HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1948BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1178-1188.1526 M-91dr6l BYLAWS j 1158-1192 ] FILE # 26 Bylaw # Date Subject 1158 1 Oct 46 Provide for the payn=t for the destruction of foxes. 1159 16 Dec 46 Provide for general repairs to the outlet of the Cornith lain. 1160 6 Jan 47 Regulate the erection of buildings within Bayham. 1161 6 Jan 47 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1162 6 Jan 47 Appoint certain officers in Bayh m. 1163 6 Jan 47 Appoint a Tax Collector for Bayham. 1164 3 Feb 47 Provide for the road expenditures for 1947. 1165 3 Feb 47 Provide that cheques must be issued and signed by Treasurer. 1166 3 Feb 47 Authorize the Agreement with The Liquor Licence Board. 1167 10 Mar 47 License and regulate taxicabs within Bayham. 1168 10 Mar 47 Provide for the payment of members of the Council. 1169 7 Apr 47 Appoint a road superintendent. 1170 7 Apr 47 Appoint an Assessor and Dog Tax Collector for Bayham. 1171 5 May 47 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1172 5 May 47 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1173 5 May 47 Amend bylaw No. 1136. 1174 7 Jul 47 Provide for grant for the Board of Park Management. 1175 6 Oct 47 Fix the day for nominations and elections for local boards. 1176 6 Oct 47 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1177 27 Oct 47 Regulating the location of stables, garages, barns,in Bayham. 1178 5 Jan 48 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1179 5 Jan 48 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1948. 1180 2 Feb 48 Appoint an Assessor and Dog Tax Collector for Bayham. 1181 2 Feb 48 Provide for the road expenditures for 1948. 1182 1 Mar 48 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. BA_ HAM BYLAW RDC ORDS BYLAWS j 1158-1192 ] FILE # 26 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1183 5 Apr 48 Treatment of cattle for Warble Fly Infestation. 1184 23 Apr 48 ,.apt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1185 1 Jun 48 Authorize an agreement between Bayham and Ont. Prov. Police for police proctecti.on. 1186 4 Oct 48 Authorize an agreement between Bayham and Derham. 1187 25 Oct 48 Provide the holding of Munc. elections. 1188 4 Nov 48 Guaranteeing certain payments to the Town of Aylmer. 1189 3 Jan 49 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1190 3 Jan 49 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1949. 1191 7 Feb 49 Provide for the road expenditures for 1949. 1192 7 Feb 49 Guaranteeing certain payments to the Town of Aylmer. r Form 100638 Ontario ...............................................`Tr.... NY+f.. ...0?�...L?:.`�i�.I4i.............................. BY-LAW No... 1.7.F.... p=� � to authorize the borrowing of , �i;G. - (, Whereas the Council of the T ow nlst , ,, of '"a y ilurt (hereinafter called the "Municipalit}, ") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 3�, 000 . CO to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTE.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Nlunici- for` the estimates pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 1�7, not including year adopted; if not, tothose revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. (Delete this paragraph if not applicable). debentures, is $ t 3, 000, 00-' ellAA1Va 9.VCXXXX Therefore the Council of the o iv n; rl i p of na y` -h_ rr hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $ 7 �j, 000. 0G to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding f i v e per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in .payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or .received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this day of January 19 48 za. ............................................. THE HEAD'OF THE MUNICIPALITY i SEAL �:!?�;.; .. ERK ..... We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. // of the 'Po,.vns)-,tp of riaylnwn in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This 5th, day of Januar , 19 )tc As Witness the Seal of the 'l o w ns h i p of l�,ayha!a. ................................................................................ THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY I i i SEAL .... CLERK t ` O' ,,'v SHlr Ok 34YHAM O hY 1 —iaV7 1:U./79 3einc, a by-law to appoint certain officers in and for the Munic'pality of the Township of Hayham for the year 194F, HF. IT THFREkOR,r T'IACTL.T) in regular session a_semblefl;- 1 . `P ha t �T �i 8 % �/� t1��5�/li a n ►', ��l /Q/%%f�%� �/9 �.1-. shall. b e �Ial�aat ►r of livestock ki115 d by logs at .ej0,� per hour and 40 per mile one w1ay for use of rar. 2. That ✓ small he school a+ ten(lance officer vu at a salary of ?J . That �? .5. OV an. -I •app/ pPr mile one lay for car. shall be Weerl Inspector at a salary of 4. That cJ VP 1-EZ- shall be Relief Officer at a salary �s C 5. That P.F. 0�18SIMI shall be L olicitor of the Township. 6. That �jEC. V19),. 4,E 4' small be 6uilling Inspector at a salary of ,,5-01 per hour and •,�Q jd per mile one tivay for ear. 7. That GCO. Viols ,), ,CE shall be Drain Inspector at a salary of r), -r hour and ,,?v/ per mile one way for car. PTA's) a thirl time an,! finally passel this 5th. lad- of January, 0 f 41t 1% m TOWN: -HIP OF BAYHAM. Byr.waw No • / /,?.o Beim a by-law to appoint an Assessor and '10o9 Tax Collector for the Township of Bayham for the year 17 .8. 'NhT'KT.uS it is necessary ani expedient Shat the above appointment be made; Tl' - t-EPOHF BE. IT ENACTED by the N!unici LPal Cotanc it of the Township of Bay nam as foll,•ows e - 1. That appointel . of the Township of Sayham for the year 1948 at, a salary of K %DD. 2. That 1nb1NRAY S7AA1,#1M41' be appolnte.d flg Tax anti toll 'jax Collector of the Township of Bayham for tine year 1948. Fee for Collecting Dog Tax to be 10% of tax collected and for Poll Tax, 50/ for each one. READ a third time and finally►assed this o�71�ayp o f , 1918. l I b W l FORM B- 6 BY-LAW NO. //y/ A BY --LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL 194/�EXPENDITURE ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF '' ```9� IN THE COUNTY OF E A, OVIAl WHEREAS The Hignway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R.S.O., 1937 and amendments requires that the total expenditure on township road[ and bridges be provided for annually by township by --law. THEREFORE• the council of the corporation of tine c a i uc-v7- shI_p enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $ � 2 006)0, is'erc'by appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and government subtidy for total expenditure upon construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its ,jurisdiction during the year 19 as follows„ CONSTRUCTION Roads Bc-.dges & Culverts MAINTENANCE 4 Roads Bridges & Culverts MACHI!FRY New Repairs t1 hSCELL.AN FOUE Total $ 4 0 00, $ x,000, $ 13,0 00. $ �. d 00, $ 14"000. $ /, 000, TOTALS' $ 17. 0 o D, (2) The said monies qha.11 be expended under the direction of the duly appointed. township road superinten)ent.'and on ,••ork performer' in accordance with The Highway I'mproverrent Act (3) The clerk .shall transmit duplicate' copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roa.dIs Branch, Department of Highways, for approval on or before February 28t1h of the present year. Passed at S�tniQF/-�G�,OC�/LLQ' t'hi s "�'''`Qlt ay of F� B• A.D. , 19316F . ( SEAL, ) CLERK "'VE Clerk of the corporation of the township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is a %rue copy of -By--law No. passed by the council of the said corporation on the a2 day of 19 �f ,, TOWNSHIP CLERK FORM R - 6 BY - L A'r, NO. 11 1 A BY --LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL 191�L_EXPENDIIUPF ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF i-aynam IN THE COUNTY OF 1Fin _ �Tqr�.I.Cg WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R. S. 0. , 1937 and amendment: requires' that the total expenditure on tovnship roads end bridges be provided for annually by township by-law. follow: THFREFORE the council of the corporation of IV: -:c township enacts as M (1) The sum of $ ;x,!Zs- is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19 4CZ as follows CONSTRUCTION Roads EL i ages & Culverts �'­IAINTPIANCE Roads Bridges & Culverts New Rep ei rs ""I'SCELL.ANFOUS Total $ 2, UUU. $ 3,000. $ 13, Uv0. $ 2,000. S 14# 0�;0. $ 1, OU0. $ 2,UOO. TOTALS $ 379UOOO (2) T. c 'said monies :.fall be c;xpcnded under the direction, of the dul-y 4appdint.ed township road superintendent and on .,�ork performer in accordance. with The Highwey ' Ir,.ipro.vement Act,. ��► (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roa-ds Branch, Dep -rte ent of Higr.• - ys, for approval on or before February 28th of the present year. Pe.ssel at btraffordville this 2nd day of Feb. A.D., 191-6 f ct.ERx c EEVE I, moi-, Dewey va11Pe Clerk of the corporation of the township o f riay ream copy of By-law No. 11:1 do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true passed by the council of the said corporation on the Lf 4C 7wSHIP CLERK v �� i v by -Law No. 1192 Township of Hayham. teing a by-law to appoint hence -viewers and round -Keepers in and for the 'Township of Bayham for the year 19h8 H. T'). wHFR�ti,-) it is deemed necessary and expedient to appoint these officers for the year 1918; BF IT 1I'HFRFk0RE ENACTED by the Y.unicipal council of the Corporation of t. Township of Bayham in regular session assembled that the following appointments be and are hereby made for the year 1918 ti. D. fence -Viewers for 1; 8 Lloyd Jackson, Vienna Farl voodworth, R.H.11rt.Burwe11 Am. Berdan, bay ham P.O. Fred Benner, bayharp, P.O. Ernest Holma.r, ► traffordville carman Ball, Fden Horace Hague, R.1,Straffordville Geo. -,. Flliott, R.5, Tillsonburg Lloyd Herron, tort i�ur,aell Geo.'rocunier, R.1, Ingersoll Robt. Jackson, R.1, �traf f ordville Geo. Rozell, R.E, Aylmer Alva Brinn, R.E, Tillsonburg Fred Ball, btraf f crdv ille ,mlonzo Hagell, uorinth oil,lard Mc�llister,btraffordville James Elliott, R.1, ft. Burwell round -keepers for 1)44. Lawrence Thomson Robt. G ar nharr, NoRI&gAl GHOk i T Morley HotchkisF Horace Hague Wm. Brinn Reg. Mcwuiggan Robt. Jackson Judson Ball t �c� 7- 11,,c T C N Ira Milmine Geo. Procunier Cecil beemer Clarence Wolfe Roy Nevill , Ernest Holman Ed. Laemers W. L. '.shite Frank Slaight, Uorinth vim. Webber Geo. Green. READ a third time and finally passed this 1st. day of March, 1946 I Reeve*�� . er .. N A N 0 1947. lVarble-fly Control. All Act respecting the Control of NVarble-fly. Assented to Alarch 31st, 1947. HISMAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows: ' 1. In this Act, - add: .tion 391 do -:,6d t.:) Ll. n thc iculturc �h , J"unior ori'anization k5 varric.d at I i*.:.; control, a-1 h one. 3 � ,, - 11 - 1 i} on A 1<4"arb1c. Interpre- I o=1 C C U, U s tation.— (a) "Commissioner" shall mean Live Stock Commis- "Commi-1- .1, sioner; lone . (b) `rnunicipality" shall mean, city, town, village or 'Irnunici- township; parity"; (c) "treated for warble -fly" shall mean treated in tilt, "treated for manner prescribed bytheregulation.,;; warble -fly"; - (d) "regulations" shall mean regulations made under this a Mons , Act; and (e) "warble -fly" shall mean hypodernia bovis, commonly -warble- known as the heel -fl\- or ox -warble -fly, and hypodernia"Y' linealunt, commoniv known as the bomb -fly or gad -fly. 2.—(1) The council of ally municipality may, and upon NrImicipai- ay, receipt of a petition signed by at least fifty ratepayers thelpta'e;`s; bmlaws council of a township shall, .y b pectng by-law provide that all cattle arose ifly. within the municipality shall be treated for warble -fly. (2) When a municipality has passed a by-law under sub- Prohibition re cattle section, I Ho cattle shall be briot4ght' into the mullicipalityentering mu between the 1st day of April and the 30th day of June in ' palitnicy.l- any year during the continuance inVrce of the by-law. LI'll.leSS they have been 'trea'ted for warble -fly 'during the current year. (3) Every by-law passed by a municipality under this iiy-law to Act shall be filed try the clerk of the, municipality with the be flled. Commissioner. I L 3. L, LL I I is U (J L I L, L 1i I' U U 1: 0 Ur s, t, h - I- C o vj ta,a-.r,. oil, h c A Y uk.c. s a r_ t! i c 1y 1e -s s 1 prcvoasts i J re- rs? b c 0 s f r o rq n t 1, t h G -- y') u n u b on CC is U- d i�­ t h, - d ir'- t h �� s7 o f t t i s .9 L,, c. u ji d r t 'JU!,C hbw c n r -7, % 1, "rubs ln,-,st Z�asiiy found? In tis..uc o C th( r ul lc t in th- muscIcs bc.tviccn tht� -,i bs is --j r r, rtrid under thc s1 -in of the b,-;ck. t h a r b 1 igrnt ing in th,,L bo",Iy of a coul� �rubs M uiLht months of %t for thosE� thrasa t i 0 n ; a r r i,,., rj �j c� r t 0; k i n of t Ili c back d u r' i n- t h,_ t c, or LnrinS war*-�1,_ -;rubs ,.rk, about t' !- S ize 0;x,:, 1 iI*. of 0atS Y U I, the .1--.iT--ho1c in th(*, cowl" I- - skin up on th(, back. r b 1. 0 r. C 11 c s t E,` -1:o. -,ir tub,,�_,, us(.d for brc­thi� to th,�� t h e i,: -h t in t h -,, t pc sic for, f07' G, L: - ht, Larl�.;(-. brc..,n j�rub with ,-hi ch m 3 s t r P. r t c of r u b r its 1.1,ly ks thE, �-.rrrbl,, ou L 7 t ,.•. - . . I . .. , , . , I il 0. 4 I I 194-1. I Farble-fly Control. An Act respecting the Control of Warble -fly. Assented to ,11arch 31st, 1947. HISMAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative AsselliblY of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows: 1.. In this Act,— Interpre- tation.— (a) "Commissioner" shall Meal, Live: Stock Conlinis-"Commis- sioner; scorner"; (b) "municipality" shall mean city, town, village or"munici- township; I pality"; )"I, u ti on 391 U c i i� d t o L t h L c u 1 t u I C I*h Jruni.or or -ani zatio n aardcd at hr;- CO T. V 0 a o ra c (c) "treated for warble -fly" shall mean treated in the "I re.,tetj for manner prescribed by the regulations; Warble -fly": (d) "regulations" shall mean regulations made under tJjiS�',re9tjla- Act; and oris"; (e) I wzirble-flv" shall mean hypoderma bovis, commonly known as the heel -fly or ox -warble -fly, and hypoderms lineation, collilliolliv known a -s, the bomb -fly or gad -fly. I 2--M The council of any municipality TIMV, and Upon municipal- itles may receipt of a petition signed by at least fifty ratepayers the pass by-laws respecting council of a township shall, by by-la'w provide that all cattle warble-flk. within the municipality shall be treated for warble -fly. (2) When a municipality has passed a by-law under sub- Prohibition re Cattle section I no cattle shall be brought into 'the municipality eritering between the Ist (Jay of April and the 30th day of, June in any year during the -continuance in force of the by-law unless pality. they have been treated for warble -fly `iN6 ring the current year. (3) Every by-law passed by a municipality under this By-law to Act shall be filed by the clerk of the municipality with the 1,0 riled. Commissioner. , ,.-111: - _j k_j - On I ia r b 1 tr C C a U's o S L and T-1 tj h c 0 t t- tAa, on, Y 2 C', r 6 s u b,- Y M Cs G a r m a Var." r.Llickl.y -a t t e L f 01, t L Lics r it prevents r C - 3. from n t h J_ L -4uu(j L, e t; flours.a 1 9 the t 11 C, Y ,ung r'­ub once it t h ',I C - , is U S0 r d rs i n t h c '""t tissue; und--r the: t; t w e c n All cvc.r +hc-- body Of the G rubs m,st c T found? s:) u C 0 L" t h -ul t4 n th- Muscics bctwcon t h i b s i n th and under the; sic -in o f t h t br�, c k 9 arc the ­.rarb1t, grubs miP ,x:�tine, in thi- bo,-),, of• U t fieht munths of viand,.mri­- for those, tl:,,,t S 'I C a r r i �i d c r t c k i n 0 f t h c beck d t C, i -n or opr i rjc� . -, " ': t 1, -rubs .;r(. about tl,. z(2 01 aw o f oat s Y cu th(,- ':i? -hole in this. cOwA. ts skin UT) on tht, b a� c k L, L ,, - ilts tl�o air tu r: !1 r b 1, c C h G s b us cd `Or b r % thi, - t u t h c: 3 i L o-, e r c m r, thn�t pcsi.1 I t 17 t 1, Lion for t;, b t h -rub f3 i th -,hich m0st f a rj.,., chil ar, t t h r -1 _�,r c 0 f C I out C i,;- t w ks t h E: w!'tr b 1 c grub o r:... t jyq y L; 00 6 P t h Lo I L 7 T r I 40 r] TT.,T �; "r , , - ,t -- ',. ..91:O ti `, ._''_. 'iARZ-Ly ELGI1 .'.OUN�'Y 3c.czause of the c trcmGly hravy loss in milk rind beef production rout +.c3 ar`:l Flies, Ull Townships inl,;in County have deci6.e,d to p:zrci;:.1ac. Buff ieicnt Barbi c { 1_.y Powder to treat all cattl: ,.n the County t?:iU spring. The _:11Cin County Fedcration of agriculture tarou,, h th,:,ir To:vnship Organizations, in co-oporation with Jursior �'armt.r Clubs and Livestock Clubs, are looking after the organization =cork and powder distribution. This lesson is being forwarrIc:d at the present time in order that the rural school children illly have sono knowledge of the life, history of the Varbl` Fly and i{:. control, and in turn assist by talking up this important :aub jr;ct at home. quc : t is a Warble Fly? Ans: A bright eolorod fly that eausc s th(. formation of lar.., -,e, 15c, it -like ,cress on the backs of c-att].t::. QUU: How many varieties of 4Jarblc- Flies bother cat:;lc;? A�1;,: rL are two v rictics of i�arblt Flit:s causing Urarbl�_ -, r=• on cattle. The common names :.are: Heel Fly (Hypoderma Bovis) and Warble; YI., (Hypotdc:rma Lineatum). Each is called a Warble Fly a:: each onc caus,;s a v.arblt,grub sore. / Qu-: +_orr larvae are th(;se warble forming flit s? A'*.'-: The Flies arc slightly over one half inch long; -ia'_c:J' Yre colored arantD yellor� and 'clack. They 'gave but two winr,; and ,. r(S ir�l lo'r t ?l�: the common tionc y be c . n da r lc FA es ��p :;;.;-1r? i.-ur i n t 11 E, warm part of th- d - y, in Jun c;, July and Au4ust.. 40 thcy fi.nd th- cattle? _::_ • Mh;-, r�rblc Flies i r i wi .,. ,l(.s about until rxr•.i . 1rom the pupa c;v;,ry grub th-it ets cattic ac in. 2 it finds protection of dust or Gras -s, and bcconcs a a perfect fly will d�avelop in about 4 wcc;': . So away from the cow's back becomes a fly to L;ad the; 4u� s �z• rub infested backs sore? .ins: Yes they arc: very painful', and cattle suffer much from h.N, i,xg grubby backs. A serious poisonin;; of the blood conies fron thG pus that ,at:xers around the: warble grub:,; cattle do not do well and may s=.rink into vc ry poor condition. quc : !tirc the hiders injured by grub holt:s and do the holes kcal up? 1i =s: Ycs, but the leather made from Ontario caw ,le hides vrould be worth ,500,000. more than it is each year, if there were no ;ruts) injury. ,axe : Is the meat injured by (-!rubs? ns e s, the butchers and inspc otors havc> to trim the: ,,rub injured parts .ay 0 Juc: •.ihat is the total loss in Ontario due to 'V;arblc. Flics? `x'h:. estimntad annual 1 is ; . { Township of BAYHAM, County of Flgin By -Law No, 1183. BE AND IT IS HERFBY ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of BAYdAM under the provisions of subsection 1 of Section 2 of the Warble -Ply Control Act, 1947, the following By -Lair; - 1. All cattle within the Corporation of the Township of BAYHAM be treated for Warl6le-fly in accordance with the provisions of the Warble -Fly Control Act 1947, 2. This By -Law shall come into force on the Fifth day of April 1948. Read a third time and finally passed this 5th. day of April, 1948. i By -Law No. Township of Bayham. Being a By -Law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1948, to levy the taxes for the year 1948 and to provide for the collection thereof. WHEREAS by By -Law No. 1067 of the Township of Bayham, passed on the 5th. day of February 1940, the Council of the said Township provided for the making of the assessment of the Municipality prior to the 30th. day of September, 1947, as the assessment cn which the rate of taxation for the year 1948 should -be levied; AND WHEREAS the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected anal passed by the Court of Revision of the said Township on the 27th, day of October, 1947; AND WHEREAS there were no appeals from the Court of Revision or that all appeals from the Court of Revision have been heard and decided; A14D WHEREAS it is expedient to ad6pt the said assessment as the assees- ment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1948 shall be levied; AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rate- able property according to,the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of S q ( , A oo .`; for the general purposes of the said Township for the current year, for the payment of the County rate for the eurrent year, and for the purpose of defraying part of the expenses of Public and High School education, and other purposes; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAY -HAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; - 1. That the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayham as made pursuant to By -Law No. 1J67 of the said Township and as revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision and County Judge, be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1948 dhall be levied. 2. That the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment moll for the said Township. 3. That, for the purpose of providing the sum of o. --� for the general purposes of the CoPporation, including the amount required for County purposes and other purposes for the current year, a rate of A0 mills in the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1948 upon the whole of the said assessment of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll which is made up as follows; - General Rate ------------------ 1 0,omills being //0 mills less 1 mill deduction as provided by the Ontario Government Subsidy. County Rate ------------------- 7,0 mills 4, That, in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of 0 for Public Schoo•1 education for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1948 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the Public School supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder; - General Public School Rate on assessment of $2,5410285.---- �%D mills (Vienna School Section excluded) Public School Section No. 1 on assessment of $132,7�36 510 9.0 of 2 11 ---- 9.8 f /o.z 122,375 84p 203,0 7' 5Z04890 , 203, --_r g �} 7�9 �5 - lOx 150o3500 llx 111P950- 12x 11,950•12x 118,1.75• 14x 261,859. 15 107P)450, — //"e/ 1 . 10 (2) Public School Section No. 16 on assessment of $303,575. ---- '),S" mills Nx 97,0235- 2,191. - - - - a4 • �)' f 3 �� X r- YI �'• �' 23x 154,814.--'..�'f•3 �� Vienna 33,684• ---- 4-1 " (x denotes Township School Area) And in addition for Continuation school purposes, on assessment of $254,643• a rate of �.O mills being assessment of school section No. 2. and also in addition for Secondary school education, on assessment of $255,110• a rate of 1,2 mills being sections numbered 1 and 3 (not in High School Areas), And further in addition, on assessment of $656,558- a rate of �-2 mills for Aylmer High School District, being sections 4,6,11,16 and part 17. And further in addition, on assessment of $ 1,408,658. a rate of �,/ mills for Tillsonburg High ',School District, being sections 5,8,9,10,12,14,15, part 17, 18,23 and Township portion of Vienna section. The above rates levied for school purposes have been reduced by an amount equal in total to S 39, 2 2 *5',°?`(estimated), received by the respective Boards from the Provincial Government towards educational costs to be used for the relief of taxation on real estate. 5. That, in addit;'fon, for the purpose of providing the sum of $2500.00 for necessary expenditure in the Police Village of Port Burwell for the current year, and for the Purpose of providing the sum of S 4.�7,?6 for street lighting purposes in the Hamlet of Straffordville for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1948 upon the following assessment according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township; Police Village of Port Burwell, assessment of 226,3.---- 11.0 mills Straffordville Street Lights " " 111913US ---- 6. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver Collector on or before the First day of the Collector's Roll to the June 1948. 7. All taxes or other special rates shall be paid into the office of the Collector or Treasurer of the Township of Bayham or into the Branches of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Straffordville, Port Burwell and Tillsonburg. 8. Taxes shall become payable one-half on or before July 20th. 1948 and one-half on or before December 20th. 1948. Penalties for non- payment when due and discounts for pre -payment oP taxes shall be as provided bor in By -Law No. 1067 and amendments thereto of the said. -.------ Township of Bayham. 9. The Collector shall. have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several tax pryers if he so desires. , 10. After fourteen days notice, the Collector or his Bailiff may seize any goods for unpaid taxes. 11. That, in addition to the above rates, on assessment of $2,133,8$7- a mill rate -of 1.3 mills to raise $2808. being amount of County rate deficit for 1947 in respect to secondary education for this Township. (Whole Townshiless sections 2, 6 and 11. READ a third t o and finally passed in open Council this 'n -J. day oft�P 1� I� 1948. A. Do a Reeve. 10 0 r "I 4 Iry 7 Y \M) Y B� -` 1, � tri _`. O • / � " Township of 1111a�,ham. Being a by -lav tc e.uthcrixe an agreement bEtween this V-.,ini.cinality and the Commi:.�sic►nor of tiF, On,&vio Prnvincla.1 Fo lice for the policing of this Township by a of the Ontario i'rcvir�r.ial Police Force. WH�F{FAS� ' section 39 of The t_et, 191x6 provides that ,---uch agreerr.ents may be wit1-i 'rize�! subject to the a^prova*1 cf the Z:ieuterlant- Governor in Council) AND !H; -REAUI it is deeme l niccessa.ry ank' expedient that sww.h a t ion be taken; TH',F'F'FOR' BF I� FAACT"F-D by tris Council in regular session asse-,;tbled as- follows;- 1. ollow ;-1. That this Munioif;ality enter into an agreen ert with the Corrimi.ss inner fcr the pclln. nL of the Township by a member of tine Ontar in Provincial crcc�, sucY, agreement to be effective from mune 1st, 1941E. That the Peeve an,l "Clerk. be authorized to siw;n the agreement on behalf c.,f this Yanicipality RF'A D a thira time and finally ;gassed this 191.,.80 Reeve. 0 rjay of ; C . w �� • y► p, 1 J . �� �v �� � " "1 A By -Lan, to authorise c:;rtain wagroomcint bets.,,00n t e To`j nship of nd th ; io.,nship of isG.ti�hdut rosprlcting th,:� -::nd ropa.ir o:� Boundary Ro^.ds. ,�haro s tno To�. nships of l�ereham and Lay;!; am Jereham have tint -.rod into an agroora;nt for thr, :..:iintcnaneo i id rop�:ir of cc;rt :in portions of thr highx,ay forming, th , Boundary Ro-.,.d bot%; oon th^ said Toi,:nshins, .nd it is nocoss ry to ratify .nd cunfirm the said agrp:.- rnt, and to authoris the Rc:ovc; and Cl, rk to nxociito tho aamo. Thorofor« tho Municip... Council of the Corporation of thj To-: r_s Y ip .f Da.y..am a First enacts as follow. s: That tho Aarcem;)nt betkoon tho '.i''o•�,-,nships of jereham .na lz� datod the day of October c • . i-` 48 a true co,-,-- of :: hic2-. ^gr,-)�mont is horoto attachod, -,nd forms u part of This 3y -L^. , bo. and tho s 'not�i horebNT ratified2nd confi_rmod, and the Ro...*v,c .-nd Clerk b:, authorisod to oxecuto th;- or. b,. h!llf of this Corpor-tion, .,nd to-n.ffix tho Corpor.-t S:_-.1 of the Township of Baysiam thereto Yassod in open Council this 4th. Read a First time OatA 4th. R;;ad a Socond time Oat. I}th. Road a Third timd Oot . 4th. Reave r day of lc 48 1946 October A. D.19 48 r L Clark `M� A y -Law i -I o. Township ,of bayham. being a by-law to provide for the holning of the ''unicipal Elections in the t4unicipality of the Township of liayham for the year 1949 , A.D. and for tYie appointing of Deputy Returning Officers an "well as Poll Clerks and Polling Places in the several Polling � ub-Divisions in the said Municipality of the Township of 6ayham. BE IT THLERF10HE EN.401111-D by the Council of t'r.e Township of bayriam in regular session assembled; - That, providing more persons qualify for election to office than are required to fill the various offices, an election be held on T\ee. � 15`4 $ as accordant,; tc f u-rjr:shlp of bayhara zy-Law No. 11,73_', and in accordance with the provisions of* the Municipal Elections fact. That, the eleet# )n `cr �.�b-Division Noe 1 of the t•4unieipalit;,• shall be held at the Police hall in the Village of Port Burwell; and that h/ow1geo CHv�rE shall be Deputy Returning Officer Pen l that ; i,IoIV4 s E- 41, !oT -f shall be Poll Clerx for the said Sub -Div. That the election for Sub -Division ,,,io. 2 shall be held at or near k i the home of in the said ,iub-Division; an d that xf - / shall oe Deputy Returning Officer and that `R raHl oe Pall Clerk for the said ub-Div. That the election for Sub- :iv is ion i4o. 3 shall be held at or near the Smuclr c�chool hou, e in the sa i^ ` iib -'civ is ion; fid that shall be Deputy Returning Officer �- and that 19 shall be Poll Clerk in the said cub -Dive That the -lection for Sub -division No. 4 shall be held at the `I'o4inship ball in the said c.ub-nivision; an !. that ak,filti -r shall be Deputy Returning (1ficer and that shall be Poll C? ^rk in the said Sub-Iliv e That the election for (ub-Division Flo. 5 shell be held at the 'riomem s Institute hall in the hamlet of Corinth; 'Wand. that shall be Deptity Returning officer and tY�at shall. be Poll Clerk in the::aid Sub -Div.. That the election Por -Sub-uivi's ion iso. 6 shall be ld at the C' 7 �a1 7 1" --a_]se _ u Z�L _ ., f' �c' ,a a r, • - . and that shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that e9As. /rte Tc°HABAu.! shall be Poll Clerk in the said Sub -Div. That the election for Sub -Division Aoe 7 shall be held at r- SCH004 in the hamlet of Richmond; and ;:,e ljenu�,y heturning Officer Pr, and that J" shall oe Poll Clerk in the said cub -rive That the election for Sub-Livision �o. 8 shall be held at or n=ar the SAN°_�d�stiae of S' S 4" � in the said Sub -Division; and that /e,4 m l re Hi= ,- 4- shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that. MilRRAV W146'04/ shall be Poll Clerk of the sail Sub -Div. Ah'D THAT the said Deputy Returning Officers ani Poll Clerks be and they are hereby authorized and required to hold the said vunfcipal N Elections in accordance with the Act and to provide for voting by ballots at the said electiono. Read a first, second and third t line and finally ;:es ed this exi day of ! U 194 • Reeve, 10 0 I& rl 1, m 41 1 G By -Law N o . / / 579 . By -Law of the Township of Bayham , guaranteeing certain payments to the Town of Aylmer . IMMEAS a part of the Township of Bayham, is included in the East Elgin High 30hool District . AND WHMiEAS, by reason of the increase in the number of pupils attending High School in the said District, it is expedient to enlarge theesent High School . AND Wil BRAS, the High School is situate in the Town of Aylmer , in the County of Elgin . A14D WHEREAS, the Town of Aylmer is issuing debentures in the sum of X100 ,000.00 , to pay for the enlargement of the present School . AND WHM�EAS, the Township of Bayham, has approved the enlargement and is responsible to the Town of Aylmer for a portion of the costs of the same . The Township of Bayham enacts as follows :- is- 1. The Township of Bayhazj guarantees to pay to the Town of Aylmer, a sum of money on account of the Debenture isBae above referred to in each and every year until the same is paid of f . S. The amount of the annual payment so guaranteed shall be a percentage of the annual payment required to retire the said Debenture kseue over a twenty-year period or such leaser period as may be required to pay the same, and shall be the percentage which the equalized assessment of that portion of the Township of Bayham's land in the East Elgin High School District bears to the total equalized assessment of all It land in the East Elgin High School District . Read a First time this day of Illd 1� , i,&.D. 1948 2 - Read a Second time this h� '--" ' day , of /1/0,/, , ,A.D. 1948 .And read a Third time , and finally passed, this day of %1%D!i• ��.U. 1948 Signed��- t4eev e Signed Clerk . i M 1 �-eyeb-,,7 C-3 `� u it ,ln to be a of ry-I,aw Vo Balham . DATED this A.D. 1948 rN. day of Ale I/ , Clerk of the Township of Bal7ham A By -Law Zw oOw . / • By -Law of the Township of Bayham , guaranteeing certain payments to the Town of Aylmer . WHHE LEAS a part of the Township of Bayham, is iiicladeu in the East Elgin High School District . AIYDf'ii , by reason of the increase in the number of pupils attending High School in the said District, it is exl:edient to enlax the present High School AIID tiVH ,'EAS, the High School is situL to in the Town of Aylmer,, in the County ofl�,Ugin . AND WHEREAS, the Town of A' .lmer is issuing debentures in the sum of X100 , 000.00 , to pay for the enlargement of the present School . AND WhZRRkS, the Township of Bayham, has aTlproved the enlargement and is responsible to the Town of Aylmer for a portion of the costs of the same . The Township of Bayham enacts as follows 1. The Townsi'lip Nf Bayham guarantees to pay to the Town of Aylmer, a sum of money on account of th-e Debenture issue above referred to in each and even; year until the same is paid of f . 2. 7he arr,ount of the annual payment so guaranteed sh", 11 be a percentage of the annual payment required to retire the said Debentare issue over a twenty -;-ear period or such lesser period as may be required to pay the same, and. shall be tide percentage which the equalized assessmel::t of that portion of the Township of Bayham's land in the East algin High School District bears to the toti.1 equalized assessment of all land in ti -,e East Elgin High School District . 10 Read a First time this �4 7r--- 4/0 L . , A.D. 1948 . NI . Y .. 2 - Read a Second time this /1%0!%- day of And read a Third time , and finally passed, this Y day of l .D. 1948 Signed - Signed - .N eeve . Clerk . u dob 4 It ■ BAYHAA TOWNSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 ----- __ M- ------ -------------------------------- ------._,.. Bylaw # Date Subject 1229 2 Apr 51 Appoint a road superintendent. 1230 2 Apr 51 Alter the boundaries fo P.S. Sec. No.16. 1231 7 May 51 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1232 7 May 51 Set apart the Township School Area of Vienna and Bayham. 1233 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1234 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1225. 1237 4 Jun 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1238 3 Jul 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 25,000.00. 1239 3 Jul 51 Establish a Comrm1nity Centre at Eden. 1240 4 Sept 51 Provide for additional road expenditures for 1951. 1241 4 Sept 51 Limit the weight of vehicles passing over bridges in Bayham.- 1242 4 Sept 51 Designate during what period the assessment shall be'made;' 1243 4 Sept 51 Change the time for holding the Court Revision., 1245 1�Oct 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1246 29 Oct 51 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1247 15 Dec 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1255 ? Nov 36 Discontinue the Vienna H. S. District. 1275 26 Nov 37 Withdraw the Township of Bayham from the Vienna H.S. District. 1279 4 May 53 Establish rules and regulations with respect to the Calton . Cemetery. 1341 13 Jun 40 Piivilege of collecting taxes. K 1366 13 Jun 41 Revert a road in the Township of Bayham. 1390 13 Jun 42 Revert roads in Bayham, Aldborough. and Dunwich. 1393 6 Apr 59 Provide for the allowing of a discount on taxes paid. 1427 15 Jun 44 Confirm bylaw No. 1114. 1431 15 Jun 44 Revert roads in Bayham. 1446 19 Jan 45 Confirm bylaw no. 1181 BAY11AM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1462 22 Nov 45 TO license public eateries. 1498 24 Jan 47 Amend •bylaw ,No. 1478. 1499 23 Jan 47 Regulate the Cutting of Trees. 1502 12 Jun 47 Confirm bylaw No. 1158. 1505 12 Jun 47 Amend bylaw No. 1478. 1506 12 Jan 47 Annex Area to the East H. S. Distirct. 1526 23 Mar 48 Incorporate the village of Port Burwell. 1632 17 Jun 53 Amend bylaw No. 1478. Plus six unsigned and undated bylaw copies. M s 1M 16 �oMW oar«ow sow c , /llJ%JZQ�I, November 8th,.h2 48 Mr. J. D. Vallae, Clork, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: I am enclosing herewith copy of Agin Countyts By -Law No. 1526 "To Incorporate the Village of Port Burwell", oassed at the 1,J ch Session of the County Council. Yours truly, - Cl-unty of Tin. AND WHEREAS the Clerk has satisfied himself 4,s to the sufficiency of the Petition, and has given his eertiflehte that the same is sufficient and the same complies with the provisions of Section lz of The Iuniolpal act, being A, S. 0, 19379 Chapter* 2880 Seotion 12; AND MIERLIS the said*Petition was duly presented to the Council of the County of ,Agin on the 20th day of January, 1948; AND WFUR&W by census of the said Police Village of Port Burwell taken as of January 31st, 1948 by H. 0. Alward, it was shown that the said Police Village of Port Burwell had a population exceeding seven hundred and fifty persons; AND 41U,ULk,9 public notice was published once a week for two successive weeks in the St. Thomas Timis Journal on the 6th and 13th days of March, 1948, and in the Aylm,3r Axpress Ln the 11th and 18th days of March, 1948, newspapers published in the County of 31gin and having a general ciroulettion in the or Section 1G or Tne Iunlolpal 10r, being H. 8. 0. 1937, Chapter 266, Section 12; AM ITHEHr:AS the said Petition was duly presented to the Council of the Co mty of Algin on the 20th day of January, 1948; AND MURM13 by census of the said Police Village of Port ,Burwell taken as of January 31st, 1948 by H. 0. Uward, it was shown that the said Police Village of Port Burwell lead a population exceeding seven hundred and fifty persons; AND &MU A.S public notice was published once a week for two successive weeks in the St. Thomas Timas Journal on the 6th and 13th days of March, 1948, and in the ',yltaor .Express on the 11th and 18th days of March, 1948, newspapers published in the County of 21gin and having a general circu7ttion in the By -Law No. 1528. To Incorporate the Village of Port BurwellAt:. WHERUS a Petition signed by at least one half of the freeholders representing at least one-half of the assessed values of the lands in the Police Village of Port Burwell and resident tenants of the Police Village whose names are entered on the lust revised assessment roll of the Munloipality of the To-rmship of Bayham in which the Police Village of Port Burwall is situate, and in case of tenants who have been resident in the district for at least four months next preceding the presentation of the Petition, all of the petitioners being British subjects and of the full age of twenty-one years, and at least one half of them freeholders, was lodged .pith the Clerk of the County of Algin on the 20th day of January, 1948, praying for the areotion of the Police Village of Port Burwell into the Village of Port Burwell; AND WH PMS the Clerk has satisfied himself +s to the sufficiency of the Petition, and has given hie certifieAte that the same is sufficient and the same complies with the provisions of Section U of The Eunioipal ,yet, being it. S. 0. 1937, Chapter 288, Section 12; AND P'GIZR&13 the said Petition was duly presented to the Council of the County of Algin on the 20th day of January, 1948; AND VITURM S by census of the said Police Village of Port Burwell taken as of January 31st, 1948 by H. 0. .Uwardo it was shown that the said Police Village of Port Burwell lead a population eaoeedJng seven hundred and fifty persons; AND ''MiElU4AS public notice was published once a week for two successive weeks in the St. Thomas Times Journal on the 8th and 13th days of March, 1948, and in the AyLaer Axpress on the 11th and 18th days of March, 1948, newspapers published in the County of 31gin and having a general cirou]htion in the 4.1 By -Law No. 1526. To Incorporate the Village of Port Burwell. WHE1IA8 a Petition signed by at least one half of the freeholders representing at least one-half of the assessed values of the lands in the Police Village of Port Burwell and resident tenants of the Police Village whose names are entered --6n the last revised assessment roll of the Municipality of the Tohnship of Bayham in which the Police Village of Port Burwall is situate, and in case of tenants who have been resident in the district for at least four months neat preceding the presentation of the Petition, all of the petitioners being British subjects and of the full age of twenty-one years, and at least one half of theta freeholders, was lodged Ath the Clerk of the County of Algin on the 20th day of January, 1948, praying for the ereotion of the Police Village of Port Burwell into the Village of Port Burwell; AND WHEREAS the Clerk has satisfied himself as to the sufficiency of the Petition, and has given his eertifie6te that the same is sufficient and the same complies with the provisions i of Section 12 of The Iunioipal sot, being A. S. 0. 1937, Chapter 266, Section 12; AND MIUR INS the said Petition was duly presented to the Council of the County of Algin on the 20th day of January, 1948; AIM MURM13 by census of the said Police Village of Port Burwell taken as of January 31st, 1948 by H. 0. .1lward, it was shown that the said Police Village of Port Burwell lead a population exceeding seven hundred and fifty persons; AND &iEULdS public notice was published once a week for two successive weeks in the St. Thomas Timas Journal on the 6th and 13th days of March, 1948, and in the Aylmer Sxpress on the 11th and 18th days of March, 1948, newspapers published in the County of31gin and having a general ciroulc,tion In the - 2 - Police Village of Port Burwell and the TownshiAWof Bayham, and such notice set forth that it was intended �"noorporate the present boundaries :>s occupied by the Police Village of Port Burwell into the Village of Port Burwell, and the description of the area intended to be embraced in the said Village and that the County Council would meet this date to consider u By-law to incorporate the said Village; AND ''WH RLIS the area intended to be embraced in the said Village of Port Burwell does not extend or occupy an area of not more than 500 acres of land; THE COUNTY COUNCIL -MACTS: (1) THAT the Police Village of Port Burwell be and the same is hareby erected into an incorporated Village apart from the Township of Bayham in which the same is situate, under the name of "The Village of Port Burwell", and with the bounaries•and limits which may be more particularly described as follows: The South parts of Lots Numbers Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve and Thirteen in the let Concession of the Ta nship of Bayham, particularly described as follows: COLO.7MCING in the Westerly limit of the said Lot number Ten at a point Thirty chains Ten links Southerly from the North-westerly angle of said Lot; THMCE Easterly parallel with the road allo sante between the First and Second Concession to the oentre.of the road between Lots numbers Ten and Eleven; THiMCE Southerly along the oentre of the said road, Seven chains and Twelve link THENCE Easterly parallel with the road allowance �II g between the First and Second concessions to the Easterly limit of Lot number Thirteen; TIUNCE Southerly along the Easterly limit of Lot number Thirteen to the Southe4 liiait Of the First Cox ession; TR&NCE Westerly along the Southarly limit of the First Concession to the Westerly limit of Lot number Ten; THENCE Northerly along the Westerly limit of Lot ten to the point of beginning. AND ALSO the Southerly parts of Lots Eight and Nine in the said First Concession, as ahown on Plan registered in the Asel atry Division of the County of Algin as Number 228. Y a - 4 - (2) THAT the first nomination of Reeve and Councillors for the said Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell shall be 0 held in the Town Hall in the said Village on the last Monday in December, 1948, and that the first election of Reove and Council- lors for the said Corporation shall be hold in the Town hall in the said Village on the first Ifonday in Junuary, 1949. (3) TILT Furry 0. ,Uivard shall be returning officer to hold the first election for the said Village. (4) TH.T the Tovinship of Bayham shall assess t:o propertibs in the Police Village of _ort Burvall for taxation purposes for the year 1949 at the same time and the same manner as other assess - meats are made within the To unship of Bpyham for taxes payable in the year 1949, and such assessment shall be the assessuant for the properties of the Village of Port Burwell for the year 1949. (b) THAT all taxes imposed by the Tormship of Buyhum in the Police Village of 'Port Burwell up to the 31st day of December, 1948, and all arrears of said taxes and penalty ai:d interest thereon, shall belong to the said To•nmship of Bayham, and any such arrears, penalty and interest after the 31st day of December, '1948 shall be payable to and collectible by the Treasurer of the Village of Port Burwell in the same manner as taxes owing to the Village of Port Burwell, and the Treasurer shall remit the whole of such payments to the Treasurer of the Township of Bayham. (6) THAT all adjustments of assets and liabilities as between the Township of Bayham and the Village of Port Burwsl7,Ahall be as agreed upon, and in default of agreement, as Duncan Fletcher McCuaig, Judge of the County Court of the County of :slgin, or his successor in office, deems equitable. (7) TIL; incorporation of the Village of Port Burwall shall come into effect on the 1st day of January, 1949. Read a first time this 23rd 'day of Uaroh 1948. Read a second tim3 this 23rd day of March 1948. Read a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of March 1948. ........... .........?:.:.Jenkins........... Clerk Warden I 1 I /f By -Law No. 1526. To Incornorate the Village of Port Burwell. Paased March 23rd, 1948. Certified Correct, County Clerk. A 0