Dayban, for aq.!)roval of the iundertaking of a Co.,) _11tal d1ture iof t123,000,00 for the erecilon :".,f Ali ad�*JaotiOn to Lilld equ;*PV'1011t of the ",-u b 11 la School at Straffordvlll,�, for ithe Towns; i,.) of 13e',Y­Lam_ -ch.00l Areti, elld OF the ft1d iCorr t I i .pora,tlaals pro,)osed Nwiber 21'*/ 0 U:I -v (Y -P theLei id Cor.)oratlon nd u)aa T' 7 1.,Ierat Ion of the �4,4.&terlai fiicd,, T -f -;, , G Ni'i �', .,-j) under "oud In of the '* d C t "The CaVirio 1rrwilcipal 3oa-4, , provioio;,s of Section 70 of tt (TR*S*0* 1937* aiapter 60), (as re-enacLed by 0*3* 1946$ C hao t c r bre) , t11t,t the uAnderVk*,.fil.; by the C,,)r...oration of the TQv,m8J1-*iX,) Of Day L -�af U C­':jit,,,t1 of 'U230000*00 for the ercetloil. of an• addition to Liid eqU1,01".1ent 1;-2 the Public School --,o,,t for thie Tourishi,.j off' Bay.1,11am Soho 1 >r b and Whe s4,!Jae is hereby �_ad thu-, they Seid4!,*Un10ipv�Ut1'sf mcal,_ nuc -1 excrelse its o,.crs to �:)-vooeed ,Ath the jbid und a'rtc,. king and may uut r;ri'zc or )rovide moilcys ther i:.,Or to t _v, e ztorzt p ;;,vided j"'or b. c.,-, co:.cc; ,.1uc,,,rat ttlils approval, aild for sttt;ia Xtr'posus as pass oll requisite d ivied hic Z;i 1 � e ebenture b -laws :).ro th t tL t, rr" for rej)ayj:enj: Of ma, e Ls sutd he-e-wi -er tj:�zc debentures v4;lct G shall not exceed twenty �earB* I n )urs,...v­co of A -'-TD TIM? J, 11 '1 - . . utider a.. the ._)rov...aio;is (:,f Section )05,- subst;-ctloa (15) (d) of "The 111!ualolpal Act" (R,S.O.- 1937, 6hapter 266),, that the -anner of il;ivla.- .otice of latentLon to r. dee i dei eritureswas provided in.-tT.,Le sAid fro-))-,, B,-Iavi, be and the iarue is 1 6/ . hereby a-.Jproved. 7 VI GL,. CT L I 4 : - • &its III THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM In the matter of a By -Law authorizing the borrowing of One Hundred and Twenty- three Thousand ($1239000.00) Dollars upon debenture for the erection of a new addition and equipment to the school building; at Straffordville for the Township of Bayham School Area, I, J. Dewey Vallee of the Township of Bayl_jam, in the County of E1gj-n; Municipal Glerk v make oath and say: 1. I am the Municipal Clerk of the Township 3f Bayham. 2. Attached hereto is a true copy of By -Law W1217 of the said Township of Bayham. 3. The said By -Law was duly passed by the Municipal Council of the Tovmship of Bayham at their meeting on the 24th day of July, 1950, and is to be riven a third reading and finally passed after the same has been duly approved. 4. The will rate required to carry the ;-proposed debenture issue is 4.1 mills. 5. The current bank loan of the Township of Bayham is nil. It was �4, 600.00 at the end of 1949. 6. The present*existing debenture debt of the Township of Bayham is $8t737,47 all of which is for public school. 7. The 1950 assessment of the said Township of Bayham is 421426.760.00 and the mill rate varies with the various public school sections and hirh school areas. Eden Section #18 could be considered as an average section within the said public school area and had the f ollowin£~ mill rates: in 194 - 34.2 mills; in 1949 38.1 mills; in 1950 -x.0.9 mills. 8. The 1950 mill rate is made up as follows: y County rate Township rate General school rate Trustees levy Debenture levy Tillsonburg H.S. Total 10.7 12.3 s 4.3 7.3 .3 6.o 40.9 mills ..,2- 9. The amount of arrears of taxes outstanding at the end of 1949 was $33P350.29. This figure was reduced to X17, 375.64 by March 31, 1950. SWORN before me at the Town ) ; I /•" o of Tillsonburg in the County ) %� of Oxford th:�s day of August• A•D.# 1950• ) A Commissioner, &e* _ Y i v r IIS THE CORPOftA`''ION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, In the matter of a By -Law author= i z ink- the borrowing of One. 11und.red and Twenty-three Thousand (�:123,000.00) Dollars upon debenture for the erection of a new addition and equipment to the school building- at Strafford- ville for the Township of Hayham School Area. A F F I D A V I T .of.. J. Dewey Vallee Donald F. Gibson, h.C., Barrister, %c., Tillsonburr-, Ontario. BY-LAW NO. ! / A By-law authorizing the borrowing of money by way of temporary advances pending the issue and sale of the debentures authorized by By -Law No.1217 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of Township of Bayham has enacted its By-law No. 1217, passed on the Fifth day of September 1950, duly authorizing the issue and sale of debentures for raising a sum not emeeding $123,000.00, for the following purpose, namely: For the erection of a new addition and equipment to the School Building at Straffordville for the Township of Bayham School Area AND WHEREAS, by Order dated the 25th day of August 1950, the passing of the said By-law was duly approved by the Ontario Municipal Board; AND WHEMAS the said By-law does not require the assent of the electors or of those qualified to vote on money by-laws; AND WHEREAS the Corporation desires to borrow money as temporary advances pending the issue and sale of the said debentures; NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF Township of Bayham HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Corporation agrees to borrow and doth hereby authorize the borrowing from The Canadian Bank of Commerce as temporary advances pending the issue and sale of the debentures above recited such sums as may be required but not exceeding a total of $123,000. on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this By-law. 2. Within the limit aforesaid and as moneys are required from time to time for the purpose above recited, the Head and Treasurer, acting on behalf of the Corporation, are hereby authorized to borrow moneys from the said Bank for the said purpose pending the issue and sale of the debentures authorized as aforesaid and to sign and deliver to the said Bank such promissory note or notes as may be required for the repayment of the moneys borrowed at such time or times and at such rate of interest as may be agreed upon with the said Bank, but not exceeding the rate of 41 per centum per annum, and to affix the corporate seal of the a Corporation to such promissory note or notes. f i I -2•. 3. The Head and Treasurer are hereby authorized to assign and pledge the said debentures to the said Bank upon the issue thereof to be held by the said Bank as collateral security for all moneys borrowed under this By-law and interest thereon and to assign to the said Bank the moneys growing due from the sale of the said debentures; and the proceeds of the sale of the said debentures, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be paid to the said Bank in satisfaction of the moneys borrowed under thi -law and interest they on. Passed this. . �. 0 . . . day of. . . . . . .195-C. WITNESS the 17orporate Saal of the Corporatian of Township of Bayham. Head of Munic ipality Clerk WE HEREBY C:.;RTIF'Y that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. / _� 1#30 . of the Corporation of the Township of Bavham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting or meetings of the Council of the said Corporation duly and regularly held, and that the skid $y -lax is now in full force and effect. Dated this. . . . . day of. WITNESS the Corporate Seal of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. . . . ... . ♦ . . . . . . . . Head' Of Municipality Clerk 11 r BY-LAW r; 0. / 8 A By-law authorizing the 't.vrrowing of money by tray of tempora y advances pending the issue and sale of the d eb e::tures authorized by BY -Law No -1217 WH'F.EAS the Council of the Corporation of Townshir of Bayham has enacted its By-law No. 1217, passed on Lhe Fifth dap of September 1950, duly authorizing the issue and sale of debentures for raising a s,,:m not exceeding $123,OC.0.00, for the follow nor purpose, namely: For the erectionof a new ac-�dition, � nd equipment to the School Building at Straffordville for the Townsh'-p of Rayham School Ar AIND WHEREAS# by Order dated the 25th day of August 1950, the passing of the said By --law was duly approved by the Ontario Municipal Board; AND Vr' V"'khAS the said By-law does not require the assent of the electors or of those vualified tc vote on money by-laws; AND WH iIAS the Corporation desires to borrow money as temporary advances pending the issue and sale of the said debentures; KOW9 THREFOPE, THE CGUNCIL OF THE COR' '0R.ATIk,N OF Township of Bkrham HEUBY ENACTS AS FOLLOVS: 1. The Corporation agrees to borrow and doth hereby authorize the borrowing .from The Canadian Bark of Commerce as temporary advances pending► the issue and sale of the debentures above recited such sums as may be required but not exceeding a total of $123,000. on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in ti,is By-law. 2. Within the limit aforesaid and as moneys are required fr(-m time to time .for the purpose abate rpe ited, the Head and Treasurer, acting on bAi.alf of the Corporation, are hereby authorized to borrow moneys from the said :3�Zrk for the said purpose pending the issue and sale of the debentures authorized as eoresaid and to sign and deliver to Vie saint RAY --k such promissory note or notes as raay be required for the rerayyment of the moneys borrowed at such tizie or times and at such rate of interest as may be agreed upon with the said Hark, but not exceeding the rate of 41 per centum per ailn-am, and to affix the corporatf• seal of the Corporation to such promissory note or notQ3. .-, 3. The Head and Treasurer are hereby authorized to assign and pledge the said debentures to the said Bank upen the issue thereof to be held by the said Back as collateral security for all moneys borrowed under this By-law and interest thereon and to assign to the said Bark the moneys growing due fr(,m the sale of the said debentures; and the proceeds of the sale of the said debentures, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be paid tc the said fYlk in satisfaction of the moneys borrowed candor ttie Bq -law and interes they on. Passed this. . . .day of195 �. WITNII-133 the Corrorate Seal of the Corporation of Township of Rayhem. He of Municipality Clerk v WE HEREBY C RTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. of the Corporation of the Township of BaZ ham in the Province of Ontario, duly sussed at a meeting or meetings of tho Council of the said Corporation duly amd regularly held, and.that the s d By-law is now in full force and effect. 174 Dated th is. . • . . & a . ► • day of. . -r "� � .195 �. . WITNESS the Corporate Seal of the Corporatisn of the 'township of Bayham. f H Of Mur is ipality Clerk • 1 .. lb 0 1* Y T ! Township o:i O'ayham. c lri a by-lu ',o amen&d by-! a'vv iao. 1103 re -ard iria tha hours for holding elect ioyls in the ' o,.-i.nj yip o� 13u ham. it i3 de-med neee � :iry and expe:d i ent t r.at ;-erta rl chap es be main the aforesaid by -1 ir; � I'.' Li �:.:1 .;, b-�, the 1,:unicipal �;oux33il of the l'o^nship of Ba,yham as folloY:��;- 1., ihat .;lause i:o. r)f said ��-Law i. `J. l`� v be —.elided I rears as foIlo vs;- " That tho eleytions for :.:ear ers of the :,:u.nia pal .:ouncil and other loc=al 3oards sh,r" 1 b- u 'irst i:ionda,, in Lecember :for the said Township of 3aynam sand .00 that polls ;hall be open fro..- o cloak ri.Ll. to C` o _cloCIZ 2. `:his by-law shull remain in force rom year to year until amended or repealed. ';*AD a Y, i.rst . ~'econd and "hi -d time -And finallypassed in open ,*ounci1 this_ da,, of LPA° 7_0 3j /?, 1�5C. reeve. G F i C I* 0 L7 BY-LAW 190. /A � O TOWNSHIP OF BAYH.AM . Being a by-law to provide for the holding of the Municipal Eleotions in the Munioipality of the Township of Bayham for the year 19 1 , A.D. and for the appointing of Deputy Returning Offioers as well as Poll Clerks and Polling Plaoes in the several Polling Sub -Divisions in the said Munioipality of the Township of Bayham. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the C ouno it of the Township of Bayham in regular session assembled; - That, providing more persona qualify for eleotion to offioe than are required to fill the various offioes, an eleotion be held on Deo.4.4.; 19 ' C as a000rding to ship of Bayham By -Law No. i �, and in a000rdanoe with the provisions of the Municipal Eleotions Act. That, the eleotion for Sub -Division No. 1 of the Munioipality shall be held at and that shall be Deputy Returning OMioer, an'l that shall be Poll Clark for the said Sub. -Div. That the eleotion for Sub -Division No. 2, shall be held at or near the home of _ in the said Sub -division, and that r ; :�.i1r�?� shall be -L'eputy Returning Offioer, and that shall be Poll Clerk for the said Sub -Div. That the eleotion for Sub -Division No. 3, shall be held at or near the Smuok School House in the said Sub -Division; and that '_It X11 4 a " scr: shall be Deputy Returning Offioer, and that -•,A,. ++:.� _ :; --. shall be Poll Clerk of the said Sub -Div. That the eleotion for Sub -Division No. 4 shall be held at the Township Hall in the said Sub -Division, ? shall be Deputy Returning Off ioer, and and that°x�'-', =`•,;L shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that shall be Poll Clerk in the said Sub -Div. That the eleotion for 'Sub -Division Noo b shall be field at the v ` '4 .' .i_'! in the said Sub -Division, and -that sAall be Deputy Returning Off ioer, and that shall be Poll Clerk in the said Sub -Div. That the eleotion for sub -Division No. 6 shall be held at the in the said Sub -Division, and that shall be Deputy Returning Offioer, and that shall be Poll Clerk in the said Sub -Div. That the eleotion for Sub -Division No. 7 shall be held at or near AND THAT the said Deputy Returning Off ioers and Poll Clerks be and they are hereby authorized and required to hold the said Munioipal Eleo tions in a000rdanoe with the Aot and to provide for voting by ballots at the said eleo.tions. ' READ a First, S000nd and third time and finally passed this v day of 0otober, 19 n , Reeve. Clergy. in the said sub -Division, and that shall be Deputy Returning Offioer, and that'' shall be Poll Clerk in the said Sub -Div. That the eleotion for Sub -Division No. 8 shall be held at or near the 4 , SC in the said Sub -Division, and that ? shall be Deputy Returning Off ioer, and that �'Y'u; ���A. �- shall be Poll Clerk in the said Sub -Div. AND THAT the said Deputy Returning Off ioers and Poll Clerks be and they are hereby authorized and required to hold the said Munioipal Eleo tions in a000rdanoe with the Aot and to provide for voting by ballots at the said eleo.tions. ' READ a First, S000nd and third time and finally passed this v day of 0otober, 19 n , Reeve. Clergy. _.� i e �� L h/' V� � v r�, V y: . �� t w s t I -LAVI NO. /^' %Z THE CORPORATION OF THE TO�MSHIP OF BAYHAM A By -Law authorizing the borrow- ing of Forty-two Thousand Dollars upon debentures for the erection and equipment of a Public School Building for the Calton School Section. WHEREAS --the Calton School Section is comprised of part of the Township of Bayham and part of the Township of Malahide both in the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has been requested by The Calton School Section Board to raise the sum of Forty-two Thousand Dollars (412,000000) for the purpose of the erection and equipment of a new Public School Building in the Calton School Section. AND WHEREAS it is expedient for the said purpose to borrow for the financing thereof the said sum of Forty-two Thousand Dollars ($42,000.00) upon the credit of the Corporation, and to issue debentures therefor bearing interest at the rate of• three.per centum (3%) from the date of issue until the date of payment- on those debentur es which mature during the first ten - years and on the remaining debentures from the date of issue until maturity -at the rate of three and one-half per centum (31%) per annum payable annually and to provide for the discount and the expenses incidental to negotiation and sale of such debentures; AND WHEREAS it is expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in annual instalments during the period of twenty years next after the date of issue of such debentures, .. of such amounts respectively that, with the interest in respect of the debt, the aggre,ate amount payable for principal and int- erest in each year shall be as nearly as possible the same; subject to the proviso that each instalment of "principal may be for an even 4100000, $500.00 or X1000.009 or multiple thereof, and, that notwithstanding anything herein contained$ the annual instalment of principal and interest may differ in amount sufficiently to admit thereof; AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property -2 - of the Municipality, according to the last revised assessment roll thereof is $2,426,750.00; AND WHEREAS there is no existing debenture debt of the Corporation, except local school debenture debts secured by special rates or assessments. Rn . AND WHEREAS by Order dated the day of i9s � ,f 19:90p the Ontario Municipal Board has approved the purpose of the said borrowing a.nci., t1he passing of all requisite By -Laws, including debenture By -Laws; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: to For the purpose aforesaid the Corporation shall borrow upon the credit of the Corporation a sum not exceeding Forty-two Thousand Dollars ($42,000.00), and shall issue debentures therefor in sums of not less than "100.00 each, Each debenture which becomes due in ten years or less shall bear interest at the rate of three per centum (A from the date of issue until the date of payment and the remaining debentures from the date of issue until maturity at the rate of three and one-half per centum (31%) per annum payable annually and shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of such interest. 2. All the debentures shall bear the same date, shall be issued at one time and within two years after the day on which this By-law is passed, -may bear any date within such two years and shall be made payable in annual instalments during the period of twenty years next after the date of issue thereof) and the respeCtivel amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be the amount so designated in Schedule "An hereto annexed. 3. The debentures shall be payable as to both principal and interest in lawful money of Canada and may be made payable at such place or places in Canada as shall be designated thereon. 40 The said debentures shall be sealed with the Seal of t -3 - the Corporation and signed by the Reeve, or by some .other person authorized by by-law to sign the same, and by the Treasurers The said interest coupons shall. be sifrned by the Treasurer and his Signature thereon may be tti•r, tter., Stamped. lithographed or engraved. 5. Commencing in the year 1952 and thereafter in each year in which an instalment of principal of the said debt and interest become due, the Corporation shall _pry and raise the specific sum shown for the respective year in thurth column of the said Schedule. Such sum shall be levied and raised by a special rate suff-► cient therefor, over and above all other rates, upon all the rateable property in the said Calton School Section which i s in ,,he muni c...�'r � � t y. Provided however that in each year in which an instalment of principal of the said debt and interest become due, the Treasurer of the Township of Bayham shall request the Calton School. Section Board and the Council of. the Tol,rmship of Np-lahide to arrange to pay to the Township of Bayham the proportionate share of the Laid amount payable by the said Township of Malahide on that part of the said Calton chool Section which is in the Tov-rnship of Malahide in accordance with the provisions of the Public Schools Act or any amendment, substitution or any law which may be in force from time tc time. The amounts received each year from that source shall be used to reduce the amount to be. levied by the Township of Bayham. 6. The said debentures may contain a clause providing for the registration thereof pursuant to section 336 of The Municipal Act. 7. Pending the sale of the said debentures, the Reeve and the Treasurer may raise for the purposes aforesaid by way of loan on such debentures any sure or sums of money not e1 -eeding in all. the sum hereby .authori zed to be borrowed and may hypothecate Erch debentures for such lean. $. The Corporation shall have the right, at its option, to CD redeem that portion of the said .debentures which mature+in the twentieth year either in whole or in part on any date prior to maturity at the places where and in the moneys in which the said debentures are expressed to be payable, upon payment of the principal amount thereof together with interest accrued to the ...:. r . , 4_ date of redemption and upon giving previous notice of said int- ention to redeem by advertising once in the Ontario Gazette and once in a daily newspaper of general provincial circulation, published in the City of Toronto, and once in a local newspaper, such notice to be advertised as aforesaid at least thirty days before the date fixed for redemption. Notice of intention so to redeem shall also be sent by post at least thirty days prior to the date set for' such redemption to each person in whose name a debenture so to be redeemed is registered at the address shown in the Debenture Registry Book. 9. The proceeds from the sale of the said debentures or the sum of money borrowed thereon shall be forthwith paid to the Calton School Section Board. 10. This By -Law shall not become valid until a By-law approving of the same shall be passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Tovvmship of Malahide. Read a first and second time this .19 50 day. df PLEF C , R4 E CLERK Read a third time and finally passed this �� day of -0 , 195W� • R EV, � . n �'•� CLERK* S COAPGRATIOIv OF `.11HE T&W SHIP OF BAYHnM BY—LAW N0. ............. SCHEDU:LL "At, X423 000.00 YEAR RATE OF PRINCIPAL INTilicr L;ST ANNUAL IIiiTEtiEST �� PAYtM14T 1 3%t 3'I 1500000 1382.00 4 2882000 2 3o, 32 1600000 1337000 2937000 3 3%, 31;% 1600000 1289.00 2889.00 4 3at 32% 1700000 1241000 2941.00 5 30p 32 1700000 1190000 2890000 6 30, 32o 1800.00 1139.00 2939Qo0 7 3%, 31% 1800.00 1085*00 2885o00 8 30, 32% 1900*00 1031,00 293loOO 9 3%p 320 2000.00 974000 2974.00 10 A 32�% 2000.00 914000 2914.00 11 32% 21004"00 854o00 2954000 12 32% 2200000 780050 2980,50 13 32% 2200.00 703o5O 2903o50 14 32% 2300,00 626o5o 2926o50 15 3i% 2400o00 546o00 2946o00 16 32 2400,00 462ooO 2862o00 17 320 2600ooO 37$000 297$000 18 32 cib 2700.00 287.00 2987,00 19 32% 2700.00 192.50 2892.50 20 32% 2800, oo 98.00 2898900 X42, 000.00 X16 *510.00 „58,510.00 1* I BY --LAW N0. THE CORPORATION OF THE T99NSHIP OF BAYHAM. A.By-Law authorizing the borrowing of Forty-two Thousand Dollars upon debentures for the erection and equipment of a Public School Building for the Calton School Section.