HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1949BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1189-1206 1949 BYLAWS j 1158-1192 ] FILE # 26 Bylaw # Date Subject 1158 1 Oct 46 Provide for the payn=t for the destruction of foxes. 1159 16 Dec 46 Provide for general repairs to the outlet of the Cornith lain. 1160 6 Jan 47 Regulate the erection of buildings within Bayham. 1161 6 Jan 47 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1162 6 Jan 47 Appoint certain officers in Bayh m. 1163 6 Jan 47 Appoint a Tax Collector for Bayham. 1164 3 Feb 47 Provide for the road expenditures for 1947. 1165 3 Feb 47 Provide that cheques must be issued and signed by Treasurer. 1166 3 Feb 47 Authorize the Agreement with The Liquor Licence Board. 1167 10 Mar 47 License and regulate taxicabs within Bayham. 1168 10 Mar 47 Provide for the payment of members of the Council. 1169 7 Apr 47 Appoint a road superintendent. 1170 7 Apr 47 Appoint an Assessor and Dog Tax Collector for Bayham. 1171 5 May 47 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1172 5 May 47 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1173 5 May 47 Amend bylaw No. 1136. 1174 7 Jul 47 Provide for grant for the Board of Park Management. 1175 6 Oct 47 Fix the day for nominations and elections for local boards. 1176 6 Oct 47 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1177 27 Oct 47 Regulating the location of stables, garages, barns,in Bayham. 1178 5 Jan 48 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1179 5 Jan 48 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1948. 1180 2 Feb 48 Appoint an Assessor and Dog Tax Collector for Bayham. 1181 2 Feb 48 Provide for the road expenditures for 1948. 1182 1 Mar 48 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. BA_ HAM BYLAW RDC ORDS BYLAWS j 1158-1192 ] FILE # 26 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1183 5 Apr 48 Treatment of cattle for Warble Fly Infestation. 1184 23 Apr 48 ,.apt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1185 1 Jun 48 Authorize an agreement between Bayham and Ont. Prov. Police for police proctecti.on. 1186 4 Oct 48 Authorize an agreement between Bayham and Derham. 1187 25 Oct 48 Provide the holding of Munc. elections. 1188 4 Nov 48 Guaranteeing certain payments to the Town of Aylmer. 1189 3 Jan 49 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1190 3 Jan 49 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1949. 1191 7 Feb 49 Provide for the road expenditures for 1949. 1192 7 Feb 49 Guaranteeing certain payments to the Town of Aylmer. r Form 100-38 Ontario T01414SHIF 01' BAYHAM. ...................... ........ .............. ......... ........ I .... I— .......... I................ BY-LAW No....l /.8 �.... 7,14610aw to authorize the borrowing of S 35, 000.00 Whereas the Council of the Townshi p of Bayharfi (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of S 35, 000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the :Municipality for the year; NOTr.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the _ItInici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 not including fsotohadopted; t, °orevenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures, is $ 75, 000.00 hi paragraphif n t JlNlLullCLll:ilLl1C�IAtl3i�X�111t11A1�/L�LY11[�1lLA1e.l1J1JlLYI�.���A applicable). 11t."SXXXX Therefore the Council of the Township of Bayliam hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S 3 5 � 000.00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the INfunicipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 3:39, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when .such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums. borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 3rd. day of January 19 49 C.......11��.... .................. .............................. THE HEAD THE MtiNICIPALITY i~ 1 ` 7 SEAL % i ...... LERs We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. of the Township of lay ham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said ?Municipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This 3rd. day of January 19 49 As Witness the Seal of the 'township of daynam. .•. THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL?................................................................................ ` , CLERK 1 t Y s T O'4 N S H I P 01' BAYHAM . By _T No. Being a by -lav to appoint certain officers in anal for the Municipality of the T own.ship of 3ayham for the year 19+9. BF IT THFRE1~CRE ENACTS D in regular session assembleri;- 1. That Robt. C. Jackson and Carman Hall shall be Valuators of livestock M1y liile� by dogs at per hour ani oA2C / per mile one way for car. 2. That t/ jjW� J k 4 sha 11 be school attendance officer vv at a salary of ����� and per mile one way for car. v, 3. That 1,41 4 (-,! 01,1111(/ shall be Weed Inspector ata salary 01. J�. That V)q4�,EEshall be Relief -Jfficer at a salary of 5. That Ti. 1, . Gibson, K.C. shall be Solicitor of the Township. 6. That /'/./, , �rD�GI���/ shall be Builling Inspector at a salary of pep- 1qQlap- an4 7. That shall be gain InspPctor at a salary of c 0 yf per hour 5114 Ry id READ a thirl time an -1 finally passed this 3rd. riay of January 191.-19. i Reeve. b ■ Clerj. y o N Nv 4 l= A 9 ugh FORM B-6 BY-LAW NO. 11 .E A EY -LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL 19-4.9—E'XPENDITUBE ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM IN THE BOUNTY OF ELCT 1 iv WHEREAS The High,,rny Improvement Act, Ch, -peer 56, R.S.O., 1937 anri --rrenlrr:ents reouires th?t the total eypen,�iture on tam -hip roa1:- ,n-� briAges be proviicl for �nnu-qlly by toimship by-l!,ti-. THEREFORE the council of the corporption of the township ,mets �r follows: (1) The rum of $ 'hereby Pppropri-te-i from Tronics rn.isel by levy, lebentures a.nH government subsiiy for total expenditure upon construction nnl maintenance of the roa.lr and bridges under its jurisiiction 'luring the yc�r 1949 "A`' follo-s : • BRIDGES & ROADS CULVERTS TOTAL CONSTP.UCTION........ $$ 5 , 0UU. $ . UOU. MAINTENANCE... ...... $15,000- $ 2, 500 • $ 17, 5UU. NEW MACHINERY... ... $ 8, 50U. MACHIMERY REPAIRS., • $ 1.9000 - MISCELLANEOUS ....... P&, ,000. MISCELLANEOUS.......P&,2P 0U2. $ 8o 5UU. $ 1,OuU. $ eq, 5OU. $ 7J 500. $ 37 x ODU. (2) The s -i -i Moni-r F!�-_.1 to ,;-rcwicl unler the direction o`' tie -'uly appointe 1* to? ns�ir ro-,1 Fup-crintcn1ent 'nl ,on �''Qrk nerfOrme- l in a.ccordq.nce `"'_ th Tic, Highwcly Irn-rov.--r.•cnt Act. ; (3) The elcrk rhail tr,nsmit lurlicat^ copic, or this by -l -w to the:. -lictrict office of the Municipal Ro-,-ls Pr=inch, Dep-rtn^cnt of Hi?h=•��►yr, on or before Fnb:-u' ry 28th of the pr-rcnt ynnr. p -+ C. _ c,i ''t otraflordville t h it 7th4-i^y of ( SEAL ) CLERK APPIXO\�tj j� 1 ---- --- -------------------------------4 CHIEF MUtiiCli'AL EVAN!:h!?, --�f- 4 rebruary EVE A. D. , 194'! I J. liewey Vallee Clerk of the corporation of the tot•lnrhin tsayliam -(o hereby certify that the foregoing is A true copy of Py-lnw No. 1.191- passc� by the council of the rami rpor�t'ion on the 7h. _-day or rebruary 19 r TOWNSHIP CLFRK ., 1 FORM g-6 FY -LAW NO. // V1 - A FY -LAW TO PROVICE FOR THE TOTAL 19±LEXPENDITURE ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ���Ii7 IN THE BOUNTY OF E4 �2 /1V WHEREAS The Hight•r-y Improvement Act, Chapter 56, P..S.O., 1937 and errenlments requires th?t the total eypenditure on township ro�,IF nn' bridges be provilc� for annually by toi•:►nship by-1ov•. THEREFORE the council of the corrorntion of the F- i -i tot'lnehir, -ra(,ts fell o-rs : (1) The rum of $ oF% 000' 00 i:- hereby appropriated from rronics raise,' by levy, lehentures and governrr.cnt subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and maint^n?nce of the ropir and bridges unler its jurisiiction lurinP the y^ar 19AI j �r fo110'.'s FRIDGES & ROADS CULVERTS TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ........ $ OD D. �fDD E MAINTENANCE......... $ `off D / %1 NEW MACHINERY... ... $ F SOD. MACHINERY REPAIRS... $ leer $ / e f e. D o. 7c), got" $ 7og)D, (2) The sp i' r"oni^^ -be ' 1 unler the .direction of t+ie 'uly appoints' tol-nshin road suvcrintenlent end on 1,40rk -•erforr^ I in P.ccorda.nce •tith The Highway ' Iu-7rov .rent Act. (3) The clerk Fhpll trn.nsrmit !u-, li.cat•� co ics o` this by -1-w to t`r listrict office of thr Municipal Ro-ds Panes, Dep-rtrrcnt o f High• y:-, on or bef•orc Fcbru­ry 28th of the pry.-cn:, ( SLAL ) P, CLERK A Flr- 4 4 E- t:-: i �1Ny Of— A.D. , 10 REEVE I, Clerk of the corpor^tion of the to,-,nshin Of do hereby certify that the foregoing ,ir a true copy of Py -1?.,,, No. passe-) by the council oL tic raid corporation on the a y of' 19 _.__._.. TOWNSHIP CLF'RK 1* A By -Law No. // 9;� By -Law of the Township of Bayham, guaranteeing certain payments to the Town of Aylmer . WHEREAS a part of the Township of Beyhem, is included in the East Elgin High School District . AND TTHEREAS, by reason of the increase in the number of pupils attending High School in the s -id District, it is expedient to enlarge the present High School . AND7HEPREAS, the High School is situate in the Town of Aylmer, in the County of Elgin AND WHEREAS, the Town of Aylmer is issuing debentures in the sum of $110,000.00, to pay for the enlargement of the present School . AND 'PHEREAS, the Township of Bayham, has approved the enlargement and is responsible to the Town of Aylu:er for a portion of the costs of the same . The Township of Bayham enacts as follows :- 1. The Township of Bayham guarantees to pay to the Town of Aylmer, a sum of money on account of the debenture issue required of 4110,000.00, above referred to, in each and every year until the same is paid off 2. The amount of the annual payment so guaranteed, shall be a percentage of the annual payment required to retire the said debenture issue, in accordance with the terms of the debenture By-law of the Town of Aylmer passed on that behalf, and shall be the percentage which the equalized assessment of that portion of the Township of Bayham's land in the East Elgin High School District bears to the total equalized assessment of all land in the East Elgin High School District 3. By-law No. 1188 of the Township of Bayham, being a By- law formerly passed with respect to the matters herein referred of 2 - to is hereby repealed . Read a First time this % day of A.D. 1949 . Read a Second time this 2c7� day of A.D. 1949 . .And read atime, and finally passed, thi,a. - 77day of �• A.D. 1949 Signed - Q eve Signed - �; ,Clerk r r 71 Ir- 4 ■ BAYHAM T 94SHIP BYLAW RFMRDS BYLAWS j 1158-1192 j FILE # 26 Bylaw # Date Subject 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 116; 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1 Oct 46 16 Dec 46 6 Jan 47 6 Jan 47 6 Jan 47 6 Jan 47 3 Feb 47 3 Feb 47 3 Feb 47 10 Mar 47 10 Mar 47 7 Apr 47 7 Apr 47 5 May 47 5May 47 5 May 47 7 Jul 47 6 Oct 47 6 Oct 47 27 Oct 47 5 Jan 48 5 Jan 48 2 Feb 48 2 Feb 48 1Mar 48 Provide for the payment for the destruction of foxes. P pvide for general repairs to the outlet of the Cornith Drain. Regulate the erection of buildings within Bayham. Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. Appoint certain officers in Bayham. Appoint a Tax Collector for Bayham. Provide for the road expenditures for 1947. Provide that cheques must be issued and signed by Treasurer. Authorize the Agreement with The Liquor Licence Board. License and regulate taxicabs within Bayham. Provide for the payment of members of the Council. Appoint a road superintendent. Appoint an Assessor and Dog Tax Collector for Bayham. Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. Amend bylaw No. 1136. Provide for grant for the Board of Park Management. Fix the day for nominations and elections for local boards. Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. Regulating the location of stables, garages, barns,in Bayham. Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1948. Appoint an Assessor and Dog Tax Collector for Bayham. " Provide for the road expenditures for 1948. Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers.' BYLAWS j 1158-1192 ] FILE # 26 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1183 5 Apr 48 Treatment of cattle for Warble Fly Infestation. 1184 23 Apr 48 Admit the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1185 1 Jun 48 Authorize an agreement between Bayham and Ont. Prov. Police for police proctection. 1186 4 Oct 48 Authofize an agreement between Bayham and Derham. 1187 25 Oct 48 Provide the holding of Munc. elections. 1188 4 Nov 48 Guaranteeing certain payments to the Town of Aylmer. 1189 3 Jan 49 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1190 3 Jan 49 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1949. 1191 7 Feb 49 Provide for the road expenditures for 1949. 1192 7 Feb 49 Guaranteeing certain payments to the Town of Aylmer. x BAYHAM TOWNSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1193-1228 ] FILE # 27 Bylaw # Date Subject 1193 7 Mar 49 Appoint�� Fencx--viewers and Pound -keepers. 1194 4 Apr 49 Appoint an Assessor and Dog Tax Collector for Bayham. 1195 4 Apr 49 Establish a Com=ity Centre in Straffordville. 1196 4 Apr 49 Close and sell road allowance between lots 10 and 11. 1197 4 Apr 49 Approving of settlement of assets and liabilities with Port Burwell. 1198 4 Apr 49 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1199 2 May 49 Amend bylaw No. 1088. 1200 4 Jul 49 Approve the borrowing of $ 573,000.00 for a new school. 1201 2 Aug 49 Refinery of Pennada Oil Co. 1202 31 Oct 49 Grant aid for the erection of addition to Soldiers Memrial Hospital. 1203 31 Oct 49 Fix the day for nominations and elections for local boards. 1204 31 Oct 49 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1205 4 Nov 49 Authorize an agreement between Bayham and Ont. Prov. Police. 1206 15 Dec 49 Set the fee for Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks. 1207 9 Jan 50 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1208 9 Jan 50 Appoint certain officers in Bayjam for 1950. 1209 6 Feb 50 Provide for the change of time for the coTpletion of the assessment roll. 1210 6 Feb 50 Amend bylaw No. 1151. 1211 16 Feb 50 Provide for road expenditures for 1950. 1212 6 Mar 50 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. ' 1213 29 May 50 Alter the boundaries of P. S. Sec. No. 4 in Bayham. 1215 5 Jun 50 Adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied. 1216 9 Jun 50 Form a public school section of lands now within Bayham. BAYHAM BYLAW FORDS BYLAWS ( 1193-1228 --- -------------------------------------------------- Date Subject FILE # 27 cont. 1217 5 Sept 50 Authoriz,�ng the borrwoing of 123,000.00 for a new school. 1218 14 Sept 50 Authorize the borrowing of money by way of temp. advances. 1219 -2 Oct 50 Amend bylaw No. 1203. 1220 30 Oct 50 Provide for the holding of Munc. lelctions. 1221 6 Dec 50 Authorizing the borrowing of $ 42,000.00 for a new school. 1222 8 Jan 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1223 8 Jan 51 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1951. 1224 8 Jan 51 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1225 5 Mar 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 23,000.00 for school buses. 1226 5 Feb 51 Authorizing the borrowing of monet by way of temp.advances. 1227 10 Feb 51 Provide for the road expenditures for 1951. 1128 5 Mar 51 Authorizing the borrowing of money by way of temp. advances. rt n By -Law No, 119 3. Township of BaJ-ham. Lieing a by-law to appoint Fence --v iewers anr! Poun_I-keepers in an'1 for t:ae Township of 3ayhar1 for the year 1949 • ►N t -. S it is deemed necessary anr3 expedient to a:apoint these officers for the year 19)9; 17.E FiIS Section 404, Sub-scctinn ),,0 of tbi- Trfuini ca.t'ial kct prov ilex that these ap 'o' ntments may be ma -1e; Irl, ,I'iir;��.()r F'PJi,CTr�:y t�2' �funic.ra!�l Council of tt?e Corporation of the Township of bayxiam in regular session assembled, that the following appointments be an -1 are: hereby marle for the Year '+;�. i4en�ce--'s ie ears for . yL91- `Lloyd Jackson, '�c.k.2, Vienna �`tim. t3er�ian, i3ay��am P.O. Fr �l Be r)ner, Bay;nam P.O. -'--Frncst :Holman, Straf°f ordvillP `Carman Ball, ,(le n *--horace iLague,R.l,Straffor�ville *,-G=-.o. L • 'll o+,,t, Fi.;, Tillsonbtzrg `Lloyo3 hereon, Port Burwell `:neo. 'roeunier,• R. 1_ Ingersoll Robt, Jackson, H.1, (--tr6f'f'ordville N neo. Roszpz 1, u .R. u, Aylmer Alva Brinn, R. -A.6 111!sonbur Fred :.all', Straf"or,iville `Alonzo ria ell, Corinth 4illarri VnAllister, St raf forIvil le -James Elliott Pound-heepw,.r•:: for 1 ' . \jam, es-lliott ` Lawrence Thomson Root. larnham -an Shortt y"orley riot^hkiss (no cattle) �Horac e Hague � orm- Br inn \Reg. VcQuiggan �fiobt. Jackson \,Judson ball • � r 6�Jvey-�z-}ams-- ♦Ir6 Mil.mine, «eo: 'Procuniar ca 11 B e e m e r Clarence 'Nof re %,?oy ';pvill - rd. Laemers `!1. L. `%shite ` Ceo. Green '%Julllis Francla :_�7..iD a thir:l time and finally passed this ?tri. day of 'March, 1949• eeve. T Clerk. y I k3 - >_j .V I U Township of Bayitam. tieing a by-law to appoint, an Assessor anal )og, Tax ^Collector for tno Township of j,ayhar.q WHFR'F-iiS it is necessary and expeliert, that the above appointment be ma a- ; thT.:s�rIrrIIR' BE IT CT? D by the Municipal .^,oi)nr;.i.l of the Township of i3ayharn as follo%,is;- 1 . 'teat /ilUl't !t /a j� �%��/1if%BAC�BN is hereby appointed I�ssessor fcr the Township of bayham during the pleasure of the Council at an annual salary %� • !'i +. /%�U,QI�f� `� s Tk-_11104d6l H is hereby appointe(I Doer Tax an -I i=ol I Tax Collector of the Townshi;� of Bavriam rlurinc7 the, pleasure of tri o �n��;ii. � rr . for collecting dog Tax ?',o bp /Q%0`1 t max col po crl fin Faoh Toll 'fax eoj 1.Fr�tP:-i. Fl -,,A' a thi -r3 time ami finally nas re,3 t,l-.Js f `- !lay of <; ; 19.19. j< a e v e _..� 0 Ell t try -Law ivo. 1195- Township 195. Township of ba Jham. n by -Law to establish a community uentre at otraffordville. provision is made for ttie establishment of a community centre in Ontario under the uommunity centres ,pct, 1549 - vtH R N:Ho it is desired to establish a uom .unity centre at trafforIville in the Township of bayham. the ffuu ipal council of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: That a Coni.unity Centre be established at z-traffordville under the uonimunity uentres net 1949, and the regulations thereunder, and that the said uorrimunity centre be aftinistered by the following board and their successors, duly appointed from time to time. ,n. K. Johnson uhas . 1. Jackson representing the council for the ensuing year, and Lyle ;ralsh :`filler vvood Horace B. Johnson George.. Grant ulayton Jackson for, the ensuing. two years. 'rhe said cornmunity,�Uentre . shall be maintained permanently as a • community centre by the said board in conformity with , the tict and regulations made thereunder, PASS' ED at'. traffordville this 4th* day of ,,pril, ,."D. 1949. e2 h e e v e� _ , t;�.e2�k . 110 0 AV ri } 7 i .cell .OV Wes -y$ .IImadXBS 10 q ld enwo T .9111vb7oIlszJd la giln9D Xllnummou s rialldsle9 of wBd-y8 XlInummou B 3o Jrr9mdalldslas 9ril io`3 9bsm al nolalvo'xq 6AHR7HW � .e�pl Joh s97Jns3 yJlnummou 9riJ 'Z9bnu olzsJno nl s7Jn9u ` Is sgJn9u yJlnummo;l s rialldslas OJ be -1189b al Jl dAHSHHn Nra � Gt .mariys8 to girtanwoT edl al 9lllvb7oIIsxJd msrf%rad to gldanwroT 9iiJ Io IxariuoU lsgla.tnuM 9di 3FfOi7 'CHT :8WO1101 8s 8JOB09 -lebnu elllvblo33$7Jd JB h9dallds4Be 9d e7JneO yJlnumcmoa ,a JBriT ,g9bnua79riJ anollslugs'x sriJ has te�el Jon asqJneu x1lnummou sffl galWollol 9dl yd b9'I9Jalnlmbs 9d 9riJnsu yJlnummou b1za 9riJ Jsril bris .9m1J of 9m2J mo -i3 b9Jnloggs ylub agoaa9ooma zlsrfl MB b'xsod noanrioL . n -A noaxo.eL . i . 38AD bns risgy gnluens 9riJ 'sol IfonuoU 9riJ gnlJn9a9gg97 rialow 91'Zd boon OT9111M rioanrioL .H 9os7oH Jn B'TO . a 9 g'YO 9 O ao s:�ios L .,ft rio Jysl u .8'issy owl gnluan9 Slil 101 e as ylJa9nsmi9q bsnlsJnlsm ed ll$rta 97JneU XlInummoU blea 9dT Jon 9riJ riJ1W yllm7o3noo nl b7sod b1sa 9riJ yd 9zJnso yJlnummou .isbnu97srfl abom sriolJslugeq bas .Q4QI .Q.ii Rlf#ign to ysb .ril4i alril 9111vbnollaglz Js Ga3aAq --r�7�"I9 � • -, 9V99 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM SeSSI. ,n ,s............................................................................19 Movedby............................................................................ Secondedby........................................................................ l Carried............................................................................................Ree ,,nd further take notice that at such me_:ting the R unici pal council of the TOWnship of da;Tham will hear any person, in person or by council, solicitor or agent, who claims that his or her lan,Js will be prejudicially affected by t -_e passing of the by-law and who required to be heard. APR I fated at otraffordville, this T� day of , 1949- J. 3. Vallee, Township clerk. 3. What the said road allowance may be sold to any adjacent land- owner with t he approval of tue Muni&ipal council by resolution. tread a first . time this y day of - 19.9. ;Mead a Lecond time this day of �' 1949- . . ft ,ia a third time and finally passed triis day of 1949- Reeve. Clerk-.- 4.0 NOTICE OF' BY-LAW • The Township of bayham. Take notice that at a meeting of the z, unicipal council of the Township of t3ayham which shall be held after this notice has been published for four successive weeks in the .eillsonburg ivews, namely at o'clock in the 4F7 --'/?no on on the •?v/>day of /y)AY1 �-�1949 in the Township Office at the Village of ,traff'ordville, a proposer oy-law will be submitted to the Yunicipal �:ounc it of the i:o reship of �jay,iam for the s topping; up and c los in, of the road allowance between lots ten and eleven , concession four, Dayham, a co .,y of which by-law may . be s �F en at the office of` the clerk of the .unicipality at the Village of Straff ordville. ,ind further take notice that at such meeting; the kunicipal council of the Township of dayham will hear any person, in person cr by council, solicitor or agent, who claims that his or her lands will be prejudicially affected by t__e passing of the by-law and who required to be heard. r-)9°RI� rated at ,)traf f ordville, this day of9419. J. J. Vallee, '1-ownE, �ler'�. i j` • �. i'hat the said roal allowance may be sold to any adjacent land- owner with t he approval of the Municipal Council by resolution. day of head a first . time this day of - 1949: head a second time this day of ;�' 194%• R"i) a third time and finally passed this 1949 • Reeve. C erk .� by -Law No. i / 9� -Township of t3ayham. being a by-law to close and stop up and to sell, road allowance between lots ten and eleven, concession four, in the Township of bayham. WHEREAS sub -section (1) of erection 495 of the rY unicipal Act provides that Councils may pass by-laws for stopping; up and sell- ing any hi;g:hwa�r part thereof; ntill wH REeio the required notices have been published in accordance with rection 498 of the r„unicibal net; JANP no person whose lands might be or may be prejudicially affected thereby has a;-- 1plied to be heard by the Council or raised any objection whatsoever thereto; titin iIiFh_ho the Municioal council of the Township of naynam is satidfied that the requirements of the law in that behalf have been complied with; .cliio irl�.t{ f'_r�►J it is deemed expedient to close up and sell said road allowance; O-14 ThEh_rkuht T.AT ;;UiV1�1rhL UCU I(,;1L t,l TH7 UORA, ()Rr,.'rlup Y.. Uk 'THS. `I'O: iIbhlr Ct bi Y iewi enacts as fo_lLlows;- 1. That the road Allowance between lots ten and eleven in the 1. fourth concession of the Township of baylham, is hereby stopped up and.closed. 2. That the keeve and clerk be and are hereby aut"Dorized to sign on behalf of the i,ownsbip of bayham ror the selling of all or any portion of this stopped up and closed road alloviance . 5. `i'hat the said road allowance may be sold to any adjacent land- owner with t he approval of tne Munftipal council by resolution. Head a first . time this day of 1949- �Itead a ecgnd time this day ©f 194. . rt: �,i) a third time and finally passed triis day of 1949- Reeve. 9+9- Reeve. Clerk. by -Law No. Township of Bayhamo Being a by-law to close and stop up and to sell, road allowance between lots ten and eleven, concession four, in the Township of Hayham e WHEREAS sub -section (1 ) of Section 495 of the Municipal Act provides that Councils nay pass by-laws for stopping up and sell - Ing any highway,, part thereofj aND WHEREAS the required notices have been published in accordance with beotion 498 of the Municipal kot; hND VVHFRFAb no person whose lands might be or may be prejudicially affected thereby has applied to be heard by the Council or raised any objection whatsoever thereto; nNE :wHIIRF:nb the Municipal vounoil of the Township of 6aynam is satidfied that the requirements of the law in that behalf have been complied with; , ND eHEREAS it is deemed expedient to close up and sell said road allowance; NOW THEREFORE TiiE MUNICIeAL COUNCIL Ok THfi` COR:ORit 'IOA Ok TtiT" TOWL46HIP OF 3j YHAX enacts as follows;- 1. That the coal allowance between lots ten and eleven In the fourth concession of the Township of bayham, is hereby stopped up aal= closed. 2. That the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorised to sign on behalf of the `township of k3ayham for the selling of all or any portion of this stopped up and closed road allowance. 3. That,the said road allowance may be sold to any adjacent land- owner with the approval of tiie Muni6lpal council by resolution. ti day of . Read a first time this day of 1949, - Read a second time this day of 1949. READ a third time and finally passed this 1949 Reeve* er . by -Law No. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to close and stop up ani to sell, road allowance between tote ton ar,' eleven, ooncsession tour, in the Township of 6aybam. 1HEREkS sub -section (1) of ,section 495 of the municipal Act provides that Councils may pass by-laws for stopping up and sell- ing any highway --efr part thereof j ,ftND wtf-FRYnS the required notioes have been published in accordance with , ection 4j6 of the 11,uniaipal Rot; n H7R F,1�b no person "hos A :,ands might be or may be pre judioially affected hi reby has &.„plied to be heard by the. Council or raised any objection whatsoever thereto;, ^Nis AHJMFAb tree Vttnicipal uounoil of the Township of Bay yam i saLidfiecl that the requirements of the law in that behalf have bFen complied with; .aND rHEREA6 it Is deemed expedient to close up and sell said road allowance; NOW 'SHE-R�I'ORE `�'.i.►yl(:It�t►L LL11i�UI . 01 T:i�” COR't�Rta'YI�3tV ' Of E6YtiAM manta ar follows;- . 1. That the road allo va'ace between lots ten snd eleven in the fourth ooncession of the `Pownehip of is hereby stopped up end-', closed. 2. That the Rpeve and ellen{ be And are hereb;r authorised to sign on behalf of the `ro*nsbip of :-w1,•na*n ror the selling of all or Any portion of this stoppe(l tip and nlosed road allowanoe. j. That the said roars allowance may oe gold to any adjacent land- owner with the approval of the -sunk&ipal council by resolution. clay of Read a first time this clay of 1949. ' Head a :. eoond time this day of 19490 HFk9 a third time and finally passed tuts 1* 1949• eeve. er . N r rov ince of (. ntario, } In the 'Watter of the stopping, up and } closing of raod allowarice between lotd county of '- lgin. ten and eleven, concession four, bayham. �i.o VVit: j I, of the Township of Bayttam in the ..,ounty of Elgin, do solemnly declare that;- 1. hat;-1. I have searched the files of the—i'illsonburg a weekly newspaper published in the `L'own&h of Tillsonburg and having a general circulation in the said 'Town and surrounding Townships, and found in tile. issues of the said newspaper published on the 7th., 11. th. , 21st. and 8th. days of ,,pril, 191 9, a notice of t3y-Law in connection with the closing of a highway. �. Irnat the notice of by -Law so published as aforesaid was a true copy of the hereto attached notice marked exhibit ,,ND I make this solemn ":)eclaration c;onscientlously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of the uanada Fvidence C'Ict. Declared at Village;, of ) ;;traf forIvi ile , , in the ) county of lgin, this ) day of ) 1949. } ;rotary eubllc: k N ■ ffY-LkW NU!viBER 1197 CORPOR :TION OF THE TOWNSHIP Cly BtiYHit A Hy -law approving of settlement of assets and liabilities with the !yiunicipa]. Co�,poration of the Village of Port Burwell. WHEKE11S the Village of Port Burwell became an incorporated villa-6f*e4"'on JanuL,ry 1, 1919, and prior to that time had formed a part of the Municipality of the Township f Bayc m, 0 n A 1 ��IIER S the said "�'o�tnship and the said Village employed Peters, Brown & Good, Chartered Accountants, to make a report for the settlement of assets and liabilities b^tween the said Township and the said Village. AND 14-HEKEAS the said report has been received, the same beim dated February $, 1919, and is acceptable. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF ThE CORPOR.AiTION OF TkE TO0INSHIP OF Bz,%YHi-LM enacts a s follows:_ The report .dated February 8, 191,,9, of `Pe -ar:; Brovrh 8c Good, respecting they settlement, of assets and li..bili ties between the Corporation of ti -.e To,.:�shi p of Bayham and the >. ' Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell is hereby accepted and approved of. The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorised to execu.c agreement dated March 10, 1949, between the Corporation of the To -.P. --.-hip of Bayham and the Corporation of the Village"of Port Burwell accepting the Lead re, -.,ort and completing a settlement on that bs;sis RIL'AD a first, seccnd and third time and finally passed t h i ; day of 1949. • �nFIVE CLERK. '` ff BY-LAW ANUMBER CORFUhi.TION Up' Tid-, V1LLj:Gr1 uF 1,'Uh:i' ijLh�iLLL A By-law approvitir, of settlement of assets and liabilities with the I•i'lnicipLl Gorporati.;n of t :e Township of Bayha.m. SwIiLitLna the Villeje of :Fort "3ur:,jell became an incorPori ted village on January 1, 1949, Ezllu rrior to that time had, formed a pi -rt of the i�_unicipz..lity of the Township of 3ayham. AND ',h:flI ,AS the se id Township and the said Village employed Peters, i3rown & Good, Chartered 11ccountants, to make a report for the settlement of assets and liabilities between they said Township and the said Village. AND 'nhEKLAS the s4id report has been received, the sane beinL dated February 8, 1949, and is acceptable. NO 'AiEihhFui- , ME G0UI�C1L OF `I`hIL C0R_P0H.S;-. .:UJ4 OF ` hE V1L1,j,GL OF PORT bUKIVELL enGcts as follows: - The report dated I"'ebruary 8, 1949, of Peters, Brov4m & Good, res;jectint; tiz` settlement of assets end liabilities between the Comoratton of the Township of bayhLim and the Corporation of the Vill<,e of Fort Bur -fell is hereby accepted and �:pproved of. The heeve and Clerk are hol ebb, authorized to execute acre`ment dGted 141a ^ch '10, 1949, between the �.or;)oration of the TolAmshin of Bayha:m and the Jorporation of the Villa,y,e of Fort aurwell acceptin the said report an;: completins a settlement on that basis, hLAD a first, second and third time Lnd finally passed thi s day of _11<1949 0 , w / Fid, LVA: BETWEEN ; - AGREEMENT made this thirtieth day of I�iarch,' 191;.(). The Municipal Corporation of the Township of Ba;-hGrr, hereinafter call cd the ?" V Of the First Part, - and - e Municipal Co:.Tor�.tion of the Village of Port Burwell, hereinafter called the party Of the Second Part. WLIIERIJ.C.6 the Vi11U.ge of Port Bliniell became an incorporated village on January 1, 1949, and prior to that time had formed a ,part of the Municipality of the Township of B"- Yham. AND WHEREAS the Said Township anti the said Village employed Peters, Brown °c Ccod, Chartered «ccountants, to make a report for the settlement of assets and liabilities between the said Township and the said Village. �.rTr�iEREhS the said report has been received,+ the same being dated*F'abruary $, 1.949, ani: is acceptable. D ' NOW Th'EREFORS THIS hGZE �i-,iEI1T WITti:�SS.:jT�T that the Parties hereto hereby accept and ratify the proposals cont,; ned in tile paid report of Peters, Rrcim &- Good, and constitute the same a final settlement regarding, all assets and liabilities betueen the parties hereto. In accordance t•!i th the s&id settlement, the party of the First Part pays to the part..; c f the, Second Part the slam of 6 ,22..35, which amount is to be adjusted by the amount tf 40 to any balance in respect of municipal drains lo— ted in the Village. This agreement shall constitute a final settlement -2 - of all f:*Lr•1C,;rciul details -between the r"':r4w-1 es hereto up to ard including the date hereof. IN Wl'I NEN S WHA :-EOF the said parties hereto have hereunto affixed their corporate seals as evidenced by the signatures of their prd"per officers. Signed, Sealed and delivered C2 in the preseence of ) C-� Y ) l ,10 Dated March 30, 10149. The Municipal Corporation of the Township of Barham - and - The I`'`=_uni citral Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell. " r : �'. 1�'i Dcnald F. Cibson, K.C., Ti.11sonbar , Ontario. g icy -Law ivo . l'ownship of bayharn. tieing a by -Law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1949, to levy the taxes for the year 19L�9 and to provide for the collection thereof. if"U.: by icy -Law No. 1067 of the 5tn. � ay of rebruary, the t;uuncil for the making of the assessment 30th. day of oeptember, 1946, as taxation for the year 1949 hould 'Township of riaynam, passed on tree of the said 's°ownship provided of the iv unicipality prior to the the assessment on which the rate of be levied; n,v!: ,,i qt,,o the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid ;gas revised, corrected and passed by the -ourt of :=revision of the said ilownsnip on the 5th. (jay of c ctober, 1)46; tiI3 there were no; appeals from the court of i4evision or that all appeals from the �„ t of hevision have been h�ar�' and deciried; �N'; it is expedient to adopt the said assessment as the assess- ment on Nfiich the rate of taxation for the year 1949 shall be levied; ,,.Ni) it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rate- able property according to the last revised assessment roil of the said Township the sum of for the general purposes of the said Township for the current year, for thepayment of the county rate for the current year, and for the purpose of defraying part of the expenses of rublic and high ;,chool education, and other purposes; IvH ,� uvUNu1L Gt ,z,Hr uCIHr Uh"TI()A Ck , h`� TO -I+ 1q, HIr ()} HnY cervi 1. That the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of nayliam as made pursuant to Dy -Law No. 1067 of the said Township and as revised, corrected and passed by the court of nevision and ounty Judge, less that portion be longing; to the newly incorporated Village of Tort Burwell, be and the same is hereby and con- tirme(' as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1949 shall be levied. 2. 'fhat tiie .said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and , confirmed as the last revue sed assessment roll for the said TownIchip. 3. What, for the purpose of �rovi ?in�� ti.e sur of t �p G38'.b�/ for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for county purposes and other purposes for the currant year, a rate of ,;� /.O mills in the dollar be and the -ame is hereby levier] for the year 1949 upon the whole of the said asse �srment cf the E-aie, i:o-,-jnship according to the last revised assessment roll which is :Made up as - General !gate ---------------- j/, p mills county t{a.te----------------- /0.0 mills '�. -That, in addition, for the purpo: e of providing the surd of ::•?8900. for i,ublic -.school education for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 191 9 upon the respective portions of the said. assessment of the rublic ,:,chool supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assess- ment roll, as indicate(] hereunder;- Genpral rublic -chool mate on asse:.srrent of :tP2, 549,? -L4- -- y,z mills , �a.;�.iVO• L and Viexma sections excluded) rublic :;,chool erection wo. 1 on• assC ssment of $130-9335** - 9.2 mills 26,975- --- X1.6 3 126, 075. --- 6 3 4 86, 8*J3. ___ 5.2 5 79,153- --- L -S 6 7713&9- --- 10.6 6x 139,2--9• --- 6.7� 9 79o594- 1Gx 1561C.Ou. --- 6.710 llx 1144375• --- E•7► 12X 12-2) 1'(5 . - 6.7 � 144 279, 5b4- --- e,7 jr- 111,375- 306P617- 1 r 1 rublic ochool oection _�o.lxon assessitient of M 153, 691. --- 6."}, mill lZx 254,235• --- , 23x 152, Z;6I� • --- t;. �� Vienna 35,109• --- 18.2 (x denotes '1'oansliip school rrea ) ,,nd in a0ldition for uontinuation school purposes, on assessment of X261979- a rate of 5.4 ills said assessment being portion of -1'o;7n.hip in rort Burwell continuation ..)chool area, and also in addition for .secondary school education, on assessment of 4,?150,j55. (a•z:).No. 1) a rate of mills and on assessment, of1 6, 075 a rate of •2`'~� m s for sections not ire igh ;school tireas, and further in a!!Iition, on assessment of T 667, E75. a rate of 4.6, mills for ,ylmer t-iigh Dchool AAs trict, being; sections 4, 6, 11, 16 and part 17; and further in addition, on assessment of !�1, ;.60, 108, a rate of 6.2 mills for Z'illsonburg nigh L)chooli)istrict, being sections 5,8, 9, 1G,1?_,14, 15, part 17, 18, 23 and l owrishi„P portion of Vienna section. '.1'he above rates levied for school purposes have been reduced by an amount equal in total to b (Estimated), received by the respective t3oards from the rrovincial Government towards education- al costs to be used for the relief of taxation on real estate. 5. That, in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of for street lighting purposes in the hamlet of ; .traffordville for the current year, the f olio: -ring mill rate be and the sante is hereby levied for the year 1914.9 upon the f o l loviiriE, assessment according to +.he last revised assel-Sment roll of the said 'voiinship; t,ssessment of K 1;4,1 . -------------- -3.smills . E. i'he ulerk shall prepare and deliver the Uollector's toll to the .'ollector on or before the t first day of June 1%q. 7. .11 taxes or other special rates shall be paid, into the office of the collector or treasurer of the Toivnship of i3ayham or into the .Branches of tree uanadian 6'ank of uorrmierce at ;,traffor ville, rort tsurwell and .'itisonburgs C-0 'faxes shall become due and payable one-half 1949 and one-half on or before December 20th. payment -when due and discounts for pre -payment provided for in ray -Lair No. 1067 and arriendments 'Township of Bayham. on or before July 20th. 15L9. renalties for non - of taxes shall be as thereto of the said 9. l'he uoliector shall have the privilege of :railing the tax notices to the seteral tax payers if lie so desires. 10. rafter fourteen days notice, the �,ollector or his Bailiff may seize any goods for -unpaid taxes. R ,,o a third time of and finally passed in open uodncil this 1949, n.�. peeve. a ij d ay N 1 s By -Law No. / / f Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to amend By -Law No. 1088 of the Township of Bayham. r�tir;Rr'.aS it is deemed necessary and expedient that Clause No. 2 of the said by-law be amended; THLREFO RE BE IT ENACTED BY THE MUNICIPAL 0OU14C IL of the Township of Bayham, in regular session assembled; - THAT Clause No`. 2 of the said By -Law Ho. 1088 be amended to read as follows; - The owner of any dog within the limits of the Township of Bayham shall pay annually when demanded by the Assessor, A-*& 6L - - to the assessor, Gonstable or Clerk of the Corporation of the Township ' of Bayham, a license fee of Two Dollars ($2.00) for every dog or spayed bitch and Four Dollars for every bitch and Four Dollars each for each additional dog which he or she may own, possess or harbour within the limits of the Township of Bayham. READ a Third time and finally passed this /�)/QV 19499 A.D. LIE I C't day of C 4 Z R,I. r C 0 y 0 I 0 DONALD F GIBSON, K.C. ROYAL_ BANK CHAMBERS TILLSONBURG, ONTARIO J. D.Vallee, Esq., Straffordvi]_le, Ontario. Dear Pir. Vallee:- IiU Fust 2, I aril plessed to inform you that the Itiunicipal Board clave now issued their aprroval of the dehentiire by-law in connecti ar with the High School and everythin t is proceeding. in checkin r over the proposed by-law as sub- mitted to you, I notice that there w -ere some places ­ihere the forr:; was ambiguous and one plr-)ce where there was a mistake. Accordingly I herewith enclose ne,r copy of the by-law and I would appreciate it if you would return the old one w;'lich I previously sent to you. You will nctice the c ge in the t:i:ird paragraph on the first ;gage and in clause one on the second nage. `here was also a correction of 4n15.00 in one of the figures in tine Scnedule. i ClAil Yours truly, Encl. :ginc. Yours tnil_ - • and any other expenses in connection therewith as determined in accordance with the provisions of the High Schools Act or any amendment, substitution. or any other law which may be in force from time to time upon all of the rateable,, property of I DONALD F. GIBSON, K.C. ROYAL BANK CHAMBERS TILLSONBUR6, ONTARIO .. :J. Vallee , V sc 'i':n;n;3hip Jt,,Lfor::. vi11e, 0r_t. ")ear jir;- June recent ent me eta nF' o. -P t?'Cloo Ci l Y`C '`0. rd, t yn_'^rs t'Yere '_ ec,3 lived c:Ii � oTl� �; c: e`1te(i. i1e cost o­^'� t �'r ttii otl:eN for e.•uipment, etc. .;ill coC:t t o c7j,000.0'U t:4 dose l.:_e Joc+r C.Y .:c,`.s c:��lE vC1 Lel �i� C' it. .,c ccr? ill 1„', the -1 1.t..ve a si: ed the y'o a� o � `ill sorl;.,ur�- to 00(bent.1lz`e i)tT-7 ?�i” raise t '�moneyoi' a to .t enclose Cody. ' an 1` l;1 ( v e D Dy -law 1'+ o ~�CeS.) C j�1 V J.i.j1<� V1 ,.o.les J_ �t d ��z. ldt. 01 your UCLi,i, .i l �. L V • uli lCl'aL: + o t,!!(,:;, i�, .., i w`'o.";21 ., t' t t :1 t. i F:.iI: rlo t c nxic ijs 'or you to chec' ozrer of t1 is, ',Iz.,t,eriL1 1rer�' C t:,resllll�t and let ?lite ��nGarif yot, f C-1 ti:4're � :;c..,l � 'be Lily C11L i1j C. Y(. , l.Jill not•1Ce t.Lat, the avE-,r.'c.e %irtI1'l«1. �:Itioilnt.: annumilly be e, li. tle less t1ir,n 40,OQO,OO.0n, the nreoent N� ,'S18 t;i:e ,ullicin- alit,ies --)�..;; 3C), or «Uou ; ,�; !21,0U0.00 of c hic t :�,� `t'o, r�„L .�of j, ,a rfi T)t ;J :i �, o;� i. iK3at 28,00.()(). Tl. ,e' , it --t i . Y•+ i J r ' '7t' + arc a � .1.. t v � ? (:. s ? � o .l. i i V � �4 V u t t � � i C:i ., r r t C 1:O )1 , ire e �o ;.�:tiE t.:c s . c re�.c:��,- nor ae: tt;"11L'. ' , ��tiG, it r� 11 be rtecE ssz..ry t o .1 Vz, t!:e �)".•.lc`.`i i oassec Lin ever"t.:ll t' c•.I'rt� .-;(:ii c1 'v L VeZ`J, early Llate in ,'�.ct t�_e }?d i '` ,. 1 1.• ,.,r �, i_c�ers c. o�. r�:.;, 4, c�,_1 s for i l f t, �cn d1 z s to CC:!i'�lete tilt? t.:-reement t;.:lu )erimit 111I-+1 to :JtCirV JUI"��, 1.cCGrt?�Ii�;l�T, 1 I^IULilU �:)T':?CiF:tte it if �'OtiwoulQ h1_,vC 'milli s considorect Det 'Our younc:.1_ at tZ!1e earliest j)Os:31!�1e t'c_te c'?�' its i GC',� tul�ye 1"'�:VC? t:l:; .Fill tllree reLdin; s. l ' ,i;ere are L.ny ;)ro"Ix,1 7 or vie6tions in col:.n.�ction v i til it, coC on tt:, c �, `rte. C..:7 soon ; Tat, c z; ,,, , .r 1 • t'/ and any other expenses in connection therewith as determined in accordance with the provisions of the High Schools Act or any amendment-, substitution or any other law which may be in force from time to time upon all of the rateable property of 0 SP BY-LAd NO. /"� Do• THE CORPOr? ITION OF THE TObiIvSHIP OF B. YHAN A Ry -law to approve of the borrowing of s� 573)000,00 by the Town of Tillsonburg upon debentures for the erection and equipment of a new High School_ Building ►'dHEREAS tine Tillsonburg High School Area Board ras applied to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham for its approval of th"e borrowing o."' i� ive �-{uncired and Seventy-three Thousand Dollars (w 57J , 000.00) upon debentures to be issued by the Town of Tillsonburg .for a term of twenty years for the purpose of erection and equipment of a High School Building for the Tillsorburg High Z'ch-_ool .rea.. AND MIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of. Tillsonburg is passing a By-law, cc+ ,r of which is hereto attached, 'or the purpose of the said borrowing and issuing debentures and is arrar-ing for the approval of t ze Ontario i,unicipal Board in respect thereof. THER.�FORi�a the Council of the Township of Bayi�am enacts. as fo-Ilowsi - 1. The corporation of the Township of Bayham hereby approves of tine said borrowing of Five Hundred and Seventy- three a'housand Dollars (; 573 , 000.00) . 2. That commencing in the year of 1950, and in every year thereafter in which an instalment of principal of the said debt and interest become d.ue, the Corporation shall levy and raise its share of the said principal and interest and any other expenses in connection therewith as determined in accordance with the provisions of the High Schools �.ct or any amendment, substitution or anir other law which m�-iy be in force from time to time upon all of the rateable property of r y/ -09- the/- the said I•iunici pality which lies withiin the said Area. 3. This By-law shall come into force and effect on the date of the final passing thereof. Read a first and second time this day -)f ,94°. 0 Read a third time and finally passed this of i day `* .1 i BY -i; ;vV 1,10. /-9 00. THE CORPORATION OF THE TO '4Zv SHIP OF BAYHAM* i'l By-law to approve of the borrowinE of -.1p 573;000.11-1,C by the Town of Tillsonburg upon debentures for the erection and equipment of a new High School Buildi.n; . By -Law No. /oqd / Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Pennada Petroleum Co. and/or its successors or assigns, is desirous of erecting, maintaining and operating a petroleum refinery on lands situated in the Township of Bayham and desires to do so with the approval of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham; AND WiRRRAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham deems it desireabl� and in the best interest of the said Corporation to grant such permission; NOW TEFORE BE IT ENACTS by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham as follows;- That ollows;- That the Pennada Petroleum Co. andior its successors or assigns, be and the same is hereby granted the right and authority to erect, maintain and operate a petroleum refinery with all necessary lands, buildings, lines and equipment, within the limits of the Township of Bayham, and such right and authority shall continue as long As such petroleum refinery is maintained and operated. 2. Provided that any pipe line or other installation placed on or under lands in the Township not owned by the said Company, shall be so placed only with the approval and under the super- vision of the Township Road Superintendent, and a plan of such pipe line or other installation shall be deposited in the `township Office. 3. Provided that no .vaste*material shall be allowed to enter the waters of Big Otter Creek or Little Otter Creek that would be harmful to bathing, fishing or the health of the community, 4. Further provided that no smoke or other vapours be permitted to escape from the operation of the said refinery which might be harmful to or damage human beings, livestock, lands, crops or foliage. 5. That the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham be and they ate 4ereby empowered to execute any agreement which may be necessary to carry out the full intent and meanirig of this by-law. 6. That any existing by-law of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham which may be contrary to, or in conflict with the provisions of this by-law is hereby repealed in so far as the same may be in conflict with this by-law. T' D a first time* this day of /9veol A.D.1949. F,EA a second time this o? day of i9v A,D,1949. READ a third time and finally passed this a i' day of /9 v 0. A.D.1949 . I Reeve. DONALD F GIBSON, K.C. ROYAL BANK CHAMBERS TILLSONBURG, ONTARIO J. D. Val.ee, Esq., Township Clerk, Straffordvill e, Ontario. Dear Sir: - July 9, 1949. I received your letter of the 7th inst., and I herewith return copy of by-law. In my opinion it is quite sat- isfactory for the Township to pass the bir-? aw as you have prepared it. I think that you have covered the situation completely. I believe that their idea in a skirg for the by-law is to avoid any question regarding any building restrictions and the location of any factory plant near other property. I would recommend that tele Toi�rnshi.p pass the by-law in its present form. G/M Encl. AA, Yours truly, shall be so plaood only with the approval and under the super- vision of the Township Road Superintendent, and a plan of suoh pipe line or other installation shall be depo3ited in the Township Cffioe. 3. Provided that no ::ante material shall be allowed to enter the waters of 1'�Ig Otter Creek or Little Otter Creak that would be harmful to bathing, fishing or the health of the community. 4. Further provided that no smoke or other vapours be permitted to escape from the operation of the said refinery which might, be harmful to or damage human beings, livestock, lands crops or foliage. 50 That the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the � ownship of Bayham be and they ate hereby empowered to execute any 'agreement which may be necea,3ary to carry out the full intent and meaning of this by-law. 6. That any existing by-law of the Corporation of the Township c►f .3ayham which may be contrary to, or in conflict with the provisions of this by-law is hereby repealed in so far as the same may be in conflict with this by-law. D a first time* this ;BEAD a second time this day of day of READ a third time and finally passed this A.D.1949. Reeve. A.D.1949. A.D.1949* day of erk. By -Law No, Township of Bagham. .A;!;:iBA3 the tennada ?etroleum Co. and/or its successors or assigns, is desirous of erecting, maintaining and operating a petroleum refinery on lands situated in the Township of Bayham and desires to do so with the approval of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham; AND the Council of the Corporation of the Township of bayham deems it desireable and in the best interest of the said Corporation to grant suoh permission; V071 Tlih EFORE BE IT FhAOTFJ) by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Townahip of bayham as follows; - 1. That the P6n ada Petroleum Co. andior its successors or assigns, be and the same is hereby granted the right and authority to erect, maintain and operate a petroleum refinery with 311 necessary lands, buildings, lines and equipment, within the limits of the :owns hip of bayham, and such right and authority shall oontinue as long as suoh petroleum refinery is maintained and operated. 2. Provided that any pipe line or other installation plaoed on or under lands in the Township not owned by the said Oompany, shall be so plao©d only with the approval and under the super- vision of the Township Road Superintendent, and a plan of suoh pipe line or other installation shall be deposited in the Township Cffioe, 3. Provided that no Vaste material shall be allowed to enter the waters of :gig Otter Creek or Little Otter Greek that would be harmful to bathing, fishing or the health of the community. 4. Further provided that no smoke or other vapours be permitted to escape from the operation of the said refinery which might be harmful to or damage human beings, livedtook, lands, crops or foliage. 5. That the Reevet,jand Clerk of the Corporation of the ',Township of Bayh&m be and they ate hereby empowered to execute an; agreement which may be neoea::ary to carry out the full intent and meaning of this by-law. 6. That any existing by-law of the Corporation of .�ayham. which may be contrary to, or in conflict provisions of this by-law is hereby repealed in same may be in conflict with this by-law. READ a first time* this day of � EAD a sea oral time this day of READ a third Limo and finally passed this A.D.1949. n ReeTes the Township of with the so far as the A.D.1949. A.D.1949, day of , Clerks .6 f 1* 4 VL k- 41 BY -LAI° NO. / P? ©.Z Township of Bayham. .3ein r a by-law to grant aid for the erection of an addition to Soldiers' Memorial dospitsl at Tillsonburg, rection 404, sub -section 28, provides that Councilsof ;rliunicipalities may grant gid for the erection, establishment, maintenance or equipment of public hospitals in any LIunicipality; aNij 4aL4REA3 the Said Tills op_rq dospital is used by residents of the Township of Bsytsm. to the extent of about 25� figured on a patient per day basis; it io deemed expedient that such grant should be made; and in a::::ordance with a resolution pais©d by the Council of the Township of Ba -,,ham under :ate of April 0th. 1949. BE IT t:iJAO TJX D BY 'i tiE M U14IC I PAL O UNC IL 02 `IHE COHPO :A'T ION OF TO V90H1P OF BAYHAM a9 follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. That a grant of Nine Thousand Dollars ($9000.00) be and is hereby made to the Hoard of lw"enagement of Soldiers' Memorial Hospital at Tillsonburg for the purpose of the erection and equiping of an addition to the present hospital. 20 That said Rrnnt be fob_ lows ; 00100 3000. "3000. paid over a period of three to the year 1949 t IT ri 19500 It " 1951. years as 3. That the moncy for-.payjnr;the aforesaid aum ahf�11 be der ed -from current revenue in each of the respect years and paid out' of the �;ennral fluids of the Township of Bayham. 4. In such cage that a new ho3pital is built rather than the proposed addition, tie terms of this grant shall not be altered or changed in any respect. REAI) a First, Second and Third lime and finai:iy passed this aay of 19 / Clerk, G i by-IJA*4 1;0. /; O;z Township of 3ayham. Beim a by -lav to grant aid for the erection of an addition to Soldiers' idemorial Eospital at T'illsonburo, V41. JiLR1AS Section 404, sub -section 2.9, provides that Souncilsof 1dunicipalities mal- grant aid for the erection, establishment, maintsnance or equipment of public hospitals in any i.unicipality; AL-Ij ks S the sai illsonbur8 p Y Hospital i9 used b residents of the Township of Bayham to the extent of about 25 0` figured on a patient per day basis; tiny fiziLaiaS it is deemed expedient that such grant should be grade; and in accordance with a resolution passed- by, the 0ounoil of the Township of Bayham under Sate of April 6th. 1949. ai'i�rr't tr: .61L l z"tmOTLL by tip. ilui�I".O A.A i.0'tTI�1%0 G' '1:ti:t; UG SPU ellOiu U2, .az GaI% aIP 0A' d�Yti�Iy as follows; - 1. That a grant of Dine Thousand Dollars (49000.00) be and is hereby mgde to the Board of 1�:anagement of Soldiers' 14"emorial If at jillsonburg for the purpose of the erection and equiping of 9n addition to the pre:-3ent hospital. 2. That said grant be -,paid over a period of three years as follows;- x;3000. in the year 1949. ?3000. it '► if 1950• 3COC. '' " It 1951. 3. That the money for Vayino the aforesaid sums shall be derfted from current revenue in each of the respect years and paid out of the general funds of the j ownshi p of .Sayham. 4. In such case that a new hospital is built rather than the proposed addition, the terms of this grant shall not be altered or changed in any respect. READ a First, Second and Third Time and finally passed this '#, 7 day of C Reeve. T •r n :.1 � l --"Ziff �1 � • I I � V` i po f l� b -.c fx Liday ay or ominations Lir l c� .Y I:� fn� ..�.{� 01�;C ` �, .i.vt2s for :..unicipal :'o-ancil andA of ger 1o% gal 2oards ir. `-.e mac.,._ r zp cf r r`,tns o:_ Cri' rio -.i_ ar:ended in 7 Nrc -ides ti�L trse '_ ay fixed for rioriz.ations must be ndt less than 3eve:: days pri.";r to the day fixed for polling; +'tltil�L` 1''ULi 'L l�.. 1i iilvnti l ►.L : Y �. i1�. 1y.U1M 1�. 1 rs.� V U li v4 1 �+ c L `:e218 t1 '.:1 _5ayr'am as Io11c..s 1. at the r:c::infat-i.orls for ;:oun;;11 aid m,e^iber3 of looal zo,ards in the fo'rwnsh.ip of ,3ay am, shall be held at the .2c', nship "all at the hour of � o'clock K. and teat such nog~i .atierl l be veld 3 7�fi ).)9s7- MAOIVO/W /J/ %106" me59 . ;rt•:�t the elections for AVII �:r9 of 6: �:�ar� cip��l our,;, 1 ar�d other locq1 Boards shall be held or, v"P First :onday ir_ �eceTber -or the said +o r s yip of ;3,u _t.1 r :nd ' h�i G the polls w=all be open fromten o'clock 1i.ir,. to seven a' clock .iu. 3;-By.�Iaw 14o. 117 is here 'd, r;�6--iled as well 3s ell ore'vious bd4 -laws pertaining to the "late of noldir.6 nominations and>_ elec;tions in the said `ownshi p of �ayham. 4. Phis'"by-law shall remain in force `°rom your to year until repealed, a First, eeond and Third time and finally pas3ed in open �Jounc it this ay of Reeve. 1Erk. I. i 11* B-j.LA-_N NQ. 1204 T0414'SaIP OF BAYa i . teeing a by -lave to provide for the holding of the �:unici pal Elections in the 1dunicipality of the Township of 3ay.ham for the year 19,F-0 , a.Z, and for the appointing of Deputy 'i:eturning Officers as well as Poll Clerks and Polling Places in the several Polling Sub -Divisions in the said ",:unicipality of the Township of 3ayham. BE IT by the C ounc:il of the .i owriship of 3ayham in regular session assembled; - That, providing more persons qualify for election to office than are required to fill the var bus offices, an election be held on Dec.5th. 1948 as according to Township of 3ayham s:y-Law iso-1"I"S , and in accordance with the provisions of the _unicipal Elections pct. That, the election for aub-Division i+o. 1 of the ".unicipality shall be held at 'olice i::411, 'ortur.ell slid trat riorard Jhute shall be :0'eputy=.eturning Officer, and that nomas _ll ott shall be Poll Clerk for the said aub.-D.L ghat the election for aub-1)'i17ision i4o. 2, shall be held at or near the home of lgin Vyse in the said .pub -division, and that ,red 3alcor shall be yeputy -.­.eturning Officer, and that er�wsethno.�sor� shall bz Poll lerk for the said Sub-liv. That the election for Sub -Division iso. 3, shall be held at or near the Smuck School Molise in the said Sub -Division; ar.Ld that !,Atop La'�sor= shall be :Deputy Returning CM,i er, and that -,.ay lLhurstor; shall be Poll ':lerk of the sold Sub --'Div. That the election for aub-:Division to. 4 shall be held at the Township Tall in the said bub -Division, and that ;y r-zrlt shall be Deputy 2eturr_ing Off icer, and that - or: -,-an 1c 'It shall be Poll ]lerk in the said .Sub -Div. That the election for aub-Division o. 5 shall be held at the* ►or:�` rts' Tz:: tute - =111 •� _ ''in the said snub-Divis, on, and that =j • shall be )eputy et urning Officer., and that lel u, 10- shall be Poll clerk in the said Sub -Diva That the election for Sub -Division *.o. t shall be held at the �d.�r., .:ch.lio1 in the said Sub -Division, and that �h,s.;et;r�aba,� shall be Deputy :e turning Cf'ficer, and that ""'il f'rcd :;c;1?^ice shall be y oll 01erk in the said Sub -i iv. That the election -for aub-:Division i+o. 7 shall be held at or near •jchr:oliu School :.o:a in the said aub-Division, and that -rcd T2rocunTer shall be Deputy -ieturning Cfficer, and that be Poll Clerk in the :aid aub-Liv. That the election for ` aub-Division i;o. ,8 shall be held at or near the ..�.,o. ac:.c:'! _�ue in the sal u 'u' -Division, and that T... ':itc .ell shall be Deputy :returning Officer, - and that irr,; shall be doll clerk Tri tre Said ;gab -Div. �a D rtiT the Said Deputy ►eturrling Officers -and Poll :"lorks be and • they are hereby authorized and requi r d to hold the said ;::uric i pal ^.Alec tions in accordance wit.n. tne- xct anC to provide for +voting by ballots at the - sai d elections. a ''first, Second anv +Aird time ani' finally pas e''d this �! day of G;;tober, 19 r ieeve . � h � I AV �_r L�z;'� l,o. 1205. Township of Ba;;ham. .beinga by-law to authorize an agreement bet -;,,e -_r., the ..:uv.ici p �lity of the �:ow ship of dayham and the; "ommissioner of the Ontario Provir1eial Police for the policing of this Township by a member of the Cntario Provincial Police Force. ,',nE S erection -12 of the Police rict, 19��9, prove that such agraements may be authorized, sub;;ect to the approval of the Lieutenant -Governor in vounctl; S it 44.3 deemed necessary and expedient that suk action be taken; ii.:j ij. LlrtaVl'i.L by tr_e i.►ullalpal Jouncil of the 'township of Layham, as 1. "hat this i:iun-oipality enter into an a_geemel t with the �ommiss- ione*r for the polici :Q o f the .'oiinnshi p of bayhax by a member of the Ontario Provincial Police 2orce, such aoreemnent to be ef_'eutive from January l.,t. 1950, and in accordance with she 'olice pct, 1949. 2. �h3t the.-s,eeve and V'lerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the a--reement or. behalf of the said :ur-icipjlity. L'AD a Yirst, aecond and Third time aria finally passed this 4th. day of i,ovember 1949 Reeve. 0 Olerk, L, 0 I f It* I BY-LAW NO. 1; oC6 Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to set the fee for Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks for municipal elections and for setting the amount of rental payable for Polling Places. WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that these rates should be revised; Tt LREFORE BE T,--FNAOTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham in regular session assembled as follows; - 1. That the following fees be allowed for officials serving at municipal elections in the Township of Bayham;- Deputy ayham;- Deputy Returning Officers -------- t 6.00 Poll L lerks---------------------- 5.00 2. That the sum of 14.00 be allowed for rental for Polling Places in the said Township of Bayham. 3. That in addition to the above fee, the Deputy Returning be allowed mileage at the rate of .10¢ per mile one way for returning ballot box to Returning Officer. 4. That the Returning Officer be allowed the sum of X5.00 for delivering ballet boxes to the various Deputy Returning Officers in the Township of Bayham. 5. That all previous by-laws pertaining to these fees be and are #ereby rescinded. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this / C� ?"� day of December, 1949. U Reeve. I. 0 BYLAWS FOR PORT BURWELL AND T=CNBLM BYLAWS [ 1-1232 ] FILE # 29 Bylaw # Date Subject 1 14 Jul 31 For-bidding all dogs to run at large. 2 28 Aug 31 No erection of structures hazardous to public health. 3 19 Feb 01 Restraining of animals at large. 4 20 Feb 01 Regulations for fire protection. 5 20 Feb 01 Licensing of billiard tables. 6 19 Apr 01 Amend Bylaw no. 3. 19 6 Mar 07 Confirm bylaw. 60 1 Feb 27 Vote on Money bylaws. 67 1 Sept 31 Repeal bylaw No. 2. 1232 ? ? 49 Authorizing the borrowing of $573,000.00. [TILISONBURG.] sttse P Dy 'Law uuthoriri.no� Uie borrow- in;,-, of Five iiundred am; ;?evenLy- three ' taouxArd Lollaarr, L,;:on debentures for tole erection and enuipvtont of a tilfji "chool i:uilding for tiles Tills-onburr hips school ; rea. 'fine T111u .nburl, High , drool .-Ko is comprised oi' the .ovm of Tills-A.-urp-. tip: Villa; -u �,f Vlemnuw ;i;rt of tine ;'owns iAr (ii itiddletong part. of the of and ;:art of tiie ' owns;hir of :south Norwich. own of iiJ.la.:rLurl� igt 4 Lear 3'i4liUf:tits;d by `: ilea `;'i31:x >nburg ilii }z = cliix>l nisi - yard to rzai so tjw r,,mr, of :'ive HUNUred and .':everty-ti.ree ;houriatnd collars (r573.'Xx).UO) for the purpose of Via erection and e(,,uipa:.nnt of ra rew litrij School t'uiitting; it 5L) (t4;,oc=cent for ,cr ..a<s ,sur otss• to ?sorrow for the financi.r.r thereof tiie said nuts 91' rive issue;red' =tnt: , everty-threw Thousand bollars (, 5 3,00C.W) :j on u:e credit of the to itisui, r!et:Ji:ntures td,crn;or laerir.' ints.rest at ttse rate of three per centum (3.:) f1NX1 Linc: date of innue until the cute of I cyment on those "oimnture6 r;�>ich -,ztu:-v t:uring U;e first ten yoarrs and on the resaariinirr ue;stupe;, from 't:.e date of i.:sue until dates of ,�aymwsnt at the rate of three and one-half nor centum (3 '') Igor annum payable anntuilly and to provide for rise discount and the (�xpenssetr incidont,tl to rc,7otiution am. s7ale of ouch deLe.nturos; :tal) i3la LM; it is expedient to nuke the Principal of the said dent repayable in annual irstalments during the period of twenty years reit zifter the data of issue of cinch �:css,c,rntssrosx. of r:=.aci: amounts rcupectively t:;,:tw Ath Llm irterent in res:>,+ect of c,iie del)tw "Ale argrei:nto amount Fx.yable for rrincipU 4=n.1 int- erost in oach yetir "ill be ins nearly at; poseit•le thes e,arae; -2- oubject to vlw proviso tAiat wicii int)tal-vxint ol jrincipal my he J:or."n 4r. -van i500.00 or or, t U-tiple thervors oThl, tIwt notidthstanding anyLl-linIz, szrcin c,;r*.1k'-1nC(1* thea arntuil ltrstzklnc�nt of principA ;rd interest r.Q,y differ in Anount vufficL:ntly to cidrAt thereof; *,:' %4t, ar:.ount oi" thiv whole rnto4ible r,rorerty of the 1.1funicipclity, according to the I;Lst ruvited tiwruof Is `3*030,194.00; tau "ioum of t.w uxistir,-. le's-wLuro iiel,t. of too ;oq-or&tiony 'exclusive o.+' locwl irri-I-Oves.41M -,ecured Ly Special rLtan Or aasesw,,.ntnq no 1,kirt of the or irl-or t of sucii.ie ut it; in arrt.,..r; by o;,"Ier datutl UIS .2j1— tkly of 19499 tlw' Ontario 1.'Unlclp�l bo'41-d ijs -,-,,;rovod 1,0 .lie said Lorrowing i,n%l the pos&-'ne, of all reeiuisiw incl,Wing, oe: iinture by-luws; tj-,c- Council of tiot C;oryoratl.on cif titu TOwn of 'U 1 laon.) -urr tinacto r s follows: 1. For thu purpose ziforesuld Utc; Cor -,.,oration r,ik,ll borrow upon tile Credit of t1w uorr/j-mtion u am nbt a4ceedin,, Five llun,dred and '.overty-three !,mueand (,'573,,LXYJ.0U) Pollayst and filluill issue aebc-ntures tiiarefor In mms of nut less Wan <10U.00 each. Mich deb mturu shall boar IrLeruvt at t1w rate of direct per conva Oil frow zzc date of Issue until the date or 1-Fryment on viotse debentures W�,ich rxiLure ;urirft tl,c virist Len y,*rs and on the reisaining 11obentures from the date of issue until chits of P"yMent at the rate of three and um -half p.,-,,: certum -,er:annum Payable i.nnw;lly anI alu.11 1wve cou--one aLutc.wd ov t,io payvmnt of irtc.rent. 20 nil L:ie dubenturua a:.Iall I;ezr t1w sar-se ci.itcq be issued it one t-Im -mll wit)dn two yoaz*s: Wo day on .1.1461 t.,lis 13y-l"iti fu lasbeiis MY ,Lear onydo-,-U Within tilich two year -B aml iiki;,111 be -%i*de payal-11-, in annu."l inat.Urumtti eluting the periml of twenty years next aftcar th,-. ante of issue thereof, tinct tier rept-, ectivea a molart a of tcrir.cipal and Int? erect payable In each of such yoaers WWII be tr:e: so .desin„toad in :',caodule ^bit' farareto, arsnexed. 3. ” he doberturea:s :;hall be payablo or. to loth principal and Irterest in lowfu! ?softy oF' Canada and rwiv be. razde payable at such !:bice or places in ra,rwd.s ass sh,11 be (#esir-,tustad thereon. k. 1'hc said cobentures shall be ;.enled with thea ;eal. of Vie Corporation and si, reed by the Y%ayor or Leeve, or try iorle oGiier person autliorirHri :y by—laws to T.Arn the ri.,Lmo, ains; I),/ *.he "roa suresr. The Said 'nterest coupons a:=aall bn isi,nud by ,the "remvurcrr and Us ai -rature tiicreon =iy Le writt+:n, stav:peds lithol,ra ,plied or un;m:. wd. In sxnc+s rear in which an Snsuilnont of principal. of the slid dtbt and irterost be—cow., clue, the Board of rise Ttllnon— bur.. Hig€ ., Fcanol urea shall collect fron the Municinalitiom cor rrisins,; the rneia Area am! pay to the said wor;,oration the Pncecific sine shown for the: real-.e,etive^ yeanr ir thc.fourth culwrm of the sria. setwoule, Which catsoum shoal be levied tans, raised nnnuaslly by a: special rete wZficiert t:heruf'or over urX above all other rates on all 'of the rateutle proT*rty in the sai"!d .tree. by the amid Punicipalitiees in the "id Ares. 'ilia ;•;roportionaste ch are to be rained by c.och of the a;Ad t-:unici;�� iic,i m in e:ucls year swill be in ttecor;iaarce- -.dth �,hc provisions sof uit, ::scolia ct or anyt tmnds::t;nt, ubstitLtior. or ::ny o,,L, r 1�swln asidch riu!y Le in i'orce from, U.rw to tioae. `ale ia._ount.st n:at-:,o levied, raised I emt puiti by the other IMmieipaalities siutli i,ca levitsd anci raised sannuelly-ty n :.-pecinl rata xmifficient t;;wurefor over anti Above] all o -,tier rates on all of the rateable property In the- mt4d Hunicipaslity of the Tom of Tilluonburg. b. '• he said debentures wt y contain a clause providiM, :or Lise reiJstrestion thereof pursiumt, to section 336 of The Municipal : ct. 7. Pending the sale, of Liao said debentures, the 1,1k4yor or peeve and t:ie ' reasaursr may mise for the purposes ai'oresnid by way of loan on ' Bauch aebcnturea any ruts or sums of nom;y not -4 - exceeding, in all -tho 'stm n-creby authorl :,.ed t�- be isorzYra.exi and P -my taypothecato : ueh det eli urea fort.ucli loan. . Tine r1i`.11 ;;aver thea ri,;::t, ;:r, it:. options to redeem tarot rortion oz' the :ail ue!;cw urs:: -csi t-,utura in the twuntiatii year of ther In xlaolc or, in ^art or. ;.ry i'',ati- I �•r-ior to P,4iturit,v et tie , _txee= ,er sm in tiia: m=in ys; in w.iicil Lima avid deiresnturea are uxj,ressed t -D Le payai.;I rs -1-Ln r;;ytrt;nt of thea ;7r1neijm1 anotint to eruo. to.,ett:er with inte res:, r,ccrued to glen date of reci,: VU(m and a::.can _ ivim ;rriwioua ec)ticc of ; _.id int- ention to rodeem by ;,c'.vcxtiaine. once in t:e k-;ntaari t (a. a std itmi ,>nce in a ti%ily newsiv. par of ,7.cncrA: ,rovincisl ci.re:.;ctiora, 1 ui ie34r:e- _ m. '.o<led in t:C.,1 mrf sp:a;pero such m-.tice to t;ca s_s afore 161 at ;e;ast t d rty clays+ before tier date ixt±ci for, t.TT-Lien. :'oticc of ir.ter.tion co to redeem shad also t:,c; vent "'y - ont at ?east t,:a rty oa-.-v . rior to Vie crate svt for rc+_e;;• rion to each r.erson In sKi,o:sc: nine; a en,-twc ;,o to t;ta redac:r,<;d is regi ett rt. d at Litt <: _i4ra: s alwvm in the :;ot;erturu,ej,7ic.try rx;ok. riiure only F cr uun of tine daborturoo of thita ionise it r>o to i -,e rudecr^+-:t, cucli pxtion s4all eumprive only tine dasi•c:rturezi t:»at i vo the liatc.,;t >:zturity :iates and no Uel. enturen of tw'Aa i8t uw aho i,-bv- c:alcd for :n;e:i roc?emption in ;:riority ';o tiny -uch uelwnture that ii as It latex viaturlLy date. 9. The; ;:r•ocoods from LhC nale of the saai,3 ,!6i,ontures or tha: aur, of nunoy t.orroucd ti:c,reor_ : isall i u fbrt.. rita a;i:: to the iillaont>ur , ilig;l :-chool ;.rc=:, Doard. 10. * .;:is '4-1<11 shoal. not LeccxatG valid a.T.til ., :3y -law Ai<, rov- in�; of thi: ame sh :.11 b -e pnesed by tie i;..;uncil of thc: Col poratian of tile-ormsllip of 1-Addleton, "tilt. Council of the vor;por'stion of tim Township of Paayhaara, the C:�uncil of Lfic ;'cn;,orartion of t.hc: ormsWr of "Outh taor;ricilg and tw Ccrncil of the Gort,nrat.ion , ■ t -5- r Of 7' i3y iK, autiioriv,:�rag the borrowing of Five ,it�rxlr� ci unci £ec:ent;r— k hree T'u3usz;nd Dollars upon debentures for die urectien and equipment of a r a School ulld— OF for the TIM nt.urp 14 h choal :.rea.